#I have this thing where I desire to be the resident expert on the things I love
Joining a fandom late/during a dry spell is a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, things are pretty chill and there isn’t much of a hurry to consume the newest show or comic.
On the other hand, the chance of establishing oneself as the expert on certain characters is slim to none.
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astrologanize · 6 months
◉ pick a card : how you can make the best of your 2024
*please take a moment to take a deep breath and choose the image you are !most! drawn towards*
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----------for pile 1 ⊹
there is a search for substance in your life, you want something real, something meaningful, and you're not doing anything to create it for yourself. you're secretly, or not so secretly, hoping and wishing and expecting for things to somehow fall into place one day. you keep yourself open to the universe, you keep yourself open to interpretation, and you are so open that you are structureless! how can the universe deliver whatever you're desiring when you don't know what that is? or even who you are!
unfortunately the key to it all isn't going to fall into your lap - you must sort through the emotional gunk that's residing within your inner tank and decipher what it is you want to be, what your values are, what matters to you, so that you can hand-pick the life that you want by having these standards in place. it's easier to take risks and to change your life once you have assurance in yourself and this can only happen when you know what you are vs what you aren't, what you like vs what you don't, etc.
gotta work hard to play hard too! "ugh i just want to travel and have a good time" okay but where are the funds coming from? do you know how to budget? do you know how to set up a trip? do you know how to procure the necessary steps in order to make the shit you want happen? to make the best of your 2024 you need to sort through your gunk and get choosier about your life; in doing so you're going to find your connections with others changing, you're going to understand where you've been lacking integrity, where you have been naive, what's worth adjusting for, what you need to attend to more, and once you have the framework built for yourself you're going to see how exciting life can be. no more waiting for life!
----------for pile 2 ⊹
so i see y'all like to throw everything at the wall until something sticks perchance...well, i mean, i guess you're trying at least? though that is better than doing nothing at all, how about you scale back and look at the big picture? you do all these things but where do they get you? i'm not seeing forward movement amongst all this movement i'm just seeing energy bouncing around in a box not going anywhere. perhaps all this stuff you do is to distract you from things you don't want to deal with. it's giving this meme
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crazily enough, it is often true that less really is more (though in today's society that sentiment is going extinct and needs to be revived). try to stop dabbling in everything - a jack of all trades is a master to none. what activities/hobbies would you like to be an expert at? is there a craft you could or would want to monetize? what is it that you're avoiding in your life with these multitudes of distractions? give yourself a breather so that you can see the big picture clearer. you'll come to understand the value in setting healthy boundaries for yourself, knowing when to extend and when to just relax. sometimes it is okay to hold off and hold back because maybe there is something that needs to be dealt with first, maybe more time is needed, maybe something is just not worth the effort for now
----------for pile 3 ⊹
looking at the image for this pile gave me such a heavy, wistful feeling. why do you insist on fighting the universe so bad, hm?
are you in a job that sucks? seek something better! are you in a relationship that feels like a chore? love yourself! lean elsewhere! are you majoring in something that makes you miserable? is it worth that? i'm seeing that you need to learn how to trust the universe and follow a new, less traveled path that may be daunting with its uncertainty but you never know what could happen...that is both the best and worst thing about life.
thus far you have been traveling down the same path, you are very involved with this life that you have been trying to make work but i don't know if it's working, do you?
i'm hearing "give yourself a try" by the 1975!
you're learning allllll about the possibilities of life this year and why you should not in fact settle for what you are too afraid to leave. your heart is yours to follow
----------for pile 4 ⊹
oh, y'all take things to heart in an unhealthy way and are perpetually dissatisfied as a result. i imagine someone who gets in their feels over something minor that someone said in passing and instead of asking for clarification or reasoning with themselves, they act all woe is me and curl up in their room with the misbelief that nothing and no one gets them.
emotions can be deeply felt and i wouldn't say feelings can be liars per se but feelings can mislead us if we read too much into them. plus, when we focus too heavily on our own feelings we become engrossed in them to the point of self-defeating self-absorption. you have got to learn how to take things less personally, your lesson for this year is to learn how to socialize...how to mingle...how to have acquaintances...how to have a conversation and drop it afterwards instead of reading into every little thing and finding what's wrong with it. learning how to be embrace the more positive qualities of aquarius basically.
you have some misguidings to work through, there is illusory amuck due to you making mountains out of molehills - the melodrama is doing nothing good for you i'm afraid, tumblr girlies do love some tragedy and a feeling-dump post but for now...let's free ourselves i beg. it's not that deep, it's not that serious, get a grip and let it go. get off the internet, limit social media, touch grass, find some people to converse with even if its small talk at a checkout, somethin, otherwise you can continue to wallow i guess.
----------for pile 5 ⊹
nah...this pile gave me such a bad headache because...you're....whew......there's some narcissistic tendencies here i'm afraid. even if you think you're an angel sweetheart birthed from mary the unicorn, i assure you that you can in fact be a nothing short of domineering. there is a diva energy, there is a my way or the highway energy, there is an i'm upset so everyone is going to know energy, there is some area in your life where you are a tyrant.
there is a dire need to learn to take a step back, gather yourself, and consider others before unleashing your control and bulldozing your way through situations. you shall be forced to learn how to chill tf out this year and i claim that for you tbh because giving me a headache from your energy is WILD.
you need to examine your connections and make sure you're being receptive towards others. do you feel like you're a true friend to them? do you think you're supportive? do you hear them out? do you know what they're going through? do you know how they feel? do you attend to them in the ways they want and need? do you know what those wants and needs are?
make sure you're not being demanding and setting unreasonable expectations, especially for others. also look within yourself and make sure you're not overcompensating for any insecurities you may possess by having power trips. care about being a friend this year, play the supporting role and balance yourself out
----------for pile 6 ⊹
you're going in circles in your head and your heart, babes. eventually you just gotta rip off the bandaid and make a decision and let the chips fall where they may.
you're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in your head, you have all these thoughts and ideas, you have all these feelings and sentiments, you have all these things in mind that you want to set up for yourself, and there's so much that you're overloading yourself....there's no way to process all of it at once so nothing is getting done.
make decisions, find answers, get a grip on your feelings, and try to make sure you're not so in your head that you're putting up a guard around yourself. not everything is black & white or a matter of life or death, you're looking at it too extremely! lighten up and just do.
get a cool haircut, get some new accessories, try new boba, talk to your crush, life is meant to be lived!
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osiris-iii-bc · 7 months
Cocoon [Papa Emeritus III x Cardinal Copia -Non related- OS]
Just me practicing fluff (and embarrassed at the moment). Born to be a ficlet, died as a whole one shot. Am I really surprised? If you enjoy old men softly making out, that’s the place for you. A very special thanks to @van-goghs-smoking-skull for the amazing beta assistance done on this text ❤️‍🔥
Rating: smut, slash, sex, domestic fluff, oral sex, anal sex, anal fingering, porn with plot, porn with feeling, romance, nsfw, established relationship, soft Dom!Terzo, Sub!Copia, Copia is an expert housewife, Terzo is… Terzo.
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Papa Emeritus III (non related)
Words: 4.314
Summary: Just Papa Emeritus III and Cardinal Copia enjoying some alone time in their new residence after a long tour. Work outside, cuddles in.
>> AO3, Wattpad or down here 👇🏻
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It had been several months since Copia had issued the ultimatum in that small tour bus kitchen.
"We need a house.", he burst out suddenly, flicking his cigarette into the plastic ashtray almost with relief.
"I don't recall us sleeping under bridges." Terzo lifted his gaze from the newspaper and fixed it on Copia, raising his eyebrows so he could look over his reading glasses. Then, without a word more, he returned to the newspaper with renewed interest.
"Copia... why do you want another house?" He put down the newspaper, conceding to him the attention he clearly demanded. Out of the window, Ghouls and roadies were preparing the stage for the soundcheck.
"I want a house," he emphasized. "But a real house. Our own house."
Terzo lifted the newspaper again, this time more interested and thoughtful. "A house?" he asked. "An entire house? Just for the two of us?"
Copia nodded vigorously. Not that Terzo was surprised; after all, it wasn't the first time they had planned something like this. Usually, it was just idle talk that ended up going nowhere. "The time is ripe." claimed Copia. 
Terzo was Papa, it was his right to demand the purchase of a new property, and Copia certainly wouldn't let that opportunity slip away. As the years passed, they both started feeling the natural need men often desire after a life well-lived: an equally well-deserved rest, made of simple things and good company -. perhaps a book to read in front of a fireplace at night, instead of the wild parties they started to lack energy for.
"You're the Papa," he had insisted, swirling the spoon in the coffee cup he had prepared. That was a point he never stressed enough. "We said we would do it when you became Papa."
"Yes, but... let's take things slowly." Terzo had restrained. "The Church already owns other residences, and we should discuss it with Imperator, the others-"
"You're the Papa. You can and you will.", he retorted, sticking to his point. Then, he raised a finger, reconsidering, "No, wait, I'll tell Imperator. She trusts me more than you."
Terzo gave him one last resigned look, "You really have no tact, you know?"
And so it was that, a few months later, while Copia was busy with the real estate agent discussing the tranquility of the area and the good condition of the house, Terzo preferred to wander through the rooms alone, already imagining what their own house could look like. He could already see Copia fully immersed in the role of interior designer, choosing all the furniture and colors to decorate their little kingdom. He envisioned scenes of unusual everyday life, like a breakfast prepared together or a night spent close in their bed, in their room, without pressure and without restrictions.
Convincing Imperator that the pontiff was growing old and tired and needed a secluded residence to recover after the long tours where he could relax in privacy and silence, had been moderately easy. If Terzo had assisted in their meeting, he wouldn't have spoken to him for a whole day for having used his age again to justify his requests. After all, he wasn't that much older than him. And if he tried to bring up that bothersome rumor about him dying his hair to cover the white roots, it would have been even more catastrophic. Nobody seemed to believe his explanation that he was just reviving the color. 
However, it had worked, and the end always justifies the means, right?
The house was well-ventilated, bright, and spacious, made comfortable by the warm tones of wood. Perhaps it was a bit too large for just two people, but they would certainly find enough space for parties or some star-like indulgence, such as a game room or a personalized gym, giving a purpose to that couple of spare rooms.
The completely glass structure overlooking the garden, which initially seemed like a small greenhouse, was actually a bathroom, complete with a large bathtub and a shower prominently displayed for "true lovers of privacy," as Terzo sarcastically remarked.
How could one not love a house with the toilet on display?
If Copia hadn't come back to him reporting the long-awaited positive outcome, he probably would have been the one begging him to buy it.
Copia waited for Terzo's return like a loyal dog awaits its human, with his nose up in the air behind the door.
He had been there for days, accompanied by a group of Siblings, to prepare the house and ensure that Papa had everything he needed for those well-deserved days of rest after such a demanding tour. It was the perfect excuse to be the first person he would see upon his return, and it had been even easier sending away all the collaborators before his arrival. Papa will be very tired and not inclined to have people around, of course… Inventing problems to find solutions had been one of the skills that brought him to the highest ranks of the Clergy, after all.
While following him during a few stops of the European tour was a relatively easy task, the American leg was a far more complicated matter. His services were needed more at the Ministry than in Papa's entourage, so the Cardinal had spent those weeks of excited expectation planning every detail, meticulously creating their little nest. He had required a surprising quantity of scented candles and soft pillows for the sofa, for evenings spent curled up together sharing tender moments—or indulging in carnal sins, depending on the mood. He had also needed a complete assortment of creams and toiletries to meet both of their shower routines, bottles of wine to celebrate his return… just the basics to make the night, or the morning, or whenever they pleased, comfortable enough to take all the time and freedom to make love wherever they wanted, without the usual furtive glances toward the door, anxious that someone might knock at any moment, especially at the most inconvenient times. Pots and pans were there for when they would wake up in the morning, hungry and inspired for a late breakfast. The food storage he had arranged would have probably been enough for a whole month, but he wanted to be prepared for any request the Papa might have had during those days...
Then, the metallic sound of the engine moving and tires running over the gravel had distracted him from that daydreaming. 
He observed the black car pulling into the driveway from the window, and it felt like that day, many years ago, when Cardinal Terzo had irradiated him with his presumptuous aura at their first meeting, already feeling like the star he had become years after; hard not to fall for his raven hair and cumbersome personality. 
First his shoe appeared from the bottom of the car door, landing on the gravel of the walkway, then his hair emerged at the top of it, and as he fully stepped out of the car, his entire figure materialized, pausing just long enough to adjust his coat against the gentle breeze that tousled his hair. He promptly slicked it back with a natural gesture so familiar to the Cardinal. 
His more casual attire made him look less like a cult leader and more like a strange type of business man. For as much as Copia loved his casual look, there was nothing that could save him from the shivers he felt at black masses, where his vestments made him look like a divinity manifesting on the pulpit. 
Terzo finally saw him at the door, the glimmer of a smile moved his lips. It was such a rare thing to see him smile.
The Cardinal efficiently grabbed two of his bags, just to speed up the unpacking process; he dismissed the driver and assistants and finally closed the door behind them.
"Home, finally." Terzo sighed, relieved. He slid off his gloves and looked around, curious about what the Cardinal had prepared for him. It was a strange sensation not to hear the constant murmur of the Ministry residents or find himself surrounded by Clergy figures and Siblings of Sin, finally feeling the trappings of the rockstar fading away as he entered the driveway.
"How are you?" Copia helped him take off his coat, in that respectful way that still betrayed an unnecessary professionalism, a hard-to-break habit.
"Hungry, If I have to be honest."
"Oh, great, I have prepared an asso-" But he soon felt something stopping his steps and his words. It was Terzo's arm, grabbing him by the waist, pulling him back against his body. "Where are you going?" and only in that moment did they share a proper kiss, in that way Terzo had to just reassure him that, though time had passed, his passion had never faded with it.
He had to credit Copia for the merit of that idea. He had managed to create a sense of family that they had never been able to experience before.
Living at the Ministry was both an honor and a burden; it had been their home for the larger part of their lives, but as time passed, they found themselves craving silence and the absence of obligations hanging over their heads. They longed for something that could make them feel like individuals and not just replaceable parts of something bigger.
The topic of work was only touched in view of some imminent commitment when Terzo was on break; this evening is no different, aside from the adventures Terzo had brought with him during those nearly three months of uninterrupted touring, shared along with a bottle of good wine. For the rest of the time, they were just simple men or, at least, for a small part of the year they could allow themselves the illusion of being so.
Copia had tried to say something deep on the matter, but Terzo had silenced him with his lips, tasting the intense flavor of wine in his mouth. There was no need to overthink, not that night. "We have an inauguration to celebrate." Terzo breathed on his freshly kissed lips, his arm still tightly around his shoulders.
They then rose from the couch where they had settled after a lavish dinner —cooked by Copia, as Terzo's hands were perfect everywhere except on the stove— to roll into their bed without clothes and without even closing the door, because they could.
On the way to the bedroom, Terzo spared no compliments for anything they encountered along their path, gradually freeing Copia from his cassock, starting with the belt, then the tunic, the shirt underneath, all while taking every opportunity to praise the choice of plants, the arrangement of books, the positioning of chairs, so meticulously studied in every detail! He alternated sweet comments with sweet kisses on his skin as he uncovered it.
Maybe a bit too sweet for his standards…
Copia stopped to take a good, suspicious look at him. "Why do I have a feeling that you are about to ask me for a favor?"
"Because I am actually about to do it." Terzo moved his chin to indicate something beyond the bed, "The wardrobe. I may need half of yours. Or a new one."
Copia rubbed his face with his hand, smiling faintly "Or a whole dressing room… How could I underestimate your vanity."
"Don't rush, we have time. It must have been tiring planning all this, ordering stuff, choosing the colors of the curtains…" he kissed him, sucking his lips lightly before a last, soft lip touch, "looks like you need a break too."
"There is only one task missing from the list…" and with a gentle pressure on his chest, he flipped positions, finding himself knelt on the bed, "Let me take care of you." As he always had, by the way. Sometimes you can't get rid of your profession even in the most intimate moment, and taking care of Papa was the best job Copia may have ever dreamt of.
He freed Terzo's arms from the shirt, pulling off one arm at time in a deliberate slow way, then kissed the back of his hand, like he had seen Terzo do countless times. He then placed it on his chest so that he could caress him; an excuse for Terzo to quickly reach to his back and pull him closer, enough to kiss his navel by lifting a bit on his elbow.
"Have you practiced while I was away?", his hand still on the Cardinal's back.
"I learned from the best teacher."
Copia leaned towards him, but Terzo swiftly met his lips halfway, as if waiting for Copia to bow down to meet him was too much wasted time.
Then, he quickly ran his hands down his stomach and a little below, to reach and unbuckle the button of Papa's trousers, hearing him hiss when his fingers lightly traveled along his hardening length, in an accidental caress, while unzipping them all the way down. The Cardinal hadn't even slid them midway through his legs yet when he - literally - rubbed his face in the middle of them, impatient, inhaling that scent he had waited so long to smell again. He breathed him in through his boxers, letting his tongue taste the fabric and the damp skin beneath it. Terzo's breath trembled, his neck extended until his head touched the wood of the bed frame behind it while holding onto Copia's hair like he was on the edge of a ravine, about to fall, inviting him to press more against his bulge, even if there was no need to.
The Cardinal didn't have to move away that much to slide down that last barrier between his lips and the pontiff's bare skin; in fact, he rested his lips and chin on the soft trail of hair that marked the way from his navel to the warm flesh he just uncovered, keeping his eyes gazing up to Terzo's.
The pontiff could only breathe out an honest 'Oh…' for that long awaited freedom.
Copia kissed the sides of that growing erection the way he used to kiss his neck, with the same devotion, lips sucking his skin with generous smacks at every suction; his curious tongue, a wet serpent licking all the way from base to top and down again, after twirling on his dripping tip, in an obscene display of desire.
"Don't torture me, Cardinal…" 
It sounded like a prayer; he just knew how Copia could go on for hours with just kissing and teasing laps. Terzo's lips fell open, swallowing a weak moan when he saw his glans pressed between Copia's lips, his voice surprisingly high pitched. 
The Cardinal's tongue showed up to caress his head once more, before Terzo let go of a liberating sigh when he got swallowed whole by Copia's warm throat, sucking him in and out a few times.
"I want to suck you off in every single room of this house, on every surface, at every hour of day and night…" Copia breathed out on his tense skin, finally dropping the glamor he loved to cover himself with.
A shadow of a weak smirk moved the corner of Terzo's lips up, meanwhile stroking his hair gently. They had now lost their elegant hairstyle, and it was a rarity only Terzo could brag, to see him disheveled like that. "Looks like you already have plans for my retirement."
"Oh, it involves some of my favorite activities."
"Can I have a little spoiler?"
Copia took his time to give a last, long goodbye kiss to his cock, before kneeling on the bed to finally take off his own trousers, and the underwear soon after, revealing a vigorous erection he couldn't help but leisurely stroke a couple of times.
Their body shape was similar but with details that made them unique. Where Terzo was still lean and agile, even though smoothed with time, Copia was a bit more muscular, although less defined, but only because he was a bit more filled out than him, his waist and shoulders slightly wider.
The years had softened the meat on his belly, the same way age had done with Copia's. When kneeling, the muscle of the Cardinal's legs contracted, showing up in a fascinating hump. Terzo loved to touch them, feeling them stiff under his palm.
Papa's hand was wrapped around his leg at that very moment, caressing it from behind. He pulled back when Copia sat on his heels, spread thighs, leaning back enough to disclose his most private part - well, not so private to Terzo. He guided his hand down, lower than his sex, until he reached for his entrance, teasing himself with his fingers; his erection rested stiff on his belly.
Terzo fixed on his focused expression while he prepared for him, framed by the hair now freely falling at the sides of his face and on his eyes, giving him an unusual, youthful look; he could see his face contort in a different way as deeper his fingers disappeared inside him. He loved the way pleasure manifested on his face, so limpid and readable. The urge to ravish him and be the source of those blissful expressions was aching between his thighs.
"No, wait…", he said, unsurprisingly, looking at him tilting his head back, moaning for that self-given pleasure; he had just started to move his hips against his own hand. "Turn."
The sweetest of orders.
Before Copia could give him his back, they shared a deep but soft kiss that tasted like trust and stable habits. The hand on the Cardinal's back, sliding between his shoulder blades and down on his lower back, was a gentle request to lower the shoulders a bit more and arch better for him. Since he was already there, he squeezed his butt on his way to his entrance, more like a slap than a caress. He pressed lightly, testing his resistance, finding easy permission to fill him with one finger and, with a bit of work, a second one too.
With no rush, no need to impress anyone, a sequence of smooth movements they had learnt with time and practice.
"I must admit…" Copia tried to say, "That the event of your retirement would be -oh! Not that dreadful to me…"
Terzo flicked his eyes down at him for a moment, then twisted his fingers inside him. Copia exploded in a harsh groan. "I thought you wanted to keep the work outside." Then, another twist, to which he added a generous stroke on the base of his cock, squeezing it to a point Copia must have felt uncomfortable, by the way he cried again, "I could consider these words a betrayal."
"Will you punish me, your Unholiness?" Copia's tone was cracked by panting and struggling, but slightly hopeful.
Terzo took his time to ponder the possibility. "No." He simply declared; and that was his punishment.
He cruelly kissed Copia on his back, between his shoulder blades, before finally positioning behind him. He spat on his dick and rubbed it against the Cardinals distended entrance, pressing in slowly. Copia let his legs part wider, patiently waiting for Terzo to fill him, squirming and clinging to the bedsheets when he finally did; his mouth fell open, alternating mute moans and irregular panting, hardly breathing with the side of his face pressed on the mattress.
Almost fully leaning over his back, enveloping him from behind, Terzo started to stroke his cock to grant him every kind of relief he desperately carved, indulging on the head of his erection, so wet with precum, easily stroked by the ring of his fingers speeding the rhythm around it. The faster he trusted in him, the faster he stroked his cock, as if it was his own.
"All for me…" Copia managed to say with what was left of his breath "Can-can you imagine? This everyday…fucking me everyday…"
That was easy to imagine, especially while he was actually fucking him, eyes closed, gripping those hips made just for him, until they had reached the climax almost together, groaning as if it were a release.
Copia loved to hear his voice change in those moments; it looked like he had a whole set of tones only audible while he was experiencing pleasure. His voice went down at least an octave, relaxed, almost tired, a raspy sound that rebounded in his chest and down through his thighs, especially when he got to hear that voice - broken and needy - heavy breathing curses and filth straight in his ear, animalistic and coarse, like his last groan suppressed on the skin of his shoulder.
Sweaty and breathless, Terzo had collapsed onto Copia's body, who had caught his breath and then uttered those words, seemingly out of nowhere. Because in those moments, Copia tapped into the poetic vein that he usually infused into his passionate sermons.
He said, "In a way, we are luckier than regular people because they have serenity right under their noses and are never happy. We have to struggle to reach even a bit of peace, but at least we know how to be. We really understand the value of it." 
Terzo hadn't said anything because, even if he wanted to find the right words to reply, he wouldn't have found them. So, they stayed silent for a while, then Copia resumed talking because he just couldn't keep his mouth shut for five straight minutes anyway.
If there was a spectrum in how the mind works, Terzo and Copia would stand on the opposite sides. 
Terzo, the pragmatic mind, was a man of action. He approached life with an impetuous attitude, even if his actions were often far from agreeable. 
Copia, on the other hand, was immersed in theory. Talking with him meant exploring the infinite chambers of his mind. There was no question how he found himself most comfortable between the walls of a library, engrossed in the pages of philosophy or historical books or indulging in deep conversations with the elder members of the Clergy. Terzo often described his way of getting lost in his thought with the "well" metaphor he himself had invented: inside Copia's head there was a well he descended every time he got silent when exploring a certain concept, chasing every idea and possibility with his little wooden bucket, sitting at the bottom of it; then, all of a sudden, he’d emerge with the product of his reflection, which never failed to enrich the dynamic of their contrasting relationship.
"...And you know that some butterflies live on average from a few hours to a week? Some even longer, but it doesn't matter because they still don't last long... Anyway, in those few days, they manage to live a complete life. Have you ever thought that when we're together, even just for ten minutes, it's like we have everything we need to live a whole life? In a week that we spend in this house, alone, it's like we truly live another life, in which nothing is missing... don't you think?"
But Terzo didn't respond even then. Copia had always been curious about nature and animals, he had probably been fascinated by one of his last readings. He didn't even realize that it was a genuine question until Copia repeated it to him, but he still didn't answer. Not that he didn't want to, but he didn't feel the need to respond. It was nice that Copia said it, and it was nice to listen to it... It was nice that those words hung suspended between them, and that was enough.
That was how they had fallen asleep, and how they had woken up. Or at least, that's how Terzo had woken up, with that sense of serenity and complete life running through his veins..
Then they got up to prepare breakfast, and... Terzo's phone rang.
Copia patiently waited for him to pick it up, gazing at him as he rolled his eyes at whatever name was on the screen, then walked out to the patio to respond. He observed Terzo pacing up and down the perimeter of the platform through the windows before greeting him with a resentful, "We said no work while we're here." when he returned.
Terzo sighed, "I know, but unfortunately, my phone's signal still reaches here."
"... Mars would have been a better choice, then."
Terzo looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "For what?"
"For the two of us. I'm pretty sure there's no signal there." Copia replied. He then attempted to take a bite of a cookie, which he had probably soaked in milk for too long, as half of it fell back into the cup just as he tried to bite into it.
Terzo didn't know it, but that morning, Copia woke up thinking about how they had ended up in that house. It was something that, in a way, reassured him, reflecting on how their relationship had solidified over the years. He was somewhat curious to know if Mars was still an alternative to consider or if what they had was more than enough.
Anyway, Terzo chuckled, amused, getting up to place his coffee cup in the sink while still emptying its contents. Copia, after staring at the half-cookie still between his fingers with disappointment, had finally given up, tossing it back into the cup.
"You've let the conversations with Primo go to your head..."
And he was right. Because there was no reason to go to Mars when everything they needed was in their little life in their little cocoon. A life within a life, which found its release only in a few days of complete serenity within those walls of pale orange, the dark gray roof, and windows with white wood.
Just a few days, but enough for a complete existence. Just like butterflies.
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loftylockjaw · 1 month
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Pedro’s house PARTIES: Wyatt (@loftylockjaw) & Pedro (@rangervazquez) SUMMARY: Wyatt wants that vegetable lamb. Pedro isn’t giving her up. CONTENT WARNINGS: none
Plenty of people wondered how Pedro came into ownership of a veggie lamb. It was no word of a lie, what he said online. He and his colleagues went to clear up the highly Instagrammable greenhouse seating that people like to use in the winter. They’re less used in the summer because it’s too hot. The lambs didn’t seem to mind it, as they’d taken up residence in a corner. After some deliberation, the Rangers had decided they could be veggie lamb foster parents until they found some expert or another. Which sounded good to Pedro, right up until Baabara was sitting on his kitchen table and looking expectantly at him. He had turned to the good people of Wicked’s Rest when he’d tried and failed to google a care manual, and got some support. Wyatt told him they eat dandelions, which checked out in terms of them having survived in the town. Pedro had already watered her, and she wasn’t mad at him anymore…he hoped. He decided to send Wyatt a message about the offer to come by with advice. Thanks man, I’d be super grateful for any pointers with this little lady. Maybe I’m pushing my luck, but could you bring lamb milk?
Pedro was pushing his luck. Wyatt really had no intention of helping with this thing much at all, unless that feigned help would get the park ranger to relinquish guardianship over the stupid creature… so he decided to play along, assuring the man that he’d bring the milk. But he would only go so far for a bit, so the milk in question wasn’t that of a sheep. It was goat milk, because that’s what he’d had in his fridge at the time. 
Making his way over to the address given, the shifter waited patiently at the door to be let in after knocking. When it swung open, he did his best impression of a good samaritan. “Howdy there, neighbor! Hear you got yourself in a bit of lamb trouble!” He hoped that his southern accent (peculiar as the cajun dialect was) might win him a few points in the trustworthy category with Pedro, having found that to be the case in the past. Sounding humble, simple, and saying it all with a smile went pretty far for getting people to do what you wanted. 
Stepping inside as he was permitted, Wyatt followed Pedro to where the creature laid in a pot full of dirt, now looking between the two men with ears flipped forward and perked straight up. He had to admit, the creature was cute… not that soulful eyes or a pitiful cry had ever stopped him from eating what he wanted in the past, and now he had a real taste for these things. They were by far the most delicious meat he’d ever imbibed, and he wanted more. Needed more. He passed the milk (that had been warmed and switched to a mason jar that had no label) to Pedro, figuring that the request for a bottle was never part of the deal, and that he must already have one around here somewhere. 
“I gotta ask, friend… where’d you find her, anyway?” Where there was one, maybe there were more. And if he couldn’t get Pedro to give up this lamb, perhaps there was a nest of them somewhere in the woods that he could stake out and raid. The thought of it practically made his mouth water. 
He’d lived in Wicked’s Rest pretty much his whole life, and people often reminded him why he didn’t have any particular desire to leave. Sure, it could be weird - but it was their own brand of weird. There was always someone, or multiple someones, willing to help out. The fact that Baabara was adorable really helped, that was true. The feeling of relief when Pedro opened his door to let Wyatt in and saw the milk - finally, he would be able to feed her! They tried with some of the pet food they put out for four legged friends at the park rangers’ hut, but none of the veggie lambs were having any of it. “Oh man, thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver for real.” 
He set the milk down on the table near Baabara, who duly bleated at them both. “Okay! Diva. It’s like she knows who she’s named after.” She seemed to also know that nobody could resist a cute little sheep in a pot. “They just showed up out of nowhere! We found them in a greenhouse out in the park. Poor things must’ve wanted to get out of the weather. Janet from work was gonna call a friend who’s in the creature sanctuary business.”
“Streisand or Walters?” Wyatt asked with a chuckle. Ah, okay, so there were more. Living in a greenhouse in the state park—one that Wyatt was pretty sure he’d seen at least once before. “That’s wild! Are the others still there, or did all the rangers adopt one for themselves?” He really hoped it was the former, but had a sinking feeling that it’d be the latter. If that was the case, he was going to have to work extra hard to get this girl out of Pedro’s possession. 
He hadn’t decided yet if he was above shifting and just taking it by force, honestly. 
The smarter thing to do would be to get the name of this person who ran a creature sanctuary… there were untold goodies to be found in a place like that, after all. “That’s good, though, about the sanctuary,” he agreed through metaphorically gritted teeth, managing to maintain an upbeat and positive appearance. “Who runs that? Never heard of nothin’ like that out this way myself, but I spend a lot of time in the woods n’ find all sorts of troubled little critters… would be better to pass ‘em off to someone who knows what they’re doin’ than tryin’ to rehabilitate ‘em at my own cabin!” He never tried to habilitate them, of course. They were snacks, 100% of the time. Still… he glanced back to Baabara and clicked his tongue. “I do got a beautiful sunny patch that the last lamb I fostered seemed to just adore, though. Just the right amount of shade, sheltered from other things in that area, easy for me to water n’ feed…” As if to really sell the lie, Wyatt reached out and scratched the lamb beneath the chin, grinning when she let out a soft bleat and closed her eyes, leaning into the touch. 
“She fruitin’ yet?” The lamia leaned over the table to look around to her backside where there was more plant than animal, searching for those incredibly delicious sweet treats he’d scarfed up the last time. “They’re fuckin’ incredible if you ain’t tried ‘em yet, man.”
“Streisand, ‘course.” He grinned, rather proud of his naming skills. No ranger worth their salt would have left a small defenceless (they were defenceless, right?) lamb in a pot out to fend for themselves. Hell, the team lead Betty would have taken them all home to live in her veranda if it wasn’t for the fun conversation that would have ensued with her wife about why there were multiple veggie lambs sunbathing in there. If there hadn’t been people out there who knew how to handle them, perhaps she’d have got the team to write the manual on these little guys. “Yeah. we decided we’d all be good foster parents. Seemed like a better idea at the time…but this still works better than leaving them there by themselves with some food. Poor guys.” He’d figured Baabara herself would be the best judge of character when it came to deciding where she ended up, and she seemed pretty chill about Wyatt’s presence. “Never met ‘em myself. They’re an old college buddy of Janet’s.” For all he knew, they might have been a retiree who dedicated their whole house to the weird and wonderful creatures of Wicked’s Rest. It had been Janet’s sixty-somethingth a few months back. Pedro might have seen photos when he was sitting next to her on desk duty after his injury, but that was a bit of a blur. “I figure they kinda ended up doing it by accident when folks got word they had a talent for animal-handling.” Wandering around to have a look to see if Baarbara had been hiding some fruit, he didn’t think she had any yet. Although, he didn’t know if any of the others had fruit either. The whole species was kinda new to him. “Aw, cool! You got another lamb for her to hang out with? Didya give it a fun name?” Baabara should really go back to her - siblings, he presumed, but they didn’t exactly investigate the little guys’ family history. “Do you make fruit?!” He addressed Baarbara directly, who opened her eyes to bleat at him. He got the impression that the answer depended on who was asking. “I don’t see any, but I think she’s trying to say she isn’t down for sharing the fruit.”
Fuck. So they were scattered to the four winds, then. With a resigned, inward sigh, Wyatt accepted that he’d probably only be getting one lamb out of this deal. Though, as they spoke of the fruits the lambs often sprouted, he wondered if planting one of those fruits would grow another lamb… he’d have to have Mateo help him investigate, since the mare was the one with the green thumb, as it were. 
Nodding thoughtfully and doing his best to not look disappointed that Pedro didn’t have a name or any other kind of information on this creature-keeper, the lamia figured that finding Janet would be his next step on that particular ladder of overzealous hunting. He wouldn’t do this much investigating for anything other than vegetable lambs. They were just… so, so good. 
“Uh, yeah! His name is… Q-Tip.” That was a pretty good one, honestly. If he didn’t have every intention of immediately eating any veggie lambs he got his claws on, he might actually name one that. Lifting a brow at the lamb’s protest, Wyatt chuckled. “Maybe she ain’t old enough yet.” Maybe he ought to be patient… even though that wasn’t really his style. But he did have a decision to make: smash n’ grab this lamb and ruin and future opportunities of getting more info out of Janet later (at least in a way that wouldn’t end up with her hurt, scared, and/or dead), sweet talk Pedro into giving up Baabara, or be patient. Ugh. Patience. 
“They don’t live long, you know. They’re kinda like rats. Two, maybe three years tops.” He lifted his gaze to meet Pedro’s. “Hard to… say goodbye.” Eugh. “But it only gets harder the longer you wait.”
Was the fruit that good for it to be sigh-worthy disappointing that it wasn’t ready yet? He would have to convince Baabara to let him try some. If she wasn’t old enough, that was fine, she could take all the time she needed. Besides, he hadn’t even fed her yet. He didn’t have a bottle or anything, so he would have to try offering her it in a bowl. Maybe once Wyatt left; he wasn’t sure how well she’d take to eating around strangers.
Some animals didn’t like that. He himself was technically a stranger - one she was getting accustomed to, though. 
Pedro smiled. “Q-tip’s a good name. How do you tell how old a veggie lamb is? Apart from the fruit?” Janet’s contact might know. Mock-offence written on his face on Baabara’s behalf, he struggled not to laugh. “You’re not like a rat, are you, girl? You’re like a fancy little hamster. I had those as a kid. It’s sad, but…as long as they get a good life, right?”
Pedro wasn’t picking up what he was putting down, obviously. That meant that sweet talk was probably off the menu, didn’t it? That left patience, if Wyatt even managed to find this Janet lady, and… god, nope. Nuh uh. That was absolutely not a skill he possessed. He’d just keep this one alive until it fruited, then attempt the whole planting thing. And promptly have the most delicious lamb dinner of his life. 
“... listen, man. You seem like a nice guy, really. And it was awful nice of you to adopt this little snack, but I’ll be honest with you: I’m here to take it. So I’d really just appreciate it if you could make this easier for the both of us and give up the goat. Er, sheep. To me.” 
He’d really put his foot in it now. Baabara couldn’t possibly understand, and so it was his own guilt he was reading into the expression on her innocent, harmless little face. She did not look pleased. No wonder he got himself killed. He didn’t want to do that again. At the same time, he couldn’t just sit down and watch such a defenseless creature get taken away to become a snack. 
“You were supposed to help, Wyatt!” Pedro shouted, stepping in front of the pot. “Get out of my house. Before I call the cops.” 
Wyatt scoffed. “I am helpin’ I’m helpin’ me! You don’t get it. You’d get it if you fuckin’ ate one of ‘em.” He narrowed his eyes at Pedro, common sense abandoning him as he let them shift from blue to yellow, as crocodilian scales started to appear on his hands and up his arms, fingers turning long and webbed and tipped with sharp claws. He didn’t want to hurt the man over something like this, that was kind of ridiculous, but he was angry. And maybe there was more anger than was sensible that was coming from other sources, but regardless of the reason, it was an unfortunate truth that Pedro was now the target of that frustration. 
“I’m comin’ back for that thing,” he threatened with a snarl, deciding he could let it go today. He knew where Pedro lived, now. Knew where he kept her. Knew where to find more, maybe. Hopefully. As he stuffed his anger back down into the hole it should’ve stayed in, his features returned to normal. With an irritated huff, the lamia snatched the bottle of goat milk he’d brought with him and turned tail to stomp back to the front door. “Mark my words, couyon! You better keep three eyes on ‘er!”
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shuusagi · 1 year
One Month (part 3 of/?)
Hellooo again! It's been long enough I think its time to bring in some interesting themes 😌
Warnings: I re-read these but I'm a novice writer, mentions of f!reader, this specific fic will have somnophilia/dubcon, voyeurism and just general nsfw things. Enjoy!
It was around midnight, and you were feeling restless. Perhaps it was from the rising feeling that you aren't alone, or the creaks you hear at night. Probably both. You lay in bed staring at the ceiling wondering if you were the star of a new age slasher movie. Pfft, you shake your head. Let's go have a shower to wash away these thoughts.
You slowly make your way to the bathroom, for some reason you tread lightly like you don't want to wake someone up. Maybe these past few weeks had you convinced that Brahms was a real boy.
Starting the shower, you wait for it to warm up and slowly de-robe yourself. You shiver, the slightly chilly room coupled with the thoughts that someone may have their eyes on you causing a reaction within yourself.
He watched you through a hole residing in the wall. He could feel himself begin to harden noticing your stunning body. God, you looked so soft and pliable, he wondered what it would be like to hold you- and to fuck you. You slowly made your way to the tub, getting in and sighing as the hot water warmed you up. He watched the droplets roll down your curvy features, now palming his cock through his pants.
A small groan leaves him, he can't remember a time where he was so aroused before. Being left alone to your own devices often meant you'd get used to this pent up desire to fuck someone silly, simply by reacting to those said desires through self pleasure. He never got to try, but seeing you now has his mind wandering at the thought of how tight you may be. He wasn't an expert in sex by any means, but he did know things anatomically. Granted, the few spicy novels and magazines helped him paint himself a bright picture of what it would feel like.
He eyes you carefully as you wash your hair, your back slightly arching to accommodate the lengthening of your arms. He begun to stroke his cock in his pants, feeling that familiar pressure build up. He stops himself, slowing his hand so he doesn't cum. Not yet. He wants to save all of his cum for (Y/N).
You start lathering your body with body wash, he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as your hands roam your body. God how he wishes that could be him right now, but soon. He just has to wait for you to fall asleep.
He bangs his fist on the wall behind him, and that makes you practically jump out of your skin. A small smirk creeps on his lips as he watches your wide eyed expression.
You squeal at the loud bang that was heard, nearly making you fall out of the tub. You look around abruptly, slowly kneeling down to hold your chest to your knees. "H-hello?... is anyone there?" Your voice quivers. Silence. You finally notice you've been holding your breath, so you take a big gulp. Shakily you get up and quickly wrap a towel around yourself.
"Helloooo?" You sigh, it's probably just the old plumbing.
You make your way back to your bedroom, being sure to do double takes behind yourself. Laying in bed with the covers up by your face you can't help but make people out of the shadows and darkened clothing on the chair in your room.
Eventually you begin to doze off, it was probably really late anyway. Surely it's just an old house..
He watched you sleep peacefully, and carefully he steps into the room trying to keep the noise to a minimum. He stands above your sleeping form taking you all in. He never will get tired of this, watching you sleep so beautifully with a slight snore.
Tentatively he reaches out and brushes your hair out of your face. His fingertips burn hot as they graze against your cheek. Holding his breath he trails down your jawline to the side of your neck. You squirm a little which causes him to freeze up.
You settle back down and he continues up your arm, dragging your tank top strap down. Cautiously he places a kiss on your shoulder with his mask, taking a big breath in to get your scent. You smelt of water lilies and vanilla, with a mix of coconut. You smelt amazing.
He continues down your arm, flowing onto your side now. He couldn't help it, he lightly pinched a bit of your chubby belly, wishing he could just bury his face into it. He resumes tracing his fingers down your hip and over the swell of your thigh. Hesitantly he grabs a handful of your thigh. You fidget a little bit, but get pulled back into your slumber. He's feeling awfully courageous now, so many ideas race through his mind on what he wants to do to you.
He starts by parting your thighs, so that you're now laying on your back splayed out for him. He could practically drool at the heavenly sight beneath him. He noticed you were slightly wet through your underwear, and he groaned at the sight. You shifted again and he froze. You wiped your nose with the back of your hand and went still once more. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.
Ever so cautiously he puts his right hand next to your right hip to steady himself as he loomed over your much smaller figure. He leans down and places a kiss on your inner thigh, taking in the scent of your arousal. What had gotten you going? Was it from being scared earlier? He grinned at the idea, so his little plaything got off to being scared. Or at least the idea someone was watching her. He licks his lips.
Tentatively he drags his index finger against your slit, eliciting a small moan from you. His head snaps up to catch your lips parting ever so gently, the softest sound he's ever heard escaping your stunning lips. He looks down your chest and notices one of your nipples peeking out from under its confines. He can't help it. He's shaking as he lifts his mask off, and captures your nipple in his mouth.
He supports himself up while he sucks on your nipple slowly, carefully and shyly as to not wake you. He loves the taste of you, slightly salty and a little bit like soap. He continues to rub his finger up and down your slit. Then, you let out a long moan. Shifting from the discomfort of your arousal he freezes. Quickly he latches off of your nipple and escapes to the closest where he was safest.
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Hello sorry to bother you, but I have a question and you're the resident Twisted Wonderland expert; do you have any idea if the events rerun more than once? I really wanted Suitor Suit Idia but didn't get anything both times T^T. Also do the Clubwear banners ever return, that you know of? Is Clubwear Cater lost forever?
Anyway have a good whatever time of day!
Ahhh, you flatter me!! 😖💦 If it feels like I somehow know a lot, it’s because TWST is my hyperfixation and takes up like 99.9% of the real estate in my brain folds…
As for your questions!! TWST is a game that’s only 3.5 years old for JP and 1.5 years old for EN; I would day it’s still way too early in its “life cycle” to be able to accurately predict what the devs plan to do for reruns, if at all.
Most other gacha games only do 1 rerun and once that rerun has passed, that’s it. Very rarely, there are systems implemented where you can go back and replay old limited time events at your leisure (I personally only know of one gacha game that does this). The devs are usually not “nice” enough to grant this kind of thing, as the limited nature of the events is meant to incentivize playing during those periods. It does not usually benefit them to extend that time.
I do want to point out that sometimes there are other ways to get limited time cards outside of events/event banners; for example, during TWST’s anniversary (March for JP, January for EN), they run a campaign where rolling a certain number of times on a special anniversary banner earns you tokens. 1 roll = 1 token. These tokens can then be traded in for a key to a limited time card in Sam’s shop, but I believe the selection is subject to change. I think Suitor Suit Idia was able to be traded for in 2022, but he may not return in the future. Please note that in order to have enough token to even trade in for the SSR of your choice (from a predetermined list), you’d need at LEAST 150 rolls/tokens.
Clubwears are very similar in this regard; we have yet to cycle through all of the clubs so I don’t think we’ll get reruns of the Clubwear banners (if at all) until all Clubwears have been released. (For reference, we’ve only gotten Light/Pop Music, Basketball, Science, and now Track and Field with Deuce still yet to be released.) Of course, there’s always the possibility that you could trade in a limited SSR key for a desired Clubwear IF TWST chooses to offer them as an option in exchange for the special shop tokens I mentioned before. Again, I’m not a dev so I wouldn’t know if they’re considering this for the next anniversary or not.
Hope that helps!!
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If you had to show your irl friends only one picture of tzp to prove how gorgeous he is, which one would you pick? My brain is full of worms and this is something I think about kind of a lot for how unlikely it is to happen lol. Like, they ask "who's your celebrity crush" and I answer tzp and they don't know who he is (sad for them) and if I'm going to show them exactly one thing how do I immediately get them to be like "oh damn yeah I get it, he's beautiful." For me I think it would be either the baby blue Prada turtleneck, the video of him getting out of the car shirtless and into that green blazer, or the black lace top and leather pants where his tits look *incredible*. But as the resident expert, I would love to hear your opinion.
P.S. no fair picking the waterfall picture, even though he is outrageously sexy in it. I know it's the picture of all time, good grief he looks good like that
P.P.S. I'm sorry you're getting stupid anons for *checks notes, squints in confusion* having your opinions on your own blog. For whatever it's worth, not only do I appreciate your funny tags and thirst posts, they have genuinely helped me start to process and try to feel better about my own sexual desire and horny feelings, both on and off main. Keep doing you 💙
okay, excluding the waterfall photo is rude i've literally used that exact shot to show some friends how hot he is before. because of course i did.
i think i'd go with...
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it shows his love for jack, his body (with hair!) those insane arm veins and just look at his face. I think it's a good second place.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Costume Meta 6x03
Ok well that episode was intense!
I find these bottle type episodes interesting to analyse - especially when they feature big time jumps like this one did!
First off let’s look at all the flashback scenes. The wardrobe department did a great job at recreating that mid seventies vibe, from the muted tones and especially the use of pale yellows and browns and creams, the use of knit textures on the teenagers was very on point as was the pointed collars and the  flared trousers - I especially loved the jeans Joannes friend was wearing - with the brown stripes running down them. 
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I’m side stepping costumes for a minute to heap some praise on the hair and makeup  department - they don’t get enough love, but all the afros were perfect and I especially loved that they gave Beatrice a Farrah Fawcett hairstyle (as you can see below) - it fits so perfectly with the hairstyles we’ve seen older Beatrice wearing. The interesting thing about Beatrice’s hair is that she is the only one who appears to be chemically straightening it - there are no other characters with straightened hair in the flashback scenes. I’m not an expert in Black hair or the meaning behind the use of certain types of hairstyle, but to me the choice to use this hairstyle on Beatrice is suggestive of her being seen as glamorous and stylish in the neighbourhood - it fits with Beatrices personality as being set in her ways and expectant of a certain standard and order of things. 
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Athena & Bobby
Athena’s grey top is a really fabulous choice for this part of the episode - its almost check patterned but it isn’t - it hints at her turmoil over having to go through the process of questioning everything she thinks she knows about her father, as well as her desire to solve this case that has hung over her nearly all her life. the use of both black and white for the lines on the background of grey is indicative that not everything is black and white - and that shades of grey are actually where most peoples morals etc reside. the grrey is also a conservative colour as well as being stable and insightful - again all things we see Athena portraying while she is wearing this top.
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Bobby wear a lot of Blue in this episode - the blue top above and then the dark navy one below as well as the blue/grey one at the hospital at the end. focusing on the blue ones for the moment - blue is the colour of trust and loyalty - it provides security and confidence - al things we see Bobby displaying in this episode. the darker blue top below is almost black and so we can add some of the meaning of Black - for this scene - authority  - all of these combined show Bobby being there for Athena, but also pushing her enough to get her to actually get involved in solving the case.
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Athenas deep burgundy pyjamas are interesting - generally speaking burgundy is considered an intense and ambitious colour and as a result can be seen as somewhat combative - perfect for this scene, especially as it is tempered with the blue of the dressing gown - representing Athenas loyalty to both her fathers privacy, but also to who she is - which is why she cant resisit getting involved in solving the case!
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Now I’ve actually managed to get a better look at Athenas new pendant I’ve reached the conclusion it isn’t a compass at all - I’m not 100% sure, but to me it looks like either a winged horse - which would make it Pegasus, or it could possibly be a dragon, but my money is currently on the winged horse!
Pegasus is heavily connected to Athena in greek mythology. It is said he was sired by Poseidon and Medusa, and that Athena tamed him and gave him to Perseus so he could fly to rescue Andromeda - in the process he beheaded Medusa - the gorgon - whose head Athena used as a gorgenion - a protective amulet - which is the other necklace Athena wears.
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Athena's top here is a combination of burgundy, dark navy blue, tan and purple, its also striped and stripe theory plays out for Athena in this top - this scene is the start of her getting to the bottom of Tanya’s disappearance. obviously the blue and burgundy colour meanings continue to play out here, but the tan colour adds the idea of dependability (we can depend that Athena will get to the bottom of things) and friendliness - which is something we see Athena try to extend to Joanne.  The use of purple is also wonderful - purple is a colour that inspires people to divulge their thoughts and it is a colour associated with superiority, again something Athena very much plays into - she gets people to talk - both Joanne and Franklin senior and Athena is superior when it comes to solving cases!
Bobbys grey top - that he wears for the longest in the episode shows him as being the reliable and stable presence for Athena, offering insight and advice when she needs it. Its also the shade of grey known as steel - backing up Bobby being there to support Athena.
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Athena in this beautiful pistachio green top (interestingly without the necklace! Like I’ve said 100′s of times before green is the colour of growth, health and renewal. the perfect choice for Athena to be wearing in the aftermath of this case - we can see she is in a better place - that a weight is off her shoulders - one she’s been carrying for a long time. Green reperesents hope for a better future  and  Athena is at a point in her story where she can now move forward into the future in a positive way.
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Check theory for the win!! if you haven’t yet read my theory about the use of Check patterns in 911 then you can read it here.
only 3 characters wear check in 6x03 - Joanne and Franklin senior - both as adults - and Joanne and her mother in the one flashback - only after Tanya has gone missing - the implication here is that they both know something and are keeping it hidden - we obviously find out what Joanne knew later on, but we never find out the extent of what the mother knew - however - her life has just been changed irrevocably so the check patterning makes sense. 
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Joanne and Franklin senior have both been hiding pieces of the puzzle that could have helped solve Tanya’s murder - they’ve been carrying that guilt and knowledge - and now that her body has been found, those secrets are being uncovered and they are having to reckon with the full impact of what they knew and know - this is why they are wearing the check patterning - and why we see Joanne in stripes after both Franklins have been arrested - because she has the answers she’s been hoping for and can begin the process of moving on.
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I know you’re all wondering why Franklin jr wasn’t wearing check at all - well he isn’t experiencing impending or existing trouble - he is the evil in this scenario - as as we see before Bobby tackles him, he isn’t repentant or remorseful for what he has done, so he doesn’t need to be in check - yes his life is about to change, but up until the point of Bobby tackling hin and hi arrest - he thinks he can still get away with what he’s done. 
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And there we have it. I hope any of those of you who have been affected by the subject matter of 6x03 are in a place where you can get help if you need it - that you can reach out to someone, or that you are now safe and well here is a link to a post Jess put together that signposts resources should you need to access them - take care of yourselves.
I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you as always for your likes, comments and reblogs - I love reading your thoughts etc - they make my day!
As always tagged people below!
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @bucksintheroom @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @name-code-black-widow @prettyboyandthekid @callanee @calyssmarviss @alwaysme @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes @piningpettyeddie @bi-moonlight @spotsandsocks @projectabc @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @jordxnhennessy @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @ekstasisandangst-main @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz @gossamerglob @ktinastrikesback @adamrparrrish @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine @ajunerose @wolfybuckley @neon-d0rk @boohooweewoobuckaroo​ @talespinner230​
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metaru i have to go into work but before I do I extend an invitionation for you to ramble about genus loc au cPrimeboys coz I recall you going hrough the au posts and would love to hear your thoughts on the matter as the resident cPrime Expert
i think c!dream would very much be even more of a mad scientist in this case. both to harness c!tommy's power… and in a desperate attempt to stop c!tommy from “disappearing”.
c!dream has a motive behind his… c!dreamery, and that’s that he’s hideously lonely. c!tommy is someone he sees as a friend, and he resorts to drastic, indefensible methods when he feels like c!tommy is escaping his grasp. his idea of friendship is deeply unhealthy and abusive, but it is important to him.
initially, i think, he’d invite c!tommy to the server solely to study him, but like in canon they’d very quickly become friends (before it falls apart bc c!dream is a dick). and c!Dream’s ideal world is one where everything is static, where it’s him and his friends forever and they do what he wants, right? so the idea of c!tommy losing his human form would be deeply distressing for him.
this isn't like, a noble act or anything. he's experimenting on c!tommy from the beginning of the server- initially in benign ways c!tommy agrees to but in exile he performs very draining and often painful and physically damaging tests, hurting c!tommy if he tries to refuse and giving him petty rewards of food and items c!tommy can’t even look at without feeling sick for immediately complying. and again, this is also to find a way to control his power! c!dream feels like it should belong to him, in the way he views the entire world as his birthright. but it is also part of his possessive and desperate desire for someone, anyone, to be by his side and call him family.
this does raise a terrifying possibility once c!tommy loses his human form- if people are grieving him, c!dream can take advantage of that to rope them in on his plan (which would involve restoring that form- and locking c!tommy in it permanently, but c!dream won’t let anyone else know that.) he'd pretend to have realised the error of his ways, once c!tommy was gone, but he’s just doing the same thing. he wants to have his power, and he wants his favourite punching bag back.
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shoes--off · 2 years
Primal Fear
Alright! I've now watched this episode three times, and have some thoughts (don't worry, it's not 3+ pages this time!).
I really, really enjoyed the Jane / Alex / gf storyline and how it was handled this week. Actually, let me rephrase: I care very little for Alex's dating life and his girlfriend, Cassandra, overall (I don't think we're meant to like or trust her), but Jane at home really exhibits some of the same traits that she uses in her professional life, and seeing those parallels is very interesting to me. I could not believe that Jane Tennant was being bossed around in her own home, and yet, in typical Tennant fashion, she managed to handle it gracefully. You can see it takes effort to interact and keep her reservations silent (and she may share more than she does of her professional challenges with her friends), especially as the episode progresses, but just like at work, she keeps the bigger picture in mind.
Ernie's 'glass slipper' comment is now the third Cinderella reference that's been made on the show (Dalia calling Lucy 'Texas Cinderella' in 1x11, and Kate being called 'Cinderella' by Malkie in 2x03 pre-fight), and I'm not sure why or where it's going, but I'm intrigued. Did Lucy go all the way down from Kate's penthouse apartment to her car in one shoe? Does she get to park in Kate's garage? I have so many questions.
I was a little disappointed that the murders ended up having somewhat little to do with legend(s) and history, but this was a great setup to contrast Kai's overall beliefs and personality with Jesse's. This had me remembering one of @dealanexmachina's great points about how different Kai and Jesse have been shown to be throughout season 1, Kai being the one to believe in people and Jesse the one with the darker view of the world. I thought having Jesse go out of his way to try and dispel any unexplainable notions, being borderline disrespectful of traditions and legends out of perhaps a desire to dismiss this sort of beliefs and keep his little world all tidy and neat and reasonable, fit quite well with my impression of him as a character. Same for Kai, who obviously grew up in a very different culture, taught very differently. What's fascinating about these two and their friendship is that somehow they're able to cross these bridges, listen and understand each other. I half expect Jesse in coming episodes to experience all sorts of weird things because he dared defy the angry spirits, and maybe it'll turn out it was Lucy and Kai pranking him repeatedly, because if there's something else that was reiterated this episode, it's that these two are troublemakers.
Pike having taken a seminar and seeing himself as the CGIS resident profiler/expert on serial killers was simply genius. It worked so well. I laughed when the first thing he said after narrowly escaping his demise was that his profile was spot on. Hopefully he's not headed to the BAU quite yet, because I'd miss him.
Speaking of the BAU, it never occurred to me before but... Lucy would likely be a great fit there, wouldn't she? I love that she was the one to connect the dots from the non-digitized reports (Ernie's disdain was funny), once again. I love how smart she is consistently shown to be.
Great match for Kate, really, and one of the reasons why I like them together. Speaking of Kate, how great was it to see confident, bordering on smug Kate? I keep hoping for more scenes between Tori and Vanessa, because Tori always brings something different to them than with her scenes with Yasmine, and this is a side of Whistler I greatly enjoy.
I will end this with one small complaint: these looks deserved more airtime.
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One question for the Criminal Minds fans: who did Whistler speak to at the BAU? 🤨
If you've read this far, have a great week, and until next time.
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chemicaljacketslut · 2 years
sorry to be a nuisance but you’re like the resident IT expert that I follow and Google is not giving me a straight answer. I gotta fucking ask, in the book did the losers just fucking bully pennywise to death like in the movie? Huge let down if so ngl
okay first of all this is NOT a nuisance to me every time someone asks me an It question i vibrate at an audible speed. thank you
the short answer is no but also yes kind of a little bit. don’t worry i WILL elucidate.
the way the Losers defeat pennywise in the book is, granted, really convoluted and difficult to adapt to screen. it’s basically an altered version of something called the ritual of chüd. in the universe of It, the ritual comes from a forgotten himalayan tradition where a holyman and their equivalent of pennywise, called the taelus, bite each other’s tongues and tell each other riddles/jokes until one of them laughs. if the taelus laughs first, it’s banished for 100 years, and if the holyman laughs, the taelus steals his soul. but all of this is like a super psychic crazy metaphysical battle, not a literal biting of tongues and joke-off. funnily enough, in the actual ritual the losers execute, the first one to laugh is the one who wins, both times.
so as kids, bill does this ritual of chüd with pennywise, but they just have this whole dramatic psychic conversation instead of telling jokes. essentially, bill calls upon the power of positive childhood belief to kill It, since negative belief and fear is what feeds It. so after some help from maturin the cosmic turtle who vomited up the universe, bill chants his tongue twister (“he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”) and thinks this whole thing:
(Chüd, this Chüd, stand, be brave, be true, stand for your brother, your friends; believe, believe in all the things you have ever believed in […] that there is a Tooth Fairy who lives in a huge enamel castle, and Santa Claus below the North Pole, making toys with his trove of elves […] believe in yourself, believe in the heat of that desire)
He suddenly began to laugh in the darkness, not in hysteria but in utter delighted amazement.
“OH SHIT, I BELIEVE IN ALL OF THOSE THINGS!” he shouted, and it was true. […] He turned his face up, and suddenly he felt power rush through him.
and thus he psychically defeats pennywise. but it was like they’d won the battle but not the war, because as we know, It returned ~26 years later.
as adults, the Losers—minus stan (dead) and mike (hospitalized)—confront It again, and again bill begins the ritual. except when he tries to spiritually bite Its tongue, he misses. but richie comes in clutch and swoops in and bites It, and then he starts kind of joking to himself and laughing and doing his Voices (impressions) at It, which hurts It a lot. he manages to find bill in this psychic realm and he saves him. but that means It is shaking them loose. so as bill and richie are returning to reality, eddie jumps in and, while he doesn’t really engage in chüd, he does hurt It.
[Eddie] leaped at It, triggering the aspirator at the same time, and for an instant all his childhood belief in the medicine came back to him […] It was good medicine, strong medicine, and […] he triggered the aspirator into one of Its ruby eyes.
He felt-heard Its scream—no rage this time, only pain, a horrid screaming agony.
and then, well. It fatally tears his arm off. eddie’s death gives bill and richie the motivation to push through and kill It. bill has georgie to fight for, richie has eddie. actually though richie ends up having more focus/motivation, because It distracts bill with his wife, who is being held captive.
“That’s Audra!” Bill shouted desperately. “Thuh-That’s AUDRA!”
“I don’t give a shit if it’s the Pope,” Richie said grimly. “Eddie’s dead and we’re going to kill It, if It’s still alive. We’re going to finish the job this time, Big Bill. Either she’s alive or she’s not. Now come on!”
ben destroys the eggs It laid (pennywise’s truest form that humans can see is a female spider that was pregnant, it’s a whole other thing) by just. physically stomping on them. and bill and richie go up and simultaneously psychically punch it and then they just. start beating the shit out of it and tearing it apart (psychically? physically? both i think) until bill rips Its heart out and crushes it. and finally It is dead.
so like, i didn’t include the quotes here but all of the Losers who speak to It during these battles do scream some form of “fuck you” at It and richie especially bullies It a little bit, and this does definitely hurt it at some points (especially with richie’s whole battle), but that’s not really what defeats It.
tl;dr, the power of love and friendship is basically what killed pennywise in the book, which is kind of what the whole book is all about.
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homoantagonism · 2 years
John as Card 1: The Magician
The Magician (also known as The Wizard, which G1deon literally calls John pre-res) is generally understood as a reflection of the Hermetic concept: as above, so below. This phrase can take on a lot of interpretations depending on the theological contexts, but because we’re talking about a man who just reinvented Gay Space Catholicism, I’ll only be addressing debatably the most famous renditions of this phrase, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven''. This phrase from the Lord’s Prayer is used by Christians as a means to invoke God's will on Earth, which seems fitting for a Catholic space emperor with the desire to create a universe he can bend to his will.
The Magician also signifies the creative process and the act of taking a concept or idea and molding it into something tangible. Again, pretty obviously a God thing.
Now here’s where things start to get more interesting (and potentially plot relevant? tbd). The Magician shows a potential for arrogance, feelings of superiority, a tendency to abandon projects after they’re started, and loss of focus on an idea’s original intent when sustained for too long (like, potentially, a myriad). I think the fucker is going to blow up the universe and start fresh. Great Flood 2.0. I’ve suspected this since reading all of the John chapters in NtN, which, imo, read like an epilogue to the series as a whole, or at least a sympathetic villain monologue before the villain does something monumentally evil, and his connection to The Magician would further solidify this.
Another juicy tidbit is that The Magician in reverse represents deceit. It can symbolize someone who is charming and charismatic, yet states things that don’t add up. This card showing up in a reading can mean that someone in your life who presents themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy is covertly manipulating you. It would take another full series reread for me to be able to list all the things John lies about, but the most notable is his deception of the resurrection gang.
He paints himself as a “just some guy” god (and to his credit, he is Just Some Guy) but he absolutely uses that boy-next-door exterior to lie to and extort all his closest friends. He lies to them about their names. He hides the truth about lyctorhood from them. He leaves them to figure out lyctorhood by themselves and allows them to sacrifice the people closest to them so that they can be his immortal hand. I’m sure Mercymorn, Augustine, and G1deon figuring this out and plotting to betray him is just the beginning of the retribution he’ll suffer for this.
Alecto/Nona as Card 0: The Fool
(Full disclosure, I’m not exactly the resident Alecto expert so there’s probably a lot of things I’m forgetting or missing but just bare with me here.)
The fool represents new beginnings, having blind faith in the future, being inexperienced, and having a fundamental belief in the universe. In reverse, it represents being foolish, reckless, naive, gullible, air-headed, and several other traits that more or less describe Nona. The figure on the card has his arms flung wide, and his head held high (is this not exactly the Nona cover art?). He is ready to embrace whatever comes his way, but he is also oblivious to the cliff edge he is about to cross. The Fool is unaware of the hardships he will face as he ventures out to learn the lessons of the world. The parallels to Nona’s journey are obvious, but I’d imagine Alecto went through a similar journey from her creation to her imprisonment.
Ultimately we don’t know much about her in the earliest days, but it only makes sense that she had Nona’s personality prior to going crazy. She was also the first to have blind faith in John and the universe he crafted, and for that, she suffered immensely.
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piercethelenn · 2 years
Track two — At the Bus Stop.
Warnings: Mentions of stalking, Y/N is low-key insane and Heeseung is mean(?), light swearing. || Word count: 1250
The term “guilty pleasures” might sound familiar to you, everybody has at least one after all, even if they seem insignificant enough to be overlooked at first, until the moment when you start to question whether other people will be able to understand your attraction towards them. For Y/N’s case though, denominating it a “guilty addiction” felt more adequate, as it had become vital for her, to the point where her attachment was able to influence her in levels that a normal and healthy “liking” would never. Her days were tinted in a gloomy grayscale until the very moment she was able to satisfy her needs; however, it was not possible to do so every day, and the absence of her daily dose caused a painful feeling of abstinence that exponentially impacted her mood in a negative way.
Well, I might be over-exaggerating the issue, but what I’m trying to say is that Y/N really, really liked Lee Seokmin’s voice.
It all started at the beginning of the semester, when our main character left her parent's house behind and moved to a different city in order to finally attend her desired college to pursue music. She had always hated the feeling of being lost in an unfamiliar place, so the first thing she did after the last box of her belongings had been unpacked, was to explore her new surroundings. Off she was, heading to nowhere in particular on a busy morning; coming from the small, quiet town her family had resided in since forever, she felt both amazed and slightly bothered by the fuss.
At some point, a few blocks away from her place, she stopped on her tracks under the shadow of a particularly big tree to check the map on her phone, in search of places of interest near her current location. She could have missed it, given the loud roaring of the car’s engines and her own focus on the screen of her device, but she heard it loud and clear: a honey-like voice that flooded out of an open window she was standing near to.
As if under a spell, Y/N unconsciously blocked her phone and returned it into her pocket, gazing at the exposed brick walls of the house that stood before her. It felt like love at first-hear, dramatic as it sounded; she had never heard a voice so pretty, enough to dethrone the white noise of her mother’s windchimer as her favorite sound.
Coincidentally, a few days after her first encounter with the anonymous singer, she found out that her new workmate Lee Seokmin, vocal coach of the STV academy, lived in the exact same house. When Y/N started some small talk with him on her first day at work, she admitted being new in the city and living alone, so he, as the gentleman he was, gave her his address and contact number in case she had an emergency someday.
At first it had been difficult for Y/N to connect both voices to the same person, because during lessons, Seokmin’s voice sounded more clear and slightly high-pitched in comparison to the one she heard coming out of the window that day. She was not an expert, since singing was not her area of interest in the music field, but she adjudicated Seokmin’s sleepiness in the early morning as the reason why his voice sounded different.
Of course she liked every facet of Seokmin’s angel-like vocals, but she could not help but have a slight preference in his raspy and deep tone; it just felt so much more intimate, she could almost visualize herself sitting on the kitchen counter, comfortably dressed in her favorite pajamas, admiring the man’s look of I-just-woke-up in all its splendor and natural beauty as he made breakfast for the two.
However, she could only dream of her hormonal teenager fantasies, as if she had helplessly fallen into a parasocial relationship with a famous celebrity, because the sad reality was that Seokmin and Y/N were just co-workers, and he was totally unaware of the fact that she would walk every morning a few blocks more than necessary just to take the bus at a stop located close to his house, even if there was one literally in front of the apartment complex she now resided in with Yeojin, her best friend.
Y/N had committed the huge and seemingly irreversible mistake of telling her friends about her doings, earning a life-long teasing in return. Jay had been the only one who got worried, fearing that the pianist might become some sort of creepy stalker, but she assured him that there were no ill intentions behind her actions, all she did was walk past Seokmin’s house to hear him sing, there was no harm done, right? It is not as if she had tried to take a peek inside his house from the window or anything, she knew better than that.
Of course Jay had not been convinced in the slightest, but Y/N had fallen in too deep and there was no cure for her odd addiction. She could not help but come back for more, as if listening to the man’s voice was the only stimulus capable of making her hypothalamus go brrr and produce considerable amounts of dopamine.
一What do you want?一 Heeseung asked from inside his room, not bothering to open the door even after his older brother's knocking. He was too busy doing his eyeliner to get up from his desk anyways. 一If this is about your stupid academy, no thanks一 The loud music muffled his voice, but the tone of annoyance was clear enough for Seokmin to catch.
一Are you sure? It’s really fun, actually!一 The eldest of the siblings knew it was not worth trying, since talking to Heeseung was like talking to a wall, or a door in this particular case, but a part of him had hoped this time would be different. 一I just know the kids would love to meet such a talented vocalist like you!一. He now understood completely the way Anna felt in that one Frozen scene, it was not cool at all (pun intended).
The door suddenly swung open in a rather aggressive motion, making Seokmin take a step back and stare at his little brother in expectation. On his part, Heeseung simply narrowed his eyes and frowned at him 一As I told you the last time you asked, and the one before that, I don’t sing anymore一. He slammed the door in the older man’s face and turned up the volume of the speakers in his room; a clear sign to make Seokmin take his leave with a sigh of defeat.
It was not easy to deal with a grown-up college student who acted like a rebellious teenager, but the vocal instructor was blessed with the gift of unlimited patience, so he tried his best not to take his brother’s misconduct to heart. Regardless, he could not help but wonder at what exact point did things take the wrong turn; Why was Heeseung studying music if he rejected every opportunity given to him to expose his talents to the public? Was he not confident enough? And most importantly, what did Seokmin do to be treated so coldly by his own family?
As always, there was no result in pondering about those things, so he resigned, yet again, and walked down the stairs with heavy steps.
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Taglist: @boowoowho @ckline35 @sxndmemes (Send an ask to be added!)
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As one of Bukas-Space and UPOU’s Futurists in Residence, Renz Reyes’ views are something to think about in the current situation. Speculating on the future of the Terno as an icon of Filipino culture and identity, I look forward to his designs as he goes back and forth between the traditional and modern and synthesising computers and mechanisms in work to come up with something unique. Below are some images I grabbed from his presentation.
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1st Blog “Terno Futures”
Welcome. We are in very strange times indeed. not really the most ideal Scenario. given to what is our Current reality. Hopelessness has set in and its so easy to get into a negative Headspace. after the Elections. I had a lot of mixed feelings. disappointment, anger and confusion. The desire to create was fleeting. but I knew moping around and sulking would be unproductive. and I can't be in that bubble for too long. to somehow get this thoughts out to comfort myself. I talked to a friend regarding our feelings at the time. and as our conversation progressed. We came to a consensus that we had to do something. A dialogue needed to begin.
As Creators ourselves. the best way we know is through art. Being Designers, We Naturally gravitated towards fashion and more specifically, The Terno. Since the Terno is a symbol of the Filipino people. which unfortunately has been tainted and synonymously linked to some unsavory individuals. now more than ever we need to claim the Terno as our own national identity.
As a creative who has a dayjob. I always sought ways to express my art outside commercial structures. Where I can explore my ideas to its fullest extent and just go off as the kid's would say Haha. So when this artist residency project by UPOU came into existence and I was offered to participate in it. it was a no brainer. What I really liked about this project is besides Creating meaningful, thought provoking pieces of Art. It also focuses on Futures literacy/ Thinking. I've always admired designers who are able to Combine Design and Technology in their work. Lately, There's been a shift in the industry where designers are collaborating with Scientists and Engineers. Developing new ways to create Textiles. Making Kinetic Garments, and having The Clothes be Computers themselves. its a different way of storytelling. These are the kinds of things I didn't know were even possible to do here locally. and these kinds of collaborations are the ones that yield the most interesting results. This being quite a new concept here. Made me more interested to make it happen.
C ircling back to the Terno. We chose it since we want to do something that means to us and a lot of people. and if we were going to do something that elevates an artform from tradition to something Modern. it had to be the Terno. over the course of a few months I and my colleagues will be blogging The Progress of our work and the many changes that it will go into depending the challenges of Materials, production and the mentorship that we will all be under. i'm very interested in collaborating with The different experts in the fields of Technology/Science and Design and how it will affect my work visually and its purpose in the modern World.
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bukas-space · 2 years
Terno Futures
This post was written by Renz Reyes, one of the residents of the 2022 Emerging Futurist-in-Residence program. Speculating on the future of the Terno as an icon of Filipino culture and identity, he goes back and forth between the traditional and modern and synthesizing computers and mechanisms in work to come up with something unique.
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(Image from Renz Reyes' public presentation.)
Welcome. We are in very strange times indeed. not really the most ideal Scenario. given to what is our Current reality. Hopelessness has set in and its so easy to get into a negative Headspace. after the Elections. I had a lot of mixed feelings. disappointment, anger and confusion. The desire to create was fleeting. but I knew moping around and sulking would be unproductive. and I can't be in that bubble for too long. to somehow get this thoughts out to comfort myself. I talked to a friend regarding our feelings at the time. and as our conversation progressed. We came to a consensus that we had to do something. A dialogue needed to begin.
As Creators ourselves. the best way we know is through art. Being Designers, We Naturally gravitated towards fashion and more specifically, The Terno. Since the Terno is a symbol of the Filipino people. which unfortunately has been tainted and synonymously linked to some unsavory individuals. now more than ever we need to claim the Terno as our own national identity.
As a creative who has a dayjob. I always sought ways to express my art outside commercial structures. Where I can explore my ideas to its fullest extent and just go off as the kid's would say Haha. So when this artist residency project by UPOU came into existence and I was offered to participate in it. it was a no brainer. What I really liked about this project is besides Creating meaningful, thought provoking pieces of Art. It also focuses on Futures literacy/ Thinking. I've always admired designers who are able to Combine Design and Technology in their work. Lately, There's been a shift in the industry where designers are collaborating with Scientists and Engineers. Developing new ways to create Textiles. Making Kinetic Garments, and having The Clothes be Computers themselves. its a different way of storytelling. These are the kinds of things I didn't know were even possible to do here locally. and these kinds of collaborations are the ones that yield the most interesting results. This being quite a new concept here. Made me more interested to make it happen.
Circling back to the Terno. We chose it since we want to do something that means to us and a lot of people. and if we were going to do something that elevates an artform from tradition to something Modern. it had to be the Terno. over the course of a few months I and my colleagues will be blogging The Progress of our work and the many changes that it will go into depending the challenges of Materials, production and the mentorship that we will all be under. i'm very interested in collaborating with The different experts in the fields of Technology/Science and Design and how it will affect my work visually and its purpose in the modern World.
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esgjuly · 3 months
What would the profits be if I let my utility company perform an energy audit?
Agile Advisors provide Energy Auditor, an examination in the spring? Sounds like the worst possible tax season. However, in terms of how much energy you consume at home, it can be precisely what you need to start saving money. An expert evaluates the quantity of energy your home uses with an energy audit. They also point out ways to improve the energy efficiency of your house. These typically take place in two stages. Initially, the auditors set baseline standards for the appropriate energy use of your house. The building, the HVAC systems, and historical energy bills are the basis for this. After that, they compare the energy's current consumption. The auditors then measure the actual house using advanced tools and methods. They check for everything from leaks to how well the HVAC system separates hot and cold air. All of this information is included in the report, which details the efficiency of your house and offers suggestions for improvement.
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Working as an Energy Consultant at Agile Advisors, the audit process itself is simple and affordable. You will receive a report in a few weeks after the process, which typically takes two hours. They ought to be less than $50.Are they worthwhile, though? For a while, people will be poking about your residence. Additionally, you might have to pay for improvements or repairs to your house or HVAC system before utilizing it. Despite all that, an energy audit is still a brilliant idea. It requires a small investment of money and time and can yield many benefits. Saving money is arguably the most evident advantage of an energy audit. By making your HVAC system more energy-efficient, you can reduce the amount of energy it uses to heat and cool your house. It’s not like an audit will reveal some trade secret for raising energy efficiency. Typically, they'll recommend things like replacing outdated windows or boosting insulation. With an audit, though, you don't have to make assumptions.
As an Agile Advisors Energy Audit, Thermal imaging is one part of an energy audit process. This method displays even the smallest temperature variations at different locations on your walls, ceilings, and floors. This information indicates where the air is exiting. With this information, you may find out whether old windows are letting heat escape in the winter or cool air in the summer. The same would apply to areas where additional insulation is required to maintain a controlled climate. You will save money on your monthly energy expenses due to these investments. Furthermore, the audit lowers the cost of the actual investments. Using data from the energy audit, you can pinpoint precisely what work will have the most impact. A heater or air conditioner needs less labor when your home doesn't leak or trap air when it shouldn't. This can help these bulky, pricey things last longer.
In our role as Energy Auditor, the recommended work in an energy audit will result in more than just lower bills. It will also improve the comfort of your house. Any improvements you make to your home, such as replacing outdated windows, increasing insulation, or even upgrading appliances, will improve its ability to maintain the desired temperature. For example, in the winter, you'll get rid of drafts. Finally, picture not feeling a stream of chilly air creep in while it's freezing outside. Simultaneously, an energy-efficient home facilitates optimal performance from your air conditioner. Your air conditioner can lower the temperature more efficiently when the treated air isn't escaping. You'll notice a significant difference if your central air needs to perform up to par. Like the pennies on your bill, they are simple things that pile up over time. Regarding energy audits, there is one thing to be cautious of: fake ones. Fortunately, if you know what to look for, it's easy to identify them.
To help you as Energy Consultant, a spring energy audit is the best time to do one. This is the season when the air conditioning isn't on yet, but the heat is off. Consequently, auditors will get a precise view of the airflow through your house. The issue is that con artists are also aware of this. Additionally, they see it as a chance. Anyone who comes to your house promising to perform an energy audit should be avoided. If they turn up out of the blue, it's cause for alarm, even if they're providing a terrific deal or even free. There can be several ploys involved. Alternatively, it can be a ruse to upsell your unnecessary items. Even worse, while they're inside your house, they can steal stuff. They might also be scouting the house in preparation for a future break-in. For these reasons, it's crucial to confirm the credibility of the individuals conducting your audit. You should call them yourself to accomplish this. When they arrive, make sure it's your local energy company by calling them directly.
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