#I have thougth about them too much
flintmgr · 5 months
new banban game means i must draw chip and banban
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mnnuni · 4 months
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean's perspective of Sam and Reader's relationship; Sam and Reader are two cutie patooties Words: 1450 Warnings: none, very fluffy Author's note: I actually don't know if I love this or I hate it
A solid faithful relationship into the hunters' field was almost rare: if they were married they were either consummed for loss or full of affairs and if they had boyfriends or girlfriends they will fight for the distance or the different visions of life. And then there was the rarity, the true love cases, the one in which they would share their life of hunters as easily as a piece of bread.
Dean Winchester never really believed in those rareness, never really believed in love in general... that was untill he really saw Sam and (Y/N) together.
Their love started slowly, it was one of that things that people would say "we already knew" when they eventually announced their relationship.
Dean was convinced that Sam's heart decided from the very beginning of their story that he would beat out of his ribcage only for her in his entire life; Dean saw it in the way Sam didn't just pass (Y/N) the milk and sugar for her coffee for her second cup of that day on their first case together, but he put them in her mug while she read out loud some articles for Dean. Sam didn't put much thougth in that action, but when she realized (Y/N) blushed because he remebred the exact order and amount of products she used after only one time.
But Dean also knew that he approved of their relationship when it was him that proposed to Sam to pick the impala and take (Y/N) somewhere special, just because she deserved all the effort his brother could put in a date and even more. Sam wasn't so surprised about that because he also saw how Dean had grown fond of (Y/N), to the point she was the only girl ever that didn't receive the "hurt my brother and I will end you" speech but it was the other way around.
When (Y/N) confined in Dean one night he really wasn't expecting what she was telling him, after more than an year of being officially with Sam.
"I know he loves me" that was her premise, and Dean could have screamed "WE ALL KNOW" but he let her keep going "but sometimes i whish things were easier" at this the Whinchester quirked an eyebrow and Y/N started rumbling then "I'm not saying it isn't easy with Sam, I just want to say that ... there's never a period of peace in our kind of lifes and we all accepted this when we decided to be hunters, but sometimes I find myself of dreaming one night together without running from something or cleaning up eachother scars... I need normality"
Dean knew that this was also Sam's dream, his little brother wanted this since Stanford, but he also knew that both of them needed to hunt because that was what gave them the hope to make the world a better place and the adrenaline that every man and every woman would need to go throu life.
After this conversation with (Y/N), Dean almost ran to Sam to order him to organize something special for his lady; he wasn't surprised to find him already writing a list of things he wanted to do with her, "I know I didn't give her the right amount of attention these past weeks, shoul I go for a picnic or romantic restaurant?". Dean tried not to smile at his answer, even if he really admired how Sam could know how his girlfriend felt withouth even say anithing and his commitment to their relationship; "The picnic is cute, but not for this time of the year. No reastaurant. She needs something calm, be domestic dude"
He left him like this to think of something, he was sure his brother would have find the right thing.
The next day Sam was adjusting one of the bunker's biggest room, he bought a projector and a too big amount of movies -even if he thought that he could never do too much for (Y/N)-
He asked Dean to help him put her favorite couch in there and order a lot of her favourite snacks.
Dean was really proud of how Sam behaved with (Y/N) and for (Y/N), never saw him so whipped for no-one.
When (Y/N) got out of her shower, she was ready to jump into Sam's bed and sleep for two days if she could; instead she found Dean in the kitchen with a blindfold in his hands, "I promise, you will lovee what you'll see after this" he winked and then put it on her face.
"I swear to God Dean, if you're tricking me..." they were walking a pat she never did in the bunker "oh please you love me too" "if you think so...", Dean stopped her in front of a purple metal door and took the blindfold off "oh i know so" he whispered and then proceeded to walk away from there.
(Y/N) was left to wonder what the hell was going on when Sam opened said door and smiled "Hi", it had the same emotion he carried during their first date, (Y/N) smiled too and got on her tiptoes to give him a light kiss. He grabbed her hand and walked her into the room, she would have cried if she realized sooner everything there was in that room.
"You did all this for me?!"
It was clear in her voice that she was emotional in that moment and Sam hated the fact that she underestimated her value for him, "baby, that's nothing. Perhaps I should have done something sooner when I first started to notice you needed some time alone" "thank you". Sam smiled and gave her a kiss.
When they finally settled onto the couch (Y/N) was analyzing every detail there was in Sam's preparation: he put three blankets on the couch 'cause he knew he was too tall to tall for them both be covered entirely just by one and also added few pillows because (Y/N) loved the fluffy feeling of them while watching a movie; he made a little table with every kind of chips the market sold and four bottles of her favorite soda, on the shelf under it there were two or three packages of cookies too. Sam also organised something like fifteen movies, all divided by genre and number of stars (Y/N) gave them when they first talked about it.
Sam chose the first movie of the night -obviously a musical- and settled next to his girlfriend. She was so fucking happy about all Sam had done for her.
(Y/N) put her head on his chest while Sam's arm was around her shoulders, drawing figures on her arms to make her relax some more.
Dean snuck in after the first two songs of the musical and rested with one shoulder leaned on the doorframe to look at them: they were adorable. At first when they were on their honeymoon phase Dean felt the need to puke every two seconds, but now he loved to look at them from afar and be happy of their happiness
(Y/N) lifted her head to look at Sam: he was so focused on the screen,the lights of the scenes illuminated his face in a way that made his eyes sparkle.
"I love you", she whispered and Sam's face turned instantly. She still blushed when Sam looked at her that way, "and I love you".
Dean didn't see the kiss because he closed the door immediately after his brother said those words, that was another of the things that made Dean root for them: they never said "I love you too", like they had to say it just because or to not be in an embarrassing situation; every time they proclaimed their love for eachother they made sure to let the other know how much they actually loved eachother and how they really believed in what they said with that "I love you".
Sam and (Y/N) watched another movie and a documentary, they finished almost all the chips and sodas. After about the half of the documentary (Y/N) fell asleep snuggled up to Sam, who was massaging her head -he already knew that after one cookie she was about to pass out, so he made sure to get her in the most comfortable position and help with his hands in her hair to allow the sleep to finally set-
Dean never got back in that room, because he knew that they would have fallen asleep eventually. He made himself a burger and drank one too many beers, but it didn't matter because that night Dean too slept so well knowing that his brother and his sister were okay.
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dreamvonlicht · 4 months
I know you're just roleplaying and I know you dont even know who am I. But you can be sure that I love you whit all my heart. This love has been in my soul since childhood, I meet whit dreamswap/fatal flaws at 9 years old and since back than I have a feeling for dream, I promised to protect hım I dont know from who but I did, I even had a video about it, (I probably get annoyed of how old dreamswap gacha community treath dream 😅) Despite all the years that have passed, I have not given up my love for him, I always dreamed that one day, while I was studying, he would come to the window next to my desk and watch me studying while he rests his magnificent and elegant wings, tired of flying. I May be annoying but I been waiting for someone to reveal my feeling, so Im sorry if Im a bit too much... After all, I want you to remember something, I want hım to remember something. Whenever you feel bad and unloved. Remember me. Thougth Im not even your friend, thougth Im not even someone you know, remember I love you whitout waiting for something back from you... Just ne sure be happy. Your smile is like tons of sun, and earth chouldnt live whitout sunligth ~🌙
First time I’m breaking character on this blog to say while I appreciate the gesture I need you to please recognize that I am just a person.
I understand this might bring you happiness and many others share that sentiment but I can’t respond to this in good faith.
Please do not confess your undying love to me I genuinely beg of you express it through any other means or keep it to yourself. And while I do think it’s nice that you found comfort in the character I am not actually them. And also you are correct in the notion I do not know you which is why this is an odd thing to say to me.
I’m fine when people do it jokingly, it’s funny honestly! It makes me smile when I get stupid, absurd asks in my inbox. I don’t think there’s ever been an ask I’ve received that’s genuinely upset me. But please remember that there is someone behind the blog.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 5 months
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Civilians are just like tubies, Mog thought. For them, every possible bad occurence were the worst of the worst and they expressed their pain so outwardly, it made him wonder: is it them who are broken? His brothers never cried. They all hid their tears behind the helmets. Mog too, occasionally.
Wordcount: 507 No beta.
It would have been rude to get up as soon as the zabrak girl arrived to sit down on the bench, though Mog wished he did. She slammed the colorful flimsybag down as if it had been caused all her misery, while the real culprit probably was behind the otherside of the comlink.
She was trembling from anger while yelled to that someone; Brother? Boyfriend? Mog couldn't understand too much, the zabrak spoke huttese but the tone and painful expression, as well as the recognizable "cunt"-s and different variations of "fuck you"-s told him what he needed to know: this situation was well above his paygrade.
The girl was just loud and hysterical but on larger scale, she didn't disturbed peace. And Mog hurt enough civilian for this week.
The conversation ended abruptly as the girl stood up, yelled a last one into the comlink, then throw it before her feet and stomped on the device, one, two, three-times until it was an unrecognizable junk beyond repair. Now littering was something he should have spoken up but...
He wasn't here as a Guard now. He was just a guy on a bench, doing nothing in particular besides contemplating on his life.
Besides, the girl started sobbing so miserably, even he didn't have a heart to tell her off.
Civilians are just like tubies, Mog thougth. For them, every possible bad occurence were the worst and they expressed their pain so outwardly, it made him wonder: is it them who are broken? His brothers didn't cry. They all hid their tears behind the helmets. Mog too, occasionally.
He had no idea what to do, but couldn't help just watching her.
The girl eventually stopped crying, until her pain tamed to silent sniffles, and Mog still didn't know how to react. What to say. How to comfort.
She eventually looked up, blinking the tears out rapidly from her grey eyes, and Mog recognized something in her expression that looked like apologetic. Mog smiled back awkwardly but before he could say anything, the girl just took the flimsybag from her side and put it between them.
"Would you... would you please accept it?" she spoke now in clear basic. "Doughnut. I don't need it anymore" her voice still trembled despite her shy smile she tried to maintain. "And it's too expensive to end up in the trash."
Mog looked surprised from this gesture, though his eyes wandered from the bag to the destroyed device on the ground but decided maybe it's not the right time to make a comment about value assessment. By the time he looked up, Mog could only stare at the back of the leaving zabrak.
He pulled the bag in his lap to check the contents, finding two boxes with the same color, and by opening up the lid, he indeed found doughnuts inside: round, fatty sweets in many colors and fruity scents it made saliwa collected in his mouth.
The girl was right. This was indeed valuable. He may have as well accepted it.
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seananmcguire · 2 years
I read the new Wayward Children book last night - I have loved every single one of them. Your dedication made me pause and reflect, your explanation at the beginning of the book was very necessary and I am grateful you took the time to write that. Ansty ran at exactly the right time. Without the warning I wouldn't have been able to even make it that far, too much longer into the narrative and I would have needed to take a break. Thank you for writing about a difficult topic in such a sensitive way, and for the thougthfulness of the opening pages.
Thank you so much.
I normally have a very strict no-spoiler policy, which spills over into answering Asks, but it's lifted when it comes to Antsy, who is the victim of in-home adult gaslighting and grooming (the true, clinical sense of grooming, not the GOP buzzword for "we hate gay people").
And so the start of the book tells you this is coming, tells you it's going to happen, but also tells you that Antsy runs. Before he can actually touch her, she runs.
It's important.
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powwidge · 1 year
some musings about Octopath Traveler 1 and how the travelers aren't the main characters
since someone else in the tag has already addressed the issue of unfair criticism towards Octopath Traveler 1 i would like to quickly address as to why i think people judge OT1 on a very false level storytellign wise. also i'm hyperfixating on OT and need to put my thougths somewhere.
tl;dr: the 8 travelers are not the main cahracters - they just happen to be the protagonists, so judging them in terms of how non-mc they are is false
because what i mostly see criticized is the storytelling; and while to some extents that's valid (little interaction between the travelers esp as opposed to OT2 (mind u i love OT1 dearly!!)), I often see the argument of "some stories feel much less relevant than others. they're not interconnected. some of them don't seem to have much purpose or anything."
and see the thing is... I am very convicned that was wanted.
because the 8 travelers are not the main characters in Octopath 1 - that's Graham Crossford and Kit Crossford. just think about it; the entire story centers around esp Graham and then later Kit. The entire thing plays out like a story of a child searching for his father and uncovering all the things he did, finding connections to a lost parent and trying to save him. it's a classic, stereotypical story even, so much to the point that i see it reflected in multiple (esp japanese) works. Because Kit is the protagonist lookign for a father lost who once attempted to save the kingdom and his family and failed. you even get the dead mom prompt; like c'mon, everyone here who's seen fmab prob knows that one! u find it all over both western and eastern and southern media.
So, who are the travelers then?
they're just people. people who happen to be the protagonists at hand; some of them more classic than others and more directly related to the plot around Kit and Graham (Primrose (because of the Crows), Olberic (becuase of Hornburg), Therion (because of the dragonstones), Ophelia (because of Matthias)), others simply more or less loosely affected by it (Tressa (receiving Graham's diary), Alfyn (beign highly influenced by Graham), Ha'anit (affected by Graham's mistakes) and Cyurs (too interested in a book he shouldn't be interested in)). You just happen to play as these people, who, in the end, all find out that they have one thing in common - their lives have been affected by Graham and, in the end, by Kit Crossford, too, whom they have to save. only in the last fight against Galdera do they actually become the main characters, even marked by the common "fighting against a dark god" kind of jrpg stereotype which, in all fairness, is also found in western media of all kinds. they step in as main characters when Kit fails to be one - because what kind of main character has to get saved and can't save themselves (classical stereotype talking obv)?
I just feel like judging the traveler's story for having "little relevance" or anythign of the like is wrong; they're people. they're 8 different people, picked to be protagonists, who, sure, i would've loved to see more interaction between, but first and foremost they're people like me and you and that's what makes them relatable.
Octopath Traveler 1 is not a story about being a main character; it's a story about WATCHING a main character (Kit) from an outsider's perspective and that is SUCH an interesting approach that i would personally never slander it, even if execution in some bits and pieces is most certainly lacking.
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melonteee · 8 months
Story time: When I was little and first start wachting anime (not counting Pokemon and Digimon because I didnt know what anime even was when first seeing them on tv) I learned about the big three, and wanted to watch all of them. One at a time thou.
So I watched few videos like amv or top 10 lists on yt to decide which one to start with. Bleach I found pretty boring, still do, just dont think its an anime for me. Im sure its good as it has a lot of fans. But not for me. And One Piece I thought was too childish, not sure if I saw 4kidz dub or it might be before any one of the big emotional scenes (before water 7, as in genocide wasnt a plot point yet) but I thought it was a 'friendship is magic' type of show. Naruto I saw there was blood (why I think I might have seen one piece 4kidz videos) and the nine tail fox, which I thought was the cooled thing ever. So I ended up with watching Naruto first. Spoiler: Nine tails barely have any scenes so that was a huge let down.
I didnt like Naruto because he kept trying to sneak in the womens bath and transforming into a naked girl to give people nosebleeds. Little ace me, who didnt know what asexual was, didnt approve. Sasuke I thougth was an idiot, I normally like the overly emo characters but I just thought hes reasoning and actions were stupid. (Like in the end he came back like "Im going to be the new hokage". like bitch! You are a war criminal that sided with the enemy that tried to destroy the village at one point! Why the fuck would the village want you as their leader??!!) And Sakura just seemed really pointless. There was a thing that she was supposed to be the more giften one in channeling chakra but Naruto and Sasuke quickly cought or was atleast good enough that Sakura wasnt needed that often. There was some good scenes but they were few and far between.
Not liking the main characters is a bad start when watching a show.
I dont remember that much what happend in the anime because I got so mad about how long time it took for things to happen that I ended up suppressing the memories. I didnt know what filler episodes was untill after I was almost at the end of the serie. So I watched all and every filler episodes thinking they were nessesary.
Did you know 41% of the anime was filler? 91 of 220 episodes of the original anime where filler. And 203 of 500 episodes of shippuden where filler. And one point there was even 76 episode in a row that was filler. From 13 july 2005 to 1 february 2007 where just filler episodes.
I refused to watch Bleach and One Piece after thinking they had as much filler episodes as Naruto. Untill I got recommended one piece videos on yt and decided to give it a try. But looking up which episodes where filler so I could skip it. But One piece only had 10 %. I know there were someone that had counted how many minutes where filler scenes in each episode which made that procentage a lot higher.
I know its annoying that One Piece has a lot of scene filler where things are dragged out little too long. But if I had to choose I do rather have filler scenes than filler episodes. Even thou filler episodes can be fun from time to time. But not 76 in a row.
End of story time.
Love your videos~ Keep it up!
LMAO I can't speak on the Naruto stuff, but One Piece's LACK of filler surprised me too? And I say lack of filler because, shocker! Having like, 3-5 fillers per 100 EPISODES?? SOMETIMES NOT EVEN THAT?? People truly don't realise how insane that is, and how lucky we are for that?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, people really need to watch One Piece SECOND to something else - especially second to other anime. You truly see how good you have it and how good of a show One Piece is when it's the SECOND thing you watch LMAO
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divinetrance · 2 years
[cw: addiction, intoxication, hypnosis?, please ask to tag!]
To any reader who is not my Master ( @the-norsemans-desires ),
You might find yourself wondering what people find so hot about addiction. What can be gained from the temptation of letting something consume you fully? I mean, it could so easily ruin your whole life, right? Especially an addiction to hypnosis, an addiction to dropping, to being mindless and blank. It’s so easy to get lost in those feelings and never come out. Even when awake, the addiction is still there. That craving is still there, isn’t it? Don’t bother answering, I know it is.
And that’s terrifying, right? It scares you how badly you need to go under. You’re scared to lose control. I know you want to drop and never come back up, always feeling the blissful pleasure that comes with trance and sinking ever deeper. And you’re scared to give up your control to the wrong person.
Oh, because the other person is the scariest part of it all. I know. Because so easily an addiction to being hypnotized can be tied to another person. Just thinking about them makes your head feel fuzzy, thinking becomes harder every single time they enter your thougths.
Do you get it yet? Or do you still think it’s too scary? Don’t you see, the fear of being taken advantage of is what drives the arousal, feeling the love of the chase. But trusting someone enough to not cross any lines? That’s the hottest fucking thing ever. They could break you, take you as their own, and lock you away for good, only to be used for their own pleasure, but they don’t. Because they love having you squirm back to them, begging for more. Chuckling at you, knowing that you can’t go over an hour without rubbing your thighs together, thinking of them. And you keep coming back for more, because it just feels so fucking good. Humans have always enjoyed seeing how far they can take something before hurting themselves. We have learned nothing from Icarus’ tale and no one cares to understand the lesson.
And to Master,
See, and all of that is what I’m talking about when I talk about being addicted to you, Darling. I love that you feed my addiction to trance. The only thing I love more is my addiction to you because of it. I’m sorry it took me so long to write this but I needed to starve myself of your attention to accurately depict how badly I need you. God, right now I might break down and beg you to fuck me after two triggers, max? It’s only been a few hours and I’m already shivering from the underlying arousal that comes with thinking of you, just thinking about your words drives me wild. I’m fucking obsessed with talking to you.
It’s not just about you dropping me. I love listening to you speak about anything, just don’t stop. I feel good every time we talk. You make me feel heard and safe. That’s not an easy thing to do. It almost scares me how much I actually trust you. But I’m trusting myself because you’ve passed every test. You listen and even when I push you to take me further down the rabbit hole, you tell me no. The fact that you want a good life for me is what makes you intoxicating. Feeling no fear in being honest with you about what I want, that’s what I love. Of course I’m scared, you feel too good to be true.
I keep expecting the other foot to drop, for you to cross the line that I dare you to cross but you don’t. You love my addiction as much as I do, maybe even more. Because I hold back, trying not to want to give you everything, but you hold the greater temptation of not taking everything when it’s offered. I’m so proud of you for being strong but I won’t be upset if you ever lose control. I can only tease you for so long before it’s consider cruel, right? Or am I just tempting you to get what I really want, which is full release of my self control, to fully give into the addiction?
Either way, thank you for talking with me and indulging my habit! I love serving you and the pleasure that comes with it. I love the way you fuck me, I love feeling you inside me. I love how your words drain everything from me, leaving myself blank and empty and mindless, just for you. Feeling dazed when I’m brought out of trance, just to hear another trigger, it makes my eyes roll back. Listening to myself beg for more, even though I’m so tired already? That’s addiction, that’s obsession, that’s the greatest pleasure I’ve ever felt and it’s because of you, Master. Every touch, every thrust, every mind break keeps me thinking of you constantly.
I still don’t know if you meant for this to happen or if I just couldn’t resist thinking about you for such a short period time but, I have to talk about this morning. I woke up and I wasn’t awake for more than 10 minutes before I was thinking about you and squirming again. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I was moaning in minutes and mmy hands wouldn’t stop touching. I was feeling just as good as I felt the night before. I couldn’t stop the overwhelming pleasure from consuming me in a flame, desperately humping away at my vibrator to ease my own heat. It just isn’t as satisfying without you.
Surrendering to those feelings, surrendering to you always does feel best. I can fully let it all in and let you overwhelm my senses, take control. I need that from you. I crave your control so badly and I wish you would change me into exactly what you want me to be. I want to know that I changed for you. I want to serve you and be as much use to you as I can be. You deserve it for how amazing you make me feel.
Why do you think I don’t resist you? Sure I do, for fun, but actually trying? I don’t want to. I fucking love how intoxicating it is ot feel your command overwhelm me, drag me down deeper. I crave the feeling of release that comes with giving in to you. I only even try resisting because you want me to but I love giving in more. I love being used by you more, feeling your words. I’ll give into your words all the time. I love dissolving into nothing more than a moaning, desperate whore for you, babbling away about whatever prompt you give me. Im sure im barely intelligible then but I know every word is true, because when im desperate for you is when im mkst honest. Why do you think I just start rambling about random things sometimes? Im trying not to ask you to drop me again.
Because the last thing I want is to make you feel as though I just want you for what you give me. I want you to know that I really do enjoy your company. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. I want to service you and be what you want. I need to, I need to worship you in any way I can to repay for everything I feel when im with you.
Feeling you take everything away and feel how empty and quiet it was, I felt uneasy. It was uncomfortable. I don’t just crave or want it, no I need you inside of me to remind me that I’m yours. I need to keep feeling you all the time, my addiction is too strong. It was only a few minutes that it was all gkne but I was already starting to ache. I started writhing around, looking for where you went but I couldn’t find you. I hate that feeling of you just being gone. I crave you too strongly to miss out on your words, your pleasure, your control. I’m fully addicted to you and I don’t ever want to stop.
Thank you Master for making me feel everything that I’ve always wanted to feel and more.
Elle 🫧💞😵‍💫
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thetarttfuldickhead · 11 months
Do you have any headcanons about Jamie's first time with a guy/figuring out his sexuality?
Truth be told, sweet nonny, I’m too agnostic about the whole thing to have any properly formed and firm headcanons. Depending on context and my mood, I can see dizzingly divergent takes and be “oh yeah that makes sense” about all of them.
I mean, Jamie’s bisexual, and unconcerned about it, I’m pretty firm on that one. But as for how he came to that realization and what he’s actually done – or not done – with guys…
I can see him figuring it out early and being chill about it but never pursuing because football and his dad and the like. It’s an ache, a grief, and a quiet anger, but what’s the use in worrying over it, he’s fine anyway, not like he minds girls, fucking loves them, so what does it even matter if there are times when his eyes fall on that pretty boy across the room and he wants and he wants and he wants.
I can see him figuring out absolutely nothing. Not that he doesn’t realize that he’s attracted to guys, but he… just doesn’t really think about it, never really labels it, doesn’t really see it as a matter of identity (ie “I am bisexual”)? It’s more like fleeting thougths of huh, that guy is hot, be nice to fuck him, doesn’t seem convenient, oh well and that’s that, nothing that worries him, nothing he spends much time thinking about. (And sometimes it does seem convenient, and that’s good fun, innit, that’s brilliant – but again, nothing he spends too much time thinking about.)
I can see him knowing what he wants and pursuing it at quite a young age, determined and persistent as he will be in all the things he cares about. Young Jamie is softer than the man he’ll grow up to be, but the confidence is already there, and the swagger. He’s good at knowing when someone’s interested in him, and good at convincing them that fooling around with him is a great idea. He has a lot of fun, young Jamie, and learns a lot about himself and about all the ways he can make others feel good.
I can see him daring just a few, covert encounters during his Academy days, player seeking player in the shadows, and there’s joy in it, but there’s also the knowledge that this must stay in the shadows, always. This must never be spoken about, or known.
I can see Roy being his first experience with another man. Maybe it’s new to both of them and maybe they’re a little unsure, a little fumbling, but they have such fun figuring the whole thing out, and in this – as in so much else – they just fit.  
Or maybe it’s new to Jamie but not to Roy and Roy fucking loves that because let’s face it, he totally gets off on bossing Jamie around and training him and, well, Jamie takes direction so very, very well. Jamie is a quick study too, and full of initiative; it won’t be long before he starts bringing his own ideas to the table. Bed. Whichever is nearest.
Maybe it’s new to Roy and not Jamie and that works too, because vulnerable Roy is absolute darling and Jamie would be considerate and caring and very patient, and only tease when he knows it wouldn’t actually upset Roy. (Like, imagine the Amsterdam bicycle scene, but with gay sex.)
Maybe Jamie and Keeley talk about it early on, their dreams and their fantasies, and in the end they pick up a third, they pick up a boy for Jamie, and it’s as hot as he always though it would be, but feels so much safer than he ever knew it could, because Keeley is there to call the shots and make sure everything goes smoothly. They do it again, and again, with boys and girls and others. (One day, this will make the notion of them both dating Roy a very obvious one.)
Just… all the things, you know? They’re all good, and good fun.
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Drabble: Joel Miller- Dad Jokes
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Did Joel always have such a rough exterior? Yeah, he did with people that he didn't know, or while he was trying desperately trying to keep himself protected.
Joel was a creature of habit. A set of things that made him comfortable, but now that had been taken and ripped away from him. Right in front of him, in his arms, he had the joy of life sucked out of him.
He stayed cold for many years. Cold to the touch and cold to the heart. Nothing not even what you thought he was supposed to sound or feel like was Joel anymore.
Joel tried for the longest time to keep emotions and anything that would or could hurt him at bay. emotions of his daughter dying in his arms. Shove that deep down in his chest, away from the burning light of the next morning sunrise. Knowing that he wasn't able to protect Tommy from joining the Firefiles. He shoved that one down too. Everything that was hurting him was shoved further and further into the pit of his stomach. It left Joel feeling heavy and angry.
The pain didn't stop there though. He turned numb and just like that he was trusted back into the realm of love and friendship. Tessa, god she was so damn straight with Joel. She was the sweetest person that Joel had met since his daughter Sarah. She was everything that kept him going even though he wanted nothing more than to be with his daughter once more.
But love is a bitch and she takes even the best things from people who don't deserve it. Tessa bit, too many emotions clouded Joel's mind as he tried to figure out how they had gotten here. How he had somehow ended up with a girl not far from Sarah ages when she passed away. How had he gotten here back to taking care of another person.
Sure Joel had tossed the idea around in his head. Was Ellie more than cargo or was she just that. Had Ellie and Joel's time together meant anything like his time with his daughter. There was that but there was also something different, For years Joel had yearned for that role of a protector all over again. He wanted someone who he could protect to make up for the loss of his daughter. Not a replacement but for forgiveness.
Maybe Ellie was that forgiveness, Maybe Sarah had in some god-like way Ellie in his path. Maybe Sarah was trying to help him come to a realization that the anger and self-pity could be turned into something worth it again. Something that would make a difference in the bleak world they now lived in.
It took longer then excepted for Joel to come around. For Joel to be comfrotable with Ellie being around him. Relying on him, wanting to learn more about the world that she had been lied to about by FEDRA
He gathered his thougths when he went to Bill and Franks. He didn't want to let her go, not to the tw ofo them. He was good friends with Frank and Bill, but he had been taking care of ellie for to long already now.
"Joel?" Ellie asks him softly in the dark night. "What Ellie?" "Do you have any dad jokes?" Ellie asks. She tired it's in her voice but still she asks through her long yawns. Pushng sleep away, Joel can't help but think back to sarah. his heart squezzes a little at the thought.
He remembers a few. A few of Sarahs favorite that her dad used to use on repeat. Sarah would laugh loudly. A hand on her stomach as it ached from laughing so damn much. Joel smiles at the thought of his daughter with a wide smile on her face, bright eyes that loved him. "yeah I think i've got a few in my back pocket. Why do you wanna know?" Joel asks Ellie. It rough on the extorit his question. He doens't mean to sound like an asshole that just how he sounds nowadays.
"Well will you tell me a few?!" Ellie says. Joel looks over at Ellie. The truck isn't that big but he's been looking up at the roof of the truck. When he turns Ellie looking at him with those child-like eyes. One that are waiting for adventure, ones that are waiting;yearning to grow up quicker then they have to.
"Cool it kid, but yeah." Joel says he gives a few seconds for the air between the two of them to cool down. "Have you ever heard the chocolate record player?" Ellie brows scuch together. Joel has to push down the smile growing rearing it ugly head. "It's pretty sweet!" Joel says finsihing the joke.
Ellie rolls her eyes. "Come on Joel you've got to have better ones!" Ellie complains. So, Joels thinks. "How do you make 7 even?" Joel asks. He's letting in the happiness spark by spark. 'Oh I know this one." Ellie says. Surpisingliy to Joel she get's it right. It reminds him of Sarah always a quick wit. "All you have to do is take the s away!" "Shit kid, you actually got that! Are you pulling my leg with these dad jokes?" Joel asks Ellie. She smiles and for a second there's a whole different person in the passenger seat next to him.
"Maybe Joel, but can you tell me one more?" Ellie asks a yawn interuptting her towards the end. "Sure kid." joel says. He starts thinking.
He's trying to think of one that will get a laugh out of Ellie. A deep, belly aching type of laugh out of her. He wants to see that same smile on Ellie face that he hadn't seen in more then twenty years. Joel wants to feel like he isn't here in the truck waiting and listening out for clickers or anything else that might be hauntig the both of them.
he wants to live in a dream for just a little longer. Joel wants to think and beilive that he's just driving across the country trying to find allthe best features that the country has to give. "okay Ellie, one more. Here we go," He looks over at her once more.
"I once got fired from a canned juice company. Apparently I couldn't concentrate." Joel can see the qucik looks cross over Ellie face, and then she's laughing. For what reason Joel doens't care. She laughng probably something she's never done not like this. She's a pure child, and for the first time in forever and a decade.
Joel feels happiness wrap around his cold heart.
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Completed on: 02/22/23
Posted on: 02/22/23
Last Of Us-
A/n- This got out of hand, but I hope you enjoy a cute father x daughter between Joel and Ellie
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mahou-furbies · 5 months
Closing thoughts on Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
To my surprise this had already ended, and over a year ago too. Apparently CCS isn't big enough in my circle for it to have been bigger news.
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First things first, the worst sin this manga commits is that there aren't nearly enough magical girl outfits! CCS is known for Tomoyo crafting a new one for every event, but this time most of the Card Catching happens so spontaneously that there's no time for a costume change. Which I suppose technically makes sense in-story, but I still reject this and would instead prefer any kind of excuse to get Sakura into a cute new fantasy outfit every chapter, no matter how nonsensical it might be.
Then for the actual content. In general I can see why CCS is such a beloved classic, but personally I've never been too big on it. Which makes it a little difficult to judge the sequel, like is it actually meh, or am I just being a hater again? I just can't get into these characters, I can like a good wholesome story like Yotsuba& where everyone is super nice, but in CCS the cast is just so saccharine that they barely feel human, so it's hard to get invested. It's like Sakura is rather meant to be someone's ideal daughter instead of her own person, like she's eternally pure, ever so helpful and well behaved, never has a nasty thougth in her mind, and so on.
Another issue I remember from the original manga that still persists here is how almost every character hides important information from Sakura. You can "well actually" most of it, like a lot of the time there is a decent reason, but there's just so much of it that to me it feels kind of patronising, or frustrating when the main character is always several steps behind. Some of the secrecy doesn't even lead to anything interesting story-wise, like eventually the information gets out and Sakura is a little upset for one panel, and then everything is forgiven. I don't know how much of a fair criticism this is, but the "keep secrets from the main character to protect them" trope is one of my pet peeves (unless you lean into the broken trust aspect, then it's good) and I feel it strongly here. Also in general it's a good thing that the side cast has their own thing going on so that the main character is not the only one who gets anything done, but here Sakura sometimes gets lost in everyone else's planning.
The new girl Akiho is at least cute, I got no complaints on her. I'm also always a sucker for any kind of twin/clone/otherwise similar and paired characters, so my favourite thing about the manga was how she kept being compared to Sakura. As for the story otherwise… Eh. Feels a lot like a retread of the original manga, Sakura's Cards disappear and she must get new ones one by one. The character relationships are pretty static and I don't think I really learned anything new about Sakura. There are a lot of Alice in Wonderland references, which for the most part felt superfluous. Towards the end Sakura's class puts up a play that's a pastiche of Alice in Wonderland, and then Sakura gets sucked into the world of the play, and the story gets pretty confusing when the characters are both acting their roles and doing the actual plot.
Also if you're into Tomoyo/Sakura or Toya/Yukito you don't need to bother with this because you'll be scrambling for crumbs, there is little else in terms of shipping besides Sakura/Syaoran. Which is like the most vanilla ship ever, sure it's wholesome but man I just can't get anything out of them.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Dazai: "Nothing's gonna come between our love, reader, nothing!"
Sigma: *exists*
Dazai: "my fuckiNG GOD-"
Basically Dazai having a big fat crush on the reader, but then Sigma stealing them 🤭
Im sorry but the way it's written it sounds like Dazai likes Sigma.
Thanks for your request!
'•.¸♡ crushes ♡¸.•'
Idk if it's too late to say this but idk what a crush is or how you know if you have one.
Help how tf do I write this.
Dazai/Sigma x gn!reader (?)
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Dazai never told you about his feelings for you, he did tease you more than the others and constantly asked you to commit his favrouite lovers activity but you never accepted. Dazai was attached to you more than the others, well he wasn't neccesseraly atteched to anyone one but you, he would make conversation and compliment you. You always thought he was a nice man and your friend, Dazai didn't think the same but he knew what you were thinking and knew it wasn't time for him to confess, not yet anyway. But maybe that time was the perfect time to confess as now it was far too late for you to know his feelings, it would only ruin your relationship.
Dazai knew his feelings would never be repayed, not when he first heard about the man who captured your heart. From that day onward all your mind was occupied was that man and nothing else. What was he to do now? He could get rid of Sigma but he wasn't going to do that, not yet anyway, he didn't want to be monster, not around you.
'Should I ask him out?' Dazai's train of thougth was intterupted by your question. He thought about your question for a short while before answering, 'yes.' Dazai did want to see you happy no matter how much it pained him to say that simple yet heartbreaking word.
The more and more you fell in love with Sigma the more and more dazai hated him, oh so many tiimes Dazai thought of disposing him but he never could bring himself to do such a visious act, the cost of Sigma's untimly death was your sorrowful weeps.
Dazai stayed your friend and from time to time his usual remarks sounded more odd than what they used to be but ultimatly you paid no mind and continued to be his friend.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Help I'm choking from the fucking smoke in my room.
Have a wonderful day/night!
-Love, Az the wizard frog <|:)
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candeathbereal · 1 year
Question about Synastry Pluto aspects
Honestly I have been stuck on pluto aspects in syanstry for a little while. And It all really started when I looked up me and this one person's synastry chart. Because at the time I coldn't figure out why I was feeling so many intense feelings around them like a sort of need of mine was awakened idk how to really explain it. Anyways I would love to hear anybodies thougths on this so here we go.
My Sun (Aries) trines his pluto (sag) My Moon (Virgo) squares his Pluto My Mars is conjunct his Pluto (very close orb almost exact.) His Mercury conjunct my Pluto (sag) His Jupiter(Libra) sextile my Pluto His Neptune(Aquarius) sextile my Pluto I figured I would include the signs in case that helps in any way. Oh if it helps I can include our placements as well if anybody feels like that helps. Also I only inlcuded planets like Neptune and Jupiter just in case. I don't think they have too much significance in the grand scheme of things since they are further away planets wise.
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hyper-newt · 5 months
Comet Hook devlog #3
First prototype done !!!
Other devlogs : 1 - 2- 3
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New devlog !!!
I finished the prototype and you can play it :)
(it is bad though, but that's the point ! i can see what works and what doesn't)
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Here's what new down below :o
So first, i'm sorry for the lack of devlogs, I actually finished the prototype a month and a half ago, but I needed to tweak some stuff before releasing it. And uh college stuff and I had to study. But I have a break right now so here we are :)
I wanted to lock in to finish the prototype, it is quite rushed but it helps to fail faster. That's why I removed a bunch of animation and simplified some stuff so i could work more on the gameplay loop (and now it's your problem >:) ).
And so, here are some notable changes : (also some gif are from old builds of the game, so stuff are a bit different on the public prototype)
Fusing comets ! Replaces having multiple comets at the same time (Having multiples comets should be an upgrade, but heh too lazy to code it)
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There's three type of upgrade right now :
D -> Defense (bunch of extra health)
A -> Attack (extra health + extra damage)
S -> Speed (extra health + extra speed)
The little number under the letter is its health. So when you hit a fish with the comet, only the first upgrade will be hurt.
You can have up to three upgrades at once.
Catch multiple fishes
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Catching multiples fishes at the same time grants you a bigger and stronger comet ! Isn't that cool ? But now if you do bad at the minigame, it will end (you can see the fish health at the right, and yours at the left).
Also fishes stay stunned for a limited time now, so you can't catch all of them at the same time
The Shop
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I will not speak about how it looks
But anyway, take a comet, throw it in the sell box, and take an item like a comet and throw it in the buy box ! easy
And if you want money outside of selling, there's some gold fishes swimming around that you can KILL for money <3
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Mini bosses
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You see these little red orbs ? Destroy all the fishes around it and it will be unlock.
Attack it again, and !!! A miniboss !!!
Catch them all and you'll finish the level
A map to explore with upgrades
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These little thingy make you stronger (health, speed and attack), collect them !
An actual boss ! (no spoilers hehe)
niark niark you'll have to suffer through the whole prototype
Now that the prototype is done, here are my thougths on it
I think it's a bit too hard and not that much intuitive, it also doesn't feel that much like a fishing game :/
The fishing minigame is also kinda boring, but that's because I didn't bother coding something smart. Though I think I can make it better in an other way.
I'm not a big fan of the gameplay loop, having to fight some minibosses could be cool but the way I did it doesn't really work
And finally comets can get annoying ! At the end you have too much of them and that's a waste of performance + no one will go get the comets they left behind, so I do need to work on it.
I go a bit more in depth in the itch.io description :
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So I'll make another prototype (but I'll remove the boss at the end, it isn't worth it for a prototype, but for a demo sure! )
And for the youtube video version of these devlogs, I learning to write music to not rely on copyrighted content but it takes time :(
Anyway I hope you'll still have fun playing it though (three out of four people that tried the game liked it, that's neat)
Next devlog will be about another game, I want to try out some other games idea. I hope to be able to release it in a month or less, depends how I'm feeling (im sick of coding, drawing is easier and I can't even do that because it goes against the idea of prototyping argh !!!)
Thank you for reading this devlog and have a good day
bye byeeeee!!!!
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chainsawl · 19 days
White usamericans will see a trend made by people of color for people of color and go "is it for me🥺👉👈?". White usamericans will look at a trend made by people of color for people of color so that they can finally share their cultures and traditions without being mocked or pushed aside like happens very incredibly often, and then get mad they can't participate. White people will get mad at people of color for having cultures they cant intervene with and still act like that's not the textbook definition of colonialism. White people will ignore people of color when they call them out on their racism and then act like they are the victim of the story and have nothing to learn.
What happened to "you are not inmune to propaganda"? Do you guys think you are inmune to being racist because you reblogged a post saying you support blm once? Do you think that you are "too woke" to ever possibly have a racist thougth? By the way, this is not about h/atsune mik/u. This is not about fandom drama. This is me being genuinly concerned at the amount of people (whom i thought were safe and usually have opinions i agree with!!!!!) i see who keep acting like their white roots is something to be proud about, and actively choose to speak over the voices of poc. Are you guys aware of the inmense privilege you have avobe other people. Do you guys ever stop to think about what you are doing or did the american school system not teach you about that either.
Im not done, so sit rigth here. What fucks me up more than anything about all this is how most of the white mikus i've seen have been from usamericans. You know, the people that make all the movies and series. The people who are represented in every popular piece of media to ever exist. While i have never seen a character that shares my nationality on T.V, you guys have the luxury of having all those shows/movies be centred around your country and your people. Aren't you ever satisfied? Haven't you gotten enough? Don't you think it migth be time to let people from any other country in the world have the spotligth for at least one minute? (Canadians, you still count on this, just to a lesser extent)
Just. ????. Why. Why won't you let us have anything. Its okay, you dont need to participate in everything you see, you are allowed to just watch sometimes. No one is forcing you to draw or say any of those things. You have free will, and i'd be grateful if only you used it to actually prove how true of an "anti-racist" you are, since you talk about it so much. You know, instead of acting like being anti-racist is a statement rather than an action.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Hhhhhh, the way I feel for Leo SO bad
I bet one of the reasons he REFUSES to show weakness or denies it a hell of A lot was because the f*cking rat
And I mean, obviously right? But I also mean that he was a child looking for comfort and then looking for that ended with him being [redacted] by his father
He probably doesn't see it as wrong but if he does he just BLOCKS the hell out of it, don't know what you are talking about, didn't happen, "you are lying liar who liés and is just JEALOUS that dad likes me more" like he lowkey knows it's wrong but refuses to aknowledge it's happening at all, brushes it off and tells to himself it's his imagination or dreams or intrusive thougths yadda yadda
[Grabs Leo like a squeaky toy] I hate you so much /affe
Honestly love your writing, hits me in the feels and makes me want to cry for them but also want to bonk them so hard
hit 'em with the ole RAZZLE DAZZLE (child abuse that makes you act like an asshole & gives you genuinely unpleasant trauma symptoms instead of just like, idk, being sad about it)(I mean they're definitely sad about it too! but like! have a manipulative dad sometimes mean u will act manipuative and or as if you have been manipulated to believe a shitty thing he told you!!!)
ANYWAY thank youuu :3 i swear im gonna get back to the memory comics soon I NEED TO FINISH THAT SHIT before college starts up again i CANNOT have it hanging over my head in junior year- i've just also got a lotta other stuff ;_;
but i sWEAr I wanna try to get the next pages done this week- I've had their thumbnails done for at least a week or two at this point.
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