#I hope you will have a wonderful June! ^^
meazalykov · 2 days
lena oberdorf (romantic) x lea schūller (platonic) x reader
warnings: angst (but there's a hopeful ending)
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the crisp air of the training center fills your lungs as you take in the familiar sight of the pitch for the first time since june. its now august and since you’ve won silver in the olympics last month for your country, you’re feeling confident about coming back onto the pitch.
you've been a striker for bayern munich since 2022, and with ewa’s recent departure from wolfsburg to barcelona, you're now recognized as the best forward in the Bundesliga. your teammates look up to you and respect you as much as you love and respect them .
today is different, though. you’ve been through the new season routine once so far, so this is the second. there are new faces joining the team, and this is where you’re the most tense. you love to welcome new players onto the team, but your social anxiety makes you overthink every little detail.
one person who's joining bayern stands out in particular: lena oberdorf, the talented midfielder whos coming from wolfsburg. you know lena well from her reputation on the field, and the amount of times she nearly broke your ankles on the field— which lead to you yelling at her angrily— but she’s also well-acquainted with most of your teammates from the german national team.  so, you hope that you guys can start off on a nice path.
you walk out from the dressing room onto the grassy pitch to see most of your teammates gathered around lena, whos dressed in the red training kits— odd. you’re used to seeing the taller girl in green. however, you push that thought to the back of your mind as you approach lena and the rest of the group, offering a warm smile as the group acknowledges your presence. 
“sorry i’m late, what's going onnnn?” you speak up. at first, you look over to one of your closest friend at bayern, lea. you cross your arms in a natural stance as some of the other girls are relieved at seeing you, wondering if you’d be late. 
“oh nothing much. we have some fresh meat on the team though–” lea says as she lightly punches lena on the shoulders, the ex-wolfsburg player punches her back. this caused a giggle to come out of you awkwardly, as you didn’t introduce yourself to her yet. 
“hey! i’m y/n” you smile as you reach your arms out to hug lena. she smirks at you as you both share an embrace. you felt warm in her arms and she smelled good, like a nice scent of coconut. 
“oh i know you– i’m lena.” she says before pulling away from the hug, which you do the same. all of the other girls have their eyebrows knitted with curious looks as they’re noticing your interactions. 
“welcome to bayern– i’m sorry for the amount of times i’ve started fights with you on the pitch.” you cross your arms again. lena and you laughed at the old memories. 
in one particular game last season— you went to shoot the ball into the goal before you felt a cleat smack into your left ankle. the same left ankle you’ve sprained during international break months before the incident. you fell to the ground in anger, not because of the missed goal but your fear towards a possible ankle injury. after figuring out– from the absence of pain–  that you were okay, you stood up and confronted lena in her face. 
the ref already gave her a yellow card for side tackling your body— but you felt as if you needed to get words in yourself. your teammates pulled you back– with sydney reminding you that everything is alright– but you were still angry. sometimes lena had provoked you in other games against wolfsburg, which made it worse. 
that's why your bayern teammates look at you guys in shock, noticing that there is an instant connection between the two of you. none of them expected this. some expected the air to be filled with awkwardness as you arrived, standing just 2 feet beside lena. 
“its all good– theres no worries.” lena says, even though she is aware that she started some of the fights between you guys too. 
over time, the simple interactions turned into something more. 
during training, lena’s looks towards you lingered for longer than it had to. she’s found you attractive since the first time you guys clashed together, sometimes provoking you so you’d give her more (individual) attention, but now you are both on the same team. 
during the first game against juventus, you scored from outside the box which excited the crowd and your teammates. after running towards the corner with your arms out wide– in your typical celebration— you turned around and noticed that lena is the first one on your arms. you hugged her tightly and put your head on her shoulders as the other girls circled around to congratulate you. 
after the game, you asked lena if she wanted to grab coffee the morning after. at first, you thought about inviting her to your apartment to watch a movie– which is what you always do to wind down after a game and taking a long shower after– but you figured that taking her to your apartment might imply something different. so, you went with something easier.
the coffee dat- hang out lasted for about four hours. lena and you talking to each other felt natural, and easy. lena's presence becomes a comforting part of your routine overtime, and soon, she's more than just the wolfsburg player you had tension with– now she's a teammate; and a friend.
one evening, after a recovery session, you both decide to grab dinner at a nearby café in munich. you introduced lena to this cafe, which is funny because she's the german one and not you. the conversation flows effortlessly, as per usual.
"you know, i was nervous about joining bayern due to the amount of hate i received," lena admits, taking a sip of her drink. "but you guys made the process so easy."
"i’m glad that you’re here lena," you reply, sincerity in your voice. 
however, the bond between lena and you doesn’t go unnoticed with the team. georgia and sydney, pull you aside one december afternoon in the locker room. they had enough with you ditching their weekly plans to go spend time with lena instead. 
their expressions are serious, tinged with concern. this scared you at first because you’ve never seen them in this way. 
"y/n, listen," georgia starts, her eyes searching yours as you looked at her with nervousness. "you’re ditching us for lena because we think you have feelings for her."
the words hit you. internally, you start to panic. it's true, of course. you've known for a while now, but admitting it to others, and even to yourself, has been a struggle. your last relationship was an abusive nightmare. this causes you to shut yourself out and build walls around your heart. 
vulnerability is a luxury you can't afford, not after everything you've been through.
"ha-ha.. you're imagining things," you deflect, trying to sound casual. "lena and I are just friends."
sydney crosses her arms, giving you a knowing look as her eyes widened. "don’t lie! we see the way you look at her. it's okay to have feelings, you know."
you swallow hard, your mind racing. "i don’t–ugh– i just can’t, guys. I just... I can't go through that again." you stutter, not knowing what to say exactly. you hoped that nobody would confront you on this.
"you can't let what happened with that ex of yours control you," georgia says softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. "lena's different. she would never do that to you– i’d kill her if she did– we all know that you’d treat each other so good."
after that conversation in the dressing room– you start to distance yourself from lena–withdrawing into the mental shell you've built for self-preservation. 
at first, lena seems confused, her attempts to reach out to you becoming more frequent and insistent. at first, she thought you were sick. until she noticed that you’d go hang out with other players on the team– like sydney, georgia, ana, and giulia.
"y/n, what's going on?" lena asks you one day at practice, her voice a mixture of concern and frustration. it was the last training before the quarterfinals of the champion’s league against PSG, which was the topic on everyone's minds lately– except for lena and y/n’s of course. 
"did I do something wrong?"
you shake your head, avoiding her gaze as you bury yourself into the red puffer jacket provided by the club. "no, lena, it's not you. I just– I just need some space."
"space?" she echoes, hurt flashing in her eyes as she knitted her eyebrows. "we were fine, and now you're shutting me out. why?"
you can't bring yourself to answer, so you walk away towards most of the team who is ready to train– you left her standing there, looking lost and confused.
as the days pass, her confusion turns to hurt. you can see it in her eyes, in the way her smile doesn’t reach them anymore, and it tears you apart. you put on a great poker face, going through practices and scoring twice in the second-leg quarterfinal game– giving bayern the ticket to go to the semi-finals– but in your apartment you were heartbroken. the way your face would be burying into your couch pillow as you frowned with a tear coming out of your eye– you wished that being vulnerable– in love and happy– would be much easier.  
your teammates notice the growing rift. the atmosphere in the locker room becomes tense. eventually, an international break happens and you left to play for your country. 
during this time period, lena opened up to the german bayern teammates about her feelings towards you. she fell in love with you over the last six months– but she didn’t understand why you pulled away. it was harsh. 
some of the girls on the team were upset, they knew why you were pulling yourself away from lena. 
finally, lea confronts you at your apartment on the first day you’re back in munich. you open up the door to see the look of frustration and anger on her face. you have never seen the calm woman so upset.
you came back from a win in the gold cup tournament with your national team so your spirits were high, but lea might have you come back to your reality in germany.
"y/n, whatever you’re trying to do– you need to stop it!” she snaps. you’re frozen as lea comes into your apartment without the need for invitation.
you find the movement to shut your door before following lea into your living room. she stands right by your couch as you stand awkwardly 5 feet away with your hands shaky by your side. 
“what?” you mumbled.
“you’re hurting lena with your avoidance and its pissing me off!" she snaps again, her eyes blazing. "you caught feelings for her and you’re scarred– rightfully so– but there's a limit with leading her on just for you to pull away.”  
“i’m sorry-.” you mumbled again, tears filling your eyes.
“no! stop letting your past control you. you're sabotaging yourself and it’s affecting everyone."
"lea, you don't understand," you begin to speak, but she cuts you off again.
"no, YOU don't understand," she retorts. "we all know about your past, lena does now too– and you didn’t deserve any of that– but lena is not your ex. she's in love with you y/n! she's not going to hurt you like that. you're pushing her away for no reason."
her words are harsh, but they strike a chord. lea's right, and you know it. the fear of getting hurt again has been holding you back, but in pushing Lena away, you’re only hurting yourself more. you stand there as tears pour down your cheeks. you didn’t bother wiping them, ashamed at what you thought was a safe option, but it was stupid. 
lea walks up to you and wipes your tears off of your face- you flinch– but eventually she hugs you as you let the rest of your tears flow. 
“i am not mad at you y/n, none of us are. we just need you to make the right decision.” lea calmly speaks. she finger-brushes your hair as you relax into the warm of your friend. 
“i love lena, lea, so much.” you say your thoughts out loud. 
“we know.” lea replies. 
“you need to make things right though. things aren’t over between you both. please let lena in, let you two feel the love that you both deserve.” lea continues as you mentally start to open yourself up again. 
the next practice– you start to reach out to lena again, trying to rebuild the bridge you nearly burned. 
remembering how lena loved your protein brownies one time back in january– you made a big patch and gave the full pan for her to keep. there was a note inside of the tinfoil, apologizing for trying to push lena away– but she understood. 
it's a slow process, but you’d take all of the time in the world just for lena to forgive you. 
there were awkward conversations...
your hesitant attempts at rekindling the bon you've missed. 
still.. lena was wary towards you sometimes, her responses guarded.
you muster the courage to approach her a few nights before the semi-final against chelsea. maybe, having this talk at this time could help you both be on your best game– mentally– for the match. 
"obi, can we talk?" you ask, your voice hesitant.
she looks at you, a mix of hope and caution in her eyes. "sure."
her cold tone bothered you, but you can only blame yourself. 
you sit down together in a lounge room on the training grounds, the silence heavy between you as you can both look out of the windows to see the pitch. before speaking, you look out at some of the girls on the pitch passing the ball with their heads. practice ended over half-an-hour ago so you’re surprised that some girls are still here.
taking a deep breath, looking at lena, you begin. "i'm sorry for how i've acted throughout the winter. it was not fair to you. i just... something happened– and i realized something which scared me– i've been through a lot, and I got scared." 
you realized you were jumping corners, away from confessing your true feelings and thoughts, but you wanted the conversation to go one step at a time.
lena listens, her expression softening as she remembered what some of the girls told her during the last international camp. "i get that you're scared, but i would never put you in harms way, which is what hurt me the most"
you nod, tears pricking at your eyes as you look down at your white colored cleats with grass stains. "i know. i promise you i'm trying to get over this fear through the therapy i’ve been doing here. i really like you, lena—-- more than just a teammate— and a friend” you mumble.
lena's eyes widened, her breath catching as what their teammates told her were confirmed with y/n’s words. "honey..."
"i know it's a lot to ask right now," you continue, your voice trembling. "but can we try? can we see where this goes?"
for a moment, lena is silent, processing your words. then, she reaches out, moving her chair closer to yours and taking your hands in hers. "i have feelings for you too, y/n. in fact, i think i am in love with you— but I can't be in this alone. i need to know that you’ll be here and you won’t pull away at any moment of struggle.” lena says, noting that all relationships do have mini-struggles, including healthy ones.
you’re scared, more than you’ve ever been, but your heart slows down from its rapid beating after hearing that lena loves you. you look into lena’s eyes, they’re beautiful and you smile with hope.
taking a deep breath, you nod. "i’m willing to try, lena. for you, and for me, and for us."
lena smiles, a genuine, bright smile that warms your heart as she squeezes your hands. "that's all I needed to hear."
It’s not a perfect resolution-- not at all-- and you know there will be challenges ahead. however, you start to see the hope that you thought you wouldn’t have for a very long time.
had this in my drafts for a few weeks lol, wasn't planning on posting this originally <3
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06/15/2024 - 06/16/2024 Weekend OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Nathan Foad; Vico Ortiz; Eliza Cossio; OFMD Billboard Status; Articles; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Reminder; Fan Spotlight; Pride Month; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad (or Pirate Dad) popped out to send us some love on Father's Day <3 Thank you @ NoraKitty9 for sending him some love notes.
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys and Rosie are out and about with friends!
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Source: KieranHutchinson's Instagram
Rhys was also on the Talking Strange Paranormal Show, where he was asked about OFMD. Warning, the commentary by Rhys is both wonderful, and heart breaking. It'll make you feel lots of things. Just FYI.
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Instagram
== Con O'Neill ==
This Father's Day, Con is taking some time with Cooper to watch the game and send everyone some love.
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Just some love from Nathan <3
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== Samba Schutte ==
Our dear Samba shared some baby pics of him with his dad as well as him with his baby and Aria! Emoji's for privacy purposes for the little babe. Happy Papa's day Samba!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Jes has been busy busy and is going to be performing on June 30th. Check it out Corporate Pride with Jes Tom and Tessa Skara
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Jes was also out at the 2024 Vision Awards!
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Source: Jes Tom's Instagram Stories
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico and Ane wishing everyone a Happy Daddy's Day!
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Source: Enbybruje's Instagram Stories
== Eliza Cossio ==
A rare sighting from one of our lovely writers, Executive Story Editor, Eliza Cossio!
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Source: Elidelsol's Instagram
== Hollywood Billboard's changed ==
Whelp, the Hollywood OFMD Billboard is finally gone. So ends an era. There's been speculation that because there's been so much fan FYC campaigning Max didn't need it anymore? Or maybe they paid for it just until Emmy Nominations went through and that's why it's been around so long.
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Source: @ofmd-ann's Tumblr
== Articles ==
Institutional owners may consider drastic measures as Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:WBD) recent US$2.6b drop adds to long-term losses
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup ==
Reminder! One Week Away!
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Source: Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Tonight's cast card is Alyssa Lane! One of our wonderful producers on OFMD! Thanks @melvisik!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Blueberreads ==
Since today's Father's Day in the US, I thought I'd point out this awesome pixel art that @blueberreads has done of Chaos Dad <3
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Source: Bluberreads Twitter
== Pride Month ==
= Eros The Artist =
@erostheartist is back with more beautifully colorful work for Pride Month! You may recognise them from their Mermay work last month! Check them out on their socials! https://linktr.ee/eros_the_artist
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Source: ErosTheArtist Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I hope you all got some good sleep this weekend, it's the beginning of another week coming up and you deserve to relax a bit. Remember that you deserve to relax, alright? Whether you've been incredibly productive, or done nothing productive at all. You deserve to relax, you deserve to take a break. Your "value" is not measured by your productivity. We all make our way through this life at our own pace and there's no shame in whatever speed you're doing it at. You deserve kindness from everyone else as well as yourself, and if you don't feel like facing the day, and you can take a break-- do it. Sometimes you need to listen to your body, even when it feels like you have too much to do. It'll be okay, and you aren't a bad person for taking that break. Sending lots of hugs and good vibes your way lovelies. Rest well. One last thing, I know today can give mixed feelings to a lot of people so I'll be brief as best I can and just send some other folks words.
Source: Positively Present's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight just needed some laughter tonight. Hope you enjoy these two and their giggles <3
Gifs courtesy of some of the most amazing folks @funforahermit and @meluli <3
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uchihaxitachi · 1 day
itachi’s june -> day 16: yandere itachi - kidnapping
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warnings: yandere themes, itachi is sick and twisted of course, i get carried away when i write yandere i hope yall like it 🥰♥️🫡
feelings are, twisted things. they make people forget who they are, they make people forgive what they shouldn’t, they make people cross the boundary between what’s right and what’s wrong. what is right and what is wrong at the end of the day? there isn’t a higher being judging uchiha itachi after all, he doesn’t believe in it. if it did exist, then he would be sitting at the uchiha prefecture, at the comfort of his home and sharing dinner with his younger brother; instead of the carefully painted fake visage of hating sasuke’s guts and putting him in the endless torment of the tsukuyomi.
what is right and what is wrong?
is living for yourself wrong? when all you’ve done so far is fulfill responsibilities that cater to others?
is discreetly observing someone you adore sleep in her bed wearing skimpy clothing wrong? when you’re not intenting to harm her?
is killing the scum of an asshole wrong? who just asked her out when she clearly belongs to you?
what is right and what is wrong?
how annoying. the morality, the justice, nothing exists for those who don’t really lend an ear to it. what happens to those people? nothing. the state of konoha had several corrupt officials who still have a beating heart while several innocent uchihas unaware were slain in their craddle.
itachi is a man. a man’s job is to protect and nurture. he’s just protecting you, and nurturing you. you don’t know what’s right for you anyway, how would you? you haven’t been shown the horrors of the world when you were four? itachi knows. and itachi has to act on it.
so please don’t panic when you’re waking up to somewhere entirely unknown, the whiff of the familiar cinnamon scent that the s-ranked criminal, masked as a traveler carried when he first met you. the cozy duvet of the bed and the fluffy pillows. a perfect gold cage for itachi’s precious little dove. 🕊️
“where am i?” your heart sinks when you don’t realize any familiarity whatsoever around. itachi’s soft, yet sturdy footsteps coming towards the bedroom from the kitchen. “good morning, dear.” voice silk like and hair open, lack of the cloak that hid most of his body now accentuating his collarbone & his lean muscles. no scars… just shows no one’s ever been able to touch him to harm him anyway. just shows… how powerful he truly is.
“where am i? why am i here? itachi-“ you know his name, the only fleeting hope you’re desperately clinging on to, is his name. “please-“ the familiar panic clogs your lungs as you start gasping for air.
“ssh ssh ssh ssh~” itachi raises both his hands up in mock surrender, how these tactics are all that soothes you. you’re so naive… no wonder it had to be done. pretty little thing…
“i am not going to hurt you, okay? do you want to eat something first? should i prepare a shower for you? i want you to relax that mind for me, okay?” he hums, inching closer to you. and that’s when the true panic seeps into you. what if he hurts you — he’s dangerous, you have seen the bingo book. your mouth is dry at the thought of it alone.
so… you pick up the nearest vase at the bedside table and hurl it at him.
itachi doesn’t budge. he could, easily. could hold you by the neck and seethe with annoyance & preach about how unruly you’re behaving. how unbecoming… of a woman. his woman. but he doesn’t. he needs you to trust him, so he lets the vase hit his forehead. the shattering sound and the cut on his forehead imminent.
itachi uchiha… unscarred by all enemies he faced, bleeding for you. “don’t hurt me, either. little one.”
he has patience, it’s okay, you’re just scared, you’d grow to love him, okay?
it’s not like you have any other choice.
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 14 - Attraction
@jegulus-microfic June 14, Word count 676
Previous part First part
Regulus received a beautifully written email from Effie the following morning apologising for her idiotic son and for upsetting him when she invited Sirius and Remus to dinner. ‘Monty enjoyed their company when we were at dinner in the hotel and thought it would be nice to recreate it. If I had known James hadn’t asked you already, I would have invited you first. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us.’ And she’d signed it ‘Love Effie.’ 
Regulus had read it, again and again, breaking down each part and beginning to form a response. It was harder than he’d thought it would be. He’d never written to anyone’s mother before, let alone the most wonderful mother he’d ever met. No wonder James was so good and kind with parents like Effie and Monty. 
‘To Effie
Dear Effie,
Thank you for your lovely email. Of course, I forgive you, it was entirely my own misunderstanding. It could have happened to anyone. James is a total dolt! Thank you for the invitation. I am looking forward to dinner. Is there anything I can bring? 
It was short, but he couldn’t think what else to put without embarrassing himself. He closed his eyes and hit send and relaxed back on the bed next to a snoring James. 
He was brushing his hand through his boyfriend’s scruffy hair when his phone pinged. He opened his emails and there was a reply from Effie. 
‘Dearest Regulus,
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You are a sweet boy, and I am so glad James tried to bury you in snow. 
No darling, all we ask is for your company, we have everything for you all. See you at 6.
All my love,
Effie xxx’
James stirred next to him. 
“What are you laughing at?” He raised his head trying to catch a glimpse of Regulus’s phone screen. 
“Something your mum said,” He answered, twisting his phone out of James’s eyesight. 
“My mum? Oh gods, what have I forgotten now?” James sighed into Regulus’s chest. 
“Nothing,” Regulus had to chuckle, which made James scrape his stubble over Regulus’s sensitive skin. Regulus’s chuckle turned into a squeal, he didn’t see James’s hand flick out and grab his phone. He scrolled through their messages before Regulus even realised what he was doing. 
“Muuuummmmmm!” James groaned. “She’s such a pest. Sorry,” He added as he handed Regulus his phone back, and Regulus wasn’t sure if he was apologising for reading the messages or for his mum. Either way, Regulus wasn’t that bothered. Barty had done far worse. 
They were going to head over to James’s parents earlier than they’d planned because Monty had called Regulus’s number and, after ordering him to put him on speakerphone, so the others could hear, told them about the fun fair that had set up last night and would be opening in a few hours. Sirius and James had whooped with joy and started to excitedly discuss which attraction they would be going on first. 
“I’m just excited about the candy floss,” Remus had confessed to Regulus.
“Same,” Regulus agreed, “And the waltzers. I’m a sucker for the waltzers,” Remus turned to stare at him. 
“Me too. Why don’t we let those two bugger off and ride all the big rides, and we go and have some actual fun,” Remus suggested, pointing a finger at James and Sirius. Regulus watched his brother and his boyfriend messing around. Sirius jumped on James’s back while James spun around as fast as he could, until he tripped and launched Sirius into the air. Luckily, the sofa was waiting for him. Sirius sat up looking a bit dazed before he cheered. 
“Do it again!” And jumped back onto James’s back. Regulus rolled his eyes at them. 
“It’s a date,” He said to Remus, deciding James and Sirius could put themselves in danger and he'd eat sweets with Remus instead.
“Perfect,” Remus winked at him before he went to try and separate Sirius from James.
Next part
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chrissidepiece · 2 days
Bsf!matt bestfreinds
Smut… I did it (idk know if I like it but yeah)
Matt Y/n
Me and Matt fell asleep in each others arms last night he was warm
I was always cold and he was warm it felt soothing he fell asleep first then I drifted off to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about what will our future be like
I feel Matt groaning he’s trying to me make me lay back down with him June 13 2024
Nmmh y/n lay down it’s too early to be up, what are you doing anyway?
I’m just writing.
Matt sat up his arm around my waist looking into my eyes can I get a kiss he said whilst rubbing his eyes
I have morning breath
I didn’t want to kiss him if my breathe was stinky but matt said otherwise, y/n I don’t give a fuck if your breathe stinks kiss me,
Oddly that turned me on… i liked when he would be more harsh with his words I looked at him and said are you sure?
Y/n. He said looking at my lips with a straight face then he sighed and looked at my eyes
kiss me before I kiss you.
I grabbed his face and gave him a peck on the cheek. He looked at me not surprised he then put one hand on my cheek and the other remained on my waist keeping me close to him
He pulled my face closer I swear we were inches away I could feel his breathe trickle down my neck giving me goosebumps he looked at me my lips then my eyes again he pulled me closer and we kissed.. it wasn’t like last nights it’s almost as if he needed my lips on his and he kissed me roughly
We pulled away after some long seconds a I was out of breath i panted looking into his eyes..
I said under my breathe he looked at me with a smirk as if he defeated me and he had won a prize he looked at me
Y/n don’t leave me I love you
I won’t I promise.
He looked at me again his eyes softened he put his hands on my waist and gave me a nose kiss and a quick peck on my neck before bringing me back down grabbing my journal and pen and giving it back to me
our hands brushed against one another I looked away and looked at him flustered
I cleared my throat and looked at his eyes and how his face was so perfect I wanted to kiss him again but I didn’t so I asked if he wanted to see inside my journal
Are you sure I mean. That’s personal I don’t have to look through it
Matt. I said with a stern- ish voice read it and write on your favorite pages
I got close to him he flinched cause of how cold my body and skin was I layed down and fell asleep
Matt’s pov
She dozed off in my arm I carefully set her down next to me I kissed her nose I opened the first page of her journal
May 1 2020
I got this journal cause of matt I like him and I wonder how long this crush will last I hope it wears off since he’s my best friend I don’t want to lose him he walking in my room
I was shocked that after 3 months she had a crush on me, my pretty girl maybe that’s why she acted so flustered when I flirted with her
I flipped The page wanting to know what she has written next
July 17 2020
I don’t think this crush is going away any time soon but. I think he likes Jess.. yes she’s our teacher but they might as well be the same age. I bet he likes older girls why did I think I had a chance I’m done writing about dumb stupid Matt I’m gonna go cry
Awh. I should’ve never talked about the teacher that way I only liked her because of the fact that y/n looked liked her
It’s been I want to say 1 hour and I’ve been reading her journal entry’s I’m at the one she wrote today I wonder what she was thinking about
June 13 2024
Me and Matt fell asleep in each others arms last night he was warm I was always cold and he was warm it felt soothing he fell asleep first then I drifted off to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about what will our future be like I feel Matt groaning he’s trying to me make me lay down
She’s so adorable I love her if I lose her I will never forgive myself.
I put her journal back and rubbed her shoulders softly and kissed her neck softly sucking on her neck harder leaving marks on her neck and shoulders
Y/n’s pov
I woke up to Matt giving me love bites I moaned softly he looked at me smiling at my soft moan from his affection he sucked the part of my neck and shoulder again i moaned again but slightly louder
Mhm Matt.
What do you want pretty girl? Use your words
I want I said in a low voice tripping on my words
This was humiliating considering Matt’s only seen me fully naked 4 times and they all were on accident except for last night so that makes it 5
I got closer to his ear and whispered in his ear softly and lightly I want you Matt, no Matt I need you inside me
He looked at me with glee good girl, are you gonna be a good girl and listen to everything I say?
Yes Matt.
Good girl now strip he watched me drop all my clothes seeing everything drop to the floor
One by one
Now I was only in my laced black panties he looked at me hungrily come here my princess I sat between his legs on my knees staring at him
Spread your legs
As he said this I opened my legs for him to see my glistening cunt I winced at the cold air hitting me
He moved his slender fingers towards my clit he rubbed and felt how wet I was his licked my slik off his fingers he played with my Pantie band
I bit my lip waiting for him to touch me
He dragged my panties down
lift up for me
I did as I was told now I was exposed I was scared but I trusted matt.
Lay down he ordered me
I layed down my legs spread he put my legs on his shoulders he looked at me with lowly lidded eyes he kissed my cunt and he stuck one of his fingers inside of me
I moaned softly as he kept going I stared at him waiting for another finger
You ready for another one baby?
Mhm I say as I moan lightly
He stuck 2 fingers in pumping in and out he found my spot curling his fingers touching my spot I moaned louder ffg fuck mh so good I say in heavy breath and Moans
He put his face to my cunt he sucked on my bud making my legs pull his face closer because I tried to close my legs as the pleasure got more intense
M- Matt I was panting This was the time of my life
fuck MaTt I’m almost t- oh! Y- yes I love you the knot in my stomach got tighter can I please cum I need to please Matt
I said asking for permission to cum cause I needed to be a good girl my eyes were rolling to the back of my head all that could be heard was me panting and Matt praising me
Yes you’ve been a good girl you can cum
Then the knot snapped he kept pumping me riding off my high and then he pulled away from my cunt my eyes were low but I looked down at his lips they had my fluid all over them he licked his lips and sucked on his fingers making a pop sound
I was panting trying to catch my breathe
Sweetheart are you sure your ready for me? I looked at him and nodded my head vigorously he took his shirt off and his boxers he was hard and it hit his stomach lightly
I gulped looking at it it was bigger than I expected
Get on your back
I layed on my back ready for him first he stormed himself then He rubbed the tip against my folds teasing me I licked my lips
Matt please I said needing him in me
He stuck a qauter of his whole self in I panted biting my lip trying not to moan too loudly as his brothers were in the house
He stuck it all the way in staring at me waiting for me to adjust to his size I nodded giving him an okay to move
He moved slowly at first it was a Mix of pain and pleasure then the pleasure washed over and I was going ballistic he looked at me groaning and soon enough he was ramming into me
Who does this pretty little pussy belong to?
Mhgh y- you matt fuck you feel so good in me
Good girl he picked up the speed even though I didn’t know could go any faster all that could be heard was skin slapping and our whimpers and moans colliding
One thing I know for sure is that his brothers heard us
he started whimpering I knew that he was getting closer to the end
I bit my lip trying to suppress my load moans Matt looked at me straight in my eyes
let me hear you
B- mmh your brothers
I don’t give a rats ass cause your mine they can give me shit all they want to but I’m with you right now
Him saying that meant like it has two meanings and fuck that turned me on even more m- matt
Yes sweetheart he said groaning and holding my legs he kissed me passionately then pulled away
He said grunting as he slammed into me my legs started shaking I- I’m close
Me too baby just hold on after a few more pounds he whimpered louder y/n w- where do you want me?
FUCK MAtt so good c- cum inside me
I moaned one last time as Chris cummed inside me he slowly slipped out and pulled his phone out and took a picture of his semen slowly dripping out my cunt
I closed my leg tightly i panted and sat up crawling and went into Matt’s arm he took a picture of me as I looked fucked out of my mind I couldn’t think all I knew is that I was in Matt’s arms
He gave me a kiss on my nose and put me down carefully I’m gonna get a rag and clean you up okay?
Mhm I said laying down he wiped my body off and picked me up he sat me on the toilet and ran a warm bath he set me in the bath smiling at me
Matt I love you so much
I love you more
My phone dinged he walked over to the bed and picked it up opening my phone since he knew my password and it was a text from nick
I mean a win is a win but babes it 8 in the morning
I can’t believe you finally did it! So proud
I still can’t believe u just got freaky with my brother
Yknow what nvm
Text me back when u can
Matt looked at me confused so you texted my brother to help you get with me?
I covered my face from being ermbrassed
Steptember 2 2024
It’s been 4 months til me and Matt have been together and since I’m in the videos every one and then they see how I’m closer to Matt’s they ship us together I’ve seen edits of me clinging onto Matt and most of the fans ship us together
Matt walked in the room as I was finishing up writing in my journal Matt sat down next to me and kissed my nose in a way that was our way to tell eachother we loved them yes Matt? He looked at me
Soo we’ve been together for quite some time do you want to hard launch?
Are you sure I said because I knew how some of the fans would react
Yes I’m tired of having to wait off camrea to kiss you and love on you
Okay matt I leaned closer towards him and kissed his lips
I looked at my camera roll and found pictures of me and Matt together being a cute couple I posted a “small amount” of pictures of me and Matt
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Hard launch luv u Matty!
Matthewsturniolo love laying in your lap
^ yourusername than cmere and lay on my lap baby
^Nicolassturniolo finally I don’t have to do more work by editing you two out
^Christophersturniolo Finally they revealed their biggest secert
Lovingy/n wait I wonder how long they’ve been together?
Nickispooh why isn’t anybody talking abt the 2nd pic okay clingy matt I see you
^ yourusername he very clingy my clingy little Matt
Matthewsturniolo I am not
Yourusername Suree you aren’t.
Chriswife y/n is double caked up
In the vlog we were trying baby food and Matt. Fed me my food everytime not letting me feed myself cause I’m his so called princess and princess get special treatment he wiped my chin and sucked off the excess baby food from his pinky finger
You’re so cute sweetheart
I smiled at him calling me that nick name ironically it made me feel sweet inside
and then nick and Chris rolled their eyes at us and called us love birds and fake gagged
the video was uploaded and the fans went crazy I’m glad we stopped being a secert I love Matt
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elliespuns · 3 days
I wanted to ask you this since you definitely understand the tlou characters down to a T 👌🏻How do you think sarah was conceived LMAO. Like, do you think joel and sarah’s mom were already in a relationship for a while, or were they a pretty new couple n all of a sudden she got pregnant. I’m assuming it was an accident and they were using protection, I don’t think joel would be dumb enough to not use protection.
Since joel’s birthday is in September and sarah’s mom got pregnant when he was 18, he must’ve gotten her pregnant after graduating. School in the US ends around May/June, so he would’ve been 17 during graduation. I wonder if he was supposed to go to college but had to leave bc sarah’s mom got pregnant.
I have the feeling he wasn’t planning on going anyways, otherwise he would told ellie at the university that he was supposed to go to college but didn’t bc of sarah. Not to mention, by the time his birthday came when he turned 18, if he was planning on going to college he would’ve already committed to a school since decisions would’ve come out when he was 17 and still a senior in hs. anyways that was more math than i was planning on doing lol but what are you thoughts?
First of all, I love all of this. Such a perfect, thought-through analysis (what do you even need me for, hun?).
I think everything you say makes perfect sense. The only thing I see differently is the "protection" part. I do, on the other hand, think Joel was dumb enough not to use the protection. I don't know why, but something has always told me he's one of the fathers who get their first girlfriend pregnant accidentally as a result of carefree sex and then end up dedicating their whole life to the baby, be it together with her or alone, because this baby is someone now, someone he's created, and what kind of person he would've been if he didn't want it.
Protection or not, both work, I guess. Both meant he got her pregnant by accident. People had limited options and choices back then when it came to unwanted pregnancies, so I think his initial thought was anything but "We need to keep it." despite the panic he felt.
He probably didn't even want a baby, but then he slept on it and realized there was no way back, so he manned up and married his girlfriend in the hope of raising this child together. Which didn't happen because his wife probably couldn't bear all this pressure of being a young mother and left him and Sarah on their own. That's when I think he manned up to the highest of levels because there was literally no one else who would take care of his baby.
What I think is that his wife just left him in the cold. Simple as that. Some people think she died, but that wouldn't make sense with what Joe told Ellie at the university. If his wife died, he'd probably just tell her, like in a good memory of her or something. He was already sharing his feelings about Sarah with Ellie, so he would do the same with his wife. Instead, he seemed like he didn't want to talk about his wife. I've always felt like it had nothing to do with being hard for him, but rather because this topic was not something he wanted to share with a kid.
Which makes me think his wife either left him and Sarah without saying a thing or they had a fight (she could be problematic, maybe not handling motherhood that well), and he told her to leave, knowing that he'd be a better dad to Sarah alone. 
I think Joel's wife was his girlfriend back when he got her pregnant. Maybe even his first serious girlfriend. That's probably why they decided to get married. Maybe they were even forced into marriage by their parents, because you know what it was like back then. You had to be married to have a kid, because if you had a kid without a marriage, you'd be looked down on.
I will forever wonder what Joel's wife's name was, though. I just hope it wasn't Sarah.
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Happy Pride Month guys! ^^
I hope you will have a wonderful June!
(Btw, the Tell Me Why videogame is free to play now (I think) so here's my chance to get it >:3)
Just leaving some gifts here of Tyler and Michael bc I love them! ✨😭💕
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dylanconrique · 1 month
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asklovehandel · 1 year
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happy anniversary!
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girlypsyop · 11 months
Man. Leaving a toxic relationship is just an exercise in learning how to live in your own head again.
#lot going on in here folks :'(#but also :')#for a few weeks i couldnt be alone couldnt be in silence couldnt just. think.#im loving myself again. im laughing and connecting and god im so excited for what comes next#june 19th lana..... you are my soulmate my rock my queen you are everything to me#bc june 19th lana had the strength to leave#june 19th lana swept me off my fucking feet and she fought and yelled and stayed up for 4 days straight#so that 4 days later i could be free again <3#i will work so fucking hard for june 19th lana.... i never want her to have any regrets... any whatifs....#im going to give june 19th lana the life she hopes shes fighting for#those four days were torture... moving... yelling... crying crying crying... more moving... driving...#she did that... for me....#literally she talked to me often... she would sit amongst the boxes and fear and heartbreak and shed talk to her future self#which ig is me <3 and shed tell me how she loved me and how i better not screw this up and she begged me to love her again#god i love her again. i love that mess of a girl. beautiful and strong and terrible! and she got out despite the torture.#june 19th lana. also june 20th 21st and 22nd lana. i hear you. you will have such a beautiful wonderful life i swear#one you will never ever second guess#he fucking killed us! he killed you! the connection the devotion the love it masked the insidious truth that you had to die for that shit#the life he could give you...its pathetic compared to what im gonna give you.#and unlike every promise he ever made... i never go back on my word :)#ok bye
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heyooo so i totally understand if anyone wants to unfollow, but i think i’m gonna go on a hiatus here on nancy until june 1st. i love nance, but the muse just ain’t there for the time being and i don’t wanna lurk on the dash and stress myself out over not having the will to write and then worrying that people will drop me for being inactive. SO— i’m just gonna bite the bullet and go on hiatus for a bit and then see about coming back. hate to leave y’all hanging like this, but i think i need a break from writing early 20s and teenage muses lol.
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armafidelium · 15 days
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i'm a day late but happy pride all you wonderful sweethearts ♥ you're all so wonderful and valid and you make the world that much brighter !! you're seen, you're valid, you're loved ♥
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06/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte BTS; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; Flag Day/3yr Anniversary of OFMD Filming; AOC: Raffle Updates; Tell Tale TV Voting; WBD Stocks Status; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; OFMD Colouring Pages; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Happy Friday all! I hope the weekend is long and restful for you.
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad posted on Instagram today with the hashtag #RelaxMax #WhosAGoodBoy. Sure seems to be a hint in there somewhere, but what does it mean? Whatever it means, it's definitely directed at MAX.
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Source: David Jenkins Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out and about with his family!
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Source: Rosie's Instagram
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Source: Finn's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba was kind enough to drop a LOT of BTS today, specifically to help folks who want to see more of Roach's outfits.
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For all the images/videos you can visit:
Samba Schutte Roach S2 Reference Part 1
Samba Schutte Roach S2 Reference Part 2
== Vico Ortiz ==
"Some Sag Rising curly hair chaos ❤️‍🔥 Catch me…. If you can 😏 ✨LAX-NYC-SJU-PHX✨"
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
== Ruibo Qian ==
No Idea the context on this one! But Ruibo is featured!
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Source: KayBrooZayZay's Instagram Stories
== S1 Filming Anniversary / Flag Day ==
Today is Flag Day! @adoptourcrew reminded us that 3 years ago today, OFMD Started filming! They also asked folks to show off their flags! Feel free to hit them up on the various platforms!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
For those of you who are elders in the fandom, you'll probably recognise this from June 14, 2021
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Source: David Jenkin's Twitter
== AOC: Raffle Update ==
Great job everyone! The Charity Raffle for #OurFlagMeansPride is doing fantastic! 67 charities and already $2,617 already raised!
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Wanna enter the raffle? All you need to do is donate to an LGBTQ+ Charity to qualify and submit to them on their google form! Visit @adoptourcrew on Tumblr, Instagram, or Twitter for charity examples as well as how to sign up!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Instagram
== Tell Tale TV Reminders ==
Are you tired of reminders yet? Well, there's only a couple more days -- and you can vote every day so please do! Remember, there's OurFlagMeansDeath, and Rhys and Ruibo up for award! Tell Tale TV Awards Voting
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Source: Tell Tale TV Twitter
== WB Related Articles ==
Warner Bros stock analysis: WBD could tank to $5 soon
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Source: Seven_Sugars Twitter
== WBD Stocks Status ==
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Back tonight is more cast cards by our darling @melvisik! First up is John Mahone, one of our lovely writers! and next is Ma Christina C. one of our lovely members of the Red Flag Crew!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More Colouring Pages --this time for Flag Day from our talented crewmate @patchworkpiratebear and presented by @adoptourcrew!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Happy start to the weekend! Work has been throwing me through a loop this week, and with my girl Zoey still sick I've been completely out of it, so I'm gonna try to go to bed early tonight if I can, so love notes will be short tonight. I know the past many months have been rough without our show. Since the cancellation we've had ebbs and flows, and sometimes it's hard to remember just how long it's been. (I literally caught myself saying, man this cancellation has been going on for a year!-- wow no, not that long but damn!) The good news is, so many of you have taken that grief and turned it into something beautiful. Whether that's friendships, or artwork, or fibre work, or writing, podcasts, podfics, songs, gifs or image edits-- or even just kind words you give to friends or strangers. You really are wonderful, lovelies, don't forget that. Remember that your kindness is a strength, and it makes all our lives better. Thank you for being kind to me, and all your fellow crew since the cancellation.
With WBD struggling a bit, and BINGE streaming OFMD S1 and S2, I'm really starting to feel hope again. I know everyone's weary of that kind of hope right now, so feel it when/if you can. But I feel like things are looking up <3 Rest well crew, see you tomorrow.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I don't know about yall, but tonight's theme reflects my need for a nap, anyone else?
Gifs courtesy of @ ofmd-ann and @ gattonswood
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stormyoceans · 2 months
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
First of all, as a caveat, I'd like to say that I don't actually spend a lot of time reading fic. I have read lots of fics, over the span of the last 5 years, but I don't really follow writers for just their writing, I tend to be drawn to stories that are unique and interesting to me. If I get brave enough to try reading something, I usually get sucked in. Also, this post got long, so I made a read more. Fic/author appreciation under the cut!
1: So, obviously, I'd say @thedemonsurfer! Permission Slip is the only fic I'm fully invested in, since writing for Security Breach is harder when I'm thinking about different fics that have different scenarios/interpretations than mine.
And what a fic Permission Slip is. I can tell they care a lot about the story they're telling and the characters they're portraying. Their writing has the perfect balance of tenderness, humor, and tension, to the point where I can go from tearing up in one scene, to giggling hysterically in the next. I actually adore how they do humor; it's not just the dialogue, it's the prose too, they have HILARIOUS descriptions for things in the characters' inner monologue. AND I also enjoy how they're flipping between perspectives like in my own fic. (These were both being written before we even knew about the other person's fic, which makes the coincidences all the more hilarious)
I like seeing the differences between Gregory's weary distrust, and Sun's nervousness about skirting the rules. Also Moon's frustration and discomfort that he's apparently constantly feeling while affected by the glitch. Very compelling. Getting to see inside every characters' head is a real treat.
My favorite scenes from the latest chapter are when Sun screams when the map bot jumpscares Gregory instead of Gregory screaming, and then Gregory later getting scared by the wet floor sign bot. Those two scenes seem like they go hand in hand, and I think about them all the time.
2. Bam! I'll say why I enjoy @bamsara 's writing. Solar Lunacy is phenomenal, and it makes sense that it got as popular as it did. What really drew me in was how clearly I could picture Sun and Moon doing the things they wrote about in the early chapters. They were unfamiliar, strange and uncanny, and still are, but we're getting to know them better. Moon is perfectly unsettling, having some of my favorite dialogue scenes and descriptions. I love how gremlin-like he is. Sun is also interesting; he's obviously more talkative, but he seems almost as threatening as Moon, due to how much he hides. I'm loving the depth to the characters in SL and the subtle hints and foreshadowing Bam puts throughout the fic. Very very clever writing. My favorite chapter so far is certainly 7 (because I haven't read chapter 8 yet kjhdsfhdfhgdsfg) And all of Moon's shenanigans were a delight. I love the visual of him sitting on the rafters just out of the light's reach 👌
3. @sycopomp, the author of Our Orbit is Elliptical, or OOIE as we like to call it. I was excited for the fic just by the concept-- an x reader fic where they DON'T immediately like you? Monnie really popped off with the concept, so I have to give praise to her as well- @madame-mongoose you're a mastermind btw <3
OOIE has the most interesting writing style I've ever seen. It fluidly drifts between the reader's perspective and the DCA, and it is CHILLING. The way Sun/Moon address the reader as "you" when it's from their perspective is really cool, it makes it feel more personal somehow. That first chapter is AMAZING, and I can't wait to see where it goes from there. There were so many times where I read a part where Sun was being mean and just dropped my fucking jaw. You know that kind of shocked gasp you make when you read something surprising? Like when you're reading OOIE? It has the BEST pettiness in it, and I love it so much. I was floored. Also, my favorite part is when Moon realizes the reader is about to make an even bigger mess with the ball pit machine, and just doesn't say anything and watches it happen. Dick move, 100/10
There! That's 3 of my favorite fic writers. Dear god help me I've been writing this for 2 hours. I'm never doing this again
Anyone not mentioned here is because I either didn't have room, or I haven't read/finished reading your fics! I'm so sorry, it WILL continue </3
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yoohyeon · 2 years
I’m getting 3 wisdom teeth remove tomorrow and I wasn’t stressed…until now bfksbdjsn 😭
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