#I just wanna retreat to a safe person who can hold and take care of me
sensitivegoblin · 10 months
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carrdfan · 3 years
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Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader
summary : Eddie grows worried due to your absence and is soon convinced by Venom to go out and check on you. Yet when he finds you and countless others bruised and hurt, there's only one suspect; and Eddie suddenly has an urge to end them.
main tags : imagine , comfort , female reader
warnings : blood mention
Eddie walked around the messy living room as the kitchen clock ticked by each passing second. Every minute that passed, he grew more and more worried about your well-being. You were only heading to the pharmacy, so why had you been gone for so long?
"Eddie." Venom suddenly called, interrupting the silence. "We should check on her."
Part of Eddie immediately agreed and wanted to leave right away, yet another part of him said that it was just his paranoia causing him to stress this much.
"I'm probably just overthinkin'," He told Venom as he continued to wander around the living room, starting to pop his knuckles as some sort of relief. "She can definitely handle herself anyways-"
"No.. I sense something unsettling from afar, she's in danger Eddie." Eddie wanted to tell Venom that he was just getting paranoid too, but from the tone of voice, he was calling it.
Eddie really didn't want to acknowledge the possibility of you being hurt, and dare God bring up the idea of death occurring to you. "Fine! Fine, let's go," Eddie said as he quickly grabbed his keys before heading out the door. He hoped both him and Venom was just exaggerating in the end.
He ran out of the apartment and into the car. The drive to the pharmacy wasn’t too far, yet within a few minutes, Eddie could sense something wasn't right either. The smell of smoke slowly filled the air, causing Eddie to panic. "Shit!" He quickly said under his breath.
Eddie soon drove up to see police cars and fire trucks circled around a part of the street. They were destroyed, buildings damaged and on fire; one being the pharmacy you ran to. Eddie felt a pit in his stomach at the sight of the event while he quickly parked and got out of the car. He greatly stressed over his biggest priority: you.
Eddie tried to take a closer look, but was stopped by officers who refused access towards everyone. There was a moment of him and the officer going back and forth as Eddie hardly kept a hold of himself, fortunately, there was a cry in the distance to distract him. "Hey!" Both turned to see you afar and slowly walking towards them. Once you caught up to both men, you quickly told the officer that Eddie was here for you before pulling Eddie aside to catch him up on what went down.
You both stood on the sidewalk as there was a moment of silence. Just being by each other was enough to calm both of you down, because while Eddie was calming himself from fear, you were still processing some bits of what just went down. You tried to say something to break the silence, but Eddie carefully placed his hands on your face. While his intention was to get a closer look to what happened to you, but he also managed to help you catch a few more breathers and collect more of yourself. 
Once he finally got a look up close though, he was hugely pissed. You were covered in small scars along with a few bandages wrapped around your arms and legs. You seemed to have taken a bit of the hit but luckily didn't get the worse of it compared to the few other victims Eddie saw. "Oh my God, Y/n. What- what happened?"
You tried to recall everything that went down even though it was a lot to take. "So.. Uh, someone decided to go rapid and attack the street," you turned around to point out the order of the events, "Some pieces from buildings were thrown and one of them almost flew on top of the pharmacy. Some believe it was some kind of explosion that cause it, while others think it was something else."
You continued to explain the rest of your story and even some of the other victims, how some witnessed pieces almost be thrown directly at them, while others had the unfortunate sight of seeing bodies be split in half or have their heads crushed in. But it was clear no one was able to get a sight of the one behind this, those who did must have been the ones killed. Eddie felt a lot of emotions come over him but the two who majorly left was anger and guilt.
Anger from the fact someone dared to cause havoc in the town. Someone dared to put your life in extreme danger. While you managed to play it off, the fact someone went far enough to cause you to have blood running down your face enraged him.
Yet he felt guilty, guilty that the harm to came your way was his fault. He should've been there for you when times called, yet he wasn't. And that's what weighed him down.
Eddie soon took a grip to both of your arms, "Y/n. Are you sure no one knows who’s behind this. No one got even a glimpse?" It was a rare sight to see Eddie so visually frustrated so you were caught by surprise. But there was no need for you to answer as Eddie took it back shortly, the pieces were already clicking together for him by the passing second. The choices already dialed down to one person, and that person made Eddie furious.
It’s uncommon for them to make a move just to retreat; they didn’t just attacked the street on pure decision. They might have known you were making an errand and proceeded to attack on that info.
This whole incident could’ve been nothing more but a major way to fuck with Eddie. And fueled him with enough rage to punch a hole in the wall, only to hold himself back was you as he wanted to show some decency.
Trying his best to keep his anger in, he let go of his grip on you and took a moment. "..Come on. Let's get you home first. I have something to handle myself and I’d prefer you be home while I’m gone." Fully agreeing, you inform the authorities of your sudden leave before you and Eddie got in his car and drove home.
In the small ride back, you couldn’t help but notice the irritation Eddie was keeping a hold of. His grip seemed a bit too tight on the steering wheel, and his breathing seem a bit too unkept. But you didn’t push yourself to ask him anything about it. 
Once you both made it home, you walked into the apartment before turning back and looking at Eddie. “Are you sure you wanna leave after what happened? It may not be safe for tonight.” Logically speaking, Eddie should be staying close with you as you would do with him if he was in your spot, but to see Eddie go run this errand made you question a few things.
Eddie couldn’t help but smile as he slowly walked up to you, "I’ll be fine, it’s better if I run and handle it now then wait till later." He soon gave you a small kiss on your forehead before stepping back and heading off, "I'll be back, and don’t leave the house for the rest of the night." Before you could respond and interrogate Eddie some more, he was already getting in the car and backing up. You decided to listen and head to your given room, yet wondering why Eddie sounded so confident in what he was doing. Maybe later on you can ask him about this incident again.
Either way, you cared for yourself and attend to your scars, time slowly went on and on until, ironically, you found yourself in Eddie’s spot for a moment or two. But with the affects of the attack, you couldn’t help but given into your sleepiness and decided dosed off to bed.
While you got some sleep, Eddie was out catching some Carnage to end this memorable night.
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frenchrebelfries · 3 years
Fury’s Daughter
AN: Idk wth I just wrote... I just got this idea so yeah... Happy Reading!
You are the adoptive daughter of Nick Fury, when you were 5 he adopt you when your parents died on a plane crash that was cause by Hydra, your parents and Nick were good friends that’s why he took you in.
You were a smart kid, always analyzing things, Fury told everything to you and never lie. To protect your identity Nick made you a new one as you volunteer to be an agent of Hydra to gain information and was branded by the organization. You did dangerous mission and always getting out alive.
You were then sent back to and joined the Avengers initiative but the avengers were suspicious of you as you came out of nowhere, no files, no nothing but a name and Fury’s trust.
No one knew who you are to protect your identity in recon so the avengers treated you coldly but you didn’t care, you didn’t tell it to your father about the situation you are in because you were train to adapt and you did. You were kind to them and all as you and Natasha got closer… like really close. Out of all Natasha Romanoff is the one you have trusted the most.
You got out from the elevator after a short report you did to Nick about the information you got for the Winter Soldier when you heard the laughing of the team as they sat in the living room with pizza on the table as they talked and laugh at each other.
The laughter halted when they all noticed you and silence came… you knew you were never welcome her but your father trust them so you really had no choice but to put up with it, sensing their discomfort you just gave them a nod greeting them.
“Good evening Avengers” no one answered as you expected and left and went to your room, you heard a light foot steps following you and a hand holding your wrist and seeing a familiar red head you have fallen with for the past few weeks.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry about the boys you know how hard headed they are” she sincerely apologized to you as you gave her a soft smile
“it’s ok Natasha, I know they still don’t fully trust me and I understand why, so it’s cool” you replied to her as she looked at you suspiciously searching your face for any lies but you being good at hiding your emotion she immediately gave up when she didn’t find one.
“So… Movie night?” she asked cheekily at you as your brows furrows
“what about the others?” you asked her as she started pulling you towards her room as she shrugged
“they can take care of themselves, come on!”
One day when you were alone practicing in the gym at 6 am of the morning you accidentally took off your clothes leaving you in your sports bra forgetting that Steve Rogers is always awake at that time and saw your Hydra mark on your chest and thought of you as an enemy and told the team as they planned to eliminate you on the next mission.
To eliminate the Hydra scum.
“can I get a hand over here?” you heard Clint said in the coms as you took down the last guy from your floor inside a hydra base that you’ve been recon last week
“I’m coming on your way” you answered running to Clint’s direction knowing the base like the palm of your hands as you shot a Hydra soldier who was sneaking behind him
“Thanks” you nodded at him you continue your pursuit taking down agents as you skillfully glide yourself on the battle field.
The battle had stop when Clint finished the last guy as Steve and Natasha immerge from the control room with a case on hand.
They must have gotten the information
“Mission complete, how’s the perimeter Tony?” Captain said on the coms as you get close to Natasha scanning her for any injuries and sighted in relieve when you found none.
“Perimeter is clear as the sky Steve were ready to go home” you smiled at the thought of home… Fury promised you a dinner with Maria and Coulson when you get back since things have been busy these couple of week and you were really excited about it since it’s going to be your first dinner with them again since you got back from recon.
“time for phase 2 then, Romanoff” you frowned at Steve’s word
Phase 2? You never heard about it when at the briefing
You were still in confusion when Steve called Natasha and you felt a searing pain by your side
You wiped your head to your side seeing a knife… a knife you gifted to Natasha lunge by your side.
You looked at her eyes full of betrayal and so as Clint and Steve who was in there with you.
“Phase 2 complete, were leaving, now die you Hydra scum” Steve said voice full of spite hearing a ‘good job’ from Tony and a ‘let’s go’ from Clint as you fall down on your knees looking at their retreating figure leaving you.
The last one you saw was the red headed assassin taking one last look at you as they close the door as your whole body fall down on the cold ground.
You shakily grabbed your phone dialing your father’s number as he answered rather cheerful
“Y/N why are you calling me? Is your mission done?” you heard your dad’s voice making you tear up a bit
“get your ass here kid Maria and Coulson just arrived here and im about to finish cooking these turkey”
“c-can I have a rain check on the dinner dad… I kinda messed up…” your voice was now shaking and you are feeling colder than usual the blade may have a poison as you felt a burn and getting light headed faster than normal.
Fury must have sense that there is something wrong by the way your voice sounded
“Y/N what happened? Are you ok?” you can hear his voice full of worry as you heard Maria and Coulson from the background asking what’s wrong.
“I-I think I was the p-phase 2 of S-Steve’s plan dad… it’s really g-getting cold here ya know” blood tricked on the ground from your wound
Your vision darken as flashes of memories filled your eyes.
You can hear the shuffles from the other line saying they are tracking my call and will be sending medical help
“I’m s-scared d-dad… I still d-don’t wanna go” you cried,
“Help is on the way Y/N keep holding on I’m here for you kid” you can hear the shakiness of your father’s voice, you kept trying to keep your eyes open and now seeing dark spots forming.
“T-thanks for everything dad… tell Maria and Coulson I love them…” your voice was barely audible hearing their cried for you to wake up.
“Keep your eyes open for me kid… please”
“I-I think a need a nap… l-love you dad” and you were gone.
They kept calling for you but you never answered back.
Fury along with Maria and Coulson with a medical team arrived at the base eyes redden because of crying as they found you on the cold ground with your phone by your side and a stab.
Fury cradle you like a baby as the medic announced your death with Maria and Coulson crying by the side.
“Did you check the monitors?” Fury’s cold voice echoed in a quinjet as your cold body layed beside him with your head on his lap stroking the hair that is covering your face.
“you’re not gonna like it boss…” Maria said with blood shot eyes as she played the video of Steve ordering the Phase 2 and Natasha Romanoff stabbing you as they left you.
“call them up at SHIELD… they would pay for what they did to her” Nick ordered as Coulson took his phone out to call them.
Nick glanced at you as he swiped some blood by your mouth hugging your corpse closer to him.
They avenger’s arrived at SHIELD seeing Fury holding Y/N’s hand as she lay dead on the table with Maria and Coulson by the back holding back their anger.
“what is this Fury?” Steve stepped out in confusion to why they got the body of Y/N
“What is the phase 2 Captain” Nick’s voice was colder than usual
“… to eliminate the Hydra-“ Steve answered as the other’s stayed silent
“and who is the Hydra?”
 Then there’s silence, the team were uncomfortable with the silence but Steve was getting impatient with all of it.
“Look I don’t know what is your point here but you should thank us for killing the mole here Fury”
Fury looked at them as Coulson held Maria who was about to attack Steve as Fury spoke…
   “I see no dead mole here Rogers… all I see is my dead daughter”
  The team’s eyes widen as they froze from there spot
“W-what?” Bruce asked
“Y/N Fury... is my daughter who you called a Hydra scum”
“B-but she had the brand-“
“She had the brand because she was undercover inside Hydra that gave her the mark to extract information for your missions that is saving billions!” Fury angrily shouted making them all flinch.
All of it dawned to them as Natasha fall into her knees realizing she killed a hero… she killed her friend who trusted her… she killed the person who loved her…
“I pulled her out of the recon to keep her safe knowing her all her covers were blown, I put her into your team so she can be protected thinking after all those years of being away we can have a normal dinner like she wanted for years, I trusted my daughter in your hand yet you are the one who killed her…”
Fury stood up tears streaming down on his face
“Avenger Initiative’s termination is effective immediately, all of you would be put in maximum security prison for killing Y/N Fury” Agents entered taking their weapons and cuffing them
 “Nick… I’m sorry” Steve’s voice filled with regret rang out as Fury looked at him coldly throwing a file on the ground in front of him as the content spilled revealing pictures of the Winter Soldier.
 “Y/N wanted to give you this information from the last recon she was put in to, James “Bucky” Barnes is alive and now known as the Winter Soldier who is working for Hydra and has killed thousands”
Steve’s face was full of shock knowing his best friend Bucky is alive…
“I’m sorry to cap…” Fury cut him off and coldly apologies to Steve who is now confuse to why as everyone in the room looked at them in silence.
 “you took someone dear away from me… and now I’m taking yours, Good Bye Avengers and thank you for your service” before Steve and others could react they were all tranquilized knocking them out cold and only waking up in a glass cell with Ross smirking at them as they sat there in silence thinking the things that they have done for you.
“welcome to your new life Avengers…in prison!” and a loud laugh erupted from Ross as he walked out as ex-heroes gazes followed his exit.
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nebraska-is-a-myth · 4 years
Foolish's Monologue - 04/03/2021
It has come to my attention, that during my summer retreat; living off in the desert, as I have been since arriving here, that perhaps I've been living a little naively. Which bothers me. It bothers me when I get things wrong. You would think, you would think after all these years, so many years, that I wouldn't misunderstand things, that I would have learned lessons. That I would know everything, but, I guess there's some meaning behind my name. I think it applies not just to me though either, I think it applies to most creatures. I think everyone's perhaps a little foolish, and [laughs] boy was I foolish. I thought, I thought I was safe here, and don't get me wrong, I still don't quite fear it. No. But it does bother me. It does bother me that I thought it was a mere pest, that I didn't need to pay it much attention.
So I've learnt two things; one, the egg is perhaps not just a pest. I thought it would just go away on its own, you know most pests, most pest's eventually, they come to their own demise one way or another. But this, this might be a little bit different. Now its not all bad, it hasn't corrupted everything. As far as I know, the temple of the undying is still safe and sound. Though it does trouble me, it does trouble me. I thought perhaps this statue would help protect this place. Maybe my cats would protect from the evil.
So now where do we go from here? What exactly are we dealing with? What exactly is this? Because if I haven't been clear enough, I have been around for a long while. And this is something I'm not familiar with. Is this an ancient foe I've faced before? Or something entirely new. Perhaps its a new foe. Perhaps the egg is a little naïve in of itself, for drawing me into this battle. And also I've been thinking too, maybe not just was I naïve, maybe a little selfish. Maybe a little selfish for just coming here and trying to live a peaceful life.
- And then this gets me wondering, who else has to deal with this, how far is this thing willing to spread. Well, I don't know. I'm still confident, but no longer blindly confident. So lets maybe switch things up a little. [puts on op armor set]
I'm not saying I'm going to war right now, but just preparing.
This also gets me thinking, as I was saying, how do we deal with this. Who is the right person to deal with this?
Well, we had tommy. He, while young, still had some kind of heroic power to him. But for now that doesn't matter. But who else is there, there's technoblade. The fierce warrior he is. But can even he compete with something as unnatural, unsettling as it is. But then it gets me thinking, other perhaps risky ideas, what about dream. If dream was not in prison right now, would he let it spread? Or maybe he's in favor of the egg. That's what we don't know! So I've thought about it, but perhaps that would just lead to more problems. SO once again that might be naïve to think that dream gunna be the reason to save us. Hmmmm. I don't know if I wanna go right to the egg, but maybe let's get a little closer. Just a little closer.
You know the more I think about it, I don't know if I'm bothered, if I'm angry, if I'm disappointed that I didn't try to do anything sooner about this. This egg. But there's no time for regret, we're here now. Now we've just got to come up with something. Allies, allies would be good. I believe my adoptive father, captain puffy, is also against this.
[now in the egg room]
It's just a foul, a real foul thing indeed. But like I said, I don't fear it. [laughs] I do not fear this. But understanding is important. Confidence is important. But not blindly going about stuff, that is where foolish actions can occur. So what about this thing, what about this thing makes it so special. Because from what I've seen, it take the minds, it controls them, corrupts them. And finding anger with bad, or antfrost or punz or anyone else that might be under the influence, I don't hold any grudge against them. I don't think that's truly what they want to do, they don't mean to cause harm. But let me tell you, mind controls a powerful thing. Not too many creatures can do such a thing, especially with so many.
And who do we have here? See this was one of the guys I was talking about, pink, I've spoken with him before, and he's trying to play both sides and I don't think you can just play both sides, that is naïve in of itself to think that you can just tread with this but not be corrupted.
You know its starting to bother me more and more. Like I said I'm not mad at them, no this is the real problem.
[egg laughs, so does foolish] I don't think I fear you. Right now you just appear to be an egg, but what.are.you.really. Have we ever met before? Do you have a name? I don't believe we've met before, I believe you're a new foe. Something I haven't quite seen in all my years. You think you're more powerful, be careful, be careful being naïve. Maybe so, maybe so but we will see cause you, you might have fucked up, dragging me into this. Laugh, laugh if you want. We’ll see.
[ egg: time will tell ] Time will tell indeed. Well it was nice meeting you, it was nice talking to you, and thank you for intruding. This won't be yours forever, I'll figure this out. Someone will.
[leave the egg room]
I don't know what it could be. A mere witch can't do that. What has the power to control minds? Witches, warlocks can maybe influence one, demons dreamons! Even they I have seen to maybe tinker with someone's mind but not control and just twist so many at one time. Like I said, I won't be naïve again. It has my attention. And maybe it's for the best.
Right now the egg might think it's the alpha, top dog in the chain, like I was saying all creatures are a little foolish one way or another, like a shark. I think it rules the ocean. Swims around eating almost anything it wants, but all it takes is one day a killer whale and boom! Shark loses. It's gone. But even still that killer whale, little does it know, there is a mighty sailor with a harpoon ready to take it out. Killer whale dead. One harpoon to the heart is gone, no longer the alpha. And then even that sailor, just might think he knows everything, that he rules the ocean. But the ocean laughs, because all it takes is a flick of a wave. And that sailors in the ocean. Dead! Drowned! Eaten by shrimp, and that sailor thought he was so mighty. And that's what I'm trying to explain. Be careful, be careful when you think you're so high and mighty because little do you know until its too late. That maybe there is something above you.
Just because I've been here a while does not mean I'm the smartest, humbleness can go a long way. But for now, we’ll just have to wait and see.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction : another member scares you
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Tw : near drowning scare, lots of bugs??
Mark Lee
donghyuck loves teasing mark
you’re mark’s s/o
results : donghyuck loves bullying you
congrats you get a free pass to cry with me cuz donghyuck is ruthless
but you learnt to live with it so it’s okay most of the time
until his friendly teasing involved a quite deep pool and your unprepared form being swung violently into it
so when you submerged underwater and didn’t come back up, mark forgot everything else and dove head first into the pool
his spiderman senses kicked in thank god
donghyuck saw his life flash before his eyes ⊙△⊙
when mark dragged you to the surface and hoisted you out of the water with donghyuck’s help, you took your sweet time before coughing violently
you gotta suck the life out of that dramatic effect ya know
mark coddled you the entire day, embracing your trembling form and keeping hyuck away despite his attempts to apologize to you :<
this man would spend an entire lifetime just taking care of you and smothering you with no complaints i swear cause you became like the centre of the universe for him ಥ_ಥ
writing music? thinks of you ; eating watermelon? y/n would like it ; showering? we could have some fun
but once he tucked you safely into bed and made sure you comfortably fell asleep after a scare that shortened both your lives by 10 years
WWIII commenced (ノ♯`△´)ノ~’┻━┻
markhyuck summer fight pt.2
Huang Renjun
there’s ONE(1) thing you and renjun totally agree on
scary movies can suck your di- └( ͡° ︿ °͡ )┘
but the other devil spawns ( read dreamies ) decided you deserve suffering their enjoyment blame them
so you’re settled on the couch between china line with renjun trying to keep his macho man facade give up jun we know you’re babie (♥ω♥*)
but still feeling you tremble like a leaf beside him melted his lil heart :((((
so he kept a hand on your knee the entire time, rubbing random patterns on your leg in an attempt to soothe your nerves
the atmosphere became so tense, any hint of conversation dying once everyone was immersed in the movies, an eerie silence enveloping you
but when dear angel chenle decided to shriek in your ears and dig his fingers in you sides let me tell you gals
you jumped out of your skin
and spoiler alert : didn’t land back on the couch
cue dolphin noises
but when you looked up at renjun, a deep pout settled on your lips and glassy puppy eyes ( つ᷄.̯σ̣̥᷅ ) he saw red before his eyes
no one dares to scare/hurt his baby and escapes unharmed no exceptions sorry
after he taught chenle the lesson of his life, it’s cuddle time!!! (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
he spoons you protectively and smothers you in a TON of kithes until he’s content with hearing your giggles  :>
Lee Jeno
you made it your personal mission to find a way to eradicate all bugs
no cap
and jeno just nodded along to your endless rambling about your strong dislike towards them
let’s be honest here, he was internally gushing at your cuteness like your biggest supporter ( ◠ ◡ ◠ )
so when renjun dangerously nears you without a common garden bug  he found during your picnic with the dreamies in between his fingers and sticks it in your face with the hugest shit eating grin (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑
you let out the loudest screech and scramble to throw yourself in jeno’s arm who acted like your comfort blanket by now i’m so soft for jeno can you tell????
and he just 「(°ヘ°)
‘my baby?? scared?? the nerve of some people?? gotta!!!show!!them!!no one!!!NO ONE!!!messes with my baby!!!’ (`Д´)
so he just pats you head lovingly and rubs your back until you calm down enough to let go of him
and then he leaves the cutest *smooch* on your forehead and gets up
he walks calmly towards renjun who was pretending to occupy himself with smoothing down a blanket and just...cracks his knuckles kaneki style
jeno just grabs the biggest bug he was able to find and grips the hem of renjun’s sweats harshly
wanna know what this gangsta beach does?? he frickin throws the bug down poor renjun’s pants
and then just leaves his unfortunate victim thrashing and shrieking for his life and retreats back in your arms like the terrifying baby he is
don’t mistake his softness for you as weakness!!1! he becomes ruthless when it comes to you :<
Lee Donghyuck
he’s already ruthless enough
so please PLEASE for the love of God don’t give him a reason to become even more of a devil spawn
but poor jisung didn’t get the gist bless his pure soul 🐣
you weren’t even that scared when you opened your phone to an remarkably ugly image of a cockroach (basically the same prank that was done to fetus jisung some time ago)
but you still let out a shriek loud enough to alert haechan
and while haechan seemed silent while he smothered you, his mind was going highwire which is NEVER good  ( ̄ェ ̄;)
*time skip to the next day*
3 times
so when he barges in the living room where sweet innocent hyuck is seated on the couch with you cradled in his lap while feeding both you and himself and watching netflix 
jisung has a fit it was damn time baby chick
“you put cockroaches in the shower, in my cup AND on my pillow, do you want me to die young??!!?”
“they’re fake tho”
eventually jisung retreated to put some shoes on and leave the dorm for a breath of fresh air after the near-death experience he encountered
“i feel bad for him” you took pity on the kid alright
“don’t worry your pretty head”
and he just kithes the heck out of you and automatically deleted all your worries once immersed in his sweet lips who could resist him tho
until another scream echoes
Na Jaemin
we all know jaemin enjoys photography
and you’d be a fool to believe his camera roll is not ABSOLUTELY FULL of pictures of you both candid and not
he always insisted he takes photos of things he loves or are beautiful and you’re both and even more ✿♥‿♥✿
that’s how some of your hangouts turn into mini photoshoots whenever jaemin was in the mood
and that’s how you found yourself modeling for jaemin while the other dreamies were lunging around
“i’m frying over here, can you hurry up?”
“not my fault my baby is the prettiest unlike you gremlins, hyuck”
“what’d you say?!!?!?!!” lowkey ready to swing
jaemin doesn’t spare him a second glance, he can only focus on you :>
“hey honey can you climb on that ledge for me?”
he helps you like the gentleman he is to climb the stone ledge, one hand clutching yours and the other gripping your waist softly (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
so you’re posing, focusing on the camera when you feel a hand tightly clasp over your ankle
and jeez do you scream so loud hyuck was left fried, insulted and deaf
and you can’t even step away from the ledge before jaemin envelops you in his arms and clutches you tightly to his chest
“aigoo aigoo~ my baby it’s okay, nana is here”  in the softest voice possible (๑´ω`๑)
he smooths down your hair, petting it affectionately and as he leans down to smooch your forehead he meets eyes with a sheepish jeno who peeks over from behind the ledge
and jaemin just stares him down with that disappointed mom look 
and jeno just knows he won’t be getting any dinner tonight
but jaemin’s head is full of you you you did i mention you? so he can only coo at you and smother your entire face in little kithes :<
“you’re the absolute cutest and all mine, my cute baby” *bursting uwus* *fake gagging noises in the background from hyuck*
“so candidate no. 2 without dinner tonight huh?” hyuck: “wait no pls”
Zhong Chenle
power napping is your favorite kind of date with chenle
just curling up against each other wherever you two could fit and spooning or just cuddling or even just holding hands if the weather was too hot
okay but just imagine chenle holding someone’s hand while he sleeps i’m ded just imagining it x.x
so it’s already understood that you’re a sleep lover who isn’t tho
and while you fell asleep, chenle still had to wash the dishes after a meal with the dreamies
jaemin being the affectionate person he is cooed over your cuteness and couldn’t help himself from throwing himself beside you on the bed and jumping on it while screaming your name (basically the same thing he did to chenle :)))) )
but unfortunately you were a quite light sleeper and easily startled when woken up suddenly and not so gently  ( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )
so you let out a chocked noise that immediately alerted chenle who returned to see you staring at jaemin like a deer caught in headlights 
“ah hyung why would you do that? you scared them like that”
chenle whined as he pushed jaemin away who retreated with slumped shoulders and a pout don’t worry jaems we love you
and chenle just slips under the blanket and brings you closer to lay down together and soothes you ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶
and he just embraces you, tangling your legs together and hiding your face in the crook of his neck while he runs his fingers through your hair comfortingly chenle would make the best cuddle buddy no take-backs
“shh it’s alright, just go back to sleep, i’ll stay with you” (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
with chenle’s assurance and tight grip on your body to bring you as close as humanly possible, you fall back asleep as chenle stares fondly at you
and that’s how chenle escaped washing dishes *ha suck it losers*
Park Jisung
jisung blames mark
mark is his oldest hyung and the supposedly most responsible debatable among them
so how could his leader scare you to tears and then dump your shaking figure for him, the baby, to take care of (ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
jisung could only stare at you as he hovered above your curled up form
“y-y/n, come on, there’s nothing to cry about, hyung didn’t mean it”
*mark facepalms* *sm building facepalms* *the white house facepalms*
mark just motions aggressively to jisung to rub your back 
and jisung pales as if mark suggested going to a haunted house *sigh* jisung you absolute clueless baby
he SUPER HESITATINGLY pats your back awkwardly, but you only curl up into yourself even more
mark pushes jisung to sit down beside you and prompts him to comfort you properly and jisung gulps
“sooo, how are you feeling?”
*well done jisung take a guess you sharp tool* (-‸ლ)
mark is just boiling with worry you might just dump jisung after his worryingly poor attempt when your small voice cuts through
“can you please hug me, sung?” (●´^`●)
jisung.exe has shut down please retry in a moment
“s-sure, yeah, just-”
but you just slot yourself in his lap and bury your face in his shoulder 
jisung.exe is overwhelmed by your cuteness pls spare him
but he eventually wraps his arms around you too and just rubs up and down, occasionally massaging the nape of your neck gently
“this is actually nice, can we stay like this please?” (⺣◡⺣)♡*
you just tighten your grip on him in response
and jisung rests his head on top of your head to hide his reddening face away but also to hold you even closer because despite his shy demeanor he cherishes you so so much so please have patience with this baby
mark just shakes his head from the doorway with a fond smile knowing that you’re just right for each other (︶ω︶)
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Burn - Henry Cavill smut
The one where Henry’s blindfolded.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: p in v, oral (f and m), curse words, one mention of daddy! kink, unprotected sex (I don’t recommend it), restraints and blindfolds. Also, the reader is trying to be a dom in this one, but she’s pretty soft.
A/N: day 11 of kinktober and the prompts were blindfold + “Hold it”. Once again, the smut is coming without revision and I’m still taking up friendship applications and beta applications which may or may not coincide. Hope you like this one, because I’m feeling dead inside.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Rationally, I knew it was stupid to feel this way. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to a date with Henry, but the truth was, nothing could have prepared me to what it would feel like to see him kissing someone else, having to sell that he was in love with another woman because that was a part of what he did to make a living.
But I had the best boyfriend, and he seemed to know exactly what I needed to feel better about the entire situation.
“How are you feeling, baby?” I asked as I slowly grinded against his belly muscles, appreciating the view of my very strong boyfriend stripped naked, blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed. 
“I-I’m okay,” he answered in the form of a whisper, almost like he was afraid to break the sexual atmosphere of the room, but I pouted. That wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear. It made me feel like I wasn’t doing my job right.
“Only okay?” I had to clarify, running one of my fingers over his bottom lip, before pulling it down and biting it until I heard him gasp. “You’re breaking my heart, honey. Would you prefer if it was Keyra doing this with you?”
The reaction was immediate. His body tensed up, and by the abrupt movement of his arms, I could see he had tried to move them to hold me, but the restraints made it impossible for him to do so.
“No, darling. Absolutely not. You’re the only one I want like this, the only one I trust enough to share this experience with.” I melted. Who wouldn’t, after such a declaration from the man you love?
“I know, baby,” I calmed him, leaning down to press a quick kiss on his lips, watching in amusement as he tried to follow me in the hopes of deepening it. “I’m only messing with you.” I resumed the movements over his abs, needing to feel a little bit more friction on my clit. His answering groan warned me of how truly pained he was feeling at the whole situation.
“Not being able to see you grinding against my chest is the most terrible punishment you could administer.” I had to giggle at his dramatics. Only my bear of a boyfriend would feel so terrible at having his girlfriend controlling his pleasure for once.
“Well, maybe this way you can understand how I feel everytime you film a love scene with another person.” He sucked in a breath, immediately shutting up, and I almost felt bad about my honest remark, but I decided he was mature enough to be able to suck it up. He was the one to suggest our current activity, after all.
“You know what? I don’t see why your punishment should be mine, too. I wanna cum, and you’re gonna make me cum.” I climbed over his body until my legs were on each side of his face, and I tried to ignore the cheshire cat smile Henry was trying very hard to suppress at the prospect of eating me out. “You remember what you have to do when you need to come up for air? Ok.”
After making sure he was reminded of the safe gesture we had anticipated for this kind of activity (a bite on my inner thigh), I lowered myself to meet his waiting tongue, that stood perfectly pointed up at me.
“Fuck,” I immediately breathed out, as always pleasantly surprised at just how incredible Henry was at eating pussy. He treated it like some sort of exotic, delicious dish, and he loved how wet he could make me get just so there was more for him to taste. “You’re too good at this,” I jested, wrapping my fingers around his curls, taking advantage of the fact that he had allowed his hair to get longer for this last role. I loved it like this, I loved being able to use it to try to control his movements.
But tonight, I didn’t have to try. I was the one in control. 
I rode Henry’s face slowly, still too self-aware in this position, but the second his lips wrapped around my clit, I was a goner. Gripping the headboard in front of me, I let myself sit more comfortably in his face, trusting in his use of the safety measure if it was necessary, and I relaxed, enjoying the filthy symphony that my moans and his slurping sounds created in our bedroom. 
As my high approached, he must have sensed it, because his licking became more feral, growls escaping his lips and reverberating against me as I started to fully grind my pussy against his face, crying out every time I bumped on his nose.
And then, I flooded his lips with my essence, temporarily blacking out before scrambling to get out of his face, so he could properly breathe again. I felt like my heart was fluttering at the sight of his perfect lips arranged in a full-on pout.
“You didn’t let me enjoy my meal properly!”
“You’re not supposed to enjoy this at all, remember?” He still looked like I had deeply hurt him, so I leaned down to properly kiss him for the first time that night. Henry moaned against my lips when I deepened our kiss, allowing his tongue to dance with mine as I appreciated my own taste. When we separated again, I was slightly out of breath and his lips were a shade of pink that denounced just how roughly we’d been kissing.
“Didn’t take you for having an asphyxiation kink,” I whispered against his lips, making him smile. “Now, I think it’s about time I take care of you, huh? Let me help you.” Henry didn’t say anything to that, knowing a trap when he heard one. In fact, I could see that he was holding his breath, as I made my way down his body, until I was staring at his perfect cock. The second I wrapped my hand around it, a deep, guttural groan escaped from Henry’s chest.
“Well, someone’s been feeling deprived.” I smiled at my boyfriends chuckle, knowing that was the very idea of the exercise we were currently partaking in, only now it was time for the real torture. Slowly, I licked a strip from the base of his cock until his leaking head, allowing myself to shallowly suck the precum there before immediately releasing his member.  
“You do taste wonderfully,” I teased, licking my own lips to chase the remnants of his taste. My only response was another groan, this one more tortured than the last. “And we’re only getting started, baby.”
I leaned down to wrap my lips around his dick once more, this time going further down after spending a few minutes sucking on the head of his member. Each new inch I uncovered had me retreating until only the head was between my lips, until I was bobbing my head and sucking the life out of him.
Henry’s P.O.V.
Going from practically no stimulation to the best blowjob of my life was making me feral with the intensity of the reactions she provoked on my body. My heartbeat had accelerated to a point not even running could achieve, and I swear that if I was standing, my knees would have given out on me.
Within minutes, I could feel my sack weighing heavier, signaling a fast approaching release I knew she wouldn’t grant me. Still, I allowed myself to entertain the idea of cumming on her perfect mouth, filling her up with my seed and hearing her satisfied little moan at my taste on her tongue. 
“Hold it.” Two words, and yet the effect was instantaneous, if only because at the sight of me fighting against my restraints as my orgasm approached, she immediately retreated until only her fist remained on my erection, massaging it just enough to keep it alive.
The slow, shallow movements were worse than nothing at all, somehow. I couldn’t keep the disappointed groan that made her laugh from showing just how devastated I truly was, but her answering laugh came with the feeling of her warm cunt rubbing against the blunt head of my cock, so I felt like a reward was on the horizon for me.
“Do you miss this?” I knew what she was referring to, and I also knew the answer without even needing to think about it. There were few things I loved in life more than being inside of her, and in that moment, I couldn’t remember any of them.
“Madly.” She chuckled at my answer, and I could perfectly imagine her shaking her head at me, a cute little smile on her face as she averted her gaze, still incapable of accepting just how much I truly loved and desired her.
“How is it that you always know just what to say?” It was my turn to chuckle, but it turned into a hiss as she calmly positioned my cock over her hole and leisurely sat down on it, like it was no big deal at all.
I knew better, however. It was in the way her nails bit on my navel as the muscles in her thighs struggled to accept the tempo of the movement she was performing. I knew she was relishing in the burn of my member stretching her, like it always did anytime I penetrated her, no matter how thoroughly I fucked her nightly. She always struggled to take me in, and I can’t say it wasn’t a huge ego booster.
“Tell me what you want,” she ordered, and I licked my lips at the prospect of finally getting my way. 
“I want to fill that perfect little pussy until it’s dripping out of you, even with my cock still buried in there.” I didn’t have to see to know that she shivered at my words. I could feel it through the connection between our bodies, and I took devious delight in it.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Well, I couldn’t say that he didn’t earn it. Just his words were enough to get me hornier than I’d ever been before I met Henry, and my hips moved on their own accord, until I was riding him with an ardor I hadn’t known I was capable of feeling. I didn’t even know I had the muscle strength to express it.
Nonetheless, we’re capable of a lot when we’re thrown in the fits of passion, I’d come to learn. And for Henry, I was pretty much down to do anything. So I just accepted the burst of energy and held on his chest for the ride, taking the opportunity to oggle my boyfriend freely even though I could see his beautiful eyes staring back at me. 
He still looked perfect, and absolutely ruined, his mouth open in a silent O as he panted and tried to thrust up against me as I fucked myself on his cock, but his desperation didn’t allow him to match our tempos. 
I still knew just how to make him cum with me, though.
Planting my knees on the mattress more firmly, I leaned over him to change the angle he was hitting inside of me, making sure the head of his cock was pounding against my sweet spot each time he was snuggled deep inside of me. And then, I threw myself back at his member furiously, determined to reach my own high and bring him with me. 
“Come on, honey, didn’t you say you wanted to fill me up? Here’s your chance. Fill me up, daddy. I wanna have your cum dripping out of me, making a mess on our bed. Please, cum inside of me. Please, please, please.” Each word that came out of my lips was accompanied by a jolt of my hips, and soon enough, Henry’s cock was twitching inside of me just when I, too, reached that euphoric high. 
I’d barely caught my breath and he was already struggling against the restraints, wordlessly begging me to release him, and I had to roll my eyes at his antics. “There you go, was that really so hard?” I asked after I’d freed him from the handcuffs and he immediately took off the blindfold, his hands coming up to squeeze a breast before rubbing all over my body, like he was trying to make up for lost time. 
“Darling, I think you know better than anyone just how hard I was.” I had to laugh, thankful to have his hands on me again after, in reality, depriving myself of his touch, but he really wasn’t wrong in what he was saying.
“Oh, yeah, I can attest to that. Specially since you’re still pretty hard inside of me.” Before I could understand what was happening, he had rolled us over until he was the one hovering over me, his cock still nested deep inside my pussy.
“And I know just the way to solve that problem.”
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nkogneatho · 4 years
"Promise me forever"- Fushiguro Megumi x gn!reader.
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Genre: fluff, angst, action | I do not own the character.
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Wc: 1.9k | Requested by @unabashednightmarepizza
Warnings: mentions of death, heavy angst, mentions of blood, jujutsu fight style, hyperventilation, mentions of depression and anxiety, bringing human back to life.| A/n: I did it finally. It took me long time. If anything above triggers you, please don't read it. I am still new to fics and stuffs so please be kind and don't send hate.
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The only people who ever understood you were your parents so processing the fact that they are no more wasn't really easy for you.
You inherited both infinite void and six eyes technique and some different abilities due to mutation to although they weren't very reliable. But for several reasons, you're mother asked you to keep it hidden. You really wanted to feel normal but the clan started gossiping about you and how helpless you are.
"Why are you showing pity towards me? I am strong. It's just that I can't show you. I promised my mother. Why are you behaving like that?", unfortunately these were the only thought running in your head.
Gojou saw you and couldn't take it anymore. The way the clan verbally abused you made his blood boil. You were his precious cousin and he didn't want you to get hurt so he took you to Tokyo along with him while enrolling in school.
You felt safe in Tokyo. It's like that was the place you belong although you had to keep up with your cousins antics but watching him getting his ass whooped by the principal is fun.
New semester, new first years joined in. Your days before were so busy and traumatic that you didn't even have the time to think about dating.
Gojou took this opportunity to introduce you to the hottest single guy.
"Y/n, this is Fushiguro Megumi. Megumi, this is my cousin Y/n", Megumi bowed and greeted you, you did the same. The white haired bitch ran leaving you two in an awkward state. Well you did propose a conversation and turned out you both had similar interests. Two of you eventually started dating. It was nice to have a boyfriend. The feeling was very different maybe because you never felt it before.
"Ah! What are you doing baby? You should be more careful", he helped you get up when you slipped. A little O's leaving everyone's lips watching Megumi so caring.
He always held your hands from onwards. The little squeeze he does when he feels insecure about losing you when you guys go on a date or twirling you around with the support of your fingers as you sing and dance on empty streets at night. "We'll stay like this forever. Promise me", he sneakily slipped a ring up your finger as you were busy singing. "Yes", you smiled.
You gasped later when you took notice to it and then immediately hugged him. Before you didn't even know what a promise felt like and now you had it with a person you love the most.
Never have you ever felt so content with anything in your life. Guess good things come to an end.
Being close to the group, Sukuna sensed the potential and power in you when you fought the cursed womb. Well yes, the team was there but you panicked and lost control. Your powers were now visible to both Sukuna and Megumi. He was shocked at how his strong attacks still left you unscratched. Your rage got the best of you. Some of it was the frustration of all the taunts you heard.
You were sure that Megumi wouldn't want to see this monstrous version of you. Growing up alone, scared as if you didn't belong to the family, you never got the chance to control or monitor on how actually your power works. Although Gojou did help you grow enough. But the thought of him hurting your friends was enough to make you snap. Being the monster he is, he wouldn't let this chance slide.
"You're a beautiful bud y/n. You just didn't get a chance to bloom. Seems like it's not too late", he tried so hard to lure you in but the only thing on your mind was now to tear him apart. Sukuna did retreat or should I say Yuuji made him. Fushiguro ran up to you two as you were there with Yuuji's heart in your shivering hand, blood raining down on floor.
"You guys are the best buds I ever had", the last words leaving his mouth as he tumbled on the floor. Your hands were shivering. Even though Megumi knew how to handle such situations, you didn't. Losing a friend? You didn't even have a single friend in the first place but now? You were the one who thrusted his heart out.
"Y/n. It's not your fault.", he tried to convince you. "I am a monster. They were right. I shouldn't have come here. I was good, rotting in a corner in that place. I am helpless", breathlessly blaming yourself.
It took you a few days to finally calm down and think about what was actually going on. Not to mention you were badly injured after the fight. Megumi and Nobara were there the whole time taking care of you when you were recovering.
Gojou after some days took you to somewhere, a place you weren't aware of.
Shocked to very own core you ran towards to hug your friend Yuuji who was alive.
"Y-yuuji.....", not sure what to say afterwards.
"It's okay y/n. It was not your fault. Plus the good thing. I AM ALIVE", he was so excited to see you, that was clearly visible. You both stayed up late and watched movies though Gojou gave you major spoilers so he got kicked out of the room. Gojou warned you to not speak about Yuuji being alive, yet.
A few days later when you were with Yuuji and Junpei at his school, Mahito arrived.
Turns out the reason behind Junpei's whole brainwashing was this man. You tried to snatch Junpei but before you could, Mahito manipulated his body and he was converted into a curse.
"I just wanna have a conversation", he said but you both ignored his shit talk and punched him but seems like it had no effect. Your moves focused on finding his weak point or atleast holding him until Yuuji brings Junpei back.
"Sukuna. Do it."
"No.", the entity inside him denied. A shock hit Yuuji. How did you guys did not expect this? They both are curses in the end.
"Why me?", Junpei tried to ask, fingers clinging on the hem of Itadori's shirt.
"Yuuji, switch with me", you ordered him. You were aware of what Mahito was trying to do and you let him do it. How fool of him to think he can enter and have a conversation with Sukuna. Sukuna striked a blow on his arm causing him to collapse on the ground.
You brought Junpei back to life with all the strength you had left, it didn't work perfectly because his body was still wounded. Sukuna witnessed your Potential and was impressed. He switched with Yuuji, tricking him that he wanted to help you and he will do anything for his friends so he agreed.
Sukuna's fingers brushed throughout your face, as if he was analyzing each and every single cell of it while you pant, brain hazy. "How long are you planning on staying on the good side? Hm? Don't worry. I am going to steal you anyways", his hands cupped your face but soon was cut off.
"HANDS OFF THEM", Megumi passed a blow, voice raging, the vein on his neck was visible.
"Ah. This is good. Two of my adored humans. I'd have you both for me".
"Dream on. There's no way you're having them", he spat.
"No. There's no way you're having any of us", you balanced yourself on your palm, eyeing the curse in front of you.
"I won't ma-make the same mistake again", you were still pretty beaten up, although you had to save everyone. Yuuji tried his best to control but he won't faze. The lust for your power grew more and more and made it unstable for Itadori to tame him.
"Megu-mi. Do as I say".
"Are you sure y/n you can fight?", the one trait you always liked about him was that he never ignored your dedication and just supported you instead of saying "You are weak now." Or "You should rest".
You blew a punch making Sukuna fall back so now you had a calculated distance from him. Your lover joined, standing beside you.
"Trick him into thinking that we are losing in combat and bring him closer", he wasn't sure what were you upto but this was your only resort.
He summoned the Shikigamis one after another and delivered continuous attacks on him. Of course it was useless. He won't concede just like that. Afterall he is the king of curses so he decided to play along with you two for a while. In the end, you both are coming to me anyway or so he thought until......
Your image swiftly appeared in front of his eyes at which his pupil dilated, forehead bleeding, jaw clenched. The bloodlust was clear in your eyes but now it had a different look. Almost as if you earned a control on your powers.
"I told you, didn't I? I won't make the same mistake again", you latched your palm on his chest where Yuuji's heart was.
It's okay, if it's just for a bit it's okay, you convinced yourself.
You stopped the heartbeat for a couple of second with your ability to send shocks and control organs of the body, sort of reakted to body manipulation, causing Sukuna to loose control.
"Yuuji. NOW!", he took the chance and switched back. His torso tumbled down as a fear hit you causing you to fall too. Maybe you made the same mistake again. Megumi approached you two apace.
"Itadori! Y/n! Get a hold of yourself".
"I guess I did it again.", you cupped his face. "I count myself lucky that I me-met you. I am so.....s-sorry. I love yo-", your arms slowly lost velocity and thud the ground.
"No. Atleast learn to complete your words before you stop", megumi fisted his hands in nothing but air.
Later Gojou and others arrived, immediately taking you and Yuuji to the Jujutsu medics.
Luckily, Yuuji switched back at the right time. Thanks to you he was alive.
Your eyes gradually opened up and wandered around the room for a bit until they caught Fushiguro's. (You thought you can die leaving Megumi alone? SIKE!)
Mind still hazy, but was able to comprehend what happened before.
"Where's Yuuji?",you suddenly rose from the bed. Your voice was soft and low but will never go unheard by your lover. He wanted to scold you at how selfless you were. All beaten up yourself but still asking for someone else.
"He is fine and perfectly alive. To be honest it's a surprise since Gojou told me he was alive all this time. He is so annoying that even death doesn't want him", he chuckled lightly making you too. The smiled on your face faded when you saw a tear fall down from the edge of his eyes. His hands squeezing yours a little tighter than before.
"Don't ever do that again.", he was trying hard not to burst out the water from his eyes.
"I won't. I promised you forever. Remember? There's no way I am going to leave you alone.", you stroked his cheekbones.
"Yes. Otherwise there won't be no one to annoy me"
"Hey!", you slapped his chest lightly but he gripped your hand.
"Complete your sentence. Now."
"I love you", three words left your mouth after recalling what you left him hanging on. Megumi sighed in relief and the placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too. Forever.", you embraced each other for the rest of the night.
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Taglist: @1-800-teddybear @kenmathepuddinhead
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©All the written contents above belongs to nkogneatho2021. Do not modify and repost.
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The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend
Rating: Teen and up, just for some allusions and a bit of (quite mild) language. Better safe than sorry.
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Francisco “Catfish” Morales/You
Summary: You're dating Frankie and your cat hates him. Because cats are wonderful assholes.
"I know, baby, I know. Everything stinks and is unfair."
Frankie smiles faintly to himself when he hears your voice from the bathroom, where you are are trying to medicate your very uncooperative cat Karl, who has an ear infection and has to be given eardrops twice a day. The gray-striped tomcat disagrees to this torture loudly, and Frankie is happy about not having to be the one to administer the drops. Then again, he doesn't need to have anything to do with the cat: every since you two started dating and he started coming around to your place, the cat has clearly showed that Frankie is an intruder. He pissed in Frankie's shoes the first night he stayed over, and more than once has Frankie woken up in your bed to find Karl, in the form of an dark, disapproving loaf, on top of you, staring him down in the dark.
"He's been the only man in my life for quite a while," you defended the beast when Frankie finally dared to complain. "He's very protective of me. Give him some time."
Frankie likes cats fine, isn't much used to being around them, but doesn't mind them. He likes the idea of having a purring cat in his lap while watching TV at night. Karl, however, is not living up to his fantasy of what a cat should be like.
The bathroom door opens and Karl slinks out, fast as lightning, disappearing somewhere to pout about the unjust treatment he's been put through. You come into the bedroom and Frankie sits up in bed, holding out his hand. You take it, sliding down next to him, and accept his sweet morning kiss. When he backs away, he spots the red scratch at your collarbones.
"Did the cat do that?" Carefully, he trails the scratch, and you recoil, frowning at the sting. It's not deep enough to bleed, but it does smart. "Sorry," he murmurs and drops his hand to your knee.
"It's not out first rodeo," you shrug. "How would you like it if I held you down and poured liquid into your aching ear?"
"I wouldn't hurt you, that's for sure," Frankie tells you with determination. "That cat is an asshole."
"Careful there. That cat was here way before you." You close your eyes and sigh softly as his hand slides up your thigh and his lips graze your shoulder.
"There's a lot of things I can do for you that the cat can't..." he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear, before applying a little bit of teeth to your earlobe. A shudder runs through you at the light scratch of his facial hair.
"Mmm... but he doesn't make me late for work as often as you do," you chide him, fluttering your eyes open and smiling at him. "I gotta be at work on time today, baby. Early meeting."
Frankie scoffs, disgruntled, and you give him a quick peck on the cheek before getting up. "I know, but it can't be helped. You want coffee?"
"Not what I wanted at all..." Frankie grumbles, and it makes you roll your eyes and throw him a kiss before leaving.
Frankie lays back, yawning loudly and passing his hands through his unruly head of hair, scratching a little and then stretching his arms to the sides, popping joints complaining. His right arm stays where it is, over your side of the bed, and although it's been a while since you got up, he imagines that he can feel the lingering warmth of your body on the sheets. He hears you talk as you serve that dang cat its breakfast, and it doesn't matter that the cat clearly hates him, he accepts Karl because you love Karl. He likes listening to you talk to the jealous little thing, fussing over it. It feels homey.
He flinches when the cat suddenly springs up onto the bed, close to his outstretched arm. Frankie pulls in his arm immadiately, watching Karl closely. Yellow eyes stare back at him, assessing.
"Hello, Karl," Frankie says carefully, expecting the cat to retreat, or hiss, or maybe throw up right in front of him.
Karl blinks slowly. Then, equally slowly, walks across the bed to Frankie, stops right next to him, looks at him again, and flops down against his side. Frankie stiffens, not sure what to do. What does that creature want?
"Okay. Umm..."
Karl is very meticulously looking away, like he doesn't want to acknowledge Frankie's existence at all. His eyes are wide open, staring stubbornly in another direction, with the feline equivalence of a person who has to do something really gross but necessary, like clean up after a kid's explosive diarrhea. And Frankie, quite obviously, is both the kid and the diarrhea.
Carefully, Frankie puts his hand over Karl's neck and passes it slowly over his back, stopping where the tail starts. Nothing happens, so he tries again. And again. Karl's expression of disgust doesn't change, but he closes his eyes.
Well, shit.
Frankie pets the cat in silence, although he wants to call to you and have you come look at the miracle. He has a feeling the cat wouldn't take to bragging like that. Better to just pretend like this is normal, nothing out of the ordinary, move along, nothing to see here...
He hears you walk around the apartment, mumbling to yourself, before you come into the bedroom.
"He's mad enough not to want breakf- "
You come to a full stop when you see what's going on. Frankie can't help but crack a large grin.
"Oh my god," you say. "He's really pissed at me!"
"Thanks for the vote of confidence."
You laugh, and come to sit down next to the two guys in your life.
"Are you this upset with me, you silly boy?" you coo at Karl, who opens his eyes and looks disapprovingly at you. "Come on now, come have breakfast."
Karl slowly comes to his feet, curls his spine up towards the ceiling, and then gets up on Frankie's belly. Very demonstratively, he turns his back on you and settles. You're baffled, and quite amused as well.
"Asshole cat."
"Hey, don't be like that, he's an old gent who deserves some respect!" Frankie admonishes you. Rolling your eyes, you mutter a whatever and get out of bed.
"Coffee's ready."
"We'll be there when we're good and ready," Frankie lets you know. Karl starts to purr.
"Men," you scoff and leave them for your breakfast. Frankie pets Karl, who cracks open an eye to gaze inscrutably at him.
"Us guys gotta stick together, right?" Frankie could swear the cat smiles at him as the one yellow eye shuts close anew. "But we gotta treat her well, too. You know that, right? Right? Good man. You wanna get breakfast? I sure do."
Karl opens his eyes again at the sound of the word breakfast and when Frankie flexes his abs, Karl jumps down and waits for him to get out of bed.
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Hiiii!!! 💫💕🌸🥳
Can I bother with a question... I was (re)watching that zhang qiling edit (not today) - 'cause it's so cool, btw- and I wondered if Reboot Xiaoge’s your favourite one...? And if you're up to answering, what do you think about the other adaptations? Especially (our small bean) xiao yuliang's interpretation of xiaoge?
Hey, my precious patootie hehe ILY it always makes me very happy knowing that you rewatch my vids <3
lol dang it, I was kinda hoping to avoid this question, just because I feel like I'd find it hella hard to explain some things, but I'll try my best and hopefully it'll make some sense xD
I'll start from afar bc I wanna try to explain my reasonings, since I don't want to go without arguments into such highly debated question lolz. I talked about this a bit in my previous asks somewhere, but not broadly as to why that one guy hit all the right spots.
So throughout the books Wu Xie always does this wonderful thing, where he very tangibly describes the feeling he gets when Xiaoge is near, I mean like the aura around him. And he always somehow does it so colorful, that this mix of safety, assurance, calmness, composure and some things I can't quite put into one noun, that he brings to him, I think everyone who've read the books can recognize as this almost magical "Xiaoge feeling". It's not just the way he acts in some dangerous situations or smth like that. It's just everything. You either have it or you don't. And here goes my first argument... to me none of them, except for Huang Junjie and Yuliang have it.
I mean it's not even the obvious stuff, it's like the way they move during the action scenes, the way they even stand and hold themselves, the way they touch Wu Xie, the tone of their voices (both of which are like soothing as fuck), little things you'd think wouldn't matter, but when you watch it and all the puzzle pieces are together, you're like... fuck yeah, thats him.
Also not really that weighty of a point, but to me there's always a joy to see that the actor who plays the character not only gets what's he's playing, but also loves it, bc it's always seen on screen. Usually when some asked about the character they play and what they have in common for example they answer with obvious things like if some character is introverted they're like "well I also don't talk very much" or smth like that, you know what I mean. When I was watching interviews of Yuliang and Huang Junjie I was just smiling so much, bc they've said such things that made me go "yeah, Qiling is safe in their hands".
In Reboot case working in such close proximity with the author definitely also played a huge role here. Bc it kinda gets complicated in some aspects since the books are written from Wu Xie's point of view and you can't only base your picture on his perspective, just bc it's coming from a person who after being basically told "you're my whole world" goes "I'm just a person he randomly passes by in his long life" in his thoughts. Not only he's utterly clueless and dumb when it comes to all this, that he wouldn't notice the way Qiling looks at him and other things, its also not that kind of book, that would go "I suddenly caught poker face looking at me like I'm his whole existence" (and I honestly don't want it to be that book lmao). So you have to take into the account here stuff like what author says to get the whole picture, bc if you look at that from the point of Qiling's view for example, this shit takes a whole wild turn. So I really loved that in UN and Reboot ways of showing Qiling's feelings were well thought out and fit the timeline.
Bc it also works both ways, when it comes to other adaptations. Like Qiling is very and I mean ETREMELY hard to win over. We all know that it was a very long process of gaining his trust and even longer for him to fall for Wu Xie to the point of him being his everything. So what I want in those interpretations is for them to get at which point of their relationships what Xiaoge's behavior makes sense. I do not need any fanservice if it ruins the character, I'll just hate it. The thing that their feelings didn't come out of nowhere is what I LOVE about this ship, bc I'm not the kind of person who believes in "we love for nothing" thing and love at first sight thing (only "got hots for each other" at first sight), bc thats bull. Wu Xie became his everything after a long LONG process of getting to know each other. At the beginning tho he was the same stranger to him as everyone else. So what Reboot Qiling feels for Wu Xie is not what UN's Qiling feels for Wu Xie yet and what UN's Qiling feels for Wu Xie is not what Lost Tomb's Qiling feels for Wu Xie (which at that point was nothing). And I feel like not everyone gets the fact that you can totally wreck the character if you make him behave not the way he behaved in that particular time. Like for example, if someone would make a MDZS adaptation where at the very beginning of their relationships LZ treats WWX the way he treated him after the reincarnation just because "who cares, it's still LZ", that would be dumb af, see what I mean. So Xiaoge having a weakness for Wu Xie in part one is automatically not a Xiaoge to me, bc a huge part of his character and the thing NPSS speaks a lot about is just how IMPOSSIBLE it is for someone to catch his attention and how long it took Wu Xie to get there. So let's just say to me UN and Reboot Qilings for the first time didn't feel like some mashup or character summary/parody, they were Qilings the way they are supposed to be in that part of the story, bc it was the only times someone actually bothered to coordinate it.
Now as to why I prefer one to another. Xiaoge has this thing... the way he holds himself with other people, that is sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally suppressing.
Like everyone knows that if you're a passerby, Qiling genuinely doesn't fucking care and would in fact be pretty harsh about it in terms of treating people like they do not deserve their attention. He won't be like "please, don't bother me", he simply ignored them like an empty space. He is also like that with acquaintances who in his opinion do not deserve his respect like that girl who went hysterical, bc she was upset that he was the only one who wasn't drooling on her like all other men on the crew, Chen Wenjin, Wu Xie's uncles and etc. He's not openly disrespectful unless they trigger him in some way (usually by trying to act superior or later on for not treating Wu Xie right), but if they do, he will in fact remind them their place in sometimes a very rude way, at times humiliating them in front of ppl bc he looks younger than them and talking starts.
He's always doing things on his own terms and hates being told what to do. Like he legit scared Chen Wenjin just with a look and the tone of his voice when he said "let go", when she tried to command him on the mission and grabbed him trying to lecture him about what he should or shouldn't do. That's why Wu Erbai didn't even try anything like this and let him do whatever he needed to do and equally lead the mission in Reboot. And why the scene where Wu Xie 'commands' "Xiaoge, come back" and he immediately listens holds another special place in my heart. Bc he NEVER and I mean NEVER allows such things to ANYONE.
So here I came to a point of why despite loving them both dearly, my favorite Xiaoge is Huang Junjie.
I have this dissonance with Yuliang's version when to me in many scenes it felt like he and Wu Xie are the same age. Like if he was Xiaoge, but in his 20s. In his interactions with Chen Wenjin the dynamics was turned upside down, with him being okay with her telling him what to do and just in general the way she behaved with him. Same as like I didn't always quite believe him to be on par with older generation or even Pangzi, it just felt like he was truly younger than them. Some scenes that I do find extremely cute just don't fit book Xiaoge at all, I'm talking about some moments like his face when Wu Xie gave him food, or him pouting and many things he's done, when you were going "uwu he's a baby". He just never gives me this feeling in the books ever, not just bc he's 100 years old, but sad fact here.. bc he's simply unable to behave that way. Like in the books you'll desperately want to shower him with love, but he's just... I can't quite explain, it's very sad.
I guess it's just you know these characters, who are like hundreds years old, but look like they're 18? I think you have to be very careful with how you write those, so you could deliver that. And in UN because of some changed dynamics and scenes I straight up forgot about it, until Wu Xie threw some joke like "he's an old man" in front of a restaurant.
In Reboot Xiaoge could make Wu Erbai stutter with one move, put Yuliang's version in the same scene, I just don't think it would've worked. Like I'm trying to imagine him telling UN's Wu Erbai what to do and having troubles already haha. Same as I don't think he's capable to be genuinely mad at Wu Xie, and HJJ nailed it esp in one of my fav when Wu Xie was laughing at Pangzi's joke about him catching cold. The look he gave him and how ZYL just retreated was priceless xD. And boy could Qiling get angry with him in the books!
Otherwise I didn't have any drastic fall outs there, like with Joseph's Wu Xie and Ah Ning's death, because that was just too much of a difference, but there were still moments where it was once again this the same scene completely different emotion thing. He was more tolerable to ppl in general here, more pliable. And 50% of the time he gave me the cute lost kitten type, which I just cannot connect with the feeling he gave me in the books. His personality is a cat type 100%, but like seriously "cute baby" is the last word combination I would ever apply to book Xiaoge, but with Yuliang's version it's easily applied. So small bean he is indeed. With Joseph and in UN it works incredibly perfect to me, but the way he is in UN is at times too gentle. And there are lots of scenes where Joseph himself looked at him in a way "you're too cute, let me pinch your cheeks" kind of way, or the way he like sat down next to him on the coast, he was a bit babying him at times. I can't imagine book pingxie doing that. It's just a whole different vibe, the way he takes care of him, the way he lets him take care of him... it's...uuuuuuuuu another vibe (see, I'm so good at explaining lmao).
It's also kinda funny to me, bc HJJ who's the smallest and who irl truly a kitten never once gave me that feeling on screen for some reason. The one babied and loved by every crew and old ppl, who was cutely hiding behind ZYL's back on set, who won't sue an ex who almost ruined his career bc of how stupid she is, bc he "didn't want to hurt her", who according to staff can't even step on a fly, whom CMH was petting for several minutes after he had to hit him with a prop brick bc he didn't wanna do it lmao. I was just like.. ok, this is hilarious, bc I in fact didn't expect him to be a small bean, so watching all the bts made me go LOOOOL. Probably ZYL acting like a 3 year old helped him transform and the age difference problem got lost lmao
As for other adaptations. You know I can't watch seriously "Lost Tomb", I think some ppl probably have some nostalgic feeling about it, but I'm sorry, to me it's fucking hilarious. Like I've already said it looks like some type of twilight parody thing or smth. Soft damselle Wu Xie esp killed me, bc 1st when he ever was that, 2nd in the first book he's salty af, I don't even know this dude in this interpretation, I was like who's this. YangYang I know him from other things, I really don't think it's his role. I know the script and everything is bad. I know the costume and hair are horrendously funny, but it's just I was watching him in those action scenes and was like no... just I'm sorry but I'm not feeling it. I simply just don't know what to say about the whole thing seriously, bc I don't even know where to start. 10 episodes of some salad finished with one mutilated scene from book 6 for no reason the fact that characters are weird themselves also I can't quite tell, did they really just meet or they imply smth else lmao.. I'm sorry, but I do not get it.
I've given LT2 another try after finishing all the books and I've dropped it half way through, Cheng Yi wasn't even close to how I pictured Xiaoge in any aspect. He in fact didn't do anything OOC or off the book or anything, I just was like "not my Qiling". Happens sometimes.
Explore with the note you already know how I feel about this lol let's just forget.
P.S. To be fair here also maybe we should take into account the fact that some got luckier than other with "at which point" Xiaoge they're playing. Like for example, "Wrath of the Sea" and "Qingling Tree" books which is LT2 is not exactly you can say much about Qiling there, he trolls them there in the beginning (in a brilliant way that was totally lost in the adaptation) and he is there in "Wrath of Sea", but it's not the part that can make his character shine in any way, there's not much things happening there that would make you fall for him or get to know him; Yuliang grabbed the fattest piece bc it's middle several books, when they're always together and his character shines the most in terms of clues about past, opening up to Wu Xie and Pangzi, and there are many many events where you can get the picture of what kind of man he is; Huang Junjie grabbed my fav piece of utter devotion, where he's already fully and wholeheartedly belongs to Wu Xie, that I'm just weak for. So like... there's also that I guess xD.
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alexaplaysgames · 4 years
Have Mercy on Me
Pairing: Felix Escellun x GN!MC
Fandom: Fictif (Last Legacy)
Rating: M (swearing, mild sexual content)
Words: ~ 1500
Description: Felix and his barista are a bit less than careful when it comes to concealing their midnight make out sess.
Notes: So Sage suspects that Felix and MC are a thing, but he doesn’t know that they are. Or he didn’t prior to this fic. The last of my Felix writing spree! I’m moving on to some Asra next.
Tags: @margitartist @demon-paradise @themohawkhelmet @cactus-hoodie @aomiyeon @piningmaybeanartist @another-confused-gay
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When I imagined travelling with the legendary Starsworn, sitting in the parlour of a run-down inn and getting wasted wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.
Sage grabs a bottle from the table at his feet and takes a hearty swig.
“Even this is failing to entertain me now,” he says, cracking his back as he stands, “I’m going to go pass out.”
“Will you kill me if I call it a cat nap?” I singsong.
Safe glares at me in reply, ears pinned flat against his head. “Do you want to find out?”
I opt to stay quiet as he turns towards the stairs that lead to our rented rooms.
“I think I’m going to turn in for the night as well,” Anisa hums, her green eyes glittering in the firelight. “Goodnight, you two!”
Felix and I sit silently as the sound of creaking wood accompanying footsteps retreats up the stairs.
As soon as the parlour is silent, he turns to me, smirking.
“Ah, to be free of Sage’s incessant pestering.”
I too am rather glad to be alone with him. With all that’s gone on lately, I’ve barely had Felix to myself at all these last few days.
The cracking of the fire is soothing, the silence between us strangely comfortable. It’s rather odd, considering Felix isn’t one for quiet contemplation, and it’s very rare that any situation he’s involved in remains free of awkwardness.
I’m distracted from my thoughts as Felix glances down at our hands, still close together being that we have yet to seperate from our previously crowded position on the sofa.
Once again, I feel myself wishing that he would just ask for things when he wanted them, like he so obviously wants to hold my hand now. Am I doing something wrong? Is this some consequence of his relationship with Rime? I know almost nothing about that, I don’t really want to, but if that deer-man did anything to hurt Felix, I guarantee I’ll snap his antlers like Pixy Stix.
Then again, perhaps some of the hurting was consensual. He did have some choice comments about their sexual relationship that I’ve really been trying to forget. Yikes. I can’t imagine the Felix I know in a relationship anything like that.
He’s too precious... too soft. I feel like getting rough with him would break him, shattering his beauty to shards, like stained glass.
But I wouldn’t mind if he were a bit more forward with me.
“Do you want to hold my hand, Felix?”
He starts, then blushes as he meets my gaze. Felix nods, his expression turning resolute as he slowly reaches for my hand, then intertwines my fingers with his.
I reach to delicately tilt his chin up with the index finger of my free hand.
“I do like you, you know,” I tease, but the words still carry meaning. “You don’t have to be so hesitant.”
“O-okay. I know that, I do. It’s just... difficult,” he scoffs, a frustrated sound deep in his throat. His voice goes soft as he continues, “I haven’t- I haven’t done this since...”
“I know.” He doesn’t need to say Rime’s name for me to know who this is about.
I smile, sultry turning soft, then focus my attention back on the fireplace as Felix lays his head on my shoulder with a soft sigh. Progress. His hair tickles my chin, but I don’t really mind. He smells... nice. Like... well, he actually kind of smells like sage. Sage the plant, not the person. Felix would certainly take offence to the latter. I snicker under my breath just thinking of his reaction if I told him so.
I suddenly shiver as Felix turns his face into my neck, trying to stay still. He’s not a huge fan of casual physical contact, and I don’t want to scare him away. He’s kinda like a pet, a cat, in that any time he gets close I stay shock still in hopes that he won’t run off. He’s like a cat in many ways, actually. Grumpy, recluse, adorable. Another description he would despise, knowing his hatred for Stella. I purse my lips to keep from giggling. Man, if only everyone knew how hilarious I really am.
“You realize,” Felix hums, the vibrations creating goosebumps across my skin. “We are completely alone.”
My amusement fades in an instant, my features stretching into a seductive grin.
“Oh? And what, Felix, oh dignified and talented mage, are you suggesting?”
I can almost feel his face heat from where it’s pressed against the soft skin of my neck.
He sighs, then mumbles, “I beg you not to tease me so. We can’t all be as lascivious as Sage, my dear.”
“Felix,” I tease, despite his request, “are you asking for a kiss?”
He pulls away, face flushed red, biting his lip as he refuses to meet my gaze.
“No.” The answer is obviously yes, and although his pout is adorable, he sounds like a stubborn, petulant child.
I place my hands on both of his cheeks, forcing him to meet my gaze.
“Good. Because you don’t need to ask. If you want to kiss me Felix, go ahead.”
It’s a bold challenge. Never does Felix initiate such things, but I want him to. I want him to want to.
He blinks. Then, slowly, tentatively, he shifts closer to me, the sofa creaks beneath him, and I feel the cushions sink as he leans towards me. His breath fans across my face as he gets impossible closer, his eyelashes fluttering against my cheeks.
It’s in moments like these that it truly hits me: how incredibly intoxicating Felix is. I don’t think I could refuse him if I wanted to; my heart yearns to be swept up in the vortex of his stormy eyes, to drown in a sea as black as his fingernails or as red as his bitten lips.
I can just barely feel the brush of his lips against mine, leaving my breath stuttering in my throat. It’s nice- the closeness, the stillness. Intimate even, with our foreheads pressed together and our mouths just barely touching. I could stay like this with him forever.
Then our lips slide together in a familiar, passionate dance, slow and sensual and utterly delicious. I instinctively move my hands to tangle in his hair, pulling just the way I know he likes, while Felix surprises me by moving one hand to cup my face, the other to skim my thigh, and kissing me back hard, hard enough to make me feel like the breath that fills his lungs, and I struggle to refrain from smiling against the softness of his lips.
I pull away, trying not to notice his bereft, breathy little exhale, just long enough to quirk a brow before I place my hands on his chest and push him back into the sofa, chuckling at the noise of shock that he makes.
And while I love to have him near me, holding me, this is where I like Felix best. Pinned under me as I straddle his waist, wide, silvery eyes reflecting the dying firelight.
I lean over him, tantalizing, teasing, trace a path with my tongue from his collarbone to the shell of his ear, then finish by biting down on his earlobe, rolling the stud he wears in his ear with the tip of my tongue.
Felix gasps, hips involuntarily pressing upwards and against mine, a breathy whine building in his throat. I catch his wrists and pin them above his head, leaning back to admire the mess I’ve made of him.
“So pretty,” I murmur, twirling a strand of his hair with my free hand.
“You are quite,” his voice shakes with his ragged exhale, “resplendent yourself.”
I snort, hum, then lean forward to capture his mouth in a sinful, open-mouth kiss, grinding against him once more in a way that has us both panting into each other’s mouths. I’m not sure how long we stay tangled up like that, rocking together, never parting for longer than it takes to catch a breath.
His skin is surprisingly warm to the touch when my fingers flit under the fabric of his shirt, dipping over the soft give of his stomach, a gentle, exploratory touch I can feel mirrored by Felix’s hands on the bare skin of my arms.
I’m just about to suggest we take this somewhere more private when I’m interrupted by a choking noise. A sound not unlike that of a cat, yakking on a hairball.
Felix and I hastily spring apart, and my gaze is immediately drawn to a tall, white-haired figure standing at the base of the stairs.
“Holy fuck.” Sage whispers, his expression a mix of amusement, awe, and confusion. His eyes dart between the look of sheer mortification that paints my features and Felix’s disheveled appearance and half-open shirt.
Felix flops back down, burying his burning red face in a pillow.
“Not now, Sage.”
Sage only smirks. “Interrupted something, did I? By all means, don’t stop on my accord. I’m all for watching, or joining. If you’re into that sorta thing.”
I can only manage to stare, slack-jawed. Is he really suggesting...?
“So,” Sage clears his throat, causing Felix to groan at the realization that he has not yet left. “You two really are-“
I nod.
“No,” he grimaces.
“Yes,” I deadpan.
“No,” he repeats, louder, frantic. “I cannot live in a world in which Felix has game. First Rime, now you? Are you sure you’re the one who got teleported to another dimension?”
“That’s not exactly what-“ Felix finally huffs as he raises his head, glaring.
“Whatever, man. This is some fucked up shit. Majorly fucked up, that’s what I say.” Sage crosses the room, retrieving a dagger from the nearby armchair and twirling it dangerously in his leather-clad grip (I assume this is the reason he came back into the parlour at all).
He makes to move up the stairs, but pauses, throwing me a grin over his shoulder, accompanied by a waggle of his eyebrows.
“But if you ever wanna get a taste of the wild side...”
“Sage!” Felix exclaims, eyes flashing a dangerous green, but the former only snickers.
“Goodnight, horny children. Try to keep the noise level to a minimum, if ya know what I mean.”
I have to slap my hand over Felix’s mouth to stifle his angry retort.
This is going to be a long few days.
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
brat - spencer r.
summary: while out with the time, a comment from the group gets spencer thinking… and god, if he thought like this every time, you’d be in luck. Because your night just got a hell of a lot better.
pairings: spencer reid x reader
warnings: smut!!! oral, male and female receiving, penetrative sex
a/n: this is the second time posting this. A couple people had some mean things to say the first time so… let’s try this again. when a word is in caps and bolded, it’s a scene change (Tumblr doesn’t have cuts anymore so kindly get off my dick about this) 
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“So let me get this straight…”
The others laughed as Morgan fumbled through his confusion, his gaze never once wavering from yours, “You don’t want to make sweet sweet love to me?”
His fake offense was obvious, but you’d have to praise him for his theatratics. Man sure knew how to put on a show.
“I’m sorry, you’re just not my type,” you sigh, playfully laying your hand over his.
“You can’t have two dominant people in one relationship, it’d never work,” Emily quips, glancing between the two of you with a smile.
“Truth. She needs someone more like… Reid.”
At this, the genius’ head perks up, taking note of the way the tips of your ears flushed.
“I think you’d be the perfect sub for Y/N.”
You throw a balled up napkin at Garcia, glaring as she laughs off your attack.
“Penelope! Leave him alone.”
And she would’ve, you’re sure. But he’s no longer interested in being left alone.
“No, come on, now I want to know. What makes you say that?”
“Well, Y/N is obviously a dominant person. You’ve met her. And you’re… not. I just think it'd work. In the bedroom, you know?”
The others share a laugh as you groan, shaking your head, “I’m pretty sure he knows, no need to clarify.”
“I don’t know, I feel like she’s got a lot more underneath the surface.”
Your eyes snap over to Spencer, taking him. He’s staring at you now, eyes burning into you with a glint of… mischief? He was watching you, waiting for your reaction.
“Well, maybe my depth is surface level! Just a, a pond.”
“A pond, huh?”
“Or a puddle…”
“A puddle…”
“Stop repeating me!”
“Why should I?”
Morgan glances between the two of you, grinning, “I don’t know, Pen. Maybe he’s a brat.”
“I am not a brat!”
“That’s exactly something a brat would say.”
Spencer huffs and glances over at you, seemingly as ready to drop the conversation as you were.
“Whatever,” you shrug, “does anybody know if that restaurant near here burned down, or if it was just fake news?”
The team eagerly took to your distraction, arguing their own opinions on the matter and what they had heard, before the topic naturally shifted to something else.
All throughout the night, you noted the way Spencer was acting differently. Glancing at you more often. Touching you longer, and even when unnecessary. He was joking, he had to be.
Later on, as you excuse yourself from the group, you make your way over to the bar, quickly ordering another drink before glancing back over at your friends.
More specifically, Spencer.
You had liked him for a while, and by now you were certain that he knew about it. There was no way he couldn’t, with how much everyone brought it up. He never talked about it, though. Instead, he just ignored the entire thing. Which was answer enough for you.
“Well, here I am. What’re your other two wishes?”
Rolling your eyes, you glance over to the man who now stood besides you, hand instinctively covering the drink the bartender had brought over.
“Is that the best line you’ve got?”
“Do you like raisins?”
“What? I… yeah.”
“How do you feel about a date?”
You stare at him for a moment, thoroughly confused, “I… I guess? Why’re you asking me about—”
You cut yourself with off with a laugh, realization flooding through you. The man looks quite pleased as he watches you, an easy smile on his lips.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way. I’m Pete.”
You took a moment to look him over. His eyes were dark, his hair cut short. He had a sturdy build, but it wasn't overly obnoxious. His accent was thick with certain words. He was probably from Jersey. Or New York. Somewhere they couldn’t quite pronounce the “r”s. New England, maybe?
Admittedly, he was hot.
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Pete. Where are you from?”
The two of you chat for quite a few more minutes, conversation flowing easily between the two of you. You were having such a good time, it almost didn’t seem real. You had even forgotten about Spencer. That was, until he made his way over to you.
By then, you and Pete had gravitated closer together, your hand on his arm as he spoke, the other holding up your chin.
“Hey, Y/N. Think it’s time we head home.”
You barely glance over at him, “I’ll be fine, you go ahead.”
“No, I’m not leaving you, you’re drunk.”
“I don't feel that drunk, Spencer. I haven’t even had a drink yet.”
“Ah, boyfriend.”
Your “no” comes at the same time as his “yes”, the other man’s sigh being ignored by you both.
“So now we’re dating?”
Raising his hands in surrender, you're suddenly aware that Pete has started to back away, “Seems complicated. I’ll let you two work this out. It was nice to meet you, Y/N.”
You don’t have time to respond to him, his retreating frame quickly dipping into the crowd of people in line. Turning back to face Spencer, you glare at him.
“I was about to get laid. Fuck you.”
“Oh you’d love to wouldn’t you.”
“Excuse you?”
“You heard me. You wanna fuck? I’m right here.” He moves closer to you and it’s unnatural to see Spencer, of all people, act like this.
“What is wrong with you?” You mutter, trying to push past him. He stands in front of you.
“I’m gonna make you regret having said that.”
He takes your hand and pulls you with him back over to the table, quickly pulling his jacket off the chair and flashing the others a nonchalant smile.
“We’re going to head out, Y/N isn’t feeling too great, so I thought I’d take her home.”
His lie was so obvious, but the others only nodded, your confused expression apparently enough to make them believe him.
“Of course, hun. Get home safe, okay?”
“And take care of her, Spence.”
With a loose grip around your waist as he wound you through the crowd, the man leaned closer to your ear, a devilish smirk on his lips as he led you outside, “Oh, I will.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” you retort, immediately engulfed by the feeling as his lips on yours before he turned to hail a cab.
“Trust me, you’re going to be feeling it too.”
THE cab ride from the bar to his place was short, both of your hands finding every inch of exposed skin as discreetly as possible, feverish kisses being shared at every chance granted. As soon as the two of you had made it inside, he was pushing you into the bedroom, slipping the tie from around his neck, eyes burning into yours.
The top buttons of his shirt were quickly undone, your hands joining him at the bottom so the two of you could meet somewhere in the middle.
After his shirt was pulled off, you reached for his pants, your fingers eagerly working on the belt buckle there.  But just as soon as you had it undone, he had your hands pulled away, his tie coming up to tie them together.
“Get on the bed.”
His voice was even deeper than it usually was, his lips quickly finding their way to your neck after fastening the tie to the headboard.
He made quick work with his hands, roaming them lower on your waist, pace tantalizingly slow.
His fingers found their way to your underwear, eyes locked on yours as he ran them over the soaked fabric.
“All this for me?”
You nodded quickly, glancing between him and his hand.
“Say it. I want to hear you say it.”
“Yes. For you,” you breathed, moaning as his hand slipped past the fabric, his finger dipping into your wet core.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, thumb moving to rub against your clit.
You couldn’t help but buck your hips in response, a silent cry for more friction against him.
“Uh uh,” he tsked, free hand moving to hold down your thighs, “No moving.”
You don’t respond, instead stilling the movement of your body against him. He rewards you by slipping another finger inside you, his pace quickening.
You can barely think as he continues his motions, keeping your entire focus on staying still as he requested.
The room itself is filled with the sound of your moans and whines, your release inching closer and closer with each thrust of his fingers.
“I’ve wanted to do this forever.”
His words are soft, but you hear them.
With the added stimulation of his hands against your breast, you reach your high, his name the only coherent thing spilling from your lips as you do so.  Your only focus was on the way your body clenched around his fingers, back arching as he continued his assault on your senses throughout.
As your back finally landed back onto the bed, he pulled himself from you, a whine leaving your mouth as you watched him inspect his fingers, your juices dripping over them.
“Good girl,” he cooed, bringing his hand up to your mouth and watching as you sucked yourself off of his fingers.
His fingers pressed down against your tongue, reveling in the whimper that sounded.
“You look so pretty like this,” Spencer murmured, eyes flicking from your gaze down to your bare body, “All laid out, just for me.”
You nodded eagerly, speaking as he pulled his fingers from your mouth with a pop.
“Anything for you, sir.”
The laugh that spilled from his lips was intoxicating, the easy grin he wore enough to make your legs shake again.
“And the team had you pegged as the dominant one. Some profilers.”
A soft laugh left your lips, but before you could respond, Spencer’s were pressed to yours, tongue running against your bottom lip, awaiting entrance permission.
When he finally pulls away, he stands, pulling off the rest of his clothing, completely aware of your gaze running over his frame, willing yourself to commit this to memory.
He helps you sit up on the bed, positioning himself above you, his length just above your mouth.
You lean forward instinctively, abruptly reminded of the tie holding you back against the bed.
With a huff, you glance up at the amused man.
“Please,” you whine, bucking forward to take him again, but this time his movements allow you to, pushing closer to you and letting your mouth reach his length.
You swirl your tongue against him before closing your lips around his tip. Without the use of your hands, you were forced to let him buck into you at his own speed, only moving your head as far as he allowed you.
Instead, you varied your pressure against him, pressing your tongue hard and then soft again, using the sounds of his moans to guide your actions.
After a few moments of doing this, you could feel him twitching against your tongue. But he didn’t let you finish him off, instead pulling off of you with a moan, watching as you lick your own lips with a grin.
“Please,” you mutter, watching as he adjusted his position, aligning himself with your entrance, “Fuck me, Spencer. Please.”
Shifting to untie your wrists, he moved into you, inch by inch. The pace was painstakingly slow, but now that your hands were free, you wasted no time in moving them against him.
You scratched your nails down his back as he fully entered you, pulling out of you just as fast, but this time quickly slamming back in.
His first few thrusts were experimental, but soon enough he set his rhythm, pushing into you relentlessly.
As your whines grew, he began grinding your bodies further together, your hips bucking up against him.
His hands found their way to your hair, pulling you up and closer to him as his lips found their way to your neck, sucking against your hot skin.
“I’m going to leave you all marked up,” he muttered, free hand reaching between you to rub circles against your clit.
“I’m going to leave you so spent that you won’t even be able to think about anybody else. You won’t even be able to look at anybody else, without thinking of me.”
You already weren’t able to do that, you think to yourself. Much less after this.
As he pulled out of you fully, he slammed back in, your scream of his name enough to spur him forward.
“You’re mine,” he growled.
He was now plunging into you faster, the force enough to push the headboard into the wall with each shove of his hips against you.
It was hard to breathe, to move, to feel anything besides his cock fully burying itself inside you.
As you came down from your second high, you called his name, the words barely leaving your mouth as more than a whisper. But he heard you, your own name leaving his lips soon after as he came inside you.
Finally finishing he collapses against you, his arms the only thing keeping him from crushing you completely, his lips pressing light kisses to your face.
As you feel his hot breath and sweaty body against yours, you’re hyper aware of your situation. The reality of what you had just done has hit you. You had slept with your coworker. The person you were partnered with on most cases.
Closing your eyes, you realized how monumentally you may have screwed things up. While you had feelings for Spencer, you didn’t know if he felt the same. And now, you feared, you wouldn’t ever. You would just forget about this hookup, move on, and never speak to each other again. And it scared you.
As he recaptured your lips with his, the kiss reassured all of the thoughts swirling around your head. It was different from the others, softer and filled with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
“I’ve wanted to do this forever too.”
“I’m glad we finally did,” he responds, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose.
Those were the last words he muttered to you before pulling out, getting up to grab a damp towel from the bathroom.
After cleaning the two of you up, he slid back in besides you.
“Thank God for Pete,” You joke.
“Say that again, I dare you,” he murmurs, face burrowing into the crook of your neck, breath hot.
“Thank. God. For. Pete.”
“Look who’s the brat now.”
The two of you share a laugh this time, bodies relaxed as you cuddle close together. Sleep takes hold of you both not long after, but you stay like that. Scared, even in slumber, that if you move your bubble would burst.
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maibi · 4 years
The Past Never Forgets
Pt. 1
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Dabi x reader
Warnings: killing, cursing
Summary: as a cast out by society you find your way to the League of Villains. Your family that had given up on searching for you after you ran away , but after 5 years, in some mysterious way, they found your hide-out. 
A/n: I got the quirk idea from someone else bc my brain isn’t working with me. They have a lot of other fan made quirks I will put the link right here, you can check it out!! ( https://www.wattpad.com/672985786-my-fan-quirks-venom ) 
Life wasn’t really something that had been going great for you. In fact your life had been pretty shit. You were an outcast, hated by society, hated by your own family. All because of your unbearable quirk. You had no place to feel safe and no place to call home. Your family made sure you never used your quirk because it could cause deaths among your loved ones. Your childhood was ruined all because of the image they wanted to hold as a family. they put their desires of fame above your well-being and you saw only one option to change that. And that was by running away. The only thing you had been taught was to hate what you used to love, you were basically emotionless.
As a teenager of 16 years old you decided to run away from home. You never got treated right and you were seen as a death-threat. You yourself didn’t see any problems with your quirk, but your family had other opinions about that. There were rules for you, and only you. None of your siblings had any of these rules, because their quirks were hero-like and yours was villain-like. If you used your quirk without permission you would be left in a dark room with no food for a whole day. They would call this discipline, but in reality this was child abuse. The only person caring about you was your grandma, but after she passed away you had no reason to stay in that house.
Your family tried searching for you, but gave up quickly when they realized life would be much better without you around. You quickly realized that life would also be much better without them. You had blamed yourself for your quirk. For all those years in that place that was a so called home, you had believed that your quirk was a threat to society. That if you made the wrong moves they would take a hold of your life. But after running away, and finding people that adored you for your quirk, it made you realize what a real family was. And you realized that your quirk was more than just a threat to society, it was something that belonged to you and only you. 
You were the holder of the Venom quirk.
For 5 years you wandered around, going from city to city and doing about anything to provide yourself some food and a place to sleep. You never stayed put, that wasn’t your way of going. You went from place to place, exploring different streets from every city and making yourself known within the “villain community”. It wasn’t every day people got to see a venom quirk in action, so they were all curious enough to let you stay with them.
One day, before you had settled down, you were wandering around a new city, chewing on some stolen buns, you walked in a side street, hidden from the citizens. You saw blue flames and it struck to you. You had always liked the color blue, it was a pretty color compared to your dark purple venom, you didn’t like the color purple after all. You had watched the holder of the blue flames do his thing on a person who was trying his hardest to escape. He was unable to let out a sound as the blue flame man was keeping his hands strongly around his throat. 
You were interested in this person, not because he was probably a villain, but mainly because you thought his quirk was cool. Oh yeah, and of course because of the color blue. You wanted to know who’s quirk would be stronger. You were curious, so you budged in, not caring about what would happen. You threw your bun on the ground.
“I mean, that’s pretty kinky”, you said. 
his hand shot in your direction, but you were quick to react. Before his flames could hit you, you had made an X motion with your arms, letting out your venom in a shield form, protecting you from the burning flames. If there was one thing you had learned from wandering on your own, it were quick reflexes. you felt that his flames were powerful, but you knew for a fact that he didn’t use all of his strength.
“You got some good reflexes”, he said continuing to strangle the small dude. 
“You seem... interested in that kind of stuff”, you said, pointing at his hands around the man’s throat. 
“well what can I say, it’s tempting sometimes”, he said with a smirk. “I mean you can join in if you’d like that.”
He dropped the man and watched him crawl his way in the other direction. “That’s your prey, you sure you wanna just let him escape?”, you curiously asked, smirking back at him.
“He can’t go far, the next person will get him”, he said as he properly turned around and leaned against the stone cold wall. You couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of him actually freezing against the cold wall right now. “Now tell me, what brings you to this side of the city?”
“I saw blue flames and I like the color blue”, you shrugged, placing your hands in your pockets. “Nothing more.”
He walked closer to you, examining you from head to toe with his eyes. You let him, because in the end what did you have to lose? If he wanted to kill you, he would have probably already tried to do that. But he was just looking at you, probably trying to figure out how your quirk was supposed to work. 
“You saw blue flames and you like the color blue”, he silently repeated your sentence. His eyes stopped trailing down your body when he connected eyes with you. “Do you have any clue as to who I am?”
“Not the slightest”, you answered, breaking the eye contact first by walking past him to the direction the person that was a victim of his blue flames. He was gone, with only a splash of blood and a limb on the ground. You smiled to yourself. He had not survived just like flame boy said.
This could get interesting. You had thought to yourself. 
“What exactly is it that you do around here”, he asked while walking behind you. “Never saw you around here. You new?”
“You could say that”, you answered. But left out the fact that you were only new to the city and not to the whole “villain” thing, because giving away your life wasn’t really your plan yet.
“What about you? I never heard of you”, you said.
“My name is quite known here”, he smirked, walking closer to you. “The name is Dabi.” 
“Nice to meet you infamous Dabi”, you said as you inched closer too, showing him you were by no means intimidated by him. “I look forward to hearing and seeing you more often.”
After that you had made yourself known in the new city you visited, the city were you had met Dabi, the so called famous villain. You did hear a lot about him, making him a lot more interesting. There were many encounters between the two of you and he had tried to convince you to join his little group of friends called the League of Villains. You liked to work independent, so you kindly rejected his offer. 
But it wasn’t after a very fierce battle that Dabi had been heavily injured. You wouldn’t consider yourselves friends at that time, but you were close enough to not let him die. You hadn’t received from him what you had wanted. So you brought him to his hide-out, where the other members of the League were. 
The time you had spent there as just “a visitor”, had turned into you wanting to have more fun so you decided to join, without a plan. You were still allowed to move on your own so you didn’t see that much of a problem. They weren’t people with rules, or whatever. You lived freely, and you were happy about that.
You had made that place your home. Things that started off as a joke, turned into things that were important to you. These people were the people that didn’t fear you, but were happy to battle with you. These people wanted to get stronger for their own sake and didn’t live up to the will of other’s. Even if they looked like emotionless people, they cared about each other. And that was a place you liked to call home.
that all lead to the present. You were sitting with Dabi at the edge of high building, thinking about some random plan Shigaraki had made you think about. It wasn’t even necessary, he just needed a back-up plan.
“We’re not really gonna write this down are we?”, you asked as you held a piece of paper and a pen in your hands. “Shigaraki has to be kidding if he really wants a back-up plan for this one. I’m 99% sure we’re winning this one.” You slowly watched your venom eat up the paper as you threw the pen off of the building. 
Shigaraki had planned to attack UA, you didn’t really care about UA, but because Shigaraki had let you do just about anything while being with them you didn’t mind helping him out. “We can never go wrong with a back-up plan, you know.”
“But I mean, he has been planning for over a month now. How wrong can stuff go? Worst case scenario is that we retreat. They can’t possibly be this cautious beforehand?”
“Oh, you don’t know UA. They do just about anything to keep school grounds safe. They have everything ready for literally the worst case scenario”, Dabi said.
“But everything has been planned out, we literally searched for every possible thing that could go wrong and we found a solution for that. I really don’t think we need this. Besides, since when does Shigaraki want back-up plans, he never did-”, your head shot up in realization and you slapped dabi across his chest as you lightly gasped. “You little shit. Shigaraki didn’t ask us to make a back-up plan! Why did you bring me here then?!”
“Ding ding ding, someone caught on”, he said as he slowly rose to his feet.
“But why!”, you asked as you also stood up.
“To protect you”, he said smugly.
“To protect me?”, you said questionably. “And why would you do that? I survived on my own for 5 years on the street, I think I can handle some high school children.”
He came closer to you and kissed your lips for only a second. He did this often, it’s not like it was the first time he did it, but it always left you a little flustered. It was not everyday you had received any form of affection, so it was all new to you. You two weren’t in a “relationship”, but it sure was something along those lines. Whenever he’d kiss you, your so called superiority went down a little only because you did not know how to act. But you never let yourself get trampled over. 
“Dabi I’m serious here, why did you take me here. If Shigaraki is fighting some people right now we should at least help him. Your own feelings shouldn’t come first place when it’s such a dangerous thing. I can care for my own, so let’s go help Shigaraki. He helped us out too many times to leave him alone there”, you said in a strict tone, showing him that you were by no means playing. “Besides I haven’t thrown a good punch in a while, I need this.”
“It was him that told me to bring you here, tho I would have even if he didn’t ask me to”, he said. “Your family found your occupation. Not the real hide-out, but you know the one where we-”
You slapped a hand on his lips, making sure he didn’t continue that sentence. Your face was flushed and his lips turned into a smirk. You didn’t like it when openly talked about your intimate relationship. He knew exactly how to fluster you, but right now wasn’t really the best moment to do so. 
You looked at the ground, eyebrows furrowed. Your family really had the audacity to come search for you now? It felt like bullshit to you. You looked at Dabi and straightened your posture. “All the more reasons for me to head over and take a look.”
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
off the grid | six
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summary: it was as simple as swapping places with a stranger from across the world to get away from everything back home. that is - until you meet Jimin. things become more complicated as he unfolds a new chapter in your life that you were initially trying to avoid.
pairing: reader x pjm
genre: post-college au, christmas/holiday au | angst, fluff, smut (to come)
words: 3.7k
chapter warnings: smut chapter! unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, fingering, oral (f. receiving), slight dirty talk, cussing, possible inaccurate depiction of transportation, events and whereabouts in South Korea since i only did my research thru the internet, fluff
notes: will be wrapping this up in the next few chapters!
> series masterlist <
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Jimin was going to be busy for majority of the day with his parents, which left you feeling a little sad. But, you knew he had to do what he had to do and he had offered to come by and spend time with you tonight. As you were about to head out and explore on your own with the tips he had given you, a call from an unknown number popped up on your screen.
"Y/N!" Jungkook's voice came through on the other line. "I hope you don't mind, I asked Jimin for your number not too long ago."
"No, you're good." You chuckled. "What's up?"
"Wanna hang out with me and Tae? We're gonna head to Common Ground."
"Sick!" He exclaims. "I'll send you our address. Do you think you'll be okay heading over?"
"Yeah, I got it." You responded, remembering Jimin's directions to his place in the event you ever needed anything.
"Okay, just let me know if you get lost and I'll come find you." You chuckled before responding with a simple 'okay' to end the call. You were confident in your memory of the directions, which led you to their place in a matter of minutes. They didn't live too far from Yana, and you remember Jimin saying so since Yana doesn't drive and would simply take public transportation to and from places.
Upon your arrival at their apartment, Taehyung was cleaning up in the kitchen while Jungkook was throwing on a jacket. Jungkook gave you a little tour of their apartment, which was surprisingly clean and smelled of vanilla birchwood. Sooner or later, the three of you were off into town to visit Common Ground, which was considered Korea's first cultural space that was made out of shipping containers. The view and the entirety of it was pretty neat, and you kind of wished Jimin was here, but Jungkook and Taehyung were just as great of travel buddies. They talked a lot about their hometowns and what it was like moving to Seoul, plus how they truly value Korea and it's culture. You were coming to learn what a truly spectacular and beautiful place it was, and it was even more refreshing to hear from the boys themselves how much they loved being from Korea.
After navigating through the crowds and having spent more money on souvenirs and clothes, the three of you decided to eat up and grab some grub. For a minute, you lost Jungkook because he ran into some people he knew, leaving you and Taehyung to eat together.
"This place is neat isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's really cool. Thanks for taking me along." He nodded as his lips poked out while eating his food. You thought it was the most adorable thing.
"You know, Jimin's been really happy since you guys started spending a lot of time together."
"Oh yeah?" You giggled. Yes, Taehyung. Expose him.
"It's actually really nice to see." He chuckled. You knew him and Taehyung had known each other the longest out of their group, but he still held a very tight relationship with Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin. "He's always been the one to take care of people. I just wanna see him happy. He does a lot for the people he cares about."
"I know, he's really the sweetest person I've ever met. He's an angel."
"He was really destroyed over his ex." You continued to listen. "He loved her, a lot. He did everything for her and sacrificed a lot to keep her happy. But she couldn't reciprocate it 100% and that killed him time and time again."
"How long ago was that?"
"About a year ago? Even then, he tried not to have any bad blood with her after she had mistreated him. He has a good heart and mind. He deserves someone good who can take care of him." Your stomach fluttered with the countless butterflies, but most of the happiness you felt, also turned into anxiety. The days were counting down and you wouldn't be here for much longer. "He really, really likes you Y/N."
"I-I do, too. But-" Taehyung looked over at you, concerned. "I'm not going to be here for much longer." You shrugged. "It really sucks."
"Why don't you stay for a little more?"
"Work. My life is back in LA." He nodded. As much as it hurt you to say that, it was true. You wished it was easy to pick up your things and move around the world, but part of you felt silly for even thinking that over a holiday-solo-vacation love story.
"It's gonna be hard, but I honestly don't think Jimin cares. I think he'd make this work with you."
"But is that fair to him? Our time difference and-and, who knows when I'll get to physically see him again? Hearing what he went through.. what if I can't give him what he deserves?"
"I know all of it sounds like a mess and like it would never work, but don't you think you two meant for a reason?" He wasn't trying to be Jimin's right-hand at the moment, he was doing this because he truly could see how the both of you genuinely felt for each other. He hadn't seen Jimin have this glow, this type of genuine happiness to him in a long, long time.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just scared, and I would never want to put Jimin through anything he doesn't deserve."
"I get you." He replies. "But I do hope you know how much he cares about you. Like, I'm really not doing this because he's my bestfriend and all." He laughed. "But because I want to see the both of you happy."
"Thank you." You smiled at him toothlessly, the thoughts now flooding your head. All you wanted to do at this point was run into Jimin's arms and never let go. It would be your new safe haven. All you wanted was Jimin.
The rest of the day with Taehyung and (finally, again) Jungkook was chill, as you grabbed some desserts and played around at a nearby park before heading home to rest. You felt a sudden wave of exhaustion hit you, so you took a quick shower, threw on an oversized tee and shorts before retreating to the bed for a nice, late afternoon nap. You quickly texted Jimin that you'd leave the door unlocked so he could just walk in case you were deadass knocked out and couldn't hear the knocks or phone ringing.
Jimin had been helping his parents do a ton of revamping at their café, while also holding down the fort and doing what he can to help during peak hours. He was exhausted, nonetheless, but was excited to see you. He jetted off to the loft with food from the café to for some dinner, all while chuckling at the text you sent, wondering what the hell Jungkook and Taehyung had put you through today to knock you the hell out.
"Y/N?" He calls out softly. No response. He gently shuts the door and chucks his shoes to the side befofe laying the food out on the kitchen counter. It's peacefully quiet, even as Jimin climbs up the steps to the bedroom area. He smiles to himself as he sees you deep into the duvet covers, sleeping deeply like a baby longing for their afternoon nap. He sits on the edge of the bed, his fingers brushing through your hair, thumb softly caressing your cheek. You slowly open your eyes and smile, immediately sitting up to throw your arms around him. He laughs into your hug, pulling you in closer and running his hands down your back.
"Miss me?"
"I did."
"Aw." He chuckled. "Come here." He cups your cheeks and places a kiss on your lips.
"What a nice way to wake up."
"Yeah? What did TaeTae and Kookie do to you today?"
"Nothing, we just walked around Common Ground." He nodded.
"That's it?"
"We may have played around at a nearby park before going home."
"There it is." He laughed. "Are you hungry?"
"Starving, actually." You stretched.
"I brought some food from the café. Mom said I better feed you well." You chuckled.
"She's the sweetest." He had quickly brought you over to the café the other day, his mom and dad being the sweetest, and most loving people you have ever come across. You could immediately tell where Yana and Jimin got their mannerisms from. His mom couldn't stop holding onto you and telling Jimin how pretty you were, almost like she was telepathically communicating with her son and telling him to stop fucking around and get with it. You couldn't help but giggle at the look on her face.
"Come on." He nodded for you to follow him downstairs. He had paninis laid out, freshly toasted, with chips and more dessert. You pushed the coffee table in the living room forward a bit so that you both could sit on the floor and enjoy a good movie while eating the food. He had asked you more about your day and if Taehyung or Jungkookie had talked shit about him while you guys were out. You couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the serious conversation you and Tae had.
"Mm, actually," You finished up your sandwich and quickly washed your hands before heading back to the living room area. "Me and Taehyung had a pretty serious talk."
"You, what else?"
"God, what did he say?"
"Nothing." You laughed, seeing his facial expression change.
"You can't say that you had a serious talk then not talk about it."
"Aw, is someone upset?" He pouted.
"Yeah, cause I'd like to know and I thought you cared about me." He dramatically responded. "I see that you don't, since you'd rather keep me hanging on a string like this."
"You're so dramatic, Park." You pinched his side, making him laugh. His laugh was certainly becoming a weakness for you. "He just told me that you've been really happy since we've been spending time together." He nodded.
"I mean, he isn't wrong."
"He also said that you really cared about me." You looked at him blankly, trying to read his expression and body language. He smiled at you, his cheeks getting hot and rosy.
"He also isn't wrong there."
"Taehyung really knows you, then."
"Since high school." He shrugs.
"That's about it, though." You spared him the rest of the details being that you really didn't wanna spoil the evening with such sad and negative thoughts about how your time was coming to an end here. Frankly though, you knew you had to deal with it sooner or later. That talk was coming either way.
"Hm." He says, pushing the coffee table up more towards the tv and throwing a blanket over both of your legs. He silently swung his arm over your shoulder and kept watching the movie on the tv. It was awhile before he broke the silence again with a sigh, his eyes still glued ahead of him. "I really like you, Y/N. I like you a lot. It's a little scary, but you don't know how much you drive me crazy with everything you do."
You held onto his hand that was hanging loosely from your shoulder and looked over at him. "I really like you too." At this point, you feel his eyes on you. They linger from your eyes, down to your lips and back up to your eyes.
"Then will you let me take care of you?" All self-control had gone out the window after seeing the look in his eyes. It was full of passion and lust, but nothing dark. He just wanted to be close to you and make you happy. He cared, and he wanted you to see that.
"Yes." You say breathily as his face edged closer to yours. He cupped your face with his free hand, instantly pressing a kiss onto your lips. The kiss began to deepen quickly, with Jimin tracing your bottom lip with his tongue, asking for entrance. You gladly let him proceed as your hand rests against his jawline. You took the initiative to pull yourself onto his lap and straddle him, your breathing slightly hitching when you feel his hardened member through his grey sweats. Your tongues are beautifully dancing around as he holds you tightly while you grind your hips against his.
"Hey, wait. Are you sure about this?" He pulls away, knowing the moment is intensifying by the minute. "You know I wanna do right by you, Y/N. I don't wanna do anything you aren't comfortable with."
"I'm sure. I want this. I want you." You respond almost at a whisper, your lips slightly grazing his. He simply nods and brings you back with a kiss. You gently palm his member, making him hiss and groan slightly at your touch. You continue to grind your hips onto him, slowly humping him into insanity.
"Fuck Y/N, honestly, you're going to make me cum if you keep moving like that." You chuckled.
"Don't." You plant kisses along his jaw line, watching as he shuts his eyes and tilts his head back. "I'd want you to do it inside me." You whisper in his ear.
"Y-You can't say things like that." He moaned.
"Or what?"
"You're an instigator, you know that? A really cute one." He says as he chuckles and gently lays you back down onto the ground. He whips your shirt and shorts off, quickly unhooking your bra and tossing it aside. His eyes widen at the sight of your exposed breasts. "So fucking pretty." He curses under his breath as he lightly sucks on your neck and around your breasts, before grabbing a nipple in his mouth and toying around with it with his tongue. You grip onto his hair as you slightly arch your back in pleasure. He bites onto his bottom lip before placing a trail of kisses down your stomach and down to your inner thighs before rubbing your covered clit through your soaked panties. He gently presses his lips onto your covered clit, making you yearn for more. "You're so wet."
"J-Jimin." You weakly call out. "Please."
"I got you, baby." He slips down your panties and inserts a digit into your throbbing pussy. You let out a small moan as he pumps his digit in and out of you, before inserting another two, with his thumb circling your clit.
"Ohhhh, fuck!" You squeal as you continue to feel his fingers stretching you out. You feel your wetness dripping out with every pump and covering areas of your inner thighs before Jimin releases his fingers and has you lick them clean. He lets out a small grunt watching your tongue circle and suck onto his fingers. He then latches onto your clit with his mouth. You feel his tongue swipe down your folds, teasing you with an in and out motion. You jut your hips upward but Jimin does a hell of a job preventing you from moving up any higher. You squirm in his grip, feeling your high coming close. "Jimin, fuck! You're gonna make me cum." You see his eyes look up at you, this time, full of lust. He simply nods as he continues to let his tongue suck you dry and explore the insides of you - the sight being enough to tip you over and make you climax. "Jimin!" You yell his name as your body twitches from underneath his grip. He gives your pussy one last lick, causing you to tremble at the sensitivity.
"You're so fucking pretty when you call my name." He says almost at a whisper. "How else can I make you feel good, baby?" He places soft kisses along your neck and jaw. You tug on his pants, causing him to chuckle and toss his shirt and pants off to the side.
"Please, what? Use your words, beautiful."
"I want you deep inside of me. I wanna feel you." He bites onto his bottom lip and smirks. You run your hands down his chiseled abs and his V-line, completely in awe of how beautiful this man truly was. He was driving you crazy, everything about him. His eyes, his soft hair, his scent, his body. Good god.
He removes his boxers, making his hardened cock spring out. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen - perfectly long and thick, with veins running upward in various places. You pump him a few times, causing him to let out small moans, before placing your thumb on his reddened head to spread the pre-cum around his tip. He lowers his body back down onto you, his member teasing your entrance and gently grazing your folds. He kisses you passionately before you watch him grab his cock and place the head at your entrance. He inches in, lowering his body back down and bringing the blanket over your bodies while watching your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"You okay?"
"Mhm." You let out, your nails already digging onto his back. He kept a steady pace and slowly eased you into it. Your moans became breathy as he picked up the pace, his hands now keeping your legs opened wider for him. "Mmmmff, Jimin." You pleaded. "Just like that."
"Fuck, babygirl. The way you call my name." He quickly tilts his head back before ramming his body into yours as he became a little rough with it. Your thighs were folded up near your stomach as he held it there and continued to thrust in and out of you. With him picking up the pace, you felt yourself about to reach your climax and cum again.
"God, I'm gonna cum." You continued to moan loudly, until you were gripping onto the blankets and your eyes were rolling back once again. He greatly slowed down his pace, letting you ride out your high once more while placing kisses along your breasts and your lips. He wraps his arms around you and brings the blanket over while he sits back against the couch and lets you straddle him once more. The blanket comfortably sits below your waist, your eyes locked with his. He simply smiles at you, tucking a strand behind your ear and caresses your cheek. You gently and slowly ride him as you lean into his hand and place a kiss on his palm. His hands drop down to your waist, gripping onto them as you kept a steady pace while resting your hands on the couch behind him. You pick up your pace as you watch him squirm underneath you. He begins to call out your name, his hisses and groans accompanying the sound of your wet pussy riding him into the sunset.
"Y/N, fuck. Y-You're gonna make me cum." He tilted his head back, his hands losing grip around your hips as you rode his cock faster. "L-like that." He stutters. "Ugh, god." He hisses. You can tell he's about to let go with the way he's holding back his moans.
"J-Jimin, hmmmmph." You tilt your head back as you feel yourself about to cum for the third time tonight. "Please cum with me." You plead as your moans get louder.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum." He spits out as his fingers deep into your hips. You feel him fill you up completely as you ride out the rest of your high, Jimin's head now resting against your chest as you hold him close. You both stay in the position for awhile to catch your breath. After a moment, he looks up to meet your eyes and smiles, kissing you on the lips before helping you off his lap. He helps clean you up a bit before cleaning himself up and throwing his shirt and sweats back on. You fix the blanket onto the floor and drag some pillows down from the couch so you could lay on your stomach somewhat comfortably on the floor.
"You don't wanna get up to the bed?" Jimin laughed as he kneeled and rubbed your back.
"No, I'm too comfortable now."
"That good, huh?"
"Shut up, Jimin. Leave me alone." He laughed louder.
"I'll go grab another blanket." He says, going into the storage closet to grab another thick blanket to drape over your bodies. He lays next to you, his back resting against the couch as he propped his elbow up and rested his head on his hand. He continued to rub your back as you both looked over at the TV, the movie now nearing the end.
"I have to rewind the movie." You pouted, making Jimin chuckle.
"Go ahead." He watched as you flipped the remote up and brought the movie back to the last place you remembered seeing. You sunk your body into Jimin's, his lips lightly pressing on your head. Not even 5 minutes back into the movie, you felt your eyes getting heavy.
"Ah, I'm getting so sleepy though."
"You took a nap earlier. What do you mean?"
"I worked out a lot today." He laughed and lightly tickled you, making you hit his hand away.
"I see that. Go to sleep."
"Are you going to stay?" You mumbled.
"Only if you want me to."
"Of course I do." He smiled. "But what are you going to do?"
"Watch anime or whatever is on Netflix. Don't worry about me."
"Goodnight, baby." He whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek. The word baby made the butterflies come back (and the pussy throb, yet again, but you shoved that in the back of your mind because you definitely didn't have energy to go another round, as much as you wanted to).
Jimin watches as you quickly fall asleep, smiling to himself while he continues to play with your hair. He was happy. So happy. More than he's ever felt before and he wasn't sure how you were doing it. He was caught in your spell and he didn't even see it coming. You had him so undone. All he wanted to do was make this work with you and he was willing to, more than you knew. He didn't care about the time difference, he didn't care about your life being back in LA, he just didn't care about anything you've worried about because he believed you were worth it and he was going to put in this effort. You could figure everything else out later, but he just wanted this to be.
Alexa, play: Vibez x Zayn
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lawslessons · 4 years
Hello! I can ask for Soulmate AU colors + Luffy D Monkey. Thanks!
Hello my dear! I hope you enjoyed this as I have had an amazing time writing this!
Luffy x Reader - To See Colors
Warnings: None
Synopsis: Landing on a strange island has its perks. The nice ocean, the soft grass, the archers. Wait, archers? The colorblind captain finds himself on a whirlwind adventure where he meets someone life changing. Through a chance encounter, Luffy finds his destiny at sea and finally sees the colors he’s dreamed of. 
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Gray, white and black plagued his vision, but it didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. The teen softly smiled as he looked out at the vast expanse of the ocean and saw how the gray water meshed in with the white clouds, it was a monochromatic vision that Luffy was content with. Luffy never believed that he would one day find his soulmate, in fact he didn’t even know what that meant. He remembered overhearing Sanji and Zoro talking to one another and trying to figure out what colors were. Colors. That was a word Luffy had heard before but was unable to connect to anything substantial. Color wasn’t a taste, it wasn’t a feeling, it was something he wasn’t able to describe which annoyed him. If there was one reason he wanted a soulmate it would be for that, for the desire to see out into the ocean and see what the color blue was, to see what different colors were. Was the sky what they called green? He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard yelling across the deck. 
“Oi, Luffy! We see land, do you want to stop there to get a refill on our supplies?” Nami asked as she looked down at her map. Luffy looked over at her and grinned one of his signature wide, toothy grins. 
“Of course! I wanna see if we can get some more meat. I want Sanji to cook us something good tonight,” Luffy said as he got off of the Sunny’s head and landed on the grassy deck. The crew looked at their captain and watched as he smiled and looked out at the island. Luffy felt strangely drawn towards the island and it made him a little antsy. “How much longer?” the young captain whined as he watched them slowly begin to anchor by the shore of the island. 
“Hold on, Luffy. We need to -- “ Nami’s words fell on deaf ears. As she spoke, the captain used his devil fruit abilities to reach out to the island and onto a tree. “Luffy!” Nami yelled in disbelief as the captain launched himself out of the ship with a loud laugh. Nami sighed, there was no point in trying to hold him back, he always did something like this. 
Luffy laughed and used his free hand to hold his hat down on his head as he flew forward onto the grassy, forested island. 
“This place is cool!” Luffy said as he landed smoothly on the wet grass and began to walk through the wide land, slowly venturing further into the forest. As he walked and progressively made more noise, rustling was heard among the trees. Luffy paused and used his observation abilities to assess the situation, and before the wall of arrows could hit him, he dodged the attack and went to intercept one of the archers by grabbing him by the shoulder and pinning him to the ground. “What are you doing?” He asked with a confused look on his face. 
“Y-you’re an intruder, we don’t like having people here!” the archer squeaked as he tried to escape Luffy’s grip without any success. “I need to take you to our leader, so please surrender!” the man quickly said, Luffy wanted to laugh, it was kind of funny to see the man asking Luffy to submit when Luffy was pinning him to the ground. Luffy thought about his situation for a moment and he decided that maybe finding out where he was would be better than being lost out here. 
“Ok!” Luffy chirped as he went about letting the man go and letting him grab Luffy by his shoulders and leading him further into the lush forest. Luffy took in the gray and white scenery, it didn’t seem right to him. For the first time in his life, he started to seriously question the colors he was seeing, or the lack of them. And the more he saw the forest, the more his yearning began to grow. He snapped out of his daze when they reached this large expanse of land that was covered in small houses. It was obvious that some of the forest was cut down, but what remained of the large trees was put to good use. Tree stumps served as benches and places where people discussed their lived with one another. While the small town was nice, there was a small sense of disorder that Luffy was able to sense. 
“We’re here,” the archer said as he led the way into the small town and over to the largest building. Even then, the building wasn’t that large, but nothing here seemed to be, but everyone here looked happy. Luffy watched as the children played around the ground and how the elderly people interacted with one another.
“Go into this building and to the right, they should be there,” he smiled. Luffy was confused by the sudden hospitality, but he did as he was instructed and went inside of the building and went to turn right and was instantly stunned by this large, elaborate looking chair. It was golden and covered in ornate carvings and jewelry. But on the arms of the chair, he could see scratches and some sign of distress. In fact he could sense that from the entire room, something didn’t feel right.
“Woah!” Luffy gasped as he ran to the chair and instantly sat down on it. He was excited and felt powerful when he sat on the large chair. 
“You shouldn’t be sitting there,” Someone quickly said. Luffy turned his head but he didn’t see anyone, all he could hear was the sound of footsteps entering the room. “That’s my chair,” Someone said as they stared at the back of the chair and frowned. “Anyways, that doesn’t matter, why are you here? What do you want from my island?” they asked the young captain. They sounded tired and discouraged, obviously uninterested in the young captain’s purpose. 
“Me? I just wanted to get some food,” Luffy shrugged as he crossed his legs and got more comfortable on the large chair. 
“Food?” They asked, they went silent for a moment and sighed. “Is that all you want from here? No treasure? No money? No people?” They asked in a slightly worried voice. Luffy could hear the sound of a bow and arrow being strung together. He frowned and looked behind himself and found no one there which confused the poor male. 
“No? I just wanted to get some food,” Luffy explained, he heard the bow being lowered and could feel them slowly relaxing as Luffy talked. The strain in their sign was heard by the captain and he listened as they stepped away, slowly retreating.
“I’m going to go then, leave as soon as possible,” They said before they went about leaving the room and leaving Luffy to his own devices. Luffy looked back in confusion and still didn’t see who he was talking to earlier. Luffy jumped off of the chair and scratched his head in confusion, he went about leaving the building and looked around the town some more. As he ventured and stole some food, he also noticed how it slowly became dark and also how people began to go inside their houses as the stars came out. 
“You should go back to where you came from, it’s not safe here in the night,” The person from earlier said as they stepped behind Luffy. Luffy turned around and noticed a shadow in the dark. 
“The shadows attack people who are not in the light, you should leave soon,” They said as they stepped further away from the young captain. Luffy frowned at their words and tried to look around and see them. 
“What?” Luffy asked before he felt something touch his shoulder, it was cold and slowly felt like he was draining the life from him. Luffy looked at his shoulder and saw something dark, black creeping up on him. The sight of it was ghastly and reminded him of Blackbeard’s own attacks. Thinking of that man was enough to make the captain’s mind go blank and spiral. As he was distracted, they decided to take initiative and quickly lunge at Luffy. 
“Run!” They yelled, they quickly grabbed Luffy by the hand and began to run through the forest, up over the tall plants and over the vibrant land. When they finally began to slow down, Luffy took in the scenery some more, they were by the ocean, but he couldn’t see the ship anywhere, maybe this was a different part of the shore? “You need to be more careful,” They softly pointed out, they let go of Luffy’s hand and stepped forward in the moonlight. Their facial features were somewhat obscured, but through what he saw, Luffy was able to make out sharp, discerning eyes and he could tell that they were someone powerful. 
“I could’ve handled myself,” Luffy defended. 
“No, you couldn’t have. You can’t just punch a shadow,” They pointed out which caused Luffy to laugh. 
“Yes you can! I’ve done that before!” Luffy shared, they were quiet for a moment but soon Luffy heard soft laughter coming from them. It was soft and sad, and sounded a little hoarse, almost as if they hadn’t laughed in a long time. 
“You’re a strange man,” They said as they glanced over at Luffy. Luffy looked them in their eyes and saw that while they were under the moon together, more of their features became visible and something else too. He saw the blues of the night, the silver and white of the moon and the color of their eyes too. Luffy’s jaw went slack as he looked at them and watched them quietly do the same. They both took each other in and felt that strange confusion grow even more as they stared at one another. 
“I never thought I would meet you,” They quietly admitted as they fully faced Luffy and stared at him. 
“What are you?” Luffy asked, he was confused, overwhelmed by all the colors that were appearing before his eyes. He looked around to see if what he was seeing was real. He couldn’t even name these colors, he didn’t even know their name but he was so fascinated by them. 
“A person like you, I’m no one special,” they assured him. “I just try to run my island, my people, nothing important,” they said as they stared at the blue ocean with a longing look. 
“But that is important, do you want to leave? You’re a good archer, aren’t you?” Luffy asked.
“Don’t,” They quickly said as they looked over at Luffy. “I have a duty to my people, I need to be able to fulfill the duty of sitting in that chair, being a competent ruler… but even I don’t know what that means, how I can achieve that,” They admitted.
“What happened to your town?” Luffy asked them as he looked at the tall trees. What color were they? Purple? He wasn’t sure. 
“Town?” They scoffed, “That’s all that remains of our island, my people. We were attacked recently and I wasn’t able to fend them off... nothing else is left. We were an island of archers, powerful warriors before we were attacked. It came in the night, it was devastating,” they confessed. 
“So if you have nothing left, why won’t you come with me?” Luffy bluntly asked. While they may be soulmates, that didn’t mean they didn’t want to slap him right now. 
“Because I can’t abandon my people! I don’t even know how to rule, I need to learn, I need to help them,” They insisted as they stepped closer to the young captain. 
“Then come with us and see how it works! That way one day you can be an amazing ruler,” Luffy said as he reached his hand out to them with a confident smile on his face. That caught them off guard, they looked at his hand and hesitantly reached forward. Was this possibly a mistake? Maybe, they didn’t know what they were about to get into but they began to realize that they would be able to trust Luffy to fulfill his promise. 
They stared down at his hand and looked at him in disbelief, how was he able to place so much confidence in them after knowing them for only a few hours? Why would he want to venture out to sea with them?
“Why me?”
“Because, I can see new things now because of you!”
“Is that all?” They asked with a risen brow. 
“You’re strong too, and I just want to help you achieve your dream too, your dream of becoming a great ruler of not only this island, but many islands!” Luffy chirped. They listened to him as he expanded their dream to be something bigger, something more than they ever expected of themselves. They smiled at Luffy and took another step forward, a step towards a new opportunity. 
“I’ll go with you,” They said as their hands touched for the first time and electricity coursed through their veins. That smile on Luffy’s face was all they needed, they smiled back at him and looked out at the blue ocean and felt their adventure beginning.
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Ahh, your headcanons! <33 Thank you for sharing them. I was wondering (after reading that one about Zelda unexpectedly finding herself somewhat dreaming about the idea of having children with Faustus) if you have any headcanons of that actually happening? Spellwood or, with a little help of a bit of magic or something, Madam Spellman?
Thank you!
I’ve planned on writing a fic that ties into both of these sets, but for now have some headcanons! Gonna stick these under a read more & two separate categories because this got long and also make their own separate posts if people wanna save/rb just one pairing! xx
Spellwood + a baby(ies)
- Where their relationship is concerned, everything is measured out and carefully calculated — it’s just the way they are. While I’m not entirely sure how witch birth control works, I’m sure she’s extremely diligent about her medication, potions, whatever it may be — she’s not the sort of person to have any sort of accidents, especially those she can control. Zelda hides her careful planning, weighs out every pro and con before even considering bringing it up to him.
- When she does decide to bring it up to him, she has a piece of scrap paper with unintelligible scribbles all over it and the sheer look on her face, her hands trembling holding her little scrap of wobbly, folded a million times piece of paper makes Faustus chuckle. She takes it as a bad response, retreats into herself and decides to table it — he mustn’t be too interested anyways, life is good with Leticia and Judas, Ambrose and Sabrina, why would they change anything?
- Faustus knows something is bothering her, and she blatantly lies through her teeth every time he asks. It only serves to frustrate him more, and drives him to tangle with sex demons at Dorian’s Gray Room. When she catches him (because she always will), she’s absolutely devastated because she has the same crumpled paper of pros and cons in her hand, tosses it at him and storms away before she lets the tears fall. It isn’t that she feels like he’s cheating on her, it’s the fact that she feels like he couldn’t have one serious conversation with her (because she sucks at feelings and would never actively start the conversation).
- She’s hurt, and it takes her a long time to come back from that sort of hurt. It’s the kind that makes her ache for a future lost even though she never tried to actively discuss it. But she’s stubborn, and she knows that he knows and it somehow makes her feel worse. He knows the deepest maternal desire she tried to hide for centuries and she isn’t quite sure how she feels about it.
- Of course she wants kids with him, and he feels so stupid that he didn’t realize sooner. She’s always been so maternal, such a good natured person (though a bit brash and irrational at times). Faustus knows he fucked up, carries around the tattered paper with him tucked in his pocket and it feels like lead. Her scratched out writing with little doodles of hearts is enough to melt his heart, and he knows just how lucky he is that she even allowed herself a moment to fantasize about a family with him.
- Faustus seeks out Hilda for help because she is the only person (other than him) that Zelda has ever divulged anything remotely personal to. She isn’t happy with him — especially not when he recounts how she threw the paper at him, though he suspects she’s known for a while by the way she raises her eyebrow — but she does try to help him, but she’s adamant that she won’t do it for him. She reminds him of how Zelda is, how she feels things with her entire heart and soul, and that she’s probably embarrassed that she felt shut down.
- It takes Faustus a few torturous days to think of what to do to make it up to her — to bring the conversation to the table again — and every passing day feels worse. She’s not talking to him, turns the other way when he comes to bed, and he pretends he doesn’t see the mascara streaked down her face. He settles on making his own list of pros and cons — his side of cons is much shorter than hers, and he knows she’ll think it’s because he’s irrational — leaves it on her desk tied with a ribbon, a box of truffles, and a fresh bouquet of white roses.
- Zelda doesn’t acknowledge it for a few days, needs her time to go over his list in comparison to her own because she’s nothing if not careful and methodical in everything she does. She sleeps at the mortuary and it’s torture — she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since before he found her list — and she realizes that after all this time, she can’t sleep without his stupid snoring in her ear, her head nestled in the crook of his neck. What finally makes her crack is when the sun is rising and she hadn’t slept for the third night in a row, and she knows she needs him regardless of everything else.
- She slips into their bed and curls against his sleeping body and satan, it feels like everything good in the world — he feels like coming home, smells like all of her favorite scents, feels so strong and safe — and she’s suddenly sobbing into his chest without restraint. Faustus wakes enough to rub her back and let her cry it out — knows she won’t be able to speak past the knot in her throat until she lets out all of that pent up emotion, knows the tears aren’t all because of the situation — and presses gentle kisses to her hair when she’s finally out of tears and sniveling herself to sleep in his arms.
- They don’t get a chance to sit and talk until the next evening, and it’s torturous for them both. They’re both rational and mostly level-headed, and knowing there’s so much to say but no time or privacy to say it is the worst part. She works later than him, despite him being the High Priest, and he takes the opportunity to make her a nice dinner with her favorite aged bourbon and fresh flowers.
- There’s a secret smile when she sits down and picks up her glass — tells him that would be the last bottle of bourbon she drinks for a while. He’s not sure it’s an answer so much as a joke, cocks his head in confusion over the way she laughs at some joke he doesn’t entirely understand, but Zelda has always been an enigma in and of herself.
- Zelda, in true Zelda-like fashion, isn’t completely sure — even when the answer from both of them is a yes. She needs time to roll it around in her head, to decide if it’s something she truly wants. She’s afraid to bring it up again — afraid that she took too long and will be shut down — but she lets herself sink into that secret fantasy of having a true family, growing his child. She contemplates going about it irresponsibly, not taking her birth control and being a little reckless, but ultimately decides against it. She isn’t the same level of desperate as she was when she stole saved Leticia, she wouldn’t dare betray his trust again.
- When Zelda finally lets it slip that yes, she wants his child more than anything, it’s in the throes of passion and he thinks she’s joking. It’s a rare instance in which they’re making love, not fucking, and he’s whispering in her ear — crooning about how perfect she is, how perfect their life is, how he can’t wait to spend the rest of his earthly life with her. She’s sure, knows that she can’t imagine anything but this perfect life with him, and tells him to cum inside of her, to get her pregnant.
- He doesn’t believe her at first, but she’s so earnest and trusting with wide, sparkling eyes and this passion and he knows, he knows she’s sure. They spend the rest of the night making a baby in various positions. It’s a lighthearted they haven’t experienced in ages, and Zelda can’t help but fall a little more in love with him.
- When she’s finally pregnant, after what felt like months and months of trying, she’s filled with some sort of renewed hope she didn’t know she needed. She has to refrain from running to him with the positive test, wants to make sure everything is okay first.
- She doubts a lot — her body, her mind, her ability to be a good mother, the fact that she’s even pregnant to begin with — but it’s easier when he knows. It brings a softer side to their relationship, not the same biting remarks and constant teasing they’re both used to. He’s good to her — sweet and everything she needs — and she almost feels guilty when she snaps because he forgot to get her a snack or a drink.
- It turns out twins run in Faustus’ family. Zelda wishes she knew before she got pregnant, though she wouldn’t change a single thing — is finally blissfully happy.
Madam Spellman + a baby
- It takes Zelda a long time to even be open to discussing getting pregnant, after everything that happened with Faustus, Leticia, baby Judas, and Sabrina’s raising. There are variables to consider, and she’s very cautious and careful about everything she does. She trusts Lilith with her entire soul and being — trusts Lilith so much it scares her — but she trusted Faustus too and that makes it even worse, knowing that at any point she could betray her the same way he did.
- Their relationship develops after Sabrina’s death, and though it’s been years by the time they’re married and ready to settle down, the wounds are still there. It’s something Lilith brings up in passing while rubbing Zelda’s feet on the lounge while drinking and enjoying the rare free time they got, and Zelda finds herself more and more open to the idea of a child — especially with Lilith.
- Lilith is good and sweet and kind and everything Zelda wants to spend the rest of her life with — Satan, she married her after she swore to never marry again — but the idea of children together is quite honestly terrifying. This is still the same Lilith who killed baby Adam, though it was for good reason, and she’s still the same Zelda who stole saved baby Leticia only to pass her along to Dezmelda.
- The wounds from Sabrina’s passing are too raw for them to consider it seriously for years, but Lilith likes to remind Zelda that they have time. Still, it’s like things never get truly better. Zelda grieves her daughter, and Lilith grieves just the same for that maternal relationship she developed with Sabrina. She loved her so much it hurt, despite every single horrible thing she had done and regrets so deeply that it keeps her up at night
- In true Sabrina fashion, she is the catalyst for almost everything in Lilith and Zelda’s relationship, and a child is no different.
- They had tried to summon her several times over the years, to call on her in any way they could — witching board, seance, trying to reach into that in between and pull her out — but nothing ever seemed to work. They never gave up hope, and when she does come to them it’s with her blessing to move on, to move past their hang ups relating to her, to be happy and start the family they’ve both always wanted.
- It’s easier said than done, and there’s still so much hesitation. Would the universe truly give them happiness after everything they had been through? It takes lots of long conversations and tears — so many tears for everything they had sacrificed, everyone they had lost, and everyone they had loved — before they come to the decision that they would try for a baby, they’d allow themselves the shred of happiness they had always wanted.
- There’s still so much to consider for Zelda and Lilith just doesn’t understand why. She feels everything with her whole heart and she’s impulsive, falls in love with ideas and follows through before thinking of the practicality behind it. It’s how she ends up in so many tricky situations — rash ideas and passionate thoughts fueled by love or self preservation— but Zelda is rational and collected even with the most passionate subjects, she needs to think of every possible outcome.
- Zelda is the one with hard limits and ultimatums, especially because of Sabrina. She blames the entirety of Sabrina’s death on the fact that she was a gift from Lucifer Morningstar combined with her being half mortal. It makes choosing a donor for their baby so difficult, and it makes choosing who would carry even more difficult. It causes arguments that end with both of them in tears because Zelda is so scared and Lilith doesn’t want to think of every single bad thing that could potentially not even happen.
- When they finally come to some semblance of a decision, they settle on the fact that Zelda would carry for a multitude of reasons. She had never carried her own child, she wasn’t of divine origin, it was the safest bet.
- Deciding on a donor was even harder. Zelda originally wanted to use Dr. Cee, because she was comfortable with him and could have some fun out of it, but he was ordinarily mortal (given the gift of immortality by Lilith, because she knew how much he meant to Hilda) and they were terrified of having a half mortal, half witch child. Faustus was another option presented by Lilith, but she didn’t want the first thing to do with him, nor a child of his origin. Several handsome demons from hell were also mentioned, though Zelda was adamantly against those as well. Lilith thinks she’s being purposely combative, it stirs up a lot of feelings in them that are hard to push past. They flip through the people that they’d feel comfortable with using and no one seems quite right. It puts them at an impasse for several months. No one is good enough, and they won’t compromise in either direction — it leads them to spend ages looking over ancient textbooks for an answer that would seemingly never come.
- There was one option they hadn’t considered — Melvin — and when Lilith suggests it, Zelda balks at her. But it’s a viable option, albeit uncomfortable, and they decide that he would be a suitable donor for their baby. Their coven is mostly females, and he’s one of the only sane options.
- Zelda is adamant on legally binding contracts signed by all before anything can be put into motion, because having a sense of solution and finality on the situation is scary for her, and Lilith is — again — unsure as to why it even matters. That’s the hard thing about being married to Zelda, she can’t believe the good in Lilith even though she’s proven time and time again that her anxieties are rooted in a past with someone who was much worse than her. It’s another point of conflict, and it stirs up a lot of passionate tears. Zelda cries because Faustus loved her and he still ripped everything away from her — the children she loved, the home they shared — because she was suddenly unworthy and Lilith cries because she thinks Zelda doesn’t trust her.
- In the end, Lilith decides that it’s only fair to agree to the contracts Zelda is so adamant about. It makes sense when she thinks about it, but she loathes to admit it. Melvin can’t have any rights — nor does Zelda want to think about him as the father, but it’s better than not knowing who it is — Zelda and Lilith have equal rights. The thought makes Zelda smile this sad, watery twitch of her lips that breaks Lilith’s heart, and she realizes that every child Zelda had ever dared let herself love was brutally ripped from her. After Zelda falls asleep that night, once the contracts were signed by all, Lilith excuses herself to the porch and cries openly and unabashedly — she cries for Zelda’s losses, for her own losses, for the pain and anguish and unbearable pasts they both had — and she finds Zelda sitting at the kitchen table with a tear streaked face when she finally gathers herself enough to go inside.
- They’re both fucking terrified from the moment their daughter is conceived until the day she’s born. Hell is no place for a newborn, and Lilith is afraid of having to step away and relinquish control, even if only for a few weeks. Zelda is scared of childbirth, of their daughter dying, of Lilith leaving her, of the issues they’d face raising their child. Lilith assures her everything would be okay, and she’s cautious to believe it.
- Pregnancy sucks and Zelda vows that she’ll never do it again as long as she lives. She hates not drinking, not smoking, gaining the weight, the fact that she can’t eat sweets whenever she wants. Lilith is doting and sweet and perfect, massages Zelda’s feet and makes her non-alcoholic drinks and watches trash television with her to pass the time. She takes up knitting for their baby — even when on her throne in Hell — and it’s so damn sweet that Zelda tears up every time she brings home a new blanket.
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I read your Grian and Zed oneshot and could I pretty please get another one (maybe a sequel, maybe not) with Worm man, Poultry man, and EX? We need the sidekick boi here too ;3
I’m so sorry this is so late! I’ve had a rough couple of days and this one ended up being a lot longer than I expected lol but anyway, here we are! Hope it’s good!
  Sitting on top of the billboard in the shopping district are Hermitcraft’s two superheroes, keeping an eye on the goings on. It seems to be a fairly quiet day, however; the last person either of them saw was Scar disappearing into the town hall over an hour ago. But the two are just having fun hanging out up here, so they continue keeping watch over the district, while munching on the half stack of golden carrots Grian brought with him.
  “Soo… which one of us is the sidekick?” asks Grian out of the blue. 
  Zedaph shoots him an amused look. “Why does one of us have to be the sidekick? Can’t we be partners?”
  “I mean, yeah, true. But if one of us HAD to be the sidekick, which one would it be?”
  “Probably you, cuz I’ve been a superhero a season longer than you.”
  Grian pauses. “Honestly, that’s not the answer I was expecting but it does make sense.”
  Zedaph gives a laugh. “Good. Trust me, we don’t need a sidekick. If I was on my own, maybe I’d consider getting another one, but a partner is even better than a sidekick.”
  In the ensuing pause, Zedaph realises what he said. Unfortunately, Grian has also picked up on it. “Another one? What do you mean?”
  “Ah…” Zedaph clears his throat. “Doesn’t matter.”
  “No, I wanna hear this. You had a sidekick?”
  Zedaph searches his brain for either an excuse to not reply or a false explanation that Grian will buy. When he finds neither, he gives a quiet sigh. “Yeah, but it didn’t end well. Or start well. Or go well for that matter.”
  “Oh, jeez.” Grian frowns sympathetically. “Do you want to talk about it?”
  “Look, let’s just say I was naive and I thought he was good but he wasn’t. I came out of it looking and feeling very stupid, so I’d rather not have a repeat of that.” After a moment, he gives a smile. “That’s why I’m glad I have a partner who I already know and trust.” 
  “Aww.” Grian nudges him with his elbow. “Do you mean me?”
  Zedaph snickers. “Nope, sorry, I mean Professor Beak. Best partner I’ve ever had.”
  Grian exaggerates a pout and gently strokes the parrot sitting on his shoulder. “Wow.”
  But as he starts to say something else, he spots a familiar figure walking through the shopping district. His face lights up. “Oh, look who it is! Zed, c’mon, I gotta introduce you to this guy.”
  He jumps down from their perch and rushes towards the person, followed closely by a curious Zedaph. “Hey! Hey, EX!”
  The figure turns and that’s when Zedaph recognises them with a jolt. That name, coupled with that familiar red helmet… It can’t be… can it…?
  He quickly scoots behind a tree as Grian stops in front of the person, beaming. “Hey! It’s been a long time!”
  Evil Xisuma, now going by the name EX, smiles at him. “Hey, Grian. Yeah, it’s been a while.” 
  “Grian? I see no Grian here,” says Grian innocently.
  EX chuckles. “Oh yeah. Sorry, Mr Poultry Man. You out here patrolling?”
  “Yup! Keeping watch over the server with my new partner!” Grian turns to introduce Zedaph to EX but frowns as he realises Zedaph is gone. “Uh… Zed? Where’d you go?”
  “Wait…” EX freezes as they recognise the name. “Zedaph…?”
  Grian spots his friend hiding behind a tree a few blocks down the path. “Zed, what are you doing?”
  Realising he can’t hide any longer, Zedaph slowly emerges from behind the tree and approaches the two, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Hello.”
  Grian frowns, sensing the tension between them. “You know EX already?” he asks slowly.
  Zedaph holds EX’s gaze for a moment but has to turn away. “Yeah. I knew him a long time ago.”
  EX shifts their feet awkwardly, causing Grian to step forwards, clearing his throat. “EX goes by they/them pronouns now.”
  Zedaph glances at EX, who looks away from him. He wonders whether EX was too scared to correct him themself. Has it really been so long that EX can’t be as open around him as they used to be? 
  Finally, he turns back to Grian. “They used to be my friend but that was a long time ago.” 
  “It WAS a long time ago, wasn’t it?” EX says quietly.
  “Just over three years. Since we last teamed up, anyway.”
  EX sighs quietly. “Listen, I’m sorry I left you. I was just feeling so guilty that you believed I was a good person and I couldn’t continue that lie, but I couldn’t exactly tell you the truth either, could I?” 
  “I only believed you were a good person because that’s what you told me,” Zedaph retorts. “But it doesn’t matter. I’m not angry at you anymore, I’m angry at myself. For being so stupid as to not realise why you were able to break me out of that prison so easily.”
  “Oh.” EX hesitates, realising now why Zedaph is being so careful around them. “When did you find out?”
  Zedaph’s shoulders slump. “After X banned you. I begged and begged him to reconsider but he refused. You have no idea how long I cried, how many sleepless nights I had, when X told me the truth about you. My friends got hurt because I was too naive to realise that the person I was calling my sidekick was actually a villain.”
  “Zedaph, you- you have every right to be angry at me for that,” EX says quietly. “But I’ve changed now, I promise.”
  “I can vouch for them,” Grian chimes in. “They’ve been helping me with building projects on and off for a couple of weeks. During that time, they told me a bit about their past and I can tell they’re not who they used to be.” 
  Zedaph gives his friend a look. “Did they tell you about their shared past with me?”
  “No, they only-.” 
  Grian breaks off, glancing from Zedaph to EX, as the penny finally drops. “Oh… EX is the former sidekick you were referring to, aren’t they?” 
  Zedaph and EX both nod slowly. 
  “I was a far better sidekick than I was a villain, honestly,” admits EX quietly. “I feel like I took to being good much quicker than I did to being evil.”
  “You did,” Zedaph agrees. “But that still didn’t stop you from getting yourself banned.”
  “I-I’ve made some mistakes, that much is true. In fact, a LOT of mistakes. But that’s exactly what I’m back here to do: I’m here to prove to myself, Xisuma, and the rest of the server that I can be a good person.” They clasp their hands together in an anxious gesture that Zedaph recognises from when they worked together. “And I want to prove it to you too, Zedaph.”
  Zedaph hesitates, watching his old friend with a conflicted look. 
  At that moment, however, Grian and Zedaph’s communicators go off with three messages in quick succession. 
<Xisuma> trapped by Wither!!!
<Xisuma> one heart no food left!!!!
<Xisuma> help!!!!!
  “Looks like this is your chance to prove yourself,” Grian says, patting EX on the shoulder. “Xisuma needs our help and we’re gonna go save him. Coming?”
  EX doesn’t even hesitate. “Yes, I’m coming. Let’s go.”
  The group follow X’s given coordinates to an underground tunnel in a remote part of the server. As they get closer, they can hear menacing sounds, followed almost immediately by a loud explosion.
  “Uh oh!” Grian picks up speed. “Quickly, guys!”
  They burst through an opening in the tunnel, only to find themselves immediately confronted by a half-health wither. 
  “Move!” Zedaph screeches.
  He shoves EX to one side and Grian dives to the other as the wither fires a burst of exploding skulls at them. 
  As EX scrambles to their feet, they spot Xisuma squished into a small gap in the wall, clutching a clearly cracked shield in his hand. His eyes widen visibly as he spots his evil counterpart. 
  EX winces. They’re not supposed to be here; they were banned several months ago, and Xisuma knows that. He is the one who banned EX. 
  But before they can interact with their counterpart, they’re forced to duck under another burst of skulls and scramble for a safe nook on the other side of the cave.
  Meanwhile, Grian and Zedaph are hacking away at the wither, but they’re making slow progress; the wither keeps attacking back, forcing them to retreat to avoid getting hit. 
  “X, get outta here, quickly!” Grian yells. 
  Xisuma hurriedly squeezes himself out of the crevice and dashes for the exit to the cave. However, because of his low health, he knows he has to be careful on the uneven rocky ground.
  Just as he gets to the cave mouth, his foot drops into a small gap created by one of the wither explosions and his ankle rolls, causing him to pitch forwards with a yelp. 
  “Xisuma!” Zedaph screeches, as he and Grian are forced to retreat to avoid a barrage of skulls. 
  Unexpectedly, the wither twists mid-air and fires off three skulls. The first two sail over Xisuma’s head but the third is heading straight for him.
  A split second before it hits him, EX dives in front of him and takes the skull to the back, propelling them past Xisuma and into the stone wall of the cave. 
  “EX!” Zedaph screeches. 
  “Zed, look up!” Grian yells suddenly. 
  Zedaph does so, just in time to see Grian tossing his sword back to him. Taking a deep breath, he leaps up and forward, catching his sword mid-air, and brings the weapon down on the wither. The critical hit takes the last bit of its health. 
  He lands neatly on the ground and uses EX’s fallen shield to protect himself and Xisuma as the wither explodes in a burst of light. 
  As Grian rushes over to help Xisuma, Zedaph dashes to EX’s side. The wither effect has worn off but EX is clearly still in pain; even though Zedaph can’t see their face, their muscles are visibly tense. 
  “EX, can you hear me?” Zedaph asks worriedly. “Are you alright?” 
  For one horrifying moment, there is silence. Then:
  “‘M fine.”
  Zedaph breathes out in relief. “Jeez, you scared me. What were you thinking? You could’ve died and we both know you won’t respawn.”
  “I-I wasn’t thinking.” EX sits up, with Zedaph’s help. “I just… acted.”
  “Well, you saved me from a painful death,” says Xisuma, giving his counterpart a sympathetic look. “I just don’t understand why you would save me, after our history.”
  “I, um…” EX hesitates. “I was inspired to be a better person recently, and when I saw you were in trouble, I just… didn’t let myself hesitate.”
  “Really?” asks Xisuma in surprise. “Who inspired you?”
  EX gives a small smile. “Two friends who mean a lot to me. But…” They pause, taking in a deep breath. “I know I’m not actually meant to be back here, so I do completely understand if you ban me again.”
  To their surprise, Xisuma immediately shakes his head. “I’m not going to do that. For one thing, you just saved my life. But more importantly, I sensed a change in you the second I saw you today, Exy. A very positive change. If these friends of yours on Hermitcraft caused that change, then there’s no way I’m gonna stop you from being around them. But I WILL be keeping a close eye on you, of course.”
  “O-Of course.” EX covers their visor with their hands, eliminating any chance that the others might notice the tears that have sprung to their eyes. “Thank you, Xisuma.”
  Xisuma places his hand on his counterpart’s shoulder. “No, thank YOU, Exy.” 
  He glances at Grian and Zedaph, who are watching together a few blocks away. “You two superheroes better get back up there and change before someone notices you’re missing.”
  “I want EX to come with us,” Zedaph responds. “Please.”
  Xisuma watches him steadily for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I just need to do some admin things to make sure their code isn’t still recognised as being banned, so they’re able to respawn in this world if they die.”
  “Thanks,” says Zedaph gratefully. “Could you also let the server know of the situation?”
  “Will do. Careful on your way back.”
  The three make their way back up towards the surface, leaving Xisuma behind in the raggedly destroyed hole. 
  “Are you sure you’re okay?” asks Zedaph, noticing EX shivering. 
  EX nods. “I’m fine. Just leftover wither effect, that’s all. I’m used to floating around in the void, not having the life sucked out of me.” 
  To their surprise, Grian chuckles. “Being back on Hermitcraft, you’re gonna have to get used to all kinds of effects. But hey, don’t worry: we’ll be here to help you through it.”
  “All of it,” adds Zedaph warmly, slinging his arm over EX’s shoulder. 
  A smile slowly spreads over EX’s face as they feel the warmth of being enveloped on either side by two friends. For the first time, they feel safe and cared for. They’re about to start their new life on Hermitcraft. 
  And there’s no two people he would rather start it with. 
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