#I just wanted you to know that not all of us are fair weather fans.
thatoneluckybee · 9 months
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I've read this comic so many times before but this panel and quote always hit me like a truck.
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felinecyan · 2 months
Trust Issues
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[Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Some friendly advice: don’t ever go to the rival of your spar partner for help.
WC: 4893
Category: Fluff, Slight Angst,
This blog is a MHA fan page at this point HAHAHA
But since you guys REALLY liked the first oneshot of him, I felt inclined to write another one. So, here you go! 💞
You didn’t think it would come to this.
In all honesty, you had never intended to hurt your friend.
All you had wanted was a fair fight. After all, that was why you were training, wasn't it?
So you could become a hero?
Now, granted, it was not a secret that Izuku Midoriya had always been on the… opposing end of Katsuki Bakugo's wrath ever since childhood. The boy was a spitfire; you had known that from the moment he had first stepped into class.
The Sports Festival only proved it. He was strong, powerful, and unafraid to let anyone who stood in his way know. It was that sort of determination that you had hoped to one day achieve, the will to succeed and not allow anything to hold you back.
It wasn't that you were star-struck or even jealous when he had been crowned first place at the festival. It was just inspiring, in a sense. He had fought tooth and nail to win, and in the end, he had come out on top.
However, his victory did not mean he could rest easy.
After the Sports Festival, Bakugo had taken a sort of… interest in you. You supposed he liked the way he fought against you, or maybe it was because he saw potential in you as a rival, but when class was over the next day, and the blonde had approached you, telling you to meet him out back, you were overjoyed.
Until he started to beat the ever-living crap out of you, that is.
And he still was, even now.
Every time you believe to be gaining more and more strength, he only proves to have become stronger. It was quite disheartening, actually.
Still, you did your best to keep up with him. It was no surprise to you, though, that he was better at you in almost everything.
That's why it seemed like a great idea for you to start sparring with Deku, right? Maybe the green-haired could teach you a few things and help you gain a bit of an advantage over the hothead.
But, as pure intentions would have it, the choice you made that day had landed you here.
You were at your locker, picking up books for Aizawa’s lesson when a hand rested atop the door of your locker. He didn’t close it, only using it as a resting place for his arm, so you didn't immediately look up to see him, instead pretending that you hadn't noticed him.
Not a voice you were familiar with. You glanced around the area before looking over at the source—a tall boy with short black hair and dark brown eyes.
You blinked a couple of times. "Hi…?"
He flashed a grin and leaned a bit closer to you, his voice dropping low. "Nice weather we're having, don't you think?"
"Uhm… sure, I guess." The confusion was obvious on your face, and he laughed at your expression. "It's nice, yeah."
"Well, the weather seems a lot nicer on the roof, I think." His words were slow, and his smile was growing a bit too much for you to be comfortable with. "I could take you there, show you the view. What do you—"
He was caught off by the large hand that suddenly slammed down on the top of your locker, shutting it. You were about to tell the person that the door had hit your head when you looked up at those glaring crimson eyes and felt your stomach drop.
Katsuki Bakugo.
"Hey, what the hell?!" The boy exclaimed. "What's the big deal?!"
Bakugo didn't seem to acknowledge the other, simply glaring down at you only. You were frozen in place. You had never seen the boy this angry, not even at the USJ attack.
"You." His voice was quiet, unnervingly calm, but the undertone was filled with enough venom to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "You lied."
"Uh—" You began but were cut off.
"You told me you had to bail yesterday. That you had homework to do." He was staring right through you, and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine.
You swallowed, and his eyes flickered to your throat for a split second. "I did, though."
"You didn't," He hissed, teeth gritting together. "You were with him."
"With who—"
You had no chance to react before he slammed his fist against the lockers again, right beside your face, and the boy who had been trying to talk to you only watched as you were cornered.
"Don't lie to me, damnit!" He was snarling, eyes alight with fury. His hand moved from the lockers and back to his side. "You were with that shitty nerd. Don't you fucking deny it."
"I—" You tried, but your voice was shaking, and he interrupted you before you could say anything.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" He leaned down to your level, his red eyes burning into yours. "Do you really think I wouldn't find out about your little play date with Deku?"
"Play date?" Your eyebrows furrowed. "I was just training, Bakugo. It's not that big a deal."
He scoffed, pulling his hands into his pockets. The rage was still in his eyes, but he didn't appear to want to act on it, instead turning his head to the side.
And despite it not being a good time, the dude beside you was still here, and he had a comment.
"Hey, I was here first, dude." He said, stepping forward. "It’s clear you two have a problem, but this chick isn’t yours. Beat it."
You were honestly expecting Bakugo to explode on him, maybe even punch the guy. He was always so aggressive.
Instead, he simply stared at him for a long moment, blinking at his audacity, only to roll his eyes and turn back to you.
"If you think Deku can help you, then go ahead." He shrugged, taking a step back. "We’ll see how good his teaching is if it can get you to stand a chance against me."
"You think—"
He interrupted you, not even giving you the chance to finish.
"Five o’clock, gymnasium." He smirked, but his eyes were hard. "Don't make me wait."
"But, you said—"
He had already turned his back and began to walk away, the other boy watching him with a dumbfounded expression.
Bakugo only nudged him aside with his shoulder, not giving him a glance as he left the hallway. He might’ve called over his shoulder, calling the kid an extra.
You weren't sure, and frankly, you didn't care. The only thing you cared about at that moment was what just happened, what was going to happen, and kicking the ever-loving shit out of the tattletale who just ruined everything.
The guy was still staring at the hallway Bakugo had disappeared in, his eyebrows scrunched together.
"Did he just—"
"Don’t." You held up a hand, and his mouth shut immediately. "Just don't."
The boy didn't say anything after that. You left him as he was, not caring if he was confused or not. He shouldn't have interrupted in the first place.
You walked to the classroom, immediately hunting down the other blonde, who happened to be your betrayer. He was sitting down, talking to Sero and Kirishima, but you didn't hesitate to grab him by the ear and drag him away.
"Hey!" He cried out, struggling to escape. "What the hell?! Lemme go!"
"Why'd you do that?!" You demanded, turning to him and letting him go. "You ratted me out!"
He blinked, not understanding. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, Denks!" You pointed at him accusingly, glaring at him. "You told Bakugo that I was training with Midoriya."
"I… was under a lot of pressure, okay?" He raised his hands defensively, leaning back. "Bakugo came to me after school and demanded where you were. He threatened to blow my face off!"
"Oh, yeah, real mature." You rolled your eyes. "Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me?! He’s going to actually blow my face off."
"He didn't seem that mad," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe it'll be okay."
"He talked like a regular person," You crossed your arms. "He was terrifyingly calm, Kaminari! And now he wants to meet me in the gym at five o'clock."
"Dude,” Sero extended the vowel, sitting forward in his seat as he had heard the conversation. "You’re so screwed."
You couldn’t help the glare you threw at him.
"You're not helping."
Kirishima also turned, frowning. "No, dude, he's right. You are screwed. I mean, you were sparring with Midobro behind his back." He shook his head. "He probably wouldn’t have cared much if it was me or anyone else, but—"
"You picked his mortal enemy." Sero finished, raising an eyebrow. "Like, seriously, dude. What did you expect?"
"Kaminari not to snitch on me?" You threw a look at the yellow-haired boy. "So much for being friends, huh?"
"Hey, I warned you," Kaminari huffed, crossing his arms. "But no, you wanted to hang out with his rival. If I didn’t tell him, I'm pretty sure he would've killed me. Like, literally, he would've killed me. No doubt."
"But you're fine with me dying?" You asked, a teasing smile pulling at your lips. "I see how it is."
"I thought I would have until after lunch to warn you," He defended himself, shrugging. "Guess he warned you instead, huh?"
You sighed, shaking your head.
"You guys aren't helping," You turned, running a hand through your hair. "I'm dead. So dead. Oh my god."
"Alright, who pissed off the chihuahua?"
You spun around at the sound of Mina's voice, seeing her, Jiro, and Hagakure all standing together.
How wonderful. The gang's all here.
"What are you talking about, Ashido?" Kirishima questioned, tilting his head.
"Bakugo's pissed," Jiro explained, pointing a thumb in his direction. "He’s storming through the hallways like someone just took a dump in his cereal."
"And it's not like he was in a good mood this morning, either," Hagakure added, bouncing on her toes. "Did something happen?"
You groaned and flopped down into a chair, hiding your face in your hands.
"Idiocy happened," Sero answered, shrugging. "That's what happened."
"Shut it, Tape Boy."
"You should probably tell us," Mina advised, sitting down next to you. She pulled you into a side hug, patting your shoulder. "What's up? Talk to me."
"Bakugo found out that I've been training with Midoriya," You mumbled, and the three girls nodded. "I’m dead. Aizawa can’t even save me."
"Aw, c'mon, it's not that bad." Jiro rolled her eyes, walking over to join the group. "Bakugo's all bark and no bite."
"He's not… all bark." You muttered, not meeting her eyes.
"I can vouch for that." Kaminari grinned, but the glare you shot him made him falter. "But uh, no, yeah, he's definitely more bite than bark."
"Oh, you poor baby." Hagakure cooed, leaning forward to ruffle your hair. You couldn't see her face, obviously, but you had a feeling she was smiling. "You can do it, though. It can't be that bad."
"You know what you should do?" Kirishima suggested a bright smile on his face. "Talk to him."
"I think that would make things worse, dude." You rubbed your eyes, sighing.
"I mean, tell him why you were doing it." He shrugged. "He’s feeling all types of betrayed right now, I bet. If you just explain your reasoning, he might let it slide."
"But it's worth a shot, isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow, his smile still intact. "Plus, you’d be showing him that you aren't afraid to take the initiative. Maybe he'll be a bit nicer."
"Do it at lunch so that if he tries to kill you, there'll be teachers nearby." Sero grinned.
"You're really not helping." You glared at him, but the group just laughed, leaving you to your sulking.
Mina was about to say something when the door to the classroom opened, and the very loved and grumpy Aizawa walked in. He didn't say a word; instead, he just shot a look at the group before sitting down to wait for the last few minutes before class started.
As much as you wanted to believe it, the only thing the group's conversation managed to do was make you more worried. You spent the entire class staring off into space, staring at the blonde boy who sat two seats in front of you.
His shoulders were tense, and his pencil was practically snapping in half as he scribbled notes on the paper. Every once in a while, his eyes would flicker back and forth, his teeth gritted, and his pencil would move a bit faster.
You couldn’t focus on what Aizawa was saying, too distracted by the blonde's behavior.
The class seemed to go on forever, but eventually, the bell rang, and the class began to shuffle out, chatting and laughing with their friends.
"Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima walked over to the hothead, who had stayed behind to pack up his things. "You okay, man?"
He was a real one, that Kirishima.
"Peachy." He replied, throwing his bag over his shoulder. His tone was dry, and his eyes were tired, but there was a hint of anger in them.
"You sure? You seem a bit—"
"I'm fine, Shitty Hair." He hissed, his patience wearing thin. "Back off."
The redhead only nodded and backed away, holding his hands up. "Alright, man. Whatever you say."
He looked over at you, his eyes flickering between you and Bakugo.
He didn't need to say a word. You understood. You slowly approached the blonde, your heart in your throat.
"Uhm," You started, your voice cracking. You cleared your throat, trying to seem as unthreatening as possible. "Can we talk? I'll buy lunch."
He glanced at you, his jaw clenching. His eyes flickered down to the floor before meeting yours again.
"What makes you think I need you to buy me lunch?" He huffed, his grip on his bag tightening.
"It's an offer, dude," You shrugged, trying to sound more casual than you felt. It didn’t work. "I just want to talk, okay?"
He stared at you for a long moment, the gears in his head working. He looked over at Kirishima and Kaminari, who had been watching, before rolling his eyes and huffing.
"Fine. Whatever."
He pushed past you and made his way to the door, not bothering to check if you were following. You gave the other two a small, awkward smile and hurried after him, following close behind as he stomped his way through the hall.
You kept a bit of distance but stayed close enough so that he knew you were still there. He didn't speak, didn't even look at you, and his shoulders were still tense.
This was not going to end well.
But he hadn’t said no, so maybe there was a chance.
"So," You began, breaking the silence. "I—"
"Why?" He cut you off, not slowing his pace. His eyes were forward. "I already know your damn reasoning, so don't give me some bullshit excuse. Just tell me the truth."
He had stopped walking, now turning to face you. There were students milling about the hallway, and a couple were giving the two of you strange looks. You tried to ignore them.
You focused on the blonde's gaze.
"You're strong," You confessed, your voice wavering. "I want to be stronger."
His eyes narrowed at that.
"You could've asked," He growled. "You didn't have to sneak around and hide shit."
"Asked to… what? To kick my ass harder during our spars?" You huffed. "Because, as much as I hate to say it, I'm not winning in those."
He paused, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Is that what this is about?" He asked. "You wanted me to go easier on you? Are you kidding me?"
"No, that's not—"
"If you think villains are gonna hold back," He cut you off again, and the volume of his voice was getting higher. "You're out of your damn mind. You can't always depend on some shitty extra to bail your ass out."
"That's not—"
"Then what the fuck do you want from me, huh?!" He demanded, throwing his hands up. "You want me to hold your hand through heroics?! Is that what it is?!"
"I'm not asking you to do anything," You defended yourself, glaring. "All I wanted was a different perspective, damn."
"Yeah, what a nice perspective you got." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Get perspective off the kid who can’t even use his quirk without breaking his fucking body. What a brilliant idea."
"Oh, come on!" You crossed your arms. "There is no reason for you to be so petty. I did this for you, and for me. What's the problem?"
"For me? " He echoed, his eyes widening. "The hell do you mean, 'for me'? Going behind my back and training with the nerd is not doing something for me."
"I did it to be a better opponent to you!" You raised your voice, ignoring the stares of your classmates. "I'm tired of losing all the time! You're my friend, and I don't want to constantly have my ass handed to me!"
"We're not friends," He hissed. "Friends don't do this kind of shit."
You faltered, taken aback.
"I'm— You're—"
"Save it," He snapped, not meeting your gaze. "I'm done. Fuck this. Fuck you. Go find someone else to train with."
He pushed past you, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stomped away. You stood there, gaping, unable to understand what just happened.
"Bakugo," You tried, your voice cracking. You didn't turn, too busy staring at the tile floor.
"Fuck off, idiot." He spat, not bothering to look back. "You can forget about the sparring later."
He didn't wait for you to respond. Instead, he shoved his way past the crowd, disappearing from sight.
You were still frozen, and you couldn't tell if the tears welling up in your eyes were from frustration or sadness.
The students rushing around you began to slow, staring at you with pity, confusion, or both.
But you didn’t have time to care because, at that moment, you couldn’t think of anything else.
Your stomach twisted. Your head throbbed. Your heart broke.
And you felt like you were going to throw up.
"Dude," Kaminari said, appearing next to you. "That was rough."
You didn't reply. You couldn't.
"Shut up, man," Kirishima said, placing a hand on your shoulder. He was frowning, his eyes full of worry. "She doesn't need that right now."
"This is some B-lister movie shit right here," Sero commented, shaking his head. "Seriously, what a drama queen."
Bakugo… he was… hurt. You could see it in his eyes. He was angry, obviously, but there was something else. Something that you had never seen before.
"An idiot?" Sero guessed.
"A jerk?" Kaminari added.
"Emotionally constipated?"
At that, Kirishima punched Sero in the shoulder, causing him to groan and rub the spot.
"Ow, what was that for?!"
"He's just mad," Kirishima ignored the question, turning to face you. "Just give him some space. He'll come around."
"This is different," You argued, your throat burning. "I've never seen him like that. Never. It’s like he’s— I don't know."
"He's an asshole," Kaminari muttered, glaring down the hallway. "Don't waste your time on him."
"You didn't see the look in his eyes," You shook your head. "It was so different. He was almost… dejected."
"Hurt?" Sero repeated, raising an eyebrow. "The guy didn't look like he was in pain. He looked pissed."
"I… did this," You said, and the three boys frowned. "He said we weren't friends because I went behind his back. I didn’t realize he saw us as friends, and I— I ruined it."
"Hey, man, you didn't ruin anything." Kirishima shook his head, his voice firm. "He’ll realize the things he said and—"
You needed to apologize. You needed to go to him, and apologize, and explain in a way that doesn’t leave room for questions.
"I'm sorry," You spoke, interrupting the redhead. "I just— I gotta— I'm gonna go."
"Wait, I wouldn’t—"
But it was too late. You were already pushing your way through the crowd, not caring about the future consequences.
You were on a mission, and you were going to get shit done.
It was easy enough to find him. The Pomeranian hair was a dead giveaway. He never made it to the cafeteria and was instead standing off to the side, staring out the window.
He didn’t look up when you approached him, but you could see the tension in his shoulders.
"I'm sorry."
You didn’t beat around the bush or try to ease him into the conversation. You just came out and said it because there was no point in hiding it.
"Just…" He sighed, not bothering to look at you. "Just leave me alone, alright? We're done."
"Look, I didn’t—"
"Why can't you just listen?!" He yelled, whipping around to glare at you. Despite his angry expression, though, you could see the hesitation.
He wasn't as confident as usual.
"You're not listening to me," You argued. "I'm apologizing. Why can't you—"
"Because I don't need you to apologize," He snarled, his eyes narrowing. "I don't want your fucking apologies. You did what you did, and I'm over it."
"It's obvious that you aren't over it."
"What, and you are?"
"No, not at all," You shrugged, trying not to flinch. "I’m trying to fix the problem."
"Well, don't." He huffed, turning back towards the window. "There is no problem."
"You were going to take your anger out on me," You said, not daring to step any closer. "How the hell is there no problem?"
"I told you," He turned to face you. "I don't care. I don't give a shit anymore. I'm not going to spar with you. Not anymore."
"You can't—"
"I can't, or I won't?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Neither," You said. "I didn't— I didn't train with Midoriya because I didn't trust you."
He laughed. Actually, genuinely laughed, his eyes crinkling in amusement. You thought the most terrifying moment of his was when he spoke calmly, but that?
That, right there?
That was the scariest moment of your life.
"Are you joking?" He snorted, the smile disappearing just as fast as it had come. "You think that’s why I'm pissed?"
"It's— it's part of it, right?"
"Oh, no," He shook his head. "No, you don't get it, do you? Do I have to spell it out for you, dumbass? Do you want me to fucking say it?"
You hesitated, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up.
"Say what?"
He sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
"I was fine with the spars," He explained, his voice quiet. "I was fine with the competition. It was fun. You were a good match, and it made me a better fighter. I liked it."
He stopped, taking a deep breath.
"But when you went behind my back," He continued, his voice tight. "And when you didn't bother to tell me and instead told Dunce Face? Of all people?! That's where I had a problem."
"What does—"
"It means you're a coward."
You felt as if you'd been punched in the stomach, the air being knocked out of your lungs.
"You couldn't even look me in the eye and tell me, so instead, you went behind my back." He continued, and the volume of his voice was increasing. "You were too scared to face me, and you ran off and hid like a child."
"That's not true—"
"It is," He growled. "You know it, I know it, and the rest of the class knows it."
"So, you're telling me you're pissed because I'm a coward?" You asked, trying to keep the quiver from your voice.
"Partly," He replied, and the look in his eyes made you flinch.
"Partly," You repeated, your eyebrows furrowing. "So, what's the other part?"
"That I trusted you."
The words stung. They burned through your skin and pierced through your heart, making you feel as if you were the one with the explosion quirk.
He didn’t let you respond and instead walked up to you, his eyes dark.
"I trusted you," He repeated, his voice low. "I trusted you to come to me if you needed something, and I trusted that you would be honest with me. I thought we were at least close enough for that, but it turns out I was wrong."
"You— you weren't wrong—"
"If I was wrong, then why the hell did I go to Deku?! Why not me?! Why did you not trust me?!"
"I did trust you!" You cried, your eyes stinging.
"You went to the one person who could break his body with every punch," He snapped, his hands curling into fists. "You went to the kid who can’t control his damn quirk, and you went to the one person that I—"
He stopped himself, his face twisting in anger.
"What?" You pressed, taking a small step forward. "What were you going to say?"
"Nothing." He spat, turning his head. "Forget it. It's none of your damn business."
"Tell me."
"Bakugo," You pressed, trying to sound more demanding.
"Fuck off."
He didn't answer and, instead, began to walk away.
"Damn it," You hissed, running up and grabbing his arm.
"Let go." He warned, not meeting your gaze.
"I'm sorry." You pleaded. "Okay? I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you already said that."
"I do trust you," You said. "You're an ass, and you're annoying, and you can be a bit too hardheaded, but I still trust you."
He paused, not looking at you.
"Then why didn't you go to me first?" He asked, his voice wavering. "You were my damn partner, and yet you—"
"I didn’t want you to make me feel bad," You answered. "I wanted to surprise you and prove myself. I know I can do it. I'm strong, and I'm fast, and I can be better than what I am now, and I wanted to show you that."
He was silent, but he still didn’t pull his arm from your grasp.
"I couldn’t ask for your help," You continued. "Because I didn’t want you to treat me any differently. I wanted you to see what I could do without any outside influence."
"What a stupid reason."
"You don't have to agree," You muttered. "But it was my reasoning, nonetheless."
He didn't say anything, and you sighed, letting go of his arm.
"I'm sorry," You apologized again, trying not to cringe. "I should have told you sooner, and I should have come to you. I should have trusted the way you'd react and not predicted how you would act. I was being selfish, and I should have considered you."
He turned his head, his eyes still narrowed. But it wasn't angry. No, it wasn't anger at all anymore. It was pure curiosity.
"What were you trying to prove?"
"To me," He said, his eyebrows furrowing. "If you were training with me, then what were you trying to prove?"
You bit the inside of your cheek.
"I'm not sure." You answered, not daring to meet his gaze. "I guess I just wanted to impress you."
"Impress me?" He scoffed again, rolling his eyes. "You really are an idiot."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"It means I don't need to be impressed," He explained, his voice softer than before. "I don't give a shit about being impressed. I just want you to be stronger."
"So you can still kick my ass? But be more proud of it?" You guessed, smiling.
"Something like that," He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I want to be able to fight you without holding back."
"Oh, come on," You complained, rolling your eyes. "That's a load of crap, and you know it. You wouldn't have to hold back against me."
"Oh, yeah?" He asked, his voice lowering. "An hour with the nerd, and you think you're on my level now? You're delusional."
"You underestimate me."
"I'm not underestimating shit." He scoffed, leaning down slightly. "I can tell you, right here, right now, two minutes. I'd give it two minutes, tops, and then your ass would be on the floor."
"Really," He nodded, smirking. "Two minutes. That's it."
"Five o'clock?"
"Tch, fine," He agreed, taking a step back. "Don't be late, idiot."
"I won't." You assured, turning to leave. "I'll see you then, Bakugo."
"You'll see my foot up your ass."
And, just like that, the two of you were back to normal.
Did you win? Hell no. But your plan with Deku did come in handy, and you were able to put up a pretty good fight.
He did still beat you, of course, and the time was 4:57 when he finally got you on the floor.
But, it wasn't as humiliating as the previous spars, and you weren't nearly as embarrassed.
Instead, he just grinned, pulling you up by your hand and offering some tips.
And, honestly, they were better than the ones Midoriya had given you.
So, maybe going to the firecracker wasn't a terrible idea after all.
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digitalpup444 · 5 months
omg HIIIII this is my first ever PUBLISHED work…i’ve always made like some sort of fan fic but just kept it to myself like a greedy little thing hehe but! i decided to share the nasty thoughts in my brain with everyone!!
warnings; (rafe being an asshole, teasing, hard fucking, daddy kink, slapping, bimbo reader)
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with the way the skies were looking, you knew your plan of going to the beach with rafe was out of the picture now. you huffed, pouting as you looked up at the sky out of the window in rafe’s room. “this isn’t fair!’ You whined, jutting your bottom lip out as you turned around to stomp out of his bedroom. in the office, rafe was working out some ‘business things’, as he put it, but you had no regard to that as you barged in.
“c’mon, man. I’m workin’ on something here.” he exclaimed, stressfully running a hand over his buzzed hair. you stomped your foot lightly, crossing your arms over your chest. “it’s raining.” You grunted disapprovingly, eyebrows furrowed. rafe simply went over to the window to look outside, holding the curtains out of the way as he parted the blinds with his fingers. with an eyeroll, he turned back to you. “it’s not raining. The clouds are jus’ settin’ in. go play somewhere, kid,” he grumbled. “ain’t tellin you twice.”
“but i miss you. you promised me you would take me to the beach.” you whined some more, moping towards rafe and putting your head to his chest. “n’ now its gonna be all rainy an’ gross and we wont even get to have fun!” your eyes got watery and your lower lip trembled as you lifted your head up to look at your tall boyfriend.
“hey, enough of that,’ He lightly scolded, grabbing your jaw to get you to pay attention to his words. “you can pout and whine all you want, but i cant control the weather like you think i can, kid. you gonna behave for me while i work on this?’’ he asked, although regardless if you said yes, he knew you would be back on the topic of going to the beach.
with an attitude, you pulled away from his grip with an upset look. “hmph. fine. Whatever, i didn’t wan’ go to the beach anyways!” and with that, you sulked out of the office only causing Rafe to roll his eyes at your dramatic exit.
as you entered rafe’s bedroom yet again, you threw yourself down on his bed and screeched into his pillows and threw them off his bed, not too happy about how today was going for you. what you didnt know was that rafe was following you quietly, arms crossed at the doorway as he leaned against it while he watched your outburst.
you your head up, eyes falling onto him with a soft gasp. “I..-’ you started, only to be cut off from his stern voice. “enough of that, kid. you dont know what you’re gettin’ yourself into.” he tsked, stalking towards you and laying a firm yet gentle hand on your cheek. “thought you were gonna behave for me like a good girl? i must be a goddamn fool for believing you when you said that.” your eyes were big and doe like as you looked up at your boyfriend, pouting at him. “ i jus’ miss you, daddy...i need you.”
and with that, you had rafe wrapped around your little finger with just those words. he rubbed his thumb over the skin on your cheek as he bit his lip, fighting between the urge to go back to the office or to take care of his precious girl. “you need me that badly, hm?” he grinned, his hand snaking to the nape of your neck where he gripped your hair and pulled your head back to kiss you open mouthed.
you mewled into the kiss, pawing your hands at the belt of his pants as you struggled to unbuckled it. “aw, sweet girl can’t even use her brain to figure out how to unbuckle my belt.” he tsked, pushing you face down on the bed with your ass hanging off. “c’mon, you know the drill.” he smacked your ass before pulling down the slutty pink skirt you were wearing.
“ohh, no panties? god, you were just begging for me to have my way with you,” he chuckled. “just a slutty little brat, always throwing tantrums to get her way,” rafe teased as he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants and boxers down. “always cryin’ for something, nothing i give is good enough for you.” he lined himself up with your dripping hole before pushing on without warning, leaving you gasping and gripping at the sheets.
“that’s it..i know you can take it, kid.” he grunted into your ear as he leaned over you, smacking the side of your hip. “p-please…!” you whined, begging for him to move. it was excruciating the way he stayed there for a few minutes before pounding into you, leaving you a babbling and whining mess.
“just needed your daddy’s cock in you to shut you up, yeah? answer me.” rafe commanded through clenched teeth as he held onto your hips to hit every inch inside of you.
“y-yes! only act out cuz i want you!” you cried out, pushing your ass into him, wanting to feel him go deeper. the tip of his cock was kissing your cervix causing you to mewl and grip at nothing. “shut your goddamn whore mouth,” he growled, slapping a hand over your mouth to muffle the moans. “f-fuck..” the man cursed as he felt himself coming closer with each thrust.
your thighs trembled from the pleasure, eyes fluttering shut every time he hit that special spot he knew all too well. you had drool all over your chin once Rafe removed his hand from your mouth. “you gonna cum? yeah, i know you are. fuckin’ little whore was already at the edge as soon as i pulled my pants down.” he scoffed, letting out another groan. “inside, wan’ you inside!” you whimpered out, hand sliding down between your body and the mattress to play with your clit.
“please, m’ so close..please don’t stop, daddy!” you cried out, eyes watering with tears. with a swift movement, rafe pulled out of you to cum on your back and leave you wanting more. “did you really think for a fucking second i would let you cum after the little stunt you pulled? hm?” he tugged your head back with your hair, slapping your cheek lightly. “brats dont get to cum.” he stated as he fixed his pants, buckling them and going off to the office to leave you pouting.
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megalony · 6 months
Just In Time
This is an Evan Buckley imagine, based on a request by anon. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: While Buck is at work during a storm, (Y/n) goes to spend the day with Athena. And subsequently ends up going into labour.
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(Y/n) slumped her left arm on the kitchen counter and turned the kitchen stool to the side when she heard loud footsteps approaching. Her eyes set on her husband and she did a quick sweep up and down his frame and bit down on the corner of her lip.
"You're leaving me?" Her lips curved into a pout and her head tilted to the side, causing Evan's heart to soften yet speed up at the same time.
He jogged down the last of the stairs and advanced across the apartment towards her with his arms stretched out in front of him.
As soon as he was within reach, Evan clamped his hands down on (Y/n)'s hips and moved to stand between her legs. He felt her knees pressing into his hips and her arms looped around his torso while her chin pressed into his chest so she could look up at him.
"Sorry baby, I gotta go to work." Evan leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss as his hands gave her hips a loving squeeze.
If he had the choice, he would stay home with her. Somehow, it didn't feel the same going to work without (Y/n) being there with him.
Evan was used to his wife working alongside him. He was so used to turning to her when he had a patient that needed transporting to the hospital and Evan loved those times when he got to ride in the ambulance and see (Y/n) at work as a paramedic.
The 118 really was a family-run unit, with (Y/n) being both Bobby's daughter and Evan's wife.
But she was on maternity leave now.
"Hmm, that's not fair, leaving me all alone." (Y/n) tilted her head down so she could press her face into his shirt and breathe in his scent and cologne.
(Y/n) didn't like being home alone, she didn't know what to do with herself and if Evan wasn't here to monitor her, she seemed to end up doing a lot more than she should recently.
"Sorry baby." He pecked the top of her head and rested his chin on her head for a few moments while he grazed his fingers up and down her side. "Promise me you're not gonna go out today, there's a storm and the last thing I need is a call saying you've had an accident or got stuck in this weather."
Evan panicked, he was a worrier by heart. But he knew his wife like the back of his hand. He knew she was becoming restless and didn't know what to do with herself when the nursery was already set up and they had everything ready for when their boy arrived. He didn't want (Y/n) going out when the storm was already rolling in and making itself known. Evan couldn't deal with that kind of phone call today.
He was on a double shift, he wouldn't be home until tomorrow afternoon and he dreaded to think what (Y/n) would get up to in that time.
"We get bored-"
"And I get worried. Please?"
A groan tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips and she looked up at Evan, feeling a shiver roll down her spine when she was met with his stern expression. Her hands grazed up and down his back and she leaned back on the bar stool until she was leant against the kitchen counter.
"Can you drop me at mums then? So I don't go crazy sitting on my own in here."
She watched Evan's expression soften into a warm smile and he nodded, pecking her temple again before he looked down at his watch.
If he was leaving her, (Y/n) would rather go somewhere and be with family so she wasn't alone. And she knew Athena wasn't at work today. They could have a catch up or watch some movies and just spend the day together. It would only be two weeks until (Y/n)'s due date and then there would be a baby in the mix, stealing all the attention.
(Y/n) and Evan had only been married three months before (Y/n) announced she was pregnant. As thrilled as everyone had been, they also took it as an opportunity to tease Evan. Telling him he didn't waste much time or asking if it was a shotgun wedding. The whole team loved to wind him up, but he didn't care.
He had his girl and now they were having a baby, Evan was going to be the happiest man at the station.
"Sure. Come on then, baby."
Evan slowly walked back so he was no longer stood between her legs and he held his hands out for her. He took her hands and helped (Y/n) slide down off the kitchen stool. He turned, about to walk towards the hall but he stopped when (Y/n) latched her fingers around his wrist and gave a sharp tug.
She pulled his arm close and pressed his hand against the side of her stomach so he could feel the baby wriggling. The movement made Evan's lips quirk into a lopsided smile and he brushed his thumb across her skin, waiting for another movement or a kick in his direction.
"Someone's happy today." He murmured softly and leaned down so he could press a kiss to her stomach.
(Y/n) held onto Evan's hand and followed him into the hall and she grinned, leaning against his back and his arm as she found her shoes. Evan had recently become her leaning post when she found it harder to lean over to bend down. It was why (Y/n) had gotten a pair of flat shoes that were easy to slip on and off so she didn't have to bend or pull them on.
She slipped her phone in her bag and hooked it on her shoulder, but both hands moved to grab the cabinet in front of her and she took a sharp breath when her back twinged.
"My back twinged," Her fingers dug into the cabinet and her upper body arched forward to see if it would relieve the sudden twinge in her lower spine.
Her lips curved into a tight smile when she felt Evan's hand move along her back in slow, deep circles that did something for the pain and made her feel a little better.
"Maybe it's a sign you should take it easy," Evan murmured into the top of her hair. His hand continued to move along her back and his other hand moved to hold her arm for added support. He waited patiently for (Y/n) to take a deep breath and lean off the counter again but he could see the pain flicker across her face when she straightened up.
"It's a sign your son is a menace."
"Oh, so he's mine now, not ours?"
(Y/n) ignored his comment and tilted her head back to look up at Evan with a pleading glimmer in her eyes. "Tell him to be good?" She moved Evan's hand from her back to the lower side of her stomach and she waited as Evan leaned down to hover his lips over her bump.
"Behave, mister. Or else."
A crack of thunder broke through the sky and rattled the windows and the patio doors until it sounded like they were going to shatter. The rain beat down on the patio outside and a steady stream trickled over the stones and down onto the grass that was going to be flooded, come tomorrow morning.
(Y/n) shuddered at the thought of going out in this weather.
Her eyes glanced over at the clock on the kitchen wall. Seven o'clock. She had been here all afternoon and thankfully, the afternoon had gone by in a flash with Athena. They ate tea together, watched some movies and went through a few magazines and sorted through some things the station had got for when the baby arrived.
(Y/n) finished making two cups of hot chocolate and held one in each hand, but her eyes focused on staring out the kitchen window when she turned around. It looked like it was midnight with how black and dead the sky looked and all the white flashes rippling across the sky. The sheets of rain pouring down from the heavens didn't look much better, either.
She took slow steps back through to the living room but ended up shuffling her feet to see if it would dull the aching in her back and her lower stomach. The baby had shifted around again and now he was weighing heavy on (Y/n)'s abdomen to the point it was hurting every now and then.
"Thank you," Athena murmured as she placed down a bag of baby clothes near the coffee table and took her seat on the sofa.
Her hand moved to (Y/n)'s lower back and she watched cautiously as (Y/n) slowly sat down with a wince. She stayed sitting upright instead of slouching back into the sofa like before to see if it would do anything to help her discomfort.
"Well, I think you'll be spending the night with me, hun."
"Is that okay?"
"Oh, it's more than okay, you keep me company and I've had my instructions from Buck. We're not to go out in this weather, he said he'd come pick you up after work. And your dad would have my head if we drove out in this storm."
Athena didn't have a problem with (Y/n) staying over, it was the reason why they had the spare room here for friends and family to stay over. Although there was a lot of things packed into the spare room. Bobby was getting ready for his first grandchild and he was already planning ahead to the weekends when he could have his grandson stay over with them.
Leaning forward, (Y/n) took a sip of her hot chocolate and looked beyond the tv at the back garden. They hadn't drawn the blinds yet as both women rather liked watching the storm take hold and seeing the rain splatter down on the glass and sprinkle across the garden.
She looked over at the tv when Athena started searching for a new movie to watch, but she had to set down her mug when her stomach clenched. Her hand drifted beneath her shirt and she covered her grimace by biting down on her bottom lip.
When the baby started wriggling and hurting like this, it was when (Y/n) wished Evan was home with her. He had a knack for distracting her or giving a massage and the baby seemed to love the sound of Evan's voice.
"You okay?"
"Hm, he keeps moving." (Y/n) straightened up to click her spine back into place. And when she noticed Athena looking at her stomach, she smiled and gently took her hand, pressing it to the base of her abdomen.
They shared a smile between them and Athena danced her fingertips along (Y/n)'s stomach for a few moments before she turned to reach for the bag she brought in. She placed it on the floor between them so they could go through the garments together and decide which ones (Y/n) wanted.
It had been lovely that from the moment they told the team, everyone was overjoyed and wanted to be involved. (Y/n) and Evan got so many baby clothes and gifts from everyone that they had items coming out their ears now.
They started going through some items and had a movie on in the background, but (Y/n) could barely pay attention to anything.
Everything hurt.
Her back was twinging and felt like each column of her spine had weights pressed down on it like the bone was about to break. Her stomach was weighing heavy and every time she felt a twinge, she was starting to feel sick.
Maybe she needed to try and relax and get comfy to see if dozing off would take away the pain. God knows she had fallen asleep during enough movie nights with Evan this last month.
She heard Athena mutter something about finding them some snacks and she nodded, forcing herself to smile as she watched Athena head towards the kitchen. But (Y/n) moved her hand back to her stomach and started making slow circles beneath her shirt to see if it would help at all.
But then she felt it. A steady trickle of water between her thighs and a very sharp, tightening pain in her pelvis.
"Mum… ooh, mum!"
"Honey, what's wrong?" Athena set down the bag of goodies on the kitchen side and rushed back into the living room, skidding on the rug on the way.
She wedged herself between the arm of the sofa and the coffee table and knelt down at (Y/n)'s side. She placed one hand on (Y/n)'s knee and the other on her back, wondering if she had suddenly got back pains. Evan mentioned earlier that she had been having pains all week but that was normal.
(Y/n) couldn't bring herself to say anything. She just looked between her parted thighs, the floor, and Athena until her stepmum suddenly got the message and realised what had happened.
Her waters had broken. The pains she had been having all day were actually contractions. She was going into labour during a storm, without Evan here by her side like he promised to be.
"Okay… this is okay, give me a minute I'll go and call Buck."
Athena wasn't stupid. This was not the weather to be driving her daughter down to the materntiy ward at the hospital. She was a good driver, she was safe, she had to be since she was a seargent in the police. But that didn't mean Athena had been trained to drive during storms. It was too dangerous and if she crashed, they might not get help in time. Evan and Bobby might not find them or know what was going on if they crashed.
Staying here and getting help to come to them was by far the better and safer option and they both silently agreed on this.
Shuffling back a little, (Y/n) slumped back into the sofa and let herself sink into the cushions. She moved both her hands to cradle her stomach and began glaring daggers into her bump towards her baby. Why was he choosing to be born now? Why did he think this was a good time? It was two weeks early, right in the middle of a storm. Without Evan.
(Y/n) was expecting to go into labour any time from next week. Evan was supposed to be on shorter shifts as of next week so if this happened and he wasn't home, he could easily find his way back to (Y/n) and be there for her.
Her eyes looked up at Athena as she stood beside the sofa, one hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and the other holding her phone to her ear.
Evan didn't answer.
"Buck, call me back please. (Y/n)'s gone into labour." She hung up after leaving a message and tried to ring Bobby instead.
He didn't answer either.
"Bobby, honey you and Buck need to come home when you get this message. (Y/n)'s with me and she's gone into labour. Call me."
Tears began to trace down (Y/n)'s face. She was afraid of this, it was her worst nightmare coming true. She knew the job was hectic and unpredictable, but she wanted Evan to be home when she went into labour, not out at work. She didn't want to be doing this by herself. Her only saving grace was she had decided to come here to be with Athena. She wouldn't have been able to do this on her own, at home.
Her eyes focused on Athena as she tried to smile and dialled for the emergency services instead. They would need to take (Y/n) to hospital soon and Athena wouldn't be able to do that. She would need medical help too if they had to wait a while for an ambulance to arrive.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"This is seargent Grant, I need an ambulance to my address. My daughter's gone into labour and she's thirty-eight weeks pregnant."
"How advanced is labour?"
"Her water just broke."
"Then can you keep her comfortable? With the storm, we have a backlog of emergencies and limited teams to dispatch. The current wait is almost two hours."
Panic struck a cord in Athena's chest and her hand tightened around (Y/n)'s shoulder. What were they supposed to do? Was Athena supposed to deliver her own grandson because they couldn't put this as a priority call? This was a woman going into labour, anything could happen or go wrong, they needed help and transport to the hospital.
"Make this a priority." Was Athena's response. They could wait a while, they might be able to wait an hour, but they needed help.
"Mum?" (Y/n) tilted her head back on the sofa and looked up at Athena. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what the dispatcher was saying. Why couldn't Maddie have been on shift today and answered their call? She could have talked them through this and got through to the team and sorted everything out. Maddie was calm during a crisis.
"Help will be here soon, honey."
They needed the team. They needed Evan and Bobby.
Tears traced down (Y/n)'s face almost as badly as the storm raging outside. Her hands clenched down on the back of the armchair and when a contraction tore through her stomach, she bit down on her lip so hard she drew blood. Her shaking arms pressed down on the chair and she leaned forward, burrowing her face into her arms.
Her back arched out and her legs began to shake from how tense they were straining to keep herself upright.
She felt Athena's hand rub up and down her back, but it wasn't the touch she wanted. It wasn't Evan. The thought made her tears fall faster and a lump formed in her throat. She shifted her weight from foot to foot and let out a scream when another pain tore her pelvis to shreds.
With a muffled scream, (Y/n) leaned over the back of the chair and scrambled around until she found her phone. She wasn't doing this alone. She wasn't having this baby without Evan. Someone was going to get the word through to him that he needed to come home. Now.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"I n- I need you to contact the 118." She gruffed, breathing through clenched teeth as her head started to go fuzzy.
"I'm sorry?"
"LAFD 118, get Buckley on the line- oow!" (Y/n) dug her nails so tightly into her phone she worried she was going to crack the screen. Her forehead pressed back down into the armchair while Athena moved her hands to hold her shoulders.
"Miss, what's your name and the nature of your emergency-"
"Get Buckley!" (Y/n) all but screamed before she held the phone to her left to try and get Athena to make the man understand.
She needed Evan. She knew dispatch could get on the radio frequency and contact the team because clearly they were out on a call. None of the team were answering their phones and (Y/n) was getting closer and closer to giving birth. If she had to do this without Evan she was never going to get over it. She wanted him here.
"Sir, you need to contact the 118 fire station and tell them that firefighter Buckley's wife is in labour. We called over an hour ago and we still haven't received any medical help. Tell Mr Buckley and Captain Nash the situation, now."
"Dispatch to Captain Nash?"
"Go ahead dispatch." Bobby gripped the radio on his shoulder but he could barely feel his fingers despite the thick gloves he was wearing. The cold from the storm was seeping into his bones by now and the rain had thoroughly soaked through his uniform to the point he felt like he was swimming.
"Is Buckley with you?"
A frown pulled on Bobby's face and he waved his hand over at Evan, shouting his name through the howling wind that was screaming at them all to go home.
"I have Buckley with me, what's the problem dispatch?" He wasn't sure why he needed his son in law here for whatever message they were about to receive. But something deep in his gut told him this wasn't going to be for anything good.
"We have Mr Buckley's wife on the line, she says she's in labour."
All the blood drained down to Evan's toes and his eyes locked with Bobby but neither of them could find words.
He shouldn't have come on shift this afternoon. He shouldn't have left (Y/n) at all this week to go to work, he should have stayed with her. He knew she hadn't seemed herself this morning when he dropped her off at Athena's. Thank God he took her there and didn't leave her home alone.
"Is she okay? Is she at the hospital?!" Evan shouted down the radio and leaned as close as he could to try and listen for the crackling response. The storm was creating a vivid distraction, he could barely see and now he could barely hear the dispatcher.
"We haven't managed to get a unit to her address yet-"
"Then don't. We're on our way."
"Oh God, mum…" (Y/n) lowered herself down to her knees and meshed her face into the back of the chair. Her fingers were about to dig through the top of the chair and her knees began to quake and cause friction against the carpet.
She barely managed to lift her head up to look to the side when she heard footsteps, but a sob bubbled up at the back of her throat when she looked over at Athena.
She was hurrying back into the living room with a bowl of hot water. There were towels, a few old blankets, gloves and scissors on the coffee table and the sight made (Y/n) want to be sick. She couldn't do this. She couldn't give birth here, at her parent's home, in the middle of a raging hurricane storm. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
"Okay honey, I need to check how far along you are-"
"No, I c- I can't… hospital. We have t-to go," Her lips rolled together as she tilted her head back to look up at Athena with pleading eyes.
"Let me see how far dilated you are, then we can worry about the team tranferring you. This is just a precaution, okay honey?" Athena needed to be prepared. She had a gut feeling that (Y/n) had been in labour for a few hours now. The constant back pain all day and the twinges and pains she had been having which she could have mistook for general pains instead of the beginning of labour.
She might be too far dilated for anyone to move her once help arrived. The 118 were leaving their latest call and diverting straight over here which meant Evan knew what was happening. And he would be here soon for the birth of his son. But Athena needed to know if she had to step in or if they would have enough time to get her in the ambulance and down to the hospital.
Shifting to the right, (Y/n) let Athena grip her arms and carefully help her up to her feet. She held onto Athena's shoulders and tucked her chin down into her chest, wheezing through crackling breaths when another contraction hit.
Her hands gripped the arm of the sofa and she doubled over, arching her lower back out.
A strangled wheeze spluttered through her lips and she tried not to cry out while Athena laid a few blankets over the sofa.
When she sat down, (Y/n) slumped down as much as she could until her thighs were barely on the sofa and she felt like she was going to slide right down to the floor. Her hands pressed into the sofa to steady herself and she let her head tilt back into the cushion.
Her lips formed a broken smile and she huffed, feeling a laugh mixing in with her broken cry.
"You're s-supposed to be my- my birthing partner, not my midwife."
Athena's smile made her heart soften somewhat, but she couldn't help but feel uneasy and angry at the same time. This wasn't fair. She was supposed to go into labour at home with Evan right next to her. They were meant to ring Bobby and Athena, all meet at the hospital and she wanted Athena and Evan in the room with her.
But not like this. Athena wasn't supposed to be acting as midwife, delivering her baby during a storm with no help and no Evan in sight.
"And why can't I be both, at least until help arrives?" Athena patted (Y/n)'s knee, but when she turned around and grabbed a pair of gloves from the table, (Y/n) tensed up.
"Honey, your dilated already, but it's okay. Buck will be right through that door in no time."
She grimaced and sank back on her heels when (Y/n) screamed, and not from the pain. Her hands moved to her stomach and she pressed down like she was trying to keep the baby right where he was and prevent him from moving.
She wasn't doing this without Evan. He had to be here, this was the part he was most excited about. Evan had been expecting to be with (Y/n) when she got the first pains and when her water broke. He thought he would be driving her to the hospital, not travelling through the rain to reach her in time.
Another scream broke past (Y/n)'s lips and she shrank back into the sofa when a horrible bang shot through the house.
The front door swung so far that the door handle crashed into the wall and created a dent in the plaster. Evan planted his hand down on the door to prevent it from swinging back at him and he barged inside, followed swiftly by his father in law.
"LAFD!" Bobby called out at the same time, his breathing ragged and a trace of a smile on his lips as the team followed him inside his home.
Evan shook his head from side to side and he dragged a hand over his eyes and nose, clearing away the sheen of water cascading down his face, blocking his vision.
"Evan- oow, Evan!"
Flinging himself around the corner, Evan skidded on the carpet and catapulted over to the sofa wedged in the corner of the room beside the fireplace. He practically jumped down on the sofa, bashing his shoulder into the back frame which sent a jolt running down to his fingertips.
"I- are we- I haven't missed it?!" Terror and dread flooded his voice as he shed his gloves so he could take (Y/n)'s hand in his.
"You're just in time. Where's Hen? She's too far gone to move her, this baby's coming now." Athena waved her hand towards the top of the stairs where Hen, Chimney and Eddie were following inside with medic bags and a gurney between them. They slammed the door shut, keeping out the raging storm that sent frozen chills throughout the air and had them all shivering at the temperature change.
"Thank fuck! Oh baby, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
When Evan leaned across and pressed his frozen lips to her temple, (Y/n) cried out and reeled back as his helmet smashed into the top of her head.
"Evan." She snapped, giving his helmet a rough shove and she dragged her eyes up and down his overalls. She could feel the rain seeping into her shirt and soaking through the blanket laid out on the sofa beneath them.
"Oh," A sheepish smile pulled at his lips and he wrenched up from the sofa, tossing his helmet down to the floor. The helmet had saved him from getting his head caved in outside from the storm.
His arms flung out behind him and he tore off his overcoat and unhooked his suspenders. In one fell swoop, he shoved down his overalls that were drenched through and through and stumbled out of them so he was in his cotton shirt and trousers. He kicked his uniform to the side, grateful when Bobby moved them out the way as he shed his own jacket and helmet now they were inside.
His trousers and shirt were damp, they were almost as drenched as his overalls, but he was at least a bit dryer like this and a lot more comfortable. Once he shed his second skin, Evan slumped back down on the sofa.
He curled one leg up beneath him and shuffled across until he could loop his left arm around the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders. Her head fell on his shoulder so he could feel each harsh, gasping breath she took fan against his neck. And he held his right hand out in front of her so (Y/n) could put his fist in her grip and cling tightly to him.
"Hen, she's crowning." Athena snapped off her gloves and moved to sit on (Y/n)'s other side on the sofa so Hen could take her place.
"I leave you for one day and look what you do… trying to have him without me, hm?" Evan muttered the words quietly against her temple and he ran his hand up and down her arm.
He felt (Y/n) try to laugh but she broke off into a groan when her stomach tightened. She shifted her weight from her heels to her toes to try and steady herself so she didn't slump forward, but all she wanted to do was crumple down to the floor and fold in on herself.
"I thought y-you wouldn't make it," (Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned further into Evan, pulling his hand up to her chest as she screamed.
"I know, I know baby but I'm here now. We're all here,"
"Really big push (Y/n), and the head will be born." Hen snapped on a pair of gloves, shed her jacket and helmet and grabbed one of the towels from the table. She laid it over her lap as she knelt down on the floor. She could feel Bobby hovering on her left near Evan while Chimney and Eddie hung back at the stairs. They didn't want to overpower (Y/n) and flood her with people when that would be the last thing she needed.
"Here we go," Evan murmured into her hair, giving her hand a squeeze, although he could barely feel his hand anymore from how tightly she was gripping him.
The moment Hen announced the head was out, (Y/n) opened her eyes as Evan leaned forward to take a look which in turn made (Y/n) lean over a little. She kept his hand held to her chest and moved her free hand to hold his thigh, steadying herself on the edge of the sofa.
"Small pushes, panting breaths, you're almost done now (Y/n)."
(Y/n) could see stars dancing across her eyes when that last push finally worked. Her head slumped against Evan's neck and she could feel him laughing into her hair as he let go of her hand to cup the back of her neck.
"That's my girl." He spoke against her temple, brushing his thumb up and down the side of her neck as he suddenly realised he was swaying them both back and forth.
"Buck, you wanna do the honours?" Hen held out a pair of scissors after she's clamped the cord and her cheesy smile made Evan laugh.
He carefully unwound his arms from (Y/n) and eased her back into Athena's embrace who held her tight and kissed the back of her head. He shuffled to the edge of the sofa and leaned over, trying to stop his hands from shaking when he leaned down to cut the cord.
"Here's your beautiful boy." Hen praised, lifting up the wriggling newborn who had no trouble taking his first breath and using it to scream and announce his presence.
(Y/n) could feel herself shaking against Athena when her baby boy was delicately laid on her chest. She tightened the towel around him and tried to hold him as carefully as she could. His tiny fist wormed beneath the collar of her shirt and rested on her chest while his cheek pressed down beneath her shoulder.
Her eyes sparkled when Evan's hand curled on top of her own, cradling the back of their son's head while he perched his chin on (Y/n)'s shoulder. He pressed an open-mouthed kiss against her neck and glued his chest up into her shoulder, smiling down at the little boy that brought tears to his eyes.
"Do we have a name?" Athena spoke quietly, rubbing her hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm.
When she looked up, she smiled at Bobby who sat down on the arm of the sofa just behind Evan. He leaned over for a first look at his grandson, the person he had been waiting months to meet. And the sight had him smiling from ear to ear.
"Yeah, uh… Bobby."
"What?" Reaching out, Bobby planted his hand on Evan's shoulder but he couldn't tear his eyes away from his grandson to look at his son in law and see what he wanted. Did he want Bobby to pick a name? Was he asking him something and he just couldn't concentrate?
"No," A wide grin broke out on Evan's face as he lifted his chin from (Y/n)'s shoulder to look behind him at his captain. "That's his name, Bobby. After you."
Tilting her head to the right, (Y/n) leaned her temple against Evan's cheek and tiredly smiled up at her dad. They had already agreed as soon as they thought about boy names that their boy would be named after Bobby. He was one of the most important people in (Y/n)'s life, he was her dad and they had been through so much together.
And he was more than just a Captain to Evan. He had become a father figure to him, he looked out for him and took him under his wing. Bobby loved and cared for Evan better than his own parents did, and that was the kind of parent Evan wanted to be to his boy.
"You… you're naming him after me?"
(Y/n) nodded and smiled back down at her little baby as she tucked herself more into Evan's side. She could see her dad grinning through his tears. He was happy. He was proud.
"Baby Bobby."
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moonywritez6 · 9 months
Kinktober Day 8 Food Play (Reupload)
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Character: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader 
Reader: Fem Reader!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, pet names, harsh language, spit/drooling into Luffy's mouth, lots of spit, use of food (Whipped cream, popsicles, chocolate syrup), oral (F receiving)
Wc: 4,066
A/n: Hello my sweets! Unfortunately, I got locked out of my old blog account, so I had to make a new one! So, chances of you having seen this before are high as it's on my old account! (I am so sad about it honestly). But I am going through all my old accounts posts and reuploading them here! I hope you can still enjoy my works!
"Geez, it's so hot out!" Nami whined while trying to fan herself with her hand. Robin nodded her head in approval as the three of you sat under an umbrella, trying to avoid the sun's torturous rays. "I know what you mean. I'm dying here!" You cried, wiping a few beads of sweat from your forehead. You look at the rest of the ship with a heavy sigh, watching your fellow crewmates mess around on deck. Luffy and Usopp were running around fishing poles in hand, with giant smiles as they perched themselves onto the ship ledge. You smiled, seeing your joyful captain/boyfriend still being able to enjoy today's weather before tugging at your top, watching as some beads of sweat trailed down into the area between your breasts, causing you to cringe at the feeling. 
"Ugh! I hate this heat!" You yelled, gaining some glances from the other crew members, who laughed at your outburst. "Ladies~!" Sanji's voice calls out as the door leading to the kitchen swings open, revealing the grinning cook who held what appeared to be three popsicles in his hands. Turning your way, Sanji started dancing towards you with hearts for eyes. "I thought you lovely ladies would enjoy a cool treat on such a hot day!" His voice held so much enthusiasm and love, causing a slight giggle to leave yours and Robin's lips. Nami just sighed as she held her head in pain. "Why, thank you, Sanji," Robin spoke, placing aside the book she was reading as she took one from the blonde's hand. 
"Sanji, my savior!" You cheered happily, accepting the yummy treat and instantly putting it in your mouth. The coolness of the frozen treat immediately sends a refreshing wave throughout your body as you savor the taste. Sanji just smiles, a bright dust of pink across his cheeks. "Anything for you girls~" He cooed, happy to see you all enjoying the cool treat. Luffy, whose ears had perked up at the sound of 'treat,' was looking in your direction, his eyes sparkling at the sight of the popsicles in the three girls' hands. "Heyyyy! Sanjiii! I want one, too!" Luffy yelled from his seated position, waving an energetic hand towards the cook, Usopp, following his lead, both laughing. You watch Sanji's face fall as he glares at the two men. 
"Get your own dammit! These are for the ladies!" You watched as the three started yelling at each other. Usopp and your boyfriend complaining about how it wasn't fair, and that Sanji was a big jerk. Sanji cursed them out with a vein popping on his temple before walking away, ignoring the childish shouts from below. You hummed, twirling the popsicle around in your mouth as you watched the pout form on your adorable boyfriend's face, causing a small smile of your own. 'Oh, Luffy, you're just too cute!' You mentally gushed before standing up, gaining the two girls' attention. "You're not gonna offer him your popsicle, are you Y/n? You can't keep spoiling him like this!" Nami scolded, knowing you all too well as she watched you give a shy smile and a nervous laugh escaping your lips as you waved bye to them. 
You make your way down the steps, watching as the popsicle starts to melt a bit now that it is directly under the heat of the burning sun. You shrug it off as you approach your boyfriend, watching his gaze stay focused on the fishing line. "Luffyyy~" You call, a slight hum in your tone as you step behind him. Luffy's ear twitches as he spares a glance back at you, eyes filled with curiosity. You tilt your head to adequately meet his gaze as you give one of your signature sugary sweet smiles that always made his heart feel like it would rip from his chest with how fast it beat. The pirate captain watched as you held your popsicle out towards him, face flushed from the heat, your skin shining from all the sweat dripping down your body. 
Luffy gives you a giant smile as he jumps up from his seat, tossing his fishing pole aside as he hurriedly runs towards you. His hand reaches out to snatch the yummy treat from his girlfriend's generous hands, only to stop when he notices the sticky liquid dripping onto your hand, slowly trailing down your wrist. "Luffy?" You ask, a smile still on your face as you reach the popsicle further towards him. He quickly shakes his head and grins, snatching it from you, shoving the treat into his mouth, and humming at the flavor. Your flavor. Luffy blushes slightly as he picks up the slight taste of your saliva that had been left sticking to the flavored ice. His eyes travel over you carefully, landing on your plump lips that you carefully lick, probably trying to take in the lingering flavor you had moments ago. His gaze falls, watching your hand still covered in the melted juice. His eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of how your skin was becoming sticky, and boy, did he love seeing you all damp. His tongue twirls around the popsicle, his jaw tightening as he wonders what it would taste like if he went and licked it. Would it taste sweet like the popsicle or salty like your sweaty skin? Or even better, would it taste like a perfect mixer of both? 
Luffy mentally groans at the thought, his throat expanding as he heavily swallows the saliva building up inside his mouth. He never understood why those kinds of ideas would pop into his mind, but whenever it came to his two favorite things, food, and his sweet girlfriend, he just couldn't help but inappropriately mix the two together in his mind. Your boyfriend is soon snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the shouts of his fishing buddy yelling at you. "No fair! Y/n, why can't you spoil me?!" Usopp cried dramatically, causing you to laugh as you gave a slight apology, clapping your hands together. You tell the sniper you were sorry and would make it up to him with a wink. This wasn't new, as the three of you were always playfully throwing flirty jokes or remarks at each other. 
However, at the moment, Luffy felt a bit possessive and didn't like what he saw. 'Mine.' The childish thought ran through his mind as he went and snatched your wrist up into his hand, dragging it towards his face just inches away from his lips. "Luffy?" Your confusion is evident as you look at the man in wonder. Luffy doesn't say anything as he keeps eye contact with you, his eyes slightly narrowed as the light that usually sparkled so bright within his carefree orbs was dimmed as he went and licked a line up your wrist. Your eyes went wide in shock, your face going a deep red as your heart began to beat against your ribcage. Usopp's mouth dropped as he looked at his captain as if he had just said the most unbelievable thing. A slight blush soon adjourned his cheeks. 
"H-hey Luffy! What's the big idea?! That's so gross!" Usopp yelled though he couldn't deny he found the scene a little hot. Luffy didn't say anything for a moment, his bangs falling in front of his eyes as his tongue took in the pleasurable flavor of your salty skin mixed with the sweetness that lingered throughout his mouth. He wanted more. "L-Luffy, I could have taken care of it myself!" You flushed from embarrassment as you tried to tug your wrist away to rub off the rest of the sticky substance from your fingers. Luffy's grip didn't let up as he beamed with a bright smile, a loud laugh booming from his stomach, causing the two of you to relax slightly, a few nervous laughs leaving your lips from the captain's usual nature. 
"Sorry! I just didn't want it to go to waste!" He laughed, watching the two of you sigh, shaking your heads at the man. 'He's hopeless.' You both think in defeat. Luffy hums as he finishes the popsicle, tossing the stick behind him before smiling at you, eyes locking. "Y/n, I want more! Help me get past Sanji!" He pleads as he hugs you, almost causing you to fall onto the deck's wood. You giggle at him, nodding as you find you could never tell your captain no. Luffy's smile only seems to grow at your response as he quickly drags you towards the kitchen, leaving Usopp to continue fishing alone. Luffy's eyes give your wrist a quick glance, his heart running wild as he secretly licks his lips. Unknown to you, your adorable and innocent boyfriend was planning something filthy for when you got into the kitchen. 
He pushes the door open with a bit too much energy as it crashes against the wall, causing the cook inside to flinch as he glares in your direction. "Sanjiiii! I want some popsicles!" Luffy demanded with a giant laugh as he dragged you inside after him. "I told you no dammit! Don't drag poor Y/n in here just to get what you want!" Sanji scolds while drying his hands with a small rag. You look between the two, knowing the situation will go nowhere, as you bring a finger to your chin in thought. After a moment, an idea pops into your head, a smile gracing your lips as you carefully clear your throat to get the men's attention. "Sanji, I actually wanted to come to ask you a favor." You lie innocently, placing a hand on your chest. 
"A favor?" The blonde questions while fully taking in your words. His face soon lights up as he throws his arms in the air. "Of course, my dear Y/n! Anything for you, I am at your service!" He cries lovingly. Luffy's eye twitches in annoyance but goes unnoticed as you continue to execute your little scheme. "I was wondering if you could bring Chopper some cold water and possibly some treats, he likes. I'm worried for him due to this heat." You felt terrible using the adorable doctor as an excuse to help your boyfriend sneak food from the helpless romantic, but Luffy's needs came first in your eyes. Sanji clenches his heart as his jaw clenches. "Y/n, my dear, you are just a pure angel!" He groaned before quickly snatching up what you requested and dashing out the door. You let out a little giggle, shaking your head. 
"I feel guilty." You admit, looking back at your boyfriend. Luffy just hums, kissing your lips quickly, catching you by surprise as he gives you a cheeky smile before lifting you up by the waist, causing you to let out a small squeak. He laughs as he places you on the table, slightly squeezing your thighs as he approaches the fridge and freezer. You hummed, kicking your feet as you patiently waited for him to finish raiding the refrigerator, hoping Sanji wouldn't return while you were still there. Your mind suddenly goes back to Luffy's earlier action, the look on his face burning into your memory, causing you to blush as you press your legs together, shamefully, feeling yourself getting turned on by something Luffy had admitted was of pure intent. Right?
Suddenly, you feel something cold press against your lips, causing you to flinch back as you look to see Luffy pressing a popsicle to your lips. He smiled, shoving it back onto the tender skin. "I got this one for you!" He smiles, arms full of all kinds of things. You take note of the chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and one other popsicle. You raise a brow at these choices, not fully understanding what he could possibly make with such a strange mixture. Luffy notices your gaze, and his smile slowly turns into a smirk, eyes narrowing with lust as he opens his mouth to speak. "Come on, Y/n, be a good girl and take it." The darker tone of his voice shocks you, along with his choice of words. You go to say something only to gag slightly as he takes the opportunity to shove the cold treat into your mouth, the tip lightly hitting the back of your throat. The small gagging noises cause Luffy to beam with joy as he watches your lips cutely wrap around the already melting treat. 
"It tastes good, right?" He questions while carefully spreading your legs so he can stand between them as he sets the items in his arms next to you on the table. You give a shy nod, unable to keep eye contact with your boyfriend, as this side of him always turns you into a flustered mess. Luffy laughs as he brings his hands to your thighs, gently stroking them with his thumbs as they slowly trail up your body. "Y/n, everyone always says how you spoil me, right?" He whispers, placing a kiss on your cheek as he goes to lick the part of the popsicle that wasn't in your mouth, his eyes taking in your embarrassed expression. "You're always so sweet and good to me~ I love it so much!" He laughs as he goes and pins you against the table. 
"So, will you spoil me right now, sweetheart? Can I play with your body while getting my tasty treat?" He begs, eyes shimmering with desire as his chest tightens while awaiting your response. You hum against the popsicle, not having a free hand to remove it as Luffy holds your wrists above your head. He smiles happily, removing the popsicle from your mouth and watching some of your saliva mixed with the color of the treated juice slide past the corner of your lips down your chin. Luffy bites the inside of his cheek, feeling his shorts getting tighter as he places the popsicle in his mouth, tilting his head as he waits for you to speak. The sight gets you going as a blush forms on his face while he desperately sucks at the treat. "Okay, Luffy, I'll spoil you again today, okay?" You breathe lust developing in your beautiful orbs. Luffy smiles, removing the popsicle as he hungrily kisses your lips. You moan, feeling his tongue quickly slip past your lips as it swirls all around inside your mouth, desperate for our taste. 
Luffy pulls away a few pants falling from his lips as he looks down at you with a needy expression. "So sweet…your taste is so good mixed with the popsicle." He admits as he goes and shoves the melting treat back into your mouth. "Keep sucking on it, sweetheart~ I wanna make sure your mouth tastes really yummy once I get my fill~" He laughs, giving you a toothy grin. You cock your head to the side, not fully understanding your lover's words until he is yanking your shirt down, exposing your breasts, still damp from the heat. Luffy licks his lips as he reaches for the whipped cream, eyes sparkling with excitement as he goes and carefully places the cold substance against one of your mounds, causing a chill to run through your body from the feeling. 
"It feels nice, right?! I wanted to put cool things on your body because I knew you were complaining about the heat!" His happy laugh causes your eyes to soften as you look up at him lovingly, finding the way he's still thinking about you even though he's getting so caught up in his desires. It's absolutely adorable as you swallow some of the melting juice, a small gulp echoing in the room. Luffy smirks as he grabs your waist with both hands, leaning just inches away from the covered mound. "Don't worry~ I'm a fast eater~" He teases before wrapping his lips around the sweet cream, the texture of that and your soft, squishy flesh driving him wild as his tongue twirls around your nipple feeling it starting to grow harder under his tongue as he goes to sink his teeth around it causing a muffled gasp from you as you went to pull the popsicle from your mouth to scold him. "If you take it out, I'll stop!" He pouts up at you, whining like a child. Your hand twitches as you slowly release the stick; you feel too worked up to let him leave you like this. He nods in approval before continuing to suck and pull at your swollen nipple wanting to get every last lick of the cream from your tasty skin. After getting all of it, he pulls away with a satisfied pop, watching his saliva fall back onto your sticky skin. 
"It's so tasty, Y/n! I love how salty your skin is right now. It tastes so good with the whipped cream!" He praises as he goes and opens the chocolate syrup. "Now let me try the other one~" He giggles, eyes watching with so much hunger as the brown liquid falls to your skin, slowly dripping down the squishy mound. "Oops!" He cried quickly, going to lick up the places where the thick syrup ran down on your breast. "Can't have any of it going to waste right baby~" He purrs, going to suck on the mound moaning at how your taste seemed to get even better with the new sweet treat that enhanced your already delectable taste. Luffy's mouth was salivating as drool started slipping from his lips, making sure to leave your chest covered in spit. 
Luffy snapped out of his trance when he felt your legs tighten around him, signaling you were feeling good from his actions. Luffy hums, loving that he could make you feel this good with his newfound interest as he slides his hand down your shorts, the tips of his fingers coming in contact with the drenched spot of your panties. "Are you turned on Y/n?" He asks, though he already knows the answer as he goes and pulls the half-melted treat from your mouth. You gasped as you felt your jaw relax from the loss inside your mouth as you tried to swallow all the spit. Luffy stops you as he grabs your cheeks with his free hand. "Don't swallow it." He growls, not wanting to miss a single new taste that was to come from his filthy desires. You watch as he goes and slides your pants down, taking in a small breath as his eyes take in just how wet you are, his erection painfully pressing against his shorts, causing a slight whine to leave his throat. 
"Sit up for me, baby." He mumbled, helping you sit up on the table as he wrapped his arms around your waist, looking up at you with an almost drunk expression." I want it in my mouth, baby~ I bet it tastes delicious~" He sings, opening his mouth, tongue sticking out. You feel your pussy throb at the sight of you, having never seen Luffy so aroused before. You do as told, allowing the mix of your spit and the melted treat to fall down your boyfriend's needy throat. You watch his eyes roll back from the taste as he quickly closes his mouth, allowing his taste buds to savor the flavor. It was just so good that Luffy felt he couldn't last much longer. 
"Shit, so fucking tasty, baby! I love how much you spoil me~" Luffy moans as he reaches for the other popsicle he had gotten, watching as it leaked as soon as he pulled the wrapper away, watching as it got all over his hand. Your eyes are narrow as you gently grab his wrist, catching him by surprise as he watches you slowly lick at his digits, carefully taking them inside your sweet little mouth. The sight drove your captain mad as he went and pulled your panties down, pressing the cold melting treat to your folds, earning a tiny squeak from you. "L-Luffy, it's cold and sticky! That's so gross!" You whined, the strange feeling between your thighs causing you to wiggle and squirm from your seated position. Luffy just smiled loving the way you were acting as he found you to be the cutest girl on these seas, he decided to set sail on.
"Awe, come on, Y/n~ Please let me do this~ I promise I'll clean it all up!" He whined, pressing his chest to yours as he gave you an adorable pout. You mentally cursed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Luffy smiles at this as he goes and presses the popsicle past your folds, listening to your slick mix with the sticky syrup. It was music to his ears. You continued to whine at the feeling while Luffy's kisses grew hungrier by the second. "You're gonna taste so good." He whispers, pulling away from the kiss with a shaky breath as he slides down to his knees to get a better angle of the sticky mess between your legs. He removes the popsicle, holding it up to you, wanting to see you taste what he was about to aggressively consume with his drooling mouth. 
You slowly take the dripping treat, eyes locked with his as you slide it into your mouth, tasting yourself amongst the sweet flavor, causing a moan to rumble in your throat. Luffy licks his lips as he spreads your legs more, allowing him to see just how sticky he made your pussy. "I'm starving." He whined before hungrily eating away at your pussy, the noises echoing off the kitchen walls as Luffy tasted what he deemed to be his new favorite meal. You moan, tossing your head back from how fast your boyfriend's tongue was lapping at your pussy occasionally twirling the wet muscle around your clit. Luffy moans, feeling his brain go fuzzy as he shakily pulls away for a moment, heavy pants leaving his mouth as he looks up at you through lidded eyes. 
"You're pussy tastes so good, Y/n." He whines, going to rub your clit with his thumb as he leaves bites along your inner thighs, his hunger only seeming to grow as he lets out a few whines while palming himself through his pants. You finish the popsicle slowly, bringing the stick from your lips as you release a few pants. "You always say that, Luffy~" You whine, though you loved him complimenting your body as it made you feel special. Luffy smiles, giving you his signature laugh as he goes and gives your pussy a few long licks, his tongue not getting enough of your taste. 
"But Y/nnnn! Your pussy is extra tasty today! I just want to eat it forever~" He whines, sliding a finger into your twitching hole, causing you to buck your hips at the sudden pleasure of letting out a deep moan as Luffy continues his assault on your needy mess. "So good, sososo yummy! My sweetheart's yummy pussy!" Luffy moans, feeling your walls clench around his fingers as he continues to stroke himself through his shorts, his cock twitching as precum leaks from his tip. Your fingers entangle with his black locks, sweaty palms gripping and pulling on his hair as you feel the knot inside becoming too much. 
"Luffyyyyy~ Gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" You whine, legs twitching. Luffy moans at your words wanting to taste your cum on his sticky tongue as he sucks on your clit. "Come on, sweetheart spoil your adorable captain~" He coos, removing his fingers as his tongue replaces them, sliding as deep as it would go the taste of your walls, something he would never get sick of. "I wanna get my tasty treat~" His words are muffled, but you can still hear what he says as your back arches, eyes rolling far back into your skull, feeling your orgasm rushing through your body. Luffy quickly swallows all of it, not wanting to miss a drop of his girl's sweet juices as he feels himself cum, his hand getting coated in thick white strands as he lets out the most resounding groan you've ever heard. After a moment, he pulls away, face drenched in your release as he happily licks his lips, a pussy drunk look on his face as he swallows more saliva. 
"Y/n~ I wanna be spoiled again~"
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moonlightpetalz6 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 8 (Food Play)
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Character: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader 
Reader: Fem Reader!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, pet names, harsh language, spit/drooling into Luffy's mouth, lots of spit, use of food (Whipped cream, popsicles, chocolate syrup), oral (F receiving)
Wc: 4,066
A/n: I made this fic so filthy and gross I deeply apologize as I don't know what came over me. I tried my best to get all the warnings written above! I apologize if I missed any!
"Geez, it's so hot out!" Nami whined while trying to fan herself with her hand. Robin nodded her head in approval as the three of you sat under an umbrella, trying to avoid the sun's torturous rays. "I know what you mean. I'm dying here!" You cried, wiping a few beads of sweat from your forehead. You look at the rest of the ship with a heavy sigh, watching your fellow crewmates mess around on deck. Luffy and Usopp were running around fishing poles in hand, with giant smiles as they perched themselves onto the ship ledge. You smiled, seeing your joyful captain/boyfriend still being able to enjoy today's weather before tugging at your top, watching as some beads of sweat trailed down into the area between your breasts, causing you to cringe at the feeling. 
"Ugh! I hate this heat!" You yelled, gaining some glances from the other crew members, who laughed at your outburst. "Ladies~!" Sanji's voice calls out as the door leading to the kitchen swings open, revealing the grinning cook who held what appeared to be three popsicles in his hands. Turning your way, Sanji started dancing towards you with hearts for eyes. "I thought you lovely ladies would enjoy a cool treat on such a hot day!" His voice held so much enthusiasm and love, causing a slight giggle to leave yours and Robin's lips. Nami just sighed as she held her head in pain. "Why, thank you, Sanji," Robin spoke, placing aside the book she was reading as she took one from the blonde's hand. 
"Sanji, my savior!" You cheered happily, accepting the yummy treat and instantly putting it in your mouth. The coolness of the frozen treat immediately sends a refreshing wave throughout your body as you savor the taste. Sanji just smiles, a bright dust of pink across his cheeks. "Anything for you girls~" He cooed, happy to see you all enjoying the cool treat. Luffy, whose ears had perked up at the sound of 'treat,' was looking in your direction, his eyes sparkling at the sight of the popsicles in the three girls' hands. "Heyyyy! Sanjiii! I want one, too!" Luffy yelled from his seated position, waving an energetic hand towards the cook, Usopp, following his lead, both laughing. You watch Sanji's face fall as he glares at the two men. 
"Get your own dammit! These are for the ladies!" You watched as the three started yelling at each other. Usopp and your boyfriend complaining about how it wasn't fair, and that Sanji was a big jerk. Sanji cursed them out with a vein popping on his temple before walking away, ignoring the childish shouts from below. You hummed, twirling the popsicle around in your mouth as you watched the pout form on your adorable boyfriend's face, causing a small smile of your own. 'Oh, Luffy, you're just too cute!' You mentally gushed before standing up, gaining the two girls' attention. "You're not gonna offer him your popsicle, are you Y/n? You can't keep spoiling him like this!" Nami scolded, knowing you all too well as she watched you give a shy smile and a nervous laugh escaping your lips as you waved bye to them. 
You make your way down the steps, watching as the popsicle starts to melt a bit now that it is directly under the heat of the burning sun. You shrug it off as you approach your boyfriend, watching his gaze stay focused on the fishing line. "Luffyyy~" You call, a slight hum in your tone as you step behind him. Luffy's ear twitches as he spares a glance back at you, eyes filled with curiosity. You tilt your head to adequately meet his gaze as you give one of your signature sugary sweet smiles that always made his heart feel like it would rip from his chest with how fast it beat. The pirate captain watched as you held your popsicle out towards him, face flushed from the heat, your skin shining from all the sweat dripping down your body. 
Luffy gives you a giant smile as he jumps up from his seat, tossing his fishing pole aside as he hurriedly runs towards you. His hand reaches out to snatch the yummy treat from his girlfriend's generous hands, only to stop when he notices the sticky liquid dripping onto your hand, slowly trailing down your wrist. "Luffy?" You ask, a smile still on your face as you reach the popsicle further towards him. He quickly shakes his head and grins, snatching it from you, shoving the treat into his mouth, and humming at the flavor. Your flavor. Luffy blushes slightly as he picks up the slight taste of your saliva that had been left sticking to the flavored ice. His eyes travel over you carefully, landing on your plump lips that you carefully lick, probably trying to take in the lingering flavor you had moments ago. His gaze falls, watching your hand still covered in the melted juice. His eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of how your skin was becoming sticky, and boy, did he love seeing you all damp. His tongue twirls around the popsicle, his jaw tightening as he wonders what it would taste like if he went and licked it. Would it taste sweet like the popsicle or salty like your sweaty skin? Or even better, would it taste like a perfect mixer of both? 
Luffy mentally groans at the thought, his throat expanding as he heavily swallows the saliva building up inside his mouth. He never understood why those kinds of ideas would pop into his mind, but whenever it came to his two favorite things, food, and his sweet girlfriend, he just couldn't help but inappropriately mix the two together in his mind. Your boyfriend is soon snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the shouts of his fishing buddy yelling at you. "No fair! Y/n, why can't you spoil me?!" Usopp cried dramatically, causing you to laugh as you gave a slight apology, clapping your hands together. You tell the sniper you were sorry and would make it up to him with a wink. This wasn't new, as the three of you were always playfully throwing flirty jokes or remarks at each other. 
However, at the moment, Luffy felt a bit possessive and didn't like what he saw. 'Mine.' The childish thought ran through his mind as he went and snatched your wrist up into his hand, dragging it towards his face just inches away from his lips. "Luffy?" Your confusion is evident as you look at the man in wonder. Luffy doesn't say anything as he keeps eye contact with you, his eyes slightly narrowed as the light that usually sparkled so bright within his carefree orbs was dimmed as he went and licked a line up your wrist. Your eyes went wide in shock, your face going a deep red as your heart began to beat against your ribcage. Usopp's mouth dropped as he looked at his captain as if he had just said the most unbelievable thing. A slight blush soon adjourned his cheeks. 
"H-hey Luffy! What's the big idea?! That's so gross!" Usopp yelled though he couldn't deny he found the scene a little hot. Luffy didn't say anything for a moment, his bangs falling in front of his eyes as his tongue took in the pleasurable flavor of your salty skin mixed with the sweetness that lingered throughout his mouth. He wanted more. "L-Luffy, I could have taken care of it myself!" You flushed from embarrassment as you tried to tug your wrist away to rub off the rest of the sticky substance from your fingers. Luffy's grip didn't let up as he beamed with a bright smile, a loud laugh booming from his stomach, causing the two of you to relax slightly, a few nervous laughs leaving your lips from the captain's usual nature. 
"Sorry! I just didn't want it to go to waste!" He laughed, watching the two of you sigh, shaking your heads at the man. 'He's hopeless.' You both think in defeat. Luffy hums as he finishes the popsicle, tossing the stick behind him before smiling at you, eyes locking. "Y/n, I want more! Help me get past Sanji!" He pleads as he hugs you, almost causing you to fall onto the deck's wood. You giggle at him, nodding as you find you could never tell your captain no. Luffy's smile only seems to grow at your response as he quickly drags you towards the kitchen, leaving Usopp to continue fishing alone. Luffy's eyes give your wrist a quick glance, his heart running wild as he secretly licks his lips. Unknown to you, your adorable and innocent boyfriend was planning something filthy for when you got into the kitchen. 
He pushes the door open with a bit too much energy as it crashes against the wall, causing the cook inside to flinch as he glares in your direction. "Sanjiiii! I want some popsicles!" Luffy demanded with a giant laugh as he dragged you inside after him. "I told you no dammit! Don't drag poor Y/n in here just to get what you want!" Sanji scolds while drying his hands with a small rag. You look between the two, knowing the situation will go nowhere, as you bring a finger to your chin in thought. After a moment, an idea pops into your head, a smile gracing your lips as you carefully clear your throat to get the men's attention. "Sanji, I actually wanted to come to ask you a favor." You lie innocently, placing a hand on your chest. 
"A favor?" The blonde questions while fully taking in your words. His face soon lights up as he throws his arms in the air. "Of course, my dear Y/n! Anything for you, I am at your service!" He cries lovingly. Luffy's eye twitches in annoyance but goes unnoticed as you continue to execute your little scheme. "I was wondering if you could bring Chopper some cold water and possibly some treats, he likes. I'm worried for him due to this heat." You felt terrible using the adorable doctor as an excuse to help your boyfriend sneak food from the helpless romantic, but Luffy's needs came first in your eyes. Sanji clenches his heart as his jaw clenches. "Y/n, my dear, you are just a pure angel!" He groaned before quickly snatching up what you requested and dashing out the door. You let out a little giggle, shaking your head. 
"I feel guilty." You admit, looking back at your boyfriend. Luffy just hums, kissing your lips quickly, catching you by surprise as he gives you a cheeky smile before lifting you up by the waist, causing you to let out a small squeak. He laughs as he places you on the table, slightly squeezing your thighs as he approaches the fridge and freezer. You hummed, kicking your feet as you patiently waited for him to finish raiding the refrigerator, hoping Sanji wouldn't return while you were still there. Your mind suddenly goes back to Luffy's earlier action, the look on his face burning into your memory, causing you to blush as you press your legs together, shamefully, feeling yourself getting turned on by something Luffy had admitted was of pure intent. Right?
Suddenly, you feel something cold press against your lips, causing you to flinch back as you look to see Luffy pressing a popsicle to your lips. He smiled, shoving it back onto the tender skin. "I got this one for you!" He smiles, arms full of all kinds of things. You take note of the chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and one other popsicle. You raise a brow at these choices, not fully understanding what he could possibly make with such a strange mixture. Luffy notices your gaze, and his smile slowly turns into a smirk, eyes narrowing with lust as he opens his mouth to speak. "Come on, Y/n, be a good girl and take it." The darker tone of his voice shocks you, along with his choice of words. You go to say something only to gag slightly as he takes the opportunity to shove the cold treat into your mouth, the tip lightly hitting the back of your throat. The small gagging noises cause Luffy to beam with joy as he watches your lips cutely wrap around the already melting treat. 
"It tastes good, right?" He questions while carefully spreading your legs so he can stand between them as he sets the items in his arms next to you on the table. You give a shy nod, unable to keep eye contact with your boyfriend, as this side of him always turns you into a flustered mess. Luffy laughs as he brings his hands to your thighs, gently stroking them with his thumbs as they slowly trail up your body. "Y/n, everyone always says how you spoil me, right?" He whispers, placing a kiss on your cheek as he goes to lick the part of the popsicle that wasn't in your mouth, his eyes taking in your embarrassed expression. "You're always so sweet and good to me~ I love it so much!" He laughs as he goes and pins you against the table. 
"So, will you spoil me right now, sweetheart? Can I play with your body while getting my tasty treat?" He begs, eyes shimmering with desire as his chest tightens while awaiting your response. You hum against the popsicle, not having a free hand to remove it as Luffy holds your wrists above your head. He smiles happily, removing the popsicle from your mouth and watching some of your saliva mixed with the color of the treated juice slide past the corner of your lips down your chin. Luffy bites the inside of his cheek, feeling his shorts getting tighter as he places the popsicle in his mouth, tilting his head as he waits for you to speak. The sight gets you going as a blush forms on his face while he desperately sucks at the treat. "Okay, Luffy, I'll spoil you again today, okay?" You breathe lust developing in your beautiful orbs. Luffy smiles, removing the popsicle as he hungrily kisses your lips. You moan, feeling his tongue quickly slip past your lips as it swirls all around inside your mouth, desperate for our taste. 
Luffy pulls away a few pants falling from his lips as he looks down at you with a needy expression. "So sweet…your taste is so good mixed with the popsicle." He admits as he goes and shoves the melting treat back into your mouth. "Keep sucking on it, sweetheart~ I wanna make sure your mouth tastes really yummy once I get my fill~" He laughs, giving you a toothy grin. You cock your head to the side, not fully understanding your lover's words until he is yanking your shirt down, exposing your breasts, still damp from the heat. Luffy licks his lips as he reaches for the whipped cream, eyes sparkling with excitement as he goes and carefully places the cold substance against one of your mounds, causing a chill to run through your body from the feeling. 
"It feels nice, right?! I wanted to put cool things on your body because I knew you were complaining about the heat!" His happy laugh causes your eyes to soften as you look up at him lovingly, finding the way he's still thinking about you even though he's getting so caught up in his desires. It's absolutely adorable as you swallow some of the melting juice, a small gulp echoing in the room. Luffy smirks as he grabs your waist with both hands, leaning just inches away from the covered mound. "Don't worry~ I'm a fast eater~" He teases before wrapping his lips around the sweet cream, the texture of that and your soft, squishy flesh driving him wild as his tongue twirls around your nipple feeling it starting to grow harder under his tongue as he goes to sink his teeth around it causing a muffled gasp from you as you went to pull the popsicle from your mouth to scold him. "If you take it out, I'll stop!" He pouts up at you, whining like a child. Your hand twitches as you slowly release the stick; you feel too worked up to let him leave you like this. He nods in approval before continuing to suck and pull at your swollen nipple wanting to get every last lick of the cream from your tasty skin. After getting all of it, he pulls away with a satisfied pop, watching his saliva fall back onto your sticky skin. 
"It's so tasty, Y/n! I love how salty your skin is right now. It tastes so good with the whipped cream!" He praises as he goes and opens the chocolate syrup. "Now let me try the other one~" He giggles, eyes watching with so much hunger as the brown liquid falls to your skin, slowly dripping down the squishy mound. "Oops!" He cried quickly, going to lick up the places where the thick syrup ran down on your breast. "Can't have any of it going to waste right baby~" He purrs, going to suck on the mound moaning at how your taste seemed to get even better with the new sweet treat that enhanced your already delectable taste. Luffy's mouth was salivating as drool started slipping from his lips, making sure to leave your chest covered in spit. 
Luffy snapped out of his trance when he felt your legs tighten around him, signaling you were feeling good from his actions. Luffy hums, loving that he could make you feel this good with his newfound interest as he slides his hand down your shorts, the tips of his fingers coming in contact with the drenched spot of your panties. "Are you turned on Y/n?" He asks, though he already knows the answer as he goes and pulls the half-melted treat from your mouth. You gasped as you felt your jaw relax from the loss inside your mouth as you tried to swallow all the spit. Luffy stops you as he grabs your cheeks with his free hand. "Don't swallow it." He growls, not wanting to miss a single new taste that was to come from his filthy desires. You watch as he goes and slides your pants down, taking in a small breath as his eyes take in just how wet you are, his erection painfully pressing against his shorts, causing a slight whine to leave his throat. 
"Sit up for me, baby." He mumbled, helping you sit up on the table as he wrapped his arms around your waist, looking up at you with an almost drunk expression." I want it in my mouth, baby~ I bet it tastes delicious~" He sings, opening his mouth, tongue sticking out. You feel your pussy throb at the sight of you, having never seen Luffy so aroused before. You do as told, allowing the mix of your spit and the melted treat to fall down your boyfriend's needy throat. You watch his eyes roll back from the taste as he quickly closes his mouth, allowing his taste buds to savor the flavor. It was just so good that Luffy felt he couldn't last much longer. 
"Shit, so fucking tasty, baby! I love how much you spoil me~" Luffy moans as he reaches for the other popsicle he had gotten, watching as it leaked as soon as he pulled the wrapper away, watching as it got all over his hand. Your eyes are narrow as you gently grab his wrist, catching him by surprise as he watches you slowly lick at his digits, carefully taking them inside your sweet little mouth. The sight drove your captain mad as he went and pulled your panties down, pressing the cold melting treat to your folds, earning a tiny squeak from you. "L-Luffy, it's cold and sticky! That's so gross!" You whined, the strange feeling between your thighs causing you to wiggle and squirm from your seated position. Luffy just smiled loving the way you were acting as he found you to be the cutest girl on these seas, he decided to set sail on.
"Awe, come on, Y/n~ Please let me do this~ I promise I'll clean it all up!" He whined, pressing his chest to yours as he gave you an adorable pout. You mentally cursed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Luffy smiles at this as he goes and presses the popsicle past your folds, listening to your slick mix with the sticky syrup. It was music to his ears. You continued to whine at the feeling while Luffy's kisses grew hungrier by the second. "You're gonna taste so good." He whispers, pulling away from the kiss with a shaky breath as he slides down to his knees to get a better angle of the sticky mess between your legs. He removes the popsicle, holding it up to you, wanting to see you taste what he was about to aggressively consume with his drooling mouth. 
You slowly take the dripping treat, eyes locked with his as you slide it into your mouth, tasting yourself amongst the sweet flavor, causing a moan to rumble in your throat. Luffy licks his lips as he spreads your legs more, allowing him to see just how sticky he made your pussy. "I'm starving." He whined before hungrily eating away at your pussy, the noises echoing off the kitchen walls as Luffy tasted what he deemed to be his new favorite meal. You moan, tossing your head back from how fast your boyfriend's tongue was lapping at your pussy occasionally twirling the wet muscle around your clit. Luffy moans, feeling his brain go fuzzy as he shakily pulls away for a moment, heavy pants leaving his mouth as he looks up at you through lidded eyes. 
"You're pussy tastes so good, Y/n." He whines, going to rub your clit with his thumb as he leaves bites along your inner thighs, his hunger only seeming to grow as he lets out a few whines while palming himself through his pants. You finish the popsicle slowly, bringing the stick from your lips as you release a few pants. "You always say that, Luffy~" You whine, though you loved him complimenting your body as it made you feel special. Luffy smiles, giving you his signature laugh as he goes and gives your pussy a few long licks, his tongue not getting enough of your taste. 
"But Y/nnnn! Your pussy is extra tasty today! I just want to eat it forever~" He whines, sliding a finger into your twitching hole, causing you to buck your hips at the sudden pleasure of letting out a deep moan as Luffy continues his assault on your needy mess. "So good, sososo yummy! My sweetheart's yummy pussy!" Luffy moans, feeling your walls clench around his fingers as he continues to stroke himself through his shorts, his cock twitching as precum leaks from his tip. Your fingers entangle with his black locks, sweaty palms gripping and pulling on his hair as you feel the knot inside becoming too much. 
"Luffyyyyy~ Gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" You whine, legs twitching. Luffy moans at your words wanting to taste your cum on his sticky tongue as he sucks on your clit. "Come on, sweetheart spoil your adorable captain~" He coos, removing his fingers as his tongue replaces them, sliding as deep as it would go the taste of your walls, something he would never get sick of. "I wanna get my tasty treat~" His words are muffled, but you can still hear what he says as your back arches, eyes rolling far back into your skull, feeling your orgasm rushing through your body. Luffy quickly swallows all of it, not wanting to miss a drop of his girl's sweet juices as he feels himself cum, his hand getting coated in thick white strands as he lets out the most resounding groan you've ever heard. After a moment, he pulls away, face drenched in your release as he happily licks his lips, a pussy drunk look on his face as he swallows more saliva. 
"Y/n~ I wanna be spoiled again~" 
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
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Eminem x Young Actress Reader
This is Part 2 of Daddy's Spaghetti 🥰
Synopsis : You argue with Em about a red carpet appearance at the Oscars.
The last thing you wanted was to argue with your boyfriend right before going to the Oscars, but there you were. Lately, the two of you had been arguing quite a bit. To be fair, both of you were working a lot and being in a long distance relationship didn’t help. Not only did you have to manage hectic schedules, you also had to deal with time difference and last minute changes in plans. You had been dating Marshall for a few months now and you weren’t too sure how long things would last. Sure, when you were together, things were great, but actually getting together seemed impossible, these days. Right when you thought you could both make time, there was always something coming up, like an unplanned studio session, a meeting, or God knows what else. It didn’t help either that Marshall was paranoid about the two of you being seen together. 
After more than a decade in the spotlight and living in Los Angeles, you were used to paparazzi and having your picture taken whenever you were running errands. Of course, sometimes, it was annoying, but you had learned to live with it. Marshall, on the other hand, in spite of having a career lasting over twenty-five years was as paranoid as one could get. It was one of the many reasons why he hated being in Los Angeles and always tried to get you to come to Detroit instead, along with the weather being too hot. In truth, you didn’t mind going to Michigan or spending a lot of time inside, just the two of you. This time, however, you wished he would be the one making an effort. You were nominated for an Oscar for the first time and it was a big night for you. You knew he wasn’t a big fan of public appearances but you wished he would agree to coming with you. After all, he was a nominee himself - for the same movie as you, mind you - and everyone pretty much knew about your relationship, even though none of you had officially confirmed it. To you, there was no reason not to walk the red carpet together. However, when you asked him if he would be your date to the Academy Awards, he wasn’t too enthusiast. In fact, all you got from him was a « erm, I don’t know. We’ll see. Let me think about it. ». And after giving it some thought, he decided not to go with you, breaking it to you over FaceTime, three days before the event. He brought up a bunch of reasons, like having a studio session with Dre that might run late and prevent him from making it in time, hating the red carpet anyway and not wanting to be paraded in a suit that made him look like a penguin. He did not seem to care that you having to take someone else as your date would mean you wouldn’t be sitting next to each other or that you would have wanted him to be by your side. You were mad. You had always known he didn’t really care about awards and public appearances, but you wished he would make an effort for you. Him being set in his ways made you feel like he wouldn’t put you first, just for once. 
Do you even want to be with me ? You blurted out after he told you to find another date. 
What the fuck ? He asked with disbelief all over his face. What does that have to do with that damn red carpet, Y/N ? 
You cancelled the last time you were supposed to come to LA, you’re never available and now you won’t even make an effort for me, you explained. If you don’t want to be with me anymore, just say so… 
You’re so dramatic, they better give you that Oscar, he groaned. Not everything is about you, you know ? I’m working my ass off to get the album done in time, I don’t need you complaining over a stupid red carpet appearance. 
Oh I’m being dramatic ? You asked as you stared at his face on the screen. I’ll give you drama : you can book a hotel room and forget about all the nasty things you were planning on doing to me in bed for next time we were supposed to see each other. 
Whatever, he said as he rolled his eyes. Just go and rehearse your acceptance speech. I have to go anyway. I have Dre calling on the other line. I’ll call you later. 
He did try to call you a couple of hours later, but you didn’t feel like picking up. You were still pissed off and, frankly, a little stressed out too. After all, he hadn’t answered your question about wanting to be with you. You knew you’d have to talk to him at some point - and get to the bottom of the situation, but you also didn’t want to break up over the phone merely three days before one of the most important events of your life. Whatever it was, it could wait until after the Oscars. 
You ended up walking the red carpet with your older brother as your date. The two of you were extremely close and he had always been your plus one to events. It sort of made sense to go to the Oscars with him, even though you would have loved to have Marshall by your side. Your big brother was all smiles as he watched you pose for the photographers in a stunning custom Alaïa dress. However, your attire or possible Best Actress win wasn’t exactly the main focus of the journalists, who were yelling questions about your boyfriend who was nowhere to be found. 
Where is Eminem, Y/N ? One asked. Is he coming tonight ? 
Are the two of you together ? Another yelled. 
You didn’t answer the questions about him, only the ones about your nomination, how you’d feel about winning, the movie and your outfit. You tried to focus on the positives and everything this night meant for your career, but you had a hard time focusing. All you wanted was Marshall’s hand in yours and him to be by your side. Hell, you had even picked the dress color because you thought he would like it. You knew that blue was his favorite color and had figured that, if the two of you were to walk the red carpet together, it would make his eyes pop. 
Breathe, your brother said. You look tense. Is this about Em ? 
Just call him by his name, you said as you rolled his eyes. You’ve met him. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to be your date and enjoy the open bar, he continued, but you look… upset ? 
I think he wants to break up with me, you said nervously. 
No he doesn’t, your brother scoffed. Where did you get that from ? 
Well, he’s never available, he didn’t want to be here with me tonight, and he called me dramatic, and… 
First of all, you are dramatic, your brother chuckled. Also, you know he’s working a lot… 
I should have known better than to ask his biggest fan for support, you said as you rolled your eyes. 
Just shut up and focus on your big night, sis, he said with a smile. My baby sister might be getting the biggest award there is for being dramatic, tonight. Now, I think we should focus on that, as well as the fact that stylists managed to make you look presentable. 
Your brother’s weird encouragement was a good way to make you smile, and the glasses of champagne waiters kept on handing you did a great job when it came to taking the edge off. You were taken to your seats and the ceremony began. You kept nervously searching for Marshall in the crowd but you didn’t manage to spot him. Was he skipping the whole thing ? Your mind wandered as the ceremony unfolded and you were soon on autopilot. It was your first time attending the Academy Awards and this had to be the longest ceremony ever. The only entertaining things were the various performances. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the music of Marshall’s song - the one he had written for the movie. He was not supposed to perform tonight - this had not been announced - but he was on stage, rapping the song that got him his second Oscars nomination exactly twenty years after winning Best Original Song for Lose Yourself. The crowd was wild and you were excited as well. Seeing him on stage made you forget how mad at him you were and you were back to being his number one fan, gushing over how good he looked and rapping the lyrics at the same time, like the groupie you very much were. His performance got him a standing ovation and, twenty minutes and a commercial break later, he was back on stage, accepting the award for Best Original Song. Only this time, he was conforming to the Academy’s dress code, looking dapper in a tux. He might hate this type of outfit, but no one could deny he looked absolutely incredible. One detail did catch your eye : the bow tie he was wearing was made of the same fabric as your dress. He was matching with you ! 
When you wouldn’t return his calls, he called me to ask who you were going to wear, your brother told you. 
He did ? You squeed. 
Yep. Not the kind of thing anyone who wants to break up with you would do, I think. I’m not supposed to tell you, but he’s got another one to match your second dress, too… 
You couldn’t help but smile. The fact that he would go out of his way to call your brother, as well as the dressmakers to have a bowtie matching your dress was absolutely adorable. You couldn’t keep your eyes off Marshall, who was giving a heartfelt speech about how great it felt to have the Academy acknowledge hip-hop and how grateful he was to have the opportunity to be on this stage, two decades after Lose Yourself won. His speech was just like him : elegant and understated. When he went back to his seat, you could see him search for you in the crowd and you waved quietly, sending him a kiss. You couldn’t wait to go and hug him. 
Can’t you behave ? Your brother chuckled. There’s cameras, Y/N. And try not to eye fuck him or drool, this time, will you ? 
I’ll try, you giggled. 
You were almost in agony the rest of the night and the two of you kept looking  and smiling at each other. As always when the two of you were in the same room, you were unable to take your eyes off him for a single second. You didn’t pay much attention to anything else that was going on, so much so that you almost missed your name being called for Best Actress. Everyone around you got up and cheered for you and you were lost. You had actually won an Oscar ?! You ? It didn’t feel right. Bit it was indeed, your name on the screen, and people kept on looking at you. Your brother had to help you get up as you came to your senses and realized that your childhood dream had come true. You made your way to the stage as tears of joy were welling in your eyes. You were almost shaking with nerves as you started your acceptance speech. You had one written and memorized but you couldn’t remember it for the life of you. You spotted Marshall in the crowd, who was smiling and looking at you with pride in his eyes, mouthing a silent « I love you ». 
I… Wow, you said nervously into the microphone. I can’t believe this is happening. I had something really heartfelt, clever and funny written but I can’t remember a single word so please bear with me. Hum… Standing here, on this stage, holding this award is a childhood dream come true. First, I want to thank my family who has always supported my passion, and I’d like to thank everyone in Hollywood that gave me a chance to act. And everyone who didn’t. In fact, I want to acknowledge every person who doubted me. And every boyfriend of mine who called me dramatic. There have been a few, and you best believe I’m creating a group chat tonight and telling them that I actually got an award for being dramatic and made it my full-time job. Um… What else ? Oh, uh, thank you to my manager, assistant, glam squad… Shout out to Alaïa for getting me into this dress tonight, and shout out to Marshall Mathers who will be taking it off me tonight. Dreams do come true, guys ! 
The crowd erupted in cheers and laughter and you could see Marshall laughing before you exited the stage. When you made it backstage, you took a moment to sit and realize what just happened. You had won an Oscar. Oh, and you had accidentally mentioned Marshall taking off your clothes. On stage. While million of people probably watched the ceremony on TV… Oops. A few people came to congratulate you, though you were quickly ushered back to your seat for the remainder of the ceremony. The movie you were in did not end up winning Best Picture, but you easily got over your disappointment. When the ceremony ended, you were swarmed by an army of people who came to congratulate you. You even got to hug Meryl Streep and tell her how she was the one who made you want to act in the first place, and this was definitely the highlight of your night. Your brother had gotten out of your sight and was enjoying the open bar, as he always did whenever he came with you to an event. When the crowd began to vacate, you had a moment to yourself. That’s when you spotted your boyfriend. 
Congratulations, he said as he pulled you into his arms. 
Congratulations to you too, you said giddily. You were amazing on stage ! 
As were you, he replied with a smile. Great speech, by the way… 
Oh my God, I am so sorry, you said. I forgot my speech, and I-I… Are you mad ? 
It’s fine, he chuckled. You’re way too adorable for me to be mad. 
Really ? You asked nervously. I know how you are about privacy… 
Really, he said reassuringly. And with you looking like this… ? I am glad everyone knows you’re spoken for. 
I think they got the idea when they saw you matching with me, you said with excitement. 
You like it ? He asked with a smile. I had to ask your brother and harass the dressmakers. They hate me. 
He told me, you said giddily. And I know you have another one to match my dress for the afterparty, too… 
If you still want me as your date, that is, he pointed out. 
I do, you giggled. But I’m going to need your help to get out of this dress and into the other… 
Let’s go, then. 
He grabbed your hand and you walked out of the theater, holding your awards, while an army of journalists were screaming to get your attention. You half-expected Marshall to let go of your hand, knowing how guarded he was when it came to the press, but he only squeezed it tighter before grabbing you by the waist as you made your way to a car. 
Em, how are you feeling tonight ? A journalist asked. 
Have you seen my date ? I’m great, man, he grinned as he looked at you lovingly. 
Eminem & Y/N have officially confirmed their relationship ! The couple did not walk the red carpet together but they certainly made a memorable exit, as Eminem gushed over his date to journalists while not letting go of her. This happened after Y/N hinted at Em taking her Alaïa dress off her in her acceptance speech. While the Rap God did not mention his girlfriend in his own speech, he certainly appeared in love. While known for his stoic face, he was seen smiling all evening, especially when they made their way to the Vanity Fair afterparty (almost an hour late, mind you…)  in matching outfits. And if he does not seem like one to kiss and tell, no one missed Y/N’s lipstick all over his mouth, nor the hickies in his neck. 
That night was a big one for the rapper and the movie star, as they both took home statues, respectively for Best Original Song and Best Actress. And from the looks of it, they certainly celebrated. 
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otomiyaa · 2 months
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Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos x Reader
Romantic + 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by @hakurei-k for my 1K Followers Event🌻
Word Count: 1.7K (I normally don't count words for drabbles but I felt this got a bit longer than average and boi I was right)
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Barbatos was winning. You could see the confident look in his eyes, even though his act was still kind and humble as ever.
"Are you discouraged? No need. Don't worry, you still have a chance to win this."
It was just a one-on-one lucky dice game. No skill needed, no experience. Only luck, making it a fair game for anyone: demons, angels and yourself, a human.
You played it sometimes with Barbatos, and also with Lucifer and Solomon. The four of you were on a summer trip to the human world where you liked to show them some of the places where you would hang out in the past.
However the weather was so awfully hot that it was hard to move outside, or enjoy the nice places you wanted to show them, so you didn't mind to spend some more time in your hotel room instead, which included the lucky dice game a lot.
And to keep it more interesting after multiple wins and losses, Barbatos came up with this little rule for the two of you:
"The loser will get tickled by Lucifer."
"Do I get a say in this?" was Lucifer's dry remark. He was not playing the game with you, but he sat in a corner of the spacious hotel suite, reading a book.
In the end Lucifer didn't refuse and wasn't against the little penalty, if that would make your game with Barbatos even more exciting.
But the more lucky rolls the smug demon butler had, the more nervous you got. He was winning, and the thought of Lucifer tickling you right now... You blushed. It would be killing! Barbatos getting tickled however? Thanks to his own suggestion? Now that was the entertainment you were looking for.
You glanced at Solomon who was relaxing on his bed, with an electric fan right by his side to keep him cool, even though the air conditioning in the room was more than okay.
There was a way to still win this game, and even though it was a sneaky and nasty one, you felt like it was worth the try.
"My turn?" you asked, and you grabbed the dice. Then with your elbow you not-so-accidentally bumped your glass full of cold soda all over yourself. A sweet and refreshing sacrifice you were willing to make.
"Oh no," Barbatos said dryly, but you already jumped up.
"Eeeek, how clumsy of me! Don't worry! I'll get it off! Solomon, come help me!" Before Solomon could even protest, you ran towards him, yanked him off his bed by grabbing his arm, and dragged him into the bathroom with you. Just in case, you closed the door.
"That happens," you heard Lucifer say. Pffft. Spilling a drink, of course it can happen to anyone. Except you, if it wasn't with a reason.
"I'll help you, calm down," Solomon said when you pinned him against the wall. But you stared at him intensely.
"Solomon," you mumbled, keeping your voice down so the others wouldn't hear.
"Please.. Could you… do that to me?" you asked. Now that the moment was here, you were shy to state the literal words.
"...What?" Solomon seemed confused by how intense you were, so you were forced to explain it.
"Make me uh, luckier?"
"I'm already making you lucky, aren't I?" Oh the sass. Stupid Solomon.
"Solomon!" you whined. "S-P-E-L-L. The lucky spell! Please, I need it."
"Oh, that. Hm... Last time you said it didn't work though?" Solomon frowned.
"Forget what I said, it could work now. Put the spell on me, I need to win this. You want Barbatos to get tickled too, right? Especially by Lucifer. It's free entertainment for us if I win this game, not to mention it's Barbatos' very own idea. I have to win."
"So, you'll cheat?" You weren't proud to see Solomon so smug about it.
"W-whatever! And like you said, it may not work. I know you're still working on that spell. But we can try at least, right?"
Solomon's lucky spell was something he had tried on you a few times, without Lucifer and Barbatos knowing since you knew they wouldn't approve of magical experiments on you, even though this was quite an innocent one.
"Hmm, we can try indeed," Solomon agreed.
"Try what?"
Oh no. You looked back to see the door open again. Barbatos was standing there, and even Lucifer had gotten up to check on you.
"Is the soda off yet?" he said, but you could hear he was sarcastic. You blushed and looked at Solomon, then at them again.
"N-nothing! I mean, try uh, try to clean my clothes? The soda is still here," you said, rubbing at the sticky spot on your shirt.
"Try what, Solomon?" Barbatos asked Solomon, ignoring your silly excuse.
"Try my lucky spell, to win the game," Solomon said. WHAT! You looked at him in shock. Betrayal! He merely smiled at you.
"You know I can't lie, not when Lucifer is here too."
Coward! You looked at Lucifer and Barbatos and tried to explain.
"No! He means, not a spell b-but like the eh magic word of motivation and- eek!" You stood with your back against Solomon when Barbatos and Lucifer walked into the bathroom. Although quite spacious and luxurious, this room was suddenly very... cramped, and crowded.
"Were you trying to win, by cheating?" Barbatos asked calmly.
"No! Really I wasn't!"
"Lucky spell? Has Solomon been practicing magic on you, in secret?" Lucifer asked.
"No! Not in secret- I mean, not at all! Solomon, tell them it's not true!"
To your surprise, Solomon who still stood behind you, grabbed both your shoulders and held you tightly against him, pulling you back slightly. He said with his mouth very close to your ear:
"Still trying to lie your way out of this? That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position."
Three against one, nooo!
"I really wah-Ahahaha! Lucifeheher no plehehease!" you cried when Lucifer and Barbatos finally closed you in, and Lucifer was the first to start tickling you.
"Since cheating counts as losing, this punishment is for you," he said, sounding very vengeful while attacking your tummy. He must be so disappointed in you for experimenting with magic behind his back.
"Nonono I dihihidn't cheheheat- ahahah!"
"You attempted to, so Lucifer is right," Barbatos said. He only needed one hand to grab both of yours, and you yelped when he used his free hand to start tickling your side and ribs.
"No this ihihisn't fahahair! Aahahah!" you howled. "Solomohohon hehehelp!"
You squirmed against him, but instead of helping you, Solomon joined in by sneaking his fingers under your arms where he started to tickle your armpits mercilessly.
"Cheating indeed isn't fair, so I agree with this punishment." That Solomon! You could swear he wouldn't have minded putting that spell on you if you weren't caught, but here he was, conveniently choosing Barbatos and Lucifer's side.
"Plehehease- hehehe nohohot thehehehere!"
"Not where?" Barbatos asked. Fair. They were all tickling a different spot, and you weren't even sure who this was aimed at. It all tickled so bad.
"E-everywhehehere hahaha!"
"I am confused," Solomon joked, and you jolted when he dug his fingers into the centers of your armpits. The sneaky sorcerer was tickling you and holding you steady at the same time, making sure you wouldn't sink through your knees and slip out of their grasp.
Not that you saw any chance to escape. It was a tickle punishment you were going to endure for as long as they pleased.
"This shirt is all dirty," Lucifer said, picking up your sticky soda shirt and pulling it up slightly. When he tickled your bare tummy, with his fingers scribbling around your belly button, you threw your head back and shrieked.
"Noooohohoo ahahaha!" Normally Lucifer would wear gloves, and whenever he tickled you while wearing them, well yes, it tickled indeed. But since it was so hot and you were relaxing in the hotel anyway, he wasn't wearing them, and you could swear that with his bare hands, his tickles felt twice as ticklish.
Meanwhile Barbatos clawed at your ribs with terrifying determination, while keeping a serious face. And none of them seemed to mind that your hysterical laughter was extra loud with a special echo effect, since you were still in the bathroom!
"Need some help there?" Solomon said, moving your shirt up even further so Barbatos' fingers started to get access to your bare ribs.
"We're fine, but thank you," Barbatos said politely.
"Plehehease I'm sohohorry!" you yelled through hysterical giggles.
"Why apologize?" Solomon asked. He was so mean!
"I'm sohohorry I t-tried to cheheheat!"
"So you admit it, good. What else?" Lucifer said, glaring at you while not even slowing down his tickle attack on you.
"I'm sohohorry for lehehetting S-Solo-ahahaha whahaait!" It was hard to apologize properly while getting tickled like this.
"Keep talking," Barbatos said. They were not making it easy!
"I'm s-sorry fohohor hehehe, ehexperimenting mahahagic!" Better, shorter. And they seemed to accept it. It was a weird experience to feel the tickling stop so suddenly as they all stopped at the same time, yet it was as if your laughter was still echoing through the bathroom.
"Apology accepted," Lucifer said.
Barbatos finally smiled again and pinched your cheek fondly. "Me too," he said.
Solomon finally released you as well and you stumbled forward, right into Barbatos' arms. You enjoyed the feeling of his comforting embrace while he caressed your hair.
"We were a little hard on you, I apologize too," he admitted, giving you the aftercare you really deserved after going through that intense tickle punishment. You giggled and leaned against him. Lucifer also caressed your back, helping you relax. He then turned to Solomon.
"So, next up is Solomon," he announced. Solomon jumped.
"Eh? I didn't lose any game," he argued.
"You didn't. But you also secretly experimented with magic, on our human," Lucifer said, making you blush like you always did whenever they would call you theirs.
"It was just a harmless trick!" Solomon chirped, but even though you were too tired and Barbatos didn't join in either, it was still a delight to see Lucifer release that lovely tickle wrath on the ticklish sorcerer. You knew Lucifer alone could be just as bad as the three of them together, and it became clear as soon as Solomon's desperate pleas were heard.
"Pleehhease ahaha hehehelp mehehe!" he whined, but you merely smirked and watched him get what he deserved.
"Get him, Lucifer," you encouraged, and you happily indulged yourself in Solomon's sweet melodious laughter.
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panda-writes-kpop · 4 months
gimme all your lovin' (all your hugs and kisses too!) ~ k. mj.
a/n: a birthday present for @dark-night-insomniac ❤️ happy birthday, my dear! you deserve all of the love and sweetness that the world can offer you 🫶
tw: partying shenanigans, a non-paladin reader in a paladin AU, a not-so-obvious dirty joke, someone is accidentally cut with a kitchen utensil (safety people!), you may get cavities from the tooth-rotting fluff!
related fics: look at me! look at me!, sorry for party rockin'!, we're never getting back together (like ever?)
summary: your date with Minji is cut short when a pair of your mutual friends call you. you're inevitably dragged into their shenanigans, but it can't be all bad with leftover food and Minji by your side.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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You did like going to parties, especially ones that involved Katie and the other Paladins. They were always fun, a bit rowdy at times, but still lots of fun for you. 
“We can go, if you'd like.” JiU lightly squeezes your hand as you stare at the invitation on your phone. “I know someone on the waitstaff, we can push our reservation back an hour or two-”
“No, it's alright, Katie will have to survive without us.” You switch to your messaging app of choice to let Katie know of your decision. “They'll be fine. What could possibly go wrong?”
You and JiU, your lovely girlfriend, walk to your home from the restaurant. After a successful date night, neither of you wanted to leave each other alone. You could've called for a ride, but what fun was that? Your apartment was a few blocks down the road, and the weather was fair enough for you to walk back.
“Thank you for dinner tonight.” JiU smiles before lightly kissing your cheek. “I love when we can spend nights together, with just the two of us.”
You chuckle softly, trying to hide your nervousness. You've been dating for a while, but the magnificent goddess next to you still gives you butterflies.
“Anything for you, my dear.” You pull her close with your interlocked hands.
She softly gasps as your free hand lands on her waist. With a beaming smile, one you couldn't resist, she leans in and kisses you.
You kiss her back and pull her as close as possible until your phone buzzes in your pocket.
“Should you get that?” JiU asks as you shake your head.
“It's not as important as you are at this moment.” You ignore the vibrations as she loudly squeals.
“Awww, you're so sweet to me!” She leans in for another kiss, but she's interrupted by her phone ringing. “I'm sorry, love, let me see-”
Her smile drops slightly as she checks the caller ID.
“Who is it?” You tilt your head as you fish your phone out of your pocket.
“It's Dami.”
Your eyes widen as you look at your phone's call history.
“Well, that's not good.”
“Who called you?” 
You exchange a nervous look with JiU before she picks up her phone. At the same time, you call Katie back, hoping that this isn't as much of an emergency as it seems to be.
As you enter JiU's house, the one you've been in before with her and her friends, you stare in complete shock with how trashed the place is. Articles of clothing have landed on ceiling fans and lamps, and some are of the more…. intimate variety. Plastic cups are littered around the stairwell, and a trail of food crumbs leads in and out of the kitchen variety.
“It seems like everyone had fun.” JiU remarks with a small snort at the end of her statement.
You check your phone for the time - 11:45 p.m. - where is everyone?
“We're in here.” Dami calls from the downstairs bathroom, and JiU looks over to the kitchen. 
“I'm going to check around and see if anyone else is here, okay?” She rubs your shoulder before pressing a kiss to your check.
You grab her hand and kiss it before she giggles and heads into the kitchen. You walk forward and take a left into the bathroom, where you gasp at the sight in front of you.
Katie, idly swinging her legs, sits on the bathroom counter top as Dami sits on a wooden stool with a first aid kit in hand.
“Are you hurt?” You rush over to her side as she sighs and shakes her head.
“No, Dami's worrying over nothing-”
“You cut yourself on a kitchen knife. I want to make sure that you're okay before we call everyone back inside.” Dami grabs a bandaid and gently grabs Katie's arm.
“So there's no emergency? No life-ending event?” You lean against the door as you let out a sigh. “You made us worried, you know. You two don't tend to call us unless it's serious. What did you need from us?”
“We could use some help cleaning up, if you don't mind,” Dami disinfectant the wound, which causes Katie to hiss in pain, “plus some people needed some time to cool off outside.”
You look towards a nearby window, where surely enough, a large group of people are gathered in the backyard of the house.
“Will they be alright out there?” You ask.
“King and Kim Lip already flattened the flower bed, and there's not much outside they can wreck besides that.” Dami informs you as JiU joins your side.
“SuA's going to be pissed when she finds out.” JiU adds as Dami places the bandage over the wound on Katie's hand. “How are you going to tell her?”
“Neon said that he and Siyeon had it handled… so I'm leaving it to them.” Dami answers before setting the first aid kit aside. “You're all good to help out with cleaning.”
She lightly taps Katie's knee twice before backing away from the counter. Katie jumps down as Dami sets the stool aside.
“That's your plan for telling SuA?” Your eyes widen as Katie stares at you.
“Do either of you have any better ideas?” She pauses. “No? That's what I thought. Let's clean up the house - maybe we can make the lecture slightly shorter if we do that much.”
“How did you end up with this mess?” You pick a red solo cup up from the couch and place it into a garbage bag as Katie plays fifty-two pick-up with a deck of cards on the ground.
“It was supposed to be an intimate gathering between friends, but Ryujin just had to post it everywhere. I had to make extra food, people brought over extra booze, and some people got a little wild. I had to take some people home, like Yeji, who were too drunk to even stand properly.” She explains as you nod your head. 
“And the other Paladins?”
“Mala and Tzuyu are running bets outside over some silly game, Neon and Siyeon are knocked out in another room, Sparrow's run off with Yunjin and Kazuha, and I had to drive Kim Lip and King home.”
“How'd that go?” You ask.
“All they did was sing ‘Sorry For Party Rockin’ acapella for twenty minutes,” Katie shudders as she recalls the memory, “Oh, and they both vomited five seconds after leaving my car, thank God.”
“So it’s been an eventful night?” 
“Most definitely, I have so much blackmail- er, I mean, photos to show you later!” Katie sets the deck of cards aside before heading into the kitchen. “We still have leftover food, if you’re interested in some. I’d feel bad if you guys did all that cleaning and didn’t get anything for it.”
“We’ll be fine, and I should be getting back anyways. It’s well past midnight at this point, and I’m sure people will want to head home-” You start to decline her offer before you hear Minji happily clap from the kitchen.
“Please, Dami, I’ll only have a few bites~” You can practically hear the puppy dog eyes in her words as Dami sighs.
“I know how well that went with the cookies Katie made for me last time-”
“-You didn’t say they were made for you. I saw cookies, so I ate them.” JiU peeks her head into the living room to speak with the girl in question. “Katie, you don’t mind, right?”
“Take as much as you need, I can always make more.” Katie insists before JiU gives her a thumbs up and sends you a wink. “C’mon, darling, let’s eat!”
“We just had dinner!” You sigh as your stomach grumbles at the thought of food. “Maybe a bite or two couldn’t hurt.”
“You two have fun, alright? I’ve got another room to clean up, and Dami’s going to take out the trash before we let everyone back in. You’ll want to be gone by then - our hungry drunks aren’t going to be too pleased with the food being ravaged.”
With that, Katie heads into an extension of the living room as you and JiU head into the kitchen. There’s a wide variety of treats - more than enough to please even the pickiest of eaters.
“She really did make enough food to feed an army.” You stare in wonder as JiU grabs one of the infamous strawberry cheesecake cupcakes. “I thought you weren’t hungry for dessert… were you anticipating an extra snack from Katie?”
“Guilty as charged!” She mumbles between bites.
You both laugh together, and your heart sores as her soft giggles graze your ears. It’s moments like this that remind you why you love JiU - she’s so honest and open about everything.
“I love you.” You say as she turns to you.
“I love you more, my dear.”
“Impossible, really.” You joke before pulling her in for another kiss.
It wouldn’t be the last you share that night, not by a mile. You wouldn’t grow tired of her affections - not now, not ever.
And you had to thank Katie and her friends - they gave you a reason to be even closer to JiU, after all. 
Like you needed to have one in the first place.
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honestlyspookytyphoon · 11 months
Then why are you here?
Summary: Y/N attends the national premiere of a sports documentary and Charles cannot help but fall for her. But does Y/N feel the same?
Word count: +/- 1.2k
Author’s note: I gave the story a little twist, but I hope you like it! English is not my first language so sorry for any bad writing and spelling mistakes. It took longer than expected, but work was a pain…
Warning: None, I guess?  
It was a rainy and cold evening in November. The street were covered in darkness, although it was just over 5 p.m. The thermometer outside the pharmacy a little further down the street indicated 9°C, which was a normal temperature this time of year in other parts of Europe but it was highly uncommon in the small Mediterranean princedom.
Charles sighed. After a long and exhausting day, he wanted nothing more than to stay home and enjoy the comfortable warmth and quietness of his own apartment. But he could not because, tonight, the Ferrari documentary premiered in Monaco. It was a beautiful documentary about the history of Ferrari in F1, starting with the introduction of the legendary Italian brand to racing and over the numerous WDC’s and successes to the rather saddening truth of today.
Charles usually did not mind attending official events, especially when they were this close to his home. He was proud to be a Ferrari driver and held font memories of his time as member of the Ferrari Driver Academy. He never had to worry about what he should wear, practically having an Armani suit for every day of the year. He never had to worry about not knowing anyone or feeling out of place, since it were mostly him and Carlos people were waiting for.
Of course, the 2023 was not going great at all, but Charles knew how to put things into perspective. It sucked, sure, but every F1 team has had one or more seasons in which things did not go well and Charles had been through worse in his life. Also, the PR team of Ferrari had made clear to the press that tonight should be about the rich history of the brand and that questions about the ongoing season could be asked at other times.
Then why was Charles not so keen on getting ready?
He could blame it on the fact that his mom and brothers would not be there. He could blame it on the weather or the rigorous training Mattia had put him through today. He could blame it on the lack of rest he has had recently, that the constant travelling got to him. Deep down, however, Charles knew the real reason and he almost felt pathetic about it. Tonight would just be another event he attends alone, without a plus one. Charles normally did not mind being single that much – he had a great circle of family and friends – but at nights like this, he did.
It was during moments like this that he wanted to be more like Pierre. His best friend, but also the biggest Casanova he knew. Ever since childhood, Charles and Pierre both have had a more than fair share of female attention but both coped with it differently.
Charles has always been the serious one, the one being in long-term relationships. Charles met beautiful women every day, but he did not go any further unless he knew it could be more. Pierre, however, was the complete opposite. He was the textbook definition of a player and never hesitated to use his fame and money to get the girl he wanted. Like yesterday, when he texted Charles that he fixed a date for tonight. He met her in a club and sealed the deal less than one hour in. “It could be a fling, it could be more, but whatever it is, we at least had a fun time together”, Pierre said. And sometimes, Charles wished he could look at it the same way.
The alarm beeped. 6 p.m. Time to get ready.
The red carpet went better than expected and the documentary was beautiful. Now that the press and fans were gone, Charles felt like he could finally relax. He went to the bar to get a drink for him and Sebastian when he spotted her.
She caught his eye already earlier that night, when he saw her searching for her seat. Charles thought she was stunning. She was wearing a black silk blouse, dark green wide leg trousers and a pair of solid black heels, adding a good 7 cm to her height if Charles had to guess. He liked that she did not wear any red, as almost all of the other guests did. She had finished off her look with some subtle jewellery and her hair was styled in a messy bun, which accentuated her gorgeous facial features. He got himself wondering who she was, as the after-party was F1-exclusive and he was sure that he would have remembered meeting her at the track.
During his conversation with Sebastian, he could not focus; she was all he could think of. When Charles once again nodded at the wrong time, Sebastian had enough. ���Oh god, Charles, just go”, he snickered, “instead of standing here, pretending to be interested in my stories. Ask for her name. She is here alone it seems, and I am sure she would like to talk to you. So…”  Charles even did not wait for Sebastian to finish his sentence.
“Hi”, Charles said.
“Oh, hi”, she answered.
A solid 30 seconds past without Charles saying anything. Y/N started to think that he had mistaken her for somebody else.
“I am sorry. Are you looking for someone else?”, she asked.
“No”, Charles replied, “I…I wanted to meet you, actually.”
“Really? Okay.”
“Yeah, it’s just…this after-party is exclusively for people linked to F1 and I haven’t seen you before, that’s all”, he rambled. He felt the heat rising to his cheeks. Dammit
“You’re right”, she admitted, “I have nothing to do with F1 actually…or not for now, at least.”
Charles was visibly confused. “Then why are you here?” A pause. “I am sorry, that came out wrong”.
“It’s fine. I am an acoustical engineer and Mr. Vaseur invited me to see if I have any interest in joining the team in Maranello. Instead of telling me why to choose for Ferrari, he suggested that I came to watch the documentary”, she said, “and I’ll admit that I am impressed.”
“My name is Y/N by the way. Very nice to meet you, Charles”, she reached out her hand, “I am a fan.”
“Nice to meet you to, Y/N, and I am glad to hear that!”  He could feel his mojo coming back.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“The drinks are free here, Charles”, she laughed, “but I would love to have a drink with you.”
Charles and Y/N continued to talk for the rest of night.
“And that, Y/D/N, is how I met your mother”, Charles said, tickling the belly of his newborn daughter who was lying in his arms.
 “Oh god, Charles”, Y/N chuckled, “She is just 2 months old. She doesn’t get it.”
“I don’t care, Y/N, I like the story and she does too. Look how calm she is!” he said.
“It seems to me that you are the only one not enjoying it”, he hinted, “and I am offended, Y/N!”
Charles brought his hand to his chest, faking to be heartbroken.
“You know I love it, Charles. And you know I love you, too, so much”, Y/N said, draping her arms around his shoulders.
“What will you do when Y/D/N is all grown up and doesn’t want to hear the story anymore, like never?”, Y/N teased.
“She won’t. But if she would…”, Charles said, turning his head to face his beautiful wife, “I guess we’ll have to make another mini-us to pass the story onto.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: a little something, because i thought i would be done with the single dadrry fic by now... but im not so i just wrote this quickly bc i felt bad hahahah
WARNING: a bit of body issues
SUMMARY: You're three months pregnant, but the world doesn't know. Seeing some pictures of yourself online really get to you.
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Social media has been a weird hole in your life ever since you started dating Harry. You weren’t an obsessive user before, but you spent your fair share of time scrolling on Twitter and Instagram, checking out funny posts.
But then they were about you.
Five years into dating Harry, one year of that spent as husband and wife, you still can’t stop yourself from wandering online and hurting yourself by seeing something mean about a photo or a nasty gossip. You promised yourself a million times before that you wouldn’t even check what complete strangers have to say about you, but it’s hard to keep away from the internet.
It’s a random Thursday evening when you break your promise again and it brings you to tears. Harry is out to get your Sour Patch Kids, because that was your pregnancy craving of the day and you tried to ignore it, but then ended up asking Harry to run to the store and get them for you without a word or complain. He’s been your hero not just since you’ve found out you’re pregnant three months ago, but probably since you met him.
So while you’re waiting for him, you’re munching on some chips, scrolling on Twitter aimlessly.
And then you find a thread about yourself.
Two days ago you went for a walk around the neighborhood, the weather was nice, you felt like you needed to get out of the house so you and Harry walked to your favorite bakery, got some donuts and took a stroll. Paparazzi keep away from the neighborhood where you live, Harry has had a long but successful fight with them in the past so now they keep their distance, so you weren’t worried about getting papped. But you can’t have normal people away every time you’re out on the streets. He has fans everywhere and love taking pictures of him doing literally anything, whether it’s just crossing the street, being on a run or walking around with her pregnant wife eating donuts.
Well, people don’t know you’re pregnant and hopefully they won’t find out for months.
You kind of saw a few girls get worked up when they spotted the two of you, but you were hoping they would be respectful and not take pictures. You were wrong. And now you’re met with a series of photos of you, your face stuffed with donuts like you never ate any before. They caught you in a bad moment, for sure. You haven’t washed your hair in days, you were wearing baggy clothes because one, they hide your growing belly amazingly and two, those are what you feel the most comfortable in. Your body is going through some major changes, comfort is your number one priority these days.
But now you’re watching people tear you apart for looking so slobby and practically just the shadow of yourself compared to what you used to look like five years ago.
She definitely shouldn’t be eating donuts, lol.
Wow, she put on so much weight!
Harry is just getting hotter, while she is turning into… that.
She is twice the size like she was at the Grammy’s omg!
You just can’t stop reading the nasty messages, they seem to be endless, about your look, your clothes and mostly about the size of your body. You immediately stop eating the chips and toss the pack away as you keep scrolling.
Tears start dwelling in your eyes, feeling like all these comments are being thrown at you relentlessly. There’s no doubt you’ve gained weight, pregnancy has been crazy for you, you’ve been constantly hungry, always eating something because whenever you tried to keep yourself out of the kitchen, your body definitely started rioting against you until you gave it what you wanted. So you’ve been putting on extra weight these past months, but you didn’t think much of it until now.
“Fuck,” you mumble, tears rolling down your cheeks as you lock the phone and toss it to the side, staring ahead of you, the comments playing in your mind on repeat.
It gets you so worked up that you don’t even notice when Harry returns.
“Love? I got everything you’ve been craving!” he sings as he walks down the hallway, smiling to himself thinking about all the treats in his tote bag.
You jump at his voice and try to hide your state, but a moment later he walks in and sees you sitting at the dining table, crying.
“Hey, what happened?” he asks, dropping the bag and rushing over to you, kneeling in front of you. “What happened? Talk to me, baby!”
“Nothing,” you breathe out shakily, but even the blind could see that you’re crying. “But… I don’t want the snacks anymore.”
“What? You’ve been craving them all day, I got all your favorites!”
“I don’t…” you shake your head and even though you’re fighting hard to stop crying, it just gets worse.
“Y/N, don’t tell me nothing happened, something clearly upset you! Please, I want to help!” he begs, feeling helpless seeing you like this.
Instead of answering, you just grab your phone, unlock it and hand it over to him and wait as he reads over some of the mean tweets.
“Baby…” he exhales, putting the phone to the side as he pulls out the chair next to yours and sits beside you, his hands never letting go of yours in your lap. “These idiots don’t matter, they have no idea that you’re pregnant!”
“I’m pregnant, yeah, but I also gained a lot of weight and I’m only entering the second trimester! I look horrible!”
“No, you don’t, you look amazing!”
“Don’t bullshit me, I look like shit on those pictures and I have a feeling I look the same now as well!” you snap at him. Your hormones have been all over the place so you’ve been overreacting a lot lately, but you just can’t help it.
“But that’s not what I see. I see my beautiful wife enjoying some great donuts she deserved because she is growing our baby in her belly. Did you put on some weight? Yes, but that’s nothing to be ashamed of. I loved you before pregnancy, I love you now and I will love you forever.”
“How do you not think I look hideous?” you moan, still not convinced.
“Because I’m in love with you and all I care about is that you’re nourished, loved and cared for so you can care for our baby in there,” he says, placing a hand to your growing belly. “People will always have something to say about us, that doesn’t mean it’s true. I was there with you on our walk, I saw you eat those donuts and wanna know what I thought?”
“What?” you ask in a whisper.
“I was so happy that I saw you eat them with those pleased hums, I loved knowing that you have what you want and need. That’s all that mattered to me.”
Harry can tell you’re still not entirely on the same page as him and he is determined to get your mind to the right place.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Y/N. And you’re going through some extreme changes so we can grow our family. Be nice to your body, because it’s gifting us with a baby. I promise you that even on your worst day, when you feel like you don’t want anyone to look at you, I would still think the same thing about you.”
“Are you sure?” you ask as he wipes your tears off of your cheeks.
“I can’t be more sure, I promise. Now why don’t we get comfortable on the couch, I’ll rub your feet and we can eat the snacks I got and then maybe have sex too,” he adds cheekily and it finally makes you laugh.
“What?” he grins. “I told you, you’re beautiful. Of course I want to have sex with my amazing wife!”
“You don’t mind the weight I’ve put on?”
“No,” he answers confidently. “I love all of you, I love this wonderful body of yours that’s cooking my baby in there,” he smirks and leaning down he kisses your stomach, making you laugh. Then he wraps you in his arms and pulls you into his embrace. “We good?” he hums.
“Yeah,” you nod, holding onto him tight.
“So, snacks?”
“And sex?” he adds, his hands wondering down to your butt, giving it a nice squeeze.
“Mm… Maybe. After snacks,” you say, making him laugh this time.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
So a random idea related to the fact part-insecticon!Bee is affected by the weather.
SO- we all know bugs don't like cold. They hide and bury themselves to hibernate. But bees are a bit different, they like warm weather- heck they themselves are very resistant to heat because their hive defence is literally swarming the intruder and boiling them with their body heat.
So that being said; Bee is having the best time of his life during heatwaves. Like, a very warm summer that would be quite dangerous for humans or even normal bots is the best time for him to go do shit.
I imagine when the heatwaves hit in summer, everyone keeps a fan near them to cool down cuz it's just that hot, even if the plant is already chilly on its own. Everyone is suffering but the moment they come out of their rooms- "GOOD MORNIN' EVERYONE!" Bee with the biggest happiest smile one could have. He's been going around base restless since the sunrise and making food for everyone. He's even done some chores.
If Bee's team couldn't keep up with his usual energetic personality the one he has now is even harder to follow. They are miserable and he's even more bursting with energy. Oh well, at least they have one functioning member of the team in case something happens.
A funny scene that would play out is when Bee puts his arm on Prowl's shoulder and leans on him while they're talking. "You're hot.."
Bee would just blink before replying. "Awwh thank you! I didn't know you felt that way.~"
And Prowl would just have more of a weary expression before weakly explaining. "No, literally. You're too hot. Please step away..."
And yeh, fair enough- Bee has been out basking in the sun and absorbed so much heat one could get burns if they touch him. (Sari might have gotten one on accident, Bee felt so bad) Ratchet is just confused because the temperature his frame is at is enough to straight up melt him, lol.
Bee may be feeling great during heatwaves but he feels awful cuz he can't spend time near his friends. One time someone compared him to a sun- Bee thought as in a bright and happy presence. No, as in a burning ball of fire and wanting him a good distance away from them. Ouch.
Oh and since it's a blitzbee au, Blitz is not having a good time either. First of all it's a heatwave and he's big and used to the cold atmosphere of the underground. He may be able to withstand it since fire is one of his elemental weaponry and he has a light paintjob in comparison to other 'cons (RIP Prowl and his matte black).
The cons generally stick inside when the weather is too harsh to do anything so Blitz is not much happy when he's forced via texts by Bee to come out and hang out with him. He finds a good enough excuse for heading out and off he goes. Despite the weather he thinks it's gonna be fine, Bee had him come to a chilly place near the docks after all...
Wrong. The moment he sees Bee all happy and he kneels down to let him kiss him it's like a welding tool has been placed on his face while turned on. It hurt, to say the least. So Bee is not allowed to touch both his friends and his beloved, fun.
I can just see him being all overly sad and trying his best to restrain himself from hugging everyone. It doesn't help that his emotions are amplified by the heatwave.
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evilwrongdoer · 2 years
bella ramsey x f!reader, they invite the reader onto the tlou set and introduce them to pedro
word count: 1,6k
I kinda went my own way with this one, hope you like it!
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You were nearly buzzing with excitement.
The car was dark, the sun had yet to rise and the tinted windows just made it seem more like nighttime.
You understood though, riding in a car with a soon-to-be celebrity had its pros and cons.
Bella was staring out their window, fiddling with their rings as you stared in their direction, trying not to be too obvious.
She had invited you onto the set of a new upcoming series that she was playing in, "The last of us", a higly anticipated video game adaptation that was likely to give Bella a fair amount of fame.
You wondered if he was nervous. If the idea of gaining so many fans overnight scared them, or maybe excited them, like their mere presence did to you.
The two of you had known each other for a little over a year now, meeting at a small cast party one of your friends invited you to.
You had gotten lost, or rather, your friend had left you. You sipped reluctantly on your long island ice tea, which you regretted buying  since your friend had disappeared and "drunk in a room full of strangers" wasn't exactly your idea of a fun night.
You sat at a high table in the corner of the club, fiddling with your straw and wishing you had just stayed home, when suddenly, a beautiful person sat next to you, and all of a sudden you were happy your friend had left you.
The two of you chatted for the rest of the party, and in talking to them you felt as if the whole world disappeared around you. He was absolutely mesmerising and he looked at you in a way no one ever had before. Despite your intense feelings towards them, you were too intoxicated to truly know if they felt the same, and too scared to do anything about it if they did, so the two of you became friends. No, more than that, best friends, and even though you wanted more than that, you decided a little Bella was better than no Bella.
After that, you were inseparable, hanging out at every chance you had, causing quite a few of Bella's friends to ship you.
A few weeks ago, Bella invited you to the set of the last of us. You were quite happy but never really thought it would happen as you didn't want to get in the way of him while he was at work.
Now, here you were, freezing your ass off somewhere on the outskirts of Alberta, Canada.
They were set to film parts of episode three today, and you really hoped you'd get to see Bella act in some scenes.
You watched as they set up cameras, lights, and most importantly, the snack table.
You and Bella hadn't really talked that morning, apart from the odd weather comment and loose small talk. You figured it was because of the cold, or the fact that she wasn't really a morning person, but some part of you knew that wasn't really true.
The two of you got to talking more as they got into costume, and you even got to meet one of his co-stars.
"Okay, would you rather live as a whale for a year or.... live as a horse for 6 months?" You questioned, looking at Bella with wide eyes as a make-up artist painted blood and dirt onto her face.
You sat backwards in a crappy plastic foldout chair, now in a trailer as Bella got ready for filming.
"As a horse, duh, it's half the time," He replied, looking straight forward into the mirror as to not disturb the artist's work.
"Yeah but like, horses are like super weak, if you break your leg or something they'll shoot you straight in the head," You gestured as the make-up artist looked at you confused.
"Ah! Don't say that, we're literally supposed to be on horses in a few weeks!" They grimaced, fearing for the horses.
"I never took you for a horse lover," you shrugged, folding your arms under your neck and watching as Bella's make-up came to life on her face, "Same though, I have thalassophobia,"
You stared directly at Bella now, knowing that you could say you were "looking at the make-up" or "just thinking about stuff" if they asked you about it later.
You watched as she messed with her cuticles or bit her cheek, and again took to wondering what was going through her head.
After she finished getting ready, the two of you walked quietly onto set, where you just so happened to stumble upon one of Bella's co-stars.
Pedro Pascal.
You wanted to scream. To just drop dead right then and there. But that would be all too embarrassing. You had been a fan of him since you saw your first movie, and you even had a crush on him when you were younger.
He wasn't as intimidating as you thought he'd be, although that's probably because he looks 6'3 but he's really 5'11.
Bella smiled warmly at him, differently from how she smiled at you. You wondered whether that was a good thing or not.
"Pedro! This is my... friend that i told you about!" Bella spoke, happiness filling their voice, and you threw a kind smile on your face, pretending as if you didn't hear them pause.
"Hi! y/n, right? I've heard so much about you!" Pedro gleamed, leaning in for a hug.
You hugged him tightly, something about him making you feel safe and at home. You finally understood why he played so many father figure roles.
You briefly introduced yourself to him and chatted a bit before letting the both of them leave to filming.
It took quite a few hours, with Bella getting a total of three breaks in which the two of you barely spoke, tension completely filling any room you were in together.
You planned to confront him about his cold behavior, at first feeling angry, and then later sad. You once again pondered the nature of the way they had been acting. Did she all of a sudden lose interest in you? Maybe they weren't feeling well? No, that couldn't be it, if they were feeling well enough to act, she was feeling well enough to not ignore you. Maybe something was up with him?
You let your thoughts drive you as you stared in one spot for what felt like eternity.
In the background of your thoughts you could faintly hear someone talking, something you chose to ignore, thinking it was just some far-away conversation.
"Hello? y/n? I asked you if you were ready to leave?" Someone spoke, trying to break you out of your haze.
A sharp snap in front of your face made you remember where you were again, and you now looked around as the staff was cleaning up things that you could've swore they'd just set up.
"Huh?" You looked up at Bella, blinking to make sure it was really them.
"There you are, what happened? I kept asking you if you were ready to leave and you just continued staring at the ground," Bella stared at you, their eyebrows furrowed in an emotion you couldn't place.
"Uh, yeah, sorry about that. Let's go." You quickly muttered, grabbing your bag and throwing away the now-stale cookie that you'd been holding for over 20 minutes.
"Well, lead the way?" You looked at Bella, waiting for her to start walking.
They stared at you and shook their head, then immediately began walking.
The two of you walked silently to the car, as you desperately tried to build up the courage to talk to her.
As you got in the car, you began,
"Hey, so, how come you've been so quiet today?" You asked Bella, putting on your seatbelt carefully.
"Oh I was just,-" They cleared their throat as if looking for an excuse "Tired, y'know?" She was looking into your eyes now, albeit reluctantly.
You tried to think of something to retort, although their excuse, true or not, seemed believable enough for you to let it go.
"Yeah, okay." You looked down, giving up on your now long gone plan of confrontation.
It's not like you knew what you were confronting them for anyway.
She was just being weird, and she'd been weirder before, it's not exactly like this was a first.
You were so deep into your thoughts that you almost forgot how close together you and Bella were sitting. So lost in your head you barely noticed your eyes slowly fluttering shut, or your head leaning onto Bella's shoulder as you slowly fell asleep. 
Bella was blushing hard, the darkness in the car doing absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he was absolutely smitten by you. 
Your breathing was soft and even as you unknowingly snuggled closer to Bella in your sleep.
They were frozen, sitting straight up like a statue with their eyes blown wide and their face red. She thanked god that the car ride home was fairly long, wishing you could stay like this forever. This was why he was being so weird, the more he spent time with you the more difficult it proved to talk to you without blushing or stuttering or just straight up freezing when you spoke. 
You meant everything to her and they weren't about to let some stupid crush get in the way of your friendship.
Slowly, Bella got more and more comfortable until it came to the point where they no longer could keep their eyes open. She carefully lay her head on yours and fell asleep as well, the two of you now clinging to each other like velcro, not bothering to care about the driver, or the fact that you were in a car, or the fact that "Best friends" weren't usually that clingy.
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Ok, this took way too long to write and I think you can CLEARLY tell how touch starved I am, but anyway, enjoy!
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servantofthefates · 2 years
The Most Useful Lenormand Tips
Where is Lenormand Better than Tarot?
Shallow but essential questions — “Should I stay at home tonight? If I attend this party, will I have fun?” “Should I bring an umbrella? Will rain overpower the sun?” Tarot knows the answers too, but it prefers questions of a profound nature over little things like the weather.
Mindless gambling and betting — When there’s a sports match I want to bet on but I’m not a fan of either players or teams, tarot will never answer me correctly, because it will feel that I’m not invested emotionally. Lenormand won’t care. It will tell the truth fair and square.
Quick yes or no — When tarot answers a yes or no question, it attaches a thesis as to why it is so. But sometimes, people’s intentions, a situation’s history and my own motivations do not concern or interest me. So I ask Lenormand instead for a snappy decree.
How to Predict Timing with Lenormand
January - Fish
February - Snake
March - Stork
April - Paths
May - Woman
June - Ring
July - Man
August - Child
September - Rod
October - Heart
November - Clouds
December - House
Soon - Rider
Temporarily - Birds
Quickly - Clover
Suddenly - Scythe
A long time from now - Anchor
About a year from today - Tree
Yes or No with Lenormand
Hearts - Yes
Clubs - No
Diamonds - Could Be
Spades - Unlikely
How to Do a Line of Five
STEP 1: Lay out the cards.
Get the first 4 cards from the top of the deck.
Use the card at the bottom of the deck as the 5th card.
Note that the middle card is the theme.
STEP 2: Read the cards.
Read them like a sentence, from left to right.
Then read them as a string, with the leftmost card as the subject, and the succeeding ones as adjectives.
Mirror them: 1 + 5, 2 + 4.
Note any possible date predictions. (See above.)
STEP 3: Read the playing card inserts.
Note the suits for yes or no. (See above.)
Add the playing card pips to get the Lenormand card number. (Ace to 10 is 1 to 10, Jack is 11, Queen is 12, King is 13.) If the sum is more than 36, add the two digits.
Then read the Lenormand card that your calculation led you to as the one message you need to remember, if you forget everything else.
When to Do a Grand Tableau
1) On December 31st, or on your birthday, to ask about your whole year ahead.
2) At the beginning of every quarter, to ask about your next three months.
But just choose one or the other. Don’t do them both together.
Recommended Lenormand Decks
The Blue Owl — This classic deck is the equivalent of a blue box vintage Rider-Waite. It is complete with playing card inserts and has no-nonsense images.
Pixie’s — As a Rider-Waite reader, I find this one great to use side by side a tarot spread. It has Pamela Colman Smith’s art, so together, they’re nice and seamless to look at.
Seventh Sphere — The perfect crossbreed between modern and classic. In look and design, it is no doubt new. But just like the older decks, it speaks clear and true.
How to Master Lenormand by Yourself
If you are the type who deeply values tradition and prefers to read almost purely through intuition, buy Andy Boroveshengra’s book, “Lenormand Thirty Six Cards”. It teaches the Near and Far method — perhaps the oldest and most valid way of reading this system.
If you are a technical learner and reader who is a stickler for the rules, look to Caitlín Matthews’ masterpiece instead: “The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook”. It treats Lenormand as Linguistics. You would feel like you are taking a college course.
But… if you do not wish to take Lenormand so seriously, that is, if you do not care to learn everything about it entirely, simply download the “Seventh Sphere Lenormand” by Labyrinthos from the App Store. It will teach you all the basics, though perhaps nothing historical and classic.
Have fun with Lenormand!
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megalony · 5 months
On His Way
Hello my lovelies, this is a new Tommy Kinard imagine, requested by anon. I had a lot of fun with this one and I hope you will all like it. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: During a heatwave, (Y/n) tries to do her fair share at the station since she's on light duties. But when she passes out, the team have to call Tommy to come get her.
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"What're you doing?"
A shudder ran down (Y/n)'s spine and she tilted her head to the left to look over at Tommy. His gruff morning voice sent shivers running down her spine and had her stomach doing summersaults.
Her teeth bit down on her lower lip as she moved her hands down on the mattress in a vain attempt to push herself up. But it didn't work so well when Tommy hooked his arm around her waist like an iron bar that stopped her from moving.
"I'm melting," (Y/n) murmured back, leaning over so she could nudge her nose against Tommy's cheek and steal a kiss from his lips.
She flopped her head back into the pillow and sighed. It wasn't often that either of them got up before their morning alarm, but this was different. There was a heatwave in the city. (Y/n) had never known the weather to be this sweltering and she hated it.
Being cold was perfect. It allowed everyone to wrap up in sweaters and jumpers and long coats and hats and gloves. Cold was good, it meant snuggling under a thick cover and burrowing down into cold bedsheets and sleeping comfortably.
Heatwaves meant minimal layers that felt ten degrees too hot. It meant sweating and getting rashes and burns and wanting to melt down into a puddle on the floor.
It meant a boiling hot bedroom, sweating through the sheets and wearing nothing to bed and having no covers but still feeling like the room was on fire.
(Y/n) hadn't slept well last night. Not only was she burning up and sweating through the sheets and tossing and turning, but she couldn't get comfy with the baby either.
Moving her arm, (Y/n) flopped her arm over her head and was surprised she wasn't sweating yet.
Her lips curved into a smile and she opened her eyes again to look across at Tommy when she felt his hand move. His arm retracted enough so that he could stretch his hand over the expanse of her stomach. His thumb glided up and down her skin while he pressed the heel of his hand down to see if he could feel the baby moving or not.
Now they were five and a half months, they could start to feel the baby move and kick and (Y/n) had never seen Tommy smile so wide as when he felt the first kick.
"How can you still sleep?"
(Y/n) took a moment to drag her eyes up and down her husband's frame. He was laid on his stomach with his face buried in the pillow, his hair slightly crimped due to the dampness in the air, curls askew in all directions. He had his right arm curled on top of the pillow and as usual, with his height, Tommy had his feet hanging off the end of the bed.
At some point during the night, they had kicked the thin sheet they used as a cover off the bed. Leaving (Y/n) laid in her underwear and Tommy wearing nothing at all.
"Don't know, just used to it I guess." Tommy lifted his head off the pillow and dragged his hand across his face to wake himself up.
The army helped get used to the heat considering the uniform he had to wear and the places he had been. And being cramped in a helicopter for hours on end, squashed in with other people, also got Tommy used to the heat.
"Are we getting up?" Tommy pushed up on his right elbow while he moved his hand from (Y/n)'s stomach to cup her face. He leaned over her with a wolfish grin and stole a kiss.
He dragged his eyes across to the clock on the side table before he pushed up on his knees and moved to get up. Their alarm would have gone off in ten minutes anyway and there wasn't much joy lying in bed when the room was on fire. He snapped on a pair of boxers and turned back towards the bed when (Y/n) sat up on the side of the bed and flopped her head forward.
Her hands moved to her knees and she groaned, taking a moment to try and get her head in gear.
"You okay, babe?"
A tender look flooded Tommy's face when (Y/n) held her hand out for him. He moved over towards her and stood in front of her knees, about to take her hand and pull her up until he realised that wasn't what (Y/n) was silently asking.
She held his wrist and moved his palm to the side of her stomach, causing Tommy to lean over her and move his other hand to rest on her bare thigh.
"Morning baby girl," He whispered softly and leaned over so he could press a kiss against the top of (Y/n)'s stomach. His fingers dragged over her abdomen in smooth circles and he grinned into her skin when he felt (Y/n)'s other hand move to drag through his hair. Trying to tame his unruly strands into a smooth, wavy formation.
When he pulled up, he held his hands out and effortlessly pulled (Y/n) up to her feet. He gave a sharp tug so she stumbled into his chest and he could bind his arms around her waist, pinning her against him with his lips against the side of her neck.
"I could get used to this heatwave if you go to bed like this every night." He spoke quietly into her neck, feeling every shiver that coursed beneath her skin.
And he grinned, baring his teeth against her neck as he dragged his hands down to cup her bum and hook one finger into her underwear to make the elastic snap against her hip.
"So you don't care that me and your daughter can't sleep during this heatwave?" (Y/n) looped her arms around his neck and leaned her cheek on Tommy's shoulder. She pressed a delicate, open-mouthed kiss to his neck while he sighed against her skin like he was contemplating the idea.
"Hm, suppose that is a problem. You gonna be okay at work?" Tommy leaned his cheek against the top of (Y/n)'s head.
"I doubt I'll be leaving the station so I'll be okay."
The only time light duties felt great was during weather like this. Bobby had the last decision on which calls (Y/n) could attend on. She was only allowed on less demanding calls where she could help as a medic or help get the equipment ready.
(Y/n) wasn't allowed to do any heavy lifting. She couldn't get close to any fires, all she could do in that respect was get the hose ready and sort the equipment for the rest of the team. She wasn't allowed to lift or help evacuate people or move patients.
She was practically benched on most cases and was reduced to being a helping hand as a medic and a back up to sort out equipment and tidy the station.
The station didn't have much A/C which was a downside, but when (Y/n) was just tidying and cleaning up it was okay. It was more preferable to being in the truck and running around sweating with the team. If (Y/n) was allowed to do more while she was pregnant, in this heat, she would collapse almost straight away.
"Good, I want my girls safe."
"We'll be safe." (Y/n) murmured into his neck, pressing a sloppy kiss there before she tried to pull out of his arms and look around for her uniform.
"Am I driving you today? I finish just before you so I'm good to pick you up too."
It was their routine for Tommy to drive if they were on the same shift pattern. Even if he was on a day off, he usually ended up driving (Y/n) to work and he spent some time at the station having a coffee with the team before they went out on calls.
"Yes please." She grinned when she felt Tommy kiss the back of her head before he headed off to the bathroom.
It didn't take long for Tommy to get a shower. He didn't like taking cold showers but it was the only kind he could take in this heat without making himself feel ill.
He carded his fingers through his hair, brushing the damp, sodden strands back on his head as he jogged down the stairs and wandered into the kitchen. His blushing red lips curved into a smile and he sank his teeth down into his lower lip when he looked over at his wife.
She was stood in the kitchen, one hand pressed down into the counter while she pushed up on her toes to reach into the top cupboard. It wasn't hard to see (Y/n) was struggling to find what she was looking for.
Walking up behind her, Tommy rested his hand down on her hip and leaned his chest against her shoulders. With the height difference he easily manged to press his chin down on top of her head, curving his lips into a wide smirk when (Y/n) tilted her head back against his neck to glare up at him.
"Need a hand?"
"Yeah, I need my meds you put on the top shelf." She pointed up and rose a brow, to which Tommy simply smiled and pecked her nose.
She knew he had put them up there at some point for this very reason. So he could come along and help her and get them down for her. It was his new favourite thing to hide glasses and the remotes and anything he could find and put them high up so (Y/n) would need his help.
He easily grabbed the pink and white box of vitamins and placed them down on the counter before both hands moved to cup her hips. He leaned his head down and kissed the top of her head, carding his fingers up and down her sides.
His thumbs stroked across her hips while he leaned back at an angle so he could look down at (Y/n). His smile morphed into a smirk and he took a step back so he could lean down and move his hands to her shirt. She was wearing her cotton shirt since it was short-sleeved and not as heavy or thick as her button up shirt. The weather was too constricting for that kind of material.
But Tommy could see the back of her hips were exposed on view. He slid his fingers into the waistband of her trousers and tucked her shirt back in before he smoothed his hands around to cup her stomach.
"I'm gonna have to raid inventory for some bigger clothes… these trousers won't fit next week." (Y/n) could feel Tommy laughing into her neck and it made shivers roll down her nerves and spark beneath her skin to her fingertips.
She could barely do up the zipper and buttons on her trousers anymore and her shirts wouldn't tuck in now they had to cover her bump.
Bobby had already said it was fine if she needed to look through the clothes in inventory and find some other sizes and (Y/n) knew she would have to do that soon. Lest she wanted to walk around the station showing off her stomach.
"That's a good sign."
"It's not a flattering look, though."
Closing her eyes, (Y/n) chugged down her tablets with a glass of juice before she moved her hands to hold Tommy's wrists. She looked down at the uniform she was wearing with a quiet huff.
It didn't do her any favours. Her shirt had to stretch over her five-month bump and it made her look round all over. At least with her normal clothing, they stretched normally over her stomach and were snug on her frame to show off that she was pregnant and not just a funny shape.
"You look pregnant, baby. And I love it." His lips attached to the side of her neck making (Y/n) shiver and lean her head back on his shoulder.
"Hm, whatever you say, pilot. Let's get going."
Tossing the clipboard down on the gurney, (Y/n) twisted on her heels and unlocked the medicine cabinet in the corner of the ambulance near the emergency door. Her fingertips grazed along each glass bottle, counting each one in every row and checking the labels to make sure they were in date.
Once they were all accounted for, she ticked them off on the check sheet and turned around.
That was the ambulance restocked and ready to go again.
"What are you doing in my ambulance, Kinard?"
A jolt ran through (Y/n)'s chest and had her heart shuddering in her chest. She pinned the clipboard against her stomach and took a deep breath, glaring down at Hen who was leant up against the back door with her arms folded over her chest and a smirk playing on her lips.
"Re-stocking it for you, Wilson. You're welcome." She passed over the clipboard while she slowly climbed down and followed Hen across the station floor.
She could feel the sweat rolling down the back of her neck already and (Y/n) hadn't even been out on a call yet. All three callouts this morning had been a burning building and then two car crashes, all of which (Y/n) couldn't assist on because Bobby said no.
So (Y/n) had made dinner in preparation for later, she had tidied up the kitchen and the annex and now she had re-stocked the ambulance and one of the trucks.
Being benched at the station made (Y/n) feel useless and she wanted to prove helpful to the team while she was on light duties. She didn't want to turn up to the station and do nothing for her shift. Even if all the team kept telling her she was 'making a baby and that was enough.'
It didn't feel like enough, (Y/n) needed to keep busy, even during this heatwave.
"So, how's you and Tommy doing?" Hen glanced over the clipboard before she set it down on the side and followed (Y/n) up the stairs towards the kitchen.
(Y/n) moved her hand down to her stomach, rubbing circles over her shirt as she smiled softly. "We're good, we're having dinner with his mum next week which will be interesting."
Tommy hadn't seen much of his parents lately and that was the way he liked it. But since he told them (Y/n) was pregnant, he knew they were trying to make more of an effort.
He had grown up switching between homes when his parents divorced and it had made things strained between them all. Tommy preferred distance from them, he found it easier and less stressful if they kept a safe distance and kept communications to the phone and the odd dinner every now and then. But at the same time, Tommy didn't want his child to have a fractured relationship with his parents so he was trying to make an effort.
"I never thought we'd see Tommy settle down. You've really made a difference with the old man."
"Don't let him hear you call him that." (Y/n) quipped over her shoulder as they headed into the kitchen.
She knew Tommy knew that was what Hen often called him but it was a term of endearment. He had been older than her when they started working together at the station. And Tommy was the older one in their friendship group, barring Bobby of course who was more like a father to them all.
Hen was happy to see Tommy finally settle down. She knew he had been struggling for a while when he used to be at the 118 and he hadn't truly found himself.
Being with (Y/n) changed everything for him. Tommy never thought he would get married until he met her and he never thought he'd start a family with how fractured and messed up his own family was. But it was the one thing he was living for now. It was what spurred him on and made him smile and brightened his day when he thought about who he was going home to and the family they were going to have together.
(Y/n) aimed for the fridge while she watched Bobby get the plates out. She had made lunch and left it on the side so Bobby could decide when they heated it up and sat down to eat.
But her hands clamped down on the back of the closest chair when the alarm bell sounded and dispatch came through the tanoid speakers.
Right when they were going to sit down to eat. Great.
A chorus of groans sounded throughout the kitchen as everyone put down whatever they were doing and listened to the announcement to see what kind of call they were going on.
"Cap?" (Y/n) looked towards Bobby, both hands on the chair as she arched her back out and waited.
She needed his say so to go along on this call or to be told she had to wait here.
"Hop in the truck. But you're a spare pair of hands only, I want you on the sidelines."
"Got it."
(Y/n) grinned and turned around with Hen, following her back down the stairs towards the truck. She didn't care if she was restricted, as long as she could do something to help the team. She could get everything out and ready, she could tidy up and get the gurney moving or unhook the hose and hand over the equipment. As long as (Y/n) was there with them she was going to make herself useful.
She hated sitting on the sidelines feeling useless.
Beads of sweat rolled down (Y/n)'s neck and down her forehead as she leaned forward. Her hands planted down on her thighs and she squatted, tilting her chin down to try and take deep breaths.
Why was it so hot?
Why were they in the middle of a heatwave? How was this fair? This was sweltering and (Y/n) could genuinely feel herself melting like a wax figure beneath the sun rays.
Tilting her head back, she squinted up angrily at the sun and pushed herself back up straight, feeling her back click into place. While her heartbeat pulsed beneath her skin and flooded her stomach that was pounding and the baby was twisting around.
She half expected to look up into the sky and see a helicopter flying overhead. It was usually what happened and (Y/n) wondered if it was her partner she was seeing around like an omen.
Stripping her jacket off, (Y/n) tossed it in the back of the truck and pulled the collar of her shirt down as if it would make a difference. Her shirt had turned three shades darker from how badly she was sweating, but it didn't matter. This was her job. She wanted to be useful and running the equipment to and from the truck was the best way to be useful.
Pushing away from the truck, (Y/n) grabbed the hose from the floor and slowly walked it back to the truck. She coiled it from her wrist to her elbow and locked it back in place, pushing up on her toes to click the lock.
Her head was pounding.
God, it felt like someone was attacking her with a hammer. Someone was going to smash her head in. Her skull felt like it was caving in by now. She would probably need to sit down when they got back to the station.
They had all missed lunch, that was probably why she felt so sluggish and achy.
Turning back around, (Y/n) pushed herself to keep walking and headed over to where Evan and Hen had dumped their helmets and some of their gear. She grabbed the strap to the oxygen tank and hoisted it onto her shoulder, holding their helmets in her other hand.
She could feel her knees shaking as she walked slower and slower back towards the truck and heaved the equipment back into the compartments.
A hand clamped down on her shoulder and (Y/n) forced herself to smile, despite the way her head was pounding and the feel of her pulse thudding through her skin like a drumbeat.
She nodded at Eddie and followed him into the truck, heaving herself up despite the way her body was ready to collapse and give way right here and now. (Y/n) let herself flop down into one of the seats and wrangled with her belt stretching it around her stomach which made Hen smile as she sat down across from her.
Her head tilted back against the head rest and her hands moved to move up and down her stomach in circles.
"Fuck this heat." Evan muttered under his breath as he wound the window down and pressed his elbow against the door. He leant as far against the open window as he could, but it didn't make much difference. The heat was blistering out and driving didn't make the wind any colder, it just made hot air waft through the windows and make them all feel sick.
They could all tell the difference when they pulled up in the station.
The aircon in the station wasn't working properly but at least in the station there was a little bit of a cold breeze in the air.
(Y/n) could see stars in front of her eyes when it was time to get out the truck. She kept one hand on her stomach and used the other as leverage to slowly climb down from the truck.
She was ready to finally get some dinner, even if they were over two hours late for dinner and she had forgone breakfast since she felt queasy.
"Alright team, listen up."
(Y/n) could see in Evan's eyes that he found it hard to supress a groan. He felt the same as her; he wanted to go get a drink and finally have something to eat. But if Bobby wanted a talk with them, then they would all hang around and listen.
Moving across, (Y/n) stood in between Hen and Eddie just at the end of the truck. They stood in a line as Bobby shrugged off his florescent jacket and planted his hands down on his hips. He leant to one side, pushing one knee forward as he looked over the team. Most of them were dripping with sweat. All of them were catching their breaths back. And they all felt relieved at being back in the station, even if the air was still stiffling and felt like they had the radiators on full blast.
Tilting her head down, (Y/n) looked down at her boots and shuffled her weight from one foot to the other.
She couldn't focus on what Bobby was saying, not when her head was pounding like someone was smashing her skull with a hammer.
She could feel the baby doing twists in her stomach and she swallowed down a groan. Her right hand scratched at the back of her neck hard enough to draw blood while her left hand moved down to her stomach. She silently prayed for the baby to stay still so she could concentrate, but it didn't help. All (Y/n) could focus on was the pain in her head and her heartbeat that was thumping throughout every inch of her skin.
The words 'appraisal' and 'next tasks' filtered through (Y/n)'s head but she couldn't make any sense of them.
Oh, (Y/n) didn't feel good.
The station was starting to spin and (Y/n) couldn't see Bobby standing in front of them anymore. She couldn't work out anything when the room looked like it was tilted upside down and everything became a blur of grey, red and glistening white.
Her head fell forward while her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body slumped forward.
The moment her knees hit the floor with a bang, everyone rushed forward as (Y/n) crashed down on her side. Her head bounced off the floor and her body went limp as they all crowded round her and reached out for her.
"Oh God."
"(Y/n)? (Y/n), honey are you with us?" Hen went down on her knees behind (Y/n) as Chimney crouched down in front of her.
Eddie spun on his heels and moved to the back of the truck, finding a medic bag while Bobby and Evan stood near Hen, waiting to see if they could help. They didn't want to crowd round (Y/n) too much when the station was stiffling hot as it was and all of them cramped together was going to make this heatwave feel even worse.
Reaching out, Hen gently tilted (Y/n)'s head to the side and she gently held onto (Y/n)'s arm and shoulder while Chimney moved down to her legs. They nodded at each other and eased her into the recovery position, bending her left arm beneath her head with her right arm stretched out in front of her. One leg bent up and they kept the other leg straight.
Hen pressed her fingers down on (Y/n)'s neck and counted her pulse before she pulled her eyelid back. Her eyes had rolled up. She couldn't check her pupil response.
"(Y/n)? Pass me a BP cuff." Chimney held his hand out and nodded when Eddie passed a cuff over to him.
He slid the strap up (Y/n)'s right arm that was stretched out and checked her blood pressure and clipped an oxygen pulse monitor on her index finger. He watched Hen find a thermometer and press it into (Y/n)'s ear.
"Temp is a little high, nothing dangerous." Hen pressed the back of her hand against (Y/n)'s temple before she looked across at Chimney. "She's sweating."
Chimney narrowed his eyes and leaned down, gently hooking his index finger between (Y/n)'s lips. He pulled her lower lip down and peeked in her mouth before he turned his attention to the blood pressure monitor when the electric monitor beeped to say it had taken an accurate reading.
"Lips are chapped and discoloured inside… BP is high… she might be dehydrated."
"When was the last time she had a drink?" Bobby leaned over with his hands on his knees and looked between them.
He had spent the morning out on calls and sorting paperwork in his office ready for appraisals. He had only spoken to (Y/n) to tell her to stay at the station. This last call had been the only one (Y/n) joined in on today and they had all been busy.
They all looked at one another as everyone tried to think. They had taken bottles of water with them out on their calls, but (Y/n) hadn't been on all the calls with them. None of them had seen her have a drink on this last call. They had missed lunch. No one knew what (Y/n) had done while she hung back at the station.
They could clearly see she had cleaned the trucks, re-stocked the ambulance, made dinner and tidied inventory. But that made them all sure she hadn't stopped to sit down which meant it was unlikely she stopped for a drink either.
"I haven't seen her drink since this morning." Eddie chipped in quietly as he dragged his hand across his jaw.
When a quiet murmur passed (Y/n)'s lips, Hen lifted her eyelid again and shone a light across her eyes, noticing her pupils were very constricted.
"Someone grab her a drink, something with a lot of sugar. We'll run an IV wide open with fluids to boost her up."
Evan nodded at Chimney's request and jogged towards the stairs to find a drink.
"Let's sit you up." Hen smiled softly and slipped her hands beneath (Y/n)'s arm and shoulders while Chimney held her hands. They carefully reeled her forward and sat her up but the moment she was upright, (Y/n) whimpered and her head flopped forward. Her chin tucked down into her chest and her body tilted forward to try and follow her head. She couldn't hold herself up; not yet, she didn't have the strength.
"Head… h-head hurts," (Y/n)'s voice was croaky and she was relieved when Hen eased her back so she was leaning against her. With her head flopped back on Hen's shoulder.
"You're definitely dehydrated."
"Okay, who's calling Tommy?"
Tilting her head back, Hen looked between Chimney and Eddie who was hovering nearby. Both men shared a look before Chimney groaned and nodded with his hands held up in the air. He would call Tommy. Chimney would call and face the wrath of his friend when he told him his wife had collapsed on shift.
He didn't want to be the one to call and face Tommy. He would rather Hen or Eddie do it, but Chimney had a feeling they would just hand the phone over to him either way. He was close to Tommy, it might be better coming from him than someone else. And there was no way (Y/n) was in any fit state to call him and try to explain.
"You need to go home, maybe even go to the hospital. We need Tommy to come and get you." Hen rubbed her hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm who groaned and closed her eyes, trying to take deep breaths.
"You'll g-get me in trouble." (Y/n)'s voice was gritty and croaky but she tried to smile. Tommy wasn't going to be pleased about this. He was at work. He might not be able to answer the phone.
"Go grab a saline bag from inventory, would you?" Chimney muttered to Eddie while he fished his phone out of his pocket and pushed up from the floor. He took a few steps away from the team and clamped his free hand down on his hip. "Tommy? Hey, it's Howie…"
"Hey Howie, everything okay?" Tommy didn't want to be rude, but he wasn't used to getting a call from Chimney. Not unless he needed a favour or he wanted to confirm plans like when they went out on quiz nights.
"Uh… God, okay. (Y/n)'s not feeling great, she's actually fainted. We think she's dehydrated, is there any chance you could come down and get her?"
They all knew (Y/n) usually got a lift in with Tommy. The station was on his way to Harbour and even if he wasn't at work, they always saw Tommy dropping her off. And (Y/n) was in no state to take herself home, if Tommy couldn't get her they would have to keep her here and get her on some fluids before someone would have to drive her home.
"Fuck! I'll grab my keys and come down, is she alright?"
"We're gonna get her on a drip now and get her up when she's a bit more lucid-"
"Lucid? Where the Hell is she? What have you all been doing- you know she's bloody pregnant right? Howie she's supposed to be on light duties!"
Chimney pulled the phone away from his ear with a grimace and glared down at Hen. Next time something like this happened and they had to call Tommy, someone else could have the pleasure. Someone else could deal with Tommy's overprotective wrath and have him argue down the phone at them.
His eyes glanced down at (Y/n) and his expression softened when she tried to look up at him, realising who Chimney was talking to.
"Your hubby's on his way."
Lifting her head from her hands, (Y/n) tried to focus her hazy vision ahead when she felt Hen hold her shoulder and give a little squeeze.
Adrenaline sparked through (Y/n)'s stomach and a shiver rolled through her nerves when her eyes locked on her husband. He looked like a force of nature barrelling down the station towards them and it made the baby do a summersault.
Tommy noticed them all straight away. He could see the team fluttering and hovering around his wife like nervous flies and his sent his blood boiling higher than the temperature outside. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he stormed down towards the bench just outside the gym at the back of the station.
He spared Hen a quick glance and nodded at Bobby who was leaning up against the far wall with his arms folded over his chest and a calming smile on his face.
(Y/n) began to smooth her hands up and down her knees while she watched Tommy aim her way and crouch down on his knees in front of her. His hands found her thighs and he pressed his chest up against her knees, trying to smile as he looked up at her with raised brows.
"Baby, are you okay? Howie said you collapsed." Tommy reached a hand up and gently cupped (Y/n)'s chin between his fingers, tilting her head down so they were level. He dragged his thumb over her lower lip and narrowed his eyes when he noticed her pupils were rather constricted. And he could feel how flushed her skin was and he noticed her lips were chapped.
"Just dehydrated, I feel a bit better now."
Reaching her hand up, (Y/n) gently cupped Tommy's wrist and leaned down into his touch. She tilted her head enough to press a quick kiss against the side of his hand while she felt his other hand squeeze her thigh.
"Oh, is that all?" His expression wasn't amused and he rolled his eyes before he looked over at Hen. "Do I need to take her to the emergency room?" He watched the way (Y/n) looked between him and Hen, begging her friend to say no so her husband would stop worrying.
"I think you can just take her home. BP has started to come back down and her vitals are good. We checked the baby too, all fine there."
They all knew if Hen or Chimney had said (Y/n) needed to be checked out, Tommy would have taken her right away and (Y/n) would of had no choice in the matter. Tommy trusted their judgement and if they thought (Y/n) was recovered enough to go home and rest, then that's what she would do.
"What were you doing? What kind of light duties are you on to make you collapse?"
(Y/n) rolled her lips together and looked down at her hands while she felt Hen take a deep breath beside her, clearly trying to smother her smile. And she just knew that Eddie was stood behind them with a catfish grin like he was watching one of his tella-novellas.
"Nothing. I've only been on one call today," (Y/n) squeezed Tommy's wrist and looked up at him when he straightened up and balanced on his heels so they were level.
But she felt her heart jumping into her throat when he simply stared at her with one arched brow and his lips pressed into a straight line. He didn't buy that, not for one second. And (Y/n) heard Eddie snort before he patted her shoulder like he was silently saying 'nice try'.
"Yeah, one call and re-stocking the ambulance. And the truck. And cleaning the station. Then making dinner. All while forgetting to get a drink in the middle of a heatwave."
A quiet groan tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips and she dropped her head forward onto Tommy's shoulder when he tutted at her. Eddie had just given her away. It wasn't as if (Y/n) had done any of this on purpose, but she would rather not tell her husband exactly how she had overdone things today and how she became busy enough to forget to keep herself hydrated and taken care of.
"Alright, you're finished for today; and probably the rest of the week." Tommy kept his voice quiet and curved his hand round to cup the back of (Y/n)'s neck. He felt her sighing into his shoulder while he looked across at Bobby. "Am I good to take her home?"
"Yeah, take her home and get some rest. And lunch, we didn't get chance to eat lunch; that will help I'm sure."
A sheepish smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips and she looked to her right and gingerly moved her right hand towards Hen. "Can I have that off now?" She looked between Hen and the IV taped into her hand until her friend got the message.
They had inserted a canula into her vein to get fluids into her system and (Y/n) had been on it for over twenty minutes now. But she didn't want to have to mess around taking the IV home with her and taking the needle out at home. The saline bag was over half empty now, (Y/n) had gotten enough fluids into her system through the drip and she had managed to drink half a bottle of water too.
Tommy moved his palms up and down (Y/n)'s thighs as she winced when Hen carefully removed the needle from her vein. She taped some cotton wool onto the back of (Y/n)'s hand and handed her a fresh water bottle.
"Here, try to keep drinking."
(Y/n) took the fresh bottle and nodded and her lips curved into a gentle smile when Tommy moved to hold her arms and slowly helped her up to her feet.
His arm bound around her waist like steel and when (Y/n) leaned forward into his chest and nuzzled her face against his sternum, she felt his lips pressing against the top of her head. He smoothed his hand up and down her hip and nodded gratefully at Hen when she handed him (Y/n)'s bag.
"Let's get you home." Tommy murmured against the top of (Y/n)'s head, saying a quick thank you to the team before they made a slow walk out the station.
(Y/n) could feel her head going fuzzy when Tommy opened the car door and she let herself slump down into the passenger seat. A sigh tumbled past her lips and she slouched down, bringing her knees up high while her hands moved to her stomach and her eyes fell closed.
She almost didn't answer until she felt Tommy's hand on her chin and he gently but firmly tilted her head to the right so she was facing him.
"If you're about to pass out on me, we're going to the emergency room." He waited for (Y/n) to open her eyes and try to smile at him to show she wasn't going to pass out. She was just closing her eyes because she still felt drained.
When Tommy started the car, (Y/n) shifted in her seat again, staying slouched down but she twisted so she was facing him. A soft smile pulled at her lips and she reached one hand out to squeeze his thigh.
"Babe… I'm sorry you had to come get me." Her voice was quiet but she kept her eyes on Tommy as he looked across at her with an arched brow.
"You don't have anything to be sorry for, you know I'll always come get you if you need me. But you need to be careful, you can't go doing everything. You're on light duties for a reason."
"I know… but if I'm not allowed on a call, I have to do something. I can't sit at the station like a spare part. I just… the heat and everything just got to me today." (Y/n) knew she was on light duties and she knew that meant she couldn't do half the things she normally would on the job, but she wanted to feel useful.
She wanted to keep the station clean if she was hanging back while the rest of her team were on a call. (Y/n) wanted to make sure the equipment was working or tidied away or that the trucks and ambulance were stocked so everyone could rush out on their next call and be prepared.
There was so much she couldn't do so (Y/n) tried to make sure she did what she was able to.
Powering through during a heatwave might not have been the best way to go and (Y/n) wouldn't be doing this again. If this heatwave continued she would be making sure to take it easy on shift because she didn't want to collapse and scare everyone and be sent home early.
Although having Tommy come pick her up and be so caring and protective over her was definitely something that made (Y/n) weak at the knees.
"I get wanting to do your part, but I need you to take care of yourself if I'm not there. You're not a spare part and you're not doing nothing, you're looking after our girl."
(Y/n) could feel her stomach fluttering with adrenaline when Tommy moved his hand over to trace his fingertips over her stomach. She let her eyes fall closed and moved her hands to hold Tommy's wrist, moving his hand down so he could feel the baby move.
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winterwump · 1 year
Suggestion: cheon taejin x kwak jihan head cannons (general) please! If u have time ❤
General Headcanons for Taejin & Jihan
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Here you gooo!!! I’m so surprised that you came to me with a request, but thank you. I’m dangerously in love with Taejin, so to have someone request something with him in it was fun!! ENJOY🤩
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❎Cheon Taejin❎
Like most people, Taejin has his set of guilty pleasures. One that immediately came to me is that he loves trash tv. I mean like the over-produced melodramatic dramas that come on in the dead of night. He LOVES that shit💀💀💀
Tbh, I can make a whole list of hygiene Headcanons for this man just cuz I know he smells good, but Imma keep it short🥴:
Taejin is a FIRM believer in the power that good grooming holds. He takes extra extra care of his hair, using high-quality (and prolly overpriced) products. And he always makes it to his regularly scheduled hair appointments to keep the color on point.
I’m pretty sure he’s a bottle blonde, but he's so proud of that so there’s no point in making jokes about it.
Buuuut if you really wanna get on his nerves, just pretend like you can see his roots. That would drive him up a wall😵
For someone who lives in South Korea, Taejin is not a huge fan of foods that have an ass load of garlic in them. He knows that his diet has an impact on his body odor so he has to limit his garlic intake.
Taejin runs hot (I mean just look at him🥵)
 like he’s just one big space heater so he prefers - no he NEEDS to sleep with a fan going. Like, that bitch is up high and there are fuckin gale force winds in the room and he’s KNOCKED OUT like *watch dis* 
He doesn’t look like it but, Taejin is a light-ass sleeper. If it's not humming from his fan, then it needs to either shut up or go to hell💀
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✳️Kwak Jihan✳️
He’s never been to an amusement park EVER. He’s always wanted to go to one, but he either doesn't have time or he just forgets to go.
He’s been to one of those fall-time southern fairs so that’s close enough (lol)
Ya’ll, when I tell you that  Jihan is sick of people asking about his eyes - I mean he is SICK of it.
Like 2 or 3 questions about his eyes are manageable, but after the 3rd time, he’s ready to go like the convo gets cut short.
This man is so unaware of how jarring his accent and dialect are. Like, if it's ever brought up when he’s in Seoul, he’ll be so confused “II’m speaking so normally tho💀” (As a Southerner, this is my life)
Despite what his hair looks like, Jihan doesn’t actually style his hair much if not at all. He has a perfect Shake-N-Go growing from his scalp (Lucky bastard lolol)
Oh and the same thing with his eyebrows (Tbh, none of these men do their eyebrows prolly)
He’s a sucker for soup. Soup of all kinds, but meaty soups with light broths are what does him in for real. Example: Dak Gomtang 
I feel like even though he’s young, Jihan watches the news (and by extension all TV) like an old man. I mean this exact picture *dis* 
I think he gets it from Jibeom, who gets it from Jichang, who prolly got it from Bakgu. They all do it and none of them acknowledge it🤣
Oh and the weather channel is his favorite (cuz I said so lol)
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Okayy I hope ya'll like this one. I feel as if I misinterpreted the request so take this for now, and I will rewrite this in a shipping context. BYE!!!
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