#I know most of these are headcannons
hoperays-song · 2 years
Johnny’s Money
Can we look at the money we see Johnny have in Sing 2? 
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One, his wallet is literally falling apart at the seams which supports my last theory. Two, the money in his wallet in the above picture is wrinkled to all get out, the money he places on the table is very much not. 
That stood out to me in particular because we know the money on the table is $50, all in smaller bills by the looks of it, so it’s not money from a heist (especially with those being so long ago), and it’s more than likely not how he gets paid for his work at the theatre. No theatre as successful as the New Moon Theatre would be paying their employees in small bills, so why does he have so many in such good condition?
The money still in his wallet appears to be two small bills, a $20 and a $5(?) and are pretty wrinkled. They look like they might be change due to how fast they appear to have been shoved in the wallet and since Johnny just bought a skateboard, that’s what I’m going with. The money he probably used to buy that skateboard was more than likely his own from working at the theatre, and he probably withdrew it from his bank account before the trip to avoid losing his credit/debit card (the boy grew up in major cities and keeps his wallet in the inside pocket of his jacket, he’s all too aware of pickpockets).
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Now on to the theory. The fact that all the clean, unwrinkled money is exactly $50 stood out to me. It seemed like an oddly specific amount to mention, so I looked it up. And it turns out that buses between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the real world base locations of Redshore and Calatonia, can range from $25 to $60. Johnny might have some money he’s found or been given by Rosita or Buster during the trip, but it definitely wouldn’t be $50 worth, and would likely look more like the crumpled bills still hastily shoved in his wallet. So who would have given him money, a fair bit of money to be honest here, in neat, clean bills? 
Well it’s obvious, Marcus would. Johnny and his family don’t have a ton of money in Sing 2, more than in the first movie to be fair, but still nowhere near the “$50 being play money” mark. They would more than likely be overly careful with their money, keeping it in good condition so there’s no chance of it being rejected for being a damaged bill (yes, that can happen), so the neatness of the bills would make sense. 
Therefore, my theory is: Marcus gave his son enough money to make sure he could get home if he needed to. He made sure Johnny had an out if need be, could afford a bus ticket even if it was a more expensive one. And judging by the family’s rough finances, that was probably all the spare money they had laying around. That was what they had left from costumers after bills had been payed and he gave it all to Johnny just in case he needed it.
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budd-ie · 3 months
“Mu Qing is too logical for his own good” is such a real problem that he deals with and as tragic as it makes his life I also think it’s really funny when someone is accusing him of something and instead of telling them to shut up or leave him alone the first thing he does is pull out the 95 fucking theses detailing every single thing wrong with their argument WITH historical evidence and additional considerations from scholarly psychology articles, MLA format works cited and completely annotated. It could use an editor and some bias correction, but he actually makes a pretty good point. anyways tgcf ace attorney au when
#mu qing xie lian hua cheng and Ling Wen in a San FranTokyo court of law needs to happen#Hua Cheng is the guy who became a lawyer to chase a boy. he would be a defense attorney too#Xie Lian is a lawyer because of his natural strong sense of justice and he would probably be a prosecutor too based on his track record#it’s not a perfect parallel but you know what I mean#xie lian is still so phoenix wright by nature but hes just a prosecutor now. they both have survived a multitude of near-death experiences#Hua cheng plays a natural game where he only bites back if something is worth his time and doesnt usually seek trouble.#therefore hes the most ruthless defense attorney you've ever seen. he would update the autopsy report#you could also argue that xie lian would still be a defense attorney if you consider the way phoenix uncovers truth within his defense#and then ends up sending someone else to jail in the end. which happens very often#mu Qing started off as a prosecutor but Xie Lian said he would be a better defense attorney and he was right#Feng Xin is the. uh. bailiff. or something#judge jun wu#Ling wen is like the final boss of witnesses. that brocade immortal scene where xie lian absolutely fakes her tf out is so iconic#unless ling wen is gumshoe just much much less silly goofy#does anybody have that one edgeworth art where its. i ask the witness a question. i press them. they lie. they go to hell#if you do PLEASE dm me im begging you i need it#the wind master is maya holy shit what if#banyue is pearl#no-face von karma...... qi rong franziska......#again its Not a perfect parallel by any means but the spirit is here#rb with your tgcf lawyer headcannons#tgcf#tian guan ci fu#heaven official's blessing#mu qing
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wonderlandhour · 4 months
Ok, call me crazy, but I have a theory. And it might not necessarily be a theory, maybe just an observance, but I noticed something with Malleus Overblot.
Warning - Spoilers for Book 7
So as we all know, the main plot point that leads up to Malleus overblotting is Lilia leaving NRC due to a loss of his magic. But over the books, I've noticed something. In Book 6 we learn that overblots are less a sudden intense outpouring of blot and negative emotion, and more like the tipping point of an amalgamation of years of buildup. I find that made a lot of sense with what I'd noticed, because with the blot gathering cut scenes, even in parts where it seems like things are going pretty well (like with Azul, Jamil, and Leona all having the upper hand until almost the very last moment), it gives a sense of dread and things taking a darker turn.
And while some of them make a lot of sense (Vil's ever growing obsession and losses to Neige or Riddle's constant fights with the main gang and his own dorm), in the instances where the blot buildup doesn't makes sense, Book 6 fave it clarity.
But I noticed that there's always a tipping point. A snap where you can see the character in question starts acting differently or odd. Riddle was violent and sudden, all of them were. But Azul was the first and most obvious example of this snap that I noticed. Leona destroys everything he worked so hard for, it cuts back to us and the tweels, and when we get back to Octanivelle, Azul's gone batshit. Literally. He snapped in every sense of the word. Riddle's snap wasn't obvious to me aside from the absurdity of Ace punching him, until I looked back. Riddle's snap was Trey going against him. Leona's was finding out he not only got found out, but got foiled. Jamil's was thinking the whole world saw his plans (which I believe was actually less just his own plans getting fucked but also a reaction to the fact that if he got found out by thr Asim's, his family might not survive their wrath but that's for another time.) Vil's snap wasn't even what lead up to him attempting to poison Neige, because he acts normal right after when Rook takes the juice. His snap is Kalim stopping him from hurting Rook with said poison. Idia's snap, I don't think was in the underworld talking to the original Ortho. I think Idia's snap was hearing Ortho call him Idy.
But Malleus? While the lead up is all about Lilia's impending leave, his loss of one of his only people. The only person who's been there his whole life. His dad. He's no where near Lilia when he snaps. He's already snapped when he shows up in the party with Silver and talks Maleficent monologuing. You can so easily spot his snap, because similar to Azul, he goes batshit. Silver notices it right away with Malleus laughing suddenly.
The begs the question, why did he snap with Silver. They were talking about Lilia, and Silver was crying, but to me. It didn't feel like that snap was about Lilia. It felt like it was about Silver. I'm one of those people who believes that Malleus and Silver are like brothers. They have a bond like that, even if they don't act on it in cannon. They're supposed to be a prince and bodyguard, those are their roles, and they're good at playing them for a reason. But that's the thing. If that's all they were, why would Silver, who doesn't show that much emotion is general, who's calm and collected, who runs out in what seems like a near panicked state to find Mallsus before Lilia leaves, start bawling his eyes out in front of Malleus. With barely a nudge?
They were both essentially raised by the same man. They are brothers through Lilia. Malleus has almost no one, he clings to Yuu because they treat him as if he were just another person. Just as Lilia does. Just as Silver often does. Sebek is the only one of the group who treats Malleus the way we could expect someone from Briar Valley might. Sebek is a whole other thing, but wouldn't Silver, who was raised by Lilia, who was taken in by his grandmother the queen, who guarded his and acted as her general, treat him similarly?
He does! We see it in events like the Glorious Masquerade, he is still Malleus's bodyguard for a reason! But if Lilia's relationship with Melanor was like Silver's with Malleus, it makes sense that their relationship would reflect that of their parents. And it has the added effect of Malleus being an orphan as well, and as far as I can tell (and an eng player trying to not get too many spoilers), Lilia takes a major role in Malleus's youth. He might not have been there constantly when he was younger, but he was there. And he was the only one who (besides probably his very busy grandmother) didnt treat Malleus as something to be feared or revered.
But what does this all have to do with Malleus snapping and overblotting? Malleus and Silver have a very specific relationship in cannon. Its professional decently often, but it's also soft. Silver will absolutely protect Malleus, but he knows that he doesn't always want or need it. He doesn't need to be observed like a hawk 24/7 if something goes sideways. (Seen in how quickly he and Sebek check on Malleus after the attack in book 6, and how calm Silver is while Sebek is panicking over a missing Malleus he wouldn't leave alone later on).
Malleus barely has to say anything to Silver before he breaks down in tears about everything with Lilia. I know as someone who be very private with what's bothering me, the only person who could get me to break down that hard and that fast would be someone I consider family. Silver so inherently trusts Malleus that he'll sob and cry in front of him with so little. He's desperate and shattering. The only person he let see that was Malleus.
Then Malleus laughs, and Silver's caught of guard. That basically proved that this is his snap, because it pretty much fully implies that this is out of character for the prince. Silver would take the laughter and the teleporation is sride. Instead he's shocked and bewildered through both of those things, confused when they show up at Diasomnia.
Malleus only goes back and quickly overblots because he'd already hit the point of overblotting. But it required blot, and he hadn't used any magic for that blot like everyone else until he got back and everyone started fighting him. He overblotted because losing Lilia killed him. But he didn't Overblot until the only other person beside the newcomer Yuu (who was also trying to figure out how to leave him) who treated him like a normal person expressed his exact feelings.
Neither brother wanted their dad to leave, but Lilia was leaving, and it broke Silver. And thus, Malleus snapped and overblotted because of Silver.
Anyways I'm not very good at articulating myself sometimes but this is just a long-winded way of saying I think malleus actually only fully overblotted because his little brother sobbed for their dad leaving them and his need for the few people he has was combined with his need to protect them (aka the sweet dreams and forcefullness of them) and Silver's breakdown was just the final straw. He kept Lilia and everyone else via their dreams safe because it meant they were all together and happy.
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iamumbra195 · 4 months
You know what? I'm tired of pretending so I'm just going to admit it:
I think romantic Tayden is fucking adorable, especially with a dash of queerplatonic Aidlyn on the side. They have some of the same interests like skateboarding and rock climbing and Ashlyn taught them both how to dance according to Red's insta so they could be a cute best friends to lovers type of thing.
I feel like they would be a very fluffy, feel-good type of romance and they complement each other really well in my opinion. I don't know why I just love them so much.
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devilheartsblog · 30 days
Wizard Headcanons 1: Anagan’s chill but he gets extremely jealous
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Gonna tag @calissarowan and @coredetenebris in this
I’ll be honest, it’s just to add depth to his character like how Gantlos will throw seismic waves and be evil but save his wizard friends from danger.
So the idea here is that typically Anagan’s pretty chilled out but under certain circumstances like Flora and Helia being together (he’s jealous Flora has a “perfect” life) or one of the other wizards getting an opportunity he never did before, he’s very salty AND sour about it. And he’s not silent about it either, trying to get himself involved when he can or making the other person know they did something he felt is wrong. He’s also pretty aware it’s a problem but it’s not gonna stop him from feeling this way.
I want more of Anagan being an asshole sometimes can you blame me?
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smokszyvverstar · 27 days
Tried to learn how to draw curly Mario hair. Gave up and drew bean headcannons
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Explaimations below -
I made a past design for Queen Bean and Cackletta. I removed Cackles' cape to give her a less bat-like silhouette, and this is before she got her magic forhead gem. Queen Bean, I imagine, was always on the heavier side, as with most royal beans, but when she ascended to the throne is when her genes took over. Peasley is scared this will happen to him too (he doesn't know Luigi will still love him). I gave her long hair because its fun. Like imagine her running around, curls dancing in the wind.
Cackletta was always skilled in magic, so when she saw this beautiful big lady, she magiced herself to be taller, which is why she is so lanky and the only super tall non-royal bean. Queenie thinks this weird magic girl is super cute and they start dating and its super cool until she shows Cackles the Beanstar. She regrets this decision to this day.
Not even Cackles knows when her focus shifted from her girlfriend to the beanstar. Queenie thinks it was because of her appearance changing as she settled into the role of Queen. The breakup was horrible.
The newly sprouted Peasley was raised by Queen Bean and Lady Lima. They never told him who his other parent was.
Cackletta has really weird hair for a bean, with it growing on the sides of her head, rather than the top like most beanish. This has been a source of insecurity for her since forever, so that's why she wears the fabric on them.
Royal Beanish are taller and heavier than the commonfolk. Peasley is an exception. Although he is a little taller than the normal Beanish, he is much shorter than his bloodline would suggest. He was named Peasley because peas are smaller than beans.
Someone, I forgot who, said that young beans have leaves. Ye, i take that. Then in most beans thats just that. But in some (maybe a third? Maybe less?) they develop hair, but only on the top of their head. Peasley developed hair quite early. Lady Lima blames it taking his energy, so he grew hair instead of height.
Ok now for the biologist anatomist nasty maybe stuff. I don't see Beanish having the repeoductive system like humans and other animals. They have plant ones instead. And all beanish just have a flower. So they only have one sex. Most beanish are non binary, with about a quarter or so feeling they fit the definitions that the other species have for themselves. Beanish are super androgynous because they don't have the animalian sexes. Therefore, I think most Beanish would be pan...? Idk how it would work
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wohthatwas · 1 month
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Stares blankly @ season 4, Well thats fake! anytways welcome to I draw five but headcannons I built up over many years. hes a menace to his siblings.
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all-too-unwell-13 · 4 months
random headcannons i have for marauders era characters :)
(kind of a part 2 - this one's got the slytherin skittles)
regulus - idk i can see him writing poetry for fun (barty makes fun of him for it all the time). i saw someone once say that his handwriting is really neat because it's one of the few things he can control in his life. so do with that what you will :). reg loves to study, like he actually loves it. he'll spend most of his time in the library, often just looking up random topics once he's finished with the ones that are actually relevant to his schoolwork.
barty - i feel like he has really bad/messy handwriting, but can draw really well; he could be bored in class and sketch smth random, and evan (who is sitting beside him) is just like :o. he loves hugging his friends and is super clingy idc !!
evan - tallest of the friend group coz why not ?? he's the opposite of barty; evan's handwriting is so neat without even trying, but he can't draw for the life of him. he speaks french fluently, and it's his first language, so when he speaks english, he has the slightest french accent !!
pandora - loves putting butterfly clips in her hair !! like, you will never see this girl without fun clips in her hair. like regulus & evan, she speaks french, and its like their secret code that barty and dorcas can't understand lmao. embroiders her school uniform; you'll find stitches/patches (idk what they're called help) on her jackets, skirts, and even socks of roses (for evan), snakes (for barty & reg), and butterflies/flowers for her and dorcas <3
dorcas - kinda like barty, she likes to hold onto her friends, but more like hooking her arm through theirs in hallways, etc. dorcas is the person you go to if you have a problem or need to vent !! she gives the best advice. her hair is often in braids, and dorcas loves to put her hair in that half up, half down hairstyle or space buns. in the way that pandora loves butterflies, dorcas loves flowers. this girl knows all the scientific names for every type of flower; her and the skittles could be hanging out near the lake, and she'll see a flower and shout out fun facts about it. she doesn't even do it intentionally, she just has a collection of flower books so yeah !!
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some thick pen sketchies of some fluffy RoyEd :')) Maybe I'll color the rest and repost it later!
(can you tell I apparently can't stick to an art style?? lmaosaskdja)
ALSO GUYS I LIVE AAA (sorry i've been ghosting for like a year lol, oof;;)
first of all---THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE BEAUTIFUL SOUL THAT DONATED $9 TO MY KOFI AUG 16!! <33 I'm so touched and I didn't forget about it for a single day! Sorry it took me so long to get around to acknowledging it ;w; to that person out there, you're the best, thank you <3
next---I FINALLY UPDATED MY FIC!! See the next chapter of the angsty I Promise I Won't Leave You This Time here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30540108/chapters/128097235
it's been busy lately but I've been good and I hope y'all enjoy the update!! <3
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we-cool-beans · 2 years
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Just doing bird things
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soupmanspeaks · 5 months
you ever wonder if the Glamrocks's face tracking acts up when they look at Glamrock-Freddy, like they'll look at his face, and the recognition will register as Freddy, but their systems for whatever reason or another think that there is a face overlapped on Freddy's do you think they see two small squares next to him, at his side, roughly child sized, but no one is physically there.... right...?
#fnaf#michael afton#five nights at freddy’s#glammike#crying child#elizabeth afton#i wanted to allude something to william but idk#would the glamrocks go into the sinkhole? maybe#maybe next to glamrock freddy alongside the weird overlapping face he has and the two kid height faces#there is a face tracking box next to him...standing#remember that post about the ghost hunters comin to the pizza plex? maybe the weird face tracking happens too...#im watching garret watts and Andrew's constant facial tracking anomalies inspired this post lol#anyways i really like the thought that despite being the most friendly Glamrock; Freddy has this......feeling about him#his AI was made just this year! programmed with cutting edge and top of the line technology!#then....then why does he go off script sometimes? why does he say things that wasn't programmed show dialogue?#how does he know about Mr. Afton? the killer from the 80's who committed heinous deeds?#Why does he speak as if he knew him personally? if his AI is just pulling stuff from online; Why does he speak with resentment about him?#IM SORRY I JUST LOVE THE CONCEPT!!#like just because this franchise has gotten more neon and sugery than ever; remember; lights can be blinding and sugar causes cavities#idk what that means just omg there is more horror potential than you think in the SB era of games if you look hard enough#off topic but back to freddy being a sweetie pie i think that its funny okay#freddy sasses adults okay okay but he isnt mean to kids okay maybe michael just idk; MATURED? maybe he just got some whimsy mkay?#listen if i was forced to be in a perpetual cycle of atoning for my own and my father's sins i would find any and all silver linings mkay#aw yeah this is sick i get to be a freddy mercury inspired glamrock bear WOOO#granted michael was probably tired of animatronic bands and pizza by fnaf 6 but ykkkkkkkk it.....could be worse? he could be his dad lmao#anyways headcannon michael listend to freddy mercury and this is the equivalent of cosplaying him scott told me so (trust)#tag rambles! theyre fun lol
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Relationship Building: Parental Style: Johnny and Marcus
How did Marcus feel when Johnny was born?
Marcus was very happy to finally be able to meet his son but was terrified that he would end up like his father and worried Johnny would grow to hate him.
What moments of Johnny does Marcus look back upon fondly?
The first time Johnny played piano with Jia, how they both looked up at him with giant smiles on their faces and Jia said “Isn’t he just amazing? Our little songbird is a natural! Look at him go! That’s our boy!” 
(Human AU) Johnny bringing home Olive and refusing to leave her side, sleeping on the concrete floor just to be able to comfort the puppy if need be.
Johnny hugging him when he went to see him after the talent show performance.
Johnny climbing into his and Jia’s bed as a kid to cuddle with them as a way to convince them not to make him go to school.
The first time Johnny did a skate trick and ran up to him to ask if he saw that and “How was that dad? Did you like it?” with a huge smile and puppy-dog eyes.
How Johnny insisted at being at every single court date to support him and making a heart with his hands during sentencing.
Johnny playing the piano during the talent show, fulfilling his mother’s lifelong dream of performing for a show audience.
Johnny sitting with Jia in the hospital, listening to her sing and singing the lyrics back.
(Human AU) Johnny handing him a stuffed gorilla on the two year anniversary of Jia’s death because he was crying and hugging him saying “Mummy didn’t like it when you cried Daddy… And I don’t like it either, it makes me sad.”
What moments of Marcus does Johnny look back upon fondly?
Marcus giving him his first skateboard and teaching him to skate.
Marcus holding Johnny on his shoulders when they visited Buckingham palace to see the changing of the guard when Johnny was little.
Marcus picking Johnny up from school after he fainted for the first time in 3rd grade with his stuffed toys and a weighted blanket.
How his dad gives him a hug every time he’s allowed during court dates.
How his dad will tell him story after story about his mum whenever he cries about missing her.
Marcus letting him help in the shop using his skateboard as a mechanic creeper even though he kept hitting his head.
Marcus teaching him how to drive calmly, like how he was when Johnny was little.
(Human AU) Marcus giving Johnny a stuffed gorilla as a birthday present the year after his mum died on a trip to the zoo.
His dad hugging him super tight after breaking out to see him.
When did they feel closest to each other?
The first few years after Jia’s death as Johnny was afraid of losing his dad as well and Marcus just wanted to cling to the last piece of Jia he had. 
Why did they start to drift apart?
When Johnny started hitting his teens he started to take after Jia more and more to the point it was all Marcus could see when he looked at him. This led Marcus to start pushing his son away as he didn’t want to get attached enough that it would hurt to remember losing her all over again and hating Johnny’s resemblance to his mum as it made him think he was going to lose Johnny too. 
Johnny never understood why his dad suddenly seemed to hate being around him and blamed himself, distancing himself from his father as the man started to try to make him more like himself which Johnny hated and took as a sign that his dad didn’t like him for who he was.
What were their biggest fights about?
They fought a bit about the gang and robberies at the start but it mostly had stopped until Marcus kept trying to get Johnny involved and Johnny wanted nothing to do with it. 
What does Marcus resent about Johnny?
He resents how much Johnny takes after his mum as it makes him scared he’s going to lose Johnny too and how Johnny got his stubbornness so they argue a lot and hold grudges easily. 
What does Johnny resent about Marcus?
He resents how his dad doesn’t listen to him and instead assumes aspects of his life as it makes him feel invisible and unimportant and how stubborn he is so that they argue and fight a lot as well as hold grudges way too easily.
What past issues have created tension between them?
Johnny being very dismissive of his future in the gang and refusing to participate further than being a lookout. Marcus refusing to listen to his son’s wishes.
Is one of them more invested in the relationship than the other?
In the beginning, Johnny was far more invested in their relationship than his father, mainly because his father does not see anything wrong with it but they eventually become equally invested.
What is Johnny’s moral philosophy?
To be honest to yourself and loyal to your family in the pursuit of your goals, you can choose your own path and future. Loyalty to Self.
What is Marcus’s moral philosophy?
To be loyal to your found family above all else with no exception, choose your family wisely as people you can speak your mind to. Loyalty to Group.
What is Marcus’s parenting style?
He’s pretty hands off but overprotective when Johnny’s health and safety is concerned. He is becoming more involved in his son’s life now and started caring about what’s going on.
How does Johnny react when they fight?
Johnny shuts down emotionally and just becomes really snarky, typically leaving the shop for a few hours.
How does Marcus react when they fight?
Marcus gets angry and yells a lot and typically just stews angrily in the shop til he’s tired. He snaps at Stan and Barry as well.
How does Johnny react to Marcus’s reaction?
Johnny feels hurt when he gets yelled at and yells back, typically saying things he doesn’t mean and usually ends up crying until Stan or Barry step in to stop it.
How does Marcus react to Johnny’s reaction?
Marcus gets angry that Johnny’s running away from the fight and typically yells more, usually saying things he doesn’t mean and starts to get emotional until Stan or Barry step in.
What is something they both agree on?
Both of them like berry Jaffa Cakes over orange, like speaking Hindi at home, and enjoy doing things hands on instead of things like desk jobs. Loyalty is extremely important.
What is something they both value?
Communication and loyalty. They both struggle to understand implied meanings and things and their relationship has suffered a lot from miscommunication and assumptions. Loyalty is important because it’s reassuring to know someone has your back, especially when you’re new someplace or in a gang.
How does Johnny take after Marcus?
He is as stubborn as his father and inherited his die-hard loyalty to people he cares about. (Human AU) He does not take after him much in terms of appearance except for his nose, black hair that is curlier than his mum’s, and a bit darker skin tone than hers. He also got his dad’s dramatic flair that the man claims is not from him.
How does Marcus feel about Johnny taking after him?
Marcus was honestly horrified when Stan pointed out that they were going to keep fighting since Johnny was just like him when it came to being stubborn and thought he messed up his kid by Johnny taking after him.
How would Johnny describe their relationship?
“It was a bit rough for a while but it’s getting better! We’re going to family therapy and stuff and he’s really supportive now. A bit overprotective but he’s trying really hard and we’ll be back to normal soon.”
How would Marcus describe their relationship?
“I destroyed it without realizing for years but Johnny’s giving me a second chance now. I’m going to get better and be the father he deserves, if it’s the last thing I do. I owe him that at the very least.”
What is Johnny’s strongest memory of Marcus?
Marcus telling him he’s proud of him after the talent show performance.
What is Marcus’s strongest memory of Johnny?
Johnny crying and begging him not to leave too in the hospital after Jia passed away.
What’s the worst memory of Marcus that Johnny has?
Marcus disowning him after he caused him to get arrested, the hatred and anger in his eyes.
What’s the worst memory of Johnny that Marcus has?
The pain and fear on Johnny’s face right after he disowned him, the pain and fear he caused his son to feel.
What’s the worst thing that Marcus has ever said to Johnny?
“How did I end up with a son like you? You’re nothing like me. You never have been and you never will be.” - From Sing 1 where Marcus disowned Johnny for messing up the heist.
What’s the worst thing that Johnny has ever said to Marcus?
“I wish I was never even born! At least then mum would still be here and you actually loved her!” - From when they moved to the states, Johnny was ten and wanted to stay in England.
What do Johnny and Marcus do together?
Johnny lives at the garage with his dad but they only really hang out at meal times and if Marcus needs help on a car repair at first. Eventually, they start having family game nights, watching movies, and working in the garage together. They also attend court ordered family therapy on Sundays. 
How does Marcus feel about Johnny’s hobbies/interests?
He doesn’t really understand them but tries his best to be supportive of his son and takes time out of his schedule to go watch as many of his performances as he can. He occasionally helps Johnny with the piano after picking some up from Jia.
How does Johnny feel about Marcus’s hobbies/interests?
He does not have much interest in cars or mechanical things but encourages his dad’s interest in them much more than he encouraged the gang. He helps out when he can and genuinely enjoys it as a chance to spend time with Marcus.
How would an outsider describe their relationship?
They are pretty close for a father-son pair and seem to be willing to do a lot for each other. They always stand up for each other and are very supportive as well. Overall, a very nice loving relationship, if a little overprotective on Marcus’s side.
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ritzylate · 5 months
At the risk of showing too much of my actual personality, I present to you: a list of gifts for harvey
Cologne. This man loves a good scent. He's a woodsy, patchouli ass bitch.
Model planes of course
Artisan coffee
For his birthday you get him a really nice espresso /coffee machine, complete with all the extras, and he's made beautiful lattes for the both of you every single day since. (He's really good at milk foam art now. His favorite is a little heart for his beloved)
Books. The man loves a good leather bond book
A fruit of the month club membership.
Something nostalgic from his childhood. I think this man would flip for an old video game console.
A fountain pen. But like a really really nice one. Like think a montblanc or a high end Lamy.
If you think for a second this man wouldn't be a mechanical keyboard ass bitch. (Get him a mechanical keyboard plez.)
A good sweater.
He also gets excited over new novelty printed socks
Obsure medical history books
Omg how can I forget. A jazz vinyl. Duh.
I keep adding to this post.
Fidget toys. Just something silent and small that he can mess with while he pours over some books or notes.
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Hi supa fans! 🥰 if you don’t drop more x reader fanfics/headcannons I might actually kill myself 🤩
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mkaroy · 30 days
grians the kinda guy to fall asleep on people out of pettiness. he could walk himself over to the bed 5 feet away and truly he isn’t that tired, but he finds it oh so amusing to just pretend he can’t do anything and the tiredness is taking over
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seud-luachmhor · 9 months
Our whole house has been unwell this past fortnight, so my granny (80, loves a sloe gin, appreciates naked bums in museum statues) has been bringing us treats to make us feel better. This morning, she dropped us off a cake she'd made, wrapped in this very Tim-esque linen tea towel.
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I dunno how accurate it still is as im sure this is an ancient print but it got me thinking.
In the beginning of Them™, Tim and Anne passing paperwork between their offices - all offical and above board except for a little flag scribbled on a scrap piece tucked in the pile of manilla folders. A meaningless doodle should anyone else's eyes happen upon it, but the message perfectly clear to the recipient; their own little code.
A simple 'affirmative' or 'negative', or a coy 'stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals'.
'My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water' for a clear afternoon schedule?
'Keep clear of me, I am engaged in pair trawling' when Tim just couldn't get out of back to back meetings.
(I'm not even going to mention 'I require a tug'...)
They were definetly up to some Cute Enough to Kill shenanigans, so I guess I'm now headcannoning this.
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