#I like gardening and NATIVE CULTURE
thunderheadfred · 6 months
Facebook's Instagram Reels bleed-over has started trying to show me tradwife homesteader waifish 20-something blonde women "cutting native grasses" in diaphanous gowns and I'm like
I will burn your house all the way down
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2022 reads // twitter thread      
A Half-Built Garden
aliens make first contact & offer to help humans evacuate from what they think is a dying earth
but actually human networks are trying to heal from climate change and don’t all want to leave
diplomacy, navigating different cultures, non-anthropomorphic aliens, parenting, family,
queer, trans, jewish
#A Half-Built Garden#a half built garden#aroaessidhe 2022 reads#ok overall i really loved this#really complex and interesting alien culture/human culture discussions#it felt a litle odd that of all of earth there was only like 3 groups of people talking to the aliens? I didn't get a sense of the global di#distribution of human society#like obviously if there were tons of different [countries] all there it would have been distracting but idk#(I think it did explain why there were only a few of them lol but)#obviously i prefer the intimate complexity of just focusing on a few anyway; so#The following is not really a critique of the book just something that was really distracting for me:#there's an artifical island called zealand which is south of australia; and is like. supercorportate/capitalist/antagonists#and im like. is this the future version of NZ? or is it separate? there's no acknowledgment of any of this other than its name#they also go there and there's none of our culture or anything. it's also in an australian timezone and has aussie native plants#and i'm like - are you implying nz is australian? also someone there is talking about fruit and calls kiwifruit 'kiwis' .#basically i'm just like why is this called zealand!! it's distracting!! you could have made up a name!!#also besties in a somewhat progressive future it should be called Aotearoa!!!!#like if there was mention of the fact that aotearoa exists and also this corporate zealand was made by the rich white billionaires?#i'd be like yeah ok. because there is mention/discussion of colonialism and indigenous cultures in other parts of the book!#the places they live in america are all the indigenous names!
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astro-rainbow777 · 7 months
🍒⛽️Red Astrology Observations☎️👠
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Mars in Astrology
💋 Passion in Astrology can be found in the Mars sign and house placement:
- Aries Mars are more passionate In nature, whatever they want, they go after, fiercely and bravely. The type to love sports, fights and competition of any kind. They thrive in a competitive environment and relationships. It possible their passion is tied to their childhood in some way (same for Mars in 1st)- so if this involves child hood toys they used to collect, eating their favorite foods growing up or playing games that they used to when times were simpler.
- Mars in 1st house can make the native very passionate about their looks, being perceived as dominate/hot/sexy, working out and having physical strength. I’ve noticed that they may like competition but generally they don’t try that hard to compete with others if they are in good health. If these natives are confident in themselves- they try so hard to boost the confidence of everyone around them.
- Taurus Mars can be passionate about their possessions, having their material needs met, connecting to their 5 senses and financial gain. “Anyone can cook” 👨🏻‍🍳 🤌🏻mentality. Passionate about rest! This may sound silly- but it’s actually quite hard to master, especially in hustle culture. As someone with no earth placements in their chart, it’s extremely hard for me to rest, slow down and enjoy my food. Be present, Taurus mars understands and values this. Not the type to gamble their money away. Needs things to make sense materially.
- Mars in 2nd house makes the individual very passionate and their financial security and safety, having their basic needs met, having an abundance of possessions. They can thrive in jobs that are considered a “competitive pay” corporation. They may love shopping, spending and saving money. They value passion and material wealth, so depending on what sign the Mars placement is in can add more context of what it surrounds. Bulk spenders, Costco/Sams Club membership holders lmao.
- Mars in Gemini is very multi faceted in what they are passionate about. They have little niches and hobbies that they love, anything that challenges them mentally while also being hands on! My mom has this and she’s really into gardening and cooking with the food she’s grown. She can get very restless about it but I think that it’s so cute how whatever she is passionate about consumes her mentally.
- Mars in 3rd is passionate about mental pursuits, they could have been picked on as a kid, which made them highly ambitious in their studies. Extremely competitive in the realm of knowledge. Their peers and siblings may see them as a threat or just see them as generally argumentative. Although I think these people just enjoy a good debate and exercising their intellectual capabilities. They could have an abundance of hobbies they indulge in and our passionate about. They may bound with their friends through their hobbies and passions. Could really enjoy competitive video games such as Smash Bros.
- Mars in Cancer natives are passionate about their family and proving themselves to their family. They could have been compared to their family members a lot growing up, or just felt an instability at home. They are passionate about cultivating a home for themselves and starting a family of their own one day. This does not have to be pertinent to kids- chosen family- fur babies 🐾 or significant other also ring true for this sign. - Mars in 4th are passionate about their loved ones, they are highly protective of themselves and others. These people are quite competitive but in a passive aggressive way. They are usually at war with their own emotions, family and security. I’ve noticed many of these individuals have had violence in childhood home or trauma surrounding family ):
- Mars in Leo they are passionate about their creativity, children and having fun! Would love to have this Mars placement honestly, because these people march to the beat of their own drum. It’s very admirable! They are passionate about their own authenticity, you will never catch them trying to steal someone else’s Swag lmao. I think they invented swag quite honestly 😂
- Mars in 5th are total party animals! They are passionate about life and all that the world has to offer. The world is their Oyster! Every sidewalk is their runway and every song they hear is the backtrack for the movie they star in! Their life is all about being confident in their own skin and romanticizing their selves, relationships and passion projects.
- Mars in Virgo are passionate about helping others and being the best version of themselves. This Mars sign is notoriously known for being able to try something once and being exceptionally good at it the first go. I hate to say it (only because I know it comes from a place of pain) but these natives are passionate about perfection. This can cause them a lot of anxiety if they are careful. Although, they are good at many things, it is advised that they lean into whatever makes them happy, serve their part in making the world a better place!
- Mars in 6th are passionate about their purpose, their health and their pets. They can spend a lot of time researching how to become better versions of themselves. They will have a very active routine and live passionately day to day. The type to wake up at sunrise, take their vitamins tend to their pets needs, cook a whole food breakfast, workout, meditate, journal, than go to work, tend to their pets needs, do their night time self care, hygiene, journal, meditate, pre sleep stretch, sleep exactly 8 hours, repeat. Function well with planners.
- Mars in Libra are passionate about harmony and balance. When I tell you their whole plan of action is strictly devoted to how not to get into conflict… it’s to the tea. They are super passionate about the relationships in their life, and are very generous in nature. They love art, certain aesthetics, good food and beautiful things. They may be called lazy from time to time because they don’t quite function the way other people do. They may make plans for 50 different things one day because they have a difficult time saying no- then end up going to none of them because they didn’t finish getting ready until everything event was finished. These people invented fashionably late.
- Mars in 7th is passionate about their partnerships. These natives are actually quite confrontational in comparison to Libra Mars. This is because they want to squash the beef before it’s even a problem. There may be a tendency to people please- but most of the time these people are just socially extroverted, kind and considerate.
- Mars in Scorpio is another sign that is just passionate in nature. It is so intense for them that it is hard for them to do anything if they not completely engulfed in passion. They psychoanalyze everyone they meet, at natural detectives and are friends with the unknown. They aren’t scared of the dark and often find so much beauty in what others cannot comprehend
- Mars in 8th are passionate about the unknown as well, it is very enticing to them. Anything involving mystery is naturally alluring to them. They love to get lost in rabbit holes of whatever they are interested in. Whatever it is they are the master of- and you question them about it, they’ve already thought of answer. Because they know their hobbies are often taboo, scary, and misunderstood- they have studied every answer to every question that someone had for them. Their passions are all encompassing. They are so much more than deep. Everything they do is intentional.
- Mars in Sagittarius are adventurous, hilarious and curious. I feel like Sagittarius more than Gemini Mars has that “Curiosity killed that cat” vibe. For Gemini mars it’s more like googling disturbing thing’s because they are curious than regretting it. For Sag tho, it’s doing things because YOLO and why tf not? Than breaking their leg or something. Although doesn’t happen often because we know how lucky Sag placements are lmao. But it’s like they jumped off a cliff, didn’t die but they broke their leg. Haha- this was a tangent
- Mars in 9th is going places! Literally they can’t sit still. Most likely passionate about travel, philosophy, and adventure. One of the most fun placements to have. Extreme sports is common here, skydiving, bungee jumping etc. They live to experience all that there is to experience. Very ambitious and passionate about education and teaching as well. They probably have things that they LlVE by
- Mars in Capricorn are passionate about success, achieving their goals which usually require them to work really hard. Where ever the mars is located in the houses can tell you a little bit more about what their goals are. They are passionate about being in control of their own lives, not takin shid from anyone lol
- Mars in 10th are passionate about being successful, being their own boss, their reputation and getting external recognition. They will put a lot of energy into their career and be very passionate about whatever they are doing. They will be a trail blazer and their career because they do it the right way the first time. Extremely hard workers- just be weary of burn out Mars in 10th folks!
- Mars in Aquarius is passionate about humanitarian pursuits, their community and friendships. They move about the world in the most unpredictable and unexpected way. They can be seen as a black sheep of their peers and then BAM they’re the ones turning heads, setting trends and on top. You will never know their next move and honestly neither do they! They get sudden bursts or urges of motivation and ideas- so never underestimate these individuals!
- Mars in 11th are passionate about their dreams, humanity and social causes. They will spend a lot of time surrounded by their friends and in their community. Although, their best friends will be fighting alongside them. They are passionate about the injustices of the world, stick up for the underdog and let their freak flag fly!
- Mars in Pisces are passionate about compassion, sacrifice, and unconditional love. Many of the times Pisces mars has their head in the clouds and put their energy into reading or writing their own book, painting the world they envisioned in their dream the night before, or staring at a the ocean, only to find God. This is if they are in a healthy nature, but many times they could escape through dr*gs, alc*h*l, s*x, or toxic relationships. This placement can get a bad rap for their changeability and confusion energy but they love harder than no other and would do anything for you if committed.
- Mars in 12th is passionate about their dreams, spiritually, many of them are religious or spiritual in nature. I haven’t met many who aren’t. They are natural introverts who need to spend as much time alone as they can to recharge. They may feel outcasted from society. A lot of people talk behind their back because of this which makes them withdraw even deeper. These natives benefit from living a spiritual, service oriented lifestyle, developing boundaries and surround themselves by people who genuinely want the best for them. It is hard but it is doable. Stay strong Mars in 12th!
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🤬💢Pet Peeves🚨🚩
🚗Aries Mars- Going too slow in front of them-especially with no way around (applies to driving as well), lazy people, people who can’t keep up 💢Taurus Mars- Smacking, chewing inappropriately, weird textures….like chalk? Unpleasant senses, smells, being rushed, itchy clothes, under/over cooked food
☎️Gemini Mars- over stimulation, close minded attitude, when their friends don’t like each other, one word responses, boring people, when the Wi-Fi connection is slow
💔Cancer Mars- Inconsiderate of other people’s feelings (doesn’t have to be their own, most time it’s not), manipulation, people with anger issues, or people who take out their problems on others
🪭Leo Mars- When people try to compete with them when they are merely existing, copy cats, buzz kills, unwanted attention, seeing people in public that they don’t want to see
🤡 Virgo Mars- Know it alls, people who act like they know everything but don’t, ignorance, STAINS, people who are really loud….people lmaooo
💋Libra Mars- hypocrisy, stubbornness, arguments (especially in public), hypercritical people, slut and bullies
🧲Scorpio Mars- Lack of depth, lying for the sake of lying, slut shaming, shallow people, assuming, saying “I love you” like it’s casual, saying their friends when they know nothing about them, rumors
🚁Sagittarius Mars- People who lack independence, being late to things (not really others…they hate being late), people who try to control them, excess responsibility, and inflexibility
🩸Capricorn Mars- Doing things half-a$$ed, moochers, lack of ambition, unreliable, carelessness, immaturity, unpredictable behavior
🍄Aquarius Mars- Conformist, cry babies, stupidity, agreeing with them when they are playing devils advocate lol, when they like an unpopular artist and than it becomes trendy, attention seekers
🌹Pisces Mars- Telling them they are being unrealistic or their dreams are too big, being called sensitive or told they care too much, lmao reality…being alive hahaha- being judged for their spirituality/religion
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
𝓛𝓪𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓞𝓵𝓸𝓻 [Final]
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It's time.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Size difference, sci-fi, Romance, strangers to lovers, fluff, suggestive, smut, unprotected because this is alien fantasy, kinda creampie idk
Length: 5.5k words
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A/N: I hate how it turned out but you all always beg me to finish my shit so here you go.
Jungkook watches fondly from the large windows of his main office at the castle how you feed the still unsteady animal out in the large gardens where it's home is placed, while Hoseok, one of his closest guards and advisors, watches you from close by. 
The man has been tasked to basically watch over you when the king himself can't, and he takes his job very seriously, visibly- much to Jungkook’s approval. 
"I heard that she was crying last night." Namjoon says, walking up behind the king who nods. 
"Bitterly so." He admits, remembering the incident from hours prior when you'd sat close to the being as it passed, Jungkook offering you silent comfort. He wasn't sure why you were so upset- and why you even demanded to stay even though the situation had caused you so much distress. "She cared a lot for a being she used to be afraid of." He says. 
Last night, Ikkan rebirthed. You had given the Is'oi a name after asking Namjoon for help to choose an appropriate one- settling for one that means 'deep blue' in native language. You had just gone out to 'say goodnight' to the being you'd played around with the entire day, just to call out Jungkook's name in clear distress, causing the King to instantly rush to you, fearing something might've happened. But instead, he found you, on your knees in front of the being you used to be so wary of- it's body clearly stiffening now in it's laying position, head barely moving anymore as it's eyes watched you with fondness. The glow had dimmed significantly, as the first scales fell from it's body, rotting like a flower that wilts away as it reached it's end. 
He'd told you, reminded you that the being will be reborn tonight as well- but you still did not stop crying as you ran your hand over their head, offering comfort for what usually is left to the quiet of night. But Jungkook could not bring himself to tell you to leave, couldn't take that moment from you- going against his own culture to instead stay that night, watching the whole process for the first time as well. 
And he could've sworn, he heard the large being purr, leaning against you as they rested their head in your lap, falling asleep one last time before Ikkan's chest no longer moved. And then, with no life left, they began to wilt away, body falling apart as they dissipated into nothing but ashes it looked like. 
Until something moved. 
Your eyes were wide as you watched the small, still somewhat blind being cry out into the night- but this time, their cries were being answered by a kind hand reaching out, softly brushing away the remnants of their last life. And Jungkook had felt a certain sense of pain in his heart he could not describe as you showed just how nurturing you are to things not even remotely resembling your own kind. 
How would you be as a mother? 
"She's a kind one." Namjoon agrees, pulling him out of his thoughts and memories. "Maybe a bit too kind." The advisor and doctor worries a bit. 
"That won't be an issue." Jungkook shakes his head. "She's got me at her side." He exclaims, gaze softening quite a bit as you hold the bottle of nutrient feed up for the young rebirthed being to drink from. He's almost a bit jealous- you're spending a lot of time outside now, far away from him. He'll walk down to you soon though, wondering how you can not be cold with just your regular gowns on your body. 
You're fragile. You get sick so easily. 
"And yet there is no true claim on her yet." His friend teases, making Jungkook turn his head to glare at him. "You cannot be mad at me for pointing it out. It's painfully obvious to everyone- in fact, there's rumours already spreading." He says, and that catches Jungkook's full attention now. He doesn't like people talking negatively about you. You don't deserve to be spoken down to, especially not as a future queen, once he brings you officially into that job. 
"And what, pray tell, are those rumours about?" He asks, eyes sharpening. 
"That she is incapable of.. providing you." Namjoon teases, and Jungkook sighs, shaking his head as he crosses his arms, watching you in the gardens again instead. "How come? You had been very quick to connect with Hana." He asks, and Jungkook's gaze hardens. 
"Because she practically demanded it." He growls. "It was necessary for her.. happiness, or at least that's what I believed, back then." He lowly says. 
"And she does not want it?" Namjoon wonders. "Curious. Even though humans are such intimate creatures." he hums, standing next to Jungkook again. 
"Oh she does. It's very clear in her behaviour." Jungkook almost smirks. "Her body is calling out to me almost every night." He admits. 
"So?" His friend asks. "Why not take her then?" He questions, before he notices the deep thought in Jungkook's face. "You're worried." 
"I am." The king admits. 
"About what?" Namjoon wonders. 
"I believe it is clear what I could possibly worry about, Namjoon." He says, looking at his friend. "You as a man with medical knowledge should know that more than anyone. Or are you not familiar with human anatomy compared to ours?" He almost teases, making Namjoon laugh. 
"Oh I am aware!" He laughs. "Which is why I can tell you, that she will be just fine." He reassures. 
"I was too much for even Hana." He reminds his friend. "Which is most likely why she searched for.. satisfaction somewhere else." He mumbles lowly to himself, averting his gaze. 
"So you'll give up before even trying?" Namjoon clicks his tongue. "Ah well. I may be able to ask Jimin if he's up for the job then. Considering how humans connect love with intercourse-" He starts, making Jungkook instantly move to grab his arm, twisting it around as he backs Namjoon into a wall. 
"You will not even think about such a thing." He growls. 
"Then what?" Namjoon challenges. "You'll just leaver her lonely? Put your new love on the line just because you're a coward?" He asks, making Jungkook clench his jaw, eyes glowing for a second while his veins darken underneath his skin. 
But he behaves himself, forces control, and lets go of Namjoon. 
"You're right." He settles himself. "I should not.. think of her so lowly." He sighs, swallowing down his bubbling rage. 
"Talk to her." Namjoon says gently. "I'm sure she'll understand where you're coming from if you just explain it to her." 
"Breathtaking." Jungkook comments, as you turn your heads while the maids bow at him, who leans against the doorframe, watching them help you dress and connect the chains over your body with decorative pliers. The chains hold jewels that sound like a windchime almost, a sound you've come to enjoy a lot. 
As soon as the maids are done, they walk out, looking very much caught off guard and even quite shy at the soft 'thank you' Jungkook offers them as they pass him, something that's not common in his culture. As soon as the door closes, he walks towards you with a gentle smile, his own clothes looking expensive, and official. "You look just like the queen you are." He muses, and you laugh. 
"About to be." You correct him, leaning into the hand on your cheek. "I'm a bit nervous." You admit, and he smirks. 
"You are very nervous, my dear. Not just 'a bit'." He corrects as well, and your shoulders slump down as you admit defeat. "Do not worry. I'm there, and the people are already very fond of you and the changes you brought." He admits. 
"Changes?" You wonder. "But I've done nothing." You ask him, confused. 
"You did." He nods. "You changed me. And with that, you changed the way I rule this kingdom." He explains, as he adjusts your dress for you, fingers tracing the delicate jewelry decorating your body. 
"What if they think you're weak now?" You worry instantly, and he shakes his head, smile never leaving his lips. 
"They do not." He shakes his head. "A King is strongest with his people's trust placed in him. You'll see what I mean later." He offers, before he makes sure to adjust the soft pelt around your shoulders now to keep you warm. 
As you both make your way through the halls, you wonder. You've never actually been in the town surrounding the castle grounds, only ever saw some of the outskirts and farmlands from afar. But today, you'll make your way into town- to show yourself to the people, your first official 'showing', as Jungkook had explained. It's a first- even with Hana, he's never shown her publicly like this. But with you, he wants to make that step. 
He's serious about you, and your future. He's proving that today. 
And the first glimpses of the town makes you realize what Jungkook had been talking about- because as soon as he's visibly to the people, they smile, wave, children run to him with opened palms as if to wait to receive something. And Jungkook does give something- his own hand brushing over their palms, a gesture that makes them smile and laugh in excitement. "It's a blessing." Hoseok mumbles from your other side, the man keeping his hand on his sword at his belt. "So that their work will always be fruitful." He explains, and you listen to it at full attention, when Jungkook laughs next to you, making you look at him- his eyes looking down at something. 
Two children, young boys looking at you with dark red eyes and cat-like pupils similar to Jungkook's, hands opened towards you. You're a bit lost now, unsure what to do- so the king next to you takes your hand in his, and offers you guidance in how to do it- your fingers running over the warm palms of the two kids, who grin and laugh happily, before running back to their parents in the crowd gathered on the sides. 
You repeat this action time after time, growing more comfortable and mostly confident in yourself the more you walk around in town, letting Jungkook explain to you where he grew up, showing you taverns and other places he remembers visiting often. It makes you remember that at some point, Jungkook was not considered royalty at all- just a regular young man, a boy, a child at some point, nothing out of the ordinary. And now, he's done what he said he would- he challenged the king, took the throne, and changed the ways that used to be the norm. Not just by taking you as his partner- but also in other ways. 
As you sit in one of the bigger taverns, you can't help but watch with a constant smile how the people celebrate Jungkook almost, dancing around and drinking, though the King seems to stay away from the alcohol, for a reason you're not sure of. "Can she drink?" A young man asks, setting down another pitcher with water onto your table you sit at. "I apologize, I don't know much about humans." He apologizes. 
"She can, but she shall not tonight." Jungkook answers for you. "I'd hate for her to too intoxicated to survive the way home." He chuckles, making everyone laugh, including you. You already know that you can't handle any of the liquor on this planet- something you realized way before you even met Jungkook in the first place. 
"Oh, then I won't offer any!" The man says, bowing politely before he leaves you be. Jungkook keeps his arm around you, always makes sure that you're comfortable, noticing how the trip is taking a toll on you. For him, this isn't stressful at all- but you have a lot less energy than him to spend. So he's not surprised when he notices you trying to hide your yawns multiple times as soon as it gets dark outside, eyes growing heavy as you listen to the music played. 
"You are so bewitching, you know that?" Jungkook teases, causing you to force yourself more awake again, looking at him in question. "I can sense the... nature of the gazes on you." He offers, a hand moving some of your hair out of your face. 
"How fortunate for you that I'm not going home with any of them, then." You say, making him laugh openly. 
"You're very right on that." He agrees. "And I believe we should head back now." Jungkook says, making you shake your head though. 
"No, just a little longer." You complain, causing the king to chuckle. 
"You are literally on the very edge of sleep, darling." He teases. "And I do not feel comfortable with having you in such a vulnerable state outside the castle walls, in front of people who should not see you that way." He gently says, nodding towards Hoseok to gather all the guards and knights to prepare for the journey back home. And god, does the way home drag. 
You're barely able to somewhat make it back into the entrance hall of the large castle structure when Jungkook finally offers his help, carrying you up the stairs to the bedroom he shares with you. "You are so very fragile, my love." He teases you with a smile, helping you out of your jewelry and dress while you're almost falling asleep. "Did you enjoy it?" 
"I did." You smile. "It was.. really fun. Even though I didn't really know what to do most of the time.." You mumble while Jungkook unravels your dress to help you out of it. 
"You did great nonetheless." He reassures you, placing a kiss to your cheek. "You deserve to rest now." 
And rest you do- falling asleep before he can even come to bed himself. 
The next day when you wake up and stretch your limbs, it's already way past the morning hours. A window is opened, letting in fresh air, familiar sharp crow sounds of the large predatory birds outside by now no longer a cause of fear for you. It's as if they've become familiar with you now- no longer trying to feast on you, instead only sometimes curiously poking their heads inside the room to observe you. 
"You slept for ages." Jungkook chuckles next to you, making you turn in surprise. Usually, the king is gone before you wake up- it's unusual to have him beside you like this, eyes still wary from his own rest. 
"It was a pretty eventful day yesterday." You defend yourself, and he nods, moving forward to kiss your lips. It's a gentle gesture, oddly slow, as if he's putting a lot of thought into it. "How come you're still in bed?" You ask, and he watches you for a moment, before he answers. 
"I've been thinking." He admits, head leaning on his palm, elbow pushed into the bed below. His upper body is bare as usual in bed- but it's still a rather rare sight for you considering you typically don't spend moments like these together often. "About us. And our.. differences." He hums, while your eyes notice the scars he has- one of them right on top of his shoulder. 
"Oh." You nod, unsure what he means. 
"These past few days.. even longer than that.. there's been tension, hasn't it?" He asks, reaching out to move some hair from your face. "Sexual in nature, that is." He explains further, and you nod, eyes no longer able to stand his gaze now as you become a bit shy. Of course he’s able to speak about it a lot more open and boldly than you ever would be able to. 
"I uhm.. yeah." You nod, remembering that moment you almost went that far- but he's never done anything further than playing around with you. "Is there.. a problem?" You ask, and he waits for a moment to answer. 
"I'm not sure." He admits. "I have spoken to Namjoon about our obvious differences. And if we could make it work." He tells you. "But I'm worried nonetheless. I don't want to hurt you- but I am also aware of your growing frustration with me." He offers. 
"I- its not like that!" You defend yourself immediately. "If you don't want to, you know, have sex with me, that's fine. I don't need it to be happy with you." You reassure him, and he smiles kindly. 
"I know." He nods. "But do trust me that my lust for you is very real, and unbearable these days." He admits. "Even right now." 
At that, you move, boldly so, seemingly catching even him off guard as he holds your waist, while you sit on his thighs. His gaze is heated, red in his eyes clearly telling you how much his control is challenged in this moment, as you place your hands on his abdomen. "Then what if you just trust me instead?" You wonder, while he watches you. "Give up control for once?" You ask. 
"And you believe you can control a king?" He asks, challenges almost, as he very obviously stirs to live inside his underwear. "Very bold words." He smiles, though his worry does not leave his eyes at all as it returns full force, face becoming serious again. 
"What's the problem?" You ask, feeling his hands run over your skin to your legs. "What are you so scared of?" You press, and he sighs. 
"Hurting you." He reveals. "Losing you." 
"Why would you lose me?" You ask, unsure. 
"Because humans connect love with physical intimacy." He says. "And so does my kind. It's an important part of a partnership, and if I fail at providing you with the appropriate attention you deserve, I fear that I'm not valuable enough as a lover to you." He admits. 
"Even if we can't have sex, I'll still stay with you." You shake your head, moving to sit next to him now, hand reaching out to hold his. "Love is more than just that to me. And I love you." You argue. "No matter your strength, or your status, or your worth. You've got worth to me no matter what." You confess. 
And at that confession, he breaks. 
The moment he sits up to lean closer to you to be able to kiss you with a hand on your cheek, you know that he won't stop this time. "You're so dangerous." He growls, hands uncaring of the fabric covering you as he pulls the gown over your head, revealing your almost entirely bare body to him.  
It's time, and he knows it. 
You've become much more to him than just a partner- you've become a lifeline, a reason to think over his challenges and dangers he faces in the choices he makes, just so he can stay alive and at your side. He would burn down the world for you, if it meant that it would keep you safe from all harm. 
His kisses are heated, desperate, quite literally stealing your breath as he moves to mouth and bite at the skin of your neck and shoulder. He's noticeably not a gentle lover- he wants to make sure that his love is visible on your skin, needs to see the remnants of his lust for days to come. And with his control finally snapping, he will not hold back- he will test your strength for a final time, and devour you whole. 
He wants to watch you bloom- wants to see your petals open to reveal the most beautiful flower created by simple chance on a planet so far away from his own. And yet, this flower was meant for him- to be kept forever, to have it plant it's roots into his heart so it can feed off his love until he dies and cannot provide any longer. 
Only then he will set you free again. Only then will he accept defeat. 
Your back arches into him as his hands adjust your position, laying you down once more beneath him, pulling off your underwear to reveal everything, soiled fabric thrown carelessly away. He's played around with you before, that's how far you've come at this point- but never quite past that. Something always kept him from giving you what you were yearning for- but this time, he's granting you your wish. 
When he met you, truly face to face, it had been nothing but pure curiosity. He wanted to see what's so special about the human kind that others have such drastically varying opinions on them. Why one seems to fear them, while the other hates them. 
He does neither. 
You're not a being he has to fear, neither physically nor emotionally.  
When you say you love him you mean it. When you're close to him you simply crave his company. When you ask him how he feels you're genuinely interested in his emotions. You've always been nothing but open and honest with him, had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. And yet even when given full freedom to do as you please and leave him if you wanted to, you stayed. Because you wanted to. 
No words are exchanged as he sheds his clothes as well, leaving both of you bare beneath the silk covers of the bed you two share. "Are you cold, darling?" He asks, whispers almost with how close he is, in a way that gives away his amusement over your squirming body underneath his hands. You shake your head. He grins. "No?" He asks for you to confirm, and you do. "And yet your body is trembling. I wonder why.." He hums over your skin. 
"Because you're torturing me!" You whine in complaint, turning to the side- something he does not approve of, as he grabs your hips to instead turn you over entirely, a strange tenderness in his rather rough manner of handling you into a new position. Like a predator warning, growling down your neck, but never slipping in his control, never actually making the kill. "You know, usually, this is how I'd take you.." He explains, and you push back into him at that, impatient, or maybe even quietly begging. You really don't care how he does it. Just that he does it. "..but I cannot. Not with you." He tells you, kissing the line of your spine from your neck down, before he lets you turn over once move to face him. 
"Why not?" You ask, and he simply smiles, hands running down your sides until they meet your hips. 
"Because I cannot see your face." He simply answers, before he leans over you to kiss you again. By now, it's evident that without even touching you, you're more than ready to take him on, body inviting him in every way it can- and this time, he can't hold back even if he wanted to. 
You've waited long enough. 
"And I want to savour this experience, and all that you'll offer me." He hums against your skin. "...as I claim you as mine for now and forever."
You're not used to.. sex being this big of a deal. But it's obvious to you that Jungkook sees this as more than just an act of simple lust and satisfaction, if the way he kisses down your chest to your belly button is anything to go by. He didn't lie when he said he'd savour it- he's going terribly slow.  
"Jungkook please... I want you.. " you beg, and he smirks like the predator he is, faking innocence.  
"Oh but you have me right here, my love?" He says, leaning his head on the bare skin of your hip for a second. "I'm not going anywhere." He teases.  
Well- that's the problem. 
"I want you to focus just on yourself." He suddenly says rather seriously. "No matter what." He adds, and you nod, unsure what he means by this. Satisfied by your answer however he moves back up, hovering over you while his hand feels you up between your legs. You're more than ready by now, inner thighs slick with your arousal, and it makes his already leaking length move a little at the feel of it all. Could you handle him if he really was to let go and chase his own pleasure?  
Will you handle him in any way at all?  
You're not her, and he reminds himself of that as he pushes himself inside your body, core warm and welcoming towards him despite the obvious stretch you have to go through to accommodate him. He's worried you might not be able to transform enough- but you surprise him, as you always do.  
Inch by inch he slowly claims your body, waiting for the sign to stop- but you seem rather eager to take him in, never showing signs of discomfort at all. In fact, you look rather pleased- eyes closed, head laid back into the soft pillows below, hands holding his. He can see the slight bulge forming on your lower stomach, showing faintly where he is, and it makes him lust for you in ways that make him worry he might be going feral.  
He's pressing himself against you now, wet sound escaping your cunt as he realizes there's nothing left of him to give you, your eyes hooded just like his as he slowly retracts himself, just to enter you again much faster than before.  
The gasp that leaves him can't be controlled. Neither do you hide your own reaction, mouth opening silently in pleasure as you arch your back.  
He wants to see it again, so he moves his hips once more, once more, steady pace, causing your body to rock along, chest swaying as if to hypnotize the king. There's no need for foul play like that however- he's already under your spell, no need for any kind of assistance.  
"Your body was truly made for me.." he whispers into your neck as he continues his pace, holding himself back from snapping, keeping your well-being in mind.  
"Please-" you whine breathlessly, and he eagerly leans in to kiss your neck, bite at it, mark you up for days to come.  
"What is it you want?" He asks just as faintly, never losing track of his pace.  
"Don't hold back." You say, eyes meeting his own. "Take me, my King."
"I'm yours."  
He can't help the way his patience snaps, thrusts now deeper than ever as he pushes himself as far as he can with every move of his hips, kisses heated, burning, forever imprinting his love on you as he presses his hands into the bed below you, pace quickening. "I'll make the entire kingdom know." He growls against your lips as his hips snap against yours I'm a ruthless manner. "I'll have them all hear you come undone under my hand, just so they know-" He presses out between clenched teeth. "That you're mine, and that I'm yours."  
Your legs move to wrap around his body as best as you can manage, your hands on his back as they accidentally scratch his skin faintly, his own hands grabbing roughly at your flesh to keep you still as he ruts into you, for the first time actually chasing his own release.  
He need to fill you up, have his seed forever mark you up with his scent until it spills out of you. He's desperate at the prospect of finally gaining fulfillment in a way he's not managed to achieve before- a kind of high currently blurring up his thoughts as he feels himself getting lost in the scent and taste and feeling of your body.  
You're a drug, and he's happily willingly getting addicted.  
Your legs suddenly quiver as you find your own peak way sooner than he does, and he doesn't mind one bit seeing you come undone beneath him like this. A goddess in his eyes, gracing him with a heavenly touch, as he slows down, and slips out to see your core gaping from the stretch, clenching around nothing.  
But you're not done with him, as he gets a taste of what you're capable of in the eyes of lust.  
Your hands pull his face back towards you, your kiss a siren song clouding his mind once more as he falls into your spell, chasing his own high like a man starving.  
And he is. He has been for way too long.  
The moment he actually reaches his end you move your hand between the both of you to help yourself to another high as well, clenching core making him groan out in pure pleasure as he spills his seed into you, much of it already leaking out your core as you lazily move to milk him for all he's got.  
His eyes have never looked so vibrant in color as he looks at you, visibly stunned.  
And as you smile, no trace of any sort of doubt or anything other than pure and passionate love, he realizes you've finally bloomed.  
Your bond falling into place, silently, as he kisses you once more.  
"Come here, love." Jungkook says one day, as you walk into the throne room, nodding politely to Min Yoongi- who you know by now from the scar over his eye and rather withdrawn attitude. You're not sure why he's here- but if the King feels comfortable with his presence, you trust that he is no threat to you or him at all in this situation. Jungkook has got his back turned towards you for a good while, before he turns, something held in his arms covered by cloth and golden jewels. "It is a gift from him to you." He says, as you move the delicate cloth of whatever he's holding in his arms, satin with finely woven golden patterns.  
The small being opens its eyes slowly, before it raises its head- dog like creature visibly studying your face as Min Yoongi speaks.  
"It is a gift sent with the most well wishes from my betrothed." He clarifies, as the white dog like being moves his head to inspect your hand held out to him, it’s fur so short that it feels more like velvet than anything else.  You’re mesmerized by the puppy, before Yoongi looks almost annoyed. "...and it has also been.. Sent from me as well." he mumbles, as if he's forced to admit that part. "His name shall be for you to choose." 
Jungkook laughs to himself as he sets the small being down, the white and lanky body shaking before it sniffs at your legs, tail wagging wildly. The young puppy is obviously still rather unsteady on his long legs, but he appears to figure out quickly that you're his main person from now on.  
"Thank you." You tell the rather grumpy looking King with a smile, and you could swear he even returns it-  
"He'll grow into a proper guard if well trained." Yoongi explains with his gaze set on Jungkook, who nods. "...That is not just a statement." He mumbles, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.  
"I am aware." He bites back, and you can't help but smile at their brotherly bantering, long having gotten used to their more rough way of speaking to one another. Just like you've grown used to a lot of things on this planet-  
after all, you consider this home by now.  
"Etka!" You call, as the dog like being runs on fast legs towards you, broad collar decorated with gems as he finds his place next to you, eagerly accepting your praise and affection.  
He's grown a lot these past few months- almost to full height, according to Jungkook. The haatra has his place in front of your shared quarters where he sleeps every night, guarding you both at your most vulnerable states.  
"Min Yoongi has invited us to the showing ceremony of his to-be queen." Jungkook says as you enter the bedroom after saying goodnight to your newest guardian outside the bedroom door.  
"I'm happy for him." You say, joining him to sit on his lap at the table near the window. "He sounded very happy last time we spoke."  
"He did not sound any different than usual to me, love." He shakes his head a little, before he leans in to kiss you. "But enough about him.. I have a different thing I'd like to indulge in than chatter about my brother." He offers you, who teasingly leans away from him, eyes falling to his lips.  
"Oh? I wonder what that might be.." you mumble, as he adjusts your position a bit, hands shamelessly traveling beneath your gown to feel the warmth of your skin. 
"Something that has no need for talking at all.." he hums against your lips, eyes hungry as he lusts for you with clear intentions.  
"And yet you surely won't be quiet." 
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thescarlettbitch · 3 months
Devotional Acts
For love or beauty deities
Skin care
Make up (or embrace your natural beauty)
Dress up a little
Paint your nails
Love letters
Self /love/ iykyk
Change your bed sheets/clean up your room/space
Listen to love songs/songs about sex/loving yourself
You know that trend of people, typically women, painting a canvas black and then painting their legs/ass/hands/boobs and making a form of silhouette art for their partners?
Read romance novels
Play Interactive romance novels/romance games (stardew valley, dream daddy, The Arcana, etc)
For war deities
Listen to angry music
Advocate for yourself
Reinforce your boundaries
Cut out the negative people in your life
Feel your anger, recognize your anger, don't force it down, but don't lash out to others. "I am angry. This thing made me angry. It's okay that I am angry, it is not okay to cause harm to those who do not deserve it." Etc etc
Read biographies or accounts of war, or dystopian novels (accounts of war like Night by Elie Weisel, dystopian like Divergent or Hunger Games)
Learn self defense
Learn about how your area was used in past wars.
Play fighting games (call of duty, mortal combat, etc)
For music/art deities
Create! Learn an instrument
Write a song
Paint for them
Listen to experimental or storytelling music. All music is art, so find a vibe for your deity.
Take pictures of nature, art is everywhere in nature, from the paintings on butterfly wings to the sunset
Read/write poetry
Read poetry books, or books about music or art (think biographies from musicians/artists, or books like Guitar Notes by Mary Amato or such) (guitar notes is a midgrade book but it's the only one I could think of the name of)
Visit galleries or local shows, support local artists
For wisdom deities
Read books, any type, but mostly classics like Sherlock Holmes or Jane Austen
Watch documentaries
Take free online courses on subjects that interest you
Visit and support your local libraries and independently owned bookstores
Find old unloved books at thrift stores
Learn a new skill
Listen to music from different time periods
Visit museums
Play strategy games (chess, supreme commander, etc)
Do puzzles
For nature deities
Raise a plant, or a garden
Listen to nature sounds, or music with nature sounds
Observe nature persevering, vines crawling up a building, dandelions in cracks in the pavement.
Read wilderness guides
Learn about your area's native flora and fauna
Visit local parks
Open windows and let the fresh air in
Scavenge/forage (in safe areas)
Play cozy games (animal crossing, etc)
For death deities
Visit local graveyards/cemeteries (don't forget to be mindful and conscious of others and the spirits there)
Listen to music by artists who have passed on, or music about death
Learn about different cultures' funeral practices
Safely move roadkill out of the road, leave a small offering if possible (again, do so SAFELY)
Read books that have death themes (like Edgar Allen Poe, Wuthering Heights, or They Both Die In The End)
Think about how you want your body to be treated in death. Do you want to be buried? Cremated?
For home/hearth deities
Read cozy books
Play cozy games (sims, animal crossing)
Make your house seem warm and inviting to visitors
Learn how to bake, either from scratch or a box, both are acceptable
Learn how to sew or knit or crochet.
Watch cozy movies
Light candles if you don't have a fireplace
Listen to soft music
Visit your friends or family and bring them baked goods
For strong parental deities
Take care of your friends
Make sure your friends eat and are drinking water, do the same for yourself
Tell the people in your life you love them, you're proud of them, they're doing a good job
Read books about found family, self help books
Listen to music that makes you feel safe and loved
Carry a figure that represents them
Take care of yourself the way that they would take care of you.
Cook for yourself. Make yourself feel safe and loved
For health deities
Carry bandaids and Tylenol and extra pads/tampons for people who may need them
Learn about the human body and how it works
Take your meds
Make art out of old pill bottles for them
Know and respect your limits
Watch documentaries about doctors or health sciences
Research holistic remedies and see if any might be of use to you (DO NOT SUBSTITUTE THEM FOR MODERN MEDICINE) be careful of misinformation, and any interactions that certain things might have with your meds
For sea/ocean/water deities
Have a small fountain in your home (you can find them at some dollar stores, or if you're mechanically savvy, make your own)
Salts in your baths
Visit local streams, creeks, rivers, or beaches.
Read about marine life / river life
Read about your local water sources, learn about the water cycle
Collect rain water
Stand in the rain, feel it on you, let it ground you
Listen to music about water/with water sounds/the ocean/the beach
Have pictures in your home/space of the ocean
If you visit the ocean, collect some water and sand and seashells (make sure you follow your own personal gratitude system) to have in your home
Don't fret if you're landlocked, you're practice is valid, you don't need to be at the ocean all the time to feel it's presence. The rain clouds blow in from hundreds of miles away. The ocean is always with you.
Drink water
Carry a small vial of water with you (could be ocean water, river water, or tap water with or without salt in it) you can keep it in your car, in your pocket, or wear it as a necklace
Carry a small vial of salt with you (could be hand harvested from the ocean, table salt, or any kind of off the shelf salt)
For sky/wind/air deities
Let the air in, open windows when possible
Let yourself be free.
Sit outside for a few minutes a day, or longer.
For traveler deities
Pick something up for them on your travels, could be a rock, could be a souvenir
Put a symbol of them in your car
Wear shoes that are good for walking
Drive/walk around to explore new places (you don't even have to leave your town)
Take backroads
Be a (respectful) tourist in every new place that you visit, don't be afraid of looking stupid.
For queer deities
Educate yourself on queer history
Express yourself truthfully
Listen to queer music
Read queer books
Embrace your identity
Read queer poetry, like that of Sappho
Keep yourself safe in spaces that are less open to identities.
Support local queer owned businesses or artists.
Queer art
Love yourself and take care of yourself.
Go to drag shows
Relish in the fact that queerness has been around since the very first civilizations
For Inventive Deities
Do a metal puzzle
Learn metalworking, or just read about it
As always, please feel free to add on, I only work with one deity so please tell me if anything is incorrect or confusing.
Blessed be <3
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astroamorsworld · 5 months
Part of Fortune in the houses part 1
This is something a little different from what I usually post and I wanted to just try something new and also go down the route of lots and asteroids eventually. So, with that being said, I hope you enjoy!
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What is Part of Fortune?
The part of fortune, also called the Lot of Fortune or Pars Fortuna, is a calculated point on your birth chart that reflects areas where you might find luck and success.
Part of Fortune in the 1st house
Having your Part of Fortune in the 1st house is a pretty lucky placement to have imo. You may be a naturally lucky person, and are just always in good mood, stemming from having a lot of confidence within yourself and high self esteem. These traits, on top of being naturally lucky, will attract even more good luck and opportunities your way, so you’re most definitely blessed with this placement. This placement may indicate that you have a lot of determination and willpower when it comes to getting things done, so you’re definitely a hard worker too. Your personality shines through in your everyday life so in work fields that rely on you having a vibrant personality would really work best for natives with this placement. If you want to really get the most out of this placement, i’d say you need to take initiative and persue your dreams!! If you put yourself out there you will get what you want!! (As someone with this placement, I need really take my own advice🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️)
Part of Fortune in the 2nd house
With this placement you may too, have high esteem. You may also tend to attract or create material abundance. You might find that your talents and skills translate well into financial security and that you have a good eye for things of value or things that can become valuable. This placement could also give you the ability to thrive in careers that involve finances, like accounting, investing, or sales, could be particularly fortunate for you. Success can also find you in fields utilise your creativity and resourcefulness, like entrepreneurship, crafts, or the arts. So in terms of getting the most out of this placement, i’d say develop your talents and show people your worth. Dont let them take advantage of it though. Take risks and use what resources you have wisely.
Part of Fortune in the 3rd house
With this placement, it’s possible that you have lucky siblings, cousins and even neighbours, or when you’re around them you become luckier. You’re also likely to have good relationships them too. Your education experience may have been one to remember, as you may have had a good experience there. You may be naturally smart, and find it easy to retain information, so school may have been a breeze for you. School trips may have been fun and better for you than the average ones. You are probably a good communicator, and know how to communicate in a healthy way. So this could mean that you excel in public speaking, teaching and writing. Short trips may be good for you also. So if you wanna get the most out of this placement, USE YOUR VOICE and maintain the relationships (i mentioned before) with those around you.
Part of Fortune in the 4th house
With this placement, you’re likely to have a good relationship with your mother, and with your family. Just a good home life in general. You may be in tune with your family background and culture, and take a real interest in your roots. It’s also a possibility that you may have been born into some sort of wealth, whether its from your entire family, or on your mothers side or your dads side, the point being that someone you’re related to is likely to be wealthy. You are also probably in tune with your emotions and feelings and know how to manage them quite well. Most definitely emotionally mature. You may also be a bit of a homebody, since you may love your home so much. Interior design or gardening may be hobbies or careers you want to persue. You could also excel in social care, therapy, or childcare. Working from home is where you probably do your best work. So if you want to get the most out of this placement, invest in your home and nurture your relationship with your family. Get in touch with your roots!!
I would’ve done this all as one big post but i’ve had to split it into 3 parts because i’ve had issues with saving my work to drafts and don’t want to risk losing 1 big piece of work. But i will post part 2 and 3 in the coming days. :)
Check out my pinned post for more observations!💖
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Next part
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cosmonadarovicarts · 8 months
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Theory: Carmilla would be Eve?
Among so many crazy theories (and I love it!) after this season, I'm going to bring my (crazy) theory. As the title already reveals, what if Carmilla Carmine was our missing Eve? Before you throw hate, here are some points:
-In some versions of the myth of the creation of Adam and Eve, Eve was condemned to hell (while Adam went to heaven). If the series goes down this path, the character wouldn't be in heaven;
-Carmilla's name: Originated from Hebrew culture. Carmila/Carmela/Carmilla/Carmile means garden, orchard. Well... I don't think it would be too much of a coincidence for the name to mean that (garden... Garden of Eden...).
-Eve was created from Adam's rib. Here I come up with the theory that the exorcist angels guided by Adam (including Vaggie) were created from his ribs (like Eve). This would explain the similarity in appearance of Vaggie, Lute and Carmilla.
--Carmilla's personality: she is super protective! The super mom of the series (so far). It is to be expected that Adam's second wife, mother of humanity, would be maternal./ "but she was presented as the mother of only two characters" man, she still seemed super worried about the day of extermination (she called a meeting with the Overlords precisely to think of ways to stop this), after all, the sinners were their descendants! (I'm not going to talk here about Adam's relationship with sinners, that would be worth another post) And, the same time, the exorcists would be like her sisters who she was reluctant to kill. I would also like to add here, I think Zestial could be Cain (one of his main sons and, precisely, the first sinner, as he killed his other brother Abel), this would explain the affection that Carmilla has for Zestial and for them both being the oldest Overlords! (Cain died before Eve in many versions of the myth) /Sure, they might just be good friends, but to me it made a lot of sense, my bad
-Her appearance: I've already commented on her resemblance to Vaggie (the two even duet two songs, expressing similar feelings), but now let's compare her appearance with her hair down with Eve's silhouette in the first episode (just look at the image I posted here) , it's identical! And of course, the second wife would have to be beautiful, and Carmilla is said to be beautiful.
--"ok but it is much more likely that she was one of the exorcist angels, taking into account her appearance and knowledge, why would Eve have an appearance similar to these angels?" Precisely because they came/were born from the same place, Adam's ribs! When Eve died, her demonic form still assumed that of a beautiful woman with large hands (representing her need to be able to hold, care for and hug everyone). Maybe Adam knew or didn't know how Eve was doing, and made his female army similar to his ex-wife (For me, this part would have several possibilities, like, him purposely making the appearance of the exorcists or it would just be because they were all born from the same place)
-In the final episode, when the news reports about what happened at the Hotel, the reactions of several characters appear, and there was one (emphasis?) in Carmilla's reaction to Adam's death (I imagine that, because she was against the extermination of sinners (her descendants) while her ex-husband, who lived in heaven, led this extermination, she should not have good feelings towards him).
Final note: Even if she is not Eve, probably she was one of the exorcist angels (as many already theorize), as she knew about the angelic weapons, knew of Vaggie's identity and her appearance.
(Sorry if there are a lot of grammatical errors, English is not my native language)
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wordy-little-witch · 6 months
Silly goofy cross guild idea that will not leave my head, but hear me out
Buggy being the mafia wife archetype is well and good, it is one of the best, hottest takes on the PLANET and I'll die on that hill. But we also need to touch base on the blending of cultures and tastes here where I am currently FROTHING over.
Crocodile being Alabastan and taking over his once-home in a bid for control and for reasons that haven't been touched upon. Why Alabasta? Is it the 'wanis? Are fruitwani native there? If so, if Alabasta ISN'T his homeland, what made him choose there? What started his love of fruitwani? What lead to a mafia instead of a pirate and what does that mean for his character??? ((Middle Eastern and maybe smth English, German or Russian, smth about that scratches a brain itch for Croc, might be the languages-))
And Mihawk. My silly spooky little swordsman is full of mysteries and I am ROTATING him. Mach speed. Full 360 tail spin in my frontal lobe. Is he human? If he is, what was his upbringing like? What was his childhood? His parents? His homeland? Does he speak other languages? ((I love the idea of Mihawk being the One Piece equivalent of French)).
Buggy's heritage is Unknown (jazz hands), but he was raised by Roger who has Big Gaelic Energy, no I will not explain, it's RIGHT THERE. On that note though, Buggy grew up on a pirate crew, a bunch of headstrong fellas from all sorts of places, with all sorts of lives. Buggy's a little melting pot, a drifter, and while some things are poignantly Roger's in his words, actions or beliefs, he's all over the place with a wide palette.
Now the three of them learning and picking things up from each other. They wind up leaving marks on each other.
Mihawk sings quietly to himself sometimes in French, usually while gardening or cooking. Buggy and Crocodile learn the songs by osmosis.
Crocodile sometimes calls the others by certain pet names or gives orders in his own mother tongue, or he'll organize things a certain way, set up smth in a specific manner, idek, my brain is fried but the vibe, the VIBE is there.
Buggy shares dances or recipes from his childhood. Just... yes. Them bleeding into each other's spaces. Them leaving marks on one another metaphorically.
((Also them slowly incorporating bits of each other in apparel. Buggy opting for richer or darker colors or cuts. Crocodile incorporating lace and pops of red. Mihawk adding textures to his eyeliner and updating his harness with more crisscrosses.))
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star-anise · 2 years
You just posted like ten different things about potatoes in the span of maybe five minutes, and I gotta know your take on "The Martian".
Like, the (fictional) man alone on a planet literally only survives because of potatoes shrink-wrapped in plastic for a Thanksgiving meal. If they weren't slated to be on Mars for Thanksgiving, he would have died.
And Andy Weir (author of the original novel) did such a good job with the science of every other element to the story, I honest-to-god believe that potatoes could actually manage to grow in Martian soil (even if that's not been proven for certain afaik).
Which means..... could potatoes terraform Mars into sustaining life??? Are potatoes the key to the universe???
Haha sorry for going so hard on them! Those were mostly all posts from 2020 when gardening and fantasy worldbuilding were lockdown fixations for me. One of them blew up recently so I wanted to give The People more of the content it seemed they were looking for. I don't actually know a lot about potatoes. I just think they're neat.
I do not want to take apart the concept of "colonizing Mars" as some kind of woke gotcha. I want to take your question seriously and charitably. However, I just am the kind of person who's like "Hmm, 'colonize', we should really stop and unpack that word," so let's do that, without forgetting the potato element.
(What "I don't know a lot" means: Potatoes were a crop my family grew several acres of for a few years on our farm before we switched our focus to sheep. I am about 50% as reliable as a horticultural brochure on various potato diseases and growing condition issues. I have listened to two University lectures and read perhaps four historical journal articles beginning-to-end on how the Columbian Exchange affected early-modern Europe, that and half as much again on medieval and early modern European farming practices and population changes, and perhaps three science/history articles specifically on the domestication and proliferation of the potato. I am a white Canadian who actively seeks out information and training in Indigenous history and culture in the Americas, but that's probably still only equal to like, two Native Studies classes in university. I know more than the average person on this topic, but I am also not an expert compared to people who have devoted serious time to learning about this.)
But I have some intuitions in a couple of ways:
The Martian is probably being wildly over-optimistic about its potatoes. They would probably have been irradiated into sterility before being vacuum-packed, and I don't think you can split and propagate them that quickly or successfully. However, potatoes can definitely grow in all kinds of conditions (including under my sink).
They might not be the world's healthiest or happiest potatoes, tho. Soil quality definitely affects the end product. Presumably Watney, being a botanist studying Mars' soil composition, knew how much he had to ameliorate his soil with latrine compost (which would definitely have needed a LOT of processing, since human waste is generally not good for plants, but maybe he used chemicals to speed that up?) to get good soil. However, we would probably need to add a LOT of shit to Mars' soil (and air, and water) for it to host plant life.
Mark Watney makes a joke about having "colonized Mars" because "colony" is Latin for "farm" and he farmed on Mars so haha, funny joke! And we talk about colonies on Mars partly because that's what science fiction did, and a lot of science fiction has been into that colonialism aesthetic. But colonialism and empires actually aren't great, not just because they necessitate huge amounts of racism, oppression, and genocide—I know, you asked me a fun question about potatoes and did not sign up for this, I'm not here to drag you, hear me out—but because they're also really sucky models for agriculture and successful societies generally.
My British ancestors tried to be colonial farmers in a place that is sometimes colder than Mars (Canada's Treaty Six), and let me tell you: IT SUCKED. Most of the crops and herbs and vegetables and flowers that settlers here brought from home and are used to? DON'T FUCKEM GROW. For the Canadian prairies to become conventional farmland, farmers and scientists had to scramble to find, or produce, cold-hardy varieties of everything from wheat to roses. A lot of flowers and plants that are unkillable invasive zombie perennials in other climates don't survive our winters no matter hard we try. The trees and flowers that hold cultural or sentimental attachments for us often don't grow here. The climate is so harsh and population is spread so thin that we cannot do the 100 mile diet and eat foods we're familiar with, and can hardly even manage the 1000 mile diet. (Not that I try, but, my family did once look into it)
A huge number of colonial homesteads, where the pioneers go out on their little covered wagon and build little houses on the prairie? Failed miserably and got bought up by land speculators. My own family came out to Alberta in the 1880s and moved around from land assignment to land assignment, like, six times before settling at their current place in the early 1900s.
Meanwhile: POTATOES
Potatoes are less than ten thousand years old! I am not any kind of expert on archaeology, please nobody throw things, but humans showed up in the Andes (think: high, cold mountains) of South America roughly 9,000 years ago. There are hundreds of wild potato varieties, but they generally produce fairly tiny tubers. It took active work of Indigenous Andean people around 8,000 years ago around Lake Titicaca to cultivate specific strains of potato, doing oldschool genetic modification to make them bigger, more delicious, and hardier. From that cultivation effort around a single species of wild potatoes, they produced thousands of cultivated potato varieties.
Ancient Andean farmers and botanists also played a big part in cultivating quinoa from wild amaranth, as well as producing modern food crops you probably haven't heard of, like oca, olluco, mashua, and yacon, and also coca, which may get a bad rap because it's what cocaine and coca-cola are made from but you cannot deny it's got kick.
Basically, Indigenous people of the Americas (South, Central, and North) went all in on botany and plant cultivation. Plants that we take for granted now have mostly been developed by Indigenous people in the past few thousand years: Tobacco, sunflowers, marigolds, tomatoes, pumpkins, rubber, vanilla, cocoa, sweetcorn, maize, and most kinds of pepper except peppercorn. These things were not found; they were made, by careful cultivation of the world as it was.
This gives us a vision of the future. Colonization, and industrial agriculture, both lean us towards the vision of a totally uniform end product, with the same potato varieties grown on each farm because we have made every farm the same. Instead we could embrace biodiversity and focus on privileging local knowledge and considering the interactions of environment, plants, microbiota, and people. We could create potatoes that were happy on Mars. We could create Mars that is happy to have us. We could create a society that can accept what Mars has to offer.
A lot of why we dream about colonizing Mars is the idea that the Earth itself is dying, that we are killing it, and we need to abandon this farmstead and seek out a new frontier. I acknowledge that shit is bad, but I don't agree with that framing. I am increasingly persuaded that there is a third path between ecological destruction and mass exodus, and I think we need to reject European colonial mentality that creates the forced choice. I find far more use in privileging the knowledge of people who live on and with land than their landlords and rulers, and I especially find value in Indigenous knowledge of land management practices and food production.
I am absolutely not saying that Indigenous people were or are wonderful magical ~spiritual beings~ who frolicked in an Edenic paradise that only knew death and disease once white people showed up. This isn't noble savage bullshit, nor am I invoking people who existed once but whom I have never met. I am saying that I have Indigenous neighbours, colleagues, relatives, and elected representatives. I have learned about mental health, leatherworking, botany, and ecology from Metis and First Nations elders and knowledge-keepers. And like. They have good and useful shit to say.
This is about culture, not race. It is not that their biological DNA means that they know more than me about how to get food from this landscape. It's about cultural history and what we learn from our heritages. What have our cultures privileged? Like, Europe has historically been super into things like metallurgy, domesticating livestock, and creating dairy products. If I want to smelt iron or choose animals to make cheese from, European society would have a lot of useful information for me! And what Indigenous cultures in the Americas have historically focused on instead of cows and copper* include 1) getting REAL familiar with your local flora and figuring out how to make sure you have lots of the herbs and grains and roots and berries you need, and 2) how to make a human society where people can live and have good lives, but do not damage the environment enough to impair the ability of future generations to have the same sort of life.
*Several indigenous American cultures did practice various forms of metallurgy. It's just one of those proportional things, about what societies really go for
I think we could use the processes that formed the potato to find and foster forms of life that could survive on Mars. It would involve learning to think that botany is a sexy science, and understanding just how rich and complicated the environment is. To oxygenate the atmosphere, we'd have to get super enthusiastic about algae and lichen and wetlands. We would have to learn to care deeply about the microorganisms living in the soil, and whether the potatoes are happy.
We'd have to create an economy that counts oxygen and carbon dioxide production on its balance sheets. To learn how to wait for forests to grow back after a fire, instead of giving up in despair because the seedlings aren't trees yet. To do the work now and be hopeful even though we might not see the payoffs for decades, or our victories might only be witnessed by future generations.
So yes, I think we could totally plant potatoes on Mars
But I also think that if we ever got there, we'd have turned into the kind of people who could also save Earth in the first place.
Which makes it a good enough goal in my opinion.
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icarustypicalfall · 3 months
masterlist • ao3 • follow for more!
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my Spanish knowledge is limited y'all just pretend this is correct, sorry for native folks i have absolutely no clue what im doing, plus i am not updating much because
It has been a few months since you tied the knot with Alejandro. He is an absolute gem, and his charm and dashing smile never cease to captivate you. Life with him is an absolute delight, as he pampers you from head to toe.
However, there is one minor hiccup - communicating with him can sometimes be a challenge, given that you don't speak Spanish and he tends to babble away in his native language most of the time. He playfully teases you about your lack of understanding, finding joy in seeing your puzzled expression as you try to follow his words.
But let me assure you, he never means any harm. It's simply his way of making you cling to him, eagerly seeking his translation when surrounded by native Spanish speakers. He takes pride in being the bridge that connects you to his culture and lifestyle, which you have gradually grown accustomed to.
"Hey Hermosa, have you seen mi abrigo?" he asks.
"...Your abricot?" you respond, causing him to burst into laughter, shaking his head as he quickly translates and pats your back.
"No, amor. I was looking for my coat," he says, still chuckling.
You long to understand him - his soft whispers, the lullabies he sings to you, the music he plays on late nights, and even the sweet nicknames he calls you. You yearn to grasp every aspect of his language. However, learning a new language with your busy schedule seemed impossible, until you mustered the courage to ask Alejandro for help.
One day, he was sitting in the garden, engrossed in a newspaper and gently rocking on the swing. His eyes lit up as he caught sight of you, beckoning you to join him. As you sat beside him, his warm, calloused hand found its way around your shoulders, tracing circles on your skin.
After a few moments, he spoke in his deep, gruff voice. "Is something on your mind, mi vida?"
You smiled and nodded, brushing his hair back and admiring his features. "Yes. I've been thinking about something for a while now..."
He hummed, encouraging you to continue as he held your hand in his, bringing it to his lips and planting a tender kiss on it.
"Ale, can you teach me Spanish, please?" you finally asked.
Raising an eyebrow, he smiled softly. "Hmm, may I know why, amor?"
You explained your frustrations over the language barrier and your eagerness to communicate with him in his mother tongue. Alejandro chuckled softly, touched by your words. "It would be my pleasure to be your teacher, nena," he replied, his gaze filled with devotion. "We'll start with the basics and then make it more challenging."
You nodded, and he beamed with pride.
"Let's start right now," he suggested. "You know, you missed saying 'I love you' in Spanish on our wedding day. Say it to me... in español."
You pondered for a moment, realizing that he always says it to you. It must be something simple to say and remember. "Te... te quiero," you replied nervously.
A smirk danced on his lips at your hesitant response. "Te quiero," he repeated, his voice a deep growl.
"But that's not what you should say. You should say 'te amo'," he corrected you, drawing back slightly to meet your eyes. He raised a hand to cup the side of your face. "Te quiero translates to 'I like you.' Te amo is 'I love you,' mi vida."
You persisted, insisting that there was no difference.
"Still, no difference," you huffed, feeling a bit frustrated.
"Si, there is a big difference between the two, mi amor, you say 'te quiero' to trlatives and friends. Bit you say to me, and only me mind you, ''te amo',"
he chuckled, the smirk on his lips widening at your flushed expression. "I'll let it slide for now."
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ladyofthebears · 2 months
To add this this whole Jace discourse I just want to say this:
I am the result of an affair my grandmother had with a native american man whilst my pappy, who raised me, was in Vietnam during the war.
As a white passing mixed kid, i was not called names often. I was looked down on, i was treated like an outsider in my own family, sneered at with whispers spread behind my and my brother’s backs.
I have been called a mongrel only a few times but i vividly remember the first time it happened.
I was small enough that my brothers could still trick me into thinking i was adopted because of my pale skin and light hair. After a family gathering (of my Pappys side of the family), i asked how everyone in the family knew we were our father’s children immediately.
My brother smiled very sardonically at me and sprouted something about him and our other brother sticking out like sore thumbs. I was confused, because they knew i was my father’s daughter as well, despite how i looked. I asked why they ignored us and were mean and looked at us like grandma looked at the dead snakes in her garden. He laughed at me and said
“Guess life is just harder for filthy mongrels like us”
I remember that phrase so vividly. And maybe my brother meant it to be joking, but those words stuck with me for years. Stuck with me through puberty when i wore even PALER foundation and put blonde streaks in my hair. Stuck with me as i grew up further in a racist religion that specifically makes indigenous people out to be evil. I remembered it when i finally started interacting with more native people in college to reconnect, remembered it when a white girl told me that “if i wanted to be taken seriously as an Indian i should dye my hair black and start tanning”
Those words have haunted me for a long time and they have only helped to make me despise myself and how I came to be.
I hate being stuck between two things- i hate looking white and having all the unfairly given privilege it grants me over my brother. I hate how i am seen as a pretendian for trying to interact with my culture. I hate knowing i can never get tribal affiliation because of the affair.
I know i have immense privilege because of how i look, but those words still haunt me. Because at the end of the day, thats how i see myself at my lowest moments.
I know that on twitter there is major discourse about Jaces words and actions.
And while yes, this is a fictional show, Jaces struggle is one i am intimately attuned to. I said things and did things i regret looking back out of anger for my own situation, i acted in immature and childish ways. But at the end of the day, i can look back and recognise that because i lived through it, and grew through it. I was constantly confused and hurt and torn between differing worlds and families and peoples and it took me a long long time to come to peace with it.
I am still not fully at peace with it.
So- while you may criticise the writing all you want, please realise that Jaces hurt and anger are feelings that can be very very real for some people. Jace, is obviously a fictional character who doesnt have real world feelings. But your mutuals, the people who see your post on discover page are, and your words about a fictional character can hurt them too.
I am not saying mince your words and center your world around sensitive snowflakes- i am saying, have some empathy- even if it is for a stupid fictional character. Because maybe along the way, you can find empathy for other real world people too.
These were the kids that were made to feel like dirty mongrels.
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omgthatdress · 2 years
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Nanea Mitchell is a half Scottish-American, half Native Hawaiian girl living in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Her release was met with a lot of surprise. Going back to WW2, it seemed like AG was running out of history. But Nanea is pretty different than Molly. She covers the beginning of the war and the Pacific theater while Molly covers the end of the war and the European theater.
More than anything else, Nanea represents Native Hawaiians in the historical line. Being post BeForever, she only received two books. The two book format might seem to fit covering one event like Pearl Harbor better, but honestly, with Hawaiian history and culture and the beginning of WW2, there is SO MUCH to cover. I think the traditional six books for Nanea would be fantastic.
To start with, I’d like to see some before and after. Appropriating Pacific Islander culture was a major trend in the 1930s, and the Hawaiian tourism industry really took of. It would be interesting to see Nanea’s reaction to White actresses wearing sarongs and leis and poorly dancing the hula on the silver screen, or seeing sacred tikis reduced to cheap bar kitsch.
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You can listen to or read the episode of the food history podcast Gastropod about tiki bars.
As far as the Pearl Harbor attack goes, one of the enduring and most fascinating parts of history is the normalcy that exists during crisis. My middle school orchestra performed at Disney World two weeks after 9/11 when people were still terrified of going into major tourist places for fear of attack. We visited Disney World in September every year and had the date scheduled in advance, we weren’t gonna let some fucking terrorists stop us. I’d love to see Nanea just being a kid in the middle of chaos.
And then there’s just the island’s history! There’s so many stories you could work out with Nanea just learning Hawaiian history!
Nanea’s style of blouse is called a tea-timer. It became popular in the mid-20th century after being appropriated from the Chinese cheongsam.
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Her shorts are a sailor-inspired design called moku shorts, but I can’t find any information about their history.
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(Ritual Vintage, credit @in-pleasant-company​)
Her little necklace is made out of (imitation) celluloid and seashells.
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(Garden Party Collection Vintage Jewelry)
Here’s a pretty great article about Native Hawaiian reaction to Nenea’s release.
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Day 24 - Mistletoe kiss
Characters: Diavolo x gn!MC
25 kisses challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
CW: based on my Christmas experience with my christian family, Diavolo is kind of drunk, cultural misunderstanding, pre-established relationship
Celebrating Christmas brought a stabbing sense of betrayal to their heart. It felt wrong, spending this specific holiday surrounded by the most powerful demons in Hell, and although Simeon and Luke saw no problem with it, MC still found trouble sleeping at night from the guilt and uncertainty.
Their human family had ceramic miniatures for the nativity scene and they dutifully recreated it with care and caution every year, shooting star and everything. Once, when they were a child and their family spent more time than usual to prepare it, they gave the farmers baskets with eggs, as well as hay stacks for the horses and fishes for the fisherman; moss and rocks, trees made of branches from the garden and wrapping paper simulating a starry night.
It was a tradition where they used their creativity for bonding and MC cherished the memories very much.
Now, however, Lucifer wanted them to help him hide presents for his brothers, one of them being Satan and another one being the Lord of Flies.
The whole situation made them feel a little nauseous, so they tried to ignore it to an extent.
Fortunately, the demons seemed to prefer celebrating Santa Claus over the Three Wise Men, and MC was deeply thankful for that, even when they were so unfamiliar with the fat bearded man dressed in red.
In the end, spending time with loved ones was the core of Christmas, right? MC was happy with that conclusion. Plus, wearing costumes and pretty clothes was fun and Diavolo's parties always ended up being a great time.
And there they were, at the late hours of Christmas Eve, half of them already passed out and the others drinking their way to sleep. Lucifer and Mammon resting against each other, mumbling nonsense that only they could understand; Belphie completely unconscious over Beel's lap, who was perfectly content being the garbage disposal at the table; and Levi and Satan playing some crime solving game on one of the sofas. Asmo was the only one who left for a party downtown and Luke was sent to bed hours ago. Barbatos and Simeon were stopping Solomon from doing something in the kitchen.
And Diavolo? Diavolo was staring right at MC. 
He'd been discreet for who knows how long, but the Demonus made him careless and obvious and MC managed to catch him more than a couple of times over the last half hour.
“Is everything okay?” they finally asked in a hushed voice, not wanting the others to pay them any attention.
Being completely alone with the prince wasn't the easiest of tasks and their growing feelings for each other begged them to put more effort in it.
Clearly tipsy, the redhead slowly blinked and looked at them in surprise, not expecting the question. He cleared his throat and passed a hand through his hair before laboriously getting up and offering a hand.
“I have something to show you” he said with slurred speech, eyes halfway closed and cheeks tainted in deep red.
MC tried to ignore the knot in their stomach with no avail, accepting the gesture and walking beside him to a nearby corridor,. They observed as he closed the door and trapped them both in dense silence.
There were multicolored tinsel in the walls and an overly decorated wreath in the wooden door, but, for some reason, Diavolo was timidly looking at the ceiling. 
They followed his gaze, staring at the berries wrapped in ribbon. Although it felt familiar, MC couldn't identify it. When they looked at Diavolo again, he was blushing even more.
“So…, do we…?”
“Do we…?”
His voice was soft and deep, like caramel, and it made MC's heart flutter, but it was his words what made them gasp.
“Only if you want to” he quickly clarified with worry. Doubt crossed his features and MC forced their words out of their mouth.
“I do want to kiss you” they basked in his relief, even when they were stammering “But I didn't expect for you to just… say it!”
“You didn't? But I brought you to the mistletoe! Doesn't it work like that?”
Diavolo's face twisted in embarrassment, like a child who got their homework wrong.
“Oh Dia…” they sighed in pity, grabbing his hands with care “We don't do that in my country”
He stayed silent for just a second before letting out a chuckle and placing their hands on his chest. He was smiling, not bothering to hide his interest in their lips anymore.
“Let's try again, then. Would you allow me to kiss you, MC?”
They immediately stood on their tiptoes, earning a loving smile. He bent down to close the distance, stopping only to lift them before kissing them again at the right angle.
Christmas in the Devildom wasn't so bad, after all.
Taglist: @ourfinalisation  @owlisbuffering  @chizukimp4  @ravenredwine @darkflowerav  @craftysclown @mehkers
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queering-ecology · 6 months
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Chap 12. Melancholy Natures, Queer Ecologies by Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands (part 3, final)
Queer Ecologies
‘what it might mean to inhabit the natural world having been transformed by the experience of its loss’?
‘[the queer artist's] natures are not saved wildernesses; they are wrecks, barrens, cutovers, nuclear power plants: unlikely refuges and impossible gardens. But they are also sites for extraordinary reflection on life, beauty, and community’ (344)
AIDS and Other Clear-Cuts
The artist (Jan Zita Grover’s North Enough) writes about moving from San Francisco, where she has worked as a personal caregiver to many individuals who were dying, and died of, AIDS, eventually to the woods of Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota hoping for ‘a geographic cure’ to her burnout and grief. (344)
‘in their persistence [grief, mourning], generate a form of imagination—an awareness of the persistence of loss—that allows her to conceive of the natural world around her in ways that challenge the logic of commodity substitution characterizing contemporary relations of nature consumption” (344)
“The north woods did not provide me with a geographic cure. But they did something much finer. Instead of ready-made solutions, they offered me an unanticipated challenge, a spiritual discipline: to appreciate them, I needed to learn how to see their scars, defacement, and artificiality and then beyond those to their strengths—their historicity, the difficult beauties that underlay their deformity.  AIDS, I believe, prepared me to perform these imaginative feats. In learning to know and love the north woods, not as they are fancied but as they are, I discovered the lessons that AIDS had taught me and became grateful for them” (344)
Rather than the landscape of her dreams, the land looks more like a candidate for reclamation. Through Grover’s research we learn that the region is one that been ‘systematically abused: logged several times, drained, subjected to failed attempts at agriculture, depleted, abandoned, eroded, invaded, neglected.”
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Jack pines are predominant in the region; tenacious, ‘the first conifers to reestablish themselves after a fire” (16), in their own way remarkable even as they are useless for lumber, short lived, and not at all the sorts of trees about which adjectives like ‘breathtaking’ circulate” (345) they are a loud testament to the violence that has generated them.
“the diminishment of this landscape mortified and disciplined me. Its scars will outlast me, bearing witness for decades beyond my death to the damage done here” (20) But still: the love emerges, painfully, gradually, intimately. (345)
She experiences the landscape in terms of loss and change, rather than idyll and replacement. It is all personal; it is all about developing a way of making meaning that recognizes the singularities of the past and takes responsibility for the future in the midst of intimate devastation. (345)
‘Environmental hubris’—fly fishing, the introduction of non-native fish to the river, changing temperatures of rivers caused by logging and diversion; specific policies, politics, and technologies that have had effects on the rivers, the fish, and the other species throughout the river and the north woods (356)
A refusal to demonize the ‘invasive’ species; Grover herself is ‘invasive’ both culturally and personally (white settlers and big city imports) thus her ethical claim is not for purity but for an active and thoughtful remembering of historical violences in the midst of ongoing necessity of movement and change (346)
Seek relationships with Clear-cuts and landfills in order to bring to the foreground the massive weight of human devastation of the natural world; “a discerning eye can see how unstewarded most of this land has been. The charm lies in finding ways to love with such loss and pull from it what beauties remain” (81) (347)
“she does not romanticize the dying even as she might mourn their loss to the world; instead [through Grover] we witness each loss as particular, irrevocable, and concrete: she is their witness” (347)
Can we learn to see these landscapes as creation as well as destruction?
Rather than mourn the loss of the pristine, she carefully cultivates an attitude of appreciation of what lies before her, beyond the aesthetic wilderness to the intricate details of human interactions with the species and landscapes of the region. In this manner she comes to be able to find the beauty in, for example, landfills and clearcuts; far from naivete or technophilia, this ability is grounded in a commitment to recognizing the simultaneity of death and life in these landscapes, the glut of aspen-loving birds in the clear-cut, the swallows, turkey vultures, and bald eagles near the landfill.
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It is necessary to face our fear and pain; we have to make room in our relationships with the natural world, queer and otherwise, for the recognition that that is what we might be feeling in the first place (355)
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So you want to learn about Louisiana Voodoo…
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door in New Orleans by Jean-Marcel St. Jacques
For better or worse (almost always downright wrong) Louisiana Voodoo and Hoodoo are likely to come up in any depiction of the state of Louisiana. I’ve created a list of works on contemporary and historical Voodoo/Hoodoo for anyone who’d like to learn more about what this tradition is and is not (hint: it developed separately from Haitian Vodou which is its own thing) or would like to depict it in a non-stereotypical way. I’ve listed them in chronological order. Please keep a few things in mind. Almost all sources presented unfortunately have their biases. As ethnographies Hurston’s work no longer represent best practices in Anthropology and has been suspected of embellishment and sensationalism on this topic. Additionally the portrayal is of the religion as it was nearly 100 years ago- all traditions change over time. Likewise Teish is extremely valuable for providing an inside view into the practice but certain views, as on Ancient Egypt, may be offensive now. I have chosen to include the non-academic works by Alvarado and Filan for the research on historical Voodoo they did with regards to the Federal Writer’s Project that is not readily accessible, HOWEVER, this is NOT a guide to teach you to practice this closed tradition, and again some of the opinions are suspect- DO NOT use sage, which is part of Native practice and destroys local environments. I do not support every view expressed but think even when wrong these sources present something to be learned about the way we treat culture
*Start with Osbey, the shortest of the works. To compare Louisiana Voodoo with other traditions see the chapter on Haitian Vodou in Creole Religions of the Caribbean by Olmos and Paravinsi-Gebert. Additionally many songs and chants were originally in Louisiana Creole (different from the Louisiana French dialect), which is now severely endangered. You can study the language in Ti Liv Kreyol by Guillery-Chatman et. Al.
Le Petit Albert by Albertus Parvus Lucius (1706) grimoire widely circulated in France in the 18th century, brought to the colony & significantly impacted Hoodoo
Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston (1935)
Spirit World-Photographs & Journal: Pattern in the Expressive Folk Culture of Afro-American New Orleans by Michael P. Smith (1984)
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish (1985)
Eve’s Bayou (1997), film
Spiritual Merchants: Religion, Magic, and Commerce by Carolyn Morrow Long (2001)
A New Orleans Voodoo Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau by Carolyn Morrow Long (2006)
“Yoruba Influences on Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo” by Ina J. Fandrich (2007)
The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook by Kenaz Filan (2011)
“Why We Can’t Talk To You About Voodoo” by Brenda Marie Osbey (2011)
Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald (2013)
The Tomb of Marie Laveau In St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 by Carolyn Morrow Long (2016)
Lemonade, visual album by Beyonce (2016)
How to Make Lemonade, book by Beyonce (2016)
“Work the Root: Black Feminism, Hoodoo Love Rituals, and Practices of Freedom” by Lyndsey Stewart (2017)
The Lemonade Reader edited by Kinitra D. Brooks and Kameelah L. Martin (2019)
The Magic of Marie Laveau by Denise Alvarado (2020)
In Our Mother’s Gardens (2021), documentary on Netflix, around 1 hour mark traditional offering to the ancestors by Dr. Zauditu-Selassie
“Playing the Bamboula” rhythm for honoring ancestors associated with historical Voodoo
Voodoo and Power: The Politics of Religion in New Orleans 1880-1940 by Kodi A. Roberts (2023)
The Marie Laveau Grimoire by Denise Alvarado (2024)
Voodoo: An African American Religion by Jeffrey E. Anderson (2024)
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chase-prairie · 1 year
I'm guessing that as a graduate student you have read a zillion and one documents and books and papers and things in your field. Would it be outrageous to ask for recommendations/your favorites? I'm really interested in learning more about the history of Native land use and food systems in the midwest (which I suppose is a very long history, I'd be happy learning about any time period), prairie ecology, and the current outlook for native plants and pollinators (and conservation recommendations). Even one recc for each would be amazing. Feel free to postpone this ask if you're too busy! P.S. can't wait to read your dissertation.
This is a big ask, and I get a lot of these types of asks! In the future it'd be nice if people were more specific about their interests and not asking about general, huge topics. There's a level that you can and should be googling yourself! Many academic papers are online for free through sites like academia.edu and I'm not a search engine!
General answer if you're interested in this range of topics is Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass. She comes from the midwest and writes some on prairie and the book is all about Indigenous science stewardship.
Otherwise, the topics you're asking for don't have one single source that will tell you everything you're looking for. People make small studies of one community, one ecosystem, one plant. Whether it's ecology or ethnobotany, there's no one making compendiums of info, especially not in the midwest. That's why I do the work I do, but even what I do is imperfect. Be suspicious of anyone who/any text that claims to be comprehensive on a huge, complex subjects; they probably are bsing you.
Indigenous Land Mgmt:
Two good recent papers:
The subject of indigenous wild management is more intensely covered in California (M. Kat Anderson) and Vancouver (Nancy J. Turner). Those two authors are great for both nuts and bolts chat and philosophical perspectives about how people have lived in and altered and restored their ecosystems.
A compelling academic book on the subject is Roots of Our Renewal: Ethnobotany and Cherokee Environmental Governance by Clint Carroll, which is just as much about philosophy, knowledge production and protection and community building, as plants.
Prairie Conservation Practices:
Like I said above, currently published stuff is about very specific interactions and focuses, like a particular pollinator group in a particular plant. What you're looking for, a generalist summary of the field, doesn't really exist.
If you're looking for plant lists and how-tos Tallgrass Restoration Handbook or the Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide. Do not go for Ben Voigt. If you're looking for a general conceptual entry to Midwest conservation/restoration, there's Ecological Restoration in the Midwest
If you're looking for general recommendations for free, Xerces.org is the resource for bee-friendly landscaping and planting.
If you live near a University or Arboretum or Botanic Garden, this is the kind of thing where you should just browse the shelves near the books I've recommended! Chances are you have free access to the libraries, if not the ability to check the books out yourself!
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