#I liked their bromance I wish we had more of them :(
nutmeggery · 1 year
I need Neil Gaiman to know that Good Omens 2 made me feel emotions I haven't felt in nearly a decade.
When I heard there was going to be a Good Omens 2 I was looking forward to it, of course. I just wasn't expecting it do anything super special to my emotions. I was sure I'd enjoy it, though. I really enjoyed s1.
But, for the last few years, I watched shows and afterwards basically thought well, that was fun, and I quickly moved on and didn't think much about them. There was only about 3 shows in the last 5 years that had made me feel truly emotional and stayed on my mind to the point where I felt like I needed to engage in fandom for a while. (Good Omens 1 was one of them.)
I wasn't spoiled by the leak. I never even knew there was a leak. So I had no idea what was coming in s2. And oh boy...
See, I'd watched Our Flag Means Death, a show where you don't expect the lead characters to kiss, because, well, that never happens in these types of shows, right? And this is important because when they did kiss, it felt like a door that had been locked with just about all the high security locks in the world had suddenly, inexplicably, been opened. Something switched inside me. It took me months to understand what it was, but when I thought about Good Omens before s2 came out, I realized what it was.
I would never truly enjoy a bromance they're-only-queer/in love-by-your-own-interpreation story ever again. Stories where nothing is confirmed, just subtext that anyone who doesn't want to see it can easily deny and mock those who wish it was more.
While it was clear that Crowley and Aziraphale cared a lot about each other in s1, and were probably in love, it was still just a fun ship for fans to play with in fanfiction and fanart. Do they love each other? Oh sure. In what way? Well, that's up to interpretation. Ok, cool. But it's not quite Our Flag Means Death, is it?
Then I watched Good Omens 2. And from episode 1 I saw my favourite Angel and Demon duo love each other. And I was having the best time. I hadn't had such a good time watching a show in a long while. It was not only right up my alley, it was an alley I wasn't even aware was my alley until I saw it. I enjoyed seeing the old characters, the new characters. Oh, I was wonderful.
It was clear to me that, of course Crowley and Aziraphale love each other, are IN love with each other, showing it in their own way. And I wasn't expecting it to be THIS obvious.
And then when the kiss happened, I couldn't believe it. I covered my mouth with both hands and gasped and sat up straight in my seat. I had never expected it--the heartbreak it added to the already heartbreaking scene--it rewired something inside me.
It was like my emotions had been locked up in a stall like a horse for so, so long, and now the gate had been opened, the stable door kicked down, and the horse was running out onto the large pasture into the daylight, bucking and kicking up grass. Oh my god, I have to take a few minutes to process that entire 6 hour marathon of emotions.
And by a few minutes I meant a few days.
More than a few, actually.
I didn't need a kiss to understand how much they loved each other, but I did need the kiss to understand how intense and heartbreaking their separation is for them after everything.
But more than that, the kiss broke a barrier. They really did it, I thought. They really dared.
Aziraphale and Crowley aren't human males, no, but they're played by male actors. And that is significant. That makes the kiss significant. In the world we currently live in.
Weeks later, I'm still obsessed with the show, re-watching s1 and 2, reading the book again, listening to the audio drama. And I'm on tumblr, seeing people's posts and art to somehow sate my hunger for a s3 that doesn't exist (yet).
And I'm having a wonderful time.
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sciderman · 10 months
thinking about what if Peter didn't fall in love with Wade and actually fell inlove with Johnny, Wade is still living with Johnny during this time and he's in love with Peter but one day Peter brings Johnny home through the window and they start hanging out more at Peter's apartment. Peter's trying to be sneaky about it but it's obvious their banging, and secretly dating. And Wade is heartbroken. And Peter and Johnny live happily ever after yay!! Johnny!!
this is a "i love wade wilson" zone and this ask smells like a "i don't love wade wilson" ask. so tread carefully, anon. we do not wish for wade wilson's misery here. we wish for his happily ever after.
little does everyone know that originally i had a diabolical plan that i rubbed my hands together over where johnny would just emerge from peter and wade's bedsheets one morning and it's revealed they're in a polycule because i knew at that point in ask-spiderpool history it would have pissed everyone off and it was my goal to actively piss everyone off. it was my fervent agenda to get people to think they were getting what they wanted, and then sike. johnny's in wade and peter's bed, living his best life. i wanted to do it so bad. and i wanted to do it solely to piss everyone off.
of course now, if i did it, everyone would be delighted – the public consensus on johnny storm has changed so dramatically. everyone loves johnny now - but god, i remember when people hated him. sure, now it's all "yaaay johnny!" but it used to be "ew. johnny."
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funny thing is though, i think in the scenario you've outlined i don't think wade would be disappointed at all. he'd just wish he could watch, and constantly try to talk them into letting him in.
wade wants peter and johnny to hook up. he can smell the bromance from miles away.
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i think you guys kind of underestimate that, before wade and peter were lovers, they were bros. and wade kind of just wants peter to embrace his truth. if peter cheated on wade, sure, that would be another issue - but if they weren't dating, and peter brings back johnny and they're at it, wade would be nothing but delighted. he'd probably even say "AHA! I KNEW it!"
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lusty-kopfkino · 5 months
Batman Prompt 10 - Crossover: Ouran High School Host Club
I LOVE Ouran High School Host Club crossovers! I wish people did more
Bruce goes to Ouran and meets/joins/friends with the host club
*This can also be fun with any of the other members of the family.
1. If you want to include the batfamily then Bruce gets de-aged to 15-19 years old (with or without his memories?)
2. If you don't care/want them in the story it can be that he went to the school for high school (or the kids go back in time if you still want the kids but you also wanted Bruce to have gone to the school when he was young)
3. Whatever you want
But first, we need to determine what type he would be if he joined the club. He is the most similar to Mori and Kyoya. Oblivious, part of it can be that. I love Bruce picking up on the small details of a case(and on other people), but when it comes to himself he is oblivious.
I feel like they would use the fact that Bruce's parents died and that he lived in Gotham, so maybe like "The Oblivious Traumatized Boy Type" Idk, feels a bit wrong, but that is along the line I am thinking.
And the type can change a bit depending on how you see Bruce, and if you choose 1 or 2.
1 and 2 also can overlap depending on how you do it.
Also, are you going to replace Haruhi or not? I personally don't usually like it when people replace the main character, but it really depends on how it is written, so do whatever feels best.
1st Way: Bruce gets de-aged and for some reason will go to OHS. He and the Batfamily(any amount of them) move to for a bit or are in Japan. Maybe he has a mission or that is what they picked as the best school for a billionaire child to go to.
2nd Way: I was thinking that if he went to it as a teen, they become friends then in the future when Bruce has all his kids they will meet his old friends from high school. They will think they were similar to Bruce and at most 2 friends. (They didn't even think he had friends from high school) So the kids meet the Host Club and are shocked at how they act and are all part of a "host club."
The Host Club would definitely all be important figures in the future, so the kids might know some of them.
I mostly am thinking about the interactions between Bruce and the host club.
You can make this a ship or not, but there at least has to be some bromance because this is OHSHC.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
My Review of Mutant Mayhem
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The animation was AMAZING!! From the colors to the facial expressions to the fight choreography, it all looks so good!
It took me a while for me to get used to the Turtles designs and voices but after finally seeing the movie and watching them talk and move, I can say now that I do love them, though I'm still not crazy about Raph's design…
If you know me then you know I'm not too big of a fan of the idea of Splinter not being a human at all, but for this movie it makes sense as to why he was always a rat and never human. Him being a rat from the start and hating humans ties in with the movies message about being accepted and even has a little connection/parallel with the main villain Superfly. I am still kind of upset that Splinter has no connection to Hamato Yoshi (that we know of rn).
Another reason why I don’t like the idea of Splinter never being a human or Hamato Yoshi is because I feel like it takes away the ninja aspect of their story, but the way they explain why they’ve ninjas was actually hilarious. Splinter and the boys learned how to be ninjas through YouTube tutorials, which makes so much sense for this day and age with how many people claim they are experts at something simply because they read or watch something online. 
Leo was my favorite turtle in this movie, I loved his personality/character and how serious but dorky he was. He’s trying so hard, I love his hopeless romantic side, and how he wants to listen to his dad but also have fun with his brothers, so he’s stuck in a tug or war with himself. He was precious and I love him.
Leo having a crush on April actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. His crush on her was genuinely sweet and it wasn't shoved down our throats like in other versions *cough* 2012 & Bayverse *cough* I like that he asks her to prom, which I thought was very cute and a nice ending for Leo.
I'm surprised how quickly they killed off Baxter Stockman, but his "son" Superfly was a really cool villain to take his place. Ice Cube did an amazing job! But I’m not full convinced Stockman is dead. There’s no evidence that he’s still alive but knows. Maybe they’ll pull an 03 Stockman and make come back as a robot in the sequel.
The other mutants were also really fun, but I wish they had more screen time. And truth I felt like they added too many Mutants and I felt like a few of them could've been removed from the film but overall they were a fun cast!
Mondo Gecko and Mikey instantly becoming besties was nice. And I loved Bebop and Rocksteady's Bromance.
Mikey twerking was NOT needed in this film.
I like how the "milking" joke actually came full circle when the turtles were kidnapped by Cynthia.
Splinter vs the TCRI soldiers was my second favorite part of the movie, The animation was so well done in the choreography of the fight was amazing and had great detail.
My overall favorite part was the sequence of the Turtles confronting each one of Superfly’s leads. How the scene would sync up and cut back-and-forth to each brother fighting different gang members. The music during the scene was so well done and the animation with how it tied in with each brother was peak cinema. 
April’s little arc of getting over being camera shy was cool and actually helped save the Turtles and NYC. But the April puking joke went on for too long. The fact they showed it longer than I excepted felt wrong.
I’m happy that Splinter got a girlfriend by the end but please don’t ever show us him making out with Scumbug ever again. *flashbacks to 2012 Raph making out with an ant*
My favorite joke was when the Turtles were like “Eventually Superfly will run out of cars to throw at us, right??” *Superfly turns to see he’s right new to a parking garage* LMFAO XD
There was a lot of modern day references and slang in this movie and a lot of people say this movie is gonna be outdated in 5-10 years but I feel that’s gonna be part of the movies charm. We’ll have to see in 5-10 years…
Superfly’s mutant army (Mondo Gecko, Bebop, Rocksteady, Leatherhead etc) got redeemed way too quick. All it took was one heartfelt speech and suddenly they weren’t down to kill all humans. Like they seemed really excited about it during the bowling scene?? Gave me Shrek 3 vibes. I was confident that Mondo Gecko was gonna change but all of them was unexpected but I’m happy regardless by the end that the Turtles have a bigger family.
I loved the sequence of the people of New York helping the Turtles and their mutant friends stop Superfly. I feel we’ve never seen that done before and in truth, New Yorkers ramming their cars into a giant kaiju Superfly IS something New Yorkers would do! XD
The ending I did not expect, the Turtles actually being excepted by all of New York, and actually getting to go to high school. This was so new and fresh, and I absolutely loved it and I can't wait to see more of it in the TV show and the sequel.
Also there’s a mid credit scene.
It starts off very cute with the Turtles doing high school shenanigans: Mikey in joining improv, Donnie with his “people” (lol), Raph joining the wrestling team, Leo and April starting a conspiracy vlog, and finally them at prom, but then it cuts to Cynthia, who it’s revealed she is secretly watching them. She talks to her second in command about wanting to catch the Turtles and get revenge. She then basically says that she “knows a guy” that can help and it cuts to a shot of someone outside the city….
But sadly no Casey…
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frikatilhi · 8 months
Ok so the Eurovision final night is one of your Bojere roman empires right? Cause it definitely is mine and I think we as a society should not stop talking about it, even if it happened exactly 8 months ago (wtf how)... Can you like pinpoint the best moments that made you go AAAA or just tell some thoughts idk? I wish I could come up with a decent question to make it easier for you but my brain goes brrrr and I just want to talk about them 🥲
Aaaahhhhh omg well there are two different answers to this.
Um, apparently this got long so. In this essay I will
Eurovision final night, you say? Look, this post and its notes cover a lot of what makes me want to flip tables and gnaw my own arm off about that night. That hug? And how Bojan dropped everything and comforted him and made him laugh? How Jere cried in the bathroom and one reason why was that he didn't know when he'd see Bojan again? How Bojan lost his phone and missed his flight? (Matti in a recent interview said that the afterparty at the hotel was epic, and please, I need to know more why didn't they ask him to elaborate asdfasfgg) Soooo, yeah, all of that. The emotions ran so high that night that I feel like we got to see behind the public image they wanted to convey, behind the stories and clout. There was nothing to promote anymore, the only thing that was left after the results came was what they were to each other. Everything we know about them that night has come from other people, and it's not even that much.
Which brings me to the other part, which is your wording "Can you like pinpoint the best moments that made you go AAAA" (and here is where I'm sidetracking from your initial ask about esc final night)
I have a confession to make. I wasn't on board the bojere boat at that point, not yet. I was following Jere on insta, so I saw the stuff he was posting, and there was a big deal being made of their bromance in Finnish media, but at that time? I thought it was cute, but I also thought I was immune, brainrot/shipping-wise. I really thought the bromance stuff would not affect me, no, I had been burnt too many times by the straight dudes who hugged each other to make fans happy and earn those screams and clicks. I wanted the real thing, you know?
So I thought it was cute. Until a little after ESC when it didn't seem to die down and then suddenly I was watching clips and stories and catching up on stuff I had missed during the preparties and Liverpool and then I was reading fic and reading what people said about them and.. it was downhill from there.
The exact moment it all really clicked for me was when Bojan turned up in Finland. Those motherfuckers were actually keeping their promise to see each other again? And that soon? The utter joy together on stage? Bojan's face in the piggy train? All their shenaningans that weekend? Bojan's naruto run at the airport?
Um yeah, that's when I knew it was over for me. Goddammit.
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mycupofrum · 8 months
I know u like prongsfoot as a ship but can u write prongsfoot as a bromance ficlet... Where sirius comforts james? No ooc characters but no need to tell you that
Thanks for the ask @medasavagepotter! 💙 Sorry it took me a while to get it done. Turns out writing James and Sirius as only friends was harder than my Prongsfoot-infused brain expected. I didn't mean for the story to get so sad, but here we are. I hope you get some comfort from this, despite the hurt.
James & Sirius. Gen. Hurt/comfort, angst, implied character death(s) (but no main characters die), implied Jily. Read here or on AO3.
Regardless (I love you)
It started with a soup.
James found it on his nightstand when he returned to the boys' dormitory from Quidditch practice. He was knackered and soaked to the bone from the storm raging outside.
He stared at the bowl, blinking. The aroma of rich, savoury chicken soup flooded his nose, the stasis charm keeping it warm. It made him salivate and his stomach grumble.
"Sirius?" He turned to face his best friend who was lounging on his bed with a book about ancient runes in his hands.
Sirius raised his gaze to James. "Yes?"
"Did you get this soup for me?"
Sirius turned his focus back to his reading. "Obviously. Moony's still tired from the end of his monthly cycle –"
"Oi!" Remus grunted sleepily from his bed beneath three covers, the full moon having just been two nights ago.
"– and Wormy was planning to ask Macdonald out for the whole evening, but he chickened out at the last minute."
"Easy for you to say, Prince Charming," Peter muttered from his own bed. "I'll do it tomorrow."
"Sure." Sirius smirked. "So, that leaves me."
James waited for Sirius to explain why he'd done something so nice for him but did not get an explanation. He sat down on his own bed; there was no point in questioning it, really. He was starving after the practice, which had taken longer than expected and caused him to miss dinner.
"Thanks, mate. I appreciate it."
Sirius turned a page, a faint, softer smile hiding in the corner of his mouth.
"No problem."
The small, unexpected acts of kindness followed, and James could not point out why they happened. Every time he faced something that annoyed or made him uncomfortable, or was even somewhat inconvenient, Sirius made it better.
He never made a big deal about it, and James could have easily dismissed it as a lucky coincidence that Sirius was so quick to block certain Slytherins' hexes for him automatically in the corridors, or happened to know James would need more broom wax right when his old one had run out and ordered it for him beforehand, or let James have a nap in most History of Magic classes and took notes for him (whereas they normally took turns in this), or insisted on paying for both of their butterbeers at Hogsmeade. (And when James found extra packages of his favourite liquorice and fudge in his trunk later, he knew who was behind it.)
James thanked Sirius each time and went on as if nothing had happened, because that was how Sirius preferred it.
But of course, James noticed. Truth be told, it filled him with fondness like no other for Sirius, but it also made him suspicious.
Sirius had left Grimmauld Place for good in the summer and moved in with James's family. He assumed Sirius felt compelled to pay their kindness back by showering James with extra attention and gifts, knowing how much he valued those things.
It was truly unnecessary, of course, because no matter what happened between them, even if they got into a big row (which was unlikely, but still), neither James nor his parents would ever send Sirius away.
"You know, Pads, it's okay. I can do and buy things for myself. I don't expect you to fulfil my every wish," James said when he found a spell book about 19th century experimental transfiguration in his school bag one morning, which actually made him thrilled, and he couldn't wait to read it.
"I know. I just thought, since I could, why not?" Sirius sat on his bed, pulling socks onto his feet.
"And I'm grateful for it. But it's okay if you don't."
Sirius shrugged and tucked a loose strand of silky black hair behind his ear. The grey eyes were fixed on his hands, and he began picking at his nails. "Sure, whatever you want."
"How about I let you know when I need you to go a little overboard for me?" James suggested, sitting next to him on the bed and bumping his shoulder with his own. "For each birthday and Christmas, I expect the full Sirius Black attention service."
Sirius nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Okay."
Four birthdays and Christmases later, school was but a distant memory. The house he grew up in was empty, nothing but memories left behind in all its nooks and corners.
James leaned against the kitchen counter, his chest heavy. He'd been putting off the visit for three months since the joint funeral. He needed to sort things out, make decisions he couldn't make. What was the point when the two people who had loved him so unconditionally were gone?
He'd never felt more alone in the world as he did then. He took a shaky breath, one, two, three, four, and let it out.
It didn't help.
He'd told Lily he'd be fine. She was pregnant, she should rest; he could deal with this.
He'd lied. She'd known.
James took another shaky breath, and the burning sensation in his eyes turned into tears, blurring his vision.
He didn't know how long he sat on the floor, the silence around him heavy, when it was broken by the wards alerting him of an arriving guest. This was followed by a knock on the front door.
James stood up stiffly, his feet tingling from the blood returning to them. He opened the door and was met with a tall, familiar figure.
"Hi, Prongs," Sirius said, taking in James's demeanour. "Lils said you'd be here. I thought I should come by and help you with the packing."
James managed a nod and moved away from the entrance, allowing Sirius to enter.
"How are you doing?" Sirius said as they reached the kitchen, where everything still stood in its place.
"I'm fine," James said, the words falling naturally off his lips, untrue.
Sirius sighed, and James realised he was carrying a white plastic bag with him.
Sirius took out two containers from the bag and placed them on the table. "I brought soup."
The smell of delicious, savoury aromas filled the air, reminding James that it had been hours since he had eaten.
He let Sirius fish out spoons for them from the cabinet drawer, knowing his way around the kitchen as well as James did.
"Cheers, mate."
"S'alright. My treat." Sirius sat across from him, and they ate quietly, the creamy chicken soup warming up James like a cosy blanket.
"I thought you were busy with the Order today."
"I'm right where I'm needed."
James looked up from his soup to meet Sirius's searching gaze. "I think you might be right."
Sirius quirked his brow. "I'm always right."
Unexpectedly, James's lips turned upwards just for a moment. It was the first smile he'd had in a long while. "A lot of the time," he agreed.
"Most of the time." Sirius grinned, twirling the spoon in his hand.
"Whatever, Pads. Just eat your soup."
Somehow, the silence that followed was a little bit easier.
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ep2nd · 6 months
And had time-
Comment/Reblog who I should do next<3
Aphrodite and Hephaestus Cabins
Doc- Defines Mad scientist. Was responsible for the Accident of 1999. We don't talk about it. Half his body got destroyed, pulling an iron man and barely living. Actually was granted one of his dad's Workshops. Creates world destroying machines, and that's why Hephaestus keeps a close eye on him. The only who can get into contact with him is Ren and Mumbo. Given immortality at some point. Old.
Eret- Old leader of Aphrodite cabin. In college. Gives amazing fashion advice. Bisexual ICON. Better at wearing sunglasses than Apollo, but don't tell him that. #Traitor. Like Silena Beuragaurd, but wasn't forced to... just did it.
Fwhip- What is the sun?? Man hasn't seen it for long time that's for sure. Gem reminds him to eat and you know- live. Loves to teach Zedaph engineering and science stuff. He and Wilbur started a Salmon cult. Loves messing with Jimmy. Not strong for a Hephaestus kid.
Iskall- Lost an eye. His father gifted him a new one for his birthday- great parenting guys. Leans more to computer and software engineering. Lives with Stress.
Joey- Aphrodite Cabin head counselor. A love Aura like every second of the day. FLIRTS. In love with Xornoth, they don't reciprocate. Older brother of Scar. Horrible at fighting and please don't trust him with fire. Man has been spotted countless times without a shirt. Clung to Pete like a leach- only person he listens to probably. Bromance with Sausage. His dad hates him.
Keralis- Best fliter. Has a charming sense of aura. Best Aphrodite kid at telling others emotions. Empathy levels are high. No one understands his relationship with XB, not even each other do. Became an interior designer. Comes to camp to help with any building projects.
Mumbo- Really smart. Man can build and fix anything he touches. Humble little thing. Covered in soot 100% of the time. Came to camp with Grian and Scar. No Grians not letting go he's kinda stuck now. Went out on a quest and almost died- saved by Doc. Doc took one glance and said- "wet cat" and officially takes care of him as his guardian. Brings him to their father forgers during winter months.
Sam- New leader of the Hephaestus cabin. Helped design a prison, requested by the gods. Only Hephaestus kid who weilds a Trident, designed by him. He really likes Poseidon, kinda wished he was his dad. Hangs with Punk.
Zee- Great inventor. Understands any machine. Thinker and tinker. Always planning a new build, seeing the possibilities. Disappeared one day, still missing.
Scar- Oblivious beautiful boy. Joey's younger brother, loves his brother very much. Has very powerful Charmspeak. Got away with so many crimes. Step-mom and Dad separated, his Step-mom took him away. That's why Joey and him didn't go to camp together. And they tend to keep that a secret, their dad and step-mom wouldn't allow them to be with each other. Joey teaches him things he shouldn't be taught. SCAR PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON.
Skeppy- Great skin. Wears Jewlry 24/7. Walking diamond. Man is great with people. Bads personal emotional support friend. Love his mom. They talk a lot. Loves shipping his fellow campers. Literally the Fandom in person.
Netty- Great at fashion. Married Martyn. Finishing college. Loves dresses and skirts. Sassy when she wants to be. Always has the gossip and news, even when she wasn't there.
TFC- Another Hephaestus kid granted immortality. An incident made him lose a leg. Spends his days mining ore for his father's forges. The only person to be able to freely move throughout Labyrinth. Met Deadelus personally. On okay terms. Loves to help out other Demigods.
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creative-soul-22 · 11 months
I watched all 3 Night at the Museum movies!
1. I liked all 3 movies, they were all good!
2. They were all really funny, I laughed a lot!
- Favourite movie:
Hard to tell, but I maybe the second one. Yeah I guess I liked that one best.
- Favourite Character(s):
Jedediah! He's such a cool cowboy and such a buddy you could hang out and really have a good time with him. He's def the one who invites his friends to the saloon (imagine him and Octavius at the Saloon). And of course, I know he hates it (sorry, Jed) he's tiny and cute and I would totally cuddle and kiss him and adore him because he's a small figurine! (@professional-termite would snatch him and run away because tinyyyyy boiiii)
Very close second is Akmenrah! He is a very distinguished, elegant son of a pharao and he is really kindhearted. I like him.
Teddy Rosewelt! He is so caring and such a father to everyone it's heartmelting. Robin Williams, may he rest in peace, was the perfect cast for him because, well, that's how I always saw Robin Williams. As a loving, caring father who encourages others and wants to make everyone feel special and who is there for others when they have a problem (maybe because he was always casted for these roles?).
- Favourite relationship(s):
Larry's and Jedediah's friendship! They are such bros and they really care for each other, it's so cute!
Jedediah's and Octavius' friendship! I know you ship them, and I totally understand why. I see it. But for me it's more like Jed and Octavius ARE a little in love with each other, and maybe would want to make out BUT also don't want to change their relationship so they decide to be bros. It's bromance. Brotherhood with a romantic touch (That's just how I see it please don't kill me!!!).
The exhibits and Larry growing to a big found family!
- What I liked:
The opening scene of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
How natm 3 adressed the "returndiscussion" (as we call it in Germany). It might never went beneath the surface (which is indeed a bit of a pity but it's okay), but still it adressed and paid attention to it. And that's important because this has become a thing for museums nowadays (gonna put this in a seperate post for further discussion/explanation)
The whole lore/story arch about the tablet
Jed and Octavius in Pompeii (I just wish it wouldn't have been by the time it went down because they were finally in a place in the right size for them and they would have really enjoyed Roman citylife, especially Octavius, he almost felt home there)
The opening show for the new planetarium because it's magical (I just wish it wouldn't have been interrupted by the tablet loosing it's magic causing everyone to glitch)
Amelia Earheart's adventurous spirit (she's just an AU Giselle, not only, but mostly because it's Amy Adams)
Abraham Lincoln (I wish he and Teddy had met!)
Dick van Dyke! It's always a pleasure seeing him so this was a nice surprise. Pretty sure it was the best day of their life for the residents of the retirement home when Dick van Dyke came in to dance with them to "Shake your booty".
Everytime Dexter was cute with Larry or anyone else (hugs!!)
Akmenrah's mum, she is pretty
Ben Kingsley playing Akmenrah's dad (that wasn't the only time Ben played a pharao, right? He played a pharao in another movie? Can't put my finger on it rn)
Akmenrah being together with mumy and daddy after 4,000 (?) years
All 3 movies ending with a party - creates a full circle
The Night at the Museum main theme (epic!)
The little bird-thingy before the xiangliu (forgot it's name but it's cute)
Somebody listening to Abba's Dancing Queen on the bus
Jed and Octavius using the internet/phones (the machine for the comments! Commentmachine!)
- What I didn't like:
Everytime Dexter was peeing on somebody/something (Ewwww!)
Everytime Dexter was mischivious
The way the museum director was depicted (seriously, what was that? Messiest character arch ever - if there even WAS a character arch?)
The solution to the problem with the tablet (for real guys that thing looses it's magic and all it takes to fix is to put it in MOONLIGHT?! Okay then how about you put it on the roof of the museum like a solar panel so it can charge like a glow in the dark sticker everytime the moon shines on a starry night?)
The museum director holding the tablet at the end of natm 3 whilst grinning like Dexter (seriously, after what we've seen from him, he knows what the tablet can do - which is no longer in HIS museum - and you're telling me he's not up to SOMETHING?? I'm not buying it.)
The tablet staying in the British Museum (I know they want Akmenrah and his parents to be together and I really like it BUT how do you explain this to the Museum? "Oh, we're leaving the mummy and it's tablet here, you know, the mummy's their son so we think it's nice for the family to be united. They might be very precious artefacts but we'll present them to you. You can have them.")
The ceremony being interrupted by the corroding tablet which caused the exhibits to glitch (this was the ONLY! moment of glory for Larry and the exhibits in public and it turned into a disaster - heartless filmmakers!)
Tilly's and Larry's cringey talk when we first meet her (annoying! Also, her name is Tilly... Jennifer Tilly namedrop here!)
Jed being picked up like a kitten (ruuuude!! And humilliating!)
- What I found hilarious:
The notion of dinosaurs just being doggos who want to catch sticks might not be historically accurat but it's totally funny
The cuts everytime Jed and/or Octavius did something epic to demonstrate how small they actually are (although it's a bit rude)
Octavius in the pillory and Jed watching it like "ooh"😎 by the time the sun has come up so they stand there until the sun goes down
Abraham Lincoln snatching Kamunrah's army as if they were pigeons and them disapearing to where they came from just like "Nah. We're out."
Jed in the cage like a little birdy (although I feel sorry for him but he looks just like a little titmouse in there - yeah, @professional-termite : snatched again!!)
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portraitofadyke · 11 months
In the end, I feel like we’ve been spoiled. S1 was ultimately the perfect tv.
Not only did it give us a variety of queer and poc characters, it gave us the unthinkable; they made the two middle aged men flirt and adore each other and instead of turning it into a joke or a buddy bromance, they made it real. They made it a love story.
I still remember how shocked I was when s1 aired and I was watching the kiss. Here was this show, fixing years and decades of mistreatment by media, by shows and series who were mocking us for thinking two same sex people could find soulmates in each other. It was life changing.
And s2 was still fucking good. The budget cuts were felt, the missing episodes even more so, and more than anything I wish studios and streaming platforms weren’t so fucking greedy and let people create. I do feel like s2 would’ve been a bit different if they had a free reign. Less rushed for sure.
But it was still better than 99.99% of media I’ve ever seen. They worked so hard to give us the happy ending in case Max tells them to fuck off.
We didn’t go in blindly this time, and we felt like some of our expectations weren’t met, but it was still a masterpiece and you can’t compare it to any other show out there. Plus I really love Archie, Zheng and Auntie so. There’s that
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ask-missparker · 5 months
It’s been a long long time… / OUAT season 2
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Pairings: Michelle x Rochelle, Bella x Alice
Bromance: Nikolai & Jeremy
Extra characters: Petra, Liane and Joshua
Continuing this fic (the second half of episode 2)
“I can explain!”
The brunette and the blonde frozen in sight of seeing in each other. For Nikolai it felt like years, meanwhile Michelle had been alone in this world for what seemed to be weeks for her. Within a second later, the two of them pulled each other into a hug. Jeremy lowered his sword and grinned slowly leading the others inside the safe house.
Alice was watching Bella as she half smile entering the room. Joshua was holding Liane up as the women rolled her eyes, noticing her daughter was secretly crushing on the girl. To say Joshua was a little flabbergasted was an insult to his expression. He read the books, remembering the words of his father’s small home but never expected for it, to be like this.
Then again there was someone living here now, someone named Michelle. He lowered Liane on the chair near the entrance, as she thanked him for helping. Petra sat on the other side of the room finding comfort in the warmth and smells coming from the kitchen.
Nikolai pulled away from the hug and asked, “Michelle, darling, how are—I thought you were washed away by the curse?”
“No, no I wasn’t. The curse isn’t didn’t hit every single part of the land.” Michelle said, taking another bite of bread.
“But how?”
“Well..long story short, when the curse hit I was helping other folks cover for shelter and promising our friends I would be at the castle in time..and then..”
“..then you weren’t. I am so sorry you were left behind.”
“It’s alright, I had faith the curse would be lifted and I can return home sooner than later. And I was right! Where’s my wife and kids?”
Nikolai winces at the question and responds, “Well that’s the thing, they aren’t here. But don’t worry they’re safe at the other realm with our friends. Now I’m making it a priority to all get home. You included!”
Michelle’s facial expressions changes in milliseconds from sad to wishful as she heard that last sentence of his statement. Of course she was coming along to see her family again, she looked over her shoulder to see the others. Liane looked way different just tired, Jeremy was still grinning like the cheeky pirate he is and she recognized Princess Petra.
However the other 3 were not in her eyesight. She had no idea who they were.
Bella was too busy making eyes contact with Alice to notice Michelle was looking at them, Joshua had to gently elbow the Latina to get her attention. Bella grunted and glared at her friend meanwhile Alice held back a small chuckle. It was the first time the brunette has seen his friend so—well so damn distracted! 
He rolled his eyes and smiled decided to introduce himself to the tall blonde as he spoke, “Hi. I’m Joshua. And the two girls being eyes at another another are Bella and Alice.”
Michelle shook his hand and chuckled, “It’s alright, let them have their fun. Wait..did you say, Joshua?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Holy—Oh my god! You’re my nephew!”
“You’re what now?”
That got a giggle from Liane as Nikolai softly chuckled, hearing Michelle’s reaction to finally meeting her nephew. Michelle went a mini ramble on how she planned on being the first one to hold him when he was born, play games together, take him horseback riding and use a freaking sword. Hell her rambles were so sweet, it made Joshua finally crack a smile this whole trip.
It was then Joshua remembered the research about Cinderella, how Michelle and Rochelle became head over heels in love, as their wedding was celebrated across the land for a damn long week. With Michelle being the loud speaker of the pair and Rochelle being a bit more quiet about things. He could see where the twins got their perspectives from.
Liane yawned and spoke up after a moment, “Uh, Michelle, can we stay here for a little while..or do we have to sign up for an all star break?”
Michelle smiled, “Well it’s Nik’s home and seeing how you guys are here, I don’t see why not! And you’re in luck, I got food to last us a couple of weeks.”
“We don’t need weeks. Just a couple of days and to plan a way out of here without the Orges attacking us.”
“And you need a nap.”
Bella turned around and faced her mother, “Yeah mom, you do.”
“Oh now you want to talk!” Liane remarked, huffing and noticed Petra took pride in her distress, “What you looking up, Princess?”
“You’re bags under your eyes.” Petra replied half grinned.
The blonde crossed her arms and huffed once again, “I hate all of you.”
Joshua sighed and offered his hand, taking Liane to one of the bedroom. He asked his father which one was suitable for her, as Nikolai pointed to the one in the behind the stairs. He nodded, leading Liane to the back room and helped her crawl into bed, opening the window to bring in some fresh air as the blonde rested her head on the pillow.
Liane wondered why he was being so nice to him but decided to leave that question to ponder herself, requesting for Joshua to stay close by for she can fall asleep. She lied a bit saying she didn’t sleep well in new places, but she was just scared to fall asleep period, thankfully the teenager nodded silently. Joshua sat down in the chair beside the bed crossing his arms and looked around the room, as his gaze fell every so often on the blonde who closed her eyes.
He looked around in awe of the safe house and all his little quirks from the flooring to the walls with framed pictures. He noticed a few drawings and some figurines on tables nearby as well.
“Wow..” He muttered to himself, wondering how his parents lived their days together in this place. God he had so many questions but was shy to ask them.
Outside of the bedroom, the group were discussing living plans. There wasn’t much room, so some of them might have to bunk together. Jeremy and Petra didn’t mind the couch, Nikolai assumed he would retake his bedroom unless Michelle wanted it and Joshua or Bella might take the mattress upstairs.
Alice and Bella soon realized they might have to share a room together which led to awkward silence and tiny hints of blushing being seen. Michelle snorted seeing that, remembering her and Rochelle were the same way. She took those moments help Nikolai and Jeremy serve lunch, which basically meant bread and cheese with fresh water.
The trio missed their chats, hell they miss their adventures.
Michelle took that moment to ask, “So how is everyone back uh, home?”
Jeremy sipped water and responded, “Well my husband lied for starters, as he broke the spell bringing magic and had us running around like idiots afterwards..”
“Besides that dummy! I mean how are our people?”
“Ohh! Well King Alexander is out of commission, so great for us and bad for him. Rochelle and Cass are fine, missing you. Uhh, I think I saw some couples making out on the streets after the curse broke.”
“Damn I missed that! How our my babies? Last I saw them they were 4 years old.”
“Well, time was frozen more or less for everyone, but the kids grow up at a slow rate, so that means your twins are 7 years old now.”
“7?! That means are in school now?! Who’s teaching those ankle bitters?”
“Don’t worry, Charles is their teacher and Erik is one of the officers there, so they don’t get into much trouble. More or less.”
“More or less?! My babies are insane, I should know I’m a little nuts.”
Nikolai walked in after checking on the girls and hissed, “Shh! I forgot how loud you are. I see Jeremy is catching you up on things. I am surprised he hasn’t shown you the cell phones yet.”
“What’s a cell phone?” Michelle questioned, raising an eyebrow at the item he mentioned.
“I’ll explain to you later.”
“What other things are in that realm?”
“Well you have movies you can watch on Netflix.”
“What’s Netflix? Is it some sort of note taker?”
“Oh geez Michelle…you are gonna experience a lot of new things.”
“Speaking of new things, since when does Mal have a kid?”
Alice yelled softly from her chair, “That’s what I said!”
“Al hush!” Petra shouted, sitting next to her.
Michelle muttered, “But she’s white..”
Jeremy almost crooked on his blueberry at Michelle’s comment.
“You know that’s my mom you’re talking about, right?” Bella remarked eating her sandwich.
“Did Liane remarry?!” Michelle exclaimed with a gasp, “Did Ethan cheat? I swear I’mma murder him if he-”
“No, I’m adopted! And no, dad was under the curse somewhat, my biological mother is god knows where.”
“Whew! And here I thought I was gonna have to kill your daddy.”
“Go ahead, he’s not the smartest man. But I love him.”
Michelle and Bella shared a humorous moment together, chuckling. Joshua soon joined the others, Liane was asleep, as he sat down next to Jeremy stealing a blueberry from his plate. He heard the others throwing comments about the current state of their crew and he chuckled hearing Bella’s latest statement.
Joshua then had to ask, “Michelle..uh, how did you know that the cabin would be empty and safe to stay in?”
“Well, honestly I figured it would be better than staying in a hostel cave for weeks. I used to visit this area for shelter when I was single, me and the guys would come over here and just hang out.” Michelle explained smiling.
“What about the creatures outside?”
“Easy.” She added grinning, “I slayed their asses.”
“Cool!” Joshua says sounded very impressed.
“How about you kid? Slay any beasts yet?”
“No, but I have met a few.”
“Don’t worry, one week with me and you will know how to flip your sword over and throw it into a dragon’s chest.”
“Okay, you’re officially the cool one.”
Jeremy’s eyes widen, “The fu-?”
Nikolai patted his shoulder and said, “Don’t sweat it, man.”
“Wait if she is Liane’s kid?” Said Alice had a clueless expression on her face pointing to Bella and then pointed to Joshua, “Then who’s he?”
“His.” Joshua replied pointing to Nikolai with a small awkward half smile.
“How?! You guys ALL look young?! Did you guys find the fountain of youth or something?”
“..yup, she really is Alice from Alice in Wonderland..”
“And other places! I swear, take a one way trip and that’s all anyone ever knows about you.”
Bella smiled softly to herself finding her kinda cute, as it earned a small humorous eye roll from Joshua. It’s crazy, they land in the Enchanted Forest for the first time and the first thing Bella does it find herself an instant tiny crush on a blonde from Wonderland. Honestly, Joshua was happy for her and definitely was gonna tease her later for it.
Meanwhile the adults decide to take the lead in planning a new plan in order to avoid being caught here any longer. Petra suggested a magic bean, Nikolai mentioned the original wardrobes from years back could be another option, meanwhile Michelle planned on the best route to get there. Either the dust from the warehouses or the magic bean.
Jeremy pointed out that both options were good but needed a possible alternative route to leave, such as another portal.
He figured they can probably find his pirate ship and use whatever option from their plan to sail out of there, then appear in the shipping docks of Fighter-Town. He was just hoping that his ships would be ready to operate and not washed away during a storm.
Fingers crossed things went smoothly.
Ahh this is the last fic for the month (I think 🧐 unless I get more ideas!)
Anyways let me know what you think 💭
✨ Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel  @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh
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I finally finished Light Bringer. Here's my thoughts (obviously, spoilers incoming):
-First and formost, RIP to the king of my heart, Cassius Bellona. The worst part about his death is that you know it's coming the whole book. You don't take a character like him, a former enemy, give him a solid redemption arc, make him the most ABSURDLY likeable character and source of all humor in the book, and then not kill him off. But still, I held out a tiny bit of hope. I really dreaded getting to the end of this book just because I knew it would be coming. But, you had to respect the way he went out at least. Dude's gonna be legend if that counts for anything.
-So, The Abomination was WORRYINGLY absent from this book, aside from a couple of mentions and that (maybe) he's Virginia's mysterious source of intel? Like, everyone is worried about how Atalantia is sitting around building up her power while everyone else is duking it out, but what about the Abomination? I know he's not anybody's most immediate threat in this book, but is anybody else extremely worried about what he's going to get up to in Red God?
-I was happy with the Virginia chapters we did get, but I hope she gets more time in Red God. Also, same to Victra. She was awesome in this book, as always, but like, I want to see you do even more destroying, girl. We love you. I also missed Electra.
-The Bromance in this book was next level, even by the standards previously set in this series. I loved having a little break from the relentless battles and death in Dark Age, to just get the dudes (and Lyria) hanging out and trying to work out their differences. This also helped get back some of the old humor I missed from earlier in the series.
-This was Lyria at her best in my opinion. She was great. I only wish we got to see more Lyria and Cassius because they were just so heart warming.
-Sevro is back! I loved getting to see the old Sevro make his triumphant return for the last third of the book or so. Sevro walking up to Gaia au Raa and just going, "shut up, crone," really made my day.
-Lysander has killed my favorite character of the book two books in a row now. And both times with a gun. I love how this dude talks about how he's secretly really good with a razor, but every time he's confronted with someone who's actually good at using one he just shoots them point blank. I know I've said this before, but seriously guys, fuck Lysander. I mean, even Atalantia is becoming more likeable than him. She may be an evil, power hungry tyrant, but at least she's pretty much honest about it. Everyone knows she's the worst and she barely bothers to pretend otherwise.
-Admittedly, it's been a few years since I've read the other books in the series, but this might be my favorite of the bunch. Pierce Brown really hit every emotional note and character perfectly in this one, and it felt a lot more balanced compared to the (necessary) bleakness of Dark Age.
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ellsieee · 1 year
I'm kind of happy we got a bit of lighthearted filler after the angst and emotion of the last few eps. I'm going to enjoy the calm before the storm because I know Mo Yi is going to start shit.
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Their bike rides are really next level romantic. 😊
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I don't care that this was just that shipper girl's fantasy, I thoroughly enjoyed it anyway. 🤭 It's all about the forehead touch at the end! The behind the scene for this was even gayer. They really really want to kiss each other. Mao Chong's actor had to look away. 🤣
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I knew that Doudou would end up with the shipper girl's danmei. Doudou becoming a fujoshi was not where I expected the plot to go. 😅 Can't believe it is Wu Bi that officially introduces her to bl. 🤣
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All hail the shipper girl, putting all the bromance allegations to rest! MUTUAL LOVE. If I see one more person say that SWM can't be a bl because of censorship, I will flip a table.
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Not them forcing the whole school to eat dog food. 🤣 If I saw my classmates giving each other meaningful looks like that, I would definitely suspect something. The shipper girl represents all of our inner fangirls.
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I love this wholesome OT3 so much. I especially enjoy Wu Bi and Doudou's relationship. Wu Bi feeding her shrimp sticks on demand made me laugh. Doudou's gaydar is spot on for someone so young. She knows. 😏
Random thoughts:
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I need Mao Chong and Bokuang to happen! It's not likely since there aren't that many more eps to develop anything, but they're cute together and can provide some comedic relief from all the Wu Bi/Su Yu angst. Xu Bin looks good with his hair down! I wish they would style him this way more often.
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Hi I'm sorry I know your busy with so many requests. But when you get a moment can we get ladam from saw after Laurence cuts off his foot and he crawls to Adam and they have a bromance kiss. Then they die together 💅💖ily
A Promise
a/n: ahh thank you so much for the request! i love this idea <3 sorry it took so long
warnings: blood, angst
word count: 400
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Screams and gunshots clouded Lawrence's mind as he dragged himself across the floor, his skin drenched in sweat and his breathing growing shallower by the minute.
The smell of blood forced its way down his throat as he made his way toward Adam, reaching a trembling hand out in an effort to gain his attention.
He was bleeding out, he knew that, but he couldn't just turn around. He had to get to Adam. He honestly didn't care if he died here.
All he cared about was getting to finally hold Adam in his arms, like he had been wishing for the entire time they were chained up in this place.
When he was finally close enough, he reached out, curling his fingers around Adam's arms, attempting to stop him in his assault.
And he did. Adam dropped the broken porcelain and was soon looking straight at Lawrence, nothing but terror in his eyes.
"You're gonna be alright," Lawrence whispered, bringing a shaky hand up to Adam's face.
Lawrence knew that he needed to get help, but he didn't want to leave Adam. And anyway, if he did somehow make it out of here, what would he be going back to?
His family were probably dead. The last thing he'd heard were their screams. His daughter─
He didn't want to know what had happened to them.
"I'm not going to leave you, okay?" Lawrence whispered, forcing himself to look at Adam. "I'm not...leaving you."
Adam was crying, his forehead pressed against Lawrence's, desperate hands clutching his shoulders.
"Lawrence," he whimpered, the bloodied material of his t-shirt gripped tightly in his fist. "Lawrence."
Adam wasn't sure why he was even uttering the doctor's name like this. He'd already told him he wouldn't leave.
But he was scared.
He supposed Lawrence could turn around at any moment, let him go as he left him alone.
"Don't leave me," Adam cried. "Please."
"I won't," Lawrence muttered, his trembling fingers still stroking along Adam's cheek. "I won't."
Lawrence leaned closer to Adam then, his body growing cold, and he used his last ounce of strength to reach up and catch Adam's lips with his.
He hadn't done it out of lust or any sort of attraction. It was more so a way to comfort him─to let him know that he would stay right there with him.
It was a promise.
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[Main Masterlist]
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i’m only hands and knees BEGGING the universe for more content for this book.
Princess Gwen and Duke(?) Arthur are betrothed from birth. but there’s one problem, they hate, and i mean HAATTEE each other. and also! Both of them are gay, and fancy other people!! fake dating ensues and it’s FANTASTIC!
also fun fact! the story is set in CAMELOT generations after the events of the Arthurian Legend to the point where it’s considered myth in the story and it’s *slight* alt history and it’s SOOOO good!!
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the characters in this book feel and response and behave so REALL!!! the dialogue is quick, and charming and sharp (Shoutout to Arthur and Sidney, the best bromance in any fucking series i’ve ever read. i would DIE for Sid)
Lesbian knight! DO I SAY MORE?! THERE IS A LESBIAN KNIGHT! and she’s amazing! and knows what SHE WANTS!
also i love how the characters in this book have actually development!! it’s so heartwarming!!
if i had to give a favourite chapter i’d have to say Chapter 17. i wish i could read it again for the first time!!
OH AND BEFORE I GO I HAVE TO SHARE MY FAV PARAGRAPH!!! like o- oh my god oh my fucking god i’m gonna oh my waaaahhhhhh
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nadziejastar · 10 months
Absolutely love your akusai analysis stuff its so good omg.
Do you have any more thoughts on them?
Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it! As for my thoughts on Akusai, well, after beating Fire Emblem Three Houses recently, I do have a few thoughts. I know, I'm late to the party on 3H. (I actually loved 3H and would love to write metas about those ships lol). But anyways, regarding Akusai. It's a bit of a rant and there's minor spoilers for FE3H, so I'll put it under the cut.
Okay, so Sylvix felt like it was everything Akusai was supposed to be. It touched on all the same themes, too. In 3H, you've got a childhood friend trio. The standard two males and a female. On the surface it seems like the girl and the outgoing redhead goofball are a thing. But they treat each other more like bros. He and the quiet blue-haired sword guy had a much more intimate bond with each other, complete with a special promise™ to always be together and redhead being protective of blue. The redhead never wants to grow up and change because he doesn't wanna fulfill the heteronormative life script of getting married and having kids.
He is longing to go back to his childhood days but is sad at how much blue has changed since they were kids and has apparently outgrown their closeness. He hides his angst behind a smile and womanizing. Blue was once a meek clingy crybaby but now he is surly and obsessed with growing stronger. Deep down he is still an uke who secretly longs to be redhead's waifu. But he has a lot of shame related to his sensitivity and gender nonconformity. He distances himself from others, but boy does he get irritated if redhead flirts with anyone else.
I do wish the game would have just come right out and tell you that they're gay for each other (and so does this gaming site). I get why it didn't. Still, it didn't really hide it too much. They have a paired ending where they spend their whole lives playfully teasing each other like just when they were kids, never get married, and die together in each other's arms. It's the most romantic ending in the whole game, if you ask me. And Sylvix is SUPER popular and well received by the fandom. Both in Japan and the West. They have soooo much fan content. There are still some dudes who say they're just friends because ew icky gay. But most people in the fandom are able to tell they're queer-coded and are fine with it. In fact, the fandom was so fine with it that they released an overtly queer dude in the DLC, strictly due to popular demand.
3H is not a slam dunk with gay romance since much of it (particularly MLM) relies on subtext. But it still had more balls than most JRPG series and it definitely was a step in the right direction. We all know that Soriku is the most popular ship. The end of KH2 was total fujoshi fuel. But Soriku never had any chance in hell of being canon. KH is a video game shonen anime. Sora/Riku bromance is "safe". They can capitalize on shipteasing them to their female fans, but they won't alienate their male fans because Kairi is still very obviously the love interest for Sora. I found Akusai to be a lot more compelling because it was legitimately queer-coded.
Axel was queer-coded from the very beginning. His close friendship with Roxas in KH2 made people question his sexuality all the way back in 2006 and Akuroku rivaled Soriku for a time. And I do think that Axel always meant to be queer. Although personally, I did not get the impression that he was in love with Roxas. I got the sense that he probably had a best friend back when he was a human. And it was this dead best friend that he truly yearned for. The sweet and innocent Roxas reminded Axel of his human best friend and he latched onto him to help him forget the memories of days long past. That was my headcanon back in 2006 when KH2 first came out.
So, I was really happy when Days/BBS came out and it basically confirmed my theory that Axel was truly hung up on his human best friend and saw Roxas as a kind of replacement for him. And Isa was also very queer-coded. BBS!Isa has a more distinctly feminine design than any other boy in the series. He had very girlsh eyes and lips, small hands, long hair. And Saix's Mystery Gear is very cutesy-looking. Traditionally, the moon is viewed as a feminine symbol. And Saix's weapons in 358/2 Days were named after moon goddesses. They could have easily picked male moon gods, but they chose female goddesses like Selene and Artemis. It signifies to the player that, "Hey, this character does not follow the conventional gender stereotypes."
When you play 358/2 Days, and you get to the part where Axel is talking about love, you realize he's talking about his most precious memories from his human life, just like with all the other stuff like summer vacation and the red sunset. Akusai was not just superficial fujobait. Even if it was all subtext, it was a genuine depiction of two queer male characters who loved each other romantically. Axel is not straight. That’s a big reason why I was so mad that KH3 pushed their relationship off to the side and treated saving Isa as so much less important compared to saving Roxas. And it was so annoying how Saix had to mention Subject X whenever he might have seemed a little too obsessed with Axel otherwise.
Last year, Nomura said that he intended to show more of Lea and Isa's backstory in the future, so I've just been waiting for more content. I hope that we can get their story without Subject X overshadowing them like she did in KH3. I'm...cautiously optimistic. I expect this subplot to be included in Missing Link, since it is quite literally a missing link of the story. Axel is super popular and a queer-coded backstory with his childhood best friend would be very well received by the modern KH fandom, IMO. People are a LOT more accepting of gay content than they were in 2006. We've come a long way. And personally, I just love the idea that the tough cold asshole Saix's human self was actually a super sweet cutie who was in love with Lea. I really think the KH fandom would love that idea, too, if the writers were ever allowed to actually explore it. And a niche mobile game is probably a safer medium for that type of content than a mainline console game overseen by Disney, I guess. At the very least, if they ever put an Isa figurine into ML, I will whale for it if I have to. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
The first time had been in year 4 when they had brought all the kids here on a school trip. Max tried to steal a pen and almost got body slammed by the Secret Service. But Uncle Jace did send him home with said pen and a secretive wink.
I will say it again because it is so worth repeating, I love Jace. I just love him. His relationship with Max is the best.
But if anyone can be scarier than a fucking President, it’s Anjali.
Yesss my queen is here! But she works for Alec? That can't be good for Rosewood (Spoiler Alert: it definitely wasn't good for Rosewood. Rafael broke up with Anjali? What is that boy doing? Somebody smack him in the head! And then give him a long and soft hug he's always going through so much😭 here's a rose for him 🌹)
The French monarchy is vulnerable with all the anti-royalist sentiments in Europe,” Anjali reminds them. “Some are saying that France might be next in line.”
Umm that can actually be good for David? And Mavid in the long run? I mean I've been trying to find a realistic ending to LDV and if everything Albert has been doing to David comes out and people get sick over it and try to overthrow the French royals... that's kinda perfect for Mavid? And David because becoming King is his worst fear but he will no longer be king?
Marie Antoinette,” Bapak elaborates, pointing at the meme on the screen. “She didn’t actually say let them eat cake.”
Magnus Bane the man that you are. But I didn't know that she didn't say that and I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed, I actually really liked that line.
Bapak reaches out and puts a hand on the other man’s knee. As always, it works like a charm. No Comms team could ever come up with a better strategy to calm down the President.
Malec my beloved
We are lucky the prince has agreed to this strategy,” Anjali informs him seriously.
What was David's reasoning behind choosing to help Max at the beginning with the whole fake friends plan? Did he want to spend more time with Max? Did he want to be closer to him whatever way he could? Did he realize how much trouble Max would be in and wanted to protect him? All of the above?
You’re going to bromance him so hard, I want fourteen-year-old girls making TikTok edits to Taylor Swift songs about the two of you. Do you understand me?”
Be careful what you wish for Anjali
He didn’t speak to me because he’s got a stick up his ass,” Max rolls his eyes and turns around in David’s arms. “But we’re good now. I knew he’d come back. He can’t stay away from me for too long.”
“I don’t think anyone can,” David whispers softly.
My heart went beep beep at that so I just wanted to point it out.
There is a conversation, I don't remember where it is, where it's Mavid talking about Zara and the Devlins. Both of them, in one conversation? Made me nauseous, not gonna lie. How much crazy can one person stand?
Rafael is going through it in this fic. (When is he not lol)
David agreed to the plan because he literally wanted to spend time with Max. Relatable king strikes again 😌
This fic really does have all the villains together (Except for Asmodeus lol)
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