#I love being insane about orm
ormymarius · 5 months
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his eyes here sorta remind me of snake eyes in a way + his full name Orm Marius roughly translates to “snake of the sea”
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Some Orm Marius Headcanons Just Because
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Pairing: Orm Marius x reader
A/N: Orm headcanons because apparently why not. Orm is my new crush I guess? I don't know either. Wow this got really long. Not sorry. I haven't had inspiration in forever and it feels nice.
I imagine that if you're ever fancy enough to have a shower and tub separate from each other (which is my idea of fancy, I love giant bathtubs I'm a weirdo) he would chill in a full tub of water while you shower. The first time he does it he scares the crap out of you. Now it's kinda nice.
Also, taking baths together. He might scrunch up his nose and tell you he'll think about it when you first ask. Eventually he'll agree but fights you on the temperature of the water the whole time. You're better off just setting up camp next to the tub if you really want to hang out with him while he marinates.
Call it his Marinating Time and you get The Frown™️. Arthur 100% looses his shit and wonders why he didn't think of it first the first time he hears it and it catches on like wildfire.
Have a campfire with Orm and he'll awkwardly stand 10 feet away while you try to lure him closer. Eventually he comes around to it but he likes it more because of how much you like it. S'mores are secretly his favorite though.
And once he cooks over the fire that's it. That's the only way you'll get him to cook. Why? Because of the taste🤌 that's why.
You two can look at the lobster tank at the grocery store together. Dare him to steal the lobsters and he'll give you The Frown™️ because that would be childish.
You always bring a water bottle with you when you go out anywhere on land together. Like one of those giant, metal, double walled monstrosities that are heavy as fuck and hold half a gallon. He thinks you're insane for lugging it around everywhere until he realizes one day that he drinks out of it more than you and that you're carrying it around for him. He's such an idiot I love him
Likes the feeling of you idly running your fingers through his hair. It kind of reminds him of being underwater, feeling the current.
You get along with Arthur in a way that almost worries Orm. In the sense that you will 100% charge at Arthur in a mock fight and try to wrestle him to the ground as a greeting after like, the second time you meet him. Arthur is absolutely siked to have you around, you lighten Orm up but don't take shit from Arthur.
Which makes Tom instantly happy you're around. You two often commiserate over having fallen in love with Atlanteans and what not. Lots of comfortable silences between you to.
And Junior. Orm has all kinds of feelings he does not want to think about when he first sees you holding Arthur and Mera's kid. Even if his Mother is giving him a knowing look as you spin the laughing kid around until you land safely on the couch.
You get along so well with Atlanna even if she's a little intimidating at first. She sees how much you care for her younger son, how you don't let him linger on the outside looking in because "this is your family too, Orm" and she he hugs you a little too tight after hearing that, after seeing small stolen moments between you and Orm. Her sons are happy.
If you want Orm to teach you how to fight he will say absolutely not and when you ask Arthur, who obviously says hell yeah, only then does Orm take over. But then you tell Atlanna one day that you think he's going easy on you so she lovingly starts training you to kick ass. She does not go easy on you. It's kind of awesome.
If you ever go to a museum and see a tylosaur fossil and Orm casually points out he use to ride one, you literally drag him to the nearest beach and demand he proves it because LOOK AT THAT? ⬇️ THAT'S COOL AS FUCK!
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So I went ice skating today and since I have Orm on my brain I was thinking about ice skating with Orm and he would be so very, very horrible when he first steps out on the ice. Thinks you are purposely trying to embarrass him. He's a baby deer on ice. The Frown™️ is impressive if you laugh at him falling because honestly the ice rink is in more trouble than Orm when he falls anyway.
I think (sometimes) he learns things through shear stubbornness. He doesn't want anyone's help. He can figure this out on his own thank you very much, no matter how many times he falls (literally or metaphorically) just to prove he can. But when it clicks and he gets it, man is graceful as hell. Does laps around you and gets brave enough to pick you up and zoom around with you yelling at him the whole time.
Also, he likes when you praise him praise kink? praise kink.
He gets snarky when he's upset and I imagine he can be pretty mean without thinking about it. Probably has a hard time apologizing when the relationship is still new.
So, so worried about seeming too vulnerable around you. Tell him directly that it is okay to be vulnerable, you love him, you trust him and you want him to trust you.
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colindotpdx · 5 months
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Oregon Elder Illegally Imprisoned By His Legal Guardian
For those at the back of the room, here is a quick recap of the story of my old buddy Maynard Orme.
In January a friend and I visited Maynard at his assisted living facility near Portland. We found him uncharacteristically miserable. His finances were in crisis despite having a conservator in charge and he told us that he had not been able to visit his daughter and grandkids for Christmas. He was very upset and not in good health. We checked that there was no legal restriction on his travel and arranged for his trip to California. We subsequently learned more about how badly his medical state and his finances had been managed by his conservator and caretaker; treatment that was abusive, neglectful, and manipulative of an 87 year old elder.
Once in California, he was happy as a clam with his family and his physical and mental state has improved dramatically. I’ve been to visit him regularly from January and, when I saw him a few days ago in Los Angeles, he was more spritely than I had seen him in months since his daughter has been looking after him. We asked him about his new residence and his new girlfriend and he said "I love it here. It doesn’t get any better than this"
But his guardian and former caretaker had other plans.
This week, the day after I saw him, they arrived at his residence with a court order and spirited him back to Oregon.
We don’t know what they told him, whether he agreed to go with them, or how they got back. They left behind his cell phone and his clothes and personal possessions; such was the haste in which he was removed. His attorney in Oregon was as surprised as anyone as he had not been informed of their plans and was not even informed when his client was back in Oregon.
But we do know where he was taken.
Maynard is now back at the assisted living facility in Charbonneau from which he escaped but, when friends show up to see him, he is “not taking visitors” on orders from his guardian and her lawyer. He was apparently interviewed by law enforcement upon his return for reasons that were not disclosed but he could not have been provided assistance of counsel.
His lawyer then tried to visit Maynard at his new residence but he too was denied entry. He was referred to the guardian and then her lawyer who gave orders to prevent him visiting his client.
Outrage Level Turned up to ELEVEN.
A US citizen is being jailed by a fiduciary professional and her lawyer. Even an arraigned murderer would not be denied assistance of counsel. In what world can one lawyer refuse to allow an opposing lawyer access to his client? This is insanity.
I bet there’s something in the US Constitution that covers this.
When the guardian and her lawyer are acting “in colour of law” by waving a court order, they are taking on the authority of the state; like carrying a badge or wearing a black jacket with FBI across the back. But, guess what, law enforcement would not get away with this bullshit.
Maynard is being denied his basic civil rights by a out-of-control guardian under guidance from a conflicted lawyer; the two of them are running amok.
The facility in which Maynard is now imprisoned and the caretaker that IS allowed to see him, have both demonstrated a track record of neglect and abuse - financial, mental, and medical. Neither his friends, family, or lawyer are now allowed to talk to him. We have no idea of how he is being treated, of what he is being told, or how he is being threatened.
This isolation is seriously compounding the abuse of this respected Portland elder for reasons that are hard to fathom.
How it Started: How it’s Going.
This whole adventure started with a pleasant lunch and an arranged flight for Maynard to see his family and enjoy their mutual love and caring in sunny Los Angeles. Joy was restored to Maynard's life.
It has now turned into an extra-judicial nightmare with an inconceivable level of fear and darkness for Maynard and his family who are beside themselves with worry. A crisis driven by fiduciary professionals in breach of their legal duties to protect Maynard, and whose firms have failed to rein them in.
Shame on all of them.
This is not over.
Photo: When Maynard retired, AARP did an article about him and took this picture of him at the Oregon Rail Heritage Center where he was a huge supporter and booster.
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redpiperfox · 2 years
Cheshire Album listen-thru~~
I would have liked to do this earlier. I have been thoroughly listening through the album, but it came out during finals week, and I had to put this off because of that, and then it just reminded me finals to think about doing this for a while so--
I have been enjoying the album on my own. But I’ve only just worked up the energy to be able to do this (see my other essay on Cheshire thanks to Mera), and now you all must suffer the energy of me being absolutely Insane about this album, because thanks to Sunny, I am Off-The-Walls-Crazy about this album.
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Cheshire: What a track! What a title track! This is hypnotizing, sitting with Maleficent at the chessboard, playing politics with the queen over tea, and dancing in a ballroom poised on the edge of battle with all the cards in your hands. This track has the girls on the outside of the status quo, peeking in and out of a serious plot with airy power they can flaunt if they want, but instead they hide under sly smiles. This track is everything. 
From the moment “La-la-la~” came out, I knew we had a hit. This wasn’t the ungrounded base beat of Sneakers with the floating “Ye! Ye!” flying with no support, this wasn’t the teasing fresh beats from the debut trilogy, or the teasing opening lines of the previous costume-changing Itzy. This Itzy came out of the gate with layered vocals, fresh sounds with their classic powerhouse beat. And their voices, oh sweet heaven, their voices! Not a single line felt anything short of tailored for the member it was given to. The staircase-falling sound motif in the chorus provided just enough mystery, and the pitched up choir in the back providing the depth to an Itzy track that tells us this group is maturing and moving up. Harmonies! Members singing with each other! And in their range!
The core of this is subtlety. From the building of the track, to the music video, to the dance itself. There are less huge movement, more little movements of incredible complexity. Everything is in the details, and the details are bedazzling! The video itself grew in how stunning it was the more I watched it, and I can attribute a lot of my awe to Jordan Orme and his analysis of it.
Lyrically, I see we are comfortably in the identity era, and we’ve returned back to our debut era of being in-your-face, and still not as complex. But I’ll take my victories-- perhaps lyrical complexity is the place they aim to grow... or perhaps not. Perhaps being blaringly obvious about identity and what they want to do and sticking it to people who tell them otherwise will be the think Itzy carry with them as their group identity. Who knows! It’ll be interesting to watch...
Personally, this track feels like the product of ten months (next to the japanese titles, those are gold). Had the company not been planning the english release for when they had, and maybe tried to preempt it with Sneakers... or maybe if they hadn’t decided on using Mama as their comeback stage... (what a power move, by the way! SkzItzy were unashamed of owning those stages, and we love them for that.) I can muse about Sneakers being the b-side track of the century, and not stealing time and money from Cheshire, and I can muse about how much well-deserved traction Cheshire could have gotten on it’s own two feet after their little break... I could, but I won’t. This is the title track of queens, and you can feel every bit of their growth in this track, and their confidence in who they are. I hope the company doesn’t get cold feet like they did with Twice after I Can’t Stop Me and Cry For Me (I loved Talk That Talk don’t come after me) and see this evolution to it’s end!
Snowy: Here’s a halloween witch, waving the hypnotizing watch in front of your face, and transforming into a cat that leaps into the snow and laughs back at you with the little “Nyan-nah-nan-nah-nah-nah’s.” A fantasy power character dancing along the edge, with the power to mold the plot to her favor, but instead throwing in cryptic words of wisdom for the character to grapple the whole journey and realize they could’ve finished much earlier. This song, is the real Cheshire.
Also, let’s talk about classical music sampling done right. The sister the chorus trickled down, I was in love. My sister had it on loop. I didn’t know why until my sister figured it out-- Fur Elise melody sampling. Brilliant. And highly effective. Hats off to the lyricism for stepping towards immersive, descriptive languages that shows and doesn’t just tell me what it’s trying to convey. The members are in a comfortable range, and they own their lines-- it’s every bit a beautiful b-side to be promoted and showcase their abilties. Top notch, love it!
Freaky: What a chill bop. It’s the mood of walking the streets while Christmas shopping, two weeks before, when there’s no pressure or rush, just hanging out with your friends in the soft glow and twinkling of Christmas decor. It’s got a a cozy, by the fireplace playing games feel, steeped in all the character and sass of Itzy in Ryujin and Yuna, with the easy confidence of Yeji, Lia, and Chaeryeong’s voices. Throw in some casual vocal runs, teetering on the edge of jazzy bounces, unseriously tinkering around. 
I have to say though, I am surprised as how contrasting the actual content of the lyrics are. How very Han Jisung of this song. I know they didn’t write it, but it’s got a maturity in lyric writing, in description and emotion, that I really love. It feels a little like 3racha lyricism, and no, that’s not me willing a collab into the universe.
Boys Like You: This is a sophomore year of high school romance. Singing from the window into a hairdryer, laughing with your friends over the love-blind days. It’s very cute. 
I get it. Sure, it sounds like Taylor Swift in the chorus, but other than that? I like the stamp of independence, confidence, and girl crushness in pop. My first thought was “Why are they trying Twice with Itzy?” but this isn’t a Twice track. It’s an expansion of Itzy. I support experimenting. It experimented better than Sneakers anyway. Also, Chaeryeong high note!!! What a win! And Lia fits this song like a glove, like she fits covering Taylor Swift songs. (Speaking of which, more please? Can I get them to cover I Know Places? Please? No? Okay sorry--)
The music video is so so cute, I love the style, and how it’s not as bold, but leans into the small sideplot, storybook, scrap-booked horror in a journal. Their outfits were cute, the acting was cute, it was all very cute.
....but I hope they don’t bring it to their Korean and Japanese titles, with all due respect. Sorry girlies!
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All in all? Very solid mini album, not one throwaway song to be found. It’s a crying shame they couldn’t have started their tour with this under their belt, but ah well, c’est la vie, we can’t everything I suppose.
However, I think it would be a shame to pass up this opportunity to speculate what a gorgeous and cohesive album Checkmate and Cheshire would have been together. @the-sunshine-dragon​ and I went through both mini albums and put together, with much careful thought and consideration, what we believe would have been a solid full album, Checkshire. 
But regardless, what we do have, is the growth of an iconic group, that absolutely has my attention. Anywho, would love to talk and discuss with people~
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Dating a tattoo artist
Imagine: being a tattoo artist and your boyfriend being part of it
This was a fun idea I had. I hope you like it. Enjoy ❤️
Victor Creed
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-he is here for it
-since his loooooonnnnggg life is well long he loves to tells stories of tattoo artists he met Japan, Brazil, New York, New Zeland...
-and you can bet that he will have the most elaborate tattoo you can think of since he said so
'You want a tattoo? From me?'
'Yes, I trust you.'
'That's the problem, Vic, you could end up with a dolphin tattoo on your arm.'
'.... Well... I still trust you?'
-after that, he was a little bug just to be on your good side which you took full advantage of
Being on top, commanding him? Sure
Handing you the remote even though it's next to you? Of course
Helping you choose an outfit even though you are indecisive and he has a short fuse? Hell yeah.
-when the day came you tattooed him a small quote that described him
"Tough times never last but tough people do"
(Robert H. Shuller)
'I love it. Thank you kitten.'
Loki Laufeyson
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-Since he was in the cell for most of his life (in my universe that's the worst thing happening for him, he didn't die nor his mother) he doesn't know what a tattoo artist is he thinks that's an alternative art form he is supportive
-after you talk to him describing the definition of tattoos and the art behind it he is very much perplexed
'So mortals pay you to pierce their skin with black ink to paint...something????'
'Tattoo something on their skin and yes.'
'With pain in mind?????'
'Yes, and it looks awesome.'
-when he heard the story of your tattoo shop he decided to tag along to see the magic
-he saw how men and women tattooed others while they squirmed in their seats he chuckled at the sight of it
'Darling you could have told me.'
'You torture people with the needle machines and coax them into paying you. Brilliant.'
-he stayed with you to help you with the pain giving without a medical license
'I'm a God. I'm above it.'
'No one is above the Inspection.'
Thor Odinson
-since his depression and weight gain he is very much informed of the world of MTV tattoo show "How far is tattoo far?"
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-so he very much thinks that tattoos are a stamp of disgrace
-and keeping that in mind he is frazzled why are you doing a job like that
'You are a shame barer?'
'Shame-what...? Thor! I'm not. The show is a disgrace to the tattoo world.'
'Just come with me and spend one day and see it for yourself.'
-Thor is reluctant much to his words but still, you sat him down in the waiting lobby he chats up the customers a.k.a big muscular dudes that are already tattooed from the neck down
'So... what is your shame? What horrible deed have you done to come here?'
'Excuse me!?'
'You must be here to condemn your shame by immortalizing it with a flesh sticker.'
-at this point, the muscle dude stood up ready to attack Thor but you intervene quickly
'Marc, stop!'
-the man turned around hiding his tight fist behind his back
'Y/n, already done? That's fast.'
'Marc, you know that you were released 7 months ago and you are still on parole. Come on. Stop it.'
'He insulted me and-and my tattoos. Your tattoos. You know how am about your work.'
-Thor hears that as stands up grabbing Marc's arm examining the tattoos in amazement
'My darling, I want that felsh sticker as he has.'
'.......... Sure........ Wait here. Let's go, Marc. I need to vent.'
Steve Rogers
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-Steve knows what tattoos are since he has seen the stick and poke of his fellow soldiers but never a photorealistic tattoo in your portfolio
-he is very much intrigued how you made that look like a real person on someone's skin knowing very well there is no eraser
-loves to ask how do you achieve such colors that simply jump out or how you make a fabric that of a shirt or some patterns, he is armed with questions
-and since he is an art wizard himself he loves to have a painting duel with you, you paint on his skin with watercolors and he paints on the canvas
-that's one of his favorite moments
'What did you draw?'
'A dolphin kissing a penguin.'
'Just kidding I painted the building in Brooklyn where you lived.'
'Did I tell you how much I love you?'
Bucky Barnes
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-this man thrives to see you fulfill your dream and passion
-especially when he picks you up, he parks the car exiting it and walking in seeing you talk to your employees and customers exchanging stories and laughs even though in the near distance is the buzzing sounds of the machine guns
-you see him and grab his hand giving him a peck on his lips as a cheeky grin is stuck on his face
-as you talk about your day he always asks the question
'Were there any wusses?'
-alluding to men who cried out form the stinging pain, eventually tapping out to take a break
'Yes, a big dude Marc. Ordered a neck tattoo with details. Tapped out in 15 minutes.'
'I knew it!'
-he enjoys in the hilarious stories you can make up... I mean tell
Bruce Wayne
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-you already know the drill he has money he will give it to you but politely delined
-he tried to help with purest of heart but still, the answer was no
-he loved to see your shop filled with many customers as he walked incognito, sunglasses and a cap saying he wasn't a private appointment with the head tattooer
-Let's just say you were pretty much in tears of laughter as he reveled his face
'At least you tried, Bruce.'
-he loves to talk about tattoos and the process of healing if it's on top of a scar
-you are hooked on the conversation and even make him some sketches
'A huge dragon on your back with black and gold lining.'
'Okay but how about initials of my parents?'
'That sounds... Better much much better.'
-so the day of his tattooing comes you tattoo in his inner arm putting the letter T. & M. W.
'Thank you Princess.'
Clark Kent
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-Clark loves to see the vast tattoos so much that he wants one but he knows that his body will "absorb" the tattoo too fast making it disappear in a few months maybe weeks
-but still, he loves to see how your gaze is sharp focused on the tattooing even when HE walks that is how much you are focused
'Alrighty, Marc you are done.'
'Thanks, Y/n, you are the best.'
-Clark also loves to hear the influx of comments of your artistry even if he's a little jealous
-he loves to see just how much you are happier to follow this insane passion
'You are an inspiration Y/n.'
'Because... You just are.'
Arthur Curry
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-you already know that Fishman is tatted to perfection and he is here for a tattoo lover as well
-if you ever have someone asking for a Maori style tattoo Arthur will be a fair judge, that's what he says
'Why do you want a Maori tattoo?'
'Um, sir beca-'
'It's Mr. Aquaman. Continue.'
'Oh, sorry. Mr. Aquaman, I want it because I find them cool.'
'Just cool? Do you think that the abundant culture of Maori people is cool? Go home boy.
Case #2
'You want a Ta Moko? Do you what that is?'
'Sur-sure, it's a tattoo of the Maori people.'
'Ufff... Do you know how much of a meaning Ta Moko carries? Why don't you go to the Yakuzas and get a tebori.'
'They would kill me.'
'Of course, and I'll whoop your uncultured ass with my two hands.'
-you turned to the now pale boy
-the man ran like the wind as the Aquaman caught him easily giving him a cultural lesson of Ta Moko
Orm Marius
-he kinda has a small soft spot for tattoos especially those with a loving meaning lover, family...
-and he likes to "inform himself" about it so he asks a ton of questions even asking what kind of tattoo would suit him
'I think a small red tattoo would suit your taste.'
'I like the tattoos who can hold audios.'
-with that sentence, he left you frazzled as you google and got the special ink kit gifting it to Orm as a present for being a nice guy and not killing anyone
-he immediately records his audio in secrecy and handing you the ink
-after you tattoo the ink you hand him your phone with the app to scan the audio
'Hey, Orm. I'm just reminding you that I love you. So much. It's Y/n if you forget... Somehow.'
-later that day you doused him with kisses
-that man oozes with tattoos *cough*damaged*cough*
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-and you can bet that he wants more of them he brings into your home the whole tattoo parlor just so he can have a private session with sex mixed in
-you gladly tattoo him patching up some of his tattoos he has outgrown them
'Why did you tattoo Kick Me on your back?'
'I won a bet.'
'Are you sure you won?'
'For sake of this question I did.'
-you cover the kick me tattoo with a large red dragon with green eyes
-he stands up looking at the tattoo in the mirror
'Sweets, you just got a huge tip.'
Duncan Vizla
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-for him, tattoo nowadays are dumb in his time tattoos were means of solidarity with people who are bounded by the same ink and gun
-but keeps his mouth shut about it not to offend your dream even if it's tattooing dancing hotdogs
-he loves to pass your parlor when he finishes grocery shopping just to see you in action
-he loves to arrive at the parlor if you are doing a night shift just to keep you safe and in good company
-he loves to bring you lunch and watch you eat it with such content and happiness
-it melts his heart and just wants to make you more food
-but as he is present for the good he is here for the bad
-if he is somewhere anywhere you just need to call him and he is there in a minute be it a drunken person not wanting to exit or an aggressive man trying to grope someone in the shop
-he is ready to kill them if you say so
'You okay sweetheart?'
'Um-yeah...Thank you Donut.'
'Nonsense. That's my duty.'
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malereaderinsert · 6 years
Second Chance - Part One
Fandom: DC - Aquaman
Pairing: Orm Marius x Male Atlantean Reader
Warnings: Discrimination and that’s it.
Word Count: 2.700
Request: Heey, can I make a request? I saw your post about Orm from Aquaman and I had this idea where the male reader is the royal consort instead of Mera. You are free to do whatever you want with that! Thxx :)
Note: My fingers slipped and this happened. Is up to you guys if I should continue with this story or not, so let me know!!
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Orm was obsessing over his brother, again. He had always blamed the man for what happened to his mother and he being a half-breed only made the matters worse. Orm's father had raised his son to hate the surface world as much as it's inhabitants. (Y/n) didn't altogether agree with his king's beliefs.
Yes they were savages who only killed and raged war upon each other, polluted their planet and murdered the childrens of the ocean for sport, but Queen Atlanna had seen good in them and (y/n) had to agree with her, they weren't entirely evil as the Atlanteans weren't entirely good either. 
(Y/n) had seen it with his own eyes what the humans are capable off. He walked through the surface world. The atlantean saw injustice, discrimination, oppression and many unspeakable things, but the more he observed the more he saw his own world reflected before him.
The world of men had good traits too. Whenever (y/n) least expected he would be treated with kindness and everlasting compassion, things that he found lacking in Atlantis.
The world of men was only misguided, if only (y/n) could make Orm see that, the imminent blood shed would be prevented. But his future husband was as stubborn as his father before him. And his mind was set on war.
That is why (y/n) offered to help his little sister, Mera. That girl was set to stop her king's crazy plan and nothing would stop her. (y/n) knew it was foolish to try convince her otherwise so he was left with no choice but to help, only if he had known what her plan was. 
She went after the half-breed to convince him of his birth right as king of Atlantis.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind Mera!?” (Y/n) had traveled with his sister to the surface so they could talk without the fear of being watched. “I agreed to whatever you were doing to keep you out of harm's way, but this has gone to far.” The (y/h/c) haired man was trembling with barely concealed anger.
“What was I supposed to do? Orm won't listen to reason (y/n), not even YOU could make him change his mind.” The waves crashing upon the rocky sides of the cliff were almost enough to swallow her last words, but (y/n) still heard them and they cut deep. 
“He is my future husband, my king. What you're doing is high treason Mera. I'm trying to keep you safe, but I won't be dragged into this mess.” 
“So now you'll act like a loyal puppy? For your “king”?” The bitter tone in his sister's voice caught the man him off guard.
“What are you talking about? Yes, OUR king.” (y/n) made a point to emphasize the word. 
“He's not my king, not since he chose you to rule at his side and not me.” The girl was barely able to hold her tears at bay. “You remember, right? When I would spend day and night telling you about how much I dreamed to become queen of Atlantis just to have you take my place in the end.” 
(Y/n) couldn't believe what he was hearing. Mera was jealous of him for taking her place as royal consort. The atlantean thought his sister's obsession with becoming queen was just a child's fantasy. 
Orm didn't chose Mera because the king was already falling for her older brother. And (y/n) being the most skillful warrior in all Atlantis just came as a plus. But his sister wouldn't want to just dethrone Orm for petty jealousy… would her? Then the real reason came to (y/n) like a lightning bolt.
“You want the half-breed to reclaim his birthright just so you can be his queen?” (y/n) saw the way his sister looked down in shame, confirming his suspicion. “You would betray everything, your people, our father and me just so you could have a crown over your head?!” Just thinking about made (y/n) churn, the ideia that his sister could be so naive and irresponsible.
“It's not just the crown. It's the power that comes with it. I could finally be what I was always meant to be.” Mera said those words with a conviction of a mad woman, hungry for power and influence.
“Saving the people of the surface world was never your priority was it? How could I be so blind. I never wanted to take your place Mera. Me and Orm fell in love with each other, that is why I accepted. You know I never wanted this responsibility.” It pained (y/n) to say the next words but he knew with who his heart and loyalty belonged to, and it wasn't to some half-breed he never met. “I thought your heart and mind were in the right place, but I was wrong. If you continue with your crazy plan I won't support you at all. You'll be on your own. And tell your friend that if he ever try to harm my king in anyway, blood will be spilled. And you know I always win. Always.”
With that (y/n) looked at his sister one last time before jumping into the ocean and making his way back to Atlantis.
That same night (y/n) found his king in their shared royal bedroom, pacing, swimming in circles to be more precise. The man had his armor off, with just a purple almost transparent robe covering his body and his blond hair was lose, floating around his head. A sight that only his Royal consort was allowed to see, a fact that (y/n) was rather proud of.
When Orm heard someone at the door he turned around briskly as if expecting a threat. His worry lines softened and a half smile puled at his lips at the sight of his soon to be king.
“(Y/n), my dearest, where were you? I've been worrying sick.” The blond was at his lover's side in a second, giving him a soft kiss in the temple that (y/n) gladly accepted and returned.
“Don't treat me like a damsel in distress my king, we both know I'm very capable of protecting myself.” Orm knew how a ruthless warrior (y/n) could be, the best in all Atlantis, but the blonde still worried. Those were troubled times and the enemy could be lurking anywhere.
“I know you can protect yourself dear, but I can shake the feeling that something bad will happen.” The worry lines were back and the man's expression became haunted. “I feel lost, like I'm drifting through the open sea, without a direction. Except when I'm with you.” The half smile was back but it was somewhat dulled by the heavy subject. “I don't know what I would do if I lost you.”
“You won't. You're stuck with me, for better or worse.” (y/n) knew better than make a promise he had no control over, but he could at least lessen a few worries that plagued the king's heart. “And in a few weeks we will be tied together by Poseidon's blessing. So you better start getting used to the idea of having to look at this beautiful face for all eternity.” That last statement definitely drew a laugh from his king, and (y/n) was glad to ease the tension Orm was under even if a little bit.
“Only you to make me laugh at a time like this.” The king finally gave a real smile, with white teeth, dimples and blue eyes full of admiration. (Y/n) couldn't look at those ocean blue eyes for long without blushing like a teenager, so he turned away at the pretence of removing his armor. “Where were you anyway. It's unlike you to arrive so late.” The king asked while helping (y/n) remove the more complicated pieces of armor.
“I was just taking a walk above sea. I missed the stars.” Technically that wasn't a lie. (Y/n) did miss the sight of the night sky, sparkling with celestial life. Below sea was beautiful, it was his home after all, but the surface had it's own beauties to. He wanted to show all of them to Orm, but he never dared to ask the blonde to go with him. And he definitely wouldn't tell his king the real reason for his late night walk.
(Y/n) could feel the hand in his shoulder freeze, then the hold became a little tighter and suddenly it was gone. Orm had turned his back, his eyes were focused on his city that could be seen through the enormous window in the far side wall.
“We already had this conversation (y/n). I don't like when you go up there. That filthy place it's not worthy of your time or your presence.” The blonde's gaze didn't move from the window so the man behind him couldn't see his face.
“Our last conversation about this subject ended with you storming off and don't speaking with me for three days.” (y/n) left the last piece of his armor float to the floor before swimming towards his king and stopping in front of him, blocking the image of the city.
“Your infatuation with that place is insane.” The man's voice raised while he tried to control his irritation at the topic.
“Insane is your hatred towards an entire race just because of ONE man.” (y/n)'s voice raised to match Orm's, that was growing increasingly upset by the second, but the (y/h/c) haired man didn't stop, he couldn't. “Your brother didn't have anything to do with your mother's death, her choices were her own and if she was here today I'm sure she would agree with me. Atlanna's only dream was to prove to our people that we can coexist with the surface world. Which is exactly the opposite of what you're trying to do. Your mother…”
“My mother is dead!” The scream caught (y/n) by surprise, shocking him to silence. Eyes wide and red. Lips trembling and bared teeth. The king was crying, but the ocean was carrying away his tears.
“Yes she's dead.” (y/n) cupped the king's face with his hands while looking directly into those ocean blue eyes. “And you had to grow up with a man that only knew hatred. You were misguided, my love. War isn't always the answer. They'll only reply with more war and then the vicious cycle will never end. And if it ends someday, the winner would only be left standing in a pile of ashes.” At some point (y/n) had started crying to. It pained him to see Orm that way, helpless.
“What can I do? It's in their blood. They will never change.” The future king could see an opportunity to show Orm that not all men were savages. He needed to show the king how humans really lived, above sea level.
“Then let me show you what I see. Let me prove to you that they deserve a chance. And if I'm not successful in changing your mind, i'll support you and your war.” (y/n) didn't dare look away from his lover's gaze. If he had any chance to stop this conflict and the rise of a new half-breed king, he needed Orm to see reason, it was the only way.
But whatever his king decided to do, (y/n) would never live his side.
“Alright my dearest, I'll give this a chance. You're the only one I trust.” (y/n) sagged with relief as he hugged his king, the man he loved.
“You won't regret this, I promise.” Orm buried his face in the crook of his soon to be king and practically melted when (y/n) begun running his fingers through his hair, in the same way his mother used to do. They stayed like this for a few minutes untill the blonde broke the silence. 
“You look like her. My mother I mean.” Orm's whispered from where his face was still hidden in his lover's neck.
“How so?” (y/n) replied quietly, fingers never stoping their ministrations on the strands of blonde hair.
“You're fierce. I mean, you know hundreds of ways to kill a man. You probably could take down an army armed only with your Trident.” (y/n) could only listen to his king, trying to understand from where all of that was coming from. “But you have a heart. You can still be compassionate and benevolent, like her. She always saw the best in people, even when no one treated her with kindness.”
“I remember. She used to say that our people grew cold hearted from the lack of sunlight. And I agreed with her, and still do.” (y/n) gently cupped Orm's cheek, causing the man to look him in the eye. “Let me show you what your mother and I believe in. There's so much beautie up there. The sun, the sky and my favorite, the stars. And so much more. I've never seen so much kindness in one place. Our people can learn from them as much as they can learn from us.” (Y/n) had such an excited expression that Orm couldn't help but mirror it. “You won't have to do anything, I'll make the preparations, but don't worry we'll take it slow, it can be pretty distressing on your first time.” The king had a devilish smile when his lover finished talking.
“Are we still talking about going to the surface right? Or are you getting second intentions, dear?” (y/n)'s only answer for a while was furrowed brows and a look of confusion, and then his eyes lit up and his entire face turned red, making the king even more amused.
“I-I didn't mean to make it sound like that. It's not that I wouldn't be happy to do THAT with you, it's just… we-we should wait untill after the blessing, n-not that… Oh Poseidon help me.” (Y/n) finally got a hold of himself and stopped talking, but he couldn't look into Orm's eyes so he focused on a very interesting bubble by his feet.
His face was burning from embarrassment, if only his father could see him now. The most ruthless warrior in all Atlantis, blushing at the prospect of making love with his king.
“My dear look at me.” The king said while guiding the man's face with a finger under his chin, ever so gentle. (Y/n) couldn't do anything but obey, he let their eyes meet and those ocean blue orbs were shining with such intense adoration that almost brought (Y/n) to tears, again. “I was just teasing. We'll have a lot of time to get to know each other after the blessing, I'm sure. There's nothing I would want more.”
(Y/n) released a water he didn't know he was holding. He wasn't afraid that his king wouldn't feel that way towards him, if Orm never wanted to have sex so be it, but it was good to feel desired. And something in the king's eyes told him he would prove his point very soon.
(Y/n) cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the last bit of embarrassment before speaking. “So if that's settled, I'll talk with Vulko tomorrow about everything we will need for the journey. I think it's best if the whole thing remains a secret, no need to cause unnecessary speculations among the people.”
“Yes, of course. I trust you to get it done, but for now I think we should get some sleep. You look ready to pass out my dear.” Orm gently guided (y/n) towards the bed while the man mumbled about the things he needed to show his King when they got to the surface.
Once (y/n) was laid in bed and almost sleeping the king joined him. Orm hugged his soon to be king close to his chest, giving him a lingering kiss in the nape of the neck. (Y/n) was the only person he trusted in this world, and if he believed the surface dwellers could be redeemed than Orm would give him a chance to prove it.
If they were truly the scum of this world, like his father told him about then they would be destroyed once and for all, and his brother with them.
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klbwriting · 6 years
Combining Two Worlds
Chapter 6: The Surface Again
Fandom: DCEU
Pairing: Orm x female!Reader
Summary: Orm and the Reader are on the surface again to be safe and are joined by someone who can give them parenting practice
Tags: @bookdragoneve @scuzmunkie @ormstrident @dulcerdzx @downsideright @aggie-the-poet @weakling-grace @singe666 @readytocomply15 @btheapsc @anxiety-station @whimsicalragnarok @kings-never-die @burningechoes
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Orm and Y/N left early the next morning, in secret, so as not to worry the rest of the nobles.  Arthur had a story ready about them wanting to visit Y/N's mother for a while and he was waiting to tell the rest of the royals at a meeting later.  For a time Vulko was going to act as vizier again until Orm returned, and their room would be sealed off in case that other family go any ideas and tried to sneak out and set traps or anything to the room.
              "I don't want them to home alone Orm," Arthur said to Mera who looked at him strangely.  "Add that to the list of movies you have to see next time we visit dad."  She nodded slowly, still trying to figure out what he could be talking about.  Tom was on his lap, eating a snack, when he started coughing.  Arthur frowned and when he didn't stop they sent for a physician who came and saved the boy but frowned.
              "He's been poisoned," the doctor said, motioning to the snack he had.  "Who brought it to him?"  Arthur frowned and looked to Mera who went and got the servant who had gotten Tom the snack.
              "Did you make this yourself?" the doctor asked.  The girl shook her head.
              "They were in the kitchen, when we always keep his snacks," she said.  "It was his snack time so I got it from the cabinet for him.  It was the last one left."  The doctor frowned.
              "So whoever did this knew he would have to eat that one," he said.  "I think we may have a traitor in our midst."  Arthur rolled his eyes.
              "Not again, didn't I already deal with traitors?" he grumbled.  Mera frowned.
              "Syfin and his family must be influencing others and starting to ramp up their efforts now that my father has stopped supporting them," she said.  "I'm going to take Tom Janet's also, Orm and Y/N can have some parenting practice and keep him safe."  The king nodded and kissed his son's head, pressing their foreheads together before sending Mera off.  Arthur ordered that anyone in contact with the family be brought to him.  Threats and games he could tolerate and punish, but attempting to actually kill his son?  That would bring a retribution they had never experienced upon themselves.  He went to the throne room and waited for the first guard to be brought in.
              Janet was excited to see Y/N and Orm, hugging them both when they came inside the house.  She looked at Y/N and for a second Orm was once again convinced that surface dwellers could read minds when the woman started squealing and clapping and hugging again.  Y/N was laughing, hugging her mom tight.
              "Do you know when you're due?  Boy? Girl? Names?" she asked eagerly as she led them into the living room and sat them down.  Y/N laughed, and sat, letting Orm go off to change as she talked to her mother.  While he was getting changed Arthur sent a message to Orm about what had happened to Tom, warning him to check any gifts they had brought from Atlantis.  He finished changing and quickly ran downstairs, still putting his shirt on.  Y/N was handing her mom one of the treats they had brought and Orm ran over and grabbed it away, shoving it back in the bag and throwing it all away.
              "Orm, what's wrong?" Y/N asked, standing up.  Orm looked at them.
              "Tom was poisoned, Arthur warned me that our stuff might be tainted also," he said.  Janet looked appalled.
              "Who would poison a child?  Especially a sweetheart like Tom?" she asked.  Orm sighed and explained about what had been going on in Atlantis.  Just as he was finishing and Janet was hugging her daughter again there was a knock.  Orm answered and Mera walked in.
              "Did Arthur tell you?" she asked.  Orm nodded, but still looked confused.  "He forgot to tell you that you were going to be watching Tom for a time?"
              "He probably thought it would be a great surprise," he said.  He was going to stab his brother again sometime, he really was.  "We will keep him safe, I promise."  Tom was still sleeping from his treatment from the doctor so Orm took him into his arms.
              "I'll set up the air mattress in the office for him," Janet said, moving to head upstairs.  Orm smiled appreciatively at her.  Y/N hugged Mera.
              "He will be safe here and as soon as you say the word he will be back in your arms," she assured her before Mera left.  "She must feel so sad, she's never been away from him for more than a day or two before and now she doesn't know the next time she will see him."  Orm nodded and looked at his nephew.
              "So what now?" he asked.  Janet came downstairs and plied the small child from his arms, carrying him upstairs and tucking him into the office.  Y/N and Orm followed and waited outside the door.
              "I baby proofed it a bit too while the mattress was inflating so he won't wake up and hurt himself on accident," she said.  "I guess you two are going to get a crash course in having a child."  Orm's eyes widened and for a moment he looked terrified.
              "That child is insane and always trying to stab me," he muttered.  Y/N folded her arms and looked at him.
              "I am 90% sure that's the exact Arthur thought the first time he met you," she said.  Orm opened his mouth and then closed it again.  She probably right because Orm was a bit insane and did want to stab his brother, that last part was still true most of the time.  "Anyway, this could be practice for when our baby comes."
              "I guess so," he said, reaching down and rubbing her stomach gently with a smile.  She smiled and put her hand on his.
              "Your father would be so happy if he was here to see this," Janet said.  "He loved babies, said they were too young to be cruel or angry."  Y/N looked sad for a second and Orm hugged her.
              "You know what, I just remembered," he said.  "I never got that lasagna you promised me like a million years ago."  Y/N laughed.
              "I guess I have to make lasagna tonight," she said.  "I should get shopping then."  Janet offered to go with her and she accepted, smiling at Orm.
              "I'll come too," he said.  Y/N nodded towards the sleeping child in the office.  "I guess I'll stay here then."  She smiled and kissed him before she and her mother headed out.
              About an hour later and Tom awoke, yelling for someone.  Orm quickly ran intot he office and knelt next to him.  He pulled Tom into his arms and hugged him.  Tom calmed down, no longer scared now that uncle Orm was there.
              "Where's mommy and daddy?" Tom asked.  Orm sat down and had Tom in his lap.  "Am I at grandpa's?  This don't look right."
              "No, you're at Janet's house," he said.  "Your mom and dad dropped you off because some bad stuff is happening in Atlantis and they need to fix it and you need to be safe."  Tom looked like he was thinking for a moment before nodding his understanding.
              "Do you want to watch TV?" Orm asked.  The kid didn't get to watch much TV in his life so it was a great novelty when he was on the surface.  Tom jumped up, ready to go.  They went downstairs and Orm turned on the TV.  They sat watching Kong Skull Island when Y/N and Janet walked in, right when the creatures were attacking and eating the people on the island.
              "Orm do you think that's appropriate for a four year old to watch?" Y/N asked, going to set the groceries in the kitchen.  Orm looked at Tom who was staring wide eyed at the TV, looking a step away from terrified.
              "Maybe not..." he said, turning off the TV.  Janet came over and took Tom, hugging him and going to get some of the toys she kept around for when he visited.  Orm headed into the kitchen and stood watching Y/N move around it.
              "Do you need help?" he asked, watching her cook meat on the stove with some onion.  He always went through the names of food items when he was on land, it made him feel like he was learning and understanding the most vital part of this world.
              "Um, ya sure," she said.  "Can you get a pot of water boiling for me?"  He moved to get a pot he saw and filled it pretty high with water, walking it to stove.  Y/N looked at it and laughed.  "Too bbmuch water, pour some out."  He nodded and did as asked before turning on the burner.  Y/N adjusted it higher to make sure the water boiled and smiled at him.  "Did you have fun with Tom?"
              "Ya, he took a little bit to calm down completely but the big monkey movie helped," he said.  "Think I'll be any good with our baby?"  Orm had been worrying about turning into his father, of being as terrible with his child as his father was with him.  He didn't want to fill his children with hatred and anger like he had been.
              "I think you will be a fantastic father," she said.  "Do you know why?"  He shook his head.  "Because you care, you care about being a good father, which hopefully means you will be trying to be the best father you can be."
              "You think I will be like my father?"
              "I hope not because if you are I get sent to the Trench and I don't think I'm as badass as Atlanna and could fight my way through," she said.  Orm chuckled a little bit and kissed her head.  "Go get my mom, you can hang out with Tom more."  He nodded and kissed her head again before leaving the kitchen.
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oceanmastertrash · 5 years
the tides know our names- 12/?
Summary:   After losing the throne to his brother Orm is working with Arthur to try to help Atlantis move forward. A few months after this Elara, part of an ancient order of prescient Atlanteans known as Tidewatchers, has a vision of Orm's death. Predicting and reading the future through the tides of fate has never been easy but Elara is in for the challenge of a lifetime working with her former king to save his life.
Part: 12/?
Word Count: 2,997
Warnings: none for this chapter
Read on Ao3 / start from the beginning
How do you feel about going on a quest?” She asked with a mischievous smile that was so startling and welcome all at once.
He wanted to know what she had seen but this turn about in her was just so sudden, he wasn’t ready to leap in blind. “What kind of quest?”
Elara looked back to the TV then back at Orm, determination and cautious excitement in her eyes, “We’re going to find the Lost Kingdom.”
“The Lost Kingdom?” he repeated.
“Yes,” she said as if it was simple.
“The Lost Kingdom that has been missing for thousands of years. That lost kingdom?” He asked, wanting to be positive he’d heard her right.
“No, the lost kingdom of the monkey men,” she said sarcastically then clarified. “Of course that Lost Kingdom.”
“They’re dead, Elara.” He was stupefied at her idea of a quest. “They have never been found because there is nothing left to find.”
“I don’t think so,” She said as if she hadn’t just started talking crazy.
“Did the tides tell you? Is that where you’re getting this from?” he asked like he didn’t already know the answer.
“Of course they did.”
“So the ocean tells you to go looking for a dead civilization and you just jump?”
“I do when they tell me like this.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Said the man who is on the surface because the ocean told me you were in danger. You had no problem believing the ocean then.”
“That’s because that’s more tangible. There are plenty of people down there who’d have reason to want me dead. There is nothing like that to back the idea that the Lost Kingdom is still alive and kicking and just ignoring us for millenia. It’s not like they wouldn’t know where to find us.”
“But I think they are still alive,” she argued. “And I’m not the only tidewatcher to think so.”
He fixed her with a stare. “If tidewatchers had sensed them before why didn’t they tell anyone?”
“They did,” Elara answered as she settled into a debate. “Tidewatchers have been seeing patterns about the lost kingdom since they disappeared. For the first thousand or so years we told the king, his council, and anyone else who would listen.”
Even as a former king, this was news to him. “Did everyone just ignore them, then?”
“No. Expeditions were launched for the first several hundred years, sometimes led by kings, nobles, scientists and researchers.” Elara sighed. “But none of them ever found the Lost Kingdom and eventually people stopped believing us. They blamed the Tidewatchers for getting their hopes up and claimed we were just wasting everyone’s time. So we stopped saying anything even though we still get hints and ripples from time to time.”
“What makes you think we have even a chance to succeed where generations of Atlanteans have failed?”
“I don’t know that we’ll succeed,” Elara said without a hint of shame. “We very well could be just as unsuccessful as everyone else that has come before us.”
Orm tried not to be annoyed by her sudden confidence but he just couldn’t feel any trace of it.
“Then why try?”
Elara considered her answer very carefully before speaking. “Because isn’t it better to try something and fail than to do nothing? You were a king who used to have hundreds of duties to perform each day. I know you’re miserable up here. I know that being so idle chafes at you and I get it. I’m restless too. I hate feeling so aimless. So let’s do something. I’d rather try to do something that is very likely to fail than just sit around feeling useless. Wouldn’t you?”
He stared at her, mesmerized. How was she able to read him so easily? How could she see straight to his core as she did?
He didn’t say that though, settling instead for, “Of course I would.”
“Then why not this?” She said vibrating with energy. “Why not look for the Lost Kingdom? If we succeed it could do so much to help your image with the tribes of Atlantis. And, even if we fail, at least we did something with our time up here.”
It really was maddening to try to argue with her when she was like this. She knew what she was proposing was insane but also knew exactly how to tantalize him into agreeing, or barring that, scolding him. He secretly loved seeing her like this. Her confidence had always been one of her most attractive features and it was welcome change to the tension and timidness of the morning.
They very likely would be chasing ghosts but it was better than nothing and Orm had always loved a challenge.
He smiled and repeated, “Why not this.”
A brilliant smile lit up Elara’s face, “And besides, if we find nothing, we can always work in some more time for sulking.”
Orm couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped him at that. Their eyes met at that and he couldn’t help but think that he’d do far more to keep her smiling at him like that.
They spent the next hour or so plotting while Elara did her best to wring tangibility out of the hints and ripples the tides had presented to her. Most of what she saw was just glimpses and feelings though. It was like waking from a dream with just enough images and sensations to verify it had happened but not enough substance to put into words.
It felt very much like having an incomplete puzzle and yet Elara was undeterred. She was convinced that if she put enough pieces together then more would be revealed. All they needed to do was to connect the edge pieces and they would have a place to start.
They were still sitting on the couch together and occasionally that fact would send an awkward or excited thrill through her but it was easier for her to manage those if she has a goal to direct her energy to.
“Was there any location in these patterns you saw?” He asked after she’d tried to give him a run-down of what the tides had given her.
Elara’s face screwed up in concentration, “I know I saw something, somewhere but there are so many images and abstract sensations that I’m having a harder time parsing it all out.”
“What do you need to do?” He asked. What he’d learned in ruling and fighting was that, no matter how difficult things could get there was always a method, a technique that could make things more manageable. They just needed to find one for sifting through a complex tide pattern.
Elara couldn’t help but wring her hands together. “I know I need to just relax and concentrate but there’s just so much more to this web than I’m used to. This pattern is ancient and complex and I don’t even know where to begin.”
Orm knew very little about her craft but he had an idea about at least one problem she brought up.
“Sit back,” He said in a way that wasn’t a suggestion. He just had a voice that was more accustomed to commanding.
She shot him a look that very clearly said ‘Excuse me?’
Orm sighed, motioning to her, “You said you need to relax, I’m trying to help you. You’re all hunched and tense. Posture is important for preparing the body and the mind for a task.”
Okay so he made a certain kind of sense but Elara also knew she couldn’t tell him how very difficult it would be for her to truly relax, especially next to him with his intense eyes fixed on her. Arguing with him would have the opposite desired effect though so she made a show at scooting back so her back was pressed against the back of the couch.
He sent her a dubious and slightly teasing look. “Do you even know how to relax? You look like you’re about to be bludgeoned by something.”
She laughed, “You’re one to talk, when was the last time you relaxed?”
Instead of laughing back, he looked away. The last time he’d relaxed was when they’d kissed.
“Okay, we both have work to do in that area,” he assented. “Here, I’ll do it with you.”
She raised her eyebrows at that. Yeah, she’d believe that when she saw it. And yet, there he was, making a big show about sitting back next to her and closing his eyes. She tried to adjust her back but couldn’t help but peek at him, more entertained than she should be by him playing along with her.
Eyes still closed, Orm said calmly, “This works best if your eyes are closed too.”
Elara started and instantly closed her eyes. How did he know? Some small childish part of her wanted to open her eyes and stick her tongue out at him but it was a foolish notion she managed to repress. He was trying to help after all, even if he still managed to exude such a deep commanding smugness. But given his idle restlessness of late, it was almost a refreshing change. Almost.
“What is it we’re meant to be doing that we can’t do with our eyes open?”
“Focusing,” He said cryptically.
While Elara was skilled with the tides, patience had never been her strongest suit and focus was particularly elusive given how overstimulated she was by this whole pattern of possibilities. She felt like a kid in a candy store, and it was nearly impossible to calm enough to focus on any one thing. She didn’t want to be petulant or anything but it’s not like Orm had a web of whispers dancing around in his head to contend with.
So after a minute of silence in which she barely managed to keep from bouncing in her seat, she finally said, “Focusing on what?”
She could almost hear him smiling in amusement as he said, “What do you normally focus on when you’re reading the tides?”
Elara let out a breath, “Normally? I just listen until the image becomes clearer but that’s when I’m trying to make out a single image, not a whole milenia of hints. There’s too much and it’s all out of focus.”
Elara had begun fidgeting with the edge of the couch as she rambled. Of course she didn’t realize that until she felt his hand cover hers. All of her stilled at the contact.
“You know that won’t help you focus on anything.” He said quietly but confidently.
Considering how he’d been at a disadvantage the last week or so, it was interesting to see the tables turned and have the confident tidewatcher suddenly so anxious.
It took everything in Elara not to tell him point blank that physical contact with him wouldn’t help any kind of focus but he moved his hand away before she could muster up any reply of the sort.
“Sorry,” she muttered, though not sure what she was sorry for.
“It’s alright,” he said, “Just relax.”
Again, easier said than done. But try as she might, none of the old tidewatcher tricks were working. She was alight with energy and portents and didn’t know how to quiet any of it enough to parse anything out.
Almost as if he could feel the tension still radiating off of her, Orm tried another tack, “Just breathe, and focus on your breaths.”
She tried. She honestly did, but suddenly something so natural felt detached from her somehow and she didn’t know if this was how she normally breathed or not. It seemed too forced and Elara felt completely overwhelmed at the fact that she couldn’t even breathe normal. She just needed to focus, but maybe she couldn’t focus on herself, she just needed to focus on anything.
Casting about, she could hear Orm breathing beside her. Unlike her, he was calm and steady. His breathing unhurried and unlabored. It was a calming sound, like the waves of the ocean lapping at the shore. It was simple and sure. So she focused on that, on his even breathing to guide her to even out her own. And slowly, slowly, her breathing fell into step with his, her body calming as she put away everything but their breaths like the tides of the ocean.
And, just listening to him, she saw a gradual image floating to the surface in her mind’s eye. An ancient temple that Elara had seen before swam in her head. It was old but not as old as Atlantis, and not of Atlantean design but it had the ripple of the Lost about it. Where had she seen it? She kept her breathing even, focusing on Orm beside her as an anchor.
Now the temple was….Mayan? That sounded right? Where had she heard it? A book. A book from Madren’s library about human civilizations. They’d laughed because Atlantis had been mentioned as a fallen civilization and a myth in the same text.
Where was it? Mexico? That felt right. They were close to Mexico, just in the country to the north of it, it wouldn’t even be far. This wasn’t the answer but it was a clue, a breadcrumb on their trail.
Elara’s eyes popped open and when she turned to look at Orm, she found his ocean blue eyes looking at her.
“You saw something didn’t you?” He asked, with a satisfied smirk.
She wanted to tease him for his cockiness but she was too excited, “I did. Thank you.”
“So where to?” He asked, fascinated.
“Mexico, our first clue is in Mexico.” She said, full of confidence and enthusiasm.
Orm just blinked, “I presume you know where that is.”
She laughed. “Yes. We leave tonight!”
With a direction in mind, it was much easier to move forward. While Elara had a number of false identification papers for herself, she didn’t think what they had on hand would be enough to get Orm across the border. She’d learned from her travels that surface dwellers could get very territorial about different stretches of land that required all manner of documentation.
After a discussion of problem at hand, they decided the best course of action was to simply slip in the gulf for a brief stint and then pop back up on the other side of the border. Of course their idea of a brief stint of a couple hours would have taken days and intense endurance for any surface dweller.
All that was left really, after consulting maps and the internet for the exact location of the site, she’d learned it was in fact called Tulum and pretty much across the gulf from where they were. Elara concerned herself with the planning while Orm took charge in preparing. He’d gotten a decent enough grasp on what foods took prepping and what he liked so it was easy enough for him to pack what they would need once Elara told him how to package things for travel.
It should have disturbed Elara how seamlessly they worked in tandem like this. The fact that they worked well tackling their own tasks and yet coming together with little fuss. And yet it comforted her. This whole situation was still nearly absurd to her and yet, it helped to have someone else to rely on and work with, to have someone listen to her. She had hear Madren say that necessity makes for strange bedfellows.
And given how awkward things had been after their eventful night of drinking, she was worried that their whole stint on the surface would be plagued with the same fraught tension. But, apparently, avoiding the matter entirely and diving into a completely different task was the answer to their problems. She and Orm were both creatures of purpose and habit and clearly functioned much better with a course of action rather than free time.
Even if the quest was just a magical goose chase, it would be better to be out doing anything than twiddling their thumbs in seclusion.
Between the two of them, they were ready for departure in an hour. Elara took the time to leave a note of thanks to their absent host. Elara may have never met the Diana who owned the cottage they’d taken refuge in but it had been kind of the woman to open her doors even of a spare house to people she had never met.
And then suddenly, they were both standing at the door with their Atlantean waterproof bags packed and they were ready. Without speaking they both turned back to look around the little cottage that had been their refuge for their first week on the surface. It hadn’t been a particularly happy week but it hadn’t been entirely miserable either. Elara felt her eyes lingering on the couch -she definitely had an almost fondness for that couch- before looking back to Orm beside her.
His expression was unreadable, she didn’t know what he saw as he looked over the living area they’d occupied together but there was an effect on him, she could feel that much, even if she didn’t know what it was.
As if his appraisal was done, he looked back to her, motioning to the door neither one had reached for, “Shall we?”
“We shall,” she said, trying to keep that confidence from earlier in her even as the nerves she felt for the unknown jangled in her gut.
And, as they’d come to this little house on this small inlet of a beach, Orm and Elara silently left it behind them and returned to the sea, even if just for a small journey, and into the nearly unknown.
Elara looked to Orm, still surprised at how everything was turning out, he looked to her and saw some question in her eyes and nodded in reassurance and then they were beneath the waves, surging against the tides into the gulf beyond.
Author’s Note: I’m not always great at remembering to post the updates on here, remember to subscribe to the ao3 listing because that’s where I regularly post this.
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m00nslippers · 6 years
So I watched YJ3 episodes 7-9...
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Oh, so much to say, let’s just get into it.
So I was discussing with someone how I thought Prince Brion was a convenient character to get naked for fan service and how it would be tragic if they found him clothes that wouldn’t burn and, what-do-ya-know, they gave him clothes that wouldn’t burn, obvs. But on the other hand they revealed a wonderful new potential of getting Conner naked by having Brion burn his clothes. Balance in the universe is restored.
Dick’s whole act and spiel with choosing their codenames was so ridiculous, I was in stitches and just imagined Jason’s voice the whole time shouting, “YOU ARE AN ACTUAL FUCKING IDIOT, AREN’T YOU?” at him. That’s pretty much what I imagine any time Dick does something dumb on screen, tbh. It’s just a rolling litany of Jason MST3K-style shouting insults at everything Dick does or says.
Like can we stop killing Halo? It’s vaguely fetishy the amount of times they’ve done it already, it’s making me uncomfortable. I get that she’s the only one they can get gruesome with to show how edgy the show is without permanently crippling anyone, but have some decency.
Everyone was on-point with suggesting the Goode-Goggles had something to do with Granny Goodness. And this stuff about partnering with the Wayne foundation to get her goggles in meta-youth centers? She’s so planning to mind control the meta-kids.
Helga and Jefferson hooked up. Saw that shit coming a mile away. Kind of makes me sad though, are Jefferson and his wife divorced in the comics? I wish they weren’t here, it would be nicer if they could stay together, IMO.
Okay so why do we have 3 CASSANDRAS now? That’s at least one too many. I was almost horrified for a second there that they were making Cass Vandal Savage’s daughter instead of Shiva’s, and then they showed us the character everyone thought was Cass in the advertisements and they confirmed she was ‘Orphan’ and then Shiva actually showed up in person and I was totes relieved. I don’t know why I used ‘totes’ but I’m keeping it in, I stand by that shit.
We saw Orphan and Spoiler and Tim! (And Arrowette but I don’t actually know who she is honestly). The music they played during their scene was totally funky spy thriller, it was cute. And all I could think of through the whole sequence was that darn meme of Tim with the girls behind him running that says, “Let’s go lesbians!” Goddamn, Tumblr why you do this?!
I was raising my eyebrow a bit with Cass having a sword. Like does she ever use a sword in the comics? I’m sure she probably could but I know she’s really against killing and that’s pretty much all a sword is used for, I just don’t think she would carry one.
Speaking of, when we see a quick flash of two detectives arresting Stagg? That was totally Bullock and Montoya.
That part when they revealed the crazy lady who kept talking about the bear was also one of vandal Savage’s children was really sad for some reason. Like she couldn’t handle being immortal and went crazy and he had to kill her. Like dang, that’s messed up.
Shade is a gay man and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise. That boy be flamin’. Like, did you hear those sex innuendos? Did you see that fancy hat?
We saw Chesire again! I really feel for her. Also I love her voice actress’s smoky voice and her huge mane of lion hair! She’s so cool.
I’m guessing that crazy white light of Halo’s that got Brion out of his shadow pocket is going to be a problem at some point. Like it will make her insane and want to obliterate the world or something.
That fight with Lobo was awesome, everyone got to show off their powers. Clearly Lobo is just a bad guy the show can throw in at any time through an anonymous contract-kill to create an awesome fight scene because no one can actually beat him, and he just leaves when he feels like it.
When Lobo smashed Forager I was like GASP! NO! NOT MUH BABY! I was like, that better have been a giant pumpkin someone switched out at some point! And then it turned out to be his shed skin and I was so relieved. And we got to see him gooey and pink, aw. And Halo and Brion said Goojie for some reason. Accents, I guess.
The whole meeting between Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Oracle, Aquaman/Kaldur, Wonder Woman/Diana and Miss Martian. It was cool to know they are all still working together, just in secret. They said seven teams though? So Young Justice, Outsiders, Batman Inc, Justice League on Earth and maybe Justice League in Space? Which are the other two? Maybe Justice League Dark? I don’t know about the last one.
And WW is all, “Are you prepared to lie on the stand?!” all outraged-like and the Bats are just looking at her like, “Pff, as if they could get us on a stand. But yes, obviously? Also, most of you guys have diplomatic immunity, being from Atlantis, Themyscera and goddamn Mars, so you better not let them even ask you.” Batman chose his conspirators well, he’s only got people who can lie through their teeth or who won’t force their citizens to stand trial if they beg out of it. He knows what he’s doing, Diana.
We saw a grown up Billy Batson! WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS!?
That playdate, though. Someone actually asked Will what the deal was with him and Artemis, and he started stammering and I’m hoping it’s not because he’s actually got anything with her or is interested. Honestly it kind of sounded like he was into whoever was asking the question, but I don’t think that was it either cuz I’m pretty sure she’s still married. Just please let this not be Hamlet-style, get with both siblings. Will, don’t get with both sisters, just don’t do it.
We saw Jon Kent! Future Super Sons is a go! We have Jon and Conner in the same world too, I want to see them be big and little bros so bad! It would be so cute.
Like, I know Orm is a bad guy but he’s also kind of an Anti-villain, isn’t he? I’m not sure how in-character it is for him to say he’s going to kill off like thirty kids and their parents just to fuck with Aquaman.
Shiva confirmed. Totally running the League of Shadows. Also, Deathstroke is part of the Light, did we know that before?
So yeah, really looking forward to next set of episodes! I hope we see more of Tim’s team in particular.
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80s-teen-titans · 6 years
I just saw Aquaman!
And! I! Loved! It!
I think it was the aquarium bit right at the beginning where I just stopped and went, “oh fuck, I’m afraid of fish.” I had kind of… forgotten? that I have an irrational fear of fish? There weren’t many scenes where just little fish were going around so it was mostly fine. And despite this fact, I still very much loved the movie. It was amazing. So here’s some things I loved.
(long post full of spoilers under the cut)
The absence of death for the drama: Firstly, let me just say how happy I am that they didn’t go the cheap route of killing off characters for drama. Like it would have been so easy for them to kill his dad. So easy. And through that scene (which was gorgeous btw, both the sound design and the cinematography) I was so scared that they would, but like… kind of resigned to the fact. And then they didn’t. And Vulko too! I thought he was gonna for sure get killed for motivation. First during the Ring of Fire (btw, the Johnny Cash song of the same name played in my head every time someone said it) I thought he was gonna jump in the way to prevent Arthur losing and die. Then during the rest of the film there were so many opportunities for him to get killed and he did not! It would have been so easy to kill his dad or his father figure but they didn’t, and you know why? Because then it wouldn’t have been about Arthur regaining his birthright and learning to accept both sides of himself, it would have been a plain and simple revenge story. Like so many other movies we’ve seen before. Good on them for avoiding the cliché that this has to happen for a hero’s journey.
Atlanna: While we’re at it, let’s talk about Queen Atlanna. Because I don’t think most people, who have seen movies like this before, really believed that she was dead. When there’s no hard evidence, you gotta assume they’re fine. And I love that, when characters are so pleasantly shocked and surprised to see their loved one alive. I live for that. And this film did not disappoint. Their reunion was beautiful and touching. And I definitely teared up when she asked about Arthur’s dad. And the person sitting in front of me was just absolutely sobbing. Either that or choking on their popcorn. I couldn’t tell.
Diversity: How about that love story between his parents eh! That was heartbreaking and beautiful. And it was just so, so refreshing to see non-white characters let me just say. Like Arthur’s dad is a gorgeous man and it hurts that we haven’t seen stuff like this before. It was just perfect. And I loved how Arthur was also still very much connected to the culture of his father and his family. That’s an extra layer of depth that you can’t get as easily when everyone is white. 
Comedy: So this movie was hilarious. It was so, so funny. Like… the octopus on the drums? During the Ring of Fire scene? I laughed so hard and so long that I set off the person sitting next to me who also started laughing. My god, I just couldn’t help it. It made me think of The Little Mermaid. But also like, the “bogeys on our six” “what does that mean???” “Bad guys behind us!” “Just say that then!” “Bad guys behind us! Bad guys behind us!” Just getting increasingly higher and higher pitched. Like that was priceless. Also side note, we talk a lot about female characters being allowed to make “unsexy” noises when fighting, but like there are also multiple points in this film where Jason Momoa isn’t just being all gruff grunts in fights either, like he gets thrown off a roof in Italy and his yell turns into a high pitched scream at one point like yes!
Mera: Also Princess Mera! Like damn! It is very clear she is very much an equal, and never lesser than the male lead. She’s the one who knows what she’s doing. And like the thing with controlling water? That’s something that’s uniquely her. It’s not something that she has to teach to Arthur. That’s her own insanely powerful thing and Arthur and everyone else can’t help but respect her and just be in awe. Also, trying to do things from the background to keep the leverage she has in her position, but not hesitating to just go for it either. When she sees no other choice she jumps feet first into her new role as a traitor because she wants to see her nation under better rule.
Arthur: As a character, I loved that he wasn’t like, the smartest guy, but he could still use his head and think through things. He’s not an idiot. He has knowledge about certain things like history. I loved that he was named after Arthurian legend and they kept with that, that his dad is a history lover and taught him stuff.  He differs to Mera, acknowledging that she’s brilliant. And he wins his battles not by brute strength (except for the first one which set up perfectly what he could do) or by outsmarting the other guy, but often by just stopping to talk (that monster that was guarding) or by getting help (the huge battle at the end with the sea creatures). An argument can even be made for it not being sheer strength that wins the final duel, but skill. He even acknowledges this by saying that he’s a blunt weapon and good at it. All he wants to do is help and protect people which we see plainly on both the sub and in Italy. Arthur is a great, well fleshed-out character that felt completely real.
Atlantis’ walls: Ok, the bit where they’re entering the city and Arthur says, “why don’t people just go over the walls?” and Mera says that it’s impossible and there’s hydra canons and whatnot, I just started chanting in my head Chekhov’s gun Chekhov’s gun Chekhov’s gun! (For those that don’t know, it’s a literary device that states “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired”. Meaning, if you gonna mention something like that, do something with it). And by golly did they! I was assuming they were gonna have to break in at some later point, I didn’t think they’d be breaking out! That was great!
The ending: It was absolutely perfect. How everyone stands witness to the battle and their battle itself, including all of the talking they did in it. I adored the relationship between the two brothers. Like how Arthur said earlier that he had wanted to meet him and get to know him. Then at the end he tells him that they can talk when he’s ready and Orm actually hesitantly gives him a nod. And the fact that he spared him at all. He regrets not showing mercy to Manta’s father, and will not fail to show mercy again here. And how Atlanna shows up and talks to Orm and tells him she loves him and doesn’t blame him, she blames how his father raised him. It took my breath away with how genuinely fulfilling this ending felt.
Couple last points: The soundtrack was an absolute bop my dudes! Like wow! The song choices, the original music, it was all just so, so good and so, so perfect. Also enjoyed how the movie didn’t coddle the viewers. It didn’t explain everything straight up. There’s mentions of Vulko before we know who he is, they don’t tell us right when we met her who Mera is, they showed us through her short conversation with her father. The characters felt real, having conversations about things they knew about and not bothering to tell us until we had wondered how they knew, like how Arthur believed his mother to have been executed. They did show don’t tell extremely well throughout the entirety of the movie.
In conclusion, it was an amazing film with a terrific cast, great acting, brilliant and witty writing, breath taking cinematography, believable characters, and beautiful battles. And I loved every second of it.
What did you love?
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amateurfan227 · 6 years
Shitlist Reviews - SDCC Movie and TV Trailers
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Amateur Fan 2.27 and welcome back to the Shitlist, were bad movies burn. Well San Diego Comic Con has just finished with a few additional movies coming out for the remainder of this year and for 2019 which should be interesting, so I thought I’d do a review on the ones I found the most interesting which would Glass, Shazam, Aquaman, Godzilla: King of the Monsters and the Titans TV show.
Before I begin I would like to apologise for my long hiatus especially that I left before Infinity War came out )which I still haven’t seen due to character conflict towards the Phase 2 story but I’ll get to that eventually including the review I was planning which would be the second Thor movie; I’ve been pretty busy in both my personal life as well as my work life which leads to leaving this one out in the meantime but fortunately I’m back with full confidence from someone (who I admire greatly).
To start I’m going to begin with the worst of the latter, Titans based on the Teen Titan comics, now I’ve seen the photos before the trailer and I’ve to admit, the casting is completely horrendous especially that it revolves around a set of teenagers or in this case, adults playing teenagers in an universe which is built on teen angst as well as overused references towards multiple franchises (here’s look at you Flash).
I like the idea of it but in a way DC kind of shot themselves in the foot with that one, especially that majority of the fans are praising the idea of the titans being set in the same universe but with the casting it’s entirely different, especially when it comes down to 2 characters in particular, Raven and Starfire, I prefer them to be played by people who look the part, not just have make-up as well as prosthetics.
And insult to injury, Robin even stated ‘Fuck Batman’ by posing that he’s better than the Dark Knight detective... yeah you can see that is not going to be the same when nearly every Batman in the franchise is better than the Boy Wonder, the addition of Beast Boy was exceptional seeing that he was part of the Titans but what puzzles me is that Hawk and Dove are in the series (for most you who don’t know Hawk and Dove are personifications of War and Peace).
Titans is one of those series like Gotham, I will never watch it as the series does have some interesting aspects and ideas but due to creation control, bad concepts and characters, will be ignored from the fan-base entirely.
Glass now which is third instalment towards the Unbreakable franchise, I’ve seen both Unbreakable as well as Split and both of them are gems of this generation especially when it comes towards cinema due to their twists and story, the movie looks like it’s set just after Split following the arrest of Kevin (Split) and set like a superhero movie.
The idea has been done to death but it looks pretty interesting as the characters from the franchise are pretty original, the characters themselves do resemble themselves as Superheroes as they have additional powers which look interesting upon belief such as the first is based on Willis’s character as well as Jackson’s character and the second was on McEvoy’s character.
Though I’ve not been much of Shyamalan due to his twists in his movies as well as the over-use on foreshadowing in movies, but I am looking forward to seeing old characters from the first movie that started it all; count me in for this one
The next one to talk about is Shazam which I will provide information for first before diving into the trailer, Shazam or better known as Captain Marvel (there was a lawsuit between DC and Marvel to lead the change) was known as the world’s Mightiest Mortal or the next Man of Steel due to having similar abilities as the Man of Steel (flight, strength, speed) but also the ability to construct magic which makes him a worthy opponent towards Superman.
The character is part of DC property under the name of Shazam from the 40s with a strange story starting of as 10 year old Billy Batson being lured towards a powerful wizard (trust me I’m not making this up) only to learn that Billy is the one that the Wizard, Shazam has been looking for to transfer his power due to age, only to learn that his opponents will be personifications of the 7 deadly sins; Billy only summons the power of Shazam but literally saying the name of the wizard.
The trailer follows the same story which is interesting as well as pretty comical tense as Billy looks to be concerned that he is in fact turned into a hero, and to be fair if I had the ability to turn into that form, I’d be freaking out as well which is more concerning, both Shazam actors are played by Asher Angel and Chuck’s Zachary Levi, it does look interesting by aging the character a bit and setting it in modern times which does improve the idea of it.
The problem though is the costume that Shazam wears,  it looks too dimensional and fake like it’s set as away from the comic-book series as well as the magic that he possesses, and that bullet-proof part in the trailer is something that he doesn’t have in the comics or the ones I’ve read at-least meaning that it’s only set for film only, after viewing this trailer a couple of times, twice for this review, I’m looking interesting in watching this but the humour is diverting itself away from DC’s similar to Suicide Squad and turning it into some Marvel would accomplish, let’s hope and see if this one stays to the formula.
Now for one that I’ve been waiting for in a good while, Aquaman, the sixth instalment towards the DC Extended Universe following Justice League, which follows a story towards the Aquaman Series in the New 52 known as Throne of Atlantis which looks like the basis of the movie, I’m not entirely sure why people hate this character so much, he started his comics in the 40’s alongside Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman and was powerful enough to join the Justice League.
In the New 52 series his story is more developed even towards his love for both the surface world as well as Atlantis. In some of the comics he was even given darker roles as a king as sacrificing his own hand to save his son which was revealed later in the Justice League cartoon in the earlier 2000s which I will be reviewing one day.
The movie looks quite similar though some of the CGI is offputting in some sequences mainly towards the animation of the fish, but the character seems to be similar towards the comics which matters the most. From looking at Atlantis in a fan’s point of view, it looks insanely beautiful which is new towards a comic-book series which predicts it like royalty, they weren’t wrong.
The architecture in the trailer makes Atlantis look amazing especially with the design of Greek texture which connects the mythos greatly. I’m enjoying the evolution of Mera (played by the gorgeous Amber Heard) who looks more of a motivation towards Arthur rather than just a wife and Queen to Atlantis I’ve to admit, the suit is similar towards the New 52 as well with the strong colour on the Green suit.
Black Manta looks more futuristic rather than modern as in the comics; though the laser eyes from the helmet is exactly from the comics which makes it more believable towards fans which is something I admire the most about the character, Orm however is something I’m not looking forward to as the actor doesn’t resemble the character at all whom possessed more jealousy towards Arthur as well as hatred for humanity due to Arthur being both Human and Atlantian.
I’m actually excited to see this movie come through, especially that it’s following the New 52 series rather than the old stories which vandalised the character with the sketches comedians placed on the character (here’s looking at you Conan..) This movie is one that I will be watching as soon as it comes out, maybe it’s because of the characters and the atmosphere of the movie but I will be looking forward to it.
Now for the one that I’ve been looking forward to for after 4 long years of waiting, with leaks of the movie, images and broken CGI, I present to you, the return of the King of the Monsters.... Godzilla.
Now for those who don’t know, I’m a huge Kaiju fan especially when it comes towards the King of the Monsters, Godzilla or to pronounce him in his native tongue, Gojira, he started in 1954 by Ishiro Honda when Nuclear tests were performed around the world as tests but in the story one of those tests woke something up, a hibernating dinosaur which radiation granted him the abilities to fast heal any wounds, project radiation waves and to launch his infamous atomic breath.
The first movie was a signature message as an homage to how dangerous nuclear weaponry can be towards humanity and the devastation that it can cause; the first movie was popular that it caused a lot of sequels, 30 of them to be exact, 2 of them were previously reviewed on this show, one being a total disaster (fuck you Emmerich for killing a Japanese icon) and one that gave the character its justice (Thank you Edwards for reviving the franchise).
Godzilla 2 is a sequel set after the events of the incident of 2014, which reveals that there are more Kaiju... sorry in the universe they are revealed as Titans, creatures resembling Gods at this point, I’m going to be stating on what I’ve heard so far before I review the trailer.
The movie is set years after the events of the 2014 incident between Godzilla and the M.U.T.O.s leading towards Monarch to find monsters believing that the Earth is hiding them (Kong: Skull Island) also leading them to find 3 creatures which resemble titans, Mothra, Rodan and Monster Zero aka King Ghidorah, but a terrorist group are interested in finding these creatures believing that humanity is a plague and the monsters are the cure.
Just to clarify, I’ve not seen the monsters until I saw the trailer a couple of days ago which looks absolutely amazing by live action standards; as well as CGI standards some leaks have been released but judging from the looks of the images, they seem to be for another movie rather than the Monsterverse...
Now for the trailer, I was kinda right when it came to the terrorist angle, especially when it comes to controlling the monsters as well as the main terrorists using humanity as an excuse, to be honest, I think this more of an alien back story rather than a terrorist back story seeing that Monarch is a international cooperation in research of Monsters.
Now for the monsters, does Michael Dougherty do them justice? That answer is Yes, Godzilla looks insanely awesome with the addition of the retro spikes on his back with the atomic breath being at full flame, the problem is that he would be more scarred rather than clean after the fight he had years ago, as you remember in the first review is that he’s been beaten before by military but is still going strong due to radiation.
Mothra is like what they described on the website, a queen of the Monsters and boy they do not disappoint, she looks incredible when it comes to her infant stage or as it’s called her larva stage which is impressive by far but when it comes to her full form, you can see that she is going to be igniting some powers most likely some kind of blinding power.
Rodan is by far the most impressive as you see him emerging from the volcano which looks like it’s been rigged to blow to be honest but the way he moves is more impressive than his looks, apparently from what I’ve been told is that he will have Magma for blood which would grant him the ability of a dragon, him flying is more important as you see more damage that he’s let on, this form has been used previous in one of the old Japanese movies during the Showa period or most likely the Heisei era.
King Ghidorah is well known to be Godzilla’s arch rival and is been the main enemy towards the monsters relating to the Kaiju, I love the fact that we hardly see him as well as the previous monsters but with him it’s special as he does resemble a more deadly threat towards humanity rather than the other creatures, though we don’t see him as much, we know that his presence there through the movie.
The Human story arc does look interesting especially that Monarch are fighting more than 4 threats,  maybe it will follow the devastation that happened 4 years ago and possibly some answers that Monarch are so keen to hide away from the public; since the 2014 adaptation of the legendary monster, I’ve been interested in how they are going to take this creature on, whether they would let the King of the Monsters live his legacy towards the titans and defeating his arch rival or fall and fail in the process, all I can say is Long live the King.
So this is my run down of the 5 things I thought were interesting in this year’s SDCC which will be expanded when the time comes by, but in the meantime I am finishing off Thor: The Dark World and will continue the Marvel Cinematic Universe but requests are acceptable on both on here as well as my Facebook Page (screw you Zuckerberg). So with that said I’ll see next time.
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thefaeryscribe · 6 years
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Learning a New Language When You’re a Fantasy Author
I’ve always had a love of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Celtic world. To this day, my mind associates those countries with faery tales and magic, and with good reason. They all have a rich heritage of faery lore (another of my passions).
So it was obvious to me when I decided to learn a new language that my first choice should be Irish (Gaeilge).
Why learn a new language at all?
Well, personally, I simply love languages. In college I started to get a minor degree in Asian Studies, but I ended up taking Intro to Linguistics as an elective and fell in love. I quickly switched minors and had no regrets.
In addition to that, it’s amazing to me how we humans came up with thousands of different ways to communicate, and how those ways keep evolving over time. According to a quick internet search, there are between 6,500-7,097 languages spoken in the world today. Let that sink in for a moment.
Roughly 6,500-7,097. That’s an insane number. And how many can I speak fluently?
1. Just 1. I aim to change that.
Also, it’s good for your mind to continue learning. That doesn’t apply to languages alone, that can be anything. You could learn a new skill, or learn about space, or about gardening, dancing, writing. There are so many cultures and periods of history to explore, so many amazing facts about animals and people and places. And with the internet, much of it is now free, and as easy as a quick search.
So, considering all of that, it should come as no surprise that I’m learning a new language. In fact, I plan to learn many over the course of my life. (German and Welsh are up next).
Now, how does this apply to being a fantasy writer? Well…
1. I now tend to add extra vowels to words while writing. Irish is full of vowels, many of them silent when used next to other vowels. For example, “Ólaim caife nuair a scríobhaim.” (I drink coffee when I write), which sounds like “Oh-lum cafe nware ah shkree-vum.” This is starting to carry over to my English spellings. Annoying? Sometimes. Mostly I just laugh at myself and fix it. (Can’t wait to see how German and Welsh will affect that).
2. When coming up with names of people and places, new combinations of sounds and letters present themselves to my mind. Because I’m continually exposed to the way the Irish alphabet comes together to create words, my brain is starting to replicate some of those when coming up with character names and place names. And really, this one is exciting. Irish has some really beautiful-sounding words.
Sionnach - fox (shuh-nahk)
Uisce - water (ishkuh)
Dlíodóir - lawyer (dlee-uh-dor)
Seanmháthair - grandmother (shawn-wa-hair)
Féileacán - butterfly (fey-luh-kahn)
3. I’ve acquired some new long-term goals. As in, really long-term. One of them is to be able to read books written in other languages. My boyfriend got me copies of The Hobbit and Alice in Wonderland in Irish, and I am so looking forward to the day I can read them. There’s also a German author I love whose books have been translated into English–except for one. If I’m ever to read that book, I’ll need to know German.
But recently, this goal has morphed a little. It’s one thing to read books in other languages. How neat would it be to have my own books translated into other languages? What if I was able to translate them myself? Or even write a first draft in another language?​​
These goals are still a long way off, but they excite me nonetheless.
4. I now have a bit of an advantage if I ever decide to create my own fantasy language. First of all, I minored in linguistics, which is the study of languages. This means learning how different languages work, how their phonemes and morphemes come together, how they change when next to other specific phonemes or morphemes, etc. By actually learning other languages, I get to play with this a bit.
For example, English word order is SVO (subject-verb-object). Irish is VSO. I get to experience what that type of language looks and sounds like firsthand, and have an example to refer to when constructing my own language, if I decide mine will also be VSO. And that’s just looking at sentence structure. It doesn’t even touch on how the phonemes and morphemes will behave around each other.​
5. I’m gaining another way of looking at the world. I’m sure you’ve heard before that some things ​​don’t translate exactly across languages, and sometimes not at all. I’ve seen plenty of that just with the beginner’s Irish that I’ve learned so far. It’s probably clearest (so far) in the way they use their prepositions.
Tá brón orm - I’m sorry (literally, Sadness/Sorrow is on me)
Tá caife agam - I have coffee (literally, Coffee is at me)
Is maith liom leabhair - I like books (literally, Books are good with me)
Tá fáilte romhat - You’re welcome (literally, Welcome is before you)
Tá orm scríobh - I must write (literally, It is on me to write)
That’s just a smattering of examples, but I hope you get the idea. I’m having to think of prepositions in a whole new way, and I’m finding it both challenging and interesting. And that’s just ​​prepositions! What happens when we apply that on a day-to-day basis when considering another ​​point of view or culture? What about while writing and using characters from different backgrounds/cultures/experiences? How can we use that to create cultures and individuals who really come alive on the page?
I’m sure I’ll discover other interesting things as I continue learning, and I’ll share them as I come ​​across them. If you speak another language, or are currently learning one, I would love to hear about your own experience. (And if you know or are learning Irish, hit me up! I’d love to have a practice partner.)
If you’re not currently learning another language, I hope I’ve inspired you to give it a try. You have absolutely nothing to lose (and Duolingo is free).
Until next time,
Slán! (Goodbye!)
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ecofinisher · 4 years
¡Vamos a España! - Chap 8
Chapter 8
Later at night, Rollan sat on a horse carriage being taken around with two troll cubs, which were asleep on his lap and the third one lied inside of Rollan‘s backpack napping. Luta rested on the shoulder of the Spaniard, which didn‘t mind it and he observed the houses around them recognizing the neighborhood he hasn‘t seen for over a year.
„I haven‘t been here for a year. It didn‘t seem to have changed a thing,“ Rollan commented making the rider of the horse shrug his shoulders.
„I assume it,“ The rider replied making Rollan nod.
„The end of the ride is right there before the next road,“ Rollan mentioned earning a nod from the rider, which kept his eyes on the road not really in a mood to interact with people. A few minutes later the carriage stopped in front of a small house, then Rollan smiled as he recognized his family‘s living, then he got down of the carriage and waved at the rider, which lifted his hand neutrally and moved on with the horse. Rollan looked at the buildings across the street beginning to smile at the different styles of built the houses had, unlike the ones he saw back in the Scandinavian Peninsula. Rollan walked toward the door of the house then looked at Luta, which was asleep, afterward he took a breath and knocked on the door. Rollan waited a short moment, then knocked again on the door and waited for someone to finally open the door to him.
„Mama?“ Rollan called knocking again on the door. He still didn‘t get an answer, then he placed his hand on the door handle and slowly moved it down to open the door, then he glanced into the house to see a flickering light coming from another room. Rollan stepped into the house making the ground creak due to the wood, making him distort his face. He slowly moved on toward the room, which was the kitchen of the house, and encountered on the stove a pot with soup in it, which made Rollan furrow his eyebrows.
„Where is she?“ Rollan asked, then he heard the creaking of the wood again, then he turned around and shrieked as he saw a woman around his size stand behind him with a broom and hit him on his head causing him to whine, causing Luta to wake up and look on what had just happened.
„Get out of here!“ The woman shouted, then looked at the two trolls that Rollan had dropped on their butts and woken up along with the weasel to look at the woman in shock.
„Mama no! It‘s me!“ Rollan warned holding his hands up to protect himself from the brush of the woman, then the woman gazed down at the boy in surprise and smiled euphorically as she recognized her son.
„Mi Hijo. What are you going here?“ The woman asked seeing the teenager get up, then he shared with his mother a long and tight hug. „I missed you so much,“
„I did too,“ Rollan replied, then the woman took a look at his clothing, which were more appropriate for winter.
„Is that the only thing you wore in the winter? That‘s not the way you have to dress for a cold place,“
„It was fine mama, really. Inside the zeppelin, it wasn‘t cold, so I could keep this without a problem,“ Explained the Spaniard earning a nod from the woman, which noticed down on the ground the cubs look up at the woman.
„Oh who are they?“ The mother asked going down at her knees to take a look at the cubs, which frowned angrily at the woman.
„Blind passengers,“ Rollan responded placing his hands on the cub‘s heads. „They somehow got into the zeppelin on the day I got in,“
„Do they belong to anyone?“
„King Arrog,“ Rollan explained. „My friend Orm was babysitting them, but somehow he didn‘t notice them following me, I believe,“
„And who‘s Orm?“
„Well, this is a long story. There‘s a lot that sounds weird to tell on a letter,“
„Well, come and sit down on the table. You‘re lucky I made soup for the entire week. Join me,“ „Gracias mama. I could really need something warm after all this trip,“ Rollan responded. „You think It‘s alright if they can all have a bit of soup too?“
„Si, just help me put the dishes on the table,“ The mother asked, then entered into the kitchen and Rollan took off his back the backpack, then opened it to take out the young troll cub and sat him down on a chair, watching him rub his eyes with his fist slowly waking up then Rollan patted the boy on the back.
„Stay awake, mi madre is going to serve us all delicious soup,“ Rollan told the cub, which nodded and Rollan walked at the counter beside the stove, where the woman was tasting the soup, then watched her son take out some plates from above the counter.
„You still like almond soup, right, mi Hijo?“
„It‘s my favorite,“ Rollan commented making the mother smile and pass her hand on Rollan‘s cheek, making him smile gently.
„Ay cariño. I can‘t believe you came here to me. You can‘t believe how much I missed you,“
„I missed you too, mama. I was lucky to get here only thanks to my friends. I‘m having a hard time finding a job back there and live on my own,“
„I feel you. I‘m trying to find someplace, where I could go to earn a bit of money, so I can have more to pay at least one bit of the taxes,“
„You know, I‘m here for you mama. I can look for a job too here and help you out to pay your taxes until you‘re clean. I owe you that after everything you did for me, mostly after papá passed away,“ Rollan offered making the woman nod a little, then pass her hand on the side of Rollan‘s head putting a hairstreak behind his ear.
„You‘re just like your father,“ Complimented the Spanish woman making Rollan smile a little sheepishly, then moved to the plates closer to the pot, so the woman could scoop a conch of liquid into the plate, then Rollan moved the next plate to the woman to take out another scoop.
After dinner, the mother walked along with Rollan upstairs helping him carrying the troll cubs and Rollan listened to her mother talking to him.
„I‘ve kept all the letters you‘ve sent me over the year in your bedroom. You don‘t need to worry about anything, I left the room just the way you left,“ Said the mother of Rollan watching him glance at the ground alternately as he held the oldest and youngest troll in his arms.
„Funny, I barely remember how my room looked like when I left,“ Rollan mentioned, then when the two reached the second level and opened the door of his bedroom, then she let Rollan walk into the bedroom seeing his bed and next to it his night table with a pile of sheets and a bear plush over it. Across the bed, he had a large pirate chest and vice versa to it was a small closet for his articles of clothing. Rollan stepped into his bedroom, gazing around his room with a smile remembering the time, when he grew up and behind the door, he encountered his tigerdoe hat and his red cape, he remembered wearing back when he was younger.
„Hehe, I remember how much I took them with me on the days, trouble would show up over the neighborhood,“ Rollan stated making his mother shake his head remembering Rollan‘s heroic deeds to save the town – Try actually.
„I hope your not as crazy as back there about anything that has to do with justice or protection,“
„I was more insane about wanting to be a legend, mama. I think this trip was not only the worst but also the best experience I‘ve made so far,“ Rollan commented. „If it wasn‘t for Gerda,“
„Gerda?“ The mother asked, then she looked down at the night table, where a bunch of letters, where then she began to pass by one by one. „I‘ve read this name somewhere,“
„Well, that‘s my girlfriend, mama,“ Rollan responded, then watched the mother hold up one sheet at the raven-haired boy.
„Gerda, the young girl that defeated the Snow Queen,“ The woman explained making Rollan chuckle.
„Yeah that too, but that happened years ago. She‘s now 18,“ Pointed out the Spaniard. „I‘ve got a painting of her,“ Rollan said lying down the cubs on the bed, then took out from his backpack the image to show it to his mother.
„Ella es muy amable,“ The woman commented. „I really hope you‘re treating her well, Hijo,“
„After everything that happened, I‘m glad she forgave me. Even though I feel like all the things I did for it wasn‘t enough,“
„What happened between you two, if I can ask?“
„I did something stupid. I convinced her in helping me find that stone I was looking for and…..well I almost have let her die back there,“
„Si, the reason she had to not forgive you for is justified well. You couldn‘t just expect someone to just forgive you if you‘ve done something bad“
„I know mama. Most awful was to know you loved that person after you saw the worst was done,“
„How long did it take her to forgive you?“ Questioned the mother making his son shrug his shoulders.
„It felt long, to be honest, but I‘m not sure,“ Rollan admitted, then sat down on the bed and began to think about his girlfriend. „Do you want to know what the best trait is on her? She sees the good in everybody, no matter how bad the person seems to be. She has always found a way to convince the person to change. I really have no idea how she does that, but this astonishes me,“
„She sounds like a very tough girl to me,“ Rollan‘s mother commented placing her hand on his shoulder. „Take good care of her,“
„Of course mama,“ Rollan responded watching the woman hand out the troll cub to Rollan, which then opened his eyes and glanced at the teenager. „You better close your eyes again, it‘s time to sleep and get used to the time zone here,“ Rollan mentioned making the troll sink his head.
„Well I‘m leaving you to sleep,“ The mother said placing her hand on Rollan‘s shoulder, then gave him a peck on his cheek. „Buenas Noches,“
„Buenas Noches,“ The woman wished leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Rollan got up from his bed and looked out through the window to see the houses in front of him, then looked back at the bed and shrieked as the trio were awake and began to investigate his bedroom.
„Hey boys, come on, tomorrow we can play together,“ Rollan suggested watching one of the three cubs pull down the red cape covering all his siblings along with himself under the cape. Rollan rolled his eyes then got down on the ground to pick the clothing up, then looked at his small bookshelf beside the door with several books in it and he smiled, then began to look at the shelf for a book as the cubs got out of the cape and began to play with it. Rollan shook his head slightly amused with the cubs, then looked down at his shelf to encounter a few children's books, then spotted one, which was about the alphabet, which he took out and he looked at the cubs.
„Hey boys, what about you three tell me how to spell your names?“ Rollan asked watching the cubs get out of the cape towards him to look at the book, which he opened to them and they got confused as they saw big letters on the first two pages.
„It‘s not that hard. It‘s the opposite. Learning the alphabet is easier than learning the one you‘ve got in your troll land. Here I spell you mine,“ Rollan said, then looked around his room and went to the commode across his room, then opened a drawer and took out a pencil along with a sheet, afterward he returned to the triplets. „Here……..R……...o…….l……...l…...a…...n.“ The boy spelled. „Rol-lan,“
The cubs looked at Rollan‘s name spelled on the sheet, then exchanged looks with each other and looked up at the human.
„Hmm you didn‘t understand it, right?“ Rollan asked making the cubs shake his head. „Hmm…….this here is a bed, you know it‘s called a bed, right?“ Questioned the Spaniard earning a nod from the cubs. „The first letter of the word bed is B. This is this letter here,“ Rollan introduced showing the second letter of the alphabet on his book. „Haven‘t you gotten any of the same letters as I in your name?“ Rollan asked, then the oldest boys pointed at the small L on Rollan‘s name, making Rollan smile. „Is that the first letter of your name?“ Rollan asked earning a nod from the three cubs. „Could someone of you have the name…...Luka?“ Rollan asked watching the cubs shake their heads. „What about….Lars?“ Suggested the Spaniard seeing the cubs shake their heads. „Ludwig…….Lazlo?…...what about Lev?“ Rollan asked making the cubs shake their heads. „Leonard?“ Rollan asked, then the youngest cub held his hand flat and moved it aside back and forth signaling the teenager he was getting closer. „Leo?“ Rollan asked watching the cub shake his head. „Leon?……...Leonie?“ Rollan suggested making the trio laugh except for the newbie which growled and punched his medium brother making Rollan widen his eyes and place his arm between the two cubs. „Hey, hey, hey. Don‘t do that,“ Rollan asked, then the two cubs sat back and looked up at Rollan with an apologetic face. „What about Leonid? I feel like I‘ve heard it once,“ Rollan asked, then all cubs nodded. „Whose Leonid?“ Rollan asked watching the youngest cub raise his arm up making Rollan smile, then he high-fived the youngest cub. „Okay you two, you two say that your name starts with L too, right?“ Rollan asked watching the remaining two cubs shake their heads making Rollan tilt his head. „But you told me?“
The cubs pointed at the lower case letter beside it, then Rollan understood and moved a few pages back to the letter I, then watched the cubs nod.
„Hmm…..Ivan?“ Suggested Rollan watching the cub with the gelled hair raise his hand making Rollan raise his hand in success. „Okay, little one. you‘re the last one. „Isaac?“
The cub shook his head, then watched Rollan ponder about more names, then lied his back against the bed while he was on it. „Iker?“ Questioned Rollan making the cub shake his head. „Of course not, that‘s Spanish…….what about Illijah?“ Questioned Rollan watching the cub shake his head. „Oh boy, this is going to take a little while,“ Rollan puffed making the cubs chuckle. „Don‘t worry, I‘ll find it out. I promise,“ Rollan announced making the cubs laugh. „Don‘t worry, I‘ll know it before the sunrise,“
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Greetings all, I hope you are safe and that you’re finding ways to be inspired in these strange times. Venues are starting to open up and there is the temptation to go out and have a “normal” existence, but please stay safe—wear masks, social distance, wipe, hand sanitizer, and stay healthy.
Speaking of opening up, Frame of Mind, our TV show on KERA TV is coming back. This year’s official season starts September 24th with a very special episode that I will discuss later.  We have 10 official episodes this year, but we have two special pre-Frame of Mind season shows, and the first one is THIS WEEK.   Last year, we created The Norm Show—the official title is  Norm Hitzges: An Opinionated History of Dallas Sports. It’s one of the most requested episodes we’ve ever produced, and it airs this week on Thursday at 10:30, our new time slot this season. It will also be shown on Monday, September 14th at 1:00 AM, if you’re awake at that time.  If you haven’t seen it yet, go to your DVR and set it up to record now and while you’re at it, just set it up to record the whole season.  I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to produce this show, and I really want to give a shout out to Mary Beth Boehm, Anne Bothwell, and Bill Young, who put up with my insanity and make this possible. I can’t think of a filmmaker who gets to do something like this. As the show is getting going, we’re also moving forward with DOCUFEST, which will be the first weekend in October.  We were hoping to have an in-person festival, but I just don’t think it’s safe yet, so we are doing a hybrid of on-line and drive-in at the new Tin Star Drive-in. Because we have an election coming up, we have some programs that will put perspectives on how we ended up in our current political situation. We have some fun and culturally significant programs and the usual things one would expect for VideoFest programming.  We are working on a special program and perhaps you can help us out. I want to do a program of Dallas area arts organizations that have used zoom, video, or audio to reinvent or adapt their artistic practice to their audience. So, if you know an artist or group, please let me know. ([email protected]) If you are still reading, thanks, and I would like to take a moment to ask you to consider making a donation to the Video Association of Dallas on North Texas Giving Day at the link below. Think about it. Where else do you get your information on films all in one spot? Where else can you connect with film lovers from The Cinematic Conversations?  We do so much with so little. We could do so much more with a little more, and you could help make that happen. Okay, that’s the end of pledge break, and now back to the music. Last week, we had a really great Cinematic Conversations with Sam Feder about his film Disclosure, . The section in the documentary show the people that were interviewed in the film is particularly interesting and brings up a discussion that should be in the documentary film world. This week, we are very lucky to have Peter Simek with us to discuss Peter Weir‘s 1975 classic Picnic at Hanging Rock. I haven’t seen it since 1975 and we can find it on HBO Max, Direct TV, TCM, The Criterion Channel for free, and on Amazon for 2.99.  We’re so happy to have Peter with us for this. When Peter writes about film, he brings such insight that it makes us wish he had time to write more about cinema.  For those unfamiliar, Peter writes for D Magazine, and whatever he writes about, it is great. Join us on Wednesday at 7:30. Speaking of D Magazine, we are sorry to hear of the passing D Magazine’s creator Wick Allison. Think about all the ways that this magazine has impacted our lives in this city, for a moment.  I once heard Wick talk about the history of Dallas, and I learned so much.  While he has passed, the institution he created lives on. Some theaters are returning to live screenings. The Angelika is showing Tenet, as is The Alamo. The Alamo is also showing a film I was planning on showing at DocuFest called, Feels Good Man about Matt Furie, the guy who created Pepe the Frog. I would still like to show it, so if this is interesting to you and you WILL NOT be seeing at the Alamo, let me know. ([email protected]) As for our two landmark theaters, The Magnolia is still not open, but the Inwood is showing Tenet (who isn’t?) and also All In The Fight for Democracy, a film about voter suppression. This is such a critical issue at this moment and the film screens upstairs on Wednesday and Thursday. The Texas Theater is still closed, but they are showing A Fistful of Dollars on Friday the 12th in their drive-in. Speaking of the drive-in, Bar Brizo in Richardson will be showing Ford vs Ferrari and I hear there will be cars representing! There is also a film festival coming up this weekend. Women in Film Dallas has their festival, which has had a few different names over the years but is now the Topaz Festival. Most of the films in the festival are shorts divided by genre, and most I haven’t seen, but I can very highly recommend the only feature in the festival: Julia Knots’ Inez, Doug, and Kira. I have loved and shown Julia’s work for years and I’m happy this film will get a screening, even if it’s virtually. The festival is September 8-13th. When I was a kid, Labor Day was a big deal. It marked the end of summer with swimming races at the pool. When I got older, I would also hear people talk about the importance of labor.  There would be editorials in the paper, and people on TV, but that is now missing from the national dialogue.  Automation, robots, and AI are challenging our concept of labor, and politicians are not interested in ensuring people get paid a good wage. But this year, labor has bigger challenges. The people who work at meatpacking plants, at our stores, in hospitals, people who are on the front line in our battle against the virus, some of these folks, while risking their lives for your comfort and sustenance, are not being paid a living wage.  When you’re at the grocery store, thank the folks who are working there. When you have an opportunity and if you can afford it, tip people well. I challenge you all to look around you and think about all the hands that helped get you the things you have needed during quarantine.  Be thankful for what these laborers are doing for you. Congrats, you made it through another week!
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un-enfant-immature · 6 years
‘Aquaman’ is a ridiculous superhero epic, and I loved every minute of it
Look, I get it. Even when executed well, superhero origin stories on the big screen have become depressingly formulaic — and with the exception of “Wonder Woman,” the ones in the DC Extended Universe haven’t been executed well.
And although I was one of the few moviegoers who actually enjoyed last year’s “Justice League,” I’ll admit the Aquaman material didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the character’s solo film. Jason Momoa’s charm couldn’t obscure the fact that he was largely reduced to grunting catchphrases like “My man!”, or that the one or two scenes delving into his backstory were easily the least comprehensible parts of an often incomprehensible film.
But now that “Aquaman” is about to open domestically (a couple weeks after kicking off a hugely successful run in China), I have to tell you: I loved it.
It certainly has its flaws, like a script full of clunky exposition, stretched out by fetch quests that were transparently designed to keep our heroes occupied until the grand finale. It’s also insanely overstuffed, trying to make room for a star-crossed romance, an Indiana Jones-style archeological adventure, a fantasy epic with giant sea monsters and the standard superhero beats, all in a runtime that’s a hair under two-and-a-half hours.
But that four-films-for-the-price-of-one quality is exactly why I liked it so much. “Aquaman” is a big, crazy movie, full of big, crazy moments. And while some of those moments are pretty dumb (this movie is absolutely unafraid of looking dumb), very little of it is boring.
Take the opening, which doesn’t actually start with Aquaman. Instead, we see a lighthouse keeper (Temuera Morrison) stumbling across a mysterious, wounded woman from the sea (Nicole Kidman). The romance that ensues may be pretty standard fare, but Morrison and Kidman are talented enough to make it funny and — when circumstances inevitably pull them apart — a little sad.
Of course, the couple has a son, and that son grows up to be played by the hulking Momoa. The adult Arthur Curry can talk with fish and other sea animals, and he’s also got superhuman strength and toughness. Plus, he’s the firstborn heir to the throne of Atlantis — a fact that becomes more pressing with the arrival of Mera (Amber Heard), who’s hoping to enlist him in her plans to stop his brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) from declaring war on the surface world. Soon enough, Arthur and Mera are searching for a mythical trident while being hunted by Orm and and the vengeful pirate Black Manta (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II).
Like I said, that search involves several more steps than necessary, but I really didn’t mind. Although Momoa’s version of Aquaman as a gruff, hard-drinking superhero bro can be grating (particularly in this film, where he doesn’t have the counterbalance of a Wonder Woman or a Flash), I found myself warming to him as the story went on. And most of the action scenes are impressively staged, particularly a long, brutal fight between Aquaman, Mera and Black Manta in Sicily.
That fight aside, the movie is at its best when it stays underwater, where director James Wan and his design team have created a vivid fantasy world. It can take a few minutes to get used to the wavy hair and distorted speech, but once you do, you’ll enjoy the sight of royalty riding sharks and manta rays to get around, and you’ll get to visit kingdoms where fish people and crab people rule. (My zoological knowledge may be failing me here, but I think the movie actually has two different kinds of crab people.)
Is it silly? Of course. But the instant I saw a manta ray shooting laser beams, I was on-board. And when Aquaman and Mera entered the sprawling, psychedelically-colored city of Atlantis, my inner 13-year-old had nearly fainted from excitement.
And that was all before before the final battle, which saw vast armies of underwater creatures charge at each other while colossal sea beasts erupted from the ground beneath their feet. It’s like a deranged cross between “Lord of the Rings” and “Pacific Rim,” and it is glorious.
This movie isn’t for everyone, but I think I’ve figured out a simple litmus test to determine whether you’re in the target audience: Do you want to see Jason Momoa face off against a multi-tentacled monster? And what if that multi-tentacled monster was voiced by Julie Andrews?
If that’s what you’re looking for, “Aquaman” will not disappoint.
Marvel’s ‘Black Panther’ is a new high point for superhero cinema
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maneaterwithtail · 5 years
A lot of people were acquainted with him through his prolific participation in News & Politics, but to me Aaron was always an author, one half of the team behind Hybrid Theory. That fic was a bastion of creativity, drama, and wry humor; a ludicrous and ambitious premise, played gloriously straight. It provided me with much-needed hope and entertainment in years past. His death comes as a punch in the gut, and takes the wind of optimism out of my sails.
I never knew him well, and now I never will. Rest in peace, Aaron. The world is lessened by your absence from it.
-orm Ember
I didn't want to write this. 
Not just for the obvious reasons, that nobody likes to say goodbye to a friend like this. I didn't want to make this about me, because it isn't about me. I wanted to say something about him, to tell his story, to express the tiniest part of the loss I feel in a way others could understand. 
But I came to realise that it wasn't for me to tell his story. I can't. That story was for him to tell, and unfortunately, he cannot. The only story I have to tell is the story of us. So that's what I'll do. 
I met Aaron Peori when we were both new in high school, about twenty-five years ago. Glace Bay High was the tenth of the eleven schools that I attended in my eleven years of schooling, and so by then I was almost as well-practiced in "meet new friends" as I was in "meet the new local pack of bullies". Walking home, I noticed one guy about my age that always walked alone, reading a book. In other words, a fellow nerd, a weirdo, an outcast. Like me. After a couple of days of spotting this lone reading fellow, he happened to be reading a book by Christopher Pike, an author I also had books by. That was, as the saying goes, an opening.
"Hey, isn't that a Christopher Pike book?" I asked this stranger, casually, as if I hadn't already known.
He looked up at me, not even showing any surprise that some weirdo had walked up and asked about the book his nose was in. "Yes," he said, peering at me owlishly from behind his glasses, then after a moment added, "He's a good author."
By the time we reached home that day, we were already good friends. From that point on, in fact, we were virtually inseparable, aided by the fact that he lived almost literally in my backyard.
From the very beginning, we were creative collaborators. At first, we were using GI Joes and a few other toys in elaborate setpiece dioramas that spanned his house's enclosed front porch, and sometimes spilled out to occupy part of the year as well. Factions, sacrifices, betrayals, and no doubt embarassing-in-retrospect dialogue were all a part of those first afternoons and weekends.
I think he first got a copy of the Marvel Super Heroes RPG from his cousin. Before I'd met him, Aaron and his cousin had both been drawing their own comics about a space-based superhero team called Sonis. Now, with a tool that you could use tell stories about superheroes, and rules to arbitrate - our new great dioramas were ones made of words, not toys. I quickly made my own "expanded universe", about a group of mercenary superheroes called Heroes For Hire. 
At that point, what turned out to be a very long-lasting pattern was set. Aaron was the GM, and I was the player. Aaron created the worlds, and I lived the characters in them. He did want me to be the GM sometimes (it's more fun being the player!), but I was always uncomfortably aware how much better at it he was than me, and so I felt intimidated to pit my own lesser stories against the epics he created.
As time went on, another pattern that would be long-lasting emerged: Aaron and I's stories became vastly greater in scope. He rewrote the resolution system of the game to account for much higher power levels than the original design used (Ochre feats!), and eventually we dispensed with the rules altogether, playing completely free-form with no set rules and only the occasional dice roll. I learned to handle multiple characters at once, and bored at the success easily reached by my insanely overpowered characters, learned to find more fun in getting them in trouble instead. Aaron learned to handle the narrative challenges faced by trying to craft stories about protagonists who had literal "I win" powers, and weren't very likeable to boot.
Very little of Heroes For Hire would be something I wouldn't be embarassed to show off today, but my former internet nom de guerre "Blade" comes from the most central and overpowered character of those days.
About a year before I left Cape Breton, Aaron and I discovered two things of lasting consequence: anime, via his having a comic adaptation of the movie "Project A-ko" in his huge box of comics that I would regularly raid, and fanfiction, which I had been introduced to via USENET by another friend of mine, Mark MacIsaac. After I left, Aaron had more free time, and thus he started writing a story that combined two of his favourite things: the then-popular anime Ranma 1/2, and Star Wars. 
Aaron wrote prolifically, longhand on sheaths of paper, in his inscrutable and typo-laden scrawl. My role in those first stories, for all they were credited under both our names, was just to type these up and edit them - but that wasn't a small task, to be fair. I can type 60wpm despite still pecking with two fingers instead of touch-typing, a skill that dates to those early manuscripts. 
That level of collaboration, though, wasn't enough. Soon we took to role-playing games again, and I took on various Ranma characters in lengthy phone conversations where he was once again the DM. Those games formed several of the plots for Ranma: Curse of Darkness, and the entirety of the plot of Kyoto Chronicles (sadly never actually finished), along with other stories both Ranma and non that never made it to the internet. Again, he would write the scripts and I would type them up, now with more creative control and editing. 
The time came when we once again lived in the same city, able to really collaborate with both of us writing scenes. All of this finally culminated in Hybrid Theory, our longer-than-Lord-of-the-Rings magnum opus, and something we were both pretty proud of despite the various flaws and that we totally botched poor Rei's character arc.
After writing something like that, we were sure, it would be easy to write something for professional publication. But unfortunately, it never came to be. Circumstances separated us again, several promising projects got stalled after a few chapters, and then the grinding workload he faced at his job hurt his ability to write consistently.
But Aaron never stopped writing fanfiction. His mind never stopped working. Most of what he wrote was "junk" in his words, and he wouldn't even show it to me, but he was still thinking up stories and worlds and his favourite thing of all: elaborate fight scenes. He once told me he could write in any series, no matter how crappy or derivative, "as long as the main characters can run up walls".
It frustrates me that I cannot prove to anyone here how brilliant Aaron was, because that brilliance was hidden behind the various flaws in his prose style. His prospensity for typos never did much improve, though he could at least spellcheck stuff he wrote on a computer rather than longhand. He never got hung up like me searching for the exact right word, and so he often just used the same words over and over. For those that read his last work, I can only explain that I took out a ton of "snaps" - "snapped her head back", "snapped his wrist forward", "the snake snapped out" and yet there are STILL that many in there. I was going to do a much more thorough editing pass when it was finished. 
But that is all surface-level. Where Aaron excelled was in his vision for a setting and story. He could take the ridiculous and make it somehow sublime - indeed, he often challenged himself with making ridiculous or cliche concepts work. He could keep track of a million dancing pieces and know precisely which should enter the stage, and from where. It's not that I didn't contribute meaningfully to our collaborative efforts, but I often felt like a child with crayons colouring in the lines of a sketch by Da Vinci. Even if my colouring was good, it wasn't the masterpiece.
His players knew, though. Another habit Aaron kept for the rest of his life was GMing (though he enjoyed playing, when the opportunity was afforded to him), even if he couldn't do it as much in recent years. Aaron was a masterful GM, able to coax out strong story arcs and dramatic moments from players of any skill level, able to make NPCs that the players hated or loved or both, able to coax rambunctious player parties into dramatic clashes and events that never felt railroaded. But perhaps even more than that, he was a master of making game rules work for him instead of against him. Aaron loved role playing game rules: one of his primary hobbies and uses of his spare cash was to buy new gamebooks, even if he never planned to use them for a game. He'd devour them, expertly analyse their strengths and flaws, modify and house-rule them to his liking, and even a notoriously tricky game to GM like Exalted flowed smoothly in his hands.
His set of replacement Dragonblooded charms are still the best and most flavourful charmset ever made for them. And he always maintained that the best game system to run Star Wars with was the pulp action game Adventure! - which was the very last game I'd play with him. He was, as always on these matters, completely correct.
In another world, even with the problems we had, I'm sure Aaron could have been a published author. The problem, if problem it was, was that Aaron's prolificness stemmed from his own joy in writing and creating. Ultimately, if he was more interested in writing about a magical self-insert Sakura than he was in something "professional", then that's what he did. He took note of criticism and changed things if he got it, but ultimately the only critic whose opinion he internalised was himself. He wrote because he enjoyed writing. If somebody else enjoyed what he did, great. If nobody did, he'd write anyway.
Aaron and I were so close that my father asked me if we were gay once. We weren't - I'm straight, and he was (unknowingly at the time) asexual. But we loved each other anyway. We had the kind of easy camraderie and understanding where we could nostalge and talk for hours upon hours, week upon week, and never get bored even when we didn't have really anything to talk about. We were never bored of each other's company. From that very first day we met, we understood each other in ways that nobody else ever did, or ever would. I never pictured my life without Aaron in it. I was going to be a writer, I knew at 15 years old, with Aaron. I was going to move back to Canada someday - and live near Aaron. 
There is a hole, and it cannot be filled. It hurts, and it will always hurt. And yet I am greater for having it. It is unthinkable to wish that I didn't have it. My life without Aaron is unthinkable. I'll have to think of it, maybe another day, but not yet.
Aaron's last few years were difficult in some ways. He stuck in a predatory, horrible job that left him perpetually sick and exhausted, the only thing in the 25 years I knew him that actually forced him to stop writing and GMing for any length of time. He was too proud to take help, too tired to look for an alternative. He nearly died of a perforated ulcer a few years ago, and that added "chronic pain" to his ailments, and being him, he would only take painkillers when it became unbearable. It was unsustainable, we knew it, but he was always reaching for that promotion that would finally bring the shorter hours he had been asking for. In the meantime, he'd always say "Don't worry about me, I'm fine." I wish he had been right.
And yet.
In those same years, Aaron discovered himself. He discovered that he wasn't the strange not-wanting-sex freak he had grown up thinking he was, that there were many people like him out there. He got in touch with the emotions he had suppressed within himself due to a traumatic childhood experience, and while he sometimes had difficulty handling his newfound sadness (he was striken by grief like I'd never seen over the death of his grandfather) or anger (political topics were verboten in our conversations over the last few years), I believe that for all the pain and overwork and lack of creative output he was still in some ways never happier than he was these last few years.
He told me once that he wanted to find a partner of either gender, who didn't need or didn't want sex, but could be with him and hold him close when he needed it. I cried, and told him I knew he could find someone once he was out of that job. He deserved it. He deserved that happiness too.
This forum (although not solely) had a lot to do with him discovering himself, and that is why I felt I had to post about him here. You meant more to him than you know, and to some of you, though I don't know your names, I owe a debt I can never repay. Whoever you are, thank you so much. You helped him in a way I couldn't. The joy and hope of his last years came from the help you gave him.
And that's the end of the story of us. Aaron was exhausted, pushing himself beyond what he ever should have - now, at least, he can rest. Aaron was in pain, but now the pain is gone. There was nothing good or right or kind or acceptable about it, but it can't be changed, it can't be helped. 
Goodbye, Aaron. I love you. Thank you for writing stories with me.
-Chris Mcneil addressing sufficient velocity forums
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