#I love him eeeeeee :3
wedniar-84 · 6 months
First time drawing him but Chibi!!
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account-name · 4 months
god i wanna kiss phone guy so bad hhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's so cute why can't he be real (and also not dead) gahhhh he's so smoochable
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magnifiico · 9 months
The holiday season brings with it a strange gift from an even stranger visitor. Hiro proudly sets the mini-robot down on the royal's desk, fingers wiggling as he presented it - as if a wondrous artifact has been found. The little bot is small, but decorated in the same designs seen around the King's dwelling - with an 'M' engraved on the back plate. And very clearly a miniature visage of the very real King. "So, I kind of overheard that you were looking for some kind of apprentice, but you don't have anyone yet. So, I figured this little guy can help you with the simpler things until you find someone to fill the role. Sometimes the only person you can trust is yourself and with a job as big as yours, I bet it's harder to trust just anyone. So, he looks like you - bit of a comfort aspect. He's programmed for basic instruction, but the more you teach him, the more he'll learn. " He gains a sheepish expression, shrugging. "He hasn't got a name yet - I've just been calling him mini-fico."
@hamadaxfighter || no listen you don't understand i'm screaming over this
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“Y-you... built this—?” And uncharacteristically, the king's voice comes out considerably small, no different than a child full of awe at something so entirely new—so entirely wonderous and beyond the realms of previous imagination. Temporarily, he forgets what he was doing, a tome in his hand set aside while his attention drinks in the silly little figure set atop his desk. Magnifico leans forward for a better look. He pokes, prods, half-listens to Hiro's pitch as he with that same admiration murmurs, “Impressive.”
Only after hearing what has been chosen as a presumably nonpermanent name does the king shake from an engrossed stupor, brain for a second lagging behind as he blinks and looks at the sheepish lines on the youth's face. His own expression brightens into an amused—and honored—smile. “Minifico, is it? You know, that's not half-bad. I may just end up keeping it.”
And he reaches out to set a hand on Hiro's shoulder, the gentle squeeze an affirmation intertwined with gratitude for the boy's thoughtfulness. “Thank you, Hiro,” he says in earnest. “The world doesn't know how lucky it is to have your talents.”
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He wonders if, had he had a taste of friendship with all those things before returning to his reality, if he would feel quieter, and lonelier, and more sad, now that he wasn’t friends with them.
The answer is probably yes.
Wilbur tries not to think about this very often; it just makes him hungry for all the things he’ll never have. An insatiable hunger.
Wilbur wonders if Phil ever feels like this.
Finally, Wilbur settles on something, because he taps the screen once before lowering his hands, keeping hold of the phone and letting a song play from it.
Guitar. That’s what starts this song off.
Tommy tilts his head. He’s never heard this before. It’s a new song to him.
But it’s… pretty. As far as the first bit goes, at least; all gentle guitar and soft singing, all that. It sounds like something Ghostbur would like.
And then the chorus comes around, and Tommy’s eyes widen a little bit as the lyrics hit his ears.
“Jesus, my heart, your home. Jesus.”
Tommy flicks his gaze to Wilbur, inquisitive.
Wilbur gazes back, even and calm.
The song continues playing, and after a few seconds, Tommy turns his attention back to it. He’s paying more attention to the lyrics now.
“I will sing for you, all my days. Always quick to give you praise. When I was in sin, you saved my soul. No greater love will I ever know.”
“Do you go to church?” Tommy asks, because he couldn’t keep the question inside his chest any longer.
“No,” Wilbur answers, quick but sure. “Not really, no. I don’t even believe in most of the things this song talks about.”
“Oh. Then…” Tommy furrows his brow. “Then why do you listen to it?”
The song turns loud, strong guitar strums and almost yell-y singing, and Wilbur turns thoughtful, tilting his head ever so slightly as he looks off into the distance.
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything.
The song keeps playing.
“You tried to revive Wilbur,” Ghostbur said, hoping that the king would understand what so few seemed to. “You tried to kill me."
Wilbur hums, and with a quick prayer to whoever is listening, Niki starts to drive.
Ranboo’s heart drops. Oh no.
“Hey, hey, um… W-Wilbur? What… what uh, what’s wrong?” Ranboo hurriedly kneels down, as close to Wilbur as he dares.
(Another one for heart because I wanted to share :)
No. Everything is warm and hazy, drifting in and out of focus with each beat of his heart—a heart which, as far as Wilbur can tell, is slow, lazy, irregular. Irregular. A wobbling spotlight that shines in the wrong places, doesn’t follow the cues.
Wilbur blinks, peering up from his phone to see Ghostbur walking into the kitchen, blinking the sleepiness from his eyes. “Hey. I got, um…” He gestures vaguely to the island. “McDonald’s.”
“McDonald’s,” Ghostbur repeats, sounding inquisitive and amazed at the same time.
Wilbur blinks.
Ghostbur comes to a stop in front of the island, looking around at the paper bags filled with breakfast food. He blinks hard, as if trying to will away any leftover wisps of unconsciousness. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had McDonald’s.”
“You can sleep after this,” Tommy assures, hovering in case the cup spills from Ghostbur’s hands. “Just- make sure you drink enough, y’know. I don’t want you getting diehydrated or anything.”
Ghostbur doesn’t smile at Tommy’s joke, and Tommy suddenly feels lonely. Which is weird, because Ghostbur is right here. He’s not lonely.
His heart just gave a proper pang though, didn’t it?
“You’re not ever yourself after doctor visits,” Tommy says softly, watching as Ghostbur sips at the straw with nearly-closed eyes.
(Couldn’t find one for gentleness so I went with gentle instead!)
He hopes that his voice sounds gentle. He wonders if it’s possible to bend his voice in such a way that sounds gentle.
When they get inside, the song isn’t finished, so they stay in the living room and Ghostbur sways the both of them back and forth, back and forth, all the way until they finish na-na-na-na-ing. It doesn’t matter that they can’t see very well, with all the lights off; they know they’re both here. They can hear each other. Tommy can feel the soft wool of Ghostbur’s sweater sleeves.
They finish the last lyric, and for a few seconds, the whole house is quiet.
Ghostbur leans forward, pressing a kiss onto Tommy’s head. Tommy blinks as he pulls back.
Ghostbur smiles. “I think of you whenever I hear that song."
Tommy doesn’t know what to say to that, so he doesn’t say anything.
As they both lay in bed, facing each other, Tommy moves a little closer than usual. Ghostbur keeps his eyes closed, but he rubs his thumb along Tommy’s arm until they both fall asleep, and that makes Tommy feel better.
When Tommy wakes up, the first thing he does is check to make sure Ghostbur’s still here. He is.
Ghostbur’s thumb is still resting against Tommy’s arm.
Tommy moves a little bit closer, and he falls back asleep.
“You could’ve been trying to pull a prank on me, or a joke.”
Wilbur’s heart twinges, just a bit. “I wouldn’t do that.”
Ghostbur says nothing.
“I’ll help you, alright?” Wilbur takes a step closer, water sloshing up his legs. “I’ll make sure nothing… bad happens, or anything.”
Ghostbur finally looks up, meeting Wilbur’s eyes. He looks skeptical.
Wilbur raises his brows. “Promise. Y’know, we’ll be like… we’ll be like brothers, right? This is the sort of thing brothers do!”
Ghostbur tilts his head thoughtfully. “Perhaps.”
“Look, I don’t wanna stay out here all day, man. Just try it. Look, you suck in a breath and hold it, so your body stays buoyant. See?” Wilbur breathes in to demonstrate, but Ghostbur wrinkles his nose.
“I know how to hold my breath.”
“Then do it, man! Come on!” Wilbur gestures at the water, grinning. “I’ll make sure you don’t sink. I’ll grab you if things go south, alright?”
Ghostbur looks at the water again, nodding after a few moments. “Okay.”
“It’s just fl-“ Wilbur cuts himself off, eyes widening with surprise as Ghostbur lowers himself down and takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes.
And Ghostbur freaking floats. He lays there in the water with his eyes shut and his freaking shirt on and he floats. He barely even moves, actually; just floats there, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
For a minute, he stays like that, and for a minute, Wilbur stares, not quite sure how to react to this.
I didn’t know he was going to do it that quickly.
After a minute, Ghostbur blinks his eyes open, quickly widening them as he tries to right himself.
“You’re fine,” Wilbur assures, stepping forward and letting Ghostbur cling to his arm and get pulled up. “See? Right here, just like I said.”
Ghostbur says absolutely nothing, squeezing Wilbur’s arm with both hands and breathing hard. His hair sticks to his forehead in a dark mess.
Wilbur realizes that his own hair probably looks the same.
“You did it, man.” Wilbur laughs, because there’s really nothing else to do. “You floated! Y’know? And I didn’t even have to do anything! Man, are you sure you don’t know how to swim? I’m being serious. Because that was fantastic, right there.”
Ghostbur stares at his hands, wrapped around Wilbur’s arm, and then he slowly brings his gaze upward, until they meet his brother’s. His eyes are wide. “That water is cold!”
Wilbur laughs again, louder. His feet nearly trip over themselves, but he manages to stay upright and not fall into the river. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”
“And… I floated.”
Wilbur smiles. “I suppose you did.”
“Oh.” Ghostbur glances at the water again, eyes dancing. He looks back to his hands, holding onto Wilbur, and blinks. He pulls his hands away. “I think I hurt you.”
Wilbur looks down, noticing how his skin is white where Ghostbur had held onto it. “Nah, I’m fine.”
“That might bruise.”
“It won’t.”
“I was just a little nervous.”
“I know. But you floated anyway.” Wilbur raises his brows. “Yeah?”
Ghostbur looses a breath through his mouth, nodding. “Yeah. I did, I did.”
Then he brightens. “Oh. I really did, didn’t I?”
“Heck yeah, man.”
“Oh.” Ghostbur slowly runs his fingers through the river, creating small waves. He smiles—a flickering sort of thing. “I did. I did.”
Wilbur grins. His arm probably will bruise—Ghostbur has a hard grip, man—but he can’t bring himself to care. He doesn’t care.
There’s birds chirping everywhere.
He glances at the window, watching orange light bleed through the closed blinds. Is it too early? He planned to do it tonight, after the sun set and the world grew cold.
But there’s nothing else to do.
Wilbur huffs a laugh that sounds more like a sickness. Might as well. The timing won’t change anything; it’s inevitable either way.
He grunts as he rises to his feet, wandering towards his dresser. The slivers of sunlight that worm their way between the blinds cast lines on the wall. Wilbur blocks them with his shadow.
“But,” Tommy continues, dipping a fry into some ketchup. “This makes it better.”
“What does?”
“Food. Five Guys. Even you.” He holds up the ketchup-dipped fry, waving it about with a glint in his eye. “I love salt!”
Wilbur huffs a smile, gazing at the table.
(Another one for love just because)
Ghostbur smiles, huffing quietly to himself. Tommy is very funny. He does such strange things. Ghostbur loves him more than he loves anything else.
(Annnnd another one)
Niki shakes her head. “My bakery is gone.”
“Wh… gone?”
“I burned it.”
He stops walking, and some of the leaves go quiet.
Niki walks ahead of him. After a second or two, she hears leaves again.
“Oh. Okay!” He comes up alongside her, and he’s taller than her, because he’s always been taller than her. “That seems like a strange thing to do to something you love. Why did you burn it?”
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yawarakaizai · 1 year
pm!dazai taking reader on a date after school, but it’s somehow awkward! tried to get you a stuffie from a claw machine but failed miserably, so he shot the glass out of frustration.. something like that hehe ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM Dazai Osamu (BSD) CONTENTS You were a horrible pair. You two were unlikely and the path ahead of you could have never predicted such thing to happen. You aren't sure why or how, but you found yourself the centre of Osamu Dazai's attraction. NOTE fluff, reader and dazai are 16/17, brief chuuya, jealousy, young love COMPANY No Scrubs
A/N wrote th is thro ughou t th e sch ool d ay ;3; forgi ve any mist a kes or rush ed writ ing !!! eeeeeeE EEEE i lov requ ests ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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It was embarrassing at this point.
You disliked bringing any sort of unwanted attention to yourself more than anything else. And yet, you owe it to the brunette by your side who attracted stares like a magnet.
" Owwh, fuck! " His drawn out swear accompanied by the stomping of his shoe against the carpeted floor. It's biometric, vibrant patterns splattered across a dark black background sickened you to stare for too long.
" I told you, these are a scam ", you attempted to protest against his insistence that he was sure to win this time, no take-backs. " Why not buy a ticket to the bowling alley instead of wasting it on these? " You remained temperate in opposition to his rowdy and indecent behaviour. You adopted the traits of an older sister, or a mother.
" No way! I spent too much to give up now. " Your head ached. " Look, if I keep inching it closer to the drop, I'll be sure to get it. "
And so, the poor joystick would continue to be abused, 200 yen being inserted into the comparator with every miss, Dazai's agitation growing with each failure.
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It had been a sultry evening after school. Gathering your belongings and preparing to take the daily commute home, the pitter-patter of heavy footsteps ran behind you to reveal none other than Dazai Osamu.
He was somewhat of an enigma to everyone who knew him, even those that never exchanged a word with him knew of his name.
Dazai had a horrible track-record and even worse attendance. With a mysterious bandage over his right eye.
Despite his lack of punctuality and participation in classes, he not once has ever failed an exam. Many rumours circulated that he'd cheat - though no evidence of such was ever received. Others thought he must've slept his way to good grades.
Or, he was just inhumanely intelligent.
" Y/N! Y/N! " His ecstatic voice beckoned you to stop walking as he had finally caught up to you, bending over to catch his breath. " Let's visit the arcade together! "
You didn't know what possessed you to accept.
" Oy! Leave 'er alone, moron. Some people actually have work to get to after school. "
And there was his companion, Chuuya. Underestimating him is like a death wish. He was short. Horribly, unfortunately short. Sometimes, you'd feel bashful for the fact he'd have to look up at you sometimes.
Unlike Dazai, Chuuya's absence from school wasn't intentional.
No, not at all. Chuuya never missed a day of school on his own accord. His record full of missed days were from suspensions.
Often getting into fights with anyone, he has never lost a fight.
The duo had a dynamic you couldn't quite grasp.
And then there was you in the middle of it all.
Dazai had lured you into the friend-group about two years ago, when you were all put in the same base class and Dazai, in his extroverted glory, made attempts to suck up to all in class.
You listened to how the girls would swoon and whisper amongst themselves about the legend that was Dazai Osamu, and once he reached you, you couldn't be less impressed than what he had to offer.
" Oh, c'mon Y/N! It won't take too long, we never hang out anymore! "
His sad attempt at desperate puppy eyes lightened your day a little, so you thought you should humour him, just this once.
You didn't know much about Dazai and Chuuya's private life and you didn't pry into the territory either.
All you knew was that they were filthy rich and had a connection to the principal, Ogai Mori. Otherwise, they would've been expelled a long time ago.
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" Let it go, Dazai. It's not worth it. " You put your hand on his shoulder as he leaned forward, nose barely touching the glass of the claw machine as he tried to focus on getting just what he wanted.
" But you looked at it! " He whined, digging into his pockets as the machine played a sound of defeat. " And? "
" And that means I need to get it for you! "
He insisted profusely that it'll be worth it, and you continued to doubt him. You've been standing by his side for thirty minutes at this point and not once has he won a prize.
You remarked to him that the game was purposely rigged, pointing out how weak the claw was and estimating the plushies within were weighing a little over the maximum capacity something so weak would be able to grasp for more than two seconds. That, and also how the claw would never close properly, inching in barely and dropping what toy it had luckily managed to hold onto.
And that degrading sound of humiliation. A squeaky, robotic coquettish voice repeating itself 'Better luck next time!' over and over.
Dazai was not losing to a machine.
Your stomach grumbled with hunger, and it was becoming clear that you both were growing with unrest at this machine.
" You kids still going at that? "
An arm propped itself on top of the roof of the claw machine, you looked up to see a worker had made his way over to you both. Dazai, did not look up from the game.
" I tried to get him to stop ", you mumbled, looking away from him. You'd always get shy at people older than you. You weren't exactly timid, but you were raised to be respectful. " He wants to win it for me. " It sounded oddly romantic when you put it that way.
" Yeah? You sure he can do it? " The man laughed at the truth. " So you two are on a date? " He overstayed his welcome and you began to wonder if it was usual for employees to wedge themselves into customers business.
" Yeah. We are. " Dazai answered for you, slotting in more coins for yet another try.
" Here, move li'l man, I got this. " Shoving Dazai away by the hip, the white-haired man. Begrudgingly, Dazai said nothing.
And almost with no effort at all, the man easily got the claw to clasp around the exact seal plush you wanted.
He must have been watching you both for a while to know what you wanted.
Although you kept assuring Dazai you didn't need it, you couldn't help the way your eyes sparkled as the man handed it to you with a smug smile.
" Oh! Thank you, sir! Thank you! " You took it from his hand with joy, looking at the fat cushion with adoration. It was simply adorable! You bowed your head repeatedly in gratitude, though felt it was simply not enough.
You almost forgot about Dazai until your ears deafened with the sound of a loud bang and the crashing of glass.
On impulse, you dropped to your knees with your hands over your ears protectively, unsure as to what just happened. Peeking through your tightly shut eyes, you saw that you were the only one to have dropped down and everyone else was as normal as ever.
Before you were even able to question, you uncovered your ear to hear Dazai converse with the man.
" How sad, I guess when you're making minimum wage you figure out how to make your job interesting. " Dazai cocked his pistol like second nature, and behind the legs of the employee you were crouched behind, you peered between his legs up at Dazai with wide, lost eyes.
Looking down at you, Dazai looked pissed.
" Didn't mean to scare you. Get up, we're leaving. "
The employee and Dazai seemed to know each other. You figured by the way the older man was cool about the whole ordeal, almost like he'd done everything intentionally.
You shakily rose to your feet, at a loss for words, and stared with astonishment as Dazai began to gather multiple stuffed toys from the now-broken claw machine and hold them in his arms after tucking his pistol away.
" But- you- the- "
You tripped over your words and found yourself unable to comprehend what had just happened.
" Not gonna run way with your Clyde, Bonnie? " The employee joked, stepping out of your way.
You felt this to be illegal. Maybe because it was. You did not want to aid in a robbery even if the employee was not actively stopping you. Before you could even act, Dazai grabbed you by the arm and ran ahead of you, dragging you behind him as he laughed, your other arm held tightly around the seal plush, afraid to let it go.
" Holy shit, I was so cool! " He shrilled, your shorter legs barely able to keep up with his strides.
" Dah-zai! " You panted out as he kept on running.
Your adrenaline rang in your ears and the heart in your chest beat rapidly as the two of you ran, jumped, hopped over valleys, onto the stepping stones of the river and through the bushes of the dark forest.
" Y/N! "
Dazai yelled out to you. At this point, many plushies in his arms had fallen, yet your intertwined hands never once budged open.
" Whah! Wh-What! " You tried to match his energy, but you were far too exhausted.
Finally, you both collapsed into the cold grass surrounding by large oak trees.
The night sky looking down on wild star-crossed students.
" I think I.. think I love you, Y/N " He said between deep breaths, both your limbs spread out as you tuned to the sound of crickets, the birds and the rapid breathing of one another.
You didn't know what you were thinking, or if you were even thinking coherently, though..
" I think I love you too, 'samu. "
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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erwinsvow · 7 months
I think fratboy Rafe has so much potential!! What do you think? In my opinion he’d be the perfect combination of cocky and annoying but also secretly and hopelessly pinning
-bk anon🤨
(Apparently I’m signing off now?? Lmao)
omg bae tysm for the message! love hearing from u and love the new abbreviation <3
and yesss i mean i've seen this trope tossed around for rafe a lot and i do lovee it because he's definitely CHASINGG you. like i can imagine like a lot of ideas but primarily running into you at a frat party and he can definitely tell this is your first time at one. tries to get you a drink but you don't take it because you think ur gonna get roofied, he's offended but then he runs around for 15 minutes trying to find you a hard seltzer thats not open in a can or something. he's like "high standards for a girl at a frat on saturday night. here, princess, i'll get you a brand new one." eeeeeee<333 ur friends drag you away but you don't miss the way he smiles at you while watching you go.
can also imagine like he comes to the party next weekend trying to find you, but not seeing you anywhere. super dejected until he runs into you in the library and just sits down with you at the table (WITH your friends.... he loves to embarrass you) and just start talking like the two of you are already a couple. "so my roommate was being crazy this morning, you remember him, right princess? yeah him, so he-" and "got more of those seltzers you like. you'll come with me on friday, right? theme's seventies or something-"
you'd be so flustered and trying to privately tell him you don't even know him and he's like "got plenty of time for that, don't we?"
however since i see him chasing you, you'd for sure deflect and not accept his offer to go get dinner this weekend before the party. you'd say you're busy and that ur sure he has some sorority girl to attend to. then begins the hunt: bringing you coffee everyday while you study (how he knows your exact order is a mystery...), quieting the loud guys sitting behind you that are annoying you, bringing you real food when you have an exam the next day because he knows you hate the dining hall crap. you don't even realize you're being chased, think it's crazy that the rafe cameron is interested in you, but then you get an a on your exam and the first thing you do is run to tell rafe who is waiting in the library at ur usual table.
he's sitting there with your lil drinky and a muffin to celebrate and you just leap into his arms to hug him smiling so wide because ur so happy!! not even the exam, because he's so happy that you're happy. you kiss him in the library. people walking by stare bc it's cringe.
ofc i love scummy rafe (or... yknow... rafe) as much as the next girl but i think pining chasing rafe is so good... ur so big brained because you described the perfect emotions in your message.... i love you & hope ur doing well!!!!!! <33333333
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salford-blues · 8 months
Dressed to impress
A/n: I am so not ready to go back to Uni. So fics might slow down a bit because this semester might take a toll on me haha.
Pairing: F1 grid x driver!reader Summary: Y/N shows off her little family to the world, in which they're all dressed to impress. Well most of them are <33 Warnings: like a swear word
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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liamlawson30, georgerussell63, landonorris & others liked
My new account for my little companions! Just a fun little account for my many pets.
Left - Thackery (12), Middle - Cosmic Creepers (8), Right - Oogie Boogie (8)
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alex_albon booooooo!! Just trying to copy now 👎
> yourusername i cant just let their cuteness go to waste
>> alex_albon you know what... fairs. Cossie is very cute
User.1 eeeeeee soso cute
User.2 Thackery doesn't look very happy
> yourusername that because Alex didn't bring is favourite treat...
>> alex_albon heeyy i forgot!! Tell him I'm sorry. pleassee
>>> yourusername he said he'll forgive if you bring him some next time!
>>>> alex_albon deal!!
landonorris do NOT let Cosmic Creepers fool you. He may be cute, but he's possessed. I'm telling you
> oscarpiastri dramatic, and for what?
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, logansargeant & others liked
Omg, I've never looked so good...
Left - Kismet (9), Middle - Itchy (3), Right - Knuckles (1)
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User.3 how do you come up with these names???
> yourusername most of them are named after characters!!!
charles_leclerc hahaha... veryyy funny caption
> yourusername knew you'd like it
User.4 how many pets do you have?
> yourusername faaarr too many.
User.5 surely this is animal abuse...
User.6 Why does she have a hedgehog?? I thought they were illegal in some states
> yourusername 1. I rescued him and 2. not everyone lives in the states babes <33 but thanks for the concern
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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mickschumacher, lewishamilton, logansargeant & others liked
Having a fursome time. Managed to snag a pic before Diablo fought the camera. 🐾
Left - Diablo (3), Middle - Meeko (2), Right - Prometheus (5)
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User.6 Diablo looks very cool.
> yourusername Diablo likes to tell people to 'fuck off'... wonder were he got that from
>> yourusername looking at you @liamlawson30 👀👀
>>> liamlawson30 don't know what you're on about 😤
>>>> yourusername sure you don't. Just like you don't remember teaching him to attack people when they're smacking their lips.
>>>>> User.12 that is a very valid reason to attack someone
logansargeant look how sophisticated Meeko looks
> yourusername oh wow, that's a big word coming from you
>> logansargeant i try to be nice and this is what i get in return...
>>> oscarpiastri yh but you're american. it's why you get bullied
roscoelovescoco whens cans I's comes round agains?
> yourusername soon Roscoe!! Prometheus and Itchy miss you
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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frederikvestioffical, georgerussell63, danielricciardo & others liked
We wish you a merry christmas and aaaaa happpyyyy newwwww yeaaarrrr 🎄🎄🎄
Left - Ankyl (6), Middle - Bandersnatch (2), Right - Scorchito (2)
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User.7 why are all these animals so cuuutteeee
User.8 cuteness overload... think I'm gonna die
User.9 Ankyl isn't very christmassy
> yourusername I couldn't find his christmas picture, so I had to put his halloween one up instead
porschef1 hmmm meet and greet when??
*yourusername liked comment*
User.10 do any of them have a favourite person/driver? do any of the hate one of the drivers?
> yourusername yes and yes!! some examples: all of the cats HATE Lando, but Itchy loves him. The cats like Oscar, Alex, Liam, George etc. The ferrets are fond of Fred Vesti and Charles. The bird likes noone... he will attack at any point. ESPECIALLY when you're singing. He's a very naughty boy and we can blame Liam for that.
>> User.11 Liam and Lando catching strays left, right and centre.
maxfewtrell Lando looks like he might cry. Keep talking
> yourusername well I'll send Itchy his way. That'll cheer him up
>> landonorris thanks gonna keep him now
>>> yourusername right... grounded for 3 months.
>>>> landonorris 3 MONTHS???? WHY???
>>>>> yourusername cause the cats told me to
>>>>>> landonorris this is bullying!!
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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mickschumacher, liamlawson30, oscarpiastri & others liked
Meet our newest member Koda 🐻
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User.13 awweee he's so fluffy!!
oscarpiastri I want to be the first one to meet him
> mickschumacher too late...
>> oscarpiastri I SAW THAT
>>> oscarpiastri NNOOOOOO
User.14 wait Mick was the first to meet him? Awweee
> logansargeant NO not 'awweee'. Why was Mick the first one Birdie?? Why not me? Why not Oscar? Do you not love us?
>> yourusername why so dramatic? Can we appreciate Koda's cuteness instead ta
mickschumacher so cute!! Can't wait to meet him 💙💛
> logansargeant you can't sweet talk your way out of this Mick
>> oscarpiastri LIAARRR... count your days Mick
>>> yourusername stop threatening the poor boy or else you can join Lando
>>>> oscarpiastri no please I'll be nice. Promise 🙏
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
stray kids soulmate aus | h. hyunjin <3
a/n: eeeeeee my favorite kind of aus: soulmate aus!!! i was going to put all of the boys' pieces in the same post, but i could not resist writing more than a short blurb for them, so they are each getting their own post :,-) i'll add links to each of their names as i post these ! i'm not doing them in any particular order, but it felt right to start with the love of my life, hyunjin <33 pics not mine~
content: fluff, soulmate au | wc: 1.3k | warnings: none! | pairing: soulmate!hyunjin x gn!reader | requests: open
♡ chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin ♡
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each soulmate has half a quote that is important to their relationship tattooed on their body.
hyunjin rubbed his fingers over that one spot on his collarbone. i remember we broke into. i remember we broke into. i remember we broke into. those words, the half of a whole, were the only tie he had to you. touching that engraving on his flesh was the closest he could come to being held by you, and he craved that comfort the most when his heart raced like this. 
today was the kind of day hyunjin wished would wrap up sooner than later. he knew it wouldn’t, not when the sun had only recently risen and his day had started hours ago. days like this, full of schedules, full of practice, full of work, full of stress–these were the days that went on forever. adrenaline and caffeine buzzed through his body. hyunjin was ready to race through the day, fully aware that his limbs would ache at the finish line, leaving him with nothing to do but collapse into rest as soon as it was over. 
i remember we broke into. i remember we broke into. i remember we broke into. 
hyunjin had missed chan calling his name five times, forcing his eyes to turn in the general direction of chan’s whereabouts when he finally replied, “yeah?”
“we are going to the convenience store. want to come with?”
chan’s question came out as more of a suggestion, and hyunjin did not need much convincing to get a change of scenery. he caught up with his members, walking quickly at the back of the group, his feet falling on the ground in a steady beat of i remember we broke into. maybe the stress had his mind too jumbled to be down on earth. maybe he was lost in questions of what in the world the other half of that quote could be. maybe he was annoyed that he forgot to bring his good sunglasses on a day the sun was shining brightly. maybe he simply yearned for his bed and a break. regardless of the reason, something preoccupied hyunjin, which caused him to bump his shoulder against someone else’s body. 
“ah!” hyunjin grabbed his shoulder.
“i’m sorry! are you okay?”
one of your hands clasped the shoulder with which you had hit hyunjin. in your other hand, you held something that captured all of hyunjin’s attention: a banana man plushie, fitted with a deadpan expression and a bright yellow hoodie. hyunjin, without registering much else of the situation, burst out laughing. you were surprised by this, to say the least. however, once you followed his gaze and saw that he couldn’t take his eyes off your friend’s birthday gift in your hand, you burst into laughter yourself. that banana man, in that moment, was the funniest thing in the world. you and hyunjin knew that for a fact when you felt your stomachs cramp and ache from the laughter. the way that you two were giggling and fighting for air was nothing short of contagious, so all the people walking around you started to believe that the plushie was top-tier entertainment. not that either of you noticed, when all of your attention was focused on something special between you.
hyunjin took a gasp of air he desperately needed. while the banana man was captivating, he looked toward the source of the laughter that mixed so sweetly with his own, and he found you.   for the first time that day, his eyes completely focused on the world in front of him. hyunjin couldn’t look away, and, heart fluttering with a joy and excitement he didn’t quite understand, he smiled and savored the sound of your final chuckles. after you caught your breath, you absentmindedly massaged the point of contact on your shoulder, and you waited for hyunjin to answer your previous question. he stared at you, confusion furrowing his brow slightly, until he felt a small pang in his shoulder and remembered you two had just crashed into each other. 
“yeah, yeah, i–i am. sorry, are you..are you okay?”
you nodded, endeared by his light laughs lingering in the air, the way he stumbled over words as he caught his breath, and his brown eyes. there was a pause, so you moved your hand away from your shoulder to grab your bag, though you had absolutely no intention to leave. something held you there; this moment between you and the beautiful boy in front of you wasn’t meant to end yet (or, at least, you weren’t ready for it to). unbeknownst to you, that simple movement of your hand revealed a tattoo just like hyunjin’s. the words were different, but the script, placement, size, and even the slant of it beneath your collarbone was a mirror image of the words hyunjin carried on his body.
laughter when we saw each other.
hyunjin’s heart raced.
laughter when we saw each other. 
his pulse found a new rhythm, one his mind fell perfectly into step with, as his eyes danced across each letter on your skin.
laughter when we saw each other. laughter when we saw each other. laughter when we saw each other.
hyunjin’s jaw dropped. you looked back at the wide-eyed man, unsure as to why you telling him that you were okay after your collision was shocking news.
“i remember we broke into laughter when we saw each other,” hyunjin said softly.
you heard him perfectly clear, though you weren’t entirely sure what he meant by that, so you teased him, “we did just see each other, so i hope you’d remember that.”
he smiled, another quick laugh falling from his lips as he moved his shirt collar to reveal the words on his collarbone, “i remember we broke into laughter when we saw each other.”
now your jaw dropped, “oh my god.”
a flurry of butterflies unleashed in hyunjin’s stomach because he couldn’t believe how cute you looked when shock and wonder filled your expression, but he managed to ask, “do you know what it’s from?”
“no, i–”
your answer was interrupted by chan calling out hyunjin’s name. hyunjin whipped his head toward him, signaled with a wave of his hand that he’d be there shortly, and returned his attention to you. you stared at his collarbone, seeing the tattooed words clearly, despite the fabric of his shirt covering them. he giggled as he reached his hand out to you, a new contact page opened on his phone.
without having to think, you accepted the phone and typed in your number, “i don’t think i’ve heard that before.”
“well, i have to go back to work, but would you be able to look it up and send me what you find?”
“of course,” your fingertips brushed against his when you handed the phone back, and you smiled brightly in response to the soft electricity.
“i’m hyunjin.”
“i’m y/n.”
he inhaled as though he were smelling freshly baked bread, and serenity washed over him, “i’ll see you soon, y/n.”
“i sure hope so, with us being soulmates and all.”
he laughed as he waved goodbye, and you laughed as you watched him walk away. i remember we broke into laughter when we saw each other.
unable to resist the temptation, you stepped out of the flow of pedestrians and typed those words into the search bar. Ada Limón’s “What I Didn’t Know Before” popped up immediately. reading the last four lines over and over again, you felt butterflies swarm your stomach and certainty rush through your heart.
“I remember we broke into laughter / when we saw each other. What was between / us wasn't a fragile thing to be coddled, cooed / over. It came out fully formed, ready to run."
this poem was, without a doubt in your mind, the correct solution to the question you had been asking your whole life. you also knew, without a doubt in your mind, hyunjin was the right person to hold your heart, after it had been calling out to someone from its first beat. you sent hyunjin a link to the poem, holding on tightly to the banana man plushie as you walked toward your next destination.
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wreckedandpolemic · 26 days
Domestic regret me thoughts eeeeeee I love them
Girlie helping Matty with night terrors/trouble sleeping in general even though he’s initially too proud to admit that he needs the comfort (maybe they have a little wind-down routine)
-Belle <3 <3
oh this is so lovely :( but no i think maybe his refusal to let you help him was a big point of contention when you were together back in 2018, but you’ve spent so many nights together that you’re familiar with the way matty acts after a nightmare.
he doesn’t like wake up screaming or anything, just sort of jolts and twitches, breathing heavily and unable to stay still. you’re a light sleeper anyway, so your eyes crack open moments later. y’okay, babe? you murmur, reaching blindly for him with sleep-crusted eyes.
m’fine, darling. go back to sleep, he promises from across the room, and you sit up crossly. you’re obviously not fine, or you wouldn’t expect me to go back to sleep in a cold bed, you pout, leaning on it a little to make him feel bad for trying to be all stoic about it. i love you, matty. let me help. you open your arms, and matty wars with himself for a second before folding himself into them, and you kiss the top of his head. sweet boy, you murmur. d’you wanna talk about it? he shakes his head fervently. s’okay, darling, we don’t have to talk about it. talk to me, baby, tell me what you need.
you have an unwritten process for nights like these. it takes a minute for matty to warm up to it, but it works for you. if he needs to talk, you talk through the dream, hold him close, reassure him until he relaxes; if not, you distract him however he needs. just need to be close to you. matty’s eyes are wide, watery, and you thumb over his cheek and croon softly. oh, darling. i’m here, promise. s’all gonna be fine, i promise. d’you want a brew? some music?
the look on matty’s face when you suggest moving away from him is heartbreaking. mm-mm. just— talk. please? about anything. you hold him closer, if that’s even possible. whatever you need, darling. i love you.
love you, matty mumbles, and you press a kiss to his hairline. you start to ramble about your day in the studio, the new patisserie that’s cropped up on the corner that you want to try, anything that comes to mind to lull him back to sleep. when his breathing evens out, you smile to yourself, letting your own eyes close and sleep overtake you.
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forest-hashira · 6 months
also fuck it LEMME GET A DRABBLE TOO WHY NOT….. >:3 kenji + flying ehehehehe 🤓🤓 mwah mwah congrats once again <33
EEEEEEE TY LOGAN!!! kissing u on the forehead ily smmmmm 💜 the randomizer i used rlly said "hmmmmm. i know this is for logan. give her The Boy" AHAHA so i hope u enjoy ur lil romantic gojo drabble 🥺
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“Toru?” you called, stepping into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend; the lights in the entryway were off, and it seemed like only the kitchen was dimly lit. Odd, you thought, knowing he usually steered clear of the kitchen. You’d had a long day at work, though, and decided not to dwell on it. Instead, you toed off your shoes, tucking them away into their proper spot, and hanging your keys on their designated hook by the door before stepping further into the apartment.
Before you made it more than a few steps, though, Satoru was in front of you, a bright grin on his face and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands. “Hey, sweetheart!” he greeted cheerfully, though he dialed back his enthusiasm a bit when he saw the exhaustion that weighed your body down. “Bad day?”
You gave a small shake of your head. “Just long.” You gladly accepted the flowers as he offered them to you, leaning in and closing your eyes for a moment as you gave them a sniff. “Thank you, baby. The flowers are nice.”
“I made dinner, too,” he told you with a smile, placing a hand lightly on your back and guiding you towards the dining room.
“You… cooked?” Satoru tried his best, you knew he did, but cooking was not his strong suit, which is why he was generally relegated to prep tasks when he helped you in the kitchen. Because you loved him, you’d eat at least a few bites of whatever it was he made, but you were already mentally running through your options for places to call and order something for delivery.
“No, I know better than that,” he replied with a small chuckle. “I’m not very good at cooking without supervision.”
As you stepped into the dining room, you saw that the table was set, with candles lit in the center, and this time it was your turn to laugh. The dinner your boyfriend had “made” for you was still in its little white takeout boxes, each box placed neatly in the center of a plate, with chopsticks and a glass of wine on either side – well, you thought it was wine at first, but them you noticed the bottle of sparkling grape juice Satoru had placed between your place settings.
“It looks delicious,” you said, looking up at him with a soft smile. “Thank you, Toru. I really appreciate it.”
Just then, your stomach decided it was the perfect time to make the most ungodly gurgling noise, making heat rush to your cheeks with embarrassment.
“Maybe you should stop appreciating it and start eating it,” Satoru teased, kissing your cheek and taking the flowers from your arms. “Sit, eat. I’ll put these in a vase and then join you.”
Finding no reason to argue, you did as he said, taking your seat at the table and picking up your glass, taking a small sip of the sparkling beverage as you turned to watch your partner move around the kitchen, looking over your small collection of vases before picking one, carefully trimming the stems of the flowers, then placing and arranging them in the vase once it had enough water in it.
You’d never felt luckier to have him in your life.
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for my 100 followers milestone event!
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Hey so I just found your account and omg?? it's literally so amazing 😭✋
Anyways-I was just looking through a bunch of the twist monster au headcannons/stories, and I thought of a scenario that could be done!
Basically the cast reacting to gender neutral or female reader/yuu acting stuff out in their book they are reading like poses, dialogue, just genuine reactions to the text itself
ex. Throwing the book across the room and them being genuinely concerned that something happened bc reader is just staring off into space or cursing but what actually happened was either a character died/did something embarrassing/the mc and love interest finally kiss
Anyways that's all I had in mind hope you have a good day/night! <3
Omg thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the content! QvQ
Ah, books. Such a wonderful creation humans made to fill us with raw, pure emotion or shattering our hearts and souls into a million tiny pieces—only for us to read it again and again! Don’t you just love those moments as a reader? UvU
Except for cliffhangers. Readers have a love/hate relationship with it, writers adore cliffhangers! ÒvÓ
So, what happens if we take a bookreader!Yuu (they/them) and throw them into Twisted Monsterland where even the history books read like a world guide/omnibus to a game or TV series? Oh, and I took a bit of inspiration from a Disney princess comic and a Bill Watterson “Calvin and Hobbes” comic for two of these scenarios. 😂
“Jeez, you sure you’ve got enough books, Yuu?”
“The librarian wouldn’t let me check out more than ten at a time,” Yuu replied, their backpack and arms filled with thick books. “Wish I could’ve gotten ten more at least, but this’ll do for now.”
“Are you sure you can even read all those before next semester?” Deuce asked in concern. “Those look pretty…dense.”
“Oh, I’ll be done in a week. Maybe a week and a half if we get a lot of homework.”
“Funya?! You gotta be kidding me!” Grim said. “Can humans read that fast?”
“Not everyone. Some people are slow readers, but that’s okay since they enjoy it at their own pace while I enjoy it at mine. Only problem for me is choosing which one of these I want to read first!”
/Later that night/
“Yuu? It’s time to eat!” Grim called out. Silence greeted him as he stared at Yuu, who was sitting on the couch with their face practically buried in a book. Frowning, the chimera padded over to the couch and repeated, “Yuu! I’m hungry!”
Still the human didn’t seem to respond, their shoulders hunching as they turned the page.
“Yuu? Yuu!” Huffing, Grim crossed his arms as he glared up at them. “You’ve been reading for the past three hours! How much longer are you gonna read that book?”
“What’s going on, pal?” one of the ghosts asked as the trio appeared.
Gesturing his paws at Yuu, he said, “They’ve been reading ever since we got back from the library today, and now they’re not reactin’ to me. It’s dinner time and they haven’t made any food yet!”
Before anyone could even think of what to say, a loud, shrill squeal filled the dorm.
“Eeeeeee!!!” Yuu squealed, a huge grin on their face as they flopped to the side and kicked their legs like a nervous rabbit while holding the book against their chest. “Omg it happened, it happened!!”
“Mrah!? What?! What happened?!” Grim yelled, wings flared out defensively while his fur bristled. “Why are you yelling!”
“My new OTP!! They finally kissed!!” Yuu said, their eyes wide as they rocked from side to side. “They kissed!! Yes!! Yesyesyesyesyessssss!!!”
“OTP? What’s an OTP??” one of the other ghosts asked.
“It’s what we like to call the ‘one true pairing’ in a story,” Yuu explained, a positively giddy expression on their face with eyes shining brighter than the stars as they struck a dramatic pose. “It’s two characters who vibe with each other on a level that you just can’t help but want them to be together—and the author brought these two together!! Yeeeeeeeee, I’m so happy!!”
“And loud,” Grim grumbled, paws clamped over his ears. “Why are you standing like that?”
“It’s how the main character professed their love for the other!”
“…are all humans as weird as you?”
“Trust me, there are people out there that are way crazier in their excitement than I am right now.”
“Oh yeah. Don’t even get me started on the fanfics people write.”
“Oh, you sweet summer child…”
/Two days later/
“Heeeey, lil’ Shrimpy~!”
“Eh…? Hey, Shrimp…why are you ignorin’ us? It’s not very nice.”
“Now, now, Floyd. One mustn’t interrupt a reader when they’re indulging in such a riveting story.”
“Shh,” Yuu muttered, their brow furrowed as they hunched closer to the book. “I’m at the best part!”
Floyd frowned as he laid his head on his arms, the basilisk slumping against the table. “Man, this is lame,” he said. “You promised to come play basketball with me today!”
“Once I finish this part, we can go do whatever you want, okay, Floyd?”
Jade hummed in amusement as he said, “A rather daring proposition you just offered, Yuu.”
“We have to do a buncha reading for class anyway,” Floyd said with a bored expression. “And Crabby and Mackerel said you finished two other books already, so what’s the point of thi-”
“AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!?!?” Yuu shrieked, leaping out of their chair as Jade and Floyd recoiled in shock. Before the twins could react, Yuu had ducked back into their chair and pressed the book even closer to their face than before.
“…lemmie see that,” Floyd said, leaning over the table to grab it.
“No, no! It’s fine, go do something else!” Yuu said all too quickly, sinking even lower and turning away from Floyd’s reaching claws. “I think I heard Riddle in the hallway.”
“Lemmie see it!”
“No! You can’t read it!” Yuu cried out, bolting away from the table holding the book tight to their chest.
“Get back here, Shrimpy!”
“Oh my,” Jade uttered, eyes wide for a moment before he chuckled. “Perhaps I should look into this book when they’ve finished it.”
/The next day/
“Oh no…oooh noooooo, I hate this so much!”
“Then why are you reading it?” Jamil asked, the naga curled around them. “If you don’t like it, just take it back to the library.”
“I can’t! It’s soooooo good!” Yuu said, practically throwing themselves backwards onto Jamil’s snake half with the book pressed against their face.
“Eh? But wait, you just said you hated it,” Kalim said in confusion.
“I hate it, but I love it so much,” Yuu told them with a whine, their head now touching the floor on the other side of Jamil’s snake body yet still draped over him like a cat. “This book will ruin your heart and shatter your soul into a million pieces!...you should read it too!”
“Given how dramatic you’re being, it might not be wise,” Jamil said with a sigh.
“Read it!”
“It’s okay, Yuu. We can read together! It’ll be more fun that way!”
“Kalim, no. You still need to study for the next potions exam.”
“Augh, I need someone to talk about this story with so we can lament in solidarity!”
“…have you been taking lessons from Rook lately?”
/Three days later/
“Um…is Yuu okay? They’re looking a little…tense.”
It had been several days since Yuu borrowed a stack of books, and already they had gone through nearly half of their hoard. Between classes and on breaks or after finishing tests, it wasn’t hard for students to notice the lone human with their nose between the pages of one book after the other. Even the researchers had taken note of Yuu’s behavior in between tests, making note of their expressions and how their body changes with each scene depicting their emotions. It was noteworthy how they reacted when a character in the story did something “cringeworthy and stupid” (as Yuu would explain when asked), it looked as though the human had swallowed a lemon.
At the moment they were sitting in Heartslabyul, yet another book in their arms as they sat on one side of the lounge. Cater had taken progression snapshots of Yuu’s body slowly curling into itself, eyes steadily growing wider and wider to the point it looked as though they’d bolt away in panic.
“They’re fine,” Grim told Trey as he munched on a snack. “They’ve been like this since they got all those books. That’s the pose they had last time when their Ohteevee smooched or somethin’.”
“Oh, you mean ‘OTP’, Grimmy,” Cater corrected with a smile. “That’s so cute! Our human has an OTP already~!”
“I’ve heard of hitting the books, but this is ridiculous,” Ace commented with a sigh. “They’ve been reading so long that I forgot what half their face looks li-”
SLAM! Fwump!!
“Gyah!?” the boys yelped, everyone staring at Yuu as they sat on the couch with a dark scowl.
“Yo, what the heck? Why’d you throw the book like that?” Ace asked, pointing at the large tome on the other side of the couch now.
“Um…Yuu?” Deuce began when they didn’t respond. “Are…you okay?”
“……I’m mad,” came the response, Yuu’s expression growing more annoyed as they stared off into space.
“About what?” Riddle asked in surprise.
Yuu’s gaze turned to the discarded book, their expression as though they had been betrayed by a trusted friend as they said, “Because my favorite character died, and I refuse to read how the book ends when there’s literally two freaking pages left! That’s not enough space to bring them back in a satisfying way!!”
“Y…you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Ace grumbled with a sigh. “That big of a reaction just because a fictional character was killed off?”
“You weren’t there to see the struggles they went through! I saw them change from an annoying bully into a fully developed and vulnerable character who wanted to take charge of their life—and the author killed them off!” Jumping to their feet, Yuu marched towards Ace and Deuce’s room where they’d left their stuff and said, “Where’s my notebook? I need to fix this!”
“What are you gonna do?” Grim called out.
“Write a fanfic, because my scrunkly deserves to be happy!”
“Huh? Scrunkly??”
/Final day/
“Oh, Great Seven…what happened in your book this time?” Vil asked with a sigh.
Yuu sniffled as they tried to dry their tears, though it was difficult as more continued to flow down their cheeks. “I…I just finished my last book,” they said, their voice cracking a little with emotion as Grim pat their arm reassuringly.
“All ten books in a week?” Vil said in surprise. “That’s…impressive. Even so, why are you so upset? Was the story that horrible?”
“No…it…it…it was too good!” Yuu cried out, clutching the book so tight that their knuckles turned white as the tears flowed freely now.
“Ah…such pure, raw human emotion,” Rook crooned. “To express it so freely without fear…beaute!”
“Was the book really that good?” Epel asked.
“Yes!” Yuu wailed. “Now that it’s over, I…I don’t know what to do with myself now…”
Peering at the title, Vil gave a thoughtful hum and said, “Oh, that story. I hear there is supposed to be a spin-off book series. The first one should have released just the other day.”
“Mrrr…now you’ve done it,” Grim grumbled with a sigh. “Here we go again.”
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Re: Chair Lore: Where is the Chair From?
I was joking about the seat looking like a sim chair, but after doing some research, I'm almost 100% sure they just took seats from a 2012 Ferrari 458 and put them on plexiglass platforms 😭
I couldn't find any pics that look *exactly* like the chair itself, but I think these are pretty similar, no?
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It's going to bug me so much that I can't find the exact chair UGH, like with the white stripe in the middle, you know? But yes anyways, this is my theory.
*fyi, I'm planning a drawing with this chair and my thought process with finding reference is always "this has to be exactly perfect and 100% accurate" so thats why I'm being incredibly specific and over-detailed about this 😭 please don't think I'm weird
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inkykeiji · 1 year
okay but you can't tell me daddy dazai isn't GREAT at aftercare. he can take you apart and put you back together again and he loves to spoil and coddle you too. <3
with you, yes, absolutely 100%!!!! he would be the fucking sweetest and he’d already have multiple potential care plans in place before you even begin the scene, each tailored to a specific outcome—the ways he thinks you’re most likely to react by the time the scene is over, with a few of them branching out into sub-plans based on what turns the scene may take as it develops. each aftercare plan is attuned to what he knows your specific set of needs will be by the end of him fucking you into the prettiest shattered shards of yourself. if the session ends up being purely psychological torture then you can bet your ass he’s got a whole novels-worth of words of affirmation written on the walls of his skull, just waiting to be spoken to you. if the session is more physical in nature then he’s prepared with your favourite nutritious snack + a bottle of water + first aid materials. if it’s any combination of both he’s prepared with whatever percentage of each he believes must be met; various aftercare blends each customized to that particular result.
afterwards, after he’s sure your initial, instinctive and most immediate needs have been throughly dealt with and resolved, it’s whatever you further need—your favourite comfort film, or cozy cuddles beneath fluffy blankets with him and your most cherished stuffy, or tender kisses scattered across your marred skin and mangled limbs, gentle lips so healing, so loving as they skim across your body, each stamp of them against your flesh leaving a soft, small blossom of warmth in its wake; whatever it is, whatever you want, he is more than ready and willing to give it.
i genuinely believe that like, 97% of the time this man is fucking brutal and sincerely, severely sadistic in the bedroom; loves teasing you to the point of tears and then far beyond that, staining his name into your skin through deep indents beneath all 32 of his teeth and splats of broken blood vessels beneath his fingertips, can be downright fucking cruel when he wants to be, when the mood strikes him (and takes genuine delight and pleasure in it all)—and as such, being a god at aftercare is a must, when it concerns you, anyway.
with akutagawa tho?????? eeeeeee probably not
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Hey ☽ ! I loved reading your recent ask posts and wanted to know if you could write something with a MC (gn or male whatever makes you more comfortable) filling their sketchbook with drawings of Ais or Kuras (or both if you're inspired enough) and them reacting to it, please ?👉🏽👈🏽 Cute bonus if they draw small details only an attentive observer would notice hehe 👀
Thanks have great day ! >:)
EEEEEEE! Yes!! This is such a cute idea so tysm for the ask !! Also tysm im so happy you liked the other headcanons, and I hope you have a great day too !! <3
Ais And Kuras Reacting to an Mc’s Sketches of them
Warnings: None 😙 —though Ais does get a lil flirty in his
Notes: Gn Mc, fluff, maybe OOC but imma try my best— also not proof-read
This one is kinda inspired by that one scene in across the spiderverse- because I’m also kinda obsessed with that movie—
Things have come up, things that have been taking you from Ais for longer than comfortable. You miss his laugh, smile, the way his eyes roam over yours and how he speaks and just generally -exists-
So one night, when you need comfort, you get out your sketchbook and pencil, and just start drawing. You don’t mean to draw him at first, but suddenly the lines start to sharpen into his features, his smile looking back at you through the paper
Suddenly your filling up pages of pages of just random Ais sketches. Him petting Princess, him lounging about his cave, you even chuckle to yourself when you draw the first time you ever saw him. (You casually name that one: The Bastard—lmao)
When you finally meet Ais again, and have gone back to your usual routine of hanging out—he’s settled nearby, a few smaller soulless nestled into his lap.
It’s definitely something you don’t want to forget—and thankfully, you’ve got your sketchbook with you.
As your sketching, you’re trying to be sneaky, keeping your glances to a minimum. But your eyes tend to linger, capturing the strands of black hair that shifts to white, the sharp red eyes, the -tired- red sharp eyes.
No one really notices the tiredness in them, but you do. Along with every thought and voice that parades endlessly behind their ruby curtains.
They’re kind, but haunted—exhausted.
But they always still light up when seeing you.
“Hmm, looks nice.”
You jump at the sound of his voice, his breath tickling your ear.
You instantly snap the book shut, but it’s too late. Ais is already smirking. His hands up in mock surrender as you shoot him a nasty, embarrassed glare.
“Easy, sparrow. Wasn’t going to judge.”
Your shoulders slowly relax, and since he’s being nice—nice enough—you eventually do decide to show him. A warmth of pride blooming in your chest at his expressions, both amazed, impressed, oddly enough— a bit shy.
Once he’s finished, he sets himself in front of you, relaxing his shoulders, tilting his chin in a cheeky grin. As he holds it—you finally realize he’s posing.
“looked like you enjoyed drawing me.” He explains once you raise a brow. You scoff, but it -is- a lovely pose. Would be a shame if it were wasted.
As you sketch, he lets out a breath. “You’re good at expressions,”
“Yours are easy to read.”
That earns a bit of a chuckle, before he raises a brow. An idea sparking in his gaze. Uh oh.
“Mm, yeah? Well—“ he shifts, eyes sliding up and down your figure before they latch unto your face. Taking in every last detail with some kind of burning. Like coals set aflame. His gaze makes you feel like glass, a thin white sheet that he looks straight through. Revealing things underneath. “—tell me what this one means.”
With that, heat goes to your cheeks, and a thin line of pencil scratches the paper as you toss it at his now, laughing face.
“Damn bastard.”
You two are on your daily stroll, the evening painting golds and bubblegum pinks across the usually dreary sky.
Birds, dusty grey and white flock toward him, some even landing on his head before he politely shoos them off. A smile lifting his lips as you snicker.
“They must mistake you for a tree.” You tease, earning a small chuckle.
Eventually, you near the area you always walk to—a small, old wooden bench that looks over the wastelands. Doesn’t make for the best scenery, but it’s that or the bustling city.
As you sit, you pull your art supplies from your bag, Kuras opening a book beside you.
You start sketching the sky, a breeze tossing strands of your hair into your face and making the task rather difficult.
As you huff, Kuras glances your way, a smile playing at his lips as he gently tucks your hair behind your ear—fingers just barely brushing your jaw as he pulls away.
You can’t help but stare, a bit flustered at the gesture. And as he returns to his book, you watch as the golden light gleams over his features, turning his eyes into two, small suns.
A few birds have returned as well, perching either nearby, or on his shoulders.
An opportunity, an art piece you cannot miss.
You quickly ditch the sky drawing and start sketching Kuras instead. His towering form, the golden teardrop underneath his eye, the waves of his dark hair—and the way he holds himself, so regally, refined—but still somehow, with a small playful air that would go unnoticed by many.
But not unnoticed by you.
The sky darkens as you finish, and you hear Kuras close his book, slowly standing. A soft palm reaches your shoulder before freezing.
You look up to see Kuras, eyes wide with wonder as he slides his glasses back onto his nose. Taking a closer look.
Feeling both excited and a bit nervous, you clear your throat from probably an hour of not speaking. “Do you like it?”
He reaches for your sketchbook, “May I?”
When you nod, he gently takes it from your hands, looking over the picture like it were some complicated medical drawings.
You don’t have time to stop him as he then searches through the rest of the sketches, the wonder brightening up his expression—you can’t help but feel amused—it’s almost like he’s a child seeing snow for the first time. “You drew all of these?” He asks, hesitantly giving you the book back.
You nod, standing beside him.
“It’s…I’ve never seen anyone draw the world like you do.” He glances away before regaining himself. “Could you teach me?”
yes Kuras I will teach you <33
I rlly hope you enjoyed that !! Sorry if they were OOC, I’ve been kinda scattered recently. But these were sO MUCH FUN
Tysm again for the ask 😭
And I hope you have an amazing day, find your favorite color in nature, smell your favorite flower, and enjoy the sunset !!
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flicklikesstuff · 6 months
Can we see more of your RFTS AU? Does your Starboy have a name?
EEEEEEE!!!!! CONGRATS!! You’re my first ever ask! 🎖️💖
And I’d love to!
(I’m just so busy irl but I’m never abandoning this passion project of mine just so y’all know)
1.) I’m going to leave some details out for spoilers but here’s the gist!
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- Asha has amber eyes with a North African purple and white colour scheme that contrasts Star’s.
- She just turned 18 a few months prior to the story.
- She grew up as a servant to the king and queen to owe up to Magnifico’s generous request to have her and her mom to stay at the castle’s spare rooms after a “fiery incident” took her house and father’s life away.
- Thus, she has a muscular build from all the experience she had running errands for them.
- Sabino is not her blood-related grandpa in this AU. He used to be the prev king’s and Magnifico’s royal advisor before retiring at an old age. He used to be close friends with Asha’s father. (I’m debating whether I should make Tomás the king’s prev assistant.) In a way, Asha still views Sabino as family.
RFTS! Asha’s design is basically inspired by my fav concept art of her <3
(Asha’s main arc is that in order to ‘reach for the stars,’ she must first learn to trust in her capabilities and decisions. Because every single person has great potential that grows the more you have faith in yourself :)))
She develops from being an insecure servant girl to an admirable leader.)
- She’s TERRIBLE at organising her thoughts into words when she’s nervous. She finds it easier to sketch positive and negative things that she can’t say out loud into her sketchbook and vents there often.
- Asha is a daydreamer. (I plan on having her daydreaming sequences in 2D while when she snaps back to reality, the story goes back to 3D.). She likes imagining and drawing about her dreams and desires. It’s an escape from life and a stress-reliever
- She makes a bunch of promises to herself and others but often finds herself chickening out, afraid and unsure on how to take direction. (It’s a subversion of the brave princesses we had. Besides, I think we can all relate to this at some point, right?)
- At the same time, Asha beats herself up for still feeling afraid.
- She’s very observant with her surroundings. It’s why she manages to find something was off in the castle and catch on if people are hiding something
- Highly empathetic, allowing her to form deep bonds with people who struggle with verbal communication. She finds it easy to sympathise and is slow to anger and pointing fingers.
- She remembers limited sign language for being childhood friends with Dario, who is hard of hearing in this AU. But now, it’s been a while and is kinda rusty with it.
- Asha struggles in appreciating small things around her, believing that the prize at the end and achieving the wish is the thing most worth it. Initially believing it’s the only way people can be truly happy. If a wish isn’t granted, then what?
- Very creative, witty and quick on her feet.
- Tends to be indecisive due to the initial habit of being a people-pleaser, fears making a mistake, and due to having grown up where most decisions are already made for her (as a servant of the king and queen). She is insecure about her own capabilities.
- Can be playful at times and can take a joke/prank. (often with Valentino, who she adopted after his mother abandoned him from being born sick.)
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- Tan skin colour with freckles across his face. Has wide hazel eyes. (Blue to brown, reminiscent of the sky)
- He’s 22 yrs old. Wishing stars don’t age physically but they still age mentally the same rate as humans.
- His hair looks like it’s made of stardust and it constantly has sparkles flying off it like sparks from a fire. The back of his hair is black like space. (I’ve show it already but it’s basically this:)
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- His colour scheme is black and yellow in contrast to Asha’s. He wears a capelet and a cape that’s black on the outside and yellow sparkles under it. When he flies super fast, his cape looks like the tail of a shooting star.
- Light dims when upset and glows brightly whenever he’s happy. Sometimes, he glows red when he’s angry (Ref to Ray and Tinkerbell)
- Mute/Nonverbal. Communicates through sign language, light manipulation, animating sketches in Asha’s book, and drawing in air with stardust.
- He shapeshifts by rearranging the stardust that makes him up. This also means he could change his clothes very easily. In his numerous forms, the most notable thing is that there always has to be a star shape somewhere.
- He’s a young wishing star in the sky that was captured by King Magnifico to use his magic as a power source. He’s been kept locked up for nearly a decade until Asha freed him. However, on his wrists are green bands, similar to what the Genie in ‘Aladdin’ has. It’s the spell casted on him for extra measure to make him unable to return home or stray far from Rosas.
(Due to being under Magnifico’s cruelty for a while, Star mistrusts humans and initially wonders constantly if they have ulterior motives. Srsly, the only thing he wants to do is go home to the sky and never go back down again.
But his arc over the story has him discovering how similar humans are to stars. How they shine a light and inspire one another to do great things. And most amazingly, with no magic! Over the story, Star reawakens his wonder of this beautiful world.)
- Wishing stars like him are the only creatures that have Wish magic. An unpredictable magic that not even the best astrologists and researchers know its limits. The way it works is that Star connects with a wish essence first, and then the passion and faith the person has with that wish determines the power and how long-lasting his help would be. It’s up to the wishing star then to decide their own unique method of granting that wish.
(It’s like training wheels. It would help guide you and then goes away once you get the hang of reaching your wish on your own.)
- A heart of gold who can’t resist saying no to a desperate face for long. While hesitant at first, he’ll slowly soften up. He’s actually a very sweet guy who loves making people happy under that defensive mask.
- Overly cautious and paranoid at first (like Rapunzel when she first got out the tower) but his wonder gets the better of him eventually.
- Greatly fears Magnifico to a high extent.
- Claustrophobic asf. The look he gave Asha when she proposed the idea for him to hide in her satchel while travelling through the kingdom was almost personal.
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(It’s funny to think his initial dynamic with Asha is somewhat similar to Moana and Maui. Well…Not completely.
Basically, the only way for him to return home to the sky was return to the castle (which he JUST escaped-), find the artifact that casted the spell on him and break it, then he’s free. Though, Asha asked a favour that FIRST, he helps her find a way to free a few wishes first.
Honestly, this is frustratingly the best she could compromise with him because he’ll stubbornly refuse anything that involves direct confrontation with Mag. Asha secretly hopes she could change his mind on the way.
And because of that dread of going back anywhere near Magnifico again, Star would “accidentally” stall their journey there, which annoys Asha.)
- STUBBORN. Asha would tease him at times that he’s getting attached to Earth things and he’ll deny it because “Nooooooo~ I don’t. I am going straight back to the sky and that’s it.”
- Star would annoy or make fun of people harmlessly to express his frustrations with them. (He gets creative with his shape-shifting forms)
- Wish magic is unpredictable. So whenever he’s feeling highly emotional, like highly excited, scared, mad, or depressed, things happen out of his control. A rock turns into a giant orange pumpkin or a mushroom grows to 10x its original size.
- Impatient and gets distracted easily
- Star initially avoids touch at all times because of his mistrust in humans. He flinches at sudden advances. But progressively gets really affectionate as he learns to trust in certain people. That not all humans are selfish after all.
- Feels under-appreciated at times but doesn’t let it show. (A parallel to Magnifico who also feels under-appreciated. But instead of being vengeful, Star chooses to keep making others happy)
- Basically the entire embodiment of the therapist friend. (He keeps his issues to himself to avoid bothering others because “that’s not what stars dooo.”)
- He’s irritated that his inability to speak is misinterpreted as “stubbornness, uncooperativeness, and childishness.”
- This is AFTER he lets his defensive mask crumble down. Star finds appreciation and the beauty in the smallest and seemingly insignificant things, which he often brings to show Asha and his friends. (He’s the type to collect trinkets like Ariel.)
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- Most of his design is summed up in this sheet I drew
- Magnifico is 38 yrs old
- His clothing is still white but with blue-ish patterns like the wishes he keeps stored away. Why is he storing those wishes? Let’s just say he and his wife have a big plan for Rosas’ 100th anniversary the coming month. ;)
- Mf has greying hair from all that stress
- I’m still keeping the backstory of him watching his village get destroyed as a young kid. Magnus was one of the few survivors who left the village alive on boat. They retreated to Rosas, where it held its reputation of being the most welcoming kingdom with each king being a grand sorcerer that serves his people. (So Rosas wasn’t built by Mag. It’s an already established kingdom)
- Being an orphan who had to turn to stealing to live, Magnus came across King Oliver, the prev king of Rosas. Feeling sorry for the boy, and having his wife and heir die from childbirth, he adopted him as Prince Magnifico. The name change representing a start to a new life.
- I want to make Mag’s backstory a subversion of the trope where the “MC rebels against their parent figure and is able to prove in the end that they are independent enough and their parent finally sees their POV and supports their child from then on.”
Growing up, King Oliver was admittedly not the best parent and was unintentionally dismissive in Mag’s trauma. “What’s past is past and sometimes it’s best to forget and move on.” Mag was enraged because he LOVED his original family and home and didn’t want to JUST forget.
- Mag fell in love with Amaya in the typical “Royalty x Commoner in the woods” fashion. But even then, King Oliver didn’t approve that. Not because Amaya’s a commoner, but because she’s a criminal who has intentionally broken Rosas’ magic safety restrictions for her alchemist experiments. This added more fuel to Mag’s hatred of him, of course. (Like damn, I wonder if Mag had anything to do with him passing away-)
- “After all, a king can do whatever he wants with his kingdom. Isn’t that right, father…? You did want me so desperately to be a good king…” (A quote that’s sort of a Scar ref?? Idk)
- Mag feels like he deserves the power due to his tragic past. He’s so sure that as king, he decides what everyone deserves. He feels like the world owes him for what happened.
And he will give the world and all those ungrateful brats, especially his dear adoptive father, what they deserve on Rosas’ 100th Anniversary. The day he shapes Rosas into the perfect land that he and Amaya were denied from. And after Rosas, the rest of the kingdoms will follow.
- He’s a vengeful spiky ball who thinks he deserves the credit for any problem he “solves.” Has Hero syndrome.
- Psychopathic: Entitled, arrogant and impulsive
- Magnifico craves excitement and rewards. He smiles at the slightest compliment and gets a little bashful with flirts.
-He definitely runs his hands through his hair and plays with his cape as stress-relievers.
- Anger Issues. Yep.
- Superficially charming towards people as a manipulative tactic. Though it’s easier to break his facade compared to Amaya because of his temper.
- Remember when I said he’s almost similar to Lotso in Toy Story 3? I’m not giving too much details but do whatever with that knowledge.
- He genuinely believes and hates the Wishing Stars for ignoring his pleas as a child on the night he lost everything. It’s why he’s so harsh with Star himself.
In all honesty, I have not finished the queen’s redesign much. Oof- 😭
Here are some brainstorms I have with her though:
- Amaya is 37
- She aids Magnifico with spying and starting accidental tragedies.
- She’s usually in charge of the servants in the castle. Asha looks up to her since Amaya’s the nicest monarch to her and someone in the castle she feels safe around with. Like a second mother. With Mag, Asha feels like she’s walking on eggshells.
- Amaya secretly uses some animals and prisoners kept in the dungeons as subjects for her experiments.
- Being an alchemist (and more skilled in it than Mag), her magic is a substitute so that they can quickly save more wishes for their grand plan for Rosas’ 100th anniversary. (I forgot to mention that Mag uses the wishes to make his magic stronger.)
- She’s a strong parallel of Asha, presenting the dangers inflicted upon others when one gets too ambitious with their own goals that they are apathetic towards how it affects other people
- An independent woman who is very ambitious like Asha. However instead of keeping it to herself, Amaya goes beyond lengths to reach her goals. To become the most skilled alchemist, alongside her powerful husband, the world has ever known and prove it to those who doubted her. Like Asha, Amaya has her own notebook she keeps her notes in.
- Skilled at disguises and coming up with fake stories that are easy to believe in. (Ref to the Evil Queen, Jafar and multiple other Disney villains who utilise deception)
- Holds the calculating and intelligent skills in her power duo with Magnifico. Mag is more on delivery, force and image. (The Brains and the Brawn duo)
- Her family was against her interest in learning magic/alchemy. So Amaya heavily dislikes company that she perceives as holding her back from her full potential.
- Fled to Rosas for more opportunities. While magic isn’t forbidden at the time she arrived, there were safety restrictions such as certain spells and potions that aren’t allowed to be made and casted, which she loathed. (So she stole and found ways to gather ingredients for her experiments in the woods, prior to meeting Magnifico.)
- Probs just think of her as being as curious and innovative as Zarina from ‘The Pirate Fairy”, but you know, eviler.
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2.) Now for RFTS!Starboy’s name in this AU.
I’ve mentioned this in a previous post I had before but his name issssssss 🥁🥁🥁:
✨ Star ✨
No, I’m not kidding. That’s it.
Yes, Wishing Stars have names but not in a way humans understand. Their real names are in a language that is incomprehensible and ear-damaging levels of loud for humans to hear. While yes, they know English just fine, there’s not really an equivalent in the human alphabet for their real names.
Wishing Stars still love to listen to the names humans would give them from below though. Either individually or as a constellation. They love it! Ursa Major? Alpha Crucis? Awww.
Star hasn’t received a name growing up in the sky because he’s small and easy to miss. When they first met, Asha was not in a creative state of mind at the time and meant to put “Star” as a placeholder name for now.
However, the magical boy got attached to the name and stubbornly refuses to hear any other attempt at giving him another one. It’s so simple but it’s HIS name now. He claims it. I find it cute that a supernatural being with literal outer space as his home, appreciates the smallest things given to him. So “Star” it became….
Though, Asha did introduce Star as “Peter” (Pan) to certain people to hide his identity. Because ‘Star’ is too obvious, you know?
And then Star jokingly pretends to not know who this ‘Peter’ is whenever she refers to him as such. Asha would just roll her eyes and stifle a chuckle.
Friendly reminder that some details may change as I develop the RFTS!AU more. Hope ya’ll like it so far!! 💖
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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