#I mean if something happens it happens ig but I’m not gonna go looking for it again lmao
yuribalisms · 2 years
Girl I’ve kinda been seeing decided to be weird about me being ace time to nix that ig
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agaypanic · 8 months
Hii I’d like to request Regina having a crush on reader but reader has a hard time liking her back cause of what was written about reader in the burn book (with a fluff ending??) thank you!
Who Wrote This? (Regina George X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Even though all that had happened junior year was forgiven, what was written about you in that wretched burn book still tugged at you mind. It makes it hard for you to warm up to Regina, who just wants to be with you.
A/N: regina wrote mean ass shit in the burn book so a warning for that ig
“Regina, if you keep staring at her, she might think you’re crazy.” The lacrosse team giggled as they watched Regina watch you. She was packing her bag after practice when she caught sight of you coming out of the school library.
“Oh, shut up.” She said, not bothering to take her eyes off of you. 
This wasn’t the first time Regina’s friends had caught her looking at you. Ever since sophomore year, after being sat next to you in one of her classes, it was like she couldn’t get you out of her head. No matter how many boyfriends, or more like boy toys, she had, or how many people she slept with. When it was all over, she still thought about you, who was nothing but kind and sweet to her despite her reputation of being an evil Plastic.
“When are you gonna go talk to her?” Dina, one of Regina’s teammates, nudged her arm. “You’re clearly, like, in love with her.”
“I can’t.” She answered, now somber. “I’m pretty sure she completely hates me.”
That wasn’t entirely true, but Regina didn’t know that. From how you acted now, like she repulsed you, it seemed like you despised her. And she knew it was all her fault.
Everyone except for you had gotten over what was written about them in the burn book. The moment you read what had been written about you, what people seemed to think of you, you realized that Regina George was a two-faced mega bitch and would never change. It didn’t matter how nice you were, or how many notes or pens you had let her borrow, or how genuine she seemed around you. She would always think she was above everyone, and the people below were as meaningless and bothersome as gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe.
You knew she was different now, like she had really grown. But you didn’t buy it for a second. So you kept your distance, speeding off or changing seats whenever Regina tried getting close to you. Yet there was a small part of you that was hopeful about the fact that she was better now, that she wasn’t so mean.
After zipping up your bag, you looked up and locked eyes with Regina on the soccer field. Even though she was far away, she could see you clench your jaw before storming off to your car.
She couldn’t do this anymore. No matter how much you tried to avoid her, she needed to talk to you.
You loved spending your free period in the library. You were able to catch up on homework or studying without getting distracted. Plus, Regina never came in here.
You heard the door open but didn’t look up from your notebook, where you copied notes from your textbook. Footsteps came near you, but you figured they were going to a seat past you.
But then someone sat down in the chair next to you. You looked up in the confusion, but that soon turned into an expression of annoyance.
“Please,” Regina whispered, grabbing your wrist before you could try to back your things and leave. You glared at her, and she had to force herself not to wince at your harshness. “Please, Y/n, I just wanna talk.”
“Well, I don’t.”
“Just hear me out.” Regina pleaded, trying to stay quiet. She scooted her chair closer to you, and was surprised that you didn’t lean back or scoot away. “Hear me out, and then when I’m done, I’ll leave you alone forever. I promise.” 
It pained her to promise you that, but she figured it was the only way you’d listen to her.
You stared at her momentarily before you sighed and relaxed slightly in your seat.
“Fine.” You said. “But make it quick.”
Regina nodded, trying to get her thoughts together. To be honest, she didn’t really think she’d make it this far.
“I’m sorry.” She started. “Really, really sorry. What I wrote about you in that book, I didn’t mean it, and I regret writing it every day. You were one of the only people in this school that I genuinely liked, and I ruined what little we had because I wrote something stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid.” You interjected, bitterness in your tone. “It was mean, Regina.” You turned your seat to face her better. She was glad that you were finally looking at her without running away, but hated the look of disdain and hurt on your face. “I think about what you wrote about me every day. It’s practically burned into my brain at this point. ‘Y/n L/n is a skank that no one would touch with a ten-foot pole. That-’”
“‘That nerdy bitch will end up alone.’” Regina finished the quote, her voice meek and cheeks red from embarrassment. “I remember.”
“I’m glad you have such a good memory.” You said sarcastically. “If you wrote that about someone you say you genuinely liked, I wonder what you’d write about your own mother.”
“Y/n…” Regina sighed. This was definitely not going the way she had wanted. But at the same time, she expected this to be a sour interaction. “I didn’t mean what I wrote.”
“Oh really? What, was it just a spur-of-the-moment decision to cut out my school picture and write that?”
“I had to write it, Y/n.” The absurdity of that statement shocked you into silence, so Regina took it as a chance to continue before you told her you didn’t want to hear it. “I put myself in there to frame Cady, Gretchen, and Karen for making the book. But then I remembered that you weren’t in there. I never wanted you in that book, but I didn’t want you to be blamed for it if Mr. Duvall realized you weren’t in it.”
“So…” You were trying to wrap your head around Regina’s words. “You wrote all that stuff… to protect me?”
“I hated every minute of it.” Regina seemed so serious; she looked so desperate for you to believe her. “It was so hard to write that, because I didn’t believe any of it. The truth is… I’ve actually liked you for a long time, Y/n.” You looked at her bewildered, and she took your silence as a cue to continue. “That’s why I had never put you in the book. I remember always pretending to forget or lose my pencils so I could talk to you because you’d always let me borrow yours. Or I’d leave one of my books at home, hoping that you’d share yours with me.” Regina took a deep breath, reminiscing on the little moments she had with you before she ruined it all. “It’s so corny, but I never felt as on top of the world as I did when you were talking to me.”
You stared at Regina, completely shocked. This was not at all what you were expecting when she begged you to listen to her. At the most, you thought it’d be a little apology, and then she’d leave. Instead, you had gotten a full-on love confession from Regina George, who, for the first time probably ever, looked scared as she waited for your response.
“I’ll leave you alone now.” She said after another minute of awkward silence. “I promise I won’t try to bother you anymore. And again, I’m really sorry.”
Regina stood up, but your hand shot out and grabbed her arm to stop her. She looked down at you to find that you were already staring at her.
“I…” You started, still trying to process the situation. “I guess I can forgive you. And I suppose I could give you another chance. You know, like a do-over.”
“Really?” Regina smiled hopefully, lowering back down into her chair. You realized your hand was still clasped around her arm, so you let go and cleared your throat.
“Yeah. I mean, after all, you gotta make it up to me. Emotional damages and all.” 
You returned to the notes and textbook you had neglected, found where you had left off, and started writing again. Regina took this as her cue to leave, and she wondered what would happen after this. But before she could stand up again, your free hand drifted to hers on the table, pinky laying over hers. She smiled and curled her small finger around yours.
You stayed there until the end of your free period. And when the two of you went to your next class, which you shared, Regina was both relieved and ecstatic when you sat in the seat next to her without a second thought.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 months
Can you please please please make the pastor’s daughter x rafe little blurb a longer fic omg and it would be so good if Rafe gets her pregnant and her parents find out and either kick her out so she moves in with him or they make her marry rafe you def don’t have to use my ideas because honestly any way you write this it would be so good ❤️
ℱ𝓊𝒸𝓀ℯ𝒹 𝓊𝓅
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a/n: ooo!! Love this sm.🫶🏽
warnings: pregnancy, mostly fluff ig? morning sickness, mentions of hook ups, sort of an arranged marriage?? But they both actually secretly like each other.
lovely div by @/xxbimbobunnyxx !
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You felt sick, miserable as you rolled around in your bed. You let out a groan, feeling the bile rise back up into your throat.
You leaned over the bed and grabbed the bowl for what felt like the tenth time this morning.
“Oh, poor thing.” Your dad had sighed, bringing in more medicine for you to down. But nothing had made you feel better.
When you went into the bathroom, it was then that you had realized you were late. You swallowed, a thought popping into your head before you pushed it back down.
You looked over to the window, the window that showed you the balcony of Tannyhill. You spotted a figure on the balcony. You turned back quickly, shaking your head, and turning the sink on, washing your face with the running water.
You sighed heavily, turning back to the window and looking out. A part of you knew what you needed to do. But you hoped that you were wrong.
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“No, no, no, no, no, no.” You mumbled, looking down at the lines. “F…” the words died in your throat, a sob escaping instead. You held your head in your hands, glancing out the window.
It was a couple hookups. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You walked over to Tannyhill, wiping away any stray tears, the test hanging heavy in your pockets. You raised your fist, rapping on the door.
You heard a voice talking from inside. “Yeah, y- Look, it’s all taken care of, swear.” He murmured. You knocked on the door again, fishing for the test. You held it up, waiting for him.
“I’m fucking coming!” He shouted this time, opening the door, phone held to his ear by his shoulder. His gaze went to your face to your hands, holding something out in front of you.
His eyes widened, mouth going agape.
“L-listen, Barry, I gotta go.” He mumbled, taking the phone from his ear and hanging up, looking at you again.
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It took longer to tell your parents. Weeks for you to finally get the courage. Rafe sat next to you, looking down at the ground, arms folded together.
“Let me get this straight, you’ve… been having premarital sex… underneath this roof?” Your father asked, voice raised. You nodded, looking down as well.
“Honey…” your mother spoke, putting a hand on his shoulder, looking at you with sympathy.
“I know. I sinned…“
“I didn’t raise you like this.” He was disappointed.
“I know, daddy.” You mumbled, tears falling onto your sock covered feet. Rafe pulled you closer to him, trying his best to comfort you silently, a hand on the small of your back.
He sighed, pausing before speaking again. “You understand… that the church is gonna speak, right? This affects me. Us.”
“I know.” You repeated.
“Unless… unless you got married.” He looked at Rafe. Both of you snapped your heads up to look back at your dad.
“Daddy, what do you mean?” You asked the man.
“I’m sorry?” Rafe asked with raised eyebrows, asking him to repeat.
“Would your dad be opposed to you getting married?” He directed his question to Rafe.
“N-no.” He mumbled. “But, sir…”
“And do you love my daughter?”
Rafe looked down at you, you turning to look at him. Rafe huffed. “We haven’t really… gotten that far yet.” He looked back to your dad, avoiding your gaze.
“Well… You two’ll get married. No one needs to know.”
“Wait, daddy, I- I- I don’t even know how far along I am, how am I supposed to hide it for that long?”
“I’ll arrange everything to be done by next weekend. The church will host it, and I’ll ask for donations and everything.” Your dad spoke, standing up and leaving the living room with your mom.
You swallowed, looking back to Rafe. “Fuck.” He grumbled out, his hands going down his face. He exhaled.
“It’s not all bad… is it?” You asked him quietly.
He looked back down at you. “You’re a… a good girl, I’m a fucked up guy. It’ll never work. I’m gonna mess everything up.”
“Now we can be fucked up together.” You mumbled to him, a chuckle escaping his mouth.
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luffyvace · 5 months
The Luffy Package ☠️📦
(General & relationship headcanons as well as Luffy quotes (relationship implied) for his big day!!)
had to go all out for my fav 😊🤭
General Luffy headcanons:
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Luffy has nails so short dirt can’t get under it 😭
not necessarily the booty diggers 🤭
but just really short, like almost booty digger ig—but not it
he has like 1% nail
its not intentional, they just never grow
i have a feeling someone taught luffy how to dance
idk who
it was likely makino, shanks or some else he cares deeply about
but he learned early on and has been a great dancer ever since!
maybe at parties since they happen a lot in one piece ⭐️
But just because someone taught him doesn’t mean he was awful at dancing at first
maybe he was a natural!
feel the rhythm typa thing 🎶 🕺
it’d be funny if he was
cuz imagine a guy that can dance but can’t sing
how you gon dance on beat to a out of tune song?? 😭
at least to uta anyway
ive always loved Luffy’s singing‼️
he never thinks about what the one piece is
but would be the most disappointed if it isn’t something cool
this dude is NOT interested in books so if the one piece really is just joyboy’s tale i don’t think he’ll be satisfied..😭 (I’m talking about the theory)
he definitely wouldn’t say it was all for nothin tho
he still has nakama, treasure and is the pirate king!! 👑
but…the one piece as books is just a mega L for him
Robin will enjoy ♡
you know that thing he does where he stretches his face real big? Like the time he was tryna cheer nami up when she was sick? And it scared vivi and zoro?
he scared himself when he first realized he could do that too
he was bored and started messing around with his devil fruit
at first he was outside and he stretched his mouth, and when realized he could see inside it, he was like ‘I wonder what this looks like’
so he went inside and did it into a mirror
he somehow managed to trash the whole bathroom running away from his reflection
he quickly got over it and realized it was kinda funny
he showed Ace and sabo who also found it terrifying
then preceded to scare people with it ever since
d end! :)
I feel like he’s thought about what the ‘D’ in his name stands for too
He came up with a bunch of outrageous names that likely aren’t it..
yeah, dinosaur seems the most plausible 😊
Luffy Dinosaur Monkey!
yup, that’s probably what it stands for 😁
sneaks into the usopp factory whenever he’s not in there
he ends up playing with his creations and destroys, it, other projects, and the factory altogether in the progress
he then runs out laughing
usopp later returns to the ruins only to find his months work of his greatest creation yet named “ultimate captain usopp three thousand smasher” has been reduced to fragments of metal nothing ☺️
listen idk if oda has confirmed Luffy’s favorite color but I would say it’s none
why? The same reason why you can’t ask a toddler their’s, it’s just gonna constantly change and you know it’s not the truth
arguably, if I had to pick an actual color based off canon, (IK it’s a shade but wtv) it’d be white
why? wym? Don’t you remember that one ep where luffy sang a song about how he loves snow cuz it’s so white?
(one of his lesser talked about songs 😭💗)
Relationship Luffy headcanons:
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Luffy as a partner is really rambunctious and loving
But do note that loving doesn’t always mean romantic
for him it means loving you a lot but not being lovey dovey when showing it
you need protecting? He’s on the case!! He can’t and he has to beat someone up? One of your nakama’ll do it so stay with them!
your strong? Perfect! He’s gonna go fight this guy so you go beat up that one!
why am I mentioning that? Because it shows he has a great sense of trust and faith in you
Of course he does with all his friends but your reasoning is different
not only are you his nakama, your also his partner!! Which means he loves you in a intimate way!! Not just platonically
I say “just” because I swear sometimes Luffy’ll feel like a friend with you (best friends and lover typa thing 💞) he’s just as goofy and chaotic with you as he is Usopp and chopper
he feels extra lively when around you and always wants to play, whether you like this or not. Your personality depends a lot on how your relationship with him is but I won’t dabble into that today because it’s his birthday. 🎉 but honestly it doesn’t matter if you punch him like nami or laugh like brook-
he’s still gonna bug you! 💖 seriously you can’t get rid of this dude 🤨 Luffy will drag you on every single one of his adventures so I hope your either brave or fearless like him. The only time you two separate and he allows it is when he’s fighting the boss type thing LOL. Like Doflamingo or smth.
that said Luffy isn’t clingy he just likes being around you and seeing what your doing. Especially when you haven’t landed on an island yet and he’s bored. He’s always singing, playing with your face (ironic cuz he’s the stretchy one) or trying to get you to play some silly game he made up
that usually somehow manages to tick everyone off. 🤷‍♀️
will grab your hands randomly and make you dance to some song he made up about literally anything he sees or feels
he even made one about YOU once :3
”OOOOOHHH your my partner! Yes my partner! We’re having lots of fun! Going on adventures- YAHOO!! And dancing a ton! We’ll dance all arcross the grand line!! Take your hats off and let them fly!! YIPPIE!! We’re having a graaaaand TIIIIIIIME!” 😁🕺
Luffy quotes: (implied relationship between you two)
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”can you sneak in the kitchen and steal some food from sanji? I’m really hungry and he won’t let me in anymore!!”
”LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!” — “we don’t need a reason! CMON!’ CHEERS!”
”lets tame that thing and make it our pet!!”
”what should we name em?” — “Junpi? SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!” (You didn’t get a chance to respond 💕)
”HEY LOOK A RESTAURANT!! Grab on I’ll rocket us there!! HURRY UP IM HUNGRYYY!!”
”hey! Do you have any food on you?? I’m hungry!”
”Liar!! I can smell it!!”
”take a bath?! I don’t stink!!— EUGH!- okay yeah maybe….but I don’t wanna take a bath!! I’ll get all tired!”
”I’ll leave you with that guy! So go kick some butt! I’ll deal with that red forehead guy!!” (AN: There’s no actual red forehead guy that’s canon, I made it up 👍)
”⁉️ HEY WHAT HAPPENED?! Did that guy beat you up?! I’ll send him flying!! 💢”
”Shishishishi! Shh! Watch this! I’m gonna drop this on Usopp’s head! 🤭😂”
”Lets play a gaaaaame!! I’m so bored! 😞”
”can I have some of your food?” *Already stuffing a piece in his mouth* (the point is it’s not the whole thing ⁉️😱)
”Isn’t this fun?! 😆” (having a near death experience)
”don’t worry! My injuries don’t hurt at all! See? I’m dancing! I’m having fun!”
”oops. Sorry.”
”look!” (Two chop sticks stuffed up his nose and mouth)
”WOAHH A MAN KILLING BEAR!! LETS GO CHECK IT OUT! 🤩” (even if you wanted to say no your already being hoisted over there because you weren’t running fast enough for him)
”plan? Never mind that!! Let’s go! We’re gonna kick that butt head guys’ butt!!” (AN: another fictional villain I made up on a whim)
”HOLD ON TIGHT” (Gum Gum Rockets with hardly any warning)
”let’s play a game!! It’s called steal zoro’s swords without waking up zoro!! 😁”
”nyop!” (Puts you atop his shoulders 💓)
”nyop!” (Jumps on your back almost knocking you over 💝)
”look at my disguise! Nobody will suspect us! 😎👍”
”Cmere!” (Pulls you into his lap)
”HI! Is it almost time for dinner yet?” (Plops down in your lap)
Thanks for supporting me and my work—as well as my random disappearances too 💗🤗
Everyone! Say it!
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apolloscastellan · 3 months
You roll like thunder when you come crashing in | Luke Castellan
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x female zeus!reader.
Summary: Luke gets injured during capture the flag and you go crazy, it forces you to confront your feelings (Angst+fluff).
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: injury, loss of blood, use of y/n, female pronouns used to describe reader, ig this is ooc Luke, pre-tlt. Not beta'd we die like men, english isn't my first language, etc.
A/N: This is my first ever time publishing anything I've written so pease tell me what you think!
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Luke feels like he’s been struck by lightning the first time he sees you. He is sitting down beside Thalia’s tree, talking to her absentmindedly, when he hears the most gut-wrenching scream he has ever heard. He sees you stumbling up the hill, covered in blood and dirt. You are holding up the body of your satyr protector, who struggles to walk. Catching up to you alarmingly quickly is one of the most terrifying monsters Luke has seen in a long time. You seem determined to keep running, even as your protector attempts desperately to get you to leave her behind. Luke knows he shouldn’t, but as he watches you give up trying to run away and prepare to fight, he wants to step outside of camp limits and help you. It seems like you don’t need his help, though, as you pull out a dagger from the back of your cargo pants and charge against the monster. Luke unfreezes then, calling out for the campers who can hear him to go “find Chiron!” When he looks back at you, you’re finishing the monster off. He forgets every protocol and safety rule when he sees you stumbling, sprinting towards you and catching you just in time before you pass out on his arms.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you are not in your room, or anywhere you recognize. You’re also not outside, the view of the sky that had become usual to you covered by a wooden ceiling. You sit up and look around, no one seems to be there, and when you look out the window you realize that it is probably because it is already dark outside. This must be the camp your protector was talking about, you realize. They are not very good at welcoming newcomers, it seems. Once you find a mirror to check that you don’t look crazy you decide to go outside to try to find someone who can confirm where you are, and hopefully help you settle in. When the wind hits your skin for the first time, you feel a chill run down your spine, you wonder how long you were unconscious for. You follow the voices you can hear singing to a plain terrain. A huge campfire lights up the place, teenagers and kids of all ages congregate around it singing, talking, laughing and eating s’mores. They are all wearing matching orange t-shirts. They look like a cult, you think, and the thought makes you giggle. That seems to pull somebody’s attention, and before you can realize what’s happening, there is a quiet murmur going around and everyone is looking at you. You freeze, suddenly feeling like you are crashing a party you were not invited to. You’re about to turn around and run when a boy with dark brown curly hair and a mischievous smile runs up to you. He couldn’t be older than sixteen, but something about him makes him look as if he is in charge.
“You’re finally awake” He whispers with a sigh.
“Sorry, I really don’t mean to be rude but do I know you? Also, where am I? And Why is everyone staring at me? It’s a little creepy”
He laughs openly, turning around to stare the rest of the kids down.
“Everyone, go back to your own conversations, there is nothing to see here” It’s a little crazy that he thinks it’s gonna work, but it’s even more crazy that it works, and everyone turns around within seconds. He extends his right hand towards you “I’m Luke Castellan, welcome to Camp Half-Blood.”
“y/n” you say, still shocked by his obvious power and shaking his hand. “So, this is the place Leela was talking about.”
You look around, Luke’s eyes fixated on you. Leela was your satyr protector, you met her only a couple weeks before arriving at camp. He is still looking at you when your eyes finally find him again.
“It is. The safe haven for demigods. How much do you know about Greek mythology?”
“A fair bit, the same about Camp Half-Blood, is that how you called it? I’m curious and there’s a lot of awkward silences when you’re traveling across the country” she jokes. “I know about the idea of camp, and about the cabins, the godly parent… When will I get claimed? Leela never told me that.”
The smile immediately drops off his face, an awkward grimace taking its place. He looks around, as if trying to find an excuse to run away. He comes back to the conversation empty handed.
It has been a year since you had arrived at Camp Half-Blood. You had found your place, in more ways than one. You were surprisingly good at sword-fighting, archery and Greek, and you had made many wonderful friends. But still, something was missing. You hadn’t been claimed. And because you had never met either of your parents, you couldn’t even rule out half of the options. You had tried everything, from becoming the best at every activity, to giving the most generous offers, but nothing seemed to work. Luke, who had become your best friend, was pulling his hair out in frustration. In your behalf, because how dare the gods ignore someone as wonderful and kind as you, but also in his because no matter how much he knew he loved you and wanted to be with you, he could not make a move without the fear that Hermes might claim you someday. His dad was not the most reliable of fathers. So he went about his life pretending he wasn’t dying inside to be able to kiss the sadness away from your face. The same sadness that was overwhelmingly present as you got yourselves and your team ready for capture the flag.
“Okay” he said as he clapped his hands to get the attention of the rest of the kids, knowing expanding your winning streak would be the easiest way to make you feel at least a little bit better. “Everyone knows what they’re doing? Good, if you don’t, go see Annabeth right now. Blue team, this victory is ours!”
The kids scatter as he walks back up to you. You’re fiddling with your armor, visibly frustrated. He lets you continue to try on your own until you groan in desperation. He takes the strap from you and buckles it himself.
“What’s wrong?” he asks next, his voice soft.
“Today’s the anniversary of when I first got to camp” you whisper. “And I know, I know that people wait for longer, that some never get to know who it is but I can’t help feeling this way. I’ve tried everything, it’s not fair.”
Luke’s heart breaks hearing you talk about your godly parent, the one person who is supposed to take care of you. But that is how the Gods work, they only care about themselves. He promises then, that he’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. For now, he pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms around your body and placing his chin on your head. You pull apart as the bell that signals the start of the game rings through the forest. 
“I’ll see you after our win?”
“Definitely.” The smile on his face stays as he picks up his shield, running away from you.
He turns around right before you lose sight of him, giving you a military salute with his sword, pulling a giggle out of your mouth. You have been tasked with watch-out duty. You are a decoy, pretending to guard the flag so the kids in the other team come after you. You’re a good enough sword fighter to keep them entertained for a while on your own. You are bored for a while, until a group of three young Ares kids surrounds you. They are inexperienced and eager to prove themselves which makes them reckless. You could fight them off easily, and get them on their way, but you know that part of your mission is to stall them so you do your best to not give them your best moves. You’ve been sparring for a little bit when something throws you off. Someone is screaming your name. Through the forest you can see a little girl running towards you. Annabeth looks like she’s crying, which is enough to worry you, Annabeth never cries. The Ares kids try to use the distraction to attack, but you dodge their hits, quickly disarming them before running towards the girl screaming your name.
“Y/n! Come quickly! It’s Luke!”
He is the first thing your eyes lay on when you get to the clear Annabeth has led you to. He is on the floor, unconscious, his face covered in blood. You fall to your knees next to his body. Your hands are shaking, aching to do something, anything. There is not much you can do. You haven’t prayed in a while, having given up, but now, as you tear apart your t-shirt to cover the wound and stop the bleeding, and yell at the younger kids to “go find Chiron!” you beg any God that will listen to not let you lose your best friend. Someone touches your shoulder, whispering that you should move away. You’ve never felt this much rage. How dare someone tell you to walk away, to leave Luke’s side in this moment.
“Get off me!” You don't recognize your own voice as the scream leaves your mouth.
You realize slightly too late that the voice telling you to move was Chiron, but as you turn to apologize you are left speechless. The floor where Chiron had been standing just seconds before was completely burnt. When you look up, you realize why. There, shining above your head, was a lightning bolt.
“Zeus” Chiron said, his voice solemn, as the campers who had gathered to see what had happened, kneeled. “Energymaker, King of Gods, Father of Men. Hail, Y/n Y/l/n, Daughter of the Sky God.
You sit outside the back door of the infirmary for three days, unwilling to talk to anyone. For almost all campers, you’ve disappeared. They won’t let you see Luke, the Apollo kids take turns trying to convince you to go to your Cabin and get some sleep. You refuse. That's a new development, you have a Cabin now. A place where you belong, forever, not a temporary solution, or a rest stop, a place of your own. But the thought of walking into an empty, eerily silent mock of a home has you wanting to crawl out of your skin. You’ve become so used to sleeping through the noise of the Hermes Cabin’s campers you doubt you’ll be able to sleep on your own. And what are you going to do without being able to walk two steps and lay in Luke’s bed? Luke, who is currently unconscious inside the infirmary. Luke, who for some stupid reason you are not allowed to see. Luke, who is the reason why you haven’t even processed that you have been claimed. You have been claimed by Zeus no less. The king of the Gods, one of the Big Three. You can’t think of the implications, not when your best friend is battling between life and death so close to you, yet out of reach. You play with the food Annabeth had brought you, trying to forget the worry in her face as she tried to get you to say something. You know that Luke would have wanted you to move, take care of her and all the other campers, but you can't. He can’t be disappointed when he is unconscious. Still, you try your best, nodding at her words so she knows you’re listening. The door opens as you give up eating for the night. Mark, the Head Counselor of the Apollo Cabin looks down at you. He motions you to follow him with his head and you do so wordlessly. You don’t know what to think, and then you see him. He is sitting down, his back propped up with a pillow. He has bandages covering his reopened scar, and he gives you a sad smile when he finally spots you. You freeze for a second, unable to believe your eyes, before running and launching yourself towards him.
“I’m going to kill you” you say through the tears streaming down your face, hiding in the crook of his neck. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
You try to pull away but his arms stop you. You feel him shake his head.
“Don’t you dare, I’m fine.”
“I thought you were dead. I thought…”
“I’m ok… I’m ok now.”
“I got claimed.” You spit out suddenly, which makes Luke pull back, looking at you with wide eyes, a silent question in his face. “Zeus”
You can see his expression turn mournful as he remembers his old best friend. You’ve heard about Thalia, the quiet resentment you held for the girl who had undoubtedly held Luke’s heart had once made you feel terribly guilty. Now, you feel a sort of kin with her you had never felt before. You wish she was still here. You can see in Luke’s eyes he feels the same way.
“Daughter of the king of the Gods” he says finally, trying to be upbeat. “What a power trip. Hope it doesn’t get to your head. How’s the empty cabin? Much easier to sleep I hope?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t been there yet” you breathe in and out. “I couldn’t leave you. The thought of anything happening to you…”
“No, let me finish. I need to get this off my chest.” 
Alone with yourself for the past three days, you had had a lot of time to think. That is all you had done. Think about yourself, and your dad and your friends and the danger all of you were under just for being born. But mostly, you thought about Luke. And how he was the only person you felt truly comfortable with. And how you had this weird, guilt-inducing dislike of Thalia, not because she wasn’t good, you had never met her, but because she had Luke before you ever did, and you couldn’t stand it.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking these past few days,” you finally breathe out. “And I have come to a couple realizations. Luke, I'm in love with you.”
It comes out of your mouth like a shot, unplanned and unbridled. You don’t know how you had planned to say it, but it was not like this.
“You’re what?” too embarrassed to look him in the eye, you shift your gaze to your lap.
“I’m in love with you. I don’t know how it happened, and I honestly don't know why I’m telling you. I guess watching you almost die made me realize life’s too short to keep secrets. You don’t have to say anything at all, but I love you.”
He’s already looking at you when you finally look up, his eyes wide, his mouth open. Nobody says anything for a couple of seconds. You search your brain for a joke, something to say to dispel the tension. You shouldn’t have said anything. You should’ve just kept it to yourself. Before you can continue further down your spiral he finally breaks his trance, pulling you towards him from the front of your ripped t-shirt and kissing you. Your lips move against his almost instinctively, and you can’t think of anything that’s not the taste of his tongue when it finally makes its way to your mouth, or the weight of his hands that have now shifted to your waist. You pull away when both of you need to breathe, but he doesn’t let you get very far.
“I love you too. I’ve loved you from the first day I met you. I’ve always known, you are it for me. I love you.”
At a loss for what to say, you kiss him again. Your hands cradle his face before moving to his curls. You kiss each other as if trying to convey the magnitude, the finality, of your feelings for each other. Luke is right. This is it, for both of you, You have finally found your person. Everything else is background noise from that point forward. You don’t care that the Gods are unfair and neglectful, or that you were born to a world destined to kill you. As long as you have Luke, you know it’ll be alright.
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
Summary: She's heartbroken. all it takes to fix a broken heart is a friend who's also a menace.
A/n: heheh for my baby @garden-of-runar 🥹🥹🥹
i feel like i couldve made this better and i will try my best to improve hehe anyways I HOPE YOU LIKE IT
also was gonna post this tomorrow but i love Runar too much to make her wait and also i havent posted anything in a week so 🤷🏻‍♀️
a treat for everyone ig 🤭
uhhh anyways
Again. It happened again.
She knew she should not have been surprised, she had expected it even. But it still hurt, the rejection still stung.
And it was all her own fault.
She should have bottled her emotions up. They obviously did not matter to the love of her life, then why should it matter to Y/n?
Locking the door behind her, Y/n silently slipped off her heels, hoping no one was awake as she began tiptoeing towards her room. Slowly, one step at a time, she moved, avoiding the planks she knew creaked, her steps light as she cracked open the door to her room.
The sigh of relief escaped her all too soon, and she regretted letting it out when she turned around to meet two perplexed hazel eyes staring at her.
"Care to explain why you are returning at this hour?"
Something about the tone of the statement irked her, and Y/n straightened, the anger and madness she’d been holding captive till now bursting out.
"I don’t see how it is any of your business." She snapped.
He blinked at her, surprised at the harsh tone. Y/n instantly felt guilty. He was not the reason for her bad mood, and she knew blowing off the steam on him was wrong when he probably was just concerned for her safety.
"I- I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to-"
"Why are you sorry Az?" Y/n grumbled, settling down at the foot of her bed, her face in her hands. "You were just concerned for my safety."
Silence, and then the scuff of a boot, coming closer and closer. She felt him settle down next to her, the slight breeze stirring her hair, the mattress dipping next to her, and then the soft touch on her knee.
"Did something happen?"
She did not speak for a long moment, and then- "You ever been in love, Az?"
From the lack of sound, she knew he did not expect that question, and if she was being honest, neither did she. She just blurted out the first thing that came to her mind, and somehow it was one of the most damning thing she could have said. "Never mind- you don’t have to answer."
But he did.
"I… I have been. Still am."
Y/n separated her fingers to peek through at him. She didn’t know what to say, so she just kept quiet in hopes he would continue as she let her hands fall to her lap.
"She… is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. The most kind hearted, the most adorable female. So helpful, an amazing friend."
Despite being so close to Azriel, being his best friend, Y/n had never realised that he was in love with someone. She hated herself a little for it, feeling like she was a bad friend, but it was not the time to have a self deprecating party, so she turned her attention back to him.
"Have you ever told her?"
He sighed, meeting her eyes. "I was going to tell her today… but that’s not the point. Did something happen tonight?"
Y/n swallowed, knowing he wouldn’t let it go. "I… I told my friend I loved her. She… rejected me. Was quite mean about it too."
He stiffened. "What did she say?"
"That she never wanted to be with me and would never wish to be and all that." She sniffled, flopping back into the plush mattress.
He remained silent for long enough Y/n started to wonder if he had left, but when she lifted her head to peek at him, he looked deep in thought.
Knowing Az, he was plotting something.
And with the way his shadows churned and swirled excitedly, it was not good.
Especially for his victim.
"What are you thinking?"
He glanced at her, a glint in his eyes.
"You up for a friendly outing?"
Oh fuck.
After a bit of contemplation, she offered him a smile. "Maybe…"
"Az, I think we may have gone a bit far-"
He shushed her, his eyes unmoving from the door.
Specifically, the door to the home Y/n’s one love lived in. Rhea.
She must be coming out any moment, and with every moment that passed, Y/n’s heart raced.
This could go very wrong very fast.
The door swung open, and out stepped Rhea.
Just as she turned to close the door behind her, a bucket of ice cold water emptied on her head, leaving her sputtering and gasping, her head swinging around wildly.
Y/n ducked further away, her heart climbing into her throat, and despite the fear crawling around her veins, a smile broke on her face when Azriel grinned.
Rhea had just opened her mouth to speak, but then a shower of flowers came out of nowhere, sticking to her wet and trembling form.
The ones that she had an allergy to.
It would be nothing serious, but it would keep her awake and sneezing for at least a day.
Y/n obviously felt guilty, but…
It also made her feel light.
Azriel turned to grin at her, and then he grabbed her hand, dragging her away before Rhea could see them.
They could have easily winnowed, sure, but neither of them were thinking as they bolted away, running until their feet screamed in protest, until their lungs heaved, until their throat ran dry.
Until they couldn’t help but stop on the bridge over the Sidra, hands on their knees.
Y/n glanced at the illyrian beside her, panting.
He met her eyes, a boisterous laugh unexpectedly leaving his lips.
After a moment, Y/n couldn’t stop herself from joining in,clutching his shoulder and her stomach as she wheezed.
"You’re a menace, Az." she coughed.
He stared at her, his smile making his face practically glow.
"Only for you, sweetheart."
he started walking again, knowing Y/n would follow.
And she would have, but something made it impossible to move.
Y/n stared at his retreating back, her smile slowly fading.
Soon, he realised she wasn't with him, turning to call her name. she hurried after him, a feeling she was all too familiar with beginning to take root in her stomach.
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
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»envious bucky«
genre: if u know me, u know it’s gon’ be angst, bestfriend/soulmate!bucky
warnings: drinking ig, mentions of being interested in another man (but not really), immensely jealous bucky, who doesn’t know how to process that feeling (he’s being mean), mentions of toxic ex
»I don’t like him.« Bucky grumbled under his breath.
You shoot him a look. »Yeah, but I do, darling.« Giving him a strict smile.
»Why? He’s like not even your type.« He sighs in frustration.
Your brows raise at that, looking almost offended.
»What would you know about my type?« You challenged.
The bar you’re sitting in is crowded and busy, much to Bucky’s dismay. But he stays of course, for you. As though it’s different than usual. You didn’t look at him much today, although you’re sitting right beside him, -barely touching each other’s knees, but the contact is there. You two live in the same apartment block and are used to seeing each other every day of the week.
He has a bigger problem with not having your full and honest attention than he would like to admit. You’ve been looking the opposite direction the moment you’ve found yourself these seats. Bucky hates it, because he can see what –or rather who– you’re stalking from his point of view –just as perfect as you can. It’s this french guy Gabriel. He’s new to town and new to your friend group now as well. Nat had brought him with her a couple weeks ago and everyone loved him. Well, except Bucky. But he wasn’t someone who particularly enjoyed meeting new people, everyone knew that. So they weren’t suspicious about it.
It’s not that he didn’t like the guy in general, it’s that you liked him. And every time Gabriel came up to you and started speaking french (because you apparently loved it when he spoke his native language) your eyes started to form into hearts and all those giggles and laughs wouldn’t stop flowing. God, James hoped he would survive tonight without lashing out on you or Mr. “I’m french and handsome so I’m going to steal your girl”.
»I know you prefer rough guys. You don’t like a baby face with a smooth haircut. You don’t like anyone ever actually. But especially not this kind of guy.« Bucky tries to wear his grin proudly, but he’s questioning himself when he sees your expression.
»Oh, is that so? Thanks for reminding me, Mr. Barnes.« You scoff and turn yourself away from him once again. Bucky feels crap after that reaction. He didn’t intend to make you upset.
»No- You know how I mean it, Y/n.« You ignore him and continue to look for your knew found bestie.
Bucky sighs in defeat.
»Do you actually like him?«
He didn’t want an answer to that question if it was a „yes“. So he felt like punching himself realizing what he’d done.
»Bucky, quit it? Please? I’m not talking to you about this.« You brushed him off, annoyed by his demeanor.
He breathed out deeply, looking at you and wishing once again, he would be the one you’re looking at the way you’re watching Gabriel learning billiards right now.
This never happened before. That’s why he was so determined to remind you that you don’t like anyone but him. To remind you you’re his. Except, you’re not. You never were. And realizing that made him physically feel sick to the stomach. He didn’t just not like the idea of you finding something in Gabriel, Bucky depended on you. If you were gonna fall in love with someone else, who would be there to take care of his broken soul? A soul only you had the capability of healing.
It was when you touched his shoulder and slowly gripped your hand around his bicep, that he came back to earth.
»Barnes? Baby, are you okay? You’ve been staring into space for the last ten minutes.« He looked at you, studying your facial expression. You were worried.
Although the nickname and your touch gave him comfort, he still felt like vomiting all over the place. His chest so tight, he struggled to breath normally, hoping you wouldn’t notice.
»I think I’ll head home. Had enough for the night, just feel tired, that’s all.« He tried convincing you with a exhausted smile hanging on his lips.
You figured it out in about five seconds. He never looked that crushed around his friends and you. You knew it had upset him what you said earlier, but you realized it too late. Preoccupied with thoughts of another man.
You mentally slapped yourself. You should’ve been more sensitive about it. Everyone knew how protective Bucky was over you. You suspected why. But you could never know to which extent his love went for you. Bucky himself couldn’t even form it into words, how important you were to him.
»Okay, I’m just gonna inform everyone that we’re leaving. Wait here for me.« You gently squeezed his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile.
You were about to go do that but Bucky stopped you.
»Hey, no. You don’t have to go with me. Let Sam walk you home later. I’ll be fine.« His voice sounded almost strangled. So sharp and raspy. You could tell, something wasn’t right.
»Buck, I insist. You don’t look well. Let me take you home, please?«
It irritated him immensely how you went from scoffing at him earlier to wanting to take care of him now.
»I think you’d rather go sit beside Gabriel over there and tell him fancy things about yourself. You don’t have to act like you’re more interested in taking me home than staying here and spending time with him.« You were baffled by his brutal honesty.
He was often like that with others, but never with you. His gentle tone and careful, loving words were only meant for you. Until now it seemed.
Bucky studied your face once again and he could feel the hurt and confusion through your eyes, not making his already heavy heart any lighter.
»W-what are you saying?« You felt the air getting thicker inside your lungs.
»Oh please. You’ve been ogling that man since the moment we walked into this place. Why don’t you just go there? Maybe he’ll get lucky and you’ll even let him take you to bed.«
All that air made it’s way out of your system again and you stopped breathing for a moment.
Bucky’s eyes were telling a different story, but what he’d just said to you made you grow cold.
»Fuck you.« Was the only thing you were able to breath out, before snatching your coat and making your way out of this bar and onto the streets. Right now, you just wanted to wrap yourself in your sheets and forget his dumb face.
Barnes was not fast enough to get a hold of you and apologize. He realized it was the most stupid thing to say to you. It was just that he felt so jealous and hurt, his mind acted on instinct and wanted to hurt you back. Which obviously worked a little too well.
What was he expecting though, when he hit right inside your weakest part? The people who knew you well enough, had heard about your ex. And what he had done to still influence your decisions to this day. It was a long story, but one thing was for sure; you’ve never trusted anyone else with your heart (or body) since then. Only Bucky. But it looked like not even he deserved it.
»Fuck!« He punched the concrete wall of the building he was standing next to –leaving a hole– after landing on your voicemail once again for the nth time.
He felt horrible. Not being able to reach you. Not knowing where you were. Not being able beg you for forgiveness. And worst of all; not knowing what to do without you.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Blue Paint
Dalton Lambert x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: spoilers for insidious the red door, spook spook 
Author’s Note: my decade old crush on patrick wilson was not expecting to make any movement when i saw this movie. However, the much more age appropriate ty simpkins was there with long hair and brooding smiles and i had a moment of weakness. ig up until this movie in my brain he was still 5 and i didn't realize he's older than me
Summary: You are rooming with Chris and are close friends with her and Dalton when he starts to mentally deteriorate rip 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“Dalton? Woah, woah.” 
Dalton snapped his head off the table. Your eyes went wide as you watched him wake up, blinking aggressively. His fingers were still dipping in the paint but they had dried as he slept. 
“What time is it?” he grumbled. His hair was sticking up. He must’ve been out. 
“7. I just got back from dinner. I was gonna ask why you weren’t there but I guess we know the answer to that.” You looked down at the desk. Whatever he had been painting was now a smeared mess. His cheek had imprinted nothing but blue onto whatever the focus was. 
“Fuck,” he muttered. “I didn’t mean…” He shook his head. “Whatever.” He moved the canvas, starting to put things back as they were. 
“Your face is blue,” you noted. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, now that his brain had caught up to him. You pursed your lips. You lived above him, with Chris. She was the reason the two of you had been introduced and then you ended up going to the same building for your early classes. 
“Chris said something happened at that frat party,” you said. “I just wanted to know what went down from a reliable source.” He shook his head. He was still sticky on the face. Whatever he was using to paint didn’t dry as quickly on his face as it did on his fingers. You put down your bag and looked around for something to clean him with. 
“Nothing happened.” You turned around, giving him a look. He let out a sigh. “I just mean, she was being dramatic.” 
“Chris being dramatic? Now who would’ve thought.” You grabbed a dirty shirt off the ground. “You like this shirt?” you asked. He looked at you, confused. He shook his head. “Cool.” You dipped it in the glass of water on his desk and then cupped his face with your hands. You started to rub off the paint. “I love Chris and I trust her. I just mean, she was saying some weird things.” 
“Yeah,” he muttered. “Ow.” 
“Sorry.” You sat on the unoccupied bed and leaned back. “Anyway. Tell me what’s going on.” He shook his head. He looked goofy, smeared with blue. If he didn’t have such a melancholy look on his face you would probably have laughed at him. “She said something about astral projection.” “It’s this whole thing.” His phone rang. It was on the table, beside the paint. He picked it up, looked at the name, and declined. 
“Was that your mom?” 
“Why don’t you answer?” “Listen, you’re asking me a lot of questions right now and I’m not necessarily equipped to answer a single one of them,” he said, exasperated. You nodded, taking the hint. Instead you sat back up and started to clean his face again. 
“I have nail polish in my room that would help with this. Or, do you have rubbing alcohol?” 
“You sound like my mom,” he muttered. You pursed your lips and narrowed your gaze. “She probably packed something like that.” He looked down at his bag, one of the ones he had left unpacked. You picked it up and put it on your lap. You opened it up and started to look inside. 
“If not, we’ll find some. Or you can go to class in the morning all blue. It’ll really let everyone know how you’re feeling.” He laughed gently. Your eyes flicked up at him. There was something about him that you felt a fierce need to protect. There was a puppy dog aspect to his features, in his eyes. “Ah ha. Mrs. Lambert for the win,” you muttered as you pulled out some rubbing alcohol and a towel. You tossed the bag aside otherwise. And dumped some water on it first, then started to scrub. 
“I can astral project,” he said slowly. You stopped rubbing, meeting his eyes. He was dead serious. “I think. That’s what Chris said anyway.” You nodded slowly, continuing your work. “You think I’m crazy.”
“No. I just think you stopped your sentence with no more details and I’m waiting for them.” 
“I can see myself when I’m asleep and then I’m in this other world. Walking around, except no one can see me,” he said. 
“This paint is gonna stain,” you grumbled. You sat back. “You haven’t talked to your parents?” 
“No. Why would I talk to my parents about this?” 
“I dunno. Maybe it was something you did when you were a kid and they would know about it. Maybe it’s genetic.” 
“So what, are you like the astral projection expert now?”
“Dalton,” you said. “I’m just trying to help.” He let out a sigh. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “Do you really think it’ll stain?” 
“Yes.” You winced. “Can’t imagine you can skip Armagan’s class tomorrow hm?”
“I’d rather face the embarrassment.” You nodded once. “I’ll take a shower. See if it cleans it off.” You nodded. 
“Mind if I hang around? Cleaning calms me. For some reason I think I should be stressed.” He shrugged.
“Mi casa es su casa.” 
“Sweet. Thanks D.” He dug around his bag for some clothes while you grabbed some more napkins. The door gently shut behind him as he left, leaving you alone in his room. The night light and his lamp illuminated the desk. You started to take the stuff off the counter, dumping piles of paint into the towel as you did so. You adjusted the light so that you could see everything. 
As you went to move it, Dalton’s phone turned on. You glanced at it, seeing the face of a pretty woman who had Dalton’s smile. You would’ve known it was his mom even if there hadn’t been a name to go with her phone call. 
You started to put it down, then glanced at the door. 
Answering it would be weird. 
You had never talked to his mom. Granted, you kind of hardly knew him. But clearly he was going through something and you were a strong believer that a mom could help figure anything out. 
After glancing back at the door you swiped the answer on his phone and brought it to your ear. 
“Hi…sorry is this Dalton’s phone?”
“Yeah! Yes, sorry. He’s taking a shower and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t pressing,” you explained, far too quickly. You cleared your throat. 
“Oh!” She cleared her throat. “Are you one of Dalton’s college friends?” She paused. “Are you a girlfriend?” You laughed nervously. 
“Oh Mrs. Lambert I don’t know-” You started to regret answering the phone. This was definitely too weird. 
“No, sorry, that was a weird question.”
“This is a weird conversation.” You cleared your throat. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah. I was just calling to check in on him, he hasn’t called that much. Would you tell him to call? I worry. He’s a brooding guy and I just wanted to make sure he was making friends out there. I mean, I guess he is making friends, considering you’re close enough to be answering his phone.” She stopped for a moment. “Is he alright?” 
“Yeah! Yeah, he’s…” You glanced at the door. “Actually Mrs. Lambert, I did answer for a reason.” 
“Renai. Please. And I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Y/N. Why did you answer?” 
“He’s been a little…off lately. I mean, everyone understands going to a new place and starting school and whatever. But he was at this frat party yesterday-”
“He went to a frat party?” 
“I don’t have details, I wasn’t there,” you said, and had the heart to imagine him there and laugh. “He’s been acting kind of weird when he goes to sleep. Something about astral projection. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?”
Suddenly she was quiet. She was stammering and then she was silent again. You glanced back at the door again. You weren’t sure how long he would be gone. 
“Can you tell him to call me Y/N?” 
“Yeah. Is there…anything I can do to help him?” She was silent again. You could almost imagine her, biting at her nail, wondering what was going on, what she had done wrong. You wondered what the past had brought with this subject. What happened to earn her silence? 
“No, I’ll talk to him. Thank you for answering and letting me know.” 
“Of course. It was nice to meet you, Renai.” 
“You too Y/N.” She hung up and the silence was more threatening now that the conversation was over. She gave you no real comfort. In fact, now you felt worse. 
“This is for sure staining. Do you think Armagan will care? Maybe she’ll think it's an artistic expression.” You jumped at the sound of Dalton’s voice. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You still had his phone in your hand. He stared at it, confused, his eyebrows knit. 
“What’re you doing?”
“I really think you should call your mom D.” He looked even more confused now. His hair was wet and matt against his head.
“Did you talk to my mom?” 
“I know that’s super weird,” you admitted. ��But she called and you didn’t answer earlier and I just got worried. I’m worried about you.” He narrowed his eyes on you. 
“I’m fine.” You handed him the phone.
“She sounded worried when I mentioned you hadn’t been sleeping well. Maybe you should-”
“I appreciate your concern but I’m okay. Really.” 
You handed him back his phone. You had managed to clean up the remaining paint but you hadn’t moved around any of his supplies. You bit your lip and gestured to them. 
“I didn’t move this stuff, I wasn’t sure where you wanted it.” 
“I think the blue is a power movement by the way,” you said. He sat down on the bed beside you. 
“I think I’ll be okay in the morning,” he admitted. “Though I’ll get some weird looks. It might be a good topic of conversation.” 
“For sure! I mean, I’ll for sure talk about it.” He rolled his eyes. “Chris will also talk about it.” 
“She likes to talk.” 
“She’s extremely funny.” 
“She is, isn’t she?” You smiled gently and looked down at your lap. 
“I should probably leave you to it then. You probably have to visit some other realm in the night, huh?” He half nodded, running his hand through his hair. 
“What did my mom say?” You met his eyes.
“She thought I was your girlfriend.”
“You did answer my phone,” he countered. “That was on my bedside table.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Out of concern!” You shook your head. “She wanted to know if you were okay and if you had made any friends.”
“So you told her I couldn’t sleep?”
“Again! Concern!” He chuckled a bit and pulled his legs up onto the bed. He leaned against the wall, looking over at you. You turned around, a playful smile on your face. You wiped it off. “You should call her.” 
“I will, I will.” You started to sit up but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back down. “Where’re you going?” 
“Back to my dorm. Leaving you to sleep or walk or whatever it is you do when the lights are out.” He stared at you. You tried to read his expression. Soft, needy, trying to be guarded but doing a bad job at it. “Or I could stay. We could have a slumber party.”
“I like slumber parties.” 
“Me too,” you said, smiling. “Do I get to grab my pajamas or am I being held hostage?” He rolled his eyes. “Chris is gonna get jealous. She likes slumber parties too.”
“You can invite her down.” 
“There’s only two beds,” you said, gesturing to the two.
“We can share.”
“These are twin beds.” Dalton smiled, a genuine smile. He shrugged. 
“We’ll get close.” You wanted to hit him but refrained, just letting yourself blush. You stood up. 
“I’ll be back down in a second.” You opened the door and then turned around, leaning against it. “I’m not gonna tell Chris.”
“I didn’t think you were.” 
You shut the door behind you, taking a deep breath. Boys with long stringy hair were a downfall to the best of humankind. You couldn’t exactly deny the typical college girl butterflies. 
You pushed open the door to your room. Chris was sitting on her bed, book open at her legs. 
“I’m going out for the night,” you said. You reached for your pajamas. 
“Where’re we going?”
“Sleep over?”
“Yes ma’am.” She raised an eyebrow. “Watching over him. Doing my duties as a friend.” She watched you as you walked around the room, shutting the door behind you so that you could change. 
“In separate beds?”
“Yes Chris,” you said, looking down at her. Her stare remained. 
“For how long?”
“Chris!” You threw your shirt at her. She caught it, laughing gently. 
“Have fun but not too much fun. Make sure he doesn’t astral walk into this bedroom again while I’m sleeping. That was fucking creepy.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Thanks for your support. You’re an amazing roomie.”
“Oh I know.” 
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: your jealous girlfriend, gwen stacy, headcanons and imagines.
WARNING: jealousy and possessive gwen, people not taking no for an answer (nothing extreme), fluff, that’s all ??
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people who say gwen doesn’t get jealous are lying on her name
it’s not like she means to be or makes a big scene out of it, but she can’t help but get a little irritated when people talk to you and she knows they have an interest in you or she sees them eyeing you a certain way
jealous!gwen who can’t help but give people death inducing side eyes when they flirt with you
let’s get this straight: gwen does not get jealous when people talk to you. she's not dumb or controlling she’s not gonna get upset that someone goes up and talks to you while you both go out
In fact, she doesn’t even get upset if they call you pretty. well she does a little irritated BUT she doesn’t get mad when you get compliments because she knows you’re beautiful and she knows she’s not the only one who sees that
when nothing really comes from it, gwen just stares at them w her big blue eyes and she doesn’t even mean to but she’s very bad at masking how she feels in the moment so she just stares at them with a dark, annoyed look. her face is almost blank she’s just so annoyed.
“who is that you with?” they asked you, eyes furrowed.
“huh?” you questioned back as their finger pointed to gwen from across the room.
their face was one mixed with discomfort and confusion, “what’s her problem with two people havin a conversation?”
“no problem. that’s just my girlfriend, gwen.”
jealous!gwen who tells people off when they simply don’t get the hint
gwen does start getting pissed if they keep going with it to try and talk to you in hopes to get an ig @ or number
gwen trusts you.
she knows you’re not gonna entertain anybody or even give them a little hope of the idea that you’ll give ‘em a chance
but she feels like you guys are so obviously together that it’s annoying that this man in front of y’all is still trying to shoot his shot
when this does happen, you always tell let them down gently
“man, look. i got a girlfriend so i’m not really interested. thanks for the compliments but i’m sure the other girls around would be more interested in whatever you offer than me.”
usually, that works.
and as a side note, gwen loves when you tell other people that you have a girlfriend
she slowly feels this smirk growing on her face when the words leave her lips
it just provides a sense of security and ownership but not in a weird controlling way but in the sense that you both belong to each other. she’s yours and your hers.
HOWEVER… when that doesn’t work…
“who said anything about her, ma?” they asked slyly, tilting their head to the side as they leaned in a little closer to your face.
you didn’t expect him to come out with that. you saw gwen was watching, and you knew that she was well aware of what he was doing. but she never wanted to be overbearing and act like you couldn’t handle yourself.
this was one of those situations though. why couldn’t he just take no for an answer and leave you the hell alone?
something changed in gwen when she saw him going to put his hand on your shoulder.
"don't. touch. her."
her voice was so stern and demanding yet it sounded almost like a whisper. you slightly jumped at her sudden appearance as the person immediately put their hand down.
gwen moved closer to you, putting a hand on your hip and leaning you against her side.
“back off already. she's not interested and she's here with me,” gwen informed, her voice stern.
the person flirting with you looked surprised as if they didn’t expect her to match their energy.
“and who are you?” they asked, almost annoyed that someone had gotten in their way.
“her girlfriend, actually. you got a problem with that?” she spat out.
gwen has her fair share of saying some outta pocket things to people… but only when they deserve it
it ranges from:
“you should leave her alone before your face gets a few extra dents."
to remarks as simple and less violent:
"she's not available, get the hint."
gwen always makes sure you’re alright after tho.
she knows it can be uncomfortable especially as a female presenting person herself to just be straight up harassed by guys who feel entitled for you to say yes to their advances
“i don't know why guys don't understand the word no,” she muttered as her hand on your hip began to gently massage your side.
her frown disappeared, replaced with a soft smile as she turned her head back to look at you.
"you okay? need anything? i’m really sorry about that.”
gwen does not want you thanking her if she had to tell somebody off for you because she feels it’s her job as your girlfriend and also she’s doing it for you
she sees you in a uncomfortable situation, she gets you out. simple as that.
"anytime, y’know you don’t have to thank me. i hate seeing you get uncomfortable."
she down at you and tilted her head before speaking again.
"that guy was being such a creep it's crazy. do all people act like that now?"
she’s always first to comfort you about how uncomfortable you felt
if it hit hard and you start to cry… her heart will like shatter
people have different reactions to being hit on like that and if you’re the type to just cry from how fed up you are AND you’re in public she will leave immediately and take you to your home or hers.
if she ever sees the person who hit on you getting the worse jumping of they life or mugged by like eight bald clowns she is turning the other cheek actin like she never saw bro.
jealous!gwen who apologizes if she thinks she made a scene
the last thing gwen wants to do is draw even more unwanted attention to you if she does need to step in when somebody is making you uncomfortable
she has never made a scene before but she finds herself apologizing anyway if she ever involves herself with someone talking to you even when they aren’t flirting heavily or anything and she wants your attention
“was i too much? i don’t want to be the jealous girlfriend but…”
jealous!gwen who gets touchy when you give others your attention
gwen is not the type to just walk up behind you, eat your face, and then say “hello?” to whoever she is jealous of
i am sorry to tell you that but it’s not happening… not our white girl
gwen is more casual with it.
if you two are sitting next to each other, she will put a hand on your thigh. but when it’s more than just her being a little irritated to just annoyed at someone else taking your attention or talking/looking at you a certain way, she starts rubbing her hand up and down your thigh and inner thigh
she does stuff like this because 1) it’s casual 2) it’s in the person's view and it shows them that only she can get close and touch you like that, even if it’s a simple action
gwen will also do other things like put her hands on your hips, waist, shoulder, even neck
but she mainly does this when she wants your attention, that’s where her true jealousy stems from
your breath hitched at the wet sensation on your neck.
“hold on,” you told your friend as you put them on mute. “gwen, what are you tryna do?”
you glanced to your side and there gwen was with a sheepish ‘i did nothing wrong’ look. she had her arms wrapped around your waist as she slowly pulled you onto her lap until your back hit her chest.
“me? what am i doing?” she asked, acting unaware.
gwen started doing it again. she planted open mouth kisses on your neck all the way down to your shoulder.
“you’re not doing this right now,” you said in disbelief at how bold she was behind all that neediness.
however, she showed you just how serious she was when you felt a sharp and tense pressure bite into your shoulder leaving a tingly sensation.
“i’m gonna have to call you back.”
gwen was satisfied with that.
she mainly gets jealous when she sees someone else getting your attention
not in a way where you’re talking to a friend or someone you know and she never wants you talking to them, but let’s just say sometimes she wants your complete and full attention
like if you two are out and someone tries to start a conversation with you? she’s snatching your hand and dragging you along
especially if she ever takes you to spider society and sees someone trying to get a little flirty with you
“don’t you have an mj or something?”
she will literally web their mouths from a distance just to be petty
gwen is more confident doing stuff like that in the spider society because she’s much more familiar
if anything she will web your back and pull you into her just to walk off with you
jealous!gwen who talks on anyone that has shown interest in you
gwen will badmouth literally anyone who has tried to hit on you afterwards
that’s how you can tell it gets on her nerves.
someone could’ve complimented you in a class and asked to hang later and you said no and while walking broke she WILL bring that up
“that guy was so weird. why was he wearing a hoodie in 95 degree weather?”
“gwen, you wear hoodies in 95 degree weather.”
jealous!gwen who always has a hand on you no matter what when in public
gwen is not big on pda we all know this
the most you’re getting is her holding your hand or a kiss on the cheek
but when she isn’t, gwen always has a hand on you somewhere
whether she has a hand on the small of your back, arm around your shoulder, subtle hand on your hip or waist, she just will
for her, it’s not only nice to just feel you there but also she wants people to know you two are a couple
it’s just so satisfying to her when she seems someone looking at you and then they glance down to see she has you pulled into her side with her hand in your back jean pocket
“not even in their dreams can they have you,” gwen murmurs against your ear as you feel her breath tickle down to her neck.
you feel your shoulders tense inwards as your face gets all tingly at her words. she smirks, tilting her head and leaning in closer to you.
“don’t tell me you’re blushing! it’s so cute when you get all flustered like this,” she giggles. “what, so you like it when i call you mine?”
tho, gwen is one to act out of impulse sometimes
her emotions just get the best of her YOU CANT BLAME HER !!
one time she was feeling very possessive and just pulled you into her lap and kept you like that
she got really embarrassed afterwards and apologized while also trying to act like it never happened
“what happened? nothing happened. i mean, did i cause a scene? not like that matters! cus y’know, nothing happened… sorry if i did tho.”
jealous!gwen who never wants to admit that she’s jealous
gwen is stubborn.
if you call her jealous, she will call you crazy and that you don’t know what you’re talking about
but overall, gwen just wants your attention and her jealousy stems from insecurity. she struggles with feeling like she isn’t good enough for you and that you deserve someone who doesn’t live a double life. someone who can always be there for you, not flake on dates, and just be the perfect girlfriend
maybe gwen isn’t the perfect girlfriend. but you’re fine with that because she’s perfect to you.
“jealous?” she asked, taken aback that you even brought up how she was acting. “me? jealous? i’m not jealous at all. to be honest, i don’t even know what that word means.”
you just stared at her as she acted a fool. she realized and just took a deep breath, sighing in defeat.
“okay, yeah. maybe i was a bit… jealous. but can you blame me? i mean look at you! i just feel like you could do better sometimes even though i know we belong together. i just hate seeing how others look at you it just— it rubs me a certain way. and maybe i do want all your attention sometimes. ok, i guess i can be a bit of a jealous girlfriend. is it really that wrong though?”
© 2023 primaviva
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tarotphlow · 2 years
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Astro observations 6
🃏Libra Mercuries are easy to pinpoint in conversation because they usually reply with phrases like: that’s fair, that makes sense, understandable,
🃏 Jupiter in cancer is weird, cause like it’s exalted and everything, but the most exalted thing about them is an obsession with religion/ spirituality.
🃏 I feel like Saturn in Gemini get annoyed really easily with their father not understanding things if that makes sense.
🃏 if your Neptune is in retrograde you may be less likely to have an addictive personality
🃏 I’m once again, here to talk about Pluto in the 12H. 12H is such an interesting house it just somehow seems to embody everything else in the other houses somewhat. Anyways though, I’m beginning to realize this placement is a master at manifesting things, understanding the manifestation process is… well a process, but once they fully understand it’s intricacies it becomes sooooo incredibly easy for them, they may have manifested stuff without realizing it!
🃏 Jupiter in the 7H natives can manifest the properties of the placement in a couple of ways, Lots and Lots and LOTS of relationships (this placement can be an indicator of a playa highkey highkey 🤭) or being with people on the ✨bigger ✨end orrrr marrying into wealth! Yet again, it could also be a mix of the three.
🃏 Having Mercury at 6° in a natal chart can indicate a speech issue like stuttering or so.
🃏 Sun sextile Pluto can mean that your an old soul, or you’ve lived a different life before!!
🃏lastly, if the audience has noticed I’ve been studying degrees recently in my free time, I’ve been looking at a specific degree recently that has caught my attention, and that’s the 2°. The zodiac sign Taurus rules that degree and it’s such a powerful degree to have in your chart, if you have it, consider yourself blessed and lucky!🍀☺️. The 2° can show that you have near perfect or have perfected whatever placement the degree is in in your lifetime, I’ll give an example. A good friend of mine has neptune in 2°. Seeing as this degree is a sign of perfection this kid has like super omega awesome intuition, there’s a story of them talking with one of their friends about a boyfriend, the 2° native had noticed something was fishy about said boyfriend and tried to talk thier friend out of the relationship. The 2° native told their friend about how the relationship was going to go down why it was gonna go down and what time it was going to happen. Every single thing that kid said was gonna happened, happened. Down to the MINUTE. It’s insane right? It’s always so fascinating to see things like this play out in astrological terms!!! I’ve heard that placements that aren’t planets like AC, DC, IC tend to achieve great things in their lifetime so that’s also an added reason as to why this degree is so cool! I myslef have my Cap ascendant at 2° and my cancer descendant at 2° so ig something big or great is supposed to happen to me??
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end of observations! I hope y’all enjoyed this one! I apologize about my inactivity recently, I’ve been like, going through it lol, life is kinda hitting hard rn so I’ve kinda gone into hermit mode a bit (guess what placement makes me like that lololol) but I’m still very happy that people appreciate these observations 🖤🖤🖤 likes and reposts are appreciated!!
Also… I have some news coming in during the next year! Stay tuned!!!
Oh also also! I now understand how replying to reblogs work now. Kinda embarrassed I didn’t realize it sooner but yea.
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norrisreads · 1 year
kiss me kiss me #CS55
PAIRING: carlos sainz x reader, mercedes staff!, platonic friendships with most of the drivers
SUMMARY: everyone has a crush on carlos sainz, everyone including you
WARNINGS: fluff fluff FLUUFF!!!!!!!
FACECLAIM: jennierubyjane on ig
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Daydreaming and people watching was something you’ll caught yourself doing mostly. At times, working in the motorsport industry, you’ll find yourself being busy but yet so free and here you are just staring into the space while sitting on the sidelines of the mercedes paddock club.
Until you felt someone sitting next to you, “Just to let you know, taking a picture helps, the staring is a little intense, y/n”
you recognised the voice of a specific Williams racings driver.
“what are you talking about, i’m just people watching as always albon. Where’s lily?” you shrugged your shoulders
“lily’s coming in a while, no but i am serious y/n, pipe down on the staring at the ferrari’s. George and I have been on a look out for you, you’ve been out here for at least an hour”
Honestly, you didn’t know it has been an hour until Alex told you off.
To tell the truth, you had a little crush on the driver from ferrari, specifically carlos sainz. Everything about him, just happens to be your exact ideal type. The only interaction you had with him was during the after party where he offered a drink & that’s probably when you started gaining feelings for the said driver.
“he’s so pretty and i am just this” you told alex.
“you could get it you know, there is alot of the engineers and staffs who are interested in you, especially because you’re always living up the moments, they’re just scared of toto”
Susie and you were close, ever-since you’ve decided to work under Mercedes since the age of 20th, which you’re currently on the second year right now. Susie and Toto tends to favour you especially when you were one of the youngest working under Mercedes amg, being close to the both of them practically means getting invited to family dinners, team dinners and more.
Other than Toto and Susie, you were also close to George and Lewis, and being close to George means you’re close to the Williams driver Alex Albon too. You were friends with the other drivers too, but aren’t quite close which resulted in your current situation.
staring at carlos sainz. “you know he’s freshly single?”
George came and joined the conversation between you and Albon. He then passed you a pair of tinted shades, “put some shades on, think it’s getting a-bit too obvious”
the comment by george made the both brits laughed, while you rolled your eyes to express your annoyance by their presence.
“being freshly single, does not mean i will give it a try, george. We have a 6 year difference, you know how i am with age gaps”
“if you’re gonna pull the age gap card, i’m going to pull myself out of this conversation, lily and i literally have a 3 years gap”
“no shit Alex, multiply that by two and it’ll be mine and the ferrari driver”
“To make you feel better, y/n. Think about Pierre’s and kika’s, theirs are way worse than you and him” george speaks out
“let’s move on, this is just us 3 being delusional”
“yeah you’re the delusional one, we’re just manifesting that you’ll have him sooner or later” Alex shrugged his shoulder and went back to the Williams paddock.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Qualifying for the spain grand prix has just ended, you were just walking around the paddock clubs area, instead of being at mercedes, you’ve decided to explore a little. Susie had suggested for you to have a quick walkabout knowing your job tasks was done earlier in the day, and you were just waiting for the drivers to be back on the mercedes building.
Fully focusing on the application opened on your mobile phone, you weren’t really well aware of your surroundings until you bumped in-to a certain someone.
shit, “lamento lo ocurrido, oh..?”
the universe has decided to aligned with you today, because right now you could feel the bpm of your heart rate increasing to more than 100.
“oh y/n right? i didn’t know you can speak spanish” carlos was holding on to your shoulders to balance you from the impact of the bump the both of you had.
“no, no. I meant yeah, i’m y/n, what i am saying is no i can’t speak spanish, those words were kinda taught to me by google, just for this weekend” you nervously stuttered and laugh
“that’s a cute effort to learn, where are you headed to right now? it’s a-bit crowded ain’t it?” carlos continuing the conversation
did mother earth suddenly decides to love me today?
“yeah cute effort i guess, oh just walking around trying to familiarise myself with this surrounding for tomorrow’s race! yeah it’s way crowded rather than yesterday! congrats on p2 for qualifying by the way!”
having a conversation with him feels utterly weird yet you’re thankful for this situation to happened, because whew this man couldn’t be anymore finer than a greek god.
“Gracias, lindura! See you later, perhaps? George’s on his way, by the look of it I think he’s finding for you love, it was nice talking to you” carlos smiled and waved at you, walking alongside Lando Norris.
three little pigs
russell: what the fuck was that? were the two of you talking?
albon: what’s going on
what does, lindura means? cutie????: y/n
albon: did he called you that????????
albon: ANSWER ME!
russell: they bumped into each other, they had a 5 mins conversation, in that 5 minutes she told me her heart rate bpm increased to 110 (she thinks) he also held her
albon: why are you answering me
russell: i’m telling you the details that she’s telling me right now, appreciate it you idiot
guys i think i’m in love, Spanish accent is so sexy to wake up to everyday, six years is nothing to me : y/n
albon: i could simply ask charles for carlos contact y/n, let me do it please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
russell: she just smacked my shoulders
“this is crazy george, that’s like my second time talking to him”
you paused your walk and turned yourself to face george
“hey guys” a thick french accent.
“oh charles, what a great timing” george pulled charles to the side and into our conversation
“hi charles”
“what’s this about? not in the Mercedes sidelines today staring into our building, y/n?” charles laughed which made my eyes turned wide
“what the fuck charles, YOU NOTICED? it was just one time, i swear.” i hid my face with my hands
“if it wasn’t for george’s tinted glasses, carlos would have caught you, good thing carlos is oblivious to everything” charles snickered yet finding the whole staring interaction adorable knowing from george about your tiny little (not tiny and little) crush towards Carlos.
“fucking embarrassing, this is my last appearance here. Im quitting this job” you rolled your eyes jokingly
“as if toto, susie and lewis will agree on that, you’re the sweet child of mercedes. Good-luck on pursuing carlos though, he’s a great guy y/n!” Charles ruffled your hair and walked off to the red building.
“I’m submitting my resignation letter tomorrow, i’m telling you Russell, leclerc can’t keep his mouth zipped. If half the grid knows of my little crush, it’s 70% chance my resignation letter will be on toto’s desk latest by next week” you sighed, for seeing the future
“dramatic as always” george laughed
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y/nsocials just posted on Instagram (followers only)
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tagged lewishamilton susiewolff y/nbestff
liked by georgerussell63 carlossainz55 and 11 others
y/nsocials may & beginning of june dump 💋🎞️
pierregasly this isn’t a dump , i’m not even in the dump cherie
↳ y/nsocials do you hear that? the sound of me not giving a shit ♥️
↳ charles_leclerc can’t back you up sorry mate pierregasly
carlossainz55 cute :)
↳ y/nsocials thank you carlos! ♥️
georgerussell63 alex_albon cute X)
↳ mickschumacher cute :>
↳ lewishamilton cute :p
↳ y/nsocials I’m resigning.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
you were on your way to the after party with alex and lily, the others has already reached and you had to ask for a ride with the couple.
“how’s the progress of you and carlos, i’ve seen the comment”
lily asked u, i wish there was a progress though.
“the only progress there is was the fact my heart beats faster now whenever i think about the comment”
“dramatic as always, but i am being for real. Lily and i are curious, y/n. I can always ask for carlos contacts and pass it to you” alex rolled his eyes
“you were dramatic too when lily answered your dms. No alex, i want his attention the old fashion way, with him giving me his phone number by himself”
you sat back on the car seat with lily making sure your current outfit wouldn’t get ruined
“well i’m sure with what you’re wearing now, his eyes will be stuck on you all night and that phone number will be in your phone as soon as possible” lily commented and that comment had made you feel 100x more delusional as ever
sharls shared a contact with you
sharls : he’s asking where’s your current location, i know the both of will you never do it, but i’m impatient
sharls : if he did ask for your number tonight, it’s because of me
what the fuck? what the fuck does charles means…..
what are you talking about??????? what about me? : y/n
Carlos Operatoooooor
russell changed group name to : carlos operatoooooor
russell added mickey chewsmacker
russell added chewis hamiltons
russell added sharls leclerc
russell: recruited new member(s)
mickey: why did i not know about this y/n
chewis: it was obvious mick, you should’ve seen her having her everyday ‘carlos’ watching hours
russell: every 2pm, don’t ask just watch
sharls: if stares could kill someone, carlos would’ve been dead
i’m in this chat idiots. I’m not invisible. : y/n
albon: we’re on the way, she’s with us! Lily thinks carlos is going to hit on her tonight, let’s see
sharls: i’m not surprised. Let’s see if toto lets y/n walk around though, first challenge 😨
you were going to fucking throw up, you were finally sitting down after celebrating max, lewis and george’s wins. Being in a huge crowded place wasn’t really your forte, but for the sake of your job you had to do it.
Other than that, susie had to bring you around to engage with other teams knowing how anti-social you are, and here you are finally having a breather outside of the club and zero signs of the carlos sainz.
you weren’t really a smoker type of person instead just a casual smoker but ever-since fully adulting, resulting to having a few puffs allowed your thoughts to permanently vanish.
you were covering your shoulders with Alex’s denim jacket (of course with the permission of lily’s) , sitting on the porch of the back exit of the club. Whenever the door swings open, you could here the songs bass booming and you could just feel a headache coming sooner or later.
Just a few minutes in, you felt the denim jacket that was on your shoulders lifted up, and replaced by a red jacket.
“thought this might be a better option, you look much greater in red anyways”
and there he was, carlos sainz taking a seat next to you.
and you’re so sure your heart is over the roof because there wasn’t any gap between you and carlos sainz.
“thank you, i don’t know about red, teal looks much better on me”
“well to me, red looks stunning on you. everything alright? too much to drink?”
if it wasn’t for the amount of blusher you’ve decided to use, the redness on your natural cheeks would’ve given away from the said comment
“just a slight pounding in the head, taking a breather. you want a puff?”
well honestly, you don’t even know if you should be offering him
“thanks for the offer love, but i don’t smoke. do your own thing, i’ll be accompanying you. A pretty woman shouldn’t be alone on the back exits”
if there’s anything a few drinks could do is having you feel so much bolder
“don’t flatter a woman like that carlos, she’s gonna fall for you especially coming from a ferrari driver”
“I wouldn’t mind flattering a woman if it’s you y/n”
there was a moment of silence because you had no idea how to react, “it’s the drunkenness in me but you’re driving me crazy carlos”
“care to explain, mi amor?”
you shook your head because no sane woman would tell the guy they have been eye-fucking that they’re interested
carlos: hey cutie
“that’s my number, got yours from charles, if you’re ever wondering”
incoming facetime from mickey chewsmacker
answer or decline
“that’s mick’s name?” you nodded your head and Carlos laughed
you answered the phone-call and set it to loud speaker
“where are you little lady”
“back exit, it’s too loud in there”
“with mr prince charming?” you could hear Alex’s voice in the background
“if it’s me then yeah, she’s with the prince charming” carlos butt in the call, which made my face turned a shade of tomato red
not knowing mick was crowded around the others was also something you’ll never expected
“so no more staring from the sidelines?” this time, charles
carlos looking at you confused, you refused eye contact with him which made carlos snatching your phone away to have a conversation with charles in italian and with charles drunk on the phone, you knew the moment carlos looked at you wide eye you’ve realised charles had told him those staring moments, he then ended the call
“taking a picture would’ve lasted mi amor, i’m surprised i am unaware”
“i wasn’t looking at you, you were just in the view” you shrugged
“and that view is me?” carlos laughed and rested his head on your shoulders “you’re really cute, do you know?”
“yeah it happens to be you and i am fully aware Carlos”
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
y/nsocials just posted on instagram (followers only)
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tagged carlossainz55 y/nbestff
liked by charles_leclerc susiewolff carlossainz55 and others
y/nsocials i fell in luv but that’s okay cause i’m in luv 💋💋 #baggedaman
lewishamilton so will you be on merc or ferrari’s side from now on 🫨
↳ georgerussell63 answer y/n. our friendship is on the line
↳ mickschumacher we manifested this but we didn’t foresee this situation
↳ alex_albon yeah whatever they said ^
↳ y/nsocials dramatic all of you. merc forever of course (maybe)
↳ carlossainz55 she’s ferrari’s on sundays
carlossainz55 always swayed by you mi amor 💋
↳ charles_leclerc no longer eye fucking on the sidelines yeah
↳ y/nsocials charles_leclerc STOP PERCEVAL.
↳ y/nsocials love you so so sooooooo much
landonorris boyfriend stealer 💀😠
↳ y/nsocials cry about it!!!!!!!!! mine forever 🫢
y/nbestff give her back to me carlossainz55
↳ carlossainz55 sorry no can’t do
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
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↳ end note: that’s all!!!!!!! sorry for rarely posting, have been kinda busy w school nowadays! hope you guys enjoy the carlos fluff 💋
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r3starttt · 8 months
a/n: last part of Don’t delete the kisses (most likely) This series was all I’ve ever wanted to make. I’m so proud of myself 🙁🤞
Prt 1 | Prt 2 | Prt 3
Warnings: little bit of angst ig? fluff. mentions of homophobia. Sad-soft sex!!! don’t need details just read it (oral r! receiving. fingering e! receiving. scissoring)
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“With eyes shut its you I’m thinking of. Eye to eye, thigh to thigh. I let go”
“I’d like to take you out
And afterwards make out
Instead, I’m typing you a message
Delete the kisses at the end
When I see you the whole world reduces
To just a room
Me and you were meant to be
In love
I see the sighs of a lifetime, you ‘til I die”
It had been a week since you last saw Ellie. A week of you crying nonstop every single day, all day. A week of trying to ignore her messages and calls and going out just to not see her or know anything about her.
Not because you hate her, not because the pain she made you feel that day. But because all she confessed.
You feared you could have a bad impact for her and her life and maybe that’s why you two just can’t be together.
And you feared that it you were right then something bad could happen to her if you tried to force this whole situation.
Because you’ve never loved somebody this much and she’s never felt this loved. And you two were just made for each other in all possible ways but maybe it was all a cruel trick from the universe. Maybe it was some sort of karma you had to pay. Some sort of temptation god was giving you.
And as much as you wanted to just give in, you didn’t want Ellie to pay for your decisions anymore. Not her or her family.
You were just as confused and mad as she was. And it took you so long to figure out what to do and how to do it.
Should you move out again and pretend nothing happened? Should you stay and just avoid her? Were you even something oficial? Could you ask her to brake up if that was the case?
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The moment you opened the door, before you could even react or speak or even blink. Her arm’s extended around you, so tightly and desperately.
As you could you extended your arms to close the door.
“I’m so sorry, so so sorry. Please forgive me” her teary voice felt like bullets on your skin. It was so painful to see her like this, to know that she’s like this because of you.
“Ellie…. It’s okay, we’re good” your hands moved gently over her back, making small circles with both your thumbs and palms.
“I don’t want to lose you again, please don’t leave me” but what if leaving her was what’s best for both?
“We can’t stay together El, you know that” were you too harsh?
She practically pushed you away. Her eyes were all red and puffy, she’d been crying probably as much as you.
“What do you mean?” the way her tone changed so suddenly made you regret it all, but you couldn’t do that just now “There’s always something separating us, keeping us apart. Maybe we’re not supposed to be together”
She denied your words with her head, stepping closer to you. “We’re just supposed to fight harder”
“Ellie, if I stay with you then your family’s gonna-“
“I already chose you over them, you can’t do this”
She was right
“Is it because of what I say? I was being stupid I know, I didn’t understand but now I do and I’m so sorry I called you all those things. I care for you but I was so mad at being left alone I didn’t realize it would’ve been selfish If I made you stay. I didn’t realize about how much you’ve done for me.” the grip of her hands shaky hands entangled with yours got tighter. She looked so desperate, she was holding you desperately. “And I wanna make it up to you, I wanna stay with you and take care of you and accomplish everything we couldn’t before”
Everything you’ve been planning for a whole week was completely erased from you by her words. How could you even think of leaving her again? How could you choose anything else than to be with her?
Maybe that’s why you never end together, because your love for her is so strong that you get blinded by it and just run away. Because her love for you is so strong that she can’t let you go and when you do she can’t forgive herself.
Because your bond is so strong none of you know how to handle it.
You let go of her hands, moving yours to her face. Your thumbs moving against her red tainted cheeks, making small circles on each side of her face. Your eyes lost, wandering all over her face. Looking at her pretty watery eyes, her nose and cheeks covered in those freckles you adored so much, and her chapped lips, so tempting.
The urge was bigger than anything else, so your lips crashed on hers. Both felt so eager of each other, desperate to feel each other’s touch, the softness of your bodies together. You missed the way her body fitted so perfectly against yours. She missed the way her body was the perfect size for yours.
But as much as there was urge and a carnal desire that screamed desperately to be full-filled, you still needed to apologize, to let her know you would never leave. And she still needed the comfort, the reassurance she’s been waiting for her whole life.
So your lips pressed against her one las time.
“You did nothing wrong, none of us did” your breaths were mixing, brushing each others lips “I promise you…. I won’t leave again, I know none of us will”
Ellie felt so dizzy, so enamored. Your words were all the comforting she’d been craving for so long. It felt like a direct hug to her heart, like a cure to all worries she could ever have.
So tender. Just what you both needed.
Nothing else mattered anymore, but you and her and the love that could be felt as something tangible. So loud and warm and fuzzy in between the two of you.
Her fingers tugged at the hem of your shirt. Your lips were already dancing with hers, such a merciful hungry rhythm.
Your tongues slowly mixing in between the kiss. Both giving clumsy steps to your room, where she’s never been before but she’d dreamed of it.
Your hands moving all over her back, from her waist to her shoulders, then to her neck and stopping right were her hair ends. Desperate of feeling every inch of her body, of pulling her closer if that was even possible.
Hers, gently getting under your shirt, shyly touching your bare skin and sending shivers to your whole body at the sudden touch of her calloused cold fingers.
Small giggles and smiles appearing in between the kiss. You had your eyes closed but could imagine the dorky expression on her face.
And you both stopped the moment you crashed with your bed, making small laughs come from both of your sticky lips.
“What am I supposed to do now?” a giggle escaped from your mouth, looking straight to her eyes. They had a sparkle you’ve never seen before. And god, her smile just radiated so much love it made you unconsciously dumb, so in love. You whispered back “just let your body figure it out for you”
She obeyed, her hands finally moved to your upper body. Fingers wandering over the costure of your bra. Her lips were pressed on your skin, leaving wet kisses from the corner of your lips to your clavicle. Covering your neck and your jawline in them.
You hummed at her touch. Letting her explore and savor your body first. Your huffed moans reassuring her to take the lead.
“I love you” kiss “so much” kiss. It made you smile.
Her hands slowed moved to your clothes again, taking them off of you with the most precious look you could ever see on her face. And you did the same, removing each piece of clothing that was covering your bodies, leaving the both of you complete bare at the other sight.
The white curtains that adorned the windows of your room letting the radiant rays of sun enter just right, covering you both in such a delicious warm.
She embraced you tightly, guiding you to your bed and making you lay under her body. Her arms pressed in the mattress, right next to you. Her legs intertwined with yours, rubbing them against your skin.
You kissed her again, so gently and pure and making her moan at your touch. Your hands caressing her arms, waiting for her to move at her pleasing.
And she did. Her hands found their way to your thighs, spreading them and moving your legs around her.
She started to grind her clit with yours at a slow speed, trying to find the needy angle for both and the right rhythm. You can feel her nuzzling in your neck, hearing loud moans at every move she makes.
Ellie’s movements slowly started to speed up, making you whimper at the feeling of your sticky and wet cunts rubbing together. She was practically ramming against you at this point.
But right as a knot of pleasure started to form on your stomach she stopped.
She left sloppy kisses on your body as she went down your cunt. Hands gripping around your thighs and eyes roaming in between your body and your pretty face.
Lips licking and kissing your hardened nipples, leaving the wetness of her saliva stick on them. Biting and sucking on your skin, leaving almost unnoticeable bruises all the way to your stomach and around your breasts.
Hands caressing the sides of your legs until she was finally in between them, extending her arms to hold your hands. Her nose rubbing on your clit and her tongue deep in between your folds, moaning at the sweet taste of them and smiling at your pretty whimpers.
She flavored every bit of it. Making small circles around your puffy bud, licking every wet space in between your folds, teasing your arousal and finally rubbing her tongue deep inside you, thrusting her tongue in and out of you repeatedly.
Your room was now filled with loud vulgar and wet sounds, it made the two of you feel so fervent and carnal. So lost in the craving and focused on the pleasure.
Her tongue moved so brusque yet so delicately on your cunt. Making you crave for more of her and causing you to feel overwhelmed at the abruptly wave of pleasure that increased nonstop over your whole body, blinding your vision and thoughts.
"F-Fuck El…. I'm-" your words were interrupted by a strong feeling of ecstasy running through your body, your legs weakened and your stomach felt so tight, covered in a tickling sensation that felt just like a bliss. Her tongue cleaned every juice that came out of your core, so insatiable and still craving for more.
She crawled back to you, leaving a soft kiss on your temple. You smiled at the sight of her lips, covered in your flavor. And her forehead with a small coat of sweat appearing.
To her you looked so fucking gorgeous right now, with a few baby hairs stuck to your forehead, half-lidded eyes that still managed to have that doe look in them. Still trying to catch your breath.
Your hand moved to her cunt now, rubbing small circles on her clit and smiling at the delightful sight you had in front of you. Curved eyebrows, slightly scrunched nose and her mouth partly opened a shuffled moans escaped from them.
She was so wet, so soft. It felt delicious.
You sped up your movements, assaulting her cunt and hitting just the right spots. And god she sounded so pretty, her small whimpers covering your ears and the way her hands tugged tightly on your sheets, running her hands through your hair, so desperate and overwhelmed by pleasure.
The way she clenched around your fingers, the way she felt so wet, the way she tried to rub herself on you, to have more contact with your skin. The way she closed her eyes when your fingers went deeper, the way she bit her lips trying to hush her whimpers. Everything about her right now was so mouth-watering.
So you kissed her, burying your fingers on her core, making her moan at your lips. She tried to speak but your lips pressed in her and the way pleasure was taking all in her body didn’t allow her to. But you understood.
And just like that you thrusted your fingers for the last time, in and out a few more times after she’d came.
But your lips kept pressed on hers, until she had to move away to recover her breath, making you laugh.
She looked so pretty.
And so did you.
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pedal-writes · 3 months
Homesick (1)
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Summary: What happens when Sam Witwicky's older sister, you, gets wrapped up with the conflict of the autobots and the decepticons coincidentally by visiting your family? Over time, it seems that you and the autobot's leader find out you two have more in common than you initially thought… But it doesn't really mean anything, right?
A/N: Hi everyone! This is gonna be my first actual long fanfic which I'm pretty nervous about (since I always seem to backtrack on the ones I try to write.)
But I recently watched Transformers 2007 and the brainrot is honestly too intense, I had to do something about it so bayverse OP x reader!! It's funny, I've been a transformers fan since 2017 and I've now just got around to watching the movie. I was kinda putting it off since it's not exactly a fan fav among some transformers fans haha. Oh yeah, there are a few scenes from the movie I won't write like the weird bumblebee piss scene and some of the mildly suggestive dialogue considering the other two main characters (besides the reader) are literally like 16 😭. Micheal bay is a freak!!!
Just a heads up, I guess I'm going for a more wattpad-y vibe for this fic considering some of the tropes that I'm using and the fact I'm going directly off of the tf 2007 movie (cause that's like every bayverse op x reader that's on there lolz). Idk Ig I just have a guilty pleasure for corny fics so yeah!!
If y'all want to read this on ao3 or Wattpad, it's in my pinned post :3 Anyways, bye pookies!!
As the moon's reflected light illuminated the dark room, it was quiet besides the occasional shuffling and jolting that came from your sleeping form. Suddenly your eyes shot open. You groaned as you sat up and felt a layer of cold sweat coating your forehead. You shakily got up from the bed and began a walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. A small creak came from the cabinet and you grabbed a small glass and filled it with tap water, taking a few gulps. After four long years of college, you decided to move away from your hometown and all the way across the country to the east coast. Los Angeles was never your type of city as, in your opinion, it was mainly set up for movie stars and aspiring musicians, not computer scientists. So moving to a completely different city like Philadelphia to pursue your passion sounded like a fantastic idea. But now that you’re here, you’ve felt nothing but homesick.
You’ve always been a family-orientated person, always spending time with your parents and helping Sam, your little brother, with what he needed for school. Although he could be a serious little shit sometimes, the two of you were like peas in a pod, absolute besties! A small smile grows across your face as you think of the times you picked him up from school and took him to the arcade or when you always managed to find tickets to his favorite bands and saw them during the weekends.
A small sigh leaves your lips and you set down your glass on the counter. You walk back into your bedroom and take a look at the calendar hanging on the wall, the month being March. The thought of visiting your family crossed your mind and you could wait a few more months until summer came around but it’s not like you were working at the moment. After you moved, you were working a job as an information security analyst. The pay was definitely above average and it was going alright until an unsavory incident happened with a coworker and you literally couldn’t work there, so you quit.
Alright, I have enough money in my bank account to buy a plane ticket and to sustain me for a few weeks while I’m there. I should probably call mom in the morning and tell her I’m planning on visiting, her and dad will probably be ecstatic. As for Sam…
You opened a drawer on your nightstand and pulled out a piece of jewelry. It was an opal bead necklace you found at the mall one day. It was sort of an impulsive purchase, considering the price, but you thought it would be a nice gift for your little brother because opal was his birthstone after all. You gently placed the necklace back in the drawer and shut it, making your way back to your calendar and writing a few reminders on some of the upcoming days. 
       . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
After all the planning and flying, you were finally back in California. It really was a pain since there somehow weren't any available flights to Los Angeles from Philadelphia so you had to spend the night in an empty airport in Kansas and fly to L.A. in the morning. A yawn falls from your lips as you drive through the familiar neighborhoods leading up to your family's home. You turn on the radio and the latest hit began to play, “Irreplaceable” by Beyonce you thought. It wasn’t really your type of music but it’s Beyonce.
A few minutes passed and you heard your phone ringing. You turned down the radio and grabbed it from the passenger seat, flipping it open and putting it against your ear. “Hello?”
‘Hi honey.’ It was your mom. ‘How far out are you?’
“Oh hi mom. I’m not that far, just give me a few more minutes. You don’t have to call me when you know I'll be there eventually.” You chuckled, gently pressing the brakes as you stopped at a red light.
‘I know, I’m just excited to see you!’ Her voice buzzed excitedly. ‘I’ll be waiting outside for you, see you in a bit.’
“See you in a bit.”
A few moments later the familiar layout of your house came into view and you couldn't help but feel a bit giddy. You saw your mom, Judy, excitedly waving next to the frontdoor, you smiled to yourself. You pulled your car into the driveway and got out of it, Judy pulling you into a tight hug, swaying you from side to side slightly. "I'm so happy to see you, honey!" 
She said sweetly, pulling away while holding both of your hands. "How’s my little genius been?"
Your smile turned into a small frown. "Oh I've been doing... alright for the most part. I had to quit my job recently because of a bad experience I had with a coworker. I’ll tell you about it later but it really sucks, I liked that job." You grimaced slightly at the memories of the not-very-pleasant experience, Judy patting your back in a comforting manner. "Anyway, say, where's dad?" You abruptly changed the subject.
"Oh, your father had to run some errands, but he'll be back soon. He's been so hellbent on making his grass perfect. I think he's starting to go a bit crazy." She said, doing a swirly motion around the side of her head.
You chuckle as you walk back over to your car to retrieve your bag and suitcase. You and Judy walk into the house, an excited mojo greeting you by jumping up and down in that typical chihuahua fashion. "Aw, hi mojo." You cooed, leaning down and petting him near his ears. "I missed you too." Your eyes drifted down to his coller, seeing the jewelry wrapped around his neck.
“Is this your doing, mom?” You laughed.
Judy simply shrugged. “I think it looks cute on him. Oh yeah, Sam's upstairs doing his whole eBay thing, I'm sure he'll tell you all about it when you talk to him." Judy said, walking towards the kitchen and preheating the oven. "Do you need help with your bags?"
"No I'm alright mom, thanks though." You say, walking towards the staircase with your bags in hand.
"Alright honey, make sure to tell Sam I'm making lunch."
"Will do!" You holler from upstairs.
You head towards the rather empty room that used to be yours and set your things down, looking around at the empty walls where posters used to hang and the still neat bed, feeling a little nostalgic. You exit your room and head right to Sam's, ignoring the do not enter sign and opening the door. You see your brother’s hunched over figure messing around on his computer and shake your head, knocking on the door frame to alert him of your presence. Sam jumped, turning around suddenly. "Jesus! You scared the shit outta me. I didn't know you were here yet."
"I can't believe you didn't hear me. Come here, give me a hug dude." You said, spreading your arms in an inviting motion. Sam rolled his eyes and walked over and hugged you. You gave him a small pat on the back and pulled away from him, giving him a small grin. "So how are things? How's school?" You asked.
"It's good, pretty good. I've been trying to get this whole eBay thing running. Oh yeah, and dad made a deal with me and soon I’ll have my own car. I just gotta get an A on this history project coming up." Sam replied, turning around and typing a few more things into his laptop before closing it.
“Wow, that’s awfully generous of him. I’m excited for you though.” You chuckled, leaning against his door frame and crossing your arms. "Anything new with that one girl… What was her name?"
"You mean Mikaela?”
“Yeah Mikaela, The girl you’ve liked since forever and is totally not out of your league.” You said sarcastically.
"What??" Sam exclaimed, whipping his head towards you. "She is not out of my league! She is really gorgeous and stunning in every single way, and she would totally give me a chance. I just gotta… ask her.”
"And when will that be, Casanova?" You laughed.
"Soon! Really really soon. When I get this car next week, and I will get that A, then I’ll have a chance! Any girl loves a guy with a nice car." Sam said, a cocky tone in his voice. 
"Oookay, I hear you... oh yeah! Hold on, I got something for you, give me a second..." You walked into your room and rummaged through your purse, pulling out the necklace. You walk back into Sam’s room and excitedly give him the piece of jewelry. “I found it while I was shopping at the local mall a few months ago. Since Opal is your birthstone, I thought you’d like it. And it’s also not a super girly necklace, you’re welcome by the way.”
Sam took the necklace from your hands and admired the carefully strung together beads in the sunlight of his window, the beads glimmering a variety of colors. “Wow this is really neat. Thank you but y’know, I'm not really much of a jewelry guy." Sam said a bit nervously.
"Oh come on, wear it!" You pat him on the back reassuringly. "Girls love guys who are comfortable with their sexuality, it shows maturity. Besides, you'll look like one of those... surfer guys. You know what I mean? When they wear those small necklaces.”
Sam frowned and gestured to himself. "Do I look like a surfer guy?"
"I’m just trying to be supportive!" You said, making your way out of the room. "By the way, mom's making lunch. Make sure not to get too engrossed in your master plan of getting with Mikaela and actually put some meat on those bones." You commented teasingly.
Sam groaned and waved you off dismissively, sitting down at his desk again. You chuckle and walk into your room, crouching down and pulling a few essentials out of your suitcase. Now that you’re back in Cali, you were excited to see a few of your friends that you’ve been friends with since high-school. Funnily enough, you managed to become friends with the “popular girls” solely because you helped a few of them with their math and science work and now they deemed you besties for life.
Which you didn’t mind honestly.
Most of these girls were rich and actually really nice despite what people stereotype “popular girls” to be. The person that comes to mind is your friend Felicity. She’s probably the one you would call your “top tier bestie”, the girl that constantly came over to your house when you were a teenager (annoying your brother immensely), the girl that called you like every single day you were away to college since you two went to different ones. She was super duper excited when you called her, telling her how you were gonna be in town for a few weeks.
Of course she had plans for you two to go to the spa and then go to the beach and blah blah blah. It would be nice to get out of the house every once in a while to catch up since Sam's gonna be in school most of the time. You put your laptop down on your bed and was about to sit down before you heard your mom yell for you from the kitchen.
“Hey sweetie, can you come down and help me?”
“Oh– Coming Mom!” You quickly got up and left your room, heading downstairs. You couldn’t help but look forward to the next few upcoming weeks, knowing it’ll be the most eventful and actually fun thing you’ve done in months. 
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kelogsloops · 6 months
putting this in the tumblr ask box bc idk where else to put it 🕺 does anyone even read these still
anyways i just woke up but i had a dream and you were a big part of it- i don’t want to say it was a nightmare or like a bad dream but like basically in the dream you announced that you would be quitting art and like retiring ig? it was for a few reasons but in that moment idk i just realized just how much you have had an influence on my life- you know that saying “you don’t know what you have until you lose it”? yeah…
honestly at first when i woke up i was so ready to call it a nightmare, like “oh my god?? you?? leaving?? forever?? noooo!” but as i’m sitting here awake now i realize eventually it’s probably gonna happen- maybe not in the way it was in my dream with you making a whole like announcement video and wiping your accs, but maybe quieter. i wonder if it’ll be that you stop making art, but i find that hard to imagine. i think it would happen slowly, less and less posts as the years go on. in my head even if you stop posting it, i’d think you’re still creating, making art for simply the sake of such. but then i think about how silly that thought is though, i don’t know you outside of your social media bubble. i don’t know your life and what happens there so to even assume something so quiet is pretentious of me. 
like i said, at first i thought it was a nightmare, i can’t bear the thought of you leaving one day- especially for the reasons you gave in my dream it was like “i gave up, arts getting too much for me, and things are so competitive now no one wants my art anymore…” blah blah blah. it was all my own stress as an artist manifesting onto you i think- but anyways i hope that should the day ever come where you do end up leaving your socials and whatnot, i can only hope that it’s out of your own accord and you do so because you want to, not out of pressure or anything like that. like i’m not saying i want you to quit or anything, but what i’m saying is if it happens i just hope it’s something that you chose on your own. i just don’t think i could ever stand that happening though without letting you know how much of an impact you’ve had on my life. 
i found your art when at a very developmental part of my life, so your work wether consciously or not i think has just become like a part of my brain wether conscious or not haha. whenever i go to draw even if i don’t explicitly go to look to your work for inspiration, it’s still there i can see it. it’s like just unconsciously ingrained at this point. but more than that though the whole idea of like “brb chasing dreams” and whatever and the whole idea that i feel you impart every time you share pieces of your journey as an artist to just keep going, i kind of stole that mantra for myself and started to tell myself that as well. even at my lowests, i’m still trying to follow that dream, even lost and i don’t know what direction i’m going in there’ll always be that dream as an anchor almost.
thank you for all that you’ve shared and thank you for being the biggest inspiration in my life. i know that’s quite dramatic to say, but i mean it in full honesty. whatever the future holds for you, i hope it’s kind. i hope you live a long life chasing all your dreams where at the end of the day, you’re happy. thank you. 
waking up to find a message like this in my inbox has me feeling t e a r y. it's reading stories like these and hearing how my work has impacted people that makes this all feel so surreal sometimes. the fact that people would even care if i stopped making art one day or just disappeared is crazy... i'm very fortunate!
i've resigned myself to the fact that sure, one day (but hopefully never) i won't be able to pursue a professional career as an artist anymore, but if there's one thing that i can promise, it's that there is no reality in where i stop making art!
i don't know if i show it enough, but to each and every one of you who have been part of my journey so far, thank you from the bottom of my heart. it's messages like these that pinch me and remind me how it's all so worth it
forever #brbchasingdreams
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
What the hard launch
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader (+ older sister Regina)
Warnings: fluff & coarse language
Janis comes over the next day as promised, spending the night and making things right with your sister. Read part one & part two !
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s IG)
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“Hey! Here I am.”
“Hi.” You smiled once you saw her standing in front of you. Janis pulls you into a hug, rubbing your back, “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good, very energised.” You laughed, stepping aside so she could enter.
“Janis.” Regina stopped what she was doing in the kitchen and looked up, then walked over.
“Hey.” Regina says with a little bit of a shrug.
Could’ve gone worse.
You went up to your room with Janis and left Regina alone downstairs. “Leave your door open!” Regina hollers.
“Didn’t expect you to actually come over.”
“Why’s that?” Janis asked as you two stepped inside your room.
“I know you and Regina have your own stuff to deal with and that you don’t exactly like her. I don’t really know what happened because she refused to talk to me about it, but if it makes you uncomfortable to be here, we don’t have to be here.” You sat down on your bed, Janis does the same.
“I’ll talk to Regina later, settle it once and for all. I’m here to see you, that’s it. I don’t need to focus on her, how she feels. As long as she doesn’t stop me from seeing you, even if we can’t go back to good terms again, at least we are on talking terms, you know?”
You looked at her, she does the same, grabbing ahold of your hand, “Don’t worry, that’s not your battle to fight.”
Before you could respond at all, a string of knocks on your door made you jump. “Sorry.” Regina says, “Janis, can I just talk to you for a minute?”
You looked between the two of them nervously, unwillingly letting go of Janis’ hand after she gives yours a squeeze.
“We’re just gonna talk. She’ll be right back, I promise.” Regina promised you.
Regina leads Janis to the kitchen island and sat down, telling the brunette to do the same. “I wanted to…apologise for what I did. The name-calling in middle school, the Burn Book, everything. All of that was unnecessary and hurtful and rude, and I don’t want that to affect your relationship with my sister. She really likes you and she’s really happy, and…you make her very happy which is all I want her to be. So, could we move forward from our past and just focus on what we have going on right now? Or, you don’t have to forgive me, I get that. I just want us to put aside our differences and problems when it comes to things concerning y/n.”
“You admitting you did something wrong is a big step, a big deal which I appreciate and though those words would stick for awhile, I forgive you. We were kids, we make mistakes. And as long as you mean it, we’re good.”
“Really?” Regina’s gaze softened at the unexpected response, “Okay, thank you. I— that’s all I need to know.”
Janis nods. “I really like her and I’m getting the feeling that she likes me back. But we’re just taking it slow…doing whatever feels right for us. We’re not official, but I’m definitely not seeing anyone else. I don’t want to put the pressure on her to get us the labels, I get how scary and emotional it can be having a first love, a first crush. What we have right now…is what I can see us being like for a long while. She doesn’t have to say those words yet if she doesn’t feel ready because I know her. I can feel the care and the love and the affection she has for me. It’s crazy to think about, honestly. We’ve all known each other for so long and all this just feels…right.”
“To be completely honest with you, every time we eat out I’m so worried because she’s allergic to peanuts— not severely, thank god. But she’s also lactose intolerant, yet she still loves to eat all kinds of ice creams and cheese and I just look at her like, why on earth are you putting yourself through hours of cramps and nausea and having to even go to the bathroom? It’s not too challenging to have to navigate that but now that our Mom’s always away, all the responsibilities kind of fall on me.”
“I’m sorry about the divorce.” Janis nodded understandingly.
“I appreciate that, and also just how fucking happy you’ve been making her. It’s so damn cute to witness.”
Janis stifles a laugh, “That’s…good to know.”
“Actually, I’m curious— she asked you out one weekend and you just went with it? Did you automatically go ‘it’s a date’ or ‘oh, she just wants to hang out’.”
“Regina. I’m no genius but I’m no fool either. I could kinda tell she likes me.” Janis reveals, “If you recall, I don’t usually just go up to somebody and make friends with them.”
“And now, a mandatory warning— if you break her heart. I’m coming after you.”
“I hear ya.” Janis shrugs, “Good talk. Can I go back upstairs now?”
“Sure.” Regina waves, “Go kiss your girl.”
“Oh, we haven’t done that yet.” Janis said back while walking up the stairs.
“I know it won’t take too long before it happens.” Regina smirks.
“Shut up.” Janis couldn’t help it but laugh, also secretly a little happy that Regina was so supportive of it all.
“How’d it go?”
“Perfect, actually. We’re good now.” She made her way to your side, getting her legs under the duvet.
“That’s so good.” You smiled, relieved.
“What do you wanna do?” Janis asks.
“Um…” You sigh softly, “I don’t know, really.”
“So you wanna just cuddle?” Janis asked cheekily, her arm was then felt wrapped around.
She did not just ask you that. Did you want that? Yeah. Would you actually verbally say yes? No. Then you felt her eyes looking at you again, so you just looked down, then away. “Since when were you this shy with me?” She jokes.
You laughed awkwardly, “Don’t know.”
“Well, my offer still stands. You want to cuddle?”
Okay, yeah, screw it. She was here right now, and you wanted to get comfy. You didn’t exactly have to say anything but just snuggle up against her in order for Janis to get her answer. So, that’s what you did. “Let’s watch a movie.” She suggests, finding your TV remote beside her. “You wanna pick?”
“Mm, no.”
“Okay then.” She chuckles, combing a hand through your hair as she spoke, “Comedy?”
“Getting a little comfortable there, are we? That’s cute.” She realises you had your hand resting on her torso. Which you barely had the time to retract before she saw it.
“Sorry?” Janis squinted, “Hell, no. Don’t be sorry. That’s totally okay, put it there if you want to put it there.”
“Okay.” You nearly snorted laughing. “I— yeah.” Your hand finds its way back and you soon relaxed again, more so when you felt the warmth of her palm rubbing circles on the small of your back.
Halfway through the film, your mind drifts, and somehow came this question, “Jan?”
“Yeah?” Janis hums, eyes focused on the TV screen.
“What are we?” You continued, also fixated on the movie showing on the screen.
She pauses the video. Shit.
“Well, we’d be dating, technically. I’m not seeing anyone else but I don’t want either of us to feel the pressure of needing a label right away.” Janis answers softly, “I like you, I care about you and that’s what matters to me. I don’t need you to feel like you have to say anything or do anything to make it ‘official’. As long as our feelings are mutual, I’m happy with whatever we have right now and just…let everything else fall into place when it feels like the right time. Regina asked me, and I told her the same thing. I mean it, everything feels different with you— a good kind of different, yet still so familiar and soft and just…somehow exactly what I’ve dreamed of in a relationship.”
A smile tugs at your lips, “I didn’t even know how to tell you I liked you.”
“Doesn’t matter because I can feel that when I’m with you. The way you talk to me, the way you carry yourself, the way you look at me whether I’m talking to you or not. I know it’s not easy, it’s intimidating and intense and emotional and it’s not an easy step to take. But we’re here now one way or another.”
You took a deep breath and looked up at her, meeting her gaze, “I like you. I really like you, Jan.”
She smiles at you so damn brightly, it made you heart flutter. Janis wraps both her arms around you tightly, “I really like you too, y/n.”
“Woah, it’s getting a little dark outside.” Janis remarked. You snuggled closer, face down a little bit more, as if to block out the sight of the grey skies out your window.
“Hey, it’s okay.” She soothed, “It’s just a bit of rain.”
“I don’t like the thunder.” You told her, voice muffled.
She rubs your back again, pulling you closer, “It’s alright, I got you. Would it help if you put on headphones or something to block out the sound?”
“Never tried. I just ignore them and get startled every time I hear one.” You muttered, “Do you want any snacks? I’m gonna go downstairs and grab some things.”
“No, I’m good.” She says, scooting a little so you could get out.
You grabbed a bag of pretzels for you and Janis to share then a can of soda each. You returned to see her sprawled out on the bed, only looking up when she heard you set the items down. “Hey.”
“Whatcha doing?”
“Your bed’s really comfy.” She says.
“Okay, Jan.” You nod, chuckling, “Glad you’re comfortable. I got you a drink and some pretzels for us to share.”
“Can I just stay here?”
“Sure you can.” You joked, cracking the can open and taking a sip. Janis groans softly as she sat back up, “Come here, you.”
She pulls you into her lap, you yelped, scared that you were going to spill the drink. You look at her, she looks at you. Then, she leaned closer to you, brushing the hair out of your face. The intensity of the eye contact and sheer closeness of your faces made your heart race. Cupping your face, she gave you a look as a silent ask. You nodded your head eagerly, “Mhm.” The next thing you knew, her lips were against yours. Surprised, but you instantly melted into it.
Janis breaks away a few seconds later, still gazing right into your eyes, “Yeah, I’m gonna hide my face now.” You told her, feeling the blush quickly forming on your cheeks. You climbed off her lap and went back to the head of your bed, settling in your previous spot while you swirled the can in your hand.
You couldn’t help it but giggle, hiding your face behind one hand. You hear the same noise come out of her mouth a little ways in front of you. “Are you okay?”
“I am, I’m fine.” You said through the laughter.
She sits down next to you just like she did earlier, “Good.” She caresses your cheek with her thumb, a soft smile on her face.
You squealed, “I just— I can’t believe it. God I’m such a loser—”
“Hey, no!” Janis gasped, “You are not.”
“Yes I am, why am I making such a big deal out of a kiss—”
“No you aren’t.” She said back, laying her head in your lap, “I think it’s cute.“
Walking down the stairs as quietly as she could, Janis was shocked to see Regina in the kitchen. “It’s…1am. Why are you up?”
“Back hurts. Why are you up?”
Janis shrugs, going to pour herself a glass of water, “I was up talking with y/n, I didn’t even realise it was that late. But then she dozed off and I finally realised the time so I tucked her in.”
“You guys have been talking the whole time? Damn.”
“Four years is a long time, Regina. We talked about everything.” Janis sat down on a stool opposite the blonde. “Also we kissed.”
Regina’s mouth fell open, “Oh, my God. What?!”
“Then again.”
Regina nodded, seemingly impressed.
“‘Imi’ike, I don’t need to hear it if you went down on my sister. Never tell me that.”
“Relax, we didn’t do any of that.” Janis bites back a laugh, “I was gonna say then she just snuggled with me and dozed off.”
“I see she still loves clinging onto you.” Regina teased, “She’s so gay.”
“Yeah, well — so are we.” Janis chortled.
“I’m saying, she really loved laying on your chest even when she was tiny.” Regina smirked.
“I’ve got nice tits and I’m owning that, okay? She’s my girlfriend, if she wants to lay on me, she can do that all day.” Janis shrugs, shamelessly saying.
“You’re not drunk are you?” Regina eyes her suspiciously.
“Oh, no way. Sleep deprived? Definitely.” Janis glares at her, “I am running on Diet Coke and pretzels.”
Regina held back a laugh, “Was dinner that bad?”
“No, it was good. I’m just saying— we’ve been snacking on a bag of pretzels all day, after dinner too.”
“Yeah, she likes her pretzels.” Regina shrugs, “Go to bed.”
“No…I don’t think so.”
“Well she’s asleep so what do you want?”
“I want…to tell you that we’re good. I thought about what you said and we should definitely move forward. Life can only get better from here, right? Shit might have went down but life still had to move on. Now, we’re choosing to have a fresh-ish start. Make our lives better than they were before. No bitterness, no anger just tough lessons learned and new beginnings.”
Regina flashes her a genuine smile, “I’m glad, and I agree, how our lives are like depends on the choices we make. Alright, we’re good.” She raised her glass, Janis does the same. Their glasses clinked, “To new beginnings.”
Janis nodded firmly, “To new beginnings— is that wine?”
“Let me live okay? I have chronic pain and I basically am my little sister’s parent. A glass every now and then won’t hurt me.”
“Touché.” Janis shrugs, finishing her glass of water. “I’ll uh, head back upstairs and get some rest. You try and get some sleep, too. Good night.”
“Good night.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Hey look another part🤭 who wants more or should I just end it at 3 parts?
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yawntutsyip · 2 years
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Rotxo x Ao’nung’s Twin Sister
Warnings: Not proof read, super messy,
AN: This was just something a came up for a story but I’m too lazy to write it out 🤭❤️ also Rotxo has been on my mind 😦 feeling like giggling and kicking my feet he’s so precious
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You always hung out with Ao’nung and Rotxo with their friends.
Rotxo always thought you were pretty and would blush every time he saw you
He also tends to talk about you or bring you up because your always on his mind
“Oh look at these shell I found at the bottom, aren’t these (Y/N)’s favorite?
“This fruit is delicious, do you think (Y/N) would like some?”
Ao’nung was not oblivious, he saw right through Rotxo, knowing he had a thing for his sister.
Ao’nung at first didn’t like it because ew gross my sister? and she’s so annoying how could you like her? There’s better girls
Plus there was the hidden protective brother in him that he hides
But he knows Rotxo would treat you well, he trust Rotxo as that is his best friend
One day he was sitting down with Rotxo as they were sharpening spears and decided this would be a good time to bring it up
“Rotxo…do you like my sister?”
Rotxo was shocked, had he been that obvious? Did you know?!? Was Ao’nung gonna be mad?
Rotxo searched Ao’nung’s face for any frown or a hint of anger but there was nothing but a calm look
Finally mustering up the courage he told Ao’nung yes,
“I like (Y/N)…she is the most beautiful Metkayina girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Since day once of meeting you guys I feel in love with her and all her little quirks she has. (He went on more to talk about you)
Ao’nung was like Rotxo shut up that’s gross I don’t want to hear you talk about my sister like that.
Ao’nung also was like, since your my bro and I’m also tired of having my sister moan and groan about being lonely I’ll help you ig 😒
They came up with a plan together, they set up a whole thing with flower petals and cut fruit and candles and shit (it was cute)
Ao’nung is gonna distract his parents while he has Tsireya sneak you out to go meet Rotxo
Rotxo will be waiting and confess is undying love
Yeah, so that’s how they thought is was gonna go..
When Ao’nung was trying to distract his parents Tsireya had already been passed out 💀 she was tired so then he switched up and was like
Actually you know how responsible (Y/N) is? Like you should have her to take a walk, ACTUALLY I WILL take my lovely sister on a walk let us have some bonding time yeah?
They were like “bond here. Wtf? It’s late”
Yeah this wasn’t working.
Rotxo has been sitting there holding the flowers he had picked for you in hand.
“where the heck are they? I’ve been here for 20 mins now… Oh no!? Did (Y/N) not want to come and meet me?”
Your parents were fed up with Ao’nungs ranting about random shit tryna come up with a good reason as to why you need to go out this late so they were like boy if you don’t stfu and tell us that trouble your tryna get up into
At this point Ao’nung was fed up too because he was like DAMN CAN WE JUST LEAVE? THERES SOMETHING IMPORTANT ABOUT TO HAPPEN
But they were all interrupted by Rotxo coming in with a sad pout “BEFORE ANY WORDS ARE SPOKEN I MUST TALK!”
“(Y/N) I can’t hide my feelings forver from you, you mean the world to me and I don’t want our friendship to be ruined. I’m sorry that I love you but please if you would like we can forget about all this and continue being friends.” He was talking his heart out.
Your whole family just stood there shocked.
You were blushing like crazy and go up to hug Rotxo, you also had a crush on him
Yea the whole “my brothers best friend” troupe
“Rotxo what are you talking about I didn’t say anything yet, I like you too!”
He was like “what really?!”
Ao’nung was mad cuz they literally had to come up with a whole ass plan only for y’all to just be like “yo I like you” “I like you to”
ANWAYS he was just happy y’all were together now
But he was still disgusted
Also your parents approved of it because they knew how much of a good boy Rotxo is
The end
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