#I mean part of it is it’s interesting but part is ‘good’ media is stressful because it’s stressful to Ty to fidgure out lore enad wveyone e
neon-draws-sometimes · 10 months
why am I likethis (I mean I know why) why are all my interests so weird /not neg
utmv, dolls furbies, obscure games, weird indie stufd
anyway guess what I’m getting into now
ringtonecharacter. Psycho teddy/ dj teddy z. I love obsure/lost stuff and stufffron the early internet days so it his the spot. There’s a scrapped show with them?? A lost German commercial. Many differing cuts of commercials for no reason.
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mywritersmind · 7 days
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summary : After a steamy night together, neither Y/n or Lando expected to see eachother soon. Well, when they find eachother in the paddock and come to the realization that Y/n is a Piastri and Lando is Oscar’s teammate… things get interesting.
listen up : pt.1 bc i had an idea and wanna wait for baku to happen for pt.2! Piastri!sister. Mentions of sex.
word count : 562
When I entered the paddock with my brother this morning, I expected to not know anyone. Yet when I turn around and my eyes are set upon a man in the same papaya orange that Oscar wears, My jaw drops.
“This is the media pen.” Oscar whispers in my ear as we stand in the back, “Never been on this side.” then, just like that, my fear comes true. He points at him, “That’s Lando- my teammate!”
“Lando?” I repeat because I'm in such a shock that I can’t say anything else.
“Mhm. You’ll like him.” Oh yeah, he has no idea how much. Maybe enough to fuck him!? God what kind of sick joke is this!?
Lando’s eyes stray from the reporter for one second, but it’s enough for his eyes to find me. He does a double take. He looks as shocked as I feel.
Seeing the guy who I hooked up with after meeting for five minutes in a dark club four days ago was NOT on my to do list today!
He pulls his eyes away and looks back at the reporter. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?
“What the hell?” Lando managed to corner me after my brother left me in hospitality, “What the actual hell?” I mentally groan, not wanting to deal with this.
“I feel the exact same!” My hand goes to my curled hair, “Lando Norris? Seriously!?”
“You think that’s crazy? You’re my teammate's bloody sister!” he looks nauseous, “How did you not know who I was?”
We didn’t exchange names. We were both tipsy, could barely see with those damn strobe lights, then were blinded by lust- apparently!
I roll my eyes, “Oh please, not everybody knows you.”
“No.” He grits his teeth together, “But you should! Haven’t you seen photos? You’re telling me you have never seen Oscar and I together?”
I groan, “I don’t have social media! I watch F1 for Osc and you all have helmets on! Fuck this is messy.” I always skipped the media parts and Oscar doesn’t talk much about his job when he’s home.
We’re in Baku this weekend, I may have gone out alone and found comfort in a random guy. That same random guy made out with me in a corner and took me to his hotel after.
I groan, “Oscar can NOT know about this!”
“No shit!” Lando shakes his head, taking a breath before looking at me again, “I’m sorry… Im not upset. I mean, how could I be after our night?” He laughs to himself but my face remains flat, “I’m stressed this weekend.”
I sigh, flattening my nice black dress, “It’s okay. Neither of us knew.”
He looks pained again, “I can’t believe you are his sister.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I raise a brow skeptically.
“You’re just…“ He tries to find the words, “hot?”
I laugh, placing my hands on my hips, “Good to know you like one thing about me.”
“Trust me love, I like many things about you.” I punch him in the arm.
“Hush up!” I shake my head, “Makes sense that you’re a driver though.”
“Oh?” He crosses his arms. God his arms.
“It explains the stamina.” I shrug and walk away.
“Just because you’re his sister doesn’t mean I’m not up for another round!” I flip him off.
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huellitaa · 2 months
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₊˚⊹♡ education is hot!
education is literally the most valuable thing in life. please please PLEASE take advantage of that. self concept is important, good looks are important, happiness is important, health is important, but without education we wouldn't even know what any of that even means. ♡
having knowledge makes you magnetic. when you're smart, people will look up to you. and if people look up to you, it means they think about you, they admire you, and you have an influence on them.
life is knowledge. the more you learn, the more you are. knowledge is the fundamental basics to life. nothing is the root of everything but we wouldn't even know what nothing is without education. we wouldn't have language, we wouldn't have concepts, we wouldn't have technology, we wouldn't have the screen you're reading this on. we wouldn't have tumblr 😨
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 1. noting down ur findings
the smartest people ALWAYS note down what they learn, whether it be big or small. if you have lots of knowledge and / or the memory capacity of a goldfish then naturally you may not always remember what you learn. keeping it noted down in any preferably easily accessible format of your choice is so helpful and a very smart choice if you want to be an Intellectual™. notebook, sketchbook, binder, google docs, notion pages, tumblr posts, notes app, anything you like !!!!! just keep it noted down !!!! ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀2. utilising ur resources!!!!
so many people i know and millions of people throughout the world suffer with a crippling addiction to their phones, but what are you actually doing on said phone? you spend ages on your phone, your tablet, your laptop, reading, writing, playing video games, and so on, but even then, are you genuinely learning? are you taking the time to absorb the knowledge placed before you or are you skimming through it all in a mindless cycle of media consumption?
think about how you can utilise the things around you to learn. for example, make all that time spent on your devices useful. research, study, learn in your free time. knowledge is abundance. you can use your local library, your local bookshops, ur school or ur college or ur workplace just to find out more about your surroundings and about the world. it is so much more valuable thank you'd think.
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 3. wisdom
wisdom is the highest form of knowledge. to learn is to live so living is the only way you're going to truly learn, if that makes sense. therefore, by using this direct method, you gain the highest manner of knowledge; wisdom. wisdom is not being book smart or knowing how to solve equations or write essays but wisdom is genuine, pure, raw, life experience and life lessons, which, surprise surprise, can only be gained through experience and living your life. go out, try things, get out of your comfort zone, get comfy being uncomfy. you got this. ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 4. social interaction
"nerds dont know how to socialise!!!" okay so maybe i adhere to this stereotype sometimes but social interaction is, however unfortunate it may be, a key part of being intellectual and having genuine knowledge. going back to wisdom and learning through experience, speaking with and networking with and sparking connections with others is a vital way to be educated and informed and cultured along with enhancing your social skills, because we need to know how to interact with others, too. if we can't spread said knowledge through connections and socialising so it can be passed down for hundreds of thousands for years to come then there is no point in learning at all because it'll have no use in the long run.
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 5. media consumption
feed ur brain. i cannot stress this enough. read books, fiction or non fiction. i know you've heard this a million times but it's true. read just a random article of interest every day to get your brain working. learn a new word every day, read news reports, letters, interesting blogs, articles, websites, do puzzles, crosswords, wordsearches, memory games, listen to podcasts, audiobooks, watch documentaries, youtube videos, interviews, ted talks, video essays, EXERCISE UR BRAIN
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 6. insights, emotional intelligence and empathy
as i've said before, and i'll reiterate again, knowledge extends beyond simply having book smarts and knowing how to work with letters and numbers. the most powerful method of communication amongst humans is emotion, and being well versed in how to read, understand and communicate said language is only learnt through real life experience and observation of real life experiences where the use of emotional intelligence and empathy come into play. analyse these experiences and note down everything
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 7. question ur sources and BE BOLD
one thing i was taught ever since i was little is that when ur online you need to be veeeery careful with all the information you get fed because there are lots of people out there, esp on the internet, with lots of different intentions and lots of different facts, even if they have good intentions and don't mean to mislead you. always double check whatever ur told with someone you know or on another website or two or a physical yet reliable source if you have one to hand, and cite your own opinions too. you get to choose what does and doesn't get to enter your mind. your mind and your knowledge is yours entirely and only yours to be tampered with and adjusted in any way you'd like.
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 things 2 study and be generally educated on:
social etiquette and politeness
countries and their respective laws, cultures, landmarks etc.
history of your own family and ancestry
languages you're interested in and basic phrases in several languages
information about your dream and / or current career
finances and how to manage your money
business, networking and persuasion
pet psychology and how to take care of them
capital cities and basics about places around the world, esp if you plan on going travelling
something beautiful about knowledge is that you'll never run out of it and it can never be taken away from you. people can take anything from you, but never your intelligence. ♡
all my love! 💖✨💘💗🎀💓
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daisynik7 · 6 months
I could even learn how to love like you
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There’s a certain type of peace you find in the mundanity of the typical morning commute. The soothing whirring of the railway, the chill of metal against your fingers wrapped around the handholds, even the odd comfort of being surrounded by strangers who are equally as half asleep as you are, willing to shuffle the slightest bit to make room for new passengers. Sure, it’s a nuisance for the most part, but it’s your tiny pocket of harmony before the usually stressful workday. A routine you’ve grown accustomed to, something you can rely on to stay the same in this ever-changing society. 
Change is never a bad thing, though. And sometimes, it takes a stranger on the train to show you that.
He immediately captures your attention the first time you see him. Tan business suit, straight posture, hair neatly parted, stoic expression etched on his face. The typical salary man heading to his office job in the city. While his stature is most-impressive, it’s his tie that piques your interest, a spotted pattern akin to leopard print. A splash of pizzazz on an otherwise ordinary outfit. 
He maneuvers his way to you, wrapping his fist around the same pole you’re holding, his grip a safe distance above yours. He glances at you through his spectacles, giving you a short nod to acknowledge you. You return this with a small smile, and when you notice he doesn’t have any headphones in, you say, “I like your tie.” You normally wouldn’t speak to anyone here, most people too immersed in their preferred choice of media, like music or the news. Something tells you that straying from your usual habits might be good for you today.
The second of silence where he’s processing what you said scares you; maybe you’ve become a bother for him in this already troublesome commute. Then, he clears his throat, his gaze flickering at you for the briefest moment before it focuses on the floor. “Thank you.”
The conversation ends there. In fact, that’s your entire interaction throughout the remainder of the journey. Your station arrives before his and you leave without another word. It’s neither awkward nor extraordinary. Still, the moment doesn’t stop replaying in your memory the rest of the day. You wonder if you’ll get a chance to see him on the way home, knowing the chances are slim. Schedules vary, there are many different sections of the train. The stars would have to align just right for you to be reunited with this stranger. Despite the improbability of it all, you allow yourself to be hopeful. The little taste of excitement this morning has you craving more. 
Two days pass until Nanami meets you again. Maybe he does it subconsciously, maybe it’s intentional, but he finds himself gravitating towards you. When he places his hand above yours on the pole, in similar fashion to the last time, he gives his usual nod, unsure if you recognize him.
You beam at him. “Good morning!”
He doesn’t say anything else; he’d only be pestering you with trivial conversation. Though he can’t help watching from his peripheral as you scroll through pictures of delicious food on your phone. He notices you screenshot the ones that include recipes in the description, causing him to grin to himself at how he does the same. The urge to comment is in the back of his throat, the tip of his tongue. Getting it out proves to be difficult, and he knows why. Nanami made a vow to himself ever since he returned to being a Jujutsu Sorcerer: don’t fall in love. He’s completely aware of how dangerous his job is, how his life is at risk every single mission he’s sent on. It’s what he signed up for, the life he’s currently committed to. There’s no room for attachment, for love. It's easier for him to avoid it altogether, even if it means swallowing down a simple hello on the train. It’s better this way. And quite frankly, he isn’t sure if he’s even capable of loving the way others do. His heart has become so callous throughout the years that there’s no chance at it ever softening, he’s sure of it. Perhaps the flutter in his chest at the smile you flash him is a coincidence, nothing more. 
This theory is soon debunked. 
Nanami is especially tired after today’s mission. Heading home, he manages to secure a row of empty seats and plops himself down, resting his head back, sighing. He closes his eyes, listening to the usual hustle and bustle of rush hour, resisting every temptation to fall asleep. Missing his stop would put a damper on his already foul mood. 
Eventually, the automated voice announces your stop. For whatever reason, he made it a point to remember it when you hopped off this morning, just two away from his. When he feels someone sit beside him, he peeks with one eye open, curious. 
“Hi.” You smile softly at him, eyes crinkling with genuine kindness. “It’s you.”
While Nanami is guarded and closed off from people outside his intimate circle, he’s never rude. He has no other choice but to respond to you, ignoring the obvious thump in his chest at your endearing greeting. “Hello.” He tries his best to convince himself that this unfamiliar flutter surrounding him is some sort of medical condition that needs proper diagnosis and not affection towards a beautiful stranger on the train. Stiffening in his seat, he pretends not to be intrigued by the food magazine you start flipping through, secretly studying the way you fold the corners of all the recipes you want to save for later. 
Halfway into the ride, he actually does fall asleep, only rousing awake when he feels a gentle tap on his shoulder. Blinking the bleariness from his eyes, he catches you staring at him guiltily. “Sorry,” you apologize. “I think your stop is coming next and I didn’t want you to miss it.”
He sits up straight, readjusting his tie, clearing his throat before he replies, “Thank you.” Sure enough, the automated voice from the speaker announces that they’ll be approaching his stop next. Slightly disoriented from his nap, he stands up, grasping the nearest handhold tight. His mind is racing, body itching to say something more, say anything more. Before he can, the train comes to a halt. The doors open and without another glance, he’s gone. 
Nanami spends the entire fifteen minutes of his walk home attempting to quell the stir of emotions inside him, from guilt to giddiness, all over the simple fact that you’ve memorized his stop. That you’re paying attention to him just as he is with you. 
This time, he’s the first to greet you, offering a polite nod before he grabs onto the same pole that you’re occupying. “Good morning.”
You’ve been boarding this particular section ever since you started seeing him, hoping he’d do the same. “Hello, stranger,” you respond with a grin, unable to contain your happiness.
He holds his other hand out to you. “Nanami. Nanami Kento.”
You state your name in similar fashion, shaking his hand. His skin is rough against yours, though his grip is gentle. You let go of him, dropping your arm to your side, fingers tingling. “I guess we’re not strangers anymore.”
“I guess not,” he says with a small smile. And it’s enough to send you into a tizzy. 
Conversation is easy with him. He mentions the magazine you were reading the other day, expressing his mutual interest in food. From there, the two of you talk about your favorite restaurants and eateries around the area, giving your best recommendations. Because of all the ambient noise, you lean in close to one another to hear each other properly. The gap between your hands on the pole is shorter by the time your stop approaches. You’re prepared to bid him a reluctant farewell, so it surprises you when he follows you off. “Is this your stop too?” you ask him, though you already know it isn’t. 
He shakes his head, fixing his tie idly. “My office is fifteen minutes from here. I want to get a quick walk in before I start work.”
“Are you sure this isn’t an excuse to spend more time with me?” you tease him, smirking.
He gazes into your eyes. “Maybe it’s that too.”
This is the start of a new and exciting routine for you, one that involves Nanami. You’ll spend the morning together, talking to each other in the middle of the crowded train. Then, he’ll walk you to your office building, where he leaves you with a cordial bow. You’re reunited during rush hour, sitting next to each other sharing either the newspaper he brings along with him or the new issue of a magazine you’re subscribed to. You’ll even rip out recipes for him to keep, which he tucks safely in his pocket. When he’s too tired from the workday, he’ll close his eyes, his head falling just shy of your shoulder. It all seems silly and insignificant, but to you, it’s special. 
Your relationship never goes beyond this. The two of you don’t talk about work, you never ask questions about the new injuries on his hands or the minor scrapes on his face. The idea of being anything other than acquaintances who commute together terrifies you, and you have a strong sense that it terrifies him as well. While it would be nice to be in love, you’re not confident if you can give that to him. 
It's only after Nanami stops coming when you realize that maybe you can love him. 
On Thursday, the morning after Halloween, the commute takes longer than usual due to a mysterious incident in Shibuya that the media hasn’t disclosed fully. You listen carefully to the gossip surrounding the train. According to the elder folks, it has something to do about “the hooligans” partying too hard on Halloween. The younger generation of passengers chalk it up to some conspiracy about magical entities attacking civilians to lure other magical entities. You’re not sure what to believe, and whatever is the truth doesn’t matter once you realize Nanami hasn’t boarded at his usual stop. The delays don’t help your anxiety as you spend the remainder of the ride wondering where he could be, why he hasn’t shown up, if he’s okay. 
You follow the same routine as best as you can, frequenting the same section as you usually do, holding onto the same pole, which is lonely now without his presence. On the way home, you place your bag in the seat beside you, saving it for him if there’s ever the slim chance he does show up. You continue to tear recipes from the magazines you would normally read with him, placing them inside a small envelope marked with his name, ready to present to him if you ever do see him again. To show him that you never stop thinking about him even in his absence. 
Nothing is ever revealed about what really happened in Shibuya. The general consensus is that whatever danger emerged on that Halloween night is no longer a threat and that the citizens of Tokyo are once again safe. And based on the timing of Nanami’s sudden disappearance, you believe that he’s part of the reason for that. It’s the only solace you find in this otherwise heartbreaking situation. Still, you hold out hope. For what? You’re not sure until two months later when Nanami returns to your life. 
It takes one month for Nanami to be discharged from the hospital. He was admitted two days following Halloween, after Ieiri performed all she could with her abilities to aid him with his injuries. But he’s alive, they all are. The Jujutsu sorcerers succeeded at defeating Kenjaku and all his minions, thwarting whatever horrible fate they had in store for Tokyo, potentially the entire world. They won. 
However, their triumph came with a cost. The Shibuya Incident left him permanently scarred on the left side and one eye lost forever. Rehabilitation has been grueling the past few weeks, struggling to come to terms with this battered body. He’s received unyielding support from his colleagues who he shares this trauma with. Despite this, there’s something missing, someone missing in his life. He thinks about you much more than he ought to, wondering if you’ve noticed his absence, if it’s affected you at all. Ever the pessimist, Nanami has convinced himself that you have forgotten about him, even after all the tiny, special moments you’ve shared together. It’s better this way, he knows that. After all, he doesn’t have the slightest clue what love is or how to love somebody. 
Still, he’d like to see you again, just to know that you’re doing alright. 
Another month passes before he musters the courage to be out in public again. Because of the winter season, he can hide as much of himself without rousing any suspicion. A large coat, mittens on his hands, a scarf around his neck, a mask to cover the burn scars. He dons his usual spectacles, hoping to conceal the eyepatch draped across his hollow socket. Ever since the incident, he’s felt like a monster, unable to reveal himself to strangers oblivious to the true events of that night. 
He finally boards the train, stepping foot in the usual section as he would going home, searching for a familiar face. There you are, as beautiful as ever, sitting in the same seat, your bag occupying the one beside you. You look up, your eyes meeting his, holding onto his gaze a split second longer than expected before you focus back on the magazine laid out on your lap.
It takes everything in him to deny the swell in his chest, the tiniest sliver of hope fluttering in his belly at the thought of you recognizing him. Before he loses his composure, he takes his place on the empty row across from you, enough distance to observe you inconspicuously. That’s all he intends to do, nothing more. 
As much as his world has been shaken, he’s comforted by you flipping through your magazine as usual, your life continuing normally as it should. However, he can’t help feeling a deep sadness, knowing he’s not a part of it anymore. 
Once again, you prove his assumptions wrong.
His eye widens, intrigued by you grinning at a particular page, carefully tearing it from the binding, something you used to do this for him not too long ago. He watches with bated breath as you retrieve from your bag a marked envelope already teeming with what he assumes are other recipes from previous issues. You add the new one with a delighted expression, making sure to close the flap for a temporary seal. And clear as day on the front of the envelope, even with his obscured vision, is his name written on the front. 
He sits up straight at this, his full attention on this seemingly insignificant discovery. This captures your attention, the inkling you had earlier validated. It’s him. The stature, the posture, those distinct steampunk glasses. You didn’t want to be wrong, so you didn’t say anything, trying to stifle your quickening heartbeat. But you’ve been waiting two months for this reunion, yearned for it more than anything. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you stand up, traversing towards him until you’re an arms-length away, gripping a pole tightly to steady yourself. “Nanami?”
Panic sinks in as he decides to reveal himself to you, anticipating the shock and terror in your face when you see what he looks like now. He removes the mask slowly, avoiding eye contact. “Yes, it’s me.”
Your reaction surprises him. With that same warm smile he’s missed so much, you sit down beside him, unfazed by the scars. “I’m so happy to see you.”
Love is standing close on a crowded train to keep each other company. Love is getting off at the wrong stop to spend more time together. Love is magazine clippings in an envelope with his name on it. Love is seeing all the broken pieces of him and still finding him completely beautiful. 
Nanami is certain now that he could learn how to love like you. 
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Author's Note: This is the final installment of the past lives vignettes series. It’s a bit cheesy, but I really wanted to explore the aspect of “missed connections” and I thought strangers on the train would be perfect to do that. Title inspired by the song “Love Like You” by Rebecca Sugar. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are never expected, always appreciated. Thanks for reading. Divider credit to @/cafekitsune.
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piracytheorist · 2 years
A few notes on trigger discipline, with examples from Spy x Family
One of the first things you learn when learning how to use a gun is that you absolutely do NOT put your finger on the trigger unless you're 100% ready and willing to shoot (and deal with whatever the consequences may be).
Accidental fire is extremely easy to occur. If your finger is touching the trigger, a simple spasm of the hand, a sudden sound or movement in the environment, or jostling from moving can cause the finger to pull the trigger. If you haven't aimed correctly at something that you want to shoot at, you'll very likely shoot something you don't want to shoot, including your own body parts. That's not even counting the fact that you may not properly control the recoil.
So normally, you need to train your discipline so that your first instinct when picking up a gun - especially during a stressful moment - will be for the finger to not go on the trigger until the gun is properly aimed at who/what you want to shoot.
I only trained with air guns some years ago, but discipline was still important; you wrap your hand around the handle with the index finger away from the trigger, make sure you have a good grip on it, raise the gun from the counter, aim, align the sights, and then you put the finger on the trigger and shoot. The one (1) time I accidentally put my finger on it before raising the gun, I shot at the wall while raising it and got a very angry look from my instructor. I was lucky that's all I got.
Since then, I've been noticing trigger discipline in media, and a lot of those get it very wrong.
To his big credit, Tatsuya Endo gets it right.
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Twilight's finger is resting parallel to the barrel of the gun, away from the trigger. While this entire pose is more artistic than realistic, it was still important to Endo to portray correct discipline. You don't do that if you don't know about it.
Similarly with Nightfall in the cover of the sixth volume.
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Again, artistic, not realistic pose. Still correct discipline.
More examples of artistic depictions with correct discipline:
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And then! An action pose!
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Twilight has a clear ready-to-shoot pose; he has a target, so finger goes on the trigger. (Normally the gun should be a little higher so he can properly align the sights but he's TwilightTM so I give it a pass)
Even Bondman has good discipline!
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Seeing correct discipline in those pictures piques my interest a lot, because it shows that the artist is consciously choosing when he'll show a finger on a trigger, making such a moment more impactful.
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Twilight aims his gun right on Edgar's head, his finger on the trigger. Again, you don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're about to shoot. If you're only threatening someone, it should still be off because one single unintentional fire can kill your target when you didn't mean to. Now, I can suspend my disbelief and say Twilight has super duper control over his body to the point of not being jostled or his hand not spasming suddenly because he's TwilightTM. So I instead focus on how serious Twilight was here about killing Edgar. Should Edgar do any movement, he's dead.
Again, it's about the knowledge of trigger discipline itself. When you portray a character not touching the trigger when they don't need to, showing the opposite hits harder.
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The Handler prepares the gun ominously, her finger off the trigger.
But when she aims it at the student's head...
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She's serious. She's made sure the students heard her prepare the gun, so when she threatens the student, he knows what he's facing despite wearing a blindfold.
Again, in a realistic scenario, in both cases their fingers would rest away from the trigger, because their intention is not to kill their targets unless absolutely necessary. But that might have confused the readers who don't know about trigger discipline, and might have made for less impactful moments. So I give that a pass, especially since Endo is shown to be aware of correct discipline.
The anime is also aware of this.
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Twilight is assessing the situation; finger is off the trigger.
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The Handler prepares the gun; finger off.
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She threatens the student; finger on.
(Of course, there have been moments both in manga and anime with incorrect depictions. But I can let those pass cause I know there's a lot of people involved in creating the art and things can get complicated)
A few more examples, from the Imperial Scholars meeting:
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Those are very short moments, but someone drew those stills and intentionally had the guards' index fingers extended and not around the trigger.
As I said above, those examples pique my interest because they are conscious, deliberate choices... and good use of that can make for an impactful scene... say, identity reveal happens, Twilight is aiming his gun at the Thorn Princess, but his finger is off the trigger. He urges himself to put the finger on it, but the damn thing won't move... she also cannot bring herself to stab him even though her dagger is right at his throat, and she notices his hesitation... Endo-sensei I am begging...
(don't spoil me if it happens in the manga, let me live in ignorance)
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Fast Cars on the Island - Oscar Piastri x LoveIslandContestant! Reader Part 2
Plot: Your an engineer for Mclaren and you were asked as a PR stunt to go onto Love Island. You would keep your job of course but Mclaren wanted some more media traction.
A/N: I know they would never do this, and that's why its fiction!
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Conversations around the Villa:
You all had your time adventuring around before you were pulled to one side by Charlie.
“Hey look, I just wanted to talk about why I chose you earlier!” He says leading you onto the balcony and shutting the door so no one else can interrupt the conversation.
“Hey it’s okay. You had to choose someone I get it” you smile trying not to be rude.
“I actually know off you, that’s why I chose you because I know your real” he smiles and you cock your head to the side not understanding how he knew you. Was he and F1 fan, and had seen you in the garage fixing up the car.
“Oh? You do?” You ask.
“Yeah, im a physician but for Endurance Racing. I work with Porche” he explains and you smile a little.
“So you’ve seen me around the paddock in F1?” You ask intrigued.
“Mmm yeah, I mean I sometimes get tickets to go… but we’re both in the Motorsport world” he grins as if trying to convince you that you’d guys would be a good pair.
“Charlie look, I don’t want to close myself off from Aaron” you sigh, knowing there was an ease with you and Aaron that made you feel comfortable.
You felt a little tense around Charlie like he had expectations about you because he knew you before the Villa.
“Im not asking you to, but I don’t think you should be wasting your time on a guy like him” he admits moving closer to you making you move back a little.
“Charlie, I can’t do that. I owe it to Aaron and to myself to see what is there” you admit, and he sighs getting up and taking his water bottle labelled with your name on it.
“Hey that my water bottle” you cry out and he just turns round, smirks before taking a long swig out of it, your mouth dropping open in shock.
You walk into the dressing room, standing there in shock for a second watching where Charlie had walked off too, down the stairs.
You hear the flush of the toilet, making your head turn at the sound to see Aaron coming out the bathroom and walking across to the sink.
“Aaron?” You ask looking at him.
“Hey” he smiles softly in almost a whisper. He walks over to you, a small smile on his face as he looks over your puppy dog eyes and the pout on your lip.
“Aaron im so so sorry. I thought we’d stick together and I wanted to, I still want to. I” you try and ramble out making him chuckle a little bit before pulling you against his chest. He now towered over your 5ft 4 stature making you feel secure in the hug.
“It’s okay, whatever happens tomorrow night I don’t want you to feel stressed or pressured to choose me. But I want to still have you open to the idea of me” he smiles still holding you against his chest.
“Of course you are. I already told Charlie I wouldn’t stop getting to know you” you smile up at him. He nods down at you.
“Mmm but don’t feel like you can’t you know keep your options open either. If you want to get to know Daniel or Chris or Jai it’s on you” he smiles looking down at you with a serious look.
“I don’t w-“ you start but he interrupts with a finger on your lips and a shake of his head.
“What will you do? You have to keep your options open then” you say wanting him to know that it was equal.
“Your it for me Y/N, you tick all of my boxes. I’m only interested in you now” he smiles and you nod.
If anything solidified your thoughts on who to choose tomorrow, this would do it.
Lando and Oscar Reactions:
“Man I can’t believe he took her” Lando grunts watching as you go with all the girls and gossip about the boys to them while checking out the pristine dressing room and bedrooms where you’d be sleeping tonight.
“Mmmm” Oscar says still focused on the fact you’d already seemed interested in three boys that weren’t him.
He just had to remember it was all a game and a massive PR stunt from McLaren.
They watch on as Charlie pulls you away onto the balcony for a private convo.
“WHAT” Lando exclaims looking over to Oscar.
“Yeah I think i recognise him. He was at Le Mans last year with Matt Campbell, he’s an Aussie endurance racer. I’m guessing that’s who he currently is Physio for.” Oscar says showing Lando the guys Instagram that already has a ton more followers than he expected.
“Damn, so he’s like aware of who she is. Isn’t that a little … I dunno creepy?” Lando asks watching Charlie and you interact and sees you move away from him on the balcony seating.
They watch the rest of the awkward interaction both cringing when he steals your water bottle and winks.
“What a cringey bastard. Y/N get away, i tell you get away” Lando says swatting towards the TV with his hand. Oscar also had bad vibes from the guy, did he say in his interview that he knew Y/N to help him get a spot on there. Was he a raving stalker or was he being honest? Oscar really couldn’t tell.
They watch your cute interaction with Aaron and Lando is giggling and kicking his feet watching the whole interaction. You were his best friend after all so he was really routing for you, and this Aaron guy seemed like a nice genuine lad.
Oscar on the other hand was currently planning Aaron’s mysterious and coincidentally accidental death. He hated seeing that look on your face and they way you looked up at him.
He wanted you to look at him that way.
However, Oscar is oblivious and you’ve looked at him like that many times before when you feel like your engineering wasn’t great and messed up his race, or when he nicks some of your ice-cream, or when you get a hug from him after stubbing your toe on the wheel.
More conversations around the Villa:
Charlie walked out, still holding your bottle as he wondered around the outside of the Villa. He notices Jai and Zavi, and thinks it’s best that he moves over there and tries to strike up some conversation and make some friends as the late comer.
“Mind if I take a seat?” He asks pointing to the beanbag, Jai and Zavi nod from the loungers. Jai takes note right away of the misnamed bottle in his hand.
“You wrangled her then bro?” Jai asks with a little laugh nodding his head down to the bottle in his hand. Zavi catches on, sitting up wanting in on the gossip.
“Oh my gosh! That’s her bottle!” She gasps quietly in a whisper placing her feet on the warm tiled floor.
“Nah, not yet but I’ve gotta make my stamp there right?” He asks with a cocky smirk.
“She still wanting to talk to Aaron?” Zavi asks, looking behind her to see if anyone else was spying in on their conversation but they seemed to be alone.
“Yeah, unfortunately but it’s not to worry. I’m sure she’ll be wrapped around my finger by tomorrow night” he assures leaning back and putting his arms behind his head.
In the hub with Jai:
“Like you’ve gotta respect his grind, my man’s in confident with getting Y/N but I dunno there’s something different about her that I don’t think Charlie will be able to tame the way he wants too. But I’m rooting for my brother” he smiles as he talks to the private camera playing with the chain on his neck.
More conversations around the Villa:
“Hey guys!” You smile heading over to Daniel, Millie and Auriela who were all chilling in the kitchen away from the setting sun and all talking.
“Hey girl! We were just talking about you!” Auriela grins with a pearly white smile.
“Good things I hope!” You joke, slicing some mango that was in the fridge ready to be cut up. As you do you offer some around the table.
“Of course, we were actually wondering what you did for work! Daniel thinks your a model, I think your an air hostess and Auriela thinks your like a CEO to a global cooperation” she says making you giggle at all of the possibilities.
“Mmmm you my friends are all wrong” you say biting into a slice of mango.
“What do you so then?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out!” You grin wanting to keep it a mystery for a while.
“‘Mmm Mrs Mysterious I like that” Millie grins with a playful growl and claw of her hand making you all burst out laughing.
Dinner was quick where you all shared stories, Charlie getting the memo you didn’t want to share your career just yet, and not wanting to get into your bad books decided to remain quiet when asked.
You guys all call it in for a night, the girls all take their makeup off while the boys take turns showering. Before all the girls take their turns in the shower too. Charlie happened to be brushing his teeth while you were washing your hair making him smirk as you lifted your arms a little too high showing him your naked boobs.
A wolf whistle sounds from him making you shake your head and roll your eyes turning away from him as you continue to wash the shampoo out. You end your showering changing into some cute pijamas for the first night.
As you walk through you see Aaron right next to the doors as you walk in from the dressing room. He beckons you over and you kneel over on the bed he’s laying in.
“Goodnight gorgeous” he whispers to you before kissing your forehead making you smile at him. You kiss his head back before jumping into your bed which is next to what should be yours and Aaron’s bed.
Charlie isn’t there. Neither is Chris. After about 30 seconds you hear two bodies run up the stairs one after the other, one being Chris the other being Charlie.
“The C and C bros” Daniel whispers shouts across the room making everyone laugh. Charlie climbs into bed with you, on the opposite side so he isn’t near Aaron whose currently looking up at the ceiling.
You roll over, facing his way as Charlie snuggles in closer to you wrapping his arms around you. And with that you and Aaron fall asleep way after everyone else, somehow communicating to each other just through your eyes…
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
@dr4g0ngirl @halleest @teamnovalak @minkyungseokie @barcelonaloverf1life @laneyspaulding19 @leclercdream @formulaal @gothicwidowsworld @fifan676 @formulas-bitch @ausracing @jehun @willowpains @scarletwidow3000 @itsjustfranzi
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his-tamine · 3 months
SPIDER'S ATTEMPTING HIS VERY FIRST COMMS!!!! RAAAA!!!!! (I’m legit sooo fucking nervous - everyone point & laugh /lh)
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Info below ↓ (looks like way more than it is)
- As I said, this is my first time doing commissions, so thank you in advance for your patience with me. Contact me via email ([email protected]), Tumblr DMs, or Discord (eldritchwhore_) - whichever you’re most comfy with - if you’re interested! I'm also open to using other social media(s) you prefer, just let me know what. :]
I WILL draw:
NSFW (only of 18+ characters)
SFW (characters of all ages)
Fan art
Ship Art
etc. (just lmk)
I WON'T draw:
The obvious (anything hateful or illegal)
Furry (genuine skill issue on my part)
Mecha (again: skill issue)
you can always request to see my progress, but I will show you when I am halfway finished, either way, incase you want to make any changes.
$ up front - it won't be spent until after completion.
Payments via Paypal, Cash App, or Venmo.
If you do decide to commission me, first of all, thank you sooo much in advance! And Please keep in mind, that there is a vanilla family member currently holding and running all of the financial service apps (Paypal, Venmo, Cash App.) They do know that I draw adult content, but they do not know the specifics of what kinds of adult content (& I'd love to keep it that way lol.) So if you do decide to leave a note with your payment, please, please, PLEASE, make sure that the note is appropriate, otherwise blank is also completely fine. Have mercy on my soul, basically. If you are getting some NSFW artwork and wanna talk specifics, please do so with the email provided above (& again right here: [email protected]), Tumblr DMs, Discord, etc. so that you know you are talking to me.
Also, if you contact me & don't get a response right away, my timezone is EST (I could be asleep,) and my life's been a little stressful lately to say the least. But I promise that I will get back to you ASAP. Furthermore, if there are any delays during the process of actually making your commission, I will immediately reach out to you and keep you in the loop. - major shoutouts to my homies, @indulgnc - for helping me figure everything out. He helped me with the base sheet, some common art terms that I somehow didn't know the meanings of, coming up with good prices, & basically walked me through the entire process. I would’ve been way too clueless and way too chicken shit to even attempt this without him.
and @dsnzfb - for allowing me to use a drawing I made of her ocs Cactus & Rose, as one of the examples above. I needed a good example of a colored bust-up, & dye’s color palette for her characters is so gorgeous. thank you guys for always being so supportive - y'all rock. I don't know if I can actually do anything to help dig myself & my family out of the hole we’re in with ocs, & kink art, but goddamn it, I will certainly try. -
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footiehoemcfc · 1 year
We'll be Alright
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Hi :) okay so this is the first fic I've ever written and the first one I've ever posted so I'm still new to trying and figuring out how this works. I've always wanted to write one and I had this concept on my notes for a while now. I also want to thank @carlottawllms and @cityfanchelseaslut because with just their writing they played a small part in inspiring me to do this <3. Anyways this will deff have a second part or three idk yet, but it will not be out until like a week or two cause I'm going a on a trip. I hope you like it and if you have feedback lmk ily. Angst, tw some curse words, 2.7k words PART 2, 3 and 4 (final) on my masterlist!
Life lately had been stressful to say the least. It had taken a toll on you and Mason. You were in the middle of a busy period with your company, a lot of meetings, projects and deadlines. On top of that, you’ve had family problems. Mason was dealing with social media scrutiny, transfer rumors, little to zero game time and it affected him, more than he liked to admit. You both were really just tired of everything and the only thing both of you wanted was a break from everything and be with one another. 
Your relationship was not new, but it was not long enough for it to have been through really rough patches. You knew at some point it would come though, Mason travels a lot and is always training. However, you always thought that whatever rough patch you’d go through would be easy with him since you two were pretty good at communicating. This hasn’t been the case at all. Ever since the new year Mason has been more and more distant and wanted to talk less about everything. You could feel it, you felt lonely. You felt like you were just there, you did not feel like his girlfriend, you felt like he didn’t love you as much. 
It was already dinner time and you were cooking for the both of you, something you always liked to do. You heard the front door open and Mason walk in through the door. You smiled at him and he gave you a smile as well. “Hi my love, smells good” he said as he placed his keys on the key holder. “Hi baby, thanks I’m making this Mexican bowl I saw on tiktok thought you might like it”, he came over to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek saying “Thank you”. 
When you finished cooking, you both sat down and ate almost entirely in silence until he decided to tell you something you were not expecting. “I had a meeting with Lew and my dad today, about my contract”, you had no idea where this was going since it was pretty much the first time he was talking about this topic with you. You nodded for him to go on, “well I think a transfer would be the best option for me in the summer, there are a couple of clubs that have shown interest so…yea”. What? You thought to yourself. You were so confused. He had always wanted to stay here why is it changing all of a sudden? You met this boy 2 years ago, he would always go on and on about how much he loved the fans, the team, the staff, the stadium, the atmosphere, so how come he wants to leave now? At the beginning of the relationship you would’ve agreed immediately not being a huge Chelsea fan yourself, but after being with him and getting to know him, you could care less what club he was playing, you knew how much he loved living here and being on the team. Sure, this season has been far from what they thought it would be, but you were not expecting this. You had your doubts, why is he wanting a move now? 
“Hello, are you there?” Mason said chuckling interrupting you from all of your thoughts. “I thought you’d be more excited or happy about this…” he said, “No, I mean, yes, I’m just shocked sorry. I wasn’t expecting that, especially since you love it here and since I’ve known you you’ve never mentioned leaving or anything like that.” “Yea I know I never have but, you know my contract ends next year, the new offer is not ideal, and Lewis and my dad think it’s the best option” he said looking at you, “okay” you weren’t sure what to say. You knew it was not his idea. As much as he needed to take into consideration other people’s opinions on this matter, you thought it was best if he made a decision based on what he thought it was best for him. “Okayy what?” “Nothing” “Y/n I know you, you are biting your tongue”. 
Well, if you promised to be honest with him you would. “I just think…I mean is that what you really want? You want to leave? Or is it just the easy way out? Or just because your family said it was best you think it is?” you said this in a loving tone, trying to really figure out why he was trying to decide so quickly on this. “I-I do want this” he stuttered, you knew deep down he was still debating whether it would be a good idea or not. “Okay, then that’s fine” you said getting up and picking up your plate. He placed his fork down and looked frustrated. “You don’t believe me” “Mason plea-“ “This is going to be the best for me, I know you never really cared or supported chels but it will be the same with the new club so not much will change and it won’t be that hard for you” you stopped what you were doing while he said this. You never cared? You knew this would turn ugly now that both of you were getting more upset. “I never cared?! I always go to your games when I can, or I watch them from home. You know damn well wherever you go I will support you because you are my boyfriend” “Then why is this so bad for you?” “Because I know this is not what you want!” as much as you didn’t want to raise your voice, you were getting tired of trying to make him understand what bothered you.
You wanted him to be happy, and if that meant leaving then so be it, but it just confused you how he would make such a big decision in a span of a few hours without thinking about it more. Hell, he could barely decide what to wear for a night out in two hours. “It’s what I want now!” He had never raised his voice like this with you. You could cut the tension with a knife in the room. “Have you not seen the shit show this season has been!? Of course not, you’ve been busier than ever with your job and your office meetings.” “And don’t you think that maybe next year it will be different? You are bullshitting yourself into thinking that going to another place is the better option when you and I both know you’ve never ever dreamed of that. Just because people that love you want that for you does not mean you need to do it. Think for yourself. And I do care, I watch every single game of yours, I never say anything about it cause I know you come home upset and never talk to me about it…and that’s…that’s a whole other thing” whispering the last part and looking away. 
This was it. This was the rough patch you were anticipating with him. You didn’t want to have this fight but maybe it was for the best. You were not planning on telling Mason how you’ve felt the last couple of months to not add anything more on his plate, but tonight maybe would be the day. You were tired of it, the first time you are hearing about his contract is today, never discussing it with you. You knew it would be an option and you would follow him anywhere, but it hurt that he could never talk to you about it and have your input as well, every big decision you’ve made you would always ask his opinion. “What whole other thing?” “Mason…I feel like…I feel like the past 2-3 months I’ve just been trying for you to talk to me and for you to let me help you and you just don’t want it. I didn’t even know when you were injured, I find out today that you made up your mind about what you want to do, I never knew anything about this whole thing. I’m out of the loop on your life. I feel like I’m there for you or at least try to cause you don’t’ let me, and you never bother to be there for me, I’ve been going through a lot too at work and with my family.” After saying that you had no idea how this would go down. To be honest, recently you could never tell in which mood Mason would be. You did not blame him though, it has been incredibly hard for him, but you needed him as well.
After you said this his face, just said it all. “Y/n this whole year has been shit, I don’t need this” Ouch. You excepted different outcomes from this, but him not caring AGAIN was not one of them. “You don’t need what? Me? This relationship? To talk about it?” You were getting more and more upset, you felt like he was invalidating your feelings. “No, I don’t need more problems, I already have enough bullshit to deal with. I don’t talk to you about it because I know it will stress you out, more than you are already.” You scoffed hearing this. “Again, you don’t believe me fucking hell” “No I don’t Mason, how come you can open up and talk to your friends and not me?” Mason started grabbing his face and pacing around the room. He didn’t want to have this conversation, you could visibly tell. But you were adamant to figure out why he was being like this with you. “You are so selfish sometimes.” 
After everything you have done, for him to call you selfish was the tip of the iceberg. “Selfish!? Selfish? Are you being serious right now? Selfish because I want to feel like your fucking girlfriend again?!” “You are!” This was getting heated very quickly and you didn’t like it. What was supposed to be a nice dinner with him just turned into probably the biggest argument you two have ever had. “Mason” you tried calming yourself down to talk to him so he would do the same as well. “Listen, I feel the way I fee-“ “Do you like seeing me fail here to feel better about yourself? Is that what this is?” “What?” You were shocked. How did it go from you being selfish to know you wanting him to fail. It’s like both of you were throwing in everything, every single thought you two have had the past month because you haven’t been communicating. Being selfish was one thing, but him thinking that low of you hurt, specially because you have always rooted for him. “Where the hell did that come from?” You need to know if you did something to make him think that way, you were certain you hadn’t. “It doesn’t matter” he was about to walk to the main entrance of the house to go upstairs. “No, what is that about?” He stopped. He didn’t turn around, debating whether to keep arguing or just leave it and go upstairs. He finally turned around, “Jayden had that thought and…I don’t know I feel like now that you think I’m making the wrong decision maybe he is right” Jayden. The one friend of his that had some sort of vendetta against you. You were always nice to him, but he was a prick. You had your reasons to dislike him and Mason knew you two did not get along but you were not going to be that girlfriend that wants their boyfriend to cut someone off their lives. You were aware he didn’t like you too, why? He had always said Mason “settled” too quickly and he was too young to be “fucking around with just one girl”. Jayden loved going out, getting drunk and have a crazy night. Mason did not, but Jayden always thought it was you telling him not to go out drinking or something. 
You snapped back to reality. “Jayden? Out of all of your friends, you are going to believe Jayden? The guy who hates me for god knows what?” Mason was just blank, he was slowly realizing how ridiculous that sounded, especially since it was coming from someone who doesn’t really know you. But that, that was your tipping point. You felt like you had enough. First, being called selfish and now this. You wanted to cry, not because of the situation itself but because it hurt that after all the effort you’ve made to be there for him even thought you were having a hard time to, he would think like that. You gathered up the courage to say what you had to say, “well you know what, if you want to be talking to your friends about all of this and not me, go ahead. I’m done, and you can tell Jayden to go fuck himself, and so can you.” You walked up to the couch to grab your overnight bag, put your shoes and jacket on and leave. You did not want to be with him now. You felt like he was disrespecting you. He tried to stop you from leaving the kitchen. You realized that was not all you had inside you. 
“Y/n stop please, we can talk about this” just as you were about to open the front door, you decided to let it out. “Oh, now you want to talk. You want to believe what your friends say? Go ahead. I’ve been so patient Mason I really have. I’ve come here after every game to try and take your mind off it and the only way it worked was when it was sex, I’ve been trying for you to talk to me but no you have your stupid fucking friend, I’ve been trying to get you help and no you don’t need it and I’m worrying too much. I’ve been waiting for YOU to ask me how I am and actually care about my life as well but you haven’t cause you don’t. I’ve been feeling like a fucking ghost in your house and with you, all while I’ve felt like shit cause my job is killing me, I feel like I will literally break down any day now and I STILL make the fucking effort to come here because I know you are not okay after not winning another fucking game. So I am not selfish, I’m not against the idea of you leaving just because of me, I don’t like seeing you fail just to feel better about myself, I am just fucking tired of this and tired of feeling like shit and trying to figure out what the fuck I did wrong and if you still even love me because every time you’ve said it the last months it just sounds like you’re saying it out of habit. So, you figure out what you want, think whatever you want to think about me based on what your stupid friends say more specifically the same one that does not like me. I’m leaving.” It was like the weight of the world came off your shoulders. 
You never ever raise your voice or snap like this. But having felt so sad, unappreciated and just not loved made you say all of this. Mason just stood there listening to you. You tried getting all of it out without tearing up, but you couldn’t. You opened the door and left. Mason was hurt, he hated that you have felt that way for so long. He didn’t mean for it to become this huge. He knows he was wrong in assuming that of you, he knows he was wrong in believing something Jayden had said. He had no idea how was going to fix it, but he was determined to do it.
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crookednachogalaxy · 1 year
thinking about bowuigi like i always do, and im kinda noticing how a majority of media has bowser pursuing luigi for a relationship and... it makes sense???
now dont get me wrong - bowser is brash, he is bold, he is confident, and maybe even arrogant at times. he's the fearsome king of the koopas, he is not afraid to take what is his. his affections are loud because he is loud, and that's why it makes sense.
but what about luigi pursuing a relationship first?
first things first, i am not talking about luigi developing feelings first or something. i specifically mean luigi actively pursuing bowser romantically regardless of whether bowser has feelings for him.
that means taking him out on dates, giving him gifts, bonding with his loved ones, all the stops one pulls to get and keep another's romantic interest.
i want luigi to give him flowers. bowser has just won a really tough tennis match in the tournament they're taking part in, and luigi decides this is perfect moment to give him the flower bouquet he's prepared. so one moment bowser is desperately chugging water as if it's the last drop he'll ever drink, and the next there is this little plumber boy standing in front of him who he's pretty sure he beat up once and has definitely forgotten the name of.
and he's holding the flowers up, saying he did so great in his match and they're for him - and bowser almost wants to laugh. he wants to laugh because flowers are weak, and pathetic, and for soft-shelled koopas which HE'S NOT. but this tiny human's entire body is shaking, the smile on his face is steadfast, and he's looking at bowser as if he hung the stars and the moon in the sky, and something about it just makes his brain short-circuit for reasons he cant understand yet.
i want luigi to plan dates for him and bowser. picnics and fancy dinners and homemade dinners, amusement parks, private kart racing, watching the stars and/or the sunset. i want luigi fretting and overthinking on what bowser likes to do and how to invite him. i want luigi to forget any and all thoughts when bowser steps into the room. mario has war flashbacks about where he went wrong when raising luigi, while said plumber is looking across peach's ballroom with hearts in his eyes.
i want bowser to not realize he's going on dates with luigi. that he's seeing him every week at this point, that even kamek raises an eyebrow when he calls luigi his friend. he always comes home feeling great about himself after seeing luigi, because the human showers him in compliments, attends to his every wish. it takes him a while to realize that luigi isnt just stroking his ego, but that he genuinely likes bowser, and once he starts listening to what luigi actually compliments him on? he's stunned at how deeply his affection runs.
luigi complimemts him on the way he rules with fairness and respect. on the way he prides himself in his history and culture, how he seeks to uplift and celebrate it. he compliments him on his bond with his children, what a good father he is to them. luigi says things that bowser never even noticed in himself, things he didnt think anyone would ever see.
he compliments him on the things that make him him, he makes an effort to spend time and foster bonds with his children, giving each the time and sincerity they deserve. he is there to calm bowser when he's stressed or angry, comforts him when he's sad, never judging him for his faults or feelings. he makes an effort to know and love bowser for who he is. at some point it becomes hard to imagine what a life without luigi looks like.
and most importantly, he still has that first flower bouquet luigi gave him, next to the others of its kind, the plants kept alive by magic, the notes written on display, and the gifts he's given show they're well used.
i just really like the thought of luigi being the one to take these steps, to pursue a romantic love despite the fear that his body evidently likes to show, despite the racing thoughts that make him wanna believe its a worthless endeavour. let him be the one to actively take these steps, be the one to take bowser's hand with a smile and a kiss, be the one to walk him home when they were out later than they intended to be. its a mental image i very much enjoy
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caustinen · 3 months
Loving your Hollywood Clegan AU so much!
Curious though...how do they transition when their relationship becomes public? Are there any issues with fan backlash? Or being an openly gay actor? What about the increased paparazzi attention or stalkerish fans? :O
Hello lovely person!! As usual this got a bit long but I hope it answers the question a bit at least 😂💘
To start off with, I usually reimagine my fics in worlds that don’t have homophobia because I personally don’t enjoy writing it/making it a plot point, there’s so much amazing art in all forms dealing with it that it doesn’t feel like trying to erase a very real problem/ignore it because obviously it unfortunately is a big part of queer experience for a lot of people, it’s just that I like to imagine worlds where that isn’t a factor just so there’s also places to escape that, esp in silly fanfiction that I write – that’s what I also enjoy to read as a queer person myself! So while it would definitely give this au a lot of depth, I’m at least not right now including that in these replies <3
As for the other stuff, I have not thought about it a lot even though these should be kinda the main questions for this au… So let’s think about it!
Paparazzi – John dislikes paparazzi as much as anyone but Gale despises them. He finds it a bit invasive but kind of a “part of the job” con for John and later their relationship in the public when it happens when arriving to/leaving events, but when he first catches someone taking his picture while leaving the gym or his office he gets very antsy. This creates some tensions for a bit as John understands his stress but also feels like they talked about it beforehand and now he can’t really do anything about it. When they’re out together and they spot paparazzi John always tries to block Gale from the sight, pull him behind himself or guide them some other way. They love to travel and it’s also easier to avoid being spotted when they’re away from LA/New York. It’s bad for the first few months but eventually the attention on them eases up a bit and they can go back to the new normal with only occasional encounters with the paparazzi; Gale also grows more accustomed to it and knows how to dress to and act to hide & make it a bit less intense.
Fan backlash – I think this would be an interesting thing to explore. Even though a lot of the fans are just happy for John, there are also some who have become too parasocial/illusioned about him after being fans for years (and he is a heartthrob and charming and widely accepted as “boyfriend material”) that they get upset when the relationship is revealed, starting to talk shit on social media about John never having been genuine and has only been lying to his fans meaning he never actually cared about them, and through that getting to insult his work and that they only went to see it because he’s hot but now it’s ruined. John was also shipped with a lot of his previous castmates and some shippers are also upset and saying he “setteled” for Gale who’s “just an ordinary office worker” when he could’ve had a flashy Hollywood Romance – while many see his fiancés shyness and soft-spokeness in public as adorable, some say he doesn’t match John’s vibe at all, and the fact that John also seems different with him is not a good thing and they start to psychoanalyze their relationship. John couldn’t care less for some angry comments on his insta but some of the hate is directed towards Gale, and he’s a bit taken aback when he starts to receive DM’s telling him to leave John immediately and accusing him of manipulating him into a relationship with “someone like him”. John is obviously very upset by all of this but Gale reminds him that he’s seen it all at work and can handle himself.
Stalkers – The other extreme of Gale haters would then be the people who get like way into him real fast, he’s beloved by the masses, sure, but these people are more like a cult (probably of the similar style of fan as the one’s who turn against John in the previous point, like highkey parasocial behavior but when John starts to date publicly it’s like “no, he’s OUR boyfriend” but not in a funny way you know). The line is blurred to some people what it means that John revealed he has a partner, it’s not a ”new part of him” but a real person of his own that happens to be dating their favorite actor, and this gets lost on some people who start to treat him almost like he was Bucky’s pet (idk if this makes any sense but like as if he was just a cute little thing he can post pics about and doesn’t really have an agency of their own AND the fans feel like they ”know him” when they actually know nothing about him except that he’s dating their idol). Gale’s not expecting to get any “fans” of his own, so he’s a bit weary when he’s asked to take pics with people without John or given stuff on red carpets etc, and especially when people really cross boundaries and try to gift him/them like condoma or sex toys or lingerie (I’m thinking of that one interview where they showed Austin his fan merch and there was the thong with his face on it and I’m thinking someone gifting a similar one of Bucky to him and him being absolutely horrified) or something else kinda projecting their own fantasies into them, or playing it off as a joke while it’s actually really distrurbing — just because they’re out doesn’t mean the relationship opened for other people to comment on. Then of course there’s just the usual internet hellhole-stuff, people start sending him really inappropriate messages about his body/looks/what they’d want to do to him given the chance that he maybe didn’t expect because he doesn’t believe John when he tells him that’s like notably attractive. I could also imagine for example a moment where someone approaches them when they’re leaving an event or something and Gale is being professional and polite but the other person is really overstaying their welcome/not following social cues but talking to him like a friend would and when John tries to politely lead them onwards the “fan” grabs Gale’s arm or something and it causes a small scene. Gale is stressed in these situations mostly because he fears how they’ll reflect on John’s image if he’s presented as being rude to fans but luckily these are rare occasions.
Despite all of this, they both are happy that the relationship is public, there are more pros than cons for being able to build their future together without having to be each others dirty little secrets (idk why but it came to my mind now that Gale is so the type that since he couldn’t always tell people he had a partner, everyone would either hit on him or try to match him with someone because “how is someone that pretty single?!” and this would annoy the hell out of Bucky despite him being the one with millions of options at any given moment, i like some jealous bucky :D)
Hope this was satisfactory!! Any more ideas to these scenarios? I’m so used to doing just fluff/smut so this was a fun challenge, thank you! <3
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i feel like maybe people take this fandom a bit too seriously. and like i get it!! im autistic and i sometimes assign morality to interests because im kind of obsessed with media analysis and subtext which can include a lot of themes and messages (sometimes harmful, sometimes good, mostly unintentional) but like. guys. it’s a silly roblox game. MOSTLY. there arr some more serious aspects but its mainly filled with whimsy. it literally has memes littered throughout the game. including characters based off of memes. a lot of things are meant to be taken as jokes and while it’s completely fine to take things passed off as jokes and make/headcanon them as actually serious parts of a character, its not productive to go into a moral panic about some of this shit. and thats not to say there isn’t like, problems about infantilism/demonization and other problems towards multiple characters. but a majority of people are going haha silly roblox character. wouldn’t it be cute if this silly roblox character dated this other silly roblox character. back when i was in the hlvrai fandom this was also sort of an issue because it was just. a silly jokey series made by friends to be funny. (even though there were unique problems that also existed in that fandom that needed to be adressed. )a lot of people dont really think that hard about shipping, they just pair up characters for fun. like i’m not proship. i hate ships that are clearly abusive or pedophillic or whatever, but most regretevator characters are just silly guys or joke characters. as far as i can tell there’s not really any canonically abusive characters? there’s certainly mean and evil ones, but yall have got to learn the difference between a ship that’s clearly romanticizing abuse and a what is basically a kismessitude. i dont even really like any ships besides spive tbh but i need to stress that some of yall need to block people who ship things that make you personally uncomfortable. a good majority of people won’t listen to you about why it sucks/why you think it sucks. they’ll just keep shipping it. the block button is so sexy you guys. dont waste your energy yelling at people who wont listen 90% of the time. you could be petting a cat instead. or donating to people in need. or telling your friends you love them. or making a chocolate cake. or making fanart.
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Hi Slug!! I'm curious about some of the religious imagery in hypmic! Kuko is obvious and I think Doppo has talked about not believing in gods before but what's up with Jakurai? Is he meant to actually be Christian or is it just an aesthetic thing?
This ended up being so long Tumblr wouldn't let me put it all in one post. Hoo boy. Under a cut for length.
Usual disclaimer that I don't live in Japan, so I'm not talking about IRL Japan so much as Japanese media. Media isn't perfectly synonymous with real life and, of course, it's foolish to draw conclusions from the general (media and culture) and apply them to the specific (individual persons). With that being said, media is indicative of real life values and cultural concerns--for example, the American high school experience is a lot less interesting than in movies, but these movies reflect a romanticization of teenagehood so widespread in the US and areas with heavy US cultural influence that filmmakers take it for granted in their audiences--so I can talk about what assumptions inform the portrayal of religion in Hypmic.
As in a lot of Japanese media, religion is present but not explicitly mentioned outside of Kuukou. It's what I would call culturally religious as opposed to actively religious. Similar to how many works in the Anglosphere are steeped with Christian ideas and phrases even if the authors/works themselves aren't Christian (the Christian concept of sin, using "God" or variations as an interjection, etc.), many works written in Japanese are influenced by Shinto and Buddhist ideas. Some people in Japan are active worshipers of Shinto, Buddhism, or both, but many more have a somewhat relaxed approach. It's not uncommon for people to have a belief in a higher power, but the nature of this higher power isn't terribly well-defined. Many people will attend religious ceremonies for holidays or funerals but rarely pray to a higher power outside of moments of great stress. That is, being culturally religious. Traditions are fun and comforting, especially if they involve dressing up in fancy clothes, eating yummy food, and seeing friends and family. Even if you're not especially devout, it doesn't hurt to pray for a bit of luck before a big test, that your child will grow up healthy and strong, or that your recently departed ancestor will be at peace. For those in predominately Christian areas, you probably see plenty of this in your community--people who maybe go to church occasionally for companionship or holiday celebrations but aren't active worshipers. Or, perhaps, people who pray like, "Hey, if anyone's listening, can you lend me a hand?" Maybe you're even one of these people yourself. We can generally assume that most of the cast falls into this camp. Doppo and Hifumi go to a festival with a religious element--charms and rituals to bring good luck by appealing to Shinto deities--but I doubt either of them have a firm belief that these particular deities exist. They may think that there's some higher power...or not. But what's the harm in a good luck charm, right? And more importantly, it's fun to play games, eat, drink, and horse around with friends! But wait, does that mean these two are only Shinto or...Shinto-ish? Probably not. There's an expression that most Japanese people are "born Shinto, but die Buddhist." Shinto rituals tend to focus on matters of the living (although Shintoism has its own distinct funerary rites, sometimes combined with Buddhist rites), while non-devout Buddhists usually participate in Buddhist ceremonies only when loved ones die. We see Juushi and Hitoya with loved ones buried in Buddhist cemeteries, but it's safe to assume both observe Shinto holidays and customs in some fashion. We also see in the very beginning of TDD that Nemu and Samatoki have what appears to be a butsudan--a Buddhist altar--in their home dedicated to their deceased parents. "But wait," some might say, "I thought spirit worship isn't a part of Buddhism." That's true for some forms of Buddhism, but not all! Buddhism is enormously varied, and some of the (many, many!) forms of Buddhism practiced in Japan accept aspects of Shintoism. There's plenty of mixing, just as we see within individuals themselves. Again, the Hypmic characters may not fully believe that spirits exist. (Well, outside of Ramuda...) But it's a comforting thought that one's deceased family members are around in some form and can be a positive influence on one's life.
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junosmindpalace · 27 days
Hi, an interesting/unusual request. A body-swap AU with Dr. Stone characters and their s/o (or friend, platonically I mean)? How would they react and try to reverse it?
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oooou this one's an interesting one! you didn’t specify characters, so i hope these are okay!
He’s bordering on insane disgust and fear and also immense enthusiasm and curiosity to figure out how such an insane phenomenon exists and took place.
At first, he’s freaked out. Rightfully. Confused out of his mind, probably something that happens just as suddenly as the petrification.
So he has his little moment of confusion at first where he's asking all the standard questions, most likely in his mind: What’s happening? How did this happen? Why do I look like this? What happened to my body? Am I dreaming? Ow, that felt real. 
Once he runs into you wearing his body, he’s even more freaked out. Now he’s thinking some more. 
For the most part, then, he’s determined to come up with some kind of answer as to how the swap took place and how he can reverse it. 
He handles it scientifically, of course. Coming up with hypotheses, running whatever tests he can think of, monitoring your states. He might consult various sources, such as textbooks, similar experiments conducted in the past and theories on such a phenomenon, and may even head into fiction territory for ideas. 
He might make a couple of comparisons to media he likes, similarly to how he does with video games. 
But overall, he does NOT find the experience fun. The challenge, sure, the mystery, exciting. But don’t you dare try anything dumb while you’re in his body or he’ll lose it.
Will spend most of his time exhausted and yelling at you if you are the type to goof around in such a situation. If not, he’ll probably urge you to help him in his efforts to reverse such a swap and ask you to cooperate in any sort of monitoring. 
Depending on how long it takes to reverse, also, he feels SUPER uncomfortable being addressed with your name and treated as if he were someone else. And he also feels super weird watching people come up to you while meaning to talk to him. 
If it were pre petrification, he’d also probably hate going through the pain of pretending to be you in order to prevent suspicion on how weirdly supernatural this was and to avoid any other obstacles. 
But if it were post, he’d have no qualms telling people about it, and even consults them for help. 
He’s flustered about the whole ordeal to say the least. 
He’s the one the most worked up about the whole thing, never entirely relaxed the entire time he’s preoccupied in your body. 
He doesn’t really know what to do with himself. He can’t even find it within himself to be sleazy; the whole thing was another level of absurd. 
(And seeing his own face watch in disgust was also a whole other level of embarrassing)
Like Senku, he’s obviously freaked out, but unlike Senku, he spends more time being horrified than actually thinking of the cause behind the phenomenon.
You have to take a good while to actually calm him before either of you can progress to actually coming up with theories on how such a thing could have happened, but being consoled by an out of character version of himself just puts Gen even more on edge.
Once you manage to move past the initial shock, however, Gen does his best to try to think alongside you in what could have caused the swap and what could reverse it.
But then…oh, who was he kidding? He’s no medical man, no scientist, what can he do? 
So he has these moments of helplessness and panic in waves. 
(Which only end up agitating you further, causing you to cry out to “do something, magic man!” and it ends up stressing him out even further)
The two of you are truly lucky if you have the Kingdom of Science by your side at this point, because while Gen can and will hypothesise what happened, he doesn’t really have the means of testing them. So while he’s still worried, he undergoes all the questioning and experiments Senku and the others have for him about the swap. Anything to have him back in his own body. 
Before meeting Senku and getting involved with modern science shenanigans so heavily, she’d probably believe the phenomenon was some kind of ailment or sorcery. Which, can you blame her?
Also really freaked out by the event. Maybe not as expressive as Senku or Gen would be about it, but she’s definitely weirded out to see what should be herself staring back at her. 
First thing she thinks of doing to reverse the swap is to try scratching your skin off, clawing at it, or doing something physical to shed the skin and return to hers. But upon your panic (and seeing how it doesn’t really do anything), she eventually stops.
Her train of thought then leads her to believe that an evil force is at work, and is particularly hostile towards the two of you. If that’s the case, she’s doing her best to hunt a physical foe to defeat.
(She may even ask Kinro and Ginro to be on guard just in case it returns and decides to curse someone else)
If both are in vain, however, she’ll possibly try consulting Ruri or one of the village elders to see if they have any experience with the phenomenon, or if it's mentioned in any of the 100 tales to gain some further insight on how to reverse the swap.
If the Kingdom of Science has been established by this point, however, she works closely with Senku and the rest of the science team to figure out what happened. She may not be able to handle too many technicalities, but she’ll gladly cooperate with any trials to get to the bottom of what happened.
Feels weird seeing herself act so uncharacteristically, however, and so does everyone else. But there was also something strangely fun about being in someone else's body. She might joke around a little bit by playfully mocking your mannerisms, just a little bit. All in good fun. 
Overall, she has complete trust in the science team to figure it out, so she’s not too stressed. Which just leads her to be surprisingly chill about the ordeal. 
Arguably the most chill about such an event. Maybe even a bit too chill, similarly to Kohaku. 
Of course, he panicked about it. And surprised. Anyone would be. 
He’ll go through the same song and dance Senku did with all his questions, and when he finds you, he’ll also interrogate and bombard you with questions about what you think happened and if you felt or experienced anything strange at all.
Once the panic dies down, however, he’s getting to work trying to figure out how to reverse such an event. I can’t tell whether he’d be similar to Senku pre petrification in hiding it, or if he’s just kind of shameless. Post pre-petrification, however, he also doesn’t mind confiding in the others about the phenomenon and asks the science team to help reverse it (especially for your sake, if he notices any high anxiety on your end).
Besides not doing much else differently from the others with undergoing tests and questioning (and maybe taking on a more active part in figuring out a solution), he finds the experience also somewhat exciting with how nonsensical it was. 
He’s having some sort of fun experiencing life through your senses, your own eyes and ears and mouth. Though he undoubtedly misses his own body, and wants it back just as eagerly as you may want it. 
He reassures you in a boisterous tone that you have nothing to worry about, and the ordeal will be resolved quickly. Though in the meantime, he tells you, you should cherish the opportunity to live as such a handsome dude such as himself!
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
The Galaxy Squad Campaign.
Back in September, I posted what I hoped to be the first part of a series in which I blogged about a multiple-game campaign called The Galaxy Squad: a series of inter-connected games all taking place in the same galaxy. The continuous blogging about this series didn’t happen, but the games certainly did! So I’m going to re-cap that series now.
I’ve already talked about our Last Fleet series, so I won’t repeat myself too much, but the biggest piece of that series that we carried forward was the ending: the blowing up of the technology that enabled Faster-Than-Light travel, so as to set up the scene for Starforged. (Last Fleet play-kit)
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Starforged was not a game that I ran, or managed to participate in; this series began a trend where I and another GM handed the reins to each-other every month to give both of us a chance to tackle games that were on our to-play list. We also had a higher rate of sign-ups overall for Galaxy Squad, possibly because Monster Squad ended up being a pretty big hit.
Star-Forged can be played with or without a GM, and presents the characters with Vows that they are expected to work towards to try and complete. In Star-Forged, much of the new galaxy that our players fled to was built, because this game has very good tables for setting generation. The group generated a number of planets with different power-structures, resources and danger levels, and established a number of factions with various shady goals. This included a large corporation that was funding a lot of Forge-Spawn research, as well as a cult called the Oracles of Larissa, which dealt quite a bit with the strange space-magic that certain individuals were able to wield. (Stargazer journaling app)
One of the most important contributions from the Star-Forged game involved the creation of Celadon, a wild and lush planet teeming with dangerous life. The players landed on the planet, took one look, and took off again, which meant that it was perfect for the next game in our line-up: Moth-Light.
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For Moth-Light, we started with the premise that our characters would be the descendants of one of the ships from Last Fleet, crashed into a planet and reverting back to a pre-space-flight level of technology out of necessity. This is because Celadon (called Beacon by its inhabitants) was populated by gigantic, dangerous insects called Moths. We pushed the timeline forward to a point where our players could not remember how they ended up on this planet, and then put them in a precarious situation where their current settlements were in danger. The solution: to search for another, safer place to call home.
In more abstract terms, this means that we used the Promise Pact from Moth-Light, which takes plenty of inspiration from media such as Legend of Korra, Farscape, Horizon: Zero Dawn and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Moth-Light’s story and tone can vary drastically, depending on the kind of story we want to tell. When creating this game, I briefly entertained the possibility of playing Scavengers, which would be much grittier and harsher, but the group and story seemed to fit the Promise pact better.
Moth-Light is Forged-in-the-Dark and is a phenomenal game. While it’s FitD, the Pacts provided to the group do a lot to help you determine what kind of concept and tone you’re playing in. The typical action ratings and Stress mechanics are also re-worked in a really interesting way, making them slightly modular so that they can change to reflect the Pact you are working with. I really enjoy the prompts left on character sheets that give you just enough information to start brainstorming what these pieces mean exactly for your character. The designer also has a fantastic set of Google-Sheet play-kits that put my character sheets to shame. You need to check this game out.
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After Moth-Light, our timeline had a little bit of a stop-and-start. One of the games we were originally planning to include in the lineup didn’t turn out to be easily translatable to our method of play, so we pivoted to another game intstead: Wetrunner. Wetrunner is a FATE - powered game that takes place in an oceanic cyperpunk future, and we weren’t sure where it would fit in our current galaxy.
We decided to put it into the timeline before Last Fleet, on one of the planets that was eventually destroyed by a robot uprising. There, we decided that at one point in this planet’s history, climate change and decreasing oceanic wildlife led to a great profit for folks who managed to steal aquatic life from power-hungry billionaires.
In other words, we were a diver-themed Leverage crew stealing fish from Eelon Mollusc.
This is where our Squad took a turn for the wacky. We were donning secret identities, wrestling with former connections to the Calamari mafia, and coming up with elaborate Seahorse-racing schemes to lure in our marks. It was hilarious, it was goofy, and it was a great tone-shift from our previous drama-heavy games. (Wetrunnner play-kit)
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Next up: Scum & Villainy. This is where a lot of the set-up in Starforged really did us a favor. We had a lot folks at this point who were excited about Scum & Villainy, so we ended up running two games on two different days of the week. Both games were set up as bounty-hunting crews on the Cerberus, for reasons that I’ll mention later.
We started by recalling the factions we had created in Starforged and mapping them according to theme and tier. I also ported over some of the planets that had been created in Starforged, and started them out in ways that made sense, giving them levels in Weird, Crime, Wealth and Tech. Then the players created characters, and we added more details to the world based on their interests. (Scum & Villain play-kit)
For group A, this led to an investigation into Obsidian Inc, the shady company introduced in Starforged, where Forge-Spawn research invited plenty of cult-related trade and imperial intrigue. We had one player with a robot character continuing the theme of betrayal, turning on the group in the last scene, leaving us with an open-ended ending hinting towards a future rivalry between her and the rest of the crew.
For group B, we set out on an investigation of a racing circuit that was being fixed against the organizer’s will, with strange artifacts and a very humorous rivalry between the crew’s pilot and an NPC called Flick.
As a game, Scum & Villainy elicited mixed reactions. Some folks really loved the chances to experience a number of dramatic moments and heavy role-play, especially during downtime. Others found the harsh consequences from mixed successes to be a bit jarring, especially since Moth-Light, which uses the same bones, feels much more forgiving. Scum & Villainy is definitely a much closer hack of Blades in the Dark, which is meant to be pretty brutal in dishing out harm and consequences. I know that as a GM, I was expecting the Gambit mechanic to carry much more of the weight than it actually did, and if I run this game in the future, I’ll want to have a much more in-depth talk with my players about how harsh we want the consequences to be.
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Last, but certainly not least, is A Complicated Profession. This is a game about bounty hunters experiencing a career change into cruise ship employees - and this is why we all played as bounty hunters in the previous games. This was a chance for anyone to carry forward a character they had already created into a new setting, and two players did exactly that. Hatchet, our Mystic, took up the mantle of the ship’s janitor, and Kalo, our former pilot, took up the role of the ship’s bouncer. (A Complicated Profession play-kit)
Once again, we were provided with a much-needed change in tone. A Complicated Profession has so much room for light-hearted comedy, and we took it and ran. Our ship is in a weekend-at-Bernie’s situation, with a captain that is totally out of commission but we need to maintain the facade that he’s still alive in order to make sure we can still get paid. We had occasional run-ins with junk pirates, organized birthday parties for alien teenagers, and solved many a problem with a food processor.
A Complicated Profession is another game that can be run without a GM, although in this case we still had one person take the role of a facilitator because a) we had too many people show interest and b) not everyone had access to the book. As you play, characters will slowly let go of pieces of their old lives, and pick up new skills to help them with their new job, including choosing a new name at the end. I have laughed so many times while playing this game and I’m so happy that this is how we decided to tie up the Galaxy Squad series.
After this my friends and I are re-organizing how we play our games, so we might not have a thematic timeline in the same way we did for Monster Squad or Galaxy Squad. But these experiences have taught me some really valuable lessons, the primary one of which is this:
Choosing games to play based on a theme will sometimes point you towards games that you may not have otherwise thought to pick up. Those games may end up being something that you absolutely love. In this case, I was very excited to run Scum & Villainy, but it ended up being the biggest let-down on the list. Meanwhile, I had never heard of A Complicated Profession before my co-GM introduced me to it, and it is now going at the top of my list of recommendations.
If you are in a game group and you have access to a number of different games between you and your friends, taking turns to try out the stuff you are all interested in will introduce you to so many games, and while not everything will be a hit, you’ll learn a lot about what you like, and you may find your next favourite game. So try stuff!!
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fvllingcamellia · 10 months
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seeing your roommate's instagram posts can't lead to anything.. right?
suguru geto smut, masturbation, substance abuse mention, reader on rehab, reader has a rly bad mental health, at first it's some kind of philosophical shit and then i just went wild so enjoy! btw!! my inspiration was yunonoai's art on twitter, so i'll leave the link here.
you've been feeling terrible lately. you missed the feeling of your brain being stimulated by dopamine. the feeling of happiness was so distant and so unknown lately which caused you to question your entire existence. what's the point of it? you had a good job, nice salary, pretty apartment that you shared with another roommate. but does any of it have any sense? for the world, it doesn't mean anything. you're no one. nobody would remember you if you suddenly disappeared one day. those thoughts were corrupting your mind every single day since you were on rehab. it was supposed to be helpful but it was worse. but you promised, right? you promised to change – for him. suguru geto was the man who almost begged you for this. you didnt know each other for long, but when he moved into your apartment you both understood ourselves well. he wasn't a close friend of yours, just a regular roommate but he helped you to get out of drug addiction. and even if you were feeling shitty, you were extremely grateful for this.
the amount of stress you were experiencing lately was insane. during the rehab you became really sensitive and the slightest words could made you furious or sad. you've been experiencing a lot of mood swings that were exhausting in some way. the frustrations were so unbearable that you found yourself on your bed wondering how could you let all of those thoughts and feelings get away from you. you've been scrolling down on instagram checking those stupid posts and photos of your so called "friends" that doesn't even bother to text or call you to check if you're still alive. but as you've scrolled down the page you stopped. one post where geto was tagged caught your eye. this picture made you think that your roommate was actually incredibly attractive. you've never been interested in him in any romantic way. he was just a guy, a roommate to you. but as you were admiring the photo.. the more excited you felt. you didnt even realized that your hand was slowly sliding down on your abdomen. instead of looking at only one photo you started checking his entire social media activity to find more posts. and he looked so good in every photo he uploaded. you put down the phone. it was enough for you.
your fingers were moving dangerously down to your panties. at first you were hesitant about this. fuck what kind of a person masturbates to their roommate's photos. but you didn't care. it was something you NEEDED to feel right now. you slowly moved the material away and brushed your finger over your clit. you squeaked. you haven't touched yourself or had any sexual intercourse in a long time so you needed to explore your body again. you brushed your finger again, but this time over your inner lips, and oh my god since when you were so wet? you were desperate now. this feeling made you slid down your pants along with your underwear completely exposing your lower parts. suguru wasn't at home yet, he went out for some groceries about 20 minutes ago so you could be as loud as you wanted to be. you took a deep breath before touching your folds again. you started from rubbing your clitoris. your head was turned towards the phone on which still appeared suguru's photo. you looked at him imagining it was him who was pleasuring you right now. you imagined his fingers working on your pussy, abusing your sensitive clit.
gaps were leaving your mouth and free hand moved up to your chest you slid it under your bra and while stimulating your pussy you also took great care of your boobs. squeezing them, massaging, pinching your nipples doing almost everything to them. slowly you moved your fingers down, to your hole. you bit down your lower lip and you inserted one finger, pushing it slowly further. but it wasn't enough. you wanted to feel more inside, so you added another one. stretching yourself while moaning and whinning geto's name seemed like something unreal. but it was real experience, fingering yourself while fantasising about him.
– just got home satoru, cooking for y/n tonight. – suguru answered as he was opening the door to the apartment. he was on line with gojo who was complaining about his life for 45 minutes straight. – ill talk to you later.
– you fucked her finally? – the white haired man asked with a curiosity. he always had some weird speculations in his head and one of them was the theory that geto was banging his as satoru said "sweet roommate"
– dude don't be ridiculous. im hanging up. – suguru frowned and ended the call. he closed the door and started walking towards the kitchen. he placed the groceries on the counter and wanted to get changed to he went into the direction of his bedroom but he stopped midway. he couldn't believe his ears and the sounds he was hearing. whines and other octaves of moans coming from your room. most of them were his name in many varieties or words like "fuck," "i want more," "faster."
geto was completely confused. he was standing next to your door wondering who was more perverted – suguru listening to your sweet moment, or you who was pleasuring yourself while screaming his name without shame. but he decided to not make any moves and he simply went to his own bedroom as he had originally planned. but he couldn't stop thinking about you. listening to you made him hard, and geto could only imagine how you look right now and what you're doing to yourself. he had many visions of you right now. how would you look under him when he would fuck your brain out? how would you taste if he had a chance to eat you out someday? how would you look with your lips around his cock? all those thoughts lead him to the one most important question – maybe he should finally fuck you just like satoru theorised?
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analexthatexists · 5 months
So about this whole “Reverting Nightmare back to Passive” stuff…
…Okay, I still emotionally fall for everyone this happens, but I’m also a little tired of how the reversion itself is done. I’m fine with the idea of Nightmare somehow transforming back into Passive, but the way it’s done is growing a little old to me.
Usually, it’s the corruption/goop melting away and revealing Passive’s body underneath it, safe and damage-free. And I like this idea, and I think it’s very cool from an artistic perspective, but…
…the number of times I’ve seen it is kind of shocking, maybe even ridiculous.
What doesn’t help is that, commonly in past versions of media, this change resulted from immense mental stress and guilt expressed by Nightmare, which is mischaracterization on plenty of levels. Nightmare should not feel guilt for the actions he’s made, especially when it comes to tormenting Dream. That’s…kind of why he’s the bad guy? That’s why Dream has to GROW AND ADAPT, realizing the Nightmare he saw as his brother is dead, so to suddenly reveal that Nightmare’s still there despite the corruption is…strange? I guess? So then what was the point of Dream’s adaption and growth? His whole character arc? Uncorrupting Nightmare can still work in favor of Dream’s arc, as the sudden whiplash of finally getting over his brother to his brother suddenly returning albeit with the constant threat of losing him again is…an interesting arc you could really work with if you’re good with writing. Additionally, Nightmare still retaining the mindset and personality of Corrupted yet having to deal with mortality and the sudden degrading of his power and Dream trying to help him work through it like he had to could make for something bittersweet. Dream would still have to accept that the original Nightmare is gone, but can still try and make the most of what remains of him, even if this “new” Nightmare will never come to accept his peace or comfort.
Over time, this concept of Passive visuals and visions within Corrupted Nightmare have changed, more so that Nightmare uses the visuals of Passive underneath him as methods of threatening and traumatizing Dream rather than signs of weakness or guilt. However, this is still not enough for me.
I want to torment this old man without the cliche “I feel sorry for everything I’ve done” routine. I want to make him suffer through mortality.
I believe I’ve seen this “Child Nightmare” idea that strips him of his power and presence, which while going through the same “reverting back to Passive with the goop melting away” process, it still differentiates itself by making the reason different; it doesn’t come from Nightmare experiencing guilt or regret and it happens out of his control.
Can someone please help me find that post by the way; I was trying to find and link it but I couldn’t and I forgot to like it :(
My take on a reversion AU would to, instead of having the goop wash away to reveal Passive underneath it, the opposite happens.
Let’s talk about The Lich from Adventure Time. He’s this big, menacing skeleton dude who means no good until Finn slaps him with whatever this gunk is, which begins making him grow organic matter and skin. This turns The Lich into a giant baby named Sweet Pea, who’s been (mostly) freed from his original self and ways. This was actually the thing that made me want to write all of this! The Lich and Nightmare already feel like very similar characters from how they act to parts of their design, so why not take this a step further?
Btw, that’s why I drew this ;)
Through unknown means, an outside force that could either be working alongside Dream or not curses Nightmare for whatever reason, suddenly forcefully (and rather painfully) sealing his body away into the body of the skeleton he had once killed for his own benefit. Have him live out the pains of mortality and despair that he had pushed Dream into without softening or hurting his characterization. Have him despise his newfound life, yet pushing help from others away even if it means he’s only hurting himself and his chances of turning back to normal. Have him use this form to his advantage to torment Dream, who’d still be on the path of getting over his brother’s death.
Because regardless of looks, this is still the corrupted guardian of negativity we’re talking about. He may LOOK like he’s been redeemed, and that without his power and weakened negative aura he’ll be nicer and more anxious, but that doesn’t necessarily means he has to be nor is. Looks can be deceiving, silly! And he’ll use those looks to his advantage. And yes, he would be immensely weaker than he originally was, but like Dream, Nightmare too, will adapt. He was already good at manipulating and controlling others, but a more unassuming form has only benefited him in this regard.
Because who expects a helpless bully victim to be capable of killing?
It’s the same mistake that hundreds of people have died to in the past.
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