#I mean we all know I torture our bois but I do not intend to torture my readers
thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 8
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, hurt , language, PTSD, mention of drugs, mention of torture
Word Count: 4674
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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You asked Ben again, “What did you do to those people?” while he continued to look at your furious and angered look.
He avoided watching the news and simply replied in a dry voice, “I didn't mean to hurt them. Everything happened so quickly.”
Despite your hopes that, after all this time, he would change a little, you came to the conclusion that his appearance was the only thing that had changed. He was the same guy who hurt everyone around him like they were just insects, never thinking twice about it. He remained the same merciless man who just cared about himself.
You were too ignorant to believe that it was Crimson Countess had drastically changed him, but this was simply another lie you told yourself in defense of Ben's behavior. It was just who he really was.
You talked softly while Butcher continued to watch TV, “How can you even stay the same after all the things that happened to you?”
“I killed the doctor who hurt and tortured you. You already knew; whatever I did for him, he deserved it,” he angrily said, gesturing to you as though he were doing you a favor and somehow trying to convince you.
“Should I feel like a graduate and thank you?” You questioned him bitterly, glaring at him. “You are the reason I spent decades being imprisoned and subjected to torture in vain. You are the reason I am currently homeless and the state's number two foe. How come you're still so blind and self-centered?”
Ben grumbled, “Calm down, baby,” ignoring your inquiries as he roughly grabbed the remote control out of Butcher's hand and flicked through the channels. “We can talk about things at a later time. For now, take a moment to rest.”
Ben continued to stare at the TV and shifted on the couch in an attempt to make himself more comfortable, so you replied, “Don't call me 'baby.'”
“It looks like Tony Montana is going to bed alone tonight.” With a cunning grin, Butcher attempted to reclaim the remote control from Ben's grasp. “Also, don’t be dramatic and so upset, you have a place to stay, you’re not homeless.”
“Tony Montana—who the fuck is he?” Ben muttered, pushing Butcher's hands a little too hard while refusing to give up the remote control. “I’m in charge in here. What I watch, you'll watch too.”
“Hey, you remember our deal, don't you? I'm hoping you won't back down.”
You turned to Butcher and questioned, “What deal?” with a confused gaze on your face when he suddenly started speaking in a serious and mysterious tone.
Ben stepped in immediately and shot Butcher a quick glance, saying, “It's not so important.”
“All right, there's nothing to worry about. Your teammate just promised me that he would help me kill a cunt named Homelander.”
Ben kept shooting Butcher with a deadly look as he immediately spilled the beans.
“I'm not worried about anything,” you cut Butcher off abruptly, averting Ben's tough stare. “Whatever he's up to, he's alone in this. But tell me, what’s deal about.”
“Sweetheart, I don't need your help anyway. You simply stay at home and take care of things while you chill,” Ben said in an amused way, attempting to hide his tiny sense of hurt that came from your coldness.
He didn't intend to include anything that would distress you further, but he couldn't stop remembering the times you supported and fought alongside him. He would never ask you to get involved in the Homelander situation, though, since he knows you've already been through a lot of terrible things. He was also too proud to accept your assistance.
Turning to face you, Butcher added, “You don’t have to be so ruthless. He made the deal to get help from me to save you.”
Butcher believed that, given Homelander's strength, helping him would be beneficial and that it would be great if you would just soften and offer a helping hand. Butcher knew Soldier Boy would be happy to let you fight alongside him, as he was aware that he took your suit from Legend. You were once the strongest superwoman, after all, and he would have a better chance of finally killing Homelander.
Hughie, thankfully, returned to join you with a meal in his hands before you could ask Butcher any more questions. You were so hungry that you didn't even realize it until you smelled pizza. It was all about pleasure, yet even if you starved for decades, you wouldn't die.
Hughie smiled hesitantly and said, “Sorry, I didn't ask you before ordering, but I hope you're okay with pizza.” It's likely that he was the only decent person in the room. You wondered why this person was willing to work with a man like Butcher. He gave off an air of deception.
“Of course it's okay,” you said as soon as you smelled it. You then gave him a graditude look and said, “Thanks a lot.”
Ben quickly got up, tossed the remote control in Butcher's face, and grabbed the pizza from Hughie's hands as he sat next to you before you could move. Ben stepped closer, spreading his legs a little and making contact with your thighs, but you put some distance between you two right away. You didn’t understand why he was acting like that out of the blue, but you didn’t ask anything.
None of you spoke, even though you felt Ben's gaze briefly lingering on you. Although you were unsure of what Ben truly wanted from you, you were determined to learn from your past mistakes. Therefore, it was best to clarify it for him as well.
Upon seeing Noir's visual on TV, you exclaimed in shock, “Is Noir still working for Vought?”
That was the moment you understood. Earving never came to save you. If he just wanted to, you knew he could and would find you. You could understand why he might not have wanted to take the risk of going through the same things with you if he had a legitimate reason for not saving you. You had no right to be selfish. However, you were certain that you would behave differently if he were in your place. You therefore couldn't help but feel a little let down.
Ben angrily remarked, “Of course he does,” as he watched you devour the pizza. “He wouldn't even take his shit without the permission of Vought. Fucking traitor. He didn't even give a fuck about the things you went through all those years. I had no doubts that he was going to abuse your friendship. There was always something sneaky about him.”
You couldn’t left out a small hiss as Ben started to talk about loyalty.
“All right,” you replied, casting him a piercing glance. “I got used to being betrayed.”
He aggressively exclaimed, “Don't compare me with that son of a bitch,” and launched into a self-defense tirade. “I came to save you too as soon as I was free, and I looked for you everywhere.”
“How could I ever compare you with him while I know you are worse. And yes, Ben, you're quite considerate to have searched me in the Countess' home. Many thanks for it.”
“I payed a visit to her because I knew she was most probably the one tricked you. It was nothing else.”
“Whatever,” you said back harshly. “I don’t care anyways.”
Butcher interrupted you after making a brief phone call in the kitchen, saying, “Listen here, Bonnie and Clyde. Hughie and I need to get out and meet some buddies, but if you're not going to make trouble and if you don't want to fuck in peace all night, it's best if you don't stay at home. In every other case of emergency, you need to join us.”
You hurriedly swallowed the large slice of pizza and gasped, “We won't... I mean, we wouldn't,” to Butcher. Your cheeks flushed. “It's not like we're together or anything, so don't misinterpret and talk like this, please.”
Ben leaned back to the coach and said, “Well, I'm all in, baby,” pleased to see you flushed and in a panic. “Keep in mind that. Since I'm free, I didn't even fucking jerk off once. You can use me however you like,” he stated, stretching his legs and making an attempt to brush against you briefly while grinning genuinely and invitingly.
You grumbled, “I'm trying to enjoy my meal here,” ignoring the absolute filth that was flowing from his mouth.
“All right, that's OK.” Butcher urged you to complete your dinner, saying, “You can continue eating where we go. We must leave in five minutes.”
Ben growled, “Don't fucking order her around.”
“It's fine,” you stopped eating right away. “Where we're going to go?”
“We have to get some Temp-V from Hughie's friend. It appears that we will need to use it soon,” Butcher replied, glancing at Ben. “Unfortunately, you can't beat Homeland with just one guy.”
Ben did not even respond to Butcher's crap; he only rolled his eyes. He was aware that Homelander would be the easiest to take down. He was Soldier Boy, and someone of Butcher's age wouldn't fully get who he was.
You and Ben were seated in the back of Butcher's car, and Ben was covering the whole place almost as if he wanted you to lean into his body. He was always on the move, both his hands and his legs, and occasionally you would think he looked a bit bashful if you didn't know just how arrogant he really was. Somehow, you sensed the uncertainty, but you didn't look him up or ask him questions.
You couldn't help but feel confused and depressed as you gazed out of the car window at the enormous, gleaming structures. You no longer felt like you belonged in the world because so many years had passed in a tiny little cage. It seemed as though no one knew you, cared about you, or you had no place to stay. It's not your world, but rather other people's, that you see when you peek out the window.
You said, “Everything looks so different,” as a sense of melancholy took over you.
“Not at all,” Ben remarked in an arrogant tone, as if he had figured out everything in a single day. “I've learned many things; I will teach you all; don't worry.”
You challenged him, casting him a skeptical glance. “What do you know?”
“Well, I might teach you a thing or two because you're too eager to learn. For instance, GPS and the Internet were quite helpful in helping us learn about you and the place you were kept,” he added with pride as he smiled at you and waited for your reaction.
You whispered, “You're just making those words up,” unsure if he was trying to trick you.
“Those words are real words. I had said the same to that fuckface; believe me, sweetheart,” he continued, giving Hughie a harsh shoulder pat. “Hand over your damn android phone to me.”
Hughie murmured in distress, “Oh, God,” as Butcher nodded awkwardly and gave him an odd look. “Just don’t break it or something, please.”
Hughie handed his phone reluctantly to Ben, who took it with a swift move, and Ben used it like a pro, tapping the screen quickly. When he wrote down his name and yours on the screen called 'Google', your eyes widened open as you saw a ton of images and details about the two of you, Payback, and everything else.
Captivated by what Ben showed you, you muttered, “Everything about us is written down there.”
“See,” he declared with pride, chuckling at your bewildered response. “I told you I was very well-informed. The name of this one is Internet.”
You challenged him again, interested in learning more about this small device, which seemed to know a lot of things. The modern world is unquestionably something else, with easy access to knowledge at any time and about any subject matter.
“I am familiar with social media. If you don't want to be identified by your real identity, you can put up a fake profile and follow anybody you want. I made one for the two of us as well.” Ben responded, seeming proud of everything he had achieved with a cunning smile on his face.
You pretended to understand everything he said as you asked, “And what's your fake name?”
“It’s ‘soldierboyy/n69.' Pretty creative, isn't it?”
“Oh my gosh, Ben,” you said, pushing the phone and his hands in an annoyed tone as your face turned red. “Everyone will know that it is you. I shall be accused of having once again supported your actions if they find out the identity of your account. Why do you act so carelessly?”
“Everyone has those fake names,” Ben said, grimacing at how much you disapproved of what he had done. Nobody will find out because I'm not using it anyway."
He intended to show you that he never thought of himself apart from you and that he thought of you even while he was setting up the account, but all he managed was to distress and upset you once more. Observing your defensively crossed arms on your chest, he sighed and moved his strong arms to your seat in an attempt to get close to you.
“How are you so sure?” you asked as he handed over the phone to Hughie in a rude manner.
“Because that's the way the modern world works, sweetheart. Nothing and anyone are real when it comes to Internet.”
“Indeed,” Butcher said, glancing at the two of you through the mirror. “He is right; no one will find out. It's not really a big deal; trust me, if it were, I would have problems as well because of him.”
You cut it short, closing your eyes and lowering your head to the seat. “Okay,” you mumbled.
It was as though some odd numbness overcame your body, leaving you exhausted and unbalanced even after decades of sleep. It was most likely due to the quantity of sleep that your body became accustomed to, and it's also possible that you were experiencing a side effect from what you experienced in the lab. Nonetheless, it didn't concern you because you knew you still had your strength. You only needed to get a bit more rest. As you closed your eyes to give your body a break until you got there, you inhaled deeply.
You slowly opened your eyes, feeling Ben's gentle touch on your cheek, and heard him say, “You really turned into sleeping beauty, didn't you?” in a lighthearted manner.
“Have we arrived?” you muttered as you opened your eyes and noticed his intense gaze on you. The moment Butcher and Hughie slammed the car door, you immediately fully came to your senses.
Ben nodded, confused, not knowing how to react to your coldness as you gently moved his hands away from your face.
Ben and you had just followed Butcher and Hughie to the small, slightly desolate house. You looked around the room, and the other two women, who were glancing at you warily, exchanged glances. You could tell they were supes, just like you, from the whiff of Comp-V in their scents. You were a little nervous because you had no idea what their intentions were toward you. You had no friends or someone to rely on anymore, and you were a stranger to everything after all.
“Ladies, how are you doing here?” Butcher grabbed a glass of whiskey from the kitchen and inquired as he sat down right away on the closest couch.
“I can't believe you and you especially you Hughie,” the blonde remarked angrily. “You two really set them both free, and you forced me to take so much Temp-V; we're going to be caught. It's only a matter of time.”
“So you're the supe woman that bottom-faced guy pounding?” Ben aggressively exclaimed, pushing the short-haired man to the right while he snatched a cola from the refrigerator. “And the one who works for Vought when you're not getting off and doing other things.”
“Stop it, Ben,” you said in a warned tone as his abrupt aggression caused the air to thicken.
“Why don't we just sit down and have a nice chat?” Hughie looked at you anxiously, as if you wanted to soothe Ben before anything happened.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he said, flashing you a cunning grin when he spotted you approaching him, and you gave him a cold look while he sipped his coke in joy.
“Well, Annie, that it wasn't in vain. Soldier Boy and I struck very useful bargain, didn't we?” Butcher inquired, glancing back to Ben with a sly smile. “We're going to kill Homelander together.”
You felt uneasy, and your thoughts turned to the Homelander once again. Even if you didn't care about Ben at all, you couldn't help but feel concerned because you were both strangers to Vought and the outside world now that Ben had gotten into so much trouble. Not only did you not want to return to the lab, but you also didn't want Ben to go through the same painful experiences. Even though he had been vile to you, you didn't want him to suffer forever in Russia.
Annie replied, “You should have told me, Hughie,” casting a disappointed glare at her boyfriend. “You’re so acting strangely these days.”
Hughie insecurely responded, “I know, I know,” rubbing her cheeks. “And I’m really sorry for it. It won’t happen again.”
The man with short hair said, “You all know that they both are being searched by the government, right?”
Butcher shot back, “Of course we all fucking know that, Frenchie.”
Annie looked at you and said, “Well, I guess Y/N's situation is worse,” while you stood by Ben, watching him carefully to make sure he didn't suddenly lose his temper and start some serious drama. “Well, she's a known traitor after all.”
You immediately defended yourself by saying, “I'm not a traitor,” and you were enraged at her haughty demeanor. Despite her lack of knowledge, she was constantly talking about things she had no idea about. “Vought only spread lies and caused us pain in order to build up the next generation, which is your generation. They tortured me for years just because I wanted to quit.”
Annie's expression softened as she realized that Vought would do something like that and that she was having trouble as well in Seven. She then apologized to you by looking at you and sincerely saying, “I'm sorry to hear that.”
She went on, making an effort to get you to see how complicated the situation was, saying, “But you need to understand that no one will believe you. For all this time, you have been regarded as a spy for the entire world. The same remains for Soldier Boy.”
“What is your point?” Ben cut her off with a harsh voice.
Ben was becoming mad at those morons; they were just some stupid kids who liked to order other kids around, but he was a man, a true leader, the strongest supe to live, and they had no idea what him and you had been through or who had been in charge decades earlier. He was already becoming a little tense about that blonde's cunning ideas, so he realized he had to proceed with caution going forward. He had to watch out for you too, in order to keep you safe.
With defensive hands on her hips, Annie retorted, “The thing is, it's best if you don't see each other for a while. I can help you spend a week in various secure locations, separated.”
Ben abruptly tensed up, enraged that the blonde had already made plans in her cunning mind to keep him away from you. “No fucking way,” he said. He was certain that those fucked-brains would propose something so incredibly moronic.
Even if it made sense, you realized those new guys weren't to be trusted as they were strangers. It was true that you needed some alone time apart from Ben, but for the time being, it was preferable to ignore what you’re told.
“Everyone is talking about what happened in New York and Ohio,” Annie said furiously. “I’m just asking you two be hidden for a week. Everything’s already complicated in Vought and I have my own problems.”
“Look, sneaky woman,” Ben hissed, “I don’t give fuck about your problems or anything at all. If you ever suggest such thing, you won’t have a head to think such idiotic things anymore. I’m warning you.”
“Ben, you need to calm down,” you said. You scowled at the feeling that his chest was unusually heated compared to normal. 
Frenchie agreed, saying, “Y/N is right; there is no need to fight each other.” The supe woman next to him smiled and patted his shoulders.
Butcher responded, “Annie is right too, though,” as he examined the Temp-V carefully on his lap. “Too much attention has been paid to Soldier Boy during the past three days. We are also doomed if he is seen soon enough.”
“They could be right,” you acknowledged, nodding to Butcher, understanding that his points were reasonable. Since you and Ben were currently the state's number one and two foes, you also didn't want to get into any sort of trouble.
Ben cursed, “Fuck that,” and he gave Butcher a menacing stare. He got offended at the fact that you instantly agreed with them but not with him. “I didn't realize I had done business with so many jerks. If you're that afraid of what's ahead, I might accept your suggestion, but Y/N is staying with me.”
“Calm down, buddy. Why are you so obsessed?” Butcher questioned, putting the bag down from his lap.
When you realized Ben was about to start an argument without reason, you asked him, “Why are you being like this?” in an irritated tone.
“Are you saying that you're prepared to follow those fuckfaces' instructions?” While you could tell he was angry, he inquired quietly, “What's wrong with you?”
Ben set down the coke and paid no attention to Butcher's irritating remarks. Instead, his attention was drawn to you. The fact that you didn't trust him but did trust the new people you had met most disturbed him. It was not them who saved you, but it was him who considered your safety and future. Still, you were ready to follow what they had to say. You'd been away from each other for a long time, so there was no reason to spend another minute separately.
“I'm not saying anything, Ben. I just want you to quit being irrationally dissatisfied and to be reasonable.”
Butcher sighed as he watched you start to debate, but Annie grasped Hughie's arm and guided him to another room to have a conversation.
Ben stated, “I'm not getting angry for no reason,” while attempting to stay controlled.
Despite Ben was desperate to touch you, he restrained himself since he knew that you two needed to have discussed the situation before acting on it. How in the world was he supposed to talk to you properly after a week apart? “I'm just saying, we don't have to spend a week alone and separated,” Ben said with a low voice.
Your eyes wandered around everywhere except for him.
“I'm not sure, Ben,” you teased him, feeling hesitant about his response. “Maybe we should.”
“How can you be sure that those people won't imprison you to a metal box once more? Do you really want to go back to that lab? You're saying you have faith in them, but not in me?”
You angrily gasped, “Don't you ever talk to me about trust. I would never make the same mistake by trusting you again.”
He tried to calm himself down, saying, “I'm the only one who saved you,” but the heat inside his chest kept growing.
“Will you stop arguing?” Butcher got up and asked, watching Ben trap you against the kitchen table while grinning at Ben and sipping his whiskey. “She obviously wants to be by herself for a while. Would you please just accept her decision and let her to enjoy herself?”
Ben angrily remarked, “Mind your fucking own business; we are fucking having a conversation here.”
You stopped disputing with him and cast a puzzled glance at his chest as soon as you felt the warmth in his chest increasing once more.
Butcher said, “It's like you're forcing her for something she doesn't want to though. Don't be such a drama queen,” ignoring Frenchie's warnings. “She might just want to spend time alone in a nice place and fuck with some hot dudes, savor the time she missed all those years.”
Ben snarled, turning to face Butcher and ignoring you this time. “Watch your fucking language," he growled. “If you say one more word, I fucking swear I'll rip your heads off.”
Ben's chest began to glow suddenly before he could finish his sentence, and your eyes widened, sensing the anxiety and the heat coming from his body.
“Ben,” you whispered quietly, uneasy with his rage and the anguish on his face, as if he tried to maintain self-control.
With an expression of fright on his face, Frenchie and the supe woman next to him also retreated a step. “Calm down, buddy,” Butcher muttered. “Let's not cause another accident. You've already done enough damage, huh. ”
But Ben's chest continued to glow, alerting you. “Hey, what's wrong with you?” you asked as you walked up to him, stroking his arms and then his face and making him to look at you.
He snarled, “I can't hold it,” and shoved your hands away right away. “Stay away from me.”
Instead of following commands, you remained in the same spot and continued to massage his upper arms in an effort to soothe him though you got extremely anxious. Then, in the hopes of calming him down a little, you put your hands on his burning, hot chest. Even if there was smoke slightly arising from his body, your hands felt chilly.
You whispered, “It's okay,” feeling his temperature drop beneath your fingertips gradually.
Next Chapter
A/N: Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! -`♡´-
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justauthoring · 3 months
a certain fondness.
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to admit your feelings is scary, but to never have known is scarier. requested! -> hey! i seen your post asking for marauders requests so I was wondering if you’d write a remus x reader? where they’ve been pining after eachother for so long and it’s so obvious to everyone but them. maybe it ends in a nervous love confession? thank youuu!!! requested by! -> @pinkdaiisies
a/n -> yall im on chapter 108 of atyd and im in the trenches currently lol also, i will always use the og fancast
pairing -> remus lupin x f!reader
he was so pretty that it almost wasn't fair.
pretty eyes. pretty smile. pretty hair. pretty scars. you knew he thought they made him a monster, but you thought they made him look beautiful.
though, you could never tell him that.
you've wanted to, multiple times. been talked up by the girls and psyched yourself up, everything, but the second he'd smile at you with that soft, shy smile, all that courage would disappear within seconds and you'd be left a fumbling fool.
and so, like a cruel torture, you were left a pining fool – always thinking about the what if's and the maybes without ever taking the steps to make them reality. you'd dream of a day you'd be brave enough, or worse, dream of a day that maybe he'd confess himself.
that all along, he'd liked you too.
it never happened.
"seriously, moony, you should just tell her."
remus rolls his eyes from behind the book he'd been reading – peacefully a few seconds ago – before lowering it to send james a rather nonplussed expression. "not all of us can just pour our hearts out whenever we want, prongs."
james just rolls his eyes. "and why not?" he counters, quirking a challenging brow. "i have no problem."
"and how well is that working out for you?"
james lips part in disbelief as remus smirks, it growing when he hears sirius let out a loud chuckle and peter try to quietly mask his own chuckle. it wasn't often the boys teased james for his crush on lily anymore, especially since it'd been made clear no amount of it would change his rather embarrassing attempts but, when someone did crack a joke, it never failed to gain the intended laugh.
"well," james huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back against the couch. "at least i'm not too afraid to admit my feelings, like a certain moony over here."
remus shakes his head; "i'm not afraid."
"you definitely are," sirius pops up then, sending remus a smirk. "even wormtail has more bravery then you, remus."
peter flushes at that, batting away sirius' hand from it's mocking pat on his back. "so funny."
sirius just sticks his tongue out at peter, being the childish prat he normally is, as james speaks up again. "seriously though, moony. i'm confident y/n feels the same."
flushing, remus slams his book shut – he clearly wasn't going to be able to read it in peace anymore. "you do not know that," remus corrects, "what if she doesn't and i embarrass myself?"
"like prongs?" sirius grins.
james just sends him the finger. "it honestly isn't that bad."
remus sighs; "for you maybe. besides, why would she want to go out with someone like me?"
remus' meaning is clear.
"remus," james sighs, pitingly. "y/n knows right?" remus nods. "and she doesn't care. none of us do. it isn't as bad as you think it is."
remus moves to respond, but before he can, a voice cuts in;
"what's not that bad?"
all four eyes fall on the four girls as they make their way into the common room. it's lily who asks the question, not so subtly moving towards james, sitting on the arm of his chair, who meets her eyes and tries not to flush immediately – to be fair, lily isn't that much better.
mary and marlene send smiles of their own and easily flank themselves on the couch next sirius, peter now on the ground in front of them.
you walk in behind them, eyes falling on remus' first as you smile.
it's then, remus realizes, that all the open spots on the little nook the marauders had settled themselves in are now taken. he notices, just out of the corner of his eye, you move to take a seat on the ground and his body reacts before he can stop himself.
"here," he rushes, "take my seat."
you turn to him in surprise, a soft flush covering your cheeks as your eyes flicker from the now open seat to remus. "oh, remus you don't–"
"i insist," he pushes, gently, nodding at you with a small, nervous smile.
the rest of the marauders and the girls all send each other knowing glances, shaking their heads at their friends obliviousness.
smiling brightly, you move towards the couch; "thank you, remus."
"o-of course."
with nowhere left, remus settles himself on the ground, in front of you. he tries to ignore the flutter of his heart at having you so close or the way he can't get the soft smile you'd sent him out of your head.
"so," you prompt after a moment when no one else will speak. "what's not so bad?"
remus realizes they'd never answered lily's question. instantly, he sends a look to james, pleading with him not to say anything – especially with you right there.
"sorry, y/n/n," sirius calls out instead of james when the quidditch captain simply stares on in panic. "it's a marauder secret." he offers, grinning over at you and sending remus a wink who quickly bows his head.
you roll your eyes at that, but smile nonetheless. "nothing new then," you laugh, "just let me know beforehand if you're planning on blowing something up or making a mess of something. last time you guys did a prank, i got hit in the crossfire."
all the boys wince at that.
"sorry, y/n," james cringes.
"we promise we'll let you know," peter assures, sending you a smile.
you return it with a smile of your own and a laugh.
"so," sirius speaks up, "what are you ladies doing here? normally you lot of are gossiping or something."
mary rolls her eyes; "we do not gossip."
sirius just quirks a brow at her.
marlene is quick to jump to her defence; "at least we don't land ourselves in detention weekly."
"touche," sirius laughs.
"actually," lily jumps in, leaning forward on the armrest of james' chair. "y/n needed remus for something, didn't you?"
remus watches as you still as all eyes fall on you. "o-oh," you mumble, meeting remus' eyes nervously. "yeah."
remus turns to you; "is everything okay?"
"oh, yes," you reassure with a shake of your head at the concern in his eyes. "i had a question about something for charms. if you don't mind?"
remus is once again interrupted before he can answer;
"moony was actually just headed to the library," james cuts in with a grin. "you two can head there and he can help you."
remus sends james a glare, shaking his head.
you're a little confused by james' suggestion, but you're not all that bothered as you shrug, and turn to remus. there's a warmth to your cheeks that is subtly there, but otherwise, you smile as normal. "if remus doesn't mind?"
"o-of course not!" remus rushes, perhaps a bit quckly if the surprise in your eyes is anything to go by. he rushes to correct himself. "i mean... i don't mind at all."
thirty minutes later and the two of you are alone in the library.
there was only a few other students there so luckily the both of you were able to find a table to yourselves easily. you'd asked him your question about charms and remus had been helpful, like you'd expected.
but now, as the two of you sat there, it was clear neither of you knew what to say.
"s-sorry about them," remus speaks up, voice soft, a moment after lasting silence. "the guys i mean. they-well..."
you frown as remus trails off, turning to him in concern; "remus?"
"i didn't actually have to go to the library." is all he answers with.
your eyes widen. "oh!" you squeak, embarrassed. "i... i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to pull you away from your friends! we totally could've done this–"
"no, no," remus rushes out, shaking his head. "no, that's not what i meant."
you frown, puzzled. remus was being awfully criptic and you didn't really understand why. not to mention, his cheeks were bright red and he was desperately avoiding your gaze which was making you increasingly nervous.
had you done something to upset him?
as far as you knew, there was no full moon approaching. so it couldn't be that. since you'd found out last year, you'd been keeping track of when full moons were happening so you could be there for remus in anyway you can. which, admittedly, wasn't much unfortunately, but you at least liked to know.
reaching forward, you set your hand on his arm, not noticing the way he tenses at your touch.
"remus?" you push gently.
his eyes clench shut and then; "i like you!"
he says it so fast and so suddenly, you don't even recognize what he's said. not at first, anyways. you pause, blinking, as his own eyes slowly flicker open to meet yours nervously.
then, softly, you ask; "you like me?"
he cringes. "yes," he nods, beet red. "i h-have for a while. the boys have been trying to get me to confess for a while, which is why they'd offered us to go the library. so... so we could be alone."
you blink; "oh."
remus takes that the wrong way. "i understand if you don't feel the same!" he rushes, shaking his head at you. "nothing has to change. and i mean... i'd understand if you had... concerns about being with me, so–"
you promptly cut him off by pressing your lips against his own.
the kiss is messy and clumsy, neither of you having any experience. you also pull away quicker than you'd like, but despite remus' confession, you're still nervous so it's instinct as your body pulls away.
meeting remus' eyes, your breathless; "i like you too," you whisper. "and i have no concerns about being with you. at all."
remus' eyes widen. "even... with my monthly problem?"
"even with," you say with no hesitation or doubt. "you know i don't care or see you differently. i... i just, well, like you."
remus smiles at that, finally eased as he laughs lightly. "i like you too."
biting your lip, you grin; "can i kiss you again?"
"you think they're snogging each other?"
"hopefully." lily huffs, "all y/n does is pine after remus."
"same with remus," sirius laughs. "he's madly in love."
marlene laughs; "if they aren't we're going to have to try different methods."
"more forward," mary nods.
james snorts; "nah, they're definitely snogging."
"what makes you so sure?" peter asks, confused.
"look," james nods to his right.
all eyes follow his gesture, five pairs of eyes widening at the sight of you and remus walking into the common room, hand in hand.
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meowzilla93 · 10 months
Love Language with the Boys!!
I feel like its quite self explanatory in the games but I wanted to explore more into it so
Here is the primary and secondary Love Languages the Boys have!
Derek Suarez
Primary  - Acts of Service!
This boy loves and needs someone to just make his life even a fraction easier
You need someone on your side boo? We got you!
Lets start the day
Are you a night owl and sleep in? Well, you made sure to make some snacks and prepare his workout drinks in the fridge the night before – gotta make sure muscle man is eating right and getting his protein
Early bird like he is? Sweet! If you both go to the gym you pack his bag for him as he is getting dressed, or maybe you’ll go ahead and make a quick breakfast for the two of you to get some energy before a work out
Not going to the gym? No issues! You give him a kiss on the cheek and hand him his protein shake as he leaves, then whilst he is gone you can start prepping a good after workout breakfast for him to come back to
Has he got work or meetings he needs to go to afterwards? You could make sure his clothes are ready to go, or maybe the papers he was reading through the night before are packed away into his bag
You’ve got the day off work? Maybe we plan a nice dinner surprise with his favourite meal
Or you order in cause it’s a Friday and its game night (GO TEAM SUAREZ) and you both aren’t getting much sleep that night
Oh you noticed his favourite protein powder is running out? Better put an order in and top it up before he notices (of course he notices, he is absolutely touched!)
Poor boy has gotten sick? You just know he doesn’t want to let that slow him down
Guess what you are doing?
You are one step away from strapping him down to that bed (kinky, but not really HE IS SICK) but he finally relents, so you get to nurse him now
Mama Suarez has told you his favourite go to home remedies to get better, and you make it all! Tea, soups, hot chocolate, you name it
He is going to know what it means to be taken care of
You have Dereks Day! But its not once a year, its once a month
He needs to have one day every 30 days where its just about him and letting him let loose
The Boardwalk is always a winner, but sometimes its just a picnic, or go to the water park, or go to the movies. Whatever he wants to do, its getting done
Secondary – Words of Affirmation!
I swear this man, LIKE ALL THE OTHERS, doesn’t understand when we compliment him or anything
So guess what guys
Daily Affirmation Texts
He really needs these ones
Just a reminder of how amazing he is, that he is kicking goals (pun intended)
That we are so happy to be with him
Just remind him that he matters, because baby, you really do!
Cove Holden
Primary – Quality Time!
So we know how much Cove loves just spending time with us
Its his favourite hobby, pastime, memory, you name it
Oh our favourite resident merman has a new fish?
You are sitting down and letting that man gush about it, telling you all about its species and what the care is going to be for it
You don’t even have to say anything, just sitting there and listening to him is all that matters
Hard day at work?
He just needs to vent to you, same thing. You could even provide tips (im talking like, hit them in the kneecaps advice) to him just to get him to smile and laugh about it
Some think that Quality Time means you need to give each other attention all the time, but not for you two
All he wants is to be in your presence, and you don’t even have to be doing the same thing
You guys have aced Parallel Play
The most important thing is making sure you are within each others vision and you Gucci
He is reading, you could be watching something on your phone
He is cleaning the fish tank, you could be there just listening to music and maybe doing a hobby of your own
He just wants your presence
Any time away is torture to him, every Step in the game literally explains that
Secondary – Gift Giving!
Remember how excited he gets over the orange shell? The poppy? The fudges? The windchime?
This man is so ecstatic that you thought of him WHEN HE WASN’T EVEN THERE
And you are giving him something that he would like, and you did it unprompted
Prepare for waterworks
Listen, sometimes you just need to leave it on his pillow to come back to
You got up earlier than him (shocker that one) cause of work, so as you are quietly bustling around getting ready, you leave him a little letter or a present on the pillow next to him
When he finally wakes up and sees it, there are tears, and then there is an urgent call coming your way
Because of course he needs to thank you for it!
Just be prepared that you will get gifts too. That’s his way of showing his love and care too
Baxter Ward
Primary – Physical Touch!
Look, I swear this one is so obvious, but in case it isn’t I will go into HEAVY DETAIL OF WHAT HE LIKES
See he loves being in your presence all the time, but it simply isn’t enough
He needs some part of him touching you, even in a minute way, he just needs it
Driving? You are holding hands, this is a rule
Walking? Holding hands or he has your arm draped on his all gentlemanly like
Sitting together at a function? Somehow you have contact
You could be holding each others hand on the table
Or simply linking fingers, even just the pinky finger (YOU MJST BE TOUCHING)
Linked ankles underneath the table
Pressed up next to each other so your thighs or shoulders are touching whilst talking to others
Home alone and you are sitting on the couch together?
Position A: he is laying his head in your lap, you will brush your fingers through his hair that is the LAW
You could always give him a small head massage, he would love you even more for it
Position B: leaning against each other, watching a movie, he will have his arm wrapped around you and holding you in close, you could hold his hand as well
Position C: You are lying on him. Oh he will be brushing you hair, but say you don’t like that, he is content holding you hand instead
Oh this man is a sucker for hand holding (have you read anything above)
But you know what would make him weak?
Giving him a hand massage. Or just caressing his hand, feeling his fingers, brushing them across his palm. The lot of it
Can say the same about his neck and head; you could just be caressing him, admiring him and his skin and softness and he would 100% be lulled to sleep by it
Or, if you do it the right way, something else entirely would be on the menu (play prawn-hu- gets shot)
He is making dinner for you? Gently hug him from behind
Come home from work? A hug and a kiss is required for this tired man
Is there music playing? Oh a dance is required. Doesn’t have to be fancy, just a chance to hold onto you and sway is enough for him
Kisses – lord this man would accept a kiss any where
Hands, cheeks, chin, nose, shoulders, legs (alright we need to get back on track)
But forehead touches are supreme
Sharing a hug, foreheads pressed together, just being in each other space?
His heart couldn’t be more full
Bedtimes? You would consider yourself lucky if you can untangle yourself from him
You are 100% wrapped up in a Baxter Burrito and you aren’t escaping
But if that’s not your thing, don’t worry he is respectful of that
At this point as long as he can feel your body heat and movement in the bed, he will be content
After all he gets all the touches during the waking hours
Secondary – I Feel like this is almost two, cause He does need Words of Affirmation even though he doesn’t believe in it half the time, but also Quality Time is a big hitter for him...
With Baxter, because he is emotionally stunted, there is only so far you can provide him in words of affirmation before he just doesn’t listen anymore
So these ones need to happen sporadically, and during very important moments
Like when he is really beating himself up, rather than tell him he is wrong, you just need to flip the conversation to be positive
Sometimes you do just need to give him time to process what has happened and let him come back to you to talk, and that’s when you can gently re-affirm the positives with him
Quality Time just links in with Physical Touch
He loves being with you, and just plain talking with you
If you are long distance, he just wants to make every moment count, over the phone or in person
And if you do that back to him, well then you are just the more remarkable person ever
Don���t need to be doing anything fancy, voice calling is just fine
Going for a walk and chatting
Trying a new restaurant when you are both together again
Thank you for reading my TED talk.
A small part of me is sad that Coves is so little, but honestly mans gets so much screen time, the other boys deserve a chance to shine!
cough I do not have a favourite cough
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
luke hughes x fem!reader
🌷: “Please just kiss me already.” with Luke.
Tumblr media
“you guys are disgusting.”
my boyfriend and i are sprawled across the couch; Luke laid down on his back, and me laid down on my stomach on top of him between his legs. Luke and i separate our lips, looking over to Ethan and Mark who stand in the living room entryway.
“you’re just jealous that you don’t have anyone to be like this with.” Luke taunts, tightening his grip around me, letting his hand slide down to rest on my ass.
“no.” Ethan tells him. “i’m disgusted because you guys can never keep your hands off each other.”
“can you blame me? look at her!” my boyfriend exclaims. “actually, don’t look at her.”
“i wasn’t gonna look at her anyways.” Ethan states, flopping down into the armchair a few feet away.
“what is that supposed to mean?” i ask, purely intending to make him flustered. “am i not pretty, E?”
his eyes grow wide, his lips opening and closing like a fish.
“no! i- uh i mean yes! er-” he stutters over his words, not sure of how to respond, and Luke bites back a laugh.
“she’s fucking with you, bro.” Mark chuckles, slapping Ethan on the shoulder as he passes by the armchair, taking a seat at the opposite of the couch from Luke and i. Ethan looks at me, finding me red faced from holding in laughter.
“you’re mean.” Ethan counters me with a glare.
“she’s an angel.” Luke defends me, pressing a kiss to my lips once again.
“thank you, baby.” i mumble against his lips.
“Ethan’s right, you guys are disgusting.” i pull away to glance at Mark, who watches us with a wrinkled nose and a frown.
“we are not!” i rebut.
“ya know what? i dare you guys to see who can go the longest without kissing the other!” Ethan nearly shouts. Luke and i exchange a glance before i send Ethan a side eye.
“why would we do that?” i ask him.
“because i’ll give the winner a hundred dollars.” he tells me. Luke and i give each other another glance, making our decision.
“okay.” Luke says.
“okay?” Ethan repeats.
“okay.” Luke confirms. “it’s just not kissing. it can’t be that hard.”
it’s hard. it’s much harder than i think we assumed it would be. i didn’t anticipate the amount of times we would lean in to give our normal every day kisses before remembering we weren’t allowed. it’s only been one day and it feels like torture.
“i don’t like this.” i pout for the third time today.
“i know you don’t.” Luke chuckles, running a hand over my hair from where my head rests on his chest. we’re laying in his bed, cuddled up together before his game.
“it sucks.” i tell him. “i didn’t get my good morning kiss.”
“or your mid-afternoon kiss.” he reminds me. before i can speak, the bedroom door swings open, revealing Dylan.
“hurry up and get ready, we have 20 minutes.” he tells us before walking away, leaving the bedroom door wide open behind him. i groan, clinging to Luke a little tighter.
“baby, i have to get ready.” he coos, attempting to peel my arms off of him.
“you won’t get your good luck kiss.” i frown. that statement makes him freeze. i’ve come to learn that some hockey players are very superstitious. Luke being one of them. he genuinely believes that if he gives me a kiss before he leaves sophomore house every game day, they’ll win. it’s worked so far, so i can’t really blame him.
“shit.” he curses. he hums as he gets up from the bed, trying to think of a solution. i watch him with curious eyes while he gets ready, changing into his arrival outfit and making sure he has all his gear in his bag.
and i follow silently as he sulks down the stairs to the other boys who are waiting for us by the front door.
“i’ll see you at Yost?” his hands grip my waist, mine winding around his neck.
“yeah, i’ll be there.” he nods at my confirmation before we pull apart, him heading towards the door.
“aren’t you forgetting something?” Ethan teases, a smirk drawn across the lower half of his face.
“don’t be an asshole.” Dylan retorts, smacking Ethan’s chest. “this could be our downfall.”
Luke let’s out a stressed sigh at Dylan’s words, and i know this is hard for him.
“Luke?” i call out. he turns to look at me, raising his brows in questioning. “please just kiss me already.”
i don’t have to tell him twice. he struts forward, pulling me in by my belt loops and crashing his lips to mine. his lips are soft and he tastes like the red gatorade he was drinking earlier.
“dear jesus, one day. you guys lasted one day.” Ethan groans. Luke pulls away, sending a glare to his close friend.
“shut up, Eddy.”
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melodiesofmidnight · 9 months
I want to talk about violence in Phantom of the Paradise for a moment.
Paul Williams once said in an interview that:
"You go back to, in our society, we were, as Americans, sitting and watching the footage from Vietnam. There were cameras following the fighting. We're sitting there with our TV dinners watching the war in Vietnam. And, at some point, it felt like something really evolved at this point.
But the news was becoming entertainment. And the line between the two, between the news and entertainment, our reality began to blur. And so when that amazing moment in the movie, when Beef was killed on stage and the kids think it's part of the show, I think that's a really pivotal moment [...] and it just feels like that was basically the heart of the picture."
It seems to me that this truth, which, at the time, may have seemed to be an overly-thoughtful consideration of the film's intended meaning, has now been augmented into something of so formidable a magnitude as to seem so obvious that it hardly warrants mentioning: and that is intentional.
*Further commentary under the Read More.*
In an ideal society, of course, this aspect of the film would be lost to us, a symptom of a bygone and barbaric society whose methods of entertainment would find themselves comfortably classified as having evolved from those of the Romans.
The "heart of the picture," as Paul put it, however, has only become more familiar to us as Time has steadily marched onward, and may now be so ubiquitous a phenomenon that we suffer the same blindness as those inhabiting said ideal society: we simply do not really analyze the violence. It is hardly mentioned in pertinence to this film in the realm of critical analysis, as that is just standard film fare: we hardly pause to consider its position within the film, or what the depiction of this violence may be trying to say: it is simply not particularly remarkable to us.
And why should it be?
Since the advent of the Internet, real violence has become so easily accessible to us that even a quick Google search can bring you within a finger's breadth of witnessing atrocities mankind was never meant to see.
Many of us grew up in the nascent, more unregulated days of the Internet, where kids passed shock sites between them like naughty magazines, and when places like LiveLeak consolidated into one convenient location the truly horrific realities of the world: beheadings, murders, war crimes, car crashes, cartel torturings...if it featured real, unadulturated human suffering, it had an ever-growing audience. People In the Know referenced these videos to one another, winking at the in-jokes made at the expense of real humans whose horrific deaths they had themselves witnessed.
Even in the current age, these things blur the lines between fantasy and reality for modern youths the way war footage may have for the youths of the Vietnam era: death is a spectacle, be it real or simulated.
We tell ourselves vehemently that we can distinguish between the two - between real and simulated violence - and, while this may be true in parsing the difference between fantasy and reality, can we parse the difference between its effect on us personally? Is every instance of real violence we witness truly as raw to us as it was the first time we saw it?
Ostracized teenage boys gather together to idolize school shooters the way horror fans may gather together to admire their favourite fictional slasher. People respond to a low death toll in mass shootings the way they may react to saving nearly all the characters in their favourite horror game: "Oh, just two got killed? That's not so bad."
Sure, it seems silly to us while watching the film that the audience doesn't recognize that Beef was truly killed whilst onstage, because of course they should have -- we would have. However, would we have cared? There have even recently been instances of people continuing to party on while their friends lie dying of alcohol poisoning on the couch, or of people livestreaming the murder of their partner while their viewers cheer them on, or even people who have displayed the body of a celebrity at a nightclub event.
People trample each other over 5% off sales on televisions and shoot each other's children over a perceived slight on the roadway. People commit random acts of violence against each other every single day, and, of late, have been livestreaming it: recording it for people all over the world to watch -- and they do. They gather en masse to watch, and, when a half-hearted attempt is made to remove the video from being accessible, people scour the Internet to find it: to be part of the group In the Know--to have something to talk about. An assassination live on television, coast to coast? Now that's entertainment!
I think the violence aspect of Phantom of the Paradise is terribly overlooked, and such really only speaks to the relevance of that particular criticism against our society, which still rings so true as to be invisible to us. Haha, the person in the movie killed another person with a bird hat, isn't that silly? Haha, the singer onstage got electrocuted to death, that's so absurd. Haha, that girl put on Winslow's mask after he died without even checking on him. Haha, everyone's partying even though four people just died. Isn't that silly?
And why shouldn't we find it silly, rather than horrifying? After all, we saw worse than that when we were six.
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I saw someone on here who said that there aren't enough dark fics about the lost boys, so I was kind of inspired to write one. After all, i do intend to forget that 'our' boys are also viscous killers. That being said, this is dark. Like really dark. Tw for torture, broken bones, needles, blood drinking, taunting, and murder of the oc. So, read at your own risk.
The first thing I noticed after waking up was the cold. Water - or at least, I assumed it was water - dripped on my head, dampening my hair. I couldn't help but shiver as some drops fell down my face, running down my nose and over my chin.
The second thing I noticed was that I was not wearing the clothes I had on before falling unconscious. I had been wearing a shirt and some pants, but now I was in a thin dress. I frowned - why would someone change my clothing? The dress wasn't smooth. It was hard in some places, as if blood had dried there and stiffened the fabric. Had I been bleeding?
The third, and probably the most important thing I noticed, was that I couldn't move my leg. My left leg was hurting, and when I slid my hand down my leg to feel why, I hissed quietly, tears burning in my eyes. My hand hadn't just run over skin, instead bumping into something sharp. Something that was probably my bone, I realised.
Before the horror of my leg being so horribly broken could consume me, the room I was in was lit up. A guy with bleached blond hair and completely dressed in black entered, carrying a torch. Fear crossed my face as I looked at him.
"Who are you?"
The guy stopped, staring at me. His look held something terrifying.
"What do you want from me?"
He moved forward, placing the torch in a metal holder on the wall. He ignored me still, and I wasn't sure if it was because he was the one who did this to me, and he wanted to intimidate me, or if it was for some other reason.
"Why won't you answer me?"
I gasped as his hand closed around my throat, lifting me up in the air until I was held above him. "Shut up."
He let go, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. I looked at him, realising now that I had seen him before. He and three other men always hang out on the boardwalk. He had been banned from several stores, and a couple of nights ago, I had been forced to enforce the ban they had from the videostore.
"Is this because I sund you away from the videostore?"
Once again, I was ignored, but I could have sworn I saw a smirk on his face. He left the room, only to return less than ten seconds later with some needle and thread.
"You're not that important," he chuckled as he pulled the thread through the needle and pushed it through my lip, grinning as I cried - both from fear and from pain. "We just wanted a new plaything." He continued, slowly but surely stitching my lip together. When he was done, he opened a bottle of vodka he had brought in and poured some over the wounds he made. I screamed, crying and whimpering as I desperately tried to ignore the stinging pain. The guy just laughed, getting up. "We'll be back later. Better behave, doll."
We? Did he mean that the other three boys also played a part in this? I was terrified. This guy was enjoying hurting me way too much. God knows I couldn't run - not with the way my leg was broken. But I had to try, didn't I? I couldn't just give in, right?
I must have fallen unconscious because when I woke up, it was to one of the blond guys - I think his name was Marko - biting my wrist. I tried to pull away, but he yanked my arm back quickly, bruising it badly. He didn't say anything as he eventually let go, leaving the room. I felt exhausted, though, realising that he probably drank my blood. What kind of freak would drink my blood? Feeling lightheaded, I tried my best to focus on my surroundings. I couldn't stay here. As I looked up, I noticed something.
The door was still open, and I knew that this was it. I knew it could be a trap, another cruel game, but i could not risk it. Either I got out now, or I would die here. That was how it was going to be. I cried quietly as I moved to stand up, almost throwing up when a sudden flash of pain rolled over me. Limping, I made my way to the door, hoping that no one was outside.
Luck seemed to be with me, and as quickly as I could - which wasn't very quickly, mind you - I made my way through the hallway. I walked, and limped, and cried, and somehow it felt like the hallway just wasn't ending. When, after what felt like hours, I was more than ready to give up, I saw a small light in the distance. The light of a fire, or maybe the rising sun. I didn't know. It gave me hope, and no matter how much pain I was in, I realised I had to go on. Hissing with every step I took, I slowly made my way out.
It was a fire that I had seen. A fire burning inside a cave that was empty. Empty - I sighed quietly. I could get away. I limped through the cave, to the opening, deciding that crawling was my best bet on getting out. I don't know how I managed, I felt more horrible than I had done in days, but in the end, I managed to reach the opening of the cave. The stairs leaving towards the opening were tall, but i realised I could just sit on the stairs and try to make my way up like that, moving step by step without using my injured leg as much.
After what seemed like hours, I was exhausted. I was dead on my feet, but I was upstairs. I had escaped. I was free, I was - something heavy hit my head, and I fell to the ground, losing consciousness.
"I told you she would try to escape," a voice above me laughed loudly.
"You'd almost pitty the poor human," another laughed, "tried so hard to escape and then still failing."
I pulled my eyes shut again. No, this - this couldn't be true. I got out, I escaped, I-
"We know you're awake," I was yanked up by my hair, causing my eyes to snap open. The four guys from the boardwalk stood in front of me, their faces looking distorted.
"Shame you got out," one of them - Paul, you thought - said, "We would have let you go if you just stayed."
You looked horrified, as you saw how sincere he looked. Was it true? Could you have been freed, just by listening to them? By staying put? Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Pwwss," you tried, but your mouth was still sewn together. The guys laughed before one of them, the only brunet, grabbed your face and slowly dragged your jaw down, tearing your lips open. Your screamed, your lips bleeding, your mouth burning.
"Please let me go..." You cried, " I won't tell anyone, please just-"
"Why would we let you go? Because you tried so hard to escape?"
David grinned, causing you to shiver. "You can try to escape. Go ahead. But when we catch you, remember that this will seem like a good memory."
I didn't need to be told twice, I ran. I hurried, I cried, I limped, I hopped, I tried everything I could to stay ahead of them.
I can hear them now, their motorcycles going faster than I could ever go. I can hear their laughter, their taunting, and I know that it is pointless. I can't outrun them. I can't. I try to move further, but I can't - a tree branch causes me to fall over, and within seconds, all four of them are on top of me. Fangs bared, sinking deep into my skin. They drink and drink, and I know this is it.
Quietly, I stare up to the sky, closing my eyes as I feel the last drops of blood being drained from my body. The last thing I hear is their laughter. And then, I hear nothing.
Total silence.
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atqh16 · 9 months
Sasunaru Vampire au
Sasuke knows what it's like to starve. A byproduct of being a homeless orphan at the ripe old age of 12. He knows how it can feel like the lining of one's stomach has been scrubbed raw by a dull knife. How it burned and knotted and had bile crawling inch by inch up a person's throat. How that hollow burn would spread to every limb to weigh it down till lifting a finger felt like a task even Atlas couldn't carry. Walking was to feel like a marionette with frayed strings and worst of all was how at some point even the thought of food felt vile.
Being blood-starved seems to more or less feel the same. Or at least he assumed it would continue to be. It's been 9 days since he's been turned and 8 days since he's fed and he's yet to enter the stage of being too weak to move or walk so he likes to think he's doing quite well. Though he doesn't intend to ever feed at all so this slow pace towards his decided demise is just torture. He'd step into the sun himself but Naruto is watching him like a hawk in the daytime so there's no chance of attempting any form of suicide. Still, he knows from experience that lying down can make it feel worse so when he wakes at dusk after passing out a nap he steps out of his room to try and walk around the apartment for a bit before halting by the doorway to the living room, where he see's Naruto on the couch scouring over a very thick book on the coffee table with a cup and a knife placed on either side of it.
"Naruto, what are you doing?"
The blonde doesn't even bother raising his head, "Reading Anatomy."
Sasuke narrows his eyes, "Why?"
Naruto flips the page, "Trying to figure out which vein is the best to cut open to fill a cup of blood without making too much of a mess."
"Well, since you won't feed on me I figured maybe you'd feel better about drinking blood out of a cup. That or I could just force-feed it to you"
"I am never going to let you force-feed me blood," the Uchiha bit out hotly. Gritting his teeth when the blonde just replies with a shrug.
"I was going to do it the next time you passed out," Naruto finally raises his head, "Ya know, like how the last time you passed out it was for 3 whole days and by the fourth I thought you were going to die. Again."
His friend nonchalantly says it all but the memory of it makes Sasuke shrink back with guilt. Remembering how when he finally woke up it was to his best friend sobbing and whimpering his name by the edge of his bed.
"Naruto- ", he starts but his friend has already turned back to the book.
"Shut up. I'm reading," he snaps and Sasuke sighs.
"Naruto, I don't want this to be our new norm"
It's the blonde's turn to sigh and he raises his gaze but this time there is a softness in his cerulean blues, "Sasuke whatever norm we had before is already gone. I don't know about you but whatever new norm I’m going make now is going to include both of us."
"Naruto you still have a life outside of me! As a hunte-"
"No," Naruto cuts in, the edge of his words sharp, "That's not what I am anymore. If being a hunter means leaving you behind or hunting you down, then I'm not a part of that anymore. Sasuke even if you did somehow manage to leave me behind do you really think I'm just gonna go back to that? I can never go back to the life we had and I don't want to if it doesn't include you. So you can either make this-" he gestured to the book, knife, and cup, "-easy or I'm gonna have to get messy."
Naruto stares at him. Unwavering. Unflinching. Sasuke knows with complete and utter certainty that his best friend would follow him through the 7 rings of hell if he had to. His friend who'd been by his side when his parents died and when his brother disappeared. The little boy who'd split moldy bread in half with him on days when there was nothing else to eat and still do it with a smile. The teenager who followed after him when he joined the Hunters Guild because 'If anyone’s going to be your partner it's going to be me!'. The person who saw him get bit and chose to ignore almost a decade's worth of training and experience to drag him back to their home. Who sat outside his room for 2 days waiting for him to finish his change, hearing every wretched scream and howl of agony, and still immediately coming in after to hold him when he cried.
Fighting Naruto when he's made up his mind was a losing battle and he can't help but feel guilty at how the thought made something warm inside float him out of orbit.
It shouldn't be this easy but Naruto always had a way of making it so.
Finally, he approached the table and closed the book with a loud thump.
"We're going to make some rules first," he warns. Eyebrow raised when Naruto leaned back against the backrest with palpable relief.
"Thank God. I had no idea what I was doing"
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whatacaitastrophe · 7 months
Kirnha x Gortash - For EdiSlendering
Song Inspo: “You Only Live Once” - The Strokes
A one-shot I did for EdiSlendering (it won't let me tag you!) <3 Thanks for requesting this! I had a great time writing it, and thank you for your donation to my Ko-fi!
Would you like me to write a BG3 one shot for you? Check out this post and send me a message <3
TW: mentions of murder, torture
“I do not understand why you insist on inviting the entirety of high society to our home once every fortnight. Is it truly necessary?” Kirnha complained as he stood in front of a mirror in their bathroom, buttoning the doublet that Gortash picked out for him. He would give his partner this: the man had taste. The blood red and silver were striking against Kirnha’s skin, the red was especially appreciated by the tiefling– an ode to what he was and who he served. Though as nice as he looked, that didn’t mean he wanted to dress up, or entertain the masses. 
“You already know the answer to that question, dearest,” Gortash hummed with amusement as he preened next to Kirnha, the double vanity and wide mirror an absolute blessing on evenings like this. “There are appearances to keep, people to remind who they serve, the usual.”
“We can’t do that in private meetings?” Kirnha argued. 
“Not if we want to remind the rest of the realm to stay in line,” Gortash turned to look at Kirnha. He grabbed the tiefling’s arm firmly, turning Kirnha so he was looking at Gortash. A devilish smirk appeared on Gortash’s face as he swatted Kirnha’s hand away so he could finish buttoning the doublet himself. “Besides, keeping up appearances means seeing you in this delicious ensemble, and that I get to take it off later.” 
A forced smile spread across Kirnha’s lips and he placed his hands over top of Gortash’s on his chest, tilting his head to the side as he spoke. “So cancel the party and take it off of me now.” 
“Now, now, my little assassin, don’t be petulant.” His lover scolded, and immediately Kirnha’s resolve to get out of attending the party melted away. Damn him, damn Enver Gortash for knowing exactly what to say to make Kirnha putty in his hands. Kirnha could honestly kill him for it. When Kirnha came up with their little plan to take over Baldur’s Gate, he hadn’t intended to develop feelings for Gortash in the process, but here they were. Initially, Kirnha’s plan had been to kill Gortash and Thorm at the earliest convenient moment. Kirnha had planned to play nice with the half-dead chosen of Myrkul and the smarmy, charming chosen of Bane because he needed them for the plan to succeed, but the moment those foolhearted adventurers defeated Ketheric Thorm, everything shifted. 
Gortash shifted, and boy, was it easy for the man to get Kirnha to agree to something when his mouth was wrapped around Kirnha’s cock. Despite himself, despite all his plans and visions of the future, Kirnha realized that ruling Baldur’s Gate alongside Enver Gortash would be more beneficial in the long run than doing it alone. Despite himself, he fell in love– rather, whatever feelings Kirnha had for Gortash that felt like what he assumed was love. 
“You love it when I’m petulant, though.” Kirnha countered with a smirk, and he leaned forward to capture Enver’s mouth in a conquering kiss, not bothering to be gentle as he bit down on his lover’s bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. Gortash moaned softly as Kirnha licked the blood from his mouth, but he pushed Kirnha away all the same. 
“Our guests are waiting.” Gortash reminded him as he turned to look at his reflection in the mirror one last time before exiting the room. Kirnha sighed, and silently prayed to Bhaal that this evening would go by swiftly. 
An hour later, Kirnha was sitting on his throne in the banquet hall swirling wine in his goblet as he watched his partner dance with another aristocrat with a scowl on his face. “You play the part of an unapproachable bastard very well, friend.” Minthara observed as she sat on the arm of his chair, an amused look on her face as Kirnha offered her a smirk. If anyone else attempted to sit where Minthara currently sat, Kirnha would have slit their throat. Luckily for the drow female, she could claim to be one of the only people in this godforsaken world that Kirnha actually tolerated, so he allowed it, glaring at anyone who looked their way, silently daring them to be as bold as Minthara.
“I’m just playing my part,” He replied drily. “They’re not here to talk to me anyway– I’m the scary one.” 
“Yes, you do have that frightening look of power about you, so I can see why you might think weaker beings would think so.” Minthara mused, sipping from her own goblet of wine. 
“Oh, I’m not assuming– I literally overheard someone call me ‘the scary one’ once,” The smirk on his face spread into a devious smile as he said the words, very pleased with the reputation he’d cultivated for himself. “Needless to say I took it upon myself to prove them correct.” Kirnha could still hear the glorious screams of the half-elf as Kirnha flayed him within an inch of his life deep in the dungeons of Wyrm’s Rock. No, he did not mind being “the scary one” at all. Especially if it meant people avoided him at parties he didn’t particularly want to be at anyway. Kirnha had always been the observer of the two of them: the brawn to Gortash's brains, if you will. This was not to say Kirnha was unintelligent; he was just more physically adept than his lover, just as Gortash could claim to be better at manipulating people with words. 
As the song ended, Kirnha finished the contents of his goblet. He watched as another aristocrat approached Gortash, vying for a dance. Little did they know they were not going to get their wish. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Minthara.” Kirnha offered as he stood to depart with a predatory look on his face. Minthara smirked. “You as well, Infamy.” 
Infamy. The name Kirnha had gone by to the public for many years now, rather appropriate given the rumors that swirled regarding who his father was, what god he served. The first person who’d ever snorted with laughter after Kirnha introduced himself using the nom de plume was no longer among the living, thus sealing the (no pun intended) infamy surrounding it altogether. Minthara was one of the few who Kirnha allowed to address him by his birthname, but the drow paladin was smart enough not to do so in public, knowing it was not worth it to risk Kirnha’s ire. 
As he strode towards Gortash, the aristocrat occupying his attention went wide-eyed, failing to keep their face neutral. The “scary one” indeed, Kirnha thought to himself as he approached, a wicked grin on his face behind Gortash’s back. When he reached them, Kirnha wrapped his arms around Gortash’s middle and kissed his neck before obscenely licking a stripe up the column of his lover’s neck to his ear. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you.” He declared in a low voice.
The aristocrat quickly bid them goodbye after that, and Kirnha smirked. Gortash turned around in Kirnha’s embrace and gave him a wry look. “Oh please, you were watching me from your seat, you knew exactly where I was.” Gortash gripped Kirnha’s jaw with his thumb and forefinger and pulled the tiefling towards him for a kiss that could honestly only be described as “lewd.” They were always like this in public: overly affectionate, not particularly bothered by who saw their displays of affection. For Kirnha, it was almost a challenge, to see how much he could get away with before onlookers could no longer hide their disapproval. Not that anyone ever said anything to the pair. They knew better. The next song began and Kirnha started moving to the rhythm of the waltz, keeping Gortash in his arms. 
“How much longer do we need to remain at this godforsaken party?” Kirnha muttered against his lover’s lips, nipping the spot he’d made bleed earlier with his teeth. 
“It’s our party.” Gortash chuckled, raking his hands over Kirnha’s chest, teasing him by the buttons on Kirnha’s doublet that he’d promised to undo later. 
Kirnha nudged Gortash’s head with his horn to tilt it to the side and kissed his lover’s neck again. “Who cares? We’ve been seen. They know where the door is to find their way out.” He bit down on the skin of Gortash’s neck, hard enough that it would bruise, but not enough to break his flesh. No, that was reserved for later.
“What if I just took you right here? With everyone watching?” Kirnha murmured against Gortash’s skin. Gortash moaned softly. “Or what if I took you over to that weapon supply room over there, and bent you over against the wall? Would I have to cover your mouth since we both know you can’t keep quiet?”
Gortash shifted against Kirnha’s touch, and he could feel his lover’s cock twitch with interest at the idea. “You are truly testing my patience today, you devil.” Gortash cooed disapprovingly, and Kirnha couldn’t help but be pleased by the fact that he knew he was winning, if not simply for any other reason than his partner could do nothing other than dance with him, because if Gortash walked away, the whole room would see the evidence of his arousal. 
“And you began testing mine the moment you informed me that my attendance today was required,” Kirnha cooed back as he pulled away from Gortash’s neck to give him a wicked look. “Seems only fitting I get to spend the rest of it telling you all the things I’d prefer to be doing.” 
He was goading his lover, Kirnha knew that. There wasn’t much that brought him greater joy than teasing Gortash and pushing him to his limit in public. Moreover, by the way the light shifted in Gortash’s eyes, it was working. Kirnha would get his way sooner rather than later. Gortash raised an eyebrow. “And who is to say there aren’t things I’d rather be doing? Just because I enjoy these events does not mean I wouldn’t rather be upstairs, tying you to our bed and punishing you for being so disagreeable today.” 
A thrill shot through Kirnha’s body and he offered Bane’s chosen a smug look. Yes, the goading was definitely working. Their dynamic in the bedroom was a constant power struggle. Sometimes Kirnha was in control, holding all of the cards as Gortash writhed beneath him. Other times, Gortash had Kirnha begging and threatening him with bodily harm if Gortash didn’t stop teasing and just fucking touch him. It was too soon to tell what kind of night that tonight would be, but Kirnha didn’t particularly care, so long as their night began (and this party ended) soon. 
“I’d love to see you try.” Kirnha dared, kissing Gortash again and his hands slid from the man’s waist to his backside, gripping it possessively. The sound Gortash made was somewhere between a moan and a growl and he pulled back to press his forehead against Kirnha’s. “I’m sure you would.” 
The next song ended, and without warning, Gortash released himself from Kirnha’s embrace with a sly grin. Kirnha glared at him. “I have a few more rounds to do, so you’re going to need to be a good boy and be patient.” 
Image be damned, Kirnha no longer wished to be at this party any longer, and if Gortash was so determined to drag this out, then Kirnha would absolutely make it more difficult on him. “Fine. I’m going upstairs. Perhaps I’ll start without you,” He suggested with a head tilt as he looked at his lover thoughtfully. “Enjoy your rounds.”
With that, Kirnha turned on his heel and headed for the door that led back to their private quarters. On the way, he made eye contact with Minthara, who smirked at him and shook her head with amusement as he disappeared through the door. 
Once back in their bedroom, Kirnha did not change out of his finery right away. Instead, he went to their bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard with his hands behind his head expectantly. Five minutes later, Gortash burst through the door with a wild look in his eyes as he took in the sight of Kirnha laying on their bed, still dressed. “I thought you were starting without me?” 
Kirnha offered him a wicked grin. “Where’s the fun in that?”
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porcelainseashore · 3 months
i’ll say it again:
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my god. lord almighty. our father who art in heaven.
porcelain i think you’re trying to kill me at this point, truly i do. i can’t even say words my little brain is so scrambled
i’m sincerely feeling every emotion on the wheel after reading chapter 10 like holy fuck i mean. poor fucking reader jesus christ we genuinely can’t win😭 ain’t shit’s gone right nor do i forsee it going that way any time soon, leon’s been psychologically tortured now we’re having fucking psychic warfare committed against us
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thank god it’s tuesday. i’ve gotta see how we get out of this hole we’re in now and i’m about to personally fistfight multiple fictional characters thanks to the way you write them and your characterization (i mean this as a very high compliment)
thank you for the meal porcelain and thank god i get to eat again soon🙏🏼
Oh boy, Ada again! Does she ever bring good news? 😅 Don't die yet, we still have a boat load of things to go through! Will Leon and Reader ever make it? Well, I sure hope it does taste sweet when we finally do 🤭💞
All I can say is...
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Wait, wait, wait... which fictional characters do you intend to fist fight? Could you give me a heads up in advance, so I know when to bring the popcorn? 🍿
How have you been anyway? I hope all is well! And yes, it's nice that you then got Chapter 10 the next day! 🤣 Thank you for enjoying my series and ofc I'll be happy to feed you each week 💛
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aladaylessecondblog · 7 months
It Rhymes With House (Six Hours AU one-shot)
Author's Note: I haven't played Durge yet, but I intend to do a run next playthrough. This chapter's Durge is your bog standard one--white dragonborn. Dunno why he's here, he's just kinda chilling, because I've noticed the chillest people usually have the most shit going on.
I can't not torture Tav. Had an idea. In this I guess Raphael's 'Six Hours' offer was quite worse and Cald ended up at the Emerald Grove with Halsin. This is something I'd like to do but the buildup would be too similar to other fics. This one's a bit of a mess.
Yes I'm outright ripping Theon's shtick.
"Who in the hells is that?"
When the party turned back up in camp with an additional follower, nearly everyone was wary.
"One of Raphael's pets, I think," Karlach said, gesturing vaguely at the shaking figure nearby, "Poor sod begged to come with us. Said without Raphael there she was a sitting duck."
"We knows she's not a devil," Wyll started, "Doesn't look like a tiefling, she looks...a bit like me, actually. Given the horns, I mean--you know, they're just like his."
Durge crossed his arms. There was a pause, and a thousand-yard stare. He took in a sharp breath. "Where's Shadowheart? She could use some healing."
The woman backed away when Shadowheart approached.
"What is your name?" Shadowheart asked gently, noting the fear written all over the woman's face. There were scars here and there, but none on her face or hands.
"Mouse," the woman said shakily, as she looked up and around the campsite. "I...I don't remember much else. Something terrible happened to me, so the master took--took most of my memory. So I would not...be burdened by the past."
Durge stood close by, trying to ignore the scent of blood.
As Shadowheart healed her wounds Mouse muttered.
"Mouse, Mouse, it rhymes with house, the house of hope, and death of the same."
She looked to be a drow, but vitiligo had stolen the color of large chunks of her face and hands, and when the healing was done Mouse looked up anxiously.
"What do you want in return? Which of you do I serve now?"
"Nothing, and none of us. I'm sure you'll feel better after you've eaten," Shadowheart said, "You say you remember very little...where's Halsin? I know he's still got some noblestalk."
"Please, I've got nothing to give you in return," Mouse said anxiously. "I already owe you for the healing, and noblestalk is expensive. The master--"
"Your master is dead," Karlach finally spoke up, "Dead, do you hear me? He's not coming back, I beat the shit out of him with the hammer he didn't want us to steal."
Mouse lowered her head. "I know, but...I've nothing to offer you for all this, I already owe you an enormous debt for letting me go back with you, and..."
She trailed off at that.
Remember, Mouse. You are only worth what someone is willing to pay for you.
"Halsin should be back soon," Durge finally called out. "He went on a supply run with the boy."
My name is Mouse.
It was the first thing the master had taught her, and she remembered it when she'd forgotten everything else. Too painful, he'd said, really, he was doing her a FAVOR, cleaning it all out of her mind. Family, friends, all of them gone because of the mindflayers, and yet she was lucky--for there he was to save her!
There to keep the tadpole from turning her into an illithid.
Yes, yes, very lucky she was. Even if sometimes--sometimes, it would act up. The tadpole would make her remember things, and she would be disobedient...she would remember disobeying, but not what she'd remembered to cause it.
She only got pain she deserved, but the master preferred it to be non-physical. Locking her up alone, or having everyone in the House simply ignore her. Making her earn the right to be noticed again.
Mouse, Mouse, Mouse
He was always there to make things better, too, and to remind her of those that lurked outside the House of Hope. Those other devils, who would be far less kind masters than he was. That without him there to protect her, she would be ripped to shreds.
Then these strangers had come...killed Haarlep, stolen the hammer. She'd begged them to take her along, and for some reason they'd done it, with no guarantee of payment or return.
Then they'd brought her here, kept her warm by the fire, given her food even.
It was...they were...nice. Moonlight above, grass below. She'd forgotten the green of it, the soft light of the moon, everything she was feeling and seeing right now.
The tadpole squirmed in her head.
No, please, don't make me remember--
The master was dead. He was DEAD. She kept telling herself that but still the fear rose. A fire, like this one, four bedrolls, and three of the others she was seeing around camp.
Every time the tadpole stirs, it causes trouble. It makes you remember things, and those things make you forget who you are. And who are you? Tell me.
M-Mouse. My name is Mouse. It rhymes with house, the house of hope, and death of the same
The master was the only truly clear thing in her mind. Lurking behind every stray thought. Waiting to punish bad behavior, or praise the good.
The memories were shady, though, only half-real. Half-remembered, on the very edge of sight she had to squint to see at all. But the tadpole stirred again...
A jolt.
Has anyone told my husband?
Nothing is more precious to me.
Mouse flinched when a body suddenly collided with her own, wrapped her neck in a tight hug.
"Mama, you're--you're back! Mister Durge said they killed the devil that took you!"
She looked up shakily when the boy drew back. Dark eyes--
His eyes.
--fluffy white hair.
"She says she doesn't remember anything," the white dragonborn said, "So go easy on her."
The boy's expression dropped, and his eyes misted instantly. "He made you forget me?"
"He-he made me forget everything that wasn't him," Mouse said. "I'm sorry, I..."
"Here," said a stronger voice behind the boy. "Give her this, it might help."
Mouse looked up, then back down immediately. The elf before her looked even more concerned than the others, and sat down beside her once he'd handed off something to the boy.
"You truly don't remember, do you? To live so long with the memories you carried, and then to forget them...before you could even know that someone else shared them, too. Such pain I would never wish on another, no matter how foul."
The boy sat down in front of her, and held out--a mushroom. "It helped Shadowheart and Mister Durge remember things, so maybe it'll help you too."
"Noblestalk," she said, taking it, "That's expensive, I don't have--"
"We can spare it," Durge called from somewhere, "We just robbed a devil, we've got PLENTY."
"Eat it, mama, please."
The boy begged her so earnestly, she could do nothing but listen. She ate, and after a pause the illithid began to twitch in her mind again. A flash of memory of the boy before her, showing him the contents of a box she'd kept hidden. Rings and whiskey and...boots? Then it shifted, and--the master--appeared. Words from her own lips, she heard in her own voice in her mind--
I will do anything if it means protecting my son.
The boy before her...the same as had been beside her in that memory.
"You...you are my son," Mouse said, "Cald...is that right?"
The boy smiled and nodded eagerly.
The large elf spoke again. "You sold yourself to that devil to protect him from the same foul vampire to torment our star."
"How did--where have you been all this time, then?" Mouse asked. "Please tell me you've been alright."
"You sent me to mister Halsin here when...when the devil visited. He's nice...some of the other druids weren't, but he was."
"And we were lucky," Halsin said, "That I recalled the time before, else...else things may have gone ill, considering the views of the druids of my grove. I was not aware before. But I was this time."
There was a pause.
"My heart, I am...so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. When they freed me from the goblin camp, I feared the worst..."
"I told mister Halsin who that devil was and he was pretty sure we were going to meet him later. I already knew we would...I wanted to come when they went to go kill him but they wouldn't let me."
"He's as dead as a devil can get," Durge called from his tent.
"It would not do to lose you when we had only just found your mother," Halsin said, "I imagine you must have many questions you want to ask of him, Tav, so I will leave you to--"
"No, no, my name is Mouse." It was hard not to include the rest of it, she almost felt she'd break her jaw trying.
"No, mama, it's Tav," the boy said, "My name is Cald, this is Halsin, and you're Tav."
Please, someone, anyone, talk to me.
The large elf--Halsin--seemed to decide on a look from Cald to stay exactly where he was.
"Perhaps time in nature will help. As a druid, you must be relieved to see the greenery again."
"I don't...I don't remember...being a druid. I don't remember any of this. We didn't have many plants in the House of Hope, and...I was told not to pray to any gods there, so even if Silvanus COULD hear me..."
A pause.
"My contract," she said, "Did you see my contract while you were there?"
"They brought back some I helped them burn," Cald said, "We're still looking through a big stack."
"Perhaps we can burn mine together."
Raphael was not dead, not truly, but if she could get the contract burned at least she would not be compelled to obey afterwards.
At least, not by the contract.
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still-astray · 2 years
A Special Someone (part 3)
Sophie gets a taste of normal teenhood
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 1.2k
warnings: none! <3
Special thanks to @mynameisnotlaura for coming up with this idea <3 i really don’t know where Sophie would be without your amazing ideas
taglist: @fromfreesia @skz-angel @skzfairies @mynameisnotlaura (just send in an ask to be added or removed <33)
Ni-ki and Sophie exchanged a glance, and stared down at their fallen blanket fort.
Ni-ki was the first to voice his thoughts. “I bet it’s going to be Jay who says something first.” He knelt down and began picking up the blankets and chairs, tossing the blankets onto the bed.
“Not Jungwon?” Sophie asked in surprise, standing the chairs upright and re-forming them into their original circle.
Ni-ki shook his head. “He’s gotten to the point where if he hears a crash from my room, he just doesn’t question it.”
Sure enough, a moment later, the two maknaes heard Jay’s voice from the doorway. “Do I need to call an ambulance?”
“No,” called Ni-ki and Sophie simultaneously. “Our fort crumbled,” added Ni-ki.
“Okay…” Jay sounded slightly suspicious but apparently decided to leave it alone, if the receding footsteps were anything to judge by.
Ni-ki and Sophie both breathed sighs of relief at the older Enhypen member’s departure, and Ni-ki began to toss blankets over the chairs again.
“I think we need to make an entrance,” Sophie proposed, standing back and eyeing their creation. She stepped forward and slid a chair out, fully intending to stay upright.
Unfortunately for her, she accidentally tripped over the chair, sprawling onto the floor- right on top of Ni-ki, who had been kneeling in the middle of the circle underneath the blankets.
Caught entirely off guard, both of them froze. Sophie had ended up almost in a bridal carry position on top of Ni-ki, the boy’s arms around her to stop them from tumbling any farther.
Right then Heeseung walked in. “Hey, Sophie, Yonghee just called. Seems they want to invite you over for din-”
He stopped short upon seeing the maknae’s ridiculous position, and his jaw dropped two feet. The couple gave him matching sheepish grins, knowing exactly what was racing through the older member’s mind.
Heeseung blinked slowly, trying to comprehend the scene before him. Then he just turned and walked away, leaving the other two to their own devices.
As soon as he’d gone, Sophie and Ni-ki looked at each other, and burst into giggles.
“You’re sure we won’t get caught?” Ni-ki asked nervously, glancing around as though he expected one of the Stray Kids members to jump out of Sophie’s closet or something.
Sophie giggled at him. “No, silly! They know we’re friends. Now shut up and don’t talk about that or we will get caught.”
Ni-ki didn’t look convinced, and Sophie couldn’t help but smile at the young man she was proud to (privately) call her boyfriend. “Listen, Riki, if we act like we’re just friends, they’ll believe that’s all we are,” she told him, lowering her voice. “Now just relax, alright? Be like you normally are.”
“Oh, you mean like this?” Ni-ki pulled a funny face, making Sophie laugh. “In all seriousness though, how’s all the promotions coming?”
Sophie sighed. “Just as tiring as they were for Oddinary, but more fun since we have all nine original members right now.”
“Speaking of your honorary eldest member, is he there? I thought I heard him scream in terror earlier.”
“He probably did,” Sophie affirmed. “Hyunjin and Jisung took it upon themselves to torture him in various ways. And then Jeongin and Seungmin decided to join in. Leaving Felix and Minho and Chan to cook dinner, which will probably end up a disaster since we have two chaotic Aussies in there at the moment. Changbin flat out refused to help with dinner because of that,” she giggled, remembering the scene.
Ni-ki chuckled. “So what have you been up to?”
“Dance lessons,” groaned Sophie. “I can’t even check the weather on my phone until Minho is satisfied with my progress for each and every individual day.”
“That’s rough,” commented Ni-ki sympathetically. “If Jungwon would just let me help you, I would.”
“But if we did that, Minho would immediately get suspicious as to where my newfound dance skills came from,” agreed Sophie. “Oh well, someday.”
Both of them sat in silence for a minute, and Sophie was just about to sing that one line from Awkward Silence when suddenly a terrifyingly loud crash resounded from the kitchen area, followed by three male voices yelling at each other.
Sophie sighed. “I’d better go make sure nobody kills anyone.”
Ni-ki chuckled. “Okay then. See you sometime- sweetheart.” He winked and closed off the call, leaving Sophie blushing hot pink for a good thirty seconds.
If she was being totally honest, Sophie could hardly believe it had only been a month since that performance on Music Bank. Since then, things between Ni-ki and her had snowballed, eventually bringing them to taste of a fruit forbidden to idols: dating.
Sophie had been enthralled when Ni-ki first posed the question of whether she wanted to make things official. He was her first relationship, and everything about it seemed a thousand times more magical than anything she’d ever experienced.
Of course, it had been hard to hide from her own members how happy she was. She had already evaded hundreds of questions that if answered, could easily lead Stray Kids to the conclusion that their Sophie was again going behind their backs.
They had even tried to hide it from Enhypen, figuring that the older members would immediately turn them in to the leaders, and eventually to the CEOs of their respective companies.
Instead, when Jay and Jake caught them trying to hold hands behind a couch pillow, the two older boys had just laughed and said that it was about time the couple stopped hiding in the shadows.
It turned out Enhypen already knew. And were willing to keep the maknae’s secret, apparently. Jungwon had taken Ni-ki and Sophie aside and told them that as long as they kept their relationship securely under wraps, he wouldn’t even tell Chan.
Which, in Sophie’s mind, was worse than Jungwon telling JYP, but that was now a moot point considering she and Ni-ki were doing a pretty good job of containing their dating to the Enhypen dorm.
It was a dangerous game to play, no doubt about it. But Sophie was willing to play it. She finally found a mutual love, and to her, that was worth more than almost anything.
Sophie skipped along the hallway to the dorm, completely forgetting that she was supposed to act natural, especially after a date. She usually did a pretty good job, but this afternoon’s park outing had resulted in Sophie returning home in a state of ecstasy.
Turning the key in the lock, she fully expected that her arrival would go unnoticed. She’d told the boys she was going to the park with a friend, and since the last time she’d been less than truthful about just who her friend was, the situation had turned out nearly perfectly, the members trusted her when she didn’t mention names.
Just one of the many reasons Sophie often felt really guilty about the whole situation.
Instead, when she stepped through the doorway, she didn’t even have a chance to slide off her shoes before an angry voice startled her into dropping her bag and stumbling into the wall.
“LEE DA SOM. Just how do you think you’re going to explain this?!”
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alba8688 · 2 months
Love hurts
Chapter 53
Word count:7208
Description:It’s the day of the gender reveal Dani and Eddie get in an argument ..
7208 k words
A/n idk how I feel about this chapter but I hope you guys like it ..Let me know what you think .
Today was the gender reveal and both Eddie and I were excited .We couldn't Wait to find out if peanut was a boy or girl but whatever it was we just wanted a healthy baby .
The gender Reveal was going to be at Steve's house because he had a big yard and his parents weren't going to be home like always On a work trip.
I wonder if they even know of all the parties Steve threw at their house ?
Well I think it's mostly Steve's house since he is always the one fixing the ac or the plumbing because they are always on vacation or work trips because his mom can't trust her husband to go alone afraid he's cheating .Which he is ,even when his wife goes to all his work trips he still manages to sneak out.
I would never want to get to that point in a relationship of not trusting my partner .That's no life.
I trust Eddie so much whenever he goes out alone with the kids or Gareth I know he wouldn't do anything even though I know about his past of being a one night stand kind of guy .
Ok ,just thinking of it made me want to kill him maybe slowly I'll torture him for being the hoe he was.
Why was I getting mad ?
All of that happened before he even met me ..
Now I want to cry,stupid hormones making me look like a crazy pregnant lady.
"Fuck you!!" I said it louder than intended. Suddenly I heard Eddie's heavy footsteps running to the room.
"What's wrong sweetheart ?" He asks ,looking at me with those stupid brown eyes looking all innocent like he never broke a fucking plate .
"What's wrong you say !!" I made a beeline towards him standing right in front of him face to face .
Poor Eddie was surprised he didn't know what the hell was going on .
"W-what did I do ?"he stuttered, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
"Nothing!!" I spin around and storm to sit on the bed continuing doing my makeup.
Why do I have to get so mad for something that happened before he even met me ?
That wasn't me but there was something that made me so mad jealous to say just thinking about the fact that he has been with other girls makes my skin crawl,just the fact that he touch them the way that he touches me .
Was my eye twitching?
I really need to calm down before our baby comes out being grumpy all the time.
"Dani sweetheart ." He said sweetly but being that I was pregnant and these  hormones were driving me crazy I mimic him .
Yes I know that was childish of me.
"I love you baby ." He coo pecking my lips softly ,I didn't kiss him back, I just lifted my eyes to look at him wanting to murder him for being with so many girls before he even met me.
"Ok,what's wrong?" He asked plopping next to me in the bed "I'm all ears ." He tells me .
"Nothing."I said flatly
"Well obviously there's something wrong because I kept hearing you cussing all the way to the living room even Nate heard ." He tells me
"Fine ." I groaned "but it's stupid don't laugh." I stood up pacing around trying to find the right words to say without sounding stupid maybe I was stupid .
"Ok,I got jealous because you slept with other girls before me ." I said quietly almost as a whisper .I kept my eyes on him, a big smirk appearing on his face .
"What ?" He ask
"You heard it, don't make me repeat it again ." I rubbed my face with my hand in frustration because it did sound stupid saying out loud ..
"Dani ." I heard him say and then the bed move .
"Huh."i replied
His arms wrapped around my waist swaying me slowly side to side .
"You know I love you ,I mean I know you were with Liam before me ." He says softly
I stayed quiet not saying anything, because if he only knew that Liam wasn't my only one .
After Liam and I were on and off In high school I went on dates and on college as well. When Liam Broke up with me when Nate was 3yrs old my world ended and I became bad wanting to stop the pain, being with other guys .
"It was only Liam right ?" He gulped putting his hand on my shoulders looking at me with a one brow raised.
I bit my bottom Lip.
"No."I whispered hoping he didnt hear me.But I think he did.
"Noo!" His voice went a few octaves higher and it looked like he was going to pull his hair out.
"Noooo!"His voice was definitely higher than usual. I never knew he could go that high.
Ok ,he was worse than I was and i think his eye was twitching now .
Eddie pov
Oh shit my eye is twitching badly I covered it with my hand what the fuck was happening to me i need to calm down That happen way before she met me ,it shouldnt bother me but it does..
Calm down count to 10,or  maybe I'll count to infinite .
Jesus Christ !!!Just thinking that other dudes got to hear the pretty sounds she makes, the sounds that are meant just for my ears, was driving me insane.
Ok ,count to 10 slowly.
Ok I feel better I didn't have to count to Infinite.
Now look at your beautiful girlfriend who is carrying your child and kiss her .
"Did you have sex with any of these guys ?" No you weren't supposed to ask that idiot.
You were supposed to hug and kiss her and tell her that everything was in the past .
But no, I had to ask if she slept with them .But she still hasn't answered my question.
"Only like with 5." She said softly, looking at me with teary eyes .Jesus H .Christ!!!I think I just got stabbed through my heart. 5 idiots got to hear her make those pretty sounds.I think i'm dying yes i am .or maybe i'm just being a bit dramatic?
"Five ! " Wait, my voice sounds a little bit to High .
I started pacing around the room ,then turned to look at her "Five !!"I repeated again hopefully I heard wrong.
"Yes, five plus Liam Eddie ." She call me Eddie,she always calls me baby.she is mad she is definitely mad..
Shit ,I fucked up .
"You slept with all those girls on the Hideout,The nigh i went to your show they kept talking about how good you are in bed ,how amazing your hands are ,and how many times you made them cum in one night and that was more than 5 fucking guys that was a whole fucking group of girls Edward !!so dont come at me for five fucking guys when you apparently fucked every girl that goes to The Hideout.
"Ok they might be exaggerating because I never took my time with them. It was just like 5 minutes or less and I'd leave or I'd kick them out, sometimes I didn't even finish  ." Shit ,close your mouth Eddie please zip it.I don't think she wants to know about your past sex  life .
"Get out !!" Dani shouted
"Dani baby I'm sorry ." But she looked furious. I thought she was actually going to murder me .
"Get out !!"she shouted again, I wanted to go hug her and say sorry for opening my stupid mouth. We never had a big fight like this before .
It was always small fights but this was our first big fight .
I got my clothes that I was going to wear for the gender reveal and got out .
Walking like a little kid who had Been gotten after by their parents ,I went into Nate's room to change .
"Fuck ,im so stupid ." I kept telling myself while changing .
"I need a smoke ." After I finished getting ready I walked out to the living room .
Nate was playing on his tablet with his headphones on .
"Uncle Dustin did you ge thim!!" He shouted excitedly .
He was playing that Roblox game with Dustin.
I opened the door and went out and sat on the steps outside pulling out a cigarette.
The door to the trailer opened and small steps were heard followed by Ozzy's tippy taps .
"Hi Dadda ."
"Hey buddy.I thought you were playing with your uncle Dustin ." I smile weakly
"He said he had something to do ,Are you crying ?"he asked
I didn't get to respond because Harrington's car and Gareth's car park in front of the trailer with a masked man getting out and running towards us .
"What the fuck !" I stood up
"Nate go inside ." I told Nate but he didn't listen .
"Sorry Eddie ." The next thing I know
Is that someone put a black pillow case to cover up my face and tied my hands.
"Nate go inside ."i knew that voice,Henderson that little Shrimp ..
Dani's pov
I think both Eddie and I overreacted .
It was such a stupid fight ,now here I was crying in the room not having nothing to do because
My mom ,Dustin and Steve were the ones that planned the whole Gender Reveal .They wouldn't let me do anything saying I needed to rest to be stress free,but I honestly didn't care if they let me help at least a little bit .Because I needed things to do ,working from home was so boring especially when Eddie was at work and when he was home he was so distracting ,kissing me ,cuddling me while I was supposed to be working.
I had my laptop on the whole day in case Liam would send me an Email or message in the work group chat for whatever I had to do for the day .
Some days were slow where I had nothing to do and some days were filled with Liam and I signing things or making new updates to our app .
And today was a slow day so Liam told me to take the day off for the gender reveal so I could
Get ready .
Now here I'am sitting down on the floor with a pile of clothes around me trying to figure out what to wear and crying my eyes out because I was so mean to Eddie .
Stupid hormones driving me crazy ..
So here I am in an avalanche of clothes crying for my metalhead for how mean I was to him.
“Stupid ,stupid,stupid hormones!”yes I was throwing a tantrum crying and throwing clothes around, Now that I'm looking at my clothes I see I have too many clothes ,Sometimes I wonder why I buy so much clothes that I don't even wear .There were clothes that still had tags on and some clothes I didn't even recognized .
But one piece got my attention: it was a beautiful navy blue floral dress that I had bought months ago and never wore .
It was open from the back giving everyone a perfect view of my back ,I love it .It was perfect .
I hope this gets Eddie's attention and he won't be so mad at me anymore .
Talking about Eddie I haven't seen him since the argument and I haven't heard any noise in the living room other than Nate and Ozzy .
I stood up from the pile of clothes and peek out the door to the living room where Nate and Ozzy were watching TV .
"Nate baby ,is Eddie there ?"
"No momma ."
I furrowed my brows ,where could he be ?
Did he leave ?
Then I heard Nate's littles footsteps getting closer then Ozzy's footsteps following him.
"Momma ,Dadda went outside for a smoke." Nate stops and gets distracted by the pile of clothes on the floor of the room letting himself fall to the clothes laughing .
"Ok and what happened ?" I asked him ." Then I followed him and Ozzy and I sat down with him outside ." He stops again getting distracted by something else ,but I was getting frustrated .
What if something happened to Eddie .
"Nate, baby where's Eddie ?"
"Oh yeah ,then a car came and some guys wearing black masks came and put Dadda a black bag on his face and carried him to the car ,then someone that sounded like uncle Dustin told me to come inside and lock the door,so I came inside ."
"What ? When was this ?"i panicked
"I don't know mamma but uncle Dustin told me to tell you to get Ready for the party ." And just like that Nate walked away to the living room Ozzy followed behind him taking his place back on the couch with Nate by his side .
"Jesus Christ. !" I looked for my phone under all the piles of clothes until I found it and called Dustin,the phone rang a few times before he answered .
"Hello ." He answered
"Dustin, where's Eddie !!" I panicked
"We kidnapped him ." He said it just like
"What do You mean?"
"Just like it sounds we kidnapped him
And he is here with us ,he doesn't know it's us yet but he will ." Then he hangs up The phone leaving me hanging.
I dial Steve's phone number ,the phone rings a few more times until he answers .
"Shit ,Dani I had nothing to do with this, it was all Dustin ,he had all this planned about kidnapping Eddie for the Gender Reveal part of his plan to reveal the gender of the baby ,please don't be mad at me ."
"Steve ,slow down please ." I told him..
So after he explained again I understood what Dustin was trying to do. It was part of the gender Reveal I had to Rescue Eddie to figure out the Gender of our baby together .
All I wanted was to tell Eddie sorry for the way I acted now I have to rescue him.
Steve's house
No ones pov
Steve and Dustin had everything ready for the Gender Reveal; they Even kidnapped Eddie .
They know it was a stupid thing to do because it's Eddie and Eddie was going to get them back triple .
"Henderson you little shrimp take this cuffs off me !" Eddie shouted from the living room where he was cuffed by his own handcuffs .
Dustin had gotten this crazy idea; he had come out with a whole D&D campaign for Dani to Rescue Eddie from a Dragon who had also hidden an egg with the gender of his niece or nephew .Which of course he made the egg with the help of steve.
Dustin thought it was a great idea.He planned everything.He even had parts for the guest.He was hoping everything went well.And hoping Dani wouldn’t get mad.
But Dani wasn’t mad she was less worried now that she
Eddie was in good hands and not in fact kidnapped , so she decided to help Nate get ready for the party Nate had chosen his clothes he force Dani to go into Hot Topic which she didn't mind but she didn't expect for her son to like that kind of clothes he always wanted to dress with cartoon shirts or his favorite character but now he wanted to dress just like his dadda.
Dani hadn't told Eddie about their trip to the mall because Nate wanted to surprise him.Nate had chosen some black ripped jeans from the knees a metallica tee and for the shoes Dani got him some converse.When they finished getting ready they headed to Steve's house to the party.
"Is Dani here yet?"Dustin asked .He was getting impatient. He wanted everything to go as he planned and he really hoped Dani and Eddie wouldn't kill him.
"She is here!!!"mike shouted from the front door .
"Everybody get into position!!"Dustin shouted frantically ,everyone was there Hooper,Joyce, the whole gang Mrs.Henderson uncle Wayne, even Liam who was the dragon who captured Eddie.
Dustin found that hilarious but Liam didn't he ddint understand why he had to be the dragon.
"Dustin can anybody else be the dragon?"liam asked well he pleaded him .
"Nope"dustin told him popping the P
Liam knew Dustin was still mad at him for what he did to his sister even though it has been months since it happen even after he apologized to him so many times but Dustin coudlnt forgive him because he had promise Dustin he was never going to hurt Dani he cross his heart he even pinky promise him and Dustin believe him because he saw how much liam loved his sister.
Liam felt awful hurting Dustin because he saw him growing up. He was there through everything even when he got sick. He was there when Dustin had his first crush in elementary school but he ruined everything when he hurt Dani because he also hurt Dustin who was like his little brother to him.
"Liam!"Dustin snapped Liam out of his thoughts when he screamed right on his face telling him to get into his position on his lair where he had Eddie tied up in a chair .That was the only thing he love about this stupid game having the man that stole Dani from him begging to set him free.
Liam walked back to his lair where Eddie was fumbling to get out of the chair that Dustin and lucas had tied him up.He sat down on the bed and looked at Eddie who had managed to take the blindfold off.
Liam smiled and shook his head. This was like a dream for him .If he were as bad as they said he was, he would have enjoyed torturing Eddie.
But he didn't have it in him to do such a thing.
"What the fuck are you smiling about?"Eddie growled he wasn't in the mood to deal with liam he wanted to get out of this chair and looked for Dani and tell her how sorry he was for the way he acted,he couldn't lose her for his stupid jealousy.
"Nothing."he chuckled ,Eddie made a face at Liam he wasn't really happy being stuck here with Liam of all people.
Was Dustin torturing him ?
"What the fuck are you doing here?"Eddie asked Liam who was sitting down on the bed scrolling through his phone.
"I'm the damn dragon that captured you."liam rolled his eyes, putting his phone down on the bed .
"Huh, interesting."Eddie said, finally giving up trying to get himself free from the handcuffs .
Did he make Dustin mad to be torturing him like this?
Eddie tried to remember if he did anything to him but nothing came to his head at the moment .
From the Distance they heard Dani and Nate screaming followed by Ozzy barking getting Eddie out of his thoughts thinking something bad might have happened to Dani and Nate
"They are here and probably where attack by the goblin charging the fee at the entrance ."liam told a worried Eddie who needed to know if Dani and Nate where ok."They are ok man .just Wheelers little sister might have taken her role as a goblin pretty good ."he chuckled
Oh ok."eddie responded he didn't know how to keep a conversation with the man his girl use to be so inlove with.They stayed silence for what seem like hours Eddie and liam glancing at each other wondering what Dani Ever saw in each other .Eddie wondered how Dani  could go from a God like liam who was very muscular and tall to a scrawny metalhead who barely ever worked out in his life.That made Eddie wondered maybe he needed to work out a bit more .
But Dani has never told him anything or complain that Eddie wasn't strong enough ,well she did complain but in a good way how big Eddie was saying how sore she would be afterwards but she still loves having sex with him.
Eddie wondered if Liam would leave her sore too?
Eddie got lost in his thoughts not even realizing that Liam was also fighting in his head .
Liam looked at Eddie who seemed to be lost in thought while he also heard the commotion from a distance from screaming nate to a barking Ozzy.He chuckled when he heard Nate called someone dumbass but he knew as an adult he would have to talk to nate about saying bad words.
Liam's attention went back to Eddie's bat tattoo on his arm. He wondered if that's what Dani likes.What if he did a tattoo as well.
But what if it hurt ?But he wasn't tough enough to do a tattoo but for Dani he would toughed it out .
He saw Eddie shaking his head trying to move a hair from his face but failed .
Did Dani ever say she likes guys with long hair?
Liam didn't remember Dani ever mentioning anything ..
Did Dani like metalheads all this time ?
Eddie wasn't bad looking ,Liam thought.
"So what are those little shrimps planning?"Eddie asked liam getting him out of his thoughts.
"Umm, they are playing a game of D&D ."Liam told Eddie .Eddie was surprised that Liam knew about D&D and that he even pronounce it correctly.
The only reason Liam knew about the game was because of Dustin.
Eddie didn't ask Liam anything else; they stayed in silence again until the door burst open.
"Eddie.''Both Liam and Eddie turned to look at the door where Dani was standing, smiling at them wearing princess crown made out of what seemed like flowers .
"Dani baby im sorry."was the first thing Eddie said to Dani but she didnt even let him finsihed his sentence becasue she sat on his lap crashing her lips on his.
Dani POv
"Jesus Christ!"Dani shouted when she open the door making Nate screamed as well then ozzy following.Holly Nancy’s little sister jumped out of a box that looked like a small cabin looking house screaming and asking for a fee to enter the forest making Nate go from screaming to laughing by the way she was speaking.
"You talk funny he told her ."trying to poke the fake ears she was wearing
"Dont touch me human!!"Holly bellowed freaking me out but making Nate laugh even harder
"Pay up or you wont enter the forest Princess Dani."she pointed at me with a stick poking my belly slightly,wow she was a feisty little girl.I heard chuckling somewhere around the house and just now i relaized that steve's house had been turned to a forest with a bunch of drawings of trees and fakes trees place all over the living room and the railing from the stairs had wheat wrapped around it with yellow flowers.
"I-i dont have nothing to pay with."i tell Holly
"Shit i forgot to give you the tokens." Steve came running down the stairs wearing what seemed like to be a wizard costume and a fake white beard.
"Steve, what are you wearing?"Dani chuckled, grabbing the small bag of coins from him.
"Don't ask, little Henderson made me dress like this, well more like force me."he rolled his eyes and started walking away back upstairs almost tripping with his robe.
"Pay up princess!!"Molly shouted again, startling Dani and  making the baby move in Dani's tummy.
Dani open the small brown bag that was fill with a bunch of coins ,she got one out inspecting it and smile they had a small baby sleeping and under it ,it said
"baby Munson"
"Mom pay her :"Nate said nonchalantly looking down at his tablet recording his surroundings not caring about what was happening around him he was having way too much fun.He was excited with how everything was decorated .
"How much is it?"Dani asked Holly looking down at the little girl crossing her arms over her chest , giving Dani an angry face.
"2 coins' ' Holly Told Dani,
Dani paid up the fee for entering the forest/harrington home and walked upstairs like Holly instructed to do with Nate and Ozzy following behind her .
The upstairs was also decorated as a forest and the upstairs railing had white Christmas lights with what seemed like tiny wings.
"Those are faries momma!!"Nate said excitedly pointing at them with his free hand.
Dani looked closer at the light  and yeah they were in fact fairies ."wow"she whispered
Dustin and Steve really went all out to make all this look so realistic.
"Momma look!!"Nate shouted, scaring Dani. walking up to them was hopper dressed as an ogre .Hopper seemed not too thrilled to be playing the game ,he was walking up to them stomping his feet like a little kid forced to do his chores.
He stopped in front of Dani and rolled his eyes
"Princess Dani why have yoiu come here?"he sounded so out of character making Dani chuckled .
"Kid what are you doing?'Hopper whisper at Nate who was recording around hopper;
"Recording."he responded
Hopper was over it already. The only reason he agreed was because he was promised a six pack of beer and free food and he loved Dani but he hated dressing up in the stupid costume Dustin had Joyce made for him, he looked stupid he thought.
From the room next to Dani the door opens and Joyce steps out  handing Dani a piece of paper .
"Hi sweetie you look beautiful by the way.''she told Dani, handing her the piece of paper and going back to the room where she came from .Dani looked down at the piece of paper to see what it was.
It was a script of what she had to say to hopper .
"Princess what are you doing here?"Hopper asked once again now that Dani had the script on her hand.Dani looked at hopper scrunching her eyebrows and Hopper signaled her to read what it said on the paper.
"Im here to save my knight"she responded smiling looking down at the piece of paper which must have been written by her little brother by the handwriting that Dani recognized so well.
"Eddie the Banished was captured by the evil dragon and he has him locked in his lair you have to followed this map to get to him blah blah blah i'm done with this."Hopper huffed giving Dani the map and he walked away from her taking off his stupid costume mumbling profanities under his breath.
BUt what Dani didn't know was that Nate heard all the profanities that Hopper had said and they stuck to his head it was new words for him that he didn't know and he was planning to say them whenever he got the chance not knowing that those words could get him in trouble his mom and dad.
"He is funny momma."Nate chuckled; he was now recording Ozzy licking himself .Nate had started to love recording everything he saw, like  his mom cleaning or Eddie playing his guitar or when Eddie and his mom where cooking together he would record them as well
Dani opens the map that was clearly drawn by Dustin. It was Steve's house.
Dani followed the Map to her next destination, which was the master room or Steve's parent's room .
She opened the door slowly afraid that someone was going to jump out and scared her again but when she opened it and walked in nothing happened she felt relieved. There were a bunch of twinkling lights around the room and there was music playing, a really calming music that sounded like the flute .
Dani followed the map that led her to the master bathroom that was also decorated with alot of twinkling lights the music sounded clear now someone was actually playing the flute and it was coming from the shower .
Dani approached as slowly as possible afraid again that someone would jump out and screamed at her and then scared Nate.ONE thing that Dani was glad off was that everything was so calm and peaceful making Nate relaxed a lot the only thing that freaked him out was Holly the goblin.Other than that she couldn't complain and she was happy that her brother made everything to Nate's accommodations.
Actually Dustin wanted more thriller and more noise but he thought of his nephew and he didn't want him to go through any of his tantrums because of his fault so he made everything as calm as possible.
"Hello princess."Dani heard Robin's voice and the music stopped .ofcourse it was Robin playing the flute and dressed like a fairy.
"Robin?"Dani couldn't believe Dustin had as well managed to make Robin dress up and be part of his game.Dani wondered how he did that.Maybe he bribed them.
"A fairy!!"Nate said excitedly, turning his tablet to record Robin.
Robin waved at the camera and gave Nate her best smile making Nate even more excited than he already was.to Nate this was all real not a game like for everyone else.
"Princess Dani i can help you rescue your knight he was taken by the evil dragon Liam."
"Liam?"dani chuckled
"Yes he took your knight and he as well has the egg with the gender of your baby you need to fight the demogorgon thats guarding the lair but first you have to go talk to the wizard and he is going to give you the magic wand to help you defeat the dragon and be able to open the egg."
Before leaving ,Robin gave Dani a crown made out of flowers and put it on Dani's head.
And with that Dani ,Nate and Ozzy headed downstairs following the instructions of Robin and once again Holly asked for a fee which was raised up by two coins and she also scared Nate again making him scream and Ozzy barked .
"Dumbass!!" Nate shouted using his new word he heard from Hopper .Dani was shocked hearing those words coming out of her son's mouth.She had never heard him say bad words before.So Dani made a note to remind herself to talk to Nate when they got home about saying bad words.
On the way to meet the wizard which Dani was guessing was Steve, Dani had to fight demo dogs being Lucas ,Max,El ,Will and Mike after defeating them she walked down to the forest to where the tallest trees were( fake trees) outside by the pool.
Steve was sitting down in a chair that had a bunch of wheat around it and flowers. He was holding a stick or a long wand .
He looked funny and Dani couldn't hold her laughter.
"Yeah ,yeah I know hurry up and get here so I can give you the damn wand."Steve told Dani rolling his eyes .
Dani stopped when she saw on the side of the wall close to the glass doors a beautiful background of a castle and in the center were balloons that said boy or girl and a table with different types of snacks and two white boards that said team boy and team girl and names written on it of the people who thought that it was going to be a girl or a boy .
Dani smiled when she saw Eddies's  name on the board that said team girl.
Eddie had never told her what he wanted the baby to be; he always told her as long as it was a healthy baby he was happy.
"Dani hurry up this thing is hot."Steve said annoyingly
"sorry."Dani walked over to steve to get the wand from him but before giving it to her Steve had to see if she was worthy of the magic wand.HE looked around to make sure knowone  was looking at him because he had to do some magic shit that he didn't feel like doing because he was annoyed and hungry Dustin didn't let anyone touch the food until Dani figured out the sex of the baby.
"Yeah here you go."he told Dani handing the wand
"That was easy .'' Dani smiled. She thought the task was going to be harder but apparently they were super easy.
"The dragon's lair is the pool house."yeah steve wasn't supposed to tell her that, dani still had to fight the big boss Dustin and then the dragon but steve was hungry and hot he was sweating balls under that stupid robe so he just decided to finish the game he knew  Dustin was going to be mad at him but at the moment he didn't care be he knew everyone else was hungry too .Dani spun around running towards the pool house feeling the tears falling down her eyes  because she felt awful after the fight she had with Eddie for stupid things she burst the door open and saw Eddie in his handcuffs and his legs tied to the chair .LIam was sitting down looking at eddie while Eddie was lost in thought.
"Eddie ''Dani saw Eddie moving his lips  but she just ran to him sitting on his lap forgetting about her mission to fight the dragon and she kiss Eddie.
"Sweetheart i don't want to ruin the moment but can you uncuff me please."Eddie pulled away from Dani resting his head on hers.Dani nodded and chuckled as she stood up from Eddie's lap looking down at his enormous bulge in his pants.
"Yeah please uncuff me ."Eddie tried to move slightly to cover the boner in his pants but it was too damn noticeable.
Anything that Dani did drove Eddie crazy and he wasn't Ashamed of it well maybe right now he was because Liam was here .
Liam noticed Eddie's problem between his legs and stood up grabbing the egg from the closet as well as the keys to the handcuffs .It was weird as it is and now having to see that make Liam more uncomfortable.
"Here"Liam gave the keys and the egg to Dani.
"Dude really just for a kiss?"Liam rolled his eyes and walked out of the pool house leaving Eddie and Dani alone.
"I mean i don't mind having you like these back home"Dani wiggle her eyebrows at Eddie making him chuckled.
"Baby don't do that, that's weird ."he chuckled,ok now that he saw Dani doing that he understood what she meant he didn't look sexy at all when he did it .He did look creepy .
"Only if you promised you’ll stop doing it as well."
So promises were made of no more wiggling eyebrows when Eddie was trying to be sexy which he wasn't going to keep because he loved annoying Dani by doing that.
With the Egg in hand Dani and Eddie walked out to the backyard where everyone was waiting already for them and where Dustin was getting after Steve for not doing what he was supposed to be doing because he didn't stick to the plan.
Eddie hold the egg tight on his hand and the other one was placed safely on Dani's lower back he love the dress she was wearing she look beautiful her baby bump was more noticeable and it made Eddie happy knowing that he did that, that Dani and him created such precious thing with there love or maybe there hornyness but who is saying anything right? They created a baby, a little human.
"Dani sweetheart you look beautiful."Mrs.Hederson ran to hug her daughter, uncle wayne walked over to Eddie and hugged him he was so damn proud of his nephew he graduated and was working and he was going to college he couldn't ask for anything more he was the happiest man alive.finally a munson was going to college.
"I'm so proud of you son."Uncle Wayne was never the type of man that showed emotions both Eddie and him were so reserved ,but today Wayne was leading his guard down. He wanted to show how proud he was of his nephew .A few tears did escape but only Eddie saw.
"So I don't mean to be rude but I'm hungry and I think everyone here wants to know the sex of the baby."Max  suddenly says, interrupting the sweet moment of the two Munson men.
Dustin put everyone in position apparently he had more surprises he made Eddie and and Dani stand with their backs to the pool facing everyone else.He also made sure to put Nate's noise cancelling headphones on to make sure he wouldn't panic with what was about to happen.
"Ok everyone ready!!!" Dustin cupped his mouth to sound louder .
"Yes!!!" Everyone shouted back .
"Ok, let the countdown begin!!"
Dani grabbed Eddie's hand intertwining their fingers. She didn't know why she felt nervous .
Eddie leaned in to kiss Dani's temple ,still holding the egg in his hands. Apparently he had to drop it and it would break easily. He was glad he didn't trip.
Eddie and Dani turned to face each other,Dustin told Eddie to put the egg on the ground slowly then turned back to face Dani taking both of her hands on his .
"Step on the egg in one !!" Dustin shouted but he gave them a weird smirk a smirk that he was planning something else .
Eddie stepped on the egg and it wasn't what they were expecting.Dani looked at Eddie both confused as to what was going on. The whole family got closer to see what was on the egg.Eddie leaned down to get the paper that was inside and read it out loud .
"Turn around."
"1" Dustin and the whole gang shouted that's when two smoke fireworks flew to the sky revealing the gender of their baby .
Pink smoke was now covering the back yard .
Dani gasps and turns to jump  on Eddie's arm .
Eddie caught her on time it was like he was expecting it and spun her around peppering her face with kisses .
(Pic from Pinterest)
"Omg it's a girl !" Mrs.Henderson shouted ..
Uncle Wayne didn't realize he was crying until Eddie  came up to him and hugged him, patting him on the back .
"Congratulations grandpa ." Eddie told Wayne
Wayne pulled away from the hug looking at Eddie, shocked with what he just heard .
"Grandpa ?" Wayne almost choked on his own on his drink .
"Yes ,you're gonna be the grandpa of a little girl ." Eddie hugged his uncle again this time holding each other tight. This was the first time in years they hugged this much .But they couldn't contain how happy they both were .
After finally revealing the gender everyone was able to finally eat and the open presents which Dani and Eddie had asked not to bring any because they still didn't know what the baby was going to be but either way everyone brought diapers lots of diapers that probably Eddie and Dani didn't need to buy for two months .
Liam got the baby a stroller and the car seat .He didn't have too but he did .Because deep down he still care so much for Dani and he also cares for the baby that wasn't even his .Even though sometimes he did wish it was his .but he knows that was never going to happen because he knows he lost Dani forever .
After the party Dani and Eddie thanked Dustin and Steve for the amazing party they had thrown and also thanked Mrs .Henderson for the amazing food she had made.Mrs.Henderson managed to steal Eddie from Dani for a few minutes while Dani was being distracted by Steve and Dustin .So she took this opportunity to talk to Eddie.Well Wayne and her needed to talk to him .
Eddie walked outside to the backyard and saw his uncle sitting down by the pool with his feet inside the pool.
"C'mere son ." Uncle Wayne tap the space next to him for Eddie to sit down .
Eddie was confused; he thought Mrs.Henderson was the one that needed to talk to him .
"I-I thought ." Eddie points with his thumb to where Mrs.Henderson was just standing but now she was gone .
"Yes ,she needs to talk to you too but first come sit here son ." Eddie does what he is told and sits down next to his uncle.
"What's up ?"  Eddie asked looking at the clear water of the pool ,he always wanted to have a pool but given the circumstances he wasn't able to have it. so One day he hopes to give Dani and his Kids a home where they could have a pool To enjoy in the summer .Where he could do cookouts on the Fourth of July and watch the fireworks. He wants to give Dani the big house she deserved with the white picket fence .Something he always hated but now he wanted all of that with Dani,Nate ,Ozzy and their little Girl. He even thought of marriage something that would never crossed his mind before but now he wanted all of that.
"Here ." Uncle Wayne passed Eddie a black small velvet box .Eddie looked at it not knowing what it was .Maybe a gift for the baby?
"What's this ?" Eddie asked opening the small black velvet box ."Holy shit!!" His eyes widened when he saw the gold diamond ring .
"It was your Grandma’s ,My father got it for her when they got engaged. Back then it wasn't worth that much but I found out it was worth around 7k .
"Holy shit Wayne I can't take this!  ." Eddie exclaimed ,yes Edddie thought the ring was beautiful .But he couldn't take something That belonged to his uncle .
"Take it son ,that girl in there deserves nothing but the best,I don't even know what you are waiting for." He pauses and looks at Eddie " that girl went to jail for you she risked her job to be with you son,if that isn't true love I don't know what that is ,so you better ask her soon because that boy Liam has his eyes on her still ."
That night while Dani was sleeping Eddie couldn't sleep thinking about what his uncle told him .He was sitting down in the living room looking at the ring . It was a beautiful vintage 1.97 carat emerald cut diamond ring. It was beautiful just like Dani.
Eddie stared at it for a long time  couldn't take his eyes of it .He still didn’t know if he wanted to propose to Dani not that he didn't want to ,but because he wanted to do it when he had a stable job and he knew he was going to be able to give Dani and the kids everything they deserve .
But he he kept thinking and thinking the whole night until He finally made his decision.
Next chapter
(Dani's outfit pic from Pinterest )
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Now they keep on doing this with Dave and his father and he keeps smiling and a good whoops or ignored and they just keep doing it and doing it and his classes he's Trump has no class at all left and we have to say it's misery and we have the same we need it out and they don't seem to want to stop doing it now they're kind of torturing Trump with the code and he's starting to see what it's like and what he's doing here and it's a little late and you intend on stopping so we won't but boy sure what a jerk he falls for all the stuff wants to if it's horrible I have his mouth comes the most horrible stuff this car idea is the best car idea I've heard a long time it's a decent vehicle for what we need and the vehicle itself is fast and he keeps saying this dumb s*** about us cuz he's running Austin Martin I mean we don't know if the guy gets it it's like this joke I mean for Christ's sake. I have to tell you something else this John Cena car is extremely fast and he's a rude piece of s*** and we need information and we have a bunch of his robots and we're going to probably start manufacturing stuff I'm sick of this stalemate s*** and roasting s*** I'm going to roast you if you start doing it freaking crap all over the place is prick crap is terrible such a life according to Garth you people are morons compared to what he's doing sometimes it's really weird. So we're going to have to stop you but we're going to have to do this too and I think I might do the cenerated job. And he's not even making the car it's very strange he's got a weird guy I guess if it's working you don't knock it oh boy that car is faster than hell I just give it a boost I think I know what to do this car that we are touting is the Aston Martin replica it will look exactly like it and we're taking it back we're not going to change it but we use better materials and it should be a little faster and we can put in a high performance boost package too it'll be real fast but we going to make it the same yeah I'm going to make a replica they're probably about 30 miles an hour faster normally with the performance kit it'll be about 200 think about 17 or 1800 miles an hour but the seat is different Cena is different and that would be my job
Thor Freya
Zues Hera my husband says happy mother's Day to all of our mothers and some mothers here so some of these are real mothers for crying out loud
We do accept it and we do thank you
You see how it is here that is late okay but all right
Thor well I had him say that but that's not right Freya
0 notes
juulle987 · 2 years
Anything For You, My Love
⋆ ✶ ★ ☾ ★ ✶ ⋆ Lucien Vanserra x y/n
summary: it’s your birthday and our fox boy has planned something special for you
words: ~2.5k
TW: none. At least I wouldn’t be aware of any. Just lots of fluff 🥰
note: English is not my first language, so please be nice.
“Lucien, I swear!”
“Yes, my queen? What do you swear?” He says, having a mischievous smile on his face, while looking up from his book.
I just came out of the shower, finding my husband in our shared bedroom. Him sitting on the bed. A book in hand. All naked. Before I went to the shower I had put my dress and underwear, all ready to be put on, onto the bed. Now they were gone. 
“I swear to not let you touch me for at least a month if you don’t tell me where my clothes are.”
Lucien puts his book down on his bedside drawer before slowly climbing out of bed and making his way over to me.
“Not even like this?” He nozzles his nose into the crock of my neck. A shiver running down my spine. I can feel his hardening cook pressing against the low of my stomach. This Fae bastard knows where my weak spots are.
“Especially not like that.” I know that my smell betrays me, yet I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of becoming jelly under his touch.
“You know how much I adore your naked form, y/n. You know how crazy and feral you drive me.”
“I am very well aware of that. But I’m also aware that I am late for work. Thanks to you.”
“I find clothes restrictive.”
“Lucien Vanserra!”
“Yes, y/n Vanserra?” He picks me up and instinctively I wrap my legs around him. My arms going around his neck and grabbing his soft red curls in my hands. Bringing him closer into a kiss. 
In between kisses he speaks: “You are going nowhere today, my love.”
Totally dumbstruck I look at him. “What do you mean?” All I can do is stare at his beautiful face. Trying to figure out what on earth he’s talking about.
He slowly moves over to our bed, still carrying me in his arms. He then lays me down gently before hovering over me. His hair falling like curtains around my head. 
“You are staying home today.” He kisses the top of my nose. “I won’t let you celebrate your 210th birthday at work, wife.” He starts kissing down my neck while taking one of my peaked nipples into his finger and rolling it slowly. Ever so often pinching it slightly.
“Aaand what *moan* have you - oh my - planned?” 
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” 
After our very surprising morning and the rather sweaty exercise we indulged in together, Lucien asks me to get dress. Nothing too fancy, something comfortable. He still doesn’t tell me where we’re going or what we’re going to do. So I decide on a blush pink coloured sun dress, some sandals. Light make up, no jewelleries apart from my wedding band. Lucien is wearing a button up shirt, revealing his muscled torso, black pants and normal shoes.
“Like what you see?” It’s that moment I notice I’ve been staring at him. Drool probably coming from my mouth. I clear my throat to speak but he silences me by pressing a kiss on my lips. “I love, that even after all these years, you look at me just the way when we first met in that book store. When I told you it’s you, and only you. When I asked you to marry me. Y/n, you are my everything. That’s why today I intend to make everything about you.”
He presses another kiss to my lips before taking my hand and guiding me out of our house. It is a beautiful day at the Day Court.
Lucien and I moved around a lot after starting our relationship. He didn’t feel at home in Night. Although Velaris and the Night Court were my home, I had promised him to go wherever he goes. Lucien is my home, and my heart is where my home is. At first I stayed in Velaris, but being separated from him was like torture. For both of us. As often as both of our schedules would allow we met. But it wasn’t the same. It was like having him for a burrowed time. 
After living like that for around two years, I quit my job. Sold my apartment, my furnitures - basically everything that I didn’t need. With one bag full of clothes, another one filled with books and some items close to my memory, I followed Lucien to the Human Lands to live there. Together with Vassa and Jurian. The arrangement was far from ideal. Lucien and I wanted to have some place and peace of our own. I wanted to go back to work, but living in the Human Lands this was impossible. Going back to Autumn wasn’t an option. Not as long as Beron was alive. 
Both, Lucien and I, had ties to Spring, so after a year with Vassa and Jurian we went there. Surprised to see that the Court was rebuilding itself. Or better said Tamlin and his mate, Nayeli, rebuilding their Court together. It took a while for Tamlin and Lucien to grow back together again as friends. But rest assured, Nayeli and I had our hands in it and didn’t necessarily made it easy for the two males. But when we found both of them drunk, bruised and bloodied (they’ve gotten into a fight with each other while being drunk and the only way to finally end their arguments they decided to see who is the stronger one…) all curled up next to each other telling each other how much they missed and love each other. Nayeli and I knew this is the restart of a wonderful friendship. Nayeli and I had been growing closer to each other, too. Spending girls nights together while the boys did whatever boys do. 
While Lucien still worked for Rhysand, I found a job as a teacher in the town closest to Rosehall. We lived in Spring for about ten years, seeing the court flourishing and growing. Along with Tamlin’s and Nayeli’s family: The twin girls Tana and Meira making their parents the proudest Fae I’ve ever seen.
Our time at Spring came to an end when the news of, lets say, Beron’s death spread like a wildfire through Prythian. Lucien immediately packed our things and we went to Autumn. This was the first time I’ve ever seen his mother. And by the Cauldron, I knew where Lucien had his gorgeous looks from. Beron’s death also brought some secrets up to the day light. This is when my husband learned that his biological father is in fact Helion, High Lord of the Day Court. It all made sense now. His build, his darker skin colour, his abilities. I think it’s needless to say that Lucien was shocked. He didn’t talk to anyone for days. Didn’t even want to be with me. Slept in a different room. Until I finally had enough.
“Love, you can either sit here, in your old room, brooding and tantruming like a toddler, or you get your ass off that bed and face your mother and father. I am not saying that you’re supposed to love Helion with all your heart or to worship the ground is walking on, because that right is exclusively reserved for me. All I’m saying is, give him a chance. Get to know him. Not as a High Lord, but as your father.” 
And so they did. Our visits to Day became more and more regularly and often. Most of the time taking Lucien’s mother with us. Until his mother decided to stay with Helion. Shortly after the now Lady of Day moved in with Helion, Lucien asked me if I would agree to us moving to Day as well. 
“Under one condition.”
“And that is, my love?”
“We finally settle down.”
“I think we can arrange that.”
Our life in Day was amazing. We lived in our own little house, a little outside of the town, in the nature. Lucien started working for his father as an emissary, while I got myself a job at a school. Teaching children is my passion and I never want to do anything else. After everything had calmed down in our lives Lucien asked me to marry him. I didn’t even had to think twice. I knew from the second I saw this male that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. The only thing missing now was a little fox of our own. Unfortunately this far we haven’t been blessed with a child. We do know how rare Fae pregnancies are and we don’t give up our hope.
Lucien leads me away from our house and into town. I smell freshly baked goods and my stomach growls in anticipation. Of course Lucien notices and together we go to a small bakery. I immediately lay my eyes on some deliciously looking cinnamon swirls with icing. 
“Anything for you today, my love.” 
The shop keeper packs two cinnamon swirls for us and we continue our little journey. I still got no idea what my husband has planned. But I can’t deny that I’m excited. 
Our next stop is a flower shop. Lucien picks out a flower bouquet that is made out of roses, solidago, craspedia, sunflowers and statice. I absolutely love it and draw him into a passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and I can feel all his love radiating from him. I never could’ve thought it possible of being able to love someone as much as I love him. Sometimes I do wish we would be mates. That way we both could feel all the love, passion, affection, lust and desire through the bond.
We continue walking through town and end up on the big market place. 
“I’m hungry.”
“Of course you are. Aren’t those cinnamon swirls enough?”
“They are, but I’d like to sit down somewhere. Relax. Cuddle in your arms.”
Lucien seems to be contemplating for a second before winnowing us somewhere else. As always when we winnow together I press my face into his chest and inhale his calming scent. When I turn my head out of my safe place, we are standing in one of the many gardens at Day. Our favourite one. It’s a bit hidden from all the others. Flowers, plants everywhere. Even a tiny lake in the middle of it. But today that isn’t what catches my eyes. It’s the blanket thrown across the grass. Decorated with fluffy cushions. Food and drinks in a basket next to the blanket. 
My breath hitches in my throat. This is absolutely stunning. 
Lucien and I walk towards the picnic area and sit down. I put the bouquet of flowers in a safe distance away from us. 
“Lucien… This, this is amazing.”
He pulls me into his lap, my legs straddling him. We are sitting face to face, our noses touching. None of us says a word. Just enjoying the moment.
“Happy Birthday, my love.” A kiss on my forehead. “I hope you like what I’ve prepared for you.”
“Oh Luci, you could never do something I don’t like.” Now it’s my turn to kiss his forehead. I clung unto him as if being afraid he would just vanish. He is the only thing I need. Although the cinnamon swirls are a nice addition. 
After being like this for another several minutes of cuddling and kissing, we detangle from each other and Lucien grabs the basket with food. It’s filled with bread, cheese, fruits and a bottle of wine. He fills each of us a glass of the red liquid and hands me mine.
We start drinking and eating. Talking about everything. The latest books we read. How things are going at work. Things we have to do at our house. Where he needs to go next due to his work and for how long. After our bellies are filled we lie down next to each other on the blanket. Both holding each other in their arms. 
“Y/n, I know we’ve spent many years together already and I hope we’re going to spend the rest of our days with each other. That we’ll be able to have a family of our own at some point.” He takes a deep breathe and fishes something out of his pocket. It’s a small velvet box.
“Lucien, we already are married.”
“Thanks for the reminder. I’ve nearly forgotten. But this is not a ring, y/n. Open it.” 
We both sit up again, next to each other. My legs thrown over his. As he hands me the small box all I do is look into his eyes for any signs of what this could be.
“I know what you’re doing. You will not be able to trick my golden eye.” He kisses me on the temple and I just want to melt into it. Did I by any chance already mention how much I love this male?
Slowly I open the box. Inside I find a necklace and a bracelet, both adorned with a small compass. Questioning I look up at my husband.
“My father and his scholars made this. After my request. It imitates a mating bond. As soon as we both wear it, the spell will be activated and we both will be connected to each other. We will be able to feel what the other one feels. We will be able to communicate through it. It basically will do everything a mating bond does, too.”
“Luci…” My voice hitches in my throat and I’m unable to bring out another word. “This… this is the most amazing gift I’ve ever received.” Before even taking the necklace and bracelet out of the box, my hands find Lucien cheeks and I stroke my thumbs over his cheekbones. My forehead resting on his as I merely whisper “Thank you.”
“Do you want the necklace or the bracelet, my love.”
I contemplate for a second and decide that the necklace will be the one I go with. Lucien is already wearing a few leather bracelets or better said strings, which he mostly uses for tying up his red locks. He takes the necklace out of the box and puts it around my neck. It has the perfect length for me and I can’t stop playing with it. Now it’s my time to put the bracelet on him. As soon as both of our ‘mating bond pendants’ are connected with us, both pendants radiate a small yellow-orange and light green light. And faster than the blink of an eye, I am a bit overwhelmed with all of Lucien’s emotions. So much love. I know that he loves me but this…
“I think we’re thinking the same.” He takes my hands into his. Drawing small circles on my skin with his thumb.
“I think we do.” Looking into his eyes I’ve got the feeling they are sparkling even more than before. Which is a bit funny to say as one of his eyes is made out of gold anyway. But I could swear that even the gold eye lightens up.
In one swift move Lucien pulls me over onto my back, him resting on top of me. He wipes away a stray strand of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Needles to say that this was the best birthday I’ve ever had. It’s not like Lucien didn’t always make my birthdays as special day. It’s just this time his gift added a speciality to it. A day I will cherish forever.
Little did y/n and Lucien knew at this point, that someday they’ll tell their children and grandchildren about this day.
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kimetsu-no-imagines · 3 years
submission request
its ur bf write me rengoku porn rn before i kiss you in electrical- u know what i want 😩 ——————————————————————————- a/n : !!!!!! anything for u babe!!!!! a request from my bf,,,,,,,how special,,,,especially when haven’t written on here in forever,,,,,, warnings ; mugen train spoilers!!!!!!!!!! s o m a n y!!!!!! mentions of rengoku/akaza fight, alternate universe where rengoku lives it’s what we all want anyway, pre-established relationship/rengoku is your husband, breeding/pregnancy kink, rengoku living and dying (figuratively) between your legs, “dirty” talk but rengoku is such a loving man i don’t think it should even be called that here, uhhhh body worship but with his eyes? its very vague but it is there, boy just loves you okay, also none of this is proof read or anything if that matters word count ; 2,728
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I’m Home
When you first hear about it, of course, like his fellow pillars, you’re terrified-thankful, naturally, that your husband at least hasn’t died, but the crow sent to inform you of the events of his mission, of his injuries, doesn’t exactly try to sugar coat anything, not even for you, his spouse.
Skull fractures from dodging the punch that would have smashed his eye completely, broken ribs from dodging yet another hit that, if he hadn’t moved back fast enough, would have gone through him and killed him-the details were gruesome, they were bone-chilling, it wasn’t as if you or anyone particularly enjoyed hearing about it, but one thing was for certain-you were relieved not to have lost him to this, to have lost anyone. Tanjiro and the others were so strong, so hard-working, and they were so young, with so much to live for-you couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if anything had happened to them, either.
There’s so much about it that pains you-not being able to have your husband home with you after he’d already been so busy with this mission and the ones before it, knowing how injured he was and how long it’d take him to recover at the Butterfly Estate, it was all… Torture. Not that you couldn’t go see him, of course-but Shinobu urged you to stay home and relax, you wouldn’t want to see him in the state that he was in, she promised you that much. Her crow did come by to personally update you on his condition every day or so, though-that was at least some amount of relief.
… Or, it would have been. You hadn’t seen any crow come by in a week or so, to the day-and yes, you kept track, because of course you did, you were an anxious wreck, and it’d already been months of your husband steadily recovering, or so you thought. Had he died from his injuries? Did something happen to the estate, were more people hurt? … Well. You supposed that was a silly thought, she lived so close to the Master’s own residence-no demon could get close enough to hurt them, with all the wisteria around both places.
You were so used to having your husband around to calm you when you thought about the worst things, like this-your heart hurt with anxiety and worry. What could you do but stand outside by the door, every day, for hours, just waiting for some sign, of a crow, of Shinobu herself, of anything?
It was another day that had gone by just like that-your feet and legs ached from keeping yourself up for so long, dried tear trails staining the sides of your face-you knew it was silly of you, you knew you should have tried to be at least a little stronger, for him if no one else, but… You just couldn’t help it. You hated this. You just wanted your husband back.
A dejected sigh leaves you as you watch the sun set for just one more moment before turning to go back inside, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes again-maybe tomorrow you’ll go up to Shinobu’s estate yourself. You couldn’t stand this for another–
“Hahaha! Now isn’t this strange! You’re running away from me!”
Your heart stops, and you freeze in place. What?
You feel him before you can turn to see him-chest pressed against your back, though soon you’re spun around and pulled up into a crushing hug anyway, and it’s all you can do to immediately start sobbing into your husband’s brightly-colored hair as you’re held.
“… Hello, my sweet,”  His voice is no longer booming and jovial like it was a moment ago, but soft, gentle and meant only for you, as he squeezes you to him-you want to worry about the injuries he was supposed to be recovering from still, but you don’t want this to end, either. You suppose, he must have just been coming around the corner and through the gate when you turned to go inside-not that it mattered, all that did matter was that he was… Here, holding you.
“You must have missed me terribly!” All hearty, he laughs with you again, even if all you can do is cry in his arms while he rubs soothingly at your back, “But of course I missed you terribly too! I tried many times to sneak out and come home to you, but Shinobu or one of the other girls always caught me-”
You missed his voice dearly, you did-and you were still crying, but you couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. It was something you usually did to quiet him, for sure, but right now you just… Needed him. And he didn’t seem to mind, hands happily and readily sliding down to hoist you up into his arms, never breaking from you as he carried you into your home.
“… Such a beautiful shouldn’t have quite so many tears upon it, you know,”He mumbles gently against your lips, and you sniffle as you finally reach up to start wiping at them, “I-I just missed you so much, Kyojuro, I was so scared-you were almost-you could have-”
“But I didn’t, and I won’t.” He interrupts you sweetly, but firmly nonetheless, shaking his head at you, “I am fine. I am healed, my love. I am still here to fulfill my duties-and I always will be. That includes my duties to you as your husband.”
“I…” It doesn’t feel like you should believe it-after what you’d heard of his battle, knowing he’d even just encountered an Upper Moon demon, this felt too good to be real or true, and yet… There’s such certainty and finality blazing in his eyes as he stares at you, all you can do is nod.
“… Alright.”
… Really, all you had intended to do this evening, now that you had your husband home with you, was cook him his favorite meal and go to sleep with him, in his arms, for the first time in who knew how long, at this point. Truthfully, that had been your only goal. You wanted him to rest, no matter how many times he told you just how fully recovered he was through the mouthfuls of sweet potato you so lovingly prepared for him-and yet… And yet…
Well, you suppose you simply didn’t account for him wanting… Dessert.
“It’s been so long,” The words are mumbled around you, your flesh, as he greedily, really voraciously eats and licks you up from between your legs-you’d already known him to be feral when presented with the sweet treat only you could provide him with, but this was something else entirely, “-it’s been too long, my love, don’t you understand how very hungry I am?”
You don’t, but by no means are you going to let that stop either of you. You missed his mouth just as much as he missed your taste.
“K-Kyojuro-Kyojuro, I’m-Kyo–”
… He’s never been one to tease or deny you. And yet just as you’re about to cum, so close to the edge you could have tasted it yourself, he’s pulling away from you. His lips and chin and… Well, his face, in general, are so shiny with you-you easily forget your frustration and get lost in the blissful look in his eyes as he cleans himself with his tongue. “While you certainly are the most delicious thing in this world, my sweet,” He crawls up the length of your body so quickly, so desperate to smash his lips to your own, “-as I’ve told you, it’s been far too long. I want to feel you cum around my cock this evening. But I’m sure you have no complaint either way?” Any other day, you’d want to hit him, to get that cheeky look off of his face, but… You also can’t say you don’t want that. Maybe you really don’t have any complaints either way. “… You’re awful,” You huff up at him, but you nod, “… But alright.” … And yet he stays still. It would be so easy-you’re properly soaked, and the pair of you are completely naked, and yet your infuriating husband is just… Sitting there, hovering over you with a smile on his face. It’s a soft, loving smile-but you’ve known him so long, you don’t miss the mischief in his eyes. “… Can I not admire you, my beautiful spouse? Even for a moment, after I’ve been gone from you for so very long?” It’s not a crime for him to stare at you so adoringly-really, you’d love it if you weren’t as damn horny as you were. But... It has been a long time. He’s teasing, but as much as that’s true, you know he’s being earnest, too-his eyes flicker all over your form so carefully, meticulously re-memorizing every tiny detail about you. “... Even more beautiful then before I left you, dear one,” The way he murmurs it, so absently, it’s almost more like he’s saying it to himself, but his eyes raised to bore back into yours after a minute-clearly, he wants you to hear every word of what he’s saying, absent or not. “... Would you like to know something I thought about while I was away?” His love renders you breathless, speechless-it’s all you can do to nod up at him. “During the brief hours of respite I would get, I would think to myself... What would it be like to come back to you, our home... How would it feel, the joy of it all... And then, another thought had started to occur to me,” A sharp gasp tears through you as you feel a few fingers suddenly and swiftly beginning their work at stretching you out-sneaky man, he’d distracted you from his hands with his voice, and even then, he kept talking like he hadn’t done anything, “... What would it be like if I could come home to the sight of you all swollen and glowing with our child...?” Those words rob you of whatever meager amount of breath you had managed to regain. With your child...? “... Oh, my love, you squeezed my fingers so nicely just now,” He marvels at the sight, the feeling of you, worrying his lip between his teeth-you’re so pretty like this, is what he wants to say, but his mind is suddenly consumed by the thought he’d put into both your heads a moment ago. You, glowing with the product of your love in your stomach. You don’t fail to notice the twitching of his cock where it hangs all hard between his legs. “Do you like the sound of that, then...? Do you want to carry my children, our children, my dear one? I’ll give it to you if you just say the word-after all, what poor excuse of a husband would I be if I didn’t?” His fingers move in and out of you faster, frantic and eager to prepare you for him, now, as he almost rambles on like that-his words set your body, your insides, on fire. You do want it, you realize-it’s not something you’d given much thought to before, but here, like this, right now after spending so much time worrying about losing him? You really do want nothing more. “P-p-please, please Kyojuro, I want-please give me your children, I want it, I want you, please make me pregnant, my husband, please-” It’s not meant to egg him on, truly it isn’t-you just can’t help but beg with how badly you want it yourself. But that doesn’t mean you don’t delight in the way he seems to snap, just the slightest bit, above you, quickly removing his fingers from you to replace them with his cock-what you’d been waiting for since he laid you down in bed earlier. That felt like an eternity ago right now, though. The stretch isn’t an uncomfortable one, with the care he’d still taken to prepare you-you missed it, if anything, you missed him. And it’s clear that he feels the same-he’s gone so tense above you, arms trembling on either side of you with the restraint it takes not to move. Somehow, he still manages to keep up that bright smile of his, too. “Do tell me when I can move, my love. This is a bit unbearable with how lovely you feel!” ... As hazy as your mind was with pleasure, you couldn’t help but giggle. Even now, your husband was so... Endearing. So cute. Your bring your hands up to hold his face as you nod your head eagerly, over and over, “Please, Kyojuro-please, I want it,” You can see that he wants to worry about you, wants to ask you again to make sure-but he can’t, his body betrays him, his hips instantly slotting themselves against your own, pulling back only to quickly bring themselves back down, his cock pressing and rubbing against every bit of your insides as it moves in and out of you, over and over and over, so fast-and your husband hardly even breaks a sweat. ... His being a demon slayer, and a pillar, at that, had its perks, you supposed. His stamina was one of them. But he seemed to already be losing his composure, too, with just how long it’d been since you’d gotten to be so close. “This-this is embarrassing, haha-I feel like I could burst at any moment already-just-just thinking about how-utterly perfect you’d look, ah-” His hips stutter, and he stills for a second, to keep his own pleasure at bay for a moment-though he makes up for it with the hand that shoots down to rub and stroke at what his cock isn’t already touching, “-goodness gracious-how perfect you’d look, pregnant, my love-” As if you aren’t ready to burst, yourself. Did he suddenly forget about denying you mere minutes ago...? “M-my husband-my husband, Kyojuro, please, m-me too, just go ahead, please-please give me your child, give it to me, please-” “You’re really as difficult as you are beautiful!” The very wind is knocked out of you as you find your legs suddenly on either side of your head, as he fucks into you with a very renewed, fittingly fiery sense of vigor and passion, grunting freely every time he feels you wrap around him again and again, “I truly did want to take my time with you this evening, my sweet-how irresistible you are like this-I’ll have to savor you another time-” This position, the wildness in his eyes, the feeling and the sight of him-yes, the sight of him, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t see the bulge appearing and disappearing from your stomach-fucking into you desperately, all of it is far too much for you, far too overwhelming, but of course he revels above you in the way you clamp down on him and make a sudden, abrupt mess all over the pair of you, not to mention the futon underneath you. “So beautiful-so beautiful like this, my love-I-just the sight of you, you’re going to make me-goodness-” He leans over you and folds you in half even further, nose brushing against your neck, “I-I’m going to-I’m going to give it to you now, alright? I swear it, my love, my dear one, I’ll-I’ll get you pregnant, I promise, I promise, I--” It’s so intense, he almost roars as it washes over him, as he fills you up so completely it leaks out of you, with how long its been since either of you had any form of... Release. Your legs are released, and they flop numbly down against the plush futon beneath you-your husband can barely keep himself up, but he at least tries to be careful as he collapses against you, chuckling so happily against your shoulder while you can hardly keep your eyes open, let alone say anything. You wish you had the sense what was apparently so... Funny, right now. “... I love you, _____.” The biggest wave of tranquility falls over you, hearing those words. You can’t quite say much of anything still, but he knows-he sees it in your eyes when he looks up at your face. You love him too. Right now, that’s all he needs. “I really am so happy to be home, dear one.”
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ncitygirls · 3 years
yours - jaemin x f reader
fluff, smut, bffs2lovers, 3k
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before joining you to your cousin’s wedding, jaemin had made a big deal about not being properly invited. as always, mark kept true to his habit of innocently causing trouble when it suited him. ‘i’m like family! where’s my invite!’ but it was hard to fault mark, because of course jaemin had been invited. somehow, his parents neglected to inform him that your cousin had rightfully assumed jaemin would know he was included in the na family’s invite. you said nothing though. especially when jaemin had briefly explained the reason for his displeasure. ‘we deserve our own invite, y/n. one for us together.’ which made no sense at all, because you’re just friends. you’re not together. however you had no idea you were alone in thinking that.
you see, jaemin was more acquainted with your family than some of your own relatives. he was invited to christmases, weddings, birthdays. basically any and all occasions your family saw fit to celebrate, jaemin was in attendance. yet surprisingly, even after having grown up alongside you and mark, a few of your more distant cousins were more than happy to express their displeasure with his more forward placed seat. because, like you keep reminding everybody: jaemin is just your best friend. but apparently, best friends didn’t reserve the rights to things you gave to jaemin. not in your extended family’s eyes. not that yours and mark’s family cared.
yet in the end, like most things regarding you, jaemin knew his attendance tonight had been a mistake. but not because of the petty feud his presence birthed in the lee lineage. oh no. it’s because, unlike most nights jaemin spends in your company - with your hair strewn about, mascara permanently smudged, and a lazy grin etched on - tonight, you were his least favourite kind of y/n. the one where he can’t help but follow you with his eyes, watch the placement of your feet, enjoy the shrill tone of your cackle. throughout the night, jaemin had found himself warmed by the way you drag your balled up fist over your made up eye, how you sing along to songs you don’t know the words to, how you wobble in your heels before you cling to him.
jaemin makes the mistake of enjoying you a bit too much. how you scowl as your relatives chat shit a bit too loud for you liking, how you make a scene of conspicuously covering his ears, unaware of how unbothered he is. how you try so hard to make him happy, in the smallest and largest of ways. so he drags you into a dance when you move to walk over, ready to rip your own blood a new one. “i’m gonna kill ‘em.”
“no,” he states simply, one of his hands slipping from your hand to your waist. “dance with me.”
“who do they think they are!” your voice adopts an unsettling shrillness that he can’t help but chuckle at. it even throws his head back. “why are you so happy? you should be mad!”
“because i don’t care,” he shrugs, tightening his hold on you slightly. “i’m here- you’re here. why would i not be happy?”
“you’re such a fucking leo.”
he still doesn’t know what that means, but he laughs anyway, happy that your deduction seemed to satisfy you. you eventually calm down, a peace settling over you as he spins you lazily around the dance floor. there’s some early 2000s track playing, one definitely unfitting for the way he’s swaying you. but you pay it no mind, speaking softly as he presses his cheek to the crown of your head.
“when do you wanna head up?” up, meaning the hotel room your relatives are also wound up about. it was intended for the bridal party and far travelled guests, neither of which they are. and neither of which you are. but you were your cousin’s favourite. and so was he. so naturally, you two had one reserved. even your parents had opted to stay at a cottage a couple roads over. “i think the boys are all gone already.”
he notes the guilt tainting your tone, knowing how drained jaemin grew from both physical and social interactions of any kind. so you knew well what his answer would be. “when you’re ready.”
“okay,” slipping out of his hold, you drag him over to the newly married couple. you exchange brief goodnights and grateful tidings before he excuses himself to find the jacket of his tuxedo. the search doesn’t take long, his eyes landing on the black coat a few seconds after parting. he does give himself a breather though, his knees cracking as the seat holding his jacket readily carries his weight. he doesn’t dare shut his eyes, knowing full well he’ll fall victim to his fatigue. so instead, he let’s them follow the one thing that always occupies his mind, that can keep him up all night. he finds you far quicker than he did his coat, the pink satin of your dress falling half way down your calf as you skipped over to bid some other guests farewell. he sighs happily, glad you never force him into such tedious pleasantries. you learnt a long time ago that while impossibly affectionate, jaemin’s social clock ticked a few hours faster than any one else’s. so by your timing, it had probably expired a little after the vows. it took a little bit of getting used to, but it also meant for quicker farewells and a speedier exit.
it’s only now jaemin realises this was a mistake. because before he ever gets his breather, less from you, but all the feelings that come from being with you, you’re at his side. he’s learned how not to cease up at your touch anymore. instead, linking his fingers with yours when they rest gently on his shoulder. when he peeks up at you, his eyes blinded less by the party lighting and more by your tired smile, he knows not to sigh, forcing down his body’s natural response to your attention. but when you tug at his hands, bringing him to stand, whispering a-
“let’s go home, yeah?”
he knows this isn’t a mistake. this is torture.
it’s how you pour him a tall, ice cold glass of domesticity with every meal. your hand wrapped in his as you lead him through the hotel. you slip out of your heels somewhere between the lobby and the elevator, grinning up at him as he takes them from you. jaemin even curses himself, his body responding to your needs unthinkingly. he tries to calm his beating heart by counting the floors, his eyes following the analog dial as you lean against his shoulder, fiddling with his cuffs.
“do you want them off?” you ask softly, barely a touch louder than the elevator music. he nods, though your gel nails are already picking at the gold, removing them with ease. “gimme the other one.” he inhales deeply, cursing whoever gave you to him. well, not really. you weren’t really his. but god did you act like it.
your hands slip into his pocket for the room key before slipping back into his hand. he just follows you out, caught in a happy daze as you take him ‘home’. you struggle a bit with the key card, trying it every which way before he leans into you, wrapping his arm around you as he reaches for the card. “the arrow’s pointing this way,” his thumb nail presses on the black arrow indicating the direction you have to push it. he doesn’t see you roll your eyes, but he guesses you do. so he presses his lips to your temple in apology. “you’ll get it next time.”
“piss off,” you laugh, pushing the door open when it clicks. he throws the heels and jacket on a chair by the door before collapsing onto the adjacent couch, his body ready to succumb to his dire need for rest. he can just about hear you rustling through the bags in the bathroom, your feet padding around on the linoleum. when it muffles slightly, he figures out immediately what you’ve returned for when you stop between his thighs. “thank you,” you sigh, his fingers already pinching at the zip on your dress. it sits low at the base of your spine, the back of the dress leaving you completely exposed. he’d taken to placing his hand there all night, his fingers gliding up and down the skin whenever he got the chance. when it’s down, his eyes linger on your hips, the top of your panties peeking out before you slap his knee.
“the necklace,” your back is still turned, hair blocking his view. “please?” you add, hand smoothing over the skin of his knee.
“come here,” he pulls you down to sit between his thighs, his legs parting to make space for you. you land with a huff, quickly realising you haven’t sat down all night. jaemin realises this too, your neck craning a bit further to the side than necessary as he tucks your hair over your shoulder. “you okay?”
“mhm,” you hum, squeezing his thigh. “just a bit sleepy.”
“a bit?” he laughs, a little breathless as he gathers the chain he got you one christmas. “i think you’ve earned a good sleep.” he surmises, hands squeezing your shoulders gently. “but you know you were a guest today, right? not the planner?”
“yeah?” turning onto your knees, you glare down at him. “someone had to sort my uncle out, he was steaming!”
“yes, true,” he laughs. “just make sure you’re not doing that at my wedding.”
you feign surprise at that, “i’m invited to your wedding?”
“of course,” his hands squeeze yours earnestly before he whispers, “can’t have my wedding without the bride, can i-”
“fuck off!” his cackles chase you out the room. while you wash up, he makes quick work of his tux, throwing his slacks over the back of the couch, his thumbs slowly unhooking each of his buttons. a true man of leisure, he’s in all but his socks and draws when you return. “all done!” you sing, throwing the dress down as you reappear in an oversized t-shirt. he recognises it almost immediately from uni. it’s his soccer team’s jersey. it has his number on the back.
“finally,” he whines, pushing you aside as he makes his way inside, quickly locking the door to avoid your attacks. he goes to reach for his wash bag just to find the reason he did already waiting unpacked. in a small cup on the side is his toothbrush, resting sweetly beside yours. he ignores the hygienic implications of this and skips right to the romantic. because, while jaemin thinks and often dreams of placing your first name with his last, and while he spends most of his free time with you, and while he would take any number of bullets for you, he still can’t for the life of him figure you out. even after he bombards you with affection, praise, teasing, flirting, kisses. you’re still just you. making him just him.
and that’s fine, if that’s what you want. but he’s not sure he truly knows what it is you want. and this gets him thinking about the little things. how his hand is seldom empty in your presence. how you never think of him second, always first. how you want to be with him always. moments like now, when he returns to find you hanging his tux on its hanger, encasing it in its protective sleeve. his arms slip around your waist, pulling you flush against him. and you melt instantly, resting in his embrace. “thanks,” he mumbles, lips pressing gently to your shoulder.
“‘is okay,” you hum, hanging it over the back of the door before resting your hands over his. see, hands never empty when you’re near. he sways you back and forth, his heart beating gently into your back as you lean into him. “did you have fun?” you ask, squeezing at his forearms, “i know we probably stayed later than you’d like-”
“it was great.” see, always putting him first. “did you want to stay longer?”
“not without you.” see, how you want to be with him always. he wonders how you don’t see it. how you don’t see you’re killing him. “come on,” you mumble, shutting off the light as you blindly drag him to bed. jaemin has an annoying habit of following you in, his body shuffling in after yours, rather than separating and meeting in the middle. it doesn’t allow you much room, by the time you reach your side, he’s encased you in his arms, legs, even his head, his chin slotting itself in the crook of your neck. “nana?”
“i’m sorry about today,” the apology doesn’t shock him, but rather your disappointment. “you’re more like family to mark and i than they ever were. tonight was just proof of that.”
“it’s okay,” he squeezes you a touch harder, trying to decipher whether your words harm or soothe the growing hole in his heart. “i can’t say i don’t see where they’re coming from.”
“what d’you mean?”
“i dunno,” he starts, thinking as his lips press to the back of your neck. “i guess i’d be confused by us too,” he mutters against your skin.
“how so?” you press, turning in his hold, gazing up at him. his eyes are more than used to the dark now as he gazes back down at you. you’re tucked right up to him, the covers strewn over your lower halves. he rests his temple on his palm, elbow pressed into the mattress as you fiddle with his fingers. “what’s confusing?”
he shrugs as best he can, watching his hand in yours. “i dunno,” he repeats, grinning when you huff. “i just- i think it’s hard for people to get that i’m your friend,” he tries, “just your friend.”
“what else would you be?” what else? what else?!
“i dunno,” he repeats for the third time, though he knows exactly what you’d be. but you don’t need to know that. not when you seemed so happy, so satisfied with how things are already. and that’s what’s most important to him. your happiness. and jaemin couldn’t exactly say he wasn’t happy with how things are either, he just knows there could be more to you both, more to this. more to him than being your best friend. but maybe it’s for another night. like he tells himself every time you push a topic you’re not remotely ready to breach. “let’s forget it-”
“no,” he flinches, just preparing to settle down for sleep. “am i missing something? if i am, just tell me.”
“i-” he drops his forehead to yours then. he’s so close, your eyes have to cross just for you to see him. it’s only when he rises you see a change in him. a nervous jaemin isn’t one you’re use to. it’s one that you would rather never see, it truly worries you. especially as he agrees, a small “okay,” leaving him before he kisses the tip of your nose, his lips barely puckered as they meet the skin. he grins as he does, his teeth gleaming in the moonlit room, his eyes open just wide enough to see you. his lips drop to your cheek, warming as your skin does. he hovers there as your hand tightens on his arm, clinging to him. he daren’t move, afraid the slightest jolt will wake him, drag him right out of this sleepless dream. when your grip loosens, he drops his head until he’s right by your mouth, his lips daringly puckering before he presses them to the corner of your lips. he stills as yours do too, your soft lips, now embalmed in his memory, pressing there ever so gently before he rises once more. he waits a second, watching the smallest of shivers rack through you before he dips again, lips falling to your neck. he smiles against your skin, overjoyed as you subtly crane your neck. his teeth drag over your skin as he journeys down the column of your neck, your hands gripping onto him a touch harder when he stops.
his fingers glide along the skin of your side, thumb pressing into the dip of your waist. he stops short of your chest, locked mid motion as he watches you breathe. there is no haste in his movements. no need to rush anything. no need to hurry. all there is, is a beat. a steady one in his chest. one that holds him here, one where he can’t move, can’t bring himself to test the waters you’ve just dared he enter. not even as the pads of your fingers glide along the warm skin of his neck, nails dragging through his nape, silently daring him to move. he pants over your chest, a lazy grin pulling at his mouth as you ask him again-
“what else would you be, jaem?”
he moves unthinkingly. as his dampened lips meet the hardened nub through your t-shirt, sucking on you through the aged material. his rolls his teeth gently, his fingers at your side finding your neglected nipple as you whine out for him. he feels himself slipping into delirium, caught somewhere between a dream and reality, unsure where exactly he’d rather be. he decides it doesn’t matter, not when you’re there. here. with him. letting him touch you in ways he never really thought possible. ways jaemin only ever imagined, only ever let himself surrender to in the dead of night. in the solitude of his own shameful company. he never thought of this. not really.
he had hoped, maybe even prayed, but never truly believed he’d have you whimpering for him. your fingers falling in the gaps between his own, pressing his open palm harder against your thinly veiled heat, your hips rolling against it. jaemin never thought he’d hear your whines, the sound cutting through him like knives, like ice shooting through his veins. he never thought you’d want him. not like this.
“jaem,” he’s with you in seconds, his spit slick lips an inch above yours. he watches patiently as you grind up against his hand, feeling his fingers prod at your desperate heat.
“you wanna know what else i could be?”
you nod. “please.”
“i could be yours.”
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