#I might be allergic to shellfish
maxidentally · 2 years
on a scale of 1 to absolutely foolish how stupid do you have to be to have an allergic reaction and not tell anyone because you don't want to make a big deal out of it
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hotteacocoa · 2 years
I just realized I’ve been on here for about a year and never properly introduced myself, so here it is:
Hi, I’m your friend now. I love cats, don’t have a favorite color, but I really like kelly green because it burns my retinas when I look at it. I am allergic to red dye 40 and can’t eat Twizzlers because of it, and that makes me very sad. I sing to myself when I’m scared, and I have a horrible fear of dead bugs. Cilantro tastes like soap. :)
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 8 months
Party Time
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: the three Winchester siblings crash a party (like 3x06 but without Bella)
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“Do I have to go?”
“Duh, you’re my date.”
“Dean, that’s gross.”
“Shut up and put on the stupid dress, Y/N.”
“You guys are giving me a headache,” Sam interrupted yours and Dean’s argument.
“But why can’t I just stay here? The dress is itchy!”
“So’s my stupid shirt, but you don’t see me complaining!”
“Actually we do,” you huffed.
“The point is,” Sam interrupted again. “That I have to distract…my date…” Sam cringed, “And you have to help Dean sneak upstairs. So you’re coming.”
“Fine,” you grumbled, grabbing your dress off the back of a chair and walking into the bathroom.
“Ok, ok,” you groaned. “Get it out, I look ridiculous.”
“Uh, right,” Dean nodded. “Ridiculous.” You noticed him double checking his gun before tucking it behind his back.
“Dean, just don’t,” Sam said. “Y/N, you look awesome. Now let’s get out of here.”
“And if anyone hits on my baby sister, I’ll shoot him,” Dean added as he followed Sam put the door. You bit back a smile; that was about the biggest compliment Dean could give.
“How long do you expect me to entertain my date?” Sam hissed through gritted teeth after the three of you had spent half an hour there with no luck.
“As long as it takes, I guess,” you said. You could tell Dean thought Sam’s discomfort was hilarious, but you felt horrible. If you’d had to spend the evening with some creepy, handsy old man, you wouldn’t have wanted your brothers to laugh about it.
Sam caught Dean’s attempt to cover a smirk and glared at him.
“You know there are some things I won’t do, right?”
“We’re going as fast as we can,” you promised. “Come on, Dean.”
“What now?” You asked after Dean failed to slip past the security guard.
“You tell me,” he grumbled. He was out of ideas, and starting to get grumpy, you could tell.
“Fine then,” you sighed. The moment the idea came to you, you ran with it. You went limp suddenly, and you heard Dean’s yelp of surprise as his strong arms kept you from hitting the ground.
“Whoa, hey—help, I need some help over here!”
“Sir, what’s going on?”
You made sure to stay absolutely still with your eyes closed as Dean answered the waiter.
“Uh, my little sister here is—is really allergic to seafood, there’s not any shellfish in these, is there?”
“No, sir.”
“Oh, good—“ Dean’s next words were muffled as he shoved an hors d’oeuvre in his mouth. “These are great, by the way.”
“Excuse me, what’s wrong?” Dean turned to look at the security guard that approached him, shifting you in his arms.
“Uh, I think my sister here might have accidentally drunken something alcoholic, she’s out like a light, is there somewhere I can lay her down?”
“Uh…” the security guard hesitated for a moment before relenting. “Yes, follow me.”
You were jostled as Dean lifted you in his arms and followed the security guard up the stairs.
As soon as Dean had you laid down, the security guard left.
“You’re a genius, little sister.” Dean smirked as you sat up. “But next time, clue me in before you just drop like that.”
“I like to keep you on your toes.” You grinned back. “Now let’s finish this job.”
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queeranarchism · 2 years
The eating insects thing
A far-right anti-vax conspiracy theory that has existed for a few years now has recently increased in popularity and has been breaching containment, especially in vegan circles, so I guess we have to talk about it:
Keep an eye out for scary sounding posts about eating insects.
Some of the claims to expect are this:
Governments are secretly allowing more insects to be put into food. - It is true that more edible insects have been approved for the EU market lately, but this process is not secret at all.
Some people are allergic to Chitine, which is found in shellfish and hard-shelled insects - this is true.
Chitine is also dangerous to people who are not allergic to it and causes cancer - this is not true. It traces back to study that has been taken out-of-context about the impact of concentrated Chitine in cancer identification and treatment.
Eating large amounts of the insects being approved would damage your stomach lining or other intestines because of ‘toxic chitine’. - this is not true. It traces back to an old dietary advice on a Dutch website which only mentioned that insect consumption was safe up to 45 grams at a time. What this meant was: we didn’t find a study that researched higher doses. There are plenty of studies by now and it turns out it’s fine.
Insects are ‘bird food’ and humans did not evolve to digest the insects currently being approved for consumption. - this is not true. There are 1500 insect species that are regularly safely consumed by millions of people around the world. The insects that are currently being approved for the European market have been consumed by humans for as long as we can trace the human diet and many are consumed by our closest primate relatives.
Bill Gates and other insert-conspiracy-name-here billionaires are buying up farm land to deliberately cause food shortages and to force us to eat bugs - this is not true. Land is just a popular investment right now due to other economic pressures.
Governments are pushing for lower meat consumption to force us to eat bugs. - this is not true. Any minimal encouragement of reduced meat consumption by governments is in response to the impact of meat consumption on climate change.
If you buy in to some of these scare stories, the next claim is that forcing people to eat bugs serves some darker government purpose, either simple misery and humiliation (accompanies by the claim that we’ll be forced to eat weeds and drink sewage water), forced population control (the Great Reset bullshit) or preparing us for the rule of reptilian overlords (antisemitism crap).
Now, let me be clear: there are valid reasons why you might want to avoid eating insects. ‘I just don’t want to’ is a good enough reason. Being vegan is an excellent reason. We know very little about the inner lives of insects but observations suggest that they are intelligent and feel pain. We do not currently know what constitutes a high quality of life or a painless death, so we could not ‘humanely’ farm insects even if we wanted to.
However, most of the claims above are misleading, racist and dangerous. They pave the way into far-right anti-vax and antisemitic conspiracy theories. Recognize them and avoid them. If you see your vegan friends share these claims: let them know what they’re doing. Don’t give this shit space.
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
Can we have a complete list of all their allergies, including how they discovered them? I imagine on the Isle, someone has died from a severe allergy at least once & nobody ever noticed because they just revived due to the barrier (May Beast rot in Hell).
Oh no, it's so much worse than being revived. See, Isle kids can only die every other Thursday, when Thanatos is allowed to do his job on the Isle. Until he comes and frees their souls, they're just trapped in their bodies. This is why cremation is so popular- a soul can't be trapped in a body if there's no body to be trapped in.
Allergies are a terrifying thing on the Isle. A lot of kids have died to allergies, and those who survive adverse reactions usually don't even know what triggered it, because they don't know what they're eating half of the time. And for the people who had a sibling who died of an allergic reaction (Spider used to have an older brother, Worthless, who died of anaphylaxis,) it's even more terrifying because they know that there might be lethal allergies running in their family, but since they have no idea what triggered the episode that killed their sibling, they have no idea what to avoid in case they might also be allergic to it.
Jay is allergic to cats, mildly. He's always known that cats can cause him to feel weird, the allergies test just confirmed that it wasn't all in his head.
Mal is allergic to iron and holy water, as in anaphylaxis. She's always known- it's a fae thing.
Rose and Ace are both allergic to latex, on the more severe end of moderate. It's not lethal, but uncomfortable to say the least. You do not want to know how they know this.
CJ is allergic to dairy, on the more severe end of moderate. Her anaphylaxis hasn't been life-threatening so far (her throat swells but doesn't completely close,) but it isn't fun. This will not stop her from eating ice cream. She's known since she was around eleven, when it started. Harriet didn't know until CJ was twelve because CJ didn't think it was that important.
Harriet has allergies to dairy, soy, beef, and some legumes and seeds, though her reactions are on the milder side of moderate. She knows because her father has the same allergies and he confirmed that her symptoms were definitely allergic reactions. (None of hers have been tested due to distance issues but she figures if it walks like a duck)
Harry is allergic to peanuts and some beans. It was worse when he was little, but he's grown out of it a bit and his symptoms are relatively mild. He's also got a severe poultry allergy (allergic to consuming poultry, not the birds themselves,) but they think that's probably not "real" and it's just his immune system freaking out after his recent near-death salmonella experience from chicken, and it'll probably go away after a while.
Claudine is allergic to poison ivy. As in she gets an allergic reaction even if she doesn't touch it, even from just the pollen in the air, and she gets a pretty severe allergic reaction- two Epi Pens and 911 and ambulance immediately levels of severe. She learned this during a walk outdoors at Xavier's school, when the pollen from poison ivy caused her face and throat to start swelling. CJ was with her and recognized an allergic reaction, and thankfully she had the Epi-Pens prescribed for her own allergies with her. The reaction kept going once the epinephrine had worn off so she needed to be intubated and put on some serious anti-allergy medications, but she was fine.
Gil is severely allergic to most shellfish- allergic as in two Epi-Pens, 911 immediately, intubation, and as much as a two-week stay in the hospital because the reaction can fuck with his lungs and cause things like pneumonia or bronchitis. He's even allergic to non-crustecean shellfish (like clams and abelone,) and allergic to some types of saltwater fish (like swordfish, even though he's never even seen a swordfish,) though those aren't quite as severe. He found this out while eating dinner at the institute- Remy had made a seafood gumbo from New Orleans, Gil had some, and the reaction was pretty much instant. Thank the gods there were multiple doctors in the room.
Mischa has a mild nightshade allergy- potatoes and tomatoes, mostly, but other members of the family can cause issues if ingested. He just thought his stomach didn't vibe with potatoes, but no, he's allergic to several things. He discovered this during the allergy tests.
Andi is allergic to birch and, because of that, is also allergic to several types of fruits, most of them stone fruits. It's not a severe allergy- Benadryl bad, not Epi-Pen bad- but it still sucks because she likes apples. This was discovered during the allergy tests
Malcolm is allergic to pork, which is fine by him because he doesn't like pork anyway. He's also allergic to cats, which he's far more bothered by, but both allergies are minor irritants.
Ivy is allergic to most imitation animal products- fake leather, fake fur, imitation gator skin, it all causes skin reactions (she does not know what would happen if she ingested it, does not want to know, and why would she ever need to worry about that she's not about to eat pleather.) She's on a few topical ointments to help the skin recover in case of accidental exposure. She's always known (runs in the family,) but now she's learning which ingredients she's allergic to so she can avoid other things that use them.
Veronica and Carlos (and probably Diego, but he can't get tested yet due to distance issues) have the same allergies
Joss is allergic to chlorine. It's mostly a skin reaction but it can be a more serious allergic reaction if she were ever to consume enough chlorine for some reason (like if she were to drink too much tap water, which had chlorine in it.) She's figured it could be a possibility because it's a common allergy in part-merfolk people, so she asked to be tested.
Claudine, Tara, Polina, Nikita, Giles, Gordon, and Mora are all allergic to alpha-gal (red meat allergy.) Polina and Nikita don't have major reactions but the rest can. The Isle has a major tick problem. This was all discovered during the allergy test.
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
Getting started in lolita fashion: what is a coord and how do we build them?
First of all, and this will become relevant: I am allergic to shellfish. Keep that in the back of your mind.
So you're interested in wearing lolita fashion? That's super cool! It's a really fun fashion to wear, and a really cool community to be a part of.
One of the things that's really cool about lolita fashion is the way that it's structured, and the "rules" of lolita outfits. A lot of mainstream fashion tends to have a sort of general look that you're trying to reach, lolita fashion has some very specific requirements for what should be present in a lolita look. It's a little bit less like how we think of punk fashion, and a bit more about how we think of white tie attire.
Before you bitch about the rules, I just want to say that, once you start following the rules, you'll learn how to effectively break the rules. But you want to start out by using the rules to help you make a look. You can think of it like training wheels on your bicycle when you learned how to ride it. It's also like how the first thing you ever cooked was probably Top Ramen or mac and cheese, and probably wasn't traditional chocolate eclairs or egg yolk ravioli. I want to be nice and welcoming to new people in the fashion, but I also want to be really honest here, because lying to new people doesn't help them. So here is my first piece of tough love: Don't bitch about the rules. Just learn to follow them.
And remember the other rule, and keep this very close to your heart. You're allowed to love looks that you make that aren't lolita. Even if you attempted lolita, and it didn't make the mark, if you love that look, then you love that look. You can be proud of it, and you can wear it, and you can love it. All the love in the world won't make it lolita, but that doesn't mean it can't be loved.
You're allowed to have fashion interests outside of lolita. That's okay.
So let's talk about a lolita outfit. A complete lolita outfit is called a coordinate. It's often shortened "coord" or occasionally "co-ord", though that second phrasing is falling out of fashion.
One of the first things to note is that your first coord will not be perfect. It might even not be good. But it's important that you try to make it a complete coord.
This is not about how to make sure that the elements of your coordinate go together, or how to dress certain ways for certain styles. This is just identifying the components of the lolita coordinate.
This is also a good thing to run past when you're building a coord and think it's almost done. Did you have items 1-7 on it? Can you add them, or at least a thing to indicate that you understand you should have something?
The seven main components of a lolita coord are 1) skirt, 2) petticoat, 3) not shoulders, 4) headgear, 5) socks, 6) wrists, and 7) the rest. In your coordinates, you will want to check all seven of those boxes.
You will want to include all seven of those components, even if you know that what you're putting in that category isn't all that perfect. If you don't have a good headpiece, it will look better to have a less-than-ideal one than it will be to go without one.
Why? Well, let's talk about my shellfish allergy. I can't eat it. At all, period. End of story. My friends and I invite each other over to dinner pretty frequently. One time, I had a friend who had carefully prepared a dinner that she thought was safe for me, but that had scallops in it. She didn't realize that scallops were shellfish, having never seen them not frozen in a bag or prepared on a plate. She was very apologetic, and offered me the other food in her house. Best Ling Ling potstickers and fried Spam I've ever had, btw. I had another friend who cooked shrimp tacos and told me I could just pick out the shrimp (not how food allergies work, btw) because she wanted shrimp tacos. The short version of a long story is that I still eat at friend #1's house, and don't eat at friend #2's house, or really hang out with them anymore. I couldn't eat either meal, but the fact that friend #1 put effort into keeping the food accessible for me means that they earned the right for me to give them a second chance.
Or, if you want a shorter version, putting something IN the checkbox for your coord, even if it's not perfect, tells people who want to help you that you know something should be in that check box. Trying and failing is better than no effort.
So let's talk about what those check boxes are:
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disclaimer: these collages are meant to illustrate a point and to make this look pretty. They are not intended to be a representation of the absolute best that lolita could be.
1] Skirt. The main lolita fashion look requires a skirt. Usually this is somewhere in the general area of your knee. You can go a little above or below that point, but knee-length is a good general idea. The skirt has to have enough volume to put your pettioat under, and it needs to start somewhere in the general area of your natural waist. These rules apply both to a standalone skirt, and to the skirt part of a dress.
The skirt is usually one of the parts that is hardest--bordering on impossible--to find in a normal, non-lolita store. If you're buying a premade skirt, it's very likely that you'll need to shop at a place selling skirts specifically for lolita.
The general gathered rectangle skirt we use in lolita fashion is also pretty easy to make yourself, if you want to get into DIY lolita.
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2] Petticoat. The lolita silhouette requires the skirt to have a pretty specific shape, and that shape comes from the skirt being supported by a petticoat. Once you know that you want to wear lolita for more than just one coordinate, you will want to get a good petticoat that's made to be the proper shape for your looks. You'll wear a petticoat with all your lolita looks, so it might be worth it to buy a nice one.
I know that having a good petticoat when I started really helped me get into handmade lolita, because the good petticoat made what I made look all that much better.
However, when you're starting, it's a good idea to try to have SOME kind of petticoat. A small petticoat is going to look better than nothing, and it shows that you know what you need to do. I actually have a petticoat I got from Spirit Halloween at the end-of-season clearance, and I get a lot of use out of it. It's nice for wearing under other petticoats, for just a little bit of extra volume. I also wear it under my hooped petticoat, for just a little bit of extra modesty.
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3] Not Shoulders. Blouse, cardigan, bolero, sleeves on your dress SOMETHING. It's really hard to pull off a lolita look with bare shoulders. You'll see coords from really hot locations where people go blouseless, but it's still tough to pull off. I'm in a location where it gets very hot, and I've found that sheer blouses are very nice, and allow me to have more flexibility in other areas of my look.
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Am i just lazily using the premade templates instead of actually trying? the answer might surprise you
4] Headgear. Put something on your head. It can be a bow or it can be a hat, or it can be a lot of other things, but you want to put something on your head. If your coord's not yet complete and you're just trying it on to get some feedback, tie some ribbons in your hair or something else to indicate that you understand that this is a necessary part of the look. You want to incorporate your whole body into your coord, instead of having a coord that stops at your neck. Your face is important, and you want it to feel like it's part of the look, so continue the lolita details up into your head.
My favorite fast addition to a coord is to get little ribbon bows from the children's hair accessory sections of outlet stores. They come on clips, and you can easily slide them into your hair. I'll usually add them even if I already have a hair accessory.
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5] Socks. Or tights. Basically, you want to cover your ankles somehow. Once again, this is about continuing the detail down to your lower body.
Lolita theming is based a lot on the concept of modesty, and in the past that meant covering your entire legs. We've gotten more open about shorter socks in recent times, but you still want to have something to show that you recognize that element of your look.
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6] Wrists. This is again about incorporating your entire body into your look. Having something that ties your hands back into your coord is important. We use our hands to communicate our feelings and interact with the world, so we want to incorporate them into our coordinate.
I used to be really bad about leaving wrists uncovered, because I have issues with jingling things or scratchy things on my hands. I recently found that I handle stretchy bracelets pretty well, so it only took me 11 years to figure out the best way to incorporate my wrists into my look. These are nice and really quite cheap, and the background image up there is my collection of non-jangly stretchy bracelets.
7] The rest. So, one of the most important things that builds the lolita look is that it's so much beyond what mainstream fashion is. Every detail in lolita has details in the details, so you don't want to just stop with checking the main 6 boxes. You want to find things to bring your look to be a little bit extra beyond the base expectations. Can you add some jewelry? Can you add some extravagant (but coordinating) makeup? What can you do to dress up your hair? What can you do to dress up your hands? What can you add to make this just a little bit more? Do you have a bag that matches? Do you want to do your nails to match? You don't always need to go 100% extra, but adding just a little additional thing every time you can is nice. Remember, it's a lot harder for a coord to have too many details, versus too few.
Okay but what about shoes? I'm assuming that, if you're going out, you're going to be wearing some shoes. Despite what Madison says, you shouldn't wear stiletto heels with lolita. You also shouldn't wear flip flops. But I assume you own shoes and this is a beginner guide, so just use your best judgement.
Something that I've been having fun with recently is building fake coords. I take an online photo collage generator (I've been using this one because it doesn't make you pay), take a theme, and then try to build a coord collage using that theme. I had my non-lolita friends suggest themes:
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Really expensive pedal harp.
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the Jungle Cruise
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And, possibly why you shouldn't ask your normie friends for lolita prompts:
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Coal Miner.
Anyway, these are really fun, because you can select photo collage templates that have more than seven slots. This means that, once you've selected your dress, blouse, socks, headdress, etc, you still have spaces you need to fill in with extra ideas. This requires you to build a coordinate that's beyond the bare basics. It requires you to think of what additional things you can add, and forces you to articulate what you think lolita fashion should look like.
Making your own collage coords is also free, and allows you to more easily talk to people about what your ideas in lolita are. If you show people what you're thinking, prior to committing to purchasing it, it can save you a lot of money. Also, it's a free exercise, and you can just make a thousand of them. Practice is fun! It lets you be able to talk to people who wear lolita. Make some coords!
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helloaft0n · 3 months
Now we have random Steven headcannons
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• He's probably one of the most energetic, possibly most insane person you'll ever meet, yet his father never put him into a psychiatric hospital /j
• He can speak different languages (But he knows Spanish, second next to English (DUH))
• He’s really flexible… REALLY, really flexible..
• Pretty strong too, which makes sense, since he’s a military pilot all together.
• He sometimes goes shopping right after his job, to save his father the trouble of possibly accidentally getting killed by a doppelgänger
This also leads Mclooy to get scared that something might have possibly happened to his son
Always leads to sometimes Steven having to comfort him
• He keeps a secret gun somewhere in his apartment (maybe the closet), just incase a doppel somehow gets in
He’s really experienced with guns
• He sometimes gets very tired very easy, like how sometimes he finally arrives home, then he immediately goes to sleep after sitting somewhere comfy
He also has hidden eyebags, not as heavy as the ones Francis has, though
• Straight
• He’s like really smart but also really stupid
• Likes cuddles, which is why he NEVER refuses sleepovers
He likes to cuddle other ppl who came
• Not interested in any romantically relationships
Doesn’t mind kisses (platonic or his father only)
• Allergic to shellfish, like deathly allergic
Once got sent to the hospital because he accidently ate one
• Southern accent, though it's not as heavy as his father's
• He really likes to wear his jacket around his waist, but he doesn't do it that often for whatever reason
• He plays pranks on his neighbours, sometimes his father aswell
He once locked two neighbours together to "provoke their love for eachother"
• He's the extrovert typa guy
• He has an eyebrow slit that he got from work a few years ago, and it never healed, yet he finds it cool anyway
• He smokes cigars
If u guys have any suggestions for other headcannons I could do please tell them (nightmare mode also included)
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neomujinjja · 10 months
They accidentally trigger your allergy Headcanon
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Pairing: Stray kids x reader
Genre: headcanon
Warnings: not edited, experiencing allergic reaction(s)*, not knowing your allergies, allergy medicine (pills), being careless with your allergies, some members headcanons are shorter than the others
Note: *I.N's is the only with an anaphylactic reaction, the rest are just redness, swelling, and itchiness. majority of the allergies and their reactions are based off my own experiences or those of my family (so not a big range)
Bang Chan
he's just trying to be sweet
giving you a bouquet of pretty flowers, chan thinks you'll like
you keep the flowers in your living room
plus you had already taken your allergy medicine
it's not until the next morning that he learns about your pollen allergy
you walked out of the bedroom, making breakfast for yourself and chan
when he walks out and is confused by your sudden stuffy nose
"are you sick?"
"no, it's my allergies"
"yeah, my pollen allergies"
babe feels so bad!!
he's apologizing and promising to not to buy flowers again
you tell him that it's okay and he doesn't have to worry
explaining that it's only a light reaction and you're fine as long as you take your medicine
either way, chan feels so bad about it
and he's asking about any more allergies you might have
Lee Know
minho was trying out a new recipe
it just happens to contain a lot of tomatoes and lemons
and it slips his mind to how much citric acid content there is
later after the two of you enjoy the meal
you make complaints about itchiness and redness
minho goes through what you've ate recently with you
the two of you land on the new meal that's he made
of course minho feels terrible and apologizes
you ensure him that you believe he didn't do it on purpose and you're at fault too
date night~
changbin takes you to this italian inspired restaurant
you ordered yourself a pasta with shrimps (think shrimp alfredo)
on the way home, changbin notices how much you're itching
then once home, he also sees that your ears seem to be swelling up too
changbin insists on bringing you to the hospital to get checked out
there the doctor informs you that it's allergic reaction to the shrimps in your pasta
they give you medicine to relieve your symptoms and inform you to be careful
you also schedule a date to receive allergy testing to prevent this happening again in the future
it's a relatively hot summer
so you and hyunjin make a home-made fruit platter
it's got watermelon for hyunjin alongside grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and peaches
as someone with allergies himself, he is very careful about dealing with yours
but one too many grapes leaves your mouth feeling itchy
hyunjin immediately cuts you off after realizing
he also jokingly scolds you for not knowing your limit and triggering your allergy
if you try to grab any more grapes then hyunjin lightly taps your hand or pushes the grapes further out your reach
he isn't going to allow for you to experience a severe allergic reaction on his watch
you guys decide order take out for dinner
jisung knows about your allergy to shellfish/seafood
so you guys order fried rice, orange chicken, chow mein with beef and broccoli
specifically steering away from any shrimp dishes
neither of you realize that some of the food is cooked with oyster sauce
the both of you are hungry so you're digging in once the food is delivered
you start sniffling and itching as you're eating
jisung looks up to see that you're swelling up
he gets up and rushes to get your medicine
he has to urge you to take it as you're confused
"take your medicine"
"you're having an reaction"
"i am?"
the two of you are still confused as to the cause
you guys text stray kids resident chefs who give you the answer: oyster sauce
jisung apologizes but you tell him it's okay
then you order for some pizza to be delivered
no one lets the either of you (especially you) live this incident down
we all know that felix enjoys baking
i believe that he'd experiment with new treats upon free time
and felix decides that he's going to tackle snickerdoodles
he's heard you talk about how much you like the cookies as well
so he finds a recipe online and gets baking
you walk into the dorm to cookies that have cooled down just enough to eat but still warm from their time in the oven
it took about five cookies in til you began having a reaction
becoming curious about what caused the redness and swelling presenting itself on your arm
you ask felix about the ingredients he used for the cookies
felix begins listing the ingredients one by one, getting to nutmeg
nodding your head, you realize what's behind your reaction
felix is confused until you explain it to him, that by extension your body reacts to the seasoning
he's quick to apologize, kissing your face and promising to find a recipe that doesn't contain nutmeg
(the rest of the cookies go to members and felix's friends)
the boys are back from tour
but just for a bit before they start the next leg of it
you go to visit seungmin
he brought snacks back with him
so you two are eating on them while catching up and watching tv
then your mouth feels itchy
seungmin: "what's wrong?"
you: "i don't know" 🤷
cue seungmin searching what it could be
and you guys looking up the ingredients online
he comes to the inclusion that it must be an allergic reaction
you're surprised cause you've never experienced this before
seungmin makes you vow to be diligent with your new found allergy
and to go to the doctor for a further check up
you guys go out to buy some over-the-counter medicine for the meantime
you guys are just out for the night
walking around, enjoying the chill air
maybe buying snacks from convenience stores
or window shopping
unfortunately there's been a big pollen outbreak
and you didn't take your medicine as you hadn't realized
you and jeongin have been out for about 30 minutes when you start having a reaction
it starts off as just a stuffy & runny nose so you continue to brush it off
cause you always carry tissues with you
so does jeongin since he's learned about your pollen allergy
then you start feeling short of breath and your throat closing
jeongin is panicking when you tell of this development
he brings you into the closest building
where the two of you search through your bag for your pills
poor baby has tears in his eyes through the ordeal
once the medicine kicks in and your reaction calms, you guys start the walk back home
jeongin begins checking the pollen forecast before heading out with you after that
he never wants to go through something like that again with you
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arminsbf · 5 months
im rlly loving armin today…..tell me somethings about him….
HI DAHLIA!!!! me too omg literally every day 💗💗💗
i don’t know if this makes any sense at all because i’m just yapping but here you go!!!
before you dated it was SO fucking obvious that you liked each other — it became a running joke in the friend group about how he was so clearly in love with you
and yet I think it would take a long time before you two actually got together!! you had to be the one to admit your feelings — because ever since he realized how he felt, he stood by NEVER telling you abt it js because he was so scared you would reject him
but… srsly… he loves you so much. he’s so much happier now that he has you and that he doesn’t have to hide it anymore!!
mf sleeps SO MUCH, especially in the summer because he’ll be out in the sun all day and come home exhausted
he loves to watch movies with you but trust half of time he will js pass out while cuddling w you!!
basically whenever he’s touching you he gets tired :( you’re js so warm n comfy… he just… 😴😴😴
but that shows how much he trusts you!!!!! you’re really one of the only people he can be vulnerable around — even w how close he is to eren and mikasa
if you have long hair, he’ll learn how to do a ponytail, and then a braid… with help from you and from youtube 😭 he thinks it looks cute on you n he likes that he did it himself :3
maybe he’ll learn a french braid if u like when he does it enough!
loves spending time with you even if you’re doing literally nothing. he enjoys js being in the same room as you even if you’re doing something else
STUDYING!!!! you know he is such a nerd… he really does spend a lot of his free time studying/doing his work. his favorite thing though is working while you’re in the room!! like I said he really js likes being around you… you don’t have to be interacting.
he just likes having you there, even if you’re just on your phone or smth! he likes hearing your breathing, and having something to look at. he feels like a weirdo because it’s not much different from being by himself — but he loves you so much and js wants to spend as much time with you as he can!!
I KNOW YOU SAID THIS BEFORE BUT HE LOVES FRUIT???? he is always eating fruit. if you like fruit too he will make you this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLyJ1d5B/ and eat it with you
i mentioned this once but i’m so serious he ran track in high school. he ran the 400 and HATED it but all his friends did sports and he was like okay i guess i can do this…
absolute demon at beach volleyball
always hounds you abt sunscreen because he spends so much time at the beach. “no babe you’re gonna get skin cancer you need to put it on!!!!”
but he offers to do it for you so it’s not so bad :3
he is allergic to shellfish
another thing i’ve mentioned before is that I think he gets nightmares sometimes :( he might wake you up from squirming or making noise, but then you can be there for him!
he’s usually okay right after, it’s never anything too bad — mostly just falling dreams, or maybe being chased. still leaves him feeling anxious and overwhelmed, so he’ll hold you close. with you there to calm him down he can fall back asleep peacefully
hmm i think he likes to hold your hand n kiss your forehead n your nose during sex :3
he’s super clingy w you in private but he gets so embarrassed talking about it with his friends…
like of course he’s not embarrassed to talk about you and how amazing you are but he struggles to talk about how much YOU love HIM without wanting to run and hide
cook him anything and he’s instantly proposing. he loves eating food you make even if it’s not good!!!
ice cream dates!!! he likes ice cream anddd I think his favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip
there,,, a lot of random thoughts abt my bf armin i hope you enjoyed!! 💗💗💗💗
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legacyshenanigans · 2 months
Rowan: *trying an oyster*
Marvolo: Do you like it?
Rowan: It aint terrible...Is it supposed to make my mouth tingle?
Marvolo: .....No?
Rowan: Oh...*coughs a little* Makes my throat feel weird.. *coughs again* I feel like I can't breathe..
Marvolo: (?!) ..Rowan I think you might be allergic to shellfish!
Rowan: Oh..Heh..Interestin' *goes to eat another one*
Marvolo: *slaps it out of his hand* Are you mental!? We need to get you help!
Based on a comment @nox-ceur said about Rowan in the GC 🤣🤣🤣
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
hi hi! first time asker here,,,,i really enjoy your thoughts about the octatrio and other nrc guys :D!! i love reading through your stuff!
this is kind of a question?? but moreso a thought that came up while eating eating ceviche earlier. i started wondering how the octatrio would react to it,,,,,,like i personally think jade + azul would find the concept interesting and try to get the recipe for it, especially since it can be made with almost any seafood. but also be a little freaked by it at the same time (maybe moreso on azul's end?? since ceviche de pulpo is decently popular) (i personally think both jade and floyd would mess with him by eating it around azul since octopus dishes are both their faves.) floyd might take a bite of the spoonful thats in hand but may he caught off guard by the sheer amount of lemon juice in it. it's definitely a dish that they wouldn't think of!
what are your thoughts :?
I think it wouldn't be too big of a surprise, I'm pretty sure some of the other character's favorite foods are also ones cooked in lime/lemon juice. I think they'd be familiar with the concept of it.
I think it's made a lot more spicy/with different fish and veggies depending on the region. My mom makes hers with tilapia and clamato, cilantro, onion, tomatoes, and avocado since she's allergic to raw shellfish. My stepmom makes hers with shrimp and the same as above but also adds like an entire bottle of hot sauce (it's my favoriteeeee) to hers. I think that they'd been more off guard by the sheer level of spiciness, lol.
I think that both the twins would get a kick out of ceviche de pulpo (I've heard of it but it's never been made or sold in my area) and would actually eat it in front of Azul just to annoy him.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
Curious if you know much about food sensitivity testing. My cousin's SIL is purportedly a wellness NP and has their whole family getting their sensitivities checked every 3-6 months with lab draws. I always thought allergy testing was done with scratch test on skin. And like how do you cast a wide enough net to test for everything? I didn't think labs really worked like that? I thought you kind of had to test for specific things and almost like a process of elimination.
It seems as though every time cousin gets tested there is a whole list of foods she should remove from her diet because she is "sensitive" to them. It always feels like that list is whatever she's been eating most recently (and usually that food is something that she used as a replacement for something she was sensitive to last time) for example she cut out cow's milk and went oat because oat was ok on the list. Then all of a sudden oat wasn't ok anymore and she went coconut. Now coconut is supposedly causing trouble. Cousin said she didn't think she was having issues with it but is now looking for alternatives and I'm just worried about her.
When I asked the SIL what the sensitivities mean the response was that it causes inflammation which can lead to skin conditions, weight gain, problems in the digestive tract, or cancer.
Obviously I know food sensitivities exist and that there's a lot of processed garbage in our food the whole thing just feels off.
No worries if you don't want to answer thing or if you don't know. This is partially me venting in your askbox
Before we can talk about what your SIL is probably doing, we have to talk about food allergies, food sensitivities, and how we test for them.
A food allergy is an inappropriate immune reaction to a chemical that is present in a food.
The first type is the "immediate" type. When the food is ingested, the body's immune system misidentifies one or more proteins in that food as dangerous and "overreacts" by creating an antibody called immunoglobulin E. Immunoglobulin E (aka IgE), triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals that, in the extreme excess caused by IgE, cause symptoms like itching, swelling, hives, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms can be life threatening. Less severe versions of this can trigger gastritis, brain fog, asthma, and non-life-threatening versions of the symptoms listed above.
Proteins from peanuts, tree nuts, cow's milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat, and sesame cause about 90% of these allergic reactions.
There are other immune reactions and other Immunoglobulins. For example, there is immunoglobulin G, which serves as a "memory" and helps protects against viruses and bacteria. IgG essentially makes an impression of everything that comes into the body. When you get titers drawn to determine whether you're immune to something (a test you might need to get if you work in the medical field), the test looks for specific types of IgG to determine whether your body still remembers the virus or bacteria you were immunized against or exposed to. More about this later.
IgG, along with IgA and IgM can contribute to autoimmune conditions like MS, graves disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus (which are very technically allergic reactions to oneself).
A food sensitivity or intolerance on the other hand is a condition caused when a person doesn't have the necessary enzymes or microbiome to digest a particular sugar or protein in a food. Food sensitivities do not have anything to do with the immune system. Instead, they have to do with digestion. A food sensitivity often results in bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. While unpleasant, you won't die from an intolerance or sensitivity.
While not technically an allergy or a sensitivity, people also may have conditions that are exacerbated by certain foods, such as sugar or wheat exacerbating arthritis.
Now onto the testing. Allergy testing comes in several forms. You can do blood testing for specific allergens by looking for specific IgE allergens. For example, if you suspect you are allergic to peanuts, you can have blood drawn to check for peanut IgEs. You can also do a skin test, where a section of skin is marked with a grid and small amounts of allergens, along with control solutions, are injected into each section. A welt forms if the substance triggers histamine, and means the person is allergic to the substance. Another test is simply to give the food (in a controlled setting) in increasing amounts until the person has an observable reaction.
For non-dangerous allergic reactions and intolerances, an elimination diet can be done, where a person limits themselves to foods they know are completely safe, wait for symptoms to go away, and then start adding in foods one by one and documenting responses. This can take several months but can be worth it for someone who feels they have many foods that trigger unpleasant symptoms.
What your SIL is probably doing:
There are many companies that offer home allergy testing. This is usually done with a card, where someone places a few drops of blood on the card, mails it in, and gets results for between 90 and 100 different substances.
The problem is, home allergy tests do not test for IgEs. They test for IgGs. Remember that IgGs don't have anything to do with allergic reactions- just the presence or absence of a recent ingestion. All IgG testing does is say "yup, dude ate some peanuts recently".
You might then connect "hey, when I eat wheat my arthritis gets worse, and you said arthritis is partially caused by IgGs" well yes, but your arthritis is caused by IgGs that have identified your cells (among other things), while the antibodies tested for in the test are the ones which have identified the wheat proteins. Just any ol IgG won't do- it's gotta be specific. Wheat may be doing something to aggravate your arthritis, but wheat IgG's aren't what that is.
To be clear, this isn't just my opinion. Every allergy-related organization in the world is in agreement- IgG testing does nothing to determine what you're actually allergic to. We have lots of tests that work for that. IgG testing just tests for what you've eaten or been exposed to recently. Which sounds exactly like what your cousin is experiencing.
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wndaswife · 1 year
Ooh you're doing headcanons?? Earth 838 Wanda Maximoff please!
characterization headcanons: earth-838 wanda maximoff
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not sure why but i feel like she's definitely allergic to shellfish and watermelon.
character flaws
has trouble saying no to anything, especially when her friends and coworkers pile a bunch of favours onto her; it’s always tommy and billy who remind her to value herself and her time more. 
cleaning habits
she’s a pretty lenient mother and isn’t one to force the twins to clean much, though granted they are a bit older now and are very responsible kids. she cleans pretty often on her own, but she’s not overly-fastidious about it at all.
cooking habits
i have a feeling she can make a really good stir fry… and that she loves adding potatoes and diced carrots to anything.
coping mechanisms
as a single mother to two kids, wanda puts an effort towards coping healthily and in turn being able to mother her children while also dealing with distressing situations. she bakes, goes for runs, and sees a therapist frequently to also talk through her experiences of her time with HYDRA, working with the avengers, and losing her brother and parents. 
often haunted by her experiences as HYDRA’s guinea pig, wanda sometimes has nightmares of the strucker experiments. she misses her brother dearly and although her life with HYDRA was nothing short of horrific, her dreams are always bittersweet as she always sees pietro’s face most vividly when she dreams of him. her dreams of her multiversal variants seem to her as lives she could have lived should she have remained an avenger, ranging from heroic to downright villainous as she also dreams of earth-616’s scarlet witch.
myer-briggs personality type
i don’t want be boring and say infp like 616-wanda, but i think she probably is also an infp even if i try to imagine something else.
enneagram personality type
9w1, maybe? i’m trying to be very creative and not put 4w5 like 616-wanda! i think she’s a very easygoing person with a habit of being a bit of a pushover, with strong feelings of right and wrong that makes her a very kind and strong-willed mother. might be prone to being a bystander despite a confident internal moral compass and strong opinions that she represses around those she does not know. in getting to know her, she’s a very sensitive and generous person.
she’s very easy to scare. she worries about the boys’ safety, the possible fragility of her domestic life with them, and sometimes fears her magic is not enough to protect them, especially because it's been years since the last time she fought any kind of adversaries as she left her life as a superhero long ago. her own experiences with losing her family has made her very concerned with maintaining a close eye over both tommy and billy while also ensuring she has a very present and permanent role in their life.
friends with neighbours and is cordial with the parents of tommy and billy’s classmates, though she wouldn’t say she’s very close with anyone. to some extent she has a bit of a lonely social life. though i see her befriending another single mother who’s just moved into town at some point and finding herself becoming very close with her. 
she’s a big gardener, and has definitely been super into pinterest lately wherein she finds a bunch of DIY projects for her garden.
her experiences as an avenger makes her feel different from the other mothers. the experiences she’s had can never be changed, and sometimes that makes her feel incapable of being the mother that her kids need. but it’s never a largely lingering insecurity because she also has a very close relationship with the twins and knows how much they love and need her.
lazy day
on school days, wanda will likely take the living room for herself, watch a few classic movies, or read a book. even on lazy days when she’s able to have time to herself, she always feels happy to have the twins back home after school. they’re around eleven now and have adopted her laid-back personality, and the day is always spent best when she can cuddle together while watching a movie after dinner.
on weekdays, wanda prepares tommy and billy’s lunches and wakes them up if they don’t on their own. she spends the mornings ensuring they get to school on time and that they’re eating enough breakfast. on weekends, they eat together before going off to do their own things at home. sometimes on weekends, the twins wake wanda for breakfast they made for her on their own.
music taste
classic movie soundtracks, top-forty song charts, and sometimes 90s R&B.
the twins have a pet turtle named sparky. she was opposed to it when they first asked, but after a long while of their begging, wanda gave in after imagining it would be good for them to learn how to care for a pet.
a few from her time as an avenger that she tries not to let bother her, though on rare days she feels a bit down from being so different from the other mothers she knows. 
there’s a cake the twins made for her months ago that they literally cannot stop bringing up because they feel so much pride in how much their mother loved it, but wanda honestly struggled with keeping it down and ate a whole slice just to make them happy. but she just agrees with them and subtly lets them know to have her help them the next time they bake a cake. and… she has a concealed box of vibrators and dildos in the very far back corner of the highest shelf in her closet — you know i’m right.
she has never lost a game of cup pong. and she’s pretty hard to lie to, which the twins are convinced has to be some kind of talent because she has never used her magic on them unless they’ve asked her to.
a small tattoo under her left breast along her ribs of a flower that she got done in college. at some point she regretted it and considered having it removed, but eventually came to the conclusion that it doesn’t look all too bad.
visited russia with the twins one summer, during which she taught them much about how similar some of its culture was with sokovia as she wouldn’t bring them to her home country with how unstable it still was. ever since visiting for a month two years ago, tommy and billy have steadily been learning sokovian.
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Wine and Dine
Sweet Treats AU Masterlist
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Tony being insistent and relentless.
Please let me know what you think <3
You’re uneasy as the car finally comes to a stop but you don’t recognise the area. You twist your tongue nervously and slide across the seat to look through the tinted windows. Tony tuts to stop you as the front door opens and shuts and the driver’s steps round the car. Your door swings out and you wince.
“Go on, sweetheart,” Tony gives you a gentle nudge.
This man leaves no room for doubt or arguments. Or you’re just weak. You couldn’t insist he take you home. That you’re too tired for dinner.
You push your feet out and stand. You glance up and down the store fronts, slightly confused. You don’t see a restaurant. He brushes against you as he steps out and you shift to get out of his way. He catches your arm confidently and urges you up the curb.
“Thanks, Denny,” he says to the driver as he points you down the walk.
You try to hide your concern as he leads you on. This is the last thing you expected to be doing tonight. Your whole shift, you’d been daydreaming about curling up in bed and watching old episodes of that 00s show.
You approach a story with dimly lit windows and you give a curious peek at the wares behind thick metal bars. Shining silver and gold, sparkling gems and gleaming pearls. It’s a jeweler. What?
He keys in the code and as the door lurches in, the siren begins to wail. He quickly jabs his fingers into a pad inside as you linger without and it quiets. He pokes his head back out and waves you in as he feels along the chest of his jacket. He answers his phone as you enter.
“Just me, Farhi,” he says before hanging up.
The space is already lit up, the artificial flicker of flameless candles around a table set before the glass counter. It couldn’t have been very long ago that it was arranged as a bucket of ice sits in the middle with a tall bottle of champagne. It'd be more romantic if you weren't entirely off kilter.
Tony sidles past you, not so shy as he crowds you, and shuts and locks the door.
“I know it’s no five star, sweetheart, but I had my personal chef take care of everything,” he puts his hand to your lower back and guides you further inside, “and for dessert, you can have any piece you like…” he waves to the small shelves and displays of jewelry, “I see you with diamonds but you know, you might just surprise me.
You're speechless as you can’t even fathom the cost of a single earring. You trip a little as you approach the table and he catches you before you can stumble. He brings you to face him, squeezing your arms as if to make sure you’re okay.
“All this for an iPad,” your tongue pokes out as your eyes search the space around him.
“No, all this for you, sweetheart,” his hand trails up your sleeve and tickles along your neck, drawing your gaze to meet his. He cradles your face as he smirks at you, “you’re not allergic to shellfish, are you?”
“Uh, no,” you answer dumbly with a clumsy blink.
“As much as I love to have my dessert before dinner, I will restrain,” his thumb runs over your cheekbone, “you look like you could use a drink.”
“Or two,” you scoff and he laughs.
“Or two,” he agrees as he slowly, reluctantly pulls his hand away.
His other hand stays on your arm as he directs you towards the table. He eases out the chair and you sit stiffly, letting out another uncertain exhale. He takes the champagne and peels away the golden wrap at the top, gripping the cork as he works at dislodging it.
“Hope you didn’t fill up on strawberries,” he intones as the cork pops.
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padawansuggest · 18 days
I have been having. The weirdest week. I have recently developed an intolerance to shellfish (it is unknown to me if these developing issues will be permanent because I have MCAS so sometimes I’m allergic to shit and sometimes I ain’t) so a few of those days were spent eating tums and passing gas while praying for death. I then spent a few days trying to eat foods that wouldn’t kill me. Till last night.
See. I forgot that canned Starbucks is already very evil to my body; so why not also mess up and get one with more sugar than expected??? Sugar, which, I might let yall know; I’m allergic to. This ain’t an MCAS symptom I have been allergic to sugar all my life. I can handle a LITTLE but oh god I pay for even that much.
Anyways. I drank the Starbucks coffee. It was an impulse buy, because it’s been a few years since I had one and I forgot that they usually give me a tummy ache.
Well, I drank it last night. And over the course of about 4-5 hours; I experienced something I’ve only done a few times before. And I say that because I’ve only ever had one colonoscopy before. Which means I have only ever evacuated all the way to my COLON a few times in my life. It was liquid at the end. And sore. And it felt horrible.
Anyways. I proceeded about my day, hours later I decided to have a meal again. It’s been hours since I evacuated and so it’s time for food.
I ate raviolis. Because it’s easy.
Only problem is. I have had a sensitivity to tomatoes the past few weeks.
I am FIGHTING a battle in my body right now. I can’t tell which direction this will come out of, and to make it worse. I don’t throw up. I projectile.
It’s been a really bad day. Someone come help me regulate this fucking body in so tired of cutting new ingredients.
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Headcanons - Allergies!
Things the boys are allergic to because I’m lactose intolerant & I still need time to do my requests yet stay active so I'm posting my drafts for the time being LMAO
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Eggs. I don't know why, but I hc that all Leo's are allergic to eggs.
Not that it has a big impact on him, he usually eats traditional Japanese meals. However, some of them do include eggs, so he uses the plant based egg alternative as a placeholder.
Since 2012 Mikey cooks for everyone, he's conscious of the ingredients he puts into the food. If a recipe is egg dominant, like a cake or pasta, he makes a special desert/meal for his big brother. He might make a flourless/egg-less cake, and use chickpea pasta instead of the regular.
Bayverse Leo just omits everything with eggs. For breakfast, he usually reaches for toast anyway.
2012 Leonardo eats a struggle meal at breakfast. Since they're limited to breakfast foods, he usually eats cereal.
P.S: He really likes Special K vanilla and almond cereal. <3
Rise!Leo is the first to actually try and eat it to see how bad his reaction would be. Spoiler: he has to bench in the bed for a week. Yeah, it's that bad. Mix that in with a rash and he's never trying that again.
2007 Leo is more plant-based anyway, since he lived a year in the jungle. So, he's used to not eating anything but fruits or nuts.
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This boy is sensitive to milk. It may be because I wanna pass the lactose intolerant torch down to one of the turtles, but I seriously think Raphael does not like dairy milk anyway.
Bayverse & 2007 Raph are seriously into their physique. They have a good balance of meats and veggies, but can’t have dairy milk.
He likes Almond milk.
Not only is almond milk a great alternative for non-dairy drinkers, but you get much more calcium that way!
I also headcanon that although the guys eat pizza all the time like in the shows, Raph is the one who doesn't eat it as much. He's way too into his body to mess up his progress. He eats it in moderation. Plus, cheese is a dairy product, but it doesn't mess him up like dairy milk does.
Rise!Raph is massive, so I imagine a tiny little ounce of cow's milk messing him up to be very fitting.
2012 Raph tries to thug out his milk intolerance, but it never goes well. Long story short, after many days of feeling lethargic and throwing up, he knows better.
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turtle shell puns aside
Donatello is allergic to shell fish and I feel so bad because I LOVE me some crab.
I just know Raph clowns him for it to and they bicker over which allergy is worse.
R: Don try this Cali roll, oh wait, ya cant!
D: Wow this milkshake is great! have a try raph! oh wait...whoops! I'll just give it to Mikey.
Always always always!
Do not invite him to your takeout sushi shindig, he will not be able to eat anything.
Leo is the one who usually eats fish, so whenever Mikey makes his special plate, Donnie audibly gags. It's not just the fact that he's allergic, it's the smell.
2012 Donnie really hates fighting FishFace because of the smell
it makes him wanna throw up.
So a lot of the times he just wants to get in and get out when a mission involves fighting Xever.
2007 and Bayverse donnie live off of small snacks, so they don't ever have to think about their food containing fish
Rise!Donnie makes this joke everytime he eats goldfish crackers
"Guys look, I'm eating fish," *wiggles eyebrows*
everyone else: :|
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Now here ya'll go in the comments
bUt MeLanChOLY, MiKeY'S AlWAys EaTinG PiZZa!!!
Gluten free pizza ;)
No i swear it. He has some sort of intolerance. You know how sometimes you may eat a certain food so much that after a while your body just rejects it?
It's not pizza his body's rejecting though, it's gluten.
So now, he's in a frenzy, when Donnie told him, he gave him a sad puppy-eyed look & said
"So...I can't....have...pizza anymore? For forever??"
He's happy when Donnie says he still can.
They have to order gluten--free pizza now. But rejoice! Times are changing, diet culture is changing, the world is changing! Gluten free options are pretty much everywhere! Woohoo!
I feel like Rise!Mikey is PISSED he can't eat bagels. I feel like he would love a mean everything bagel with cream cheese.
But, do not fear, there are gluten free breads available!
2012 Mikey just gets gluten-free everything now. It's mainly the gluten from bread, but just for fun, he'll get gluten free snacks
2007 & Bayverse Mikey go on strike and try to not eat anymore pizza to see if it'll "reset his body,"
Raph bursts his bubble and let's him now that's not how allergies or intolerances work
"Take it from someone who ain't had milk in years, mikey."
@bee-1n-space Masterlist
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