#I might make make a Keith POV
vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
Tick tock, tick tock
The noise that clocks usually make, though not this one. This clock was the generic clock that every classroom in the school had in the corner. A silent clock with a standardized, minimalist design. Lance imagined that it made noises as it spun.
Why is Lance focused so much on a clock? He doesn't know. One thing he does know is that he's ahead on classwork in this class and that means that the teacher couldn't care less with what Lance does as long as it isn't loud.
So he drifted off, lost in thought as he stared at that clock from his seat in the far back. While he did so, he twirled a pencil in his hands. Suddenly, the sensation of the pencil slipping out of his grasp. He'd accidentally flung the damn pencil all the way across the room.
Click clack, click clack
The sound of black leather boots moving across the vinal tiles. Very pretty things, they would be if they weren't so worn. You can tell that they're loved. The soles were tall. Combat boots.
The combat boots were owned by a secretly scrawny, pale boy who sat in the very front. He wore loose ripped jeans with chains hanging down from the belt loops and an oversized MCR hoodie which, like the boots, looked well loved. As Lance's eyes wandered higher up the boy's figure, he couldn't help but notice that the boy's dark black hair was tied up in a small ponytail.
Lance tried to focus really hard on memorizing what the boy looked like, knowing full well that he would remember the boy's features anyway. He never does. His brain's just messed up like that.
Lance got a little distracted again. It's not his fault. It's just the clacking of the boy's boots. They're a little too loud. It's not like he needs to be doing something anyway. It's fine.
The cold sensation of his pencil's eraser being pressed against his face. He looked up to find the boy holding said pencil to his face.
"Hey, you uh- you dropped your pencil."
"O-oh. Than- thanks. Uhh Keith, right?"
Lance was definitely a bit frazzled. Maybe Keith's boots wouldn't be the only thing about Keith that would be distracting him next time.
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*Boop* Keith's outfit (He shops in the women's section, ok? I had someone asking about it so I have to specify)
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dark-frosted-heart · 10 months
Can't Leave the Room Because I Want to XXX With You - Keith Howell (Both POVs)
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This is Keith's story from Yves' Proposition of Love route release event
Keith's POV in green
Nsfw. Alter!Keith's his own warning.
As usual, can't guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Lately, Prince Keith had been pretty busy with his official duties. Both nice Prince Keith and mean Prince Keith weathered the storm before finally welcoming a day off.
When was the last time I spent a day off with Emma? It's been so long that I have to think about it.
Emma: Prince Keith, I've prepared some delicious tea and galettes for you today. If you'd like, we can have a tea party in the conservatory. Ah, you're probably tired though. It won't take too long!
(Hey, Emma)
(I doubt it)
(I enthusiastically held a tea party to help ease his fatigue, but...)
The door of the conservatory rattled as I tried to open it, but it didn't budge.
Emma: We...we can't be locked in, can we?
Alter!Keith: We're locked in.
Emma: Now way...what do we do.
Alter!Keith: What're you panicking for? It's fine, we can just wait for it to open.
Emma: But it's been a while since you had a day off. I thought it would be better to go back to your room and rest after this.
(That's why I ended the tea party early...)
Alter!Keith: We shouldn't waste time, right? It's been a while since either of use got to spend a day off with you. So let's make this worth your while.
Emma: W-what do you mean...?
Alter!Keith: Don't you know?
When I let go of the door and turned around, Prince Keith's handsome face drew closer. I realized what he meant when he pressed me against the wall of the conservatory and sealed my lips with his.
After the tea party - while Emma was confused about why the door wouldn't open, I captured her lips.Emma seemed to understand what I "wanted" as I pressed her against the glass while I continued my assault on her lips.
Emma: Th-this...is the conservatory.
Alter!Keith: You never know who'll come.
(That's a lie)
I already kicked everyone out. No one's coming to the conservatory.
(I was planning on locking you up and messing with you from the very beginning)
(Didn't look like you wanted to spend time with me)
Prince Keith unapologetically unbuttoned my blouse. Her eyes widen as if asking if I was crazy.
Alter!Keith: Not to mention it's all glass, so they can see everything from the outside.
Emma: Don't!
Alter!Keith: Nope.
Emma: Ah...
I turned around to resist, but Prince Keith didn't care and started to grope my breasts through my underwear.
The view from the other side of the glass must've been pretty lewd.
(If anyone but me sees you like this, I'll erase them.)
(Even though someone outside might see...!)
Fortunately there was no sign of anyone, but the thought of being seen sent chills down my spine. Meanwhile, my body responded to being played with by familiar hands even when I said that I didn't want to... I felt an ache in the pit of my belly as he pinched the tips of my breasts.
When I pinched the tips, whose outlines were clearly showing through her underwear, Emma let out an erotic sigh.
Keith: Looks like you're expecting something even though you say you don't like it.
Emma: You're wrong...
Keith: And what am I wrong about?
Emma: Eep...
His tongue surprised me by lapping at my ear. If I lick her ear and play with her breasts, her moans become more intense. As he continued to massage my breasts and assault my ear, I found myself filled with an overwhelming sense of pleasure that pushed away any sense of shame. When I purposely made a slurping sound, Emma turned around and clung to me. When I finally gave in and turned to Prince Keith, a wicked laugh vibrated my eardrums.
(Your face's red)
Alter!Keith: Cu~te.
Emma: Prince Keith!
Alter!Keith: Want more?
Emma: The opposite...yeah
Alter!Keith: You sure?
When he nudges his knee between my legs, a lewd, wet sound is heard. I'm almost brought to tears.
(I'm so embarrassed. My body's not listening to me at all)
(I considered holding back, but "it feels good" is written all over her face)
(You're in trouble)
Alter!Keith: If it were him, he'd stop by now. Too bad it's me here. I'll fulfill up to your expectations.
Emma: Wait-
I strip everything off of Emma and press her against the glass again. When I slid my fingers in, there was no resistance.
Alter!Keith: Look, your body's begging for more.
Emma shakes her head as if unable to say anything.
(Don't lie. You want me badly)
I thrusted my fingers and with a shudder, something thick and wet trickled down her legs and to the ground.
Emma: Prince Keith...
Alter!Keith: More?
When I asked the same question again, Emma hesitated before giving a small nod.
(Good. Want more of me)
(Don't distance yourself with something weird like "don't you want to rest?")
I have Emma place her hands against the glass as I take her from behind.
I grabbed her waist and thrusted hard, drawing out more moans and wet noises.
Emma: Nghaa...Aaah...
(For me, nothing's beats spending time with you)
(You should know that, Emma)
~~ some time passes ~~
Emma: Prince Keith, you...I can't...
Alter!Keith: What, I made you feel good didn't I?
As the ache in my belly finally subsides while I grumble in shame, Prince Keith smiles and lets me put the clothes he stripped off back on. Emma's face is still red and angry.
(You're so cute when you're mad too)
(I'm still wet between my legs...He's put me through so many embarrassing things that the sky's already changed colors...)
Alter!Keith: And no one showed up.
Emma: That's just hindsight. I was on edge.
Alter!Keith: Oh, even after being ravaged.
Emma: Please don't say that again...
Alter!Keith: Sure. Well, let's go back.
Emma: Huh? We can't go back because the door's locked...
Prince Keith inserted the key he took out from his pocket into the lock and the conservatory's door opened immediately.
Emma, not expecting me to be behind this, looked stunned.
Emma: ...
Alter!Keith: It was all planned, you know? I ordered everyone to stay out so there was no way anyone would've seen you. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my day off.
(That means this was Prince Keith's evil plan from the start?!)
Emma: Why...
Alter!Keith: I wanted to spend as much time with you on my day off as possible
Emma: !
Alter!Keith: You don't need to worry too much about me getting some early rest.
When I understood the reason behind his meanness, I forgot about my anger and ended up smiling.
(You're so sweet. If you understand my intentions, then you'll give me the day off I want next time, right?)
(I want to be with you for as long as I can - You'll need to learn that there's nothing more that I want, Emma.)
(If spending time with me is what makes your day off valuable, then-)
Emma: Then don't hold back anymore.
Alter!Keith: Don't forget what you just said, alright?
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empressgeekt · 5 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight and the Time Travel Bodyswap
okay I'm on moble. So apologies in advance.
I recently found a fic on Ao3 about brozone swapping bodies with their younger-selves (specifically during the split up fight) with what I'm guessing is their post TBT selves. I link it when I have the time.
Here's my taken on this awesome concept. In the Field of Forgetmenots AU! Highly recommend looking at the posts for this au before reading on ward. You have been warned.
The plot starts with Floyd's POV. He's in the background of his brothers fighting after Branch's first show. Part of him wants to intervene but at this point he knows it will do nothing. He sees little Bitty standing off the side looking terrified, as he walks over to comfort the young trolling, his vision twists and blacks out. He comes too with a dirt ceiling overhead, with a numb body. He thinks he's been drugged by a crazed fan then kidnapped, and tries to get off the bed he's on only to fall to the floor when his limbs begin to burn with pain. He's found by a green trolling with blue hair and eyes, and he struggles on floor finally seeing the paleness of his limbs and paralyses he feels. A scarred dulled troll comes in. It takes a moment of his fussing for Floyd to realize that he's staring at his grown up baby brother. His grown up baby brother who lifts him with ease and sets him on the bed while checking over his body.
Branch was worried when Keith came running in saying that Floyd fell. The Knight had taken in his older brother (plus Clay) to help Floyd recover from the damage the diamond bottle did to him. Its been a few months and sadly Floyd is still weak and adjusting to the after effects. He can't walk, unable to keep himself warm, and has flare ups when his body re-crystalizes, that for all they know could be fatal. Not to mention, all the psychological damage the kidnapping did, and Floyd insisting that he's fine when he's really not. Needless to say, when Keith comes to tell Branch that Floyd is on the floor panicking, he reacts with urgency. The knight drops what he's doing (making breakfast), and rushes to tend to his brother he runs through all the checks, Flare up? Nope. Nightmare? Doesn't seem like it. He doesn't feel any injuries. However, Branch is extremely concerned when Floyd starts talking like he's confused about the date and how big Branch got. He makes a plan to take Floyd to the hospital to get checked out.
Let's switch gears over to Clay. He's first in heated fight with John and Spruce when his world becomes fuzzy and suddenly he's waking up with his face on top of a work desk. He jerks up, finding himself in an office. A boring office. A troll walks in, calls him "Mr. Clay" says their his assistant and ask if he's okay before telling him about Branch taking Floyd to to hospital so he might need to pick up Keith from school that day, then they leave. Clay is left with many many questions, but it's okay on top of sad books he's read many mystery novels he's fully prepared to handle this. If this was his office it had to have a calendar. He is not pleased to find the date is over twenty years passed what it was a few minutes ago. Then everything that the assistant mentioned settled. Floyd was in the hospital?! Branch had to take him? Branch could take him? And who the heck was Keith?! Why was Clay picking him up from school?! During this spiral, Who of all trolls walks in but Princess Viva (or Captain Viva as he would later learn she was called). Clay asks why she's here, and he learns that Viva heard about Floyd and thought to check in on her Boyfriend. That was not the answer Clay was expecting.
Flipping back to Floyd. Hospitals already freak him out, and now he apparently had a chronic condition, that doctors still weren't sure how it works. Even worse he can see how worried Branch is over this. As such he just doesn't mention the Time travel/amnesia thing going on. Last thing he needs is to stress it baby brother out, especially since it's obvious that Branch had been taking care of Floyd since the diagnoses that he can't remember. On top of taking care of a kid no doubt. Even if Floyd isn't sure how Keith is related to them (He doesn't call Branch dad or Floyd uncle, and doing the math it would mean that Branch would have to have had Keith while he was a teenager), it's clear that Branch is raising that kid. Branch's girlfriend (doesn't that just bring many colorful images to mind) meets them at the hospital. She takes over, calming Branch down easily, and talking to the doctors, who much too everyone's relief nothing physical has changed since Floyd's last appointment. Branch has to leave for work after that, but Poppy takes Floyd back to the hideout he suddenly lives in.
Clay is left reeling, through out the day he's trying to learn all about this modern day. He'd completely forgotten about needing to collect a trolling from the school until his assistant mentions it. He runs out of the admin building looking for the school. It took a nearly twenty minutes to figure out where the school was, and by the time he arrived the teachers were getting ready to look for either him or Branch. He apologize profusely, but thankfully the head teacher assumes his questionable behavior was due to Floyd being hospitalized. Then Clay is saddled with Keith, a little Green and blue trolling that the teacher calls his brother. Clay doesn't really know where Keith came from (he thought his parents were dead), but doesn't question it out loud. He's been a big brother before he can totally take this kid home...if he knew where his new home was. No one was living with grandma now, clearly. Thankfully, Keith knows the way. Clay tries to make conversation, but Keith only really either stares blankly or looked slightly confused. Geez, didn't that make Clay feel good about his relationship with this new youngest brother. Did he ever spend time with this kid?
They arrive at the bunker, finding Poppy and Floyd inside. Keith lights up as Poppy running over and beginning to tell her about his day. Clay however, doesn't pay much attention to this red-headed version of Viva, rather he hones in on his younger brother who's in a wheelchair and looks on the brink of death. Clay demands to know what happened, while Floyd tries to deflect saying weird dream. Clay knows he's lying right away. Thankfully Poppy has pulled Keith into the kitchen to start on dinner and homework. Clay comes clean about not remembering any of the passed 20 years, Floyd breaths a sigh of relief know that it isn't his sickness that caused the memory loss.
Clay: Do you know the kind of day I had? I'm a CPA! twenty years down the line and I'm a CPA, John would hate that! It's a boring job. But I love it. and I'm dating the crown princess apparently.
Floyd: You thought your day was weird? I can't walk Clay. I've been questioning my own sanity since i woke up. Because I have a TBI and could lose my mind any second.
Clay: TBI? How'd you get a TBI?
Floyd: I don't remember. Poppy and Branch have been tip-toeing around me having some sort of accident. But they won't tell me what. and I'm scared to ask because it would make me look crazy!
Branch would come home at that point. They both are surprised by the Forest Guardian Armor, and Clay even more freaked out seeing the scars, muted colors, and blinded eye that Branch was sporting now. Keith is over joyed and greets Branch warmly. It's obvious these two are close in ways that this grown up Branch isn't with his older brothers. Dinner is served but it doesn't comfort the elder two brothers.
Why don't we check in on Vacay Island for a second. Spruce one moment was fighting with john and the next wakes up one morning next to a Giant yellow woman, who claims to be his wife. Brandy immediately figures out her husband doesn't remember the last twenty years. She explains everything to him using family photos to prove everything. Spruce is lost in confusion, as he listens he had no choice but to believe her, he certainly wasn't in his teenaged body anymore. It hurts to learn that the last night he remembered was the night his family broke apart, and only after 20 years was his brothers comfortable enough to reconnect. Then Brandy mentions that Floyd was kidnapped....suddenly Spruce, or Bruce as Brandy tells him he goes by, needs to see his little brothers. Make sure that their all okay. Brandy agrees and he wonders how on earth his heartthrobness managed to charm his goddess among mortals.
And finally let's get to the eldest. John was in his grandmother's pod, terrified and angry, then he was waking up in a transportation critter in the woods. In the mirror his older self stares back, and he's scared all over again. Time has passed but he doesn't know why or how. Thankfully he finds the journals his older self kept. He spends the day learning what had happened over the passed 20 years. He breakdown when he reads the entry talking about the empty destroyed tree. Only to relax when he reads about the reunion and freeing Floyd.
Rhonda has been watching all of this and sneses something wrong with her owner, against his will she drives strait to troll village.
Once both him and Bruce arrive at the same time and end up explaining that both have the same memory loss. Shockley learning that both Clay and Floyd are the same. Grown up Branch is weird and it hurts to learn where the main scar came from. Floyd is horrifying to his older brothers, they just want to bundle him up and never let anyone touch him. they all talk in Floyd's room about what they need to to do to get their memories back...none of them notice Keith is listening from behind the cracked door.
Branch confronts them at dinner that night. It isn't pretty. Branch is not going to put up with the "We're trying to protect you" routine. And to their shock, takes charge of the room, saying that he and them already had that fight about that topic, and how he doesn't need them anymore. He had Poppy and Keith, and the only reason that Floyd is staying here because branch knows he can't take care of himself. He'll help them, but he won't tolerate arguing. they need to settle their teenaged issues with each other. Because if Keith has to deal with their fights like Branch had to endure, he'd kick them all out.
I'm not sure about how the ending would work yet, but all the brothers would be brought back to the moment they left. And vowed to stay together as a family. In one time line, Branch would have the brothers he deserved.
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kidgeygirl · 5 months
It's been many, many years since I've written anything for Voltron, but here I am. Despite many complaints, my heart has always been stuck on our favorite red and green duo. Lately, I've been back in the fandom, and now that I've matured into early adulthood, I've decided to try and find the perfect way to write them post war, but realistically (or at least, semi-realistically).
I honestly don't know how many people are still in this fandom, but I will regret not sharing my thoughts (internal storyline that has slowly been building up since forever.) so here I am. :)
Anyways, if anyone reading this is interested, here are some things to know.
I'm a slow updater, and I very much hate most of the stuff I write. So please bear with me as I navigate this story to how I envision it.
This is not my main account, this is strictly a Voltron/Kidge account, so I'm not expecting a lot of traction— however, at times this might cause a hit at my confidence, despite knowing that fact. So again, bear with me.
I'm a compliment girlie. If you read this story once it's out and like it, please let me know. It will help me in the long run and encourage me to keep this going.
I don't remember everything about Voltron as I haven't watched it fully in years, so I'm going to rewatch all of it before writing. (Don't worry, I don't have too much of a busy life right now besides babysitting.) So this story won't be right away, but I will be writing down scenes/passages while writing. I might even create a few one shots, behind the scenes stuff you won't see in the story, to give you some extra Kidge.
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Shadows of Azar ~ When Keith and the Blades, a group of elite warriors, reach out to Katie for assistance on a critical mission, they discover that their past bond is far from forgotten. As they face danger, betrayal, and the weight of the universe, their connection reignites into something even more profound. Secrets unravel, alliances shift, and the line between duty and personal loyalty blurs. Amidst the chaos of battle, Keith and Katie find themselves drawn together, their shared history woven into every decision they make.
But this isn't just about saving the universe; it's about saving each other. As they navigate treacherous terrain, they confront their own vulnerabilities, fears, and desires. Keith, haunted by his past, seeks redemption. Katie, brilliant and determined, grapples with the sacrifices she's made for her family. Together, they forge a new path—one that transcends duty and becomes a testament to resilience, trust, and love.
As the Blades' mission unfolds, Keith and Katie must confront not only external threats but also the complexities of their emotions.
After the battle is won, will they embrace this newfound connection and ignite a brilliant flame together, or will it consume them—reducing everything they’ve cherished to ashes?
Ages— Keith 25, Katie (Pidge) 21
Here, we find that Pidge goes more by 'Katie'. Only the ones closest to her call her Pidge. (Family, Paladins.)
Allura is alive!!
Ships— Kidge. Allurance. Hunk&Shay. Shiro and Curtis. Matt and V.
This is a slow burn!! (In a way). It's not a large storyline, as I'm not planning to be a whole book. Kind of more of a mini series. (I haven't decided how many chapters, so maybe it'll change.)
This is told in Third POV, but you can tell when it switches its focus from Katie and Keith.
(I will be posting a playlist.)
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caffedrine · 2 years
This is just a very quick and dirty plot summary up to chapter 10. Lots of spoilers, I'm leaving out a lot of information, and there's no guarantee that it's accurate.
I made it so that I could follow along with the plot, keep track of the mysteries, and a few of the interesting scenes.
Spoilers for Gilbert's route
Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers
Not all of the officials in the castle are aware of Emma being Belle, so after the ball they’re about to throw hands with her in the domestic faction’s office. From their POV - mystery woman shows up out of nowhere to ‘study’ at the castle, and then a week later she’s dancing with the Obsidian Prince at the ball.
The princes all saying that she’s trustworthy and fine doesn’t really convince them, and Emma leaves so the domestic faction can get some work done
Gilbert finds her and immediately drags her off on a ‘date’ to a store he has reserved for the night.
It’s Emma’s old workplace, and Gilbert starts talking about how much of her he already knows.
The book comes up - it’s game of thrones but everyone is extra evil. Emma doesn’t really know where it’s from, just that the bookstore owner gave it to her after his last trip. It’s currently Emma’s favorite book. (Sorry Sonia)
Gilbert tells her that they’re going to be friends and spend as much time together as possible over the next month.
When they come back, Chevalier immediately drags Emma into his secret library and directly asks her what Gilbert asked her to do.
He is absolutely flabbergasted when she tells him about Gilbert’s Project BFF.
He recovers quickly enough, and tells her that since she’s now ‘friends’ with Gilbert, she can be Chevalier’s exclusive spy/agent. Which also means that she doesn’t need permission to make decisions on how to handle Gilbert. He’ll take responsibility for the fallout.
Also, this is also a secret from everyone who isn’t Chevalier - including Sariel and Rio. Gilbert has several spies in the castle, and it could be anyone but Chevalier.
To signify this arrangement - he gives her a pin with his seal.
Chevalier also warns her that as much as that pin will help her, it might also get her head cut off - so yeah.
The next morning, Gilbert has Emma join him, Keith, and Silvio at breakfast - unlike what Silvio’s done in other routes, Gilbert fawns over her.
There is an interesting scene where Emma drops her fork, and when she bends down to grab it, Gilbert grabs her hand and ‘reminds’ her that grabbing things off the floor is what commoners do.
Also - Gilbert has enough pastries on his plate to feed 10 people. He very generously and loudly (in front of Keith, Silvio, and the servants) transfers enough food to feed 3 people from his plate to Emma’s.
During this scene, Gilbert starts talking about all the things he knows about Emma - events that go back before Emma even met Rio.
Keith and Silvio are now convinced that Gilbert is a creepy stalker - and Silvio gives Gilbert a new nickname.
Gilbert adds that since he and Emma are good friends, he’s going to help her help the princes with their duties. He’s obviously expecting Emma to balk at this, but thanks to Chevalier’s pep (?) talk, Emma pulls out the pin, fastens it openly on her blouse and welcomes his help.
Instead of getting angry, Gilbert starts laughing and praising Chevalier.
The first business is perhaps the most awkward carriage ride ever, with Leon, Yves, Gilbert, and Emma going to investigate an orphanage. Gilbert makes it very clear that he already knows what’s going on, and Emma is completely in the dark. Yves begins to ask Gilbert about his (Yves’) mother but Gilbert immediately shuts him down, he doesn’t want to talk about her, and he hates Yves.
At the orphanage, Gilbert immediately begins playing with the children. Leon and Yves go with the director to investigate the ledgers, and Emma decides Mr. ‘My Hobbies Include Training Spies’ probably shouldn’t be left alone with the kids. The play ends with them outside in the garden, and Emma sees the way that the director is acting with Yves (pretending that he’s not there and only looking at/speaking to Leon)
It turns out that while the orphans are raised well and treated nicely at the orphanage, when they age out they are essentially ‘sold’ to a baron who uses them for slave labor.
The group confronts the baron at his mansion, who literally has a dungeon of teenaged slave laborers and a fight ensures.
The baron tries to run away, but Emma and Gilbert cut him off.
Interesting - while Rhodolite has a full justice system - Obsidian is more of a dictatorship. If they were in Obsidian, since he’s part of the Royal family, if Gilbert decided the Baron should die because he didn’t like his socks, it would be legal to kill the baron.
This is also the scene where a Gilbert starts referring to Emma as his prey, and gets violent when he thinks his prey is threatened.
Later that night, Emma brings Gilbert a cart of 100 cookies to thank him for saving her during the fight with the baron. He invites her into his room for tea and cookies - and we find out that Gilbert is here without an entourage. He is his own servant, so he personally serves her the tea.
Emma also finds a familiar black book in his room, and Gilbert admits that he’s been reading it. It’s the sequel to Emma’s book. It’s very popular in Obsidian, and Gilbert offers to loan the book to her. He also does the whole ‘you aren’t leaving my room tonight schtick’ Emma then leaves his room that night.
Over the next few days Gilbert is very diligent with helping Emma, he goes over battle formations (with Emma) in the foreign affairs office, he helps Emma with documents with the domestic affairs office. He is her partner for dancing instructions (and warns her about stepping on his feet again lest he gets violent in response) He also adds supplemental instruction alongside Sariel. He even tries to get Emma to call him Gil-sensei.
Things come to a head, where one day Gilbert isn’t with Emma, and a mean aristocrat woman trips Emma badly enough for her to sprain her ankle. The woman and her maid start to make fun of Emma, but Yves comes in for the rescue and after yelling at them, makes them leave. Remembering how Gilbert got after the baron threatened to hurt her, Emma asks Yves to let it go or else someone will report it to Gilbert and the lady and her maid might get murdered. Yves does, brings Emma to her room, bandages her up, and gives her a pep talk about how it’s really okay to stand up for yourself.
They have an interesting discussion about Gilbert’s motives. Yves can tell that he’s trying his best to isolate Emma from the court, but he doesn’t know the end goal. He was thinking that Gilbert could be trying to start rumors that whomever she chose would be influenced by Obsidian, or even really influence her decision, but he doesn’t think so anymore.
While all of this has been going on, Emma has been giving daily reports to Chevalier. After her talk with Yves, she goes to report, only Chevalier isn’t in his secret library. Emma exits only to find Gilbert waiting for her. He’s decided that since she’s become familiar with Chevalier the prince, it’s time that she meets Chevalier the beast. He takes her out to the gardens.
He does pause briefly when he realizes that Emma is in pain while walking. He asks if she has anything to say to him, until Emma finally gives in and says that she’s tired and needs a small break. Gilbert stops for a little, then announces that his cane is too cumbersome for him to carry, so Emma has to carry it for him. Emma accepts the cane and finds that it’s weirdly heavy. Using Gilbert’s cane, they continue.
Because of the surprise break, they don’t make it in time to see Chevalier mow down assassins in the garden. But they’re still early enough to see the bodies, the blood everywhere, and Chev (for once in his life) wiping down his sword. While Emma BSoDs, Clavis pops out from behind the garden gazebo, and complains that Gilbert did this on purpose. Gilbert responds that he was just bringing Emma to Chevalier.
Emma recovers enough to say that Chevalier is obviously in the middle of something, and she’ll talk to him later.
Clavis manages to separate Gilbert from
Emma by promising him food, and takes Emma with him to calm down by the garden pond.
As revenge for what Gilbert did, they dig a pit trap for him. After he’s done eating, Gilbert happily hops into the pit trap, and announces that in recompense, he wants an invitation to Clavis’ next soirée. Three of them.
That night, Emma goes to Chevalier’s room to report/consult with him. Chevalier is mildly impressed with Emma willingly facing him, and we get our first sighting of Lucien, the guard who’s monitoring Gilbert in the events.
Chevalier doesn’t blame the assassination attempt on Gilbert - though doubtlessly he was involved. He tells Emma a little about Obsidian’s history, about how there hasn’t been a major war since 10 years ago. Instead, the countries Obsidian has taken over since have all willingly surrendered without bloodshed. This is Gilbert’s true power, and the reason he should be feared.
Chevalier and Emma come to the conclusion that Gilbert doesn’t see the people around him as ‘human’.
The next day, Gilbert, Emma, and Luke go through Clavis’ trapped mansion, with Gilbert pointing out the traps and Luke very skillfully dodging them. They find the anti-monarcy fist fighting with the pro-democracy faction in the party room, but they quickly recognize Gilbert. About half the room is happy and excited that he’s there, and the other half are pissed off. We start hearing about the Blood Stained Rose day 10 years ago, and seriously, how has Emma not heard anything about that?
Gilbert starts talking to the room, and remembering her talk with Chevalier the previous night, Emma asks if this is how he gets nations to surrender and join Obsidian without bloodshed.
Yes, this is Gilbert’s MO.
Someone else tries to stab Gilbert, and Emma tries to jump in and save him. Instead her collar is roughly grabbed, and Gilbert throws her into a nearby wall, and takes care of the assailant himself.
Emma takes this moment to speak - not to Gilbert - but to the crowd. She reminds them that if they close all dialogue, they’ll be no better than mindless beasts.
At this point, Clavis shows up to his own party, fashionably late. Luke and Emma agree that they’ve seen enough, and leave Gilbert to continue speaking with the anti-royalty factions.
Rio was waiting for them at the castle gates, and he is upset. Since Emma had gotten involved with Gilbert, she has gotten quite beat up. He is about to run off and attack Gilbert, but thankfully Luke stops him. Emma also tries to stop him, but Luke just picks her up, while holding Rio down.
They manage to convince Rio to not run off and pick a fight with Gilbert, but both men agree that Emma should cut herself loose from whatever hold Gilbert has on her.
Emma considers this, and ultimately decides not to.
Later that night, she follows Gilbert to the castle chapel, though she’s not a good tail so Gilbert knew she was following him the entire time. He was hoping to avoid her tonight, since he’s still very angry with her and can’t guarantee he won’t get violent. Emma doesn’t care, she needs to talk to him when he’s like this. She understands that he’s angry that she put herself in harms way and might of died, but she doesn’t regret the action. Even if he’s the final boss/main villain, he’s still a human and she doesn’t want him to die. Though, he really could take care of himself.
Emma has a new plan, just as Gilbert has been trying to isolate her into his cold desolate world, she’s going to resist him. Instead, she will drag him into her warm world full of human kindness.
Emma asks Gilbert to become her friend. Gilbert warns her that if she’s being his friend of her own accord, that means that she must promise never to betray him or he’ll be so sad he’ll kill her himself. Emma clarifies what he means by betrayal - if Emma becomes someone else. With that promise they kiss each other’s cheek, and Emma asks if this is a tradition in Obsidian.
No, it’s not.
They part ways, and Emma immediately goes to Chevalier’s secret library, only to find Clavis there as well.
Emma bluntly asks Clavis if he’s betraying Rhodolite, and they get into the whole kingdom vs. people, good vs. evil talk. Chevalier cuts in and asks Emma to report.
Afterwards, Clavis wonders again about what Gilbert’s plans are - specifically what was up with introducing her to the anti- factions. Is it to sow discord? Emma thinks it was some kind of test he was putting her up to.
Chevalier thinks she might be right - and furthermore, Gilbert might be using Emma’s reactions to make his own decisions going forward. They wonder about how Sariel picked Emma to be Belle, and just as Rhodolite is using her to decide it’s next king, Gilbert is using her to decide his next course of actions.
Chevalier orders Clavis to investigate the anti-Royal faction further, and to take Nokto with him. He is told not to involve Luke.
The next day, Gilbert brings Emma out with him on a date. And like all the best dates, he brings her to a sketchy deserted alley where Emma is convinced she’s going to be raped and murdered - maybe in that order. To put her mind at ease, Gilbert tells her it’s already too late, no one will come and rescue her.
He holds hands with her, and brings her to a desolate door, opening it and politely letting her in first. It’s a weirdly ordinary flat - and Gilbert explains it’s his safe house in Rhodolite.
While proudly bragging about how he just had it cleaned, Gilbert does not react well to the lingering dust and nearly keels over. Emma gets him a glass of water and rubs his back until his breathing gets under control.
Gilbert explains that back in the day, when he was a kid, the relationship between Rhodolite and Obsidian was pretty good, so he used this flat when he was visiting. Which he now bequeaths to Emma. He explains that this is the last time he will ever visit Rhodolite, so it might as well get some use. Even if he conquers Rhodolite in the future, he will not use this room.
Gilbert also reveals that he used to have four other brothers, all who died in ‘accidents’ and implies he’s the cause of the ‘accidents’. Emma thinks he didn’t kill then and is sad about their deaths.
Emma promises to take care of the flat - it’s not the request of an enemy prince, but the request of her new friend.
Gilbert is standing against the light in a way that she can’t make out his expression, but when he repeats the word ‘friend’ he sounds conflicted.
For some reason, Emma thinks this flat smells familiar.
Also, Gilbert reeeeealy wants her to start calling him 'Gil'.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Genuinely asking for advice on how to write smut. How do you write a scene so that it comes off as sensual and lewd but not in a way that sounds disgusting? I read your stuff and it's the best kind of pornographic. It feels like plucking a fruit from a tree and biting into it.
How can one strive to achieve something like that??
SOS please help me.
Smut is such an unattainable art form to me but i look at it longingly all the time.
wow thank you so much for your kind words about my writing!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i will do my best to answer it!!
i think one of the first steps is figuring what type of smut you want to write-there's definitely different kinds of porn that you see in writing. some of it, despite the fact that it's porn, is like...grossly objectifying. that kind you can see plenty of examples of published in old straight cis male authors where they spectacularly fail at writing intimate scenes to the point you get second-hand embarrassment reading it.
so when you read a type of smut that you don't like a good tip is to figure out what exactly about the quality of writing puts you off. maybe it's their use of first person, excessive use of the word 'jiggle', or an outright refusal to call a cock a cock and using chaste words like 'rod' or 'shaft' which implies...embarrassment of the act occurring.
the thing is, when you write porn you need at least a little bit of shamelessness about it. otherwise, your reservations and hesitance about what's happening will enter into the writing and you won't be able to vividly paint the picture of what's happening.
i think in general for a lot of the smut i write i do put a lot of emphasis on one thing and that's providing as clear of a picture of what's happening as i can: sights, sounds, emotions, physical reactions.
a few years back i got a similar ask to this one about smut writing and i found that a lot of what i recommended then still rings true today so i'll include that below:
"the number one thing i think i do is try to use all the five senses by the end of the scene, describing in detail something they touch, see, taste, smell, and hear.
-where are they? what are they doing? how are they acting?
 if they’re in public or scared of being caught, areand if under a time constraint and trying to get through it quickly they might whisper lowly to each other, so they’d have to lean in close to each other when that happens when that happens they might use one of their five senses smell cologne, or sweat, they might feel warm with the proximity, they might get ticklish from having someone whisper in their ear.
if they’re alone and have plenty of time to themselves they might be louder, more willing to yell or make sounds.
when it comes to avoiding repetition in both cases it might be better to disperse ‘telling’ and ‘showing’ writing like ‘he groaned’ versus an onomatopoeia like ‘hnnnng’ ‘ah ahhh hahhnn’  in which the sound indicates they are groaning/moaning. another thing you could do to sort of spice up the former would be to add a motion with the action like ‘he groaned into his mouth, he moaned into his shoulder, he whined against the pillow’
-where is their body? how is it doing?
a good way that i use to make sure their actions are consistent is thinking about their body placement and keeping track of where it is like how at one point lance was bent over a storage unit and with keith pushing him up he had to stand on his toes, it’s a small detail but gives off a sense of not being fully in control, not being able to find his footing and making it more that he was getting lost in the sensations.
if they’re on top  they have more control, they control the pace, they can hold down hands, etc. on the bottom they might be more constricted, the amount of movement the have is limited so when they’re trying to express what they feel they might ‘writhe’ etc. 
a way ive seen in all the great smut fics ive read is that the writing makes a lot of emphasis on the povs experience, basically trying to get the person reading into their state of mind, emotions, feel what they feel.
so in sex: are they out of breath? are their thighs sore? are they slipping and have to keep maintaining their footing? are they sore? if so where? 
and then their bodily functions/condition: are they drooling? are they cold? are they hot? sweating? panting?
-how are they feeling/emotional connection?
another factor i feel is really important is emotions
depending on the ship, fic, situation, etc there might be no emotional attachment in which case it’s a matter of amplifying how the character feels physically.
for emotional connection: do their meet eyes? how does it feel when they do, do they take a second to stare and just absorb? what is the stare like? soft? tender? sweet? loving? hazy because they’re lost in lust?
there’s lots of ways to show emotional care, intertwining fingers during sex acts, stroking hair, sides, backs, cupping someones face in your hands, kisses, etc.
and then physically how their body is doing: in smut the focal point is whatever is giving or receiving pleasure,- in that case how does it feel? 
it will differ depending on the action like if it’s penetration (different for fingers tongues, dildos, or dicks), blowjobs, going down on someone. each actions has certain things attached to it like they heat of a mouth, slickness or stickiness of saliva, flexibility of a tongue or fingers.
- the buildup
when i first started writing fan fiction i tried doing a lot of research into writing and things and ended up coming across lots of critique posts like people saying that anal without lube is a turn off for readers, that bad prep scenes in writing are no good, etc.
truth is, all that is really preference based and not actual valid critiques since they didn’t even offer alternatives or options for how to write differently.
buildup is like, implying certain actions i think. depending on pace you’ll either write out all the prep or if it’s more faster paced implied actions can also suffice. 
like placing a sentence that’s like ‘he pulled the lube out from under the pillow’- that by itself is good enough for me in some cases because obviously if he’s pulling it out he’s going to use it, and everyone’s read 101 different ways how. 
(**** also side not just to make sure, fanfic sex doesn’t have to be realistic, in most cases smut and sex in fanfiction is idealized and while adding elements of realism to fics is good and all it’s really a matter of personal choice and writing style it’s not necessarily a strict ‘you have to’ it’s okay to write slightly or completely unrealistic sex, plenty of people out there will like it either way****)
buildup is also trying to play up the feelings of horniness to the max (depending on the atosphere of the scene, it its more emotional it might be better to go slower and focus on actions rather than feelings of arousal)
and then finally
 the finale/climax
in smut you’re building up towards the finale which is them orgasming or feeling some deeper emotional connection. this could precede the physical actions since something in a lot of cases catalyzes it like someone looking into someones eyes and feeling love which is followed by their release.
and this is, in my opinion, probably the hardest to pin down consistently in writing and a adore the people who’ve got it down pat. the feeling itself could be described ina variety of different ways:
- like heat, like sparks behind their eyelids, like shivers traveling down their spine, etc.
in additon to that are their other body reactions
-their toes curling, their hands gripping something in a white knuckle grip, biting down on their lip to muffle their sounds, gasping, squeezing their eyes shut, their eyes rolling to their back of their heads, crying, etc.
and after all this, if all else fails- porn is always a great reference. (sure a lot of it is acted up but it could serve as a good model if you’re really stuck)
hopefully this helped!!!"
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fic rec friday 15
welcome the the fifteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. there, nestled against his pulse by @hiuythn
stop why are you doing this to me stop it stop it stop--
klance soulmate au where your right wrist has the first words your soulmate says to you, and the left holds the last words they'll say to you. super sad, so much angst, and i've been informed it'll make you sob until you choke.
1. there, nestled against his pulse (the main story, from Keith's POV) 2. this is what love looks like: (tnahp from Lance's POV + 38k of sequel content) 3. roll credits (deleted/extra scenes and additional headcanons)
okay. i am so desperately obsessed with this fic, i was obsessed with it the first time i read it and im obsessed with it now. and yes i know i did all hiuythn fics last week and i promise i wont this week. BUT i have a set of comments associated with this fic bc it is Just That Good and so i shall present them to u now:
- literally the funniest characterization of shiro i’ve ever read. this shiro is gay and tired. this shiro unironically and frequently says “move. i’m gay” and gets away with it at the garrison. this shiro has been through A Lot and just wants to fucking retire - allura here is so so funny she’s such a badass. she’s giving “i love shiny things! like the shine of your spilled blood on the floor if you say that dumb shit one more fucking time!!” we stan a queen. - coran is a Mood. this man is desperately trying to reign in four teenagers and two young adults and just wants to go to bed and also he cares for them all so so much. ultimate dad - pidge is Mischief Personified. she is a brat and i adore her. she’s here to cause problems and by god she will succeed - hunk is so done it’s so fucking funny. “that’s literally impossible.” he’s a genius and he knows it, he’s glad to call you out on your bullshit. he doesn’t even TRY to pretend he can keep a secret and/or handle drama god what a mood - don’t even get me started on klance!! they’re so funny omg. the banter is EXQUISITE. lance and keith adore each other so much and they’re so badass. literally the coolest power couple fight scenes ever to be made, i do adore. gosh. and the ROMANCE they are so devoted to each other i’m emotional - honourable mention of lance’s legs and keith’a Soft Squishy Feelings that are mentioned so often that they’re characters. iconic. all in all, the best way to describe this series is Gay and Tired. i love it and i’m sad to see it end. i will be rereading it an embarrassing number of times. infinity/10
2. all the little things by @jilliancares
Or: 5 times Keith let Lance get away with things that he'd never let anyone else do, and 1 time Lance realized that he was, apparently, special
oblivious lance will always be funny to me. and the idea of keith just letting lance get away with Everything and Everyone knowing how whipped he is except for lance himself?? peak humour. never not funny
3. Full Disclosure by @dragonomatopoeia
Keith is impulsive and straightforward when it comes to most things, and emotions are no exception. It's no surprise, then, that when he realises that he might have developed a crush on Lance, he tries to tell him immediately. Unfortunately, it's very hard to account for both circumstance and who Lance is as a person.
Alternatively: Four Times Keith Tried to Confess and One Time Lance Actually Understood
more 2016 eliteness!! this fic is hilarious. and also its number one selling quality is that all of the characters are trans and nd i literally love that for them. nonbinary hunk loml
4. catch me, before i fall by @pastelrainbow
‘We are a good team.’
Even now, just recalling the way Lance had smiled as the words left his lips, made Keith’s heart race and his cheeks redden. Lance had never looked at him so fondly before. No boy ever had. The thought of it made a sigh escape his lips and Keith hunched his shoulders, a pout tugging his lips downwards.
Curse my weak gay heart.
a what if keith caught lance outside his cryo-pod.
the idea of keith being a suave casanova with more game than aphrodite herself but immediately going bright red and hissing when shiro teases him. peak dynamic. absolutely nailed siblings 
5. of demons and dates by spartona (faveour)
Three times Keith scares Lance shitless with his ghost shenanigans, and one time Lance tries to retaliate.
first of all. BFU KLANCE BFU KLANCE BFU KLANCE. second of all. the  “we’ve BEEN dating u dumbass ily” trope is so funny to me. i will never get over it
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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Here's my pitch for vld sequel. Based on bnha world's hero mission, a movie i have never seen from a series i stopped watching a long time ago (do not take seriously) #Alluralives #Kuronlives-
• Keith and Pidge get framed for like a very serious crime and are on the run and wanted across the universe.
• Allura is alive and there and it is never confirmed how (Someone: Wait, Princess Allura? Didnt you die? How are you still alive? Allura: Oh yeah i did almost die! However *background loud car crash noises, machine revving sounds, things falling sounds, cats sound in the background. Just basically that One troupe™, you know the one* and that is how i survived.)
• Kuron is also alive, it is also never confirmed how (Some completely random bullshit: *happens* Kuron: This is just like the day i came back to life)
• Anyway while Keith and Pidge are on the run, Allura and Coran are handling the diplomacy front since you know Keith and Pidge are both pretty high profile, Kuron Hunk and Matt along the Blades handle damage control, communication and extraction of Keith and Pidge. Shiro and Lance have the arguably the most important job, find out whodunnit while also distracting the detectives on the case from getting too close to Keith and Pidge.
• Lance and Shiro take this job Very very Seriously.
• Like Lance is playing up the dumb goofball as he "accidentally" "loses" the evidence and just doesnt seem to be "taking the job seriously" or is "unable to follow the instructions" really Detective, dont you know? The Blue Paladin is a very clumsy carefree guy! Honest!!!
• Shiro meanwhile is playing up the straight laced bureucrat rule follower. "No we can not go down there yet! We have to follow the protocol!!" Shiro says having never followed that protocol ever. "I am sorry but the rules clearly state we have to do this in this time consuming way" Shiro says knowing full well that rule is ancient and doesnt apply anymore. "I understand your concerns, however the procedure X95t-78v is a vital procedure required for any paperwork to go futher," Shiro says, he made that procedure up.
• Detective's partner suspects they are both full of shit, but cant prove it. Detective knows full well they are both full of shit, CAN prove it, but doesnt really care about it, because she's like 75% sure Keith and Pidge didnt do it.
• The Detective is by the way straight out of a Noir film, like it legit goes black and white when it is her pov and has full noir style narration going on, and she smells of cigars and coffee and rain and is also sopping wet and divorced
• Hunk goes from, "Ok guys i know this is hard but please you have to listen to us, we just want to keep you guys safe." To "I will literally throw hammers at both of you and get you arrested myself if you two dont shut the fuck up."
• Kuron is just vibing man, just chilling, doing his job, a bit red-eyed. He might be a bit high (he needs that weed to keep Traumas™ at bay)
• Allura is fighting for her life trying to handle the diplomacy front and put out fires. Everytime she and Coran make some headway Keith and Pidge end up on the front news after causing mayhem in some random planet and she has to start all over again
• Lance just knows soooo many people. He knows a Guy™ for everything. When asked he's like, "Oh it was during the time when Keith was off with BoM and Lotor was in ship. I kinda didnt have much to do so i just went off on my own." Lance, Lance why do you know these space pirates? Lance why do you know a famed recluse blacksmith who apparently also is a spy? Lance why do you know this mythic species thought to be long extinct? Lance why do you know a god of death? How the fuck do you know a God of Death, and why-why are they calling you babygirl?
• There is another God who knows Coran and calls him babygirl btw
• My main goal here is to gaslight people. There are some facts that were totally canon but reintepreted in a way that wasnt the writers intent. There are some facts that are canon but a little bit molded. There is atleast one episode/season that is hinted to be a mass hallucination and not canon at all. It works best if Netflix removes the original and its wiki gets corrupted./j
• Lgbtqia+ rep is Shiro and Curtis navigating their relationship through long distance, their own trauma and the post war era universe, atleast 2 characters being the focus in a valentine day episode only to come out as aroace, and a B-plot about Lance having just the most atrocious taste in men. Like men you wont believe were allowed to exist.
• i'll add more if i think of more
Dreamworks hire me/j
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sparklingmusicofstars · 5 months
Hamefura light novels : Let's investigate what will happen in the next volume !
Hi ! We are currently waiting for the release of the LN14 and everyone is on the edge to know what will happen in it. Sometimes, to know what will happen in a volume you have to carefully look at how are built the previous ones and try to guess what the author is thinking. So let's try !
PS : For the sake of the investigation I'll be very objective
First we must see who are the author's favorite characters
In her case, I think it's : Geordo, Maria, Keith, (Aaqil) and Sora
Geordo because almost all is always leading to him, he has the most sweet moments and we got his POV a lot and he is there in almost all the volumes and with Sora and Keith, he is the only one who can be with Catarina alone.
Maria because she is also in almost all the volumes, she is saved by Catarina often and the author always showers her with praises using the characters : Geordo , Raphael, Sora, Cezar, Dewey, Cyrus and Catarina.
Keith because he is one of the closest to Catarina, he is in almost all the volumes and his personnality is akin to Catarina in therms of romance and Catarina is referring at him as the Alluring comte number 2 because of his growing sexiness.
Aaqil because of all his moments in the movie (even if some are subtle ) and the goodbyes between him and Catarina in the novel. He is a mix of sexiness and cuteness. But I'm not completely sure.
Sora because his relationship with Catarina is slowly but safely getting stronger. He is almost in all the volumes since the LN3 and his moment in the volume 13 where he acted flirty with Catarina seemed to introduce Sora as a serious rival for the rest of the harem.
And for Hidaka Nami it seems to be : Geordo, Maria, (Sora) and maybe Alan
The tastes of the author :
The author seems to love "love affairs" stories, it's present in almost all the volumes : Keith's biological mother and viscount Coleman LN1 and 4, Geordo's grandfather LN7, marquis Dieke's story LN2 and 13, Dewey's parents LN 11, Sora's background LN 3 and 11, Cezar's background LN8 and 13, Aaqil's background (movie novel), Susanna's background LN12, Regina at the Ocean harbor LN9....ect
So I think that something like this is likely to happen in the next volume. Catarina may be involved in an accident like that.
I also found it suspicious that she is now talking more about Catarina's beauty because in the first volumes it was either ignored or in the negative part (especially in Catarina's POV) but it improved since LN9.
The author also seems to prefer the "sexy type" over the "cute type" because the guys only seem to make actual progress when they are a bit agressive or wild.
Though the author seems to love Maria a lot I don't think it will turn into a yuri because Catarina seems to only really consider the boys as love interests, Maria seems to be more Catarina's waifu
Satoru Yamaguchi didn't seem to particulary love Raphael, at least not as Catarina's love interest so it surprised me that we saw him much more than usual in the LN13, maybe she felt bad for leaving him out ? He usually doesn't have much time with Catarina and even said in the LN10 that even if he is in love with her he doesn't need to have her all to himself and only wants to protect her smile. It seems to me that the author wanted us not to think of him as Catarina's love interest for the time being but he also said that he likes having her to himself for their dark magic lessons in the LN12. Catarina seems to like and trust him more and more and, like Maria , he was still against the idea of Cezar getting interested romantically in her (because it would mean that she would move in another country and he wouldn't be able to see her anymore) and seriously care and worry about her. So I don't really know how to think anymore.
She seems to love foreign stories too, since LN8 the story talks a lot about other countries : Ethenell, Le Sabre and Mutlaq. So we might see the harem (or just some of them) travelling to another country for the plot !
She also seems to have a mischievous side, I mean Cezar biting Catarina's NOSE to makes her come to her senses was... and the children at the orphanage who were cheering for their favorite harem member was really cute.
The progress in the story :
Catarina seems to grow mentally, she is more serious,a little bit less dense, less reckless, a little more subtle and more diligent
We learnt more about the organization and about dark magic. Catarina seems to have high dark magic powers but she seems to have a blockage in her head that keeps her from using all her potential. (at least not when she want)
The mysterious man in the LN13 is heavily suspected to be Marquis Dieke, Raphael's father and the red haired boy in Sarah's memories is suspected to be Sirius.
Sora wasn't there during almost the whole volume, which is quite strange maybe it will be his turn to shine in the next volume ? We also have Arnaud who is related to him, maybe he is in Sora's route in FL2 ? After all Liam came back sooner than I thought so it's possible.
The serious members of the harem :
To me it's : Geordo, Maria, Keith (Rapahel) and Sora (Aaqil)
A detail if you carefully watch the opening of the season 2 you can see that Geordo, Keith and Sora are slighly hinted to be the most serious harem members (or at least those who will make the most progress) It's common in animes to give this kind of hints in the openings. The same way you can see Sora on the side of one picture at the end of the season 1. Keith should be more serious about his pursuit for Catarina's heart or else he will be left behind by Geordo. Maria doesn't really make "romantic progress" since she is on the "defensive" side. I don't really know for Aaqil and Raphael but it seems that Aaqil is officially a "harem member" since he confessed (ambiguously) to Catarina and will come back to meet her and their goodbye scene in the movie was really lovey dovey (I feel sorry for Masrur for having to look at that) and he doesn't seem afraid to fight against the harem for Catarina's heart. So we still don't know for him
That's it. Don't forget that all I said is not sure at 100% and you can not agree with me or tell me of you want to add something.
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linipik · 2 years
you WANT me to vote to throw it away 😰😰😰😰?????????????
Trust the process.
But if you want a glimpse of said process, here is my whole justification.
Okay, I'll disclose one thing: I do not endorse Valentine's Day or pretty much any tradition surrounding romantic love. The irony is that I have the inclination to create specifically romantic stories, ha!
But maybe, the important part is my thesis for this specific comic. I don't want to give it away just yet but.... think about it for a bit.
Specifically from context: Lance "has been acting weird all week" like Keith says and "having a couple of rough days" like Hunk says. And it's because valentine's day is there and Lance is a romantic.
And Lance likes the idea of having a romance like that, something that can make him lose sight of actual romantic intentions that might not fit completely his expectations. (which is closer to my specific position on the whole Valentine's day thing )
That's why the conflict of the story from Lance's POV is that he finds a card and that's the only thing he can think about. He teases Keith about Valentine's Days BECAUSE he is thinking about it nonstop. In our case (I say "our" because the first poll actually chose this path) is because Lance thinks the card is fake, or well, at least not for him. It laughs in his face about something he wants very much. And he finally voiced his real insecurity to Keith in part 8... And Keith is not having it.
And what's left at this point is the decision of whether Lance wants to get rid of the card that's been haunting him for the entirety of the story or not.
Anyway, that's the fun of it for me! if y'all chose one thing or the other, I am the one who has to justify it in the story I want to tell via characterization. The whole point is that both routes are plausible. (yet I'm biased in some of them)
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I am drowning in half-planned fic right now because I made the mistake of rewatching Veronica Mars (and seeing the new season) and then there was very very little of the stuff I wanted to make me feel better, so I am now writing it myself all at once??? (Yes, juggling like six AUs at once is a bad idea, no I did not do it on purpose.) And I know better than to post unfinished stuff, so give me some feedback, guys:
What are people interested in?
(Relevant information: I am here for Weevil, and I am decidedly not here for Logan. Also, these are mostly not the actual titles, I just don’t have one yet.)
Finish the short ones first!
*The long, sad, bittersweet Weevil/Jade reunion, where she runs into trouble post S4 and has no one else to call. (Pros: As a (long) oneshot, will probably be finished in the next millennium! I’ve also not only started it but made some decent progress. Has a likely sequel which is… maaaybe less sad. Kind of. Jade POV, which is, uh, scarce. Cons: Sequel is less well-planned-out and kind of self-indulgent, this is a ship that like two people are on. Also it’s sad.)
*Five Children Veronica Mars Never Had (Pros: Short enough it might get finished before the heat-death of the universe! I’ve also already started it. Takes a bit of a turn from the typical children-as-a-ship-exploration/validation these things often have (most of these children are not biologically Veronica’s). Novel canon is relevant! Some very solid V/W friendship in at least one. Cons: Tremendously, horrifically depressing; I literally just keep killing people to make the premise work. Very little shipping.)
*The Jade/Eli Chronicles (Pros: Related oneshots so, again, will probably be finished in a semi-reasonable time. Fluffy if you block S4 from your memory. Jade gets, like, lines. Cons: Not a ton of substance, only happy if you block S4 from your memory, this is a ship that two people are on.)
*Five (Or Some Number) Worlds Veronica Didn’t Grow Up In (Pros: Fun crossovers/fusions! All the chapters will be more standalone, so I might even post it serially. A BtVS where Veronica isn’t the Slayer (Lilly was). Animorphs!!! Cons: Fusions are automatically disinteresting if you don’t know the other canon. Some of them are not super well-developed yet. Also, how do you make Veronica Mars more upsetting? Cross it with Animorphs!)
I want longfic, because the literal problem is not enough V/W longfic!
*Veronica Mars, Intrepid Reporter
A Lilly lives AU where canon splits whenever Lilly (doesn’t) begin her affair with Aaron. Veronica copes with Duncan’s sudden cold shoulder by becoming an investigative high school journalist.
Pros: This is my first-concieved AU, and maybe the project I’m most proud of? (Pending completion.) Heavy focus on the death of Marisol Reyes. Features a not-irredeemably-awful high school experience for Veronica. Lilly is still flawed as per canon but she’s not evil and she loves her brother and her friends. Eventual (very eventual) Veronica/Weevil. Meg lives. Lots of Keith and Veronica’s relationship. Probably the most optimistic of all my AUs.
Cons: Spans a long time and will probably be gigantic (these things always get bigger once I’m writing them), so will take approximately forever to finish. Planned out to some extent but not started yet. Somewhat critical take on Logan (I almost put that in the ‘pros’ column but I know how the fandom is about him).
*The Lawsuit Story
An AU where Weevil doesn’t settle as soon as in canon (or maybe Lamb just panics quicker), and an attempted attack on him kills Jade instead.
Pros: Hello to the novel canon! This is probably my favourite of all the universes I’m messing around with. The Weevil/Veronica friendship is so strong with this one that I am legitimately conflicted over whether to actually even have them get together. Valentina has an extremely strong presence and I love her. It's pretty charitable to Logan, considering I wrote it. Carmen makes a few appearances. Celeste Kane goes down.
Cons: This was originally just part of ‘Five Children…’ so the long version probably won’t be written until that’s finished. May or may not contain Weevil/Veronica, but if it does, it is a loooong wait. Does contain LoVe.
*High School Revenge Story
Another Lilly lives AU, where Lilly definitely IS having an affair with Aaron. And also Weevil, but not anymore. And also, Veronica’s (post-Troy) boyfriend. Anyway, Veronica finds out about the last point and decides to get revenge/prove she’s not some virginal innocent sidekick by hooking up with Lilly’s sidepiece, who she imagines wants to piss Lilly off as much as she does.
Pros: Not only is it Veronica/Weevil, but Veronica/Weevil is, like, eighty percent of the plot. There’s definitely smut (plot- and character-advancing, even!). There’s an unexpectedly touching strangers-with-benefits relationship even before the extremely unplanned pining. This one felt the most like the show when I was planning it out, especially with the nature and timing of the twists. Lilly is not evil, she’s just a teenager in over her head who doesn’t want to admit it and coping maladaptively.
Cons: I always feel weird touting porn as a selling point when I wrote it, because I have had zero sex in my entire life (although I am thirty, and I feel like life experience and general knowledgeableness about actual human anatomy count for something here). I have not started this one yet, although it’s more or less outlined. Logan also does not come off well (this is because he is a teenager having a Very Bad Time, but his actions are still not excusable). This was originally two different AUs before I realized they should probably be one (I cannot say what the other one was, because it’s a major spoiler), so there’s the possibility of disjointedness where they meet. Also, I’m not entirely sure I have the chops to pull this one off – there’s a lot of dark stuff going on under the surface (well, there’d have to be, for the plot to work, because otherwise it’s just very OOC), and it’s not the kind of thing that’s usually my forte, but I’m going to give it a shot anyway.
*Platonic Co-parents
AU where Veronica stays at Hearst. She and Weevil have a one-night stand in her third year and end up getting a child out of it.
Pros: It’s just a lot of fun! It’ll probably end up W/V but in the meantime they’ve got a solid, supportive friendship going on, to the aggravation of everyone either of them tries to date. (“What do you mean your daughter’s father is sleeping on your couch because the hot water broke in his apartment???”) I have a later scene planned out where they go to the high school reunion separately and deliberately show everyone the same picture of Mariana to see if anyone realizes it’s the same kid, which sums up the vibe pretty well. There is Keith+Weevil awkwardness and then probably some Keith+Weevil friendship later on. Lots of time given to Weevil’s family. Also, Veronica looks into Susan Knight’s suspicious drowning. I have also (technically) started it.
Cons: Listen, I know it’s a reach for Veronica to be willing to have a child at this point in her life, but I’ve done my best to justify it and I think I did okay. Plus, you know, the entire premise is a junk food trope – it’s not evil, but it’s trite. I love it anyway.
No, I want something else/FINISH YOUR OTHER STUFF
*[Earth’s Children] The story where an adult Durc and Brun’s former clan meet the post-Ayla Lion Camp!
Pros: Ambitious dual narrative I think I’m pulling off well (time divergent; one strand moving forward from the first encounter, one from Ayla’s departure), lots of screentime for supporting characters with wasted potential (Vorn, Frebec, Ura, Brac, not to mention Durc), several chapters already written.
Cons: Extremely ambitious so it will take me forever to finish, there’s basically no one in this fandom.
*[Earth’s Children] The Echozar/Joplaya fic
Pros: Actually develops their friendship into something that makes sense, development of Echozar’s childhood and of the Lanzadonii, I’ve got a rough outline and a few pages written.
Cons: Definitely chaptered so it will take some time, there are even less people in this part of the fandom.
*[The Old Guard] Give An Inch Fall A Mile (Joe and Nicky friendship-with-benefits their way into being Joe and Nicky)
Pros: Lots of sex scenes (obviously) on which I have had positive feedback, several chapters written (probably half-finished), I'm very proud of the writing quality on this one, and I absolutely should be writing this first.
Cons: I have been stalled out on it for more than a year, it may not be finished before the new movie comes out and possibly makes it incompatible with canon.
*[Veronica Mars] The Firebird AU… crossover… fusion… thing
Post-S4, Veronica travels through alternate universes and learns that she needs to get her shit together and apologize to Weevil.
Pros: Um, the Firebird Trilogy is cool but is not required knowledge for entry, alternate universes are neat, and even though this idea is probably dumb I can’t stop thinking about it. It would probably even technically comply with canon.
Cons: Half of the universes I have up my sleeve are from the AUs mentioned above, so it probably won’t get written (if it does) until they’re finished in like ten to twenty years. The actual plot is thin; I mostly have a bunch of scenes. There is a decent chance this idea is self-gratifying and pointless, but I also just cannot stop thinking about it.
*[Veronica Mars] Zombie Apocalypse
Post-S4 zombie apocalypse lands Veronica and Keith on a stolen yacht with a bunch of Weevil’s gang, Jade and her new boyfriend, and this one other guy.
Pros: There’s a lot of compelling (I think) personal drama, which is largely not rooted in anyone being an asshole (except Veronica, but that’s canon and I can’t do anything about it except try to fix it with zombies). Weevil finds out his kid is trans and does his best to speed-run the acceptance ladder despite his personal doubts because he’s extremely concerned about being killed by zombies (and thinks he's dying for a minute) and knows this is his only chance to make them feel supported. Eventual W/V, probably.
Cons: I do not know where I’m going with this. Author is not trans herself and might fuck up.
*[Veronica Mars] The Babysitter Effect
Valentina’s babysitter is still in the truck when Weevil stops to help Celeste, and she witnesses everything.
Pros: Teenage awkwardness, but in a fun way. Weevil gets the justice he fucking deserves. Beginning already written.
Cons: I have no plans at all for what happens after the inciting incident, and even if I did I don’t know how long this would be.
Soooo... if you're not in the Silm fandom you've probably never seen my writing before, but I'm happy to back it up with excerpts! Please ask me for excerpts.
If I keep up the volume of writing I've been doing I can probably get something substantial finished by the end of the year but I need input, please weigh in even if we're complete strangers and you found this post two years from now, best-case scenario I can link you to the completed fic. :)
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kidge-planet · 1 year
A friendly night, right... (Part 2/? )
A kidge fanfic!
TW for this chapter:
Canon universe, episode 1 season 8.
A/N: I tried to correct my mistakes but, if you see some, tell me!! ( English is not my first language, btw🥲)
Just us?
Pidge POV:
What the heck just hapenned?!
I was standing there, in the middle of this halway that I knew very well. But I never expected something like that to happen here, especially today…
No, tonight, I was supposed to go back home, finish my stuffs for the launching of the Atlas and then cuddle with my dog, Baebae, in my bed while watching a romantic movie. All that while crying, eating pretzel thins, crying again because im not the girl in the movie and then fall asleep while Baebae would chew on my socks. I honestly liked that plan very much, but, Keith’s proposition changed it all…
Now, Im supposed to go out and spend my evening with him. Just him and I…
Just us?!
I blushed at this thought. Why would he even want to spend that last moment on earth with me?! Every single girl that likes mans in the premisses had a crush on him! He had choice! But yet, he choosed me, the nerdy, short and weird girl…
He said a friendly night, right? Well, It was pretty weirdly asked. He was pretty weird.
I feel like he has something in mind…
HO, come on, stop imagining things, he might really want to just hang out as friends…
I clunched my fists:
All I knew, is that the situation was terrible.
Keith is handsome and excuse me, but he is SO DAMN HOT. I have to admit, I’ve been staring durring our training… Don’t judge me.
I also had a dream… Well, two dreams… OK FINE, a few dreams about him.
You might thinks it’s a great thing, but no.
Here, Im just killing myself because the day he’ll get married and I’ll only be some random girl at the wedding, I’ll feel bad for two things: Fantasizing about him but also that my fantasies never came true… OK, also because I wont be the one kissing him at the atlar…
WELL, now that he kind of… Asked me out, I have faith! Blaim me if you want to!
I sighed and tried to look natural before heading back in the room where the girls were. But, I can’t act natural and im pretty sure that I was walking like a duck while heading back to my sit. I tried to ignore the curious expression that Romelle was giving me, or Nadia’s grin… Allura was just smilling at me and as for Ina… Well, she was just being Ina.
«SOOOOOO, what did Keith told you?»
Nadia asked has she got closer to me, still arboring a stupide grin and insisting on Keith’s name.
«Nothing interesting, really, Paladin’s stuffs.» I tried to sound conveincing. I litterally don’t want them to annoy me with tones of questions.
«Ho, may I know? Im also a paladin as I recal...» Allura played into Nadia’s game... That’s treason.
«Just… forget it.» I sighed, hopping that these womans would leave me alone… I was a fool to think that.
«HO, come on Pidge! Tell us! This could be a nice girl talk! And what is said durring girl talks STAYS a secret!» Romelle leaned on my shoulder letting her long and blond hair fall on me.
«Ho, please...» I frowned as I pushed her asside.
The girls then placed themselves in front of me to plead. Even Ina nodded to agree with them. Man, I get what Matt and my parents had to live every days with me… I guess Im annoying.
I sighed, «OK, FINE! He asked me to hang out tonight. But please, don’t start to make up something in your mind, he asked me has friends… Well, he was pretty weird, He was like panicked and all… I just don’t get it. Lance even had to ask for him...»
The girls froze before to give me a huge smile.
«This is LITERALLY a date. he might have panicked while asking you and that’s why Lance was there.» Nadia got a little too ecxited and grabbed my shoulders to shake me as if she was trying to wake me up.
«You guys are over reacting, that’s exacly why I didn’t want to tell you...» I growled.
Nadia then stopped shaking me. «Ok, then, If it is just friendly, then why you? He could have asked to anyone else than you! Besides, he is supposed to be the ‘‘Loon wolf,, , isn't he?»
«Yeah Pidge, we both know that he LOVES being alone… The fact that he wants to spend his alone time alone WITH YOU means something!» Allura grabbed my arm.
«OK, OK, alright, let’s admit it IS a date… What am I doing?» I blushed.
The girls stayed silent for a moment before Ina spoke:
«What do you want to do? I mean, when he asked, what was your answer?»
«I said yes.»
«And now that you know that it probably could be a date, what do you think? Do you still feel interested on going?» She continued.
«I… I think yes, but that’s a bit unexpected...»
«It might feel unexpected but it doesn’t mean it bad. If you like him, then I guess that you’re best option is to go. So I suggest you to take that opportunity.» She smiled at me.
«YEAH! And we‘ll help you get to ready!» Romelle joined.
They all nodded.
I never felt so cared about by a group of girls… In general, when I was younger, girls would always judge me, call me weird and reject me so yeah. I basically never really had female friends…
I smiled, « Yeah, ok… We’re doing this!»
At my answere, I could see the happiness growing in their eyes… Why, you might ask? Because they get to relook me and it’s a thing that they wanted to do since a while now… (I heard them talking about that the other day but they also asked me a thousand times… I always refused because first, it feels a little embarassing but also because im ALWAYS busy doing something!)
I told them what Keith and Lance told me exactly as they were preparing me and Allura... I refused many things:
FIRST, Nadia wanted to wanted to straighten my hair which is was NO! It’ll sure make my hair look longer and better but I don’t want to look like I have been preparing for a date if it isn’t one. Let’s remind ourselves that we don’t know for sure that it is a date! (Also, I like my messy hair.)
THEN! They tried to put some make up on my face… And like, not just a little! SO, I asked them to make me look as natural as possible! Like, really, They only used gloss, mascara and blush which was honnestly fine to me… (And which wasn’t to them, they wanted to turn me into a doll but NAHA, no can do!)
Finally -and it was the hardest part to figure out- We had to chose clothes… And unlike when we helped Allura to chose the clothes for her date, we only had less then 20 minutes to figure this out.
They fought about many outfits, I tried 14 of them and every times, no one was agreeding… Before we finally found one perfect outfit: a simple black dress.
So yeah, we fought about outfits for 10 minutes to chose a BLACK DRESS.
Anyways, I didn’t say nothing about this.
When they were done, they stared at me and Allura with a proud grin on their faces… Well, exept Nadia, she obviously wanted to relook me fully.
Once we were ready, Allura left for her date, leaving me with Nadia, Romelle and Ina.
I’ll pass the details of the briefing they gave me but, everything that was in my mind while they were talking to me and giving me advices was: «What if we are just over reacting? So I’ll have to play it friendly unless I have an actual sign that this IS a date...»
« SO! Are you ok with that» Nadia asked. I didn’t listen to what she had been telling me for the last ten minutes, so, huh…
«Ok… With what?» I raised an eyebrow…
She took a step back and was ready to blame me for not listening but got stoped as someone steped in the room.
It was him. And HOLLY QUIZNACK. I had never seen him looking so hot. (Or maybe it was just the first time that I saw him with other clothing then the garisson uniform/ Garsison’s hospital clothing, his BOM uniform, paladin armor or his usual outfit… The hotest he wore so far was the BOM uniform…)
He had a black tank top with a checkered jacket and some QUIZNAKING grey sweatpants.
I couldn’t help but blush. Fuck…
«Hey!… So, huh… Are you ready?» He scratched the back of his neck.
I. couldn’t. TALK.
Hopefully, Nadia that was now next to me gave ma quick blow on the arm to reminding me that I had to give an answere.
«HA- Huh, Yeah! Im ready!...»
«Great! So, let’s go?...»
«Yeah! Let’s go...» I said as I turned toward the girls behind me that were giving me signs to go.
I walked towards Keith and followed him outside were he had parked his motorcile.
I pass the awkward talks we had while then but basically, We both got on the motorcicle and I had to wrap my arms around his torso. I think you guessed that it was half pleasant and half horrible ever since I had to try to calm my heart beats… Like, MY HEART WAS RACING.
After a while, we arrived at his house in the desert. I had heard about it before but it was the first time that I saw it. It looked cute and calm. Next to it, the black lion was sat and apparently waiting for us...
«What is black doing here?» I asked while taking off the helmet he had lended me.
«Follow me and see.» He held his hand for me to grab it.
I hesitated before to finally hold it and follow him to wherever he wanted me to go.
We climbed all the way up to black’s head and wow, I wasn’t ready for that!
He had placed pillows, snacks and pizzas with some nice lights all around! It looked so hella nice and cute.
«You like it?» He asked as he squized my hand.
I was amazed, «It’s so nice!… You did all that?..»
«Yeah, I really wanted to spend a nice last night on earth… Im glad you like it tho, I did it for you.»
«It's amazing, Keith.» I looked up at him.
We became silent as we smiled at each other and at this point we had compleatly forgotten that we were holding hands… Then we remembered and it became awkward, again… (No need to tell you that we stopped holding hands then)
He looked away. «Should we sit?...»
I was still blushing hardly «Let’s do that...»
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First Kiss: Robin Buckley- VHS
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Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Pov: reader
Warnings: Rambling Robin, First Kiss, at work, fluff, family video store, customers, also Steve here because he's always with Robin.
Summary: Robin is always a rambling mess around you. The only way you know how to finally shut her up for only a few seconds is to lean in and kiss her softly.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 2.2k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // Series Master List // First Kiss Master List
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The two of us had only ever worked maybe a few shifts together at the family video store. Steve had gotten the job for me after a good talk with the manager, and Steve might have told our lovely manager Keith that I would go out on a date with him. Steve's exact words were “She’s the best of babes.” I had never told Steve nor had I told Robin that that was a horrible fucking date.
Keith staring at me made me uncomfortable, and I was more than thankful when I realized that Keith was never there at the store anymore. With the three of us working almost every day together it was easier to forget about the rather stupid date. 
Moving on with my life. I had lots of shifts with Steve and Robin. Most of which were amazing, and funny. Steve had yes spent all of the time trying to get a girlfriend, most of which wer already dating another guy or would fall for the trap and then slap him across his face when they realized what was happening. “Steve you’ve got to stop this.” I commented as I watched the young lady storm out of the front door. The jingle of the bell rang through the shop, and then popped out Robin from the back room. 
Steve was looking at me, when Robin commented that she had seen the whole thing go down in the backroom. “Stevie, what is that now mark hundred on the ‘you suck’, and still only zero marks on the ‘you rule’.” Steve rolls his eyes looking over at me. “She’s been doing this since we worked at the scoop ahoy. I don’t know if you asked me she’s got just as many ‘you suck’ marks.” Steve says to me. My smile turns into a smile as and I look over at Robin her cheeks are blushing red. She’s looking at me, she’s got the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.
Funniest thing is, they only light up like that when she’s looking at me. “Shut up dingus!” Shying away, Robin goes back into the backroom. Since they have told us that they only need two of us working infront at all times. Steve moves from the shelves and back behind the countertop. “You know Robin, she’s always talking about you.” Steve says, he’s not even looking at me. 
“What are you even talking about Steve she’s never even said a full sentence to me. All she can muster out is ‘hi’.” I said to Steve looking over at him. He’s got one of those shit eating grins plastered over his face. “Steve!” I said a warning to whatever he was thinkingto drop it. “Oh come on. I see the way she looks at you and let’s be honest you look at her the same way. Those love induced eyes, the two of you practically eye fuck each other each chance you get.” I can helpt but scoff at his words. We don’t do that… Do we? “Steve are you sure?” I ask hestinatly, he turns and looks at me. “For sure Y/n!” 
I wasn’t able to think about what Steve was saying, or what he even meant by his statement. A customer was walking in, so my day went on. Talking with customers about the upcoming movies that were in stock and whether or not to get said movies. Steve ran rampend in the back of my head though. Twirling around, making me look back at every single moment that Robin and I had shared. 
The last purchase of the day, and Steve was practically running towards the door behind the last customers to shut and lock the front door. Turning off the open sign was his favorite of things to do, and since the afternoon Robin had been in the back. According to Steve she was staying as far away from me as she could. According to Steve she was a rambling mess when she was near me. It too nearly another two weeks, another two weeks before it was just Robin and I. 
I had gotten there early in the morning. Unlocked the frfont door, and turned on all the lights. Nobody would be here for hours, since it was monday, and the morning. I waited, watching out the front window. Waiting for Robin and Steve to arrive, but according to the schedule Robin was the only one working today. Begrudgingly Robin was pushed to the front door with Steve standing behind her. 
I moved quickly to the other side of the store, where I had dragged out a shelf of the returned movies from last night. I stood there waiting and faking putting up the VHS. “Robin just go in there. She won’t bite ya, and Y/n’s just as in love with you as you are with her.” Steve said, his voice a little low as if I wasn’t able to hear the two of them enter the building from the jingle of the front door. 
“Steve… Please just call in and say you’ll work today.” I heard Robin plead with Steve but the grunt that echoed through the family video store was loud enough to tell me that Steve wasn’t calling in for Robins sake. “Just talk to her, you’ll be more confident. Bye Y/n, I’ll pick Robin up before your guys shift ends.” Steve yells the last part into the store, before I hear the jingle happen again. 
“Hey Robin, sorry the dingus isn’t working today.” I said not even looking towards her from the floor. “You heard that!?” Robin asked fast as she tried to seem cool. I shake my head and look up at her, but when I notice that Robins looking rather sorry and sad. I shrug “Robin it’s okay, I get it normally it’s not this early in the morning when you’re coming into work.” I say. Letting Robin think that I didn’t even hear anything regarding how much she was reluctant to come in because of me. 
“Okay, yeah.. I mean it’s just so early and I don’t really like being up at this time….” Robin mumbles out between biting her lip. I look over my shoulder at her. Her cheeks bright red a beacon of absolute embarrassment. “How about you work the shelfs and I’ll  deal with customers huh?” I suggested. If I gave Robin my task she wouldn’t have to sit next to me at the counter and try not to be paying attention to something other then me. 
Steve words run through my head again as I get up from the floor. Making my way towards the counter, it was a long Monday. It wasn’t going to be over soon, so I set to find a movie after Robin had finished setting the returns back on the shelves. “Robin do you mind if I find a movie to watch for the morning? You can pick the next one.” I said rounding the corner of the front desk to my favorite section of the entire Family Video store. “ROMANCE” “Sure” A mumbled answer came from Robin has I felt her watch my every move. I walked fast towards the romance section, my eyes scanned for the hot pink that popped out in the dark background of the VHS’s holder. “Pretty in Pink” My favorite so far this year. 
“Pretty in pink sound good?” I asked into the air. I heard the soft giggle and then a short ‘yeah sor sure Y/n.” It was odd for how much she teased and was loud with Steve was nearly the exact opposite with me. Quiet and timid, nothing said that she was willing to be an absolute asshole in the best of way with me. 
I slotted the movie in to the VCR. It popped up almost imddeiatly and gave me instent relief in the quiet setting of the monday family video store. I didn’t notice that we hadn’t had a single customers and that Robin had settled down next to me behind the front desk. She was watching along with me, and then my favorite line came up. I couldn’t help myself I mimicked the line “Love’s a bitch, Duck. Love’s a bitch.” I looked over at Robin from over my shoulder. She’s staring at me. “What do you think Rob? Do you think love’s a bitch?” I asked her. 
I wanted her to answer. I wanted to know what she was thinking, and I wanted to have her say something different. That love wasn’t a bitch, that love was beautiful a struggle in every way, but at the end of it she was magically. That you needed love to survive in life or else you’d be drowning in the horrible reality of the world. 
“I’m not sure. I think that love is sweet, but savory. Like food… She can spoil you with everything that you want and everything that you feel you need to add to your life.” Robin says getting up the movies coming closer to its end. As she moves around the counter she continues. “I think that love is falling, but not always I think that love should rise you up. Keep you on your toes but happy.” Robin made her way over towards the “FANTASY” section of the family video store. The silence that was caused between the two of us as Robin searched for her movie of the day. 
Still not a single customers had come in yet and it was nearly afternoon time. Past lunch time already. She let out a satisfied sigh when she found her movie. She waved it around, as if she was getting more and more comfortable with me being around her. “The golden child?” I asked her, with rised brows and the most beautiful smile on her features. 
“The Golden child baby!” She said triumphantly taking out the current VHS and plopping hers in. She turns and looks at me “I think that love is smethin that you have to yearn for, that you’re scared of at first. Love is something that you know you want but are scared to even interact with.” Robin said finishing her last thought. When she came back around the corner i couldn’t help but look stare at her. Staring at her was something that we normally did just never this close. 
Never so intimate with each other staring into each other eyes.
 “Robin?” I asked, I saw her lick her lips. “Y/n?” She said back to me. “I’m not scared of you Robin or of love.” I stated. It looked like Robin wanted to say something but she couldn’t think of the right words. A content look was plastering over Robins features and it made the moment even more intimate. “Do you think I could kiss you right now Robin?” I asked. 
She bites her lip dragging her teeth over her bottom lip. I can hear the gears working in Robins head whether to say something or say nothing at all. “I mean are you sure you want to? You don’t have to not right now of co” I stop Robin in her tracks and her thoughts before she can convince herself that she or I don’t want this. I lean over and press my lips into hers shutting her up for the first time. The silence is a comfort in the back of my head. The movies hasn’t started and all I can hear is my heartbeat in my ear. My hands make their own traveling towards Robin’s waist right where the family video store mesh jacket stops. I squeeze at her side and pull her in she relaxes in my hold and her mouth slips open. My tongue explores her mouth a satisfied hum and moan left both of us as we melt together. 
The kiss had taken oxygen from the both of us. Robin due to her talking in the middle of it, and me well… Because I couldn’t breathe when I was this close to Robin. We broke away from each other for much needed air. “Fuck Y/n. Your lips…” Robin says, her lips are red and plump. “That was the only way to make you stop talking Rob.” I say a little cheeky. The movie is still playing at the screen. I see Robins eyes cast over towards the door. “Who’s there?” I ask, still dazed by her taste and her smell. She smiles and looks back at me. “Who do you think?” Robin says, her eyes are soft as she looks over at me. 
I only think for a moment. “I guess Steve Harrington. I wonder how long he’s been standing there like a creep.” I said as I turned and looked out the window looking straight at Steve. I mouth a silent ‘thank you’. He only smiles before walking in. The both of us are blushing like little school girls that we used to be. “Aren’t you glad you went to work today, Rob?” Steve questioned her. There were touches of sarcasm laced in his words. An arch brow, and a single word. “Dingus.” “ I think I deserve a point or a few on the “you rule” side of your board. Don’t you think Y/n?” I shake my head “Don’t drag me into your games.”
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Completed on: 02/13/23
Posted on: 02/14/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy
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strawberrystainedd · 1 year
Hi!! Got excited when I saw your comment on the Queer Christians unite post, about sharing christianity through a queer lense!! Exactly what I've been looking for as a bi Christian looking for the vouch-for-queer-community-through-the-bible :):) Any tips?
hi so sorry for taking so long to answer!! this ask makes me so happy:) i’m answering this one on this acct but just btw i have a religion sideblog @blessedjudas which is what i usually post all my christianity stuff on!
my biggest tip is to look up churches in your area, find a queer-affirming one (they will usually say it on a website/have a flag in front of the church), and join a group there. my church in san diego is AMAZING and honestly the diocesan events and youth group in hs saved my life and relationship with god!! truly i doubt i would still be a christian if it wasn’t for them!!
if you can’t find a church community near you that is queer affirming, finding a community online is the next best thing!! just finding other people who are queer christians (and queer religious people in general) is the BEST thing you can do- it reminds you that queer christians exist!! and can love god fully!! without sacrificing any part of yourself!! and you also end up learning SO much from them. if you feel safe to do so, you can also try to create a group in your town!! i’m sure it would help other people in the area who might not feel comfortable being the first to reach out.
reading books is also great! there are so many that analyze the bible from a queer lens. here are just a few:
- called out by e carrington keith
-tenderness by eve tushnet
-god and the gay christian by matthew vines
- this i know by jim dant
-hearts ablaze by rolf nolasco
if you have instagram, following people on there is also such a comforting thing. some of my fav accts:
-liturgy (my old youth leader from hs/ms actually:))
-andhersaints (who also has a tumblr!! @and-her-saints )
when you surround yourself with people who are deconstructing a very white, cishet pov of christianity, you start to realize how anti-jesus that rhetoric truly is. there are so many bible stories and quotes that just aren’t even taught because they aren’t deemed “important” (they are). nowadays i read passages of the bible and find so much more LOVE in it than i used to, because i’ve joined communities of people who truly care about love for the sake of love. once you realize it’s ok and holy to love always, you find so much more love in the bible in so many places!! (you also get a reality check on how flawed the bible can be, and how not everything should be taken literally as it was written by ancient human men in a different language. doing research to find true translations is also a great, if difficult, thing to dig into!!) it just makes me feel so much more connected to jesus and god and the holy spirit, and that feeling of true love is what keeps my faith.
when i was younger i kind of felt like i shouldn’t take the bible very seriously at all because it was so fallible- but now i view it differently, because the more i studied it with other queer people, the more i realized how truly wonderful it is and how warped it had become in translation by american christianity. context is sosososo key when reading such ancient texts and it should not be taken lightly!! pretty much all of those passages that alt-right christians use only make sense in certain context or have been mistranslated. i view the bible as a diary of christians in the past, and in a way i find that even holier. it’s a treasure and the gospel feels even more real to me because of that!!
things just started to make so much more sense when i looked at the bible with a queer eye. when two women who lived together are blessed, that turns from a seemingly pointless story into a story about a romantic couple being blessed by the lord. when it’s mentioned that two men who live together are very close and do everything together, it makes so much more sense to think that they were together. everything just clicks into place! and it fits the image i have in my head of jesus so much better: someone who preached radical love and kindness of COURSE would never say it was a sin to love ANYONE, no matter who it is.
ok this was really long post and honestly i could go on for so much longer but i hoped this helps!! ily and if you have any other questions/musings feel free to ask!!❤️
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maboroshi-no · 1 year
Hamefura Pirates: Nicol Route Happy Ending
All of the summaries I have written so far regarding Nicol’s route are available in Nicol’s Route index. The summaries of the other routes are available in the Hamefura Pirates Route Index.
Nicol's Route Happy Ending: The Romantic Date and the Rose of Happiness.
Several months have passed since the Vinculum incident.
Katarina is in panic: she has a date with Nicol today but she is going to be late because she has overslept. As she dashes towards the entrance, Keith tries to remind her that she should be careful of the way she runs, while Millidiana is furious to see Katarina run in such an unladylike way.
Katarina remembers what happened after the Vinculum incident.They were able to return to Sorcier and their everyday life. However, what is different is that she is now dating Nicol. After Nicol discussed with her parents, Katarina went to see Geordo herself to break off her engagement. But to her surprise, Geordo readily accepted and canceled it himself. He had already discussed it with Nicol at that time, when they were waiting for the Queed Royal Knights to arrive.
Back to the present, Katarina leaves in a hurry after promising her mother that she will listen to her lecture when she gets back home.
After Katarina has left, Luigi and Millidiana talk about Katarina's engagement with Nicol. Luigi is happy that Katarina could find love. Millidiana was surprised when Katarina announced to them that she wanted to get engaged to Nicol, but she thinks that it is a good thing. After all, Katarina has matured a little following this, and she wasn't fit to be a prince's consort anyway. But she is still worried that Katarina might cause trouble to the Ascart family, so she would like to wait for Katarina's graduation before making the engagement official.
****** Nicol's POV ******
Nicol is waiting for Katarina at the place of their date. He feels nervous and can't help worrying about whether his hair or his clothes are alright. The place of their date, a rose garden recommended by Sophia, is also making him nervous since he is not used to this kind of place.
Nicol still can't believe that Katarina returns his feelings and that they are now lovers. He feels incredibly happy but also guilty in regards to Geordo. He went to see Geordo the other day to apologize to him. But Geordo is not upset with him. Geordo is indeed disappointed that Katarina didn't choose him, but he wants to respect her feelings. Besides, he feels reassured that Katarina chose Nicol and not some other people that he doesn't know. Still, Geordo warns Nicol that he still loves Katarina and that he is ready to steal her anytime if he makes her cry.
Despite having every intention to make Katarina happy, Nicol lacks confidence. Because the situation feels so unreal to him that he can't help wondering whether he is dreaming. But his train of thought is suddenly interrupted by Katarina running to him, her hair completely disheveled.
****** Katarina's POV ****** Katarina is glad that Nicol was still waiting for her despite her lateness. She catches her breath and apologizes to him for being late. Nicol tells her that he doesn't mind and starts to fix her hair. Then he tells her with a smile that he is glad that she would run to him in such a hurry. Katarina feels weak because of the devilish charm. Nicol gentlemanly offers her his arm and invites her to go together to the rest area ahead. Katarina feels self-conscious over touching Nicol, but she feigns composure and they start walking around the rose garden.
Inside the rose garden, Katarina is amazed by the beautiful roses. But whenever she shows one to Nicol, he will just give a short reply. Following this, Katarina remembers that Nicol is an untalkative person. She found it awkward at the beginning, but now she finds his silence comforting since she doesn't need to force herself to make conversation.
Nicol and Katarina walk while holding hands. Then Katarina tells Nicol about a rumor that she heard from Sophia: there seems to be a rainbow-colored rose in the rose garden, and if a couple of lovers finds it, then they will be happy forever.
Upon hearing this, Nicol smiles and suggests that they search for it. Katarina feels the devastating power of his smile. She feels like it has been growing more and more powerful lately, maybe because they have become lovers. She wonders if she will be able to withstand it one day.
Nicol and Katarina arrive in an open area with tables. Katarina has brought a basket packed with food so that they can sit at a table and eat together. She originally wanted to bring homemade food, but since she couldn't cook anything, she brought instead the food made by her cooks.
Katarina starts eating. She enjoys the delicious food so much that she forgets to look at the roses. As for Nicol, he enjoys watching Katarina relishes her food. Nicol smiles at her fondly and looks so happy. Katarina holds on against Nicol's smile and invites him to try a muffin. Nicol accepts and Katarina is mesmerized by Nicol eating a muffin so elegantly.
Katarina didn't want to faint during their date and has mustered all the resistance she has developed from childhood to that end. But then Nicol makes a devastating move.
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Nicol extends his hand and wipes off some cream at the edge of Katarina's mouth with his finger. Then he licks the cream off his finger. This seductive gesture which is so unlike Nicol makes a number on Katarina, and she panics over reaching "Max Danger Level". Looking at Katarina, Nicol gets worried, wondering if he did something wrong. Katarina reassures him.
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Katarina thinks to herself that she is actually very happy. But it is the first time that she is in love, so she is unsure of what to do. Even so, Katarina is really happy that Nicol and her became lovers. She invites Nicol to eat together like this forever.
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Then Nicol and Katarina direct their gazes towards the blooming roses. The water fountain sparkles because of the sunlight, and a rainbow has formed over the roses. Looking at it, Katarina and Nicol realize that they have found "the rainbow-colored rose". 
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Katarina tells Nicol that they are now bound to be happy together forever. Nicol assures Katarina that he will make her happy. He asks her to stay with him forever while putting his hand over hers.
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Looking at Nicol, Katarina realizes that despite his usual expressionlessness, Nicol actually smiles so honestly. While she still has a hard time with his devilish charm, Katarina loves Nicol as a whole.
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fic rec friday 12
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Hands Held Higher by @glassaliceart /orphan_account
For most of his life Lance has dealt with a confusing and hard to pronounce name. It all started in Elementary school with a mix up and now he can't seem to shake the name McClain no matter how hard he tries.
this fic is so underrated fr. yall know how much i love a good hunk & lance fic, and this one especially was so awesome. AND its hunk pov and hunk-centric, which is truly a treat. it’s also the source of my acronym-name lance headcanon!
2. Courting Your Pants Off by @bleusarcelle
The Prince takes a bite of the pastry and melts under the taste, eyes closed in pleasure as he chews. Being childhood friends with the town’s baker is not bizarre, if Keith has a say on it, especially when he gets these kinds of bonuses.
“Amazing, right?” Lance says, his grin turning into a soft happy smile, eyes softening as they stare right at Keith and Keith might choke on his favorite pastry if Lance doesn’t look away the next two seconds.
Being in love with the town’s baker, though? Now, that’s tricky in Keith’s opinion.
[Or the one where Prince Keith's finally gathers up the courage to start a courtship with the person he has known since he was five years old and prays that his feelings are returned from said baker best friend.]
friends to lovers my beloved. prince keith my beloved. bleusarcelle my beloved. all of this fic is truly my beloved like everything about it is so sweet and fun and flirty i just UGH i love it so much. i also love it when everyone knows keith and lance are in love except for lance its so so funny
3. beautiful and blue by spartana (faveour)
Allura frowns, her brow furrowing. “Shiro wasn’t the first person I brought back to life.” Everyone in the rooms turns silent, watching the Queen of Altea. “Did...did you not know this?”
Lance feels his throat go dry.
Pidge is the one to break the silence, their curiosity finally getting the better of them. “So...who was?”
The Altean blinks. “Lance.”
omega shield fics. yall know im obsessed with them like!! i will never ever understand why that was brushed over!! it is an unbelievably important scene. this fic does such a good job of addressing it honestly
4. His Prince In Chains by @bangbangbeefkeef [EXPLICIT]
Prince Lance's secret rendezvous with his bodyguard mean everything to him. Tonight, he wants to make a deeper connection, in more ways that one.
i will never get over galtean klance w prince lance and bodyguard keith like i am so obsessed with them. genuinely a peak dynamic. i love how smushy this one is and the royal speak and the devotion it just gets to me
5. Patience Yields Pleasure by @sleepea [EXPLICIT]
Lance looks Keith over, appraises the sight of him with a pleased smirk. Then, he presses the pad of his thumb into the soft skin of Keith’s lip, draws it down. Keith parts his lips in response, opening his mouth just so.
“Tell me what you want, baby,” Lance breathes, punctuates it with a roll of his hips. Keith moans, low and rough and desperate. “And you can have it.”
i LOVE bossy lance. seriously hes so everything to me. i love bossy and cocksure lance and soft whipped flustered keith. its everything to me honestly 
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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