#I need to buy some emergency gelato
blessthishouse · 1 year
Not me minding my own brown business until my ex texted me and when I told him I don’t think we can be friends or acquaintances in the future the conversation spirals and he ends up telling me that he did think about marrying me throughout our relationship 🤸🏽‍♀️
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bassettmemes · 1 year
YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME. XOXO, GOSSIP GIRL. ↳ a collection of sentences from the Gossip Girl (2007) series.
"I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination."
“Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I’m yours.”
“If you’re going to be sad, you might as well be sad in Paris.”
“Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish.”
“Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop.”
“We’re sisters. You’re my family. What is you is me. There’s nothing you could ever say that would make me let go.”
“You can’t make people love you, but you can make them fear you.”
“Haven’t you heard? I’m the crazy bitch around here.”
“Here’s my advice. Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.”
“Don’t go all Notebook on me. Not now. I need you.”
“I have an idea for you: quit. Your boss is a bitch. Let’s go to lunch.”
“Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.”
“We’re not servants to our emotions. We can control them, suppress them, stomp them out like bugs.”
“You need to be cold to be a queen.”
“Don’t let people tell you who you are. You tell them.”
“I didn’t come back for you.”
“I’ll just stay home, eat lots of gelato, and write about how true love is nothing but a myth.”
“I’d ask you how you are, but I don’t really care.”
“You know my mom: If it’s not broke, break it.”
“There’s something vibrating in your pocket, and I really hope it’s your phone.”
“I hate that stupid headband.”
“I remember everything you’ve read to me. In case you haven’t noticed I don’t really let go of things so easily.”
“I like the way I feel when he looks at me. Like I wanna believe in myself.”
“Earn the spotlight on your own merits. You’ll feel better.”
“Even if it’s the biggest kamikaze disaster of my life, it’s my disaster.”
“You are no one until you’re talked about.”
“When Prince Charming found Cinderella’s slipper, they didn’t accuse him of having a foot fetish.”
“I don’t read Gossip Girl. That’s for chicks.”
“So, actually, I’ll be living out my nightmare. Trapped in the city with only you to talk to.”
“She doesn’t know me. Nobody knows me. It’s cool. It’s fine.”
“Yeah, well, your fashion emergency was solved so I figured my work was done.”
“You can’t fight against who you are.”
“You gonna strangle him with your scarf?”
“You don’t just give up because things are hard.”
“You know it’s love when you start talking like an assassin.”
“I just want to be the person you can bring anything to.”
“Affairs with married people, threesomes — it just so happens everyone’s problems are within my area of expertise.”
“I just don’t get it. I organized everything the way she likes it. I mean, I even made sure my bowtie matched her dress.”
“Listen, there’s nothing wrong with keeping your options open. I don’t think your parents are going to be mad at you for choosing your own path. Unless… they’re related to my parents.”
“Some might call this a fustercluck. But on the Upper East Side, we call it Sunday afternoon.”
“There’s a weak link in every chain, and it’s just a matter of time before this one snaps.”
“One thing about being on the top of the world? It gives you a long, long way to fall.”
“So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties?”
“Well, keep dreaming. Maybe one day she’ll actually know your name.”
“The sound of your own voice annoying you?”
“Even you should know that jealousy clashes with L.L. Bean pants!”
“I came to tell you in person. You win.”
“The only human contact that you don’t pay for is the people in this house.” 
“That’s not fair. Everyone’s topless on Valentino’s yacht.”
“You know you really put yourself on the radar tonight. Better not make that mistake again or you’ll pay for real.”
 “Don’t look now, but those are the JV mean girls.”
“He gave six girls from Nightingale gonorrhea of the throat last year.”
“I wouldn’t have had to do it if it weren’t for your smear campaign against me.”
“If we wanted to have sex, we’d just go to a hotel.”
“You’ve come to my rescue enough times, let me help you for once.”
“I don’t need a guy to make me feel fulfilled, especially when he’s unavailable.”
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"What is Prosciutto's daily routine? Please describe how you headcanon his day!"
Still such a fun question! (Also letting everyone know right at the start that I'm going to post all these in succession - the big seven all had their turn, so the only ones I never got this question for were Sorbet and Gelato.)
Here's my rundown for a general day:
He wakes up to a relatively early alarm. Showers, does his hair and dresses ( hewill not emerge until his ensemble is flawless unless there is an emergency). When ready, he walks down to have coffee and eventually breakfast. Unless the weather is awful, he will have his food on the courtyard patio, with or without company, though the latter is rare. Might peruse the morning paper unless Formaggio is there to read out the headlines for those present, and excerpts if anyone is interested in any particular headline.
Once breakfast is over, Prosciutto has "office hours," meaning he will pick a place (usually a spare room) where he will be available for the next two hours if anyone needs anything. As their leader, Risotto is allowed to go first if he has anything he wants to discuss, and the rest can go see Prosciutto on a first come first served basis, except Pesci and Ghiaccio, because office hours almost inevitably spiral into "Pesci and/or Ghiaccio therapy". (Pesci usually comes asking for advice and Ghiaccio for validation.)
After office hours are up, he will go out to town, and if there's any shopping to do, he will do it. The others can give him grocery lists, but usually one or two will tag along. Formaggio always tags along so he can save everyone a ton of money through shoplifting (they will always buy some items, but the rest are shrunk and hidden in his pockets). Prosciutto usually goes home straight after to unload the groceries, and chill either in the sala or on the patio. Is approachable for a chat at this time, but if anyone tries to solicit him for anything, he will pointedly ignore them. Should have come during office hours, after all.
Has lunch, most often in company, followed by a catnap. If anyone asked for any favors during office hours, he will start on that, and unless they asked for something complicated, he will usually get everything done by merenda. After that, he changes into gardening clothes and tends to his flowers. Will allow company at this time, but again, no business unless it's urgent. Will ignore you or even banish you from the courtyard if you don't respect his leisure time.
Takes another shower, fixes his hair and ensemble. Will sometimes go out before all the rest to browse around town, and later meet up with whoever wants to hang out. If they're having dinner at home, he will be back by the hour; if not, he will just go to their chosen restaurant and enjoy himself.
Once it's all over, he will retire to the patio. Depending on how well his day went, he either has a nightcap or chews ice - if it's the former, he's up for company, and if it's the latter, join him at your own risk. Goes to bed once he starts feeling cold.
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
Shit I was reading gelato really good btw, and I remembered something that happened to me 😭
One day last year I had pulled an all night with a job so I was looking like shit and it was Sunday morning when my friend called me and told me to visit a store to buy some clothes with a giftcard she had because she was taking a trip a few days later and she needed my opinion in formal wardrobe.
But I was so tired I simply put on some jeans, washed my face and said okay, I was totally looking like shit, no lipgloss, blush or even a nice thing on (i was wearing grey washed jeans and a Loki t-shirt that was so worn out the picture was blurry), and we went to this store in a mall near my house to find her something.
It was all okay until it seemed like a shooting or something happened (yeah, I know), so the store closed and we all were sent to the basement of the store to be safe (I swear this is not normal, it was the first time that ever happened to me but I was calm and knew what to do because my dad is paranoid and always taught me how to be cautious at emergencies) and we were all there in silence waiting for the situation to finish when suddenly MY OLD FRIEND WHO I HAD A CRUSH ON AND HADN'T SEEN IN YEARS APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE (he worked there) and we did the most intense eye contact until he had to leave because duh it was an emergency and he had to follow protocol.
The thing is at least in gelato they talked but I couldn't utter a single word to him even when we kept crossing paths that day, and god he was looking so good AND I LOOKED LIKE SHIT.
I went to the store again (this time more decent) and tried to see him but he wasn't there and since then I haven't been able to see him again... The last time I knew about him he was in fucking Mexico but wtv, the point is the fic brought me the memory.
God and we went through so many things together, one of my core memories is with him too, we were young and I had declined to participate in a math competition only to go on a trip with him and we always used the pool but that day it was raining and we thought our mothers wouldn't let us enter but surprisingly they did and we went to the empty pool to swim and play as much as we wanted because like I said it was empty and it was all for us 😭😭😭😭
LIKE COULDN'T I AT LEAST SAY HI???? (I think it was because he was looking so fucking good)
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Sorry I've not been answering so many asks lately. Finding a place to live for uni is proving to be a very big stress, and I do not write well when anxious.
Rather than produce absolutely no headcanon content for the day I decided to come up with my own scenario that really spoke to me, so I hope you enjoy the following.
Yandere La Squadra Reacting To You Having A Breakdown Post Abduction
La Squadra x Reader (GN), Yandere, SFW
Formaggio- He may be a clingy and needy guy, but he knows when to stop beating a dead horse. It's clear your total breakdown warrants a change of strategy, so it's time he backed off. His bedroom becomes entirely your space, Formaggio only entering to check on you every couple hours. He even sleeps on the couch, to let you rest easier at night. If you're really shutting down he decides to opt for the stray cat method to lure you out of your room for a change of scenery. He leaves a trail of snacks from your door.
Illuso- He anticipated a few of your possible reactions but this was not one of them. Now he doesn't know what to do. As you cry and hyperventilate, Illuso sets you in his lap, frantically uttering apologies and promises that he won't hurt you. Even still, he knows things have to change after this. He immediately gives you permission to roam the house as you please, promising not to put you in the mirror world again unless it's an emergency. He makes your time together more about you, pursuing your hobbies and social needs over his. Once you're well enough, he'd like to take you out as well.
Prosciutto- Given this is a man who kidnaps you due to concern you can't cope with gang life, it's no surprise that Prosciutto is fully prepared for such an extreme reaction after abducting you. To some extent, he continues on as he did before (his treatment of you was already very sensitive to your despair over the situation) but he does keep an extra eye out for early signs of above-normal distress so he can try and prevent another panic episode before it happens. He doesn't back away as he wants you to get used to his presence, but he tries to make that presence as likeable as possible.
Pesci- Your pain is his own, and seeing you so down is immensely upsetting to Pesci. He'll purchase anything he can think of that may remotely cheer you up, probably wasting most of his savings in the process. In his drastic attempts to stop your crying, he'll make some pretty out-there suggestions that weren't part of his original plan, like letting you talk to your family or move back into your old house (with him). He'll still hold onto you whatever the cost, but all in all you stand to benefit quite considerably from this.
Melone- He had planned to avoid this, providing a calm, homely environment to live in free from external stressors, and moulding his own behaviour around yours. Even still, Melone knows trauma is a highly individual matter and there's little he could do to guarantee you won't suffer its full force, even with his best efforts. Melone treats your breakdown with comfort for your immediate distress, and watchful waiting in the long term. He seizes on anything that seems to bring you relief, giving you more of it to try and elicit a change for the better. All your progress is met with praise.
Ghiaccio- Your the most precious thing in the world to Ghiaccio, and for you to suffer this badly at his hands crushes him. He wishes, wishes he could make it all go away but he genuinely believes letting you go will put you in mortal peril. His solution is rapid management. Ghiaccio arranges for the rest of the team to take all his hits for the next few weeks, and buys whatever he may need for the current period in advance. For the next few weeks, Ghiaccio will not leave the house so long as he can help it, staying by your side to help your recovery. He made you like this, so he's going to fix it.
Risotto- Knowing how to read a person like a book, Risotto sees your breakdown approaching from a mile off. He tries where he can to prevent it, with extra promises you're in good hands and everything will be okay in the end, but he knows this might not work and he has to prepare for the worst. Risotto lets you cry against his chest, wanting to respect your boundaries but also uneasy about leaving you alone in such a state. He encourages you to ask questions if it reassures you, or otherwise just yell at him how much you hate him if it makes you feel better. A better life is waiting for you, you just have to get through this together.
Sorbet and Gelato- Given the uneasy relationship between you and the couple early on, it's likely you won't tell the couple until your breakdown is in full swing, meaning it hits them like a ton of bricks. Well, hits Gelato, who was so caught up in the excitement of having you he forgot to actually be realistic about how you were going to feel about all this. They are both very sorry to see you in such a state, but agree to try and keep a happy face for your sake. They hope by showing you how well they can look after you when you're so low, you might be able to trust them once you come out of this on the other side. You must admit, lying in Gelato's arms while he soothes you, as Sorbet brushes your hair and adjusts your nightclothes ready for bed, is calming, very much so.
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cicaklah · 3 years
Should you ever be in need of a prompt again, something just crossed my mind and I'm scared that I might forget it if I don't submit it immediately:
Remote controlled sex toy. Diana accidentally or intentionally slipped the remote control in one of his supply crates, and he tries to figure out what it does.
Over the years he's learned to be meticulous with his load out. So many different parts, so many things that can go wrong. So he's got used to compulsively counting things that can go missing, specialist ammo, chargers, and detonators especially. It's never a good plan that hinges on trying to get a sedative gun to fire emetic cartridges right as the target utters a particularly ironic one liner.
He's in Mogadishu, hunting big game hunters who keep having park wardens killed so they can shoot poor animals to hang on the walls of their dental practices, civil wars, famines or good taste be damned, when he counts his detinators and comes up with one too many. Shakes his head, he's groggy from the flight and the heat, but counts again and there is one more than he expected.
He examines the fine print, but it is hard to spot the imposter. They're all matte black plastic, all surely produced in some enormous factory in some new prefab city in central China, and then programmed to spec. He doesn't want to hit the button, but the serial numbers don't match on one, so he sets it aside.
The hit goes off flawlessly, as always, with a Michigan dentist satisfyingly having to be identified by his no doubt extensive dental records. He returns his unused ordnance to the ICA safehouse and the scarred hands of the armourer and nothing much to do before his flight.
He boots up his laptop, and after checking his emails and updating his Instagram with a cropped image of the Spanish steps, hashtag gelato, he digs the little detinator out of his pocket and plugs the serial number into Google.
The main listing comes from a wholesaler, which is unsurprising, but it gets him a name. He searches that, and gets a range of model numbers, which in turn bring him to lovelybunnies.co.uk. Perhaps some form of pet toy?
He's lucky he couldn't get a drink, because that is emphatically not the kind of toy lovely bunnies was in the business of selling. He would have sprayed whisky across his screen.
It's a better class of sex toy website, he'll give it that. The web design is modern and chic. It hints at, rather than explicitly describes, the merchandise. He plugs the list of model numbers into the search bar, and gets a hit on the third. The Piston XLR. A thrusting dildo, in three girths, with realistic nuvoskin exterior and seventeen thrusting and vibrating presets. A deal at £250, but with free shipping. He knows he's flushed red, doesn't need a mirror or another person to tell him that.
He clears his browser history, and checks out to fly back. He's due to be in New York in two days, but he decides to fly into London, on a whim.
He makes enquiries and finds that Diana is at home. The drive into Buckinghamshire is pleasant, he's rented a convertible, and it's still warm enough to have the top down. He pulls into a layby near where the sat nav reports a curious black spot, and calls her emergency number.
"What is it, 47?" She says, immediately flustered at his call. "Are you in danger? This line is for emergencies."
"I'm nearby." He says. "Open the gate. I've got something of yours you must be missing. Some new kit. I'd love a demonstration."
"I...alright. Come round the back."
"Oh, I will." He says, warmly, and throws the car into gear.
He lets himself into the house, and walks through confidently, as if he'd been there a thousand times before.
He finds her in the drawing room, sitting somewhat awkwardly on a low couch in nothing but a robe. It's richly embroidered and fastened loosely at the waist. Her breast is nearly exposed, but he doubts that's why she seems more embarrassed than he's ever seen her before.
"47, I can explain", she says, but as reply, he presses the little button on the remote control in his pocket, and thrills to the choked off sound she makes, the room filling with the mechanical sounds of servos, inverters and pumps pushing hi tech nuvoskin against slick, wet skin.
She slumps down, her hand against her mouth, and undoes the belt of her robe, and he drops down to see up close the best sex toy money can buy.
"Oh, 47", Diana moans, "If you could?"
He touches the little button on the remote, and then presses two fingers to the base of the machine, giving it something to thrust against. Diana's hand gestures further, and so he slides his other hand around, feeling how stretched and slick and swollen she is, how red and delectable, and how she's craning up to watch as he thumbs her lips, feels the movement of the machine, feels the way she trembles and begs him for more.
He removes his hand to up the vibrations, and then curls his tongue around her clit and sucks until she's screaming and the the hand holding the base of the toy is holding it in more than anything else, as she shakes and bucks through another orgasm, unrelenting and so beautiful he can hardly stand it.
She's panting in the aftermath but she's whispering filth at him, telling him to get inside her, to take what's his, as he turns it off and takes his time pulling it out, inspecting the lurid green feat of engineering, before throwing it aside and sliding right into the heart of her, where he belongs.
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Doctor - Part 5
Genre: Doctor!AU
Pairing: Donghyuk (iKON) x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,564
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After Donghyuk had managed to get you to eat something, a bleary-eyed Claire had appeared in the kitchen doorway claiming the smell of burgers had woken her up. You had assured her there was one for her, and then Donghyuk had said he would go ahead and slip out so you both could get some rest. You had walked him to the door to thank (and hug) him one last time, but it was then you’d realized he’d left his car at the park.
He had assured you he’d taken care of it; he had given a ride to one of his colleagues one day, so now his colleague was returning the favor and coming to pick him up.
...This man truly thought of everything, didn’t he?
A car had pulled into your driveway just seconds later, and you had repeated to Donghyuk just how grateful you were for everything he’d done for you.
He had replied back with, “I know you would do the same for me.”
And he had been absolutely correct.
You had simply nodded, knowing if you’d said anything you probably would have started crying again. 
Once Claire had finished her burger, the two of you had gone upstairs to brush your teeth and fall asleep.
Despite the fact your mind had been racing since you’d figured out your interest in Donghyuk had probably -- almost definitely -- developed into a full-blown crush, you had fallen asleep within minutes and hadn’t woken up until your alarm had gone off this morning.
You figured you’d have a hard time getting Claire off to school, but she had actually been... pretty excited? She had proclaimed that she wanted to show her cast to her teacher and classmates, and since she hadn’t been feeling too much pain, you had walked her to the bus stop and sent her on her way.
All throughout the day, you had been planning on taking Claire to Jimmy’s since you knew his ravioli was one of her absolute favorite foods in the world. You would take her to get her favorite food, treat her to some gelato, maybe even go shopping for some more short-sleeved shirts (since that’s all she could wear for the time being), and then come home to let her pick out a movie to watch.
But when she got off the bus that afternoon, you could see immediately that she wouldn’t feel up to it.
“Hey, sweet girl,” you greeted as you stood at the end of your driveway. “You doing okay?”
“I’m tired,” Claire sighed as she trudged over to you. Apparently, showing off her cast and figuring out how to maneuver everything with one arm had been exhausting.
“How does your arm feel?” You slid one hand over her shoulder as you turned around to start walking toward your house, and you even took off her backpack so you could carry it for her.
“It hurts a little bit,” she answered, bringing her arm up to cradle her cast. “I went to the clinic at lunch to take some medicine.”
Since that had been about four hours ago, you wanted to wait a bit before giving her any more. “What would you say if I ordered from Jimmy’s for dinner tonight?” you asked, deciding you could splurge on getting it delivered.
Claire immediately looked up at you and shot you a weary smile. “Yeah,” she answered with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.
“You go take a nap, and I’ll wake you up when dinner gets here, okay?”
She nodded as she leaned against you, and once the two of you stepped in through the front door, you shooed her upstairs to her room.
After putting her backpack away in the hall closet, you headed into your home office to get a few things wrapped up before she woke back up. Not only did you want to enjoy the evening with Claire, but you wanted to enjoy the weekend, too.
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You let out a deep sigh as you finally turned your computer off, physically and mentally logging out of work for the week. As you spun around slightly in your office chair to get ready to head into the kitchen, you slid your phone off of your desk so you could call Jimmy’s and place your order for delivery.
Just as you stood up, though, your phone rang.
...If Jimmy was calling you right now, you would be entirely freaked out.
But, no. When you looked down at your screen, you saw it was just Donghyuk.
...Okay, wait. Just Donghyuk?
Not just Donghyuk.
He was so much more than a just.
And after last night -- after the hug and the crying (on your part) and everything he had done and after you’d realized you kind of never wanted to go through an emergency like that without him by your side... he was so much more than a friend, too.
You answered his call as quickly as you could, pressing your phone to your ear and greeting him with a “Hey, what’s up?”
“Y/N, hey,” he answered, sounding like he was glad you’d picked up. “How’s Claire? How did school go?”
Of course, it made your heart flutter that he was so concerned about your daughter.
“She’s tired,” you told him. “She’s upstairs napping right now, but I’ll wake her up in a bit. We’re just going to a have a night in.”
“Yeah, I figured it would probably take a lot out of her dealing with her cast at school. ...But there’s... I mean, there’s not a chance you would... want some company tonight?”
A smile crept onto your lips, and you actually had to bite your lip like some kind of giddy schoolgirl before you replied with, “What’s your order from Jimmy’s? I’m getting delivery.”
“Oh, you don’t --”
“Yes, I do, and I am. I need to repay you somehow for everything you did yesterday.”
Donghyuk let out a soft sigh and said, “You absolutely do not have to repay me. But if you truly insist on buying me dinner, then I would love an order of baked spaghetti.”
Your smile grew as you headed into the kitchen, and you mentally added baked spaghetti to your list of orders.
“You got it. You’re welcome to come over any time, though.”
“I’m just about to head out for the day, and I have to run a quick errand first, so maybe... half an hour?”
“Yep, that works,” you nodded. “See you then.”
“See you,” Donghyuk grinned before hanging up.
It was safe to say you weren’t too downtrodden that Claire was too tired to go out and about.
You just hoped she wouldn’t mind having a guest.
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You headed upstairs to wake up Claire as soon as you’d called and placed your order with Jimmy, quietly opening her door and tip-toeing in to perch on the edge of her mattress.
“Hey, Claire Bear,” you said softly. You placed a hand on her back and began to rub and pat her gently to try and wake her up. “I just ordered dinner.”
Claire let out a quiet, sleepy groan and rolled over to face you. “Is it morning?”
“No,” you chuckled. “We’re having Jimmy’s for dinner and then you can pick a movie, remember?”
You watched as your daughter forced herself to sit up and then rubbed at her bleary eyes. “Ravioli?”
“Yes, of course. And... we’re going to have a guest joining us.”
“Grandma and Grandpa?” she asked, perking up a little.
“No, you’ll still go visit them tomorrow. Donghyuk called to check up on you, and I invited him over to say thank you for helping you so much yesterday.”
The corners of Claire’s lips quirked up into a smile, and you were secretly relieved that she didn’t seem to consider it an intrusion.
“He did help me a lot,” she replied with a nod. “I wasn’t that scared because he told me I would be fine. And he’s a doctor! If a doctor tells you you’re going to be fine, then you don’t need to be scared.”
“Exactly,” you grinned, and you wondered if Claire even realized how much he’d helped you, too.
The next words out of her mouth made it abundantly clear she was not even remotely thinking about that, though.
“You know... I would like to have Donghyuk around all the time.”
You blinked rapidly, trying to figure out if you’d heard her correctly. “Y--you what?” you asked with a laugh.
“I think it would be nice if he was always here,” she shrugged. “We’re all happy together.”
Well. You certainly weren’t going to refute her because you thought exactly the same thing. So, instead, you simply pushed yourself off of her bed and said, “I’ll work on it. Come downstairs when you’re ready and pick out your movie, sweet girl.”
“Okay, Mommy!”
And while Claire was starting her movie, you would be tidying up -- both your house and yourself.
Yes, Donghyuk had seen you at almost your worst yesterday -- it could’ve only been worse if you had been sick as a dog in three-day-old sweats and an unwashed face. But he didn’t have to always see you like that. You wanted him to see you at your best most of the time, like anyone does with their crush.
...Good lord, you felt like a teenager again with that word.
It almost made you shudder, but you couldn’t think of any other word to describe it.
Before you made your way downstairs to spruce up the kitchen, you ducked into your bedroom and bathroom to freshen up your mascara, dab some powder on your nose, and spritz on some perfume. And then you were on your way to do the same thing to your kitchen -- theoretically.
Claire eventually joined you downstairs in her unicorn pajamas and fluffy robe, making a beeline for the living room -- specifically the DVD collection. 
“Any movie you want, Sweetheart,” you called out as you sprayed the counter with a fresh-scented cleaner.
“I hope Donghyuk likes Barbie!” she answered.
“I’m sure he loves it,” you chuckled, shaking your head to yourself.
Not even two minutes later, you heard the familiar music of Claire’s favorite (and most-watched) Barbie movie. And as you put the dishes in the dishwasher away... you found yourself quoting the opening lines.
Was this what it was like being a mother?
Oh, boy.
About ten minutes into the movie -- and after you cleared the dishwasher and re-loaded it with dirty dishes from the sink -- the doorbell rang.
You waited for Claire to run out of the living room screaming that she would answer it, but apparently, she was too engrossed in her movie. So, you grabbed the cash you’d laid out on the counter as you’d placed your order over the phone earlier and headed to the door yourself.
A young teenaged girl awaited you, handing you a rather hefty bag of food that smelled just as delicious as the restaurant did. You thanked her, handed her the cash for her tip, and you were about to close the door when you saw another car pull up to your house.
Donghyuk’s car.
Your heart began to race as the delivery girl turned to leave and as he parked his car on the curb and opened the door. You hurried inside to set the food down on the kitchen table, and when you reached the front door again, Donghyuk was just arriving on your front porch.
And, if you can believe it -- which I’m sure you can because we all know that Donghyuk is a true, warm-hearted angel of a man -- he was carrying an extremely enormous bouquet of flowers.
“Wh --” you stammered, your brow furrowed and your eyes following the flowers until they arrived at your door.
“They’re for Claire,” Donghyuk smiled as you let him come inside.
...You felt silly thinking they would be for you. Of course, they weren’t! You weren’t the one with the broken arm.
“She’s in the living room,” you told him, gesturing down the hall. “Oh, and the food’s here. I’ll get everything ready.”
You followed him down, a soft smile growing on your lips as you thought about Claire’s reaction. She had never received flowers before, but you were sure she would be absolutely thrilled.
When you stopped at the kitchen table to unpack your dinner, Donghyuk turned to go into the living room, greeting Claire softly.
And then you heard her delighted gasp.
“They’re for me?!” she cried over the dialogue of the Barbie movie.
“They’re for you,” he confirmed, and you heard the rustling of the plastic as he handed the bouquet to her. “They won’t make your arm get better any faster, but... they’ll make you smile. They’ll make you happy, and you feel better when you’re happy.”
“I’ve never gotten flowers before,” Claire told him.
“Well, now you have.” And then you heard him place a kiss on top of her head. “How are you feeling, Sweetie?”
“I’m okay. I was tired, but Mommy made me take a nap, so now I’m just hungry.”
“The food’s here,” he told her. “Your mom is getting it ready, I bet she’ll bring it into you soon. And I’ll go get a vase for your flowers.”
“Okay!” Claire chirped.
Donghyuk’s soft footsteps made their way back into the kitchen, and when he arrived in the doorway, your forehead wrinkled immediately.
He was still holding a bouquet of flowers.
You had thought he’d gotten one big, giant bouquet, but... he had gotten two smaller ones, apparently.
A grin curved his lips, and then... he handed the other bouquet to you.
You set down Claire’s box of ravioli and accepted them, feeling your heart fluttering as you chuckled with confusion. “What are -- why for me?”
“Because you deserve them,” he answered quietly. “You’re an amazing mom, and I know yesterday was hard for you. You need something to smile about, too.”
You felt your cheeks warming as you buried your nose in the petals, taking in the fresh, gorgeous scent. “Thank you,” you said, feeling just a bit of tightness in your throat. You knew Donghyuk was sweet and charming and kind, but you hadn’t expected this. It was so incredibly thoughtful. “You... you’re such a wonderful friend. Thank you.”
To your surprise, Donghyuk’s expression fell slightly.
He took a step closer to you, his lips pursed with worry. “Actually... I...” He paused and then seemed to think better of it because his forehead smoothed, and his lips lifted into a smile again. “Let’s eat first.”
Your heart was pounding, and you weren’t sure if it was in a good or a bad way.
“No, tell me,” you urged, setting the flowers gingerly down on your kitchen table -- away from the food. “Please.”
You definitely could not wait until after dinner to hear what he was going to say.
Donghyuk took a breath... and then nodded. “Okay. Actually... I’ve been thinking. A lot. And... you’re more than a friend to me.”
Your heart stopped, and your jaw almost fell open in surprise.
“Or, at least,” he continued. “I see you as... more than a friend. I would like you to be more than a friend.”
Part 6
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daidreamn · 3 years
okay I cant take screenshots but
incorrect quote generator for my ocs (x) that are way too accurate
cut for length
Gelato: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Caesar: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Gelato: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Caesar: But I heard a siren. Santiago: That was Keicho. Keicho: Sorry, I got nervous.
Gelato: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie- Santiago: Eyy, homie! Caesar: But then there's cootie... Keicho: Die.
Keicho: I give up. I am so tired. Santiago: Get the emergency supply! Gelato: *carries Caesar and places them in front of Keicho* Caesar: *smiles* Keicho: AND I AM BACK BABY, LET’S GOOO
Keicho: My stomach growled super loud in French. Keicho: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Santiago: Bonjour. Gelato: Le growl. Caesar: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Santiago, Gelato & Keicho: *screaming* Caesar: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Keicho?! Santiago: Wait, why are you asking Keicho that when Gelato and I are also here? Caesar: Because Keicho wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Keicho: You're smiling. What happened? Santiago: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Caesar: Gelato tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Caesar: Everyone synchronise your watches. Gelato: I don't know how to do that. Keicho: I don't wear a watch. Santiago: Time is a construct.
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Keicho, with Caesar and Santiago behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Keicho: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Keicho: Gelato FUCKING FELL OFF!
Santiago: ARE YOU- Gelato: Fucking. Santiago: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Gelato Fucking. Santiago: IDIOT! Keicho: …What was that? Gelato: Caesar banned Santiago from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
Santiago: You know you can die from that, right? Caesar: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point. Keicho: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up. Gelato: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
*Everyone is playing a board game together* Keicho: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Gelato: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Santiago: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Caesar: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Santiago: *flips the board*
Gelato: I just want someone to take me out. Santiago: On a date? Keicho: With a sniper gun? Caesar: Both if you're not a coward.
Gelato: What’s up with Keicho? They’ve been laying on the floor for like….an hour now? Santiago: They're just a little overwhelmed. Gelato: Why? Santiago: Caesar smiled at them.
Santiago: Where the devil is Keicho? Gelato: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe they melted? Caesar: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Gelato: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Santiago: Strong. Keicho: Weak. Caesar: An idiot, is what your are.
Gelato: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems. Caesar: Weight loss? Drink water. Keicho: Clear skin? Drink water. Santiago: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Okay in a lot of these it sounds like Keicho has a crush on Caesar and thats not my intention but let's play with the shipping quotes
Keicho: Know why I called you in here? Caesar: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Keicho: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
-(😳 I oop)
Caesar: Are you ready to commit? Keicho: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Caesar: *angrily presses Keicho against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Keicho: ... Keicho: Are we about to kiss-
Keicho: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face. Caesar: Caesar: I like you.
Caesar: Can you cut me some slack, Keicho? I’m sort of in love. Keicho: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Caesar: I’m in love with you. Keicho: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Keicho: That's ridiculous, Caesar doesn't have a crush on me. Santiago: Yes they do. Gelato: Yes they do. Caesar: Yes I do.
Keicho: So you like cats? Caesar: Yeah. Keicho: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Keicho: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Caesar: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Keicho: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Caesar: Is it working?
Caesar: Are we fighting or flirting? Keicho: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck- Caesar: Your point?
Gelato: Do you love Caesar? Keicho: Yeah, I do. Gelato: Santiago! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks! Santiago: We all love Caesar. You should've asked if they were IN love with them. Keicho: I thought that was implied. Santiago: ... Gelato: ... Keicho, looking straight at Santiago: Congrats Gelato, you just won 100 bucks.
Caesar: Did it hurt when you fell- Keicho: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Caesar: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. Keicho: ... Caesar: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Keicho: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Caesar: I wrote you a poem. Keicho, already crying: You did?
Keicho: Is something burning? Caesar, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Keicho: Caesar, the toaster is literally on fire.
Caesar: I owe you one. Keicho: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
These turned out pretty cute
I’m shipping my own ocs now
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Tempio Di Pietro 5: Clessidra
A Jar Of Dirt Spin-Off Peter x Tony (x MJ)
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Vacanza - Il Quattordicesimo Giorno (Day 14) MJ stares at her own reflection in the mirror as she twists and turns, checking the way the light pastel pink dress hugs her skin. It’s surreal. This entire situation is surreal. How did she find herself in the most expensive shop in a little Italian village to choose a dress that will make her look like a goddess? A dress that she’s paying using Tony Stark’s money? She can’t believe it’s actually happening. This dress is worth at least five months of food for her and it’s the prettiest one she’s ever seen. The light chiffon fabric is so soft and gentle on her skin, accentuating all the right parts of her body. The low cut is just revealing enough and the flowery pattern at the bottom makes it playful and cute.  “This one,” she whispers, turning around to the shop assistant who’s been helping her try on dresses for at least half an hour now. The woman’s lips curl into a smile and she nods. “Excellent choice, miss.”
MJ can’t stop the goofy grin on her face as she walks back to the fitting room to change into her own loose, simple black summer dress again. She’s aware of how it makes her look slightly out of place in the expensive shop- but truth be told, she is out of place here. She doesn’t necessarily mind. Not when she knows there's $1000 on her bank account. A thousand dollars accompanied with the sweet promise of what’s about to happen. It’s exhilarating. She can’t wait for Tony to find out that Peter’s been throwing his money at her just like that, she knows it’ll turn the man on instantly. No matter how submissive he may be on the island, it won’t cover up his sugar daddy streak. MJ knows Peter tends to have a hard time accepting the man’s money, or his gifts. Not her. If the man wants to spend - is aroused by it - she’s going to enjoy the heck out of it too.  The same grin is still on her face when she returns from the fitting room, the shop assistant waiting for her with a professional smile. “Special occasion, miss?” “Yes, you could say that,” MJ replies and walks over to the counter to pay. The woman taps the buttons on the screen expertly and scans the price tag. “That would be €699,- please.” Right. Euros. MJ does the math quickly and nods when she takes out her card. That would be a little over $750. Together with the $50 her parents gave her to take the boys out for another gelato she’d have enough to buy the additional part to her plan, something even Peter doesn’t know about.
Payment approved.
After MJ finishes shopping for the extra surprise, she makes way toward the lunchroom that Peter suggested they’d meet up at. The three of them decided they should take a brief moment to discuss their likes and limits before they’d dive into it. MJ is glad they’re taking this moment, but it also has her slightly nervous. She remembers the island so vividly. The near-magical atmosphere has been haunting her in her dreams ever since. She’s painfully aware she’s only seen a glimpse of this thing her friends have going on. Tony and Peter still held back a lot those two days ago and she wonders what they’re like when they fully emerge themselves. She can’t wait to find out. “MJ, hi!” She looks up and sees Peter and Tony waving at her from the terrace. The sight has her chuckle. Tony literally radiates billionaire. His simple white button-up and sunglasses resting on top of his head, sitting back nonchalantly. Peter, however, is his very bouncy self. Puppy-like. It’s so strange knowing that in a few hours’ time, Peter will have Tony on his knees. She grins and walks over, hugging the both of them from behind before she sits down opposite them. Both her backpack and bag with surprises carefully placed at her feet. “Sup, my dudes.”  “Not much,” Tony says with a shrug. “Only the tingling excitement for what’s to come.” He smirks and winks at MJ, who scoffs at the gesture. “Anticipation is half the fun.” MJ leans back in her chair casually and waves at the waiter, so she can order a lemon sparkling water.
The conversation is pleasant. Ordinary. They talk about the weather, MJ’s trip and the touristy things they’ve all done in the area. When the waiter returns and places the sparkling water in front of MJ, she smiles at him and cocks her head. She knows the boys are staring at her and it’s her goal to turn them both to putty in her hands before they even get to their getaway. She pulls out all the stops. “Thank you,” she says to the waiter, her voice a little deeper than before. When the waiter seems flustered by the eye contact she made with him, he scurries off and she smirks. “You’re really good at that,” Peter notes. “What- saying thank you?” she replies innocently. Peter’s shoulders rise so he can duck his head. “No- no, I meant, eh… Seducing people.” “Well, Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love.” “Venus,” Tony butts in. 
MJ slowly turns her head to the billionaire, her eyes still focussed on Peter’s. The young man has his lips pressed on top of each other, quietly anticipating MJ’s reply. Only at the last second, she flicks her eyes to make eye contact with Tony. He gasps quietly.  “The Romans kinda stole their Gods from the Greek and simply renamed them. If I’m playing your game, I’ll be playing it as the OG goddess of love. Aphrodite. Not Venus.” Tony swallows and straightens his back. They’re not on the island yet. The hourglasses are still upright. He should keep himself together. “You’re messing with our canon here, missy.” He waves his hand by flicking his wrist casually, but his tone of voice betrays he’s already sinking. MJ snorts at his reply and leans towards him with an open-mouthed smirk on her face. She stares at him through half-lidded eyes, locking their gazes together purposefully. “ Aphrodite. ”
The silence that follows is intense. Heavy. And it’s only when MJ finally breaks eye contact with Tony and cracks her back, slouching in the chair again, that the tension is broken. “Anything I need to know about before we get into this?” Peter swallows and slightly shakes his head. “Right! Eh, well... “ “Just tell me the whole story of how this came to be. That’s easier than trying to give bits and pieces and then forgetting stuff I should be knowing about.” MJ takes another sip of her sparkling water. “Unless that’s too personal, of course.” Peter glances at Tony, who was already staring at Peter. “You okay with it?” Peter asks, his voice gentle. Soft. Tony nods. “She already knows about the majority of our sex life through you, and is joining us on our sex island. I think we’re way past being embarrassed about this.” “Exactly!” MJ chuckles. “So, how did all this happen?”
Peter starts telling the story, quietly that is. He doesn’t want anyone else to listen in, they’re still out in public… He reminds her of the jar of dirt and how he had put in God Worship with the full intent of Tony being the one in charge. How Tony had secretly reversed their roles and gently nudged Peter into dominance. How after that one trip to the spa, Tony would crave being submissive occasionally. That Peter has only been able to dom in Italy. How the hourglass is the symbolization of Tony’s submission and how it works.
Tony takes over Peter and explains the frustrations he experienced being in the public spa, not being able to give in completely without breaking the spa’s rules. Maybe even some laws, if they got caught. He touches on how he went island shopping without Peter knowing and referred to the island as “Marcello’s blessing,” which had Peter chuckle. Tony continues the story by telling about the painstaking process of trying to keep the construction a secret from Peter and what it was like to finally reveal it to him.
And how they’ve been indulging themselves ever since.
“Wow,” MJ breathes out. “I’m… Honestly kind of honored that you’d want me there.” Peter shifts in his seat and beams. “You’re the only one we’d want there with us.” “You’re making it worse, Pete!” MJ exclaims, laughing with her eyebrows curled into a frown. “It’s true, though,” Tony adds strangely calmly. He cocks an eyebrow. “We all know I don’t like to share, but this… This will be special for all of us.” MJ hides her face in her hands, trying to hide her intense blush. Suddenly, rough fingers curl around her hands and pull them away from her. Tony holds them gently and he looks up at her with big, soft eyes. It has her heart hammer in her chest. “Will you be our Aphrodite?” A rush of arousal shoots through MJ’s body and she can’t help but notice Peter is physically responding to it as well. She licks her lips, not breaking eye contact with Tony and nods slowly. “Yes.”
MJ takes a deep breath when Tony reaches out for her to help her get off the boat. She takes his warm hand gratefully and takes a little jump onto the docks.  “Thank you, Tony,” she whispers and she can see a hint of desire flash in his eyes. They’re not playing yet. Back at the lunchroom, MJ had suggested they take things slow. Just relax until the vibe would settle naturally as it had last time. Both the men seemed relieved at that as well. No hourglasses are turned yet, but that doesn’t mean that the tension isn’t there. It hangs heavy in the air, applying a sweet yet sensual pressure on all of them.
Before MJ can reach around for her bags, Tony swings the flowery backpack over one of his shoulders and carries the other one close to his chest. MJ cocks an eyebrow at him. “Looks good on you,” she says and nods at the backpack. Tony snorts. “Almost gives me Hawaiian Dad vibes, doesn’t it?” “Almost.” MJ laughs and decides to just roll with Tony’s already increasing need to serve. It’s strangely satisfying to have him take care of her like that. She can see why Peter likes it and it’s only the beginning of everything. She follows after Peter towards the beautiful pool area. It’s the best place to relax and hang out for a bit. The comfortable chaise longues, the natural pool with the perfect temperature to plunge into to cool off, the patch of slightly dried grass to just lay on the ground and gaze up watching the clouds pass by. She sighs as she sits down at the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the water. “This is so perfect,” she beams. “Thanks for inviting me over guys.” “We love having you here, Michelle,” Tony answers and the use of her full name settles deep in her stomach. She sends him a sweet smile and watches how he blushes at that.
“You know, Tony,” she starts, tilting her head slightly. The words have Peter look up at them. The girl’s voice is smooth and playful as she leans back on her hands, god, she’s so pretty. “-I could use one of those sweet lemonades you made last time.”  “Of course, I’ll get one for you. My L- Peter, would you like one as well?” Peter grins as he hears the near slip. Tony almost called him lord. Already. He knows how excited Tony is about all this. Anxious, yes, that too. Maybe that’s why the man is already leaning towards his submission. His safe space. Peter will guide him there as he always does. He nods and waves the man off. “You know I do.” “Coming right up.” Peter watches Tony stalk towards the kitchen and his gaze shifts to MJ again. The girl waits for Tony to disappear from their sight and then she gets up. “I got a dress,” she whispers and walks over towards the shopping bag, rummaging through it until she pulls out a faint pink fabric. Peter bites his lips, blushing when she slides the simple black summer dress from her shoulders. “S-should I-” he stammers and starts turning around but MJ shakes her head. “No, come over here, I need some help.”
Peter gulps when he’s presented with MJ’s bare body. She’s… She’s gorgeous. Stunning. Mind-blowing. Beautiful. Beautiful. “What?” MJ raises an eyebrow and smirks. “Never seen a naked girl before?” Peter’s breath is shaky and he mumbles. “Not in real life.” “Shit, you’re for real?” MJ quickly grabs the dress and covers herself with it. “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked if you’re-” “Move that,” he orders, gesturing at the dress in her hands. A surprised smile creeps onto MJ’s face and she uncovers herself again. Peter Parker just ordered her to show him her nude body. What alternate universe is this?
MJ shifts her weight to one foot, pushing out her hip a little and showing off her slight curves. She knows her chest isn’t big, but judging from the way Peter’s staring at her breasts, he doesn’t mind a single bit. “Contrapposto,” she whispers. “Hm?” Peter’s shame is nowhere to be found. He doesn’t even look her in the eyes when she says it. “The Greek sculptural scheme where they had the people they depicted stand like this.” She speaks quickly, trying and failing to ignore the rising tension. “They were the first to do this. Before contrapposto, all art was static.” “That’s cool,” Peter mutters. His eyes travel further down until they reach her private parts. His mouth is dry, staring at her small bush. “Did you even hear what I said?” MJ teasingly moves her free arm to brush past her body and she shifts her weight to her other foot, mirroring her pose, but the other way. “...Of course.” His lips barely move at this point and MJ chuckles. She decides to walk his way, which startles him slightly, but he doesn’t stop watching her. MJ reaches out to him, offering him the expensive dress. “Of course,” she purrs, knowing damn well Peter didn’t process a word she said. Knowing she has this effect on him makes her feel strangely powerful. “Help me in, would you?” 
Peter nods absentmindedly as he takes the soft fabric in his hands. He realizes she’s going to have to step into it. He needs to get to his knees. Fuck. He slowly sinks down in front of her, eyes wide, body shaking, until he’s at the exact height of her- “Go on. Wouldn’t want Tony to walk in on us like this, now, would we?” MJ’s comment snaps Peter out of it and he looks down to open the dress for her to step into. When she lifts one leg to get into it, Peter freezes when the scent hits his nose. His head whips to look at where it’s coming from, wanting to intensify it even more, because shit, it’s the best fucking smell in the world. He gasps softly when he spots something he hadn’t noticed before. She’s… She’s glistening? Peter’s cock twitches when he realizes he’s not only smelling how wet she is. He’s seeing it. He doesn’t notice his mouth opening slightly, his Spidey senses completely overwhelmed and MJ chuckles. “Later, Peter.”
It takes a lot of his willpower to stand up again. To move away from where he wants to be most. He lifts the dress over her hips and she turns, taking her hair in her hands so Peter can close it for her. He’s unnecessarily delicate. As if he’d break her, or wake up from this wet dream if he touched her. When he’s done, she turns again and cups his face in one of her hands. Her thumb brushes over his nose and cheek and she leans in breathing her gratitude into his mouth, but not actually giving him the satisfaction of pressing her lips against his. “Thank you.” Peter’s dick is officially, fully hard now, pressing against the fabric of his pants. He’s well aware MJ is toying with him, just like she toys with Tony. He knows that’s what she likes and she knows it’s what they like too. They’re indulging yet simultaneously denying themselves all this pleasure. It’s deliciously frustrating.
Tony nearly drops the tray with glasses of lemonade when he spots MJ in her new outfit, splayed on one of the chaises. She playfully sticks out her tongue. The chiffons flow around her body and she pulls up one of her legs, exposing it and caressing the skin. “You two better appreciate my legs, I didn’t wax them for nothing.” Tony swallows and puts down the tray before he actually drops it. Peter clears his throat, helping Tony to tear his eyes from MJ. “They sure are shiny.” Peter’s voice is slightly higher in pitch. “Ah, yeah, that’s the oils I’ve been using lately.” MJ keeps caressing her legs and both men’s attempts at remaining nonchalant about the situation are failing. “Makes them so soft…” All three of them imagine the two men touching her legs and MJ manages to collect herself by standing up and showing off the dress to Tony in its full glory.
“Oh! I nearly forgot,” MJ says softly as she saunters over to the man. She grabs the chiffon skirt and makes a turn. “Thanks for the dress, Tony.” MJ watches entertained at how the turning gears in Tony’s head screech to a halt. “What?” “The dress!” MJ gestures at herself and lets go of the chiffon mid-air, making it flow down. “It was paid for with your money.” Tony’s mouth is open, jaw tightened. “I-” “Peter was so kind to send me three nines.” A wicked smile spreads on her face and Tony’s head whips to Peter who tries to hold back his own smirk by sucking at his teeth. MJ invades Tony’s space and plays with the collar of his shirt. Her index finger touches his chin, guiding him to turn his face back to her. She opens her mouth slightly and pushes her tongue into her cheek. Tony’s cock stirs and all his mind can think is I’m gay. I’m gay. I’m gay. I’m gay.
MJ’s voice is low. Sensual. “Your boyfriend spent your money, Tony. On me.” I’m gay. I’m gay. I’m gay. I’m gay. “And I spent it on this.” I’m gay. I’m gay. I’m gay. I’m gay.
The words still beat through his head, at the same pace his heart beats in his dick, while MJ takes his hands in her own, placing them on her waist. Tony’s knees are jelly. He wants to drop. So bad. “It even feels expensive…” MJ whispers. Tony growls quietly, caressing the fabric and squeezing into it slightly. “How expensive?” “Over 700 euros.” Tony bites his lip. “That’s nothing.” “Want me to spend more?” MJ smirks. “I’ll do it. Gladly.” “I’ll add a nine next time.” This time MJ shivers aggressively. Ten thousand dollars. Next time. They haven’t even started yet. Tony licks his lips. “Where’d the other money go?” MJ breathes out her smiles and gyrates her hips. “Later, Tony.”
Tony’s so ready to drop to his knees. It’s obvious the three of them are bordering the edge of giving in. It’s almost frightening how easy it is. But- the two young adults are just so fucking gorgeous. So sensual. He doesn’t even have a choice but to sink deeper and deeper into his submissive role. He wants to serve them. He wants to pleasure them. Make them moan and shake and take whatever they want from him. The stupid hourglass is still upright though and he’s waiting for either one of them to push through. “Tony,” MJ’s voice cuts through his thoughts and he turns his head to look at her. The girl is holding one of the shiny red and yellow apples from the bowl of fresh fruits he’d given her earlier.  “Yes?” “I want to play a little game,” she whispers, slowly speaking each word as to drag them out. Tony stares at her and gasps quietly when his groin tingles. Oh fuck. He already knows that whatever it is, it’s going to be something good. He remembers exactly what she said to him all these months ago at the tower. “I like giving my subs physical pleasure while degrading the fuck outta them at every chance I get.” MJ loves to play. Whatever this game is, he already knows she’ll be the one shining with victory. He wants her to. She hums softly as she twists the fruit in her hand once more and then throws it into the pool casually. Watching it float.
“Uh oh,” MJ mumbles, a sly grin playing on her lips and locks gazes with Tony once more. She doesn’t say anything yet, her eyes narrowing slightly until Tony looks away from her, cheeks burning red. He’s very aware of Peter watching them and he looks over at his boyfriend. Peter simply nods towards MJ, wordlessly ordering him to focus on her for now. “I need you to fetch that apple for me, but uh, there’s a catch.” “A catch?” Tony repeats MJ’s words. “You’re not allowed to get wet. Not a single drop of water staining your skin or there will be consequences. And believe me, they’re in my favor.” Tony sniffs and stares back at the apple, still floating, creating ripples in the water around it. How on earth is he going to- It’s impossible. The only way to reach it would be to swim. Surely he’s missing the solution to her bewitched riddle. “Go on, then.” “Michelle, I don’t-”
“Come on, sweetness,” Peter coos, “-don’t keep her waiting. Make me proud.” Tony gulps and shakes his head. He doesn’t get it. His eyes scan their surroundings, hoping to find a broom or a stick or whatever, but there’s nothing he can use. He presses his lips together. He doesn’t want to displease his deities, he- Tony lets out a shaky breath when he realizes he’s starting to think of them as Cupido and Aphrodite already. He looks at MJ once more, wanting to plead for a hint, beg her to stop the light humiliation he loves, when he sees how MJ’s barely able to keep herself from laughing out loud. The realization dawns on him and he growls. She’s fucking with him, the little tease. There’s no answer to her riddle, there’s no- 
Tony smirks. There is something. MJ wants her apple? She’ll get her apple. Tony rises from his seat swiftly and runs over to her. The girl shrieks. She to scramble up when she realizes his plan, but she’s too late. He scoops her up easily and throws her into the pool. Water splashes in the air when the girl disappears beneath the surface. Peter, on the other side, bursts out laughing and Tony grins proudly. He solved the riddle after all. The Goddess got her desired fruit and he didn’t get wet.
MJ swims up and gasps when her head is no longer underwater. With one hand she pushes her now wet hair out of her face and then blinks a few times to get the water out of her eyes. “Tony!” She huffs and licks her lips. There’s a playful sparkle in her eyes when she swims towards him - the apple long-forgotten. The man gulps when she puts her arms on the tiles at the edge and pushes herself up. Everything. Everything clings to her body so tightly. Her hair, her dress . She strides towards him and Tony wants to drop to his knees - again. Still. A surge of arousal shoots through him at the thought. He crossed the Goddess and he wants to make it right. Goddess. Goddess. His Goddess?
She stops mere inches away from him. Her gaze fierce and strong as she stares up, scanning his face. Tony wants to apologize. She raises a finger at him though, it’s enough to make him shush. MJ reaches out for him, her soft, wet fingers trailing past his cheek. “Don’t look away,” she orders and Tony shakes his head in response, but a moan catches in his throat when she beckons Peter to come over. “Help me take it off again, would you?” Tony’s ashamed to admit that the scene has him hard in his shorts, his cock pressing against the fabric just right. Does this mean Peter helped her get into the dress as well? Tony stares, as she asked, at the way the water is still trickling down her body, the droplets making her skin glitter in the bright sunlight. Her hard nipples poke through the thin fabric. He stares at her, and at Peter, the boy now carefully moving her hair to one side to find the button. Tony can see how Peter’s cheeks are flushed now that his fingers brush past her skin. Tony knows how much this must mean to the boy. Peter has known he’s bisexual for so long, yet he’s never touched a woman. Not like this. The moment he manages to undo the button, MJ slides the dress off her shoulders, slowly, teasingly, until it’s all the way down to her feet and she steps out of it. Tony moans when he sees she’s naked. No bra. No panties. Just her. “Should I get the hourglass?” Her whisper is quiet but the words echo in his mind nonetheless. Hourglass. Cupido.
“Please.” Tony pleads and he doesn’t care how needy it makes him sound. They know what they’re in for. They’ve discussed this. He wants this. MJ smiles, licking her lips before she turns around to make her way towards the small pedestal a few feet away. Tony stares at Peter, Cupido, in front of him. Just in time to see the young man’s nostrils flare when MJ moves. Tony wonders if he smells her again. He hopes so. Knows it drives his lover wild. “Any last words, Peter?” MJ asks both of them, giving them a last chance to back out. Not that they want to. “No.” “Tony?” “No, Michelle,” Tony speaks quietly and groans when she lifts the hourglass, turning it to its side and putting it down again.  “Call me Aphrodite.”
Tony’s already so overwhelmed by both their presence. Aphrodite is so powerful standing there, her wet curls long and thick and gosh- he knows he wants to braid it and one point. Feel it slide through his fingers.  “Amore,” Cupido whispers, and his eyes find the god in front of him. Peter’s looking at him so sweetly it grounds him a little. The brown eyes he’s grown so used to over the years. Loving him. “Undress me.” Tony doesn’t hesitate. His fingers immediately curl around Peter’s shirt. It’s not long before Cupido’s body is revealed and the way Aphrodite gasps has them both twitch. “Oh, Cupido,” she whispers. “Those statues really were to scale.” She moves closer to the two men and her hand shamelessly touches his defined abs, right above his abdomen. “You truly are a God worthy of worship.” “As are you,” Peter whispers in reply, eyes strained on her physique as well. 
After a few shaky breaths, Peter turns his head towards his servant. “We’re going to the grass. Please bring the basket of fruit.” “Yes, my Lord,” Tony whispers and walks over to the basket, carefully lifting it up and walking after his deities to the patch of grass where they sit down. He waits. “Where would you like me to put it, Cupido?” “Just here’s fine,” Peter answers and pats the ground on his right. Tony nods, lowering the basket and then taking a step back. Waiting for the next order. It’s almost funny how much their dynamics in this had changed since the first time they did this. Where Tony, despite his submissive role, used to take the lead; he’s now giving in fully. Peter’s confidence has grown so much that the subtle power shift simply happened. Tony loves it like this. Is grateful that he doesn’t have to think much. Not when there are two gorgeous beings in front of him. It’s MJ, their Goddess, who speaks next.
“Get out of your clothes, Tony. I wish to see you fully.” Tony nods, his hands reaching up for the buttons of his white shirt and he opens them. A slight hint of insecurity washes over him. He’s not as gorgeous as Peter - his age is catching up with him. And, there’s the arc reactor with all its scars around it, covering his chest. It’s not beautiful. Not like Cupido. He pushes through, though, and he moans softly when he sees the woman’s gaze filled with lust after all. “Am I to your liking, My Lady?” “Oh, yes, Tony. Very, very much. I can see why Cupido has chosen you.” Tony moans, a very filthy moan, at those words. He drops his shirt to the floor and pushes his shorts and underwear down, stepping out of them. His cock is so achingly hard and he blushes as he sees the woman checking him out. “He’s a real work of art, don’t you think?” Cupido quips, smiling proudly. Aphrodite nods. “Why don’t you come closer,” she whispers and pats the ground in front of her. Tony nods desperately, finally, finally, able to kneel. The dry grass is cracking under his weight. The woman’s fingers reach out for him, this time just above his collarbone. Her nails grazing, tickling, as she drags them down towards the arc reactor. “Let me inspect you.”  “A-Aphrodite…” “Shhhhh, just let it happen.”
Tony lets her explore. Enjoying the warmth of her fingertips there where his skin ends and the arc reactor begins. The blue light shimmering on her skin. Slowly her hands start to roam around a little more. Tracing his clavicle, then down, less than an inch away from his nipples. He turns his head around slightly, looking at Peter. The young man is watching them, a content smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “How’s that, caro mio ?” Peter’s sweet voice makes him moan and he slumps forward just a little.  “Good,” he breathes. “-good and soft.” “Oh-” Peter exclaims sweetly and Tony’s eyes widen. That’s usually a sign something’s about to happen. A sign that his god has something in store for him. “I know something that’s gonna be even softer. Come, lay down on your back.”
Tony complies easily. The grass tickling his naked skin but he doesn’t really care. Not when Peter sits up, crouching next to him with the basket of fruit in his hands. He picks a pomegranate from it. Fingers digging into the peel. Tony can hear its seeds crack and like a Pavlov response, the sound has his dick twitch. MJ stares down at him amused, probably seeing right through them. He watches how his God bites into the peel after he turned it squishy, and then he sticks his arm out and squeezes. Tony gasps when the juice splatters down on his chest, making him wet and sticky all over.  “Aphrodite,” Cupido grins widely. “I think we should have a little taste, don’t you?” Tony groans and closes his eyes. Yes, please. He doesn’t have to wait long. He can feel Peter’s warm breath on his lower abdomen. Sucking. Tasting. Teasing. And then- Oh God. A second pair of lips find their way onto his skin. The Goddess’ lips are so soft, so soft and hesitant as she too starts pressing sweet kisses on his skin. Her tongue occasionally darts out to lick up the pomegranate juice staining his chest. His eyes flutter open again and he watches, enthralled, how MJ and Peter move closer and closer towards one another. They’re so beautiful together. Please. Please. He needs them to kiss. Wants to see how good it makes Peter feel. Wants to see those ethereal beings melt together. Sensual and erotic.  “Please,” he breathes out and moans when he realizes what he just said. They both turn their heads to look at him and Tony licks his lips. “M-may I request you kiss each other?”
Peter breathes in sharply at Tony’s suggestion and he turns back to stare at MJ. Their faces are so close already. Her lips are sticky with the same juice staining his own. He wants to kiss her, very, very much so.  “Do you…” he whispers and Aphrodite nods. Leaning over Tony’s chest to reach for him, pressing her lips onto his. Peter whines, his entire body surging with pleasure. Oh fuck, oh fuck, Tony had been right. Girls’ lips are so fucking soft. He reaches out for her, his hand on her waist and the other on the ground to support himself. She feels so different than Tony does in every aspect he can think of, but it feels good though. He likes the way her hair tickles his face. The soft sounds deep in her throat, and obviously the smell. God, why does she smell so fucking good? He wants to bury his head between her thighs, wants to lick her, taste her. Make her legs shiver around him. 
He’s so fucking nervous. The hand on her waist could easily sneak down but he doesn’t have the guts.  “You hesitate,” MJ sighs into him as her hand grabs his, slowly pushing him further down to where they both want him to be. “I can smell you,” Peter blurts out and leans back slightly, eyes opened wide when he realizes what he just said.  “What?” “S-Spidey Sense, everything is heightened, your arousal… It’s everywhere. I, I want-” “You can smell how wet I am? How much I am soaking for you?” Aphrodite grins, continuing their kiss, licking his lips open-mouthed. Peter moans and his fingers slightly dig into her hips. “Smells so good-” “Do I? That’s sweet…” MJ continues moving his hand further down her body. “Do you want to feel it?” Peter nods eagerly and the Goddess guides his hands between her legs. She’s dripping down her thighs and his fingers catch it as he caresses her. Peter instinctively squeezes her inner thigh and MJ moans. When he does it, the smell intensifies for a split second. “What did you do-” he mumbles. “I didn’t do that, Pete-” She takes his top lip between her teeth and suckles on it. “You made me feel good. Making me feel good makes me wetter.” “Wanna make you feel good,” Peter moans. His hips roll midair. “Well, then,” MJ whispers, letting go of Peter to look him in the eyes. “Do you want to taste it, Cupido?”
MJ lays down on the grass, lifting her knees and resting her feet in the tickling strands. Peter and Tony stare wide-eyed at the phenomenon in front of them. She’s literally oozing slickness and Peter wants nothing more than to stuff his face into it but he’s scared. Scared as he inches forward. Scared as he leans down until his face is right over her. The smell is intense. Addicting. His mind spins, yet anxiety settles. “Peter, are you okay?” Peter’s head whips up at the mention of his own name. Not Cupido’s. “I don’t know-” MJ immediately pulls back upon seeing the bewildered look on Peter’s face. She closes her legs and glances at Tony, who gives her a worried look. Instead of commanding Tony to get it, she stands up herself to grab the nearest hourglass. She sits down next to Peter and hands it to him. He stares at the infinity sign in front of him and his stomach aches.
“The hourglass exists for a reason,” MJ reminds him. “Use it if you need to.” She cocks her head. “You’re not ruining this. Only pausing.” Peter looks up at MJ and his breath hitches in his throat. He feels like crying over the stupidest fucking thing. He slowly puts the hourglass upright and Tony sits down next to him. Both men know MJ is in tune with her subs. That she’s a great dom. They didn’t expect her to do this. “What’s going on in your head, Pete?” MJ asks softly, genuinely. The role of Aphrodite completely discarded.  “I’ve never done this before.” His lips press on top of each other and he shakes his head. “It’s stupid, I know. I’m just. I’m nervous. How can I be Cupid if I don’t even know how to make someone feel good?” MJ places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes slightly. “You’re already making me feel good. But it’s completely normal to feel these things.” “I want to learn how, though,” Peter says while blowing up his cheeks. MJ smiles kindly and creates a bit of distance between them so Peter can breathe. “Do you want to try it as Peter, Tony, and MJ? Keep the hourglass upright?” Peter nods, a little embarrassed.  “If that’s okay with you.” “Pete, we’re all here to have fun,” Tony joins in. “MJ and I will take good care of you, alright?” Peter gives a small nod and looks at the hourglass, still in his hands. He’s ready to learn. “Alright.”
“How do you wanna do this?” MJ asks. “Want me to guide you?” “I can show you how it works,” Tony states. The other two look at him surprised. “A-are you okay with that?” Peter asks rather shocked. “You’re not-” “I know. But you know I’ve shared a bed with many women back in the day. Just cause I’m gay doesn’t mean I don’t like making them squeal.” He winks, keeping the conversation light for Peter’s comfort. “Your call, Pete.” Peter turns his head to MJ who nods with a smile. He scoots closer to MJ again, but not where he was before, and he looks at Tony with a nervous expression on his face. “Show me,” he mumbles. “Please.”
Soon, Tony’s open mouth hovers over MJ’s private parts. Peter’s eyes are locked on his every movement, studying him like he would for a test. “Women are very sensitive,” Tony says softly. “Much like you, actually.” He swallows and glances up at Peter. “The more loved they feel, the more arousal they feel.” “You’re romanticizing it,” MJ scoffs a laugh and Tony cocks an eyebrow. “You’re talking to the person who was actually sent a prize cup with the text ‘#1 Pussy Licker’ engraved into it.” Tony grins. “Trust me when I say I know how to make you come four times in a row.” “Oh, I’m not questioning it. I’m just trying to say that Peter might be more of a visual learner, if you know what I mean.” “Eager,” Tony says with a smirk. Peter doesn’t say a word. He just watches.
Tony brings up his index finger and takes a bit of MJ’s wetness from the inside of her leg. She shivers visibly and Tony points at a certain spot. “This little thing here is your best friend. When you touch it just right-” MJ gasps softly when Tony’s finger expertly starts tracing patterns on her clit. “The slower you go, the more agonizing it is for her,” Tony chuckles darkly. “If you want to make a woman desperate, this is the best way, in my opinion.” “Differs per person, though,” MJ adds. Her breath is a little shaky and her muscles clench when Tony presses an open-mouthed kiss on her inner thigh. “Differs per person,” he repeats. “Best way to figure out what makes ‘em shake is to just try things. Some ladies like a bit of teeth, others don’t.” Tony scratches his beard on her inner thigh as he continues to rub slow circles on her clit. “T-Tony-” “When she’s wet enough, just keep making those little circles. Move down a bit…” He spreads her folds with his circular movements and MJ tilts her hips slightly so he has better access. “Until you’ll find your fingers moving into even more slickness. Keep circling there and then-” MJ gasps out loud when he enters her gently. “-you push in… Let her get used to you before moving. However-” He pulls out again, his fingers so slick and shiny with her wetness, it has Peter’s cock throb. MJ whines in protest.
“-Today’s class isn’t about fingering now, is it?” He smirks mischievously and MJ huffs. “You’re a tease, Tones.” It’s almost a growl. “Get that face on my puss, show Peter how it’s done.” Tony’s smile is almost innocent and he moves his face closer again. “Remember your best friend?” His voice has gotten quieter. Deeper. Peter notices how the vibrations of it go straight through MJ, who has closed her eyes. Her jaw is slacked, head hanging back as she leans on her elbows in the grass. “I kiss it like I would kiss her soft lips.” MJ bites her bottom lip and stifles a moan when Tony’s opened mouth softly presses against her. He lets go of her for a second to speak again. “Suckle on it, while I squeeze the skin of her legs. Keep her hips from grinding down onto my face. I’m in charge of her pleasure,” he growls quietly before pressing his face against her again. MJ moans audibly now and arches her back. She sounds amazing, and slowly, Peter feels the intensifying need to make her moan like that too. For him.
Tony explains all kinds of techniques, showing exactly how they’re done. Peter makes note of everything he does. How to lick her, go inside her with his tongue. How he can keep playing with her clit while eating her out. What patterns to draw with the tip of his tongue and how he can make her taste herself by kissing her. The whole scene is so hot and Peter is throbbing by the time MJ is nearing the edge.  “T-Tony, I’m-” she gasps, hips bucking involuntarily and thighs squeezing around his face. Tony, however, pulls back with a grin, face slick with her juices. MJ lets out a frustrated yelp and her hands flail in an attempt to grab his hair and pull him back onto her. She’s panting and growling and convulsing and it’s one of the hottest things Peter’s ever seen. Tony easily evades MJ’s grasp and shakes his head. He turns to look at Peter and cocks an eyebrow. “Ready to give it a go?”
Peter’s mouth is dry when he sits down on Tony’s spot. MJ has since come down from the edge, but the look on her face, the smell of her wetness and the little noises falling from her lips have Peter dizzy already. He’s broken out of his trance when Tony hands him the hourglass. Peter looks at it confused and Tony figures he should explain it. “If at any point while eating her out, you want to go back to being Cupido. We’re ready. Once again, your call, Pete.” “And if I don’t?” Peter mumbles quietly, slightly ashamed. “Then you don’t,” MJ breathes out. “We’re here every step of the way.” “Thank you…” Peter licks his lips nervously and Tony frowns at him before deciding he needs to do this differently.
“Close your eyes.” Tony’s fingers wrap around Peter’s shoulders and massage his neck. Peter complies and exhales through his nose. Tony nods at MJ who leans slightly forward to take Peter’s hands, still holding on to the hourglass, in hers. She pulls him down, closer, while Tony kneads his muscles the way Silvia had taught him. Tony leans in until his mouth is right next to Peter’s ear. They all know Peter wants it so much. His embarrassment holds him back. Tony’s goal is to make him so hot and bothered for MJ that Peter forgets his worries and just dives in. Tony speaks, quietly. “Take a deep breath through your nose…” Peter does as told and shivers when the intense scent overwhelms him again. He whimpers. “How’s that smell?” Tony asks. “G-good,” Peter manages to push out. When his mouth opens to speak his cock twitches as his tongue picks up on the taste mid-air. “Just good?” Tony questions as he keeps rubbing his hands into Peter’s upper back and shoulders. “Give us your words, Pete.” “It’s- it’s sweet, somehow.” “More,” Tony growls into his ear. “Intense,” Peter says before taking another breath in, eyelids fluttering, but remaining shut. “S… Sensational. Sensual.” “More-” “Overwhelming.” “More.” “Addicting.” “Do you want it?” MJ whispers. “I need it.” “Feel it.” MJ tugs on one of the hands she was still holding. She pulls the one that isn’t holding onto the upright hourglass closer to her until the tips of Peter’s index and middle finger catch some of her wetness. Peter shivers upon contact, screwing his eyes even further shut. “O-oh.” Peter barely notices how clouded his mind has become. “Juicy, isn’t it?” Tony moans into Peter’s ear. Peter replies with a moan of his own. “Open your mouth, pretty boy.” MJ’s voice is soft. Gentle. “Lean in. Taste me.”
The smell of MJ’s wetness is nothing compared to actually tasting it on his tongue. Delicious. He was right. She’s delicious. Salty and sweet and like nothing he’s ever had before. The next few minutes are a haze. Peter can hear MJ’s moans in the distance, every single one making him shiver all over, while Tony continues to growl filthy and encouraging words to him. It’s only when Tony tells him to open his eyes that Peter’s mind catches up again. "Peter, look at her face, god- she loves what you're doing to her," Tony whispers, his hands still working their magic on Peter's back. Kneading, gliding, digging in all the right places. The words make his dick stir and he moans against MJ while glancing up as much as he can. The sight is dizzying. Her lips parted where broken moans keep falling from her lips like a sweet melody. He sucks experimentally, then flattening his tongue against her clit. The way her eyes flutter makes him smile. He feels confident, powerful. 
As he continues to ravage MJ, he raises the one hand he hasn’t used yet. The hand that’s holding the hourglass. He curls his arm around her leg and while maintaining eye contact he places it upright on her bare stomach. The cold material of the hourglass against her skin and the anticipation of what’s about to come has MJ shaking. Peter continues to eat her out, not breaking eye contact. His pupils are blown wide. Slowly but surely he starts tipping the hourglass, while his tongue starts spelling out her name in between kisses and suckles. A-P-H- The intense, dark look in his eye causes MJ suck in a breath. R-O-D- “Peter-” I-T-E- The hourglass now rests on its side on her stomach and Tony’s touch immediately softens up on his back. “Cupido-” Tony mutters and Peter growls in response. Yes, that’s right. He’s in charge here. This is his island. Tony is his servant. And god- Aphrodite is making him lose his mind. Their sounds, the change in their demeanor and the way Cupido aggressively attacks MJ’s pussy has the Goddess bordering on the edge of orgasm. “Cupido,” Aphrodite gasps and arches her back. “Please, please, I’m so close-” “Are you?” Cupido chuckles darkly as he moves back up to suck on her clit again. “Yes-yes-yes-yes- don’t stop, don’t stop!” “Mmmmmmm.” Peter hums around Aphrodite’s sweet spot and her legs squeeze around his head, hands pulling the grass out of the ground. Her hips buck and twitch and- “Come for me, Aphrodite.”
Peter sighs happily as he puts his fork down. The late-night dinner they’d made together was delicious - a rich, creamy mushroom risotto with scallops and asparagus. His stomach is nice and full. Not too full, though. He knows they’re fucking again tonight and he doesn’t want his digestive system to slow him down. His cheeks flush when he thinks about this afternoon. His entire body tingles when he remembers how MJ had tasted on his tongue. How incredibly hot it’d been to watch Tony fuck her while he fucked Tony. Sandwiching their servant between them. Peter’s lips pressed onto hers while he rutted into him. He hasn’t been inside their Goddess yet. Tonight, she’d promised. Tonight. His cock stirs at the memory and his blush intensifies. MJ grins from opposite him.
“I think it’s time for dessert,” she states and stands up. “You two, wait here.”  Peter wonders what she’s up to and stares as she walks off. He vaguely remembers she said something about another surprise earlier today. Would it have anything to do with that? He eyes Tony carefully.  “How are you feeling, sweetness?” Peter asks. Tony nods and licks his lips, meeting Peter’s gaze. “I feel good, amore.” “Come here,” Peter continues and gestures for him to come closer. The man obliges instantly and kneels at his side - a small habit they’ve picked up since they’d gotten to the island. Usually Peter orders Tony to massage him, or suck him off, or praise him. Not now. Now he simply puts his hand on Tony’s shoulder. His servant shudders under his touch. “Let’s see what Aphrodite has in store for us now, uh?” Peter grins and squeezes gently into Tony’s skin. The man lets out a shaky breath and nods. Peter can see how hard the man is already. Or still? Peter isn’t sure. Early on, MJ gave Tony one rule to follow today. He only gets to come twice and it’s his choice when he wants to. He came during their first fuck and had been holding off ever since.
It doesn’t take long for MJ to return and she’s holding the shopping bag in her hands. The mischievous sparkle in her eyes has Peter on edge already. Whatever she’s planned for them, it’s going to fuck with their heads and he can’t wait.  “Hmmm, so beautiful on your knees, Tony,” the Goddess mumbles and she crouches down in front of him, shoving the bag toward the man. “Open up.” Peter cranes his neck a little to look over Tony’s shoulder. The older man’s hands are hesitant and careful as he opens the bag. A small, wooden box appears, delicate lines burned into its surface. “Wine, My Lady?” Tony asks softly and MJ nods. She reaches forward, guiding Tony’s hands towards the top and helps him slide it open. Tony hums appreciatively when he sees the name on the label. “Good choice.” “I know. Now, why don’t you go fetch me a corkscrew, honey?” Tony’s eyes glance up at Peter and he nods curtly. The man hurries off. Peter tilts his head and grins at MJ. “That must’ve cost a fortune.” “Oh it sure did, he’s gonna love this, Cupido.” MJ stands up with the bottle in her hand, showing it to Peter. Castello Vicchiomaggio FSM Merlot. It sounds very Italian and high-class and he’s not exactly surprised Tony recognized the name. He probably grew up with it. MJ takes a step closer towards him, bridging the space between them. Peter swallows when her hair tickles on his skin.
“Do you know what I’m going to do with this, arciere ?” The young God shakes his head. There are endless possibilities of what they could do with it and knowing how creative she is, he’d probably guess wrong anyway. Aphrodite smiles sweetly and leans in, kissing him so incredibly gentle that it has his knees weak. He groans quietly, putting his hands on her waist to drag her flush against him. Her curves make him dizzy with lust. It’s so different from the way Tony feels underneath his touch, yet it’s still just warm skin, soft flesh, to dig his fingers into. He can taste the creamy sauce on her tongue still. He grins into the kiss when he feels Tony nearing the dining room again but he doesn’t break away from her.  Tony’s reaction when he enters the room is barely audible, but Peter doesn’t miss the tiny gasp. Tony clears his throat, causing Peter and MJ to turn towards him. “M-My Lady? I’ve got what you asked for,” Tony lowers himself on one knee and presents the corkscrew to the Goddess. “Very well,” MJ answers. She takes the corkscrew from his opened hands and opens the bottle with such ease Peter knows she’s done it before. The strong, fruity aroma fills his nostrils and he hums. God, he loves the smell of red wine.  “Cupido, I need your assistance for a moment.” Peter holds the bottle of wine for her, watching how she waves her hand at Tony to make him kneel down completely. MJ gently caresses Tony’s chin. “Do you know this wine?” “Not this one specifically. The brand, yes.” “Good. You’re going to taste it for us.” MJ cups her hands tightly and nods at Peter. He gets the hint. He tilts the bottle and bites down on his bottom lip when he sees how the crimson red liquid fills her hands. Droplets seep through her fingers. “Drink.”
Peter watches, enthralled, how Tony’s eyes flutter shut at the command. His head bowed, lips kissing MJ’s fingers slightly before he laps at the wine. Drinking it all up. It’s messy and the drink stains on the man’s chin. Dripping onto his chest and onto the floor.  “Gooooood,” MJ coos when Tony licks up the last bit from her hands, sucking on her fingers to clean her up. Her index finger trails across Tony’s lips and they part naturally. “Tell me, how’s it taste?” “Sweet…” Tony starts quietly. “Earthy, rich. It’s delicious, My Lady. Thank you for granting me my share.” The Goddess is pleased with his answer. Peter can see how she’s in her element. In charge of the situation. In charge of Cupido, too. 
Tony stares at the expensive bottle in Aphrodite’s hand. He can’t believe she spent his money on this. Of course, the amount she spent is nothing compared to the numbers in his bank account. He wouldn’t even notice. But he’s very aware of how incredibly much this is for the both of them and the thought has him shiver all over.  “Now,” the woman speaks and smiles down on him. “-what should we do with it?” “I… I can get some chalices?” “Nah, I want it to be special. Do you know how expensive this one is, Tony?” “I do.” “Good.” Aphrodite doesn’t break eye contact with him as she raises the bottle and flicks her wrists. The wine splatters onto her chest and streams down. Oh fuck, oh fuck- “There goes your precious money, tesoro. Come, catch it before it goes to a waste.” Tony groans and rushes forward. His lips sucking on her skin, tongue darting out in an attempt to catch most of the wine. She laughs, aiming for his head. Tony feels the liquid trickle down his hair and it’s so humiliating yet pleasurable at the same time. His cock twitches, hanging hard and heavy between his legs. His lips move their way up her legs as he keeps drinking, trying to spill as little as possible. Obviously, he fails at that. The wine pours so freely that he could never catch even half of it, but the fact that Aphrodite is literally wasting his money here turns him on beyond limits. 
“Please,” he mumbles into her skin when she stops spilling the liquid. She stares down at him and Tony moans, his tongue darting and teasing along her inner thigh. “Taste so good, My Lady.” “Do you think you deserve more?” Tony moans at the words and casts his eyes down. Staring at the stained-red floor.  “That, I will leave for you to judge,” he mumbles softly. Aphrodite chuckles sweetly from above him. “You’re such a wonderful servant boy- so polite and well-mannered. Cupido has taught you well.” Tony doesn’t know why those words nearly have him collapse. Nearly have him beg for anything his deities are willing to give him. Aphrodite called him boy. He shivers just thinking about it. The simple word is just another reminder of his position beneath them. His very submission credited not to him, but to Cupido. He’s sinking deeper. So much deeper. All he craves at this moment is to please them.  “Oh Cupido, just look at him. Isn’t he the prettiest thing? Here- it’s your turn.” Tony gulps, not daring to look up at them yet. His heart is pounding in his chest. Is- Is his lover going to spill the rest of the wine? His fingers curl together and he takes a shaky breath. Gasps, when he sees his God’s feet moving closer until they’re right in front of him. “Look at me,” the young man’s voice demands and Tony’s head shoots up. Peter’s eyes are dark with lust and looking down at him so sweetly- he has to shift closer. Tony shuffles on his knees, resting his chin on the God’s leg. “Please, My Lord- Please.”  “Oh do I love hearing you beg, caro mio , open your mouth.” Tony obeys easily, parting his lips while he keeps staring up at his lover. He stares how Peter tilts the bottle until the wine comes pouring out once more, this time clattering into his mouth. Tony tries, very, very hard to swallow it all. But it’s impossible. Impossible to keep up with. He drinks, gulps down as much as he can. Very aware of the fact the entirety of him is wet and sticky and sweet. He knows he can’t get truly drunk from the amount he manages to drink up but his body starts feeling slightly buzzy anyways.  “That’s it,” Cupido coos, “-that’s it, amore.”
Soon, the bottle is completely empty. The soft, dripping sounds when the last droplets fall from Tony’s hair into the puddle of wine around him ringing in his ears. He feels so good. So incredibly good. Aphrodite beckons Cupido to come closer and they crouch in front of Tony together. All Tony can do is stare at their divine bodies. Smooth, strong, shiny and powerful. MJ’s fingers trace past Tony’s chest and Tony stares, eyes fixated on the way she then brings her hand in front of Cupido to let him taste. He watches how Cupido’s lips wrap around her fingers so nicely, sucking on them. Moaning.
“I think it’s time we show you our master bedroom,” Cupido whispers the moment her fingers slide out of his mouth. MJ stares at his sweet face, before she breaks out into a smile and nods. Somehow, the thought of being in their bedroom makes the whole situation a lot more intimate and real. She watches how Peter’s arms wrap themselves around Tony’s wine-soaked body and how he lifts the man easily. MJ nearly gasps. Peter is smaller than Tony, and yet- he carries him as if he doesn’t even feel anything. Spidey strength? The mere idea of Peter… Cupido being that strong does things to her. “Caro mio,” Peter whispers to the man, pressing a gentle peck on Tony’s chest, kissing the wine of him. “You are so beautiful. So perfect. We’re so pleased with you.” MJ smiles fondly at seeing her friends like this, at seeing Tony melt into his God's arms so sweetly. She follows after them. 
Peter smiles when they walk into the bedroom. MJ’s close behind them. He loves this room. It’s spacious and big, yet the dim lights make the room feel so cozy. He walks towards the bed and moans when he spots the gaze in Tony’s eyes, lowering him into the silk sheets. He’s actually under now. So pliant. So sweet. So malleable. Ready to do anything they might want from him. “Cupido,” MJ whispers from behind him. Cupido eyes her curiously.  “Aphrodite?” “I think it’s time for me to fulfill my promise to you.” Peter gulps at those words and he nods breathlessly. He is going to fuck her. He is going to be inside her. Inside a woman. Tony’s been describing it to him more than once and he’s so ready to find out what it feels like. To make their Goddess feel good. He stares intently when she lowers herself onto her back and without even realizing he’s doing it, he climbs onto the bed and hovers his body on top of hers. Their skin isn’t touching, but he can feel how warm she is. Hears her heart beating. As nervous as he was to eat her out this afternoon, he’s not nervous now. “Tell Aphrodite how beautiful she is, Tony,” Cupido growls as he moves one hand down, tracing her fingers through her wetness. She’s so slick, so fucking slick it has his mind spin with desire. Tony breathes in heavily before he speaks. “Aphrodite- you are divine- your hair, waves for your loyal servant to push his fingers through, skin glowing with warmth and lust, feeding my desires with endless pleasure-” Tony sighs, his voice hoarse and quiet. Peter takes this moment to trail his fingers up slightly, remember what Tony had taught him this afternoon. Be slow. Gentle. Don’t push but- MJ gasps out loud when Peter brushes past her sweet spot. Her legs dropping wider unconsciously while Tony continues his praise. “Your eyes carry the night sky, hiding infinity behind the stars. Your presence is humbling, dizzying. Like alcohol, you tear my defenses and aid me to give in to your gentle touch. Divine, Aphrodite, you are divine-” “Oh my god, Tony-” MJ murmurs and reaches out for the man, her fingers wrapping around Tony’s cock to stroke him ever so slowly. Tony actually whimpers at the touch and Peter moans seeing both of them expressing their pleasure. He feels so strangely satisfied. 
“C-Cupido-” MJ moans and Peter’s eyes find the Goddess’ gaze staring at him hungrily. His face flushes when he knows what she’s going to ask him next. “Will you please take me?”  “Don’t you want me to fini-” he breathes and casts his eyes down where his fingers are still rubbing against her.  “Oh, I do. C’mere.” Peter swallows when he shuffles closer between her legs. His cock is throbbing and it twitches when he realizes he’s about to fuck her. Not just any woman. It’s MJ. Aphrodite. She’s so incredibly pretty and sweet and the way her mouth tugs into a little smile has his insides burn with lust. Tony’s cuddled up at her side, his lips parted where tiny huffs leave him with every stroke on his cock. MJ grins at him and lifts her legs up, resting her ankles on Peter’s shoulders. Their hips are so close. He twists his wrist slightly to have his thumb rub against her again, the touch earning him another moan. “Aphrodite, I- Can I?” 
All it takes is one little nod. Peter groans, nearly stumbling forward when he grabs his own cock to guide himself inside her. He pushes in and- Peter squeezes his eyes shut when he feels her warm slickness surround him.  “Oh my-” he chokes out when his hips sink down completely. It’s so easy . It’s so similar and yet so incredibly different to how Tony feels and- He can’t think anymore when she tilts her pelvis to make him slide in even deeper. “Give it to me, Cupid. Do not even think about holding back-” Aphrodite orders him and Peter nods, slowly pulling back only to slam back in. Pleasure shoots up his spine and he loses himself in a dizzying rhythm. MJ’s moans ringing in his ears, Tony staring at the both of them in awe. His free hand grabs around her upper leg to draw her in closer and he knows his fingers are digging into the soft flesh maybe a tad too harshly but her scent is increasing, her moans growing louder and when he tries to ask, she shuts him up with a rushed, “-don’t stop.”
So he doesn’t. 
“F-feel so good, Aphrodite,” he whimpers and leans forward slightly. Her knees bending closer into her chest to give in to his weight. Where sometimes he’d have to get extra lube when fucking Tony, MJ only feels slicker around him with each thrust. He knows she’s getting closer to her high. Her moans are getting breathier, her legs trembling slightly where they still rest on his shoulders. He picks up his pace, his thumb flicking over her, playing with her clit. “Close, ‘m so close, don’t stop-don’t stop!” “I won’t. I’ll never stop, can’t stop even if I wanted to, can’t-” Cupido’s words are cut off by Aphrodite’s sweet cry. Her body tenses for a moment, and- oh god. Her insides squeeze around him, her entire body going slack. Peter grunts, rutting into her while she tightens again, and again, and again. She brings her hands down and gently moves his fingers away from her.  “Need a sec,” she chuckles, the sound turning into another moan when Peter drives forward again. He wants to come, so badly. He’s getting so close so fast and he knows it’s probably too fast, but god- who can blame him. It’s his very first time like this and he just made MJ come around him and she just feels so good, and-
“I can’t wait to taste the two of you mixed together,” Tony mumbles, his voice shaky as MJ’s hand cups his balls, playing with them. “-it would be such an honor. Can I- please? Aphrodite can I please eat you out after he comes?” Cupido growls, inching forward even more, one of his hands creeping up towards the Goddess’ throat. His fingers curl around it and he can feel her fast pulse on his fingertips. Aphrodite gasps and the young God bites down his own lip harshly. The woman loves being choked, loves the pressure, the lack of oxygen for a moment. She’s explained it to him all this time ago and now he has her right here, so he squeezes ever so lightly, aware of his increased strength.  “T-Tony, yes- Permission granted, I- Fuck. Cupido, show me just how strong you are, please. I can take more, I promise, I promise. I’ll tap you if it’s too much but-” Peter tightens his grips and the way MJ’s eyes flutter shut makes his dick stir with need. Just a few more thrusts- just a few more. Oh fuck- “I’m gonna-” Cupido manages to breathe out before he tips right over the edge. His body crashes forward, MJ gasping and pushing her hips up to take him all the way in where he spills inside her. His grip around her throat loosens up, his brain clouded and fuzzy in the best way possible.  Slowly, his breathing comes back down to a more normal pace. He casts his eyes down, staring at MJ’s dazzling sweet smile. She pats the bed on her right, eyeing Tony mischievously. “Your turn, honey.”
Cupido nestles into her side and watches wide-eyed how Tony crawls between her legs needily. His lips capturing her clit expertly. Sucking, licking down more and more until he laps the God’s cum right out of her. It’s a fucking wonderful sight, Peter wants- “You’re still hard, Cupido-” Aphrodite whispers, moaning when Tony touches her just right. Peter grins. “Being Spider-Man has its advantages.” “Oh my… It’s going to be a long night, isn’t-” Aphrodite’s voice turns into a loud whimper when Tony grabs her hips tighter and Peter glances down, seeing how the man drags his tongue over her sweet spot again and again. “It is,” Cupido answers while gripping his own dick. “A long, long night. We’re going to wreck our sweet servant, hmm, Tony?”  “We sure are,” Aphrodite chimes in.
Tony moans.
None of them know what time it is. Late, they guess. The moon is high in the sky and it’s been dark forever. Tony stares at the bodies of his deities; their sweaty skin glows a warm shade under the light of the torches and candles. His gods are spent. Cupido’s cock finally went soft after the fifth orgasm on that bed. Tony wouldn’t have an answer if he was asked how often Aphrodite came. This entire evening- or, well, the whole day- had been intense and now Cupido and Aphrodite are lazily making out while Tony tidies the room.  “You get two orgasms today,” Aphrodite’s voice still lingers in his head. “No more. You get to choose when.” 
Tony hasn’t come a second time yet. His cock aches and has turned a darker shade, veins throbbing to the beat of his heart. He didn’t want to come earlier. Not when his Cupido and his Aphrodite were still chasing their highs. He wanted - no, needed - their hunger to be sated first. To worship them, like he promised he would. His release was not important to him. But now, he can’t help but gently cup his shaft and press it flat onto his abdomen with his palm. He shivers and turns away, not wanting to bother his deities with his needs. They were done. Ready for sleep. And Tony couldn’t- “What do you think you’re doing?” Cupido’s voice is soft, yet stern. Tony shuffles where he stands and slightly ducks his head when he turns back to the bed, slowly. Aphrodite is leaning back on her elbows, head cocked, while Cupido sits up straight, one opened hand resting on Aphrodite’s chest. “I-” “What did I tell you about hiding your pleasure?” Tony’s lip quivers at his Cupido’s words and he lets go of his dick.
“Ouch,” Aphrodite chuckles at the sight. She moves to sit next to Peter, placing her hand on his inner thigh. “Say, you only came once today, didn’t you?” Tony nods, bowing his head. “Yes, my Lady.” “How many times did I say you could come?” “Twice, my Lady.” Before Cupido can jump in to make a comment about how he doesn’t agree with Tony holding back like this, Aphrodite coos and crawls off the bed to stand up. She leans into her hip and rolls her shoulders. Tony knows she must be sore from the thorough fucking, but she somehow manages to keep her composure. She’s still a goddess. “Such a good servant for waiting for us… Isn’t he, Cupido?” She looks back at Cupido, who seems slightly flustered. “He shouldn’t-” “Loyal,” Aphrodite interrupts and saunters over to Tony, cupping his cheek in her hand and smiling at him. “Perfect.” She then purses her lips and sucks at her teeth, letting go of him again. “Cupido is right, though…” Her fingers trail down his neck to his chest, circling around his nipples. “You shouldn’t hide.” She moves lower, drawing patterns on his skin with her index finger, but never touching Tony where he wants her to. “Your worship means nothing if we cannot give back. Your pleasure is a gift to us. Your offering. We crave your release as much as you do.” Tony swallows, but his mouth is dry. He stares down into Aphrodite’s eyes and can’t help but whimper.
Suddenly, Cupido is beside her, shifting Tony’s attention to him. “How would you like to come, caro mio?” Cupido creates goosebumps on Tony’s skin, simply by lightly caressing his arm. “You have given us all we could wish for. Let us give back.” Tony presses his lips on top of each other, flustered at the sudden attention he’s receiving from his gods. “Speak,” Aphrodite whispers, emphasizing the word by lightly tapping the head of Tony’s cock once, causing him to gasp and lean forward involuntarily. “Tell us your darkest desires.” Tony stares at their lips and licks his own, building the courage to say what he wants to say. “I- I would be honored if you-” His jaw twitches and he closes his mouth. “Yes…?” Cupido asks quietly. “If… If you would grant me the touch of your lips on my… On…” Oh, fuck, even just saying it has him throb. He’s not sure if he can even finish the sentence. “Say it, sweetness,” Aphrodite encourages him by pressing into his space a little further. “...On my cock.” Tony gasps when he finally gets it out.
Cupido grins wide. “Are you saying you want us to kneel for you?” Tony steps back, cheeks burning red and shaking his head. “No- no, I didn’t mean-” He finds his back pressed against the wall, his deities not letting him get away. He stares, eyes wide, at Cupido when he slowly gets down on his knees. “You’ve been the sweetest servant for weeks,” Cupido sighs, inching closer to Tony’s cock. Tony can feel his god’s warm breath on his shaft and he grasps at the wall behind him to hold himself up. “It is time I serve your pleasures.” Aphrodite smirks, her hands let go of Tony, only to push her fingers through Cupido’s curls as she also moves down to her knees. Tony could come from the mere sight of the very gods he worships, on their knees in front of him. He can barely believe this is happening. But it is, oh, it is.
Tony moans when Cupido kisses his shaft, causing it to twitch. It is finally getting the attention it has been craving for. Aphrodite joins in, tickling his balls with her tongue before licking a stripe up the shaft. It’s slow, so slow, oh, it hurts. But it feels so good. “Please- oh, god-” Tony couldn’t close his eyes if he tried. All he can do is watch and feel, how Aphrodite grips his thigh and squeezes into the skin. His cock is shining and wet from their saliva. He involuntarily bucks his hips when Cupido licks the precum off the tip, only to spread it over his cock by flattening his tongue on the shaft. 
After a few minutes of absolutely delicious torture, Cupido kisses up Tony’s abdomen to his chest, swirling his tongue around the nipple before leaving long, wet kisses up and up and up until he reaches Tony’s neck. He nibbles the shell of Tony’s ear and uses his hand to caress Tony’s skin everywhere. Aphrodite takes full control over Tony’s cock and he moans obscenely when she wraps her lips around the shaft. She hollows her cheeks and presses her tongue up while expertly bobbing her head up and down and she’s heavenly. He only half notices how his knees give out and he feels Cupido’s strong arms wrap around him to keep him upright.
“So weak for us,” Cupido coos, kissing Tony’s jaw, suckling on it. Tony feels like he’s losing his mind. Or has he already lost it?  “Yes,” he breathes out. “You’re the perfect servant, aren’t you?” “P… Perfect.” Tony can’t even make any coherent finishes through his pants and moans. “Aphrodite is taking your cock so well… Your goddess loves you- I love you.” Cupido’s voice is deep. True. Tony’s god forces him to look down into Aphrodite’s eyes, staring up at him with dark eyes. “Go on, then.” Cupido smiles against Tony’s skin and wiggles himself between Tony and the wall behind him. Their hips are at the same height, Cupido’s dick soft, pushing against the crack of his ass. “Take her head in your hands. Fuck her face, amore.” Tony only barely manages to place his hand on Aphrodite’s hair, gripping weakly. He’s being held up by Cupido. He couldn’t even push himself forward if he tried. “C-can’t-”  “Oh, Tony,” Cupido says with a grin. “Let your god make it possible.” Cupido pushes his hips into Tony’s, making him push further into Aphrodite’s mouth. Tony moans when Aphrodite gags around him. Cupido starts a steady rhythm, helping Tony fuck Aphrodite’s face while whispering the filthiest things Tony’s ever heard. “P-please, so close-” Tony gasps for air, intertwining his fingers with Aphrodite’s hair even further. The goddess takes this as an invitation to speed up, as does Cupido. Tony can barely breathe anymore, short, loud whines fall from his lips with every push into Aphrodite’s mouth. Her hands pump along and play with his balls and the words Cupido says make his mind spin. “ Yes, ” he gasps. “Yes, yes, yes, oh, god, I’m-!”
Aphrodite takes everything Tony gives. Even though this last one was about Tony, they somehow still stuck with their dynamic. Tony’s body thrashes in Cupido’s hold, but his god holds him up with ease. The servant’s orgasm somehow washes over all of them. It’s rewarding. And though Tony is the only one who came this round, they can all feel his afterglow as his eyes roll back, completely giving in to Cupido’s hold.  “Thank you,” Tony slurs. “Thank you, thank you-” His words fade, and his jaw slacks. He’s smiling, and so, his gods do too. Cupido lifts the fucked out body of his servant to carry him back to the bed and it’s not long before all three of them cuddle up and drift off.
It’s quiet and MJ smiles when she can hear the soft waves crashing on the shore far away. She shifts slightly and stares at both boys happily. They’re both fast asleep, their bodies completely spent and fucked-out after hours and hours of sweet lovemaking and pleasure. MJ is slowly falling asleep too. She drags her fingers through Peter’s curls on top of her chest and giggles when Tony’s arm around her waist twitches, she wonders what he’s dreaming about. He looks so peaceful and sweet like this. She nuzzles into his grip and closes her eyes.
Aphrodite. She’s Aphrodite.
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spideyspoods · 5 years
illusions (ffh spoilers)
Pairing: Peter Parker X F!Stark!Reader A/N: tumblr needs to get their act together because this is the SECOND (2nd) time i’ve posted this. i edited the tags and everything on it DISAPPEARED. anyways i hope you like this despite my obvious anguish bc this is one of my favs so far.
Warnings: Mentions of death, manipulation, angst if you look close, and depictions of action sequences.
Word Count: 3k
Y/N Stark was on a plane to Venice all because of her boyfriend, Peter Parker. She thoroughly convinced herself on not going for the main reason being that she wasn’t sure if she would enjoy it because of everything that came before, including her Father’s death. Peter knew that, but he also knew that she deserved a break. After using the infamous Parker Puppy eyes, she packed a suitcase and chose a window seat next to him. “How was your Spider-Man appearance last night?” she teased with a knowing smile. His Aunt May hosted a charity event and in efforts to gain more awareness, and invited Spider-Man over to say a few words. Peter bit his tongue, remembering how awful it was. “I only said four words but I think I nailed it!” Sadly, Y/N could see through his lies. “It could’ve gone much worse! Oh that reminds me, apparently Nick Fury tried to call me-”
“Wait really? What’d he say?” She shifted in her seat, using Peter’s jacket as a blanket. “I don’t know I didn’t answer it.”
“You’re joking. Peter he’s going to tear up the city looking for you now!”
“I just wanted a relaxing vacation for once!”
“That’s out the window now that you ghosted him are you kidding me?” Y/N knew from personal experience that leaving Fury hanging was the quickest way to death. Peter had a point, but she knew that this was inescapable. Peter frowned, not realizing how much of a big deal it was. “He’s probably going to call me instead. Don’t be shocked if he’s one of the flight attendants, Parker. I warned you.”
After eight hours, the group had finally landed in Venice. After setting their bags down in their ‘charming’ hotel, the class had an hour to kill on sightseeing. On the plane, Peter had been memorizing certain Italian phrases to help conversation flow smoothly, but for the most part it made things worse. As they were ordering gelato, he stumbled over his words. Y/N tried to stifle a laugh over his poor pronunciation, before speaking for him. Peter was shocked as Y/N continued taking in the sights.  “You didn’t tell me you speak Italian.”
“I can’t reveal all of my secrets at once,” she winked. Peter looked down, chuckling before shooting his head back up and looking to her. “What? Is it the ‘Peter Tingle’?” Usually he’d make a deal out of it, but this time he just simply nodded and ran towards the canals, Y/N following closely behind.
Water gushed up, raining down as it soaked everyone. “What the hell is that?” Y/N stood up analyzing the scene. “It’s some sort of hydro man? Get everyone out!” she pointed her finger towards safety, leading everyone away from the danger. Ned was one of the last ones to flee, but she stopped him. “Make sure nobody sees me and Peter, got it?” He nodded, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re the definition of power couple?” She rolled her eyes and smirked at the comment before seeing Peter crashing into the bridge. Y/N ran to him, pulling him to his feet. Ready to fight, they saw a trail of green smoke contain the monster.
Left and right, buildings crumbled. Peter was at the bell tower, webbing everything up to minimize the damage while Y/N stood low, scanning for any openings. With one final green blast, the water erupted one more time before disappearing. All of them finally had time to catch their breath. The mysterious man hovered closer to them and spoke, “Thanks for your help. I think we’ll see each other soon.”
Once they had dried off, Peter & Y/N took a seat on the stairs of the hotel lobby. On the small TV in the corner, Italian reporters displayed footage of what had happened moments ago. “They’re calling him Mysterio, man of mystery or something.” MJ remarked.
“I’m just trying to wonder why he has a fishbowl on his head and a cape. That’s poor costume design right there,” Ned said making everyone laugh. With a look of disinterest, Flash crossed his arms. “Yeah but he’s no Spider-Man.” Y/N gave a look to Peter who stayed silent, “You’re right. Spider-Man is much cooler.” Flash’s eyes lit up with excitement, as if he were a child again. “You’ve met Spider-Man?!”
“I thought that was a given. The Avengers are practically my family.” she spoke softly, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her.
“No way! What’s he like?”
“He’s great and super funny. Not to mention he’s kind of cute.” Peter coughed, trying to cover the fact he was blushing. Flash on the other hand didn’t buy it, “He can’t be that cute. You’re dating Peter out of all people.” Y/N simply glared, sending a chill down his spine.
Ned & Peter resigned to their shared hotel room. Just as they entered, Peter’s best friend was shot down by a tranquilizer dart, crashing to the floor. He jumped, turning to see Nick Fury sitting on the small couch. “You’re a hard man to track, Spider-Man.” Shit. Y/N was right. Then again, when was she not?
After a few disruptions he was taken to an underground base to discuss the threats in private. Y/N stood next to the same man they saw earlier, whose actual name was Quentin Beck. “I told you that he’d find you.” Y/N muttered. Beck continued to explain his dilemma. “I come from earth, just not your earth.” “Are you saying that there’s a multiverse because that’d be insane! Actually impossible, that would change the way we think of time and space as we know it!” Peter continued to ramble, before being met with a bored glare from Agent Hill. Quentin looked at the boy with empathy, “Hey. Don’t apologize for being the smartest one in the room.” Y/N knew that it was true, hell the kid was a brainiac, but something felt off about the man. He had taken an interest to both of them and seemed very enthralled. Despite his backstory, it felt as if it was too coincidental to be true. Essentially the mission was to stop the most powerful Elemental in Prague, but it meant ditching their class. Y/N had her fair share of missions already and insisted on going while Peter was reluctant. Fury stayed silent for the rest of the meeting, handing Peter a glasses case before dismissing both of them.
The next morning, Mr. Harrington gathered all of the students for an announcement. “I know the itinerary says that we’re going to Paris, but the travel agency called and offered us a deal to go to Prague instead!” The class cheered while Peter’s face looked pale. Y/N stood next to him, taking his hand into hers. “We need to get some more rest on the bus, we have a fire monster to kill.”
Hours later, Y/N & Peter were in position. They sported their new suits, that were essentially the same thing they were used to but just black to stay incognito. Y/N perched on a tile roof opposite of Peter. There were small crowds of people, mingling amongst the square. Seeping through a metal grate, molten began to pour out. “It’s showtime.” As the lava monster began to form, everyone sprung into action. “Make sure that it doesn’t touch any metal, that’s how it grows!” Y/N eyes darted to the ferris wheel where she spotted Ned & Betty stuck at the top. She stuck her hand out, moving the entire ferris wheel away from the fire elemental. Y/N had telekinesis as a result of a mission gone wrong, and only used it in emergencies.
The monster roared, chasing Peter up the wall as he flipped away. He webbed up a metal pole and jumped, yanking it away from its reach. Quentin took a hit at the monster, only making it even more furious. The battle seemed to have reached a dead end, as it inched closer and closer to the ferris wheel; leaving everything ablaze. “Kid, hold it back!” Y/N put all of her strength into pushing away the elemental, but it was just too strong. She yelled in pain, giving it her all. “That’s it, I’m going in.”
“Beck, what are you doing?” Peter screamed.
“What I should’ve done before!” He ran into the creature, engulfed in flames. The monster tore apart and shattered apart, turning into ashes. Y/N collapsed on the ground at the sudden loss as Peter ran to her, making sure she wasn’t hurt. “Hey hey hey, we did it. Are you alright?” She slowly got to her feet, panting. “I think so? Where’d he go?”
Quentin stirred, before standing back up. “I think I need a drink. Come on, let’s go.” Y/N and Peter looked to each other, “We’re underage.” “What about it?” He continued to walk away, taking his helmet off. Y/N took notice of his face before placing a hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder, “You should go with him, I think I’ll sit this one out, make sure that everyone knows we’re okay.” He squeezed her hand before following after.
Y/N peeled off her suit and freshened up. Her legs were covered with cuts and she spent a while recovering. There was a knock at her door to reveal MJ & Ned. She beckoned them in, locking the door. MJ raised a brow to the suit. Y/N never told her, but she trusted her friend enough to see it. “Something just doesn’t add up. I feel like I’ve seen him before.” She tapped her watch to display a hologram. “SID, do we have any files on a Quentin Beck?” SID, or ‘Stark Industries’ Database’ was her father’s final gift to her.
From a young age, Y/N always had an interest in technology and innovation, something she inherited from her father. Even if it were past her bedtime, Tony would sneak her into the lab; projecting constellations onto the ceiling. He would point out each one and tell stories about what they meant. As little Y/N began to nod off to sleep, he would whisper “I love you more than the sun and stars, pumpkin.” Despite being tired, she always had the energy to respond. “But the sun is a star.” As she grew up, it became their inside joke. Smart kid but a smarter mouth, Pepper would say. When her father passed away, he left a note and the watch. On the band, ‘I love you more than the sun and stars’ was engraved in silver letters. Y/N struggled sometimes, but felt at ease once she knew he was always with her.
SID continued to sift through as Ned marveled at the technology. “Y/N that’s why I came here. I found this at the battle. Looks like some piece of a robot, maybe a drone?” MJ handed her the sleek white machine part. Turning it over in her hands, it whirred to life and projected a scene identical to what happened at the battle. “What the hell,” she whispered.
“One match to Quentin Beck, former Stark Industries employee.” SID chimed. It didn’t take long for her to realize what was happening. “We need to get Peter.” Y/N rushed to the door, before hearing her window slide open. Her boyfriend took off his mask, freezing at the sight of MJ. “It’s fine, she knows. Listen, babe, I need to use EDITH real quick.” His mouth hung open as he tried to find the words, “It’s with Quentin.”
“Why the hell does he have it?”
“I gave it to him!”
“Peter Benjamin Parker, you’re going to be the end of me! That was his plan all along!” Y/N rubbed her temples. “What’s going on?” Ned gestured to SID and the drone piece when Peter realized he messed up big time. Y/N slipped into her suit, turning away from anyone. “Wait, where are you going?” Peter held her arms, worried. “I need to tell Fury, he’s in Berlin and we don’t have any time to waste.”
“I’m going with you!”
“You can’t. If he worked with Stark Industries then I’m the one he’s after.”
“That makes no sense, he’ll hurt you,” he frowned as tears started to form in his eyes. He couldn’t lose her too, especially if he knew that it was his fault. Y/N cupped his cheek in her hand, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. “No. He won’t. MJ and Ned, tell Mr. Harrington I had family matters to attend. Peter, Happy will pick you up to keep you updated.” They all nodded and Y/N grabbed her mask before opening the window. “I love you,” Peter said.
“I love you too.” Just like that, she was out and after Quentin.
A few hours later, Y/N arrived to the sleek building where Fury was supposed to be. She was still dressed in her suit, but wasn’t phased. There were bigger problems to face. A black car eased towards her as she stopped in her tracks. The tinted windows rolled down, showing Fury in the driver’s seat. She slipped in as he drove off, beckoning her to stay quiet before she started talking.
As soon as they made it into a conference room, the worried girl started talking at lightning speed catching him up to date along with Maria. “So you’re saying that Mr. Beck isn’t who he says he is? I’ll admit, I had my doubts about him.”
“He’s a total fraud after power and lies. Here I have this as proof!” She slid the drone piece in their direction. “We have to act fast. Let me go after him, I’m the one he wants anyways.” Nick kept his stone cold glare and before either of them speak, their surroundings flickered and disappeared. “He’s here.” A drone threw an explosion in their direction, as Y/N dived to protect him. She seemed to phase through the ground, landing on her back in a concrete warehouse. “Wow, Y/N. Just when I thought we were finally bonding. I knew Fury had to die, but now you’re convincing me that you need to go too.” Y/N spun around, drones appearing out of thin air surrounding her. “Stop hiding, you coward!”
Her surroundings shifted into a pitch black room, Mysterio inching towards her. “You know, you’re just like your Father. That arrogant son of a bitch only did what he thought would help himself.” Y/N threw a punch at him, only to realize that it was a solid concrete pillar. She winced, seeing Morgan standing at the top of Stark Tower, confused. “Y/N what’s happening?” Her head pounded and she couldn’t see straight. “Stop it!” Beck stood behind her little sister, the ground disappearing as they fell. It seemed endless and she couldn’t wrap her head around it until she crumpled on top of a car. Drones whirled over her head, taking her into another vision. She stretched out her arms, desperate to move them away but they only grew closer.
“You hide behind your Father’s lies, thinking that you Starks are so high and mighty. I’m here to show the truth!” Y/N stood upon stone, a statue of Mysterio looming over her. “Mysterio is the truth!” The weathered stone crumbled, suffocating her. Y/N gasped, face covered in dust and blood. “You’re the reason why your father died, don’t deny it.” His voice echoed into a hollow room. In front of her was his tombstone. Her breath hitched in her throat, before a decaying Iron Man suit took her into a chokehold. She had tears in her eyes, but remembered that it wasn’t real. It shifted once more, this time Tony laying against a rock. The light in his eyes were long forgotten. “You failed me. You’ll,” he stammered “never be enough.”
“Dad!” she reached for him, and closed her eyes. “This isn’t real.”
“Oh, but isn’t it?” Y/N stood on a fire escape 100 floors high as Peter gripped to the edge. “Y/N please,” he pleaded. His eyes were bruised and nose bleeding. “Peter!” The floor creaked and her heart thumped. “Y/N help me!” She grunted, pulling him up. “You’re okay,” she whispered pressing her forehead to his. His eyes turned red, “I never needed you.” Peter pushed her back as the illusion dissolved, and into a speeding train.
She tried to yell, but couldn’t bring herself to breathe. Barely clinging on, she had split vision. Slipping through the train door, Y/N slipped into unconsciousness and away from everything.
Peter wasn’t able to focus at all the entire day Y/N was gone. Ned tried his best to distract him with Star Wars anecdotes, but even that didn’t work. During lunch, he saw Happy talking to his teachers before motioning him to follow. Peter got into the jet, Happy not taking a single second to waste. “What happened? Where’s Y/N? Is she okay?”
“She’s in Broek op Langedijk-”
“What? Where is that? How close are we?”
“Netherlands. We’re an hour out, but she’s alive don’t worry-” Peter scoffed, pacing in the jet. “How am I not supposed to worry? I love her and she can be on the verge of dying right now-”
“I knew I should have gone with her-”
“Peter! I’m going as fast as I can, but I need to concentrate. I care about her too, okay? We just need to try to calm down, can you do that for me?”
As soon as they touched down in a field of tulips, Peter jumped out. Y/N’s eyes were bloodshot and her arms scratched. There was a red stain on her neon orange shirt that she definitely wasn’t wearing when he last saw her. “Y/N thank god you’re okay-” he took her into a hug, only to be pushed away. “Stop it! Get away from me!” He raised his hands up defensively, and felt sharp pain seep through his heart. He had fought villains and had been on the verge of dying, but even that didn’t hurt as much as this.
“Y/N, please.” She was taken back to the moment Quentin messed with her mind. His voice was exactly the same, making the battle in her mind even more difficult to fight.
“No, no. You’re not real!” He stepped closer to her, reaching for her hands. In his grasp, she made fists; trying to hit him. Y/N’s voice trembled, “Let me go! Come on, Beck! Tell me how I failed everyone I know!” She looked him dead in the eye. This wasn’t the Y/N he knew. Now, she looked so weak; something she had never been before. “I’m not Beck, Y/N I swear. I’m here for you and I want to help you.” His eyes were glossy, the girl he loved didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. “Promise me that you’re not some sort of illusion!”
“Y/N I promise!”
“What’s something only Peter & I would know?” He immediately thought back to their first date a year ago. “Okay on our first date I got you flowers, but I didn’t know you were allergic.” Y/N seemed to ease up as he continued. “After you recovered, we went to the fire escape. I told you I love you, even if it might have seemed to early but I told the truth,” Truth, Quentin’s voice echoed in her mind.  “We kissed and May saw us! Remember, she dropped the snack platter?”
Y/N ran into his arms, sobbing. He kissed her and wiped the tears away. Peter took her face into his hands. He whispered words into her ear, stroking her back. “You’re real. You’re here.” He pressed another kiss to her forehead. 
“Yeah, I’m here. I always will be.”
Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated, but not required! My requests and taglist are open! :)
Taglist (sorry for the notif AGAIN): @parkeret @savedbystark @harrysbbby @cutiepiemimi13 @leelee--thebaek @softrdj @happylittlesuns @lovertony @anolddayslover @astromilku @ninja-boss-barbie
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kneewall49 · 5 years
Life in Queensland
27th August, 2019
No one has asked what’s it’s like living in the sunshine state, but I’ll tell you anyway.
Life’s good here, it’s simpler, and as it should be.
Major difference is the ease of getting around by car/bike. No traffic lights keep traffic flowing and once your use to roundabout efficiencies no one gets held up except those that don’t understand the rules, the etiquette or are procrastinators.
No multi level car parks to lose your car in or get held up by a senior trying to work out how to back into a space, or big family with multi kids loading the once a month food shopping of fizzy drinks, pet food and cheese twisties.
Lots of marked motorcycle parking in prime spots is a bonus (for us).
No queues is another bonus, except for gelato on a weekend arvo. When you go to the motor registry, which we have had too on numerous occasions to sort licences and regos, the following happens. You walk into a near deserted customer area and head to the ticket machine. You’ll notice the 4-5 counter staff have eyes fixed on your hand. As you select your required service and the little paper ticket starts to emerge from the kiosk there is movement at the counters as the staff try to get your customer number to light up their counter before each other. It’s a bit like a quiz show. As your checking your number a loud speaker is already calling that number.
All shop staff (except cafes) greet you with ‘want you want luv’ and ‘thanks darl’ as a closer.
Heaps of cafes with good coffee and environs, craft brewers are also springing up everywhere with big budget establishments which are nice to dissect their architectural and detailed construction.
No aeroplanes in the sky, which I miss, but lots of noisy helicopters for some reason, maybe tourist joy flights.
Wed, Sat and Sunday markets are a nice outing for either a stroll, or provisioning. Eumundi markets are very busy and expensive, (even Manabu’s - x CiSRA QA engineer’s Açai) Noosa market is expensive but very high quality and mainly locals, while Yandina market is herbal, bit Scotland Is. like, but good cheap fresh vegetables and interesting second hand tools. Noosa market has apparently the world’s best Portuguese Custard Tarts, but as I’m yet to experience them to date.
We are slowerly getting use to water efficiency, being mindful our tank isn’t bottomless. A washing load uses 50 litres a cycle, 2x showers and there’s another 50 litres even when turning water off to soap up! We are now using the ‘grey’ water to water the new trees and shrubs we have planted rather than using the tank water. I’ll try to jerry rig some roofing to collect ‘free’ rain water but don’t want to over do the squatter development we are creating.
A day now consists of working in the morning till about 12/1 then to the beach on bike for a swim and picnic lunch, then back to work at 2:30/3 till dark. Bit hot in direct sun around lunchtime, but beautiful in the shade. Hope summer is not a killer, but probably will be. Might have to hang at at the freezer section at Woolies during the hot days.
I’ve also discovered 7eleven $1 coffee is on par with a good $4.50 cup, except for the crema. A trip to Bunnings in the morning or arvo includes a $1 coffee stop. I kid you not it’s acceptable (the quality). I buy ground coffee for home at Padres at Noosaville, settling on one blend after trying a few. It’s a cool place with nice but pretty coffee serious staff.
The best cake/bread shop is actually at a Shell garage at Noosaville too. You have to be told, you’d never discover it unless getting petrol. Just awesome French style stuff with lots of choices and they are constantly baking.
Paddler Andy Ross, another refugee from Sydney, has started a TT on the Noosa river on Sunday mornings so that’s now part of the weekly timetable, as is a training session on Friday mornings run by the local kayak shop. Nice bunch, glorious weather, champagne water.
The hinterland provides miles of great roads, cooler weather and cute little villages for stops. Too many craftie shops for my liking but that’s ok, old people have to have something to enjoy. A ride or drive up the hinterland is nice to have a break from digging.
Can’t find any boxing classes unless you pay $20 + for a session, Matt’s classes st North Ryde were a bargain, and hundreds of yoga classes if that’s your (not my) thing.
The beach. Noosa main beach is beautiful as you know. Minimal surf unless the swell is running which makes for a very pleasant cool off. Hastings Street is fabulous too. Just like being in some swish Melbourne Street but right on the ocean. If you holiday in Noosa I’d recommend paying a bit extra and staying on Hastings, it’s worth it by a mile. Forget the car just walk, eat and swim. Staying anywhere else in the area is hardly worth coming for.
Been very dry since we moved. The creek has stopped flowing over the little weir. Grass still nice and green except where I have driven the tractor over it infinite times, turning it to bull dust. Suppose to rain this week which will be interesting to see if we survive the camp out in a wet spell :).
Haven’t seen a snake yet, but I’m told it’s just a matter of time. I walk around like I’m in a mine field. We have jumping ants as we have mentioned which we are gradually eliminating. We also have a ‘cheese tree’ (look it up), which should be called a pumpkin tree, which has the unfortunate attribute of housing those seething balls of catapillars. Bit creepy, especially for Tokyo girls. We have BBQ’d two lots to date. Apparently coming into skin contact with them is not a recommended experience.
Anyway back to work. Digging the driveway at present. Want to get it done so the Port-a-loo lorry can get to down to our loo without having to go thru the neighbours. Everyone needs a goal :).
Btw we now have a lounge available in the annex for one overnight visitor. Who will be first?
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Coming Home Part 2
Harry realizes his mistakes and hopes his girlfriend will take him back.  Hope you all enjoy!  Feedback and Requests are welcomed!  Lots of love!
           Harry sipped the red wine, staring out at the beautiful Italian architect.  Harry’s heart bled with sorrow, stopping his mind from writing music.  Three weeks passed since that fatal night when his relationship died.  Harry never returned home, sending Jeff to pick up his bags.  Harry missed his girlfriend, but his pride stopped his fingers from dialing her number.  His mind wondered how she was.  Did she assume they broke up?  Did she move on with some loser from the bar?  Did she miss him?  Harry missed her.  Harry sighed, tossing the last remnants of the wine down his throat.  Harry slipped off of the comfortable lounge chair and headed inside of the villa he booked.  Jeff ditched Harry, searching for the perfect gelato.  Harry flipped through the pages of his latest read, but his mind constantly landed on her.  She surprised Harry with the book since he took an interest in bettering himself and his soul.  Harry groaned, chunking the book across the tiny living room.  Harry gripped the remote, surfing through channels for anything to calm his mind.  Benedict Cumberbatch’s soothing voice reminded Harry of that awful night. Harry’s heart throbbed with pain. Harry was alone.  Mitch and Sarah ventured out to explore as a couple. Jefferey assumed Harry needed time alone.  Harry wondered if everyone were with him, would he still feel this overwhelming shadow of loneliness hovering over his fragile body?  Harry shuddered, picturing life without anyone.  It wasn’t until that moment that Harry understood her argument. His girlfriend spent months waiting for him to return home.  She had multiple friends and family around her, but the chains of loneliness locked up her heart.  Harry dreamed of holding her, kissing her, and talking nonsense with her.  Why did he ever leave her?  He surely wasn’t going to write any music without her by his side.  Harry scrolled through his phone, booking the next plane to London.  Harry didn’t need someplace new to inspire him.  No, Harry needed the love of his life by his side. * * * 
           Y/N stacked the boxes of cereal in her pantry.  She hummed along with Lewis Capaldi’s heartbreaking lyrics. The warm sun shined in her house, creating a joyful glow around her body.  Since she didn’t have work, she decided to shop and clean up the messy house.  Her mind wandered between dinner and the next spot she needed to clean.  Her friends messaged her nonstop, worried about her recent break with Harry.  Sure, she cried for days, but she was not the type to sit around and wallow in sorrow and self-pity.  In fact, without Harry in her life, she managed to work harder than ever before.  She straightened out her wrinkled shirt, breathing in the scent of lemon cleaner. Her phone dinged with a message from Nick.  Nick checked on Y/N every day since Harry disappeared.  Nick spilled that Harry rented a villa in Italy, and Y/N hoped he finally found happiness.  She pictured beautiful women and men draping themselves over her handsome boyfriend. She huffed, shaking her head.  Was Harry even her boyfriend?  Y/N answered Nick’s call, afraid that he might send an entire emergency squad to her house.   “Good morning, Nicholas.  How are you?” She chirped. Nick snorted, “I’m well.  Are you still putting on this front?” She quirked an eyebrow, “I’m afraid I do not understand what you are getting at.  I am happy.  Harry is happy; therefore, I must move on and be happy.” “Harry is miserable,” Nick admitted. She rolled her eyes, “Then he shouldn’t have left me.  It isn’t my fault that he stormed out of our house and flew his ass to Italy.” Nick chuckled, “You sound quite bitter. Are you sure you don’t love him?” She huffed, plopping down on the lumpy couch, “Nick, you know that I love him.  I cannot sit around and wait for him to return because he might never come back.” Nick hummed, “I agree.  We should celebrate your happiness with alcohol. Are you busy tonight?” She shook her head, “No, unless you count clipping fingernails as a busy night.” “It depends on the length.  I’ll pick you up around seven.” “Great, I’ll be waiting,” She cheered.   Nick hung up, smirking proudly to himself. Y/N still loved Harry, and she needed to realize that Harry loved her too.  Nick saw through her façade and planned to expose her inner sorrow.   * * *
           Y/N sipped the fruity cocktail that Nick ordered for her.  Nick leaned against the bar, giggling obnoxiously at some man’s dance.  Y/N grinned, bopping her head with the beat.  Did her heart clench every time a couple passed her?  Yes because she once had a love that deep.  Did she want to vomit every time a man flirted with her? Yes because to move on feels like cheating.  She was pathetic.  Harry broke up with her that terrible night.   “Hey, what are you thinking about?” Nick asked, flicking her hand. She faked a smile, “I’m thinking about work.” Nick nodded, “Isn’t this Harry’s song?” She froze, listening to Harry’s smooth voice. Her heart melted, relaxing upon hearing her lover’s voice.  Her eyes widened, tearing up whenever she heard the solemn tune.  From the dining table always sent chills down her spine. She told Harry that the song contained a harsh breakup that she never wanted to experience.   “Hey, are you okay?” Nick asked, watching his friend fall apart. She shook her head, “I miss him.” Her chin wobbled as the tears slipped down her pale cheeks.  She stood up from the sticky barstool, adjusting her dress.  Nick followed her lead, paying the bill before she darted. She inhaled, exhaling a shaky breath. Her jagged breath sent her heart into a panic.  Her wide eyes looked around for an exit.  She escaped through the heavy wooden door, vomiting into the nearest bin.  Nick stumbled out of the bar, rushing to her side. She dropped to the floor, sobbing dramatically into her palms.  Nick knelt beside her, rubbing her back in small circles.   “It’ll be okay.  Everyone goes through heartbreak,” Nick stated. She sniffled, wiping under her runny nose. Once her legs gained the courage to stand up, she walked to Nick’s car.  Silent tears streamed down her cheeks the entire ride home.  The events from that dreadful night replayed in her mind.  Why didn’t she stop him from leaving?  Why didn’t she buy a ticket and surprise him in Italy?  Why did she argue with him that night?  She opened the car door, saying goodbye to Nick.  She shuffled up the stairs, unlocking the door.  She dropped her keys in the bowl beside the door, slipped her jacket onto the hook, and kicked off her uncomfortable heels.  Her tired eyes flickered up, catching sight of a single rose sitting on the hardwood floor.  Confused, she followed the rose into the living room, finding another rose on the coffee table.  Another rose waited for her near the backyard door.  She slid the door open, shivering under the chilly night air.  The last rose sat in Harry’s large hand.  She gasped, stumbling backward.  Harry jumped forward, catching her hand.  His messy hair flew up with each gust of wind.  His emerald green eyes looked darker and even more tired than the last time.  Stubble grew on his angelic face.  His raw lips twisted into a hopeful lopsided grin.  Harry looked as if the world chewed him up and spat him out, but she still loved him.  Her heart stammered, wondering if this was real.   “What are you doing here?” She croaked out. Harry smiled, wiping away her tears, “I came home.  I’m sorry. Why did I even leave you?” She sobbed, collapsing into his sturdy arms. He gripped her body closer, missing the way she felt against him.  She shook her head, pushing his body away. “I was okay without you.  You left me all alone, and I learned how to live on my own. Now, you come back after spending weeks in Italy.  Do you want me back because you love me, or you are bored and alone?” Harry whimpered, reaching for her hands, “I love you.  I was a fool to leave you.  I was crazy to suggest leaving you alone.  When I was in Italy, all I could do was think about you.  I couldn’t write any music because you inspire me.  Will you take me back?” She smiled, “Harry, I would always take you back.  I love you.” Harry grinned, “I love you more.” She giggled, leaning on her toes so her lips could press onto Harry’s frozen lips.  Harry sealed the gap, kissing her as if she might disappear.  She broke the kiss, staring wide-eyed at Harry. “What?” He wondered. She gasped, “I forgot.  I have this project for work, and I want to leave for a few months.  Will you be okay alone?” Harry glared playfully, pinching her hips, “You are the worst.” She giggled, slapping his arm, “I’m kidding. I hope you know that you owe me.” Harry smirked, “Let me start making it up to you then.” Harry lifted her up, leading her inside of their house.  Harry shut the door, ignoring the rose petals blowing away in the wind.  Harry’s empty suitcases were locked away in his closet. Harry planned on not leaving her side for a while.  
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coffeeoceannj-blog · 5 years
Coffee Ocean City
Order Coffee ocean in city NJ and satisfy that coffee craving
Over the last several years we have seen a significant boom out there for coffeehouse as both a location to socialize and a place to stock up on caffeinated warm (and even cold) beverages. There was a time when a coffee implied either instant or ground. All the high-end we entered our mugs was if it was filtered. Nowadays, a variety of beverages are readily available on basically every high road. This is great when it comes to option and variant. However, it can be challenging to recognize what to get.
* Coffee - made forcibly warm water via coffee beans, the Coffee is a tiny (little actually) consume that makes up the majority of the other beverages discussed, yet can likewise be taken in on its own for a ruptured of caffeine.
* Latte - Steamed Milk with a shot of espresso, one of the much more typically purchased coffees on the high street.
* Cappucino - Similar recipe to the Cappucino, but this time around with both steamed milk and froth or foam, a much more light and airy drink which is typically covered with chocolate cleaning (or a business logo design in the kind of delicious chocolate dusting!).
* Iced - You can have your coffee made cold and offered over ice. Perfect for those summer days and clammy matches or gowns we put on to work!
* With Syrup - You can try a Vanilla Latte for instance. Hazelnut, Sugar, Cinnamon and various other syrups are commonly contributed to drinks to include a spin.
* Skinny - Just used lower fat milk, which can make a substantial difference when you drink a great deal of it! Some favor the preference.
Coffee ocean in city nj is one of the beverages most enjoyed by individuals. Some would like it cold, while others appreciate it warm. The cafe is now emerging with the expanding number of individuals that most likely to a cafe every day for a cup of coffee while on their way to function or have organization meetings and also personal ones. People who love this type of drink wish to obtain a taste of all the most effective mix of coffee and try every brand-new store that opens up.
But apart from experience in preparing this kind of drink, there are other aspects that we take into consideration in choosing the shop to obtain our bottle. People commonly like a shop closest to their work environment or situated along with their method to their workplace. Those who run out time to prepare a cup of coffee in your home generally grab a mug at the coffeehouse.
Some pupils nowadays often choose to examine or do their jobs in a comfy place, helpful for studying. They want a tidy and silent place where they could assume extra while drinking their favored coffee to maintain them vast awake. Specialists discover the presence of these shops convenient because the majority of them currently provide free internet gain access to for their consumers. With the Wi-Fi link, individuals can explore the internet anything they require for their projects or research study even if they are away from home or office and a delicious coffee in OC NJ would undoubtedly get them influenced to function.
These shops also offer food like cakes, pastries, and sandwiches which has a delectable preference combined with your coffee. Some shops sell other drinks and likewise fantastic equipment that would certainly assist one to prepare their favored coffee easily though their primary goal is to offer the most effective tasting coffee.
The majority of the coffee enthusiasts favor going to coffee bar than prepare it by themselves since they discover their coffee machines in your home so challenging to make use of that they can't even create the real point. Some coffee machine has hard to understand guidelines to adhere to that the customer would end up maintaining it inside their closets and acquire coffee outside instead.
Gelato by itself is a delicious, luscious and smooth jam that takes us back to our childhood years when calorie was a great word the grownups frequently spoke of. When ice cream garnishes were included, we believed that it was much better than the three-letter word that grownups mentioned, also, albeit in whispers when we were about. Well, in several ways, the garnishes on ice lotion change a good reward into a delicious piece of heaven, don't bother the included calories.
Even the names are sufficient to move us into fits of expectancy. Caramel, fudge, strawberry, raspberry, chocolate, peanut butter and butterscotch, sprinkles, M&M s, crushed cookies and Oreos, nuts, candies, and the supposed Magic Covering - these are simply a few of the garnishes and sauces that most of us love. As our preferences expanded, we may add wine-based seasonings to our ice-creams - exotic, yes, however very tasty, indeed.
The donuts ocean in city nj! They are available in all sizes, shapes, flavors, and shades. They can be consumed every day, dipped right into a drink or even added to other delights. So what is it regarding this little treat that so conveniently grabs our focus. It the taste? The smell? Maybe it is merely the background of the Donut that attracts us to it. Possibly we will bring out something brand-new to change these delightful treats in the future; however, for now, believe it is just great that donuts in OC NJ has swayed our hearts. Appreciate those yummy treats and whether you eat them on their own or with another thing I am sure your mouth will thanks.
Nevertheless, when it involves ice-cream garnishes, each person's selection must be respected merely since you will certainly not be the one consuming them. Even better, you should move far from your convenience zone and attempt new tastes. You will be shocked at how even the oddest-sounding sauce tastes so tasty you will undoubtedly regret not eating it several moons back. Buy ice cream ocean in city nj for an amazing taste.
Toppings and sauces can be gotten in numerous on the internet websites and supermarkets. We recommend purchasing online for the sheer number of selections readily available in addition to for the ease and benefit of online buying. To give more details on the many ice-cream sauces and toppings:
* Sweet toppings are usually rounded fit and can include cinnamon Imperials, Reese's pieces, Skittles, and seasoning drops.
* Nut garnishes like peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans, and pistachios.
* Baked toppings like chocolate chips, butterscotch, and cookies.
* Sprinkles from white to all shades of the rainbow.
* Gummy candy in rainbow colors and numerous forms from animals to hearts.
* Sauces like hot fudge, caramel, and butterscotch.
* Magic was covering garnishes, which solidifies when it can be found in call with the ice cream, in many flavors.
* Fresh fruits container be chopped and placed as toppings with whipped cream for included panache.
Regardless of the ice-cream garnishes we choose, it always appeared like vanilla-flavored ice-cream was the best base. No surprise there as vanilla is a blank slate after which several flavors can be positioned on and still the preference of both vanilla and whatever covering was used. Call it a synergy between ice-cream and topping, if you will. But this does not necessarily mean that nothing else ice-cream flavor will do. For instance, we were understood for mixing peanut butter gelato with a banana-flavored sauce and then topped with practically anything from sweet sprinkles to smashed cookies, also jelly. Yes, it may have appeared gross to the adults, yet it was pure heaven to a youngster's mouth.
Coffee shop proprietors are continually trying to find a new item to contribute to their product offerings to raise traffic and profits. If you are searching for the best mix with your cafe, think about an iced cake - ice cream or gelato. There are numerous factors you would certainly advise the coffee ocean in city NJ Ice cream sea in town NJ.
Needs to be among the most revitalizing summer seasons treats offered. This yummy, frozen dessert combines the rejuvenating coolness of ice cream with the tantalizing taste of the coffee. Consider a little energy increase from the coffee ... and you've got yourself a real summer treat. Take a look at ice cream in OC NJ for once in while.
Desserts attract people together in similar method coffee does. It is a social, pleasurable treat that combines friends and urges team trips - a favored reward after softball games, football matches, and other group events. If you choose to serve gelato or gelato, think about the tastes that could go best in your locale and just how you may market it. Try donuts sea in city NJ for now and then a minimum of.
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
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Natalie Jones and the Golden Ship
Part 1/? - A Meeting at the Palace Part 2/? - Curry Talk Part 3/? - Princess Sitamun Part 4/? - Not At Rest Part 5/? - Dead Men Tell no Tales Part 6/? - Sitamun Rises Again Part 7/? - The Curse of Madame Desrosiers Part 8/? - Sabotage at Guedelon Part 9/? - A Miracle Part 10/? - Desrosiers’ Elixir Part 11/? - Athens in October Part 12/? - The Man in Black Part 13/? - Mr. Neustadt Part 14/? - The Other Side of the Story Part 15/? - A Favour Part 16/? - A Knock on the Window Part 17/? - Sir Stephen and Buckeye Part 18/? - Books of Alchemy Part 19/? - The Answers Part 20/? - A Gift Left Behind Part 21/? - Santorini
Of course it’s not gonna be that easy for them to get Newton’s notebooks.
Santorini was the type of place people saw so many pictures of that it was easy to forget it was a real place.  Postcards, calendars, and advertisements made it look like paradise, with blinding white walls under a deep blue Aegean sky, an intriguing maze of cobbled streets and colourful flowerpots and swimming pools that overlooked cliffs by the sea, with the fluttering Greek flag and the famous blue church domes to set it off.
The reality was slightly grubbier, in the same sort of way that the Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan was never as white as it looked in pictures, and infinitely more inhospitable.  The white walls reflected the merciless Mediterranean sun so that looking at the ground was nearly as painful as looking at the sky, and while there were isolated and artificial garden spaces, actual trees were stunted and windblown and provided no shade.  Outside the Kratikos airport, rows of grapevines hugged the earth instead of climbing on trellises, on properties bordered by walls of charcoal-like red and black volcanic rock.
Clint flapped at the front of his shirt as they waited to rent a car.  “Ten minutes here and I’ll fry like an egg,” he complained.
“My pasty Viking ancestors are already cursing me and all my descendants to the tenth generation,” Sharon agreed.
“At least somebody remembered to bring sunscreen,” said Sam, his voice heavy with sarcasm as he pulled the bottle out of his bag.
The others, all of them far paler than he, looked at him in astonishment.
“For your information,” he said, annoyed, “I can sunburn, too, it just doesn’t show as much.”  He opened the bottle and began smearing the cream on his arms and neck.
They passed the sunscreen around, everybody taking some.  Nat made sure to put some on her nose and cheeks, not wanting to break out in freckles.  Sir Stephen tried to refuse, saying it would be a waste, but Sharon wouldn’t let him.
“Take off your shirt,” she ordered.
He pulled it off, and she began rubbing on sunscreen.
“There is really no need,” Sir Stephen complained.  “My injuries heal, even burns from the sun.”
“Yes, but isn’t it so much nicer not to get burned in the first place?” Sharon asked.  “Besides,” she added, kissing his cheek, “this way I get to run my hands all over you in public.”
“I was just thinking that,” said Sam.  “Can we all have a turn?  I call next.”
“Me third!” said Clint.
“Me fourth!” Jim chimed in.
“Notice now it’s the boys who want to oil him up,” Nat said to Allen.
Meanwhile Sir Stephen, who came from a much more sexually conservative world and was sometimes easily flustered, was turning redder and redder, until it almost looked like he was sunburned already.  He blushed in his chest as well as his face, which made the reaction even funnier.
Once everybody had some protection from the ferocious sunlight, they set off for the home of Aleksandr Maslanka, which Nat had located by some judicious illegal use of ten minutes of wi-fi in the Athenian airport.  What they were going to say to him when they arrived was still an open question.  They’d gotten away with a surprising amount of absolute bullshit while they’d been following the Red Death earlier in the year, simply by saying they were archaeologists.  Nat wondered whether the same thing would work in Greece, where as the Elgin Marbles illustrated, people were far more protective of their archaeology.
The house was in the middle of the island, just below the monastery and cell phone towers that occupied the highest peak.  The view as they drove up the winding road was spectacular, with the entire Thira caldera spread out below, including the black pit of Santorini Crater in the very middle.  A gleaming cruise ship was anchored off shore, with smaller boats coming and going to take people to the island.
The whole place was clearly volcanic, Natasha thought.  What had made Desrosiers so certain that it was actually a nuclear explosion?  Perhaps, she mused, the self-destructing Philosopher’s Stone had set off the volcano. Maybe the blast had been powerful enough to crack open a magma chamber, and the island had been hit by a double disaster.  That was the sort of thing that could definitely inspire mythology.
There were two buses full of tourists at the scenic outlook, taking pictures of the vista and buying snacks from a couple of enterprising fruit and beverage vendors who must have to make the drive up from Perissa or Emporio every morning with their wares.  Sharon very slowly navigated the group’s van between people and other vehicles, and then rounded the peak to Maslanka’s house, which was isolated behind a stone wall and a row of scrawny olive trees.
They parked outside the gate, and Nat went up to press the buzzer.  It was windy up on top of the hill, but over the roaring in her ears she could just barely hear the voices of the others, waiting in and around the van.
“Ten Euro says he’s been dead for years and nobody’s heard about it,” said Clint.
“You’re on,” Sam nodded.
The speaker next to the buzzer rustled.  “Can I help you?” a male voice asked in Greek.
“Yes, you can,” said Nat.  “I’m Dr. Natalie Jones from the University of Dundee in Scotland.  I was hoping I could speak to Mr. Maslanka about his Newton books.”
“I’m sorry,” the doorman replied, “that’s not going to be possible.”
“May I ask why?” Nat said.
“Mr. Maslanka is in Gdańsk, seeing to legal proceedings with his ex-wife,” the doorman explained.  “We don’t know when he is expected back.”
“Do you have a telephone number where we can reach him?” Nat asked.  She’d always found that being there in person got people to do things for her they wouldn’t do over the phone – possibly just to get rid of her – but it was possible he might give them permission over the phone.
There was a pause.  “Yes,” said the doorman, “but I don’t know if he could let you in even then.  This house and everything in it are contested property in Mr. Maslanka’s divorce.  He might have to ask the court if he could let you in.”
That did not sound promising.  “Give me the number anyway,” said Nat.
She wrote it down, and then returned to the van.  Clint and Sam were leaning out the window to see what she’d have to say.
“Is he dead?” asked Clint.
“No, he’s arguing with his ex-wife over who owns this house,” Nat replied.
“Ha!” said Sam, poking Clint in the ribs.  “Pay up!”
Clint opened his wallet to give him a ten-Euro note.
“So what do we do?” asked Allen.
“We find a phone and call him,” said Nat.  She looked up at the masts on top of the hill.  “You think Fury would be willing to pay my roaming charges?”
They decided that a phone bill was not something Fury would want to be bothered with, and returned to the town of Emporio to use a pay telephone.  The long-distance charges were probably just as expensive as the roaming would have been, but she got in touch with Maslanka’s lawyer – a very tired-sounding woman named Beata Kowalczyk.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Jones,” she said to Natasha, “but Mr. Maslanka is very busy and he can’t speak to you right now.  I can make an appointment for you… how does next Friday sound?”
Natasha wondered what Ms. Kowalczyk would think if she told her it was an emergency.  The idea of a historical or archaeological emergency seemed ridiculous even to her, and she’d already lived through one of them.
“Thank you,” she said, “I’ll have to look at my schedule.  May I call you back?”
“Of course,” said Ms. Kowalczyk.
Natasha hung up the phone and returned to the gelato booth up the street, where the others were waiting for her.  They all had cones, and as she approached, Sharon offered her one.
“Lemon and raspberry,” she said.
“Thanks,” sighed Nat, taking it.  In the suffocating Santorini heat, it was already melting.
“No luck, I’m guessing,” Sharon added.
“He can talk to us about it next Friday,” Nat said.
“Let me guess,” said Sam.  “We’re going to steal them, right?”  He was smiling as he said it, though.  “Because I have an idea.”
“Do you?” asked Nat, and then followed his eyes.  He was looking up, at the seabirds wheeling above the island.  Their adventure with the Holy Grail had left Sam with something that might be called a superpower – as a child, he’d been fascinated by the story of Sir Sigmund, who could understand the language of birds.  It had proven useful in his job at Raptor Rescue.  Maybe it could help them now.  “I bet you do.”
They headed back out of town into the vineyards on the volcanic slopes, until Sam stopped the van next to a farmhouse that doubled as a bed and breakfast. There he climbed out and held up an arm. Within seconds, two doves and a small falcon came and perched on him, all of them very gentle and seemingly uninterested in each other.  He stroked and scratched them, and removed a large tick from under the falcon’s chin and flicked it away, then spoke to them in a very serious tone.
“We’re looking for three sets of writings in red leather notebooks, in the big house at the top of the mountain,” he said.  “Sharon!  Do you have that picture?”
Sharon got out of the van and offered the photograph Fury had sent them – it was from when they’d been sold to Maslanka, listed on Christie’s.  “Here,” she said.  “They’ll have this inside the cover.”  She turned to a second picture, showing them Newton’s name written in looping sixteenth century script.
“If you find them, come back and tell me about it,” said Sam.  “While you,” he added to the falcon, “sit on the books. Don’t let any humans near them except us.  Do you understand?”
The birds tilted their heads from side to side, as birds did.  Anybody who hadn’t been with them at the Battle of the Tower, Nat thought, would think Sam was crazy.
“Brilliant.  Go.” Sam held up his arm.  The birds took off and circled once or twice before flying away towards Maslanka’s house.
Jim shaded his eyes with one hand as he watched them go, then turned to Sam.  “So, uh, you talk to birds,” he said.  He didn’t sound disbelieving, more resigned, as if he should have figured it would be something weird.
“Yeah,” said Sam with a grin, rubbing a spot where the falcon’s talons had pierced his skin, drawing blood.  He didn’t seem to mind too much.  “Don’t tell me it’s a Disney Princess thing,” he added.  “I know it’s a Disney Princess thing.”
“I was gonna say it’s awesome,” said Jim, “but on second thought, you’re right. It’s totally a Disney Princess thing.”
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keywestlou · 4 years
I have said it before, I say it again. January 6 was another Pearl Harbor. The insurgent opposition must be destroyed. Sounds strong. It is!
The insurgents would have done more if they could have on January 6. Imagine Pence hanging from the gallow. Pelosi killed.
Hundreds are being arrested. Whatever the number, it will be minuscule when compared to the number actually attacking the Capitol. Hundreds in no way equates to the 8,000 estimated to have participated in the attack.
Each insurgent group must be sought out. Their camps, offices destroyed. Their members arrested and tried. Total destruction of the enemy is required.
The insurgents are the “enemy.” January 6 has emboldened them. We must get them before they get us. It is like the Civil War as well as Pearl Harbor.
The enemy has fired the first shot. Retribution and destruction in order.
Not the time to sit and wait for the enemy’s next move. It is time to be active, not reactive.
Religion can be carried to extremes. Nonsensical ones.
Coronavirus has come in conflict with abortion.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has instructed U.S. bishops to advise Catholic health systems not to use the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. It has something to do with what has been described as a “remote” connection between abortion and the vaccine. Something to do with “cells.” Specifically what, I could not ascertain. When I can, I will let you know.
The health systems are in a quandary. What do they do with the John and Johnson vaccines already received? Should they listen to the Bishops Conference and follow its dictates re use of the vaccine?
To listen to the Bishops Conference places health systems and others at risk.
Some Bishops do not accept the dictates of the Bishops Conference. They believe being anti the Johnson and Johnson vaccine requires Bishops to take an anti-life position.
Both positions anti-life.
Anti-abortion has become a theoretical moral purity. Must it become a position that places the lives of Catholics, the lives of others, and the common good at risk?
The Bishops Conference promoting avoidance of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is another example of why Catholic Churches have fewer and fewer active members. Note as my past writings indicate, the Bishops Conference and Pope Francis are not on the same page with many issues. Francis has taken no position with regard to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
U.S. citizens along the way have become more and more independent. Even the government cannot tell them what to do. They will make their own judgments. The face mask issue an example.
State legislatures are expressing what they perceive as their right to avoid obeying federal laws and orders.
Georgia and Albama with their pending legislation to change voting laws an example.
Some states are going even farther. The North Dakota and South Dakota legislatures are in the process of invalidating all of what they perceive are unconstitutional Biden orders. The two states are heavy Republican. The legislatures overwhelming Republican. As are their governors. The proposed law in each state will without question become law in each state.
The “orders” involved include: Executive orders relating to the use of land, regulations on agriculture, regulations on natural resources such as oil and coal, regulations on pandemics or other health emergencies, the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
States do have the right to reject unconstitutional laws coming from the federal government. Normally done through court proceedings. Not unilaterally without the courts being involved.
North and South Dakota want to go their owns way, however.
The Constitution’s Supremacy Clause enjoins each state to follow laws that are Constitutionally sound and only on issues that the Constitution granted purview to the federal government to determine.
Years of litigation will follow the new laws.
The problem again is no one wants to listen to “authority.” People and some states consider themselves “the authority.”
Over a half million Americans have died because of COVID-19, Russia, the Middle East and China re threatening problems. To mention just a few of the heavy matters confronting the U.S.
The Republican mouthpiece FOX News and some Congressional Republicans have recently been expressing their positions re what has become labeled as “Cancel Cultural Wars.” The title in itself confusing.
Involved are children’s shows and books like Dr. Seuss, The Muppet Show, M. Potato Head, and Sesame Street.
I suspect because the base of the Republican Party has dramatically changed. It is no longer the “establishment” party. Educated serious minded persons. Rather it has become the party of “blue collar” persons.
Issues are sought which new found Republican voters can understand and follow.
DAY 39…..Greece the First Time
Posted on July 5, 2012 by Key West  Lou
I got lost!
Only to me would it happen.
Comogli runs upwards from the Mediterranean. My apartment is directly on the ocean. Each block ascends in parallel fashion behind me.
The horizontal/parallel streets are ok. They run normal in a straight line. It is the vertical streets that are the problem. There are streets and alleys running up and down. The alleys, though narrow, are as much a thoroughfare as the streets. The vertical streets and alleys bend and twist all over the place.
I was at an internet shop several blocks up. Took a large number of steps and one long street to get to the internet store. When I left the internet store, I got confused, screwed up. I missed the first set of stairs. Tried several others. No good. Then tried the alleys. Even worse.
I knew I would eventually get out. I could see the Mediterranean below me. I just needed to find the correct opening to get down to it.
I finally did. It was a major accomplishment!
There is a palazzo a few steps from the internet store. Note, palazzo. I am starting to speak like a native Italian.
I sat on a bench. There was a nearby street fair. I wanted to watch the world go by.
I lit a cigarette. Bad, I know. So did some one else. There was an elderly man (like me) sitting on the next bench. Italian. He came over and started speaking to me in Italian. Though I could not understand him, I knew what he was talking about. The evils of smoking.
I let him finish. Then I let him know I did not understand Italian, only spoke English.
His face lit up. He started the tirade again. This time in English. He was proud to show off his ability to speak English.
He sat with me for a while. We talked of his experiences back in 1960 in the United States. He had been in Cuba on business. Flew to Philadelphia and then to California where he spent some time. He congratulated me on the Fourth of July. He knew our history intimately.
I was ashamed. I had forgotten it was July 4, Independence Day. Other than my new found friend, there was no other person or thing to remind me. Additionally, days and dates run into each other when you are bouncing around as I am. I rarely am sure of the day of the week let alone a date.
My friend’s wife came along. He introduced me and they were on their way.
There was a large statue in the palazzo. It was a memorial to Nato A. Camogli. I tried to look him up on the internet. He is there. All over the place. However, every article is in Italian so I never got his background.
I swam a bit in the Mediterranean and sun bathe in the afternoon. To swim, you have to pay. Just like the Jersey Shore and Cape Cod. The beaches were unique. No sand. Stones. Each about 3-4 inches in diameter. Hurt the feet. The water was not clear as it had been in Greece. Murky like Key West used to be.
Then a nap. The sun was hot and tiring. My apartment for some reason cool. No air conditioning. I think it is the three foot walls.
Clotheslines come into play again. I raised the issue with my new friend in the palazzo. He, too, said it was because sun dried is better. I think he is wrong, also. These people have never known the joy of an electric dryer so they cannot compare.
He also told me many of the buildings were built with special pipes to hold the clothesline between windows or buildings. He assured me my apartment had one.
When I returned to the apartment, I checked. Sure enough, there below the window ledge in the living room was a clothesline. It ran from one living room window to the other. There were pipes at each end firmly affixed to the walls. A roller on each.
I had my own clothesline and never knew it!
Dinner was at another sea side cafe. Another excellent meal!
I had a local dish. Whereas the polenta was bad from my perspective, the pasta special dish was not. Oh, so good!
It is called trofie. A small curly thin macaroni. It was served with a pesto sauce. If I ate no more, I had dined like a king!
Broiled fish was my entree. I was taken into the kitchen. There were several glass vats with fish swimming around in them. I picked my own fish for dinner. I could not help thinking I was also passing a death sentence on the fish selected.
The cooked fish was a winner!
I took a walk along the sea side after dinner. The area is like a huge boardwalk. Except that it is about 40 feet wide and constructed with brick and stone from a thousand years ago or better.
Speaking of bricks, there are many in arches under buildings and walk ways. Some one told me the bricks were from medieval times. He showed me how they were half the size of today’s brick. He was proud to explain how they had held up over the ages.
I desired ice cream. It is gelato here. You buy it at a galateria. I enjoyed a soft chocolate on a cone.
Gelato back home in Utica is different. It is hard. Great taste. Better than present day gelato.
I figured out years ago when I visited Rome why there was a difference between Utica’s gelato and that of Italy. It is the time factor. My people came to the new world between 1880 and 1920. They brought with them the cooking and food of that time in Italy. Gelato was hard back then.
Time changes everything. From the hard delicacy of yesteryear to the softer one of today. Both good. Again however, I prefer the older.
Never made Portofino yesterday. I get comfortable and say another day. I am running out of days. This afternoon Portofino is on my schedule. A car is not the way to get there. No parking. I have been told to take the train. For one stop only. Then a boat for a short ride to Portofino. Not easy. But I will get there.
Enjoy your day!
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calorieworkouts · 4 years
23 Weight-Loss Tips That Actually Worked For Women Just Like You
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There's no question that employing a trusted registered dietitian is the means to go when you're attempting to make a big modification to your lifestyle.
But you understand that else has some pretty damn suitable ideas when it pertains to dropping pounds? Individuals that have really done it themselves.
Here, 23 various women share small tricks that helped them lose weight (and also keep it off).
1. Ditch your trigger foods.
Bags of chips. Tubs of crackers. Additional Halloween candy. Do away with anything that's a weak place, specifically any foods you've binged on in the past. 'If you understand you'll damage into the remaining birthday cake at twelve o'clock at night, throw it quickly,' states accountant Brandy Thele, that shed 130 extra pounds after she was detected with kind 2 diabetes mellitus.
Instead, swap 'restricted' foods for much healthier replacements. As opposed to swearing off treat completely, for circumstances, indulge in fresh fruit after meals. As well as if your partner or youngsters balk at your chucking the gelato, hide it behind the icy edamame so you don't glance it every single time you open up the freezer.
2. Hold on your own responsible ... for every little thing.
Keep a food diary as well as consist of everything (yes, that bite of your toddler's mac and cheese matters) so you can see where the calories come from. Day-care supervisor DJ Gray listed what she consumed and tracked her calories with the SparkPeople app on her way to shedding 115 pounds.
3. Produce an assistance system online.
Social media can be a powerful incentive to stick with your plan and make progress, Christina Donatella, now an individual fitness instructor, established up a Facebook page about her diet plan and workout routines and dropped 180 pounds.
Are you captured up on Jenna Jameson's weight-loss journey?
4. Take note of section dimensions.
So lots of dieters undervalue just how much they're eating. Devices and also devices can help: Teacher Jen Punda downloaded and install the MyFitnessPal app to help her gauge serving dimensions and also dropped 91 pounds, stay-at-home mother Krystal Sanders acquired a portion-control plate, which educated her to eyeball healthy and balanced portions of healthy protein, veggies, and starches.
5. Cook your own food.
Research reveals that individuals that prepare the majority of their own meals take in fewer calories, carbs, sugar, and fat than those who prepare seldom. If you insist you're also overloaded, try this method from paralegal Jessie Foss, who shed 100 pounds: On Sunday, work up a big batch of something healthy and balanced, like soup from a slow cooker, and also eat it throughout the week.
6. Do not nix the fiber or fat.
Fiber broadens in your belly and also requires time to digest, both of which aid keep you really feeling complete for longer. Great resources include entire grains, veggies, as well as whole fruit (not juiced). Healthy fats like olive and nut oils-in moderation-improve flavor, give you energy, and also help your body use specific nutrients. Alexandra Shipper included healthy and balanced fats, such as avocado, to healthy protein sources like eggs as well as fish on her method to going down 55 pounds.
7. Do not really feel required to go to the fitness center.
When you're at your heaviest, it can be frightening to step right into a health club and start running or lifting among the spandex-clad. Exercising in your very own space is likewise merely less complicated to schedule-you can lift weights while the child naps or very first point in the morning without dragging yourself out the door. 'I bought a stationary bicycle so I can function out whenever I want,' states Sarah DeArmond, who shed 100 extra pounds.
8. Job weights into your workout routine.
To drop significant lbs, you require the one-two strike of cardio exercise plus strength training. Resistance assists construct and also protect metabolism-boosting lean muscle mass while shedding fat and is particularly crucial when you hit a plateau. Amanda Eco-friendly lost 15 pounds in 2 months doing hour-long cardio DVDs, but it wasn't till she started running outside and training weights three times a week that she was able to ditch the last 15 of her 30-pound objective.
9. Difficulty yourself by enrolling in a race.
Jessica McMullin signed up for her first race, a 5K walk-run, hoping an obstacle would certainly help motivate her to shed weight-which it did, method greater than she could have pictured. 'I absolutely fell in love with running, it changed my whole life,' she states.
Not only did it aid her shed 60 extra pounds, yet making it a day-to-day practice also helped her overcome her depression. Now she stays motivated by remaining to challenge herself with brand-new race goals. To day, she's completed over 100 different races.
10. Do not promise off your favorite deals with for excellent.
Little treats keep you from feeling robbed, so everyday, allow on your own a little bit of something you enjoy (go for 150 calories each). This kind of small amounts is the distinction between a 'diet' and also a way of life you can stick to for life. For salon proprietor Caitlin Gallagher, who shed 125 pounds, that indicated changing her every night bowl of ice cream with a square of chocolate, social worker Brittany Hicks, that lost 100 pounds, started cooking mini variations of her favorite pies.
11. Always ensure you have a plan.
When going out to supper, follow the lead of law enforcement agent Larissa Reggetto, who dropped 105, and also look up the food selection ahead of time to prevent impulse buying.
12. Stick to a routine.
Too much selection in your diet regimen can tinker your satiation cues and also make you eat way too much, so include some (tasty) monotony to your routine. One easy way: Consume the exact same healthy and balanced breakfast and/or lunch daily during the week, and appreciate new tastes on the weekend break. The most effective feature of that strategy, claims 69-pound-loser (emergency room, champion?) Melanie Kitchen area: 'I really did not need to keep developing new dishes!'
13. Have a positive weight-loss rule.
When Katrina Plyler decided to take control of her weight, she chose to try the Whole30 as a way to reset as well as commit to her objectives.
' That initial day was so tough, I nearly caved and also grabbed the vending equipment at job yet I kept in mind a quote I carried my Facebook web page that claimed 'The only thing standing between you as well as your objective is the bullshit tale you maintain informing yourself as to why you can't attain it' which was enough to make me avert from the machine,' she says.
She completed the entire month of the Whole 30 and stuck to a clean Paleo-style diet regimen afterward. Within a year she was down 46 pounds. 'I always keep that quote close-by and also reread it when I'm really feeling weak,' she adds.
14. Search for things to include to your life, not deduct.
Starting a weight-loss journey can be hard, particularly if you're quiting a great deal of points you love. Shannon Hagen's key to remaining positive while dropping weight? 'I never ever consider it as giving points up, that makes me feel deprived,' she states. 'Rather I concentrate on adding in one little healthy change at a time, until it comes to be a practice.' Instead of being bummed over not having your normal dish of ice lotion before bed, attempt a new healthy dessert recipe to include to your file.
15. Focus on what you wish to acquire, too.
Chronic migraine headaches were what first inspired Amanda Tagge to begin working out. 'I was intending to discover some remedy for my frustrations as well as working out did aid however I realized that if I truly desired to really feel much better I required to overhaul my health habits overall and slim down,' she claims. The even more she transformed, the far better her frustrations obtained and she lost 70 pounds in the procedure which aided her feel even better. Concentrating on right her wellness was enhancing kept her going even when the range wasn't moving.
16. Track your fruits as well as veggies.
Snacking is the crucial to Mary Rogerson's 60-pound fat burning but it's not just exactly how usually she eats yet what. 'I intend to eat at least 7 portions of vegetables a day, in addition to some protein, every couple of hours,' she states. 'And also The finest component is that by the time she's filled up on her rainbow of fruit and vegetables, she's usually also full to eat much else as well as her yearnings for sweets have actually gone method down.
17. Consume something rejuvenating as quickly as you wake up.
' Every morning I consume alcohol a mug of warm water with half a lemon pressed right into it, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and a dashboard of cayenne pepper,' states Michelle Keough. This assists her beginning her time off on a healthy note while obtaining her moisturized after a long night. This technique, integrated with eating meals constructed around healthy protein as well as veggies, helped her lose 20 pounds and also keep it off.
18. Try establishing an 'consuming home window.'
Connie Jory advocates recurring fasting-eating during a certain window of time, like from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. consuming at all.
' In the beginning it was difficult to adapt to but I've found that if I stick to only consuming within my collection home window, the hunger pains vanish and I don't even think of food.' This intermittent fasting method has actually assisted her shed greater than 70 pounds.
19. Make treats a real treat.
' I have one hell of a wonderful tooth, therefore I have to decline to bring sweet, cake, or sweets right into the residence, period,' claim Lin Williams, who's lost 105 extra pounds. Rather, if she desires a reward she has to want it poor enough to get up, obtain in the cars and truck, leave her house, as well as go to the store-a procedure that rarely really feels worth it. As well as on the rare occasion she does indulge? 'I get specifically what I want as well as enjoy every bite of it!' she says.
20. Use a loved one as inspiration.
Finding the inspiration to work out as well as drop weight was difficult and as a busy mama Sabrina Winder can never appear to discover the time. When her son decided to do a biking value badge for Kid Scouts, unexpectedly helping her youngster indicated helping herself also.
' My reason made use of to be that I really did not intend to leave my kids alone to work out, however this assisted me see I can still do it and simply include them,' she states. Currently she's slimming down and obtaining trimmer while setting a healthy and balanced example for her children. 'It's a win-win for our entire family,' she adds.
21. Don't really feel poor for saying 'no' often.
' My father resembles a food-pushing wizard, he's always pulling stuff out of his pockets or showing up with delicious food,' states Mary Mock. While the family members tradition of shock sugary foods was fun, when it came time to lose weight, she knew she needed to place a quit to all that lure. 'At first, he seemed hurt when I kept claiming no yet when I explained it was for my wellness, he hopped on board. Sometimes I still have to remind him though!' she says.
22. Discover ways to treat on your own without food.
Making the connection between her stress and anxiety and also her food desires was a game-changer for Kelly Pedestrian. 'I understood that by the end of the day, I simply wanted something to relax me down as well as so I 'd binge on delicious chocolate,' she states.
' Regarding a year ago, I started looking for other ways to handle my stress and anxiety besides consuming, like washing or doing acupuncture.' She's lost over 40 extra pounds but the finest component is that she feels extra unwinded than she's ever been. 'It ends up that eating all that sugar was making me much more distressed, making a ferocious cycle.'
23. Make your refrigerator a 'healthy and balanced treats just' zone.
Having a healthy option within your reaches when you're depriving can make all the distinction in between sticking to your objectives as well as providing in to temptation. 'I keep little containers of hummus and also carrots, pickles, nuts and dried out apricots, salsa and rice biscuits, and other healthy and balanced combos in the front of my fridge and also kitchen so they are literally the initial thing I see when I unlock,' claims Lita Moreno. 'I don't also offer myself a selection to rip off.' This little change has aided her decrease virtually 80 pounds.
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