#I need to check Tony’s height now
aarons-corner · 10 months
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missvelvetsstuff · 5 months
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
I try to keep my Reader description vague but she's a she and above average height
Here goes nothing
Chapter 1
Warnings: Swearing, mostly angst, eventual happy ending.
Y/N, or Cookie to her friends, was at her desk, trying to finish her report so she could leave work early for one of Tony Stark's parties. This wasn't her first time but tonight her bff and mostly secret crush, Bucky Barnes, was escorting her. It wasn't the first time for that either but tonight felt different. Usually they met at the elevator but when they spoke earlier he said he would pick her up at her room. They had been getting closer in the last few months and even Steve and Sam had commented about Bucky's behavior towards her.
The night was everything she had dreamed, Bucky was attentive and always had his hands on her, respectfully of course but more intimate than he usually was. They danced much of the night and when slow songs came on he pulled her close and she could feel his breath on her neck, causing chills.
Towards the end of the night, Bucky pulled her to the elevator and kissed her until they reached his floor. They were in his room, her dress gone before she could think twice, not that she would have.
She could taste the Asgardian ale on his breath, blending with the tequila on hers. Everything was a blur of flesh and feelings she had never experienced before. She couldn't get enough, neither could he.
Y/N opened her eyes to bright light and a bedroom that wasn't hers. The pounding in her head a reminder of how much she drank last night. She looked around and realized it was Bucky's room, where she spent so much of her time. Suddenly, she realized that she was naked and her stomach dropped. She had hazy memories of shots and kisses that turned into more. The kiss in the elevator. She smiled even though her head hurt, she had been crushing on Bucky since the day they met and was amazed that he actually wanted her too.
Cookie wasn't your typical beauty, taller than most girls and with more curves than your typical agent. Of course, she wasn't a field agent but was the lead intelligence analyst on the east coast reporting directly to Maria Hill.
She reached over to find his side of the bed was cool but figured he must have gone on his morning run with Steve and Sam. She sat up and saw a bottle of water next to some pain killers, which she downed, grateful that Bucky was so thoughtful. Drinking the entire bottle of water she realized she really needed to pee. Standing slowly so as not to irritate her headache she grabbed one of Bucky's t-shirts to cover herself and went to relieve herself. When she was done she went back to sit up in bed and check her emails for today's agenda.
When she was responding to a message from Maria Hill the suite door opened and Bucky came in, sweaty and gorgeous. He saw her curled up on his bed and smiling up at him.
"Morning Buck. Good run?"
He nodded and smirked "Yeah, Sam whined at us to wait up but we just lapped him until he shut up"
"Sounds fun. Since it's Sunday and nothing is scheduled, why don't you take a shower and come back to bed?"
Bucky felt his heart stop "Look doll about last night. You know you're one of my best friends and I love you but I don't feel comfortable getting into a real relationship right now. I still have so much work to do on myself. Last night was great and I was thinking we could have one of those friends with extras, or whatever it's called. You know, to blow off steam."
Her stomach dropped and she felt her eyes filling up "You mean friends with benefits?"
He nodded enthusiastically "Yeah, that's it." he smiled hopefully.
Y/N was quiet for a minute before responding, was it worth the almost guaranteed heartbreak to have more nights like last night? She shook her head, unwilling to take that risk again.
"I'm sorry Buck but I can't do that. I get attached and end up heartbroken. I can't sleep with people that I don't have romantic feelings for."
His eyes grew wide "Wait, that means you have feelings...." He trailed off.
She nodded whispering "Yeah, I do."
Bucky's face dropped "Shit, Cookie, I'm sorry. I thought we were on the same page last night. I don't know what to say. I mean, I might develop feelings over time but I don't know. I don't want to make any promises, you know?"
She swallowed the sob that tried to escape "You don't have to say anything, we can just pretend this never happened. Ok?"
She got up from the bed, clutching the sheet to her and desperately searching for her dress from last night. When she found it she quickly put it on not realizing it was inside out.
He nodded but wasn't feeling too sure of that, he could hear her heart speed up and see her hands shaking "Yeah, sure, nothing has to change."
She smiled at him sadly, tears escaping "I uh I just remembered some paperwork I needed to finish up. I'll catch you later."
"Wait doll. I-"
"Don't worry it's fine." She cleared her throat "I could use a little space and just have work to do." She kissed him on the cheek before rushing out.
Bucky stood there, not sure how to proceed. He didn't want to lose his friend but really didn't feel like he could handle a relationship now. The stress relief from the great sex they had was something he could handle and he did have feelings for her, since the day he arrived at the compound but he knew she deserved a better man than him.
Y/N was in her office reviewing some reports to glean even the smallest details before they went to the appropriate briefing packets that the field agents would use to form their strategy, when she received a text from Captain America himself, requesting her presence in the common area.
She put away all of the classified info on her desk, locked it and locked the door on her way out. She took the elevator which opened into the common area and was surprised to see a large group of agents already there.
She heard Steve shout her name "Cookie! Over here." and saw his hand waving so headed in his direction.
Steve gave her a hug and pulled away excitedly "Look Cookie, it's my friend, Bucky."
Cookie smiled and offered her hand. When Bucky looked at her she felt her breath catch, holy shit was he gorgeous, way hotter than the pictures in his file "Pleased to meetcha Sargent Barnes"
Both of them felt sparks when they touched but Bucky responded like she had burned him pulling away quickly. Cookie's smile dropped for a second before she forced it back.
Bucky looked at her through his long hair "You too, ma'am."
She could see how he was shrinking into himself, trying to look smaller so she stepped back to give him space.
Steve looked at them both oddly but smiled softly when he heard how fast her heart was beating and the slight blush on Bucky's face. That was a look he remembered from so many years ago, when Bucky met Dot.
**end flashback**
The next few weeks were tense, Y/N and Bucky barely spoke outside of Avengers business. He was always busy, rushing to train or something every time she tried to talk to him. The guilt on his face showed everything, he hated that he hurt her but missed their time together. As soon as he saw her look at him longingly, before she realized he was looking and wiped that look from her face, he had to leave. He hated himself because he knew it hurt her more every time he avoided her but he just couldn't handle seeing her and being reminded of the pain he caused.
There were other, senior agents being trained by Steve, with Bucky and Sam, to prepare for an upcoming mission. Sifting through all the related Intel was keeping Y/N up at night and her haggard appearance had been noticed by most of the team.
They had a meeting to start going over the Intel to plan their strategy. On her way in, Y/N ran into Sharon Carter who she had worked with previously.
"Hey Agent Carter, good to see you."
Sharon laughed softly "Please, Y/N, we've worked together enough for you to call me Sharon."
Y/N laughed awkwardly "Um yeah, Sharon. So how have you been? Any luck finding the power broker?"
Sharon shook her head obviously frustrated "No, he's crafty for sure but we'll get him. Rumor is this mission relates to him."
Y/N nodded, "yeah, all of the serious crime in eastern Europe seem to lead back to him." She looked up and saw Nick Fury striding towards them and straightened her shoulders "Director Fury."
He nodded at her "Agent Y/L/N. Carter. Why don't we get this started, Cookie." He looked down at the container on top of her papers.
Y/N went to the front of the room to sit next to Fury's spot at the head of the table, setting the container in his place. She saw that Sharon sat next to Bucky and started talking to him, touching his right arm and laughing softly. Y/N saw Bucky smiling and felt her chest ache, her stomach cramp up and her throat dried since apparently all the water went to her eyes. She sat down and Sam, the only one who knew what happened with her and Bucky, gave her a sad smile and squeezed her hand.
They held hands through the entire meeting, Bucky and Sharon touching hands under the table. He never liked people touching him except for Y/N but apparently he made an exception for Sharon because he just sat smiling. He never even looked towards Y/N.
When the meeting ended, Bucky and Sharon were the first ones out the door as he quickly led her to his room.
Y/N could barely breathe and rushed to her own room, glad it was on a different floor from Bucky's because she didn't think she could handle hearing him and Sharon go at it.
For the next couple of months it went like that. Bucky and Sharon spending most of their time in his room and Y/N trying to stay busy so she didn't think about it. They were hands off outside of his room and insisted they were just friends when Sam mentioned they were always together. Bucky heard Sam grumble about how Y/N used to be the one he wanted to hang out with, but blew it off. Nothing wrong with having a couple of friends. And Y/N didn't want a casual relationship while Sharon was down for everything and was teaching Bucky a lot.
Sharon was friendly with Cookie in the beginning but started being nasty to Y/N, calling her names and throwing out barely veiled insults when Bucky wasn't around, and did everything she could to keep them apart. Not that Bucky ever seemed to notice, too wrapped up in the constant sex to see much else. Even at team functions Sharon worked to keep her away from Bucky, so much that Y/N just avoided the both of them when at all possible.
Y/N was depressed and missing her friend. She had lost weight and had dark circles under her eyes which she claimed were from working all hours. Time wasn't helping at all, she still had dreams about that night and felt an ache in her chest every time she saw Bucky. A couple of times he tried to talk to her, invite her for the movies nites that she never attended anymore but Sharon always started whining for him and Y/N took the hint and made excuses that she had paperwork or needed sleep, anything to avoid them.
Bucky, Sam and Sharon were offsite for a few days so Y/N could pour herself into work and not worry about running into them.
Late one night she was talking to one of her informants in Latvia and the connection was weak. She claimed to have the details on the Power Broker but static kept interfering with the connection.
Y/N heard banging
"Marta?! Marta are you ok? What's going on?"
There was more banging and a clicking noise then she heard Marta crying and begging.
A muffled womans voice came on the line "You better back off of the Power Broker or you will regret it"
Y/N was pissed "Who the Hell is this? Where's Marta? What did-" she heard a gunshot and the crying stopped.
The voice chuckled "She's unavailable and if you don't wise up, you will be too."
The call disconnected.
Y/N had tears in her eyes. She had met Marta a few years back, she had kids, a family. Now Y/N took that weight and swore to whoever was listening that she would make sure the Power Broker paid for this on top of all the other death and destruction.
Y/N refused to stop and eventually passed out on her laptop. She woke to a loud knocking "Y/N you in there? Fury got a package and wants you in his office 20 minutes ago."
Y/N sighed, Maria Hill. "I'll be down asap."
15 minutes later she was out of breath on her way into his office. "Cookie, there you are. I don't know who sent this but both of our names were on it so I'm hoping you know what's up."
Y/N looked over the package, Latvian stamp no return address. She sighed "Looks like it's from one of my informants in Latvia. I was on the phone with her last nite when she was shot. And a distorted womans voice told me to back off of the Power Broker or I'd be next."
Fury nodded "Alright well let's see what she had."
Y/N carefully opened the package which included a large white envelope that felt like it was full of pictures and a zip lock with a post-it that said 'fingerprints'.
Fury called an intern in to take the prints for processing as Y/N pulled out a stack of pictures. Her jaw dropped as her heart sped up and she began to shake. There was one thing the pictures all had in common......
Sharon fucking Carter.
Chapter 2
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crazycurly-77 · 3 months
Hey, Ms. Secret Service! - Chapter 2
Kate only shook her head and stumbled over the words, not really knowing what to say anymore that didn't sounded like a poor excuse. 
And you just grinned…and enjoyed how she now squirmed, too afraid to go into the airplane with you and do this exercise. 
Then your boss spoke up “come on, let's do this.” You looked stunned at him, but waved him to follow you “Okay. The first exercise is getting out of spinning. You in it despite of that?”
He looked at you determined “sure”. 
You nodded and the two of you went to the instructor for a last briefing. 
After that you made the pre-flight check and boarded the plane. 
You put the headphones on and asked Gibbs “you ready?”
“Ready” came his answer. 
“Good, let's start” 
You started the engine and the propeller began to rotate. Then you rolled to the runway. 
“N1364CE to tower, ready for take-off” 
“Tower to N1364CE, confirm for take-off. Good flight” 
You turned the power up, released the brakes, rolled along the runway and were finally airborne. 
You climbed the sky to get the needed height for the descent and after you reached the altitude, which was specified for the exercise, you began to double check the instruments and instructed Gibbs what to do and what will happen. 
“I know what will happen” he answered. 
You looked stunned in his direction “how come?” 
“My father flew a P-51” he declared. 
“Okay, then I take it you know the procedure?”
“Good. Let's start the exercise.”
With that you turned the plane into a spin rapidly descending. 
Your colleagues on the ground cried and yelled for fear, but were relieved as you got out of it and climbed the sky again. 
Your co-pilot and passenger took it really good and with a stoic mask on his face, which you really were amazed and impressed by. Most people became very scared, but maybe that was his experience as a marine combined with the fact that his father is a pilot. So you performed this exercise several times and then landed safely. You two exited the plane and looking at Gibbs you were amazed and just thought “wow…Gibbs is laughing!” Up to this point you didn't know he was able to do that! You just managed to make your strict boss laugh and you felt like you were at least 20 meters tall. 
Nearing the team DiNozzo asked him laughing “you happy that you're still alive?” “Yeah, but not because of her flying” Gibbs answered, smirking. 
You came to them smiling “so, who's next? The plane will be refueled shortly. Tony?”
“Oh no, I'm not drinking when I'm on duty and that's the only crashing I do” he laughed and shook his head. 
Tim and Kate were stepping back too, shaking their heads all the time. 
“What?! Nobody? The next exercise is only landing without an engine, so nothing to be scared of. If you know what you have to do” you winked at them. 
“Hey, Secret Service, thought you are as tough as stone and superior of all of us. And now you are scared?” you turned to Kate and laughed. 
“I wasn't trained to bring myself in danger just for fun!” she yelled at you. 
“You think this is fun? I tell you something, Miss high and above…this training is essential for life, because one little mistake and that's it. So much for fun” you hissed at her. 
Before she could react in any way, Gibbs held you on your upper arm “come on, I'm flying with you.” You looked asking at him, but he only nodded in the direction of the plane and pulled you with him. 
So it was you two once again and as you climbed the sky once again he asked “you don't like her?” 
“I don't like her attitude, that's all. She seems to think that she's better of any of us, because she was Secret Service trained, but she's not.”
“This training is very hard and only a few people get the chance to do that.”
“For sure, but now she is NCIS as we all are. I have flown many dangerous missions and got awards for them, but am I better because of that? No. I'm just doing my job. Nothing more, nothing less.”
He just looked at you, but was silent. 
“We have reached the needed altitude. Ready?” 
“Ready” came Gibbs’ steady answer. 
“Okay, turning the engine off. Now we have a big and heavy glider.”
Nothing more was said and you concentrated on the landing. This you practiced several times too, before finally landing. After you were on the ground again you and Gibbs walked to your waiting colleagues. 
“Hey, Y/N there you are and alive, wow! Good job!”
“Thanks Tony” you said smiling as he clapped you on your shoulder laughing. 
“DiNozzo” came the reprimand from Gibbs. 
“So…I have to speak with my friend concerning today's training and my aerobatics flight training at the end of the week” you mentioned. 
“Okay, should we wait for you” Tim asked. 
“No. Thank you, but that's not necessary. I will take a cab into town” you assured him. 
The real reason was that you didn't want to have to drive back with either Gibbs or Kate, so you came up with this excuse. Gibbs looked at you knowingly, but said nothing. So you all said your goodbyes and you waved at them as they drove away. 
Naturally Kate was in the car with Gibbs, so they could directly drive to dinner or wherever. That was not your business, you just didn't understand him. But okay, that's his decision and his alone. 
But you were really impressed that he accompanied you voluntarily and for a short moment you thought you saw laughter and amusement twinkling in his eyes as if he was enjoying himself, but surely that was just your imagination. 
With that you walked to John and you two discussed your today's training and the upcoming one. Then he drove you home. 
Yes, you were right. Kate was driving back with Gibbs and tried to talk with him and suggested taking dinner together, just like you assumed. But unbeknownst to you he didn't say a word on the drive and declined dinner with her. 
Arriving at the bureau he changed the cars and drove to his house, cooking a steak and then sanding his boat. All the while thinking about you. Yes, Kate was beautiful, successful and knew what she wanted (which was obviously him), but he couldn't help himself feeling drawn to you. 
Yeah, you were beautiful, too. But you were like him. You did your job as well as possible and didn't think yourself better than others, even though you were. 
Maybe he should observe you more to learn more about you and to learn to know you… 
(To be continued....)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
ᴘᴜsʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴏɴs
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Here's A Link To My Master-List
Synopsis: Stark Distrubution’s Literary Department houses Anna, and her very (rational) fear of tight spaces and heights. It is until she finds herself stuck in an elevator with the one person she hoped to avoid.
Word Count: 2.4k
!Trigger Warnings!
-tony stark X afab! reader 
-cannon? Never heard of her. 
-Office/Corp. AU
-Claustrophobia (Fear Of Tight Spaces)
-Acrophobia (Fear Of Heights)
-Oral, fem(receiving) 
-Insta love, (at the end, sorta?
-specific oc
*Even though it has nothing to do with the fic topic, I was very keen on listening to “You Give Love A Bad Name” *
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 
You Give Love A Bad Name- Bon Jovi 
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
My jet-black heels click against the polished floor of Stark Distribution. Currently, I find myself hurrying to Mile’s office to grab a stack of papers that need to be printed. I’m not an assistant, and I sure as hell am not a paper boy. 
I’m going to tell him off, but that’s beside the point. Mile's is my boss, the manager of Stark’s literary department. To put it simplistically, we print books, newspapers, ad’s you tired of seeing around Malibu. Our department specializes in paper and ink. 
If it gets the bills paid, who cares. 
I smooth out my black dress, it’s cute, easy and simple, cutting off right at the knees. The door to Mile’s office is just around the corner, I squeeze through a few people, noting most of the men walking are wearing suits, not a single one in grey sweatpants. 
That only means one thing. 
I let out a breathy sigh as I walk through the door, my eyes falling onto the huge stack of papers waiting to be copied and re-printed. Oh, I’m going to give him hell-
“Ah, my assistant, Mr.Stark.” Miles begins, pointing at me. My back suddenly straightens, and I’m acutely aware of just how short this dress is. 
Assistant? Really? 
Mr. Stark smiles his bright smile, his hair perfectly combed over, and extends a hand my way.  “Hello,” Stark adds as I enclose my palm in his, watching as my flesh slides against his own. His eyes are on me, almost too intensely. 
I clear my throat and pull away, suddenly feeling as if bubbles have been popped. “Evening, Sir.” I gruff, nodding my head. He’s the reason all of the employees are acting civilized. 
But what could the CEO want with the literary department? And Mile’s specifically. 
“Anna, What can I help you with?” Mile asks, smiling his stupid fucking smile. I would want nothing more than to shove it up his ass. 
My fingers ball into fists at my sides, inhaling and exhaling with frustration. “You requested me for the printing process?” I would like to burn the papers, preferably with Mile’s watching, but Mr.Starks' eyes won't leave my face. 
I’ll have to swallow it for now. 
“Yes, There waiting on the desk for you.” His ugly brown eyes lead me to the papers I’ve already located. I smile, adding a polite nod towards Stark, and grab the papers from his desk. 
I cover my bare chest with the stack, acutely aware of Stark’s eyes. Not that he’s looking, and not that I would be uncomfortable if he did look, it’s just- 
I don’t want to be fired.
I exit his office, letting the door close with a slam. Sure it’s immature, but Mile’s is a dick. The printers are up on floor 6 meaning I would have to take the elevator. 
A rush of bone-chilling cold runs throws my bones, and my feet almost refuse to move. I don’t do elevators. I don’t do heights. I don’t do tight spaces. I however do work, and I do need to sleep tonight, so elevator it is. I clutch the papers and make my way to the elevator. 
Men and women alike hurry to their jobs, some checking in with the receptionist, others going straight to their desks. The evening sun shines bright against the glass panes of the corp building. I press the button on the elevator and wait until a ding fills my ears. 
I’m panicking, fidgeting with my dress, hopping back and forth almost unnoticeable. I’ve had a fear of tight spaces since I was a child, and the heights pare with it. An elevator is hell on earth for someone like me. 
“The shit I do for Miles,” I mutter as the elevator's shiny doors start to open. I nod to John, Mary, and Cora who are all excited. They work in Tech but are frequent visitors of Floors 1 and 2. 
I enter the reflecting box, putting my back against the wall, feeling the coolness of the steel bite into my flesh. I reach to press number 4, watching as the doors start to close. 
Until there stopped by a hand and a very expensive-looking watch. 
Please. No. 
The hand turns into shoulders, and then a head, who happens to be prying the doors open, stepping inside the elevator. 
Tony Stark. 
“Anna, Long time no see.” He laughs, I wait for Miles to follow him, but I can’t see another person behind him. This is the worst possible situation I could ever be in. He pushes six, and the elevator door closes. Sealing us inside. 
It’s starting to feel very hot in here. My breath is beginning to weaken, and my mind is starting to spin. Stark being here is adding to my panic. The normal proximity to what it feels like to freak out when confronted by your greatest fear is already high. 
We start to move, and I stay against the wall, Mr. Stark’s eyes on his phone. Ok, He won’t see me freak out. 
Not yet, at least. 
My heart beats faster as the elevator music draws on, and the floor begins to shake. My fingers wrap around the metal bar, holding myself up as I close my eyes. 
Don’t panic, Anna. Dont panic. 
The words mean nothing when the elevator shifts, and stops. 
The steel framework stops moving, and I swear I can feel my eyes dilating. 
“Did you push the wrong button?” I manage to ask, my eyes still closed, trying to course myself through the shit show that is about to occur. 
“No?” The stark answers, barely noticing the elevator stops. “Must be a block, I told Tech to fix it.” 
I can’t see him, but I can hear his voice. His is crystal clear, while mine is shaky, full of panic. The music has stopped altogether, and the lights that circle the control panel have gone out. 
I feel dizzy, and my breathing has begun to feel erratic. I inhale, I exhale, but nothing is stopping the rise of panic in my stomach, aiming straight for my chest. Before I know it, I’m gone, I feel myself slipping. 
“Anna?” I hear his voice, but my eyes are still closed.
“Anna, what the hell is going on?”
“I think I need-” I’m falling, I try to catch myself, my grip tightening onto the metal railing, but I slip. 
I brace myself to meet the hard floor of the elevator but It never comes. I fall into some arms, landing against a broad chest. 
God. No. Please, Please.  I plead with myself eternally, but I already know whose arms I’ve fallen into. 
It’s Tony. 
“Anna? What’s wrong?” I feel my back being placed against the cool steel again as Stark plants his hands on either side of me, keeping my body in place. My head is spinning, and I can’t find the energy to focus. 
I try my hardest to form words, but the feeling of this elevator, the closed space, and the heat Tony is giving me. I can’t. “I’m-” 
“Please, Speak.” It sounds like he’s pleading, and Tony sounds worried. 
“I’m Claus-” My lips catch as I feel his thumb graze my cheek, whipping away tears I hadn’t known formed. 
I nod aggressively, the ache in my chest only growing. I feel myself losing it, my cheeks becoming more sticky. 
“Hey, Hey.” Tony rubs at my flesh, capturing the droplets before they can fall. He grabs my chin gently, forcing my eyes open. “Look at me.” 
I do, “Breath, In and Out.” He does them for me, displaying the way to breathe. I watch as his chest rises and falls, his eyes sewn to my own. I feel myself calming, but then I realize where I am and who I’m with. 
It’s embarrassing. 
 Stark’s voice is soft, something I never thought I would be able to hear. He whispers things in my ear, things that shouldn’t be comforting. 
“Good girl, keep breathing. Just like that.” I feel mortified, but I can’t deny the way my body listens to him. I breathe in and out, In through my nose and out through my mouth. 
My whole body is shaking as I hear voices that are not Tony’s or my own through the elevator. 
He holds me up as he mutters into the speaker right at my head. 
“We have people working on it, Mr.Stark.” Jean, the receptionist tells him. I see his face contort with anger,
“Hurry the hell up, dammit!” Stark yells I feel horrible for him. He probably has better things to do than comfort his manager's assistant. 
“Breath, Anna.” Stark’s fingers fall to my hips, keeping me stable as my own hands clutch onto the handles. I breathe, feeling the ache in my chest start to die down. 
“What do you usually do when you panic?” 
I look at him, my mind trying to stabilize. “A distraction. I need you to distract me.” I don’t know what he’ll do with that information, but I can’t talk anymore. My throat feels like it’s closing up. 
“You won’t like my distraction.” 
“Just do it!” I don’t mean to yell, but right now there's no time to be picky. Except, when I see him drop down to his knees, my breath is taken away. 
“What are you-” 
“A distraction.” Stark seems deadly serious, his fingers stay on my hips, but he’s s eye level with my legs, and the buzz of heat that shoots through me is not because of my panic. 
His lips start at my knees, brushing smooth kisses on my bare flesh. What is happening? And why do I not want it to stop?
“Keep breathing,” Tony whispers while placing kisses up my shaking legs, one hand slips away from my hips, the other's grip growing tight. Holding me up. His rough hands start at my shins, his feather-light touch makes me shiver as my head hits the back of the elevator, my eyes closing with pleasure. 
Starks palm brushes against my inner thigh, sending waves through me.
He must look up and see my closed eyes, “Is this okay? I’m not hurting you am I?” I shake my head, urging him to keep going. The ache in my chest is dying down, it’s one hell of a distraction. 
“Focus on my fingers,” Tony mutters, his voice soft. It’s hard not to, his digits graze my panties, surely feeling the wetness growing. I can’t see his face, I’m lost in my void, but it sounds like he approves of the feeling. 
It’s something we have in common. 
“I’m gonna lift this pretty little dress, alright?” Stark does it with one hand, the other still positioned on my hip. The fabric folds, exposing my black lace to his eyes, and I swear I hear him groan. 
“Your stunning, sweetheart.” my heart flutters at his compliment, feeling the way my chest is no longer heaving. My breaths slowed down. 
Stark hooks a finger through the strap, pulling it down my thighs and letting it pool at my feet. I lift a heel, waiting for him to pull it from the floor. 
He does, except he does not discard it on the elevator floor, the sound of his suit pocket ruffling tells me all I need to know. 
And somehow, I’ve grown more wet at the action alone. 
“Open up your legs, inhale, and exhale before you do.” I do as he asks, I inhale and exhale before opening my left leg, repeating the process, two more breaths until I’m spread bare before him. 
A wave of pleasure shoots through me as his lips meet my pussy, heat is traveling through my body, righting the coldness of panic. My clit throbs for his attention, and Tony gives it to me, licking up my slit. 
“Focus on my tongue, focus on how I make you feel.” I moan, my eyes open to look down. Tony Stark, on his knees, eating me out. 
Suddenly, I’m glad he pushed the wrong button.
He grabs my ass, pulling me forward so his nose is at my clit, and his tongue licks up my folds. Pleasure makes me cry out as I buck my hips, wanting more. 
Needing more. 
“How do I make you feel, Anna?” Tony’s tongue is everywhere now, not just my cunt. I feel him everywhere, smell him everywhere. The noises he and my cunt are emitting are enough to tell me were both enjoying this. 
“Good-” I manage to mutter, bucking again as his tongue slides into my pussy, making me flutter around him. The intrusion is new, but it doesn’t hurt. Far from it, actually. 
My orgasm is cresting as his mouth works at me, his tongue delving in and out, his nose hitting my clit every time he licks a stripe up my slit. 
“Are you going to come, sweetheart?” 
“Yes.” I groan the metal handles of the elevator slick with my sweat. I move them from the metal to intertwine in Tony’s hair, feeling his dark strands around my fingers, pushing him deeper into my pussy. 
“A greedy girl, are you?” 
His words, his mouth, his very being is enough to make me come. I shout out in ecstasy, with my waves of pleasure receding my panic, my body is all warm, and the bitter cold in my chest has disintegrated. 
Tony looks at me as my hole flutters around his tongue, coating the appendage with my release. He pulls away from me, locking my eyes with my gaze as he licks his lips. Stark rises from his knees, kissing his way up my legs before pulling my dress down. 
He’s keeping the panties. 
Not complaining. 
“Are you okay? Has it gone away?” His words ring through my ears, and my heart warms hearing his genuine concern. Though, my actions are starting the settle in, the realization of what just occurred in this elevator wracking my mind. 
“I should be fine, I’m so sorry-” 
“You have nothing to apologize for, I’m happy I was here, Anna.” Tony smiles at me and straightens out his suit, my eyes flicker as I feel the elevator shift. I can’t help the whimper that falls out of my mouth, I’m comparable to a scared child. 
But Tony just presses me to his chest, holding me there as we move, Jean's voice ringing throughout the metal box. 
“We're getting you out, sir.” Tony doesn’t pay attention, his lips are at my ear, coating the shell of it.
“Date with me, 3:00?” 
I find myself nodding, as I try to conceal my smile. 
One hell of a distraction.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
"Sinner & Saint" : Creed III Chapter 10
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"You are my light in the dark
Show me the way with your heart
I know I'm not used to this feeling
But it's clear even when
I'm a thousand miles away
I'm so taken by ya, can't stop thinking bout ya
I am in love and from where I stand,
I am your man, I am...all, all…"
Terrell Grice feat George Lovett & Saeed— "All"
Donnie blinked at all the photographer lights flashing white and yellow blasts at him. Bianca and Amara sat to his right and Athena and Tony sat to his left with his new business partner Herb Raffe and the always ubiquitous Buddy Marcelle. Behind them on a giant ESPN banner his likeness held the coveted heavy weight belt and his upper body glistened and popped with muscles. Donnie knew this day would come, and the emotions roiled deep inside his chest.
Seated near the phalanx of news media and photographers were a few selected fighters on his roster, including Dame. The usual rush of questions came at him and he answered with the sophistication that all of his media training provided. Donnie needed to appear adroit and confident as a new brand manager and businessman. The transition from boxer to brains behind a multi-million dollar operation had to go off without a hitch.
"Why now, Adonis? Pundits say you have a good two-to-three years left in you."
The female reporter asking the question stood up holding a small notepad. She was a familiar face in the boxing scene, Carly Deloach, the daughter of a media magnate. Carly tossed back blond highlighted hair and gave him a warm flirty smile coaxing him to give her juicy details.
"It's time. I've reached the pinnacle and done everything I can to show the world that the Creed legacy is something to admire and be proud of. There's nothing left for me to do but usher in a new generation of talented boxers and pass on the wealth of knowledge I've gained from my training with Rocky Balboa, Tony "Little Duke" Evers, and the matriarch of the Creed family, Mary Anne Creed…hey Ma, love ya!"
Donnie winked and blew a kiss toward a camera that he knew transmitted his message to his mother at home. Another reporter jumped in, a cocky Sports Illustrated veteran who had doubts about Donnie from the very beginning until he finally won the belt. Patrick MacLaughlin was an asshole, but a fair one when he looked at the stats on all boxers. Patrick's stomach lopped over his belt, and his thinning hair stayed slicked down.
"Adonis, you toss around legacy a lot, and as the talented son of a beloved icon who has brought back a coveted world champion title to the family name—"
"I have to cut in, sorry Adonis…" Buddy said.
Buddy Marcelle gave a smirk that Donnie couldn't tell if it was meant to be rude or just hustling for air time. The man glanced at Athena who looked beautiful as always, dressed in a tight pumpkin top, and dark flared designer slacks. Buddy cleared his throat and continued.
"The Creed legacy can't be spoken about without mentioning the fact that Athena Creed brought back the first championship title to the family. I know this press conference is about Adonis, but Apollo Creed has two world champion fighters up here on this panel. Put some respect on your big sister's name, Adonis."
The crowd chuckled and a few of the women representing the media clapped and called out Athena's name.
"You right, you right," Donnie quickly blurted. He threw his arm around Athena. "My big sis is the first of Apollo's children to bring home a title. You people out there in the MMA arena are lucky she's a sports manager now instead of whooping ass!"
Athena laughed it off.
"Athena! Athena! Could you beat Adonis in a one on one?" Another reporter shouted.
Donnie pushed his table mic closer to her.
"Tell 'em," Donnie said.
Poised and polished, Athena leaned in.
"I had to always keep Adonis in check. The only thing he has on me is height and muscle weight," Athena joked.
Buddy horned in again.
"I think we need to see a big ticket event with these two, Creed versus Creed."
Athena waved a dismissive hand to Buddy and she patted Donnie's arm to get him back on track.
"Athena… what does this moment mean for you watching your brother retire?" Carly asked.
Something sad flashed across Athena's face and she composed herself. Reaching out to hold Donnie's hand she squeezed it and took a deep inhale.
"Our father would be very proud that both of his athletic children have found their niche to excel beyond fighting. Adonis will bring in a lot of new talent so that other boxing legends can come forth down the line…Donnie?"
Athena pushed the mic back toward him and sat back in her seat.
A new volley of questions hit him and Tony up fast and he allowed the last few questions to go to Bianca and Amara, who signed her delight at having her father home more since he didn't have to train and travel so far away as much. Bianca translated for the media and everyone clapped when Amara said that she planned on being a boxer like her Auntie Athena and her daddy.
Once the retirement portion was handled, Donnie spent the rest of the press time answering questions centered on his new venture. He revealed his partnership with Buddy Marcelle in promoting the new company. Everyone in the audience saw dollar signs and a revitalized boxing scene. Afterward, Donnie posed with his family for pictures. He also posed with a few of his boxers. Dame was pulled into the mix and Athena made sure he stood next to Donnie's future cash cow, Felix Chavez. There was still bad blood between Dame and Sleepy from their sparring dust up. But Felix soaked in the media exposure knowing he was the guy to watch. Two other strong contenders for heavyweight champ status enjoyed the limelight too.
A buzz entered the room the moment Dame's name rang bells, and during the retirement mixer Donnie set up for the ESPN coverage, Athena fielded questions with Dame. Felix felt a way about Dame shifting attention his way, but that was all due to Athena. The press loved getting soundbites from her and she was an expert at snagging spotlights for clients. She damn near twisted his arm to get Dame a seven figure signing bonus. She haggled for more through Dame's lawyer when they went over the contract, but Donnie didn't want to get his partners riled up over an untested client. He sweetened the deal by offering to put Dame in their ads over the next six months to bolster his visibility. She agreed to that…barely.
Athena was a pitbull, and she worked the room forcing him to do the same for Felix and the other boxers. They were both hustlers and no matter what she did to get Dame more exposure, it only helped Creed Enterprises.
"Hope I didn't step on your toes during the press chat," Buddy said, easing next to Donnie.
"Nah man, you were right to bring it up. Athena was the first, and she was way better than me when I started."
"I think people in this business tend to overlook her fighting talent. Just so you know, I want her to work for me one day."
"I doubt if she would, but you can certainly try," Donnie quipped.
"How come she's not a part of Creed Enterprises?"
"She wants to do her own thing."
"So no hard feelings if I poach her from her current gig?"
"Like I said, good luck with that."
"Her managing Dame isn't a problem for you?"
"Dame needs special handling. My sister likes a challenge and she is making a lot of good moves for him."
Buddy kept hawk-like eyes on his sister. Bianca and Amara joined them and they worked the room celebrating his new life. Patrick from Sports Illustrated approached him. Donnie pumped his hand up and down with enthusiasm.
"When can Felix sit down with you for that cover story?" Donnie asked.
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about an in-depth interview with Damian Anderson. Athena pitched me a whopper of a comeback tale and I want to jump on it before Rolling Stone does."
"Pat, we talked about getting Felix on there before his next fight. He is the next big thing—"
"Yeah I know, but Damian is a more compelling story right now. When can we get together and talk shop about him?"
Donnie checked for his sister striding across the room holding a plate of food with Dame stuck to her side.
"Call Maxine to set up a date on my calendar, Pat"
"Great. You've got a helluva roster Adonis, and if the buzz on this Damian pans out, you and your boxers could dominate for years. Congrats on the retirement, too."
Pat shuffled off to speak with other reporters and Donnie stared at Felix who chatted with his mother/manager by the bar. He now had to come up with an excuse as to why he wouldn't have the next cover story. Fuck. Perhaps he could work in a one-on-one interview with Stephen A on SportsCenter for immediate coverage to get Felix out there first.
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Athena handed Dame a shot of top shelf tequila and they both gulped back the liquid, letting it warm a trail down their throats.
"Doing okay?" she teased, watching Dame's lips pucker up from the intense taste.
"I don't need no more of that today," he joked.
"Look alive," Athena said.
Buddy Marcelle looped around a group of former boxers hooting it up and slapping backs at battles long past won.
"Today went well," Buddy said.
"Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate the shout out."
"I only spoke straight facts. You my dear are the crown jewel on Apollo Creed's crown. Folks need to remember an accurate legacy history. By the way, you look lovely today. That color brings out your skin tone."
"I can leave if you just wanna flirt," Dame said.
He had a smile on his face, but his tone said different. Buddy patted Dame's shoulder to defuse the heat in the boxer's eyes.
"Beauty and brains need to be acknowledged kind sir. I'm about to head out, I have an interview with Molly over on First Take tonight."
"Oh yeah?"
Buddy noticed the arch in her eyebrow and chuckled.
"You smell blood in the water and want to jump in, huh?"
"Hell yeah. I set up a cover story for Dame with Pat over on Sports Illustrated. I'm taking Eden from Rolling Stone to dinner tomorrow, trying to pitch my client."
Buddy eyed Dame with a sly quirk of his lips.
"Maybe let this man win some bouts before lining up too many interviews."
"I'm aiming for exclusives down the road for that."
"Okay…get his name out there. I see you. Can we meet up with some of my people to talk future promotions? Your brother's roster is full and he has to strike with his first string."
"He promised to give Dame as much attention too as part of our contract deal."
"Athena, you know how the game is. Chavez, Alvarez, and Jackson have Adonis booked and busy. Take advantage of some promotions in Dame's favor. My connections run deep big sister. Dame, I hope you do some serious winning these next six months before Adonis loses interest."
"He won't," Athena insisted.
"All I'm asking for is a sit down with you and Dame on my turf. Check out the lay of land and get in where you fit in." Buddy glanced at his rolex. "Call me when you're ready. We can make it dinner at 71 Above. Javier has a new menu I think you'd both like."
"I'll let you know."
Buddy meandered toward the exit leaving Athena with thoughts about Donnie cooling on her client. She snatched up another shot of tequila from the bar.
"He's right. You've got to win big to stay on Donnie's radar."
Dame put a hand around her waist and pulled her in close. His touch ignited arousal in her and she wanted so desperately to kiss his lips. They hadn't had any private time since they returned from Vegas. She needed him…needed the intimacy that shut out the world.
"Careful," she said stepping back from his solid wall of warmth.
Dame grinned and removed his hand before anyone clocked their true relationship.
"Invite Marcelle to my first fight. He'll have no doubts about me," Dame said.
"Don't worry, he'll be there on his own. That man doesn't miss anything that can make him richer. I think you should mingle with the other boxers now. I'm done beating the bushes for game."
Dame touched his index and middle finger to his forehead and saluted her before walking over to Donnie and the other fighters. She grabbed a glass of white wine and bee-lined over to Bianca and Amara. Her niece hugged her waist and Athena ruffled the spiral curls on top of her head.
"Excited?" Athena asked Bianca.
"Relieved. I couldn't wait for this day. Ma is ecstatic because he will finally use that business degree from college."
Amara took off skipping over to her father. Bianaca studied Athena's face.
"Does it bother you when people forget that you're a champion too?"
"That was so long ago—"
"Not really. You seemed happy that Buddy brought it up. I could tell."
"I appreciated him saying it."
"Will you come by our place for dinner tonight?"
"I thought there was going to be a big dinner celebration with Ma at the mansion."
"I wanted to do something at our house to give her a little break."
"A break from what?"
Bianca pulled her to the side.
"Have you noticed Ma slowing down or forgetting things a lot lately?" Bianca asked.
"Slowing down, yes… but that's her getting older and not doing the stretching and strength training I've tried to help her with. Maybe her hip is acting up. I mean, it's been a year since her replacement surgery, but…"
Bianca's expression hinted at something more serious. Her voice went even lower in volume.
"I think you and I should go with her to get checked out. The other day she was driving me to lunch and I noticed some eye-hand coordination things that have me concerned."
"You think it's something serious?"
"If I broach the subject she'll dismiss it, but if you come with me and talk to her about it, maybe she'll listen. I'm with her all the time and a different voice may convince her to make an appointment. Donnie had a lot going on and I didn't want to worry him about it. I was thinking we could talk to her after dinner. If it's at my house, she can't make an excuse to be busy hosting everything. It'll be out of her element."
"What time?"
"Seven. It'll be a catered BBQ around the pool, casual dress. Donnie wanted a lowkey family-oriented party. No celebs or anything like that. Just our people."
"Okay, I'll come to the house and do some girl time. Who else is coming from the gym?"
"Tony, Stich, Smoky... Padman and Amir. You can bring Dame if you want."
"Why would I bring my client?"
"Girl, be serious."
Bianca snickered and Athena rolled her eyes.
"That man has heart eyes for you and can't let you out of his sight without his neck swiveling."
Bianca moved in closer, and her eyes darted about before she spoke.
"I know what happened with him and Donnie."
"How do you feel about it?"
Bianca glanced over at Donnie and Dame speaking with the other boxers.
"It was a shitty situation and they were kids back then. Dame sounds like he wants to make the most of the opportunity to box again and Donnie will help him."
"It's the least he can do, right?"
Donnie walked over swinging Amara's hand.
"Ready to dip?" Donnie asked.
He kissed Bianca's cheek. Bianca spoke and signed at the same time.
"Yeah. I need to get the house ready for our guests tonight and check in with the caterers."
"Coming by right?" Donnie asked Athena.
"I have to check in with a few other clients downtown and I'll be over around seven-thirty depending on traffic."
"Cool. Hey, you were great up there. I'm glad you agreed to sit at the table with me. I wish Ma was here though."
"She hates media stuff and I'm sure she wanted the focus to be about you. I'll catch everyone tonight. Bye Ladybug."
Athena signed away for Amara, and her niece hugged her tight then clutched both of her parents' hands. A surge of people bid farewell to Donnie. Athena made her quiet escape from the crowd and sought out Damian.
"I'm going to pick you up at seven tonight," she said.
"For what?"
Dame followed her steps out of the ESPN building and waited with her for their valet parking.
"You were invited to attend Donnie's private family retirement party at his house by Bianca."
"Not Donnie?"
"Not sure, but Bianca is on to us. I think that's why she extended the invitation. Do you want to go? Sorry for assuming you would just go with me."
His lion-like eyes brought butterflies again. Dame had a way of looking at her that made Athena feel safe and protected.
"I want to go…with you. I like that you assume that about me. It's true."
"Okay, great. It's a date. We'll have to carry on like client-manager for appearances, but it'll be more relaxed. My mother will be there…if you change your mind, I won't be offended."
"Nah, its fine. It's time that your mother met me away from all the limelight. Maybe she'll finally see the real me."
"Trust me. She won't.
"Well then, that's on her. Not me."
The valet brought her car around and they both climbed in for the drive to Venice Beach.
"Want to come inside for a minute?" Dame offered once they reached his place.
He stood outside of the passenger side, leaning in through the window. Temptation reared up, but job responsibilities took precedence for Athena.
"I can't. I have some work to do."
"How about I meet you at your place and save you the drive out here? I'll leave my car in your parking garage."
"That'll work."
"Later," he said.
He tapped his fist on the door and strolled to the house he rented a room from. Despite having a million dollars in his bank account, Dame chose to stay in his Venice rental until he won his first post-prison fight. That would be in one week, and she had a lot of things to do to drum up more pub. The buzz about him in the ESPN mixer could only last so long before the sports media moved on to the next interest story.
Her day continued until she clocked out from her office. She swept into her condo showered, and changed into a comfortable pair of olive green cargo pants and a knotted, off-the-shoulder knit top in a loud tangerine color. Slipping into heels, she checked her landline for messages and ignored the ones from her ex who flew back into town from Toronto. Nolan was a long-distance fling that became a bit more the previous year, but Athena caught wind of some red flags, one of which was a whole ass wife and child with another baby on the way. Before the discovery of his indiscretion with her, Athena's gut warned her pre-relationship not to entertain a man below her pay grade with a Drake-like personality of feigned kindness and "you-go-girl" performative musings in her ear, but she was in a dick drought and a hook up every now and then from a Canuck worked around her schedule at the time.
Nolan started acting weird too, sending her flowers and gifts out of the blue, even after she clearly defined the boundaries of their relationship after she broke it off. Now he was back to leaving messages swearing he divorced his wife and was ready to make a true commitment. What a fucking loser. He had deluded himself into thinking they were serious instead of just a poor match. She blocked his number, erased the other unimportant messages and waltzed out of the premises to meet Dame at her garage entrance.
He arrived on time and she showed him where to park his car and ordered a ride from her reliable car service. They were picked up promptly and she held Dame's hand in the backseat, snuggling against his shoulder like they were headed to prom together.
"You look nice," she said, sniffing the cologne on his neck.
She noticed a new platinum and diamond chain around his neck.
"Finally splurged," he said as she fingered the necklace.
"Good for you. Listen, since this shindig is at Bianca's, my mother may be a little more extra because she can't lord over anyone in the family mansion. If she becomes too much or gives you a hard time, let me know and we can bounce quick."
"I'm not worried. Relax. This night is about Adonis—"
"Tuh…trust me, everything will revolve around her. Me and Donnie know how to stay outta her way when she gets nitpicky."
"She gets along with Bianca?"
"Yeah, they're pretty tight. Bianca lost her parents young and most of her family is back in Philly. She's a great buffer for me because she doesn't have a mother-figure in her life, so she takes up a lot of mother-daughter duties that would be hell for me if I had to do it all the time. Don't misconstrue anything though. I love my mother and we have our own good times, but sometimes she gets a little classist and obsessive about things and I can't take it…so Bianca does. It smoothes Ma out and brings balance to the force when we don't butt heads."
"I hear ya young Jedi," Dame teased.
By seven-forty five they reached the private entrance of Donnie and Bianca's place. Athena hopped out of their ride to punch in the gate security code. A yellow cab pulled up to the driveway behind their hired driver. An older man with a black hat climbed out from the back of the cab and looked around the neighborhood. Athena recognized the pale leathery skin and puffy nose. She sprinted down to the street.
"Ohmigod, Rocky!" she shrieked.
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Rocky Balboa stood humbly dressed in an old black bomber jacket and a clean white shirt. His wrangler jeans were faded and comfortable-looking. He held out his arms for Athena, accepting the big kiss on his cheek from her.
"Yeah, I just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I'd check up on some retired boxer whose s'posed to be living here. Am I at the right spot?" Rocky joked in his heavy Philly accent.
His jovial eyes stared at her.
"Athena, my god girl, look how beautiful you are. It's been years sweetheart," Rocky said.
Athena wiped her eyes from errant tears.
"Whaddya crying for? It's just me, Uncle Rocky. Is the BBQ here yet? I'm starvin'."
"I guess we'll go see," she said.
"Me being here is supposed to be a surprise. Bianca said to give the gate intercom a code word to hide me from Donnie, but my old brain is gettin' foggy with time, so…hell if I know what the magic word is to get inside."
"No worries, you can come in with me and…Dame…come over and meet the only Italian in our family."
Dame walked over with a grin on his face. He held out his hand for Rocky to shake.
"An honor to meet you Mr. Balboa, sir."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Dame. This is a nice-looking young man Athena. Mary Anne must be excited to see you settling down like your brothers."
"Um, actually Rocky, I manage Dame. He's a part of Donnie's new venture."
"A boxer. What division? I don't keep up on the ins and outs as much. I spend more time with my grandkids up north," Rocky said.
"Heavyweight," Dame said.
"You're going to know more about him in the weeks to come. Let's get you inside before Bianca sends out the calvary," Athena said.
She punched in the gate code and Dame gave up his seat in the back of the car to Rocky. He climbed into the front next to the driver and Athena linked her arm around Rocky's.
"I can't believe you're here. You look good Unc. Being up north looks great on you."
"Thank you. Health is holding up. Knees are a little rusty sometimes but I'm still here."
"Drop us off right by the statue, please," Athena told the driver.
They all left the car and Rocky continued looking around.
"Nice…lotta space," Rocky said.
Athena texted Bianca and three minutes later she bounced out from the house trying to contain the squeals at seeing Rocky.
Rocky hugged her and Bianca squeezed his shoulders.
"So happy you're here. The caterers finished setting up out by the pool. Everyone is here mingling, so Athena, I'll go back in with Dame first to throw off Donnie, then you can bring Rocky in through the house."
"Sure thing," Athena said.
Music started playing and echoed in the front of the property. Bianca led Dame around the side toward the back and Athena guided Rocky inside the front door. Amara met them while coming down the stairs and the little girl's hands flew around signing her happiness at seeing the Italian Stallion, her godfather. Rocky hugged her and used sign language to warn her about the surprise. His thick fingers moved slower and he checked with Athena to make sure he did alright. Amara understood everything, complimenting him on his ability to sign so well and clasped his hand to follow Athena through the living room and long gameroom that led to the back patio door facing the pool area.
The music, a jazz fusion, buffeted the laughter and loud talking. Athena could smell the delicious aroma of ribs and her stomach growled in anticipation. She stepped outside first and took in the celebratory scene. At least forty people chatted and drank expensive liquor. Donnie was in the middle of introducing Dame to Padman and right away she observed her mother's lips growing tight as she stood with her companion, Archie. Athena ignored the cool facial expression of her mother and caught Bianca's eye. Bianca gave her a nod, and she cleared her throat.
"Hey, Donnie, there's a man over here looking for you. I don't know if he's supposed to be here," Athena said.
The tone of her voice over the music brought everyone's attention in her direction. Donnie rushed over and Rocky appeared next to her with Amara grinning by his side.
"Unc!" Donnie yelled.
Everyone reacted with a burst of praise shouting, rushing over to Rocky. Bianca clasped her hands together, pleased that her surprise brought on the intended reception. Dame hung back near the food set up, right across from Mary Anne and Archie.
The glee of having Rocky there showered the air with rousing sounds of joy all around, but Mary Anne's eyes cut over toward Dame, and he gave Athena the biggest smile of support. She could face anything with that smile in her corner.
Athena took a deep breath and strolled toward her mother.
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#creed 3
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steviebbboi · 4 months
Red [chapter 2]
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Original Female Character
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Eleana Harlow (Ellie) is an Enhanced Individual turned Avenger. She's also Steve's everything. She just doesn't really know it yet.
Warnings: non-canon, slight canon divergence, sorta established relationship, OFC has powers and is POWERful, enhanced!reader, protectiveSteve!, softDom!Steve, steve and OFC are intimate, angst, eventual smut, friend(ish) to lovers, mentions of mental health issues and PTSD, mentions of dissociative episodes, mentions of violence/death but its not too explicit. (* indicates chapters containing smut)
Would love some feedback, and any reblogs and comments are appreciated! MINORS DNI - DO NOT read unless you're 18+ thank you!
I don't give permission for anyone to post this work on any other platform. This only exists on Ao3 AND now Tumblr (5/29/24), so pls don't copy/paste. Also, I don't own any of the Marvel universe (I wish). All of my works are also unbeta'd so please be kind, and apologies for any edit mishaps.
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Chapter 02. Fire Hazard
“Well, took you long enough. Was about to send the Iron Legion on your ass for that core spike. But most importantly, to check on my coffee.” Tony piped as she exited the elevator into the common space of the tower. 
Ellie rolled her eyes and replied, “Stark, even if you did send the Legion, they would’ve only found me reducing my core temperature. Like I was trained to do, remember?” The latter half of her inquiry laced with sarcasm. 
The team knew that she was more than capable of managing her heat spikes. The StarkWatch was programmed to alert everyone on the team when her core temperature went over the regular temperature of the human body. In a normal human’s case, it would be 98.6F. In Ellie’s case, her threshold stood over 110F. 
Ellie’s time training with SHIELD involved intensive mindfulness breathing exercises and various other grounding skills to be able to manage her own body temperature. She understood the power of breath and how she uses it determines how she regulates not only her body, but her mind. A necessity for an Enhanced individual like Ellie. 
In that moment, Ellie thought back to how a former SHIELD therapist once described it within a written profile and scoffed to herself. “The Enhanced individual requires down regulating skills due to their reported extensive trauma history and poor ability to control stated Enhancements. The Enhanced individual is recommended weekly psychotherapy, physical therapy, and pyro-kinesthetics training. The Enhanced individual is not currently recommended for field work. Further to be assessed.” 
Ellie darkly chuckled to herself quietly at the morose characterization. “Well, he wasn’t wrong.” 
Tony took his coffee from her outstretched hand and said with a more serious tone, “That StarkWatch is there to save lives, Dante. Not just theirs, but yours. Like it's trained to do, remember?” 
Ellie smirked at the attempted joviality, “Yes, I know, Stark. Don’t get all weepy on me now.” She did appreciate how Tony and the others cared about her. Despite her own self-loathing, she wasn’t an apathetic monster. Far from it, she enjoyed being needed, especially knowing that her team trusts her to watch their back- as she does them. It helps her heal.
Tony chuckled and whatever tension that was there had left. “Not a chance. My tears would disassemble the team once they realized it would heal the world. Figured that we still may need your fiery goddess-like powers to put out some flames.” 
Looking behind you, he smirked dramatically, “Ah, incoming- here comes a hazard now!” Recognizing his less than subtle warning, associated with the familiar loud footsteps, Ellie sighed deeper and cringed. She turned around knowing exactly what to expect.
In all his stature and glory, Steve Rogers was a commanding force in every room that he entered. Standing tall at his full height, shoulders back and broad, his handsome face slight with a frown - he walked towards Ellie with intention in his dark gaze. He was wearing his training gear and exuded power and a determined energy. Ellie clamped her lips together before she let out another exasperated sigh. “Why does he have to look so good during moments like this?” she annoyingly thought to herself. 
“Friday, you were supposed to let me know when to clear the room! ” Ellie whispered angrily to the ceiling.
“Apologies, Agent Harlow. Captain Rogers had overridden your command after your last core temperature alarm.”
Ellie sighed and rolled her eyes, “Of course, he did.” She whispered now to herself. Looking at Steve’s face as he got closer, she can see that he also didn’t appreciate the secret command that she gave to Friday should this ever happen again. 
“Steve, you already know–” she began to explain. It was always like this when her heat spiked. With the notification going to every member of the team, she was always met with concerned check-in’s from her friends. The captain, however, always came in with concern and frustration. As team leader, Steve didn’t particularly enjoy it when one of his teammate’s were in danger, to others or themselves. More specifically, Steve didn’t like knowing that Ellie was in danger, period. 
Steve interrupted her before she could even start to console him. “Ellie, I know that you know what to do should your temperature ever spike. But this is the fourth time this month. It used to be once every six months. I let you avoid it the last time but not anymore. What’s going on?” He stopped in front of her with his hands on his hips. Now that he was closer, she could see more worry in his eyes than anger. 
He resembled a scolding figure if she ever saw one. Her frustration peaked when she felt her initial intention to dismiss his concern had now disappeared when she noticed the sincerity of his inquiry. She knew that the super soldier was just looking after her. The first time that her core heat had risen over the past month, concern was there but was dismissed due to the fact that it had historically spiked sporadically. But then it happened again the next week. And then the following week. And then today. 
Ellie knew that the episodes were triggering it. It was almost the anniversary of the incident, and she knew that the episodes were frequent when it was coming close to the date. She just didn’t like to admit it because she should have been healed by now. She shouldn’t be this impacted by it anymore. 
In her own head, now paired with the guilt for making the others- Steve, worry, Ellie frowned and put her hand to her furrowed brow. A headache brewing out of frustration with herself. She let out a heavy sigh that carried weight that the super soldier could understand. 
“Hey,” Steve implored softly and gently gripped her arms. “We’re just worried about you, Red. You know that you can tell me anything.” 
At his touch, Ellie flushed and her entire body seemed to relax before she could even consciously recognize it. The brewing headache seemed to dissipate. His words washed over her with a familiar nurturing comfort that she always received from Steve. 
Red. A name that only Steve was allowed to call her. Barton tried to call her that once before when they were on the quinjet on their way to a mission. The long, silent look that Steve sent him was intimidating enough to quiet the whole hull. It was an instantaneous reaction and she didn’t think that Steve even remembered doing it to this day. But that was the last time that anyone had ever attempted to say it. 
Ellie let out another sigh and admitted with closed eyes, “The episodes…they’ve been more frequent the past few weeks.” A burning discomfort floated back into her body as she confessed. 
Steve caught Tony’s eyes behind her and the tech genius only pursed his lips in understanding. His usual quipped humor silenced, he took his coffee and left the room. Giving the two remaining Avengers the privacy that even Tony Stark could recognize and respect. 
With the two standing there in a muted silence, Steve broke it by squeezing her arms gently. At the additive touch, her eyes opened. Brown eyes filled with sadness and resentment matched a bright, soft, and caring blue gaze. “The anniversary is the beginning of next month.” He stated, understanding laced in his tone.
Ellie trusted, respected, and cared for all of her teammates. Her gratitude extended from the very first time that she had ever met them, worked with them, and gotten to know them. It’s only been 3 years since she officially joined the Avengers team but it felt like decades. When you go through these missions, these intense and traumatic world-shifting events, you’re going to learn all that there is to know about respecting life. And the members on the team understood that and each other in ways that nobody else ever could. 
But Steve– oh, Steve. He was a man out of time. He understood more than anyone what it was like to have had, to take, and to lose. Family. Friends. A first love. Just like she did. Through his transformation, he had to find himself again in the purest, but sometimes, most painful of ways. He had to learn to adapt to a new world. Just like she did. She and Steve were able to understand each other in ways that the other team members couldn’t. And that wasn’t an observation, nor was it a cold or isolating fact. It just was. 
This connection brought them closer over the years, and maybe in ways that the other team members could observe, and the two people in question couldn’t. 
After the mention of the anniversary, Ellie released a relieving breath. Her breathing skills now kicked in as she forced herself to regulate. She never felt more vulnerable than whenever she had to talk about the incident. Even with Steve.
Noticing this, Steve knew that it was his cue, and rubbed his hands over her arms slowly. His thumbs slowly circled her soft skin at the same time. He took the next breath with her.
“That’s it, Red. You’re okay.” He whispered and brought her closer to his chest. Their height difference put her forehead to perfectly land just underneath his collar bone. Appreciating the co-regulation, Ellie felt her hands grip Steve’s biceps in attempts to continue grounding. He was her rock. A domineering but calm force that she knew would help her move through her symptoms. 
It was like that for a couple of minutes. Steve kept whispering his reassurances, I’m with you, Red. You’re okay, El. All the while, she put her entire weight on him, her hands that were gripping his arms now tightened as she finally broke down. She didn’t want it to get to this point. She felt like a burden to the team, to Steve, and a burden to herself. But relief was all that she felt. To be able to just cry and not be judged for it. To hug someone and to feel them hug you back. It’s what she needed, and Steve gladly gave it to her.
Now hugging her to him, Steve readjusted their position and now had one arm around her waist, rubbing circles on her back. The other hand resting on the back of her neck underneath her hair. Ellie gripped the back of his shoulders like a lifeline. It always feels this intense, for some reason. It’s almost as if the incident happened just yesterday. 
A minute or two passed and Ellie’s soft sobs quieted down into short sniffles. Steve took this as another cue to check in and put enough space between them for him to catch her eye. He kept his hands around her waist and neck, prepared to bring her back in closer to him should she still need him to do so. 
Even though her eyes were now shiny, red, and slightly puffy, Steve’s empathy shined through as he met her calm and content gaze. “Hi, there.” He offered with a small grin. 
Ellie sniffled a little before returning his smile with a genuine smile of her own. “Hi, Steve.” Finally coming back into herself after a much needed emotional release, she detached herself from Steve. Not completely so but just to rest her hands on his chest while his shifted down her back. 
“How do you feel?” He asked with concern still apparent in his voice. She nodded her head slightly and said, “Better.” He softly grinned and let out a good while his right hand left her waist to caress her cheek with the back of his fingers before putting her hair behind her ear carefully. She smiled more at the care through his actions. 
Unbeknownst to Steve, he was gazing at her with a look that she will never tire of seeing upon his face. While they were always close, physical signs of affection took time to foster between the two. Ellie flushed and smiled slightly every time Steve either caressed her cheek, stroked her hair, gave her a hug or rubbed her arm, or waist. But she never denied it. She welcomed his touch happily and appreciated the soft gaze that was associated with it. 
Ellie liked to believe that his gaze held something more than just a quick look. She would like to believe it's because he saw her as more than a teammate, or even a friend, caring for another. It was personally nurturing, protecting. A softness that only seemed to be reserved for her. Naturally, it felt intimate and romantic - the way that he would look at her sometimes. He never seemed bothered by it after he initiated it, nor did she call him out on it. If she had to continue to take from him- soft touches and protective gazes she would blissfully take from Steve. 
“You can’t let yourself bottle it all in, Red. Dr. Winsherr said that the episodes will never really just fade away. No matter how much time has passed, with PTSD, it will take its time.” Steve said to her gently. Ellie looked down at her hands on his chest and let out a reluctant but agreeable mhm. She often dismissed her own mental health for the sake of her having to prove that she was strong enough or tough enough to handle her symptoms by herself. She knew it was futile to avoid her problems, but she was still working through accepting her post-trauma experience.
“Hey, you with me?” Steve nudged and squeezed at her waist again to capture her attention. Snapping her eyes from his chest to meet his, she nodded and affirmed. “I’m with you, Steve. I know. It takes time.”
Ellie knew. Of course she knew. And she knew that Steve knew because he still experiences his own episodes from time to time. Naturally, the Star Spangled Man with a plan was naturally more adaptive than she was and was able to practice his acceptance skills more easily. He still has his moments where he reverts back to the plane crash, feeling the cold water envelop his frozen body but conscious mind, or to witnessing Bucky fall to his death. Those were moments that she was there for him though. And she gladly gave just as much Steve gave today.
“Right. Do you have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Winsherr yet?” He prodded gently. He didn’t want to push her but he knew that in moments like this, therapy could offer her a space that maybe he couldn’t. 
She recognized his prying with a cheeky grin but appreciated him asking, nonetheless. “Yes, Mother Hen, I have it scheduled for next Friday.” Steve jokingly rolled his eyes at her quip and gave her one last squeeze on her hips before letting her go. Ellie also dropped her hands from his chest reluctantly, already missing his firm embrace. 
“Good. I’m glad. You know that all we want for you is to feel capable and to protect yourself. Those alerts happen for a reason, you know.” He continued on. Now she jokingly rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. The StarkWatch is there to protect others and myself, blah blah.” Echoing Tony’s earlier sentiment back to Steve.
“Protecting others means us too.” Steve caught and spoke firmly. “If anything happened to you, Red…” he paused and continued with a darker tint to his gaze, “I’m not sure what I would do.” Her eyes widened a bit at the sudden vulnerability. It’s not because he was saying that he was scared of her, or merely worried about his team’s safety. But, because he was scared to lose her. This was a first for the both of them, to be so honest about where they stand in regards to how important they were to each other. It was mostly shown through actions. But this was through actual words.
“ Steve…” That was all Ellie could breathe out. The roles reversed and now Steve flushed, almost as if he didn’t even catch what he said until he saw her reaction. “We would all be lost without you, Red. So just make sure that you take care of yourself, okay, can you do that for us?” For me, was underneath that request. 
Ellie noticed the shift of energy and desired to cling onto it for another second. Taking a risk, she replied, “I can do that, for you, Steve.” 
Steve’s breath now hitched slightly at her response. It was exactly what he wanted to hear. His eyes grew warmer as he looked down at her. It was quiet between them now. Until Steve reached out once more with his right hand to caress the very same cheek that he had just a moment ago. She met the movement with her own by leaning into his hand until he was able to cup her cheek completely. 
“You know that we’re going to have to talk about this sometime, El." Steve whispered with his face closer to hers. Their faces were so close that they could feel each other’s breath on their skin. 
“Talk about what?” She whispered back, mesmerized by his blue eyes, her gaze still on his as she felt his other arm go back around her waist to pull her body closer to his. She hooked her arm underneath his again to clutch onto the back of his shoulder. Her other arm went around his waist to anchor herself to him. Their embrace was so intimate that there was no mistaking the energy in the room shifting into something different. Something new. 
“You know what, Red.” Steve said with a knowing tone. His nose softly nuzzled her own as her eyes unconsciously drifted shut at the sultry tone of his words. His lips were so close to brushing hers. She could practically feel his lips on hers. Almost anticipating it. 
Of course, again, Ellie knew exactly what Steve was talking about. Their increased physical contact also initiated something new between the two Avengers. An intimacy. A romantic energy that was so charged that it made Ellie’s blood rush and pool to her heavy beating heart, and to other parts of her body that were just criminal. Her body ached with a charge that she knew only Steve would be able to satiate. 
It began six months ago when they returned from an intense mission. It was a particularly rough mission. Ellie had to use her powers, which was not worrisome of course. What was worrisome was that she had a harder time pulling back on this mission. 
Her abilities included being able to absorb, manipulate, and manifest fire. She could not only generate fire from her own body, but she could also smother them. However, the use of her powers always came with some cost.
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Chapter Six: Uh Oh.
Tony followed a customer out of the employee's only area and whispered, “Tonight? Got it?” The customer nodded and left. Todd went around the counter and up to Tony and asked, “What's all that about?” Tony looked him in the eye, “All what? Oh! Yeah, the new meat! It's nothin for now, heh. Maybe you'll see later.” Todd's anger rises, “You cant just go around turning people into vampires!” “Yes i can. And we're not technically vampires.” Tony joked. “That doesnt matter dude! And how is that supposed to be better??” Todd yelled, Tony snapped back, “Last time i checked I hired you, so chill out wouldja. I didnt turn but 4 people, alright?” “You're really not convincing me here dude.” Todd whined. “Whatever kid, say, hows about you and i finish closin up and we get a bite, eh?”
The streets were once again busy that night, but finally somebody was keeping an eye out for the residents of this helpless city. Ron Broccoli walked the alleys and roads looking for any sign of the undead he knew were lurking, as well as any sign of their victims. He had barely begun the night's search when he saw two people walking out of the back of the just closed, “Tony Gunk's Italian Pizzeria” and decided to follow the pair. “Those two are similar heights to the men who attacked that poor guy last night, on the off chance they're potential prey or the very scum im looking for, i ought to follow em.” Broccoli thought.
“We need to getcha a real meal this time, son.” Tony said, walking alongside Todd. The pair creeped at a normal pace down Tony's usual druggie filled alleys, Tony hoped to find his employee a meal that wasnt so full of holes. Todd started, “I already said im not killing anybody, Tony.” “Ahh, I know I know. I'll do that part, pal.” “We arent pals, i just dont want to starve.” Todd shot. “Sure.” Tony replied with sarcasm. “Make sure he doesnt get back up this time, would you?” Todd prodded. “Relax, it wont happen again.” Tony said flatly. They walked passed a man passed out on the ground, an empty needle beside him. “Next.” Tony sighed. They continued passed backdoors, trash cans and bags until they turned another corner. Tony's voice raised with a hushed excitement, “Pss, Todd, look there. Diggin in the dumpster-” Todd looked ahead at a man dumpster diving, not paying them any attention. “Its a dead end, kid. He's got nowhere ta run.” Tony egged him on. Todd smiled and took off running at the man with his back turned. Tony looked on proud, he didnt expect Todd to do the part he so often argued against. Todd tackled the man to the ground and started growling, the man fought Todd's hands away and pushed back his face as much as he could as Todd clawed and tore as if he was digging. He finally got a good bite of the man's arm and started shaking it like a dog. The man screamed as his arm tore more and more, letting blood pour from the wound. Suddenly a wooden bolt shot by and barely missed Todd's head. Tony and Todd snapped their heads around to see where it had come from. “I knew I'd find something if i followed you long enough.” Broccoli walked from behind the corner, aiming his crossbow already containing another bolt. Tony looked at Broccoli and smiled, “Ohh, now this is interestin.” The injured man scrambled up to his feet and sprinted down the street. “Get em, kid!” Tony ordered Todd. Todd snarled and gave the man chase, they both turned the corner and went quickly out of sight. Broccoli went for a shot at Todd but Tony appeared beside him, grabbed the bolt from the chamber and snapped it before backing away. “Tony, is it?” Broccoli inquired while reloading another shot, “Dont. Move.” He pointed his crossbow at Tony. “Listen, Ron. If i wanted, I could have you and that bow broken before you even fired. How's about you look the other way?” Tony said. Ron steadied his aim and fired. A hooded man dropped from the roof above the two and landed in front of Tony, getting shot instantly by the wooden bolt. He started dissolving into sand and ash, stumbling to the ground. Tony walked around his dying body and towards Broccoli. Before Ron could reload another bolt Tony appeared in front of him. 
Tony through him to the wall at the end of the dead end street and said, “Yknow Ron, i could turn ya here and now if i wanted, you'd have to live like us. Wouldnt that just be the worst?” Broccoli glared at him with contempt and spoke, “Id simply starve. I would never stoop to your level.” Tony smiled and held back a cackle, “You already have, silly. Remember your visit to my fine establishment?” Ron readied a knife and held it up, “What are you on about, dick?” “Well ya know you're missin mutt?” Tony laughed quietly to himself as confusion set across Ron's face. “My dog? What about her? What are you talking about?” A toothy grin overcame Tony, as his voice quieted slightly, showing its rasp. “Truth is I drained the poor thing and used its blood for the sauce in the pizza you ordered. The whole time you were lookin you couldve just checked my restaurant! Or better!!" He chuckled and wheezed, "Your own refrigerator- Hehahaa” Tony's cackle was interrupted by Ron shoving him to the cold hard ground and pinning him with his body. Ron's knee held down one arm and his free hand held down the other. Ron leaned in close to Tony's face and Tony asked, “Are we aboutta kiss right now?” “Go to hell.”
Ron almost plunged the knife into Tony's head when, “Stop where you are!” An unfamiliar voice demanded from down the street, “Drop the damn knife.” Broccoli looked up at three police officers, guns drawn and aimed at him. He did as they said and climbed off of Tony, “Gentlemen,” he raised his hands in the air, “This man is a murderer. Im sure he's killed somebody tonight. Check his shop, thats where he keeps em!” One officer walked towards him, “Turn around and place your hands behind your back,” he turned to Tony and said, “You're the guy from TV, with the pizza place?” He talked to Tony while the other two handcuffed and took Ron to their car down the street, “We're going to have to investigate his claim, as crazy as he seems.” Tony sat leaned against the wall and faked exhaustion, “Sure thing, sir! Ive got the keys on me now if you want to take a swing by.”
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antvnger · 1 year
Blood Brothers AU - the Stark Boys and Harley
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((Harley! Holy crap I never even thought about Harley!
I’m so sorry it took so long
Hmmm this is very interesting, Anon, because Tony’s time in Tennessee is one of those things that took place while Scott was incarcerated. So Scott learns about Harley when he meets the boy for the first time…))
Tony being Tony really did have a soft spot for the kid after his time in Tennessee.
They are connected after all.
And Tony being Tony, he decided the best way to introduce Scott to Harley is via road trip to Tennessee with the intention of making a special delivery.
Harley’s sister was owed another limited edition watch, and Tony thought Harley could benefit from some Stark Industries limited edition tech…appropriate for his age, of course.
Meanwhile, Scott doesn’t know any of this because Tony’s keeping details to himself. It’s more fun that way.
He’s handled Scott’s persistent stream of questions all his life, so having his kid brother ask a plethora of questions until Tony distracted him long enough to forget what he was even asking about was nothing new to Tony.
They flew down to Nashville - properly incognito of course. Tony went for the cap, sweatshirt hood, and glasses, and Scott said hell no, we’re doing this part my way - and then drove the 3.5 hour drive to Rose Hill.
“Tony, if you’re taking me to see some random Jed Clampett thing you found–”
“Nope, little brother, I told you I have a special delivery in this neck of the woods.”
“Literally,” Scott muttered as they drove through a forest. “What could you possibly have to deliver here that you couldn’t send UPS?”
“I don’t trust this kind of limited edition stuff in the mail.”
They got to Main Street in Rose Hill, and Scott looked around with a very curious and intrigued look on his face. “Yup,” he popped the P as he nodded, “just as I suspected. This only creates more questions than actually answers any, Tony.”
“God, you get so sassy when we travel, Stark.”
“ADHD plus long ass plane and car rides equals restlessness and sass, Stark, and you shouldn’t be surprised by this.”
“You’re about to be the surprised one–”
“I have been the surprised one.”
“-- because we’re almost to our destination.”
The thing that surprised Scott the least so far was when Tony walked to the garage instead of the house once they did reach their actual destination.
Everything else was still a mystery.
The biggest surprise was the boy who greeted Tony…and how the boy greeted him. “Hey! The Mechanic! You’re back!” he exclaimed with a big grin.
Oh nope. That wasn’t the biggest surprise. The biggest surprise was Tony’s response. “Of course, I’m back. Couldn’t very well leave and not just check on you.”
He looked at his brother and said simply, “We’re connected.”
The boy nodded in agreement and added, “We grew up with shitty men.”
“Uh!” Tony pointed at him and chastised. “That’s a grownup word. You haven’t reached the age or height restrictions yet to use that word.”
Then he looked back at Scott. “Between Grandpa Howard and his dad, we knew really shitty family members.”
“And we need each other. We’re connected.”
“…As already pre-established.”
Scott looked between the two of them, completely lost. “Okaaaaaayyyyyy…”
“Scott, this is Harley Keener. Harley, this is my little brother, Scott.”
It’s at this point where Tony gave Scott a quick rundown of how he and Harley met, and why he and Scott were now there.
“I really wish I could’ve seen you wearing a Dora the Explorer watch, Tony.”
“Limited edition,” Tony and Harley simultaneously corrected, making Scott chuckle and amend his statement.
Tony brought another limited edition Dora the Explorer watch (for real limited edition because Tony modified it himself) for Harley’s sister, and he brought Harley a drone the size and shape of one of those really speedy lizards.
“Really? A lizard?” Scott asked.
“COOL!” Harley exclaimed.
“Ants are your thing, and I’m not touching spiders. I thought a little lizard would fit in around here.”
Scott enjoyed watching Tony and Harley interact. Even though them being connected seemed to be some kind of inside joke or something, to an extent it really was true.
And it was…really sweet to watch.
It wasn’t quite like how Tony interacted with Cassie, similar but not quite.
There was definitely something to the “we’re connected” statement, and Scott couldn’t help but watch contentedly.
Being brothers with Tony meant a life full of surprises.
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scottxlogan · 2 years
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
First of all thank you very much for sending this! It means a lot that you brought this my way! With my works there's a lot of passion that goes into them and I love each one for so many different reasons as once inspiration hits I get caught up in so many ideas and just get lost in them for days/months/etc. That being said I'm going to try to narrow it down to those stories that really stand out to me for reasons that really touch something deep inside of me in their creation. Again, I love them all for the most part, but these few are special for a lot of different reasons:
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Damaged (pairing Scott/Logan, Rating E) Logan’s been behaving different lately and no one seems to notice it except for Scott. As Scott finds himself contemplating his colleague’s strange behavior, he finds that the mystery Logan presents turns into an obsession for him. Scott’s convinced something has changed, but when no one else seems to pay attention to Logan’s new habits, Scott takes it upon himself to discover just what has brought about the change in his teammate. Will Scott’s obsession lead to happy endings for these two or more misery down the road as this new world unfolds? This story is special to me in particular because I started it during the pandemic at a time when I was locked away from the world and stuck in this place where my only choice was to lose myself to my writing and explore a darker world that could be after Days of Future Past. This story is a long (and incomplete for now) one, but there's so much here that I would encourage any Scott/Logan fan to check it out. There's so much in it that really helped me grow and evolve in writing and there's been a lot of positive response to it. Under Your Spell (pairing Scott/Logan, Rating E)  While on a mission Logan’s deviation from the objective takes him down a surprising path when he finds himself suddenly overtaken with thoughts of Scott Summers. To this day this one remains a favorite of mine because it was a challenge someone gave me and it was fun, romantic, silly and serious all at once. It's a story that brought Scott/Logan full circle and really challenged me to try something different but man was it fun. I'll always love this story for that.
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End of the Line  (pairing Bucky/Tony, Rating E) After an unforeseen disaster shakes up the city and turns Tony Stark’s world upside-down, he steps away from his old life to retreat to isolation. Hiding in the shadows of a city struggling with the aftermath of disaster, Tony crosses paths with a sexy stranger who turns his world around in ways he never knew he wanted or needed in his life.
I wrote this story for a MRBB (marvel reverse big bang) when a piece of art inspired something that I'd never tried before. To this day End of the Line is the BIGGEST story I have ever written and it was in the journey I took writing this that I fell in love with the WinterIron pairing. There have been a lot of ups and downs along the road to being a fan of this duo and along the way I learned a lot about myself as a person and an author. This pairing to me just oozes with so many opportunities for second chances and happiness to be found after a life of misery. I just love them together and this story paved the way to my attachment to them. I'm so blessed/happy that this bang happened because it sparked something in me that I feared was lost a long time ago. Writing WinterIron inspired me and changed my life for the better and I owe it all to this story and the talented artist that i was paired with. Home Again (Bucky/Tony, Rating M) Bucky returns from a grueling mission to his new best friend Alpine. He begins pondering the path he’s been on after facing the reality that some wounds can never truly be healed. In the height of his exhaustion, Bucky comes face to face with the last person that he ever anticipated seeing again in this lifetime or any other. When one of his biggest regrets manifests before him in impossible ways, will Bucky find the strength to make up for the mistakes of the past and find something even more profound along the way? Words cannot express how much I LOVE writing this story. That's probably a part of why it's been a minute since its last update because I want it to be something perfect when readers sit down to take a look at. This journey Bucky and Tony are on together is about second chances, finding your soulmate in a more traditional sense and love overcoming some pretty incredible odds. It's about healing and redemption and second chances and there's so much within this that as I get closer to the end it's hard for me to let go because it means so much. I know that I don't necessarily write WinterIron the way that so many other talented authors do, but this story...this one hits a bunch of checkmarks for me and I hope it does for readers too. I'm very proud of this work and I hope that people feel for it in the ways that I have come to in writing it! There are so many other stories that mean so much but off hand without bombarding everyone with too many those stand out. If anyone is bored and wants to delve into some of my works, I would recommend those as each one has touched me in a personal way through the years and they are so very special in their own way. Again thanks for this message and reminding me again why I love writing. Sometimes in the silence of fandom it's hard to remember why I do this and what matters. In a world where there's so much drama and tension this is a bright spot in my life and writing offers a freedom seldom found in other places. These stories reflect that and I hope if I can bring any joy to others with them then my goal is complete. Thanks again for the ask!
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lemonlillybee · 2 years
Whumptober Day 6
Title: Proof of Life
Prompt: “I’ve got a pulse” @whumptober
Fandom: Spider-Man (MCU)
Word Count: 884
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“Incoming call from Peter Parker, via Karen.” 
F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice pulls Tony from his thoughts. He leans back in his chair, tapping his finger against the screen on his tablet to put it to sleep and reaching for his mug of coffee.
“Hey Pete, what’s up?”
“Hello, Mr. Stark,” Karen’s voice replies, and Tony lifts his eyes to the ceiling in surprise. “Peter is currently unconscious and requires immediate medical attention. Protocol dictates I do not call for emergency services without your direct instruction, sir.” 
Tony is up and jogging to the elevator before she can even finish. “Shit. What happened?” 
“His web shooters were both damaged before he experienced an electric shock and fell from a height of ninety-three feet. Peter’s suit sustained significant damage and my functions are low. I have just lost access to his biometric readings, along with other operations.”
“FRI, I’m taking a suit to Peter. Karen, show me the civilian closest to Peter.” He finds himself pacing back and forth in the elevator.
“I will do my best,” Karen replies, and Tony stops pacing, anger blooming in his chest, anger at himself because this is Peter they’re talking about, and what if Karen’s best isn’t good enough? He’s the one who created Karen, and if she fails, that’s on him. 
He doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until Karen speaks again. 
“This civilian is currently 44 feet from Peter’s location.” 
Tony studies the image F.R.I.D.A.Y. is projecting of a woman tying her shoe. “ID her please? I’m going to need a phone number.”
“Carrie Warner, age 28, employed at Ladybug Learning Center.” 
“Okay, Karen, thank you. F.R.I.D.A.Y.?”
“Dialing now, Boss.” 
The elevator doors open, and Tony jogs out as the phone call goes out. After two long, agonzing rings, someone picks up. 
“Carrie? Tony Stark here. Listen, we don’t have a lot of time. There’s an unconscious person down that alleyway you’re standing by. He’s in need of medical attention but you’re the closest person to him. Are you able to go check on him?”
There’s a moment of silence, and it takes every single ounce of strength Tony has not to scream impatiently into the phone. 
“I…what? You…did you just say you’re Tony Stark?” 
“Yes, ma’am. Are you able to go check on him?” Tony urges, finally reaching his suit. 
“I see him,” she replies softly, and Tony can hear her breath growing quicker. “He’s…he’s dressed like Spider-Man?”
“That’s because he is Spider-Man. Can you please check for a pulse? And see if he’s breathing?” 
“What the fuck…?” Carrie trails off. Tony, fully suited up now, flies out of the compound and toward the city and tries to keep his heart rate in check. Panicking won’t help Peter. 
“What the actual fuck! What the…he looks…I think I can see his chest moving up and down? Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m actually looking at Spider-Man right now. Are you really Tony Stark?”   
“Can you check his pulse? His mask can be lifted up from the neck. I hope this goes without saying, but don’t remove it from his face–” Tony cuts himself off before he can make any threats. He doesn’t want to scare her off. He takes a deep breath and tries not to sound so desperate. “Please.” 
“I…I’ve got a pulse,” she says after a moment, far too hesitant for Tony’s liking. 
“Seven minutes out, Boss,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. says, and Tony blows out a breath.
“You’re free to go, Carrie. He’s got help on the way. Thank you for your service.” 
“Should I…I can stay here with him?” 
“No, thank you, Carrie. It’s probably best if you get going.” Tony squeezes his eyes shut for a second, and when he opens them he swallows hard. “Try not to draw attention to him?” 
Tony ends the call then, hoping that she’ll be gone when he gets to Peter. The next seven minutes are the longest of Tony’s life, and when he finally lands in the alley between the two buildings, he spots Peter immediately, on his back and unmoving. Carrie is nowhere in sight. Tony rushes over, crouching down as he lifts his faceplate up. He checks both directions down the alley to make sure no one is around before gently removing Peter’s mask. 
The left side of Peter’s face is already bruised, angry dark purplish blotches that stretch from his jaw to his eyebrow. He looks so small, lying unconscious on the concrete, and Tony once again finds himself having to stuff down the panic that rises as his heart rate increases. As he carefully gathers Peter in his arms, his eyes drift open, and Tony gets a glimpse of brown eyes.
“Hey, Pete,” Tony sighs. “You gave me quite the scare.”
Peter closes his eyes and groans. His body is still but his face isn’t, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks and forehead wrinkling just slightly. Tony’s never been so happy to see that little forehead wrinkle, even though he knows it means Peter is in a lot of pain. He takes off into the sky, holding Peter close and addressing his AI. 
“FRI? Make an anonymous donation to the Ladybug Learning Center, please.” 
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fattestwriting · 1 year
The Wasp was worried about turning into normal height or giant height after having giant feast of giant cake when she’s tiny (weight: MAXIMUM! Vore: Nope, Gasses: SUPER MAXIUM!)
Janet was no stranger to self indulgence. In fact, she was addicted to it. On the daily she would shrink down to her tiny size and eat, just so she could feel her belly bloat. She never had to worry about any consequences beyond having some fat tits and a fat ass because of her metabolism while shrunk.
So, on a day like any other, Janet set out a cake for herself. Just a triple chocolate, nothing fancy. After she placed it in a reachable way, she shrunk. In this state, the cake towered over her, about the same size as a 4 story building. It was daunting, but she was hungry.
So she began scarffing it down, taking ravenous chunk after ravenous chunk of moist delicious goodness. She didn't bother to keep herself clean, shoving her entire bust into the cake to get a bigger bite and pressing her hands into it to hold her balance. After only five minutes, she had eaten half the cake. Deciding she was too hungry for savoring any more of this cake, she leaned into it and ate the entire rest of the cake in a single bite. Now, finally, in the place where a cake had once been was Janet's enormous dirty belly.
She was more than ready for her well deserved food coma, before she heard her ID card ringing.
"JANET, we need you, now! I'm sending you the coordinates, just get over here, ASAP!"
"Oh no, Tony sounds like he really needs help... But. But I'm the size of a city block! What am I supposed to do..."
She realized she didn't have much choice, even if she hated it. Tony never called for help unless it was urgent, much less from her of all people. So begrudgingly, she flapped her absurdly huge body over to the coordinates Tony had provided.
When she got there, she could see why she was called. It was the Council of Kangs, all of them. Some hundred plus Kangs were ravaging the city. Janet had no idea how she could even begin to help the situation, until she had a thought. A devious thought. A risky thought.
"An incredibly hot thought..."
And so, with that minimal convincing, she began to grow. First, to her normal human size, but then to her GiAnt-Woman size. Even though she had been miles in the sky, her stomach now touched the ground. Not only that, but it covered half the Earth in her flab. She was red in the face beyond belief, but as she felt the Kangs struggle before eventually all falling limp, she knew she had made the right call. Or at least she thought so, until she realized she couldn't turn back.
Try as she might, Janet couldn't shrink again. This meant the worst possible thing had happened, Janet had just become the biggest threat to humanity, a notion which only got stronger as her belly rumbled like the bells of armageddon across the globe.
She could tell the chocolate cake wasn't sitting well with her, and she braced herself for impact.
It was this massive explosion of flatulence that marked the end of the world- no, the solar system as Janet knew it. Her fart had been so massive that the entire cosmos was painted green and filled with the stench of rotting eggs and dead animals. The pure heat emanating off of the fart stopped anyone from even realizing that the Sun had been put out.
Janet's inability to shrink back down meant she couldn't check if anyone on her home planet actually managed to survive the nasal bombardment, but even if they had, she figured life would be irreversibly altered, and so she began looking towards the future.
Towards her next meal, and towards her next fart.
"I always wondered if those rumors about the moon being made out of cheese were true..."
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the-firebird69 · 19 days
And we got these bikes and it was me and Garth we heard what he said lower it st tires would weigh a little bit for some tributal force same battery same guy and we weigh about 140 pounds or 135 pounds and we did the modifications no we couldn't get the tire it's not true we are going to get the tires and we're going to register it or use my plates and he said you have to do the test now you guys can afford these and you have to be able to buy them and I'd say that BG is blocking you or trump who's really usually always doing it I said block me from what the better heavier st tire so you have like different grades it's just three grades I tried the one in the middle and so I figured out what to do i'm gonna have to try and get this done I can't believe I couldn't do it.
tommy f
I have tried similar stuff and I put a better tire and I got like 150 miles an hour and what I said was it's like a small tire and I heard a bigger tire this is you don't know about Centripetal Force so I went ahead and tried to get that and I couldn't and I have to lower it and I said to myself that sounds crazy I said I can't get it ahead of Tony Stark and he hasn't issued it yet but people are modifying them and they're buying these like madness they know that I said it can go on the road and 150 is pretty damn good. I said I said this this is a very fast bike 150 is a super bike speed and 180 is super bike speed for sure and said now that's 150 with the original battery so I decided to try and change the battery and I didn't do that yet.
And I took the Seron X this one and I changed the battery put the bigger wider tires same rims lowered it and put a small windscreen on 'cause I heard that and he says because the tires are a little bigger they're a little higher and you go a little faster as in holy **** that's weird. Is it that's why these supercars that are mega cars have big tariffs and I said wow I thought it was for flying and it's not. So I got out there and I'm going at 170 and I'm not on a test track I'm usually not and I got it up to about 200 miles an hour and I started to shake and I said I have to go to a better road I found one and I did it and I said You know what these tires keep this thing together it's going straight as a jet and I mean like a 747 it was nice 220 miles an hour but I had to put a new battery in so I put the old battery back and I got the top speed 185 miles an hour with just these new tires and they're like almost three and a half inches wide and the height is higher and it makes the bike faster and you lower it in the centripetal force keeps you up and for some reason it's faster and he says when you're wobbling you have turbulence and you end up sitting up straight and the bike ends up slowing down be....i and the bike ends up slowing down because the wind current surrounded keep changing and catching it on it and it's absolutely true and somebody told me that you said another thing is with a lighter tire you're catching the wind with a heavier one it blasts through it because it doesn't move back and forth at all on the front and that's true too and we did a time lapse study at one point this guy's amazing cuz he never has done this but he's riding and he's checking it out and it's observing there's some weird stuff about him it's usually he has to see stuff but he's doing it he's doing that absolutely nothing and we're gonna hand it off to the mac proper. These bikes we need them now and we need to do stuff these are amazing bikes you would not believe how fast it is in the batteries are small the new solid battery is small and he says with the old battery how....  and he says with the old battery how far can you go riding around town and it's so about 85 miles with the new battery I get about 120 if I put two batteries in of the old one I go about 150 miles but if I put two batteries of the new one it's crazy you get more mileage no it's still about 240 miles really it's a little less cause you're carrying the weight it's like 220 miles which is which is really what you should do but I understand what you're saying it's the lightness it's the aerodynamics and you can put a Ducati Shell on it as long as you have cooling enough and it will go further and that's the goal and faster so I'm gonna try that and I have to trim it down. But it looked very cool and it looked like a street bike and it handles like one because of the tires that's the best part important
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Thor: Part Seven
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You turn the corner and head straight into the bathroom where you know no one is in. After checking each of the stalls, you stare at yourself in the mirror as you use your shapeshifting abilities.
Your hair becomes longer and darker, your eyes swirl into bright blue oceans, your skin magically lightens to that of a porcelain doll, your breasts become fuller, your waist becomes smaller, and you grow a few inches in height. You're turning into one of the doctors you saw pass by, and this is the woman you're turning into now. You just hope this woman is so busy that no one notices two of her running around.
You fix your hair and leave the bathroom, heading in the direction you know they took Thor. You peek into every room you pass by for the ex-God, but you don't see him anywhere. You're so busy trying to look for your friend that you don't notice someone watching you.
"Dr. Kaycee, are you alright?"
You never knew this woman's name, so you don't respond to the person who is trying to get your attention. You feel a hand on your shoulder which causes you to jump, and you turn to the person standing there.
"Can I help you?"
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm looking for Thor, a patient of mine."
"You work in Peds and in the NICU."
"Yes, well, I was called down here to do a consultation. Where is he?"
"He's in room T-103. I heard they had to give him some heavy sedatives. The dude just wouldn't go down."
"Thank you."
You turn and head to the room he mentioned. You make sure no one is coming before heading inside. Thor is lying on the bed with restraints on his wrists and ankles. He must have freaked out the nurses and doctors so badly that they had to do this to him.
"What the hell did you do?" you mutter to yourself. You walk over to him and release him from his restraints, settling at the head of his bed. You lean over and slap his cheek twice to get him awake. "Thor, wake up!"
It took two more attempts, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he shot up in bed from shock.
"Stay the hell away from me."
"Thor! It's me, Y/N!"
"You're not Y/N! What the hell are you talking about?"
You quickly shift from your current look to your normal human form. As soon as Thor sees it's you, he visibly relaxes. You then shift back to the one you stole earlier.
"We need to get you the hell out of here. If they figure out we're not from Earth, they'll lock us up for life."
"No Midgard prison can hold me," he says confidently.
"I'd rather not test that theory. Come on, we need to get the hell out of here. Just stay down and don't move."
You grab a white sheet and lay it over Thor to pretend like he's a dead body. No one is going to question you, a doctor, in a hospital with a dead body. Kicking the stands away on the bed, you begin to roll Thor out of the room. You receive weird looks from other doctors, but none confront you. You quickly make your way to the exit where you two leave. As soon as you're clear, you rip the bedsheet off and turn back into your normal form.
"Come on, let's go."
You and Thor walk away from the hospital with no sense of direction. There are a few options you have. Natasha isn't an option because she probably thinks you ditched her after being sucked up into that rainbow bridge. Tony and Pepper are probably really busy. Fury probably thinks you ditched him after telling him you'll join his superhero team. Right now, you're on your own. 
You get two steps into the parking lot when a car comes barreling into Thor. You gasp and jump out of the way, glaring at the person who hit you.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" you exclaim when you see Jane driving the van.
"I'm so sorry. I swear I'm not doing that on purpose," she says.
"All will be forgiven if you give us a place to stay for the time being," you say and help Thor to his feet. "We need clothes and some food if you don't mind."
"Yeah, of course."
You and Thor get into the back of her van before anyone from the hospital sees that you've escaped. She, Erik, and Darcy get in as well before Jane takes off. You sigh with relief and sink into the seat.
"Do either of you have a phone I could use?" you ask the humans in the car.
"Yeah, here," Erik offers his.
You can tell Darcy is still scared of both of you and Jane is too skeptical. You take Erik's phone from him and bring up a new message to Nick Fury. Yes, you've memorized his number for instances like these.
Nick, it's Y/N. I don't want you to think I'm ditching you or I don't care about you, but I got myself into some trouble. Nothing I can't handle on my own, but I may have another Avenger for you to scout if you're interested. There is a mishap in New Mexico about a very heavy hammer you might be hearing about. I'll be in contact with you about this later.
After you send the message, you delete it from Erik's phone and delete what you just deleted so he can't go back into his trash and see the message.
"Thanks," you say and hand the phone back over.
The rest of the car ride is plunged into silence as Thor tries to wrap his head around being human. Jane is kind enough to give you both clothes since Thor is in his hospital gown and yours is torn.
"Thanks," you whisper.
You and Thor head to the back room and change, and hopefully, you can get it into his thick head just what he's dealing with here.
"Thor, listen to me right now. Earth is not Asgard, okay? There are different cultures and rules here that are very different from Asgard. You can't go yelling into the sky for Heimdall because the people here don't believe in aliens. This world doesn't know it's not alone."
"Yeah, I hear you. It'll be fine," Thor dismisses your concerns.
You grab his face and make him look at you. You really need to get it into his head that his behavior won't cut it.
"Listen to me, I've been on Earth long enough to know what is going on here." You get a glimpse at what's in the mirror next to you and notice Jane and Darcy staring at you two. They quickly look away after being caught, and you take your hands off Thor's face. "Please, just let me handle this."
"I hear you."
He says one thing but his body language says something different. You shake your head and get dressed in what Jane offered you before walking into the main room. Thor follows a few minutes later and walks over to a work area that has expensive-looking equipment on it. Thor starts fiddling with it, sending Jane into a panic.
"Excuse me... excuse me! Please don't touch those!"
Thor notices there is a picture of what humans think the Bifrost looks like on the wall. He shakes his head and turns to Jane.
"This mortal form has grown weak. I need sustenance."
"Food. He's hungry," you sigh.
"I know a place," Darcy says.
Jane, Darcy, and Erik take you and Thor to a place called Isabella's Diner. There are other couples inside eating peacefully when you enter. There is a young couple in the back sitting together in a booth, snuggled up next to each other and feeding one another. They are young and in love and no one is going to stop them from doing what they want.
A memory surfaces from the deep parts of your mind, something you didn't think was there.
"Are you sure we're allowed to be doing this?" you ask Loki.
"I am a Prince, darling. I can do anything."
You sit on the couch underneath his bedroom window while he is stretched out on his bed. His long legs are crossed over one another, and a big bowl of grapes rests on his lap.
"Tell me something, Prince Loki. Why me? What made you want to save me?"
Loki reaches into the bowl of grapes and plucks a few off their stems. He rolls a grape between his thumb and index finger as he thinks about his answer.
"Why not?"
He tosses a grape over to you, and you try to catch it with your mouth. It bounces off your nose and falls onto the ground.
"Come on, what's the real reason? You didn't have to help me."
"I know a thing or two about feeling lost and like the whole world is against you. I didn't want you to be alone."
You stare at Loki from across the room in thought. It's only been a month since he rescued you from Markus. You're not sure what to say to this. Your heart does a little flip when you think about him. His blue eyes are filled with mystery and sadness, sadness you'd like to cure. What are these feelings? It's like ever since you met him, you can't get him out of your head. Is this what love feels like? How can you love a man you barely know?
Loki grabs another grape and tosses it at you, but you catch it this time. You toss it back at him with a grin, and he catches the grape in his mouth.
"Come on, darling. You're terrible at this game," he chuckles.
There it is again. That flutter.
"Y/N?" You're brought back to reality when Jane calls your name. You look away from the couple at the group who is already seated. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine."
Was Loki to you how Bucky was to you? Did you love Loki in the way you loved Bucky? Where did this memory come from? Why was it locked away? Thor orders more food than anyone at the table, and he completely devours it when it arrives. You look back at the couple to see them kissing, and a longing pang hits your heart. You turn back to the group and toss your eggs around on your plate, suddenly not hungry.
"So, are you two going to tell us where you came from?" Jane asks, taking her notebook out of her bag to record notes.
"I wouldn't even know where to begin," you say.
"Maybe start with how you got inside that cloud."
"And how you could eat an entire plate of pancakes and still be this hungry," Darcy says.
Thor grabs his coffee to wash down his food and admires the cup as if it gave him the drink and not the waitress.
"This drink. I like it." Thor slams the ceramic mug to the ground, startling everyone but you. "Another!"
This is going to be a long day. You rub your temples to soothe the headache you know is coming. Isabela, the owner and waitress, glares at Thor from behind the diner counter.
"Sorry, Izzy. Little accident." Jane looks at her apologetically before turning to Thor. "What was that?"
Thor looks confused as to why she's a bit mad.
"It was delicious. I want another."
"Then you should say so."
"I just did."
"I meant to ask for it nicely.
"I meant no disrespect."
"Thor, don't go smashing cups around. Remember? We don't do that," you whisper the last part to him.
"Oh. Okay. You have my word," he nods.
A few local men enter the diner. They head straight to the bar counter and order some coffee. Isabel greets them with their usual orders since they come here so often.
"You missed all the excitement out at the crater, Izzy."
"What crater?"
You overhear their conversation as did the entire table, and you look at them with interest.
"They're saying some kind of satellite crashed in the desert. We were having a good time with it till the Feds showed up and chased us out."
The conversation is piquing your interest, but Jane is more so than you are. She gets up and approaches the two men.
"Excuse me, did you say there was a satellite crash?"
"Yeah. They said it was radioactive, and I had my hands all over it."
Thor takes his giant stack of waffles and digs into them as if he didn't already have a stack of pancakes, a dozen eggs, and chicken fried steak. Darcy is amazed at his appetite and takes out her phone to record this.
"This is so going on Facebook." She opens her camera app and points it at Thor. "Smile!"
Thor doesn't question it and smiles with food still in his mouth. When she inspects the picture, he goes back to eating.
"What did the satellite look like?" Erik asks.
"I don't know anything about satellites, but it was heavy. It's really heavy. Nobody could lift it."
Thor stops eating and meets your eyes. That's not a satellite. That's Thor's hammer. He gets up and walks over to the two men who crane their necks to look up at him.
"Where is it?"
"About fifty miles west of here." That's enough for Thor because he quickly strides out of the diner. He figures if he can get to it, he can regain his powers by picking it up. "I wouldn't bother! Looked like the whole Army was coming in when we left!"
"Excuse us." You leave the diner to find Thor walking in the middle of the road. There is a car trying to pass that honks its horn, but Thor is unfazed. "Thor! Get out of the road!" You pull him back on the sidewalk across the street from the diner. "Look, it's different here than it is in Asgard. I know humans. They have different customs than what you're used to."
"You're not human," he states.
"I know that but I've spent a thousand years here, give or take. I know how they think. You're being reckless."
Jane, Erik, and Darcy come out of the diner and jog over to you and Thor.
"Where are you two going?"
"Fifty miles west of here."
"To get what belongs to me."
"So, now you own a satellite?"
"It's not a satellite."
"Whatever it is, the government seems to think it's theirs. What, do you intend to just walk in there and take it?"
"Yes." Thor sees how eager she is for answers and looks at her van. "If you take me there now, I'll tell you everything you wish to know."
"Everything?" Jane gasps with a smile.
Earth is bound to know about aliens and other planets, especially after what happened with you and Carol. You've tried so hard to keep the world from knowing who you are, but now, it doesn't seem like it matters. Thor is here, and it's not like they're going to let this hammer thing go.
"All the answers you seek will be yours, once I reclaim Mjolnir."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 2 years
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Twenty Eight<<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Loki and Eva are finally married also included is the beginning of the reception.
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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Once they got onto the landing Eva heard Loki speaking with Clint. He kept repeating "I'm going to be a dad.. I can't believe it, you will give me tips if I need them?"
"Yeah Loki, anything you need just ask. And Laura will be more than happy to answer any questions Eva may have also. So we should get in there, the girls will be arriving soon."
"Yes, let's go take our places." As the pair walked to front of the aisle, Clint checked to make sure everything was in place. The doors opened to the processional Pepper, followed by Nat then Wanda. The doors closed
"That's our queue." Said Stephen as he created the portal. As the doors opened Loki kept his composure knowing the trick this time. Taking the the gasps from the crowd. He watched patiently as the portal formed and his bride with her brothers started down the aisle to him. As they walked Eva heard more than one person exclaim how beautiful she looked and how handsome her brothers were. When they stopped at the front Clint began.
...."Who gives this woman to be married?... I do Stephen Strange, her brother....finishing with I do, Anthony Stark her brother... Clint went into his greeting ... "Friends thank you all for being here to witness the Midgardian Wedding of Prince Loki Laufeyson Odinson of Asgard and Jotunheim and Princess Eva of Asgard. Now I say friends, but some here are more than friends, we are family.."and into the sword ceremony. As Loki drew his sword the attendees all listened to his words then noticed his Jotun skin as he placed the sword over his forearm hilt towards his bride. Then they collectively gasped as she drew her sword and her wings. Eva took Loki's sword and handed it off to Wanda who cradled it in the wolfs pelt as she walked away. Clint started to go into the exchange of rings. But Eva stopped him.
"Clint, can I interrupt for a minute?" His mouth hung open as he nodded his head "thanks, I didn't do this in the Asgardian version because I was too busy reciting in my head what I was going to say... but a long time ago a very wise person said to me 'on your wedding day make sure to take a moment to take it all in,'" she surveyed the crowd the happy smiling faces of friends who all accepted them then looked at the wedding party all smiles and love radiating off of them "ok, I'm good, you can continue Clint."
"If anyone has cause as to why these two should not be Wed speak now or forever hold your peace." Eva looked at the group around her, in an instant Tony and Pepper had hand reactors powered up, Wanda and Stephen's hands glowed with their magic Thor held Stormbreaker aloft with lightning dancing on his fingers, Natasha had her windows bite bracelets glowing red, Clint nocked an arrow and Loki's hands glowed green. The room erupted in applause and laughter. Eva couldn't stop laughing.
"Ok we will take that as a NO!" Clint said as he put the bow and arrow down again. And continued on, the rings were exchanged  Clint smiled. "By the power vested in me by the State of New York and online ordination.com I now pronounce you husband and wife, Prince and Princess and god and Mutant. Loki, you may kiss your bride. Loki leaned in while the cloak flew to her aid and lifted her to his height she wrapped her fingers around his neck and the other hand behind his back as they kissed perhaps too deep and too long for some, but perfect for them. Once on the ground Loki laced his fingers in hers as they led the recessional out of the room.
"I had to get you back for the portal on Asgard, I hope you were ok with the little Avengers addition." Loki was grinning
"Yeah, I liked it.. unique just like us, She reached up kissing him again, "my Husband."
The photographers gathered up the wedding party and ushered them outside as it was 'magic hour' for natural lighting. They took a few pictures together and with the group. Thor asked everyone to step inside for a few minutes as he had some magic of his own. For 30 seconds it downpoured, then Thor stopped the rain bringing out the most beautiful rainbow the group had ever seen as a back drop.
"Thor, that's amazing thank you." Eva said kissing him. There were more posed and candid shots taken, then they asked if the couple would like to do a few 'Pregnancy Shots' Loki enthusiastically agreed. There were a few with Loki holding her from behind with his hands on her belly, the one that would make Eva cry when she saw it, Loki was on one knee kissing her belly the light reflected off both of their crowns beautifully, a rainbow thanks to Thor as their backdrop, and a single tear rolling down Loki's cheek.
They made their way to the hall outside the room for the reception. The music stopped and they could hear the DJ through the doors. They could hear Holding out for a Hero playing in the background. "Ok now is the time for us to welcome the special couple and their closest friends. Please now welcome Doctor Stephen Strange- Sorcerer Supreme and Wanda Maximoff - the Scarlet Witch.... Next welcome Prince Thor Odinson of Asgard- god of thunder and Natasha Romanoff - the Black Widow.... Let's not forget Tony Stark - Iron Man, and Pepper Potts - Rescue....and now for the couple of the night I'm pleased to present for the first time on Midgard Prince Loki Odinson of Asgard and Jotunheim and his wife Princess Eva Odindottir of Asgard... or Loki and Dragana!" A roar went up from the crowd and as the doors opened they were met with the wedding party creating the most unique arch they had ever seen. Tony and Pepper were tossing a light beam between them, Thor arched lightning behind them and Stephen and Wanda created an arch with their magic. They bent as they ran through the gauntlet created by their closest friends. Once on the other side the crowd went wild. Tony walked to the DJ and was given the microphone. "Hey guys, I want to be the first to welcome you all to this reception for two of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Now I know the couple wants to get on with their first dance, but I promised surprises, so here is one of the last ones for you, I have a new version of your song that I would like to present you with, if that's ok?"
Eva looked at Loki who just shrugged "sure let's hear this never before version of our song." Eva called out.
The room filled with the sounds of acoustic guitars Eva turned her attention to her official husband and they started dancing. When the vocals kicked in the voice was in the room with them. Lifting her head from Loki's chest she was startled to see James Hetfield standing off to the side of the dance floor. The singer made eye contact he smiled at them. "Love, what are you looking at?"Loki asked
"James Muther-Fucking Hetfield and Metallica are actually here and singing to us, I'm going to kill Stark!" She said laughing. In the middle of the song the rest of the band went into a bridge that looped the music.
"You know a few weeks ago we got a call about doing a performance for a private event, and we don't do those and told the person as much, they responded with what if it was for Tony Stark? So that got our minds working but still not enough so we still declined. Then they hit us with it's a private Avengers function, and Tony is specifically asking for you to come and play one song and that's it. Closer, but still the answer was no, then they were given permission to specify what the event was. When we heard it was the wedding song for Loki and Eva we couldn't say no. These are two bad asses who don't care what anyone else thinks, but are still nice and have a great reputation for being very nice with their fans when they meet them. So now we were like sure, but what song do they want? The answer Nothing Else Matters. That's it we cleared our schedule hopped on a plane yesterday and here we are. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your day here on Midgard." Then he continued with the song and Loki created a small snow storm for the two of them. The band finished the song and it faded out.
The DJ came on again "ok so normally we do a father daughter dance here, but I understand that first will be a dance with all of her brothers then she will dance with Stephen. As stand by me started to play Thor danced  with her, his eyes shining with tears. "Sister you look so happy, and I am beyond excited to be an Uncle!"
"Umm we are only sharing the info with the wedding party and their significant others right now. We'll make the official announcement after my next appointment. So shush about it for now." She smiled leaning her head against his broad chest he held her more protectively. He handed her off to Tony.
"Pips, I am so happy for both of you. Do you see his face over there?" Tony used their hands to indicate Loki.
"That is the face of a man who is about to burst with the news he's going to be a dad. You both are going to be amazing parents, your gentle nature, his protective nature. I only hope for your sake it's a boy because he will be overbearing with a baby girl, and she'll have him wrapped around her fingers instantly." He kissed her forehead and held her close. Then handed her to Stephen.
The song was almost over as Stephen's blue eyes settled on her features. "You look amazing, you are practically glowing. I am confident you will be together for a very long time." The song changed to Sinatra's The Way You Look Tonight.
With each word your tenderness grows
Tearin' my fear apart
And that laugh, wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart
Lovely, never, never change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
A-just the way you look tonight
Stephen was actually singing to her. "Stephen, will you do me one favor?"
"Anything for my little one. Name it."
"Please help Loki and I through the pregnancy. I'm going to need a level head with medical experience."
He kissed her forehead . "Of course,  but I think you will be in good hands with Drs Mooney and MacTaggart. But I will be there as long as you and Loki allow it. So does this make your child my niece/nephew?"
"Yes, I wouldn't have it any other way."
As the song ended he twirled her and ended with a dip. He led her back to her seat as Loki approached Frigga.
"Mother, may I have this dance?"
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twnenglish · 2 years
Leadership Skills Every Employer Looks For
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What is authentic leadership? Definition
When things were simpler, a leader was just someone who delivered orders. Others joined in.
Things start to change now. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, leadership is the capacity to guide others. But why do people follow you? Simon Sinek, the author of Leaders Eat Last, claims that "You are a leader if your actions motivate others to achieve greater heights in all spheres of endeavor.
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That's not all, though. "I define a leader as someone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and systems and who dares to develop that potential," writes Brene Brown, the author of Dare to Lead. According to Tony Dungy, author of The Mentor Leader, the chief responsibility of a leader is to "engage, inform, arm, enlighten, encourage, amplify, and energize.
Therefore, leaders are those who keep things moving along and keep others inspired. But how do you do that? Empathy, decision-making, critical thinking, effective communication, and other abilities are all necessary for leadership. Let's go over a few of them.
Building an emotionally healthy business where each employee feels valued is what empathy entails.
Although it's frequently disregarded, empathy is actually a crucial component of creating effective teams. Consider this: excessive turnover is a result of toxic work environments, employee discontent, and emotional exhaustion. Money is lost as a result.
A leader who can keep the teams responding to work needs without upsetting people, prevent misunderstandings and inaccurate judgements, and keep them doing so will enable an even and sustainable business scaling.
Critical thinking
Making sound judgments and judgments based on in-depth fact analysis is a prerequisite for this competence. Although critical thinking is a skill that not everyone has, everything is possible with effort. We can deconstruct critical thinking into a variety of parts, such as:
Questioning assumptions
Analyzing data and drawing conclusions
Testing hypotheses
Checking evidence
However, the ability to identify the shortcomings in the current system and propose an expedient adjustment is the most crucial quality of a critical thinker.
For instance, according to Jason Fried, author of It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work, they merely chose one day to cease running advertisements on Facebook, Google, and Twitter after realising the benefits were meagre in the middle of the campaign. They won because they stopped using social media, which allowed them to spend more time and money in other areas. Not every business can do it that way all the time. However, using critical thinking enables leaders to choose wisely within a specific time frame. This is how it operates.
Decision making
This talent is a propensity for accepting accountability under urgent circumstances. However, there is a trap here: people only compliment your decision-making if it results in profit. So, we must mention a success aspect when discussing this skill.
You must possess the following traits in order to correctly make decisions:
Courage to act fast
Knowledge of your domain of specialization
Ability to analyze trends
View different perspectives
At the same time, you must understand how to steer clear of various decision-making pitfalls like Chip Heath's "spotlight effect." Heath cautions us against making decisions based solely on the information in front of us while disregarding the reality behind the scenes in his book Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work.
Consider leading a group of devoted software engineers. You notice a drop in output. The first choice is to identify and remove a weak link. A spotlight is that. Off-stage information, however, may reveal additional information, such as client feedback delays. Only by considering all the variables can you make wise selections.
Read This Full ARTICLE, Click Here
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themculibrary · 2 years
Paranormal/Ghost Hunting Masterlist
Ghostbusters: Avengers edition (ao3) - Winterturtle G, 4k
Summary: There were those sounds – taps and creaks echoing in the middle of the night, irregular at first, then far too regular for his liking.
He couldn’t ignore it and write it off as the building working anymore. Not since he started to hear footsteps as well.
~ Prompt - "I think this place is haunted."
Ghost Of The Past (ao3) - Storbotkid87 bucky/darcy, steve/natasha n/r, 15k
Summary: "Sightings... Being touched... Hauntings... Possessions... Ghosts... Demons... All are part of the paranormal. Please join us as we search into claims and help those in need", a six foot two inch blonde athletic man said as he stepped out of the shadows. "I'm Steve Rogers", Steve says. "And I'm Natasha Romanov", a medium height woman with red hair said as she stepped out of the shadows as well. "Together with our team. We are...", Steve started to say. "The Avengers", Steve and Natasha said in unison.
Haunting of Avengers Tower (ao3) - Kevy_Grayce G, 15k
Summary: The Avengers spend a late Halloween night watching BuzzFeed Unsolved, exchanging in the usual banter, until their fun is interrupted by a series of alarms. F.R.I.D.A.Y., however, doesn't know why the alarms went off in the first place. With every spooky adventure comes poor decision, theirs being the choice to split up into groups to find what could have triggered the security system. Team Tony, Team Steve, and Team Natasha explore an eerie, empty Avenger's Tower in the middle of the night in hopes of solving this mystery.
Lucky Pennies (ao3) - IamShadow21 clint/phil, clint/natasha G, 6k
Summary: In Clint Barton's official SHIELD file, there is a supplemental form with a string of letters and numbers indicating a superhuman ability. On it, there are two pieces of information. The first is 'Asset-Reported Ability (unverified)'. The second is 'Combat/Field Applicable Ability Y/N'. 'N' is circled.
Never the Fall that Kills You (ao3) - mariana_oconnor bucky/clint T, 34k
Summary: Strange things start happening in a small town after a meteor falls nearby. Special agents Barton and Romanov are sent to check it out. While they're there, Clint meets a stranger who remembers nothing before the meteor fell, except that his name is Bucky and someone is after him.
Old Souls (ao3) - the_writer1988 pepper/tony T, 167k
Summary: Tony Stark dies October 17th 2023.
And wakes up on the 30th April 2016, three days before Lagos.
Three days before the breaking of the Avengers begins.
But now he has a chance.
A chance to do it all over again.
And not die trying.
Paranormal Instigators (ao3) - Politzania G, 100
Summary: Sam and Bucky take different approaches to their role as paranormal investigators.
superhero ghost hunting (ao3) - orphan_account T, 2k
Summary: Peter and Tony try ghost hunting, lots of jokes and banter ensue.
under the light of a thousand stars (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky M, 11k
Summary: “Hey… Hey Sam.” Sam squints at him and groans, “There’s a cafe up the road, I’m gonna get us some breakfast.”
Sam checks his phone, “It’s six... In the morning, Barnes. What the fuck, man?”
Bucky frowns at him, “So?”
“We’re at a bed-and-breakfast. And I know you’re still grasping the 21st century and all, but this implies that they give you a bed and a breakfast.” Sam whips the covers open, almost smiles when he looks Bucky up and down were it not for him trying to act serious, “Plus… were you just gon’ go out in your Wakanda print jammies?"
The Rougarou: A Change of Heart (ao3) - Sarifinasnightmare bucky/sarah, natasha/sam, sarah/OMC, bucky/OFC, peggy/steve, pepper/tony E, 104k
Summary: Sam and Sarah have made a comfortable living being ghost hunters and uploading their videos for an eager audience. Upon entering an abandoned facility they thoughtlessly save Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes from what looked like a human trafficking situation and instead stumble into the frightening world of werewolves.
they could exist (ao3) - PumpkinDoodles M, 4k
Summary: When his boss tells him that he's founding a new SHIELD division, Brock Rumlow doesn't expect the paranormal....or the astrophysicist's former assistant
Wasted on the Dead and Dreaming (ao3) - LinneaKou steve/tony T, 37k
Summary: Steve looked right at his friend, and he felt just as disoriented as he had when he woke up in Munich. “What the hell is going on?”
Bucky winced. I think you’ve spontaneously developed psychic powers.
And well. Wasn’t that just great.
When Captain Steve Rogers got back from his tour of duty, he didn't expect to come back with the ability to communicate with the dead.
When Tony Stark moved back into his childhood home, he didn't expect his dead father to still be inhabiting it.
When Tony hired Steve to investigate the ghosts of his family mansion, they didn't expect to be swept up in cover-ups, corporate sabotage, and murder.
Now, time is running out as increasingly disturbing dreams haunt Tony and the ghost of Howard Stark proves to be the least of Steve's problems. If they're lucky, maybe they won't end up ghosts too.
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