#dr sickfic
godspeedviper · 6 months
How the doctors handle your sick days - Headcanons
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SFW || TW: mentions of needles, vaccines, pills & IV drip.
This one's for the girls, goths, and gays that have a chronic illness, a disability, or are just plain old sick. As a chronically ill girlie myself I'm always craving caretaker fics but never find them so I had to be the change I wanted to see in the world.
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Dr. Jonathan Crane
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He immediately shifts into a stoic clinical demeanor the moment you start to show any signs of discomfort. At first you find it a bit worrisome because his voice seems so cold and detached, but now it makes you feel grounded and safe.
Jonathan always makes sure you have everything you need, but he unfortunately doesn't think much further than that. It takes him some time to learn how to comfort you as well as heal you.
The best part about having him by your side when you're ill is that he can always talk you out of a bad state of mind. Above all, Crane remains a psychologist, and he takes pride in his ability to override your negative thoughts.
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Dr. Hannibal Lecter
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You are utterly spoiled. Hannibal makes sure to cook for you and bring your meal to bed or the living room so you can eat comfortably. In the evenings, he makes sure to run a hot bath for you with herbs and epsom salts to soothe any aches and open up your respiratory system.
Since he is a doctor after all, he has prescribing rights, and will usually write prescriptions for any necessary medications. Need to get an injection, or an IV drip? Hannibal does that for you at home.
His pride and possessiveness makes him want to give you the best possible care to ensure someone else doesn't touch you this way. Hannibal gets nervous at the thought of your safety and health being out of his hands. How could he trust someone else with such a precious life? What if they made a mistake and hurt you or worse?
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Dr. Robert Laing
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"I'm not that kind of doctor." is always the first thing he says when you mention that you aren't feeling well. However, this doesn't mean he's not helpful, he is still a pathologist. Laing always does his best to make you feel better.
He's always reading up on your symptoms and possible treatments. If something is out of his grasp, he isn't afraid to admit it and seek out assistance. Even if he can't be the one to treat you, Laing will be there with you every step of the way to advocate for you and make sure you feel safe.
Much like Scarecrow, at first he seems rather cold and detached, but it's only his training taking over. However, his starting bedside manner is much better, and over time he adapts very well to your needs.
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Dr. Spencer Reid
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Now he's definitely not that kind of doctor, but that doesn't mean he isn't prepared to take care of you. His eidetic memory comes in clutch with any possible knowledge about your condition and how to act accordingly.
He always tries to be there for your doctor appointments or for any major procedures. Spencer wants to make sure you're being properly cared for and he isn't afraid to confront anyone that talks down to you or dismisses your symptoms.
When you're resting at home he clings to you like a lost puppy. He happily reads to you when you lack the energy to talk, or if you just want a bedtime story. He never forgets to check in on you even when he's away on a case, and will often ask Garcia to pick up items from the pharmacy for you if he can't do it himself.
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Ao3 || Guidelines || Ko-Fi
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sicktember · 5 months
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While waiting for the Sicktember 2024, June 15th reveal, check out these past prompts and collections for inspiration!
Sicktember 2023 - 2021 Past Prompts and Collections
💚2023 💚
[AO3 Collection]
Prompts List ⬇
1. Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
2. Quest for a Cure
3. “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
4. Hiding an Illness
5. Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
6. Sick and Injured
7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”
8. Persistent Fever
9. White Coat Syndrome
10. “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
11. Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick
12. Old Wives Tale
13. Anxious Stomach
14. ‘‘I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am’’
15. Sick in an Inconvenient Place
16. Consulting the Internet/Web MD
17. Magical Remedy/Healing Potion
18. “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
19. Curled Up With a Pet
20. Cramping Pain
21. “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too”
22. Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
23. Coughing Fit
24. “Did you just sneeze?”
25. Confused/Disoriented
26. Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
27. Uncooperative Patient
28. “I should have stayed home”
29. Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
30. Patient 0
2023 Alternate Prompts
Alt. 1.“I Could Really Use a Hug Right About Now”
Alt. 2. Fuzzy Socks
Alt. 3. Pounding Headache
Alt. 4. Forehead Kisses
Alt. 5. “I’m so sorry”
[AO3 Collection]
Prompt List ⬇
1. ‘Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?’
2.  Homesick
3.  Painkillers
4.  Hangover
5.  'Great. Now I Have Your Germs All Over Me.’
6.  Sick on vacation
7.  A cry for attention
8.  Intense coddling
9.  Home remedy
10. Excessive use of tissues/ ‘Blow Your Nose’
11. Emergency Room/ Ambulance
12. Psychogenic Fever/Stress Induced Illness
13. Seasonal/Pet Allergies
14. ‘I Might Be A Teeny Tiny Bit Sick, But It’s Fine.’' 
15. Frostbite/Sunburn
16. Care Package
17. Syncope/Fainting
18. Nausea/Upset Stomach
19. Whining/Crying 
20.  Cold Sweat
21. ‘Does this look infected to you?’
22. Common Cold/Flu
23. Tepid Bath
24. ‘I Need You To Pull Over!’
25. Acid Reflux/Heartburn
26. Tickle in the Throat
27. Sleepless Night/s
28. Chronic Illness
29. Lethargy/Exhaustion
30. ‘Get Back in Bed!’ 
2022 Alternate Prompts:
Alt. 1. Soft Pajamas
Alt. 2. Vapor Rub
Alt. 3. Cuddling on the Couch
Alt. 4. Taking a Sick Day
Alt. 5. ‘Can You Be Brave For Me?’
[AO3 Collection]
Prompt List ⬇
1. Fever
2. Persistent Cough/Sniffling.
3. Chicken Pox/Rash 
4. Headache/Migraine
5. Comfort Item (Plush/Blanket)
6. Nebulizer
7. Sneaky Temperature Check
8. Contagious
9. I’m Not Sick
10. Medicine/Injection
11. Bed Rest
12. Faking it
13. Appendicitis
14. Aches and Pains
15. Quarantine 
16. Hot Water Bottle
17. Ginger Ale and Crackers
18. Fever Dream/Hysteria
19. Addiction
20. Doctor’s Visit/Check Up
21. Unlikely Caregiver
22. Toothache
23. Ear Infection
24. Sneezing
25. Sick at School/Work
26. Strep Throat/Laryngitis
27. Blankets
28. Missing Out 
29. Motion Sickness
30. Food poisoning/Allergy
2021 Alternative Prompts:
Alt. 1:  Warm Soup
Alt. 2:  Too Many Layers
Alt. 3:  Vitamin C
Alt. 4:  Stay
Alt. 5:  Asleep on the Couch
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takeyourcyanide · 3 months
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This fic/prompt(s) was requested by @bloodheartz
Fandom: Soul Eater
Character(s): Franken Stein, Spirit Albarn
Word Count: 1 600
Tags: Sickfic, Illnesses, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Summary: Spirit finds that Stein is very ill and takes care of him. I made Stein a pathetic little meow meow in this.
Notes: Writing Prompt: Sickfic + Fluff: is someone sleepy? + I can’t even talk properly. Stein + Spirit. (Non-specified)
Stein audibly, though quietly groaned into the fluffiness of his pillow as glimpses of the morning sunrise peaked through his window. He shuffled under the covers, kicking his legs, unable to find a comfortable positions. In fact, he hadn’t managed to get comfortable the entire night.
He spent the hours he was meant to be resting tossing and turning, and frankly, repressing something akin to a childish outburst, a tantrum. Every time he’d wrap himself in his comforter, he’d heat up to the point of being drenched in sweat, but the very moment he even so much as stuck a foot out from underneath the pile of blankets, he’d freeze. Not to mentioned, the incessant pounding in his head and eyes that even a good dose of ibuprofen couldn’t quell. His throat felt as though it had shut entirely, swallowing being the most painful and icky sensations in the world. Icky. That was a great word to describe his current predicament.
He felt icky every time he’d cough weakly, his chest (and of course his throat, as well) aching violently as he’d pitifully whine. He felt icky lying on his now sweat-soaked sheets, though somehow he was still shivering. He felt icky every time a pang of nausea decided to torture him, his stomach churning for no apparent reason at all. He just felt horrendously, demonstrably icky in a way he hadn’t in a long time.
“Stein?” He threw the covers over his head, hushing his own whimper, as his weapon repeatedly banged on the door… or at least to Stein’s head it felt like banging. In reality, it was something closer to gentle knocks than anything. But when with each hit of his fist against the door, his temples seemed to pulsate in unison, he felt it would be reasonable to label it as ‘banging.’
“I made breakfast!”
Spirit, according to Stein’s expectations, rattled the doorknob, flinging his door open, as he leaned against its frame.
“Awe, is someone sleepy?” He drawled teasingly, mockingly. His voice was dripping with sarcastic mirth, as he chuckled.
Stein resorted to groaning, leaving his throat in shambles, as it reverberated, bouncing off of its mucus-coated and inflamed walls, and out of his mouth.
“Well, get up. I made food for the both of us, I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Albarn marched right on up to his bed, standing beside him. He cruelly pulled on the top of the comforter, ripping it down, as to get a better look at his grumpy partner.
Truly, there was a part of him that was stricken with concern, as typically, he’d be the first to wake up.. that is, if he’d fallen asleep at all. By now, he’d, on any other given day, be pacing around, circling his usual route. He’d often get a little irritated when that routine of his was interrupted, when Spirit attempted to pull him out of his head and thrust him into reality.. but he’d never moan unhappily and annoyedly about just coming to eat some breakfast with him.
“Wow, Stein, you look horrible,” his eyes widened at the sight before him. His meister’s face was disturbingly pallid, though flushed simultaneously, even the tips of his ears a reddish-pinkish color. His bangs were mussed completely down, beads of sweat unpleasantly decorating his forehead. His lips looked drier than the desert they lived in, his beet-red nostrils coated in uncomfortable-seeming flakes. “Did you get any sleep at all?”
He shook his head ‘no,’ unconsciously pouting, his hands cradling a thick chunk of his blanket for any trace of comfort he could get.
Upon observing his partner’s appearance and his sudden behavioral quirks, there was no doubt in Spirit’s mind about just how terribly he must’ve felt.
“Does your throat hurt?”
He nodded. “I… c’nt even.. talk…. properly.”
Spirit kneeled down a little closer to Stein, placing his hand over his damp forehead. He leaned into the touch, each and every last inch of the scythe’s skin frigid in the most delectable way possible.
“God, you’re warm,” he stepped back, shaking his head in a mixture of worry and disbelief. “I’m gonna go get you some medicine and water-“
“No,” he released a pained whimper.
“I know you don’t want to swallow anything right now, but you should know better than anyone that that is the only way you’re going to feel better… besides resting, obviously.”
Stein begrudgingly lifted a hand, massaging his temples in hopes he’d receive attention from his weapon, that he’d pick up on his nonverbal cue.
“Your head hurts, too?”
And he picked up on it, fortunately.
“That figures… See? That’s why you need medicine. I’ll even bring you the pancakes I made if you’re hungry,” he stepped farther and farther away from Stein.
“I can bring you something for that, too. Once you’re feeling better, I want you to eat,” he sternly, yet rather gently stated, walking out of the room. “I’m gonna go get you some medicine now, okay? Don’t.. kill yourself or anything- I don’t know.”
The sound of a glass thunking against Stein’s nightstand had his eyes shooting open, as he came to. He hadn’t even realized he’d closed his eyes, though evidently he’d fallen asleep for the minute or two Spirit had left him to his own devices.
“I know you’re probably exhausted, Stein, but I need you to take this stuff before you fall asleep, okay?”
He nodded his head obediently. And that’s when it really hit Spirit how delirious he must’ve been, because ‘obedient’ is a word no one on the face of the planet would ever use to describe his meister.
“I brought a thermometer, too… Do you wanna start with that since it’s easier?”
“Mhm,” he huffed out pathetically.
“I need you to sit up, okay?”
He managed to position himself upward, though not without fervently grimacing. He leaned on the wall behind him for balance and comfort, his bedroom spinning in disorienting circles, his body heavy and weak.
His eyelids began to shut once more, being startled open by the coolness of a thermometer underneath his tongue.
“I know, I know,” Spirit cooed sympathetically at the whined objection Franken had apparently produced. “This’ll be quick, I promise.”
The thermometer soon beeped, Albarn removing the instrument carefully as to not disturb Stein too much.
“104.3… If your fever doesn’t go down soon after you take that shit, I’m taking you to the doctor’s..”
“Yes… That’s why you’re going to be cooperative with me about taking some medicine, right?”
“All right, good.”
Spirit fetched one of the many pills he’d left neatly on the nightstand, holding it out towards Stein, of whom, once again, merely obediently complied, taking it from him, placing it hesitantly in his mouth.
“Do you think you can hold the glass by yourself?” He asked, noticing the tremors in the younger’s hands, and really, his whole body.
He shook his head ‘no,’ appearing particularly bashful about admitting that he needed help.
“That’s perfectly fine! Here,” he lifted the glass to his lips, tilting it slowly upwards.
He placed the cup back onto the nightstand once Stein had a decent mouthful of water, muttering a gentle command of, “Now, swallow.”
And with a violent scowl and grimace, he did, with much difficulty, manage to swallow.
“Ah, good job, Stein! I’m so proud of you,” he ran his fingers soothingly through his wet, silver hair, pushing his bangs to the side, as he voiced his affection, having noticed his meister quickly beginning to tear up after swallowing, though he tried desperately to suppress those tears.
“Icky,” he mumbled.
“I know, I’m sorry. I only have one more for you to take, okay?”
“Wha… was that?”
“The pill, you mean?”
“Just some Motrin. The other one is Zofran, so that’ll be better, since it.. y’know, dissolves.” Spirit grabbed the Zofran tablet, handing it to Stein.
“Dizzy,” murmured Franken, as he placed it apprehensively underneath his tongue. “…’N weak.”
“You can lay down as soon as that tablet dissolves, okay? I swear.”
He nodded understandingly.
“Has it dissolved already?” Spirit questioned, watching as Stein wordlessly shifted, maneuvering himself under the covers.
Albarn, once his meister had gotten as comfortable as he could in his current state, sat next to him on the edge of his bed, helping to prop him up on multiple different pillows as he hacked and groaned, grasping at his chest.
“Mhm,” he hummed quietly in response, his eyes just about immediately rolling into the back of his head.
The sight itself made Spirit feel upset for him. He was visibly so tired, and it was clear the rest he’d get would likely not do much to help him in the short term.
He placed a hand on his head, his fingers scratching tenderly at his scalp, lulling him into a hopefully deep slumber.
“You’ll feel better sooner than you know it,” he reassured under his breath. “This’ll pass in no time.”
“…… Hope so,” he croaked, his eyes completely shut, as he grabbed fistfuls of his blanket once again, cuddling with the dense clump.
Stein, for the last time that morning, emitted a strained and clearly painful cough, sniffling for the umpteenth time, yet another whimper gracing his lips. He did not allow it to interrupt his slinking away into sleep, however, and neither did Spirit, of whom continued to run his fingernails through his hair, shushing his almost noiseless cries.
Stein, for the first time that morning, felt somewhat content, even despite the ickiness.
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strangesthirdeye · 10 months
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Husband material ( DS x Wife! Reader)
summary: nothing can compete with Stephen with how he treats the woman of his dreams who is sick.
Warning: it's Defender Strange he's a husband material. Fluff, cuddle, warm, love, sick.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You've had a fever for 5 days which is kinda suck because you've been stuck in bed for 5 days. You are unable to wake up (stand up), eat or sleep well because of how uncomfortable your body is now, plus the temperature of your body temperature does not decrease. This made Stephen worry about your condition.
Sometimes he helps you by making some potions to reduce your body discomfort but it doesn't work and it takes a long time to recover or to make the potions. But there is time, Stephen puts his hand on your back and activates a warm energy through your body to help you sleep soundly.
Although Stephen is always busy with his defenders work, he is good at dividing his time to help you during these 5 days, for example like today.
Stephen was supposed to teach some classes today but due to some of his students volunteering to help a village that needs help, he has time to help you recover from your fever. Such as today, Stephen decided to cook chicken porridge for you because Stephen knows that your body is still not strong enough to eat chewy food so porridge is the first food he can think of. Plus, he still remembers his family's recipes so he has the advantage of cooking food for you to eat in the hope that you get well soon.
After Stephen finished cooking the chicken porridge, he then brought the food tray to the bedroom that you and Stephen shared.
Stephen opened the room door with Levi's help and entered the dim room. Stephen knew that you are quite sensitive to sunlight right now so he doesn't care about the atmosphere in his room now. So without a second thought he walked over to the bed where you were sleeping now. A thick blanket over your body makes you look a bit small and drown in the thickness of the blanket. Your forehead was visibly wet with sweat while your breath was a little labored because how bad your nose is now that it's full of mucus and makes it hard for you to breathe because your nose is blocked with mucus and prevents you from smelling anything around you.
Stephen then put the tray of food on the table next to the bed and kneeled on the side of your bed and stroked your head gently.
"Darling, wake up. You need to eat." Stephen whispered in that deep baritone voice.
You groaned softly then sighed heavily before slowly opening your eyes. When your eyes can fully open, you are greeted by the handsome face of your husband by your side who looks concerned.
"hey" Stephen whispered then pushed a few stray strands of your hair that framed half your face to your ear.
"hey" you replied in your raspy voice.
"How did you sleep? Is it good or not?" Stephen stroke your hair.
"a little bit but still good. Thanks to the spell you put. i feel a little bit good" you rasped.
Stephen nodded and helped you sit up. You groaned in discomfort.
Stephen then turned on the table lamp and looked at you with concern then reached for a cup filled with water and handed it to you. You took the cup and sipped the water until it ran out. You then gave the cup back to Stephen and sighed with relief after being able to relieve your dry throat.
"you need to eat so I made chicken porridge for you. Thanks to my old family recipes that I still remember" Stephen held the bowl of porridge in his hand.
You nodded without protest. Stephen then brought the spoon containing the porridge and fed it to you. Although the porridge is a little hot, it tastes very good for your current situation. You hummed with satisfaction. Stephen then kept feeding you the porridge until it was half gone because you couldn't eat anymore because you were worried you would throw up. With that Stephen put the half finished porridge back on the table and stroked your hair.
"Are you sure you don't want to eat anymore? There's only a little left to finish" Stephen said lowly.
"I'm afraid I'll throw up so it's better to eat half" you mumbled.
"need anything? like shower? massage your body? take medicine or more spell for comfort?" Stephen offered to you. His hand is still stroking your hair.
You shook your head. "No, but I want to cuddle with you" you replied while holding Stephen's hand that was stroking your hair.
"well I can't refuse that offer" Stephen then got up and lay down next to you while hugging your body and bringing your body close to his body.
Stephen then put your head on his chest and put his face close to the top of your hair and kiss a few times, every once in a while he took a long breath to smell your scent.
"this is nice" you mumbled into your husband's chest.
"yes, you are right..it is nice,Mrs Strange"
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blackcat2907 · 2 months
A Father Ratio sick fic! Enjoy! I shall see you all in a week!
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pandagobrr · 26 days
Okay so this took a while, what with school starting up and my brain not cooperating with me, but here it is! And boy is it a doozy, the longest chapter yet.
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 11 of @whumperless-whump-event
Day: 11 - A MINOR ANNOYANCE (late entry!)
Prompt: Stuffy nose / Hate to be sick / "I'm fine, I can work."
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Aventurine and Dr. Ratio
Aventurine wanted to pay a visit to his dear doctor, after all he had to thank him for the cat cakes! He lets him in, having gotten a spare key to the other’s home after an… unfortunate incident during a lonely night that left him in a dire state.
“Ratio?” Aventurine asks, as he looks into the doctor's house.
Strangely enough the entirety of the doctor's house was shrouded in darkness, the only light a warm yellow coming from the study. Plus uncharacteristically of his good doctor, the home was in disarray(well not to the typical person's eyes but to the Dr. it definitely was).
So he sneakily crept further in, picking things up off the floor on his way to the purple haired man's vast study room and home office.
“Veritas?” He asks, peeking into the only lit room.
“Mmhg?” Was grunted at him while he sees the doctor’s slumped over form sit up and stretch.
He lets a sound close to a snort, it isn’t very often he catches his doctor sleeping on his job, he’s typically very diligent! But as he gets closer he starts noticing things, the others tense shoulders, the sniffing, the real pain behind the grimace he always seems to wear. Well, he understands the situation perfectly now.
“Veri…still grading papers huh?” He says tentatively, while peering over the doctors desk at the scattered papers on it.
He gets a hum and then the purple haired man is back to slouching over, his head in his hands. Which concern’s Aventurine more, he hums back and hovers his hands on the doctors tense shoulders.
“How long have you been doing this?” He asked softly, hovering just behind the doctor.
“… Doesn't matter, I gotta finish this,” was the slightly slurred and stuffy response from his obviously sick and in pain partner.
“Veritas, your literally a doctor in medicine, among other things, you-“ he tries to reason but he was cut off.
“I can keep working!” Was petulantly said, while the doctor pouted like a child and continued to struggle reading whatever it was his students wrote.
Aventurine sighed and layed a soft hand on the doctors shoulder, seeing that he didn’t cause a negative reaction he begins to message the stiff shoulders lightly. In response the other immediately relaxed into hsi chair, showing exactly how tired he really was, despite the situation the blonde couldn't help but laugh.
“C’mon I’ll run you a hot bath, that’ll help you relax and sleep, yeah?”
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bebx · 10 months
Relationship: Daniel Harrow & Simon Van Reyk
Harrow catches a cold and decides to make it everybody's problem... especially Simon's.
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bugbytez13 · 9 months
Did the recent quests and holy shit, Dr. Ratio is so pretty. I imagine he's the kinda guy that wears that sculpture mask to hide how he looks when hes sick 👀👀
AHHH YES! he’s def the kind of guy to just ignore his illness and hide it from everyone else, and his sculpture masks just make it so much easier! to his benefit and his detriment as well 😭 he’s probably the type of guy to think it helps keep others from getting sick… and maybe it does but since it’s over his entire face it does not help him AT ALL! god i lobe this guy
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Whumpril Day 15- Alt Prompt 4: No Appetite
Hey, you want a cheese fry?”
Dr Gallant shoves the little cardboard receptacle underneath Coop’s nose, and Neela sees him blanch. His fist jumps up to his mouth.
Coop goes out to a work gathering with the stomach flu.
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drc00l4tt4 · 2 years
Pla do a POV of melvinborg comforting Y/N cause they're sick
Melvinborg x Reader;;
SICKFIC REQUEST HELL YEAH. Also this took so long to finish I apologize
You laid in bed and groaned, running your fingers through your hair. You were sick- extremely sick. You felt like you were on fire. Dramatic, yes, but accurate.
You sighed and pulled out your phone, not having the energy to get out of bed or shout for your husband (Melvin) to come help you. He was currently down in your shared lab working on an invention commission. You sent a message to him, your fingers wobbling with each tap. Your text read; "Heyy honey, im siccj, coukd you bribg up some medicine please? Thankg you 💕"
Within a minute you could hear fastly approaching footsteps coming to your room. The door opened moderately quickly and soon Melvin was by your side. "I'm here," he spoke softly, gently stroking your hair. "Mm.. You got here.. fast." You muttered, your voice hoarse. You began coughing, which prompted Melvin to start preparing the medicine for you to take. "Of course. You're my partner, I want to take care of you when you need me, that's my job. Well- metaphorically. It doesn't feel like a job, that's not what I meant," Melvin continued rambling on and on while you just listened to his voice without paying attention to what he was actually saying.
"Anyhow, I need you to sit up." Melvin stated. You did as requested, sitting up while slouching a bit. "Make sure you swallow all of it or it won't help." He said while putting a spoonful of liquid medicine to your lips. You took it without fuss but immediately started coughing once it was down.
"Ew! Ew ew ew- nasty-" You complained, which caused Melvin to start laughing lightly. "Do you think my suffering is funny, Mr. Sneedly?" You asked in a joking tone, your voice still hoarse. "Yes, Mx. Sneedly, I think it's hilarious." He teased. You let out a fake offended noise before going straight into another coughing fit.
"Alright, alright, enough talking, lay down." Melvin stated through light chuckles, gently pushing you back until you were laying down on the bed once again. "But I don't wannaaaa," You whined. "Well you gottaaa, you stale muffin. If you don't, you'll feel worse." He said, gently pushing down on your shoulder so you couldn't attempt to get back up.
"You're meaaan," You grumbled. "And you're sick." Melvin sighed, "Please just rest. I'll.. I'll spend all day with you tomorrow if you rest now, okay?" He said, attempting to bribe you with the idea of spending extra time with him. It worked; you relaxed on the bed with a dramatic sigh. "Fiiine.. Hmph."
Melvin smiled softly and gently played with your hair, watching as you relaxed more due to the affection. He knew you basically melted when he gave you plenty of attention and affection, so that was his method of 'bait' to get you to relax for the time being.
"Waitt, if you're near me, won't you get sick tooo?" You asked, sniffling as you began to feel congested. "Depends on if you choose to sneeze on me. As long as you don't sneeze or cough on me, I'll be okay. My immune system is much stronger than yours because of my cybernetics actually. The nerves on my robotic side can't hold in germs, so.." His voice became a blur to you as he continued rambling, and you became more tired.
You slowly but surely fell asleep to his voice. You could feel his human hand playing with your hair as he spoke, and you drifted off.
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smaeemo · 4 months
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icefeather22 · 3 months
Posted Day 3 for the Rarepair Week!
Prompt: Caring for the other
Relationships: Fujisaki Chihiro/Celestia Ludenberg
Summary: Works for the Rarepair Week from June 16 to June 22.
Chapter summary: Celestia goes to visit Chihiro at night once again, but she quickly learns that the lady is sick, now all she wants is to make sure Chihiro is being taken care of.
I couldn't resist to add a chapter related to my Vampire AU as soon as I saw the prompt, if you want to check it out here is a link to the series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3796210
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glen-the-pigeon · 4 months
More headcanons :3 This time, sickfic style headcanons about TwoBrains catching a germ from one of his mice and needing to get help from his sworn enemy, and, coincidentally, a vet scientist - Glen Furlbam
While TwoBrains is in his lab displaying his latest invention to his henchmen, he gets distracted by something that smells... off
He sniffs around the lab, past his blackboard, past the scattered mess of wires and metal from building his ray, over to where his pet mice nest
Worried, he starts sifting through their nests, giving them all sniffs. The domesticated mice don't mind, playing with him and leaning into his touch, while the wild mice he keeps are very much displeased, some even biting or scratching him, but he checks them all out of concern
Finally, as he uncovers the last mouse - his pet Tallulah - he realizes what the smell is. Tallulah is very sick and smells of germs (he remembers that mice can smell when their fellows are ill)
TwoBrains sets up a makeshift microbiology lab, using an old terrarium as an incubator and setting gelatin in the lid of his cheese ball container to use as a plate (like an agar plate in a real lab)
However, after a few days of caring for Tallulah, he begins to notice his breathing getting labored and his eyes feeling funny while trying to examine the makeshift plate for bacterial colonies.
Concerned, the henchmen tell him to take a break
He calls their concerns poppycock, saying that should be the word of the day, and tries to keep working
However, he keeps getting sicker, to the point where he lets the henchmen make him a little nest on the cheese couch and lead him to sit down
Doc falls into a fevered sleep, and the next time he wakes, he's delirious and in terrible shape
TwoBrains is far too sick to play doctor for himself, and none of the doctors in Fair City would know what to do, since he caught the disease from a fellow rodent (plus, they don't see villains). Worse still, Dr. Robert Tubing is out of town
The henchmen remember that fellow villain Glen Furlblam works as a microbiologist at Fair City Veterinary Hospital (that's where he got his litter of grumpy kitties, and the job is an outlet for his love of science)
When TwoBrains is hauled to Glen's work during his lunch break looking sick as a dog - er, sick as a mouse - Glen's first instinct is to turn him away
"Oh, so the great Doctor Two-Brains needs my help? After he called me a second-rate villain? Forget it."
But he can't help but feel compassion when he sees just how dangerously sick his enemy is
Telling the henchmen that the doctor will owe him one for this and claiming he's only doing it because he needs TwoBrains to be well enough for a villainous rematch, he begins tending to him
He sneaks TwoBrains into the microbiology lab and begins running all sorts of tests on him
Glen, who secretly has a crush on TwoBrains and can't help but be tender with him despite his performative hatred, makes TwoBrains a nest out of spare lab coats and personally helps him eat and makes sure he stays hydrated while the tests are being run
He diagnoses TwoBrains and figures out what medications him and his pet Tallulah will need, smuggling the doctor and the medications out of the hospital when his shift ends
Not wanting to leave the doctor alone while he heals, Glen continues to go to TwoBrains' lair every day after work, making sure him and his pet takes their medicine and checking on them
In his state of delirium, TwoBrains wakes up and finds Glen cradling his head, gently administering his medicine, and he finds all of his hidden endearment for his enemy bubbling to the surface. In his dreamlike feverish state, TwoBrains tells Glen he cares for him before drifting back to sleep
Glen's face flushes, and he pretends he didn't hear it and that he doesn't care, but deep down he's a mess about it
When TwoBrains comes out of his fever the next day and the meds kick in, he's immediately furious and confused why Glen is in his lab, and he demands to know why the henchmen let him in
Glen and TwoBrains start arguing, with Glen acting like he did it for selfish reasons and TwoBrains acting like he would rather have gotten sicker then accept help from someone he hates
But after the initial conflict settles down and the two really think about it, they both know they care about each other
TwoBrains awkwardly thanks Glen, and Glen tells him it was no problem
Then Glen asks if TwoBrains really meant what he said
TwoBrains at first doesn't know what Glen is referring to, but then the memory hits him like a slap in the face - telling Glen he cares about him
TwoBrains gets angry at himself and flustered, but before he can answer, Glen says, "Never mind. People say weird things all the time when they're sick. But since you're better now, I guess I'll leave you to it."
Glen goes to leave, but TwoBrains calls out for him, awkwardly pausing and unsure of what to say, just knowing he doesn't want his enemy (and his crush?) to leave
He fakes a cough very phonily, claiming, "I think- I think I'm not feeling that great again all of a sudden."
Glen smirks. "Well, then I guess I'll have to stay longer. Not because I want to, of course."
The two spend the rest of the day together <3 <3 <3
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takeyourcyanide · 8 months
Repulsion (Re-do)
Chapter 1: Judgement and Ailments
Summary: This is a different version of my work ‘Repulsion.’ In Repulsion, Spirit finds out that Stein has been experimenting on him - or at least suspects him, and confronts him about the matter. Multiple different characters are involved in the matter, as well, particularly Kami and Marie (especially in the re-do).
Kami ecstatically grappled at the hem of Spirit’s dress shirt, suit jacket and tie already astray, lost somewhere on the floor. She sat on top of him, Spirit holding onto her waist, hovering above him with a bright flush painted obviously across her cheeks.
The light of the bloody moon shone through the blinds of Kami’s bedroom, highlighting Spirit’s long eyelashes and light blush.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” Kami panted out, finally lifting up the weapon’s grey-ish, green-ish shirt.
“I’ve wanted this for longer,” Spirit rushed out.
Kami, upon lifting his shirt up, appeared simultaneously concerned and frightened.
“Wh-what is it? What’s wrong?” The redhead frantically questioned, moving to sit upright.
“How long have you had these scars, Spirit? Where’d they all come from?” Kami asked, a shocked look on her face as she traced over the inflamed markings.
“Oh, those? I don’t know, honestly… They started randomly appearing all over my body like a couple months or a year ago,” Spirit explained, shrugging his shoulders.
“Randomly?” Kami squints her eyes in pure suspicion, tilting her head, her hair following suit.
“Yeah… They sting like hell, too, especially when I’m in the shower,” Spirit grimaced, observing the questioning expression on his girlfriend’s face.
“Are you sure your weird-ass meister didn’t have anything to do with all of this?” Kami performed a circular motion with her finger above Spirit, around all of the scars decorating Spirit’s abdomen.
“Oh, come on.. I know he’s a little… off, but surely he’d keep his hands to himself.. I mean, he’d know that he’d get caught, no?” Spirit now sat in a fully erect position, hunching over slightly as he stared at Kami in disbelief and contemplation.
“Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt. Where else would these have came from? Haven’t you thought about that before - I mean, he is obsessed with dissecting things, is he not?” Kami’s expression morphed into one of condescension, narrow eyes staring into his quivering soul.
He didn’t want to believe that his meister would ever violate his trust in such a way - even if he was awfully psychopathic. Even if only for his own gain.
“Well, of course I have, Kami,” Spirit spoke as he shot a condescending look right back at her, moving his head up and down as he continued, “but he wouldn’t really be such a dick, right?”
Kami’s face only grew more and more unimpressed.
“If you don’t confront him about it tomorrow, I’ll end you,” Kami demanded, as straight-faced and determined as ever.
“Fine, Kami,” the ginger huffed.
Spirit sighed as he realized that he wasn’t going to get what he’s wanted for longer than Kami has at that moment in time.
“Can you pull my shirt back down now, please?” Spirit, not amused in the slightest, requested in an annoyed tone.
Out of every mood killer, out of every cock-blocker in existence, Spirit was not expecting it to be the potential that his partner was experimenting on him in some way.
If only he had remembered the scars in the heat of the moment - or really, before. Then he could’ve tried (and failed) to cover the furiously red little caterpillars with concealer.
Kami released his poor shirt from her iron grip, moving off of his thighs to sit beside him on her bed.
“Well, that was a mood killer,” the meister seemingly read the redhead’s mind.
“Yeah,” was the only response the disappointed man could muster.
In truth, the fact that the mood had been absolutely massacred wasn’t even truly the problem - sure, it was a mild inconvenience, but he could get over it easily. The fact that Kami was now accusing Stein of ripping him up at night, and the fact that there’s a large possibility she’s correct both rest upon Spirit’s chest as a heavy, cumbersome weight.
He has tried so damn hard with Stein, and this is what he gets in return? The boy was truly helpless, and Spirit’s efforts with him were fruitless, weren’t they?
“I need a cigarette,” Spirit announced tiredly, lying down upon her soft, frilly covers.
“Ew, gross, no. That reminds me too much of Stein,” Kami grimaces, cringing in on herself and melodramatically trembling. She wrapped her arms comfortingly around herself as though she was the one having to deal with the possibility that he was cutting her up.
Spirit simply sighed, placing a scarred arm across his pulsing eyes. Kami placed a hand upon that arm, caressing the visibly distressed male soothingly.
“I’m sorry, Spirit,” her voice lowered to that of a whisper.
“Yeah, me too,” Spirit moved his head to glance briefly at his lover, arm counterproductively remaining on his eyes.
“Can I spend the night here tonight? Just in case you’re right?” Spirit sounded vulnerable, crushed, and betrayed, sending a shock of pity down Kami’s spine.
“Of course, love,” a small smile grabbed at the corners of her mouth as she continued to caress Spirit.
“Hey, wake up, Spirit,” Kami gently spoke, nudging his arm repeatedly.
“Huh?” A groggy sound emanated from Spirit’s throat.
“It’s already 6:17, we’ve got to be at the school by like 7:00. Do you wanna be late?” Kami raised an eyebrow at the slowly opening eyes of Spirit.
“God, I don’t want to go. Being around Stein’s gonna feel weird now, even if you’re wrong-“
“Which I’m not,” Kami swiftly interrupted the boy’s whiny complaints.
“Hopefully you are,” Spirit grumbles out, glaring at Kami. Did she have to do this so early in the morning?
“Hope’s not gonna save you this time, darling,” Kami patted Spirit on his sleepy shoulder, adorning a falsely sympathetic, mocking smile, of which made Spirit’s blood boil. Kami rose from the bed, already dressed and ready.
Spirit didn’t have the privilege of changing into pajamas as she did last night, for none of his clothes happened to be in her apartment.
“Why didn’t you wake me up before?” Spirit asked, slowly rising up himself.
“I felt bad for you and wanted you to sleep in a little more,” Kami responded, compassion not evident. If anything, she seemed utterly blissed out, bouncing from corner to corner.
Kami walked in front of the long, rectangular mirror of which hung from the wall, eyeing closely as she slipped earrings into her earlobes.
“I wouldn’t have guessed,” Spirit barred his teeth.
“Sheesh, someone’s grumpy… And why’s that?” Kami’s facial mockery fell into a pouty, yet upbeat expression.
“You seem fucking elated, that’s why,” Spirit bit back, continuing to frown.
“Well, I’ve always had a bad feeling about that guy,” Kami’s elation certainly did not cease.
“It’s Stein. who the hell hasn’t?” Spirit exclaimed, finally leaving the bed, picking up his suit jacket and tie from off of the floor, proceeding to angrily and impatiently dust both articles of clothing off.
“My point exactly!” Kami happily yelled, whipping her whole body around as she waved her left hand in the air. “That’s why I’m happy! You might finally ditch him! Then you can be my weapon instead. And I’m not obsessed with violence.”
“You know, it hurts me that you’re more focused on the fact that me and Stein might be forced to separate than how fucking terrible I feel about it all. And I wish you’d stop talking about him like that sometimes. Yeah, sure, it’s kinda deserved, but he’s still my friend, my meister,” Spirit said, storming out of her bedroom, suit jacket and tie in hand.
Kami furrowed her eyebrows, now frowning as well. She quickly ran after him, grabbing onto his tense arm. He had already made it to the living room.
“Why are you being like this? It’s not like you weren’t afraid of him. The only reason you were his friend is ‘cause you felt bad for him, and because Lord Death forced you to be,” her grip on his arm tightened as she felt him begin to struggle.
“Yeah, at first. I can’t help the fact that I fucking care about him. And I am slightly more scared of him now, but what if you’re wrong?” Spirit wails, continuing to struggle out of her obnoxious hold, glaring daggers into her bratty eyes.
“What if I’m not? Come on, Spirit, we both know I’m not. Now if you’ll stop being so dramatic, I’ll walk with you to school, and speak to Stein with you,” Kami finally released her grip on his throbbing arm.
“Fuck, no. This is between me and Stein,” Spirit declared, charging towards the apartment door.
“I was just trying to make you feel better - you said it yourself, you’re scared!” Kami did not follow after the boy, even after he placed his hand on the shining, golden doorknob. She, instead, decided upon screaming at him from where she stood.
“I can handle myself,” was the last thing Spirit, enraged, said to his girlfriend, speaking much more calmly than before.
He slammed the door behind him, causing Kami to flinch and grimace.
She opted for waiting a few minutes before leaving her apartment.
Spirit lividly stomped up the DWMA’s overly long flight of stairs, earning a few curious stares.
Sometimes he wished Kami would just be as sweet as she was when he first met her.
Eventually, Spirit made it to the gargantuan, black double doors of the academy, begrudgingly pushing them open.
A part of him wanted to put off confronting Stein, and another part of him wanted to find out whether or not he was to blame. What incentive would Stein have to tell him if he was the one that left a litter of scars all over his body, anyway?
If Spirit put off the confrontation, Kami would know somehow - he just knew it. Plus, he’s not a very good actor.
Spirit trudged through the hallway, making his way to the cafeteria. Often times, Stein waited quietly at the lunch table with the rest of the group.
He entered the lunchroom, his retinas immediately being burned out by the fluorescent lights shining obnoxiously above him.
Once the weapon spotted his group’s usual table, he walked up towards them, no sight of Stein, however.
“Hey, guys, what’s up? And where’s Stein?” Spirit attempted to sound much less annoyed than he currently was.
“No clue. He has yet to even make an appearance,” Azusa quickly responded.
“Strange,” Spirit narrowed his eyes at nothing in particular.
“Is something wrong with him or something?” Marie asked, eyes childishly wide in a simultaneous mixture of curiosity and concern.
“I don’t know, I haven’t seen him since yesterday,” Spirit replied, shrugging his exhausted shoulders.
“Oh, spent the night at your girl’s house, huh?” Spirit whipped his head around, feeling a small tapping on his shoulder, one eyebrow raised, as he met the face of the boy on trial. The smirk on Stein’s face was incredibly lazy, twitching as Stein struggled to hold that expression. He looked as though he might pass out at any moment.
“Where have you been, Stein?” Nygus questioned Stein, immediately noting how overtired he looked.
“I overslept,” Stein responded in a nasally manner, sounding quite horrible.
“You sound terrible, Stein. Are you sick?” Marie stood from her seat, rushing over towards Stein, her braided hair moving swiftly along with her.
“Possibly,” Stein repeatedly coughed, sniffling a bit.
Spirit looked at the dark circles - much darker than usual - that rested on Stein’s under-eyes. Not to mention how pale he looked, said pale skin only exacerbating the bright red upon his cheeks. Why’d he even come to school in the first place?
Spirit simply stood and stared at the boy, suspicious and unsure of what to do. It’s not as though he can confront him now.
Marie reached over, up next to Stein now, placing the back of her hand on Stein’s forehead. Her fingers felt entirely frigid to Stein as he leaned into the touch. It felt utterly blissful.
“You’re burning up. Didn’t you take your temperature, Stein?” Marie observed Stein’s face, she observed the eyelids of which he was obviously struggling with holding open.
“Yeah,” Stein plainly responded, head tilting exhaustedly downwards.
Marie placed her hand on his shoulder, patting it a few times.
“What did it say?” She worriedly questioned Stein, of whom could hardly stand.
“Like 102.4. That’s not that bad, is it?” The meister could no longer hold up his head, opting for resting upon Marie’s caring shoulder.
Stein’s speech had become more and more slurred as time went on, facial flush becoming more evident.
“Of course that isn’t good, Stein! I can feel the heat radiating off of you, dumbo. You should’ve just stayed home! Plus, isn’t your average bodily temperature on the lower side of normal?” Marie gently scolded, beginning to pet his hair.
A sudden pang of guilt ran down Spirit’s spine, similarly to an electric shock. How was he supposed to interrogate Stein while he was on the verge of being delirious? How’d he get so sick so quickly? Spirit didn’t think that he seemed ill before he left for Kami’s place. Well… to be fair, he was a little paler than usual, and complained of a mildly sore throat - but he smokes cigarettes, so Spirit just chalked it up to too many cigarettes in one week, and his insomnia getting worse.
Or perhaps it would be the perfect time to interrogate him, as his delirium would cause him to drop his guard down. Perhaps he’d find it much more difficult to properly lie.
That thought alone made Spirit feel like the world’s biggest asshole, considering bullying a sick person. But he knew that Kami would not take no for an answer - no matter how sick he was. She’d claim that Spirit was lying because he chickened out. That still didn’t make him feel any less guilty. But, then again, there was a high chance that this poor, sick baby was continuously dissecting different parts of his body without his consent when he was at his most vulnerable.
That made him feel a lot less terrible.
“Feel fine,” Stein mumbled in the crook of Marie’s neck.
“All right, tough guy, I’ll take you home myself,” Marie rolled her eyes at his obvious lie, moving to leave the cafeteria and the academy as a whole, Spirit following silently after the pair. The rest of the group waved goodbye, wishing Stein good health as they shrugged their shoulders exchanged glances with one another at the unexpectedness of it all.
“‘M being dramatic, aren’t I?” Stein’s voice was hardly above a whisper, his eyes appeared to be almost teary, a sheen layer sleeping over them.
Yeah, Marie was definitely taking him home.
“Not at all, Stein. Let’s go home now. I’ll give you some medicine, and you can lay in your bed all day. Doesn’t that sound nice?” Marie spoke to him in a tone so sweet it was almost sickening.
“No,” Stein began, shaking his head, “I c’n get it myself… an’ I can’t sit still. Don’ you have school, too?” Stein confusedly questioned, uncomfortably resting on the hazy edges of consciousness.
“It’s fine, Stein, don’t worry about that. Me and Spirit can call in and tell the office you’re sick, and that we’re looking after you. Right, Spirit?” Marie glanced over at Spirit, of whom was clearly lost in thought. He was roughly biting on his fingers, concerning Marie.
“You sick, too, Spirit? What’s up with you? You’ve been oddly quiet this whole time,” Marie tilted her head, eyes squinting.
“No, no… It’s nothing,” Spirit mumbled, still lost in his own little world.
“It’s obviously something, Spirit. It’s fine, you can tell me. Did something happen with Kami?” There was an attentive and friendly lilt to the blonde’s voice and she continued walking down the hallway.
“I don’t really want to talk about it right now, but thanks, Marie,” Spirit appeared almost sad, despite the resentment his voice had been laced with.
“Hm.. Ok, then. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here,” Marie smiled. Spirit always admired how formidable Marie’s care for her friends was. Even while holding a pitifully coughing and wheezing boy close, she still took the time to check in on Spirit.
He wished Kami would take some notes.
“Don’ feel good,” Stein suddenly spoke up, sounding almost adorably pathetic. His voice was so soft and childish, it creeped both Marie and Spirit out to a certain degree. How was that voice coming out of Stein?
He had to be delirious by this point, because never in their whole partnership has Spirit ever seen him reduced to this.
“I know. That’s why we’re taking you home, Franken,” Marie stated, peering down at the droopy eyes of Stein.
“Won’ be my home for long, will it?” Stein pouted, babbling cryptically.
This peeked Spirit’s attention, dragging him out of his mind, and throwing him into his own personal hell. Was he about to admit to a certain something?
“Of course it will be! Why do you think that?” Marie asks, confusedly leaving the academy along with Spirit and the slightly incoherent Stein.
Marie continued to play with his hair, even while walking, for she enjoyed watching Stein sigh in relief as he was soothed.
“Dunno,” Stein shrugged his shoulders, Spirit sighing to himself. He wanted a confession. He wished last night hadn’t happened. But then again, if she happened to be right, and last night never happened, then he wouldn’t have ever found out. Or perhaps he would’ve - perhaps he would’ve finally questioned Stein about his possible involvement in the scars the covered his body. Or perhaps he would’ve lived in blissful ignorance (that is, if Stein was to blame)?
He was about ready to blow his own head off.
They had finally, after what had seemed like hours, made it back to Stein and Spirit’s shared apartment.
The moment they walked through the door, Spirit nade sure to notify the school of all three of their absences, while Marie took Stein to bed.
“Hey, Spirit, since you’re not on the phone anymore, can you watch Stein while I grab some medicine?” Marie called out, attempting to stay somewhat quiet as Stein was hardly awake.
“I could just get the med…” Spirit stopped himself, figuring it’d be a good time to quietly question Stein (no matter how guilty it made him feel), as Marie would be much too preoccupied with the medicine cabinet. Plus, knowing Marie, she most likely wanted to be sure that the medications obtained would be the best for Stein’s condition.
“Yeah, sure,” Spirit said instead.
“Thanks!” Marie beamed, waltzing out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen.
Spirit stepped into the dimly lit room, blackout curtains drawn. He moved cautiously over to where Stein was quietly rustling beneath the covers.
“Did I ever tell you how much you look like a priest? You’re a priestly boy,” Stein spoke in a slurred manner, so hushed that Spirit had to strain to properly hear him, as little chuckles escaped him.
“Did I ever tell you that I know what you’ve been doing to me at night?” Spirit, too, spoke in a hushed voice, sounding accusing.
“What are you talking about? ‘M on my computer at night,” Stein kept his eyes closed, despite facing Spirit.
“You’ve been experimenting on me, haven’t you?” Spirit eyed Stein down as though he was eyeing his prey, with a hint of rage and a hint of betrayal.
“Did Kami put you up to this? I jus’ wanna sleep, please,” Stein pleaded pitifully.
“What are you talking about, Spirit?” Marie questioned, walking in with a pill bottle, as well as a bottle of water.
“It’s nothing,” Spirit mumbled, eyes still suspicious.
“Well, it’s clearly something, just tell me. Don’t bother Stein about it right now,” Marie sternly said, placing the handful down on top of the bedside table.
Stein began positioning himself upright, his movements slow and sleepy. His eyes remained squinted, eyebrows furrowed. There was a small pout on his sickly face as he held himself up with his failing arms.
Marie handed him the freezing water bottle, having already opened the cap for him. She bestowed upon him a few fever-reducing pills, positioning him to lean more against the headboard as he took them. Stein placed the water bottle back on the nightstand once he had his fill, not moving to lay down.
“Actually, Stein’s the problem,” Spirit now stared into the curious eyes of Marie, clenching his fists as a sigh racked his tense frame.
Stein’s boiling head whipped in the direction of his weapon partner, eyes widening curiously.
“Huh?” Marie moved away from Stein, instead choosing to plop down in his gray office chair, facing Spirit’s seemingly nervous face.
“Last night, me and Kami, we.. When she took off my shirt, she commented on all of the scars on my body,” Spirit began.
“Was she rude about them? I mean, of course you have scars - you’re a DWMA student, and so is she, she should understand that,” Marie interjected, growing increasingly defensive over Spirit.
“No, a lot of the scars aren’t from missions… I don’t know where they came from, and when I told Kami that, she said Stein probably had something to do with them. Which, she might be right, given how they look..”
Stein huffed, eyelids narrowing, hiding his glazed and wild eyes. For only a brief moment, he appeared awfully similar to a cornered stray cat, hissing and ready to bite, fully prepared to claw a person’s eyes out at any moment.
Stein quickly composed himself, eyes shifting downwards.
“What? How dare she accuse him of that!” Marie exclaimed, her passionate voice growing in volume. Stein cringed, grumpily whining as he comfortingly rubbed his throbbing temples.
“Sorry, Stein,” she apologized, much less loud than before.
“I mean, to be fair, given what he’s already done to other animals and other people, is it that far fetched?” Spirit considered, hands speaking along with him.
“Well, no, but…”
“I’m right here,” Stein, mildly annoyed and mildly amused, interrupted the both of them.
“Stein… Is it true?” Marie asked, afraid of what the answer might be.
Stein went silent, staring a hole into Marie’s trembling and concerned soul.
“Stein, have you been cutting into his body at night?” Marie continued, determined to obtain some kind of response from the quivering male. He still looked as though he might just pass out. It caused Marie to feel guilty for pushing for an answer.
“They’re clearly marks from one of your scalpel blades, Stein. Kami’s right. And the placement of each scar makes you seem even more suspicious,” it was Spirit’s turn to stare a hole into someone’s soul now, that someone being the suspect in question.
Stein sighed, staring up at the ceiling, remaining unresponsive.
“Answer the question, Stein,” Spirit ordered, a twinge of simultaneously anger and impatience in his tone.
“What’s the point? You know the answer,” Stein responded, sniffling.
“I can’t fucking believe this,” Spirit stormed out of the room, running off to the living room.
“Spirit!” Marie yelled after him, unsure of what to do, just as Spirit had been.
Suddenly, Stein stood from his bed, groaning and holding his abdomen.
“What is it, Stein?” Marie stood with him, observing how his skin tone lightened impossibly further.
Stein did not respond. He, instead, dizzily attempted to walk to the bathroom, leaning onto the wall for stability. Marie ran after him.
Stein stopped, hand still holding the wall desperately, as he began violently gagging, curling in on himself as his stomach twisted and flipped within his abdomen, causing horrible cramping.
Stein’s stomach attempted to regurgitate its contents, but there was nothing within his stomach, save for stomach acid. He hadn’t had the energy to eat anything that morning, leaving him incredibly weak.
The only thing he could gag up was a repulsing mixture of saliva and acid, which Stein happened to be perfectly fine with. No real mess!
Marie placed her hand on his back, drawing kind circles with her nails.
“Oh, my God, Franken, are you okay?!” She exclaimed when his body ceased the convulsing, attempting to walk him to the bathroom sink, supposing that he’d want to clean the taste out of his mouth.
Spirit himself stood from the couch, not bolting after the two, but still worried, moving his head toward the sound of Stein’s exhausted voice, replying with yet another, “‘M fine.”
He could not help his care for the boy, even after he betrayed his trust. But that left him to wonder if Stein ever even cared about him, if Stein ever liked him, and why he did this.
Spirit would, obviously, have to save those questions for when Stein got well. Spirit would, for now, sulk on the couch, wishing he could drink and smoke his sorrows away.
He needed to speak with Kami after school, he needed to make up with her, and he needed to spend the night with her. He couldn’t trust Stein not to experiment on him - even if he was horribly ill.
“I’m going to Kami’s. Get well, Stein,” Spirit cried, voice filled with resentment and hurt, yet there was this twinge of care nestled in with the two other emotions that confused Stein to a certain degree. He was much too ill to give it any proper thought, however.
“Oh, okay!” Marie yelled from the washroom, continuing to run Stein’s back as he washed his mouth out.
She sighed deeply, shaking her head in utter disbelief.
“I hate to lecture you right now, Stein, but you cannot do something like that!” Marie scolded Stein as she shut off the faucet.
“I know, I know,” Stein brushed her lecturing off, holding onto her as the walls spun, relying on her to take him back to his bedroom.
Marie herself decided to brush it off, figuring she’d get better answers from a Stein that wasn’t teetering on the edge of both fainting and delirium.
She placed him down on his bed, assisting him with getting comfortable, and placing her hand once again on his forehead, before she concernedly said, “I’m going to go grab the thermometer. You feel a bit warmer.”
Stein silently observed as she swiftly trotted away. The moment she left the room, he quietly whined to himself, tossing and turning uncomfortably.
Everything felt far away, distant. It was all a blur. Everything seemed as though it was happening so fast, and yet so slow, simultaneously. Each time he turned his head, it was as though the entire world was warping and shifting, the walls seemingly caving in around him. His entire body ached, and he just wanted to weep like a helpless infant. He felt a bit like a helpless, sniffly baby. That was, honestly, probably the most concerning aspect of all of this.
He was despising having to stay cooped up in bed, but simultaneously, he was much too worn out to do anything else. Even trying to sleep was too much - an exhausting and troubling feat of which was next to impossible to achieve on a good day.
He was appreciative of Marie’s care, despite being confused as to why she was still here after finding out what he’d done.
“All right, I’m just gonna take your temperature now,” Marie, mildly distracted, rushed into the room, gently pushing his bangs out of the way as she scanned his lava-like forehead.
“Aw, Stein. You must feel terrible,” Marie started. “103.6. The medicine isn’t doing anything, is it? At least, not yet,” she cooed, facing the temperature telling side to Stein.
Marie placed the thermometer on the bedside table, along with everything else that had been shoved onto the small table.
She quickly grabbed his desk chair, rolling it over next to the ever-so-pitiful Stein. She sat down and placed her nimble fingers in his now slightly sweaty hair, delicately playing with it and scratching at his scalp.
“It must be pretty hard to rest, huh?” Marie asks, not expecting any sort of response from him. Stein’s eyelids were fluttering shut, only to ripped open once more. She could see him looking all around the room, of which was drenched in shadows.
“Why’re you here?” Stein continued to slur, sounding intoxicated by his own fever.
“To take care of you, silly,” Marie teasingly grinned, chuckling.
“No, no.. still here..” Stein sleepily corrected himself, head slowly turning over to face Marie’s caring face.
“Are you asking why I’m still here?” Stein tried his hand at a tiny nod in response.
“Spirit…” Stein grumbled out. His condition was obviously worsening, causing a sense of anxiety to stir within Marie.
“Oh, you mean after what happened with Spirit?” Stein, again, attempted a small nod.
“Well… You didn’t do it to me,” Marie joked, laughing a little. Stein utilized what little energy he had remaining to twitch the left corner of his mouth into the most pathetic smirk anyone has ever seen.
“But, um.. Seriously.. I am a bit upset with you. But I’m not just going to leave you here while you can’t really even stand up by yourself. And I’ll be sure to interrogate and scold you after you’re done being sick. So, be prepared,” Marie’s smile faltered, continuing to soothe him by caressing his hair.
Stein stared up at her with miserable eyes, expression remaining, unsurprisingly, unchanged. At this, Marie pursed her lips in a mixture of sympathy and empathy.
Stein suddenly leaned profoundly more into her touch, appearing similar to an affection-starved cat being pet on its head.
“Can’t sleep. Ever’thin’ hurts,” Stein groaned, eyelids shutting forcefully.
“I know…”
Marie suddenly stood from the chair, said chair rushing backwards. The pleasurable hand in his hair left, Stein internally whining in response. He felt reduced to such a child. There were no words to describe how awful he felt.
He was about ready to blow his own head off.
Marie crawled over him into the twin-sized bed - certainly a bit of a tight squeeze for a moment. She maneuvered the sickly Victorian child to be in front of her, as she crawled behind him. Eventually, once she lied partially down, she positioned him between her legs, facing her chest.
“What’re you doin’?” Stein pouts, unable to think coherently, hardly able to form proper sentences.
“I figured I’d help you out with that pain of yours,” Marie stated gleefully, flashing Stein a sweet smile.
Once she placed Stein in a comfortable position, she placed her hand on his back, rubbing up and down with her nails, stopping at times to massage him. She lifted her free hand to continue playing with his prematurely gray hair.
She watched as Stein’s eyes widened briefly. Soon after, the boy in question melted into her touch, practically falling into her. He felt infinitely less tense under her touch than just a moment ago.
“Sometimes I wonder why you do the things that you do, Stein. You’re a bit of an odd duck,” Marie spoke quietly. Stein tensed once more, expecting to be scolded despite her soft tone.
Marie giggled, saying, “I’m not going to lecture you or anything, you can relax, Stein.” His grimacing and pouty face dissipated.
“You’re a fascinating one, you know. I’m sure you’ve been told that a lot, though. That’s what everyone tells you, huh?” Marie looked downwards at Stein, of whom now looked to be lost in unpleasant thoughts.
“Despite how disturbing it often is, I almost find your obsession with dissection and science in general endearing. You look happiest when you’re partaking in either or both of the two - well… and most sadistic. You don’t get to rant and rave about it often, do you, Stein? You can do that with me, you know? Even if it is really disturbing,” Marie’s eyes and entire face softened as she nearly praised him. The praising was proving to be worth it, as he was relaxing tremendously. It made her think that he didn’t hear such words very often - if at all.
“It’s all my fault,” Stein mumbled, tone and expression indiscernible.
“Well, I know you enjoy silence, so, I’ll give you that. You can rest now, Stein. You really should.”
“Thank you.”
Spirit threw Kami’s door open, shutting it with fury. He threw himself onto her loveseat, lying down with a hand over his eyes. He hadn’t even bothered to kick off his shiny dress shoes before lying down.
What was he going to do? What was going to happen? Where were they all supposed to go from there?
He sent a message to Kami, telling her that he’d be waiting for her in her apartment.
A sigh crushed his abdominal cavity, along with the weight of all that has happened within a relatively small period of time.
He’d have hours to stew in his hellish thoughts before Kami got home. It made him want to throw his body through one of the many walls containing him within the stuffy apartment,
He’d have hours.
He almost couldn’t wait for the certain screaming match that lied ahead of him.
Marie didn’t dare to move for the entire hour Stein slept, for each time she took a break from her soothing ministrations, he’d begin to stir and groan lightly in his sleep.
Despite her hands getting tired every once in a while, she was honestly elated. Sure, he hadn’t been all there, but the fact that he fell asleep on her so easily amazed her to a degree. For one, he wasn’t the snuggly type, and secondly, he didn’t seem to be the type to even sleep in the same room as others, let alone sleep on others.
He was definitely feeling off.
If that wasn’t incredibly obvious already.
And even though Marie was enjoying being able to actually hold the standoffish and ill meister, she impatiently awaited the time in which Stein would no longer be sickly, for there was an important discussion that needed to be had regarding his unethical experimentation.
A hoarse and annoyed whine broke Marie out of her immobilizing thoughts, her focus instead on the tossing and turning male in her arms.
Stein dug his face into Marie further, grasping into her shirt tighter, only to
release it a second later.
“Marie?” Stein spoke aloud, eyes squinted and childishly pouty as he came back into being, producing a few weak coughs.
“Welcome back, Stein,” Marie adoringly smiled at him. “Once you’re more awake, why don’t we get you something small and easy to digest to eat? I noticed when you were practically dying out in the hallway that nothing actually came up,” Marie lightened what mood was barely there.
Stein shrugged his slumped and sweaty shoulders, not wanting to move, let alone eat or be awake.
“Oh, come on.. I’m sure you’re hungry,” she moved the hand that was sifting through his messy hair down to his flushed, boiling cheeks, caressing him sweetly. Stein sighed, bottom lip pushing just a bit forward in a juvenile manner.
“I know you’re exhausted, but not eating is only going to make it worse, and I know you know that,” Stein wrapped his arms around Marie tighter, as though she’d simply abandon him there.
“I’m not going anywhere, Stein,” Marie laughed fondly.
“What will you make?” Stein groggily sighed again, dreading the moment she moves him. Despite the pangs of frigidness stabbing him all over his skin, and the seething heat blistering and bursting his insides, he felt the most comfortable he had in a while.
“I could make you something like soup or broth…? Do you want some chicken broth, love?” She suggested kindly.
“Love?” Stein teased as best as he could, smirking against her shirt.
“Oh, sorry.. I just call everyone little pet names when they’re upset or don’t feel good.. or when I need something from them,” Marie giggles, beaming at Stein, as she continued, “I can stop if you’d like.”
“Well, I don’t mind it. Do as you please,” Marie continued to grin in response.
“All right, love, time to get up now,” Marie ceased her comforting touches, garnering a groan in response.
“I don’t want to,” Stein did not budge, hacking roughly in the process.
“Don’t be fussy, Stein. You’ll feel better if you eat a little something.”
“Broth is more like drinking.”
“Blah, blah, get up,” Marie chuckled, cautiously lifting him up. He was visibly dizzy, his head tilting from one side to another slowly. Once the tilting had stopped, Marie lifted him from off of the bed, helping him to the couch.
“Do you think you’ll be okay to wait here while I cook?” Marie concernedly asked, staring at him expectantly. Stein nodded his head, looking mildly drugged out.
“Oh! I should take your temperature again!” She gasped, trotting off back to the bedroom to retrieve to the thermometer.
Stein attempted to get comfortable on the couch while she was gone, positioning his head upon the armrest of said couch. He allowed his hand to rest comfortably across his pained eyes, similarly to a sleeping cat.
“All right, Stein,” Marie spoke in a sing-song voice, waltzing swiftly over to the boy. She picked his arm off of his face, Stein begrudgingly acting in compliance as she, once again, scanned his throbbing forehead.
“Well, it went down a little bit. That’s some improvement at least. It’s 102.0 now. Perhaps some food and fluids might help!” She happily remarked, making her way to the humble apartment kitchen.
Stein audibly groaned, loud and passionate.
“Yes, you have to drink an actually somewhat appropriate amount of water, Stein,” Marie shook her head, rolling her eyes in mild amusement. Stein groaned even louder, placing his hand back over his face as he jokingly pouted.
Marie laughed softly, gathering the needed materials and ingredients.
A comfortable silence fell upon the two, save for the hacking sounds shooting out of Stein’s throat every once in a while, and the sound of Marie running about the kitchen. Stein’s coughs sounded both phlegmy and dry, his chest flying up and plummeting down rapidly.
“You doing okay in there, Stein?” Marie called out, glancing repeatedly into the living room.
“Yeah,” Stein responded, coughing whilst doing as such.
“The broth’s almost done, by the way,” the braided weapon added, attention returning to said broth.
“Marie?” He spoke up all of the sudden.
“Yes, Stein?” She answered curiously. It sounded as though Stein had something important or secretive to tell her.
“You said you didn’t know why I did it? Or why I do anything I do?” Stein began.
“Well, yeah, sort of. I often wonder why. But I get that curiosity plays into it a lo-“
“I’ll tell you when I feel better,” Stein interjected.
“And I’ll patiently wait,” Marie nodded, grabbing the now finished broth, pouring it into a bowl, grabbing his favorite spoon, and taking the light meal to him, as well as grabbing a cold bottle of water for him.
Stein slowly sat up, desperately fighting with the constant dizziness and lightheadedness.
Marie waited patiently, opting to sit the chicken broth and water on the wooden coffee table.
“Want some ibuprofen?” Marie asked, noticing how Stein gently massaged his forehead before reaching for his broth.
“Yes, please,” Stein responded, feverish and weak hands successfully acquiring the steaming chicken broth.
“Do you want any help with that?” She inquired, finger pointing in the direction of the bowl sitting in his lap.
“I’ll be fine,” Stein mumbled out, taking a sip of the broth. “This is good,” he complimented.
“Thanks!” Marie exclaimed, leaving for the medicine cabinet.
Stein continued to sip on his food, feeling just a tiny bit less exhausted as the time went on.
Stein was sure, however, that even after he finishes his broth and even after the illness dissipates he’d remain completely and utterly exhausted.
The time was officially 09:12. The bright light of the soon to be latter half of the morning rushed through the blinds of Kami’s living room window.
Spirit had fallen asleep, certainly not sleeping peacefully. He groaned and tossed all over the couch, stress bleeding into his dreamworld.
He was violently awoken by the sound of the front door opening and loudly shutting, not quite a slam and not quite a typical closing.
Spirit sprang up immediately, rubbing the sleep quickly out of his anxious eyes.
“Spirit!” Kami yelled, crossing her arms in a bratty manner.
“Kami? It’s only like…” Spirit‘s eyes danced across the room in search of some sort of time-telling machinery, only to be swiftly informed by Kami, “It’s 09:14.”
“Why are you home so early? Shouldn’t you be at school?” Spirit continued, lost in confusion and tiredness.
“I could ask you the same question. I saw your message and asked your friends what happened. I ended up leaving and calling in sick. We have a few things we need to discuss,” Kami’s face held a permanent expression of contempt.
Spirit sighed, head falling and staring down at the floor beneath him.
“We do,” he said in hesitant agreement.
Kami marched over to where he sat, standing directly in front of him.
“I know that you spoke to him. Did you confront him like I asked you to?” She spoke with an air of superiority and arrogance.
“I did what I could-“
“What you could?”
“He’s really sick right now, Kami! He was delirious the last time I saw him!” Spirit loudly attempted to reason with her, waving his hands all over with intense emotion.
“Whatever. Did he confess?” Kami continued to prod the redhead for answers as she always did.
“He did,” he plainly responded in an exasperated tone.
Kami gasped in victory, shouting, “I told you! I knew it!”
“Could you please not gloat right now? I’m kind of upset,” he added, annoyed, rolling his eyes and crossing his own arms over one another.
“I’m sorry, babe. I’ve just been trying to tell you he’s no good for so long,” her wicked smile never faltered.
“Can you also stop talking about him like that?” Spirit shouted, fuming. His face was sure to be as red as his hair.
“He was literally cutting into you. I’d expect that you’d be happy to even join in at this point,” Kami’s smile finally ceased, being replaced with a pout and furrowed brows.
“He’s still my fucking friend! He’s been my meister for years, Kami. Years! And you’ve done nothing but shit on our partnership ever since you met the guy - even before!” Spirit lividly remarked, finding it utterly ludicrous that Kami could not seem to understand how he felt - or even not want to understand.
“Of course I have, Spirit! He’s fucking crazy!” Kami wailed right back, her fingers making circles at the side of her head - a gesture of which Spirit found deeply offensive in that moment.
Spirit stood from the couch, entirely enraged, attempting to cool himself off before he did something that he’d surely regret in the future.
He took a multitude of deep breaths, in and out, repeatedly, one after another.
Kami watched as he calmed himself, and stubborn as she was, she figured it’d be best if she did the same.
“Kami?” Spirit was the first to speak up, tone controlled and much more hushed than before.
“Yes?” Kami questioningly responded, much calmer as well.
“Let’s not keep fighting over this. We have our differences regarding this matter, yes, but there is no reason to scream at each other,” he replied, eyes much softer and no longer filled with resentment - rather, sadness.
“I agree, Spirit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said all of that shit,” the blonde apologized, entire body softening as she released her arms from one another.
“I appreciate that. And I’m sorry I swore at you. I just wish you’d stop saying that shit about Stein,” Kami took the ginger’s hands in her own, stroking the tops of his hands soothingly.
“And I’ll stop, I promise. I just want you to be safe, and I just never thought that you were safe with Stein,” Kami smiled sweetly at him, staring into his blue eyes.
“I know, and I appreciate that. But still. Me and Stein were perfectly fine with one another, at least for the most part, up until the scars started appearing,” Spirit glanced down at their hands, the warmth of hers wrapped around his providing him some comfort.
“I need somewhere to stay until Stein isn’t sick anymore and we can really talk,” Spirit began dramatically, voice dim and pleading.
“Of course you can stay here, Spirit,” Kami’s grip tightened joyfully as she beamed at the male in front of her.
“Thank you,” the redhead once again sounded awfully exasperated, though he found it in himself to smile back at his lover.
“Oh, and by the way, do you have any idea of what he’s sick with? Just of out curiosity…”
“Not at all. He’s just had a fever ranging from 102 to nearly 104 all morning, and he’s been coughing and can hardly stand on his own, and he was throwing up the last time I saw him,” Spirit responded, shrugging his shoulders in mild confusion.
“Damn. I see what you mean now,” Kami’s facial muscles contorted her face into an expression of guilt.
“Yeah, that’s what I was trying to tell you! He could hardly think straight! The psycho’s been reduced into a baby at this point!” He laughed a little, hand leaving Kami’s to wave about expressively, his eyes widening.
“You think he has the flu?” Kami asked, chuckling a little at Spirit’s theatricality.
“Fuck, I mean - probably!” Spirit’s head was shaking frantically back and forth, hands still flailing around. “He’s sick sick, Kami, I wasn’t joking.”
“Sorry,” Kami mumbled her apology, bottom lip jutting out childishly as she glanced at him with puppy dog eyes.
“It’s ok,” Spirit smiled in an accepting manner, embracing Kami kindly.
“Can you be my partner now, please?” Kami begged, sounding a bit like a whiny toddler.
“I might have to be.. I’m not sure I can trust Stein anymore, or even look at him the same… He’s a little scary,” Spirit disappointedly responded, resting his head on Kami’s bony shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Spirit,” she spoke sympathetically, combing through his smooth hair.
“Me too.”
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pan-fried-autism · 1 year
Characters: Swap!Grem, Swap!Nikolai (@bowlerhatwearer), brief appearance of Swap!M0u5e
Summary: No longer undead, Nikolai has been mostly confined to Grems bed, due to the condition his body had been left in. The time spent in Grems house has made him realize something, something he needs to do... but hardly anything ever goes to plan.
Nikolai L. Akdow had a problem.
Or at least a problem he was no longer in denial about.
After an adventure resulting in him no longer being undead, simply alive, his body was in a... less than favorable state. Thought no longer rotting and generally corpselike, he found himself to be quite physically weakened and tired, and quite susceptible He even found he couldnt eat most foods. As a result, he spent most of his days in bed.
Not his own, however. His friend Grementine Mewton's bed.
He had offered to take her couch, but she refused to let him stay there, saying to him, "My guy, with the condition you're in, it's for the best that you're as comfortable as possible! I'LL take the couch."
But that's not the point. Or at least, a bit related to the point.
You see, the problem involved Grementine.
Grem herself was not the problem, though-- if anything, she was the opposite of one. She, along with her assistant M0u5e and friend Mothgo (if she was over), took very good care of him. She always made sure to keep a good supply of rusk, vitamin water, and tea (as they were some of the only things he could stomach right now), and had taken the liberty of buying actual vitamins, too. She had a fan placed on one of the bedside tables in case he got overheated, and had a cold wet rag for him as well. Sometimes, she'd come in with books, or maybe her portable DVD player, and she'd watch a movie or show with him. Sometimes she would just come in to talk.
It was... it was nice. He was slowly getting better.
But that wasn't the point. He still had a problem.
It was a problem he had since he was still a lich, and started to have a while after he met Grem. Something he couldn't ignore for very long...
He noticed them a little bit after they sprouted up-- he felt different about Grem than he did about other people. He oft wished to spend more time with her, to be close to her, hug her more, talk endlessly with her about ideas, stare into her beautiful eyes as he did it....
A crush of some kind had developed. And it frightened him.
This was the first time he ever felt this was about anybody. It was... it was confusing. Something he didn't know how to handle.
So he kept his feelings hidden away the best he could.
I don't think it would work out between us, anyway, he reasoned with himself. I probably would not be a good partner to her-- the past is a fickle obstacle, I've found.
If things had stayed the same, he could have dealt with them, he thought. They'd continue to be good friends and maybe nothing more. However, staying with Grem while she helped him in his weakened state hadn't exactly done any wonders for the crush...
Without the factors of an ice cave and a cold environment (relatively speaking-- Grem kept the bedroom air conditioned for him), along with the fact he was currently living with her, Grem was able to see him MUCH more often and for longer periods of time. In that time, he got to see a lot of Grem's personality in action-- how she talked about her ideas and experiments, how she hyped up the movies and shows she chose for them to watch (especially if she thought he would love it), how she almost always came back from the supermarket with a new flavour of vitamin water for him to try, how she laughed at certain jokes, the way he swore her eyes sparkled while he talked about ideas and experiences he's had, how she talked about her coworkers and friends, how sometimes she would purr a little when she hugged him...
All this had done was strengthen his feelings-- in other words, worsen the problem in a way.
As time went on, this weighed heavier and heavier on his mind. The feelings were still strange and nebulous to him... why? he would wonder. Why were these feelings he's had for so long still so indecipherable to him?
Not only that, it... didn't feel right. To keep it all to himself, of course. He found himself wanting more and more to at least tell Grem how he felt about her. Even if she didn't share the feelings (a likely event, to him), they wouldn't weigh so much on him anymore.
But... maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she DID share them. Nikolai had recently found himself wishing that she would stay and talk with him for a little longer. For her hugs to last longer. To be able to perhaps... make a nice dinner for the two of them.
If only...
Nik was so enraptured in his own thoughts, he had completely zoned out during the last five minutes of the movie he and Grem were watching.
Until Grem spoke.
"MAN... that was a great movie, huh, Nik?"
That jolted NIkolai out of his thoughts.
He looked over at the screen of the DVD Player-- the credits were rolling, and a pop song he'd never heard before was playing. The song spoke of getting older but never wiser, and one's depression working the graveyard shift.
Ignoring it, he simply smiled at Grem and pulled together what he remembered of the film before he zoned to form a response.
"Yes, it was very nice."
"What was your favourite part?" she replied, tail swishing around lightly. "My favourite was the twist. Like, Janelle's mother is the SECRET BIG BOSS at her company? It's so stupid, but it works."
"I think my favourite would have to be the factory scene."
Grem made a little 'feh' noise. "Of course it was. Ya LOVE that stuff."
"What can I say?" he said with a smirk. "I've always loved inventing."
"I know. Ya talk a lot about your ideas. They're all really cool."
Nikolai couldn't help but turn his head a little aways. Grem couldn't see the light blush on his cheeks that way.
"Thank you, Grementine."
Grem smiled, before yawning, raising her arms and stretching as she did so.
"What... what time is it, Nik?"
Before he could respond, Grem turned to look at the electrical clock/alarm on the bed side table to her left.
10:25 pm.
"Oh boy." she blurted out. "Ya know, I think I might just go to bed. I have work tomorrow anyway."
"That's understandable." he replied. "It was nice watching a movie with you, Grem!"
Grem grinned and gave me a hug.
Nikolai froze for a second, before gently wrapping his arms around her. He was very glad Grem couldn't see his face-- he imagined he looked like a tomato at that moment.
Sadly, Grem pulled away and leaped off the bed, going to the door before turning around and saying "Goodnight, Nikolai!"
The moment Grem closes the door, Nikolai lets out a small sigh.
He wanted to tell her so badly.
Why shouldn't he?
The sudden thought made him sit up.
.... really, though. Why shouldn't he? Why should he have to keep these feelings to himself? They weigh so heavily on him they hurt, anyway. All he had to lose was a metaphorical weight on his shoulders!
Or maybe a friendship, depending on how she reacted.
But no matter. Nikolai had a confident look on his face as he lay back down. He would throw caution to the wind, look Grem in her lovely eyes, and tell her how he felt about her!
He knew he could do it. The small, scary doubts he felt couldn't stop him this time.
The next morning, Nikolai awoke with a cold.
His nose was stuffed and runny, his throat felt sore, his head was pounding slightly with pain, and he felt like he was being weighed down with bricks.
His first thought that morning was 'oh, confounded.'
Of course, the MOMENT he felt ready to tell Grem that he might love her, his own immune system just haaaaaad to ruin it for him! He felt awful enough lying around too weak to go outside or eat certain foods, WHY of ALL TIMES did he have to get sick now?
He stopped yelling in his mind for a bit. It just made his head hurt more.
When Grem came into the bedroom and noticed his sickly state, she immediately started fretting over him. She got him a cup of tea, some Advil, some crackers, she even worried that she gave it to him somehow.
"Ne-never mind that, Grem." he had reassured her, before sneezing loudly. "Uhff, I'm sure that you... that you didn't."
Grem had her robotic assistant M0u5e care for him while she was at work. The little robot was a good caretaker, he had to admit... but he found himself longing for the cat regardless.
He felt bad about it. Was he really so focused on one person that he couldn't focus on the actions of others? He really needed to tell Grem how he felt, if that was the case.
Around 4 PM, as Nikolai lay coughing a bit in bed, he happened to hear the bedroom door open.
It was Grem. And she had a bowl of soup.
Nikolai, sick as he was, sat up slowly and cracked a smile as she approached him happily.
"He- (COUGH) Hello, Grementine!" He greeted her.
Grem set the soup down on the nightstand closest to Nikolai as she sat on the edge of the bed next to him.
"Hey, Nik!" she chirped. "How's the bug been treating ya?"
"You mean the cold?"
"It could.. (ACHOO)... it could definitely be MUCH better, seeing as my throat feels like somebody tried to sand it down. But M0u5e has taken good care of me while you were gone."
"That's great to hear."
Grem looked off to the side.
"I missed ya while I was at work. I was sad thinking about how sick ya were." she confessed.
The sickly man swore his heart skipped a beat.
'You-- You were?"
"Yeah. I want ya to be healthy, Nik-- you were already have a pretty bad time anyway. I was... worried about how much this would be affecting ya."
"Oh, Grem..." he reached out and gently put his hand on her shoulder. "I think I'll live, my friend."
Grem softly smiled at him. "I know ya will. I just worry."
Neither said anything for a second.
Grem then got up, saying, "Well, I'll be on my way now. Enjoy your dinner, Nik!"
Nikolai quietly watched as his friend walked away.
His amazing, intelligent, caring, humorous, cute friend...
God, he couldn't stand it anymore. He had to get out it before the illness worsened.
Before he knew it, he was calling out "Grementine, wait!"
The cat stopped just at the door, and turned to him.
Nikolai said nothing, then coughed a little. Then he looked down, trying not to make eye contact.
"... Can you- can you stay? I want- (cough) I want to talk to you about something." he asked, quiet and sheepish.
Grem stared... then gave a sympathetic smile, walking over and hopping up onto the bed to sit next to him. She said, "Yeah, what's up?"
Nikolai went to speak... but stopped.
He couldn't help but look at her-- her matte gray eyes, her little heart shaped nose, the way her right ear twitched lightly as she waited for him to start talking, a canine sticking out slightly from her mouth, the way her tail curled up, the way the fur on the sides of her face stood up, her little whiskers...
He couldn't help but look at her for so long, he only snapped out of it when someone said his name.
Now, he was made painfully aware of the quizzical look Grem was giving him, and the way his mouth was slightly agape. Nikolai buried his face in his hands, blushing shamefully.
"Sorry, sorry..." Nik muttered.
"No, I get you're nervous." she spoke softly. "Go on."
The human folded his hands in front of him, took a deep breath... and began.
"We've (sniff)... we've known each other for a while now, Grementine, and you've taken care of me. You've... made me happy to call you a friend, Grem. You're a wonderful person, through and through... you saw how I was, how I was merely but a lich... and yet you believed in me. You believed I could be... you believed I AM a good person. And for that, I will always be thankful."
He gave the cat a soft smile, before going quiet.
No going back now, he reminded himself, picking up again.
"... Grementine Mewton, you are the most wonderful person I knoww, and I... I love you through and through... with all my heart. My heart which beats thanks to you."
The cat in front of him looked... surprised to say the least, especially with the touch of blush on her face. She gently placed her hand over her heart.
"You... you mean it?"
He nodded and replied. "Yes, Grementine, I mean it. I really, really do. You are wonderful (cough)... you are perfect... you are you, my dear."
Grems face turned a deep shade of pink, blending into the light pink fur blotches on her head.
"I... WOW! I-- uh-- I didn't-- didn't expect this, hahahah..." she managed to stutter out.
Nikolai swore he saw a couple tears appear in the corners of her eyes.
He assumed they matched with the ones forming in his own.
"You really are, Grementine." he beamed, smiling. "You are wonderful in your own Grem way... and I am glad and happy that we know each other."
Grem started quivering after that.
For a split second, Nikolai was struck with a small bolt of fear. Had he... had he messed up?
... and then Grem leapt into his arms and gave him a giant hug.
Nikolai was briefly caught by surprise before he returned it. He held her close, trying not to cough as he took in just how real it was. How this was... actually happening.
Grem pulled away, still holding him, and Nikolai could see small tear trails going down her cheeks.
"S-sorry," she blathered to him, "I just-- I didn't expect that. Didn't expect how-- how nice it was."
He offered a kind smile as he spoke again.
"Grementine, may I (sniffle)... gently touch you on your cheek? I would like to tell you a bit more, if that's alright with you."
The cat perked up at that. "Oh--Oh yes, of course."
Niks hand went up, and was gently placed against her left cheek, illiciting a small purr. He continued with his confession.
"You have gone through so so much, your whole life you never had a break. Let me tell you-- (ACHOO)-- let me tell you as someone who has messed up a lot... You are great, Grementine. You are wonderful, and smart, and you deserve to be happy."
Grem closed her eyes, before lifting one of her own hands and placing it atop the hand against her face, sending little sparks of joy into Nikolai's heart.
"Ya know something, Nikolai?" she began to admit. "I've grown to... like ya like that, as well."
Nikolai felt the blushing on his face deepen. She did? That was nice to hear.
The kitty continued. "I woulda confessed sooner, but... y'know, you're kinda sick at the moment, so I didn't think it would be a good time."
"I wanted to (sniffle)(cough)-- sorry, I wanted to confess to you sooner as well, but then my cold flared up. However, I wanted to tell you, just in case my cold gets even worse, my dear." he replied, smiling again.
"Hehe, yeah. Heck, even when ya WEREN'T down with the cold, and ya just needed bedrest really. I thought it would be best to do when you were feeling well."
"It's alright, my dear. I do hope it was alright for me to confess my feelings to you like this. It... it is not really romantic."
Grem gently patted his shoulder. "No, it's completely fine! It came from you, after all."
Nikolai slipped his arm back around her and pulled her a bit closer, making her giggle.
"I love you, Grem, I really do. I want to spend my life with you, together as your partner... if that's alright with you."
Grem smiled at him... though the smile faltered, and pulled away just a little as she asked, "... What kind of partner?"
Worry began to seep into Nikolai's mind. Had he... had he said something wrong?
"Well... just the way you are." he tried to reassure her. "I like you for who you are, Grem, and I would like to live with you, if that's alright. I really enjoy your company Grem, and I... I love you."
Grem put up her hands, shaking them a little. "I mean, of course you can live with me! There's nothing wrong with that! I just... what kind of relationship would we have?"
Nikolai looked off to the side, scratching the back of his head.
"Well, I... (ACHOO)... I honestly want to have the kind of relationship... that you want to have, Grem. I want you to be comfortable and happy."
The cat looked down and hugged herself. Nikolai internally prepared for the worst.
Finally, Grem took a deep breath before speaking.
"Uh.. I'm... some form of aromantic, Nikolai. I don't know how to describe it too well. I guess I'd say that... well, I'm not completely aromantic, I don't mind a bit of romance... but I don't think I'd be comfortable with a romantic relationship."
The human was quiet for a moment. Truthfully, he didn't mind that at all. But what kind of relationship should they have?
He started talking again. "I understand that. So, would being in a non-romantic... a platonic relationship make you happy?"
Grem looked back up at him, and a wave of relief came over him as she gave him a big smile and said one word.
Nikolai sighed in relief and lay back down in bed, a good bit of energy taken from the whole ordeal. He coughed a little before he responded to her.
"And that is completely alright with me, Grem."
Grem crawled over next to him and sat down, before taking one of his hands and… holding it.
Nikolais face felt warm. It could have been from blushing or from being sick. He didn’t care, as he grinned at Grem and gently squeezed the hand interlocked with his own.
He wasn’t sure if it was real or not… but he was feeling a lot better now.
The next afternoon, Nikolai and Grem lay in bed together as the latter cough loudly and sniffled.
“I want to take… eat an entire bottle of Tylenols Cold and Flu.” Grem mumbled.
Nikolai had given Grem a cold.
He (who was still sick— thank his immune system) offered the cat a tissue from the tissue box she had brought in when she stumbled into the bedroom that morning, and gave her a sad look.
“I’m so sorry, Grementine my dear.” he whispered to her.
The cat waved her hand a bit at him as she blew her nose into the tissue.
“No, no, it’s fine… (sniffle) We’re gonna be fine, sweetie.”
Sweetie… he blushed at the pet name. He felt a little less bad now.
The door opened, and M0u5e came in with two steaming mugs of chicken noodle soup.
“I’ve brought lunch.” It announced as it handed the mugs to the two sickly new lovers. “How are you both holding up?”
All Grem could say was “I just hope I don’t have to take cough syrup.”
Nikolai chuckled at her response— she told him the same thing earlier.
“I’m holding up decently,” he responded to M0u5e. “I think I’ll feel better tomorrow.”
The robot clapped her hands together. “Good to hear. Do either of you require anything else?”
“Could ya perhaps bring in my DVD player and my copy of Legally Blonde?” The kitty asked.
M0u5e simply nodded and left the room.
The moment the door closed, Grems hand dove towards one of Nikolais and held it gently. She smiled up at him as she traced circles on the back of his hand.
Nikolai sighed happily as he stared into her eyes.
They’d get through this cold… together.
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