#I need to rewatch castle in the sky next
soliusss · 2 years
wowww I just watched nausicaä for the first time in yeaars, it was one of my fav movies as a kid. 1. Who the fuck let child Solius watch this 2. Holy shit masterpiece of a movie I see why I liked it. Environment and creature designs are gorgeous. Awesome characters. Themes are still sooooo relevant to today. It’s such a cool movie. S tier favorite
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strkie · 1 year
an understanding. peter pevensie x male, immortal, reader.
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peter meets you like a spark to a flame, smitten and happy with you more than he ever thought he would be with someone else. but he won’t be in narnia forever.
notes. i just rewatched all the narnia movies so. yeah. i love him.
details. no warnings. he/him pronouns. set in the end of the second movie.
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Peter first meets you on a natural, firefly night. The first thing he really, truly knows about you is the fact you don't pity him but rather you understand him on a level he never thought he would see again.
When Peter meets you, you know the legends of the High King better than anyone he's ever met. You don't talk outright about them to him at first, but the little things, the little details is what he picks up on when you sit down next to him on soft moss. The sky is littered with stars and the trees sleep, the castle is a ways behind you both. At first he thinks you're Telmarine, but that thought is quickly questioned. You have a way about yourself that speaks Narnia— the way your hair curls around your neck and how gentle your hands are, the soft glint in your eyes. You speak with confidence but in a hushed voice, as if you have been long accustomed to how everything is listening.
When he finally asks what you are, you laugh in endearment. Peter can't help but blush red at the sound of your laugh, the way it carries in the wind, and he is smitten.
"I just am." You answer him. "Immortal, is what I've heard others name me, but I don't care for a title."
"You can't die?" He asks impulsively again, curious. You only smile at him but this time it's sad, your eyes cast downwards and holding a certain weight to them. You hum in affirmative, and a comfortable quiet looms over the two of you.
"I was here before the White Witch, I was here during, I am here now and will be after." You say softly, sadly yet accepting.
Peter understands then, why you understand him better than others— You have seen civilizations burn and wither and have seen some just fade away. You have seen all the deaths, have seen the trees turn into a shell of what they once were just like all the other Narnians. You have seen wars and battles, have been in them, and kept going. You keep fighting, keep trying, and that's when you earn his respect in just your first conversation.
When the days pass, when that fateful night ends, Peter can't help but seek you out. You are... curious, and captivating in a way he can't explain.
It's surprisingly easy to find you, afterwards— he only asks one of the Centaurs and they lead you to the nearest Gryphon flock, where in the center you reside. You calmly talk to all of them while they listen, sometimes they reply but mostly quiet, letting you clean and pick their feathered necks and heads. You are gentle and kind, and when you see him you look surprised but happy. He only smiles back in greeting, sitting down on the grass with his back against one of the Gryphons, listening to you as you continue to tell a tale. At first the story is nothing special to those of Narnia, filled with adventure and fantasy, but as you get further in he realizes you are remembering and retelling. The memories range many emotions, but you always tell them fondly, stroking a Gryphon's head in your lap.
In the weeks that pass, Peter finds you talking about a lot of things like that. A lot of memories, a lot of wistful thoughts, and he's always surprised about how kind you are even when the memories are filled with bloodshed.
Eventually Aslan notices, although Peter is sure the lion has always known.
"I need to speak with you about Y/N." He says once, just a couple days before Peter is going back to England. Truthfully, Peter has been ignoring that fact since he met you, knowing you cannot come with, but something in Aslan's voice gives him unexplained hope.
"When you leave tomorrow," The lion starts, walking in the castle courtyard with Peter. "Y/N will follow, and you will take care of him just as I have."
Peter's chest bursts with excitement, with hope, but he still doesn't quite understand. "But he's Narnian?"
"Yes, and when he leaves he won't be. He has been here too long, too lonely, and I fear I may lose him if he doesn't leave." Aslan speaks honestly, deep voice vibrating. Peter listens intently, a thoughtful frown on his face.
"You want him happy." Peter says, understanding.
"Yes, and he will be with you." Aslan almost looks sad about the fact you will leave, and that's when Peter realizes the lion has known you as long as the thousands of years you've been alive, almost fatherly. Peter stops walking to turn fully to the lion with a determined eye.
"I promise I'll take care of him." He vows, a hand on Aslan's muzzle.
When the day arrives and it's time to leave, you aren't as sad as Peter would've thought. Depressed, yes, but not overly so. You hold his hand rightly as you both say goodbye to all the individuals you've befriended, your chest filled with hope for a new beginning with Peter, looking at the Narnian skies with a unexplainable emotion. You hug Aslan as tightly as you can, his mane and paws hugging you back, and it's time to go. You walk through the portal of trees, a fear overcoming you, but Peter holds your hand and you know you'll be alright.
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sweetrevxnge · 2 years
Ghosts In The Snow
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Chapter One
Pairing: Vampire!Kylo Ren x Reader AU
Summary: Six long years had passed under the reign of the First Order. The bitter winters grew longer, and as they did, hope faded from the hearts of the citizens of Hosnian Prime. As a lieutenant in the Resistance cavalry, it was your duty to nurture that ember of hope. After a mission takes an unexpected turn, you are taken prisoner by a commander in the First Order, a mysterious man with an insatiable appetite—for violence, power, and you. In the coming days, you must keep the spark of your own hope alive from the dark confines of the Commander's castle.
Warnings: sexual content, violence, blood kink, gore, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Next Chapter
Spotify Playlist
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Happy Halloween!!! I wanted to share the first chapter of the medieval/vampire AU fic that I've been working on for the past few months. Basically, I rewatched Game of Thrones and Castlevania and set out to write a Kylo Ren AU related to both. And what better time to start uploading it than Halloween!! My primary focus is still finishing Like Phantoms, Forever, but my goal is to continue working on and uploading this story as well. Let me know what you think of it!
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Icy wind burned your eyes as you rode under the moonless sky. Sparse trees passed by as your steed marched along the dark path, treading through the thick blanket of snow that covered the forest floor. Around you, delicate snowflakes floated down from the heavens, catching on the limbs of towering pines and landing on your cheeks, only to melt on your warm skin.
There was something hauntingly beautiful about this weather, with storm clouds draping the inky sky like a wool cloak, snuffing out the cool light of the moon and her stars. In the winter, nights like these were familiar. But not tonight.
This night was bitterly cold, the type of cold that even the thickest furs couldn’t warm. Now, after hours of trekking through the forest, you resented Commander Dameron’s decision for the squadron to not wear helmets. In theory, it seemed like the best way to increase visibility in the midnight hour. But now, with chattering teeth and a visibility of less than a few meters, you were less than pleased.
Commander Dameron had left his helmet behind at the base as well. Although, it was less of a rare occurrence for him. He seldom wore a full suit of armor, which under any other circumstance could be attributed to a plethora of reasons. Pride, confidence, or his incessant need to make his enemy aware that he was being slain by a more handsome man than he. Regardless of his reasoning, you didn’t outwardly oppose the Commander’s decision. If there was one thing you had learned during your time in the Resistance, it was to never question your commander, even over something as frivolous as a helmet. His orders came directly from the General, which meant regardless of your opinion on the matter, his discretion was final. General Organa was a pragmatic woman, and after six years of serving her, she had yet to lead you astray. You expected that tonight would be no different.
Covert operations were nothing new to you, having taken part in over a dozen successful missions before. Even when things became precarious, you were able to keep your wits about you and get your men out in one piece. It was for this reason that the General trusted you with the most sensitive missions, like tonight’s.
As you neared the location of the reported First Order encampment, trepidation rolled through your stomach. There was something uncomfortable about these woods, more than the typical unease of marching into the unknown, or the prospect of losing your men in a bloodbath. The forest felt suffocating, as if you were being swallowed by the trees the further you rode. Perhaps it was the moonless sky causing your skin to crawl, or the eerie silence that surrounded you.
In front of you, Commander Dameron was barely visible through the heavy snowfall, and further away than you would have liked him to be. But then again, that was how he typically operated.
His daring attitude and hunger for battle were just a few of your favorite qualities of his, with his striking good looks and razor-sharp wit following closely behind. He was a natural leader, often utilizing every quality in his arsenal to earn cooperation from his soldiers, including yourself.
The two of you worked well together, sharing a chemistry both in leadership and out in the field. Thanks to his effortless charisma and affinity for your presence, you had been his loyal right-hand for many years. The General could always rely on your squadron to extract the intelligence she needed, or defeat any amount of stormtroopers that impeded her cause.
For six long years, the sovereign state of Hosnian Prime had been plagued by war, its people forced to bend the knee to the usurper First Order or lose their head. While many citizens chose to submit their will, there were those who refused to comply, who sacrificed everything for liberty. The Resistance was born from their bravery, their determination to fight for what was just. It was their emblem that you wore proudly on your armor, the same emblem that inspired hope in the downtrodden and oppressed throughout the world.
The moment Vice Chancellor Snoke flaunted the severed head of Chancellor Villecham to the people of Republic City, you knew that fighting this war was your only option if you wanted to save your home. The carnage that ensued in the city square was nothing short of pure evil and to this day, despite the brutality you had since witnessed and partaken in, still made your stomach churn. In the days that followed, Snoke led vicious attacks on the remaining New Republic officials, with word of his violence reaching you and the other fugitives not long after. The destruction of Hosnian Prime’s liberty was the catalyst for your enlistment in the Resistance, and remained as the motivation to end this civil war.
You tried not to dwell much on that horrific day, but it was difficult to avoid on long rides like this, finding that your mind would often drift there when you were riding towards an imminent battle. The tight secrecy of this operation was unsettling, but what little information you did know was repeating ceaselessly in your head.
The purpose of this mission was to ambush a suspected First Order camp, one that was said to be housing a handful of its leading officers. By all accounts, it was meant to be a fairly typical intelligence extraction and execution, except there would be no execution, as the General had placed a strict defense-only order on this mission, meaning you were not to strike an attack unless it was a defensive measure. Such an order left much to be answered, but from what you knew of war, it likely meant that General Organa couldn’t afford to lose the men. It also meant that whichever First Order officials were residing at this camp were not vital to its operation, for if they were, the next sunrise they would see would be from the top of wooden spikes.
The General’s briefing was not unlike many of her others. It was short and eloquent as always, but by the end of it, she was practically ordering the group out of the room, rather than her usual dismissal of telling everyone to get back to work. You, along with every other person involved in this operation, were left confused by her behavior, left to your imagination to fill in the gaps. It wasn’t long before gossip began to spread throughout the unit.
A misstep from your horse pulled you back to the present, prompting you to soothe her fright before she could make too much noise. It was imperative to the success of this ambush that none of your men—or their horses—made a sound.
After a few strokes down her spine and quiet, reassuring whispers, her pace steadied. You looked ahead for the signal from Commander Dameron that you were approaching the encampment, but in the hazy clearing, his presence had been reduced to a set of tracks left into the snow.
The festering dread in your gut became unbearable as you continued to trudge through the dark foliage, debating whether or not it would be appropriate to catch up to Commander Dameron and share your concerns. You could only imagine the lecture you would receive from the General if you strayed from the plan in any manner, but at the same time, you trusted your instinct. Something didn’t feel right.
The crunch of snow beneath hooves and the light rattle of armor were the only sounds that filled the air. That was until a scream pierced the night air, sending a chill colder than the snow down your spine.
Panic rose in your chest as your horse reared off the ground and spun wildly, frightened beyond your control. You tried to orient yourself in the darkness, scanning the white haze for your men, as well as your commander.
Another scream followed shortly after, along with a string of cries from the soldier’s horse. One final wail sliced through the air like a banshee cry, full of agony, before the world fell silent.
There was someone else—or something else—in these woods.
The soldiers behind you erupted in a cacophony of confusion, worry, and pleas to the gods for mercy. You steered your horse away from them, more concerned with Commander Dameron’s safety than theirs. As terrible as it seemed, soldiers were expendable, leadership was not. Besides, if you fell back to help them, your fate would be the same as theirs—bloody and mangled.
More anguished cries rang throughout the dark woods, following you as you rushed forward, whipping the reins to keep your pace.
“Commander? Commander?!” you shouted into the abyss of the night. You uttered a quiet prayer as you waited for his response.
The whisper of wind was all you received in return.
“COMMANDER!” you screamed, your throat burning from the wintry air as you cried out.
With bleary eyes, you continued to ride, dodging the brush and rogue branches hanging in your path. It was then that a horrible realization occurred to you. Aside from the sound of your shallow breaths and hooves stomping, the forest was utterly silent.
Your panic quickly transformed into terror. The sounds of slaughter that had been trailing you had ceased. Whatever had been hunting your men could now only be hunting you.
There was no time to waste. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you unlatched your boots from the saddle and prepared to dismount your horse, hoping to be a smaller target on foot.
Before you could swing your leg over the saddle to jump down, an invisible blow struck the center of your chest, hurling you backwards through the air until you collided with the rough bark of a tall pine.
Bright spots filled your vision as you hit the frozen ground, gasping for air despite the ache spreading through your ribs. A high pitch rang in your ears as you pushed yourself up and staggered to your feet. The snow beneath you was stained red, and from the taste of copper in your mouth and the tender sore on your tongue, it was clear that you had bitten it during the fall.
Away from your sight, your horse neighed and reared wildly, galloping over the roots buried beneath the snow and snapping dry branches that covered her path. For a moment, you hoped that she was running towards you, that her senses would guide her back to you. But you were a fool. 
The sound of ripping flesh and a final, harrowing cry from your horse resonated through the woods, followed by a heavy thud and a deafening silence.
You blinked the falling snowflakes away from your eyes as you stood there, rooted in the snow, trying to see which direction the midnight creature would attack from. Your heart was a few beats away from bursting through your chest, which would likely be a less painful death than what was to come.
The outline of a figure breached the snowfall, stalking towards you as you retreated on your heels, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through you.
As you reached for your sword, your limbs were frozen in place, as if your body had been wrapped in nonexistent restraints. Your breath caught in your throat. Resisting the energy proved futile, tiring your muscles and leaving you entirely defenseless. You watched in horror as the creature came into view.
“Was that you I heard calling for me, my dear?”
You could barely hear the question over the hammering of your pulse. The voice was low and brassy, and almost sounded amused. As it drew closer, you were surprised to find that the owner was not a bloodthirsty monster, but a man.
You lifted your chin and blinked back the tears that welled in your eyes, hoping to appear brave in the face of death.
“You certainly were difficult to catch,” he growled, stepping through the haze. “But the difficult ones always make for the best hunt.”
The man stepped into view, his dark armor a stark contrast to the backdrop of snowfall. In the drops of moonlight that spilled through the clouds, you could make out the details of his helmet—a haunting, black mask with silver ridges outlining the eye shield, gleaming in the waning light.
“What are you doing all the way up here, officer?” he asked, tilting his head slightly as he raised a gloved hand to your face, his outstretched fingers nearly grazing your skin.
“I–” you began to say before you choked on your words. An excruciating pain split your skull, unlike anything you had experienced before. The sensation could only be compared to something found in nightmares, crafted in the fires of Hell for the most unabashed sinners. The tears you had fought to hold back finally spilled from your eyes, freezing as they rolled down your cheeks while the masked man rummaged through your mind.
“You’re a lieutenant,” he said quietly, his intrigue evident even through his helmet.
You didn’t try to deny his statement, all too aware that your rank was the only thing keeping you from suffering the same fate as the rest of your men.
“A woman as second-in-command…” He traced the back of his hand along your jaw, the smooth leather interrupting the stream of tears that ran from your eyes.
Slowly, he moved behind you, examining you how a butcher would inspect a lamb before the slaughter. Through the shield of his mask, you could feel his eyes roaming over you. 
Acid bubbled in your throat as you stood there, helpless to the force that held you in place. The fate of your men seemed like salvation in comparison to what was likely awaiting you.
Would he take you prisoner? Would he violate you? How long would you suffer before succumbing to your inevitable fate?
Each thought piled onto the other as they raced through your head. You were grateful that he had released his grip on your mind, that your fears were known only to you.
Behind him, a handful of other men emerged from the night, standing in a tight formation behind their leader. The other parties responsible for the massacre of your men, you presumed.
“Sir, we were unable to locate the Commander,” one of the men informed him.
He moved closer behind you, pieces of his armor grazing yours. “Forget him. We have what we need.”
Before you could process his words, the energy around your limbs disappeared and you swayed, suddenly dizzy, like you had indulged in one too many glasses of wine. The edges of your vision blurred and despite wanting to kick your attacker and run as far as you could, your legs wouldn’t budge. The last thing you felt before darkness rushed in was a pair of strong arms wrapping around you as your body went slack, sealing your fate.
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aristaspark · 11 months
Winx Rewatch: Season 1 episode 7: Friends in Need
Published a new chapter on my fic ! at bit.ly/3rwX3h7
Grizelda is a demon in disguise
They have to clean an entire castle, mind you...I can't even clean my room
The fact that the school has magic and the means to clean the castle in a matter of seconds but still ask students to do it just for the sake of punishing them
"What a strange object" Tecna 😭 See, cleaning is not a thing in the magical dimension. Zenith probably has robots doing all the job
"Ever since I've met you guys, I easily loose control" Stop it they're so cute 😭. Makes it even worse when in later seasons they make Tecna regress and act as if she had never had human interactions at all
The infamous bucket scene
"Indeed I see" 😭 Flora is judging her hard
Very interesting the way Tecna's mind works
Of course Stella is not cleaning
She's so insufferable 😂 Totally deserved what Bloom gave her
Ok but the way Musa is so mad that Bloom was going to do Stella's work
They're so playful
They really left the school to six teenage girls and thought nothing was gonna happen ☠️
I love how they were just like yeah let's call the boys so they can clean with us
And these idiots came
Mirta, you're brave but mind who you're talking to
The trix are the ultimate bullies
Okay so now we're suffocating students
You're not cleaning anything throwing your broom around like that Musa
The boys so want to leave 😂
Riven is the only one reacting realisticly. Like, imagine you come to a party and they expect you to clean a whole damn castle in exchange 😭
Someone burn my eyes what is that dance
I feel you Riven
Love the fits of the girls, too bad they're only in this episode, THEY'RE SO PRETTY
Stella, don't encourage Bloom, Sky is not worth it
Aww Timmy and Tecna weird but cute bonding
And of course Riven being a hater
Musa what the heck are you even doing dancing like that. The second hand embarrassment is strong with that one 😭
Eww, eww, "she's not bad huh", with that disgusting glare, I really can't with Sky
Some nice exposition on why the Trix are so sure the Dragon Flame belong to fairies
And here we go again with the moaning
Always thought the food Stella was offering Brandon looked like a boob
Omg the 3D 😂
Love how some specialists and some of the Winx can't stand each other (Riven and Tecna I'm looking at you)
Good old misoginy
And the Trix are just following Bloom without even knowing 😂
Not Musa abandonning Flora on the floor ☠️
Good that Stella was here for her
Why did Stella spray the beast with perfume, like, what was the point?
I can see the teenagers hormones acting up in so many scenes, damn
The beast punching Riven was satisfying, he needed to be humbled
Always loved the moment where they start doing percussions with the cleaning tools
Moral of the story: the girls are just better
"Next time you have a party, don't bother to invite me alright" Omg but they're merciless 😭
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
DBZ Dead Zone Reaction
This is a repost of a reaction/ review of the DBZ movies that I did.
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I’ve got time to kill this week, so let me rewatch and talk about the DBZ movies.
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<It's pretty clever that they show Garlic Jr. as huge and imposing on the poster.>
I love “Dead Zone.” Maybe you remember, Toonami loved to use this thing for clips during the commercials, because you want to lead with your best foot forward. It is spectacular looking. It kinda has the “thick line” style that is the mark of a good anime.
Although this “movie” is amazingly short, only 40 minutes. They do very well with only 40 minutes, as you can guess there are really great, but short, fight scenes of Goku vs Garlic’s minions.(Those people made such a big deal about Goku’s moves in Broly, they need to rewatch this.)
I used to be convinced that this was a perfect “inter-quel,” bridging the gap between the original Dragon Ball and the start of DBZ. Like, Goku became “Strongest Under the Heavens” so his only logical match ups would be Demons. Maybe that was the direction his life was going, he was just going to rid the world of demons. With some creative editing, you could make this fit 100%, but there are contradictions between this and the start of DBZ. (Krillin meets Gohan and Kami here, Goku calls Gohan his son, Piccolo also shows off that he’s also using weighted gear before the fight with Raditz. )
BTW, the original name of this movie is “Return my Gohan.” Considering that “gohan” is a type of rice, it seems like after getting married, Goku is going to spend his next adventure chasing after his lunch.
I really like Garlic Jr. I love how he adds a little more to Kami’s background. These fillers (the Garlic Jr Saga + GT) were really good for fleshing out more of the importance of the “Guardian of Earth.” There’s also a bit of theme of family in this. Garlic is taking revenge for his father, Goku is rescuing his son, in a way Piccolo is Kami’s son.
Garlic’s minions can power-up by growing bigger, like they get 20% beefier, this is a great set up for Garlic himself actually HULKING OUT. This is before Goku got any flashy power-up, so the saving grace was that Gohan was able to go berserk for the finally.
They could have also fleshed this out a little more by establishing where all this is happening? As I was rewatching, I assumed this was taking place in “Makai World,” explaining why the sky is perpetually orange, and where Garlic Jr’s castle came from. But after Garlic loses, the orange sky shatters and there’s the regular blue sky behind it.
But, at the time, the best thing about it was that it was mainly in universe. The Original Dragon Ball only had Alternate Universe movies.
7/10 - It looks really good, but its really short.
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writers-ex · 1 year
🦦 in the house, how’s everyone doing?
ohoho anons taller than you get hugs I hear?
Prepare yourself to face me with your arms open hannie >:)
Kidding, this goes out to everyone that sees this. It’s all love here, I had a tough week myself screwing myself over with university applications. I also look too intimidating irl for anyone to be touchy with me except for my dog but best believe I’ll hand out hugs if I’m asked to, or may get touchy with others when I’m drunk.
Hannie, any book recs? Any genre would do, I’d like to see what you enjoy reading. Movie/show recs would do too :D (open to all anons too)
I’d love to insert a picture of my goldfish here but I’d have to reveal myself as I can’t post it while on anon. Maybe I’d do it one day when I have the confidence to. I also just applied to the top university in my country in hopes to get into the supposedly strong sociology department, crossing my fingers I get in considering I topped my school 🐸 . I’m also trying to pick up a new language, and have some volunteering at soup kitchens planned, excited to volunteer w my friends.
Here’s a short little digestible playlist for you to show you that you’re appreciated, greatly so. (Yes, you, hannie.)
You’ve honestly only been the only tumblr author I’ve been comfy enough with to interact with
Jakob- Next to Me
Matt Maltese- Everyone Adores You ( at least I do)
Sir Chloe- Walk You Home
Crumb- Ghostride
The Strokes- Call it Fate, Call it Karma
I don’t know what the weathers like, so bring an extra jacket out if it’s cold, wear sunscreen, drink enough water, get your dietary fiber, and don’t drink too much cold drinks. I’ll always take time to look at your updates, so will many of us, so if you need someone to lean on, we’re here 🥳
Go have the best week ahead
you're welcome to answer 🦦 here in the comments or in the ask box bc they're very cool B) and i'll murder anyone who says otherwise <3 and yes free hugs to anyone taller than 5", 4'9 below gets headpats hehe
i felt that- school has been just brain dead like…i'm too tired to type this out T^T and BET you probably look like a cinnamon roll, 100/10 would hug you if we met IRL
BOOK RECS READ THE WHOLE UNIVERSE OF LEIGH BARDUGO SO GOOD, also i love the selection series by kiera cass my girl it was my comfort books in high school, might you be interested in the whole percy jackson series bc i read everything in over month…ish
and as for shows/movies…. currently here are my top you must watch or leave my blog shows <3 -the untamed found on youtube (i have reseen this series over eight time completed and the special episodes and manhwa….i might rewatch it tonight lol) -bbc sherlock idk where to see this (i have memorized the line of every episode minus s4 and…this show was my middle school angst dreams i love it plz see) -OMG THE ENTIRE TOMB RAIDING SERIES WITH WUXIE AND THE IRON TRIANGLE YES OMG PLEASE WATCH THIS I KNOW ITS LONG BUT OMG I WILL LITERALLY MARRY ANYONE THAT HAS SEEN OR KNOWS WHAT THIS IS TT I LOVE THIS SO FLIPPING MUCH NEXT TO THE UNTAMED ASJFLKJDKJKDSJFLKADJLKFJDL (i HIGHLY recommend the ultimate note and sound of providence both on youtube, OR WATCH THE TIME RAIDERS MOVIE i will explain everything u're confused abt) -secret crush on you youtube bish (let me tell u if you can make it past the first three epsiodes you will be GREATLY surprised… just saying) OR my school president also on youtube (it made me want to go back to high school so flipping cute) -the castle in the sky studio ghilibi movie (i've seen it four times and love the entire thing, so comforting and unique <3) -big hero6 or cars 2 (they made my childhood like 10x better idk) -THE LAST OF US BROOOOOOOOOOOOOO (i am DEAD this show is CRAZY, i am terrified of zombies and cried for three days straight when i saw the first 15 minutes of the train to busan and have never finished it sincee BUT the amount of zombies lessens per epsiode and it focuses on the characters…just don't watch at night if you're a chicken like me) -animes…i loved kuroko no baske (a basketball anime that motivated me to play every single day in highschool…by myself bc no one wanted to play outside with me not even the guys that played in the court next door offered to let me join in bc i was a girl BISH FIGHT ME-) OR the promised neverland but the manga not s2…we don't talk abt that…
oooh i love goldfish if you feel comfortable you can dm the photo or send it on asks and i'll save the photo and upload it to the blog tagging your anon handle <3 i hope you get into the uni of your choice, that's a cool career path i wish you the best and hit me up if you need dental advice XD i'm trying to learn italian and ASL and that so wonderful you volunteer with your friends sends you a high five through my screen
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANK U I FEEL SO HONORED TT nah thank YOU for lighting up my ask box, not just you but ALL of you thank you soooo soo sooo sooo sooo soooo sooo soo MUCH <3 it means the world to me and beyond bc you take some time in your day to read or send an ask bows politely i hope to keep your thoughts safe and judgement free plus put a smile on your face if i'm able, each and every one of you deserves it
i loved the last playlist you told me abt this monster school and i vibe to it sm i made a spotify playlist for when any anons sends in an ask so i will gladly add these to it thank you :3
yeah its so hot here…i will drink water and love cold drinks so… haha ^-^);; back to you, please get sufficient rest or at least go to sleep at midnight NO LATER >:l, stretch b4 doing any activites, GO LOOK UP AT THE CLOUDS seriously my whole camera roll is of clouds bc they're so pretty, always carry a bandaid just in case, wash your hands for 20 seconds, and buy that thing you wanted this month <3 awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you i will update you guys if anything but i'm just pooped rn T-T
wishing you the best week ever >3<
0 notes
morporkian-cryptid · 4 years
Lupin III - The Castle of Cagliostro, and its extremely gay and romantic title scene
Hello everyone, this is your new installment of “Elliott rambles about her fandoms”!
Today I am going to be talking (well, mostly yelling) about the opening credits of Lupin III - The Castle of Cagliostro.
Because I’ve rewatched that movie almost two weeks ago, and I’m still going into a fit of hysterics every time I so much as think about it.
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[Image description: Lupin and Jigen sitting in front of the Fiat, with a small nomad cooking space set up. It is night, Lupin is reading a map and Jigen is holding a pan above a small gas stove. The lighting is dim and comes only for the stove. The subtitles of the song lyrics read “My love for you burns”]
This Twitter link is the only video of the title scene I could find online; the image quality is a bit low but at least it’s the full scene. Please watch it, I promise you won’t regret it.
Fair warning: long post with much capslock, very swearing.
Okay, so.
The lyrics of this song, Fire Treasure, go more or less like this (from the subtitles of the movie, which I assume are the official translation) :
I want to go with you, searching for happiness / No matter how hard the road or how the night may grow cold / I just want to wander on with you
Who else is there to comfort and hold / This lonely traveler when their heart grows cold? / Who else but you can make all my dreams come true?
Like a raging fire my love for you burns / All I want is for you to know how I feel / Make me your prisoner and never let go
(additional lyrics which are on the wiki but not in the title sequence)
You, who wander the wasteland  / I want to let you sleep / The shooting star is for you
I want only you to understand / This love of mine that blazes with flames / I'll clear away the enigmatic mist
You can find the official japanese lyrics here on the Lupin III fandom wiki.
Now this is a pretty basic love song, and we know most of the theme songs in this series are love songs and it doesn’t always mean anything (looking at you, Red Jacket opening theme). The music itself (without the lyrics) is used several times during the movie, especially in scenes with Lupin and Clarisse; and reused later in several movies involving similar dynamics.
But the only time the whole song, with lyrics, plays in The Castle of Cagliostro, it’s during the opening credits / title sequence. Aka, Lupin and Jigen’s road trip.
Yeah. This longing, yearning love song about a lonely traveler and the person who silently loves them and wants to follow them through all the troubles of the road and look for happiness by their side... Is played along with of a video of Jigen and Lupin traveling together.
And oh, if only it was just that...
It could have been two guys being bros, two friends having a fun road trip together. They could have shown the banter and playful fights between them that we see in the rest of the movie. But NO. THIS is what they gave us instead:
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[The silhouettes of Jigen and Lupin sitting on and leaning against the Fiat, with a boat in the background and an orange sunset-like sky]
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[the Fiat driving on a narrow bridge in the middle of an expanse of water glistening and reflecting the pink and purple sky]
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[Lupin lying on his back in the grass, and Jigen sitting near him and cooking in front of a small portable gas stove, the Fiat parked next to them. It is night, and the gaz stove gives a soft glow, the only source of light in the picture.]
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[Lupin sitting on the roof of the Fiat and Jigen standing left of it. They are waiting for a train with wooden wagons to pass. There are white flowers in the foreground on the right of the screen.]
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[Night time, on a backdrop of dark blue sky with white stars. Lupin is sitting on the roof of the Fiat, lighting a cigarette (the Fiat itself isn’t in the frame). Jigen is standing near him, smoking a cigarette, with only his head visible. The subtitles of the song lyrics write “Make me your prisoner and never let go”.]
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[The same scene from a different angle, the Fiat is now visible, with grass in the foreground, Lupin is seen from the back and Jigen from head to feet. The dark blue sky is fading into white at the bottom, suggesting sunrise.]
They could have given us a fun, “straight pals being bros” road trip. Instead, they decided to give us a soft, nostalgic ambiance, with orange and pink sunsets, the boys wistfully looking into the distance under a starry night sky, smoking cigarettes together in silence, with the soft glow of a shared meal around a campfire. THEY MADE THE CHOICE TO MAKE THIS AS FUCKING ROMANTIC AS POSSIBLE. THEY WILLINGLY MADE THAT DECISION.
We all know that this franchise’s subtext is not exactly subtle in establishing, to name just one obvious example, Jigen’s orientation (hum hum kabuki-related slang, hum hum bootleg playboy magazine, hum hum shameless flirting with burly soldiers).
But THIS. This isn’t a “I hate women” joke. This isn’t a two-second frame showing a bootleg gay pinup magazine. This isn’t a subtle parallel between Lupin’s relationships with Fujiko and with Jigen. This is the most OBVIOUS and EXPLICIT bit of subtext I have ever seen in this goddamn subtext-packed series. This is A FUCKING LOVE SONG, WITH THE WORDS “MY LOVE FOR YOU BURNS” EXPLICITLY IN IT, PLAYED ON A VIDEO OF JIGEN AND LUPIN ON A ROAD TRIP WITH THE MOST ROMANTIC AND SOFT VISUALS POSSIBLE. ONE MINUTE AND FIFTY FIVE SECONDS OF TYPICAL ROMANTIC SCENE WITH TYPICAL ROMANTIC VISUALS AND A FUCKING LOVE SONG.
This can’t be an accident. You can’t accidentally make a scene like this. I mean come on, “Like a raging fire my love for you burns, I just want you to know how I feel” with a panning shot of a starry night sky and Lupin and Jigen silently sharing a smoke? HOW DO THEY THINK WE ARE GOING TO INTERPRET THIS? IS THERE ANY OTHER POSSIBLE FUCKING INTERPRETATION THAN “JIGEN IS MADLY IN LOVE WITH LUPIN?“ NO THERE ISN’T. THERE FUCKING ISN’T.
They go and try to tell us that Lupin and Jigen are just friends, they give Jigen barely believable female love interests whom he has little to no chemistry with, they write Jigen getting angry when he thinks Lupin might be gay, and then they turn around and make THIS. FUCKING. TITLE SEQUENCE.
It kills me because IT’S CANON but also it’s not! They’re not stating that Jigen loves Lupin, they’re not confirming that they’re a couple, at no point in the 50 years of existence of this damn franchise has either of them explicitly declared that they were in love with the other, and that is most likely never going to happen. But this fucking scene exists. This fucking scene is CANON, and it’s technically still subtext, but it is the most OBVIOUS and IN YOUR GODDAMN FACE subtext EVER.
Disclaimer: I agree that most of the anime and movies’ (still relatively un-subtle) subtext can be disregarded or interpreted as platonic if you want, and I absolutely respect anyone’s desire to interpret them as platonic friends. All visions and interpretations can coexist. That being said, I’m sorry but for this specific scene I will not, ever, budge from the position that it is a fucking romantic love scene and that there is no other possible interpretation, I’m sorry but just FUCKING LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT IT AND TELL ME THIS ISN’T MEANT TO BE ROMANTIC. I DARE YOU.
This scene is just at the VERY LIMIT of explicitly stating Jigen and Lupin’s love. But it’s STILL NOT EXPLICIT. The song says “I love you” but neither Jigen nor Lupin does. The song on its own could relate to any number of characters (and in the rest of the movie it relates mostly to Clarisse, and more generally to all the girls Lupin leaves behind). The video without the music, while being very sweet and having a romantic vibe, could still be interpreted as a road trip between friends. And yet. AND YET. They made the conscious decision to put THAT SONG with THESE IMAGES. And to then “leave it to our interpretation”.
The Castle of Cagliostro was the second movie of the Lupin III franchise. It came out in 1979, not even ten years after the first episode of the anime aired. This is one of the establishing movies of the franchise, the one that propelled Lupin III on the international scene, the door through which generations of fans have been introduced to the series. A now iconic and unmissable pillar of the pop culture myth that Lupin III has become, a jewel of hand-drawn animation, produced by one of Japan’s most internationally well known animated movie director, future founder of one of its most iconic studios.
This isn’t a “blink and you’ll miss it” nudge in an largely forgettable TV special with weird chara designs and a plot created by writers seemingly on crack. This isn’t a subtle nod to long time fans and shippers like Part 5 did in 2018. This is the FUCKING TITLE SEQUENCE of the CASTLE OF MOTHERFUCKING CAGLIOSTRO by HAYAO GODDAMN MIYAZAKI. AND IT’S A LOVE STORY.
It’s been a week and a half, guys. And I still want to scream. I will never be free. Lupin and Jigen are in love and the world needs to know.
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pineforphantompain · 4 years
My 2020 in Asian dramas (+film)
Film: (most of these were for a class)
(Taiwanese) Beautiful Duckling (1965) Rating: 7/10
(Tw) Home Sweet Home (1970) Rating: 6.5/10
(Tw) My Summer at Grandpa’s (1984) Rating: 6/10
(Tw) Super Citizen Ko (1995)
(Tw) Cape No. 7 (2008) My favourite Taiwanese film of the year.
(Tw) Finding Sayun (2011)
(Tw) Forever Love (2013)
An Old Lady (2020) My fave of the year. Rating: 8.5/10
Currently watching:
Cheat On Me If You Dare (2020) 2/16 eps watched (yes, I’m very behind)
Royal Secret Inspector (2020) 4/16 eps
True Beauty (2020) 6/16 eps (I don’t like it that much, but somehow it’s my current favourite).
Completed 2020 dramas:
Flower of Evil 16/16 eps watched. Rating: 8.5/10 (favourite of the year)
Start Up 16/16 eps. Rating: 7.5/10
When I Was the Most Beautiful 16/16 eps. Rating: 6/10
Alice 16/16 eps. Rating: 6.5/10
Convenience Store Saetbyul/Backstreet Rookie 16/16 eps. Rating: 5/10 (least favourite of the year, and in general so far)
Watched in 2020 from previous years:
Sassy Go Go (2015) 12/12 eps watched. I’m obsessed with Kwon Soo Ah. She is now one of my top 3 fave second female leads. Rating: 7.5/10
School 2015 (2015) 16/16 eps watched. For years, I’d been meaning to get to this because it is supposed to be one of the ultimate sls dramas. Randomly watched the whole thing in like a week a half when I should have been doing other things. Underwhelming, but fine. Rating: 7.5/10
(Rewatch) My Lovely Girl (2014) 16/16 eps watched. Somehow even worse than I remembered, but I love Se Na and Shi Woo, as well as this era of kpop and dramas so I wanted to revisit it. Rating: 6.5/10
(Rewatch) Shut Up Flower Boy Band (2012) 3/16 eps watched (the best episodes). Rating: 6/10 (okay I was too harsh, but we have personal beef so...)
Completed in 2020 from the frightening on-hold backlog:
Oh Hae Young Again (2016) 15/18 eps previously watched. Rating: 6.5/10
100 Days Husband (2016) 12/16 eps previously watched (I think? Might have been 13/16) Rating: 7/10
Hope to watch:
Welcome/Meow: The Secret Boy (2020) Kim Myungsoo did a catboy drama just for me and I didn’t watch, disgraceful
18 Again (2020)
Extraordinary You (2019)
SKY Castle (2018)
Playful Kiss (2010)
Whatever Happened in Bali (2004) I’ve been planning to watch this since 2013 and haven’t, maybe this will be the year?
(Cdrama) Scarlet Heart (2011) I planned to watch this before the Korean adaptation aired... in 2016. Expectations of actually getting to this low.
(Rewatch) (Th) Kiss Me (2015) Watching the ItaKiss anime has made me miss this version. Rating: 7.5/10
(Rewatch) Nail Shop Paris (2013) I have never claimed to have good taste. Sometimes you need to rewatch the worst drama you’ve seen a dozen or more times and that’s okay. Rating: 4.5/10
(Rewatch) Judge vs Judge / Nothing to Lose (2017) Rating: 7/10
(Rewatch) (J) Hana Kimi (2007) Always a good time. Rating: 8.5/10
From on-hold dramas:
Whisper (2017) 13/17 eps watched. This was just the next closest to being finished, but I’m not looking forward to rest of it. Finished since I started writing this list. Rating: 6.5/10
White Christmas (2011) 4/8 eps watched. The other one with 4 episodes left. Update: now 7/8 watched.
Equator Man (2012) 14/20 eps watched. Ah the first drama to suffer the fate of indefinite on-hold. Since I’m doing so well finishing things lately, maybe it’s time to revisit this.
While You Were Sleeping (2017) 9/32 eps watched. Suzy, the sls, I really need to finish.
Love Affairs in the Afternoon (2019) 4/16 eps watched. I was supposed to finish this for a kdrama exchange in 2019, and didn’t, like a failure. (In my defence I hardly watched anything 2019 and most of 2020).
Madame Antoine (2016) 8/16 eps watched
Oh My Geumbi (2016) 5/16 eps watched. One of those dramas for which it’s a mystery how we ended up like this. I should return to it.
Memories of the Alhambra (2018) 8/16 eps watched. I must do it for my girl Park ShinHye.
Ruler (2017) 4/40 eps watched (a popular sls drama for the second female lead!! How could I not finish this?) I liked the beginning, but I think I was trying to watch too much at the time and then fell into a drama slump.
(J) Hana Kimi remake (2011) 4/11 eps watched. The last Hana Kimi I have to watch!
(C) To Be a Better Man (2016) 13/42 eps watched.
Golden Pouch (2016). 33/122 eps watched. I’d like to make some progress, but I’m not too concerned with actually completing soon.
I’m not too sure what all is coming in 2021, but I plan to watch Sisyphus: The Myth because I love psh and would watch almost anything for her (except that z****e film).
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zalrb · 4 years
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Oh fun!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (I hear the song every Halloween in a Halloween store and I love it)
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Season 3 being my favourite
Skins Series 1 & 2 (I have the song)
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True Blood (It made me SUPER uncomfortable for about two seasons before I got used to it but it’s such a great intro)
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Supernatural Seasons 1-7 (when I still watched. I used to always look forward to see what they’d do with the title cards).
Season 5 was my favourite title card
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (OF COURSE)
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Friday Night Lights (it’s actually quite a sentimental opening and if I rewatch it, I will get misty-eyed)
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Not TV but I have to put the Harry Potter title cards (especially if Hedwig’s theme is play, I nearly RIOTED during the Half-Blood Prince when we don’t hear it) 
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My favourite would have to be to be Prisoner of Azkaban (LUMOS MAXIMA! but I do have a special place in my heart for the Deathly Hallows Part 1 because it’s a little trill and my friend next to me just whispered “oh my god” because we were just entering our 20s when it came out so it felt like we were losing our childhood and it was such a weird/great moment)
Not a movie but Lord of the Rings (after the first one, when I saw the other two in the theatre, without a fail, the audience would clap at seeing the title cards)
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The O.C.
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This is really more about nostalgia than anything else but I remember when I got a TV in my room AND my mom got me The OC season 1 DVD boxset for Christmas and I just spent my weekends watching it and rewatching it SO often that sometimes my mom will randomly hum the song now and go “Californiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, remember when I couldn’t get you out of your room at ALL over the Holiday break?” so I just love it now.
Grey’s Anatomy (seasons 1-2 when they still had an opening song)
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I just thought it was the right kind of opening song, there was something slightly off-kilter and weird about it that I really enjoyed and that seemed to fit the kind of disorienting nature of the interns.
Third Watch
NO ONE seems to remember Third Watch but this was one of those adult shows I watched as a kid and couldn’t tell anyone at school that I was allowed to watch. The theme song got me SO AMPED and it’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 90s, I fucking LOVE it. 
One on One (MAN, I need to find a way to rewatch this show).
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Martin (OF. COURSE.)
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I would go around as a kid just being like “Martiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin)
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I always found it unnecessarily dramatic? It was awesome.
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Look. That song slaps. To the point that Blackstreet and Mya made a song to it for the movie. 
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Again, this is more oddly sentimental? Entourage was a show with so many fucking problems but I find it comforting to watch and whenever I do rewatch it and the opening plays, I kinda feel like I’m being reunited with like ... not friends ... but acquaintances?
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That shit is ICONIC. I remember when my cousin would start watching it and I would run to the TV.
The Sopranos (OF COURSE)
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I’m going to go Canadian for a sec.
Student Bodies (this. shit. was. my. JAM.).
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I still know all the words.
Breaker High (will never be able to take Ryan Gosling seriously, although this is Canadian-American, so,).
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I wanted to go to this high school SO. BADLY.
Law and Order SVU (it has to be on here)
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My Country: The New Age (I have the song!)
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This is a fucking epic opening.
Sky Castle (I have the song)
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It’s also a great, creepy opening.
Misfits! (Gotta love it)
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Special shout out to Roswell for being 90s angsty OH MY GOD
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AND CHARMED (I am the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, I am the aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir)
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Also Saved by the Bell, for some reason TBS would ALWAYS play reruns in the morning so at my aunt’s house, I would get ready to Saved By the Bell.
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Oh my God, I almost forgot early season Smallville. This is really more about nostalgia (somebody saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave meeeeeeeeeee)
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There are more, lol.
I forgot Game of Thrones.
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But to be honest, that’s season 8′s fault.
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“Come into my parlor,” Said the spider to the fish.
I know I’m not great at titles but oh well. This is an Eri.Vr.is oral vore fic! Mainly because I’ve been doing some rps and been caught up in the great dynamic they have imo. This is a sfw fic, but again it is a vore fic so if you turn away I won’t be offended. That said, I hope you enjoy and I’m always open to criticism!
There would be an unceremonious sigh that would come from a certain violet blooded sea dweller as he fiddled with the pieces for his latest scheme to exterminate all the land dwellers. Or at least, that would be what he had claimed he was doing, he never truly planned to execute it both due to lack of ambition and the resources. Really, the boasting and bragging about what he planned to do wasn’t as much of a threat as he liked to claim it was, and truly it was more along the lines of a need for attention than any true plans of committal. 
It had been a slow night for one Eridan Ampora, and having wasted most of it attempting to message any troll to either gossip with three of them or spew some rhetoric he didn’t fully believe. But even then, all that was accomplished was that he was being ignored while he vied for attention. All that was left was to stay cooped inside and rewatch old documentaries as he idly fiddled with historical figure memorabilia.
That was, it was all he had to do until someone had decided to free him from his self-isolation.
AG: Heeeeeeeey, Eridan. ::::) 
The sea dweller would squint, he didn’t think his rival would message him after deciding not to message her first. They had broken up when they were six sweeps due to him boring and overbearing; but some time after they turned seven sweeps, Eridan’s attempts to renew their rivalry would pay off after much work and effort. And now they had been going strong even after they hit nine sweeps old.
However, he would roll his eyes at the sight, he knew her innocent seeming spider smile was anything but.
CA: wwhat do you wwant you cerulean blowwhard dont you knoww im busy AG: I’m hurt! After all I went through to check on my dear rival! I would have thought he liked someone giving him attention. AG: Oh well! Guess I’ll just leave you to your devices seeing how you’re *so* busy, CA: god damn it wwait CA: okay maybe i got a bit of an openin in my schedule to wwaste time wwith you AG: Please! The only one who’s going to be wasting their time is me, we 8oth know you’re pro8a8ly doing something 8oring like watching one of your lame documentaries. CA: theyre not LAME theyre goin to be your miserable dirt munchin dowwnfall soon enough AG: Oh???????? 8old claim from you Ampora. Seeing how I know you’re dead wrong. AG: Anyway! You’re coming over to my hive today right? AG: Why am I even asking? You o8viously forgot. CA: i didnt forget i totally fuckin remembered our meeting at your stupid and completely ridiculous hivve AG: It’s not stupid! What’s stupid is the fishbreath who 8uilt his hive surrounded 8y the ocean when he 8arely spends any time in the water. AG: Whatever, just come over. I’m not waiting all day for your dum8ass. CA: ugh fuckin fine CA: you still havvent told me wwhat specifically you wwanted to do ovver there anywway AG : :::;)
And with that, the conversation was brought to an end. Eridan would rub his temples, her purposely vague answer meant any number of things, usually which ended in his embarrassment in one way or the other. Of course, it was better to just go over as soon as possible rather than him wasting time by speculating, even if he did plan to make her wait to purposely be fashionably late. Something to put his pompous attitude on display. Soon enough, Eridan would don his scarf and cape before leaving his hive and embarking on the trip to Vriska’s.
The trip wasn’t terribly long, mainly because traversing through the ocean was far from an issue and her home conveniently overlooked the sea. Even so, Eridan would hold make sure to wait for an extra amount of time for no reason than to uphold the gesture that he was royalty. Feeling accomplished with his amazingly petty task, he would approach the door and knock a few times before waiting for her to answer as he dried himself off as he uncaptchalogued a few towels.
Vriska would answer the door surprisingly quickly, having not had the patience to return his petty actions before pulling him inside and closing the door behind them both. The expression on her face was blatant annoyance, but that was far from the norm regardless if it was actual exasperation or not. Eridan would up look at the other troll with a frown, even since they had gotten older he would find that she had sky rocketed past him in height. He had been a respectable  height of nearly six feet, while she had him beat by additional four feet, much to his unending irritation and to her endless amusement.
“You’re late. Even after I went and so kindly reminded you of our little arrangement. Well, I guess everything’s little to me when you’re short, but the point stands.” “yeah yeah keep braggin vvris i wwas towwerin ovver you before-” “Sure, you had a few inches on me when we were six! But now we’re nine and you’re still short, how do you explain that, hm?” That would cause him to shut up rather quickly, though he would dart his eyes around and attempt to come up with a retort, only to fold his arms and huff soon after. It wasn’t uncommon for trolls to grow as much as she did, but the fact that he wasn’t one of them meant that  discussions of height were biased in her favor. Her ten feet tall favor. His violet eyes would eventually return to her cerulean ones, there had been smile on her face, one that reeked of mischievous intent. Before he could open his mouth to question her intentions, she would cover his mouth with her hand, and some of his face as a natural consequence of the difference in size between them.
“Alright Ampora, shut up for a minute and listen. I had you come over because I had a proposition that’s going to 8enefit 8oth of us. Here’s the deal: You got two minutes to hide somewhere, and I’m going to seek you out. If I can’t find you in 8 minutes, you win! And if you pick somewhere dum8 and I find you, I win! And the loser has to do whateeeeeeeever the winner wants! Sound good? ::::)”
Eridan would try to speak his response, only for Vriska to keep her hand pressed against his face, only pulling back once he felt something wet trail along it. Irritation making itself apparent with a scoff, she would return the favor by grabbing one of his hands, sticking out her tongue and  slowly pressing the wet muscle against the other troll’s hand in a rather long lick before finally letting him go. His hand utterly drenched in saliva, Eridan’s face would scrunch up as he shook his hand dry while a small tinge of violet came across his face. It made her brief taste of him all the more delicious. 
“for fucks sake fine ill WWIN your stupid land suckin game and then wwe can do somethin wway less ridiculous and more dignified afterwwards” His statement was spoken with his usual amount of sea dweller pompous pride, even if the chips were stacked against him. Even so, he held his head up high and puffed his chest out, not about to turn down a challenge that was surely easy enough to win. She had a castle, there must have been plenty of places to hide.
“Good! Now get going Eridan, unless you want to 8e 8oring and lame and make this too easy.” She’d give him a wink, teasing him over her self-assured victory and a lick of her lips. She had no problem hinting at what she wanted to do once she won, it made it fun to see him squirm.
He’d pause for a moment and confidence turned into brief uncertainty in less than a minute, “wwait you mean right noww i havvent fuckin evven gotten to-” He cuts himself off as he sees her turn away and start to count, realizing that she wasn’t even going to wait for him to prepare himself. He’d scramble off, the sea dweller handling himself incredibly well on land even when he’s running around wearing a rather long cape. 
He wasn’t used to hiding as he was often hunting for the sake of Feferi’s lusus, but he would certainly try his hand at it to the best of his ability. Of course, his first two attempts were less than idea, having run to the very bottom of her hive to try and disguise himself by burying himself under her pile of miscellaneous belongings, only to realize he was shifting too much. He’d then decide to try his hand at hiding on one of the upper floors, deciding that hiding behind her pile of treasure would have been an unlikely spot seeing how he resented her various wins against him during their FLARP sessions. Unfortunately, this would prevent him from hiding there for long, as he does grow irritated looking at her spoils and decided to leave before it caused those pitch feelings to flair too much. Ultimately, he would decide to hide somewhere so obvious, Vriska would never think to check. He was confident in this idea, so much so that he decided to take it easy and relax in his new found spot, all he had to do now was wait 8 minutes and win. He means eight.
Vriska, predictably, did not count the entirety of two minutes before she began her hunt. Rather, she stopped once she got to eighty eight and decided that was enough for her. When she turned around, she half expected Eridan to standing right there out of spite and stubbornness about the whole thing but to her delight the violet blood was playing along. The question was where to find him, if she had to guess, it was probably somewhere dumb, like him. And so her very first guess was her trophy room, because of course he would think she’d skip over her own hoard of treasure to look for him. But upon making her way up the many stairs to check, she would find not a hair of him to found. She was a bit annoyed her first guess wasn’t right, but she had extra time to spare and her next guess would most certainly be right.
Except it wouldn’t The next room would be devoid of Eridan, and the next and the next. It would seem that no matter where she searched, he was nowhere to be found, it raise her irritation with him, and with it her hunger. The stomach of the ten foot cerulean would grumble as she briefly put a hand on it and huffed, she had to give her rival credit, he was doing a good job at making her work for this. And here she thought she’d grab an easy snack. But the warranty of it was  wearing off as time passed on, even with her head start, it would seem that Eridan was safe wherever he had chosen to hide. She couldn’t allow this to happen, she had planned for this all to go a certain way, and the fact that it wasn’t was unacceptable. Annoyed, she’d retire to her block for a moment, purely for the sake of trying not to get too caught up and at least try to remain rational about this. Only a minute to go, there wasn’t much time left, and Vriska was certain she had searched about every place there was to offer. Unless...
Without a word, Vriska would approach her wardrobe dresser, there was no way he’d hide in there right? It’d be dumb and stupid and completely ridiculous! Well, she didn’t have time, so she would ultimately waste not a moment more as she ripped open the doors to her wardrobe and... found her prize. Eridan for one was shocked with the sudden burst of light and appearance of Vriska, who apparently been frustrated looking for him. He wishes he could have seen the whole experience, but from the noises she made he got his fair share of entertainment. “8h my g8d, r8ally!!!!!!!! Y8u hid in my wardr88e????????” There was an unending amount of vitriol pouring from Vriska now, irritation at herself and him were flowing freely, and despite Eridan’s surprise, he would waste no time in displaying adjusting himself and nodding, “of course i hid here because i thought youd fuckin ovverlook it seein howw all your attire is plain as SHIT and it wworked just god damn fine seein howw a certain obnoxious glory lovvin troll took forEVVER to find me-” He would step out with a large amount of pride, quite certain he had won, only for his eyes  to dart over to the clock in her room and his face would immediately fall. She had found him with ten seconds to spare. “wwell fuck”
Vriska would try to take a moment to herself to not have too radical an outburst, she was upset, but she also wanted to savor her prize. The expression on Eridan’s face certainly helped “Wwell fuck is right! I win! And that meeeeeeeeans you have to do what I want, and I think we both know what that is.” A chill would go down his spine, while Eridan could be clueless at times, she had given him more than enough hints as to what she wanted. It certainly hadn’t been the first time they had done such a thing, but it was more than a bit embarrassing for him, which made give her some push back on the idea. “are you fuckin kiddin vvris you didnt say anythin about this bein your prize-” “Don’t 8e coy!” She’d interrupt him immediately, taking a step closer to him as he took a step back. “ I made it plenty clear! 8esides! I win, and you agreed to the terms right? It’s only fair I get what I’m promised.” 
Another step forward and he’d take another few steps back and bump into the wall behind him, Vriska smirking as she’d get closer to him, their bodies practically touching as she leaned down towards him and her lips would slowly part, strands of saliva breaking apart as he start down that cerulean abyss, taking a few teasing swallows as she inched closer before letting her warm breath washing over him and fogging up his glasses.  A few drops of drool would fall into his face before she’d close her mouth pull away, letting the situation sink in for the sea dweller as well as calm herself down, she may have had a bit of cerulean tint her cheeks in the same manner violet tinted his. Eating someone in this manner was embarrassing after all, which was why she’d only do it in private, not that she’d ever admit it out loud. Eridan had similarly shared the sentiment on the other side of the spectrum.
While embarrassment would go around on both ends, the sea dweller still contemplated making a run for it; the thought of being consumed always did trigger a fight or flight instinct, regardless of the fact that she probably wouldn’t digest him. Before he can even make an attempt however, his body is kept in place by hands on his shoulders, she had decided that she wasn’t going to give him the chance to scramble off and hide again, “I hope you’re ready, because you’re going to be in there for a while~” She would lean in again, salivating as she brought herself closer yet as her jaws widened to accept her meal. Slow warm breaths would beat against his skin as she drew tantalizingly close, all the while the fish troll would gulp nervously.
Instinctively, he would press his hands against her face as she started to lean in, he wasn’t about to let his hatemate have her meal without at least giving some fight back. One hand on her top lip and the other on her bottom, there’d be some push back as she slowly closed the distance between them yet again, it was a losing fight on his end as the predator drew closer and closer, letting him stare once again into her mouth before her tongue would slide out to press against his face and trail upwards, taking his glasses with it and causing him to loosen his hold. It was all he needed give the spider troll all the leeway she needed. Before he can even think about his mistake, she would jolt forward and wrap her lips around his neck, sealing him inside the jaws of the ever hungry troll. A hum of approval would resonate around the noble of troll royalty, reveling in the taste of victory and her meal, saliva being thoroughly slathered across his face during his various attempts to voice insults and protests. Though that wouldn’t stop him from trying. 
While it was certainly dark in the other’s mouth, being a nocturnal species meant that Eridan could see each and every detail as she made sure to truly make him squirm. It wouldn’t be long before she’d take the first swallow, letting his glasses slide along her tongue before they were unceremoniously pulled down her gullet Of course. with that swallow, he would be brought only a short distance away from the opening in her throat, as his shoulders would be brought in next. Her teeth would be pressed against his clothes to  keep him in place as his struggles and attempts to free himself grew stronger despite the situation going in the opposite direction for him. Her tongue would waste no time in running over the formerly dry parts of the troll, drenching the top of his shirt as drool as she decided to move on with her meal and take the gulp that would trap him inside her throat and bulge it out with his struggling form.
His head now captured in a pulsating throat, Vriska can continue her meal in confidence he won’t wiggle out. Her hands would move to keep his arms pinned to his sides as she moved further down his body, a hum flowing freely as she continued this consumption of him. Drool would pool in her mouth and dripping down as his chest was next to slide between her jaws as Eridan was tugged further down her throat, slightly bulging it out as he defiantly tried to move it around. Her tongue was relentless in running along the fabric she brought into her mouth, it was a bit tasteless and bland, and she regrets not shredding the shirt when she had the chance, but she ultimately makes do. Mainly by lapping at the shirt to lubricate it before taking another swallow, sending him further down the slimy gullet.
Her lips and fangs now reach his hips, and his stomach is safely contained within her mouth. Now she could have a bit more fun with him. Her tongue would curl under the bottom of his shirt to gain access to his skin yet again, an unadulterated groan escaping her to make it well known how much she just enjoyed this feeling, the noises ringing through his ears amidst his own grunts and swears. She’d stop her swallowing for a moment, reveling in the taste and wanting him to squirm a bit longer for her and attempt to fight back against the intrusive tongue as it rubbed against him,  only to end up rubbing his body more against the wet muscle, her taste buds gets all the flavor she could ever want. What probably gets the biggest reaction from her is when she gives attention to his grub scars, which are oddly enough, pretty delicious for a reason she couldn’t quite explain. But they do elicit some sounds from Eridan was well, mainly increasingly flustered insults as he keeps kicking wildly. It was quite enjoyable a feeling if she were to be honest.
While she could have kept slathering, lapping and sucking on him for a considerable amount of time, a sudden loud growl would emerge from her stomach, reminding her that she was quite hungry still. And so, she’d wrap her hands around his legs to keep them still as the next series of gulps condemned the violetblood to his fate. There would be only the briefest moment where she would remove his shoes before finally sealing the deal, tracing the last of the troll’s form down with one hand as she pushed him down to her stomach. A long sigh would come out of her as she laid on back and massage her now bloated stomach. It was a lot of work to get him down and she was blue in the face, but she had done it. She could feel him fighting and hear his complaints both of which were more than annoying when she was trying to relax, but damn, it was always satisfying to do this. 
 Eridan, for his part, always had conflicting feelings about this. His face flushed violet and his entire body was absolutely drenched in ever warm saliva, it and he was now surrounded by a brilliant shade of blue that made up her stomach walls. He attempt to push and stretch it to its limits and cause her indigestion as a form of revenge, but all he would be met with was a few gurgles as the stomach churned around him. Luckily, it didn’t seem like he was going to be digested, otherwise he would have been splashing stomach acids all over him from his struggles, instead of other contents in her stomach. It included a few eight balls and dice, unsurprisingly. Despite his best efforts, he would only slightly stretch out her grey skin as Vriska could see her bloated stomach wiggling and bulging with his form, she was content to keep him in there.
It would be a few minutes before Eridan’s protests would die down and he’d resign himself for now as he attempt to get comfortable against the soft stomach lining that surrounded him. As embarrassing as this had been, he had expending his stamina and his frustration dying down to contempt. It would allow her to relax a bit more and close her eyes. She thinks she’s going to take a nap before they do anything else. She might let him out later but for now, this was just another mark of victory for her. It was fun, they’ll have to do this again sooner rather than later.
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 26: Fairy of Fire (Part 1)
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 1045
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1) | Chapter 25 (Part 2) | Chapter 25 (Part 3)
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The memory of the last couple of days had already faded away and only Mackenzie’s guilt was left. Elijah had chosen to forget it, perhaps because it hurt too much. He’d often thought about the day he’d lose her, however that could be. Klaus would get mad again and kill her just to get back at him, a powerful witch would kill her out of pure jealousy, or maybe time would get her this time. Maybe like it got her mother. Many potential scenarios had crossed his mind, and no matter how painful it was every time, there was no pain that matched the one he felt when she backed away from him. No was there any relief bigger than when she hurried into his arms.
He tightened his hold on her as he thought about that moment. He was lying in the dark, in her bed, holding her like she was going to slip away, taken by an unknown force at any moment. She had been apologetic all night, each apology reassuring him more and more each time, even though he always told her it was okay. He could hear his brothers’ voice inside of his head, hear each word as if they were being spoken right there, as if they were standing right here. “Love makes you weak.” He knew a lot of people who would disagree, he was one of them, even though for a time, he had agreed. “Caring gets you killed.” Perhaps that was true. Perhaps a life without caring was not one worth living. Not one he wanted to live anyway, now that he had her. And as he drifted off to sleep, his hold didn’t lighten, as if he didn’t want to let her go, even in his sleep.
 Days passed and stayed the same as Mackenzie continued her training with Heidi in the morning and Alexander in the afternoon. That was six hours a day she didn’t spend with Elijah, or eighteen hours a day he spent with her. Yet, only her skills increased and her relationship with the vampire remained unchanged. She wondered if he wanted to take it slow to protect her, to not scare her, push her or make her feel pressured. Or maybe he was waiting for her to take the next step. Or, perhaps, he figured that a castle where many vampires lived wasn’t a great place to get intimate. She wondered. But she didn’t know. He was the one who knew. He was the one who had done this before. And at this point, when her thoughts started going that way, she stopped, because she knew being jealous of centuries old exes was the most pathetic, most ridiculous thing that could ever happen to her. Even if those centuries old exes had probably been taller, prettier, smarter, more confident and better than her in every way. Who cared, she thought. They were probably all dead anyway.
At least once a week, Cornelius invited Mackenzie to come have dinner with him. She always accepted, even though Elijah was never welcomed in the manor. She always had a lot of fun with her ancestor, and always learnt new things about the Fays, and elementals in general. However, she always felt sick when she got back to the Queen’s castle. He always had pastries for dinner. Mountains of macarons and fountains of pink champagne. He always managed to make her eat it all. It was a miracle she hadn’t gained any weight from the weekly feast. She often came back from the manor feeling so sick she wouldn’t even take the time to undress and just let herself fall on the bed where Elijah was waiting for her. He was always forbidden from touching her.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to eat anything tonight?” he said as she collapsed on their bed.
She groaned. “You don’t know how he is. It’s impossible to say no to him.”
“Him? Or the macarons?”
“Trust me,” she winced at the mention of the sweets, “I never want to eat those ever again.”
“That’s too bad. It’s quite delicious.”
“’lijah,” she whined, “I love you, but please stop talking.”
He froze as he heard the words, wondering if she realized what she had just said. He hesitated for a second, then closed his book before putting it down on the nightstand to his left. He was about to say something when she started to whimper.
“Heidi’s gonna be pissed again.”
Her powers were always hard to use after one of those nights. It was only for a few hours at first, but then it worsened, taking up to almost twenty-four hours until she could practice any magic again. She had promised Heidi to stop drinking, however, she never knew what was in the glasses Cornelius handed to her.
“You have a day off, then,” he said, choosing to ignore her previous statement. “What should we do?”
“Sleep,” she answered. “And then sleep some more.”
“Heidi’s definitely not going to like that.”
“Heidi’s teaching me some weird spells I’ll never use,” she complained. “I don’t want to train anymore, I can use my powers just fine.”
“I doubt she’ll agree.”
“Let’s just go,” she said as she slowly rolled over onto her back. “Oh, that was a bad idea.”
“You okay?”
She didn’t reply, didn’t even nod, as the best she could do at that moment was try not to throw up on Margo’s silken sheets.
“Go where?” he continued after he was sure she wasn’t going to empty her stomach on the bedroom floor.
“Anywhere,” she murmured. “Just… away from Cornelius and his cursed macarons.”
Elijah chuckled. “Fine then, let’s just go. Just pick a destination.”
“London. London looks nice.”
“London it is,” he nodded. “And when are we leaving?”
“Next week. Sunday. Just need to say goodbye to everyone.”
“Cornelius will probably throw you a nice farewell party. With lots of champagne… and macarons.”
Mackenzie groaned as she rolled back over onto her stomach.
“I hate you so much right now,” she said, her words muffled by her pillow.
He smiled. “I love you too,” he whispered, and he will never know if she just didn’t hear him or completely ignored him, but she never replied.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!!
I'm sorry this is short but I need to stretch this out as much as possible as I am going to have to rewatch The Originals season 1, 2 & 3 to write my next chapters, which means there might be another break in about a month or so.
I really need to know if the tags are working so please let me know if you were notified!
Have a great week!
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester @favimag @colie87 @hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99@aubri1313 @jardinsecos @gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog @caelst13​ @casedoina​ @nyxestia @happylittlehufflepuff5
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ohoshi · 4 years
omg first i need to talk about nct at song festival (gayo daechukjae) umm first of all mark and taeyongs rap was so good but ofc we all knew they would kill it. and then in nct U class, teacher taeyong looked so good...the way he bit that pointer stick thing in the beginning was so sexc (and the hair and the glasses ahdsfasjf) 😳 but also sungchans rap in that?? i was not expecting that but why am i even surprised anymore.. and also misfit live?? i loved nct's school uniform concept too for some reason ahahaha
and then xiaojun in resonance!! wow yes go shine xj!!! (also idk why but i found it so funny when it was doyoung's turn after xj, but xj was kinda blocking dy (who was really walking with a PURPOSE) so dy lightly pushed him out of the way) and then omg shotaro!! offstage he is so 😊 but damn in hard carry he was so good!! ahh and then also the thing where all the kpop artists at gayo daechukjae sang that song was so cute (i smiled so hard when nct came up 🥺)
yea for my job situation i think it will be okay, i talked to some people i know/mentors about it too and i think things will work out...they always do in the end right? 😊 now about anime LOL this is making me wanna start/rewatch an anime now hahahah! honestly i kind of have phases where i alternate between kdramas and animes, but i havent rly watched anime much lately besides haikyuu (which i was also surprised was still airing (but it's only season 2 so far?)). kpop (aka NCT) has been consuming my life lmao but im here for it 😂
weightlifting fairy was also my first kdrama!! yes i can totally give u some kdrama recs! besides the ones i mentioned before (which are most of my top ones), i also liked chicago typewriter, marriage not dating (i love the fake relationship trope hahaha), dinner mate, sky castle (it's kinda intense but it's so good and an iconic kdrama), cheer up, another miss oh, kingdom (if you like zombie things)...i heard startup is good and i want to watch it soon too! also i continued watching more of uncanny counter these past few days and i love it (but it's ongoing so no binging)
okay now svt: i watched some of your recs and youre so right all their choreos are so satisfying?! i also actually agree with you about black on black, i liked black on black and it was cool but it only featured like 5 members lmao and in the svt choreos it does feel like all of them are featured in some way in each performance? plus their choreos are just so great to watch!! also i've had left and right stuck in my head since i watched it LOL but i agree it's objectively better than dynamite (not an army though; also pls nobody come at us for this lmaoo)
also super random but can you tell me who is the one in the red/purple plaid shirt in the svt home dance practice?? i am kinda attracted by his dance moves LOL and i havent learned names yet 😭 i will continue watching all ur svt recs though hehehe and update you on the status of my fangirling :))
omg wait also i would never have guessed that you're not an english speaker just from these messages!! how did you know that i was prob a native speaker haha (i guess *technically* cantonese is my first language, but then i learned english in school so now i'm obviously more native in that lol and english is the only language i can read/write in)
OMGGF IKR as a multi stan i really enjoyed the rap collab especially because i really love monsta x's rap line (esp i.m!!! his rapping skill 😍) and of course mark and taeyong!!!! 😭 our boys 😭 our golden rappers 😭 SLAYED IT! omg the nct u got me 😳 taeyong looked so good???? wtf? and also sungchan? damn that boy keeps surprising me! the interesting part to me was when one member(johnny if i remember correctly) bumped into taeyong but it was done on purpose and how he uhhh kinda shook his body and his head but it all looked so cool and he never stopped rapping!!! love how they all 'performed' misfit manifesting wild teenagers in school (as they are tbh) IT WAS SO FUN AND COOL!!!
XIAOJUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS SO!!!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! THE CONFIDENCE??? THE STAGE PRESENCE????? XIAOJUN CENTER???? XIAOJUN BEING RELEVANT????? i live 😭 he was so good he looked so good i was so happy and i'm so proud of him 😭 from here the only way to go is up! i hope he keeps surprising us! and omg i haven't noticed that part when doyoung pushed him bc he blocked him?? and i just rewatched it and it looks funny 🤣 but they held everything professionally 😌  no surprises there 😌
OH MY GOD THE HARD CARRY PERFORMANCE!!!!!!!!! first of all our boy shotaro DAMN 😳 he looked so good you couldn’t say that he just debuted a few months ago!! such a dancing machine! (but honestly i am not surprised because in make a wish he was rly good and he debuted as a dancer i expected from him to be good™ as he is!) and i love the duality od him <3 yk that kind of idol that you want to protect at all cost but the next second they're the one you seek protection from? yeH sign me uP! and don't even get me started on hyunjin, juyeon and moonbin!!!!! but i mean all 3 of them are main dancers of course they would look good™ 😌 (yeah shotaro performed with 3 main dancers of 3 different groups i mean the honor??????)
the end of the festival was so wholesome! It was a serotonin boost and me too i also smiled the whole time! so cute 😭 and ot23 were cutiesssss
yes! everything will work out in the end! don't stress about it!<3 oh haikyuu only has 2 seasons? wtf hsgsjsgs ok then i just watched when it had like 13 episodes, WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT that's when i watched it lmao
OMG OK I HAVE WRITTEN DOWN ALL OF THESE DRAMAS (and from the previous ask) IN MY NOTES SO FAR im mostly excited about the fake relationship one 👀 i love fake relationship trope, too 🤧 oh no binging?? is that your thing?? usually i love to wait for the show to finish airing and then i binge watch it in a few days (or one day depends how busy i am)
SEVENTEEN!!!!: yeah all of their choreos are so satisfying (pointing this out one more time) they always pay attention to details (for example in home, bc you're familiar with it, they even choreograph the hands and pay attention to them while most of the other kpop choreos very often freestyle the whole arms sjagaj) here's a fun fact abt svt that makes me love them so much agsgsj: they're self produced! they produce their own music and they even come up with their own choreos!! (of course not on their own, woozi is a producer but he's not making songs on his own he coproduces them with [a producer name bc i guess that's irrelevant but if you’re curious: bumzu], they come up with their own choreo (to be precise, hoshi does! he is 1/2 main dancers in group and he is the main choreographer! he doesn't do everything on his own of course, he gets help from the rest of the performance team (which is a svt subunit consisted of their 2 main and 2 lead dancers: hoshi, dino, the8, jun) and of course some other infamous kpop choreography teams) and i think that, by now, all the members were credited at least once for the lyrics
I'M SO GLAD YOU HAVE LEFT AND RIGHT STUCK IN YOUR HEAD HAGSJSSGSG but i mean of course you would it's soo good and soo catchy (yeahhh no worries, this army has already gotten minor hate for having controversial opinions™ and for criticising her faves so idc anymore 💁🏻‍♀️ it's my opinion as a dancer and i stand by it, even can't you see me by txt is better than dynamite so literally 3 dance performance were better!!!! in a way!!!! and neither of the 3 won!!! yes i am salty!!!!!)
the guy in the red/purple shirt (the center guy when they do the 3 dances for the first time right??) IS DINO!!!! he's the maknae and 2/2 main dancers in svt so!!! of course you would be attracted by his moves!!!!!! JSGSJSN i'm curious to see if you end up staning svt and biasing dino hsfsjsgsha
CANTONESE IS YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE? damn i thought you couldn’t get more interesting here's a dumb question: can you understand xiaojun, hendery and lucas without titles??? not that i would know if they ever speak cantonese in front of the camera for i don't know the difference between chinese dialects</3
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Touching the Void.
Searching for cinema that soothes? Ella Kemp suggests it could be as simple as looking for a film poster with a white background.
How many weeks has it been? When did any of us last go blindly into a cinema and take a chance on something new? Film-watching in the time of Covid-19 has changed. The immediate and never-ending news of the world is frightening. Is it still, and more than ever, okay for me to sink into movies to alleviate my mood, just for a bit? How is that even possible when the world has come to a standstill?
We are forced to adapt, and it has taken some time for my attention span and emotional capacity to adjust. But I think I might have found a solution, and I have the meticulous list-makers of Letterboxd to thank. It was Izzy’s list of comfort movies that first lit the fuse. Specifically, the second, third and fourth row; films including Billy Elliot, Clueless, School of Rock.
Fifteen stark posters, speaking one truth: We are vulnerable and nervous. What we need is a film poster with a white background to assure us the movie exists entirely to serve and soothe us.
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Part of Izzy’s ‘comfort movies’ list.
List-making on Letterboxd has never been more prolific. Pandemic movies, overdue filmography catch-ups, comfort movies galore. Everyone categorizes and logs their watches differently, but Izzy’s pattern speaks to me with an epiphanic answer. I’ve always admired successful color-coding, but now I see its crucial function.
As I scroll for distraction, for something guaranteed to be good (because I cannot and will not be subject to any uncertainty I can avoid), I see the rainbow. The pale blues of Studio Ghibli, Wong Kar-wai’s passionate reds, the pastels of Netflix Original breezy romances. Like some kind of cinematic ikebana, countless Letterboxd members have mastered the art of arranging film posters. There are standouts: the staggering oeuvre that is Gordon’s chromatic roundup of favorite posters; the comprehensive color-graded history of women directors via their best posters, courtesy of Vanessa; and the penchant for beige in the year 2015, as spotted by Letterboxd co-founder Matthew Buchanan.
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A selection of Gordon’s favorite movie posters.
But when I see these 300 examples, color-coded by typography and accents by Sera Ash, I recognize that white movie posters are the ones most likely, in this very strange time, to take care of me. I see it in three distinct filmmaking periods: Disney animations from the 1940s and 50s, the video marketing for cult comedies of the 1980s and 90s, and the alternative marketing materials of my favorite films of the 2010s. Each poster is straightforward and inoffensive. It captures the story, but never dares to impress or intimidate beyond basic description.
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A 1975 re-release poster for ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ (1937).
In 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs announced the birth of Walt Disney’s feature-length empire. While its original theatrical poster is also mostly white, it is represented on Letterboxd by a 1975 re-release poster depicting a peek through the keyhole: a curved triangle framing Snow White, the dwarves, and the two sides of the jealous queen, against a vivid green forest. In the bottom corner, a castle. To the left, the title—her name in red cursive, theirs in black. These simple images come together to present an elementary summary of the ingredients within. The white frame showcases the seminal animation craft without suggesting the viewer diverts their eye anywhere else.
This technique was common across other animated titles, collected in lists like dantebk’s Disney animated classics. Pinocchio toys with the hyperreal relationships between characters alive and wooden, human and animal—but does so on a plain canvas, so that the magic remains within reach. Dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella, Peter Pan—each follows suit. Whether with the mustard yellow of a circus tent, the faint sketches of grass tufts, the gold dust of an enchanted fairy godmother or the ink blue of a midnight starry sky, these colors (indicative of each defining scene-setter or mood-maker) only pepper a blank background, and so make their significance ever greater with the most sporadic touches.
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A selection from dantebk’s list of Disney animated classics.
Live-action knockouts from these decades—films like The Shop Around The Corner and The Red Shoes—embrace painted recreations of their protagonists (Margaret Sullivan and James Stewart as festive lovers in the former, Moira Shearer as a tortured ballerina in the latter) and use the color red as a signifier of romance, against a plain white page, to set the mood. Slashes and splashes of red have been used to create a vibe in genre cinema for many decades—a trend deftly chronicled in this list by Rocks.
As far as we know, the underpinnings of digital photography began in the 1950s, and the first published color digital photograph dates back to 1972, when Michael Francis Tompsett shot a photo of his wife Margaret for the cover of Electronics magazine. Consumers got their hands on the gear in the late 1990s, but movie studios really started to make the most of sharp digital photography and stark white backgrounds for their striking posters from the late 1980s onwards. Because, never mind the multiplex, the video store is where you wanted your comfort fare to stand out in the 1980s and 90s.
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Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) and Say Anything… (1989) form a handsome, trend-setting 1980s pair. While the theatrical poster for Cameron Crowe’s Say Anything… deigned to include John Cusack’s co-star, Ione Skye, by the time of the film’s video release, the focus is clearly on pre-High Fidelity Cusack, as proud underachiever Lloyd Dobler, smouldering lopsidedly under the weight of a boombox. It’s the singular image of the film to this day.
Meanwhile, Matthew Broderick as Ferris-slacking-Bueller is making the most of his title activity, arms behind his head, a proud smirk on his face. Nothing else matters except that these charismatic young stars are stepping up to leading-man status. The white background accentuates the star power of these new boys in town, embracing the limelight in one fell swoop.
Star power is everything: beautiful people doing simple things against empty backdrops, because what could be more important than the regularity of symmetrical bone structure, of familiar charm? The trend boomed in the 1990s and 2000s, in films widely embraced by casual moviegoers. The sort who list “watching Netflix” as a Sunday activity on dating profiles and use the Christmas holidays to rewatch comedies they have memorized over dozens of half-attentive viewings (absolutely zero judgement here!).
The vast majority of these films have white posters. Who is your soothing cup of charm: Tom Hanks on a bench, nothing more nothing less, from 1994’s Forrest Gump? Or Heath Ledger, effortlessly cool, leaning on the brown corduroy armchair Julia Stiles sits in for the 10 Things I Hate About You poster from 1999? (The 90s harnessed the increased appeal of having two lookers just sitting and posing against a plain background, as demonstrated in this chilling list by Ashley.)
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Ashley’s list of couples posing in front of a white background.
Will Ferrell had been earning his stripes as an actor for years, but he changed the movie comedy game as Buddy the Elf in 2003. There’s plenty of visual humour in Elf, but Ferrell’s coat-stand posture bedecked in festive green velvet and those tights is… enough. A white background lets the ridicule slide, just.
How many Disney series really deserve a whole movie—and one that stands the test of time? Lizzie McGuire, resting on her tiptoes with a swinging suitcase in hand, sells The Lizzie McGuire Movie like no idyllic views of Rome ever could. It’s reaching out to an audience loyal to the character, one who will follow her to the ends of the Earth, or at least to another continent. Hilary Duff could be doing almost anything on this poster and it would achieve the same effect—so long as the white background remains plain enough to keep eagle-eyed fans on the main event at all times.
It’s surprising that the star-making system only let Meryl Streep appear in a tiny box, one of four character tiles, on the poster for The Devil Wears Prada in 2006. But the design here taps into 1940s animated sensibilities, giving prominence to a devilish red Macguffin larger than the humans. It still achieves the same function—a glossy, glamorous design with the accessible sell of a quotable, star-fuelled comedy.
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Red may be the color of romance and the devil; it’s also the color of comedy. Exhibit A: the 2007 gross-out comedy Superbad, whose star power—marking the emergence of Jonah Hill and Michael Cera—is used to an opposite and impressive effect on its poster. The awkwardness of these teen boys—lanky, unkempt, insecure—is what cinches the comedy. The simplicity of the poster design, with their uncomfortable posture against, well, nothing at all, further anchors their incapability of facing the world in any confident way, shape or form.
There are countless more examples, like Marley & Me, Bridesmaids, 27 Dresses (notice how the red type is replaced by pink when the film’s plot veers toward the altar). But to understand the curious and timeless appeal of the white movie poster, what happened to it in the 2010s cements its adaptable strength.
As the art of graphic design has continued to bloom, the aesthetic argument for the colorless color-block movie poster has shifted to embrace a film’s context. Consider Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs, the enjoyable 2015 drama that provided Michael Fassbender one of the most under-celebrated roles of his career, playing the late Apple co-founder. The poster turns the canvas into a blank screen: the title is typed, the text insertion point poised, waiting for the next key press. As Jobs, Fassbender occupies the bottom right corner, in profile, thinking.
This starkness makes sense: what’s next, Steve? It offers a rare example of a poster from the past decade that fully leans into the monochrome aesthetic entirely on purpose—to serve the restrained and unequivocal need for white. (And it’s interesting to compare with the marketing narrative for an earlier film about another tech leader: observe how Jesse Eisenberg’s Mark Zuckerberg eyeballs us from The Social Network’s dark-mode poster.)
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Comfort movies don’t own the white poster, of course. Jordan Peele’s Get Out toys, both in its marketing and its delivery, with the binaries of black and white. It’s deployed on-screen with sophisticated horror, and this extends to its two most graphic poster variants.
While one poster sees Daniel Kaluuya’s character, Chris, sat on a chair split vertically between black and white, the all-white poster allows only a center-frame letterbox to reveal Chris’s enormous eyes, accompanied by an all-caps type treatment. The vast expanse of white only makes the image more menacing, framing the claustrophobia so effectively. The landscape crop is a device that defines stern dramas as much as arthouse comedies, as documented by Haji Abdul Karim in their expansive list.
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Haji Abdul Karim’s list of white-with-landscape-image posters.
But back in the ‘comfort’ realm, we’re seeing more and more that the marketing wants to have it both ways—the negative with the positive; the art house audience and the multiplex crowd. As genres blend, demographics collapse and audiences become more fluid, a film’s advertising needs to speak more languages.
Two ultra-comfort films from last year demonstrate this idea well. The poster for Judy sees a backlit Renée Zellweger finding her light, receiving her applause. Black is the key color, right down to the classic little black dress; the eye is drawn to the title, spelled out in red sequins. It’s showbiz, it’s drama. Though the film itself fudges a few of the more uncomfortable facts of the star’s story, it’s still honest about her addictions.
In the white-background version, which was more widely distributed, Zellweger, in a floral dress, turns away from the light. The name still sparkles, but in softened gold. There’s no less glamor, the stakes in the film are just as high, but she’s perhaps more accessible like this. The focus, as it was in the 90s, 80s, 40s, returns to the main event.
Greta Gerwig’s Little Women, too, played with dark and light. The indie queen released her previous film, Lady Bird, via design-conscious distributor A24, and Gerwig’s singular aesthetics promised that her Little Women remake would be worlds away from all the others. But when the first images for the film were released, the marketing campaign was questioned by die-hard Gerwig fans.
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Both of the group posters are curiously stripped back, freezing Louisa May Alcott’s beloved March sisters in a moment. In the darker image, they gaze out a window, secure in their festive domestic bubble, but set on what’s beyond. There’s more to life, and the film, than this room. It feels more lush, painterly, certainly more dramatic.
Whereas the white poster, at first, seemed like a mistake. It took one of the first images teased from the film and just... dropped it onto a poster. The March sisters look as if solidified by clay, entirely undynamic and at odds with the fluidity and warm soul Gerwig had made herself known for in her filmmaking.
And yet, nothing matters more than these characters. Beth, Jo, Meg and Amy are holding each other, happy, each in their own favourite color, and there is nothing more to fight over. The white-poster alternative lets the 2010s viewer stay attached to the most important part of the film.
The lessons here? A white poster is a vital sign that you’re safe here. You’ve made the correct choice. Attention spans are dwindling, options are expanding, focus is difficult. The promise of a white frame tells me what matters, what is good, where I should place my time and my value. For now.
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jumpedoverthemoon · 5 years
📽🕯📆 for the self-isolation asks!
I will ALWAYS recommend castle in the sky (or any ghibli movie) to people! Ive been watching a lot of anime lately, especially my hero academia and cautious hero, which are both good. I also just stsrted rewatching Lost with my boyfriend which is one of my all time favorite tv shows!
My self care routine isnt as solid as I’d like it to be, but every night I try to put all my face creams on (i have PCOS and lots of acne and scarring from it) and I like to light candles in the afternoon so my room smells nice. My favorite is the Bath and Body Works cinnamon caramel swirl candle, it smells so spicy and sweet and good! I do a lot of other self care things but they dont really follow a routine, its more of a as-needed basis (like face masks, bath bombs, etc)
I’m looking forward to graduating this year with my bachelors degree (next year I’m graduating with my masters, then i can finally get a big boi job!!!) and harvesting honey from my hives. I might also get to go on a trip to Oregon to see my boyfriend while he does summer research there and also see my family that lives there!!!
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belladonnablake · 5 years
All odd numbers 🖤
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?: boston summer sunsets are always peachy but there’s something about the morning sky after it snows that is just as good? sunsets for summer and mornings for winter3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?: i’d like to wear scarves more often than i do but i don’t know what to do with the back of my hair when i do? so maybe i will more often once it’s styled if i ever go to a hairdresser before the next time i die? but i do have a fave! i bought myself a tottenham hotspur scarf in the north end more than a few years ago and i’ll. try to take pictures of myself wearing it. i’ll try to take pictures of myself this year because i didn’t last year lol5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?: there’s a lot of things but i can’t think of too many right now! a lot of it is regional food you can’t find in new england or you can but you have to go out of your way. i’ve tried both rabbit and gator in the past couple years and i want to try more meats. caribou would be nice too. this is one of those questions i could talk forever without ever answering it completely so i’ll cut it here you’re welcome7: Do you listen to ASMR?: not too often but i’ll listen to rain or like moving water in general when i write on occasion, otherwise the music i’m listening to influences the music i’m writing. but nothing more than that9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?: i answered this but because it’s a question that can be answered more than once so i’m gonna do that. i love winter jack jack daniels. it’s like apple whiskey. i love my new pink and green joycons and i love the green and pink colour scheme in general. i love my new hoodies too. one is a powell peralta hoodie with a small logo on the front and big on the back, of the bones skeleton with the red hood. and the other is a thrasher hoodie with green font and a pink jellyfish11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?: my hands are shaky and have always been shaky so my straight lines, they’re straighter than i am but they’re still bad. i don’t even think i own a ruler but if i were going to draw a straight line i’m going to need one lol13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?: one of them is apple something and the other two are sparkling icicles and sweater weather which like. i don’t know how to describe either but it’s not the same as lighting a sweater on fire or sticking an icicle up your nose15: Do you have glasses?: another one where i’ll try to take pics for later but i have green aviators, red aviators, and purple aviators. all sunglasses off of rainbowoptx dot com17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?: winter autumn tie but my fave months are october, november, and december, and all but ten days of that are in autumn? 19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie: it’s been years since i’ve seen either so forgive me if my memory fails me but i remember princess mononoke, kiki’s delivery service, and spirited away the most out of all of either ghibli or disney? and i should probably rewatch them soon as well as the others to see if that still stands21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?: i don’t think i’ve ever actually gotten snacks at the theatre? i haven’t been in years, but there are a few things either out or coming out that look like they’d be worth going even if the concept of theatres is something that i don’t really understand? ...i’m thinkin bout once upon a time in hollywood baby! the best candy for theatres is reeses pieces and like any of the bites candy? cookie dough bites etc23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?: i keep my liquor bottles around to use them as vases tbh. there really isn’t a place for plants in our apartment, or maybe there is and i haven’t found it25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.): my style varies all the time and i try to do all of the above, i’m very inconsistent myself. but i’m very fond of 3D modeling atm!27: Do you like nicknames?: i like nicknames if i like the person using them? i’m a person with a lot of names because i’m a dumb kinnie and hate using one name exclusively and i guess all my names are nicknames but like. i don’t like how nicknames for most people are shortened names or how they think shorter names are nicknames for a longer name idk like i’ve got a cousin named liam, that’s not his nickname. his legal name might be william but that’s not his name. his nicknames have nothing to do with that. and like there’s nothing wrong with nicknames that are shortened versions of a name but i hate how that’s what most people think of them as29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth): i don’t like how meme formats are the same and the reaction image changes. i like reaction images but i don’t like how some of them become memes and then it changes to a different image for the same format. i like the new wave of doge memes and i still like pepe and i love how stupid dat boi was 31:  Are you a fashionable person?: i’m a crusty folk punk that wears the same flannel every day but doesn’t know how to make crust pants33:  Cookies or brownies?: i don’t love either and would rather just eat raw cookie dough. i think there is such a thing as too much chocolate and brownies do have too much and cookies are often borderline but i do like a baller macaron or cheesecake cookie35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?: i live in a city so... replace crickets with drunks screaming anything from the lyrics to everlong to i need you! we need you! we need you! we need you! we need you! fucking idiot! i don’t have further context for either but ya that’s relaxing to me37:  How often do you doodle?: not as often as i should because of the perfectionism thing giving me this fear of practice? i blame public school for killing off as many artists as they can tbh39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?: mr. durdam... he is a hollow plastic penguin around kneehigh next to the tv stand / amiibo shelves. we also hung waluigi from the ceiling for a while.41: Any birthmarks?: i got two dots on my wrist, one larger one smaller. looks like an exclamation point !43: First video game you ever played?: it was either one of the early zelda games or one of the ps1 games? i was too young to form memories but i know it was one of the two. i know i played arcade games at some arcade on hampton beach when i was that young too. qbert that orange FUCK45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?: i’m trying to get better at remembering to save reaction images and remembering to use them. i don’t even know how people use the gifs when replying to people because i was stuck with a phone that couldn’t update its operating system for years and now i have a new phone with an up to date operating system and i’m still figuring things out47: Ideal temperature outside?: so it’s either gonna be below freezing so it’s able to snow or like... around 50 or below and literally feels like nothing at all. because i hate when it’s too hot to wear beanies. i like when it’s cold and i like when it’s not hot or cold. but i hate hot49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?: if i were to go outside and lie down on my back i could watch airplanes all day long. it’s a little different than being on castle island but it’s still close enough to logan to where planes are near constant but not too loud. i hear the train every ten minutes too. and the cars are always
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hopelesstargazer · 6 years
End of the Year Tag
So....I was tagged by @saijspellhart....never done one of these before so here goes nothing.
~favourite food?~
Okay, so I am a Minnesota raised girl and do love a good wild rice hotdish (and yes there is a difference between hotdish and casserole and if you don’t know, let me know so I can explain!). However my favorite food is either pupusas or pozole (latino cuisine). Both of them I over eat when my godchildren cook them for me and never regret it!
~favourite drink?~
Ummmm....Diet Pespi. Yeah, we won’t get into how cranky I get if I don’t have at least one pop a day. My godsons might have a story or two about how possessive I get in the late morning over my can of pop on the weekends....
~favourite clothing?~
My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fleece pants and my long sleeve Cuddle-Duds. Comfort for the win. After a long day of dealing with people, nothing is more comforting than cozy wear. 
~favourite product?~
.....Pespi?.....I think. Does that count when you are an addict? Like can a pot head say that their favorite product is potbrownies? If not, I would say Google! Because it owns me and my information searching needs. After all, if you don’t know something, Lord Google will know it. Thus, All Hail Lord Google!
~favourite month?~
I’ve never thought about it. I guess you could say I like March. It was the month I was born and I like the little myth that comes with the month. The month of the Lion and the Lamb. My grandmother (a wonderful mother to 11 and a farmer in Northern MN) would always tell me that you knew how the month would go in the very beginning. If the weather was shitty and roaring at the start, it would leave calm and sweet at the end. Or in other words, if March came in like a Lion, it would leave like a Lamb. Of course, the opposite applies as well. If this is true, I honestly couldn’t say. I think it does, but I’m already bias so who really knows?
~favourite season?~
I’m fond of either Spring or Fall. It’s not too cold, but it’s not too hot. You really get those glorious days where the sun is shining, the air is crisp, and there is a magnitude of colors everywhere. It is just rejuvenating. 
~favourite holiday?~
I’m partial to Easter. And before you ask, yes I happen to be Christian, BUT that is not why I like the holiday. I like Easter because it symbolizes rebirth. It symbolizes a new beginning, a fresh start. When you go into this season, you might have just experienced a shitty winter or the pervious year was just horrific. Thus, your soul is all crusty and flaky and thinking that nothing gets better. Then this season of new beginnings start and there are baby animals, new flowers, laughing children, and brightly colored eggs everywhere! It is a reminder that life is nothing more than a cycle. Yes, horrible things can and will happen to you. Yes, it will be dark and sad to deal with it all. Winter, both figuratively (in your heart/soul) and literally, SUCK ASS! But! BUT! There will always be a moment of something new. Something bright. Something colorful. Something living. Something that will bring you up out of the ground of cold despair and into the light of a new beginning. Even if it is for a moment, it is there. Easter is the holiday/season that best represents what it means to be human. A shitty start that only turns into the brightest and warms of sun rays. And that is my Ted Talk, thank you for listening.
~favourite place?~
Minnehaha Falls! Gooseberry Falls! Or any waterfall. I adore waterfalls. The sound of crashing water and rushing waves drowning out bad thoughts. The scent of crisp water pulling you into the moment. The sensations of moving water rumbling in your chest. The sight of dancing sprites in the sky as water droplets create rainbows. Cold water taking the heat from your body only to leave a pleasant tingle in its wake. *blush**cough* I’ll stop with the poetry now.
~best experience?~
So, I took a trip to Scotland with my Father at the beginning of this year. I would definitely say that was my best experience of 2018.
~best song?~
Best song? Of all time or this year? This year I really like Burning Man by Dierks Bentley. Of all time, you can’t beat the Hokey Pokey. It is a must have dance song at every public gathering. I have no shame when I say that I request it and drag EVERYONE to the dance floor. 
~best movie?~
We have to clarify this nonsense for next year. Honestly, it’s just too vague. Best movie? This year? Of all time? Genre? Or is it just me that over thinks this stuff? *sigh* Okay, I thought Black Panther was extremely good, not just because it was an excellent superhero movie, had amazing female leads, astonishing action sequences, and wonderful humor. It really made me think about how hatred can pass down through the generations. It made me reevaluate how I teach my students in karate class and how I speak with/to them about social problems. Since most of them are immigrants or children of immigrants, it was an eye opening experience. Let’s leave it at that.
~best series?~
TV series right? (again with the over thinking simple questions) I really enjoyed Miraculous Ladybug, Voltron, How to Train Your Dragon, The Dragon Prince, and My Hero Academia. Granted, I also rewatch a bunch of anime classics as I taught the ways of being a nerd to my godsons. I’m proud to say that we have finally left the realm of Naruto and moved on to the great chasm that is known as Deathnote and One Piece.
~best book?~
Okay, so this one is exciting for me. I was suffering Tumblr and found a post that simple said “if Deadpool wrote a book, this would be it.” So of course, the ten year that still loves poop jokes and crude humor in me scream in joy and bought the book. It is called “Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology” by Cory O’Brien. I wish I could find the link so you could read some excerpts from it. I’ll just have to quote it.
“So one night Uranus is about to get busy with Gaia again I guess so he can father another baby and then stuff it back into her but instead of getting sex he gets a SURPRISE PENISECTOMY”
“So the moral of the story is that if you are not ready to be a father consider all of your options before skipping directly to cannibalism”
“So the moral of the story is that we should seriously consider firing the moon because I didn’t know we could do that and I bet we have the technology now to genetically engineer a WAY BETTER MOON than some dumb rabbit.”
So...10/10, greatest book I’ve read this year
~best video game?~
I don’t play many video games. Frankly, if it is not a bashing the buttons kind of game, I’m no good at it. Thus, I really like Shounen Jump battle game. I can hit random buttons while having no real skills. I also like watching people play them. That would lead me to Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Such a pretty game!
~have you unlearned any bad habits?~
hahahaha...oh, are you serious?
~biggest disappointment?~
I didn’t get back into college like I planned on. I just couldn’t find the time to give myself in order to achieve what I wanted. 
~worst experience?~
If we are talking about this year, then that would go to almost dying in a bus accident in the middle of the Highlands in Scotland. It’s a great story that I love to tell, because it turns out to be the funniest tale of my really long list of horrific stories. Minus the thought of dying on some random hill and how inconvenient it would have been for my mother to retrieve our bodies cause I didn’t buy travel insurance. 
However, if we are talking about ever in our lives, then that golden trophy would go to the time I, a store manager at Dollar Tree, was threaten with a plastic shank over $0.50 on hour 15 of my shift where I slept in the store that night so I could be there for the delivery at 5AM. That was horrible. Funny in hindsight, but horrible at the same time. Let me know, I can tell that story too.
~any new hobbies?~
Where do people find the time to start new hobbies? Serious, could you donate that precious time into a bank so I could have some? I would greatly appreciate it. 
~did you achieve your goals for 2018?~
hahahahahaha....oh, you’re serious again?
~have you fulfilled a long-term wish?~
Ah, this it did! So, back in 2011, I studied abroad in Scotland and vowed to take my father back so he could see the country that I fell completely in love with. Severely in love with. Like, I would marry any Scottish man that said to me, “Ach, lassie, yer bonnie and me heart tis yers. I have this castle in ta middle of the great Highlands. Would ye leave with me to Gretna Green to marry ov’r an blacksmith’s iron?” I would say yes in a heart beat. A HEARTBEAT YOU HEAR?!
~have you tried something new this year?~
um, I dressed myself in a kimono for the first time by myself. That was stupid hard. Also, I did a bang up job if I do say so myself (after the fourth attempt). 
~what plans or wishes do you have for next year?~
Let’s see, I am the best man at my best friend’s wedding in May, so I got that going. Also, in September, I’ll be going to Japan to visit my sister who is working as an English teacher, so I got that to look forward too. I would love to find some time to myself so I can try and finish my college degree that I started back in 2009. Cross your fingers. Also, I would like to complete this book I’m writing for myself. I would really like that. Oh, and finally, sleep more. Yeah, sleep. Good thing that is.
~what was the funniest moment?~
Serious, I teach kiddos karate at my church. I have no shortage of amazing moments in my life. Also I have three godsons and a goddaughter, stories are made every weekend. But I can tell you one of my favorites.
So, I’m teaching this not-yet-seven-year-old an introductory class to karate. I’m explaining to him that not only does yelling scare the bad guys away, but it tells the teacher that you are breathing. So I asked him playfully, “Do you like to breath?” And he stops all motion and looks at me. Then he shrugs and says “not really.” Needless to say, I too stop to stare at him, stunned by a response that I had NEVER received in my 13+ years of teaching children karate. So, I logically asked why not. This tiny little american-latino child that comes up to my waist tells me with the straightest face I have ever seen “Cause it take a lot of work to breath and I don’t know if I have the time for that.” (#mood much?) I’m losing my mind trying to hold in my laughter. Thus I spend the next few minutes with a 6 year-old having a philosophical discussion about the pros and cons of breathing. Eventually, we agree that blue is an ugly color on people’s face and we cannot do karate in our sleep so he had to stay awake and moving instead of passed out on the floor due to the lack of air in his body. Once that was establish, I asked another instructor to take over because I simply had to find a corner to sit in as I collected my laughing ass off the floor.
I will forever remember this child as the boy that I had to convince that breathing was a good thing and made me almost piss my pants in the middle of karate class. TWICE because that little stinker had to randomly blurt out in the middle of a different class weeks later that we were wrong because blue was a flattering shade on dead people and we should not be racist to dead people. 
I will now kindly remind you that this boy is 7 YEARS OLD. 
~what are you thankful for?~
I am thankful for family and friends. I am also thankful to @saijspellhart. In my desire to let her know that she is not alone, I am finding the courage to become more open with myself and other around me. So thank you. I hope that this year will be a rebirth for both of us and tons of smiles for everyone that reads this.
As for tagging other Tumblr users, I am too damn shy for that. Instead, if you are reading this and want to do this, tag me! I would love to get to know you and your likes. It’s nice to see the humanity on this site. Thank you for getting to the end and I hope to get to know you too!
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