#I need to sleep now x'D
amethystina · 1 year
Hi ! i hope you are doing well
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I'm still sick so I could be better? x'D But thank you for asking! 💜
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Well, the entirety of Hyperborean tbh? Because I got to write an "eternal winter" post-apocalyptic world with an entirely new social structure and get into the nitty-gritty of their everyday lives in a way that was very interesting. Some of it I would probably have written differently had I written it today, but I'm still very proud of it.
Another is Autonomy which, unlike Hyperborean, was less about creating an entirely new world and more about tweaking the canon Marvel concepts into something that fit a Space AU AND my idea of HYDRA being a parasitic virus instead of an ideology. I had so much fun figuring out how that should work and how to best showcase it in the story.
Because, to be honest, that's the best part? Not the world-building itself but the satisfaction I feel when I can make it relevant to the story. I'm not fond of info dumps so, incredibly often, I have a lot more information than ever makes it into the stories. But that's just a choice I have to make to keep the story well-paced, even if I LOVE world-building.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
Oh dang, a question about music x'D Honestly, for being someone who loves music as much as I do, I'm really, really bad at connecting music to writing or being inspired by music. I used to be back during my teenage years but, somewhere along the way, that just... faded? Not sure why.
ANYWAY. I think I'd have to go with Wicked Game by Chris Isaak. Because I'm a sucker for that kind of push-and-pull and "reluctant to fall in love" trope, especially if it has a hint of danger or drama. Here for it.
(Fun fact: The version of this song that I listen to the most is a cover made by the Finnish band HIM, which, incidentally, is a remnant from the previously mentioned teenage years. I was edgy back then)
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
That's tricky. Though I guess the easy answer would be a fic I'm already writing which is literally just for me. Like, I don't think anyone else (aside from my wife) will read it xD
And that's a Barduil AU (as in Thranduil and Bard from The Hobbit) where Thranduil fails spectacularly the first time around and gets a do-over, basically reliving the events of the Battle of the Five Armies — with his memories intact — and do better (and perhaps save a couple of lives on the way).
It's hyper-specific and hyper-catered to my own likes and desires. We'll see when I finish it and if I'll even bother to post it. But do know that I'm having an absolute BLAST writing it. Because it's entirely in Thranduil's POV and that is, quite possibly, my favourite POV I've ever written. He is a delight.
Questions for fic writers
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DP x DC Prompt: Then Only For A Minute
Bruce Wayne was a thief.
At least that's what Vlad convinces himself.
He stole Daniel away from him and brainwashed him into staying in Gotham City instead of going to Vlad! It was the only explanation on why Daniel would choose a stranger over somebody he knew. Somebody who understood his pain and his woes! Who knew what it was like to be hurt by Maddie and that idiot Jack.
But when he manages to weasel his way into one of Bruce Wayne's fundraisers suddenly he feels as though he missed something.
Something big.
When Vlad had first met Daniel he had smiled at him with trusting eyes and respect but when Bruce Wayne called for Danny and he walked over and looked up at the man there was a look the two shared.
Bruce Wayne hadn't brainwashed Danny. He had loved him.
Loved him like the son Vlad had been so desperate to have. Loved him in a way that Vlad... wasn't sure he was capable of. Not after so many years alone and not with the intentions he had that night.
He had full intentions on going into the party, managing to catch Danny off guard and convince him to go with him - with violence if he had to. But as he saw Bruce talk to Danny and heard Danny laugh those plans melted with every bit of his determination
He had miscalculated somewhere.
Suddenly feeling much too small in a room much too big and crowded he rushed out, hearing complaints from people that he rushed past as he made his way out of the building and went outside. Sucking in a breath.
Vlad was being ridiculous. He knew he was. He could have Daniel if he went back in and just played his hand.
"Vlad? What the hell are you doing here?" Daniel's voice was hostile and suspicious. Vlad turned and faced him, looking at the teen.
He hadn't gotten any bulkier, not that he was surprised. Ghosts struggled to build muscles but something had changed. Daniel's eyes specifically. They weren't dark or bloodshot from lack of sleep. He was fully rested, his cheeks slightly tinted red from sunburns suggesting he'd been out in the sun frequently rather than sleeping as much as possible in preparation of the next fight.
Vlad looked at Daniel then at the not so subtle people standing near the door. His 'siblings' if he had to guess, ready to protect the newest Wayne. "You and I both know why I'm here Daniel." He said as Daniel tensed up but before he could growl Vlad held up his hand. "Stop... just let me finish."
Daniel, ever the fool relaxed.
But Vlad couldn't convince himself to strike.
"I came to take you back with me, by force if need be but... I see now that was a mistake."
"It was a mistake. I... I've changed my mind."
"You... changed your mind? What kind of games are you playing?" Daniel asked tightly.
Vlad shook his head. "No more games, Daniel. I see now I'm wrong as much as that pains me to say. I have been so foolishly convinced that you needed me to find your place in this world, to be happy... but it's clear now I was wrong. So yes... I'm changing my mind. I want to see you smile, but I see now that means I have to leave."
"Just like that... you're... giving up?"
"Yes, Daniel. Just like that. I have much to think about, now, I must go." Vlad turned, then took a step when Daniel called out.
"Wait.... but what about you? Are you gonna be okay?"
"I'm sure I will be, eventually. Goodbye... Danny."
Okay so let's face it I suck at prompts and end up writing mini oneshots. x'D But here it is anyways.
Inspired by the song "Happier" by Marshmello and Bastille
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tervaneula · 11 months
So i read the title and am instantly having so many thoughts such as; " What?! Do you mean with do boys lay eggs?! Is f!leo pregnant?! What's going on ". The title was enough to put my brain in storm.
The more i read the more i get flapergasted; SLIDERS BOYS CAN LAY EGGS?!??? WUT?! WUT?! THIS INFORMATION IS TURNING ME UPSIDE DOWN!!
And what more painful and heartbreaking is F!Leo had to go through it on his own,Wonder if it happened when he was at war, things like this makes me more and more anxious and worried about him.
But it made me happy how little leo decided to go for help for older him - especially it's late at night -, reminds me when a daughter seek out her mom when her first period come, it shows how little leo trust F!leo enough to ask about this💙
The more i read about the " healing " part the more am convinced it's like period in a way. Little leo thanking future him showed to me how much he's feeling weak and vulnerable right now, i wouldn't blame him if he wanted to cry, the poor child is suffering big amount of pain.
" Welp, looks like I���ve got an extra teddy bear to keep me company tonight, then " this have to be one of my favorite, wholesome comments i ever read 💙💙💙
Believe me when i say this; The moment i read about little leo feeling comfortable with hot water bottle and begin hugged by future him as he lay on couple of blankets... I felt that warmth!
Now my biggest question; what would they do to the eggs? I mean leo layed 3, no?
Finally, ngl my period started so am feeling nasty, and this fic is all i needed to feel warmth again, call me sappy all you want but this fic is making feel comfortable, thank you so much for it💙✨
AHHHH FINALLY I'M HERE... IT'S BEEN 84 YEARS... Thank you for your patience<3<3
Oh gosh yeah I try to put in enough tags to not have anyone confused about anything that might happen in my fics but I did just kind of jump right in in this one XD I apologise!
Things were undeservedly rough for Leonardo in his youth but while he didn't have the kind of support he's now able to give Leo, he still had his family and they obviously had his back, no matter what. Everything sucked but he survived and now all that's left is to look forward to the future and keep healing.<3
AND YES OMG Leo might bully Leonardo every chance he gets but he does love him and looks up to him. They've got the mutual desire to keep each other safe, just like they want to keep their whole family safe, and Leo knows he can trust Leonardo with this, even if it's awkward and scary. And you're right, it's their equivalent of a period!
I love it so much that this fic gave you warm feelings and ahshgdh especially that you liked the teddy bear line, I was grinning like a fool because I imagined Leo in a teddy bear mascot suit, complete with a huge bow tie LMAO
Shjdfgsdhjkbf oh. Yeah. Right. The eggs. I mean they could make an omelette....... Rofl no, I think Leo just threw them in the trash in his initial panic X'D
Thank you so so much for reading and commenting once again, I'm SO HAPPY this little story gave you comfort, it's all I could ever ask for!!! This fic is so important to me and I still get emotional over it :') You're probably feeling much better now than when you sent this ask but please take care and sleep and eat well and treat yourself with as much kindness as you can<333
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
[sharing some of Macaque's symptoms due to the energy transfer]
This is probably related to being de-energized from the transfer, but I can't help but imagine both dealing with things like morning sickness or SWK now unable eat anything peach-related because the baby doesn't like the fruit X'D
Yup! Turns out that "sharing" the energy as often as Wukong does, sympathetically gives him a lot of Mac's symptoms. He might as well be "background pregnant" while MK is still in the oven. I got the idea from the JTTW where SWK and Macaque shared the pain of the Headache Circlet.
The idea of Wukong experiencing an extreme repulsion towards fresh fruit is hilarious. Whats even more so? Macaque doesnt have that problem. Wukong's symptoms are his own.
Wukong: "Oh boy peaches!" *nom!*
Wukong: "...why I need to throw up rn?"
Macaque, happily eating a peach sorbet: "Cus you're weak."
Another symptom that Wukong has that Mac doesn't; is that he can *see* the transfer of energy between their bodies whenever he uses Gold Vision. And he can sorta see the little guy forming in it - which means he accidentally spoils some details.
Wukong, Gold Vision on: "Whoa! The soul is a boy!"
Macaque, who was just chilling and watching Monkey Cop: "...what?"
Wukong will ham up the symptoms to get others to do stuff for him ie; do the dishes, give him food, let him sleep in etc. He is also def the one who wears the goofy maternity clothes with slogans like "Baby on Board" or "Eating for Three" (technically accurate) on them.
If Macaque ever accidentally "ate" Wukong too much, SWK would get faint and both will get very ill.
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
I've been listening to bravo's Playlist on repeat the last few days and I LOVE it (moar songs pls?) But I've noticed some funny things about some of the songs... there are a lot of girl boss songs X'D it just amuses me to no end picturing bravo hyping himself up to gaslight gatekeep girl boss his way thru hels lmfao
ALSO IM SORRY but the lyrics for bad guy by Billie eilish are about a girl who sleeps with another girl's scumbag boyfriend but I can't help but picture that bravo's big plan to get back at Tango is to steal his boyfriend ajshdbdj its so funny trying to picture *bravo* trying to seduce *jimmy*. Yeah that'll go real great for u bravo. I can see it now:
Bravo: [wearing nothing but his button up shirt trying to seduce jimmy]
Jimmy: uhhhhh sorry but I think my oven's leaking and I need to water my rock garden.
LMAO it amused me too, i think the first girl boss song i put down was ‘villain’ and then the others started coming to mind and i was like, i’ve connected the dots. that playlist has two moods: intense headbanging alt rock and sensual scary girl boss.
‘bad guy’ was put on there JUST for the vibes, not the lyrics (other than the “i’m the bad guy….. duh” part ofc) but HAHDHSHDJ bravo trying to seduce jimmy…. very cursed.
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thinking-kiwi · 1 month
Gosh i really need to sleep but Amy has just left her cellphone behind while going to meet up with Ty in mongolia how am I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP
!!spoilers under the cut for season 11 and later!!
I'm just so upset about how they've been handling Ty's character ever since season 10.. 9? I know it's no use discussing it now that the show is already at season 17 or something but dang... it feels very frustrating to watch an actor who's clearly not having a good with his work anymore on screen.
I'm pretty sure Ty's actor is gonna leave some time cause I googled what was going on in season 11 with Ty but i don't know HOW he goes so NO SPOILERS for me please! (but I do think at this rate all they can do is kill him off)
I'm really missing the usual quick handling they do with characters whose actors are leaving in other shows... this is so painfulllll
anyways, I hope Lou's actress is not going down the same path as well cause I'd be very sad about it!! (I think not cause i didn't find any non-spoilerish info about it, so i'm taking that as a good sign and i'm not googling any further x'D)
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auniverseforgotten · 2 months
Top 5 AUs of whatever you have cooking, whether they are in fics or just floating ideas :3c
HMMMMMMMM SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SNOOP I SEE UWU /j these are all FGO AUs because my Star Wars AU is honestly still killing me orz I have so many ideas but I can't get them arranged right for it [I wanna bring in Hondo IMMEDIATELY he is SO FUN but I have to make it make sense...] and Star Wars fans SCARY X'D
The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne AU:
So this AU is one I don't honestly know if I'll ever finish all the way or publish. Mainly because while I've read several Pursuits now, there's a lot of other mythos knowledge I need and it's hard to find non-Anglicized sources for me??? Unless anyone has a resource to share dfxcghv it started from my love of Diarmuid from FGO and all of Tea's really good Diarmuid and Fionn headcanons and a specific fic of theirs, Oh, Darling, You Can Stop Drowning that got me realizing that yeah The Pursuit being portrayed as a tragic romance....when one party held all the power via magical curse and the other just. Was forced along. Yeah...BUT that's another reason I probably won't post it in the end; the entire thing is built up on Tea's headcanons, so it also feels like it's not really my right to write it or post it. I'm mostly writing it out to read myself because I just,,,,need the serotonin,,, dfgv
Anyway. Main differences in this AU:
-Fionn is not attending the engagement because he is engaged to Grainne, but because it would be an insult not to attend. I haven't decided if he simply didn't express interest or if Sadhbh is still alive in this AU [basically just making it an entire mythos au not just a pursuit one]. If it's the latter it adds another layer because uh yeah Sadhbh is also mad her husband's dearest friend got stolen away and she would like to know Grainne's location as well thank you Very much.
-Diarmuid leaves pretty clear signs that it wasn't a willing departure WHICH IT WASN'T IN THE FIRST PLACE he actually, in one version I found, tries to throw her off several times [and this is AFTER Grainne already tried and failed to make a pass at Oisin and maybe also Oscar in the version I saw, can't remember], but he pretty desperately tries to wake Fionn in this one, both out of concern for his friend and then realizing what is about to happen. Not a huge difference I'm just rambling now sdfxghcv
-When Fionn wakes up from the sleeping draught he sees that Diarmuid is gone and Immediately knows Grainne did something bcus Diarmuid mentioned her Attention earlier in the story. Following a HC of Tea's, this Pursuit is, rather than a "Dude that was MY fiance", a "RETURN. MY BEST FRIEND. TO ME. RIGHT. NOW." Pursuit.
-Undecided how I want it to end; if they make it the full seven years and somehow??? Diarmuid returns to Fionn after???? If Fionn catches up and Diarmuid can't calm him down and he kills Grainne,,,which is INSTANT POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS bad ending,,,,if he catches up prior to the full seven years and somehow???? Breaks the geis???
ULTIMATELY doesn't matter since it'll prob just be for me to read BUT it's one that has consumed my brain sfdg
2. Vinyl Destination [named by Ye uwu] Avenger Agenda/Saliama AU! LESBIAN TRANS COMPOSERS T4T LESBIANS HELL YEAHHHHHHH LESBIAN POLYCULE IN GENERAL I've mentioned this one to you plenty I'm sure but, Salieri who leaves the classical world that will never accept her and she goes to purposefully try and make herself a laughingstock by starting a punk metal band, a failure, etc etc so that she can. Well. Feel justified let's put it that way. BUT INSTEAD they ROCKET up the charts and suddenly she has to keep living, has to keep going.
During all of this Mozart is still in the closet and doing her best to break free but still stay safe with her father constantly watching every move. It started as an au where Mozart is in classical and Salieri punk, covering each other's songs to annoy each other how did it end up like this HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS anyway it's Salieri/Dantes/Jalter [all ladies] with Salieri also dating Mozart [lady] and Jalter also dating Boudica [lady].
3. So this one has NOTHING written down about it anywhere at all, but Fairy Knight Bedivere AU. And by Fairy Knight I don't mean like the FGO ones I mean it in the sense of like. Magic Knight Rayearth. He has a pact with Fou [who can change sizes, sometimes he is Fou sizze sometimes he is mount size sometimes he is HUGE] and they just...travel together and help people. Low stakes, probably set after an apocalypse so I can get some fun post-apocalyptic shit in there, as Enrichment. Could possibly involve some BediTris because that's my main ship for him, but could also just be a gen little fic/series about Bedivere and Fou saving the world one person at a time.
4. Arguably my WEIRDEST most cracky AU is the Hatoful Boyfriend Salierik AU. This was originally started for the Dead Dove day of Rarepair week, bcus I legit started that week with FOUR PAIRINGS. Anyway I thought it would be funny to make a pun with Dead Dove bcus,,,Hatoful Boyfriend,,,Erik is a murderous Magpie and Salieri is a massive vulture constantly in pain bcus the virus didn't mutate his family right. The Dead Dove is also literal bcus it's hatoful boyfriend so you know it's got murder, teeeeeechnical cannibalism bcus one character is killed for her bones????, some fun little gaslighting, etc etc
Just an AU for me to lelt Erik be a funky freaky little murder birb [all for his darling Salieri ofc] this is like 50% because I thought it would be funny 50% I asked Wolfie enough questions that I Gotta do it now XD It's partly written but has a lot of gaps.
5. Unrequited Fionndiar hanahaki AU. ONCE AGAIN NO ONE IS SURPRISED this started with a Tea headcanon, linking it from when I reblogged it bcus some of my thoughts are spewed into the tags dfzsxvg anyway the whole reason why this is especially fun is, as it alludes to there, Diarmuid, in the myths where he DOES die, has one fated death at the hands of his brother who was turned into a boar. This is because Donn killed someone's kid btw so then that was just. Placed upon Diarmuid and his brother's heads.
SO ANYWAY he has to die that way, and any other deadly injury he just bounces back from. So he contracts lungflower [Tea's thought on an alt name], and he Immediately knows what it is and who it's for. Cue Diarmuid desperately trying to hide it, growing proficient at swallowing down petal and stem and thorn until he is alone and it forces its way back up, trying to keep Fionn from suspecting anything because Fionn would damn himself to unhappiness if it means saving Diarmuid pain.
And he learns how to hide it, how to manage it, everything he needs. but eventually he DOES die. And FIonn finds him, as he is dying, and Diarmuid is trying to desperately swallow flowers but Fionn forces his mouth open to pour water into and. Well. He knows who they're for, because Diarmuid never made his feelings secret. So like another layer of guilt onto the man about to lose his best friend
FLASH FORWARD TO CHALDEA and Diarmuid starts coughing up flowers again basically the Moment Fionn is summoned. He tries to hide it but the Second Fionn hears a cough he is on that shit. Considering??? Fionn wants to try a relationship with Diarmuid now at this point, but Diarmuid assumes he's only reaching out to spare him the flowers. LOTS OF ANGST.
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amethystina · 3 months
finally had a chance to read ch41 and i have my head in my hands, gaon you stupid beautiful boy. i do have to say, I'm absolutely loving how you're writing this, you understand the characters in a way such that i don't think any other tdj writer does, not to say their works aren't amazing, but your writing is always what feels closest to a season 2. Hell, in my head, it is season 2. Anyways, thank you for doing your service to this fandom. If I had yohan type money I'd hire you to script write tdj s2 myself. have a good day!
Yeah, things aren't going great for Ga On right now. I mean, I get it, though. He has a lot of trauma and anxieties to deal with. And, in his defence, Yo Han isn't making things easier for him by being so guarded. Ga On has been able to figure out that Yo Han loves him but that's about it. And to someone like Ga On — who loves to help and take care of people — it's actually a very big deal that he can't tell if Yo Han needs him. The fact that Yo Han is so reluctant to show weakness or admit that he benefits from Ga On's presence in his life is one of the reasons why Ga On is spiralling right now.
That's not to say that I blame Yo Han, since he's understandably defensive after his upbringing and all that. But it's causing some pretty big problems that could have been avoided if only he'd told Ga On that being with him makes Yo Han feel more like an actual human being — and less like a monster.
But we'll get there, trust me.
Thank you so much for saying so 💜 At this point, I feel like I could probably write both Ga On and Yo Han in my sleep. And, for some reason, they were some of the easiest characters to get into that I've ever written. That's not to say that I wasn't nervous when I first started writing this fic — I was full-on panicking because not only was The Devil Judge the first new fandom I wrote for in years but it takes place in a culture that's very different from my own. So I almost stopped writing Who Holds the Devil the very day after I had started it x'D
But, in the end, I couldn't help myself because there's just something about these characters that appeals to me so, so much. As seen by the level of detail I'm putting into Who Holds the Devil. There's just so much I want to explore and write about. I LOVE these characters. And, as I've mentioned many times, that means that I try my best to do them justice and give their story the continuation it deserves. Also, it's just satisfying for me to know that I manage to capture them well xD
So yeah! Thank you so much for the compliment! It makes me so happy and proud to hear 💜 And yes, at this point, a lot of people (including myself) are kind of considering Who Holds the Devil as their season 2. Which is another thing I'm so incredibly proud of. It scares me, too, not going to lie — because it definitely adds a whole new level of pressure to perform well — but to know that I'm writing something that feels so genuine and appealing to so many people is an amazing feeling.
So thank you to you for telling me what you think. That's one of the things that helps keep me going, especially when things get a bit rough. I hope you have a good day too! :D
(Also, YES. Imagine the things we could do if we had Yo Han levels of money x'D)
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mitamicah · 10 months
Okay to sum up what just happened:
I now have two weekends to plan for March
March 1-3 (4?) 2024; Joker Out playing in Helsinki where I have tickets for sunday. Maybe go see Vantaa on Saturday? Need flight tickets and a hotel OVO
March 15-16 2024; Joker Out playing in Malmö where I have an Early Access ticket which means I should probably be there as quickly I can - luckily Malmö is close enough to my parents house so I hope to get to sleep there :'D (if there's a train home after the concert that is) so no hotel needed :3
I can see myself making stickers for both of these btw so ideas are welcome x'D (I am thinking about maybe doing the three kaksin ananas lonkero for Helsinki x'D hahahahah)
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fff777 · 14 days
reaction part 1 to new dream x dream episode master pachef with jeno, jaemin, mark, and chenle
so the theme of the video is long ass spring onions
jaemin already in creature mode how are you supposed to take your bossman seriously when he's like this
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LOL more specifically, the theme is "we didn't buy the spring onion so now we have to take this class as punishment"
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are they just gonna cut onions the entire show
jaemin so easily pleased by chenle's shoutout
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pays to be a schmooze 🙄
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they'll be using this joke in 2089. why is he so bashful.
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so jeno is the famous handsome part timer at a green onion restaurant? what lore are they concocting now
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jeno's lore is that he suddenly developed an allergy to green onions and now needs a remedy 😅
jaemin: took one look and knew this guy was useless in the kitchen
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jaemin: 🔍🔍 mark: i don't do well under scrutiny
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chenle: are you that dude who cooked on dream x dream with jisung? 🤔
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jeno rattled by mark's sudden movements
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lmao mark's 'backstory' is so cheesy but even cheesier is the way he's leaning into it X'D
first trial is chopping the green onion evenly lol
yeah we can tell XD
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nomin marrieds squabbling :P jeno was like "you could have just told me how you wanted the onions to be cut" and jaemin was like "i've been saying julienne all along my dear"
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jaemin just saying whatever when evaluating the quality of the julienned onions
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jeno julienned the onions with scissors. he cuts it the way we cut through wrapping paper lmao
aw jeno failed the test because his pieces were too small lmfao
chenle's onions were also too short
so against all odds......mark won first 🤣
now's the actual cooking competition
mark chose recipe of bacon onion fried rice...ngl that sounds tasty
a little markno food :3
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chenle picked beef onion stir fry, which mark wanted but he already chose so he must live with the consequences lol
jaemin called jeno yedeu but the subtitles just translated it as "you" 😤
jaemin: what are you going to cook? jeno: 😏💖
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jaemin: i want to eat the pasta jeno: i'll cook anything other than that whyyy lol. i guess it seems difficult? he picked the green onion pasta anyway 👀
i'm hungry as i'm watching this and i also like spring onion so all of these dishes sound good lol
accident in aisle 1 😅
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mark: which one's salt? jaemin: *snigger*
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now they have 40 min to cook
wait...actually?? i was under the impression that jeno cooked on occasion lol. i guess he doesn't cook that often.
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is he just saying that because he doesn't want to cook on camera anymore lol
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mister judge giving jeno extra points for looking good while cooking
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but it doesn't get him out of the hard work!
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the one who needs extra attention
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jeno has questions about the recipe because he doesn't know what certain things mean and jaemin explains all of them nicely <3 jeno was asking him about the chopping method the recipe asked for, and then he asked jaemin what pasta water was
teehee "is the beef sleeping"
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spontaneousful · 4 months
random genshin party dynamics (part 2)
Jean, Kamisato Ayato, Layla & Thoma
Jean: Good night. Layla: Sleep tight. Thoma: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself. Kamisato Ayato: Great, now Layla's crying.
for this one, i'm picturing Layla going to Mondstadt for her studies (i didn't really think this one out, maybe she's there to talk to Mona?) but she ends up in the library in the knights of favonius hq overworking herself. Jean spots her passed out at one of the tables surrounded by books and sends her home like a hypocrite. Layla tells her not to worry because this happens all of the time actually and gets banned.
Ayato and Thoma are there to continue with their work in reopening inazuma and the cultural exchange. Ayato is there to meet with Jean + other people maybe to set up an event that brings some of Inazuma's customs to Mond, Mond to Inazuma, or maybe both.
Layla is trying to sneak back into the library because she found new books she needs to read. During one of these attempts, she runs into Thoma. She looks kind of suspicious trying to sneak into the window of the library and Thoma like, "woah, bro, what are you doing?" She explains herself and Thoma decides that it seems legit and helps her.
Ayato ends up getting caught up in the plot. he's dissapointed he wasn't included earlier bc disobeying authority figures is one of his favorite activities. (he tells himself not to drink more boba tea and then gets more like a real bad boy X'D)
Jean: What do you three have to say for yourself? Layla: Thoma: Kamisato Ayato: Oops?
they end up getting caught in the library by Jean. but, it's late at night after hours and Jean doesn't work the night shift so what is she doing here questions Layla. This is when Thoma realizes that they are all chronic overworkers. *Insert Jean, Ayato, and Layla doing the spiderman meme here*
Thoma proposes a week-long wilderness retreat that's off the grid with no way any of them can keep on working. Jean and Ayato try to protest that they are too important to just disappear for a week, but their friends/family are like, we've got this, go, see you never, bestie. Layla also objects, but no one really cares about that.
Thoma plans it all out and decides that they all need to chill and what better place for that than ✨dragonspine✨.
They end up fighting for their lives the whole week, but they mix in some relaxation exercises and deep thought sessions and the whole thing ends up rather therapeutic. But, Layla changes rather dramatically, starting out like the first quote and ending like the last quote. She's been through to much to care anymore. She goes "back to normal" in a month.
Kamisato Ayato: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk? Jean, sighing: Layla. Layla: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die. Thoma, wiping away a tear: So inspirational.
I feel like they start this whole adventure not knowing each other at all (sans Ayato and Thoma) and end up relatively good friends. I imagine them becoming penpals when they all go home and maybe the "wilderness retreat" becomes an annual thing.
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yana125 · 8 months
Okay, I just realized that I actually forgot that I was tagged twice, and now that the whole mcog hivemind tagged me, I really should do something X'D So! In chronological order, I was tagged by @returnofahsoka, @nacier (who I can't tag) and @az-is-back. Thank you guys!
You guys don't want me to list all of my favourite ships X'D I just like it, okay? Some long years ago I made a Word doc with a list of ships and fanarts so I could keep track of it, and looking at it now it needs some updating X'D
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill, and these versions for reasons (◔◡◔)
Huh… I just realized I haven't seen any movies in a long while. Was it really Barbenheimer…?
Berg Judit, Agócs Írisz - Maszat a fodrásznál, as a bed time story of the month :D
SLEEP. But not only me, everyone I asked about it hadn't slept well last night, so curse you weather! (But if it's about food I would really want to eat sushi right now ಥ_ಥ Yes, at 9:30 pm. Maybe I will tomorrow. At a reasonable hour.)
@vergina-spva? Some tagging game? :D But only if you're in the mood/have time ^^
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triscribeaucollection · 6 months
M, T or X for the ask game?
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
/evil cackle
Percy Jackson and the Olympians in a Star Wars setting:
When everything changed, three ten-days after Grover’s arrival, they were down on Montauk-Three for another trip, visiting an old museum full of statues and murals made by a long extinct species that once inhabited the planet.
“Grae’cians,” Grover said, grinning as he and Percy paused by one sea glass mural of multiple humanoid figures. “I’ve read about them before - it’s thought that they used to be a strong race of Force-users, before one of their kings turned to dark power. He caused a destabilization in weather patterns that lasted for centuries, and drove almost the entire species off-world before things settled into regular storm seasons.”
That sounded way cooler than anything Percy had read in his history text file, but- “Force-users? Like the Jedi?”
“Cool...” Percy looked back up at the mural, the six figures in a circle around what might have been the pieces of a dead seventh. At least he hoped the seventh guy had been dead before getting carved up. “My mom used to tell me stories about Jedi. She even said she met one, once-”
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
"Oh this character can't take care of themselves at all, they ignore their own injuries and push past the need to eat and sleep in order to throw themselves into their work and it's up to these other characters/love interest to look after them" no. No no no, that is a badass warrior and crafty bastard who DEFINITELY UNDERSTANDS the necessity of getting enough rest and nutrition and time to recover in order to do their job, why does everyone want to turn them into a damsel in distress 90% of the time??
X: A character you enjoy making suffer
Oh gosh. That's a fair-sized list, hurt/comfort person that I am x'D
I suppose right now I'm leaning onto MCU Peter Parker, not just for the therapeutic value of "I can throw so much shit at this kid and the core of his personality means he gets back up every time" but also an area of effect value as other characters are pulled into trying to help him and fail or succeed to varying degrees
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A Clash of Kings - 52 SANSA IV (pages 678-688)
Sansa gets her first period.
Sansa dug her nails into her hand. she could feel the fear in her tummy, twisting and pinching, worse every day. Nightmares of the day Princess Myrcella had sailed still troubled her sleep;
*recalls Sansa vs. nightmares of the bred riots (tv edition)*
Oh dear. I don't think that's fear in your tummy, sweetheart.
They had hemmed her in and thrown filth at her and tried to pull her off her horse, and would have done worse if the Hound had not cut his way to her side. (...) Try not to be afraid! he said.
Stop making me like you asshat! Ooooh, that's cheating! Sorry, I just, really like that he said try not to be afraid rather than don't be afraid. It just feels more comforting and less demanding on an already stressed young girl.
"Give your Florian a little kiss now. A kiss for luck." He swayed toward her. Sansa dodged the wet groping lips, kissed him lightly on an unshaven sheek, and bid him goodnight.
I'll give you a "kiss" *hefts steel chair* come here >:3
Turning back to the stair, Sansa climbed. The smoke blotted out the stars and the thin crescent of moon, so the roof was dark and thick with shadows.
I know I've been having fun with 'interpreting' the visions and dreams and stuff the past few chapters, but we do all (myself included) need to remember how hind-sighted visions are. In a narrative it's easy because the author often wants the events to tie together in a certain way, but even then there is always room for different interpretations.
Take for instance this chapter. We are being reminded multiple times that King's Landing is being bathed in smoke. King's Landing which is on a salt water coastline. Born of smoke and salt could now fit basically anyone in or around King's Landing at this point in time.
Case in point: Sansa has been weeping a lot (extra salt for the salt checkbox) because she's getting her first period (if I have my chapters and events correct) which is a "gateway" to womanhood in many cultures, and reflects more viscerally the idea "kill the boy and let the man be born" train of thought. If we wanted to do some crack takes, we could use this to say Sansa is Azor Ahai Confirmed.
She's not, probably, but we could say it.
Hell, Cersei could be Azor Ah-hoooo my gosh someone find a fic author and make that happen! X'D Azor Ahai!Cersei XD
... and just like that Sandor's made me dislike him again. He's so grumpy. And not in a fun way.
...Damn that's a violent period dream. For a second there I was kind of reminded of Dany's first vision through the doors, it was the "Women swarmed over her like weasels" I think, but the phrase from the vision described the men as "rattish"
Gods, Sansa is so terrified. First periods are always scary, even when you know what's going on because it's this change that you can't really wrap your head around until after, and for Sansa it's more than just that, it's another layer of illusionary safety being violently torn away from her.
Also, just as a point of interest, Blood is a Protein Stain. Cold water and a cake of your normal hand soap will remove most fresh stains from clothing and sheets, don't use hot water, warm to hot water actually makes fresh blood stains set. For older stains, glycerine can help to break them up, just dab a bit on the stain and give it a light scrub before washing with cold water and soap.
And when I say glycerine, I mean the stuff from your first aid kit for wound care, also called glycerin or glycerol. not the nitro for exploding stuff.
Queen Cersei laughed. "Wait until you birth a child, Sansa. A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough... and the parts that look like magic are the messiest of all."
Not super looking forward to Cersei's POV's, cause I've heard things, and I would like to pretend she actually has some intelligence a little longer. Look at this scene. My gosh. For a moment there I almost thought Cersei gave a shit and was commiserating.
This woman has some opinions, and not all of them are complete trash, but damn she needs some therapy... but damn everyone in this series needs some therapy.
"Joffrey will show you no such devotion, I fear. You could thank your sister for that, if she weren't dead. He's never been able to forget that day on the Trident when you saw her shame him, so he shames you in turn. You're stronger than you seem, though. I expect you'll survive a bit of humiliation. I did. -"
So first of all, I understand that had Arya not been in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, the situation would never have been possible BUT, consider for a moment, that it ALSO could have been avoided if Joffrey hadn't been such a piece of shit! So really he brought that shit on himself then made it everyone else's problem by being an insufferably self-absorb, overly entitled, rich little white bo-
... Joffrey isn't just a dude bro. He's Elon Musk with a violent streak.
I need a moment...
Where was I?
Second of all! Oh look, Cersei is Pro Cycles of Abuse. "I suffered so every one else should suffer too. It's equality UwU"
*Kicks Cersei off a tower* This. Is. SPARTA!!!!
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luci-z-wont-shut-up · 7 months
Episode 2
Bro snow in the desert is not actually that wierd
Bro. Bro u srsly need to rethink ur tourism program like what the fuck. FREE RADON FOR EVERYONE
I'm sorry but as soon as he said "it changes colors" I immediately envisioned a fuckin. Caramelldansen cloud XD
Bro if literally Existing in Nightvale is so dangerous, how does the population stay afloat. At all.
Sounds like just a normal day in the post office tbh. Also Racist Magic Guy is starting to grow on me. His oblivious stupidity and self-sure incompetence have captivated me.
Honestly a floating cat in the men's bathroom sounds like the least abnormal thing so far. Cats are just Like That™️.
"This message was brought to you by Coca-Cola" yeah that tracks X'D
"Because all of us are normal" bombastic side eye. Criminal offensive side eye
Ah so the secret Boy Scout cult has finally achieved immorality. Good to know. Just another Tuesday ig. Also d a r k s c o u t XD
WAIT "Sign-up is automatic and random" um wat. Hi what. Does. Does this perchance have anything to do with the Ominous Helicopters
This man has *clearly* never been a father. Or had siblings. Or cousins. Ever. Maybe *don't* bring children near the Caramelldansen Cloud of Carrion?
...oh so they just have straight up dragons. Ok. Dragons who commit insurance fraud? *throws hands up* why not
"McDaniels was pulled over for speeding last night" UM SIR how big was that car?!? Actually ykw nvm it prolly just had a pocket dimension or amthn this is fuckin Nightvale why am I trying to use logic
Okay #1. Secret Dragon Society that's actually Not That Secret is kinda cool, #2. WTF DO YOU MEAN STOP SIGN IMMUNITY. like don't get me wrong I *understand the temptation* but also why would you allow dom3thing so profoundly stupid and unsafe as a r e w a r d for
... for being an Alert Citizen. Ok. Ok I guess I can kinda see where they're coming from. Maybe. [Didn't sleep well last night and I'm tired so sorry if my commentary's getting lackluster]
Also stamp system for being compliant with the secret police. Yeah that's not sus at allllll
Bro I wish I could schedule my workplace to be Unknowable some days. Dot Day sounds... ominous, for a number of reasons but more so their implications than anything actually ominous, yk?
[I need sleep]
Bro I would NOT pay $5 for a music lesson like that, let alone $50
"Bake sale proceeds go to blood space war" okay invader zim
"Wednesday has been cancelled due to a scheduling error" XD honestly w my terrible sense of time that just sounds like a normal thing to me
Tfw a your perfectly good ice cream outing is inturupted by a dead lion dropping from the sky
[Continuing this like 3 weeks l8r so sorry for the Commentary Continuity Disruption Leik Woah]
Uhhhhhhhhhh so in the weeks I've been gone I threw myself back asswards into TMA content [so yes v much Spoilers First Bc I Had No Patience] and? I am. Very much getting a Smirke's Fourteen vibe from the Carrion Cloud. Also is Mr radio man. Like. Okayyy??!?!?
🎶Waitin for the bus in the rain in the rain in the waitin for the bus in the raiiiin 😎 🎶
Damn this is actually a legit bop I would make this new ringtone no question
(Don't get me wrong I fully expect this to have Lore implications later on but for now I'm just Vibin)
oh. Oh, Tapes, you say??? Well. *strokes imaginary beard*
What. The fuck? Genuine Life Advice? In my horror/weirdcore podcast? It's More Likely Than You'd Think. What. qhat even is this.
Ok so vanilla smell is Important.
This List is probably important but my brain refuses to hold onto any item in detail for longer than 3 seconds. Also "clear plastic binder sheets" made me laugh SO hard for some reason
Genuine question to anyone reading this, how much should I be paying attention? Like is this a Pepe Sylvia red-stringing sort of podcast where every detail is crucial later on, or is it more sort of a go-with-the-flow, Embrace the Absurdity sort of thing?
Why was that "Goodnight, listeners" so threatening?!?!?
*deep, deep inhale* ohhhkay
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aenslem · 7 months
hi, one of your Stargate anons here (it feels like you have a few of us xD). i knew about your @jackandhisspacemonkey blog! i follow that too, it's a very good blog ♥ i adore Jack and Daniel's relationship, they're great together (even if i'm more of a low-key shipper when it comes to them)
also, i have started on Universe! i've only just finished episode 6 (Light, it's very confusing with Air being one or three episodes), but i'm enjoying it a lot so far. i'm also very much enjoying Robert Carlyle, he really is amazing. (i had also forgotten just how pretty he is, oof.)
aaaand i had my first really shippy sgu moment in Light too, when Young said "well done!" and ruffled his hair and Rush looked all, well, like he did. i like their relationship in general, and i have a feeling i may ship them once i'm done xD
Young wasn't an automatic fave for me like Rush was (but that's entirely Carlyle's fault, Rush was shifty as hell and i just adored him anyway because Carlyle xD), but he's quickly getting there with his voice and his softness and his special cane. tbh, i'm actually curious to how my feelings about him will change once/if he gets rid of the cane, it feels like it affects a lot, that cane.
this quickly got very wordy, but yeah, just wanted to give you a little update and tell you that i'm still very glad you and your great gifs got me to watch Stargate, even if it means i'm reading McShep fics all night and having Emotions about Rodney x'D ♥
Ohh more than one gater nonnie👀
I am so happy my gifs made you to watch stargate, and maybe one day I will rewatch atlantis and even all of stargate and gif more of sg in general, maybe I will even look at atlantis from different side this time, like sgu.
ah, light, it's such a good episode, love every interaction of young and rush there, right until the very end of the episode
that moment, still can't believe it was real, like I still think I read it in a fanfiction not watched in an actual tv show lmao I need to gif it, and I will.
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as Robert Carlyle said himself they needed a man who makes dislikable things likable, so he is the man :D he is reaaally good
I think it is harder to like Young in the beginning, the hairstyle does not help either lmao, but you just get to know him and by the end of the show he is really good, I love that very tired man with curly hair, who is like a dad who needs a sleep but can't get it cos the kids are knocking on his door all the time
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just give this man a day off and some socks pls
anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of it as well, cos I really do enjoy it on my rewatch, I thought I will be hating it, cos I did not remember much, but the feelings I had while watching it back in 2013, but I like even the characters I disliked back then, like the kids, I mean everyone who are not Rush\Young\Wray\TJ :D
and I remember it was bad, but honestly, I love it now.
When you have a ship you're obsessed with, and suddenly everything becomes better lmao
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