#I really enjoyed this tho
thebigolbee · 1 year
So we know that Marlow would get along with Hancock (wonderful, blessed, love it), but I’m curious, do you think he’d get on well with Nick?
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Oh this is an awesome question, thanks so much for asking it! More to read below :)
Nick and Marlow have a very strained relationship, despite being on the same team? They're both vigilantes fighting for justice and safety, but while Nick is the methodical detective type, Marlow can be more of a, well…volatile…executioner? He lives his life in extremes and his methods can be pretty wild, though his heart is in the right place and he's done a lot of good for what's left of humanity. Sometimes he does straight up participate in some unsavory activities, though… so it's natural for people to have varying opinions on him.
Since their personalities are so different, when Marlow hangs around the Commonwealth before the events of FNV and FO4, these two butt heads quite a lot. Nick is a very kind and patient person, but even Richie wears his patience very thin. It doesn't help that Nick keeping tabs on him like a potential threat drives Marlow CRAZY. Nick and the community's caution towards Rich kind of turns him into a self-fulfilling prophecy… a common theme in Marlow's story.
In short, Marlow travels to the Commonwealth after his heartbreak in the Capital Wasteland to find a new home, but he leaves for New Vegas even more disheartened than before. Nick does have a some part in this after he proves to be a more suitable protector and role model for the area, but it's not like that was Nick's goal at all. Nick really does wish the best for Marlow, and if Marlow has the chance to work on himself and heal his heart in FNV, they get to have a much better relationship in the future :)
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jagalart · 2 months
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Yarrow and Feverfew
Art trade with the incredible @liscepu, I'm so grateful for the chance! Thank you for fueling my love for the game again <3
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wasyago · 3 months
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various tango doodles
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hinamie · 18 days
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yeah sorry theyre tragic in this au too
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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roxirinart · 2 months
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"Yes! Show me the power of the Red Crown! I have missed it so..."
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sliceofdyke · 2 years
hey. dont cry. 1 million autisms on earth ok?
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omtai · 4 months
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got too crazy last night & made a fake Gerard Fangoria cover... 🧛‍♀️
📸: Jess Gleeson
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reds-skull · 1 year
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Sharing a mask is something that can be so intimate actually
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meeyahmaya · 1 year
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so evil of illumination to rob us from a luigi revolution subplot
ft bonus interaction:
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sunnibits · 9 months
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decided to join in on @quezify’s eggtober again this year as a little art warmup and I actually ended up really enjoying it!! it’s obviously way outside of my usual comfort zone so I’m very happy that I was able to create an end result that I’m proud of :)
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rapidhighway · 1 month
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btw heres another one of these bc why not
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haliaiii · 2 years
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been playing the sumeru archon quest
(ig: @/hali.ai)
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yourangle-yuordevil · 7 months
Sooo I made Crowley's and Aziraphale's South Downs cottage in The Sims 4. Also made our two supernatual boys.
Here is Aziraphale Fell: bookworm, foodie and good. He wants to read ALL the books. Also Michael Sheen's face is so fucking hard to replicate
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And here is Crowley, with and without glasses. I even found a mod for the tattoo! He is loyal, lazy and hot-headed. His aspiration is "soulmate" because he's a pathetic son of a bitch
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And then their cottage! With a Bentley that's not really a Bentley but let's pretend it is.
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Inside: ground floor floorplan and the entrance room.
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Crowley has a greenhouse, obviously. There's a bench so Aziraphale can read there while Crowely takes care of the plants (*cough* shouts at them *cough*)
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Their downstairs bathroom only has a bathtub because they don't use anything else.
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And here is the living room! I tried to mix their styles a bit. It's mostly in the old fashioned, cozy vibe Aziraphale likes, but with a sprinkle of modern stuff more aligned with Crowley's taste. Lots of alcohol everywhere ofc
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The kitchen has more of a modern vibe because I headcanon that it's Crowley that cooks most of the time. He says that it's because Aziraphale can't cook but it's because he likes to watch him eat the food he makes
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Then we go upstairs! The bathroom here is the saddest and blandest bathroom because Crowley miracled it into existence when Maggie and Nina came over and were like "there's no toilet in your bathroom...?"
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And the bedroom, more in a modern style because Crowley loves to sleep. There's also a vanity where Aziraphale puts on his creams and his things so he can be soft and pretty
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And finally the last floor: Aziraphale's library!
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Bonus picture of the ducks pond and the bench in the back garden
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eyes-of-nine · 6 months
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early hualian dynamic my beloved(there's so much wrong with both of them but it's too early to get into it)
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ranilla-bean · 8 months
culture tips for writing asian settings: tea varieTEAs
atla's got major Tea Guy representation in iroh but let's be real, even non-tea guys are going to be drinking tea in an asian-inspired setting—you'd be served it instead of water most places. so, what kind of tea are you picking for them?
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as an east asian reader, it can take me out of the setting to see the characters drink something like chamomile (from europe/west asia) or... most herbal teas, to be honest. ngl it was weird to see iroh in the show, characterised as a huuuuuuge tea snob, drink stuff like jasmine (it's fine it's just basic, is all! imo!) or like.... a random flower he encounters in the wild.
when we're talking tea, real asian tea, we're talking about the leaf of the camellia sinensis plant. the huge variety we have of tea is actually from the different ways of processing that exact same leaf. popular varieties include:
green: the leaf goes through minimal processing, can have a bright and even leafy/grassy flavour (examples: gunpowder, longjing aka dragon well, matcha, genmaicha)
white: also undergoes minimal processing, with a lighter flavour than even green (examples: silver needle, shou mei)
oolong: the leaf is semi-oxidised, curled, and twisted—can be characterised by a tanniny flavour with a bright aftertaste. my personal favourite! (examples: da hong pao, tieguanyin, dong ding, alishan)
dark (black): note this isn't the same as black tea as we think of it in english. the leaf is fermented to produce an earthy tea with a flavour like petrichor (examples: pu'er)
all the teas listed in the "examples" are fairly credible teas that i think a real tea snob like iroh would drink.
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ok, but what about...
"black tea" as we know it in the west—assam and ceylon etc? this variety is actually called "red tea" in chinese. we don't drink it with milk but to be honest, i've just... never really heard of anyone drinking chinese red tea? which is why i've kept it off the list. (there's lapsang souchong, but i associate that with bri'ish people...) anyone who does drink it, let me know! on the other hand something like assam/ceylon, while extremely delicious and also asian, is a product of british colonialism and is consumed with milk. i think if you wanted to massage some of the traditions & have chai-drinking indian-influenced characters, though, that's cool!
do you actually not drink herbal tea? we do... but a lot of it is considered medicinal. we've got stuff like herbal "cooling tea" with ingredients like sour plum, mesona, or crysanthemum; tea that warms you up like ginseng or ginger. the whole concept of hot/cold in chinese medicine though... that deserves another culture post
camellia leaf murdered my family & i have a grudge against it; what else can my blorbos drink? there'a some good, tasty stuff made of wheat, barley, buckwheat, even soybean. wouldn't be egregious for the characters to drink that!
is milk sacriligeous? a real tea snob would think so, but a lot of asians nowadays are chill about milk in tea—usually in western-influenced red tea. hong kong, thailand, india, taiwan, and malaysia (among others) have their own cultures of milk tea, which has even become a democratic rallying point.
what do you think of iroh inventing bubble tea? my main issue with it is it's anachronistic! it was invented in taiwan in the late 20th century, but atla's set in the equivalent of the mid-19th century... you could also make arguments about whether iroh's too snobby about tea to invent it LOL
there's soooo much more i can say about all this so: keep your eyes peeled! i'll talk about medicine & tea ceremony in the near future <3
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maatdraws · 10 months
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getting lady shar's blessing first thing in the morning
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