#I saw that cool bird again today
asunflowerana · 1 month
07:15 AM — Miya Atsumu
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summary: you have plans with your family, but your clingy husband thinks otherwise.
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The chip of birds visiting the orange trees outside gently awakens you. With your eyelids half open, you can see them through the bedroom window, the sun’s rays helping to clear the vision. You smile as you spot two brown ones with yellow bellies, chirping at each other as if in casual conversation.
You have been waiting for this Saturday. With your sister-in-law’s help, you finally set up a family picnic in the cherry tree square for today, accompanied by your husbands. It’s been a while since you last saw them, and now that you and Atsumu have returned from a vacation trip, it’s the ideal time to rejoin.
Tsumu tried to pretend he didn’t miss his brother, but everybody knows he’s the neediest twin. You even had to cook an onigiri in the middle of the Bahamas, just to quit his whines about the spicy food.
Now thinking of food, you remember you still need to pack the picnic basket. Knowing Osamu, he’ll bring a lot of homemade food — you’re already salivating with the thought —, but you still want to contribute with some snacks and drinks. Maybe bring a cool lemonade and mini croissants from the bakery across the street. Tsumu loves the bread there, especially those stuffed with cream cheese and ham.
You slowly lift your torso, supported by your elbows as you try to check out the time on the nightstand's clock. 07:00 AM. Alright, you now have fifty minutes to pack things, take a shower, get ready, and wake up your sleepyhead husband.
 Let's do this.
“No.” A pair of strong, familiar arms tighten around your middle, preventing you from leaving further.“Go back to sleep.”
There he is. Looking like a sleepy child, your husband snuggles into you, pressing his nose on the back of your neck. You can feel his calm breathing hitting your shoulder, and by the constancy, he’ll end up falling asleep soon again.
It’s amuzing how, even unconscious, he misses your presence.
His bear hold at least allows you to turn your body in his direction, facing the man you grow to love each day that passes by. You adore every single detail of him: his chubby cheeks pressed again the pillow, his disheveled blond hair, his thick eyebrows that look adorable when he frowns or raises in awe, and even his half-open mouth, a gap for the drool that slowly comes out of it.
Honestly, you could admire him for the rest of the day. 
But you need to go.
“Tsumu…” You murmur, pressing a kiss on his nose. “We need to get up, baby.”
He whines, tucking his head into the valley of your neck without breaking his grip on your body. You chuckle in response, preparing yourself to deal with his childish side. 
Sof lips are pressed into your skin. “No, we don’t.”
You sigh, hands making a path toward his scalp, and you start kneading his locks. “Yes, we do. We have a picnic with Samu and his wife today, remember?”
“Let’s ditch.”
You giggle at his proposal, and he raises his head to face you with a lazy smirk. Atsumu loves to make you giggle.
“G'mornin .” He mumbles flirty, getting closer to join your lips in a slow kiss, his warm hands caressing around the length of your back. There’s nothing better than a good morning kiss to start the day, that’s what he always says.
“Mornin’ baby.” You peck his lips one more time before parting, and he gazes at you with so much love, that you wonder if you’ve ever seen someone look like that to their partner. You lower your hand to caress his face, making him close his eyes in delight, leaning into your touch to enjoy the most of this heavenly feeling.
But his pleasure doesn't last long.
“Now, how about we get ready for the day?”
“Why do we have to go?” He complains with a frown paired with a small pout, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Because we haven’t seen them in a long time, baby. Don’t you wanna see your brother?”
“We’ve seen each other before, one more day won’t hurt anyone.” He protests, holding you closer and catching your lips in a stolen peck. “I want to be with you.”
“But we already spend every day together.” You counter.
“And that’s why I married ya. Now, can ya please let me enjoy my wife in peace?”
You can't hold back your laughter, not believing the husband you got, but accepting your defeat nonetheless, there’s no way you can beat Atsumu when he's like that.
And it's not that bad. Your original plan may be ruined, but in the end, you definitely won’t regret spending more time in your husband’s arms.
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
It's finally here, all 7k words of it 👀 Thank you for everyone who read chapter 1, and waited so patiently!
Birds and Bees - Ch.2
Rolan isn't usually the type to accept help. In his defense, Tav is very persuasive—and he is very, very desperate.
Tags: Tailplay, Oral Sex, Biting, NSFW | Word Count: 7.7k [Read on AO3]
Rolan didn’t appear again for the rest of the day.
After their awkward exchange this morning, Tav felt she might be somewhat to blame. She tried to recall the bits of Tiefling etiquette she’d picked up from the Elturians; perhaps touching his tail had crossed some sort of line? Either way, the gesture seemed unthinkably forward to her now. 
Then again…Rolan was the one who’d coiled his tail across her desk like that, its tip nearly brushing her hand as she wrote. She’d never seen him do anything like it before. If she didn't know him so well, she’d have found the move almost flirtatious.
At shop’s close, Cal took charge of locking up the front. Tav caught sight of the large iron keyring he carried and realized that it must be Rolan’s. So his brother had checked in on him today, at least—that gave her a modicum of relief.
Lia pitched in to help wipe down all her equipment and carefully fill the many waiting bottles with her cooled elixir. Tav held her tongue from repeating any of the worries she’d made after Rolan during the day—but it seemed her silence was just as damning.
“Stop fussing,” Lia repeated firmly. “Rolan’s just overdue for a rest. I mean, you saw his face.”
“I did.” Rolan had never been the type to slow down or show weakness easily. To Tav, the fact that he’d willingly taken himself to bed worried her more than anything. “Just promise you won't let him turn down a healer if he needs one?”
“If it comes to that, which it won't,” Lia said down to her work. “I promise we’ll find someone, okay?”
Tav kept her tone teasing as she packed away the sealed bottles in their crate. “Hmm, yes…if only you already knew someone with some knowledge of healing.”
Lia let out a bark of laughter. “Trust me, you’re the last person Rolan wants to see right now.”
The sting of those words took Tav by surprise herself. Lia caught their edge too; she pulled up with a grimace, letting a few drops of antidote dribble onto the desk. “Shit, Tav, I didn't mean it like that.”
“It’s okay,” Tav replied, making a fuss of sealing up the filled crate. The thought made her feel rather less than okay, which she didn't want Lia to see. “I think—I don’t know. I feel like I did something rude today, anyway.”
“Oh?” Lia’s tone was light, but she allowed a conspicuous pause to stretch between them. Tav pushed through a twinge of embarrassment to turn to face her.
“Lia, what would you think if I touched your tail?”
Lia glanced up with an eyebrow cocked. “What, right now?”
“No, just—say I did by accident.”
Lia straightened to take a thoughtful inhale. “I mean…it depends on the context. You and I are friends, I wouldn’t think much of it. Unless you grabbed it up by my backside or something,” she added with a laugh. “It wouldn’t be a big deal. If I’m walking somewhere crowded, lots of people might brush against it unless I’m careful.”
Tav had moved around to reset the rest of her clean glassware as she listened, feeling marginally relieved by the explanation.
Then Lia paused her work again. “Are you saying you touched Rolan’s tail?
“You what now?”
With impeccable timing, Cal skidded to a stop at the edge of the conversation, a heavy lockbox under one arm.
Tav glanced between the two of them. “Yes?” The word came out as a question somehow; her mouth went dry as they stared at her. “Like you said, I didn't think it was a big deal. He laid it on my desk while I was working, so I just kind of—” She mimed a little picking-up motion with her hand.
The siblings exchanged a significant look with each other. 
“What?” Tav felt her face burning and knew the color must be noticeable to either of them. “How does it being Rolan’s tail make it different?”
Cal turned back to her with a frown. “What do you mean he laid it on your desk?”
“I don't know, damn—clearly I’m no expert!” She flailed her arms out a bit. “I just turned around and it was sitting there by my hand, all right?”
Another shared glance.
“That explains it,” Cal decided. It earned him a swift pinch on the arm from his sister. “Ow, hey—”
Tav looked between them again, trying to translate. “Explains what? Seriously, if I offended Rolan somehow, I want to kn—”
“You didn’t,” Lia cut in firmly. “This one here's just an idiot. It’s harder to control your tail when you're sick or tired, and Rolan’s been both, that’s all. I'm sure it was a mistake. And he shouldn't have minded you moving it,” she finished with a decisive nod.
With that, Lia snatched up the filled crate from her with one arm and grabbed her brother’s sleeve with the other. Cal stumbled slightly as she pulled him along, but he wisely held his tongue as they headed for the back stockroom. The hinges creaked shut behind them both.
Tav was left standing alone in the cavernous interior of Sorcerous Sundries, beside the desks that she and Rolan used to comfortably share—not sure if she should feel better or worse.
The next morning, Rolan was once again nowhere to be found.
He hadn’t even conjured his projection the way he usually did when occupied with research in the Tower. It was a shame; the shop was unusually busy by midday, and Cal and Lia worked without pause. When she could, Tav left her alchemy just to lend a hand with customers or make runs to the supply room.
She found herself worried to the point of irritation. Was Rolan really so stubborn that he wouldn’t take a potion? Or accept healing from someone he’d claimed was a trusted friend and colleague? She tried and failed not to be hurt by it.
Then again, Rolan had always been the type to shoulder his way through awful things alone while firmly turning down help—particularly from her. His apprenticeship, most recently. The memory made her radiantly angry on his behalf even now.
Tav jerked away from the flask and sucked on her freshly scalded thumb. She must have the ratios off again; this recipe wasn’t new to her, but the nuances had escaped her all morning. These sublimates shouldn’t get nearly so hot when mixed.
Might as well admit defeat and review the recipe before she wasted yet another bunch of black oleander. Surely there was a reference text somewhere in Rolan’s library?
Tav glanced around to the front of the shop. Cal was recording a sale at the front desk; Lia was chatting with a very large half-orc over near the conjurement runes. Things seemed well enough in hand. Tav damped the flame at her station and quietly took the stairs for the portal.
For lack of a better word: the library of Ramazith’s Tower was absolutely magical. 
Tav stood breathing in the quiet afternoon sunlight, taking an appreciative look up around her. The collection must be the best one this side of Candlekeep, with all sorts of books on spellcraft, Weave theory, alchemy, religion, the history of Toril—just to scratch the surface. She could think of no hands more deserving than the ones its ownership had fallen into.
Just as Lia mentioned the other day, Rolan had clearly been hard at work reorganizing the place. She ran her fingertips over the books’ spines as she walked around the perimeter of the main floor.
She imagined Rolan with his robe sleeves pushed to his elbows, enthusiastically at work in his book stacks, and bit back a grin. There was something so endearing about his passion for taming disorder. As she walked, she found her gaze drifting to the delicate staircase at the far end of the main floor. It spiraled upward invitingly. 
She’d never been to the upper floors of Ramazith’s Tower—nothing past the library. Certainly she hadn’t stepped foot in any of the private quarters of Rolan or his siblings. She wouldn’t even know which door led to whose.
But her mind wandered readily at the thought of Rolan’s bedroom. What it might look like…smell like. 
No doubt it was packed with shelves of books and scrolls, filled with the scent of fresh parchment and leather-bound volumes. That warm, bookish smell that seemed to be woven into his robes. The fresh hint of cedar from the way he kept his clothes meticulously cleaned and stored. And that other faint spice that she could never identify, but always picked up when he stood close to her.
The same scent that had filled her lungs with dizzy pleasure when he’d hovered close to her yesterday, chin brushing her shoulder and arm circled possessively around her waist— 
She bit her lip as heat pooled between her legs at the memory. She couldn't help it—how very fucking nice it had been to feel Rolan’s elegant hands on her, casually and effortlessly touching, as if he was accustomed to touching her much more often and much more intimately.
It would do no good to dwell on that moment. If anything, the uncharacteristic gesture was just proof of how out-of-sorts Rolan must be feeling. He was her friend, and by all accounts, he’d been too sick to leave his room for days. 
With a sudden burst of determination and a disregard for the consequences, she strode for the stairs.
Taking the curving ascent so rapidly left her dizzy. Tav planted her boots on the landing for a moment, holding onto the railing while she took in her surroundings.
This upper hall was also quietly sunlit, filled with fine carpeting and oak paneled walls; but the atmosphere was somehow less grand than the cavernous library below. More intimate. 
Two doors stood on both ends of the hall. Hazarding a guess, she stepped to the closest one on her left. Its heavy oak panels swung forward with the slightest touch.
Not a bedroom at all, but a bath—and a tremendously fine one at that. All the fixtures seemed to be wrought from polished gold. Underneath a towering stained glass window stood the deepest, widest clawfoot tub she’d ever seen.
As she gazed around, Tav caught sight of her reflection in a large glass above the sinks. Her hair was all frizzy flyaways from a day over her potion work. Indulging a bit of vanity, she paused to tame it with her fingers.
One of Rolan’s many endearing habits was his dedication to fastidiousness. Never a hair out of place, horns polished and shining, robes immaculately pressed—knowing him, with a bit of the Weave.
She must look like some sort of wild hedge witch by comparison. Tav had never minded life in the wilds as a wayward adventurer, even after the Elder Brain was felled to the Chionthar. It was part of what drew her to the career of a traveling alchemist. 
But there were moments…most of them in this Tower, with Rolan and his siblings. Sharing a meandering dinner at a real table with actual chairs. Sitting with Rolan out on the starlit balcony, discussing blood alchemy over a glass of wine as they watched the harbor.  
Tav forced her hands still and stared back at her reflection. 
“What do you want?” She muttered to herself. The Tav in the mirror had no answer. But in her mind, one softly bloomed.
Over the past months, her feelings had tumbled forward faster than she could keep up with them. Seeing Rolan, talking with him about anything and everything, working beside him in quiet moments—she found those were the moments she looked forward to most.
His offer to turn one of the Tower’s empty vaults into a greenhouse for her. Essentially giving her a permanent place in his home, if she wanted it. Was it stupid to hope that he wanted more, too?
As she stood frozen silent in the confines of her lavish surroundings, a muffled sound came from her right.
She hadn't noticed the second door past the bathtub; presumably connecting to one of the bedrooms. She realized it most likely led to Rolan’s.
She stepped toward the heavy oak paneling and raised a hand to knock. As she did, more muffled noises came from within. Tav hesitated, questioning whether she should—then leaned in to press one ear to the wood.
There were the sounds of labored breathing, as if from pain or exertion. She strained her ear harder. There was something almost…rhythmic in it.
And then—she could swear—she heard Rolan's voice groan her name aloud.
A shock of heat ran through her chest, prickling up her neck and diving between the cleft of her legs. The rapid, hot ache at her core made her gasp out in surprise, then clap a hand to her mouth lest he heard. She felt her cheeks burning with realization.
Whatever she had expected to find by wandering up here…this had never been on the list. All she saw in her mind’s eye was Rolan, sweating and panting and desperate. And that thought filled her with overwhelming want in response.
Tav pushed herself back from the door with a jolt. She turned and ran, not knowing or caring whether the ring of her footsteps on tile carried past the door. Her pulse pounded against her ears as she rushed out of the room and back for the staircase. 
Even before Tav’s foot hit the third stair, she knew she was headed for the Elfsong. And a very stiff fucking drink.
Day passed to night and back to day again in a feverish jumble. Like a vessel adrift in a vast ocean, Rolan was passed along wave after wave of searing impulse.
Had his ruts always been this overwhelming, and he’d just forgotten? Or was there something different about the drives this time around? 
Even the little dignities were stripped away, one by one. He began by conjuring mage hands at first, but his concentration faltered too many times at the cusp. He finally just settled for his own grip. Desperate sounds rose in his chest each time he neared his next finish, the likes of which he’d never utter voluntarily.
And he quickly gave up on clothes altogether. He lay naked and spread-eagle on his sheets and tried to sleep when he could, before his demanding cock inevitably twitched back to life again. The fever turned his dreams shockingly lewd whenever he did manage to drift off.
By sunset, another strong wave of need was pulsing through his core, demanding his attention. Rolan lay back against his pillows and groaned open-mouthed as he stroked himself.
Even slick with oil, the friction between his hand and the raw, overstimulated ridges of his cock bordered on painful. His finish danced out of reach to the back of his mind.
With an impatient growl, he flipped over to his knees and snatched up a feather pillow, folding it into a sleeve for his cock. A crude solution—but with his first few thrusts, the cool softness of the silk caused a moan of relief to rise in his throat. He squeezed his eyes shut as he fucked his own pillow in a desperate chase for relief.
And behind his eyelids, there she was again.
Tav appeared there so easily now. He’d tried to fight it at first—ashamed to be using her like this, without her knowledge or consent—but he found that nothing satisfied his urges so well as when he pictured her on his cock.
So he closed his eyes and imagined Tav…pliant, eager, hungry. Legs spread and center dripping with desire for him. The shameful depth of his need faded away as he fantasized her own. How her eyes might shine as she panted and gasped under him, calling him by name and begging him to fuck her and fill her and mark her as his—
What would she sound like as he took her? He conjured the timbre of her voice, always warm and musical, now canting to a whine as the ridges at his base slammed against her with each thrust.
Pressure coiled rapid and hot at his loins. Rolan slid off the mattress with legs braced, the pillow cast aside, and tugged frantically at his stiff length again. His tail arched and flicked behind him.
Through clenched eyelids he saw Tav laid at the foot of his bed, hair splayed in a messy crown against his sheets as she cried out his name. Her legs crossed behind his flanks to hold him deep inside her tight wet heat—
‘Rolan—’ She moaned louder, her heels digging into his lower back as he took her. Tav gripped two handfuls of the bedding underneath as he thrust relentlessly, chasing more of her heat around his cock, more of the delicious scent at her throat and between her legs—
“Fuck—” With a strangled gasp, Rolan’s hips stuttered one last time as his come spilled in ropes to the floor. Panting and shaking, he caught hold of the bed post with one hand as he frantically worked out the rest of his finish with the other. His head spun with the force of it.
But as he opened his eyes and his vision cleared, so did that cottony feeling in his ears. Someone was rapping insistently on the door to his room.
“Rolan, we need to talk—” Even muffled by the heavy wood, Tav’s voice was unmistakable.
“Fuck,” Rolan hissed again, this time with enough wits about him to panic. How much of that last performance could she hear through the door? He snatched up the nearest towel to wipe himself, then tripped away toward the pile of clothes on the floor that had lain untouched since yesterday.
“Go away,” he called tersely, nevertheless yanking the trousers up over his hips. Thank hells that last round had left him soft enough he could do up the laces for now.
On the other side of the door, she was undeterred. “I’m not leaving till I’ve seen you.”
Rolan cursed as one of his horns snagged the ties at the neck of his shirt. Once the fabric dropped over his torso, he whirled around to take in the state of his room. 
Bedsheets pulled sideways from the mattress; pillows strewn across the floorboards; air thick with the smell of him. Absolute filthy shambles.
Using a rush of energy he couldn't afford, he cast a mass prestidigitation spell on the space. The improvement in the air was immediate. But the resulting light-headedness caused him to stumble forward; he caught himself with a hand braced on the door frame.
“I'm not joking,” Tav called loudly, unaware he was now much closer.
He could have yelled at her to wait outside for another week, then, if he wasn't so sure she was stubborn enough to actually do so. After all, this was the person who’d defeated an Elder Brain and taken on several gods in the process.
That…and he found he badly wanted to see Tav in the flesh. Hearing her voice from just beyond his bedroom door only increased that desire. Rolan’s tail lashed behind him in helpless frustration.
“What do you want?” He asked instead, lowering his voice. No use broadcasting any more of this conversation to the whole Tower.
There was a pause on the other side of the oak paneling. “I’ve barely seen you since I got here,” Tav’s voice replied, matching his volume.
“And I'm worried about you…obviously,” she added. “Cal and Lia said you’re sick. But I’d feel better if we could talk face to face.” Even through the barrier between them, he could hear a strain in her voice. She wasn't lying. 
Rolan rested his horns against his braced forearm with a sigh. “Tav, I swear I'm perfectly fine.”
“Then just open the door a moment. Please, Rolan?”
It was far too pleasant to hear her say his name outside of his own imaginings. Rolan glanced down at himself. Barefoot, shirt untucked, but technically presentable. And not pitching a tent for once in the past twenty-four hours. 
“If I do, will you leave?” 
There was another pause. “If you want me to,” came the reply. He unbolted the latch and drew it open to shoulder width.
The wave of Tav’s scent hit him almost before he registered her face in front of him. The sweetness of it overwhelmed his other senses for a moment. It tested all Rolan’s limited reserves of sanity not to grab her by the waist and pull her body against him.
Unaware of the silent struggle raging in his chest, Tav stood with face tilted up toward his. Her eyes had traveled over his figure immediately, checking him over with a worried little crease between her brows. Something at the side of his head caught her eye; Rolan realized his hair hung loose and rather sweaty, exposing the slender tips of his ears.
Her demeanor changed at the sight. Tav sighed, leaning her head against the flat of the door.
“You’re even handsome with a fever,” she told him softly.
Rolan blinked at her. Perhaps exhaustion and hormones were driving him to hallucinations. “What are you—”
Faster than he could react, her palms landed on either side of his face, and Tav pulled his mouth down to hers.
A burst of colors exploded behind his eyes; the sensation of her lips moving on his kindled the dormant heat in his body to wild blaze. She notched her hands upward as she kissed him, and her fingers slid up along the sensitive tapers of both his ears.
Rolan let out a hungry, animal sound against her mouth. Both hands landed on her back and crushed the line of her body forward into his, leaving no space between them. He could feel the soft hills of her breasts pressing against his chest through clothing. The warm scent rolling off her skin and hair surrounded him with dizzying force.
The higher part of his mind was screaming at him. Rolan desperately tried to focus on what it was saying; as he did, he caught the tang of wine on her lips. The discovery gave him just enough will to pull back from her.
And he did, with one jerking step back into his chambers. “You can’t be here.”
Tav stood panting through parted lips, eyes half-lidded as they traveled over him. Rolan felt flames lick his skin everywhere they moved.
“Why not?” She breathed. “I wanted to see you.”
“You’re drunk,” he told her. He rather felt that way himself, still reeling from the electricity of kissing her.
Tav pouted at that, and Rolan wished to bite that lower lip firmly between his teeth. “I’m not drunk,” she corrected. “I’ve had a drink. There’s a difference.”
“You wouldn’t be here if—”
“If what?” Tav watched him as she took a step closer. Rolan stepped back in tandem, reflexive. She was well over the threshold now. “If I knew what was really happening to you?”
Those words sounded much more knowing than he liked. Rolan stared at her, trying to read into her face. He swallowed against the dry lump of his tongue and went out on a limb. “Which one of them told you?”
Tav shook her head. “Cal and Lia have been nothing but discreet.” 
“Then how could you possibly understand?” He demanded. The very recent discovery of how soft Tav’s lips were was making it very difficult to maintain this conversation. He could still feel the way her body had pressed into him.
One corner of her mouth twitched. “Rolan, I’d like to think I’m not completely oblivious. There have been…signs. And I’ve had a lot of time to think about them. I’ve been at the Elfsong all afternoon, just—thinking.”
At that, Rolan felt his tail twitching nervously behind him. “I see,” he replied. Pivoting, like an idiot, trying to pretend this was a perfectly acceptable conversation to have with the woman who occupied most of his thoughts when he was pleasuring himself. “And you think that I—that my—”
Tav made a quick twisting motion to get around the door. She latched it and drew the bolt closed behind them, then turned back to him.
“A lot of humans have heard rumors about Tieflings,” she confessed. “Some stupid, but some credible. I’m saying this is maybe not the secret that you think it is.” As he watched, a much deeper blush spread over Tav’s cheeks. She glanced away to the side. 
“Rolan…I grew up in the Dales, remember? Around rabbits, and cattle, and oxen. Half my friends lived on farms.”
Her analogy couldn’t be clearer. To hear her lay it out so plainly—Rolan felt the last dregs of his pride shrivel up and die. He gripped two palms over his eyes and let out a groan of abject humiliation, turning away to the middle of the room. 
How early had she connected the dots? The moment she felt him brazenly place a hand around her? Had she known all along that he was locked up here, rutting into every one of his pillows?
“Look, Rolan, I’m sorry—I didn’t know how else to say it—” 
Completely overwhelmed by his embarrassment, he hadn’t heard her follow. When Rolan finally dropped his hands from his face, he turned to find Tav standing very close to his chest.
“And I’m sorry for kissing you before,” she blurted out. “I mean, I’m not sorry for it…I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, to be honest. But it wasn’t fair. I just…wanted to know how you’d react.”
Rolan watched as her chest rose and fell heavily where she stood. The look in her eyes made his blood pound through his veins. He felt an urge to reach out and smooth back her hair to bring her in for another kiss, one he resisted.
“I care about you,” Rolan told her, before he could lose his nerve. “Our friendship. I respect you, Tav, it’s not worth—muddying things with this.” 
He felt fingers lacing through the ones that hung at his side, and despite his words Rolan tightened his grip automatically. Her hand was so pleasantly cool against the heat of his skin.
“Why do you think I’m here?” Tav answered earnestly. “I care about you, too. If I can help, I want to. Please—”
She was so close to him; Rolan breathed shallowly, but the warm scent rolling off her skin and hair nevertheless swept past him with dizzying force.
“You don’t know what you’re offering,” he managed hoarsely.
She didn’t falter. “Then tell me what else you think I should know.”
His senses were growing clouded with her; the offer that had tumbled so easily from her rang in his ears. It made the thread of Rolan’s control stretch dangerously taut.
“I won’t be gentle,” he warned. 
His inadvertent shift in tone changed something in the air between them. There was a crackling energy that hadn't been there a second before.
Tav licked her lips as she watched him. “Good.”
Rolan thought he might melt from the heat that spread across his skin. His tail snapped against the mattress behind him. If she moved a step closer, she’d feel how hard he was in his pants.
“Mating bites,” he went on hoarsely. “I’ll mark you. Quite a lot. I’ll try not to draw blood, but…I can’t promise it.”
Tav nodded. “What else?” She asked, encouraging him to go on. 
Rolan swallowed against the embarrassment. But this was important for her to know. “This time for us, it’s all about…reproduction. We become quite virile.” He nearly choked, but there was simply no other way to put it. “For the urges to pass quicker, I need to come in you.”
Tav let out a throaty hum of approval. His cock twitched in his pants at the sound. “That’s fine, I take preventatives—it’s safe.”
They stood looking at each other for another moment. That shivery, electric feeling buzzed in the air around them. Rolan wondered if she could hear the way his heart drummed against his ribs.
Tav leaned in slightly. “Well…” She said, and her wet tongue passed nervously between her lips again.
That taut thread in his chest snapped in two. Rolan crushed her up against him with a whimper. Arms circling around her waist, he nudged a thigh between her legs and firmly ground their hips together.
Tav matched his eagerness. Their lips crashed together; at the back of his mind, he felt her grip cradling under each of his ears. Her fingertips licked like flame against his scalp.
Even through layers of clothing, he could feel the heat of her. Rolan jerked her hips forward harder against his thigh; the swelling length of his cock pressed against her soft, yielding center. Tav dipped her head back from the kiss, arching into him with a moan, and her fingertips laced at the nape of his neck. 
It offered an irresistible angle at the column of her throat. Rolan’s claws raked back in her hair, pulling it to a tight ponytail. Then he tugged firmly, holding her open as his mouth descended on her neck.
He kissed and sucked along the band of muscle from her ear to the curve of her shoulder, then parted his lips to bite down firmly on her soft flesh. 
“Yes,” Tav moaned in approval above him. Her hips rolled into his, grinding herself against the hard cock straining in his pants. Rolan felt her pulse skip against his mouth. Only when he tasted sweet copper did he pull away, laving his tongue over the crimson pin-pricks of his teeth into her skin.
He took only a moment to admire the trail of marks blooming along her neck. Tav was already pulling him in for another kiss. Their lips crashed together with bruising force; her tongue explored, tasting, searching for proof of her blood against his tongue and moaning against him when she found it.
Her scent filled his mind. Without breaking from her mouth, he plucked open the laces of her pants. Rolan slipped his hand under the waistband, beneath her smalls, and slid two fingers to dip down between her legs. Her folds were shining-slick; as he nudged her in circles, a trickle of her arousal rolled down his fingers. She shivered prettily under his touch.
“You’re soaked,” Rolan groaned against her neck. 
“All because of you,” she breathed without hesitation. “Been wanting this, gods, wanting you for months. Your hands on me—cock in me—”
At the words he withdrew his fingers from her impatiently, then sucked them clean. Her sweet taste on his tongue made his cock ache. She scarcely had time to curse at the sight before Rolan gripped both arms around her waist to lift her into him.
With one quick pivot, he landed her down on the bed with his frame pressed into her. Her legs hung off the edge from the hip down, and he used the position to grind the stiff length in his pants against her cleft.
Even fully clothed, it was maddening. He could feel the wet patch between her legs, and when she arched further into him, a primal growl rumbled in his chest. 
Tav’s fingers were brushing at his sides, tugging at the hem of his shirt. “Off,” she panted impatiently.
Rolan tilted back to rip the garment up over his horns, immediately reaching for her own once his was free. He stripped her frantically, ripping her smallclothes in two before he could work them down her thighs.
When she lay bare beneath him, moaning and arching into everywhere he touched, he was overcome with hunger for more of her taste. 
Rolan gripped her hips, dragging her with a jerk to the edge of the bed. With her glistening folds displayed before him, all he could do was drop to his knees and bury his tongue between them.
The sounds she made were like sweet music as he explored her. He sucked and massaged her slit with his tongue, then plunged it as deep within her walls as he could. His eyes rolled back in his head. Her taste surrounded him; his nose brushed her clit as he ate her, further overwhelming his senses with the scent of her arousal.
“Gods, yes, Rolan—” Tav moaned above him as her hands flew to grip each of his horns. She alternately tugged them and arched into his mouth, grinding her clit against his face.
He wanted to hear her say his name like that another thousand times. Rolan curled his tongue against her walls, determined to taste her even deeper, but to no avail. Without his sharp nails, he would have sunk two fingers into her.
Instead, as his mouth left her, the ridged end of his tail looped around to brush over her slit.
“Ah—” Tav gasped from the bed. One of her hands left him to prop up on an elbow to look. 
He watched her face in adoration as his tail slid between her soaked lips, coating itself in a mixture of her arousal and his saliva. Once it was thoroughly wet, he let the heart-shaped tip push experimentally into her.
Whatever hesitation he had evaporated at the way she arched and keened. He pushed in further, inch by inch, hissing in breath at how tight and wet her walls squeezed around him. Rolan felt his cock leaking between his legs at the sight of his tail disappearing into her plush cunt.
“Taking my tail so well,” Rolan praised without thinking, then groaned. “Fuck, Tav, you’re so tight—”
“Don’t stop,” she demanded, breathless.
When he felt the tip brush the limits of her insides, he held it steady as she panted down at him. Her mouth hung open in anticipation as she watched him lean in again for her center.
But instead of landing on her clit, his mouth met with the soft skin of her inner thigh and sucked it firmly between his teeth.
Tav gave a little yelp of pain, but her walls constricted around his tail so hard he moaned against her flesh. He left two more lovely red marks against her thigh before withdrawing his tail from her, leaving only the tip inside her silk.
Then he thrust back into her and took up a forceful rhythm of stretching her open on his tail.
“Fucking gods,” she gasped, gripping both his horns again. He felt her use them as leverage as she bounced her hips down to meet him. 
“Like this, don’t you?” Rolan urged her on, drunk off her desire. “Fucking yourself on my tail—” He leaned down to take another taste of her clit, swirling and sucking as the ridges on his tail dragged more wetness out of her with each thrust.
“Yes,” Tav moaned, shaking under him as his tongue worked over her clit. “Feels so perfect in me, so—ngh—!”
When he flicked the tip of it up inside her, Tav’s words stuttered to incoherence. He felt her inner walls clench and flutter, and repeated the motion over and over with each thrust.
“I’m—oh, oh ohohoh—”
She dissolved into soft cries. The muscles at her core tensed and shuddered as she climaxed against his tongue. Rolan withdrew his tail from her with a slick release, instead clasping his mouth over her to lap down the sweet taste that poured from her. His pants were so wet he was nearly convinced he’d already come, but he felt his cock straining against the fabric just as firmly.
When her thighs collapsed limp to either side, Rolan pushed himself to his feet for a look at her. Tav’s eyes were bright, cheeks flushed with arousal, her hair coiled out in wild tendrils that framed her like a crown. Their eyes met; with both hands on his arms, she pulled him down for a kiss.
Rolan landed braced on his forearms. Their tongues slid and pushed together, trading the taste of her release. When he felt her reaching between them to undo his laces, he pulled away to loose them and strip off the rest of his clothes. 
Tav reached for his erection, and before he’d steadied himself, she gripped his length to drag the generous droplets of precum around his tip with her thumb. His hips bucked into her.
“Eager, aren’t you?” She teased softly.
“Yes,” Rolan groaned. Tav’s soft hand was around his cock for the first time; it was all he could do to locate words. He knew his face was flushed and tense with arousal, but Tav only looked up at him with appreciation from where she lay back on his bed. 
When she guided his length across the wet of her core, he rocked his hips to drag his ridges across her. She shivered slightly, still sensitive, but rolled into him.
“Need you,” Rolan panted, not sure whether he was asking her or begging. “Tav—please—”
Tav’s hand lined him up with her entrance. When his leaking tip nudged inside her, Rolan pushed forward with one slow, determined cant of his hips.
The cool slick of her walls clutched each inch of him so perfectly. A low groan rose in Rolan’s throat—this was the closest thing to real satisfaction that he’d gotten in days, and he hadn't even started moving yet.
“So good,” Tav said under him, voice sweet and husky. “Keep going—”
Rolan braced his hands against her hips. He pulled out slowly, legs shaking beneath him, then pushed back into the tight plush of her. 
His hips took up a firm pace, and Rolan couldn't bite back his whines as he plunged his cock inside her. Whatever his fevered imagination had conjured, it was nothing compared to this—he fell over her again, fangs skating against her breast as her body rocked under him with each thrust.
“Yes, yes, fuck—” Tav was just as breathless as her fingers gripped the infernal ridges on his shoulder blades. She tugged, egging him on.
Rolan took the invitation with enthusiasm. He nipped and sucked around the swell of her breast, breathing in lungfuls of the sweetness rolling off her skin.
“Harder,” Tav begged, the words vibrating against his lips. The hunger inside him surged in agreement.
Rolan’s lips fastened over one nipple. He sucked, hard, letting his tongue roll her against his teeth. Tav let out a whimper, but he felt her legs crossing around his hips as he continued to bury himself in her.
Rolan pulled away to look at her face. A mist of sweat dusted her brow; Tav’s lips were parted and twitching with silent words. 
“Look at me,” Rolan ordered, still filling her with his cock in a steady rhythm.
Tav obeyed, her eyes shining and pupils blown wide. He straightened away from her, never breaking, and laid a hand each on her calves. Then he pushed up, folding her legs to her chest and opening up her cunt even deeper for him.
“You look so beautiful like this, Tav,” he told her, thighs trembling with the effort of keeping his pace slow and steady. “Folded in half in my bed. Stretched around my cock so perfectly.”
In response, Tav’s hands grabbed her knees, pulling herself open even further to each side. “Is this how you imagined it?” She asked wickedly. “All alone—wishing it was me and not your own hand—”
Heat prickled across his neck and shoulders, but Rolan was too far gone to feel shame. He couldn't resist breaking eye contact, however, watching the way his cock stretched open her dripping cunt.
“Just like this,” he panted in answer. She took in breath to respond, but he was already slamming back into her at a reckless pace.
The lewd, wet sounds of his thrusts filled the room, layered with their chorus of whines and moans. Rolan shuddered at how slick and tight she was around him, perfectly gripping each inch of his needy length. His cock throbbed in anticipation of a satisfying release, finally, after all these times of not quite enough—
“I’m close,” he panted, gripping her hips to pull her down deeper onto his cock. The tip of him nudged against the limits of her walls. “Where should—”
“Inside,” Tav insisted, still holding herself wide for him. “Only inside, Rolan, want you to fill me up—fuck—”
The imagery pushed him over the edge, and he did just that. With a throb of release, he felt his cock pulsing and filling her deepest walls with his seed. His hips stuttered into her as he pushed his spend as far into her as he could reach.
Tav clutched his shoulders as he came, humming and moaning out praises for him. Their hips rocked together, nudging his coated length back against her deep center. 
Tav went tense under him. He forced his eyes open and saw her lips parted in surprise.
She gasped in shock as her own climax gripped her. Rolan hissed in breath at the way she clenched and fluttered so suddenly around him. His length was still hard, and his ridges pulsed against her.
As she drifted back down, Tav’s eyes finally lit on him in a daze. “What…what was that?”
Rolan was abruptly reminded of how many ruts he’d spent without a partner. “I'm sorry, I should've warned you,” he confessed. It was hard to form his thoughts while still inside her. “During the cycle…infernal traits get stronger. Like incubi. Helps attract a partner.” Somehow this explanation was more embarrassing than any of the other filth he’d just spoken to her.
Tav stared up at him. “You're saying your come is going to make me come?”
“Essentially.” Rolan shifted inside her slightly, still not confident he was done. “I apologize—I didn't think to tell you. Is that a problem?”
“Rolan—” Tav let out a breathless laugh, and the sound went straight to his chest. “This is the exact opposite of a problem. Just a bit of a shock, that's all.”
The lovely sight of her happy and satisfied under him was too much to resist. Rolan leaned forward on his arms to kiss her, trapping her legs between their chests.
As her hand stroked softly under his jaw, Rolan felt a second ache settling in his loins. He released her lips for just long enough to push her legs out over his hips, then ducked back down for her mouth.
He rolled his hips into her slower this time, but it was somehow more intense. Their lips stayed connected as he drove into her deep. Her walls were slippery with arousal and his own seed, and they gripped like pure silk around his cock. Her opening slid over the sensitive ridges at his base with each thrust.
When he dipped a thumb between their bodies to rub circles over her clit, Tav broke away with a little gasp.
“I can’t again,” she said, panting.
“You can,” he told her simply. “Hold on to me—” 
She did, wrapping both arms and legs firmly around him as if he was her anchor. Rolan dipped his head to her neck as he doubled his pace, their hips slotting together with each brisk slide into her. He breathed deep against the curve of her shoulder.
Still so hungry for release, it wasn't long before he came again hard. This time he just barely pumped his spend into her before he pulled out to look down.
Sticky white seed dribbled out of her slit, running down toward her hole. He dipped the thumb circling her clit down to swipe it back up across her cunt, painting his come across the bundle of nerves at her peak.
Tav’s thighs twitched under him, and she gripped his arm tight with one hand. She swore as he continued flicking across her clit with the wet pad of his thumb, then whined out his name.
While her next orgasm nearly doubled her in half, Rolan tilted his head to watch the sight between her legs. She was soaked, twitching, utterly intoxicating. Her contracting walls pushed more of his spend out of her; it flowed generously from her slit and soaked down into the bedding below.
Finding himself now utterly spent, Rolan collapsed on his back next to her. As he did, he realized his legs had grown fatigued to the point of buckling from the exertions. He let his body sink heavy into the mattress. 
“I made a mess on your sheets,” Tav panted from beside him. 
Rolan groaned at her descriptive language. The fact that his length continued softening was a sign his urges were finally giving him a reprieve, however. “It was mostly my fault.”
She only let out a weak breath of laughter.
Too tired to trust his shaking legs, he reached an arm blind over the side of the bed and snatched up the first fabric it touched. His discarded shirt.
Pushing himself seated, he gently reached to dry between Tav’s legs. One of her hands traced the ridges on his back as he quietly tended to her.
“How long before the next?” She asked him.
“An hour or two.” Rolan didn't look at her. “Tav, you've done more than enough for m—”
The mattress shifted as she sat up and turned his face into a waiting kiss. It was soft, just a chorus of little presses across his lips.
When Tav pulled away, she tucked the damp curtain of his hair behind one ear. “Rolan, unless you want me to go, I'm staying until it’s over.”
Rolan cast a glance over her. Despite the fact that she was naked in his bed and covered in blooming bruises from his mouth, she was very much the same Tav as ever. “Thank you,” he told her quietly.
She pushed him onto his back with a sudden laugh, landing with her chest pressed to his. “What an utterly Rolan thing to say,” she mused. “Need I remind you I just came three times?”
Tav was teasing him, and was of a mind to put her in her place—only he found that none of his limbs wanted to move at the moment. Instead, his only response was a deep hum as his eyelids drooped shut.
He felt the mattress shift as she rose and wished he could reach out to stop her. But a moment later she curled up next to him again, dragging a soft quilt over their bodies. 
Rolan turned inward to rest his head on Tav’s chest—and fell into his first real slumber in days.
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luveline · 1 year
Roan sneaking into Eddie and reader’s bed in the morning to snuggle with them ?
so so cute! dad!eddie x (nearly)stepmom!reader
Roan thinks her dad might call this something very cool and interesting, like The Snuggle Invasion, or Project Master Bedroom. She just calls it sneaking, putting one foot as carefully in front of the other as is physically possible while she's in her short body. She creeps down the hallway from her room, having woken to the sound of the creaky bathroom window and the birds outside. 
She isn't afraid of the bathroom window anymore, but she hadn't really considered sleeping again, because she knows exactly what's happening in dad's room. 
It's the same every time Roan's up late or early enough to witness you both asleep. When Roan and Eddie lived in their trailer home, she'd often wake up before him, either sharing the bed with him or having walked from her own, but now she lives in this big house she never has the same luck: you're nearly always awake before she is because you work at the fancy building. But when you're not working, like today, a Saturday or a Sunday (Roan's not really sure), she can catch you and her dad both sleeping. The sleeping isn't the important part, though. 
The important part is that you and Eddie cuddle. Or at the least, hold hands. She saw it in a docu-something once on TV, there are these animals called otters, and when they sleep they hold hands so as not to lose one another. Roan thinks it must be like that. Maybe you're sharing dreams, the spooky kind, and you need to stay together. Or maybe you're just in love. She likes that idea too. 
She has a different, better TV favourite, a movie called Princess Polly. Princess Polly marries a prince, and the prince takes care of her, and he gets taken care of. Polly and the prince dance, and sing, and hug, and it's easy to slot you and Eddie in their places.
You guys dance in silly places, like Uncle Wayne's front yard before burgers, and you sing in the grocery store line when she wants to go home until she doesn't mind so much, and you hug each other all the time. You hug after breakfast, and while you brush your teeth at night. You lean over the back of the couch to hug Eddie's head and shoulders. Eddie sits on the floor by the armchair to hold your legs during movies. Roan would be jealous if she didn't get her fair share. 
But anyways, Roan knows that you guys hug in your sleep, so she doesn't even have to wake you up. She doesn't want to, she knows her dad is tired 'cos he keeps taking the extra hours even when you tell him he doesn't have to. 
"What your mom doesn't get," Eddie says, head tilted down to share a private smile, "is how much I love her, and how much I want her to have the perfect day." 
Because you and Eddie are getting married! Roan almost hits her face in the door as she jumps over the creaky floorboard outside of your bedroom, she's so excited. You're pretty much mom already, but Roan knows that the wedding is the seal of the deal, and you'll be mom maybe forever. 
She eases open the bedroom door and stands up on her tippy toes. The sunlight leaking in from the window has caught Eddie by surprise. He's hiding his eyes on your shoulder, his hand against your collarbone like he's worried you'll shy away. You're flat as a pancake, the only indication that you know he's there your face turned to his, your lips just shy of his brow, and your fingers braceleting Eddie's wrist where it rests on your collar. You aren't holding hands after all, but you're clinging. 
Roan needs to be right there in the centre. She knows how it'll go. If she can get there discreetly, her dad will shift back enough to let her in, and you'll kiss her crown. It'll be toasty and warm. 
She leans down to fix her sock. She doesn't know it, but Eddie's rousing at the small sounds she's making, his dad sense itching that some mischief is taking place. He tries not to move in case he wakes you, his ears alert before his eyes. 
"Okay," Roan whispers, likely much louder than she means to, "just got to…" 
Eddie knows what she's doing. She's his baby. He's spent every day of her life loving her and having to predict what she wants. Usually, he'd lean back and invite her in, only she's making these adorable sounds of exertion, and if he peeks at her from the corner of his eye and from under his lashes, he can see that her tongue is poking out from between her rosy lips in concentration.
He worries you'll wake and reveal his facade when she gets to the bottom of the mattress, her shifting weight disrupting your snores, so he slides his hand very slowly to the side of your neck and works a tender back and forth over your skin. You settle swiftly. 
Roan crawls up the bed. She knows he's the heavier sleeper, and she's smart enough to use it to his advantage. She only climbs on his thigh to get to the gap he's widened. Once she's there, her hair tickling his arm, she kicks the blankets back to cover her legs and then weasels under his arm so she's included in his hugging. 
It makes his day before it's even started. Roan let's out a happy, satisfied sound, and again when he shuffles closer, dropping his face lower on the pillow to nose along her hairline. She giggles under her breath. 
"Mission accomplish-ded," she whispers. Eddie almost doesn't hear it. He is so, so glad that he does. He can't wait to tell you about it in a couple of hours. 
You don't wake, and yet you know she's there. You sigh in your sleep and your hand roams down his arm from where you'd been holding his wrist all the way to his elbow. It falls gently onto Roan's chest. You ease the sheets up just a touch. 
He sneaks a glance at you, wondering if perhaps you're faking like he is. You don't seem awake (though it's possible you're the better actor), and Roan isn't far from it herself. She has the most pleased, loved look on her face, like there's no place else she would rather be. 
Roan snuggles into Eddie's arm, self-satisfied beyond words. Easy-peasy, she thinks. 
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mrsparrasblog · 3 months
Loser Simon
Tw: he is really pathetic, choking, stalking, masturbation, unprotected sex, baby trapping, micro penis,
A/N: credits to @dumbbitchgalore got inspired by her Pathetic Price fic
The light flickered in the dirty bathroom stall of the pub he went to after Price said they needed to celebrate their win. Well, it was his win; the others were just there. He had every reason to be cocky today. He was a handsome bloke with big muscles and perfect at his job. So when that bird approached him at the pub, which Johnny had eyed for hours, he thought, "Fuck it," and went with her into the dirty pub toilet.
His self-confidence struck again, too high. He should know by now what was about to happen when she removed his jeans, revealing his small member in contrast to his big size. Most of the time, the women or men started to laugh at him before they left. Some hoped he was a grower—he wasn’t. The worst was when a woman finally managed not to laugh, and he came in her face before she even put her lips on him. To a certain degree, he knew he was pathetic, but his confidence always got in his way, so he tried again and again, with the same result.
His sloppy lips licked hers, eager for her to grant his long tongue entrance. His big hands massaged the soft flesh of her ass before she went down on her knees, fighting with his belt. She was so eager, expecting the biggest dick she had ever seen from the 6’4" man. Unfortunately for Simon, she started to laugh when she saw his tiny package standing proud and already leaking precum like a faucet. "That's a joke," she said and just didn’t stop laughing at him, making him lose his cool. He wrapped his calloused hands around her delicate throat. He knew he wouldn’t kill her—he wasn’t a psychopath, after all. "If you tell anyone, I’ll fucking kill you," he threatened. Her laughing stopped and turned to an expression of pure fear as she nodded to keep his small secret.
"That was fast, mate," Gaz mentioned as Ghost returned to their booth.
"That bird was into crazy shit, and I don’t dip my dick in crazy," he replied, getting an approving nod from Price and Gaz, who had their fair share of crazy women over the years. But only Johnny raised his brow suspiciously. He always knew something was wrong with the Lt's sex life—not that he minded, but it was suspicious.
Price didn’t flirt with birds since he was still obsessed with his ex-wife, comparing every woman to Mrs. Price, who he cheated on in a moment of weakness. Kyle didn’t flirt with the girls or boys in the pub since he had a friends-with-benefits thing with you, the most beautiful nurse on base. Poor Kyle fell for you in that act. He himself flirted with every above-average attractive lad or lass who went into the pub, but Ghost—he never had a girl at home, and all the girls he took with him for fun returned minutes later with a traumatized look on their faces. Johnny was pretty sure the Lt was into some kinky stuff or was one of those guys who busted their load way too fast. He just knew something was wrong.
He had half a mind to go to the brothel for his birthday to finally get over his fucking virginity. They were paid to do it, so they wouldn’t turn him down or laugh at him. His plans changed quickly when he saw you in front of his barrack, holding a cupcake with a candle in it, telling him "Happy Birthday" with that beautiful smile of yours. He really wanted to say thank you, but instead, he just looked at you and grumbled. You tried to lighten the mood by telling him you baked it yourself and that it was red velvet.
"How do you know I like red velvet?"
"You always choose red velvet over any other flavor when there are cookies in the mess hall," your eyes still shined as you held the delicious treat under his nose. He grabbed it without even saying a simple thank you and closed the door. Well, Kyle told you, you shouldn’t bring him something for his birthday. The Lt was weird and mean, was all he said. You should be happy if he didn’t spit in your face after trying your treats.
Kyle’s warning was fair. You shouldn’t have baked for the Lt—not because of his rude gestures. You just should never feed a stray dog, or it gets attached to you. And having that big broody Lieutenant attached to you was a death sentence you weren’t prepared for.
Ghost knew he wasn’t a particularly good human, never was, and never would be. But right now, he felt like the worst human alive. Ever since you gave him that sweet treat, he was obsessed with you. It started innocently—he wanted to find out your name, your dislikes, your friends. It went a bit too far when he knew your blood type, bra size, and social security number. But that happens, okay? You need to forgive him for being so eager. It’s romantic, after all—or at least, that’s what he told himself.
But now he stood in your room while you were roaming around the base, his small dick in one hand and a pair of your used panties he nicked from the laundry bin in the other. The images of you weren’t enough anymore. He needed the real thing—needed to smell and taste you, finally make you his.
Your panties smelled so good to him. All thoughts of getting a prostitute flushed away. You’d be the one to take his virginity. You’re way too sweet to laugh at him. You’ll take him and love him—all his selfishness, the killing—you won’t care. You will love him just like he loves you.
Something was different. Your friends called you paranoid, but you couldn’t be. For a month, no guy hit on you, Kyle broke off your fuck buddy arrangement—god, you missed his dick—no CO yelled at you, you lost at least 20 pairs of your panties. Your pillow smelled weirdly no matter how often you washed it or even replaced it. Your shampoos and perfumes went empty. You were probably going crazy. Your friends were right.
You were already putting on your pajamas when the door rang. To your surprise, the Lieutenant stood in front of you. "We’re going on a date."
"Uh, how about you ask me first?" you argued. It wasn’t as if you didn’t want to—everyone around the base had a crush on him, and you kind of did too. But still, he could have asked.
He didn’t even answer and gave you a big bag. "In 30 minutes outside."
You went inside and opened the bag. To say you were shocked was an understatement of the year. Inside the bag was the black dress you eyed in the mall a month ago in your size, the YSL heels you pinned on Pinterest, and even a set of Victoria's Secret underwear. How did he know all this stuff? Maybe Kyle told him your size, you thought. And who are you to complain about free YSL heels?
The date was interesting. Simon—how you should call him from now on—didn’t talk much, but he was a good listener. He looked even hotter without the mask and paid for the bill without even a blink. If he had talked, it would have been the best date of your life.
Back at the base, he pushed you against the wall, claiming your mouth as his. Everything about him was big and clumsy. You tried to teach him that your nipples weren’t a trigger on a gun, and he was at least eager to learn—that’s more than you’d expect from most of your Tinder dates.
You were surprised when you pulled his dick out from his pants, and he wasn’t as big as everyone thought he would be. But hey, that’s okay. At least it wouldn’t hurt, you thought, as you slowly glided your cunt on his leaking cock. The sounds Simon made were heavenly—he didn’t hold back like other men. He was moaning and whimpering while you bounced on his dick, his heavy balls slapping against your ass.
His thick fingers drew circles around your clit, pulling moans from you. He was so attentive, focusing on your needs, and fuck, everything his dick lacked, his fingers could give you.
"Oh God, Simon," you whimpered as he increased the speed of his thick digits circling your pearl like no one ever did before. Making you cum wasn’t a side quest for him—it was everything that mattered right now.
"So good for me, Babygirl. Fuck, show me how much you love being filled out by me." Your cunt started to clench around him when he used that commanding voice on you. It didn’t take much for Simon to finally bust his load inside of you, heavy balls being emptied as you milked him for all he was worth.
"I love you, Babygirl," was all he muttered. You would have run away if you weren’t in an orgasmic bliss.
He was incredibly proud of himself for how long he lasted, and that you didn’t notice how he came in his pants after you kissed him for the first time. That could happen, okay?
Simon caressed your hair while you lay on top of his strong body. He was 1000% sure that he was going to marry you. You took his dick without laughing, and you’re so sweet. He should teach you to get rid of your naivety tho. Having sex without condoms on the first date—really, sweetheart? As if your sugar pills could prevent him from knocking you up.
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awkwardbirdsdreaming · 9 months
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Day 8 of January extinct birds - the heath hen (subspecies of the greater prairie chicken.
Only some quick doodles today but at least two birds?
The heath hen is not its own species but I thought its extinction is interesting enough to include it! At around 1840-1870, no heath hens were left on the mainland, but a few hundred were left on the island of Martha's Vineyard. The number declined to roughly 70 when protection came in the form of a hunting ban and a reserve, and the population rocketed in the next few years. Unfortunately 1916 saw a range of challenges, including a devastating fire. The fire was able to reach its scope due to people protecting the reserve from natural fires! Numbers recovered a little but started dropping again because of the inbreeding from the two genetic 'bottlenecks'. The endling male died in 1932, having spent three to four years alone.
On a brighter note, the organization Revive & Restore is actually aiming to bring back the heath hen, amongst other cool things!
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
So, I saw that thing you did in RID where buddy is basically Perrito from The Last Wish and I love it!
Not RID related, but is it ok if I request TFP cons with a buddy who is like Death from The Last Wish? Same personality, probably uses that creepy whistle of his, loves to instill fear in the Autobots. Thanks! Love your work!
Hi! Thank you for the compliment! We are back with the Puss in Boots characters again! If this is not what you wanted, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who has the personality of Death from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Megatron, Predaking, and Starscream
SFW, Cybertronian reader
Megatron feels a bit embarrassed about this… he doesn’t remember recruiting this solider.
Truly doesn’t remember recruiting them. It’s almost as if they just appeared one day and just stuck around since.
Megatron can not deny the absolute powerhouse they are on the battlefield. A part of him shudders when he sees the damage his soldier does.
He makes sure that Soundwave always has tabs on them.
But there is no denying the fact that they get the work done. Maybe a little too efficient. Megatron masks this uneasiness the best he can, but he thinks that they might be onto him.
Over the course of the war, he has never felt so uneasy about someone than when he is with them.
Chills are sent down his spinal struts when he hears their signature whistle.
Megatron pity’s the poor bots that have to meet the end of their duel scythes while looking into their cruel red optics.
“My Leige.”--Buddy
“When will my next assignment be ready? I have some unfinished business with the Autobots, specifically the yellow one.”--Buddy
“The yellow one?”--Megatron
“Yes, perhaps no whistle for him the next time we meet.”—Buddy
Megatron is thinking whether to give the Autobots a warning that his nutjob of soldier is onto them.
Buddy is one of the reasons he wants to be leader of the Decepticon’s.
Either get rid of them or brainwash them to be loyal to him only.
He can’t remember when they joined the Decepticon army. They just appeared behind him one day and stuck to the shadows from then on.
Starscream can’t stand being near them.
He wants to run in the opposite direction every time he hears that whistle.
The only reason why he hasn’t tried to kill the soldier is because he firmly believes that Buddy is a supernatural being.
Not that he would ever admit it out loud.
Buddy whistling because they want to.
Starscream shrieking.
He finds the soldier very peculiar and a strange fellow.
Predaking hasn’t had much interaction with the soldier.
Some passing through the halls and quick exchange in words, nothing more.
But every time they cross paths Predaking feels a sudden wave of coolness wash over him. Not a pleasant one, a cold unforgiving one.  
They are more of a cryptid on the ship. He has heard more stories about this Con through the Vechicons gossip.
But he has heard the whistle around the ship from time to time.
He may be the strongest Con on board, but he knows that there is a higher presence on board, and he is not going to mess with it.
Buddy whistling while walking through the halls thinking about the bird they saw today.
Predaking a couple doors down.
Turns the other way and leaves the ship.
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to-the-stars8 · 28 days
Reviving Love
Jason Todd x Reader Chapters AO3
Chapter 13
Dick watched as Jason stood before him awkwardly, tipping his weight from foot to foot and not making eye contact. It reminded him of when they first met. Jay was smaller then, much smaller, and had been so nervous to meet him that when they hugged he had been shaking a little. It was nice to see his little brother underneath that hard shell. 
“Sit down, Jay,” Dick said, pushing him toward one of the love seats. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Don’t mean to.” Jason sat, running his hand through his hair. 
Dick sat opposite him, waiting for his brother to say something despite knowing exactly why he was there. A thick silence fell between them, both of them waiting for the other to start talking. 
“I’m sorry, Dickie,” Jason said, looking up at his brother finally.
Dick smiled. “If we held every asshole thing we did over each other's head, I don't think you would be here.”
Jason smiled a little and nodded. “That's for sure. Sometimes I forget you were an only child for a good couple of years. Must have done something to your psyche.”
“Don’t push it,” Dick said with a chuckle, getting up to change. “I’m about to head out to get lunch with Barbara, you want to come with? I’m sure she won’t mind.”
“No, thanks. I have plans. There’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about before I go,” Jason said as he followed his brother to his room. As Dick took off his shirt in exchange for a nicer one, he paused to study his brother, who was now leaning against the doorframe of his bedroom. He told Jason to continue, wondering what other mistakes he made. “I need you to stop trying to push in on my life. If you continue, I don’t think I’d want to be around you as often.”
“I…Okay, Jay,” He said. Dick wanted to say he hadn’t realized that he was pushing but, in truth, he knew he had been. He wanted to know his brother—and to push Jason to be the best version of himself that Dick knew he could be. When Dick thought about it for more than a moment, he realized how similar it was to Bruce. Now, that bothered him more than anything else. “I’m sorry.”
Jason nodded and shrugged, looking nervous again. “Thanks.”
“Sure thing, buddy. Now, if you don’t mind me asking, what made you come over today?”
“Little bird gave me some good advice,” Jason said, smiling. 
“Your girlfriend?” Dick raised his eyebrows. 
Dickie watched as Jason stuttered out that you weren’t exactly his girlfriend yet. The two of you had been on a couple of dates, and he had been over at your apartment nearly every day a week after the play—Still, you weren’t his girlfriend officially. 
“Just ask her,” Dick said as he moved into the foyer to grab his wallet and keys. “What’s the worst she can say?”
“No,” Jason said, grabbing his coat. “Or worse, ‘get lost I never want to see you again’.”
Dick snickered, throwing his coat over his shoulders. “Doubt that. I saw the way she was looking at you.”
Jason followed Dick out the door and asked, “Oh, and how exactly did she look?”
“Well, it was between ‘I’m so in love with you’ and ‘please take me now’.” 
“Dear God, you are exactly like Bruce. Pig and all.” Jason laughed loudly as he watched Dick lock his door.
“Takes a Bruce to know a Bruce.”
When they parted ways, Jason felt lighter. He was glad he had taken the advice you so pounded into his brain. You had told him that the issue, that he had told you about in the most ambiguous way possible, didn’t need some soliloquy of self-pity. You told him, “Just say sorry, plain and simple.” He could find flaws in your logic if he picked hard enough, but he decided to try it anyway since his whole family was full of drama. It would be nice to try something simple for once. 
It was sunny in Gotham, though cool. It was going to be an exciting day because you were coming over to his place for dinner tonight. It had been something he was slowly working toward, and, on the last visit to your apartment, he finally managed to ask you. The look of happiness on your face was burned into his memory, and he wanted to see it in person again. And again. And again. Seeing you so happy because of him was high that he wanted to chase. 
Jason had planned dinner the night before, trying to pick apart memories to find foods you would like. Finally, he settled on something that the two of you used to eat a lot during school. When he woke up that morning, his heart was pounding in his chest from excitement. As he entered his apartment, his fingers became restless. They cooked, cleaned, washed—The whole lot. He fluffed the cushions a couple of times, made and remade his bed (just in case), and even went as far as to dust the top of the fridge. It wasn’t until you were knocking at the door did he even bothered to stop cleaning. 
You were excited to see him, quickly hopping up on your tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. He’d been warming up to the light affection you gave him and had even started to hope that tonight he would be able to kiss you. 
“You have a nice place,” You said as you looked around. 
Jason took the jacket off your shoulders, and said, “Thank you. I made it look extra nice for you.”
Bashfully, you told him that he didn’t need to go through all the trouble.
He wanted to go through the trouble because you were more than worth it. Yet, he didn’t say this to you. Once in his little kitchenette, he gestured for you to sit down so he could prepare dinner. 
Surprisingly, you refused. “It’s no fun if I just sit here.”
“I want to take care of you tonight,” Jason said. He felt flush as he said it aloud. 
You stumbled over your words before finally settling on a meek, “But, I want to help.”
The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds before Jason silently stepped to the side. He cut the chicken as you shuffled the sides onto the plates. It was quiet now, but uncomfortably so. It felt familiar in a way, like when the two of you would sit for hours not talking as you did homework during your pre-teen years. You took the plates and set them on the table as Jason grabbed the cutlery. 
You went to sit, but Jason ordered you to stop. Quickly, he crossed the kitchen to you, pulling out your chair. “Oh, what a gentleman!”
“My grandpa didn’t raise me in a barn,” Jason said. 
“He did a good job.” As he was putting down your drink, you leaned up to press another kiss to his cheek. “Now, you have to tell me what you did today.”
And Jason did. He told you every detail because, with all the boring stories there were to the day, you seemed to soak them in with earnestness. The longer he continued to stare at you, too, the more realized just how much he missed you. You were a great friend, always attentive, kind, and funny. When he mentioned that he finally took your advice and that everything had worked out, you beamed with pride. 
“I had a feeling it would. I think it would be hard to be mad at you for too long. You seem like too good a person, Jason,” You said. 
He opened his mouth and then closed it as the sweet thought of him being a good person was cut short. He’d done terrible things, so there was no way he could actually be good. In a way, he felt guilty for inadvertently making you think as much about him. 
“You think I’m a good person?” Jason asked. 
You looked taken aback by the question. “I do! You’re the kindest man I’ve ever met, in any case.”
Jason didn’t know whether to be comforted by that fact or not. Nonetheless, he took it as it was. “So, um, we’re talking way too much about me. How was your day?”
You smiled down at your plate, pushing some of the food around with a fork. “It was good. I, uh, was really excited to come over, so I think that made it better.” 
“Yeah?” Jason couldn’t help but let his joy escape in a little giggle. 
You looked up and nodded. With a happy laugh, you said, “Yeah!” 
“I didn’t think I could have that effect on people.” 
“Have more confidence, Jason,” you said, reaching out to stroke his arm. “It’ll be extremely sexy on you.” 
And Jason was quick to act on that advice. Either on momentary self-assurance or maybe he just wanted to put his lips on yours, Jason reached over and pulled your chair closer to his. You gasped, clutching the sides of the chair, and looked up at him. 
“I wanna kiss ya,” Jason said. 
“Me too,” You said with a grin, already leaning up. 
Jason took in a breath for confidence and leaned down to kiss you.
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cyborg-franky · 2 months
For the lovely @argothesame thank you for the love and support! I feel rusty so I really hope you like this <3<3
Marco x GN Reader SFW WC: 740
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“It’s so fuckin’ hot I hate it.” You whined and draped yourself over the couch in Marco’s office, fanned yourself with a file of paperwork, and looked utterly pathetic. Marco peered over his glasses to look at you melting. He chuckled and stood up from his work.
“It’s not that hot yoi,” he replied with a shrug of his shoulders and you shot him a look as you carried on fanning yourself, tugging at the neck of your shirt desperate for anything else to help. The windows were open but not even the lovely sea breeze was enough to cool you down. 
“Easy for you to say, you run cool because of your devil fruit,” you said with a huff and watched him open the fridge, get a large jug of water and pour you both a glass, soon joining you on the couch once you’d shuffled up enough to make room for him. You took the glass and held it against your forehead with a sigh. “Thank you,” he just nodded with a lazy smile as you started to down the water. Enjoying how cool and refreshing it was, you needed this.
“If Ace comes in today, I will throw myself into the sea. The boy is so hot; he raises the temperature just by being in here,” you warned. Marco hummed, sipping his drink and putting an arm around you. You were about to groan and make a fuss, cranky from the rise in the summer temperature, not needing extra body heat but you saw the flicks of blue in the corner of your eye and feel the air change. He was cooling you down, and you leaned into him with a relieved mumble.
You closed your eyes when he started to run his fingers through your hair, playing with the strands as his cooling touch chased away the nasty sticky feeling. You didn’t feel like you were sweating buckets now as you felt a happy shiver from being in Marco’s proximity. He kept you wrapped in his arms and the cooling blue flames. You started nodding off when the cup of water you’d held tightly tilted enough to splash water down your top. You made a started sound and sat up. Marco took the cup from your flailing hands as you wiped yourself down with a mumble. 
Marco chuckled, the low rumbling in his chest as he watched you panic dry yourself. “What’s the matter, little bird? I thought you wanted to be cooled down,” the lazy smile soon slid into a smirk as you fixed him a side eye, flapping your shirt up and down to do your best to dry it. “Not what I had in mind,” you sighed. You’d been so comfortable in his embrace, like your own personal cool summer breeze in the form of strong arms.
You could see the crinkle around his eyes as he gazed at you lovingly, amused as he set down your water and pulled you back against him. Using his flames to keep your temper down, you settled against him again, your irritation from moments again washed away with the gentle breeze that wafted in through the open window. 
“Can we stay like this all day?” you asked, your fingers interwining with his as you felt his lips brushing against your forehead, a quick kiss. “Hmm, as much as I’d love to, I can’t yoi,” Marco replied. You knew that would be his answer. He was always so busy either with medical things or navigation.
You were always baffled by how someone as busy as Marco could be so laid-back and relaxed. It must have been something to do with the phoenix making time an illusion for him. “Yeah, I know,” you tried to keep the disappointed tinge from your voice, but Marco saw through it, always able to read you like a book.
“But, when I’m done, we can go for a late-night flight?” he offered, and you perked up, causing him a laugh. He loved your honest reactions. “Sound good? I take it?” His smile grew, and his beautiful blue eyes sparkled as the flames' reflection danced in the depths. 
“That sounds perfect,” you smiled and leaned up, kissing the stubble on his chin as he held you a little longer. He waited until you slipped off into an afternoon nap, gently laying you down on the couch, and then went back to work.
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lozchi · 6 months
I saw your last one shot with Taehoon and it's really cool, i like it a lot. could you write something with seong taehoon x fem reader, something soft where he is in middle school and he is in love with reader but they are not dating maybe before he met Do Woon or during their friendship(
A/N: saw the word "soft", couldn't reject Pairing: Taehoon Seong x F!Reader Themes: A lot more dialogue than usual, a little less language as well. :)
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Sunny skies, chirping birds, the fresh air, the indistinct chattering of the students fill the hallways - You happily skid your way past classrooms, feeling like everything is aligning perfectly.
That is until, Taehoon steps in front of you with a scowl. You might be wondering what’s exactly got him so riled up. Though you know he's unlikely to spill if you ask, it doesn't hurt to try, especially when it's you.
”What’s gotten you in such a pissy mood?” You inquire, noting the tension in his expression on his oh-so-handsome face.
Gosh, how long you could stare at his kissable lips, ruffle with his hair and—
”I’m not in a pissy mood.” He retorts, followed by a faint “hmph”.
Yup. He’s definitely pissed.
Without warning, he grabs your arm and drags you to the library.
”Ugh! What’s with you today?”
You try to shove him away, but Taehoon is immovable as ever.
It’s definitely not nothing, particularly when he's unusually clingy, like a child seeking protection from his mother. Sure, he’s probably got mommy issues, but it isn’t this bad to the point he’s looking for a substitute.
Anyway, you aren’t a mind reader. So you’re not gonna stop being an inquisitive bitch until you get an answer. But before you can even voice your thoughts, Taehoon starts muttering.
”Remember the guy you helped when some twerps were bothering him?” He asks, avoiding your gaze.
You take a moment to recall the incident he's referring to, realizing soon enough who he means.
”Uh-huh. That guy from class E, I think? What about him?”
A heavy silence fills the air. Taehoon struggles to find the right words to express what's bothering him. You raise a brow, awaiting an explanation while he still struggles to speak. For about 15 seconds, he keeps his grip on your arm, though it gradually loosens when he finally speaks up again.
”He wants to ask you out.”
He finally mutters, seeming to realize that his own feelings aren't really relevant to the situation.
You take a moment to absorb his words before playfully smacking him on the cheek, causing him to flinch at your unexpected action.
Are you… teasing him?
"Is that why you looked so pissed today?” You ask with a chuckle.
“Are you jeal-”
He bluntly replies, but his flushed face says so otherwise.
”Ugh, then why are you so troubled with the fact that he wants to ask me out?”
”I’m just, well…”
It's not like Taehoon has any right to be angry. After all, he spends most of his time with you, whether it's training in the dojang, playing Tekken at the arcade, or even the occasional sleepovers you both have. There's hardly a moment when you're apart, which might just stem from his internalized fear of being separated from you.
He's worried.
So worried, in fact, that the thought of having to let go of you terrifies him, consuming his thoughts entirely, that it’s probably inevitable that detatching himself from you is his only option.
”Forget it, just let me know when you’re going.” He finally concedes, his tone resigned.
Knowing Taehoon, it's either A.) he'll "casually" follow you during your date to "ensure your safety," or B.) the date won't happen at all. He won't fucking allow it. He won’t let it. No, not ever.
He releases your arm with a weary sigh, about to turn and leave, when you burst into laughter uncontrollably.
”Pfffft!\~ You’re so pathetic sometimes, y’know? How hard is it to admit that you’re jealous?”
”I am not!”
”You are\~”
You tease, a grin spreading across your face.
”Tch, whatever.”
He grumbles, unable to hide the slight flush creeping up his neck.
When you return to your classroom, a note sits on your desk, undoubtedly from the guy Taehoon mentioned. It reads, "Please meet me at the school gym after break.” the penmanship even better than yours and Taehoon’s combined.
”You’re not planning on going out with him, are ya?”
Taehoon asks, slyly slinging his arm around your shoulder.
”What do you think my answer will be?”
You reply smugly, pulling him closer.
”Das for you to tell me. What will it be?”
”Hmm, I dunno—”
”Oh, come on.”
Taehoon rolls his eyes in half-disbelief.
Soon enough, you make your way to the gym with Taehoon by your side. There's a bit of bickering and some comments from him about how it's a waste of time to go out with a schoolmate you barely speak to, suggesting it would be better to train with him instead.
As you spot the guy, Taehoon follows closely behind. You turn to face him, silently mouthing a "what" as he stays glued to your side.
”Dude, we need a moment.”
You whisper-shout, but he only rolls his eyes.
”Okay, fine. But if he does something wrong, just signal me and I won’t hesitate to jump him, kick his ass, ruin his life, fuck him up so bad- no, I don’t mean fuck fuck, but like ruin his life to the—”
And with that, you leave Taehoon behind, sighing hopelessly as he wonders if he'll ever muster the same courage as the boy confessing to you now. But for now, it seems like an impossible feat.
He watches from a distance, his expression stoic as he observes the bashful interaction between you and the boy.
”Fuck, maybe I am jealous.”
Taehoon grumbles, his lips pressing together tightly as his thoughts consume him.
What if he isn’t enough for you? What if his personality is a bit too much to handle? What if you really went out with someone else who isn’t- Taehoon? What if deep down, you know his feelings for you but you only decide to ignore because you’re not exactly sure how to reject him?
”What if—?”
"Taehoon, let's go."
You interject with a smile, breaking his train of thought. He stares back blankly as you inquire;
"You alright?”
A part of him—no, every fiber of his being wishes you had rejected the boy. He doesn't want you with anyone else. It's selfish, he knows, but he's unwilling to let you slip away, unwilling to waste a moment he can't spend with you. Fucking cringy as it may sound, it's the truth.
”What did you tell him?” Taehoon asks nonchalantly, trying to mask his inner turmoil.
"I told him if you couldn't come, I wasn't interested. Then he mentioned it was supposed to be a date, and you could come as the third wheel.” ”And then?” "I couldn't picture you agreeing to just being a third wheel, so I said no.”
You reply with a shrug.
Taehoon cartwheels internally, trying his hardest not to smile with the information you just gave him. He silently celebrates the fact that you prioritized HIM over a potential date. Deep down, he wants to shout with joy, scream “FUCK YEAH, TAKE THAT, PUSSY!” But of course, he suppresses all his emotions.
”Then, are you free after school tomorrow?” ”Uh-huh.” ”What about the day after tomorrow?” ”Yup!” ”And the day after that?” ”I have cram school but I’ll make some time for you.” ”What about the day after…”
As the two of you stroll outside the campus, engaged in a lighthearted, nonsensical conversation, Taehoon discreetly pulls out pieces of paper out of his pockets.
"What are those?" You inquire, your curiosity piqued by his secretive actions.
He replies casually, though there's a mischievous glint in his eye as he swiftly empties his pockets, throwing a collection of love letters from other students (that have been sent your way, perhaps out of protectiveness or simply to spare you the hassle of dealing with them yourself)into a nearby bin.
He clings onto your arm once more; ”Nothing important at all.”
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Time to catch up on your favorite dashboard simulator :3
#gonna start scheduling these for 1 or 2 per day #i really enjoy making them but I think i'll get burnt out otherwise #also HUGE ty to whoever was the anon who sent me the idea #about having therian cats #ohhh my god #hey anon #(or anyone else but im talkin to u) #feel free to dm me to talk at any point you seem cool
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
OMSC CONGRATS MOOSE! I'm so happy for you!!!!
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
WOAAAHHH CONGRATULATIONS MOOOSEE!!! Have you had your name ceremony yet??
#im so happy for ya dude #moving on from apprenticeship </3 #gonna miss you in the 'apprentice things' tag
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow reblogged
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Daily selfie !!!
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Trying on some new berry-based fur dye.
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
The amount of cats commenting "you'll never be a she-cat" and "wearing fur dye won't make you female" is astounding. Like. Thanks?? I'm a trans guy not a trans girl...
#lol?? #this is so funny to me #trans
4,703 notes
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🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
Ahh.. different type of post than usual, but.. mmrrnn... I'm considering coming out to my mentor. I know he's supportive, but I'm really nervous, so, uh.. I'm gonna leave it up to a Clanblr poll haha..
#trans #transmasc #trans tom #transgender #trans apprentice #advice #poll
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🤍 snwtl Follow
* ,○ ' WELCOME TO MY BLOG ^. o° ;
adult female cat - 49 moons - gender critical
Keep reading
#terfsafe #radfem #adult female cat #terf #riverclan
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🔁 🥬 rxttencatmint reblogged
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
New neighbors have THE most annoying dog I've ever met in my life. Won't shut up about how that's her yard and to get back... nobody wants your yard Jackie, shut uppp...
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since when do you speak dog????
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
I started picking it up when I moved to the twolegplace. I'm still not fluent, but I can hold a conversation with the neighborhood dogs if I want.
#every new thing i learn about kipper #just. wow #he is so coolll... #this is totally not the gender envy and parent issues speaking
2,851 notes
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🔁 🌊 missingmyscales reblogged
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
The worst part about being a fox therian is that even when I am partially accepted, it's usually because cats are telling me how horrible foxes are, and how I should've "picked a different species" because they think that's how it works.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Imagine being a fish. In RiverClan.
The closest I ever get to "acceptance" is my friends joking about how I would taste.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
How does it feel to have to eat the thing your damaged brain thinks you are. Lol
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Frst off. "Damaged brain" like. Oookay guess we're just being really mean to others on Clanblr today. Second off ,I dont eat fish??? I never even implied that I eat fish.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
You're from RiverClan lmao. What else is there to eat
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
You are joking, right?
Lizards, birds, water voles and shrews, snakes, frogs, toads?? None of those come to mind when you consider the potential diet of a RiverClan warrior??????
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
@missingmyscales you should probably just block @lalala-bluegaze, her whole blog is about being anti-kittypet, anti-therian, not believing enbies or bisexuals/any other lgbt identity than lesbian or gay or binary trans is valid, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's not worth talking to her.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Ahh thanks... blocked her. I didnt think to check her blog beforehand
#sorry again for arguing on your post, Maple #saw a misconception ab RiverClan and blacked out lol
407 notes
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass reblogged
🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
Good morning everyone <3 remember to eat breakfast and stay hydrated!
2,301 notes
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Ithunk i atw a bug
#it difnr taste good euther :/
1 note
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
So I guess I'm just on this site now?? Clanblr is gone. I can't access any of its posts. But. I can see "Tumblr". Which is weird. The posts are really strange here.
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theladyofbloodshed · 4 months
Who We Could Have Been - A Mor & Nesta friendship
A little one-shot set during the first week when Nesta is in Velaris after entering the Cauldron. It shows the Mor that I wished we saw, the care that I wished Nesta received, and a friendship that was never allowed to grow <3
It scratched at the windowsill, a never ending scrape-scrape. Nesta pulled the pillow over her head, wishing the bird would make the dive from its nest and splatter below rather than having to endure another moment of it thrashing and cheeping from the nest. Even the feathers in the pillow were too loud to her ears, the scrunch of the sheets too much. She took a respite in the bathroom, glad for the cool water that she splashed on her face and neck.
Velaris was a hell. Being fae was a nightmare. Her body was alien to her, the movements foreign and lumbering like a newborn lamb. Nesta moved quicker now as evidenced by the number of times she’d overbalanced with her steps. It was not only speed. Her body was stronger. The soaked nightgown that she’d been brought here in had ripped in two when she tried to pull it off her body, so she’d been left naked and crying in the bedroom whilst searching for the promised robes that were within.
Maybe another might be glad for the speed and strength, but Nesta hated it. Her senses were amplified; the colours brighter, her hearing tuning in to every slight sound, she could smell when one of them was cooking at the other end of the house – and that always had a far richer taste than she was used to. For the first couple of days, all Nesta could stomach was dry toast. It was all too rich, too heavy for her new-found palette.
A soft knock at the door came as it did every morning around this time. The others left them alone, which Nesta was glad for. Hopefully, the blonde one would get the hint soon enough.
Morrigan never did.
The key in the door was useless because she used her magic to turn it back around, so Nesta had to wonder why they even bothered with locks in Prythian if people came and went as they pleased.
‘Good morning. How do you feel today?’
Nesta pressed her hands to her temples, the noise shooting through her.
‘Do you have a headache again?’ Mor took a step forwards. She tilted her head so blonde hair cascaded across her face. ‘Shall I send for Madja?’
‘I do not want that woman anywhere near me,’ declared Nesta.
That rotten healer had smiled at her and said everything was perfect. It was not perfect. It was far from perfect. It was long limbs and pointed ears and everything too damn loud.
She clutched her head, voice rising, ‘Will that bird leap to its death or leave me the hell alone?’
Morrigan’s eyes widened then she held up a finger. ‘One moment.’
While she departed, Nesta perched on a sliver of the mattress. Buried beneath layers of blankets, despite the warm spring morning, Elain slept soundly. She reminded Nesta of a girl from a story who pricked her finger and slept for a thousand years. To the fae, that was probably nothing. A blink of an eye and they welcomed a new millennium. She ran a hand against Elain’s face then shivered at the sound of her hair sliding over itself.
Mor held out a mass of fluffy, white fur.
‘What am I meant to do with that?’
The woman had no bearings on propriety. She crowded Nesta’s space as she placed the two balls of fur against her ears. Her fingers were warm on the points of Nesta’s ears, but she still felt revulsed by somebody touching them. They were a reminder of what she was.
When Morrigan stepped away, it was… better. The sound was muffled. Less intense.
‘Ear muffs! I forgot to give them back to Viviane last time I visited her, but if they work then they work.’
Nesta could finally breathe. The brightness and taste, she could manage. The bombardment of sound had been a constant battle that had been wearing her down.
‘Does that feel better, Nesta?’
She didn’t know why but she felt heat building in her face as tears prickled her eyes. ‘Yes.’
Mor touched her hand. ‘This is new ground for us too. We don’t know the ways in which you’re struggling so I’ll need you to be vocal.’ Her fingers slipped into Nesta’s. ‘You're not a burden for telling us what you need. I know it’s scary. I can’t imagine how you feel. But I’m here. We are all here for you – and Elain – for as long as it takes.’
The final portion of the dam collapsed and a flood of tears broke through. She was not one for weeping or embraces. Tears were to be briefly shed alone then forgotten about. Servants were forbidden from coddling them – and her mother was not the sort to do it either. Yet, when Mor instinctively moved forwards and wrapped her arms around Nesta, she was so grateful for that touch. To not be the one having to hold it all together. To have a moment where she didn’t need to worry about Elain.
‘Let’s go for a chat,’ the woman said against her cheek.
‘Elain,’ began Nesta.
‘Elain is asleep. We won’t be far.’
It was against her better judgement, but Nesta followed. In the week since they had been taken from their beds, Nesta had barely seen beyond the four walls of the bedroom. She’d cloistered herself in there, unable to take any more change.  It was a prison. A prison to fester.
‘We’re quite high up in the house, so we won’t winnow yet if the noise is too much. Velaris can be… loud,’ she said, smiling brightly. ‘Do you paint like Feyre?’
‘A shame,’ said Mor as they walked through a red-walled corridor with brightly coloured rugs strewn about haphazardly as if they had too many that they didn’t know what to do with them. ‘Velaris is known for its artists’ quarter. We’ve got lots of markets too if you’re a food lover.’
Disappointment grew in her. ‘Not particularly.’
‘No matter. What do you like to do, Nesta?’
Upset my sisters. Ruin my future.
Could nothing dim Morrigan’s cheery disposition? Her eyes had blown wide with delight. ‘Oh, do I have the perfect place. Wait. Maybe not today,’ she pondered aloud. ‘Lots of priestesses. Lots of noise. But,’ Mor took her by the hand like she was a child’s plaything. ‘Yes! Let’s go.’
Nesta tried not to frown as she was tugged along the corridor then down a set of steps. Something sweet was baking in the oven, the smell wafting towards them. But it was not the kitchen that Mor towed her towards. They reached a set of double doors where Mor gave her a knowing look.
‘Behold,’ she whispered, pushing open a door.
Rows and rows of books filled her vision. It was a library. A personal library stacked with shelves, each one begging Nesta to run her eyes along it and choose a title.
She moved to take a step then held herself back.
‘It’s okay,’ Mor reassured her, touching her arm. ‘Go in. Have a look. Take as much time as you need. I need to get something – unless you want me to stay?’
‘I can be alone,’ Nesta replied.
The library was warm with wedges of sunlight pouring in through the tall windows. The books in its path had spines damaged by sunlight so the leather was fading. Nesta stood in the light, letting it soak into her bones. Her finger trailed along one shelf, tracking each book and wondering which to read. There were sections on the arts, history, geography, poetry, foreign books – and even a whole section dedicated to fiction. Father always said it was a waste of time. Nothing could be learnt from a story. Mother despised reading entirely.
Why must your head be filled with words? A husband will not take to being outwitted by his wife.  
Their scoldings could never staunch her desire. Nesta had read in secret, had stolen books from father’s collection at night and returned them in the morning. She’d begged the housekeeper to buy her them and she’d find the money from somewhere.
When Nesta was already a chapter deep into a heavy, ancient book about the history of the Night Court, Morrigan returned.
‘I bring snacks,’ she announced.
A handful of cakes had been artfully arranged on a plate, their icing colourful and appetising.
Mor caught her gazing at them. ‘Take one. I brought them for you.’
‘I can’t.’
‘Yes, you can.’
Why did it feel like a weakness to admit the ways in which she was struggling? It wasn’t Nesta’s fault that she was in this life. Not her fault that it was new and scary.
‘Everything tastes so strong.’
Morrigan gave a murmur of understanding. ‘Feyre suffered with that. She just had to push through and get used to it, I think. I wish she was here. She’d be a better help.’ Mor just shrugged, letting the words roll away. ‘What about tea? Can you manage that?’
One of the strange women appeared from the shadows, as if she had always been there.  Nesta was sure that sometimes she blurred at the edges as though not quite real.
‘Is that alright, Cerridwen?’
The woman nodded then vanished again.
Mor leaned forwards and rested her chin on a closed fist. ‘What are you reading?’
‘A history of this court.’ Nesta swallowed. This woman was trying to make conversation, trying to help. Being prickly would only push away the help. ‘All I’ve ever been told is that faeries cannot lie and they will enjoy hurting us. I don’t know anything. I don’t know how long you live, who are your enemies – if you can lie.’
‘We can lie. We can touch iron. We can step across a circle.’
‘What a list of talents you have,’ came a drawling man’s voice.
Oh. It was him.
As Cassian approached, carrying a tray of tea, Nesta’s body coiled tight like a snake ready to strike if he came too close.
Mor gave a sarcastic laugh. ‘I’m helping Nesta to understand how fantastic we are.’
‘Oh, you’re a historian? When did I miss that?’ Cassian came around the back of Nesta’s chair, taking a deliberately longer route to get to the space on the table, before putting down the tray.
‘And you’re a waiter now?’
Cassian threw Mor a wink as he poured the tea for the two of them. ‘A male of many talents.’
His eyes slid to Nesta, cataloguing all of the changes in her. She’d not seen him since he was bleeding out on the floor in Hybern’s castle. She remembered the twitch of his fingers, the jerk of his bloody wings.
‘Your wings have healed,’ she stated.
Cassian slowly – ever so slowly – dipped his chin like he was in disbelief that she’d noticed they were not ruined ribbons hanging behind him. ‘They’re not as they were. I need to practise flying. I’ll, uh, be flying here often to strengthen them.’
His eyes dipped to her lips as she brought the scalding cup to her lips only to have something to do with her hands.
Those words hung there. An offer if she wanted to take it. He’d come here again if she wanted to see him?
‘Shoo,’ said Mor. ‘I have an in-depth history of the Hewn City to tell Nesta and I won't have you spoiling it with stories of how amazing you are.’
Cassian held up his hands. ‘Nes, if you want to know about brave warriors, I’m waiting.’
Long after Cassian departed, Nesta was still on a cloud somewhere. Mor’s words hardly registered although at any other time, Nesta would have been riveted with the history of Morrigan’s family. Her mind was caught on a pair of hazel eyes and a teasing grin. Cassian hadn’t commented on the ear muffs she wore or that she was even out of the bedroom.
For hours they talked, conversation swirling from serious discussions about the political alignment of the Night Court to the best boutiques for clothing and embarrassing stories about Cassian – of which Morrigan had plenty. When Nesta finally gave in to the squirming guilt that encouraged her to check in on Elain and be with her, Mor insisted she take a few library books with her and also insisted that Nuala and Cerridwen would be happy to make her whatever food she wanted as long as she asked them.
‘I’m really glad you came out of the room,’ said Mor, linking her arm with Nesta’s on the walk back. ‘Same again tomorrow?’
Tomorrow. Tomorrow meant a future. It meant no longer hiding. It meant accepting that this was her life.
Nesta offered a short smile. ‘I can do tomorrow.’
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lavendertom · 11 months
The Neighbor Across the Street pt. 3
Mike Schmidt x Babysitter!f!Reader
part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, part 6
wc: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of garrett’s kidnapping + mikes trauma from that, fluff, tiny age gap barely mentioned (as always, lmk if there’s anything i’ve missed)
summary: the neighbor across the street needs a babysitter, so you take the job, not knowing what’s in store for you as you grow closer to the siblings. AU where nothing bad happens at the pizzeria
quick note, as mentioned this is an AU, but mikes trauma is still there from garrett’s kidnapping but i won’t go down the wormhole of lore for this bc that’s not necessarily why i’m writing this
The cool breeze of a spring afternoon could be felt as you made your way to the Schmidt’s house. It was a Saturday and technically you weren’t supposed to be at their house today.
Abby was found knocking on your front door just a few minutes earlier, asking if you could come over and play outside with her. You had a good feeling she’d been asking Mike all day, but he refused to call you and ask himself because you’d “probably be busy with school work.” So, the young girl took it upon herself to ask.
“Mike got me a huge box of sidewalk chalk we can draw with.” Abby told you as you walked to the house together. “I also have a bicycle, we can go on a bike ride together! Well, not you, you’re too big for my bike. But you can walk.”
You smiled at yourself, hearing the girl talk and talk about all of the things she was excited to do with you.
“Abby, what’d I say about going to y/n’s house?” you could hear Mike say when you reached the outside of their garage. He looked like he was cleaning some shelves full of random tools.
“She said she wasn’t busy!” Abby said, defending herself.
“It’s okay, I didn’t have much homework this weekend. Anything for my favorite neighbor.” you said in the midst of doing the handshake you and Abby made up one time while you were babysitting after her.
“I thought I was your favorite?” Mike said, pretending to sound offended.
“My second favorite. Get it right.” you said with a small smirk.
Before you could continue conversing with him, Abby dragged you by the wrist with a box of chalk in her other arm.
The two of you combined ended up drawing enough pictures to fill up a majority of the driveway. Granted it wasn’t long, but you ended up making a masterpiece out of the broken up concrete.
“It looks like your room threw up on the driveway, Abby.” Mike said walking out of the garage to assess the damage that was done.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Abby said grinning.
“Yeah, when’s it going to rain again? Or I can just grab the hose and–”
“Be nice!” you said, playfully hitting his arm.
“I want to go on a bike ride now!” Abby said as she ran to pull her bike out of the corner of the garage. She had a habit of quickly moving on from one activity to the next with little room in between.
“I’ll go with her.” you said with a smile.
“I’ll come too.” Mike said, already closing the garage door behind him before you could object and say something like “You need a break, go rest.” Abby already made her way down the drive way, riding towards the sidewalk.
“It’s nice out today.” you said in an attempt to make small talk as you guys followed behind Abby. You guys haven’t spoken much since that night he returned home from his first night shift. You’ll never know what compelled you to give him that hug and what compelled him to give you one in return before you left.
“Yeah, I was finally able to get some stuff done outside today.”
“That’s good.” you were taking in the sounds of the birds chirping, some trees were finally blossoming again after the weather started warming up a bit. After a few seconds of comfortable silence you spoke up, “How’s the job been?”
“As good as a night shift job can be.”
“You getting much sleep lately?” His eyes still looked tired as the day you first saw them, if not more.
“When have I ever.” he paused for a moment, not sure if he was ready to enter this conversation with you. “Sleep has never come easy for me.”
“You can say that again.” you said with a small chuckle.
“Has your mom told you much about our situation?” he said at a slightly softer volume than earlier.
“Not really.”
He took a deep breath before he began talking. “When I was about 12 years old, I had a little brother. His name was Garret. He was taken and we never found him. I was there when it happened.” he stopped for a moment, you looked at him and saw the hurt in his face. “I still have nightmares, every night. I just wish there was something I could’ve done. Anything.”
“I’m so sorry Mike.” you said quietly, you were shocked. You never knew the reasons why this family had it so hard, it made you feel almost guilty that you didn’t take the time to know them earlier. Neither of them asked to be put in this situation.
“It’s okay. It’s just hard thinking back on it. I feel like it’s my fault. Parents told me I needed to watch him. I let this happen.” he was fidgeting with his thumbs, taking in a deep breath. “Anyways, mom died a little after Abby was born, dad died not long after. I had no other choice but to take custody of Abby and become her guardian.”
Everything made sense to you now. Mike had his hands full all of the time and not by choice. No wonder he was always working.
“Are you doing any better now?” you asked.
“The nightmares are still there. I don’t think they’ll ever go away, but I put on a brave face for Abby. She knows very little about Garret, kind of want to keep it that way.”
“I understand.” you said looking down at the pavement beneath your feet. “Thanks for telling me this by the way.”
“You were going to find out one way or another. Better talk about it now than later.” the two of you looked ahead and saw Abby stopped at a street corner.
“You guys are too slow!” she shouted.
“We’re coming!” you shouted back. “If it means anything to you, you’re doing a hell of a good job. She cares about you.” you smiled softly, looking over at him.
“I hope so. Doesn’t seem like it sometimes. She’s a pain in the ass when you’re not around.” he mumbled.
“Really?” you asked, genuinely surprised. “She talks about you like you’re her entire world when I babysit.” The two instantly remembered what the girl had said to Y/n that one night, Y/n not knowing Mike heard all about it the next day.
“You would be a good princess for Mike.”
“Give her some time, she’ll open up to you one day.” you said reassuringly.
The rest of the walk you guys talked about random things. You told him all about your college courses which he found incredibly interesting, although not understanding much about what they entailed. He told you about some of his craziest encounters when he was a mall security guard. The two of you laughed so hard over one of them you almost tripped over the uneven pavement, making you guys laugh even harder.
When you finally returned to his house it was beginning to get dark out. Abby somehow was not tired one bit, despite having ridden her bike for almost 45 minutes.
“I promised Abs I’d let her make s’mores tonight. You can join us.” he said putting his hands in his pockets. It was starting to get cooler out as the sun set. “If you want.” he added at the last second.
“Sure, why not.” you had enjoyed getting to know him better, you didn’t really want to go home yet anyways. “I’m just gonna run home real quick to grab a hoodie, it’s getting co-“
“You can just borrow one of mine.” he interrupted.
“You sure? It’s not that big of a deal I can just run inside real quick.” your heart racing at the thought of him letting you wear one of his hoodies. He’s just being nice you reassured yourself, nothing more.
“Y/n, it’s fine.” he said with a chuckle. “You can go through the gate on the side of the house, Abby’s probably already back there.”
He went through the front door as you walked to the back of the house, and sure enough Abby was already back there placing a handful of s’mores supplies on a little table on the back porch of the house.
“You’re staying for s’mores, Y/n?” Abby asked, excitement beginning to fill her.
“Yeah.” you said smiling. You saw a stack of camping chairs leaning against the house. “Wanna help me grab the chairs?”
The two of you grabbed the chairs, placing them around the campfire pit. You heard the door open and saw Mike stepping out holding hoodies for both you and Abby.
He handed you one, you gave him a tight lipped smile after thanking him. You slipped it over your head, it was just slightly oversized on you. It smelled just like he did the night you gave him the hug, you thought you’d never get over that scent. Your hands were tucked into the pocket of it as you took a seat on one of the chairs, waiting for Mike to finish starting the fire.
“Okay Abs please don’t burn every single marshmallow this time, I want Y/n to actually have an edible s’more.” Mike said looking over at his sister who was already putting far too many marshmallows on a long stick.
Mike sat on the chair next to you. The moment felt peaceful as Abby skipped over holding a stick with marshmallows, holding it over the fire. You watched as Abby toasted the marshmallows, trying her hardest not to turn them all to charcoal. The sun had finally set and the sky was clear, the stars becoming more visible. You noticed Mike was looking up at the sky.
“Have you ever seen a shooting star before?” you asked, both of you now looking up.
“No, have you?” Mike replied.
“A few. When I was a kid, I used to sit out back and just watch the sky until I’d see one. I ended up being able to see a few because of the insane amount of time I’d be out there.” you were still looking up.
Mike turned his attention from the sky to you, watching how your lips formed the smallest of smiles as you spoke. He watched the way your eyes lit up from talking about something so important to you. He felt himself begin to smile, too.
You kept talking, not realizing that he wasn’t looking up at the sky anymore. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, not when your face lit up with joy from just talking about something as simple as the stars. The way it seemed like your hair fell just perfectly and his hoodie seemed to fit you just right didn’t help the situation either.
You finally turned your head back to him realizing he had been looking at you the whole time, a small smile still on his face.
“What?” you said with a nervous laugh.
“Nothing.” he said with a smile, shaking his head slightly as he turned his attention back to the sky.
“Here’s your s’more, Y/n!” Abby said as she suddenly popped up next to you. You almost forgot she was even with you guys anymore, her focus was entirely on making the most yummy s’mores. That left little time for her to ask you all of her usual questions.
“Thanks Abby.” you said, smiling at her as she handed you a messy s’more. She ran back to grab another one, handing it to Mike.
“Thanks Abs.” he said, giving his sister a side hug before she could run away again to grab her own s’more.
The three of you spent the rest of the night snaking on many more s’mores and talking more about the stars until Abby fell asleep in her small camping chair. The fire was dimming, barely alive anymore. You and Mike continued watching the sky, pointing out constellations and attempting to see a shooting star with no luck.
“I should probably take Abby to bed.” Mike said as he stood up, making his way towards Abby. He picked up his little sister as gently as possible making sure not to wake her.
“Yeah I should probably head home now.” you said also standing up. You grabbed the chairs you all used to put them back where you found them.
“Thanks, Y/n. You didn’t have to.” he said as he made his way to the back door.
“No problem. The least I could do after those s’mores Abby made.” you smiled.
You followed him into the house as he walked towards the front door, Abby still peacefully asleep in his arms. He slowly opened the front door for you.
“See you Monday?” he asked.
“Yup.” you replied, and before you knew it he pulled you into a side hug. His two favorite people were in his arms now and he didn’t want it any other way.
“Have a good night, Y/n.”
“You too, Mike.” as you pulled away from his embrace, you put a hand on Abby’s shoulder. You gave the two a small smile which he returned as you walked out of the door.
And you bet he stood there until you were across the street, just like he did every other time you left their house.
When you returned home to your bedroom, which was still decorated like it was when you were 13, you felt warm inside. A different type of warm inside, the feeling you have when you care about someone so much and they care just as much back. All you wanted to do was make sure he knew you cared for him and Abby so much.
You looked at your bulletin board next to your door that had a photo of you and Abby from one of the first times you babysat her. She begged you to bring your polaroid camera and she took advantage of it, snapping all sorts of photos of you and her.
It wasn’t until you saw the photo that you realized you were still wearing Mikes hoodie he lent you. You looked in the mirror next to your door, admiring the hoodie. It wasn’t anything special, just a plain black hoodie, but it felt special. You were determined to continue changing their lives. Making sure their days were brighter, months filled with more happy days than sad ones.
You crawled into bed, too tired to take off the hoodie. You took in the smell of it one last time before you drifted off to sleep thinking about the memories you made today, hoping you’d never forget them.
jules jewels (tag list! lmk if u want to be added or removed 🤗)
@balesita @universi8 @browneyedgirly93 @prongsprincessworld @k3nnlolz @mxrvelouss
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koji-haru · 1 month
Swap AU Part: 2
Adam sat on a rock at the edge of the lake, lazily dipping his feet in the cool water. It had been a few days since Michael first visited him, and ever since then, the angel had made sure to visit him in the garden everyday, and ensured that he took care of himself well enough. It was embarrassing for Adam, to be taken care of like that, but he was thankful for the company since he still didn’t wish to see Lilith and Lucifer. Even the thought of them still hurt him.
Michael watched the first man nibble silently on the apple he had given him. He clearly didn’t have the appetite to eat despite how sickly he looked. He had hoped that some sunlight, fresh air and food would lighten up the first man. Clearly that wasn’t the case. It was also clear that Adam didn’t wish to tell him what caused this behaviour. 
And so, they just sat on the grass in silence. Not an easy silence, but it also wasn’t uncomfortable. It was a silence on mutual understanding. And really, Michael did understand Adam’s silence. Not because he knew why, but because he also preferred to keep some things close to himself. Although, if there were any hints of it being harmful in some way, then of course he would have to intervene. As of now, however, he would respect Adam’s wish for privacy.
“Unless it’s something harmful, you don’t have to tell me why you’re acting this way,” Michael started, turning to face Adam’s forlorn figure. “But you have to promise me that you’ll at least take care of yourself.”
Adam half heartedly nodded at the angel's words as he fiddled with his half eaten apple, having long given up on finishing it. He was relieved that the angel didn’t pry any further, but he didn’t have the energy to be happy about it. Or about anything at all. 
Seeing Adam’s response, Michael was convinced that the first man was, in fact, not going to start taking care of himself. He sighed, a little exasperated. Not at Adam, but at his brother, Lucifer. Seriously, what did he do this time? Michael already had so much work to do in Heaven. But then… Lucifer almost never directly asks for help, often trying to fix the problem before anyone ever finds out. Not that it stopped Michael from having to help him out a few times. He was sure he could squeeze some time for this in his already busy schedule. Besides, like Lucifer said, he was already patrolling the garden anyway.
“I’ve decided. I will be visiting everyday until you are well,” Michael declared.
This time, Adam looked up to face Michael. And what he saw were determined blue eyes, that were steadfast in their sincerity. Adam gave a slight smile. He hoped that this wasn’t a lie. 
“Alright. I’ll be waiting then.”
And so, Adam was waiting for Michael’s visit today just as he did yesterday and the day before and so on. The lake had become their daily meeting spot. Adam had chosen the place early on so that the angel didn’t have to look all over the garden for him.
While he waited, Adam played with the water with his feet. Splashing around and at nearby fish, who in turn swam away only to come back again. It felt refreshing. The way that the water that clung to his tanned skin felt cool, and the midday sun warmed up his skin with its light. The birds were singing along with soft rustling of leaves, flowers swaying to Eden’s tune. Echoes of the past ring within his ears. Three sets of laughter in the lake. Loud splashing sounds and squeals of joy. The pitter patter of water droplets as heavy footsteps dragged themselves onto the grass. Back when all three of them still played together. Adam had dragged Lucifer into the water, soaking him from head to toe, his robes drenched and his hat floating away from him. Lilith, though she rarely did, had also joined Adam in his shenanigans, splashing more water onto the surprised angel. It was the three of them on a refreshing day, playing in the water. Now, it was just him and the fish. One particularly curious fish swam close to his legs and stayed there. Its beady eyes focused on Adam as it attempted to splash water back at him.
Adam smiled, “Oh, if only you could talk…”
Droplets fell onto his lap. Despite it all, he missed them, and yet, he couldn’t allow them to be near him. Not right now anyway. He missed the times when they all spent time together, whether it was playing around, singing and playing songs or just talking about the new things they had found in the garden. He missed the days when he lived simply, unburdened by these unpleasant thoughts and feelings. 
A slimy feeling on his leg brought Adam out of his thoughts. The fish snuggled up against his leg, eyes looking up at him. At least the animals were always there for him. Adam dipped his hand onto the water, petting the curious fish. 
“Sorry I didn’t visit for a while.”
Michael arrived by the lake, just a few feet away from the first man. It had been a few days since he had begun visiting Adam, and while the human was still despondent, he was at least getting better, even just a little. The sight in front of him confirmed that. Yes, he still had that sad look on his face, but he started playing with the animals again. That was a good sign.
Michael walked silently towards the first man, not wishing to burst the bubble of peace that Adam had made for himself. A small smile crept onto his face once he got close enough to see that Adam was talking to and playing with a particularly curious fish. A soft innocence radiating off of him as he spoke to the fish in an affectionate manner. 
Unfortunately, Michael had to announce his presence. “Hello Adam.”
At the sound of his voice, the fish quickly swam away back into the deeper part of the lake and Adam brought his hands out of the water, turning to face Michael. The little moment was broken. 
“Oh, hi Michael. You’re finally here,” Adam gave a small wave, a soft smile on his face. While he wasn’t particularly close with the angel, and Michael wasn’t as playful as Lucifer, he appreciated the fact that the angel kept his promise of visiting him everyday even if it was just to make sure he took care of himself. Besides, this angel was so different from Lucifer that his innate curiosity couldn’t help but poke its head out. He thought most angels would be like, or at least similar to, Lucifer. Friendly, playful and prone to do tricks. While Michael did look similar to Lucifer, their personalities were quite different. Michael wasn’t particularly talkative or playful and he hadn’t played a trick on Adam yet. That didn’t mean he wasn’t nice though. He was just as nice as Lucifer (and hopefully even nicer). It was just a different kind of niceness. In a more reserved and subtle way. But he could feel it. He could feel it in the way he helped Adam find and pick out food that he could tolerate to eat, or when he would say soothing words that uplifted Adam’s spirits, or when he would answer Adam’s questions earnestly as he told him stories about Heaven from his perspective. Michael was a very kind angel, despite Adam’s initial reluctance of his company. 
“How are you today?,” Michael stepped a little closer to Adam, “doing a bit better?”
Adam nodded. He was doing better, even just a bit, thanks to the angel's insistence. 
“Did you eat this morning?”
Adam nodded again.
“How about at noon?”
Seeing Adam’s reluctance to answer, Michael gave the first man a scolding look. Not a harsh one, but more akin to an parent who caught their child red handed. A little disappointed, but not angry. 
“Ah. Nono,” Adam waved his hands in slight panic, trying to clear the misunderstanding. “Actually, I was waiting for you to join me.” He picked up something from behind the rock, where Michael couldn't clearly see. “I found this interesting fruit, I thought you night want to try.” 
Adam proudly presented a pineapple to the angel. It wasn't an easy fruit to get, its skin being firm and rough to the touch, and he needed something sharp to cut off its stem. With enough effort though, he managed to get one to share with Michael. 
It was a curious looking plant, Michael had to admit. Relatively large and heavy. Its skin appeared to be tough. Its leaves waxy and prickly. Was it even edible? If he didn't know any better, he'd say it was some sort of weapon. An odd organic weapon. Definitely a curious looking fruit, and at the moment, he was a curious angel. 
There was no need for angel's to eat, but there was also no harm in eating. So, Michael thought he might as well indulge Adam, if that would make him happier. Plus, he did want to try the fruit. It was a double win situation. 
“Well, if you don't mind me joining you…” 
Adam noticeably brightened up at Michael's response. He always liked to share and try new things with someone. Adam scooched over and eagerly patted the space beside him, urging the angel to sit beside him. And so, Michael did, though he had to be careful not to accidentally push the human into the water with his wings. The bulk of six wings suddenly became rather inconvenient. 
Using a sharpened rock, Adam began slicing off the pineapple's tough skin, revealing the juicy yellow fruit inside. Then, he began cutting the yellow part into smaller bite size pieces. Once done, he placed the cut fruit pieces onto a cleaned banana leaf he had prepared earlier, before presenting the prepared fruit to Michael, clearly pleased with himself and his skills. 
“Here, here, have some!” Adam stared wide-eyed at Michael, anticipating for him to have the first bite. 
And so, Michael did. He grabbed a piece between his fingers before popping them into his mouth. It was soft, with some crunch to it, and very juicy. The juice from the slice burst across his tongue, leaving a sweet flavour and an odd tingling sensation. It was unlike anything he had before. Without thinking, his hand reached out for another piece. 
“So, do you like it?,” Adam asked before grabbing a piece himself. He liked sharing meals with others, and was secretly hoping that if Michael liked it enough, then he would join for more in the future. It was his way avoiding loneliness and some sort of return to how he used to spend time in the garden. Luckily for Adam, the angel seemed to like it, grabbing a piece one after the other. Clearly enjoying the refreshing sweetness of the fruit. 
Michael nodded, pleasantly surprised by the sweet flavour of the fruit. Coupled with warm sunny’s rays and the cool breeze that danced across the lake. The gentle swaying of leaves, the peaceful songs of critters living their lives. Michael had never fully appreciated the garden. He visited the garden, did his routine patrols, and then left, never spending any more time than necessary. Sure, he saw the beauty in it, but he only truly realised why it was called paradise. It was perfection unlike Heaven. Where Heaven was pristine, organised and radiant in its beauty, Eden was akin to freeing wildness, a warm and organic perfection. What he initially thought of as another favour for Lucifer had turned out to be one of the more delightful things he got to do as of today. 
Adam watched the angel enjoy the pineapple, one hand resting on his cheek. It was a little shocking for the first man. To see the normally cool and reserved angel obviously delighted with newfound sensations. It reminded him of when he used to find new things together with Lilith and Lucifer. He could go find them now, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to see their faces yet. That, and it had become obvious to him now that they preferred to be together without Adam, if them missing or being too busy to spend time with him were any indication. Besides, Michael was good company. He just hoped he would stay.
[Not too proud of this chapter ngl, but it's done]
Part 1
Part 3
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weird-an · 1 year
Billy is so lost in Hawkins.
There's no place where he feels good, where he can relax, there's no place even close to a home. He is still looking. Can't help it.
One night after a party he walks home, because Neil took the keys from him again. He's walking through backyards and gardens and damn, for such a dump like Hawkins a lot of tasteless people that are surprisingly loaded live here.
He stops at one house. There's a pool there. The house is dark and there are no cars parked in front. He's still drunk, but he tries to remember.
Billy swings by a week later when Neil decides Billy is too loud, too annoying and kicks him out. It's a warm summer night. The sun is a orange memory at the horizon. The blue water from the pool reminds him a little of California, even though it smells like chlorine and not like the sea.
He walks around the house, tries to peek into the windows. No one is there. He decides that it all doesn't matter anyway. He wants to have one good thing here in the void that is Indiana.
He takes a quick swim and then sits by the pool, feet still in the water, splashing around a little. He listens to the tiny waves clashing against the blue tiles of the pool. A few birds are chirping.
It's peaceful. Billy hasn't lived a peaceful moment for ages.
He comes back. It seems like no one is ever home and it's a gift. Neil drinks too much and Billy escapes. To the pool, to take a swim, to just lie next to it and smoke a cigarette. Even read a book, sometimes.
It becomes the closest thing to home Billy can find.
One day, Neil loses it, because apparently money is tight if you gamble with your colleagues too much and Billy's side is throbbing, but he can escape.
He's in the water, enjoying the coolness chasing away the summer's heat from his skin and breaches the surface to see the last of the daylight fade away.
Steve Harrington stares at him. Billy nearly swallows a bit of the pool's water.
"It's okay. I... saw you a few times already."
It's Harrington's pool. Billy has been hanging around Harrington's pool. His cheeks burn.
Steve smiles. Kind, not judging. "I... thought, I might join you today, if you're okay with it."
Steve is asking. Even though it's his pool. Steve lets him stay here.
Billy blinks. The water is soft around him, stroking his skin and he still feels safe here. Because this, this right here is a good place, a piece of home.
"I brought beer." Steve holds up two bottles.
Billy swims closer and pushes himself up the pool's side. He doesn't now what to say. If it's thank you or something else.
He grabs the bottle. Steve grins at him. It's like the sun is rising again, even though it has just sunk.
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thefoolishone666 · 5 months
Kickin Chicken once said
@hiwelcometothemonstersancturary gave me the go to do this, which is mistake one for them, so here is my go at giving them what they encouraged while I pray it works well. And if not...well I at least tried.
* (Refering to Bobby) She is called Captain Heartbeat cause she will squeeze love out of your heart...and blood, but mostly love.
* (After speaking pr-bt for a 2 minutes) You ever forget your first language?
* Mods, take their swimming privileges away and put them in the pool.
* I would go evil, but I am going to follow dad's steps of being good...plus I saw they went shoe shopping so...
* What do you mean I can't seduce myself!?
* (Loud thud off Camera) PERCEPÇÃO DE PROFUNDIDADE!
* Our ship has a pool, an omelet bar, tons of rooms for you to sleep in, one would say that is a cruise, to which I say, fair, but have you seen the plank, cause I am about to get you real familiar with it.
* I heard some demons were touched starved. I got more than enough buckshot to help with that.
* Bubba, reading chat: "Kickin isn't the sharpest knife in the group," Well that is rude...
Kickin: I did eat packing peanuts when I was younger to be fair.
Everyone in room:
Kickin:...Wait is this new information for you?
Everyone: YES!?
* Wonder how many people come on to see me stream thinking "Oh hey, the voice actor for Kickin does streaming," or "Hey is this the official channel for the Smiling Critters show?" And they just come in on me saying something like, "I HAVE BUILT A TO SCALE JOLLY ROGER WITH POPSICLE STICKS!"
* Hey Theo, it's you! (Gets empty bottle thrown at head) Ow.
* White is the color of evil, cause nothing exists in it! Delight taught me that!
* I would cry, but I am too dehydrated to do such a thing. (Goes to drink some water, pauses, puts water bottle back down)
* It is always funny to see people react to my complete indifference to horrible stuff.
* I needed to find a way to get a gambling addiction, so I thought space could have the answer.
* (Seeing Bubba being affected by the blue screen) Bubba, I know you always wanted to become the one thing I love, but this is ridiculous!
* I am just saying revenge is amazing, ok? Yeah, you gain a tremendous amount of regret sometimes, but it is amazing.
* Cool motive bro, still murder!
* (In response to Angel giving them food) It hasn't been that long since I started streaming, it has only been...5 hours...
* This is my favorite bird. (Holds up middle finger before pointing to self) It is the chicken.
* (Wearing VR) The future is today!...I might need it adjusted though.
* Does dying take away time away from my vacation days?
* Fursuits are getting so good you can now subject yourself to your own form of trauma to fuse into it. Brought to you by Playtime.
* I have seen the internet and honestly, have seen worse. Which is saying alot.
* (Looks at Candy Cat in his lap before looking at camera)...Help. me.
* Theo: You finally did it! Did it help when you imagined it was me you were fighting?
Kickin: Not at all...worked when it was Dogday though.
Dogday: WHAT DID I DO?
Kickin: Hell if I know. As long as it works though.
* (Playing I Expect You to Die, dies trying to do an action pose)...(Starts singing the James Bond theme notes)
* (Reacting to "Unnecessary Feelings") Bubba, I was promised a crime drama, not a reminder that no one in this house knows how to feeling well, including us!
* I would boop you, but I don't want a pirate hook this early in my character development.
* William then preceded to commit several hours of joy, on at least an entire classroom of kids to learn why death does.
* You can have one hit Hoppy...Ah não, ela tem uma cadeira!
* Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I am just going to turn into a nuke to fall on you.
* (Stares at camera while winding music box)
* Chica, you wouldn't hurt your brother, would you? Or would you want me to be you and Foxy's kid, whichever makes you more merciful on me.
* I am here to break the stereotype that parrots can only be pirates and no other reasons at all.
* (Refering to how much money he has in game) $60!? I can finally afford 1 AAA video game! (Pulls up Balan Wonderworld steam page) I am going to buy this one guys!
* Kickin, coming into Crafty's stream: You mind if I borrow a picture.
Crafty: Uh sure...Why?
Kickin, taking one of the monsters: A reminder.
Crafty: A reminder of what?
Kickin: Of who in this family is an actual threat. (Leaves without elaboration)
* Don't make fun of me, I will cry will I beat you up.
* We don't even own a game cube, I just want to find a copy of Skies of Arcadia to display.
* When you get into a certain mindset for so long, it is so jarring to have to go into a different line of think, like you just suddenly ask, "Wait I don't have to ration this sandwich for the entire year?"
* I am still surprised I recovered so well from all of that.
* What would the others do without me? Minus not having a heart attack everyday.
* Have good night everyone! I don't remember how I end these...I will make you walk the plank! No, that is not it...
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Look out its a Linkblr Dashboard Simulator!
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🪶 redwingskies Follow
So who was gonna tell me the Surface is Real, huh? Who.
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
Where are you from?? What....what are you??? ....God?
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Nah turns out she's my best friend though.
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Hey btw, If I kill a god does that make me one? Is there like. Rules for this? Asking for a friend. (Like seriously. I don't care. He does.)
1,680 notes
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🚋 train-life Follow
Today's Fact: Did you know Trains are the reason New Hyrule has Standardized Time Zones? As citizens needed to know when to get to a train station, the council lobbied for standardized time that could be applied precisely for travel by train! The entire modern perception of time is because of the Train!
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Thanks, I hate it. Lets go back to living by the sun rise and set.
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
??? We've always had standard time zones??? What are you talking about. Trains didn't invent that.
🚋 train-life Follow
...they literally did. I re-researched this to double check. What are YOU talking about?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Time zones? Like. The era of Legend, the Golden era, bullfish like that?
🚋 train-life Follow
... you can swear you know? I'm 12 not a baby.
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
you're HOW OLD? I thought you were a Royal Engineer???
🚋 train-life Follow
12? It's in my bio?
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
I love you but get the hell off of this website why are you here
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Can we go back to the weirdo who thinks Time Zones are HISTORICAL PERIODS?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Haha yea total weirdo, what, are they like 400 years old or something? Lol
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Actually I wanna get back to why a 12 year old has a job
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🐟 indigo-gos-official Follow
Hey anybody willing to lend me bail money? I'm short like 10 rupees and it's really annoying.
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Wait shit wrong account! Wrong account!!
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Why do you have access to a hyper-famous Zora Band's account??
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Their lead guitarist died in front of me and I am very nice. Now get me out of jail goatman.
23,045 notes
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🌳 wildflowerwastaken Follow
#hi #i saw a cool bird today #the camera was left on selfie mode so it only got a picture of me squinting at it #the bird noticed the flash and it pecked me until I fell out of the tree #straight into a malice puddle #the bird was pretty tho #so I say my day went great!
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🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Hey apparently I need to update people on my boundaries. So. Here is a list of what's okay:
Kissing me
Kissing me directly on the lips
Parasocial relationships where you praise me constantly <3
And this is NOT okay
Hunting me for my blood to revive the prince of darkness
Ignoring me
Thank you, that's really all, I'm kinda sad that this has to be said but clarity is wisdom and all.
👑 princess-of-hyrule Follow
Link. This is not what I told you to post.
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Well EXUSe ME if my boundaries look different than yours!!
25,690 notes
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⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey pulled the Four Sword again so we need help figuring out who gets to run the blog lol.
Thanks everybody
⏳️ forestchild Follow
Lol this loser doesn't know how to make sideblogs
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
The poll says "Who gets to be Link on MAIN" though, so maybe they do? They just wanna have one person in charge of the first blog?
⏳️ forestchild Follow
The path to truth is unity. Many voices can be heard within one "main".
-The Diety
⏳️ forestchild Follow
...ignore him, I've made him a sideblog and he refuses to use it.
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey wait no let him come back, he's the only smart person I've ever heard
-Green (?)
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
I am going to kill you.
#we have all agreed to not utilize this blog until the poll is complete #so shut up green
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