#I saw the subject on my dash and I wanted to put in my two cents
strebcrarchives · 1 year
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People who take petty rpc drama seriously are the most annoying people on this hellsite. I'm not talking about serious situations, with people who've legit done bad shit. I'm more talking about people taking someone blocking another person so seriously. Sometimes people don't vibe with each other and that's okay! It's nothing to make a big deal out of and people don't owe you an explanation on why they blocked someone. It's not that deep! Rping is about fun and people have the right to make their space a safe and happy one. At the end of the day we're all just here to vibe! Block whoever you need too, put them on a dni, ect. It's no one else's business but your own. Do what's best for you and make your space a good one!
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hugsandchaos · 23 days
Okay! Listen! Listen, okay?!
So reveal gone wrong, something happens, Danny ends up in an alternate universe where he never existed and Dash was good friends with his family since Jazz tutors him, messed around with some of their stuff, and became a Halfa. They were there, along with Kwan, so they know. And they’re helping him. Sure, this would be a good chance to study ghosts, but Dash’s health, physical and mental, comes first.
Danny’s been a Halfa for over a year at this point, so he’s experienced. Dash isn’t. He’s only been a halfa for a little over a month. He’s the one fighting off ghosts, until Danny comes along and handles it. Dash thought it was awesome and tried talking to him, but he just left.
And in school, Danny meets Sam and Tucker all over again. He also avoids Dash, which is kind of a bummer because this Dash is actually a great guy! He wants to welcome the new kid, too. He looks pretty freaked out, probably new to the town and could use some encouragement, but he keeps flinching and avoiding him.
Danny understands that this is an alternative universe. Clockwork knows him. But everything is just so weird. Dash is good, a halfa, and his parents aren’t hunting him? They’re helping him?? It’s so baffling to him, and it really hurts a part of him. Why couldn’t his own parents have been like that?
Also, Lancer worries for Danny because he’s always nervous about something and was practically falling asleep standing up when he transferred. Despite there being forms signed, he also can’t find any trace of his parents and Danny tenses up when he mentions them. He also gets really anxious when the Fentons are around or mention anything to do with ghost hunting.
The kid had a panic attack when there was a lightning storm and Lancer could’ve sworn he saw litchenberg scars on the back of his neck! He refuses school counseling because he “doesn’t trust therapists anymore”!
As you can imagine, Lancer’s questions are putting Danny under a lot of stress. More than necessary, yes, but he has no idea what’ll happen if his teacher finds out he’s on his own? How will they react to him living in an abandoned observatory just outside of town? Is he going to be forced somewhere else?
Bonus bits!
Dash has a fire core, as to be expected, but he doesn’t have ghost sense like Danny. Or he does? I’m still deciding.
We don’t see Vlad having any ghost sense, only Danny and Dan, and Frostbite said that his ghost sense was part of his ice powers.
On the other hand, we could say Dash suddenly feels uncomfortably hot when another ghost is nearby maybe?
He hasn’t unlocked his fire powers yet, but he’ll get there! He admires this new ghost who’s been helping him out, and actually handles the fights much better and quicker than him, and he wants to learn from him so badly.
Somehow, he hasn’t put two and two together yet, but Danny has.
Danny is scared of the Fentons. No one knows why. He just looks really put off by them and tries to leave as quickly as possible without being mean. He backs up when they approach and he stares at any new ghost hunting tech is in their hands.
Haven’t figured out Dash’s obsession yet. Maybe dogs? Or anything cartoonish? Again, still figuring it out.
Some of this might be subject to change, please remember that incase I make another post changing my mind about something. That’s all for now. Bye! 👋
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Silly Little Love Song
So, I decided to start with the Margarette Macron x Reader because they deserve more attention in the fandom and I absolutely love how this character is portrayed. The title of the fic comes from the song by Wings (I sang it in my head trying to figure out what the actual name of the song was), and if anyone has future suggestions, feel free to let me know! Extra note - Y/D/N stands for "Your Dorm Name" to make things more inclusive!
Summary: The reader has always admired Margarette's piano playing from a distance but does not want to admit this to them. However, Margarette picks up on the reader's glances and tries to get them to open up. Will a love song that reveals the reader's hidden musical talent finally bring the two together?
Warnings: None, if I miss any please let me know!
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Y/N's quill traveled smoothly across the page as they finished the last sentence of their notes for potions class. The professor completed the lecture ten minutes ago, but Y/N was in no hurry. They did not have any classes the following period, and potions was the subject that they struggled with the most, so detailed notes were a must if they were going to pass.
"You really shouldn't worry about taking notes, dear Y/N. Haven't you aced the past two exams?"
Y/N looked up and met the soft gaze of the Prefect of Orca dorm, Margarette Macron, their eyes the color of forget me not flowers that Y/N could get lost in if given the chance. Y/N shook their head and closed their notebook. "Oh, hello Margarette, I wish your statement was true, but my grades are more horrendous than some of the freshmen in this year's entrance exam..."
Margarette chuckled at the comment, and Y/N wondered how it was possible for even their voice to sound like the most beautiful serenade. Still, Margarette was a powerful magic user that was in line to be the next Divine Visionary, so how could they possibly be interested in a mediocre magic user from Y/D/N. Margarette leaned on the table and tilted their head, their industrial piercings reflecting the torch light from the room.
"Such a shame that people from Y/D/N put so much pressure on themselves, especially someone as-"
"Hey, Margarette!! Can you show us some of your magic again?!" A cluster of eager freshmen dashed up towards the table like children sprinting to a glass candy display. Each of them had bass clefs or eighth note marks that matched that of musical magic users, so it made sense why they would want to see the famous piano display that Margarette would sometimes show off. Margarette crossed to the front of the room that was free of any tables, and with a wave of their wand, their piano materialized in front of them. As they sat down on the bench, Margarette's fingers gracefully moved over the ivory keys, causing awes and oohs to fall from the dazzled freshmen, and Y/N found themselves equally entranced by the music notes that swiveled and turned among purple ribbons. Margarette, while at one with their music, took every chance they could to glance over at Y/N. Any time they looked, however, Y/N seemed to be preoccupied with their shoes or an imaginary stain on their cloak. The moment Margarette would not be paying attention, Y/N would remain fully focused on their playing or let their focus wander to take in Margarette's makeup that looked perfect in this lighting. Just stop it, Y/N muttered to themselves internally, They would never take a second look at you if some pretty magic user walked through the door right now.
As Margarette finished the last lines of their signature melody, their head shot up in hopes of finally catching Y/N watching their performance, but all they saw was Y/N leaving the room with their head facing the floor. The freshmen crowded Margarette and praised their magical abilities, but their compliments were not enough to prevent a frown of disappointment to appear on the Prefect's face. Once the freshmen left the room, some more quickly than others at the realization that they would be late for their next class, Margarette let out a sigh. Oh Y/N, why do you flee when the spotlight always shines brighter on you in my eyes...
Y/N's temples throbbed as they tried to study the potions formulas in their dorm room, but none of the numbers or ingredients were adding up. If anything, they created a murky abyss in Y/N's mind that made no sign of clearing any time soon. Y/N rubbed their eyes as they shoved their chair back with a squeak, the annoying sound miniscule compared to the running thoughts that zoomed in their head.
There was only one thing that could help them at this point.
Y/N traveled down the stone hallway, their feet clicking on the slate colored walkway as the remaining tangerine rays of the sun began to dip below the protective walls of the school. They knew that it was risky to leave their dorm this close to dark since students were not allowed to roam the halls, but Y/N needed to find a way to alleviate their stress and doubt. Finally, they reached the music room, a place where magic users who did not specialize in magical spells imbued with lyrical notes could practice. Y/N could feel a weight lift from their shoulders at the sight of the piano in the middle of the room, the familiarity like a comforting hug from a close friend. They sat down on the mahogany bench and drew in a gradual inhale, their fingers positioned on the keys and waiting in anticipation.
The tune that Y/N began to play was a simple one, but it was a melody that they had learned from their childhood. Each note felt like home, and Y/N could feel themselves swaying with the beat of the song. They were so lost in the moment that they did not hear Margarette enter the room.
It was an encounter that happened merely by chance.
Margarette had just finished the first patrol round of the night, and as they began to return back to their dorm room, they heard the sounds of a piano from down the hall. The tune was simple, but the emotion that came from the music caused goosebumps to cover Margarette's arms and curiosity to sparkle in their eyes. Upon entering the room, Margarette half expected to see one of the freshmen from earlier, but seeing Y/N playing the piano with the grace of a dancer made Margarette's heart swell with pride and a surprised gasp to leave their purple tinted lips. "My, my, you never told me you played piano, Y/N."
Y/N jolted at the sound of Margarette's voice, the shock causing them to tip backwards and the bench below them to slide and topple to the floor. Instead of colliding with the jagged and ancient stones below, Y/N felt a pair of arms wrapped securely around them. The same eyes Y/N could feel themselves almost drowning in earlier were now inches from them, only this time, Y/N could not look away. Margarette assisted Y/N back to a standing position before placing the bench back upright. The prefect dusted off the bench and took a seat, patting the space beside them. "While I enjoyed the heavenly melody you were playing, may I show you a new song? It's one that I hoped to play for you one day."
Y/N could feel a blush heating up their cheeks, but to be so close to the person who inspired them so often was an offer they could not refuse. Y/N sat down next to Margarette, their scent a mixture of lavender and musk, which to Y/N's surprise made them feel relaxed and not nervous. Margarette hesitantly reached for Y/N's hand's, but they stopped themselves. "Is it alright for me to show you how to play the song?"
Y/N nodded as they rested their hands in Margarette's palms, their fingers gently intertwining as Margarette placed them on the piano keys. Margarette took things slow and allowed Y/N to sense which keys to press when and what notes would follow next in line, and unlike the usual purple ribbons that surrounded Margarette's music, the musical notes were surrounded by a pinkish hue. Once the tune was complete, Margarette let go of Y/N's hands and their chest rumbled with laughter. "You are a natural, Y/N! You should play more often and share this beauty with the world!" Margarette looked away then as a thought crossed their mind. They rubbed the back of their neck as their pale cheeks appeared more red than normal. "Then again, I would gladly cherish your beauty on my own."
Was Margarette really confessing their feelings right now? Y/N's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, but after seeing the brief glimpse of fear enter Margarette's eyes at the potential of being rejected, Y/N knew how to respond. Y/N leaned up and kissed Margarette on the cheek, but they retreated soon after with their arms wrapping tightly around themselves. Despite the cold temperature of the room, Y/N 's embarrassment made it feel like they had been hit by one of Dot's spells. "As long as I can admire your beauty and learn more songs by your side as well, then we have a deal..."
Margarette felt as if someone had just told them that they were the next Divine Visionary, and yet this overwhelming adoration was far greater than such an announcement. Margarette cupped Y/N's chin, their fingers light as they leaned closer. Margarette pressed their lips against Y/N's in a feather light kiss, parting away with a grin wider than before. "I would accept that deal any day, my darling."
Tags: @ansbobcar, @rainee-da, @mayurin17, @thebasicbword, @mashleverse, @xram7x
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rpreaperperson · 8 months
Chapter 10: Anger
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“There’s more of them?” asked Price from his desk
“As I told you before we’ve been looking for their existence and found many evidence of them, but we got no luck..find the living one” explained Professor while wiping her glasses with her napkins
“until you found her...” Price lean back at his chair crossing his strong arms
“Indeed...” answer Professor, Price pursing his lips a lil' bit
“So..her parents..”
“Unknown but most likely they’re dead, I have found her unconscious in an abounded village none single life lives there, except for some animals there..and what I find it fascinating is..” she paused as she halted wiping her glasses, her dim eyes spark in interest remembering the days she met her dearest subject
“They seem to be protective of her... when I tried to approach her, they stare at me like I'm kind of threat..the deer, snake, birds, all of the kind animals there...by the way they all normal animals Captain”
“how do you manage to take her..?”
“with a little bit of persuasion of course..” Professor smirks emotionless at him putting back her glasses, Price stares at her indifferent
“You sure to share this information? Without asking her first?” he raised his eyebrow at her
“She’ll understand Captain..besides she is under your care now...and I think you deserve to know..but remember this Captain...”slowly she walk closer to his desk
“I’ll not hesitate to murder anyone who harms her.... physically or mentally.. that includes you and all of your team”
“You know in this line of of work she’ll got be-”
“then I will now...Captain..I have eyes everywhere...even here in this very secure base..”Professor stared at Price intimidated, but Price calmly smiled and nodded mockingly
“Of course madam” she just huffing and throw a flashdisk on his desk
“Heed my word Captain...you dont want to anger me...nor her”
Then she walked out from his office after she out Price smiled slowly gone furrowing as he took the flash disk and silently inspected it
 “Bonnie!” Soap tried to reach Claw but he got shot by one of Shadows instead and fell, then Ghost threw a knife at Shadow who holding Claw
“Master!” she cried to Soap dashing to his fallen form, placing her finger to his neck and feeling his pulse sigh in relief when found one, Soap groan then he sat upright
“Both of you! Get out of here!” Ghost growls
“But Maste –“ Claw whimper to Ghost her eyes filled with concern, and fear
“JUST GO!” Ghost yelled in desperation and anger, Claw flinched and with haste, she grabbed Soap’s vest dragged him to the concrete barrier, slid down to the slope covering his body with her small one to protect Soap
“Fuck!” Soap manages to get on his feet, and both of them flee to nearby town
Saw both Soap and Claw flee from them Graves halting the Shadows shooting at Soap
“Stop!” command Graves staring down the slope, silently cursing
“Should’ve used those catnip...” he mutter, pursing his lips
Dragging Soap bulk body with her slim one, her feet wobbly and shaking because of the weight she carried and the graze when she slid down the slope
“Stop a little bit Lass..” ask Soap when they reach in alleyway
“B-but..” she whimper
“Shh..it’s okay lass..”
 Claw gently put Soap down in an alleyway, as she checked her gear for medication while Soap tried to connect his comms to Ghost
Unfortunally he got no answer, he glance at Claw when she whimper at him
“I got a bandage in my gear, Master..” a tear fell from her eyes, her hands shaking to offer him a bandage, as much Soap wanted to console her warp his arm around her and whisper ‘it gonna be okay’ , but worried that Shadows would catch up to them any time
“Save it for later Bonnie..we gotta move now” he grunts as he stands up with Claw's assistance she holding his uninjured arm, as they limp their way to somewhere safe her nose smells so much blood two dead bodies lay in front of them
Claw accidentally trips and falls on the ground along with Soap, her wet ears slumping on her head
“ugh..you okay Lass?” grunted Soap
“m sorry!..Im sorry...” she whimpered sniffing, her wet shoes making a squelching sound tried to endure her pain
“Soap, This is Ghost how copy?” ask Ghost that finally answer his comms
“Johnny?” he assisted Claw in getting into her feet, Claw exhaled deeply when she heard Ghost's voice
“Johnny how copy?”
“Solid” answer Soap limping his way to the car in front of him
“Thought we lost you, Claw?” ask Ghost hopping for his little hybrid answer
“H-here..hiks” answer Claw still sniffing, wiping her face with her arms
“you injured?”
“M-master Soap got shot in the shoulder..” she inspect Soap injury
“What about you Claw?”
“...Im good” both Soap and Ghost know that it was a lie, but they don't have much time to get her to spit out the truth
As they sneak around from Shadows and Graves, they can also hear the Shadow's conversation and Graves's order to get information from civilian
“where are you Master?, are you hurt?” whisper Claw as she passes many of civilian dead body, clenching her into a fist
“Good, There’s a cruch. Im heading to it, let’s RV there”
When they found an empty house, Claw quickly bandaged Soap's shoulder she’ll get the bullet out of Soap's shoulder when they get into the safest place right now they were being hunted
“forgive me...” whisper Claw to Soap, her ears slumped against her head
“what for Bonnie?” Soap huffed
“..I couldn’t protect you, even Master Ale..is..captured...I should’ve done more”
“hey...Im still alive yeah? And I dont doubt Alejandro still fighting right now”
“still...” Claw leaned into his neck nuzzling and comforting herself with his scent, a sweaty , rainy, and bloody scent but still...she found it comforting unconsciously she licked his neck, Soap tried not to flinch at her intimate gesture his heart beating fast biting his lips Soap raised his arm to embrace her in his chest but he halt his arms when Claw growled
“I promise...I will protect you..” Claw growled, clenching her fist becoming territorial, her round pupils became slit
Soap gulped down his spit as he stared up at her for some reason something awakened inside him when he saw her anger for the first time, and so did Ghost the first time he heard Claw growl it was a pity that he couldn't see her
“You sure about this?”
“Hunting 141?”
“What chicken out already?”
“Hell no!, this is 141 we’re talking especially that skull mask guy”
“take ‘em out, before they take you out, and don't forget to catch the kitty Boss wants her alive, sedate her immediately she’s sneaky and slippery as fuck”
“Well cats hate water no?, she must be hiding inside the houses”  then  they split up one went into the alleyway and one into the house, unknown to them they became prey to the cat hybrid her eyes glowed in the dark She snatched a knife from her pocket without hesitation ambushed the Shadow, and dug her knife into his neck before he could react
“Forgive me....but it is for my Dear Master..” she whispers into his ear, putting the body gently to the floor she stares at his dead eyes emotionless
“the house clear master...” she talk to the comms
“Good, done ‘ere as well, theres a problem though”
“What is it?”
“gotta find somethin’ to clear the path to the church ,those fuckers hoarding it”
“...I’ll clear it”
“You sure Lass?”
“Dont make a ruckus Claw, they after you”
“Im sure..” without a moment of hesitation Claw rushed into the place where three Shadows guarding it, gripping her knife tightly in both of her hands she threw it at two shadows, one remaining Shadow couldn't even react because Cla rushed into his back and swiftly snapped his head
“Stemin’ Jesus...” Soap softly curses at Claw action
“Enjoying the show Johnny?”quip Ghost
“Very much LT” Claw took her knife out from the body, and she cleaned it with the rain slowly watching the water wipe out the blood then flicked it putting the knife back on her vest and taking a gun from the Shadows
“All clear” confirm Claw as she give Soap a gun
“Nice..Lets go before LT got tantrum” Soap smirk at her and ruffles her hair
“I heard you there Johnny” snide Ghost at the comms
They arrived at the church and met Ghost there, He climbed out the church gate while both Soap and Claw shooting at Shadows, as much as Ghost wanted to wipe all out the Shadows they had to flee and find a safe house
Ghost alerted them that he found a pickup for them to escape, Claw closely followed behind Soap shooting as many Shadows as she can
“C’mon Bonnie!” command Soap ripping the door open then Claw steps into the vehicle first crammed by Soap and Ghost who threw himself to the driver's seat
“Get back!” yell Soap while he slamming Claws face into his chest, he shot at one Shadow who sneak beside the vehicle
“Omphff!” Claw muffled on Soap vest
“Thanks” nod Ghost in graditude
“Drive I’ll cover us” Soap lets go of Claw from his chest as she shakes her head wiping her face off, then hanging on the dashboard when Ghost slams the pickup through a vendor
Taglist : @lilpothoscuttings @unicorngirly1 @kaoyamamegami
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wutwutno1 · 2 months
V x reader comfort vore?
I just had this lil idea where reader is afraid of the dark and needs help getting over that fear, so V decides to help them-
Read ask and tags before reading
It's most student drone's favorite day of the week. After all, school was over for the weekend and everyone could hang out and do whatever they wanted.
However, you weren't excited this time. You had a sleepover, and it was with Uzi Doorman of all people.
There was nothing "wrong" with Uzi per-say, as far as you were aware, but one thing she liked more than anything, was darkness.
You didn't like the dark. Not one bit. It also doesn't help that your normal body was undergoing routine maintenance and you were using your mini-form, and on top of that Uzi has two murder drones at her house!
However, your parents and Uzi's dad came up with the sleepover idea. Uzi's dad wanted Uzi to have friends that weren't "murder bots" as he put it, and your parents wanted you to get over your fear of the dark. Win-win for the parents, lose-lose for their spawn.
Anyways, you waited for Uzi to pick you up, literally. You sat at your desk as the final bell rang and everyone got up to leave. You sighed as Uzi walked up to your desk and sat her hand down next to you. "Ready to get this over with?"
Uzi spoke with a sense of disgust, but not at you. You climbed onto her hand and she lifted you up to her shoulder. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this over with."
You sat down on Uzi's shoulder and held tight for the walk to Uzi's house.
Uzi walks through the front door to the Doorman living quarters. You take a quick glance at her living room from her shoulder. You see the two murder drones sitting on the couch.
N, Uzi's definitely-not-a-boyfriend boyfriend, was sitting on one end looking like he was anticipating something, while V, Lizzy's 100%-just-a-friend-not-a-girlfriend girlfriend, was laying down, using N's head as a peg-rest while texting someone on a pink phone. N's leg was bouncing antsy while staring at the tiled floor.
Upon hearing the door open and Uzi walking in, he looked up. When he saw Uzi, he stood up and dashed for Uzi, knocking V off the couch, and causing her to yell out N's name. N knocked Uzi down with a bear hug and an excited,
You fell off Uzi's shoulder. However, Uzi still had half a mind to catch you before you hit the ground.
"Hey! Watch it N! We have a guest!" "Sorry, Uzi. . . Where is this guest anyway?"
N got up off of Uzi and looked around as Uzi stood up herself. Uzi dusted herself off with her free hand and V walked over and stood next to N. Uzi held you out in her palm, presenting you to the two drones.
"This is Y/N. They're going to be staying with us for the night because my dad and their parents are jerks." You waved nervously. You knew N was safe. Uzi drove that point home all the way to her place. V however. . . Despite her best efforts, the only thing Uzi could say about V was that she "hasn't killed in a week."
"Oh! So we're having a sleepover? That's so cool! It's nice meeting you, Y/N," N babbled excitedly.
"Welcome to Loser 1, and Loser 2's house. I'm here against my will." V said with venomous sarcasm in her voice as she looked at N and Uzi.
"Hey! Can-it, V! Before I rearange your code and have you fatal error out!" Uzi's left hand and right eye flashed the absolute solver symbol for emphasis, but V didn't seem impressed. "While on the subject of sleepovers, Lizzy is joining us."
"What?! Why would you invite her?! She's so insufferable!"
"Khan said I could! Plus, she's like... way cooler than you, short stack!"
Uzi placed you down on a coffee table in front of the couch. You watched the two titans fight as N sat down.
"They fight often?" You ask N.
"Ha ha! Yeah. I only intervene when things get physical though."
"Cool." Luckily for you and N, things didn't get physical as Lizzy walked in. V and Uzi stopped fighting. Instead, Uzi started setting up a movie.
After a few minutes Everyone but you was situated on the couch. N and Uzi on one side, V and Lizzy on the other, with you on a beanbag with a handtowel blanket in the middle. Uzi turned off the lights before starting the movie.
You started to shuffle nervously as the movie progressed, not feeling comfortable in the barely lit room. V noticed and chuckled.
"Afraid of the dark, bite-size?"
"What? No. . . Yes. . . Shut up!" V chuckled before leaning to Lizzy and whispering something in her audio receptor. Lizzy giggled and the pair looked at you with an evil look. You didn't notice, however, as you were staring at the movie, trying to ignore the darkness around you.
When the movie ended, Uzi had fallen asleep, so N volunteered and took her to her room, leaving you with Lizzy and V.
Lizzy stood up and moved to the other side of you.
"So, V tells me you're afraid of the dark."
"Don't worry your little head, Y/N. We know the perfect place for you to get over your fear," V teased.
Lizzy picked you up by the back of your shirt and just let you dangle for a second.
"Okay, V. Open up!"
V gave a sinister chuckle and opened her mouth, revealing her razer sharp teeth and she stuck out her squishy black tongue. Lizzy held you over V's cavernous mouth as you began to kick the open air frantically.
"You two can't be serious!" Lizzy laughed and spoke in a snarky tone.
"Oh, relax! We're robots! We can't digest stuff! You'll be fine! I already gave her tummy a test run a few weeks ago. It's perfectly fine! Nice and dark, and it's the perfect place for someone with a fear of the dark!" "What do you mean you did a test run—?"
Lizzy cut you off by dropping you onto V's tongue. You grab the spongy rope out of fear of falling further, soaking yourself in V's saliva. Before you can say anything, V pulls her tongue and you into her mouth.
You were now trapped in V's mouth. You trembled in the darkness.
Suddenly, there was a bright light as V opened her mouth. You peered outside to see Lizzy taking a picture of you in V's mouth.
"Heh. Nice. Alright V, they're yours now."
"Wait! Wait! V, don't—!"
V closed her mouth quickly and swallowed before you could say another word. Her tight throat quickly pulled you down as you wiggled with your eyes squeezed shut.
Eventually, you were deposited in V's stomach. You felt it churn softly around you and heard it let out a soft groan of satisfaction. You tentatively opened your eyes and felt... calm. . . You laid down in her stomach, not bothering to try and struggle. The whole experience soothed you and you didn't feel afraid of the darkness in her stomach. You could hear V chuckle above you and you felt two soft pats near you.
V smiled warmly as she felt her little snack settling in. She leaned back on the couch and patted her abdomen.
"Aww, they're getting comfy! They must like it in there, despite the dark!"
"I told you it would work!" Lizzy laid on top of V, laying her head on V's tummy so that she could hear you better.
"How are you doing in there, Y/N?"
"It's actually quite comfortable in here!"
"Told ya. Now get some sleep, that's your bed for tonight!"
Lizzy giggled and pulled herself up so that Her head was under V's chin.
"Glad you came up with this plan, V. I was skeptical at first, but it worked and was fun to pull off!"
V wrapped her arms around Lizzy, holding her close as she pulled the blanket over herself.
"I know right? Well, since you told Y/N to go to sleep, why don't we do the same?"
"You read my mind." Lizzy and V would close their eyes, replacing them with "Sleep Mode" and holding each other close.
Inside V's belly, you snuggled up to one of the walls, feeling the plush surface sink under your weight. You quickly found the perfect position and closed your eyes. You fell asleep faster than you ever have in your entire life. Your eyes were replaced with "Sleep Mode" and underneath was a single flashing line of text; "Sweet Dream Mode: On."
The next day after you were let out you left Uzi's house happier than you went in.
Not because it was over, but because you found a way to actually enjoy the dark. Maybe you could find someone else to let you sleep in their belly, or maybe. . .
You could find someone to sleep in yours. . .
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enginator2000 · 1 year
worst popular infinite headcanon?
oh my. this one got long so im going to spare peoples dashes by putting this under a cut haha
anyways my answer is: making him out to be a little crybaby who is driven purely by revenge and sadness to make the world pay for shadow killing his squad mates, whom he loved in a normal way and saw them as family or whatever. it makes his character so goddamn flat and boring bc thats such a standard villain motivation, and it entirely strips away a lot of his personality even when theres already so little to work with LMAO
i know ive spoken about it at length in the dog&hog server but to me, infinites most notable trait is that hes selfish
in the prequel comic rise of infinite (yay, prequel comic talk. everyones favourite, i know) he deliberately ignores any protests from his gang against accepting eggmans deal of working with him, because eggy singles him out and offers him a place at his side to bring his fantasy of ruin into reality. not infinite and his crew, just infinite
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(image has two comic panels. in the first one, eggman is reaching a hand out to infinite as he says "now you are an interesting guy. i like you. how about i hire you to lead my forces? together we'll take over the world!" in the second panel, one of the jackal squad members says "boss! dont be tempted by him. we'll be fine!")
and infinite says yes after briefly talking about how he personally feels bored and tired of how the world is right now
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(image has two panels. in the first, infinite is mumbling to himself, first laughing and then saying "interesting. all this time ive been going through the motions. ive actually grown quite tired of the world as it is." in the second panel he stands and says "lets do it doctor! i'll help you change this world!")
again, its a decision based off an entirely personal and individualistic opinion that only takes his own feelings into account. you would think that if he valued his squad to the extent that they were "like family" to him, he would have listened when they said he shouldnt make a deal with eggman. if he actually cared about them as much as he cared about himself, he would have trusted them enough to say no. instead he only thinks about what he wants and what he can get, not about what will happen to the others
ive always been of the opinion that infinite used his squad and position of authority as their leader to prop himself up and viewed them more like underlings or subjects that he could order around and be superior to, rather than equals whose opinions and input he valued. maybe he started out having more camaraderie with the other jackals, but it certainly doesnt show by the time we get to the events of the prequel comic, and even less so when we get to episode shadow/the main game
the idea that he saw his squad more like tools to make himself look better than people also makes more sense because when in episode shadow, eggman calls infinites squad "useless" directly to him and all infinite says is "yeah, yeah" in a very uncaring fashion. even when he then spots shadow and says "you.. you destroyed my squad!" its entirely unconvincing to me that he said it out of sorrow or sadness; to me it was more like simple anger that it happened. because now without his little group of followers that looked up to him and did whatever he told them to, he had nobody to feel superior to. he couldnt go on any more power trips by being The Boss bc there was nobody left to indulge him, no one to stoke his ego, nobody to be the boss of. so thats why he felt slighted by shadow in the first place; how dare this hedgehog take away what made him feel special and important. and then of course the ensuing humiliation that came afterward was just the icing on the shit cake haha
it also explains why infinite never brings up his squad in any of his monologues (besides the prequel comics and episode shadow being obvious afterthoughts to the main game loool); he just doesnt care. if anything, their loss was his gain bc it pushed him towards acquiring the phantom ruby and getting to go on the ultimate power trip of world domination and near total subjugation of the population. i think that also ties into his mindset that friends make you weak and you cant rely on anyone but yourself; in his case, thats literally true. if he hadnt lost his squad, if he had initially listened to them, the chain of events we know well would not have come to pass and he would not have gotten to become the powerhouse he did. he would have still been leading his monotonous life and following the same old script. from his perspective they really did hold him back, and only once they were gone was he able to become stronger. he reiterates this by thanking shadow in the dlc for doing what he did in mystic jungle (killing the jackal squad and kicking infinites ass) bc otherwise he wouldnt have gotten the incentive he needed to take on the mantle of becoming a super powered weapon
and if you want some more evidence thats admittedly a lot more of a stretch, you could also interpret infinite creating a posse of past sonic foes as him filling the void of using the jackal squad that was created after shadow had taken them down. he gets to control people again (even if theyre clones that had no choice but to obey him but nyeh i told you it was a stretch), he gets to be a leader again
idk, i just think that having a sob story as a main motivation is (funny joke here) weak. i have never once thought that infinite needs to have some kind of sympathetic or tragic backstory. and maybe thats just my own personal bias coming through bc i prefer villains that are evil for reasons like their moral philosophies or have some kind of goal that makes the audience go "maybe they do have a point tbh" and villains that are just evil for the sake of it over villains that say "my mom died" as if that is any kind of justifiable explanation. imo it almost always comes off as them making an excuse, and its lame. just own it, yknow?
so yeah if i could block one thing from the minds of infinite fans it would be the hc that infinite was tightly knit with the jackals and wanted what was best for them. bc with all the evidence ive seen, its not supported at all, and hes actually the exact opposite; he does what he wants and uses who he wants for his own purposes and gain
also yes i do think shadow straight up killed the other jackals and i do think thats in character for him but thats a conversation for another day
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matan4il · 2 months
Hello! I sent you a message a while ago. Just wanted to tell you that I saw people talking shit about you on my dash again (sorry, still don't follow you because no common fandoms), so I came to check out your blog once more. I still don't think you're a bad person. <3
Hi lovely Nonnie!
Please have no doubt that I remember you, and I am really grateful for the kind words, then and now. You don't have to follow me at all, with or without common fandoms. That's not what matters. What's truly important is how kind you have been when you absolutely did not have to be, and that you're not automatically buying into and helping to spread the antisemitic narrative that is currently putting my people in danger in so many places around the world. In fact, you said that you actively reblog moderate posts that tackle misinformation, and I think that's pretty huge. Misinformation is so destructive, you can see it when it comes to so many subjects, and sadly many of the watchdogs who were supposed to be there to keep us properly informed, have been failing us. In terms of this specific context, it has directly contributed to the steep rise in antisemitic we've been seeing unfold since Oct 7 already. And doing so in this context IS brave! I know exactly how much strength and bravery it takes to speak up for Jews once the antisemitic tidal wave is hitting. So thank you again, and know that I very much cherish you. If you ever wanna exchange a word or two, you can send me a DM, I promise I would never tell a soul who you are. I wouldn't wanna put anyone else in the line of fire because of me. Either way, I hope you're doing well! <33333
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 5 days
Do you have any NSFW headcanons for batcrow?
gosh, do i ever! 
i’ll admit this ask took me longer than it should have. i had struggled to figure out how to spell my 'main' naughty hcs in like, one page max. but i failed miserably to accomplish this, so prepare yourself for the walls of text instead. somehow, it turned into an essay along the way.
still, to keep this at least somewhat modest leght, i will mostly talk about comicverse two here. the arkhamverse duo requires their own large paragraphs *even if bc there are two slightly different versions of crane within the same universe*, which would make this post even more bulky, than it already is. n' btas one would prob get the same amount of words, that i have for comicverse. so they all will have to wait lol.
but welp, i have to say, i love it when one part of my otp is kinda knows what they want an' what they're doing. while the other one is kinda either fully or partly lost. i find it funny, how bruce n' jon invented chad vs virgin meme, before it was actually made lol. even if it's not all that simple.
either way, i can't imagine a middle aged virgin like crane to know to a ‘t’ what he wants in sex. he sorta / kinda knows what he wants at best, but he also kinda doesn't know shit. as for bruce, while he had a fair share of experience with different people, n’ therefore expirience with different sexual preferences, he’s also kinda…not into anything too specific himself? well, not really. at least from what i saw, it’s hard for me to picture him having some set in stone kink, that he would indulge in with every person he sleeps with. in fact, i feel like he tends to go along with what his partner wants vs what he might have wanted. which adds to all those layers of why having sex with jon is actually a good thing for both of them lol. so my first hc is that while they both clearly would have prefs n' kinks, it's smth that needs to be expolored. bruce have more knowlege about the subject, but like jon, he has a very shaky conection with his own deepest desires. the big bad bat cannot let himself fully enjoy anything. instead, he sticks to 'simple' stuff, that feels 'safer' to approach vs examining those 'hiden' sides of his brain. i think, bruce would be afraid to emotionally rely on someone in this fashion as well. he's the kind of man, who in the end of the day, craves intimicy that he assumed would come with sex. but boy, was he dissapointed. he can still enjoy good sex, but sometimes, it's like all that he can get from it. n' after so many 'fails', he usually would tell himself, that it's better this way. don't show too much of yourself, don't get too invested, beyond what feels nice in the moment. but then, comes jonathan n' throws a wrench into everything, like he usually does by accident or not.
n' i really like how both bruce n’ jon deep down associate sex with romance. or smth inclosed in this vein. with years of heartbreak, bruce clearly abandoned this notion. not fully, but mostly. love doesn’t work out nor does it last. crane is even worse in this sense. he had learned by bitter firsthand experience how not only romance, but compassion is smth that he can’t have. he can only speculate about those things. even if he's so desparate for it, that unlike bruce, he'd be more openly, pathetically pinning for even a small chance of this to come true. he'd be figthing even for a scrap. so it's good, that he n' bruce want the same thing. they can eventually met each other half way. even if they also will have to eventually put their back into it, vs being paranoid about everything.
now as we know, crane clearly has a type *shallow one, but still*, n' bruce is an embodiment of it. the walking imagery of ancient horror figure n’ dashing knight from woman’s romantic novels in one single mix. what a lucky catch for him. on the contrary, jon himself is pretty much everything, that you don’t see in bruce’s many bedmates. crane isn't curvy, nor he openly flirty or daring. even his costume is baggy n' in most designs there isn't any skin showing at all. he does not tempt or seduce or does anything esp attractive. jonathan not anywhere close to males or females, who bruce might have felt lust toward. he’s his own category, n’ this exactly what makes him stand out in a way. body is just a body, but it’s the only part you can see n’ touch. learning that you want to touch someone bc of what you see in them vs what you see on outside is an experience on its own. n' it goes both ways, since while i do think, that scarecrow was at first more focused on batman's looks n' aestetics, it eventually grew into smth else. for bruce, it's the other way around. he was more interested in crane's inner build, even from crimefigthing point n' then found that he doesn't mind how he's looks either. he even finds certain aspects of it attractive. so my other hc, is that crane lusts for bruce first *naturally*, n' then begins obtaining fee-fees along the way.
the next big thing for me, *which i meantioned in the beginig* is that in all versions of scarebat, i picture that jonathan is a prudish virgin, who is also comically horny. basically, he’s one of those people, who would harbor all kinds of longings, but look at everyone else like on a pervert, when they do the same thing lol. crane isn’t himself, if he’s not a huge hypocrite. he’s also not self-aware enough to notice his own slip-ups. bruce kinda does, but he’s generous about it. the only instance, where he won’t take selfish pleasure in bullying jon is this. he, actually canonically seem to leave this subject alone, which is nice of him. even tho, he could like, really drag jonathan about the whole 'handsome, large jock thing', bc no straight man would ever refer to another men like that. but jon is in the closet, without knowing it. everyone else kinda do, but they also never talk about it. rogue's version of bro code bruce certanly won't talk about it, either.
but the favor is never returned, bc jonathan would be on the bat instantly, if he noticed some kind of odd response. it's in his nature to be mean n’ prying. he can’t help himself, even if it goes beyond creepy in some cases. that’s the dual wields of being a deviant n’ a total virgin. he also prob assumes, that bruce will be into females only. n' he's no female. he's just a cranky, ugly twink lol. so if the bat would begin act weird around him, it's breathtaking in its own right. that's like, his wildest *wet* dream coming true. you can't hope for him to be normal about it. crane would throw himself into this, like a sad desperate loser he is. *i'm always calling him those things with upmost love, do not fret*
meanwhile, bruce with all that sexual experience of his *prob less so with men tbh* is kinda not fully sure how to go about things. it won’t take much for jon to cream his pants, realistically. n’ yeah, literally cum before even the main action will begin. i feel like between btas n’ arkhamverse, comicverse crane is the most ‘easy’ one. the other two will at least attempt to calm themselves down to not look ‘stupid’ n’ inexperienced, comicverse jon is like, never this 'cool'. which makes the bat feel a tad torn, since i don’t think that he was with many virgins before, n’ he also cannot just mentally ‘rely’ on his partner doing what he thinks they want from him here. he has to improvise n’ also let himself do what he wants as result, which is so scandalous lol. but he would eventually get that crane won’t do what he wants, unless bruce will start doing it first. the sex was never scarier, than this. where you actually have to enjoy yourself fully [gasp]
humble the ‘sex god’ bruce is my kink, i guess. prob will become jon’s too, once *or if* he realize what kind of ‘power’ he has. no women had this power over the bat. bc bruce knows what to do with them. with jon, he has to learn those things. has to let himself go a bit too. less of cinematic kisses an' grouping with the catwoman, n' more of slightly messy n' fumbling encounter with the 'crow. jon not knowing how to kiss *but agressivly tries to learn* will just add to this lol.
n' while scarebat will always have power struggle / power imbalance in their dynamic, even given their statuses as villain n’ the hero, in certain areas, it might get flipped on its head. in my head, bruce does to a degree view his sexual encounters with crane as isolated experience. n’ he doesn’t know what to do with this revelation, esp bc he has a lot of things to compare it to. bruce is all about self-control n’ strong will, its wild for him to be this…exposed n’ aching for intimacy yet again, i suppose. n’ that’s not even about his pride or anything, it’s just plainly dangerous n’ scary. every fiber of his being would be tense n’ doubtful about repercussions of what to come, if this fails or backfire too. n’ it all despite the fact, that if there is one villainous plot that batman can be certain for crane to not ever use, it’s this. jonathan is manipulative *his faulty brain would make him act like that*, but not in that instance.
on his end, jonathan basking in this new thing, but he’s scared for different reasons. mostly, to be abandoned later on. for this to end for whatever reason. so he might grow more active / somewhat pushy at times. unlike the bat, he has nothing to compare this to, not any other person to learn from / with, but bruce. n' he’s not interested in trying those things to later on use them on someone else, he only cares to figure out what responses bruce has. the obssessive focus, that they share, but that disorientating all the same. esp for bruce. he’s not stranger to have people or his rogues being hyperfixated on him, even with sexual undertones, but he wasn’t in actual center of such an obsession before this moment. in center, where he actually allowed access to his person. it's also new to be with someone, who isn't apt in this or does smth to be seductive or to show off, it's just yet another attempt to figure the other out, just in different ways. an' without ulteror motive for once. tho, crane also be more offten than not selfish about this too, if he give the room to roam so to speak. some discipling be needed from time to time, but this part bruce knows like the back of his hand. jon also knows the back of batman's hand, considering that it had slapped him at least twice during their fights in the past lol.
their sex can be anything tho. rough, gentler, slower thing, smth in between. it’s situational, whimsical n’ depends on the mood of both parties. crane is usually more horny, than bruce. the years of his sexual frustration could move a mountain at this point. he’s greedy, but he also can be sustained with 'lesser' things, which are just as 'big' to him. heavy petting, handjob, just rutting would do the trick. n' this i think, bruce also usually doesn't have time to be doing. or whoever he had sex with, had no time for this.
as for what kinks they might have, well, there is too many to list them all up. esp since sometimes, i can see certain characters having some…uh, weird prefs, that i myself not a big fan of even visually, but in my mind eye, i can see that exact character possibly having it. like, all comicverse scarecrows are serial killers *besides the period of time, where all villains were just robing banks* some stuff would be more intense with jon, than if bruce would simply fucked someone who loves him. crane, isn't just in love or just obssessed, he is obssessedly loves him. so body worship is surely be a thing for jon, when it comes to the bat. n’ not like a cute, sweet kind, but an over-attentive, needy one. the more skin he can acess the better, all while, crane would insist on keeping some of his own clothes on, or his mask or just try to hide his face, since his appearance is the biggest insecurity of his. bruce will have to be crafty about this one, bc for him it’s not an issue. but it’s hard to make it stop being one for jonathan, who had this mentality his whole life. his not pretty or bosomy. dude barely has fat on his ass, but there is a novelty to a figure, that is all skin, bones n’ tight muscle. can press a hand to stomach n’ almost feel up how organs lie there, or a dick. now, bruce just have to find ways to show it.
speaking of dicks, while jonathan had always thought that bat is hung, actually seeing it in person would make him feel odd things. on y’know, masochistic spectrum kind of odd. he won’t mind to be choked on it for one, or that it would often slightly hurt, if he had to fit it inside himself. he does want to be actually wrecked like this sometimes. n’ it’s rare when bruce can let himself be this aggressive with anyone else. even if sometimes, he does want to be mean. he has anger issues, no matter how much he tries to repress them. having someone, who won’t judge him for it or look at him side-ways after those moments will surely help. jonathan knows a lot about the bat’s anger, even if via their stand offs. it doesn’t shock him. or like scares him, if he knows that this roughness isn't out of negative emotions toward him. but then again, i don't imagine that jonathan's thoughts are super coherent, when they intimate together. usually, he's relieved n' happy, that it happens again n' again. n' thinks about details more rationally later. he also understand some 'abuse' n' kinda can ignore the other, so this can be a bit of an issue in some cases. but it's more of specific set up, i think. vs like general one.
on a more specific note, i strictly see the bat as top, n’ jonathan as bottom. i rarely have ships, where characters switch. in 99 cases, those ratios are how i see dynamic in its core. jonathan is very submissive. esp submissive to the bat. even if this doesn’t mean, that he can’t be more assertive, despite being the one who takes it up the ass. even if comicverse crane is usually this, when batman in specific state or when he’s with bruce, not the bat. he still have that mean, bossy stick up there. unless, it's bloodrain version of scarebat, where jon is submissive as fuck almost all the time in every sense n' way. n' bruce is very pushy n' greedy. to the point, where it’s a wonder how crane even survives them fucking so many times in the row. i mean, evil bruce isn’t a very considerate lover lol. even if there is love in it, he's also goes at it like a hungry animal. that particular jon would dig it, but it's not healthy or actually good for him. n' this time around, bruce isn't sane enough to put a stop to this either. but once again, i feel like some kinks / dynamics n' issues can be very specific an' depend heavily onto au or situation, it all happening in. like almost every ship, scarebat can be good for those involved, n' it also can be not very good, or rather clearly dangereous, but it'll be akin to being stuck inside the car without breaks. can as well push onto gas pedal, while you at it, then. or try to jump out of car.
another bit of hc, is that jonathan is pretty noisy n’ whiny. every touch pushes a sound out of him. bruce is more silent, so getting noises out of him is rewarding. crane savors every bit n’ every note, when he gets those. bruce thinks, that jon’s noises are kinda cute. no one was ever this vocal, when he touched them before. crane is also shit at trying to keep said noises behind his teeth. he’s too sensitive. n’ blushes like a tomato too. not very elegant or graceful in that sense, but it’s very real n’ not what the bat is used to. jon still be an incel about it at times tho, don’t worry. not all his comments will be ‘flattering’, bc ‘of course, handsome, big jocks would be good at this’. or ‘what reservations with this a thot like you can have’. but hey, at least, bruce will have smth else to shut him up with besides a fist, this time around. 
i also think, that in aus, where crane involved with either only batman or bruce, he would act kinda differently with both of them. despite, the fact that if he tried to sleep with them both within the same story, he would have figured out instantly that bruce is the bat. while in masks, jon n’ bruce can act tougher, or meaner, but the core is all the same. they are the same dude each time, even if they both love distancing themselves from their maskless attires. i do find it sad n’ funny at the same time, since them being involved like this woudl throw a wretch into this whole narrative. like, who sleeps with crane, the symbol of justice or a man, who the bat claims does not exist n’ only serves as a daytime disguise? n' who earns for such a closeness, the master of fear, who is supposed to be ‘above’ it, or a lil loser jonathan crane, who should be long ‘gone’ n' replaced with sinister scarecrow? 
them being forced to deal with their mental problems, while bumping uglies is the best self-therapy that they can get prob. so once again, scarebat having 'spooky' sex in ways, where emotions are scary is just such a good stuff. can enjoy the ride, but all those pesky 'problems' are still there. like, if their sexual encounter can’t be smth, it’s ‘casual’. full-time commitment right here.
inside crane’s faulty mind, this checks all the boxes. held hands, had a kiss, fall in love, had sex. they are basically married now lol. i mean, he IS crazy, all things considering, so him being able to fuck n’ be close with the bat will only make certain delusions of his way worse. his jealousy will get worse too. gonna throw hands with the joker n' catwoman each time, he sees them near batman lol.
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
@butter--peanut ficti-gram for you!
to: @butter--peanut from: @wind-becomes-lightning message: Hello my love, I mean my rival, I am currently working through the first pages of the book you are writing and am in total awe of your work!! I want to send you this little sweet thing so you can relax a little for a minute with a good fic before you dive into rewrites again! I am very happy that I met you and that we have met in person so many times and hopefully many many more times until you leave forever! (;(). Sending you many hugs!! <3 characters/pairing: kakashi hatake/obito uchiha word count: 3,646 prompt: the smell of coffee
Obito Uchiha has always hated the smell of coffee.  Freshly roasted at a fancy kissaten or poured from a grody two-day-old carafe into a travel mug, he thinks it always smells like burnt piss.  No amount of sugar or milk or cream or flavoring could ever make it palatable, and Obito will never understand how anyone, under any circumstances, could ever find themselves so desperate for an infusion of caffeine they would resort to drinking it.
Admittedly, coffee might be a useful beverage to keep on deck in the event of poisoning, to make a person throw up.  Maybe.  He’d have to be really poisoned to consider it, and Obito sees no other reasonable purpose for the existence of such a foul liquid.
Normally, Obito is fairly adept at avoiding coffee in all its forms, but there is one occasion upon which he has little to no control over whether he’s subjected to it and that is whenever Kakashi Hatake texts him to say he’s on his way over.
It’s still relatively new, all the Kakashi stuff.  When Obito ran across his old classmate on a dating app, he’d only partially been serious when he swiped to match with him.  Mostly, Obito was curious.  He smirked when he saw Kakashi’s profile—pathetically sparse and with a picture that didn’t even show his entire face—because it was very clear Kakashi was looking specifically for hook-ups while Obito had spent hours agonizing over which photos to upload, how many of his own scars to show, and how to make an appropriately-but-not-too-seriously self-deprecating joke about them in his bio.
Online dating is a terribly complicated thing, it turns out, when half your body is marred by the mistakes of your past.
Obito had not expected to match with Kakashi in the slightest.  At best, he thought he might receive a message something along the lines of, “Fuck you, loser,” before he was blocked.
Instead, Kakashi invited him out for a drink and Obito—perhaps foolishly or at least with a dash of foolhardy optimism—said yes.
The alcohol helped soothe the awkward sting of their reunion.  They spent hours at the bar, ordering round after round, allowing the fuzziness of the booze to seep into their blood, their bones.  Cloud over all the terrible parts of their shared history they did not wish to relitigate or relive in any detail.  Their conversation remained light, easy.
Perfunctory shit only.
“How have you been?”
“Good, you?”
“All right.  What do you do for work now?”
“A little bit of everything, really. Whatever brings in enough to cover my rent.”
Kakashi cracked a grin at that and Obito turned his attention toward his beer to hide that he liked it.  There had always been something terribly magnetic about Kakashi.  Even as a kid, when they first entered school together, Obito always found himself drawn to him, desperately trying to escape his orbit with very little success.
It would take several years of distance and a decent amount of therapy for Obito to recognize the feelings of his adolescent self for what they were.  That all the jealousy and anger had been part and parcel to something else, something soft and unknowable, then.  Something he hadn’t been yet able to acknowledge or put voice to.
Obito didn’t realize he was interested in men for a long time after Kakashi was no longer part of his life.  Now, though?  It was painfully clear Obito measured every man he’d ever dated by the metric of his old schoolmate, and not one of them had ever passed muster.
So when Kakashi invited himself to Obito’s apartment after they split their bar tab, he acquiesced.  When he shoved Obito against the wall in the entryway and bruised a kiss against his mouth, Obito’s knees buckled.  When a hand shoved its way down the front of his jeans, Obito whined.
It was so easy to succumb to decades of longing.  To open the half-crushed box where he’d packed it all away and dust it off, return it to a shelf in the sunlight where he could stare at it.  Covet it.
Ignore everything else in the box except this one thing.
And now when Kakashi calls—err, texts, he never calls—Obito unlocks his front door and waits patiently for him to stride in and repeat it all again.
It’s rather infuriating if he gives himself any time to think it over.  That he allows Kakashi to wander in and out of his life like a wraith without expectation or explanation.  He comes and goes as he pleases and part of Obito hates himself for allowing it to continue.
The rest of him, though, sees it as a reward for all his patience.  For all the progress he has made since they last saw each other, broken and bruised and grieving.
Obito’s therapist tells him there might be too much history between them for any of this to work on a functional level.  But then, Obito has never really been all that functional.  At least now he has someone in his life who will touch him, make him feel good without also making him feel self-conscious of his body.
It’s complicated.  At least, that’s what he tells himself (and his therapist), so he doesn’t have to unpack the rest of the box.
But Obito knows deep down none of this is sustainable.  While he’s willing to take what he can, he’s also not a moron.  He’s willing to take what he can get and be satisfied with it; always has been.
What makes things infuriatingly more tenuous, though, is that Kakashi always smells like coffee.
Obito knows that’s probably a sign, but he refuses to read it.
It doesn’t matter what time of day or night he appears at Obito’s door, all hungry eyes and demanding touches, there is always this persistent burnt scent that lingers under everything else.  It’s pervasive.  Poisons the very air of Obito’s apartment as Kakashi swoops in without a word.
It clings to Kakashi’s clothes, his skin, his hair.  It’s on his tongue when it pushes its way into Obito’s mouth, staining itself onto his teeth.
Coffee.  Every time.  Everywhere.
And during the course of their liaisons, the scent transfers itself to Obito, sliding against his scalp and burrowing into the thick folds of his scarred skin.
The burnt piss smell lingers in his nostrils long after Kakashi departs, trailing in his wake like a vile stream, and Obito spends an inordinate amount of time in the bath afterward trying to scrub away the putrid scent and replace it with fruity-smelling body wash or the lavender oil his therapist tells him is good for promoting relaxation.
He doesn’t think he agrees, but it smells nice, so what the hell?
His therapist might also have something to say about Obito’s obsessive need to clean himself every time Kakashi leaves his apartment, but he doesn’t like to think about that much.  Each time, he convinces himself it is the smell and not their fraught and complicated history which demands another cycle of shampoo.  He dips his head beneath the surface of the water until his vision stings and blurs so he won’t imagine what his therapist’s frown looked like when he said as much during their last session.
Obito is a big boy who can make his own decisions, thank you very much.  He just wishes his potentially poor life choices didn’t come with a side of putrescent coffee bean stench.
After a brief On my way text message, Kakashi arrives this time with a soggy-looking bag of takeout and plops it on Obito’s kitchen counter.
“For me?” he asks teasingly, “You shouldn’t have.”
Kakashi rolls his eyes.  “It’s mine and you can’t have any,” he says, shoving his hands into his pockets.  Obito rakes his eye over Kakashi’s frame, taking in the lean, wiry muscle of it.  His posture is terrible, he looks like a shepherd’s hook the way his spine curves too much at the top.  As always, Obito’s gaze eventually finds the scar over Kakashi’s eye, traces it carefully.
Whenever he tries to touch it while their kissing or fucking, Kakashi pulls him away, tangles their fingers together or tugs his wrist down to the mattress and restrains his hand there, like it can’t be trusted not to wander.
He doesn’t like to acknowledge his scars any more than Obito likes to acknowledge his own, and Obito wonders if that is part of why they remain within one another’s terrible, destructive orbit.  Because neither of them needs to explain their scars to the other—they were together when they were earned.
Kakashi, for the first time since this all started months ago, looks unsure.  He stands in the liminal space between the kitchen and the living room, rocking slightly back and forth on the balls of his feet.  His energy is nervous.  Sizzling.  Like a crack of lightning splitting the night sky in half.
“Something on your mind?” Obito asks, trying not to let the panic he feels fluttering in his chest make its way into his voice.  It’s like there’s a hummingbird trapped in the cage of his ribs, frantic to escape.
Kakashi shakes his head.  “How, uh… how was your day?” he asks, and a grimace follows immediately, slicing its way across his face like the dull side of a kitchen knife.
Obito can’t help it, he tries not to laugh, but it takes only half a heartbeat for the raucous noise to skitter out of his chest, setting the hummingbird free as he guffaws.  Watching Kakashi try to be normal, try to treat their interaction as if it is casual and regular, is the funniest shit Obito has ever seen.
Kakashi rolls his eyes and takes two quick, purposeful steps forward.  It’s then the coffee scent slams full force into Obito, snaking its way up his nose and into his throat.  He gags a little and Kakashi halts his advance, pausing just as his knee would have brushed against Obito’s own where he sits on his ratty old couch.
“Something smell bad?” Kakashi asks, glancing over his shoulder at the takeout he deposited on the counter.
“Yeah,” Obito says, pinching his nose closed for dramatic effect, “you.”
Still, after all the years of knowing him, of provoking him—and then missing him—Obito experiences the same swift thrill whenever he catches Kakashi off guard.  And watching the confusion blossom over his features, first in the subtle downturn of his mouth at the edges and then in the wrinkles of his nose and crease of his brow, is a glorious, wonderful thing.
“Me?  I smell bad?”
Obito rises slowly from his seat, the good side of his face pitched up in a grin.  “You smell fucking terrible all the time.”
There’s that gorgeous, adorable confusion again.  Deepening.  Pulling Kakashi’s lip toward the infuriatingly beautiful mark on his chin, carving a ravine between his eyebrows.
Obito wishes he could take a photo, blow it up, and hang it on his wall.  He knows he’s probably picking a fight—knows it’s probably long overdue—but this moment is worth the risk of blowing up the very small good thing he’s managed to unpack from his past.
Of course, Kakashi does not handle discomfort well.  Obito doesn’t need a therapist to tell him that.  Kakashi is a man who thrives on control, and Obito’s revelation has clearly thrown him.  It doesn’t take long for lovely confusion to break apart, resettle itself against Kakashi’s features as something vicious.
“Fuck you, I didn’t come here to be insulted,” he says.
Obito’s grin widens.  “But you did come here to fuck me, though.”  He chuckles, and Kakashi spins on his heels.  Before he can snatch up his takeout and head back out into the hall, Obito grabs the bag first and holds it out of his reach.
An impressive feat, if Obito does say so himself, considering they’re close in height but Kakashi definitely has longer arms.  He’s always been built like a swimmer, lanky with a broad chest and narrow hips.
“Stop being such an asshole,” Kakashi says, grabbing for the bag and missing as Obito passes it to his other hand behind his back.
“Don’t be such a fragile little flower,” Obito chides, “take a little criticism for once in your life.”
Kakashi’s face hardens and he stops trying to reach for his food, which Obito knows probably means he’s gone too far, pushed some invisible button too hard.  Rather than acknowledge that; rather than walk himself back or apologize, he simply opens the bag of food in his hands, maintaining uncomfortably intense eye contact with Kakashi as he reaches in, grabs the first food-shaped thing he finds, and brings it to his mouth.
He gags when it hits his tongue, spits it half-chewed right back into the bag without any concern for the rest of its contents.
When he glares at Kakashi, nose wrinkling, pulling his facial scars in a way that tugs uncomfortably at the unmarred flesh of his face, Obito expects to see the same sharp and acerbic glare from a moment ago.
Instead, what he finds is mirth—light dancing in Kakashi’s dark eyes as his mouth splits into a smile, revealing his perfect teeth.  Obito knows his left canine is false, but it’s hard to tell since the rest of his smile is just as dazzlingly white.  And as Kakashi tilts his head back, the apple of his throat jumping wildly in time with his laughter, he wheezes out a high-pitched, “Serves you right!” and then keeps on laughing.
Obito supposes it does, to some extent.  But how was he supposed to know Kakashi Hatake, well-established hater of all things even remotely dessert-like, would be carrying coffee cake in his to-go bag?  Obito keeps sticking out his tongue, like exposure to the air will somehow cleanse the taste from his mouth.  He must look like a frog; a big dumb amphibian who snapped its tongue out only to realize it caught a stink bug.
He tosses the bag back onto the counter, content to have it as far from his person as possible.  “I thought you hated sweets.”
“I do,” Kakashi says, finally regaining some semblance of stoicism.  “It’s for my neighbor.”
Obito frowns.  “Since when have you been that social?”
Kakashi shrugs, but says nothing.  Typical.
They stand there, awkward and unmoving, for several long seconds.  Obito can feel sweat prickling at his nape, his temples.  He has no clue what he’s supposed to say, now.
Do you still get to fuck someone after you’ve told them they reek and then spit half-masticated baked goods back into their extremely kind bag of neighborly good will?
Probably not, which is disappointing.
Is he supposed to open the box, splay the contents across his floors so they can examine all the missing pieces?  Try to fit them back together?
Obito decides that isn’t something he’s ready to do.  That whatever exists between them, now, is still too new, too fragile, to bear the weight.  One day, maybe, it will be strong enough.  But not now.
Mercifully, Kakashi clears his throat, which clears the air enough for him to ask, “Why haven’t’ you ever said anything?”
“About what?” Obito asks, realizing a moment too late that he’s fucking dumb.
Kakashi knows, too, and infuses as much incredulity into his clarification as possible, each syllable dripping with a sickly-sweet undertone of are you fucking kidding.  “You said I smell, Obito.  All the time.  Why didn’t you tell me before?”
There’s no truly easy answer.  Because of course, Obito thinks Kakashi smells like burnt piss, but he doesn’t actually.  What he smells like is coffee, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to smell like, probably.
Assuming Kakashi drinks the stuff because if he doesn’t, then what the fuck?
“I hate the smell of coffee,” Obito says finally, after Kakashi reaches out and flicks him on the forehead for taking too long to answer.  He rubs at the spot where he’s sure the gesture has left a red smudge on his skin.  “You always smell like fucking coffee.”
Obito isn’t sure what he expects Kakashi’s response to be.  More incredulity, maybe.  Irritation.  Hands thrown up in the air and then a purposeful march out of his apartment.  An annoying dissertation on why coffee is wonderful and Obito is wrong.
Instead, Kakashi grins like a very smug cat, takes a step forward and presses his forehead to Obito’s, arms crossed over his chest like the smug, self-assured bastard he has (almost) always been.
Obito bristles, mostly because the move is unfamiliar.  For all Kakashi enjoys making people uncomfortable, he typically uses his words to do so.  The proximity of him, the coffee smell and the warmth of his skin and the faint tickle of his breath as he leans close to Obito’s ear are things typically reserved for the duration of their sex and that’s all.
Kakashi doesn’t like being close to people.  Obito understands why, respects the boundary for the most part.  He nearly topples backward trying to maintain any semblance of space between their bodies.
Then Kakashi rasps almost alluringly against his ear, “I own a fucking coffee shop, you dumbass.”
It occurs to Obito in that moment he has never bothered to ask where Kakashi works.  Their first meeting at that bar replays in his mind and he recalls Kakashi asking him what he did for a living, but Obito had gotten distracted by his momentary embarrassment and never returned the favor.
He groans loudly, leaning his forehead against Kakashi’s shoulder, which jostles as he chuckles at Obito’s expense.  Obito snorts, a short, half-hearted attempt at that self-deprecating humor he has so perfected over the years.  “Figures I’d fall for someone who smells like my least favorite thing.”
He pulls away, flustered and embarrassed.  The heat of his face is probably enough to warm that coffee cake like it’s fresh from the oven.  Obito wonders suddenly if the cake came from Kakashi’s shop.  Wonders where the shop is and what it’s like inside.
If they serve anything other than fucking coffee.
Kakashi’s fingers are rough against Obito’s jaw as he pulls him in for their first kiss of the day, but the kiss itself is gentle.  He doesn’t open his mouth, isn’t as greedy or demanding as usual.  And Obito relishes the temporary softening, the tender moment offered to him.  He clings to Kakashi’s shirt and tries to breathe as little as possible so the coffee stench won’t invade his nostrils.
Though, he must admit, at the moment, he cares a hell of a lot less than usual.  Because Kakashi’s kisses are delicate and coaxing, one hand skimming over Obito’s scars with a carefulness that makes his chest ache.
A carefulness he has never experienced before, not with anyone, and especially not with the man he knows deems himself responsible for their existence.
Obito pulls away first, finally in such desperate need of a full breath he can’t hold out any longer.  He doesn’t pull far, though, just enough to let his lungs expand without restriction.  And when his eyes meet Kakashi’s, the light in them is still there, less twinkling and steadier.
A porch light welcoming him home, peeling away the shadows to reveal safety and comfort.
“Let’s take a bath,” Kakashi says quietly, grinning.
Obito has the decency to laugh.  It’s a convenient enough sound, anyway, one which hopefully drowns out the erratic thudding his chest.  The hammer beat of a heart only now realizing Kakashi didn’t run away when Obito said he was falling, didn’t put up the cool partition Obito is so used to running up against every time he tries to open up, to be opened.
To drag the box out and bring its contents back into the light.
The tub is not large enough for two grown men.  Not really.  But they Tetris their limbs into the basin as well as they can, tangling together like brambles—perhaps just as prickly—and laughing at their own foolishness in unison.
“It’s smells like a department store in here.”
Obito splashes the scented water at Kakashi, who squints and spits.  “I need all the eucalyptus and lavender I can get my hands on to wash out your coffee shop’s stench.”
Kakashi leans back against the tub with a serene smile and closes his eyes.  “You should come visit sometime,” he offers and Obito knows it’s no small thing to be invited into Kakashi’s life even such a minor way.  He looks up to wink at Obito through the steam of the bathwater.  “Maybe not on roasting day, though.”
“You couldn’t pay me.”
His therapist will probably still tell Obito this is an unhealthy attachment at their next session.  But Obito thinks today is a step in the right direction, at least.  A limping movement toward the honesty that comes so hard to them both.
Maybe they can figure the rest out together, peel back all the layers and scars until they are raw and open to each other.  Until they can repair all the marks of their shared past, their fractured future.  Maybe.  Someday.
Obito likes the idea that his past and his future might yet be able to exist together.  That one day there won’t be any dusty boxes he has to carry around, regrets and secrets stuffed between tabs of moldy cardboard.  He likes the idea that maybe he and Kakashi can unpack together.  Build a bonfire afterward and burn away all the shit they no longer need to hold onto.
The smoke would smell better than coffee, at least.  And as long as Kakashi agrees to take a bath when he comes over, Obito thinks they just might be able to make this work.
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subukunojess · 8 months
Rabbidsona/OC: Violetta Reference and Info
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I got inspired by the Rabbid OCs on my dash interacting with the latest DLC: Rayman in the Phantom Show and I also wanted to create my own Phantom Show OC to the point where I got inspiration to draw it out. First time drawing a Rabbid, so please forgive me. I have a wip one-shot on the way, but I wanted to flesh her out as I'm writing. Character notes under the cut:
Origins, Sparks, and Abilities
Violetta (She/Her) is a neurodivergent Rabbid who once lived in Paletteville, Palette Prime. She is a combination of a Rabbid and violets, so her hair smells like flowers.
I am not sure whether or not in her past, she could have been involved with Cursa and the Spark Hunters. Still deciding on that.
Regardless, Violetta is cursed similar but different to Woodrow. She could write novels fine and there would be no bad luck. However, when she writes with ultimate passion, especially with anything she is very interested in, she summons monsters. At first, no one put two and two together until one day, a giant Piranha Plant sprouted in town, a short story with plants got published and a few denizens saw Violetta playing with the plant. Ever since then, people called her "The Monster of Paletteville" and banished her.
Violetta ended up on a new planet seemingly undiscovered that she dubbed "Monstervania", a dark forest/jungle planet filled with monsters and inspired by Transylvania. She had to find her own shelter in the wilderness and along the way, met three Spark siblings.
Her Spark friends are (from left to right): Chord (They/Them) who can change and mimic voices, Scale (She/Her) who can shrink or grow others, and Tack (He/Him) who can disguise someone with a nice outfit. Scale is considered the older sister for the other two and the most powerful. They were all lost and hiding from Cursa until Violetta arrived, so the four of them joined together to survive.
Violetta's weapon is a Kusarigama, a chain-sickle with the sickle part being shaped like a treble clef. I'll get to that in a minute.
She has an ability that I'm trying to name. Basically, when it activates, she could make it so that her opponents only see her as a beacon or a siren of sorts. In probable gameplay, the enemies will be focused on her while any of her teammates within range would be as if they were Unseen for two turns.
Violetta is best described as the sweet and adorable woman you don't want to mess with. She falls under the trope of "the cute and nice person who writes/likes dark subjects and can tear your heart apart verbally and emotionally". She's a sociable introvert. At first, she comes out as outgoing and curious, but she tends to be shy and quiet.
When she gets overstimulated, not only does she get the urge to write but that is also when her "curse" comes into play the most. Her fur would bristle and fangs would come out from her mouth. She usually tries hiding away from others and if possible, uses Tack and/or Chord to disguise herself.
Like most Rabbids, her eyes turn red when upset.
How Violetta and Phantom meet; Her role in The Space Opera Network
So Violetta and The Phantom meet in awkward and strange circumstances. Prior to the Banishment, Violetta was an avid fan of Phantom's singing and would listen to his music once in a while. When she came to Monstervania, she only had the clothes on her back, some food packed, a cell phone, and headphones, so at night she would listen to the Phantom's songs with her Sparks.
One night during a Full Moon, Violetta gets inspired and writes a story in her journal with Phantom in mind. The curse activates and (with Scale's ability somehow involved) Phantom is summoned and now 100 feet tall.
Violetta understandably freaks out because A) This has never happened before, B) she accidentally pulled a big-time celebrity to an unknown planet and changed him without knowing, and C) She finds it oddly attractive. So she runs away, unknowingly leaving Scale and the journal behind.
Phantom at this point had recently become the director of The Space Opera Network. One moment, he is in a meeting, and the next, he finds himself as a giant in a dark forest. He sees someone run away but meets Scale and reads Violetta's work.
Meanwhile, Violetta, Tack, and Chord end up in a castle where a mad scientist rabbid lives with a monster named Brutus and he wants the Sparks to give to Cursa and Violetta for experimentation/a companion for Brutus.
Chaos ensues to the point where Phantom and Scale catch up to Violetta and they all join forces to escape the scientist and his monster army. It was at this fight that Violetta gets her chain-sickle which is inspired by Phantom.
During the fight and the discussion afterward, the Phantom realizes how creative Violetta is along with her power, her wonderful writing, and how she improvises in the heat of the moment. He decides right then and there to hire Violetta for the Space Opera Network.
After the escape and both Phantom and Violetta have a heart-to-heart, some of the crew from the Space Opera Network arrive on a spaceship along with Phantom's agent to get the Phantom. Phantom does get back to his normal size, but he also takes Violetta to live and work at the Network.
Violetta is now a screenwriter/actor while writing novels and short stories on the side. Most of the crew either don't know of her curse or know of her curse but don't care. They are very accommodating and at this point, it's an open secret with surprises. Despite whatever minor detail or random monster suddenly appears, the Phantom actually takes it in stride and for the most part enjoys the chaos of it all.
The Spark Siblings also get to work at the Network as well! Scale helps around as much as she can, Chord is in charge of the sound mixing, and Tack handles the costumes.
Violetta's Thoughts On Relationships
Woodrow: A good friend and a fan of the poet's work. Violetta finds in him a kindred spirit of literature and their curses. At first, she was afraid that he would be mad at her because sometimes the townsfolk would blame him whenever her curse activates, but he didn't mind. She also does not mind whatever luck happens and would gladly listen to a poem.
Sparks in General: They are adorable, powerful creatures that must be protected! And they are great friends.
Phantom: From being a fan to a good friend/secret crush. She sees him as a creative idol and although she tends not to follow pop culture and trends, she does see the appeal in Phantom's work. She was afraid that he would hate her and look down upon her, but he surprisingly seemed more down-to-earth than other "celebrities". Meanwhile, not only does Phantom want to involve himself with a creative visionary, but during his adventure in Monstervania, he feels a brief emotion of ultimate power/energy with Violetta's attention alone. Basically, when she gets excited about the Phantom, Phantom briefly has a large power boost. He does not overuse this, but he does take advantage of it when it happens. Overall, just casual friends with one playfully teasing the other and the other having a crush on the former.
Dahlia (@hostess-of-horror's OC): A fan of the Director's work. She wants to meet and possibly collab/act in Dahlia's movies, but she's anxious about it and goes into the "OMG, the more talented and cool superstar will not like me and I'm a nobody". Notably when "Rabula" got aired, seeing it made Violetta overstimulate (because she loved it so much) and she hid away while unconsciously summoning a lightning monster of all things. She does stop the monster from destroying the studio and attacking Dahlia, but she is really embarrassed about the whole thing.
Like me, Violetta keeps to herself and gets nervous meeting other people, so she does want to make friends, but it's difficult for her to make the first move.
That's what I have on Violetta and her Sparks so far. They currently appear in two of my fics that I'm in the process of writing. I hope to use them soon.
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silverott-chevalier · 9 months
So at the behest of a couple of friends, I've made this thing for what it's worth.
My name is Cooper Chevalier, and let's just get this out of the way now-- yes, I am, in fact, a Samurott. If you've heard about a Pokemon becoming a Trainer somewhere in the Johto region, that would be me. If you're wondering how or why this is even possible, then I guess I don't mind answering questions, but for now just know that the League had to make a few accommodations for me when I was first starting out and I've managed to take that all the way to the top and become one of the region's champions. Lance is still the guy running the Indigo Plateau, though--I mostly get called on to resolve issues in Kanto-Johto that he'd normally need to step away for. It's a nice little arrangement.
Anyway. I was convinced to make this by a friend in Galar, so I'm hoping this place is as good as they've made it out to be.
I'm also hoping that not having a Rotom won't bite me on the tail later... how the heck did those things become mainstream anyway--
EDIT: Saw a lot of people putting their Pokemon on these, too, and I'm finally sitting down and doing it. I could probably tell you about Shia and Pallas while I'm here but this should show up in the post they reblogged too so I can be lazy.
Anyway, here's my five mainstays-- they've been with me since near the start of my journey.
Mason (Gengar, M): Kind of a shy fella, but he's really loyal. Easily the partner I trust the most, and though I'm a bit sad to admit it, he's definitely gotten me out of a lot of sticky scenarios the painful way... I've been a lot more careful not to let that sort of thing happen since.
Sypha (Ampharos, F): Serious to a fault and speaks to the point. Proud of her power, but aware of her limits, though that doesn't mean she can't throw a mean Thunderbolt.
Juste (Togekiss, M): I raised him from an egg, and he's easily the most optimistic member of my team. He's also my ride around the two regions, usually, so props to him for carrying around a ~220 lb Samurott through the sky, ehehe...
Nora (Umbreon, F): Strong and steadfast, and fiercely devoted to her friends. She's usually serious, but she's got her playful side. Took a bit to warm up to me, though.
Katsuko (Dragonite, F): Hilariously, though I doubt she played any part in her upbringing, Katsuko is like if you took Clair's competitive spirit and put it in a dragon. Most eager to fight out of everyone, and was easily my second ace once she fully evolved.
Feel free to ask about them--I can ask them questions on your behalf if you want me to.
Hey! This is a rotomblr I made using my pokesona after a friend of mine held me at rotarypoint convinced me to try making one. I'm pretty new to this stuff in general, but we'll see how this pans out in the end. I'll be figuring things out as I go for the most part. I'll probably just label my ooc stuff with (ooc) or something of the like. Lemme know if you have any tips, tricks, or whatever that you'd like to share! I'll probably follow you from @kupkastdashboard since I don't have the patience to manually switch over to Cooper's dash anytime I wanna like or rb something--
Also! Any ask memes I rb are technically open forever, since I don't think they deserve to happen just once and then never again. Just be sure to post the question associated with whatever you're referencing so I know what I'm answering! Links to my specific RBs of my favorites are below. I've answered some of these with Cooper, but with Pallas and Shia on the board, they're also open to be asked things. Just specify who you're looking for, otherwise I'll default to Cooper being the subject or pick one of my muses at random if he's already answered something.
Pelipper Mail! (Malice Coming Soon)
Memory Meme (#cooper's memories)
Thought Bubbles (#cooper's thoughts)
Fossil Ask Game
Headcanon Asks (Answered OOC)
Major Arcana Reversed
Muse In The News
Posts that look directly into Cooper's headspace at any given moment are labeled [#cooper's thoughts], and posts that describe a memory of his that's already happened will be labeled [#cooper's memories]. Neither of these are canonically posted by him, so keep that in mind if you want to make reference to them or leverage them for better or worse!
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jesuisgourde · 2 years
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The story of Alan Wass saving Peter from a punch-up in a 24 hr shop, told in A Likely Lad vs a typewritten version posted to twitter in 2016 or thereabouts.
A Likely Lad transcript:
I was in a newsagent in Camden Town one night, two in the morning, and I was a bit drunk and got into some argument with these five Somali lads, and they started attacking me, and Alan came out of nowhere - he had a big hat on, long coat, swept them all up in his arms and put them through the window of this all-night shop.
Typewritten 2016 transcript [First part from a screenshotted video, the rest from twitter posts]:
Alan Wass contributions to Albion personel personal safety No. 3 'The 'onegreat push for Arcady' incident of 2005 (?) It was about 4 a.m. And myself and Alan were the survivors of a 3 days expedition into urban intoxication. Our research had taken us as far as the Camden Town end of Kentish Town road and in a newsagents/ refreshments bordago we exchanged strange burring noises as I showed him a recent copy of the now defunct music magazine the NME... I was the subject of an interview and review in that weeks edition and as such I held the well-known periodical for dramaticeffect. A group of 4 or 5 Somalian hoodlums entered the shop at that moment, and the sensor device above the door announced each of the chaps' arrival ith a little analogue 'ding' ok people ...before I continue with this rip-roaring yarn, I want you to try and guess (a la 'question of Sport') What Happens next
Alan was taken with them menacing posturing of the Somalian boys.. he knew one of them and began passing round a bottle of screwtop wine he hadnt paid for yet The shopkeeper just stared , his trigger finger near the alarm [Illegible] One of the boys looked at me, his head tilted to one side. O I'm adorning this visit to the mise en whatsit, ..the truth is..all I remember is one of the lads insisting that he knew me ..but couldn't place me ..then he saw the NME cover, and blinked with what could have passed for innocence in that awful harsh light I have already gone on about, trying desperately to capture here the seedy illumination in that place, in all these places. A row of bulging, explicit figures jostled for pornographic attention on the shabby top shelf. I was distracted for a second by 'classic cock monthly', which was cleverly designed to resemble the vintage automob-ile magazine . I wondered if there were copyright issues, and was slapped out of this odd thought by a sharp blow to the side of the head. My hat flew off, and the NME front cover came apart a I crashed against the racks of papers. all Albions monthlies and weeklies and tv guides and spankmags..the hat that I was wearing on the NME cover was now perfectly fitted on a photograph of a top-heavy lass with a saddle under one arm . chaos. I threw a punch at the face At that point I dodged a kic k, but was jumped from behind of my attacker and fell under a battering of kickc and clobbering.. Here's where it happen'd
and I see it clearly in my sometimes muddled memory Alan – in striped trousers tucked into huge riding boots – ran into the cluster of boys – scooped them all up in his arms and ran them through the glass doors of the shop front. He somehow was collosal, suddenly appeared 20 foot tall. They lay shocked in the broken glass, and mostly scattered, one of them stood up and screamed abuse at us but Alan's face – scaring even me – cast a spell on him. He visibly crumbled and ran off as sirens w ailed in all directions. It was like seeing a mother hen collecting her chicks he had this superhuman strength in him.. and I know that exageration colours these type of anecdotes, but I also know what happened... And that's what happened.. scooped them up and dashed them out and down and fucked them off. Be-jaysus
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Touya has the worst takes on both sides of the fandom particularly the hero side has worse takes than the villian side of the fandom. But the villian side also has some really annoying takes on his character- some people being pissed that he's distant towards the league and others thinking that he places the league before the Todorokis in his heart like???
I know the takes are abhorrent on the hero side, but I'm dead serious when I say I have so stringently filtered out my tumblr dash that I haven't seen a hero-stan Touya take in like....a year now? Maybe more.
The thing about League takes is that it's still in the little corner of the fandom I am in. And I do read some to explore ideas that I may not like, but still have to consider. But ultimately for metas and takes on the League as a whole, I just find "Society is the number 1 enemy and that's what the League is fighting to change!" Which...I don't agree. I'm sorry I just don't agree that's where the story is going with their characters. And that that is what their characters are doing lol.
But on Touya--I agree.
I mean, the idea of the League's arcs becoming about friendship and how "they realize that they've all had what they were looking for the entire time!" is definitely one way to explore their characters. And I can see the appeal, and if the story had taken a completely different direction many many many arcs ago, I'd say it would have been a plausible conclusion to each of the LOV members' arcs. But that's not what we have. That's not what's happening with literally ANY of the League members.
I think with Touya specifically it gets messy because some people think he should give his family the middle finger and run off with the League, while others (me) want to see him return to his family. That is allllll up to personal preference. Nobody can tell anybody what ending is "right" or "better", because it's a matter of opinion. But imo the rest of the League characters don't have an arc thus far that fulfills that ending either, not with the current circumstances and with everything we know.
Where it doesn't become a matter of opinion though...is, well, what you said. Touya does not give the League priority, not on the outside, nor in his heart. He kept his identity from them, for one. Didn't divulge his personal plans to them, for two. And for three, he has been actively planning his own death, the rest of the League and the outcome of the war be damned. It won't matter, he'll be gone.
And like....the rest of the League are operating similarly. Well, specifically Toga and Shigaraki. Spinner isn't and IS putting someone else's desires first, but it's painted as a flaw that has landed him in some hot water.
I really saw a lot of anger when the rest of Touya's backstory came out and his fight with Shouto took place. When Touya went full-on with displaying his raw envy and jealousy of Shouto's twisted circumstances, despite knowing what Shouto's gone through. And where it gets messy, once again, is when it shows that Touya desperately needs the attention of his dad. Even now, even still. And like--that is not for me to say whether that's right or wrong to like or dislike. It's a matter of opinion, and it's a messy, touchy subject in this manga. Personally to me--I think Touya being a daddy's boy through and through makes his circumstances all the more sympathetic, painful to read, and entirely relatable. So I love what's been done with his character. But again, that's just me.
But that is where I saw even the villain crowd's reaction to Touya take a super super negative turn. It was already somewhat bad after the hospital chapters, but when his backstory came out and we learned that losing his FAMILY literally made him full blown suicidal (and thus, heavily indicating that he will in fact have his family returned to him in the end) I really saw a lot of dissatisfaction with his arc. Also because it wasn't more focused on the League. But I'll say it again--imo that's not the case with any of them. Not just Touya. Again, matter of opinion. I like it, personally, it caters to the ending I want for all of them.
However what bothers me is I can't find takes on Touya that don't straight up ignore that fact, and still try to make Touya into a revolutionary warrior genuinely fighting for the betterment of society and for other abuse victims. Because man, that is not what is happening.
I could honestly go on and on about how this applies to the rest of the LOV but idk if you wanted a full blown rant or not. So I'm gonna leave it here lmao.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Top 12 Characters from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow
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Halloween may have ended the day before yesterday, but I wanted to give the spooky season one last hurrah! I recently did a couple of lists related to characters from Washington Irving’s classic tale “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” I’ve been on a Sleepy Hollow kick lately, for a few reasons…and due to this “kick,” I decided it was time to revisit the somewhat controversial FOX TV Series simply called “Sleepy Hollow.” When the show first came out, I actually only got part of the way through Season One before I stopped watching it; at the time, I had a lot of other things eating up my attention, and I think I was also a little more closed-minded towards the drastic reinventions this series put forth.
After revisiting the show in the past couple months, I found a new sort of love and respect for it. It’s not a perfect series, mind you, but I think the mixture of my love of the source material and the excellent performances from the actors, above all else, pull it through. The show is a supernatural crime drama, similar to things like “Supernatural,” “Lucifer,” or “The X-Files.” The series focuses on Ichabod Crane - a dashing Revolutionary War hero, in this version of the story - solving a variety of strange crimes in the modern day. From witches to demons to figures from mythology - and, of course, the Headless Horseman - the show had a lot of really wonderful characters and creatures on display. I decided it would be fun to count down some of my favorite characters from the series overall, in honor of All Hallows Eve (or, given today’s date, Dia de los Muertos; take your pick). Because not only did this show have great reimaginings of the characters from the Washington Irving legend, but also a fine array of original characters unique to this interpretation. They all deserve to be recognized. So, without further ado…here are my personal Top 12 Characters from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow.
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12. Jake Wells & Alex Norwood.
These two characters debuted in the show’s fourth and final season. I’m just going to state outright: in my opinion, Season 4 was the worst season of the show. On its own terms, it wasn’t necessarily all that bad, but I think it tried to do a few too many things at once, and changed up the formula of the series in a few too many ways. When you compare to the prior three seasons, it stands out as the weakest link, in my opinion. One of the issues this season had was that it had a whole new cast of major characters we’d never met before, which meant a whole new set of relationships, personalities, and performances for the audience to get used to. Thankfully, most of these characters were pretty strong. Case in point: Jake Wells and Alex Norwood, two eccentric history buffs who work as the chief operatives for Agency 355: a secretive part of the FBI that investigates supernatural phenomenon. Jake and Alex I always saw as a duo, first and foremost, hence why I decided to include them together here. Jake is a dorky, geeky fellow who has read more books on history, and done more research into the paranormal, than almost anyone else; his knowledge on both subjects almost rivals that of Ichabod himself, and he is eager to prove his worth as a hero when he realizes his true calling. Alex, meanwhile, is a snarky, sneaky weapons expert fascinated with ancient technology and cursed objects; she’s actually a bit more skeptical than Jake, but she goes along for the ride. Alex also has a hidden crush on Jake, who naturally remains totally oblivious. These two were just a fun pair to watch in action, and many of the funniest moments in the final season came from their interactions.
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11. Jobe.
While Season 4 may have had a lot of problems, one thing I almost unconditionally loved about it was its villains; most notably its two main antagonists. One of those antagonists is Jobe. It’s unclear if “Jobe” is actually his true name or not, but regardless, Jobe is a Mephistophelean sort of figure: a high-ranking demon who has become the personal bodyguard and assistant of the season’s main villain, Malcolm Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss made a deal with the devil years ago, part of that bargain being that Jobe would faithfully serve him until Dreyfuss’ death. However, Dreyfuss’ plans to gain immortality put that exact bargain at risk, and Jobe is thus in danger of potentially becoming a pawn in the mortal man’s game forever. There’s an interesting contrast with Jobe’s relationship with Dreyfuss; Malcolm relies on the demon constantly, and goes to great lengths to help him out, and Jobe will do just about anything Malcolm demands. At times, one could almost believe the two were friendly with each other…but it eventually becomes clear that Jobe is NOT Malcolm’s friend. He’s simply fulfilling the contract’s stipulations to the letter. While he does not approve of the loophole being used, there’s nothing he can really do about it…aside from finding his own loopholes to try and sabotage the scheme.
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10. Katrina Van Tassel.
A.k.a. Katrina Crane. In this version, she and Ichabod actually get married, so which surname you use can be interchangeable. I call her “Van Tassel” simply because that’s the character’s name in the original story. ANYWAY: Katrina was a major figure in the first two seasons of the show; in many ways, she is the catalyst for a lot of the action that goes on in the series. It’s revealed that Katrina is a witch who was secretly working with American Revolutionaries. It was partially due to her influence that Ichabod defected from the British side of the conflict, and the two were eventually wed. For the first season and a half, Katrina is one of the main protagonists…but, in the latter part of season two - for various reasons - the character falls to the dark side, going from a good and noble enchantress to a truly wicked witch. I’ve always felt sort of conflicted about this portrayal of Katrina; my biggest issue is that, for that first season and a half, the writers couldn’t seem to make up their minds if Katrina was meant to be a strong, independent, powerful woman and role model…or a rather silly damsel in distress. On the one hand, she’s quite literally got a ton of power as a witch, and she’s a skilled manipulator in her own way…but on the other hand, most of her time before we get to her descending arc is spent with Ichabod trying to save her, and it gets old fast. Having said that, I honestly think she became a much more interesting character in the second half of season two, with her descent into darkness story arc; the tension of love and anger between herself and Ichabod, not to mention the other characters, made for some dramatic moments, and her motivations and goals as an antagonist were really quite interesting. She got more chances to actually SHOW her strength as a character, helping Ichabod on cases in the early parts of Season 2B, and then shifting and turning her coat as the arc went on. Actress Katia Winter really helps sell the character, and while I may have some issues with the way she’s written, she’s still an important and iconic figure in the series.
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9. Diana Thomas.
Yet another character from Season 4. Played by Janina Gavankar, Diana had a really tough gig to follow: for the first three seasons, the two main characters of the show had been Ichabod Crane and “Leftenant” Abbie Mills. However, due to issues with the creative team behind the scenes, Nicole Baharie - Abbie’s actress - decided it was time to leave the show. Rather than end the series with Abbie’s death, however, the writers decided to provide Ichabod with a new modern detective to join forces with, and invent a new “Second Witness” as well. This is where Agent Diana Thomas of the FBI comes in: much like Abbie, she meets Ichabod when her own partner and her boss end up killed by a demonic entity. From that point on, the two become entangled, as Ichabod helps Agent Thomas with a variety of cases not in Sleepy Hollow, but in Washington D.C. itself. At first, we believe that Diana must be the new Second Witness…but instead, it’s revealed that Diana is a mother, and it’s her ten year old daughter, Molly, who is the Second Witness. Diana effectively tries to become a crusader for her own offspring, fighting the battles Molly is too young to fight, and trying to find some way to balance her duties as a mother, a member of law enforcement, and part of a secret war against Hell itself all together. While following on the heels of “The Leftenant” wasn’t exactly an easy task, I actually think Diana pulls it off: her own relationship with Ichabod hits some of the same beats, but her character and setup is unique enough to make her interesting and fun in her own right. The way things develop between herself, Molly, and Ichabod is also quite engaging; if the show had gone on longer, she might have ranked more highly here.
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8. Nick Hawley.
It’s weird that this character ranks so highly for me, because - much like the Season 4 cast - this was a character who only appeared for a single season. And unlike most of the S4 cast I’m covering here, he WASN’T a series main during his tenure. I guess one could just argue that character is simply that strong. Nick Hawley, a.k.a. “The Privateer” (as Ichabod likes to call him), is a self-proclaimed treasure hunter. He seeks out rare and mysterious artifacts and items, which usually have some kind of supernatural or mythological tale behind them, and then sells them off either to private buyers or simply to the highest bidder he can find. Hawley is a modern-day pirate: while not completely without scruples, he cares most chiefly about his own health and finances, which makes him an unpredictable, anti-heroic figure for the season. He’s smart, he’s capable, and he’s a great ally to have when you have him…but he’s not above leaving people behind in the lurch when it suits him best, and he even acted as an enemy once or twice to the main heroes, whenever his clients weren’t exactly friendly souls. He was a major figure in Season 2, and he got richer and richer as the season went on…but unfortunately, this was the only season Hawley appeared in. His story effectively remains unfinished, since his departure from the show saw him planning to actively hunt down his own adoptive mother (who had become a demon…it happens). We never saw Hawley again, so we have no idea how his adventures on that front turned out. I had a feeling they MIGHT have been considering using the character in future seasons, but for one reason or another that never happened, either because the show was canceled before such a thing could occur, or because the actor just wasn’t available. Whatever the case, he was a fun figure who brought a sense of mercenary chaos to the program, and his time in the series, while short, was truly unforgettable.
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7. Malcolm Dreyfuss.
Like I said, in my opinion, the best part of Season 4 had to be the villains. Chiefest among them is Malcolm Dreyfuss, the main antagonist for the show’s final season arc. Dreyfuss is a character who feels like something straight out of a comic book, and I mean that in the best possible way: he’s an eccentric, half-mad tech mogul, with a flamboyant, sleazy sort of personality. He feels like he’s somewhere between a mad scientist and a used car salesman. It was a unique personality for a main villain in the show to have; most of the main villains before were more serious, stoic, sinister characters; hyper-powerful beings who controlled legions of Hellspawn and could kill you with a look. Dreyfuss is the exact opposite: he’s just a guy. A very, VERY bad guy with a lot of ambition and a lot of money. In fact, at times Dreyfuss is quite pathetic; one of my favorite elements of this character is that, despite all his theatricality and high-flying schemes of grandeur, there are so many times where the vulnerability and fearful status of Dreyfuss’ position comes into play. Whenever someone sees right through him, so to speak, he goes from a criminal mastermind to a whimpering child, and it’s equal parts funny and kind of sad to see this character fall so low. While he’s an awful creature, he’s also highly entertaining, and his reasons for his evil deeds are actually somewhat sympathetic: this is a man who lived his life in the shadows for so long, and desires to finally be in the spotlight. I think that’s a concept we can all relate to. The season as a whole may not have been the best, but Dreyfuss is a great villain who made for some of the most memorable moments in the final arc of the show.
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6. Frank Irving.
Played by the inimitable Orlando Jones, Captain Frank Irving was one of the main characters in the first two seasons; I can’t help but wonder whether or not it’s merely coincidence that, in my opinion, the latter two seasons - where he was NOT present - were the least grand of the series as a whole. In any case, Irving, for the first half of season one, starts off as a pretty standard sort of “doubting police official” character. While he isn’t a bad person, he doubts in all of the supernatural and fantastical explanations Ichabod and Abbie try to give him for the various crimes they face. It isn’t until his own close encounter with the Headless Horseman that Captain Irving becomes a more active member of the team, as he realizes the war with evil is very real, and far more bizarre than he ever gave it credit. That war hits close to home when a demon actually possesses his daughter; an event that causes endless dismay for Irving, and sets in motion many of the struggles he faces for the rest of his time in the show. Seeing Captain Irving’s transition from a tough-as-nails doubter to an increasingly more tragic and complex character entangled in a web of danger made for an interesting story arc. The lengths he’ll go to in order to keep his family safe are only matched by his tenacity on the battlefield, and the many twists and turns his own private side of the story faced made for some of the most intense parts of the show. It’s really a shame that, after Season 2, we never saw him again, or even got much mention of where he was and what was going on in his life.
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5. Henry Parrish.
Played by the Scarecrow himself, John Noble (or Denethor himself, for you Lord of the Rings fans), Henry Parrish was one of the main antagonists in the first two seasons of Sleepy Hollow. In fact, in Season 2, he basically acted as the main villain, outranking even the Headless Horseman himself! When we first meet Henry, he is a somewhat neurotic, mild-mannered fellow, suffering under a great burden: Henry is a Sin Eater, someone who can physically absorb people’s sins into his own body, a fact that seems to torment him constantly. As the series goes on, he comes out more and more as a worthy ally to the main team…but it’s ultimately revealed that Henry is actually the master manipulator behind many of the things that have gone wrong in the season up to that point. Henry, you see, is actually Ichabod’s own son, Jeremy Crane; abandoned by his mother as a child while Ichabod was still in the crane, Jeremy grew up hated and feared, and was eventually - like Ichabod himself - buried in a state of suspended animation, only to be reawakened years later, and years before his father (hence why the son is physically older than the father; he’s had more time to age). But while Ichabod rose from the dead as a force for good, Jeremy - renaming himself “Henry Parrish” - has become a force for evil: he is the Horseman of War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and a servant of the arch-demon Moloch, whom he sees as his “real” father. John Noble plays the character to perfection, and despite his ultimate defeat in Season 2, Henry would actually be one of the few characters to see the show to the end: he returned a few times in Season 4, first in a nightmare Ichabod has while under the influence of a monster, and then for real in the last couple episodes of the show, teaming up with Malcolm Dreyfuss, as well as hiss old compatriot, the Headless Horseman. Speaking of…
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4. The Headless Horseman.
I mean…it’s Sleepy Hollow. So of COURSE the Headless Horseman is going to be in the Top 5 here. In fact, some of you are probably wondering why the Horseman isn’t in the Top Three! How could the HEADLESS HORSEMAN not make the top three in SLEEPY HOLLOW?! Well…I’ll get to that in a bit, but first, let’s go over the positives. In this series, the Horseman is revealed to be another of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: specifically, he is the Horseman of Death. And, being the Horseman of Death, he cannot truly die, no matter what happens. As a result of this, even as other villains came and went throughout the show, the Horseman stuck around: alongside Ichabod and Jenny Mills (more on them later), the Headless Horseman is the ONLY major character in the series who appears in all three seasons. While he didn’t show up in every single episode, every time the Horseman DID appear, it was a big deal, which made his appearances all the more special; you knew bad stuff was going down in the Hollow when Death rode into town. I also appreciate that the series actually went out of its way to make the Horseman a real character, with a proper true identity, backstory, and personality…at least at first. This is where the problem with the Horseman, and why he isn’t in the top three, comes into play: in the first two seasons, the Horseman is handled EXTREMELY well…but in Season 3, the character only appeared twice. First in a cameo in the opening…and then in a more prominent part in the season finale. That’s it! We never see or even get much reference to him anywhere else! In a show called SLEEPY HOLLOW, it was kind of shocking that such an iconic figure was almost nowhere to be found, especially after his huge level of importance in the prior two seasons. In Season 4, the character had a more prominent role - acting as a tertiary antagonist after Malcolm and Jobe, with at least as many appearances as he had in Season 1 - but the actual character took a HUGE step back. He basically just became a faceless monster; that’s not necessarily a bad thing, since most versions of the Horseman are that, but a big part of what made the first two seasons and their handling of the Horseman so great was that they DID give him more real character and development. Season 4 really watered down the character, and felt like a missed opportunity as a result. There were lots of places where all that established lore and personality could have been utilized, and it just never really was. Having said all that…it was still really cool to see the Horseman anytime he appeared, and the fact he lasted till the end is definitely a credit to the ghost’s power. Also, I guess one CAN technically say he was in EVERY episode, since the opening titles for every season featured the Horseman…but I think that’s pushing it a bit. Anyway, great version of this classic horror icon, and easily my favorite villain from the series…but not great enough, within the show’s own setup, to make the top three.
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3. Abbie Mills.
Abbie Mills, a.k.a. “The Leftenant,” was the secondary protagonist of Sleepy Hollow for the first three seasons. And unlike with Captain Irving, it’s no coincidence at all that the show’s biggest decline happened courtesy of her departure. Abbie is an ambitious police officer at the start of the show, with a checkered past; as a child, she encountered supernatural evil at a young age, something she has tried to deny all her life. Tragic events in her past led Abbie to becoming a petty thief, but - with the help of her mentor, Sheriff August Corbin - she eventually found her calling in law enforcement. In Season 3, Abbie went from being a simple police lieutenant to an agent of the FBI, stationed in New York, which kept her close to home, so to speak, while still allowing the character to advance and shake up the formula a bit. Abbie was a fun character; her relationship with Ichabod was one of purest friendship. There is no romance between them, yet they are as close as two human beings can be; as Ichabod describes in the “Bones” crossover episode (yes, that was a thing), they are a relationship of pure opposites. Ichabod is a quirky, theatrical, grandiose figure out of place and out of time, given to grandiloquent phrases and speeches and constantly prattling off trivia about a past he lived; Abbie is a more down-to-Earth, grounded person who takes things more easily in her stride, but is still open to having her horizons broadened. Both often feel alone in the world, due to various personal tragedies they’ve faced and mysteries they have yet to figure out, but at the end of the day, they always have each other. At times they may bicker and banter, but the chemistry between them is pure gold. When “The Leftenant” finally did leave the show, she went out like a hero - sacrificing everything to save her friends, her family, and the world itself - which was just the proper sendoff her character deserved. One only wishes she never had to leave at all.
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2. Jenny Mills.
While Jenny Mills was never the secondary protagonist in ANY season, she was, effectively, the tertiary protagonist of EVERY season. Like I said before, she was one of only three major characters in the show to appear in every single season, practically from start to finish. (The only other two were Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman, and…let’s face it, in a show called “Sleepy Hollow,” it would have been more amazing if those two DIDN’T show up every single season.) At the start of the show, Jenny is Abbie’s estranged sister; a notorious delinquent who has spent much of her life in-and-out of the local mental hospital. It’s later revealed that all that time “out” of the hospital was spent with Jenny running various secret missions for Sheriff Corbin, who knew all along that the Apocalypse was night, and helped Jenny out when she was possessed by a demon during her adventures. As the show goes on, Jenny became a more and more interesting and important character, and even after Abbie and so many other characters who had played such a big part in the series for the first three seasons disappeared, Jenny stayed on right to the last episode. Jenny is just a bad@$$, plain and simple: she’s not as straight-laced as her sister, much more trigger-happy and far less lawful. She’s essentially a treasure hunter; a low-budget Indiana Jones who works from a trailer rather than a university. In many ways, she is a lot like Nick Hawley; but while Hawley fights for himself above all other things, Jenny believes in a bigger plan, and is simply trying to find her place in it. Because she lasted so long in the series, we got to see Jenny interact with more characters and form more relationships than almost any other in the show, barring Ichabod himself; and as the show progressed, and her role increased, we saw Jenny mature and become more and more independent. The final season indicated that she was actually planning to leave “Team Witness” and go off on her own, no doubt preluding the actress’ departure; I’m actually sort of glad this DIDN’T happen, only because it meant that the character did remain a firm anchor all the way to the end of the ride. Having said that, it would have been interesting to see how Jenny and the show would have fared if this had; this is a character so strong that I actually would have loved to see an entire series JUST about her, and that’s high praise indeed.
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1. Ichabod Crane.
For some, it’s probably an obvious no brainer to put the main character at the top of the ranks. However, in all honesty, I would argue it’s more surprising to do so, since - as we all know - the MAIN character of any series isn’t necessarily one’s FAVORITE, nor the BEST. But in the case of “Sleepy Hollow”...there is no question, this is just a case where the central protagonist is my favorite. I think a lot of the credit goes to the actor, Tom Mison: while the character he plays owes precious little to Washington Irving’s spindly schoolmaster, something about the personality he gives Ichabod, and the way Mison looks, in general, just feels so much like it captures the basic DNA of the character we all know and love, while adding something brand new and utterly fascinating to the mix. Much of the humor from the series comes from Ichabod’s “fish out of water” status - a man from a past long-misunderstood, stuck in a future-present he is still struggling to fully understand. At the same time, much of the pathos for the character comes from the same place: a constant theme in the series is Ichabod constantly battling between the sense of being alone in the universe, and realizing that maybe he isn’t AS alone as he really thinks. Throughout the series, he loses allies, friends, family, and even loved ones…but through it all, he perseveres, and finds new people to assist him, as well as new enemies to combat. There is never a dull moment when Ichabod is onscreen, and that’s thankfully most of the show’s runtime, given his status as the main character. He is by no means my definitive take on the classic character, but he is a strong and interesting protagonist in his own right, and it’s easy to see why, when all else failed, you could count on Ichabod to keep people coming back to the show, over and over again. It’s really not a shock at all that Ichabod Crane is My Favorite Character from FOX’s Sleepy Hollow.
Honorable Mentions…
Sheriff August Corbin. (He’s played by Clancy Brown. ‘Nuff said.)
George Washington.
Benjamin Franklin.
Andy Brooks.
Betsy Ross.
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mystery-star · 1 year
Rulers – Ben Wade
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Pairing: Ben Wade x reader (gender neutral) 
Words: 1512 
Warnings: death and violence 
A/N: Just something I had in my story ideas too and it fit today’s prompt :)) 
With a sigh you left your daughter’s bedroom after she had deemed it necessary to dash out of her bed again. At least you know where to look for her because the reason she left was to get a goodnight kiss from her father, despite having gotten one earlier as Ben went to work. By the time you entered the saloon, your husband already held her in his arms and was peppering little kisses all over her face, making her squeal in delight. It was still early so there wasn’t too much going on in the saloon yet. 
“And now off to bed with you” he decided when you approached them 
“No” she declared, clinging to his shirt “I stay with you” 
“Hmm, how am I supposed to work then?” she tilted her head then whispered something in his ear, making him laugh. He whispered something back that upset her and made her hit his chest “Oi, we don’t hit people. That ain’t nice” the words made you chuckle because what the girl or the rest of the townspeople didn’t know was who Ben used to be before settling down with you to raise your daughter. She gave him an unamused glance and then got tickled before he put her back to the ground, telling her to go back home and to bed with you. With a little pout she walked over to you and held out her little hand for you to take. A few of the guests wished her a good night, most of them were regulars that knew Ben and the family well. She waved back at them and as you wanted to leave you heard shots from outside on the streets. Gasping in shock, she clung to your leg and you placed a hand on her back, glancing towards your husband. He seemed calm but you knew the shots unnerved him too. It was a quiet little town and nothing much ever happened here. Whoever was shooting there was an outsider. For most patrons the issue seemed alright after a couple of seconds but Ben remained on high alert. 
“Maybe we better take the backdoor” you muttered, more to yourself and then tried to lead your daughter outside when someone smashed the glass of the saloon doors. Now everyone turned around and Ben was with you with a big step, pulling you with him until you were behind the counter where you could easily hide if something happened. Meanwhile a couple of guys entered and just by the looks of them you could tell they were looking for trouble. Ben seemed to have noticed too and you saw his eyes flicker to the hidden gun under the counter. 
“Listen up folks” one of the newcomers said “Tonight you’ll have grand company here, so we’ll expect everyone to be on their best behavior” he fired a shot into the air and three guests ran out of the saloon, probably scared shitless. They didn’t make it far because two of the men gunned them down. Your daughter took a shocked breath and hid her face against your leg, digging her fingers deeper into the fabric. “Now, our king will need some subjects to rule over, doesn’t he? So, I suggest the rest of you stay right where you are” 
“Who are they?” you whispered to Ben when the men that had just entered, you were pretty sure they were outlaws, started stealing people’s beers and drinking them themselves. 
“And where is this king?” someone asked and got hit with a gun handle 
“His majesty, King Charles, will be here shortly” Ben raised an eyebrow 
“Got a problem, barkeep?” 
“Just wondering if Britany’s wanting their colony back. ‘Sides hasn’t there been a King Charles before? Think I read he got killed even. And as far as I know there’s a lady on the throne right now.” you gave your husband a doubting look. Why was he provoking them? Sure, it’s what he used to do in his outlaw days and often brought him more trouble than necessary. But ever since you lived here he had held back, for your and your daughter’s sake, to not get you in trouble as well. Why was it different now? Because he was back among outlaws for the first time in years? The one who seemed to be leading the men in the saloon stepped closer, giving him a hard glare but at least didn’t shoot him. However, Ben got socked in the jaw but he didn’t seem to mind. Another man entered the saloon and it seemed he was with the outlaws too, giving a nod. So this was the leader, you guessed. 
“All of you to your knees. Show some respect” some patrons were quick to listen while others hesitated and got one by one forced down on their knees. The newcomer helped too and it led you to believe that he obviously just was another one from the gang and not the boss. As the one in front of you stepped closer you just decided to listen as well and pulled your daughter, who was still clinging to you down as well. “You got a problem with hearing or something, huh?” the outlaw then barked at Ben who was still standing. Soon a second one came and grabbed a fistful of Ben’s hair, kicking the back of his knees to try and force him down. Somehow you were glad when Ben just complied and you tried to move a little closer to him. He held out his hand and took yours, giving it a squeeze. It wasn’t just one to cheer you up, it was reassuring as if he knew that nothing bad was going to happen. “Keep an eye on that one” the leader said as he returned to the door. Half a minute later, the door opened and a man in white trousers and black boot entered. From what you could judge he was wearing a red coat and bright hat. Then the man behind you knocked you against the back of your head, telling you to keep your eyes down. The outlaw boss stepped through the saloon as if he owned the place and you just hoped they only were here for a drink and then would leave again without causing too much trouble. Finally, he had reached the bar and the man behind you hit the back of Ben’s head again. 
“What are you waiting for? Serve your king something” Ben let out a deep growl. Oh he was definitely pissed. He had never really liked people that made themselves too important and this one obviously did. After all, his men played along the stupid ‘king’ part. 
“I thought you wanted me to kneel” Ben replied instead of getting up. Again he got hit in the head and your daughter cuddled up more to your side. 
“Problem?” someone asked and you saw the boss stepping towards you. Ben’s eyes flickered over to you and then he tried getting to his feet, which was of course prevented by the guy still holding him down. 
“This one’s causing loads of troubles” suddenly he had a knife out and held it against Ben’s throat, lifting his head “Shall I?” you let out a shocked gasp and wanted to protest but were scared they’d hurt you or your daughter too.  
“No” the boss said to your surprise and you breathed out in relief “Let him go” luckily the outlaw listened and once he was free, Ben got up, pulling you with him.  
“Daddy” your daughter cried now clinging to Ben’s trousers instead. Now you dared to have a closer look at the outlaw boss and now that he stood so close you had to admit he looked familiar. Maybe you had met him once during the time Ben had still been living as an outlaw too?  
“Ben” he gave a nod towards your husband “Good to see you” Ben, however didn’t look pleased and was throwing the other man a glance that seemed to be a plea. And you understood. This man could most likely expose him in front of everyone and get him in even bigger danger. The outlaw looked at you “(Y/N)” now you suddenly recognized the man. Charlie Prince, Ben’s former second in command. You almost chuckled because suddenly the whole ‘King Charles’ circus made sense – it was just a play with his name. And yes, Charlie had always been way too assured of himself and it seemed like he had a new gang now and not the men who had also been riding under Ben before. 
“Not here, Charlie. You don’t know me here” Ben said under his breath. 
“Get everyone out of here” Charlie commanded and so his men got to work, throwing all the guests out. As the last one was trying to leave the room, Charlie pulled out a pistol and shot him. “Make sure we don���t get visitors” he told two of the remaining men “We got a lot to talk about, Ben” 
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a-sexy-asexual-658 · 2 years
The Twin Sister (Part 7)
Summary : (Y/N) Foster is the twin sister of Sophie foster. She's known as a crack head 'female Keefe Sencen' but what happens when Forkle could only carry two people at a time when the neverseen kidnapped her Sophie and Dex and had to leave her behind? What happens when he went back for her and it was too late? What happens when they raided a neverseen base only to find her bloodied and tortured? What happens when they find out she isn't the (Y/N) they all know and love anymore?
"He's a Mesmer," Marella told Sophie at lunch and that caught my attention. Sophie had asked what Grady's ability was and I was just playing with my Rubik's cube, I had some pretty interesting stuff when we were packing. Marella asked what it was and I just told her, but when she asked to touch it I hissed at her and scooted away, it's mine! Anyway back to the whole mesmer thing.
"What's a mesmer?" I asked and she looked at me.
"Wow you really don't know anything do you?" she asked and I gasped, how dare she!? "I'm just teasing—sheesh. A Mesmer can put you in a trance and make you do anything they want while you're in it. It's rare. Not as rare as inflicting, but close." Stars filled my eyes. So. Fucking. COOL!! How can Grady be ashamed of that? It's so cool!! Wait what's inflicting?
"And inflicting is . . . . . ?" Sophie asked, reading my mind. Not actually- wait maybe she did. I gave Sophie a skeptical stare and she rolled her eyes. "I didn't (Y/N), your just predictable." I gasped in mock hurt and was just ignored.
" When someone makes you feel things. Makes you laugh, makes you cry, causes you incredible pain—whatever they want. It's extremely rare. I only know of one, and he's on the Council. But there might be another. Your history Mentor would know." Marella answered the question and I just tuned out the rest of their conversation, I had already got my questions answered. Also inflicting, AWSOME!! So so many good abilities. I kept thinking about what other cool abilities elves could have while humming the current song going through my head suddenly Marella opened something that smelt sweet and like strawberries.
"Want some?" She asked us and as Sophie shook her head but I nodded, I grabbed two from the box she passed me and took a bite. It tasted like sweet strawberries covered or more like soaked in chocolate. I made a noise of satisfaction and Marella giggled. "Yeah, they are good." We continued to munch on them as the subject drifted to our next session.
"What's your next session, (N/N)?" Sophie asked as I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket. The teachers had only bothered me once about my outfit choices but then my sweet loving sister came to the rescue spouting stuff about not actually defying the dress code. Something about capes and leggings not being required. Whatever.
"Healing," I answered her question and she hummed while Marella looked at me confused.
"Healing? That's not a subject."
"Yeah well, it is now. I study healing and stuff with the school physician Elwin." I said and she hummed. Soon the bell rang and we all separated to go to class, I headed to the healing center only to walk in on Elwin pulling a rack full of doctor robes with animal prints all over them. When he saw me he let go and turned to me with a smile while putting his hands on his hips.
"There you are!" He said then pointed to the rack. "Pick one, I'm teaching you how to brew some serums today." He said and I nodded. I put my bag on one of the hooks on the wall that held Elwin's jacket and bag. I took off my jacket and hung it as well as I ran over to the rack. I picked a blue one that had a bunch of reptile-like animals on it as Elwin led me to the back. He showed me how to set everything up and what everything was. "Ok, you start with adding a full vile of ******** " Que me picking it up and pouring it in. "And then you add a few dashes of *******" It continued like this for about an hour with Elwin showing me how to measure things and how to make it. Just as we finished it we heard someone walk in, Elwin walked out to see who it was as I put away all the empty stuff.
"Sophie?" I heard Elwin ask. "I figured I'd have to drag you back here to check up on you." I walked out and saw Sophie with a male version of Marella. (you can't deny it, they both have blonde hair and ice blue eyes) Does everyone have an opposite gender look alike? Ohh I wonder if I have one.
"I know," she said as I walked over to stand next to Elwin. "I have a tiny burn I need you to treat—no big deal."
"Well, let me check it out." As he went to walk over Bullhorn hissed and scurried across the floor. "Don't mind Bullhorn," Elwin said as Sophie backed against the door. "He's harmless."
At that second Bullhorn looked like a demented ferret with beady purple eyes, probably scaring Sophie as I just giggled. "What is he?" Sophie asked as I walked over and took her hand to look at the wound.
"A banshee. Adorable, isn't he?"
"Uh, sure." Bullhorn snapped at her ankles. The boy laughed and I suppressed a giggle.
"What brings you here today, Keefe?" Elwin asked, huh so this is the famous Keefe Sencen. Thought he'd look hotter honestly, hmm he looks familiar but from wear?
"Just helping a fellow prodigy, sir."
Elwin grinned. "I notice you've had to miss your session to do it."
"I know. Such a shame." He sighed dramatically. "But Sophie needed help, so what could I do?"
"What, indeed? And I suppose you'll be wanting a pass to excuse you."
"What a good idea."
"You always have been one to seize an opportunity." Elwin handed Keefe a slip of paper. "Session won't be over for another half hour, so I'd walk slow if I were you."
"Oh, I can't leave yet—not until I know Sophie will be okay." Elwin just hummed then turned to me.
"What do you see, kiddo."
"Red," I said with a blank expression. He only looked at me.
"Not what I meant." I hummed.
"It's a burn." I then raised Sophie's hand then sniffed it. My nose crinkled and I coughed. "It's a chemical one," I said and Elwin walked over to take a look. He flashed a blue orb around her hand and put his glasses on.
"It's an acid burn, close, it's easy to mix them up. I hadn't taught you about how to tell different burns yet, how did you know?" Elwin asked. A crooked grin split across my face as I stuffed my hands in the pockets of the animal sweater I was wearing and leaned back against the door frame behind me.
"Do enough pranks and you pick up a thing or two," I said and Keefe cracked up.
"You do pranks?" He said with a smile and I nodded.
"Yup. Your talking to the best prankster bad girl." I said with pride and a flip of my hair while he smirk taking a step toward me.
"Well, you're talking the best prankster, bad boy."
"Oh?" I mocked and we could hear Sophie groaning about 'having to deal with another idiot' while Elwin only laughed and led her away to treat her burn. Me and Keefe started to brag to each other about our pranks and reputations, and in the end, we planned to meet up and ditch study hall so that I can finally explore the school and he said he would show me all the best pranking and ditching spots now that we were 'prankster partners' as he put it. All though we did agree if we were ever caught it was every elf for themselves.
Well, the tour went extremely well and we are now lounging at the most hidden ditching spot as we ate a plate of butterblasts each that we had stolen from the mentors' cafeteria. I kept giggling and munching as Keefe told stories and made jokes.
"So how 'bout you, what was your greatest prank?"
"Ha no. You ain't spilling the beans on the Great Gulon Incident so I ain't spilling them on the Great Nitrocellulose Catastrophe." He gasped in exaggeration.
"Pwease!" He tried with a baby voice and a pouting face, the voice was annoying.
"Nope, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!" As I broke out into a witch cackle he pouted and tried to steal the rest of my butterblasts. I saw his hand reaching for them and snatched it, bringing it behind his back forcing him into a painful arm lock twist thing I learned in the underground ring- I mean martial arts class.
"Ow owowowow let go!!" He wined and I let go with a sheepish smile.
"Sorry," I said scratching my neck with a smile, FYI I wasn't sorry. No one takes my sweets, no one.
"It's fine—but how'd you do that?" he asked with curiosity and I grinned with pride.
"Self-defense classes, my human parents made me take them when we became literal children in high school. Although I was told to only use them when . . . . . people popped up." I said going stone cold when I said, people. Anyway, it was half the truth, I started taking martial arts when I was a kid but my parents only let me use it on those people, and they still don't know about the whole underground boxing thing.
"What people?" Keefe asked the dreadful question.
". . . . . . . . r@p!sts and assaulters." I said hesitantly. (I'm not comfortable saying that word, disgusting beings)
"What are r@p!sts?" Oh, bless his innocent soul. I softly put my hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a soft yet concerned face, which made him panic.
"It's better you don't know, save what little innocence you have left," I said then ate my last butterblast, got up, and left. Leaving him on the floor panicked and confused.
"Wait- What!?" I heard him yell behind me but I just left.
~A week later ~
Before we knew it Sophie's 'Great Cape Destruction' and the pranks that I pulled with Keefe in the next few days blew up and we suddenly became popular. Even I was overwhelmed because I was the type of popular where everyone hated me not the type where everyone wanted to be our friend. Soon people were asking us to sit with them and be friends and when Grady heard he seemed relieved. Sophie said it was because the more we fit in the harder it would be for Bronte to expel us- err her, I keep forgetting he said yes to me. Just used to me and Sophie getting the same response to everything I guess.
Me and Sophie kept sitting with Marella and Dex though, but sometimes Bianna pulled me away to go sit with her. Though for some reason she never let Sophie come, weird. Oh well, Marella wasn't happy about me sitting with them sometimes at first but when I came back to her with all the latest tea and gossip at their table she quickly threw that grudge way. And Dex being the loveable best friend he is didn't care.
I kept ditching classes yet passing them all the time, well except for alchemy and history, those were hard. But let's ignore all my flaws and talk about how I'm hot and perfect. My title of 'female Keefe Sencen' has been proven true but when I started disliking it Keefe - although laughed first- help me change it to 'hot prankster bad girl' although Keefe kept leaning to 'bad girl supreme' but I said no remembering all the times he referred to himself as ' bad boy supreme'. Also unfortunately what came with popular and my hot self was simping boys just like Keefe had simping girls. 
Right now we were online for the leap master with me zoned out thinking about the next prank I should pull when I saw Sophie turn red. Protective sis mode activated. I looked around for the one who made her turn red and saw Dex also red. I deadpanned, you got to be kidding me. I pushed them five feet away from each other and gave them both a glare.
"What?" They asked at the same time.
"Both of you five feet away from your crush, you might not like Dex but it's clear he likes you," I said flatly and they both turned red. And for the 'both of you' part yes I'm protective of both of them deal with it.
"I-I don't like her like that!"
"Yeah sure and I'm straight."
It was a long day at work today and by a long day, I meant at least five Karens showed up. So ya know how humans get Karen's like once a week or month? Yeah well, we get them practically every day because Kesler and Juline the owners of the shop are a bad match. It was funny at first but just got exhausting. When I walked inside my back was slumped and I was dragging my feet. As I walked past the dining room to get to the stairs Grady saw me from his spot eating at the table and laughed at my state.
"Long day?"
"Five whores- I mean five Karens." I corrected myself when Grady narrowed his eyes. Yeah, they've been trying to get rid of my habit of cursing by making me stop doing it at havenfeild.
"Hmm, I'll let it pass this time since your practically dead." Sophie then looked at me with a smirk.
"Friendly reminder, you wanted the job."
"Fudge you." Fortunately for me and not Grady and Edaline, they can't stop me from food cursing because technically I'm not saying a bad word. I went upstairs and took a shower, got into my animal onesie then fed Stinky. I went downstairs and Edaline conjured me a plate, as I started to eat my mind started to clear and I finally noticed the cute little animal in the cage across the table from me.
"Aww now, what's that cute little thing!"
"Wow you barely have enough energy to put food in your mouth but you have enough to gush over animals."
"Shut it I always have energy for animals and your lucky I'm even eating." Silence. Yeah, I'm not suicidal but everyone keeps saying I am. I mean yes I say suicidal things, and do things that indicate that I am but I'm not. I'm just careless with my life- wait that came out wrong!! "I'm not suicidal." I finally broke the silence and got out of my thoughts.
"Yes, you are!" Sophie yelled at me. Silence.
" . . . . . . so what is he?"
"An imp and his name is Iggy."
"Wow, how original."
"Says the one that named her muskog Stinky." I slammed my hands on the table.
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" Que me and Sophie arguing about which pet is better and Grady and Edaline sharing a smile at the scene that went unnoticed by us.
That night Edaline had brought Sophie to her room to help settle Iggy in but frowned when she saw the room looked like Sophie hadn't spent even one night in it. Me and Sophie started to sweat, Grady and Edaline still didn't know that Sophie had been sleeping in my room and we were afraid they would think we were weird if they knew. She turned to us and asked the dreaded question.
"Have you not been sleeping in your room?" As I tried to come up with a response Sophie came clean.
"No, I've been sleeping in (Y/N)'s. We've always shared a bed and room since we were little kids. It's more of a comfort thing now and we tried not to but when we did we got anxious, had nightmares, and couldn't sleep. Sorry if it's weird." It took a long agonizing minute for Edaline to respond but when she did she just had a soft smile on her face.
"It's fine, why don't we bring Iggy up to (Y/N)'s room." She said and we went upstairs and what Sophie said was true. We have tried sleeping separately but it never worked. Anyways we went to sleep that night with a snoring Iggy in his cage which was placed on my desk.
~The Next Day~
"Who's ready for the ultimate splotching challenge." A mentor said at gym class the next morning. I was confused and looked at Dex and he explained what it was. So I get to through goo in people's faces and not get in trouble? SCORE!! And if I win I get a detention pass. As I was about to go look for Stina, oh I could imagine the look on her face, someone grabbed my arm.
"Hey, partner!" Said a masculine voice and when I turned I was met with ice blue eyes.
"Hey, Keefe!" We spoke for a bit then walked up and I grabbed a red splocher. I grinned at Keefe with a wicked evil glint in my eye. "Don't worry I'll aim for the hair, maybe then you'll look like a real kid with daddy issues." He gasped in horror as his hands flew to his head.
"NOT THE HAIR!!!!!" He yelled although it sounded more like a squeak. I've had this sinking feeling he had daddy issues, mostly cause of how he acts, and I joked around about it a bit but I never really lunged into it because well we've only known each other for like two weeks. Remember lines, people, lines. Never cross them, the person might just hate you the rest of your life.
We stood across from each other and I hovered the splotch in front of us and as the coach yelled splotch it just stayed there. I decided to not do anything but hold it for a few seconds to test the waters but it only moved a few inches toward me and I watched as Keefe started to sweat a bit and crease his eyebrow. As everyone looked our way I acted like I forgot to push.
"Oh-shit-yeah!" I then pushed and as soon as I did it went flying to Keefe. At the last second, I smirked and redirected it to his hair.
Silence. Everyone and everything was dead silent as we all watched the pink goo soak into his hair and dribble down his face. He had a dead look on his face and the air was extremely tight. He slowly raised his hand and hesitantly poked his hair and slowly brought it down and looked at his now pink fingers. When he saw the pink he squeaked a girly squeak and then fainted.
He fucking fainted. 
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" picture a serial killer from an anime or show and they laughed after they just killed someone, yeah that was me. Everyone gave me weirded out or frightened looks but the teachers just had a student bring Keefe to the healing center and we continued with our game. I splotched Stina in the face and may I say. Her. Face. Was. Priceless. Better than I imagined it. She made I fit about hurting her and trying to get me disqualified but as soon as a raised my fist, the one I punched her mom with may I add, she shut up.
We kept going and somehow it turned into the last three instead of the last four and Sophie and Fitz just stared awkwardly at each other as the teachers tried to figure out what to do.
"We can do rock paper scissors," I said carelessly while sneaking some splotches into my pockets to bring home for pranks.
"What's rock paper scissors?" Fitz asked and I just looked at him blankly. How do I explain such a simple game to him? Luckily Sophie beat me to it and explained it to him.
"No, Fitz you will just go against whichever girl wins since you are the winner of every game." The man I didn't care to learn the name of said and me and Sophie stood in front of each other. Sorry, Soph but I really want to hit Fitz with goo so I'm not going easy. "SPLOTCH!" The coach said as they threw the blue goo ball in the air, me and Sophie caught it at the same time and started pushing our minds out. It kept moving back and forth and Sophie threw her arms out trying to win while I kept my hands in my pockets. Suddenly a wave of energy coming from Sophie threw us both back and she hit the bleachers knocking her out as I, being used to being tossed around, grabbed the nearest object and did a weird twisty thing around it and landed on my feet. Still wanting to win and being petty I pushed the goo ball the last few feet and nailed Sophie in the face.
"Yes!! I win!!" 
After I yelled I ran over to Sophie to see if she was ok but the coaches said she would be fine and had someone bring her to the healing center. Then me and Fitz went against each other. I had a wicked grin on my face and I could tell he was freaked out.
"MAKE HIM PINK!!!!!" Someone yelled from the audience and I turned to see it was Bianna. Fitz looked at her and glared playfully.
"Traitor!!" She only giggled as everyone kept yelling at me to turn him pink.
"Make him a pretty princess!" 
"I want to see him with pink hair!" 
"Make him see pink for the few days!" 
"Ruin wonderboy's face!!" I could tell who said that last one, gotta love you Dex.
"Well gotta do what the audience wants, right?" I said as I grabbed a pink splocher and threw it in the air as I caught with my mind.
"Get ready . . . . . SPOLTCH!!" As the whistle(?) blew me and Fitz started pushing against each other. I regret to admit it but I was starting to get tired but I was not going to let his perfect ass win. I started to sweat but slowly the ball started making its way to Fitz more and more, I saw him start to sweat even more than he was already sweating and I could tell by the look in his eye he was starting to panic. I smiled slightly as the ball came to a mere 5 feet from Fitz's face, I then remembered the coach once said that you could get more force if you throw your arm out. I took my left hand that was previously in my pocket, to make me be seen as hot, relaxed, and uncaring, out and with a war cry, I pushed with the last bit of energy I had.
"FUCK YOU MINATURE ASSWHOLE!!!" I cried out as the pink goo splattered all over his face. There was a tight silence over everything before I heard a loud happy yell as I turned and saw Dex running toward me. Before I knew he had tackled me into a hug and we were on the floor laughing. Time went quickly from congrats to getting my prize to going to see Sophie in the healing center. I was sitting in a chair next to her cot with my feet perched atop her bed while I fiddled with the punishment dismissing thing.
Suddenly Sir Zayne walked in and grabbed me by the hood of my jacket and started dragging me out of the healing center. "Hey what the hell, man!" I said but he kept dragging me until we reached the empathy classroom.
"Your sister is fine, she just hit her head. You already missed half the period sitting there doing nothing, Let's begin your lesson."
"Dude! Do you know how fragile her tiny little head is? She could be brain dead for all we know!" He only deadpanned and pointed to the chair.
"Sit." And with that, I was forced to have an empathy lesson.
~The next day~
I grinned as Sophie gagged at the taste, yes I still won't lick the thing. They started to speak when Dex pulled out a box and opened it. I stole one of the treats inside it and ate it, mmm these are good. I gave Dex the look and he rolled his eyes pulling out a small bag and putting two handfuls of the 'prattles' in it. He then gave me the bag and I ate one more before putting it in my bag to munch on during class. I listened in on their conversation when suddenly Bianna came up behind them, I grinned and waved at her.
"Hey, Bi!" I said as she waved at me back and looked between me and Sophie.
"Hey, Sophie (Y/N)? Can I talk to you guys?"
Sophie spun around and froze when she saw Bianna. "Uh, sure," she said as I nodded as I hopped on the heels of my feet. Hmm, that prattle gave me some extra energy, I'm about to make it everyone's problem.
Bianna glanced at Dex and Marella. "Can we go somewhere more private?"
Sophie hesitated half a second, but I didn't and immediately hopped over to the beautiful brown-haired girl and followed her toward a deserted corner of the atrium. "Um, what's up?" Sophie asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today."
Sophie waited for something as I stayed quiet, but Bianna seemed serious. "Why?"
Bianna looked at her hands, twisting her fingers together. "I don't know. I thought it might be nice if we could . . . try to be friends." The last words came out barely louder than a whisper.
Friends? I pouted at Bianna. Before Sophie could speak I did. "I thought we were already friends." I crossed my arms and she just smiled slightly at me.
"We are, I meant Sophie." She said and I relaxed. Some would take this as getting friend zoned but I take it as an improvement. As she and Sophie spoke I went into my thoughts to see if I had work today. Suddenly they both turned to me, "So can you come over?"
"Maybe? I have to see if I have work today." I said and she looked confused.
"Yup! I scored a part-time job at Slurps and Burps."
"Oh ok-"
"Wait right here!" I ran back to Dex. "Hey, Dex do we have work today?"
"Uh no, don't you remember? Dad said you could take today off."
"K! Thanks!" I then ran back to the still stunned Bianna and Sophie. "Yeah, I can come over!"
"Great I'll see you guys later." And she left. Huh, she's acting weird.
"Are you going to tell us what that was all about?" Dex asked, already at my side. He and Marella must've made their way over the second Bianna's back had turned.
"She invited us to come over after school today," Sophie said as we walked through the halls.
"What?" they asked simultaneously.
"She said she wanted to be friends with me and hang out with (Y/N)."
"Why?"" they both asked.
Sophie shrugged. "She didn't say."
"Please tell me you told her to go sniff a gulon," Dex begged.
Sophie looked down, unable to meet his eyes and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Aw, come on!"
"I didn't know what else to say."
"She's not that bad." I finally pitched in.
"You could have told her she's a stuck-up snob and you don't want to be her friend," Marella offered, completely ignoring my comment.
"Look, I know you guys aren't going to like this, but my life would be a lot easier if Bianna and I got along. If it doesn't work out, then I wasted one afternoon of my life. So what?"
"How do you know this isn't a trap?" Marella asked. "Invite you over, then humiliate you. You could be walking into an ambush."
"That's not what this is."
"What? You think she isn't capable?" Dex sneered.
"No, but she would never do it at her house. Not with Fitz there."
"Right. I forgot. You and Wonderboy are friends."
Sophie blew out a breath. "Aren't you guys the teeniest bit curious what she's up to?"
She had them there.
"I want details later," Marella agreed.
"And you'd better not leave anything out," Dex added. Then Marella turned to me.
"And you better not kiss her prosperous ass.' I turned red.
"W-w-w-w-what!?!?" I screeched and she rolled her eyes.
"Come one, it's clear you like her."
"I-I do not."
"Yes you do, your stuttering and red."
"I do no- you know what just shut the fuck up." 
4738 words
Hey so that's it for this chapter, now to go rest the rest of the day. Last day of summer yay (note the sarcasm). Ugh. Well updates will be slower and so yeah. If you don't hear from me its because I mentally and emotionally died. 
Sahiko out.
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