#kakaobi fanfiction
lemony-snickers · 1 year
Kakashi/Obito + unintentional kisses?
Kakashi has grown into a lanky son of a bitch; arms and legs too long and spindly for the rest of him, which hasn't caught up yet.
It pisses Obito off to no end that they're the same height, now. The little pain in the ass should've stayed little, which Obito tells him all the time.
"Not my fault your height is as unimpressive as your ninjutsu."
It's the same fight as usual, though it lacks the familiar bite. Something has been off about Kakashi lately. He's not as brusque, not as sarcastic. Rin often catches him staring off into space for long stretches of time between sparring bouts.
Of course, Kakashi changed plenty after he dragged Obito's half-dead body back to Konoha, tears streaming out of his implanted sharingan all the while. Who wouldn't?
Sometimes Obito wonders if it would have been better for Kakashi if he'd left him under that rock. Life had improved for Obito, of course. His clan welcomed him home as a war hero, even if they also chastised him for giving away one of his eyes. That he thought for sure he was going to die never seems a good enough excuse for the Clan Elders, but what are they going to do about it, anyway? It's been seven years since Kannabi. That eye belongs to Kakashi, Obito wouldn't take it back even if he could.
Not that that stops him from pretending he might when he's particularly frustrated by his genius teammate's skill.
"Then take it," Kakashi says petulantly, "what's stopping you?"
Obito frowns, shoots a look at Rin whose face is pinched with concern. She shrugs at Obito, obviously as confused about Kakashi's behavior as he is. They both watch him shove his hands in his pockets and wander off the training field, making some vague, lame excuses about having to run errands before going home.
It doesn't sit right with either of them, but there's not much they can do about it, and so they let him go.
It eats away at Obito the rest of the afternoon, and even Rin can see his heart isn't in it so they shuffle off early to grab dinnner at Ichiraku instead, neither of them quite willing to voice their concern for their third teammate, but unable to discuss anything else, either.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Rin says as they part ways and Obito shoots her a bright smile in return.
"You bet!" he promises as he jogs off in the opposite direction.
"And don't be late again!" she shouts at his back. Obito just chuckles because he knows she understands he will be. It's part of his charm, he tells her all the time, though he thinks she only half-believes him.
Obito doesn't know when he makes the decision to detour, but at some point, his feet carry him away from the Uchiha District toward the outskirts of Konoha. The sun is setting, casting the fields behind the Hatake compound in shades of rich orange and gold. There aren't any lights on in the house and Obito wonders if maybe Kakashi isn't home, after all.
But he's come all this way already, so Obito marches up to the front door and knocks, rocking back on his heels as he waits for it to open.
Nothing happens and Obito sighs loudly. "Come on, Bakashi! I know you're in there! Open up or I'm coming in a window!"
The door slides open with a snap and Obito is met with a ferocious glare. "What do you want?"
Kakashi's voice has always had this sharp element to it, like it could slice you if you weren't careful. But Obito knows how to navigate Kakashi's moods as well as anyone by this point, so he slides past him into the house without saying anything, kicking off his shoes as he meanders toward the ktichen.
"Do you have any leftovers?" he asks, "I'm starving."
He isn't, really, but getting Kakashi to talk about food is easier than most things. "Didn't you get ramen with Rin?"
Obito snaps his head around, eyes narrowing. "And how would you know that? You spying on us?"
Kakashi shrugs. "I told you, I had errands to run."
Obito snorts, disbelieving, as he turns on the kitchen light. "You could have just joined us, you know."
Kakashi doesn't answer. Instead, he walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a storage container. Without a word, he opens it and dumps its contents into a pan on the stove, silently heating up his leftovers and plating them without a word.
"Eat," he says, sliding the plate toward Obito as he settles at the chabudai, "If you don't, I'll probably be taller than you in a few months."
Obito growls, but takes a bite of the food anyway. If there's one thing both he and Rin have learned, it's to never turn down food made by Kakashi Hatake. As much as it annoys Obito to admit, he really is a genius when it comes to cooking.
He curses as he takes his first bite, smothering a grateful sound my slamming his fist over his mouth. "This is good," he says, shoveling more down his throat as soon as he can.
Kakashi chuckles. "I'm glad you like it."
It's not the reponse Obito expects and he stops stuffing his face long enough to fix Kakashi with a glare, pointing his chopsticks at him. "What is up with you lately?" he asks, "You're so..." he doesn't know what Kakashi is exactly, only that it's worng, somehow.
Kakashi shrugs. "Maybe I'm just sick of training with you."
Obito shakes his head irritably. "Well, fine, then treat me like garbage, but don't be a jerk to Rin, too. She's worried about you."
"Is she? She seems fine."
"Shows how well you know her," Obito grumbles.
Kakashi shrugs again and the nonchalance of it is infuriating. He's always like this. Deflecting and obtuse and a complete pain in the ass. Obito doesn't know why he bothered coming here. It was always going to end in an argument, same as usual.
His food now finished, Obito slams a palm on the table to help him rise. "Fine. You wanna be a complete jackass, I'm not gonna stop you," he says, flinging his bowl into the sink, "But you should apologize to Rin for making her worry."
The derisive snort Kakashi emits makes Obito's hands curl into fists.
He doesn't mean to take a swing. He didn't come here to fight or aruge--at least, he doesn't think he did--but Kakashi's dismissiveness makes his blood boil.
"Why is it so hard to let us worry about you?" he shouts as Kakashi deflects a kick with ease. "What is the point of pushing us away all the time?!"
The spar is horridly one-sided. As much as Obito has improved over the years, Kakashi has too, and his spindly fucking limbs give him broader range than he's ever had before. Obito doesn't land a single punch, which only makes him angrier.
But then, he realizes, Kakashi hasn't landed any, either. In fact, he seems almost bored by the onslaught, not even trying to inflict any damage in return.
Obito growls, "It's not going to kill you to care about something again, you know!"
Kakashi's visible eye widens just the slightest bit as Obito activates his sharingan. Kakashi's is still covered by his hitai-ate, and the split second activation gives Obito the edge he needs to finally clock his opponent square in the jaw.
Kakashi stumbles from the impact, grabbing at the injured part of his face, and Obito takes the opportunity to land a sharp front snap kick to his solar plexus, sending him to the floor with a soft grunt.
Kakashi sits there, slumped against the wall with his head tilted back, working his jaw back and forth gingerly.
"I think you broke it," he says.
Obito bristles. "I did fucking not. Let me see."
He crouches down beside Kakashi and grips his jaw roughly between his fingers, reaching out to yank down the stupid mask and inspect the damage himself.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kakashi asks, eye widening as he reaches up to stop Obito as he pinches the fabric.
"Quit fighting me, Bakashi, or I really will break your stupid face--"
Kakashi wrenches Obito's arm away, but the other is still there and it switches from holding Kakashi's chin to fumbling with the edge of his mask. They wrestle a little awkwardly, Obito all but climbing into Kakashi's lap so he can gain the upper hand.
"Just. Let. Me. See. It. Ack--"
Obito falls forward just as he manages to loosen the mask from over Kakashi's nose. Kakashi smacks the back of his head on the wall and Obito pitches forward, nose bruising against Kakashi's as their faces collide.
He's too dazed to realize for a moment what exactly has happened, but when he blinks his eyes open, Kakashi's terrified expression is suddenly thrown into sharp relief.
As is the sensation of something warm and soft against Obito's mouth.
His heart hammers in his chest, thoughts racing faster than he can catch them. He pulls away slowly, feeling the soft tug of Kakashi's lips as they stick to his. Once they detach, he can finally focus on how red Kakashi's face is, how warm his breath feels as it fans over Obito's cheeks.
He isn't sure which one of them leans forward for another kiss, but when it happens, Obito sighs, one hand curling loosely into Kakashi's shirt to hold him in place. He feels Kakashi's hand do much the same, gripping the fabric over Obito's hip with trembling, unsure fingers.
Oh shit, he likes this. A lot. Too much.
Obito springs away, pressing his forearm to his mouth like that will erase the feeling of Kakashi's against it. His face feels like it's on fire, so he's comforted when he looks at Kakashi and finds his face stained a shade of crimson Obito has never seen before.
They're still holding onto each other, like neither of them is ready to release the final tether of this experience. Once they stand up, Obito wonders if Kakashi will pretend it never happened. If he'll make some snide comment about Obito resorting to seduction in order to win a fight to diminish the importance of what's just happened.
But then Kakashi leans forward and kisses Obito's cheek. It's so brief, so tentative, Obito has to really concentrate to make sure it happened.
He watches as Kakashi sinks back against the wall and tugs his mask back up, turning to look anywhere except at Obito. Obito grimaces when he notices the start of a bruise along his jaw just before it disapears beneath the fabric.
Kakashi clears his throat. "So," he says, "I guess you'll want to stay for tea now or something."
Obito, still a little dumbstruck, stutters out a response that sounds enough like, "Only if you want me to," to suffice as an answer.
Kakashi doesn't respond, just disentangles his too-long limbs from Obito's and moves into the kitchen to fill the kettle with water.
"I only have sencha so don't get all snobby about your preferences."
Obito bristles. "As if I'd be the one to be a snob, Bakashi."
The old rhythm helps Obito's hands stop trembling, saying the teasing words as if they mean them helps root them in the moment.
When he stands and turns to look at Kakashi, it's obvious he's smiling, even with the mask in place. Obito smiles, too, scratching awkwardly at the back of his neck as he shuffles into the kitchen.
"Sorry about your jaw," he says.
"It's fine."
"Not sorry about the rest, though," he offers, hoping it isn't a mistake.
Kakashi ducks his head, but his smile widens beneath dark blue fabric and he whispers quietly, "Me neither."
prompt list for those interested. <3
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itischeese · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito, [one sided], Hatake Kakashi & Nohara Rin & Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi & Namikaze Minato & Nohara Rin & Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin & Uchiha Obito Characters: Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin, Namikaze Minato, Team Minato (Naruto) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, kind of, Pining, literally so much pining and obito's so oblivious to it that it's almost painful, Falling In Love, Fluff and Angst, Angst, the angst gets kind of heavy for like one part but it gets lighter again I promise, First Kiss, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, Oblivious Uchiha Obito, Gay Disaster Hatake Kakashi, somebody help him, Unconventional Families, a bit - Freeform, Unrequited Love, Endgame Kakaobi, Kannabi Bridge Mission, Pre-Kannabi Bridge Mission, Post-Kannabi Bridge Mission, this fic takes place over a long period of time Summary:
Most kids have at least one flower tattooed somewhere on their skin by the time they leave the academy. They’re faint, usually, from passing crushes that left as quickly as they came. Some are a little darker, from crushes that lasted a few months. The darkest is Rin’s, near-opaque roses Obito knows he put there.
Obito’s never had any. Never awoken with flowers painted on his skin, nor spotted them inked there at the end of the day. Not even a single translucent pedal. It’s just another thing that marks him a failure, that tells him he’s less-than.
He does his best not to let it bother him, tries to make Rin fall for him like he fell for her. Fails, and sees the evidence in his blank skin.
Getting put on Minato-sensei’s team is both a blessing in a curse. A blessing, because he and Rin are on the same team, and a curse because-
“You’re holding them wrong.” Fucking Bakashi ’s on their team too.
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geikurre · 2 years
The undead
rating: M 
relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito
tags: Zombie au, Zombie Uchiha Obito, Survivor Hatake Kakashi, Zombie apocalypse, hurt no comfort
Smoke, dust, lonely citys and the undead.
That's all what kakashi saw the past 9 months. The dead doesn't give mercy. It takes what it wants. Those who got chosen, where unlucky.
Kakashis dry eyes screaming for rest and water looked around the dead area of the abandoned city. All he saw was a book shop and a guitar shop next to it. He sighed. At least a somewhat comfy and inviting place to rest at. He looked on the other side to Obito. There he was. Standing. Slowly swinging and grunting. The Hatake limped to him and took Obitos hand.
"Come with me Obito. I found a nice place for us to rest." -
Kakashi wanders around the world with a slowly turning zombie. Obito, his friend, his love, his partner.
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hazardous-who · 1 month
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Rough ideas of how I picture Obito & Kakashi in Among Ice & Snow
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d3v1ls4dvocat3 · 1 month
Kakashi x Reader x Obito SMUT
Warnings: 18+, Threesome, Obi and Kashi are in a relationship, Slight Dub-Con, They’re all drunk, AFAB Reader, No pronouns used, P in V, Anal, Blowjobs, Reader receives head, lots of touching, hair pulling, lots of kissing, they’re both kinda mean :(, degrading, praise, lots of cum, cum in v, squirting, double penetration, one night stand turned relationship??
Let me know if I missed anything!!!
You’re not even sure how you ended up here. The entire night up to this point had been a blur of music, lights, and booze. You could vaguely recall large hands roaming your body as you danced.
Now you were somewhere different, sitting on a bed (might be a couch-you can’t really think straight) with two strangers on either side of you. The one in front of you stares up at you as he slowly kisses down your chest. The one behind you is stuck sucking hickeys into your neck that you’re sure you’ll regret in the morning- but that’s an issue for sober you.
“Kashi… take off her bra. I wanna see those fuckin’ tits I’ve been feeling up all night,” The darker haired one slurs. He begins to roam his hands up to your breasts and squeezes just hard enough for you to moan.
‘Kashi’ audible hums from behind you. You feel the clasp come undone in an instant and he easily slips it off your shoulders. It’s tossed away and the dark haired man immediately latches onto your nipple.
You let out a strangled cry as he bites down, but that doesn’t stop him and he continues to bite and suck away. Your hand comes up to tug at his hair, trying to pull him off you.
“Careful, Obito. You don’t want to hurt our plaything,” Kakashi says, but you can hear the smirk in his voice. You whine again and Obito only obliges when the silver haired man taps on his shoulder to get his attention.
They speak to each other silently. If you were sober you would be intrigued as to the relationship between the two men. Even plastered, you can tell they have a bond. Before you can begin to ponder about just who you ended up in bed (or couch your still not sure) with, you’re being flipped onto your stomach.
Once the dizziness fazed away, you stare up directly into Kakashi half-lidded eyes. He looks down at you like you’re a meal ready to be devoured. You eyes scale down until it reaches his unbuttoned pants and the large hard-on inside his boxers.
Just as you start to mentally prepare for what you’ve gotten yourself into, you feel your panties slid off your lower half. You turn your head over your shoulder and see Obito sitting underneath you on his back. You blush hard as his tongue dives into your folds.
“Obi…” You moan loudly. This only spurs him to suck harder. You curse when what feels like three fingers enter you. The man doesn’t hold back and greedily slurps at your juices. Kakashi grips your head and pulls you back to him. His cock is out of its barrier and sitting perfectly in front of your mouth.
Your eyes widen as you take in the sheer size of him. He doesn’t wait for you and merely yanks your mouth onto his tip. He lets out a hiss and starts to forcefully shove himself down your throat.
You try to hold back from gagging as Kakashi continuously fucks himself using your throat. Suddenly, Obito starts to curl his fingers into your walls, hitting a spot that makes you see stars. You moan loudly against Kakashi’s length and he lets out a softer moan of his own.
“Fuck, baby we shoulda’ brought you home sooner. Taking my cock like a fuckin’ slut,” He mumbles.
You cant stop yourself from moaning again as Obito increases his assault. You can feel your orgasm approaching. You whine loudly, trying to send any warning you can, but Kakashi doesn’t let up and neither does Obito and soon your creaming onto his face. Obito still doesn’t stop and only drinks your pussy like a dying man.
“Gonna fucking cum, gonna fucking ruin this body,” Kakashi says and pulls you up from his length. He pulls you up so your sitting again but this time you’re facing Kakashi with your back to Obito.
Obito smiles and kisses your neck. “Tastes so fucking good.”
Kakashi motions for Obito to come closer and you watch as the two men share a kiss. When they pull away there’s a string of saliva still connecting them.
Kakashi hums. “Mm, you do taste good. Might have to try that after I’m done cumming in that pretty pussy.”
Without another word, he lines himself up with your entrance. You grasp his shoulders for support. Obito comes closer to you and wraps his arms around your chest. His hands come up and squeeze your breasts again. You feel something prodding at your asshole and your eyes widen.
“Shhh, pretty thing. Just let us take care of you,” Obito says and places a kiss on your neck again. He kisses down your arm and you fall into a state of pleasure once more.
Kakashi guides his dick through your folds, collecting the leftover spit and cum. Slowly, he pushes into your pussy. You gasp at the stretch and grip his shoulders tighter. Obito kisses you again to try and form a sort of distraction. You can feel his tip slowly push into your ass and you have to hold back a scream.
Obito wraps his hand around your mouth and both men simultaneously push into you. They bottom out almost at the same time and leave you breathless. You feel as if your choking. You’ve never felt so full in your life. You can’t even fathom the feeling before they’re both pounding into you like a sex toy.
Both men have different paces but together you feel like you could faint. Obito slides out just as Kakashi goes in. You can feel just how big each one of them is as they continue to hit every nerve in your body.
You’re practically sobbing into Obito’s arms and you’re positive you’ve left marks on Kakashi’s shoulders with just how hard your gripping him.
“Pussy so tight… M’ not gonna last much longer,” Kakashi moans loudly but doesn’t slow his neck braking speed. Obito mumbles something back but you can’t focus on anything other than how good you feel. It’s not long before you feel your second climax of the night and you cant even begin to form a sentence to tell them.
When it hits you, your vision blacks out for a moment and you clench down hard on both of them. You scream into Obito’s hand and slump forward. They both hiss and moan at the sudden grip. You don’t have time to calm down as they resume their own desires.
“Gonna cum in this pussy, gonna fill it up so you cant forget us,” Kakashi says. You don’t process his words at all, too fucked out of your mind to really understand the situation anymore.
He thrusts deeper into you and hits your cervix. You gasp and unknowingly, squirt all over the men fucking into you. Kakashi curses loudly at the sight and finally finishes inside you, pumping you full of cum and slowing his pace down.
Obito isn’t too far behind him and pulls out before cumming down your back. The two breathe heavily and slowly move back from your spent body. You cant stop yourself from falling over onto your side.
Your eyes close and you nearly fall asleep.
Before you do, you overhear the two of them speaking softly.
“…Cant just let them go. That was the best threesome we’ve had!”
“I know, Obi. We’ll talk to them in the morning, let them rest.”
You finally let sleep overcome you as a warm blanket falls over your body.
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maireyart · 8 months
I read a kakaobi fic yesterday... OMG.
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for love of a boy by revecake. Based on Yukio Mishima's The Sound of Waves. One word: masterful. My art does not depict a specific scene from the fic, it's just something inspired by its mood! Obito's appearance is not fully fic-compliant. Just look at these various quotes:
from the water, kakashi rises and rests his arms on the edge. a tilt of his head, his wet hair falls, pooling silver on obito’s boat, and when obito looks, looks with a certain haze across his eyes, kakashi becomes the mystical half-fish of his dreams. kakashi smiles, and the plain beauty of his naked face is perfectly real. “it’s a good catch today, isn’t it?”
“kakashi-kun?” his father laughs, an exasperated turn of his brow. he continues to trace his blade under the skin of tuna, and another piece of flesh comes butterfly-free, as light and pink as a sakura petal floated from the island’s schoolyard to the sea.
the rain blurs for a moment, and the sight through the dripping leaves is akin to a sheen of sun being thrown from the sky. dazzling, a celestial maiden’s robe has been haphazardly tossed from the heavens to be muddied as a damp blessing across the fresh ground.
when he’s finished, the only curtain to his nudity are the wet clothes draped and swinging from the window pane. they balloon and deflate in the imitation of a body in the wind, but as obito rises, stretches, strides towards the bedroom, the shape of his shoulders and back leaves a solid impression through the wet glass. he doesn’t need to wash, not when the sun has already bathed the lean lines of him in dry heat.
dreams are only fading things, passing on waves, caught in the wind, melted into dew by the morning.
obito looks up at that pale face, and what he sees - he wraps his hands around kakashi’s wrists to keep him there. how can he say this? how does he give language to his desire, how does he make kakashi understand his earnesty in this very moment? he cannot let it become an untranslatable disappearance, as so many dear things are, have been lost to sea.
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I never see anybody talk about how hard it is to write a character that wears a mask/etc that covers a part or all of their face
Showing anger? You can't describe how their jaw clenches or their teeth grind or a vein throbs in their temple.
Expressing sadness? You can't see their tears or the pain swimming in their eyes if their eyes are covered.
Describing joy? You can't talk about the way their face lights up if you CAN'T SEE THEIR FACE.
The solution? Body language, I guess, but there's really only so much we can do with that.
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ollyvoile · 1 year
I feel like Obito is just the right kind of crazy that this conversation could take place.
Obito: *plugs in his phone*
Obito: You know what? I think plugging in an electronic and seeing the light from it powering on is one of the most intimate things. See, ’cause you’re providing this thing with its life-force via insertion and… it’s a sort of codependent intercourse. It’s like a consummation—
Kakashi: Shut up before I hit you.
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yokeyisfire · 5 months
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I was reading The sombre dogs of war and was on the part where kks was being chased , and i got so excited about how their encounter would turn out to be , that i ended up investing 40 minutes on drawing my extremely doodlictically rapid rough version of it, and the real thing turn out to be much more different than mine XD....
This fic is abandoned though ( im broke :( )but i really enjoyed it ,this part especially was THriLLinG
Until next time :)
EDITED : i just found out this fic is not abandoned :D which is the happiest news I've got in 2 months, thnx a lot to @bansenshukai for enlightening me , and also thnx to the author @viatorix for writing such a alluring peice of writing that inspired me to lead to this doodle
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alienatedtsuki · 1 year
Best of Time Travel AU
There are A LOT of time travel fix-it fics, but this isn't my favourite trope. That said, this post might be the only part of the recommendations for this section of Naruto fanfiction.
Uzumaki Revival by Lerya @lerya-fanfic They had been trapped in the ruins of Uzushio for who knows how long, the hastily erected barrier on the point of breaking, which would mean their deaths at the hand of Kaguya, when the Bijuu come with a solution. A solution that requires them to make the ultimate sacrifice, to give them a chance to change it all. - Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and Obito were reborn as a part of the Uzumaki clan to fix past mistakes. This is my favourite fic, where Naruto is a functioning Kage. Everything is logical in this fanfic. Sakura is a strong and capable woman; everyone in our small group acknowledges how competent as a leader Naruto is. KakaObi and Sns are established relationships; interactions between Sasuke and Naruto are too precious. NaruSasu/SasuNaru | Time Travel AU | Fix it | KakaObi | Kage Naruto | Uzushiogakure (81,338)
French Kissing, the End of the World, and Other Impossible Ordeals by Tsume_Yuki This is it, centuries of excellent genetics, of carefully selected marriages to maximise the potential of future generations and it’s going to be Sasuke who introduces idiocy to the Uchiha bloodline. The ancestors must be rolling in their graves. In which Sasuke is smitten, Naruto is a badass, and timetravel happens. - This fic saved me from depression quite a few times. You could just read it purely for serotonin production. I just can't get over how smitten Sasuke is. They save the world together and live happily ever after. I believe this is the best-written fem Naruto I ever saw.  SasuNaru | Fem Naruto | Time Travel AU | Fix it | Smitten Sasuke | Smart Naruto | BAMF Naruto | Protective Sasuke (16,194)
Two Lifetimes by KinomiAkai @kinomiakai With every passing day, it's becoming clearer and clearer that Sasuke is dead. So what else would Naruto do, if he got the chance to try all over again? - They got another chance to fix everything. Sns is not established YET, but our boys have a happy ending. SasuNaru/NaruSasu | Time Travel AU | Fix it | Eventual romance | Happy ending (11,166)
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diinastie · 8 months
One of my favorite Naruto tropes is literally the interaction between Kakashi and the Uchiha Clan after Obito give him his eye.
Like literally the « mariage thing » when a Uchiha give their eye to a non-Uchiha.
Sadly there aren’t many stories about that
(Of course his complete integration into the clan as if he was always a member and the discovery of this marriage by Obito is a plus)
Don’t hesitate to write about it really I will read it
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
@butter--peanut ficti-gram for you!
to: @butter--peanut from: @wind-becomes-lightning message: Hello my love, I mean my rival, I am currently working through the first pages of the book you are writing and am in total awe of your work!! I want to send you this little sweet thing so you can relax a little for a minute with a good fic before you dive into rewrites again! I am very happy that I met you and that we have met in person so many times and hopefully many many more times until you leave forever! (;(). Sending you many hugs!! <3 characters/pairing: kakashi hatake/obito uchiha word count: 3,646 prompt: the smell of coffee
Obito Uchiha has always hated the smell of coffee.  Freshly roasted at a fancy kissaten or poured from a grody two-day-old carafe into a travel mug, he thinks it always smells like burnt piss.  No amount of sugar or milk or cream or flavoring could ever make it palatable, and Obito will never understand how anyone, under any circumstances, could ever find themselves so desperate for an infusion of caffeine they would resort to drinking it.
Admittedly, coffee might be a useful beverage to keep on deck in the event of poisoning, to make a person throw up.  Maybe.  He’d have to be really poisoned to consider it, and Obito sees no other reasonable purpose for the existence of such a foul liquid.
Normally, Obito is fairly adept at avoiding coffee in all its forms, but there is one occasion upon which he has little to no control over whether he’s subjected to it and that is whenever Kakashi Hatake texts him to say he’s on his way over.
It’s still relatively new, all the Kakashi stuff.  When Obito ran across his old classmate on a dating app, he’d only partially been serious when he swiped to match with him.  Mostly, Obito was curious.  He smirked when he saw Kakashi’s profile—pathetically sparse and with a picture that didn’t even show his entire face—because it was very clear Kakashi was looking specifically for hook-ups while Obito had spent hours agonizing over which photos to upload, how many of his own scars to show, and how to make an appropriately-but-not-too-seriously self-deprecating joke about them in his bio.
Online dating is a terribly complicated thing, it turns out, when half your body is marred by the mistakes of your past.
Obito had not expected to match with Kakashi in the slightest.  At best, he thought he might receive a message something along the lines of, “Fuck you, loser,” before he was blocked.
Instead, Kakashi invited him out for a drink and Obito—perhaps foolishly or at least with a dash of foolhardy optimism—said yes.
The alcohol helped soothe the awkward sting of their reunion.  They spent hours at the bar, ordering round after round, allowing the fuzziness of the booze to seep into their blood, their bones.  Cloud over all the terrible parts of their shared history they did not wish to relitigate or relive in any detail.  Their conversation remained light, easy.
Perfunctory shit only.
“How have you been?”
“Good, you?”
“All right.  What do you do for work now?”
“A little bit of everything, really. Whatever brings in enough to cover my rent.”
Kakashi cracked a grin at that and Obito turned his attention toward his beer to hide that he liked it.  There had always been something terribly magnetic about Kakashi.  Even as a kid, when they first entered school together, Obito always found himself drawn to him, desperately trying to escape his orbit with very little success.
It would take several years of distance and a decent amount of therapy for Obito to recognize the feelings of his adolescent self for what they were.  That all the jealousy and anger had been part and parcel to something else, something soft and unknowable, then.  Something he hadn’t been yet able to acknowledge or put voice to.
Obito didn’t realize he was interested in men for a long time after Kakashi was no longer part of his life.  Now, though?  It was painfully clear Obito measured every man he’d ever dated by the metric of his old schoolmate, and not one of them had ever passed muster.
So when Kakashi invited himself to Obito’s apartment after they split their bar tab, he acquiesced.  When he shoved Obito against the wall in the entryway and bruised a kiss against his mouth, Obito’s knees buckled.  When a hand shoved its way down the front of his jeans, Obito whined.
It was so easy to succumb to decades of longing.  To open the half-crushed box where he’d packed it all away and dust it off, return it to a shelf in the sunlight where he could stare at it.  Covet it.
Ignore everything else in the box except this one thing.
And now when Kakashi calls—err, texts, he never calls—Obito unlocks his front door and waits patiently for him to stride in and repeat it all again.
It’s rather infuriating if he gives himself any time to think it over.  That he allows Kakashi to wander in and out of his life like a wraith without expectation or explanation.  He comes and goes as he pleases and part of Obito hates himself for allowing it to continue.
The rest of him, though, sees it as a reward for all his patience.  For all the progress he has made since they last saw each other, broken and bruised and grieving.
Obito’s therapist tells him there might be too much history between them for any of this to work on a functional level.  But then, Obito has never really been all that functional.  At least now he has someone in his life who will touch him, make him feel good without also making him feel self-conscious of his body.
It’s complicated.  At least, that’s what he tells himself (and his therapist), so he doesn’t have to unpack the rest of the box.
But Obito knows deep down none of this is sustainable.  While he’s willing to take what he can, he’s also not a moron.  He’s willing to take what he can get and be satisfied with it; always has been.
What makes things infuriatingly more tenuous, though, is that Kakashi always smells like coffee.
Obito knows that’s probably a sign, but he refuses to read it.
It doesn’t matter what time of day or night he appears at Obito’s door, all hungry eyes and demanding touches, there is always this persistent burnt scent that lingers under everything else.  It’s pervasive.  Poisons the very air of Obito’s apartment as Kakashi swoops in without a word.
It clings to Kakashi’s clothes, his skin, his hair.  It’s on his tongue when it pushes its way into Obito’s mouth, staining itself onto his teeth.
Coffee.  Every time.  Everywhere.
And during the course of their liaisons, the scent transfers itself to Obito, sliding against his scalp and burrowing into the thick folds of his scarred skin.
The burnt piss smell lingers in his nostrils long after Kakashi departs, trailing in his wake like a vile stream, and Obito spends an inordinate amount of time in the bath afterward trying to scrub away the putrid scent and replace it with fruity-smelling body wash or the lavender oil his therapist tells him is good for promoting relaxation.
He doesn’t think he agrees, but it smells nice, so what the hell?
His therapist might also have something to say about Obito’s obsessive need to clean himself every time Kakashi leaves his apartment, but he doesn’t like to think about that much.  Each time, he convinces himself it is the smell and not their fraught and complicated history which demands another cycle of shampoo.  He dips his head beneath the surface of the water until his vision stings and blurs so he won’t imagine what his therapist’s frown looked like when he said as much during their last session.
Obito is a big boy who can make his own decisions, thank you very much.  He just wishes his potentially poor life choices didn’t come with a side of putrescent coffee bean stench.
After a brief On my way text message, Kakashi arrives this time with a soggy-looking bag of takeout and plops it on Obito’s kitchen counter.
“For me?” he asks teasingly, “You shouldn’t have.”
Kakashi rolls his eyes.  “It’s mine and you can’t have any,” he says, shoving his hands into his pockets.  Obito rakes his eye over Kakashi’s frame, taking in the lean, wiry muscle of it.  His posture is terrible, he looks like a shepherd’s hook the way his spine curves too much at the top.  As always, Obito’s gaze eventually finds the scar over Kakashi’s eye, traces it carefully.
Whenever he tries to touch it while their kissing or fucking, Kakashi pulls him away, tangles their fingers together or tugs his wrist down to the mattress and restrains his hand there, like it can’t be trusted not to wander.
He doesn’t like to acknowledge his scars any more than Obito likes to acknowledge his own, and Obito wonders if that is part of why they remain within one another’s terrible, destructive orbit.  Because neither of them needs to explain their scars to the other—they were together when they were earned.
Kakashi, for the first time since this all started months ago, looks unsure.  He stands in the liminal space between the kitchen and the living room, rocking slightly back and forth on the balls of his feet.  His energy is nervous.  Sizzling.  Like a crack of lightning splitting the night sky in half.
“Something on your mind?” Obito asks, trying not to let the panic he feels fluttering in his chest make its way into his voice.  It’s like there’s a hummingbird trapped in the cage of his ribs, frantic to escape.
Kakashi shakes his head.  “How, uh… how was your day?” he asks, and a grimace follows immediately, slicing its way across his face like the dull side of a kitchen knife.
Obito can’t help it, he tries not to laugh, but it takes only half a heartbeat for the raucous noise to skitter out of his chest, setting the hummingbird free as he guffaws.  Watching Kakashi try to be normal, try to treat their interaction as if it is casual and regular, is the funniest shit Obito has ever seen.
Kakashi rolls his eyes and takes two quick, purposeful steps forward.  It’s then the coffee scent slams full force into Obito, snaking its way up his nose and into his throat.  He gags a little and Kakashi halts his advance, pausing just as his knee would have brushed against Obito’s own where he sits on his ratty old couch.
“Something smell bad?” Kakashi asks, glancing over his shoulder at the takeout he deposited on the counter.
“Yeah,” Obito says, pinching his nose closed for dramatic effect, “you.”
Still, after all the years of knowing him, of provoking him—and then missing him—Obito experiences the same swift thrill whenever he catches Kakashi off guard.  And watching the confusion blossom over his features, first in the subtle downturn of his mouth at the edges and then in the wrinkles of his nose and crease of his brow, is a glorious, wonderful thing.
“Me?  I smell bad?”
Obito rises slowly from his seat, the good side of his face pitched up in a grin.  “You smell fucking terrible all the time.”
There’s that gorgeous, adorable confusion again.  Deepening.  Pulling Kakashi’s lip toward the infuriatingly beautiful mark on his chin, carving a ravine between his eyebrows.
Obito wishes he could take a photo, blow it up, and hang it on his wall.  He knows he’s probably picking a fight—knows it’s probably long overdue—but this moment is worth the risk of blowing up the very small good thing he’s managed to unpack from his past.
Of course, Kakashi does not handle discomfort well.  Obito doesn’t need a therapist to tell him that.  Kakashi is a man who thrives on control, and Obito’s revelation has clearly thrown him.  It doesn’t take long for lovely confusion to break apart, resettle itself against Kakashi’s features as something vicious.
“Fuck you, I didn’t come here to be insulted,” he says.
Obito’s grin widens.  “But you did come here to fuck me, though.”  He chuckles, and Kakashi spins on his heels.  Before he can snatch up his takeout and head back out into the hall, Obito grabs the bag first and holds it out of his reach.
An impressive feat, if Obito does say so himself, considering they’re close in height but Kakashi definitely has longer arms.  He’s always been built like a swimmer, lanky with a broad chest and narrow hips.
“Stop being such an asshole,” Kakashi says, grabbing for the bag and missing as Obito passes it to his other hand behind his back.
“Don’t be such a fragile little flower,” Obito chides, “take a little criticism for once in your life.”
Kakashi’s face hardens and he stops trying to reach for his food, which Obito knows probably means he’s gone too far, pushed some invisible button too hard.  Rather than acknowledge that; rather than walk himself back or apologize, he simply opens the bag of food in his hands, maintaining uncomfortably intense eye contact with Kakashi as he reaches in, grabs the first food-shaped thing he finds, and brings it to his mouth.
He gags when it hits his tongue, spits it half-chewed right back into the bag without any concern for the rest of its contents.
When he glares at Kakashi, nose wrinkling, pulling his facial scars in a way that tugs uncomfortably at the unmarred flesh of his face, Obito expects to see the same sharp and acerbic glare from a moment ago.
Instead, what he finds is mirth—light dancing in Kakashi’s dark eyes as his mouth splits into a smile, revealing his perfect teeth.  Obito knows his left canine is false, but it’s hard to tell since the rest of his smile is just as dazzlingly white.  And as Kakashi tilts his head back, the apple of his throat jumping wildly in time with his laughter, he wheezes out a high-pitched, “Serves you right!” and then keeps on laughing.
Obito supposes it does, to some extent.  But how was he supposed to know Kakashi Hatake, well-established hater of all things even remotely dessert-like, would be carrying coffee cake in his to-go bag?  Obito keeps sticking out his tongue, like exposure to the air will somehow cleanse the taste from his mouth.  He must look like a frog; a big dumb amphibian who snapped its tongue out only to realize it caught a stink bug.
He tosses the bag back onto the counter, content to have it as far from his person as possible.  “I thought you hated sweets.”
“I do,” Kakashi says, finally regaining some semblance of stoicism.  “It’s for my neighbor.”
Obito frowns.  “Since when have you been that social?”
Kakashi shrugs, but says nothing.  Typical.
They stand there, awkward and unmoving, for several long seconds.  Obito can feel sweat prickling at his nape, his temples.  He has no clue what he’s supposed to say, now.
Do you still get to fuck someone after you’ve told them they reek and then spit half-masticated baked goods back into their extremely kind bag of neighborly good will?
Probably not, which is disappointing.
Is he supposed to open the box, splay the contents across his floors so they can examine all the missing pieces?  Try to fit them back together?
Obito decides that isn’t something he’s ready to do.  That whatever exists between them, now, is still too new, too fragile, to bear the weight.  One day, maybe, it will be strong enough.  But not now.
Mercifully, Kakashi clears his throat, which clears the air enough for him to ask, “Why haven’t’ you ever said anything?”
“About what?” Obito asks, realizing a moment too late that he’s fucking dumb.
Kakashi knows, too, and infuses as much incredulity into his clarification as possible, each syllable dripping with a sickly-sweet undertone of are you fucking kidding.  “You said I smell, Obito.  All the time.  Why didn’t you tell me before?”
There’s no truly easy answer.  Because of course, Obito thinks Kakashi smells like burnt piss, but he doesn’t actually.  What he smells like is coffee, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to smell like, probably.
Assuming Kakashi drinks the stuff because if he doesn’t, then what the fuck?
“I hate the smell of coffee,” Obito says finally, after Kakashi reaches out and flicks him on the forehead for taking too long to answer.  He rubs at the spot where he’s sure the gesture has left a red smudge on his skin.  “You always smell like fucking coffee.”
Obito isn’t sure what he expects Kakashi’s response to be.  More incredulity, maybe.  Irritation.  Hands thrown up in the air and then a purposeful march out of his apartment.  An annoying dissertation on why coffee is wonderful and Obito is wrong.
Instead, Kakashi grins like a very smug cat, takes a step forward and presses his forehead to Obito’s, arms crossed over his chest like the smug, self-assured bastard he has (almost) always been.
Obito bristles, mostly because the move is unfamiliar.  For all Kakashi enjoys making people uncomfortable, he typically uses his words to do so.  The proximity of him, the coffee smell and the warmth of his skin and the faint tickle of his breath as he leans close to Obito’s ear are things typically reserved for the duration of their sex and that’s all.
Kakashi doesn’t like being close to people.  Obito understands why, respects the boundary for the most part.  He nearly topples backward trying to maintain any semblance of space between their bodies.
Then Kakashi rasps almost alluringly against his ear, “I own a fucking coffee shop, you dumbass.”
It occurs to Obito in that moment he has never bothered to ask where Kakashi works.  Their first meeting at that bar replays in his mind and he recalls Kakashi asking him what he did for a living, but Obito had gotten distracted by his momentary embarrassment and never returned the favor.
He groans loudly, leaning his forehead against Kakashi’s shoulder, which jostles as he chuckles at Obito’s expense.  Obito snorts, a short, half-hearted attempt at that self-deprecating humor he has so perfected over the years.  “Figures I’d fall for someone who smells like my least favorite thing.”
He pulls away, flustered and embarrassed.  The heat of his face is probably enough to warm that coffee cake like it’s fresh from the oven.  Obito wonders suddenly if the cake came from Kakashi’s shop.  Wonders where the shop is and what it’s like inside.
If they serve anything other than fucking coffee.
Kakashi’s fingers are rough against Obito’s jaw as he pulls him in for their first kiss of the day, but the kiss itself is gentle.  He doesn’t open his mouth, isn’t as greedy or demanding as usual.  And Obito relishes the temporary softening, the tender moment offered to him.  He clings to Kakashi’s shirt and tries to breathe as little as possible so the coffee stench won’t invade his nostrils.
Though, he must admit, at the moment, he cares a hell of a lot less than usual.  Because Kakashi’s kisses are delicate and coaxing, one hand skimming over Obito’s scars with a carefulness that makes his chest ache.
A carefulness he has never experienced before, not with anyone, and especially not with the man he knows deems himself responsible for their existence.
Obito pulls away first, finally in such desperate need of a full breath he can’t hold out any longer.  He doesn’t pull far, though, just enough to let his lungs expand without restriction.  And when his eyes meet Kakashi’s, the light in them is still there, less twinkling and steadier.
A porch light welcoming him home, peeling away the shadows to reveal safety and comfort.
“Let’s take a bath,” Kakashi says quietly, grinning.
Obito has the decency to laugh.  It’s a convenient enough sound, anyway, one which hopefully drowns out the erratic thudding his chest.  The hammer beat of a heart only now realizing Kakashi didn’t run away when Obito said he was falling, didn’t put up the cool partition Obito is so used to running up against every time he tries to open up, to be opened.
To drag the box out and bring its contents back into the light.
The tub is not large enough for two grown men.  Not really.  But they Tetris their limbs into the basin as well as they can, tangling together like brambles—perhaps just as prickly—and laughing at their own foolishness in unison.
“It’s smells like a department store in here.”
Obito splashes the scented water at Kakashi, who squints and spits.  “I need all the eucalyptus and lavender I can get my hands on to wash out your coffee shop’s stench.”
Kakashi leans back against the tub with a serene smile and closes his eyes.  “You should come visit sometime,” he offers and Obito knows it’s no small thing to be invited into Kakashi’s life even such a minor way.  He looks up to wink at Obito through the steam of the bathwater.  “Maybe not on roasting day, though.”
“You couldn’t pay me.”
His therapist will probably still tell Obito this is an unhealthy attachment at their next session.  But Obito thinks today is a step in the right direction, at least.  A limping movement toward the honesty that comes so hard to them both.
Maybe they can figure the rest out together, peel back all the layers and scars until they are raw and open to each other.  Until they can repair all the marks of their shared past, their fractured future.  Maybe.  Someday.
Obito likes the idea that his past and his future might yet be able to exist together.  That one day there won’t be any dusty boxes he has to carry around, regrets and secrets stuffed between tabs of moldy cardboard.  He likes the idea that maybe he and Kakashi can unpack together.  Build a bonfire afterward and burn away all the shit they no longer need to hold onto.
The smoke would smell better than coffee, at least.  And as long as Kakashi agrees to take a bath when he comes over, Obito thinks they just might be able to make this work.
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itischeese · 1 year
Give me Kakashi as a victim of teenage burnout, give me Kakashi whose perfectionism was so strong that when he got out of ANBU he just broke without its restrictions to hold him to together. Give me a Kakashi who will never be good enough for himself, and who knows it.
Give me a Kakashi who looks at Obito and sees someone good, someone better than he will ever be, and who hurts. Give me a Kakashi who loves Obito more than he can contain and enough that he will never tell him. Give me a Kakashi who wants better for Obito, who thinks he doesn’t deserve him and wishes he did, who wants Obito and hates himself for it, because how can he want Obito when he’s so broken and Obito’s so good?
(Give me an Obito who doesn’t care. Give me an Obito who loves Kakashi anyway, who looks at Kakashi and sees someone good.)
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mandoriana · 29 days
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Fusion Obikaka!
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hazardous-who · 2 months
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[ What You Think You Know, Among Ice and Snow ] "The demon let the heart fall to the ground without a care, discarding the organ as if it was nothing but trash. It angered Kakashi, but he did nothing but sit and stare, every bit of fight fading from his system as he considered the position he was in. He was going to die, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it." Read it here ! - > *Click*
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juicyjojo · 8 months
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Kakashi and Obito
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