#I shouldn't post this late at night
tobias-hankel · 1 year
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01x15 - Unfinished Business
How do you do this job, and still have a wife, and a baby?
Well, when I'm with them I try to focus 100% of my attention there.
And when I'm with you guys, I try to do the same thing.
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03x18 - The Crossing
Well, I mean I might have tried harder if there were children involved.
I tried.
I gave absolutely everything to...
Haley and Jack and my job.
So something had to give.
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03x19 - Tabula Rasa
A person can't live two lives.
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m-eltdown · 6 months
late nights make me miss people i should never want to see again
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jabeur · 5 days
all the wta singles matches in a slam being during the day is evil many people have jobs and why would i spend my evening watching a domestic abuser instead of paolini rybakina
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lunali-moon · 6 months
"Would you still love me if i was a worm?" like what John would ask Arthur
But then I thought that we can’t know for sure that this is not so
And then I thought about what it would look like and remembered "Corpse Bride"
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Thank you for your attention
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diverbots · 11 months
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btw artfight attack to @/tabiwabi and revenge to @/deadhooked!
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ask-the-bone-boys · 2 months
[[ok gang i am genuinely so sorry to be doing this literally RIGHT before the end of the event but i've got a whole buncha stuff lining up irl that i am starting to reeeaaally need to address/prioritize and there are a couple things that i still want to do for the "finale" here that i haven't had the time to set up, so all of this is to say iiii need to take at least a day or two to Slow Down And Chill for a bit
I haven't entirely decided if this means I'll take a full break like i have been for the weekends or if I'll just post a little less than I have been, it depends on how I end up feeling really. I will absolutely try my best to make up for the days I've missed tho! I have something pretty cool planned that I think has the potential to be pretty fun, just like i said I gotta set things in place first haha]]
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
Mr Iron gives a villainous monologue by flipping through signs and the last one it holds up says “EVIL LAUGH”
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persai-design · 2 years
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I don't play this game but saw the news and wanted to contribute
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northgirl09 · 6 months
I'm so high on Murtagh rn
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tepli-mravenci · 8 months
The moment I see a person waving "traditional family" around I start getting sick, I'm not even gonna argue with that person it would ruin my whole day
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shirogane-oushirou · 3 months
UR OUT HERE MAKING ME CRY TONIGHT /VERY POS waaah thank you for your lovely tags as always ;w;
HEHEHE ilu niiick!!! (pl) i love when i have a surprise burst of energy bc it means i can ramble about how much i love your art and everything everyone here makes :3c
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poke-poke-poke · 1 year
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Maybe it would be better to have it on Do not disturb...  
  ...but what if you miss Something?
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
please don't look too closely at the fact I crave unconditional love and attention in the way pets get unconditional love and attention. because they're adorable and lovable without having to earn it or actively put effort into being so in the eyes of others. they just are. please don't psychoanalyse me and my trauma and mental illnesses through that lense
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blackcatanna · 2 years
I've never really done my own personal art work (as in, not for a company) with the intention of showing it to an audience and I'm really shocked by how quickly my mood will shift from, "Oh, this is great and I'm loving where this is going! Can't wait to share it!" to, "OH DEAR GOD HOW CAN I EVER THINK OF SHARING THIS TRASH WITH ANYONE? I MUST FIX IT! HOW CAN I FIX IT? I LACK THE SKILLS! THERE'S SO MUCH WRONG WITH THIS. MAYBE IF I OBSESS OVER IT FOR HOURS, I CAN MAKE THE PROBLEMS DISAPPEAR AND ONLY THEN CAN I BE RID OF THIS DEEP, CRIPPLING SHAME," while working.
I thought I'd share in case any other artist people can relate because I feel like a lot of artists on social media maintain this veneer of effortless perfection. Really pisses me off when people post a beautiful, coloured, shaded, fully rendered illustration with perfect line art and then the caption is something like, "Just a quick doodle :P "
...like... bitch, that is not what a doodle is! Doodles can be really amazing and beautiful but don't call a finished illustration a doodle to minimise the amount of effort you put in. It creates a culture where it becomes shameful to put effort into things and makes other artists feel shit.
I want being proud of your art (or any work) and the effort you put in (even if it's turned out kinda "bad") to be normalised more, I think. It's weird to me that I take way more psychic damage from art social media than regular social media...
Maybe I care more about likes and stuff than I thought and would admit to myself, too... Like, maybe if my art got more than, like, 2 likes on tumblr then the psychic damage from exposing myself on social media would be healed by that sweet sweet positive engagement serotonin... I really hate to think that, though, because chasing social media approval is a dark path I don't want to go down... X_X
Anyway, yeah, this rant got out of hand! I think it's important for me to acknowledge and explore my own insecurities for the sake of my mental health and if anyone else can relate then know that you are not alone!
And if anyone is reading this and wants advice on how to banish the insecurity demons, I find that the best way is to spend time with other artists. Interact with them as human beans! Share struggles with each other! I always come away feeling better after spending time with my artist friends, ESPECIALLY ones who are amazing and successful because they face so many of the same issues as little old me. They're not some faceless deity shitting out flawless images and then depreciating them with dismissive captions.
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electricpants57 · 2 months
rambles #2
i've been thinking about the future and i hope they explore the ocean more cause we've only explored 10% of it and if we keep it at that number then that means there won't be any development in marine science.... but i shouldn't really hassle myself with that cause i'm not planning to take up marine biology any time soon......
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delta-ice-blueberry · 4 months
hey chat what do you think the walls of the terarium taste like?
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