#I still have one part planned to kinda wrap things up
electrikworm · 4 months
Human Shield: Part 2
Hunter wasn't ready to lose a brother, not like this. But they're soldiers, so they have to finish the mission, with or without Wrecker.
Part 2 of my "how Wrecker got his scar" fic :)
Content warning: Temporary Character Death, Blood and Injury, a lot of talk about death
This took me so long! I kept getting distracted. Oops… Hope the angst makes up for the wait!
Inspired by this post by @squad-724
Part 1
Enjoy :)
Read on Ao3
Hunter's heart drops at Wrecker's answer.
He's always hated plan 99. Hunter's not a tubie, he knows that sacrifices are a big part of their lives as soldiers. Even they've heard plenty of stories of clones laying down their lives for the greater good. Clones are expendable, that's just how it is.
Hunter still didn't like giving the act of dying for the mission a name, doesn't like the way doing so has put the thought of self-sacrifice into his brothers heads so prominently.
“What?” Crosshair says. Hunter can hear the way his heart rate skyrockets.
“What do you mean 'plan 99'?” This can't be happening. It can't. Clones die every day, but Hunter's brother's don't. Wrecker can't seriously mean that.
“Self-sacrifice, remember?” Wrecker responds. Hunter knows he means it. Wrecker wouldn't call a plan unless he intended to execute it, wouldn't call plan 99 if he didn't deem it absolutely necessary.
“We know that Wrecker.” Tech says. Hunter glances at him. His eyes are wide behind his goggles.
“You're not dying today, vod.” Hunter says. Wrecker can't die today. “Get your shebs over here, and that's an order.”
Internally, Hunter begs his little brother to listen, to call off what he's planed, to suddenly see a better solution to the problem he's faced with. Instead, Wrecker laughs. The same genuine heartfelt laugh he's always had.
“Can't do that, sarge. Door won't close, and if it doesn't, the fire'll just funnel though the corridor and kill us all.” Wrecker's voice is strained but calm.
Hunter wants to tell Wrecker that he doesn't have to do this, that none of them have to die, that they'll find another way. But Hunter doesn't know that, does he?
“Wrecker.” Hunter says warningly, not sure exactly why. Hunter trusts his vode, trusts Wrecker, but this can't possibly be the only way.
“I can hold them closed.” Wrecker says with a sigh. Hunter shakes his head despite being aware that Wrecker can't see him. “It's what I'm made for.”
“Wrecker, don't!” Hunter shouts, finally regaining enough control of his body to try and run in Wrecker's direction.
Hunter doesn't get far before the whole building shakes. Even with the helmet, the noise is unbearably loud, almost bringing Hunter to his knees. Further down the corridor, the ceiling collapses.
Hunter feels sick, and not because of the way his head hurts. Wrecker's gone. His kih'vod is buried under that rubble, and Hunter could do nothing to stop it from happening. Hunter's vision blurs.
“Hunter we've got company.” Tech's voice wavers ever so slightly as he speaks. Now that Hunter's paying attention, he can hear the steady approach of droids. He can't think about Wrecker now, if he does, he risks wasting Wrecker's sacrifice.
Hunter readjusts the grip he has on his blaster, trying to push down the suffocating emptiness threatening to rise in his chest. Crosshair's still staring at the rubble down the hall. Hunter can see the way his shoulders shake.
“We have to keep moving Cross.” Hunter says, putting a hand on his youngest brother's arm. There's no denying how close the sniper is, was, with Wrecker, even if Crosshair likes to act like they aren't.
“We can't just leave.” He sounds despaired. Hunter wished he knew how to comfort his brother, but that's always been Wrecker's thing. They barely have the time to stand here now, Hunter hasn't got the time to figure out the right thing to say or do.
“We're behind enemy lines. We'll be overrun by droids if we don't.”
Crosshair's head snaps round to look at Hunter. He can feel how intense his gaze is, even through the visor. “We don't leave vode behind.”
“He's gone, Crosshair!” Hunter snaps. He shouldn't let his emotions run free on the battlefield, but he can't stop it this time. “And for nothing if we die here too.”
He grabs Crosshair's arm and starts dragging him. After a few steps, the youngest member of Clone Force 99 start walking on his own again.
As they engage in combat against the approaching droids, it's painfully apparent that they're missing a member. They hardly always fought in a group, but Hunter had planned for Wrecker to be here. His brain seems not to have caught up to the fact that he isn't, and won't ever be again. Hunter keeps trying to spot him, keeps listening out for his heartbeat and heavy breathing as he ploughs through their enemies.
The absence of those rests heavily on Hunter, like it intends to crush his chest. Every time he picks up on it, he's reminded of where his little brother really is.
But they can't stop, don't stop until they're out of enemy territory and back on the Marauder. Hunter has to fight to not let the gravity of the situation consume him as soon as there's a quiet moment.
He and Tech contact the general that gave them the mission, some Chagrian jedi Hunter had never seen before. Hunter can't help but feel some resentment towards the general, despite her not being involved in their brother's death.
As Tech informs the jedi of the data he retrieved, Hunter's barely able to focus. Crosshair didn't even get on the Marauder, still lingering outside.
“The agreed meeting point still stands.” The jedi says. “Can I expect you to arrive on time?”
“Affirmative.” Tech answers, not sounding entirely certain. Hunter wanders off to find Crosshair before Tech's hung up on the jedi.
“What are you doing?” Hunter asks as he comes to a standstill next to his kih'vod.
“We can't leave him Hunter.” Now that Crosshair's helmet is off, Hunter can see he's close to tears. The only thing keeping them from falling is likely the years of harsh training and preparation for a moment like this he's endured. The statement feels a lot like denial.
“Cross, you know he's-”
“I know he's dead, Hunter! You can stop repeating yourself.” Crosshair snaps, face pinched in anger before he turns to look away. “That doesn't mean we have to leave him there, where the seppies can get their filthy hands all over his body. Doesn't mean we need to leave him to rot under rubble in an enemy base.” Crosshair's voice falters more and more as he speaks.
“We'd have to fight our way back in.” Hunter doesn't want to leave Wrecker's body where it is any more than Crosshair, but it's a risk to go back for him.
“I don't give a motla'shebs! We took most of them out, there's just stragglers left.” Crosshair's visibly shaking again. “If you won't come with me, I'll do it alone.”
“If we go back to him, we will be late to the meeting.” Tech says as he descends from the Marauder.
Crosshair's eyes snap to stare at Tech. “Why the kriff would that matter now?”
“Oh no, I agree with you Crosshair. I was merely stating fact.”
With both his brothers advocating to go back, Hunter couldn't bring himself to do the reasonable thing. Not when he so badly wanted to see his little brother at least once more, and to lay him to rest with the respect he deserves. Though Hunter had to admit that he knew little in the ways of burial rites. Tech surely has some information tucked away somewhere, otherwise they'd improvise.
Hunter tries not to think about it too hard as they make their way back to where they firs entered the base. Hopefully there'd be less rubble on that side of the explosion.
There really isn't many droids left. Hunter feels awful for almost deciding against going back for Wrecker's body, just because it's what the rules dictate. They're experimental clone force 99, rules have always been little more than suggestions to them. Hunter doesn't know why he thought now would be the time to starts following them.
The devastation leading up to what used to be the generator room is substantial. The smell of fire and fuel is almost overwhelming. Hunter hopes death came quick and painlessly for their vod.
Hunter can smell the blood long before they get to where Wrecker's body must lie. The silence around the three brothers becomes heavy. Hunter knows they all dread what they'll find. There's no saying how much of their brother will still be recognizable.
Among the bits of twisted metal, Hunter is able to distinguish the remains of the door, dented and warped by the explosion. His eyes watch the glint of something reflective. Nausea twists Hunter's stomach as he recognizes it as a pool of blood, Wrecker's blood. But, that's when he hears it.
A heartbeat so weak, Hunter barely recognized it as such, and wheezed breathing. Hunter's own heart almost stops the second time that day.
“He's alive!” Hunter yells as he tries to find a way to get closer to their brother. First, he just sees an arm poking out from under the door, then Wrecker's head. What's left of the door is laying on top of the rest of their brother. Hunter starts trying to get the weight off of Wrecker.
Blood soaks into his gloves as Hunter drops to the floor next to his little brother. Wrecker may be alive, but barely. If they don't get him out now, it won't stay that way long.
Tech and Crosshair don't need to be told what to do, finding their place next to Hunter with practised efficiency. It isn't lost on Hunter that Wrecker could lift the debris with ease. Wrecker groans when the door is shifted off his chest, but remains unconscious.
“What do we do?” Crosshair's voice cracks. He sounds so lost.
“Stop the bleeding, no matter what.” Tech says, dropping to his knees next to their fallen brother. “We can worry about infection once he's no longer going into hypovolemic shock.”
Now that he's uncovered, Hunter can see the extent of the damage to Wrecker's body. Most of his left side is a torn and bloody mess. Hunter tries not to think about it too hard as helps his brothers pack Wrecker's injuries with bandages. His armor, even his helmet, is badly damaged. Wrecker's face is a particularly dire sight.
They do the best they can under the less than ideal circumstances. Hunter worries it might not be enough. Wrecker's dangerously pale and shivering as they drag him out of the base. With their effort combined, they can move him at a decent speed.
If they'd went after him faster, Wrecker wouldn't be this close to death. Hunter thought Wrecker was dead, so he made a decision based on that fact. But he'd made a mistake, left his kih'vod to bleed out under rubble.
Had Wrecker been conscious as first? Was he lying there in a pool of his own blood, in pain, just waiting for death, waiting for it to be over?
If they lose Wrecker now, it'll be Hunter's fault. He'll never be able to forgive himself.
Wrecker's still out when they put him down on the Marauder's floor, though he's writhing and struggling against them holding him still. Crosshair kneels on the floor, supporting Wrecker's upper body in his lap. Hunter helps his youngest body fix any slipped bandages and add more from the ships medkit as Tech gets the Marauder on the fastest route back to Kamino. Hunter can't help but notice that Tech's flying more careful than he usually does.
Seeing Crosshair hold Wrecker close, the large clone's head limply resting against the sniper's chest, Hunter's reminded of how the two of them had bickered that morning. Hunter hadn't caught all of the disagreement, but it boiled down to Crosshair saying he finds Wrecker's habit of hugging them childish and refusing to do so before the mission. Not a new argument by any means. Crosshair loves to act like he hates any affection coming from his vode.
Hunter wonder's if Crosshair's thinking about the disagreement now too. If Wrecker doesn't make it, that would been the last chance Crosshair had to hug him. Crosshair looks miserable as he keeps readjusting his arms around their dying brother.
“He'll be fine Cross.” Hunter says, barely believing the words himself. Knowing what to say has never been Hunter strong suite.
“You can't know that!” Crosshair hisses. “Look at him Hunter!”
Hunter doesn't say anything again. He takes Wrecker's hand in his. Even through his blacks, Wrecker feels ice cold, especially compared to how he usually runs hot.
“He needs blood.” Hunter can hear how slow Wrecker's heart is beating. The sound isn't comforting in the slightest.
“We've done direct blood transfusion before, what are we waiting for?” Crosshair says, stripping the armor off his arm. Hunter calls for Tech, not trusting himself with this. He knows the theory, but this isn't the moment to test if he's up to the task.
Crosshair makes sure to remind them all of Wrecker's dislike of needles, snapping at Tech to be careful more than once. Hunter can thankfully keep the two of them from starting an argument, reminding them in turn that there's little to no chance of Wrecker waking at the moment. Tech still takes care to firmly tape the the needle to Wrecker's arm once it's in.
None of them speak as they watch Crosshair's blood trickle through the tube connecting him to Wrecker. They almost have to fight Crosshair when Tech tells him he's given enough blood, the di'kut being willing to put his own health at risk to give Wrecker a better chance at survival.
It's not much blood, especially considering the difference in mass between the youngest of the squad, but Wrecker's heart sounds a little better, and his breathing is less erratic. Still, Wrecker's hardly out of the meteor field yet, blood loss being far from his only problem.
“What state is he in, Tech?” Hunter asks.
“Oh he's clearly doing great, can't you tell?” Crosshair snarks before Tech can even open his mouth. Hunter glares at Crosshair, but doesn't react verbally.
“It's hard to say.” Tech adjusts his goggles. There's so much blood smeared on his chest plate, though Hunter can smell that it's on all of them. Tech's white armor just allows it to be more visible. “He has numerous broken bones and his left eye and ear are beyond saving. The med scanner doesn't indicate bleeding in the brain or signs of organ failure, however, it is well documented that portable med scanners aren't always as precise as they should be.”
Frustration crosses Crosshair's face. “So what, that's it? He could be dying and we won't know until it happens?”
“Well, Hunter will be able to tell if Wrecker's heart stills, or he stops breathing. Other than that, yes.” Tech's answer doesn't make the situation feel any less tense. “Preventing further loss of body heat would be ideal. As would keeping him comfortable in general. Though that is less in favour of increasing his chance of survival, and rather to make the situation as peaceful as possible, if he does pass before we make it to Typoca City.” Tech's voice almost gives out towards the end of his statement.
Hunter's chest aches as he squeezes his little brother's hand. Wrecker has to make it. They can't lose him, not like this, not because Hunter made a stupid decision.
They hardly talk the rest of the time, focusing on keeping Wrecker warm and calm. Hunter barely dares to breath too loud, scared he'll miss a change in Wrecker's condition.
It's chaos when they land on Kamino. Crosshair and Tech yell for a medic as Hunter still doesn't dare to do anything more than listen to Wrecker's heart and wheezed breath.
As they watch Wrecker's limp form being transported off on a stretcher, none of the three brother's dare to say a thing. Hunter wouldn't be surprised if his kih'vode are wondering if this is the last they'll see of Wrecker too. They likely won't get an answer to that for hours.
Feeling sick to his stomach, Hunter trudges his way to their barrack. There, all three of them collapse next to each other, incapable of doing anything but cling to one another as the await news of their brother's fate.
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
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pairing: suna, tsukishima, ushijima, osamu, sakusa, and iwaizumi x fem!reader (separate) note: thank you for the request @nicoleisdumb ! this was so fun to write and a nice refreshing break from jjk :3 miss writing abt these boys. summary: You forgot date night ! Oops... now your man is ignoring you?? How are you gonna fix this? content: slight angst to fluff, established relationships (marriage for a few, hehehehehe I will always find a way to sneak babies in), cursing, kinda suggestive for kiyoomi's part. not proofread!!!! wc: 3.3k
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Rintaro is not one to usually get upset when you forget things because you're human just as he is and he forgets things all the time. He forgets his keys at home sometimes, or his wallet, sometimes he forgets his birthday, etc. (never his phone, he always has that thing).
There has never been a day that he's forgotten a date or an anniversary to your surprise. Lately, though, work has consumed both you and your boyfriend. He was handling it better though, because when you'd get home you would immediately collapse onto the bed and fall asleep. Rintaro would make sure to change you into something more comfortable and at least clean your face with a warm, wet cloth and your face wash.
Today was no different from any others. As soon as you remove your shoes and lay in the bed, all of your problems don't matter anymore. It was only around 7 pm then.
The morning had arrived in a blur. Finally, you had a day off. This morning is off though, because you don't wake up with a set of pajamas on or Rin's t-shirt. That was your first clue to something being off.
The second clue was the fact that he is not in bed. Rin doesn't get up out of bed unless he absolutely has to. Usually, he's holding you captive in his arms. Before you investigate, you take the initiative to shower and brush your teeth. When you're in a fresh pair of clothes; a tank top and shorts, you slowly make your way into the living room, sleep still in your body.
A brown tuft of hair sticks out from under your mickey mouse blanket and a body way too big for the couch is curled up on it. Why is he sleeping on the couch?
"Rin, baby, why are you on the couch?" Silence. He's awake, you know it because of the sound from his phone that's muffled by the blanket. Is he ignoring you? There's no way... he must not have heard you.
So you speak up in case he didn't hear you the first time, "Morning, Rin!"
Still nothing. He doesn't even move. What is his problem? Your mood instantly deflates into something sour. There was a hope within you that you would finally get to spend time with him today. Be it cuddles or going out.
Since he's not talking to you, you'll just decide to make breakfast in order to pass the time and fill the silence. While breakfast is being made you try to think of things you could have possibly done to upset him.
Then it suddenly clicks... you wanted to go out with him today. He had planned to take you out yesterday. That had to be it, right?
"Rinnie was yesterday date night? I'm sorry for forgetting. I think you had tickets for something? I feel so fucking bad, baby." Sleep had instantly taken you last night that you forgot to set an alarm or something so you could remember date night.
He still didn't say anything, but he did get up from the couch to get some food. His gold eyes were cold and unforgiving.
"Rintaro. I'm really sorry. I guess my body got used to going to sleep right when I got home. I didn't even check to see if we were doing anything yesterday. I'll make it up to you, we can go out tonight?"
He's not mad at you, not anymore at least. Even though he's not mad at you, he kind of wanted to be. It's hard for him to be upset with you for too long.
"Don't fall asleep this time, sleepyhead." That familiar smile that you know so well appears on his face. It causes you to smile just as wide if not wider.
In seconds your arms are wrapped around him in a loving hug. "I won't fall asleep. Promise."
Kei is mean and petty about it. Date night is usually something simple like Netflix and some homemade snacks or something of the sorts. Mainly because the two of you like to stay in rather than go out.
He texted you asking where you were, only for you to reply that there was some old close friend of yours visiting town, so you decided to hang out with them.
When you got home late into the night, it was a little too quiet for you. Kei is probably asleep or playing on his play station, you assume. So, without even knowing that your boyfriend is upset, you go through your whole nightly routine.
Upon entering your bedroom you see his body lying in bed, his chest rising and falling every second. "I'm home." Leaves your lips in a whisper. There is no response so you assume he's asleep.
Halfway through the night you can't sleep, at all. It's probably because your boyfriend's comforting hands aren't wrapped around you, like usual.
You softly nudge your boyfriend's side trying to ease him awake, "Kei."
After a few more tries he finally startles awake, "what?"
"I can't sleep." You whine, "I need you to hug me."
"Shoulda' thought 'bout that before you went off with your friend instead of having date night." His tone is sour, from both being woken up and from you forgetting date night.
A small gasp leaves your lips, suddenly the conversation you two had a week prior to last night floods your brain. You weren't working that day and neither was Kei, which meant you guys could have your annual movie marathon.
"I'm sorry baby, I completely forgot..." He doesn't say anything to you and you can't tell what he's thinking because his back is facing you.
With a new spring of motivation you hop out of bed to make some of your favorite movie snacks and grab your laptop, before heading back to your bedroom.
"How about a redo?" Kei turns his body to look at you, he eyes the snacks and your computer. How could he stay mad at you?
"Hurry up before I change my mind." A huge cat-like grin adorns your pretty face.
"Daddy, why red circle?" Your little son Nao asks looking at the calendar on the fridge.
"Mommy and Daddy were supposed to go out tonight, but work called Mommy and asked her to come." Wakatoshi explains to his three year old.
The original plan was for Nao's nanny to come a little early because Wakatoshi finally had time off of work and so did you. When she came to take care of your son you two were going to go to dinner and see this new jazz group.
Wakatoshi had only told his son part of the truth, you did have to suddenly go to work but it wasn't because they called you in, it was because you requested to work late, so you could have more time off in the future.
The only reason he sugar-coded it was, because he would never want to paint you in a bad light.
The both of you have enough to support the household and live a steady life so he has no idea why you decided to go into work tonight. It seems you'd even forgotten that you were supposed to go out on a date with him tonight.
"Mommy not gettin' dinner with you?" He asks for clarity.
"Yeah, that's right." He gives the little guy a pat to the head.
"So it's just you and me. After bath time and dinner we can do something fun like watch a movie."
"We watch Dootopa?" He asks with a beaming smile on his face.
"You wanna watch Zootopia?"
"Yes yes!!!" That is his all time favorite movie. Flash the sloth is his favorite character next to Judy Hopps.
"Okay, well lets hurry up and get bath time and dinner time over with."
When you arrive home, your two favorite boys are fast asleep on the couch. You make the assumption they've been watching movies all night because Toy Story 2 is playing and neither are awake to watch it.
Nao is curled up in his father's lap, while Wakatoshi's hand is supporting him in case he falls.
You pick the sleeping little boy up in order to take him to his bed. Wakatoshi ever the light sleeper awakes when you remove Nao from his lap.
Instead of smiling and kissing you goodnight he turns the TV off and proceeds to walk straight to your shared bedroom without a word.
You quickly place your son down in his bed kissing him goodnight. You know why he's upset with you and there's an eagerness for you to fix it.
"I totally forgot about dinner, honey, I'm sorry." Those words leave your lips as soon as you enter your bedroom.
Your hurry to change into something more comfortable so you can join him in bed.
"Don't be mad 'Toshi." He grunts, his back is turned to you, so who knows what he's thinking.
Luckily for you he tends to not hold grudges.
"I'll get us a reservation at your favorite place," desperation seeps into your voice when he still doesn't answer you, "I really feel dumb for calling into work today, please cut me a break baby-"
"You aren't dumb, by any means, and I'm not mad. I'm confused." That's when you remember that Wakatoshi doesn't usually ignore you when he's upset about something.
The reason he doesn't say anything is usually because he's thinking.
You wait for him to tell you why he's confused and as you do so you sink into bed. At the point he turns over to see your face.
"I'm confused as to why you needed to work late when you already have so many days off."
"Well- I was hoping the three of us could go on vacation this summer, if the team doesn't require you to do your workouts there." His confusion is replaced with awe.
"Just ask them for days off, if they dock your pay it won't matter. We have enough to live comfortably, I promise." It feels good to finally have your man looking into your eyes again. A relieved sigh leaves your lips.
"Forgettin' something?" Your husband asks right before you walk out the door to go to your best friend's baby shower. He's leaning against the door frame, his huge arms flex when he goes to cross them over his equally large chest.
Is there something you're forgetting? Nothing rings a bell, so you assume he means you're about to forget to kiss him goodbye.
You lean into kiss him and he kisses you back of course, but there's still a pout on his face and he doesn't look satisfied.
"I love you, 'Samu! I gotta get going before I'm late!" So you forgot about it. You forgot that tonight Osamu was supposed to take you to the shop and fix up a nice dinner for you two at your favorite table. He'd serve your favorite wine and you two would talk about the stupidest things into the early hours of the morning. He even closed early for tonight.
I mean, he can't blame you, your best friend of a lifetime is having a baby shower, and of course she wants you there. It would have made him feel a little bit better if you at least remembered it, but you didn't.
Osamu wouldn't be a Miya if he wasn't at least a little bit petty about it. He's decided he'll ignore you until you figure out that you'd forgotten about your date tonight. Maybe if he's not too sour he'll make dinner for you.
The petty man in question has been watching the clock for the past twenty minutes. You were supposed to be home by now, because it's already 8:45 pm. The baby shower started at 6 and ended at 7, so, where are you?
Just as he asks himself that question, the telltale sound of keys on the other end of the door snaps him out of his trance.
"Hey baby, I'm back!" The door swings open and your pretty face greets him.
He doesn't say anything back to you, he just pretends to be busy on his phone.
"Sorry I got back so late, I stayed to help her clean everything up." Your eyes watch your husband carefully, checking for any sign of him being upset, because he doesn't say anything yet again.
"What's wrong, 'Samu?" Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He's definitely mad, now you just need to figure out why.
After a quick change into your slippers and your keys are on the rack you walk up to him, giving him a hug from behind. You rest your chin on his shoulder. He's scrolling through twitter, his personal one not the one for promoting the shop.
"Why are you sulking? You're acting like your brother." Osamu accepts his fate, you know he can't ignore you when you compare him to his brother.
"Do not compare me to that oversized baby." When he hears your beautiful laugh he almost forgets why he was upset, almost.
"Did I not tell ya that ya were forgettin' somethin' before ya left?" The question in his voice makes you think for a second.
"Was it not a kiss?" He shakes his head. Now you're completely lost.
"I was 'posed to take ya down to the shop and we were gonna eat at our table." When he finishes his sentence you gasp in remembrance. Oh shit. You forgot about date night.
"Baby, you can't possibly be telling me I had to choose you or her." He stiffens for a brief moment, then relaxes.
"Nah, I was just hoping ya'd at least remember it." A shudder rolls down his spine when you give him a small kiss on the neck.
"I'm sorry for forgetting, baby. Let's have a do ov-" Osamu doesn't allow you to finish because he scoops you up bridal style and brings you into the kitchen to set you down on the counter.
"Ya better watch me cook or I won't forgive you."
"Aye aye captian!"
"Yer so annoying." He smiles at you.
"Bye baby! Mama and Dada love you!" Your baby girl waves at you shyly as you and Kiyoomi drop her off with her grandparents.
"I wuv you too! Bye bye Mama, bye bye Dada." Kiyoomi hugs his daughter tightly before setting her down next to her grandma.
"Alright, sweet girl, make sure to be good for nana and poppa okay?" She nods her adorable little head, the tiny ponytails you put in her hair swing rapidly.
As soon as you guys are in the car, a look of excitement flashes in your husband's eyes.
"What?" You can't help smile when he looks at you like that.
"Made us that reservation for brunch like you asked." Your smile immediately drops. You'd forgotten that you and Kiyoomi planned this whole weekend out already. You two had planned this weekend two weeks prior, which is kind of why you forgot and booked a mani-pedi for an hour from now.
"Fuckkkkk." Why do you forget the most important things?
"Kiyo, can we do dinner instead? I forgot about brunch and booked a mani-pedi because today is the only day my nail lady could fit me in."
A tension forms almost immediately when you inform him of your plans. Guilt is heavy on your stomach while listening to your husband cancel brunch over the phone. The rest of the car ride is silent except for the sound that's happening outside of the car.
Your husband is kind enough to drop you off at your nail appointment. You feel so bad as you hop out of the car, so in order to try and smooth things over you offer for him to come inside but he just mumbles a quick, "No thank you, I'll come get you when it's done."
That's how you ended up spilling everything to your nail lady. She shakes her head as she shapes the gel nails into the shape you asked for. "What's his favorite color on you, sweetheart?"
You think for a second before answering, "He loves when I get sage green." The woman gives you a knowing smile and you connect the dots as to what she's referring to.
"You want him to feel better? Take him to dinner and then give him a night to remember with those pretty nails. Works every time with my husband." She says with a mischievous smile.
Your eyes widen for a second, "Oh my- I- we haven't had time to do anything because our little girl requires most of our time, but she's with her grandparents for the weekend."
The nail lady giggles as she goes to find your color. "Honey, if that's not a sign to get laid then I don't know what is!"
When your appointment is over you see the cadillac waiting for you in the parking lot. Kiyoomi doesn't even bother to look up when you enter the car.
"Got your favorite color." You purr with a seductive smile on your face. Kiyoomi doesn't spare you a glance, "Cool."
"Stop being so mean, I'm sorry about brunch. I made a reservation for dinner." That finally baits his attention, he turns to you, a nasty look in his eyes.
"Oh I actually think I'm going to be busy, can't go to dinner." He mocks your voice to make you feel what he had felt earlier. He's being mean, but he doesn't mean it. He still kind of has this habit of getting defensive when he or his pride is hurt.
"Too busy to get a blowjob in the car after dinner?" You know you've got him when he stops breathing for a few seconds. Your husband is only a man, and what kind of man would he be to deny a blowjob from his wife?
"Shit, should have started with that. Let me see your nails." The whole time he inspects your pretty hands there's a smirk on your face.
"I love this color on you baby."
"I know you do Kiyo. Now, let's get home, we have to get ready for dinner tonight."
Having your daughter stay with her grandparents for the weekend was the best decision you guys have made in a while.
Hajime has been ignoring you for the past two hours and you can't figure out why.
You know you haven't done anything to piss him off recently (or so you think), so his behavior is kind of strange. Nothing you did made him listen to you either.
He doesn't even let you know he's leaving for work, which reminds you of yesterday. You were so excited to go see your cousin's puppy you'd forgotten to tell your boyfriend you'd be out for awhile.
Suddenly while you're tidying up the kitchen you briefly remember him asking you on a date... yesterday.
That's probably why he's ignoring you.
So of course, being the problem solver you are, you head to the store to get stuff to set up a nice date at home.
You decorate the table with pretty rose petals and cook his favorite meal for him. Candles light up the table and two glasses of wine are set on the table.
Hajime lets out a loud groan as he enters the house, working with a bunch of athletes all the time is quite tiring. What he doesn't expect is the dimmed lights and quiet music playing from the alexa in the kitchen.
For the first time today he talks to you, "What's all this?"
"An apology for forgetting our date last night. I set up an at home date for us." He tries and fails to look upset, still.
"I'm glad you remembered," he pauses, "the day after our date." A snort leaves his lips and you roll your eyes.
"At least I remembered. Hurry up and put your stuff up so we can eat. The food is gonna get cold."
It's safe to say he forgives with the way a lopsided grin adorns his face.
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
divider: @/chachachannah
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angelsheartts · 6 months
(but i kinda hope they catch us, anyway)
#pairing : lucifer, adam, alastor, vox x gn reader
#cw: suggestive content, +18 mdni, cuss words lmao, getting caught in suggestive situations ig?? tentacles on alastors part my bad, vox likes to get caught.
#notes: guys please feel free to ask requests, i’m getting out of ideas and i don't know what you all wanna read on my blog help.
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˖ ˚ ༘✶ LUCIFER .
you both were having a pretty steamy make-out session in your hotel room at the hazbin hotel, clearly not the best idea since everyone was still at the hotel, and HELL does lucifer gets loud.
"ah-, my love, " he whines loudly, pressing his forked tongue deep inside you. feeling him humping against your bedsheets as you wrap your legs around his neck, you knew he was close. "lucifer, you make me feel so gooood~" you moaned, grabbing his horns as you felt like your orgasm was soon to come.
well, nobody warned you how SENSITIVE this man was when someone touched his horns; his wings literally popped out in a second. "fuck, fuck, i’m so close (name); can i cum, honey ? please i-"
a door opened, making lucifer wrap his wings around you both. "(name), i heard some noises. is everything alri-" well, this was akward. "IMSOSORRYISHOULDHAVEKNOCKED" she said, embarrased, closing the door, leaving you and lucifer with a flushed red since you both literally got caught, by HIS daughter WHILE having an orgasm.
after that 'accident' charlie started knocking every time she entered your dorm, and apologised to you many times.
˖ ˚ ༘✶ ADAM .
adam can be very tiring sometimes when keeping his hands to himself, he would literally fuck you anywhere so everyone could see who makes you feel so fucking good if you would just let him, but of course you wouldn’t allow something like that.
except for today, you and adam had a meeting with the other angels so you wouldn’t have guessed that your husband had already been planning on how to convince you to do not-so-holy-things to skip the meeting.
until, you started noticing how touchy he was getting with you, at the beginning it was a playfully kiss on your neck then a slap in you ass and somehow you ended up giving him a blowjob.
"you’re so hot when you shut the fuck up" he said, smirking while gripping your hair tightly to make you go deeper. "fucking bitch, sucking it while having you on your knees, as you fucking should 'cause im the original dick, babe!" letting him talk to you like that reeallyy turned him on, just the thought of you being so obedient to him makes him want to cum.
"what the fuck" a voice made you both turn, noticing a lute with a very disgusted look in her face cursing at you both for being so reckless.
sadly this wasn’t the first time lute walked in on you both, so she just left LMAO.
˖ ˚ ༘✶ ALASTOR .
alastor tries to have the least amount of physical contact during such activities, so it wasn’t a rare occasion for you to finger yourself, while listening to his voice telling you what to do.
you didn’t really know if it was because you were bored, or you were just horny, but you had the urge to have some intimacy with alastor. he didn’t mind because it had been a long time since you both had some intimacy.
"you have been such a good partner, my dear” he praised, smirking widely like he always did. "I think it would only be fair if i give you something in return."
well, that was 15 minutes ago, and now here you were feeling his tentacles thrusting into you so roughly. alastor would only chuckle at your expressions while ocassionaly telling you to touch yourself as he wanted. seeing you trying to get some release made his bulge twitch inside his pants.
well, at least it made it twitch until someone interrupted you both, making your partner disappear the tentacles who were just inside you a few seconds ago.
angel dust was the one who accidentaly walked in on you both, and alastor told him if he ever talked or made jokes about what happened he would transmite his screams on his radio broadcoast. angel dust still teases you though.
˖ ˚ ༘✶ VOX .
vox actually wants you both to get caught, like he really has no shame at all. he loves fucking you if it means that you both might get caught in the act.
sadly, you can’t even recall how you ended up with him having you bend over his desk right before a meeting with the VEES.
surely, you both could have stopped if you wanted, but why would you even consider that when he’s literally vibrating just in the right spot, making you fuzzy from the overstimulation.
"fuck, yeah" your boyfriend's voice is shaky as he keeps thrusting in you, seeing how his cum rolls down your thighs, makes him increase his pace. "you really want us to get caught, don’t you, babe? squeezing me around as if i would even think about fucking pulling it out" he says chuckling with a slight glitch on his voice. "ah- vox, it’s too much i-" vox slapped your ass, making you yelp from pleasure as you were feeling so overwhelmed.
both of you being so close to your orgasm, didn’t noticed when velvette and valentino entered the room until velvette shouted at you both for fucking like animals, and not waiting until being in a more private place, alongside her was just a valentino smirking, while being dragged by velvette. valentino would have been glad to accept the offer if you would have invited him though.
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aniesvision · 3 months
Vegas! (matt x chris x f! reader)
part 2
(part 1 here)
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warnings: voyeurism (kinda), suggestive, jealous!chris, oral (f! and m! receiving), overstimulation, fingering, also jealous!matt, pet names (sweetheart, baby), eiffel tower, spanking, mentions of gagging, p in v, praising, chocking, squirting, aftercare, might be forgetting something
a/n: hey! here's part 2 and i absolutely loved it, friendly reminder as always english is not my first language, enjoy hehe ✨
synopsis: Matt and Chris were going to Vegas and they asked you to come along, what happened next it's something none of you ever imagined it'd happen.
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-What the fuck is happening here?
You and Matt both look at him at the same time. Chris was standing there, leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door.
Your face, already red from all the things that already happened, gets even redder. You look at Matt, avoiding Chris's eyes and searching for any hints of what to do. You were supposed to still be drunk, but getting caught definitely sobered you up. You couldn't believe that Chris, one of your best friends, caught you and Matt, also one of your best friends, and his triplet brother, in such an intimate and not friendly at all situation.
Matt turns the vibrator off, sliding it out of your panties and setting it next to us on the bed. He smirks at his brother, then looks back down at you, admiring your face.
-Just showing her she could take all levels. -He says, rolling to the empty side of the bed and laying on his back.
You take deep breaths, looking between them, so shy and shocked that you didn't even say a word.
Chris stands silent, his arms crossed over his chest. His hair was still wet from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist and no shirt to cover his bare chest, his expressions unreadable. He takes a few steps closer to the bed, Matt sitting upright just in case he needed to truly explain himself or defend you, being prepared to anything really. But Chris doesn't say a word, nor show any emotions, he just looks at the messy vibrator on the bed, sticky with your juices.
You squeeze your thighs together, the tension in the air combined with the sensitivity of your last orgasm making you want more. It was weird, but after seeing how Matt could make you feel, you wondered if Chris could do the same thing.
Seeing him just looking and Matt not saying a word makes you think if Chris was mad at you guys. If he was angry, if he was about to snap at you, yell at you.
But all he does is sit on the edge of the bed, giving Matt a quick look before glancing at you. He scans all your features, the way your forehead was a bit sweaty and your hair was sticking to your face, your heavy breathing, the shyness and reluctance in your eyes, your parted lips, red cheeks, your thighs squeezing together, how obviously soaked you were.
He runs a hand through his hair, rethinking his plans. He watched Matt play with you longer than expected, at first he was shocked, then a bit disgusted, but then he enjoyed it, the way you sounded, the way you squirmed, he watched it since level 2. He's not sure why he was so turned on. You're one of his closest friends and he loves you deeply, he thinks you're smart, funny, a great company, and of course, pretty. He always thought so, it was a subject he'd bring up to talk to Matt every once in a while.
Talking about you was one of the reasons Matt had a few wet dreams about you. And it was definitely a reason that made Chris a bit jealous when he saw Matt having you like that.
Chris moves closer to you, placing his hands on your knees, pushing your legs open. He keeps eye contact while sliding his fingertips to your thighs.
-Think you can handle more? -He asks, his voice soft but firm, like he wasn't exactly asking, just anticipating what was going to happen.
Matt scoffs sarcastically, shaking his head a bit in disbelief, but also amusement, when he realizes what his brother's doing. Chris always wants to share, he loves sharing, Matt on the other side not so much, but this time he'll let it slide. He'd share you with Chris, but just because he sees it in your eyes that you want this. He'd share you because you want to. And he wants to see you satisfied.
You nod eagerly, not daring to refuse whatever was going on between all of you. Chris finally shows an emotion, giving you a sweet almost innocent smile, as he was reassuring you that it was alright and that he cares about you, before leaning down to press gentle kisses on your inner thighs. You shift in your spot, getting comfortable and trying to ignore how sensitive you were.
Chris positions himself in between your legs, curling his fingers in your panties and slipping it down your ankles, throwing it aside. He looks at you one more time and you give him permission with another nod. He gladly laps your wetness, keeping his hands on your thighs. He draws shapes of eights and circles on your clit, one of your hands immediately tugging his hair as you moan loudly.
Matt just watches from his spot, moving sideways and propping himself on his palm, focused on your face contorting with pleasure. He tosses your hair behind your ear, kissing your cheek gently. He slowly slides your dress over you head, exploring your body with his fingertips.
You moan with how good Chris was making you feel, his tongue moving perfectly, tears already welling up your eyes from how intense it was. It's unreal how you somehow ended up here, with both Chris and Matt pleasuring you.
You were so close already to another orgasm, Chris alone driving you insane, but the way Matt was moving his fingers along your skin, unclasping your bra and attacking your nipples only made it easier for you to scream in pleasure and reach your climax for the second time that night.
Chris smirks at you, his chin covered with your juices. He wasn't done with you though, and Matt clearly wasn't too. Chris stops eating you out to give you a few seconds to breath, before teasing your entrance with his middle finger.
Matt continues to lick and nibble your nipples, rubbing his thumb over it and leaving red marks on the valley of your boobs.
-Fuck, too much. -You whine, feeling overstimulated, but none of them cared.
Chris thrusts his finger in you, your loud moan sounding like the sweetest melody. He starts to finger you, hovering over you and adding another finger. You gasp in surprise and he takes the opportunity to kiss you, immediately shoving his tongue in your mouth, making you taste yourself.
Matt gives some space for y'all to make out in front of him, not being able to control himself. He slides down his shorts, palming himself over his deep red boxers as he watches you, the sweet moans muffled by Chris' lips showing him how good you were feeling, and that's all that matters to him.
Chris continues to kiss you hungrily, thrusting his fingers in a fast pace that had you whining and squirming under him. He pulls his lips away to look at you, your eyes still closed and your lips parted as you cried out of pleasure. Two single tears rolling down your temples. You clench around his fingers, signaling you were close once more.
-You're so fucking gorgeous, baby, give me one more. -Chris groans, your legs shaking uncontrollably under him.
He forces your legs open, looking down to his fingers moving in and out of you, the sounds echoing in the room, your walls clenching around his slender fingers once more leading you to one more orgasm.
Chris removes his fingers from you, licking them clean and looking up at you. You were completely fucked up, looking so tired yet so fucking beautiful. He never thought he'd see you like this but now that he has he'll do anything to see you like this again.
-Tired, baby? -He asks, laughing through his nose.
Matt finished just by looking your pretty face. And to be honest, so did Chris.
You nod in response, panting heavily. Chris chuckles at your state, standing from the bed and (not so) discreetly cleaning himself with the towel around his waist, walking slowly to his suitcase. He gives Matt a quick look, throwing a piece of plastic at him. You turn your head to see what it was, eyes widening a bit when you realize it was a condom.
-Better catch your breath, we're far from being done with you.
Matt smirks, looking back at you. You were still breathing heavily, too tired after all that already happened, not sure if you could take more. He places his hand gently on your cheek, caressing your skin with his thumb, eyes glued to yours.
-You okay, sweetheart? -He asks, with a gentle tone.
You nod, even though you weren't sure if you were indeed okay. Matt smiles at you, pulling you into a delicate kiss.
In the meanwhile, Chris lets his towel falls to the ground, putting on the condom silently as he watched you and Matt kissing. He walks slowly to the bed, pulling you away from Matt and tapping your legs lightly.
-Get on all fours for us, beautiful. -He helps you move on the bed, your ass now up and fully on display for him.
Chris slaps your ass cheeks harshly, kneading them and biting his lips with the sight of you. He teases you by sliding his tip up and down your folds before entering you, making you moan loudly.
Your head falls down in pleasure and pain from how overstimulated you were. Seeing it as an opportunity, Matt lifts your head by your chin, discarding his boxers and rubbing his thumb against your lips.
-Open up, sweetheart.
You comply, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out. He holds your hair in a makeshift ponytail, thrusting his dick in your mouth and groaning with the feeling. He starts fucking your mouth slowly, not wanting to push your limits, but increasing his pace when he sees you can take more of him.
You couldn't even keep your eyes open, tears falling from your eyes straight to the sheets. The feeling of taking them both at the same time after having both of them separately was too much, but so hot and so fucking good even with all the pain coming from the overstimulation.
Chris fucks you fast and deep, hitting all the right places repeatedly, he didn't even try to hide how good he was also feeling, groaning and spanking your ass cheeks leaving possessive red marks in the shape of his hands.
Matt fucks your mouth roughly by now, ignoring all the effort he made to keep it slow. You were gagging on him, the vibrations and sounds driving him crazy, his pace getting faster and deeper by the second, one of his hands holding your hair and the other cupping your cheek, obligating you to keep your eyes open and look at him.
-Taking us so well, sweetheart. -He praises, throwing his head back in pleasure.
-Yeah, such a good girl for us. -Chris agrees, slapping your ass cheeks harshly.
All you could do was moan and let them use you, it's not like you didn't want this, you were glad to help them by letting them use you however they wanted.
You were so close again, the sensation being so different, it was like you were about to explode, but in a good way, if that even makes any sense. You look up at Matt to see him already looking at you, he smirks, noticing by your face that you were close. He slides his hand that was on your cheek to your throat, applying some pressure to choke you lightly.
-Close, sweetheart? -He asks, smirking down at you.
You just moan in response, and he laughs through his nose, pushing his dick all the way back to your throat, ignoring your gags. He was so close that all he cared now was to reach his own climax.
Chris wasn't that far behind, your sounds, the red marks he left on your ass cheeks, the way you were clenching so hard, even the sounds of you gagging. His eyes were rolling back, hands gripping your hips hard.
Matt was the first to snap, filling your mouth with his warm liquid, he couldn't take much looking at your gorgeous face, the way you looked at him made it so hard to last. He makes you swallow every single drop, pulling away just in time to hear your loud scream and see you squirting all over Chris.
That was it for Chris, one last thrust and he was filling the condom with his seed. He found it so hot to feel you squirting for him, to hear you screaming for him, he almost passed out with how hard he came.
Matt was also hypnotized by the pleasant surprise, he didn't know you could do that, and honestly, you didn't know either. It was the first time you had squirted, the feeling of it draining all your energy.
Both boys helped you lay on your back, you could barely keep your body functioning. Matt went straight to the bathroom, returning with towels. He cleaned you up and handed another one to Chris. Matt gets another boxer to wear in his suitcase and Chris walks away to do the same. You stand there, about to sleep, not even able to say or do anything else.
Matt picked you up like a bride, gently sitting you on the couch so he could change the sheets. Chris helped you get dressed in the meantime, sliding up new panties and one of his Fresh Love shirts. When Matt was done, they all lay down, you in the middle of the two brothers, already dead asleep.
Matt looks at you sleeping, completely passed out, and smiles softly.
-I never through we'd share a girl. -Chris breaks the silence, looking at his brother.
His tone was playful, but it was clear he was a bit scared of what happened. The last thing he wanted was to get into fights with his brother because of a girl, and it wasn't exactly on his plans to fuck the same girl as his brother.
-I don't think it's happening again. -Matt responds, also thinking of how weird it was that they let their desires take over.
-It was pretty fun, tho. -Chris shrugs, deciding on walking to the mini freezer and get a pepsi. He needed a cold drink after all that.
-Yeah, it was. -Matt agrees, looking back at you, leaning to press a gentle kiss on your forehead.
-Sweet dreams, beautiful. -He whispers in your ear, standing and walking after his brother, also needing a drink.
They didn't lie about their words, indeed you were never shared again. Not at the same time at least, they did fuck you again, but separately. What happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas.
tags 💕
@riowritesitall @sturniolosarethebest @hyacinthst @anabanana28 @flower-sturns @sturncakez @sssoniaswiftt @watercolorskyy @delooshunalhoe @sarosfilms @blahbel668 @sturniyolo69 @sturniolosl0t @sturnsxbitvh @nessii-sturniolo @colbsposts00 @fallingforfalll2
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: Reader accepts Zach's invitation about coming onto the podcast, despite going through a hard time. 
Warnings: there won't be smut in this (I can always do a part 2), but there will sexual innuendos and other things that make it feel like it belongs in this book, kinda sad beginning, swearing, joking around, reader is good friends with Zach and Jared, reader feeling sad/down, long distance relationship? possible angst? 
I will be using some actual dialogue from their videos, but most of it will be from me. 
Word count: 6.3k | not edited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
It's been a few weeks since you and Sam sat down and had a long discussion about your relationship. 
You both agreed that it was best you "cut things off'' until things start to settle down - but you both didn't know when that was going to happen. 
No matter how hard you tried, your schedules were always packed. You were flying to one state on the other side of the county. 
Sam was flying to the opposite. 
It didn't really make sense, because things really didn't change romantically, you still said I love you. You still FaceTimed when you could. 
It's just, everything was always over the phone. 
Through texts, phone calls, pictures. 
You haven't seen each other since the night Sam left with Colby to do their overseas haunted tour thing that they've been planning for months. 
That was three weeks ago, and it's killing you - both. 
You both agreed that you need to give both of your lives all you got, and that's where it made sense. Putting your careers first, getting ahead so you have time to plan out the future together. 
You hated it. Absolutely despised it, but you truly believed that if your love was real, and you truly believed it was.. 
It will always contain the habit of coming back. 
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You hugged Sam tight, not wanting to let him go. His arms stayed around you, chin rested on your head as he basked in the last moments you had together before he had to fly to Romania. 
Then to Spain. 
Then Ireland. 
It was going to be non stop. 
"Hey." Sam whispers, "I love you." You sniffle, mumbling into his chest, "I love you." He slides an arm over your shoulder, tilting your tear soaked face up to look at him. 
He smiles slightly, biting his lip to hold back his own tears, "I don't care how complicated things gets. I still want you." 
You nod, "Always your girl." 
He kisses your forehead, "Always my girl." 
You can tell he nods, meaning Colby has signaled him, and you let out a sigh, "Let me know when you land." 
"You know I'll update you any chance I get." He pulls you into a hug, squeezing tight, "I love you. I love you so much." 
You try your hardest not to cry, but you can't help it and sob into his chest, "I love you." 
He cups your cheek, kissing you deeply before leaning back, "I don't want to, but I gotta go."
"Go." You smile, "But don't have too much fun." You laugh slightly before it quickly turns into crying again and you fight it, "I'm sorry." 
He shakes his head, "Never be sorry." He kisses you one last time, "Wait for me." 
You nod, turning around to see Colby standing behind you, "Safe travels." You reach up, wrapping your arms around Colby's neck and he hugs you tight, "It'll be okay." 
You nod, leaning back, "I know." You wipe your face, watching as Sam and Colby walk towards the gate. 
Sam smiles slightly, giving you one last wave before he walks through. 
Once he's out of your sight, you cover your face, absolutely breaking down and you didn't care that it was in the middle of the airport. 
Your friend walks up, wrapping her arms around you, "You guys are inevitable." 
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"I have to go in like ten minutes, we're getting ready to head to our next place." Sam says from the other end of the phone. 
You pout totally forgetting about the time difference, "Okay." 
"Hey " Sam tilts his head, "Don't do that." 
"I'm not doing anything. I've mastered waiting until we hang up." You laugh and he sighs, "Girl. You're going to kill me." 
"If I was going to do that, I would have done it before you left." 
You've been coping with jokes and humor. You were still absolutely dying inside with not being able to lay with him. Kiss him. Hug him. 
It was still eating away at you, but, as said, you've just mastered it with humor. 
"Part of me wishes you did." Sam mumbles with a laugh, "This is hell." 
You sigh quietly, sitting up as you rest your chin in the palm of your hand, "I know." You smile as you think about what your friend said, "But just remember that we're inevitable." 
"Damn right." Sam smiles and you hear Colby yell at him, "Alright, enough with the phone sex. The car's here." 
You laugh as you watch Sam's mouth drop and he pans his phone over his fully clothed in layers body, "Does it look like I have my d-" 
"I don't need to know what nasty shit you guys are in to." Colby laughs and you sigh, "Alright. I love you." 
You see the phone get ripped out of Sam's hand and Colby's face appears suuuper close to the camera, "I love you, too." 
You shake your head, laughing, "oh my god." 
Sam gets his phone back and he smiles, "Talk later?" 
You nod, "You know it. Be safe. Good luck!" 
Sam smiles, "Yes ma'am." He salutes you, "Alright, I love you." You smile, "I love you." 
The call ends and you feel that sudden rush of, once gated, emotions hit you all at once. You fall into the bed, specifically on Sam's side and take a deep shaky breath, "Fuck." 
You lay a pillow over your face and lay there for a second, taking yourself down from crying. 
Your phone dings and you hesitate for a second before you toss the pillow next to you and search for your phone. 
A laugh leaves your lips as you see a message from your friend, Zach Justice, Hey sweet cheeks. Come on the podcast. 
You click on it, typing out, oh now you want me to come on? 
You take a screenshot and send it to Sam. You stare up at the ceiling as you wait for a response from either one, trying to convince yourself that what you're going through, is going to benefit your future with Sam. 
You bring your phone up, rolling your eyes at Zach's response, Not so much me, but the people in the comments. Your name is infesting every video I post. 
Infesting? That's a.. weird way of putting it lol. I'll see if I can squeeze you in to fit in my busy, busy schedule. 
Your friendship with Zach has always been playful banter, ever since you met, but he's always there for you. 
You haven't said anything to him, or Jared, about your current situation with Sam, but you know that just going on the podcast would definitely help you get through this easier. 
You bring your phone back up and laugh as what Zach had to say, So kind of you to consider hanging out with me. 
You laugh, I know, I can be sooo nice. I'll come if you buy me a plane ticket. 
And pick me up from the airport, with donuts. 
You see the message change from delivered to read and his face pops up on your screen. You take a deep breath and hit answer, "You couldn't have just texted me?" 
"Donuts you say? You must be really going through it." 
You laugh, "You have no idea." 
"Does this have anything to do with Sam?" He raises his brows when you don't answer him and he hums, "Thought so." 
"We're.. together but we're not together? If that makes any kind of sense. I don't know. We both agreed that our schedules are too much for us to be labeled as a couple right now, so we just, agreed to put more focus on the business of our lives?" You shake your head, "I'm just.. feeling a lot." 
"Yeah, you're totally coming on the podcast." He laughs, "I'll get your plane ticket." You can tell he's focused on something else and you laugh, "I was joking. I can get my-"
"Zach." You laugh, "I don't even know when I'm free." 
"Well, you better be free next Thursday." He smiles, giving you a wink, "See you then." 
"Don't.. wink at me. That's weird." 
"Ugh" he groans dramatically, "Sorry." He smiles, "See you next Thursday, I'll send you the deats." He winks and hangs up before you can yell at him again. 
You see a message from Sam and your attention shifts as you read what he says, You should definitely do it, babe. I think it would be good for you. 
You tap the screen, Zach really didn't give me a choice. He bought my plan ticket for me already so now I have to move stuff around, but I agree. 
Your eyes move up to the time, groaning lowly as you realize just how late it is. You remembered you have a meeting for a brand deal within the next four hours, so you reach over, turning off your lights so you can try and get at least a little bit of sleep. 
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Why'd he have to get such an early flight, you think as you zip your suitcase closed. You lift it off the bed and set it upright on the floor before replacing the spot on the bed with your body. 
The last two days, Sam and Colby have been camping in a place they don't have service, so you haven't talked to him. 
Your phone dings and you lift in hopes that it's Sam, but it's Zach, On your way to the airport? 
You laugh quietly, You act like you're exited to see me or something, but soon. Waiting on my friend to get here to take me. 
Your friend texts you, letting you know that she's there and you get a move on, pulling the handle from your case and wheeling it behind you as you walk out to the living room. 
She comes in, "You ready?" 
You look over at her, "Yeah I just have to grab my headphones, they've been charging." She nods, "You doing okay?" 
You shrug, "I mean, yeah. For the most part." You laugh slightly, "As good as I can be." 
"Where did he say they were camping again?" She crosses her arms and you look at her, "Some.. demonic forest? I have no idea. If I don't hear from him by tomorrow I'm sending a search and rescue team." 
She laughs, "No I don't blame you." She walks over, grabbing the handle of your bag as you stuff your headphones into your carry on, "I know how Zach is, and he's a jokester.. are you going to be alright?" 
You nod, "I talked to Zach about everything last week, I told him that joking is my way to cope, so I gave him the green light." 
"I can't wait for this to come out. I just know it's going to be better than the others." She laughs and you nod, "Oh you know it." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Walking into the airport was almost like you were reliving that day with Sam all over again. Luckily, you had to go to a different gate in a different part of the building, which really made it a lot easier in the long run. 
"Well. I'll see ya in a day or two." You lean in, hugging your friend, "Thank you." 
She squeezes you, "Don't need to thank me. Have a good flight." 
You nod, "I'll try. I'll text you when I land." 
You turn, walking up to the lady to hand her your ticket. She smiles, "Hi, y/n. I have to tell you, my daughter is a huge fan of yours." 
"Awe." You smile, "You'll have to tell her I said thank you.
The lady nods, "I will." She smiles, "Safe travels, y/n." 
You smile and walk in, turning back to wave to your friend before boarding the plane. 
You sit down in your seat, checking your phone to see if Sam texted - but no message. You sigh, unfolding your headphones and slipping them over your ears. 
You've been on enough planes to know the routine. 
After pressing play for your music to play, you send a quick text to Zach, letting him know that you boarded and should be there in about two to three hours. 
Your flight feels longer than it should be. It felt like time was dragging by as slow as it could possibly go. 
But once you land and are able to exit, you practically bolt to the baggage claim. 
I got my bags, where are you? 
You look around, waiting to either see Zach or hear back from him. 
Moments later, he texts, Standing in front of the Starbucks. Someone didn't send me their gate number so I figured I'd treat myself to cheer myself up. 
You laugh, grabbing your bag as you type with your thumb, you're ridiculous, did you at least get me one? 
Zach replies, No why would I do that? 
You roll your eyes and walk to the Starbucks, smiling as you see him holding two coffees, "You did in fact do that." 
He turns, smiling as he opens his arms to hug you, "Yeah yeah, don't ruin it."
You step back, taking the coffee he hands you, "Ready?" He nods, "right this way, sweet cheeks." 
"You just going to keep coming up with new nicknames each time you talk to me?" You laugh and he stares at you, "Um, yeah. That's what I've been doing? Right?" 
You roll your eyes, "What are you going to do when you run out of nicknames? Recycle the old ones." 
He laughs, "Boy are you funny. Listen here." He stops pointing to his head and you tilt your head as you watch him tap his temple, "This baby can go for miles. Don't ever underestimate me." 
You hold your hand up in defense, "Message received, sweet cheeks." 
He gives you a look, trying not to laugh and he sighs, "Not cool." He laughs, turning to lead you to his car. 
The ride to the house was filled with small talk, mainly catching up and what not since it's been over a year since you've seen him last. 
Once there, you're greeted by Jared and Alyssa with hugs. 
"How was the flight?" Jared asks and you shrug with a laugh, "Long."
"Did you do your hair recently? It's so pretty." Alyssa plays with a stand and you nod, "Yeah I went after a meeting last week. I figured I needed a change or something." 
"You know, I think I seen it on Instagram." She laughs and Zach rolls his eyes, "girl talk, yuck. I'm not doing this." He walks over to sit down and puts his headphones on. 
He motions to the empty chair, "Are we doing this?" 
"I still don't have a choice do I?" You laugh and Zach sighs, "Now you're finally getting it."
You set your stuff down, walking over to sit on the red seat. You put your headphones on and look around as Jared and Alyssa get settled in. 
"We good?" Zach asks and looks at everyone, and you all nod. 
"What's up guys. Welcome to one ninety six of Dropouts." Zach starts in a loud, cheery sing songy tone, "Were here with the guest you've all been waiting for..." 
Jared gives Zach a drum roll and Zach looks at you, "Miss Y/n y/l/n." 
"Hi everybody." You smile, "Just to let everyone know, Zach didn't give me a choice to do this, so everyone should go flood his comments-" 
"No, cut that out. We're cutting that out." Zach tries not to laugh, "Listen. It only took how long for you to finally get here?" 
"She's a very busy girl, Zach." Jared laughs, "Speaking of.. Did I, or did I not, see that you're going to be on the next cover of vogue?" 
"You guys heard about that?" You smile and look at Alyssa and she claps for you, "Powerful woman." 
You smile and look at Zach, "Jealous?" 
Zach raises his brows, "That I'm not a woman? Please. I don't need anymore problems." He takes a deep breath, "Anyway. Besides that, I want to ask you a very serious question." 
You time your head, "That could be anything.." 
Zach fights back a smirk, "You seen, two or three episodes back that we had.. Sam, and Colby on here, right." 
Jared laughs, "Zach, where are you going with this?" 
"No where. Well. I mean." He laughs, "Somewhere, but just, wait. We aren't there yet." 
"Clearly." You and Alyssa say at the same time and you both laugh. 
Zach points between the two of you, "See. This is why I don't like having them both here, they like tag team me and not in the way any man would want to happen, ya feel me?" 
You roll your eyes, "Sam and Colby, your question." You laugh when he looks at you and he smirks, "You and Sam.. getting down and dirty yeah?" 
You laugh, "If you want to put it that way, I mean. Yeah, but not like.. recently." 
"Why's that?" Zach rubs his chin with his fingers and you shrug, "in the words of Jared, she's a very busy girl, Zach." 
"Mm, okay." He raises his brows and shakes his head, "Now another question I have for you.. and don't get mad at me for asking this, because if I'm correct, they confirmed this when they were here." 
You raise your brows, knowing exactly where this is going, "Mhm." 
"Did Sam leave the states to be with Colby officially because, now, this is what I was told, you threatened to turn Colby into a spirit himself?" Zach leans back and you stare at him for a few second before laughing, "Oh my god." 
"That's.." Jared laughs, "Who did you hear that from?" 
Zach makes a face, "Oh so now you're going to sit there and pretend like that isn't what you told me last night?" 
"Whoa, okay. No. Y/n. I didn't-" Jared laughs and Zach cuts in, "Oh, see. He can't deny it. His face is as red as the seats and he's starting to smell because he's so full of it." 
"What the fuck." Jared rolls his eyes and you sigh, leaning in towards the mic, "For the record, I have never threatened to turn Colby into a spirit." 
"But you aren't denying that they're married?" Zach tilts his head, pointing his finger at you, "But even then, you'd have to ward off Colby because I'm sure his spirit will just attach to Sam." 
"No that's little girl spirits." Jared laughs, emphasizing again, "Spirits. We've been over this with them. Please don't take that the wrong way." 
"Anyway." Zach shakes his head, "When's the last time you talked to either one of them?" 
You sigh, "Oh gosh. This will be day three, but I've already said, if I don't hear from him by the end of today I'm sending in a search and rescue team for their asses." 
"Oh gosh, that just.. wow." Zach sighs, "Can I just.. that just brought up something very serious and I need to say it, like right now." 
"Or what you'll explode?" Alyssa asks causing you and Jared to laugh. Zach looks over at her, "Can you just shut up for two seconds, I have something important I need to say." 
Alyssa raises her hands, fighting back her laughter. 
Zach looks at you and he takes a deep breath, "Now this.. might be hard for you to hear, as well for everyone else watching and, or listening.. but.." he looks into the camera, "If you wanna see me go retrieve Sam and Colby from." He pauses and looks at you, "Where are they right now?" 
You fight back laughter, "Camping in some demonic forest." 
He picks right back up, "Camping in a demonic forest, subscribe to the Patreon, you can see all of that plus stuff that's already happened." 
"You're.. insufferable." Jared shakes his head as he looks down and Zach just shrugs, "People like them. And if they know that I'm willing to help them, they'll like me, too. Okay. Moving on."
"So you literally got in today? Like your flight." Zach asks and you just stare at him. He cracks a smile, "What?"
"You're literally the one who picked her up from the airport, Zach." Jared laughs and you gasp, "Oh, and he brought me donuts like I said to last week and a coffee at the airport while he was waiting for me." 
"Hey hey hey." Zach says quickly, "Don't be telling everyone lies. You know I spit in your coffee before I gave it to you." 
"That's atrocious, Dude. What the fuck." Jared closes his eyes and shakes his head. You stare at Zach, "No you didn't." Zach shrugs, "The world may never know." 
"I don't know if I believe him, because I can totally see him doing that, just like to fuck with someone close to him." You laugh, "Oh god, I drank all of that, too. Did you really do that?" 
Zach sighs, nodding his head as he speaks, "No, I didn't." 
"See!" You point to him laughing, "You're a child."
Zach laughs, "Yeah and you're the queen of England." He pretends like he's using a gavel, "Case closed. So. Back to Sam and Colby.. Since you're so close with them, like have you gone on any investigations with them?"  
"I used to. Like right before my channel took off, I would go with them maybe twice a month?" You answer and Zach nods, "Is that why your channel blew up?" 
You can tell he's asking something that does relate to being touched or spoken to by a ghost, "Are you-" 
"Yes." Zach cuts you off and you laugh, "No. I didn't sell my soul. I'm pretty sure it's still there, I mean I don't know how to check but." 
Zach reaches over and feels your wrist, "Still there." 
"Zach." Jared bursts out laughing, "that's her pulse man, not her soul." 
Zach shrugs, "You never know. She may have turned into some sort of succubus demon thing that doesn't have a pulse but she has one. She's good." 
You roll your eyes and you can feel your phone vibrating in the pocket of your sweatpants, "I'm getting a call." 
"That the devil calling, he wants to return your souls." Zach says and you laugh, "That was good." You pull your phone out, not even hiding your happiness when you see Sam's name, "It's Sam." 
You push your one headphone off your ear and bring your phone up, "hey!" 
"We just got to service, are you okay?" Sam asks and you keep smiling, "Yeah I'm actually doing the podcast right now."
"Oh fuck, right now? I'm sorry." Sam says and you shake your head, "No, you're fine, how was it?" 
You look over at Zach and he wiggles his fingers, "Put him on speaker." You hold up one finger and continue to listen to Sam speak, "I'll have to FaceTime you later and show you. It was pretty nuts." 
"Oh god, yeah I'm sure. Zach wants me to put you on speaker so I'm going to do that here in a second." You take the phone away and tap the button, "Okay." 
"Is y/n a succubus?" Zach asks straight away, obviously catching Sam off guard, "What.. the fuck?" He laughs, "Is she a what?" 
"A demon. I mean I checked her pulse and she has one so I think we're good, but I figured I'd check in with the main ghost hunter because you'd know her better than any of us." 
"What kind of things are you talking about on the podcast?" Sam laughs and Zach sighs, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see when the video comes out." 
"Um.. okay." Sam laughs and you take him off speaker, "You're off speaker, now." 
"Yeah so give it to her good, Sammy my boy." Zach yells and you roll your eyes as Sam laughs, "There's something wrong with him." 
"Oh I know. But according to him, his brain can go for miles." 
"Y/n. What did I say about telling my secrets." Zach shakes his head and you shrug, "Sorry, that must have been the devil taking over." 
Zach raises his eyebrows, "Clearly." He nods, "Ask Sam if he got my text, since they now have service and what not." 
You relay the message and Sam takes a second to check, "Oh yeah, I got it." 
You nod to Zach, "Yeah, he got it." Zach nods, fighting back a smirk, "Cool, cool." 
"Why are you acting like that?" Jared asks and Zach tilts his head, "What do you mean?" Jared looks from him to you, "You're being.. more weird than usual." 
"I have my meter for weirdness and it sits right here." Zach holds his hand up, "and I haven't gone above that level since... Mm. Let say. Tuesday?"
"What's going on?" Sam asks and you laugh, "Oh Zach and Jared are arguing. Normal stuff, you know." 
Sam laughs, "Oh yeah. Typical." You hear him sigh and you know what's about to happen so you cut him off before he can say anything, "Talk later?" 
"You know it. I love you." Sam says and you smile, looking down, "I love you." 
The call ends and you look up, "Alright." 
"Alright, now we can get on with other things." Zach claps his hands together, "Are we still going out after this?" 
You raise your brows, "Out?"
Zach furrows his brows and looks from Jared to Alyssa, "Is your guy's stuff acting up?" He motions to his headphones and they both shake their heads no.
"Mines good, why is yours?" Jared asks and Zach shakes his head, "No, I'm just trying to make sure that y/n can hear me alright because out is exactly what I said." 
You roll your eyes, "Oh my god. Shut the fuck up." 
"I didn't know if you could hear me okay or not, was just double checking, jeeze. No need to be so aggressive." Zach tries not to laugh and you shake your head, knowing that no matter how much you try and talk yourself out of it, you'll still be going out. 
So you just sit back and accept your fate. 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Almost two hours later, the podcast comes to a close and you set your headphones down on the bench, "Is it just me, or did that podcast feel like it went longer than normal?" 
You look between Zach, Jared, and Alyssa. 
"I don't think it felt any different." Jared shakes his head and shrugs. Alyssa nods, "I think it went over just a little bit, but not much." 
You nod and Zach stands up, "That jet lag must be really doing a number on you." 
You shrug, "I don't know, but are we at least getting dinner because I haven't eaten since this morning."
"You are such a cry baby. Let's go." Zach laughs as he walks away and you scoff, following him out the door. 
You all pile into the car and start driving to the restaurant, "So where was Tara?" You ask leaning forward, "I texted her but I haven't gotten any answer from her." 
"She's like, really sick." Zach says, "I called her this morning and it sounded like she swallowed her phone." 
"Oh god, if she sounds that bad then she's probably sleeping it off." You lean back, looking down at your phone, "So what did you and Sam talk about?" 
You look up at Zach and he looks back at you in the rear view, "When did your name change to Nelly because you're awfully nosey." 
You laugh, "Fine then don't tell me. I'm sure he'll tell me anyway." 
"Yeah, he probably will." Zach turns into the parking lot and you roll your eyes, accepting that reverse psychology doesn't work on him. 
As you get out, you check your phone. You let out a sigh and slip it into your pocket before closing the door. 
"I don't know much about the situation.." Alyssa says as she walks over to you, ".. but I know that you and Sam are major endgame if you ask me." 
You smile, "Thanks. I just.. we talked about putting pause on our relationship and it's just so hard because the only thing that really changed was us making time for each other. I mean, it didn't really happen much lately anyway, but the fact that we just cut it all out in one shot.." you sigh, "I hate it." 
She nods, "I'm sure it's rough, but you both have great careers, and I promise that it'll work out in the end. It might not seem like it now, but it will." 
"Thank you." You take a deep breath, "I actually needed that." 
She smiles and rubs your back, "Come on, Zach is probably in there bitching." 
You laugh and roll your eyes, "Probably." 
You walk into the restaurant, making your way to the table that Jared and Zach are sitting at and Zach looks up, "So they didn't get kidnapped." 
"You can't get rid of us that easily." You laugh as you sit down, "So what's good here?" You look over at Alyssa and she explains some of her favorite dishes. 
Throughout dinner, you caught yourself checking your phone and your sadness grew each time you seen zero notifications from Sam. 
At this point, you wanted to go to a hotel and just sleep off your day. 
But that wasn't happening. 
"Why do you look more miserable than normal?" Zach asks and you look up at him, laughing slightly, "I'm just.. getting really tired." 
Wasn't a full lie. 
"Uh huh. Well you better wake up, because where we're going next will get your mind off, being tired." He tilts his head and you roll your eyes, "I hate that you know me." 
"You secretly love it. Now come on." He stands up, along with you and everyone else and you make your way out to the car. 
You're quiet for the most part, except for when they force you to join in on conversation. 
"When did you hear about Vogue?" Alyssa asks and you can't help but smirk, "I found out a few days ago. I kind of just waited, kept it to myself. It really didn't hit until Jared asked me about it." 
"So wait, the post that they made with your picture titled the next face of vogue didn't make it set in?" Jared asks and you shrug, "honestly, no." 
You laugh and sigh, "How much longer?" 
"We're here." Zach replies and you nod, looking out the window at the building, "So is this like a bar scene? I'm not dressed for that." You joke and Alyssa laughs, "You look fine, trust me. Your sweats were the way to go." 
"I am super comfortable." You laugh as you get out, not even bothering to check your phone. 
You follow them in, handing the bouncer your ID, letting him check it before making your way in. 
The music is loud and it's filled with a few faces that you've met before, not anyone you're really willing to sit down and have a conversation with, though. 
You walk up to the bar, ordering your drink as Alyssa does the same. 
"So don't.." she laughs, "Don't tell Zach I told you this, I mean, he'd kill me if he knew you knew this.." she pauses and you nod, smiling, "secret is safe with me." 
She leans in, "Zach is actually worried about you. He's afraid that you're working yourself too much and now he's worried that this whole Sam situation will break you." 
You're actually kind of surprised, but at the same time, you're not, "I kind of thought that when he called me that night instead of just texting me.. but I'm actually really happy to hear that from someone who's close to him each day." 
You take your drink, laying down your money, "keep the change." 
Alyssa does the same and looks to you, "Just let him think that he's doing something you don't know about. I don't want him firing me." 
"I won't let that happen." You laugh, "Thank you." 
She nods and you walk back towards Zach and Jared. Right as you walk up, Zach stands up and walks way, phone pressed to his ear and he doesn't say a word. 
You furrow your brows and point to him, "What was that all about?" 
Jared sighs, "Last minute cancellation for the podcast. He's not taking it good." 
"Oh gosh, who was it?" You sit down and Jared looks to Alyssa before he leans in, "Don't say anything, but it was the triplets." 
"Chris, Nick, and Matt?" You raise your brows, "Why'd they cancel?" 
Jared shrugs, "No idea, that's what Zach is trying to figure out." You pout, "oh gosh, I have Chris' number. I can text him and see-" 
"Alright. We're good to go." Zach comes back and sits down. You look over at him, "So the triplets are coming on? They're not canceling?" 
He looks between Jared and Alyssa before tilting his head, "You're not supposed to know.. so just.." he lowers his hand in reference to you lowering your voice and you nod, "Ahh." You lower your voice, "Gotcha." 
You sip your drink and pull your phone from your pocket as you feel it vibrate, "Oh. It's Tara." 
"What did she say?" Zach says and you read over her text, "Sorry I couldn't make it to the podcast. I was super sick this morning. I just now woke up, but I'm feeling a lot better, are you still in town? Would love to meet up with you before you leave again." 
"What's the name of this place? I'm going to text her where I'm at." You look up and Jared tells you the name before you shoot her back a text. 
"She said she'll be here in an hour." You put your phone back in your pocket and look down at your empty glass, "I'll be right back." 
You get up, walking up to the bar to get another drink.
"Are you okay?" Zach asks and you look over at him, "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" He shrugs, "I'm just.. asking. Jeeze. Can't a guy just ask a girl if she's okay?" 
You fight back a smirk, knowing that he really cares, "Yes, Zach. I'm fine, and you.. and Alyssa and Jared have all helped me get through the day without crying." 
"Good, because I really don't think I could handle you crying.." Zach laughs slightly, "Tara said she'll be here in an hour?" 
You nod, "Yeah, she has to get ready first, I guess." 
He nods, "Of course she does." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Mm." You set your glass down, "Tara's here." 
"She is?" Jared asks shocked and you look at him funny, "That's what I just said, isn't it?" 
Jared tilts his head, "You've been around Zach for too long." He laughs and stands up, "I'll go get her." 
"No I will. I haven't seen her in so long." You stand up, but the three follow you out anyway. You glance behind you, laughing slightly as you shake your head. 
You make your way to the door and look around, "Where is she?" 
You get a text from Tara, Patio, sorry I saw someone else I haven't seen in a while. 
You look at Zach, "She's on the patio." 
"To the patio we go." He points, leading you down the side of the building. You round the corner, seeing Tara standing there with a huge smile, "Ahh!" She yells as she runs towards you, "I've missed you!" 
"Hey!" You yell and hug her, "I've missed you!" You lean back, "You look so good!" 
"Same for you miss cover of vogue!" She pushes your shoulder, "How fucking amazing is that?!" 
You nod, "Pretty amazing." 
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you think it's just Zach pulling you away to pick on Tara, but when you turn, your heart falls into your stomach, "No fu-fucking way." 
Sam is standing there, a huge smile on his face, "I couldn't go without seeing you anymore." He pulls you in for a hug, face buried into your neck and the tears you've been holding in all damn day are finally let loose. 
"Hey. Hey, hey." He lays a hand on your head, shushing you quietly, "It's okay." He turns his head, pressing a kiss to your cheek, "I'm here." 
You're glued to him. You want to let go so you can lean back and look at him but your body just wants to hold him. 
"I'm taking time off. I'm traveling with you. I want to be with you." Sam whispers and you lean your head back, just enough to look at him, "Really?" 
He nods, "Really. You're more important than anything in the world. We're making this work. I'm going to make it work." 
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
The end feels kind of rushed, and I promised you guys this yesterday, but I've been battling a migraine attack non stop for the last four days, so I just wanted to get something out. 
A part 2 (with smut) is definitely in the brain for this, you know when I can get it to stop working against me. 
But as always, let me know how you liked it. Thanks for reading. I love you all! 🖤
likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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byunpum · 3 months
Back to you | Part 2
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Pair: Jake(human and avatar) x Neytiri x Human reader (trio couple)
Warning: i think kinda sad. soft moments, maybe soft-smut in the future.
Note: Part 2 is here, I apologize for taking so long to upload it. There was a moment, where I changed a lot of things, I didn't want to make a long part. But soon I will upload part 3… btw, this story is based (it's like the prequel) of the mini series "mama's boy", I invite you to read it. I hope you enjoy this part a lot. Love ya <3
+Read 'Mama's boy' HERE+
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (final)
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11 years ago…
The laughter and the atmosphere that wrapped around the family tree, the family members sharing and living with each other. It was something that Y/N loved with all her heart, a couple of months ago the clan had allowed grace to enter and interact with the clan. And with her was little Y/N, who was more than excited to share with her best friend, neytiri. Both girls had spent the whole day together, discovering the jungle, playing, and even taking naps on any branch. Of course, grace stayed in the clan. She occasionally looked up where you are, neytiri and you thought you were far away, but you are closer than you think. "Come, let's go ask Sempu," says Neytiri, holding her friend's hand. "You think they will say yes?" Y/N speaks, trying to keep up with neytiri. But the na'vi girl forgets that her friend is much smaller than her. Neytiri smiles at her friend, and keeps running towards her parents.
"They are planning something… I think it is necessary to warn the other clans" speaks grace. She was talking to mo'at, and neytiri's father. Both were responsible for the Omaticaya clan. "Do you think it is necessary… so far everything has been peaceful" says neytiri's father. "We have been peaceful…but you don't know what these people are like. There are humans…very bad ones," says grace. She knew the RDA was up to something…she had seen a lot of activity. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. "Mama!!!" shouts neytiri from far away. The adults changed their faces from one of worry to one of happiness when they saw the girls coming. Both girls run to their respective adults. Neytiri runs into her mother's arms and Y/n into grace's arms. You were a very young girl compared to the humans that were coming to Pandora. The only girl this young. Grace takes you by the arm and hugs you tightly. You liked it when grace was in her avatar body, she looked so cool. "What's wrong?" asks mo'at. Looking down at the little neytiri. The little girl gets up from her seat and stands in front of her mother. "Mama…Y/N can she stay over with me…with us?" asks neytiri. Waiting for her parents to say yes…she looks at her father with a big smile.
" you don't have to say," grace begins to speak, but is interrupted when little Y/N gets up from her lap and runs over to neytiri's father and hugs him around the waist. She hugs the man tightly and closes her little eyes. Grace tries to push the girl away, but neytiri's father laughs and caresses the little girl's hair. He had already grown very fond of Y/N, she was a very gentle creature, with a pure soul. "No, it's okay" the man speaks, looking for a moment at his wife. Mo'at gives him the look of approval. "sure…she can stay" says the man, listening as little neytiri screams with excitement. "We don't want to disturb" says grace. But mo'at refused. "Y/N don't disturb…she's practically part of our family" says mo'at. Neytiri jumps for joy, Grabbing her friend by the sides of her body, picking her up off the ground and running home. Grace stops y/n, looking for a moment at the oxygen machine, checking that everything was in order. After checking, she lets the girls run away. The adults try to stop neytiri, but both girls were so happy that only their giggles could be heard. "We'll warn the clans…but don't let them know anything" says mo'at, she was still watching the girls from afar. Grace only responds with a 'hmmm'.
Both girls arrived at the space where neytiri's family was resting. A large hand-woven hammock was tied tightly to the tree branches. Neytiri had helped her friend climb up the giant tree branches. Y/N had no problem with climbing things, of course. They both rushed to get the toys Neytiri had, pulling them all out and starting to play. Neytiri had the whole night planned. She was so happy. Neytiri had taken out a little bag with a surprise for her best friend. "Y/N look" says Neytiri, sitting down in front of her best friend. "What?" Y/N places the toy to the side, paying attention to Neytiri. Neytiri had spent a whole week preparing a gift for her friend…for her best friend. She wanted her to know how much she loved her, that she wanted her to always be by her side. To Neytiri, Y/N was everything to her, just another sister…she loved her very much. Neytiri opened the cloth bag, and took out some necklaces. They were a little big, but they still fit them both. "Here…this is for you!!!" said Neytiri handing the gift to her friend. Y/N pulled a giant smile on her face, accepting her gift without hesitation. Placing it around her neck, noticing how neytiri puts hers on as well. "It's a little big on us…but I want to give this to you, as a sign of friendship" neytiri says. "Thank you…thank you so much" y/n had teary eyes. Getting up from the floor, hugging her friend tightly. Neytiri was the only person who made her feel like she belonged to a family.
*Hit* (present)
Your eyes shoot open, when you hear the noise. You jump a little, getting out of bed to see what's going on. Jake had entered the room you all shared. You laugh a little, as you rub your eyes a little. "Sorry babe…I didn't mean to get you up" says Jake. "Don't apologize…I was supposed to be there to receive you" you get up. Reaching over to where Jake was, looking for a chair to sit next to him. You adjust jake's messy hair a little. "You look tired" jake speaks. "Excuse me…have you ever looked in a mirror" you joke.
Jake laughs, he knew he was sloppy. These last few months his only focus was to be part of the clan. And to get the best information for the RDA. And if there was one thing he had to admit it was that it had been very hard on him. Jake was continuing his lessons with neytiri, even getting grace to rejoin the clan. While norm was losing patience with Jake, because he didn't understand anything about the Na'vi language. You explained to him with a lot of patience…repeating everything as if he was a little child. And those little things were becoming routine for Jake, but at the same time he was getting confused. It was more than evident…that he was having divided feelings for both women.
"Everything okay?" you ask, watching as jake gives you a smile. Jake had gone silent and spaced out on himself. "Yeah…I'm just exhausted," Jake says. You move your hand from his hair, to his face to stroke his cheek. "You're so down…I know your avatar is better, but remember you're still here" you point out to jake. "I know…I just forget sometimes," jake says, nodding. "So you think my avatar is cute" jake tries to joke. "Sure…, I won't deny him that" you laugh out loud. After a couple of laughs jake looks thoughtful and asks. "Is it because he looks like tom?" says jake, watching your smile drop. "Well yes…but I think it was best if you took that body. You put it to better use." You joke. "I'm going to take that as a compliment babe, we were twins" jake laughs. "I know…that's what scares me" you laugh, settling back in your seat. "Hey…I need a favor from you" you speak up, pulling jake closer. He smiles at you, copying your movements. "I do whatever you want" jake speaks. You laugh a little. "I need you to bring your avatar to the lab tomorrow" you speak, noticing how jake is silent for a moment. "mmm I don't think that's going to make it possible" says jake.
"Please…do something to distract neytiri, I need to run some tests on your avatar. I haven't seen him in a long time, please" you pout trying to convince jake. He complains a little, letting out a small moan. "Ok…I'll see what I can do" says Jake, you come over and give him a hug. "Thank you…I'll be quick and as soon as I finish the routine tests, you go running to Neytiri's" you say. At that you both hear the door to the room open. "Am I interrupting something?" Grace asks with a raised eyebrow. The scene in front of her was very compromising to say the least. You are literally lying on top of Jake's body, even though you were still sitting in your chair. Face to face, talking so close. You pull away with a giggle. "No…I'm just asking jake for a favor..and he said yes" you speak up, getting up from your chair. "Oh yeah?" grace looks at jake, he was flushed red in the cheeks, shifting his gaze. "Well…I'm going to make some tea, do you want some?" you ask. Grace and Jake nod their heads and watch as you walk out of the room, looking very happy.
"You know that playing with both girls is wrong? Right?" speaks Grace, looking sideways at Jake. As she moved some things from her desk. Jake sighs, he knew grace knew everything that was going on. After all she was as much with the na'vi as she was with the humans. Grace had noticed the closeness that Jake and Neytiri had. And the closeness and looks that jake and y/n had. "You can't have them both…it's unfair" says grace. "Why?" jake asks jokingly. But he sees how grace's face doesn't change, this shames him a little and he looks down. "I don't want you to hurt anyone…they've both lived long and hard enough." Grace says without shifting her gaze from her papers. Jake paused before asking. He knew that grace knew your whole life…and that she knew what had happened between you and neytiri. And the curiosity to know was killing him, it had been about a month since he had asked neytiri about the necklace. He didn't want to investigate further…but he thought this was the best time.
"Grace?" jake speaks up, hearing grace reply with a 'hmm?' "How did y/n and neytiri meet?" jake asks, watching as grace gently drops the papers on the table. And turns to look at him. "I don't want a lie….they have a lot of things in common, and that necklace…it's" jake wanted to know what was going on. Grace sighs loudly, letting go of everything she had. Walking over to the chair where you were sitting earlier, right next to Jake. "Well…" says grace.
You had come to Pandora as a test subject when you were about 3 years old. Your parents had died in an accident on earth, leaving you alone in an orphanage. Your parents being RDA workers, the RDA took advantage of that and took custody of you. With the excuse that they would find you a good home…but that was just a lie. In order to continue their research. Their goal was to study the behavior of the clans with humans. And what better than to take a little girl. When you met Graces you were about 4 years old, the woman kept you by her side at all times, taking you as her own daughter. She knew the RDA plan very well, she thought it was a good idea, but she was unfamiliar with the dark side of the investigation. When she introduced you to the Omaticaya clan, you were the same age as Neytiri. It was more than obvious that the clan looked at you without fear, you were a little girl. Fitting right in with the clan.
"From that moment on… neytiri and y/n were inseparable… they did everything together. The clan leaders loved her as their own daughter…they even did the initiation ritual." Grace paused, swallowing a little saliva. "They loved y/n, as much as she loved them…but it didn't end well," says grace. "What happened?" asks jake. "Remember what I told you at school?" grace watches as jake ascends with his face. "Well, I missed a part…that day y/n was there, with neytiri and sylwani. They watched the whole thing, since that day they split up and haven't seen each other since" grace settles further into the seat. "I know Y/N wants to apologize, even though what happened that day had nothing to do with her. I know neytiri wants to see Y/N…but I don't know how they will react. There are so many things" grace is silent.
"So they separated them… but they miss each other. I've heard how they talk about each other," says Jake, still a little confused. "But they're afraid…and fear stops any courage they might have, only time will tell" grace speaks, smiling a little. Jake stands in contemplation, he could understand that feeling himself. "Oh…. why are you so quiet in here" you enter the room with the cup of tea in your hands. " It's all right dear…thank you" grace takes his cup and hands another one to Jake. The three of them stand there talking until sleep falls.
Norm had already gone to bed, grace climbed into his bed. And you were helping Jake up to his bed, he was very tired and couldn't lie about being weaker in the body lately. "Thanks babe" jake says, watching you close his wheelchair. "It's okay..I'm happy to help you" you speak up, fixing everything to climb into your bed on the bunk bed. "Rest princess…" jake says, watching you give him a smile. "Rest soldier" you speak. Jake stands there looking up at you until he closes his eyes.
The next day…
"I have to admit, these scrambled eggs turned out great," says Norm, proud of his breakfast. Jake laughs with his mouth full, while you started setting up the machines. You had gotten up earlier than the rest of the group, you were securing everything and preparing the tools so you could do the tests you wanted to do with Jake. Jake comes up to you, ready to get on the machine. "You're not going to put that piece of metal on me, are you?" jake jokes, as you give him a playful punch in the arm. Helping jake settle in, before closing the door you reach over and give jake a small kiss on the cheek. "I hope you come here and do your part" you speak, seeing jake's smile. Closing the lid of the machine.
Norm coughs a little trying to get your attention, you look at him. And you can see how he has a raised eyebrow. "Don't say anything…that I know you've done things with ruby" you signal norm, watching as he opens his mouth dramatically and touches his chest. "Betrayal" norm shouts. You grab your stuff and start looking out the window, waiting for Jake. You wanted to see what his avatar looked like, you were so curious to see what he looked like now.
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Jake had woken up as usual, he had accompanied neytiri to breakfast with the whole clan. Doing the routine things he had been doing for the last few months. He was still looking for the best excuse to go to the lab, but how was he going to do it? Neytiri was by his side all the time, and like now they were at the top of a tree. They had spent the whole morning practicing jake flight with his ikran. They were taking a little time off, neytiri was sitting, looking at the view while eating a fruit. While jake walked back and forth. Neytiri could see jake's nervousness, looking sideways lifting his ears. "Is something wrong?" neytiri asks. Jake turns quickly, looking at the woman with surprise.
Neytiri could tell jake was thinking about something else. "I'm fine…I'm just feeling a little anxious" says jake. Before neytiri could answer him jake speaks up. "I want to go fly my ikran" says jake. Neytiri gets up quickly and drops the fruit she was holding. "I'll go with you," says Neytiri. Jake stops her by holding her shoulders. "No…I'd like to fly alone for a while, you know…I'll be right back," Jake says. Neytiri knew something was wrong, but she just gives Jake a warm smile.
Jake walks away and walks over to his ikran, climbing on top of the creature. "See ya…I'll be around" jake says, flying off with his ikran. Something in neytiri told her that she should follow jake, he was still new to the clan and this whole na'vi thing. But she also felt she should give him his space. Neytiri watches as jake's ikran walks away, taking her fruit and sitting on the branch. Maybe in a few minutes he would be back.
Jake fly away with his ikran, approaching the lab. The closer he got he could see the structure of the lab. You on the other hand had spent all morning looking out the window, and at this point you were beginning to lose hope. Sitting more in your chair, drinking your coffee. Besides you were getting bored, norm was asleep, while grace was in his avatar body, So you were left alone in the lab. Jake saw the lab and landed in front of it. You are a little startled by the shock, but you see through the glass window, a na'vi very similar to Jake get down. Knocking on the door, you rush to grab your oxygen mask and step outside.
Opening the door, you look up with a big smile on your face. "How do I look…I don't look so bad?" jokes Jake. You couldn't believe it, jake looked amazing. You take his hand, making him take a step down. "You look so different, I can't believe" you speak up, you were so impressed with the change jake had made. He had gotten stronger, and you swear you saw him get taller. You run into the lab to get your tools and start your tests. You needed to know what his measurements were now, how much he was weighing etc. "Can you stop wagging your little tail" you complain, pushing on Jake's tail. "You just called him a little tail" Jake looks at you. You laugh, Jake could see that you were so happy right now. Jake was sitting on a rock, letting you examine him fully. You move in front of jake, looking at his eyes and writing things down in your notebook. "So what, do I look cuter?" jake speaks up. "You've gained confidence" you speak, nudging Jake's shoulder a little.
Neytiri was getting bored, it had been about 2 hours and Jake wasn't coming back. What if something had happened to Jake? What if he had gotten lost? Neytiri had suddenly become nervous, deciding that she had to go look for Jake. He had to be very close by, from here. Neytiri flew off with her ikran in search of Jake. She had to admit that she had already flew far enough, but she still couldn't find Jake. She was getting very nervous. But she wasn't going to give up, she was going to find him, but the least she expected was that she was going to get a big surprise.
After flying for about 30 minutes, neytiri's ikran made a noise, indicating to him that he had sensed and located jake's ikran. Neytiri gives her the signal to approach, but her eyes widen when she saw the familiar looking structure. It had been a long time since she had approached human things. Indicating to her ikran to land nearby, but far away and hidden. What the hell was Jake doing here? Neytiri was no fool, and she knew that avatars needed a human to function. She remembers grace explaining it to her when they were little. Stepping down from her ikran carefully, and starting to walk closer to the building.
She stops for a moment, when her ears pick up jake's laughter and a very familiar voice. That voice causes her ears to perk up and her tail to respond with excitement. Bringing her hand to her chest, touching her necklace for a moment. She takes a deep breath, and begins to approach carefully.
To the outside of the lab…
You had Jake's hand in your hands, comparing it to yours. You were all giggles, making jokes. And some silly flirting back and forth. You were so oblivious to what was going on around you, you were barely aware that you were in a very dangerous jungle. "And did she notice?" you ask. Jake shakes his head. "No…I don't think so" jake says, watching as you lower your face and let go of his hand. You sit on a rock behind you, breathing deeply. Jake knew you were getting sad, he was about to ask what was wrong, when he hears someone's footsteps.
Quickly looking to his side, he saw the figure of Neytiri standing there. Still… staring at you. You look up, noticing that Jake hadn't said anything for a long time. Noticing how he was looking to the side, you copy his movement. Seeing her there…looking at you. You couldn't believe she was there…right in front of you.
After so long…it had been so long. You stand up, not taking your eyes off of neytiri. Jake looked at neytiri and examined her, noticing that she didn't have any weapon in her hands, she was just standing there, looking at you. As if she wanted to run towards you…not noticing that you had the same characteristics. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, until you can see how a warm smile came to Neytiri's lips, as she raised her hand and made her greeting gesture. "I see you…my y/n" neytiri says, you copy her movement, smiling back "I see you…my neytiri" you speak. Watching as the surrounding atmosphere became fresher and a calm breeze could be felt. It was as if eywa had planned everything…for this moment.
to be continue...
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icejjfishesz · 6 months
❛ 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆             ━━  kate liked to think of herself as level headed but there were times where she couldn’t cope with the stress. luckily for her, you’re always there to aid her with much needed stress relief ❜
❛ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁                ━���  kinda rough sex ig but it’s pretty tame tbh ❜
❛ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁         ━━  1.3k! ❜
❛ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲      ━━  i’ve been wanting to write for kate but the series i have planned is kicking my ass so here’s this instead, lmao ❜
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kate talked things out. she doesn’t like to go to bed angry or be short with you (and for damn sure hates it when you’re short with her). kate told you when something was bothering her and encouraged you to do the same. she doesn't keep things in. she didn’t let things get to her. she is a force of nature.
or at least she tried to be.
but like anyone, kate had her limits. she had a tendency to overcommit and that led her to getting very stressed sometimes. and she knows she could tell you, that you would be right here to rectify her tense shoulders and still her beating heart. however, there were times where it seemed like all she could do was keep it all buried in her. she never wanted to feel like a burden or put more on your plate. so after a particularly stressful week like this one…of course she wanted nothing more than to crawl into your arms and just sink into you.
but she doesn’t.
everyday when she comes home she’s less like herself. it’s really starting to get to her.
she knew you’d help her if she just asked but she often found your help hard to accept –– always too prideful, too private, too desperate to be so put together and keep her walls up. she fiercely protected your sanity at the expense of your own. kate liked to keep things in until they bubbled over. she hated that part though, when she’d collapse into your arms because the stress just filled up until it poured down her cheeks. it embarrassed her though she knew you never minded holding her, that you’d always be there to rub her back until her sobbing subdued.
you were waiting for her to get home, she had a busy day and you had missed her. when she walked through the door, you could immediately tell something was off. you knew this week was more demanding than usual but you could tell she had reached her limit today. you could hear it in the way she shut the door, you could feel it in her footsteps.
you walked over to her, whispering her name and wrapping your arms around her. normally, she’d pull away but she just couldn’t. not when she needed you this much. she ran her eyes over you, her gaze appreciative and inviting. she sighs, shoulders relaxing at the sight of you as she returns your hug. her arms wrapping around you and her face finding home within the crease of your neck. you smelled like her.
“hey, baby…” her voice is so tired it makes you frown.
“hi.” you rub her back, unknowingly making her day just with your touch. something was wrong and you knew it. you go to pull back, to get a good look at her…but she doesn’t let you pull away. strong arms tighten around you, keeping your body pressed against hers.
“are you okay?”
she sighs, it tickles against the flesh of your neck where her nose is currently pressed against. “i’m fine as long as i’m with you.”
and of course you smile, she always knew exactly what to say to make you smile. “that’s sweet…but you seem a little tense…”
“just a long week is all…” she whispers, hands rubbing up and down your waist slowly. “i missed you.”
and then you get the idea. a way to relax her. you clear your throat, trying to keep your voice even but still suggestive when you say.
“i missed you too…” you chuckle. “is there any way i can help you de-stress?”
she finally pulls back, hands still firm on your hips, just to look at your face. you’re smirking, giving her that look that says ‘i’ll let you do whatever you want to me right now’. and she’d be damned if she didn’t take you up on your offer.
which is how you ended up here. a familiar position that doesn’t happen too often. there was a certain point within your girl's stress where all she wanted was a source of distraction, something new to focus on. and you, always her angel, were there to greedily gladly provide aid.
she was obsessed with it all –– how you moaned her name, how your thighs stretched to make room for her…how pretty you looked when she made you come over and over and over again.
you fucking love it when she gets like this.
she knows your body so well, always able to put you at her mercy with a few words or light touches. she is always so good to you when you need her…so you were glad to do the same for her. afterall, she’d make it up to you later. probably put herself on her knees to worship you like you deserved. but for now, she needs this to be the opposite of that. kate wasn’t focused on making you feel good like she normally did, she was trying to relieve herself from the pressure of the intense week she had.
she always starts off slow, making you come with her face buried between her legs. then she pulls the rest of your clothes off, rougher than usual but still gently. then she tugs her own pants off, not bothering to remove her shirt, as she slides her boxers down to her ankles. she crawls above you again, slotting herself between your thighs so her pussy hovers right above yours, not touching, but close enough to feel the heat that gathers between you two.
she stares at you expectantly. you don’t need her to tell you that she wants you to beg for it. for her. your eyes shut as you whine.
“please…” you reach for her hand, staring up at her as you refrain from grinding your hips up into her. whatever she wants. “i need to feel you.”
you’d given her what she wanted so she does the same for you. she’s fair like that, lowering her wet pussy onto yours. you open your eyes to peek up at her, her eyes are drawn to where your bodies meet. her mouth practically waters at how wet you are (never mind the fact that she was probably more wet than you), chest swelling in pride cause she did that to you.
she grabs your thigh, pressing herself further against you. she can’t help but dig her nail into your thigh as she rubs her clit against yours. you moan as she gradually sets a fixed rhythm, your hands flying to her hips to help her rock faster against you. you stare at her, how far gone she is…how pure instinct seems to take over when she grabs your leg even tighter (nearly hard enough to bruise) desperately bucking against you. “fuck, i’m so close…” she gasps, almost collapsing due to the pure intensity of it all.
and you are too, the feeling is overwhelming. almost too much. “fuck, i can’t come again..” you whimper.
her face resting against your chest (which was coated in dark marks that she’d kiss later when she apologized for being so rough with you. you’d dismiss her, of course. how you loved being her little work of art.)
“yeah, you can honey. one more, you can take one more for me. come on.” she mutters words of encouragement, never once slowing her pace. and you shake your head and whine. she’s all cheek kisses and devotional until she’s not –– until she loses her patience with you. “what? you don’t like what i give you?” she whispers almost harshly into your flesh, but the room is so quiet that it sounds like it echos.
it’s embarrassing how much her words turn you on. her groans of pleasure, her tone, the fact that she was making you feel so good. she scoffed at you so casually, like what she was doing wasn’t so goddamn filthy.
“no, no, i’m sorry. i love it, i’m sorry.” you rush, a sewage of apologies flowing from your lips like it was the only language you could speak. she hums like she’s in thought but you can look in her eyes and tell her mind is made up.
“so lie there and take it.”
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obaewankenobis · 10 months
born to die ; finnick odair
pairing: finnick odair/reader (afab but i don't think i use pronouns? also no use of y/n)
word count: 6.8k
part 2: find here!
summary: having just finished your victory tour, you, the winner from district 4, are forced to confront the reality of winning the games. luckily, you know someone who's done this before — finnick odair.
warnings: mentions of violence, death, nightmares, blood, sex trafficking, i mean... it is the hunger games so read at your own risk! mutual pining, slowish burn, unprotected sex ( wrap it before u tap it ), p in v sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, idk it's not that bad. minors dni!
a/n: sorry to everyone who followed me for my star wars content... anyways here is my first finnick fic cause my friend made me watch the hunger games a month ago so here i am. i was super interested in the cashmere/glimmer theory so i kinda used it here. i have a prequel and a part 2 planned so lmk if you want that <3
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There were things nobody ever told you about winning the games, things you wished you would’ve known before you tried so hard. Before you’d clawed your way up a cliff of desperate survival and emerged on top. Before you’d killed people — other children — to be able to stand here now. Your father, a former Victor himself, hadn’t told you about this side of things before he died. With a pang, you realized how badly you wanted him beside you, and how impossible that was. How you were now confined in shoes so tall you thought you might wobble over, in a dress so thin you were beginning to shiver, and a hairstyle that pulled uncomfortably at your roots. It all tied in for a look that was clearly meant to have all eyes on you. It was your victory party, you tried to reason as you slipped into the dress and noticed just how much of you would be on display. They wanted all eyes to be on you. It was okay.
You just wanted to feel beautiful again, to not be plagued with the feeling of revulsion when you looked at yourself in the mirror. The outfit wasn’t the problem, it was perhaps the most stunning thing you’d ever worn: a loose dress with billowing sleeves that fell off your shoulders and opened around the stomach, the silky material melting from transparency to a solid, pale purple around the parts that clung to your breasts and hips. The opalescent color, meant to mimic the expensive pearls commonly found in District 4, shimmered in the moonlight, threatening to turn even the solid parts translucent and expose every part of you to the Capitol.
Not that they’d mind, you thought, the words leaving a bitter taste in your mouth that threatened to rise to the surface, breaking through a perfectly painted smile and tugging your blush lips into a frown. You couldn’t help but feel that was the point, with all the oogling that no one was trying to hide. And that feeling… that is what kept you from feeling anything but beautiful. You felt used, and exposed, but not beautiful. 
A hand on your arm startled you out of your bitter thoughts, your skin immediately crawling with disgust as your gaze traveled to the face connected to the hand still placed possessively on you. While not particularly ugly, the man in front of you was pushing fifty, and the lewdness dripping from his gaze as he leered at you, an eighteen year old girl… 
“There you are,” his lips curled into an unpleasant smile; he was close enough you could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath, almost overpowered by the sheer amount of cologne that clung to him. “I must say, my sponsorship has paid off… handsomely. I mean, look at you! Such a stunning addition to the Capitol, I just cannot wait for you to become—”
“Excuse me,” a new voice — a familiar voice — cut through. “I think your wife is looking for you, Quillon.”
Of course he knew this man, he seemed to know everyone. And of course the man — Quillon — listened, his eyes widening as he immediately removed his hand from you, leaving an unpleasant dampness from his sweaty palms. He backed away until he had disappeared into the crowd and it was just you and him.
Him. Finnick Odair, Capitol Darling, youngest Victor of the 65th Hunger Games, the most insufferable and obnoxious boy you’d ever had the displeasure of encountering. You were sure he’d never liked you from the beginning; you’d tried to introduce yourself to him at fourteen when you accompanied your father to the Capitol to train the new tributes, only to be brushed off without a second glance.
That dislike had only seemed to grow when you had been Reaped the year your father had been killed (the rumors of the siblings and children of Victors being chosen so often finally making sense to you), and Finnick Odair, master of the Games, expert of the field, had all but ignored you.
“You!” All of the rage you’d pent up about his mentoring skills — or lackthereof — were coming out in full force, though even you were surprised by the venom in your words. With a jab of a finger in his chest, you finally began to let it all out. He seemed to have sensed that you would come at him swinging, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to a quieter corner of the party, beneath a small pergola weighted with vines that crept up the sides and wove inbetween the planks on top.
“Look, I know you must be upset — ” No. You wouldn’t let him talk, not before you had the chance to give him a piece of your mind. You took a step closer, until your nose was brushing against his, and tried to keep your voice as level as you could.
“Nice of you to finally fucking show up, Odair. Didn’t think you’d see me again, huh? Not after you all but fucking abandoned me during training week. I mean, I know we never really got along, but seriously? Is that why you left me with Mags and I never saw you past the first day? You hoped you’d train Kier—” the breath caught in your throat as you finally uttered the name of your fellow District tribute for the first time since… well, that wasn’t important. “—and then I would be out of your hair, is that it?”
Finnick, however, took this as an opportunity to spit his own words out, his jaw clenched and his eyes hard as he looked down at you. “I was trying to help you.” He was so close you could feel his breath fanning your lips, almost making you want to close your eyes.
“Help me?” A laugh escaped your lips, one that could’ve almost been seen as genuine because of the honest disbelief that coated it. “You think I’d be better off dead?”
He didn’t respond. Couldn’t even look you in the eyes, choosing instead to fixate on a tiny rose growing from within the depths of the ivy layers. That was basically a confirmation of what you’d just said, but for some reason he couldn’t even admit it to your face.
 You weren’t sure why, but hot, angry tears were beginning to form in your eyes; you tried frantically to force them down. He couldn’t know how much he’d hurt you with his indifference. “You were supposed to be there for me, you were supposed to teach me how to survive, and you fucking left me to die!”
Had you done something? You replayed all of your interactions with him, coming up short with a conversation that would make him hate you so much he wanted you to die. Sure, you’d been a bit annoying when you’d trailed behind your father, and maybe you had been a little relentless to pursue his attention when he moved next door to you in Victor’s Village, but this? The way he couldn’t even answer you? The way he was just standing there, his gaze in some far off place? It made you angrier. How dare he be so indifferent, how dare he act as if he was doing you a favor?
There was a moment of hesitation before Finnick sighed. “It’s not like that. I was trying to protect you. Look— has Snow talked to you yet?”
This left you truly at a loss for words. “Snow?” You words were less harsh and more curious. “Why would Snow want to talk to me? You know what — don’t try to spin it on him, this is about us! About you—” You stabbed at his chest again, and this time he let you. “—about you abandoning me in that arena, when it was your job to fight for me! To keep me alive!”
“There’s a lot you don’t understand right now,” he began again, hesitantly reaching out to grasp the hand that had struck against his chest, and that was the final straw snapping; you were done.
With a scowl and a tug of your hand, you yanked it free of his grasp and whirled around, the flow of the dress whipping around from the sudden gust of wind. “Whatever, Odair. I’m done. If you can’t even admit what you did was wrong, then… then just leave me the fuck alone from now on.” You didn’t bother to look back, missing the way his jaw hung open and his entire face crumbled. If only you had any idea.
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You found out soon enough.
“You’re quite popular now, if you didn’t know that already. Although you’re quite perceptive, I can’t imagine you don’t.” Though he sealed the compliment with a smile, it did little to soothe the unease stirring within your belly.
“Yes, Sir. I’ve noticed. Is that a bad thing?” You hated how weak you sounded, your voice faltering slightly at the end of your sentences, hanging uncomfortably in the air and weighed down with uncertainty.
“I knew you were a smart one,” he finally tucked the envelope in his hands into his pocket, his undivided attention now on you. “You see, with how desirable you are… there are certain expectations that come with that. We wouldn’t want the Capitol to be unsatisfied, now would we?”
When did attention turn into desire? When were there suddenly expectations, and why was it suddenly your responsibility to keep people satisfied? 
“I’m not sure what you mean, sir.” A hollow, empty statement, but a genuine one.
“Well,” it seemed Snow was particularly delighted by your response, as if it allowed him to explain something that pleased him greatly. “Victors have their place in Panem, just as all the Districts do. What would Panem be without Eleven’s grain, or Five’s power?”
Realizing it was not a rhetorical question, that he really wanted you to answer, you stumbled through a response. “Well, I— I suppose it would topple the whole structure. We… we can’t survive without eachother.”
“You’d be correct. The same thing applies to the Capitol. Without everyone doing what’s required of them, the Games fail to run smoothly. With no… incentives, shall we say, people… sponsors… become uninterested. There are things you, as a Victor and a mentor, need to do to ensure that interest remains. Do you understand me now, my dear?”
You did, oh how you did. And that was the worst part.
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That was how you got here on the rooftop of the Victor’s apartment complex, wrapping a thin robe around the once pretty, now torn chemise that did little to hide your body. You barely survived the first night, there was no way you could spend the rest of your life doing this. No amount of hot showers and scrubbing your skin raw until it bled could free you from feeling so dirty. Tears glistened on your cheeks, highlighting your face in the pale dawn light and exposing your true emotions to anyone who could see you. Luckily — or perhaps unluckily — you were all alone in the Capitol, your family safe and sound because of what you’d agreed to, but so far away.
With slow movements, you hoisted yourself onto the ledge of the roof, telling yourself you wanted to get a better glimpse of the city skyline as the sun crept higher into the sky, not wanting to admit the real reason why, even to yourself. The wind whipped all around you, tearing the robe from your body and splaying your hair in different directions, but you felt as close as you could to freedom. If you just— took another step, or stumbled forward and fell, maybe you would truly be free in the entire sense of the word.
“There’s a forcefield. They wouldn’t let you get away that easily,” the all too familiar voice of Finnick Odair startled you out of your thoughts.
“Did you know?” You had to ask, but couldn’t bring yourself to turn your head and look back at his features, because you would surely crumble if you saw the look on his face.
To his credit, Finnick didn’t bother to sugarcoat it. “Yeah, of course I knew. That’s why…”
“That’s why you wouldn’t train me. You wanted me to die, so I wouldn’t end up like this—” you whirled around sharply to stare straight into his eyes for confirmation as you guessed what you were going to say next. “—like you. Because he makes you do this too, doesn’t he?”
Finnick was never an easy person to read, always hiding behind dimples that indented in his cheeks when he flashed one of his dizzying smirks. But now? You felt like you were staring at a statue, his gaze unable to leave yours but also unable to say anything in return.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, allowing the cold caress of the breeze to take hold of you. If only you could fall back, if only… 
“I tried to protect you,” his voice cracked, finally pushing something past his lips and drawing you away from the dangerous thoughts fighting in your mind. “Don’t you see it now? It would’ve been better if you’d died in the arena, you wouldn’t have to do this,” he spat out the word like it was hot tea burning his tongue, but you noticed the crack of defeat in his voice. The way his shoulders slumped, the way his sea green eyes were fixed on his shoes. “And I… I wouldn’t have to see you like this.”
You did see it now; there was a fate worse than death. “I should’ve listened to you, Finnick.” His first name felt foreign on your tongue, as if you were speaking an intimate language only known to the both of you. “I— I’m sorry. I had no idea, I…”
He let your apology hang heavy in the air, flicking his eyes over your shoulder to the waking Captiol, evident by the honks of car horns and the chatter of thousands turning into a dull buzz.
You couldn’t stand silence, it reminded you too much of what followed your father’s execution, what followed when your name was called from the Reaping Bowl. So with a huff, you jumped down from the ledge and hoped he wouldn’t notice your disgruntled appearance.
Not that you cared what he thought of you. But one look from him and you were a goner; your lips began to quiver and you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Finnick, I… I don’t know how to do this,” a choked sob escaped you, and then it was all over and you were crying, shaking violently as you tried and failed to regain your composure. That seemed to snap him out of the haze he’d been in, his eyes flickering over and fixating on your figure, deep frown lines etching themselves on his face in a worried expression. “I don’t know if I can—”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he didn’t hesitate to surge forward as you began to sway, the lack of sleep from the night before becoming evident in the dark circles beneath your bleary eyes, cracks in your skin holding onto tears that had long since been shed. He placed a careful hand near the small of your back, hovering over your skin before you fell back into it, like he was uncertain if you would be okay with touch. It reminded you of two nights ago, where he’d been so close to you but still kept his distance, not wanting to invade your space. His reluctance to touch you without your explicit permission made sense now, it all did.
“I just— I don’t—” Your body convulsed with gutteral sobs that sliced his heart in two, his fingers threading through your hair as he pulled you into his chest, allowing fresh tears to stain in the wool of his white sweater. “I don’t…” you tried again, wanting to continue despite the hiccups, “I just don’t… don’t… know what to do.”
You could feel his lips moving against your hair from where they rested on top of your head as he answered. “You don’t have to do anything. Not right now, at least.”
Time passing was the last thing on your mind as you remained in his embrace, soaking up everything about him, relishing in the comfort his closeness brought to you. How when your mind began to wander, the rhythmic pattern of his heartbeat brought you back so you could listen with your ear against his chest. How when your body expelled the last of its shudders and gasps from your breakdown, you could feel his arms flexing, squeezing you a little tighter. How when you pulled back from his embrace, he traced the red indent on your cheek, left from one of the buttons on his sweater.
“When was the last time you slept, sweetheart?” Finnick asked in a tone so gentle it brought fresh tears to your eyes; perhaps it was the sleep deprivation this time.
“I— I can’t go to sleep,” you began to panic again, digging your fingernails into his clothed arms. “I just close my eyes and I keep reliving it over and over again, I can’t do it again, I can’t—”
“I get it,” he stopped your rambling with a simple sentence, and you finally felt like you didn’t have to explain, he just understood. “Just… come with me, okay? You can trust me.”
Wordlessly you nodded, allowing him to guide you gently through the long corridors of the various penthouses until you arrived to one that had been occupied by none other than yourself. No, I can’t sleep, you wanted to shout at him, but remained silent. Trust him.
You allowed him to go through the motions of a bedtime routine, paying no attention to the fact that it was probably breakfast time. Pulling back one side of the blanket, he patted the uncovered space, motioning you to come lay down beside where he sat. 
“Finnick, I can’t…” I can’t sleep.
He shook his head, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Just trust me, okay? Come and lay down, you don’t even have to sleep.”
Reluctantly, you threw the robe off of you and on to a chair, trying very hard to ignore the fact that the nightgown underneath did little to hide your body, reaching just past the tops of your thighs and exposing most of your legs. But Finnick didn’t even seem to notice, watching just your face as you settled into bed beside him, laying stiffly on your back until he motioned for you to roll over on your side, facing away from him.
“What are you—” you were shushed yet again and tried to comply, feeling a bit odd facing away from him when he was supposed to be distracting you.
You suppressed a shiver as his finger came into contact with your back, the thin silk of the nightgown doing little as a barrier and feeling more of a second skin. He began to trace a pattern— wait, were those letters?
“Finnick, what are you doing?” You forced back the beginnings of a smile, the first time you’d genuinely wanted to in what seemed like forever.
“Just relax, okay? Sometimes it’s okay to just… let yourself be distracted,” his voice trailed off, differing from the confidence you were used to, replaced by something much more vulnerable. “What am I drawing now?”
“I…” you frowned in concentration, trying to piece together the light strokes of his finger just barely gliding over you. “The sea, no! Waves?”
“Woah, that was fast. Didn’t know I was such an amazing artist, but it doesn’t surprise me—” The teasing tone had returned to his voice, no doubt an effort to continue to distract her
“Can you just continue drawing?” You rolled your eyes knowing he couldn’t see, but there was a slight humor to your voice that let him know it was working, that he was distracting you. His fingers continued their roaming, dancing so delicately and so dangerously close to your bare shoulder.
Finnick traced a moon, a star, and even a fish before he switched over to words, indenting each letter in your back with featherlight strokes of his fingers.
At first it was people, places. Your name. His name. District 4. District 1. Then it transitioned to phrases, which proved to be much more difficult. ‘You should sleep’—
“—Hey! I thought this was supposed to just be a distraction,” your words were finished with a heavy yawn that caused a chuckle to vibrate within his chest, and a feeling of warmth spread through you like wildfire. You couldn’t help it, in a moment you had flipped over onto your other side, wanting to see him. You could hear him, small chuckles passing from his lips and the slight rustle of the sheets beneath his body; you could smell him, a comforting, clean scent that instantly relaxed you, but nothing compared to actually being able to see him in all his glory.
You studied the high of his cheekbones, the straight edge of his nose, the golden glow of his skin that matched his bronzy hair dishevled from its place against your headboard. You studied the way his hair curled around his ears, the way you could faintly see the indents in his cheeks from where his dimples would appear if he were to smile, how the white of his two front teeth would poke out from his lips if he flashed you a smirk. They were full and pink, and, with a pang of jealousy that rocked your entire body, you wondered how many Capitol women had been blessed with feeling his lips on theirs — then swallowed that thought down with a shudder of disgust. He hadn’t wanted them, any of them, it was all a facade made up from by the Capitol, and you needed to realize that.
And while hearing him, and smelling him, and even seeing him was great, all you wanted to do was touch him. Not like that; no, you just wanted his arms around you again like they had been on the rooftop, shielding you from the cruelty of the world and finally allowing your body to feel safe enough to sleep. You wanted to reach out and trace the sharpness of his jawline, trail your fingers down to explore the planes of his chest, draw letters and shapes and meaningless patterns over his shirt like he’d just done to you. He watched you through sea green eyes that were glassy with sleep or emotion, which one you couldn’t say. His breaths came out short and shallow, hitting your face as you stared right back. You wondered if he could feel your breath fanning his face, or the warmth radiating from your body as you could from his.
He was close, so, so close, like that night you’d first seen him in the Captiol. You were wanting, just about begging for him to say something, something that would snap you out of whatever trance you were in.
It wasn’t fair that he could be so close, mere inches away on the bed, but be so unreachable.
But, as Snow had so graciously reminded you, fairness was a luxury you were not blessed with. So with great effort you tucked one arm under your pillow, using the other to pull the covers over you. Much to your relief, Finnick made no attempt to leave, saving you the embarassment of asking him to stay.
“Finnick?” You asked after several moments in a hushed whisper, not wanting to wake him. You felt guilty enough to have kept him up until mid morning.
“Mmmm?” Was the response, thick with sleep.
“Thanks for staying with me.” You fell asleep before you could hear his response.
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Blood. Red and warm and sticky.
Heat. Blistering your skin and parching your throat.
A knife. Glinting in the sun, slicing straight through skin and muscle and bone.
A scream. Bloodcurdling and drawn out and all too familiar.
A scream escaped your lips, mimicking the one in your dream to an uncanny degree until you realized it was your scream. The sheets were tangled around your limbs, suffocating you and rendering you paralyzed as you fought with them, sweat drenching your forehead and leaving your hairline damp as you struggled for what felt like hours, though it was probably only a moment or two before your disorientation faded and you realized you weren’t back in the arena. Two hands were on your shoulders, strong and grounding, and you realized someone had been calling your name.
“You’re okay. You’re safe, it’s just— it’s just me,” Finnick’s voice was soothing to your ears, a calming melody against the screams and sounds of sliced flesh that were assaulting your mind.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, chest heaving as you sucked in as much air as possible, needing desperately to occupy your mind with something else, anything else. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up—”
“It’s okay,” he cut you off; his hands moved up from your shoulders to cup your face, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks and you realized you’d been crying. “I get it, you don’t… you don’t have anything to be sorry about.”
His arms wrapped around your body until you had been tucked into his side, your head resting in the crook where his neck met his shoulder, and allowed steadying inhales and exhales to relax you as he resumed tracing patterns on your back. You cried, for everything you’d lost in those games, mourning the person you were before, and he just stayed there, cradling you against him, wanting nothing more than to take your pain on as his own.
“I— I— I just— I can’t—” you hiccuped, fresh tears spilling from your eyes as memories from your Games kept crashing down, how your District partner had protected you and you’d killed him—
“Please, what do you need?” Finnick squeezed his hands a bit tighter around you, trying desperately to bring you back to today. “Just tell me, and I can get it for you— liquor, morphling, anything, just—”
“Finnick,” you croaked out, hating how your voice sounded so weak, so broken. “Can you just…” your eyes flickered down to his lips, and despite every cell in your body screaming at you not to ask: “Kiss me.”
His eyes widened like it was the last thing he expected you to say, “I— okay— are you sure?”
You answered his question by surging forward and capturing his lips with your own, telling yourself it wasn’t his lips that you craved, but that you just needed something to get you through the night. He reciprocated immediately, matching your desperation with his own, like the two of you were trading blows as he pulled you fully under him, settling himself between your legs. You felt the hardness in his pants and couldn’t help but roll your hips up to meet it, pressing your own desire up against his. That — the feeling of his cock straining through the material of his sweatpants — made everything a little too real, and you suddenly found yourself needing to justify your actions. Why you felt this way was a mystery, perhaps you were protecting yourself, scared he wouldn’t feel the same if you were honest, but you truly had no idea, it just slipped out.
“I just… can’t think about it anymore,” you panted out. He didn’t have to know that you’d been pining after him since you were sixteen, didn’t need to know you hid your wanting behind sharp jabs and petty slights. “I don’t want you to think— this doesn’t have to mean anything, okay?”
Maybe you were imagining it, but Finnick’s eyes flickered with something you’d never seen before, clenching his jaw for a moment. “Okay.” He didn’t sound okay. “This means… whatever you want it to mean,” his voice was husky with a mix of something that sounded a little like… well you weren’t really sure, and you soon forgot to ask him as he stole your lips in another kiss.
You swore you would never get used to the feeling of Finnick’s lips on your own, even if you kissed him every day for a thousand lifetimes. Because each time his lips met yours, the world as you knew it was set ablaze with the same fuel that set your whole body on fire. You could never get enough of him, the way his lips were so soft and gentle, the way his breath mingled with and matched your own until it was like you were breathing as one. The way his tongue slid into your mouth but didn’t invade it while his hands roamed your body, squeezing the flesh around your hips, your sides, not being able to keep them contained to one place.
They finally settled on the sides of your thighs, squeezing around the area where your nightgown stopped, fading into a lacy trim and then disappearing completely. With tentative hands, he gripped the bottom of your nightgown and slowly began to hike it up your body. You helped him slide it up your legs, your stomach, your head, until it was completely discarded and you were left in nothing but underwear, having not worn a bra to sleep and leaving your chest completely exposed. Before you even had the chance to cover yourself, he was pressed up against you and his lips were on your neck, nipping at the sensitive spots under your ear and near the base of your throat, soothing the sting of his teeth with the swirl of his tongue.
This continued for a bit without any talking or shifting around, until you decided you weren’t content with being the only one practically naked, and reached for the hem of his shirt. He got the hint pretty quickly, leaning back and sitting on the backs of his thighs before tugging the shirt over his head. His biceps flexed in the process as he revealed a body sculpted and shaped into what you could only describe as perfect, not a single flaw to be seen.
 Sitting above you, your legs spread around him and almost completely bare before  him, this was the first time he was truly able to take in all of you, his green eyes nearly black with how wide his pupils had been blown out. His cheeks were so flushed they nearly matched the red of his lips, swollen from the constant attack of your own.
“You’re so beautiful,” Finnick whispered, so quietly you thought you imagined it. He didn’t leave much time for the compliment to settle in before he was back on you again.
His lips trailed down your neck, sucking and licking a path of hot, open mouthed kisses down past the valley of your breasts, down your stomach and not leaving an inch of skin untouched. You let out a little whine at the loss of contact when he suddenly pulled away, stopping his kisses just by your hip bone. You opened your eyes to see him searching them for any trace of unwillingness, finding none. 
You nodded, desperate to have his mouth on you, and involuntarily shivered as a finger hooked around your panties and rolled them down your legs. You couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed as he was met with how eager you were for him, evident by the growing wetness between your thighs, and instinctively pressed your legs together to shield yourself from his prying gaze, despite being completely bare before him.
“You don’t have to hide, it’s just me,” he said as gently as possible, gripping your thighs and slowly spreading them apart, “Are you really sure about all of this? I don’t want you to think that’s why I stayed.”
God he was so good, you realized with an ache that rocked your body, shooting straight to your heart as you stared at him, met with only sincerity that made you want to cry again, because you could never truly have all of him.
He was doing this as a favor, as a distraction, not because he had any real feelings. But you were so desperate for him you’d take what you could get, which was why you nodded fervently and said, “Please, Finnick, I’m sure, I need you, just… touch me.” And as soon as the last words slipped past your lips, his mouth was on you, and you knew in that moment you were utterly fucked.
Finnick, on the other hand, knew he there was no coming back the moment he came into contact with your clit and tasted you with his tongue. He wanted you, all of you, and chanelled that into the expert motions of his tongue as he dove it deeper in you, continuing at an agonizing pace until you were trembling, practically begging for release. Your fingers raked through his hair, tugging him closer to you, his groans vibrating against your folds whenever you pulled a little hard.
And then, he stopped altogether, and you let out a frustrated groan at the loss of contact, but he was quick to make his way up your body again, peppering kisses along the way before swallowing your whine with another kiss, your mouth opening to let his tongue inside and tasting yourself on him. He broke away for a moment, just in time for you to cry out his name.
“Finn—” you barely had time to whimper again before he suddenly sunk a finger in and kissed you at the same time. His mouth never left yours as he continued, his tongue sliding along the seam of your lips as you parted them with a gasp. And he swallowed that with the kiss, too, like he was hungry for every part of you that he could get. 
Desire ignited every part of his body, reflected in the way he began to pump his finger in and out before adding another, wanting you to be ready enough for his cock that he so desperately wanted to sink into you.
 But Finnick had waited so long for this moment, he didn’t want to ruin it by moving too fast. No, he needed to relish in every moan elicited from your lips, every clench of you around his fingers. He needed to memorize every dip and valley of your body, kiss every square inch, memorize the taste and feel of you, in case he never got the chance to again.
He broke away his lips from yours and reattached them to your neck as his thumb began to trace a pattern against your clit. His pace quickened as your moans grew louder and more frequent. Your walls squeezed his fingers tighter, until you were practically undone, as he reveled in the sting in his roots and on his back as as you pulled his hair even tighter and your fingernails dug little crescent moons into his otherwise perfect skin.
“I’m gonna—” You were cut off as he sent you over the edge with the slight curl of his finger, pure bliss blinding every other sense until all you could think of was Finnick. It took you a moment to come down from your high, realizing it did little to satiate you because you still wanted him, all of him.
You reached for his bare torso, feeling each of his abs flex individually as you trailed your hands down his stomach. You stopped just above the waistband of his pants, not only wanting to feel him, but wanting to hear him say he wanted it just as badly as you did; but it seemed he was thinking the same thing and beat you to it, shucking off his sweats and boxers until he was also bare before you.
“Tell me you want me,” his chest heaved with each word, demanding you say just what you wanted to hear from him, tearing your attention away from everything else. “Need to hear you say it.”
“Want you so bad,” your voice was barely above a whisper. “Please, I need you inside me. Right now, just… please.” If you could get drunk off of the word please leaving your mouth you’d be wasted by now, almost wanting to laugh with how often you’d said the word.
“Whatever you want,” the way he said that made your spine tingle, the purr in his voice causing you to border on ferality.
This caused you to laugh and hook your arms around his neck, pulling him closer with the intention of kissing the smirk right off his mouth until you felt the tip of his cock brush against your entrance, making this feel a little to real once again.
“You sure?” He halted your movements, both hands resting on either side of your head as he remained hovering above you, repeating his question from earlier.
The vigor in your nod caused him to throw his head back with laughter, though not before you asked for confirmation of his own.
Mimicking your move from earlier he answered with a kiss, this one so sweet and quick it was more of a peck. Before he had time to overthink, he was inside you in a swift motion, a moan tearing from your throat as he paused, waiting for you to adjust to the sheer size of him. Your fingernails dug into his arms as he held still, waiting for you to give him the go ahead before he started moving.
“Just— move, please—” that was all it took before his hips snapped against yours and he was inside you fully, biting back a groan to match yours as you clenched around him.
After a while of slow strokes, you were starting to grow inpatient with how gentle he was being. Not because you didn’t like it, but because then you had the chance to slow down and remember it was actually Finnick, and not some nameless man you wouldn’t remember in the morning. He seemed to pick up on your growing disinterest quickly enough, and began quickening his pace until you were crying out. His thrusts soon became wild and erratic, signaling he was just as close to finishing as you were.
“It’s okay,” he crooned, his lips brushing your ear as his hand reached down to circle your clit once again. “Come for me, sweetheart.” 
You weren’t sure whether it was his command, or the pet name, way his lips felt against your ear, or even his thumb pressing against your clit, but you came hard and fast, your body spasming and clenching around his cock until he followed soon after. He collapsed on top of you, his chest shining with sweat as he continued to press kisses on you shoulder, up your neck, behind your ear. The weight of Finnick pinning you to the mattress was oddly comforting, grounding you and effectively keeping you from wandering back to thoughts of your Games. The distraction had worked, you realized as he eventually rolled off of you and up into a sitting position.
You wondered tiredly where he was going, but he had left and returned before you could even ask where. A damp towel in one hand, he cleaned you up with gentle movements, slowing when you gasped from sensitivity and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead while whispering sweet words of encouragement in your ear. The whole interaction was so domestic you actually felt nauseous as you remembered this was just a one time thing, and you’d never experience any of this again. This was just a favor done by someone who wasn’t even really your friend — a familiar stranger who knew more about you than most.
Finnick oh so desperately wanted to know what you were thinking. He would ask, but the look in your eyes kept his mouth shut as he fell on the mattress beside you. He itched to pull you close to him, to be able to fall asleep with the security of you in his arms, but couldn’t bring himself to make any first moves. Had he not slept here before you two had just fucked, he’d be questioning whether or not he should remain or go back to his room.
If only he knew you were craving his touch just as much as he was craving yours. So the two of you fell asleep shoulder to shoulder, with so many words left unspoken.
And when you woke up the next morning, you tried not to let your heart sink completely into your chest as you reached over and felt nothing. He was gone.
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— The Teacher (pt. 2)
Single dad! Gojo x Fem! Preschool teacher! Reader
Synopsis: Little Megumi wonders if you’re his new mom, and Gojo finds himself wondering the same thing.
TW: None
Note: click/tap here for part 1! or Click/tap here for part 3! I forgot to mention it in the first part, but ig it was kinda implied, Gojo is 29 in this not a teen like he was in canon. Gojo is also very briefly implied to get around
⇶ Satoru stuck to his promise of taking you out
⇶ He left Megumi with Utahime for the night, and made sure that everything was perfect for you
⇶ Truthfully, he went a little overboard out of his own anxiety
⇶ Booked reservations for one of the nicest restaurants in town, deep cleaned his house (just in case), got his already clean car detailed, bought a new suit despite having many hardly-worn ones in his closet, stalked your socials for hints at what you might like, and more that he’d be far too embarrassed to ever admit to
⇶ Satoru picked you up from your house at 6 pm, knocking on your door with a giant bouquet of flowers in hand
“You look incredible.”
Those were the only words Satoru could come up with when he saw you.
He always thinks you look incredible, but seeing you all dressed up outside of your usual work attire was a nice change of pace, and you looked effortlessly beautiful.
“Thank you, Toru,” you beamed. “You look pretty,” you told him, scanning over his tall figure, clad in a deep blue suit.
‘Toru’, ‘pretty’. He nearly passed out on your porch.
Satoru smiled, clearing his throat in an effort to gather his bearings as he fought back the deep blush that was crawling up his face.
“For you, mon chéri,” he said, in a corny fake French accent, presenting the large bouquet of flowers to you.
They were neatly wrapped in a brown paper, and tied off with a white bow. From just the look of it, you could tell they were expensive.
“These are my favorite,” you gasped, taking them from him. “How’d you know?”
He stalked your instagram and found a post from a year ago where you said you loved them.
“Lucky guess,” Satoru smiled. “Y’ready to go?”
⇶ He led you to his shiny black sports car, opening up the door for you to get in
⇶ It even smelled expensive, and the fresh scent of car shampoo was still lingering. You could tell he had it cleaned just for this, but didn’t say anything
⇶ When you got to the restaurant, out of place was an understatement for how you felt
⇶ You were just happy you decided to dress nicer than you had originally planned
⇶ Looking around, the restaurant was beautifully decorated, and the people dining were dressed just as beautiful
⇶ The more time you spent with Satoru, the more that you realized you knew next to nothing about him
⇶ Where does he get all this money from? What does he do for a living? Who is he, really? And what’s up with the sunglasses?
⇶ You will admit, the mystery only made him all the more attractive, but you had a newfound determination to peel back his layers
⇶ But your first date might not be the best time for that, so you were willing to let things unfold naturally for now
⇶ Satoru insisted that you ordered whatever you want off the menu because he was paying, and ignored your protests
⇶ You hopped around different topics of conversation throughout dinner, and you did eventually make it to the subject of work
⇶ Satoru asked you what exactly made you want to teach preschool, or teach at all, and watched your eyes light up
⇶ Teaching was undoubtably a job you need to have a passion for, and you had more than enough passion for it
⇶ You told him that you’ve always had an interest in teaching, and loved kids and thought they were precious, sacred even, and that their early years are the best part to watch and be a part of
⇶ Satoru’s heart was getting ready to leap out of his chest just watching you talk about something you love so much
‘She’d make a great mom for Megs…’
⇶ The thought surprised even him, Satoru wasn’t sure if it was genuine or intrusive, but it had him glancing at your features and around him to make sure he hadn’t accidentally said it aloud
⇶ He told you that all the kids were lucky to have you, and that seeing you take care of Megumi and all those kids with ease made him feel like his worries from adopting were pointless
⇶ He glazed over the adoption part so easily, you almost missed it
⇶ Sure, you were more than well aware that Satoru was a single father, and when you saw that his last name was different from Megumi’s, you just assumed it was his mothers last name
“It is his mothers last name, but he’s not at all my biological kid. I adopted him from… a friend.”
⇶ You had removed a layer from Satoru, only to find how thin it was in comparison to the amount he had left
⇶ The revelation answered some of the questions you had, and left you with even more at the same time
⇶ Just based on the hesitation he showed, you knew better than to press any further, and changed the subject
⇶ The rest of dinner went smoothly, and you and Satoru once again went back and forth about the bill before he was calling the waiter back to take his card
⇶ On the drive back, Satoru asked if you wanted to see Megumi since Utahime’s house was in the same direction as yours
⇶ You said yes, because of course you wanted to see Megumi, and because it was getting harder and harder for you to say no to Satoru
⇶ When you arrived at Utahime’s, Megumi lept at you before he even said hello to Satoru
⇶ Satoru feigned being hurt by the action, but Megumi still payed him no mind, directing all his attention to you
⇶ Satoru thanked Utahime for watching Megumi, and you overheard her saying something about not dumping his kid on her again
⇶ Megumi had you sit in the backseat with him, and told you about all the stuff he did at Utahime’s
⇶ All the sudden, he asked why you and Satoru were all dressed up
“Did you guys go on a date?”
You and Satoru shared a questioning look through the rear view mirror, one that asked ‘Should we tell him?’.
“Sure did little man!” Satoru told him, but Megumi didn’t seem too surprised by his answer.
“Oh, Dad goes on a lot of those,” Megumi said, before going back to playing with the plastic dinosaur in his lap.
Satoru was rethinking all his life choices in that moment. He gulped back the saliva that had pooled in his mouth, already going over how exactly he could explain that to you later on.
To his surprise, he heard you laugh at Megumi’s comment.
“But I’m your favorite, right?” You asked the boy, playfully nudging him. He turned to you with big wide eyes and smiled.
⇶ Dropping you off at your house, Satoru thanked you for letting him take you out, and haphazardly tried to apologize for Megumi’s little comment and explain himself
⇶ You told him it was fine, and thanked him for the night, hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek
⇶ Satoru froze up at the action, but managed to say bye to you as he collected himself and you disappeared into your house
⇶ When he and Megumi got back home, Satoru made a point to explain to Megumi why he couldn’t just throw out information like that to people, especially you
⇶ While putting on the boys pajamas in the dimly lit dinosaur themed room, Megumi yawned out a question
“Hey, dad,”
He spoke through a yawn while rubbing his eye with his fist. Satoru hummed back in acknowledgment, straining out the bottom of the little boy’s pajama shirt
“Is Ms. L/n gonna be my mom?” Megumi asked, looking at Satoru with low, sleepy eyes.
Satoru thought back to the statement that popped into his head during dinner. You would make a great mom for him.
“Um,” Satoru started, tucking Megumi underneath his comforter. “I dunno yet.”
He was honest. He didn’t know if what he was feeling for you was real or if he was just in over his head.
“I hope she is,” Megumi muttered, huffing out as his breathing turned into soft snores.
“Me too, Megs.”
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Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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cowboybarzy · 8 months
So y/n goes to this game like always everyone knows she’s barzal wife or girlfriend when the fight happens something snaps and she’s like yelling acting like there gonna hear her saying “HEY THATS MY MAN DONT TOUCH HIM LIKE THAT” people are recording her or she lands on the jumbo screen and the guys saying there’s go barzal gf or wife love to see this. They both end up going viral on Twitter mat was over the fight but y/n still was mad and going on and on saying wtf I would of squashed him if I was right there because no one grabs my man like that 😤 mat finds it entertaining because he’s never seen her this worked up and he’s kinda turned on by it knowing she would fight for him LOL even tho he wouldn’t allow it but he ends up kissing her by how in love he is with her maybe gets alittle smutty
now that fight last night was quite something and god Mathew I want you to do it again! but not too often, I need you to keep looking pretty.
wc: 820
cw: alludes to sex, but not really smut (sorry I’m working on other smut rn haha and didn’t have much time to write today)
gif made by @pyotrkochetkov
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You turned around from the conversation you were having with a friend to see Mat finally come out of the locker room area. When he was close enough, you could see there was a big red bruise coating his nose and part of his cheek from the fight he was in earlier. “Aw, baby, are you ok?”
“Perfectly fine.” His smile was sweet and crooked as he wrapped his arms around you. Your lips brushed gently against his bruised skin then finally landed on his lips.
Once you were sure he was fine, you pulled apart and playfully punched him in the chest. “What the hell were you thinking? Fighting? Maty! You know my rule, no teeth, no wedding.”
He laughed. “I know your absolutely ridiculously absurd rule. Don’t worry, I’ll have all of my teeth for the big day.” He kissed the top of your head, still getting excited at the mention of your wedding even after months of being engaged and it being pretty much all planned already. “And he attacked me. I wasn’t about the back down. I’m not scared of a little fight.”
A rush of heat flowed through you, seeing him get worked up again. And you had to admit, as much as you hated the fighting aspect of hockey, it was kind of hot seeing Mat defend himself and get into a little brawl.
“And it looks like you’re not as mad as you’re pretending to be.” He totally picked up on your vibes.
“Alright, so maybe it was a little hot to watch,” you admitted. “But don’t make it a regular thing.”
“Sure about that?” His eyebrows raised and a little mischievous grin appeared as he pulled you closer to him by your hips.
“At least not until after the wedding. I need you looking pretty for the pictures.”
“Alright, no more fights until the wedding.”
“Ok, so maybe I will keep up the fights if you’re going to be this turned on afterwards,” Mat mumbled out of breath when you rolled off him, back onto the mattress.
“You made a promise,” you responded, yelping when his lips were back on your skin in seconds. His teeth graded your neck, down your naked chest.
“It’s very hard to resist.” He came back up to kiss you passionately. You had lost count of the amount of times you had sex within the last few hours of coming home from the game, sleeping, and waking up to more sex.
“Alright, get off me I’m starving.” He fell back into the pillows with a laugh, but instead of getting up to go to the kitchen, you grabbed your phone for your daily morning phone time. Mat did the same.
To your surprise, there were a ton of notifications. Texts, instagram, twitter, etc. And also from people you didn’t even know. A quick investigation told you that you were in fact the reason for all the fuss.
“You seen this?” Mat had the same expression on his face, as he was looking through the exact same type of notifications. People sending a video of you from the game last night, yelling during Mat’s fight. The person who filmed it was too far away to pick up audio, but based on reading your lips, people could tell you were yelling something the lines of ‘HEY THATS MY MAN DONT TOUCH HIM LIKE THAT’.
You looked to Mat for his reaction, but he was just laying there, naked, watching the video over and over again, his jaw slowly dropping. You watched him nervously, internally cringing that a video of you like that was currently trending. Mat finally faced you.
“My girl.” He laughed and was back on top of you in seconds. “My feisty girl. And here I thought you were upset I was fighting, but you would have easily stepped in.”
“I was just trying to protect your pretty face.” He smiled wide and started attacking you with kisses, sucking and biting your skin.
“I had no idea you could get so worked up.”
“I’ve been hanging around you for too long.” He chuckled and kissed you deeply. You could never get enough of him.
“Protecting me. I’m supposed to be the one protecting you.”
“You clearly need it.” You loved teasing him, especially since his kisses got more intense the longer it went on.
“I’m pretty sure I won that fight last night, so I can protect myself.” He got on his knees and his lips wandered down your body. One of his hands grabbed your breast, massaging it, while his lips started assaulting the other. He licked around your nipple, sucking and biting it playfully. “But my job is to take care of you.”
He moved further down the mattress, getting ahold of your thighs and roughly pulling them apart. “Now be a good girl and let me do my job.”
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eddieandbird · 3 months
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One More Request —
A reimagining of Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington’s first kiss.
A/N: happy Bridgerton day everyone!! I am still fully on colin and pen brainrot, so enjoy my take on this scene! Even if you don’t watch Bridgerton, I still think it’s a super cute concept -bird
tags/warnings: fluff | 2.2k words | f!reader | love realization
As the sun dipped down in the Hawkins’ sky, you gently dropped another cardboard box into Eddie’s van with the rest of your belongings you’d be taking with you to college.
“Okay, I think that’s the last of it,” You grunted, shutting the door.
“Alrighty Miss Indiana State. Are you ready for big girl school?” Eddie chuckled, leaning his back against the car.
“Almost,” You said with an exaggerated exhale. “I have one more request,”
“Oh boy. It’s that bad huh?” Eddie had a wry smile. “Okay, what is it? I’ll try my best not to laugh,”
You gave a humorless chuckle “Oh, I think that’ll kind of be hard,”
Eddie’s eyes widened for just a moment as if to say ‘oh my god’ then he spoke up “Well come on, don’t make me nervous. Out with it, kid,”
“I don’t know, I’m having second thoughts now,” You bit your thumb nail.
Eddie could see you were serious. He had hoped you were just pulling his leg, so he could laugh it off. But of course, you weren't. He peeled his back off the van so he could face you.
“Come on, spit it out. I promise I won't laugh that much,” He grinned, trying to lift your spirits.
You covered your face in your hands for a moment before taking a deep breath.
“Will you kiss me?” You shut your eyes tight, terrified to witness his reaction.
Eddie shook his head and waved his hand in confusion “Excuse me? What in the hell-“
“Eddie, I don’t know how to say this, but I leave for college in a couple of days and I still never had my first kiss. And there’s no way I am letting my over-prepared, always anxious self go to college; the land of hookups and parties, without having my first kiss!” You explained so quickly that you had to pause to breathe.
Eddie looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back at you with a bewildered expression, “You sure you're not just messing with me now?” He smirked then nudged your shoulder.
When you didn’t laugh back, he paused, and looked down again with a blank stare, as if he was putting the pieces together in his head, “Oh you’re serious aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds totally insane, but it’s kinda important to me. I wanted to do it with someone I really trust,” Your shoulders slumped forward a bit in embarrassment. You knew you were throwing a curveball at Eddie with this request, but he was one of your best friends. It made better sense in your head.
Eddie shook his head, stammering “But I’m not your- I mean we’re not-“
“No! No, please it’s not like that, it doesn’t have to mean anything or be amazing or whatever! I just really want to do it,” You gulped, your thumbs toying with the cuffs of your sweater.
Eddie was still trying to wrap his head around the whole thing. Your reasoning was rational, you wanted your first kiss to mean something rather than just some fling or a situation you were pressured into like most people. He couldn’t help but be impressed, you were such a perfectionist and you truly thought this through.
He sighed, looking at the ground with a cheeky grin, “Yeah alright. C’mere, I’ll do it,” He jokingly scoffed.
You let out all the air you were holding in your lungs when he said yes.
“Oh thank god. I thought I was about to be humiliated,” A nervous giggle was woven into your words.
“Okay do we just do this here or-“ You suddenly realized you did not know what else to do.
A part of you didn’t think you’d get this far, but you were damn proud you did. Unfortunately, the lack of preparation for this part left you a bit frazzled. Eddie chuckled, finding your plan endearing. He was a little nervous himself, not even considering the possibility that you would ever ask him this favor.
“Yeah here is fine, unless you wanted it out in some field of wildflowers and a sunset or something,” He said, grinning wickedly. “Just get closer,” He motioned toward him.
You playfully scoffed as you leaned in, trying not to roll your eyes at his implication. A romantic atmosphere was the least of your worries.
“You said you wouldn’t make fun of me,” You mumbled, stepping forward and shifting your gaze upward to meet Eddie’s.
“I said I wouldn’t laugh, I never said I wouldn’t tease you,” Eddie countered. He swung his arm around your hip, pulling you even closer.
You let out a soft gasp as he grabbed you. You cleared your throat.
“Fine, whatever, just tell me what to do first,” You said, feigning impatience.
“Don’t get an attitude with me,” Eddie said with a smirk.
He was enjoying this power that he suddenly had over you. He’d never seen you this nervous before. He was used to you having a witty comeback or retort to counter anything and everything he said, but you were flustered and vulnerable in front of him.
He chuckled as you asked him what to do next, and he grabbed your other hip, so you were standing flush against him.
“Just relax,” He brought his face down closer to yours, your noses nearly touching.
You could hear a gulp clearly in your ears. You tried to relax your shoulders and empty your mind. Eddie then pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, so softly you barely felt it, as if it was a butterfly flapping its wings on you. He was unsatisfied at the quickness and subtly it had, so he decided to do it once more, this time with more enthusiasm.
You were in no state to refuse him. With your eyes closed, you were left to only feel; his breath that tickled your face and his lips that were pillow-soft on yours. He was surprised at how willing you were underneath his touch. Normally you were strong-willed and stubborn. But now, you were soft and quiet. His mouth moved against yours, molding his lips to yours perfectly. His breathing grew stronger as he kissed you, forcefully exhaling through his nostrils.
Eddie pulled back after the second kiss, his eyes slowly fluttering open. It was more of a real kiss, a proper one. To his surprise, he found himself coming undone at the feeling and the thought of you. The kiss completely morphed his view of you as just another person he had grown up knowing and caring for, to someone he didn’t want to let go of.
Eddie’s emotions slowly started to unravel. He always pushed away these thoughts of you or rationalized them in his head. But now, as he had you pinned against the car, his chest against yours, and his fingers tangled in your hair, he was struggling to keep his feelings in check.
You both stared at each other for a moment in silence, standing there frozen in each other’s arms. You were the first to pull away. It shocked you because it actually happened, but also because you enjoyed it. Your body reacted in ways you never experienced before. Your skin was flushed and your heart pounded harshly against your ribs. Fight or flight kicked in, and you decided you had to flee.
“I should go. It’s late and mom’s expecting me to be there for dinner,” You sputtered, halting the silence. “Thank you so much for um… doing all this,”
You gave Eddie one more quick hug before storming off inside your home.
“Oh shit…” Eddie muttered to himself.
He realized then and there he had feelings for you. This sent him into a spiral as he had his back pressed to his van with his chest heaving. You were leaving for college soon and he needed to make a move before he lost you forever.
Eddie came to see you around the same time the next day. He sheepishly rang the doorbell, then shoved his hands back in his pockets. You opened the door looking at him puzzled.
“Eddie? What are you doing here? We don’t have to get on the road for another ten hours,” You asked, stepping out and closing your front door.
“Hey, yeah, I know. I just have something a little urgent I gotta tell you. Can we go sit in the van?” He pointed with a head nod. He looked worried. You followed him to the back of his opened van, taking a seat beside him.
“Everything okay?” You asked, attempting to decipher his pained look.
Eddie was trying his absolute hardest to hold back his anxiety, but he knew you could see right through him. His hands were shoved in his pockets to stop himself from fidgeting, and he was rocking back and forth on his feet awkwardly. He didn’t know how to word his thoughts at that moment.
Once he was seated with you in the back of the van, he closed the door for some privacy. He was looking down at the ground, avoiding eye contact, before he finally spoke up.
Eddie took a deep breath before speaking, still avoiding eye contact with you. “Yeah, sort of. There’s just something I really need to tell you before we leave tomorrow.”
His mind was racing as he tried to put his thoughts together. How was he going to explain his newly found feelings to his closest friend?
“Oh? Well, I’m sure I don’t gotta remind you that you can tell me anything. What’s going on?” You asked curiously, but light-hearted, hoping to alleviate his anxiety over the conversation.
You tried not to read too much into his expressions, but you noticed that his demeanor was a whole lot like yours from the night before. Eddie chuckled slightly at your words, knowing how much truth there was behind them. You were right, you were his best friend. And he could tell you anything. That also scared him, because what he needed to tell you just so happened to be something he didn’t even fully process yet. He finally looked up at you and met your eyes, but for a split second before looking away again.
He let out a shaky breath, “Yeah I know you’re my best friend, which is why I feel like I should tell you this before you leave tomorrow. I don’t want you to go away thinking I couldn’t man up and tell you my true feelings.”
“True feelings?” You repeated, your voice trembling as you were piecing together what he was trying to say.
Once you did your mouth hung open and your eyes rapidly blinked in shock. You placed a hand on his knee, keeping his attention on you.
“Eddie, what exactly are you trying to say?”
He finally looked up at you and held your eye contact for a couple of seconds.
“God, this is even more embarrassing to say than you asking me to kiss you,” He muttered.
He looked back down to your hand on his knee and he placed his on top of it. “I think I have feelings for you.”
With your predictions confirmed, you were completely beside yourself. You shook your head in confusion.
“I thought- but we’re friends-” You said instinctively.
Eddie saw your stammering and became even more nervous. “I know. I know we were totally in agreement and complete understanding yesterday before that kiss happened, but it made me realize so much and I-“
You interrupted him by cupping his cheek, bringing him into a kiss that matched last night’s urgency. This time you were in control. Your lack of experience or confidence mattered very little. You poured your feelings, all the unspoken affection you had for him finally manifesting in this one action.
“I feel the same. I wanna be more than friends too,” You confessed quietly as you pulled away.
When you leaned in to kiss him, Eddie felt the tension melt away. Suddenly all his nervous energy faded away as your lips touched his. He let out a breathless gasp as you pulled away and then his mind processed what you had said. A grin crept onto his face at your words.
“Yeah? You really mean it?” He asked, bringing a hand to your cheek and looking into your eyes.
Then his smile fell again as he realized the circumstances. “But what about when you leave for college?”
You refused to let school get in between each other. This would not be the end.
“I’m only an hour away,” You said starry-eyed as you brushed your thumb over his cheek. “We’ll make trips out to each other and I’ll be home for every semester break,”
Your tendency to over-plan was working its magic once again. Your heart and mind were racing as you felt his stubble underneath your fingertips.
“I promise I’ll call you every night after class is over and write you cheesy letters all the time,” Your voice was shaky but full of hope. “What do you say, Eddie?”
He was always so in awe of your determination, and how it could transform a problem into a plan. He smiled at your list of promises and ideas, knowing deep down that you always managed to get what you wanted or find a way to make it work. He loved that about you.
“I say you’re a lunatic for wanting to have a long-distance thing with me. But, I don’t care. I like the sound of all that,” Eddie shook his head before bringing himself to kiss you.
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starsinthesky5 · 2 months
you are in love IV || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and joe are embarking on a weeks long trip to France for work, Cannes being your first stop
a/n: okay so this was way longer than planned but i could not stop adding to it LOL. hope you guys love it ;)
also, I tried something new and added a little instagram bit to the fic at the end! not sure how I feel about it yet, but I’m kinda digging it? that kinda thing will be in the next few fics but it’s not a regular thing :) just for the upcoming bit
word count: 17.1 k (i genuinely didn’t intend for this to be this long oh my god)
warnings: language, smut, you both are HORNY
you are in love series masterlist (has all previous parts)
“Did you pack everything?” you asked Joe for what felt like the 100th time as you grabbed your phone and tote bag before leaving the garage. 
“Yes, I packed everything,” he rolled his eyes as he closed the car trunk. You had been on Joe for the past 4 days making sure that everything was settled for your week-long trip to France and although he loved you and your mom-like antics when it came to trips, he was getting a bit irritated with the constant ‘are you packed?’ and ‘did you get everything?’ questions. 
“I just want to make sure we have everything since we’ll be gone for a week,” you smile as you place your stuff in the car’s passenger seat.
“We have everything, I promise,” he chuckles as he punches in the code to close the garage before walking closer to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “You’re the one that is used to all the international traveling, so why are you the one that’s stressing out?”. 
“Because this trip is important for you,” you say as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I just want to make sure everything is perfect,”. 
“It is perfect. The fact that you’re coming with me makes all of this even more perfect,” he says as he kisses your lips.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” you smile. “We’re going to have sooo much fun at the events and around the city,”.
“Around the city? Absolutely. At the events? Probably not,” he sighs, his smile faltering, 
You watched as his smile dropped a bit, most likely because of the fact that Joe was not a fan of these types of things. He didn’t particularly enjoy public speaking, media events, or anything that required him to be out there. His anxiety would skyrocket in these kinds of situations but he still managed to put on a brave face and do what he had to do. This whole week was going to consist of that, and he was not looking forward to it. He was, however, looking forward to spending time with you in the beautiful French Riviera (which even you haven’t been to) and then the City of Love a few days later and you being with him was the only thing keeping him going. 
“Hey, I know this is not the most fun and ideal situation for you, but I’m so proud of you for putting yourself out there like this. I know talking in front of an audience is overwhelming but you’ve gotten a lot better at it and I know you can do it. Branching out is never easy, but you’re doing amazing so far. Getting to walk the freaking runway in Paris is absolutely insane and I am so fucking proud of you. I’ll be with you every step of the way, so if you need anything, I’m here,” you say as you brush a few of his curls out of his eyes. 
“Where have you been all my life,” Joe says as he slides his hand up and down your lower back. “I seriously could’ve used you in my corner back when I first came into the league because then all of this wouldn’t be so hard,”. 
You let out a soft laugh, “I’ve been right under your nose,” you say as you press a kiss to his nose. “The universe brought us to each other at the right time,”.
“I still can’t believe how many events we went to at the same time but never met until the White Party,” he chuckled. You and Joe had been around each other many times before the White Party, you just never knew that since your paths never crossed. You called it the “Invisible String Theory”. You could have walked past each other, you could have mutual friends, or even have been complete strangers and never had heard of each other, but the universe wouldn’t have you both meet until the exact moment that you needed each other in your lives.
“The universe knew when we needed each other,” you blushed. 
“The stars all aligned just for us,” he said as he tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“I love that we have the universe on our side,” you said. “It’ll be good to get away from everything together, I think we deserve a break,”. 
“Damn right we do,” he laughs. “Can’t wait to be done with all the boring stuff and get to enjoy the fruits of my labor with my gorgeous girlfriend,”. 
“Oh yeah? What fruits will we be enjoying?” you say as you raise your eyebrow. 
“Hmm, I was thinking a boat day plus private sunset dinner on said boat, walking around the city with you without any crazed fans hounding us, and my personal favorite, the massive bedroom suite they’re hooking me up with that has a gigantic bed and a jacuzzi tub,” he winks. “If you’re picking up what I’m putting down,” he adds as you feel his hand fall down to your butt. 
“Ohhh,” you replied, a smirk appearing on your face. “It’s a great thing I packed extra Advil in my bag. I have a feeling I’ll need it,”.
“Oh, you will. I don’t think I’ll be able to contain myself since we have the big suite with nobody else on our floor. No neighbors in a foreign city is just an invitation to be as loud as we want” he whispers into your ear before moving past you to open up your door again, leaving you with a stunned expression on your face and butterflies in your stomach. Joe always kept you on your toes, something you needed in your life. He was equal parts affectionate, genuine, and lustful; the perfect lover and best friend at the same time. 
“Shall we Mon Amour?” He asks, squeezing in a bit of French that he memorized earlier.
You turn around and smile at Joe calling you ‘my love’ in French, “Oh, so we’re going full France now?”.
“It’s only fitting,” he shrugged. 
“Well then, we shall Mon Amant,” you grin, surprising him with a bit of French you picked up last time you went to France. 
“Hm?” he said with a confused look as he moved aside to let you in the car. 
“It means ‘My Lover’,” you giggle as you sit inside.
He leans down and meets your face, “Well then, Mon Amant, I can’t wait to do this trip with you,” he says before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips and then closing your car door. You fell back into the seat, your cheeks a shade of red that only Joe could bring out.  
An hour later
After driving to the airport and loading everything onto the private jet, you get settled into the plane and are now on your way to France. You change into some more comfortable clothes since the flight is about 12 hours, Joe doing the same. 
“I hope you’re prepared to be on a plane for 12 hours,” you say as you sit down across from Joe. 
“If I go to sleep it’ll go by pretty fast,” he shrugs.
“And how do I keep myself entertained then?” you scoff as you lightly kick his foot. 
“There is a bed back there for a reason you know,” he winks as he points back to the small bedroom. “We can both go to ‘sleep’ for a bit,” he says as he makes air quotes around ‘sleep’.
“We’ve been on here for 20 minutes and you’re already horny,” you laugh. 
“Can’t help it when I’m around you,” he says with a smirk on his face. “You’re the most breathtaking woman I’ve ever seen so naturally the level of testosterone will skyrocket”. 
“Anywayyy,” you say, trying to change the subject before you fold because of his words and end up in the bedroom. “I’m excited to come with you to the Sport Beach events. I can’t wait to see you on the panels all professional and social,”.
“Really? I thought you’d be bored of sitting there listening to me talk about branding and media for god knows how long,” he said.
“It may be a little boring, but I love watching you do your thing,” you smile as you pull out your water bottle to take a sip before handing it to Joe.
“My thing is playing football, not sitting at a panel and talking to strangers in front of an audience,” he says as he takes a sip of water. 
“I know you hate these kinda things but I’m proud of you for putting yourself out there. I know how overwhelming it can get when you have a thousand eyes on you dissecting every little thing you say”. 
“Yeah,” he sighs. “I guess this is the price of what we do,”.
“At least we have each other now,” you say as you reach for his hand across the table between you both. 
“Thank god,” he groans, making you laugh at his facial expression. “Having someone that gets me and understands the kind of spotlight on me really makes all the difference,”.
“I feel the same way,” you say as you kiss his hand. “You get me and I get you,”.
“We’re like two peas in a pod,” he smiles.
“Precisely,” you nod. You understood the pedestal that Joe was on and everything that came along with what he did, and he understood the same for you. Although what you both did was extremely different, you still had a deep understanding of one another on that level. 
“Did you think more about how we’re going to make ourselves official as a couple to the public?” he asked, his face scrunching up as soon as the words left his mouth. “That sounds so fucking weird,” he laughed.
“Tell me about it,” you giggled. 
Before your trip, you and Joe had talked about what you would do if and when people started to spot you around Cannes or Paris. You weren’t expecting a lot of attention since you were in a foreign country, but you were sure you were going to get some since a lot of athletes & industry people were going to be in France this week. You had a pretty big international reach as well, but still weren’t expecting people to notice you that much since nobody usually bothered you. The public already saw you at a few games in January but there was no real confirmation as to what was going on between you two, just some rumors and speculation. You had been together for about 9 months now and it had been 9 months of pure joy and love. You had been lucky enough to have the leisure of getting to know each other and building your relationship away from prying eyes, and now that you two were at a point in your relationship where you were okay with letting people in (only a little bit though), you had to figure out a way to do so before that right was taken away against your will.
“I don’t really know to be honest. I haven’t really ever had the comfort of ever sharing my relationships on my own terms,” you say as you roll your eyes, remembering how the public was so invested in your private life that it was incredibly difficult to keep things such as your relationship a secret. “This is new territory for me,” you say as you smile again as you think about how you and Joe’s relationship was different than any other relationship you’d been in before. 
This relationship was private. For once it was just yours. 
It wasn’t placed on a silver platter like every other relationship and presented to the public for them to pick at it or dissect every piece of it. You and Joe had kept your love away from all the interloper’s glances and unwanted opinions so that your relationship could flourish naturally, which it was. It was more than flourishing, it was blossoming into something special. 
The fact that you two were in a spot in your relationship where you didn’t mind willingly opening the window a little bit was exciting. You’d never had the opportunity to do it on your own terms, and now you had the chance to. You both were ready to share it with others. 
“I say, just wear a shirt that says Burrow’s Girlfriend, and I’ll wear one that says Y/N’s Boyfriend,” he laughed.
Joe’s laughter was the greatest sound you had ever heard. The way his nose would scrunch up and the crinkles would form around his eyes when he laughed was the most adorable sight in the world, and you got to see it whenever you wanted. 
“That would be hilarious,” you said as you started imagining it. You couldn’t really come up with any real ideas on how to approach the subject of going official, the only one really making sense was to just be spotted together.
“I mean, I’ll be at your panels in Cannes and with you during Fashion Week, that should be enough for people to get a hint,” you smile. “I’m sure we’ll get a good amount of headlines and front cover photos when they get the hint,”. 
“That’s true,” he nodded. “Maybe an Instagram Post too? So that they understand that it’s not just a fling, a Hard Launch is what they call it I guess. Unless that’s a lot for you,”. Joe didn’t want to pressure you into anything, knowing how your past relationships were so public and what the negative effects were for them being so open. Posting each other on Instagram was a pretty big deal since everyone could see it and since you two were pretty private. Joe had always been private with his personal life and you had started to as well over the past few years once you realized what being open truly means. 
“It’s not too much for me,” you grin. “I know how I feel about you and I don’t care what anyone has to say about it,”. 
The fact that those words were coming out of your mouth was insane, but it was true. Joe brought out that side of you that you tucked away most of the time. That side of you that’s carefree, loose, and alive. 
“I’m glad you feel that way,” he said as he felt himself melt away from your reassuring smile. 
“Thank you for making me feel that way,” you wink.
Joe gave you a lazy smile as he felt his tiredness settle in, his eyes feeling a bit heavy. 
“You can go back there and take a nap if you want,” you say, noticing his sleepiness. “I’ll join you in a bit. I just need to call my manager for a bit to talk about the Grammys next month,”. 
One of the biggest nights of your career, the illustrious Grammy Awards, was next month and you were up for 3 awards. You were nominated for Album of the Year, Artist of the Year, and Song of the Year for your last album's lead single ‘Is It Over Now?’. Turns out people loved an album about the most gut-wrenching breakup you’d ever experienced and related heavily to a song about an on-again off-again relationship that never had any clarity in it. 
“Ooo, fun,” he yawned as he stretched his arms out. “Isn’t this when you said you’d announce the new album?”.
“Hopefully. If all goes to plan and I win at least 1 of the 3 categories I’m nominated for, I’m going to announce ‘reputation’ then. If I don’t win, I’ll just drop the Instagram post announcement and leave it at that,”. 
“Reputation,” he says, the word rolling off of his tongue so nicely. “I’ll never get over that name, it’s so sick,” he says. “I better still be getting one of those wristbands with the album name on it that you're selling for the album merch. I want to add it to my stack,” he said, pointing at his stack of wristbands he had on his wrist; all of which had a special meaning to him. Now he wanted to add another one, one for you. 
“Actually,” you smiled while reaching into your pocket, pulling out a black wristband that had the album name in white stamped on it with a green snake on the other side. “I got this a few days ago. First ever one,”.
“This is so sick,” he said as he looked at the band, taking it from your hand and slipping it onto his wrist. “Fits perfectly with the rest and now I’ll always have you with me. And I’ll get to rep the best album in the world every day,”.
“Aww, Joe,” you blushed. “I’m glad you like it since you were my muse for about 95% of it,” you say as you get up from your seat to grab your laptop to video chat with your manager. 
“The other 5% kills me,” he sighed. 
“I know, but to tell the story I had to add the not-so-happy stuff into it for it all to make sense,” you said as you opened your bag. 
“Fair point. I will say that even though ‘The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived’ is about someone and something I’d rather not talk about, it’s one of the best songs you’ve written,” he said, referring to your ex-boyfriend or situationship as you liked to call it. 
“I knew you’d like it,” you smiled.
“I mean you really came for his neck with the bridge,” he shrugged. “Badass behavior,”.
“Being a badass is fun sometimes,” you nodded. “Besides, I don’t care what he thinks. He knows what he did and deserves to be called out for it,”.
“I love it when you get petty,” he shakes his head out of admiration, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “Wait so does this mean I get to go with you to the Grammys? Since I’m your muse?” he asked.
“You want to? Like for real?” you ask him as you start to play with your necklace, the letter “J” pendant Joe gave you for your 1 month anniversary. 
“Absolutely. I want to support you just like how you support me,” he said as he got up from his seat and walked over to you. “Besides, I want to see everyone’s reaction when you sweep all 3 categories and announce next year's album of the year all in one go,” he said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“We’ll see about that. I’ll be lucky if I even win 1 category,” you replied as you stared at your feet. “Having you with me would mean the world though,”.
He moved his hand under your chin, lifting your face up so that you were looking into his eyes. “You’re going to win, trust me. And now that I’m going with you, I’ll make sure of it,”.
“What are you going to do? Swap the names?” you giggle. 
“Something like that,” he winked. 
“I can’t wait to see you try,” you say as you lean in to kiss him, your arms wrapping around his neck and his around your waist. 
After holding the kiss for a few moments, you pull away. “You go take a nap and I’ll be there in a bit,” you say as you turn around to grab him a plush blanket from your bag. 
“You better hurry up,” he said as he grabbed the blanket, kissed your cheek, and started walking to the mini bedroom. 
“I will but no funny business, Burrow,” you warn him.
“We’ll see about that,” he mumbled before closing the door, leaving you with a radiant smile on your face and a serene feeling inside of you. 
A Half Hour later 
You wrapped up your exciting call with your manager before falling back into the seat and taking a deep breath. You had just finalized your album’s tracklist and release date and now it was starting to feel real. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so excited to release music since both times you had in the past were not very enjoyable. The release of your debut album had your stomach in knots for weeks before it came out as you were terrified that people wouldn’t enjoy it or that it wouldn’t do well. The release of your second album had you petrified at the thought of how the public would react to what the album was about. All you could think about was if what you wrote was too much and if people would resonate with your feelings or turn on you for trying to ‘push a narrative’.
When writing and working on both albums you were also second-guessing yourself every step of the way. Maybe it was because of the company around you, or maybe it was because of the things you were experiencing while working on them. This time, however, you were fully confident in what you were doing, not caring about what others thought or letting people’s opinions of you define your work. You were relaxed, enthusiastic, confident, and happy, it was the ‘Joe Effect’. 
You placed your laptop bag in your bag and then had a nice stretch before you walked over to the bedroom. You carefully opened the door, trying not to make any loud noises that would wake Joe up. You saw him sprawled out on the mattress, his mouth slightly open as you heard faint snores leaving his lips. 
You turned around and closed the door and when you looked back at Joe, his eyes were open and he was looking over at you. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you softly said as you crawled into the bed next to him. 
“I dozed off for 5 minutes, it’s fine,” he said as he opened up the blanket and covered your legs with it. 
“Can’t sleep?” you asked him.
“Can’t sleep without you,” he smiled as he moved his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. “What did you and your manager talk about?” he asked while he rubbed your shoulder.
“Tracklist and Release Date,” you smile as you tangle your legs with his and place your hand on his neck, rubbing his soft skin.
“Ah,” he nods. “How's it looking?”.
“Well, tracks 1-8 are all the unhappy things and stuff that led up to us meeting, track 9 is the start of the songs about us,” you beamed.
“Track 9? Real subtle,” he blushed.
“Track 9 deserves its time to shine which is also why it’s a lead single,” you smiled. 
“I feel so special,” he said, batting his eyelashes and fanning himself.
“Okayyy your majesty let’s come back down to earth,” you joked. “After that, there’s a long stretch of 9 songs just about us, then there’s like 3 songs about some other stuff and then the final 6 are about us as well,”.
Joe nodded and squeezed your hand, “What about the release date? When does the world get to hear the best album ever made?”.
You close your eyes and push your head into his neck, hiding the smile that Joe put on your face by once again complimenting you. 
You pull your head out a second later, butterflies in your stomach as you think about the release date. Not only was the release date the day you were releasing what was basically a diary of memories from the past 9 months, but it was also a special day for you and Joe. 
“July 4th,” you say as you meet his eyes. 
“The anniversary of the day we met,” he said to you, his eyes softening as he felt his heart gush.
“Mhm,” you blush. “One of the most special days of my life. Only fitting since I wrote so many songs about you and about that day,” you said. 
He gazed into your eyes for a few quiet moments, unable to come up with any other words to express his feelings other than, “I love you,”. 
And that was fine. You didn’t need him to say anything else because you knew how he felt about you. After all, he never failed to show you. Although it was just 3 words, he knew those 3 words meant the world to you, especially if they came from him. 
“I love you more than anyone in the world,” you say to him before you feel him lean in and kiss your lips. 
You pull him closer as the kiss quickly turns heated, Joe moving you down flat against the bed so that you are lying on your back and he is on top of you. You pulled away and laughed at how Joe looked like a child who just got candy taken away from them. 
“Hey, what was that for?” he grumbled.
“I said no funny business remember,” you said proudly, knowing the hold you had over him. 
“I didn’t think you were being serious,” he said as his eyes widened. “We’re on this plane for 12 hours and you really expect us to not have some fun,”.
“Watching movies is fun,” you grin. “Playing games is fun. Eating the snacks I bought is fun,”. 
He looked at you for a few seconds, a smirk on his face as his hand started rubbing your hip. “I could eat,” he said. 
“Okay, perfect. I brought Oreos, Fruit, Pretzels…” you start to say before he interrupts you. 
“None of that sounds good,” he said, his hand slowly moving down to your thigh. 
“You didn’t let me finish,” you laughed. “I have more stuff in my bag. I’ll go get it,” you say, trying to get up from the bed but Joe doesn’t let you. 
“I don’t think you have what I want out there,” he said, his face moving closer to yours. 
You rolled your eyes, “Then what do you want to eat because I got a lot of snacks, many of which you love,”.
“You,” he purred, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue, a familiar shade of blue though. “I want you,”.
You searched his eyes for a few moments, your body feeling hot at the thought of what Joe was implying. “Joe,” you whispered, his hands now cupping your mound. 
“I want to make you feel good,” he said as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your ear. “If you’ll let me,”. 
There was nobody on the plane but you two, the pilot, and the flight attendant; both of which were all the way in the front while you were in the back. If you did something, they would most likely not be able to hear you. 
“We have to be quiet though,” you said, easily giving in to his words.
“You have to be quiet. I’m just here to have a sweet treat and make my girlfriend feel good,” he said as you felt him slip his hand inside your shorts.
You rolled your eyes before pushing his head down and crashing your lips against his, both moving against each other in a sensual tango. You felt his fingers teasing your folds through your lace panty, your wetness seeping through. 
“Already so wet?” he smirked after he pulled away.
“Shut up,” you said as you pulled him back down to the kiss.
He took his hand out of your shorts and rested it on your waist, using his other hand to grab your leg and wrap it around his waist as he deepened the kiss. The combination of his fiery touch and addictive lips was making you restless. 
“Joe, please,” you whimpered as you pulled away from his lips. 
He gave you a smile before moving down, pressing wet kisses along your inner thigh before sucking on the skin of your left thigh.
“Mm,” you whimper, stuffing your hand into his soft curls. 
He wastes no time as he pulls down your shorts and panties all in one go, immediately stuffing his face between your thighs. “Ohh,” you hissed, the feeling of his scruff between your legs was to die for. 
You feel him lap at your folds, his tongue then thrusting inside of you as he set a rhythmic pace. He moved his hand to your clit, carefully teasing the sensitive bud with delicate flicks and swirls.
“Fuck, Joe,” you whispered, trying to stifle your moans by throwing your head to the side into the pillow. His other hand slipped inside your shirt, slowly inching towards your breast as you pulled on the strands of his hair. 
His tongue felt like fire, lighting every nerve in your body. The expert flick and swirl of his tongue sent waves of pleasure throughout your withering frame. 
“Joe, you’re so good, fuck right there,” you whimpered as you used your hand to grip the sheets, then feeling him slide his hand out of your shirt, returning his finger to your heat. He starts to rub your clit again, the bundle of nerves just begging to reach its pleasure.
You toss your leg over his shoulder, gliding your foot along his muscular back as you feel Joe moan into your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. You moved your hands back into his tousled curls, pulling on the soft golden strands again as he continued to use his mouth to send you to heaven. “Mm, you taste so good,” he groaned.  
“Joe, I’m so close,” you rasped, feeling your arousal building up. He started to toy with your clit even harder and moved his mouth up to it, replacing his fingers with his mouth as he started to suck on the bud.
You started to shake under him, your breaths getting shorter as you felt the tension in your belly snap and a wave of ecstasy come over you. “Fuck, Baby,” you moaned as you felt yourself reach your high, your hips jerking and your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the intense shocks of pleasure. Joe’s mouth moved back down to your folds and his hands massaged your thighs, trying to calm you down as he lapped at your folds again, cleaning up every drop of your arousal. 
A few minutes later, he cleaned you up with some napkins and was now lying on your chest, your hand playing with the strands of his hair as he pressed kisses on your chest through your shirt. 
“You still hungry,” you lazily chuckled.
“Nope. Dessert was extra delicious today and I'm stuffed,” he yawned. 
“That’s good because I’m about to pass out,” you said as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
He craned his head up to look up at you, “Nap time?” he mumbled before pressing a kiss to your chin.
“Nap time,” you nodded as you wrapped your arms around his body and closed your eyes. 
After your lengthy nap, you two spent the rest of the flight watching movies, playing various games, eating delicious foods, taking another nap, and going over the schedule for the week. You’d be in Cannes for 4 days (not including today's travel day); tomorrow and Monday would be for you two to explore the city and have a boat day. Tuesday and Wednesday would be panels and the latter half of Wednesday would be when you both would travel to Paris. Then the rest of the trip would be spent in Paris for Fashion Week. You and Joe were incredibly excited to explore the sights and sounds of the city together when he had time off from attending the shows and events. He was walking the runway at the end of the week, which you couldn’t be more proud of him for doing, and he would be attending quite a few shows for various brands throughout the week. You were debating on going with him or not to at least one show, deciding to feel it out depending on how this whole ‘going official’ thing works out. 
A few hours later
You landed about an hour ago and were now on the way to the hotel, both of you wide awake from your naps even though it was currently the middle of the night in Cannes. You looked out your window and watched the lamposts pass by, the streets empty and almost haunting because of how peaceful it seemed. 
“We should almost be there,” he said as he looked out the window. “I think that’s it,” he added as he pointed out the tall massive building in front of you. 
“Holy shit, they really went all out,” you said, your eyes widening as you got closer to the hotel. The impressive architectural structures of the building stood out beautifully as well as the the fact that it was beachfront.
“Beachfront too?” you gasped. “They must really love you,”.
“Told you they hooked me up,” he said as he rubbed your back. 
A couple of minutes later the car stopped in front of the main door, the bellhops loaded your luggage out of the car while you and Joe made your way inside. 
He held your hand as he led you through the lobby, the inside of the hotel just as grand as the outside. Beautiful chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow that highlighted the carefully crafted pillars and impressive ceiling designs. The earthy tan, white, and green hues of the lobby provided a sense of comfort and luxury. 
Joe looked down at your face, your mouth agape and your eyes sparkling. “Wait till you see the room,” he said as he bumped your shoulder. 
“The fact that I’ve never been here is wild,” you say as you feel Joe pull you into the elevator, not allowing you another moment to take in the design of the lobby. 
He pulls you in, quickly presses the button for the floor you are on, and then hits the button to close the door. Before you could say something else, he spun around and backed you up against the elevator wall, his face just inches from yours. 
“I love how excited you get over these things,” he said before he crashed his lips against yours, one hand gripping your waist and the other cupping your face. He found it endearing how you would easily get excited over things like this even though this was your life. The luxury and leisure was something you had been around for quite a few years now, but each time you were exposed to it you would still be mesmerized.  
You try to pull away but Joe doesn’t let you, deepening the kiss as he slides his hand down to your thigh, giving it a soft squeeze that makes you moan into the kiss. A few breathless seconds later, you manage to pull away, a look on his face that tells you he needs more.
“You’re a little worked up,” you blushed as you pressed your forehead against his, your arms around his neck. 
“The thought of us, just us, on what I would consider vacation the whole week is making me feel some things,” he purred. 
“I guess it being the middle of the night isn’t stopping those feelings,” you said as you rubbed his neck.
“Oh, I think that it being the middle of the night is making them way worse,” he said as he was leaning in for another kiss but stopped as he heard the elevator ding, hearing the door behind him open, prompting him to let out a disappointed sigh. 
You gently pushed him off and gave him a wink, “Guess you'll have to wait, this is our stop,”. 
He gave you a slow once-over before reaching forward and picking you up bridal style, his hands wrapping around your waist and legs; the sudden movement making you let out a squeal.
“Joe, put me down, someone will see,” you laughed as he walked out of the elevator with you in his arms.
“Did you forget?” he said as he made it to your suite door. He pulled out the keycard and unlocked the door, “We’re the only ones on the floor,” he whispered into your ear as he brought you inside. 
You stared at him for a few seconds before moving your eyes around the room, the very big and very glamorous room. You were standing in the doorway, in front of you was the living room with a nice dining table that was set up with a bunch of goodies such as wine, champagne, snacks, and chocolates for you and Joe. He walked further into the room, to your right was the passageway to your bedroom, and to the left was the mini kitchen and another seating area. 
“Wow,” you whispered as you looked around the room. “They really love you,”. 
“You haven’t even seen the best part,” he said as he slowly placed you back on your feet. He put his hand on the small of your back and guided you across the room to what looked like patio doors. He opened the door and motioned for you to go out, your eyes widening as you walked out onto the very large and lengthy private patio that had the best view of the beach and city below you. 
“Oh my god,” you said as you walked closer to the railing of the balcony. You looked up and saw the stars in the sky twinkling while the city below you was absolutely still; distant sounds of the waves crashing on the beach in front of you echoed throughout the streets below you. The patio was decorated with various flower arrangements, a day bed, and a little bistro table. 
“This is perfect,” you whispered as you felt a shiver run up your spine. The shorts and short-sleeved top you had on were not meant for this evening weather and you were feeling it. You felt Joe move closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and settling his chin on your shoulder, then turning his head to the side to press wet kisses along your neck; his warmth immediately heats you up. 
“Are you happy?” he mumbled against your skin.
You smiled and turned your head to look at him, his head moving out of your neck as his eyes met yours. “I think if I was any happier I would spontaneously combust,” you giggle before you kiss him again. “I’m glad we get to do this together. This is a big week for you and I am lucky to be a part of it,”.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else with me,” he said as he turned you around and leaned down to kiss you again, this time the kiss was a bit more heated than before as his hands slid down to your ass, pushing you closer to him. 
“Mmm, maybe we should go inside,” you say in between the kisses.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” he mumbled as he pulled away and grabbed your hand, yanking you back inside and pulling you to the bedroom. 
“Slow down,” you giggled as he rushed you into the bedroom, not even giving you a moment to take in the vibes of the room as he was eyeing the massive bed waiting in front of you. “Wait, what about our luggage? Shouldn’t we wait for them to bring it up?”.
“They can come by when we wake up tomorrow,” he said as he backed you up until the back of your knees hit the bed. 
“What about our Pj’s?” you frowned. 
“We probably won’t need them,” he said as he started pressing kisses along your jawline, another shiver running down your spine. 
“As much as I'd love to continue this, aren’t you tired?” you asked him as you patted his shoulders.
“Not at all. It might be 2 am here but I am wide awake. Maybe this will make me tired again,” he said as he returned to kissing your neck. “Sex is natural melatonin,”. 
“I won’t argue with science,” you said as you pulled his head back to yours, kissing his lips a little rougher as he gently pushed you down onto the bed and crawled on top of you.
A few minutes later, both your clothes were in a pile next to the bed and Joe was spending some time pressing kisses around your body and nipping your skin. He pulled his head up from your chest and looked deeply into your eyes, leaning down to press a loving kiss on your lips before thrusting into your wet heat, the sudden movement catching you off guard and making you pull away from his lips. 
“Fuck, Joe,” you moaned as he set a ravenous pace. With every thrust he moved deeper inside of you, igniting a fire within you that only burned for him. 
The Next Morning 
The sound of the bathroom door opening woke you up the next morning, your head turning to see Joe walking out with wet hair and no shirt on. You watch as he walks over to the closet, pulls out his suitcase, and opens it to find a shirt, meaning that they must have dropped your luggage off. You slowly sit up, covering your naked body with the sheets as you stretch your arms out. 
“Morning,” he smiled as he turned around while buttoned up his shirt. 
“Gooood Morning,” you yawned as you made grabby hands towards him, motioning for him to come over to you. 
He walked over and sat down next to you, first pressing a sweet kiss to your lips and then pulling you into his chest.
“How long have you been up?” you asked as you ran your fingers along the fabric of his tan knit button-up beach shirt. 
“About two hours or so. I got our bags from the bellhop, ordered us some breakfast, scoped out the beach club downstairs, and took a shower,” he said as he ran his fingers through your messy hair. 
“That’s great,” you said as you tilted your head up to examine his neck, noticing a few purple marks. “Remind me to cover those up,” you laughed as you ran your fingertips along the love bites.
“You can try but I think the makeup would wash off once we get on the boat and decide to go in the water,” he chuckled.
“Oh my god, I forgot today was the boat day,” you gasped, your hand moving to cover your mouth, realizing that he would have the marks on his neck completely visible to the public eye. “I got a little carried away last night,” you said as you moved off his chest and sat up, the sheet falling and your bare chest on display.
Joe’s eyes navigate down to your chest, his eyes widening and a blush snuck up on his face. “I think I did too,” he said as he reached out to rub the love bite on your chest. 
“We’re so horny,” you laughed as you dropped your head into your hands.
“But that’s good for us, keeps us on our toes,” he said, repeating one of the thoughts you had yesterday about him as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and got up from the bed. 
“I’m probably going to shower first and then eat breakfast if that’s cool,” you said as you got up from the bed and grabbed the robe Joe had laid out for you. 
“Yeah, that’s cool. It should still be warm since they have those fancy warmer things under them,”.
“That’s good,” you wince as you start walking over to your suitcase. 
Joe raises his eyebrow at your slight limp, “Sore?”.
“Just a tad,” you blushed as you reached down to open your suitcase. 
He walked over and picked up your suitcase before you could fully zip it open, “I’m gonna put it on the bed so you don’t pull a muscle or anything,”.
“Thank you,” you say as you lean in for another kiss.
“It’s the least I could do for giving you a limp,” he said as he placed the suitcase onto the bed and turned around to face you. 
“You already do enough for me by just existing,” you say as you open up your suitcase and pull out a matching black bikini set with a pink sundress to wear on top of it. 
He wrapped his arms around you from behind and swayed you back and forth, his heart fluttering at the thought of how lucky he was to have you in his life. “I love you,” he said as he kissed the sweet spot on your neck. 
“I love you too,” you said as you turned your head around to see him, pecking his lips before reaching down to grab a change of clothes for after your boat day. You would be having dinner on the boat as well so you decided to pick out something more fitting. You pull out a strappy white dress and pair it with some gold accessories and heels. 
“I love this dress on you,” Joe said as he ran his fingers along the soft fabric. “I found the beach bag and put my change of clothes in it, left it on the foyer table,”.
“Perfect,” you smiled as you pulled away from his embrace, closing up the suitcase and making your way to the bathroom. 
“How’s the water pressure?” you asked as you stood in the doorway.
“Better than our house,” he nodded. “I also checked out the jacuzzi tub. It has quite a few settings and we will be having some fun in there tonight,” he winked. 
“Looking forward to it,” you said as you twirled around and closed the door to begin your morning routine. 
About an hour and a half later, you’re washed, dressed, moisturized, and finishing up breakfast at the table with Joe. 
“This food is so good,” he groaned as he took a final bite of his muffin. 
“We’re going to gain at least 10 pounds by the time the trip is over,” you joked as you took another sip of your orange juice. 
“We can brush it off as healthy relationship weight if someone says something,” he joked. 
“Healthy,” you smile as you lean your head back to relish that feeling. Your relationship with Joe was so incredibly healthy. Both of you knew each other’s boundaries and respected them, had the best communication possible, and were completely and irrevocably in love with each other. 
“Healthy unlike this breakfast,” he laughed as he loaded your dirty dishes onto the cart to leave outside your door for the staff to take away.
“So, what’s the plan for today,” you said as you turned around in your chair and watched Joe.
“Well, I was thinking we take it easy. We can go down to the beach club downstairs and walk around for a bit since our boat is at the docks there so we can check it out and drop off the bag but we won’t be going on till a little later. If you want we can also go shopping around Rue d'Antibes and La Croisette,” he said as he opened the door to leave the cart outside.
“Nice pronunciation,” you giggled. 
“I’ve been practicing. I asked the receptionist downstairs how to pronounce the street names,” he smiled as he turned around to close the door. “Then we’ll just be on the boat and in the water until our sunset dinner on the boat,” he said, walking back over to you with your beach bag and sunglasses in hand. You packed your bag with various types of sunscreens, both your change of clothes, your film camera, and any other personal care items you’d need on the boat.
“Sounds perfect,” you smile. “After dinner, we should walk to the bakery around the corner from the hotel and pick up some sweet treats,”. 
“Whatever you want,” he said, holding out his hand for you to grab. “You ready?”.
“Mhm,” you smiled, placing your hand in his and getting up from your chair. “Wait, let me take care of these first,” you said, pointing at the love bites on his neck, a laugh escaping his lips as you dragged him to the bathroom.
A little later 
You and Joe walked around the beach club for a little while, taking in the gorgeous sun and crystal blue water and checking out the boat before sitting at one of the beachside tables for a few drinks. You weren’t usually drinking this early in the day, but a few Mimosa’s didn’t hurt, especially if you were going to spend a few hours shopping. 
Now you were in maybe the 4th or 5th store on your little shopping expedition, Joe picking out some pieces for the upcoming season and you helping him while also doing your own bit of looking. 
“I wish Kyle was with us since he is your stylist for this trip. He might’ve been able to give some opinions on these game-day outfits,” you said as you looked through the rack in front of you in the Saks store, all your favorite designer clothes in one spot. 
“Are you saying I’m incapable of picking out my game-day fits on my own?” he scoffed, his mouth wide open as he was slightly offended. 
You stopped rummaging through the racks and spun around, “I’ve told you multiple times that your game-day outfits send me into orbit,” you say as you give him a look that needs no explanation. “You don’t need anyone’s help, but I feel like a new person’s opinion might add some pizzazz,”. 
“You are the new person. You didn’t shop with me last off-season too much so I mean,” he said as he put his hands in his pockets. “The floor is yours,”. 
You raise your eyebrow and flash him a big smile, “Oookay, but you asked for this not me,”. 
You picked out various new pieces for Joe to try on while he insisted that he pick out some things for you as well. Joe liked more street-style outfits so you decided to follow that idea but add your own flair to it. You chose some more trendy but “Joe-like” shirts for him, new types of pants (so he would finally stop with the grey jeans), and some other things such as jackets and accessories he’d like. 
When Joe came back to you, he had absolutely nothing in his hand, making you let out a laugh as you looked over to the pile you and the assistant had set aside for him.
“Couldn’t find anything?” you teased as you pulled him closer.
“Actually, I found too much that they couldn’t carry it over,” he winked. 
“We haven’t even made it to Paris yet and we already shopped so much,” you said as you dropped your head onto his shoulder. 
“We get a free pass this one time,” he said, rubbing your back before giving your butt a soft pinch which makes you pull away.
“Joe, if someone sees,” you laughed, giving him another look that needed no explanation. 
“We’re fine. The staff knew us and didn’t say anything to us the other people in the store seemed to be minding their business, although I did notice a few stares and whispers but it is what it is,” he shrugged. “It’s just you and me. Pretend that nobody’s here,”. 
“I guess this is what we wanted to happen anyway. Only a matter of time before a picture of us pops up online,” you smiled, feeling comfortable with the thought of people seeing you out together.  
“Good thing we look good today,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Now, come see the stuff I picked out for you,” he said as he grabbed your hand and led you to the other side of the store. 
An hour later, you were walking out with a concerning amount of bags and were on your way back to the hotel to drop them off; the rest of the stuff from the other stores was delivered to your room so you didn’t need to worry about those. 
“Wait, can we go in there for just a sec,” he said, stopping and pointing at the Cartier store. 
“Don’t you have enough sunglasses,” you say, rolling your eyes and walking towards the store. 
“Not going in here for those. I actually have something to pick up,” he said, acting mildly suspicious as he opened the door for you.
When you walk in, a worker immediately greets you both and leads you back to the Jewelry Counter, Joe walks in front of you and whispers something to the assistant before turning around and grabbing your hand. 
“Joe…” you say as he pulls out a chair for you.
“Yes, ma copine parfaite et chaude?” he smirked, squeezing in some more French he learned the other day. 
“Hm?” you asked, incredibly confused as you sat down in the velvet red chair. When did he have the time to learn all this French?
“Yes, my perfect and hot girlfriend,” he whispered in your ear before sitting down next to you. 
A blush crept up your face and you felt yourself get hot from his words, trying to keep your composure and figure out what you were doing here. “Um, why are we here?” you struggled to get out. 
“I told you,” he said as he looked forward at the Jeweler walking in with 2 trademark red Cartier boxes. “I had something to pick up,”. 
“Welcome Mr. Burrow and Ms. Y/LN,” the man smiled as he sat down in front of you. “I hope you have been enjoying Cannes so far,”.
“We’ve been having a lot of fun,” Joe smiled at the man. “Thanks for doing this Roger,”.
Roger, his name was Roger. Why did Joe know Roger? And what was in those boxes in front of you?
“Ah, no problem Mr. Burrow. Anything for the best Cartier-wearing Quarterback in the NFL,” he smiled as he turned the boxes around to face you both. 
Joe laughed at his response and threaded his fingers through his hair before looking over at you, studying your stupefied facial expression. 
“Are you going to tell me what you’re up to?” you asked.
“I think he should show you,” Joe said, Roger grabbing your attention as he unhooked the clasp of the boxes, opened them, and showed whatever was inside to you.
Your mouth dropped as you looked at what was in front of you. It was two bracelets, 1 of them having a black braided band and the other being a gold band, like a bangle you could clasp on. The bracelet had a gold letter “J” and “(your initial)” attached to it, one on the left of the bracelet and one on the right. In the middle, holding both letters together, was a gold infinity symbol decorated with diamonds. 
“Joe..” you whispered as you felt your heart flutter at the jewelry in front of you.
“Custom made to Mr. Burrow’s liking using our finest gold and jewels,” Roger added.
Joe was looking at you the entire time, taking note of how your eyes softened when he opened the boxes and how your cheeks turned pink when you realized what you were looking at. 
“When did you…How did you..,” you said as you turned your head to face him.
“Mhm, I think I’ll leave you two alone for a moment,” Roger said as he got up. 
“Thanks, Roger,” Joe nodded as he turned back to you. 
“When my agent told me about this whole Cannes and Paris thing. I wanted to do something special for us and I wanted to make it memorable so we’d remember this week. I thought about just surprising you with another necklace or something but that didn’t feel special enough,” he said.
“Joe,” you said, choking up a little as you felt tears forming in your eyes.
“Sooo, I found a Cartier store closest to where we would be staying and talked to Roger here, pulled a few strings, and designed the bracelets with him, and well,” he added as he picked up your bracelet, opening the clasp and grabbing your hand to put it on your wrist. He closed the clasp and turned your wrist around, running his fingers over the initials and infinity symbol before pressing a kiss to it. “This is it. You and Me. You know how I feel about you and I know that it hasn’t even been a year yet but I couldn’t imagine doing anything of this without you. I’ve never felt this way about a girl before and I’ve only felt it for you, and I intend for you to be the only girl that can make me feel like this,”. 
How was it possible that you were falling even more in love with him? You thought that you’d already reached maximum head over heels-ness, but here you were feeling your heart grow and the amount of love you had for him increase. 
“I love you. I love you so very much, Joe,” you sniffled before leaning in and kissing him, keeping it innocent since you were around quite a few people. 
“This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. You literally keep beating yourself every time you do something like this,” you laughed as you wiped the few tears falling from your eyes.
“And I plan to keep doing so for the rest of my life,” he said as he grabbed his bracelet. “I chose the braided black band for me because it felt more like me. The gold band is definitely you,”. 
“I don’t plan on ever taking it off, just like the necklace,” you smiled, referring to the initial necklace he gave you for your one month anniversary. You never took it off, not because he ‘owned’ you and needed people to know, but because he really knew you and you wanted people to know. “Wait if you got the braided band..Please tell me you don’t plan on wearing that in a game,” you gasped. 
“No, definitely not. I would never risk it getting damaged out there. I will however be wearing it as much as I can when I'm not on the field or doing anything physical that could damage it,” he said as slipped it onto his empty wrist. “Wait, I almost forgot. Take your bracelet off real quick,”. 
“Okay?” you chuckled as you unclasped it and handed it to him.
“I got something engraved on the inside. Here, look,” he said as he opened it up a bit more for you to read the text on the inside of the band. 
⋆。°✩ The Stars All Aligned ⋆。°✩  - J.B.
Didn’t he say that to you this morning? How long had he been waiting to say that to you?
“You’re perfect. Quite literally crafted by Cupid and the Angels. I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve you but I'm so glad you’re mine,” you said as you looked back up into his love-struck eyes. 
“I love you,” he said as he kissed your cheek. 
After a few more moments of fawning over the bracelets and his adorable romantic gesture, you both found Roger and personally thanked him for helping orchestrate the surprise, especially since Cartier rarely did anything custom like this for clients. After a few moments of chatting and wandering around the store, You and Joe walked out of the store with two more bags in your hands, one with the boxes for the bracelets and the other filled with stuff Joe bought. 
“You and them damn Cartier shades,” you said as you shook your head. 
“Listen, I couldn't resist. They looked really good. The pink ones I got for you are going to look so good on game day,” he shrugged. 
“Whatever you say,” you laughed as you spun around and started walking backward, still facing him. “I can’t wait to get on the boat and be wearing minimal clothing. It’s hot as hell right now,”. 
“Forget Minimal, you don’t have to be wearing any clothing on the boat if you don’t want to,” he winked.
“Joe!” you gasped as you stopped, causing him to bump into you. 
“What? I’m sure everyone would enjoy the view. I know I do,” he teased, your mouth hanging open as he was standing so incredibly close to you, his face just inches from yours.
You were about to say something but saw a group of girls and guys stop a little bit behind you, their hands seemingly over their mouths. “Oh my god. Is that them?” one of the girls gasped. 
You looked at Joe, a smile on both your faces as you listened to the group, acting like you weren’t eavesdropping by turning around to face the buildings in front of you. Joe nonchalantly snaked his arm around your waist and whispered into your ear, “I think we’ve been caught,”. 
“Dude I think it is. Holy Shit I didn’t think the rumors were true,” the other girl said. 
“Damn, Joey B is really winning at life,” one of the guys laughed. “Y/N is hot as hell,”.
Your eyes widened when you heard the teenage boy, probably somewhere around the age of 17 say that. “Oh my god,” you whispered as your cheeks turned pink. 
“You know what? I’m not even mad that he said that. You are hot as fuck,” Joe whispered into your ear, prompting you to bump into his shoulder. 
“Wait because this is insane. I would’ve never thought they’d end up together but I’m so here for it,” the other girl whispered, or tried to whisper at least. 
“I mean she was at the games in January. What’d you guys expect? I heard she liked football before she went to the Bengals game but that wasn’t her favorite team,” the other guy added. 
“Well, it definitely is now,” the first girl cooed. 
“I guess the cats outta the bag. Oh well,” you whispered into Joe’s ear, no other thoughts in your mind. You didn’t care if people saw you together. You were happy and that’s all that mattered.
“You wanna keep going?” he asked, softly squeezing your hip.
“Yes, please. I’m melting right now,” you laughed as you placed your hand around his waist. 
After reaching the hotel and dropping off your bags inside your room, you walked back down to the beach club and had a quick bite to eat before making your way to the docks where the boat was waiting.  
Joe got on first, extending his hand to help you on. “Thank you,” you said as you reached up to kiss his cheek. While Joe was talking to the captain, you slipped into the bathroom to take your dress off, the lovebite from last night fading but still visible making you blush. While you were in there you clipped your hair back and put some sunscreen on your frontside and legs, not being able to reach your back so you’d ask Joe to do it. 
After freshening up, you went back out to the boat, noticing that you had departed the docks and were now out on the crystal blue Riviera waters. 
“You look incredible,” Joe said from behind you. You flipped around, your heart skipping a beat as you saw him in just his swim trunks and sunglasses, his chiseled chest on display and his muscular arms making you feel hot all over. 
“Not too bad yourself,” you purred as you sat down on the tanning chair. “What’d the captain say?” you said as you pulled out the sunscreens from your beach bag.
“He said we’d be circling around the Riviera but stopping at a good spot if we wanted to get in the water. Then I told him for dinner to stop at the docks a little further down from our docks because there’s a good beachfront restaurant that said they can serve us on here,”.
“You really planned everything out,” you smiled at him.
“That I did,” he said as he sat down next to you.
You pulled out the lotion and put it in front of him, “Can you get my back, and then I can do you?”.
Joe raised his eyebrow at the offer, his mind wandering to some other things that this innocent task could lead to.
“No funny business, Joe,” you said as you sent him a look. “I mean it this time,”.
“I got you,” he laughed as he sat down on the chair next to you while you lay flat on your stomach. He squeezed out a good amount of sunscreen before placing the bottle down. You felt his big hands start at your shoulders, rubbing the lotion into your skin before sliding down your back. His fingers expertly massaged your skin the way you loved, a few innocent moans leaving your lips making Joe laugh.
You turned your head to the side and looked up at him again with the same look, his face going back to seriousness which made you let out a little laugh. He then slid his hands down to your butt, softly squeezing it as he worked the last bit of sunscreen around your skin. 
“You’re good,” he smiled as he moved his hands off of you. 
“Thank you, Joey,” you said as you sat up. “Now lay on your stomach so I can get your back,”.
“I think I’ll be fine. I want a nice tan,” he said.
“Absolutely not. You burn too easily and there’s a big difference between tan and burnt,” you said as you got up from your chair and grabbed the bottle. “On your stomach,” you motioned. 
“Fine,” he sighed, admitting defeat as he turned around.
You placed a leg on each side of his waist, straddling him as you squeezed out a dab of sunscreen before tossing the bottle to the side. You started at his shoulders, working your way down as you gave him a nice massage at the same time, a few groans leaving his lips as he closed his eyes. You smiled at the sounds leaving his lips, Joe loved a good massage. 
“This would be nice with no clothes,” he joked.
You rolled your eyes as you moved your hands to his arms, first grabbing the bottle to squeeze out more sunscreen, “Why are you extra worked up this week?”.
“You tell me,” he said, turning his head around and giving you a good look up and down. 
He never failed to make you feel extra good about yourself. His looks, his touch, his comments. All of it made you feel like a diamond. 
“You’re sweet,” you replied as you sent him an air kiss as you quickly rubbed the last bit of sunscreen on his arms. “Flip over,”. 
You sat up on your knees so that he could turn around underneath you, then once he got settled sat back down, still straddling him. “This is all too familiar,” he said as he pushed his sunglasses down. You on top of him like this was a little too risky but you had to make sure he didn’t burn in the sun.  
You shook your head as you squeezed more sunscreen onto your palm and spread it along his perfectly crafted chest and torso, pressing a few kisses to his chest while you were at it. His hands settled on your hips, kneading your plush skin as you made sure to get every corner of him protected by the sunscreen. 
“If you put any more on I think I'm going to turn the same color as this chair,” he joked.
“Okay,” you said as you dropped the bottle in the bag. “I’ll stop but at least now you won’t get burnt,”.
“Thank you,” he said as he moved his sunglasses to the top of his head. God, he looked so good right now. His hair was in the perfect position, his skin was glowing, his eyes were twinkling, and he was all yours. 
“You’re welcome,” you mumbled as you leaned down to kiss him, his grip on your waist tightening as your hands cupped his face. 
You were all over each other for what felt like an hour, not caring about anything since you were out on the open waters, just the two of you. You don’t even remember when he picked you up and laid you down on the daybed because you were so lost in his lips you had zero coherent thoughts in your mind. 
Suddenly, he pulled away, a cheeky grin on his face. “What’s got you so worked up?” he said as he raised his eyebrows. “You’ve been on my lips for almost an hour,”. 
“Really funny, Joe,” you laughed as you turned to lay on your back, the sun now covering your body. 
“Wait, I didn’t mean to stop,” he said, sadness creeping up on his face.
“Mmm, I think we need a second to breathe so that we don’t die from heat exhaustion and lack of oxygen,” you joked as you threw your leg over his.
“Fair point,” he said as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest, your bodies fitting together naturally making you both instantly comfortable. 
A few quiet moments later, Joe spoke up. “I still can’t believe this is real life,”.
You moved your head up to look at him, his eyes looking off into the sky. “I’m playing football in the NFL, people know who I am, I’m in fucking France right now, and I’m dating the most extraordinary and talented woman to grace the earth and I get to spend all of my time with her. Literally, what is my life,” he mumbled. 
“Joe…,” you cooed. As crazy as his life was, he could never be able to comprehend that this was his life.
You turned to lay on your stomach again, resting your chin on his chest which made him look down at you. “You know what the one thing that really stuck out to me and made me fall in love with you was?”.
“What?” He smiled.
“The fact that you’re such a softie. You’re such a sappy softie in there,” you said as you pointed to his heart. “But on the outside, you’re this calm, cool, collected, smoke show Quarterback. You can do both and that’s what made me fall for you. And you let me see that sappy part of you, which makes it even more special,”. 
As you were talking, you saw how his cheeks turned a little red, something that would often happen when you started talking like this. 
“I know I’ve said it at least 15 times today, but I love you,” he said while picking up your hand and kissing the bracelet on your wrist. 
“I love you too. Like a lot, if that wasn’t clear,” you giggled. 
“Oh, it’s clear. Very clear,” he nodded as he started to get up. “Since you love me so much, you wanna go make some drinks with me and lay out in the sun so I can get a little tan?” he asked like a little kid. 
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled as you got up with him, the smile on your face the biggest it’s probably been in a long time. Joe made you happy, truly happy and everything that came out of his mouth just made it better. 
Two hours later 
You spent some time lounging on the chairs, tanning, and sipping on some cocktails you whipped up in the mini bar inside while talking more about what the rest of the week would look like. You also spent some time taking in the distant view of the City, seeing all the beautiful architecture and scenery from a distance, making a note that you should come back here at some point but spend a whole week here rather than a few days 
Then, the boat stopped in the middle of the Riviera; they also brought out a few floaties and water mats for you both to use out on the water. Joe dragged you in with him, insisting that you take a dip in the cool water for just a bit, but you insisted on using his body as a floatation device the entire time.
After swimming around for a bit, or well, letting Joe swim around while you were stuck to his back, you were sitting on the floating water mat. Joe was sitting criss-cross and you laid across his legs on your back, soaking up the sun as he was absentmindedly rubbing your thigh. 
He looked down at you, seeing how peaceful you looked with your eyes closed when an idea popped into his head. He carefully slid his hands underneath you, almost as if he was picking you up bridal style. You didn’t say anything because you thought he was just re-adjusting you in his lap, but then you felt him lift you into the air. 
“Joe..What’re you…Ahhh!” you screamed as he gently dropped you back into the water.
You swam back up to the surface, wiping your hand across your face as you watched him laugh and your disheveled appearance. 
“That’s not funny,” you frowned, trying hard not to give him the satisfaction of laughing at the situation. 
“Aw, does someone not like the water,” he laughed as he watched you try not to laugh, which you were struggling to do. 
“I don’t like not being told when I’m being thrown into the water,” you huffed. 
“You’re so cute when you're mad,” he grinned.
“And you’re cute when you're not throwing your lovely girlfriend into the water without warning,” you said as you batted your lashes at him, purely out of teasing.
“Fine,” he sighed as he extended his hand out to help you back onto the mat. 
You put your hand in his, getting an idea while gripping it tightly. You use all of your strength to pull him down into the water with you, “Y/N, what are you-,” he said before his big body made a splash into the water next to you as you broke out in a fit of laughter. 
You laughed for a few seconds, expecting him to come back up a few seconds later but when you don’t see him come back up, you get worried.
“Joe? Where’d you go?” you said before you felt two hands wrap around your legs underneath you and lift you into the air, sending you backward into the water. Joe came up, another grin on his face as he watched you come back up from the water again.
“Two for Two,” he winked. 
“No fair,” you laughed as you splashed him with water. “You’re like 50 times stronger than me,” you said as you swam closer to him. 
“Join me next time I’m in the gym and we can buff you up more,” he smiled as he pulled you closer.
“Us, in the gym, with nobody around, sweaty, and all worked up? I don’t think I’ll be getting buff, I think I’ll be burning calories doing something else,” you purred.
“And I’m the one that’s worked up,” he said as he raised his eyebrows, you shook your head as your hands found their way into his hair and you pulled him in for another sweet kiss.
“You wanna go back inside and make some more drinks?” you asked him.
“Sure, but we’re going to be so drunk by dinner time,” he said as he swam you both over to the steps. “Those tropical rum margaritas are strong as hell,”. 
“I think we’ll be fine,” you smiled.
Evening Time (Around the Sunset)
You, in fact, were not fine.
You both had one too many drinks after you got back onto the boat that you could barely stand up in the shower when you went to freshen up for dinner. You got lucky and managed to do your hair and makeup without any mishaps occurring, but you were still very tipsy and the drinks being served with your dinner tonight were not helping.
They had set up a nice spread of food on the little dining table on the boat, Joe sat across from you as you spent a few spare moments taking pictures of him on your treasured film camera. “The sunset looks good behind you,” you giggled as you tried to take a picture of him, but the alcohol in your system made it hard for you to focus.
“Oo, get a picture of the food too,” he said pointing at the delicious spread in front of you.
“Part-time food blogger. I like it,” you nodded as you pointed the camera at the food, snapping a few shots before putting the camera down. 
Joe grabbed his phone, opened the camera, and snapped a few pictures of you. "You look so beautiful," he smiled as he continued to snap some pics.
"Love you," you said to him, a rosy blush on your face that wasn't from sitting in the sun today.
You grabbed your glass of wine, taking a nice gulp before placing it back down, Joe doing the same before you started to dig into the food in front of you. You don’t remember how many glasses of wine you went through with your food, all you knew was that by the end of the dinner, you could barely remember why you were in France in the first place. 
Joe got up from his chair, almost stumbling back down into the chair as he shook his head. “Whew, I am so drunk,” he laughed as he helped you out of your chair and brought you back over to the day bed. 
“Join the Club,” you giggled as you plopped down. 
“Do you think the Aliens like France?” he asked you as he dropped down next to you, grabbing your legs and placing them in his lap.
“Hmmm,” you thought as you twirled your hair. “I think they’d like it if they came here,”.
“You don’t think they’re already here?” he drunkenly asked you.
“Nope. I think they like to stay over where we are because we don’t bother them. I think French people would freak if they saw an alien and probably throw macaroons at them,” you mumbled as you played with the wristbands on Joe’s wrist. 
“I mean, we did try to storm Area 51. I think they were probably pretty mad about that,” Joe nodded.
“Trueee,” you gasped. “I hope they aren’t lonely in there. They should be free and get to live life like we do,” you frowned. 
God, you were so drunk. 
“What if they are? You remember the farmer aliens in that one Spongebob episode we watched last week?”. 
“Yeah,” you giggled.
“What if we have farmer aliens out in the midwest and just have no idea since we never go out there?” he said, being 100% serious about what he was saying.
“Oh my god, you’re probably right,” you gasped. “I wonder if they play instruments like the ones in SpongeBob,”. 
“We should go farmer alien-hunting when we get back,” he smiled as he pulled out his phone. 
“Oh, 100%,” you nodded as you watched him tap some things on his phone.
“I need your opinion on something,” he said as he looked back up at you.
“Shoot,” you said as you leaned back. 
“Should I get these?” he said, turning his phone around to show you the very expensive Lego Eiffel Tower and Milky Way set he had added to his cart.
“Joe,” you laughed as you grabbed his phone. “This Eiffel Tower one is 10,000 pieces and 700 dollars and the Milky Way set is 3,000 pieces and 200 dollars,”.
“So,” he shrugged. “I’m rich remember,”.
Normally you’d shut this down real fast because you knew he didn’t have the time to put these together so it would be a waste of money, but you were so drunk that all your logic and sense went out the window.
“Okay!” you chirped as you handed him back the phone. “Order them now so we can build them when we get back,”. 
“Great idea,” he nodded as he quickly purchased the Lego sets. 
It was a terrible idea. You should pray for your future self when she comes home to 900 dollars worth of Legos at the front door that neither of you had enough time to build.
While he was tapping away on his phone, you looked out onto the peaceful open water, lost in a trance before you saw the boat lights turn on, brightening your once-dark surroundings.
“The lights,” you gasped as you looked up and the fairy string lights and lamps, the soft music playing in the background adding to the scene. You got up from the day bed and started twirling around, dancing to the song in the background as Joe sat there and watched you, his eyes watching your every step, his heart growing bigger every time you looked back at him. 
He was out of his mind drunk right now, but he was sober enough to mean what he was just about to say.
“Let’s get married,” Joe said, making you flip around with your eyes wide open. 
“What?” you giggled, the alcohol in your system in full effect so whatever he was saying wasn’t really registering in your brain.
“I said, let’s get married,” he mumbled as he got up. 
“Joe, we’re drunk as hell,” you laughed as he grabbed your waist.
"I'm totally, absolutely, not at all drunk at all. Like... at all,” he said, stumbling over his words.
“Mhmmm,” you nodded. “And I’m a princess,”. 
“I’m serious, Y/N. I know we’ve only known each other for a year, but marry me. It doesn’t have to be today, it doesn’t have to be tomorrow, but marry me,” he said. “You’re the best thing that could’ve happened to me and I never want it to end. I need you,”. 
Although he was drunk right now, part of you knew he was being serious when he said that. Everything he did for you and said to you made what he was saying right now absolutely genuine.
“It’s you and me for infinity,” he said, looking down at your bracelet. “I love you in this life and in every lifetime after,” he smiled.
“I love you too, Joe. In every universe and every…uhh..dimension? Yeah, dimension,” you nodded, making him laugh at your drunken expression. 
“So what do you think? Would you want to marry me one day?” he asked you, his face absolutely adorable and sincere. “Unless this is too much for you. I don’t want to push you into an idea that you’re not ready for even if it is a bit into the future,”.
“If you asked me the same question 2 years ago, I would’ve thrown a drink in your face and bolted like hell. But you’re asking me now,” you said as you looped your arms around his neck. “Me now is happiest she’s ever been in all aspects of her life, in love love, comfortable, and is pleased with where she is,”.
“So to answer your question, Okay,” you smiled. 
“Really?” He said, his heart fluttering. 
“Mhm. As long as we get to have a bigggg cake and we get to invite allll our friends and family,” you say as you break free from his grasp and spin around to the music. “And for reference, I like princess cut,”.
“I’ll make you the best damn ring money can make,” he whispered to himself. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped as you stopped dancing.
“What?” He asked.
“Can we get a dog? We should get a dog,” you said as you moved back closer to him.
“Only if I get to name it ‘Gary’,” he said, a throaty laugh leaving his lips as his pupils dilated from the alcohol in his system. He was sooo drunk right now and neither of you would probably remember this conversation tomorrow morning. 
“Deal,” you chirped. Another gasp left your lips and your eyes lit up.
“Now what?” Joe chuckled as he pulled you closer.
“Can we have kids?” you pouted. “Pretty Pretty Pretty Pleaaaseee,”.
“Uhh, duh. Obviously, we’re going to have kids,” he agreed. 
“Yayyyy,” you squealed as you jumped up and down. 
“We’re going to have a mini quarterback and a mini musician running around at some point,” he smiled.
“I wonder if they’ll get both sets of talents. Mini QB can be an expert guitarist and vocalist while Mini Musician can kill it in sports just like her daddy,” you beamed. 
“We have one hell of a genetic pool,” he joked. 
“That we do. Like I said, you’re Troy from High School Musical,” you said as you bit your lip, knowing how he felt about that since he discovered his piano talent.
“Not again,” he said, dropping his head.
“Okay, I’ll stop..for now,” you said as you stumbled back, almost bumping into a chair and falling over, but Joe grabbed your hand and pulled you back forward.
“How did we get so drunk?” he sighed.
“I blame the aliens,” you huffed.
“Oh, so the aliens were the ones who kept making the margs?” he questioned.
“Duhh. It obviously wasn’t me,” you denied as you looked out to the water again, this time seeing your hotel and dock get closer. 
“How did we already make it back?” you said as you walked over to the ledge.
“I didn’t even notice when we left,” Joe said, joining you.
“It’s probably a good thing. We’re so far gone right now we need to be on land,” you said as you looked up at him. 
“Oh, I can’t wait to get back on land,” he said as he looked back down at you with his intense eyes, his hand slipping around your waist. “Have I told you how stunning you look right now?” he whispered into your ear.
“Have I told you how sexy you look in this baby blue button-up?”. He was wearing a blue button-up shirt with white shorts, the buttons on his shirt all the way open exposing his broad chest. 
“We’re a hot couple,” he laughed.
“Very hot,” you say as you lean in to kiss his cheek. 
After the Boat reached the dock, you and Joe thanked the captain for taking you around today. You grabbed your stuff and started to walk to the exit of the boat, but again you were so drunk that you were stumbling around and the heels you had on were making it worse. Joe slid his hand around your waist, firmly holding you as he helped you down the boat and onto the dock.
“Thanks for that. I’m one wrong step away from face-planting,” you said as you held onto him.
“Honestly, me too but at least we’d fall together,” he smiled as you both stumbled back to the hotel. 
“Oh wait, did you still want to go to that dessert shop you were talking about this morning?” he asked as he stopped.
“Hmmmm,” you thought as you looked at Joe, feeling a flutter inside your belly when you looked at him up and down. He looked so good right now, a literal piece of art. 
“We can wait until tomorrow. All I care about right now is getting back inside our room,” you winked.
“Oh really?” he said, squeezing your waist before dropping his hand to your ass.
You were about to say something else before you felt your phone buzz, pulling it out to see a text from your manager.
“Who is it?” Joe asked as you two reached the door to the Hotel. 
“Oh, it's my manager. She said..
There are photos of you and Joe online from earlier, reaction looks pretty positive and a lot of people are confused but pleasantly surprised! Glad to see you two having fun :) Enjoy the trip! 
“Well I guess everyone knows now,” he said as he opened the door for you.
“Hm, I guess they do,” you said as you tucked your phone away, then pulled Joe toward you by his arm, crashing your lips against his and backing up against the wall. 
“Y/N, what if someone sees?” he asked as he pulled away. 
“Let them see then,” you smiled against his lips, watching his eyes scan yours for a few seconds before feeling his lips against yours, this time harder than before.
You felt him move down, pressing kisses down your neck to your chest as you threaded your fingers through his hair. “Joe,” you whimpered.
“What?” he looked up at you with heart eyes.
“Room. Now,” you urged as you felt him grab your hand and pull you over to the elevator, luckily nobody was inside so you could get up to your room as fast as possible. You pushed the button for your floor, Joe’s mouth going back to your neck as you tilted your head back to give him more room. 
His other hand grabbed your ass, softly squeezing your plush skin through the tight fabric of your dress as he left another purple spot on your neck.
“Joe,” you moaned loudly as he touched your sweet spot, your cheeks turning red at the sound that left your mouth.
You then heard the elevator stop, the doors opening as Joe moved off of you. “Thanks for the preview,” he smiled as he pulled you out of the elevator, once again picking you up bridal style just like last night.
“I could get used to this,” you smiled as he walked over to your door, quickly unlocking it and rushing you to the bedroom without giving it a second thought.
He gently placed you down on the bed, your eyes looking over at the bathroom. “What about the Jacuzzi Tub?”. 
“We can save that for tomorrow night. I need you, now,” he said, desperately flinging his shirt off. 
“Okay,” you smiled as you sat back up, Joe walking out of the room without saying a word.
“Hm, weird,” you said as you started to slip the straps of your dress down and untie your heels.
A few moments later, he walked back in, a little silver bucket in his hand. 
“What’s that,” you said, his eyes looking back up and seeing you in your matching white lace bra and panties, one of his favorites on you.
“Ice,” he said as he placed the bucket on the side table next to the bed, heat rising up your body at the mention of that. 
“Cool,” you smiled as you grabbed his bicep, not bothering to ask him about the ice, pulling him onto the bed and on top of you as you fell back against the pillows, your lips on each other again. 
Joe reached behind you, unclasping your bra and gently slipping the straps off your shoulder before returning back to kissing your chest. He wrapped his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud causing soft moans to leave your lips. While he was doing so, he reached his arm out to the table, sticking his hand in the ice bucket to grab a cube. 
He pulled away and brought the ice cube into your view, your cheeks turning another shade of pink because you knew what he was going to do. He pressed the cube to your collarbone, the icy cold touch making your breath hitch.
“Joe,” you whined, feeling the ice cube travel down to the valley of your breasts, his lips returning to your skin, pressing feather-light kisses as you squirmed under his touch. 
The cool wet trail the ice cube was leaving behind was making you even more needy, wanting nothing more than to feel Joe in every way possible, but he was taking his time. 
He grabbed another ice cube, this time pressing it against your nipples, “Fuck,” you cried out.
“You good?” he asked, making sure you were okay.
“I’m…great,” you whimpered, the ice sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body, 
He then moved the ice cube down your stomach, your hips jerking at the feeling of the sudden coolness, your core feeling slicker as he continued to work his way down your body. The ice makes your skin tingle, and the feeling of coldness intensifies your already heightened thoughts which creates a numbing sensation.
“Mmph,” you moaned as you bit your lip, feeling the ice move down to your core, a cheeky grin on Joe’s face.
You then feel him press the ice cube against your folds through your lace panties, another moan, this time a little louder than before, leaving your lips.
“Joe,” you moaned, immediately covering your mouth with your hand because of how loud that was. The alcohol in your system mixed with the feeling of ice on your bare body was making you feel like you were floating on a cloud of ecstasy. 
“No need to be quiet,” he said, popping the remains of the cube into his mouth. “Remember, it’s just us,” he smiled as he grabbed another ice cube, popping this one into his mouth as well. 
He leaned down, gazing into your eyes for a few seconds before pressing his cool lips against yours; the taste of alcohol was still evident, mixing with the coolness of the ice.
You put your hands in his hair again as you pulled him in closer, the ice cube slipping in between his lips and entering your mouth. 
“Mm,” Joe hummed as he smiled into the kiss, the shared coolness between you feeling like a breath of fresh air. The feeling of the ice between your lips which were pressed against his was unlike anything you’d felt before, and you loved it. 
You pulled away from the kiss, both your cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling, “Joe, I need you,” you rasped. 
You didn’t need to say anything else for Joe to get off of you, kick his shorts and boxers off while also sliding your panties off. He settled on top of you, giving you another kiss as he slid his fingers through your drenched folds.
“Damn,” he laughed.
“Joeee, please,” you pleaded as you pulled on the strands of his hair.
He moved his head down to press kisses along your jaw as he guided his cock through your folds, pushing into your core without warning. 
“Fuck,” you moaned as you threw your head to the side. Joe set a hungry pace, thrusting into your core with no interest in slowing down, sending you further into the bed each time. 
“Oh,” you moaned loudly as he pounded into your slick core, no coherent thoughts in your head at the moment as he was focused on sending your body to its pleasure point.
You moved your hands to his back, scratching his soft skin which would surely leave a few red marks. “Y/N, you feel so good,” he hissed as he cupped his hand behind your knee, lifting your leg and opening you up more. 
“Baby,” you screamed as he continued to fuck you senselessly, his cock hitting every single sweet spot with each thrust. 
You looked down, watching where you two were connected, the sight of his cock slipping into your wet heat making your eyes roll back to the back of your head, “F-Fuck,” you whined. 
He moved his head back down to yours, his sweet lips finding their home against yours as you moaned into him.
After a few more rough thrusts, you felt your pleasure building up inside your body. Joe always did most of the work when it came to sex, not because you didn’t want to, but because he always wanted to make you feel good but now you wanted to let him sit back while you did the same for him. You pulled away from his lips, “Joe, let me ride you,” you whimpered.
“Are you sure?” he panted as he slowed his thrusts. 
“Mhm,” you nodded as you took a deep breath, your core gently clenching around his cock. 
He pressed a final kiss to your lips before sliding out of you and falling back against the sheets next to you. 
You quickly got up and straddled his waist, giving his cock a few pumps before guiding it back inside of you, “Shit,” you moaned as you threw your head back. 
Your hands settled on his chest as his hands settled on your hips, guiding you back and forth as you slid down his length. 
“Y/N…god,” he moaned as he looked up at you, watching you take control and letting him relax. His hands moving up to cup your breast, giving it a soft squeeze as you let out another moan.
“Joe, I’m so close,” you panted as you picked up the pace, digging your nails into his skin at the same time. Soft moans and praise came from his lips, making you smile and feel more confident each time.
“I’ve got you,” he said as he gripped you tighter and started to thrust up into you.
You felt the tension in your stomach increase, your breaths coming out in short gasps, and your cheeks heating up. “Oh, Joe,” you moaned as you fell forward, your lips crashing against his as you continued to move against him, the sounds of your wetness filling the room.
A few seconds later, you felt your orgasm rip through your body, almost feeling like you were about to black out by how your walls were convulsing around his cock, which was still moving inside of you. 
“Mm, I’m close,” Joe moaned. 
You used your hand to move his messy hair out of his face before kissing him again, picking up the pace again even though your knees were about to give out. Your walls were still clenching his shaft and you were still trying to come down from your intense high, but you had to make him feel good. You sucked on his bottom lip as you ran your fingers around his neck, a few seconds later feeling him coat your walls with his cum.
“Oh my god,” he moaned, his hands running down your sides as you peppered kisses along his jaw.
“You are a dream,” Joe said as he squeezed your waist, grabbing your hand and pressing kisses all around your palm.  
“Fuck, Joe,” you panted as you carefully slid off of him, then fell forward onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around your body, pressing a few kisses on your cheek while you both tried to regain your senses.
“I love you,” you whispered into his ear. 
“Je t'aime,” Joe said to you, saying ‘I love you’ but in French.
You pressed another kiss to his face before feeling your eyes flutter shut, your heart exploding from love and happiness.
An hour-ish later 
You both took a power nap for a little bit to recover from your activities before hopping in the shower to rinse off. Right now, both of you were in your robes in the kitchen, trying to beat the morning hangover by drinking a glass of lemon water.
“I’m never drinking this much again,” you said as you leaned against the counter. “I don’t feel the hangover yet but I already know it’s going to be bad,”.
“I’m just glad the panel isn’t tomorrow. I’d actually be screwed,” he said as he placed his glass down on the table.
“That would for sure be the biggest headline. ‘Joe Burrow has a massive hangover during a Rare public appearance at a panel in Cannes’,” you mock. 
“Bigger headline than our relationship? I peeked at my phone and it’s blowing up with texts from people that don’t know about us and notifications from news articles talking about you and me. People apparently think we just started dating or that we’re just hooking up and it’s not serious,” he laughed. “We should probably make our Instagram post soon,”. 
You nodded, “Ohhh, are they in for a treat when I drop this album,” as you turned around to put your empty glass in the sink behind you, Joe doing the same. 
You turned back around and were standing in front of him, face to face. Although you were still drunk, you felt a bit more in your senses than you did on the boat and Joe’s mention of wanting to marry you was still lingering in your mind even though you said yes. Was he being serious? 
He studied your facial expression, instantly knowing that you were thinking about something that was bothering you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as he placed his hands on the counter on each side of you.
“Nothing,” you smiled as you met his eyes.
Joe tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, “Joe, seriously. I’m fine,” you deflected. 
He continued to look at you with a quizzical look, eventually your front breaking. 
“Fine,” you give in, making him smile. “Were you being serious earlier?”. 
“Being serious about what?” he asked. 
“About wanting to marry me?” you asked him, your voice a little quieter as you felt a little nervous asking him. If he brushed it off, that meant he was drunk and wasn’t being serious. You felt like he was being serious, but that doubt was still in your mind.
He looked deeply into your eyes for a few quiet moments, your stomach churning as you were waiting for him to speak up. 
“Of course, I was being serious,” he said. “I told you, it’s you and me. That’s all it is and all that there needs to be. You’re what I’ve been waiting for my entire life and I don’t ever want to let go, I don’t need anything else,”. 
You felt your eyes well with tears at his words. He wanted to marry you. One day, he would be your husband. You’d dreamed of meeting your prince charming one day and living your fairytale, and each time you thought you did, you’d end up living a nightmare instead, up until you met Joe. 
He was your real life Prince Charming and you were living your Fairytale. 
“You’re everything to me,” you said as you cupped his face. “I love you more than you can imagine, Joe. Thank you for changing my life,” you said to him, seeing his eyes become a little glossy because of your words. 
"No, Thank you for changing my life," Joe smiled.
He leaned forward, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips which quickly became heated as you stuffed your hands into his hair. Your lips moved against each other in a beautiful rhythm as you felt him cup your ass and lift you up onto the counter, his hands messing with the ties on your Robe as he moved down to your neck.
“Joe,” you moaned as you threw your head back. 
You felt him untie your robe, your nude body now exposed to the cool air of the suite. “Round 2?” he asked as he ran his big hands down your hips and to your thighs. 
“I’d be mad if we didn’t,” you smiled as you grabbed his robe tie and yanked it so that it came undone, his nude body now on display for you. 
You felt him thrust into you, hard and fast, as he peppered kisses on your bare shoulder. “Jesus, Baby,” he moaned into your ear, making you lean further back which gave Joe access to your breasts. His lips attacked them with gentle kisses and nips as he sank deeper into you, sounds of skin-hitting skin filled the room along with the noises coming from your mouths. 
“Fuck, Joe,” you whimpered as a smile rose onto your face. There was no place you’d rather be right now. You were truly the happiest you’d ever been, and Joe was the reason for it, and now you had the comfort of knowing he wouldn’t be going anywhere.
—The End—
(instagram post bit below)
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liked by joeyb_9 and others
tagged: joeyb_9
y/n_y/ln: we heard a rumor 👀
joeyb_9: i heard from a friend of a friend
——— y/n_y/ln: actually i heard it from aunt susan’s coworkers ex girlfriends sisters fiancée
lahjay_10: about damn time
fan_52: IT’S TRUE?
fan821: oh my god the albums going to be about him isn’t it.
——— fan 9822: it’s over for us.
y/bsf: heyyy lovebirds 😍😍
fan453: i’m so happy for her! joe is an amazing guy 🥹
fan662: this makes so much sense.
loading 53,237 more..
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liked by y/n_y/ln and others
tagged: y/n/_y/ln
joeyb_9: 🚀
y/n_y/ln: launched straight into the stratosphere
——— joeyb_9: 👩‍🚀🧑‍🚀
y/n_y/ln: this caption is perfect for you
——— joeyb_9: you’re perfect for me
————— fan4: not them already flirting online 🤭
lahjay_10: yall are too cute
fan98: OH? OHHHH????
fan11: cincys royal couple 👑
fan197: see i knew i wasn’t crazy when i said we saw her around town these past few months
fan272: she’s gonna look great in stripes 🧡
sam_hubbard_: nice 😎
loading 32,006 more..
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
i’m a monster on the hill
alternatively: i’m not as girly girl as the rest of them
in which insecurities suddenly strike up when she sees her boyfriend parading with williams’ star guest for the race weekend
(series masterlist)
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she tilts her head, her eyes roaming the paddocks as she tries to look for the one person that she’s been looking for for the better part of ten minutes. next to her is max, talking about his complaints for the sprint happening tonight, if that’s still what he’s talking about.
“hey, are you even listening to me?” max sighs, lifting his arms up to try and catch her attention.
“yeah, sprints are stupid and a waste of time,” she nods with a small smile, glancing at him briefly before craning her neck again to resume her mission. “you say the same thing every sprint weekend, max.”
max rolls his eyes. “i know, but you should feel the same. it’s not like your team is doing a great job at keeping up with the sprint weekends.”
“that’s seb’s thing to worry about,” she shrugs. she spares the paddocks one last look. “have you seen logan anywhere?”
“not yet, why?” max presses his lips together. he raises an eyebrow at the younger girl.
“i just haven’t seen him at all today,” she says casually, trying to bite back on her rant about missing her boyfriend. max doesn’t know yet, after all. and if he were to find out, she would have no idea what to do. “just curious.”
max hums, tearing his eyes away from her with hesitation. “sure. if i didn’t know better, i would have thought you were jealous.”
“jealous for what?” she scoffs, now her turn to raise her eyebrows in confusion. “what even is that word?”
“cause, you know,” max says, gesturing with her hands hoping that she would magically come to her senses.
“know what?”
"you know," max shrugs again softly. "cause they've got tate mcrae in the williams' garage today."
"do they?" she tilts her head, starting to play with her manicured nails. "i wasn't aware."
"it was all alex and lily could talk about during dinner last night," max shakes his head, feigning annoyance, "i don't see what's so special. it's not like it's kylie jenner."
"dude. it's tate mcrae," she sighs. "she's like, so pretty. and her songs are so good. you should ask lando about her."
"or we could just ask logan!" max beams, pointing ahead of them. "look, they're together! oh, they look kinda cute together, don't they?"
she follows the direction that max is pointing towards. in fact, her boyfriend is walking with the tate mcrae in the paddocks, strangely close to one another as they try to avoid bumping into others.
she presses her lips together, feeling a weird bubbling in her gut that she can't seem to ignore. "take me back to my garage." she turns on her heel and starts walking back towards where they came from. "i'm not hungry anymore."
max throws his head back, but follows her anyway. "what? i was so looking forward to the cup of coffee you were going to get me!"
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“babe, what are you wearing?” logan tilts his head, arms stretched out as he approaches the younger girl. “i thought you said you were wearing that one dress you’ve been wanting to try on?”
she shakes her head, pressing her lips together. she waves off his statement. “i didn’t feel like wearing it.”
“aw, but we were supposed to match for dinner with oscar and lily,” logan frowns, wrapping his arms around her as a greeting.
she looks up at him with sad eyes and slumped shoulders. instead of responding, she just sighs and shakes her head as she leads him down the hallway of their hotel for the weekend.
"is something wrong?" logan frowns, chasing after her towards the elevator. "did something happen before the sprint?"
"no, it's nothing," she sighs, fixing the oversized tee that she decided to put on today. fair enough to logan's argument, they had agreed the night before that they would match their d&g outfits for dinner tonight.
but all of those plans were thrown out the window when she saw logan and tate walking down the paddocks earlier today. while she's typically secure with herself and their relationship, max was not wrong when he said that they looked kinda good next to one another.
the image of her boyfriend with the prettiest girl she's ever seen has haunted her since she got into the car for the sprint qualifiers. it's one of the only reasons she had finished in p4 earlier because she had this anger in her chest that she couldn't ignore.
she punches the button carved into the wall, making logan lift his arms to scratch his head. she looks up at the display, frowning when the elevator is still only on the third floor on its way up to them. she reaches out to punch the button again, but not before logan can catch her wrist in his hand.
"why are you punching a literal inanimate object?" logan questions, tilting his head to meet her eyes. "did something happen?"
her eyes snap to look into his. "no."
"you're saying that, but i totally don't believe you," logan frowns, shaking his head. "what's wrong, baby?"
"then i don't wanna go for dinner," logan mutters, turning on his heel to walk away from her. "you can explain to oscar and lily why i'm not there."
"what? logan," she turns around, throwing her arms in the air. "where are you going?"
"to your hotel room. you're not being very nice."
"i'm so nice!"
"you just punched the elevator button!"
she balls her fists and clenches her jaw. "fine, i'll tell you." she chews on the inside of her cheek as logan stops halfway down the hallway from her and turns to her. "but you have to promise you won't laugh."
"why would i laugh at you?" logan sighs. "tell me what's bothering you, please?"
"i was kinda jealous," she mutters, incomprehensible as she looks up to count the number of lights that illuminate her hotel hallway. "you had tate in your garage and then max said you guys kinda look cute together and he was kinda right now that i think about it. she is very pretty and hot and girly girl and i could literally beat you in an arm wrestling fight."
"whoa, slow down." logan holds his arms up as he approaches her with caution. "i didn't get any of that. you were mumbling under your breath the entire time."
she sighs and drops her head. "i said i was jealous."
"of what?"
"max said you looked cute with tate mcrae," she sighs, throwing her arms in the air. her cheeks heat up as she turns around to catch the elevator now nearing their lift lobby. "he was kinda right, she's very hot. i'm not."
"tate mcrae?" logan repeats, jogging a circle around her to block her from the elevator. "you were jealous of tate because of what max said? but i love you."
she sighs shakily. "okay, but she's very feminine and talented. what can i do? i can only drive a stupid car - anyone can do that."
"i can't even drive a stupid car," logan states, staring at her blankly. "and what do you mean? you always beat me at padel when we play."
"that's cause i cry when you don't let me win!" she rants, throwing her arms in the air. she throws her head back and turns towards the hallway. "now i don't even feel like going to dinner."
"you know i only say that because i can't admit that my girlfriend is also better than me at padel, right? you beat me in an f1 car and padel. my ego can't take that," logan states, chasing after her. he grabs her wrist to yank her into his chest. "and you're feminine. what are you talking about?"
"like i could literally beat you at padel in my sleep and wrestle you into submission!" she whines, making an attempt to walk away from him again. "i'm not your type, logan! i've got broad shoulders and as much muscles as the next driver on the track. you used to kiss the floor that supermodels used to walk on!"
"yeah, when i was 18," logan laughs, jogging to overtake her. he grabs her shoulders and shakes her gently. "i'm 22. i'm so in love with you. i like it when you wrestle me into submission - it's hot."
"can you please be serious?"
"i am!" he rests his hands on his hips. "tell you what - let's skip dinner. let's go back into your room, order some wine and play some mario kart. then maybe i'll show you how much i love you."
she scowls. "you want to ditch oscar and lily? do you have any idea how much he'll tear into you if we do that?"
"fine, so we make dinner quick and then we come back so i can do all that i just said," logan shrugs. he takes her hand and squeezes it. "i love you. you know that, right?"
she pouts, slumping her shoulders again. "i know. i love you too. but you know what i mean, right? please tell me you get it, lo."
"i do," he sighs, cupping her cheeks. she tiptoes when he pulls her up slightly, pressing a loving kiss on her lips. "but i'm in love with you. my type is you."
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liked by lilyzneimer, sebastianvettel and 42,976 others
logansargeant someone tell my best friend she’s pretty before she jumps overboard
view all 1,428 comments…
user3 kinda real
oscarpiastri jump, i dare u
logansargeant wtf
kidy/n i’ll even do a backflip
lilyzneimer oscar wtf
maxverstappen1 no shes annoying
kidy/n thank u max
alex_albon she can’t even swim lol
kidy/n i’m LEARNING
alex_albon there is no learning at 20
kidy/n see, i wouldn’t speak so much for someone who can’t golf
lilymhe YEAH END HIM
landonorris YEAH DO A FLIP
logansargeant no that’s not what i asked you to do
georgerussell63 she’s pretty (pls jump)
williamsracing y/n is always very pretty!!!
logansargeant thank youuuu
kidy/n kiss me admin
kidy/n calm down there is enough of me to get around &lt;3
sebastianvettel ahhh my pretty girl!!! (she’s threatening to shave my head)
kidy/n ?
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427 notes · View notes
aernx · 1 year
꒰ 💭 ꒱ OH, NIKI YOU’RE SO FINE! ˖ ⌨︎ ⁩◞❪니키❫
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— SYNOPSIS ୨୧ ! Lesson learned ! never ever accept a dare from Heesung! Dared to tweet about how attractive your best friend was, you miss-typed ‘m’ with ‘n’ who apparently turned out to be the name of some guy in the basketball team? Oh how embarrassing!
or in which 𓂅 nishimura riki woke up to a sudden paragraph long compliment from his crush (who didn’t even knew he existed)
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— with love on the line ! 𖥻⏱️ ぃ ˑ  (pairing) non idol!nishimura riki x non idol!fem reader — 𓄹 ࣪ ִֶָ 🧂  ࣪ ▸
「 GENRE 」 ! STRANGERS to LOVERS, friends? to lovers, he fell first she fell harder, fluff, crack, highschool au, smau w writen parts, kinda one sided crush typa thing.
— the risk, are u willing to take it ? 𖥻🥛ぃ ˑ  (featuring) enhypen, winter aespa, beomgyu txt, jeongin skz, minho skz, etc — 𓄹 ࣪ ִֶָ 🎯  ࣪ ▸
「 WARNINGS 」 ! cursing (ofc), denial denial denial!!, anxiety, jealousy, overthinking, angst (w happy ending), dying jokes, kys jokes, and those kinda stuffs
「 NOTES 」 ! This is NOT how i view these idols! this smau is js for fun and crack ykyk as well as js for fictional purposes only! feel free to send asks to talk abt this smau w me!!!
( 💬 means there r written parts! )
NOTICE ! please DO NOT spam like, bc it will shadowban me
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status COMPLETE ! 25/04/23 — 23/06/23 ﹟╳×
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⊹ ˚. PROFiLES . . ! ONE ⋮ TWO ��៰ ͘ ࣭⸰
▹ SIDE A ᶻz
001. omg hit tweet
002. he can pull??
003. u still love me right?
004. let me be delulu
005. lover with a $ sign
006. he’s kinda??
007. help i’m dying here
008. lemme make it up to u
009. careful w ur feelings
010. living the dream
011. just us?
012. ur turning into heeseung
013. cute (friendly) date 💬
014. kay why es
015. watch me?
016. what is this betrayal
017. ykw i get the hype 💬
018. jake’s cupid era
019. sunoo is my rolemodel
020. your biggest supporter 💬
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▹ SIDE B ᶻz
021. too much?
022. must’ve been why
023. like she played me
024. sleep well baby riki
025. sunoo has a plan… 💬
026. hi pretty girl
027. not now, not ever 💬
028. what are you planning
029. something feels wrong
030. did i ruin it all?
031. he makes me feel content
032. don’t you get it?
033. i’m sorry
034. your pretty girl
035. you’ll always be my winner
Heeseung spinoff : it’s a wrap!
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© aernx 2023 / do not steal, copy, translate — hope you enjoy my works! first smau kinda nervous!! let me know if you have any suggestions !
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byunpum · 10 months
Mama's Boy | Part 3
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: Kinda sad, cozy moments, conflict.
Note:I've had so many ideas for this mini-series. Cuz yeah, now I've turned it into a mini-series xD. I think it's going to have two more parts or who knows. But thank you so much for the support, by the way I recently opened a KO-Fi…. if you want to leave any tips or support I would appreciate it (it would help me to buy real coffee xD). But still we are very close to reach my followers goal, you guys are amazing.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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You still couldn't believe you were with your family. Neteyam, kiri and tuk were helping neytiri prepare breakfast. Jake was next to you, while lo'ak had his head in your lap. The boy may have been twice your size, but he was always looking for a way to snuggle with his mother. He had his eyes closed, while you gently stroked his hair. "Looks like someone around here is falling asleep," jake says, watching as lo'ak settles more into your lap. You smile, bending a little to place a soft kiss on lo'ak's cheek. "He missed me so much, huh?" you speak, jake moves closer to you. For now he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "yeah…he was hopeless" jake looks at lo'ak, he had definitely fallen asleep. "My poor beautiful baby" you speak. "You know he's all grown up" jake teases a little, but he does it with tenderness. You've always been that way with all the kids in the family. You were the mother who spoiled them.
On the other hand, you felt a little bad for lo'ak. You knew that these last few months must have been difficult for him. Of course, being away from you. The whole mess with the RDA. But the little problem between him and his father. Jake could be a little strong with lo'ak, always comparing him to neteyam. This situation had been the beginning of a few arguments between Jake and you. They never became serious and always looked for a solution. But you knew that if you were present things had to get a little out of control.
"Come here…the food is ready" says neytiri. You carefully lift lo'ak up, watching as the boy stands up and sits down. Everyone settles in together, neteyam runs as fast as he can settling in next to you. "Hey…move!!!" lo'ak pushes neteyam a little. "skxawng let me…I want to be next to mom too" neteyam and lo'ak start to fight. In a quick move you pull lo'ak's tail, dragging him hard so that he sits on your left side. "By eywa… Here's an empty space" you scold them both. Neytiri couldn't contain her laughter, they looked so cute. It had been a long time since the whole family had been together.
Breakfast was served very quickly, everyone was happy. Telling the anectodes they had lived, catching up with each other. The room was so bright and happy. It seemed as if nothing bad was happening. "mom I have to show you my ilu" says tuk excitedly. "ilu? What is that?" you ask because everything she was telling you was new to you. You had arrived in the early morning. And you hadn't left the marui at all, even jake sneaked you from the ikran to the marui. "They are a type of ikran…but aquatic" neytiri explains to you, this makes you more curious. "yessss mom you will love them, and the beaches…ahhh" kiri was so excited, planning everything she was going to do with you. But jake interrupts them for a moment, "kids…I know you are excited about your mother's arrival, but remember I still have to talk to the clan leaders" jake speaks, watching as all the family's faces changed to one of concern.
"Are they that bad?" you look at neytiri with concern. "They're not bad…tonowari is friendly and I'm sure she'll understand. But ronal…she's the problem" jake gets a little nervous, knowing he'll have to talk to them soon. "She's very problematic" neytiri says rolling her eyes back. "but mom isn't going to leave…is she?" lo'ak holds your hand tightly. "I'm going to stay?" you look at Jake, waiting for his answer. Jake caresses your face. "Of course you are…it's definite. Y/N is staying with us" jake speaks. Lo'ak moves closer to you, curling his hand between your arm. He looked like a larva next to you, and on your other side was neteyam imitating lo'ak. You squeeze their hands tighter, hoping they know you're not going anywhere.
After breakfast, neytiri insisted that you take a nap. The journey through the night and into the early morning had been a long one. So she adjusted the hammock she and Jake shared. "Here the three of us will sleep…it's very comfortable. You should get some rest," says neytiri, she was so excited about your arrival. She felt complete again. Jake completed a part of her soul, but you were her soul mate. You did everything together, the connection you two had was very special. "well you're right…I'm a little tired" you stretch out, climbing into the hammock to rest. As you were settling in, neytiri was talking to you. Until lo'ak approaches from the other side. "Mama!!!" lo'ak yells. Neytiri taps him on the head. "Be quiet…mama is going to sleep" neytiri scolds him, but you touch lo'ak's face. "What's wrong my darling?" you see lo'ak's little ears pull back.
"Then…are we going to make the bracelets we always make for my birthday?" lo'ak looks at you with wide eyes. Neytiri opens her eyes, and you look at her with concern. By your arrival they had both forgotten about the boy's birthday. "Of course we did…but mom needs to rest" you reassure the boy. Lo'ak smiles excitedly, walking away to go get everything ready for when you get up. "this day has been crazy and it's only just started" neytiri says, watching you laugh. She takes your hand and gives it a gentle kiss. "Rest" neytiri pulls away, leaving you to rest. You had to process everything that was going on, you settle a little in the hammock and close your eyes.
On the other hand, Jake had left the Marui after finishing breakfast. He was determined to do whatever it took to get you to stay with them. Jake arrived at tonowari and ronal's marui. The pair got up from the floor when they saw jake approaching. "hello…good morning" jake speaks, greeting both bosses. He felt like he was about to throw up, the matkayina clan had been so kind to them. He had recently accepted them into the clan, and now he was about to drop some big news. "How can we help you?" asks Ronal, inviting Jake to sit down. Jake sits down, placing his hands on his thigh nervously. "I came to ask you for a favor," jake says. Ronal looks quickly at his partner, tonowari signals jake to continue. "I know I haven't expressed myself honestly…but my family is bigger than you think" says jake. Tonowari now looks confused. What was this man talking about.
"I had to leave one of my children's mothers in the jungle, because it was dangerous for her to come with us. But recently I brought her here…to the clan," Jake says, swallowing hard. Jake was looking both leaders in the eye. "Another mother? How were you able to leave one of your mates? What was the reason?" asks tonowari. Jake settles back on his ankles, he was sweating a little. "The reason I couldn't bring her is that she's…she's a person from the Sky" jake speaks, there was a rather long silence for jake's liking." You're saying there's a demon living among us!!!" shouts ronal, the woman gets up from the ground. She looked upset. "No wait!!! She's harmless…I can" jake tries to explain everything, trying to make eye contact with tonowari. "Jake sully…what have you done?" tonowari looked annoyed, but calm at the same time. For some reason over the past few months the two men had become good friends. "She's the mother of my children too…I" jake is interrupted by ronal. Which was now in front of him. "How is it possible!!!?" ronal is hysterical, a demon in her clan. She couldn't allow something like that.
"Y/n…she is the mother of my third child, lo'ak. She carries, raises and is the mother of my son. I know it's crazy, but you must believe me. She won't do any harm, tonowari listen" jake tries to approach his friend. "She is part of the omaticaya clan, she is someone who has earned the trust of our clan. She is a na'vi" jake tries to speak as slowly as he can. " A na'vi…you're crazy!!!" ronal sits down next to his partner, taking his hand. "Jake…I don't think…everything you're telling me is a lot" tonowari is at a loss for words. "I know it's hard to understand and hard to believe. But I'm asking you to please let her stay. She is part of our family, if you want I can bring her here…and" jake is again interrupted by ronal.
"No…she won't stay here. It is impossible for a human to give birth to a na'vi child. Second she is dangerous, she is a demon!!!" ronal shouts, but that word awakens something in jake that he was trying to control. "SHE IS NOT A FUCKING DEMON…AND I ASK FOR A LITTLE RESPECT, BECAUSE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MY PARTNER AND THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN" jake yells, getting up from the ground. This action causes tonowari to become defensive. Imitating jake, getting up. "Jake you don't need to yell at my partner like that" tonowari confronts him. "And she shouldn't talk about my family like that" jake takes a deep breath. Preparing to exit the marui. "I appreciate everything you have done for me and my family….but if you don't accept her. I think it would be best if we left" jake speaks, exiting the marui in annoyance.
He knew he shouldn't have yelled like that, much less at Ronal. But he could let them talk bad about you. If there was one person who had never hurt anyone, it was you. Even in the great war with the RDA you never… had blood on your hands. Jake arrived at the marui, finding only you and neytiri. You were still lying in the hammock, while Neytiri was weaving a basket. You both looked so happy and carefree. Jake remains silent, watching as both women looked at him with concern. "Is something wrong?" neytiri asks watching as jake sits down next to you. "Jake?" you knew that face something had happened. Jake is silent for a good while, trying to calm down and get the news out that he was going to say. "I think we'll be leaving this place tomorrow…all of us" Jake says, Neytiri adjusts in her seat. And you quickly get out of the hammock, confused. "What are you talking about honey?" you speak. Jake reaches over and strokes your cheek, your partner's eyes reflecting frustration. "I tried to talk to them…but all they did was offend you" jake swallows hard, dragging the back of his neck. "I crossed the line…and yelled at ronal. I couldn't stand them talking bad about you" jake speaks, you hold his hand. Sitting next to him. "my eywa…what did you do?" neytiri was upset, she was tired of moving from one side to the other.
"If I have to go back to the jungle I'll do it…" you speak, but you see how neytiri and jake look at you with wide eyes answering you with a big 'No'. Jake was not going to let you go back to camp. The family had already decided that you would stay with them, no matter what. Now the problem was telling the kids the news, but they had to. That same day you broke the news to the children. While neteyam, tuk and kiri looked a little upset because they had to leave the place, as they were getting used to it. Lo'ak didn't really care, after his mother was with him. On the other hand you felt very guilty, this wouldn't be happening if you weren't here. You were the problem and it was killing you. Your people were already the problem that Pandora had, but now you were also the problem that your family had.
You were sitting in a corner of the marui, everyone had started to pack everything. According to Jake, they were leaving the next morning. Neytiri looks at you, you were wrapped up like a little ball in a corner. She knew you…she knew you were feeling guilty. Neytiri didn't care for humans, the only human she ever allowed in her life was you. You are the only human she trusts and loves. Neytiri knew that none of what was happening was your fault, she never blamed you or held you responsible for the cruelties your species did, she never would. Because for her you were another creature, as if you were a being apart from your own race. Neytiri approaches you, kneeling down to now be at your level. You look up, meeting Neytiri's gaze. She had a warm smile plastered on her lips. "You know I hate it when you feel guilty," says neytiri.
"But it is… and you know how true. I shouldn't be around you guys, I'm one of the biggest problems you have and I" you are interrupted, when neytiri in one swift movement grabs your wrist and lifts you off the ground. Dragging you into her arms, hugging you tightly. From the emotion and stress you have been carrying all these months you collapse in her arms. And you begin to cry, this attracts the attention of the whole family. Kiri quickly approaches, and accompanies neytiri in the hug and tuk also joins in. "You are not a problem for this family…You are not like them, you will never be like your species. I know…I bet everything on you" says neytiri, pulling away a little from the hug, to fix several pieces of your hair. "I get sad when you cry," says tuk, and you try to calm down, caressing the little girl's face.
Jake is packing things, with neteyam's help. They are both looking at the scene, Jake looks at Neteyam. He looked a little upset, "everything okay?" asks Jake, watching as Neteyam lets go of what he was doing. "I don't understand why they don't accept mom…she's our mother and…I don't understand" neteyam is frustrated. He wishes everyone could see you like they see you here. "teyam not all people think like us and have the same understanding. That's why we'll find another place…we'll be fine" jake taps his son on the arm. Jake turns all around, looking for lo'ak. "Hey where's your brother?" jake asks, neteyam lifts his shoulders. "Mmmm I don't know, he said something like 'I want to take one last walk'" neteyam speaks. Jake sighs loudly, he hopes lo'ak doesn't do anything stupid before he leaves, otherwise he was going to kill him.
On the other hand… lo'ak was determined to behave like a man, like a warrior. He looked for tsireya, the girl was talking to roxto when he saw lo'ak approaching her. "Hello!!!" the girl got excited when she saw him, lo'ak had been missing for a long time. "Hi…hey can I ask you a favor?" the boy asks. Roxto and tsireya gave each other a look. "I need to talk to your father" says lo'ak, he looked determined and confident. "Ahh I don't think so… dad talked about something like he had an argument with your father and I don't think it's the right thing to do" says tsireya.
"I know…but that's why I want to talk to him. I'm sure he'll understand me" says lo'ak. The girl thought for a moment, she didn't think it was the right thing to do. But something told her she had to let him talk to her father. "Ok…come with me" says tsireya, starting to lead lo'ak towards the familiar marui. Ronal was not in the marui, and to lo'ak's luck there was only tonowari. The man sees who is accompanying his daughter, and sighs aloud. "What brings you here?" says tonowari. Lo'ak greets him respectfully. " Dad… lo'ak wants to talk to you" says tsireya.
"But I don't want to talk to him," says tonowari, going on about his business. The girl looks worriedly at lo'ak. But he steps forward. "Sir…please, I need you to listen to me" says lo'ak, making eye contact with the man. Tonowari thinks for a moment, but agrees. Tsireya steps away and leaves them alone. "Why don't you sit down boy" says tonowari. Lo'ak sits down, in comparison to his father. Lo'ak had a serious and determined posture.
"Go ahead…I'm listening" says tonowari. Lo'ak clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "I know you and my father had an argument this morning, and it was about my mother. I know it's hard to understand, that a human is the mother of a na'vi. But look at me…I am proof of that" lo'ak points to himself, raising his hands to show you. "Take a good look at me…I am a hybrid…a mixture of my father and mother. And I'm still a na'vi. You people may think I'm a monster," lo'ak says.
"I don't think that…boy, she is a sky person, they have destroyed everything they touch" says tonowori. "But my mother hasn't destroyed anything and anyone. She is the best person that can exist. She has been through so much… I just want her to be with us. For her to be safe, because she is in danger too." Lo'ak moves closer to the man. "Please give her a chance…a time of trial. And if she does not convince you, we will leave. But I swear to you my mother is not dangerous" Lo'ak is practically begging to accept his mother into the clan. Lo'ak had never been one to beg for help, but for you. He would give the world, he needed you to be here. And he also knew that the whole family needed you.
Lo'ak gets up from the floor, tonowari said and spoke nothing. He just looks seriously at the boy. Lo'ak thanks him for taking care of him and starts his way to the marui. When he arrives he sees how the whole family was packing. "Where were are you?" asks neytiri. "I was saying goodbye to my friends" says lo'ak, walking towards you. Neytiri gives you a look and you signal that you were in charge. Lo'ak sitting down next to you, laying his head on your shoulder. "Mom?" lo'ak speaks softly, just for you to hear. "Yes?" you speak, as you go about your own business. "You're awesome, you know that?" lo'ak says. Feeling you stop, you turn to look at him. You press a kiss to his hair, and he swears he sees your eyes fill with tears. "I know honey…I know" you joke. Lo'ak is just waiting for tonowari to think about what he told him. he needs eywa to help him.
P.s. This part was going to be longer, but I think I got carried away. XD So I split it so there would be another part, I hope you like it. Wait for the next part <3
Tag: @baybaybear1 @hoodiepandaninja16 @teyyyteyyy @anika-rose-walker @victoria2054 @raviolisblog @jessi-dan @neteyams-wh0re @jimfiqs @bitchykittenconnoisseur @chershire23 @holynightnacho @danilezilla
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 month
dating the ninja: series (headcanons) | lloyd garmadon , jay walker x reader<3 ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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a/n: theres a word limit, and i dont have enough space to add all the ninjas in one whole post, so we're doing this in parts of two. hence; series! part one will be lloyd and jay :) also this is mostly my old writing, words may not be spelled correctly.
warnings: none really, more like i cant remember lol
just enjoy (╥﹏╥)
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 · It took him so long to consider liking you. He's been through so much, especially after Harumi, he's scared to fall in love again. 
 · But he's been with you, even before Harumi and he knows you're not a bad person. He just has some trust issues her's trying t deal with. 
 · Harumi kinda broke him :/
 · After considering his crush on you, it was Jay and Kai's mission to make him confess to you. Nya was with you on the other end. You told her you liked Lloyd for while and she had the biggest, dorkiest smile on her face as she squealed and hugged you. 
 · When Jay confessed to her, she was speechless, she can only imagine the pain you feel not being able to tell the person you liked them. 
 · Confessing to you was the hardest thing he's ever had to do. He would stammer on his words, make weird Lloyd noises like groans or whines when he messed up on a simple sentence, and his face would be as red as a tomato. 
 · You felt stunned when Lloyd stood in front of you waiting for a response. You would say nothing but give him a hug and said 'I love you too, Lloyd.' and he had tears of joy falling from his eyes.
 · Nya, Kai, and Jay would be in the back hiding, spying on the too. When they say them hug and kiss each other on the lips, Jay jumped out a screamed "LET'S GOO!!" 
 · Durning the relationship, Lloyd would be the sweetest boyfriend even though he has no clue what he's doing. He wants to give you the world, but has no idea how to do that. 
 · He's also not the best with PDA. He's never received much as a kid, so he gets a bit jumpy when someone hugs him by surprise or when he holds someone for a certain amount of time.
 · Comic store dates>>>
 · He has no idea how to plan a date, so he normally asks if you want to go to the comic book store with him and you'll go from there.
 · One time a date ended with you both getting ice cream and taking a walk around the beach docks. Wanting to take a peaceful selfie of you and him and a sudden seagull came and snatched his ice cream right out of his cone, hitting him in the face.
 · You now have a photo of a burry Lloyd losing a fight to a seagull while your in the back scared but laughing at the same time. 
 · You taught Lloyd how to ride a bike. When he was still younger you noticed how little he knew about riding a bike, so when he grew you were able to show him and he got a little bit embarrassed when the guys found out.
 · When you both sleep, Lloyd's normally the first to wake up but he's  g r u m p y !!! 
 · He wakes up because of training and because of that he's kinda forgotten how to sleep in in the mornings. Hence why's he's so tired in the mornings and sometimes afternoons? 
 · He's also nervous to cuddle you while you sleep, but it's cute when they guys catch him snuggling into him like a cat in the mornings. He tends to cuddle into you during your and his sleep, it's so cute to catch. 
 · Did I mention he's a cat person? Lol
 · Run your fingers through his hair, tell him he's worth it, just make him feel proud of himself and he'll be wrapped around your finger just like that.
 · He's willing to do anything for you, do the same for him!
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 · Non-stop kisses. Whenever he sees you you better be ready to be bombarded by kisses to the lips, cheeks, nose, and even forehead from the Lightning Ninja!
 · He likes to sneak up behind you and give you surprise kisses on the cheek. He loves seeing the way you jump forward when he scares you and when he sees that blush that forms on your face? He's gonna 'awe' at it and poke your cheek.
 · He was the first one to confess to you. It was actually not planned out even though he did plan it out with the help from Kai and Cole, but of course, it backfired during a 'date' Kai and Cole made up for the two of you.
 · He ended up blurbing it out all in one breath-
 · You shut him by placing a gentle kiss on his lips, pulling away, and giving him the sweetest of smiles. "I love you too, JJ." 
 · The amount of confidence he's got now because of that moment>>
 · Kai got a bit jealous when he was told Jay was able to get himself a lover before him, and Jay took advantage of that always giving you a quick kiss on the lips when Kai walks by, wrapping an arm around your waist during movie night and seeing the angry look Kai gave him. 
 · Jay never felt more pleased- PFT
 · Kai soon found Skylor and his jealousy was soon gone. 
· Dates happen more often than you think. He takes you to the movies, gets some food, but he's sometimes broke and only has enough for take-out and you both sit in your room in your apartment and watch some Netflix. 
 · You both like to help PIXAL repair some of the vehicles. The Bounty is the main vehicle you repair. The Super Sonic Radar is also one of them and Jay adores the time you both have while PIXAL'S basically third-wheeling. 
 · If you go to school, Jay loves to walk with you. He'll offer to carry your bags, books, heck he even offered to carry you! 
 · When you make it to school, Jay acts like it's the last time he'll ever see you again.
 · 'Do you haaave to go? I'll be alone allll day without your cuddles." 
 · He gave you the cutest of puppy dog eyes, but you tried to endure it and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "I'll be back later, Jay. Don't get your bolts in a knot!"
 · You came back and he tackles you, every daywhen you come home it's adorable.
 · His favorite place to kiss you has got to be your nose. The way it scrunches up is so cute he can kiss it all day. His hands are on your cheeks, but they're sometimes also in your hair or hands. 
 · He's a cuddle bug, if you haven't already known, he can hug you all day and he will! One morning he refused to remove himself from your touch, so he rolled onto your back and you struggled to stand up...but once you did you basically gave him a piggyback ride until it was time to train. 
 · For breakfast he just chewed on a piece of buttered toast and Zane was not pleased. He told Jay to eat a proper breakfast but Jay was too into the toast and your warm touch to listen to the Nindroid. 
 · Speaking of mornings, Jay takes up almost the entire bed it's so hard to share one with him, but you're able to somehow get some room, but his hand is smacking you in the face and his legs are tangled with yours. Thank god you are used to it.
 · When he wakes up there's drool on the sheets but he just wipes it down with his hands and turns back onto his back where he accidentally pushes you off the bed now he's awake when he hears a loud thud and you standing up with a scream causing him to scream.
 · You rarely cuddle in the morning because one Jay pushed you out of bed and two you're both wide awake. 
 · He uses such dorky nicknames like, what??
 · " Hey Cutie Patootie!  "Snuggle Muffin"   
       ( or if your a boy )
 · "Mister Man"  "Baby Boy"
 · He's cringe but that's okay 
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