#I support trans and anyone
cringywhitedragon · 3 months
I’m going to put this out there, yes I am a Harry Potter fan and no I do not support what JKR says on a certain community
If you have an issue with me or others liking the series/and or believe that ppl who support trans/non-TERFS cannot enjoy the series then please block and move along is all I ask.
I do not post on the series often because of this whole drama crap with Rowling (whom I DO NOT agree with) and the dumb shit she’s been saying it breaks my freaking heart that ppl will villainize/harass others who had nothing to do with her views just for liking a series. I’m in no way defending her words her words or actions for what she has said nor do I endorse those sort of things.
All I’m asking is this if you do have issues with ppl who like the series, then please go ahead and block tags/blogs relating to the franchise if it makes you feel uncomfortable instead of attacking people and or calling them a TERF/Transphobe right off the bat for liking the series (This mainly goes for a select few of the community who were harassing streamers for playing Hogwarts Legacy, please don’t do that as you are only making the LGBTQ+/Trans community look bad because of some bad apples and plus, it’s a good thing about Tumblr with tags).
Just hoping this little piece of advice and post helps coming from a HP Fan even if you don’t like the series because of Rowling. The vast majority of the fandom holds no ill will against you or your identity and if you don’t feel comfortable, plz block tags and such and don’t interact. I do not want you to get upset or feel uneasy so please do yourself a favor and keep away if you need to.
You can hate the creator, but still love the series
Thank you and hope you all have a lovely day folks, and please remember to treat your fellow humans with respect who aren’t total backwards folks. Please treat each other with respect regardless of a person’s identity or if you don’t have anything good to say, keep it to yourself as silence is golden in these situations.
I cannot change a person’s opinions on a franchise nor do I intend to do just that, you are entitled to your own opinions and I respect that as you cannot satisfy everyone.
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[ID: Tweets from Emily 'Soup Lesbian' Gwen (@theemilygwen) on twitter with the following text:
Well, just left a job interview crying because the hiring manager told me they liked my application but were disappointed that I didn't bother dressing appropriately. I tried to explain that I haven't been able to afford new clothes in years but I just couldn't handle it.
That comment and my reaction was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I thought I put together a decent outfit for the job with what I had, and hearing her say that just destroyed me.
Anyway I'm still looking for work and struggling a lot. Even $5 would help pay for a meal. ko-fi.com/emilygwen
End ID]
Please help Emily Gwen, the creator of the lesbian flag. If you show me that you donated any amount I will draw you something. You can also support them by buying something from their Threadless store!
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
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a comic about not being alone.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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webcxre · 2 months
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more kidpix art bc im getting a kick out of it
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Toph goes to the Jasmine Dragon in Ba Sing Se and meets Zuko as Lee, knows he's lying about his name, but just assumes that he's trans but hasn't come out yet
She keeps dropping hints that she's an ally and not a snitch
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aropride · 1 year
on famous birthdays right now and seeing things like "[full name], 9, youtube star" underneath a picture of a little kid is kind of making me want to kill someone. it's a picture of this kid when they were much younger, too. this kid has been online since they were born. they've been running this channel nonstop for 9 years. i could watch this child's entire fucking life from birth to the present right now. it just seems so fucking dystopian to me
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seafoamwoman · 6 months
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random pages i scanned from useless magic 💖🏳️‍⚧️
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sinistersuns · 2 months
I hope more people who feel they’re leftists begin to realize that genuinely hating men AND/OR immediately assuming a man (or someone you perceive as a man) you don’t know is out to harm you is t3rf behavior. This belief will not keep you safe, it’s meant to isolate you and put the marginalized men around you in danger. Hating men will not do shit to the bigoted cishet white men in power, but it’ll tell the marginalized men around you that they aren’t welcome around you. This extends to anyone who looks like cis society’s idea of a man, but isn’t actually one, too - do y’all really think trans people of ANY gender say “okay I’m x gender now” and are immediately treated like that gender by society as a whole? Do you think your fear of anyone with facial hair and a deep voice will stop at dangerous cis men, and that only dangerous cis men have those traits? And I’m specifying DANGEROUS cis men because cis men as a group aren’t inherently dangerous. The way someone looks or identifies says nothing about whether they’re “safe” or not! I thought we fucking learned this!!
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feline-evil · 1 month
Dick or no dick confirmation Pickles was always going to be trans to me anyways; if he's swingin' somethin that's phallo babes, if he's not then his t-dick fat. What's not to get.
#metalocalypse#jay talkin#I'm sorry they wrote that awful gross little man far too likeable and relatable to on a trans level#for me not to hoot and holler and cheer for the trans pickles agenda#changes nothing about his character arc or any of the show anyone is capable of being the kind of person he is#don't make the mistake of thinking thats exclusive to cis men#his transness wouldnt change that#only adds on an extra layer to him that i think works fantastically.#Listen that dude was rejected by his family driven to drink and drugs young to escape that ran away to be in a band#is called fucking Pickles of all things and refuses to tell anyone his real last name;#over the span of four seasons and two movies he slowly starts to learn to be for others what he never had#he becomes more caring more supportive#it's not a stretch to say he undoes some of the toxic masculinity he's been keeping himself shielded behind#and learns how to be a kinder man.#all of which have no contradictions with him being trans!#In fact it doesn't take much extra thought to find ways a lot of this can line up with some trans masculine experiences#i mean. Did no one else have a younger phase where they swung as far as they could into crass rude and uncaring ways#to try and assert their masculinity only to grow and realise that you can be a man and be more caring.#Did no one else have father issues. 1 800 come on now i know those are both shared experiences a lot of us have had LOL.#at the end of the day this show aired nearly 20 years ago and is finished. we're not getting more of it#so nothing is altered nor changed if pickles is canonically trans or not ok. its fine#i mean hell i dont even need canon confirmation hes trans to me and thats all i care abt#but i think if yr getting suuuuuper weird abt needing him not to be canonically trans you have some issues#and bio essentialist ideals of gender if you think only a cis man can act like he does#again. anyone can be like that. its not exclusive. him being trans would not change him in any way shape or form lol#AND ALSO GODDDUUUGH for once i love getting to see a guy pushing 50 whos depicted as trans#do you have any idea how dire and barren it is out here. we never get to see a trans guy older than 30 and whos not a pristine model#I WANT MORE OLD SHLUBBY SHITHEAD TRANS GUYS IN MEDIA
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princessefemmelesbian · 10 months
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Well would you look at this. 😵‍💫 Because obviously if you dare say anything as wild and controversial as “lesbians don’t like men, please stop using a label that hurts us and tries to force men into our identity” you’re a raging terf radfem transmisogynist. Because obviously ONLY trans women use the bi lesbian label and it’s not like there are transfem lesbians who are rightfully against the label as well or anything and it’s not like terfs use the label to refer to cis lesbians who date trans women and why can’t you just let people identify as how they want of course lesbians like men stop the infighting already if you disagree with me that lesbians can like men then surely that’s because you’re an exclusionist gatekeeper who hates trans women.
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flipclock · 3 months
People who say "transandrodorks/babies" don't get it. They don't get that the people talking about anti-transmasculinity are not inherently tied to the same people who think trans fems are oppressors, that trans women shouldn't have words to define their own oppression or any other TERF talking point. As soon as I mention the current discourse around anti-transmasculinity existing someone brings up how trans fems are not our oppressors- which is obvious and not what I'm talking about. Trans mascs having words to talk about our own issues is NOT taking anything away from trans fems.
I don't align myself with the TERFs and transmisogynists who are using the anti-transmasculinity movement to further their own anti-transfem agenda. I also do not immediately associate trans fems talking about their oppression with the trans fems who are currently calling us "transandrobabies". I just wish that we would be given that same understanding.
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auau5n · 30 days
my family is having a hard time understanding what feeling like a boy is/ what it means to be trans. they're supportive, but they can't understand what defines being a girl/boy/nonbinary, or feeling those ways. so! if you could put in the tags or comments what it means to be trans/cis to you and explain that to the best of your ability, that would help me a lot. also reblog for greater reach of course. thanks for the help guys :]
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raynedayys2 · 6 months
Trans rights are cool, but do you support....
Trans wrongs?
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hotcuppacocoa · 6 months
You know how personas 99% of the time are the same sex as their user
i find myself enjoying the idea that, since a persona is a shield to face the hardships of life with, like the idea of
what if those incongruencies are just “yeah they’re trans and this persona being their assigned sex at birth instead of their actual gender means they might have to closet themselves sometimes for their own safety” or something like that
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woomycritiques543 · 11 months
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Um... I was on Youtube and I just saw this cursed af image of Moxxie in an upcoming ep. ..WTF is going on??
Ok, already answered this, but:
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The stans harassed me real hard for this one. One even called drag queens "F&&GOTS!" and said that the laws I literally said were genocide were "GOOD LAWS!" because some of them, are just that desperate for Helluva Boss softcore porn that they'd let stereotypes of androgynous people being stereotyped as "A DANGER TO CHILDREN!" be released to the public, in the middle of a harsh political climate from people using the exact stereotype Vivziepop put into this episode to justify a potiential minority genocide.
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Multiple fans either supported the ant-trans laws, are homophobic, or called me saying that trans lives don't deserve to die for being trans "MAKING ME LOSE BRAINCELLS! SO STUPID!"
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So even something as universal as:
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"Hey Spindlehorse, this is an episode that contains stereotypes that are currently being used against the lgbt+ community to encourage a genocide happening in Florida right now towards androygnous people, transgender people, and drag queens and transphobes have been trying to make lgbt+, as a whole, look like "a danger to/around kids!" to try to justify getting us harassed, abused, along with killed and to use the public's fear of what they dont understand to vote more transphobes into office. transphobes! So maybe, actually care about your representation of minorities instead of shoving in stereotypes for 4chan views? Especially at a time where we need all the good representation we can get and releasing this episode so soon could cause literal deaths within the lgbt+ community to have an even further chance of happening if there's more public media representing us as "A danger around children." You know... a stereotype being used, right now, to justify a literal genocide against minorities, and conservatives are using these stereotypes to make people paranoid of us and our existence, so Vivienne, maybe consider your timing for the sake of the lgbtqia community, as a whole -and dont release this episode in such a politically hostile climate towards LGBTQ+ known as 2023 and post pone it until things cool down so people don't potientially get killed because more people voted for Desantis because of your content for the love of God, stereotypes are not "just hyperbole!" this is getting serious now at this point what are you doing?!"
Still ended up causing the stans to say shit like this, because they're that hellbent on getting more material of Moxxie being fetishized and mocked for being feminine as rushed out as possible, even to the level of sexualizing him while he's meant to be disguised as a preteen girl, that they'd ignore real life genocide towards minorities and how Vivziepop's episode will 100% effect the votes towards Desantis next year, so these are the exact stereotypes Viv should not be using in this episode, at all, especially this year, as conservatives have been trying to make us look like a "DANGER AROUND CHILDREN!" for decades and to release this episode in a political climiate currently using this exact stereotype to try to justify genocide towards the trans community, if it means that they get to further fetishize feminine men by calling them "FEMBOYS!" and jacking off to more Helluva Boss hentai on 4CHAN and Rule 34, and instead of... I dont know... caring about real people that are suffering right now?!
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.... this is the "progressive good faith!" standom Vivziepop told you about... they're definitely not "good faith" that's for sure.
So it's no wonder why there are multiple Vivziepop stans that would ignore or defend something like Vivziepop's transphobic dms or ignore the fact that she supports Blaire White:
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PS: Femme Moxxie is not "cursed. Femme Moxxie is still just as valid and cool as macullaine Moxxie. Double PS: The fact that I even heard the words "trans genocide are good laws!" come out of a Helluva Boss stan's mouth, right after Pride Month, RIGHT after Pride Month, shows just how down the shitter this fandom has become.... holy shit...
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stopgorepeat · 2 years
While we're all talking about Andhra being ace and Rue coming out extremely publicly can we talk about that beautiful moment. Immediately after Rue reveals their true form, Andhera goes to them, embraces them, which we know canonically is the most true demonstration of comfort and platonic affection in the unseelie court, and expresses sadness that they ever felt the need to hide as well as a reassurance that they are not alone.
The soft eyes and queer solidarity had me more choked up than anything yet. Oscar said it is always a dice role to come out, and is correct. But I hope everyone has their moment of terror in the face of being out balmed by the comfort of understanding and the validation of not being alone.
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