#I swear tho he really likes it so far tho haha
arrozconlecheeee · 5 months
My brother in law in killing me😭
He downloaded HPMA cause he wanted to bond ig and when he got to the customization screen and saw the ashy dark skin tones, he went
‘bruh they need some lotion, why tf they so ashy for’😭💀💀💀💀
He likes the game✨
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sysig · 6 months
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Getting up to trouble is his speciality (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#The Captain#Mixed set! :D Lots of singular doodles - one-offs or ones that apply to a few different scenes#The kiss is random tho <3 I still haven't gotten to ZEX showing off his uniform to Zelnick! I want them to!!#Him seeing his Captain in his uniform was so lovely tho <3 I love Big Love and that was so <3 Hehe#Smooch ♥#ZEX does not eat enough ;; He eats like a bird and it's highly distressing#I actually wrote in my notes that I was surprised he wasn't hurting In The Same entry as when he was experiencing hunger pangs haha#It doesn't help that he tends to talk through meals rather than eat - he's so much more interested in making connections with humans!#As far as metaphors go - killing himself for the sake of trying to bridge that gap - I mean it's apt but ZEX please#I think it was while he was talking to Wally at one point that he framed the War in a very flippant light-hearted way which was funny to me#I don't think that's the descriptor most people would use haha#Swearing <3 <3 VUX terminology <3 <3#I want a VUX glossary of terms so badly hehe I've been slowly compiling a few here and there :3 Direct translation! The dream ♫#Him getting stressed enough to swear is very endearing haha ♪ What do you mean I'm endeared by everything he does don't be silly#The next one of me deeply enjoying when he's creepy is not proof of anything! Just because I Happen to also like that!!#I do really love when he's creepy tho agh <3 <3 The mental image of him as The Hunter - casually cornering and capturing his prey <3#In that instance he was interrupted pretty quickly but the setup was there!! And it was extremely good!!!#I love how huffy he gets as well haha ''All these humans interrupting my seduction attempts >O( ...Wait O|'' lol#And finally an exchange on the board between him and Scarecrow haha so many fun faces around!!#I love him being completely baffled by a non-mechanical construct it just short-circuits his brain haha ♥#He's so intelligent but there exists things unknowable!#The image of him tapping his pen is so Incredibly cute ah <3 Where did he learn such a thing! Does it translate from his VUX form to this ♪#Anything everything ♥ Learned or known! It's wonderful
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Siblings Groupchat (Sano's & Akashi's)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of drugs/rehab, mentions of stalking (it's all satirical, mostly, and i'm probably using this word wrong), angst? (i wouldn't consider it such but you'll get what i mean)
Desc: just a lil dive into two groups of sibling trios :) this is also the final timeline where everything is okay
Senju: she ate that
Sanzu: ?
Sanzu: what did she eat
Senju: she ate
Sanzu: what
Sanzu: what was it that she ate
Sanzu: who are we talking about
Senju: purrrr💅
Sanzu: what
Sanzu: what the fuck are you saying
Sanzu: you're pissing me off
Takeomi: can you guys shut up
Takeomi: isn't this for important things? like emergencies.
Sanzu: you act like you'd be any help if it was an emergency
Senju: i'm talking about me btw
Senju: i'm at 4 million followers 😋
Sanzu: well i'm at 4 and a half so☺
Takeomi: don't you guys run the channel together?
Sanzu: we required our fans to vote who they were mostly watching for and who's funnier
Sanzu: and that's me
Senju: you're not funny, people just love twinks these days🙄
Sanzu: fuck does that mean?🤨
Sanzu: i'm not a twink? i've been going to the gym for the past year
Senju: do you go there to take pictures or what?
Senju: cause ain't no way
Senju: also, homosexuality + skinny = twink
Takeomi: haruchiyo's not gay
Senju: and who told you that?🤨
Sanzu: i've never been attracted to anyone ever so
Senju: you have a USB of just pictures of Mikey, you fucking freak
Senju: am i just suppose to beleive you just look at them for fun
Sanzu: i'm just admiring him
Sanzu: like stop making this weird
Senju: i'm making this weird? YOU'RE A STALKER
Sanzu: i'm just hanging out with him from far away
Senju: with binoculars?😐
Sanzu: you wouldn't get it
Senju: your guys' obsession with the Sano's needs to be studied
Sanzu: i'm not obsessed, i'm normal
Senju: you could be arrested yk?
Senju: you know how many followers we lost the last time you got arrested?
Sanzu: they came back didn't they??? my acting in my apology video was oscar level. did you see that fucking tear? we actually got more followers after that so fuck you
Senju: chill😭
Takeomi: the "going to rehab" stunt was really good. even got people supporting you. keep up the publicity kid 👍
Sanzu: ...
Sanzu: i actually hate you tbh
Sanzu: i get addicted to drugs and the first thing you think is "how can i capitalize off of this"
Takeomi: ...that's what you did tho?
Takeomi: why are you blaming me for your drug addiction🤨
Sanzu: and you praised me for it
Sanzu: the only time you say anything nice about me is when you benefit from it, especially when there's money involved
Sanzu: but whatever
Takeomi: you blame all your problems on me. you're an adult and actions have consequences, haruchiyo. you sniffed coke, not me
Sanzu: ...
Sanzu: maybe you should admit you're a shit brother
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Senju: please stop fighting ❤
Senju: peace and love only haha
Sanzu: easy for you to say, he actually likes you
Sanzu: idgaf tho like whatever, i'm leaving
Senju: where?? we have a live in a few minutes
Sanzu: do it without me
Senju: please don't go to the Haitani's, those guys suck, they're a terrible influence
Senju: Haru?
Takeomi: he's gone
Takeomi: don't let him get to you Senju, he's just dramatic
Senju: ...right
Izana: who the fuck is outside our window
Izana: it's 9pm
Mikey: what??
Mikey: lemme look
Mikey: oh lol that's just Haru, don't worry about it
Emma: again? Mikey...
Mikey: what?
Izana: what the fuck do you mean "don't worry about it" ????
Emma: you're enabling him :(
Emma: Haruchiyo has mental problems, so maybe you should tell him that, idk, stalking isn't normal?
Mikey: we're just hanging out tho?
Mikey: but from far away
Kakucho: does anyone see flashes from outside?
Mikey: Haru's just taking pictures of me
Izana: ???
Izana: what the fuck
Shinichiro: hey guys! can you guys get under your beds and hide? i think we might be getting robbed 😄
Shinichiro: but i'll take care of it🤞
Mikey: LMAO😭😭😭😭
Izana: what are you gonna do Shinichiro? if i may ask
Shinichiro: ...protect you
Shinichiro: i'm willing to resort to violence to save you guys
Izana: you can't fucking fight😐
Mikey: we aren't getting robbed! my good friend just likes to watch me from my window sometimes and that's okay. Haruchiyo has his own way of doing things, let him be.
Shinichiro: oh. ok!
Shinichiro: goodnight then, i suppose 🤞❤
Izana: no?
Izana: how long has he been doing this?
Izana: this is so weird wtf
Mikey: god forbid gay people have hobbies
Izana: ...?
Emma: what does this have to do with him being gay?
Mikey: idk i think he's in love with me or something, and that's pretty gay
Mikey: which i don't mind
Mikey: people just fall into my hands, i'm charming like that fr
Emma: ...sure🙂
Izana: whatever makes you sleep at night
Mikey: i don't sleep at night, the crippling depression keeps me up
Emma: you sleep 12 hours a day 😐
Mikey: that's not a lot tho
Kakucho: it's half the day...
Mikey: so
Kakucho: nothing
Shinichiro: guys don't sleep too late
Shinichiro: it's waaaay past your bedtime
Shinichiro: early bird catches the worm and all that 😄
Mikey: ...i'm 24
Mikey: fym bedtime🤨
Izana: yeah uh we're all way too old for that
Izana: except Emma
Izana: you should he asleep
Emma: nope, me and my husband are about to try for a baby😚
Kakucho: *my husband and i
Emma: he says hi btw
Mikey: DUDE
Izana: what are you, 5?
Izana: also we literally didn't need to know that. i'm really grossed out rn
Izana: what made you think that was okay to say
Emma: because you guys are lonely grumpy men and i have a very active and healthy sexual relationship :))
Emma: i'm being maliceful
Emma: *maleficent
Emma: um i forgot the word
Emma: like, purposefully being mean
Emma: AHA
Emma: malicious
Izana: that took you too long
Izana: and what about it? i'm just not ready to be in a relationship rn and that's fine
Emma: you got drunk last night and cried about how lonely you were😐
Izana: lies
Izana: i need to better myself mentally in order to have a healthy relationship
Mikey: lmao is that what your therapist told you?💀
Izana: yes
Mikey: oh
Emma: ok well i'm logging off. bye🤗
Mikey: i'm gonna have to have a conversation with Ken-chin cause he can't be doing this to my little sister
Kakucho: they are married
Mikey: what's your point?
Kakucho: ...nothing
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atlantis-just-drowned · 5 months
HI OH MY GOD. i love your writing style for pluto sm, can i get headcanons for a reader like Eulalie ??? i love her sm <3 ty !!
A/N: Omg thank you so much Anon that's adorable!! I made this a gn!reader haha sorry if that wasn't what was intended-
Pluto x reader who's like Eulalie headcanons
Please reblog this post to show support! Reblogs are what keep me going!
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Oh gosh you're his literal ray of sunshine
You don't even imagine, like
You're the optimist to his pessimistic side
Every time he sees you or hear you he can't help but feel like this world is suddenly a bit warmer and easier to live in
You make him smile
On a daily basis
He basically can't look at you without smiling
Even is he's in a bad mood his heart will melt a bit at your mere presence
I feel like he would be extremely protective of you too
Because you seem so oblivious he gets scared someone might trick you and hurt you :0
So as far as he's concerned, he's right by your side/behind you shooting death stares to any stranger who talks to you
Some will say he's creepy but to you this is the cutest thing in the world
He's your social support catboy
If you want some privacy tho he'll totally respect that and walk away
(but not without glancing at you with worried eyes for as long as he can see you)
But if he doesn't trust the person you're talking to, he'll stay close enough to be able to hear you if you scream or call for him
You know? Just in case anything happens
When he has a bad day he likes to hug you tight and hide his face in you chest or neck
Hug him back and he'll be in heaven
If you ask him what's going on he'll probably just mumble something unintelligible and hug you a little tighter
He likes your positivity and energy
But what he loves the most is to see you in a peaceful state
I'm talking, cuddling him or him cuddling you and you just
Close your eyes
And lay there
With his arms around you
Oh fuck oh shit oh damn he's so screwed his heart is melting inside
He would rather die on the spot than disturb you
He'll never say it out loud but in these moments he just hold you a little tighter and swear to himself that he'll protect you of harm and do everything to make sure you're happy
Even if your happiness doesn't include him, he wouldn't care as long as you stay as peaceful as you look right now for the rest of your life
He will. Literally. Never. Question. Anything that you say.
If you're in the middle of a dangerous situation and you ask him to bring you something
He won't say a word
He'll just do it
Even if it's absolutely useless
You have your reasons
And you must be granted what you asked for
I'm literally not kidding he would do anything you'd ask for, this little guy has an incredible determination
Even if he doesn't understand why you're asking something, he knows your mind functions a little differently from anyone else and he'll support you on that, no question asked
His only limit is that he won't harm himself or harm you in any way, shape or form. If you ask for something dangerous and one of you might get hurt because of it, he'll refuse
Also if you mess up with anything while getting focused on whatever you're doing, he'll make sure to clean up after you
You might not even notice it
But the next time you walk in the same hallway all of the knots you did with the curtains have been untied
Books are in alphabetical order again, no matter how many times you disorganize them
If you like to craft handmade things like necklaces or accessories he'll stay by your side and keep your materials organised
He likes to watch you while you're creating things, you look so sweet and relaxed
Sometime he'll chat with you while you're at it, but if you prefer to stay quiet he'll comply, silence doesn't bother him anyway
He'll remind you to pay attention to things too
Or if you forget you have something important to do
He'll be here to make sure you remember about it
Tho he'll feel a little sad if you forget about one of your dates but he'll understand really
On the other hand he finds it cute if you keep asking him just how long before your next date or hangout
The thought of you being somewhat impatient to spend time with him melts his heart inside <3
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cicad4s · 3 months
toma headcanons because im crazy (cw for stuff on his route + some nsfw):
he smoked in highschool:
in his concept art, he's shown with a cigarette in his mouth (in fact thats one of the only things that was changed from his final design lol). i headcanon that while he was in highschool and very emotionally silly over the heroine / his feelings towards her, he'd kind of avoid her and hang around the "wrong crowds", eventually getting into smoking. he used it as stress relief but its also had the opposite effect bc heroine would KILL him if he ever smoked.. so ? he just kind of sat there feeling guilty and depressed (as toma tends to do).
anyways he quit cold turkey at one point because he got caught by shin. shin was PISSED. he made toma swear that he'd quit immediately otherwise he'd tell the heroine what he was doing (tbh the only threat that would actually work; especially when hes still a teenager and less hateful towards shin). i think he lectured him sooo hard and called him an idiot 5 morbillion times
i feel like i need to clarify that toma was probably the lamest rebellious kid out there. like yeah he smoked but he was doing it bc it was a group expectation, not because he really wanted to.
not entirely inexperienced:
going back to toma in highschool; its canon that he dated a bunch of girls who asked him out, though i don't think he ever got really far with them. i think he's kissed like one girl out of obligation / because he felt like he needed to keep up the act or at least Try to get over the heroine; though i think he probably broke up with that girl soon after. i doubt that any girl he ever dated wouldnt notice his goo goo eyes for the heroine LOL so maybe they knew what they were getting into.
soo i dont think heroine is his first kiss (tho i do think she's his first in other aspects)
sexuality in general:
i think toma is honest to god super repressed in terms of his own sexuality and that's where most of his issues come from. this man does not see ANY (LITERALLY ANY. even nonsexual) of his desires as being normal. that's why he really was so okay with just being onii-chan... it was a safe space for him where he could live in his "wholesome ideals" of a relationship. i feel like most of his talk abt "im a man!!! im a man i could take advantage of you!!" was out of legitimate fear that his sexual side was some beast that he had to keep caged (haha) and that he might hurt the very person he cares abt most in the world. so w that in mind i really can't see this guy being super overtly horny LOL. cage ending aside while i think hes a freak in the sheets or whatever he would be so shy and demure about it all... ahhh heroine... u can't just look at me like that... kyaaa... hes the kind of guy to freeze like a deer in headlights when anything romantic or sexual happens (i like it... but i shouldn't... but i should pull away.. but i don't want to....)
i think hes a soft dom w service top tendencies tee be aich... though id love to go down on him (Who said that ?! )
he totally has a maid fetish imo. it's basically canon so like... that being said it's funny as fuck that he's like Tch... I don't want you to be a maid for other people... you'll just be a maid for me 😈 (in his bad end). like cmon man.
- i like to imagine that toma learned how to drive purely because he wanted to be able to help shin and the heroine out ... he is the reliable older brother chauffeur of your dreams. I also like to think that he really sucked ass at first though and he got pulled over for running a stop sign once.
- this is just me but i hc him with Poland syndrome 👍👍
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It kind of annoys me how JJ has been proven to be a very capable agent (with lots of experience in the bau) and leader time and time again but yet she won’t get promoted. (I know she did lead a team in New Orleans but it’s never been talked about.) And it seems like she’ll never get promoted until Rossi leaves which from the look of things, will never happen despite him being way over the retirement age (no hate to Joe tho). I just wish they would give my girl the recognition she deserves
Yessss agreed with you! JJ being the leader/in charge makes so much more sense ugh! I will say this time and time again, I swear. I will always be on my fucking Unit Chief Jennifer Jareau bullshit.
Rossi leading the team never made sense and he doesn't even want the job in the first place. Emily has already said that she's been wanting JJ to take her place as unit chief, if anything happened to her. I also just want to add on that JJ herself even knew that she would make a great leader: s11 when Antonia Slade calls JJ out and saying she would be a better leader than Hotch but all the world will see her as is a young attractive woman (which hits so much different now ugh) and JJ saying she signed on a list of FBI agents in charge years before hearing she was at the very top of the list. Also not that this has anything to do it, but JJ was captain of her varsity soccer team...
Season 13 was the most time we got to see a taste of how JJ would be as a leader and she is a natural at it! She would never want to seek out Emily's position and is her #1 supporter, but she knows she could handle it. Rossi and Emily also know she can do it, and the team has supported the idea of JJ being in charge. Whatever happened in NOLA, idk but JJ's leadership experience really shines through in s16 (when Rossi supposed to be the one leading them but was going through shit) and in this season, well so far in 17x05, but who knows? And you know what? Despite JJ going through something this season, she's able to push it aside (sadly girl please talk to somebody I'm begging you) for her work. It gives her something to distract herself from her own shit and she did a pretty well done job with it. Like I said, she even handled directing the snipers on where to shoot (and I will credit Garcia in this too for the knowledge on disarming the explosives haha).
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
Hello! just wanted to say that i really don’t mean to make you uncomfortable at all with this ask since i know you’re sex repulsed ace but i swear i don’t mean it in that way. as in in the sex way. it’s more as in the overcoming religious trauma and being proud of ones sexuality way!
picture this : nico di angelo. he’s at the Grammys. he’s just released guilty as sin? and everyone’s going absolutely bonkers bannanas. he’s walking the little carpet (added detail he is wearing the dress taylor wore at the show announcing ttpd). he sees a reporter and smiles at them and there recording and being like “omg nico is love your new song aaaa!” and nico just deadpan stares at them as he slowly walks by and lifts up the slit in his dress just a tiny bit and boom tattoo that says mine. ON HIS UPPER THIGH?!? 😨😨😨😨 he sets his dress back down winks and walks away like nothing ever happened. the reporter ( a gen z) puts it on tiktok with the caption “NICO WTF?!” CROWD GOES WILLLDDDD PEOPLE ARE GOING INSANE NICO THAT NICO HAS A TATTOO AND ITS ESPECIALLY MINE ON HIS UPPER THIGH LIKE IN THE SONG WHEN DID HE GET THIS WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? and everyone assumes it’s just so sexual when in reality it’s sexual in the way that the guilty as sin bridge is sexual. yes it’s based around sexuality but more the acceptance that he is allowed to feel those feelings towards someone especially another man. it’s a celebration of how far he’s come from that little scared christian boy who thought he was dirty and wrong to now and something that he can look down at and be happy from how far he’s come. (also nico had to train will for a few days so that his barely legible doctors handwriting at least looked nice enough to be readable) (also will made the haha so many couples break up after they get tattoos comment when nico was getting it and he was like “will if you ever even try to leave me the entire universe will be destroyed and that includes you” and he’s like “well i wouldn’t leave you anyways but remind me from time to time it’s funny.” “yeppers peppers” (also hc that nico says incredibly silly phrases cause he picked some of them up from will but some of them are his)
anyways sorry about this very specific scenario! you do not have to respond to this if you don’t want to since there isn’t much to say and i know you must be busy with a ton of asks haha. just wanted to share one of the scenes i imagine happening in tyt in the FARRR future! Might low key write a fic about it if i ever figure out how to write if that would be okay with you!
have a good day! :)
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KSDJFSD NO BC ppl's reactions to his tattoos (though, tbf, they're mostly grief-related tattoos) has been something i've been thinking about for agesss and will probably include at some point.
so many little details in this that i LOVEEJSDF nico training will's doctor handwriting😭😭 i actually plan to add a tattoo at some point of will + all of the rest of nico's found family drawing stars and then having like a collection of them on his chest, which i will definitely be including at some point, and i can just imagine nico trying to teach will how to draw a star (he draws them like taylor swift's "stars, do u like dem" drawing)
but on to the main point: i absolutely love this idea! though i'm not planning on guilty as sin actually being a song that nico releases (unfortunately ://) he will 100% be making moves with his music that displays his growth as a person and his increased comfort with himself in all forms!!
the silly phrases hc is wonderful. CANON NOW. i also especially like nico also looking up like old-timey phrases and then just using them for no reason other than to confuse his friends
AND THE CIWYW NECKLACE!!!! will already has nico's ring on his necklace, but i think nico would 100% get either a necklace with a sun on it to represent will (maybe personalized to have the same design that he has as his tattoo) or his initials, or both. the ciwyw necklace will always be peak romance though <33
i would 100% support writing the fic!! go for it!! even if it may not be compliant with the.. idk if it's called the canon of this fic, but you get what i mean, i'd just love any kind of work related to the au, so definitely let me know if you ever end up writing it!!! thank you for this!
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Hey there, its me again, the favorite anon (it seems weird for me to call myself that, i have to find another way to make it known its me) and i just wanted to give a simple answer, felt like i left you hanging about the art thing so sorry. I’ll try to be brief with my answer, about the whole thing that happened that day, i didn’t really get it all just came in and saw there was some weirdness going on, we all make mistakes we’re human after all so its good you apologized, i think.
I’m really invested in how Daryl and Birdie’s relationship will develop, i just knew he was gonna be the biggest helicopter parent lol, bet he’ll be the kind of dad that freaks out after the kid sneezes just once and i’m here for it, i did note that Daryl didn’t really have any suggestions even when reader commented about the name thing way back when he was sick, but didn’t really think it would come into play, i thought it was more of him being sort of insecure haha but i knew it would be Bird related, come on, Bird blanket and her dad is Always wearing a vest with wings? To me, thats cinema.
Also i forgot to comment on the last ask, but Daryl knowing all this stuff from his books but not knowing about the placenta??, its so funny to me, come on man it was too good to be true, most realistic moment for me honestly, men just operate on a different frequency i swear.
And about Lori, well i did note that Daryl joked about her on the first ep of season 3, wasn’t really malicious tho i think Daryl just kinda secretly likes to gossip, like that time he told everybody Merle had the clap for no reason lmao, the idea of Daryl secretly being a gossiper is hilarious. And more Lori? I’LL BE EATING IT UP I KNOW IT, and getting to see more of her and Rick?? Might as well be christmas for me, i’m curious to know what advice she has, i’ll be waiting eagerly for the moment where she just goes ‘’Y/N can you watch Carl for me?’’ that’ll be the moment we know their relationship has peaked. Alright i’m just joking, i love her so much in this fic.
Carol is the gift that keeps on giving, i love how she immediately knew she had to save birdie from these fools, poor kid doesn’t deserve to suffer with a messed up diaper on her first day on this Earth, i’m guessing she’ll be Birdie’s Godmother, if that’s a thing to them anyway, i have a feeling her bond with Birdie will also be very special and just motivate her to be even more of a badass.
Alright about the art, its totally fine, you know its out there sorta like a message in a bottle, it now belongs to the world not me haha i want to keep practicing with these characters when i have more time, this one was made on a tight schedule but who knows, i’m already thinking of what else to make plotting like a supervillain in my lair, but for now i only have a few hours, if you want to post that one its totally cool with me.
Thanks for being so sweet, i hope you are taking care of yourself and taking your time to write, its very important, and yeaaaah 600 words thats me being ‘’brief’’ somebody needs to take this keyboard away from me.
Bye bye <3
My favorite Anon! You just let me know what you want me to call you and I will! 🩵
Don't worry about not answering right away on the art. I just wanted to make sure it was okay before I showed it off. :) I was worried all that shit had chased you off. I felt/feel horrible about it but it's done and in the past now. I'm sorry if it affected you in any way.
I have just started chapter 31 and bless these two. A newborn on the road is really going to test everyone. He's going to be talking about the name a little in this and why he chose it.
Bless him, he didn't get that far in the books. He kept telling her he hadn't had time to read and how he felt bad about it. He really wanted to know everything but when it came down to reading or providing/protecting or reading, he of course chose the first. I just could not have him being like what?! when she pushed it out.
Daryl being a gossiper! LOL YES.
Reader is definitely going to need help. Lori will play a pivotal role, along with Carol, of course. I want there to be a real bond with Lori, something that will tie reader to Carl and Judith after that day. Daryl loves Judith, we already know that but I want there to be this real bond with reader and the kids.
I still have a while to explore before we even get to the prison, so buckle up! :)
Thank you for always sending these. They seriously make me smile! 🩵🩵🩵
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Hey yumiiiii hope you're doing great! So yeah while I was reading Guerrilla I realised.. the whole skewed morals where they kill people who are criminals and have ways to evade law.. is kind of what happens in my fic Black Pirates (I swear I didn't abandon it but yeah it feels like I forgot about it 😃) and I was thinking I have to let you know that it's going to be similar going forward.. and stay in he clear yk cuz it was a coincidence.. but THEN I remembered.. ateez in my fic don't kill anybody they just .. raid and steal stuff from them to hand them over to people that have been wronged by them. So NOT EXACTLY THE SAME XD and I also realised that the chaps I released so far does mention that so phew I'm in the clear... but yeah 😭😭😭 I thought I should mention it 😭😭
Even tho later the plot curves into more complicated stuff (I have it planned but haven't written it 😃) but yeah it's the whole robinhood thing and taking law into their own hands cuz the criminals can evade law.
Again YOU'RE SO GOOD AT WRITING I always fangirled over it and will continue to do so :D
Also I plan to write a oneshot surrounding an idea I had in mind and you have written a few inspired fics so I think you'd be the best person to consult about it.. so will you be interested to proof read or help me figure out the plot of that some time
Till then HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT AND will be waiting for any future works you post cuz I'll be READY TO FANGIRL ☺✨
-hana ♡
HAHA pls yes you're in the clear (why you making it sound like i'm sending serial killer yunho after you if i find it sus) (if you still want serial killer yun at your doorsteps lemme know) and i remember black pirates has similar stuff but honestly this 'vigilante' trope where they take the law into their own hands isn't a new trope! i bet a lot of people have written about that so you really don't need to warn me of anything, your black pirates fic is a unique work! (i promise i'm reading it soon hehe i hope you don't abandon it bc where i left it was just getting interesting!!) you're so cute and kind warning me like this tho 😭😭 like you don't need to do any of that come here lemme hug you 😭😭
i have very little attention span and i dont think i can proofread (i have my own little proofreader for my fics LOL) BUT i'll be up for some plot discussion any time of the day, it's what i'm good at! i really enjoy sharing plot ideas with anyone so don't hesitate to ask me when the time comes <3
thank you hana and have a great day/night too! as for my future wip, i have 0 words written so far (this girlie needed a break) but i'm hoping to post sth in the first week of march, so fingers crossed that i make that deadline hehe!
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bacchanal-if · 9 months
Hi! How are you!?? Hope you had a lovely year so far~ as for me is ok as of now, lots to do and none of the motivation but i am healthy?lol better than nothing haha
i do feel really guilty for no giving any feedback about the update... sorry!!!!
i am so sorry bacchus i am the worst so embarrasing, i swear that this if & the characters live in my head 24/7 i love it so so much
But when i try to comment is like i forget all the words?! Broken brain i swear lol
Welll i was just passing for the nsfw blog & bacchus omg i love it, giggling kicking my feet, all of them are sooo 🔥🔥🔥 but i am really really soft for all of them also?! All these feelings lol
So i just played the update a bit & loved it~ francis is my most beloved (only)parent and if i am forced to separate of them i am gonna riot i swear
Ellis my sweet little sister~ i love her your honor~ hope i can be a lovely enough sibling to her
Mother dearest can choke for all i care, and father as well, hilarious that he got played by E(i asume tho) thats totally a point in favor of E gotta admit
Played the animal whisperer (lmao i forgot the right word!) & i love it so much?!whiskers and Bulwark my beloveds omg thats so cute i love love love it
That cliffy tho!totally killed me T my love~
Also loved the options given to mc about their take & hopes about love & their fears? Thank you~
Cannot wait to meet the rest of the cast!!! I am so curious~
Forgive me but i cannot remember if you plan to make ros povs? And can we expect a oportunity to be with ellis?(like hang out? I swear i forgot the word lol) i love her & wish her all the happiness
All in all i love your writings, i wish i had the words to make them justice but all i have is this word vomit lmao i am sorry!!!
Mmm i was planning to make some notes about my mc from bacchanal, would it be alright to tag you? It is mostly hcs but if i say nonsense i would love if you give me some thoughs? Is not biggie if not though
Thank you for your work!!!! I am marching to ask smth in the nsfw blog rn so see you there ;)
Hello!! 🥰
My year has been great so far and I'm finally getting rid of this cold. I hope you get the inspir/motivation you need! You are not the worst at anything, I assure you!
I am so humbled that you love my characters so. I have to say that I'm tempted to pay for portraits of Whiskers and Bulwark just because. And Ellis just needs someone to be their friend 💜 (they are nb btw!)
As for RO POVs... I am always open to them, as I love reading them, but I think for this I am going to keep it to the MC's POV so you are always in the driver's seat.
However... I did say I love reading them, didn't I? After the story is wrapped up I fully intend on making additional paid content with the RO's POVs as well as some pivotal scenes that happen before and during the course of the story but outside of the MC's view. It would be in the form of a new IF where you can upload your save file/put in your character details to make it more personalized.
The MC and Ellis should have at least one scene together before the Bacchanal, but in which chapter(s) I'm not 100% sure. I know what the scene will look like, but I still need to figure out when it should happen. Don't worry, Ellis fans!
Please do show me your notes! I would adore reading any of them!! The tag I follow is #bacchanal-if.
As always, thank you for your interest in my work 💜
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fraudulent-cheese · 9 months
So we got our first big gen 1 cameo! That and official canonisation of Owen's win! It was one of the season wins that had a clear better winner but a confirmation is nice! I feel like it fucks the timeline up since they just. reused Owen's design from TDI again. Im not looking into it
The challenges were really fun! I liked how the cooking challenge wasn't all athletisism, and while they've already done a human pinball challenge back in WT, this one was different enough that i didn't care all that much.
I think Damien is the most 6/10 contestant so far? Like he's nice and stuff but he doesn't grab me. Maybe the immunity idol thing can make him more interesting to me? Hope they do something with that! Oh, and Wayne or Raj are SOOOO getting the boot soon. They don't have much to do outside of comic relief and they're not invested in the current drama. Personally i'd prefer if Wayne got the boot over Raj? That or they don't get booted one episode after another. I want interesting conflict damnit!
ok fine i'll get it out of the way: i DONT care for Priyaleb. Like WOW THEY'RE PREDICTABLE. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY ZOKE, PRIYALEB IS THE NEW STANDARD FOR "STRAIGHT SHIP FOR STRAIGHT PEOPLE"! (no hate to either ships, i just. deeply don't care for them and wished their screentime were used on characters that didn't. you know. win the previous season)
the plotline was boring as hell and Zee getting axed because of it SUCKS. Caleb would've gotten the boot if he didn't have plot armor. Like give him immunity if you wanna kick Zee out so bad!!!!
transitionning to the eliminations, Ripaxel getting double elim because "haha gross ass couple" was predictable. I litterally called it twice in a row, they were gonna get eliminated for it and they did! I do think they were great and Ripaxel has legit won me over, sorry, i love Ripper being a gross idiot and Axel liking him for it. They were funny.
As said earlier, Zee getting the boot fucking sucks man,,, i loved him :''(
My predictions are, well, the same as last time's. Wayne/Raj getting the boot next, MKulia being real, Scary Girl coming back, the same as two weeks ago lmaoo
episode 7 was def the better out of the two tho
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liauditore · 1 year
tw dysphoria (i guess?), abandonment issues (it always when we talk about jimmy), just rambling about jimmy not being a toy but being dysphoric about it
(you can just delete it before reading if it could trigger you)
in my head all this "jimmy is a toyyy!!!" arc was not about haha toy story and let's ignore how they could know about it, okay, it's like how scott doesn't remember pearl and jimmy just OMG MY RANCHER, OMG SCAR, OH NO, GRIAN and yeah yeah yeah
you know that thing when everyone bulling person and calling them, for example, "monster" and they are like, well, a lot of people call me that, i should conform (megamind basically). that's something similar, everyone call jimmy a toy (which he's not) and he's starting to doubt if he's a human. everything joel did to him (or its all hallucinations or joel really can control it and make jimmy toy for some time) just making worth. jimmy wasn't a toy, was he? (in my headcanons sheriff jimmy it's cod jimmy that decided to try again but absolute opposite of what he was.)
and because of green also making hallucinations for him (i hope you knows green something like origin, you can find it something in romeos blog, i wrote about it a little), jimmy is really can't really say if he's not a toy. he doesn't want to belive it and we can see it in dialogues with scar, that jimmy refusing to be a toy, an action figure, everything besides who he really is.
i can imagine him, avoiding mirrors and reflective surfaces, so he won't see himself. i'm really inspired to write it all bc of cavetown dysphoric, it's so jimmy for me
it's been over a year now
i thought it was the end
but now i don't remember comfort
because what i am is what i'm not
i don't belong here, it's just hopeless
find me a way out
if you love me at all
don't let me hear what they say
cuz i can't stand it every day
i'm thinking that i should leave now
but i don't i think i'm coming back this time
it's killing my heart.
and scar was the only one who doesn't call jimmy a toy like 90% of their time together. jimmy knows that scar will leave, like his rancher left him, like emp1 scott left him alone with problem with cod father head and yeah yeah yeah....
i don't know, i just woke up and my brain wad like good morning, honey, it's time to make people suffer
- 🔥
angst?? for me??? 🥺🥺👉👈
HKDHKHLADH SCrEAMING,, putting thoughts under the cut cus i already know its gonna get Long but hkhlkfdhjk
OuGH i love this 😭😭😭 although the megamind comparison kinda sent me lmao
side note i am. into very disturbing and messed up themes so you'd have to try very, very hard to upset me. so go wild in my ask box lol (i do have a good chunk of ppl who just have 'minor' in their bios following me tho so i might not respond to smth if i feel like it's 'too far' or hide it under a cut but yeah)
^realising this sounds like a "i am very badass" thing but i swear i just think stuff is cool 😭😭😭
BUT ANYWAY ouhfhkl mind break and objectification my beloved. i love taking the toy bit in an angsty direction cus i'll be honest i never really found the humour in it but it's TASTY recontextualized.
Jimmy's got a lot of fight in him but I'm just thinking maybe one day it all becomes a bit too much and he just.. goes limp in his seat, eyes glazed over, motionless except for his chest rising and falling with each breath. Someone (maybe Scar, since we're doing Scaridarity) finds him and is like "Hey, what's wrong? You okay?" and gets no response.
Scar would probably be somewhat uninitiated on the whole toy thing and be puzzled but I'd think he scoops Jimmy up and takes him somewhere safe til he recovers. and when he finally gets up he has a bit of a panic attack about what is real.
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asbestos-11 · 2 months
Hi I'm back again!!!!
I'm glad you liked my little scenarios!! To answer the question about weddings, I personally always found the concept in general kind of cute. Though I am biased because free food is free food, haha.
Though in the context of what I've been writing, I think at first it's just a little thought in Aventurine's head. Like "Haha, what if lol." And when the relationship eventually gets more settled, the thought keeps getting louder. So when he buys the matching earrings, it gets to a point where he thinks, "Hmm. I'll just buy the rings. Surely, just owning them will settle my thoughts." It doesn't.
I'd like to imagine he would want a wedding as well, but his only experience with them is the gaudy, rich people weddings that are just for show. So he's trying to calculate the costs in his head based on his past experiences. Like, is an ice sculpture really needed, or can we cut that part out entirely? How long is the guest list going to be? How much is the catering bill going to be?
(How many people in his life does he consider family? To the point of inviting them to a wedding? He's not sure anymore.)
Though he does have a second problem: he hasn't asked Ratio if he's even considering marriage yet. He doesn't want to impose his wants of the relationship onto him, considering how much Ratio lets him get away with already. (Logically, he knows that Ratio wouldn't do anything he doesn't want to, but still. The worry is there.)
He eventually gets caught looking at wedding venues. Like an absolute loser, considering if the looks are worth the price or if Ratio will berate him for spending that much money anyway. Ratio gives him this exasperated but fond look and sits down next to him to give his opinions.
( "Marry me."
Aventurine, like the fool he is, responds with, "Huh?"
"You haven't asked yet, so I decided to do it for you." Ratio smiles coyly at him before leaving to prepare dinner.
Aventurine sits there dumbfounded before rushing after him. "Wait, Veritas! I have the rings! Veritas, I swear to -" )
They decide on simply signing the appropriate documents, exchanging vows between themselves, and having a small celebratory party with those close to them.
(In short, yea, I like the platonic wedding route, haha. Even if the ending wasn't very wedding like. I would like to hear what you think as well, though!)
honestly ratio doesn't strike me as someone who would gaf about weddings in general and all the planning that goes into it. but he would wear the ring around his finger and be appreciative of spending the rest of his life with his dearest gambler. i just know it causes a huge uproar on the forums when his students catch sight of the ring.
ughhh aventurine is such a goof, he totally would go through a crisis over the wedding. i imagine he also gets sad thinking about how he wishes his family were there to support him and witness a union. i feel like he'd go be his own wedding planner and would plan out everything down to the last detail,tho it all falls through because they just end up signing documents. i mean with how thorough he was with penacony one would think he'd be meticulous about ceremonies.
also as far as i know kakavasha doesn't have a last name so i image he takes ratio's. i think aventurine would stare at the ceiling of their room thinking how glad he is that he has someone who's in his court, who does make him feel safe and who just makes him happy. he then almost combusts on the spot.
we're here galaxy braining anon. looking forward to the next one, but like no pressure. i just really love hearing ur thoughts >3<
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celestie0 · 4 months
ELLIE IM SCREAMING, SQUEALING, KICKING UP MY LEGS AND EVERYTHING!!!!!! just finished reading the drabble and chapter 10 AND GODDDDD
made me sad when he was thinking about his dad’s legacy fading away :( you’re trying your best satoru! and the reader’s fear of flesh eating bacteria HELLO? new fear developed. is that real.
I wanna give gojo a big big smooch and hug hes so cute in this chapter like hello??? I hope he’s taking care of mr. gta kitty well!!! just thinking of gojo sending updates about gta kitty to the reader is so cute like lil selfies here and there. 🥹 THANK U FOR THE MEALLLLL!!!! Might gonna send more asks after this because I’m a true yappatron.
— frank ocean anon! 💗
HIII my darling <33 AHHH i'm so happy you enjoyedd!! :'')
yess tbh that lore drop came outta nowhere haha i wasn't planning for the drabble to get any sort of angsty at all, but i think that's the fun thing w side content is i can kinda bend the rules n explore stuff without threat to the main storyline per se. LOL yes it is indeed ab the flesh eating bacteria it is a real thing but it's very rare and mostly happened before the legalization of marijuana when ppl were selling under the table
AHHH i know i think ch10 is the fluffiest chapter of kickoff so far?? idk i just realized i haven't really written much domestic fluff for them yet :0 there will be lots of that once they're in a relationship tho bc that's my favorite type of fluff eeeeep. just two people chillin n bein in love together. yes he's taking care of mr. gta!! he just bought him a cat scratch post :)) STOPPP SOBS that's so cute omg that kitty is THEIR CHILDDD i swear. omg you know i love it when you yap bb <33
thanks so much for readinggg n for the ask my sweet sugar plum omg <33 you have a wonderful day/night!!
-ellie [insert white cloud here bc im on pc aaa)
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
oh god i did not need to be reminded he’s a dom. oof girl lol i feel like i need to see it to believe tho 👀 he’s coming down here soon so i may just get my opportunity lmao i joke i joke i swear
getting a tattoo feels like scratching yourself with the end of a paperclip over and over. it mostly just feels hot on your skin after a while. and anything on the bone does hurt a bit bc it vibrates your skeleton lol but it doesnt hurt like you’d expect so i totally get what he means by enjoying the pain of tattoos i may even go as far to say it’s relaxing lol
- aussie anon
sksk i wish you the best of luck on that front.
and i've never heard anyone describe getting a tattoo like that. it sounds somehow less fun and also not as bad as i thought lol
i think my issue is that i don't like needles so i just don't think tattoos are for me. there's really only two tattoos i've had in mind about getting, both super small so… maybe one day.
but the other issue i have is i'm the type to not know where to put a sticker when i get one, so the idea of wanting a tattoo and not knowing where i want to put it or not liking it where i put it….. that would keep me awake at night haha
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ashtraythief · 1 year
Hi. I’m dying. I had a dream last night where you posted the end of Underneath, which should be a good dream, right? Nope. My dream gave it the worst ending possible. Jensen cheated, of all things, with someone he knows in his real life, and someone sends pictures to Jared. In a shocking twist, Jensen comes clean about everything, the cheating but also being Jensen Ackles and Jared just forgives him. I remember being so confused in my dream that you would take the story in this direction. I didn’t think Jensen would ever cheat, but if he did, I can’t imagine Jared just forgiving him. He’d burn their house to the ground he’d be so mad. I wouldn’t want to be the man that cheats on him, that’s for sure, haha. I’m still so relieved it was a dream. I checked your a03 the second I woke up, really happy there was no chapters of Underneath posted, haha. First time that’s happened. Like lying about your identity because your an FBI officer is forgivable to me, and we support it because Jared is a mob boss after all, but cheating is just not, haha. My dream self fully believed and accepted that was the ending. But anyway, ok, I don’t say this to make you stress about the ending. Whatever it is, it’s going to be great because you wrote it. I just thought this was funny and totally bizarre, so I’m sharing lol. Have you ever had underneath related dreams?
Omg nonnie, now I'm dying 😅 I'm both flattered and horrified that you dreamed about underneath and your brain came up with that. Because you're right, Jensen would never cheat and Jared would never forgive that if he did lol. There'd be murder, definitely. (tho now I'm having dark thoughts about Jensen going home trying to find his equilibrium, getting drunk with Steve and Chris, and there's this guy he used to hook up with in college and it's just--easy and Jensen needs to feel in control, not like with Jared who takes him apart every time, where Jensen doesn't have any defenses but with this guy, Jensen doesn't feel like that and it's. yeah. A way to step back, to focus. Nevermind that after he feels hollow and even worse and he stumbles to the bathroom and throws up and he's not sure whether it's the booze or the guy he fucked, and well, after, he rinses his mouth and stares in the mirror and he just wants to turn back time only he doesn't know how far, only knows that this was. wrong. But. We're not thinking about that! Because Jensen would never.)
Anyways, hopefully, if we're lucky I'll be able to wrap up the Meet Cute prequel this month (prayer circle my beta has the time to clean up the very wonky next installment) and then maybe the Pied Piper prequel next month and I don't want to jinx it, but I have been working on a fun, porny J2 timestamp so there's hope for more fic this summer. And yeah, it's inconsequential stuff, but I swear they actively resist the End, so I have to approach it covertly lol.
Thanks for your message, nonnie ❤️
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