#I think i woke up my mum with how loud i screamed
octochilli · 4 months
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
Red phone [3]
Wally x reader?
Previus - Next?
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? more fanfic than x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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Ring, ring, ring,
The phone, it was that red phone again with that annoying ringing. At first, I didn’t move. The sound of that old phone sent shivers up my spine and my hairs on edge. ‘Should I answer? Or leave it? Maybe someone else will hear it and search for it.’ I thought but again the ringing became louder and louder. Why was it ringing? For what purpose does this person have of calling an old phone like this at 3 in the morning? I wanted it to stop, but before I could feel the wooden floor, I felt the vibration of someone in a rush running down the stairs. My Window busts open letting in a massive gust of wind almost tumbling me over, my lamp flickers before completely shutting off. before I could hear whispers and a door slamming open. I felt overwhelmed! over stimulated almost but it wasn’t like how I normally feel. It was as if something snapped in me. I push pass the wind slamming my door shut running down the stairs rushing to the kitchen grabbing a butcher knife, ready it swing it at anyone or anything!
But the room was dark and empty. The only things that could be heard where, the creeking of the wooden door that was wide open before me. And someone’s voice.
Wally freezes slightly in shock some one picked up, but he couldn’t hear anything.
“Hello? Hello is anyone there? Hello?? Harrison?”
“Hello? Hello is anyone there. Hello?? Harrison?” I gasp for air  when I hear My grandfather’s name coming from the old red phone. I walk to the phone slowly uncertainty stained on my face as I reach for the phone that laid on the counter.
“Maggie? Some one?” the voice asks, I pick up the phone placing the knife down. I bring the phone up to my ear carefully as if it would break.
Wally Freezes eyes widening.
“anyone their-“The line hung up before the person could finish, all that could be heard through home was the long beeping noise. And the door creaks open.
“What are you doing at this time!” My mother shouts, I turn my to her voice. The phone in snatched out of my hand and slammed back where it belongs. I jump back only to see my grandma their behind me, glaring at the phone.
“Well! Answer!” mum shouts.
“I woke up to a loud bang, my window was open and the lights wouldn’t turn on. I heard another from down stairs mother and-“ “All that matters is she’s safe, I heard it too kiddo don’t worry.” Dad come in behind mum giving me a small sad smile, mum just sighs.
“that doesn’t explain why you where on the phone child.”
“I heard a voice, I’m sorry mother it won’t happen again.” I could feel my mums glare digging into me as if she was holding her tongue back from lecturing me.
“No, No it’s fine Dear, You can answer the phone as long as you hang it up. It’s a telly marketer that I can’t get to stop calling. I’ve learned to sleep through it, now I think we should all head back to bed don’t you agree?”  grandma asks us, though it sounded more like a demand.
“Okay grandma.”  I say giving the old woman a hug, she holds me tightly in her arms.
“No problem lovely, Do you want me to make you some coffee to help you go back to sleep? Or do you more feel like a hot chocolate” I smile at my grandma, I couldn’t believe she still rembered. But what was odd how she acted with that phone. Grandma turn the kettle on dad shuts the kitchen door, mum goes up back to bed.
“Night honey, sleep well.” Dad says patting my back gently before following my mum, I sit on stool waiting on the kitchen island.
“Grandma, why do you keep the phone? I mean you use your cell phone now.” I ask her, she looks through the large pantry, and hums while she thinks.
“It was your grandfather’s before he passed, he would sometimes use it for his projects but we mainly kept it in the walkway into the home. But once he died I put it in here now was that coffee or hot chocolate?”
“Caramel coffee? Is that okay?”
“Anything for my favorite grandchild! Don’t tell your cousins now.”
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merrybloomwrites · 2 months
Through the Dark - Choose Your Own 1D x Reader
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Summary: A summer thunderstorm has your anxiety spiking, but your husband knows just how to care for you and your baby daughter.
AN: This popped into my mind during a storm earlier. First I thought of writing it for Harry, then wanted to switch to Louis, and finally realized it could work for any of the boys. I've seen stories before written so that you can choose the protagonist, so I decided to try that! No names are used so you can choose which of the boys star in this imagine!
Word Count: 715
You pace around your living room, baby monitor in hand, as you watch the summer thunderstorm rage outside. You’d been woken up fifteen minutes prior by a loud clap of thunder. After five minutes of tossing and turning, you knew that falling back asleep was not going to happen. Rather than wake your husband, you snuck out of the bedroom and began your patrol across the plush carpet of the main living space. 
The room normally feels cozy, a place decorated just perfect for your family. But now it feels dark, and eerie, lit only by flashes of lightning that cast shadows across the walls. 
Another streak of lighting flashes and you nearly scream as it brightens the space enough for you to see another person. Before you can panic, you hear your husband’s voice say, “What are you doing out of bed, love?”
After taking a deep breath you reply, “The thunder. It woke me up.”
“Pretty intense storm isn’t it? Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one like this. Oh, remember our honeymoon? We got caught just as it started to rain and ended up absolutely drenched,” he says. He chuckles at the memory, then notices you’re quiet next to him, rather than laughing along.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, finally picking up on your current disposition. 
“I don’t know what it is, but this storm has me feeling really anxious. I used to love watching them, but now I can’t stop thinking about worst case scenarios,” you explain.
“You’re a mum now. There’s a tiny human that depends on you. That changes your perspective on a lot of things. I know it did for me. Are there any particular worries you have right now?”
“What if a tree falls and we can’t get to her?” you say, voicing your concern even though it feels ridiculous and far fetched. But your daughter’s just five months old, and she moved into the crib in her own room a few days prior. It’s already been a hard transition for you and the storm is just adding to your feelings that maybe it’s too soon. 
Without any judgment, he replies, “Her bassinet is still in our room. We could bring her back for the night, that way if something happens she’s right there.”
“Yea, that’s a good idea, let’s do that,” you reply. “But what if lightning strikes the house and it catches on fire?”
“How about you go grab our little girl and set her up in our room, and I’ll get a bag together with anything we’ll need if we have to make a quick escape, alright?”
“Okay. I like that plan. Just, don’t be gone too long.”
“I’ll join you in just a couple of minutes,” he assures you, pressing a kiss to your temple before setting out to complete his task. 
You go and gently pick up your daughter, and as you walk into your bedroom she starts to stir. It’s around the normal time she wakes up to eat, so you settle in the rocking chair to feed her. Having her in your arms instantly soothes you, and you're calm as you finish up and move to change her diaper. Just as you’re settling her back into the bassinet, your husband walks into the room and places a bag next to the door.
With your baby sleeping soundly, the two of you climb back into bed. You listen closely, and it’s quiet. The storm has ended.
Suddenly you feel embarrassed for your overreaction to a typical summer storm, and say, “I’m sorry for being so crazy tonight.”
“No, baby, you’re not crazy. You’re an absolute momma bear, thinking ahead and making sure we’re prepared.”
“I just want her to be safe. I need to protect her.”
“She is safe. And you do protect her. And you’re not alone. I’m right here. I am always going to do everything in my power to keep you and her away from any harm. I promise.”
“I love you,” you say with a shy smile.
“I love you too. C’mere, let’s get some rest,” he says as he opens his arms. You cuddle into him, and are lulled to sleep by the soft sounds from your sleeping daughter, and the beating of your husband's heart.
Thanks for reading! If you liked this choose your own type of story let me know and I'll see about doing more in the future!
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thenasoneshots · 5 months
John Laurens Oneshot - Strangers to Lovers
Requested?: No
Prompt: “Take my seat.”
Type of oneshot: Fluff
Timing: Modern AU
Reader's Relations: None
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, swearing, random people being dicks in public
Other notes: None?
I sighed in relief as the bus I needed finally arrived at the stop. Once I got on, I sighed, seeing there were no available seats and grabbed a hold of a nearby pole for standing passengers, placing a hand on my 6-month-pregnant stomach, hearing a whisper of, “Son, come here and let the lady sit down.”
“No! I want to sit down!” the child replied. I just sent a smile the the father in a ‘it’s fine, I’m used to it’ way.
That’s when I felt a tap on my shoulder, “Miss, here, take my seat. I’m getting off soon anyway.”
I turned around and was met with a freckled face and brown hair, tied up in a low ponytail, the man wearing a white t-shirt with turtles on it. I smiled as he stood up and thanked him, sitting down, feeling relieved at the weight being removed from my legs.
“Thank you again, sir. I like your T-shirt by the way.”
“Thank you. Turtles are just the best!”
I let out a giggle, “I agree.”
A few minutes later the bus arrived at my stop. I stood up and thanked the driver before getting off and finishing the small walk home I had from the bus stop. That’s when I felt another tap on the shoulder, “Sorry, Miss. I didn’t get your name. It seems we were getting off at the same place.”
“Oh, I’m (Y/n). What about you?”
“John. You’ve got a pretty name. Oh, shit, I shouldn’t be flirting, I can tell you’re already in a relationship,” he muttered the last statement his eyes darting to my stomach.
“T-thank you, and it’s fine. I was, but not anymore. My boyfriend was excited about the two of us having a baby, but a few days ago, I found out he had been cheating on me since before he got me pregnant and that he was dumping me for her when I told him there was a chance that our baby wouldn’t be perfect. I don’t have the best eyesight, I’m dyslexic, and I’m a carrier of a genetic ‘deformity’, I hate that word, a thing that my mum has that could get passed down to this child. The girl my ex was cheating on me with has no problems with her DNA, has perfect eyesight and she’s gorgeous. Sorry for ranting, we’ve probably walked past your house by now.”
John just shook his head, “Nope! Plus it wouldn’t be right for me to let you walk home alone. Who knows who could take advantage of you? And your ex is wrong for not seeing you for how perfect you are. You need someone who will love every part of you and the child, no matter what they look like,” he spoke, putting a bit of my hair behind my ear that had fallen out of place, causing my face to turn slightly pink.
We ended up learning that we lived in the same block of flats, and right next to each other, and two months later, John made me move in with him so that he wouldn’t worry about me being on my own and having to go the hospital alone, then I met his very loud friends…..
-------------------JOHN’S POV
“John, what’s got you so distracted?”
“Nothing Alex. I’m fine,” I replied, moving my hand and pushing a bit of hair that had fallen into (Y/n)’s face out of the way, who was currently asleep on my shoulder.
“I have a feeling it’s something to do with (Y/n). Mon ami, I can see it in your eyes, you love her, non?”
I immediately looked up, staring Laf in the face, “W-what?!”
“I knew it. Just tell her, mon ami, before someone snatches her up,” Laf replied, a smirk on his face.
“You wouldn’t dare,” I muttered, seeing him looking at (Y/n).
“Tell her and I won’t.”
At that moment, (Y/n) woke up with a scream, “I-it hurts!” making my eyes widen, “Laf can I borrow your car? Mine’s in for a service today.”
“On one condition; I’m driving.”
“Fine. Just get (Y/n) to the hospital, please.”
-----------------------------YOU POV
“Thank you for helping me, John. I don’t think I would have made it without your help,” I spoke, panting as I held Jane in my arms, the baby girl being sound asleep.
“No problem. Glad I was of some help.”
“Mon ami, don’t you have something to say to (Y/n)?”
I blinked at Laf’s words and asked John, “Do you?”
“Laf, I hate you so much….” John muttered, “If I have to do this, you three must leave.” Laf and Alex sighed, Herc eventually had to drag them out of the room, leaving me and John alone, “So what did you have to say?”
“Since I met you, I felt something… a good something. I realised I’ve fallen in love with you, (Y/n). I know you probably don’t feel the same, I mean we have only known each other for a few months but-” I cut him off by placing a finger on his lips, “I love you too, John.”
His face lit up and I giggled, “I’m not messing with you, you can kiss me if you want.”
That was all he needed to bend down and carefully kiss me, careful not to disturb Jane.
—--------------------END OF ONESHOT
And another one written… I have one more in my head, that might get written tomorrow…
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madeintheniamh · 2 years
are we out of the woods yet?
my first one shot! it's not the best thing i've ever written but i tried my best lol, i'm quite rusty. i'm dedicating this to my bestie aka the uk's biggest swiftie, thank you for keeping me sane at uni and listening to my constant harry talk and screaming whenever his songs come on when i've had a few too many drinks. i love you with all my heart <3
song: taylor swift- out of the woods
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You woke up in a leather armchair in the corner of a small hospital room, with a lamp in the corner illuminating the space: which was complete with a bedside table, and a sleepy Harry passed out on top of the crisp white bedsheets, trying to remember exactly how you ended up here.
You suddenly remembered. Your last memory before you got here was in a skimobile. One moment you were laughing your head off next to him, his sage green eyes reflecting the sunlight, whilst the rest of his face was shielded by flowing brunette strands of hair. You ran your hand through it, whilst your lips made contact with his. Suddenly, he pulled back, and you turned around to see a deer directly in front of the cart. He forced his foot flat down onto the brake, and there was a loud crashing noise, louder than anything you’d ever heard before. You heard him cry out as he was shunted forward, his delicate face smashing into the front of the cart. You didn’t remember much after that, apart from his cries, which made you feel worse, because Harry was never one to make a fuss about anything. Ever.
“Evening, sleepyhead”, you smiled at him as he reluctantly opened his eyes, squinting back at you.
“Princess, where the fuck am I,” Harry suddenly moaned, whilst trying to get up and out of the bed. You gently placed your hand onto his shoulder and forced him back towards the pillow. The once white bandage taped around his chin was now splattered with blood.
“Lovey, you need to rest” you sighed. “It’s important. Before the nurse comes to do your stitches,”
He laughed back at you in disbelief. “Stitches!? I thought you said they would just tape it! You lied to me!”
“Woah babe, breathe a bit,” you whispered whilst tracing the outline of the mermaid tattoo on his left forearm. “I didn’t know, okay? I don’t look like a doctor, do I?”
Worry lines were beginning to form on his forehead, and he furrowed his brows and pouted his lips like he always did whenever he couldn’t get his own way.
“Why did no one tell me about this?” he complained. “I wouldn’t have come here if I had known,”
“The doctor came whilst you were asleep and told me. I knew you would get freaked out, so I told her not to tell you. We need to keep your pretty face pretty, remember?” you reassured him whilst cupping his chin in your hand. He muttered something about looking awful, and then drifted off to sleep for another few minutes. You lost track of time staring at his face. Even swollen and wrapped up in bandages, he still managed to look this good. But despite all this, you were worried knowing how worked up he could get about anything to do with needles and hospitals. It would seem surprising to some that despite spending possibly hundreds of hours in tattoo shops, he was still terrified of blood tests and injections. The last time he had had to get an IV on tour, he had fainted in your lap, and had woken up rather embarrassed and confused.
The nurse arrived a few minutes later and placed a metal tray filled with syringes and equipment on the table next to the bed, and the noise of it clanking against the wood startled Harry awake.
His green eyes widened and he stared at you in disbelief, pure terror in his expression. “Baby, I don’t think I can do this,”, he whimpered.
You clasped his hand in yours, as his sleeve rolled up slightly to reveal the bottom of the anchor shaped tattoo on his wrist.
“Lovey, you can literally do anything,” you replied. “You’re the strongest and most handsome man I know,”
“I wish my mum was here,” he whispered, tears forming in his eyes.
“I know you do, sweet, but I need you to be brave for me right now,”
He bit his lip, showing the bottoms of his glossy front teeth whilst his boot continually tapped the edge of the bed frame.
“Are you ready, Mr Styles?” the blonde nurse smiled at him over her tortoise shell spectacles.
“I think so,” he stammered, with his voice breaking more and more as though he could burst into tears at any second. You felt your eyes sting, and your heart beating against your ribcage, almost as quickly as his probably was. It hurt you to see him this frightened, because he was usually never like this.
“Close your eyes, sweet,” you whispered to him, and immediately his green eyes fluttered shut. You cringed as you watched the nurse bring the syringe up to his delicate chin and begin injecting the medication into his open wound. He whined slightly and dug his nails, painted in a gleaming shade of blue, into the palm of your hand. You stroked the cross in-between his thumb and forefinger and nuzzled kisses onto his wrist in an attempt to distract him. With every growing second, the deep-set line between his eyebrows seemed to disappear slightly- his grip on your hand loosened, and after a few painstaking minutes, a much more cheerful Harry grinned at you, the bottom half of his face completely numb with anaesthetic.
“For a man with so many tattoos, you really don’t like needles, do you?” the nurse chuckled at him as his cheeks turned a bright shade of red.
“Tattoos are different!” he laughed in defence. “Why does my chin feel so… big? And puffy? I feel like I’ve just been to the dentist,” He moved his hand up to his face as though he genuinely believed that his chin was no longer there.
“You still look gorgeous, lovey,” you replied, lifting up his hair to pepper a kiss to his forehead. “You always look gorgeous. But you don’t need me to tell you that, do you?”
He giggled in response and tilted his head forwards to kiss you on the lips.
“Harry! She still has to come back to put the stitches in!” you gasped as you felt his warm breath on your neck, preparing to pull you in even further.
He laughed back at you. “But I’ve been so… so brave,” he smiled, staring up at you with the look that he knew you couldn’t resist. But you were immediately interrupted when the curtain opened again and the nurse came back, carrying another roll of bandages in her hands. He sighed and sat back, letting her finish stitching up his chin, before leaving you both with aftercare instructions and warning Harry to take it easy for the next few days.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” he grinned, looking you dead in the eyes. “I have a wonderful at home doctor right here, I think I’ll be fine,”
Ten minutes later, he finally stood up from the hospital bed, his legs buckling beneath him almost as though he was about to faint. You quickly placed his arm around your elbow to steady him.
“I feel woozy,” he complained, his eyes darting around the room.
“You would do, lovey,” you responded. “Take it slow, we have all the time in the world,”
You guided him through the doors and out into the hospital waiting room, where his face lit up after seeing a vending machine filled with various pots of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. He didn’t even need to ask.
“Oh go on then, you absolute sap,” you giggled whilst watching him open his wallet and put his change into the slot in the machine.
“Well, I deserve it, don’t I!” he smirked. “I was a very brave boy,”
“Harry, you’re nearly 30,” you laughed back at him.
“You’re never too old for ice cream,” he said whilst grabbing the tubs out of the hole at the bottom. He had picked mint chocolate chip for himself, and sweetly had chosen cookie dough for you, which he knew was your favourite. You could smell the mint on his breath as he bent down to peck you on the cheek whilst you walked towards the car park underneath the hospital. He reached to grab the car keys from his pocket, which you snatched out of his hand.
“No driving for a while for you,” you sniggered at him whilst climbing into the driver’s side of the car, watching his face drop into a sarcastic frown. “I guess you’ll just have to deal with me as your private taxi driver for now,”
“Okay, but I’m picking the music,” he grinned, whilst fiddling with the controls on the radio.
“Of course you are, green eyes,” you chuckled whilst shutting the door on your side. “Of course you are,”
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
Chapter 4//Bullshit
Part of the Child of Fire series
Main Masterlist
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⬆️i think it fits
{{Ellie POV}}
“So who was he?” I ask for the sixth time, and still get no answer. “Come on. I only know the name of one person here, and it’s you.” I say. “He’s nobody important.” Thor says. I fake sneeze, then hope to god I have Thor’s attention. “I’m sorry, but I’m allergic to your utter bullshit.” I say. I feel Thor stop in his tracks, but I don’t back down. “What did you say to me?” Thor says. “I know god damn well you heard me.” I say. Somehow, with every breath I breathe in that moment made my bravery grow.
“Lady, I would advise you to shut your mouth before you say something you’ll regret.” Thor says. I stand on my toes, hoping to make myself look taller, but only managing to fall backwards. “DAMMIT!” I yell, trying to get up. I heard laughs coming from the direction of where I thought Thor was, and I flipped him off. “Stop laughing at the blind girl.” I say, getting to my feet. I honestly did not want to tell anybody, but they would figure it out sooner or later. The laughing stops, and I smirk. “Didn’t see that coming, did you? Why did you think I was holding on to your hand like it was a lifeline?” I say. I turn around to stomp off, my hand on the wall to guide me, when I feel a hand grab the back of my shirt.
Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I feel my muscles tense, and my mouth goes dry. I heard footsteps, but couldn’t make myself move. “Thor, let go of the kid.” a man says. “You ok?” says the approaching voice. I swallow dryly, nodding my head as my heart starts beating faster and I can barely breathe at this point. “Kid, listen to me.” I heard the voice say, but it's quieter now. Farther away. “Are you ok?” I try to say something, anything, but my voice is lost. My mouth opens, but no sound comes out. I try to move, but can’t.
I can’t do anything, and I hate it. I hate the feeling of being trapped, and that’s what I am. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling tears stream down my face.
I could hear the quiet of the apartment. It was never this quiet, and that’s what scares me. The quiet means she’s coming, and I can’t do anything about it. I hear the swish of a knife, and I know that she’s close. “Mum, please.” I beg, backing up into the wall. “No. You, Ellie, ruined my life.” my mom says. I know that no matter how much I beg and plead, she’s still going to try and kill me.
“Mum!” I yell. “DON’T CALL ME THAT!” she yells right back, and I shrink. I hear the thunk of the knife landing next to my ear, and I scream in fear. I feel my fear turn into panic, and the panic grows every second. With that panic, so does my heartbeat, and my internal temperature. I feel myself burst into flames, hear the screams of my mom over the crackling of the fires, but I don’t care. There’s only one thing in my mind, whispering ‘Hurt her. Hurt her like she hurt you. Burn her. Hurt her, Ellie.’
I feel a slap across my face, and I instinctively flinch back. Everything comes rushing back, and now I feel horrible. “Don’t do that, Natasha. That’ll only make it worse.” a voice said. I groan, my head pounding. “Looks like it woke her up, Tony.” a woman’s voice says. I open my eyes, just to show them that I am, in fact, fine. “Oh look, she’s moving.” the woman says, a smirk in her voice. “Haha.” I say, my throat hoarse. “Where the heck am I?” I ask after a second. “The infirmary.” Tony says. “Okay. Can I go?” I say. “More important question: How old are you?” Tony says again. “Sixteen.” I say. “How old are you?” “I’m sixteen!” I protest, not wanting to seem helpless. “Bullshit.” he says. I sigh, knowing that I’m digging a hole for myself. “Fourteen.” I whisper.
{{Loki POV}}
It's been a day since the girl came out of the infirmary, her head down. I try to ignore the urge to check on her, but it gets to be too much. I look around my room, before quietly walking out, and down the hall towards hers. I quietly knock on her door, and hear a loud “LEAVE ME ALONE!” from the other side. I walk back to my room, at least knowing she’s alive. She was probably expecting somebody else. At least I hope she knows that somebody respects personal space around here.
ehehehe >:)
@vbecker10 @mochie85 @michelleleewise @fictive-sl0th @silverfire475 @huntress-artemiss  @sheris532 @lokixryss @lokidokieokie @stupidthoughtsinwriting @crimson25 @peaches1958 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
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fitrahgolden · 1 year
There's A World You Need To Know - 9: In Some Sacred Place
[NOTE: This was originally meant to be the first scene in a longer chapter, but I kept expanding it and ended up thinking it worked much better unaccompanied.]
A bright flash accompanied by a sharp cracking sound woke Anthony up. As the thunder that followed rumbled, Anthony checked the clock on Kate's nightstand. 2:47am. He turned over and saw that Kate wasn't in bed. He sat up and looked around. He noticed light emitting from the bottom of Kate's closed closet door.
He got out of bed, put his boxers on, and padded over to the door.
"Kate? Baby, are you in there?"
No answer. He turned the knob slowly and peeked in. Kate was sitting on the floor of her closet, wearing a slip nightgown, a sleeping Newton cradled in her lap. There was a torch pointed at a canvas that was in front of her, propped up against some drawers. She was painting, and he'd never seen her look more tense. Her paintbrush was shaking in her hand, but was steady and smooth once it met its destination.
"Kate, what–"
There was a thunderclap as he started speaking and Kate dropped her paintbrush and screamed, startling Newton awake.
"Shit, shit, shit, sorry. I'm sorry." Anthony kneeled down and put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her temple. "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare–"
"Will you close the door, please?" Her voice sounded far away.
"Yeah, yeah, of course. Um, can I stay?"
"Yes, just please close the door."
Anthony scrambled over to the door and shut it. When he looked back at Kate, she was stroking Newton’s coat, lulling him back to sleep, whispering to him. "I'm sorry I woke you. It's a bad one tonight, I'm afraid. Go to sleep. It'll be OK. I won't go away. I promise."
Anthony moved slowly as he positioned himself behind Kate. "Can I, um…" He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Is this OK?"
Kate simply sighed and rested her head on his chest. Her body was stiff, though. "Newton hates storms."
They sat in silence save for the muffled sounds of the storm and Kate's shallow breathing. 
"Kate, how can I help you?" He moved a hand up to her chest. He took deep breaths until she was as well. Anthony looked behind them and noticed a cot with pillows and blankets on the floor, clothes hanging above the sleeping arrangement. "Kate, you aren't in here just for Newton, are you?"
"Do you sleep in here during storms?"
"Yes. If I can sleep."
"Otherwise, you paint?"
"Usually. Sometimes, I write music. Or I look through that." She pointed to the photo album sitting atop the chest of drawers that was supporting the canvas.
"What's that?"
"It's all the pictures I have of my parents before Mum died. My dad took pictures all the time. Apparently he always had, since he was a child. I love that about him. I have his old cameras. I still use them sometimes. I think he would like that."
"Me, too."
They didn't speak for a few minutes before Kate inhaled deeply. "There was a relentless storm churning outside the night she died. I got out of bed in the middle of the night and looked into my parents' room. Dad was sitting by Mum’s bedside holding her hand. He was crying and she was whispering to him. She looked behind him and saw me peeking through the crack in the door. She looked so sleepy, but she tried her best to smile and I think she was reaching for… she was reaching for m-me." Kate's voice was faltering and tears were running down her face. "There was a thunderclap. It was so loud. The whole room lit up, bright white. After, when I looked at her again, she was gone."
Kate took a beat.
"I still dream about that night all the time. I'm running towards the bed, calling for her. But I'm not moving. And I have no voice. Sometimes, I'm trying to get to both of them. Either way, I never do."
Anthony said nothing while Kate's ragged breaths evened out.
"Do you want to keep painting?"
Kate gingerly put Newton down, turned in Anthony's arms, and looked into his eyes, her own red and puffy. She slowly shook her head. "Will you stay in here with me? I know it's cramped and–"
"Of course, I will Kate. Do you want to lie down?"
Anthony scooted as far back as he could on the cot, his back against the wall. Kate backed up to him, and pulled Newton to her. Big spoon, little spoon, tiny spoon.
"Oh, the torch."
Anthony reached for it, but Kate quickly said, "I leave it on."
"OK." He settled back down behind her and kissed her hair. "I love you, Kate."
"I love you." Her voice was rough and he felt tears on his arm where her head was resting.
It took longer than it took Anthony, but Kate did eventually fall asleep and the torch continued to illuminate her painting. A woman under a tree, hugging a child sitting in her lap.
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invisiblestringmm · 11 months
Ok, so since when you started posting I was "scared" of sending feedbacks with the anon option off, I'll send you the official feedback now🤭
Watching her was one of your favourite things to do; the way the soft dark brown curls bounced as she swayed around the living room, the way her cheerful laugh echoed every corner of the house and those big, brown eyes sparkled with pure innocent bliss - Lily was your everything, she was your whole life and though, at first, being a young single mum terrified your entire being, she became the reason of your existence. HI LILY I MISSED YOU
“Oh hello,” you whispered, poking your tummy with your index finger. “I don’t think you can even listen to me yet, but… can you bear with me, peanut? Hm?” Brushing your thumb against your skin, your eyes burned with tears. You wanted things to work out, you wanted that kid to be born into a healthy environment even if it included just you — of course, your parents would be there, but in the end, you’d be a single mum. The idea of it terrified you but, deep down, you could feel some courage sparkling. THAT PART MADE ME EMOTIONAL 🥹
“I’m still new to this mummy thing, and I hope you’ll like me once you’re here with us, running around… but I promise you that I'll do my best.” SHE IS GOING TO LOVE YOU
Watching the scene in front of you became harder when he was on your dad’s big flat screen, and though your daughter was mimicking her grandad, she was the spitting image of him. Her dad. THE FACT THAT LILY IS A MINI FEMALE VERSION OF MASON 🥹
You would’ve let him know the day she screamed her first word - a loud, cheerful “goal” when Arsenal scored, making your dad the proudest grandad in the world. BABY LILY😭
“Mummy,” Lily woke you up from your thoughts, softly pulling your sweater while curiously staring at you with her big hazel eyes. She giggled when you took her in your arms, sitting her on the kitchen counter with her little legs around your waist. “Are you sad it’s not coming home?” THAT'S THE SWEETEST LITTLE GIRL EVER
On Monday, you quietly walked into the usual warmth of your office, only nodding at a few colleagues who cheerfully welcomed you back after a disappointing weekend for football fans. You spotted Willow, your childhood friend, walking towards you with two mugs of the steamy coffee you always shared in the morning in each hand, and a smile splattered on her face - to which you frowned, because Willow had never been the one in a good mood in the morning. OHHH WILLOW MISSED YOU TOO
“I was feeling a bit bored on Saturday morning and decided to go to Paris.” I JUST LOVE HER MOOD
“Mummy,” she called you, squeezing your hand as you walked to the studio with Willow on your side. Looking down, you smiled so she’d continue. “Ice cream after ballet?” I'M UP FOR ICE-CREAM HONESTLY
That gentle hand squeeze was there again, Lily looking at you with her big, brown eyes that softened your entire being. “Mummy,” she called. “Can Summer come too if we go get ice cream?” OPSSS🤭🤭
“I played footy at school today, auntie.” Lily covered her mouth with her small hand, letting out a loud yawn. Your heart skipped a beat for a second, sharing a look full of meaning with your best friend as Lily laid her head on Willow’s shoulder and closed her eyes. “Mr. Martin said I’m good.” She mumbled. YEAH, SHE IS A LITTLE MASON
A soft poke on your shoulder woke you up from your thoughts and you turned around to face a heavily pregnant woman accompanied by, apparently, her mum, considering they looked a lot like each other. They were both smiling at you, and the youngest pointed at your daughter, who was now clutching a little girl. HERE THAY AREEE
It was easy being around them, your mum arrived at the studio shortly before class started, and quickly bonded with Debbie about the wonders of being a grandmother; how they both spoiled the girls and were spoiled by them. THE TWO GRANNY'S BOUNDINGGG
“I know, my little monster. I didn’t forget your ice cream.” LITTLE MONSTER
After exchanging phone numbers and Instagram accounts, you went in different directions of the street - you wanted to squeeze both Lily’s and Summer’s cheeks when they blew each other a kiss after a long hug. Happiness washed over you seeing that it wasn’t hard for your daughter to make friends, and bond, even if not having her father around clearly affected her behaviour sometimes, often noticing that she, sometimes, was a bit needy and clingy - but also extremely kind and sweet.THESE TWO LITTLE GIRLS ALREADY LOVE EACH OTHER
But you wish you had never met Jasmine, or that your daughter had never met Summer at all when you found a picture of her entire family at a stadium, all of them dressed in England jerseys and a familiar face in the middle was on your screen when you decided to zoom in on the photo. You dropped your phone on your stomach, feeling your mouth instantly drying and your eyesight blurring - if you weren’t already in bed, the weakness you felt spreading from your legs through your body would bring you to the floor. AND THERE'S THE REVEAL
This is absolutely the sweetest feedback ever, not enough words to thank you for still being here. 🤍
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Charming love
Characters: Liam Dunbar x male reader, Theo Raeken x male Reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
A warm cozy blanket was on my body when I woke up. I still was disoriented for a moment as I opened my eyes. Until I remembered last night's activities. I really needed this late-night run. But mum would be furious if she saw my dirty feet on her new couch. Who laid the blanket upon my naked body was still a question I needed an answer to.
Which was the reason why I stood up. Not my dirty body, or the start at a new school, after my parents decided we needed to move. No, I needed to know who put my favorite blanket upon me when I was this dirty!
„(Y/N) what is the house rule after a late-night run?“ Mum asked me in a slightly angry tone. My body instantly reacted, freezing me in his place. I didn’t even see her anywhere. So how could she know that I was naked, except, of course, she did this!
„Mum, did you put my favorite blanket on me?“ I asked her accusatively.
„Ask your brother and go finally wash yourself up!“ She screamed back. I instantly wandered up the stairs and opened my brother's door, where the little shit was still sleeping. So I took his phone and let his alarm go off. It wasn’t long until he woke up. But the sight he had, let his heart stop for a moment.
„How do you want to die?“ I asked him calmly, even with a small smile. He was desperately looking for a way out. But before he was far enough from me, I had him in my hands. With him on my shoulder, I walked to the back hallway window, opened it, and threw him out. A moment later, I could hear a loud splash and a wakening gasp.
A victorious smile formed on my lips as I started my day with a pleasant warm shower instead of a surprise bath in our pool. My brother's only luck was that it still was late summer. So the water shouldn’t have been that cold.
As the dirt rinsed off my body. I felt even better than before. The good thing about this small town, is the vast forest, and the biggest downside was the dirt everywhere. I hated it, between my fingers, even a bit in my mouth, anywhere you don't want dirt to be.
Just as I walked out of my room, ready to conquer the day, I saw Jake again. A smirk plastered on my face while he looked at me with a scowl.
„Oh, come here, you big baby!“ I told him. He only reluctantly came near me again. I pretended as if I wanted to box him before ducking and getting him on my shoulders. „Do you have the ball?“ I asked him while going down the stairs. If the house would’ve been just a little smaller he would have had a rough morning with the ceiling, but at least our parents thought about it.
„Yeah, downstairs, already on our things,“ he happily told me. Even with the one year between us, we were very close. Some even told us our relationship weirded them out. It was normal for us, so we didn’t think anything of it. Our parents don’t have a problem with it either.
„Boys, what did I tell you?“ Our mother interrupted our fun again. I couldn't hear her, but Jake slapped my head lightly and pulled my hair. He gestured for me to turn around.
I came face to face without our mother, „Oh hey!“ A cheeky grin on my lips, while my mother looked not impressed back at me. „I will let him down in front of the table,“ I told her while trying to swallow the lump in my throat.
The breakfast was awkward at best after my mother needed to already warned me two times this morning. Dad was already at work, as always.
Just as we finished, our mother gave each of us a kiss on the forehead, „Behave you two, okay?“ We agreed in unison to her request. But as soon as she left the room, we looked knowingly at each other.
Despite this, we waited until she was out of the house. The instant I heard the door, I got Jake into a headlock, „Slapping my head, really?“ I asked him while ruffling his hair. I could hear him groan. As always, he put way too much effort into his hair. He should wear a snapback like me, then he wouldn't need these things. But no, he had to be extra.
„Stop,“ he whined a moment later.
„Okay, okay. Let us go before mom gets a phone call on our first day.“ Without getting an answer from my little brother, I walked over to our school things. Needly packed, standing waiting at the front door. The football on my backpack, where else?
„(Y/N)!“ My brother whined again, „Look what you did! I look like you without your stupid hat!“
When he came around the corner, I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore. He was absolutely right. „Do you want one of my stupid hats?“ He could hear my winning smirk but reluctantly agreed.
It wasn’t long after this that we got into my car and drove off. My handling of directions was terrible, so I could only hope that my mother had put the school’s address in the navigation system, as I had asked her to do the day before.
„Mom is a saint,“ I murmured after activating the device and seeing she really did it.
The way to the school itself was filled with slight bickering. Mostly Jake whined about his hair and that he needed to make a great first impression.
„Bro, we have almost the same face people will love you," I assured him and myself in the same breath.
„A Porsche,“ Jake excitedly exclaimed at the site of it. But I could only roll my eyes. As if my own sports car wasn’t good enough.
He knew exactly what he did. I love my car. And after ruining his hair, he wants to hurt me a little bit, „Maybe you should ask the owner to drive you from tomorrow on if you love his car more than mine.“ 
I couldn't hide my saltiness. The grin on his face told me everything I had to know. This little shit! If we were home, I would’ve thrown him into the stupid pool again! He should watch himself.
Just to be a little asshole, I parked right next to the Porsche just so the driver would have trouble getting in. Jake also saw it and only could roll his eyes.
But before he could say something, I threw the ball in his hands. We need to be always ready to play again. After all, we wanted to play again on the football team.
It still only started after we left the car. The second our doors closed we started throwing the ball at each other and kept walking away until Jake was standing on a small strip of trees between the road and the school parking lot, well between us.
„Now!“ I called to him. 
He swung with his entire body. The ball got so far that I actually needed to run to get it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see an outdoor space and the open entrance to it. Besides, it is a big green field. Maybe, we should’ve played there. 
As I got to the ball, I jumped up to get it. But as I came back down again, I felt a warm body colliding with mine. I looked down in shock and saw the wide eyes of a shorter boy.
With my enhanced reflexes, I could turn us both around while falling, so I would hit the floor, and the boy could lie comfortably on my muscular upper body.
I closed my eyes before landing fully on the hard floor. „Is everything okay?“ I asked the shorter boy, now in my arms. But as I opened my eyes, I was in for a surprise. His blue eyes glared at me more angrily than I had ever seen anyone glare at me.
„I'm a fine asshole! Now let me go!“ He actually trashed in my arms, almost like a little kid. But he seemed to be at least sixteen. I found it adorable until he actually punched my jaw.
I needed to grip his hands with one of mine. „Well, that's not the way to repay your savior. But maybe a kiss from this handsome bundle of anger would make everything better.“ His cheeks flamed up cutely. Because he didn't seem ready for that, I just got up and helped him up, as well. „Or at least your number, handsome?“ I asked him. A bright smile to show off my pearly whites.
Sadly, he just walked away without answering me. Just then, my brother finally made his way up to me. His right hand massaging my shoulder, „Where are my thanks?“ He asked with a wide smirk.
He knew my type, so maybe he did this not really by accident, but with Jake, you could never be too sure.
„He didn’t give me his number, so you need to wait for thanks.
„That's hard, bro.“
„He was cute, but you know me. I like many kinds of boys. Do you see him over there, the guy with the perfectly symmetrical face? Short brown hair? And the hazel eyes? Maybe he's more open to my charms,” he looked at me as if it were his cue.
We just stared at each other for a moment before I winked at him. As if his bad boy image was just a facade, it broke, and he got flustered.
„Why is it for you so easy to flirt? I mean, every single guy you want, you get. What is wrong with me?“
„We'll find a suitable girl for you, don't worry, little brother," I told him while keeping my eyes on the rather cute guy.
„Hey, Liam!“ He called after the other cute guy. Who actually waited for the other one?
After talking briefly, they looked at me again. This time both at once. „Are you sure, Theo?“ He asked the buffer, cuter guy. As he nodded, Liam began to walk faster, „We need to tell Scott!“
„They are both werewolves, right?“ Jake asked me worriedly. All I could do was nod my head. Why must everything be so complicated?
The first two cute guys I like are werewolves… fantastic! Jake could feel my mood swing. He threw his arm over my shoulders, „Come on. Let us go in, and you can try to think of a plan with your bird brain later. It will take you a while anyway.“
If I didn't know my brother. A fight between us would have started at that very moment. But instead, I just pushed him a little. What made him push me back. It got us both trying to get each other while laughing our butts off the entire time. I loved my little shit of a baby brother.
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 3 years
I hate that girl - F.W
Summary: Fred doesn’t really know how to cope. He hates y/n and everyone loves her. But is the feeling truly hate, or something else?
Warnings: Mean Fred, eating, semi-smut it's just oral: male receiving, a little hair pulling and stuff like that :)
A/N: Maybe I'm going to write a PART 2, with the rest of the smut? Idk? What do you guys think? x
Words: 2,1k
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It was summer, finally, my favourite season. I sat at the table with my family at the Burrow, enjoying my moms dinner.
“So, y/n is coming tomorrow mom, you remember?” Ron asked while trying to put a big piece of meat in his mouth.
“Of course I remember dear!” Molly smiled.
“Pfffttt ohno” I sighed, making the whole dinner table glare at me.
“Don’t be mean Fred, I really don’t know what’s wrong with you” Ginny said angrily.
What was wrong with me? That girl was wrong.
I hated how my whole family fell for her trap. Like she’s so innocent. They all believed her act. But I knew the truth, I hated the girl. She wasn’t sweet and shy and helpful. I just knew it. She couldn’t be. I didn’t believe it.
I never liked the girl. She visits us every year, being very good friends with... yea, almost every person here.
She was a liar, I saw it in her eyes. The girl was always like: “Molly can I help with the dishes” or “Hey George, I looooveee the new joke product” with her silly sweet voice.
No I didn’t fall for that. She didn’t even say those things to me any more, I've already scared her away. Well, great. That’s great.
“I really don’t understand why you hate her that much Freddie” George sighed when we were back in our bedroom.
"Well and I don't understand why you like her that much Georgie, are you in love with her or something?" I accused him.
"It seems like you are the one in love with her, silly brother" he answered laughing.
What the hell??
"WHAT? For God's sake! Why would you even think that?!" I screamed defensively. George only laughed.
"I give up" he smiled. Leaving me extremely irritated.
Me in love with y/n, like I said, I hate that girl.
I almost threw up seeing the girl acting like that.
We were all welcoming her in the living room. She hugged Ginny, then my mum and Ron and... you know how it goes.
Then she hugged George giving him a kiss on the cheek. Urgh disgusting. It was my turn. It was clear she didn't really know what to do. It was pretty awkward.
"Fred" she nodded staring at me full of doubt. She gave me a sad look and I almost fell for it.
I knew my sister was looking at me with eyes full of anger without even looking her way. I couldn't take it any more and just left without saying a word.
"I'm sorry about him" I heard George saying to her. "It's okay" she answered softly.
It was quiet at the burrow, everyone was already asleep. I've always been the only person in this house that stays up this late.
I was getting tired so I decided to get ready for bed. Even George had ignored me all evening, I don't get it, why are they this mad? I mean, okay, I wasn't very nice to y/n. But I can do what I want and I can dislike who I want, what do they have to do with it?
So I opened the bathroom door and before I could process what happened, my face was already bright red. Y/n was changing, her, apparently pretty, chest was bare in front of me.
The first thing I did was slap my hand to my face, trying to close my eyes and hide the redness. What the actual fuck, did I just see the girl naked?
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should've locked the door, I'm sorry" she answered embarrassed.
Okay how could I ever get this image out of my fucking head?! Yes, she did have an impressive body, and...but... BUT NO FRED, NO.
"Stop apologizing all the time, for god's sake, it makes me crazy" I hissed angrily.
She didn't really answer and she ran past me, I didn't even see the look on her face. Maybe that was a good thing, because I knew I may have been a bit too mean this time...
"Fuck Fred, keep going" y/n moaned, she looked like a mess and her perfect boobs bounced up and down when she rode me. It was the hottest and the best thing I've ever felt. Moans and grunts left my mouth. "Fuck I'm cumming baby" I grunted.
Suddenly a loud knock on my bedroom door woke me up. Y/n wasn't there any more.
Shit, was this a dream, an actual sex dream? About her?
"FRED WAKE UP IT'S ALREADY 1 PM, WE'RE GOING TO SWIM!" I heard my little sister scream at the door.
I freaked out immediately. I could never face y/n again after this, why did it happen? Why is my brain like this? And then I had a little problem down there too, I had an obvious boner.
"I'm coming Gin wait a minute" I answered nervously.
An hour later, I finally reached the lake that was a mile away from the burrow. The others were already there.
Great, swimming.
The dream was still spinning around in my head. I was so confused and like it couldn't get any worse, they decided to swim. Why today?
This was the worst moment ever to see y/n in her bikini. I saw her from a distance. God she looked hot. Her perfect boobs in the red bikini top, and damn it, that ass...
Bloody hell, STOP IT FRED, I just got rid of my boner, I don't need it to come back again.
"There you are Freddie, finally!" George smiled when he saw me. Damn it.
Y/n looked up too, still smiling at me even though all the mean things I said or did to her. Her hair was in a perfect bun and I could see her red bikini better now. I never really realized how sexy and good she looks until now, until the moment I walked in on her changing this night. Or maybe that was the problem, maybe I always knew, but shut it out?
But what if this was her trap again? The trap everyone fell for except me. I couldn't allow myself to fall for it, I promised myself!
I walked up to them and tried to get out of my confusing thoughts. "I'm sorry I didn't realize I slept for so long" I answered trying to sound okay.
"Guess it's because you were still up pretty late" y/n joked. Her pretty smile appeared and out of nowhere my legs were weak, like jelly.
"Fuck y/n SHUT UP, SHUT THE HELL UP" I snapped out of nowhere. My face went red and the others looked at me in shock.
It was quiet, y/n gaped at me, speechless.
"I.. I-" I tried to apologize when I saw y/n her hurt eyes, but nothing came out. My heart broke when a tear fell down her cheek. Maybe I was wrong about her.
I was the bad person in this story, not her.
She ran away and I heard her sobbing behind me.
It wasn't a trap, she never acted like she was an innocent sweet girl, she really was an innocent sweet girl. It wasn't her trap, it was my own trap, a trap I made up in my own head.
I heard sobs coming from her room. I stood behind the door. I promised my siblings I would apologize, because it was true, maybe I was wrong about her.
I opened the door slowly.
"Fred, please go away, you don't have to act like you're sorry because I'm crying. I know you hate me." she sobbed when she saw me.
“N-no, I, I don’t know what’s wrong with me” I stuttered.
She looked confused. Her red eyes really broke my heart. It was my fault.
I sat next to her on the floor and put my hand on her leg. She seemed shocked.
“Why do you hate me?” she whispered.
I sighed. Not really knowing what to answer.
“I don’t hate you, I just had the wrong idea about you y/n, I’m stupid.” I answered.
It was weird, she was still in her bikini and this was so not the right moment, but I felt that bulge in my swimming trunks appear again. I guess it’s because of the dream that was still so damn clear in my head. And of course, the fact that my hand was stroking down her bare leg.
Before I could cover it up, her eyes were already on it. Fuck.
We both didn’t utter a word. It was silent.
“You have a problem down there” she whispered, breaking the silence.
I gulped, trying to not get red.
“Is that why you hate me? You just want to fuck me?” she grinned extremely bold.
I wasn’t really used to being this speechless. But she was right. So, so right. So I just nodded.
Suddenly she was on my lap. My breath hitched in my throat. Her, so perfect, boobs now pressed to my bare chest.
“You make me crazy, I can’t even explain how crazy y/n” I finally said.
Her hands were now stroking my hair. Shit. My tummy tingled. Was George right, am I in love with her?
“So you just decide to be mean Freddie? Ignore me? Hurt me? Why?” she squeaked, searching for a rightful explanation.
“I... I’m sorry, I don’t know what I feel. I’m so confused but I know I was wrong about you now. I’m sorry for hurting you.” I apologized.
“It’s okay Freddie, I understand, we have enough time to find out how we feel” she promised me while lightly stroking my cheek with her small fingers.
A wave of electricity went from my feet to my head. So is this what being in love feels like? I wasn’t sure, maybe it was something else. I’ve never experienced this before. But one thing was sure: my pants got too tight now.
And that’s when I felt her move slowly. She moved the (oh so thin) fabric of her red bikini against my clothed cock. I could feel everything that was underneath and a shock of pleasure went through my whole body.
She kept grinding down on me, a soft whimper left her mouth and a grunt left mine.
I slammed my lips on hers. They moved perfectly in synchrony. They were soft and sweet. It was perfect.
I’ve kissed before, a lot. But this. This was different. The passion was overwhelming.
Her tongue explored my mouth while I helped her hips grind up and down.
She stopped the kiss and her beautiful y/e/c eyes locked with mine. In an instant, she was already on her knees in front of me, pulling down my swimming trunks.
"Can I?" she asked politely. I nodded eagerly.
She kissed my tip gently making me gasp a little. Her beautiful, soft hands stroked down my thigh.
"I'm pretty sure you're finally gonna stop hating me after this" she promised.
"You already succeeded princess" I praised, making her eyes go wider because of the nickname.
She started to kitten lick my tip slowly and my hands were already in her hair, making a ponytail with my hand.
She took my whole cock in her mouth, all at once. A grunt escaped my lips when I felt my tip hit the back of her throat.
"God y/n where did you learn this" I moaned huskily.
A smirk appeared when she started to bob up and down. I tried to control myself but I couldn't resist from pulling on her hair a little, guiding her head up and down. It was clearly something she liked because a moan left her mouth. The oh so sexy sound and vibrations made me grunt loudly. "Fuck baby" I moaned
I tried to hold it in but my hips started to pound a little into her mouth, making her gag on my cock.
"I'm gonna cum" I stuttered. One second later her mouth was already gone. I whined with a frown.
"Now already Freddie?" she smirked.
"Please don't stop, your mouth is amazing y/n" I asked trying to not sound too desperate.
She didn't answer but put her lips back, taking my cock in her mouth again. Now she started to suck fast and harder, making me go completely crazy.
She was so beautiful and so so so sexy. I couldn't hold in any longer. My head fell back and my eyes scrunched shut, a loud moan slipped from my lips when I came. I've never felt this amazing before. It was perfect. Y/n stuck her tongue out, showing me she swallowed all of my cum.
"Good girl" I praised huskily.
"Did it feel good?" she asked. She looked a little insecure now.
I grabbed her hips and placed her on my lap again.
"So good, I think I might be in love with you, and not just because of this moment, but for so many reasons y/n" I admitted.
"You.. you do?" she whispered getting red and shy. But the little smile on her lips said enough
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Fred Weasley
Request: None
Prompt: "My mum asked about you again"
Forgotten in a corner of the library, their books and parchments scattered all over the table, 4 students were restlessly doing their homework.
"Can't this be done already?" one of them broke the silence, so sudden it startled the others. "Bloody hell, it's been over 3 hours!"
"We're almost done, Ron, no need to get so loud," Hermione scoffed, "besides, you barely did anything."
"I assume Hermione and I could finish it in the morning. It's getting quite late and Madam Pince isn't looking quite fondly at us," (Y/N) sighed, feeling her eyelids heavy.
A yawn from Ron made Hermione groan. "I doubt we'd get much done tonight anyway, let's just go then."
Not long after, the 4 of them found themselves on the nearly empty halls of Hogwarts, on their way to the Gryffindor common room. They walked in silence, the tiredness from a full day finally getting the best of all of them. That is, until Ron broke the silence once more.
"(Y/N)," he said, making the (H/C) girl turn her head, "are you sure you don't want to come over for Christmas?"
"No, Ron, it's alright. I don't wanna be a bother," (Y/N) smiled kindly at the ginger.
"Nonsense! You know mum loves to have you over and i wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you there."
"Plus me and Ginny could use some more girl company around, we need all the help to stop these two from getting in trouble," Hermione added. She playfully pushed (Y/N)'s shoulder, making them both chuckle for a bit, time in which Harry finally broke his silence.
"And I'm sure theres someone else who'd love to have you there," he muttered in a whisper soft enough that only Ron heard him over the laughter of the girls. He elbowed Harry, shooting him a warning glance. The brunet shrugged, but kept silent all the same.
"See?" the youngest Weasley boy started, "you have to come. My mum's gonna kill us if we destroy something again. And i do mean anything."
"I'll... I'll think about it," (Y/N) offered shyly. As much as she wanted to go, she felt like she would intrude. But there was something really pushing her to go. Or rather someone...
After a while, the girls were settled in their beds, ready to sleep, or at least (Y/N) was. Hermione seemed to be in the mood for a bit of an interrogation.
"So what's the real reason you don't wanna come?" the young witch asked.
(Y/N) laid quiet for a moment, unsure of the answer herself. She reflected silently. Her parents were more than willing to let her spend Christmas at the Burrow, her closest friends would be there. So why was she refusing really? She didn't have a reason other than the feeling that a certain brother of Ron's, Fred, to be more specific, didn't want her around.
It all started during her visit the previous summer. The holiday was coming to an end and Harry had just arrived at The Burrow. The younger Weasleys, Hermione and (Y/N) spent most of their time together till that point, but when Harry arrived, his 3 best friends spent the rest of the evening with him. Catching up, making jokes and whatnot. Night fell quickly and while the other 3 weren't as tired, (Y/N) managed to fall asleep, right on Harry. They didn't have the heart to bother her until Fred woke up, coming downstairs.
"I should take her upstairs" the twin said, making the others turn to him.
"No, it's ok. I don't mind it," Harry smiled, his arm resting around (Y/N).
"Nonsense," Fred scowled, not leaving Harry any room for protest, before scooping (Y/N)'s sleeping figure off the bed and carrying her to Ginny's room.
The next day, (Y/N) woke up surprised to find herself in bed and even more surprised to find out Fred was the one who brought her there. She went to thank him, finding him eating breakfast, but he barely acknowledged her.
"No worries," he nodded, not even glancing up from his plate.
And from then on, what was quite a beautiful friendship turned into distance between the 2. (Y/N) never understood, Fred never gave her time to ask.
The (H/C) girl was brought back from memory lane by Hermione's words.
"Will you answer before I die of old age please?"
"I don't know what to tell you, Hermione. I don't have an actual reason."
But Hermione knew better than that. It was with good reason she was comsidered the brightest witch of her age.
"I'm sure Fred wouldn't mind if you'd come. And even if he does, the rest of us want you to come. So please, change your mind. Please? For me at least?" The brown haired girl begged.
(Y/N) smiled. She knew her best friend would put her thoughts into words better than herself. But she still felt bad. After all, she didn't even know what she did.
"I don't know, Hermione, I don't wanna make empty promises."
The room fell into silence soon after, both girls too tired to go on.
The next day came and went faster than expected, and soon dinner was served. With Hermione's words from the previous mind still on her mind, (Y/N) realised she haven't seen Fred the entire day. She scanned The Great Hall for him, but there was still no sign of the redhead.
"Where could he be?" she wondered, seeing his twin a few chairs away, seemingly not missing his brother.
Her question got answered shortly afterwards though, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"May I speak with you?" Fred asked.
(Y/N) nodded and hurried to follow Fred, who was already halfway out the door. She followed him to their common room, not making a sound.
Fred sat down on a couch, motioning for (Y/N) to sit next to him.
"My mum asked about you again," he said. "She wants to know why you arent coming over for Christmas."
"Oh, it's just... you already have guests and there would be so many people, i don't wanna be a b-"
"I talked to Hermione," he intervened,"She told me why you don't want to come."
(Y/N) blushed, that meant he knew he's the sole reason. And the sad tone in his voice only made the girl feel worse.
"I don't wanna be there if it troubles you in any way."
"It doesn't, (Y/N), and I'm sorry if that's the impression I gave you." For the first time in months, Fred turned his head to look (Y/N) in her eyes. "I promise you, that's not it, I'd love it if you'd come."
"Looks like quite the opposite to me," (Y/N) frowned.
Fred let out a puff of air as he looked down at his hands. He knew well how he's been acting with (Y/N) these past few months. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was ready to flee even then from the room, go away, as far away as possible from the younger girl. Poor (Y/N) had no idea how hard it has been for Fred. Keeping himself away from someone he actually cares about was just as hurtful for him as it was for her. But he couldn't let himself fall into unrequited feelings. He remembered when things started to change.
It was the end of July and they were all home at the Burrow, when someone knocked on their door. He opened it to reveal a sun-kissed (Y/N), with a big smile on her face, a smile that gave him butterflies. Her eyes shinning bright, her rosy cheeks, everything about her, it changed everything for him. The child- his little brother's best friend- had disappeared and instead there stood (Y/N) in a whole new light, transformed into a guilty dream, an innocent desire for romance, all with one look. She hugged him and for a moment he wasn't at the Burrow anymore. He was in his own mind-made world, just for the two of them. The moment lingered for a just a bit, not nearly enough, and he was abruptly brought to reality by Ginny's excited screams, by the loss of (Y/N)'s arms around him as she hurried to Ginny.
Fred wanted more moments like these. He spent his summer longing for them, doing everything in his power to get them. Day by day, he grew more fond of (Y/N), day by day he observed her, gazed at her like she was a piece of art, never to be touched.
One evening, after the house had quieted down, Fred and his mum cleaned up after dinner in amiable silence for a while until she broke the silence. "Young love," she said, looking up at him, "it is the sweetest of all."
"Hmm?" Fred turned to face his mother.
"I know my children, Fred, and I watch over them. A mother's eyes see things others can't."
Fred continued to look at Molly, unsure of what she was talking about.
"Go talk to her, Fred, you can't just watch her like she's gonna fall into your arms." His mother laughed, but her son was far from laughter.
He froze as realisation dawned upon him. That was it. Infatuation. He had fallen for (Y/N) and he'd fallen hard. And oh, how his dreams shattered now, as it all turned to reality. His little dream was now this cruel world and he couldn't bring it here.
His thoughts wandered for some time before he heard Molly's voice, loud enough to bring the whole house downstairs.
"Harry, dear!"
It was a few hours later and Fred couldn't sleep. (Y/N) wouldn't leave his mind, but not in the same fairytale way it did before. Concerns about what he could do, what she would do if she knew- all of these imagined scenes kept him restless and wide awake.
Maybe a glass of water would help, he thought and so he made his way downstairs. And what he saw made his stomach hurt just enough to be a bother. He knew Harry and (Y/N) better than to think anything of it, but someone touching her, being so close to her, someone who isn't him, pained him.
"Bloody jealousy."
"Jealousy? Who are you jealous of?" (Y/N) asked in confusion, bringing Fred out of his thoughts. Fred swallowed dryly, realising he'd said that out loud. He didn't know if now was the right time to share his feelings or not.
Luckily for him, a commotion could be heard very close by and soon the door to the common room swung open.
"Fred!" He heard his twin brother yelling his name, giving him a chance to swallow his feelings just a little longer.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), i gotta go. But please reconsider coming over for Christmas. I'd love it if you would join us."
And with that he exited the room, leaving (Y/N) as confused as ever and he, conflicted and at odds with himself. But it could wait. He had waited until then, what's a few more days, weeks, months. Perhaps it would pass...
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you'd like a part 2.
Requests are open, just send me what character you want and a prompt as long or short as you'd like!
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wheredafandomat · 3 years
Fear & Desire❤️‍🔥P58❤️‍🔥 Time for a new adventure
Previous chapter
The next morning you woke up to the door knocking. Opening your eyes, you smiled seeing Loki next to you. You quickly stood up to leave your room and answer the door but you soon realised that you were completely naked after your rousing night of fun with Loki. Grabbing a dressing gown off the door hook, you quickly made your way to the front door.
Opening it, remembrance hit you.
“Y/N heyyyy” Sophia said hugging you as you hugged her back before taking Isabella out of her hands.
“Hi Izzy” you smiled kissing the little girls forehead before turning to Noah.
“Come here” he smiled holding his arms out. “You completely forgot didn’t you” he whispered when he hugged you. You nodded as you pulled away.
“What are you guys doing out here in the cold get innn!” You laughed guiding them all inside and towards the living room whist picking up one of their suitcases.
“How about you go up to Sevs room and wake her up” you said putting Isabella down.
You watched her leave the room before turning back towards Noah and Sophia. Sophia had a knowing smile on her face as she gestured to yours.
“You’re looking radiant today” she teased squeezing your cheek.
“I don’t know what you’re tal—”
“Y/N, get back to bed woman” you heard Loki shout with a small laugh. “We didn’t even get to—”
“GUESTS LOKI WE HAVE GUESTS!!” you shouted silencing him before turning back to Noah and his wife with an embarrassed smile.
“I knew you had that sex glow” Sophia laughed nudging you before walking upstairs to watch the girls. “Hopefully I don’t sight a handsome naked man in y/n’s room when I walk past it” she joked walking up the stairs.
“Loki. The Loki.” Noah said with wide eyes looking at you.
“It’s a long story” you replied.
“Oh hello” you heard Sophia from upstairs say in an enthusiastic tone followed by a “hello y/n’s friend.” From an abashed sounding Loki.
You and Noah waited for a few moments as you heard Loki walk downstairs.
“Wow” Noah said when he saw Loki.
Loki done a small wave whilst standing behind you wrapped in one of your dressing gowns that fell very short down him.
“I have a lot of questions starting with—” Noah was cut off by a loud crash coming from outside the house.
Pushing past Loki, you flung open the front door and saw a smashed car along with a few people running and screaming. Running towards the danger, you cursed your years of being SHIELD and being an Avenger, you’re a mum now, turn around, go home, what use are you in your dressing gown? You told yourself. You felt Loki at your side as you approached a figure that didn’t even look human.
When it sighted you, it’s expression changed into a hateful one. You concentrated on trying to find any sort of fears or desires. Gasping, you turned to Loki.
“Loki, it’s here to kill us” you whisper shouted.
You heard Noah shouting behind you as he tried to call you back. Poor poor Noah you thought. You had to implant the images of spiders running towards him from your direction so he’d return to safety.
“Y/N, go” Loki commanded as he stalked closer to the thing.
“No chance” you replied grabbing Loki’s hand and squeezing it tightly.
Loki raised his free hand, probably about to use his seidir until you saw something from the sky strike it down. You focused your attention on the sky when the thing was killed.
“I think we have to go back y/n” Loki said still looking at the sky.
“Back! I don’t want to go back.” you shouted knowing exactly what he meant.
“We have to my inamorata” he sighed.
You both turned around to head back towards your house in a hurry once you saw the saviour from the sky had disappeared leaving the dead thing on the floor.
“SEV GET IN NOW!” You shouted as you saw Seven breaking from Sophias grip to rush to you.
“I’m scared” she said with her lip trembling causing you to pick her up.
“Yes mummy”
“We’re going on an adventure”
“To meet the rest of your family.”
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A/N: OMG OMG OMGGGGG THAT BRINGS US TO THE ENDDDDDDDDDD 😳 I thought I’d leave it happy enough that there doesn’t need to be any more parts but still with a cliffhanger incase the readers wanted another fic following on from this oneeee.
This has been such a journey honestly I’ve loved all the comments and support I didn’t think anyone was gonna really like this but it went well and it’s beeen annnn adventure 🥰
Please do let me know if you want another fic following on from this one, I’d be happy to write it 💚💚💚
Love you all!!!😘
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Triwizard Baby Part 2 - F.W
Masterlist, Writing Prompt Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Taglist
This is Part 2 of The Triwizard Baby Series, you can read part 1 here.
Want to be tagged? Let me know!
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Pregnancy, Mention of Abortion, alcohol.
"Oh come on, Y/N." Fred begged again "Please!"
"I said no!" You hissed, slapping Fred's hand away from you, storming past him and hurrying to the bathroom, feeling more nauseous than ever.
Clutching your stomach, you fell down onto your knees and hurled yourself over the toilet, vomiting up your porridge and pumpkin juice. At the moment, mornings were cruel to you - your stomach would churn and you had to endure feeling sick, and most often vomiting up your food. You didn't think anything of it, you told yourself you got food poisoning, or one of your potions had bad side effects, but in reality, as you discovered, food and potions weren't responsible for your morning sickness - Fred's baby was.
"Miss Y/L/N, it appears that you're pregnant." Madame Pomfrey announced, handing you the strange plastic stick, pointing at the tiny circle window with a plus sign inside that stared up at you.
You put your head in your hands and sighed, starting to shake, tears filling your eyes.
"I-I don't know what to do."
"Do you want to keep it?"
"I don't know"
"Do you want to terminate the pregnancy?"
"I-I don't know, just give me time to think."
Wracking your brain and trying to think of how you could explain this to your parents, and thinking about your future, Madame Pomfrey walked across the room, sorting through various potions, you could hear the glass bottles knocking over and clinking against one another. Walking back over to you, she handed you a deep purple potion that was misty and looked sparkly when hit by the light.
"Take this once a day, each morning until you know what you want. This potion will hide any indication of pregnancy as the weeks pass by. You'll still experience the usual side effects, but the most this will do is hide your growing bump."
"The usual side effects?" you scoffed "You're saying this as if this has happened to me before, I-"
Madame Pomfrey shook her head at you "You're in here, in a complete pickle on your own because of Fred Weasley" she said quietly, in case any students were now inside the hospital wing.
You swallowed hard, was your love for him that obvious?
"You're not the first girl of his to end up here" she grumbled "And I doubt you'll be the last!"
Fred knocked other girls up? Who? Did you know them? Did they secretly keep the baby?
Everything started to make your head spin, even more, you pulled the top off the potion and necked a tiny drop down, it tasted bitter yet spicy, you could feel a tingling in your tummy.
"If you run out, you know where to find me," Madame Pomfrey said, ushering around you, fluffing up pillows and making the beds "Now, you better be off!"
You were in shock - not just about being pregnant and hiding it, but the whole night in general from what you could remember. One minute you were snogging your best friend, being cheered on by everyone around you, the next minute you were having sex, then you woke up in the morning with a pounding headache and a hangover from hell - which led you to this moment: you were already one month into your pregnancy, and no one aside from Madame Pomfrey and Dumbledore knew.
You didn't want to terminate the pregnancy, but you didn't want to raise the child either, you felt lost and afraid, and you had no one to talk to - but in the next week or so, you would either have the support of your family or you would be disowned.
"What's up with her?" George asked Fred, looking around after waiting for you to return to the great hall.
"I don't know, Georgie." Fred answered, feeling pissed off "She's been more distant, after the first task she just.. she's changed."
Fred couldn't remember anything from that night, the next morning he woke up and you were already out of his bed, and no one mentioned what happened because they were going through hangovers from hell too - what did they expect? you were the master of drinking games, and no one could ever keep up with you.
You couldn't face Fred after the night you shared together, your brain warned you to stay away from him, to run in the other direction - screaming, whilst your heart cried for him, calling out his name and screaming at you - begging you to run to him with open arms.
You were frightened, alone, and felt ashamed, how could you bring a child up so young during your studies? how could you tell your best friend that you were carrying his child? how could you explain that you were now forever tied to him whether he liked it or not? You decided that you shouldn't and wouldn't tell him, from what you knew of - Fred couldn't remember what happened that night and you were satisfied, the least he could remember the better.
"Probably her time of the month or something, Freddie, don't overthink it."
Fred sighed "Well I’ve been planning to ask Angelina to the ball, I thought she'd get jealous when I took my time to ask her, but she didn't care."
George nodded, trying to think about what could have caused you to be so distant and moody, even George knew your periods and mood swings weren't that bad.
"I'm not giving up on her though" Fred continued, crossing his arms "by the end of the week she'll be on my arm, I can't turn up to watch the Yule Ball without a lass now can I?"
Tomorrow was The Yule Ball, a formal dance held on the evening of Christmas Day. Before realising you were pregnant, you had picked out a dress, you even got excited with the possibility that Fred would ask you - but now you needed to avoid him at all costs, seeing his face and turning him down once more would hurt your heart more than it deserved.
After taking a shower, you stared at your tummy through the mirror, realising that in a couple of weeks time, it would become more obvious that you were pregnant, and remember that you would need to rely on the potion to keep things a secret.
"Okay" you whispered to yourself "Don't forget, don't let the brain fog get you into trouble."
Drying yourself, you pulled on your clothes, constantly repeating the potion, and your plan in your head.
Walking out of the common room and down the stairs, turning around and walking down the hall, a loud whistle made you jump, Fred was following you.
"Don't ignore me, love, you know it's rude."
You glared at Fred, your heart and head both at war just by the sight of him and the sound of his voice.
"The answer is still no Fred, just leave me alone."
Don't look at him, don't get attached to his baby - stop it - just keep walking.
"Is it seriously too much to ask?" Fred hissed "It's just Yule Ball, not a bloody date!"
"I'm aware, Fred!" you raised your voice, feeling stressed, sick, and drained "No, I'm not going with you, just please - leave me alone."
Fred didn't chase after you, he stopped in his tracks and burned holes in the back of your head. He didn't understand, why were you avoiding him? why did you suddenly hate him after being best friends, inseparable for so many years? did he say something wrong? did he look at you funny? he didn't know, and he couldn't put his finger on the strange feeling clawing inside him.
Fred’s heart split in two, and he wouldn’t let you get away with doing this - he would get you back in the cruellest way possible, he had to make you jealous.
“Fine!” he yelled at you “I’ll ask someone else! Someone worth my time!”
The Yule Ball was underway, Fred had managed to ask out Angelina, Hermione with Krum, everyone with a partner - even those who weren’t happy about it, like Ron and Harry. You, however, were sat in the empty Hospital Wing, with Madame Pomfrey and your parents.
The huge lump kept forming in your throat, no matter how many times you kept swallowing it down. You couldn't keep still, your feet were tapping against the floor and you kept picking at the thread on your skirt.
"So what seems to be the issue?" your mum asked politely.
You stared at the thread, avoiding all eye contact.
Madame Pomfrey cleared her throat "Well, Mr and Mrs Y/L/N, you have been called into this meeting today as you need to be made aware of something that involves your daughter, Y/N. This matter will give us all plenty to discuss, and plenty of choices for Y/N to decide."
"What is it, sweetheart?" your dad asked, holding the hand of his wife.
Tears welled in your eyes again, your vision going like Harry's before the Gilliweed would take effect in a few months time.
"Please don't get mad" you croaked, finally looking up at your parents, staring at their concerned, soft faces "I-I'm pregnant."
Your parents went quiet, exchanging looks, appearing to be concerned, and quite shocked, but they understood - and they were going to get you through this.
“I know you’re scared, Y/N,” your mother said softly “You’re so young, raising a baby whilst being a baby - our baby - yourself.”
“We were young parents,” your father added quietly “it wasn’t easy, but we pulled through, we will support you, please don’t be ashamed.”
“The worst thing is” you choked, tears falling onto your skirt “I don’t even have the heart to tell him, he can’t remember what happened.”
Your mum got out of her seat and hurried over to you, pulling you into her arms, stroking your head as you wept, reassuring you.
“Is Fred the father?” Your mum asked under her breath, hoping her husband wouldn’t add him to his hit-list.
You nodded your head “yes” you sniffled “he is.”
“Now,” Madame Pomfrey huffed “I don’t want you going to that ball, you need to keep yourself safe, the baby needs to be safe.”
Well, you can’t join the dance or drink the spiked punch, but that doesn’t mean you can’t watch from a distance, does it?
Sitting down at the table behind Harry and Ron’s, you watched everyone dance with smiles on their faces, falling in love with their date for the night. You felt left out, quite bummed, and worst of all, you now had to watch the love of your life, the father of your child, mess with you on purpose.
Fred’s eyes meet with yours, his pained heart softens for a moment before remembering what you had done to him, and how you would get what you deserved. Dancing with Angelina, Fred gripped her hand, smirking at you before pulling her in for a deep, passionate kiss.
It felt as if time had stood still, your heart - like Fred’s - split in half, tears formed in your eyes and you felt sick, mortified, and betrayed. Pushing your chair out from the table, you got to your feet and ran away, leaving everyone behind as you rushed to the common room.
How could he do this to you? Why would he do this!
You felt stupid, you were getting attached to his child when you wanted nothing more than to be free - but this baby was the only piece of Fred you could ever have, and for all his faults, and mind games, you wanted to be close to him in any way that you could, no matter what.
Bursting into the common room, George gave you a sympathetic look, stopping his conversation with his friend Matt.
“You alright love?” he asked, his ginger hair lighter from the flickering flames.
You wanted to tell him, tell somebody, you couldn’t hide this anymore.
“Are you?” you asked, walking over them, sitting down on the floor by the fire.
“Not really, no” George replied “My twin brother is dancing with the girl I love, bit shit really.”
“Why have you been so distant?” Matt asked, “George and Fred are worried about you.”
This was it, you had to tell them, your words coming up like vomit.
“After the first challenge, when we attended that party when Fred and I kissed - that night went much further - I’m... I’m pregnant with his kid.” You admitted quietly “I don’t know what to do, I’m in love with him, and he can’t remember a thing, and he’s dancing with Angelina - he snogged her infront of me knowing I was watching him!”
You started to cry, hurt and fury ignited inside of George, everything starting to make sense - your absence, your morning sickness, you constantly clutching your tummy in protection when people bumped into you.
“Are you going to tell him?” George asked.
You shook your head “No, and the both of you aren’t going to tell him either, you need to promise me.”
George loved Fred, hell, twins are inseparable for crying out loud, but right now, George didn’t care about his loyalty to Fred, he hated him, he fucked you over and will most likely be fucking his crush tonight.
“I promise” he muttered, “it’s no one else choice, but yours.”
“That goes for who you tell, and for what you decide is best for you and the baby,” Matt added.
Feeling slightly better, you got to your feet and pulled Matt in for a quick hug, and then pulled George in for a close and warm embrace “thank you” you whispered in his ear, nuzzling your face into his neck.
Now three months pregnant, you were heavily reliant on the potion that deflated your bump, the only person to see it was George - who teared up and rested his hand upon it, wishing you were with someone better than his stupid brother.
Fred leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, staring at you and George talking, why was it that you acted as if he didn’t exist yet you were all over his brother? Was he fucking you behind his back? Did you prefer the twin you didn’t know as much over your best friend? Is this why his twin avoided him at all costs?
With the second challenge only a day away, Fred wanted to patch things up with you in time so he wouldn’t have to go to the second challenge alone, although he asked Angelina to the ball - and they had a good time - she wasn’t you, and he missed you more than he would like to admit.
Walking past to go to Divination, Fred stepped out in front of you, stopping you from getting past.
“Quite fond of Georgie now, aren’t you?”
“Let me through, Fred, I don’t want to be late.”
“Only if you go to the second challenge with me” he smirked, getting his hopes up.
You scoffed “Looks like I’ll have to skip this class then.” You turned your back on Fred, walking away from him, leaving him to feel frustrated and pissed off.
Missing out on the challenge, you went through everything you needed to buy for the baby and everything you would need to learn to make sure you were the most amazing mum. You were content with your decision to keep it, that little piece of Fred you could nurture forever.
With Harry succeeding down to moral fibre, you knew there would be endless parties tonight - Fred fucking another girl, probably getting her pregnant as he did you, just to not remember and move on to the next girl.
You loved him so much, but you hated him at the same time.
Feeling yourself finally doze off to sleep, the lights in your doom room flicked on, and heavy feet thundered into the room, startling you and waking you up. Your best friend and her mini group brought the party to you, holding a bottle of fire whiskey with your name on it.
“Get up Y/N!” she yelled, jumping on your bed and bouncing, the other girls cheering and laughing in the back.
You clutched onto your bump, the potion wearing off as it did in the night.
Sitting up in your bed, your best friend got on her knees, opening the bottle and shoving it in your face, the scent of the drink you swallowed down like water making you sick to your stomach - reminding you of the night you had too much.
“DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!” Your friends chanted.
“No!” you hissed “I can’t!”
The rim of the bottle hit your lips, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I can’t!” you yelled, silencing them “I’m pregnant!”
The girls stopped and stared at you, fire whiskey spilling out of the bottle and onto your bedsheets. Your heart thumped, your best friend’s eyes were wider than you had ever seen.
“Y/N is having a baby!” Katie squeezed in excitement, jumping on the bed, clapping her hands.
Thanks to Katie, the shock dissipated, and your friends were now supporting you, rubbing your back as you cried, and going through the list of baby things you needed: clothes, nappies, bottles, food, a crib, a pram. They were more excited than you, already arguing over whether it would be a girl or a boy, and who would be the better auntie.
They had a feeling that you didn’t want to tell them everything just yet - and luckily enough, they didn't make you, for now - they just wanted you to know that you weren’t alone, that you were surrounded by help if you ever needed it.
Fred stumbled into his dorm room, fire whiskey on his lips, and red lipstick marks on his neck. His brother George, and friend Matt sat on their beds and glared at him, the two of them looking so angry Fred was convinced they were going to rip his head off.
Fred shrugged his shoulders and got into bed - he had the worst night imaginable - every girl he kissed wasn’t you, his heart didn’t mend - it just broke even more, and from what he gathered - you and George were seeing each other behind his back.
He closed his eyes, drifted off to sleep, and met you in his dreams - holding you close, and swearing that he would never let you go.
taglist: @amourtentiaa @horrorxweasley @alwaysnforeverfangirl @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @sebby-staan @onlyfreds @pandaxnienke @xmalfoyweasleyx @manuosorioh @cosmiccomicloverqueen @the-romanian-is-bae @fhhsposts
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hillnerd · 3 years
For the ship and word game: Harry/Ginny, snitch ♥️
Thanks for the prompt! Hinny as parents - James is twelve. :)
It was December and so it was a cold grey day. There was no other kind of day in Scotland in December.
Despite the rather miserable weather, Ginny was jubilant as she trudged through the snow towards the familiar Quidditch pitch, red sweater on under her thick winter coat.
James had sent a letter late in the night. It was barely legible, and mentioned something about Quidditch. The follow-up letter from Teddy helped clarify things. James was in the reserves for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and was getting to fly his first game thanks to a chaser getting a bad case of Fwooper Flu.
No one had ever come to her games at Hogwarts as her mother had never been comfortable Apparating and couldn’t spare the Floo powder, while their father was always busy at work. It wasn’t something she particularly resented, but looking back she would have liked them to see her and cheer her on for her games.
Harry was off on a mission, but Ginny could spare the time, and was happy to get a chance to see James playing his first ever game. It was strange being back at Hogwarts after so many years. She’d been back a few times for memorials back in the early 2000’s, but it had been over a decade since then, and much had changed. In some ways it was the same- the Quidditch pitch didn’t look all that different, but the pathways to it had changed, the seating, and she was having trouble finding the locker room.
“Ginny!” she heard a voice call, and saw Neville waving in the crowd. She enthusiastically waved and jogged over.
“Hey Nev!” She smiled and gave a hug.
“Here to see James?”
“Yes! Though, I’ve not clue where the locker rooms are! Where’d they move them to?”
“Ah! Those are on the South side now. The old ones had a lot of old spell damage and got torn out, oh, five year ago now?” he explained, leading the way to the locker room.
She could hear the sounds of teens excitedly gearing up for the game.
The team were mostly students Teddy and Victoire’s ages, if she had to guess by the look of them. James, by comparison, looked tiny and pale. He was bouncing both his legs as he sat at his bench, hands running through his hair. He was already with uniform and pads on, while the rest of the team were more languorous in getting their pads in place.
She’d been exactly the same her first match as a Harpie.
“Knock knock,” she said, fully entering the room. The teens quieted down seeing there was an adult in the room, while James shot to his feet.
“Mum!” James cried out with a smile, before carefully schooling it to a much cooler nonchalant look. “Erm, what are you doing here?”
“Came to see your first big game, of course,” she laughed.
“Oh wait- that’s Ginny Potter!” cried out an eastern asian girl. One of the tall teenage whipped around, a furious blush on his face, before shutting his locker that had an old poster of hers. She remembered the row she’d had with her mum over the poster and how she wasn’t ‘fully in her uniform’ for the shot. Another kid, Oliver Wood’s daughter she’d met a few times over the years, gave a quick wave.
“Yup,” she said with a winning smile. “Best of luck, to all of you. Go Gryffindor!”
She caught James’s eye and was surprised to find him looking rather cross. She gave a quick gesture with her head to the door and he joined her just outside.
“Excited for your match?”
“Well I was…”
Oh dear. She could feel the tween angst rolling off of him.
“Everything alright?”
“Why’d you have to come into the locker room? No one else’s parents did that.”
“You sure about that? Because I know for a fact Oliver Wood was there for the first few years of your Keeper’s games.”
James bit his lip, adjusting his rectangular glasses.
“You sure?”
“Oh yes. And he wore full regalia and painted his face, so you’re old mum isn’t too much of an embarrassment by comparison.” She had no idea if Oliver Wood had done this, but it was the first embarrassing thing she could imagine to make her look a bit less bad by comparison.
“It’s not that you’re embarrassing…” he said, digging the toe of his shoe into the ground.
“I just… I want them to be thinking about how I’m good on my own. Not because of you.”
Oh. She’d not considered that as being a thing, but completely understood the sentiment.
“Hey, I can leave if—”
“No… No, I want you here. I’m glad you came,” he said, before furtively looking around him then leaning in to hug her.
“You’re going to crush it, James,” she whispered in his ear. “Remember to really tuck in your heels and arms when you’re doing any hard sprints. And look farther down the field so you can get a big picture of the whole game and really slow things down. Oh, and ‘give to get’ on your tight turns so that—”
“I know, I know!” James said, putting a hand through his messy auburn hair. It wasn’t as messy as Harry’s, but she had a feeling he’d been running hands through it more than usual.
“Best of luck, darling,” she said with a kiss to his forehead.
He gave her one of his most confident smiles, flashing his straight teeth, and for a moment she could just picture what he’d be like when he was quite grown up, a thought that terrified her.
“See you after the game,” she said, giving his hair a ruffle as she went to find her seat.
She looked for Neville amongst the stands, but spotted a familiar head of dark hair beside him.
“Harry?” she called out. He turned and grinned at her, wearing a Gryffindor scarf and facepaint on his cheeks.
“Go Gryffindor,” he said with a grin.
She smiled back, loving that he’d somehow made it to the game. She also loved how mortified James would be later. She was the cool parent; today at least.
“Nice to see you in your old colors,” she said, taking a seat beside her husband. “Thought you had a mission today?”
“The great thing about being Head Auror is you can push those off on other people,” he said, taking hold of her hand. “Plus it’s his first game. I couldn’t miss it. It’s nice to have someone in the stands rooting for you when you’re taking on something daunting.”
She gave his hand a squeeze.
“Yell super loud when James flies out. He’ll love it!”
James might act embarrassed, but she was sure he actually would love having his father there cheering him on.
When James flew out Harry gave a giant whoop, which made James show off with some loop-de-loops instead of going red faced like Albus would have.
The match was a good one, and James was keeping up very well with players years older than he. She glowed as he followed her advice to ‘give to get’- slowing down on turns so he could gain more smooth speed on the long runs.
He was a natural chaser and she couldn’t be more proud.
James was in a perfect tail slide transition with his Quaffle when a bludger was his his direction. Too intent on looking down the field, and with all the cheers, he missed her and Harry’s scream as their son took a Bludger to the back of his head and went tumbling from his broom.
There were a number of spells on the field to prevent a student from making impact with the ground (something they could have used back in her and Harry’s day). It did nothing to prevent the terror scraping at her insides seeing her little boy put on a stretcher with blood running down his temple, glasses smashed and laid on his chest. Harry’s jaw was set and he made an incongruous sight looking so grim while adorned in the bright face paint.
James was rushed to the hospital wing, and she and Harry stayed by his side the whole way there. All his cousins and Teddy came to visit, but they dispersed once they knew James would be alright, with the exception of Teddy who opted to stay.
James was healed and bandaged up by Hannah Longbottom. Despite knowing James was fully healed, they opted to stay until he woke up. Teddy nodded off in a nearby chair, his hair subconsciously turning the same color as James’s as he slept.
Ginny stood looking at James’s sleeping face until her vision blurred. She could picture him when he was just a tiny baby, his look of mischief on his face as he padded along the halls on pudgy legs, toddling after Teddy and Harry, wanting to be so grown up.
Harry took her hand and squeezed it.
“He’s alright, love.”
“I know,” she replied, swiping at her eyes. “I can’t stop thinking of him as a baby, for some reason.”
Harry gave a dry laugh. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. Is it just me, or is being a parent a bit like having a time turner? In the blink of an eye you can see your twelve year old as a baby or when he first walked.”
“Especially when they’re asleep,” she said, stroking James’s lightly freckled cheek. “I’m glad you came today.”
“Me too. He flies just like you, you know,” said Harry before standing beside her.
“I was thinking some of those loop-de-loops looked like you at that age.”
“Naw, all his brilliance is from his Mum,” he said, leaning in to gently kiss her.
“Eurgh…” James gave a grunt, squinting at them. “What happened?”
“You got a bludger to the back of your head. Same injury your dad had in his sixth year.”
“Wicked…” said James, before his eye went wide. “Who won the game?”
“Gryffindor, even though they didn’t catch the Snitch. You Chasers were that good!” said Harry, sitting beside James.
Ginny could picture James’s first broom ride, with Harry excitedly following beside him so he wouldn’t slip off the tiny broom.
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Little Secrets - pt. 3
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A/N: I had been writing this for days but I really love the idea of where this is going. Lol. Also, I would like to thank @barkermarkersharker for the lovely idea that I just had to use. Also, this will be more than a three part I guess.
Your father has been dragging James on all sorts of social gatherings all week. He has been excited but also exhausted. He had come home only to eat and sleep, except on Wednesday. That day he went hiking with Sirius before collapsing into his bed.
A rough week for James Potter but it was Saturday and he will soon be home. Sirius and you had been getting along well. You haven't been holding any sort of grudge towards James but you had your moments where you mentioned some sort of remark of the whole keeping you a secret thing.
Now that he is free this week, he can finally help you and Sirius bond.
He came home with a smile on his face, excited that his week of torture was over. He dropped his bag on the hall and ran up stairs. He barged into his room to find Sirius but he was nowhere in sight. He than ran into your room and you weren't there either.
His brows furrowed, his lips turned down and he ran back to the kitchen. "Hey mum." he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a fry from the bowl. "Where are Sirius and (y/n)?" he asked, sitting down on the chair and looking at the porch, thinking he will maybe see them there.
"Well, they're at the beach, honey." his mum said, furrowing an eyebrow at him. "I thought they told you?"
"No." he replied, a bit disappointed at the answer.
"Well, it was all last minute. (Y/n) woke up earlier than usual and at breakfast both with Sirius decided to go to the beach with some of her friends." she smiled, thinking to that morning. "You and your father were already gone but you two should have seen them together. We were all laughing so hard this morning. They even invited me to come but I said no because what would me be doing there at the beach with all them youngsters." she continued to smile brightly. "They were both so persistent that I really thought they wanted me to come- do you think there could actually happen something between them?" she asked out of curiosity, looking at James.
James however, choked on his fry and started to cough. "What?"
"Sirius and (Y/N). They seem to get along so great. Like they're meant for each other and I wouldn't mind Sirius becoming my son in law. And imagine what gorgeous babies would they have together."
"Oh! Mom!"James stood up, laughing but feeling horrible inside. "Please, stop. (Y/n) is not a wizard and Sirius is. Even if they do get along, they are both meant to live in two completely different world." he started to get a bit agitated, pouring himself a glass of lemonade.
"We all live in two different world, James. If it wasn't for (y/n), your father and I and you wouldn't know about certain, amazing things about Muggles."
"Yeah but!" he turned around, raising his tone and opening his arms to explain something he couldn't even explain to himself yet. "No. No... they're not..."
"I think there is something between them." your mother smiled, meanwhile James only glared at her. "You don't get along with a person that well and think of it as just friendship."
But you liked girls! - James wanted to scream but knew he couldn't have outed you to his parents. You've always preferred girls over guys, anyway. He only remembers one guy from your whole life that you had had an interest in. All the others were girls.
You can't with Sirius. He's... and you are just not right for each other. Just not!
Your mother could see the injustice James felt in his bones right now. He was frustrated with the idea of you and Sirius together. She tried soothe the tension in the air, turning to James and telling him. "Why don't you go to the beach as well? Meet (y/n)'s friends."
"I already know them mum." he pouted.
"You know of them, James. There's a difference. There's nothing wrong with having Muggle friends."
"I know it's just... what am I supposed to tell them if I can't mention magic at all? Like what do Muggles even talk about?"
"There is more to life than just magic, James." was all what your mother said back.
James didn't dress much to the beach, since it was quite windy, as per usual. He wore his usual white jeans with a brown belt, white T-shirt and a jean T-shirt blouse with rolled sleeves. He was walking through the beach to find you and Sirius but the two of you were running around like two wild beasts, laughing so loud he could spot you from a mile away.
You were piggy back riding Sirius and he was running from towards a small group of friends. There were another couple, racing the two of you.
The two of you obviously ran. If Sirius was anything athletic, he was fast. That boy ran from every single Prefect, Head Boy, Head Girl, Professor, wolf-Remus, odd forest monsters and Filch in that school. Of course, the two of you won.
He threw himself, and you, on the blanket, both rolling and laughing as well as cheering.
"HELL YEAH!" you raised your palms in the air as Sirius high-fived them both.
"Why are you panting? I was the one carrying you and running."
"Hey, this was a two people effort. I was your moral support up there." you smiled and all of you laughed before Sirius eyes darted to the approaching figure and his smile suddenly fell, then rised up again.
You turned to look and saw your brother approaching the whole lot of you with a faint smile.
"BROTHER!" you jumped to your feet and ran towards him.
"Don't hug me! Don't hug me!" he started to avoid you by running backwards and putting his hand up. "Stay away from this fit."
"Really?" you glowered at him, then kicked sand at him.
"You rat!" he shouted and started to chase you, grabbing you around the waist and lifting you up.
"PUT ME DOWN! NO! NOOOO!!!" you screamed and laughed at the same time because you knew what he was about to do. "You'll wet your shoes!"
"Not if I throw you." he laughed.
"You don't have the strength."
"But I have magic." he grinned and you gasped.
"You prat! You wouldn't."
"Please don't. DON'T! JAMES!!" he was getting closer to the water, laughing.
"You'll get to clean the dishes for the whole month and the bathroom when it's my turn."
"A WHOLE MONTH?!" you exclaimed. "Hell no! Throw me into the sea. I don't care." you stopped resisting and he let out a laugh, taking a few steps forward and just dropping you into shallow water.
You had returned back, completely wet and cold. You grabbed the extra blanket from the ground and plopped yourself down, glaring at him.
"I will murder you when we come home and I will bury you next to Minki."
"Then you'll really have to clean the dishes and bathroom every month."
"I don't care." you turned your head dramatically, before laughing with him.
"Here." said James and gave you his red sweater.
"Thanks." you said ,grabbing it, taking your wet shirt off and putting it back on, later taking off your soaked bra under it. "Thank God, it's summer." you praised under your breath, leaning back on your arm and looking around, seeing both of your friends making googly eyes at your brother.
"So how was the meeting Jamie?"
"Dull." James mimicked your position. "Sooner than later, you realise that all the gatherings and the meetings and the parties have the same system. Talk about old friends and family first, turn to business and end with something like; we'll keep in touch."
"You had your fun then." Sirius smiled but looked at you when he did.
"Any lassies you caught your eye on?" you asked, looking at your friends from the corner of your eye.
"If you didn't come with dad on these gatherings, what makes you think other lassies did?"
"A question, brother. No need to get fussy about it." you said as you wanted to change the subject but Sirius caught you to it.
"OH MERLIN! A PIG!" he shouted and got on his feet. "It's a pig!" he started to jump excitedly.
"Sirius don't you even think about it..." you said but he was already running towards it, scooping the baby pig into his arms and starting to pet it. An old man approached him and the next thing you knew, Sirius was giving the man money, over-excited for the little pink being in his arms.
He ran back to the group and lifted the animal in his arms. "I got a pig!" he said like a little boy who had got himself his first toy.
"Oh my, God."
"I like the name Arnold." you said as you continued to pet the little pig next to Sirius, cooing at him.
"For the thousandth time. HER name is Treasure."
"I'll call you Arnold." you said at the pig as it smiled at you and bumped her nose at your fingers.
"Treasure!" he pulled the pig closer and kissed her forehead. "Don't you listen to her, Treasure. She wasn't the one who took you in, she doesn't get to name you." he glowered at you and you stuck your tongue out at him.
Meanwhile James was walking behind the two of you this whole time. Your mother was right. The two of you did get along great, even better than usual and he felt excluded from his two best friends.
And the worst part was that the two of you didn't even notice it. The two of you didn't notice how miserable he was- that was such a selfish thought. He should be happy that the two of you were getting along.
He was arguing with his mind.
"So, Jamie!" you ran back to him and wrapped your arm around his. "You are the tie-breaker. Arnold or Treasure?"
James let out a laugh. "How about Mum-will-kill-you-two?"
"Don't be buzz kill, Prongs. It's Treasure because I had found her and she is the biggest treasure in my life."
"He's turning into mum." James whispered to you but loud enough for Sirius to hear him and narrow his eyes at the two of you.
"Oh, darn. Dad's got two of them now." you started to joke.
"Hope Euphemia won't get jealous." James continued as the two of you snickered.
"Dad's gonna go bankrupt. Has to buy another ring. Should we call you mother now, Sirius?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
He put the pig down and pointed at the you and James. "Treasure. Attack!"
But Treasure just sat on her bum and gave Sirius googly eyes.
"Awww!" he scooped her back up and waddled her. "We should go shopping tomorrow." he smiled at the two of you. "I want Treasure to keep up with fashion."
"Buying her a leather jacket and a curly, black hair wig?"
"Don't you listen to her. You've got pretty pink hair." he kissed her forehead and went into the house.
"You have some weird friends, Jamie." you shook your head.
"They're not weird. It's just him... that's a bit extra..."
"I can still hear the two of you! I am NOT extra!"
James has become more fond od Treasure through the evening. He was sitting on his bay window, looking through at the distance where the field stretched into the distance. Treasure was lightly snoring in his lap as his hand was caressing her tiny head into sweeter dreams.
Treasure started to breathe a bit harder during her sleep, so James lightly opened the window and let the summer breeze wash over her. It was almost as that little pig's mouth curved into a thankful smile. Despite the fact how much everybody disagreed on the pig becoming part of the family, James was really thankful for this lovely little being in his lap. He always had a feeling about animals. Even Minki, his mother's old cat, seemed to crawl onto his chest when he was laying and purr over his heart. Mother said it was a miracle because Minki never liked anybody, not even your father or you but through the years, she got a bit softer for everybody.
"Tell me what's on your mind and I'll tell you what's on mine?" James heard Sirius say from the outside.
His attention wavered from the pig to the voices bellow him. He completely forgot his room is right above the porch but he didn't intend to listen.
He heard you laugh and then stop to pause. He knew that pause. "You know today was the first day I saw James jealous of me." you let out a laugh and James furrowed his eyebrows at your statement.
"I wasn't jealous." he whispered to himself. "Was I jealous?" he asked the sleeping pig on his lap, than thought back to today and concluded. "I was maybe a wee jealous."
"How do you know he was jealous?" Sirius asked and you smiled with a roll of your eyes.
"It doesn't take a mind reader to see this." you snorted, than pulled yourself on the fence as you usually did. "Plus whenever he's having angry thoughts the space between his eyebrows furrow and he looks extremely tense. I keep telling him that that is his tell but he never listens."
You were right. You do always tell him about his little tells but he just does them subconsciously.
"I remember before I turned eleven, James would constantly make me jealous by telling me about magic. How he started showing his magic abilities when he was seven and I was ten but didn't even show a tad of it." you started and your voice started to quiver a bit. It was when you started to show your rawest side. You didn't much open up to anybody but when you did, you really went into the most deepest parts of yourself. "When we found out I was a Squib, James stopped with the whole teasing but it was too late, you know? He had already told me about Hogwarts and given me such expectations to be sorted into the same house as him or a Hufflepuff. He loved Hufflepuffs... and I remember crying when Dumbledore told me and my parents that I can attend Hogwarts for magical knowledge but will never be able to preform it. I can never forget the disappointment in my father's eyes. He was so shocked that I was a Squib, it was his reaction that made me cry so hard that day." you continued, speaking in a calm, controlled voice. "I didn't want to stand out in Hogwarts so I said I don't want to. James told me I could still go to Muggle schools and become more magical and successful even if I'm not a wizard and that gave me hope." you smiled and James mathed your smiled from another room, still listening. "Though it always bugged me- the whole Squib thing. We came from such a powerful wizarding family and I was the one who got born without it."
"It happens even to the best of families, (y/n)." Sirius tried to reason but you only smiled. "It happened to my family as well... but... she married a Muggle so... it sort of made sense..."
"Exactly. Both of my parents come from powerful families, that's why it didn't make sense to me and I couldn't understand why nobody did any more research. They all just accepted it."
"But you didn't?"
"No. I didn't." you replied determined. "It didn't make sense to me. It was like a whole family line with black eyes and black hair and black skin existed and all of a sudden a ginger with blue eyes and fair light skin was born to that family. And I know it happens in family but not in this family, you know?" you tried to explain. "And I know James and I are different from each other, thank God. It makes sense because my father's side of the family are all alike, which is from whom James takes it from but my mother's side is diverse, that's why our physical features are so different. Genes. Those genes make sense but magical genes? Wizards marrying wizards in my family and it just didn't make sense to me. I couldn't let it go."
"The stubborn gene." Sirius tried to joke and James snorted at his comment.
"I was always jealous of James. I just never showed it but then I was in London with my friends- it was a school trip- and there was this psychic."
"Oh no."
"I know what you're thinking but let me explain!"
"Muggle Psychics are such a skam."
"Let me explain you broom flying shit."
"Alright. No need to get mean." Sirius backed off, meanwhile James was holding his laughter in the other room.
"Psychics feed off an energy and vibrations. Yes, some are skammers but there was something different with this woman. When we locked eyes through the window, I got this odd shiver down my spine and something about her eyes... it felt so real...
'++ You were standing in front of store and it felt like it was only you and the store in this world. Your friends were nowhere by but that was the last thing on your mind. You had been there and the store and the mere nothingness of the world.
You opened the door, they jingled and spread an odd athmosphere on your body. You didn't know whether you felt anxious or free. Perhaps the feeling of freedom gave you a bit of anxiety as well.
"Come in, child." you heard a voice from another room and before you even took a step, she was already in sight.
She was leaning on the wall, dipping her tea bag into the boiling water. She wasn't like those psychics the television represents. She wore a long dress that was tight around her waist. She was in a nice form and you couldn't figure out whether she was 30 or 40.
"I'm 52." she answered your question before giving you a pleasant smile with beautiful teeth and making her way into another room. "I know, I don't look like it much but that's the power of magic." she continued to say, poking her head out of the room and grinning. "But you would know everything about that, wouldn't you?"
You felt something swallow you but you gathered your thoughts quickly. "Unicorns, fairies... all of them live in my backyard, yes." you said as you also made your way to the room, letting your hand brush the colourful crystals hanging on a silver chains.
"They're all around you, you know?" she smiled and you furrowed your eyebrow at you. "Fairies I mean but they only appear if they want to, that's why you've never seen them. They don't want to appear."
"Alright?" you sounded doubtful.
"Come on, sit."
And you sat.
She sat across from you and opened her hands on the table. "Go on. Give me your hands. You didn't walk in here just to stare at me."
And as soon as you gave her your hands, you felt this magnetic pull towards this woman. It was something you gave her and it was something she gave you back.
Her eyes were closed but the way her lips pursed together and eyebrows furrowed, you knew she was a bit confused. "Oh dear..." she mumbled under her breath but regained her posture and mind. "What we're doing right now are exchanging energies darling. The Universe is responding to it, giving me a download. Whether you believe in the Universe, the energies, vibrations or the Law of Attraction, it does exist. You cannot fight it. It simply exists." she continued to explain and you listened. "Your inner child is in need of healing- I see you still haven't moved on from something that had caused a massive change in your childhood..." she opened her eyes a bit. "Magic?"
"I... I don't have magic."
"Oh, honey. You don't need to move a feather to have magic." she gave you a loving, caring smile. "We all hold magic inside of us. You just have to believe in it."
And it was in the way she spoke that she gave you a large amount of hope. All the anxiety was gone- as if it never existed. You just wanted to stay in there forever.
"I also see you've been troubling yourself with a question for a long time and I'm here to give you an answer..." ++'
"What did she say?!" Sirius exclaimed in anticipation. He was really invested in this whole story, meanwhile you had to take a moment to breathe.
"Well... in the beginning when she said "Oh, dear..." she was referring to the black magic I carried inside all these years." you tried to smile but it squeezed your heart. "I don't have it anymore. I washed it off a year ago but what really made me upset was that if I washed it before I turned eleven, I could be a witch myself." you looked up, trying to show him that you weren't affected by talking about this, though clearly you were.
"What do you mean?"
"When my nana was alive, on my mother's side, she always forbid people to come when mother was pregnant with James and when James was just a baby. When they did come, she would sage the house and search it from head to toe because people could have left omens or something that would do something to a child. Despite the fact that she was a wizard, she was extremely superstitious. At least, that's what mum told me. It annoyed her a bit." you paused. "She died not long after James was born and before I was conceived and Nora, the psychic told me that nana has been protecting both of us from the other world but she couldn't protect me in this world like she had done with James."
"Meaning what? Somebody did black magic on you?" Sirius furrowed his eyebrows meanwhile James was listening up there, just as confused.
"Nora talks to the spirits, and she talked to nana. Nana said that my father's auntie was the one, attempting to put black magic on James but was unsuccessful. Then tried again with me... bringing a whole tea set as a present and Nora said that teas have an enormous power, whether we know it or not. It can heal you but it can also sicken you- herbs an all."
"Yeah, I know. I've been taking Herbology with agony but still listened to it."
"The tea set was cursed and whenever my mother drank from it I would consume the black magic that came with it. It created a blockage for my magic and when I turned eleven, it finally did its job by never letting me use magic at all." you smiled but a tear rolled down your face. "She told me I could still have magic, you know? If I removed the black magic, I'd remove the blockage but there was a catch."
"I'd become an Obscurial." you looked at him and his eyes dawned with a loss of hope. "I know, I was disappointed as well. I didn't want ot be an Obscurial and I had already created the Muggle life, accepted it and loved it- so I gave up on magic. I didn't want that kind of magic. I wasn't desperate like I was when I was a kid but still it hurt.- She told me how to get rid of the black magic completely and I had followed every step. I felt lighter afterwards, like something has been lifted off my shoulders. I didn't know I was carrying something so heavy all my life but I felt fantastic after it."
"Did you tell your parents or James?"
"No." you shook your head. "I didn't want to burden them with this knowledge and they already accepted the whole Squib part of me and I got closure as well... knowing that I wasn't picked out of the family. I was just a wee unfortunate." you smiled, looking up at the stars. "Nana said through Nora that she'll always protect us- all of us and she told me that I should try to find my own magic in the world, how special I was and all of those things. Some days, I really do feel like she's with me. Sometimes when we eat together or the days I sit here and look up at the stars." you laughed. "It sounds a bit crazy but-"
"No...it doesn't." Sirius said as he took your hand in his, smiling at this magnificent woman in front of you.
James already closed the window. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He knew your father's auntie was a bit odd but to do black magic on her own family is just fucked up.
He needed to know something. He needed to go to the attic.
Meanwhile you and Sirius were still on the porch. Still so wonderfully living among the stars. You jumped down from the fence and leaned back. Whenever he would touch you, you felt a rush of emotions go through you- those anxious butterflies banding together in your stomach and trying to burst free. Your cheeks would heat up... and whenever Sirius was close, this close, you would even get afraid of what he might do next.
Flirting was one thing for you; fun and easy but when it came to real feelings, that was when you were a complete mess.
Sirius was standing close to you but he didn't touch you. "All that talk about energies..." he started, breathing a bit heavily as he was getting closer to you. "Does that mean we exchange it too?"
"Yeah." you replied with shallow breathing.
"And when I touch you like this..." he said, taking a hold of your hand and lifting it up a bit, interlocking his fingers with you, then looking deep into your eyes. "Do you feel it?"
"I feel it..." you replied, staring into his lips, marvelling at their beauty as your whole body would pulse.
"And now?" he asked, placing his other hand on your hip and pushing you gently on the wooden pillar.
"Uh..." you swallowed thickly as your heart rate started to beat abnormally. "I feel you..."
He pressed his forehead onto yours and started to close the gap between your lips. "Good..." he growled a little and pressed his lips onto yours. His body, hot, pushing you against the pillar, meanwhile his hand on your hip squeezed you tightly, releasing a pleased whimper from your lips. His strong arms would wrap themselves under your thighs and lift you up until they were wrapped around his waist. His kisses deep and passionate caused your head to swirl. Your fingers dug into his curls and tugged on a little, causing a satisfied smile to appear on his lips.
He would pull away for a moment, gaze into your eyes than to your every feature. He would start to remove your hair from your cheek, just to take a closer look at you. You were amazed by his strength. He was holding your whole body weight with one hand that it only made you feel more attracted to the man.
Than before you knew it, something fell on the floor in the living room, making the both of you jump and look who had just caught you.
"Oh, bloody hell!!" Sirius gasped. "Treasure, what the hell?" he looked at the pig as the pig happily jumped towards him.
"I think she's a bit jealous." you giggled, meanwhile Sirius scooped the little being into his arms.
"Does this look jealous to you?" he turned her towards you and the pig was simply enjoying the little belly rub, smiling at you as well and trying to sniff you.
"I still can't believe my parents didn't allow me to have a fish but allowed you to bring a whole pig home."
"I think you're the one jealous." he raised an eyebrow meanwhile you rolled your eyes.
"I could never be... especially of this gorgeous little piggy." you rubbed her belly as well as she let a few pleased squeeks.
"I thought Prongs was babysitting you?" he tol her. "We shall find him, shan't we?"
However, James was sitting in the dark attic, surfing through old boxes of his grandparents things. Especially his nana's, which he regretted a bit when he pulled out old lingerie.
"Oh, ew..." he quickly threw it away. "I did not need to know that." he surfed through the old box, finally finding what he has been looking for...
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cedricslover · 3 years
Troubled (final)
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 
Series summary: A very unfortunate situation happened and it resulted in very unfortunate events. You had everything, a good boyfriend that everyone dreamed of, best friends that you got in a twin pack, and a loving school. It was a calm before a storm and in your sixth year the storm came. You faced the consequences your deceased parents run from, you were only left with your only family, your little brother. What would you do in order to save him? The answer is, everything, even if it means joining a terrorist group of wizards, joining THE DEATH EATERS…
Chapter Summary: Death is inevitable 
Note: there is no specific house:))) I would like to thank everyone that kept waiting and was patient enough, I started this series around March and now it is May. This is my very first series and I hope you all liked it! Again thank you so much❤❤
Warnings: angst, death, little bit of violence
Word Count: 4.2k
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You stopped in front of a headstone. Your hair brushing your cheeks as the wind blew it. "Hey" you started talking, through the years the big lump in your throat slowly fades whenever you visit. "It must be nice there" you smiled and placed the flowers that you were holding down to the ground. 
You breathed in the familiar smell of the field. The smell of the countryside was really different from London. Closing your eyes, memories of the past came flooding in. 
[5 years ago]
"WHAT?" Phoebe, one of your roommates looked at you with shock, "what?" You chuckled as you ate a chocolate frog. 
"What do you mean "what"? So we're just going to act like we didn't see Diggory in front of our dorm earlier" Alice rolls her eyes as she brushes her blond hair, "Oh yeah we got back together" you shrugged and sat on your bed. 
"You really won't tell us what happened that broke the two of you?" Phoebe's voice became wary, she was trying not to say something bad. You shake your head and smile apologetically. "I'm sorry girls" you felt bad. You wanted to tell them of course, but even your best friends since first year don't even know. And surprisingly didn't even nag you about it. 
"It's alright doll, we understand. Besides, Diggory is a great guy, you two are both smart enough to know what is right and wrong" Alice looks at you, there is always comfort in her eyes. Like she always knows what is going on even if you don't talk. She was the perfect example of the person that you can vent to and she will just listen. 
"How about you girls, anything going on with your lives? Why is it always mine?" You laid down and stared at the ceiling. Silence filled the room. For about 10 minutes only the brushing of the tip of the quill to a parchment, breathing, and the noise from the common room are the only sounds you heard.
"Nothing much" you heard a bed squeaked, it was probably Phoebe's. "My life is the most boring one yet" Alice mutters and sighed,  you can see her sitting on her bed. "I don't think so. Each of our lives have different stories. I don't think that's boring" you replied before you pulled your blanket and be completely eaten up by darkness. 
Weeks have passed, it seemed to be doing great. Everything was falling back to pieces. After the school found out that you and Cedric got back together, George and the Beauxbaton girl also publicized their relationship, both of them explained that it really wasn't you in the photograph-which you completely didn't want them to do because you didn't owe anyone any explanation- but they still did. 
Fred and Angelina seemed to be also doing great, well, especially how Fred is under Angelina. 
Of course Barty Jr.-that's disguising as Professor Moody was always giving you 'the look'. Everytime and everywhere, even at class, even your classmates find it strange why Professor Moody always calls you, and then gets mad. They feel bad but you just let it all go, because you knew what his true colors are. 
"Fred" she warns
"Frederick Gideon" with her scary tone
"Frederick Gideon Weasley" that's when you all know Fred was in trouble. 
"Hello darling" you smiled and kissed Cedric's lips before you sat beside him at the library. You both have free time, especially him, tomorrow was the final task, he was trying to study spells that he might use.   
"Hey" he stops reading and wraps his arms around your waist, "Tired" he murmurs while he buries his head on your neck. "You want to eat sumthin'?" You asked while playing with his fluffy hair, running your fingers through his scalp. "No" you can feel his breathing on your neck, it sends shivers down your spine. 
After a while of complete silence, Cedric's breathing seemed to follow a pattern, that's when you knew he was asleep, in your arms. 
You started humming a song that your mum used to sing you to sleep. You can't see his face, but felt it instead, his nose, his lips, his forehead, it felt peace. It felt like home. 
And later on, you also found yourself getting sleepy, your eyelids drooping down. And before you give up on the warmth, your eyes found the book-or more like a magazine that Cedric was reading earlier, you didn't notice it earlier until now. You let out a smile before you closed your eyes.
'Real Estate Magazine, Countryside Edition'
You woke up early, dressed up early, showered early, and went to get breakfast early, and you didn't expect that a lot of students were up early too. Earlier than usual.
"Y/N!" You turned your head while you chewed a toast. It was the trio. "Hey" you greeted them as they sat in front of you. "You alright?" You looked at them while your forehead creased, "yeah" they all answered in unison, that caught them off guard. 
"Harry's going to be fine don't worry" you shake your head and smile as you reach for another toast. "It's just that-" Harry stopped and his hand went to his forehead, where the scar is. 
"His scar's been hurting ever since he woke up" Ron told you, his face was screaming with worry, just the same as Hermione. 
"You should take a rest Harry. You still have til before dusk. I think that would be enough time to prepare and rest" you said, trying to cover the worry in your voice, and of course the fear. 
You four continued to eat, the Great Hall was starting to get more crowded, noise, banners, cheers, they were all anticipating who will win the triwizard tournament. Although you should be joining this crowd, wearing shirts with the one they support, cheering, waving the banners at 8 am. You can't. You were filled with worry, Harry's scar was hurting, and it seemed strange that the Dark Lord wasn't doing anything the whole year. 
And as you walked by Moody's office, it seemed like your suspicions were answered. 
"I already handled it, Dark Lord. Yes, yes, but how about the girl?" You heard Moody, he was rather loud, obviously he used the opportunity as most of the students would be either outside or the Great Hall.
"She wouldn't be a nuisance, we have his brother. She will be extremely useful for the next few years. She has much more potential than her parents. Let her bloom Barty" a faint voice answered him, that was the reason Harry's scar was hurting since this morning. Mere communication can still cause it, you knew he couldn't possibly be physically here. 
"What if Harry wouldn't be the one touching the cup?" Moody's voice was filled with excitement but at the same time, fear. 
"I'll kill them. And you next. Better do your job Barty." The voice disappeared. Your eyes widened as you heard footsteps slowly approaching the door. You ran to the closest hiding spot and peeked. 
"Better handle that girl then" Moody looked around before he drank again from his flask. "Polyjuice Potion" you whispered as you observed him. 
He walked away, to the direction you came from, you waited until you made sure he was gone. 
"Mad-Eye Moody!" You started banging the trunk where Moody was prisoned, your hands shaking as you got the key from one of the drawers. 
"Moody!" You banged again, panting, your sweat started dripping. Your heart was beating fast, you have to do something. You sure don't know anything, but Moody surely does. 
You finally opened the last layer of it and saw that he was there, peering back at you, he was thinner than the last time you saw him. And he lost a lot of hair too. 
He seemed mad, of course, you were the only person inside the castle that knew the Professor Moody that was going around the school the whole year was an imposter, well aside from Cedric who was suspicious.
You started explaining to him, now this was the person that deserved your explanation, not the gossip people. 
It took a while before he finally understood. He must be thirsty and hungry, but you didn't bring any food but only your wand. You looked for any container and luckily you saw a flask, it must have been a spare Polyjuice Potion, you threw the insides away.
"Aguamenti" you chanted and the flask started to be filled with clean water. You cleaned the mess you made and returned it from what it was when you entered before you slowly dropped the flask to Moody who was now drinking it like he hadn't drank any water for a whole week.
"I cannot hear clearly, but I heard Little Hangleton. You know that right?" You nodded at his question. "I don't know what and how, but they would try to bring the Dark Lord back. In power" he looks directly at your eyes, his gaze was piercing, he was expecting you to do something. And you will. 
"I'll be back" the last words you said to him before you slowly closed the trunk, he nods slightly for a response, there was also something in his look, the same look you saw with your parents when they were about to die, the same look you saw with the people of the Order, it was a look of hope and pride. 
"Hey hey" you stopped on your tracks and it snapped you back into reality, you didn't know what to do, "Y/N?" Cedric cupped your face, you looked at his eyes, his questioning eyes. "What's wrong, love?" He tucked strands of hair from your face to behind your ear. Your breathing started to calm down. 
"They're moving Ced, I have to do something" you admitted, there was no point in keeping it a secret to him. His jaw dropped, he was now looking everywhere, trying to be cautious. 
"What can I do to help?" He asks, you felt bad, and it seemed like he noticed it. "Don't feel bad, Y/N. You already carried too much burden, at least let me help you carry it" his mouth curves as he assures you. "It will all be okay" he whispers, still not letting go of your face.
You were still doubting, but he was persistent. "Protect Harry. Help me protect Harry, Ced" your eyes darted to him, both of you knew this was a life and death situation. This wasn't just those silly games you played before, you both only had one chance to save a life, and this was it. 
"I will" he nods, there was more than just the tournament in his mind now. And that is to protect Harry. At all costs.
You observed Harry the whole time before the task, ofcourse, not being so obvious. You would join the three of them at some point, or drag Harry with you and the twins as they show the fireworks that they made and plan to light up when he wins or Cedric. 
It was a win-win, Harry forgets that bloody scar while you keep an eye on him. 
And now, it was Cedric's turn. 
He kissed your forehead and gave you a little smile. "You did well. Let me take over" he said before he turned his back and let go of your hand. Amos waited for him and waved in your direction. The corners of your mouth turned up, trying to be nice to him, despite how you somehow despised because of how he always pressures his son, he always has to do this, reach this, be like this. It was not healthy. 
You knew he was trying to be a good parent, but you wished he had taken lessons from your father before he died. Thankfully Mrs. Diggory was nice enough to appreciate Cedric's achievements, small or big. 
"You alright?" Alice asked you as you sat at the bleachers. "Quite" you smiled at her and returned your gaze to the champions. You were with Alice now, well long story short, the twins were with their girlfriends, even Phoebe, and Alice invited you to join her so here you are now. You know Alice is beautiful, she is also great in academics, even she and Luna Lovegood could really pass as siblings, they have the same interest in things that were believed to be not there, and even their way of clothing were the same. But they both confirmed that they were not related. Still, you were still quite confused as to why she was not out there, having a partner. 
"You know that guy?" She pointed to Gregory Goyle's older brother. "Yeah?" There were lines forming between your eyebrows. "He asked me out" she giggled and covered her mouth with her hand, her shoulders started shaking, you also laughed. "What really?" You asked in disbelief, you tried your best not to laugh out loud.
You hated Goyle, he always bullies the ones that he believed was weaker, even Alice. He always made fun of Alice and how she always tries to get people's attention. Now look how the tables have turned.
"He asked me out with those cheesy pick up lines, doll. I tried my best not to laugh and just rejected him immediately" you were both still laughing. She stated some of the pick up lines that made you laugh so much but you still tried not to be loud so in the end, you choked on your own saliva while she stifled a laugh as she pats your back.
The laughter seemed to be a curse, bad luck, or just joy before a disaster. Because right after that you all saw a yellow light sparked to the sky, it was from someone in the maze. 
You were the only one who was not confused, because as that yellow spark flashed, it was a message for you.
'He is safe. Cedric's with him' 
Red sparks were seen earlier, it must have been a marker for the injured ones, but the Yellow ones, the audience and judges didn't know what it meant, only you.
You started praying to the higher ups, if they were ever there, listening to you. You prayed that they would be fine. Only a few scratches, but still good. After just a few minutes another yellow spark was seen, the people decided to shrug it off, but you, you were beyond happy and relieved. The second spark should mean that they got to the cup. They should be arriving any second now. 
You anxiously waited for them, ten seconds, twenty, thirty, and then a minute and they weren't still here. 
'Little Hangleton' 'Back in power' ‘Dark Lord’ 'Coming Back' 'Do your job' 'Kill' 
Voices started to cloud in your mind, Moody, Barty Jr., Voldemort, memories, you patched up the information you got. 
And without even thinking twice you disapparated, thankful that Dumbledore lifted the anti-disapparition charm because there were a lot of outsiders anticipating the third task.
You grunted as you stumbled, you hated how apparition makes your insides like they were being squeezed. It was convenient of course, but you didn't like it. 
"Kill the spare"  you heard, your vision was still dizzy, but you knew that voice. Your vision was blurry, the world was spinning and it felt like your intestines were spinning too. It was the after effect of apparating. 
You stood up, still feeling nauseous, “NOOO!” you shouted as you ran, there were figures and you knew who they were. “Avada Kedavra!” it was definitely Pettigrew, no, not Cedric, not me, not Harry, don’t kill us, please, the words repeated in your mind. The few steps felt like a hundred, you wanted to stop time, and as you rushed towards the figures your vision was slowly being clear. And by the time you can entirely see clearly, you wished, you hoped, that someone blinded you, you wished that this was a dream, hallucination, but as you collapsed on your knees, as the rough ground kissed your legs, it was all real.
“Alice...” tears started to fall from your face as you looked at her face. Her reddish cheeks was now white, her lively eyes was now soulless, her warmth, 
It’s gone, she’s gone. 
“YOU!” You stood up, picking up your wand, Cedric stood beside you, “Free Harry” You commanded him, your nose was now flaring, glaring at the two figures in front of you, Peter Pettigrew carrying the weak Voldemort. 
“Expulso!” you incant, in a snap, Voldemort was now dropped to the ground while Pettigrew was far away, “I’ve had enough of you. You and your values” you stared at Voldemort who was now crawling away, he was so weak, and this was the only time you could do it. The only time you could take revenge from all the lives he took.
“You’re so weak, and you should stay weak” You stepped on his thin legs, he screeched like a creature tortured, “You deserve, every, single, pain” now you stomped on his hand, you felt the bone touch the sole of your feet despite wearing shoes. 
“Sectumsempra!” you cried at his pleading face, you thanked that potions book you saw in the classroom. You watched as so blood just came out from the child like figure in front of you, for a second you thought you were doing something beyond your morals, but you remembered, the images of people that this person-no- monster killed, the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends, he took away so many lives, he made the world like his playground, killing whoever he felt to kill, and that justified what you did. Regret was not even near. 
“Incarcerous” Cedric’s voice echoed, the tense was back again, Pettigrew was still here, “We’ll take care of him” he told you, giving a second to glance at the lifeless Voldemort that was on the ground, curled, you nodded as an approval. 
And like a vase dropped, or someone threw a big stone to your head, you remember Alice's bleeding body, her opened eyes but why? Why is there a ghost of a smile plastered on that doll-like face?
You slowly walked to her lying body, you never expected that this would happen, that she, she would do something like this. Did she just suddenly hold your arm as you disapparated? Is that why she splinched, her arms, even her legs were bleeding. 
“Dumbass, did you even know where I was going.” you kneeled, reached for her face and removed the strands of hair that were blocking her face. “You’re so dumb. Who’s going to call me doll anymore” you blinked and a tear fell straight to her cheek, you blinked again, another tear fell, you blinked, again and again, and at the same time, tears fell on her pale face, you cried, wailed, even shouted while hugging her body. 
She was there when you needed her, she was there to understand you. She was there when you cried, laughed, even if you were sick, she was there. 
“Doll, come here.” Alice called you while you were packing your things, you were a mess, you just heard that your mother was ill, you have to go home. You sighed and let go of the clothes and walked towards her, she tapped the seat in front of the mirror. 
“You know, you should always look tough in front of the people you have to protect. That’s what my parents told me before. The people that saved them from the Death Eaters, they were tough, I told you about that right?” she started brushing your hair, you examined your reflection, your eyebags were visible, you were also definitely thinner than usual, you felt drained. 
“Before my ma died, she told me information about those who saved them. My ma and pa owe their life to them.” even if you didn’t look at her face, you know she was smiling. “She told me that when they were being saved, the woman was pregnant” you can feel the gentleness from her touch. 
“And?” you asked, she was now tying your hair, “and she told me to protect that child, a token of gratitude for giving my ma and pa another tomorrow” she placed the flower accessories in your hair. 
“Did you protect the child?” you turned to her and saw her eyes twinkled, “I still am doll” she replied to you before she handed your bag. Alice used magic to help you pack, you laughed and hugged her, “Thank you” your mouth curved into a smile. “Aww it’s nothing” she waves her hand and rolls her eyes, acting shy. “Shut up” you chuckle before you turn your back and step outside. 
“You impulsive lady, how about that child you should protect. How can you protect them if you’re dead” You were still crying, thinking about all the memories you had with her, and how you would tell Phoebe, she would be heartbroken. 
Was it really necessary? Are sacrifices really necessary? You just wanted to stop a war, a cycle, you wanted to follow the path your parents took, are deaths really necessary? In exchange for peace, a life should be taken. A meaningful life, someone's daughter, friend, and stranger. 
“Y/N!” a woman’s voice called you, you turned your head and saw a woman, her hair was now just above her shoulder, brown curls jumping as she walked the hill. “Phoebe” you greeted and opened your arms, she sprinted and hugged you. 
“Oop, be careful with the tummy” you grinned and touched your tummy, there was already a big bump, you were pregnant. “Hello there little one” she lowered herself and talked to your bump. 
“It’s her death anniversary isn’t it” she straightened herself and was now staring at the headstone. 
     Alice Constance O’Brien
March 12, 1978 - June 24, 1995
“Hmm” you answered, peace and silence enveloped the both of you. “It was Alice all along.” sadness took over your face as you remembered what Alice has done for you. 
  Loving daughter and friend
                A hero 
“Ced that night when you saw me following the man. Why were you still roaming?” you asked Cedric as he sat at the library.
“I haven’t told you yet? It was the Head Boy, well technically it was Alice actually, she told me that the head boy couldn’t find me so he asked her to tell me. My schedule changed that time” he muttered as he chewed a pumpkin pasty. Your eyebrows shot up and just shrugged. You owe Alice an acid pop at Hogsmeade.
“She was the one who told me about your situation. She must have known about the dark mark but never told us. She wanted to help you, but in the shadows.” Remus admitted as you talked to him about Alice’s death. He was shocked, the whole society members actually. They are now taking care of his subjects that were lurking around. 
“Hello ladies!” George and Fred suddenly appeared, both of them wrapped their arms around each of your shoulders. “Fred. I prefer women, thank you” Phoebe removed Fred’s arm and even tried to dust it off, “Rude” Fred squinted his eyes at her while she just smirked and flipped her hair.
“Where’s your husband and brother?” George asked and also placed flowers at the ground. Now there were a lot of flowers for Alice. “You’re liking that aren’t you?” you talked to the headstone, you were all just silent. Even the loud twins fell in silence, they liked Alice, not romantically, they admired her, how she was unique, always had a voice, and how she stood up for herself. 
“I love it doll” you heard a whisper as the breeze came by, you knew it was her, it had always been her. She was still there, watching. 
“Oh Alice” Phoebe started crying, the twins tried to offer her a hug but she went to you instead, you sniggered as you saw their offended face. 
They all felt her. 
“Hey!” two voices called all of your attention and there it was, Cedric your husband, and your eight year old brother. Theodore hurried to the twins that immediately picked him up, he liked them. “We bought snacks.” Cedric raised a basket and spreaded out a cloth to the grass. 
“Are you crying?” Cedric inspected Phoebe who still has her nose red from crying. “Yes. What about it” she rolled her eyes and got bread from the basket while Cedric was still arranging the cloth. “I’m just asking.” Cedric chuckled and shook his head. 
You observed each and one of them, they all changed, with their own careers and life, of course they will change. Cedric was now working at the ministry, he did once think about being a professional quidditch player, but he felt like a work at the ministry would be better, and he liked it. The twins and their joke shop was still going, stronger as it was before, they’ve built quite the reputation, and Phoebe, she was now a Herbologist, she always had an interest in plants. 
And you, you also built your career, with your dream job. 
Are you seeing this Alice? I made it. We made it. 
You carefully sat at the cloth and they all asked you what you would name the child inside of you. Your eyes gleamed, you always knew that if you had a chance to name your child it would be…
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