#I think if I was able to flirt and hit on a lesbian in the outfit I’d actually be able to get a date
infraredss · 5 months
if a femme lesbian doesn't kiss me on the mouth the world will explode actually. i don't make the rules
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headofocs-inklesspen · 7 months
It’s actually kind of funny to me that the masc outfit I think I look best in - my fitted black button down, black jeans and any of the 6 pairs of black boots I own (they’re all different, I’ll die on this hill) - is also the outfit that makes me look like every other service industry worker at the show after their shift. I am every line cook ever at the punk show with my whiskey and my work boots and I genuinely think that more than any other combination in my closet, I look hot as fuck
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smeddiemunson · 10 months
No Upside Down AU + a platonic Stobin sleepover + buckingham and steddie referenced.
“So?” Robin asked. 
Steve sucked his teeth. “Robin, we’ve only just started the sleepover, I’m not telling you yet!” 
“I’m in my pyjamas! We have a movie on, we have popcorn! We built a blanket fort!” Robin pointed to each thing in turn as if to remind Steve that he knew exactly how long she had been waiting already. “If you make me wait any longer, I’ll kill you.” 
Steve snorted. It was the most empty threat he’d ever heard in his life. If he died, by Robin’s hand or otherwise, she would follow him soon after. They were soul bonded at this point; one couldn’t exist without the other.
“Alright.” Robin slapped at his arm excitedly. “Alright! Stop hitting me!” 
Robin stopped hitting him but left her hands on his arm, fingers pressing, urging against his skin. 
“It was good.”
“Steve!” Robin moaned, throwing herself back against the pillows in truly dramatic fashion. “You can’t just give me that! I want all the details!”
“I don’t know, Rob!” Steve cried back. “I had fun. He’s really funny and sweet, and...” Steve bit his lip as a blush spread across his cheeks. 
Robin picked up on it like a bloodhound. “At least tell me what film you watched?” 
Steve turned his face away from her, focusing too intently on the movie. “I don’t really remember,” he mumbled. 
Robin squealed. “Steven Harrington, you sly dog! I knew there were details!” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “He had all these blankets and pillows in the back of his van, and he put fairly lights up, and we kinda couldn’t see the screen because we had to park further away for obvious reasons. But-“ Steve took a deep breath, then rushed out, “It might have been the best first date I’ve ever been on.”
“Eddie Munson, a romantic. Who would’ve thought? Certainly not me!”
Steve shoved at her.
“Well don’t stop there! I want the details!”
Steve groaned. “Do you really want the details?” 
“Of course I do! If I can’t have my gay romance, then I want to live through yours!” 
Steve lifted his arm to tuck Robin underneath it and pull her into his chest. He ignored the way she tried to struggle away. “You could still have your gay romance, Birdie. You just have to tell her.” 
“You don’t know that!” Robin replied as she was finally able to get her arms free enough to push away from Steve. 
“She’s friends with Eddie,” Steve reminded her. That should be all Robin needed to know to explain anything about former Queen of Hawkins High, Chrissy Cunningham. 
Robin slapped at him. “Just because she’s friends with a gay person doesn’t mean she is gay, dingus. That’s not how it works!” 
Steve easily batted her hands away with a chuckle. “That’s how it worked with me!” 
Robin groaned. 
“I’m just saying, I would never have thought about being bi if you hadn’t said anything about being a lesbian. Maybe Chrissy is the same!” 
Robin buried her face into her hands. “Okay,” She said, though it was muffled by her hands so much that Steve pulled them away from her face and kept her wrists in his hands.
“Okay. Say, by some miracle, she likes girls, what’s to say that she would like me?”
Steve made a noise of disagreement. “First of all, she would be crazy to not like you because you are amazing and beautiful and the bravest person I’ve ever met—” 
Robin rolled her eyes but Steve merely rolled his back, shook her hands a little and carried on. They’d had this exact conversation before and Steve didn’t feel like retracing it because there were more important things to get to.
“But I am almost certain she does like you back. She definitely flirts with you all the time.”
“No she does not.”
“I think I know more about girls flirting that you do, Robin.”
“Why? Because you turn into a little school girl around Eddie and do the same thing?” 
“No,” Steve said, though he did so through a blush that did nothing to defend him from the accusation. “I know because girls always flirt with me.” 
“Oh shut up.” 
“They do!” Steve finally let go of Robin’s wrists so he could push a frustrated hand through his hair— already floppy from his shower and lack of product. “They do and I know Chrissy is doing it to you.”
“Prove it.”
Steve grinned and began listing off his points on his fingers. “She always laughs at your jokes. She twirls her hair whenever she talks to you. She asked you to explain that fucking French movie you forced us to watch the other week and she listened.”
Robin whacked him again. “You told me you liked that film!”
“I fell asleep! Of course I liked it.” Steve huffed. “Do you need me to keep going about Chrissy?”
“Maybe not,” Robin muttered. Then she squarked as Steve scrambled over her and out of their blanket fort to where the phone was hooked into the wall. “What are you doing?” 
Steve just grinned as he quickly clicked some numbers on the keypad. 
Robin watched in confusion from her spot on the floor.
“Hello, this is Steven Harrington. I was wondering if I could speak to Chrissy?” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Thank you, Ma’am.” 
Robin’s face turned white in a second. She scrambled to her feet, losing them under herself a couple of times, but she couldn’t reach Steve to slam the phone down for him before he started speaking again. 
“Hi Chrissy, I have Robin here.” He thrust the phone at her chest, not giving Chrissy time to answer and mouthed, ask her. 
Robin glared, hoping that Steve would let it go. But he was as stubborn as she was and Chrissy’s confused call of Robin meant she wouldn’t be able to hold out longer than him this time. She would get her revenge, he was sure of it.
“Chrissy. Hi. How’s things?” Robin stumbled when she finally put the phone up to her ear. She didn’t stop glaring at Steve though. 
Steve only smiled in triumph.
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s good. Yeah.” 
Steve jabbed Robin in the side to stop her from talking herself in circles. He gestured with his hands for her to get on with it. 
“So, my reason for calling, and just, you know, stop me if this is at all weird and you don’t wanna hear it or if i’ve got the wrong idea. it’s Steve’s fault really--” He jabbed her again and pouted when she managed to land a meaty smack against his ribs. But it did get her to blurt out, “Do you wanna go to Benny’s with me? On Friday? As, like, a date?” 
Steve pumped his fist in the air. It may not have been the way he would have asked a girl out, but Robin had done it!
“Awesome. Yeah. Great. I’ll see you Friday then. I’ll pick you up. No, I won’t I can’t drive. Steve will drive us. But I’ll see you Friday? Yeah. Cool. Awesome. Bye Chrissy.” 
Robin handed him the phone in a daze, eyes following his hand as he hooked it back on the wall. 
“What the fuck?” She breathed. 
“I think you just got yourself a date with a hot girl, Robin.” 
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agent-leighreid · 6 months
-Part one of two
-!!TW!! Mentions of rape and murder. Sexual innudenos.
-Y/n (Your name)
-Y/l/n (Your last name)
-Written in Y/n's POV (unless mentioned otherwise)
-Part one of two includes Emily, Hotch and Spencer.
-Part two of two includes, Derek, JJ and Garcia.
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"Okay Morgan, she's going to a Nightclub tonight, scouting for another victim no doubt..I need you to-"
"Charm? No problem Hotch, it's in my blood." Derek said, a smirk tugging at his lips.
I rolled my eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder. He chuckled, swatting me away, I raised my hand to attempt to 'hit' him again, but before I could continue, Garcia was calling in.
"Go ahead Garcia" Hotch said, putting it on speaker.
"A little birdy told me, that my Morgan is going undercover at a nightclub to flirt with an unsub?" she questioned.
"Don't worry baby, you're still my number one girl.." Derek spoke, smiling.
I glanced up at Emily and saw her smile, radiant as ever. She met my eyes and if I didn't look away, those pools of perfection would've had mine locked in place forever.
"Oh I had no doubt about that!" Garcia's response brought me back into orbit. "But that's not my issue, sugar" she said.
"What is it Garcia?" Hotch asked, growing slightly impatient.
"Our unsub is a lesbian." she stated.
Everyone's eyebrow raised, and through the corner of my eye I saw Emily look up at me.
"That explains her victimology, could be surrogates for an ex, or a girl who never liked her back.." JJ said.
"Or she could be acting out on her internalised homophobia" Reid suggested. "She grew up Catholic right? Recently Catholic churches have reached out to LGBT members to offer support..but that wouldn't have been the case for her growing up, most likely her parents tried to take her to therapy or they might've even tried to exorcise the homosexuality out of her..she's been manipulated into thinking who she is is evil, and wrong when in actuality she was just never accepted." he said. "Murdering these women is a way of killing that part of herself that no one, not even God, had been able to rid her of. She's trying to compensate for her so called “sins”. "
A small wave of silence washed over the room in the police precinct.
"Well, Y/l/n? Prentiss? Which of you is happy to do it?" Hotch asked, as Derek sadly sat back down.
Again, another small wave of silence until I grew confident and spoke up. "I'll do it." I said.
Yes, I was voluntarily putting myself in harms way but..
Number 1, it's my job
And Number 2, I can show Em I'm not just for the gentlemen.
"Are you sure?" Hotch asked.
"Yeah, we gotta catch this bitch right? And plus, I match the victimology better.." I responded, glancing up at the crime scene photos, my stomach sinking slightly.
"Okay, let's get ready" He said, walking off.
I was given a black satin dress, running from my shoulders to just above my knees. It had lace sleeves and was pretty thin. I shivered as I stepped out of the toilet that I changed in, my given high heels clicking along the floor of the precinct as I walked. While I never wore high heels, they weren't that hard to get used to.
(A/n: that's a fucking lie they're the worst shoes to ever be invented. Torture. And for what?)
I entered back into the room that we were set up in, whiteboards with speculations filling up the space and paperwork littering the desks.
I placed the handbag I was also given on one of the desks, putting my gun and badge inside.
A wolf whistle pulled me from my thoughts as the rest of the team walked in. The whistle came from Derek as he walked in smiling, Emily not far behind him, glaring in his direction. The rest of the team followed close behind, and we went over the plan.
Hotch and Morgan would also be in the nightclub watching over me and the unsub, while Emily, JJ, Spencer and Rossi, along with a number of officers from the police station, waited in SUV's outside. Watching through CCTV and listening through shared ear pieces.
The team got ready and walked out to the SUV's, the cold air hitting me like a brick; the dress wasn't exactly the thickest material in the world. I stopped in my tracks and folded my arms, feeling goosebumps.
"Want my jacket, Y/l/n?" Emily asked, coming up behind me, her warm hand placed gently on the small of my back.
My eyes met hers and I had to thank the city lights for hiding the blush that flushed onto my face.
"Oh, are you sure?" I asked, proud of my voice for staying steady.
"Of course! And hey, it goes with the dress.." she said, draping it over my shoulders as she looked me up and down, before entering one of the SUV's.
I had no idea if I fantasised that last part, but by the way Derek smirked at me while he walked past, wiggling his eyebrows as he followed Emily into the SUV, told me that I didn't.
I got into the other SUV, and we drove to the Nightclub.
I walked inside, music blaring in my ears, making them ache slightly. I glanced over the room and walked to the bar after JJ telling me she was there. I spotted her, and slowly approached the bar.
She sat fiddling with the little umberella in her drink.
"Can I just grab a lemonade please?" I asked the bartender.
The unsub watched me from her seat as I turned to face the dance floor, my arms resting on the bar.
"You not a drinker?" She said, initiating conversation.
Play it cool, Y/n.
"Me? Oh..nah." I said, turning in her direction.
The bartender slid me the lemonade.
"Thank you" I said, digging through my handbag for the money.
The unsub layed her hands on mine, stopping me from looking.
"Let me get this for you." she smiled.
I smiled "...oh, thank you" I said, my tone steady.
"It's no problem, why don't you drink?" The unsub asked, leaning toward me a little.
"Oh...my dad was an alcoholic.." I admitted to her, sheepishly looking down at my lemonade.
"Ugh, Dad's. Don't you hate them" she said, moving one of her legs on top of the other. "Or just...men in general.."
I saw Hotch a few feet down the bar, eyeing us up. "Yup.." I said, popping the 'p'.
"So many treat thier daughters terribly.." she said, taking another sip of her drink.
I didn't respond, but held my gaze.
"I bet I could treat you better.." she said, rubbing her high heel along my calf. "So much better than any man.."
My eyebrow arched as I copied her earlier move of leaning toward her.
"Oh yeah? How would you do that?" I asked, lightly biting the straw of my drink.
She smiled, her eyes growing hungry.
"Firstly.." she started, getting up off the stool.
"Firstly.." she got up off her stool and took another step closer to Y/n.
"I'd show you how much of a princess you are.." she said, running her tongue along her teeth.
"Ew." I said, audibly. JJ, Spencer and Rossi drew their faces away from the computer and looked at me.
"What?" I asked. They said nothing and returned back to watching the unsub, while my eyes darted back to Y/n again.
"What then?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Oh then?" the unsub replied. "You'll just have to wait and see..." she said, paying with the lace of Y/n's sleeves.
I felt my heart leap into my throat.
"Can we go in already?" I asked, impatiently.
"Morgan and I are slowly etching toward them, be ready." Hotch replied.
I let out a breath and made sure my gun was loaded.
"Oh alright Y/l/n.." I heard JJ say, her eyebrows were raised, she sounded impressed.
I looked up from my gun "What?" I asked.
She pointed to Y/n just in time for me to see her tucking in some of the unsub's hair behind her ear.
The grimace on my face was painfully obvious, but I didn't care. I felt my chest roaring with flames of....I don't know what. Watching Y/n like that with someone else just didn't sit right with me. Maybe it was the fact that she was an unsub.
I watched the screen and saw the unsub pouring something in Y/n's drink, Y/n's vision blocked by the unsub's hand that she placed on her face.
"Hotch!?" I questioned, already making my way out of the SUV.
"I saw it, go." he responded.
"Already at the door."
I heard her crush something in my drink, and my smile grew as I masked the slight fear creeping in.
"You're so beautiful" she said, stroking my cheek.
I giggled and reached inside my bag, pulling out my gun. "You're not, F.B.I" I said.
She turned to lose me in the crowd, but was met with Hotch right behind her. Morgan, JJ, Reid, Rossi, the police and Emily all filtered through the party goers, with thier guns pointed at our unsub.
The crowd of clubbers dispersed, some running out of the club, others huddling and watching from the sides.
She huffed putting her hands up. Emily holstered her gun and forcefully pushed down the unsub's arms, tightening the handcuffs around her wrists. "You're under arrest for the murder of 4 women, you have the right to remain silent-"
"I know my rights!" the unsub spat.
"Let's hope you do." Emily replied, shoving her toward a police officer to escort her to a cruiser.
I watched her leave, standing at the bar.
Emily turned to me, placing her hand gently on my elbow. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft.
I looked to her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm good" I smiled.
She looked down at my drink, the powder still visible. "I was scared you were gonna take another sip.." she admitted.
My heart fluttered. "I heard her crush it.." I said sheepishly.
"Crush it?" She asked.
"Yeah, it must've been like a pill or something..I don't know" I said.
Emily met my eyes again, her pupils dilating as she took in my features.
"Actually pills are pretty hard to crush, unless it was specifically made, she would have struggled to crush it without atleast looking like she was trying to. She may have snapped the pill if it had a casing on it but I don't think that's what we're dealing with. Due to how packed the powder is within a pill, a human's finger strength isn't enough to crush it how you thought she would have. Have you ever tried to crush an egg with just one hand? It's basically the same thing-"
"Reid.." Morgan smiled.
"Yeah?" he asked. Morgan just shook his head.
Reid looked back at Emily and I and noticed how neither of us were processing the information he was giving, we were just looking in each other's eyes. We were staring at one another a little too long to just be friends.
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Was flirting with my boss unprofessional? Yes.
Was I certain I was one lip bite away from getting fired? Also yes.
Did I care? That's another story.
I sat next to Morgan on the jet as we ran through what we had and attempted to get as much information about the unsub as possible before landing in Detroit.
"Well this guy surely isn't organized, his work is sloppy. It's like he doesn't care about getting caught" Hotch said.
"But evidences suggest that he is organised. He's taken forensic countermeasures to ensure we can't ID him..." Rossi spoke from his seat.
"Well...I wouldn't care if it was you taking me into custody either, Hotchner." I said, looking up at him and smiling.
He licked his lips, staying slient. "Morgan, Reid, go the crime scene. Rossi, Prentiss and JJ, talk to the victim's families..see what you can gather. Y/l/n, you're with me at the station." he said.
"Alright Hotch! Friendly remarks aren't a crime now are they?" I asked, holding up my hand sin defence.
"If you're not careful they will be, and plus..they were hardly friendly.." he said, walking off to sit in his seat.
"He loves it really." I say to the rest of the team, as they either hid thier smiles or unshamefully giggled at my antics.
We landed in Detroit and separated, each of us leaving for where Hotch wanted us to go, of course, he kept me by his side. Can't help it can he?
"So are we just gonna set up and wait for the others?" I asked, walking to our given room at the precinct.
"No, not exactly. The Detriot Police already have a suspect in custody.." He said, nodding toward the interrogation room.
"And you were gonna tell the team when exactly?" I asked, looking through the glass.
"They know, I had Garcia notify them as they made their way to where they needed to be. You and I, are gonna crack this guy. Even if he didn't kill and rape those 3 women...he's got something on him.." He said.
I raised my eyebrow. "Let me guess, I should be the one to talk to him?" I said, tilting my head slightly.
Hotch stepped closer to me. "Steven Oaks. He's a typical Alpha Male, one who doesn't lack dominance, he's unlikely to talk with someone a bit too...similar." he said.
I matched his movements and turned to face him too. "So what are you saying, Hotch? You afraid your “Alpha” persona's gonna rub him off the wrong way?" I mocked.
"Not at all, I'm just saying he might take pleasure in talking to someone a little more...submissive" he said, glancing from my eyes to my lips again and again.
I let out a breath and bit my tongue. "Is this an order?" I asked.
He didn't respond, he just held his gaze, and so I stared right back. His eyes, though often darting south, were never drawn away by nearby policemen.
I shook my head. "Pfft, fine. What's my tactic, Hotch?" I asked, approaching the glass and getting a good read of the guy before going in.
"Just see what you can find out.." He said, his arms folded.
I approached the door and entered, not before undoing just one more button of my shirt.
"Listen man i-"
I smiled warmly. "Last time I checked, I wasn't a man.." I said, sitting across from him.
He smirked and leant back in his seat. Relaxed already.
"No..no you are not" he said, his smile not fading.
"Ma'am, I can assure you, I had nothing to do with those 3 women, okay?" he said, sitting up.
"Oh we know, well- I know.." I sheepishly smiled, playing into whatever persona I threw on as I walked in.
"I know what kinda man you are...you wouldn't kill.." I said, my smile not faulting as I began to brush his leg with the tip of my shoe.
He took a breath in. "Oh yeah?" he asked, biting his lip.
As much as this was killing me, I had to play along. It's all fun and games flirting with your boss whom you know (and cherish on that note) but it's another thing doing it with a creep that you're certain should be in a cage.
"So...tell me Steven. How many people are in your gang?" I asked. If I'm totally honest, it was a shot in the dark, the only thing I had to go off was the badly covered up tattoo on his forearm. It was the symbol of a pretty wanted gang in the area after they moved from Canada down to Detriot.
"Oh I have a gang do I?" he asked.
"I assume so, you seem like the type of guy who.. likes to be in charge.." I said, running my foot just that tiny bit higher.
"I am." he said.
I kept my gaze fixed.
He smirked again. "Mulier vivit ut serviat viro suo et viri qui in circuitu eius sunt."
(A/n: I used Google translate, do not quote me that that was a correct translation)
This time, I leaned back and drew away my foot. "A woman lives to serve her husband and the men who surround her." I said, translating what he said. The way this gang was first noticed, was through an investigation of rapes. Each woman was left with a word printed out on an A4 peice of paper, until the rapes stopped and the police were able to form a sentence.
“A woman lives to serve her husband and the men who surround her.”
By the look on his face, he wasn't expecting me to know Latin.
He smirked again though, drawing his eyes away from my face, to my chest.
"Oh the things I would've done to you..." he whispered, his voice low and his breath repulsive.
He leaned forward more, reaching out his hand, probably to stroke my cheek, but before I could move Hotch stormed in, slamming his hands on the table.
"Touch my Agent, or even think about it, and I swear to you, I have a registered Glock 17 in my holster with a new box bullets that I will personally fire into every single one of your limbs, until any low life friends you do have, won't be able to identify your body. The only thing left of you will be those already rotting teeth." He said, his voice stern.
Steven sat back in his chair, unimpressed. Hotch took me by the hand, and placed his other on my waist guiding me to the door.
"Was that a threat, Agent?" Steven asked as Aaron was about to shut the door.
"No." he said. "That was a promise." he said, slamming it instead.
"Are you okay?" he asked as soon as we were back in the BAU's room at the precinct.
"Yes." I smiled. "Didn't you want more dirt on that guy anyway? I mean...was the quote even enough to nail him?" I asked.
"The words left with each of the rape victims were never released to the public, the only people who would know that phrase are the Detectives who worked the case, or the gang members themselves..are you sure you're okay?" he asked again, taking a step forward. It was hesitant, compared to his pervious one.
I closed the gap between us, laying my hands on his chest. "Aaron Hotchner, I am fine. I was doing my job." I said, looking up at him.
He almost leaned in to my touch as he took a deep breath. "If you need to tap out of the case I will happily-"
"Aaron." I interrupted him.
"We've put away a freak, let's work on the unsub we were called in for, okay?" I asked.
His hand found itself at the small of my back, his thumb rubbing soft circles.
"Just let me know.." He said, before turning around away from me, just in time as Reid and Morgan walked in.
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"-It's all maths really.." Spencer had climbed out of his pool of facts and statistics. He was trying to convince Hotch to let him come into the casino with me.
"And plus if..if anything happens then she won't be left on her own.." he said, glancing at me.
"Not that you wouldn't be able to handle yourself..I was simply-"
"Spence." I cut him off smiling.
"Hotch said you come in with me 5 minutes ago." I said.
"He did?" he turned his head to where Hotch was standing.
"Get ready" Hotch said, before turning on his heels and leaving the room.
Spencer turned to me and sheepishly smiled. That same smile in which I'd fallen for.
I exited the room also, to change into something more...gold digger appropriate. Wasn't exactly my style. I wasn't the type to dress so provocatively but if it's to catch a killer, I'll wear anything. I changed out of my shirt and got into the dress I was given, squeezing into the high heels and attempting to but on the mascara.
I huffed in the mirror after slipping for the third time.
"You..need some help with that?" Emily asked, walking into the changing room.
I smiled. "Please" I said, holding it out for her.
She took it and began applying it. "You're telling me you don't ever wear mascara?" she asked, concentrating.
"No? Have seen me with mascara? Or any makeup for that matter?" I asked.
"Well lucky for some...natural beauty and all that.." she said, turning to my other eye.
"Oh please" I said, waving her off.
"What?" she asked, almost offended. "You're gonna tell me you're not beautiful? Because I know I certain man with an IQ of 187 and interestingly enough, his intelligence gets slashed to 60 when he sees you for the first time in the mornings.." she said, smirking.
I tried to hide my blush, but that was hard considering she was right in my face. She turned my head with her fingers and examined her work. "There all done." she said, turning me to the full length mirror, taking in my appearance as a whole.
"Jeez that's a look" I said, slightly grimacing. "I mean...it'd look great on someone else I just don't know how I feel about it.."
"Well you're gonna have to embrace it!" She said, walking out. I followed close behind. "And besides you actually look really hot" she said, winking at me.
I laughed. "Don't let JJ hear you say that.."
Her mouth gaped and she hit me on the shoulder.
"Okay, we're ready" Emily said, as we walked back in to the room.
The others gawked at my outfit, never expecting to see me in something like it, even Hotch raised his eyebrows momentarily.
"Damn, pretty girl" Garcia said from the computer.
"Thanks Penny" I smiled. "Where's..Spencer...or Reid, sorry.." I asked.
"Oh he's just coming we gave him something to wear aswell" Hotch said, pointing to the door.
Spencer walked in, he wore a black jacket with matching trousers and a white shirt, with a number of the buttons undone. His hair a little less styled than before, and a bit messier.
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks in a frenzy, and the fabric around my chest got a little tighter.
"Sorry, I know what time the unsub gets to the casino and I didn't have time to do my hair..." he said, fiddling with a number of strands.
Too flustered to speak, I just did the first thing I thought of. I walked over and ruffled his hair up more. "You look beautiful." I said, and walked out immediately.
My eyes were popped out of my head as I walked away, the team following close behind me.
Morgan began walking next to me. "What was that?" He giggled.
"Derek." I warned, my blush still hadn't faded from when Spencer walked in.
"Sorry, I know what time the unsub gets to the casino and I didn't have time to do my hair..." I said, trying my best to fix it.
That's when my heart stopped. Y/n walked over, in a dress I'd never imagine her in. I'm sure she wouldn't have put herself in the dress either, but that's not to deny how beautiful she looked.
Sure, her persona for tonight was: 'flirt with and rub up the guy with the most money' (our unsub) but she looked like an angel to me.
"Reid!" Garcia snapped me out of my thoughts from her spot on the computer.
"Go! Everyone left with Y/n when she walked past you" she said, smirking. She disappeared off the screen and I scurried out of the room, catching up with everyone.
"Here are your ear peices, they're small enough so no one will notice." Hotch said.
I put mine in, as did Spencer.
"Okay, Y/n you go inside first, all you need to do is steal his phone, it should be in the inside pocket of his blazer.." Hotch said.
"So my pick-pocketing childhood has payed off.." I said, jokingly.
I made my way inside the casino and let myself settle in. I'm here to find a man with a big prize pot. A specific man anyway.
I wandered from one end of the casino to the other latching onto winners of games until I finally noticed the unsub sat at a poker table.
I looked behind me, noticing Spencer just entering the casino. He saw me, we locked eyes. I reluctantly teared mine away and went and stood behind the unsub.
"Well isn't that a bad hand? Surely you should fold.." I said, looking down at the straight in his hand.
"Call." said the others at the table.
The unsub looked up at me and smirked as he showed the dealer his straight, winning the pot. He handed me a bill. "Why don't you go get us some drinks for the next game sweetheart? A scotch for me if you don't mind.." he said.
I made sure to be overly touchy. "Sure thing" I said, strutting away.
I made my way over to the bar, where Spencer was. "Can I have a lemonade and a Scotch please?" I said, making sure to not drop the act I'd put on.
"Is that Poker over there?" Spencer spoke up.
I faced him. "It sure is, takes a lot of luck.." I said, walking off with the drinks.
Spencer followed. "Or intelligence." he said, beating me to the table and sitting down.
I passed the unsub his drink and we clinked glasses.
The dealer dealt everyone their cards, including Spencer this time around.
Everyone took a brief look at thier cards, and each man tapped the table. They all called.
The dealer flipped over the three cards, resulting in two of the men to fold, the only ones in the game now were the unsub and Spencer.
"C'mon baby, you got this.." I whispered, not so quitely in the unsub's ear, running my hands in and out of his blazer, passing off as just really horny. The game continued as I felt up this little freak until I eventually felt the phone and managed to slip it out, unnoticed.
"I'll raise.." the unsub said, throwing in an abundance of chips.
I looked up at Spencer, trying to tell him that he could fold already as I had the phone.
Instead, he watched me fiddle with the collar of the unsub's blazer.
He said nothing, and just placed the chips in, seeing the unsub's raise.
"Okay, cards?" the dealer asked.
The unsub layed his cards down. "Full House.." the unsub said, smiling.
Spencer didn't even look at the dealer as he placed his cards down, his eyes were glued to mine. "Royal Flush.." he said, his head tilted slightly.
I of course had to keep up my act, so while running my hands down his arms, I slowly walked away from the unsub and over to Spencer, wrapping my hands around him this time.
"Well aren't you lucky?" I said.
He faced me. "It's all maths really" he said, placing his hand over mine as it layed on his chest.
"What do you say I cash in these chips and we...get ourselves outta here" he said, standing up, and turning to face me, his hands snaking around my waist.
I bit my tongue and further closed the gap between us. "Okay" I said. At this point I didn't even need to act turned on. I was.
We walked, arms linked over to the cashier and exchanged the chips I had for the money.
"You won big tonight didn't you, son?" The cashier said, gathering the bands. I looked at Y/n, examining every inch of her perfect skin.
"I did.."
We made our way out of the casino, and walked down the road a little, before hustling into the SUV.
"Y/n you got the phone didn't you?" Hotch said, his angry eyes not leaving mine until she pulled it out.
"Oh but of course Agent Hotchner" she said, passing it to him.
I faced her again, the dim light in the SUV glowing down on her like she was the center of the universe..well...she was the center of mine anyway.
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Against PDA Valeria/Laswell x Jealous Fem Reader
Some girl flirting and looking at them, and Reader can't do anything to mark her territory, so she just have to watch and send dirty glances to the girl.
And back home, they assured her they love her AND ONLY HER!
I don't usually write a gendered reader, but I made an exception this time because I vibe with your profile pic and because those two are among my favorite lesbians. I suppose I sort of did have to write a fem!reader for this one, then. Either way, thanks for requesting the girls, I don't think you understand just how much I love Laswell and Valeria. Fem!reader and SFW for this one.
Valeria and Laswell Comforting a Jealous Reader
Valeria: She knows she’s gorgeous, that there’s just something about her that draws in more women than men, so it wasn’t a surprise that some girl would waltz up to her to try being with Las Almas’ most wanted for a single night. Although she could likely buy the world if she wanted to, there’s nothing she could want more than your presence and adoration. The girl was aesthetically pleasing to look at, that much was true, but Valeria had eyes for you only. It wouldn’t take long for her to notice the daggers you’re glaring at her. Oh, this was going to be something neither of you would ever hear the end of. This was the city of souls, and if that girl won’t back off soon enough then she’ll be another one roaming these streets forever. Dogs wouldn’t bark at Valeria, putting their tails between their legs and running away, even those awful strays had more common sense than whatever pathetic creature sat next to her. In a way that only she can, with a mocking voice and those eyes of faux sympathy, she’d tell her to fuck off immediately before she makes sure death would be a luxury to her.
It was at home that you could finally talk about that disgusting creature with words that couldn’t nearly describe the way you felt about her. Valeria agreed with you, people should have more intelligence than that. But even that wasn’t enough to get you out of your bad mood.
The doors were closed, and no one but the two of you would bear witness to a softer side of her. Yes, Valeria is still somewhat stern when she speaks, but she won’t tease you this time, being flattered instead that you love her so dearly that you get jealous over a small scenario like that. It shows her that you genuinely want to spend time with her, no matter how many people there are in Las Almas. It starts off with her telling you that you should know she loves you only, a rather sentimental thing for her to say. You should look at her while she speaks, though, or else she will make you. If she has to, she will put your face in both of her hands and force you to look at her. There are many reasons she really shouldn’t be with you, and she will list them: She’s running a cartel, she’s hunted by the government and the military, you will be persecuted alongside her eventually, if you aren’t already. And yet, despite all that, she actively chose to be with you. And she’ll be damned if she won’t do everything she can to keep you by her side, to try and make a safer haven somewhere with and for you. Don’t you ever doubt her love and affection for you, she will show you just how much she adores you above all else. It’s a rare treat she isn’t always able to get, but that night and the following day she’ll do whatever she can to spend her time with you and make sure you know just how much you mean to her. You will spend the day however you wish, so if you wanna go out for a picnic, you can. But staying at home and cuddling her, a privilege only you have, is just as good.
Laswell: In all honesty, she’d never have thought she’d be hit on. She’s an older woman, society doesn’t think too highly of them anymore. It doesn’t get to her in the slightest, but having a younger girl flirt with her seemed just a bit surprising. After all, she had the loveliest wife and that was you. Her wedding ring was on her hand, it wasn’t even hidden underneath a glove or anything. It was on the ring finger of her left hand. Was that girl just stupid or malicious? For a very short moment, she’d be speechless, but once she’s certain to never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence, flashing her ring a few times, she grows annoyed. It’s nice to know younger people still think of her as hot, but it’s really only your opinion that counts to her and she couldn’t care less about the girl. Once she sees the way you look at her, she tries to kindly tell the girl she’s married. There was no need to make a scene, after all. But if that wasn’t enough to get her to go away, Kate won’t be afraid to be more blunt. Her words can pierce through just about any heart if she wants them to, give her a chance to get to know someone, she can and will find ways to hurt them in a seemingly harmless conversation alone. That girl can and will go away, she’ll make sure of it. Once she finally leaves the scene, Kate will apologize to you, even if it isn’t really her fault.
But even at home, the way that girl would talk to your wife just seems to never stop nagging at you. You’re more quiet and reserved than usual, just a bit more moody as well and it shows when you snap at the noodle that had fallen from your spoon. You can try to convince Kate you’re fine, but no matter how hard you try to hide it, she’ll know you aren’t and will do what she can to cheer you up at least a little bit.
She’ll pull you aside for a drink. If you like wine, she’ll pour both of you a glass. If you don’t, she’ll make you tea or hot chocolate, any beverage she knows you like that might help you in calming down. It’s no laughing matter to her, you’re hurt and she will try her darndest to fix that. At first, she’ll try to get you to open up a bit, get you to talk about what’s bothering you and how you think she could try to help with that. She can read people like an open book, but she does value honesty and open communication. She’ll coerce you into telling her somehow, whichever way works best. But if you won’t budge? In that case she’ll calm you down first, make you feel a bit softer and then get to work. You wanna cuddle with her underneath a blanket? You just wanna watch a movie with her? Need her to tell you how much she loves you? She’ll do just about everything for you, and she will make it known. Once you’re less upset and more approachable she’ll wrap you in a hug, if you allow it. Despite not being a very huggy person herself, she will show affection in the more classic ways. There are more than enough reasons she won’t be able to make it back home in one piece. Getting kidnapped, tortured or just straight up killed. But even so, she’s going to fight the grim reaper himself if he were to show up on your doorstep. Yes, she makes sure peace finds its way in this world again, but only so you can live in the world you deserve to be in. There are so many things you are ignorant of, so many things she never tells you about, just so she can come home, beaten bloody, to you. To your smile, your voice, your shared future. She would have never married anyone she wasn’t 100% sure she wanted to spend eternity and beyond with. Some small, unknowing brat would never take you away from her, and that she vows to you. For as long as you want her to be, Kate will be yours. She hopes you will reciprocate. Let her take care of you for the time being, she’ll show you her devotion to you and you only.
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domiforpresident · 11 months
Model girlfriend Riri hc's
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Paring: model!RiriWilliams x fem!blackPhotographer
This is just something i put together while working on the Riri fic I'm currently writing
Color coding: interviewers/press, Riri, you, Riris mom
A/N: Riri is extremely fine so why wouldn't she be a model......exactly! 👩🏽‍💻
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The start of her career:
Riri was walking the streets of Chicago. Some woman came up to her with their business car. The lady told her to come by for a photo shoot if she's up for it. Riri had her doubts but still went because why not?
When her pictures hit the internet she gained alot of popularity overnight. Even though she could model as a full time career if she wanted to, She doesn't plan on doing so.
She still goes to college at M.I.T when she isn't modeling because she wants to get an education. (Not that she would need it much) She has hopes of pursuing stem when she's finished with college.
Alot of people on her management team call her beauty and brains. She thinks it's silly but doesn't mind the ego bost.
Riri plays around with her masculine and feminine side when it come to clothing. It started to get a few blogs talking. Soon everyone was dieing to know her sexuality.
"So Riri I'm guessing you've seen the blogs and everyone is dieing to know, what kind of people are you Interested in?
"The kind of people that love me back"
She hates when people pry at her personal life. So she never really gives clear cut answers to these type of questions. Everyone in her circle knew she was a ragging lesbian and that's all that mattered to her.
You and Riri’s relationship:
You and Riri met at one of her photo shoots around the time she started to gain alot of popularity. You were her photographer. When she saw you she couldn't help but to do a double take. You were breath taking and She wouldn't stop flirting with you. The more you called her unprofessional the harder she flirted. Eventually you gave in and agreed to go out on a date with Riri.
After a while of dating you and Riri Made it official. You two decide as a couple to keep the relationship private. Regardless people still talked because you were seen with Riri practically all the time.
One night you and Riri were out on a date at a restaurant. As it came to an end you walked out and cameras flashed in your face. You knew what the press was like. You had yet to experience it first hand though. Riri being a good girlfriend put her jacket over your face and held you close. The men holding the camera's then began to question her.
"Riri is this the lucky woman you're dating?"
"How does it feel being a black queer model In an industry domina-"
"All I know is y'all better get these cameras out of my girls face." Riri said bluntly, quickly becoming irritated by the questions.
It was hard for you to adjust to the press at first. After a while it became second nature. You knew how to duck and dodge them. If you couldn't do that you would never give them direct answers to the questions they asked.
You go the run way shows and photo shoots of Riris that you can make it to. You Always blow her a kiss when she comes out on stage.
Sometimes you aren't able to make it when she does runway shows. She'll still call you right before she walks on stage. She says you're her good luck charm.
"Baby I'm a little neverous you sure you're not gona be able to make it?"
"If I could I would my love, and you're literally a pro at this Riri. You're definitely gonna kill it like you always do so just take a deep breath and count down from 10 in your head."
"Thank you baby, and remember the live stream of the show starts in 3 minutes"
"I'll be watching my love I promise"
She loves taking you on vacations whenever she can. You're not used to getting spoiled but Riri constantly let's you know that you deserve it and so much more.
Upon meeting her family they all loved you immediately especially her mom.
"You're so beautiful Y/n, Riri better be telling you that everyday"
"i promise you She does" you said while softly smiling at both Riri and her mom.
"Oh and here come look at these" Riris mom went to go grab Riris baby pictures. "I've been waiting for her to bring someone home so I could wip these out"
"Ma is that really necessary?" Riri said to her mom. "I don't even think y/n wants to see these"
"Don’t speak for me girl, and move over you're blocking my view." You switched places with Riri on her mothers couch. "aww look at baby Ri."
You and Riri take long and relaxing baths together after you'd both had a stressful day at work. Sometimes Riri says she's too tired and just wants to shower and go to bed. You always manage to convince her into it though.
You can't stand it when women or men flirt with Riri while she's doing interviews. She always makes it very clear she has a lovely wife at home. Sometimes the flirting still gets to you. But Riri quickly reminds you that you're the only person she wants in one way or another 🤭.
Even though you're the photographer Riri takes more pictures of you than she's does of herself.
*Riri taking a picture of you for the 2000th time that day*
"Ri are you taking another picture of me?"
"Yes. Your face is too beautiful to always be behind the camera" Riri said while snapping another picture of you.
She takes pictures of you while doing the simplest things like eating.
At events and red carpets she always has you on her arm. People constantly scream that the two of you would be a model power couple if you ever decided to get into the industry. You're more low key though and photography is your passion.
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
You mentioned haruka kissing usagi when she was still dating michiru in the manga, and it got changed in the anime. Can you explain that to me and why it's bad?
I'm not really clear on the question here? To give further details of what happened, At this point Usagi didn't know Haruka's true identity, but had pretty much guessed, and she also didn't know her gender. Haruka really randomly kissed Usagi out of nowhere as Sailor Uranus while warning her to ~stay away~, Usagi had dreams about the kiss and wondered who Haruka really was, seeing Haruka in both her school uniform and the more feminine clothes she sometimes wore in the manga. When she woke up she was flustered and wondered if this counted as cheating...so yeah, dreaming about both aspects of Haruka turned her on. Then Haruka and Usagi meet up the next day, Usagi asks if she's a man or a woman, and Haruka leans in perhaps for another kiss, saying "does gender really matter?" But the Mamoru comes by, Usagi and Mamoru have a heart to heart about how he's been jealous and vice versa and then the plotline is just. dropped. forever. No impact on Haruka and Usagi's relationship going forward, no indication of how this affects Haruka's actual gf.
I'm really glad the 90s anime didn't do this (I'm not sure if they would have been able to, tbh, don't think the kiss would have been allowed'). It was big to see girls kissing in the manga and I think it gave a lot of young queer people so much of a thrill we didn't really unpack what else was going on, myself included. But it falls into a lot of unfortunate trope and make Haruka a despicable character-first in that she basically assaulted Usagi even if the narrative doesn't really treat it that way, checking off a predatory lesbian trope, and then she's remorselessly cheating on her actual girlfriend and we don't get any indication of what that means for their relationship because apparently that's not important. And then there's the aspect of Usagi leaving her lesbian dalliance behind to reaffirm her commitment to the heterosexual relationship, which feels gross. The plotline being introduced and dropped without any consideration for the impact on the characters makes it badly written.
In contrast, the 90s anime gave Haruka the habit of playfully flirting with every cute girl she sees, not just Usagi. It also hinted at Usagi's (and the other girls') attraction to Haruka without her needing to be assaulted, and there's no indication Haruka is interested in Usagi in particular. Haruka loves to hit on girls, and it's a habit Michiru's aware of and tolerates with an eye roll or quip, but both of them know she's never actually serious about her flirtations, and in contrast, as the season goes on, she becomes VERY serious about Michiru. It keeps the ladykiller who makes all the girlies question their sexuality aspect of Haruka without sacrificing her integrity or relationship with Michiru. The anime centers their relationship, and never forgets Michiru exists.
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alexissara · 8 months
Diving into Heather Fire Emblem
So Heather Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is a character with very little screen time but as Fire Emblem's first 100% canon lesbian she has always had a special place in my heart even before I was out or really looking for representation I was drawn to this woman and her affection for other women. Today, I want to dive into her character, my reading of her and why I think she is a really great character who has potential to be a truly amazing character if she was ever given the spotlight and focus she deserves in some kind of Remake.
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Heather is a poor woman, raised in the rural areas of Crimea which of the Beroc [This world's humans] nations is one of the more peace loving but least wealthy nations. Heather has a sickly mother at home, one who she cares for deeply. In her caring for her mother her job a thief has a strict purpose, bring money home for mom, take care of her, even if you have to get into riskier situations to get that money. It is in her mother's illness that Heather knows she must go out boldly and runs into the events of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
If she dies she cries “Mother... Forgive me... I...lied... I stole... And this...is my punishment...” showing her mother doesn't know how she cares of her or the lengths she goes to to tend to her mother lying about how she makes the living for the pair of them. This speaks to a core element of the character, she is a soft hearted woman, she cares for her mother a lot and would do anything for her and she learned that in this world she needed to lie and steal to survive. Heather is a compassionate survivor who wears the masks she needs to wear in order to make it in the world.
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As mentioned earlier one of the most notable things about Heather is her position as Fire Emblem's first canon lesbian a positioned she would be alone in until Fire Emblem Three Hope's Monica entered the screen 15 years later. This means something in her own world as well though, while the land of Tellius more certainly seems a little more inclusive in terms of women's places in society that does not mean queerness has been elevated into being a norm. For the most part we don't know much about queerness in the continent of Tellius we see through Heather that there is still heteronormative expectations at work for common women. Kyza's supports also imply at least a small pressure for people to be a bit more private about their sexuaity and gender.
Heather is hit on by men and likely has been hit on by men as a fairly traditionally attractive, unmarried adult woman for some time. She learned how to manipulate men into getting meals and other things from them outside of just robbing them but her manipulation is totally harmless, it is men doing things for the expectation of something Heather has never promised or even implied, simply a man's expectations for women. We know Heather has no history of abuse from an interview question where it was also affirmed she is simply a lesbian, that is just her nature and that she was never abused. So this kindness comes not from a place of trauma but in a place of solidarity with other women. We can see that the harassment of men is a factor for her though from her ability in the fire emblem TCG "Buffoonish men are in for a thrashing!" which shows how much she is just done with men being an asshole to her.
Unlike the men of the world her love for women comes with no expectation that they'll romance her, she likely thinks she is the only woman who likes other women, that she will be alone in her desires. So she simply works to make pretty women happy, content to give them a small flirt and a gift then leave them to do their own thing. Just getting to see a pretty woman is what she wants from a desire to see Princess Elenica and see if she lives up to the stories to wanting to help women like Nepheene and Illyana. She knows both that her taking care of her mother most come first but also that she's unlikely to be able to meet another woman to love.
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I don't think it's an accident that the two women we see her be most into are bother fellow commoners when you look at Heather a a woman who is focused on solidarity between women. Heather's mechanics in Fire Emblem Cipher tend to lean on her attraction to women as well having women based abilities. In fact one of her abilities is called "For the smiles of girls!" showing that what she is doing is simply to see another woman smile. The end goal isn't marriage, isn't sex, isn't a relationship but just to see other women smile. This places her as a woman who is deeply rooted in community with other women and solidarity with them.
All of this comes from so little in the game and card game but I think together it paints a picture of an extremally kind woman with a roughish slant. She can be a scoundrel but only to people who deserve it and she is willing to steal and blackmail but it's always for a woman who is in need. At the end of the game Heather returns home to her mother, she lies and says she won't go be a thief again but she makes sure her mother is taken care of for the rest of her mother's life. She has no paired endings and is left alone at the end of it, proving that her own assumption is correct that she wouldn't find love so instead she would settle for smiles.
I want the best for Heather and I wish her love with many women. In my head she has a nice polycule to go see and helps nurse her mom to good health but regardless I think she has so much potential that was not explored thanks to Radiant Dawns bad support system and in general just being a minor character in a very massive cast. I love her and I hope I showed a bit of what draws me to her and why I think she is so special. If you enjoyed and want more, let me know and maybe I'll do more character deep dives. And of course Patreon and Ko-fi are always great ways to support me slash get me to do what you want.
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Little ending note here, I wrote this before Heather got announced for FEH! I am so excited and I will totally be listening to her voice lines and stuff and seeing if there is any more gold about her, maybe I'll update this if they have something I feel adds to my reading but as it looks like now it's same old lesbian Heather being gay for Nephenee and women in general.
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roseworth · 8 months
hey <3 heres what i think of every scene that rosenberg has written with rose
disclaimer: most of this is me being very nitpicky. rose was a side character for all of these appearances so obv i understand that its not gonna be perfect characterization. but i rly like talking about rose characterization so this is just me pulling apart her appearances for fun <3
ok lets go
i LOVE the jason & rose dynamic. im not much of a jayrose fan but since its happening im glad that its like this. i love that its so much "rose is excessively horny and jason is giving her nothing" bc its so in character for both of them. shes fucking with him and he does not know how to reciprocate. they r so sillies
HOWEVER. rose would not just hang around him like shes doing. as much as i like that dynamic i feel like he also has to at least sometimes show that hes. you know. interested in having her around. shes just kinda tagging along and i wish there was a reason why she would put up with him never giving her anything, especially since she has a tendency to leave at the first sign of not being wanted
on a completely different note, im a little disappointed that shes wearing her old costume instead of the new one she has in btbatb/kt ravager. i appreciate that shes still drawn like an adult but i rly like her new costume so im sad that she doesnt have it
man who stopped laughing #9
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STRONG start. beats up a bunch of cops, then right after she appears she does her stupid flirting thing then immediately says that she doesnt want to associate with the batfamily. queen.
not to mention right before this is my fav failgirl moment where she goes through her whole plan to crash the car and break jason out of prison. then just goes up and knocks on the door
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flips the car over then walks up and says "hey its the fire department. open up" and not a single person believes her. i love her
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lesbian rose crumbs <3 i still choose to believe shes talking about cass here idc. shes so silly and this was a cute lil panel
so yeah. she was on one page of this issue but that one page was great and i love her
mwsl #10
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shes so lame <3 i talked about this moment a lot when this issue first released but i love it. "somebody had all the fun without us" upon finding a body, then realizing someone else was there and just. starts shooting. she doesnt hit anything. she doesnt even know where the other person is.
my big problem here is that she does not carry a gun and pretty much never uses guns. honestly now that im thinking about it this is one of the only times shes ever used a gun on panel (the other times i can think of being: shooting wade off a cliff after her mom died, shooting starfire in n52 outlaws (but new 52 rose barely even counts as rose), and using deathstroke's gun when she was pretending to be him in deathstroke 2016)
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shes not anti-gun or anything but it still bothers me just a little that suddenly she has a gun (hence why i fully believe she stole jasons gun <3)
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if i want to nitpick, kate should not have been able to hit her. rose should've seen she was coming wayyy before (bc precog) and she wouldnt be knocked down from one hit. i fear we are headed down a path of her becoming jasons incompetent girlfriend but i wont be too dramatic about her getting hit one (1) time
but other than that i thought this was a fun moment of rose getting hit then jason immediately fighting the person that hit her. toxic girlbesties fr
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then also her needing to be held back after she gets up so she doesnt start attacking the person thats helping them <3 i love her
mwsl #11
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this is a nice issue for her just because in true rose tradition she LOVES to have homoerotic fights with every other female character she interacts with. the kate & rose dynamic was soooo fun i love it when shes mean to people for no reason <3
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i did not like this part though. i feel like there are a lot of implications about rose here that are unfair to her character & her place in the dcu. i'll meet the book on its own terms and say that we're only talking about post-52 rose (blah blah everything's canon rn but this book is very clearly not using pre-52 rose lore) but even then? theres no real reason for her to be ducking superheroes or for superheroes to keep an eye on her. shes not a villain or even much of a killer, the fact that shes "staying off the radars" of good guys doesnt make much sense. and the fact that kate knows her and "studies" her (fellas is it gay to study another woman despite never meeting her) implies that rose is like. a threat. shes just kind of around there is no reason kate should know her like that
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cute moment! but also it bothers me. i think its fun that she refused to go since its not her fight and she doesnt want to get into a joker mess. HOWEVER. when has she ever in her life passed up an opportunity to get involved in someone elses problem. to me she wouldnt have even delivered the list of addresses without a fight if she wasnt gonna go along
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other than her using a gun again (where the hell did she even get that) i like this <3 her showing up and saving manhunter after she said she didnt care what happened is so her. also i just like the fact that she shot joker
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gay gay homosexual gay
the rest of this issue is fun <3 just kate & rose fighting together then getting blown up together <3 this was a nice issue for her despite the problems i had with it
gotham war red hood #2
gotham war break!!!
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okay first of all i LOVE that he took her along. there was no reason for rose to be here but jason was told to meet someone and said "ok ill go but my weird friend comes with me" its so funny
ive seen a lot of people complain about the "you're my only friend" line but i LOVE it. not necessarily because she doesnt have any friends but because she would not in a million years ADMIT that she has friends. she would rather be shot in the head than say that she actually likes the people that she hangs out with.
but to be fair.... she also doesnt have friends. "what about the lazarus island gang?" the only person she actually liked there and showed any friendship toward was damian, and they ARE friends but she considers him more of a little brother than a friend. "what about the teen titans??" a) she would NEVER admit that she is friends with any of them b) its technically.... not really canon that she was ever on the same team as them. like i said before, im meeting this book on its terms, and rose being a teen titan hasnt been mentioned since flashpoint :( i wont go on a whole tangent about her friends but given that she hasnt really made a friend in years and never talks to anyone else, i think its fair for her to say that she has no friends
so yeah all this to say: she has friends, but it is 100% in character for her to say that she has no friends. i stand by this line
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i dont have much to say here i just think shes so cute <3 i also love the fact that jason jumped straight to "rose is robbing a dead person" instead of "rose is inspecting the body"
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but im OBSESSED with the fact that she DOES rob him. i feel like we're not talking about this enough. she saw a dead body and took his money. im not even mad about it because its so fucking funny to me
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im sorry jay/rose fans this makes me want to vomit. this feels too "earnest emotions" for both of them. the rest of this scene was fine but this panel specifically feels so :/
"i just need help" "always" and "please take care of yourself" and "meet at our spot" "promise?" "i promise" does not feel like them at all. its a very sweet and genuine moment but they would NOT have sweet and genuine moments! neither of them would ever express their feelings and they would not have this conversation
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this does not feel like rose at all idk who this is. where is the rage!!!!!! where is the anger!!!!!!! why did she stand there for hours just. worried about him. why isnt she lashing out
comparing this to the scene in tt03 where she's worried about eddie:
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she gets angry! shes worried about him and starts yelling at everyone around her because hes hurt and she doesnt know whats happening. i would have LOVED this energy in this book and its sooooo disappointing that she just. stands there like 🥺 when she doesnt know what happened to jason
mwsl #12
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i rly liked this part fhdkjfhakjdfd i thought her pretending to be him just to get batman out of the way was so good and so real. shes helping out AND fucking with batman
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very minor complaint here but this isnt even true . she DOES try to run into him in ds16 when slade kidnaps damian and rose gives bruce the ransom terms. also i feel like this line is vaguely implying that she HAS found him (/he found her) on accident before which is also not true given that their only interactions are in ds16 and being in the same general area in shadow war. and also reiterating that shes not a villain so batman has no reason to track her down or cause problems for her but. whatever. this is entirely just me jumping to conclusions about what this one throwaway line means and then getting mad about it
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LOVE this. she inserted herself into the situation then complains about it. this isnt her business and shes making sure that jason knows it. but also she completely volunteered for most of this
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BOOOOOOOO she would not fucking say that. "sorry about that whole chase" no she would not apologize. "please dont kick my ass" she would NOT say that!!!!! first of all given that this is after gotham war she would probably kick his ass just for what he did to jason. even besides that she would not be afraid of him even a little. comparing their convo in ds16 #5 to this is so sad bc </3 why is she afraid of him instead of being a huge bitch and yelling at him
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this ending is really good for her though. she absolutely would dive into the water with joker gas, trash, and dead bodies just to save her friend <3
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this is more like it!!!!!!!! shes worried for him and takes initiative to save him by jumping in the water despite it being a very dangerous decision and then insults him while she saves his life <3333 its a tiny bit more of her being mean to express worry which is nice <3 its not perfect but its closer
in conclusion: there are many good moments. there are many parts i like about it. but there are just so many things that dont feel like rose </3 most of the broad strokes are there but it just doesnt feel like her when shes not full of rage and going out of her way to piss people off
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axailslink · 1 year
If your requests are open I would like to Request a Riri Williams x Reader where Reader is Shuri's sister and when Riri first comes to Wakanda she starts flirting with R then they eventually start dating. It's fine if you don't
She's here to work
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Riri Williams x FEM Udaku reader
Summary: being a younger sibling means annoying the hell out of your elder siblings that's what you're on your way to do when you meet Riri Williams.
A/n: in this fic everyone is alive and well but Namor is still very much a threat.
Snippet from the fic: "You don't know if you're just majorly a lesbian or if this woman is just mad attractive to you. You forget what you're originally doing as you ask "you're the scientist? Damn uhm hey how you doing? My name is Y/n I'm older than eighteen and I am single." "
Recently your sister was everywhere the lab was no longer her main place of work so it was hard to catch her but you find yourself checking the lab for the third time today anyways. You stop as you're on the last stair and clanging hits your ears with a sharp sound "ouch" a girl with about six straight backs glances up at you she's in some sort of tank top and she's holding a hammer. You don't if you're just majorly a lesbian or if this woman is just mad attractive to you. You forget what you're originally doing as you ask "you're the scientist? Damn uhm hey how you doing my name is Y/n I'm older than eighteen and I am single." Riri laughs at your little introduction "damn I see why my Shuri didn't want me in the lab you like girls?" You approach the table that she's working on and she puts down her hammer to look you up and down.
"I like whoever likes me why're you asking?" You shake your head and admire her form she can be no taller than 5'2 but height is not a factor right now. "I mean I speak on what I see and what I see is a very fine woman to me" Riri smiles showcasing those cheekbones of hers "thanks?" You laugh at her little awkward reaction "if I'm making you uncomfortable I apologize deeply but when I see someone like I don't stop til I get her number or name. So what's your number and girl what's your name?" Riri smiles and pulls her phone out of her pocket "okay I'm Riri Williams and my number well I think I'll have to make you work harder for that beautiful." You nod "okay Riri-" you look over her face and watch as her body leans on the table she's constantly looking you up and down truth be told you're bold but with her looking at you like this you might pull her over this table. "-my name is-"
"Y/n Udaku! What are you doing in my lab?" You duck upon hearing your name because it's usually followed by a shoe "shit sorry it was nice meeting you though I'll be back for your number." Shuri groans and sighs "stop flirting with the scientist she's here to work" you shrug "I will do no such thing she's kind of my type and she's feeling me" you slowly walk behind the table and grab Riri's hands "and that's fine because baby I am feeling you what's your sign?" "Scorpio" Shuri looks at Riri who's just a laughing mess watching you. You kiss her hand "okay scorpio" Shuri snatches you by your collar and drags you up the stairs of the lab "she may be able to stop me now but that's okay. I'm going to get that number. I'll be back!"
You've been waiting for Shuri to leave the lab all day why? Because your future wife may be in there and she's being an obstacle in your current situation. When Shuri leaves everyone else is leaving too for the day Riri is the last to leave. You shake your head as you approach her pointing for her to go back which she does confusedly of course but she still does. "What are you doing?" You smile "I said I'd be back to get your number I've got your name you gone give me your number?" Riri can't help but smile at your little cocky self "alright maybe but answer a few questions for me" you nod as Riri leans against the wall and smiles. "What's your sign?" You smile at the obvious backtrack to earlier you tell her your sign and she nods.
"I have an even better question now you kiss on first dates?" You hum and shake your head thinking about it "I mean it depends. How good is the first date?" She smiles and grabs your hand pulling you to her "well my first dates are always good nothing extravagant just us maybe a movie some food and uhm I do like to end the night with a kiss." You have to turn and look away because if you keep looking at this half-smile she's giving you you're going to have to throw in the towel. "Really?" You ask and she nods carefully turning you to look at her "yeah really" she glances at your lips and you're holding on for dear life right now because you are not Bast's strongest soldier. "You keep looking at me like that and I'm going to commit some unforgivable acts." Riri laughs but continues eyeing you as if daring you to what you speak of. "Okay I see where this is going but you are not going to get m-" your words drift off as her hand slips to your waist "Uhm this feels like a test and I usually pass my tests with flying colors."
She may have you weak but you're not that weak in the knees honey stand up you gently grab her hand from your waist and smile "you never gave me that number." She nods and gives you her phone you put your number in it and smile don't be afraid to call now I have to uhm check on my sister you gone be sticking around?" Riri nods "for a little bit after this whole Namor thing... Maybe we could catch a bulls game?" You smile and nod "maybe. We'll see."
A/n: I hope this fulfills your needs and wants love.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Cracking the Code
Eddie finds out that Steve knows hanky code and that he would fit perfectly with Eddie. The revelation is enough for him to finally make his move.
On AO3.
Ships: Steve x Eddie
Warnings: it's about hanky code, people, though there's nothing beyond a steamy make out here. And it's the 80s, so homophobia mention
After their fourth run in with the Upside Down, the group has grown even closer with the new addition of Eddie, of course.
The man in question is glad for his new friends, who have helped him so much when he was recovering from his wounds in the hospital, recuperating right alongside Max. They’ve also been there for him as the town got used to him being innocent.
Steve has been the most helpful in that department, almost aggressively befriending Eddie and dragging him around town. He is unafraid to be seen with Eddie, shooting looks to anyone who even thinks to question it and loudly regaling the heroic tale of Eddie saving Steve’s life from a serial killer, per the government cover up.
It loosens something in Eddie’s chest that he has been ignoring since his second time Senior year, which he had shared with Steve.
Not that the man makes it easy to ignore the embarrassing crush Eddie has developed on his very straight best friend. He is always there hanging out with Eddie, letting him invade his personal space and taking the joking flirts in stride, blushing at some of the nicknames.
Still, Eddie has long since resigned himself to admiring Steve from a distance. He’s not messing up this friendship, no matter how badly he wants to hold Steve. Because Steve while might not mind Robin and shrug off Eddie’s joking comments, that can all change. A boy accepting a lesbian is very different than finding out their male friend’s joking flirts weren’t so joking at all and Eddie likes his teeth where they are, thank you very much.
So, he just lets his gaze linger and makes his comments, leans in close and hopes Steve never figures it out.
But Steve is not the only good thing about the whole Upside Down business. The whole group of friends are amazing and the days on which they all collectively hang out are some of Eddie’s favorites.
Today is such a day.
They’re all hanging around the new Byers house, which is still remotely located and is near a clearing in the forest. It’s a nice day out, warm enough that Eddie has shrugged off his heavy leather jacket as he leans back and tries not to blatantly stare at Steve, who is in nothing but his jeans and a tight shirt as he pitches balls for Lucas to hit, sweat sliding down his neck in a way that makes Eddie want to loose more than the jacket.
Dustin is sitting next to him, which is the only reason he is able to tear his eyes away. Because he’s not going to gawk at the man his favorite kid considers a mother (“Brother, Eddie, brother.” “Whatever you say, man.”).
At some point, Steve decides enough is enough, calling to Lucas to drink some water as he makes his way over to Eddie and Dustin. Eddie doesn’t know whether he is happy Steve is coming or sad he lost the view.
He resolves to be happy when Steve rolls up and uses the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, showing off a strip of skin.
Steve grabs a water for himself as well, drinking half, before splashing his face with the rest as he groans: “It’s fucking hot, man.”
“You chose to wear jeans,” Dustin points out to him.
“It was too cold for shorts this morning,” Steve defends himself. “What did you want me to wear instead?”
Dustin shrugs: “You could wear ripped jeans like Eddie’s,” and Eddie will later claim that he cannot be blamed for imagining Steve in his jeans and being distracted.
“Why would I want to dress like Eddie?” Steve frowns, though there is a light blush coloring his cheeks.
“Because it’s cool, duh. I think you can pull it off,” Dustin tells him, plucking the hanky out of Eddie’s pocket, who just gets with the program, letting out a soft: “Huh?”
Dustin ignores them, stuffing the hanky in Steve’s left pocket as he smiles: “See. You can pull it off. Told you.”
Steve tries to look at his back pocket, arcing his back slightly as he squints at the hanky. But all Eddie can think of what that means and how Dustin and Steve don’t know, but he does and it makes his throat dry.
Then Steve rolls his eye and gets the hanky out of his pocket. Dustin starts to protest, but stops when Steve puts it in the other pocket. The right pocket. The one that would be compatible with Eddie’s. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He can’t know. Steve can’t know what he’s doing, right? Steve Harrington. King Steve. The straightest, jockiest boy in high school can’t know hanky code. He can’t. But that’s hard to convince himself off as Steve gives a satisfied smile and says: “That’s better.”
“No, Eddie always wears it in his left pocket. Always,” Dustin says and Eddie doesn’t know if he wants to hit the little shit or sink into the ground of mortification.
“Well, maybe that’s what’s best for Eddie, but not for me. Right pocket fits me best,” Steve informs Dustin easily, like Eddie’s brain isn’t exploding.
Dustin huffs: “God, you’re always so peculiar about your fashion,” before walking away.
Meanwhile, Steve’s words are playing on repeat in Eddie’s head. All before that could just be Steve unknowingly doing stuff, but that last part sounds like he knows. Like it’s on purpose. And it leaves him reeling.
Shocked he looks at Robin, his eyes screaming the question if she is seeing this shit?
In turn she just smirks and he remembers all the times she told him to come out to Steve that he was safe. How he had always shot her down, explaining how being a gay man was different than a lesbian and how they couldn't know for sure. How she had always bitten her lip like she wanted to say something, but couldn't before dropping it.
Suddenly it clicks for Eddie that she didn’t want to out Steve. Because Steve isn’t straight. Steve knows hanky code. Steve is meeting his eyes and winking.
Fuck, Eddie is going to explode.
It crashes down on him that Steve knows hanky code. Steve has been watching him parade around with that hanky that Eddie thought no one but Robin recognized. Holy shit, Steve has known what he likes in bed this whole time.
The thought of Steve thinking of Eddie in bed washes over him, but he quickly pushes it down. Not the time, he tells himself.
Steve’s cheeky smile from before when he winked has fallen and Eddie misses it. He dislikes seeing Steve worry and right now he definitely has his concerned frown on his face. Steve glances around gesturing for Eddie to follow.
He must have seen something on Eddie’s face and a hand grips Eddie’s heart. What is Steve going to say to him? Did he finally notice the crush Eddie has? Is he finally getting beat up? Unlikely if Steve knows hanky code, but his brain isn’t really running on all cylinders.
“Are you okay, man?” Steve asks, all soft concern when they were out of sight, behind the Byers house.
Eddie chuckles humorlessly, maybe a tad hysteric. He cards a hand through his hair and decides to just go for it. If he’s to die of embarrassment than today will be the day, because if he doesn’t talk about this, it is going to ruin him. Thinking about Steve with that hanky, his hanky, is going to ruin him.
“Uhm, Steve- God this will be even more humiliating if you don’t. Fuck,” Eddie takes a deep breath, glad Steve is giving him the room to figure it out. “Steve, do you know hanky code?”
“Oh!” Steve’s mouth forms a perfect ‘O’ as he catches on to what Eddie is saying. He blushes a bright scarlet and looks away before muttering: “Maybe.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie can’t help the exclamation that passes over his lips and he blurts out: “You’ve just been watching as I put a giant I’m kinky sign over my head. Fuck, that’s so embarrassing. I thought I was all subtle and shit.”
“Eddie. Eddie! Calm down,” Steve cuts him off before he can really start up and dig an even deeper hole for himself. “The only reason I even know is because I’m also, you know…”
“Kinky? Queer?” Eddie gives the two options, hoping Steve says both.
“Uhm, yeah, that,” Steve says, the blush returning now that his worries have been soothed. He looks away and softly says: “Robin keeps telling me I should make a move, but I never wanted to assume that just because you’re, you know, into that, that you’d be into me.”
Mentally Eddie apologizes to Robin, who has apparently been caught up in their pining for a while, unable to do something without outing one of them.
However, with the confirmation that it’s okay, confidence floods back into his system. A wolfish grin appears on his face, as he puts a step forwards, forcing Steve to take a step back. He brackets him against the wall leaning in close.
He hasn’t said or done anything else, but he has a front row seat to how Steve swallows, head titling slightly, almost subconsciously at Eddie’s advancement.
“So pretty,” he whispers. “Just waiting to be swept off your feet, aren’t you? Needed to be backed into a corner and told you’re liked, like one of those blushing school girls? You like this, don’t you, sweetheart?”
Steve nods, his breathing picking up.
“I’m going to need some words, pretty boy,” Eddie tells him. Not touching him just yet, both teasing Steve and waiting for consent to move further.
“Fuck, Eddie,” Steve breathes harshly. “Yes, I like it, green, or whatever. Please.”
And isn’t that an interesting tidbit of knowledge. Steve knows the traffic light system.
Eddie’s grin widens and he hotly whispers: “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun, princess,” in Steve’s ear, enjoying how he gasps as Eddie finally presses close, licking a strip over the offered neck.
Steve gasps. So responsive, Eddie thinks, a plan already forming in his head. He buries his hand in Steve’s hair, his precious hair, and pulls Steve into a kiss. It’s filthy and wet, but perfect. One of his knees slides between Steve’s legs, letting Steve grind slowly against it as he swallows the small noises he makes.
They make out for a bit more, Eddie waiting until Steve’s hands start to roam. He allows it for a second crowding in more. His hand glides to Steve’s ass, but his real target is something else, though he doesn’t deprive himself of a feel, before taking the hanky and stepping back.
As he does, Steve lets out an honest to god whine, his chest heaving, face flushed and lips slick with pit. His eyes are hazy as he asks: “Huh?”
“I believe this is mine,” Eddie grins, holding up the hanky, before stuffing it back in his own pocket. “Now, I think we’ve been gone for awhile and I wouldn't want the kids to worry.”
Steve’s brain catches on to what Eddie is implying and he lets out a soft noise, face contorting in such a pretty pout that Eddie almost changes his plans. However, he’s not doing anything with Steve if the kids can walk in on them, not to mention Hopper or Joyce. He might actually die of mortification if that happens.
“I know, sweetheart, I’m so mean,” he teases. “But you deserve more than a behind the shack fuck, pretty boy. So, why don’t you try calming that dirty little mind of yours down and if you’re still up for it, you can come by tonight. We can talk, do more if you’re good… How does that sound, princess?”
He watches Steve take a deep breath, blinking a few times as he comes down from their make out session. Reason creeps back into his eyes and he flushes more, adjusting himself and giving Eddie the stink eye as he grumbles: “I hate it when you’re right.”
“You must hate me a lot, sweetheart,” Eddie grins.
“Oh shove off,” Steve says, before making a waving gesture. “Just go. I’ll be right behind you. Last thing I need is for those little shitheads to ask questions.”
Eddie nods, suddenly a bit unsure. Steve seemed into the make out, wanted to continue and Eddie has offered his invitation, but what if Steve changes his mind? Eddie doesn’t know if he could handle the heartbreak if Steve didn’t show tonight.
Steve must have caught on, because he gives Eddie a soft reassuring smile as he promises: “I’ll see you later,” and it could have been about walking back to the gathering, but something in his tone tells Eddie that it’s not.
He smiles brightly, before straightening out his clothes and walking back, pointedly ignoring Robin’s cheeky smirk and knowing eyes. A look that only gets more knowing when Steve joins them a little later, his hair not as perfect as usual.
They don’t speak much throughout the rest of the gathering, but Steve keeps sending him heated glances and Eddie keeps sending him smirks.
Yeah, he isn’t surprised at all when Steve shows up on his doorstep that evening.
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shipskicksandgiggles · 10 months
dialogue prompts
so for those unaware of how my life tends to go, I end up in a lot of situations where I end up saying something weird or people say weird things to me, and I like adapting those things into prompt lists. send whatever ship/character/what have you with a number and we’ll see how this goes
“Did I go too far?” “Did you go too far? I called my husband a cartoon lesbian!”
“You’re throwing candy at him and he doesn’t even have his tits out.” “That’s how he gets a peanut butter cup.”
“Conservative radio? That has to be Rush Limbaugh.” “Fuck Rush Limbaugh!”
“I’m a massive fucking atheist, but it brings me so much joy to picture Nancy Reagan in hell.”
“You’re so small, it’s like your body can’t contain your excitement. It’s really funny to watch actually.”
“Do not use the word ‘curate’ in relation to 80s heavy metal. You picked it. ‘Curate’, fuck off.”
“I think the neighbors got evicted.” “No, really? It’s about time.”
“You’re like the guy, what’s his name, can’t talk to girls?” “I’d be mad if you weren’t totally right.”
“When you were little I thought you might have been autistic.” “When I was little?”
“You have been gone for six hours-” “Hello child.” “Hi dad- more than six hours actually-”
“I almost took the wrong exit and ended up in Canada, so that’s my day.”
“Who has childproof locks on their car doors?” “What?” “I don’t know, I got stuck in the backseat of a car because of childproofing that shouldn’t exist.”
“I feel like your boyfriend can’t cook.” “Why would you think that?” “Because you cook for him sometimes.” “Why would that mean he can’t though?”
“I think my grandpa tried to set me up with his pastor’s son. Stop laughing, this is serious.”
“Why did she hate you?” “No idea, at that point I was just trying to survive middle school.”
“Well, I mean, the waitress was flirting with you.” “The waitress was what now?”
“What kind of cosmic fuck up did you make to result in this kind of karma?” “I don’t know. I’m so tired.”
“What are you, a dog? Stop chewing on that, you absolute child.”
“You’re just boobing all over the place.” “Boobing.”
“Wait, hold on, let me guess. May of whatever year we were in seventh grade in Detroit.” “Yeah actually, what the fuck? That’s so specific, how did you do that?”
“I like that you call information about yourself lore… Wait, did you just say you got hit by a car?” “I love the order you processed that in.”
“Who had them pegged as the bitch with the biggest tits in this apartment? Not me, that’s for sure.”
“Come here, I need you to bless the vodka bottle.” “I don’t believe in Jesus.” “You don’t need to, just come bless the bottle.”
“I’m stealing his daughter and if he’s still being a homophobe I’ll steal his wife too.”
“I broke up with my boyfriend and my therapist fucking cheered.” “I don’t disagree with her.”
“You would suck dick for a crab rangoon.” “Oh for sure.”
“Someone just handed me condoms in a way that seemed like he thought I had the hardware to be able to use them, however I like that I pass as someone who does, so I’ll take it.”
“So you’re like, an expert on the Titanic, right?” “Is this about the submarine?” “Maybe.” “Great, buckle in, you’ve come to the right person.”
“Do you want me to explain bottom surgery to you? Because I think you’re going to get grossed out.” “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” (dear reader, she was, in fact, grossed out)
“You have main character things happen to you while having the attitude of a quirky side character, and I love it.”
“Is that a lemon?” “It’s a cat, but I see where you’re coming from.”
“During pride month? This is homophobia.” “That was loud.” “Good, I hope the homophobe heard.”
“He was like, ‘is your roommate hot?’ and I was like ‘what, yeah, why?’ like who asks that?” “You think I’m hot?”
“So I have a proposition.” “No.” “You don’t even know what it is.” “Yes I do. That one asshole is hitting you up for a booty call. Don’t.” “Bitch.”
“Where are your wisdom teeth?” “Probably in a medical waste container somewhere if they’re still on this plane of existence.”
“I thought he was kidding!” “Who would joke about a turtle?”
“Hey, can someone drive me to the Urgent Care?” “Like now?” “If you’re not busy.”
“Listen. I avoided admitting myself to a hospital for any reason for almost 17 years. Don’t yell at me for not knowing that wasn’t an Urgent Care problem.”
“Whose Rabbi came to the soccer game?”
“Are you fucking colorblind? That’s purple.”
“I got hit on at the grocery store.” “Was he cute?” “He looked greasy.”
“How do you not know who David Bowie is?” “That is the loudest I’ve ever heard you, holy fuck.”
“When I get wine drunk, I get horny.” “We could have a threesome.” “There’s four people here.” “Oh. Foursome then.”
“Hey can I give you a dollar for one of those beanie babies? I need to butcher it for a cat toy.” “Sure?”
“Sit, we need to talk to you about something.” “Remember when you got high a couple weeks ago and had a gender crisis?”
“Are you going to stab me?” “What? Oh, butter knife, sorry.”
“You know when men have that little swoop of hair? The queef?” “Oh my god I’m crying, you mean a quiff.”
“There is a very large bug on my flowers and I don’t want to touch it.” “That’s my cicada, he’s already dead.”
“Dude, I’ve lived with you for like three months, you’re so obviously a switch.”
“Sometimes you say things and I do not question you because they are the most on brand things you could possibly say. Like sure, I’ll buy that you listen to punk music and have a high pain tolerance. That seems right.”
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Pride Month Character Sexuality Headcanon Moodboards 1. Yasmine - Lesbian 2. Demetri Alexopoulos - Gay 3. Moon - Bisexual 4. Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz - Bisexual
Part of a new series I'm doing for pride month where I make a pride flag moodboard for each cobra kai character (right now just the kids, but I might do the adults eventually) based on whatever sexuality I headcanon they are, and then I ramble about why I hc them the way I do!!! First up is Yas, because I'll be a lesbian Yasmine truther til the day I am gone from this earth and here's why:
Shows 0 interest in any and all potential male love interests prior to Season 3. Even Moon is a bit flirty with boys in Season 1 (First Rory at the pool party, then Hawk at the beach party). But Yasmine??? Pre-Demetri, she never seems romantically interested in boys.
On the subject of Demetri btw. It's actually very common for closet lesbian teens to choose a harmless-seeming guy to project all their romantic interest onto. (like!!! The sheer AMOUNT of notes this post has!!! This is not a rare thing!!!) This absolutely seems to be the case with Yasmine and Demetri in Season 4, since Yasmine is very suddenly into Demetri in this over-the-top, almost hammy way that feels very performative and disingenuous. Almost like she's trying to cover something up...?
For the vast majority of the show, but especially in S1, Yasmine noticeably seems to prefer the company of girls to the company of boys. In S1, her lunch table is all girls. The boys visit them sometimes, but they don't sit together. She also very rarely hangs out with boys outside of school. At big parties (like her birthday bash and the beginning of season pool party) there are boys around, but most of the time she's hanging with either Sam and Moon or just Moon. She's friends with Kyler, but the amount of time we see them actually hanging out is pretty minimal. He seems to be her only real guy friend.
On the topic of Kyler, though! The fact that Yasmine didn't ever get with Kyler after he and Sam broke up is actually very strange to me. Think about it: What better revenge against the two-faced ex-friend who was supposedly talking shit about you than to openly date her ex??? And considering how quickly Yasmine dropped Sam and took Kyler's side, I think she had to have thrown any "girl code" reservations to the wind. And Yasmine and Kyler were at the very top of the school food chain, so like. It's only going to help both their reputations for them to be a power couple. So why weren't they??? Considering how horny Kyler is constantly, I don't think he would have been against it at all. So that means Yasmine, who definitely had it in her power to date Kyler if she wanted, actively chose not to. Not even for clout or to keep up appearances. And given the look she had on her face when Demetri was hitting on her, she definitely wasn't holding out for him. So if Yasmine actively chose not to go out with the objectively best dating option she had available, it indicates to me that she doesn't really want to go out with boys at all.
Even in later seasons, Yasmine barely interacts with boys at all. In S3, we only ever see her talk to Demetri (who is ALSO a closet gay, hilariously). In S4 and S5, she interacts with Demetri's friends sometimes, but that's IT. This is in direct contrast with Moon, who we see flirting (or at least interacting) with a football player in S3 and who has such a wide social circle of both boys and girls that she's able to throw a MASSIVE house party in S5.
She doesn't even mention Demetri in S5! It's like she drops the act of being super "in love" with him as soon as he isn't physically there. The fact that her S4 "24/7 Demetri thirsting" self is a completely different character from her S1, S3, and S5 self further indicates that it's faked to draw attention away from where her attraction really is.
Canonically Demetri and Yasmine fight so much that Yasmine's arm is now completely weighed down with make-up bracelets (which she doesn't even have on when we see her, indicating she probably only wears them around Demetri). Them being that dysfunctional behind closed doors is a pretty stark contrast to what we saw in S4, and is just more evidence Yasmine's S4 behavior was a facade. Also begs the question, if they're truly just a Normal Straight Couple...why do they stay together when they clash that much??? One of the simplest explanations is that both of them just. Do not want to lose their beard. Yasmine especially, considering her decline in popularity left her with not as many dating options, and Demetri's one of the most harmless guys she could be fake-dating.
The "I know what it's like" cast-signing scene with Yasmine and Demetri is so queer-coded. Like think about it. Two people, both of whom have an unusually close attachment with their same-sex best friend, are bonding over how hard it is to be the subject of mass ridicule. Wedgies aside, what other type of ridicule would it be easy for these two to bond over??? And considering the dick-drawing-on-cast bit, Demetri's ridicule even had some implicit homophobia! So what does Yasmine do??? She writes "I, a girl, love your huge, masculine dick!" on his cast. Almost as a way of broadcasting to the world that they're both straight. When Yas says "much better" there's a kind of unspoken "we're both in the clear now." It's such a lovely gay friendship moment and Yas and Demetri have a very underrated platonic dynamic tbh.
Yasmine's raging crush on Moon is a whole essay in of itself, but the tl;dr of it is that Yas really did not have to forgive Moon or take her back after they fell out in S1. And yet not only does she rekindle her friendship with Moon in S3, but it also seems like part of the reason she changes for the better in S3 is because of Moon's influence! As far as we know, Moon was literally the only reason Yasmine ever made an effort to stop being awful. She also is basically never apart from Moon S4 onwards. Like every time Demetri and Yasmine have a scene, Moon is also there!!! Moon gets scenes without Yasmine (e.g. the cheerleading scene in 4x06, the tournament scene with Eli) but Yasmine almost never gets scenes without Moon and/or Sam. Sus.
Also Yasmine and Moon are so absurdly catty when Sam interrupts their weed-smoking date hangout in Season 1. And we're meant to believe they boot her out of the girl gang because she talked shit and was a slut (supposedly), but from how touchy they're getting at that concert...seems like they might have gotten tired of her third-wheeling?
Yasmine interrupts Moon and Hawk's S1 makeout sesh!!! She yells "Moon cmere!" and Moon leaves!!! Then she's still sulking in a jealous huff when Demetri goes over to hit on her later!!! Then she goes over to yell at Aisha when Moon and Hawk are right there being flirty, like. Girl is so gay and jelly it's out of control. She also tries to roast the shit out of Hawk in front of Moon. "Look!!! Look how much I'm the better option!!! Let's get out of here and away from any potential competition I may have!!!"
WAIT ALSO. The way Yasmine's ridicule was also a direct result of her trying to win Moon back??? And it all happened in front of Moon and (to her thinking) lowered Moon's opinion of her??? Adds a new layer to Yasmine saying "after the front wedgie thing, I know what it's like" to Demetri later!!!
Of COURSE she knows what it's like. She knows what it's like to fall for someone who decided they liked the Cobra Kai karate gang better than you, and not be able to get through to them in the moment it mattered the most. She knows what it's like to lose your best friend and get absolutely humiliated in the process.
In any case, it REALLY seems to be Moon and Hawk's interactions that send Yasmine over the edge during that party scene and get her the angriest. Interesting.
Generally speaking, the fact that Moon, who is canonically bisexual, is Yasmine's best friend is very telling. Any queer can tell you that queer kids always manage to find each other, even before they're out!!! Most queers who keep up with their high school and/or childhood friend groups will tell you that most of them are also LGBT. Yasmine's social circle consists of a canonically queer character and two heavily queer-coded characters (Demetri and Eli). Sam and Miguel are probably straight, BUT Miguel she only really hangs out with by proxy and Sam could be either the Token Straight (every queer friend group has one lmao) or a closet bisexual. Point being that with a largely queer friend circle, Yasmine's chances of being totally cishet are...not high tbh.
Just a random little detail and this is probably me wildin, but I find it funny that Moon laughs at Yasmine's little torturing Anthony joke in S5, but Sam didn't. My guess is that Sam is not amused because on some level (even if it's subconscious) she's worried Yas is serious, and is being a bit of a protective older sis. Moon though? She laughs at Yasmine's joke like the smitten simp she is because she knows the whole concept is too absurd to ever happen. BUT ALSO. It sounds a little like a knowing laugh. Like the mere concept of Yasmine being into guys or caring about them working out in the least is absurd. Maybe Moon knows Dem and Yas are faking a straight relationship to keep up appearances (if they confided it to anyone, it would be her!), and that's why she's not really bothered by Yas doing what would otherwise be the equivalent of stringing Moon's other friend along.
*Side note that I will make an exception to my Lesbian Yasmine truthing for Kyler Park and Kyler Park only. He's the only male character on the show she has even an iota of romantic chemistry with, and also the idea of her being "lesbian except for this one trashfire douchebag for some reason" is honestly too funny for me to resist XD Literally any other male character though??? I will start biting before I ship them with Yasmine, and them's the facts.
As always, pic credits available upon request! Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈
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Hit me with a match up
I’m a lesbian that goes from hyperactive and spontaneous to extremely serious and analytical.
Im a leo that fits under both ESTP and ENTP if that matters.
I like annoying people (lovingly). I like exploring in places that I’m probably not supposed to be. I will spend a lot of time talking to friends, playing videogames, watching Tv, writing storys or listening to music. I listen to a lot of Grandson, Halsey, Jutes, and Nico Collins. My favorite band is Skillet. I like debating about bigger and heavier topics.
My love language is physical touch and quality time. I have a lot of dog like qualities with always wanting attention/affection I’m very loyal and I’m die hard for those I’m close to.
I have a very out of pocket and dark sense of humor and I go to far with my jokes sometimes without knowing. I hyper analyze people and am very good at reading them usually being able to tell exactly what kind of person someone is after 5-10 minutes of interaction. I have very morbid thoughts that would and do scare most people. I laugh inappropriately and when upset I will laugh while crying, I use humor and feigning happiness as a coping mechanism also to cover up emotions. I’m a big hype man and I’m a hugger, I’m good at making people feel loved and accepted. I’m capable of flipping certain emotions on or off or just all of them off to get through a day. I loose everything and forget everything. (I’m getting tested for ADHD) and I’m a flirt.
Essentially 2D me is a goofball airhead crack head. 3D me is very inteligente and hyper analyzes people and craves intelligent conversation.
You didn't say what age group would be appropriate to match you with so if what I give you is inappropriate, let me know so I can fix it.
This is a part of 3x Valentines event
I match you with...
Annoying her might not be the easiest, but she sure acts annoyed whenever you discard your well being for the sake of people you're close to. Loyalty is great, but not to the point where you have to sacrifice something.
That and when she sees you somewhere you shouldn't be at in the first place... Sometimes she really thinks it's a talent on how you can end up in such places by accident.
She definitely enjoys having little harmless debates with you. Exploring each other's views and whatnot. It's definitely interesting.
Just like you she's amazing at reading people, but you tend to surprise her quite often. Perhaps the chaos is what drives her towards you? Who knows!
Still, even if you do a lot of masking of emotions she knows when to subtly comfort you.
Whenever she's out for work reasons she makes sure you'd be occupied with something else and when she's back she'd take you on a date.
So she gives you just enough time to miss her without you being lonely.
She often makes sure to remind you of everything important, not only that she somehow always manages to find your lost items. She doesn't track them down or anything, she just makes a guess and luck is on her side as she finds it.
Your inappropriate and dark jokes don't usually move her much. Even if it's highly disturbing. She just wonders how is it that you have such humor.
~Mod Lisa
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Bodies Bodies Bodies is literally a female written and directed film + of course Amandla is gonna take that comment seriously since she is the only person showing cleavage the majority of the movie bc she is wearing a tank top and has boobs + calling a film a '95 minute ad for cleavage' isn't 'talking abt sexism in a serious way' if you don't elaborate on your criticism + maybe Amandla didn't specifically choose the costume for this movie but I still think she should be allowed to wear a tank top without her body being referred to as an ad for cleavage in the fucking New York Times. Same but opposite energy as Randy Moore calling Disneyworld a place of great sexual repression because the princesses are attractive and he can't hit on them.
that is not even remotely the same. you sound like an idiot. i dont care that bodies bodies bodies is female directed. that means nothing except for identity bingo. i like amandla i enjoy her acting and i think she has been unfairly criticized in her career but she should probably find a new one if she cannot handle one bad review calling out a dumb movie role of hers….and lbr she has never been good at dealing with criticism
but criticizing a film’s decision to style its young female actresses in sexually revealing clothing and to put one of its only two black actresses, and afaik its only black lesbian, in a super low cut tank top with her bra showing while also having her play out porn-style lesbian intimacy scenes and highlighting these in the promo materials is actually taking sexism seriously even if she uses humorous or glib language. the sexualization of female actresses and their characters is a long-standing problem in film and has been criticized for about as long as film has existed as an artistic medium. and before that, the sexualization of women in older art forms was criticized. even in eras of censorship, the portrayal of women, even in innuendo, has been an issue. for a film clearly inspired by the slasher genre, this is even more of an issue.
to argue she should be “allowed” to wear a tank top as though we are picking apart some outfit she wore on the red carpet and not the way she and her costars’ characters were styled and portrayed, again, is idiotic. we are talking about characters in a film, people created by the writers, yes, but also influenced by the demands of producers and the broad status quo in cinema. this movie was aimed at a specific audience and treated its cast accordingly, particularly its women. and you know what? i haven’t read lena’s entire review, but clearly neither have you. so how exactly do you think you are able to understand her entire point about the film with a single line removed from context by an actress who has been trying to explain herself after an attempt to flirt blew up in her face? but i am done on this subject because i don’t particularly enjoy being transported to 2012 with all these toddler-level choice “feminist” nonsense arguments
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cotton-candycurls · 2 years
This is mostly a take on my experience with being queer and "feminine" and, obviously, how fetishization by the male gaze affect it.
I'm very very femme, to the point I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only (if not the only) people in my friend groups that likes glamorous dresses/skirts and openly "girly" accessories. I'm meeting ppl at uni and I'm the only one who looks like a unicorn barfed on me. And I'm proud and happy with the way I look.
At one point of my life, I felt overly dramatic for being feminine, and it made me self-conscious bc I've never been flirted with outside of a friend environment. this led me to think I wasn't attractive or humble enough (which is obviously patriarchal bullshit). I'm more confident in my skin now, bc I accepted my femme attributes. I care about feeling pretty and confident, not if others see me as such. And now I suspect two important things:
1. men don't hit on me bc I don't let the male gaze fuck with me. I was raised to not fit within the male expectations, I've understood from a young age about the fetishization on "feminine" bodies and how clothes reflect that {butch and masc presenting sapphics are absolutely wonderful, beautiful/handsome, resilient people; they deserve so much respect and happiness. That being said, I want to mention that as early as 10 I realized this was a way to avoid being sexualized as much, as well as something common among lesbian representation. Frankly I wasn't comfortable in it and I was obviously not butch, even tho I like to dabble in the style at times. So I slowly returned to things aimed at the female market}. And with time I've learned to wear short skirts for myself and heels bc they make me feel happy, not bc they are beauty expectations to satisfy the male gaze. Even though I was able to avoid it for the most part, I still have to take back control over my body image.
2. this second part I learned at a queer podcast, it was said from the pov of an androgynous/butch presenting lesbian who was narrating. The gist of it is that the reason sapphics may not approach me, even tho I'm clearly flagging, is bc sometimes femmes are intimidating to ppl. I don't try to be, but I've learned first hand confidence is sometimes intimidating.
Me presenting as "feminine" doesn't thwart my queerness, it is at the end of the day a way of self-expression. I doubt my frilly, bright yellow, long skirt, paired with rainboots, huge lightning earrings and vinyl disc purse are what the fashion industry expected me to do with it, but it's how I see myself. I will paint fuchsia hearts on my undercut, when I get one, and get an eyebrow piercing. Sometimes I feel like I'm not androgynous enough to be lesbian, like I'm just lying to myself and other times that I don't have to fit stereotypes to be queer; I have no idea what to do with my impostor's syndrome when scrapbooking doesn't help..
Feminine presenting traits should be in the hands of those who live with it, not mutated, crushed, manipulated, fetishized and made morbid by brute objectification and the male gaze. Non-femme attributes shouldn't be the only ones seen as empowerment; femme attributes are not conformity.
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