#I think it's also a little bit of me just in general being genuinely surprised when people say they like me bc ✌️bullied kid behavior ✌️
kimberlyannharts · 12 hours
Ultraman: Rising!
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Sure we all know the Power Rangers reboot has been passed on at Netflix but instead we have this hot new piece of toku instead: Ultraman: Rising! And I finally got the chance to check it out last night.
I know Ultraman is one of the big toku/kaiju genre staples but it's never really been on my radar of things to watch. I'm not sure why! I guess Super Sentai/Power Rangers just has more of the it factor that appeals to me. So because of that I really have no context to the story besides it's a guy who can turn into a giant silver superhero that beats up kaiju.........or maybe it's an alien who looks like a human and the silver superhero is his true form? or maybe the human and the silver superhero are two separate beings that share the same body? idk. It's probably all three of those things depending on the series. But this film was marketed as a standalone that new fans could enjoy AND....the big one.....it's ANIMATED, so I felt more inclined to check it out.
And it was really really good!! I enjoyed it a lot!
Spoiler-ish thoughts on the film below:
= Let's get this out of the way: the biggest draw to this was the animation and art direction, and yeah, it slaps. The textures and stylization (always love 2D painted effect animation on explosions and things) and lighting were a full-course meal and the scenes where they focused on Ultraman's shining eyes staring through a window or computer screen were just SO striking. To the point where I feel that if I got around to watching the actual live-action Ultraman, it might feel a little underwhelming in comparison. Oops
= It does kind of fall in the cliches of the "selfish guy learns maturity by having to be a father" plot (with bonus "son is estranged from his dad and mom is missing but they work to improve their relationship" sprinkled in) which makes me appreciate The Return even more (sorry, I'm still Returnpilled) but it's still charming and I can hope if we get more movies they give a little more focus to Ami and Emiko (speaking of which, I know they weren't doing a romance this movie, but Ami having a daughter and the movie being about Ken raising a daughter? oh you know it's happening and I'm here for this because they're both so hot)
= I think Ken is also a better example of the "showboating egotistical hero who learns to mature" than most because the movie isn't afraid to show him vulnerable even before his character development. I was genuinely surprised at that scene where he starts crying out of the stress of balancing his baseball career and figuring out Emi
= Apparently there was some discussion that the movie didn't bring up Ultraman's origins which, as someone who knows next to nothing about Ultraman, that didn't really bother me? Obviously I can still give more benefit of the doubt than people who don't know much about the tokusatsu/kaiju genre to begin with, but even so, I was still pretty down with the concept of "this guy has the ability to turn into a giant silver superpowered man and passed the ability down to his son" - and I think in the age of superhero blockbusters in general the idea isn't that farfetched that it requires more explanation. In any case it's a bit of a moot point since future movies are clearly going to talk about Ultras and their origins more, based on the stinger.
= Is Emi a clear kid-appeal character meant to be shown off in marketing and merchandising because of how squishy and cute she is? Yes. Is she just so fucking squishy and cute and my newest baby child? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I am not immune to monster baby. I think it helps that I always found the old monster screeches cute and applying them to a baby babbling was kinda genius in its execution. And I'm glad they kind of got the obligatory "haha babies poop and are smelly and gross" jokes out of the way early (yeah they had the whole "acid reflux" thing in the second act but I've seen way worse in other media)
= The subtitles calling Sato's Ultra form "Ultradad" and his Ultra mustache were both really funny
= Obviously I knew Ken wasn't going to die when he threw himself on Dr. Onda's mech (btw the mech was sexy) but I definitely expected a little more than just a busted arm with how they were building up how the blast would have "destroyed them all" kdjkfdj maybe they cut to after he had recovered a bit. Though in general I'm not quite sure of how durable Ultraman is
= Kind of a milf. reblog
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ardenrosegarden · 11 months
The "kind gruff geologist man" gives me such a visceral like, character design kind of image. What does the kind geologist man look like? I'm imagining a cartoon man with eyebrows instead of eyes 😝
I mean that's fair lmao my stereotypical image is more flannel + jeans + some kind of jacket or vest look with the air of "I have strong opinions about what I'm correct about and what other people who don't agree with me are stupid about and I have a running list of people I can't work with. But you don't annoy me, kiddo, I like having you around :) "
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secretmellowblog · 3 months
I saw Les Mis live for the first time the other weekend, and the surprising standout performance for me was Kyle Adams as Grantaire. He is a performer who has obviously read the Brick, and uses all of his stagetime to convey as many aspects of Brick Grantaire as possible; he also reads Grantaire’s love for Enjolras as explicitly gay and romantic (there’s a moment I’ll talk about later where he blows him a kiss.) I was actually surprised by how much he managed to convey in so little time!
Some highlights:
When Enjolras is asking for a “report on the strength of the foe,” Grantaire enthusiastically raises his hand, posturing and gesturing wildly at himself to volunteer. Enjolras casts him a disdainful look like “anyone elSE?” And that’s when Javert jumps in with his “I can find out the truth.” It’s like a small silent version of the Barrier du Maine scene; Grantaire was really giving that “je suis farouche.”
In general, there was this repeated Thing where Grantaire obnoxiously acts out in order to get Enjolras’s attention, and then flails around uselessly whenever he actually has it. Very in character.
Grantaire often goes on uproariously and jokingly about love; then, whenever he’s approached by Enjolras, he doesn’t seem to understand what to do about it.
Whenever Enjolras is singing dramatically about revolution— during Red and Black, Do You Hear the People Sing, and One Day More— Grantaire gazes at up at him with a amazed, awed, and overwhelmed look on his face, sometimes with his hand on his heart.
During Red and Black, there’s a moment where Grantaire “jokingly” caresses Enjolras’s face. Then during Do You Hear the People Sing, Enjolras passes Grantaire by and casually caresses his face; Grantaire acts a bit stunned, as if surprised Enjolras would deign to touch him. Finally, there’s a dramatic “reassuring face-caress” during the gay verse of Drink with Me.
There’s a repeated thing where Grantaire keeps offering Enjolras a bottle of wine, half-jokingly, only for Enjolras to reject it. In the last verse of Drink with Me, after Grantaire finishes his verse and walks away, Enjolras finally accepts a bottle of wine (though another character gives it to him.)
Iirc Grantaire doesn’t join in the fighting initially; he just stares at Enjolras in awe, and then mainly stands by Javert to “guard” him. I mainly mention this because I think Javert and Grantaire are a very funny duo, just as a concept. I think “being forced to listen to Grantaire monologues” is an excellent punishment for Javert.
During Marius’s verse of Drink with Me, Enjolras climbs to the top of the barricade, standing in the light. Grantaire is at the bottom in the shadows, attempting to sleep. As Marius sings about his love for Cosette, Grantaire raises his bottle to Enjolras, and then blows him a kiss. It’s very “let me sleep here until I die here.”
Finally, Grantaire has his "book death." After he spends the entire musical on the fringes being skeptical, he joins Enjolras in the final battle. He climbs up the barricade and says (I was close enough to hear) "Long live the Republic! I am one of them."
I'm genuinely impressed by how much of the Brick characterization he managed to convey with so little time-- some ad-libbing and lots of silent acting moments! It really gave me a greater appreciation of what a strong performer in a musical can do, and how they infuse even 'smaller' parts with lots of nuance and personality.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 20 days
hi! can i request headcanons of Adam x Male Angel! Reader who is sweet, kind and never curses? preferly sfw and nsfw but if u don't write smut for Male Reader, that's fine!
hope u have a Nice day <3
Adam x Kind Angel Reader HC’s
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, NSFW in latter half of post, He/Him pronouns with Male Genitalia. Slight Degradation/dirty talk. Fluff + Smut
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 820
A/n: thank you so much for the request! I had a lot of fun with this one! I did make it on the shorter side but that’s only because it’s quite difficult to make Headcanon’s 1000+ words without other characters but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! Also I decided to make this little header thing for fics! I’ve seen a few others do it and the GIF’s I normally use are becoming a hassle to find. Let me know if you guys like it!
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Oh boy, this relationship really is a match that could only be made in heaven. No one would have expected Adam to date a man who is the complete opposite of him. If anything, people expected someone like him or even Lute!! But you? They never could have predicted that.
But what can you do, opposites do attract.
You’re always being so kind to him, telling him he looks handsome, helping him with any and all work he might have to do, and on top of it you bring him gifts and trinkets! Not to mention all the delicious treats you get him that are almost as sweet as you.
And to be honest, this really messes with Adam, cause you’re literally so sweet and thoughtful but he doesn’t have anything to give you in return besides sex. At least that’s what he thinks but in reality he gives you so much more than he gives himself credit for.
He plays you songs on the guitar, takes you out to fancy restaurants, and over all treats you with love and affection than any other has. But even if none of that was true, you don’t do anything and everything for him because you want something in return. You love Adam completely unconditionally.
The no cursing thing is something that genuinely gets on his nerves. Cause like, he could never. This man has the mouth of a sailor and the delicacy of a bull in a china shop. Which is one of the traits you love about him, that he says what he wants. But also you’re just like “Sir, this is not what The Father intended-“
“Neither was putting my dick in another guys ass but look, I’m still here bitch!”
And it especially bugs Adam, if instead of cursing, you replace swears with other words. Like the other day you stubbed your toe when landing on ground and Adam had fully expected for you to do what he does, which is scream the loudest swear and be pissed off at everyone for 20 minutes. But instead….
“OW Fudging chocolate chip-“
So, ever since that day, Adam has sworn to one day take your ‘cursing virginity’, at least that’s what he calls it. And he try’s so hard to do so, which is a slight bit of trouble cause he doesn’t want to like, be a complete douche to you.
So until he figures out a way to get you to curse, he’s pretty stumped at the moment. But still, he absolutely adores you.
Oh Boy x2
Everything I said previously still stands if not double the amount. This man wants to do the👏Most👏Unholiest👏Things👏To👏You👏
Loves to see your kind and sweet personality slowly crumble because of his cock.
‘Who knew you could be such a slut?’
He loves that your personality carries over during sex, you give him everything you’ve got and then some. You want to do your best for him after all.
Speaking of which, if you worship him in any way that man is cumming IMMEDIATELY. He really just wants to feel like he’s above everyone else, and Surprise surprise, he has a praise and you being the, oh so thoughtful person you are, you make sure to completely indulge that aspect of him.
You babble so much about how good his cock feels hitting your prostate over and over again. How well he’s making you feel like like the Good Boy he is. It really gets it him going.
Remember how I said he’s trying to make you lose your ‘Cursing Virginity’? Yeah well, this is how. He is SO determined to get you to spill out just one swear while he goes to town on you. Is it the most holy thing he should do? No. But how could he not fuck your brains out till you break your own moral code?
He tries so hard too. He has yet to get you there but he has come close. When he had you in a mating press, legs over his shoulders, your ankle’s lightly hitting the base of his wings with each thrust.. You couldn’t stop begging for him to cum inside you as you came for the Xth time in a row.
“Please Adam! P-Please! Fu~“ you cut yourself off with a hand to your mouth.
Adam looked at you with his signature grin, his hips not stopping their movements to pump himself in and out of you. “Was you about to say something babe?”
You held your hand against your mouth shaking your head ‘no’ clearly trying to make it seem like you weren’t about to drop the f bomb.
“Mhm, right~ let’s see if I can pry some other ‘naughty’ fuxkin’ words out of ya!” He laughs a wicked laugh as he switches the position so that he’s somehow even more atop of you. Leaving you a completely, moaning, helpless mess for him to dominate >:)
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dorkofclanlavellan · 2 months
Sweet Doesn't Mean Naive (Fallout Characters)
Fandom: Fallout 4 Scenario: The characters meeting and falling for a reader who is very sweet and helpful and accepting. Initially they may think the reader is naive because of their nature but soon learn differently. Pairings: Cait x Reader, Danse x Reader, Hancock x Reader, MacCready x Reader, Nick x Reader + Copper Howard x Reader.
Notes: Zero uses of Y/N or Sole. I may do a part 2 for the other characters later, these are just the ones that I'm super inspired for rn. [Also this is based on me never being able to select rude options in video games unless I genuinely hate the character lol]
Trigger Warning: These may be slightly OOC as I'm still familiarizing myself with the characters (more so the FO4 characters than Coop)
Cait initially underestimates you, thinking you're too sweet and accepting to survive in the Wasteland. However, she's surprised when she discovers your savvy side, handling dangerous situations with intelligence and composure.
Your kindness and willingness to help others win her heart, and she admires your ability to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances.
Cait falls for you deeply, realizing that your sweetness is not a weakness but a strength.
Danse is initially cautious around you, expecting you to be naive due to your sweet and accepting demeanor. However, he's pleasantly surprised when he witnesses your quick thinking and resourcefulness during a perilous situation.
Your kindness and helpfulness earn his respect, and he admires your ability to handle yourself in tough situations.
Danse develops feelings for you, impressed by your combination of kindness and savvy decision-making skills.
Hancock is amused by your sweetness and helpfulness, initially thinking you might be a bit naive about the dangers of the Commonwealth. However, he's pleasantly surprised when you prove to be street smart and savvy in various situations.
Your accepting nature and open-mindedness capture his interest, and he admires your ability to see the good in people while still being aware of the harsh realities of the world.
Hancock develops strong feelings for you, fascinated by your unique blend of kindness and savvy insight.
MacCready is cautious around you at first, assuming you're naive because of your sweet and accepting personality. However, he quickly realizes that you're more savvy than you appear when you show exceptional skill in handling dangerous situations.
Your helpfulness and compassion make a lasting impression on him, and he admires your ability to adapt and survive in tough circumstances.
MacCready falls for you, drawn to your kindness and impressed by your hidden savvy nature.
Nick Valentine:
Nick initially sees you as naive, given your sweet and accepting demeanor. However, he's amazed when you display a keen understanding of complex situations and handle them with grace and intelligence.
He finds your kindness and empathy touching, and he admires your ability to see through people's facades while still maintaining your positive outlook.
Nick develops strong feelings for you, intrigued by your combination of sweetness and savvy awareness of the world around you.
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When you first met, Coop was fairly dismissive of you. He thought you were just going to get yourself killed fairly soon. Your generous nature was a sign of naïveté in his eyes. So he wanted as little to do with you as possible.
Then you gave him a months supply of vials for free. And he decided to stick with you. Deciding the best repayment was to protect you from the dangers of the Wasteland and yourself.
That's when he learned just how much he'd underestimated you. You were kind and always willing to help absolutely anyone but you were not one that could taken advantage of.
And that's what really impressed him. The more of your acumen that Cooper saw, the more he grew to care about you. Including your altruistic nature.
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nvoirs · 2 months
Pairing: Nerd Leon x Nerd female reader. Creds to the plot by @asmodaywritesstuff and also just a genuine present to them.
Disclaimers: P in V, both Leon and reader are virgins, unprotected sex, cussing and fingering.
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“I’ve tested you on this one so many times, maybe we should just stop working.” You yawned, stretching your arms behind your head.
“Well ok then I guess.” Leon mumbled, placing his Bio textbook face down on your desk, adjusting his glasses to peer over at you. 
Oh. your tank top had ridden up and he could just see a tiny bit of your hot pink bra showing.
He turned red looking away quickly and coughing. “So uh I was wondering, have you ever been asked out?”
You perked up raising your head at his question, your top falling down into its original place. “Yeah one or two times, but more or less it was a prank. You know like hey let's see who can get in that nerds pants first kind of being asked out.” You shrugged your shoulders, not seeming bothered.
“Oh..” He stumbled over his words. “I’m sorry I didn’t know people could be so cruel..” You chuckled at him, tossing a hand in the air. “It’s no biggie, seriously Leon, and besides I already like someone.”
He froze at those words. You already liked someone? “Oh.. mind telling me who it is, I mean I am your best friend after all.” He grinned.
God he really had no clue, you wanted to kiss his stupidly perfect face so badly it hurt your heart a little. “Well I’m not sure about that.”
“Oh..” He looked dejected staring at his lap. You bit your lip feeling slightly regretful so you spoke up. “Well I could give you clues.” Leon’s head shot up after that. “Yes I’d like that.”
“Well..” You sat cross legged. “He’s taller than me, has a nice physique and he just has the cutest smile I’ve ever seen.”
Leon huffed, “That’s so generic, I’ll never get the right answer.” he rolled his eyes at you.
“Wait, you didn’t let me finish yet.” You poked him in the side. “Oh ok.” He said sitting up, you wouldn’t be surprised if he grew a tail and it started to wag.
“He’s got the softest hair, it's a nice sandy colour, his eyes are the shade of the ocean and he’s my best friend but I don’t know how to tell him.” You choked on the last word staring at Leon, hoping that he felt the same.
He couldn’t believe his ears, you liked him? This was the greatest news he’d ever heard and he wanted to spin you around and around and- 
“Leon, are you ok? Sorry if you don’t feel the same I-”
He captured his lips on your own, grabbing the fabric of your tank top and grasping it. You gasped when he let go, your lips popping and you stared at him starstruck.
“That was my first kiss..”
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-” You grabbed him by his t-shirt going back in for round two. At first Leon was hesitant, not wanting to go too far. He’d tried to learn how to kiss good multiple times, so he just hoped he was doing good. You both crashed onto your bed, Leon caging you between his arms so as to not crush you. His tender kisses he was leaving down your jaw and neck made the sensations in your stomach burst, you could feel yourself becoming wet from his kisses grinding up on him.
The string of spit that left your lips still connected to his made Leon hard. He wiped it away looking at you. Flustered and the shade of a tomato, he wondered if you wanted to take it further.
“Leon please, I need you.” You whispered. He nodded at you squeezing your calf. “How about we revise first?” You looked at him confused. “You can’t be serious Leon.” He shook his head at you, “Not what you're thinking, we can visually revise our human anatomy now can’t we.” You were lost for words, how was this the same guy that begged you to play monopoly with him.
“I’d love it.” You watched him kneel in front of your sprawled out body. “May I?” He looked at your shorts. “Yeah please take it off.” He nodded, pulling off your shorts, and slowly began to peel off your panties. The strings of slick that were attached made him groan, a noise you’d never heard before.
“Fuck me.” He whispered under his breath, once he had a crystal clear view of your pussy and your cute clit. “Leon, are you ok?” You said worriedly, beginning to shift.
“I’m fine, just relax baby just relax I got this.” “Wait Leon, I’m.. I’ve never done this before so please be gentle.” Leon paused, “It’s ok baby we’re just two virgin morons trying to figure it all out.” That made you laugh, holding his hand tighter.
His singular finger that ghosted over your pussy began to spread your folds. Collecting your fluids and smearing them over his double digits. He found your clit with little to no effort, and began to slowly circle it. That made you whine, your whole clenching on nothing as he began to get faster and faster. He stopped all of a sudden the build up stopped. He began to ease his finger inside your pussy, causing you to whimper and shiver against him.
When his finger was half way in he started to pull it out again before pushing it backing in. He pumped his one finger in and out to get you nice and stretched for his cock. “More.” You said hoarse, gripping Leon's free hand. “Ok.” He smiled at you, kissing your forehead as he added another digit. You could feel yourself clenching around his fingers as you came harder than you had ever done with your own fingers. You groaned as he removed his fingers from your cunt before shakily sucking one tasting your juices.
“You taste so good, I want you to sit on my face.” He whined on his knees in front of you, he was begging for it. You pulled your t-shirt over your head brandishing the fuschia coloured bra you were wearing. “Maybe next time, I just want to uh… do it you know?”
He raised a brow at you, a quizzical expression splayed across. “Oh ok I get it, so you want me to fuck you?” your throat turned dry and your words were stuck inside the tunnel of your dry throat. “Yes.” You whispered, hoping he even heard your answer.
Leon had you lay back on the comfort of your soft pillows, propping one leg onto his shoulder (He’d seen the position in a porn video) before lining himself up with your entrance. “Relax f’me yeah? I’m just as nervous as you, Jesus.”
He bit his lip, holding back a moan as your warm, firm hole squeezed him as he pushed through the ring of muscle. “Oh fuck your so.. Tight, I don’t want to cum yet.” He pushed in further before his hands landed on your hips, showing that this was all new to him. You gasped as he began to rut into you, his hips moving gently to lessen the pain of popping your cherry.
“You're so pretty you know that? God I love watching your tits when we’re studying.” He groaned into your ear, hot breath fanning over it causing shivers to erupt though your body. “Perv.” He smiled at that, the boyish grin he had made your stomach flutter. “Leon... I'm gonna cum.” You drew him nearer with your arms wrapped around his neck and your lips trailing over as you both moaned.
“Come for me then baby, don’t hold back.” With his hair falling in front of his face and his hands tightening around your hips to push you into the bed, Leon murmured to you. He spread your thighs apart with one hand while massaging your clit with the other. As he played with the small bundle of nerves between your inner thighs, his fingers moved sensually and at a medium rhythm. As you clamoured and squeezed around his cock.
“Ngh leon I’m cumming fuck!” You grinded against him as you came wrapping your legs around his waist like a spider's web. “F..fuck me to.” He sealed his eyes shut before pulling out of your little hole cumming all over the mound of your pussy.
“That was amazing.” You were out of breath as you tugged leon down next to your own body. Sprawled out like this not giving a shit that your Bio exam was tomorrow. “Yeah it was great, so does this mean we’re a thing now?” He stammered, twisting and pulling at his fingers.
“Of course.” You cupped his face in your hands, his soft skin dimpling between your fingers. You kissed his dusky moles, his cleft and lastly his forehead.
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koolades-world · 3 months
Hi :) is hug deprived anon no longer anon, back with another request (if you want to write it obv! No pressure, as always!)
So, this MC is pretty strong as humans go. A bit above average in height, isn’t chiseled and buff like Beel but does have a lot of functional muscle strength. The sort of person who was always the one people back in the human world would call on to lift heavy things, move furniture, carry boxes, etc.
Likewise, their personality is kinda like Beel’s—in that they’re generally helpful and protective, mild mannered, about as talkative as he is. MC grew up a bit too fast though. They were too helpful, given responsibilities before they were ready, put in charge of others because they’re reliable. Their peers and adults alike would confide in them about their issues when they were still too young to handle them well, which they took with the same gentle, old-soul competence that makes it easy for people to rely on them as always.
They’re used to carrying heavy things (including people) both physically and emotionally. Good at it, too.
But then, they arrive in the Devildom and make friends with the bros, helping them like in canon as this MC would instinctively do, but also… these demons are bigger and stronger than them. As much as MC still falls into the babysitter/therapist role emotionally for them, the demons protect MC physically.
This is a huge, life affirming relief to MC! It’s so nice to have other people to take over being the protective strong one for once! It’s so nice to have help! It’s nice to feel cared for.
So, how do you think the bros would react to this MC leaning into their demons babying them? Maybe eventually getting a bit clingy with them? Mc being like, oh, you want to help me? You’re protecting me, you’re carrying stuff for me, you’re genuinely asking how I’m feeling?? Thank fuck! Yes, I am babie, pls carry me
If all the bros are too much/impractical for this one, it’s also totally good if you’d rather write this with just Beel and/or Mammon. Lucifer could work well for this too, now that I think of him. Do whatever you like! Have fun! :)
hi!! great to hear from you :) thanks for always being sweet, it always makes my day to see you <3
decided to do beel, mammon, and asmo because I figured he could be fun to write and felt like he's almost an unlikely pick
enjoy <3
Strong Mc who enjoys being babied
when he's around, which is basically all the time since you're attached at the hip, he doesn't want you to lift a finger
he's absolutely determined to make you feel special and treat you like gold
would give you the world if you stared at it for even a second too long
he doesn't care that you're taller or more buff than him, you're baby
you work so hard and he wants you to know that
please he'd stop a moving car or an angry satan if you asked
while he knows he's not helpful academically, he is willing to help you in any other way possible
you want to go shopping? take goldie from him you can carry her
you need someone to carry the bags? that's what he's here for
you need someone to tell you how your outfits are? he's got you
he's so whipped
this seems unlikely but i think people tend to forget that he's pretty strong too
he's more powerful than beel and it's so funny to me to think that the little twink is more powerful than the body builder work out brother
he would take full advantage of this to catch you by surprise with hugs from behind that lift you off the ground
is overjoyed when you say you love them and that he can hug you whenever he wants
expect lots of surprise hugs
when the two of you are out in public, and someone is trying to both you for whatever reason, he won't hesitate to sock them in the face
while he hates to talk about his own feelings because of the implications that holds for him, he's very emotionally available for you
he will be your ultimate hype man
if you want, he will literally just carry you around while you nap, mindlessly scroll, or do whatever
he will continue on with his day as normal as if he isn't carrying you around like a baby
he's just underrated in general
to be honest, this is new for him too
it's rare for him to meet someone cut from the same cloth as him but he doesn't mind, and actually likes it
because of this, he knows exactly what he can do to help you, or ease your burdens
he knows how tough it can be to carry around something emotionally
always there to talk things out with you
or, he can be your shoulder to lean on
honestly whatever you need him to be, he can be
he's always willing to help and lets you know that
will give the best piggyback ride you've ever had, and will give them whenever
he understands how you feel and is glad he's able to give you the solace you deserve <3
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sunlit-haruka · 7 months
Ranking all of the Milgram Birthday Outfits on a scale of 1/10 because it's 3AM over here and I have to do school things at 6 (Inspired by this video) ↓
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Already off to an incredibly strong start, because as we know, Haruka is perfect and can do no wrong. Dog? Little sister? Who's that? Sounds like a myth honesty. Alright, jokes and Haruka bias aside, very nice ! Relatively plain all things considered, but that's quite fitting for Haruka (I mean, have you seen how this kid dresses normally? I'm somewhat surprised that he didn't go for a full white look. Wonder if Muu helped him out when choosing his pieces) I also love the color blue, so bonus points for that. (shut up I know I just said I would ignore biases) Overall, I give Haruka Sakurai a 8/10 !! Lookin' good, buddy ! ↓
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Yuno looks so pretty and the outfit is SO cute !! I love the frilliness of the shirt, the pleated skirt is really cute and in general I love the shades of pink chosen for this outfit, and those SHOEEEES girl where did you get those give me name and address. I honestly have no complaints at all I give Yuno Kashiki a 10/10 !! Absolutely gorgeous girl !! (Also it's unfortunate we're only ranking the outfits and not the cakes, because the decision to give Yuno a fucking staircase cake was genius) ↓
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...Mannn, I wish I could say I liked this outfit so badly. The outfit itself is alright, if a bit basic, and Fuuta looks very handsome ! But I can't help but feel like black would've been a better choice for him than dark brown. And Fuuta...my guy...WHY those shoes? I could've maybe forgiven the outfit colors if you didn't decide to pair them with shiny gold...sneakers? What the hell even are those? Get better shoes, man. Overall, I'm giving Fuuta Kajiyama a 4/10. I like the outfit it'self (minus the shoes), but the coloring brings it down a lot for me. ↓
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Christ, no wonder Muu got model deals ! Look at this queen right here !! She looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress is beautiful and I love the Beauty And The Beast inspiration. The earrings being inspired by an hourglass is a very cool detail, and the heels look great as well ! I genuinely don't think I have any faults with this one Muu Kusunoki gets a 10/10 ! Nice job dressing to impress ! ↓
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One chance Mr. Kirisaki, one cha-- Ahem. As I was saying, Shidou looks amazing in this outfit !! I'm usually not a fan of there being so much white on it's own (I sound like a certain horror fanatic, sheesh.) But Shidou reallly rocks it, and the purple accents are very nice in comparison !! I also really like the shoes for some reason. Shidou is being added to the list also consisting of Muu and Yuno where I need to see who their shoemaker is For Shidou Kirisaki, I give a 9/10 !! Very pretty man. ↓
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Mahiru looks very pretty here ! I love the poofy hair accessory, and the birdcage earrings are a very nice touch. That being said however...the dress is a bit too plain for me. I cannot help but feel like something is missing here that would make the overall outfit look way better. A sash maybe? Despite that though, Mahiru Shiina gets a 6/10 !! Looking ready for a date !  ↓
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Ooooh...Kazui stans forgive me, but I'm pretty indifferent to this outfit. It's not bad mind you ! Kazui looks very handsome in it, and I like the blue chosen for his tie. But it's the same problem with Mahiru where I feel like it's a bit too plain and could've used something more, like a pattern on his vest or pants. Also though his shoes aren't the atrocity that is Fuuta's, I feel like a black or even a dark blue akin to Haruka would've looked a lot better in comparison to the rest of his outfit. Kazui Mukuhara is granted a 5/10. Not the best, not the worst. Sorry old man. ↓
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AHHH SHE LOOKS SO CUTE !! It's like if the frilliness from Yuno's outfit was upped to twenty ! Amane's dress is adorable and looks very comfortable as well, I want a bigger sized version for myself. I also really like her big bow, as well as the blue shoes. But most importantly, Amane seems to be genuinely happy wearing it, and as a fandom, Amane's happienss takes priority. Amane Momose, you'll be getting a 9/10 from me ! Good on ya, kid ! ↓
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Ahhh, he's so cute ! Look at how polite he looks ! The blazer is nice, and also blue. Blue bias. And the boots absolutely fucking SLAY. The way his hair is styled looks very nice as well ! I also think this is the closest we have gotten to official art of Mikoto smiling genuinely, and I personally think we need more. And more. And more. Mikoto Kayano gets a 10/10 !! Very cute boy ! ↓
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Ma'am, I politely and respectfully ask you to break my neck mercilessly-- Ahem. As I was saying. KOTOKO LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING !! The undershirt oh my god the FUCKING UNDERSHIRT !! Absolutely adore it so much. The colors are all very pleasing to the eye, the skirt is very cute, and the heels look cool as hell !! But Kotoko also looks cool as hell in anything, so is this really fair? Kotoko Yuzuriha has obtained a 10/10 ! Absolutely gorgeous.
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bakubunny · 7 months
aaaa u think u could do the nsfw alphabet with aizawa?
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this took a hot sec bc i got busy but here u go. 🖤
a-z for aizawa.
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aftercare -> if we’re talking after sex in general, he’s cuddly and sleepy. he cuddles a bit, showers with you, maybe grabs a snack if necessary, and after that, he’s stuck to you like glue for a bit. if we’re talking like… dom!shota, he’ll give you what you need and basically just wants cuddles and kisses in return. dom drop takes a couple of days to hit and he doesn’t always notice it; making love & acts of service are the cure, so make his fav meals or take smth off his plate for a little while if you’re gonna have an intense scene.
body part -> shota doesn’t think much of his body. i don’t think he lacks confidence, he just doesn’t care. it’s not a priority other than making sure he can keep up with the demands of his job. if you had to make him pick, he’d probably say his back. i think most people hc shota as an ass man, but for personal reasons i’m gonna say he’s into necks and thighs.
cum -> ugh. i have more ideas than i should put here. he leaks quite a bit and also cums a lot. despite what many might think, he’s a very hydrated man (read: half of his “water” intake is coffee) with a half decent diet (sometimes). probably doesn’t taste great, but also not gag inducing either.
dirty secret -> he’s a dirty panty snatcher. sometimes he’ll wrap them around his dick, other times he just put them to his nose while he jacks off to smell your scent.
experience -> shota’s not like… had a ton of partners but he’s far from clueless. he knows what works for him and enjoys figuring out what works for his partner.
favorite position -> prone bone or modified doggy. maybe modified missionary, interpret that how you want.
goofy -> he can laugh over something that’s genuinely funny, but generally he’s not the one saying the funny things. he’s pretty serious. (erasermic is basically canon. you can’t tell me he wouldn’t secretly love hizashi’s goofiness in bed.)
hair -> i’m sorry, but you cannot look at how this man keeps the hair on his head and tell me he does more than the absolute bare minimum when it comes to grooming body hair, especially if he’s single. it’s dark and he’s got a lot of it. he cleans up enough that it’s not obnoxious down stairs, but no more… unless he’s with someone, then he’ll put in a little more effort for… reasons.
intimacy -> he can be rough and blah blah blah, all that, but he’s a highly intimate person in the sense that you are the only person who sees him like this, and he makes you feel like the only person in the world he could ever be with. (did i mention this mf is possessive as hell in bed? he is.)
jack off -> it’s usually more of a functional “get it over with” thing for him, but when his mind wanders, he loves to think of how you look bent over, what you sound like, how cute your fuzzy-headed face looks.
kink -> he’s got an oral fixation kink - meaning he’s turned on by a partner with an oral fixation though he doesn’t have one. breeding. he doesn’t want his own kids, but he’ll probably blow instantly the first time you beg tell him to breed you or knock you up even if you can’t get pregnant. impact play. he’s not a sadist, but he does think it’s oh so pretty when you whine and your skin changes colors. bondage. i feel like this one’s kinda self explanatory.
location -> bed or bending you over a counter.
motivation -> teasing with just the right look or touch is what really gets him by surprise. also motivated by seeing his partner flustered and needy.
no -> blood play. he’s seen too much shit to want that, and he’d be scared of actually hurting someone.
oral -> shota’s a thigh man, what do you think? 🤨 he’d live between your thighs if you let him. he also enjoys receiving quite a bit, but that’s more related to the oral fixation kink than him being crazy about getting head.
pace -> it changes day to day. many days he’s rough; fast or slow depends on what he’s/you’re feeling at the time. he can be more sensual from time to time if he’s feeling particularly loving/affectionate.
quickie -> he can make it work if you’re okay with a sting and a big stretch. occasionally it’s fun, but not something he usually goes for.
risk -> he’ll try new things if you’re interested in something. may not always think of new things on his own, but he’ll be open about what he truly wants to try once he trusts you enough.
stamina -> he’ll cum once or twice before he’s done, but he lasts a while - to the point where it’s almost frustrating for him. outside of that, he’ll edge or pull as many orgasms out of you as he damn well pleases, and you’re gonna take it.
toys -> shota owns a small, select amount of sex toys he uses on his partner and some for himself. might expand his collection based on partner preferences. bonus some of his “toys” are more of “kink equipment” than sex toys (spreader bar, cuffs, rope, ball gag, high powered wand, etc.), but he also has a small number of plugs and dildos.
unfair -> ask shota how much he likes to tease, and i’m sure you’ll find out. (hint: it’s a lot.) may or may not be into edging and denial, i can’t decide.
volume -> he’s not loud, per se, but he’s pretty vocal. lots of groans, growls, grunts. will talk more if he knows that’s smth you’re into, but otherwise he doesn’t usually say a lot.
wild card -> he likes having his ass played with. dom!shota likes telling his partner to use toys on him and talking them through it.
x ray -> i stand by these hcs, so i won’t go into too much detail here. his clothing hides a lot. his body is strong. he’s not overly lean. he’s got a perfect pretty dick that’s big and a softie you wanna snuggle up to.
yearning -> fairly high sex drive; he’d fuck you five days a week if he had the time and energy, but he’s pretty busy so it’s often less than that. he probably wouldn’t say no to you getting him off or hopping on top, though.
zzz -> unless there’s a shower involved (usually there is), he’s out like a light in minutes. better move quick, or you’ll be stuck in the vice grip of a sleepy cuddle monster before you even get a chance to take a piss.
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come get ur mans @dcsiremc.
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unfortunate17 · 3 months
I’ve always wanted to write Wilmon fic but nothing I write sounds like their authentic voice. You always manage to get them so in character, sometimes it feels like you’re secretory in the writer’s room. I guess I’m asking if you have any tips or tricks for characterizing Wille/Simon
Surprise, I’m actually Lisa
But thank you anon, that’s so sweet. Let me kind of lay out my thoughts on how I write them and hopefully that will help.
In general, I think you should always start with a character’s flaws and build their reactions to events/people from there. It’ll also give you a good starting place for whatever emotional journey you want to take them on.
For Wille’s flaws: there’s a lack of emotional maturity here. Wille’s usually not intentionally mean, but most of his flaws come from how unaware he is and how he ends up unintentionally hurting the people around him but is often unable to understand how he did so because, to him, his actions are always, completely justifiable. He’s almost emotionally stunted in a way, and he kind of has trouble identifying what he’s feeling at any given moment which is what makes him tip towards anger and frustration more often than not. He reacts poorly to situations and people he can’t control, which is a hallmark symptom of anxiety. As a result, he has trouble putting words to his thoughts in a meaningful, constructive way. He’s impulsive and stubborn and self absorbed.
For Simon’s flaws: he’s actually incredibly emotionally intelligent and very perceptive - but he uses this intelligence to be intentionally cruel when he’s angry. For example, in arguments with Wille or Sara, he uses his intellect to pinpoint exactly what he needs to say to cut them down completely. He’s very, very good at getting the last word and sometimes he gets kind of consumed by that. Simon’s definitely not the super nice approachable guy at school - he’s a cunt to Wille on his very first day, he’s loud and outspoken, and hard headed. He’s also got a slightly hypocritical streak of idealism where he’s an idealist when it comes to the things that affect him, but is sometimes unable to offer the same grace to other people, especially when he’s angry or hurt. He also has a difficult time asking for help and being vulnerable.
Wille’s positives: he’s loyal, romantic, and he doesn’t have a wandering eye, he likes being coddled a little and is unafraid to ask for it, he’s quicker to admit that he’s wrong and knows when to give in, he’s also incredibly bold and brave - he’s unafraid to be the black sheep of the family, but he still loves his family and wants them to be proud of him.
Simon’s positives: he’s incredibly selfless and wants to take care of the people he loves and genuinely likes being there for them, he likes being supported but not protected - he loves that Wille respects his autonomy and thinks he’s capable, he has a strong sense of right and wrong and he stands up for what he believes in even if it might hurt him or if he might end up being wrong. he’s also a romantic and he definitely likes grand gestures and praise.
As for their dynamic, I always liken it to that old Christmas story where the husband sells his prized pocket watch to buy his wife a set of expensive combs, only for her to have cut and sold her hair to buy him a gold chain for his watch.
Just don’t be afraid to make them fight and annoy each other and not always say the right thing. It doesn’t take away from their love in any way.
Sorry this got out of hand, but I could talk about it forever. Hopefully that was even the slightest bit helpful ❣️
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
headcannons where quackity's s/o has tattoos? could also be nsfw, if you're comfortable with it :))
I don't write NSFW but I can definitely do the tattoo part! thanks for requesting!! I don't think I've actually posted a quackity focused thing yet which is surprising to me bc I have like 3 drafts for him LMAO
QUACKITY ; tattooed lover
summary ; you have tattoos and your boyfriend is head over heels
warnings ; language; talk of needles / pain of tattoos, use of quackitys real name (lmk if I should change it!)
word count ; 670
genre ; fluff
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In general, he'll act normal about all your tattoos and whatnot, but inside every time he sees your arms (especially if you have sleeves or some sick ones around your wrists that trail up your arm even a bit) he'll just get a little red in the cheeks. He absolutely loves all your ink. He thinks it's so sick, but he's not committed enough to get any, and he doesn't think he has the pain tolerance.
he went with you to get a new tattoo on your shoulder/upper arm area
he learned you'd be there for like 5 hours and he groaned like a shitty iPad kid and took his phone out while he threatened to call Philza
once he saw the tattoo gun... oh lord it was over
literally whisper shouted at you while the artist got up to get gloves
"that's what you're getting jabbed with??? why are we here again???"
genuinely can't look
once he hears the buzzing he turns his music on and he's staring down while he sits on the couch across from you
"Alex, look!" you smile, "I'm fine"
"how do I know you're not a clone?"
"Holy shit. dude it's the quackityhq duck, that's why I brought you along"
it's not a big tattoo whatsoever, but it's a reminder that he's always with you, how you've grown together and how that's always going to be an era of your content you'd never forget about
literally gets emotional about it
"You didn't have-"
"I wanted to, for the millionth time"
he genuinely didn't know tattoos were so expensive, once you leave he questions why it was 450 dollars and you explain to him how tattoo artist income works
He's not the one to want to peel off the second skin or pop the ink bubbles or even touch the tattoo until the skin goes back to normal. He's just kinda freaked out for some reason, it's just one of those things and it honestly makes sense.
He takes some dedicated time to sniff all the lotions and numbing creams and comment on each and every one, though. All while you're trying to do some aftercare on it and shit, and you just watch.
"this one smells like buttercream icing"
"ew, this one smells like badboyhalo's ass!"
"why would you even know that? 😁"
If you have any tats without color, Alex will gladly color them in with washable markers like you're a walking coloring book. He'll literally call for you and ask you if he can color on you again, it's cute, really.
"y/n/n, can I color your tattoos again?"
"aren't you streaming?"
"yeah, fine"
he has a whole gallon sized ziploc bag filled with Crayola washable markers
like he goes from playing on the qsmp and hanging out with some people to coloring all over you while said people watch 😭
you wave to his friends like "Hello, I am his walking therapy coloring book"
he's like a little kid. You just look over at him like, "Holy shit I could love you forever wtf"
Sometimes, he'll just draw you new tattoos (with washable markers dw) cause he gets bored and wants to doodle on you. Most of the time it ends up being stick figures and dicks but it's okay, it's his way of showing affection.
He'll genuinely think of song that remind him of each of your tattoos. Somehow, some way, he does. He has a whole playlist titled 'Y/n's tattoos', and he rarely listens to it, but he thinks it's fun to think of a new song when you get another tattoo.
Although he is a little concerned because what's gonna happen when you're old and wrinkly? How do the tattoos last? Do they become old and wrinkly like the tattooed grandmas meme? Because if so, he'll rip on you til the end of time.
"well I have a long time before I look like a tattooed elderly person, but okay"
"So you will? Oh my fucking God! BAHAHAHA"
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teecupangel · 4 months
sooo Desmond is an Irish name, so fae Desmond?? 👀 haven’t been able to get to my laptop to search your blog if you've already done this idea, but I thought I’d throw it out there anyway!
am a big fan of Weird fae, like when you look at them you think they should be human but something about them is so obviously not. uncanny valley with a side of fight-flight-or-freeze instincts kicking in just from being around them.
is this something something that comes from his parents? is it all Isu bullshit? is it something he changes into or is he born with it?? on that vein, what if he was a changeling child? lots of ways of incorporating the Isu and the calculations into that for sure
(am one of the anons who keeps coming back for renaissance baker Desmond, so thank you very much for answering those asks, and also for just being a rad individual in general. am still catching up on Eagle of Alamut, I think I’m around chapter 30, and absolutely LOVE what you've already done with it and where you’re taking it. my sib assures me Altaïr makes his appearance soon, and I'm GREATLY looking forward to it.
thanks again, I hope you're well 🧡) —bread anon
(Thank you! I try my best hahahaha. I am so sorry for being slow on asks and replies TTATT
I hope you’re enjoying the rest of Eagle of Alamut… especially Altaïr’s appearance hehehe)
Desmond Miles always knew he was different.
The other kids call him ‘ugly’ and they don’t like to play with him.
He had cried in his mother’s arms and told her what happened and she just… she looked somber.
She patted his head and held him close, comforted him with soft words and a warm hug.
Never once did she say anything about his face.
He was a little bit older when he realized why they think he was ugly.
There were no mirrors in their home.
Or even in the training building he spent most of his childhood in.
But there was a hand mirror in the infirmary.
Desmond never had a reason to go there. What he lacked in brute strength, he made up by being faster than anyone on the Farm.
He had went to the infirmary to take the first aid kit. One of the other kids had a painful gash on his arm. It wasn’t life-threatening but it needed to be cleaned and disinfected.
Desmond had been ordered to get the first aid.
He supposed it was because he had been the reason the boy had hurt himself, trying to run away from him like he was being chased by demons during a ‘game’ of tag.
They always run like they were scared for their lives when Desmond was ‘it’.
The doctor wasn’t inside so Desmond went towards the cupboard that would have the small boxes of first aids stacked on the bottom shelf.
He stopped when he noticed the hand mirror.
And saw his reflection for the first time.
Desmond Miles was not ugly.
But there was something in his features that made him seemed… strange.
It wasn’t anything that can be physically described about his facial structure.
He looked human but there was something in the human brain that just made it scream ‘danger’.
Desmond couldn’t explain it.
But he could see it.
He didn’t bring the first aid back to training.
He went home.
His mother was cooking something.
“What am I, mama?”
She didn’t seemed surprised by the question. She looked resigned.
She looked like she had been waiting for the day he would ask the very same question.
She led him to the dining room, letting whatever was on the stove continue to simmer in low heat.
“You’re my son, my dear little fairy.”
She didn’t held the same unnatural feel as he felt when he looked at his reflection.
But it didn’t sound like a lie.
Her hands trembled as she caressed his cheeks.
Her smile was genuine as she whispered, “You will always be my baby.”
But he could hear it.
The fear in the voice.
Whatever he was…
He was affecting her too.
Yet she didn’t try to run.
So he hugged her, pressing his face against her stomach.
Her trembling stopped and she held him like she was afraid he was going to disappear from her grasps.
She didn’t fear him if she didn’t see his face.
Whatever he was…
It was the face that scared all of them.
Once upon a time, a young woman married a young man by the orders of her father. The man loved her but she did not. No matter what she did, she could not. She tried to be the best wife she could be.
She did not love him but she bore him a son. A weak little thing, more fragile than glass and smaller than any other child in their little commune.
She loved her child more than anything in the world.
But the world did not.
The child died during one cold winter night while her husband had been away.
In her grief, she took the cold body of her dead child and ran towards the forest, as silent as she was taught by her own father.
She came across a circle of mushrooms.
And heard the whispers of the fairy queen when she stood in the circle of it.
The fairy queen will save her child.
But he will become one of them.
“Yes! I agree! Please, save him!” The mother begged on her knees.
The fairy queen did not do it out of the goodness of her heart.
She was one of three rulers of their little fairy kingdom, long destroyed by the wrath of the sun.
She was nothing more than a ghost, traveling to the far future.
The mother gave the corpse to the ghost.
And the ghost gave it new life.
The mother thanked her as she held the warm body of her son.
And the ghost disappeared.
The mushroom circle melted like metal.
And mother and child returned to their home.
Centuries ago, Minerva saw a future which the Assassins and Templars waste years fighting each other instead of finding a way to save the world.
She saw a future where Desmond Miles would die to save the world in their stead.
So she made a different choice.
There was no one to stop her.
Tinia had long given up, waiting for the end as he drinks and drinks and drinks.
Juno remains imprisoned in the Grand Temple.
She was the only one left.
She changed the trajectory of the Calculations to one where Desmond Miles died as a weak human baby.
She created a device and had it transported to where his mother would walk into in her grief, her mind weakened to the point of thinking of falling off the cliff nearby with her dead son in her arms.
It was a device she had created using Consus’ research.
Consus’ research cannot bring back the dead.
But with Minerva’s modification…
It could clone the dead.
But she didn’t clone the weak human baby that would die centuries from now.
She created a child made of Desmond Miles’ DNA from that tragic future.
And added her own DNA to reinforce his body and mind.
A new future the Calculations could not predict.
A new future where Desmond Miles is both human and not.
Minerva did not know if this would be a better future.
She does not regret it.
At the very least, before she died…
She was able to save someone.
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lampochkaart · 9 months
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Kokichi is asexual and you can't change my mind (and Kaito is an ace too 'cause i said so)
Here is why i think that way
Disclaimer! This post is not created to judge or shame anyone. I created it to explain why i think about them in that way and maybe try to make this headcanon to be more popular. I might sound kinda salty at times here but in general I don't mean to hurt anybody.
It kinda confuses me why so often Kokichi portrayed a little bit too intrested in making sexual comments and jokes. I probably shouldn't be surprised, because I know that we live in a sex obsessed world. I'm kinda used to it at this point. But I think people kinda exaggerate it.
In actual game he doesn't make sexual comments and jokes THAT often and 90% of the time they are directed at Miu who is the MAIN sourse of them in game. I even think that he would not say so many of those things if Miu wouldn't be starting it first.
He even get's confused for a second when Gonta tells him he couldn't catch Miu for Insect Meet and Greet because his "face got hot".
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And in bonus mode Dangan Salmon Team he isn't particularly intrested in that either. In most cases when the player chooses sexual option even though the game states that it was a good option Kokichi will often just change the coversation to a different topic. Yeah, they had fun, but they didn't really talk that much about initial chosen option.
"Let's read a dirty book."
"How about joining my organization instead?" *starts rambling about his organization*
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And yes, I REFUSE to call this protag Shuichi. This is NOT my favorite protagonist. He would not fucking say this.
Look how they massacred my boy *cries*
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One thing Kokichi also does very often is being sarcastic. I really like this scene. But surprisingly I've seen people taking his excitement as genuine and was like ??? How? Have you gone so crazy after you've seen his first phrase that you blacked out and missed part when he went "nope :)". He literally was like "Is that what you wanted me to say? You wish😊🖕"
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I also like how sometimes when the protagonist say something sexual Ouma redirects topic from himself. And he often suggests Tenko as alternative. For a long time I couldn't understand why it was her specifically. And then I realised. It's because Tenko will beat up any man who says something like that to her. He literally indirectly tells player to fuck off.
I can't belive how often those moments are overlooked.
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I think that's all my main points regarding Kokichi. Everything else is not very convincing and can be dismissed. But I just want to point out that his color palette basically resembles asexual flag, because I think that's a neat detail.
Now Kaito. I'm gonna be honest. The main reason I headcanon him as ace is because I headcanon all my favorite characters as asexual. But there is a reason I fully accepted him as ace.
The scene in Talent Development Plan where he's discussing "man's passion" with Leon and Teruteru. While they were talking about girls it turned out Kaito this whole time was talking about chasing passion in more philosophical sense. And by exploring "unknown worlds" he probably meant space (they really should've seen that coming).
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That's pretty much it. I just saw 1 (one) reason to make it canon for me and immediatly jumped on it.
I think that's it for both of them. They're not the only characters i headcanon to be on the ace spectrum (and i also have some on the aro spectrum too!) but they're the ones I think about the most, so I thought I'd explain it.
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lilacsareinbloomagain · 8 months
Yandere time and hyrule headcannons
I'm not sure if you've seen the hype around sky being in his undershirt and being ✨pretty✨ in the recent update, but could I please request reader fawning over Yan!sky in his undershirt or some general hc's for him?
Thank you both for requesting!
Notes: I wasn't that online on tumblr around that time, so I only saw it now lmao.
Anyway, I did both headcannons and a oneshot, hope you'll like it!
Also, yes, I merged those two requests since headcannons can be piled into the same post.
I'll probably sound redundant in a lot of these, simply because I didn't write this at one go and when I got to it again I may have forgotten that I wrote it before. My memory is not the best, forgive me.
There are more headcannons for Time because he's my favorite, sorry.
I need a master list, seriously.
Edited before sleeping, I'm sleepy and probably messed up one or two paragraphs of this.
The oneshot in question.
TWs: Yanderism, Mentions of food and bad eating habits and a little of my fairy/fae brain rot.
Don't mind grammatical errors, please!
Headcannons for yandere Sky, Time and Hyrule.
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Yandere! Lu! Sky x Reader
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For starters, Sky is sweet, but he is very manipulative.
Therefore, don't be surprised if you notice you stopped doing many of the things you used to do when you first got through the portal.
Most of the time it's not even bad things!
He might team up with Hyrule and Wild to take care of your main health, like eating habits. If you're a picky eater then expect Sky to slowly transition you into eating a little bit of everything, in no time you'll be eating like Wild does.
Then again, he'll also make sure to get the ingredients to the foods you do eat without struggling, also getting Wild to make a separate meal for you, should you not eat that one specific recipe Wild made for dinner.
You'll probably be getting help from him when it comes to self-care habits as well, like, the max of skin care and hair care you can get at Hyrule. He will make the effort to talk to people who know more about your skin and hair type, those who have it and take care of it well.
But, we can't ignore the genuinely bad things he will try to influence you into doing...
Privacy? Gone.
Not only will he be around you most if not all of the time, but he will also always be paying close attention to you and what you're doing.
So if you believed keeping a journal in your language would help you keep some things to yourself, then think again. The privacy of using your language instead of hyrulean to write in your jornal will soon turn into a mere illusion. Despite being more quiet and seemingly the less imposing of the Links, Sky has already gone, and will keep going through lengths for you, which includes learning the language you use.
Of course he noticed you kept a private journal, and despite you trying to lie about the contents of it, it's only a matter of time until he is skillfully scanning through the pages with his eyes like he's reading his favorite book. Memorizing any and all information he can find about you.
As manipulative as he is, he is also delusional, he doesn't have any idea of what he is doing, he simply doesn't know that what he is doing is wrong on so many levels.
He's not doing anything on purpose, he's just trying to protect you and get you to like him, like a normal guy!! At least, Zelda liked it when he did this with her back then, just how different are you two?
Genuinely, Sky would have a hard time figuring you and your emotions out. You're a human being after all, and he respects that those things are not supposed to be easy to figure out. In fact, he highly respects and appreciates that you're complex.
Not that he'll respect boundaries, nope, no way.
You're a puzzle he's very much looking forward to figuring out. Honestly, the only puzzle he'd ever want to figure out.
So, I'll probably elaborate this later, but the chain as Gods. Sky would be very much a Thor. That means silly blonde lightening man.
Imagine hylians from Sky's era used matching earrings alike engagement rings, like, Sky just randomly inviting you to an overly nice picnic, just to hand you blue earings just like his.
And if you don't have your ears pierced anywhere it'd be even better in his eyes, since he'd just adjust it to be a "normal" ring.
It was actually an engagement ring, but you didn't know that, or any of the other Links, really, since this tradicional custom got lost in time.
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Yandere! Lu! Time x Reader
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I think pretty much everyone knows Time is a teasing bastard.
Don't get me wrong, he can be pretty mature, but trust me, it's not really common for him to act like that.
Time is used to pretending, he used many different masks to become different races in his journey, that was needed from him at the time, the same way that being the mature one is being needed from him right now.
Just because he is deeply traumatized emotionally and physically from his job as a hero doesn't mean his personality is lost as well.
It didn't change that much since he was a child, not really.
He is addicted to making you flustered, so if you get flustered easily I'm sorry for you.
If making you blush is a challenge then I'm just as sorry for you, because Time isn't quite known for giving up easily.
And he's good at making people embarrassed, too.
The amount of women who were in love with him is everything I need as proof.
But the worst part? He doesn't have bad pick up lines.
Look, Time is a toucher, so yes, his love language is physical touch, that makes sense to me.
That doesn't mean only cuddling, of course, it can mean cuddling and hugging when you're alone, but do expect a few more things.
I was gonna say hand holding in public, especially in crowded places, but you know what? Guiding you by holding the back of your neck is simply easier to him, and a lot more obvious "back off!" to strangers who look at you for far too long.
Also, randomly leaning against you, the two of you may be just walking and suddenly you feel a large mass lightly leaning against your own body, almost making you stumble. you might just be standing in front of the dinner table, reading a recipe book and once again you just feel that familiar presence right behind you, but instead of hugging you from behind he's just there, like he is reading the book along with you.
Remember how you were reading that one recipe book? Well he might give it a try and help you make something in the kitchen just to spend time with you. Like, you're just pouring ingredients in a bowl and he's there "helping" you by wrapping his arm around your waist to give you "emotional support", as he calls it.
He is, in reality, just standing there watching you cook, trying his best to resist the urge to distract you and simply annoy you, because he is still trying to make it seem like he is a mature, grown man, and definitely not one who is eyeing the flour in his reach and thinking about launching a handful of it at you.
You did see his hand slowly reaching for the flour in the corner of your vision. He only stopped once you threatened to scoop out his remaining eye should even a speck of flour hit your face.
Yet, Time is a creative man, flour was only one of his plans.
He's got wandering hands and wandering lips. And he can and will make use of those just to distract you.
And that's how Time became banned from the kitchen when you were the one cooking, only being able to join you for cleaning later.
So yeah, his love language is physical touch, but it is also disturbance.
In that matter, he's not very different from Wind when you two are alone. If you ignore his flirtatious moves, that is. But he's quite different when you two are with the others, especially if you've done, or is doing something to annoy him, then he has to keep up that mature facade of his.
He believes the others won't take him seriously should he reveal his actual personality, so really, when you're around others you'll only get glimpses of it from time to time.
It is mandatory from the Links to be stubborn, but Time takes the cake.
Maybe it is his age, but he will never change his mind, ever. No point in arguing.
So when he is silly, he is silly, but when he is serious he is terrifying, no exaggeration.
The worst part is that older people have a lot of respect in Hyrule, so no matter what he says, his word is law.
Now, don't get me wrong, by now, pet names are just a thing Time always does with you, in a way you barely hear your own name coming from his lips unless he's being really serious about something.
But actual words of affirmation? Not his thing.
He'd much rather be as clingy as glue to you when you're alone.
But, not like Sky's soft, light cuddles. Time Will basically smother you.
Seriously, it may be his sheer muscle mass, but he'll drap himself over you in a way you'll feel yourself surrounded by him.
In fact, the first time he did it you probably almost suffocated.
You'll get used to it eventually, though. Hopefully.
He's pontual and very strict as well, he and Hyrule are probably gonna be bickering in most matters involving you, like, for example, "five more minutes" naps.
Don't even try to trick him, you'll hear stuff like "I was your age once" and shit, the man will act like he's a hundred years old or something.
Then again, he might be, after all, he is older in mind than he is in body.
He was forced to mature quicker and went through a lot of trauma, that, and he also had to go back in time a lot of times.
Now that I think about it, he probably lived for longer than your grandparents. Just saying.
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Yandere! Lu! Hyrule x Reader
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Don't get him wrong, Hyrule is very much full of love, really. He cares about everyone equally.
Yet, as corny as that is, your name isn't "everyone", you're not anyone, you're you, how could he even think about possibly treating you the same way as he treats everyone else?
You're put on a pedestal, everyone else is treated equally by him, except you, you are treated like you are divine and not mortal like he is.
So you'll feel like a toddler 24/7 around Hyrule, he is not as stubborn as Time, he's just… Persistent.
The other Links will find themselves teasing him for it a lot, even if deep inside they are just the same.
Play nice, walk on the line and you'll have a Hyrule at your beck and call. If you know how to do it right, you will be able to use his babying to your own benefit, because trust me, his persistence can work on the Links much more than yours, after all, they trust him for being another Link.
I feel like he'd also help you keep pets, it may be his fairy nature, but he is just good with animals, especially with forest animals. Be them small or big.
Although he definitely has a soft spot for smaller pets, even more if you're the one asking him to bring along a pet you found.
Surprisingly or not, Hyrule is probably one of the most protective Links if you happen to lean more towards the naive/vulnerable side of the spectrum.
It's a general fairy headcannon of mine, but since fairies take care of forest and the animals there, specially the smaller or more vulnerable types of animals, then it's not new for them to be also quite protective towards humans close to them.
Bonus points if they have those traits.
But then again, you're Hyrule's darling, you may be as strong and independent as a Link yourself, but he'll still see you as in need of his care and attention at all times.
That also may or may not be another reason why Hyrule treats you like a toddler.
So yeah, coddling. Lots of it.
Hyrule is also a fan of small things, trinkets. Natural or shiny... Precious or useless... In his eyes all are treasures.
Treasures you'll find your bags and pockets full of.
He is absolutely a rock, cristal guy.
Imagine, you're just walking to another village, and suddenly Hyrule stops walking for a few moments, just to speed walk towards you again just a bit later, cleaning something he is holding in his hands with the help of his sleeve.
Then he hands you a small, clear rock, grinning.
Better get used to this, it's probably gonna happen at least once every day.
So yeah, love language is gift giving and acts of service.
I feel like he's very awkward with words of affirmation, he didn't spend a lot of time saying or hearing those, after all. Like most of the Links.
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jq37 · 23 days
FH Junior Year Post-Season Thoughts
With another season of Fantasy High in the books and my recaps all finished, I wanted to do an overview of my thoughts on the season as a whole. Even though I feel generally positive about my experience with the season, there are a few things I think maybe could have been done differently narratively or mechanically. This isn't to criticize the way the season went down or to backseat DM/Play. More my combined ten years of college for textual analysis and storytelling bleeding through, haha. 
I first want to start with the things I thought worked really well.
Fantasy High has "High" right in its title but, in past seasons (and especially Sophomore Year), not as much time as you'd think was spent actually at school and even if it was spent at school, there wasn't much time spent in class or engaging with the realities of being a student. This season really dug into the academic consequences of skipping your classes all the time and the realities of needing to do a ton of extra stuff to try for a scholarship and I think that was a refreshing thing to highlight for a change. Being more scared at flunking out than the dragon that's trying to eat you feels very emotionally resonant. Real "High School Is Killing Me" vibes for anyone who's a fan of NPMD. 
Even though Fantasy High is a show that has some deep emotional beats and strong character arcs, it's first and foremost a comedy show. From the jump, everyone was generating bit after bit that had me cracking up as usual. "Little girly dog collar" is one of the funniest combinations of words I can think of. I think it was Siobhan who said that this was the goofy season and, having seen it, I'd have to agree with her. It never failed to make me laugh and it was always a highlight of my week.  The cast just has great table chemistry that I love to watch no matter what they're doing. 
Watching some of these high level combat encounters is as close as I'll get to understanding people watching sports. Even though combat is generally my least fave part of D&D, I think the cast really killed it this season with how cleverly they played and Brennan came up with some really great combat encounters. Special shout outs to Baron's Game and The Last Stand for their unique mechanics.  
This is going to be one that's on the other list as well because my feelings are mixed, but I genuinely do like the downtime mechanic and how it forces hard choices. I think it's an interesting way to connect a mechanic to the story and cultivate stressful atmosphere for the season.
I have problems with the execution but I love the Rat Grinders in concept. I think as early as season 1 I was hoping that we'd meet a party that was like the Bizarro Bad Kids and the idea of a party that's farming XP instead of going on crazy adventures is a strong concept. Likewise, I think a character that's jealous because of your "cool" (read: tragic) backstory is also a fun trait for an unhinged antagonist in this kind of setting.
This is me absolutely showing my bias but I adored the Abernant Sisters content this season. I dunno if Siobhan specifically asked Brennan to not put her on a bus with the other beloved NPCs or what but I'm so glad she stuck around and we got the development we did. It was almost entirely ancillary to the plot but there was this clear pattern of Aelwyn getting softer and sweeter towards Adaine over the course of the season, from the guarded, "Enjoy the nemesis ward," to, full I love you's and, "I'd take them to get you." It was way more focus than I expected considering that Aelwyn completed the bulk of her arc last season and a lot of the time, a redemption arc basically ends after the big gesture (in this case, Aelwyn taking a magic blast for Adaine in Sophomore Year). So the fact that we got to see all of these sweet moments of them reestablishing their relationship outside of do or die moments was such a pleasant surprise. Again, I fully admit I am extremely biased, but this was my top wishlist item and the season overdelivered so there's a baseline happy I'm always gonna be with Junior Year. 
OK, so moving on to things I things I think could have been tweaked.
Even though I liked the downtime system and the pressures it created, it also squeezed out the chance for more casual PC to NPC interactions that would usually be more common because they were semi-locked behind the relationship track and there wasn't an obvious benefit to roll for Relationships (as opposed to something like Academics which was crucial for not flunking out). Making the mechanical benefit more clear would have helped that (even if it meant Brennan didn't get his reveal--which he ended up just telling them anyway so might as well do it early). The other thing is that the consequence of a rage token was so bad that of course they spent all season avoiding getting one. Things might have gone differently if the consequences had been a bit more obscured, like in Neverafter. And it could have been a nice parallel to the Rat Grinders to take this unknown resource that makes things easier for you but is also having this negative effect. Then it could be like dang we did the same thing they did unknowingly. 
I mentioned this in my recap but I'll talk about it again. It is a little confusing to me that we did the Ankarna subplot right after we did the very similar Cassandra subplot. It took up so much time this season which I don't think is an issue in and of itself, it's just that we literally just went through some extremely similar beats last season. Why double up on this same storyline when there's so much new ground to cover? Or if we're going to raise a god, why not make it a different kind of god? One theory I had early on was that the Rat Grinders were trying to raise their own god to one-up the Bad Kids but instead of raising a chill, misunderstood Cass type, they accidentally raised a god who was erased for a good reason and got in over their heads. 
It's fun for there to be connections between seasons but sometimes it's like, OK that's a *lot* of coincidences. Like the god who your rivals is trying to raise *happens* to be the wife of your cleric's god and also *happens* to be the god of the fiend trapped in your friend's mom's chest and that fiend *happens* to be the relative on your bard's dad's side which is *also* the reason she is randomly cursed? That's a LOT of red string connecting plot points. As unhinged as Kipperlilly is about coveting Riz's backstory if I saw that go down I'd be like you have *got* to be kidding me.  
The mystery elements didn't feel like they clicked as well as they did in other seasons. I think that's partially because Porter's plan was so convoluted (seriously, I made another post about how haphazard his plan was) and had all these moving parts and we didn't get clear answers for a lot of mechanical things like how the rage crystals actually work and when they were implanted and stuff. You had stuff like Devil's Honey which I think is super cool as a thing that exists in the world but ended up being an element that just led the players down the wrong path and had a relatively small payoff (that Porter was using it to lie to Ankarna). I think it's plausible that a forgotten god would be willing to listen to anyone saying the right things without introducing this element. (As opposed to, for instance, Ambrosia which has a very clear connection to what's going on and is a solid clue that someone is flirting with aspirations of godhood.) 
The Porter reveal came so late in the season that even though it was a fun/challenging fight, there wasn't a lot of emotional weight behind killing him. It was basically just dunking on a teacher Fig has always hated who was also mean to Gorgug so screw him. Which, valid of course. But the Bad Kids were never going to react as strongly to Porter as they were to the Rat Grinders so putting Porter in the prime villain spot isn't necessarily what I would have done if I wanted the fight to be more than just a brawl--especially since we've done "School admin with student minions" already in S1. I don't mind the full circle callback but it would have been nice to pick something else for the sake of variety. We haven't had a child mastermind yet and I think Kipperlilly could have been a great candidate for that. My friend suggested that it would have been fun if Kipperlilly was trying to become a god instead of just being Porter's underling and I agree. "I'm not anyone's chosen one so I'll choose myself," is still within her established jealousy and Type A tendencies. If we want to keep Porter involved since that was Brennan's gift to Emily, maybe have it be that instead of Kipperlilly working for him, he's working for her. Like Artemis Fowl vibes! And the Rat Grinders can be varying levels of on board--from true believe to redeemable. I don't think Brennan planned for the Bad Kids to ever redeem her so might as well go full megalomaniacal mastermind with her and make her The Villain if she's not gonna be nuanced anyway. If My Little Pony can do it and send a literal child to Tartarus for pony treason (or whatever Cozy Glow did), Fantasy High can too. 
Continuing from the above, if we have the Porter fight in place of the Grix fight (a la Daybreak) and don't use Ankarna, that gives way more time for the Bad Kids to investigate the Rat Grinders throughout the season and it would mean that they would have their personalities developed a lot more. With the limited downtime, they Bad Kids didn't have a lot of time to spend on these kids who were just hating on them for no good reason (valid). But if you cleared their plate of the god hunt stuff, they'd have more time for this. And if they weren't all rage zombies to varying degrees, it would be easier to see them as characters. Besides Kipperlilly (and, funnily enough, Mary Ann) we don't really have a good read on what these kids are actually like. The little time we spent with them all season was kind of a wash if them breaking out of rage means their personalities got laundered too. Anyway, regardless of how their loyalties ended up shaking out, it would have been fun for them to be more than the minions that they were in canon. As funny as it is for them to just kinda be XP farming losers, they did have the potential to be more interesting in their own right if they weren't just Porter's minions. And again, we've done adults forcing or coercing children into being minions in Freshman and Sophomore Year already. Lemme see some self-created child maniacs! (Or, peer pressured child maniacs. That's cool too. The Lucy/Kipperlilly dynamic is way more interesting to me if it's like girl, I would take a bullet for you but I CANNOT walk this path with you any further in response to *I* will be a god and you can be *MY* champion.)
Anyway, those are my thoughts! Like I said, I have my points that I think could have been tightened, but overall an enjoyable season and I will be glued to my screen if they decide to close out with Senior Year! 
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bluewasthecolor · 11 months
How You Get the Girl
Word Count: 3117
Warnings: None
A/N: Getting back into my writing era, I guess. This is for @lana-del-reys-gf because apparently this is something she wanted me to write and I (being the unbelievably kind and generous human that I am) happily obliged. Obviously, it's also for anyone else who wants to read it. As always, let me know if you like it and what other requests you have!
“G, wait.” You grab your best friend’s hand, stopping her before she can drag you into the bar. Georgia looks back at you with knit eyebrows. “I’m not sure about this. I don’t want them to think I’m trying to ruin your team bonding time.”
“Oh my god, Y/N.” She groans, tugging on your hand. You refuse to budge. “I already cleared it with the girls, they’re happy to have you. Who wouldn’t be excited to spend an evening with the Y/N Y/L/N, after all? Come on, idiot.”
With that, you allow her to lead you inside and to a booth filled with her Bayern teammates. They greet you, introducing themselves one by one (although you already know all of their names from playing against them at both the club and international levels for so long), and then settle into easy conversation. You observe, still not wanting to intrude on their time together despite Georgia’s insistence that you wouldn’t be. It’s nice to be on the outside for once, actually. You’ve been with Barcelona for so long that it’s impossible for you to feel like a stranger with those girls and while that’s usually a nice feeling it can get a bit overwhelming. They all know you so well that it’s impossible for you to be on the outside. Seeing a different team dynamic than the one you’re used to is unfamiliar but refreshing. 
“Hey, Y/N, wanna help me grab another round of drinks?” Sydney interrupts your train of thought, extending her hand to you. You allow yourself to be pulled to your feet and accompany her to the bar. 
“I noticed you getting a little quiet there and wanted a chance to get to know you on my own.” She explains as you walk side by side. You’re not complaining–Sydney’s gorgeous and you’ve been sneaking glances at her all night. 
“Ask me anything, I’m an open book.” You smile at your feet, appreciating the German’s genuine tone. 
“How did you and Georgia meet, exactly? You’re American and play for Barcelona, so I’m not exactly seeing the connection there.” She asks after you place your orders. 
“I actually played for City a ways back. We met there and something just clicked–she’s been my best friend ever since. I wanted her to come to Barca with Lucy and Keira last year but that clearly didn’t work out.” 
“I mean, it worked out for us.” Sydney jokes, nudging you. “G’s been a beast here. You should think about making a move - Munich’s a pretty cool city. Would you ever consider that? Leaving Barcelona, I mean?”
“Maybe someday, but not now. The team chemistry is unbelievable, you know? It feels like home and that’s a hard thing to find.” You surprise yourself with your honesty. Something about Sydney just makes you feel instantly at ease. “But tell me something about you. I feel like I’m doing all the talking here.”
“What do you wanna know? I’ll give you three questions.”
“What’s your favorite place in the world?”
“That’s too easy, even you should know that and we just met tonight. Munich. It’s my home.”
“Fair, fair.” You nod to yourself. “A harder question this time, then. What would be your perfect date?”
“I’m easy to please, honestly. Dinner, a walk, something with time for plenty of conversation. Last question.”
“Can I have your number?” The German woman is clearly surprised by this, but she smiles and gestures to your phone. You hand it to her and she puts her number in. 
“I’ll be expecting a text.” She winks at you and turns to head back to the booth, drinks in hand. You trail behind her, unsure of how a night out with Georgia and her teammates led to you getting Sydney Lohmann’s number. This was not at all how you’d expected the evening to go, but you weren’t exactly complaining. 
One Week Later
“Y/N! Get off your phone and join the fun!” Mapi teases from her spot on the couch, lunging to grab your phone from your hand. You dodge her, but in the process find yourself rolling onto the floor.
“You have been on that phone a lot lately, Y/N.” Keira chimes in. “Who are you talking to on that thing?”
“As in the one that plays for Bayern?” This is Mapi again, her voice incredulous. You nod, blushing. “Y/N, I can’t believe you! I thought you were just visiting Georgia when you went to Munich but you were getting yourself a girl. And here I thought I was the slut of Barca.”
Mapi’s final comment earns her a shove, but in reality, her comments don’t bother you all that much. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but you’ve found yourself falling for Sydney quicker than you thought possible. She’s witty and kind and if you could talk to her 24 hours a day you would. Just as you’re thinking this, your phone buzzes.
Syd: Y/N? Still there?
Syd: You’ve gone dark on me
Y/N: Sorry, got pulled away there. 
Syd: All good. I had an idea while you were gone, though.
Y/N: Care to share?
Syd: Well, I’ve got some time off coming up…
Y/N: …?
Syd: And I was thinking that maybe I could come visit you
Syd: Only if you’re up for it, of course
Y/N: Are you serious?
Y/N: I would love that.
You can’t help the smile that breaks out on your face as you continue to text Sydney about her upcoming visit. The noise of your teammates fades into the background and she is all you can focus on. The fact that she’s so willing to come see you after only one in-person conversation adds a level of attractiveness to her persona that is new to you. You’re not used to women being so invested in spending time with you but it’s a welcome unfamiliarity. 
“Y/N, we’re going to get gelato, let’s go!” Ingrid’s voice pulls you from your thoughts and you look up to see your friends gathered at the door, looking at you expectantly. You scramble to join them, pulling your shoes and jacket on haphazardly. You slip your phone into your pocket, wanting to focus wholly on your team for the remainder of the night, but Sydney doesn’t leave your mind once.
Three Weeks Later
You shift nervously at the kitchen counter, trying not to let your anxiety get the best of you. Your eyes are locked on the door and you can’t seem to do anything other than wait. She’ll be here any minute and all of your attempts at distraction have failed. You’re not even sure why you’re so nervous–it’s not like this is your first time meeting and the two of you text practically nonstop. Still, though, this will be your first date (and, in true sapphic fashion, it will extend through the weekend as you insisted she stay with you instead of at a hotel). At this point, Sydney knows you better than most but you can’t shake your worries that when she arrives she’ll regret everything. 
All of this goes out the window when the door to your flat opens, however. You’ve intentionally left it unlocked and instructed her to let herself in, wanting to avoid the awkwardness of having to greet her at the door. Sydney walks in looking as though she’s just come from a spa rather than the airport, skin glowing and not a hair out of place. She stops in front of you and you have to remind yourself how to speak.
“You’re here.” Is all you can manage to say, a smile spreading across your face. She smiles back at you and nods, stepping closer to you. 
“I’m here.” She murmurs, grabbing your hands and pressing her forehead to yours. The sudden contact makes you inconceivably nervous, causing you to squirm out of her grasp.
“So!” Your voice is overly loud, compensating for the nerves you’re feeling. “I guess I should give you a tour of the place. This is the kitchen, obviously, and that’s the living room,” You make an awkward sweeping gesture in that direction. “I set up the sofa bed for you–it’s actually pretty comfortable. The bathroom’s over there and if you need anything else just let me know.” You begin to back slowly towards your room. “I’m gonna, um, go get ready now. Bye”
“Y/N?” Sydney stops you before you can shut your door. You look at her slowly, praying you haven’t somehow already messed this up, but a smirk is playing at her lips. “Pick you up at 6.”
Six o’clock comes much quicker than you anticipated and, before you know it, Sydney is knocking on your bedroom door. You swing it open to find her looking even more radiant than earlier in the day if that’s possible. Her brown hair is loose around her shoulders and she’s dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. The simplicity suits her and will be perfect for your evening plans.
“I wasn’t sure what to wear since you refused to tell me where we’re going, so I had to guess.” She grumbles as you drag her out the door, grabbing the bag you had packed earlier. 
“You look perfect.” You reassure her, still not giving up any details about the date you have planned. Since the city is yours, it only seemed natural that you take the reins on planning your date, although Sydney had attempted to make an argument that she could show you parts of the city you’d never seen before (you were doubtful). The result of your careful planning means that much of your anxiety has dissipated. For the most part, you know what to expect for the rest of the evening and that fact alone brings you relief.  
After walking a ways, you arrive at a small park with a view overlooking the city. You lead Sydney to an empty spot in the grass and spread out the picnic blanket you’d stashed in the bag. She sits, pulling you down along with her. You immediately busy yourself with unpacking the meal you’d brought, not wanting to ruin the moment, but as it turns out you don’t have to worry. The silence is broken by Sydney’s laugh. You look at her, confused.
“Sorry, I’m not laughing at you.” She explains. “You just—you brought all my favorite snacks. I wasn’t sure what to say.”
“You sound surprised.” You say, raising your eyebrows. “You don’t think I pay attention to what you tell me?”
“No, it’s not that! I’ve just never had anyone plan such a specific date for me and I was…nervous I think? Not because of you! I mean, yes because of you, but, like, in a good way.” Sydney’s rambling proves to you that her nerves are just as high as yours and this makes you feel infinitely better–and instills you with a new sense of confidence. 
You lean forward, pulling the German in for a kiss and effectively shutting her up. It’s the first hat you share and it’s everything you’ve been waiting for. The second that your lips meet you know that it will be the first of many, not only tonight but for many months–years, even–going forward.
Later, when you return to your apartment, you linger in the doorway to your bedroom watching Sydney bustle about. She’s unpacking and getting water and somehow it’s all just so perfect. You’d set up the sofa bed for her, not wanting to be presumptuous, but all of your worries have gone out the window. Now all you want is for her to be the one sleeping next to you.
“Syd.” Your voice startles her and she looks up at you. “Do you wanna–you don’t have to–but would you want to sleep in my room, um, with me?”
“In your room.” A smirk is slowly spreading across Sydney’s face as she walks towards you. “With you. In your bed? I thought you’d never ask. I thought I was going to be banished to the sofa forever.”
“Shut up,” You can’t help the smile that creeps into your voice as you take her hand and lead her into your room. This is certainly going to be a very good night. 
Three Months Later
“I can’t just up and leave, Sydney! I have people here–a home here. I would never ask you to leave Munich for me.” You resist the urge to throw yourself face down onto the sofa as you pace, in the midst of a heated argument with your girlfriend.
“I don’t understand though, it’s not like I’m asking you to give everything up. Bayern made an offer, I’m just saying it would make a lot of sense. G is here and your family is back in the States anyways, so it’s not like you’d be losing much by moving.” You can hear Sydney sigh through the phone. “I want to be with you but this whole long-distance thing is hard, Y/N.”
This argument has been going on for the past week, ever since you were approached about a possible transfer to Bayern. You didn’t really even consider the offer but when you told Sydney she seemed to think that you should accept it. You can’t see yourself leaving Barcelona anytime in the near future, long-distance or not. 
“I know it’s hard, Syd. I know that. I miss you like crazy but I can’t leave my home.”
“So what do you suggest? We just keep doing long distance forever?” The bite in Sydney’s voice is unmissable and you wince slightly.
“I don’t know–I mean, no. Not forever. We’ll figure something out but I can’t leave right now. I’m not sure how else to explain it to you.”
“Let me know when you have a plan.” 
It’s clear that the German woman has become checked out of your relationship all in a matter of seconds and you know it will be easier for both of you if you don’t prolong the inevitable any further. 
“I think…” You pause, willing yourself to think of another solution. “I think we both need some space. Maybe this is it for us.”
“Yeah. Maybe it is.” Sydney’s voice has turned cold and there’s a distinct lack of emotions behind her words. “I guess this is goodbye.”
And with that, after the three blissful months you’d spent together, Sydney hangs up the phone, taking your heart along with her. In a rush of emotion, the tears you’d been holding in since your argument started begin to flow. You weren’t together for all that long, but even in the short months of your relationship, it became glaringly obvious that Sydney knows you better than anyone else–better, even, than Georgia. She listened and asked questions and was so unbelievably genuine that you often found yourself in disbelief that someone this perfect wanted you. You had just lost all of that. Everything you’d built, everything you had yet to build, was crumbling around you in a matter of moments.
One Week Later
A sudden knock on your door wakes you from your nap and you roll over to look at the clock, confused about who could be trying to visit you right now. It’s your one day off and you’re fairly certain that you’ve made it clear to Mapi that if she even thinks about dragging you to some coffee shop you’ll kill her. It’s been a week since the breakup but your schedule has been so busy that you really haven’t had time to wallow–today is the day you’d set aside for that. Somebody, however, seems to have different plans. Groggily you stumble to the front door and open it–the person on your doorstep isn’t Mapi or Keira or any other of your Barcelona teammates, but someone much more shocking. 
“Can I come in?” Sydney is soaked from the downpour outside and looks as frazzled as you feel. You stand to the side, letting her walk into your apartment. She sees herself over to the couch and sits down. You opt to stand in the kitchen, wary of why she’s here (both in your apartment and in Barcelona in general). 
“What are you doing here, Sydney?” You ask, arms folded against your chest. “You couldn’t have given me a little warning?”
“I’m sorry, I just–I had to see you.” The midfielder’s voice is shaky and as you look at her longer you can see just how red and puffy her eyes are. She’s been crying. “The way things ended between us, I just couldn’t bear it. I don’t want us to be over.”
“Well, me neither, but you made it pretty clear that if I don’t move to Munich we’re doomed.” As you speak, you move to sit next to her on the couch. “Unless that’s changed?”
“I still think living in different countries isn’t ideal–” Sydney starts, and with her words, your hopes deflate.
“So nothing’s changed then.” You cut her off, voice flat.
“You didn’t let me finish. I do think it would be easier if we were in the same place.” She takes your hand as she says this, and you don’t pull away. “But if I have to choose between what’s easy and what I want, I’m choosing what I want every time. Especially if what I want is you.”
“Okay, but Syd, you were right before. This whole long-distance thing is really really hard. There has to be something to make it easier, right?” You look at her almost pleadingly, hoping she’s come up with some sort of solution.
“I mean, I do have an idea.” Your ears perk up at Sydney’s words, “It’s not perfect but it might work. In the off-season, we find a place together–I don’t care where but I think for both of our sakes it might be best if it’s not Munich or Barcelona. Or we both evenly split time between the two cities? Either way, we’re always together. During our seasons we see each other every chance we can. It will still be hard but I think we can do it. What do you think?”
Instead of answering, you pull Sydney into you as a response. As her lips meet yours you are reminded of your first kiss, all those months ago on your first date. This kiss is different–you’re much more familiar with one another now, for one–but you get that same feeling as you did on that night. This kiss is indicative of much more than what is right in front of you. It’s indicative of everything to come.
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