#I think it's because she just ends up getting too looked after by the vamps and wolves
edwardcullenisace · 2 years
I wish Bella had spent more time in the supermarket as the series progressed. Big fan of the supermarket scene in the first book. Would've loved her to have a silent crisis in the soup aisle
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headfullofpresley · 8 months
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧' 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 4,5K
Summary: You and Elvis are always playing pranks on each other. This Halloween, you come up with a prank that goes horribly wrong as Elvis doesn't think it's so funny and gets genuinely upset. But like always, your partner eventually comes around and gets his revenge.
Warnings: strong language, playing with a ouija board, fake demonic possession, mentions of the devil, elvis being upset, elvis calling reader a bitch, pranks that you probs shouldn't use on other people, tiny bit of angst, reader and larry gellar disliking each other. guess that's it?
A/N: hello, hi! i guess this isn't really spooky but felt like it fit the season! there's pranks in this that i don't advise you to use on anyone unless that's you're kind of humor. wrote this in an hour or so because it randomly popped into my mind and well... i thought it was funny 👀. just want to make clear that this is in no way me making fun of elvis' spirituality in any way, nor is reader, if some people might think thatttt or if it comes across as that. just wanted to write something else rather than a vamp!elvis fic like my brain already was thinking about for halloween, AAAAH. also, this doesn't include all members of the mm or any of the other guys because i didn't know where to place them. okay, bye. p.s: be a smart cookie and don't use a ouija board.
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Elvis didn’t care for Halloween.
Never did when he was young and never did as he was growing into an adult. Sure, when he was a little boy and his friends would drag him along to go trick or treating he could appreciate the free candy, but that was about it. After complaining about the people in scary costumes on the street when he was around 7, his mother stopped him from going out on All Hallow’s Eve and he appreciated her doing so.
As he got older, he’d usually be working on the last day of October and whenever he wasn’t, he would rent out the Memphian and watch horror movies with the guys, other friends and some of his fans. He enjoyed playing pranks and scaring the shit out of the people around him, but that’s where celebrating Halloween ended for Elvis.
His Christianity or beliefs didn’t have anything to do with it. He simply preferred holidays that involved lots of homecooked foods, spreading joy, giving gifts and being surrounded by his loved ones. Like Thanksgiving and especially, Christmas.
You on the other hand are obsessed with Halloween. You always put a lot of effort in your costumes and Elvis allowed you to put carved pumpkins by the front door with a lit candle inside of it, but he wouldn’t celebrate with you in any other way than watching movies. You were too old to go trick or treating, so you were happy when Lisa Marie was over at Graceland on some Halloween evenings to do so with her, but this year she unfortunately was in California with her mother.
This Halloween you put little effort into your costume, opting for a black cat suit with a tail, some drawn on whiskers that complimented the dark eye make-up you were sporting, and a pair of black cat ears. Elvis wasn’t complaining because you looked smoking hot in it, but he wasn’t aware that you chose this simple outfit because you had bigger plans for tonight that involved… well, let’s say, a lot of action.
After watching a few movies at the Memphian with Elvis, some fans and the guys, you all made it back to Graceland. It was only around 1 in the morning which was early for the bunch you were living with, so nobody was tired yet. Which was good, because you and Charlie Hodge had come up with the perfect prank to play on Elvis and the two of you managed to convince everyone to get involved in it.
The only one who wasn’t up for it was Larry Gellar and you were slightly worried that he’d out your little plan and ruin the whole thing. You were praying that he’d just go home already, but much to your chagrin, he was sitting on the couch and conversing with Elvis, not looking as if he’d leave any time soon. You were just going to have to risk it.
“Let’s play a game!” You chirped happily as you held up a plastic bag, pulling off your cat tail and throwing it by the side of the couch. ��I found this today at the store. The sales girl told me it’s the perfect game to play during Halloween, because then you know it really works,”
Elvis watches with curiosity as you pull a large box out of the bag, turning it around and showing him the front. As he realises you were holding up a ouija board, he was immediately intrigued. Ever the curious person, especially when it came to things about spirituality, Elvis slides to the edge of the couch and takes the box out of your hands, opening the lid to take the board out and inspect it.
“Hell no, I ain’t playin’ that,” Lamar immediately says as he glances at the board and you try to suppress a grin. His reaction was the one you told him to give. If Lamar would play, Elvis was going to take the chance to tease the hell out of him for a week straight because Lamar scared easily when it came to these things.
“Ah c’mon, Fike. It’ll be fun,” Elvis grins as he places the board in the middle of the coffee table. You give Charlie a quick thumbs up and he grins, agreeing to play the game. Sonny and Red agree as well, but Larry decides to sit this one out. You were happy about that and as you go around the living room to dim the lights and light some candles, you feel instantly annoyed when you hear Larry’s voice.
“Elvis, I don’t think this is a good idea. Playing with an object like that can be dangerous, you know?” Larry chimes in, looking at Elvis with worried eyes. Never really having liked Larry, you roll your eyes. Elvis doesn’t see it but Red does and he sticks his finger in his mouth, feigning a gag. The two of you silently laugh and you sit down on the floor by the table, Elvis sliding onto the floor next to you.
“It’s not dangerous, baby. It’s just a game,” you quickly tell Elvis as Larry once more expresses his concern. Elvis looks at Larry once more before he turns to you and grins, kissing the corner of your mouth as he grabs the planchet and puts it on the board. Larry gives you an annoyed glare and you ignore it, happy that he decides to retreat back into the kitchen. Joe sits back on the couch along with Billy to watch the game unfold, simply because there wasn’t enough space for more fingers on the planchet.
“You sneaky sonofabitch. You’re the one movin’ that thing!” Elvis exclaims in slight annoyance as he glares at Sonny who sat on the opposite side of the table. Sonny widens his eyes, trying his best to hold back a laugh as he shakes his head.
“I swear to God, I ain’t doin’ it!”
You and Charlie exchange a knowing look. It was the two of you taking turns sneakily moving the planchet with the tips of your fingers, but Elvis didn’t notice a thing. He was too intrigued and focused on the words “it”, or in this case you, were spelling out. You hadn’t propeely opened communication or whatsoever, so the board wasn’t working at all. You believed that a ouija board could truly work if you wanted it to and you could communicate with… well, someone or something, but that wasn’t the intention for tonight.
You just wanted to play the prank of the century on your man like he has done to you so many times before.
All of you ask random questions at first that require simple answers. Then you decide to take matters further into your own hands and add up the dramatics a notch. You needed it to be spooky. Elvis doesn’t scare easily, the morgue trips he often makes with you were proof of that, and you want him to be terrified tonight.
“Someone dies tonight.”
All of you exchange uncomfortable glances, though only that of Elvis was real. He shifts a little on the floor and takes his finger off the planchet, accusing Charlie instead of Sonny now.
“Hodge, stop pullin’ my leg with this bullshit!” He huffs and Charlie widens his eyes, scared that you and him got caught, and just as he opens his mouth to defend his case, you speak up.
“Elvis! You’re not allowed to take your hands off of it without saying goodbye!” You grab his hand and bring it back to the board, putting his finger back on the planchet. He looks at you and scoffs, squinting his eyes.
“Oooh, I see. It’s you, ain’t it?”
You mentally curse yourself. Was your acting that bad? Shaking your head as you give him your most serious face, you tell him that it’s truly not you who is moving the planchet and before he can question you further, Charlie sneakily spells out something else.
“The girl.”
“That’s it. I ain’t playin’ no more. Say goodbye, goddamnit,” Elvis barks in annoyance. He wasn’t going to admit it out loud but he truly believed the planchet was moving by itself and spelling out these things. He was having fun when they started and asked random and silly questions, but now it was getting a little too serious for him.
A little too scary.
This thing was threatening your life and he felt a sense of paranoia fill his chest. What if you’d really die because of this stupid game?
No. No, you weren’t going to die. It’s just a game. It’s not real- he refuses to believe it’s real.
You quickly say goodbye along with everyone else, moving the planchet over the word before taking your hands off. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh and wrap your arms around Elvis’ neck as he leans back against the couch, crossing his arms after he shoved the board across the table. You giggle softly and hug him, planting kisses on his cheek.
“Stop that worryin’. It’s just a game, El, nothing is going to happen.”
Although he doesn’t believe you and is still worried, he slides his arms around your waist and pulls you onto his lap, hugging you back.
You spent the rest of the late evening playing some music and Elvis doing a spontaneous jam session, which got his mind off of that damned ouija board. After all, it was just a game. Nothing was going to happen and tomorrow afternoon, he’d wake up with you in his arms.
Alive and well.
But as you two got upstairs to his bedroom and got ready for bed, he wasn’t going to take no risks. There was a baseball bat leaning against the wall by the door and a hand gun laying atop of his Bible on the bedside table. You look at it as you got into bed where Elvis already was, sitting against the headboard with the TV on.
“What are you gonna do? Shoot a ghost?” You joke with a soft snort and he looks at you, simply nodding his head.
“Hell. I will if I have to,”
“My protector,” You swoon playfully as you run your fingers through his hair, laughing. He chuckles softly and sighs, kissing your lips before he allows you to settle in the bed. You pretend to watch some TV with him but couldn’t contain your excitement, curious to know what his reaction was going to be when the best part of the prank would play out.
Since you fell asleep pretty quick most of the time, Elvis didn’t think anything of it when he heard you lightly snoring as you had turned your back to him. He had his arm leaning across your hip, needing to touch you in one way or another, always. Unbeknown to him, you were wide awake and looking at the alarm clock on your side of the bed. You had told Charlie to give you twenty minutes before you’d set things into motion and as that amount of time had passed, you started off your little prank slow.
Ease Elvis into it, so to speak.
Pretending you were having a nightmare, you twitch lightly while mumbling some soft incoherent sentences, moaning uncomfortably. Elvis who was still wide awake moves his hand from your hip to your hair, caressing it soothingly as he sits up a little to look over at you. Figuring you’re still sleeping, he leans back against the headboard of the bed but only a split second later, you suddenly shoot up to sit in the bed. Startled, his heart skips a beat and he quickly sits up again too, moving some of your hair over your shoulder. He’s familiar with sleepwalking, but he has never seen you do it before. He knows not to wake someone when they’re in a state like this nor call out their name, but his worries grow by tenfold as your body slumps against him.
And then starts twitching and goddamn near convulsing as you throw your head back. He widens his eyes in shock as your eyes roll in the back of your head, your arms hanging limp by your side. Holding your frame, he tries to keep you still as he cups your face.
“Y/N! Y/N!” He slaps your cheek softly, unsure of what to do in a situation like this. He curses loudly as he reaches over to the phone on the bedside table, putting it to his ear as he calls downstairs and yells to whoever is on the other end of the line to come upstairs.
Like clockwork, Charlie comes running in not much later and feignes a gasp at the sight of your state. Elvis looks over at him, desperate for help.
“Goddamnit, Charlie, do somethin’!” Elvis yells as your body seems to be twisting and turning into uncomfortable positions, arching your back as you let out deep groans and grunts. You didn’t even know your voice could get that low, but you were impressed by yourself.
An eerie feeling washes over Elvis and he slowly lets go of you as you push yourself out of arms, standing on top of the bed. And then you just start… laughing.
Like an absolute maniac.
The sound sent shivers down Elvis’ spine and he quickly got off the bed, standing next to Charlie as they both look at you, unsure of what was happening. Well, at least one of them. Charlie was completely sucked up into his role though and he took a step back, fear in his eyes.
He was a damn good actor.
Something clicked inside of Elvis’ brain as you look at him with a menacing look in your eyes, smirking like the Devil himself just walked into the room.
That goddamned board.
“Get my Bible,” Elvis orders Charlie, never taking his eyes off of you. Charlie does as he’s told and grasps the Bible from the bedside table, handing it to Elvis. The singer takes off the necklace he was wearing with a cross pendant hanging on the silver chain and hands it to Charlie, looking at the smaller male.
“Put this on her forehead,”
“Elvis...” Charlie widens his eyes, holding onto the necklace and pretending to be terrified of going near you. “Can’t we.. can’t we just call an ambulance?!”
Charlie was going to do whatever Elvis told him to do anyways because it makes the situation seem more natural but even if he wouldn’t be acting, the glare that Elvis gives him is enough to have him sprint into action. He runs over to the bed and pulls you down, keeping you down on the mattress as he presses the cross against your forehead. As you look at Charlie, you have to try your damnest not to ruin things and laugh, but luckily you manage to stay in your role.
Writhing on the bed and trying to get out of Charlie’s grip with what truly is little effort but looks like a lot, you let out a bloodcurdling scream. Elvis comes closer to the bed while he is quickly reciting any kind of prayer he thinks might work, reading psalm after psalm. He’s taken back for a second when you did what Charlie and you rehearsed- kicking the brunette off of you and making him land on the floor. You swear you could hear Charlie chuckling, but Elvis is only focused on you.
Now you are the one that is taken back as he gets on top of you and grabs your wrists, holding them above your head as he’s still reciting prayers. He’s yelling at the non existent demon inside of you to get the hell out and Charlie has to muffle a laugh in the palm of his hand, curious about what you were going to do because neither of you expected this.
You felt a laugh bubbling in the back of your throat, so before it could come out, you stop writhing on the bed and drop your head to the side, pretending that the prayers worked and it has all come to an end. Elvis sat on top of you for a few more minutes until he releases your hands and gets up, closing his Bible. He watches you, ready to once more go into action as he sees you casually sit up and get up from the bed. He frowns a little as you walk over to Charlie and hook your arm through his, clearing your throat.
“The end.” You and Charlie gracefully bow, bursting out into uncontrollable laughter.
Until you notice one person in the room isn’t laughing.
Feeling the mood shifting in the room and as if a thunderstorm just passed over Graceland, you stop laughing as you see Elvis glaring at the both of you. You walk over to him as he throws his Bible on the bed and cup his face, but he’s quick to swat your hands away and get back into his bed.
“Elvis, c’mon. Don’t be mad, baby. We were just having a little fun,” you laugh softly, sitting on the edge of his side of the bed. He turns his head to look at you, his blue eyes icy cold. You weren’t unfamiliar with that look but usually it was something more serious that brought it on and you never liked it.
But what you weren’t realising is that this was serious to Elvis. He thought he was going to lose you to some freaky demonic entity.
“Get out.” He simply states in a low voice, turning his head back to the TV that was still on. You look at Charlie and he gives you a little nod, taking you out of the room with him.
You succeeded in pranking the prank master, but you’re afraid you pushed him too far and that simply wasn’t worth it.
You figured Elvis would be over it by the day after Halloween and things would go back to normal. But then again, you know Elvis like the back of your hand and although you were not surprised by him ignoring you for a week straight, you were still hurt.
When he learned that all of the guys were involved in your little prank, he let them have a piece of his mind and that was that. But you were walking on eggshells. He even made you sleep in Lisa Marie’s bedroom for that entire week.
By Sunday night, you were fed up with it. Maybe you had taken things too far, but it was just idiotic that he wouldn’t even let you sleep in the same bed as him.
“What do you think you’re doin’?” He snaps as he watches you burst into the bedroom and get into the bed next to him, fluffing your pillow.
“What does it look like?” Maybe you don’t have the right to be annoyed with him, but you are. He knows how much you hate to be ignored and you’ve been worrying yourself all week with all sorts of doom scenarios, like him ending the relationship.
He grabs your arm to pull you out of bed but you sit up and pull your arm out of his grasp, the words flying rapidly off your tongue. “Good God, Elvis. I’ve told you I’m sorry about a thousand times, but you don’t wanna hear it! You haven’t spoken a word to me in a week. At least yell at me, be angry with me, do something!”
His nostrils flare as his jaw clenches and he sits up more straight, turning his body into your direction.
“You want me to yell? Be angry? Fine!” He barks harshly, his loud rich voice booming off the walls. “I thought I was gon’ fuckin’ lose you that damn night! I thought you really were gon’ die, Y/N. That there was some sonofabitch inside of ya who was takin’ ya away from me. If you think that’s so hilarious, well hell, then you really are an evil bitch,”
You weren’t hurt by him calling you a bitch. You and Elvis fought enough times in the past that involved ugly name calling but you always made up minutes later. It never lasted for days. But learning that he was truly afraid of losing you in that moment causes your heart to clench uncomfortably in your chest. You feel a pang of guilt in your gut and your shoulders slump, tears burning in your eyes as you could see a tear rolling down Elvis’ cheek. He quickly wipes it away and looks at the TV set, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“Elvis, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” You exclaim breathlessly as you crawl closer to him and hide your face in his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. His body tenses up but then he quickly relaxes under your touch and wraps his arms around your frame, placing one hand on the back of your head to press you firmer against him. “i didn’t mean to scare you like that, I really didn’t. I just thought it would be a fun prank for Halloween. I never thought it’d turn out like this.”
It was never your intention to truly hurt Elvis or emotionally scare him. Deep down inside, Elvis knows this and he feels a little guilty about giving you the cold shoulder for a week, but he doesn’t feel the need to apologize to you for that. Instead, he accepts your apology with a long tender kiss and then cups your cheeks as he looks into your eyes.
“You can prank me, baby, jus’… no more pranks like that, okay?” He whispers as he brushes some hair out of your face, thumbing a tear away from the corner of your eye. You nod, promising him that you’ll never do something like this again and keep it at small pranks only.
That same night, you and Elvis stand outside at the back of Graceland, watching the ouija board melt into mush in the firepit.
He wasn’t going to take any chances and forbids you to play with a board like that for the rest of your life. You have no problem promising him that you will never touch another ouija board again and content with your answer, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and looks at the flames.
“Don’t ever do that to me again, Little,” he whispers as he presses his nose into your hair, inhaling the scent of your shampoo before he kisses your head. You wrap your arm around his waist and hold him close as you nod, resting your head against his chest. “I can’t lose ya. Ever.”
“I promise, Elvis,” you say as you raise your head and look up at him, kissing his chin. “You’ll never lose me. Even the Devil can’t take me away from you.”
He grins at your words and pecks your lips, but then he pulls his head back and looks past you, frowning. Curious, you look over your shoulder and a hot feeling of fear immediately spreads throughout your chest, widening your eyes as you see two man wearing scary wolf masks stalking toward you and Elvis.
It was only you and your boyfriend at the house tonight, but still when one of the men grabs you and a few others that came from the other side of the premises grab Elvis, you scream at the top of your lungs for help. It doesn’t do much and your vision is taken from you as you’re being blindfolded, a hand being placed firmly over your mouth.
You were thrown in the back of a car and after driving for what felt like hours, you were being lifted out of the car. You couldn’t speak as one of the men had shoved what you guessed was a tie in your mouth because you wouldn’t stop cussing at them in the back of the car. You were surprised they hadn’t knocked you unconscious yet.
You were terrified of what was to come, but more so you were worried sick about Elvis. The last thing you had seen were a couple of masked maniacs overpowering him and dragging him away. Having no idea where he was or if he was even still alive, you were determined to break free and get out of where ever you were.
You needed to get to Elvis. The thought of never seeing him again made your head spin, feeling like you were about to either faint or be ill.
Despite your inner turmoil, you didn’t stop fighting your kidnappers. Not even as you were being placed on a chair, your hands tied behind your back and your ankles tied together. As the fabric was pulled out of your mouth, you were about to scream again until your blindfold was taken off. As your eyes adjust to your surroundings, you widen your eyes when you see Elvis and the Memphis Mafia standing in front of you, all wearing shit eating grins.
You realise you’re sitting in the pool room.
The guys all burst out into rumbling laughter, Elvis included, and he bends down to be at your eye level, his hands placed on his knees as he grins.
“Honey, I’m gon’ say this once and for all,” he bites his lip as he laughs, that mischievous little boy gleam in his eyes. “Don’t prank the master.”
You sarcastically laugh along with him as he unties you, glaring at Lamar who was having an uncontrollable fit of giggles when he tells you you should’ve seen yourself when him and Sonny were driving you around the block to make you think you were being taken somewhere else.
You stand up from the chair as Elvis has let you free and grab a poolstick from the wall. Red snickers.
“We should probably start runnin’ now, huh?”
“Yup.” Elvis smirks, popping the ‘P’ as he shoves the guys out of the way and starts making a run for it. You were immediately hot on all of their heels, your main suspect being Elvis, as you yell profanities at them while trying not to laugh.
Both you and Elvis know that this was only the start of what would become a very, very long prank war and you’re determined to take his title away from him, although you doubted you’d succeed at that.
As long as it didn’t involve ouija boards and any kind of demonic possession, Elvis was ready for whatever you had planned for him. But just to be absolutely sure, he made a mental reminder to have Lisa Marie stay at Graceland for Halloween next year so he could benefit of the free candy and admire your matching costumes with his daughter rather than thinking he was going to have to give you up to the Devil.
Because one way or another, he would shoot the sonofabitch.
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taglist: @notstefaniepresley @powerofelvis @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @ccab @whatstruthgottodowithit @dkayfixates @lettersfromvenus @elvisalltheway101 @that-hotdog @robinismywife @jaqueline19997 @raginginkedslut @joshuntildawn13 @claire-elvisgirl
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Very first time; Jack Kline x reader smut
*Author’s note*
Okay well this has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for awhile but after a few weeks of work and planning (and some major procrastinating) I FINALLY came around and got to this request so @gabrielasilva1510​ this is for you and thank you for being soo patient with me.
Now this is a SMUT fic so there is some sexual content in here so any minors that follow me LOOK AWAY!!!! DO. NOT READ THIS STORY!!! it’s not hardcore smut but still a smut story nevertheless.
Warnings: sexual content, fluff, camping fun, P in V sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), references to other fandoms and movies. 
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I was putting the sleeping bags as well as the tent set into the jeep while Jack was coming in bringing the cooler with the drinks.
“You sure the drinks won’t get warm on the way up there?” he asked me.
“Babe that’s why we’re getting ice at the gas station. Besides this jeep needs gas too while we’re at it because somebody forgot to fill the tank!” I proclaimed while turning to Sam.
“Okay how long are you gonna hang this over my head?”
“As long as it takes. You know how many times Dean and I have told you about that? Whoever gets the gas tank under a 100 miles, fills the tank.”
“See even she can remember the rules.” Said Dean coming in eating a ham, turkey, pastrami and bacon sandwich he had made. Sam rolled his eyes and I said after closing the back door.
“Okay I think that’s everything.”
“So we can leave now?” asked Jack excitedly. I nodded.
“I still don’t feel comfortable with you two going on this camping trip by yourselves.” Dean said.
“Dean, just because many of our early cases took place during a camping trip doesn’t mean it’ll happen to us. Unlike those guys, we know the warning signs for Wendigo’s, werewolves, vamps and even faeries.” Dean glowered at me at mentioning the fairy thing to him.
“Did you at least pack the basic protection?” Sam asked.
“And not just against monsters.” Dean added. My face went red and Jack started to say.
“You mean protection as in con—”
“Do you really need to say that Dean? We’re not gonna do anything like that!”
“Can’t go wrong. Plus I don’t want you coming back and making us uncles just yet.”
“Jesus you are such a pervert.” I groaned.
“But seriously (Y/n), you do have some form of protection? In both matters.” Sam asked me.
“Yes Sam and please don’t agree with Dean about the latter suggestion.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay Jack get in the car, we’re outta here.” He did as I told him and I got into the driver seat and started the engine.  “See you bitches in a week. And do me a favor, don’t blow this place up while we’re gone or have another end of the world crisis on our hands.”
“We’re Winchesters, we make no such promises.” Dean said as he munched on his sandwich once again.
“Have a good time you two, be safe.” Sam told us.
“Yes Ranger Sam.” I teased before putting the jeep into drive and soon Jack and I left the bunker garage and drove down the road to the nearest gas station to get ice as well as fill up the car.
After doing all that and filling the cooler with ice for the drinks, I got back into the jeep and started up the engine.
“Okay Jack, since we’ve got full control over the radio, what genre of music shall it be today?”
“I did enjoy that 80’s playlist you made. Especially after you showed me that show Odd Things.”
“You mean Stranger things babe. Alright 80’s it is.” I went through my phone and opened up my music playlist and scrolled through until I found my 1980s Greatest songs playlist.  Sure Dean may say that everything after 1979 sucks, but he clearly hadn’t heard some of these artists like Kate Bush, Prince, Queen’s later music in the 80’s, Whitney Houston, A-Ha, and of course my man Phil Collins.
I first played the song ‘In the Air tonight’ to get us started on the open road.  Jack particularly began to realize why I loved Phil Collins so much.  Yeah he was cool in his Genesis days but when he branched out into his solo career, the dude truly shined.
After an almost 2 hour drive and almost reaching the end of our playlist with Cyndi Lauper we arrived at the camp grounds.  I parked the car and both Jack and I got out of the car and stretched ourselves out before entering the check-in lodge before we had to drive to our reserved camping spot.
“Good afternoon, how can I help you?” the woman behind the desk said.
“Hi we’re checking into lot A113, reservation is under Winchester.” She typed up my reservation on the laptop and said.
“(Y/n) Winchester?”
“That’s me.”
“Great, and you’re staying with us for a week. Here’s a map of all the areas you can hike, or visit the various lounges or restaurants we’ve got here. And for staying here a week with us that’ll be $210.25 will that be cash or credit?”
“Credit, please.” I said getting out my card and handing it to her.  A quick swipe and the payment was done.
“Okay you are all set. Hope you and your boyfriend have a good time.”
“Oh we will, especially after the few months we had. We deserve this.” I said putting my card away and gathering up the stuff she had handed me.  I saw Jack admiring some of the portrait paintings along the wall and took his hand. “C’mon babe, let’s get to our spot and set up camp.” He nodded and I guided him out the lodge and we went back into the car.
I turned the engine on and drove off towards our camping spot.  Good thing about this camp ground is that while we are out in the woods, there was still access to bathrooms, showers, and of course food joints and restaurants. Plus everyone has their own private little spot to make their camp so no one has to be cramped in a giant forest space.
Jack and I looked around until he spotted the signs that lead us to our section and as we drove down the trail I softly let out a yes as I fist bumped.
“Thank god the showers aren’t that far away.”
“That’s a good thing right?”
“I mean I don’t mind the walk but still, it’s better for night time shower people like me. I mean seriously I don’t get why people shower in the mornings, you’re just gonna get sticky and gross at the end of the day and I don’t wanna sleep like that.”
“That is strange. Glad you told me about it when I was first trying to understand the ways of humans.”
“There are certain things my brothers can teach you but everything else, just ask me. I got your back.”
“Just as I got yours.” He said as he placed his hand on top of mine.  I smiled and gave it a loving squeeze as he pointed out.  “Is that us?”
“Uhh yeah this is us.” I turned along the gravel road and pulled into our little hill mound parking spot and turned the engine off.  “We’re here at last. No more driving for the rest of the day please.”
“You know I could’ve drove us from the check-in lodge. Dean says I’ve been improving with Baby.”
“I know you have sweetie but driving Baby and driving this jeep are two totally different things. Plus you haven’t gotten enough experiences on dirt road like these. All the bumps, twists and turns and I’m not that good of a driving teacher. As I’m sure my brother told you, I was a wreck when learning to drive Baby. Can’t do a stick to save my ass.”
“It’s not that hard once you get used to it. Maybe I could teach you.”
“As sweet as that is, one Dean would never let you do that and two I don’t want to ever drive Baby again.” I pecked his cheek and continued, “C’mon, let’s unload the car.” We unbuckled ourselves and got out of the jeep as I opened the back door and first grabbed the cooler while Jack grabbed the tent.
After unloading the car and unfolding the tent from the bag, Jack got the bag that was filled with the tacks and poles that we needed to keep the tent in place and standing up.
“Okay so—I’ve never really put a tent up before but I have seen people do it in tv and movies. Is it really as hard as they show it?” asked Jack.
“Depends on the tent, luckily for us this tent it’s fairly easy to put up. Mind helping me spread out the tent first before we get the poles and tacks down?” he nodded and came over and went on the other side of the tent.  Together we grabbed each end of the tent and pulled it as far apart as we could.  “Okay now grab that bag with the poles and tacks.” He looked around until he saw just a few feet to his left was the bag.
He tossed it over to me and I opened it up and pulled out the poles first.
“Now what I want you to do is connect this set first and I can do the other set. Once they’re connected, I’ll show you how to put them through the tent.” He grabbed the first set of poles and began to connect them together while I did the second row.
“Like this?” he showed me after he had gotten one set together already.
“That’s it. Make sure they’re in as tight as you can get them. Can’t risk the tent caving in on itself.” I said as I twisted my set in before they finally connected with each other.
It took a few minutes but we finally got our poles connected and then I showed him where the poles would go through the tent. We did his connected set first and I guided it through the right side of the tent, going towards the top and then coming down the other side before sticking it down into the earth.  We did the same for the other side (that’s where the major work comes in cause you have to guide it over the previous pole set).
“You sure you weren’t lying when you’d say it’d be easy?” Jack said with a grunt as he tried to maneuver my pole set over his at the top each time I pulled the second pole down.
“This is always the tricky part no matter what. But trust me Jack, I’ve seen tents so complex to build up I’m surprised they’re not banned from camping gears. Don’t worry we got this, just a little more……” finally I managed to get the starting point out the end of the tent and stick it into the earth as well.  “There we go. Now for the tacks to make sure they stay down.”
I jogged back over to where I had the bag and pulled out the tacks as well as the mini-mallet that came with it.  After setting each tack down, I told Jack to get the rain roof to go on top of the tent just in case it rained (there was a chance in the next couple of days but it’s better to get it out now rather than later).
He went back to the tent back and pulled the tarp-like roof from the bag and together we worked to maneuver around the tent to place the rain-proof roof on top of the tent.  Once it was one, we stepped back and we wrapped an arm around each other and I said.
“We did it babe. Our home for the next week.”
“I can’t wait to sleep in it. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like sleeping in a tent after you showed me that camping episode from your favorite childhood show.”
“Well let’s get the sleeping bags and all the other stuff inside and you can see for yourself.” We walked over and grabbed the sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, and our backpacks.  I unzipped the circular door and once the flaps came down I bowed and said.  “Right this way good sir.”
“Thank you.” He said with a bow of his head before getting in with me following suit.
Some would call it overboard since this tent is said to fit five people but I wanted Jack to have the full experience of being in a tent.  And just seeing his face in full awe as he looked around.
“It’s almost like being in a cave. And not like those Wendigo ones either.” I nodded.
“It’s got where it counts. But if it’s too much I can send this back and just get a two person one.”
“No please don’t. I love it. Very spacious, plenty of space for all our stuff. But can also be intimate for snuggling together.” Jack said as he came up close to me, wrapping his arms around me.  I smiled as he buried his face into my neck.
“Okay sweetie, let’s find a spot in this cave of ours to put our sleeping bags at.” We crawled through the tent and decided that our bags could be spread out in the middle of the tent.  Our backpacks could go right up at the wall where our heads would be.  We set the backpacks down before unrolling our sleeping bags and placing down our pillows and blankets.
“So what shall we do first?” Jack asked me with a smile as he padded his pillow.
“Well there’s a few things I’d like to get at the lodge like firewood and see if there’s any icebags they sell. I know our cooler is basically a thermos but you can’t be too careful especially with as long as we’re staying.”
“Okay so firewood and ice. Then what do you want to do?”
“This camping trip isn’t just about me sweetie. This is your first camping trip, what do you want to do?” I took his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
“Can we go hiking?”
“Then hiking it is. Maybe we’ll even see some wild animals while we’re out and about.” He smiled and I could almost see my sweet baby boy bouncing on his knees.  “Now let me see, the lodge from our campsite is about how far?” I said as I took out the map from my pocket.  “Okay so we’re here,” I said pointing to our spot, “And the lodge is….” I trailed my finger upward until I saw the main lodge. “Oh sweet we don’t even have to walk very far. It’s just out of this reserved area and up a forest hill track and boom we’re there.”
“You seemed to have gotten us a lucky spot. You sure you didn’t check ahead of time?” Jack teased.
“Babe I swear, this was the only camping spot available at the time I was making the reservation.” Jack looked at me with a playful skeptical look but let it go.  “Okay go ahead doubt me, but they don’t call me (Y/n) ‘Lucky-shot’ Winchester for nothing.”
“Who calls you that?”
“Me. I do. And Charlie, and Jody, and the rest of the girls of the Wayward sisters. Dean calls it dumb luck but I have saved his ass more times than I can count. Plus some of my luck must’ve bounced off of them, with as many times as my brothers get knocked out. I’m surprised they still remember their own names.”
“They do get knocked out quite a bit.” Jack agreed.
Once we got our backpacks packed with just enough stuff for the hike, Jack had decided to come up with me to get the firewood as well as see if there was an ice-dispenser up at the lodge.  After finding and purchasing a couple bags of firewood, we headed back to our campsite and Jack placed the two bags of firewood near the car while I opened up my bag and we began to place the wood into the firepit.
“When it gets dark, we can start the fire. They’ll be fine sitting in the firepit for a while. So shall we begin your first ever hike?”
“I hope I packed everything right. I triple-quadruple checked just like you told me.”
“Good boy. Oh before I forget, here.” I reached into my pack and pulled out a bag that contained some whistles and got two of them out.  “Put this around your neck.” I handed him the yellow whistle while I took the blue one.
“What do we need whistles for?”
“Well we can’t risk you using your powers in front of other people and freaking them out. So in the event if one of us gets lost, stay where you are, hug a tree and blow your whistle.”
“Okay I understand.” I patted his shoulder as he hung his whistle around his neck.  “Can we go now?” he said bouncing on his feet.
“Yes sweetie we can. Follow me first time camper.” I walked ahead with Jack walking close behind me and we proceeded towards the hiking trail.
Throughout our hike we would stop to take pictures of some beautiful landscapes, tightrope across logs, and even got to see a few animals. Like this one point in the hike we came across a cute rabbit.  Normally when a rabbit sees you, it wants to run but this rabbit as soon as it saw Jack, it got curious.
It hopped over to him and allowed Jack to reach out with his hand and gave him a sniff.  It even allowed Jack to stroke it’s back before taking off back into the woods.  Of course using my phone with it on silence, I snapped some good pictures of the encounter and promised to have those developed when we got home.
We even met up with some other hikers and found a special lodge where we could observe the local bears from a safe distance using binoculars.  And along the walls of the lodge were paintings as well as facts about bears that the kids could read.  And bless his heart, he shared with me all the facts he never knew about bears (even though I knew about most of them but I didn’t have the heart to stop him. He’s like a puppy).
For the rest of the day we hiked, had lunch, took photos and even talked with some other hikers until it started to get dark so Jack and I decided to head back to our camp for some supper as well as introduce him to the King of all camp snacks, S’mores.
We got back to camp and I started the fire while Jack got out the hotdogs, ramen, and smores stuff.  We ate our supper and just as it was starting to get darker, I thought it was now time for Jack to try his very first smore.
“Okay Jack, the perfect way to make a smore is this.” I said gathering the smore supplies.  “First you take the graham, and then you break apart a piece of chocolate. Then you stick the chocolate on the graham.” I said demonstrating the process, “then you roast the ‘mallow.” I said sticking my poker with the marshmallow into the firepit until it was burnt to a crisp. “Once it’s nice and crispy, you stick the mallow onto of the chocolate, then you take the other graham and smoosh it together. And last and certainly my favorite part.” I took a big bite before telling him with my cheeks stuffed with melted marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers, “You stuff yourself!”
“I’ve always wanted to ask, why are they called that? Smores?”
“Because you always want some more.” He laughed at the corny joke.  “babe I swear, you’ll find out that it ain’t just a joke. Go on.” I handed him his poker as well as the marshmallow bag.
He did as I told him in the exact order it needed to be done but just before he took that first bite I told him to wait as I got my phone out and went to my camera and switched it to video.
“Trust me, I’m gonna wanna keep this. Okay take a bite now.” I said as I pressed the record button.  He lifted the smore to his mouth and took that first bite. Already his marshmallow oozing down his fingers as he tried to take in as much as he could without over stuffing his mouth.
I watched as his eyes widened and he let out a loud moan as he threw his head back.
“Didn’t I tell you? Makes you want to stuff like 10 of them after you eat your first smore.”
“This is…..” he chewed it up more before finally swallowing it and he continued, “This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
“Even better than nougat?” I asked exasperatedly.
“You know nothing will ever take the place of nougat in my heart.”
“Damn and I thought I could convert you.” I said stopping the recording.
“Sorry sweetheart. I wonder what a smore would taste like with nougat.”
���You keep that blasphemous excuse of chocolate away from the sacred smores! They are made with Hershey’s milk chocolate bars and they shall stay that way!” I said defending my precious smores honor.
“I still don’t see why you hate nougat so much?”
“I told you it’s a disgusting, excuse of a chocolate bar! They make it look like a chocolate bar but they got in stuff that shouldn’t go together BLECH!!” Jack rolled his eyes.
“One day I’ll convert you to appreciate my lovely nougats.”
“The day that happens is the day that Rowena allows Hell for freeze over.” We continued to snack on the smores until we were stuffed and we decided that now would be a good time to shut ourselves in the tent for the night.
We safely disposed of the trash and put the food in the spare cooler and I locked it up tight so that no bears would come by. Jack doused the fire and I turned on the lantern as we entered inside the tent.  I hung the lantern on the little hook just above our heads and we got our sleeping bags ready for the night.
“Hey (Y/n).”
“Yes Jack?” I asked as I was spreading out my two fleece blankets over my sleeping bag.
“Guess what this is.” I turned towards him and saw him making shadow puppets using the lantern above us.  It was a long serpent like creature but it wasn’t a snake.
“A Chinese water dragon?”
“Right! Now you do one.”
“Okay but be warned I’m nowhere as good as you.” I clasped my hands together and raised up my right index and tall finger and bent them a bit for the antlers.  With the rest of my fingers I molded the face and nose and asked him, “Any guesses?”
“Those things on top are they—horns?”
“Oh no wait they’re antlers. Is it a deer?”
“Sure is.”
“Okay, okay my turn again. Umm…..Oh I got it! You won’t be able to get this.” I saw the silhouette of what almost looked like a musk ox but I knew it wasn’t.
For one it was even bulkier than the ones I’ve seen online, and the horns on it were way too long and swirled inward too much. I knew there was no way this was a ram due to its large size.  Until it finally hit me.
“Oh I know exactly what this is!”
“Do you?”
“Of course I do. What you don’t think I know a Tusken raider’s mighty steed the Bantha?”
“You’re good.” I shrugged cockily.
“Gave you your Star Wars knowledge, remember you must my young padawan.” I said in my best worst Yoda impression.  He laughed as he brought me in close to him, our hands intertwining with each other’s while his free arm stroked patterns on my lower back and my free hand rested on his knee.
We looked into each other’s eyes and I could feel my heart racing faster the longer I looked into his innocent yet striking blueish-green eyes.  He raised our intertwined hands up and placed my palm against his cheek before covering it with his own.
“(Y/n) I—I love you.”
“I love you too Jack.”
“No I mean. I like, really, really love you. So much so that I think I…..” I noticed how his adam’s apple slightly bounced as he swallowed anxiously and his jaw went tense as he turned away from me. In fact I could just see the poor boy tensing up.
“Jack, Jack look at me.” He hesitated but he turned his head back to face me.  I moved my hand to his jawline and stroked it gingerly.  “You know you can tell me anything right?” he nodded.
“I just……don’t want to scare you away.”
“Why would I be scared? Jack remember what we promised each other when we first started dating?”
“No keeping secrets like my brothers.” Jack repeated.
“Exactly. So c’mon out with it babe. What’s on your mind?”
“I…..” he sighed deeply but took another deep breath before saying. “As I said before, I really, really love you. And I know we talked about how far we want this relationship to go and you told me how when the time is right, we could—take things to the next step and……I want to do that.”
Oh……wow that’s—that is definitely something that should not be kept inside.  I mean we have been dating for the past 3 years now after 6 years of knowing each other. And yeah he’s not the only pure-white virgin of the team (I still got the dragon scar to prove that).
“Wow. Okay that—”
“I probably made things awkward now, didn’t I?” he groaned as he scooted away from me pacing around the tent.  “I’m such an idiot! Why did I have to open my big mouth and say that?! I—” I stopped him by grabbing his biceps and interrupted his ranting.
“Hey! Hey Jack! Jack!” he stopped to look at me. “To say I’m surprised that that is what you had buzzing around your brain for is a lot to take in. But I’m glad you told me. And I think we should sit down and talk so you hear what I have to say now.” He nodded nervously as we came back to our sleeping bags, the two of us sitting across from one another.
I took his hands and gave them a soft squeeze before starting.
“Jack. These past several years of knowing you have been—the best in my life. I have never felt this type of love towards any other guy. Now you know that I’m a virgin too right?”
“Yes that was the first thing you told me because you were worried I’d break up with you because you didn’t have experience.” My face flushed as I cleared my throat.
“Yeah because most guys prefer experiences and one night stands rather than taking care of their girl afterwards. But anyways the point is, with you—I felt like I was getting the perfect guy. Cute, brave, loyal, kind, funny, protective but not possessive, well-mannered. Some days I couldn’t believe just shortly after we began dating that you were real.”
“I care about you (Y/n).”
“And I care about you Jack. Which is why I think—no I know that I’m ready too.” His eyes slowly went wide.
“You—you are?”
“Yeah. Going on this camping trip without my brothers constant helicoptering or even Cas suddenly popping up before us, the fun we both had together and showing you what it meant to go on a camping trip I—I feel like I’m ready to take the next step, so long as you were.”
“Because consent goes both ways.” Jack said.
“Exactly. But there is one thing I am concerned about.” He tilted his head like a puppy before asking me.
“Well we’re in a public campground. And yes although we have our private section we’re not entirely alone. Plus the rangers do their nightly patrol to make sure no troublemakers are out and about. And from what I remembering hearing all those girls with Dean. Don’t ask! I uhh—”
“I can take care of that.” This time I tilted my head and looked at him questioningly.  Of course I knew nephilims are powerful beings but what can we do that’ll not get us kicked out or worse scarring an innocent child?
His eyes glowed their sunshine gold for a few seconds before they phased back to his normal eye color.
“No one should bother us now. Whatever we do in this tent won’t be heard on the outside.”
“You made this tent sound-proof?”
“Yeah. Watch.” He then let out his angelic-like scream which sounded like a boat horn times 20.  I covered my ears until he stopped and he gestured for me to look outside the tent.  I went over to the door, unzipped it and peeked out and saw that no one had woken up, or started asking just what that unholy scream was.  I zipped the door backup and said.
“Wow. You never cease to amaze me.” He cutely shrugged as I sat back down in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck. “So….shall we get busy?” I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I would—like that. What do we uhh do first?”
“Well typically it’s best to get warmed up first before we get to the final stretch.”
“Warmed up? What you mean like exercise?” I giggled as I shook my head.
“No babe. I mean like making out. Touching each other, that kinda stuff.”
“So like what we normally do when your brothers aren’t around?”
“I already know some of the things you like, will that help?”
“Yeah. So—you ready Jack?” he nodded as I slowly leaned in and captured his lips with mine.
I felt his hands come up to cup my jawline as our kissed slowly deepened.  Our tongues coming together for a slow, passionate dance as I felt myself slowly being lowered down onto our sleeping bags and blankets.  After the need for air became too much, we separated from each other but our noses softly grazed against the other’s as our breaths danced across the other’s face.
“Can I take your shirt off?” he asked me.
“So long as I get to take yours off.” He nodded and I was the first to remove his shirt before he lifted mine off.  As soon as my bare upperbody (minus the bra I had on) was exposed to him, Jack almost seemed entranced.  He stroked through all the scars I’ve gotten over the years from various cases and points in my life.
“Did they hurt?” he said stroking the dragon scar I got when I was 14 years old.
“That one did for a while, others it just depended on how deep or dangerous the creature was.”
“It’s like a painting. Like connect the dots but with scars.” He said as he slowly traced over each scar then began connecting them into various shapes and patterns.  “Like the constellations in the night sky.” I felt tears in my eyes and even felt one slid down my face.  Before I could catch it, Jack’s thumb gingerly wiped it away as he hovered over me.
He once again captured my lips as his hands slowly trailed down to my chest just short of my bra.  I separated from his lips and whispered to him.
“Put your hands on me Jack.” He kissed my lips again as his hands were now on top of my boobs.  Gently and affectionately groping them through the bra which sent shivers down my spine.  I let out a soft moan as his lips moved from my mouth to the side of my neck.
I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his frame and felt his lips kiss, nip and lick at my neck.  I gasped as he got a favorite weak spot of mine. Arching my back I reached behind and unhooked my bra exposing my bare breasts to the cool air but they were soon encompassed by Jack’s hands.
“They’re soft.” I heard him whisper in my neck.
“Would you like to kiss them Jack?”
“Is that what you want?” I nodded.  He kissed my shoulder before moving across my collar bone.  Slowly with each kiss he went lower and lower until he came to my right breast and began kissing it.
My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I stretched my arms out and gripped my pillow so tightly I could feel my nails through the sheets.  Jesus no wonder why those girls were always moaning in Dean’s room if this is what it feels like.  His lips soon encompassed my right nipple and I felt him gently suck on it which caused me to wrap my hands over his head to keep him there.  Stroking and even slightly pulling on his golden locks which caused him to moan.
And hearing him moan while he sucked on my nipple sent a pleasurable feeling down to my lower region.  After a few seconds he released my nipple before looking back up at me.  I adjusted our position so that I was now on top of him and began kissing his neck.
He let out a few choked gasps as I kissed lower down towards his chest before coming back up again.  His arms wrapped around me tightly as I nipped at the junction on the left side of where his neck and shoulder met.  After leaving a fairly nice little hickey I knew would form there, Jack and I stared at each other’s eyes once again panting softly.
“So we uhh—” he asked.
“If you wish to continue. Yeah we-we can.” I said clearing my throat as I was still slightly dizzy from the pleasure that had made me blind for a moment back there.
“Do I or do you remove our umm…..”
“It doesn’t matter, I guess I could do it if you’re comfortable with it.”
“Yeah. I trust you (Y/n).” I softly smiled and gently pecked his lips before I placed my hands at the rim of his sleep pants and looked at him one last time.
“You ready?” I asked him.  He nodded giving me consent before I reached in to not only grab his sleep pants but also his boxers as I slowly scooted them off his surprisingly silky-smooth legs.  Once they were off, I then reached for my own pants and underwear and slowly removed them until we were as naked as told in the tale of Adam and Eve.
“So I—guess I just….put it inside you?” he asked me.  “How do I know if I—”
“I think we’ll cross that bridge once we get there. Just….be gentle, okay?” he stroked a strand of hair out of my face.
“Always.” He pecked my lips once more before having me return on the bottom while he resumed his position on top of me.  Our foreheads pressed together as he leaned down and kissed me and I felt him enter inside me.
I let out a hiss of pain and let out a painful groan, he stopped and looked down at me concerned.
“Should we stop? I’m hurting you aren’t I? I swear I’m not trying to it’s just….”
“I know Jack. Just…..let me get adjusted. Keep still for a moment.” I eased his anxiety by cupping his face into my hands. He nodded and kept still as I told him while I got used to feeling him inside of me.  I took a few deep breaths before telling him, “Okay I’m ready.”
“You sure?” I nodded.  He slowly pushed further inside of me kissing my neck any time I groaned or hissed in pain.  His hands gently massaged my back and hips as he applied the right pressure to get my muscles to relax with each push he did.
Once we got pass the painful stage of the first time, there suddenly came a wave of pleasure as Jack slowly began pumping himself in and out of me.  My mouth opened in an O shape as I gasped and grunted and Jack did the same as he kept thrusting in and out.
“Oh Jesus! Oh Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Holy shit that fee-Ahh!”
“I know. It……it’s good for…..me too.” He said through his grunts.  We wrapped our arms around the other as we feverishly and passionately kissed each other. Our tongues dancing a sloppy dance as Jack continued to hit all the right spots.
“I—I’m gonna…..please Jack. Let us cum together!”
“Is-is that what—what that feeling is? Cause I UGH! I want to cum too.”
“Let us go—toge—together.” He nodded as he picked up the pace and our grunts and howls mixed in together until finally we came together.  Jack collapsed on top of me, his head resting on my shoulder while I kept my arms wrapped around him stroking through his hair.
He looked into my eyes as I felt him trembling under my fingers.  The small bangs on his head clung onto his forehead as small beads of sweat sat upon his brow.
“You’re trembling.” I whispered.
“I’ll be fine. Are you okay?”
“That was…..the second best thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.”
“What was the first?”
“Getting you into Star Wars.” We softly chuckled as I placed my hand on the back of his head, leaned it down so that I could kiss his forehead and he rested his head on my bare chest.
“Is this what it feels like afterwards? I think Dean called it afterglow.” Jack asked me.
“More or less. But it’s even better than I could imagine.” I felt Jack cuddle into my sternum and even giving my collarbone a soft kiss.
“You—don’t think your brothers are gonna find out about this, do you?”
“If they do, I’ll handle it. I’m not a little girl anymore so I can do whatever I want.” I kissed the crown of his head. “Hey get this,” he looked up at me, “Tomorrow at the lodge they’re having fantasy movie night and can you guess what they’re showing?”
“Star Wars?” I nodded. “Can we go see it? Can we, please? Please? Please? Please? Please?”
“Now how can I say no to this adorable face.” I said as I cupped his cheek.  We got back on our clothes before cuddling into our sleeping bags and snuggled them close together.  “G’night Jack.”
“Goodnight (Y/n). I—I love you.”
“I love you too baby.” I let out a deep sigh before succumbing to sleep.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Dating Hope Mikaelson Headcannons
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Making sure she takes breaks from working too hard and think about herself for a period of time when a threat may come along cause she'll overwork herself too much
When you guys met, she froze up and wasn't able to complete a coherent sentence after a good couple of minutes
Helping her through panic attacks or whenever her memories decide to wash through her mind
Being the only one she's comfortable being vulnerable around
You guys sometimes just go out in the woods to let out aggression (you feel bad for the trees whenever you kick them a lot or throw stuff though)
Being ready to attack Alaric every time he brings up her dead parents and uncle to win an argument
^Her also having to literally pull you away before you stab him in creative ways
You both being extremely protective of each other
Cuddling whenever you guys are in bed, no matter what. Even if you have an 'argument' (which would be really small and funnily stupid)
When she gets nightmares, you'd comfort her and cradle her against your chest
Hope and Lizzie either act as mortal enemies or the best of friends, there's no inbetween
^causing lot's of disappointing or confused sighs coming from you and Josie. Literally one minute you'll guys have to stop them from trying to kill eachother and the next you'll be staring at the two of them cuddled together on the couch, scrolling on their phones as if nothing happened
If you're a vampire then you'd show her memories of your past and how you grew up, how different it was I'm the past centuries (being an older vampire and going to the school only becuase you met Hope)
^and maybe knowing her mischievous Uncle Kol for a long time and surprising her with the first thing you do, which is insulting him when she takes you with her to NOLA to meet her family. (The look on everyone's face is priceless from your 'boldness' of talking to an original like that for the first time) - as if that's your first time
Her sometimes acting as if she's 'too badass' for cuddles at night, but then won't stop pouting till you hold her
Helping her through when she lost Hayley, Klaus and Elijah
Hope trying to hold back a laugh every time you guys are currently facing a monster because you insult them multiple times before the fight even begins. Starting with how they dress and ending up with telling them instead of just taking a bit of revenge, try and go for something way better and exciting, getting an insulted facial expression. Every. Time.
Building a blanket fort I your guys' dorm and cuddling while watching movies in it at night
You two should never be alone with the younger students (4-8 year olds) because it turns straight into chaos the moment you're alone
^Alaric learned that the hard way when coming back from a meeting
Sneaking into town together to go to the grill, ordering food, playing darts, and maybe some pool. Acting like normal teenagers for once
Her nuzzling herself into you as much as she can when she gets her period (before she turns)
Baking cookies together, but you quickly kick her out of the baking space so she's just watching because it'll turn into a disaster with her lack of knowledge about kitchen equipment if you don't
Teaching her a very old language so if you want to talk without prying ears, you guys can (you'd be a vamp here)
Dancing in the woods together whenever it's pouring rain
Attempting to make slime together (p.s. it doesn't end well)
Having movie marathons of watching Harry Potter and Marvel
Ranting to each other at the end of the day about people or things that annoyed you guys. Alaric is in the top three of annoyance for both of you
If you could, you guys would stay in bed all day, cuddling
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Unexpected Hunter Pt 5
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Chapter Warnings: fluff, SMUT, mention of violence, Dean being a sweetheart, mention of being drugged, pregnancy. Just some more fluff.
a/n: Sorry got a little carried away with this one. It’s fluffy and sweet. Sets up for future chapters.
18+ Minors DNI
You started to come to but things were still a little foggy. You heard beeping noises and felt wires on your arm. You woke up and looked around. You were in the hospital. Glancing over you saw Dean sitting beside the bed. His head was resting on the bed and his hand was on your leg. “Dean” you whispered out. He shot up and looked at you. “Y/n, you’re awake. Let me get the doctor.” He stood but you grabbed his hand. “Dean, wait please. What happened” you asked him. He looked at you and told you he and Sam got to the building and killed the nest. Including the doctor. The other women were saved, treated and released from the hospital. You were unconscious when they got there and had been out for almost 2 weeks. “Oh Dean, I’m so sorry. I never should have went for coffee with him. He must have drugged me.” You said crying. “Shhh it’s okay baby, you’re safe and that’s all that matters right now. You rest. I’m going to get the doctor” he said placing a soft kiss on your lips.
As he got up to leave you remembered what the vamp said “you’re spoiled, you’re pregnant”. Oh no, the baby. You needed to know if the baby was okay. The door opened and in walked a female doctor and Dean. “Good afternoon, Miss y/l/n. How are you feeling” she asked with a sweet smile. “I’m sore, but okay. Just tired.” You said as you looked over at Dean. “Well you took quite a bump on the head and you were drugged with a powerful drug.” She said. “Oh, could that cause harm to me or if I was pregnant” you asked while you looked down fidgeting with your hands. “Is it a possibility you might be pregnant? We did run a blood test but we are still waiting for the results. Being a small town it takes a few days” she said to you. You looked at Dean and said “it’s possible. Just wanted to be safe. I have had unprotected sex recently. With just one partner” you said and looked at Dean. You had to make sure he knew your fling and you used protection. “Well, depending how early in the pregnancy the baby should be fine. We will know more when we get the blood work back too. We could try a vaginal ultrasound but it might be too early.” She said with a soft smile. You looked at her and thanked her and she left. Dean walked over to you and sat down. “Sweetheart, why do you think you’re pregnant.” He asked. You looked at him in his sparkling green eyes and said “the vamps said I was spoiled because I was pregnant”. I haven’t been with anyone unprotected except you. The guy from the other night we used protection. Dean, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get pregnant and I should have never slept with that other guy. I did it because I was so mad at you and that blonde. I promise this doesn’t change a thing. Once I’m better I still plan on leaving. I’ll stay close so you can see the baby if you want to be in their life. I understand if you don’t. I know hunters can’t have families. Dean I” you were cut off by Dean crashing his lips to yours. He was so gentle and electricity shot through your body. You felt that spark again.
He pulled back and took your hand. “Y/n, I’m the one who should be sorry. I pushed you away after you said you loved me. Truth is I was terrified. I’ve always been afraid to get too close. Everyone I love ends up dying and leaving me. I couldn’t imagine losing you so I tried to push my feelings down. Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Y/n (he takes your face in his hands) I love you.” He said looking in your eyes. “Please forgive me. I can’t lose you and if you’re pregnant I want to be there every step of the way.” He said.
You took his hand and looked at him “Dean I would love nothing more than to be with you. I can’t promise I won’t hurt you and I can’t promise I’ll be around forever, but I can promise you I won’t hurt you on purpose and I’ll be with you for as long as the fates allow. I love you Dean Winchester and I’m all in. This baby and I are your family and we will always be your family. If you don’t want me to leave I’ll stay.” You looked up at him and he kissed you. “No, baby I don’t want either of you going anywhere. I want you to be with me for as long as we’re allowed. I can’t believe you’re having a baby. I’m going to be a dad.” He said with a huge smile on his face. He kissed you again and smiled.
Sam knocked and walked in and said “I’m so glad y’all finally figured all this out and realized you belong together.” Dean and you looked up and smirked. “Yeah and Sammy guess what” Dean said smiling. “She’s not moving out” Sam asked. “Well yeah she’s not, but I’m gonna be a dad. Y/n is pregnant.” Dean said all giddy. It was so adorable. “Oh wow, how did you find out” Sam asked. You told him what the vamps said and Sam was speechless. “Wow, so I’m going to be an Uncle.” Sam said. He hugged Dean and then you. “How are you feeling y/n, do you need anything. Does the little peanut need anything” Sam asked. “No, Sammy I’m okay and so is the little peanut” you said smiling.
The doctor walked in and said your labs should be back anytime and once they are you should be able to go home. “How are you feeling right now?” She asked. “I’m okay. Just a little nauseous and tired but other than that I’m okay.” You said. Dean couldn’t stop smiling. “Well I don’t see any reason why you can’t be discharged today. As long as the labs come back clear and you make sure to get rest.” The doctor said as she checked your vitals then left the room.
The three of you sat in your room waiting for the doctor to come back and you all talked about how hunting was going to look with your pregnancy. You told the guys you weren’t just going to sit at home but you wouldn’t put the baby in danger either. So the compromise was you would do the research and once the baby was born you’d figure it out. You knew Dean wanted to leave the life, but you weren’t sure if he could or if it would be safe to do so. So any plans for the future involved hunting.
“Well guys I’m starving. I’m gonna grab something to eat for all of us while we wait. What do y’all want. Better yet, what do you want y/n” Sam asked. You laughed and told him to get whatever he wanted. You were fine with anything. Dean said he wanted a cheeseburger with bacon. “Of course you do babe” you said laughing. “Actually Sammy, that sounds amazing. Can you get me some chocolate pie too” you asked him. Dean chuckled “yep, she’s definitely having my baby” he said as he touched your belly. Everyone laughed and Sam left.
Dean sat beside you and smiled. “I really am happy. Even if the doctor says you’re not pregnant, I love you so much and we can try if you want to. I’d love to have a baby with you. I would marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.” Dean said and he kissed your lips. He deepened the kiss and you melted in his arms. You’ve missed him and the way his lips feel on yours. You both sat there talking about the future and waited for Sam to come back. “Hey y/n, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for the other day. I never should have picked up that blonde and brought her back to the room. I have no idea why I did it. I had everything I wanted right in front of me and I did something stupid. I know I hurt you and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.” Dean said.
“Dean, we both did stupid things. It’s okay. We just need to work on our communication. Especially if we’re having a baby. We need to be on the same page and if we aren’t we need to learn to talk it out and communicate.” You looked at him and smiled. Sammy came back with the food. You were starving and ate all of your food very quickly. Dean smiled and nudged Sam. “See I told you she’s having my baby. Look how fast she put away that burger”. You rolled your eyes. “Dean, we don’t know for sure.” You reminded him.
There was a knock at the door and the doctor came back in. “So your blood work came back and the drug did show up in your system but it should have worked its way out on its own. You’re a little anemic and congratulations you’re pregnant. So I’m prescribing some iron pills and some prenatal vitamins. Make sure you take them every day. As far as the baby, get in touch with your OBGYN as soon as possible so they can keep an eye on you. I’m sure the drugs didn’t hurt the baby, but just to be cautious you need to see your doctor soon. Other than that you’re free to go. Just rest and take your medicine.” The doctor said handing you your paperwork and prescriptions. “Thank you so much doctor” you said smiling at her.
As soon as she closed the door Dean took you in his arms and held you tight. “We’re having a baby, y/n” he said as he kissed you. “Dean, you’re crushing me and the baby” you said laughing. Sam chuckled. “Well guys I’m going to step out so y/n can get dressed. I’ll be outside.” Sam said as he got up. Before he left the room he hugged you and hit Dean on the back. Dean smiled at him and helped you get dressed.
Once you were dressed you left the hospital with Dean on your arm. Sam was waiting at the car. He opened the back door and Lexi came bounding out. “Oh Lexi girl. I missed you baby.” You knelt down and said. You got up and went to climb in the back. Sam stopped you. “No, y/n you’re riding in the front. You’re carrying my niece or nephew. You don’t get to sit in the back. He said. “Oh Sammy, the back is fine.” You protested. “Nope, not gonna happen” he said. You tried to argue but it was no use. You relented and climbed in the front. Dean, Sam and Lexi got in the car and y’all headed home.
Several hours later Dean was waking you up. You were home. “Come on sweetheart, we’re home.” He said gently shaking you. You stretched and got out. “I’m going to go take a shower” you said. Dean smiled and you winked at him. You walked to your room and turned on the water in the shower. You stripped off your clothes and felt arms wrap around you. You smiled. “Hey baby, wanna join me” you asked moving your hips on him. Dean growled and said “you bet sweetheart”.
You and Dean climbed in the shower and you let the water cascade over your body and his. He wrapped you in his arms and kissed you. He was gentle but you could feel his passion. “Dean, baby I’m not going to break” you said. “I know I just don’t want to hurt the baby” he said. “Dean, you’re not going to hurt him. I promise. Just don’t throw me across the room” you said.
“You got it sweetheart” he said as he pulled you deeper into a kiss and lifted your legs around his waist. Your back was against the shower wall and Dean was positioning himself to take you right there. He took his free hand and lined himself up. “You ready baby” he asked. You nodded and Dean slowly lowered you on his hard cock. You gasped as he bottomed out inside you. “Fuck you feel amazing baby” he said into your neck. His hot breath fanning over you. He started pumping in and out filling you up with every thrust. Your fingers ran through his hair and he gripped you tight. “Oh Dean, please baby take me to bed” you said breathlessly.
Dean helped you off and dried you and him off quickly. He led you to the bed and laid you back. Kissing your lips and down your body. He stopped at your stomach and kissed it softly. You smiled. He looked up in your eyes and positioned himself back between your legs. He slowly pushed himself back in and began moving his hips. “Make me cum baby” you said to Dean. He slid his hand between him and your clit. He started rubbing as he thrust himself deep inside you. You felt your coil tightening as he helped you chase your release. “Yes, right there baby. I’m gonna cum Dean.” You said as you bucked your hips into him. “Cum for me sweetheart” he whispered in your ear. That’s all it took before your walls clenched around his cock. As you came Dean leaned down and kissed your lips. You moaned into his mouth. “Good girl” Dean said making your walls clench again. He kept a slow and steady pace. Dean was being extra gentle and you knew it was because of the baby. God he felt good touching your body and making love to you. “I love you, Dean” you whispered. “I love you too, y/n. So much” Dean said as he captured your lips. He was close to cumming. You could feel his movements changing. “Come on baby. Move faster. I want you to cum deep inside me.” You said in his ear. You wrapped your legs around his waist and thrusted your hips into him. He started picking up his pace and before too long he was cumming. “Mm fuck baby you can’t move like that. It makes me cum so hard” he said with a smirk. “I know” you grinned.
Dean kissed you and got up to clean you both up. Once cleaned he laid beside you and placed his hand on your belly. “How are you feeling baby” he whispered to you kissing your temple. “I’m wonderful my love” you said as you placed your hand on his. He slowly rubbed your belly and smiled. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad. I’m so excited and terrified” he said. “I know baby, me too, but I have faith we can do this together. We’ve got each other and so many people who will support us. We’ve got this honey.” You said as you placed a kiss on his lips.
Dean held you tight. “Hey sweetheart, how about you move into my room. My bed is bigger and more comfortable. It’ll be better for you and the baby.” Dean said as he snuggled close to you. “Okay, Dean. I’ll move into your room.” You said smiling. “Okay, good. Let’s go to our room and take a nap” Dean said as he stood up. “Let’s at least put some clothes on. We don’t want to traumatize Sammy” you said laughing.
You grabbed some comfy clothes and Dean grabbed his pants. Y’all got dressed walked into Dean’s room. You crawled in the bed and laid in the middle giggling. “Oh no, it’s already started. You’ve taken over the bed” Dean said laughing. You giggled and slid over. Dean climbed in and snuggled up behind you. “I love you, y/n” Dean said. “I love you too, Dean” you said softly. He placed his hand on your belly and said softly “I love you too, my little one”. You smiled as you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the man you love, the father of your child.
Part 6
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @nescaveckwriter @kr804573 @jensengirl83 @k-slla @jackles010378 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx
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iknowshocker · 29 days
If damon would have actually left bonnie in season 6 and choose Elena would kai have saved her ?
oh anon, this is one of my TVD roman empires.
i'm a firm believer that yeah, kai was absolutely walking over to heal her himself. i swing between thinking a. that was always his plan and he never would have let her die for real and b. he decides halfway across the room that damon doesn't deserve the easy way out and he saves her to spite him. either way, he lost Jo tonight. he's not letting Bonnie go, too.
if i could rewrite it i'd do it something like this:
we'd get to hear the rest of his villain monologue and it would end with him crouching down beside her and being like "you really need better friends bonster - that could have been me if you weren't so easily manipulated"
she's glaring up at him, gasping for air: "f - uck .... o - ff"
and he'd laugh, bite his wrist, and go "is that anyway to talk to the man about to save your life??? nooo, didn't think so" and while she's drinking and clinging to him he'd get that blood sharing rush and start babbling and in my perfect world that's the moment she learns about him helping on her birthday.
"i've done this before you know, without the - the weirdly intense blood thing, bon stop looking at me you're making me lightheaded close your eyes, thanks - yeah, anyway, i've done this before. can't believe i'm playing the hero after nuking the whole coven. the irony is not lost on me, lemme tell you - what? don't squint at me, why would i make that up? i saved you on your birthday bon-,"
and she'd rip away from him and go "jeremy saved me-,"
"jeremy ? hold on, thiS WHOLE TIME YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OKay, okay sure he opened the garage door, but who do you think gave him the power to do it?"
bonnie stares up at him in horror, realizing that a witch being involved actually does make so much more sense. kai would lean in closer to her, she's probably still holding his hand so he's got the other braced by her head and she's too shocked to move away.
"i saved you, bonnie. me."
she's looking up at him, eyes frantically bouncing between his, and whispers: "but why?"
"i already told you," he'd sneer, "i felt bad. i regretted leaving you. you're the one who didn't listen. you're the one who didn't believe me. you trusted your stupid friends, and look what it got you. damon left. he picked elena. you gave up everything for him and-,"
"stop," she'd say, trying to get away. but he'd grab her chin and make her look at him.
"they don't care about you, bonnie. you're just a magical help button to them. they call you because they know you won't say no. and you know the worst part about all this? the part i hope keeps you up at night?" he'd lean in even closer, whispering in her ear: "i would have picked you."
and then he'd leave. straight vanish at vamp speed into the night. and bonnie's laying there, in the wreckage of the wedding, all alone.
she cry's.
it makes no sense...and yet it makes perfect sense. damon lies as much as kai. damon is selfish. of course he'd pick elena. shit, bonnie would probably pick elena. what does that say about her? how has she let them convince her she's not worth picking? no, enough. that ends right now. she'd pull herself together, and she'd start walking home.
she'd go straight to the salvatore house. the doors open so she walks in. everyone is there, regrouping and crying and sitting quietly in shock. no one is looking for her. what did damon even tell them, when he came back without her? why did no one come back for her body?
caroline sees her first. she stands on shaky legs, staring at her wide eyed. "oh my god, bonnie? how - damon said you - he said that kai-,"
ah, so he blamed it on kai. funny, he seems to be doing that an awful lot lately.
"he lied," bonnie says. "he does that. damon. he lies."
caroline would run to her, breathlessly laughing, but bonnie doesn't return the hug.
"stefan!" caroline yells. "stefan, come here!"
he comes vamping in, sees the look in bonnie's eyes, and goes perfectly still. there's a phone in his hand, and quietly he says: "damon, i think i know why elena's not waking up. i'm gonna call you back in a minute."
from there i want them all realizing that bonnie has to be protected from damon. in this situation he's gone full rouge and he's proved he's willing to kill bonnie to get elena back. i don't think there's a world where they go back to prison world status besties after that.
kai, of course, is probably still lurking in town. maybe he went back to portland for a bit but he always comes back...he just can't leave bonnie alone.
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i drew Diana. not quite sure how i feel about it but oh well.
goth girls, y'know.
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since I've made aaron's fur pattern white, i thought his goth girlfriend deserved the red and black fur pattern he had.
some other Diana hcs:
she can sing really well, but avoids it unless its for a gig. She doesn't want to wreck her voice. She has a very soft singing voice too, so thankfully it's not too much on her vocal cords 80% of the time. But you can never be too safe. She will hum along to music occasionally.
I have lore about a dog-goth style in my rewrite which Diana slowly starts getting more interested in towards the end of college, though he's more vamp-goth before that. I could get into the Dog-Goth of my rewrite but oh you don't want me to. Because then I'd have to get into the werewolf punk scene i made up in my head.
She's always been very slight, but she's trying to bulk up some muscle mass. She's also quite tall ( about 6'3) but is the smallest in her band. Since they're all werewolves. And werewolves can casually be like 6'5 and no one bats an eye at that.
He grew up with punk parents, and therefore punk ideology. They were very supportive of him, and so he had a pretty nice upbringing.
She speaks quite monotone in her day-to-day life (though her singing is quite expressive). and so her and Aaron are matchy matchy with that. Autism-bonding and all.
He does not dress up every day. He usually slaps on some eyeliner, maybe some light makeup, and leaves it at that. and just throws on a nice shirt and skirt. He's got no time to make himself look fancy if he's tryna get through college with any shred of sanity left.
She shaved the tails of her eyebrows off. which are why her eyebrow piercings are BELOW her eyebrow (which she draws on). She carries around tweezers to pluck the hair that grows back in when she's bored in her lectures. Or in a dull conversation.
He's transfem, and uses he/her pronouns. People tend to over-correct and only use she/her pronouns for him but nah. BOTH. Obviously only using one or another in a conversation is fine. But only one for like ever? Nah. Nah.
I'm dianron dirt till i die. She occasionally goes through his spotify to judge the music he has on there, or 'make it good'. She put one of her band's songs on his longest playlist and he didn't realise until a few months after they broke up. He still listens to it after because like... Di can sing, y'know.
He self-labels as Queer, sexuality-wise.
She wears platform boots to feel taller. Especially when with Aaron, since it's embarrassing to be rocking around with a human that's taller than her. (She knows he's a werewolf, she just isn't a total dickhead and lets everyone else continue thinking he's a werewolf). He's still taller.
He met Ken when he caught Ken smoking weed in their highschool bathroom. They ended up sharing and talking about cryptids for the whole next period.
Ken is also on the band. He plays drums. Diana once broke his drumsticks because he wouldn't stop hitting everyone like they were drums. She bought him new ones for his birthday because she felt bad.
Him and Blaze are cousins. Their mothers are sisters.
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stray-kaz · 2 years
The Flower and The Serpent : a Walt De Ville x reader FF : six
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A/N: I have taken artistic liberties with this fanfic. For example, I have given Walt some different mind abilities and have removed the canon vamp claws because I find them distasteful and overkill, pardon the pun.
18 and up, y’all.
You spent the next couple of days receiving scandalised glances from the maids and even Mr. Field due to the blossomed bruise on your neck, the identical holes in the centre now gone. Mrs. Swift eyed you with obvious concern whenever she saw you, and even cornered you on your way out of your room one morning. You met her gaze with caution, stretching your neck out slightly.
“Miss Alexander, you must be careful” she insisted in hushed tones. “He may act human, but he is not. If you push him too far, he might very well kill you, whether he means to or not.”
You shook your head, a small rueful smile twisting your lips.
“I do not think so, Mrs. Swift” you assured her. “I have been pushing him rather hard lately and he has not taken a single liberty I have not given him. I know what he is, I promise, and he is still honourable. I do not fear him.”
The older woman sighed and hastened away, leaving you alone. You spoke the truth.
You had many hours alone, but whenever Walt had a spare moment or two, he found you and either talked or kissed, often kissed you breathless, kissed the thoughts from your mind.
In a hidden alcove, mere inches away from where Mr. Field stood waiting for him to return.
Against any wall he could find, and there were many.
On top of his library desk, you sitting on the blotter, Walt standing between your legs, his hands on your jaw, your back, in your hair.
Always, always the scent of blood on you drove him away hard, panting, wild eyed, needing, teeth sharp.
He whispered love in your ear in Romanian, Hungarian, making you shudder against his chest, leaving you longing for when he’d murmur it in English.
Viktoria even caught you once, lying on a chaise outside the ballroom, Walt draped over you with his mouth on your pulse and his fingers up your skirt between your legs, damp and slick with blood. He caught her looking and waved her off with his bloodied hand, returning his attention to your neck without even waiting to see that she had gone.
“It is nearly eleven” he murmured into your feathering pulse. “You should get some rest.”
He sat back on the chaise and eased you up using his clean hand. He kissed your lightly, his lips barely touching yours, his teeth softly nicking your flesh as he pulled away with a hint of a smile.
“Goodnight, my love.”
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Long after midnight had passed and you were still not asleep, your mind a riot as you lay back on the oversized four poster bed in the semidarkness, when a quiet knock on the bedroom door drew you slowly out of your reverie.
“Come in” you said, and sat up.
You pulled your knees to your chest as the door swung inward on a soft creak and Walt padded inside on bare feet. He closed the door at his back, keeping his silver blue eyes fixed on you.
“You wanted me, love?” he asked, moving slowly towards the bed.
You eyed him over the tops of your knees, confused.
“I didn’t call for you” you told him. “I didn’t touch the bell pull. Nothing.”
He just smiled and tapped the side of his head with one slender finger.
“We are this close to being bonded” he replied. “I can feel what you want and hear your thoughts if I’m close enough.”
You rolled your eyes and dropped your knees down so you were cross legged, just as he reached the end of the bed to look down at you, nostrils flaring slightly.
“When will this damned bleeding stop?” he wondered aloud.
You felt hot and flushed under his stare as he sat down near you and reached out to touch your knee, sliding his hand up to the top of your thigh and back down.
“Does it bother you?” you asked softly, curious. “It hasn’t seemed to before.”
Walt shook his head, dark brown hair flopping untidily in his eyes. He pushed it away impatiently.
“Not particularly. I’m not hungry anyway.”
His lips pulled into a smirk that tightened your core and sent an extra ripple of heat through you. He leaned in to press his lips to your temple, moving his hand up and down your leg again.
“I know this is what you have been preparing for for more than a decade, but I did not expect you to become as eager as you have so quickly.”
Walt’s gaze was intense.
“What can I do for you? Sex is off the table until our wedding night, as you know; your father made that abundantly clear to me” he said, his tone amused and a half smile tugging at his mouth. “So what is it that I can do for you?”
You felt your cheeks heat and his smile grew.
“Miss Alexander, my love” he purred, his fingers reaching to tug at the hem of your lacy baby doll nightie, the material rustling over his fingertips. “We are about to be married. What do you want? Tell me.”
You bit your lip and his eyes caught the movement, his teeth baring for just a sliver of a moment before his lips closed over them again.
“Can I show you instead?” you asked, tugging at his hand that rested on your thigh.
“By all means” Walt answered, nodding.
He climbed onto the bed at your insistence and went willingly, deceptively pliable, to be pushed up against the headboard, long legs extended. He cocked a graceful eyebrow as you settled yourself down on his right thigh, your knees to either side.
The insatiable tingle between your legs spread outwards as you pressed gently down, just enough to feel the muscles in his thigh drag up against your heat. Walt dug his fingers into the flesh of your thighs and tilted his head back so he could watch your face. His gaze was distracted on the way up, though; your lace nightie was almost entirely sheer and as you ground against him, your nipples pushed into the fabric and he could see them, as if they were waiting for him.
“Ah, my love” he said in a hushed tone. “Were you thinking about me?”
“Mmm” you mumbled, shutting your eyes to avoid the intensity of his.
Then you felt his fingers grasp your chin and shake it slightly.
“Look at me” he commanded gently.
Without protest, your eyes flashed open again as you dragged yourself over his thigh. His fingers gripped like steel on your thighs, and you were certain there would be bruises in the morning.
This man, this monster among men, was drawing you out, out of the cocoon you had wrapped yourself in, knowing you were always for him and nobody else. With a sharp smile, taunting kisses, soft speech and strong hands, he had made you fall in love with him.
Incoherent clouds of thought in your mind, your fingers clenched red nailed at Walt’s shoulders, twisting against his bare skin and the cotton of his white tank; he had been sleep mussed but listening out for you.
Your breath came in pants, soft and unrelenting as you moved on him, jaw slackening and high colour staining your chest and cheeks as you chased the relief the animal part of your brain knew only he could give to you.
Walt watched you rut desperately on top of him, the heady scent of the blood between your legs bullying his senses until he was ready to snap his last gossamer thread of control, throw you down on the bed and sink into you right then and there.
And then a whimper left your lips and he couldn’t take it any longer. He scooped you up, ignoring your startled squeak, and tossed you onto the feather down mattress on your back. He ground against you once, then groaned and tore himself away from your softness and warmth, almost flying to the door. It slammed shut with a loud crack and one of the hinges fell onto the carpet.
You propped yourself up on your elbows and stared, pink and panting, at the now empty space Walt had only just occupied. When he did not magically reappear, you rolled over onto your stomach and groaned loudly, muffled, into your pillow.
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Pressed against the wall inches from your bedroom door, Walt stood breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He winced as he bit into his lower lip, his pointed canines piercing the fine skin. He tasted the bite of liquid copper on his tongue and shoved away from the wall, uncomfortable in his own skin, his trousers too tight. He had come so close to ruining you. Too close.
He pictured you as you had been moments ago, wild and wanton and flushed, unbearably divine. He strode towards the stairs, picking up speed on his way down, desperate for blood.
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Tagging: @hellomadamebutterfly​ @sky0401​
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lou-iz-stat · 2 months
4 more weeks or 1 month left until the new season starts and I feel like we are currently in the calm before the storm and I am definitely nervous. 😬
This is my rewatch for episode 4 of season 1 and I absolutely adore this episode as shit pretty much hits the fan after this relatively sweet episode. I have a feeling that we won’t have an episode as happy as this one in season 2 so it’s best to enjoy it as much as possible. 😭
Also spoilers for everything!
IWTV S1 E4: The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood With All a Child’s Demanding
This episode starts out with Daniel talking on his phone to I assume his agent for the book he is going to write about this messy vamps. I wonder if this will be important later?
And of course the sleep paralysis demon that is Armand/ Rashid is just standing there.
Some of the lines he says to Daniel are so archaic it’s crazy people didn’t think he was Armand.
But he has the important job of bringing Daniel to Claudia’s old diaries.
Daniel makes a remark about the tree and Armand says something about an architect which I wonder if that will also be someone from the book that we did not know yet.
And he tells Daniel where to start with the dairies but of course he doesn’t listen and starts reading one towards the end. 😂
Now we are finally starting Claudia’s pov
“You were ready to abandon our home. Now you want a third” Lestat was so hurt by Louis leaving :(
In this version it’s Louis that wants Lestat to turn Claudia instead of Lestat just out right baby trapping him. But that doesn’t mean that Lestat turned Claudia without selfish intentions. He knows if he does this for Louis that he will no longer want to abandon him.
God that look on Lestat’s face when he thinks he’s getting a family. ☺️
Also! No secrets my ass!!!
“A funny way of being nice to each other.” They’re gay dear.
When I first watched the pleated skirt line it took me out! They are everything!!! 🤣
Claudia is Lestat’s daughter alright. Claudia said ACAB and that is why she is an icon.
This episode is comedic genius!
I LOVE when Lestat sneaks in Louis’s coffin. It’s so sweet and since it’s from Claudia’s pov we can more objectively see the good parts of their relationship. I’m sure if Louis was telling this part of the story that he might have not mentioned their coffin-sharing almost every night.
I also really adore the scene with Louis and Claudia in the boat. In the book Claudia doesn’t actually know why or how she was made but in the show Louis tells her the truth that it was because of him that she was hurt so bad in the fire. I like that he just tells her outright for how she was made. I also really love that when Claudia asks Louis how love works between two men and Louis makes that adorable face. It gives me butterflies!
After that scene, Daniel takes a break and walks in on Rashid/ Armand praying and he notes that he spoke a language that is from the Crimea which is a call back to the book since Armand’s character is originally from that area in Europe. So I think that they will still incorporate that part of Armand’s background in the show too.
This makes Daniel sorta suspicious of Rashid also because of him referring to Dubai as a ‘child’ Also Daniel’s notes on ‘Rashid’ is so funny.
We go back to the unholy family and they are just having a grand old time just being hella cute~
I wonder if the marquis Lestat mentions at Claudia’s birthday is his dad or his oldest brother? It sucks either way because they got guillotined during the revolution.
Loustat dancing is so sweet~
Movie theatre scene 🥰
Oh shit Mama Du Lac is dead
They look so good in their formation as the leave the wake.
Lestat bringing Claudia to the lovers lane for some dinner isn’t… the best but he is trying to bond with her and he does treat her so sweetly in the scene.
This does awaken something inside her like her sudden need to grow up.
And in her need to grow up she finally meets Charlie as her first love.
In classic vampire fashion Claudia accidentally kills Charlie
And though I hate to admit it Lestat is right when tells his fledglings to stay out of human goings on. He should have just been more sensitive about it when she brought Charlie’s body home.
Louis finally shows back up in the interview! I wonder what was doing other than ‘resting’
Louis so sad about Claudia. 😢
This episode ends so sad and miserable… Poor Claudia 😔
Okay with that ends my s1 episode 4 rewatch.
I am definitely not looking forward to episode 5…. It’s a tough watch but I’ll try to do it next time.
Thanks for reading this! We have only a month left and between this show and another show that is coming out around the same time I am losing my mind but I would have it no other way.
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kmze · 4 months
Finally decided to do a TVD rewatch now that the 'verse is complete. Since I know how everything ends I thought it would be interesting to see how I react with that knowledge. Curious if my feelings might change about characters, ships, storylines etc. (obviously I am fully aware there's going some bias).
Adding my thoughts after I complete the half-way mark of each season (there is simply too many episodes to do a recap of each one). I am talking to the void mostly here but feel free to leave comments, thoughts on my posts for those who still follow me or just find this post. However, I am not here to argue, I simply DO NOT CARE whatever you think is right totally, please leave me alone.
Recaps tagged with k rewatches tvd
S1 Episodes 1-11
I am loving the dark atmosphere of the first season, feeling so much nostalgia! Nice to go back in time to when vampires were scary on this show. That's not really criticism because every supernatural show goes through this. The big bad must always be upped as it goes on but it was nice when the stakes were lower and the mythos was being developed.
Damon makes me feel so uncomfortable so far... I know he was the 'villian' for most of the beginning of the season but his treatment of Vicki and Caroline is just so predatory and gross. Which brings me to...
WHY HAS NO ONE GIVEN CAROLINE A GOD DAMN VERVAIN NECKLACE ALREADY!!! Stefan and Elena both know Damon was using her (and they know damn well he hasn't stopped). Her Mom has the vervain to give her and just has not for no reason!! GET AWAY FROM HER ALREADY! I got so mad when Damon was compelling her AGAIN in the 10th episode. I'm so glad she outlives them all, justice for my baby!
I'm sorry but Stefan is so creepy and self-righteous in the beginning, I remembered this but did not remember how bad it was. Also he did not need to kill Vicki, that pissed me off. I don't think it did as much when I first watch this (mind you that was literally 14+ years ago) but just knowing how freely everyone neck-snaps around here it was bullshit. His one cool moment remains when he told Logan he can't walk in the sun. The manipulative way he used Elena’s adoption to get her to forgive him had me rolling my eyes (then of course she used it against Jenna to get out of trouble lol).
I can't remember who the other vampire is who turned Logan, I'm thinking its Pearl's henchman but yeah I don't remember that part. I also didn't remember the crystal so I like that some of this is like a 'mystery' again.
I did remember that I thought Tyler was such a dick in the first season and yeah confirmed. Though now I remembered his Dad was an abusive piece of shit. Still, fuck Tyler for now.
Alaric looks so different I don't hate him (yet).
I still hate Matt #bias
The progression of Bonnie realizing her powers has been well done, again nice to just see the simple magic again. (Stefan totally wanted to bang Sheila back in the day... maybe they did)
Jeremy just met Anna and I still love them, I wish they got more time. They were the only 'ship I like in this season when it first aired.
The Bonnie, Elena and Caroline friendship is nice but I am annoyed they haven't done more to protect Caro from Damon. Especially when she doesn't know what's going on and they do (though Bonnie only just got all the deets). This might be magnified by my love of Caroline I admit but I hate the prop-y way she's being used so far.
I kinda rolled my eyes at the whole Katherine/Damon/Stefan stuff before Elena knew they were vamps because OMG Stefan is 17(!!!) Does no one thinks it's weird he's like "it was a long time ago" A LONG TIME AGO LIKE WHEN YOU WERE 12?! They should have made him at least 20, just bothers me.
I liked that not every vampire had a daylight ring and it was more of a novelty. That is something that could have stuck more in the later seasons.
Lines that made me laugh:
Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. (Bonnie offers to help her) I guess we can put her in the back. (all right in front of Elena lmao oh Caroline never change)
Caroline: So, Elena...how long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is it...like a permanent thing? (eyes on the prize baby! lol)
Stefan: (imitating Damon) Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan’s life this week. (never gets old!)
Damon: *shoots Logan with wooden bullets* Payback's a bitch, isn't it? (all in the delivery here lmao kudos to Ian)
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theeblackmedusa · 1 year
Some Of Medusa's Vamp!Attuma HCs
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A/N: i've yet to let go of vampire attuma and i don't see myself doing so anytime soon, so here are just a few my hcs (once again my hcs, if you disagree it's not that deep. this is just for funsies)
warnings: blood mentions, some violence, there's some nsfw
attuma's never been a deep sleeper. even before he was turned, little noises always woke him up. now, if okoye isn't right there next to him, he won't sleep at all.
if he does end up in a deep sleep, okoye takes it as her opportunity to poke around at his fangs. she's so mesmerized by them, but her curiosity's gotten the best of her a few times and attuma's had to wake up and put a bandage on her finger
attuma plays hide and seek in the dark with okoye's nieces and nephews. he can see exactly where they are because of his night vision but he always lets them win and acts like he doesn't see them.
he can't fly, but he's very fast and very quiet in his movements. he has a bad habit of just appearing behind okoye and nearly getting attacked with whatever object she's holding because her fight or flight response is to definitely fight.
she swears he can teleport. he hasn't confirmed or denied it.
okoye has a doberman and she's convinced that her "scary dog privilege" makes it fine for her to go on runs at night. attuma disagrees but doesn't want to get in an argument about it, so he's always lurking in the shadows no more than ten feet away just in case.
before they started dating, okoye came to him crying about an ex boyfriend that she'd run into and had made her feel like shit. he tracked the man down and decapitated him that same night.
he's lived a long life and sometimes he's afraid that something from his lengthy past will come back to haunt him or hurt okoye. if something does end up coming for her, he's already prepared himself to die for her.
despite how much he loves her, attuma once tried to break up with her after he convinced himself that she would be better off without him and that he was clouding her head and decision making. he bared his teeth at her in an attempt to scare her off but she just called him cute and pushed past him into his kitchen to ask what he wanted for dinner.
attuma can manipulate other people's blood, stopping blood flow in the body, draining blood from the body, etc. he does his best not to use the technique, but every time a man looks at her like she's a piece of meat, he gets real close.
nobody really gets to tell okoye "no" because if they do, they either end up disappearing from the face of the earth or hypnotized into changing their mind.
okoye secretly wants him to turn her, but she's always too afraid to ask because she thinks he'll say no. attuma occasionally reads her mind (he usually refrains out of respect for her but sometimes he gets curious) and feels a sense of pride. he'll most definitely turn her if she still wants him to after they get married.
a few nsfw...
he has a ridiculous obsession with okoye's neck. he loves wrapping his hand around her throat or tracing a finger along it when he's teasing her.
this man is a vampire. yes, he likes to bite while he fucks. he won't draw blood unless she asks him to (she asks him to a lot more than he expected her to when they first started seeing each other).
attuma is strong. like...skrong! he also has stamina. both of these things come in handy when okoye's smart mouth gets the best of her and she ends up pinned underneath him or bent in whatever position he desires while she begs him for a break. sometimes he'll fake nice and tell her he just wants one more out of her. it's a complete lie every time.
those hunter's instincts make their sex life a lot of fun. she loves to feel like a prey being hunted and she loves it even more when she gets caught and pinned onto the nearest surface.
she loves the feeling of his nails gently scraping against her skin. it sends tingles through her body and sometimes she even wishes he'd cut her and lick the blood up.
he likes to grab her jaw as he fucks her, looking deep into her eyes and grunting out for her to tell him she loves him. she doesn't know if it's hypnosis or if he just makes her feel that good, but once she starts telling him how much she loves him and how much she loves the feeling of him inside of her, she just turns into a broken record and can't shut up.
anyway, i hope y'all liked these. i have some more hcs for vampire attuma if y'all are interested!
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prose-for-hire · 2 years
Stake your bets
Pairing: Faith x reader; Buffy x platonic!reader
Request: hi, would it be okay to request a story or maybe hc's if you prefer about dating faith and being buffy's best friend and trying to make them get along? I love your work, I hope you're not overwhelmed by all the requests you're getting
Requested by: Anon
A/N: I think we can safely say I probably was overwhelmed by my requests lol !! Sorry for the wait, love, hope this one’s okay! 💖
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You and Buffy had been best friends pretty much since her first day at high school. She had sat next to you in English class and you had to borrow a pencil when yours flew across the classroom. She was the best friend you had ever had, you told each other everything and nothing was ever too much information to share between you. I mean, you had saved the world together.
You shared so many amazing memories, some good and some bad. Some absolutely terrifying.
You were so close that you could barely find one of you without the other. You basically lived at each other’s houses. Attached at the hip. You just got on, you couldn’t explain it. Even when you argued, you never feared losing her as a friend. You knew there would be nothing worth losing your friendship over. So, when you started dating Faith, you knew it would be hard for her. But you hoped that she would be happy for you at least to begin with.
You had met Faith in the same way as everyone else when she had ran in and borrowed Buffy’s stake to dust a vamp before introducing herself at the Bronze. You didn’t know what to think of her to begin with, she was obviously very attractive (and she knew about it too). She kept to herself a lot after that, she didn’t really give much away other than that she liked to party and slay.
Her I-don’t-care persona intrigued you and after a while, you found yourself becoming more and more drawn to her. It was slowly at first, you paid more attention to the little things.
How she near always avoided talking about herself seriously. How she got a kick out of helping people but hated to let it show. And the cigarette she would always treat herself to after a really good slay. Even the gum she always bought and chewed on long patrols for something to do. By this point, it had made you wonder if this habit made her lips taste of ‘Very berry’…
You had it bad. You had grown close although she always appeared to be keeping you at a distance. Until one evening, you had asked if you could come on patrol with her. To her, it appeared out of the blue, but you had been trying and failing to ask all week. By Friday, you had worked up enough courage to ask and she shrugged to show that she didn’t mind, and you tried to hide your elation as you walked beside her into the night.
You spoke about anything and everything on that patrol, savouring every time you made her laugh. Real, genuine laughter from Faith was a divine sound. Though, you would never tell her that or risk getting teased within an inch of your life. At the end of the night, you rounded a corner and without saying anything, she slid her hand into yours. She was bold, much bolder than you. You would have waited at least a year to do something as scandalous and intimate as holding her hand.
But not her. Usually, she would have pressed you against a wall and kissed you without even a second thought, but that came a little later. There was something about you that, for once in her life, made her want to take things slow. It meant something. With you. And there was no chance she was letting you go once she realised that she had you.
Your relationship turned into a very well-kept secret. Not only because Faith thought pda and being as soft as she could be with you in public would make her look weak to humans and demons alike. But mostly because by this point, Buffy was starting to get jealous. Not because she wanted to date you, not at all. But because she thought she had been replaced by Faith as your very best friend.
You had tried to balance your time between them equally, honest you had. But there was only so much time in a day and your relationship was new and you found yourself aching for Faith every moment you spent apart.
One day, you woke up by Faith’s side pressed against the soft skin of her back and you knew it was the day you wanted everyone to know about your relationship. You couldn’t describe why or what had made this day so special, it was like any other. You woke up by her side in the mid-morning glow and pressed soft kisses against her exposed shoulder to wake her up. She turned and sleepily reached for you, sighing contently in a way she never had before she started to share her bed with you.
Later that day, when you had reluctantly left your girlfriend’s side, you met up with Buffy for your usual catch up at the Espresso Pump. She told you all of the latest gossip and she passed you an unusual looking rock she had picked up on patrol (you always collected weird looking rocks and trinkets when you went out patrolling with your best friend because sometimes it could get really boring).
You eventually managed to broach the subject that had been making you nervous the entire time you had spent at the coffee shop. You knew that Buffy would never end your friendship over anything like this, but her approval and support really mattered to you. And you just wanted her and Faith to get on.
“I need to tell you something…”
“If you’re gonna tell me you’re a secret vampire I might give you a 30 second head start before I start slaying” Buffy said, a hint of a smile in her voice although she could tell you were a little uneasy. Buffy had firmly decided that she didn’t like Faith. They were too different, they never seemed to agree on anything. Especially not slaying. So you didn’t want to cause yet another argument by admitting that you were dating.
But you couldn’t keep it from your best friend. You had kept exactly three secrets from her before this one and all led to a near-death experience (on your part). So you had learned the hard way to trust her with even your darkest secrets.
“No, it’s, well… me and Faith. We’re together. I think I might love her, actually” You said softly. She had never seen you like this, you had relationships in the past. Good ones, even. But never one like this. Where you had fallen so deeply and so willingly for someone. For your Faith.
“You’ve got to be kidding, the Emo slayer? She-who-must-not-be-tamed?”
“Please, just, hear me out before you start the name calling. What are you, seven?”
“One word: why?”
After a long conversation, that went off on several tangents and consisted of one shared cry and a long hug, you and Buffy were on good terms. You didn’t like keeping things from her and she admitted her own secrets she had been withholding too. Things went back to normal between you and Buffy and were even better between you and Faith. It told your lover that she mattered to you, that you wanted everyone to know that you were with her.
“I told her”
“Yeah? You actually want people to know about us then, huh?” she said this as if she assumed you might be embarrassed to love someone like her. But that could never be true.
“Faith, I love you. I would announce it to the world if I could” you insisted, taking her hand in yours and pressing a delicate kiss to the back of her hand. You swore you saw her blush as she pulled you into her, her lips meeting yours in a way that it never had. It was her way of telling you that she loved you back. She wasn’t quite able to say the words yet, but you knew instantly from the sensitive graze of her lips against yours that she had never felt anything more.
However, it took a good, long while to get Buffy and Faith back in the same room without them both exchanging some kind of snide comment. They were both intensely jealous people, though neither would admit it. But they both cared for you even more so and eventually, came around to trying to get on. For you.
Luckily, you were a person with a plan. In fact, you had made a list. Ten pages long (front and back) of ways you were going to convince them that they should both get along. Some of the most ridiculous ideas included hiring a paid vampire to try and attack them whilst also helping them bond as well as telling them that there was an ancient prophecy that the slayers had to like each other or the world could end.
You chose game night as your first activity. Which, in hindsight was probably not your best idea on the list as it brought with it a big element of competition. Something you could have done without. You had chosen Monopoly at first but there had been a creative interpretation of the rules by both of the slayers and so you had to call the end and pretend it was a draw to save each of them from ripping the other’s head off.
When you settled on poker, after Faith took out some matches to use after Buffy said she didn’t want to use real money. You had been on a losing streak for most of the night and you had been teased twice that it was a good job you weren’t playing strip poker. Something Faith quickly added she wouldn’t want to do with Buffy even if she paid her.
But suddenly, you started to win. Just a few games at first but you got better as the night went on. As did the mood between Buffy and Faith. They were civil, at least, and that was all you could really ask for.
Eventually, you realised that they were letting you win. Not only that, but they had silently agreed on this while you weren’t paying attention. They didn’t like that little droopy look you did when you realised you lost. They did a good job of letting you lose just enough times that you really could have been winning by your own skill. But you had seen glances of their cards every now and again and saw they weren’t playing their best hands.
You never called them out though, you didn’t let on that you knew because they had found a way to work together. To get on even if they weren’t as close with each other as you were with them both. Perhaps they never would be, but what made you glow was that they were at least making an effort. For you.
You ended up having regular game nights to unwind whenever there was no heavy slayer patrol needed, you leaned against Faith, lacing your hands with hers. She accused you of looking at her cards but never moved from the comfort of your touch. Buffy pretended to gag at the proximity you shared but you could see the way the corners of her mouth twitched into a slight smile. She had never seen you so happy and it was truly all she wanted for you. To be your happiest.
It actually went well for a while, you could be yourself around these women and you loved them both dearly, in different ways. You spent most of your time with your best friend and your girlfriend and found yourself having fun.
That was, of course, until Buffy found out about Faith and the Mayor…
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
We get almost nothing about her in cannon but- Mary Joestar, Jonathan's mom... Thinking about her. All we really know of her in cannon is that she died in the carriage crash that introduced Dario to the Joestars, died precisely because she was shielding baby Jonathan with her body.
I wonder how that weighed on Jonathan, the weight of that sacrifice for him, his mother dying to protect him when he was too young to even remember it. We know he's entranced by the stone mask partially because it was hers. Maybe his own self-sacrificial tendencies come partially from a desire to live up to that legacy. Maybe his fascination with the morbid and archeology was inherited from her, him looking into his mother's interests to feel closer to her and discovering that it really resonates with him too.
And if she lived- maybe things would be different. Maybe Jonathan would have younger siblings. Maybe Dio would've done better, maybe she would've been able to reach him.
...I think Jonathan would wonder about that.
(For AUs: In Jonaplat, Holly reminds him of the version of his mother he always imagined, how much she cares for Jotaro, and he tries to push Jotaro towards her a bit. He never got to have a mother's love like that, so he wants Jotaro to be able to appreciate it. Especially in EarlyBird/Jonaplat, where Holly fighting to save Jotaro draws an even stronger parallel to his own mother's sacrifice. In Starswap, he gets really emotional when he's able to see Jolyne's mom at some point- he knows this isn't his, but it just... hit him harder than expected, and he can't help but bask in it for a moment. For any 'all the joestars interact' he feels so lost being the family patriarch and desperately wants someone to turn to, especially if George is dead at that point too, but he has to be strong for everyone. In Behind Closed Doors, he sometimes wonders if George would be happier if she'd lived instead of him. In any of the Jonathan-lives-as-vamp post-part-3 there's times, during the hundred years in the coffin, when he's trapped in the mansion as Dio menaces his descendants, where he wonders if she would've been able to get through to Dio where he hadn't, if none of this would've happened if she'd lived instead of him.)
(She'd be proud of him though, in every timeline. Maybe she could've done better, maybe things would've been better if he'd died and she'd lived, but she would have saved him a hundred times over either way.)
(She'd be so sorry, that her interest in the mask caused so much pain for her descendants. But there was no way she could have known. Nothing she could have done. She would have, if only she could.)
(And just like her, Jonathan would've done anything for his descendants, if he lived long enough to see them.)
(But fate never gave them a chance.)
Part of the beauty of Mary Joestar is in how little we know about her. She could fit in practically any story you make for her and nobody would be able to argue other wise, but at the same time there are little whispers of her if you look close enough. It’s obvious she loved Jonathan, and it’s a bit of a shame that canon never touched on Jonathan’s feelings towards her.
Sometimes I think about the end of Phantom Blood. How Jonathan would’ve awoken confused in the after life, having died so incredibly young with really only two people waiting for him, being his father and Zeppeli……. But there would also be a third person. His mother. At long last they’d finally be able to get to know each other, and despite the sadness of why, they find it to be happy
In JonaPlat, I’d image Jonathan doing small things in the beginning when they’re still in Japan. A gentle nudge in Holly’s direction, a disapproving stare when Jotaro tries to push her away, little bits and pieces in order to try and get closer. Was it a tad selfish? Perhaps, but there were far worse things to be selfish about than a mother’s love. And in the Early Bird version, Jonathan would be hanging onto those memories Jotaro has in a death grip. In the bleak situation they were in that was the only light at the end of the tunnel
Starswap would also have him dealing with some good ol ✨imposter syndrome✨ which…… he wouldn’t really be able to get rid of because he technically is an imposter here. This isn’t his body and that isn’t his actual mother, and the love and worry she’s expressing is directed toward Jolyne, not him. The affection feels so good and comforting and makes him happy in a way he didn’t know was possible …. but at the same time it’s undercut with the cruel reality of his situation
Behind Closed Doors is going to fucking HURT, and not just him. Dio is going to be stuck with even more terrifying parallels between himself and Jonathan because I bet he’d also wished a couple times that he’d gotten sick instead of his mom. And maybe, just maybe, on the bad nights when Jonathan was alone with his thoughts, he’d wonder if his mother would have protected him from his father’s anger and disapproval
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thedarkcoven · 11 months
-If you wished to be tagged in any of these please let me know! <3
1) Loki Request- Spicy(Almost complete)
-Loki gets jealous that reader spends too much time with Thor but reader is just talking to Thor to get tips on how to confess to Loki
2) Vamp Kylo Headcannons-Some Spice (havent started)
-How I think Kylo would be as a vamp/Vamp kylo vibes
3)Adam Driver as vamp request- Fluff/Blood mentions and descriptions of blood (havent started) -Will start after Kylo Soul Mate req.
-Reader agrees to help Adam but doesnt read the fine print about him being a vampire so freaks out and he tries to make it easier for reader and make them feel more comfy
4) Clan Techie aka Bill Huxley x Reader (Dredd) [Will have alt ending with angst] (Havent started)
-Reader is Bill’s go to person after getting treated like Ma Ma’s punching bag. Alt Ending: When you step up for Bill Ma Ma puts two and two together and decides to punish Bill a different way -Will start after Kylo and Adam Driver vamp requests
5)Vamp Kylo Fic (on hold for but not for long <3)
-AU where Kylo is a Vampire; modern settings. You become his prey
6) Kylo Ren Soul Mate AU
-y/n has a birthmark that they have been hiding from Kylo because they think he is going to get mad if he sees {forgot to add <3} -Going to be starting tonight
7) Sam Fortner Idea
- Sam kidnaps female therapist and confesses about being a murderer. One night while watching horror movies with her she talks about how to properly kill, dismember a body, etc and Sam looks over at her like “What?”
8) Bond of the Force
-Rayvin x Kylo Ren/ Rayvin x General Hux
9: General Hux Idea
-Y/N proves to Hux that not everyone hates him and wants to show him how much he means to them. Will have angst
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tripleyeeet · 5 months
I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED SHOW AND TAV! you best believe i have yet another tav to talk about. i am infected with OC disease i cant stop making them.
(keeping it brief this round because its like 4am.)
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here is my half-elf durge sunny (short for sunshine)! nobody bothered giving him a proper name as a child, instead he was mostly referred to as simply The Dark Urge, or Bhaals Chosen. he couldnt remember being called anything when he woke up from the nautiloid though, so introducing himself was kind of awkward. the lack of name troubled dear shadowheart so she insisted on calling him something. sunshine started off as a sarcastic nickname (i mean look at the guy he is 6'5, jacked as hell and has the worlds worst resting bitch face) but it caught on. even sunny himself starts to introduce himself as 'sunny'. i always think its hilarious to imagine someone asking him what sunny is short for and this big hunk of beef having to answer 'sunshine.' with a straight face.
his romance is a little complicated.. he definitely has feelings for shadowheart throughout the events of the game. but after dealing with the urges and the tadpole and gortash and orin and bhaal.... this guy is just a (barely) living wreck. whatever relationship they had beforehand is practically decimated halfway through act 3 because sunny just cuts himself off completely from shadowheart. he starts sleeping around (literally anything with a pulse. i think they should neuter this guy) and just generally avoiding any sort of committment or relationship of any kind. not necessarily out of malice but out of fear? protection? he just thinks shadowheart is better without having to worry about him all the time. he is fully aware of how poorly he is put together and he doesn't want shadowheart to keep picking up the pieces. this dude also has 0 communication skills (what being raised in a murder temple does to a mf) and is scared of his own feelings. anything not related to murder and blood is new to him and he does NOT want to deal with it. i also think meeting gortash has a real effect here...coming face to face with an ex-lover and realising just how fucked up your relationship was is sure to make you rethink a few things.
the game ends and sunny is left in limbo. like here is a guy who was sculpted from bhaals own flesh to be the last man left alive and is now just let loose into the world with no idea who he is. he isn't like the rest, he was never a person before all this. he wasn't made to be a person. does he even have the right to be a person after everything he has done in bhaals name? he goes to helpsastarion in the underdark. both because he and astarion are very close friensd but also because he believes that helping the 7,000 spawn acts as some sort off repentance. the idea of sunny and astarion being in charge by themselves is actually kind of terrifying but i think they'd manage okay... they'd be good for each other i think. i'd like to think that after some well deserved healing and reflection that they might end up together... there was definitely an initial chemistry but they were both a little too bonkers to do anything about it. only after they have taken the time to figure themselves out though... i just want them to be happy. i also like to think that shadowheart and nocturne are a happy couple after the game because I'll be damned if she doesn't get her happy ending too.
(i lied about keeping it brief.)
okay, he may be big and spooky because of the dark urge stuff but deep down in my heart that guy is the definition of a sunshine. look at that cute face!
also absolutely love his character arc and the hardships he goes through. they definitely feel really true to how i feel a redeemed durge would end up reacting. especially in regards to relationships.
shame about him and shadowheart! but glad he potentially finds a partner in astarion because that poor vamp needs some loving too 😤💚
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fallingforel · 1 year
Could I please get prompt 107 for my ask? I was the one who asked for the angst to fluff with brad. Thanks!!
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A/N as always hope you like it and if anybody wants to request something the prompt list and the people I write for is here.
words: 1,822
PROMPT 107:“Regardless of what they think, I know you’re an amazing person.”
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published: monday 9th october, 2017
On Friday, Y/n L/n and Boyfriend lead singer of The vamps, Brad Simpson were seen having a tough conversation in Brad's car, although unsure what about, it could be the fact that the two have split following the fact that on sunday night Y/n L/n appeared to go private on Instagram after removing all loved up pictures with Brad simpson.
It is unclear what sparks this break up as they seemed to be doing perfectly fine last week.
A source close to the couple said "Y/n and Brad have been through a lot more than the public think they have, only time will tell if they are to continue"
further commenting, the source continued to say, "Brad's focusing on making more music with his band and Y/n is focusing on her own line of work"
Another source also commented: "Brad and Y/n went through the ringer in the public eye, we all knew it was coming it was just a matter of when. Y/n and Brad liked to keep everything private so it was no surprise when everything came tumbling down."
The sun have reached out for comments from Brad and Y/n neither have replied.
Brad and Y/n got together shortly after the Brit awards of 2013 or though it is unclear whether they met here or not with Y/n being a manager for other musicians.
The couple have been together for 4 years, could this be the early seven year itch for the two?
The real reason Brad and I broke up was because of his fans, I was constantly receiving death threats, being rumoured to have cheated on him and I was constantly being called every bad name under the sun at the show. It was putting too much of a strain on our relationship that I had to end it for the sake of my mental health, we had officially split 3 months before the sun article came out they had photographed that way before putting it out, but we asked to hold off so that it wouldn't deflect the attention from day and night release. It would have created tons of bad press for both him and I.
The ringing of my phone interrupts me from my thoughts of Brad and I look down at who's ringing me it's annie,
"Hey babe, whats up?" I ask cause Annie never rings me unless its something she needs immediately from me, knowing that I was the worst at replying to peoples messages so If she needed something from me urgently she would ring me.
"just wondering if you were coming to the earlish halloween party, I am aware it's a monday so you've got work to go to tommorow, I understand that and wont be completely upset that you chose to not be there" "of course I will Annie, I need a bit of cheering up specially since the article came out today" "oh shit yeah, the article. You know what maybe it's best that you don't come to the party." "why? whats going on?" "Errr nothing oh gosh would you look at the time I've got to go." "ANNIE!" I say raising my voice a bit. "all I'm gonna say is just be prepared tonight, just be prepared okay? And come as the hottest version of yourself okay?" "okay, I still want to know what you've done" "and you'll find out when you arrive, be at mine for half 7" sighing I hang up the phone and start to get ready.
"okay can we just go over that second chorus again please Brad." I sigh just wanting to be out of here, while Tristan was recording his drums I read the article, I just miss her so much and today was all about that because we are recording missing you, A song I wrote 2 weeks after the break up, when it was still fresh, not that It still wasn't. I miss her so much and it's times like these I still wish I was with her, when I felt overworked and just wanted her there. And maybe I should've just checked on her everyday made sure she was doing alright.
Maybe I should have loved harder Checked if you were alright I know I could have seen things in a better light Now I realise
I've looked for love but there's a space inside my mind Where I keep on missing you I keep on missing you If you've seen enough Know that I'll be right here Not with somebody new I keep on missing you
"perfect, thank you Brad you can go home now" the producer says to me and I'm hugging everyone goodbye. And I'm about to leave when Tristan says "Theres a party at Annies tonight, wanna go?" "err I'm not too sure, wouldn't that be overstepping the line a bit? I mean with Y/n and that?" "No. She said you two can be friends still, so still want to go?" "yeah I suppose" "Perfect, be there for half 7" which Is the last thing I said before heading out the door and back to my house (the Air BnB I've been staying in the past three months because I haven't managed to find a place yet) to get ready for tonight.
I arrived at Annies at half 7, the place was already pretty full. And I catch eyes and wave at her which gets her to walk over and give me a hug. "Y/n so glad you're here" "Thanks Annie don't think I've forgotten what you have told me. What was that all about anyway?" "your reason should be here soon, why don't you go and get a drink and mingle for a bit?" "why can't you ever straight up tell me something?" "you know how I grew up, my parents never told me anything straight up, had to find out how not to get UTI's and avoid pregnancy the hard way didn't I? surely you haven't forgotten?"
I hadn't forgotten, I remember that year, that was the great year of sex in 13 , we had both lost our virginities on nights out, I had lost mine with Brad after the brit awards after being invited by my university placement job and she had lost her with a guy I never met because he was a one night stand and she had a pregnancy scare, but nothing came of it other than me teaching her about protection.
"no I haven't forgotten." "right now go mingle and get a drink, you need to perk up missy. Oh and try to get a guy yeah? I don't need you sulking over Brad anymore" I sigh and then say "I'll try my best, but I'm not promising anything" "good, now go on" she says as she moves me in the direction then pats my bum while I'm walking away.
As I'm walking into the kitchen I spot the Aperol and prosecco and make a beeline for it because I needed something to get me drunk fast, and if anything an aperol spritz was it. As I'm making my Aperol spritz I see the front door go and Brad walks in, shit, that's why Annie didn't want me to come, he looks so good as well, I bet he's got a girlfriend. I have got to talk to him.
I make my way to where he's sitting in the lounge in a meaningless conversation with Tristan and Connor. "Y/N!!" Tristan and Connor both spoke at the same time and I sit between the two of them within the space that they created for me. "How have you been, How's work? Going good? How's your bands?"
"I've been good, just trying to focus on work right now, work is good, I'm currently trying to set up studio time for 5sos though and everywhere is backed up for months, and I'm also trying to book a tour for another band for summer 2018, turns out all those venues are booked out for summer, so if you have any tips please let me know, seems like 2018 is going to be the year for music, great for the artists and listeners, me? not so much" I say ending with a chuckle, which is reciprocated by Tristan and Connor.
"Well, You know, we try to get in quite early to the studio, just ask 5sos if they can come in earlier because those tend to be the most available slots, and if not I can always put you on an in with our studio manager, he'll sort it out for you" Tristan says. "Thank you Tris. You always are such a great help." I say putting my hands around Tristan's neck and pulling him in for a hug.
I haven't once made eye contact with Brad while I've been sat with them. I know he's still here because I can feel his eyes on me and I can also hear him say to me "Y/n can we go somewhere quiet please, just for a chat please" which I reply with "yeah, lets go up to Annie's rooftop, come on I'll lead the way"
We end up on the rooftop and I underestimated how cold the october air was, which causes me to shiver and wrap my hands around myself in an attempt to warm me back up and Brad offers his jacket to me which I kindly accept.
"So, How've you been? Truthfully this time Y/n, I know when you're lying" he speaks up after a few moments after silence. "Quite shit without you if I'm honest, where have you been staying?" "I stayed at Tristan's for a few nights and then got an Air BnB which I've been living in for a couple months now, just haven't managed to find a place yet." "I see, I see. How have you been, full truth no lying Brad"
"Shit, I miss you, I wrote a song about you. Recorded it today, want to hear it?" "I'm not so sure Brad." "fine but can I at least show you the lyrics, I've got them in my notes." "yes go on then"
And I read through them, and they are some of the most heart wrenching lyrics I think Brads ever written, when I pass him back his phone he speaks again
"Y/n I want you back, I don't want to live like this anymore, regardless of what my fans think I know you're an amazing person you can keep your Instagram private, Please just come back to me I've missed you"
"I've missed you too Brad, so so much." Is all I say before I'm pulling him in to kiss me and just like that we're back together realising that we're better off with each other than apart.
The end. hope you liked it :)
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