#I threw like two pillows across the room so I decided it was better to take it out on my abs instead
mellowwillowy · 10 months
Hey uhm
What would you feel about puppy reader-
Yan mafia x puppy reader that's very affectionate to him,
Can be Nsfw or fluff or something else, your choice
Your able to decline this if ur uncomfortable or not doing any request
Since I'm pretty sensitive about LIfE project's reader, I will use CatboX's cast instead (peace). CW: Riding shoes, NSFW, GN, crack post bye.
"Now who's a good pup?" He was practically stroking you as though you were a dog, but that was the truth! Your tails wiggled left and right excitedly as you made a woof sound at him.
Caelus chuckled as he patted your head, "Shall we play a fetch game?" You knew better than to fetch it with two legs. No. He expected you to run with 4 limbs on the floor! You may have the dog's features in you but you were still quite the human. It was almost like a pet play and that was the truth.
The vibrator stuck inside of you started to pick its pace as he threw a chew toy across the room. You tried your best to pick it up, fast. But your knees were aching for a pillow and your hands were sore. But you knew better than to stop yourself mid-way.
You ran back toward him with the chew toy in your mouth, the vibration was still there as he took it out of your mouth, "Good." You felt a pang of pride as he praised you.
"You were faster in retrieving it than before, surely a good pup like you deserve something in return?" He nudged your knee with his shoe, a well-polished shoe. Cocking his head to the side, you knew what he was trying to say.
You sat on top of his shoe and started to grind yourself against it. It didn't do much but it helped you, building more arousal from the idea of cumming all over his shoe. The vibrator picked up its pace, urging you to do more and you did.
You were about to mutter something in words until Caelus squeaked the toy that was in his hand, "I never knew dogs could speak?"
You couldn't do anything. You tried your best to contain your moans but a string of it slipped. "W-woof!" Content, Caelus sat back and lit up his cigarette while he started to read the files that he had to review. He knew he wouldn't be getting any job done from how noisy you were. But one should try too right?
If anything, Caelus was not a fan of letting anyone see your naked body so you were grateful his men were not around. Things didn't feel so arousing anymore and Caelus decided to push your buttons.
His shoe nudged up toward your sex, helping you to get off while the vibration's pace started to edge you. Up, down, high, low, fast, slow.
Even better, the mark he had left on your body started to feel tingly. It's building a coil in your stomach and you need to break the coil! What kind of development is this? Why is it suddenly pleasurable for you?
"Heuk-! Akh! Cae-!" "Mmmh.. go on, say my name."
Love formed in your eyes as you hugged his thigh with both of your arms, you chanted his name repeatedly as though it was some sort of prayer. No more barking, only expressing what you want to.
Only expressing what you want to!
"Why not let me clean your shoes instead...?" He was very insistent about not letting anyone clean it. To hell with them getting to touch the trace of you! He was also considerate enough to not make you lick it clean (he was not in his sadist mood so you were saved, ahaha.)
"You came a lot." "Did I?"
You did.
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slaymybreathaway · 1 year
Jersey (Charlie Conway x reader)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 833
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I woke up to Charlie's arms wrapped around my waist, our legs were entangled and my head resting against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat.
We won last night's game and my legs are aching, Coach Orion kept me on the ice the whole game. We won 6 - 2 and the whole team was going out for Pizza to celebrate. I looked at Charlie's alarm clock and it showed 10:30.
I carefully tried to untangle myself without waking up my sleeping boyfriend. I slid out from under his grip and stood up. He started to stir and I was scared that I woke him up. He turned over and settled down.
I looked through the overnight bag that I had packed to stay In Charlie's.
Denim shorts and a red tank top with a black and white flannel to go over it.
Then I thought of a better idea, I walked over to Charlie's wardobe and opened the door. His green Duck's jersey was hanging up on a hanger. I took it down, grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom to get changed.
Charlie's P.O.V
I woke up at 11 and immediately noticed that y/n wasn't there. Instead, there was a note on my bedside table.
My Dearest, Charlie
I'm going to Connie's before we go for food, love you
Is it weird that just seeing her handwriting made me blush? Ok it's probably a little weird.
I got up and brushed my teeth. I decided that I would wear my green Duck's jersey because we won.
I ruffled my hair in the mirror and opened my wardrobe. My white jersey was there but not my green one. It can't be in the wash beacause I haven't worn it in like a week. I can't ask my Mom either because she has already left for work.
"Odd, where is it?" I thought but didn't think much about it and put my white jersey on with a pair of jeans.
Your POV
I knocked on the door of Connie's house and her Mom answered the door.
"Oh hello y/n. How are you sweetie?" she asked and let me in.
"I'm doing great, my legs are a bit sore after last night's game but that's alright. Where is Connie?" I said.
"Oh she's up in her room dear," She said and went into the kitchen.
I ran up the stairs and could hear 'About a Girl' by Nirvana being blared from Connie's room.
I knocked on the door snd she told me to come in.
When I walked in she looked at me confused and said "Why is your j- WAIT... Turn around."
I turned around and Connie started laughing. "Look at you! Soon to be Mrs. Conway," she joked.
"haha I wish. I just stole his jersey," I giggled and sat down.
"You guys are so cute I cannot deal. So how was your sleepover? Did you..." she raised an eyebrow.
I threw a pillow at her "NO! Connie, god. We just watched a movie,"
Connie laughed "Ok, ok... Sure you did,"
I stayed in Connie's for an hour or two before heading to Tommy's Pizzaria.
Charlie's POV
I was walking to Tommy's with Goldberg around 2 and talking about y/n.
"Dude, you never shut up about her. I understand why though, she is hot. Let's say if you... Mysteriously break up for some unknown reason. Can I have her?" Goldberg asked, which made me laugh.
"Haahha I hope you're not planning to kill me now Goldie... And It's bold of you to assume that she would want you," I winked.
"Well yanno I am irresistible," Goldberg flexed his non-existent muscles.
We walked in and the bell rang above us. I looked around for the team and saw them with 2 big tables pulled beside each other. Everyone was there except Goldberg and I.
I saw y/n sitting down, deep in conversation with Fulton. She was wearing her green jersey but It seemed a little big on her. I looked again and realised that she was acctually wearing my jersey.
It looked great on her though. Of course it was a bit big but... right yanno. It might have been that the name Conway was plastered across her back. It showed everyone that she was with me and it made me think about how good Y/n Conway sounded.
I could feel my face getting hot. Goldberg noticed what y/n was wearing beacause he nudged me.
"Nevermind, doesn't look like she'll be leaving you anytime soon," he winked and went to sit beside Julie.
Y/n looked up and her eyes lit up when she saw me,she beckoned me over to sit on the seat next to her.
I sat down and kissed her on the cheek, and whispered in her ear" So that's where my jersey went."
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tparker48 · 2 years
Request for Tinymann
"Its so good to see you out and about again son. Looks like the shrinkage that's been going on hasn't slowed you down a bit"
"I'm not gonna let my size stop me from enjoying myself dad. I got lots more to do than stand around here like a prop." Timothy responded. Holding onto his father's fingers as he walked through the house.
"Hehe, I suppose that's true." His father agreed. making his way into the living room as he stopped near the couch. Lowering Timothy down onto its arm as he hopped off his hand. "Is here good?"
"Yeah, this is a good spot to catch up on some shows. Thank you father."
"Your welcome son, I'll be back in a little bit." His father said. Making his way toward the kitchen door as pocked up a few plates. "once I'm finished with the dishes lying around, we could probably watch something together."
"That would be great dad." Timothy said happily, his dad giving a soft nod before he disappeared behind the door frame. Leaving him alone to himself as he walked about the arm. Looking around for the remote, he gazed around the couch, but only found pillows lying around the furniture.
"Now let's see, where was that remote? Last time I saw it Tyson had it last.." He mumbled to himself, Peering over the couch before looking up at the shelves. But found no trace. "Come on I know it's around here somewhere." He said, walking down the couch towards the other pillows. Lifting them up with his arms as he looked underneath, spotting its black surface out from between the bottom half of the couch. "Aha, there you are.." Letting go of the cushion, he let it lay on top of his back as he made his way towards the center of the couch to retrieve the remote. Grabbing onto the side of it as the buttons pressed into his hands. Making sure he got a hold, he pulled at it to release it from its position. But it refused to budge.
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As Timothy worked on getting the remote from the couch, the front door swung open as his brother walked in. Closing the door behind him as he made his way through the hall. "Man the gym was pumped today. That workout really got my muscles pulsing." He said to himself, stretching out his shirt to release the built up heat from the day. Unsatisfied with how it stuck to his body as he decided to take it off. "Ah much better.." He sighed, making his way through the rest of the hallway.
tossing the used shirt into the laundry room, not bothering to see where it landed before he made his way to the main area. Stopping in the living room as he observed the TV. Its screen still off as the room looked untouched. "Hmm, dad must be doing something.."
"Almost..got it!" He heard his little brother's voice.. Turning towards the couch as one of the cushions shuffled in place.
As Tyson saw the cushion move, a grin spread across his face. "And there's an opportunity." He announced quietly. Dropping his bag, he made his way towards the couch, walking slowy to not disturb Timothy, but enough to quickly get him in front faster. Standing in front of the couch, he looked at the cushion, observing its the slight tilts and pushed it made as he placed his hands on his hips. The thought of what he was about to do making him smile more. "I wonder what's on TV..." He grinned, turning his backside towards the couch.
"Almost ..there" Timothy heaved at the remote. The remote finally giving way as the two thrusted back onto the couch. The device landing in his hands as he held it in his. "Haha! Got it!" He announce triumphantly. Preparing to switch it on, but paused when a shadow hovered ahead, a large rear with sweat pants looming out toward him as the legs bent quickly. "Oh No.." His heart sank. Fumbling to his feet as he waddled with the remote in his hands. But wasn't he wasn't going fast enough, the shadow around growing wider as he threw the remote out desperation. Jumping after it, as the loose fabric peered into his view.
**Thud!** The cushion caved in. Tyson grinning to himself as his body settled on the couch. Catching Timothy in between, stuck halfway as his upper half stuck underneath side of his ass cheek. "Ahh it feels so good to relax on the couch. More comfier than I remember." Tyson taunted, leaning his back into the couch to let his weight sink in.
"Grrr...rr" Timothy struggle underneath, unable to see or move with the confines of the fabric above him. The heavy muscle within flattening the surface of his ass, bulging into his back as the space between became more tighter.
Feeling Timothy struggle underneath, Tyson held his ass in place. Rocking slowly to egg him on, chuckling at the effort to move his little arms. As they flailed from against the side of his leg. The remote just further away from it as Tyson reached for it. "Oh there's the remote."
"That's mine!" Timothy finally muffled, patting against Timothy's cheek.
"And who could that be?" Tyson asked. He lifted off of the couch as he moved his cheek just slightly. Letting more of Timothy appear out from underneath, but stopping he sat across his legs. "Timothy, what are you doing on the couch?"
"Watching TV ya jerk!" He yelled.
"Watching TV? But the TV was barely on. And here I am with the remote in my hand."
"That's because you took it from me, I was about to watch it first." He struggled to get out from underneath his brother. Prying at the fabric as he pushed against surface. His grasp slipping off of them as the flap laid back ontop of him. Tyson beginning to move as the mounds sat heavily onto him. Feeling his back pop a bit as the weight took over. "Grr..give it back!"
"Now now Timothy, don't go and strain yourself. It's been so long since you and I had our quality time together." Tyson relaxed more into the couch before he spread his legs out. Lifting up just a bit to let Timothy move. Pulling at his foot as he pulled outward. Hosting him from the side of his cheek to the center before he drew him out from underneath his crotch. Crashing back down on his body as he laid back first out from underneath his crotch.
"Let me up!" Timothy yelled again, pushing against the crotch above him. Pressing deeply into the fabric as he pushed up, a slight outline of the cock within brushing against his hand, making him push at it as fanned his hands in disgust. The heavy bulge slouching back over his them. The outline of the head pushing into his chin, it twitched heavily. "Grr-rr!" Timothy struggled, Tyson's smug face Peering overhead as he glared back.
"You know Timothy, seeing as how you reacted to rouching my cock, I couldn't help but think you like it under there." Tyson commented. Rocking the tip of the outline into him as a portion of it covered over his nose.
The scent was strong as it flew into nose. The smell of musk filling his nose as they slowly started to burn. Swiping it to the side to let it lay across his cheek. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Im not liking a single moment of thi-" He was was interrupted as the bulge leaned closer, the scent of sweat peering into his nose once more as he wiggled his head around to remove it.
"Sure you do, why else would you be struggling so much like this?" Tyson pointed out, following his brother's struggles as tilted the bulge. Gliding the outline of his cock in sync with his head, but focused below, as he felt something poke underneath him. Looking down at Timothy, he noticed his face turn red. His smile drawing more as he looked down. "Well well, looks like someone's getting hard."
"W-what no!"
"Hah! I knew it, you love it under there."
"No I do not!" Timothy yelped, his cheeks glowing brighter as he tried fishing his way out. His body beginning to mush into the sweatpants as the his brother's cheeks started to form around his legs. Stricting his movements as he upper half was only thing he could manage.
"Aww you don't have to hide it from me squirt, I rather like the attention. Both here.." He paused, placing a finger along Timothy's shoulder, pushing down on it as he slipped down.
"Tyson wai-!" Timothy's words were cut off before he was plunged back underneath his brother. The finger drawing him deeper into the fabric as the folds clumped together. Loosening before the mounds underneath grew larger. sandwiching his limbs heavily together before the finger pushing his body in between. The cheeks sending out a tight clench as He was dragged upward.
"And down there." Tyson finished, drawing back his finger, he glossed it over his sweatpants to wipe of the damp sweat that trickled onto it. Leaning himself back to feel more of his brother between his cheeks. His body wiggle around the mounds as they slowly overpowered him. Enveloping him in a pit of fabric and muscle. Turning on the TV, he sat back into the couch as he put on a movie on demand. slowly groping at his bulge as watched the screen.
"Tyson!" Timothy manage to muffle through the gap he was pushed through. But only received a clench in response.
"You really are talkative little brother, but a movie is about to start." He rose a cheek off the cushion and rose a leg to the air. Holding down his brother down with finger as his arms stuck out from crack. Pushing them back as he held his thumb overhead. his cheeks quivering before a trumpet sound sqeezed out from within. A foul smell spraying onto the couch.
"Gah it..gah that stinks!" Timothy yelled out, wiggling around the cushion to escape its presence, but couldn't before the finger on top of him curled under his torso. Plucking him upwards as he was push itno the source of the gas.
"Don't tell me, you're having second thoughts brother. I thought you loved my attention." His brother taunted. Squeezing his cheeks together as he let his ass tenderize at his body
"Tyson, I swear when dad hears about this he's gonna-" Timothy's words were cut off once more as Tyson closed his cheeks together. Bending his legs as he tightened his body.
"Brrrrt!" Another burst of air blew into Timothy. Clapping into his back as the air bubbles pushed against him. Rumbling his body before leaving his ears to ring.
"Haha, dad? What's dad gonna do? Ground me? I practically pay the bills around here. Dad's not gonna not gonna do ja-"
"I heard my name called in here.." Their dad's voice said from the kitchen. The sound of steps coming closer as a shadow appeared on the walls.
"Haha, see! When dad sees what you're doing your gonna be in huge trou-"
Tyson let his cheeks clench back together as Timothy's body was consumed by the fabric sitting back down as he grinded his rear into the cushion for good measure. "That's enough out you fart cushion" he scorned at his waist, his demeanor changing as his dad walked into the room
"Oh, Tyson. I didn't know that you were here. Where's your brother?" His dad asked.
"Dad!" Timothy's voice muffled silently, Tyson clenching his cheeks harder to soften them.
"Oh he said he was feeling kind of tired. Wanted to hang a little bit more in his room."
"Hm, I thought he said he was tired of being in his room. But I guess he changed his mind."
"Perhaps. But I guess it can't be helped. Now all I got is me and this movie being played." Tyson pointed out, flicking the remote to the TV before he crossed his legs. But stopped as his dad approached.
"A movie you say? I'll watch with you!" His dad said, sitting down along the couch with Tyson.
"O-oh no dad you don't have to. Its a..really, really short movie. You probably wouldn't like it."
"Nonsense, I'm sure your taste in movies will be fine. Can't hurt to try afterall."
Tyson's eye twitched at the response his father gave him, but forced himself to breath as he clenched his ass together. Hopping over to the otherside of the couch, he carried Timothy with him. His rear slamming down before he could even wave to their dad. "If you insisted.."Tyson groaned, flicking the TV on as he relaxed.
As Tyson and their dad watched the video, Motion started to stir underneath as Timothy wiggled around for a way out from of his brother. Worming around that smooth structure kept him in place. Barely sliding forward as the fabric erased his efforts. "Dang it Tyson, you always do this to me!" He cursed to himself, tilting his chin up as he gazed at the opening ahead of him. catching a glimpse of the corner of the TV as the sweatpants blocked the rest of his view. Using his chin, Timothy tried inching his way again toward the opening.
Keeping his body straight to loosen the hold his brother had over him. Slowly gaining ground as the folds glided past him. Letting him move his legs just a bit as he kicked forward. But it was only for a moment, the left side of Tyson's ass crashed back into him before they were both lifted off the couch. A hand extending out toward the other as it pinched softly. Pushing it down as it smothered into Timothy.
"Grr.." He strained heavily from between them. The cheeks beginning to chew around his body as his ass clench together. Sweat beginning to secrete into the fabric as the already frowsty air turned into salty swamp. Making it hard for Timothy to breath through his nose. Wanting to claw out from under them, but his finger only scratched at the walls. Unable to gain friction before the cheeks squeezed together.
"Da-mph!" Timothy tempted to yell out, the cheeks hugging against each other as they sat back down. Another gas fuming out from behind him as it released into the cushion. Heating its surface with its stench as it morphed around Timothy. Sealing around prison of gas as it fumed into the couch, and into the fabric keeping him contained. Making his eyes water as he struggle to comfort them, but unable to as the muscle inside constricted his hands back to his sides.
"Dad..tell him to get off" Timothy muttered, his voice rough from his coughs.
The movie finally ended as Tyson and his dad continued to sit on the couch. His old man turning over on his side as he snored lightly in his state. Turning off the TV, Tyson gave his dad a nudge. Making him Jolt as he woke up from his slumber. "Alright, the movie's over dad." Tyson said. Tossing the remote over to him.
"Hmm?..it's over already" his dad muttered, still groggy as he rubbed ovee his eyes. But soon got up as the remote slid off his lap. Landing back onto the the couch as he stood up fully.
"I told you the movie was short. You completely slept through it."
"Ah man, Im sorry. We'll have to catch up on it sometime."
"Yeah yeah.." Tyson looked off to the wall.
"I'd best check in on your brother. He's been pretty quiet up there." His dad started to move, making his way towards the steps. Wiping the drool off his mouth.
Tyson snapped back toward him, as he made his way to the staircase. "No!" He yelled towards him.
"Hmm? No what?" His dad asked, his hand barely wrapping along the handles on the wall.
"I-i mean no.." Tyson calmed himself. Clearing his throat before he spoke. "You don't have to do that dad. I'll go check on him for you."
"You will? Hmm..well he has been wanting someone other than me checking on him. Could be a chance to get some fresh experience."
"I wouldn't call it fresh.."
"Wouldn't call what fresh?"
"Nothing, nothing! I'll go check on him" Tyson smiled, getting off the couch as he hurried up the steps. Dashing past his dad, he held his glutes tightly together. His sweatpants starting to sag, but held them up as he climbed the rest of the steps. Disappearing into the hallway before the sound of a door closed shut.
Inside, Tyson let out a deep sigh. Waddling his way towards his brother's bed as he stood along the edge. Hands along his cheeks, he pointed himself towards the mirror. Slowly grinding them together as Timothy's form begam to resurface . "That movie was great and all, but I much rather enjoy our little fun better little bro. Did you enjoy your little sauna?" He taunted.
Timothy squeezed out from between the clenched mounds. Sticking out half way as he clinged onto one of the cheeks. "That was foul...what the heck did you even eat? Eggs?"
"Protein shake actually, though a close guess." His brother responded, fluffing his cheeks to massage them. Focusing in for a moment as he felt Timothy roll around between him. "Mmm, but despite having so much of it. I could only release a bit to not let father catch on. But now that we're upstairs.." He heaved his cheeks inwards, consuming Timothy as the contents inside began to stir. A large bubble racing inside him, feeling his rectum inflate as his hole quivered sporadically. "Hrrk!"
"Brrrrt!" His ass erupted, a burst of air blasting out into the fabric. Its force nearly dazing Timothy as it impacted into his back. The hot air being the first to meet him, before the rotten stench lingered it's way to him
"Mph-Mph Mphh!" muffles escaped from between his cheeks, but ignored them as he pushed them closer. Heaving in once more to release the dormant gas deeper inside. The little burst turning into a silent hiss, squeezed out of his ass like deflated baloon as it heated his rear beyond belief.
Releasing the last gas with a clench, Tyson stood there. Basking in his musk as it filled to of the room. "Aaah..I was holding that in all day. Finally glad to let that one loose."
A hand stuck out his cheeks as it patted at the fabric. Pushing it forward as it tempted to free itself. Tyson continuing his hold around Timothy. his cock beginning to bulge out from his sweatpants as the outline of its shaft grew bigger. But eventually let him go as he spread his cheeks apart. His brother's limp form dropping out from it. Landing on the cushion before bouncing onto the bed.
"A gift from me to you Timothy. Bask in it well." Tyson said satisfied. Standing in front of the bed as he towered proudly over him.
"You'll..pay for that..Tyson."
"Maybe later. But right now.." He tapped at his body. "I don't think you'll be moving for a bit. So why Don't you be a good little brother and let yourself get some rest. Father's gonna be expecting you bright and bushy eyed when you come out of this room." Patting softly at his back, Tyson moved back to the door. Heading out as he started to close the door. "Oh and Timothy.." he stopped "If dad comes complain' about what happened. I'm farting on you inside my undies next time. Just something to think about" he winked, closing the door behind him as he trailed off down the hall. Leaving Timothy alone as he stared furious at the door, but fell limp as sleep soon took over.
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in honor of world mental health day heres my story below the cut :)
kinda hard to talk abt this cause its somewhat triggering and ik theres gonna be ppl who think im just an emo 15 y/o, but i swear im not tryna be dramatic. im tryna make peace with my past, and also show others that despite everything, you can make it.
also, im tryna show that healing isnt all sunshine and daises. theres the good, the bad, and the ugly. you can and will survive it all
tw: sewerslide attempt, abusive parents, self harm, violence ig ?
ive died two times in my life so far.
the first time, it was my parents who killed me. december 31st, 2020, ~1.15am. i remember dragging across the hallway in my house, a throbbing sensation in my thigh, the mark already turning purple. i walked past my younger sisters' room, where my cousin was sleeping over with them, and i remember climbing into bed, hugging my pillow, crying against the pillow. that night, it was my innocence that died. my childhood happiness, per se. i remember swearing to myself in those final moments before darkness that id never forget that day. december 31st, 2020, ~1.15am.
the time between my two deaths was filled with barely anything other than self loathing. i remember trying to set goals for myself, reasons to live. i tried out new hobbies. i was never able to meet those goals, and all the hobbies bored me.
i met some of the best people ever during that time. i also met some of the worst. i might sound dramatic, cause im young and impressionable, but the people i met during that time genuinely shaped who i am. i dont wanna act like im an old soul or anything, cause im sure that in a few years imma look back and think, "shit, i was really immature." but i matured faster than others my age. i found myself faster, found things i liked, found love, found out i hated being in love.
and then i died again.
this was a recent death. june 22, 2023. my mental health had been deteriorating for months prior – i still have scars on my arms.
it was a slower death compared to the last one. i started dying at around 4.00pm. it went on for an hour before the pain became unbearable and i confessed to my parents. i didnt want to go to the hospital, i was scared of what theyd do. i threw up seven times before giving in at about 8.00pm. they took me to the hospital. i was told told me i was lucky to be alive, that my liver was still functional. i didnt feel lucky. i felt like death wouldve been less painful. my head was spinning
i died in that hospital bed, at ~9.40pm, with my eyes wide open, my mom sitting near me. my thoughts at the time were along the lines of this:
im quite literally a child in the eyes of the world. ive done nothing. i have a psychology exam tomorrow. i have a book im halfway done writing, and a new story thats been brewing in my head for months. but if i die now, ill never get to finish any of that. ill never succeed. ill never be able to spit in the faces of the girls who bullied me, of the teachers who doubted me. why would i do this to myself? why would i rob myself of that chance?
so i died. but not the same way as last time. this time, it was the poisonous me that died, the me that whispered in my ear that my life would amount to nothing, that everyone else had it better, that you either succeed or you dont.
and when i died the second time, something happened that didnt happen the first time.
i was reborn.
at the time of me writing this, its been less than four months since my rebirth. in those four months:
i decided to change the world somehow. not necessarily by finding the cure to cancer or anything, id be satisfied if it was just a cute lil video i made going viral. as long as theres someone out there who i changed
i finished about six chapters of my book
i began writing the story that had been brewing in my head
i started lifting weights to make myself feel better abt how i looked
i got closer to god. stopped missing prayer
i moved schools, leaving behind both bullies and friends
i started focusing on my studies
i tried to fix my relationships with my parents and my siblings
dont get me wrong. none of these are completed. im still an extreme case of nobody-ness. i havent finished writing either of my stories. i still skip out on working out a lot i still only do the bare minimum in terms of religion. im still struggling to catch up in school to make up for my three years of burnout. my relationship with my family is still kinda weird
and i still feel like im dying sometimes. its not like i changed overnight and all those suicidal thoughts and feelings of drowning just disappeared when the sunrays came up. theres still a lot of issues in my life.
but i have faith in myself. in my ability to change the things that can be changed. in creating happiness where theres room for it to be made.
and if finding happiness a losing battle?
well, ill fight like its the fucking boudican revolt.
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durmom · 2 months
Its Useless
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Part 4
Part 3:
Being back at the bunker was relieving. You needed a break, the boys needed showers and you wanted your nice comfy bed. Everyone went their separate ways to shower and recoup, you met for dinner and beers. Shockingly, dinner was quiet and everyone was just exhausted. It was only seven when you decide to head to bed and watch tv. After about an hour your door cracks open, you sit up and pause your show. 
“Hello?” You looked at the door, it pushes open further to reveal Dean in his pjs and holding his pillow, “Hi.” he smiles.
“What are you doing here?” You smile back.
“Uhh,” He rubs the back of his neck, “I promised you wouldn’t sleep alone.”
“Very sweet of you.” You smile admiring how shy he got all of a sudden, “Well come on!” You open the comforter up to him. You two lie there next to each other just looking at the ceiling for a while.
“Thank you again Dean.” You keep looking at the ceiling but you can feel him turn to look at you.
“Of course. I get nightmares too.” The room stays silent as you both drift to sleep. The next morning you wake up to an empty bed. Groaning you roll over and reach for your phone on the bedside table. 9:47. Groaning again you sit up. You sit on your phone for a few minutes before deciding to get up and get ready for the day. After putting on some light make up, gray yoga pants, and a navy blue sweater you threw your hair up and went to the kitchen. 
“Good morning y/n/n” Sam smiles at you and hands you his cup of coffee which you gratefully take.
“Morning.” You give a weak smile yawning, “where’s Dean?”
“He went to meet up with Cas.”
“Oh what about?”
“Cas heard rumors about Lucifer finding a vessel.” Your eyes widen. Shit. Luckily Sam was turned around, making himself another cup of coffee. 
“When will he be back?”
“Probably pretty soon.”
Okay so soon they find out Lucifer’s in Vince. I’ve held them off by saying I didn’t want to fuck with the future but this will make them hate me. Especially Dean. What the fuck do i do?
“Y/n/n? You okay?” He pulls a chair out to sit across from you. 
“Yeah. Just anxious.”
“About?” He sips his coffee. 
“Just…” you sigh, “I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Do you know something we should know?”
“I mean I know a lot you should know. That’s a loaded question.” You stare at your cup suddenly feeling awful about how you’ve handled things. 
“What do you mean?”
“Sam, I genuinely know everything that happens, including how you die. It’s- It’s just so hard trying to figure out what I should tell you or not. Like is it better to have you guys prepared? Or will that make you guys fuck with everything? I mean I know how Dean will respond and he won’t be happy with it. It’s just a lot of stress.”
“Y/n…” he reaches for your hand, “I will help you with Dean. We can talk about it later. You don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to.” Of course Sam is so helpful and understanding. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course. For now let’s just see what Cas said and go from there.”
“Okay.” The stress was setting in. I mean based on the show you had at least three months before Lucifer is in Vince. Right now he should be burning through vessels. Dean walks into the kitchen causing your head to snap up. He looks at you seriously, “we need to talk.” 
You meet him in the library, your stomach is doing flips. 
“What’s up?” Your voice wavers, there goes keeping my cool. 
“Sit.” You do so. Dean is at the end of the table and you decided to leave a seat between you. 
“When you arrived here Lucifer had just left Cas’s body.”
“He’s been hopping vessel to vessel.”
“Do you know who he’s going to possess next?”
“Yes.” Silence fills the room. Dean raises an eyebrow encouraging you to go on. You sigh, “look Dean, everything has been happening on a different timeline. I mean Sam being kidnapped by the men of letters happened two months before I arrived and same with the castifer situation. In the show they don’t show this. They don’t show the months between of just waiting.” You wait looking at him praying he gets the hint that you can’t tell him. 
“That’s not what I asked princess, things may happen slower but they still happen right?”
“So, where is Lucifer?”
“Dean… I-I can’t tell you.” 
“What do you mean you can’t tell me?” You can hear the anger rising in his voice. He’s very much trying to keep calm. You close your eyes, taking a breath. I need to stay calm. It’s okay to feel bad. You look up feeling confident in yourself. 
“I’m sorry Dean but I can’t tell you. I promised you that everything ends the way it should. That everything works out and will be okay. You need to find peace in that. I want to tell you I really do but I know how you will react and I can’t have that. What is going to happen needs to happen.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” He slams his fist on the table. Luckily you expected that of him so it didn’t scare you. Sam peeks in from the hall with a worried look but you ignore it. 
“Dean, look at how you’re reacting.”
“How I’m reacting? This isn’t some tv show y/n! This is people’s lives!”
“You don’t think I know that?” Despite him yelling at you, you maintain your cool, “look, I know this is so frustrating but imagine being in my place. To me this was a tv show but now it’s real life and I am about to be faced with so many tough choices. This however, Lucifer, is not one of them. I believe in you, Sam, and Cas. I know you boys will do what needs to be done. I just can’t, I don’t want to change the future.”
Dean's face is filled with anger. His eyes keep shifting clearly thinking about what to say. His hands are balled into fists. 
“Y/n, I don’t know what to say to you right now.”
“That’s okay. Take your time.” You look up to Sam who is standing in the corner. 
“Sam do you have anything to say?” You ask causing Dean to turn around to look at his brother. They both clear their throats which you half laugh at, “I mean I get it. It’s a big ask. The weight of knowing everything that happens… I.. I can’t even imagine.” Sam crosses over to take a seat between you and Dean. 
“Yes. It is extremely hard. Genuinely I don’t want to lie to you, I don’t want you boys to not trust me because of this.”
“Y/n I still trust you.” Sam reassures you. 
“You say that now. Not to sound all doom and gloom but some heavy shit is about to go down and I can’t see you boys forgiving me for not warning you.” You flick your eyes to Dean whose hands have released however he is still looking pissed. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” He finally speaks. 
“Okay. I’m going to give you the smallest insight I can. Shit goes down with Lucifer. Shit goes down with chuck. Shit goes down with the Brits. And more shit goes down but I can’t give any more details because it will give away too much. But seriously you boys, your family, everyone will be okay. Hell will be good. I swear to you.” You focus specifically on Dean hoping it gets through to him, “I don’t know why I was brought here. I don’t know why Amara thought I could teach you boys anything. I mean she had to know that I couldn’t tell you everything.”
“Y/n.” Dean says. You look at him not knowing what to expect, “ I don’t know why… but I believe you.” Your eyes start to well with tears, “that being said, I believe that you won’t hurt me or Sammy. I believe you have our backs. But, I can’t promise I won’t get mad at you or that I will always trust you. You are sitting on a lot of information that I would normally torture someone for but I don’t think that would work on you.”
“It wouldn’t.” It's true you would rather die ten times over than tell them what happens. You need jack to be born. 
“I know. Either way I don’t want to hurt you but I can’t promise how the future is going to go.”
“I can’t either. I mean just me being here could fuck with everything.”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.” Dean gives you a half smile. You sigh relieved. 
“Alright!” You clap your hands, “are we done with the chick flick moment? Are we all good?”
“I’m good.”
“I’m good.” The boys say and you smile before getting up, “I’m going to my room to smoke and chill if you need anything. I think I’m going to try to talk to Cas.” 
“About?” Sam raises his eyebrows. 
“Anything. I haven’t talked to him since that first day and I want to get to know him from himself, not a screen.” With that you turn on your heel and head to your room. After lighting up you start to pray, Cas this is y/n, if you're not busy can you please come see me? I want to talk to you. You peek your eyes open and jump when you see the man staring at you. 
“Hey Cas!” You smile, patting the bed. 
“Y/n. It smells like a skunk in here.” He sits on the bed. You laugh harder than you normally would but his monotonous voice makes everything more funny. 
“I smoked some weed, do you want some?” You ask reaching for the drawer and pulling out a joint and some uno cards.
“Yeah weed, it makes you high? Remember when you drank an entire liquor store?”
“Yes quite fondly”
“It’s like that but better. You don’t have to if you don’t want to but I’m not sure it’d even affect you since you're an angel.” 
“I can try.” He gives a tight lipped smile. 
“Really?” You ask excitedly. You then teach him how to smoke and let him go through two joints on his own, taking a few hits yourself before you start dealing uno cards out. By the time you look up his eyes are red and he has a lazy smile on his face. 
“Did it hit you bud?”
“Did what hit me?”
“Oh it for sure did! The weed silly!”
“I forgot about that.” You laugh which causes him to laugh. 
“Okay okay, have you ever played uno?” 
“Okay.” You go on explaining the rules but you can tell they aren’t reaching him so you decide to just play. From the start he gets the colors and the numbers but when you start playing draw fours, wilds, and reverses he loses it. After ten minutes he’s holding half the deck in his hand. 
“There’s so many cards!”
“No way you don’t have a draw four!”
“What’s a draw four?”
“This!” You flip one of your cards. 
“Oh!” He shuffles through his deck, “these!” He proceeds to lay three draw fours and all of the draw twos. 
“Cas!” You break out laughing
“What?” He laughs back. 
“It wasn’t your turn!”
“What!” He proceeds to grab at the cards, taking them back. 
“Okay okay my turn, draw four, change the color to red, uno!” You lay your last red card, “I win!” You raise your hands up in victory. Cas throws his cards on the bed. 
“This game is idiotic.” You laugh as he pouts. The door opens revealing Dean who you both look at, “Dean?” You and Cas say at the same time, he looks utterly confused by the situation. 
“Hi, I-uhh-I’m headed to bed so thought I’d let you know.” You look at him with a bit of concern. Is he already going to break his promise? 
“Umm yeah, okay, goodnight Dean.” You smile at him trying to conceal your sadness. 
“Goodnight Dean.” Cas also smiles at him. Dean turns and shuts the door. You pick up the cards to shuffle, “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, Yeah I’m fine.” Shaking your head you start to shuffle and deal out the cards. 
“You sure?”
“Yeah it’s just a lot.” Tears are now welling in your eyes. 
“What is?” You set your hands down frustrated. 
“What isn’t? I mean I’m brought here for god knows why? I’m trying to navigate my relationship with the boys while knowing everything that has happened and will happen. How am I supposed to do that?” Tears have started to fall. 
“Y/n,” he rests his hand on your knees, “ Sam and Dean are hard to trust but once you gain that trust it’s actually hard to break it. Amara said you’re here to teach Dean what he needs most. I think you’ve already achieved that. He’s more patient, kind, and calm. And about knowing everything, Sam has told me he doesn’t even want to know, he doesn’t want anything to change his decisions. Dean, Dean thinks that what you know will help people, that's why he's so frustrated.”
“Thank you Cas, it’s weird because in the show it looks like they lose trust in people fast, so it's scary. Dean has been way more understanding and patient which is crazy. I mean when I first got here he hated me but in a week he was turned around. I just feel like I have whiplash.”
“It's all going to be okay.”
“I hope.” you pick your cards back up and smile, “Ready for another round?” He picks his cards up and smiles, laying his first card. After a couple minutes you remember that everything with Jack is about to happen, “Oh! Cas! I gotta tell you something!”
“So something big is going to happen and you are going to make a choice that goes against Sam and Dean but I want you to know you are right. You will be doing the right thing and it will change everything for the better.”
“Thank you?”
“Don't worry it'll make sense soon.”
You finish your game which Cas wins, you say your goodbyes feeling satisfied that you bonded with Cas. Also he made you feel better about Dean, who is in his own room sleeping by himself. That makes you sad, a little angry, but mostly sad. He made a promise but you were playing games with Cas and he went to bed so you decide to get ready for bed, grab your pillow and baby blanket, and walk down the hall to Deans room. You slowly open the door, “Dean?” you whisper but when you see him under the covers, headphones on, fast asleep. Slowly you walk in, set your stuff down and move to take off his headphones. He startles a bit but doesn't fully wake up, “It's just me, go back to sleep.” He grabs the blanket and turns over. You crawl into bed and curl up under him, he subconsciously wraps his arm around you and pulls you close. Falling asleep was no issue. 
You wake up to Dean twitching and groaning in his sleep, he’s now facing away from you. Watching as he tosses and turns you can tell he's having a nightmare. You debate what to do for a minute before sitting up higher in the bed and pulling him towards you, his head rests on your chest, his arm around your waist. You start stroking his hair and whisper, “You’re okay Dean, it’s just a nightmare.” This doesn't calm him down so after a few minutes of him twitching and groaning you sigh. Looking to his Walkman you realize what will help. Singing is vulnerable to you, super personal, you haven't even sang in front of the boys yet but Dean is having a nightmare and assuming his music helps this is the only option. You start to sing in a hushed tone “I was a little too tall could've used a few pounds, Tight pants points hardly renown, She was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes, And points all her own sitting way up high, Way up firm and high” you cleared your throat before starting again, “Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy, 
Out in the back seat of Dean’s 67 Chevy, Workin' on mysteries without any clues, Workin' on our night moves,
Trying' to make some front page drive-in news,
Practicing our night moves in the summertime, oh
In the sweet summertime” finally he settles down his breathing steadies but you continue with the song. Once you finish you kiss the top of his head and fall asleep.
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unknown-writez · 18 days
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Misfit Toys
Chapter One: Memories - Part Two
 After that night my parents split up, maybe because of all the stress I always put on them as a kid or maybe they just weren’t right for each other. Either way my mom left Gotham with my perfect straight A sister thinking something bigger and better was out there waiting for them somewhere in the world. Guess I didn’t make the cut. I remember the day they left. I cried “Please don't go! I need you! Please! Don’t leave me!” salty tears running like a faucet streaming down my face dripping off my chin. My sister said “goodbye.” no I love you or I’ll find you just a barely audible goodbye. She didn’t even look at me as my mom pried me away from her. I held on for dear life to no avail. The result of everything being them leaving out the door without looking back. As far as my dear old dad goes he went down a spiraling black pit full of alcohol and drugs till there was nothing left of the man I knew. So I decided to leave a weight lifting off my shoulders as I threw that part of my life away. Now I live by myself. I have an apartment in a not so nice area of Gotham that I pay for with my minimum wage archivist job at the GCPD. It’s not much of a life but it’s better than where I was. Opening my eyes I squinted against the light coming into view bright at first but I got used to it. Grabbing my phone that was next to my pillow I looked at the time 7:00 AM. Good. I hadn’t overslept like I usually do. Stretching I shake away the faintest  traces of my dream like memory and my thoughts before getting out of bed. Putting on a pair of green dickies and a black oversized button up as close to business casual as I can get in my wardrobe I went to the kitchen and started my coffee before heading to the bathroom. Doing the morning essentials I  threw my long wavy orange and purple dyed hair into a green claw clip. Applying some quick makeup before leaving the bathroom. Afterwards, I went to my room to put on my Mary Janes. Then grabbing my bag, coffee, and keys I quickly left so that I had time to walk to work. Who pays money for a car when you live in the city? Besides, I like walking. It’s peaceful and sometimes interesting with all the wackos in this city. A person can come across some weird scenes. Not to mention the amount of friendly furry alley cats you can pet. My relaxing morning however was shattered when I arrived at work. The GCPD was in absolute chaos packed out full of circus performers. Everyone being questioned in different areas. Weaving my way through the crowds and desks I found Kris, the woman I work with right outside our department door watching it all. “What's all the hubbub?” I asked intrigued with an eyebrow raised, almost having to shout over everyone’s talking and arguing as I opened our door going into the filing cabinet filled office. Kris following behind me. “Last night Jim and Lee found a dead woman at the circus. So they brought everyone here for questioning.” She informed me as I sat down at my old brick of a computer. “Wow hot shot Jim Gordon does it again.” I said sarcastically, joking doing a little spin in my chair making the women laugh. “Speaking of Gordon, do you think you could bring this file to him? It's everything I could collect about the new case. I’m about to clock out.” she asked, “Sure thing.” I said putting my bag under my desk before getting up and grabbing the file. “Thank you!” she said hurrying out the door leaving it open for me.
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castielmode · 1 year
Dean wakes up to Cas joining him on his mattress on the floor.
"Sorry," Cas says. "I'm getting tired again, and every other place to lie down is occupied. Jody and Garth are outside keeping watch."
He knows that. Linda's on one couch, and Kevin is asleep on one of the camp chairs he put close to the fireplace. He's got two books in his lap, one open on top of the other, and a pencil still loosely held in his left hand. At least he won’t be cold, even if he is gonna fuck up his back sleeping like that. Then again, he’s eighteen. Maybe he’ll wake up fresh as a goddamn daisy. Dean knows Sam is in the bedroom because he sent him there when it looked like he was about to keel over. Charlie jokingly bitched about not getting the bed, but Dean told her it was Sam's because he’s sick and he needs to lay his gigantic body out. Charlie's on the other couch with a beanie and three blankets. She gets cold easily.
It's so quiet in the room, with everyone asleep but Dean. It's not eerie, but it is weird. He's never been very comfortable in the woods, where you can't hear anything but the animals that you don't have to worry about. Cas settling onto the air mattress makes that creaking noise that air mattresses make at the slightest move. He breathes out slow and heavy as he lets his muscles relax. The mattress complains some more.
“You’re getting tired a lot.” Dean says.
“Yeah.” Cas is much better at whispering these days, Dean thinks absently. Used to be he didn’t care who or what heard him when he spoke. “I don’t think a seraph is supposed to have this tablet. It might be -- not intended, but more suited to other angelic orders.”
“What does that mean for you?”
Cas shrugs, flat on his back, fully dressed on the left side of Dean’s bed. Poor bastard doesn’t even have a pillow. There’s an extra one Dean threw over to the side that’s left from Charlie’s earlier nap, because she likes holding onto something when she sleeps. She seems to have decided to go without it this time round, so Dean tugs it closer, motions for Cas to lift up, places it under his head. Cas says, “I don’t know. It could be detrimental, it could have no effect once I’m no longer in contact with it, it could have a long-term effect on my grace for better or worse -- there’s no precedent. I don’t think anyone’s put a tablet inside of their vessel before.”
“Yeah, you little original thinker, you.” Cas glares, but it’s kind of a low-effort version. Dean laughs at him, quiet as the woods outside. He’s gotta ask, though. “You gonna take care of yourself, Cas?”
Cas looks at him. “Like you?”
“No, man,” Dean looks back. Cas smirks, just a bit, smug. Dean thinks of the second time he ever saw him, in Bobby’s kitchen, blue and silver in the night and confident with all of heaven’s might and his own convictions behind him. He was fucking scary back then. Now he changes clothes and needs to sleep and shower, and somehow, he still gets this light in his eyes sometimes and he's terrifying. Even now. He's not even doing anything. Dean lets himself take a deep breath and act like he’s not scared of his best friend. “Okay, all right. Splinters and beams, okay, I get it. I’m just saying, you should. ‘Cause you’re not gonna let us do it.”
“Dean --”
“You could, you know.” Cas looks away, which doesn’t matter, exactly, but - “Me and Sam, we’re not that bad at it.”
Frowning at the ceiling, Cas says, “Is this a... a family thing?”
“Family, friends, allies -- yeah, man, any way you slice it, it’s our job, and you’ve earned it.” Dean doesn’t know what he’s trying to get across here, but it’s crucial that he does. He keeps his voice quiet. “You just gotta let us do it.”
For a while, Dean is sure Cas has fallen asleep, but then he says, “So, if we’re family, that means that I get to take care of you, too.”
Dean’s throat clicks on the swallow. “Yeah. Sure, man. Whatever you want.”
The quiet stretches and looms, until Cas says, decisive and still in that low voice -- "All right."
And then Cas does go to sleep, and Dean stays awake for at least another hour and a half trying to figure out what the fuck they actually said to each other before the crackling fire and the relief of having everyone under the same roof finally puts him back to sleep.
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x-ceirios-x · 2 months
(Part 3) City of Lost Souls, Chapter 7: A Sea Change
please see the masterlist for notes about this series/collection of works
When Simon came into Magnus’s apartment, it was quiet. There was a fire flickering in the grated, though he noticed there was no one to be seen in the living room. How powerful of a warlock did you have to be to leave your front door unlocked on a regular basis? Then again, someone had to have known he was coming, as someone had buzzed him up. 
Temperature, hot or cold, didn’t bother him since he’d become a vampire, but habitally, he shed his jacket and hung it on the hook by the door. Next to it there was leather jacket that, he thought, Jace would wear. Maybe Magnus had a visitor that wasn’t Jocelyn, or she started branching out into grunge fashion. He crossed the living room to the group of couches in front of the fireplace. 
When he ducked around, he noticed a blob of blankets and pillows on the couch facing away from the door. Through a space between blankets, they saw a black tuft of hair poke out. Curiously, he pulled the blanket down slightly, revealing Rowan, sleeping soundly. He smiled. He remembered their trip to Idris, after the attack from the Forsaken, when he’d woken up from losing blood and they were there, dozing but watching over him. They looked so angry lately but so peaceful like this. He realized, suddenly, that he’d barely seen them lately. Jace was missing and he wanted to support Clary through all of it, but he’d almost forgotten that Jensen had gone a long with him. He got the full story off of Isabelle one night a few weeks ago. Rowan had been the one to discover he was missing and Magnus had no way of tracking any of them—Jensen, Jace, or Sebastian. The guilt spread through his chest, but when he looked back at them, soft features relaxed, a warmth he hadn’t felt since that night at the Church of Talto hit him.
They pulled the blanket tighter up to their chin and their eyes fluttered open slowly. “Simon?” they asked in a groggy voice. They pushed the blanket back and wiped their eyes, beginning to sit up. “You came.”
“Don’t get up for me,” he said, gently pushing their shoulder back down. They fell easily, burrowing further into the blankets. He sat on the edge of the couch and brushed a bit of hair out of their face. “It’s almost sunrise already.”
“I know,” they said, though he could hardly tell through the blankets and half-mumbling. “I’m glad you got my note.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said. When he looked down at them, he noticed how tired they seemed, but in an adorable, cat-wrapped-in-a-blanket kind of way. He remembered seeing their note when he’d gotten home from the meeting with Clary and how quickly he’d rushed there, wanting to ensure they were okay, too. It was a breath of fresh air to know that they were safe and even better, content. Their eyes began to close again, but he watched as they forced them open. “Go to sleep. I’ll stay here until you wake up. Promise,”
They shook their head, though it was only a slight movement, and tucked the blanket under their chin. “If you’re here, I want to stay up.”
He chuckled at their insistence. “I’ll stay right here, then,” he said. “Here, pick your head up.”
They sat up, leaning on their arm, and he slid into the corner of the couch. They readjusted the throw pillow, laid their head on it, and decided it suddenly wasn’t comfortable anymore. With little effort, they threw it across the room, onto one of the other couches, and laid their head on his leg. 
“Now I can’t go anywhere,” he said. His hand itched to play with their hair while they sat there, but he knew better than to do that. They weren’t an affectionate person by nature, and unlike Clary, he didn’t think they’d appreciate that. 
The two watched the fire crackle in peaceful quiet. It looked as if no one had added wood to it in a while, but Simon decided better than to get up. He hoped Rowan was warm enough. They made no noise other than soft breathing and the occasional hum of contentment.
“Will you tell me a story?” they asked, breaking through the quiet. He didn’t know how long they’d sat in silence—a few seconds, a few minutes, or even a few hours. “Please?”
“What kind of story?” he asked. He looked down at them to see their eyes were closed and the blanket was pulled up to their face. He wondered if their nose was cold, like their hands always were. 
They hummed. “Something where the bad guys lose and the good guys win,” they said with a sigh. There certainly hadn’t been a lot of that lately, had there?
“Like a fairy tale?” he said. He racked his brain. He only knew the Disney versions of fairy tales and the first image that came to mind was Hercules—what had started his interest in Greek myths and the Dungeons and Dragons campaign he started based on it. 
“No.” The word was an exhaled breath. “I could run circles around you for fairy tales—we study them. A lot of it’s real.”
“Because all the stories are true, right?”
They shifted and rolled onto their back, now looking up at him. The soft look they gave him would have made his heart beat out of his chest if it still did. Moments like these reminded him why he likes spending time with them so much, and he wondered if they enjoyed it, too. He didn’t know what was going on between them, but now wasn’t the time to ask. “You got it.” They smiled up at him, and he could see faint freckles on the corners of their eyes where the skin crinkled when they smiled. He traced patterns in them with his eyes. “Tell me something I haven’t heard before.”
In a bold move, he laid his hand on top of theirs and ran his thumb over their knuckles. “I’ve got a good one,” he said with a smile. “We never finished the movie. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”
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dannnnnny666 · 1 year
Writing Prompt #2
Darkness, sweet, kind, darkness, cradled me as I floated on a sea of dreams. Waves splashed against my weightless body as soft hum danced through the air and somewhere distant I heard the song of birds. Peace spread over me while I rocked side to side in oblivion. Bird songs grew louder as I floated and gently woke me from my deep slumber.
Light filled the room as I opened my eyes and everything was bathed in a nice golden. Outside my window, I heard the birds that had awakened me from my slumber. The songs were so sweet as I watched them going about their morning routines.
As I turned away from my window, I looked across the room to the other bed, empty. My roommate Antagonist must have gotten up early, as they usually did. The bed was undone and their pajamas were left on the floor haphazardly. I chuckled to myself, they often did this and I would always clean it up for them. This time was no expectation.
I made my bed first and put on an outfit for the day, then folded my pajamas and put them under my pillow. Once I was done with my things, I moved to theirs and did the same. Once I finished, I stretched and glanced at the clock.
“IT’S 12:00 O'CLOCK?”
I left my room and raced down stairs to the dining room, nearly falling down multiple times. When I entered, there was no one to be found, not a teacher or student or anyone. Only when I checked the kitchen did I see another person.
“Oh, you're finally awake,” Antagonist commented as he rummaged through the cupboard, “How did you sleep?”.
“Antagonist, where’s everyone?”
“Surprised field trip”
“Why didn't you wake me?”
“You never sleep in, so I thought… here it is… you were tired,” they grabbed vanilla extract from the cupboard and turned to me, “I decided to stay behind, want to make a cake?”.
“Sure. Thank you for staying without you, I would have been so confused,” I thanked them before beginning to help him get the ingredients.
Once we got all of the ingredients, we started to bake. While mixing the batter, I caught Antagonist trying to eat it multiple times and chided them. In retaliation, they threw flour at me but I made them clean it up while I put the cake in the oven.
“That was fun,” they said, smiling as he sat at the counter and waited for the cake to bake.
“Yup, it was,” I smiled at them while putting the ingredients away.
“Would you like me to make some coffee while we wait?”
“Of course,” I replied, as I joined them at the counter, Antagonist made the best coffee in the world.
He got up to start brewing and I couldn't help but smile. Antagonist was from a rough place and when they first arrived, it showed. they was distrustful of everyone, snarky and rude, and sometimes a bit violent. But they has changed a lot since they first came and while there are still some setbacks, they still is making good progress to be a better person.
“Hey, you good?” Antagonist asked with two cups of coffee in hand, offering me one.
“Sorry, I just spaced out,” I said, accepting the coffee,”I was thinking about you and how you have grown since you first got here”.
“You think so?” they said as they sat down,” Everyone is still really hesitant around me, I don’t think they’ll like me”.
“They don’t have to like you, the world is full of lots people, there's bound to be some who dislike with you,” I paused to take a drink of coffee,” but I know you will find more people who don’t judge a book by it’s cover”.
“...Thank you”
We sat for a bit in a pleasant silence. It was so nice to have some alone time with him without any interruptions or-
A wave of nausea hit me like a semi truck.
Everything started to spin.
“Protagonist, are you okay?” Antagonist asked, but the world was spinning to quickly respond.
I moved away from the counter and tried to make my way to the bathroom.
“What’s wrong?”
I fell to my knees as everything I ate in the last few hours exited my stomach.
“What’s wrong?” came again but this time sounded mocking.
Antagonist yanked me from my hair and pulled me up to their eye level.
“What’s wrong?” they said again looking at me in the eyes without a hint of the kindness and warmth there was a moment before.
“Wha-” I tried before another wave of vomit left me.
“How dumb do you have to be to think there would be a surprise field trip and that they would leave their golden boy with me?!” Antagonist asks harshly.
“You really thought I wouldn’t betray you?” they said barely above a whisper.
“Yes,” I managed.
“You believe in me too much,” they threws me across the floor, before putting his foot on top of my chest.
“I don’t care, I want to believe in you because you're my fr-” I tried to get out but Antagonist put pressure on my chest making me wheeze and causing specks of black danced along my vision .
“Because I'm your friend?” they mimicked an innocent child-like voice before sighing dreamily, “oh, you're one of the only kind people left in this world, that's why I decided…”.
They knelt down moving his face inches away from mine.
“I want you to join me”.
“No thank you” I tried but Antagonist just tsked and walked away.
“As if you had a choice in the matter,” they chuckled.
And then a cold kind of darkness swallowed me whole.
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
Hey bestie so I’m currently on my 2nd week of being an inpatient at the hospital bc I’ve got a chest infection and they don’t mix well with cystic fibrosis so like it sucks and I wanted to ask if you could write something about shawn having a teen daughter with cystic fibrosis and like just a long scenario of what it would be like with him staying in hospital with her whilst she’s there, don’t worry if you don’t really know anything about cf
Of course! I hope you’re doing better, baby 🥺❤️ this took a while to write, but I did it. I also wrote the daughter a lot younger, due to lack of ideas for a teenage daughter. Ty for the ask, sweet as HELL 🥲
Also, a note: my friend decided to added a little bit about me kissing Harry but I deleted it because it’s inappropriate with this writing 😛 anyway, know it WAS there. Also, I’ll probably make a part two of this at some point in time.
Charm threw her head back against the pillows, looking at the sketchpad in her lap in boredom.
“You okay, sweet girl?” Shawn asked as he re-entered the room, a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice in hand.
She shook her head as she traced her finger over the doodles that littered the cover, shaky pencil lines engraved on the paperboard. “I’m bored. And lonely,” she admitted, afraid to make eye contact with her father.
Shawn knelt down by the side of her bed so he was eye-level with her and brushed a strand of hair from her face, tucking it delicately behind her ear. “What do you want to do?”
She shrugged, suddenly focused on chipping the nail polish from her fingernails. “I miss my friends.”
“Leah’s mom told me she could come and see you this afternoon,” Shawn said, taking a sip of his coffee, trying to cheer his angel up. “You like Leah, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but there’s nothing to do here,” Charm sulked. “This is the most boring place on planet earth.”
Shawn handed her the glass of foamy juice as he took another sip of coffee. “Do you want to draw something?”
She shook her head. “My sketchbook’s full and I don’t want to ruin my other one just yet.”
“I can always get you more,” Shawn reasoned, but she brushed him off, folding her arms and staring starkly at the bare wall across the room.
“It’s fine!” she huffed, her clear voice reverberating grandly off of the blank walls.
“Do… you want your orange juice?” Shawn inquired, passing the dark-haired girl the tall glass.
She took the cup, but instead of tasting it, she asked, “what does coffee taste like?”
“It’s good,” Shawn laughed. “It gives me energy.”
“Can I try it?” Charm questioned, eyes round with wonder.
Shawn looked from his mug to his daughter’s adorable, round face a few times before reluctantly handing it over.
“Careful,” he warned. “It’s hot. And bitter.”
She peered into the murky liquid before drawing a timid sip from it. “Ugh,” she grimaced, handing the mug back to her father. “It tastes like dirt.”
Shawn chuckled and raised his eyebrows as he lowered his head to drink more of it.
“Is that a bad thing?”
She made a gagging sound and slurped her orange juice, trying desperately to chase the coffee down.
Shawn chuckled and shook his head as he downed the remainder of his steaming beverage. “You might like it more if it had cream or sugar,” he reasoned, “but we can try that another day. Do you want to watch anything?”
Charm shook her head. “I’ve already watched everything. It’s boring.”
Shawn sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around his little girl. “I walked by the gift shop earlier and they had some interesting things if you want to come with me.”
“Okay. Hold on.” She rushed to the other side of the room, where her hairbrush was. She ran it through her loose curls a few times before donning her favorite barrettes.
“I’m ready,” she announced, darting to her father’s side. “What do you want to show me?”
“You’ll see,” he promised. “Lead the way, lucky Charm.”
In the gift shop, Charm gravitated toward the display of sketchbooks and notepads, checking the boxes thoroughly, making sure to take note of every color and pattern they came in. She selected two notebooks from the stash as well as a pack of colored pencils.
Once the items were purchased, Charm and Shawn headed back to her room, both with a spring in their step.
“These are supposed to be really good pencils,” she gushed. “I can’t wait to try them out. What should I draw?”
“A unicorn,” Shawn responded fondly, a wistful smile crossing his face at the memory of his daughter’s unicorn phase.
“Unicorns are for babies,” she said scornfully, casting a dry glare at Shawn. ���You know what I could do, though?”
“It’s a surprise, but you’re gonna love it!” With that, she flipped her hair and flounced down the hallway, disappearing into her room.
Taglist: @chocochipcookie305 @pamelagramm @butlerbliss @monikamendes
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liverbiver9 · 1 year
Trans Joy
aka Happy 1 Year Post Transmasculine Top Surgery For Me!!!!
Word Count: 3,110
Also on AO3
While Wèi Yīng has looked forward to this day for months, years even, Lán Zhàn has been dreading it. Not because he isn’t happy or doesn’t support Wèi Yīng’s decision—absolutely not, he’s so happy his spouse is finally getting the affirming care they’ve wanted. He’s just scared. So many things can go wrong during a double mastectomy, even if it is by choice and not necessity. It was a little better that they decided on giving Wèi Yīng an epidural instead of general anesthesia, as the risks do go down, but it’s still nerve-wracking. 
Lán Zhàn sat in the waiting room and worried. About half an hour in, he went outside and called his brother. 
“Oh, Lán Zhàn, hi!” Lán Huàn greeted. “Is it over already?”
“Ā-Zhàn,” his brother sighed. “It’s going to be okay. Wèi Yīng is going to be okay.”
Lán Zhàn took a deep breath and didn’t say anything. 
“You personally vetted the surgeon yourself,” Lán Huàn reminded. “The actual risk of something going wrong is very low. Everything is ready at home and I know the pillow Wēn Qíng sewed is in the car. Wèi Yīng is going to be okay. Just take some deep breaths and go listen to your audiobook. Can you do that for me dìdi?”
“Mn.” Lán Zhàn took another deep breath. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Ā-Zhàn. Anytime.”
Lán Zhàn hung up the phone and went back to the waiting room, his audiobook—Trans Bodies, Trans Selves by Laura Erickson-Schroth, a fantastic book that made Wèi Yīng grin lasciviously and drop to their knees when they learned he was listening to it—playing through his headphones. He tried to relax. Two and a half hours later, a nurse came to inform him the surgery went well and that Wèi Yīng was now in recovery. 
“We’ll be bringing them out soon,” they said with a smile. “They’re going to be out of it for the rest of the day.”
Lán Zhàn nodded along as the nurse gave him a rundown on the recovery instructions he’d memorized a week earlier. Soon enough, the double doors swung open and a nurse wheeling Wèi Yīng came into the waiting room. All the tension in Lán Zhàn’s body dissipated as he took in his spouse’s giddy grin, happiness radiating off them like sun rays. 
“Lán Zhàn!” they called. “I don’t have tits anymore!”
He couldn’t help the smile that overcame his face, mirroring the joy on his spouse’s. 
“Mn,” he replied. “No more breasts for Wèi Yīng.”
“No more boobs!” Wèi Yīng crowed, and the nurses chuckled at their exuberance. 
“Wèi Yīng, I am going to go get the car. I will see you soon.”
“Okay,” they sang. “See ya later, alligator!” 
Lán Zhàn couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him as he squeezed Wèi Yīng’s cold hands one more time before nodding to the nurses and going down to bring the car around to the wheelchair ramp in the garage, the nurse pushing Wèi Yīng’s wheelchair not far behind him. He helped settle Wèi Yīng into the passenger seat, placing the mastectomy pillow Wēn Qíng sewed for them—a little lopsided and with some small blood stains, but stuffed perfectly and embroidered with the phrase ‘Fuck Gender’ across the front pocket—on their chest so the seatbelt didn’t press up against their bandages. Wèi Yīng gave him a smitten smile. 
“You’re so good to me,” they said, hugging the pillow close. 
“Wèi Yīng deserves the best,” was his practiced reply. 
“Lán Zhàn,” Wèi Yīng whined, kicking their slippered feet. “My poor heart!”
They went to clutch their chest, as they usually did when they threw this particular fake fit, but gasped when they hit the pillow. Lán Zhàn had to stop himself from lurching forward and stopping them from using too much force, as it was obvious they had very little strength. 
“Lán Zhàn! I don’t have boobs!”
“I know.”
Wèi Yīng put his head back and smiled, looking out the window as the afternoon sun lit up the city around them. Lán Zhàn put on the playlist Wèi Yīng made for this occasion, filled with happy pop songs and queer anthems. Wèi Yīng was quiet for a lot of the ride, still loopy and dozing off from the meds. About ten minutes before arriving home, they started talking again. 
“Lán Zhàn, I love you so much,” they said, smiling softly at him from the passenger seat. “I’m so lucky to have such a supportive husband. Thank you for doing all of this for me.”
“Of course, Wèi Yīng,” he replied, his smile smaller but just as soft. “I love you too.”
“Everyone’s been so nice and supportive of my gender journey but you most of all. Most people like me don’t get this lucky, you know. I’m so grateful to have you.”
“Wèi Yīng deserves good things,” Lán Zhàn said. 
“I know,” they said simply. “My Lán Zhàn makes sure of it.”
It was the first time Wèi Yīng had ever acknowledged this beyond a flustered pretend tantrum, much less affirmed that they believed his words. Lán Zhàn couldn’t help the tears that came to his eyes. 
“I always will,” he promised. 
The first three days post-surgery were the hardest. With Wèi Yīng’s antidepressants, neither of them wanted them take the opiates prescribed by the doctors for longer than the first day. Instead, Lán Zhàn created a calendar for alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen, ensuring Wèi Yīng never came off of one or the other. Despite everything, they knew it would still be a hard first couple of days as they came off the medicated high from surgery and their body finally registered the trauma it went through. 
Most people said the second day after surgery was the worst, but for Wèi Yīng it was the third. They didn’t want to get out of bed for their mandatory walks to keep up blood flow, their appetite dwindled as the day went on, and the pain became more pronounced. Lán Zhàn was helpless as he watched his spouse in pain; he was already doing everything he could to minimize it, but it still hurt to see his strong Wèi Yīng so hurt. 
So when Jiāng Yànlí texted and asked if she could bring Wèi Yīng some soup, Lán Zhàn agreed with relief. If anyone could lift Wèi Yīng’s spirits right now, it was their beloved older sister. She showed up at dinner time with a huge covered pot, several tupperware containers in a large basket, and a bright smile on her face. 
“Hello, Lán Zhàn,” she greeted, gratefully handing him the pot and putting down the basket of food as she slipped off her shoes. 
“Yànlíjiě​,” he said with a bow of his head before putting the soup on the table. 
“I made their favorite,” she said as she heaved the basket up, ignoring his move to help her. “But since you’re vegetarian I also brought some leftover fried tofu and sides that will go wonderfully over rice.”
“You didn’t need to.”
“Of course I did! You’re taking such good care of my Ā-Yīng, and you deserve a treat as well. Oh, I also brought some egg tarts from my shop. They have mochi in the middle—my baker wanted to try a new recipe so you have to give me your honest opinion.”
“Mn,” he agreed. “I will go get Wèi Yīng.”
“I’ll finish setting up,” she said. 
Lán Zhàn nodded and left the dining room for the bedroom where Wèi Yīng was watching some B-rated TV drama. When he arrived, they were asleep on their mountain of pillows, a thin line of drool on their chin. Lán Zhàn huffed, eyes crinkling at the corners at the sweet sight of them. He almost didn’t want to wake them up, as they’d been having a hard time getting used to sleeping propped up. But the soup was waiting, and Wèi Yīng would be devastated if they slept through their jiě​jie’s visit. 
“Wèi Yīng,” he said, carefully ruffling their hair and rubbing at their soft cheeks. 
Wèi Yīng groaned, eyelashes fluttering. 
“Noo,” they whined. 
“Your jiě​jie is here,” Lán Zhàn said.
“She brought your favorite soup.”
Their eyes slowly opened as consciousness returned to them. 
“Yes. Pork rib and lotus root soup.”
A smile overtook their face. “Jiě​jie’s here?”
“Mn. Come eat.”
Lán Zhàn helped them carefully get out of bed, checking that their tubes were safely tucked into the pockets Wēn Qíng had sewn into several button-up sleep shirts, and walked them to the dining room. He was very grateful their apartment didn’t have any stairs as Wèi Yīng was still very wobbly on their feet, their back hunched over against the odd feeling of the tubes and bandages around their front. 
When they arrived, Jiāng Yànlí pulled Wèi Yīng into a careful hug, making sure their arms stayed at their sides and didn’t pull at their stitches. 
“Hi, jiě​jie,” they greeted, eyes crusty with sleep and mouth pinched lightly in pain. 
“How are you feeling?” she asked. 
“Tired, sore. Today was the worst day, but with jiě​jie’s soup I know I’ll feel better tomorrow.”
Jiāng Yànlí laughed, light and chiming. The three of them sat down, Jiāng Yànlí and Lán Zhàn unabashedly fussing over Wèi Yīng the entire time, ensuring they weren’t straining themselves or otherwise in too much pain. Wèi Yīng was unusually compliant with them, allowing them to worry without their usual complaints. 
“How’s Ā-Líng?” they asked while sipping at their second serving of soup. “And the peacock?”
Jiāng Yànlí rolled her eyes at the nickname, but they both knew it was said with more fondness than Wèi Yīng would ever admit. 
“Ā-Líng has decided he isn’t a boy and is actually a dog,” she reported fondly. Wèi Yīng winced. “And Ā-Xuān is doing well; she started estrogen a few days ago.”
“That’s wonderful!” they said, and they meant it wholeheartedly. 
For all they and Jiāng Chéng might bully Jīn Zixuān for how she treated their sister in the past, they have been very supportive of her new transition. That didn’t mean she was any more worthy of Jiāng Yànlí in their eyes, though. 
“She wrote you a card,” Jiāng Yànlí continued. “I’ve left it on the counter for you to read when you’re more lucid.”
Wèi Yīng narrowed their eyes in suspicion. “She didn’t get all mushy on me, did she?”
“I don’t know,” Jiāng Yànlí said with a placid smile. “I didn’t read it.”
Jīn Zixuān read it to her, but she didn’t read it herself. Wèi Yīng had helped Jīn Zixuān navigate her transition without judgment, providing her with all the resources and support that they hadn’t gotten until much later on their gender journey, and Jīn Zixuān was very grateful for them. The card had made Jiāng Yànlí cry; it would undoubtedly make Wèi Yīng sob. 
Wèi Yīng stared at her, unbelieving her statement, but let it go to eat more soup. 
“Ā-Chéng is very upset he’s still on his business trip,” Jiāng Yànlí admitted. 
“I know,” Wèi Yīng snorted. “He called me yesterday and was pissed when I fell asleep midcall.”
“He shouldn’t have called after eight p.m.,” Lán Zhàn smoothly chimed in. “You need your sleep following such an invasive procedure.” 
“He called at the only time he could,” Wèi Yīng said with a careless wave of their hand that caused both Lán Zhàn and Jiāng Yànlí to flinch, hyper-aware of their stitches. 
“Wēn Qíng will be calling soon,” Lán Zhàn reminded, changing the subject in that stilted way of his that Wèi Yīng always loved. 
“She’s very upset she’s not here, lording over my every move and nagging me about my stitches,” Wèi Yīng stage-whispered to Jiāng Yànlí. “But her grandmother had a nasty fall and broke her hip, so she has to help her. I hope Wēnpópo is dealing okay with her terrible bedside manner.”
“Ā-Yīng!” Jiāng Yànlí chastised, but she smiled despite herself. 
Wèi Yīng smiled and opened their mouth to joke some more, only for a yawn to escape instead. 
“Oh, my Ā-Yīng is sleepy so early!” Jiāng Yànlí teased, pinching one of their cheeks and grinning with delight when they blushed pink with embarrassment. “Three is too old, hm? Time for little Yīngying’s to go to sleep.”
“Jiě​jie,” Wèi Yīng whined, cheeks puffing indignantly. They turned a darker red upon noticing Lán Zhàn’s smug grin. “I’m being bullied! You’re both so mean to your Ā-Yīng!!”
Their dramatics were cut short by another, longer yawn. Lán Zhàn quickly put the dirty dishes in the sink before helping Wèi Yīng stand up and say goodbye to Jiāng Yànlí. 
“I’ll get Ā-Chéng on a video call with you tomorrow when you can actually stay awake,” she said fondly. “Good night, Ā-Yīng.”
“Night, jiě​jie,” they mumbled, too tired to notice both she and Lán Zhàn were still teasing them about getting sleepy at seven in the evening. 
Jiāng Yànlí lingered to finish washing the dishes, packing the leftover soup into containers, and finding room for them in the fridge. Lán Zhàn returned to her wiping down the dining table. 
“You do not have to,” he said but noticeably didn’t try to stop her. He’d long since learned to let Jiāng Yànlí have her way unless it was truly necessary to step in; Wèi Yīng came about their stubbornness honestly, at least. 
“Nonsense,” she said breezily. “You’ve been taking such good care of Ā-Yīng, cleaning up dinner is the least I can do.”
Lán Zhàn nodded and helped her pack up her empty dishes into the reusable tote bag. 
“Let me know if there’s anything I—we—can do,” she said firmly. 
“I will,” he said with a nod. “Drive safely, Yànlíjiě​.”
She smiled brightly at him. 
“Thank you, Ā-Zhàn.” 
“Dàjiù!” Jīn Líng screamed, his pudgy arms swinging wildly from the neon yellow life vest Jīn Zixuān had triple-checked the straps on, as Wèi Yīng flung him into the pool. 
Jīn Zixuān muttered nervously to Jiāng Yànlí beneath her large yellow sunhat, who only laughed and leaned into her wife’s side with a fond smile. Only Jiāng Yànlí was dressed to swim, as Jīn Zixuān had just gotten her hair bleached and refused to mess up her tones with the chlorine. Jiāng Yànlí had made it very clear to both her siblings that they were not, under any circumstances, allowed to throw her wife into the pool. No, not even if she said something snobby or rude. 
Wèi Yīng was laughing maniacally at Jīn Líng by the pool edge when they were promptly pushed into the pool by Lán Zhàn, who walked back to his lounge chair with a very smug look on his face. Jiāng Chéng started laughing so hard he was nearly crying until Wèi Yīng pulled him in too, causing him to splutter indignantly and enter yet another dunking match with them. 
Before they could get too far, Lán Zhàn called Wèi Yīng back to reapply sunscreen to their scars. A year had passed since their surgery, but the scars were still quite visible and fragile. Lán Zhàn hadn’t the heart to ask Wèi Yīng to wear a sun shirt, especially not when they’d been so inordinately excited to be shirtless in public, but he was still very worried about them. So, obsessively sunscreening his spouse was his compromise with himself. Wèi Yīng, blessedly, obliged his fussing with little complaint. 
He had also, fortunately, won the argument against the gag speedo Wèi Yīng had wanted to wear. Unfortunately, Wèi Yīng had decided on plain white swim shorts that were ever so slightly see-through. Lán Zhàn believed his spouse was purposefully trying to drive him insane. 
“Dàjiù,” Jīn Líng whined as he flung himself out of the pool and onto the concrete patio, his hot pink swim shorts dripping a puddle beneath his yellow water shoes. Jiāng Yànlí and Jīn Zixuān had covered that kid head-to-toe in protective UV gear, all bright yellows and pinks so he was easily visible even from space. 
“Yeah, Ā-Líng?” Wèi Yīng asked with a wide grin, arms spread wide as Lán Zhàn smothered sunblock over their shoulders. 
“What’s on your chest?”
Jiāng Yànlí immediately stood up, ready to intervene if Wèi Yīng showed any semblance of feeling uncomfortable. She had, of course, already given Jīn Líng a lecture about every body being different and how it wasn’t nice to comment on others like that, but three-year-olds were, well, three-year-olds. 
Wèi Yīng pointed to their chest scars. Jīn Líng nodded, his hair dripping water with every little movement. 
“They’re my battle scars!” Wèi Yīng said proudly. 
Jīn Líng’s eyes widened, and Jiāng Yànlí swore she could see stars dancing in them. Oh, Jiāng Chéng was never going to compete with this. From his muffled “fuck” he knew it, too. 
“Battle scars?” Jīn Líng whispered in awe. 
“Yup! I fought a gender monster and won!”
“Wèi Yīng.”
“He’s three, Lán Zhàn, he’s not going to understand the complexity of gender dysphoria.” 
“A gender monster? Is it scary?”
“Yes,” Wèi Yīng said, suddenly very solemn. “Gender monsters are very scary. But with teamwork and lots of love, they can be easily defeated.”
Jiāng Yànlí beamed at her sibling and then her wife. 
“Wow,” Jīn Líng said, his eyes even wider than before. “Dàjiù, you’re so cool.”
Wèi Yīng grinned, so engrossed with their elaborate tale of defeating their “gender monster” that they didn’t realize how emotional their family was becoming. 
Jiāng Yànlí was actively trying to hold back tears, while Jīn Zixuān had hidden her face behind her floppy hat to avoid being seen emoting. 
Jiāng Chéng was watching with a constipated look on his face, most likely torn between jealousy that Wèi Yīng was becoming The Favorite Jiù​jiu before his eyes and also happiness that his sibling was finally comfortable in their own body. 
Lán Zhàn… wanted to rail Wèi Yīng so badly. His spouse was so sexy. Those goddamn white shorts. 
Jīn Líng eventually toddled back into the pool, but before Wèi Yīng could follow Lán Zhàn pulled them into his arms and pressed a chaste kiss to their forehead. 
“I love you,” he whispered, and everything he couldn’t say was completely transparent in those three words. 
“I love you too,” Wèi Yīng responded, grinning widely. 
“Get a room!” Jiāng Chéng hollered, to which Wèi Yīng flipped him off before jumping into Lán Zhàn’s arms and insisting their husband carry them to the snack shack for ice cream, proudly showing off the twin scars that curved under their pectorals the entire way. 
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councilingmychaos · 1 year
Scene Six
After finishing the first book I read, I decided to gather my things and head back to the dorm room. Hopefully my roommate is done, or better yet, not even there. I was getting quite comfortable with the route, so I managed to make it back to my room quickly.
I stepped inside, my nose blasted by some sort of earthy scent that I wasn’t familiar with. I looked around the room, realizing whoever my roommate was, was able to unpack and decorate in such a small amount of time. I placed the books I had gotten onto my desk before looking around briefly, once I realized she wasn’t here, I decided to take a closer look at her side of the room. Was that weird to do? I feel like most people are curious.
There were a ton of plants that bordering her bed hanging from the ceiling. She had decorated her desk and chair with bright colors and other plants. She had a small herb garden hanging on the wall that her bed was up against. Everything was so earthy and bright. It was extremely loud and overwhelming also, but something I’m sure I’d get used to.
I looked around a little more, admiring all of the things she had to make her side of the room feel comfortable for herself. I looked over at my side and laughed a little. I didn’t even remember to bring blankets, pillows, shower items. All I brought was a change of clothes, my phone charger, and a picture of my Lolli. (I call my grandmother Lolli)
I unpacked my bag, placing my one change of clothes in the small closet that was provided. I set my charger on the bedside table and threw all the items that were in my pockets, into my book bag. I then climbed onto the bed, now that my clothes were no longer soaking wet. Some areas were a bit damp, but nothing too annoying that I felt the need to change into my only other pair of clothes. I grabbed my phone to see the time, realizing it’s still pretty early in the day. It was around 3:30pm now, and though that seems like early in the evening, it does get dark in Redwood around 5PM.
I began searching stores in the area that were within walking distance so I could go out and buy some of the things I needed. Unlike Abel, I saved all of the money I had ever gotten for my birthday, christmas, and for chores. Arthur also promised when I started highschool, how much money I saved from Freshman year to Senior year, he would match. So I could afford to go out and buy things I needed.
The biggest problem is the fact that I’ve never gone shopping before, in a store. If I needed stuff, I either sent a list with Angie and Arthur for when they made their monthly trip into town. Or I ordered it online. When you live two ish hours from town, it’s easier to order everything online. I found the only other Library I’ve ever been to, Lillian’s, on Google maps and began to look at other shops near by. Down the road from the library is a small grocery store, and across from that is a boutique. I just needed to find a store that sold bedding and other items to decorate a room. I didn’t really have a theme, nor was I really into anything other than reading, writing, and painting.
There was also a small shop called Gerty’s Home Goods, and from the website, they seem to sell all things for the home. I made a note in my phone of the shop's names, and the items I needed to get. I wanted to be as prepared as possible, since I’ve never really done the whole shopping thing before. I laid there, staring at the ceiling, contemplating whether or not I wanted to go out tonight to get the things I need, or just wait until tomorrow. I don’t have my first class until Friday, and today is only Monday. I knew though, that if I didn’t go now, I won’t go later either, and then I’ll get too anxious and overwhelmed that I’m not prepared, and I’ll lose my mind. So it’s happening— I’m going into the village.
I haven’t been into the village of Redwood in a little over a year. After what happened I vowed to stay out of that hell hole as long as possible. I knew one day, I’d need to go back, I just didn’t know it would be this soon. Despite how ready I DIDN’T feel, I needed to get over that obstacle, since this small Village is now my home for however many years it takes me to graduate college. I sat up quickly, sending a rush through my head and making me slightly dizzy. I sat there for a few moments, trying to gather myself, before getting out of bed and putting my boots back on.
I brushed my fingers through my long black hair, yanking out any tangles I got with all of the rain that had covered me. It surprisingly took me a lot longer than I expected, but I did have a lot of hair. I then tied it up into a high pony before making sure all my items were in my bookbag. I placed my bag on my back and headed out the door, flicking the light off before shutting it tightly.
I decided to walk out of the main doors so I could walk down the sidewalk. I made sure to put GPS on my phone, just in case. There really wasn’t much to Redwood, but if you ended up in the mountains, you’re bound to get lost. That is, unless you’re from around here. But even if you are, like me, you’d still get lost. It’s upsetting that I hate this village so much, for what I’ve been through while living here, because it truly is a beautiful place to be.
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calciferstims · 2 years
hi I promise I will make stimboards at. some point. maybe. if I’m feeling saucy
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sethrollinsgirl · 2 years
Title: Tis the Spooky season
Summary: You, Becky, and Seth brainstorm ideas for Halloween.
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You walked into the living room where you knew both of your significant others would be. The scene before you didn't surprise you. Your boyfriend Seth was sitting in his favorite chair playing madden and your girlfriend Becky was sitting on the couch reading a book. Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch and you have been dating for three years now. The three of you were very happy. You met them when you got drafted to Raw from smackdown and became fast friends.
"We need to start thinking about our Halloween Costumes. You got any ideas?" You asked them as you moved to sit next to Becky on the couch. You knew you still had some time before Halloween but you've been on tick tock and that's all the videos you've been seeing were about.
"It's way too early to start thinking about Halloween. It isn't for another three months, so do we really have to decide this now?" Becky asked you as she sat the book she was reading on the coffee table in front of her. Seth who overheard your conversation paused the game he was playing and turned to look over at you with a smile.
"I vote for Harry Potter. I can be a Slytherin, Becky can be a Gryffindor, and you could be a Hufflepuff." Seth told you as he stood up and moved to sit next to you on the couch. You rolled your eyes at him. The three of you were that last year, there was no way you are gonna be that again this year.
"We are not doing Harry Potter, we were that last year! Becky, please back me up on this!" You asked her. You didn't want to be Hogwarts students again, you didn't even want to do it the first time.
"She's right, we were Harry Potter last year. We aren't doing that again this year" Becky told them before biting her lip and trying to think of a costume idea. She still thought it was way too early to think about Halloween. We were still in August, Halloween wasn't for a couple of months. But if her girlfriend and boyfriend were gonna do this, might as well throw some ideas out there as well.
"Okay, what about ketchup and mustard and a hot dog?" Becky asked you and Seth. You both shook your head.
"What about Poison ivy, the joker, and Harley Quinn?" Seth suggested to the two of you. Becky was okay with that idea, you on the other hand was only okay with it if you got to be the Joker.
"I'm okay with being the joker, I would look awesome as the joker." You told them as you crossed your arms across your chest and leaned back into the couch.
"No, if we are doing that one I want to be the joker," Seth said slightly glaring at you with a pout on his face. "Besides you would make a way hotter Harley. Plus you kinda act like her" Seth said muttering the last part. You threw the throw pillow that was next to Becky at him, it ended up hitting him in the face.
"Case in point. Thank you for proving my point." Seth told you as he smiled and quickly moved to sit next to Becky to avoid getting hit again.
"What about Ariel, Prince Eric, and Ursula," You asked them but they immediately shot it down.
"No, Prince Eric sucks. So does the little mermaid. I still think we should be Joker, Harley, and Poison Ivy." Seth complained. He kissed Becky's cheek before resting his head on Becky's shoulder.
"No, you don't!" You started to say, you knew what Seth was doing. He was trying to butter Becky up so she would agree with his idea. Well, two can play at that game, you thought as you stood up basically pushing yourself onto Becky's lap. You wrapped your arms around her neck as you laid your head on her chest. "Becky, baby don't you think you would be a great Ariel? Instead of Poison Ivy?"
Becky laughed at the both of you. She tightened her hold around your waist as she kissed your cheek. "I got a better idea. What if we three dress up as the three stooges?"
Seth and you shared a look, you both knew that wasn't gonna happen. You sighed as you leaned in to kiss Becky's lips before standing up. "Okay Becks, we can be the three stooges next year. This year we will be Harley, Ivy, and joker." You reluctantly said. It was better than the three stooges, that's for sure.
Seth walked over to you pulling you into a quick kiss. "Yes, I knew you would see things my way! You are gonna make a smoking hot Harley Quinn. "
You smirked at him and nodded. "I would make a sexy Harley Quinn, but I'm gonna make an even better Joker."
You noticed the smile fall off his face as you left the room chuckling to yourself.
"Any idea on how to get her to give that idea up?" Seth asked as he turned to Becky. Becky shook her head as she grabbed her book from the coffee table.
"I already helped you get your way with the Halloween costume, this one you are on your own," Becky told him as she went back to her book. Never a dull moment with her two lovers.
(A/N I don't own anything but the plot. I hope you enjoyed reading. Thank you :).
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godlygreta · 3 years
tender | j. m. kiszka
title | tender
summary | part two to warmth
warnings | 18+ this is smut !
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hello everyone ! here is the highly anticipated pt 2 to warmth :) i hope everyone enjoys ! i loved writing this one. can you tell i was sort of high while writing this? lmfao
When you got home from work, all you wanted to do was cuddle with Josh. You wanted to hold him so tightly his eyeballs could pop out from their sockets. Today had been particularly hard. You had to close tonight – which meant staying out until at least two in the morning. While normally you wouldn’t have minded closing, this was sprung on you last minute because the closer called in, and you were the only one available. “This is the last time I’m working for someone who was supposed to close, I can’t keep staying late. My boyfriend will worry, especially cause it’s so fucking busy I can’t let him know I’ll be home late.”
You and Josh weren’t exactly dating... per se. You would do everything a couple did, cuddle on the couch in the living room while watching anything that was on television, sleep in the same bed all the time, even coordinate outfits (although that was mostly on accident). Hell, even Josh’s parents were convinced you two were together. The boys knew, but they always suspected the two of you were trying to keep it hidden.
Sam had actually shown up while you were at work tonight. A bunch of his friends from high school had come down to visit him, wanting him to show them around and get a feel at what it’s like to be a rockstar. The life wasn’t always luxurious, but you knew it was better than most. At least, for them it was. As soon as you sat his beer down in front of him, you asked him to text Josh for you. “He’ll worry when I don’t come home around ten-ish. Can you just let him know I’m closing at the bar tonight?”
“Yeah, if you tell me what’s going on between you two.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, cheeks heating up and ears turning a ferocious red color.
“You two dating or something? You’re always around each other.”
“I mean, kind of?” He looked at you, confusion settling in the spot between where his eyebrows furrowed. “We aren’t technically dating, but we’re basically dating, you know?”
“Like friends with benefits?”
“No, it’s more than that, it’s better than that.” Sam left the subject alone, knowing that you had work to do. If it hadn’t been so busy, you would’ve stayed by him for the rest of your shift. Or at least, until he decided to go home. He shot Josh a quick text and let him know you’d be later than you wanted to be. Josh seemed just as disappointed as you did.
The second you’re in the door your shoulders slump and you release a breath you had never realized you were holding. You tried to quietly set everything down making sure that if Josh was asleep, you didn’t wake him up. Ever since that night you had straddled him, the two of you had tended to sleep in the same bed.
Whether that was yours or his, it didn’t entirely matter. When he would come home late, you liked to sleep in his. His sheets were covered in his smell, with a hint of marijuana. At times, he’d find you with his pillows cuddled close to your chest, pillowcase just below your nose. Other times, he’d find you sprawled out across his entire bed.
You peeled off the sweatshirt you threw on over your work clothes, hanging it on the back of one of the barstools in your kitchen. Josh wasn’t in the living room and you could hear the shower running. You sighed, knowing that you and Josh would be able to sleep in the same bed again. You absolutely despised not being able to sleep with him. You did it, but reluctantly. You always made sure Josh had sprayed a sweatshirt of his or something for you to wear to bed.
Hence, why so many of Josh’s clothes ended up in your closet. You pulled out an old hoodie of his, the logo of his high school on the front and his last name adorning the back. He didn’t play sports, but had gotten the sweatshirts from the drama department. Their production of Willy Wonka had made more than they expected it to, so everyone was able to get a personalized sweatshirt if they wanted.
Removing your shirt and throwing your bra into your closet was the best part of your night thus far. The feeling of being free had never felt so good after a night like tonight. You slid your jeans off your legs, grabbing out a pair of shorts from your dresser. Just as Josh exited the bathroom, you were pulling them up your legs. The two of you made eye contact, making your cheeks flush. The towel he had on wrapped loosely around his waist. He slipped into his room before you made your way into the bathroom.
You brushed your teeth and removed the makeup you had worn to work. When you exited the bathroom, Josh was waiting for you on your bed. You smiled at him, leaning against the doorframe. “I know I should be, but I’m not really tired.”
“I’m not either. Can we watch a movie or something?” He asked, opening the covers up for you. You nodded, sliding underneath them as you grabbed the remote to your television. There were a few movies on your watchlist, most of them being weird ass movies you barely read the abstract of. You picked the first one that seemed interesting, landing on some weird occultist movie.
The slight hinge of awkwardness settled between the two of you, leaving a space between you. And you hated it. As the movie slowly dragged through the introduction, the closer you got to Josh. Soon, by accident, your hand brushed against his thigh as you scooted closer.
It was quiet, aside from the movie. It was so quiet that you could hear your coffee pot stop making coffee. So quiet that you could hear the birds chirping outside, indicating the oncoming of the dawn. So quiet that you could hear the smallest little whimper leave Josh’s mouth the second your knuckles brushed his thighs.
You held your breath longer than you believe you were supposed to. Your mind flooded with thoughts of Josh, whimpering to things you were doing to him. Whimpering as your hand would wrap around his cock, eyes focused on his and the way his face contorted. Whimpering as you rode him hard and fast, desperate to hear him beg for you.
You had forgotten you were even watching a movie. The entire plot had been unbeknownst to you now, eyes using your peripheral vision to watch Josh squirm out of the corner of your eye. He was fucking magnetizing – the way he tried to move without you noticing. He tried to pull the blanket up around him, acting as if though he was cold.
You stopped him, grabbing his wrist before he could pull the blankets up. His eyes quickly looked up to your face, scanning it for any possible answer. You had no words for him, truly. There wasn’t any formation of words that would truly get your point across. Instead, you abandoned the movie.
Your leg slid over his lap as easily as it did the first time, a noise emitting from Josh’s throat. You swallowed his noise with your mouth over his, desperate. Your hands tangled within the curls of his hair, tongue slipped easily past his pillowy lips. He tasted like wine and leftover Alfredo the two of you had made previously that afternoon. You hummed against him, finally able to feel his gentle fingertips against the skin of your hip. His fingers danced under the hoodie you were wearing, touches all heavy with need.
You pulled away from him, tossing your hoodie over your head. Josh groaned, noticing mid removal that you had taken your bra off from work already. His eyes raked over your naked torso, trying to take in every curve, every freckle, every stretch mark that he could see. Before Josh’s eyes landed on you, you loved every aspect of yourself. As soon as his eyes flickered up to yours, you loved each and every flaw just a fraction of a hair more.
He looked at you like you put the stars in the sky, constructing a universe as perfect as you were. The stretch marks that lined your breasts and stomach only told Josh of how much you’ve grown, metaphorically speaking. Just like the seasons, you had changed as a person. He remembered how apprehensive you were with him at first — never allowing him to fully experience you as a person. And now here you were, in his lap, allowing him to see the deepest parts of your soul.
The second his mouth was on your skin, it felt like it was on fire. You threw your head back, pushing your chest forwards into him. You wanted more, needed it. Your hands in his hair kept him as close to you as you could get him. Any closer to you and the two of you would be sharing the same skin. His tongue glazed over the skin on your collarbones, occasionally biting the skin, leaving a mark before his tongue would swipe over it, soothing.
His hand, while his mouth was on your chest, were all over the skin of your back. His fingers dragged up and down the slight dip in your back, where your spine was. Your skin was so soft under his touch, under his tongue. His tongue swirled around your erect nipple, sending shivers through you and a moan crawled up your throat letting Josh know he was doing amazing.
You didn’t have to tell him that though. You imagined it would be incredibly hard for him to ignore the sweetness dripping from your core, soaking through your panties and the small shorts you were wearing. His hands gripped your hips upon feeling you grind down onto him.
His arms were strong wrapped around you as he flipped the two of you over, mouth moving south. His lips graced every inch of skin they could before coming distracted by the waistband of your shorts. He looked up to you, allowing you to give your consent before he helped you shimmy out of your shorts.
His lips were soft and gentle against the skin of your thighs at first, but it slowly turned into something more needy. His teeth nipped at the skin, watching and listening to your reactions as he did so. He could feel your arousal as his knuckle brushed over your clit. His mouth almost watered at the feeling. Nothing, though, could prepare him for what he would see with your cunt bare.
He may have been the one with his lips wrapped around your clit, but the man was putty in your hands. He listened to the way your body responded to his stimuli, following every order your body gave. He melted underneath your touch, allowing himself to grind his hips down in the bed when you would let out the most beautiful string of moans.
His tongue, much like it did with the skin of your torso, explored every single inch of your cunt. His eyes were closed, reveling in the way you tasted. When his eyes opened, they scanned up your body before landing on your face. If he wasn’t in the middle of making you come on his face and fingers, he would have stopped his movements to simply admire your face and the way you looked.
Your cheeks were flushed, mouth hung open slightly. Your lower back dug into your mattress, hips moving in time with his tongue. Your eyebrows knitted together when his tongue would lap over your clit, hands gripping the light blue sheets you had. When he offered you his hand, you took it; fingernails digging crescent shapes into the dorsal side of his hand. You came undone before him, whimpers leaving your lips much like they had his before.
He crawled up your body, pulling his sweats down slightly as he positioned himself over you. “No, let me.”
He let you do the rest, feeling your cold fingertips brush against his skin made goosebumps rise everywhere. Your hands explored over Josh’s front, gliding up his thighs, pressing light kisses to his hips and love handles. You wanted Josh to feel the exact same way he just made you feel, but his hands stopped you.
His thumb and pointer lightly gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. As his lips mingled with yours once again, you could taste yourself on his tongue. You hummed at the taste, hands bringing Josh closer to you. His legs slipped between yours with ease, bare hips meeting yours. You could feel his cock against you, hard and needy.
Your legs hooked together, thighs tight against his middle. You moved your hips, allowing them to grind up against his. You didn’t have to ask him. He didn’t have to ask you. The unspoken bond you two had shown in this moment, a wandering hand moving to wrap around his cock. He groaned into your mouth, allowing you to line him up.
The second he slipped in, filling you up completely, his balls against your ass, you knew there was truly no way you could go back to the way things were. No more lazily making out while high out of your minds. No more making dinner, arms wrapped around someone’s middle. Not without that label. Not without being more than friends.
The second he started moving, you had expected nothing less. His pace was slow and deliberate. He wanted you to be able to feel him filling you completely, feeling how hard you always got him. He wanted you to know that waiting for this day was the best decision the two of you could have made. He made it worthwhile – the wait.
His fingers intertwined with yours once again, grip slightly tight as he tried to hold on. He wanted to come with you. He wanted to feel you come around his cock before he came himself. His free hand slipped between the two of you, middle fingertip circling your clit. Your free hand covered your mouth, attempting to keep the loud moans at bay, but he wanted to hear you.
Your hand was lost in the mess of his curls as you came, allowing your moans to fill the room and surpass the volume of the movie. Your moans edged him on, asking him to come too. You wanted to see his face. You wanted to see what pleasure looked like on him, dressing his cheeks in a dull pink color. Your hand untangled from his hair, brushing down the bridge of his nose. “Come for me, please.”
He came, white light blinding as his eyes screwed shut, hips stilling. His grip on your hand was tight as he came, letting your gentle touches coerce the string of moans from his lips. His face fell into the crook of your neck, breath heavy against your skin.  
As soon as his breathing and heartbeat returned to normal, his lips were soft against the skin of your neck and shoulder. The knuckles of your free hand brushed against his cheekbone, the two of you falling under the blankets to sleep soundly, not waking up to any texts, alarms, any duties needed to be done on a Sunday morning.
The light shone in through the curtains, illuminating the both of you in a faint golden light. The two of you still lay tangled together, limbs, skin, touching without any gap between the two of you.
taglist: @cal-a-bungaa @joshkiszkastea @screechesincoherently @weightofdreams-gvf @sarakay-gvf @ooswws-gvf @lupinevanfleet @kayle-e @gvfrry @miidnightcarlights @theweightofstardust @katie-gvf @kaylal15 @astro-place @idk-maddie @depressingdarlin @greta-flanveet @highladyofasgard @bumblebeeswrite @jakiszka @aureummel
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miastideclock · 3 years
stray kids reaction: dancing with you at 2am
requested? kinda, me and a friend started talking about it, so here we are warnings: none
stray kids and the songs they dance to at 2am with their significant other
bang chan: cold cold man - saint motel
int. kitchen. night
"you're the only one worth seeing, the only place worth being."
the lyrics whispered across the room, perfectly blending with the sound of a knife softly hitting the cutting board.
you had trouble sleeping, and instead of tossing and turning, risking waking up your boyfriend, you had decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack.
you hummed along gently to the tunes that came from the radio.
you had made sure that it was on the lowest possible volume setting as it wasn't that far to your bedroom from the kitchen.
but, seems it wasn't enough.
"what are you doing?"
the groggy, sleepy voice startled you enough to make you jump around.
your reaction earned a chuckle from chan who stood there in only his sweatpants.
"i'm so sorry! i tried to hard to be quiet." you apologized and put the knife into the sink.
"the music didn't wake me, it was when i reached for you and you weren't there." :(
"you're too cute." you giggled and walked over to him grabbing his hand.
he grabbed it and moved past you just slightly, turning up the music on the radio. no point in keeping it low now that you were both awake.
from there he spun you around on the floor, both of you laughing your hearts out as you danced around the kitchen at two forty-eight in the morning.
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lee know: better - khalid
int. living room. night
"you say we're just friends but I swear when nobody's around, you keep my hand around your neck, we connect, are you feeling it now?"
excessive typing and the occasional sigh came from your seat in the big reading chair in your living room. you were currently working on a project that just wasn't coming together.
you wanted to rip your hair out, to cry and scream, but mostly you just wanted to go to bed and snuggle up next to your boyfriend.
minho had gone to bed a couple of hours ago as he had to get up early the next morning for a shoot.
that was why you were extra surprised when his voice was suddenly in the living room with you.
"you doing okay?"
you looked up from your laptop and shook your head no, then pouted your lip in an overdramatic form.
minho chuckled at you, then walked over to you and took the laptop from your lap and placed it on the coffee table.
"what are you doing awake anyways?" you asked, to which he replied he was getting a drink of water.
"you need a break, come."
you grabbed his free hand, while his other quickly clicked on something on his phone, then he threw it onto the pillows on the couch.
the speakers on the tv softly started playing a khalid-song, one you knew.
minho then lead you to the open floor in front of your tv, and started waltzing you around, making sure to act like a proper gentleman to get a laugh out of you, and sure enough..
he did :)
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seo changbin: double take - dhruv
int. living room. night
"spend a summer or a lifetime with me, let me take you to the place of your dreams."
the credits of the movie rolled over the screen of your tv, playing some song in the background as the film ended.
you sat up from your position leaning against your boyfriend, and stretched.
"we should get to bed, no?" you suggested as it had gotten late, and changbin agreed. he too sat up and cracked his back, seeing as you both had stiffened up from sitting in the same position for the entire movie.
he grabbed the remote and turned off the movie, then went to the music application on the smarttv, pressing play on a random playlist.
while listening to the music, you cleaned up the popcorn and wine you had enjoyed during the movie, bringing it to the kitchen.
placing the two glasses in the sink, you rinsed them before placing them in the dishwasher.
while doing so, two strong arms wrapped around your waist, swaying to the music.
you leaned your head back onto his shoulder and let him move you away from the sink, and flip you around, re-wrapping his hands around your waist, this time resting his forehead against yours as you danced slowly to the music playing.
you matched his pace and looked into his eyes, forgetting reality for a moment.
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hwang hyunjin: arcade - duncan laurance
int. outside. night
"i've spent all of the love I saved, we were always a losing game."
the night sky was clear with stars, twinkling and shining brighter than ever. a warm breeze kissed your face as you laid on the picnic blanket and stared at the constellations.
"i'm pretty sure that's orion's belt." your boyfriend spoke from next to you, and pointed in the direction of his findings.
you looked at where he was pointing and could instantly agree that it was probably correct.
"i love this." you affirmed, hyunjin having been the one to arrange date night.
he rolled over to face you at your statement, looking at you. you did the same and gave him a smile.
other than the soft music playing from your phone, it was quiet- well, as quiet as nature can be.
as you found yourself on top of a hill way outside the city, you could hear the crickets announce their presence, the birds in a nearby tree, and practically hear the grass grow.
"come." hyunjin instructed you and got to his feet, making you do the same.
he grabbed your hand and pulled you in, wrapping his other hand around your waist. you quickly caught on and placed your free hand on his shoulder.
he then started twirling you around, your bare feet getting tickled by the grass, your hair flying around, the two of you giggling and laughing. not that anything was particularly funny, but you were just so happy.
you could dance around forever as long as it was with him.
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han jisung: my kind of woman - mac demarco
int. bedroom. night
"you're my, my, my, my kind of woman. and i'm down on my hands and knees."
it was quite rare that your boyfriend woke you up in the middle of the night, if anything, it was the other way around. but that one sunday night, you woke abruptly to a loud sound.
you sat up in bed at the speed of light, ready to protect yourself against intruders.
"what-who-where? i have a bat!" you groggily exclaimed before you could realize what, who or where you were.
"shhh, so sorry i woke you! just go back to sleep." jisung said as he gently pushed you back down so you were lying flat again.
you were too awake to just drift back to sleep, so you took the opportunity to ask him what it was that had made such a loud noise.
"i can't sleep, so i thought if i played some light music it would soothe me, but i forgot i had the volume on max. sorry."
you chuckled at him, then told him to put it back on, and he did.
mac demarco's tunes soon played at a much lower volume this time, making you smile.
"I love this song. dance with me?" you spoke, looking at jisung with a smile. he nodded and you both got out of bed, and moved around the room in each other's arms, still clad in your pj's.
jisung sang along to the song, and you placed your head against his chest, listening to the vibrations of his voice.
if that didn't put you to sleep, you had no idea what would.
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lee felix: loving is easy - rex orange county
int. kitchen. night
"yeah, loving is easy, when everything's perfect."
it was late. later than you would usually stay up, but today was special.
your boyfriend was returning home from tour, and you were so excited you didn't know what to do.
he had mentioned he was starving when he was on the plane, so you had gotten to work. you put on some banging tunes and started prepping two a.m. dinner.
you hummed along to the music as you placed the pasta in the boiling water, dancing around the room. there was not a chance in hell you were able to stand still, knowing felix was on his way home.
lucky for you, there had been no traffic and he came home sooner than expected.
he really caught you off guard when you heard the door open, close, and then footsteps running towards you.
"my sunshine!" he practically yelled as he picked you up from behind and spun you around.
"buttercup!" you squealed as he finally sat you down. you whipped around and kissed him, unable to stop smiling.
he held you close and peppered your face with kisses, having missed you so bad.
he kept holding around you even after you managed to choke out the words 'that's enough' between laughs.
"i missed you so much!" he smiled again, now moving the two of you side to side at the same pace as the rex orange county song that played, it ended up in the two of you doing a full dance number.
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kim seungmin: invisible things - lauv
int. banquet hall. night
"it's the invisible things that i, that I love the most, it's the way that I feel when i, when I hold you close."
taking a sip from your drink, you scanned the banquet hall, trying to see if anything caught your interest, but you were left disappointed.
you had been invited to a company party as your boyfriend's plus one, which had seemed like a great idea at first, but turned out to be kind of a bummer.
you had originally thought that you and seungmin would be able to be around each other all night, but that was quite contrary to the truth.
you had been separated upon entry and you had yet to see him again. this didn't last too long thought, cause soon you had a pair of hands on your shoulders, squeezing gently.
"you okay?" seungmin asked you, and you leaned your head against his arm. you tried to nod, but it probably only came off as you adjusting.
however, after being your boyfriend for as long as he had, he knew what you meant. so with that, he let go of your shoulders and walked so he was in front of you. he then offered his arm for you to hold onto as he beelined you towards the exit door.
"seungmin, we can't leave yet! the others would kill you."
seungmin just gave you a smile that told you to trust him, and you did. he lead you to the staircase, and up you went.
up, up, up until you reached the roof.
the cold air instantly relaxed you, and you let go of seungmin's arm.
"not leaving, just taking a break." he spoke quietly.
the rooftop was made to a sort of park, with flowers and plants, and patches of grass scattered across, there still being pavement to walk among it.
seungmin then reached out his hand to you, asking you to dance.
you smiled as you nodded and grabbed his hand, moving around to the sound of the music from the party, it being just loud enough to hear, mixing with the sound of cars racing by way down on the road, and also the leaves of trees whistling in the faint breeze.
"you always know what to do." you said as you kissed his cheek.
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yang jeongin: this side of paradise - coyote theory
int. airport. night
"darling, you're glowing, if you're lonely, come be lonely with me."
the sound of an announcement over the speakers. the one kid crying in the distance. the occasional security cart racing by.
life at the airport.
you had visited your long-distance boyfriend, but your stay had sadly come to an end.
you had gotten the latest possible ticket to where you would still get back in time for your life back home. what you hadn't planned for though, was the flight getting cancelled and you having to wait at the airport overnight, hence why you were sat at a random gate at two in the morning.
you had been texting jeongin about the situation, and he told you again and again how bad he wanted to fix everything, but he obviously couldn't.
"there is one thing i can do though." was the last text he had sent you before he went awol. you had sent him a few texts after that, but just figured he had fallen asleep.
but not many minutes later, you were proved wrong.
"pumpkin! what are you doing here?" you joyfully exclaimed once you saw jeongin jogging towards you.
"i couldn't let you wait here alone, so i got a random, cheap-ass ticket so i could be here with you." he said and attacked you in a hug. you attacked him right back, over the moon at his actions.
it was still very late, and you were both quite tired, so you sat back down on the chairs you had found, and he held your hand, intertwining your fingers.
the silence was comfortable, but you loved it when jeongin offered you an airpod so you could listen to music together, so you gleefully plugged it into your ear.
before you knew it, jeongin had gotten to his feet, and dragged you along with him.
"dance with me." he smiled.
"are you crazy?" you chuckled at him, but he apparently took it as a yes, cause suddenly you were moving along to the music, your hands around his neck, and his around your waist.
so there you were, two love birds dancing at an empty airport at to in the morning.
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hope you liked it! -bennie ♡
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