#I used 5 stamina potions to get this
the-moon-files · 2 months
I was actually thinking about this a lot but like as an add on to your humans are hylian space orcs thing. I am in ✨need✨ of reader trying potions. Like;
"This potion will restore your stamina and boost your strength"
"Buddy that's just coffee"
Even worse if when the reader tries it it's just like the most not strong coffee they've ever drank. Makes the guys wonder wtf makes humans need so much energy through out the day.
this is such a cute idea, i love how diet diffs/energy diffs in humans are space orcs aus, so genius to apply to hylians
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the stamnia boost potion tastes just like instant coffee with powdered creamer (the kind at like car dealerships/shitty offices where its not even a little liquid creamer)
and u spit that shit out like wtf is this bs
and Four, poor guy who gave you some after talking a break from walking, is like "oh my goddess r u allergic?? can still breath???"
meanwhile ur like. "yeah this just tastes like shit-"
four: "oh well yeah, all potions do really-"
you: "-ty coffee. this is nowhere near strong enough to get me back on my feet ffs"
four: " 👁️👄👁️"
you: "u got anything stronger? :/ "
four: " w h a t ? "
cue u researching how to make stamnia potions, across the hyrules, and making them 10x stronger so theyre like an actual coffee shop kind of coffee, and the Links are literally lowkey scared
Time forbids you (and the rest of the guys) from letting anyone else try ur "improved" elixir (s)
bc yes, u didnt stop at stamnia
u moved on to healing potions, (u can now regrow limbs and heal broken bones, the hylians can only take like a 1/16th of a sip like once a week, whereas u chug the whole thing, and can do so multiple times a day if needed)
u also moved onto cooking, bc rlly how different is cooking from alchemy?
and goron spice tasted like goddamn dorito chips, so u used essence of literal lava to help make it more spicy,
ur not allowed to introduce this new spice to the gorons, Wild forbid, bc he was adventurous enough (and snuck behind Time and ur backs) to try some spice
(he literally touched the tip of his pinky finger to it, wiped it off, except for 1 like flake of spice too)
and it lowkey nearly killed him 💀
like had to use that 1/16th of ur extra strong healing potion and everything
u felt so bad, but he did do this to himself,
and Wild knew the gorons dont back down from a challenge, esp since it was originally their recipe, so he (and you) didnt wanna kill them on accident
the sleeping potion u found is just like taking a single melatonin gummy, so u ofc make that thing knock even you out after 2 sips,
needless to say, no one is trying that one, not only bc it knocked Rulie unconcious for 12 hours straight (u got him to try it after he exhausted all his magic healing, and so no nightmares)
but bc it knocked u out cold for 9. that was the scarier part to them lmao, was how affected is their human by this?
i like to think thats how they judge unknown foods and liquids too,
like "do you think this tastes unseasoned? ok should be perfect for me then" - every Link
"oh this didnt make u feel sleepy at all/barely tired? great, id love to knock out cold w/no nightmares tonight" - Sky, probably
"this tastes like that thing you call, instant cough? ko-fee? Cool, give me some i need to run up this mountain" - Wild, for the 3rd time this month probably
"this barely healed ur papercut? sweet, give me some my wrists are killing me" - poor Legend, he uses ur extra strength healing potion as a way to treat his arthritis regularly once a month, but the more chill potions for any leftover aches and pains, esp after long fights being hard on his arms
Chain is simultaneously still lowkey terrified u need that much extra oomf, esp when u run out of stronger stuff and have to down like 5 health potions to heal a cut that needed stitches,
and also worried u need that much and also Wild/Wars/Rulie tend to work overtime to make sure they have extra potions for you
and theyre also kind of impressed, bc hey, youre unlikely to get magically poisoned/potion poisoned like them
sorry i couldnt think of as much as i hoped, i think its bc i rlly just need to play/watch more loz games besides botw/totk
i like know the vague plot of ss/oot/mm/tp/ww/hw and og loz games, but havent gotten into details/lets play or anything yet
i hope this was at least a half decent idea to think about/expand on urs, have a great rest of ur week, and thanks so much for the ask!! <33
Peace out,
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Have you ever been playing dnd and found yourself wishing you could experience the full immersion of mechanics for brewing potions, charting maps, picking locks, or enchanting items that were more than simply chucking a d20 and hoping for the best?
In addition to an expansive combat system that favors player exploration and expression, Tales from the Aether encourages players to explore more facets of the fantasy and adventuring genre. Some fun examples are the Chef’s Tools and Climbing Tools mechanics.
Chef’s Tools
These tools are used to make delicious and nutritious meals that are far superior to simple rations. In order to make a nutritious meal that last the whole adventuring day, you must use at least 4 lbs of food stuff such as meat, vegetables, or roots per individual you wish to feed.
You gain a number of d6s equal to your Nature or Knowledge score. You only need to roll one dice to make a successful meal but can gamble for additional bonuses. If you roll doubles on anything other than 1s, your meal grants an additional bonus. Any effects granted from the meals lasts until your next long rest.
If you roll anything other than a 1, the meal is a success and grants a temporary increase to Hit Point maximum equal to your Nature or Knowledge score.
If you roll a 1, the meal is just an average meal with no additional benefits.
If you roll multiple 2s, the meal grants a +1 Bonus to Stamina.
If you roll multiple 3s, the meal grants a +5 to Speed.
If you roll multiple 4s, the meal grants a +1 Bonus to Awareness and Security checks.
If you roll multiple 5s, the meal grants a +1 Bonus to Diplomacy, Deception, Intimidation, and Performance checks.
If you roll multiple 6s, the meal grants double the increase to Hit Points.
Climbing Tools
Climbing long distances is a dangerous sport and can be nearly impossible without the proper tools. With these tools, a misstep may lead to a minor panic attack, not a fall to one’s death.
You gain a pool of 5 dice (1d4). For every 100 feet you climb, you must use these dice to reach a DC of 10. If you fail to meet this DC, you gain 10 points of Stress but make the distance.
The dice you get to roll is increased depending on your Skill Rank. Novice grants a 1d6, Apprentice a 1d8, Journeyman a 1d10, Expert a 1d12, and Master a 1d20.
If you are climbing with multiple people, you can share your dice to help your companions out. For example, if one member of the group is an Expert and passed the DC with 2 dice, they can share their last 3 dice with members of the group that are less skilled in Agility or Strength.
This is just a taste but there is much more to be found. If such exploration of different mechanics interests you, give a follow to keep up to date with Tales from the Aether’s progress! I may be inviting more people to the discord to take a look at the 250+ page document once its V1.2 is completed ;p
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quartzlightz · 2 months
New heroes chapter 5🫢
Shocking ik right, I actually finished a chapter🙀
Wild observed from afar.
Walking in a familiar terrain with his past/alternate universe self leading them. Legend looked like he was one step away from beating Warriors with his cane. Thankfully, Hyrule, was over by them trying to calm the situation down.
Sky appeared to be getting along well with Age, and Time walked alongside them.
Spirit and Four were discussing something. And whatever they were talking about made the sailor look incredibly bored.
Last but not least, Twilight. The rancher was keeping a watchful eye on him. He’s such a worry wart that Wild is convinced he’ll stress himself to the point of white hair. Although he can’t blame him, he was an absolute wreck last night. And he’s sure that it won’t be getting any better with where they are going to visit.
Twilight noticed how Wild kept picking at his cuticles and digging his nails into his hand with a faraway look in his eyes. “Wild,” Twilight spoke as he pulled his cub’s hands away from each other causing Wild to look up at him in question. “Easy th’re cub, I don’t want ya’ hurtin’ yo’self. What happened t’ that bracelet ya’ had ya’ used t’ mess with?”
“It broke,” He mumbled as he looked away pouting.
Twilight sighed, ”W’ can get ya’ a new one, or make a new one even.”
Wild hummed in reply. He felt numb, he’s pretty sure he got everything out of his system last night with all that crying. And for once, he was exhausted. Unfortunately, there was no way he could sneakily drink a stamina potion without getting caught too. He sighed mentally, cursing himself out in his head for being so stupid, he just wanted to hide away.
After hours of walking, the heroes had made it to Hateno. So, he did live in Hateno in the past, huh?
After the visit to Age’s home? His home? Their home? They should be leaving and meeting with the princess and the champions for one last personal meeting. And after that, hopefully, they’ll get to leave.
He does not want to spend one more moment in this era.
Read the rest on Ao3
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holly-fixation · 2 months
Ever Crisis Tips!
For anyone who started this game or wants to know what the best way to use your time/resources is, here are my tips to get stronger faster:
1: They recently added a 9x stamina option. This means 9 times the rewards with 9 times the stamina, but you save so much actual TIME. This makes grinding for everything a lot easier.
2: Give yourself a specific goal for anything that uses stamina. These will keep you from going insane. "I'm going to max out Aerith's exp." "I'm going to get all the highest weapon materials." "I'll get all the ice materia materials I could ever want!" "I'm going to max out Zack's Ifrit rarity!"
3: Use auto battle. Specifically, if you don't want to be in the top 1,000 of the dungeon rankings (that takes so much time and I am also convinced it costs money), only play levels you do not need to pay attention to. This still applies for stamina cost battles only. Your life will be so much easier if you passively get stronger through a bunch of auto battles than forcing yourself to pay attention.
4: Check on the Cetra Tower every once in a while. You will probably forget about it. If you give it a couple of tries and realize you aren't getting any closer to winning, LEAVE. It's not worth the heartache.
5: When gaining weapon materials, all the metal cubes can be broken down to the smaller ingots and such in the Exchange menu. NEVER waste your time playing early weapon material quests when you have access/can reliably complete the difficult quests. - Even for later materials, you will always run out of the rarest first. The genome pods and such cannot be broken down, but you will not want to either.
6: Weapon enhancement (grindstones) same deal: always play the highest level for the best rewards.
7: I suggest having an A team for difficult battles, a B team for when the A team maxes out, and a C "this team is my lowest level" for daily missions. You might not like everyone, but it feels like you're still making progress even if your A team is maxed out.
8: If there is a free draw, try to remember it with everything you have. Free draws are rare and incredibly useful.
9: Personally I always keep 36,000 crystals on the back burner in case a specific costume I really want appears in the next banner. It is incredibly difficult to maintain crystals if you want something from every banner. The real money option is incredibly expensive. Be careful.
10: Try not to forget about the dungeons, especially early game. But also don't hurt yourself on the crisis dungeons. If you feel like you're hitting your head against a wall, it's not worth the medals yet.
11: You will reach a point where the only thing stopping your characters from growing stronger is the weapon rarity. This will suck. The best you can do is gain materials for other uses.
12: Materia in the microwave: try not to forget but not the end of the world either. I suggest cooking up 3* of every single materia type you have access too. Don't worry about the 4* and 5* materia until everything at least has 3*.
13: Speaking of materia: focus on Ruin when you're bored. They cook fast and since almost every boss requires them, it's better to do more damage in those required levels with higher stars *.
14: Summons: Very hard 1 is the only very hard you should ever do outside of coop. Only complete this to unlock the summon stream/stronger attack. Since Auto battle can't complete them, don't repeat these levels.
15: Double speed is great, but if you lose a level, try turning off double speed. The game won't register certain attacks that should go through on double speed. Normal speed can actually be your key to victory, since all attacks that can go through will.
16: Coop sucks. We all know it, but the rewards are incredibly useful. Usually just doing the event coop will cover the weekly requirement, but check the items available anyway. Item drops increase for coop levels.
17: Save 40 stamina potions before an event begins so if you have time or really want the rewards, you can blow through it. Any more than 40 will become 99 WAY faster than you think it will, so try to use stamina when YOU have time.
18: Yes the phone version drains battery life, but it's also easier for multitasking. I play while folding my laundry or watching youtube. If this is impossible, there is also a steam version. And you can link your account so you won't lose any progress!
Good luck! Hope this helps!
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shibainu2006 · 1 year
Welcome to the queen's quarters!
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Requests are open!!
3 characters at a time
No smut
Only fluff, angst, and comfort
I do art as well!!
I take requests regarding my MC and yours as well!!
Depending on your request and how detailed it is, you'll either get a headcanon or x reader.
It's gonna be a surprise
I might not be able to get ideas for certain requests, so don't get your hopes up too high for it to be written. I wanna be able to give good quality, and sometimes my brain doesn't do what it should.
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Twisted Wonderland MC ✨️deep dive✨️ (will get updated every now and again)
Reign was born and raised on Earth. Y'all know this.
Before reaching Twisted Wonderland, she was taken from her own house, and taken to a special place in Egypt where they do rituals n shit to make you what is basically a vessel to one or more deities.
Reign didn't consent to this. Not even a lil.
Tattoos were painted on her back from pure molten gold.
One representing Sekhmet and the other Bastet.
Of course, after days of being there, and being treated like an actual goddess, she was brought to twisted wonderland.
She had no memory of this ritual, and only by Jamil's overblot did she learn of what abilities she had.
Turns out, she can take the form of the two goddesses, or turn into the animal they represent.
So lioness or cat.
The sad thing is that she has bad control and almost turned Jamil into a Magicam hashtag.
Eventually she does learn to control it, and can better use it to protect loved ones.
Of course, using these abilities takes a huge toll on her body if she does it long enough.
No. This is not magic.
No. The crimson flowers won't do a damn thing.
No. Riddle's unique magic can not stop her on a rampage.
Yes. She does remember Disney movies. History class can be quite a doozy when she's in the room!
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Physical strength: 10/10
Mental strength: 6/10
Emotional strength: 7/10
Magic: 0/10
Stamina: depends... what is she doing?
Leadership capability: 10/10
Patience for others: 5/10
Academics: 8/10
Potions: 9/10
History: 20/10
P.E: 3/10 (she will sit and do nothing)
Social skills: .... People are scary...
Empathy: 10/10
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Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 213 lbs
If sorted into a dorm: Savanaclaw
Age: 19
Favorite subject: History
Best subject: History
Least favorite subject: Physical education
Worst subject: physical education
Favorite activity: Drawing and literature
Favorite food: anything sweet
Least favorite food: Peas
Club: Basketball club
Floyd's nickname for her: Shachi-Chan (Orca)
Nicknames: Prefect, Herbivore, evil Prefect, mom, couch potato
Talent(s): Singing and drawing
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"You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?"
"I hate suck ups..."
"Your prefect has arrived to save the day... As per usual..."
"Y'all got a pool!?"
"We worked really hard on that...."
"If you wanna fight, then I'm right here."
"If another one of you overblots, I'm gonna commit a crime so heinous that even prisons won't know what to do with me"
"You're not alone, y'know.. I completely understand that feeling."
"Please stop..."
"I certainly would have lost my sanity without your help. Thank you!"
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Other MC's
My moots
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My sister
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WARNING: Any who act out of line here will be handed logic, get reported, and blocked.
ShibaInu2006's content: Do not copy my content. I will find out, and you will be publicly embarrassed for it. I'm not working hard just to be copied.
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verminjerky · 1 year
Arcanist Leveling Cheat Sheet
How to Level Your Arcanist - Fast, Cheap, and Solo
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The following is meant to be a straightforward and easy-to-follow guide to leveling an Elder Scrolls Online character in a single sitting, on the same day the character is made. It will work for classes other than Arcanist, but I will make recommendations for Arcanists specifically.
This guide is not comprehensive, you may wish to add other activities into you grind. Personally, I prefer to do those after my character is leveled to CP, so I just focus on getting to 50 with as many skill points as possible.
There are other options for leveling a character, but giving inexperienced players too many options can get overwhelming, so this guide is simple, streamlined, and effective for getting a well-rounded character.
Leveling this way will achieve level 50 in about 3 to 5 hours of gameplay and will help level skill lines and get extra skill points during that time, not just levels 4and attributes.
Check out the actual Excel-style cheat sheet here!
If you have tips or tricks you like to use, please drop them in the comments!
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Race, Role, Attributes, Mundus, and Consumables
This guide is for leveling as a DPS as it’s the easiest way to level solo. I prefer to level as a DPS even if I intend to change my new character’s role later, as you can easily change all skills and attributes after leveling.
Choose the race that’s best for the role you want to play, even if it isn’t DPS.
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Mundus: The Thief
If you’re struggling with low resources, switch to a sustain mundus:
Magicka: The Atronach
Stamina: The Serpent
Health: The Steed or The Lord
Here’s where you can find each mundus stone, and most guild halls also have all mundus stones available.
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Food & Drink
These foods and drinks work for characters of any level so you will never need to change them. They are all reasonably affordable or free.
Magicka: Witchmother’s Potent Brew
Stamina: Dubious Camoran Throne
Either: Bewitched Sugar Skulls or Crown Fortifying Meal
Crown Fortifying Meals are often given away as daily login rewards. Now is a great time to use them up, they’re a perfect leveling food!
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The easiest thing to do is use Crown Tri-Restoration Potions, which are great potions that work for any level character and are free daily login rewards. You may also choose to use "trash pots”, which are the magicka, stamina, or health potions you can loot off of enemies or purchase from NPC General Goods Merchants. NPC shop owners will present you with the correct level of potion for your character, making this an easy, inexpensive option. If you prefer to craft potions of spell or weapon power at the correct level for your character, go for it, but we’ll keep it simple here.
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Experience Boosts
Gather up your experience scrolls! These are constantly given away as free daily login rewards. Stick them in your bank and withdraw them on your new character.
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Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll (150% XP boost for 1 hour)
Major Gold Coast Experience Scroll (100% XP boost for 1 hour)
Crown Experience Scroll (50% XP boost for 2 hours)
Alternatively, you can use Psijic Ambrosia, Aetherial Ambrosia, or Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia, but I don’t recommend it. These will stack with other food and drinks but they do not stack with experience scrolls, which are free and abundant. Ambrosia, by contrast, is very expensive.
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Gear (Armor, Weapons, Jewelry)
Gear Qualities
Normal (White) (Cheapest)
Fine (Green)
Superior (Blue)
Epic (Purple)
Legendary (Gold) (Costliest)
Use the best gear quality you can afford up to Epic (Purple). This gear is disposable, don’t waste money making it Legendary (Gold) quality for this purpose. Normal (White) or Fine (Green) is totally fine, what matters most is which sets you’re using.
Highest Priority for Quality: Weapons, followed by large body pieces (head, chest, legs).
Lowest Priority for Quality: Jewelry is very expensive and upgrading low level equipment is not worth the return. Use Normal, or Fine at maximum.
Glyphs: Relatively inexpensive, try to use Epic or Superior.
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Gear Sets
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Adjust as needed based on what you have available for each piece. As long as you have 5 Order’s Wrath and 5 Heartland Conqueror active at all times, with a 2-piece for weapon and spell damage, you’re fine.
Training gear needs to be upgraded periodically. Low level gear will be weak on higher level characters. Optimally, make gear for every 10 levels (1, 10, 20, 30, 40). If you prefer fewer sets, every 20 levels (1, 20, 40) is fine. Backbar is unlocked at level 15. Make your first backbar weapon level 14.
More Info
A bit more information about these sets, with alternatives. Feel free to skip this part if you don’t need it.
Weapon & Jewelry Set: Order’s Wrath (High Isle, 3 traits) This is the best crafted set for DPS in ESO, and requiring only 3 traits, almost any crafter can make it.
Body Set: Heartland Conqueror (Blackwood, 7 traits) This set doubles the bonus of the Training trait on your weapons, increasing that XP bonus from 9% to 18%. We’re putting this on the body because it requires 7 traits, and armor traits are easier to come by.
Alternative sets requiring fewer traits: Law of Julianos (Wrothgar, 6 traits), Sload’s Semblance (Summerset, 6 traits), Hunding’s Rage (Base Game, 6 traits), Claw of the Forest Wraith (Galen, 5 Traits), Innate Axiom (Clockwork City, 2 traits)* *If you use Innate Axiom as a 5-piece set, do not use it as your 2-piece set.
2-Piece Set: Innate Axiom (Clockwork City, 2 traits) Any set with a 2-piece bonus of weapon and spell damage will work. (Weapon and spell damage is better than critical damage in this slot.) Innate Axiom requires the fewest traits.
Alternative 2-Piece Set Options: Diamond’s Victory, Dragon’s Appetite, Oblivion’s Foe, Pelinal’s Wrath, or Red Eagle’s Fury
Note: I had originally intended to give an alternative option of overland sets for those who can’t get crafted sets. I was unable to find most overland gear in my chosen sets in levels below level 160 so I can’t recommend this.
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Skills / Abilities
Class Skills
While you’re leveling and gaining more skill points, you’ll want to fill out the Herald of the Tome skill line first. This is the DPS skill line for Arcanists. (Remember, this can be changed later if you want to play a different role.)
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Choose your preferred morphs as the abilities rank up, but here are the suggested morphs for DPS:
Runeblades > Writhing Runeblades 
Fatecarver > Exhausting Fatecarver
Abyssal Impact > Cephaliarch's Flail
Tome-Bearer's Inspiration > Inspired Scholarship
The Imperfect Ring > Fulminating Rune
The Unblinking Eye > The Languid Eye (Ultimate)
You will also want to begin taking passives under Herald of the Tome as you gain skill points. Simply take them as they become available.
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If you need defensive skills, Curative Runeforms is the healing skill line and  Soldier of Apocrypha is the tanking skill line. You can add some easy defense to your bar with:
Soldier of Apocrypha > Runespite Ward > Impervious Runeward
Curative Runeforms > Runemend > Evolving Runemend
Curative Runeforms > Remedy Cascade > Cascading Fortune
Curative Runeforms > Chakram Shields >  Tidal Chakram
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Racial Passives, Armor Passives, Weapon Abilities, and Fighter’s Guild
While leveling, you’ll also want to take skills from other lines as they become available. Use your best judgement about what you need as you’re playing, but here are some suggested priorities.
Racial passives (All) >  Skip any skills useless for leveling.
Armor passives > Light Armor (Evocation, Spell Warding, Prodigy, Concentration) > Medium Armor (Dexterity, Wind Walker, Agility)
Weapon abilities > Bow > Volley > Arrow Barrage > Destruction Staff > Wall of Elements > Unstable Wall > Destruction Staff > Force Shock > Crushing Shock > Dual Wield (Daggers) > Blade Cloak > Deadly Cloak > Two-Handed (Greatsword) > Critical Charge > Stampede > Two Handed (Greatsword) > Cleave > Carve
Fighter’s Guild (More about this in Leveling) > Trap Beast > Barbed Trap > Expert Hunter > Camouflaged Hunter > Dawnbreaker > Flawless Dawnbreaker
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Leveling this way will achieve level 50 in about 3 to 5 hours of gameplay and will help level skill lines and get extra skill points during that time, not just levels and attributes.
Create your character. Your character will be level 3 when complete, whether or not you skip the tutorial.
Unlock Fighter’s Guild. (How to join the Fighter's Guild.) You will want to level this skill line while leveling your character. You can skip this if you don't plan to play DPS or PVP.
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Use your XP scroll and set a timer for its end time so you can refresh this buff.
Do not join a group if leveling solo. Popular grind spots will often see people grouping up with strangers, but if you do, you won't be able to use the Group Finder for random dungeons.
Group for a Random Normal Dungeon using the Group Finder. Set your role to Damage. (Don't fake another role! It's not only rude, it won't help you here because you want downtime between dungeons.)
Each time you get a dungeon you have not done before, be sure to take the quest at the beginning and complete it. This will give you a skill point each time.
Choose a grinding location to gain XP while you wait for your dungeon to pop. (More Below.) The recommended grinding locations have plenty of daedra and/or undead, which level your Fighter's Guild skill line.
Continue cycling through random dungeons and your grinding location until you've achieved level 50.
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Grind Locations
Craglorn Spellscar
This location is usually very populated and has relatively high-level overland enemies. Overland enemies are worth more experience than other types. It's excellent for characters with unleveled mounts as it's small and easy to travel across on foot. The smallest area with the easiest enemies is the fire area. It's very easy to get massive XP doing circles here.
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Alik’r Dolmens
This is probably the most popular XP grind in ESO. Each of the Dark Anchor dolmens in Alik'r is very near a wayshrine, so it's easy to cycle from one to the next. This offers a great deal of XP but may be harder for characters who don't have leveled mounts because the dolmens go down quickly and it's easier to ride from the wayshrine to the dolmen mounted.
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Duo Grind Locations
For use if you want to group with one friend. This still works while cycling through random dungeons. These locations are better for more experienced players. You can also use the solo grinding spots with a friend.
Skyreach Catacombs
Blackrose Prison
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If you notice any errors or want to contribute a tip or trick, please comment below or tweet me. You can find the handy dandy sheet version here.
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humbletusk · 22 days
Horse racing Guide in Star Equestrian
Hi here and welcome! This blog dedicated to mastering racing feature in Star Equestrian game based on my experience. Feel free to read and check info here ❤️
It is advisable to change the control settings to those presented below.
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Control smoothing – “smoothing of inputs”. Turning off this setting makes horse’s turns faster. In the same way, you can react to traps faster.
Veering Adjust - “adjustment of turns”. By turning it off, the horse will not “skid” when turning. Increases the chance of avoiding traps.
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For racing it is necessary to have 2 or more traits:
1. Acceleration areas are opened.
2. The variety of items to pick up has been increased.
If you have 3 character traits, 2 items are given from the start and an additional slot is unlocked.
Horse stats.
Listed in descending order of importance:
1. Speed. The bigger, the better. Minimum – 120 including tack.
2. Stamina. Average values ​​are sufficient. Minimum – 60 including tack.
3. Accelerate. The bigger, the better. Reduces the time it takes for the horse to switch gaits. Minimum – 60 including tack.
4. Agility. At higher values ​​it is easier to dodge traps. Minimum – 60 including ammunition. Bond does not affect the ability to use sprint - it can be used from the 0 level.
It is advisable to focus on speed and stamina stats to get more benefit. Also accelerate stats are very good option. Use any 4⭐️ and 5⭐️ tack to increase horse stats.
The quality of buffs depends on active traits.
1 trait:
1. Apple – small speed boost. The effect is slightly increased when used on speed pads. In this way, acceleration can be prolonged.
2. A jar of honey - falls in front of you. Slows down players. The apple slightly reduces the effect. You can jump over it.
3. Trap - falls to the right of the horse. “Stuns” and resets the horse’s gait to Canter. It’s worth throwing it on sites for acceleration pads, shortcuts and places for picking buffs. You can't jump over it.
4. Stamina Potion – completely restores the horse’s stamina. For a few seconds after use, the horse's stamina is not consumed.
2 or more traits:
1. Basket of apples – speed boost doubled. Can be used 3 times.
2. A box with a glove - falls in front from a huge distance. “Stuns” and resets the horse’s gait to Canter. Has a large AoE. It is worth throwing in narrow places, places where you can pick up buffs. You can't jump over it.
3. Firework – “stuns” the player in front at the time of usage. You can't dodge it.
4. Big Firework – “stuns” the player in the leading position at the time of usage. Resets the horse's gait to Canter. You can't dodge it.
5. Shield – immunity from traps and obstacles for a certain amount of time. The effect is cumulative.
6. Horn – “stuns” players and resets the horse’s gait to Canter within the radius of use for several seconds. You can't jump over it.
7. Golden Horseshoe – speeds up the horse and gives immunity from traps and obstacles for a few seconds. The effect accumulates with the apple, the basket of apples.
Each map has several shortcuts. It's good to use them if you're confident in yourself to dodge traps or use trap, jar of honey, or box with a glove. The places where the distance shortens are very narrow.
If you have 1 trait:
Use platforms to speed up, avoid traps.
If you have 2 or more traits:
You should stay in 4th-5th place on the first and second lap, as getting bonuses for 2 or more traits is more likely.
I guess that’s all for now to share. Someday I’ll add more info about event mechanics and maps ❤️
Let me know if I’m missing something 🙏🏻
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clauderiegan · 1 year
Would you recommend getting feh for the first time now?
They just added a bonus for a bunch of free stamina potions (which is what you use to play), so I would say yes? Unfortunately we're in the middle of Book 7 which is pretty horny but you can take your time and enjoy the other story chapters before this one. At this point you'd also get a fair amount of free 5 stars so that's cool.
Here's the link for the current banners that are running to check if you like anyone.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 2 years
The party🎆
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Happy Halloween everyone.
I can't believe that October is over however we can't say goodbye to it without the last scene for this small WIP.
Characters mentioned here belong to : @flareshogwarts @kc-and-co @lifeofkaze @the-al-chemist
With only a few hours of sleep, Scarlett was ready to actually strangle someone, but she kept reminding herself of the end goal. Party, have fun, save students from another fucking boring party where professors made them dance a foot apart. What even was that? 1980s? Such a joke.
A joke Scarlett didn’t want to take part in any longer. They were adults. They had the right to have their own parties, get closer to someone, drink, oh my lord, especially drink. Have fun and she was certain the majority needed to get their sticks out of their asses and actually enjoy themselves.
As she delivered the promised costume to a Slytherin girl she joined the rest in the Great Hall for breakfast, the first thing she went for being a huge mug of coffee that she absolutely devoured. On the last sip before another refill, she listened to everyone on what they still had to do, however a small smile revealed itself as she learned they all delivered the costumes Phil promised to the students “That’s good, finally some fucking good news, all we need now is to get the party ready.”
“Scarlett Tempest!” her eyes widened upon recognizing Phil’s voice.
“Impossible, the potion should have kept him knocked out until noon. I swear he doesn’t have blood anymore but energy drinks running through his veins.”
She peaked from behind Saffron, seeing him marching over “What have you done? Where are my costumes? How could you steal Halloween?”
Rolling her eyes, she rested her chin on her hand “You’re being dramatic, it’s just a stupid holiday.”
Phil stopped in his tracks, mouth swinging open “Stupid? Stupid?! You have unleashed my rath. Agility +10, mana – infinite.” He sprinted towards her table, Scarlett getting up and running to the end of the Great Hall.
“Cut it out, you can’t outrun me, I can last longer.”
“You have never seen me like this. Tell me what you did Scarlett.” Lunging for her, she evaded, running towards the exit.
“Maybe you should have increased your stamina instead you nerd. Fuck you Baker!”
Walking past them professor Willows shook his head “5 points from Slytherin and no running in the hall mister Baker.”
“Screw this!” Scarlett shook her fist at the professor thus earning another five points being deducted.
Getting up from their table, Lachlan and Jonathan ran to catch up to Phil who was already running out of breath “Now, now, come on mate, I’m certain she will come around.” Jonathan said, urging for Dylan to join them, him shaking his head as he pointed to his breakfast, bent on ignoring them.
Taking hold of Phil’s arm, Lachlan prevented him from running away “Come on, let’s get something to eat and come up with a plan ok?”
Basically dragging Phil to where Dylan was sitting, they witnessed him losing it “She… I can’t believe it. The betrayal! Halloween? Really? I don’t know what to do. What should I do?”
Dylan scoffed as he pushed a bowl towards him “How about you calm down and eat something? You can’t undo what she did. It’s Scarlett.”
Phil nodded, running a hand through his hair, looking at another table where he could have sworn he had seen Dana and Saffron but suddenly they were nowhere in sight. Breathing out a heavy sigh, he finally decided to have a bit of coffee to at least properly wake up “She drugged me, she unlocked a level I never knew she could.” The boys shared a concerned look as he continued to ramble, Jonathan in the end deciding to spare him the grief.
“Alright, alright, look, we have an idea for a costume and need a fourth member. So will you help us please, we’re a bit lost.”
Thankfully, that was enough to get him to join, well, that and the promise that they would come up with an epic plan to take down Scarlett and make her pay for her treachery. But when Phil saw that the costume was a Chinese dragon, he didn’t know what to actually think. Dylan looked at it also confused as Lachlan whispered something to him as he constantly shook his head “No, no, we’ll get in trouble.”
“No we won’t, no one will know.”
“Know what?” Phil asked, Jonathan from behind him making some weird hand signals.
Sighing Dylan stepped in “That we ran out of orange paint.”
“Oh. Well we can mix red and yellow for that. But…no…well actually” Phil perked up “this is perfect. We can scare Scarlett, she won’t know we are in this costume. Perfect.” He mentioned rubbing his hands together, going to search in Jonathan’s paint supply for the perfect brush.
By the time it was almost time to meet up in order to discuss plans for the party, the boys have been unfortunately still locked up in a room, finishing up the costume, most of them checking the clock and getting increasingly worried. Lachlan still had to get the ice, Jonathan needed to help Scarlett carry everything to the party site and Dylan was in charge of getting the decorations from people alongside Dana and setting everything up.
But distracting Phil apparently wasn’t as easy as they believed, he was adamant on sticking around, complaining about Scarlett. Glancing at everyone Jonathan spoke up “Well it looks perfect from where I’m standing.”
Feeling the last bit of patience leaving him, Dylan looked at the massive costume “We are four people going inside one costume. Have you actually thought this through?”
Smiling, Jonathan raised his brows “Well since Scarlett stole the costumes you know we are going with it as a last minute decision, but we need to go like this: tallest is first.”
Lifting his head from his corner of the room, Phil stopped grumbling something upon hearing her name again “What? I am the tallest but I can't carry around the head. I don’t know what you actually put in it that’s so heavy.” Turning his eyes towards Dylan, he lifted his hands up in frustration.
“Don't look at me, look at them. Who's stronger out of you two?”
Sharing a look between themselves, Lachlan and Jonathan did a one over of each other, the latter quickly speaking up “Lachlan is.”
Getting up, Phil nodded along with the decision “Perfect, who goes next?”
Rolling his eyes Dylan scoffed “This is going to be a long night. Fine, I go next. Jonathan after me, Phil you take the tail since it’s the least heavy. All good?”
“Yes, also don’t forget, everyone needs white t-shirts.” Jonathan added.
Sniffing his nose, Phil huffed “What sort of Halloween is this?”
“Mate, trust me, it’s going to be fine. You need to relax and trust us. We’ll have fun.” Looking at the clock again, they all jumped when their door swung open, Dorian walking inside the room.
“I saw Scarlett going into the kitchens with the costumes, I think she plans on disposing of them.” The next second Phil sprinting past him. Turning to look at the nasty looks everyone gave him, he just shrug his shoulders “We’re late, everyone is waiting. So come on if you want a party tonight.”
A few hours later alongside some Wide eye potions and coffees, everything was set. The boys found a dejected Phil barely agreeing to go through with being the fourth member to their costume, right before the party in the Great Hall took place, but as far as they were concerned, everything was going according to plan.
Hiding under the dragon, they all marched inside the Great Hall, laughter and music surrounding them from every corner “I swear if we get in trouble.”
“All in good fun Dylan.” Lachlan spoke up.
Peaking from under the costume, Jonathan saw they passed the butterbeer table, the cloth lifting, a wand being pointed at their costume. A spell was chanted, candles going out in the Great Hall, drowning them in darkness as another spell levitated the heavy costumes off their shoulders. As Incendio was cast upon the dragon, fireworks erupted.
Dylan was yanked away from the boys by Dana as she guided him out of the hall while the commotion was taking place. Lachlan ran alongside Jonathan, the latter looking behind, witnessing Phil being dragged along by Scarlett who came out of hiding from under the table.
Hushed giggles and hurried footsteps evaded professors and they made their way to their own party alongside several other students who made a run for it.
“How long before they figure it out it was me?” Scarlett laughed looking at Saffron.
“Pretty sure professor Willows knows, but he can’t do anything about it tonight as there are still students over at the other party. Drink?”
“Sure, but first.” She pointed her wand to a table, levitating the box covering it to reveal colored powder “Non toxic, yada, yada, how you asked for it.”
As the crowd gathered to get a handful of powder and throw it at someone or in the air, Phil stood there with a surprised look on his face. Walking next to him, Dylan thew at him some red powder “Hey!”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Why did no one tell me? You had a party planned, I saw people wearing my costumes, how?”
Shaking his head, he offered a smile “Thank Scarlett and her crazy ideas.”
Jonathan whistled, signaling to the rest to drag a drink, Dorian lighting up the fire after concealing the area with spells.
Walking over to grab a drink, Phil jumped when Scarlett came up from behind him “Still mad?”
“No, stunned actually. Still sad that we don’t have costumes though.”
Rolling her eyes, she pointed at him, blowing some powder his way “We are all wearing a pattern, take it as it is. But we are also doing face paint so if you still want to work your magic.”
“Can I?”
Smiling, she nodded “Sure, that if you can convince Jonathan to give you some paint, but I’m pretty certain you can take it and he won’t even notice.” She pointed at him trying to actually concentrate on a design and failing since Lachlan was making faces at him while trying to help him drink at the same time “Yeah, anyway.” Looking around, she pulled him by the hand, concealing themselves behind a tree. Getting on her tippy toes, she placed a kiss against his lips “Happy Halloween Phil.”
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quirkwizard · 2 years
What are 5 to 10 Quirks that would be good for characters based on the Support category in Overwatch? Doesn't need to necessarily be Healing, could also be improving Ally abilities or making conditions better for Allies, like that Love Quirk does.
I’ve briefly talked about other support Quirks before, but I could talk about a few more. For the sake of this, I’m focusing more on mostly supportive abilities with high reliability. For example, “Doorway” can be super useful in support, but that’s not exactly the main draw of it. “Tearjerker” is a super powerful healing ability, but it has a very specific condition to activate.
Sun Kissed: If we’re talking about pure healing abilities, this is probably one of the stronger ones and more reliable ones. All the user needs is sunlight to fuel the power and they can fix there allies up without an issue.
Pixies: This works as a support it two different, but helpful ways. One is by making attacks easier to land by attracting attention to the target and the second is by letting the user know about the general condition of their allies.
Reef: This works to be defend allies and help them get around, spreading out coral in order to block attacks before they can hit someone or massively alter the terrain of the battlefield to give their allies the advantage.
Toxicant: This one is a lot more niche in support, but really good to have around when you need it. Since it works on any kind of toxics, the user can undo infections and other foreign bodies from someone.
Blood Flow: With but a single poke, the user can empower their allies in a variety of short lived ways, like making them faster or making them stronger. If nothing else, it can work to disable enemies before they attack.
Ambiance: Not only can the user survey a wide area around them, letting them map out an area before, but can also help the user keep up with what their enemies are doing, letting them protect their allies from attacks before they even happen by keeping track of any would be opponents.
Branch Off: This works great in helping people stay calm and improve their decision making abilities. I know that seems like basic ability, but in a stressful world of superpowers where life or death decisions happen every day, helping your friends stay focused can be a life saver.
Fruition: This one can help both on and off the battlefield as it can cover a lot of the support options a hero may need. Either the user can help restore stamina after a fight or they can empower their allies with stronger fruits, giving them massive physical boosts when they need them.
Fix Up: This works as a more rescue oriented support tool, but it can help to clean up the battlefield and make it easier to fight on by undoing damages, making it less risky for their allies to fight. It can even be used to make repairs in the middle of a fight like with support equipment or costumes.
Concocted: As I mentioned before, this is a lot like a support oriented “Manifest”, taking whatever the user eats and turning those into potions they can use. It’s probably the most varied in terms of what the user can apply, from temporary enhancements for a fight to drinks to help them heal up.
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Genesis Rhapsodos Hero Artifacts
Ever since I heard that Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII finally got his Hero Artifacts in the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, I was really looking forward to the day when these would show up in the Global or English version of FFRK. Now that time has finally come.
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The reason why I've been waiting for this is because Genesis is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He's the reason why I'm playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Aside from Genesis, Hero Artifacts for the following Final Fantasy VII (#ad) chars are also in the Labyrinth Dungeons as part of its Season 3 - Lineup E:
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Yuffie Kisaragi
Cait Sith
Barret Wallace
Tifa Lockhart
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough
Rufus Shinra
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Genesis Rhapsodos Hero Artifacts Information
Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper gets 3 Hero Artifacts, one for the weapon slot, one for the armor slot, and one for the accessory slot. Genesis has the following Artifacts:
Red Rapier (VII-CC)
Genesis's Guise (VII-CC)
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Each Hero Artifact comes with several different passives. These passives also come with different percentages. You can farm for the perfect passives for these Artifacts in the Labyrinth Dungeons. 
The following passives are the best for Genesis's Hero Artifacts:
Red Rapier (VII-CC) - Increase fire damage by 5%
Genesis's Guise (VII-CC) - Increase fire ability damage by 5%
LOVELESS (VII) - Reduce delay of the user's actions by 8%
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Genesis Rhapsodos Hero Artifacts in Kite's Treasure Trove Shop
With the arrival of the Labyrinth Dungeons Season 3 - Lineup E, Kite's Treasure Trove was updated to include the Hero Artifacts of all the aforementioned FF7 chars.
You can buy multiple copies of any of these Artifacts for 5 Treasure Maps each. You need 4 copies of a char's weapon and armor Hero Artifact in order to fully max limit break them and increase their level cap to 99. Accessories are maxed at Level 1 of 1 so you only need 1 copy.
The Hero Artifacts sold in Kite's Treasure Trove shop don't come with perfect passives so you still need to farm the Labyrinth Dungeons if you want the absolute best stats for your chars.
Before, I didn’t really bother to farm the Labyrinth Dungeons. When I had the time, I did a few manual runs here and there. 
But most of the time, I just used the Quick Explore feature to auto a Labyrinth Dungeon once a day since doing this was part of the daily missions.
Managed to get a few perfect Artifacts here and there, which is great but, for the most part, I didn’t really pay much attention to any of this.
I did buy some Hero Artifacts from Kite’s shop but this was only for chars who I’m using. If I don’t even have a single BDL for a char, then I don’t bother buying any of their Hero Artifacts since it’s not like I’ll be able to use them anyway.
But for Genesis, I want to get the perfect passives for his Hero Artifacts. So first, I went to Kite’s shop to buy copies of his Hero Artifacts.
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Spent the resources needed to get both of his Red Rapier and armor to Level 99 of 99. Then I equipped him with all of his Hero Artifacts.
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Labyrinth Dungeon Quick Explore Feature
Afterwards, went to the Labyrinth Dungeons, specifically to the Corridor of the Dragon King S3. This place has the chance to drop either Genesis’s, Cait Sith’s, and/or Elena’s Hero Artifacts.
Proceeded to use all of my Record Markers to auto this node via the Quick Explore feature. This requires some stamina so every time I run out, I just used potions for a refill.
The Quick Explore feature guarantees at least 1 Hero Artifact and a bunch of other resources and such. It’s really quick and easy to do but the catch is that you can only ever get 1 Artifact per run.
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And there’s no guarantee that the Artifact will have a perfect passive, or that it will belong to Genesis.
Had a lot of Record Markers saved thanks to usually only doing one Labyrinth Dungeon Quick Explore run per day. Had the max amount of potions stored in my inventory too (IIRC, it’s 50) since I don’t really bother to farm or grind too much here.
Now I used up all my potions and a lot of my Record Markers, trying to get the perfect passives for Genesis’s Hero Artifacts. Would have used up all my Record Markers but I couldn’t anymore since I ran out of potions so I could no longer refill my stamina.
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Managed to get a lot of Artifacts for Genesis, Cait Sith, and Elena. Was able to get perfect passives for Genesis’s armor and accessory.
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Sadly, I wasn’t able to get the perfect passive for his Red Rapier. The best I was able to get was “Increase fire damage by 4%".
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As for Cait Sith and Elena, IIRC, was able to get perfect passives for their Artifacts too although I wasn’t really paying much attention to them since my focus was on Genesis.
Labyrinth Dungeon Manual Runs
Had to wait for my stamina to regen a bit before I could start a manual run of the Corridor of the Dragon King S3 node.
Doing a manual run of the Labyrinth Dungeon meant having to do multiple quests. Not all of these quests will drop Artifacts. 
And although I can easily auto these quests with my fire team (starring Genesis, of course), this is still really tedious and boring, not to mention really grindy. There’s a lot of tapping involved too.
Because inside the Labyrinth Dungeon, you have to explore multiple floors. IIRC, the Corridor of the Dragon King S3 has like 12 floors.
Each floor has multiple paintings. There will be 3 paintings in each row. Picking 1 painting will cause the other 2 to disappear then you’ll move on to the next row of paintings until you get through all the paintings on that floor and move on to the next.
Depending on what kind of painting you choose, different things can happen. Sometimes, you won’t need to fight and you’ll just be given some resources and such before being able to move on to the next painting.
Sometimes, you can get a message saying something like “the enemy is upon you” and then you’ll have to fight said enemy before being able to move on to the next painting.
Sometimes, you get a treasure painting. This is my favorite kind of painting because it comes with 3 treasure chests. One of these chests is guaranteed to have a Hero Artifact.
You can open 1 of these chests for free. But to open the other 2 chests, you need to spend a couple of Magic Keys.
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Sometimes, one of the enemies you’re fighting will drop a char’s Hero Artifact as loot.
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At the end of a manual Labyrinth Dungeon run, you could end up with several Hero Artifacts.
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Augmenting Genesis's Hero Artifacts
Been doing multiple manual runs of the Labyrinth Dungeon, hoping to get 1 copy of Genesis’s Red Rapier with a perfect passive.
Thanks to these runs, was able to get a lot of Artifacts so I started to augment  my Level 99 copies of Genesis’s sword and armor. Augmenting adds more stats to your artifacts. The max augment is Level 99 of 99. 
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After max augmenting Genesis’s sword and armor, I started leveling up my other Hero Artifacts since I got so many extras from doing manual Labyrinth Dungeon runs.
Labyrinth Dungeon Manual Runs
Unfortunately, even after doing so many manual Labyrinth Dungeon runs, I still haven’t been able to get the perfect passive for Genesis’s Red Rapier. It feels like I’ve done hundreds of runs by now but still no dice.
It’s really freaking frustrating and disheartening. Eff the crappy rates on this game. Getting really sick and tired of this boring grind.
It really sucks to finish a manual Labyrinth Dungeon run only to end up with 0 copies of Genesis’s sword. 
Like there was 1 time where I managed to get 5 copies of Elena’s Magnum (VII) weapon and even 1 copy each of various Hero Artifacts except for Genesis’s Red Rapier.
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Getting copies of Genesis’s sword is only half the battle though. Because there’s no guarantee that the copy or copies I just got will have the perfect passive I’m looking for.
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I’ve been able to get multiple copies of Genesis’s Red Rapier but so far, not a single one of them has given me the perfect 5% fire damage up I’ve been looking for.
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Instead, I just keep getting crap like “Reduce delay of the user’s action by 4%" or “Briefly raise the user’s Attack a small amount at the start of battle”.
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Also managed to get multiple copies of Genesis’s LOVELESS accessory and Crisis Core light armor outfit.
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The same could be said for Elena’s and Cait Sith’s Hero Artifacts. Too bad I don’t need anymore of these.
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As if that wasn’t bad enough, I’d even sometimes get perfect passives for these Hero Artifacts that I no longer need.
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I just want the perfect passive for Genesis’s sword and yet it refuses to show up and I keep getting all these other things that I don’t need or want. It’s so frustrating.
I’ve even started opening all the treasure chests whenever I come across a treasure painting. Normally, as in before Genesis’s Hero Artifacts showed up, I just open the first chest then move on since it costs a lot of Magic Keys to open the last 2 chests.
Now I don’t care if I end up using all of my Magic Keys. I’ve taken to opening all the treasure chests I come across in the hopes of finally acquiring the perfect passive for Genesis’s Red Rapier.
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But so far it feels like I’m just wasting my Magic Keys. I just end up being disappointed whenever I open all the treasure chests and it turns out that none of them contain Genesis’s sword. 
Or his sword does show up but I get to the end of the Labyrinth Dungeon run only to find out that I just got yet another crappy passive.
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By now I’ve lost track of how many manual Labyrinth Dungeon runs I’ve done. It feels like I’ve been farming for forever already. Starting to get really angry and pissed off with how grindy this is and with how I’ve yet to get anything. It’s so disheartening.
I’m starting to lose hope of ever seeing that seemingly mythical 5% fire damage up passive. I know in the long run that it doesn’t really matter. I mean, really, how much of an upgrade is 5% over 4% anyway?
I know that. But still. I want to do this for Genesis. As long as his Hero Artifacts are available in the Lanyrinth Dungeon, I want to keep trying to farm for them but I’m really losing hope and feeling like I should just give up already.
I kept going though. It’s been a while since I did this so don’t remember the exact details anymore, but finally, after what felt like forever, I actually somehow managed to get a copy of Genesis’s Red Rapier with the perfect passive.
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Could hardly believe this but I’m so, so, so freaking happy to see this. Hell, yes! Finally, this seemingly endless grinding and farming can end. I’m so sick of the Labyrinth Dungeon. Definitely don’t want to do anymore manual farming anytime soon.
Genesis Rhapsodos Hero Artifacts
Anyway, the moment I saw that I had finally managed to acquire the perfect passive for Genesis’s sword, I immediately fused this to my main copy. Now my Genesis has perfect Hero Artifacts. Hell, yes!
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So, what about you? What do you think about the Labyrinth Dungeons? Did you farm for anyone’s Hero Artifacts? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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Random things that would be cool for a Krogan boss fight in a video game
Krogan isn’t a main boss. You can befriend him via trying to defeat him in a fight.
I put in the words try because he’d literally be one of the most difficult bosses to defeat in the game.
His ai is extremely intelligent. He learns, and very rapidly, your tactics of attack and how to disable them.
He’s extremely fast, and hits like a fucking semi truck. He’s even stronger when he gets below half health, and gets a heavy damage buff . However, as he is technically “enraged” at this point, he’s starting to get sloppy. Though this is also a difficult section, due to the fact that he now has counter moves where, like the Valkyries in God Of War 2018, he can knock you player character down, and deal absolutely DEVASTATING damage. Oftentimes, if you haven’t quicksaved before this fight, because he WILL decimate your character in one or two hits, if not outright kill you in one if you’re wearing light armor.
Killing him doesn’t actually kill him, it means you gain a new, powerful compainion who acts as crowd control and a general melee fighter for tough boss fights. Once befriended, he gives your player character and any mounts you have a 25% increased defense buff, as well as the fact that, through gifts like you would give to any other npc, you can increase his bond level with you to gain other stat buffs and special rewards.
Once you reach a certain level of trust points, you will be considered a close friend of his. Once achieving this status, you will have a whole bunch of other stat bonuses, but it is at this level that you have the ability to A) try romancing him, and B) you get an increased health bonus, as well as potions for health, stamina and strength will be 20% more effective.
Be warned though, romancing Krogan is one of the harder things to do. He’s elusive, and will most likely not be interested if your player character is female. You will have to choose your words with him very carefully, and if you succeed in doing so, you will earn a special weapon.
A dagger.
Now, this weapon may not seem like much at first, as it’s a sidearm, however it deals 5% as much bleed as your regular daggers you can find from other enemies around them map, and from other bosses.
You will also have a stronger bonded effect with him. He’s your damage dealer, so you can sit back and sponge hits from bosses while he does the heavy lifting. His halberd has a heavy bleed and bone break ability that will be incredibly useful towards the endgame bosses. It will also be extremely frustrating to deal with while actually fighting him.
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lovelylarkgamin · 5 months
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Outward (2020)
Gameplay: ⭐️⭐️⭐️❌❌
Style: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❌
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Multiplayer: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❌
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❌
Playable on:
PlayStation (4 & 5)
Xbox (One & Series X/S)
Online co-op: Yes
Local co-op (split-screen): Yes
Developed by a small studio called Nine Dots, Outward is unique in that the CEO Guillame Boucher-Vidal approached the game with the intention of getting it to work as a split-screen game, which is not a very common goal these days. The CEO, like me, bemoans the fact that so many great memories in our childhoods were playing with family or friends side-by-side and that games these days don’t really make a lot of efforts to make that possible. Not only did the development team have to make some sacrifices to split screen to work, but relatively low budget of a small studio meant they could not support elaborate cutscenes and lip synching in most modern games. All that to say, this game has more of a classic rpg style, which is good for me, a long time fan of D&D, KOTOR, Diablo, and other long-running rpg franchises, but if you find yourself easily frustrated at older games, maybe skip this one.
Now to the meat of the matter. I have mixed feelings about this game, as you can probably tell from my rating. Buckle up; I’m going to talk about what I didn’t like first, and then we’ll talk about what I did like. Just know that I am very aware of the limitations of a small studio and think people should keep that in mind when talking about games like these. I’d rather have small studios around instead of just a handful of big monster studios anyway, so I want them to succeed. You should too. We get more fun and variety that way, so look at small studio games with a forgiving lens, please.
Through that lens, I find the inability to level up in any way in this game utterly baffling. There are no skill trees, merely the ability to attain better equipment over time and recipes for food, potions, weapons, armor, etc to equip your character better. There are ways to adjust your stats to allow for magic, but it’s a trade off that sacrifices health and stamina in exchange for mana. You can purchase skills from trainers to improve health and stamina a little bit, but I could see someone going through a generous portion of the game before ever figuring that out. The studio claims to want to avoid crunchy video game mechanics with this approach, but in the end, I found it crunchier than a skill tree in a pause menu. Maybe that’s just me, but for a game trying not to be crunchy, there is a whole lot of trying to hunt down this person or that person trying to improve your character in some small way only to learn you were doing it wrong from the beginning. Be prepared to die frequently, whether from enemies, sickness, or cold/heat, and make sure you are strategically stashing money and unnecessarily items to cut down on theft from your unconscious body or over encumbrance.
All that being said, the game is stunning with vibrant colors and a unique and interesting art style. Whatever sacrifices the studio made paid off, and the local co-op is incredibly satisfying. You may get downed frequently, but with the ability to revive each other, that ceases to be crippling. Also, each time are downed teaches you something that you do better next time. There is a very thorough foundation of lore under the storyline, and that makes the world fun to explore. Honestly, it gives the feeling of playing WoW or something like that, and for a small studio, that’s pretty impressive.
I have my gripes, but overall, there’s a lot to like about this game. Make use of the Outward Wiki and the advice of dedicated players you can find literally everywhere. They help you avoid some of the frustrating aspects of the game. Also, don’t buy recipes, look them up. Save your money for cooler stuff.
Happy gaming!
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illanabehir · 8 months
My reading from the engagement anniversary
My interpretation of it was medically related
The cards I used were my Skyrim tarot deck and I did a complete major power shuffle.
I just did a general Akatosh spread to see what they wanted to tell me.
1&2 are read together as what lead up to now
Card 1: V of Lockpicks - Upright - Watch out for the loss of material comforts, perhaps through unemployment or unexpected debts. Keep an eye out for conflict within your guild or workplace. Trouble may be brewing. (The medical bills and septic tank shit at the same time)
Card2: King of Voice - Reversed - Though the king may appear calm, under this facade lies a cruel and crafty nature. He will attempt to receive you for his own ends. Do not let him. (I was doing well gaining stamina able to go up and down the stairs without assistance things were very much looking up and we were hoping to be able to go home. But then my hand went numb and a corner of my face we did stroke checks but turned out to be the cancer having moved across the blood brain barrier.)
3 is the current situation
Card 3: XI of Arms - Reversed - Be patient for your wounds are many. The time has come to drink a potion or see a healer before heading on your quest. Your adventure can wait. (Blatant get medical help yea)
4 is basically now
Card 4: Ace of Spells - Upright - Your adventure begins prepare for a new journey new chapter of your life. (New super intense chemo and being stuck in the hospital inpatient the entire time none of this one can be done outpatient)
5 is how things are going with the people around it.
Card 5: Knight of Lockpicks - Upright - I only wrote trust but it said basically trust those around you to do their job as they are hard working and doing their best whether they get recognized or not (obv I've been on edge dealing with things and I panicked but I should trust the team to take care of me)
6 & 7 are how my reactions were effecting the future.
Card 6: VIII of Arms - Upright - I only wrote feel trapped (obv stuck in hospital and in this specific room for next 3-4 days full isolation)
Card 7: VII of Arms - Upright - I only wrote feel tricked (was told the showers thing the day before but my next nurse said no that wasn't the case but turned out it was)
So yea it read me like a book.
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royalbabble · 1 year
Sadly, no. Those are single player only. That said it is very doable! Its just practice, and probably preparing well. like items are probably going to save you a lot. Just be careful of the maylx/felynes/that rubber chicken guy who steals your items.
Stuff like farcasters to return back to camp are going to become more and more important. Especially once you make it to High Rank for reasons you'll learn very quickly. (Specifically: in low rank you always start at the camp. In High rank you start randomly in the field without the camp, and the camp will only have a map. It isn't until a random time later that it gives you supplies like usual, so at that point you need to be supplying your own potions and whetstones. However even right now, fighting the tigrex and then farcasting back to camp to sleep off your wounds /status effects is better then being carted! Farcasters are not nearly as useful/valuable in future games, but man they can be a lifesaver here!)
Status ailments like poison and sleep are more valuable then you'd think. Special note for sleep, as it means the next hit will do double damage. (Which is usually combined with the mega barrel bombs, that really help End a quest. If a monster falls asleep in a quest because its injured/tired, thats a pretty quick way of finishing that quest!) Demon drugs, armor drugs, and nutrients all can help 'fix' you after you cart the first time. (By boosting your attack, defense, and raising your HP back to the maximum in that order. And even then they're useful anyway just to do a bit more damage! )
Well done steaks max out your stamina and in low -early high rank i found myself taking about 5 per mission. Food items also cure an annoying status ailment later, so its good to have them on hand.
The combo books let you combine items with better accuracy, which I found to be useful for difficult stages. (having a stack of potions and megapotions, as well as the honey/mushrooms so i can use the Megapotions, and then craft up new megapotions mid quest. I do not know why it took me so long to realize 'wait i can craft items in the field so I can replenish my supplies')
Wait shit this is all good information (WHAT DO YOU MEAN I START RANDOMLY IN THE FIELD IN HR-)
I like to think I've been doing well until now. I always go into the field with at least 10 potions, 10 mega potions, 20 whetstones, and 10 energy drinks + whatever status curing items I need for a specific mission. I've kinda been ignoring special items like bombs until now.
I've also been taking advantage of a Gluttony Talisman I got awhile back, which doubles the efficacy of any food items. This skill in particular goes really well with the Rations you get from camp.
With that in mind, I really should start taking advantage of other items like Armorskin and Demondrug. I've been taking a Protection Palico with me during all quests, and I have two healing and two fighting forte Palicos set as my 1st Stringers so that my Lead Palico can have access to a health boost skill and a attack up skill. Those skills combined are usually enough to keep me alive (if and when they actually trigger).
I've also been relying heavily on the Felyne Defender (Hi) buff you can get from the Canteen, which reduces damage by 30% about 25% of the time. It's been a lifesaver, but it does mean that I'm basically forced to abandon a quest if I ever lose the buff since I'm typically relying on it to keep me alive, especially against hard-hitting monsters like Tigrex.
I should start stocking up on Armorskins, Nutrients, Well-Done Steaks, Demondrugs, and barrel bombs. And I should get more Farcasters because I haven't been using them at all.
And I should probably get new armor. I've got a full set of Lvl. 3 Najarala Armor + a Stealth Glaive Redux. The Stealth Glaive Redux is perfectly fine for missions, but I have a feeling I'll need to upgrade my armor before I reach the end of Low Rank.
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newsiegirlscout · 1 year
What’s up, gamers, it is nearing 4:00 AM in the bloody morning and I am quite sure I cannot sleep. (Admittedly due to poor judgement and drastic miscalculation--I’ve been stockpiling energy drinks despite not having a real reason or even a taste for them, and drank three. Like Icarus, I stand a monument to my own hubris.)
I do have breakfast plans near seven (which are absolutely not just to get Cinnabon and run around with my dog), thus the choice stands. Pick your poison--should it be, 
A) Potion of Stamina, taking a bold risk with energy drink numero quatre. We have a wonderful selection of five (5) different Monsters (none of them good; my exquisite taste has led me to stockpile the fine flavors of Classic Battery Acid, Violently Pink, White Claw, and Two Varieties Of Starbucks Frappucino That Want You Dead) and the promisingly entitled Cosmic Stardust Alani. 
On one hand, we have the possible and quite probable advantage of an extra hour or so of genuine productivity! I could, perhaps, finish up the essay I’ve been working on, or perhaps fathom the foggiest of the Le Chatelier principle! 
On the other, we have the definite resulting four hours of staring at the ceiling with my legs against the wall wondering about the resident arlesienne. 
B) Potion of Go The Heck To Sleep, in which we put on the kettle, raid the cupboards, and do our absolute best to measure a dose of diphenhydramine that will get past the panic attacks, and will not instantly knock us out for eighteen hours straight. 
The risk to reward here is slim. I very much like sleep; however, as I may have alluded to with the comment on Le Chatelier, chemistry is far from my best subject, and the varying concentrations of adenosine in my blood at any given time aren’t exactly helpful. It’s either a “pass out over lecture notes within fifty feet of Benadryl” sort of evening, or a “take three doses and stay up until the early hours of the morning making lunchbox cakes out of spite” sort of evening.  
C) Potion of Delirium, in which we for no discernable reason start reading up on every coffee-themed pastry recipe under the sun for a lovely barista with whom I think my boldest declaration of affections was asking aloud very quietly not to fall as they cheerfully stretched up to the menu blackboard on their toes, with one foot stretched out, on a chair to wipe down the seasonal drinks to rewrite the exact same flavor combinations with different names. (It did get their attention, though thankfully not enough to cause them to lose their balance). 
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