#I used to cosplay very frequently
quotemenevervore · 2 years
Man I’m actually so tired and angry right now
Unbeknownst to you all, i cosplay. Or, used to, I guess. I just found most if not all of my props and costume pieces destroyed in my garage, because my uncle didn’t take the time to make sure they were put away correctly or stop his children from messing with them. I literally don’t have the money or time or supplies to remake any of those pieces. On top of that, I also had to bin a bunch of my wigs because of those children.
I’m just pretty upset rn, so the next fic may be more delayed than originally planned 😔
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crepezinhos · 2 months
Scaramouche + Wanderer NSFW ABCs
(NSFW ABCs of Scaramouche and Wanderer, showing their sexual differences throughout Wanderer’s character transformation)
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SCARAMOUCHE’S POV: You and Scaramouche are friends with benefits. You’re a human but you are incredibly the Seventh Fatui Harbinger. You used to have a rivalry with the Sixth Harbinger because you always thought you were stronger. Slowly, you two start to realize you have many things in common and compete each other in a different way.
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WANDERER’S POV: You and Wanderer are a couple. You are a student at the Akademiya and used to be one of his fans when he still was Scaramouche, but, just like everyone else, you forgot his existence after he deleted hisself from the Irminsul. Wanderer met you again when he saw you being cornered by Fatui Agents and saved you from them because he still felt thankful for your support to him in the past. Because of this event, you began talking to him more frequently to him and he quickly fell in love for you, even if he promised to never do so again.
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— Both characters DO NOT share universes, so there was no “exchanging” in partners.
— This is a NSFW piece
— Reader uses SHE/HER pronouns
— Both characters will have some PTSD and are pretty toxic in some topics
— Contains MANY kinky topics such as: Creampie, cosplay / dressed sex, degradation, oral sex, body marking, bondage, overstimulation, teasing, unfairness, masturbation, public sex, quickies, unprotected sex, usage of elemental powers, sexualization of common and daily activities and probably more.
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A - Aftercare (How are they like after it and how do they treat you?)
Scaramouche: Scaramouche would usually win the “competitions” you two had, and whenever he did so he’d be pretty snobby about it. He would help you clean up and put you in a comfy place but he’d make sure to keep smirking and staring at your soul through every second of it. Depending of what the competition was about, and who begun it, he’d joke or be ironic about it. Good luck trying to live peacefully after losing to him on a challenge you did by yourself.
“Here you go. I know it’s hard to survive a challenge against me, so I just want to make sure you are not in a vegetative state!” He joked, handing you a cup of water with a very proud smile in his face after barely breaking your mind in bed.
Wanderer: He’d definitely keep the aftercare for the next morning. He feels embarrassed enough to get naked in front of you before it, so he definitely doesn’t want you to see him naked, panting, sweaty and blushing after it. He will immediately lay down and quickly cover the both of you up, cuddling your head until you’re asleep. After some minutes or hours watching you sleep while messing with your hair, he will get up, dress up and do whatever he has to do to make you wake up to a perfect scenario.
“Sit down, I brought you breakfast.” He asked, putting a four-legged tray on top of your waist as soon as you were set to. It had your favorite meal for breakfast and your favorite snacks and drink around it. He already had his clothes on and you had just woke up from an exhausting sex night. “So… did you like it..?” He asked, sitting by your side but avoiding eye contact. You could see him clearly blushing tho.
B - Body Part (What is their favorite part of your body and why?)
Scaramouche: Your hips. If he’s holding your hips, he has the control of it all, and he loves that feeling. He loves to see you sway your hips when walking, see you in clothes where your hips are valued, he loves to grip on them until they get red by the pressure of his fingers, he loves squeezing them and other body parts around it like your belly and tights and he really loves seeing you sway them, especially when you’re riding him.
“Fuck..! If you keep swaying your hips like that… I might actually pass out.” Says Scaramouche between low groans, trying to pretend like he’s not losing the current challenge. His eyes and hands locked on your hips like a hunter. You were swaying them in a way that was driving him absolutely crazy for you.
Wanderer: Your wrists. Even after deleting hisself from the Irminsul and going through his past identity of Scaramouche, he still likes to have total, or most control of sex. He will always lock both your wrists down by either pulling or pushing them to the ground depending on your position, and he does it hard just like his past self. The difference is that he’s just not that kinky anymore and doesn’t even realize how much he likes to hold your wrists.
“Stop moving.” Wanderer ordered between his many moans, grabbing both your wrists and pushing them harder into the wall he was thrusting you against.
C - Cum (Where do they most like to cum?)
Scaramouche: If Scaramouche has the opportunity to cum in your chest or in your face, he will always do it. He absolutely loves the power sensation he gets from doing that to you. He also really enjoys doing it inside and seeing you take it all until you can’t anymore and ends dripping some of it, but he prefers to watch you cleaning your face or chest after having his cum all around it.
“Look at you… letting yourself have all my cum around you like a toy… humiliating.” Scaramouche joked as he watched every single drop of his cum eject from his dick to your chest after fucking you in missionary position with a big smirk in his face.
Wanderer: Inside. Wanderer became a very reserved guy after going through the Irminsul, so his love for the power he got from cumming outside was absolutely lost. He also developed a really weird and unexpected perfectionism, so he doesn’t want to be responsible for cleaning up a mess he can avoid.
“Shhh, shhh. It’s ok, it’s ok. Just take it all in and it will be over in a second.” He said neutrally as he came it all inside your womb, holding you still as you trembled in agony of the feeling of being filled up.
D - Dirty Secret (A sexual wish that they have but you still don’t know about)
Scaramouche: Creampie. Scaramouche has a really kinky wish of seeing you dripping (specifically his) cum out of your pussy. Why would he dream such an specific thing? Power. Scaramouche loves that feeling and if he ever had you dripping his seed when it was initially blown inside you, it would be the ultimatum pleasure to him. He just simply doesn’t tell you about it because the amount of orgasms it would take to have you dripping cum is far from your limits. Unfortunately, you are a human. That means you could never take it that far. That’s why he prefers cumming outside you, so you don’t get enough in a single round.
Wanderer: The day Wanderer saw you dressed as Traditional Sumeru dancer (like Nilou) for an annual festival in Sumeru, was the day he first developed a sexual wish with that new identity. It took him a lot of time to realize he was having TOO many dirty thoughts about it and it took him even more to realize he would like to experience sex with you like that. He just doesn’t tell you that secret because it has been months since you wore that costume. It would be too “out of nowhere” and he’s afraid you’ll find that funny. He will wait until next year, and if the idea keeps bothering his sleeping hours, he will find a way to gather the courage he needs and tell you. He has become a very reserved guy, give him a break.
E - Experience (How experienced are they?)
Scaramouche: Before meeting you, Scaramouche had a low body count. He would only do it with prostitutes and only when he was stressed. That means he wasn’t perfect at it when you two started having sex together, which made you underestimate him at the beginning even if he did win you in the very first round. But time goes on, and you two started doing it almost every day. That means he became an expert pretty quickly and overcame your abilities. He could easily make any woman go insane with his sex, but he prefers keeping all his tricks just for you.
Wanderer: In this universe, his past self also had a even lower body count since he would also only do it with prostitutes and he never had a girlfriend. And unfortunately, he lost most of his already low experience throughout the process of deleting his memories in the Irminsul and then regaining them again. He still will pleasure you greatly, but he knows no much more than the basic stuff. At least he’s trying to become better at it just to make you love him more by trying different paces, positions, places and more.
F - Favorite Position (What is their favorite position to do it?)
Scaramouche: Doggy Style. As you probably know by now, Scaramouche is a huge fan of power. So it shouldn’t be unexpected for him to love fucking you from behind brutally. Seeing your back arched to its core, all your hair being pulled into his direction and your buttocks and hips marked with his hands… it just makes him feel too confident.
“I’m barely seconds in… and you already lost the competition… and made a fucking mess.” He cursed, leaning closer to you just to whisper the joke in your ear while pulling your hair slightly.
Wanderer: Spooning. Wanderer is a guy that needs assurance and love 24/7. So, being able to feel most of your skin touching his while having sex somehow reassures him that you are enjoying it as much as him. The fact that he can also shove his mouth on your shoulders to censor his moans and you can’t really see him in that position comforts him. He’s still very reserved about this kind of thing, so he still feels embarrassed to let you see him naked or hear him moaning.
“Do you like it..?” Wanderer asks huskily between wet moans in your shoulder. “Good…” He says, gently smooching your neck afterwards.
G - Goofy (How seriously do they take it?)
Scaramouche: It’s pretty obvious that Scaramouche is pretty goofy when doing it, but in a bad way. He’s not going to make silly comments or compliment you. No… most of the times he’ll annoy you to the last nerve with his typical comments or jokes and destroy your dignity. At least… he’s only goofy with you and only you.
“Hey, why do you seem so frustrated? Weren’t you the one that started this?” He asked, grabbing your wrists and locking them behind you when you tried to hold him down to stop going so fast and got mad at him for not doing so.
Wanderer: Wanderer is absolutely serious when he’s having sex with anyone. He will not make a single joke or comment about anything. It would remind him of his past self, which is pretty uncomfortable to him but he also considers sex a moment of extreme intimacy where no jokes should be done.
“W-What are you smiling at..?” Asked Wanderer insecure about the tiny smile in your face. You two were doing it in missionary this time and you were simply admiring the view right above you. He was the prettiest man you’ve ever seen.
H - Hair (How many hair do they have down there?)
Since they’re the same person and puppet, both of them share the same answer: they have no body hair at all besides their eyebrows and actual hair. Don’t ask me… Ei is who created him…
I - Intimacy (How intimate and romantic are they through it?)
Scaramouche: Initially, Scaramouche wasn’t romantic nor intimate at all. He would simply enjoy the sexual pleasure of the moment and leave you in your bed to sleep after being railed. But within time, he started to get attached to you even if he tried to deny it. So he started to let out some genuine compliments, kiss and hug you through it, spend more time with you after it and tell you his sexual wishes. Even with this tiny development, he still isn’t the most romantic guy. He becomes very embarrassed when the sex gets too real and will try muttering jokes and cover his sounds to make it more savage because he doesn’t understand that sex is a human instinct and that he’s feeling it.
“This is so fucking so good…” He moaned between the wet and breathy kiss, while his hips rocked hard against yours. One of his hands was gripping on your hand tight while the other one was barely breaking your hips. But when he realized how weird that was, he decided to mumble any joke that came to his mind. “Out of all cum sluts out there, you’re definitely my favorite..! This is worth some extra tips…” He tried to joke, even tho he was saying you’re his favorite partner.
Wanderer: Wanderer, in the other hand, is way more intimate with you. Living with Nahida and studying in the Akademiya made him earn some morality and values he would’ve never learned as a Harbinger. Falling in love with you also made him view some things differently and seriously. For example, the day he entered your room when you were changing. He spent days thinking about what he saw and didn’t understand why he felt so amused by it when he had seen many naked women in his life already? That means that he also feels embarrassed when you see him undress at your front. His attention will be 100% at you, looking for any signs or comfort or discomfort, kissing you everywhere and hugging you all the time. He will not say many things and will not make comments at all, but he’ll make sure you two are in the same environment.
“This is amazing… I don’t wanna stop…” Wanderer moaned while throwing his head to the air. You two were having a very hot missionary sex under the sheets and the overwhelming sweat and heat of your bodies was making him feel wonders.
J - Jack Off (How often do they touch themselves?)
Scaramouche: He wouldn’t jack off frequently. When he felt horny he would just go at you, challenge you in something, make it sexual and fulfill his desires there and now. He’d also have sex with you before going away to missions so his wishes wouldn’t disturb him during the mission. But if became too long, like a month or more, he would sit down in a chair or floor and do it. He would also start masturbating when you two had an appointment to have sex and he knew you were arriving soon, so you’d arrive to a very teasing view.
“You… finally arrived..!” Scaramouche said between low groans. He was masturbating in chair, completely backwards to you, already pretty close to his orgasm. “What am I doing? I’m just making these hours of waiting you less useless…” He joked, still not stopping his movements.
Wanderer: No. Absolutely no. Wanderer will try his best to avoid masturbation. Why? Because the only time where he felt that desperate to touch himself like that, Nahida entered the room without knocking on the door. He spent days avoiding her, even if she completely understood that instinct and wanted to apologize for barging in the room without his consent. Even if you’re away for an appointment and he gets hormonal, he’ll prefer to simply close his eyes and imagine you two having sex, rather than jacking his dick up and down.
“No, I’m not gonna do it.” He said to hisself while trying to sleep, changing his position again. His dick was brick hard but he was trying to ignore it. His brain wasn’t helping tho, making him imagine the both of you having sex with some extra erotic details that were only making him more and more horny. “Hell..! Why is this feeling so fucking insistent..?!”
K - Kinks (Do they have any kinks that you know of?)
Scaramouche: Absolutely. Scaramouche has many kinks and fetishes but the ones that most turn him on are degradation and dominance. Taking control of things and putting people in their place has always been the thing he’s most good at and also his favorite thing. So it isn’t hard for him to do it in sex nor uncomfortable. He’ll make you suck him like a leech, he’ll leave your ass cheeks red from the quantity of slaps given there, he’ll make you beg for him and way more… this guy is an iceberg you don’t wanna go through…
“Show me how much you want this, you little slut.” Scaramouche ordered while fucking you from behind brutally, making you instantly arch your back. “Bending it all over me like a fucking dog in heat… pathetic.” He commented, gripping on your hips tighter.
Wanderer: The only kink you know Wanderer possesses by now is Bondage. He’s not into extreme bondage where you can’t do anything at all, but instead simple things like a single blindfold, or handcuffs or both. That doesn’t mean he’ll absolutely rail you when doing so, actually he’ll be pretty careful with your pleasure now that you’re extra vulnerable. What he likes on it is the control of the handcuffs and the privacy he gets from the blindfold. For example, whenever you or him want to try a new position, he’ll try to ask you to wear a blindfold because he doesn’t want you to see him trying something new at all. He’s afraid he’s terrible at whatever you or him ask for.
“Is it too tight?” He asks you gently, after finishing the knot on the blindfold, with his head in your shoulders. “Alright then… may I start?” He asks, gripping on your wrists even if they were already handcuffed.
L - Location (Where do they most like to do it? And why?)
Scaramouche: Honestly… anywhere. Scaramouche doesn’t really care whether the door is open or closed or if it’s cold or hot outside. He’d do it in Tsaritsa’s bed if he had the chance. He usually prefers places where you can be heard or seen tho. He likes to make it clear to everyone that you are his.
“So what if the door is open? I’d let them see if I was you! Then they’d all know they have no chance with you because all that would go through your mind would be me topping you like this, and my cock making your insides mush.” Scaramouche joked while fucking you from behind in a restaurant’s public bathroom.
Wanderer: Anywhere that is private. Wanderer doesn’t want to be seen at all and especially… doesn’t anyone to see you. He’s very reserved about hisself but if anyone saw you in such an erotic state, blindfolded, handcuffed… he would probably threaten the person’s life. So, he’ll always makes sure nobody’s around, the door is locked and the windows are closed. But especially… he’d make sure Nahida wasn’t nearby.
“Don’t be so impatient. It would be irresponsible of me to leave the windows open.” Wanderer said while closing the windows in his room, pretty annoyed at your petty impatience to have sex with him.
M - Motivation (What makes them keep doing it with you?)
Scaramouche: Your persistence. Scaramouche really likes how you attract him into sex and how you fuck with him. You always bring different “challenges” to him, whispering in his ears and wearing lingeries under your uniform, which already turns him on instantly. But, since you usually lose the challenges, especially the ones you did, it makes him like the experiences even more. After the first time you two did it, where you lost, Scaramouche thought you’d never ask him for it again. But you did, and he was very surprised (in a good way). You turned a switch you can’t turn off. And now, he’ll constantly challenge you in bed.
“You really wanna challenge me into who’s cumming first again? Even if all the times you’ve done that were a victory for me? Ha… I wonder whether you’re challenging me or yourself.” He teased, already turned on, as he walked closer to you undoing his pants.
Wanderer: His love for you doesn’t only make him keep having sex with you but also makes him keep living. The care that you have for him didn’t seem to change even if you didn’t know his past self anymore. That makes him feel he won’t be betrayed romantically even if you’re a social butterfly. But… since you’re a human, it means that you’ll have to go one day (more known as “betray” in his head). So he wants to enjoy every second of you, the same way he wants you to enjoy every second of him. The way that you reassure him of his insecurities and traumas naturally just gives him too much pleasure, sexually or not.
“Say that again…” He whimpered in your ear desperately after you moaned that you loved his sex meanwhile he fucked you from behind. The way he moaned after you repeated it, this time with an “I love you”, was animalistic. “Oh god… say that again… just keep saying that…” He begged while accelerating his pace, too embarrassed to tell you he loves you back.
N - No (What are things they would never do while having sex? And why?)
Scaramouche: Scaramouche thought he didn’t have any no’s in sex until the day you joked about calling him Kabukimono during it. He laughed at first but soon realized he actually hated that idea and kinda got mad at you for suggesting something so disgusting like that. It just felt wrong to have you calling him a nickname that came from people that had all betrayed him one day. His mother, his best friend and a sick kid? No. Just no. His name is Scaramouche and his title is The Balladeer. That’s all you can name him as.
“You only realized that what you said about calling me by my past name, given to me by worthless people, was terrible now?” Scaramouche asked angrily but also jokingly, avoiding eye contact like you were truly disgusting. You really didn’t know that those names were that triggering to him and genuinely felt bad for him.
Wanderer: Wanderer has many more no’s compared to his past self and you. But aside from his past wishes he’s and the obvious no’s, his weirdest no in sex is you riding him. He just can’t feel comfortable in that position at all. You are the one who locks his hands against the bed, settle a rhythm for him to follow and especially, see him in such a vulnerable state. He has been through so much humiliation and manipulation in his life that he really wants to stay far from anything that gives him the slightest feeling of being used. And that position gives him that same feeling.
“N-No..! I don’t like this! Please stop..!” He asked desperately out of nowhere. You stopped riding him immediately and quit the position in a second, trying to comfort him and understand what was going on. It was the first time you two were trying that position and you were going very slow. “I-I’m sorry, I just… don’t like to see myself in this position...” He explained, completely embarrassed for ruining the moment and gasping for air.
O - Oral (Do they prefer giving or receiving?)
Scaramouche: Giving. Scaramouche loves to see you crumbling from above him while he’s giving you a cunnilingus. And trust me, he is good at it. He’ll do it until your legs are trembling, trying their best to smash his head further inside you, until all you can mutter are moans and pleads for him to either fuck you or go faster. Even if he’s not a huge fan of your hands gripping on his hair for dear life, he likes the fact that it basically means you are feeling the agony of being touched in such a sensible spot.
“I know, I know… but I’m having so much fun toying you here that I just… don’t wanna leave. Not until I’m satisfied.” Scara said between licks and breathes on your sensible clit. He continued to mouth you everywhere for barely an hour without breaking eye contact. Not even for a mere second.
Wanderer: Receiving. Wanderer is indeed a very reserved guy, that’s why you were so surprised to him like oral sex that much when you two first tried it. He was trying his best to not grip your hair too hard, to swallow his moans in, but it was too much for him. To have you kneeling at his front, sucking him so passionately and obediently was just too perfect for him. He felt such a huge feeling of power and privacy that made him fall in love with it. He never asks for it tho, because it is indeed a very embarrassing position for him.
“I-I’m sorry… I can’t hold it… this is too good…” He said between deep breathes, whimpers and moans as he gripped on your head tight to make you suck him faster. He was against a wall, barely managing to stand up. His other hand was trying its best to not grip on your head as well, scratching the wall for dear life.
P - Pace (Are they quick or slow? Rough or gentle?)
Scaramouche: It depends on what are you or him trying to do exactly. If he wants to edge you, he’ll go as rough as possible but torturously slow. If he wants you to cum faster than him, he’ll go as quick and rough as possible. He’s never going to be gentle to you, even if it’s supposed to be a more romantic sex.
“You like it here, yeah? Then I’ll fuck you right here until you’re brainless…” He commented, completely lustful for you and the moment as he roughly and slowly thrusted you all the way to your cervix, making you scream at each thrust.
Wanderer: He’ll most likely going to be slow and gentle most of the times. He wants this kind of moment to last as much as it can so both of you savor each other as much as you can, remember the feeling of doing that with each other and long to savor it again. He’ll never be rough with you, not at Scaramouche’s level. He’ll maybe go quick at you depending on the situation but usually he’ll just accelerate when you or him are close to climaxing.
“Faster..?” He asked, almost sounding like a husky whimper, when you whispered the command. “I will, my love… I will…” He said a little louder as he gripped and pushed your wrists harder in the bed and begun accelerating.
Q - Quickies (What do they think of quickies?)
Scaramouche: No matter where you two are, he’ll always ask for it when he finds the opportunity to have sex. A third person in the room said they’d go to the bathroom because they’re not feeling well and think they’ll vomit? He’ll not let you go help, instead, he’ll give you oral sex. Even if you two are caught he’ll most likely not going to stop. Why would he? It’s free porn for whoever is watching anyway… and he’ll obviously be more obvious about it if the environment is private.
“This is a nice kitchen, isn’t it?” He asked playfully as soon as the last maid left the scene and closed the door behind you two. “The maids’ lunch last around 30 minutes… do you know what can we do in these 30 minutes?” He asked, stepping closer to you with a smirk forming in his face. “Hint: it’s something I’ve been longing for a while now…” He said, finally pinching your chin and pulling you for a hot kiss.
Wanderer: Wanderer is actually a big hater of quickies and will only do it if you want it, there’s time for an orgasm and no possible intruders. For example, morning sex. If he’s the one that wants it, he’ll just hold it until it’s safe and nighttime. He thinks quickies ruin the entire meaning of sex. The closure, intimacy, love and lust is barely existent when the intent of it is being quick.
“Are you sure..? You have many work to do today, I don’t want you to be late.” He asked you, his mouth centimeters away from yours as he held your hips gracefully. You slowly pulled him with you to the bed behind you as you said “yes”. “Are you really, really sure..?” He asked you again, and you finally convinced him that you wanted it.
R - Risks (How far are they willing to risk?)
Scaramouche: He’ll risk whatever goes through his or your mind. Public sex? Yes. Elemental Reactions during sex? Yes. Upside down sex? Yes. Sex inside Shouki no Kami? Sounds fun. He’s going to risk everything possible aside from his single no and your no’s if you even some.
“What about… a good old missionary at night, in the Anemo Archon’s statue? In the hands more specifically.” He asked as he stared at the statue with you. You had a mission to investigate the location of the Anemo Gnosis but he insisted on going with you since he had nothing to do.
Wanderer: Barely anything. All that he’s willing to try new fetishes and positions but it has to be in a extremely private scenario. Anything that is public or dangerous to your health will be instantly denied by him.
“Are you serious?” Asked Wanderer after you suggested having sex in the snow of Snezhnaya’s high mountains. “No. Absolutely not. I don’t want you to freeze to death because of a weird fetish. Here, just put this on and let’s continue.” He denied, giving you his hat in order to try warning you up better, insecure about your state.
S - Stamina (How far can they go?)
Since they’re the same person, they both have the answer, which is: days. They’re puppets, they were made to last way longer than a normal human being. Both of them could go as far as they wished to, but they know you are a mere human that can barely last a round. So they just decide to go until your limit.
T - Toys (Do they use toys? Which ones?)
Scaramouche: Personally, Scaramouche doesn’t really like to use toys. He likes natural sex, so that he can control you the way he wants to and show you how no one is better than him. And if there was a dildo shoved inside you rather than his actual dick, it’d make you feel better, and believe it or not, that thought actually makes him feel a little insecure. He also owns a plastic dick, so why don’t you feel better with his? So he decided to throw them away. But don’t you think it’s over! He owns a Vision and Illusion and he makes sure to use them greatly against you when he feels like it. So prepare to have your pussy zapped when receiving a cunnilingus…
“Harder..? How hard do you want it, huh? Like this?” He asked you jokingly before slightly zapping your clit using his fingers. “Ha… you actually seem to like this, don’t you..?” Scaramouche asked with a curious smirk before continuing moving his hand in and out of your pussy. But now with sudden zaps with no rythym to catch up on, making you have a pretty messy, electrical orgasm.
Wanderer: Since Wanderer like to have you using handcuffs and blindfolds, he can’t really say that he doesn’t like using toys. But he doesn’t feel like using any other toys rather than these two. Even after going through a rough existential crisis, he somehow still feels insecure about vibrators…
“These look so pretty in you, my love…” Wanderer complimented, gently caressing your wrists that had just been handcuffed with your newest pair of red handcuffs.
U - Unfair (How unfair and teasing are they with you?)
Scaramouche: Just like mentioned in G section, Scaramouche will always try to make the situation unfair to you. He’ll put you in difficult positions and situations, tease you both mentally and physically in search of full control of you and go silent to make you feel dirty by yourself. Even after sex he’ll mess with you! He wants you to go home with the thoughts of him. And it works, because no matter how unfair he is with you, you still play your part in his little game.
“The more you complain and beg, the more I’ll remain here.” Scaramouche threatened as he fingered you robotically, making you go nuts with such effortless thrusts.
Wanderer: The only unfair thing Wanderer might do in sex is taking his clothes off way after he took yours off. After that he’s an absolute angel. Why? Because he just wants to live a common human life, and you letting him have the experience of a romantic relationship and sex makes it so much better and real to his eyes. He’ll spend the rest of your days cherishing you.
“Sorry… I’ll take my clothes off now…” Wanderer said embarrassed at having you asking him that. But you two were making out for some good minutes by now and only you were naked for no reason.
V - Volume (How high are they? And what sounds do they make?)
Scaramouche: A stressed guy like Scaramouche barely makes any sound during sex at all. Initially, it was just because you two weren’t intimate, but it quickly became his thing. He wanted not only to hear all of you, but wanted you to hear yourself, moaning and whining so dirtily and desperately for the amount of pleasure he gave you. He’d be extra silent if you two could be heard or seen by a possible intruder having sex in a risky area. But he can go fully silent, and he does if he was doing it not on his mood, for example, if you challenged him in a time where he wasn’t longing for you. He’d be smirking the entire time, hearing you spill it all out while he was as quiet as a rock. But when he’s feeling pleasure, he’ll hiss a lot and groan shortly with his mouth closed most of the times.
“Are you trying to get attention, huh? Making so much noise over so little… I can’t wait to hear how high you’ll be screaming when I cum inside you.” Scaramouche whispered in your ear, trying his best to not let out a single moan, even if he was feeling as much pleasure as you.
Wanderer: Wanderer is also a pretty quiet boy when having sex, but this time is because he still doesn’t know how to express his pleasure. He feels so embarrassed and dirty making that kind of noise, afraid that you’d find him perverted or anything. It’s an irrational insecurity, he knows. You would moan and scream until all the air inside your lungs was gone and he wouldn’t think you were perverted like he thought it would happen to him. But he is slowly letting himself be more and more louder with you by slightly moaning in your ears and breathing hard.
“You only keep tightening around me…” Wanderer commented between low groans and pants, trying to not make too much noise. “I want more…” He confessed, pushing you and him to the corner of the table to have a better angle to thrust you deep.
W - Wild Card (A random headcannon)
Scaramouche: He really likes kimonos. Since he’s from Inazuma, he was grown in a culture where kimonos are top fashion. That’s why his own uniform was designed with both Snezhnayan and Inazuman fashion. But during a mission assigned to you two in Inazuma of spying on the Shogun, the date coincidentally fell on a traditional Inazuman festival which you two decided to participate in search of the Shogun’s presence. But he totally forgot that during this day, the participants were supposed to wear kimonos to fit in, and oh… my… god. He couldn’t stop staring at you. He thought you looked beautiful in one but because of your relationship with him, it also made him feel turned on. He pulled to the first corner he saw and gave you a leg-shivering oral.
“You’re so lucky… that this dress is rented… or else I would be fucking you to oblivion in it right now… and ripping it apart after cumming all around it…” He teased between licks and breathes on your warm pussy he was eating.
Wanderer: Wanderer has a weird curiosity on the female human body and always likes to stare you at you like a piece of art whenever he’s seeing you naked. He thinks it’s so smaller than a male’s… but the curves and shape are so much prettier… he can’t describe it at all. But he really likes to stare at your anatomy while doing it with him or sleeping with him after it. And oh if you dare to try putting your clothes on after it.
“No, no. Stay right here. We have a blanket for that.” Wanderer said, pulling you through your wrist back to the bed, covering your body with your blanket afterwards. He waited until you were asleep to begin touching a piece of a hair while he looked at you up and down repeatedly.
X - X-Ray (How big are they?)
Since they’re the same person and puppet, both of them share the same answer: average sized. Even if Ei did put a dick in his body during his creation, she was no pervert and made it sized enough for an average vagina. He also cannot change its size or thickness, but he wish he could adjust to the perfect size to fill you all up with each thrust just he can adjust his neck and arms…
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Scaramouche: It is obviously pretty high, but he will never tell you that. He gets turned on with almost everything that you do. Your voice, body, manners, clothes… but he only shows his thirst for you when either you or him challenge each other in bed. The feeling of challenging or being challenged excites him a lot, and you know that he never resists when you whisper one in his ear. You’re still the one that takes most initiative in sex tho, but Scaramouche is probably going to take lead in that as well soon.
“You know just how to make me fuck you, don’t you?” Scaramouche asked, turning his face to you with a lusty smirk in his face. He was sat down at a chair in his office and you were whispering naughty thoughts right in his ear. You were asking for lose your ability to walk.
Wanderer: His sex drive is pretty average. He doesn’t get turned on with absolutely everything but still can feel amused with common daily things such as leaning your back to reach something that feel in the floor and jealously. Still, you’re definitely the one that takes most initiative in sex, to either make it or try something new.
“Can we… you know…” Wanderer whispered in your ear very lowly, completely out of nowhere and unable to finish the sentence. You two were simply about to sleep in a spooning position again. “Can we have sex..?” He finally said it, making the situation unnecessarily tense and sexual.
Z - Zzz… (How long does it take for them to sleep after it?)
Scaramouche: You two don’t usually do it in nighttime, which naturally decreases the amounts of nights you have him sleeping with you, but even when it is, he’ll most likely wait for you to sleep in his arms and leave the scene quietly after some long minutes or hours. He’s a puppet, he doesn’t need to sleep. But the more you two explore and discover more about each other, the more he feels like letting himself get a bit of a rest after it by your side, hugging you like a squid using its tentacles. Don’t blame him, nightmares torment most of the nights he decides to sleep.
Wanderer: A few minutes. Wanderer doesn’t need to sleep as well, but he usually feels so in-love and thankful for you after a hot, lusty and tiring night of sex that he allows himself to relax and enjoy the beauty of the woman in front of him until he finally decided to close his eyes. And when he does, he’ll hug you very tight just like Scaramouche would and put your head under his for the instinct of protecting you from this cruel world. Plus, when he realized that he never had a single nightmare when sleeping with you, he stopped sneaking out and leaving the scene after you fall asleep, no matter how much he needs to do something outside the bed. He’ll reciprocate the comfort you give him every day.
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theblueseassoul · 4 months
You keep having these little moments of Deja-vu with Rafayel.
Rafayel x Reader
Love and deepspace fan fiction
No warnings.
No use of Y/n. Gender neutral reader. Read in the second person. Established relationship. Shorter fan fiction. Maybe a series?
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. . . . . 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 “ coming back to you. “
Recently, something strange has been happening. Especially whenever you’re with your boyfriend, Rafayel. This hasn’t happened before, sure you had gotten vague moments where you swore something had happened before but this was different, it was as if you had experienced it before.
The first time it happened, you were sitting alone in the art studio, laying on your back as you stared up at the book you held above you. You didn’t even notice Rafayel had gotten back until he was hovering over you with a sweet but ridiculous smile, looking very proud of himself as he watched you jump in surprise. You sat up and he pressed a swift kiss to your forehead, “Miss me?” He asked. You paused. This had happened before, your mind had told you.
Now you were sitting in a field, empty other than the plants and yourself. You wore clothes much different than now, almost as if you had time traveled. A book fell into your lap as someone shouted a ‘boo.’ You whipped around and found a man with glittering purple and pink eyes and fluffy purple hair beside you. He was wearing something strange too, a mask over the lower half of his face and clothes as if he were cosplaying some assassin. You sighed softly and shook your head, scolding him, however he shut you up with a swift kiss to your cheek as he asked you, “Did you miss me?”
It didn’t happen just once, either. But after that, it happened more frequently. It was more than confusing, you didn’t even have the words to describe the feeling. It wasn’t only confusing though, sometimes it was pleasant. Like that one time..
You sigh frustratingly as you stare at your drawing, Rafayel chuckling softly from behind you. He rested his chin against your shoulder, “you seem frustrated.” You nodded, explaining that no matter how hard you tried it didn’t come out right. He simply rubbed shapes into your side with his hand, “it’s perfect. And that is a very high compliment coming from the one and only Rafayel.” He gently pulled you into his body as you let go of the drawing pad “take a break. I’m feeling needy.”
Now, you’re in a beautiful library. You sat on a couch, messaging your temple as you looked sternly at your drawing. It was of the masked man. And you felt a chin against your shoulder, arms around your waist, and heard a familiar voice you had memorized, asking you the same questions. “If you keep doing that you’ll get wrinkles.” He commented at your furrowed brows. Your lover gently pulled you back into his chest and you set aside the paper, feeling much too tired to even pretend to fight. He traced imaginary shapes into your back and told you “take a break. Let your oh so brilliant mind rest. I know mine needs to sometimes.”
“You’re thinking very hard about something, aren’t you?” Rafayel called from his easel. You glanced up. He was painting you as he usually did when he needed inspiration. You nodded slightly, and looked at him with furrowed brows. A question lingered at the tip of your tongue but you silenced it. Rafayel put down his brush and walked over, kneeling in front of you, “well? Don’t keep me waiting. Something’s running through your head and it isn’t me, better hurry and tell me what it is before I get jealous.” He joked.
You chuckled faintly and he took your hand in his, pressing it into his hair because he knew how much you loved to play with it when you were thinking about something. You looked into his eyes, searching them. There was no judgement or anything of the sort, only light heartedness and pure adoration for you. “Do you believe in soulmates?”
Rafayel raised a brow and leaned into your hand as it ran through his silky hair. How it was so well maintained, you had no idea. It was like those commercials for shampoo. “Sure.. why?” He now had moved on from playful jokes, he was serious, searching your face for a reason to why you asked such a question.
You hummed softly, nails scratching his scalp lightly as you spoke “do you think that we’re soulmates?” There was a long silence as his eyes gazed off to just beyond you, thinking, so you started to talk again. “It sounds silly, whatever just humor me. I just get this feeling that we are. One of us made the promise to find each other over and over again. I wouldn’t mind it. I like the idea. I don’t know-“ you sighed as you started to realize you were rambling.
Rafayel just smiled at you. A tender, loving smile that lit fireworks within your chest. He nodded slowly, pulling your hand to rest against his cheek “I think we are. If there’s anything we’re here for it’s each other.” He pressed a kiss to your wrist, and it happened again.
Similar circumstances, same answers, different time. Rafayel knelt before you, kissing your wrist before he said “I know we are. I am far too in love and far too stubborn to let you go in any universe.”
“I would always find you.” Rafayel stated sternly. “I will. You will too, won’t you?” He asked.
You laughed, nodding. “Do you even have to ask?”
“Do you promise?” He moved to sit next to you, taking both of your hands in his. You nodded, taking his pinkie finger and wrapping it around yours.
“I promise.” You confirmed, pressing a kiss to your interlocked fingers. He was pleased, clearly. He had a sweet smile and engulfed you in his arms, falling back into the couch as he held onto you like his life depended on it.
“What would you ever do without your devilishly handsome and very talented boyfriend?” He asked. There it was. You laughed, shaking your head.
“We’ll never know, will we?” You asked, cuddling in closer to him. He hummed, content with your answer.
“You’re right. Your brains and my beauty, a perfect match. No one could tell me we weren’t soulmates, were too perfect for each other:” he smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You knew he’d think about this conversation often. He’d send you posts about soulmates and get you little charms that alluded to it, and you would love it. You knew you would. He knew you would too, because he knew you like the back of his hand.
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carionto · 5 months
The duality of Man, or triality? quadrality?
Alien to Human about New Human: Correct me if I'm wrong, but they appear abnormally large for your species?
H: Yea, he's a biggun alright, even without the EV suit I'd say... 7'3'', 310 pounds, bet he power lifts.
A: Umm... not to be rude, but, uhh... he seems, well... how should I put this...
H: Intimidating? Terrifying? Evil? Yea, if this station didn't have high screening standards I'd be totally pissing myself if he started walking towards me. The mohawk and eye tat totally make me believe he could snap me in two with a single glare.
A: I feel ashamed that my instincts are telling me to flee. I wish nature were easier to change.
H (shouting at NH): Hey buddy! Could you come over here for a minute please? You look awesome by the way!
A (whispering nervously): what are you doing?!?
H: Gotta overcome those fears somehow, I believe the best way is a direct confrontation.
NH approaches, somewhat slowly, looking around at all the other aliens in the station that are chatting, waiting around, or doing some work. He finally approaches A and H, and in a very deep and husky voice says: Um, hi, hello. T-thanks for the compliment, I, uh, was a little worried I would stand out too much here.
H: Oh you totally do, my friend over here is practically about to pass out from how much like a gothic viking of death metal you look.
NH: Oh no, I'm so sorry, I-I just grew up in Sweden-Delta and both my parents were huge into classic local music, so I just, uh... it's complicated. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone.
H: Hey, relax pal, we're all good people here. Anyway, what you here to do? I'm planning on starting a bakery, still testing out what kind of flour most species here can actually stomach. My friend here is on the team working on Moon theft preventative measures.
NH: Oh, that's cool. I'm here as an exchange student with the department of applied astrophysics. If all goes well, I can finish my Bachelors degree remotely and stay here as an intern with the head researcher.
H: Oooh, that's cool. (so cool yea that you're apparently half my age but oh well guess I'm a big fat time waster like my father before me and oh god change the subject before I get depressed in front of strangers) That's a real big bag you got there, carrying some super secret science things, eh?
NH: Oh, that... uhh... guess it can't hurt to tell, security vetted it already anyway.
NH proceeds to unzip the bag and hold up a large white piece of clothing with light blue rings and accents, alongside a strange white cap with what looked like small fins, and a curious little backpack.
NH: It's uhh... um... my... Ika... musume... cosplay.... (oh gods I can't believe I said it out loud again)
After a moment of awkward silence, NH slowly puts on the backpack and presses a button on it's strap, and suddenly numerous light blue colored tentacle-like appendages sprout out from the backpack and move in line with NH's movements.
NH: I, uh..., got my engineering friend to make them articulate and interface with my contacts. I can make them do all sorts of things, like make various shapes and animals with them, though works best as a shadow theater.
A now frozen out of confusion than fear:...
H: That's so
NH: (oh I know it's so lame, but I love that show)-
H: COOL! I don't know what a ika musume is, but those things look amazing. You said articulate? How precise can they be? I'd love to have something like that instead of my useless assistant. Poor lad can't make a piece of toast if his life depended on it...
NH: Y-you like it?
H: I LOVE those things. My daughter does cosplay too sometimes, but she makes her Dreadnought suits herself from scraps. One time the military came to our house and installed a limiter on the gauss cannon she found in a crash site, said it would otherwise start to generate small doses of radiation if used too frequently. But she replaced it with a handmade rail gun before the next convention. Do you go to those? Did you see a 7 meter tall hulking metal monstrosity with a bunch of candles all over? That was her.
NH: Oh, I think I've seen video of that, but no, not in person, I go to smaller events. I don't really like big crowds.
H: Oh yea, I get ya, you do seem a bit on the shy side now that we've been talking for a bit. Hey, no worries, like I said, we're all good people here.
NH: T-thanks, but I think I should be going now, the teacher is calling me over.
H: Oh yea, go ahead, didn't mean to take up so much of your time. Have a fun stay and I'm sure you'll ace that paper or theory? Or whatever astrophysicists do, you seem like a solid kid.
NH: Oh, uh, thanks. Good luck with your bakery. And you with stopping those weird people from stealing more moons. Bye.
H: Bye bye, come visit, don't be a stranger now, I'm set up just a short bit from the main lift on floor 14.
NH: R-right, I'll, uh, be sure to stop by soon.
A is finally able to process what they just heard and says: What was all that just now?
H: What? Just a friendly chat with what is apparently basically a kid. Man, this kid's got so much going on, while I'm almost 50 and I have an oven. Life, man, it can go in so many ways. Anyway, let's go grab a drink, I'm parched.
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tellodona · 5 months
i saw anon ask this in my inbox, but i accidentally deleted it 😭 i hope anon would see this !
the brothers seeing mc use sfx makeup
heads up: gn!mc, swearing in lucifer's
he hasn't seen you all day, so he assumes you haven't left your room
hm. he has spare time. what's wrong with checking in on you?
he knocks on your door, and patiently waits for you to open it
when you do, what greets him is the sight of you with blood everywhere on your face
your makeup had your left eye blackened out (you just closed it) with fake blood dripping right out of it. and you even took the liberty of making yourself paler than usual
mc. what. the. fuck.
right of the bat, he could smell toxins on your face, and deduced it was makeup
but that still doesn't stop him from freezing over
"lucifer... are you okay?"
"*clears his throat* yes, i am, mc. are you perhaps trying... very detailed makeup?"
he has mixed feelings about it
one, wow, you're talented, good job, you almost scared him, mc
second, the blood reminded him too much of something and someone
"mc... please give me a heads up when you try this... sfx makeup, if you would"
that would depend
he had a big win in one of the casinos he frequents, so of course you had to know too!
he stomps towards your door and barges into your roon without much of a warning
you flinched and accidentally got lipstick on your teeth, so look turned and glared at him
"MC WHAT THE HELL??????????"
you had makeup to look like your face was burnt, and it looked too realistic for his liking. with your glare, it made you look more terrifying
he was shaking in his place because he got so scared-
ehem! the GREAT mammon doesn't get scared, okay?!
still though, you sigh and you should gently apologize to him
"mc, you scared the bejeebers outta me! i- i mean... i was surprised! just surprised! this're the things you gotta tell me, alright?!"
from then on he learnt how to knock. but it's more like slamming on your door impatiently
because of the extent of his knowledge in cosplaying, you wanted his opinion on something about your makeup. like the color of your eye contacts maybe
you knock on his door, and when he doesn't answer, you hear faint sounds of a game going off inside, so you took the liberty of going inside
there he was, busy in front of his computer on a game that probably just came out an hour ago
you waited for him to finish, so when he did, you called out his name
he flinched, sighing, "mc, you have to stop scaring-"
he turns around and pales
he threw his controller at you, which hit you square in the face
we are NOT forgetting about the fact that he's a literal grand admiral
of course you're falling down on your bum
"m- m- m- mc, i'm so sorry!!!!!!"
literally on his knees begging for forgiveness
after a while, the both of you calm down
he finally takes into detail with your sfx makeup, which looks like you were drowned in the sea and you had tears coming out of your eyes
"maybe gray would look great... or blue?"
he'd help with whatever you need, just don't scare him like that again, normie!
he'd recently borrow a book from the human world from you, finished it in one sitting, and wanted to return it to you
he knocks on your door, and when you told him to come in, he did
you were in front of your mirror, but he wasn't in the angle to see your reflection
"mc, i wanted to return your book- oh."
you returned around, looking at him curiously
your makeup made an illusion where your face seemingly split apart in the middle, one side was crying, and one side was angry
it hit home for him, despite the absolute gore of a thing you have on your face right now
he just wore a frown on his face, making you have a feeling of worry, "satan... are you okay?"
he gets out of his head and nods
"i just wanted to return your book. sorry if i'm intruding on something."
you assure him it's fine, and he debates whether to stay or not
he does, he sits on your bed behind you
"what's your inspiration for that, mc?"
you were asking for some makeup suggestions these past few days which was he excited to share with you
"are you going somewhere, mc? oh, oh! can i come? i can, right?!"
you laugh and tell him it depends
it's been two days since you last asked for makeup suggestions, so he assumed you already have them
he skips towards your room with a happy hum, knocking on your door, "mc~ i'm coming in!"
he walks in, smiling brightly
you were just finishing up, and you turned around
he almost hurls
"o- oh... that's what you've been up to, huh?"
you had some sort of crown on top of your head, but it was broken in half. your face had distorted make up on it, scratch marks all over, broken jewels decorated around your face, and some sort of gunshot wound on your forehead
he walks closer to you, his smile coming back, "can i make some suggestions?"
he immediately got hooked
be ready for an impromptu photoshoot
he'd recently receive a coupon for one of the restaurants he always go to that everything will be 25% if you bring someone with you
he immediately thought about you
he happily walks to your room, a smile on his face thinking about how much food he'll be eating and that you would be there with him
he knocks like once, before he just opens your door
"mc, i got a coupon after winning- what are you doing?"
he tilts his head when you look like you were poking at something on your face with a brush
you turn around to find him standing there with said coupon in hand, "what is it, beel?" you ask
but he just freezes
you had yourself look like you were crying, burn marks all over your face, and you wore an eye contact on your right eye to make it look like it went blind
"beel?" you try calling out again
he shakes his head when he stops thinking and the smell of the makeup's toxins flaring in his nose
"oh... uhm. you look great, mc. i didn't know you could do that."
you thank him, and he went on with the tangent about the coupon
he's desperate in subtly ignoring the makeup
it's rare, but somehow he got a nightmare
he forgot about it as soon as he woke up, but he was still feeling a little restless
he walks out of his and beel's room and walked downstairs
he finds your light still open, so he immediately decided to make it your problem
he just opens your door without any prior warning and sees you standing by your bed
he raises an eyebrow and calls your name
you turn around and he was dumbfounded
you black and white feathers scattered around your hair, your eyes were depicted to be swollen from crying, your nose is bleeding, a slice on your cheek, and half of your face was burnt
and it felt like his nightmare all over again
he was frozen over and you had to frantically assure him it was makeup
it took him a while to respond to you, and just nodded
he slept in your bed with you that night
i had some inspirations from the internet, but most of them are little close to home heh
see what i did there?
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milksuu · 7 months
I’ve been on the Ezreal brainrot ever since I discovered Heartsteel. And my little brain has been scheming
How would a relationship with him work out if his partner is an idol too and they have to sneak out to have fun together??👀
(Btw, unrelated, but I love how you write, it’s super fun and easy to read)
Dirty Little Secret | (O1)
❥ prompt: Let's face it. You and Ezreal hardly have time for anything with your busy idol lives. Unfortunately, things get a bit messy after you first meet. Luckily, both of you share a secret hobby nobody knows about. And boy, does it come in handy. ❥ content/warnings: ecchi, drama bomb, forbidden romance ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel!ezreal x idol!f!reader , Heartsteel gang an: omggg tysvm anon! honestly, im so sorry but looks like your ask is getting a part two lmfao! guess i went overboard with my idea, and so, your actual req. will be fulfilled in the next part. i also blame all american rejects for my non-original title. thanks for understanding.
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No one knew about Ezreal's secret hobby. When anyone asked where he was going with a black gym duffle bag, he gave everyone the same answer. "J-Just heading to the main studio to warm-up before you guys get there. Nothing else." Little did they know, that's not where he was going. Instead, he was heading to a photoshoot. A very specific kind: a cosplay photoshoot.
I mean, who wouldn't want to dress up as their favorite anime/manga character, superhero, or original fantasy creation? Even better, who wouldn't want to be photographed while doing it? Ezreal felt he could be anyone and anything. Adored with attention in more ways than one. Best part was, with so many cosplays to shift through, no one ever knew it was him. Except you did.
And that all happened because you went to that same photoshoot. It was a group event held in a public park, surrounded by retail shops. It was perfect for both slice of slice or nature-esque shots. It was by coincidence your character and Ezreal's character were canon together in the anime lore you were cosplaying. Which sparked you two being asked to pose romantically with one another, and pretend to be going in for a kiss.
You gave your consent and Ezreal tipped your chin up, his face mere inches away from yours. You squinted your eyes against his features and whispered. "You look kind of familiar." As if you had seen him walking around your workplace just the other day. Maybe somewhere else you frequented? You couldn't quite place a finger on it. Ezreal couldn't shake off the feeling either. He tilted your face another way for a different angle. He laughed nervously, whispering back. "That's funny. I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've met. Maybe we're at the same cosplay shoots a lot. And now we've just noticed each other."
You accepted the rational. Either way, you didn't want to press it, in case he flipped the coin around and started asking you personal questions. Cosplay and anonymity were one in the same for certain individuals—especially in your case.
After a couple more pictures, you parted ways. Ezreal felt his phone buzz. He checked his messages:
[Yone:] Where are you? You're late. I believe you said earlier you would be here before us to 'get in some extra practice'. [Yone:] Care to explain?
OH CRAP! Ezreal didn't realize how late the hour was. He'd been so distracted, he forgot to set his reminder. And now he was officially going to be late— or, well, late-er. Sweating bullets, Ezreal quickly let his fingers type:
[Ezreal:] i'm there! just in the bathroom. might be a while. lunch is kicking my butt. 😳🚽💩💩💩
[Yone:] Thank you for the TMI. Hurry up then.
Ezreal wiped at his brow. He was running on borrowed time. Yone was sure to find out if he wasn't back within the next fifteen minutes. Snatching his bag from the public lockers, he ran to the public restroom. To his utter surprise, there was a line for the men's restroom. Seriously!? That never happened. And it's not like he could waltz into the women's restroom (which, not surprisingly, also had a line). He went around, and found a private unisex bathroom.
He flung himself inside, locked it, and striped away his cosplay. Something shifted in the corner of his eyes—it was you. And there you both were, standing in awkward positions down to your undergarments. You pointed at each other accusingly, and shouted at the same time; "I do know you!" You both recognized each other as idols; him being with Heartsteel, and you as a solo-artist. Even though brief, you two bumped into each other more than once at the company building.
"G-get out! I was here first." You blushed, taking your moon-wand and smacking him with it. "Ouch—it said vacant!" He cried out, trying to block your magical melee attacks. "It was your fault for not locking it. How was I supposed to know?"
"I really don't have time for this. Do whatever you want." You tossed your wand into your bag, fetching your skirt. You shot a narrowed look. "Just don't look over here, or else."
"Fine." Ezreal huffed, rubbing at his sore collar bone. "Don't look over here either."
With grumbles and protests, the two of you changed back to back. All the while, still bickering. He heard you struggling, turned over his shoulder, and found you trying to reach your back zipper. He sighed, helping you raise it to the back of your neck. You turned sharply. "I told you not to look but...thank you." You peeked down and noticed his pants weren't zipped up. You reached and returned the favor. He blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He gulped. "Don't sweat it. Thanks for catching that for me."
A silent truce settled between the two of you as you finished dressing, and shared the mirror to freshen up. Ezreal realized you were also in a rush to get ot the studio as well. He called an Uber for the both of you. His phone buzzed and buzzed, blowing up with messages. He opened his group chat:
[Aphelios:] yone is pissed btw. rip ez. ☠️
[Sett:] Sorry, Ez. We tried to cover for ya'h. Hope you're alright. 😓
[K'Sante:] I'm sure he's fine. For now. Once Yone finds him, we may not see him again in one piece. hehe.
[Sett:] Watch it, Kayn. Else im tellin' Yone you snuck out on the motorcycle last night.
[Apehlios:] i have footage from the house cam. 😏
Ezreal sank down into the back seat. Kayn was right—he was so screwed. You watched his whirlwind of expressions from the side of your lashes. You couldn't help but feel bad for him. You were right on time for your schedule. And it was all too apparent he wasn't. You stared out the car window. It really was tough to balance certain things as an idol, and some were better at it than others.
When you both arrived at the Riot building, and walked passed the double swinging doors, there was definitely Hell to be paid. A bead of sweat ran Ezreal's temple. Finding Yone standing with his arms crossed, and looking down with a razor-sharp gaze.
"Is this why you were late?" Yone directed the comment towards you. Ezreal bit his bottom lip. Yone tapped his foot against the ground. "You have exactly five seconds, or I'm addressing your conduct with Alune. And if that happens, I promise, you won't like the result of our conversation."
He stumbled to get the proper words out. "No—I—it has nothing to do with her—I was just—"
"Ezreal did nothing wrong. I'm the one responsible for making him late." You stepped forward, garnering Yone's interrogative attention. "You see. I'm absolutely crazy in love with him." The whole lobby fell to dumbstruck silence. "I blackmailed him into going out with me today. I even went as far as to give him this hickey," you pulled down the top his shirt, revealing the bluish bruise against his clavicle from when you smacked him. "I took a picture of it. And told him if he didn't finish our date, I would tell all his precious fans he was taken. So...." you trailed off, unsure of what else to say. Ezreal's eyes were as wide as saucers from the blatant forgery of your lie.
Yone narrowed his gaze against you, as if trying to siphon the real truth. You only stared harder in return, solidifying your stance. Yone breathed out a tensive puff of air. "I'll be speaking to your manager then. Whoever it is, they'll be responsible for reprimanding you. In any case, don't you ever come near him again. Or else you won't have a career in this business—I'll make sure of that. Do you understand?" You paused, then gave a veiled smile. "Of course."
Before Ezreal could speak up again, Yone snapped a finger, pointing for Ezreal to head in the direction of the recording studio. He took a breath, as if wanting to say something—anything to you. But Yone spoke with a silent bite. "Don't make the rest of your team wait for you any longer." Ezreal nodded, bit the inside of his cheek, and walked away. About to turn into a hallway, he gave one last glance over his shoulder. Catching his stare, you placed a finger against your lips, before disappearing with Yone into an elevator.
And all Ezreal could think was: he really needed to see you again.
to be continued...
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tossawary · 17 days
Check out the very cool and character-appropriate socks I'm wearing with my Crowley (Good Omens) cosplay! (I did not go out to get these; I already owned these fabulous socks.)
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Explaining the joke:
The character driving the car here is Lowly Worm, who is a worm, and Crowley is a demon who can turn into a snake. Crowley's name used to be Crawley.
Lowly Worm is driving a car shaped like an apple. In "Good Omens", Crowley was the snake in the Garden of Eden who convinced Eve to eat the apple.
Crowley loves his car, a Bentley, so much that it's basically sentient, and he drives scarily fast. It is funny to compare the more dorky-looking Apple Car to his "cool" black Bentley. Someone else temporarily turned his car yellow once and he hated it.
The socks say, "On my way to the bookstore!" and Crowley is very frequently seen visiting the angel Aziraphale's bookstore, usually driving there. Aziraphale's bookstore is one of the most important locations in "Good Omens".
These socks are more than a little dorky and I'm not sure that Crowley would ever wear them unless someone else bought them for him or he was 100% certain that no one would see his dorky socks.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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Whenever I talk about celebrities or influencers with my mom, my sentences usually start with "I don't like them because-" since there is usually something they have said or done that's problematic (there are very rare exceptions -like I haven't found reason to dislike Keanu Reeves, for example, because that man seems lovely and kind to the core -or artists like Kehlani -of course I know there are more people -but as I tell my mom and many people frequently, that list is vastly small). And yes, each of them have done things on a spectrum -some much more extreme than others, but so many of them are awful.
Adele and Kate McKinnon during their awful SNL skit about Africa that I hope no one forgets about, to Ariana Grande CONSTANTLY 'cosplaying races' (you only need to search for this online -she's done this numerously), to Mark Wahlburg's violent racist history where he committed hate crimes, to Brad Pitt who we recently discovered is an abuser -to both his ex-partner Angelina Jolie and their kids, as well as Ellen DeGeneres and Lizzo -who both built careers from their respective positionalities in fields where there as a lack of representation only for us to find out they're both part of and complicit in the abuse of those on their teams. The list goes on and on.
Hollywood and the music industry coddle and platform abusers because if they're making them money, despite them being awful, and it's beyond shameful. That's why celebrity culture needs to be dismantled entirely.
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20dollarlolita · 3 months
Heyy, I know this isn't really your thing, but do you think it would be bad for someone to get a wheelchair to cosplay at a convention, when they're not disabled? I know you go to cons in a chair.
That's a kind of complicated question.
So for starters, obviously there's not one person who can speak for every wheelchair user, so don't take my word as law or anything.
But the short answer is maybe? Probably?
First of all, if you want to learn how noodle arm your abled noodle arms are (and yes, you have abled noodle arms. Manual wheelchair users have arm muscles you've never heard about), try to propel yourself through a con for an entire day.
But to answer the question, first of all, it's not okay for someone who's using a wheelchair for a cosplay to take up limited resources that are intended for disabled people. If there's limited wheelchair seating at a panel, you better not be taking it up. You can get out of your wheelchair and sit, and you can't tell if another wheelchair user is able to safely and comfortably do it. If you're worried about people judging you for using a wheelchair and then standing up and walking, welcome to the reality that a lot of ambulatory wheelchair users, who can stand or walk, live all the time. Remember what that judgement feels like and make a note to never, ever pass it onto another person. Don't be using the wheelchair for cutting in lines or things like that. If there's a line for the elevator or the big bathroom stall, let other people go ahead of you.
But, I don't think it's inherently bad for someone to want to use a wheelchair at a convention, even if they wouldn't be using one outside a con, provided that they do not use resources intended for disabled people. I think that management of a convention seeing that there are more wheelchair users will be more likely to take into consideration wheelchair accommodations. I think that people who are using a wheelchair in public for the first time will learn very fast about how accessible their convention center actually is. There's a lot of things that I didn't realize were accessibility problems until they were problems that directly challenged my personal access. A lot of those things would cost zero dollars to change, but the people in charge either don't have the experience needed to know that they need to be changed, or they don't think it's a priority because wheelchair users are in the minority. Having more people aware of those kinds of situations is going to make a bigger pressure to stop those things from happening. For example, when was the last time that you noticed an a bathroom stall labeled accessible that had a door that opened inward? Most people I know wouldn't consider that a problem, but everyone who's been unable to pee because the stall isn't big enough for the door and their wheelchair is going to notice. The places I've been where moving the line over 5" to the left would make an inaccessible line able to accommodate my wheelchair (looking at you, Halloween Horror Nights). There's been "oh we have a ramp" and it's two 2x4's. There's all kinds of little things that cost no money that can be better, but no one cares until it's about them. You can get that perspective. You can learn how garbage it can feel.
I also don't want to ignore the fact that we frequently use cosplay to test out things that we want to do in our real lives. A lot of my friends who wear alternative fashion daily started out just wearing alternative fashion to conventions. Everyone my age or younger either a) has a friend that started out cosplaying characters of a different gender and then they later came out as that gender, or b) is that friend, or c) says weird transphobic BS all the time and so trans people don't want to be their friends. Deciding that you need to use a mobility aid is a really weirdly hard decision. I actually had a long period of time between "I need a mobility aid," and "it's okay if I use a mobility aid." I'm going to assume that there's people out there who are trying to decide if it's helpful and okay to use a wheelchair, who test it out by cosplaying a character in a wheelchair and seeing how they feel about it when it's part of a costume. I don't want to deny someone a chance to learn that it's okay to get a wheelchair and will help them.
But yeah, the short version is if your enjoyment of a convention using a wheelchair for a costume comes at the expense of the accessibility and experience of people who are disabled and don't have a choice about if they're going to be using mobility aids, you're a piece of garbage.
But I haven't actually been wearing cosplay to cons for a while (though I did cosplay Barbara Gordon at the last SacAnime) so if anyone in the disabled cosplay community has something to say about this, I'd appreciate the input. Like I said, no one can speak for everyone in this subject.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi hi!! 🦕 anon back at it again with the requests!! can i get somethin with our beloved handsome bros and a reader with a strong southern accent, like reader can hide their accent well but sometimes they slip up and have a very strong southern accent
mines been strong all day and i think its the funniest thing
oooo okay okay !! ; and thank you so much to you and all of everyone requesting for using handsome bros, yall r awesome lmao ; kinda delved into just southern reader on accident so whoops fjenndmsms
HANDSOME BROS ; southern accent
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo & badlinu
warnings ; language, talk about guns
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"what the fuhck"
it'll just randomly pop out from no where and surprise the shit out of him
"welcome home, darlin" He jokes, putting on a fake accent to try and match yours. "Yeehaw partner, let's go kill some bitches!"
he's very playful about it, he honestly likes when you don't hide your accent because it's what makes you yourself
he bought you a cowboy hat for your birthday and you wear it around pretty frequently LMAO
he loves having a relationship with you and learning about the southern parts of America and how it differs from the UK because obviously culture differences and shit
talking to him about tornadoes and shit like it's nothing and he's just like "!?!?!?" LMAO
catches him off guard when you let it slip/are too tired to hide it
will make a joke or two about getting your rifle to go hunt some deer or some shit
"ready to go oppress gay people and go get blackout drunk?" you ask him, showing off your accent
"hell yeah, brother" he laughs, slapping a cowboy hat you had laying around on his head
he likes hearing you tell stories about living in the south and shit
and how fucking weird your (mostly distant) family was
"wait, is incest actually a problem?"
"I mean in the 1800s yeah, it's still pretty legal in a lot of places too but it's a bit less of a problem, doesn't make it less gross though. my second aunt and uncle are actually cousins, so like, that uncle is my third uncle technically"
"What the hell?"
he grew up in the more northern areas of the east coast so he at least has America pretty understood
the cultural shock still kinda hit them tho
the tornadoes? the droughts? the heat?
they thought the heat was bad for them? oh good god
when you let your accent slip out he just takes a second to make sure he heard you correctly and then jokes about it
"ready to hit the cabellas and get some guns?" He asks in a shit accent
"hell yeah, man, let's go" you reply, grabbing a nerf gun off their desk
they love your accent though, and loves how you both pronounce things and talk completely differently
sometimes he'll catch himself talking a bit like you and pause like "did I just say that like that...?"
when you slip out your accent or are just too tired to cover it up, he can't stop thinking about you like remaking the young sheldon intro if that makes sense
I know it doesn't but bare w me...
"ready to go wind up some cows partner?"
"fuck yeah, america!! rah!!!"
loves learning about the cultural differences between you two and shit
has a whole cowboy hat collection to cosplay as you and apparently each hat has their own personality/era of yourself
asks you what tornadoes are like and shit
"do you actually say yeehaw?"
"I hope not"
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heranubis · 10 months
gift for @rocksinmuffin! another twst (and lilia) fan<3
due to a tumblr glitch - this was posted instead of saved. working on finishing this asap.
5 signs you're dating a vampire (by the great grimm)
sign 1 (one): tends to avoid sunlight (like. a lot)
another day in ramshackle dorm, another day of the student body marching through like an endless parade that actually lives there. normally Grimm minds a fair amount (the prefect is His magickless servant, not theirs!) - but today he's Extra grumpy about it.
today was the designated (self-appointed) nap day between him and you. he always gets a small can of tuna (and belly scratches!) but... naturally, that all flew out the window the very second Lilia flew in.
decorated with a black, lacy parasol (something that looks delicate and old) and he refuses to put it away until every window is closed and curtain drawn. the very second the last sliver of light disappears, so does the parasol. naturally - avoiding sunlight isn't Always suspicious, but this is Lilia Vanrouge. everything he does is suspicious (according to Grimm, anyways).
the diasomnia member simply giggles as he usually does and waves grimm's concerns away with a flippant hand. "i don't do well in the sun. i burn very easily~"
the cat gives him a suspicious look before running up to his own room in the dorm. he was going to nap - regardless if lilia wanted to drop by and avoid sunlight. it's been a long day and he's sure you would yell for help if it was needed.
(unspoken is how he lingers just outside the doorway, sleeping while an ear remains perked - just in case.)
sign 2 (two): he refuses to eat garlic (slight agreement there)
garlic, by any means, is far from grimm's favorite seasoning - it makes his nose itch. so when lilia comes over for dinner (the 91th time this month alone), he barely notices when the older student gently rejects any offers of Anything that even smells remotely of garlic.
"ah," he sighs - seemingly tired as if he's answered this question a million times before - "i'm simply... allergic to garlic. it doesn't particularly agree with me."
grimm vaguely remembers adeuce talking about Something (symptoms of some disease) and a few things caught his attention. things lilia did. he thinks they called it vampirism.
you'd gotten onto him several times now about jumping to conclusions, so he sat silently at the table (eyes never leaving lilia) as the student joked and giggled. it was totally normal and fine for someone to not like garlic - but the more grimm thought about it the more suspicious he got.
sign 3 (three): never wears silver (from what's been observed - thank you, r.h.)
sign 4 (four): has no reflection!!! Ever!!!!
perhaps inlisting the help of one rook hunt wasn't the brightest idea - he was terrifying and always manage to make grimm jump a few feet in the air. but he was also the best at observing others - often while remaining unseen himself.
therefor, he was the perfect choice for what the cat had in mind. a big tell of vampirism was avoiding silver - something about it burning their skin. and while lilia didn't often wear jewelry - he Had been spotted sporting it when dressed up for a holiday, school event, or something to do with his club. (rook even mentioned one time about him doing something called 'cosplay' with idia.)
sure, some people looked better in different metals, but Everyones worn silver at least once. and the fact lilia seemed to avoid it only made grimm more suspicious.
(naturally, what the little monster Didn't see was lilia waving in a friendly manner to rook - who was lounging in a tree, within perfect sight of his 'prey'.)
the mirrors in ramshackle dorm were old and busted and dirty. but he also knew there was one the prefect used quite often - the one in their bedroom. grimm could never use it, as it sat too high for him to feel comfortable climbing towards. but... on lilia's more frequent visits - that was the only mirror he seemed to use.
sign 5 (five): mysterious red stains that he never bothers to explain
and it was once (only once) grimm was in the room when lilia was using the mirror. he was re-applying what the prefect later explained to be eye-liner - something that could be done without a mirror but it was easier to see your reflection.
when grimm looked up at said mirror being used, he saw no reflection. no eyes, no nose, nothing on lilia's person was reflected back. only vampires had no reflection - every other creature in twisted wonderland had a reflection (this grimm knew for a fact.)
he'd barely rambled out some excuse before bolting from the room - haunted by lilia's giggles as the vampire older student went back to finishing his eye-liner.
the final nail in the coffin for grimm was when he would show up with random red stains peppering his white undershirt (red! red stains!)
sign 6 (six): he has a biting problem (written and scribbled out by the prefect)
the prefect always brushed it off with a light scolding to be more careful next time, meanwhile lilia would just give them a secretive little smile.
grimm is more firm in his beliefs now. he can say with absolutely no room for doubt - lilia vanrouge is a vampire. perhaps even the only one in twisted wonderland.
lilia is just a regular fae who is more expressive in his affections - he has sharp teeth and likes to nibble. garlic smells too strong to anyone with heightened senses (see: beastmen and other fae). he does wear silver but only on special occassions.
the old mirror in the prefects room is imbued with an old magick, it only reflects mortal souls. if malleus, crowley, or even sebek were to look into it - there would also be no reflection.
lilia has a pale complexion and does burn easily - he's also just a fan of pastel gothic fashions and when not attending lessons (in his own free time) tries to incorporate pieces of the style into his wardrobe around campus.
the stains, however, are blood. lilia's fangs are sharp and he's not always gentle with his bites. but far as anyone else is concerned - its just ketchup or wine.
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communist-ojou-sama · 20 days
Surely inquiring minds wonder why I am so frequently so hostile toward liberals and especially rationalists when I encounter them online, and you might be surprised to know that it's less emotional than it may seem.
Indeed, it does try my patience to see moronic whites discount the work of the global south revolutionaries and thinkers who have done basically all the hard work making the world a better place in the past century and change, but the sum total of that irritation is not anger but disdain, the disdain necessary to basically say whatever comes to mind to make sure their interactions with me are as hurtful and humiliating as possible.
And you may ask further, okay anomie, whatever you say, but why That though.
Well you see, my maximum conflict, maximum hostility doctrine toward liberal "intellectuals" is borne not of an emotion, but of an heuristic.
That is, when you have a clique of liberals who are exposed to the thought of global south intellectuals and revolutionaries, exposed to the thought of Marxists and communists, and still choose liberalism, that says something very important about their values.
Specifically, it means that for the time being, at core, their allegiance to the imperial core and to its masters is greater than to the oppressed of the world, and certainly to any "leftist" principles they claim to be fond of.
And that is bad, yes, but more than being bad, it is a liability. Liberal pseudo-intellectuals like these are worse than dead weight in any serious left-wing movement, they are a net negative. And what's worse, despite their arrogance and lack of intellectual talent, they sometimes catch the ears of well-meaning communists largely out of being half-decent writers.
Personally, the thought of a liberal pseudo-intellectual being in a serious decisionmaking decision when the shit hits the fan makes my fucking blood run cold. That's what motivates me.
And so, I have elected to do all that I can to make these people the right's problem. I'm already reasonably certain that once a major economic crisis happens in the US most of them will join the ranks of cresting explicit fascism anyway, but just in case any of them might keep cosplaying left and undermining the communist cause, I will engage in every hostility to get them to leave the left, because they aren't needed and indeed we need to have as few of this type as possible
(Incidentally this is why I am civil to those whom I recognize as genuinely talented regardless of their current ideological leaning)
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chronicallycouchbound · 11 months
Sword Canes Aren’t Badass. I Am.
I am a full time mobility aid user, and frequently I use a cane, otherwise I’m using forearm crutches, a rollator, wheelchair, or powerchair.
A cane was my first mobility aid, and I got it when I was 18. It’s given me so much and I’m thankful for my tiny collection of canes. I have a couple that are gorgeous, but still obviously are medical devices, they’re not very fancy, because that’s not the point of their existence.
I especially love my cane that is jet black with a silver engraved dragon scale type pattern and a fairly standard question mark style handle with foam on it, it’s absolutely gorgeous. It matches my aesthetic perfectly (dark, goth, alt, punk type of vibes) and I get comments frequently about how it should have a sword in it.
They don’t care to listen when I explain that it’s for my disabilities, that I need it to walk at all, and wielding a sword would dislocate my joints and probably make me fall and impale myself.
It’s so frustrating when people see it as a joke or a cosplay or something that needs to be more.
It helps me move in the world, particularly a world that is extremely inaccessible for disabled people like myself, so much so that most of the time, I can’t use any other mobility aids, I’m forced to crawl up and down stairs and just avoid routes entirely even with my cane, let alone when I’m out with my mobility aids with wheels.
My cane is beautiful for the simple fact that it helps me. It is enough.
I am enough too.
Sword canes aren’t badass. I am.
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
General headcanons — Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Pairing: None
Summary: Some general headcanons I have about Gaz
Warnings: Mentions of Death, PTSD, pregnancy, and mental illness
notes: This is somewhat of a sequel to this post I made last year, except solely about Gaz. Soon I hope to post some romantic headcanons for the guys :)
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Grew up in London
Has four older sisters and was raised by a single mother
His dad passed away when he was young and he never really got to know his dad's side of the family
Spent most of the week at his grandparent's house because his mom worked a lot
His sisters used to dress him up in dresses, do his makeup, etc and
Is very secure in his masculinity + feminine expression as a result
Prefers rugby to soccer
Worked odd construction jobs from the age of 13 until he enlisted
His dad was Jamaican and his mom is white British
Has a Pinterest where he saves nothing but outfit ideas and recipes for snacks to share with the 141
Is the deepest sleeper ever
Loves caramel and chocolate together
His favorite sweet is an Aero peppermint chocolate bar
Is a great dancer + often goes to dance studios
Also wishes he had the time to join an actual dance crew
His civilian clothes are 98% Nike tech
Even though he isn’t close with his dad’s side of the family, he wants to go to Jamaica and see where his family is from
Had a pregnancy scare with his gf when he was 18
The experience made him realize that while he definitely wants kids, he only wants them if he was out of the military and could be there for them every day.
Is annoyingly good at battle royale and shooter type games, despite the fact that he far prefers cozier games like Breathe of the Wild or Pokemon
Very nearly became a medic
Is a fantastic gift giver
Prefers to sleep on the couch instead of in bed
Always says goodbye with a hug
Collects figurines, lego sets, and hot wheels.
The duvet on his bed is navy blue/grey with white plaid stripes
Will always Facetime instead of sending texts or calling
Has been seeing a therapist/counselor since he was 4 for anxiety disorder and some BPD symptoms.
Two weeks after the attack at Piccadilly Circus in MW1, he ended up in the hospital after having a severe panic attack that left him almost completely dissociated.
A year afterward, he was diagnosed +with C-PTSD
His favorite season is autumn
Has a fear of dogs, but absolutely melts when they lick his hand/face
His dream was to be an MMA fighter, and he still trains frequently
wants to grow his hair out but can’t because of Army regs + doesn’t have the time to take care of it properly
His favorite movie is Avatar
Is involved in the online cosplay community/forums and has spent a few thousand pounds creating the most accurate Miles Morales cosplay
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vayshkarell · 4 months
How I Made my V2 Cosplay
Oh boy! This right here is about how I make my cosplay head of V2. Some of the stages don't have photos, but i'll do my best to explain what I did. I also have no WIPs of the gloves, but those were super straight forward. Some photos are very low quality due to my phone having a damaged camera at the time, and other photos were taken from my instagram story as they're the only photos I have from that stage. Please note that this is not a tutorial! This is more of a story of a disastrous (but ultimately successful) project done by someone with no idea what they were doing. Please find actual tutorials by more experienced people!
The Modeling Base
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This right hear is a big chunk of upholstery foam! I own a ton of this stuff, so i decided the best way to start this was a foam blank. Well, this was a bad idea in retrospect, but hey it technically worked. Kinda. I started by drawing the basic shape, then cutting out thick sheets. From there, I glued them together and began shaping with scissors to get the desired shape. Honestly a 3D modeled blank may have been better, or a base made of foam board pieces used instead. Live and learn I suppose.
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 After I got the shape to something i was happy with, I began the transition to EVA foam. To do this, I mummified the thing in duct tape and marked seam lines in sharpie. I then cut out these duct tape pieces, and stuck them to paper to act as a backing.
Foam Shell Construction
Once I had a pattern, I began making the actual head. To do this, I traced the pattern onto sheets of EVA foam (I believe 4mm or 6mm) and cut them out. Lots of these pieces needed bevels, some of which i had to dremel as shown below due to them not cutting correctly. Bevels are important as they make the foam crease as desired for angular shapes. I'm still pretty amateur with it though, and frequently got bevels wrong.
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As I cut pieces, I began gluing them together with an awful gunk called contact cement. This stuff is a special glue that you let dry before sticking the pieces together, and it pretty cool. Unfortunately it's flammable and a carcinogen. As stated before, I'm pretty new to armor, so lots of the seams have weird gaps I had to fix farther down the line. After quite awhile, I had the basic shell assembled. However, the shell had numerous gaps and pieces that didn't fit correctly. Enter the foam clay.
Foam clay is a substance similar to model magic, and was honestly a life saver here. This thing has a second shell basically made of the stuff. I had to fill gaps primarily around the eye socket, but the entire thing honestly barely fit together.
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After some filling and sanding, I made a test optic. And the head looked preeeety bad. There was something just incredibly off about it. This began the massive amounts of revising and reshaping I had to do. And fixing of awful symmetry. The head required a massive amount of sanding around the sides of the face and the chin. Between initial construction and when I began painting, I completely reshaped these areas. I made the chin significantly smaller, and added the indents or whatever (fins?) on the side of the head. However, doing all of this required me to fill in chunks of the interior with large wads of foam clay. If I hadn't done so, then I would've sanded through it in places. I also made the awful decision to gap fill with hot glue. If you've not dremeled hot glue, I don't recommend trying it. It melts the glue and sends globs of it flying, and those things are hot and really hurt.
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After even more sanding, gap filling, and re-sanding, I finally got the shape to something i was happy with. Unfortunately I don't have any photos from just before painting.
Priming and Painting
The next step was for me to slather this thing in primer so it could be painted. I use Plastidip, as a tutorial i saw years ago said it was the best primer. Why does it need primed? I'm not actually entirely sure, but it's what I've heard needs done, so that's what I do.
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Plastidip is a spray, so I of course did this outside. After a ton of coats, I was left with a shiny surface ready for the paint. Not much to say on primer.
Due to not currently having a functional airbrush, V2 is entirely hand painted. I coated this guy in red paint, and i mean coated the entire thing. Even areas I'd later paint black. Quick tip: Don't do that. It's a waste of paint. But i did it anyway cause I'm a dumbass. I also had issues when doing the black with getting it to stick, and when removing tape it caused some paint to peal off too. I originally had painted a barcode on the side of the head, but removing the tape took the black paint off too. Sooooo no bar code.
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Once I got the shell painted, I did the optic. The test optic I used was marker on unicorn buckram, but that stuff is really hard to see through, the markers looked bad, and I couldn't pain it without clogging the mesh (due to not having an airbrush and having to do it by hand.) So, I got different mesh: a larger weave black mesh. This stuff I was actually able to hand paint, thus how I got the iris I did.
The Gloves
The gloves were, frankly, rushed. I bought a pair of cheap black costume gloves online, and then glued foam to em. For the gloves, I just used paper patterns to make the foam pieces. No fancy patterning here, just drawing shapes. After cutting the foam, I hot glued it, and then painted them. No priming on these, cause I was lazy and had a con coming up.
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So that's about it! Thank you for reading this monster of a post! I'm hoping to eventually do a V1 head, so I'll be repatterning the V unit head soon. When I do, I'll probably make an actual tutorial. I dunno. We'll see.
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tossawary · 5 months
I was rewatching some episodes of Bleach a few months back and I still have a fondness for it. It's one of the first animes I ever watched at all, though I never got very far past that first big Soul Society arc; I used to watch episodes on TV as a kid with my family and I saw cool Bleach cosplays and other stuff frequently at anime conventions. I have a general idea of what happens later thanks to some fanfiction and other forms of Fandom Osmosis.
And I realized while listening to the episodes play in the background that I had... no idea where Urahara's kids came from??? Why are there two children just living with the former Soul Society captains??? I'd never gotten that far (if it was revealed in the main manga or anime at all) and had never come across the information in fanworks or on the few wiki pages that I'd browsed. So, I looked it up on a wiki, and it turns out that Ururu and Jinta are artificial souls like Nemu (this is revealed in one of the novels). Which made sense! I'd been expecting something like that or adoption of random spirit-sensitive humans (this was my guess) or whatever.
But it does make me wonder HOW something like that happened... and also WHY? It's very funny to me that someone in the Urahara-Yoruichi-Tessai throuple (non-canon to my knowledge, unfortunately) apparently decided that they wanted kids (with superpowers, of course) and Urahara just... made some. (Or Urahara was just experimenting and then decided to raise his mad science experiments properly. Maybe it was a "I can do ANYTHING better than that fucker Kurotsutchi and I'll fucking prove it" kind of thing.) Ururu and Jinta are Ichigo's younger sisters' age (uh, maybe, hard to know with artificial souls), so it kind of looks like this mad scientist babymaking went down after Ichigo was born.
My mind keeps going back to that "Text your partner: 'I want a baby'" meme from several years ago as a fic idea.
Tessai: I want a baby.
Kisuke: we already have the cat
Yoruichi: I'm baby
Yoruichi: fuck kisuke beat me to it
Yoruichi: kisuke this is your fault I told you not to let him hold ichigo
Tessai: He's very cute.
Tessai: I want one.
Yoruichi: where are you gonna get one? I'm not doing it
Kisuke: we are also exiled criminals, that feels pertinent to mention here as a consideration when family planning
Tessai: :(
Yoruichi: I mean we've done stupider shit
Yoruichi: still not doing it
Tessai: :'(
Kisuke: wait, don't ask another guy, I'll do it
Kisuke: give me a week
Kisuke: what color?
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