#I wanna see bloopers for that because there is no way those guys did not laugh at some point
2rocksandastoner · 1 year
Mario: You’ve never played video games and you don’t really know who else to choose. If that’s not the case, then wtf is wrong with you
Luigi: You recognize that Luigi is #1 and that he deserves better. You’re pretty cool
Peach: You’re a 5 year old girl who’s only playing because your mom forced your siblings to let you in, you’re a female twitch streamer that probably sucks at the game but you still have a really good setup and view count, you’re a trans girl looking for euphoria, or you’re a roseboy
Daisy: You recognize who the superior princess is (if this is the case you probably hate Peach), OR someone took Peach before you could get to her and now you’re salty
Yoshi: You’re cool, probably have quite the appetite, and like how cute and carefree he is. You would die for Yoshi. You may also really like Kirby
Birdo: Trans rights, nice
Wario: You watch Family Guy unironically and like offending people for fun. You’d call someone a snowflake no matter what, even if they cried after you stabbed them. You’re a scumbag cis teen boy who’s totally about to cheat, especially if playing with little siblings/cousins. You need to touch grass urgently, but even more so if you’re an adult. You also think racism/bigotry in general is inherently funny. It’s not and you’re probably a walking red flag. How do you sleep at night
Waluigi: You’re jacked and get so many bitches. You’re a god at the game. Your friends adore you, you have an enormous dick if applicable, and you’ll get into a great university but will never get into Smash. Or you’re just in it for the meme and this is your entire sense of humour and it’s annoying 😐 Either way, you may be kind of a loser, but the font of loser may vary. You may also cheat at the game every so often but you’re not the salty type like Wario
Toad: You’re really annoying. Like, it’s your whole personality. You do have potential as a person unlike most people who play Wario, but this is still becoming a problem in your day to day life. Please seek help buckeroo, it gets better.
Toadette: You’re either a little girl or a grown man. If you’re neither of those, you’re cute, do you want my number?
Koopa: You’re scrawny and quiet. You also may not have much of a personality. You may also be a bit of a simp. Do you wanna pick another character?
Dry Bones: You’re scrawny and quiet but also kinda hot. Want my number? Also you may be alt/emo and have fringey hair and you probably don’t have the best diet but who am I to judge
Goomba: …did you hit that one on accident? If not, have you been doing okay mate? If I were to take a wild guess, you just need a blorbo in your life and happen to have questionable taste. Idk man but you’re difficult to read and I don’t like it
Hammer Bro: You’re a teen boy (likely cis) who wants to stand out from those who play Koopa (though you’re not much of a simp). You may also be kind of a dick like those who play Wario (though you have plenty of potential to grow and change as you get older), and you fight your friends with sticks for fun. You also may have had a nerf or sonic phase, and may also like metalworking, cars, or other stereotypical cis male stuff. You would probably call me a slur.
Boo: See Dry Bones, but you may not be scrawny. You’re a bit spooky, quiet, and intimidating at first but really really cool. You don’t smile a whole lot but you’re chill. You dye your hair a lot. Want my number?
Blooper: what
Kamek/Magikoopa: You’re probably a mage in any RPG game. Speaking of which you’re probably a nerd and probably not very into Mario Party. I’d still probably have a short lived crush on you. Keep your nerdy lil head up, fren
Shy Guy: You’re a shy guy yourself, or the feminized version of Shy Guy lives in your head rent free and also you’re trans. Regardless you’re kinda quiet, and you’re cool but either don’t see it, or you know it and (this may or may not be related) you’re kinda quiet (if related, it’s likely because that’s how some cool kids do it. Whatever floats your goat, man.) You’re chill/laid back
Spike: You just wanna be cool like the older cousins you’re playing with because they’re your favourites and you never get to see them, but you’re loud/talk too much and might be kind of annoying. Don’t worry, we know you’re trying your best. Keep smiling, friend :)
Monty Mole: You like to remain somewhat anonymous and blend in with the crowd. Everyone you play Mario Party with questions you, but you understand Monty. Monty probably understands you too in a way
Pom Pom: I have your social security number. Wtf is wrong with you? Where did your life go wrong? You’re certainly not okay in the membrane (as Lily would say). Stop
Bowser: Hey Daddy, I ain’t nobody’s butler but what kind of sandwich do you want me to make you? Pls take my number, there’s a chance you’re a red flag but the green flags who play Bowser are good enough to risk it all for 😍
Bowser Jr: You’re me. You also really like the Koopalings and wish you could play as them. Bowser Jr is your little blorbo and you love him to death. You’re cool. If that’s not the case, you’re the little sibling or cousin that nobody wants to play with because you’re a sore loser and a brat (and you know it and take pride in pissing everyone off) but everyone has to put up with you bc your parents/relatives/etc said they have to. If you’re an adult and fall within the latter category, you’re horrible to smoke with and you tend to get no bitches (I get bitches and run a stoner podcast loved by the rocks and our lovely listeners, it does get better mate) (link in pinned post to both the podcast itself and the trailer if you wanna listen to something stupid, we really appreciate your support!! <33)
Rosalina: You’re not as cool as you wish you were (at least not in your eyes), but your taste in women (if applicable) is pretty good. You want to be like Rosalina irl. Out of the main 3 Mario Girls, if Rosalina is your favourite, Daisy is likely your second favourite
Donkey Kong: You would rather play as Funky Kong, which is a red flag in itself, or you have big dick energy and are either jacked or <5’3”. Also, 🎶 D.K… Donkey, Kong… 🎶
Diddy Kong: You’re like the Toad players but think you’re special. You will either grow up to be homophobic just like your father, or you’re a trans preteen. You like arson and jetpacks, and you have may have trouble growing facial hair if applicable
Something feels missing here but I tend to be able to read people really well, lmk if you guys want one with every Mario Kart character :3
Bonus, Koopa Kid: damn youre old
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My recent watchlist, badly summarized (Part Two):
Good luck; this list is the epitome of Russian Roulette
- The new and improved Ear-Splitting Feedback! Now broadcast over radio everywhere, all the time
- “Honey… I hate to break it to you but…… I may have……….. accidentally……………. ordered a hit on you.”
- French nobility don’t care who dies to make their food; so French chefs don’t care who gets de-wigged in front of the entire bistro. Touché!
- “Thanks for the camera! It totally won’t be used to blackmail you.”
- Dark!Lassie
- Unhinged Himbo at Law
- [slaps filmmaker] “This bad boy made a movie that can help so many people.” [proceeds to violate every single human rights law in existence]
- Billionaire and his talking car time warp and join the Mary Shelley polycule
- Grasshoppers as an aid to capitalism; anti-capitalist movie as an aid to capitalism (imagine that!)
- “These model trains will fix me.” (The mafia is chasing him and the model trains are the only thing keeping him from bursting into tears at any given moment.)
- “Fuck me gently with a chainsaw” 🥴 for your own comfort and peace of mind, you may choose to believe that this is not a literal statement
- Basically one giant Dostoyevsky reference disguised as a horror film
- He’s a pilot! He’s a pianist! He’s the God of Corruption! (But he’s also so cringe fail that he felt the need to fake airplane malfunctions, break his own arm, and die in a fire so you’d notice him.)
- 1984, but if Orwell were an ex-j*hovah’s witness(?) and on a shit load of psychedelics
EDIT (omfg I can’t believe I forgot this one):
- The most ridiculous political party you’ve ever seen in your life that never worked out, because the members are fucking stupid and did everything but the main scheme they had practicing for a month
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on Gallavich Hall of Shame
Wow okay this is the latest I’ve ever posted a weekly recap and I feel awful about it but mom life amirite? I’ve seen a lot of negative posts about this episode( maybe I just follow the wrong people) so ngl I’m kinda worried about watching it. Ugh. This is why I try to not look up things until I’ve had a chance to recap because I hate being influenced by other people’s opinions BUT I’m gonna try my best to find the positive things in the episode and keep this light hearted and fun like I’ve been trying to do all season! Okay I’ll shut up now and get right into why you’re really reading this post:
Oh baby Gallavich :(((((
Bitch don’t even say the word divorce
They’re sitting side by side playing a game together 😭😭😭😭
Mickey loves blowing ian pass it on
Oh fuck I forgot that belt move ian did 🤤🤤🤤
Nob job lmao
ugh Ned was the most disgusting piece of shit
Who are those two exes wtf
I don’t know their names but I forgot I never watched any episode Mickey wasn’t in lmao
Wow Mickey Milkovich really deserves so much better
Compilation of Mickey saying fuck THANK YOU
Omfg s4 Mickey was actually perfect
“Course you will. That’s your whole fucking MO” oh shit..
Wow remembering the past is really making me hate ian again lmao
Just when I started loving him for once
But then I remember how much he’s grown and I love him again
Fuck the writers tho
Let me write Gallavich please I’d do a much better job
Okay y’all really made it seem like Mickey was super offensive with his bipolar comment
I’m bipolar and hate when people use the term lightly but cmon guys that was nothing
He even called it a bipolar episode. He didn’t say anything offensive at all omfg. I was over here thinking he called him a psycho or something.
Some of y’all just gotta stop watching and stick to fanfics or something.
“I wish I never met you.” “Me either” THEN THEIR FUCKING WEDDING FUCK YALL NOW IM IN MY FEELS 😭😭
They’ve been through so much wow
Okay I need to see Mickey wearing a fanny pack
Fuck I need to rewatch the wedding
“Stupid gallagher” same
Mickey giving the Fanny pack back my boy is such a Good Samaritan wow I raised you so well I’m so proud my perfect son
Oh gosh I thought we were done seeing ian Gallagher’s dance moves
Why would they put us through that again
“Stupid Milkovich” you watch your mouth
But we love when a man learns from his mistakes
Now kiss
Mickey is beautiful damn ian is so lucky
Now this is the type of flashback I like to see
Ugh I love him so much
I’m so proud to be his mom
Okay unpopular opinion but I actually love that little how’d your bipolar tirade go how’d your stealing shit go
If you’ve been with someone through their rock bottoms you’ll understand how not offensive at all that interaction was
They both said things they felt bad about saying and now they’re having a bit of banter about it
“We work well together”
They needed space after feelings got hurt but now they’re coming together to make up and actually talk things over
They’re learning and growing apart AND together
They both had the horrible childhoods and they’re doing their best
It takes years and years of therapy to work through deep rooted issues like that. I’m STILL seeing a therapist twice a week and I still have issues.
Just imagine. They’re how old? Mid to late twenties and neither of them have properly dealt with their issues and mental health problems. You can’t expect them to be the perfect couple you read about in fanfics. Yeah shameless is over the top but it’s a tv show that has stayed on the air for 11 seasons BECAUSE of how over the top it is. Stop expecting these characters to be healed healthy woke changed characters from one season to the next when they haven’t even properly dealt with their issues and it would honestly be very ooc if they did deal with their issues in a healthy way
I wish they would but that’s not the shameless way.
Well that was a long rant but honestly it was needed
Ugh I hate reliving terry this is the worst my heart is breaking
I skipped fast
Terry is definitely worse but yeah they’re both pieces of shit
Shit I forgot how abusive frank was
They both deserve so much better
They’re so cute oh gosh
We love communication
Okay but fr taking a bath with your SO isn’t as romantic as people think or maybe I’m just not a romantic lmao
Unless it’s a big bathtub with leg room
Mickey has the best lines
He’s so funny 😭😭😭
Mickey loves being manhandled✨✨✨✨
Honestly? I really think they would be really into some safe consensual bdsm play and they deserve to have that
fucking love you
I love you too
they’re so perfect for each other :(((
A kissing compilation 😭😭
I still want a scene of Mickey making fun of Ian’s black hair
I’m in tears again
I deserved to be at that wedding 😭😭😭
“But not these newlyweds” damn right
I love them so much
What a treat
I love Mickey more than anything 😭😭
Okay that was so much better than I was expecting! I know I ranted a lot and I’m probably gonna get some angry comments and messages but I honestly don’t care. Have your opinion and I’ll have my own and if you wanna discuss things like adults I’ll reply but if not then I don’t have time for the negativity. My boys actually communicated and didn’t self sabotage for once and I’m so proud. I love not being as invested as I used to be because now I can actually enjoy their scenes! Anyway it’s late where I’m at and I haven’t been getting much sleep so I’m gonna stop rambling. Let me know what you thought of this episode! Oh and real quick! I noticed I got a flood of new followers in the past two weeks so i just wanted to say feel free to send me messages on and off anon! I like talking to y’all! I promise I’m nice lol! Okay bye I love Mickey so much!
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soap-stains · 4 years
/rp- this is all just their characters! No ill will to any creators themselves.
This is just my reaction to Tommy's stream "I can't any longer."
"No one can come and visit you, until you learn to listen."
"Tommy, you would never, actually... You know. You're here for a very long time, Tommy."
I wanna hurt character Dream so much
Drista gave Tommy those tags and they're gone ;w;
At least he still has the photos/compass
The animatics after this are going to be so fuckin scary/scary good
.......and now he's gone. tommy's left with the rubble.
"I said I was sorry... I meant it..."
"Happy memories..."
"Jump in the- no, no..."
Tommy, Tommy what are you
"My only friend, Dream- Is gone."
please tell me someone is gonna join please please please
Please someone help him, don't let Tommy die
I know i thought the idea of GhostInnit was interesting but i don't want this
"He'd come to watch me."
Looking over Logsted
please please stop no he uncrouched come on tommy
i just saw people spamming flipinnit in chat
Tommy's realizing Dream isn't his friend
Tommy!!! To your senses Tommy!!!!!!!
"He wasn't here because he was my friend"...
The chat's going god damn crazy
"I almost said 'It's only a disc.'"
"My bed seems to have been destroyed..."
"This blooper reel is getting longer and longer."
let's pretend this didn't happen <3
I'm not going to forget Dream's death though that was hilarious, he's never gonna live that down
Who named this disc Mellohi lol
What the fuck are Ant/Ponk talking about
If I could sub I would </3
"No one [...] no one came here. And everyone left me."
"I'm the only one Dream's scared of. And he almost had me, for a little second there."
"We don't have to stay in this shit hole."
Heyyy found a chest with cool stuff!
"Die, pig. I fuckin' hate pigs." okay, well.
"No one's gonna know!" "Dream's not gonna fuckin' know, is he?"
"As soon as I get back my disc, everything ends."
"He won't be able to find me." I mean yeah, technically not ig
I just realized how much I've calmed down haha
He's heading into the snow 👀
"I'm not like Dream."
"No one on this entire server knows where I am, now." THEY WILL IF YOU LEAVE HALF TREES DIMWIT
"Even Ghostbur left me." Oh yeah, where'd he go lol
Is he. Is he going to try and rob The Blade.
"Surely I remember..." Tommy you're not supposed to remember, idiot-
LMAO SOMEONE IN CHAT SAID "Tommy, did your balls just drop man"
Holy shit I forgot those weird ice skeleton mobs were still in the game I haven't seen one in years
"When have I ever done the work myself?" tommy hhhhhhh whyyyyyyyy
"we are smol and confused" - awesamdude
"I'm at Techno's house right now" "He commissioned a bee Farm" - Phil 👀
Techno what the fuck is in your basement
tommy you idiot lmao you're fuckin' dead
"Exile is awesome"
Chat is saying run????? IS HE GONNA LIVE UNDER TECHNO'S BASE?????
raccooninnit & dumbassinnit haha
Heyyy Eret joined! And Dream's gone! :D
"It would be nicer just to be home. No, no, no-"
Fundy is live ayyyy
THE BOY IS BACK AYYYYYY I haven't typed in a while trying to put MC on my brother's pc
"I think shit's gonna get crazy from here."
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denimbex1986 · 3 years
Note: This video won’t play for anyone outside of the UK.
“Anthony, I wanna kick off with a big one. You’re Sam Wilson, AKA The Falcon - how the heck did that happen?”
Anthony: “Erm, well, I, I got lucky. I got very lucky. I - I’ve always wanted to be a part of the MCU since the first Iron Man. And, you know, when they uh, some - saw some of my other stuff, they called me to LA and I had dinner with the Russo brothers and it kind of worked out.  I was like: ‘All of you, just don’t be an asshole!’”
“That was their one note, their first note.”
Anthony: “That was it - don’t be an asshole.”
“What do you like most about your character?”
Anthony: “Uh, the fact that he’s a normal guy. You know, if you think about it, he was just a guy out for a jog, and Captain America was like: ‘You’re a good guy - I want you to be an Avenger.’ What?! Like, you know it’s ,it’s - that’s something no-one expects, That was a hell of a jog. Like, what happened if he never went on that jog? He would never have met Black Widow, who is the love of his life. He would never have got to go on adventures with Captain America, who is is best friend. And now he would never be dealing with all this craziness with Bucky. who is his arch nemesis. (interviewer laughs) All from one jog.”
“One jog. And that line: “on your left” - it must be a nightmare for you. You can never be to the right of anyone ever again.”
Anthony: (laughs once) “Very true, and its interesting because you can always tell when somebody’s about to say it. And, you know, it’s the build up, and the build up is like: ‘No, don’t say it. Should I say it? Can I say it? What would he say if I say it? Okay, ’on your left! Ha-ha-ha.’ (interviewer laughs) And it’s never a girl - it’s never a girl. It’s always some 40-year-old dude who, you know, it’s always some 40-year-old dude.”
“Yeah. I get it.”
Anthony: “If it was a pretty girl and she’s like ‘On your left’, you’re like ‘Yes you are.’”
“Good move, I’m glad it works. (Anthony laughs) Let me say this to you - would you say you might have the most uncomfortable costume in the MCU, when you’re wired up, I mean?”
Anthony: “I - I think I have the costume with the most pieces. I have about, - hoo -, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight - I have like, twelve pieces to my costume. And it just goes on layer after layer after layer and it, it can be, um, a bit much but actually, it’s pretty uh, comfortable. I mean the backpack is the only off thing - that’s maybe like 15 pounds, uh, the whole piece; the harness that it goes on. But nah, I’m - I’m pretty comfortable with mine. It’s just when I’m doing stunts I usually rip through the crotch of my pants.”
“There’s this great bit in the blooper reel where you crash into the ground right in front of Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man.”
Anthony: “Right.”
“Ah, great days. (Anthony laughs) What would you say are your favourite Falcon moments on the big screen so far - and I do have suggests if you’d like them?”
Anthony: “One of my favourite moments that made me go ‘Holy shit!’ was in um, I wanna say it was in Winter Soldier. When the Harriers are coming up, and I go under the Harrier and the, the missiles are following me and I do a barrel tuck and they hit the Harrier and I come back out. For me, that was the first moment I was like: ‘This is amazing!’ Right? And my second one, my all-time, my all-time, is this first sequence in episode one. The first ten minutes. That was the second time when I saw it, when I saw myself and I went: ‘Holy shit!’ (interviewer laughs quietly) So those two are probably my top moments.”
“For me, I can’t resist the moment where you say in Civil War: ‘So, you like cats?’ (Anthony laughs) And with Bucky himself: ‘Can you move your seat up?’ (Anthony laughs) Love it. Even the: ‘Everybody’s got a gimmick now’ - you’ve got all these lovely little lines.”
Anthony: “Right.”
“Good-looking guy in the sunglasses, And what I love seeing, the behind-the-scenes footage for this new show, it’s that it’s called ‘Bromance’ on the clapper board. (Anthony laughs once) And I know you’ve been asked a million times about your friendship with Sebastian, so here’s my tack. How would you describe him in three words?”
Anthony: “Uh - boring. Introverted. Er - I feel like shy is the same thing so I won’t say shy. I’ll say boring, introverted and um, a great sense of humour.”
“Love it. I’ll accept it.”
Anthony: “But he’s literally the most boring person I’ve ever met in my life.” (interviewer laughs quietly) 
“All right, between the two of you, who breaks, who corpses and laughs most on set between the two of you?”
Anthony: “Oh - I would say it’s a 50/50 split. Like, when we’re on set, and that’s why I say he, he has a great sense of humour - when we’re on set, he always does something in some kind of way to just, you know, crack me up. It’s - it’s really funny. You know him with like - there was one day when he was putting the arm on, and you know, the process of putting that arm on is quite disgusting. So, (laughs aloud, interviewer laughs silently) he’s putting the arm on the, the - so they use KY Jelly to get the arm on, right? -”
“Yeah, the lube.”
Anthony: “ - So he has to dip his arm in the KY Jelly and slide it into this arm, and he puts - and he does this (slight moving motion) and a glob of KY Jelly just goes (motions glob hitting his face, then laughs, as does the interviewer). Never fails. Never fails.”
“Never not funny. I - I would imagine the whole staring contest bit would be enough to set me off. Like, I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.”
Anthony: “Yeah, that was good editing because that whole sequence - we literally just went at each other for about ten minutes (laughs) and they just cut it down to what it is.”
“Love it. And I’d like to thank you on behalf of all Marvel fans for holding up and basically powering all of the gag reels for, what, close to ten years now. (Anthony laughs) Are there any ‘Cut the cheque’s’ in the blooper reel for this show?”
Anthony: “You know, I don’t know. I don’t even know. We can do a whole episode that’s just bloopers. Like, we had a lot of fun on this show, dude. There - between you know Sebastian, Daniel Bruhl - ”
Anthony: “ - Even like, there was some stuff, you know, Emily VanCamp did - it was just like - it was just co - comic gold, like just comedic gold. And none of it made - because, because we’re not doing a comedy. Like, if we were doing Guardians of the Galaxy, all that shit would be in the movie. But, I - I wish they’d take all of this stuff and cut like a one-hour comedic version of this show. It, it would be - it would break the internet.”
“Oh God, I now really, really want that. (Anthony laughs) What would you say are the weirdest, most surreal things you’ve done promoting a Marvel movie or this TV show? Because I’d like to suggest reading out thirst tweets, an escape room and mean tweets. I mean, I don’t know whether Catchphrase with J.Lo was part of that? (Anthony laughs) There must’ve been moments where you’re going: ‘Is this really happening?’“
Anthony: “I would say the, the weirdest thing, um, when we went to um, China, for, uh, Civil War, we - there are only like seven chefs in the world that can cook, uh, uh, pufferfish because of poison- ”
“Of course.”
Anthony: “So, we go to this restaurant and the chef’s like, uh, you know: ‘As, as a, as a sign of gratitude, I made you guys some pufferfish.’ And we’re like ‘Oh wow, isn’t that danger, like - that’s dangerous’, and he’s like ‘No, no. There’s only seven people in the world who can cook it and I’m one of the seven.’ So we’re like: ‘Okay.’ So we all go to eat this pufferfish and our mouth is like tingling and numb. He’s like: ‘Oh well, you know, the art is to leave a little bit of poison in so you can taste it.’”
Anthony: “I’m like: ‘Not a good idea, homeboy. Not a good idea.’ But Singapore, we um, we uh, got to stand - I think it was the Opera House - and they like, set the whole city on fire with fireworks. It was insane. It was literally - the entire city was on fire.”
“Amazing. God, those were the days. (Anthony laughs once) Can I ask you, would your press - you know, I know you’ve done pranks over the years, but has Nishka, your wife’s friend made an appearance?”
Anthony: (laughs) “She has not.”
“I - I love her. (Anthony laughs) I’ve got to tell you I love her. What mementos have you taken home over the course of the films and this TV show? Do you still have that poster of yourself as the Falcon up in your house?”
Anthony: (laughs) No, but I do, um, there’s - there’s a few things. Once you get into the series, you’ll see, uh, from my house, um, I’ve, I’ve - there’s a record record player. Jacked that. I’ve been trying to get - they’re fighting me on it - I’ve been trying to get my wings, ‘cos I’m like: ‘The wings have changed every movie, so you should give me the old wings.’”
“The little pigeon ones? The little quail ones?”
Anthony: “That’s what I’m saying - the little three-foot ones like that. That’s the ones I want. So, I’m working on that, uh, but our prop team, uh, my man Russell and uh, Travis, they are - the angriest little dudes on earth and they watch everything - it’s impossible.” 
“Well, what do fans say to you though, typically, when they see you on the street? We’ve already discussed ‘on your left’, but do they just walk up to you and start playing Trouble Man out their phones? Like what, what are they doing?”
Anthony: “The funny thing is most of them walk up to me and think I’m Don Cheadle. (laughs) They literally go: ‘Hey man, I love you as black Iron Man!’  I’m like ‘Er...’ Or they’ll say: ‘Aren’t you the guy in Iron Man?’ I’m like ‘Err...’“
“Not so much.”
Anthony: “Like literally, once a day, someone comes up to me and asks me if I’m Don Cheadle. Which it could be worse.”
“I love those bits in the bloopers where you say - ” (You want Wesley Snipes or Denzel;. ‘Denzel.’ ‘Done. Roll sound.’ blooper plays and both laugh)
Anthony: “Two very different things, man. Two very different things.”
“Two very different things. Okay, here’s another big question. What advice would you give to your younger self, before you got this role, to prepare yourself for a life as the Falcon?”
Anthony: “Er, enjoy it. I think a lot of times I, I missed the opportunity to just step back and enjoy it. Because so many people have so many expectations of you just because they saw you in a movie. Like, you know, it’s - it’s like being a pretty girl at a bar. You know, when one guy offers you a drink, that’s cool, then the second guy, then the third guy, it’s like ‘Yo, I just wanna chill for a minute.’ You know, so a lot of people feel entitled to your time and your energy, you know?”
“I get it. I get it. And you talk about that in the show as well which I kind of love, even in the first episode - there’s that discussion of an ownership of you - ”
Anthony: “Right.”
“ - because you’re an Avenger.”
Anthony: “Right.”
“There’s lots - there’s lots of stuff in this new series which feels really, really true. How does it feel working with Malcolm Spellman about that?”
Anthony: “Um, you know what? Malcolm has a great voice as a writer, and he was 100% in tune with how I felt and, you know, what I wanted this character to, uh, convey. Uh, he was really wonderful, man. I mean, he and Kari, they held no punches. They really went at these characters and this story, and they wanted to shine the light on what it means to find your new normal. What it means to live post-Blip and how that is very similar to how we’re going to be living post-Covid when we’re all vaccinated. So they held no punches and I’m proud to say they both did a great job and Malcolm was really, really great with capturing our voices - Sebastian and mine. Uh, when we would give him notes, they would come right back spot on. And you know, it was - it was really impressive. I’ve never had an experience like that with a writer.”
“Do you guys miss, even just a little bit, Chris Evans being on set - just to get that laugh where - where he punches your shoulder and leans in a bit? (Anthony laughs) I’ve missed that so much.”
Anthony: (laughs) “Of course. Look, Chris is, you know - the three of us we were - are - very good friends and we talk all the time. Chris was always the most fun, the most supportive, the most loving human being when you spend time with him. So of course you know, we - we always want him on set, we always want him with us.”
“And what’s it like knowing that your co-star is the kind of guy that will say on, like, was it Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon? - he describes working with you like ‘riding a psychotic horse into a blazing stable.’ (Anthony laughs) And you’re like ‘Okay, cool. I’ll see you tomorrow at work then.’ (Anthony laughs) 
Anthony: (after FWS clip plays and he laughs) “I can see that, I can see that. I told you, look, Sebastian is the most boring person on Earth. I’m - I literally think he sits in his living room and talks to his plant. There’s nothing; I’ve - I’ve sat outside of his room, or in the lobby, or outside the hotel, waiting for him to come out, so I can follow him and stalk him and see where he goes. I, I - I’ve never seen anything like it. He’s a hermit, so of course he would think I’m a psychotic horse; of course.” (interviewer laughs)
“I think what he does is he goes to, like, in that Bucharest scene in Civil War, there’s a big tray of plums, and he just spends the day picking them. He goes ‘This one?’”
Anthony: “Probably. Probably. He’s the only dude, when we were in Prague, he has a 106th birthday party for Bucky. That’s cool - but he, he didn’t invite anybody. So he had - he had a birthday party for himself by himself.”
“A cake, 106 candles, himself?”
Anthony: “Sebastian Stan everyone.” (claps, interviewer follows)
“On that note, Anthony, thank you so much.”
Anthony: “Thank you.”
“Have a great rest of your day. Cheers dude.”
Anthony: “Thank you. Have a good one.”
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Moments from the new Sanders ASides video that had me screaming (or really, me screaming about the new video)
*Raid Thomas sounding like Roman/Remus*
“You bet your shiny metal AX”
“Why do I pay for a membership if I still gotta watch the ads?”
“Unless our problem is a hungry alligator-” “A remote possibility for a Florida dwelling man who never leaves his house”
Roman rigging the votes so it’s just Frozen and Patton is okay with that (WAIT BUT WHY IS PATTON CHILL (pun not intended) WITH IT???)
“Thomas is in a bad place-” *camera pans to VIRGIL*
Roman calling Thomas a special snowflake
“Something good” *Frozen shows* “,,, or neutral”
“And from this point on, NO MORE NORDIC INSPIRED NUMBERS”
Virgil keep going back to the actual problem while Roman and Patton just like 90% forget the problem and Logan talks to and tries to calm Virgil
“Cuties, I’m gonna keep you” “Ah you’re joking right? No you’re mine now”
“The heart is not so easily changed” “No it isn’t” *confused Patton noises*
“But, the head can be persuaded” “Can it though?” THAT SHADE AT LOGAN HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK
“Fear will be your enemy” *gay emo panic*
“So you’re saying lock her away because she’s dangerous” GOING BACK TO VIRGIL??? UH????
“JOAN!!!” They definitely wrote that line
Virgil’s mini existential crisis
Remus just yeeted up from behind the couch shirtless oh god was he jacking off to Frozen wtf
“Did I screw everything up?” “No I threw out your vote so you wouldn’t do that” ROMAN WHAT
Roman: *calls Frozen a Classic* Also Roman: *Makes fun of the entire movie and demands a rewrite*
“How are you telling me to settle into something right now when you’ve taken your sweet time to settle into things that you were uncomfortable with in the past” THAT SHADE!! THAT TEA!! I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THESE *THINGS* PLEASE????
Patton: Let’s relax!! :) Virgil: Bruh I legit AM Anxiety that’s not in my job description
“How many times has our response to a difficult decision been half committing to one option and subsequently panicking about whether that option is our best option until it’s too late for Thomas to change his mind?” “7,430″ MOOD
“Why have a ballroom with no balls?” *Trash boi snickers at the dick joke that wasn’t there until then* "Nope, I’m an adult” (me me big boy-)
“AW MAN YEAH I’M LIKE SO FUCKED UP ON CHOCOLATE FONDUE I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING RIGHT NOW” *Patton looks over, concerned* *Virgil looks over, annoyed* *Thomas glances over, lowkey amused* *Logan doesn’t even look at him and just grabs his tea*
“There’s no way she’s coming out of this situation without trust issues” honestly though yeah
“Not a footprint to be seen” “Except for the footprints behind you” “hEy YeAh” KEEP IT UP LOGAN YOU’RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE
Virgil: *Serious comment* Patton: “Don’t let them in, don’t let them see...” (did he sing the rest of the song or did he specifically choose these lines because if it’s the second one THAT CAN BE A WHOLE LOT OF ANGST AND I’M HERE FOR IT)
Logan canonically criticizes the movie at movie nights
“Do you think this ice castle has a lavatory?” “ICE TOILET” “Or a bed?” “ICE BED” “This place sounds awful”
“You meddled with the vote to ensure that we would watch this and yet you’re the one constantly making fun of it” FACTS LOGAN 
“This [^] is how I show my love” WAIT A MINUTE *Looks back at the entire series* HE MADE FUN OF VIRGIL SO MUCH SO WAIT PRINXIETY??? LAMP?? DR LAMP?? (is that the ship name because that’s this video basically*
“Like... bruh” mood
“Take care of my sister” “You’ve already done a good job of that yourself Elsa” *hood falls off*
“Ah, we’re all gossipy bitches sometimes” “nO-” (also Roman channeled so much Remy energy right there headcanon they hang out all the time change my mind)
“Oh sweet Frank Iero” I’m using that now
“Just think about it” “LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE”
“Attacking a person for opinions they don’t have doesn’t really do anybody any good” Me: BECAUSE IT DOESN’T WORK!! AYYY YOU LISTENED TO AND ARE REFERENCING LOGAN IN LAST EPISODE??? OR AM I JUST TRASH??
“Oh yeah like me kissing a man is unacceptable?” What a power move though 
Ok but also like Virgil basically rapped like that rapid talking was as fast as a bunch of rappers and even faster than some
Logan using the grounding method that my therapist suggested gave me life
Most of Virgil’s grounding answers were existential and oof
“A sour taste in my mouth probably left over from those reheated thai noodle leftovers” *Confused faces*
“FIGURATIVELY” *DWIT has entered the chat*
“Thank you Logan” “No problem, just your cool teacher being his cool self” *sips tea* Felt that. Also I have a new reaction image now XD
“Take it from Frozen’s most inspirational song” Let it Go? “Fixer Upper” Oh but ya know what valid
“Throw a little love their way” Virgil *confused smile?? I think that’s what that is??*
“Elsa, we the villagers have thought it over and with no discussion whatsoever we’ve decided we’re not scared anymore and ice magic is actually cool as hell!!” YEAH WAIT A MINUTE OMG
Logan: *Lists all of Elsa’s powers, reading from a notebook (meaning he took notes while watching the movie which is so in character omg) and implying that there is no way any of that makes sense* Patton: Sounds okay that makes sense
“With Elsa’s seemingly unstoppable “ice powers” I’d imagine Arendelle becomes a global superpower. No military force of that time could ever stand a chance against her never ending army of ice golems” 
Nobody:     Not a soul:      Patton: “True love is a closed door that is eventually opened up to you!”
“What if your soulmate was there” “OH SHIT” I love Roman that was all it took huh
*Deceit has entered the chat* “HISS” 
“Don’t touch my shit”
I wish we got to see Deceit’s face there but I get it we couldn’t see him without his hat (except for in the bloopers videos but those don’t count) (Also they probably just didn’t wanna do the makeup for him because it’s a lot and it might’ve been a split second decision and someone else might’ve played him with Thomas just voice recording over it especially considering there’s overlap so they wouldn’t have just been able to split screen it)
“I was gonna rig the vote anyway”
“I don’t know what you’re asking”
Roman is the source of SFW fanfic and Remus is the source of NSFW fanfic and Virgil is the source of angsty fanfic
“I’m going to bed. IN THE B U F F”
THE NEW SWEATERS IM BROKE SO IF SOMEONE WANTS TO GET ME ALL OF THEM (at least just Virgil’s even though I love like all of them)
WAIT THERE’S SCARVES TOO OMG I ALSO WANT ALL OF THEM (or at least,,, nope all of them)
“We were trying to make a slightly simpler video” Video: *is longer than most of season 1′s episodes* *has full body shots of almost all the characters* *has like 5 way split scenes* *uses every side* 
WAIT LOGAN BROUGHT BACK OUT HIS ONESIE I LOVE HIM and he’s still got his necktie on just underneath it amazing
This video was just LAMP and potentially DLAMP and maybe DR LAMP if that’s the ship name. There were also a bunch of really good Prinxiety, Royality, Analogical, and Roceit moments in this one so I’m expecting fanfic hella soon
Also as of right now (I finished writing this at like 4am ET) we are still #1 on trending on Tumblr
***We never see Remus’s legs in the video so my theory of there is only one set of legs for the creativitwins still stands and is valid
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its-all-ineffable · 4 years
TUA 1x01 Review: ‘We Only See Each Other At Weddings & Funerals’
The opening scene got me hooked immediately! Kudos to the young girl at the pool, she’s absolutely brilliant at conveying a sweet, innocent romance and then the fear of suddenly and unexpectedly giving birth! The girl and guy are a very cute couple, and I kinda wanna know more about them. And the concern that the guy shows when the girl doesn’t surface immediately after she’s jumped in the pool is so sweet. Also, those women in the pool are hilarious! They all scream in horror when they see the girl start to give birth in the pool and the next scene they're crowded around her, patting her hair and holding her hand! I do feel sorry for the girl though - I personally headcannon that she’s Vanya’s mother. They’re in Russia, as we can tell because they’re all speaking Russian, and Vanya is a diminutive form of the Russian (among others) name Ivan. It’s just an idea, but I like it!
Pogo’s VO (though of course, we don’t know it’s Pogo at this time) is nice - he’s got the kind of soothing and authoritative voice that makes you feel like everything’s gonna be okay. Nice bit of exposition too! ‘HE GOT SEVEN OF THEM’ hahahahaha!! Love the overdramatic text on-screen! Also, ‘Picture Book’ by The Kinks fits so nicely in this scene, the lyrics are a beautiful juxtaposition for the ‘family’ that they become and all the actors manage to walk perfectly on the beat. The swinging arms from Reginald though - every inch the pompous idiot we love to hate already! Though the nannies have some pomp and swagger too. Imagine how weird it’d be to see the Monoply man walking down the street followed by 7 women in the same outfit with prams though? The small, ridiculous moments make the series!
The intro to the siblings is one of my favourite moments in the entire series! It’s beautifully acted and edited and the music is perfect. When we see Vanya for the first time, the blue lighting she’s framed adds a sense of melancholy too the scene, and perfectly sets her up as a lonely woman and an outsider. Ahh, Tom Hopper! And his butt scratching! Love Luther’s intro, Vanya still playing the slow, melancholy music, emphasising that he’s lonely too. Bless him. As we move to Diego, bass, guitar and drums join the violin, which I love, as it gives the music a more dangerous and frantic edge to showcase what sort of person Diego is. Also, what a badass rip-off Batman with a Robin mask! Go Diego! Then we have Allison, appearing in that frankly stunning dress! The violin gets a solo her, possibly to emphasise her fame? Love how gorgeous and stylish she is. Those paps get on my nerves though, the fucking assholes. The music switches again, to a more sombre violin melody for Klaus, indicating his BAG of trauma. The music changes are very cleverly done. Also, the “I believe in you! You, not so much.” - instantly my fave!! And his outfit is on point! And, I just noticed that when the clinic worker says “Stay sober.”, Klaus just shakes his head! 
Then we go back to a nice, slow violin solo, indicating loneliness. Poor Luther, stranded on the moon all alone. Though, he’s the only one that finds out about Reginald’s death directly?! The others all find out from the TV, or in Allison’s case, the paps! Who’s the favourite son?! Also, those paps? Twats! Insensitive twats! Ugh! Moving on - love the rock version of ‘The Music of the Night’ that starts playing when Klaus gets resuscitated! It works so well with the scene and his manic attitude. The way he high fives the paramedic makes me laugh every time though! I love Klaus, can you tell? A very solid introduction to Klaus’ character, to all of them in fact. The finish with Vanya’s sad sounding solo is a beautiful end to the scene. Also, when the lights go off and we have the establishing shot of the theatre, Vanya looks so small and alone. I just want to wrap her in a hug and tell her that everything will be okay. The way she says “Dad” as well, so soft and sad, gets me. Bless her tiny heart, she’s so cute! Ellen Page is such a brilliant actress, portraying sadness, loneliness and shyness at the same time. 
The way they show the passage of time through the photographs is really clever - a brilliant idea! The way we see 2 pictures, then suddenly one kid is missing and we get shown the solitary painting of Five, then we see 2 more pictures, after being shown Ben’s statute? Cleverly done, and deepens the mystery of the missing numbers! Moving on again - the house is a brilliant set and so well-designed. Mom’s intro, with her staring into nothing is weird, but we know right from the get go that this is weird. Another mystery! And the actress who plays Mom is so pretty! Just had to say that! Love her outfits too! 
The reunion - when everything starts to go to shit, though of course, we don’t know that yet. The way Allison is cloaked in shadow on the stairs as she comes towards Vanya - like she’s a threat? Very clever. Also, the tone that she says “You’re actually here” in, bitchy much? But, siblings I guess! I don’t know, I don’t have any. The hug is nice though, and Allison makes more of an effort to interact with Vanya than the rest of them. FUCK OFF DIEGO, with you’re “You don’t belong here!” Stop being an asshole to tiny, adorable Ellen Page! The beginning of my dislike for Number 2, I’m afraid. Sorry, Diego fans! Not happy with him atm! Allison sasses him though, go Allison! And the way she re-assures Vanya. Bless! 
Luther, WTF are you doing sneaking around? Hmm. Ah, and here comes the tense brotherly banter between #1 and #2. It’s pretty funny, but you can smell the rivalry a mile away! And Luther, just forget the monocle. Forget it! Jeez! Loving Diego’s sass though, very good at low blows isn’t he? And finally, the famous book - I’d read it! Looks interesting. I kinda want to know what she says in it, don’t you? And there’s Pogo! Is it bad that when I first watched this, I wasn’t even surprised to see a walking, talking monkey reach out to hug Vanya? Welp, I feel like that says something about me. I liked him straight away, he’s so kind to Vanya and his voice is very soothing. I don’t know okay, it just is?! 
The backstory isn’t exactly subtle, the whole “How long has it been since Five disappeared?”, but it works. The whole interaction between Vanya and Pogo, when they talk about Five, makes me so sad for Vanya. The way she said “I used to leave the lights on for him” tells me that they had a pretty close bond before Five up and left, even when I first watched the show. It just made me feel for Vanya’s character more, she’s so sweet and she clearly misses Five a whole lot. 
They all seem to wander round the house a lot, don’t they? Memories I suppose. The flashback scene here cemented my hatred for Reginald, it takes 2 seconds to say goodnight to your kids!! Fucking dick! Also, looking at the kids breaks my heart even more - Ben and Five are looking at Reginald all hopeful, Klaus clearly knows Reginald doesn’t give a shit, leaning against the doorframe with a ‘I don’t care’ expression on his face, Vanya hiding in the background, slightly separate from the rest of them. They break my heart. Great acting from the kids btw! And the way Ben looks back at Reginald, still hoping, and Luther guides him away - aww!
And back to the present - “Where’s the cash Dad?” Klaus!! XD The gigantic, adorable smile Klaus has when he sees Allison, and he immediately goes for a hug is so sweet! I get the feeling that Klaus genuinely cares about his siblings, but he masks a lot of his true feelings. That could be interesting to explore in a fic. The hug is very tense though - Allison recoils from him and awkwardly pats his back - as if she’s too good for him? Clearly not sure how to feel about him. Klaus in this scene is great, and was already my favourite at this point when I first watched. Though Allison does snort at his jokes, so perhaps they were close once? I want more Allison and Klaus interaction is Season 2! They could be an amazing duo! 
And then Luther ruins the moment, with his “Get out of his chair.” Jeez, Luther, lighten up? Also, this is the first time you’ve seen them in years and that’s your opening line? Way to go big boy. I do love Robbie in that cropped shirt though, and the coat is awesome! Allison, I see you laughing at Klaus! I see you! Also - how the hell did that box fit in his trousers?! XD I’ll leave you be Luther, ‘cause you’re taking the piss out of Diego and it’s funny. Though I’m slightly uncomfortable. Allison & Luther stare at each other with so much longing, and I just...ugh! Also, I know this whole Patrick & Claire situation is supposed to make us feel sympathy for Allison, but immediately saying “shit” when you hear that he got custody, like - don’t judge? It could be a good thing? Don’t assume that Allison didn’t do anything wrong. Sorry, just, the bias. And so begins my dislike of Luther!
The tense silence in the sitting room. Family’s, am I right? Also, Klaus steals every scene he’s in, especially in that skirt! “And here we go,” Preach Diego! Here comes the family dysfunction. Also, how does no one laugh at Klaus? Can you imagine how many bloopers there must be? C’mon Netflix, give me! The family dysfunction is strong, though. “Sober up.” - it’s not that fucking simple Luther! There’s a long hard road to sobriety, even after withdrawals, so just shut up and leave Klaus the fuck alone, yeah? You are part of the problem, the reason why Klaus is the way he is. Just...can you tell I dislike Luther a bit? 
And here’s Diego, who I also dislike, but at least he actually addresses Klaus like he’s a PERSON! So, I like him slightly more. And Luther totally suspects Diego of killing their father. None of the other siblings, just Diego. You can see it in his face. “I’m just gonna go an murder mom” I love Klaus so much! XD And the way they all file out while Luther stands there like an idiot...
The whole flashback scene, to the bank, is AMAZING, all the kids are great and its a great way of showcasing all their powers (bar Klaus’) and what they had to experience. Also, we get some Five and Ben content! Yay! Five’s sass immediately endeared me too him. Poor Ben “C’mon Ben”, Jeez Luther, do you ever stop being an ass?! And there’s Kenny’s mom, running out the bank! Poor Ben again, he clearly hates his power and using it. And being covered in all that blood. Also, can we talk about Klaus leaning on Five when they get outside?! And Five lets him?! I want more Klaus and Five in Season 2 as well, pretty please? And then here comes Reginald, telling Vanya she’s not special. Great parenting strategy asshat! Also, “six children”, GET FUCKED REGGIE! That reporter made me laugh though, the “Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?” one. Nope, no he is not. Take them away from him please! 
Those posters, in the hallway outside the bedrooms, fuck, they’re disturbing! G is for gouge? Fuck me. And here we are, the ‘A+L’ locket. Slightly weirded out by it. Also, love the symbolism of the siblings being scattered throughout the house all in different rooms. Shows how fractured they are at the moment. 
“Daddy?” Klaus, I can’t even...XD What was with the fire extinguisher as well? Darling, I love you, but really? “Yeah, get behind us!” cough*toxic masculinity*cough! Now is not the time to try and be the alpha male Diego. Also, Klaus seems to have the most common sense - “I vote for running!” - yep, great idea! Common sense, folks, from the super high medium! Five’s entrance is pretty great though, but I’ll just say this - if it was my sibling that I hadn’t seen for 17 years? I’d be hugging him so tight, regardless whether he likes touch or not. Just saying. I like how we have Five falling right back into the family as if he were never gone, as if him being 13 isn’t a big deal, the banter is great. I also like how he doesn’t look at his siblings at all, and then he looks up for the first time since being inside, and it’s to compliment Klaus. Such a small yet sweet moment in the series. Underappreciated, I feel. Five doesn't seem like the type to give compliments often. The “Well you would if you were smarter”!XD 2nd favourite sibling, here we come! This whole kitchen scene was a great setup for the sibling dynamics. 
The elusive Ben is finally mentioned again. Creepy statue though. I love the fact that they all have big black umbrellas, and then there’s Klaus, with his little plastic one with pink trim! Diego again with the impeccable comedic timing “He was a monster”. And Mom is adorable, I love her so much. Here we go with Luther & Diego again, I guess. “Who’s the alpha male? I’m the alpha male!” Jeez. AGAIN? You 2 ever even tried being nice to each other? The fight scene is pretty cool though, the choreography is really well done. I love how we see them act more like a family here too, Vanya pulling Mom back and Klaus shoving Five out the way. Adorable! Allison’s got some deadpan! Like it. Diego, why are you such a dick? Especially to Vanya? She was trying, is trying, and you just...I’m so done with you and Luther. And y’all just gonna leave Klaus out there alone? Nice. Predication...
This training scene, reinforcing how AMAZING Reginald Hargreeves is as a parent! The tattoo scene too. Poor tiny little Klaus and Allison huddled together, and Ben, Luther and Five looking so scared/nervous. The way Vanya is left out - again - and draws her own tat. These poor abused kids guys! I just wanna hug ‘em all! Also, watching your kids sleep? Not creepy at all! And back from the flashback, Vanya leaving because she keeps being treated like crap. You know in nature programmes, when the baby animals bully the runt of the litter out? Yep. Loving the way Pogo is looking out for her though, clearly he cares about her a lot. Better Dad than Reggie! And no one notices she’s gone, that’s nice.
Love the entire kitchen interaction between Five, Klaus, Diego and Allison. Family banter again! Oh wait, they did notice Vanya left, they just didn’t care? Brilliant. Great family. Also, does Diego always need to be such a prick to his sisters? Asshole. Though I like the way he treats Klaus - he lets him hitch a ride despite knowing that he could leave without him, and listens to him more than the others do. Though you can see David trying not to laugh at Rob’s ‘hippo’ line in the scene. God, he seems like so much fun! 
The scene at Griddy’s is just, simply awesome. Love Agnes, she’s so sweet. Five’s fake smile has me in hysterics every time though! The tow truck driver is very nice, buying for a ‘weird kid’ he doesn’t know. The fight scene, again, is perfect, and the juxtaposition of the upbeat tune “Istanbul Not Constantinople” in the background, just...chef’s kiss! Poor Five didn’t get his coffee though. The quest for Five to have a decent cup of coffee begins! Aidan is a phenomenal actor too, absolutely brilliant! Love the tightening of his tie as he walks away, the cocky little shit!XD Poor Agnes.
The intro to Ben is funny, and cleverly placed so that it doesn’t feel forced, it just fits with the story of the episode. Also, Diego’s a dramatic bitch. But he cares about Klaus. So, we’ll see, I guess. A nice little interaction between 2 brother (3, sorry Ben!) that love each other. Nice to have a moment of the siblings being, ‘normal’, for want of a better word. Vanya and Five interaction, yay! “Rapists can cimb” - Five, no!XD Funny, but...Anyway, I like the relationship between these two. The way he comes to her and trusts her the most and lets her touch him and clean his wound. I love it. The flashback to Five hurts, because he really was just a kid then and I feel so maternal about that...I’m not the only one, right? Aidan’s phenomenal acting again. I love the cliff hanger of the world ending in 8 days. Got me hooked. Also, Van’s response is perfect - “I’ll put on a pot of coffee.” I love you Vanya! XD
Alright, I know it was long, but it’s over now. Thanks for reading all of it, if you did. I don’t know when I’ll get around to the 2nd episode, but hopefully it’ll be soon. Hope you all enjoyed my ramblings! x
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blacktotheblueside · 5 years
(Ex) Bobby
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Summary: you just ready for bobby tah GO!!!! But he fine so you don’t know...
I was an actress that was challenging myself, I was obsessed with Korean dramas and wanted to play a part in one so my management brought me to South Korea around 3 years ago and in those years I was in a few kdramas, movies and in a public relationship with iKon’s one and only bobby. We’re currently broken up and it has just been released by none other than dispatch themselves, I’m sat with my management discussing how I’m gonna be bombarded with questions about my breakup and how I should handle it. I’m in a new drama as the main female lead and I’m going to be doing a ton of interviews he’s bound to be mentioned in a few.
I sigh as my team lay advice and all sorts. I’m very grateful I’ve been given this opportunity to act in Korea, I learnt the language when I first came and been working on it ever since hence why now I get more parts, this is the first time in one of the main characters. I just wanna focus on work but even while we’re broken up bobby still finds a way to be in my life.
It’s 4am and my alarm goes off, I have sooo much schedules today. I don’t even try and dose off again like usual, I jump off the bed and get showered before my stylist arrives to dress me for the day...hair dressers, make up artist all that!
I’m dressed in a white baggy tee waiting for *KnockKnockKnock* they’re here.
We went with fresh faced makeup and my curly hair in a sleek low bun. For my outfit I’m wearing black skinny fit trousers and a white see through dress shirt, it’s baggy and it’s hanging off my shoulders teamed with a white bralette, yellow pump heels and yellow studs.
<My Schedule>
Inkigayo actor special mc w/ seo kang jun
Hello counsellor
Happy together foreigners working in korean entrainment
That’s all for today, I’m glad it was all shows where I won’t have to speak about bobby, all fun chatting.
~~~ Inkigayo ~~~
I walk through the corridor to get to my dressing room. I can speak korean but I still get so nervous before a show, I hate messing up! I have to get changed into something less formal, I go with a white dungaree dress with a pink off the shoulder top and pink high top converse. A long glittery chain for a belt and have my curls styled half up in a pony tail and the rest down my back.
I have 10 minutes left so I start making my way to the stage. I say hi at least 100 times on my way no joke, I bump into BTS on the way as the have a new comeback, I remained so calm I’m proud! I see kang Jun and we start chatting, we’ve met before at award shows and other tv shows, he tells me to not be scared and we head out and the crowd cheers!
We finish the show smoothly making me wonder why I was nervous to start with. I say bye to kang Jun and all the acts I see on my way out, bangtan we’re not there so I was a little disappointed I’m a huge fan of them. Next time I guess.
I’ve changed back into my first outfit and I’m on the way to my next schedule... I eat a famous inkigayo sandwich in the car while getting my hair re done and my make up touched up.
~~~ hello counsellor ~~~
I arrive just in time to say hi to all the hosts and guest...we make our way onto the set.
I’m a guest along with jay park and Jeonghan and scoups from svt. The boys show some of there new song. As for me they play a snippet of my new drama. They compliment my Korean a few times and ask about how I came over and started acting here.
Hello counsellor was so fun to shoot I got to role play with jay park on how to overcome an angry wife, I laughed and nearly even cried.
The show ends and I make my way to the car again. I change in the car thank God for tinted windows! I change into dark brown leather skirt and a light brown t shirt tucked in, with khaki sandal heels and earrings. My hair is in a high ponytail with my baby hairs styled (obviously by me)
~~~ happy together ~~~
This is the one I’m more excited for! I’ve always wanted to come on here. I make my way to my dressing room and now I’m already dressed and ready to go I’ve got time to kill, I am going out on a full stomach! I’m on my phone while I’m walking, my Social media all blowing up! I click on twitter to see my mentions all filled with articles of bobby.... curiosity gets the better of me, I see the headline “NETIZENS ARE QUESTIONING WHETHER iKON’S BOBBY AND ACTRESS Y/N ARE REALLY BROKEN UP AFTER BOBBY POSTS PHOTO OF A WOMAN’S SHADOW CAPTIONED WITH Y/N’S MOST FAMOUS LINE.”
I’m in the dressing room and I sit straight down before I fall or even worse get snapped looking at this!
I click the “read more” button and start skimming the article.
The picture is definitely me....what is he doing?! It was when we went on a date late at night near Han river, he snapped my shadow on the floor and the caption written in korean “it’s a butterfly”... omg it was a line from a movie I did, it was one of the highlights of the film as it was the tearjerker.
I don’t have time for this. My manager walks towards me and sits down ‘judging by your face you’ve seen the article.... don’t pay attention! Just go out there and pretend you’ve seen nothing’ he states. I nod slowly and sit there in silence, we broke up like nearly a month ago... why would he post this after not even trying to talk to me. Boys are so weird! I start playing games on my phone to take my mind off this distraction. I look at the time and see if I still have time for a snack bc of nerves, I don’t so I make my way to the couches. I stop and bow to the whole cast and sit on the seat, we’re all making small talk till it starts. In the interview they ask us foreigners about how we first came to Korea, how we learnt the language and first impressions of Korea when we first came. Another black person famous in Korea, Sam from Ghana was there we had so much in common. I laughed so much and we all had so much fun.
We spoke a bit about our work and I explained what my new drama was about and my character. We watched a little snippet again and some bloopers.
‘So y/n we hear you’re now single’ one of the hosts ask. Oh no....ok I’ve got this ‘yeah i am’ I smile acting like this isn’t bothering me at all. ‘Was that your first time dating a korean man?’ I nodded ‘it was’
Oohs and ahhs came from them all ‘so hows it different to guys back home?’ I think for a little bit ‘to be honest there’s not a lot of difference just the language difference I guess’ I say calmly. They nodded in agreement ‘were there any difficulties with the language barrier?’ I sigh to show them how exhausted I was in the beginning ‘oh yes, I couldn’t speak a lot of korean back when we first met. He could speak English though so I was good! But when I met his friends and family....’ I trail off a bit thinking about those times, No focus! ‘I was forced to speak so bit by bit I got better so it was awkward at first but it paid off in the end.... free korean lessons’ i say content with my answer. Sam pipes in ‘oh my I spent so much on korean lessons before I got into my first relationship!’ ‘Should’ve got in a relationship quicker’ I reply. We all laughed at his shocked face.
The show ends with a game where we guess a catchphrase by what the artist is drawing.
After the show me and Sam exchange numbers, he’s too funny to not have as a friend.
I’m done for the day, I tell my manager I need food or else I’m going to collapse. We get pizza and fries, they drop me off home and I get undressed and ready for bed. I have a day off tomorrow so I planned to stay up late and watch my favourite shows but I’m exhausted. I hear my phone go off and it’s an unfamiliar number.... I pick up ‘hello?’ I hear breathing and just as I’m about to say hello again ‘hey y/n....’ bobby! After being together for so long I know his voice! After we broke up I blocked his number and got back to work... he probably changed it. ‘Hello?!’ Bobby says trying to see if I’m still there. ‘Bobby... what do you want?’ I get straight to the point, he sighs ‘y/n don’t...please... I just wanna see how you are! I watched you today on inkigayo’ is he being foreal? Calling as if we’re best friends catching up at the end of the day. ‘Bobby is there something you want?’ I’m tired ‘I-‘ I cut him off ‘I saw your Ig post, what was that for?’ I question. All I heard was silence, I had to pull the phone to my face so I could see whether the phone call had disconnected.
‘I wanted to talk to you...’ he started I stayed quiet he takes a deep breath ‘y/n I’m not gonna lie and say that this break up has been easy...’ oh no ‘...it really hasn’t! I just want you to give me...’ here he comes!!! ‘...one more chance’ he said it. I don’t know what to do, of course I still love him but we just to in love... so in love that we were just distracting each other from our jobs. ‘I... don’t think that’s the best option right now b’ I say quietly, I’m angry at him for ignoring me for so long and now he wants to pop up in his own time, when it’s convenient for him. ‘...I’m so busy these days... I don’t think I can handle a boyfriend, an ex at that.... right at this moment’ he sighs again, ‘you don’t think I’m busy too?’ He’s frustrated and quite frankly I don’t care ‘Don’t start with me bobby, you broke up with me, ignored me for how long and NOW you want me back?’ I state the facts to him. He groans ‘I know! And it was stupid of me, I made a dumb decision on impulse... and now I regret it every damn day!’
I re ask him ‘why did you upload that picture?’ ‘Because I wanted you to see it and the whole world to see that I’m not giving up on you, on our relationship! I don’t want anyone else’ my heart flutters a little and I hate him and me for being so weak to his sweet words.
‘I’ll think about it’ I tell him. ‘Don’t run and hide from me y/n!’ He says something I was sure I was gonna do ‘I won’t, I just need some time... this is too much for me’
‘I seen the trailer for your new drama.... I’ve been keeping up with you in the media, I’m proud of you’ I hear his smile through his words. I’ve been keeping up with him too, I won’t tell him that though ‘Thanks’ I whisper. After a few moments of silence ‘I’ll let you get to sleep now.... but don’t forget me, take everything I said into consideration.... I really want you back here with me baby’ omg I just want to forget everything and tell him to come here right this minute but that would be dumb. I just settle for a simple ‘ok’ we exchange good nights and I fall asleep really thinking about what’d it be like if we did get back together or were we better off separated.
Part 2 coming soon (black people timing)
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sunshinejs · 5 years
[1] Introduction
part 1 to idiotsinlove (do let me know what you guys think of this concept!!)
Word count: 1.7k -ish
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“Wait,” Connor cuts you off mid-sentence “You want to do a what now?”
“A YouTube channel!” You exclaimed “You know; where we do those couple challenges, vlog exciting things and stuff. Like Jess and Gabriel, remember?”
“Yeah, I know. I always see you watching their videos, honey” He chuckles in reply, slamming his laptop shut “But why do you want to do it?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t really know why but it just came to my mind and I just thought how cool it would be if we started doing those kinds of things, you know?”
“And we don’t have to post every week if we’re not up for it” You continued “It’s kind of just a fun thing to have now and look back on when we’re old and feeling nostalgic”
Connor furrowed his eyebrows “What makes you think people are going to want to watch us?” He asked.
You rolled your eyes, snickering a little “Babe, do you not realize that you have a fanbase now after that entire tour with Shawn? I’m not surprised that they love you as much as they love him so of course they’d click on any video that involves you”
“Yeah well….” Connor dragged out, reaching for your hand so your fingers were laced together “That doesn’t matter to me because the only person I love is you hooooney”
Shaking your head, you tried to hide your smile but failed “Cheeky” You noted “So, is that a go on the whole YouTube channel thing?”
You saw the smile plastered on his face and even though he hesitated for a moment, you knew he was on board with it.
“Okay, it’s set” Connor announced as he steps back from the tripod about an hour later since you proposed the idea “Baby, can you turn on the ring light so I can see if the brightness is okay?”
“Yeah, hang on!” You reached for the remote control, pressing the button to turn on the lights “How’s it looking from the camera, bubs?”
Connor takes a look at the little screen on his camera, then nodded “Brightness level looks good from the here so we’re good to go!” He commented.
He walks forward to the set and joins you at the front of the camera, taking his seat at the empty stool next to yours.
“You good?” Connor asks with concern, tilting his head to your direction.
“Yeah I’m all good, bubs” You smiled “Our first video together! This is so exciting!”
“You know I’m barely standing in front of the camera, right?” So, you’re lucky I love you” He said teasingly.
“And I love you moooore!” You chirped, holding the remote control up “Are we good? Can we start?”
Connor nods so you pressed the record button on the remote. When you see the little red light blinking on the camera, it meant the recording has already started.
“Hello and welcome to our channel!” You greeted, although your pitch came out higher than usual and that alone had Connor bursting into laughter.
“What the heck was that, babe?” Connor asks in between laughs “Why’s your voice all high and squeaky?”
“You sound like a mouse, honey” 
You pouted, swatting his shoulder playfully “Stop laughing at me, bubs!” You whined “I’ve never done this before! ‘M just nervous! We’re definitely cutting this out later”
“Oh, no way” He shakes his head, his laughter starts to die down “I’m leaving everything in as bloopers!”
“Okay, okay, this is take 2!”
You clear your throat before opening your mouth to do the greeting once again.
“Hello everyone and welcome to our channel!” You said excitingly with a smile on your face “We’re the idiotsinlove!”
“I thought of the name, by the way!” Connor said proudly as he briefly waved to the camera “It took me forever to come up with it and I take full credit for it”
You turn your head towards him and mockingly said “Yes bubs, the name is very original. Thank you for coming up with it, I don’t know what I’d do without you”
Connor knew you were joking but he smugly said “Your life would be super dull, that’s for sure and you’re welcome, babe”
You rolled your eyes and snickered a little.
“Anyways, I’m y/n y/ln” You said then leaning closer to Connor, wrapping your arms around his neck; pressing your cheek against his “And this guy right here is my lovely boyfriend; Connor Brashier!”
Connor smiles cheekily to the camera and wraps an arm around your waist “Hello there! I should tell you that this is kind of weird for me” He said “I’m so used to standing behind the camera and filming other people instead”
You pulled your arms back but Connor refused to let go of the grip he has around your waist, wanting to keep you close to him, as you spoke “This is our first ever video and we basically wanted to do like a mini introduction about ourselves before posting anything else”
“We’re going to tell you some facts about ourselves and if you’re interested in getting to know us a little better, then please continue watching this video!” Connor said “We’ll love you even more if you stay throughout the entire thing… Ladies first, baby”
“Okay so, I turned 21 in August and I was born and raised in LA. I’m currently in my second year of uni; majoring in Management and Accounting at UCLA… Which is pretty stressful if I’m being completely honest” You told the camera in a disgusted voice “Uni is hell and I completely don’t know why I signed up for it”
“Despite all her complains, my girl is a smart cookie” Connor said proudly “Literally the smartest person I know. She’s thriving in her degree, no kidding”
“Connorrrr” You whined, feeling your cheeks starting to turn rosy-pink “’M not smart, babe”
“Pfft, sure you’re not”
“Anyways, there’s not much interesting things about myself. I bake and cook a little, play the guitar and just bury myself with a lot of books” You continued “Which is basically like any other women, I guess”
“That’s another lie” Connor chirped “She bakes the best cookies I’ve ever tasted and I’m not just saying that because she’s my girlfriend. That’s straight up facts. She baked 2 full containers of them for me when I left for tour then Shawn and Brian stole one of them from me. I was pissed at them for an entire week”
You burst into a laughter, feeling your whole body vibrate as you leaned on Connor’s shoulder for support.
You remembered this day so clearly. He called you on Facetime while you were in the middle of a movie; complaining that the boys took his cookies without asking him. And part of you wanted to feel bad for him but seeing that pout on his face and the tone he was speaking in made you giggle for 5 minutes straight.
“Babe, it’s not funny!” He whined, poking your side playfully “I was really upset! I had to survive with only one container for like 2 months”
Your laughter finally dies down as you wiped a tear from your eye and straighten your body position “Okay and I made it up to you didn’t I, bubs? I welcomed you home with a new batch of it so you gotta stop holding it against them, Con”
“I guess” He grumbled “Can we bake some after this?” He added hopefully.
“Yeah we can make some after this”
“Pinky promise?” Connor held his pinky out to you.
You tried to hide the smile on your face but failed miserably, nodding as you interlocked your pinkies together “Pinky promise, Con”
Your pinkies remained laced together on Connor’s lap, something you two did very often. It was just an intimate affection that grew on you ever since the beginning “Wanna tell the world about yourself now, bubs?”
“Right, well, I turned 20 in July and I was also born and raised in LA. I’ve been surfing since I was a little kid so it’s something I really love to do whenever I’ve got the time and then I got into photography later on when I was about 15-16. I was in UCLA for a bit, majoring in psychology and economics. It only lasted for a few months because then I got an email from Andrew Gertler, which was freakishly cool”
“Apparently Andrew and Shawn had seen some of my work and Shawn wanted to hire me as his videographer” Connor continued “Which was obviously an amazing opportunity to take on”
As Connor was explaining everything, you could hear the excitement lingering in his voice. He was always this way whenever he talks about it because being able to be a videographer for Shawn has been one of the best accomplishments for him so far.
And you loved how excited he gets whenever anyone asks him about it. You’d always be by his side, smiling as you listen to him; you were just so proud of him.
“And I’m so proud of you, bubs” You cooed then looked at the camera “Seriously you guys, check out his work because this man right here does magic with his work. He used to send me little previous of the documentary he filmed and I was always so blown away by them. You’re amazing, babe”
Connor blushed, leaning forward to press a kiss to your cheek “Thanks, baby and thank you for always being my number 1 supporter”
“I’m always your number 1 supporter!” You exclaim “Sorry, you can’t get rid of me any time soon” You added, poking your tongue out at him.
He smiled “Fine by me. I wasn’t planning on doing that”
“I guess this is it for today’s video!” You then said “If you’ve made it this far in this video, thank you for letting us entertain you for the past few minutes”
“And if there’s anything you would like to see us do, leave a comment down below!” Connor added.
“Aw, look at you already being a pro at this whole YouTuber thing, bubs” You said teasingly.
“You know it” He said smugly.
“Thank you and we’ll see you next time on idiotsinlove!”
Reblog, like or leave a comment; always appreciated!  ❤️
x rina
@hurts-like-hell-xx @connordavidscamera @r3ader @tinycertain @green-lxght @queenmxndes @turtoix
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x16 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
       * MASTERLIST of season 14 commentary * 
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14x16 : Don’t go into the Woods
Giulia: Them gay vibs
Nat: Sam
Giulia: And poor baby sam
Zee: No not Sam like that again
Nat: I like that it's focused on Sam
J:  I’m me again 
Giulia: I like Jack with powers!
* turns snake to ash *  
Giulia: Not like that!
Zee: Holy shit
Nat: I feel different now
Zee: Stronger
Nat: Ew
[Melodic Whistling ]
Giulia: Benny is that u babeh ?
Zee: Yeah. They ded
Kat: Of course they are
Guy: It was nothing. Just the wind.
Girl : Okay, that -- that wasn't the wind.
-she smart
Nat: Notice that in every movie the guy says that it's nothing?
- That tells a lot about men’s priorities. Creepy whistling in a desert park at night? that pussy tho.
Guy: Dad?
Barbara: Hi, sheriff
-Y I K E S
Giulia: But also….Come on let them have some back seat bingo
Zee: Guys are dumb. Think with the downstairs head
Nat: Why are you going away girl?
Kat: Because she’s dumb
Nat: Yeah. i would back out of that bathroom
Nat: i mean. Ew
Giulia: I would burn my hands in holy fire to sanitize them
Barbara: Oh, God.
Kat: Oh hell no
Zee: Every place is a bathroom IS SHE SITTING??
Nat: I would rather pee outside of the bathroom.
Kat: And she’s clearly sitting
Nat: she fucking is
Kat: Disgusting
Giulia: No woman would sit on that. THAT SO INACCURATE, who wrote that ep? *goes look at it* MEN, of course , a woman would never have wrote that girl sitting on that filth.
Giulia: Fuck that’s creepy
Giulia: Ba ba ba
Kat: So glad I stayed up to the middle of the night to watch this 🙄
Giulia: Ba barbara ann
Nat: stop giuls lol
Kat: Taaaake my hhhaaannnnndddd
Nat: So she ded
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Nat: sweet hope you can sleep
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Giulia: Aw look at that, the bunker looks so dark and empty. I hate it now.
D: Morning sunshine! What you looking at?
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Zee: This man is huge
Nat: Porn? Nip slips?
-sex tapes??
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S: The Internet is more than just naked people. You do know that, right?
Zee: Naked people
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D: Not my internet
Giulia: Not OUR internet. ( oh shit let me censor the nip word before tumblr freaks out)
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bla bla bla, girl, bla bla bite marks,animal attack. bla bla bla our kind of thing.
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Kat: Mah boys
D: I know you wanted to take some time...
Giulia: ‘I’m gOoD’ 
S: Honestly, I-I'm good.
D: ( u full of crap) All right. Well, let's hit it.
S: You got it. I'll grab Cass.
D: Mm. He actually left. Early this morning.
Giulia: *barely keeping in a squeal*  I’m not gonna go there
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...I went there
D: I don't know. Something about being cooped up in the bunker for a few weeks. We all need to stretch our legs. I get it.
Zee: What’s wrong with Deans hair?
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Nat: thank god i'm not the only one who notices. Thought it was just me
D: Uh...I don't want Jack on this.
D: His powers have gotten us in trouble in the past -- the security guard.
Dean is actually so right right now, but still....Jack alone?...mmm don’t like that
Kat: Look at the baby bean studying
J: Did you know Article 246 of the Haitian criminal code115  officially makes it against the law116 to turn a human into a zombie?
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D: Good
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Nat: Pre King hair
Kat: Too much gel?
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Giulia: Lots of wax I think, gel would be too shiny
J: And...you don't want me to come?
D: We don't want to leave the bunker empty. In case, uh, Mom or...some of the other Hunters call and need help, so... this place is long overdue for a restock. So, uh, your mission, should you choose to accept -- made you a list.
Look how uncomfortable Sam is. 
No ones lies like a Winchester lies.
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Nat: My mission is shopping
Zee: Beer again
S:  Twice? D:  Yeah.
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Nat: Will he get beer tho?
Kat: Is it your list?
Nat: He's only 2 years old
Zee: He got my shopping list
Kat: True
Zee: Shut up
D: We’ll be in touch. ( let yeeeeet the fuck out )
Sheriff: I don’t see how this is FBI business
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Giulia: Sheriff’s right tho
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Zee: That close up. Thank you
Nat processing Dean’s hair :
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Nat: Not liking that hair
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Kat: It’s weird
S: You know, do you mind if we take a look at the body?
Sheriff:  Do I have a choice?
-that sheriff has 0 fucks
D: Not really.
Dean has 0---> ∞  fucks
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Giulia: AHAHAH
Nat: Seriously?
S: How long you been doing this?
Zee: Cat like reflexes
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Kat: Lolol he jumpy
Nat: yeah of course lol
Nat: He scares easy he's getting old
-Another still of Dean’s hair for Nat
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Giulia: Jack so rigid tho
Kat: Hey it’s an improvement over season 4
Nat: groans
Zee: The kids again
Giulia: Ugh them again
Why in the fuck there the Ghostfacers tune . NO. Also weren’t they like...broken up or something
E: The ghostfacers are cool
- eeeh
Giulia: Bambi lol
Nat: Bambi
Zee: Bamby
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Kat: Why they forcing these kids on us?
Stacy: Are you lost?
- Lol like a puppy, I can see that, oh wait ....
Giulia: OMG
Ghostfacers : Winchesters still suck ass, though
Nat: Ghostfacers
E: Are they (Sam and Dean) fighting ghosts?
J ( with the worst neutral tone ever) : What’s a ghost?
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J: I don't like to lie.Like when you have to burp, but you can't burp.
Zee: It makes my stomach hurt
Nat: you can't burp
Nat: Dean should teach him
Zee: That among other things
Stacy walks closer with a smirk
Nat: What are these kids?
Kat: Apparently not
Stacy: Not anymore. [shows keys]
OH THANK GOD, I thought they wanted to break in or something. I don’t trust them.
I literally couldn’t care less about the sheriff and his son sorry, byee
Giulia: I’m sorry but am I ahead of yall ?
Kat: Idk are you?
Zee: Where are you ?
Nat: lol yeah, don't know?
Kat: I’m in the store
Nat: they're in the store
Zee: 12:13
Giulia: Yeah I’m a bit ahead
Nat: Zeta is ahead
Zee: I am?
Max: I mean, living with a bunch of dudes. Their whole place must smell like beer, Kleenex, and Old Spice.
Nat&Kat:  Old spice 🤣
- I can live with that, I don’t give a shit.
Zee: Zombies are real?
J: Well, no. Not really. It's kind of disappointing.  But there are other monsters.
Nat: Jack, don't tell them!!
J: Rugaru *chuckles* That’s a funny name. Yeah
Zee&Nat: Will you be my best friend ??
Max: Do you ever, like, hang out?
J: Well, we have movie nights on Tuesdays Dean usually picks. I've seen "Lost Boys" like 36 times.
Max: I mean with kids your own age.
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Nat: but 36 times?
- Eh it’s Dean what did you expect 
Nat: oh god
Giulia: I’m two
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Giulia: I don’t like him hang out with them
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Nat: #leavejackalone2k19 #STAYAWAYFROMJACK2K19
Giulia: No but wait , maybe being with kids will help him, now that he doesn’t have a soul
Max: Well, we're going to the Stoke place tomorrow, if you wanna chill. It's this old farmhouse outside of town. No one goes there.
Nat: I'll rip your lungs out if you hurt him
J: I think I’d like that
Kat: NO
Zee: Remove your spine and hit you with it
S: Kohonta.
D: Gesundheit.
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Nat: I can't get over the hair
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Kat: sweet mortal flesh lol
D: You think this is our Hot Lips?
S: I mean, according to the lore, Kohonta get so starving, they spit up stomach acid.
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Kat: Stop staring at it
Nat: tHe HaiR
Zee: Focus Nat
Kat: Stop it
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Giulia: I can’t
Kat: So many dead people
Giulia: Everytime there is whistling I just want to see Benny
Nat: iT's JuSt ThE WiNd
Giulia: Well that’s fucked up
Nat: That's not creepy
Zee: Now you run
Giulia: Who the fuck fall and stay down?!
Nat: Well, yeah THAT is. Really? saliva?
Wow the weather was shit that day of shooting. Did they get sick ?
Giulia: I feel like the sheriff knows something
Kat: Kinda seems like it
Nat: He probably experienced it again
Zee: They always do
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Nat: Sam's hair is good wet though
Zee: Sam wet is good
Kat: Sam looks good wet
Giulia: He does
Sheriff: Look, I don't care if you guys are the FBI. Nobody goes in those woods without my say-so.
Giulia: Sheriff is getting on my nerves
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Nat: I can't even focus, the damn hair
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D: Well, we should probably do what he says.
S: Oh, yeah. Definitely.
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Giulia: Awe they are cute
Nat: Third wheeling his way on the kitchen table
Zee: Is pussy block a thing? Like cock block?
E: If you two are going to kiss, can you go to the other room? I'm trying to work here.
Elliot is Sam
Giulia: NO
Kat: Oh Jack 🤦🏼‍♀
Nat: "Yeah, you invited me"
J: I like The Who.
Giulia & Kat: THE WHO
Giulia: Jack your Dean is showing
Stacy: Who?
-Oh shut up everybody knows who The Who are
Max: Oh, my aunt listens to them. They're...old.
J:  Well, Dean says any music made after 1979 "sucks ass."
Nat&Zee: Sucks ass
Max:  That's because Dean is also old.
Giulia: ... [with Misha tone when is done with Jared in the bloopers] Max is cancelled.
J: unless they've possessed a human. Then, they can look like me or you...or anybody.
Zee: He’s creeping them out.
Giulia: He’s gonna freak them out
Kat: He’s gonna scare the shit outta these kids
E: And you've seen one before?
J: I’ve killed one
Kat: What if they are possessed
Giulia: If I so hear one of them saying “let’s call a demon” imma throw tables
Max: [Chuckles] Yeah? How?
Giulia: Listen MAX IS TROUBLE
Kat: They all are
Zee: Demon killing 101
Nat: Baby Bean
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Nat: I'm glad it's dark and I don't see them hair
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Nat: oops, there they are
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Zee: Sam squint
Kat: The damn sheriff
Nat: What is wrong with that sheriff
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Giulia: ok but the sheriff sneaking to the Winchester tho.Like...badass
Nat: LiAR
Kat: Knew that was coming
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Giulia: There we go
Always remember Jo and her shotgun tho
Kat: That’s my boy
Nat: Jack, baby, just go home, alright?
Zee: Jack baby. Stop doing that
Giulia: Don t fucking use the powers
Nat: NO
Kat: Oh shit he’s gonna use magic
Zee: No no
Giulia: Mmm don t like that
Zee: Yeah. He’s fucking anakin
Giulia: Don t like that
Nat: Jack, if you don't listen to me I can not help you
Giulia: The brunette is the only smart one
Kat: He’s gonna lose control and stab someone
Nat: Yep
Giulia:  “The brunette is the only smart one” I WAS WRONG
Kat: Oh shit
Zee: Crap
Kat: Knew that was coming
Giulia: ok but honestly she went right through it
Nat: Jack baby, why don't you listen?
Giulia: He right she moved
Zee: Can’t he fix her?
Nat: They calling 911
Nat: He can't…..Oh he can
Giulia: Ok but FUCK STACY. Bitch could have stayed put
Zee: Look at him.
Nat: But like, does he still have a soul at all
Giulia: Who fucking go running around when someone is making a blade floating
Kat: Jack shouldn’t have been using his powers
E: I don't know... what you are. But stay away.
Giulia: Oh my heart hurts
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Nat: Yeah, like, didn't they teach the kids not to do that? right?
Zee: Common sense
Giulia: Ok but I mean...she could have turned around. She just went like ...to him
Kat: Yup he’s going dark side
Nat: She wanted to stop him
Giulia: Again...she run into the damn blade
Nat look at this!
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Zee: The way Dean says “thing” is my new sexuality
Nat: Doomed to roam the woods and whistling pfffffff
Giulia: Keeps the folks away Yeah how that ever worked
D: Like I said, we hunt these things.
Sheriff : What do you mean?
S: Kohonta, werewolves, demons.
Sheriff: Those are real?
D: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And we kill 'em.
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Nat: That smirk
Zee: The smirk. THE SMIRK
Nat: Almost make me forget the hair
Zee: What hair?
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Sheriff: Just the two of you?
S: We know what we're doing.
Sheriff wants to tell people.
Giulia: Put them on you tube.Yeah that sounds fun
S: It doesn't work like that. Even when they know how to fight,
Zee: People die People still die
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Giulia: Like..kids in spn are dumb as dirt. See...?
Nat: Dumb kid 2.0
Giulia: Dumb as dirt
Zee: Silver blade through the heart.
Giulia: Always silver blade of course
Zee: That works for a lot of things
Giulia: That’s not the meat he’s looking for
Kat: He wants the other other white meat
Nat: Every time I hear the whistling I think that the Saviours are here but then I realize that it's not The Walking Dead
Giulia: Like yeeeeah where u at NEGAN BB
Nat: my body is ready
Giulia: Mine too
Zee: Don’t go there ffs
Giulia: I wanna go right there
Nat: Raining = Wet hair.Wet boys
Giulia: Wow fuck that thing
Nat: lol how Dean carried him out with his bowlegged squat
Giulia: Nat! People are dying!
Nat: Oh give me a break
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Zee: I was just thinking of that
D: You don't like that, huh?
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Giulia: COME ON
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D: That was like full-on "Raiders."
Nat: Yeah like ew
Nat: What is this EP even
Zee: Green goo
Giulia: that’s me when I’ll meet Misha
Awe Sammy is worried about that dumb kid 
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Have some hair again Nat
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Giulia: I don t trust that wound on him tho
Kat: Thinking the same thing
S: He's your son. He deserves the truth.
Nat: Babies in Baby
D: Do what we always do.
Nat&Giulia: When in doubt...lie
Giulia: When in doubt bacon
Nat: when in doubt...eat
Zee: When in doubt , beer
Zee: Can I sit in the back seat ?
Giulia: Can I sit on him?
Zee: He wouldn’t be able to drive bitch
Giulia: He would don t worry
S: And do you think you really took care of it the right way?
D: Jack said he was fine.
Dean...he’s two
S: And when we were kids, how many times did we tell Dad that we were fine just to make him happy?
Nat: So will they go all Dad on Jack?
Giulia: I fucking hope so
J: How was the Hunt?
D:  Oh. Uh...disgusting.
J: I got the supplies. Except for the beer.
Dean like....THE FUCK BRO. you had one job.
J: I didn't have ID.
D: You have tons of IDs.
J:  They're fake.
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Dean’s like.... he’s your son.
S: Jack... listen bla bla bla bla bla bla 
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Meanwhile , Dean is having an existential crisis
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Zee: Tons of ids
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Nat: They're fake
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Giulia: We want to talk to you about your powers. That looks like THAT TALK
Nat: Will he tell them?
Zee: One of them at least
Nat: #worried dads
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D: we didn't want you coming along because we didn't want you using them.
S: Not yet. Not for now.
D: Before you go all X-Men. It was crappy of us not to tell you. You know, we were trying to be nice. 'Cause we care about you. But because we care about you, you deserve the truth.
S: You understand that?
Zee: He didn’t say it
Kat: He’s not gonna
S: I mean, anything happen while we were gone?
Kat: Oh he’s so going darkside
Giulia: fuck it
Nat: learned it from the best
Giulia: He’s a Winchester
Zee: Fuck Shit
Kat: Dun dun dun
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I’m with Dean on this... Imma get some beer. 
[ post episode]
Giulia: PROMO
Zee: Me neither
Kat: Ugh Nick and Anael? gagging noises
Zee: Well that left me a bittersweet taste in my mouth
Giulia: I like anael tho. She looks after herself, doing her thing, work it. yas gurl get it.
Zee: Such a kind spirit
Giulia: Look that was probably him with Donny ok? And I like Donny
Kat: To me, she doesn’t add anything. I don’t hate on her, just don’t know why she has to be on the show 🤷🏼‍♀
Giulia: Well that’s why she isn’t in it that much
Nat: i will watch the promo later. but what anael?
Giulia: Cas told her he needs to talk to god
Nat: but like i don’t get it? who plays god now?
Kat: No one? We don’t see him
Giulia: Ok but ...angels guys! We need more angels that are not dicks
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Giulia: scoffs
Nat: and why should anael know since she left heaven. if anything naomi should know
Giulia: But would naomi say shit to castiel without something back? And honestly ....that bitch made swiss cheese of his brain, I doubt he want to spend time with her
Nat: anael sure doesn’t have a great rep in heaven either
Giulia: Neither does Cas
Nat: fuck I’m late
Kat: Go work.
Kat: Get that money
Zee: Bring home the bacon
Giulia: Kick ass
Zee: Take names
Zee: Well that was a pleasure ladies. As always.
Giulia: Yas. Gonna go for a run now
Kat: Burn my calories for me please
Zee: Go to sleep babe
Giulia: Also ...yay I won't spend a lot on the commentary 🙌🏻
Zee: whispers I’ll need a couple of gifs. For... science. Ya know
Kat: The smirk
Giulia: I’ll make so many Dean’s hair gif just for @Nat
Zee: That’s plain wrong
Kat: Good, she’ll love that
Giulia: chuckles right?
Zee: That hair was all kinds of wrong
Nat: NO
Giulia: Too late
And y’all? did you hate those hair as much as we did? 
@wayward-angelgirl @destiel-honeypie     @mariekoukie6661     @dragontamerm      @closetspngirl   @rainflowermoon    @mattiecat      @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2   @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee    @castiellover20   @jacks-word-of-the-day  @ravenhg @evvvissticante  @legendary-destiel  @dustythewind 
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muddyorbsblr · 6 years
Let’s Support MatPat However We Can
The last 24 hours have been a rollercoaster for MatPat’s community. Regardless of where you hang your online cape, I’m pretty sure you heard about it: YouTube approached The Game Theorists for the opportunity to turn on Channel Membership on their channel, and Matthew did something very considerate and thoughtful for his community before making the big decision:
He asked us first. 
A lot of YouTubers don’t do that. But Matthew did. Because he wanted to make his final decision based on what would benefit the community the most. So he linked a Google Survey containing a simple three-option question: Should Channel Membership be turned on? The options? Yes, No, and I don’t care.
This is when shit started hitting the fan, because a lot of people were on the side of No. And their reasoning wasn’t as sound as I hoped it would have been. Had their reasoning been “No, because you guys already make cool content, there’s no need to try and experiment with new forms of media just stay as you are”, it probably wouldn’t be that bad. Even though improvement and evolution is always a key factor in the lifespan of anything. Regardless of whether it’s regarding someone’s personality or someone’s YouTube content.
But that wasn’t the reasoning behind the collective No of the community. The reasoning was this: On a personal level, on the individual level, it would hurt them. Because they believed that the enabling of this feature will create a rift in the community between members and non-members. All this because of the perks that they were focusing on that Matthew highlighted in his video. The most prominent feature they were all problematic over being: Members-Only Live Streams. They didn’t want that. But let me break down the logic that they were clearly not thinking through:
In a month, GTLive will stream every single weekday at 4pm PST. That’s a mostly guaranteed schedule, barring any emergencies or last minute meetings. This is available for everyone, members and non-members alike. This could be anything from a gameplay to a challenge video, but one thing’s for sure: this will never be member-exclusive. GTLive stays exactly as it is. So that’s approximately 22 streams a month, at most. 
In that same month, assuming the feature is enabled, Matthew & Stephanie and possibly the rest of the GTLive crew will make at least one extra live stream, accessible only to members. This could be anything from an AMA, to a behind the scenes, to maybe some goofy ideas they wanna test out before making it accessible to the rest of the audience. Honestly it could be whatever they wanted. Same goes for the once a month members-only video that goes up. 
So when you look at it this way…you’re comparing TWENTY-TWO streams and FOUR videos a month to one of each, and this is what you’re focusing on as your reason to say NO to giving other people the opportunity to support Matthew. 
What is the purpose of these videos and streams and other perks in the first place? Before I get into that, let me make something perfectly clear: Matthew did not need to put those perks into his channel membership system. That was not a requirement in order for him to enable this feature. Put that in your brain. Now…the purpose of these perks are simply this: Members put in a small fee ($5) into supporting Matthew’s channel, which in turn gives him the opportunity to start making more intricate and elaborate content for us (us the community, not us the members) to enjoy. The perks are a thank you from creator to “financial supporter” for the contributions they put in, nothing more and nothing less.
But I don’t have the money to buy membership. But I want those perks as well. That’s just being greedy. The philosophy is this: You put in more contributions, you receive more rewards. But the case is not you put in nothing, you receive nothing. You receive a stream on the weekdays and a weekly theory. You receive regular and consistent content. Like I said, the perks are an extra thank you to to the members. For putting in the money to help support the channel. And I can hear your next question coming a mile away.
But Matthew said they’re doing just fine with AdSense. So they don’t have to turn on this feature, right?  Did you…did you not pay attention to the video? Yes, they’re doing FINE. By fine, we mean that he’s not going to starve for the next few years if YouTube decides to change up the algorithm in favor of someone who makes the exact opposite of Matthew’s content and he suddenly loses views. However, just because he is doing fine and the channel is doing fine, it doesn’t mean that there’s NO ROOM for the channel to do better. What do I mean by this? By even just 2000 members of his community signing up for Channel Membership, that will result to $7000 going into funding for future projects, for more ARGs, for more merch, a month. The channel will do exponentially so much better and the community as a whole will benefit from just these 2000 people. And I say 7000 because 30% of the channel membership fee goes to YouTube.
So why can’t they just give us all the content they had planned as the thank you for the channel members instead of creating the divide?  What divide? The divide that was created by the fans by fulfilling their own prophecy of a divide being created? Don’t pretend that Matthew is the one behind this. This was all you. And if you weren’t paying attention to literally anything I just said, pay attention to this: Those videos and streams were planned to thank the people who chose to donate their money in the name of supporting the channel. 
So because I didn’t fork up the cash to support the channel, I don’t deserve a thank you?  Let’s say you have a friend who saved up money to give his mother a gift for her birthday, and she thanked her son (naturally)…do you think it’s unfair that all you were able to do is witness the giving and the receiving and the thanking from afar without your friend’s mother thanking you for doing nothing? Do you think it’s unfair that your friend’s mother got a gift on her birthday when so many mothers around the world don’t? Do you see how messed up this logic is?  This isn’t even the case with non-members. It’s not that exaggerated and it’s not that idiotic. Because you get your thank you every single day that they stream, for every single video they put out. Thanks for watching. Thank you for joining us. If you really think that that’s not a satisfactory amount of gratitude for the amount of support you put in, then maybe that’s not Matthew’s problem anymore. It’s yours. 
Does this mean that if I don’t become a channel member, I am less of a fan?  No. Absolutely not. This doesn’t make you any less of a fan. You know why? Because the support they’ve been getting via AdSense is only happening because of all of us non-members. Because of the watch hours we put in. Because of the ads that we’re forced to watch for five seconds before skipping. They’ve been doing just fine from the non-members alone. So no. Being a non-member doesn’t give you any less value as a fan just like being a member and giving the money monthly doesn’t give you any addiitonal value as a fan. 
The driving force behind channel membership is essentially this: The support of a few will be beneficial to the whole. So by enabling this feature, the opportunity for bigger & better ARGs, for even better quality merch, for more merch, and for bigger projects to be tackled by Matthew and the rest of the Game Theorists crew is enabled as well. The purpose of the membership is not to create a rift from the fans between the members and the non-members. And of course it’s going to look like that in the beginning, because you’re focusing on the finer details when you should be focusing on the big picture. So allow me to describe to you the bigger picture.
What will non-members get from Matthew turning on Channel Membership?  • a bigger, more elaborate, more intricate ARG in the form of a bigger merch mystery • production of more merchandize in terms of quantity of products manufactured. This means that products are probably not gonna get sold out in less than 3 days when the goods go live on the Creator Ink website • production of more merchandize in terms of variety of products. Basically, more kinds of merch. Maybe more designs for the shirts, maybe some Film Theory merch again. Maybe a phone case. Maybe a onesie for babbys. Maybe Theorist pajamas. But the point is we won’t know until it happens. • higher grade quality production of merchandize items. Self-explanatory.  • potentially bigger & more elaborate projects by Matthew. Maybe he’ll get to actually conduct experiments a la Mythbusters for the sake of a theory. We’ll never know until it happens. And because y’all are voting NO, we may never know.
So now…what will channel members get from Matthew turning on Channel Membership? • Everything mentioned for the non-members • At least one members-only video per month that does not contain content regarding the main focus of the channel. This could be anything from vlogs to science experiments, to blooper reels • At least one members-only stream per month. Again, this will probably not contain content related to the main focus of the channel. So this will not be a let’s play or a challenge video. Probably.  • Possibly a live stream that everyone can view, but not everyone can chat in. So a public stream with a members-only chat. I can hear your pitchforks being sharpened from here. • Merch discount codes • a badge next to your display name in the comments section as well as the live chat • a selection of emotes to be used in live chat and comments
When you look at those perks, you’ll see that they function solely as tokens of appreciation for the people who gave their money in order to support the channel and its endeavors to improve on its content for the benefit of the community as a whole. Perks are an ancillary thank you, like a gold star from a teacher when they really appreciated your work. Not every student will get it, because not every student put in the same amount of work. 
Personally I had every intention of signing up for channel membership, because my philosophy has always been this: If i spend more money a day on my coffee and my food than I would in a month to support someone I absolutely and unconditionally respect, someone who makes my list of My Favorite People…then why the fuck would I not take that opportunity?  And here’s the thing, it took me three days to justify sponsoring Markiplier. And one of the things I said back then was “Had this been Matthew, however, I would have signed up in a heartbeat.” And now herein lies that precise opportunity for me to sign up in a heartbeat. And that survey is taking that opportunity away from me, and from a lot of other people, one NO at a time.
Another thing that immensely pissed me off is this: People are now blaming Matthew for their mental health issues. Just recently, like just a few hours before writing this long and winded post, I saw a comment from someone who was essentially blaming Matthew for her suicidal tendencies and her chronic insomnia because she wasn’t able to get merch, or even get to participate in the final stretch of the merch mystery. And because she didn’t win, she now blames Matthew for the resulting mental health issues that attacked her during those following nights. And now she’s blaming Matthew and the channel membership discussion for her occurring anxiety attack. And this isn’t an isolated case. A lot of people are blaming Matthew and his intention to better the content of the channel and better everything he’s about to put out into the world for their mental health issues.
They’re directly mentioning Matthew and Stephanie and the rest of the GTLive crew in their tweets to tell them that this treatment of members vs non-members is unfair. And I can’t imagine the amount of negative feedback currently appearing on their notifications because people are so against the idea of thanking the people who went above and beyond what’s expected of a fan in order to support the channel. 
It feels like the creator isn’t allowed to thank people anymore unless they’re thanking everyone. Even though only a small portion of that ‘everyone’ was really deserving of the extra gratitude. The mentality that ‘they put in the extra work, but we should have all the benefits’ is so toxic and so mind-numbingly idiotic that it makes me want to leave the GTLive community altogether. I mean, sure I’d still be participating by commenting on videos and tweeting along during the streams, but actually interacting with fellow members of the community? Potential hard pass right there. 
I’ve seen some great members. I talk to them on a near daily basis. But I’ve also seen a much more overwhelming amount of toxic members. People who use their following to create rifts in the community because they have thousands of followers and Matthew follows them, people who go so far as to DM members of the crew why they think the feature shouldn’t push through because it’s unfair to them on a personal level, people who brag that they’re willing to spend $5 on a coffee a day, but not the same amount of money for a month to support their ‘faves’. People who twisted my words of “this is just him thanking people who gave him the extra support” and turning it into “so that means members are more special just because they pay”. 
So let me make this crystal clear: I do not think that signing up for membership will make you more special in the eyes of the creator just because you paid for it. I believe that despite the membership, people are on equal footing in the eyes of the creator, regardless of the extra gratitude that members receive in the form of the channel member perks. Becoming a member does not make someone more valuable than the rest of the community, just the same as not becoming a member does not make someone less valuable than the rest of the community. Channel members should never be referred to as ‘true fans’ or ‘loyal fans’ just because we’re putting forward the cash to support our favorite creators, because as non-members, support can still be given simply by watching the video and spreading the word. 
Now, if anyone wants to twist those words, and if anyone wants to accuse me of some idiotic bullshit like that girl in the group chat did a few hours ago, to Hell with you. 
The purpose of the channel membership was to support Matthew in an alternative manner. We should have been trying our damnedest to support MatPat however we can; whether it be from watching the videos or signing up for the membership. But instead you all fulfilled your own prophecy of ‘this will put a rift in the community’ by acting as childish and behaving as selfishly as you all did today. 
So let’s support MatPat however we can. Which at the rate we’re going, is just by watching his videos because Channel Membership doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. Because of you. Because of everyone who said no for the most selfish reasons I’ve ever seen on the Internet: Because it’s unfair to me. The NO you guys gave out for a personal level issue? That affects GTLive on a community level issue. Now that’s selfish; it’s not signing up for the membership so perks can be doled out, it’s not the desire to stand out with a shiny channel badge. True selfishness lies in the people who want to silence and incapacitate everyone else, who want to clip everyone else’s wings, just because circumstance did not favor them.
That being said, I have one last thing to say. This is my favorite type of response from people: “I can’t afford the membership right now but I voted yes so that people who want to and people who can, have that opportunity. This isn’t just for me. It’s for everyone.” You guys are the real MVPs of this community, you deserve thousands of followers, and I hope that more people follow in your example.
~ Ally P.S. On the off chance that reading this has changed your mind on your vote in the survey, kindly go back and give a Yes; you can vote more than once. You don’t have to sign up if the feature gets enabled, but you would be doing a great kindness for the people who want to support him in this manner if you do…Thanks.
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four-swords-dub · 6 years
It’s time for our creepiest cast member to emerge from the darkness! Oh nevermind, it’s just Alex!
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Which is Alex and which is Big Poe? Nobody knows. Audio transcript:
Hello! My name is Alex and I voice the characters Rosie the Doll, The Big Poe, and the Hinox in the Four Swords Manga. So, answering the questions that Karen gave to me, yes, so without further ado, let’s get to it.
Are you in any way like those characters? No, definitely not. Although I do quite like playing… and being creepy… and I am very tall… okay, perhaps I am a bit like those characters… I’ve never gone around trying to eat people’s souls, though. I draw the line there… usually. Favourite/least favourite thing about voicing your character? Favourite is definitely the fact that I can be so over-the-top. Rosie, Big Poe and Hinox are all very two-dimensional, and so I don’t have to worry about being subtle. I can just go right on and be large, so to speak. It’s very liberating. And villains are always fun.
My least favourite thing is probably when I’m a bit silly and audition for a character with a voice I can’t easily replicate further down the line. With the Big Poe, in particular, the voice I auditioned for him with was different to the one I ended up using for his first scene. Which, on reflection, I’m quite disappointed with, because I don’t think the voice I used in that first scene was as good as the one I auditioned with. You might disagree, though, and if you do, you are definitely my favourite, but personally I thought the voice I used in scene 2, which was closer to the audition, was just much better. Which characters did you audition for? Obviously, I auditioned for Rosie, The Big Poe, and the Hinox. I also gave Valenzuela – I think that’s how you pronounce it – Valenzuela and the Knights a go, too. With my accent, it seemed silly not to. What with the whole ‘Tally-ho! We’ll catch the blighters yet! Tea and crumpets!’ sort of thing. I might have done the Mysterious Traveller too, the one who tricks Red (Karen: he means Blue :p), as well, but I can’t actually remember.
How did you react when you got the part(s)? I gave a big smile, naturally. Might have danced around the room a bit too, I can’t really remember. It was quite a while ago. Erm… yeah, must be getting to about a year ago now… no, can’t be a year ago…Yeah, it was about a year ago. Okay, I just checked when I created my auditions, and it was a year and a half ago. Wow. Who do you wish you could voice? Vaati, basically. I’m not saying I should, because I reckon Abe does it a lot better than I would, but Vaati has a level of class and sophistication, sort of manipulativeness, that I find really appealing in a character, and really fun to do. That sort of mastermind, and also the sort of snootiness. I quite like it, it’s fun.
Had you read the manga before taking part in the dub? I first read the Four Swords manga about half an hour before sending my first audition so… technically yes... Any past voice acting experience? None professionally, unfortunately, but a fair bit amateurishly. I am in LoZ Voices, which is another Zelda dubbing group. And I’ve also been successful in auditioning for a few other things which haven’t released anything yet, all of which are video game related. And I play a number of characters in the OoT Manga dub, most notably the Great Deku Tree. And it is Great Deku tree, not Deku or Deku or however else Karen wanted me to pronounce it, it’s definitely the Great Deku Tree.(Karen: Curse you, Alex!)
I am also one of the two main Game Masters for my roleplaying game group, so that probably counts as experience as well, as anyone who has played will undoubtedly back me up on that one. Who is your favourite FS character (if any)? Probably either Vio or Valenzuela. I really like Valenzuela’s nobility and heroic aspect, sort of brings me back to my childhood when I loved knights and castles and that all that sort of thing. The vain part of me thinks Vio and I are quite similar, which is why I like him.
How do you warm up/get in character before recording? For each character, I usually have a line or two that I can say to get me into character. For the Big Poe, for example, it’s ‘Lord Gufu’. I then keep saying it until I’m happy with the end result. Favourite chapter to voice so far? Favourite scene? Well, the answer to both of those is the beginning of chapter 6, part 2. I mean, let’s be fair, the first part of that is basically me running around being creepy – it’s great fun! Lines you dread voicing the most (screaming, crying, etc): Anything romantic, basically. It’s the main thing that will make me self-conscious, and I’m really not convinced that I’m doing it convincingly. What are your biggest worries when it comes to voicing your character? This isn’t so much relevant to the Four Swords dub because most of my characters are quite two-dimensional, like I said earlier, but in general my biggest worry is that I am not doing them justice. Essentially, that I’m not doing a good enough job in conveying an appropriately realistic set of emotions. Basically, my main worry is that I’m performing the lines, not acting them, if that makes sense. Would you date your character (if they were of age)? No. No, I… no. Do you have a favourite voice actor on the dub? Am I allowed to say three? Tough, I am anyway. Carrot, Karen, and Swiss. No offence to anyone else, you’re all lovely. That said… that said, credit must also be given to Tyrannical Rex for voicing pretty much every minor character in the dub. Bravo sir! And yes, Karen is totally a voice actor, she’s the narrator, so :P.
Okay, now, I’m really excited about this one because this is the first bit of fanmail I’ve ever had, so thank you so much, Anon, I love you.
Asked by Anon
For Alex (Big Poe): Are you that creepy in real life? So I think this question is best answered with a short story. I remember once, a few years ago, I was looking at myself in the mirror, and I decided to smile, because why not. So I smiled.
I literally creeped myself. I kid you not, I have not smiled at myself in a mirror since then! I had to tone it down for the Big Poe! MISC
Asked by Anon What was the funniest/most humorous line you guys have had to say? As far as I’m concerned, my funniest line is, and will always be, anything I say in my Rosie voice. Do you wanna play? Which then, of course, becomes: do you wanna play?
And finally
Asked by Anon Do you guys have any inside jokes you'll like to share about the dub?
In the dub, I am known as the Soapy, Dektionary Poedeclagu Doll, which is a monstrous conglomeration of all my rolls from the FS Dub and the OoT dub. Soldier, Happy Mask Salesman, the Great Deku Tree, The Big Poe, the normal Poe, the Hinox (which, until about two weeks ago, I thought was called a ‘Cyclops’), the Bagu Tree, and Rosie the Doll. I’m also pretty good with grammar, so I was nicknamed the ‘Dictionary’ at one point as well, which went in there.
Oh, and, of course, ‘It’s Alex!’. See the Chapter 2 Part 1 bloopers for that. Riiiiiight there at the end.
And erm… well, that’s us done, now. Thank you, dear listener and reader, for sitting through in excess of a thousand words, my Goodness. I hope you have found them enlightening, or at the very least entertaining. I have had a fantastic time working on this project, so thank you very much for watching it. Really, thank you. And I hope you enjoy the rest of the Four Swords series. Have fun.
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vintagesugg-blog · 8 years
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an imagine in which good ole suggy boy gets a little jealous
Word Count: 1,750
Rating: PG-13
Getting a hey, you busy? text from Jack Maynard was never a good sign. You responded with a no, and he replied back quickly with a plea for video help and an offer of free lunch.
“Hey babe?” You called out across the flat. 
“Yeah?” Joe called back from his office. 
“Do we have any plans for the day? Jack wants help filming over at his.”
“Not really, no. Does he need you like right now? I’ll be done editing in a few hours and I can go with you.” Joe offered, rolling his chair to the doorframe. He seemed a bit off, but you didn’t push it. Joe always told you if something was wrong in his own time.  
“He seemed pretty urgent, I think he wants to upload tonight. I shouldn’t be long, and I should be home for dinner. I can cook if you want!”
“Nah, I’ll cook tonight and film a gaming video while you’re out. Just text me when you get there safe, yeah?” Joe gave you a smile and came over to give you a goodbye kiss before heading back into his office. 
You called an uber and gathered your things, and you were at Jack’s flat before you knew it. You let yourself in, announcing yourself as you entered.
“Y/N!” Jack grinned, coming over and scooping you up in a hug as soon as you were in the doorway. You hugged him back with a laugh. You’d missed him, and the rest of the boys, since it’d been a while since you’d all gone out together.
The rest of the afternoon consisted of catching up, grabbing a quick nandos and setting up everything for the video.
“So what’re we filming today?”
“I wanna do another tinder message video, but I need someone to go through and react to them. Kinda like what Joe and Zoe did, but you give me advice on how to pick up girls as well. And seeing that you’re one of the few females I know that I haven’t actually met on tinder, I wanted you to do it.”
“Oh hell yes, let’s go,” you grinned, already excited. Jack was probably who you were closest with out of all the other boys, so you were excited to finally get a chance to be nosy.
It didn’t take long for the video to get rolling, and you were loving every second of it. It was as if the camera wasn’t there, and you were just helping your mate out, and embarrassing him at any chance you got. You gave him some legitimate advice, talking about all the good things that Joe did as a boyfriend, and how it made your relationship so fun and easy. Filming went smoothly, and you kept him company whilst he edited. He only had one request before you left. 
“I need a thumbnail, and I was thinking about doing one with a lipstick mark on my cheek. Will you do the honors?” He teased. You rolled your eyes, but dug through your bag until you found a nice red shade. You applied it, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and being sure to leave a mark. You both posed for the picture, taking a few different options.
“Thanks love. I’ll see you later!” He gave you a hug goodbye and you went on your way. 
The flat smelt of Mexican food when you returned, and Joe’s favorite playlist was playing quietly through the speakers. You rounded the corner to find him cooking away behind the island, chicken sizzling in the pan, plates set out with some rice and tortillas ready.
“Hi. Making tacos?” you smiled, coming over to give him a quick greeting kiss. He returned it, but it was quite short. Usually, he pulled you closer, happy to have you home. This was different.
“Hi. You never texted me,” he said, ignoring your question and turning his attention back to the stovetop. Something was definitely up.
“You were supposed to text me when you got to Jack’s, but you never did.”
“Oh shit, I completely forgot. I’m sorry love, I must have gotten distracted,” you frowned, trying to read his expression as he scooped the chicken onto the plates, sliding yours towards you. 
“Distracted,” he scoffed. You caught his arm, a bit peeved at his attitude.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong.” He took his plate and walked around you, sitting down at his normal place in the kitchen, his laptop in front of him. 
“Obviously something is wrong Joe, I’m not stupid. Talk to me,” you said, going to sit beside him. He was quiet again, and he pulled up youtube, scrolling through his sub box. You glanced over, seeing what was new. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to catch up on videos during dinner. 
Jack’s new video popped up in the corner, the thumbnail of the two of you with the caption “finding love with y/n” across the bottom.
Joe slammed his laptop shut so quickly you jumped, and the force of it sent the water in your glasses wobbling on the counter.
“Joe!” You called, but he was already off, storming towards your all’s room. You jumped up to follow him, catching the door right before it closed. You knew what was about to happen, and you mentally prepared for it. 
Joe always had a bit of a temper, and it was brought on most strongly by jealousy. The pieces fell into place almost simultaneously. You looked at him, watching as he pulled his hair through his fingers and paced back and forth.
“Joe, I know why you’re upset,” you started, your voice low and calm.
“Do you, Y/N?! Do you really? Well please, enlighten me!” He turned to you then, and you knew this was going to be a bad one. 
“Don’t Joe me, Y/N, you don’t get it. I was excited to have a day in with my girlfriend, and you go running off to my best mate’s house. Then you get there, and you’re so caught up, you don’t even think to text your boyfriend? Then, I see that you filmed that video. How am I supposed to react? Huh?!” He was almost yelling now, but trying to hold back. He knew how much you hated when he yelled, and even at his most angry, he didn’t want to upset you.
“Jack and I are just friends, you know that.” You defended yourself.
“Yeah? And I suppose he’s the one who asked you to leave that kiss on his cheek, right? Jack can be a right git sometimes, and you don’t see it. He fancies you Y/N!” 
“He does not Joseph!”
“Oh really? Last week, at the clubs while we were all out, I got to listen to all my mates talk about how hot you are, and how you’re definitely the most attractive girlfriend any of us have ever had. Jack was the head of that discussion, a bit too comfortable with it if you ask me. Just cause you can’t see it doesn’t mean that it’s not there, Y/N.”
You took a deep breath before turning around and going back to the kitchen, grabbing Joe’s laptop. You brought it back into the room, pulling up Jack’s video.
“Sit,” you said.
“Y/N, making me watc-“ he began to protest.
“I said sit. You can continue being irrational after you watch.”
He rolled his eyes but sat on the side of the bed. You sat beside him, pressing play. A few bloopers played from the beginning of filming, followed by his channel intro. Then, the video began.
“What’s goin on everybody, hello, it’s me, it’s Jack, welcome back to my channel. Now, as you guys can see, I’m joined by a very special guest for today’s video. You all probably know her as Joe Sugg’s girl, Y/N. Now, obviously Joe is one of my best mates, and this girl over here seems to make him very happy, and when we all hang out, those two remind me that I am very very single. So, I figured, what way better to find love, than to take advice from someone who has obviously found it. Which is why today, I’m giving Y/N full reign over my Tinder, and she’s going to give me advice on how to pick up a girl. And I am actually terrified.”
You reached over, pressing pause. Joe was very quiet, and you can tell he recognized his mistake. You let him sit for a moment until he turned to you with apologetic eyes.
“Better?” You asked quietly, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He sighs, leaning into you. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured into your skin. You pulled him closer, running your hands through his hair. It wasn’t often that he blew up like he did, but he was always sure to apologize after. It wasn’t like you didn’t do the same sometimes, so you had no qualms in forgiving him.
“It’s alright love, just tell me next time you’re upset instead of playing it off, yeah? And hopefully next time you aren’t worried about me and Jack of all people,” you teased, pulling him in for a kiss. His hands found your hips, holding on tightly. In one swift movement you swung yourself around so that you were sitting on his lap. His arms wrapped around to the small of your back, pressing you to him as tightly as he could.
His head fell to the crook of your neck and you smiled again.
“I really am sorry,” he grumbled, embarrassed by his outburst. 
“And I really do forgive you. Being jealous means you care Joe, it’s not a bad thing. I mean, it makes sense, Jack’s just so attractive, who wouldn’t fall in love with him at first sight?” You winked as Joe scowled at your words. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his chin, pestering his whole face with tiny kisses. He scrunched up his nose as the assault, but you continued before reaching his lips and leaving a lingering kiss there. You pulled back just slightly, and he leaned forward, not ready to let go. You both smiled.
“And I can tell you right now, no one is ever going to get one of those kisses from me other than you. So you can quit your worrying, Sugg. It’ll make you go gray.”
“Then I’m probably the luckiest lad in the world,” he grinned, kissing you one more time before picking you up and carrying you back towards the kitchen, because he worked ‘bloody hard’ on those tacos, and they weren’t about to go to waste.
feedback is always appreciated :’) love you guys!
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ytsthepodcast · 4 years
Going Beyond Face Value (#26)
 In this episode, Larry and I go into the essential character of a relationship between facts, theories, and conspiracies. What differentiates our understanding of politics and why does it even matter. The truth is what I want to know and why aren't we hearing about it. That means looking at every avenue of ideas and considering all possibilities. Acknowledging that we are all raised within an identical society-under law, conditioned to follow in the suite to a higher power.
 Now here is where problems start to rise, when we're unable to grasp who's authentic, also misinterpretation about misrepresented information. Which leads to accepting the truth. Its a back-and-forth debate over how we should interpret what's being presented to us as factual when we have no clue if there's an agenda behind what's presented. Even if we compare the different contexts and how the different contexts influence our interpretations- always leads into ambiguity, biased because no matter how it's interpreted there will always be a flaw-In all cases, there's always agenda behind the presented argument.   
 Political thought contains interchangeable concepts, defining this universal reasoning that's plastic within our mechanical mechanism.
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Greg Favazza
Used Cars (1980)-IMDb
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The difference between motivation and manipulation (The intent)
Our value proposition and how our delivery matters.
Try to picture how the outcome of a conversation between a healer, surgeon, doctor, and chiropractor. I wonder how that would play out. 
What makes a leader?
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  You just never know how the day's going to turn out. Exactly. And that's why it's important to make sure you get that foundation because. I feel like once I have that in the morning, I can just face anything. Exactly, And without it the day, even if the day goes really well, it still seems a little out of order because for that morning ritual that morning habit, whatever we do, it's. [00:10:32] It's important. It is. And I'm trying to get the lady that I just started seeing the get on one of those. I think her life will be a lot less hectic. Absolutely. That's very true. I understand. And relate to that perfectly. Yes. What else has been going on this last week or so? Other than that. I [00:11:00] just, I had a lot of interviews actually. [00:11:03] I interviewed, somebody in Tokyo, Japan, I had one in Canada. However, she had to cancel and re Oh my God. I'm having a lot of these tongue twisters or these blank moments. Yeah. Reschedule. [00:11:25] And, so then there's that, then I have another one today, which of course with this guy, Jimmy Rex, you John entrepreneur guy. He also rescheduled on me and where's he out of? he is out of, I want to say, Los Angeles, huge. author slash entrepreneur and I just reached out to him, just winged it and he's sure, we can do that. [00:11:52] So rescheduling, have you ever, followed in your cat Lynn's stuff? [00:12:00] And Flint. Flint. Yeah. Pat Glenn. Yes. Yes. Smart, passive income. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Interesting guys got a lot of, a lot of really good tips, hints, for entrepreneurs as well as people in general. Yeah. I followed him for quite a while when I don't like about his information. [00:12:28] It's. It's so damn good that it keeps you wanting more. And then that's where the free stuff is over with and you gotta start forking money out. Exactly. Exactly. He delivers a lot of. Real value-packed, free stuff, if you will, but it's, it's, like the heroin dealer on the corner. He gives you that first fix free. [00:12:54] Cause he knows you'll be back and then yeah. Gotcha. Yeah. That's exactly right in a [00:13:00] positive way. Not, but a lot of the really good, people that deliver information. Operate on, on that same, model, because one, it works too. It's, a great marketing tool, not only for them, but you can transfer that virtually to any type of business or service, provide value at no cost. [00:13:29] And then people will naturally come to you because they look at you as a resource. once you're a resource and that person feels. Hey, that guy understands me and I feel comfortable with him. You probably have a client or customer for life unless you screw it up like 18 PS and spectrums and the large communication companies in the world, the large [00:14:00] insurance companies of the world. [00:14:00] I think they play Libby take liberties with their longterm existence. Customers. And that's my opinion for today. One of them now that's, it's interesting. I don't understand it though. As far as marketing and how to real people in. Cause I feel like it's almost manipulative in a way, but I know it's, something I need to adjust because I put a fine line between my character as far as. [00:14:32] Doing the right things. It's I took it to heart as far as following orders in away. And now I'm starting to see the gray areas and where it's acceptable and where it's not acceptable. What do you think? what do you think the difference is between manipulation and motivation? Motivation will be to inspire and motivate somebody [00:15:00] because it's for their own good. [00:15:03] They're just, they don't see it because it's, bigger than them. And you can see it because you have more experience or more knowledge and manipulation. that's. I think a monster in itself, but that's just to take advantage of them for your own benefit. Interesting. in, I think whenever I hear the word manipulate, I think of some sort of negative connotation, but sometimes when you really look at, the difference between motivating and manipulate it's to a fine line. [00:15:44] It's a fine line. Some of the motivational techniques aren't far off of manipulative [00:15:56] ways. We try to persuade people. [00:16:00] I think, but you hit it the most important part. I think you hit on the head in that motivation is for the benefit of the other person. Whereas for, the best of the other person, whereas manipulation may or may not take into consideration that other person or the other party or the other entity more selfish. [00:16:26] I want to get this person to do that for me because of my interests. Wait, are you saying, wait, what if it's the exact same thing, but it's just a perspective and how you look at it. what we talked about last time. It just depends. people, tend to feel that, and this is a generalization, but I believe, people tend to feel old school salespeople. [00:16:58] Picture of the used [00:17:00] car salesman with the big plaid sport coat and a white patent leather belt and shoes to match, or the big cigar in his mouth and a gold chain around his neck and backslap, and then, Hey, come on, okay. People tend to when you get that negative connotation of a salesperson and you might think manipulation versus. [00:17:23] Really professional salesperson that kind of asked a lot of questions, does a whole bunch more asking than telling. And then once he really finds out what your pain is, where your needs are if he's got the product or service to solve them. He'll propose those to you. And if everything went really well, you as the customer or the potential client will ask him, Oh, that's really cool. [00:17:54] What's the next step? How do I get that? What do I do now versus the [00:18:00] old school manipulation techniques were, these people were trained and here are the five best closes, and they spend a little time getting to know the person but spend an immense amount of time trying to close it, the person versus. [00:18:17] My little triangle works like that. And here at the base, the great big, broad base is you ask a bunch of questions. You get to know that other person, what are they need and how, what I offer fits into what motivates them, what helps them attain their goal. And then, that pyramid gets really small. [00:18:39] So when you get to the top, instead of worrying about closing you as the offer of services, don't have to close because. The person says, yeah, what do we do now? And I want him, I want, that. That's what I want. How cool is that? But then if we will look into the type of mindset that a car [00:19:00] salesman would have, a lot of them are working off commission. [00:19:03] So I think that's our ideal goal is to close the deal. I can see that. I just, I can't really see and wanting to help anybody but themselves, but that's, coming from me. Cause I grew up with a father who was a car salesman for over 20 years. yeah. And what I'm saying is even when, and I use a car salesman because very, almost everybody can relate to that picture. [00:19:32] I'm an old, funny movie is used cars. And, it's all built around this, generalization, the guy described because so many people can relate to them, whether it's on the car lot, or whether it's a door to door, high pressure, one call salesperson, so on and so forth. But professional salespeople are in every industry, [00:20:00] everything from, and this may shock some people, doctors, lawyers, Accountants engineers, all these people have to sell to get business, ultimately your marketing. [00:20:15] And then when you meet them because of effective marketing, whatever that marketing maybe, even if it's only the best marketing, which is word of mouth. Yeah. Susie said you designed their addition on their house and they really want it to be okay. That's that marketing that positioned the architect. [00:20:35] To get this potential client in front of them. And then he asked him a bunch of questions. He got to know them, or she got to know them and then built his or her presentation around their needs. So it's still if somebody [00:21:00] tells you they don't sell their line, Everybody is selling every day. The guy at the bar with the clever pickup line to the attractive gal is selling her on come home with me tonight. [00:21:15] The doctor that says, Hey, the only way we can fix your back is, I got to fuse these two lower discs. Really cause the chiropractor would say, there's no surgery necessary. And he would sell you on coming into adjustments three times a week. And then the natural healer would tell you, need to come to my yoga studio. [00:21:39] And then I got these special herbs and teas everybody's and I'm not saying anybody is in it for themselves, but the surgeon has no other way to heal somebody than to slice them open and do whatever he's going to do. And in order for him to stay in business, as much as we might want to [00:22:00] think that he's not in it for the money. [00:22:03] if you look at his house and his country club dues and his Mercedes, in his $500 shoes. Yeah. He, money is part of the motivation for him. There's more hopefully esoteric stuff there, but I really believe, selling is just communicating. And in motivating and some of the higher pressure salespeople may manipulate. [00:22:30] If in fact, you want to look at manipulation in, a negative connotation. So it's just, it's interesting. I would love to see those three in a room. I think that'll be interesting to a healer, a doctor, and or surgeon. And a chiropractor. I think that'll be a really fun conversation and listened to, but also the surgeon, as far as wearing the $500 shoes, that could be his own definition of [00:23:00] success as far as his work ethic. [00:23:02] And then we backtrack on everybody that's selling themselves. I think we're talking about their value proposition as far as we may work for a company that may be our profession. But ideally, we tailored our being around this type of delivery where accountability is number one. So when we were to look at a playbook and we go down the stats and see, Oh, we know Greg is sometimes late to his interviews. [00:23:33] He's usually five minutes short, but however, he is a nerd, he is consistently refining. We can count on him for that. I think, and what I've found life happens. So it's okay to be late every now and then, Yes. life happens. So you can't ever be too hard on yourself. Oh yeah. [00:24:00] That's very. [00:24:01] Hard to even fathom right now. What is it about why we as people are our most severe critics? Because we overestimate what reality really is. We catastrophize in our head the worst possible outcome, and none of that happens in reality. It's so true. And then what we perceive our reality is our perceived reality. [00:24:36] I think everyone's reality is their perception of this moment, of this situation. and many times their preconceived perception or notion is what causes procrastination or causes, whatever. Is causing them to face whatever the situation is. [00:25:02] [00:25:00] knowing you're not a news junkie, there was an interesting piece of news yesterday that go on the, almost for sure. Democrat nominee for president of the United States, Joe Biden announced his vice-presidential running mate. and that is Kamala Harris. Are you familiar with her at all? Neither would let's first, before we go any further, what, how do we, how do you feel about Joe Biden one? [00:25:46] And is he somebody. That's inlined with the type of character we were looking at last year or not last year. Last episode with, [00:26:00] John Lewis. [00:26:03] Yeah. I would say he's much more in line with John Lewis, then 45 is. Biden. It has served the country for 50 years, 45, 50 years in one capacity or the other, he, my thought on Biden. [00:26:29] Okay. To be real, to be really open and honest during the primaries. Before it was pretty much him. His vice-presidential Harris was my pick for the presidential candidate, even though it would be a real long shot for her as presidential candidate to win the presidency with Biden. As what I believe will be the [00:27:00] nominee for the Democrats. [00:27:05] Biden before he named his running mate offers the country and the country. Cause that's all it gets to vote on him. a very, direct change from what we have now. From chaos and narcism and no values and I'm in it for my own. Good. My own benefit in screwed the rest of you to somebody that has some humility, admits mistakes, is a leader, has leadership qualities. [00:27:55] has, has ethics [00:28:00] puts a few things before him or at least even with him, and, he knows his way around the international political realm also. so I'm happy with his knee as a person. I'm happy with his choice Harris. Harris has an incredible history. In the time she served the government. [00:28:31] She's an Indian black Senator of California. Prior to that, she was the first-ever female and black attorney general of the state of California, which. the trivia fact is that's the largest department of justice. She ran outside of the federal [00:29:00] department of justice. that's such a huge department of justice. [00:29:08] The only thing that tops it is the federal department of justice. No other state comes close to what she was in charge of. Oh, and she's very astute. If you watch, I know you probably didn't, but any of the hearings that she's participated in as a Senator, there's only, a couple of female senators, a few female senators, and she's, there's only, I think been one other black woman, female Senator in the country's history. [00:29:42] So there's, a lot of history being made right now, B because of his choice. And I think together, they offer a really strong team. And if Biden wins the election, if, [00:30:00] because of his age, that when the second term rolls around, Depending on his physical situation. If he were to step down, it would be easy for him to step down and hand the key to Harris. [00:30:16] And depending on what happened during those four years, she could very easily then become the first female. Okay. To be president of this country. What, for whatever. I think that's cool. is it important? I suppose from the standpoint that yeah, even you, the young lady can be president of the United States, even though some people now don't aspire to that because of what's happened in the last four years, opine, it's interesting that see, there's, a lot of things that are running through my head [00:31:00] is we have. [00:31:02] An upcoming election with a new individual and as any person would look in, say a dating world, you pattern recognize from previous experience experiences not to run into our date. Somebody that was a huge pain in the ass in your past. Now we have so much trauma in our heads that we have to. Really just dig into this individual who might seem like they have a hundred percent positive intentions. [00:31:41] And I think that's, I don't know. I don't, know what's going to happen with the outcome of that. And it does make sense as far as with he's choosing. I don't remember her name [00:32:00] to be his running mate. That is, that looks good. I said, but it just, seems to, it just seems like it's too good in a way, as far as what we have to that it's's like the ideal image of what America would want. [00:32:25] I agree with you. and I think there's a lot of people that are ready for that. When you look at the way the world looks now versus the way it did three and a half years ago, it looks a lot different in, many respects. One of the things here in our country that we've seen. w without trying to put a judgment on it and trying to stay as objective as I can, we've seen a lot of chaos, more chaos than ever. [00:32:58] And if you ask the [00:33:00] Democrats, they'll tell you it's the cause of the Republicans and Trump. And if you ask Trump in his. Followers, he, and they will tell you it's all because of the Democrats. and, that's part of the chaos is this crazy divided nation that we're in. And I don't really believe we've been this divided since the civil war, the division is deep. [00:33:28] It's hate kind of division. It's not. where two people can sit down and talk about their different opinions and why they support this person versus that person. It used to be, you could have those kinds of discussions. Nowadays, people lose friends and stop talking and seeing relatives because of, where they are on this, fulcrum, cause it's the crazy Seesaw thing. [00:34:01] [00:34:00] It just seems like it would be really nice to have some integrity and honesty and leadership, as honest as politicians can be, recognizing that there's a whole bunch of lying going on in politics. I get that, but not everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. not everything that goes wrong is. [00:34:29] Because of the other team, not everything that goes right is because of me, my administration, I did this, this is the greatest economy in the world, no one would have foreseen it and just makeup stuff. 45 said I think it was last week. It might've been the week before. So if I've repeated this, it's just because it's so awesome. [00:34:57] Not in a good way, but [00:35:00] he was on the tarmac of the Cleveland or Cincinnati airport and was talking about Biden and how he's going to hurt this country. If Biden's elected, he will hurt the country. He will hurt the Bible and he will hurt God. he said those three things, the president of the United States. [00:35:23] Said that a potential candidate, because technically Biden's not even the candidate, but a potential candidate for the United States presidency will hurt God. Yeah. Whether you believe in God or not historically God's omnipotent. you'll talk to some people who will tell you, there's nobody more powerful than God yet Biden can hurt God. [00:35:51] Wow. I gotta tell ya if he's that powerful. Maybe we need him to calm everything down, and then [00:36:00] we'll deal with God later. I don't know. That's interesting. Are we looking at a shift in the type of presidential character? Like I believe with Obama, he is a peacekeeper. And then when we've had that, now we need somebody who's. [00:36:19] More towards war than now. Are we rolling? Rotating back down to peace. And then we look at the division between the Democrats and the Republicans and how much there's so much hate pointing at one another, but nobody's willing to take ownership and their own faults. To me, it just, I'm just, looking at this from a third person, as far as they're projecting their own past. [00:36:48] Failure's on to them as they are the reason, but it's just like history repeats itself. fuck. Yeah. cause we're we have this old school mindset. this is the industrial [00:37:00] mindset that we still have yet to adopt. And now we have AI happening. We have so much going on just a mass amount of knowledge yet. [00:37:10] Why are we still doing these primitive little. Just Pat. It just, makes me angry. It's just what are we doing? It's a waste of time. And not only is it a waste of time, especially when you take into consideration AI artificial intelligence is, really making so many decisions for politicians. the way they run their campaign is based so much. [00:37:40] If you run a good campaign, you're going to have a lot of data that you mind by way of algorithms. it's AI making all these huge decisions that people go around like this like it's not, but AI is getting more and more, [00:38:00] Into a situation where the amount of control it has is phenomenal. [00:38:08] And, I'm not, there's no judgment there, to a large extent based on the algorithms, of course, but AI doesn't lie. AI doesn't have, have to deal with scandals. and so there's a whole bunch of advantages to AI. but I think used in con right now where we are technologically AI combined with the human mind in human emotions can be pretty powerful. [00:38:42] Use powerfully use power. It's powerful, both, for the good of people or anything. That's powerful. It can be used. in a negative connotation for control and anarchy and so on [00:39:00] and so forth or for the good of people, the good common cause, which I think we need. I think the world's continuing to miss a lot, that it's a little esoteric, but I'm a leftover hippie. [00:39:15] And I firmly believe that what the on Warwick saying about. 40 50 years ago, what the world needs now is love. Sweet love. yeah, but with the AI, as far as that being good or bad, I want to know is who's actually programming it. What type of character an individual is. Yeah. What did they build into these algorithms from which AI will continue to get smarter and smarter No, that's interesting. even with the [00:40:00] scientific method on just proposing a hypothesis, it's still not even free of that bias. [00:40:07] Not even free of. Just leaning on what the individual's testing towards their favor, rather than against their favor. There's always something that's going to impact the end result. And I still feel like it's going to be the same thing every time unless there is a drastic change in something huge. and see that's where this old guy sees a huge benefit. [00:40:38] To AI in that, regardless of the bias, that was part of any, and all of the algorithms that were built for the AI as AI continues to advance and it's consuming all the data that's available because [00:41:00] AI, at some point will be able to consume. Every bit of data, it won't need new algorithms because the algorithms that it was given as part of this AI works like our mind, except on a scale that we can't begin to understand how, it can gather all this information and make unemotional decisions, make decisions based on the math, the zeros and ones. [00:41:33] No. so, I think from that standpoint, it won't take stuff into consideration that human emotion takes into consideration. if I make the decision to do this, how will I look in the eyes of those people? AI, I don't think AI can, maybe, I don't think he considers that. It says, based on this information, it's [00:42:00] B. [00:42:01] You know next. so it's interesting. It's we live in a world that's, it's extremely interesting. And I, think to a large extent, we're at a very interesting point, for, certainly for the country and for the world, what's going to happen in this election, for the country and the world is pretty damn important regardless of the outcome. [00:42:31] Oh, it's frightening. How much towing is going on relative to the election and the procedures and the election and the setups coming into the election. As far as methodology, mailing ballots, no mail-in ballots, one side says, Hey, The [00:43:00] election's rigged. It's terrible. It's just going to be rigged. [00:43:03] the Democrats are doing all are going to have all this fraud and Malin. Do you think that's gonna impact the people actually wanting to vote versus not? not necessarily the impact comes from when the results are presented to the. To the world, depending on who wins. the 45 is apt to say if he's not victorious, I told you it was rigged. [00:43:40] And so we're going to redo the election. That's what we're going to do. We're it. I have the power to shy. Am I the most powerful guy here, regardless of what the constitution says, regardless of this coat, these three code branches, I think we need to have another election because this is all fucked up. [00:43:59] We can't [00:44:00] even try to recount, we don't know what's fraud and what's not, and I'm not leaving office. What are you going to do about it? the Supreme court comes and says, you have to leave office. Or, and he's got a couple of high level military people that choose to side with him and, they secure the white house. [00:44:25] And yeah, he's our president. Who's, hadn't been a new election and he said that this selection wasn't valid, he's our leader. So I'm going to follow, there, comes into that play that, something we talked about from the beginning, and that's, ethical in value standards that military, I gotta report to the commander, gotta follow his wishes. [00:44:49] What point do you say, dude? Mutiny on this ship. You don't have a clue as to how to get, us out of this hurricane, the ship's going down, [00:45:00] we're taken over theoretically, That would see that play out. Cause I have a weird outlook on life. I always, I want to say catastrophize, but just analyze possibilities of what-if scenarios and. [00:45:20] Just the paint, the picture you painted for me, that is a possibility because from how my understanding on how he made office, it's like he had friends over in Russia or he, I feel like there was something with the relationship with that country that helped impact. His success as far as he was saying, Oh, I'm for them, I'm against them. [00:45:50] I'm not talking to them. I don't know if you're familiar with that. If you can shed some light on that. Are you talking about all the Russia, Russian interference, and his [00:46:00] relationship with Putin and yes. Yeah. first of all, to, just do a little positioning, recognize that before he was president before he was elected president, I think, before he ever publicly decided he was going to seek that office, Putin spent a lot of time together because the two of them together wanted to put a Trump Tower in Moscow. [00:46:34] Interesting. Yeah. And that's pretty well established. In a fact, they had conversations about a Trump tower, a luxurious Trump tower in Moscow. That's one of the reasons I believe, and this is opined. okay. I believe that, The United States. [00:47:00] Congress is so curious to get a full financial trail of Trump and all his organizations to see if there are any financial ties to Russia and, or the powerful Russian people leaders. To what degree does this influence decisions that. 45 has made and will continue to make, because all of the, excuse me, the 17, intelligence agencies here in the United States, way back when all agreed. [00:47:37] There was no question in their mind. That there was interference from, Russia. To what degree you can say this vote was because of their interference. Nobody can prove that, but when all 17 of our intelligence agencies agree on one fact to say that they're all corrupt, there might be a [00:48:00] handful of corrupt ones. [00:48:01] there's corruption all over at the highest levels of our government. We've seen corruption as we've never seen before. From a guy that was going to clean the swamp out. Yeah. What is your definition of corruption? it could come back to manipulation almost really when you stop and think about what's cropped. [00:48:27] corrupt is when. You are a leader of a country and you're supposed to be making decisions one within the constraints of the law, the constitution, and you go outside the constitution, because, your daughter is trying to get patents with China. that's corrupt. I think when you have other heads of state from other foreign countries, stay at your hotel. [00:49:00] [00:49:00] In Washington, DC when they visit, I think that's pretty fucking corrupt. I think when you go and play golf at one of yours. Country clubs and it costs, I don't know how many tens of millions of dollars to take your entourage. Cause you got to have your security detail. You gotta have your fucking, motor escort. [00:49:23] You can't rent from, enterprise and get a Cadillac. You need that great, big, heavy Bulletproof piece of shit, and all that, any need 83 security service guys serve secret service guys, and. When he became president, I think it's corrupt that the dues to your country, to the country club, that he hangs out, that he owns the dues, doubled the day after he was president. [00:49:51] Cause you want to hang with me, you gotta pay dude, and his, big deal, the way he's handled [00:50:00] COVID there's is there any fact to this? I don't know. Probably not, but I can draw. Lines and inferences. He doesn't like the economy shut down. Not because of what's happening to the working guy, the common guy, because nobody's traveling is fucking Trump towers, his moral Lago, his all his shit. [00:50:23] Nobody's going to cause nobody to travel. You want people that are traveling are politicians and people that absolutely fucking have to get on a commercial airline, Some of that is real corruption. it's when you're doing something for, to, advance your personal goals at the expense of others and, or it's absolutely unlawful. [00:50:53] you can find a law that says, no, you can't do this. And. [00:51:00] Be in this position, whether it's a business guy taking payola under the table, or it's the president of the United States taking income from his properties because his position in the office gives him the ability to have foreign dignitaries. [00:51:20] Yeah. You just stay around the corner here at my hotel. We'll take care of you there. No. that's pretty fucking corrupt, I think, but I'm just before he was running for president at like even announced, I think I have seen this, I was like on the Simpsons as far as they just show like him running. I don't know what year this was but just projected him going. [00:51:51] Up as president. And that was like maybe 10, 15, 20 years ago. It's been a while since I've seen the symptoms and it's like, where do they [00:52:00] get that information from? is that just a coincidence? Because at the time he was just a bizarre character. So they like who is the most outrageous individual we can play as running for president on this episode. [00:52:14] And they choose him well, way, back with him and. 15 years, 10, 15 years, certainly more than 10 years. he had interviews with many talk show hosts and radio show hosts, and, they would, and I don't know why they would ask a business guy in a pretty non-successful business guy. [00:52:41] when you figure he's taken six of his companies, all of which are basically one main corporation, bankrupt, I, I don't know how successful it is. but, and he'll tell you, he has nothing to do with success. He was playing the system. The laws are set up for [00:53:00] me to fuck people, and it's not the big wealthy banks that he fucks when he goes bankrupt. [00:53:06] But it's a little contractor that, painted the inside of the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City that presented him with the invoice. When he said, no, I'm not going to pay you. I don't have any money. And then that puts a lane on his, his, what did he be? His LLC or, just him in general. And over time, if it doesn't get paid off, they don't really get their money. [00:53:31] They never do because again, the LLCs or corporations or trust, whoever ultimately is, the entity that has it. There are no assets, there's no money. and another judgment, he doesn't give a shit. He's probably the most, this guy is probably leading a gate litigated more stuff than, anybody ever. [00:53:55] he still has hundreds, if not thousands of [00:54:00] currently filed lawsuits against him for the fraud, he committed relative to his university. Those are still pending and he can play with those people forever. Cause he keeps paying as attorneys. just keep it in court a little bit longer, it doesn't go away because they don't have the financial resources that he has. [00:54:21] And that's the other thing. Valarie says he's done a successful businessman and I know intuitively that he doesn't have near the wealth. He tries telling you he has, if he did, he'd show you his fucking tax return. There's no reason for them not to show his tax return unless he's fucking hiding something. [00:54:42] He tells you he's one of the richest guys in the world. Okay. Show me all the rich guys, show me where I can go find their shit. the only thing that makes you rich is you had this big foundation that you stole money out of. And the state of New York made you shut down your [00:55:00] charitable foundation because your family was living out of it. [00:55:05] God it's like, where does it stop now? Is all this true? supporters will tell you no, it's just shit made up from the other side. No, it isn't, I don't know, show us your fucking tax return and prove it, innocent people will prove their innocence after some period of time. [00:55:29] Yes. And it's a really easy way for him. The easiest thing in the world for him right now, if all this bullshit that the Democrats and the liberals are making up about him and how he corrupts the country and all these business interests that could be convoluted. Show us your fucking taxes. There's not a president in our history in contemporary history. [00:55:52] It has not shown us our taxes. You promise Mr. President, God, that sounds terrible. I didn't him. [00:56:00] 45. You promised you were going to show your taxes after you were elected. Oh, but you're being audited. IRS doesn't care who you show your taxes to, whether you're being audited or not. You can show your taxes anytime you want. [00:56:15] Show them. Prove it let these fucking accountants go through. Probably his return probably is this thick, he's got I dunno, 63 different entities, and all this shit, but let these accounts plow through all that shit. And then tell the American public, know this guy's clean as a whistle, his fear. [00:56:39] And I agree with this. If you put some investigators on mulling over paperwork, they're going to find shit wrong. we all have done stuff wrong, so he's, I'm afraid they're going to, find something wrong. Of course, they're going to find in with him, they're going to find a lot of shit wrong. [00:56:59] Cause [00:57:00] he did it on purpose. it wasn't an additional, a mathematical error, But I think having a complete financial picture of the guy could show the country, show the world financially, why he does some of what he does. Decision-making as a leader of the free world. And it'll be interesting. [00:57:27] Then to caveat when you were saying, we could also see where the corruption is actually taking place. As far as it he's done certain things that certain departments should have covered. That is where we can start backtracking and start eliminating the corruption from the ass, end out the mouth. Exactly. [00:57:52] And that picture I just described. And in that picture that you just described, that the scary thing is [00:58:00] where does the corruption end and how do you end corruption? Because a lot of the people that would otherwise have responsibility for ending corruption and going after the corrupt, they are indeed part of the corruption. [00:58:17] And so it's that, it's a circle and it's a tough circle. If anybody heard the interview between 11 on, Fox Life, Liberty and Levin when he interviewed attorney general William Barr earlier this week, most frightening interview I've ever heard. William Barr truly, I believe, truly believes that he is 40 fives, personal attorney. [00:58:53] And his job is not to head up the department of justice of the United States of America. His [00:59:00] job is to make sure that 45 is reelected and that he can offer him as much protection as possible. And if you listen to this interview, if you never heard any news ever about Trump and bar and the Mueller report and Russia, and. [00:59:20] What's going on with Senate hearings, congressional hearings, and just listened to this one interview. And it was Fox interviewing him. this guy is scary. He and Trump together. If they have one corrupt high level, military guy can take over, this is conspiratorial. I know that, but it's, that frightening. [00:59:47] W when you see those levels of, governmental officials, all line for each other. at some point in time, Nixon's closest [01:00:00] advisors said, dude, we got you, they got you, your cookie hands in the jar, your hands in the cookie jar. You got to come clean and Nixon looked at everything and said, yeah, you're fucking right. [01:00:17] My best stance is to resign. And hopefully, forward my vice president who will now be president will pardon me, which he did. And he deserved it. the man was he, was punished enough. I really believe, that term you use conspiracy Tutorial. Do you feel like that term has, is a bad taste in people's mouths when we're really trying to analyze different avenues of how this could play out? [01:00:55] When we start, I just feel like when that term gets thrown out there, people. [01:01:00] Just dismiss it automatically because it's associated with things that happen in the past or are projected into the future that is least likely to happen. But I don't understand why nobody wants to even consider that as a possibility. [01:01:19] Yeah. And that's, I will tell you, Not terribly long ago. in the last five or six years ago, I looked at conspiracy ideas and theories and thought, Oh, those guys are off their fucking rocker. And then I realized, fuck, we all have conspiracy theories because all of our theories, if they don't go with the mainstream, Are conspiratorial, aren't they? [01:01:51] if you walk down this way, but everybody else is going this way and I tell why you shouldn't be going that way, because based on my thoughts, [01:02:00] it's a conspiracy. when you look at our country today, it's so divided that almost everyone is conspiratorial. To one extent or the other, you got the people on the right side of the aisle. [01:02:17] just making up bullshit. And the people on the left side of the aisle are making her bullshit every now and then each side grabs a fact and distorts it hardly any, but most of the time, all the facts are distorted quite a bit. Cause they want to be manipulative or motivate us to get out and vote. [01:02:39] They come back to the beginning of our conversation and it's really key. that's why I asked that question. When you mentioned those two words, manipulation in motivation, manipulate, motivate. We see so much of both of those going on, [01:03:00] regardless of how you perceive it. And it comes back to, I believe in my conspiratorial theory, another yet another one media, because most of the information we consume is presented to us by media, by social media, by the major. [01:03:25] News outlets by all the talk shows all of this media. And we have so much of the media to consume. It's not like when I was growing up. we had three television shows, no rotary dial telephone. Okay. She knows where the no, in, a radio for one time, just with am stations and FM stations, but. Hey, now it's so easy to come up with a conspiratorial idea and then build a whole story around it. [01:04:00] [01:04:00] Show a video, that you've Photoshop pictures or Photoshop and who the fuck knows what's real today. Yes. it's fine. Me. I got a friend that continually sends me messages and half of them. And I don't tell them, this is, all made up. you can even see the phone, the bad Photoshop job in it. [01:04:26] And here's the fact, and I, and who am I to say that just the fact just based on where I found that is that factual info. I don't know. Where do you find the facts? That's frightened. So what are the real facts, pictures that are being displayed to you and they are somehow made up and not an authentic one? [01:04:53] I don't understand why people are going to that trouble to try to relay the information, to get the point across. [01:05:00] it should either make sense or not make sense. And then when, if we were to zoom back out and look at. With the crowd of people you're referring to going one way and another guy to go in this way. [01:05:13] I think those people that are going their own way have a higher level of thinking rather than following suit into the direction that they were told to go to based on what is being portrayed by the media. Because I am aware of the term portering as far as with framing. A certain message to get across, to make things look catastrophic, or to make things look consistent in society. [01:05:43] As far as there's so much, there's so much Trump, there's so much trauma happening on a daily basis. Come on, tune into channel 11, Fox two. They would just want to get viewers and that's disgusting. Cause if we really zoom out even higher and look at the person who's in charge [01:06:00] of. The actual, what is it? [01:06:02] NBC like the place that's in charge of all the fucking radio, the social media in general, it's comes down to one person when there's two different sides of, the government Republic news and, democratic news. It's being ran by one person with a sign. Is he on that's? What? Just blows my mind. It's. It's frightening. [01:06:28] And when you look at the power of social media, [01:06:37] the power of social media has, and the ease with which it is with which one or an entity can post anything on social media recently that, some of the social media platforms have been taking down purely. Unfactual, posts [01:07:00] could have an adverse effect on, people that would believe that shit. [01:07:06] But to answer your question, why do they even do that? Do people post these pictures that are incorrect? I think part of it gets back to something we said earlier today in this division, everything's. Black or white. All of a sudden there's no grayer. Everything's binary. you're with me. You're with, you're not with me. [01:07:29] If you're not with me, you're against me. it, this is good or this is bad. There's that? it is good for them, but it might hurt this group, but this big group it'll, it's good for it's no, it's. I have to show you how wrong you are to think the way you are. Look at this picture. [01:07:49] Did I Photoshop look at this picture, it says right here, or look at here, I can pull it. these statistics as you well know [01:08:00] numbers, statistics reports for everyone that says blue, you can find one that says red. Yes, you can blame the doctor that says, yeah, there's hydrate high hydroxy chlorine coup the drug that, Trump is pushing. [01:08:20] I can't even pronounce it well for a while as a cure in a therapy for COVID. you got a whole bunch of doctors that say, no, it's, not, there's only five, placebo research papers that are written and said, there's no effect. And then there's 2,500 doctors will say, yeah, it works. but no, we haven't done it with a randomized placebo test, based on what we've seen with these two patients at work. [01:08:49] So we're just in this world of. How do you even find a fact? and I think each of us [01:09:00] has our sources for what we believe to be factual and near as unbiased as one can be today. there's biased everywhere. Whether it's NBC or Fox, whether it's OAN or CNN, whether it's MSNBC or, Foxy or newsy, there's bias in everything that we all do in everything we do every, day that we're alive. [01:09:35] There's we make decisions and do things based on our biases. And. The real trick is to, regardless of your, for example, political or religious bias, the real trick is to whatever your job is to go out and do your job with trying to keep your bias under control. [01:10:00] yeah, I'm an atheist, so I don't like people that are religious. [01:10:07] But as a cop, I can't go shoot people as they come out of church, just cause I don't like those people. I have to, the judges making these decisions in court, they have a bias. Of course they have a bias. but they have to make their decisions without bias, 12 jurors on a jury. Each one of them has a bias, but their instruction is you go in there. [01:10:34] You disregard everything you think, feel or believe don't pay attention to anything you hear or read about this case? Just the facts that are presented here in court, and you make your decision. Is this person guilty or innocent? That's fucking impossible. So that was back to [01:11:00] trust and trust value, honor ethics like a boy scout oath, all those things help the old lady across the street. [01:11:08] And that's what I think is really missing in society in general today, but certainly very high governmental levels throughout the government, both on the blue side and the red side, the Democrats and Republicans, you listen to both of them and you're pissed off at both of them. You are there, they're both acting, both sides are acting like a bunch of little fucking babies. [01:11:34] Yeah. they just all are like in grade school, kids don't act as poorly as, badly as irresponsibly as our politicians do. And I'd like to believe that Biden and Harris. might from a leadership standpoint, whether they win [01:12:00] or lose grab hold of the politicians on both sides and say, this is how you run a campaign. [01:12:08] This is how you lead a country, especially a country in the world it's in crisis. we've got a public health crisis of some sort going on, regardless of who you want to believe. There's some shit going on. We have an economic crisis going on, regardless of why it's going on, it's going on. And we have people in the United States of America that should not be starving, that should not be living on the streets. [01:12:35] We've got enough, wealth in this country between a handful of people, literally, but as a country, we have enough, wealth to fix it. So that. that doesn't happen. That the poverty we have here, not only just, not only an urban yeah. Plight, in the Appalachian area there's [01:13:00] poverty like you. [01:13:01] And I probably can't even imagine Jen, in our wildest dreams that today in the United States, people are living in Michigan. Yeah, Michigan. That's exactly where I was going with Flint for seven years. I think it's been about seven years since it was discovered in the media about the water supply up there. [01:13:22] People are still dependent on bottled water today that lives in Flint. Nobody's done anything about that river that you know, has got all that contamination in it as well, depending on bottled water. Yeah. And most of these people probably don't have jobs cause they're factory worker kind of people. I don't know. [01:13:47] It's interesting. I think with Louisiana, there's something in their water as well. What if I'm not mistaken, can't get up their nose. I believe there's like a parasite or something that can attack the rain or something. But if we [01:14:00] rewind, let's look at the social media as far as if it doesn't portray the political agenda. [01:14:08] Shit gets pulled down. Is that some sort of a control, I would say, as far as being like, if you don't post what's relevant on what we're talking about, we're going to take your outside information and pull it down because we don't want to confuse people on what is actually being presented. [01:14:30] Certainly has the opportunity. To happen that way. A good example though, where, I think you see this censorship taking place because it is a form of censorship. Yes. But I think media in general has a duty to call your attention to, misleading statements. A good example was semi-recently, [01:15:00] were, 45. [01:15:02] Has said repeatedly, but this was after his first white house briefing. Recently, I want to say in the last 10 days where he said that children are virtually immune from COVID factually, that's just incorrect science based on the science it's incorrect. And so Facebook or Twitter, it was Twitter took that. [01:15:30] Tweet down and, they'd give you the reason, bait in a point you somewhere, where you can find a fact. And again, who's got the facts, as I asked earlier, who do you look to as factual? I don't know. I don't know. But what I will tell you is for however long, the CDC, for example, has been around. [01:15:51] It was the authority here in the United States relative to contagious and infectious diseases. For, I don't know, [01:16:00] 40 years, 50 years, 80 years, I don't know, long it's been around. I don't know it's been around for a while. And there were some prestigious doctors that, have led that organization to keep widespread epidemics and pandemics from help from occurring and helping the world deal with epidemics that might happen in their country. [01:16:21] So when. That group of scientists, doctors who specialize in that shit say, no, that's not right. I'm going to accept them over fucking an orange fucking leader that told us to go drink Lysol and sit under ultraviolet lights as a way to not get COVID. given that choice, that ABB I'll take B, I go with the science. [01:16:49] I'm curious though, as far as, who owns Twitter? That's one quick. That's my first question. And why was it taken down when [01:17:00] 45 says this? Yes, it seems pretty bizarre, but the fact of somebody in such high power says this bizarre thing and it's automatically taken down. Now, my question is, there a connection between somebody who owns. [01:17:17] That platform two 45. Yeah. that's if you listen to the politicians on both sides. Yes. I believe Twitter is part of a publicly-traded company. So there are many, stockholders that ultimately the board of directors gets to pick and choose the CEO it, and one might say, Just like Bezos is against Trump. [01:17:48] So anything that comes from Amazon or the Washington Post or any of the shit he owns is tainted. As far as Trump supporters go, that's just not. So [01:18:00] bayzos has at the end of the day if you collapse his empire, He's not going to lose his $65 billion. And if he loses $64.9 billion, he's still a billionaire. [01:18:17] Yes. financially he has nothing really to gain. He's attained that level in Maslow's hierarchy that he's into self-actualization that's all. And like he and bill Gates. they're trying to improve the world. Now with this wealth, they built with these platforms they've built. Now they can use this AI to deliver clean water, too, third, world countries. [01:18:45] And they do they're there. They're trying to do good. Do good. Or it's how they're not out trying to build Amazon bigger. for the sake of building Amazon bigger. You can, I think it's actually number three in [01:19:00] the fortune 500, I believe three or four. I can't remember the number. And then with bill Gates, I do remember reading about that with him, helping out their world countries, as far as getting that first, self-sufficient a wa like huge ass system, whatever it just cycles. [01:19:22] The rainwater, and just literally cycled shit and piss fresh water. Let's just be black. Yeah. That's exactly what it does. So that's, really good stuff. And I just don't understand why we can't have that in the political area. It is. I think part of its leadership, during Bush, during Reagan during Bush, during Clinton Carter, the there was not this kind of, there was hanky [01:20:00] panky politics is hanky panky at the end of the day, but it wasn't everything being done for one guy. [01:20:09] And I really believe, and I know I harp on this, but [01:20:16] all. 45 is concerned about is his himself, his entities and how the world perceives him in, the world. Laughs at him, I truly see him as an embarrassment. God bless Joe Biden, but Biden makes plenty of fo pause in his speech. who's smarter. I don't know. I guess Biden. I guess a lot of five years old, five-year-olds are more responsible and smarter than 45. [01:20:52] They don't say shit as stupid as he does. he comes out and just says, bizarre shit, whatever I think is [01:21:00] rolling off. End of his tongue. He just says, even though he's got a script, even though advisors tell him, no, don't talk about, the Lysol anymore. It's really not instant fix anything I need to fuck you. [01:21:12] I'm going to say what I want. and he goes up and sights people, to, have these attitudes, that COVID is not real. I don't know if it's real or not, but there's a lot of fucking sick people that have something that the world is trying to deal with. I would love to go into that, but also let's, look at that. [01:21:35] if we were to put those two individuals Biden and 45 against fifth graders, I believe there's a show called, are you smarter than a fifth grader? Do you think the political figures would actually win? And also the other one is I understand what the, with an individual, it's not about what they [01:22:00] say. [01:22:00] It's about how they act under pressure is the real character. So when you tell me that. 45 wants to say this and just disregard the paperwork that's been given that shows who he really is. Cause everything that's coming out is just shit that people made for him to say, but he really does not have the ability to control themselves. [01:22:25] So I can see with what you said earlier, as far as about being a narcissist. And I don't like that term that because it always gets thrown around in. And then just in the society in general, loosely. if we were to look at it in the DSM, five, it gets very specific and I'm not looking at it right now, but judging how just looking at, or remembering the definition, it shows a relation. [01:22:56] But since I'm not looking at this very moment, I don't want to say that, [01:23:00] but I just think it's really interesting on how things are playing out. Yeah, it is. And none of us really, even psychologists, people that, scientifically know this stuff know what's in that manual, all the symptoms of it. [01:23:19] because they're not treating him, they're not consulting with them. No one really has a, right. and, not so much a right, but no one has the facts to make that judgment. On him or anybody, but again, intuitively when you see someone act like this time and time again, if it looks like a duck and smells like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a fucking doc. [01:23:51] even though it doesn't walk around with a label, crack black, I'm a doc. but in whether he [01:24:00] is. A narcissist. He certainly has some narcissistic tendencies and behaves as if he is a narcissist, behaves as if he is a racist behaves as if he wants to divide this country further. For three and a half years, he's never really spoken to America every time he speaks. [01:24:29] Every time he holds one of his political rallies, he speaks to the 30% of the people that will always support him. And don't worry about getting enough people over to elect, him. can you imagine a president, a living president. Having his people contact a governor of a state, South Dakota to be specific and said, what will it take to get my head carved into Mount [01:25:00] Rushmore now? [01:25:03] And this is a fact nobody's disputed it. the white house has walked back. they didn't quite say that. And she did give them a little model of four foot model with his head on it. With, Lincoln and all the rest of the guys. but here's just shows you the stupidity. and this is just pure stupidity, factual stupidity. [01:25:24] I can point to that. Mount Rushmore is a national monument. It's a federal monument, the state it's not in their jurisdiction to make that call. It's the federal government. I don't know if it's Bureau land management or who takes care of that particular national founder. But, and again, if you're president, you're going to have one of your people, Hey, call up, call the governor. [01:25:48] She likes me. She gave me this model. Maybe we can get my head on it and maybe we can do it. they can do it with buzz saws and get it done before the election. That be cool. A picture of me in front of the mountain. [01:26:00] With my head carved on there and maybe the backside. you can see my ass too, I don't want to see my Dick cause it's real little, if you look at the size of my hands compared to these big jackets in this long time, and I know that's just his character, but yeah. [01:26:17] that's, pretty, compelling evidence that you got a narcissist there, while I'm alive and for him to say, it's no different really than president Obama accepting the Nobel peace prize. except that he didn't. Obama didn't give himself the prize. Trump wants himself carved into that monument. [01:26:46] There were a whole bunch, whatever the process is of how the foundation gives out those, the Nobel peace prize. That's how it happened, whether it was corrupt or not. I don't know, but it's something [01:27:00] Obama didn't have any choice in. He could have not accepted it. Yes. He just said, no, I don't want that. I'm just doing my job. [01:27:07] Yeah. and this was really in his first year as president. this was based on shit he did before being a president, I don't, understand all that, but what I do know, at least, from the late. Mid 1950s through present day, there's never been a sitting president or a living president did to ask to be on a piece of our money or carved into a monument, or, that's just bizarre shit who would do that? [01:27:44] I can see how they can say no. I need to carve my head on the front of, on Mount Rushmore. In fact, they could move out Roosevelt, just Ricardo his face into my face, and then I'll start from [01:28:00] scratch. He didn't see why he would ask as far as, Squigy real squeaky. Wheel gets the grease. [01:28:09] And I guess like you, you don't know unless you ask, all right. That's like logically in my head, trying to get something that you don't think you'll be able to get, but I'm just going to do it anyways. That would make sense. But what doesn't make sense is the fact that he's saying of what you're telling me is he's saying, I actually did look at the shit and. [01:28:30] Online, as far as sources go, and he did say this, but with the Lysol and the ultraviolet light, he doesn't take it seriously. So my question is, this actually a real thing that's happening? And I'm saying, what? Or what's the real thing is COVID this sickness, this thing that's going around killing 150. [01:28:57] 668,000. Thank [01:29:00] you. Yes. Is that real? Yeah, I, Okay. I'm thinking there's some reality to it. I really believe that. But here's where you, the dichotomies of leadership, when you joke about something that allegedly has killed a whole bunch of people. Yes. When you joke about that, then you get at least 30% of this country. That again, he can shoot, as he said, he could stand on fifth Avenue in New York city and shoot somebody and nobody will do anything about it. [01:29:42] So those 30% of the people that are behind him like that. When they hear him say, yeah, first of all, there's a threat because Lysol is a corporation. Their headquarters was just overloaded by phone calls coming in that day, [01:30:00] Okay. So life's all cure me. That's because these fucking idiots believe shit that comes out of his mouth he's leader of the free world for Christ sakes. [01:30:08] Why would he say that if it's not true? Why would he joke about it? As some number of things? People are actually dying from some. Some bug that call it, COVID call it the common flu, call it a cold, this is where the leader of the United States. If he, wasn't joking about it, I saw the, I saw him. [01:30:30] Why do that press briefing? He got pissed at the scientists. he got pissed at Burke's because dr. Burks wouldn't address it. And he went to the guy that he had in his pocket and the guy just said, Oh my God. he shrugged, what did you do with this guy? he wasn't kidding. [01:30:54] He wasn't sarcastic about it. I think I, after 69 years, I can judge a lot of people when they're being [01:31:00] sarcastic and I've seen enough of his shit and heard enough of his bullshit in Conway's bullshit to try to cover up his miss speakings. He doesn't misspeak, he's not an intelligent guy, but he's, a savvy streetwise guy. [01:31:18] Every time he says something he knows the reaction will get. And one thing he knows is that when he does this bizarre shit, he's always on television. He has all this fucking press. right now, people don't even know probably what Biden looks like. he hadn't been out and about since Kobe, that's an exact operation. [01:31:38] I know, he doesn't get all this free television. that's one of the reasons I believe. 45 started doing these COVID briefings again, and no doctor, none of the CDC people are in there. It's just him doing a little rally, a mini rally from the white house, brief press room for, [01:32:00] some crazy shit happening. [01:32:02] I have a one o'clock meeting with my copywriter. I'm redoing my website. Oh, shit. Is it already one 58? I just know. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. yeah, we can we'll end it right here. This is great. W a great episode. I think we talked about some interesting stuff builds you up or not. I don't know. It could be junk food, but it's food. [01:32:36] I'll get in touch with you later. Cause I wanted to see if you wanted to help, out with the social media. Cause I was going to start adding you on everything. Yeah, let's talk about okay. We can do, Hey, it was good seeing you and have a good rest of the week. I've got a few days left. Beat your [01:33:00] drum. [01:33:00] I will. You do the same. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye.
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Have you ever nearly missed an international flight? I have, as of today. Have you ever misjudged how long a journey would take? Easily done right? I woke up on time. Saying goodbye to Bram sucked, it’s been great to have such a great friend to hang out with in Seoul and I wanna wish him the best of luck! Hopefully we catch up in Indonesia. Regardless of the sadness I got out of the hostel on time. I just didn’t realise the trip from Itaewon to Incheon International Airport takes forever! I arrived just as some snow flakes fell outside, which was lovely, except for the fact I couldn’t enjoy it. I had to run through the airport and find my flight was no longer able to be checked in. At which point a kindly lady realised I was meant to go to Sapporo, took me over to an unused desk and proceeded to check me in. She seemed peeved, but still gave me a fast track pass to have me zip through security. This lead to a bunch of angry sounding Russian flight attendants standing behind me (when don’t they sound angry?) and me getting increasingly fidgety as they muttered behind me.
Have you ever run through an international airport with your jeans falling to your ankles? I have. You see my belt is made of metal…security checks have metal detectors. Needless to say my penguin underwear were appreciated by those angry sounding Russians.
Have you ever needed to get to your flight only to have the ONE GUY in the passport check get held up and interrogated? I have. It had all the other lucky bastards giving me sorrowful looks as they sped past towards their gates. I nearly bowled him over as he was finally redirected to a different area of the airport.
Have you ever got to your gate and boarded a plane 3 minutes before they closed it? I have, and my heart was racing. It wasn’t all bad though, once I was on the plane my luck changed for the better. It turns out Koreans and Japanese people dislike sitting near me SO MUCH that row 14 was entirely empty except for me, myself and I – the rest of the plane was booked. Thanks everyone! Leg room galore.
The view as we came into Sapporo was out of this world. To some of you this will be a shock but I have never in my life seen or touched snow before. Seeing so much of it spread out over the countryside was unbelievable. I had a tough time getting back into Japan though. The guy who checked my passport gave me the full go around for about 4 minutes before letting me go. Not sure why that was the case because I’ve never had an issue. This was followed up moments later by the lady at the customs bag check who wanted my life story. Even the drug sniffing dog came round to say hi, he was adorable – I guess they all are until they start trying to rummage through your shit.
Nevertheless, I arrived safely and unmolested. The subway is a piece of cake in Sapporo, not quite as straight forward as Seoul, but definitely better than the rest of the Japanese cities I’ve been to. Finally, I got to step out into the -6 degree weather and I was…fine? All I had was my T-shirt and a windbreaker and it was lovely, really lovely. I am definitely born to be a winter baby, the heat in Australia is just unfair. I finally got to meet Ash, my host, and girlfriend to my great big ol’ pal Andrew from Australia. It’s been a long time coming and having seen him be so happy for so long now it’s great to put it all into perspective! She’s lovely and adventurous and suits him to a T. I can tell this is going to be some fun times with them.
After Ash showed me around town and after we discovered that every ramen place in town was closed today (just my luck), we picked up cheap supermarket food and ate in. My first impression of snow is that it’s beautiful, and my second impression is I really think I’m gonna pull my groin slipping on the sleet. The amount of times I nearly went base over apex while walking home was insane. So after dinner I decided to go on a wander around the immediate neighbourhood and practice the art of not breaking my butt. This place is spectacular, but I regret to inform you all that the first thing I did is break my butt (See video titled BLOOPER at the end).
The park is lovely, the walk in the dark is chilly but stunning, and watching Japanese people skate about accidentally is hilarious. I even found a centre where futsal was being played but once again in true Japanese fashion when it comes to me they fervently refused to let me come in and watch…kinda getting sick of this.
I’m really quite excited to see what I can discover in town tomorrow !!
Snow way you’re making that flight Have you ever nearly missed an international flight? I have, as of today. Have you ever misjudged how long a journey would take?
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