#pencil rambles about her baby
readychilledwine · 6 months
The Story of Us
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Summary - After Nyx is given a school project on his family, the Inner Circles Quad is stuck trying to explain their love life to their nephew.
Prompt Day 1 - Beginnings
Warnings - Nyx is smart and sassy, flashbacks, kind of forced mating bond, jealousy and fighting, rough patches before a happy ending, slightly implied smut
A/n - Happy @polyacotarweek
This is based on one of my friends having to explain this similar situation to her daughters. We, as a society, could do so much for eliminating stereotypes in the poly community if we openly discussed it and normalized it with kids. Her daughters have been raised in a household with a Quad and see the love their parents share as completely normal, and isn't that such a beautiful thing? To be able to freely love without judgement.
Peep the Poly+Acotarweek Masterlist here
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Nyx blinked so innocently at you. His tiny fist gripped his pencil as he mimicked your blinking, waiting for you, Azriel, Nesta, or Cassian to answer him. Rhys and Feyre stood behind him with shit eating grins, waiting for how you all would respond.
The heir stared mainly at you, his damn near mirror image,  as you looked up at your older brother Rhys and then back down to your nephew. “Auntie Y/n, I need to know! It's for school,” his little face pouted, and all eyes landed on you.
You sighed, leaning your elbows top your knees. “Well, baby, I don't know how to explain or where you want me to start.” 
Nyx huffed, looking at you like you were stupid and making Rhys further chuckle. “I know you sleep with Uncle Cassian,” the mentioned male spit out his water, praying their nephew simply meant sharing a bed and not other activities. “And Auntie Ness,” Nesta held no reaction, not even an ounce of shame. “And Uncle Azzy.” Azriel looked away, scratching his jaw line. “And last weekend when I came up to surprise you, all four of you were in one bed and Uncle Cass made me wait before I could snuggle, and daddy only makes me do that when he and mommy -"
Rhys covered Nyx's mouth, his own face flushed as Feyre's ears turned pink. “What he wants to know is how to explain the dynamic.” Since you know for our kind this is not normal, Rhys said gently into your mind. A three-way bond is rare. A 4-way bond is unheard of.
Azriel spoke softly. “We all love each other, Nyx,” he said it like it was the easiest thing to explain to a child with parents who enjoy their monogamous marriage and traditional mating bond, as if Nyx would just understand. “We all love each other so much, and we all enjoy being together. All the time.”
Nyx rolled his eyes. “I know. But how?” He waited again, brows raised and a small pout growing in his face.
Cassian smiled nodding to you. “You tell him, princess.” 
You looked at Az, the smile on his face told every single emotion he had. “A long long loooooong time ago,” Nyx giggled as you held the vowel, “Your daddy and Uncle Cass brought home this weird,” a soft watch it came from beside you, “but kind of cute Illyrian, and I had my first crush.”
The quiet male standing behind Rhys and Cassian rocked back and forth on his feet as you looked at him. He was beautiful, all be it, awkward, but still beautiful. “Sis, meet Azriel,” you waved from behind your mother's leg. “He's going to live with us.”
“Third brother!” Cassian threw his arms up, yelling and then hugging the male with scarred hands and damaged wings tightly.
“Brother!” Rhys then also went in to hug him, rambling about all the cool things they'd be doing together. Hazel eyes met yours, and plush lips mouthed, “Help me.”
You smiled softly at him, offering him a hand and pulling him away from the idiots around you two. "Do you like chocolate?" He nodded at you, a soft smile tugging at his lips before it disappeared. "Good."
“They were inseparable after that,” Cassian grumbled. His tone was filled with old aching jealousy. “Unless Azriel was training or agreed to hang out with us. He was with y/n.”
The sparkle in Nyx's eye as he looked at where you and Azriel sat, lost to all of them as the male kissed your knuckles made Cassian's heart skip. “Did they know they were mates?”
“No,” Cassian was soft now. “That happened under different circumstances.”
"I've apologized many times, Cassian." Azriel stared towards the larger male. "Will you ever actually forgive us?"
"It's not you two I still hold anger towards."
Cassian had you alone. Finally alone.
You had been courting for months now, but every date always had at least one tag along. The kiss you two were in was frantic and heated as he held you against the wall. His teeth pulled at your bottom lip, smirking as you gasped softly and gave him more access to you. His lips moved to your neck, pulling the dress you had worn out of the way.
Cassian shivered as you whispered his name. Loving how he could reduce his educated little princess to nothing more than a girl desperate for his touch. You both jumped as the door slammed shut, two arguing voices carrying through the house. “Y/n!” You sighed as Cassian's grip grew tighter. “Cass!”
Azriel walked in seconds later, eyes going wide as he stood there in shock. It took him a moment, composing himself the best he could while looking just at you. “Your father is here. He will be coming to the house any second now.”Azriel's mind was slowly becoming a storm as he walked away. Allowing you to compose yourself before your father came and demanded dinner with his son, daughter, and their tagalongs. Your mother was trapped in Velaris heavily pregnant, unable to help you all, to help him. Of all the times for a bond to snap, it had to be while your legs were wrapped around Cassian, delicate fingers threaded through his hair. 
You were downstairs, setting the table quickly. Silently grateful you had planned to cook enough for a small army to ensure there was food for Rhys and Azriel. You felt him long before he spoke. That dominating presence just sucking the life and air from the happy cabin.
“Ah, little star,” soft hands held your jaw from behind. “You smell..” His nose was in your hair as your eyes shut, sniffing it deeply to place whatever scent he had caught. “Interesting. We will discuss you degrading yourself late." A pointed look when Rhysand's way, causing your older brother to flinch internally before shielding Cassian from any attacks. "Serve dinner, y/n. We have much to discuss.”
“So grandpa made Auntie serve Uncle Az dinner? And Auntie was dating Uncle Cass?”
Rhys nodded from the spot he had now taken next to Nyx. “Yes.”
“But that meant her and Uncle Az were married now.” You all couldn't help but smile at Nyx's innocence of what had happened that night. “But that's not fair.” 
“No buddy, it wasn't,” Cassian looked at you and Azriel. “It took us a while to be friends again.”
"But again," Azriel waited until Nyx looked to him. "We love each other. So we wanted to become friends again."
“What made you two friends?”
The question caused silence to hang in the air as you suddenly moved close into Nesta, seeking her comfort to stop you from crying. Azriel took a deep breath, “We lost some people, and Uncle Cass saved Auntie Y/n.”
"Like a knight saving a princess!"
Cassian scented your blood as the warriors ran to where the reports of a disturbance came from. It mixed heavily with the scent of soil, of your mother's blood, of little Stel’s blood.
He felt a weird pulling. As if something was desperately clawing at his chest, begging him to find you, and when he did, he went silent. 
You were unconscious on the ground, wings carved from your back, bruising everywhere. He flew you to your father, growling as healers ripped you from his arms. “How did you find her before I did?” Azriel's eyes were cold, staring at him from across the room.
“She called for me.” Cassian refused to leave your side as you healed. He was the first to hold you when you woke up, the one to teach you how to walk again. As much as it had irritated Azriel, the shadowsinger felt it, too. A strained pull bringing the three of you together. Binding your lives and very souls.
“So the three of you all dated?” 
“Yeah,” Azriel leaned forward, reading Nyx carefully. “And you know how Auntie Ness got involved. Does it bother you?”
A little lip trembled. “If you all love each other, how can you love me?” 
Nesta was to him instantly. Cradling her little life line so tight. “It's different, baby. But there's so much love for you. All the love for you. We'd all do anything for you, Nyx. We all love you so so much."
You moved by him, too, kissing a small hand. "Some people have so much love to give that their hearts overflow, Nyx. Trust us, we love you as much, if not almost more, than we love each other." You kissed his palm again. "But that doesn't answer the question, baby. Does it bother you that we all are married?"
Nyx thought for a while, young eyes filled with so much hope and knowledge studying each of you. "No. It's my favorite."
Silence fell between the 4 of you that night. “Do you think he understands?” You were the first to break the quiet. “Do we need to stop until he gets it?”
“If we don't raise him with this being the norm, he will never see it as a norm,” Cassian sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “He needs to grow up knowing it's normal for some people to love more than one person like this. Not everyone has one love of their life, y/n. Some of us get the honor of falling in love over and over again."
“I've never heard the full story.” Nesta moved next to Azriel. “Of how you three began. I have a feeling you left details out.” 
You answered plainly. “Several fights. Verbal and physical. A lot crying. A lot of sex. Rhys yelled a lot. Like. More than he ever has at you. I got locked in the Palace by father at one point."
“So what was the final decision? What made two three?”
Cassian, you, and Azriel all smiled. “The first Solstice with Rhys trapped Under the Mountain.”
You refused to leave bed. Refused to eat. You refused to so much as even think about solstice without your brother. 
It felt wrong.
Like you were playing this role of someone you were never meant to play. You stayed in his room, Azriel, Cassian, Mor, and Amren long forgotten. You had not spoken with your mates since Rhys left your head, whispering soft words of how much you mean to him, of how his greatest joy in life was being your big brother. 
You didn't even respond as the door opened and the bed dipped in two places. “We miss him too,” Cassian moved his hand to find yours under the blanket. “We tried having a snowball fight, but it just didn't feel right.”
Azriel hummed from where he had moved to lay behind you. “Not just because Rhysand is missing, but our girl wasn't there cheering us on from the sidelines.” 
“I'm sorry-”
“Do not apologize, princess.” Cassian laid next to you then, too. “If this is where you'd like to be today, we need to be good mates and be here, too.” 
Azriel's lips pressed softly on your shoulder. “We were hoping Solstice would be extra special this year. Cassian and I have talked a lot, and we both think there's enough love inside of all of us to make this work.”
Your eyes lit up instantly. “Really?”
Cassian nodded. “I loved you long before he came into the picture, and I've realized slowly how much I love him as well.”
“And I feel the same,” Azriel moved a hand to rest above yours and Cassian's. “And I know you do, starlight.” 
“So this is my solstice present? No more fighting?” 
“No more fighting,” they confirmed together.
“Rhys would be so happy. I wish he was here.”
The two males shared a look. One sparing glance. Azriel brushed soft onyx colored hair from your face. "We do too. Do you know what Rhys would have liked for Solstice?"
Cassian kissed your shoulder, finishing Azriel's thought. "You to eat something."
“And then 50 years later you came,” you smiled so softly. “And you shook everything I'd ever thought about myself.”
Nesta's face flushed. “Was I?”
“My first and last time with a female.”
“Oh,” Nesta's hands played with the hem of her dress. “When I was human, I never imagined this. The first time I saw the first of you together, I didn't know what to think.”
Cassian smiled, “We're a lot.”
“It wasn't that. I.. Deep down I wanted to be a part of it from the first dinner. It was like-”
“You found home?” Azriel ran a finger down her cheek. “You sure as fuck fought it, Ness.”
“Because it was scary. Loving so many people so deeply is terrifying.”
“And magical.” 
She looked at you, and nodded to confirm. “Beyond magical.”
“Yes. It is.”
Cassian smacked your ass slightly before standing. “Rhys said Nyx is going to say we all just live together and love each other a lot and he likes it.”
Azriel stood behind him. “Separate beds tonight or one?”
“One,” the general answered with a shrug. “We will see you two in bed.”
You both wished them goodnight as Nesta smiled softly into the fire. You leaned to her, holding those perfect manicured hands. She smiled before laughing out a soft what. “I know it's still strange for you, but it's amazing how much room we all truly have for people in our hearts, if we're brave enough to allow them in.” 
“Sometimes my heart is so full, I just worry I will wake up and it's all been a lie.”
“Never, Ness. I have you. You have me. We have them. They have us, and the beautiful thing is that love flows freely. And it always will, so long as you wish for it to.”
“I love you, y/n.”
“And I love you, Nesta. Let's go to bed and hope our nephew doesn't make us look like heathens.”
“There's no one else I'd rather be a heathen with,” soft lips met yours before resting a forehead against yours. “You were my favorite to fall in love with. You know that?”
“Really?” The oldest Archeron nodded. “Tell me our story from your eyes someday?”
“I will.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys
Poly Week Taglist
@amara-moonlight @toporecall @littlestw01f @prettylittlewrites @anuttellaa @nayaniasworld @123345566
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Snap || Peter Parker
Summary: It’s been a long stressful day for Peter, so when you come over he can’t help but get mad at certain things you do. Leading to him snapping at his girlfriend.
Haven’t read over so sorry if there’s mistakes.
Being spider-man could be such a stressful Job for Peter, patrolling late at night, trying to juggle with school work and saving the city all made him tired. He felt drained, not just physically but mentally too. That’s why today he wanted to relax in his and his aunts apartment, alone.
However, Peter had forgot that a couple of days ago he asked his girlfriend, y/n, to come over to hang as the apartment would be free. So instantly when he opened the door after he heard a knock, his face dropped slightly when he saw her bright smile. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her, he just wanted to be alone and be by himself for the day. Normally when Peter is stressed or tired he snaps out at people and gets angry very easily.
“Heyy, Petey” You smiled at your boyfriend, noticing the black bags under his eyes which you would ask about later if he had been getting sleep. You know that Peter is spider-man, you found out when you two were best friends, after the day he told you, you both confessed that you were in love with each other.
“Oh, y/n? Hi” He rubbed the back of his neck, letting you walk into his apartment. Now he regrets asking you to come over, knowing he just wanted to go bed and sleep.
“Did you forget that I was coming?” You let out a little chuckle, placing the two plastic bags on the counter. Before going to Peters, you decided to buy his favourite sandwich from his favourite sandwich shop, Delmars. Then you stopped at another store to get your favourite snacks and drinks for you’re movie marathon that you had planned to do tonight.
“N-no, just didn’t realise the time” He lied, taking your bag from you’re shoulder and putting it into his room. You followed him behind asking him if he wanted his sandwich. “Maybe later, I just ate not long ago” He lied yet again, laying on his bed.
“You okay, baby?” You noticed his mood, normally your boyfriend was excited to see you, he would greet you with a big hug and a kiss. Then he would ramble on about his day or his patrols late at night.
“Y-yeah” He faked smiled as you crawled onto the bed leaning over to peck his lips, him not kissing back.
You raise your eyebrow, thinking he’s playing with you. “Peterrr give me a kiss” You whine as he ignored you looking at his phone. You then decided to straddle his legs, taking his phone from his hands and giving him a kiss. This time he did kiss back but he pulled away quickly.
“Give my phone back, please” He tiredly asked.
“No” You jokingly smile at him, but your smile dropped when you realised he wasn’t joking the whole time.
“Give my fucking phone y/n!” He snapped, snatching the phone from your hands and pushing you off him. He then turned his back from you, going back on his phone.
“m’ sorry” You mutter that feeling sinking in, deciding to go into the kitchen and help May by cleaning the apartment up a little. You hoped that after you was done that Peter would be out of his ‘mood’ or whatever was going on with him.
After an hour the dishes were finally washed and cleaned so you decided to go back into Peters room to check on him. Now he was sitting at his desk doing his homework that was due for Monday, maths. Luckily for him you were quite good at maths, that’s why he would always ask you for help.
“Want some help?” You asked, your voice coming out more quiet than usual.
He just nodded his head as he moved to the bed so you could both sit together. You then explained to him how to solve some problems, basically doing the homework for him as he laid there. You didn’t mind that though, you were happy to help him.
Your talking, however, was making Peter lose his mind, he just wanted silence but you kept rambling on about how to do his homework.
“Ahh shit, the pencil is blunt. Do you have a sharpener?” You look at the blunt pencil and then at him.
He then pointed over to his desk top draw, implying that it was in there. You nodded your head, standing up and going over to the draw looking through it to find the sharpener. “I don’t see it” Turning to look at him, seeing him roll his eyes making you gulp.
“It’s in there, look properly” He said, watching you struggle to find it, the noise making his head hurt.
“I don’t think it’s-“ You was cut off by hearing him get up from his bed, stomping over to you and moving you out of the way. He went through the draw and fount it in a old pencil case.
“It’s right here! Open your fucking eyes next time! Fuck sakes, your making my head hurt!” He snapped at you, shouting. He had never ever shouted at you, nor sworn at you before. He then grabbed the pencil sharpening it a bit too hard making it break.
“Sorry” You stand up fiddling with you’re fingers looking into his eyes but not finding any regret in them.
“Stop fucking apologising y/n, that’s all you fucking do. ‘I’m sorry’ just shut up and leave me the fuck alone!” He shouted stepping towards you making you flinch a little as he yelled. You know Peter would never lay a hand on you, but seeing him right now made you scared.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him but you couldn’t help letting a little sob escape your mouth. His angry expression fell a little, now realising what he had said and how scared you looked.
You then pulled out your phone acting as if you had received a message. “Oh, I-I got to g-go, my uhh my mum messaged saying I can’t stay tonight, got plans” You wiped your eyes with yours Peters hoodie, grabbing your bag and throwing it over your shoulder, not daring to meet his eyes.
“y/n, no please don’t go. I’m sorry, Angel.” He grabbed your arm softly, not wanting you to leave, now regretting the way he had just shouted at you. Your his girlfriend, he shouldn’t ever raise his voice at you. He loves you.
“No, just don’t, Peter” He let go of your arm, hating the way you said his name. You never call him by his name, you always use nick names or cute pet names for him.
“I’m so sorry, baby. Please” He pleaded as you ran to his front door, opening it and slamming it behind you as tears fell down your face. He didn’t run after you, no. But he couldn’t help but feel guilty, looking at the clean apartment that you had cleaned up for him and May. Opening the two plastic bags that had his favourite sandwich in and all your favourite drinks + snacks.
Tears fell down his face, he told you he would never treat you like how he just did. He wishes he could give you the world and beat up everyone who makes you cry, not to be the reason you cry.
At school
You hadn’t answered any of Peters messages or calls. After he had snapped at you, you decided to let him be alone not wanting to be around him when he was like that. Annoyingly, Peter and you went to the same school, so you knew you would see him on Monday.
Now you’re walking to chemistry, which you shared with Peter. Your running a bit late though, due to not feeling the best today. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to face Peter again, you didn’t know.
“Miss Y/L/N, your late” You’re teacher told you as you walked in, everyone’s eyes on you, but you didn’t want to meet a certain pair. You didn’t apologies or neither answer, your voice would sound too weak as you had already locked eyes with him.
You sat down in your seat, your leg bouncing up and down, wanting the lesson to be over with. Peter sat two rows in front of you, you just kept staring at his figure. He looked better than before, earlier when you saw him his bags were gone and his hair was less messy.
“Y/N since you were late, you can clean the rest of the equipment up” Your teacher told you as she packed her things up, making you sigh.
Once everyone left, you started putting the equipment away, like the test tubes and all the other things. All you could think about is Peter.
You hadn’t realised but you had dropped one of the test tubes, the glass shattering everywhere. “Fuck, sakes” Tears pricked you’re eyes, you were so tired and you kept thinking of the fight with Peter. Did he not love you anymore? Are you both broken up? Maybe you really are annoying and you should leave him alone.
Picking up the glass, you didn’t care if you were cutting yourself, you were just upset. “Let me help you” You heard from the door as someone came to help you, picking the rest of the glass up and grabbing your hand.
This voice made your heart skip a beat.
“Shit your bleeding, here sit on the table” Peter helped you to sit on the table, grabbing the first aid kit and cleaning the cuts. You both stayed in silence in the classroom as he wrapped your hand with the hand wraps, making sure it’s not on too tight.
“Thanks” You mutter, keeping your head down, you was about to get up but he stopped you. “I-I uhh I’m sorry, y/n/n. I was just stressed with school and saving the city. I was doing too much and I was so tired, I know it’s not an excuse at all but I love you, baby. I’m so fucking sorry that I said all them things, I didn’t mean it, I swear.” He said truthfully, tears welling in his eyes making you smile a little.
“No, I’m sorry, I was being annoying..”
“No, you wasn’t not at all. I made you cry, you’re my girlfriend and I should never treat you like that because i’m stressed. I know you would never. I’m sorry” He apologised yet again, grabbing the sides of your face.
“It’s okay, Pete. Don’t cry” You smile wiping a tear that fell from his face.
“I love you so fucking much, baby” He smiled leaning in to kiss you.
“I love you so much, Spidey” You chuckle grabbing his face and smashing your lips together.
“Y/L/N, Parker, Hands off each other in the classroom!”
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yagirlraee · 16 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: satoru is a model famous for his gorgeously unique beauty. while you are an infamously well-known fashion designer known for your award-winning designs and style. but what will happen when his manager contacts you?
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"miss, there is someone at the door for you." your assistant says, rushing into your office.
you look up from whatever sketch you were working on, placing your pencil down.
"let them in," you shrug. 
your assistant nods, turns on her heel, and struts out your office.
a few minutes later, a tall man with glasses and a tracksuit walks in. you stand up and walk around your desk, leaning on it.
"i'm yaga, masamichi yaga," he says reaching a hand out.
you firmly grasp onto his hand and shake it. he already knows who you are, so you don't have to introduce yourself.
"i have a model who i think would do amazing in one of your shows, his name is satoru gojo."
you nod while thinking about your schedule.
"well, i'd have to meet him first, how does thursday sound?" you say.
yaga nods immediately, "thursday is perfect, thank you so much miss."
he politely bows before turning around and exiting your office.
your assistant scurries in after he leaves.
"so? what did you say?"
you look at her, furrowing your eyebrows.
"what do you mean..?"
"well, obviously the only reason mr. yaga would stop by is to offer one of his models. and being you're the best fashion designer out, it only makes sense that he gives you his best model." she rambles on.
you laugh and look down, "yeah, i said yes. i mean how could i not? it's a huge business opportunity."
she squeals in excitement before jumping onto you, enforcing a hug.
"i'm so excited!! we get to meet the satoru gojo!!
you scoff, "he's not that great."
she stops her celebration and looks at you.
you clear your throat, "i mean, is he?"
"yes!! HE IS!!" she shakes you back and forth, squeezing your shoulders. "and WE get to meet him!"
you laugh, "well, i have a meeting with him on thursday if you'd like to come with."
this offer causes her to jump even more, you're surprised she hasn't fainted yet.
"yes!! oh my goodness! i have to get ready!" she yells.
"it isn't till thursday?" you laugh.
"yeah but still. i have to look perfect if i want him to at least glance at me."
that much was true, satoru gojo was one conceited model of a man. he rarely ever looked at anyone unless it was himself. he always said nobody "deserved" his beautiful blue orbs. what a man he was indeed. you nod and send her off so she can get ready, and you let out this breath you didn't even know you were holding.
were you nervous? nah. you might be deep down inside, but for goodness sake you were the hottest fashion designer out right now. there is no way you should be nervous around him, having him in your show could earn you millions, and maybe something else.
you sigh as you start to pack up your sketches and art supplies. you decided to go home early to cool off all your nerves, which were on fire.
when you arrive home, and settle into your pajamas. you start texting a number which is yaga, according to your assistant, while sitting down on your sofa.
YOU: hey where would you like to meet on thursday?
YAGA: hello miss, how does the diner on 5th avenue sound?
YOU: that sounds great, i hope u don't mind but i invited my assistant.
YAGA: i don't mind at all, see you two there.
you put a heart on his message and click your phone off. thursday wasn't far away at all, it was only tuesday. you get up from your couch and head to your room, laying down and tucking yourself in for the night.
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buckysgrace · 5 months
Billy Hargrove Headcanons <3
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Requested <3 I hope you enjoy my ramblings!!
Was such a cute baby with lil blonde curls, rosy cheeks and a soft nose that strangers always thought he was a little girl lol
Used to love when his mama would play with his hair. He hated naps as a child, but always passed out once she'd trace her fingertips across his soft cheeks and squishy nose
His mom loved holidays. Especially Halloween and Christmas. He spent many Halloweens dressed as a lion lol
She also took him to get ice cream on his birthdays <3 His favorite was chocolate.
Was really close to his grandma up until she passed away. Used to spend long afternoons and even stay for weekends when he was little, and Neil was working.
Loooooves sports. Has played a vast majority of them (baseball is his favorite). He played a different one each season while in school to get him away from the house
Worked all throughout high school. Had a ton of odd jobs
Also loved summer camp.
Enjoys deep sea fishing. Neil did a lot of trips with him as a sort of “apology” (he caught a bluefin tuna when he was 13 hehe)
He’s very very dry, has a sarcastic sense of humor <3
When he’s high he gets very relaxed and chill, very laid back. Will occasionally get giggly
Very good with his hands. He likes to tinker with things. Worked on his car a lot, likes to build things too (had a very impressive bird house that he built in woodshop)
He loves vegetables. Specifically tomatoes and bell peppers. Bites right into them, a nice lil snack
He's up at 3 in the morning?? He is devouring a jar of pepperoncini. maybe some shredded cheese
Not crazy about sweets, but if he has to pick something it would be some sort of fruit pie?? will also pound away at a pineapple upside down cake
makes a meaaaaan spicy Italian sandwich
Also crazy about protein. He's gotta bulk up ya know. Hates eggs though. They smell terrible and the texture is awful
Really good at math, loves working with numbers. He will chew on his pencil/pen while he's working out a problem (and if he accidentally eats the eraser?? that's his own business smh)
Got a lot of college offers because of his grades and talents in sports but didn't take any of them up. College just never seemed like his thing
Will hike his swimming trunks up to get a nice even tan on his upper thighs. The cutest little tan lines imaginable.
Reads while he sits on the toilet. Also smokes (and will purposely linger in the bathroom if Max knocks on the door smh)
Horror and mystery are his favorite genres. His all time favorite book is The Haunted Dancers.
Surprisingly good with kids. They just love him, sweet Mr. Billy hehe. Babies love at him. They will stare at him and enjoy snuggling into his arms :) And chewing on his arms lmao (or tugging on his hair smh)
Haaates the winter months. He does not like the cold at all and hates bundling up in thick layers even more (he's a man damn it he doesn't need any gloves smh)
Icy roads absolutely terrified him in Hawkins. He was not used to driving on them at all. An incredible snow ball former tho (he will hit you in the face with them rip)
The first time he heard the tornado siren go off he was alone with Max and had no idea what to do (she was outside trying to see it smh)
A little rain is okay but he prefers the sunny sunshine and heat to anything else <3
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billskeis · 6 months
can you do one fanfic where reader is helping Tom with homework but he can’t focus on it since he’s to busy staring at her and they end up having yk idk where this idea came from tbh 😭😭
ᡣ𐭩 tom, homework, and a pretty girl
clearly he wasn’t listening. it’s been about ten minutes since you’ve been rambling about how cations, anions or fucking—tom doesn’t know, how onions work. an hour since you came over to his house that was currently vacant since his parents went out for dinner with bill and as punishment left tom behind.
you walked in through the front door with an oversized sweatshirt and the shortest shorts that rid up your thigh every time you took a step. watching you even take of his shoes tom had to swallow the hard lump in his throat and physically hold back from palming himself in front of you.
“and that’s when.. tom? you okay?” you ask, tucking a strand of hair behind your hair as you leaning closer to him as you stare up at his face. pouting when you realized he was distracted and wasn’t paying attention to your aid. crossing your arms in frustration. he thinks this is so cute.
“u-uh, yeah mhm ‘m listening sweets,” you widen your eyes at the sudden pet name, cheeks heating up momentarily when you realize it’s just natural for him to call you that. he was your boyfriend after all. sighing, you pick up the led pencil and poke his forehead with the eraser end.
“o-ow!” “c’mon tom! exams are soon and we gotta focus, you’re missing dinner because of this!” tom whines and leans an arm on the table, resting his head in the palm of his hand as he just stares at you sulking. “fineee.” he switches the page of the textbook to review new content.
and there you go. off talking about something else that he could really care less about, instead staring at the glint in your eyes knowing your passion for the academics. the way your lashes flutter as you blink fast talking about chemistry and the ways of science. he feels himself getting unbearably hard in his sweatpants.
the way you speak and how words roll of your tongue so easily, lips glistening under the warm lamp light in the setting of his dim bedroom. eyes shifting down towards to look at your thighs pressed together on the seat, plush and soft to touch as he runs his hand over the surface of your skin.
you shudder under his touch, surprised by the sudden action as you had assumed tom asserted concentration over the exam prep. well, clearly not seeing as how he brings a hand to the crook of your neck to bring you close in for a kiss. bringing the bottom of your lip in between his teeth as he slightly tugs at it.
“t-tom.. not now..” “baby please, i can’t focus..” “and it hurts..” you look down to face tom’s groin that’s visibly hard under the oh so baggy sweatpants, gasping. he can’t help but get hard at how sexy his girl looks trying to help him study! but he’s a lost cause when it comes to the academics.
“i need you now, schatzi.. promise i’ll make it up t’ya,” “f-fine..” he presses a kiss to the temple of your forehead, playing with the button of your shorts to help you take them off quicker, “appreciate cha,” “you better,” he giggles as he finally removes your bottoms, slowly pulling his sweats down.
getting onto his lap, tom frees himself from his boxers, dick standing tall and pretty. bringing your arms to wrap around his shoulders, he brings his hand to toy with your clit, rubbing circles as he swiftly moves to insert two digits into your cunt, “wet already hm?” smirking at how you frown and try to hide your by leaning your head on his shoulder.
“stop teasing..” “alrightalright i got you pretty,” lifting your hips, tom uses both of his arms to position yourself above him, feeling his dick prod your entrance you tremble and shake, tom swears he can cum at the sight itself, salivating from his mouth as he drops you onto his length.
with a loud ‘fwop!’ sound, tom is quickly and already balls deep in you, pussy remembering the shape of his dick as you mold to him so easily. tom lets out lewd moan and he shivers from how good it feels to finally be inside you, “fuuuuck baby, been s’long.. needed this.. needed you..”
he can’t stop jerking his hips into you. like a dog in rut, tom fucks his length into you with no mercy, like a man who hasn’t gotten pussy in weeks but it’s only been a few days with you since you’ve last fucked. biting into your shoulders, you whimper in the pain and pleasure.
“ah! tom—fuck—too fast!” “yeah? want me t’go faster?” “n-no! not what i meant—mmph, s-slow down!” he kneads your ass within both of his hands, feeling and pinching at the flesh of your body as he angles your hips so he can hit your g spot juuuuust right.
after all, this is just as rewarding for you as it is him.
you see white, vision blurry as your tear ducts fill with tears. mind hazy, drunk out on his cock as he machines his hips into yours, only a slapping sound filling the silent room that was once occupied by the scribble of a pencil. tom breaths heavy and his thrusts become sloppy, but that doesn’t stop him from fucking his tip deep into your cervix.
he repeats your name as though it’s the only word he’s ever learned, pounding into you mercilessly not caring about the aching pain in his hips from the weird cowgirl position he has you in the office chair. wet and sticky, your juices mixed with his cum soil the cushion of the office chair as it drips off tom’s legs.
“making such a mess aren’t cha? p-pussy feels so fuckin’ good,” he groans to then bring his tongue to lick a stripe up the length of your neck. “ah! tom!” and he doesn’t stop, nor does he slow down per request, “my pretty girl is so smart, so generous, helping her dumb boyfriend with his homework.”
sending you over the edge, tom whispers sweet words into your ears, talking about how this is his reward for how you’re such a good girlfriend and he doesn’t deserve your help. how his dick was made for rewarding his baby whenever she helps him with something. how your pussy was made to take his cock, your reward. “f-fuck, schatzi ‘m cumming..!” creaming around his cock, you clench tightly around him, leading tom to his own orgasm as he paints your insides white.
as he humps his hips against yours, he stills himself and breaths his orgasm out, you attempting to catch your own breath, tongue lolled out as your head still rests on his shoulder. tapping your shoulder, you raise your head to face him as he smiles at you, “hi my love,” “hi..”
“now how bout that homework?”
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farleighlover · 1 month
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₊⊹ “i always want you when i’m coming down.”
| farleigh start x fem!reader
w.c: 3.6k
a/n: happy readings! @firemenenthusiast
— / part three. (masterlist here.)
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you sat on your bed with your notebook in your lap as you drummed your pencil against your head. it was nearing summer, where all the exams and everything were coming to play. textbooks and textbooks were laid out in front of you while you flipped and underlined each part you thought could be important. when you actually looked at what you were doing, you had the whole paragraph underlined.
you groaned, putting your head in your hands. this didn’t make sense. you reached over to grab your phone to text farleigh for help before you stopped yourself. what the fuck were you doing? you haven’t spoken to farleigh for over four fucking weeks and now you were going to text him about the restoration period?
you remembered how farleigh used to tutor and help you when you didn’t understand the assignment. always an arm's reach away and most times, that was literal. he was always in your dorm and soon people used to joke about how he spent more time in your dorm than his own. you tried to make yourself not miss what you two had, but you couldn’t keep lying to yourself. you missed how when you asked for help, he would wrap you up and sit you in his lap, making you flush against him before asking what you needed help with.
you snapped back with your phone buzzing. you flipped your phone with a message from your best friend, ruby, asking if you wanted to walk to class together. you glanced up at the ticking clock on your wall, taking a second before realizing that your class was starting remotely soon and almost everything from your backpack was emptied all over your dorm. you quickly yanked off the bed, sending "sure!!" before rushing all over to get everything packed and a little bit neater. you can never leave your dorm messy. it was a habit you got from farleigh. you could be leaving in a rush but he’ll grab you by the back of the shirt and drag you back to your desk with that clicking of his tongue.
“baby, i mean this the sweetest way ever, but have you seen your desk? i mean, there are pens everywhere! surely you don’t need these out all at once!” farleigh kissed your head before he just started cleaning it for you. “you should always try to keep minimal things on your desk. it also helps to not distract you.” you glared at how he stacked your notebooks perfectly by size, then getting a post note and writing “clean your space!!!” and posting it in the center to remind you.
he leaned back, stared and scratched his head before slightly nudging a notebook to the left. farleigh took a second or two to admire his work before leaning down to your level with that sly grin of his and saying, "that’s how you do it.”
you rolled your eyes and scoffed. “can i go now?” he hummed before finally answering, “yes.” you grabbed your notebooks and pens quickly before stuffing them in your bag and running out the door, leaving the desk and his glorious neat positions of each item out of place and all over. as soon as you got home, he hit you in the back of the head then kissed your forehead as a small apology before making you clean your mess and not allowing you do anything else before finishing. he rambled about how it was very tempting to just grab you back into your dorm and make you clean it all over again.
and now here you are, a year after that and still cleaning after each study. you could never get it as neat as farleigh though.
it was just a whirlpool that you couldn’t escape from. while cleaning, you realized how much you’ve been written by him, and how much you depended on him. when farleigh first cheated on you, you made him take everything he owned out of your dorm. and when he left, the first thought you had was, “where the fuck are all my jackets?”
correction, “where the fuck are all farleigh’s jackets?”
you shuddered as you snapped back to reality and tried to think of something else. you grabbed everything you needed, threw it in your bag, and slipped on your brown tortoise loafers that had been collecting dust before rushing out the door.
you met with ruby at a bench. she was trying to read the last pages of this book for class. you tapped her on the shoulder, making her flinch harshly and yelp. you forgot she gets scared easily.
“christ, maybe wave hello next time?” ruby picked up her book, flicking the dirt off it. “i’ve tried that before. you still get scared.” you sighed, making her huff. “whatever.”
you heard a familiar laugh. farleigh start. he mumbled something to his so-called “friends” next to him before calling out, “nice shoes!” to you sarcastically and laughing away. you shot him a glare before the gears in your head turned and realized what he said. you immediately shot down to your shoes, noticing that they were the shoes farleigh gave you. fuck, that’s why they felt a little tight.
you groaned and lolled your head back. by this point, ruby realized what was happening.
“oh my gosh. girl, you cannot be making these mistakes! here, we can swap shoes—“ you swatted her idea. “no no, it’s fine, we need to get to class. i can deal with this later. let’s hurry up.” you took her hand and took off to class.
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you sat in your dorm room alone after ruby didn’t answer back to your plans. which was odd because she always answered instantly and it wasn’t even that late. you check the clock that’s ticking on your wall. it was only eight.
you groan and lay down on your bed, not knowing what to do. it was irritating, to say the least. you sat up, looking for something to distract you. there, the loafers gleamed in the light. bingo. you were going to give back farleigh those shoes as a final fuck you. if he thinks your shoes are nice, he can have them!
maybe you should think of a cooler punchline.
you got up, threw on one of your jackets, and picked the right shoes before grabbing the loafers and leaving.
you stormed up to farleigh’s door, still remembering the steps and the path to get there. when you went up to the door and raised your hand to knock, you heard something.
see, hearing moaning coming from farleigh’s dorm was a frequent occurrence that everybody was aware of, but not when the speaking, or slash, begging was a voice that sounded familiar. you looked around quickly, hoping nobody was around before you leaned in your ear to the door to hear more clearly.
first off, you can tell it was farleigh and someone having sex. not him doing something stupid. and second of all, that whine in her voice? that’s fucking ruby. farleigh, was fucking, ruby. you were in absolute disbelief. you knew ruby liked farleigh, but not this much!
in pure hatred, you pounded on the door and heard all movement stop. you grind your teeth. “ruby, i will fucking kick down this door if i need to! get the fuck out of that dorm, you coward!” you yelled at the door. people are probably thinking you’re going mental, but you didn’t care.
you heard some scrambling before ruby peaked her head out the door. she scanned the halls before facing you. “…i wasn’t doing anything.”
you almost laughed. “right. you totally weren’t doing something. i know farleigh has an issue about staying quiet.” ruby giggled a little. she always took everything as a light joke. “i’m going to knock that smile off your face. where’s farleigh?”
she immediately dropped her smile before glancing around in the dorm room. “uhm…” ruby looked back at you. “he’s… busy.”
you groaned and rolled your eyes. “of course he’s busy! god, ruby, you are so stupid!” she scoffed. “well fuck you! listen, i didn’t care about you breaking up with farleigh, i did this whole distancing thing just so i could get closer! so you go do whatever you want to do!” and she ended it by slamming the door in your face. you opened your mouth to say something before just giving up and killing yourself inside. your best friend, ruby, just had sex with your ex and here you are, still holding the loafers that was supposed to be your final “fuck you.”
goddamnit. you huffed and just left the loafers there before walking back to your dorm. fuck this.
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staring at the ceiling above with no lights is weary. and also depressing. you tried to not think about everything that was happening around you and how fucked up things were getting. farleigh was a good guy and now, the chance of you and him getting back together is closer to zero.
was the love of your life gone? was that it? maybe you were overdramatizing the situation, but it sure felt like it. two years went down the drain. now what were you supposed to do? every moment you two spent together, just everything was gone.
you needed to sleep.
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in the morning, you felt like mush. you’re barely there, just trying to put pieces of you together to feel real. why are breakups such a hard thing to get over? you didn’t have anybody now. it was pathetic, really. you didn’t know how to feel. anger, despair, just everything.
you took a deep breath, finally deciding to get over it. that’s all you could do. you got ready for the day and tried to make yourself feel better by saying those stupid mantras before leaving your dorm.
the day felt off. everybody was looking at you. now, your “relationship” just got more messed up. fuck ruby and her whole “making him jealous” idea. she probably spread the word and twisted it into something more than it was. that bitch.
in english, ruby didn’t sit next to you. she sat next to farleigh, the row below you. sometimes they would peck or do stupid stuff like touching his hair, which he would take her hand and kiss it before putting her hand to herself. it baffled you. farleigh only let you play with his hair religiously. it was an interesting sight to see.
a girl bumped into you. no deal. until she muttered in your ear, “jerk.”
jerk? you shot your head back at her, but she was already walking away. what the fuck was happening? you glanced around, confused. some people saw your gaze and immediately started whispering to their left and right.
you sat there, puzzled. you were racking your brain. why would they be mad at you? ruby is the one who shouted about using you for your ex.
you tried to gain the confidence to ask the girl next to you. you hesitated and the professor walked in while telling everybody to shut up for the lesson. goddamnit.
near the end of the class, you were falling behind on notes. you hated how fast this professor wrote and talked. always erasing, writing, and too much at once. it was the first period and you’re already tired of hearing. by the time you finished your notes, the girl next to you was already gone. actually, most of the students were gone. of course. you searched the room swiftly and instead of finding the girl, you saw farleigh and ruby making out. you never wanted to say “get a room” as loudly as possible. you huffed and gathered everything before leaving the room.
you rushed in the halls, trying to get away from that whole mess. who did she think she was? you kept thinking of the whole situation, not paying attention, and accidentally bumping into felix. he caught you in his arms, “christ, sorry!” when felix got a glimpse of who you actually were, his demeanor changed. “oh, hey.”
“felix! i’m so sorry, i’ll be on my way—“ you took a step away before getting an idea. “felix, are people saying rumors about me?”
he scoffed. “rumors? like, yesterday you told ruby to go kill herself and her friend found her chugging down pills in the bathroom? that rumor?”
you stared, jaw dropped. “she said what?” ruby made that up about you? why would she lie about something that serious? at the same time, you had your answer. ruby was stupid. she panicked and she tried to come up with something to make her the victim, like always.
felix raised a brow at you. “are you just playing dumb or what?” you shook your head, “felix, i never said anything like that. she got with farleigh and planned it out when i confronted her!” you groaned, putting your head in your hands. it was all so overwhelming. you were tired of all of it.
felix could tell that you were about to lose it. “hey hey, it’s okay. i believe you.” his tone softening. he hesitantly raises his hands to hug you, not knowing if you would allow him, but you instantly hugged back. knowing that someone was there for you took a massive weight off your shoulders that you didn’t even know was there.
“thank you felix,” you say quietly, still hugging him. you saw farleigh and ruby in the corner of your eye but you didn’t care. it made you feel better that you knew you had somebody who believed and cared. after a moment, you both pulled away before thanking him once more and going different ways.
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evening again. the time when you had nothing to do. you were spread out on your bed, just staring at the ceiling. usually, farleigh and you would go to parties, hangouts, or the pub to waste time.
the pub. that was a thing you could go by yourself. “drink away your problems”, they say.
it wasn’t a bad idea. it would be good to go out and get some fresh air before getting totally wasted and passing out. at least you wouldn’t be thinking about your life and farleigh. you sighed, sitting up and stretching before getting your jacket, shoes, and money as you headed out.
walking felt good. the breeze hitting your skin right, and it wasn’t too heavy that it just pushed you away and blinded you with your hair, or just yourself in that matter. that description felt deep in your heart.
you arrive there, getting struck with the loud chatter and the drunken woo’s and cheers for when someone chugged down another beer.
you sat at the bar, just ordering something small. you then realized that farleigh’s booth was right behind you. it was almost impossible not to hear them and interrupt your thoughts. you cursed yourself for going to the bar the same time as them, but they are always here every day so you can’t escape them.
you took a glance at the table. ruby was sitting there on farleigh’s lap, acting like a pure dumbass, and… was that your black dress?
ruby saw you and matched glances with you. she shot you that coy smirk, saying mentally to you something along the lines of, “how could you be so stupid?” it was a little true though, you have been so caught up in everything that you just can’t pay much attention anymore. but still, she can’t be one to speak.
you rolled your eyes, not going any further with her. you took sips of your drink, zoning out every once in a while with your thoughts. but something made you snap back to reality.
you knew that voice. it was farleigh. you shot back immediately, and everyone started to boo you. you can never escape from this hellhole.
in that moment, all the anger and the rage you had pent up in your body just broke out. you immediately grabbed your drink and marched over there, before spilling it all over farleigh and ruby. that was your final "fuck you."
the whole bar went quiet, only ruby’s gasps hung heavy in the air. farleigh stared at you, and he didn’t look angry. he looked… just upset. a sense of yearning and disbelief written on his face. but ruby on the other hand, slammed her fists on the table, she was fuming. “you want to play like that?!” she stood up, shuffling to you before almost punching you!
“are you mental?! you’re the bitch who made up those death threats!” people gasped and sat there stunned. ruby stared at you, just livid. her brows were furrowed, this evil glint in her eyes. she started throwing heavy punches at you out of nowhere while screaming things like, “you bastard! you fucking cunt!” you blocked her punches fairly easy, just backing up steps by steps. truly pathetic.
but something snapped in farleigh. he stood up and abruptly grabbed you by the arm before dragging you out the door, his eyes hard and cold.
you scoffed and blinked a few times in disbelief. “why would you—“
“listen, i don’t want anything to do with you, okay? move the fuck on. i’m sick— i’m sick of this bullshit! i’m sick of you!” farleigh exclaimed. “just leave me and her alone. it’s not that hard.”
you glared. the anger in the world just all ready to lash out at him, until he said this.
“i don’t even know what your problem is. i don’t fucking love you anymore, okay? i’m with ruby now, whether you like it or not.” he spat, lighting a cigarette.
the rest of his words tuned out of your ears. he didn’t love you anymore? that couldn’t be true. it rang in your ears. he didn’t love you anymore? two years. two years just down the drain. and now, he’s with your ex-best friend. it made no sense. how did you get here? this was the man who begged you to come back. every voicemail saved on your phone. and now, he's telling you that every stepping stone, every argument you forgave each other for, was all a lie? that was total bullshit. it had to be. 
“are you even listening to me?! god, just fucking realize that we were never meant to be. we were never meant to last. so leave me alone and get the fuck over it.” farleigh emphasized each word as he towered over you, anger etched in each and every word.
you stood there, not knowing what to say. you stared into his eyes, looking for some sense of remorse or sympathy, but nothing was there. it’s like the man you knew just disappeared and was replaced for this selfish and stupid thing! it felt… just unbelievable. you always knew that you and farleigh weren't the best together, but you were still each other's part. you both fit in some way. you both changed your pieces to be together. to stand together. and all for what? the sweetest man you ever knew, the man you tried hardest for, is the boy who is standing in front of you, yelling at you and expressing the only thing he could say out loud. his anger. were you supposed to feel pity? were you supposed to feel ruined? angry? annoyed? what would say to everybody? that they were right and the relationship would come back to stab you in the heart?
questions topped questions. why would he act like this? tears slipped down your cheeks. this isn't the one you knew. the one you loved. the one you promised that it would last forever. the one who promised you that it would last forever. maybe you were selfish. maybe you were supposed to let it go. but how could you? it didn't feel right to. you were immature to feel like you could hold on to the pieces and shards of your relationship that could just cut you all over again. but you couldn't just throw them away. every piece tipped closer to the image and the feeling that was once there. to feel the warmth and comfort of what you already knew. and maybe you would never admit to yourself, but it was obvious you still wanted him. to be with him. if you could, you would keep that flame lit. the colors conjoining and dancing around, traveling through the wind, and learning. maybe your flame was out of control. maybe it was too much for someone or something to handle. but you still wouldn't blow it out, because you never could. you could never bring yourself to get rid of something that had such a grip on you or to see the damage of what a small thing sprouted to be. and in some shape and form, farleigh was single-handedly the best thing you had. to experience the love everybody was feral to find. if only you just didn't experience it with a stupid man. a stupid, stupid man.
but farleigh kept the flame small. in moments together, he was the one to keep it alive and well. you both not being together blew the flame to spread out of control. you couldn't keep it together, you needed him to help you, no matter how hurt it felt to say.
farleigh groaned and lolled his head back. “freak.” he called out before walking back to the front of the bar, where ruby was standing there, waiting for him. she smiled smugly before intertwining her hand with farleigh’s and walking back in.
you stood there. left alone. maybe it was time to burn out the flame.
..taglist: @fuckshitslover @themoonchildwhofell @khxna @flipsconhelado @nataliesfirefly @inglourious-imagines
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You should do a fic based off this with Eddie Munson
Me or D&D?
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Word count: roughly 1.2K
Eddie wants to work on his Hellfire Campaign…but his girlfriend has other plans…
Warnings: Slight NSFW (reader flashes Eddie), terms of endearment (sweetheart, baby), reader has boobs, use of Y/N, silly slight NSFW fluff!  
Author’s note: Ok so I received an ask based on this tik tok for Eddie and it literally haunted my thoughts all day today so I knew I had to write it asap! It’s so very on-brand for him and anyway to the anonymous user who requested it THANK YOU SO MUCH and I hope this fits the vibe you were going for! 
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Y/N let out a sigh as she finally flipped off the shower. It had been a long day so the very first thing she wanted to do upon reaching Eddie’s was to take a shower, something he happily granted her. He had a new plot to work on for D&D something about the cultists.
“You see they need a motive,” he had been explaining on the car ride over, so animatedly she wondered if he was even looking at the road. “That’s been the issue! There hasn’t been a motive-”
“Eddie! Eyes on the road!” Y/N scolded as she clutched onto her seat.
“And before that was fine,” he rambled on, no change to his driving whatsoever, “But now we’re far enough down the line that they’re starting to question me and the one thing I won’t tolerate is being questioned!”
“The one thing?” she had teased with an eye roll. "The list I could come up with of things you don't tolerate. Basketball players, school in general, any music that you deem 'fake music'-"
“Oh come on!" Eddie exclaimed, driving a bit too close to the edge of the curb for Y/N's comfort before swerving back over, "Some music is just bad and you know it!” He shot her a little glance and a smile, “And I always let you question me! It’s just those idiots I don’t take it from!”
“Uh-huh,” she nodded with a little laugh.
And so needless to say as soon as the pair had entered the house Y/N had set down her things, heading for the shower and Eddie had thrown himself right back into his campaign. Hence that was exactly where she found him as she stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and feeling remarkably refreshed. 
Eddie, much to Y/N's amusement, was laying stomach down on the trailer floor surrounded by guidebooks, maps he had painstakingly sketched himself with intricate levels of detail, and pages upon pages of notes. 
“Eddie, I’m gonna get dressed so we can watch a movie, ‘kay?” Y/N called as she watched him work, not even looking up from the page he was holding as he chewed his pencil in his mouth.
“Mhm,” he replied absence-mindly, obviously not hearing a word she said. 
“I’m going to order from Enzo’s, do you want anything?” She said as she walked into his bedroom, searching for one of his shirts and her pants from earlier. 
“Oh wow,” he replied from the other room causing her to let out a soft chuckle. I could say literally anything right now and he wouldn’t clock it. 
“I’ve decided I’m going to go to school naked tomorrow,” she called, glad Wayne wasn’t home to hear her jests since he’d definitely have some questions. 
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” That got a genuine laugh out of her as she pulled on his shirt and her pants, using a mirror to make sure her hair wasn’t going to dry funny…but looking at herself in the mirror gave her an idea. A small smirk came to her face at the thought as her hand trailed down to mess with the hem of her shirt.
I wonder what will get his attention…?
With that, Y/N turned and headed toward the room. When she arrived, Eddie hadn’t moved an inch but his position had changed. Pencil still tapping against his lips, he was holding one of the maps now, seemingly muttering something to himself that was too low for her to hear. 
“Eddie?” She asked as she slowly made her way over to him, double-checking all the blinds were closed. 
“Mmm?” He hummed, still not looking at her as he scanned the man for some invisible linking detail to fully tie together his campaign. She shook her head with a smile as she came to kneel close enough to him that she knew she was in his visible but far enough away to not disrupt his current chaos. After having seen him fuss at the Hellfire members one too many times for exactly that, she knew it would only deter her plan and she didn't have time for that. 
“Eddie, baby,” she cooed, “Before you get too deep into…all of this, would you just take one second to look at me?” She watched as her words this time did seem to register just a bit since she was now closer in proximity and she received her reward.
“Yea-” Eddie’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped ever so slightly as he turned to see his girlfriend on her knees, in her jeans and one of his shirts…well sort of in one of his shirts. Because the second he turned to face her, Y/N lifted the hem to reveal her boobs, her boobs without a bra. His face instantly lit up into a large smile as he processed exactly what he was seeing, the pencil still in his grip as he grinned like an idiot. 
He took a moment to look back at the map he had been examining but couldn’t help to look back at her as well, causing Y/N to beam as she continued to hold up the shirt.
“So…” she prompted in a sing-songy tone, “Would you rather do that right now,” she gestured with her free hand to the map, “Or, would you rather do this?” Eddie gasped at her question and fully turned to look at her with a look of mock hurt and disbelief written across his face. 
“What kind of a choice is that?” He scoffed, making her giggle. “What kind of question is that?” He scrunched his nose making her laugh harder, drawing his eyes to the way her chest moved as she did. A smirk came to his face as he looked back into her eyes, holding onto the map as he had before she had effectively flashed him. “I’ve been waiting to work on this,” He held up the map to her but kept his gaze locked with hers, still smiling, “alllllll day,” his dramatics had her giggling again as he shook his head, eyes flickering between her and her boobs still on full display, “Damn Y/N, what kind of a question is that?” The girl had a little huff of her own and faked a pout as she looked at him, making her eyes especially wide and pitiful.
“So…” She began to lower her shirt down, keeping that same pouty look, “You picked-”
“No, no, no!” He said quickly as he threw down the map and pencil, effectively leaping to tackle his girlfriend into the carpet, sending them both sprawling to the ground. Y/N let out a little squeal which dissolved into giggles as he laid his head right on top of her chest. Eddie’s hands trailed up her sides as he pulled her close to him.
“You better be damn proud of yourself L/N,” he said with a teasing scold as he nestled right up into her as her body shook with laughter, “You’re the only person on the face of the entire Earth, in the whole frickin’ universe, that I’d set aside D&D for!” 
“For me?” Y/N asked as she tapped her finger to her lips, pretending to think before looking down at him with a smirk, “Or for my boobs?” 
“Hmmm…” He returned her smirk as he moved his hand and began to push up the shirt she was wearing once again, “Well L/N…you’ve got me there.”
“You! Obviously you!” 
Yay!!! Omg, my first request! Y’all, I can’t even tell you how excited I was when I got this! First off, the tik tok is absolutely adorable, and second off, I was so excited to write it because I could see exactly how it would play out with the two of them in my brain! Eek anyway, to whoever requested it, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was so fun to write and I hope it’s what you hoped it would be! Anyway, requests are open anytime y’all!
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 15- At All Cost?
Chapter 14
Asha is now in the middle of the wishes room, staring at the queen standing on the king's study.
She feels her heart racing for a moment, she's scared... But then she remembers what she's holding right now, her sketchbook and her magic pencil.
She has nothing to fear, if anything, it's the queen who should be scared.
After glancing at the objects in her hands, Asha takes a deep breath and calms down, and faces the queen boldly.
The queen smiles at that, as she begins to speak with her usual honeyed voice "Hello dear, such a pleasant surprise to have you back so soon." She looks down to Valentino, the goat in cowering between Asha's legs and shaking in fear at the sight of the lynx next to the queen, her smile widens "Awww and you even brought a little snack for my pet, how thoughtful." she lets out a quiet chuckle.
Bravo is salivating, staring at the baby goat with predatory eyes.
Asha starts to think on what she can draw, the queen hasn't moved yet, so maybe she can ramble with her for a bit and then catch her off guard...
Asha realizes how the queen looks older than the last time they've met, not too old, but the white hair streak and the subtle wrinkles on her previously perfect skin are noticeable... Just like Aster, she sees this change as an opportunity to make fun of the royal.
"Yeah, glad to be back. Though I thought my last visit here in the castle was 2 days ago, but judging by your face it must have been AGES, huh?" Asha says with a smirk, knowing that would infuriate the queen.
And she was correct, for the queen's smile immediately fell into a cold glare.
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(This is the closest I could find in the movie of Amaya looking evil)
"It is churlish to comment on a woman's age, have you no manners?" Her tone is condescending.
Asha simply smiles, seeing that struck a nerve "These are just the manners you deserve, "your highness"" She says the formal title with sarcasm.
The queen looks at her with a serious expression as she raises one eyebrow, almost impressed with how much that sweet and insecure girl they met changed so much in so little time... But her smiles returns slightly, because she has already planed on how to take all that courage out of her.
"You really think so? This way you might hurt my feelings, child..." She places a hand in her chest making a fake sad expression, that instantly returns to a wicked smile as she takes a potion flask from inside the front of her dress "Perhaps I should give you just what you deserve as well."
Asha notices the flask and instantly turns to her sketchbook to try drawing something "What a coincidence, I was thinking the same thi-"
But before she starts to draw, she notices... The floor she's standing on is covered with something... Something shiny, that look's like blue sand.
She glances around the room and sees that the whole floor around her is covered with a thin layer of this weird sand, Asha has a puzzled expression.
The queen notes her confusion "Ah, I see you finally noticed the fire salamander ashes, quite pleasing to look at how they sparkle, don't you think?"
Asha feels a chill run down her spine as she hears the word "fire" coming out of the woman's mouth "W-What?" She turns to the queen, and sees she's now opening a flask with an orange shinny liquid inside.
"Oh yes, it is known as one of the most inflammable components in the magic world, and it also so happens to have such a beautiful reaction when mixed with dragon's blood..." She explains like she's just sharing an interesting fun fact about her hobby as a potion maker, her tone becomes sinister as she opens the flask and asks "Would you like to see?"
"No- NO NO WAIT!" Asha screams in desperation, completely forgetting about her magic pencil as she takes Valentino in her arms to protect him from what she already knows is coming.
The queen drops one single drop of the shiny liquid on the floor, and a HUGE blue flame forms in front of her, spreading slowly to the whole room covered in fire salamander ashes.
(If you're wondering where the heck Amaya get's all these ingredients, let's just say that line she had in the movie about "Why a sorcerer needs what a sorcerer needs is not your concern" is a line Magnifico probably said to a lot of soldiers he sent off on dangerous quests over the years.)
The queen laughs maniacally as she snaps her fingers, making the huge door made of mirrors close in front of her, trapping Asha in the fiery room.
The flames are spreading and approaching Asha slowly, she thinks fast and pulls from her sketchbook the drawing of the flying carpet.
As the carpet flies out of the page, she jumps on it with Valentino. Now they're both safely flying above the flames, surrounded by the wish bubbles.
The queen has no idea they're safe from harm, and Asha smiles with that notion. She'll open the door sooner or later to see if Asha is dead, so all the girl has to do is play along and pretend she's in mortal danger.
"THERE'S SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU LADY!" Asha yells from the carpet, trying her best not to laugh while faking she's scared for her life. Valentino also catches on to the plan and lets out some fake scared bleating, Asha pets him to show she's proud.
The queen falls for it, as she says in sarcasm "Who meee? Why, all I want is to give my beloved pet some freshly cooked meat" She's sitting down with her back against the wall of mirrors, as she too pets her lynx's head gently... Her eyes light up as a devious idea pops in her head, so she says with her words dripping with venom "...Besides, wouldn't you agree this is the most fitting end for you? To burn into ashes just like your dear mama and papa?"
Asha is stunned at the mention of her parents, but her surprise quickly turns into anger "Don't you DARE talk about my parents!" She almost forgets she's supposed to sound scared right now
"Awww sensitive topic, my flower? If it serves as any consolation, they would've suffered way more had I picked how to kill them." Her voice has a twisted sense of humor hanging on every word.
Asha's eyes widen "... Wait... What did you just say?"
"You see, Magnus has always been more of a "Get things done quick" kind of man, and although I love that about him, I oh so wish we had gone with my plan of poisoning their garden..." Amaya continues casually like she's just sharing small talk with the poor girl that is having this terrifying revelation unfold before her "But oh well, I suppose starting a fire with magic was simpler. Such a shame you weren't inside with them, would've spared us a lot of grey hairs." She says as she holds a strand of her newly white hair streak.
Asha feels her world crumble as she process what Amaya just told her...
All this time she thought it was just bad luck, that they had an accident with the fireplace or dropped a candle... But it was them...
Everything was because of them. The reason she never got to learn how to draw with her mother, the reason she never got to hear her father stories, the reason she never got to grow up with them, the reason she and her Saba were alone... It was all THEM.
Asha sees the fire consuming half of the room bellow her, the flames are reflecting on her eyes as she asks with her voice more furious than ever "WHY?! WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO YOU?!"
The queen laughs at the question "You are just like them, darling. They were worthless little weeds festering in our garden, inspiring our roses to grant wishes by themselves. We simply had no choice but to root them out." Amaya explains with her voice turning more and more maniacal as she finishes "And now, it's your turn to join them!"
... That was the reason? Because her parents encouraged people to chase after their wishes? Her parents lost their lives... Because these two sickos wanted to control EVERY SINGLE PERSON in Rosas?!
Asha sees that the room is almost fully consumed by the flames, and so is her heart consumed by anger. So she lets out a scream, from the pain she feels in her chest and also to trick the queen into opening the door.
The queen is content hearing the girl painful screaming, thinking that's the last sound she'll ever hear from her.
"It seems your meal is ready, Bravo" She says with a twisted glee while getting up, Bravo looks just as exited as his owner.
The queen snaps her fingers, opening the huge door made of mirrors. The whole room is covered in bluish flames. With one drop of another flask she had with her, this time with a blue liquid, the fire is quickly extinguished like the flame of a candle being blown out.
Once the fire was gone the queen expected to see the girl and her little goat lifeless bodies laying on the floor... But they're nowhere to be seen.
"... What in the-"
"Looking for me?" Asha's voice comes from above.
The queen quickly looks up, gasping in shock when she sees the girl flying on a magic carpet.
The queen barely has time to react before Asha jumps from the carpet, and with one swift move of her hand, points to the surprised lynx, wordlessly commanding the carpet to deal with him.
The carpet flies towards the queen, and she cowers in fear and closes her eyes trying to protect herself. But her eyes quickly open again when she hears her pet meowing desperately, the carpet took him and flew with him to outside the window.
(Ya know, originally I was gonna write a chase scene between Valentino and Bravo, but I realized we kinda don't have the time and I'm not feeling like writing that, soooooo I just throw the cat out the window instead. He'll be fine.)
"MY BABY!" The queen shrieks, worried sick for his safety
"Relax, I sent him somewhere safe. Unlike YOU, I'm not a monster." Asha sounds fierce but also with a hint of pain in her voice, like every word that comes out of her mouth gives a sting in her heart, as she's fighting to not cry in front of the queen. "Valentino, go hide while I deal with her." Her voice is serious, while she's flipping through the pages of her book, and once she finds the one she was looking for she pulls out a sword just like the one she used to practice sword fighting with Aster earlier.
The queen sees Asha doing magic in disbelief, as she's now walking backwards slowly shaking her head "no" with a terrified expression.
Asha doesn't hear Amaya whisper under her breath "That boy didn't say anything abo-"
The queen stops mumbling when Asha begins to run, charging towards her with sword in hands, ready to attack.
Amaya tries to run out of the way, but she trips on her own dress and falls on the floor.
Now, Asha is the one in control, pointing her sword to the woman laying down beneath her. Her enraged face shows clearly that she's after revenge.
Amaya for the first time loses her composure, and stutters in a desperate attempt to reason with her "A-Asha, now now ca-calm down, listen to me-" her voice is helpless.
"NO! YOU LISTEN!" Asha's voice echoes through the large room "All the pain and suffering I've went through ALL MY LIFE ties back to the two of you! All because you wanted to keep this SICK AND TWISTED sense of control over everyone in Rosas." She points the sword closer to Amaya's neck, the older woman is shaking "But guess what, no matter what you did, you could NEVER control me! I overcame everything you threw at me, and now, I'll make sure you two can NEVER hurt anyone else ever again!" Asha raises the sword above her head to strike down the witch-
But Asha stops.
She can't do it.
She's not like them.
Asha looks down on the queen breathing heavily and lowers her sword. She doesn't know if she's doing the right decision... But that's her decision.
The queen sees Asha's hesitation... And a smile slowly creeps in on the corner of her red lips "You can't do it, can you dear?... Because unlike me, you're not a monster." She repeats what Asha said moments ago with a faux soothing voice.
Asha quickly points the sword back to Amaya's neck, as a warning that if she moves Asha won't hesitate anymore, she speaks with the queen with a cold expression "I never intended to kill neither of you anyway, the plan was just to-"
"Apprehend us and have Rosas decide our punishment?" The queen finishes her sentence, now with a full smile. Asha's eyes widen in surprise "I must say, I found that part of your little plan quite adorable, so nice of you and your friends to show us mercy." Her voice mimics a sweet tone, dripping with sarcasm.
Asha feels a chill run down her spine when the queen mentioned her friends... This, and the trap that was set up for them in the kitchen... How did they know?
"How? HOW did you know we were coming?!" Asha tries to hide her fear, speaking angrily while getting the blade closer to the queen's neck.
Amable doesn't even flinch, she simply warns her "I'd be careful with that blade, my sweet. You lay one scratch on me and my darling king will be quite upset." That doesn't really phase Asha at all as she just squints her eyes at her, wanting some answers, so the queen gives her an answer "Let's just say a... Sleepy little pawn of ours made himself quite useful."
Asha's eyebrows scrunch in confusion, she thinks for a moment and... Realization hits her.
"... Simon?" Asha's mind is rushing, she's stares at the queen nodding positively in front of her, and she feels like she's the one who was cut by a blade... He betrayed them?... No, he wouldn't, the king must have forced him "What did you two do with him?!" She asks furious.
"Nothing at all, he ratted you out. For you see my dear, our "sick and twisted sense of control" you speak of runs oh so much deeper than you think" Asha is staring at Amaya straight in the eyes, so she doesn't see that the queen's hand is reaching for something inside the a hidden pocket inside her long skirt "You can't trust anyone in this kingdom, in the end, they're aaaaall just little pawns in our game of chess."
"You're wrong... Simon didn't tell you our whole plan. If he did then you'd have known about my magic." Asha says with certainty, not fully understanding what happened yet, but still believing that her friend at least fought against telling them everything.
"Indeed, he failed to mention it, which gave you an advantage... However, it hardly matters how many advantages you get, for when playing chess-" Her smile widens into a maniacal expression, and she raises her hand holding a potion flask that was hidden inside her dress "The QUEEN is the strongest piece on the board!" She throws it on the floor, it shatters, creating a cloud of thick blue smoke.
Asha coughs, that caught her completely off guard. She looks around and can see nothing but the thick blue smoke, she tries not to breathe too much of it in by covering her face. Still holding on to her sword tightly.
The queen is no longer on the ground, Asha can't see where she went... But she hears the sound of something made of metal hitting the floor.
She turns to the direction of the sound-
Queen Amable took a sword that was previously decorating the wall, and is now running to Asha ready to attack.
Asha gasps in surprise, raising her hand drawn sword to defend herself, and she succeeds. The two are now pressing their swords against one another, with the queen trying her hardest to get Asha out of balance to stab her.
The queen fights the girl with finesse and precision, like this is something she has experience with, while Asha's movements are more clumsy and rigid, but she's still more agile and relatively stronger than the older woman, since she was cursed and is now 10 years older than she was previously.
(Cute fun fact I guess: for the longest time Magnifico was a bit paranoid that if people found out they were evil and a "hero" could try to defeat them, so, just like how Asha practiced with Aster, he taught Amaya how to defend herself just in case anything happened to him... I hate them, but I also love them as a couple)
As their swords clash against one another, the metallic sounds echo through the room. Asha tries to show confidence, smiling while they fight "Y-you two won't win! Magnus doesn't stand a chance against Aster in the forest, he's gonna be here soon and-"
The queen can only laugh darkly as she speaks "Oh darling, it is your little star who doesn't stand a chance! For you see, dark magic is not be his only weakness! Hahaha"
Asha is still fighting, but her face looks concerned...
Aster's weakness?
Now... We cut to the woods.
We see a dash of light quickly flying through the trees, until they reach a specific one and flies to the top of it.
The dash of light is obviously Aster. He sits on a tree branch and knocks on the tree "He'll be here any minute now, you guys ready?"
From a role in the tree, two round shinny eyes open, and a voice comes out sounding mysterious: "Of course, a pleasure to be of service."
"Great, thanks again for the help fellas" Aster smiles excitedly, he looks down, just waiting for Magnifico to show up on the trail bellow.
... But then he hears something...
Instruments... Again.
The instruments sound slow, like they're warning Aster of something, and judging by Aster's annoyed face it's something they've already been alerted about before
"Yeah, I knooooow I can't let him get my magic. Don't know if you guys realize but that's the whole reason I'm trying to break that staff in the first place." Aster speaks looking up with narrowed eyes.
The instruments sound... Worried? I don't know how one would describe a worried orchestra, but it's like they're playing cautiously.
Aster this time responds calmer, trying to reassure them "I am being careful, I swear. I won't let him-" Aster stops for a moment and thinks... He doesn't actually knows what would happen if the king got his power, well, except for the part that without his magic he can't exist so the king would pretty much kill him. But Aster doesn't know what would happen to the king and queen... He might as well ask "By the way... Has that ever happened before? A human absorbing a star's power?"
The stars go quiet for a moment, before a single flute plays a small sad melody
"I see..." Aster has a worried face "And what happened then?"
Aster listens to the orchestra sounds, it's an ominous percussion mixed with some erratic violins.
Aster listens to it all attentively, his face slowly becomes more and more shocked, as if he's listening to something out of a horror story.
He slowly nods, humming a little with the concern now growing inside him too.
But then he hears one thing that gets his attention.
"Wait wait wait back up" The instruments all stop "What was that about "The human fell into madness"?"
A single cello plays a small melody... Aster's eyes widen.
"Huh, really?... I wonder if the king knows about that..." Aster ponders quietly. Then Aster hears a sound that is not instruments this time, but a twig breaking on the ground bellow, Magnifico's coming "And speak of the devil, that's your cue friends." Aster says knocking on the tree.
Down bellow, Magnifico is walking on the trail, with trees all around him. He's holding his staff over his shoulders casually as he singsongs to himself:
"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are..." the king looks around the woods... It's quiet... Too quiet. The star is plotting something, but that's alright, because so is he "Come out come out lad, we both know you can't hide from me the whole night long... I just wish to have a little chat with you." The king says in a faux friendly voice.
"Yeah you can keep wishing that but I ain't granting it!" Aster's voice comes from the tree tops
The king looks up with a wide smile, ready to cast a spell to capture the star. But his smile instantly vanishes as the green light from his staff reflects on many tiny eyes staring down at him, revealing that on the trees above there's a whole army of Genets ready to pounce:
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(Genets: Slender cat-like nocturnal animals that can be found in Spain... Imagine a bunch of these fellas staring down on you at night, terrifying me thinks)
They all jump on the king, climbing all over him and scratching his clothes. Magnifico screams while holding tightly to his staff and trying to protect his already scarred face
"AAAAH GET OFF ME YOU WRETCHED- NOT THE FACE NOT THE FACE!!" Magnus is wobbling around covered in wild cats.
Aster lets out a childish laugh as he cheers while flying above the desperate king "Yes! Get the face everyone! And also those fingers if you can! Hahahaa"
The king turns red with fury "ENOUGH!" he uses his magic to throw all of them away from him, some genets scatter while others stay, ready to attack him again, but the king is having none of that "GET NEAR ME AGAIN AND I'LL MAKE FUR COATS OUT OF YOU"
The all get scared, and run away to the depths of the forest.
Aster looks sad for a moment but he has no time to think too much about it, for the king immediately turns to him and tries to capture him once more.
Aster swiftly dodges the king's magic and hides behind a tree.
He then shrinks down to the size of a hand. He's the size of tinker bell.
The king is catching his breath after all the commotion, but he has enough energy to scream some facts to the star "Just accept it, boy! You can't best me! throw me your plants and I'll burn them, throw me your animals and I'll scatter them!"
Aster face is deep in thought, he hates to agree, but they have indeed been in this game of cat and mouse for a while, and Aster is not even close to getting that staff, not to mention how they hate to put even more animals in danger...
The king upon receiving no snarky comment in return, calms down slightly, knowing that the star deep down is just as tired of this game as he is...
He reaches for something inside his vest.
"So how about we stop playing, and just talk things out, hum?" Magnus voice is once again "friendly" but with a clear ominous undertone.
Aster thinks... He might be able to catch the staff while the king is distracted blabbering whatever he has to say... So he plays along.
"You really must love the sound of your own voice, don't ya? All you do is talk all the time." Aster's snarks while hiding behind the tree "Fine, what do you wanna talk about so bad?"
We don't see what Magnifico pulled out his vest, but he's holding a small object on his hand. Looking at whatever it is with a mischievous smile.
"That girl... You love her, don't you?" The king asks nonchalantly.
Aster's eyes widen in shock... EVEN HE NOTICED?!
Aster knew he couldn't let this man know how he and Asha felt about each other, as he'd totally take advantage of that, so the star tries to lie "W-what?! What you talking about?! We-we like- We just met 2 days ago! That's crazy talk!" Aster is a terrible liar by the way.
Magnifico has a pleased smile, as he walks forward to where Aster's voice is coming from, he's holding his staff with one hand while hiding the other behind his back. "And I fell in love with my wife in two minutes or less, what's your point? Heheh" he chuckles like he's reminiscing of something, but then continues, sounding as if he's talking to a stubborn kid that refuses do admit something obvious "Come now, starlight. Wishing stars are supposed to only give humans some guidance, but here you are going waaay above and beyond your purpose, breaking all the rules for her... Because you love her~" He singsongs that last part as if to make fun of the star.
Aster is about to say something when he notices that Magnifico is getting closer to his hiding place, so he flies to the ground, still on his miniature size, trying to hide in the low vegetation and move to somewhere else.
Magnifico notes the silence, and just chuckles "Well, either I'm right, or you're just too incompetent to even guide her at all, aren't you?" The king says jokingly.
That strikes a nerve with Aster, as he's quite done with the stars calling him incompetent and naive for so long. The star is still hiding in his small size but his voice is just as loud as it would be if he was normally sized:
"You know what?! YEAH we are in love! And it's thanks to our love that we'll defeat you! Because we'll fight to protect each other, at all cost!"
The king's grin grows even more devious.
"At all cost? Hmm, how charming." The king coos, and we see him holding the mysterious object tightly and focusing to perform a spell... He whispers some words in latin:
"Ligneus. Pupa. Crescere. Et dolus."
Aster doesn't hear what the king just said. but suddenly, he starts to hear the stars all speaking with him at the same time, the instruments play alarmingly all at once. They're speaking over each other, so Aster doesn't understand, the star looks up in frustration and whispers "Guys o-one at a time please- UGH I don't understand nor have time to talk ri-"
"Did you hear that, Asha? I told you he cared." The king speaks sweetly with someone else.
Aster feels the world stop when he hears that name come out of the king's mouth.
Aster flies out of the bushes and sees it... Magnifico is holding Asha by her shoulder, she's tied up by a rope made of green magic, her mouth is covered and she's struggling to free herself.
The star doesn't even think before he returns to his normal size, their animation looking rough and sketchy as he yells "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF-"
Aster sees a giant green hand made of light coming in his direction.
The star remembers he can't let himself get caught. In the blink of an eye he stretches his body down, like he's made of rubber... Get it? He's animated like a rubber hose cartoon for a second.
Aster dodges the king's magic once again and flies to hide behind a large tree.
"Ha! Almost caught you this time!" The king exclaims victorious while laughing.
Aster's mind is rushing with questions as he starts to panic... How did he get her? Is she hurt? Their plan went wrong? How can he save her?!
In the confusion that is their mind, they can't focus to listen what the stars are trying to tell him, the stars are just muddled voices to him now.
"I bet you're wondering how I found her, aren't you?" The king asks with a sadistic sweetness in his voice, holding the girl close to him "See, while you were flying away and hiding, like a coward, a guard came into the forest to tell me they found the poor thing lost in our garden" His voice is filled with a mocking fake sadness like he's describing a tragedy "And she just wouldn't stop calling your name... So here he is Asha, your daring "hero" hahaahaha!" His evil laugh echoes through the woods.
Aster didn't even know he could feel so much fear and anger at the same time. He places a hand on the ground and uses his magic to try attacking Magnifico with vines.
The king notices the plants beginning to grow next to him from the corner of his eyes, and his smile just grows as he says "Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were youuu~" He points his staff to her face, with the green gem shinning brightly and menacingly.
Aster can hear Asha muffled screams in fear, and he get's the message. He stops the vines from growing. The star looks down defeated.
Magnifico sees the vines retreating, and takes the staff away from her face "That's better. Now! How do you feel about a little bargain?" His voice is full of excitement like he's a con man ready to make a big deal.
Aster may be naive but even he knows where the king is going with this, and his not falling for it "Do you think I'm an idiot!?" The star asks angrily
"Why, yes! Very much so!" The king answers gleefully.
"You want me to surrender in exchange for Asha's life... But we both know your word isn't worth anything!" Aster is trying to speak boldly to mask how scared he actually is.
"*Gaaaaasp* You think I would lie?? Meeee??? I'd never!" The king says dramatically with sarcasm clear as day "Hehe jokes aside, I can assure you I NEVER break my end of a deal... If you don't break yours." He puts emphasis on that last part, he then begins to speak very quickly the terms of their deal "So here's the trade off, you surrender in, let's say, the count of 5, and in return I'll have your little doll here sent to some other kingdom where she'll be safe from harm and can live on to thrive and chase after her dreams yada yada yada happy ending! What do ya say? Come on."
Aster is too overwhelmed to think- He obviously can't trust Magnifico's word, but if they don't do as he says then Asha is done for- But who's to say she'll be safe later when the king has his mag-
"Let me make this easier for you... One"
The king starts counting.
Aster mind is spinning, he tries to think clearly, but his emotions are clouding his judgment. The stars voices are just white noise.
The king prepares to use his magic on the girl.
Aster feels some tears form in the corner of his eyes... He promised Asha he would't let himself get caught but-
Aster hears Asha's muffled voice screaming for help, but not the stars above him...
He breaks his promise.
"ALRIGHT!" The star yells, flying out of their hiding place, with his hands up.
And before he knows it, there are glowing green chains on his writs that quickly pull him closer to where the king and "Asha" are. Once the chains are on him the sound of messy orchestra instruments stops all together, since Aster's powers are diminished by the dark magic, he can no longer hear the stars.
The star doesn't struggle, accepting his loss. The king pulls him in closer and closer until Aster is standing right in front of him, Magnifico looks down on him with a cruel smile.
Aster is not looking at him, his eyes are full of sadness and fixated on the ground, unable to face "the girl" the king's holding.
"Awww why the long face, little one? Here, she's free just as promised." The king snaps his fingers and "Asha" is free from her restraints, now just standing still next to him. "... Any last goodbyes before I send her off?" Aster doesn't notice but Magnifico is trying his best to hold in his laughter.
Aster can only look down, not wanting to face her yet, but he apologizes for not granting her wish "... Asha... I'm sorry... I tried everything I could but- I failed." a single tear runs down the star's face as he begs her "When you're away from here... DON'T come back, and DON'T look back... I just want you to be safe and-" Aster stops as he finally looks at her face.
It's devoid of emotion... And her eyes are soulless... Like a dolls eyes.
Aster is worried that Magnifico did something to her, he reaches out to hold her hand "Asha? What's wro-" but when he holds her hand... There's nothing... No star inside of her... That's not Asha.
As realization dawns on the star, Magnifico can't hold it in anymore "Pffft HAHA HAHAAHAHAAH HAHAHAAH"
With every "ha" Aster's face becomes more furious, both angry at the king and himself for falling for his trick.
"YOU LIED TO ME!" Aster shouts as he tries to get away from Magnifico, who simply pulls him closer by the chains so they're face to face.
"Did I? I thought I was quite clear." He smiles sadistically "I said I'd "have your little doll sent somewhere safe", remember? Aaaand" He snaps his fingers, and the magic that made up the fake Asha disappears like it was blown away by the wind, and all that is left of her is a small wooden doll. The same wooden doll Magnifico made for Asha all the way back in chapter 4.
(... Get it? He turned a wooden doll into a real girl... Like Pinocchio... Heheheheh *Jumps out the window... Gets back to write the rest of the chapter* ahem, anyway, congrats @gracebeth3604 you guessed it, I made Magnifico pull a Hades move on our wonder boy)
"Here she is!" Magnifico exclaims excitedly while placing the doll inside Aster's chained hands "She's all yours, lad! You can even choose where you want me to send her while we go back to the palace." Magnifico says like he's doing Aster a favor. He starts walking and pulling the star to come along.
Aster looks at the doll with rage and throws her away into the bushes.
Aster tries to pull away from the chains and keeps himself still with his feet fixated on the ground "I AM NOT LETTING YOU USE ME TO HURT THEM! IF YOU THINK I GONNA JU- GHHAaaAAaAAAaaaA!!!" Aster feels a shock wave of pain course his body as the king uses a spell to electrocute him, his animation becomes fully disjointed like he's struggling to keep his physical form. Once it's over, Aster can only kneel down in pain.
"Not so funny when it happens to you, is it?" Magnifico's eyes are now full of spite, highlighting the scar over his left eye "I've enjoyed this little game of ours but we really must hurry, I'd hate to keep my queen waiting... Not to mention, your girl is just DYING to see you too."
Aster is weak from the pain but he manages to look up to the king.
Did they get her?
We now cut back to the palace, Asha is still fighting with the queen.
The girl looks exhausted, swinging her sword around and defending herself from the unhinged woman. She doesn't have time to stop and take her sketchbook to draw something else to attack.
But Asha slips up, and Amaya manages to disarm her, throwing her sword away to the other side of the room.
Asha gasps in shock.
"NO!- UGH!"
The queen KICKS the girl's legs, making her fall on the ground, now their positions are reversed from how they were before.
Asha looks up horrified to the queen pointing the blade to her face, she's looking down on the girl with a smirk "So... Ha ha- how's that for an "old lady" huh?" The woman is panting like she could collapse from exhaustion at any moment, but she still keeps her composure as she threatens the girl bellow her.
Asha tries to reach for her sketchbook tied to her belt, but the queen quickly takes it off her hands. Asha doesn't have time to react before Amable throws it away to the other side of the room.
Asha is petrified, she has nowhere to go.
She can see Valentino hiding behind the curtains of a window, he's scared.
"You put up a good fight child, but I'm afraid this is where your story ends, with you... All alone." Amaya raises the sword to end the girl's life.
Asha can only close her eyes and prepare for the impact... Until she hears a familiar voice
"Think again WITCH!"
Both Amaya and Asha are startled by the sudden scream, however, a smile quickly appears on Asha's face when she sees who it is.
Amaya turns around and is quickly knocked out of balance by something pushing her to the side, away from Asha. The queen drops the sword on the floor.
What pushed the queen was Dahlia's crutch, as the girl is now standing in front of Asha offering her a hand with a relieved smile "Sorry we took us so long, you okay?"
"Better now you're here!" Asha hold her best friend's hand and goes in for a hug, feeling relieved to see her safe. While they hug, Asha opens her eyes and sees that behind Dahlia there's also Gabo, Hal, Bazeema, Safi and Dario. All of them glaring at the queen laying on the floor.
"Ho- HOW DID YOU BRATS GET IN HERE?!" The queen demands to know, her hair is partially covering her face, she looks like an absolute mess.
Hal points to the small elevator on the wall, used to get food from the kitchen straight to the king's study "Did you forget how you get your meals everyday?"
(How did all 6 of them fit in the elevator?... Same way they did in the movie, cartoon logic)
Amaya just groans in frustration as the teens walk closer to her.
Asha gets her sketchbook on the floor, she sighs in relief before saying with a smile "*sigh* Alright, just like we planned, everyone" She begins to draw some squiggly lines on her book, and as she touches the page the lines come out as long pieces of rope.
Her friends all get a piece of rope. And they walk to tie up the evil queen.
(Hahah get it? The 7 dwarfs references are the ones who save her from the evil queen! Heheheeh I love when references fit the narrative)
The queen's screaming for them to stay away from her in the background. But we focus on Asha, who's calling Valentino to come out of his hiding place.
The baby goat does so, rushing to her arms happily. Asha hugs him with a big smile "It's alright, I'm fine" She reassures him, and also reassure herself.
Asha looks around to her friends and notices... There's one missing.
"... So it was true" She begins to speak with Dahlia, the only one that didn't go help tie up Amaya, preferring to stay by Asha's side "Simon really did betray us..." She sounds hurt.
Dahlia places a hand on her friend's shoulder and explains "At first, yeah, he did. But who do you think pulled us up here?" She smiles at Asha, and gives her a wink.
Asha's eyebrows raise "Wait... So he changed his mind? How?" She asks confused
"Let's just say the king's mind control was no match for the power of friendship... Also Gabo kept screaming and swearing at him like a sailor." Hal said joyously.
"I told him bad words he didn't even know existed! And I'm literally younger than him!" Gabo says proudly while pulling a rope to tight up the Amaya's arms on her back.
"He can pull himself up the elevator, so he'll be here to help us pretty soon!" Safi comments.
Asha is happy that her friend came to his senses... But she still has a bad feeling.
"Did he say how much he told about the plan to Magnifico?" Asha asks Dahlia, with concern clear in her voice.
Dahlia's smile fades, she also seems worried "He doesn't know actually, he can't remember much about how the conversation went."
Asha looks down and thinks for a moment "... Okay, he didn't tell them about my pencil, so maybe he didn't tell them everything, we can still win." She smiles confidently.
Asha and the teens are suddenly startled once they hear a familiar voice shouting aaaaaall the way down the stairs of the palace:
"NO NO IT'S FINE, I CAN GET HIM UP THERE ON MY OWN! YOU ALL JUST SOUND THE TRUMPETS AND GATHER THE CITIZENS!" The king's voice echoes through the castle, he's talking to the guards in the entrance.
"Aster!" Asha exclaims worried.
The queen is all tied up, smiling in the background.
"I- I gotta go help him! You all stay here." Asha rushes to the door.
"Oh no we won't, we're not leaving your side again!" Dahlia exclaims holding her wrist.
"No, you don't understand, Magnifico CAN'T get even close to you all, not while he still has that staff, I won't let him hurt you." Asha explains to her friend with a serious expression "I'll find a way to save Aster and break it... Somehow." She doesn't sound so sure of herself, but she knows she has to try.
"And how can you do that?" Bazeema asks concerned
Asha holds her sketchbook and her pencil and starts drawing a key "I'll use my imagination" She smiles.
Asha pulls out the key from the page, she turns to tell her friends one last thing before leaving. But when she turns something catches her attention, on the king's desk there's a a small cloth bag full of blue sparkly sand, the bag is labeled "Fire Salamander Ashes". Asha takes the bag from the table and says quickly "Also this might come in handy."
She opens the door with her hand drawn key and tells her friends one last thing "No matter what you guys hear, don't leave the room." She runs down the long flight of stairs.
Meanwhile Magnifico is dragging Aster up the stairs, the king looks exhausted as he tries to perform a teleportation spell to get them to the top, but he can only teleport a few steps up.
"ARGH I'm gonna give myself a splitting headache because of you!" Magnifico says, with a hand over his forehead, he speaks to himself under his breath "Never had to teleport so many times in one day, thought such a simple spell wouldn't exhaust me that much..."
Aster hears that, he's still struggling to not get dragged away by the king as he exclaims "If just teleporting a bunch of times to get us here gives you a headache then you REALLY not gonna like what'll happen if you get my magic!" This isn't a bluff, but an actual warning, as Aster remembers what the stars told him... Maybe he can convince Magnus to stop "LISTEN! My powers may seem weak now, but even the most powerful of sorcerers couldn't handle the power of a star inside them, it's TOO MUCH for a normal human to handle!"
"Yeah well, good thing I'm no normal human." The king says with a frustrated expression while dragging the star up the stairs.
"YES YOU ARE, MAGNUS!" Aster screams, trying to reach out for some sense of humanity inside him.
"Don't call me that." The king warns sternly, he's not looking at Aster as he speaks.
"You only have power at all because of that green gem on your staff. And even with it, you're not strong enough!" Aster continues while still getting dragged by the king
"I'd really not test my patience right now if I were you, boy." He sounds more and more angry.
"I'm trying to save you! If just performing a spell way too many times gives you a headache then MY POWER will make you LOSE YOUR MIND-" Aster tries to spell it out to Magn-
"AND I WOULD RATHER LOSE THAT THAN LOSING THE WOMAN I LOVE!" Magnifico shouts, now looking straight to the star behind him, enraged in a way the star has never seen before.
Aster goes silent, staring at the king in shock and... For the first time feeling like the man was 100% honest with him.
Magnus takes a few seconds to realize what he just said out of anger and exhaustion... He puts himself back together, straightening up his posture and taking a deep breath, before looking down to the star with his usual smile full of sarcasm "Thank you for the concern, Aster. Really appreciated, but you have nothing to worry you shinny little head about" He taps on the star's forehead with one finger "I've already planned on how to get myself a-... Let's say a "Power boost" before performing the spell to get your magic humhum" He chuckles lowly, excited to show the star what he means by that "Besiiiiiides, all the sorcerers that tried to yield the power of a star only went mad because they tried to do it on their own, while I have someone to share it with."
Aster is dumbfounded... The king KNEW that the power of a star can drive someone mad... And he choses to go after it anyway because he THINKS that by sharing it with his wife they'll be fine?... Aster realizes he is too far gone.
"Nothing I say is gonna change your mind, is it?" Aster asks with frustration in his voice, the king simply shakes his head "no" with a smug "... Then you don't love her at all, you just wanna use her to get more power." The star says with a scowl.
The king is stunned for a second by the gall the star has to say that, before his rage comes back at full force, he doesn't take his eyes off the star as he makes shock waves of pain go through Aster's body again, the star kneels down in agony.
Asha's voice comes from the top of the stairs, surprising both the star and the king, but they're surprised for completely different reasons.
Aster looks up to the top of the stairs with a huge smile despite the pain he's in right now "ASHA!"
The king however turns to her in bewilderment "YOU?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALI-" He stops as he has a realization... His face turns into a cold glare, hiding a hint of worry in his voice "Where's Amaya?"
Asha ignores the king's question, as she's already drawing the first thing that came into her head to stop him.
She throws out of her sketchbook what she just drew and...
A hand drawn piano manifests right above the king
The piano fell on the king. And keep in mind Simon didn't mention the magic pencil, so from Magnifico's perspective Asha just randomly manifested a piano out of nowhere.
Aster is free from the king's restraints, and he quickly flies up to Asha and gives her a hug, Asha hugs him back and the two have a second to breathe and be relieved that they're both okay.
"I was so worried about you! Are you okay?" Asha asks holding his face with both her hands.
"I'm the one who should be asking that!" Aster sounds worried sick.
"I'm fine, the others saved me from the queen, she's all tied up. Now we gotta focus on breaking that staff" She looks down the stairs to the destroyed hand drawn piano that the king is under "Do you think that was enough to knock him out?"
Asha's question is immediately answered by the remains of the piano being engulfed by green magic. It begins to float as the king violently throws it out of the stairs.
(Yeah sorry, he's unfortunately fine, because cartoon logic and this ending would be underwhelming.)
They can hear the loud sound of the piano falling on the ground bellow, as well as the sound of the king practically roaring in anger. He gives the two teens a death glare while trying to stand up.
"NOPE!" Aster answers, holding her in his arms, Aster flies as fast as he can up the stairs, fast enough that the king doesn't have time to catch them with his magic.
He does however have enough energy to do one simple spell. He snaps his finger, which locks all the doors that lead to the wishes room.
Asha and Aster are in the treasure room, the dimly lit room where Magnifico and Amable sang "Wish Away" to her.
The two of them are startled when the entrance they just went through shuts behind them and one second later the exit does too, they're trapped in the dark and large room full of treasure exposed like a museum.
But Aster quickly comes up with a solution.
"I-I'ts okay, I can unlock the door!" The star reaches out to use their magic, but Asha holds his arm.
"No! We can't keep running away from him, otherwise we'll lead him straight to the study, to where my friends are." She explains to Aster with concern, but also determined to fight back instead of running.
"Then what do we do?" Aster asks her quickly.
"I- I... I have a plan." Her face lights up with an idea, as she holds the star's hands "I don't have much time to explain so pay attention-"
"Oooooh Asha~" The king's voice comes from the other side of the door, he's getting closer.
Asha holds the star by the wrist and guides him to hide behind one of the many artifacts in the room "Aster- Turn into your human disguise NOW." They're now crouched down, hiding behind a small pillar with an old vase on it.
Aster is confused "What?? But I can't use my powers when I'm in that form." Aster explain nervously as they hear the king's footsteps approaching
"You can't glow either, you need to stop glowing so we can hide in the dark." She whispers quietly, her glance is practically rushing the star to just do as she says.
Aster doesn't know what she's planning but he trusts her wholeheartedly. He quickly goes from a 2D drawing with shiny hair to a 3D animated character like Asha, with normal blonde hair.
"Okay, so what do we do no-"
They hear the door opening.
The two teens keep their mouths shut.
"... Playing hide-and-seek again, little star?" Magnifico's voice echoes through the room, he lets out a low chuckle and says "Alright, let's play one last game."
Aster and Asha are staring at each other, it's dark but they can see one another thanks to the dim blue lighting above the treasure they're hiding behind. They hear the king's foot steps as he slowly walks around the room looking for them.
Asha can feel her heart pounding, how can she tell the plan to Aster if they can't speak?
She remembers they both know how to communicate without speaking.
She begins to speak in sign language, Aster can see her hands under the dim light:
"I'll make a distraction, while you take this and spread it all over the floor when he's not looking" She signs and takes from her belt the bag of blue dust she took from the king's desk.
Aster doesn't understand what that is or how she can distract him at all, he signs to her back "How are you gonna distract him?"
She's about to sign to answer his question, but then the king begins to speak casually
"Ya know, Asha. I'm actually so glad you evaded Amaya's trap, truly I am." We see the king looking at his own reflection in one of the artifacts in the room, not really in a hurry to find them "For you see, I have a little secret I wanted to share with you... Wanna know what it is?"
Asha obviously doesn't respond, she's holding her sketchbook and pencil like she's preparing to draw something, she tries her best to focus and ignore whatever the king is talking about.
"Your grandfather's wish." Asha's eyes widen, she stops drawing "The very thing that started all this... Yeah, me and my wife miiiiiight have told you a little fib, shocker I know heheh" he jokes, as they both know all they've done is lie to her from the start "But I decided to come clean, since I happen to actually remember now what his wish was: "To inspire the people of Rosas with my songs"" The king quotes what the wish was, with a clear tone of disdain.
Asha feels like everything fell into place... Saba really was just like her... Or maybe she was a lot like him. This is probably the first time anything the king says brought her a sense of actual comfort.
Aster is surprised as he himself didn't know what Sabino's wish to the king was, but by pure coincidence it's the same thing he guided Asha to do.
But the king obviously is not sharing that to give her a wholesome moment or anything, he continues with a smirk "I'm sure now you see that I did him a favor by never granting that wish."
Asha's face becomes an angry glare. And she begins to draw something in her sketchbook quickly.
The king can hear the sound of the pencil sliding on the paper, and he follows it while speaking calmly "I mean, if I did grant it, he could've ended up crossing the line... Like you did."
Aster notices he's getting closer and looks at Asha anxiously as if to rush her to finish what she's drawing already. Asha looks like she's almost done.
"And when you cross the line..." Magnifico grin widens, he get's closer to the sound and...
He sees Aster dragging Asha to a different hiding place as fast as he can, but not fast enough.
Magnifico uses his magic to grab Asha with a giant hand.
"AAAAGH!" Asha screams as the king raises her up.
"NO!" Aster yells in desperation
"THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES!" Magnifico says with a twisted glee, and he throws the girl all the way to the other side of the room.
Aster runs to where she is, but to no avail as Magnifico holds him with his magic. The man is laughing maniacally as he walks to the girl.
"Ha ha aaah and it looks like I win our little game, now who would've thought?" Aster is struggling to free himself from the king's magic while Asha is laying on the floor, looking up in fear "But I'm afraid you won't get to see what happens next, my dear." He grins as he points his staff to her, but just when he's about to charge up an attack-
"W-wait!" Asha exclaims, looking up terrified "... Can I just a-ask one thing?"
The king raises one eyebrow "Your last words? Hmm it's cliche, but oh alright I'll allow it, what is it?" He asks with a relaxed smile.
Asha looks down defeated "I- I just wanted to say..."
She looks back up to him with a smug.
"I got way better at drawing self portraits, didn't I?" "Asha" asks full of confidence.
Magnifico's evil smile disappears, replaced by a face of pure confusion, completely taken aback by the girl's random comment.
"Oh yeah! You look amazing, and I look pretty good too." "Aster" comments cheerfully, still tied by Magnifico's magic, but he doesn't seem to care at all anymore.
The king turns to the star in confusion, not understanding what these kids are talking about... But he notices something he didn't see before because of how dark the room is... "Aster" is black and white.
Before he has time to fully process that, the two living drawings smile at him while going from 3D animated, to 2D, to looking like rough sketches, until they both disappear completely.
... He got tricked.
"Hey Mag!"
Asha's voice comes from behind him. He turns around in shock, and sees the REAL Asha and Aster as standing in front of the now open exit. Aster is back to his 2D glowing self, and he's holding a now empty cloth bag.
The floor is shining with blue dust all over it.
"Here's a little trick your wife taught me!" Asha exclaims with a defiant smile, and she throws a hand drawn fireball from her sketchbook.
The fire hits right in front of Magnifico. A large black and white flame grows, it looks like scribbles one would draw on paper, but it shines and burns just as much as normal fire, and it's spreading all around him.
Magnifico get's so startled by the fire that he finally lets go of his staff for a second.
And that second is all that Aster needed. The star stretches his arm all the way to the other side of the room, grabbing the staff and bringing it to them.
(I mentioned on Aster's "How I'd Reimagine the Characters in Wish" blog that he could stretch his body, but he kinda never used this ability, so what better moment to have him use it than now)
"No-NO WAIT!" Magnifico is trying to avoid the flames as he begs.
Aster spins the staff in the air before HITTING IT ON THE FLOOR with all the strength he can manage.
"AAAGH!" Magnifico quivers and yells in pain.
The gem is broken.
Asha and Aster run out of the room, and Aster locks the door behind them with his magic.
They can hear the king's painful screams coming from the other side of the door...
The two run up the stairs that leads to the wishes room, Asha is breathless as they stop in front of the door of the king's study.
"... We did it? We won?" Asha asks almost in disbelief, but with a smile already beginning to form in the corners of her lips
Aster looks to the staff now with no green gem on his hands, and let's go of it, letting it fall on the floor, he looks to her with a bright smile "... Yeah, it's over!"
Asha hugs him and laughs in relief. Aster holds her tightly while spinning her in the air.
"That was GENIUS!" Aster exclaims once he stops spinning "You finally figured out how to draw yourself!" he sounds proud of her, as he knows that was a skill Asha always struggled with.
"All I needed was to understand what I was drawing... And now I do." Asha says with a warm smile, placing a hand on her chest, reflecting on how this whole experience helped her understand who she really is.
She pulls Aster by the hand for them to go through the door of the wishes room. "Come on! Let's go tell the others."
Once she opens it, they see her friends all around the door waiting for them, Gabo is holding the sword Amaya was fighting with earlier, like he's ready to attack if who came in was Magnifico.
"ASHA!" They all scream in excitement and relief. Everyone rushes for a group hug
Including someone who wasn't with them earlier, but managed to pull himself up the rope elevator.
"YOU GUYS ARE OKAY!" Simon exclaims, embracing the whole group with his big arms.
Asha is smiling despite almost suffocating in the group hug "Heheh yup, we're fine, but we still got some wishes to free!"
Her friends let go of the hug, fully focused on the task at hand.
"Right! Aster, give us a lift to the ceiling will ya? There are some pulleys up there, that must be how we can open it!" Gabo exclaims, pointing to the top of the wishes room.
"Oh-ho! A few lift ups coming right up!" Aster says cheerfully, and uses his star dust on a few of the king's books, making them float to the wishes room, just waiting for the teens to get on them so they're lifted up there.
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The teens run to the wishes room, Asha stays behind in the study for a moment to see... The queen is all tied up, looking at her in horror.
"Where is Magnus?"
If it was anyone else Asha would probably feel sorry for her, but this woman deserves no sympathy. So Asha just says with frankness "Burning down stairs. You're a widow, again. Consider that my wedding anniversary gift."
(Yeah I couldn't fit anywhere else so here's a reminder that back in chapter 2 Dahlia's mom said they had to go to the market to get her some ingredients, because she had to make a cake for the king and queen's wedding anniversary, and guess what? That is TODAY! So uuuuh yay tying up with the 100 anniversary disney movie theme... Also they kinda canceled the celebration for obvious reasons.)
The queen holds in a gasp, as if her cold heart just shattered.
Dahlia was next to her friend and is surprised by her tone "Woah Asha, I know she's evil but y-"
"They killed my parents, Dahlia." Asha puts it simply to her best friend while walking to the wishes room to join the others.
"THEY WHA- OOOH That's what you GET you WITCH!" Dahlia shouts in Amaya's face, now fully on board with Asha.
(I love that witch is the closest I can get to have them calling her the B word)
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We see Gabo, Dario, Safi, Hal and Bazeema all being lifted up by the books, as there are 5 pulleys for each one of them to pull.
Aster is flying around the wishes, looking in amazement to the blue ones, and holding the green ones, which makes them turn back to their original blue color, un-cursing them. He is flying around repeating the process on as many as he can.
Asha looks up to her friends and the wishes, she smiles in relief that everything is finally falling into place... But then she notices Simon is standing in the corner of the room, his eyes are downcast.
Asha walks to him "Simon, you okay?" She asks him worriedly.
Simon doesn't even know where to begin his apology, for everything. He looks at her full of regret "Asha... I'm sorry, I am so so sorry." He begins, Asha looks to him and listens attentively "I don't expect you to forgive me. I was so scared that we could get hurt- I just- I couldn't believe that everything we knew was a lie" he begins to tear up "... And I wanted so badly to believe in him-"
Asha gives him a hug.
"... You were hurting in silence for so long because of the things he did... And I was too, we all were." Asha says calmly, trying to reassure her friend "What matters is that he's gone now, he can't hurt us anymore."
Simon has tears running down his face but he hugs her with a smile.
Aster flies closer to them, holding a wish bubble "And I think THIS belongs to you!" The star says warmly
Simon and Asha still can't see what's inside the bubble, but just by getting close to it Simon can feel it "My wish?" Simon asks in surprise "... No, I don't deserve it, I put all of us in danger and-."
"Everyone deserves to know their wish" Aster tells him with a bright smile "He tricked you, so what? Happens to the best of us, literally happened with me today"
"The important thing is that you see the truth now." Asha says, she looks at Simon and then at the wish with a smile, as if to encourage him to get it.
And he does so, reaching out for the bubble, and once he holds it reveals the image of Simon wearing knights clothes... Simon's smile is replaced by disappointment.
"Well... This is awkward." He says letting go of his floating wish "That's not what I wish for anymore... Guess I can't have it back."
"Hey now, that's not how it works." Asha smiles as she holds his wish "It's not about what the wish IS, it's about what it MEANS." She repeats what Aster told her back in the cave when they were talking about her wish, the star smile widens at that. Asha continues to explain "Sure, on the surface it may look like all you wish for is serve the king... But there's so much more to it than that." She places the wish in his hands "You wish to protect those you care about, like you've been trying to protect us this whole time, because even without your wish, THAT'S who you are. This wish is what makes you... YOU." Simon's smile returns "And NO ONE should live a life without being themselves fully." She finishes, her eyes sparkling with joy for her friend finally getting his wish back.
"... Thank you." Simon takes his wish and brings it to his chest, it is quickly absorbed.
Immediately there's a change in him, the bags under his eyes are gone, he gets a better posture as his back becomes straight, his smile widens once he realizes for the first time in 3 years he's not feeling exhausted.
"Woah... I forgot how this felt like heh" Even his voice is more full of life now.
"Uuuuh hate to interrupt the wholesome moment, but we're having some trouble up here!" Gabo's voice comes from above them.
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Asha, Aster and Simon look up, seeing that the teens are struggling to pull the ropes to open the ceiling
"Do you think you can use your magic to open it, Aster?" Asha asks him
"Those panels are waaay too heavy for my dust to make them float..." They explain disappointedly
"We need more weight..." Hal says, she looks down and thinks for a moment, and an idea pops in her head "Alright! Who here ever wished to be an acrobat?" She asks them excitedly while preparing to jump with the rope tied to her hand
"What are you doing???" Safi asks her worried
"Follow my lead! YOOHUUUL!" She jumps with the rope, pulling the triangular plate from the ceiling right open.
All the teens understand the plan, as Dario doesn't hesitate and jumps right after her, followed by Bazeema, Safi and lastly Gabo.
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The ceiling is open.
Asha is jumping with joy as the wishes begin to fly out of the castle.
"Well done guys! You're ready Aster?" She asks the star thrilled
Aster is just as thrilled as her when they answer "I fell down here ready!"
He flies up to the middle of all the wishes. The star focus his magic and opens his arms wide, magically turning all the green bubbles into blue ones.
The teens and Asha clap and cheer from bellow. While Bazeema is holding Valentino in her arms.
Aster looks beyond relieved he was able to actually do this... After this, Asha's wish will be granted.... And even if that means he'll have to leave, he couldn't be happier that he could give that to her.
Aster prepares to send all the wishes back to Rosas "And now! Time to return you all to who you belon-"
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(*siiiiiiiiigh* ... I hate myself for what I'm about to do with these kids)
...A giant green orb holds all the wishes...
Aster sees he's surrounded by dark magic. He is mortified by fear.
And so is Asha as we see her and the teens looking up in horror... The magic that created the orb came from behind them.
Asha can't move, she doesn't want to turn around, but she hears that condescending voice she thought she'd never hear again... And he sounds very excited about his big entrance:
"Surprise~ Did you miss me?." Magnifico's voice echos, and all the 7 teens turn around to see who they already know who it is.
King Magnifico is completely unharmed, holding the staff with no green gem on it with one hand, while hugging a now untied Amaya with the other, they're both smiling deviously at the frightened teens.
Asha hasn't turned around yet.
"I certainly did, darling. Although, I didn't doubt you'd come back for a second." The queen says honestly, as that heartbroken expression she made earlier was just an act, she knew Magnifico had a precaution in case they got his staff.
Asha finally turns around, she's trying to hide her fear as she speaks "How? W-We broke the gem from your staff, how did yo-"
"Oh you mean this gem?" Magnifico says casually while pulling a glowing emerald from inside his vest... The actual gem from his staff.
Asha is stunned, and so is Aster, watching them from the bubble, trying to get out.
"Fun fact about magic power sources, kiddos." He explains like he's teaching a class, while placing the gem back into the staff "Although it is easier to use them in an amulet or staff, if you have it with you anywhere then its magic can still be used however you please." He fits the gem back into its original place, finishing his little explanation "And that includes making it LOOK like the magic is coming from a fake power source, such as that one you broke down stairs." He smiles at Asha triumphantly.
"... You knew we were planning to break it." Asha already suspected it from the moment Amaya told her Simon betrayed them... But she was hoping maybe he didn't say that part of the plan, or the king was too full of himself to come up with a precaution.
The two royals are walking towards them as the queen says "Of course. Thank you so much for the tip, Simon, we really couldn't have done it without you." Her voice once again has a mocking motherly tone to it as she speaks to the oldest of the group, who looks like he wants to burry himself on the ground right now with all the regret he feels.
"I- I DON'T REMEMBER TELLING THEM THAT!" Simon exclaims to his friends, who are all looking at him with sadness in their eyes, except for Gabo who looks ready to kick his kneecaps
"Well you were rather sleepy, perhaps it slipped your mind heheh" The king's eyes glow green, just to indicate what he did.
The two of them are approaching, but Asha is not about to just stand by and let them win like that, she's in front of her friends as she prepares to draw-
"Ooooh no you don't." Magnifico uses his staff to snatch the sketchbook off her hands
"NO!" Asha tries holding it with all her strength, but it's no use, as the sketchbook flies straight to the king's hand.
And just like that, Magnifico summons a green flame with his hand and burns the sketchbook.
Asha feels tears form on the corner of her eyes as she watches all her drawings burn in front of her.
She still has her pencil though, which she discreetly hides inside her sleeve.
"Welp, this was fun and all, but I think it's high time we get to the main event of the night." Magnifico says as he and his wife walk, looking up to the trapped star above them, who has been throwing himself on the walls of the large bubble all this time trying to get out.
Asha wipes away the tears forming in her eyes, she's NOT letting them win, she's not letting them get Aster.
"ASTER! Can you hear me!?" The star stops trying to get out and looks down to her, nodding "yes". So she continues to shout "If you get ANY chance to escape, do it! GO BACK TO THE SKY!" She begs him, knowing that's the only way to protect him and Rosas "Don't look back! It doesn't matter if my wish isn't granted! I just need you to be safe!"
Aster is looking down to her already with tears in his eyes. She's saying pretty much the same thing he asked to that illusion the king created in the woods...
And said king is standing right behind her "Giving up at last? Good. But I'm afraid our star is not going anywhere." He grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her closer to him, threatening to use his magic on her while looking up to Aster with a threatening smile "If he does, I might take my anger out on someone else, and we wouldn't want that, would we Aster?"
Aster looks down shaking in fear, his animation is more sketchy... He can't do it, he can't leave her.
Asha get's out of the king grasp and turns to him in defiance, refusing to show weakness "I'm not giving up! And neither will anyone else in Rosas, even if you get Aster's power, they will NEVER knell to you!"
Magnifico and Amable just look really amused and even intrigued by her boldness, after everything she still has spirit... And they can't wait to break it.
Magnifico leans down to look at her angry eyes "You really think so?" His eyes move away from hers, and he changes his focus to the 7 teens "Hmm let's test that theory..." He begins to walk towards them, ignoring the girl "Ooh Simon~ I believe you just stole something of mine-"
Asha doesn't think twice before holding him by the cape and pulling it.
"Leave them alone! I'm not letting you hurt them-"
Magnifico holds her with his magic and THROWS Asha to the bookshelves on the wall, the girl screams in pain upon impact and falls on the floor.
Aster can't be heard from the bubble but he's clearly screaming. While the teens gasp in fear.
"Frankly Asha, you REALLY should start worrying about yourself once in a while." He says sarcastically while turning back to the other teens, specifically to Simon.
Asha is laying on the floor in pain, but she sees the books that fell down from the bookshelf... Paper.
That's all she needed.
"Now where was I? Ah yes, you stole a wish from me." He chuckles darkly and speaks in mocking reprehending tone "Tsk tsk tsk first you break your end of our deal and now this? Asha really is such a bad influence."
Simon is no longer scared, but rather furious with every word the king just said "This wish is MY wish! And YOU are the one who broke the deal! You said Asha wouldn't get hurt!"
"Ah ah ah wrong in both instances. First of all: I said IF you kept all your friends locked up, then I, as in ME, Magnifico, wouldn't hurt her... But my dear wife promised you nothing, sooo really it's your fault for forgetting she existed, young man." He explains smugly.
"Indeed, how dare you?" Amaya complements, like she's offended he forgot about her.
Asha is quietly ripping off a page from a book on the floor. She tries to think on something to draw... But nothing comes up, her head is pounding in pain after being thrown to the bookshelf. And all the ideas that do come in her head just sound too risky, if she messes up the king will break her pencil.
"And second of all: ... I believe you misunderstand what I actually DO, Simon. So allow me to explain." His voice is more menacing this time as he approaches them, Simon has his arms open to shield his friends behind him "When you give me your wish, you're not just lending it to me, no no no, you GAVE it to me... So I can do whatever I want with it."
That get's Asha's attention as she tries to get up, using the desk to balance herself.
"No one agreed to tha-"
"SO" The king interrupts Simon and places a hand on the young man's chest, surprising him and all the others "If I say I want to change your wish, I will. If I say I don't want your wish to be granted, then it won't be" A blue light starts glowing on Simon's chest, the boy looks scared at the king smiling deviously to him "... And if I say I want your wish BACK"
He pulls out Simon's wish. Simon immediately feels himself grow weaker.
"Then I'll take it back." Magnifico says simply while looking at the blue orb.
Simon feels hopeless, the fire he had in his eyes a moment earlier is all gone.
Asha sees this happening all the way back in the king's study, she hides the piece of paper she got inside her sleeve. She's still trying to stand up as she asks.
"Y-you ugh- You can STEAL people's wishes?!"
"Oh I "wish" heheh" He laughs at his own joke "But nah, I can only take back from those who have given it to me once willingly." He holds Simon's wish in his hand with a smirk "Now the question is... What should I do with this one?" It's a sarcastic question, as he knows exactly what he'll be doing with it.
Simon is horrified, thinking the king will change his wish into something else, maybe even control him.
"Ah I know, how about a little demonstration of what happens with wishes in this real world? heheh" His grip begins to tighten on Simon's wish.
Simon gasps in pain as his legs go weak, his friends all worriedly ask what's going on with him and try to help him stand up.
"They get CRUSHED." The king destroys Simon's wish. Absorbing it's energy like it's the most wonderful sensation going through his veins.
Simon collapses, his knees on the floor as his face is now lifeless.
His eyes are unfocused. He's catatonic.
"Si-simon?" Dahlia tries to shake him to wake him up, but he's not responding, he's just breathing.
Asha is still in the king's study, shaking her head "no" in disbelief.
Magnifico pulls her back to the wishes room with his magic.
"What was that you said about Rosas "never kneeling to me", Asha?" He says smugly, pointing to Simon kneeling in front of them.
"What did you do with him?!" Asha is struggling to get out of his magic's grip
Magnifico just ignores the question and lets go of her, as he walks to the center of the circular room.
But Amaya gladly explains with a wicked smile "Have you forgotten what kind of wishes he takes? Your deepest desire that shows who you ARE, one might even call it... Your soul." Asha and the other teens look at her shocked. "Or at least HALF of it, people still need the other half to keep living or whatever." She finishes dismissively
Magnifico hits the floor with his staff, sending magic waves all around the room. And before they know it the whole room is being lifted up.
He then turns to Asha with a menacing grin "And ya know, your sweet little star did mention I'd have to be very powerful in order to sustain his magic... So take a wild guess where I'm getting that extra power from." He gives her a clue by looking up, as if he's pointing to the wishes trapped above them with his eyes.
Asha looks up at all the wishes and then to him in disbelief "No... You can't- They didn't do anything- They don't deserve-"
"I decide what everyone deserves." He puts it simply with a grin, as they reach the top of the tower.
Chapter 16
Final Thoughts
... So... How many of you fell for it? I mean, maybe it just felt like an obvious fake out death to me because I'm the twisted and sleep deprived mind that came up with it, but come oooon ya'll didn't think I'd only end ONE of them, right?
But if you're DONE with Magnifico and Amable, don't worry I am too, can't wait for them to be defeated next chapter, for real this time, no cap, we'll get a happy ending for our traumatized heroes I swear.
But let me lighten the mood with an imagery that cracks me up every time I think about it... Magnifico sneaking in the room while Asha is having her little speech with Simon.
Like dude just got in like:
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Then he unties Amaya and listens as Asha is like "He's gone now, he can't hurt us anymore" and they're both thinking like "OOOH WE GONNA HURT THEM SO BAD LMAO" like the abusive parental figures they are, because that's what they represent by the way, they're like Mother Gothel and the whole population of Rosas is Rapunzel.
Asha is better than me by the way, like, if I saw this man alive again after ALL that I'd just do like Bravo and jump off the window. But she just keeps going, keeps finding new ways to fight back, I love my girl so much, like, you guys may think I hate her for putting her through this, but I can't wait for us to get to her happy ending! BUT I CAN'T RUSH IT OTHERWISE IT'LL RUIN THE WHOLE THING.
Anyway, this is already way too long, pray for Aster, I think ya'll can guess what'll happen to him next chapter, and pray for Rosas, because Magnifico will not be making them knell down by being chaining them to the ground like in the movie... Sooo yeah.
Thank You For Reading!
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blue-aconite · 9 months
book club activities || r.b.f
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Summary: Bob's girlfriend has a book club.
Warnings: Suggestive texting, absolute nonsense, somehow Bradley and Jake stole the show (idiots)
Word Count: 940
Pairings: Bob Floyd x f!reader
Authors Note: Happy birthday @bobfloydsbabe! This is the dumbest thing I've ever written and it also sucks but it has your favourite lil dude in it and I love you! I hope you've had a great birthday! Enjoy this insanely weird drabble.
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“You should really read it.” 
Bob sighed, rubbing a hand across his face. “Sweetheart, I’m not reading Twilight with you.” 
His girlfriend pouted from the corner of the couch, aiming a kick against his shin. “But you liked the films.” 
“No, I said I thought they weren’t bad. I never said I liked them.” They had watched all of the films a weeknight ago, which Bob initially had only done to please her. 
“And you said the films were better than the books.” Bob argued, reaching over to right the blanket covering her body as it had half fallen to the floor. 
“Yes but I still think you should read the books.” She said, crossing her arms across her chest. 
“I will go out and get you your favourite food, two new books, a new notepad and pencils if you don’t make me read the books.” Bob placated, hoping that it would satisfy her. 
She looked thoughtful, eyebrows drawing together as she contemplated his offer. 
“Which books?
Bob smiled, knowing he was winning. “Whichever you want, darling.” 
She stared at him for another moment before tossing the blanket aside to cuddle into his side. 
“I want Pho, I don’t have the last two books of ASOIAF and please get me a A4 notebook, not A5,” she paused momentarily, hand splayed against his abdomen, “and cuddles please.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, slouching slightly so she could get more comfortable. “Yes ma’am.” 
The rain was smattering against windows, the sun setting just behind the tree line they could see from their backyard. 
Ever since  Bob had found out he was going to be stationed permanently in San Diego, they decided to get a house and set down some roots. 
“I love you, even if you don’t want to read Twilight with me.” She whispered against his T-shirt, making Bob laugh. She soon joined in and they giggled together for a few moments before once again settling into the couch. 
“I love you too. Do you want Pho from the place close to base or the other one?” 
She hummed, eyes falling shut as she snuggled into his side. “Base please.” 
Bob waited a few minutes before her breathing evened out and then gently untangled himself from her embrace. 
After making sure she was properly tucked in for her nap, he grabbed his keys and wallet. He had a promise to make good on. 
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Next Day
“Dude, you should read them though, they’re actually pretty good. Not the writing but the story. Love triangle, vampires, werewolves and hybrid babies.” Rooster said through a mouthful of scrambled eggs. 
Phoenix snorted, rolling her eyes. “Not the most intriguing introduction, Roos.” 
Bob watched as they jabbed back and forth, pushing his food around on his plate. 
Hangman and Coyote sat down with their trays, interrupting the squabble happening across from Bob. 
“What’s up?” Javy asked. 
“Are you team Edward or team Jacob?” Rooster asked, completely serious. 
Coyote’s eyebrows shot up, mouth pressed into a tight line. “Dude, are you talking about Twilight?” 
“Yes! Bob watched the films with his girl and he doesn't want to read the books but I think they’re pretty good and Nat says they’re crap and now we gotta decide what team.” Bradley rambled, earning another smack to the side. 
Javy stared them both down, an unimpressed look on his face. “I don’t like fantasy.” 
“WHAT? Dishonour on you, dishonour on your family, dishonour on your cow!” Rooster dramatically gasped, clutching at his chest. 
The entire table rolled their eyes at their teammates' dramatics, all of them now used to Bradley’s antics. 
“Okay fine. I didn’t care enough to choose a team, the films were good and I’ve already read the books but don’t tell my girlfriend that. She’ll never let me live it down.” Bob spoke up, making Bradley smile. 
“I knew it. Everyone has read those books, except Javy here, apparently.” Rooster announced proudly, reaching across the table to fist bump Bob. 
“I personally am Team Bella. Neither Edward or Jacob were good for her. Jacob was an immature kid, not his fault, it’s just his character and Edward had issues. Real issues. The best thing for her would have been to get the hell out of Forks and work on becoming her own person.” 
The entire table fell silent, staring at Jake who didn’t even look up from his plate. No one spoke for a few beats before Bradley began clapping like a seal, shit eating grin in place. 
Bob shook his head as he reached for his phone, texting his girlfriend. She would enjoy the currently bizarre conversation that was taking place and maybe he could get out of book club if he mentioned that apparently both Rooster and Hangman were fans of the series. 
Hangman and Rooster like Twilight. 
Make them bring food and the books next time you invite them over. 
PS, you’re still gonna read the books with me, pls. 
Damn, he really thought he’d gotten away with reading the darn books again. 
If you and I are going to have a book club, no one else is welcome. 
How come??
Club activities are strictly taking place in the bedroom. 
He sent off the last text quickly, before pocketing his phone and turning back to the conversation. 
He didn’t receive an answer until he was scheduled to fly. There was a short message and a picture attached. 
And beneath the text was a picture partially obscuring the view of what seemed to be his girlfriend’s favourite lingerie set and all four books of the series. 
Bob couldn’t wait to go home.
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @ryebecca @imjess-themess @reels-and-wheels @antiquitea @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
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sku1l-b4e · 7 months
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School Love
(Chapter 2)
Thankfully, by the start of 5th period, Aaron hadn't done anything to me. He had stormed off, leaving Bill on the floor but hadn't done anything else since.
It was now almost 15 minutes into last period, Art, not my favorite subject but I could deal with it as I sat behind Bill. He was always kind, even when others were mean, sometimes he would snap at people but I haven't seen it in a while.
I sit near the back of the class, a pencil in my right hand as my chin rests on the palm of my left, my eyes staring out the classroom window, watching birds fly through the darkening sky. The teacher rambled on about some ancient German painters but suddenly stopped speaking as the door opened slightly. I hear the creak of the hinges and snap out of my daze, turning my attention to whoever had walked in. My brain silently prayed that it was a student or a teacher, not the school police officer, I couldn't risk being searched again.
I blink a couple times before I register who's standing at the door, the teacher frowns and speaks, but I ignore her as my eyes settle on Bill, standing by the door with an icepack to his head. It seems Aaron had actually done some damage to my poor baby. Bill mutters an apology, moving through the class to his seat as the kids around us laugh and whispers at his expense. As Bill reaches his seat, he freezes, one of the most aggressive boys in the year was sitting in his spot, leaving the poor boy confused. The other guy, Sam, glared at Bill and spat an insult towards Bill. Bill looked up to the teacher to see if she heard it, but unfortunately, she didn't.
The teacher eventually notices Bill still standing and she sighs, pointing at the spare seat my desk. "Sit there." She states, turning to the board to write down names and dates as me and Bill locked eyes.
I almost folded right there, his wide-eyed expression with his bruised forehead was so cute. I pulled out the chair beside me and tapped the seat, gesturing for him to sit. He hesitantly obeys and slides down next next to me, his cologne filling my nostrils. I smile and offer him a piece of gum from my jean pocket, his cheeks turn a light pink for the second time that day, he accepts it, popping it into his mouth as he silently chewed.
God he was so beautiful...
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Chapter 3 being worked on !!
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sloppysequinz · 8 months
Alcoholic Boss Babe Commits HR Violation
Your boss is beloved. Warm, kind, supportive, a mama bear for the whole unit. So maybe you have a little crush. She dresses smart but she can’t hide her body is soft, just your type. The stern clicking of high heels paired with a rosy round face makes you daydream about calling her mommy sometimes.
Then one day, she’s leaning over your shoulder as you show her something on your computer, and you freeze. You swear you smell alcohol on her breath. Is it just your imagination. You sneak a look at her. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are bright, she’s steadying herself on both your chair and the wall of the cubicle. There’s no way you’re imagining this. It makes your blood rush.
Slowly but surely, you notice more and more…incidents. She walks by one day and her ass is swaying dangerously in its tight pencil skirt, heels wobbling. She gulps from a cup of coffee and then slurs a few words trying to explain something to you. She flushes, embarrassed, and so do you.
As you notice more and more signs that your boss is a proper alcoholic, you notice other things too. She’s gotten more touchy lately—absentmindedly sliding a hand through your hair when she stands up from you showing her something, running her grip down your arm and laughing when she hands over materials. You feel a little like a piece of meat in her alcohol-brightened eyes, but it makes you feel hot and breathless.
Then one day, you have to stay to work late on something. It’s just you and her in the building. You step into her office to hand something in and stop in your tracks. The air smells of booze, there’s a bottle of vodka just sitting open on her desk. Her face is flushed and her clothing is in mild disarray, you can see more of her soft pretty body than usual.
Before you can say anything, she’s on her feet and backing you into the wall. She runs her hands over your face, your chest, making you squeak in surprise and drop your papers. She laughs and stumbles slightly, winding up with your back to the wall and her hands on either side of you, pressing hard against you.
She leans up to your ear and begins to whisper, words slurred together as she rambles. About how you’re just too sweet, too pretty. It’s against the rules to touch her underlings but when you blush like that she just wants to violate you so badly. You’ve been driving her crazy, can’t you see? This is your fault, I can’t help it, you’re so pretty baby, I just want to touch you.
As she confesses these vile, slurred fantasies her hands are all over you. One over your pants, rubbing eagerly, the other up your shirt, tracing your belly and then finding your nipples, tweaking one of them hard. You squeak and that causes her to grin wolfishly and stop rambling. She leans down and bites your neck and you can’t help but moan. She swears and starts pulling her skirt up, rambling again.
“I only drinks like this because I’m stresshed baby. I just need some…stress relief. Fuck, you moan soooo pretty. Pleashe baby, just let me take it out on you. It’ll allll be better then, promise. Promise. Just be good for me.”
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coeurify · 2 years
eating sub!ellie out, please? 💜
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: course baby, hope u enjoy <3. i went a bit overboard, this was only supposed to be like 500 words.. 18+ under cut.
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Your favorite place to be may be between Ellie’s thighs. Hands pressing the flesh and muscle of the bare skin open so she can’t try and run away from the feeling you give her, eyes set straight up on her heaving chest and trembling lip. What a gorgeous sight it always was, no matter where it may happen.
It happened in a lot of places really. The kitchen counter, the table, the bed, the couch. Whenever you wanted her, you had her. It was often you found yourself in the small slice of heaven that was Ellie’s thighs, and neither of you complained about it.
Whether it be when she woke up with bed head, still slowly wiping sleep from her eyes as a long white shirt hung from her figure, yawning as she stepped down the hallway. You love how she is in the mornings, when she's still building up the walls she puts on to the rest of the world, tough and stiff. When the bricks are still stacking in front of you, the only one who knows how far from real they are. One press of your finger and that wall was tumbling down, sending the shittly made wall to dust under your toes. Ellie was much less of that intimidating stoic girl that most of Jackson saw her as, and more like this.. bleary eyed and whiny in the first pinpricks of morning sun through the curtains. Well, maybe that was only for you.
Or if it was when she came home from patrol, dirt stains over the jacket she was wearing, shoulders sore from the day. The floorboards creaking as her voice, always softer for you, pleaded for help to take the heavy fabric off. You always did, bathing in the feeling of your girlfriend only being able, willing, to ask for your help. She always looked so pretty like that, lip pulled between her teeth and fiddling with her finger as she asked. You loved how she shivers as your hands dance over the zipper or buttons, pulling it off and pressing your palms against her arms to soothe the ache there.
Or even if it was a lazy day off, something you didn't often experience. Often she would have her auburn hair tucked behind her ears, healing bruises across her cheekbone as her eyebrows furrowed— working her fingers tightly around a pencil as she drew something in the journal of hers that only you were allowed to see. You would watch her with a smile, one that always reached your eyes. She’d usually tell you to stop staring, or to fuck off. She never meant it, and often was made to apologize for that mouth she had on her.
It didn’t really matter the circumstances, the setting. It just always sent that fire tumbling up in your belly, mouth watering at the sight of how gorgeous she was. Gorgeous for you. It always ended with her pushed against some surface, falling apart for you in a way no one else got to see.
Today it had been after a shower, clad in a pair of your shorts she always stole and some old tee-shirt, sat on your shared bed as she rambled on about something that happened that day. Her fingers pressed the still damp strands of hair behind her ear as she spoke— focused entirely on the story she was telling. You tried your best to listen, really. But she smelt like that soap you had washed each other with. Her cheeks were red from the hot water still. Her body was resting comfortably against the pillows, and she just looked so.. cozy. You couldn't help yourself. It took up every fraction of your brain (the ones lighter and darker). Parts that whispered into your eardrum that she looked so pretty, that her freckles looked so kissable today.. and others that reminded you how no one else got to see her like this, no one got this side of her but you. It fanned the flame in your ribcage, edging you on.
You couldn’t have stopped even if you tried, climbing on the bed and nudging her thighs apart. The way her lips parted to stop her words when you did so only made her look even more delicious. A small string of wetness pulled at your own lips, body salivating at the sight of your girlfriend’s bare legs. Like the good girl she was, she shifted up a bit more against the headboard, spreading her legs for you without question.
“Just gotta have a taste,” you mumble as your head dips down, kissing her lower thigh. You could feel her tense, breathing slower above you. Fingers wrapped into the elastic of the shorts she’s wearing, clinging them together with the boxers under them and pulling them down her thighs, kissing each inch of bare skin it passes.
“Always taking my clothes, hm?” you chastise with no real venom. Ellie just shrugs above you, trying her best to look unphased. “Was too lazy to find mine,” her words have a slight breathiness to them as you continue the wet kisses against her thighs, aiming them closer to the end goal now.
Your eyes roll at her words, which you know are true. Ellie never cared much for the look of things, as long as it wasn't overly girly.. and definitely didn’t waste much time organizing things to find later. So you don't doubt she had opened one drawer of the dresser near the bed and took whatever she saw first. But it still made you feel some sort of power to see her in your clothing. You’d have to remember to make her wear one of your shirts tomorrow.
Back on your current mission after the small daydream, you nip at the flesh of her inner thigh, smiling against it when Ellie squirms. Always so responsive for you. You suck the skin into your lips, running a finger over the blossoming red mark it leaves. You repeat the action a few more times, always purposely ghosting over her now dripping core.
“Shit babe, stop teasin,” Ellie mumbles above you, cutting her words harshly to keep out the whine you know is bubbling there.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Ellie. Let me enjoy first, needy girl,” are the words that travel up from you in between her legs. They swirl around her brain, the syllables forming a warm blanket over her body. The name sends her head back against the headboard, blushing. That was all it ever took to get her all polite for you, a praise or a sweetly said insult.. a squeeze of your hand.. a pet name. For a girl as tough as Ellie it sure is easy to make her submit for you.
Her complaint only makes you go slower, another five or so minutes spent painting her pretty skin a cherry sort of red that you knew would settle into pretty black and blue bruises. Ellie took it all in stride, mumbling small curses to herself and tightening her core to stop from bucking up. You like working her up before this before actually having your fill. It just made her even more vocal later on, which you absolutely adored.
It was difficult for you, to deny yourself of that constant need you had in your throat to be pressed into her center. But it was always worth it when the first pretty whine passed your girlfriend’s bitten lips.
“Ask me nicely,” you murmur against her, licking over the bite marks.
It takes Ellie a minute, still falling into the space you knew she needed to be in, lip puffing out in frustrated little breaths. But it still came, right after another whine as your teeth moved even closer to her lips.
“Please, baby please,” Ellie mumbled, finally letting her mind slip out of the tightly barbwired state it was always in. One shaking hand moved to grip the bedsheets, threads pulling under her blunt nails.
Those three breathy words were all you needed, finally.. finally pressing forward, wasting no time licking up the sopping mess she had already made. You don’t give her the relief of finding her clit right away— this was for your own pleasure right now, lips painting a glistening shade as you moan against her.
“Taste so fuckin good, so wet for me..” you praise, unable to help the, “soaking the bedsheets like the needy girl you are,” that follows.
Ellie’s whole body shivers, a sweet little moan passing her mouth as she stops herself from grabbing at your hair, knowing you hadn’t given her the permission to do so.
You catch the way her fingers flex into the soft blue sheets, other hand balled into a fist on her chest, fingers rubbing the fabric of her shirt between the pads of her thumb and forefinger, self soothing. Its sweet, how she holds herself back until you tell her what she can do. Sweet in the sort of way that overwhelms your senses, leaves your stomach a little sick, teeth a little sore. The sickly sweet feeling mixes with the ever growing fire that sat there, creating something new leftover in the pit of your insides.
“Can grab my hair babe, it’s alright,” you coo. Ellie wastes no time, one hand finding your damp locks as you push your head back down, lips pressing into her folds again, this time a little less lax. You were searching to make her weepy center even wetter, throat dry in a way only Ellie’s pleasure could cease.
The long fingers tug gently at your hair every time your tongue makes a movement that’s brand new, every time your nose presses against the hard bud of her clit. Ellie’s hips are bucking above you, slipping further down the bed into a more comfortable lying position. You move with her, lips never detaching from her center. One arm instead wraps around her thigh and you push even more into her, tongue on a new mission to fuck into her dripping hole.
It draws a new stream of sounds from the girl above you, choruses of whines and whimpers pressing out into the otherwise quiet air. “Fuck- Shit—“ Ellie cries, following it up with a repeat of your name. It sounds so pretty coming from her that you double your efforts. Your other hand reaches to press a thumb at her clit, circling it.
The sensation makes Ellie cry out, hips needily pushing against you. If you weren’t so enamored by her constantly dripping pussy you would have scolded her, maybe pressed her hips down and kept an orgasm just out of reach. But eating her out always tended to get you a bit.. drunk, a favorite sort of tipsiness clouding your mind.
Ellie never pushed too hard, knowing better. She always tries her best to be good, something she only works to be when you have her like this. Her head found the pillow, pulling at your hair again as her own shorter locks got messy against the pillow.
You can't even make out what she's saying anymore, ears ringing in tandem with the harsh beat of your heart as you feel her clench around your tongue. It's some mixture of curses and begs that you hope to pull out of her again later when you can appreciate them more, when you can revel in the complete power you have over Ellie, over what a mess you made her. For now you just focus on the wet sound right at your level.
You are almost certain you could stay here forever, making the girl you love so dearly fall apart like this. Maybe you would, if Ellie could handle it. Wring orgasms out of her all night until neither of you could take it anymore. The idea seems just as delicious as the wetness on your lips. It leaks into your hand, pressing harsher to make your idea a reality.
Ellie comes after one more harsh circle of your thumb, one more thrust of your tongue.. and it’s beautiful. The noises she makes above you pass through your ears and tug tightly at your brain, cementing the need for her even more. Your name leaves her lips so many times as she clenches around you that it doesn’t sound real anymore, just a bundle of sounds and letters. It's a prayer for her, repeated over and over as her hips still, shaking at the pressure. You catch as much of the slick from her orgasm that you can, messily lapping at each drop.
You don’t stop after she calms down though, not even a bit. You merely slow down to that lax pace again, picking up any leftovers that you can, teasing her sensitive clit.
Ellie realizes what you’re doing after she tries to push away, fingers releasing your hair to instead press at your head. When she’s met with nails pressing into her flesh, her lip quivers. “Fuck, no- cant take it,” the green eyed girl whimpers, pressing her eyes closed and arching away the mattress.
“Yes you can,” you mutter against her, “and you will.”
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thewritersaddictions · 8 months
Drabbles: Resident Evil 4- Body Talk
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How might they react when they find out you don't like something about yourself?
Leon S. Kennedy
Leon is the sunshine, optimist, glass half full in your relationship. He's even like that when you tell him you're pregnant; even if he's gotta be the government work dog, he won't let that stop him from having a family. Your pregnancy goes bad; your baby comes out with all ten fingers and ten toes. The problem is it doesn't go to plan. You had been hoping for an at-home birth, but plans changed. Instead, your baby girl had decided that she didn't want to come out before her due date or even on her due date. She had opted to put you in a whole day's worth of labor, and that's when the doctors had called it. "We need to do a c-section." The plea of shock and unpreparedness was written all over your face, and your husband could see it.
"If that's what's best." He had said, and squeezed your hand. "it will be okay, baby." He had noted into your sweaty forehead. You don't remember much from your emergency c-section. You remember hearing your daughter scream and how beautiful she was when you saw her for the first time. Weeks later, you still think the same thing. It not until you're showering a month later does the reality of how fucked your body looks now hit you like a semi-truck into a brick wall.
You stand there in your panties and supportive bra. You aren't staring at yourself in the mirror. You're just staring at your no longer large belly. The c-section wound is still exposed to the air around, and you hold your hand over your belly. It aches and hurts. Leon comes in with your daughter in his arms. Lola, your whole world alerts you to their presence, and you try to grab your robe quickly. "What's wrong, baby?" Your husband acts like you; he reads people for a living, really, so you aren't surprised that you aren't able to just walk away from it. "Just lookin' at myself is all." You say as you tie the knot of your robe covering your body from him.
"You don't have to hide from me, ya know." Leon's words are soft and calming, but still, you can't imagine him looking at you the same ever again. That's because you don't see yourself the same way anymore. "Where do you keep going? Talk to me, love." Leon says as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed. Lola babbling in her sleep. You swallow hard as the tears you've been trying to keep at bay strike their revenge on you. "My body isn't normal anymore, my tummy won't ever be falt again, and I'll always have this damn scar, Leon." You ramble on, "I hate this feeling. You're doing all the work. I want to help, but I can't." Leon just listens and waits for you to finish. When you huff with frustration he knows you're done. "Baby, will you take a breath for a second." He says, and you do take a breath a deep inhale and exhale.
"Now, will you listen to me when I say what I'm about to say?" You nod, "You are beautiful to me, and I know that's not how you view yourself. I also know that you grew our baby girl here. You literally made a life." You interrupt him, "Hey, you helped too." You say giving your husband credit. Leon rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I did, but I don't want you to worry about trying to help right now. You need to heal, and like I said, you did all the work to get her here in the world. So please worry about healing and taking the time you need. I'm tellin' you right now, though, and I'll still keep lovin' your body no matter what." Leon admits to you. You bite your lower lip to hold the tears back. He gets up from the edge of the bed and walks over to you, kissing your lips. "Day by day, honey." You nod and kiss him back.
Albert Wesker
Albert had a strict dress code for working with him. White button-ups, paired with a black pencil skirt, expect you didn't fit the dress code. The dress code had been there for years before you arrived; you almost laughed in Alberts's face when he hired you as his secretary. Of course, it had grown into something else when he had asked you on a date and then another. Before you knew it, he asked you to move in with him. Still, you worked as his secretary. He liked how you filled out a pair of jeans, so he didn't mind spending your lunch break with him at a fancy restaurant or delivering meals.
The dress code only bothers you once you hear the other women working in the office commenting and talking about you. Their words are hurtful and strike something in your core. "She's such a charity case. That's the only reason he's with her. He feels bad for her." "I know, right? He could do so much better. Hell, she doesn't even follow the damn dress code." "It's because of her weight. You can see how fat she is in her face." You bee-line back to your desk outside of Albert's office. You shake your head as you sit in your chair. They might be right, though all your jeans are worn out between the thighs. Maybe you are just a charity case to Albert.
"Come on, darling, it's time to go home," Albert says as he exits his office. "Okay." You murmur quietly. You're quick to grab your things, and Albert waits for you patiently at the elevator doors. Waiting only causes more panic to settle in your body. "I think we should take the stairs." You say quickly. "why?" Albert asks, almost offended you'd suggest the stairs compared to the elevator. "I just thought it would be good for both of us since we've been cooped up in the office." You say but are distracted by the ding of the elevator doors opening. "Maybe next time, darling." When you arrive home, Albert tells you that he's making dinner. But you aren't listening, opting for listening to the words playing ring around the rosey in your head.
"Darling, dinners done," Albert yells across the large apartment. He has to come find you. You're sitting in your closet. Jeans and clothes surrounding you. "Did you not hear me?" "Huh." "Come to eat dinner with me." He says once more before reaching his hand for you to grab. You don't take it and push yourself up from the ground. Your whole demeanor sets all the alarms off for Albert, but he's trying not to guess the worst thing first. He follows you tot he dinning room, and when you play with your food instead of eating it sets off my alarms.
"Are you feeling alright, darling?" He asks, worried. "I'm alright, just not hungry tonight, is all." You tell him, "Okay." Albert says, even if he doesn't believe you. The next day, when he calls you into his office and offers you lunch, you deny him again, and before he can't a word in edgewise, you're back out at your desk. This morning had also been different. You had worn something less you to work. You had stiffed through all your clothes in search of a pencil skirt and a nice blouse. It's when he ventures out and hears his employyees talking amoungest themselves and hears your name that it clicks.
"Did you see she tried today, at least?" "yeah, but it's not like she looks good." "Mr. Wesker probably wasn't gonna take it much longer, and she is trying to get back in his good graces." "Well, let's be honest, nothing will fit her lookin' as fat as she does." Albert is seething, itching to catch them in the middle of gossiping, but he's far more concerned about where you are. That's when you come popping out of the stairwell. "My office now!" he demands the second he sees you. You scramble to get together and to his office before his door slams. "what's wrong, Albert?" Worry is etched in your voice. "what's wrong? What's wrong? You haven't been eating for the past two days, and what are you wearing?" About way too many questions are hurdled in your direction. "What do you mean? I told you I haven't been hungry, and I'm wearing what's in the dress code for the company." I say.
"That's such bullshit. What happened to your comfy jeans and t-shirts?" You shrugged, not really knowing what to say to him. "I guess I… wanted to change it up." You offer, but Albert shakes his head. "No, I know you; I know that wearing those fucking pencil skirts gives you horrible chub rub between your thighs and that you feel ten times better in your own jeans. So you are going to tell me the truth about why you're suddenly not eating and changing everything about yourself." Albert demands you. You fumble with your hands, "I overheard some girls talking about you and me and how you might think I'm a charity case, along with my weight being an issue. I thought maybe I could get better. Change a few things so you wouldn't wanna leave me."
Your words are raw, and so is the look of utter anger steaming under the sadness of you thinking you are enough for him. "Listen to me and listen real good. I like… no, I love the way your body is, and I like the fact that you don't wear all the preppy shit the others wear. I want your ass in a good pair of jeans and an old college t-shirt. I love you when you're comfortable, and about the leaving part, that's never happening. Because unlike those dimwits out there with their personality shoved up their asses. You've got everything I need."
You smile wide as you walk across his office and hug him. He hugs you back, "I know you wanna go fire thoses people, but you can't." You say into his ear, "No, but I can fuck right here and let you be as loud as you want so everyone you belong to me." Albert offers, you blush hard, "You can fire one of them!" "Nah, they're not worth it anyways."
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Completed on: 11/16/23
Posted on: 02/04/24
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A Chaotic Introduction - S.Harrington
Summary - Steve and Y/N have been together for a few months, the kids being friends with both of them and having no idea that they're dating. Steve finally introduces her as his girlfriend to the group and chaos ensues.
Pairings - Steve Harrington x KindaGoth!Fem! Reader
Based on this request from @afraidofshrimp
Warnings - Female Reader, use of Y/N, drug use(weed), Steve is a cutie in love
Author’s note - For the goth aspect of the reader, I was thinking more of Allison Reynolds from The Breakfast Club. Still gothic but not like anything crazy.
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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not my gif
Steve had been talking about this new girl he was seeing constantly. They had started dating a few months back after being introduced through Eddie. She was way out of Steve’s league but they were happy together, he couldn’t fathom how she was willing to date him, someone who was the king of Hawkins turned loser, the kind of guy to make fun of the kind of girl she was. Steve was never a bully though, he played along with Tommy and Carol but never actually went out of his way unless it was to protect someone. 
So imagine his surprise when she agreed to go on a date, and then another and then another and then finally agreeing to be his girlfriend after the third date. She loved the fact that Steve was a gentleman, that he loved her with his whole heart and cared about her more than himself. 
He was constantly rambling about her and she was constantly rambling about him. The younger teens of the group were curious about who they were both talking about, begging the couple to meet their significant others not knowing it was each other. They had agreed, Steve saying that he would introduce her at the next movie night at his house. So as the movie night approached and everyone in the group slowly filed into his house, they were getting eager to see who the mystery girl was. 
“She’s upstairs getting ready, give her a few minutes, will ya?” Steve told the kids as they pestered him as to her whereabouts. 
“Steven, how’s the relationship going? You treating her good?” Eddie questioned him.
“You know I am Munson. I’d never hurt her,” He told her best friend.
“That is the correct answer. I’ll keep the little sheep distracted for a bit so you can check on her.” Steve mouthed a thank you to the rocker before sneaking his way upstairs to his room. She was sitting on the edge of his bed with a mirror compact in one hand and an eyeliner pencil in the other. He watched from the doorway as she lined her eyes with the black pencil, smudging it a little bit with her fingers before closing the compact and looking at her boyfriend. 
“Hi handsome! You excited for movie night?” She asked him with a smile.
“Only because you’re here. You ready to head down?” He replied with a wink as he walked towards her. She nodded causing him to hold out his hand for her to grab, helping her up off of the bed. 
“Can I get a kiss first? I’ve been neglected today,” She pouted at him causing him to chuckle.
“I’m sorry, my poor baby hasn’t gotten her kisses today. Let’s make this right.” 
Steve leaned down and kissed her deeply, making her let out a squeak of surprise as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Just as he felt her tongue on his lips, his name was screamed out from the bottom of the stairs. “Fucking Dustin, I swear. That kid had no patience. Wait a damn minute Henderson!” He swore before shouting back at the boy. She laughed loudly, kissing his cheek before taking his hand once more. Steve stole one more little peck before guiding her to the stairs. “Go wait on the couch! You’re gonna spoil the surprise!” He scolded the younger kids. There was a collective groan before a chorus of shuffling to the living room.
The pair took their time going down the stairs, just to irk the younger ones a little more. They walked into the living room hand in hand, a dramatic gasp coming from Dustin. “I thought you and Eddie were dating! It was Steve this whole time!?” He shouted in surprise.
“Mike, you owe me 20 bucks,” Max said casually with a smirk on her face.
“Since when!? You don’t hide things from me Steve! I feel betrayed!” Dustin continued, “And you! Don’t get me started with you! It’s like seeing my sister date my brother! It’s gross!”
“Eww Dustin! Never say that again! I’m gonna puke,” Y/N complained.
“Wait a second, why aren’t you surprised?” Dustin pointed at Eddie with an interrogative look on his face.
“Because I set them up. Of course I’m not surprised. Harrington is just her type and princess is just his type. Perfect couple right there, all thanks to me,” Eddie bragged with a proud gleam in his eye.
The couple listened to everyone bicker back and forth about keeping secrets and lying, slowly backing out of the room and towards the back door. They escaped without notice, finding peace outside in the cold winter air. Her free hand dug into her pocket, searching around before pulling out quickly with a proud smile. Between her black manicured fingers was a rolled joint. “I rolled it when I was hiding upstairs, you wanna share?”
Steve pulled a lighter from his pocket, flicking the ignitor until a flame appeared. Y/N held the joint to her lips as Steve lit the tip, inhaling the smoke, letting it sit in her lungs for a moment before exhaling. She held the joint out to Steve who took a hit from the joint in her hand. Even outside they could still hear the arguing of the rest of the group but they were just enjoying each other’s company. Ignoring the noise coming from inside and focusing on each other. 
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madstronaut · 2 months
TATS TATS TATS TATS (to the tune of Shots by LMFAO ft. Lil Jon)
tattoo au tattoo au tattoo auuuuu my beloved, one of my favorite AUs to read about!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alright I’m throwing a bunch of these fic rambles out now as I’ve got a busy season coming up for traveling off-site/pulliing long hours for work for the next few weeks but rest assured I have read all these july (and june…and may..april..march…etc etc) fanficowrimo fics a disturbing # of times and I will continue to do so during my mini work-related hiatuses  
Reading: Skin Deep by @rememberwren
first off the A/N at the beginning said “at least three nipples” and for some reason my brain went straight to chandler from friends havin a third nipple and thought i would also see a reader with a third nip 😂
also now that Ive seen this gif I can't help but see ghost+soap as military brit chandler & joey lmao
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Her silky little tank top is drooping off of one shoulder, so you reach out and tuck it back into place.
i love this lil sisterly/affectionate gesture 🥰
“Oh no. No, no, no. Not Kevin. Not Kevin. Why, Kevin?” 
IT’S ALWAYS A FUCKIN KEVIN ISN’T IT (no shade to good kevins out there but most if not all the IRL kevins I know are little shitbags)
You deflate like a balloon, going limp and letting her drag you to the nearby free seats at the bar where you sit heavily.
nooooooooo I want to hug reader and pep talk her so bad here rn
...sipping at it and keeping your hand curled over the top of it protectively.
I both like and hate (that the need for this exists) this inclusion; club/bar survival 101
There is a personal instagram linked @GHOST89 but it is private when you try to click on it. 
hehehehe me also giggling as an 89 baby
The phone number your friend gave you rings straight through to voicemail…Groaning, you contemplate dialing him back when the phone in your hand rings—and it’s him. 
i guess my millennial is showin at the horror i felt at reading about answering a call from a strange #/stranger lol
All at once a shadow appears on the other side of the door. The shadow is enormous: well above six feet tall, and broad shouldered.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. And Ghost. 
He doesn’t laugh. “Everything. Is someone putting you up to this? This smells like Soap.” 
“What? No, of course not. I want this, I’m just, I’m an anxious personality. I promise.” You hesitate and then add: “I probably smell like soap because I showered this morning.” 
His mouth twitches. He leans back in his seat and sucks on his teeth, and you get the distinct feeling that he is trying very hard not to laugh at you.
You do your best to express your idea, but your words feel halting and silly.
ah *pats reader’s arm* we’ve all been there lovey
pausing only once, when you say that you want this to be a sternum piece. Only then does his pencil seem to hover over the paper, his dark eyes seeking you out and pinning you in place on the armchair. 
He reaches for his tea to take a generous sip and then continues writing. 
first off I looove that ‘dark eyes pinning you in place’ line, if you have been on the receiving end it feels like being caught in a tractor beam just absolutely arresting knowing you’re at someone’s center of attention! but also fucking caaaaaackling seeing ghost attempt to keep his cool and be profesh imagining himself touching reader’s…sternum yes her sternum of course what else could he have been imagining- this is a christian blog writing about a 100% christian tattoo shop au you sick fuc-
How do you take pain?”  “I mean, it hurts?” you offer.  He stares.
He’s handsome, in an odd sort of way. His brow is a little too low, his gaze a little too intimidating to be considered conventionally attractive, but you find him fascinating to look at, especially when he is so clearly in the throes of something he enjoys doing. It’s almost like watching someone have sex. The thought makes your face go warm.
oh I love this whole section…I think everyone is most attractive when they’re doing what they love/were born to do/fully themselves and in their element, and yes reader, it IS indeed so intimate to witness, akin to watching someone have sex indeed dw you’ll get your turn 🤭
He made them so the image would better fit the contours of your body. He made them because the ink will spread over time, and he wants the look to stay clean. 
His thoughtfulness touches you. 
You didn’t tell me this guy was cute, you text to your friend.  GHOST? Cute? I’ve never even seen his face lol. He’s always wearing one of his masks. 
 sidenote shoutout to this bestie for connecting reader and ghostie🥰
Did it mean something that you wanted it to mean something?  
i am half in love with how relatable this reader is and her part curiosity bravery awkwardness cluelessness is absolutely endearing to meeee
Fuck the tattoo artist!!!! she says. Maybe he’ll ink you for free. 
lmao the feral bestie energy is immaculate (speaking as an IRL feral bestie)
Two days later, you squint blearily into the darkness at your phone after it vibrates on your nightstand. The time reads twelve past one in the morning. It’s from GHOST. 
hahahaha I would love to see this whole story from ghost’s perspective working his ass off to impress his clientcrush and texting her in the middle of the night GOD I LOVE BOTH THEIR ENERGIES
“Your tits are cute. Let Ghost see them.” 
You felt reasonably safe with Ghost, but still a degree of embarrassment about your own body. Or perhaps that was too strong a word—it didn’t embarrass you, but it felt private. Baring your breasts to a near stranger (especially one you had a grudging attraction to) made your anxiety reach epic level proportions. 
so valid, reader, so valid! I loved their exchange discussing her anxieties as well
but his blond hair, cropped short to his scalp is riotous in a way that is adorably charming, like he hasn’t been able to keep his hands out of it.
looks like reader wasn’t the only anxious one 👀👀🤭🤭
You fight the arousal that blooms in your belly at the sight of him doing such benign things as washing his hands, putting on gloves, opening fresh needles, preparing little wells of ink and sticking them to the movable cart with Vaseline. There’s just something about a person who knows exactly what they’re doing and who is able to do it with efficacy.
yes, yes, yes, and (checks notes) yes
Finally, you sit in front of him in only the pasties, the shirt lax around your shoulders, and your sweatpants, socked toes curling in anxiety in your shoes
ghost nervously aroused by reader in this outfit (SWEATS, SOCKS. BUTTONUP???) is so endearing to me lmao
“Yes,” he says. Then his eyes flicker to yours. “Everyone is. Everywhere. It’s normal.”
I know somewhere, ghost’s bestie soap is facepalming at his answers here LMAO
“Very good,” you answer, sitting back down, hoping he ignores the way your breasts bounce a little as you do
His gentleness and thoughtfulness go straight to your cunt. 
me, reading: “is this reader…me?????” 🧐🤔🧐🤔
He pauses when this happens, eyes flickering up to your own, making sure you are alright even though he can likely feel the pounding of your heart beneath his hand. That hand on your chest, wrist just brushing the top of your breast, is a solid warm weight that seems to tether you back down to the earth as he lines you.
ah i love this sm. there’s a special tenderness (and sexiness) in getting on an intuitive/anticipatory/reading body language/unspoken cues level of communication🥰
“Alright. Break,” he says, abruptly turning the gun off. He covers your exposed breast with another towel. “Take ten.”
It had almost weeded out you, you think about telling him, but in the end you decide against it.
almost..but you made it!!! *strong urge to pep talk reader and boost her confidence intensifies* CMON GIRL YOUR BEST ASSETS ARE RIGHT OUT FRONT WORK WITH WHAT YA GOT
“I need breaks too,” he says stonily. 
yes cos hes rock hard rn get it *badumtss* sorry I’ll stop here
His face is stoic—what bits of it you can see from behind the mask—as he washes his hands thoroughly and preps his work station again. 
the amount of screeching/cackling I made while reading this was really unhealthy 
This time his hand keeps a very respectable distance from your breasts—a fact which you both lament and appreciate all in one.
sigh I feel you reader, the paradox of A Good Man indeed
a happy trail you’d give your life to follow
“Eager to be done?” you wonder.  He stares at you, expression flat, and says nothing. Nothing needs to be said. 
what good is yearning without some delicious tension arising from some misinterpretation?!?! btw having some curiosity/courage/humility to talk things out can NIP so many conflicts in the bud before they start… (I know I said I'll stop well I lied)
After he takes the photo, he posts it and asks for your handle to tag you in it…You get home to find that Ghost’s personal account has requested to follow you.
🤭🤭🤭🤭again gigglin madly
You find yourself staring at his fixated expression for longer than is respectable. 
awwwWWWWWWWWWWWW-[audio cut off, voice reached inhuman decibels]
What sort of ink did Ghost use? Was it reputable? What if the infection reaches your bloodstream? You were too young to die! Your anxiety spirals like a plane with one wing, trailing smoke as it soars straight down, determined to take you with it.   
omg reader reader WHY ARE YOU SO RELATABLE I HATELOVE IT the anxiety tailspin’s so real
You don’t bother with a bra, not when it irritates your tattoo so much.
as someone who has experienced skin irritation under clothes definitely sympathywinced reading this
“I was smoking,” he says when you roll your eyes in exasperation.  “You’re worried about getting the chemicals on my skin but not in your lungs?” “Fuck my lungs,” he mutters.
I’m in love with their exasperated banter here lmao
As he speaks, his breath fans across your chest, making you shiver. He sees this, his eyes darkening. “When you called, I thought it was for me.”
FUCKING FINALLY (also why he wore the mask during their session earlier i suspect)
“It was for you,” you say, brow furrowing. “Who else?”
OH MY FUCKING GOOOODD READER!!! READER PLEASE LMAO this is comedy of shakespearean proportions to me
God, it’s like he’s not getting it. Maybe you need to be bolder. Fortune favors the bold, doesn’t it?
“If I—“ it hits him then. You can see it in the fractional widening of his eyes, the way his mouth parts softly in blatant surprise before he shuts it, dark eyes returning to your sternum. He says: “Closer.”
“Be still,” he says firmly. Another pitiful sound slips past your throat. “Let me play with you.” 
ah riley ever the professional lmao
“Please,” you gasp. “Play with me—even if that’s all you want—just don’t stop, please.”  His mouth parts as he listens to you, his eyes so, so dark. The pupils have nearly swallowed his irises whole, until you can see yourself bare from the waist up in the reflection. He shakes his head a little. “You don’t even know what you’re saying.”
“you don’t know what you’re saying” could be the alternate title for this whole damn fic lmao also fucking love this with the reflection in the pupils! I had this experience IRL and I still think about it from time to time
You gape at his admission. Had you been? He’d been so closed off and cool…though now that you thought back, maybe that was just his way of hiding it.
“You the kind of girl who can cum like this? Just from this?”  “Uh-huh,” you promise, head bobbing. 
READER!!! you fucking cutie pie also if simon asked me a question any question while dry humping all my answers would be promises, well said reader, well fuckin said
“You can play with it.” You shyly run your thumb over it the way he had yours. He sighs, breath fanning across your arm
oh I love this mirroring here!!!
He lets you, very patient, like a dangerous creature withholding its bite. 
this line is perfection mwah mwah mwah
Then he touches you, and when he does, he touches you with surprising reverence. He touches you like you are art. 
this is so tender, I love this sm!!! this might be my favorite line in this whole blessed fic-
“Can’t believe you let me ink you,” he mutters.
this line + his reaction to reader calling him hot makes me think he has some self-esteem issues 🥺🥺🥺
His sigh is shaky. You’re learning his reactions, his very breaths. That shaky sigh means he’s pleased with you. You’ve said something right. 
this is a very revealing insight imho as in contrast, simon showed he’s been reading her body language very well much earlier on (he fell first and harder)
“Can’t,” you gasp, his revelation electrifying you. I loved this phrasing!!!! “Not sure I want you to cum now,” he says. “Hold it. I’m thinking it over.”  You broken?”  “Yes.”  He snorts. Then it turns into that laughter, warm and rumbling against your back. You smile where he can’t see. 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA my god when writers get simons droll brit humor right THEY GET IT SO FUCKING RIGHT
“I jerked off in the back just from seeing half your tits,” he admits.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GOD wrenny this whole story was so sweet and sexy and like a shakespearean comedy in the best way with the tension and miscommunication built up then resolved and mirrored in the best way with all that release of tension
also when I came back to link this story absolutely gasped at the little link atop indicating a SEQUEL??? MOTHER WREN YOU ARE TOO KIND INDEED
also finally realizing now as I write this the third nipple was ghost’s lol
also screaming IRL at how reader met soap LMAOO the TONGUE FLASH AND CASUALLY DROPPING HE’S PART OWNER, the screamers line from simon? AAAAAAAAAAAA [screeching reaching unholy decibels rn]
With Simon, you were just discovering that sex could be fun; sex could be slow; sex could end with no one orgasming and it could still change your life. 
🥹🥰🥹🥰yes yes PSA this is true IRL as well dear readers
He’s got cute nipples: small and pink as his mouth.
what a compliment, reminds me of that weird irl clock app trend I thInk with those glossier lip pencils mimicking nipple/dick colors or smth smth idk im too old/lazy/tired to keep up with tikkytokky trends
“You’re alone with Soap for sixty seconds and now you want your tits pierced. Are you saying that’s a coincidence?” 
mmm i can smell some tension/insecurity/anxiety brewing in this line of questioning already, fascinating!!!
You’ve never considered yourself to be particularly sexy, but the way he looks at you makes you feel powerful, like the sun lives just underneath your skin.
“We’ve got a spectator? A voyeur?” Soap asks, rubbing his hands together. “Oh you know all my seedy kinks, Ghost.”  Soap extends a hand to you. “The big guy still hasn’t introduced us. Some call me Soap, but beautiful women are allowed to call me Johnny.”  You shake his warm hand to be friendly and make the mistake of meeting his eyes. They are very blue, framed by dark lashes and expressive eyebrows. He flashes his tongue piercing at you again and you jerk your hand back like you’ve been burned. He laughs. 
 wow I know soap is often headcannoned as “flirts with anything that moves”/“flirts as friendship” but I love this little extra wrench/kink he throws in simon x reader’s relationship here (and very revealing of simon & johnny’s relationship here)
the whole ghost offering soap a free tattoo for reader’s nip piercing exchange is a fucking FASCINATING insight into his + johnny’s psyche in so many ways!!!!! johnny immediately drawing a boundary with reader as simon’s girlfriend and completely switching off his casual flirting (maybe in response to being shocked at the exceptions/rulebreaking simon made for her?) - I would also ask, as reader did right after this, about their friendship & history…a picture paints a thousand words and what a picture!! I loved this weird lil heated exchange
“I was doing stick ‘n pokes for anyone who would sit still. He was piercing soldier’s ears in exchange for cigarettes.
I like this lil canon inversion of what I’d think their roles would be in a tattoo au (johnny is an avid sketcher and would probably be more likely to be the artist if we follow canon)
"We both decided we’d rather live to see thirty, so when our time was up, we didn’t re-enlist, pooled our money, bought a location and never looked back.” 
#JohnnyLives in AUs and fanfic, god bless fanfic, yes and amen
“Was Johnny the one to pierce your nipple?” Simon stills for a moment, considering the question. At length he sets his glass down and says slowly: “Yes.”
what is it about fanfic writers who pluck our beloved blorbos out of their element (always reminded that COD is a first person shooter military propaganda game) yet capture their essence and personality so perfectly as they do??!?!?! one of the things I loved about this story is how wren writes simon in such a simon-y way if that makes sense
also reader, you are quite kinky and curious from what I can gather re: braving through a fucking sternum tat as your first one and ghost’s giant dick and considering a nip piercing; in conclusion LETS HANG OUT IRL I ADORE YOU (platonic)
He is much more abrupt today than he had been yesterday. You’re almost moved enough to ask him if he’s upset, but perhaps this is just his professionalism. Regardless, you miss the easy-going nature that had gone so far to put you at ease yesterday. 
this + the lack of eye contact compared to ghost’s behavior with reader is fucking revelatory to meeee aaaaaa livin for the drama here
“Left out all the tastiest bits,” Johnny says. “I bet he does that a lot when talking about his days with the 1-4-1.” Your stomach dips.  “That’ll do,” Simon says sternly from the corner. 
HAHAHAH but also sOAP WHY ARE YOU MAKING 141 sound like a bacchanalic orgy LMAO 
“If you can’t go without playing with them, I recommend just doing one at a time.
again the “playing with them” mention re: nips 👀👀 I feel like im playing clue here rn LMAO “IT WAS SOAP WITH THE CLAMPS IN TEH FOXHOLE”
my current crackpot theories are:
- ghost & soap fucked, possibly stlll fuck on and off
- ghost & soap share partners (ghost’s “this smells like soap” comment reads totally differently after reading pt. 2 to me) and they both give indications of romantic-attraction based insecurity in how they interact with each other
- ghost getting pierced was sexual
- ghost hasn’t had a steady partner before like reader and soap realized she was different when ghost maNIPulated (see what I did ther-ok I’ll stop no more puns) soap into a free piercing for her and may have experienced a bit of sadness at what he may perceive as the loss of ghost (as fuck buddy? something more? idk! soap keepin us all on our toes as usual)
- though I also think soap refusing to look at her, get her #, his sad lil smile re: “I’m a liar” and his reaction to her being invited to bday drinks with 141 all just might be signs of soap trying to adjust to the fact that a friend closer than a brother (in the sense they survived combat/PTSD-inducing sitchs together) is changing and “leaving” in a sense with the addition of reader in his life
- OR MAYBE johnny is protective of simon and knows how much simon likes her, and perceived her wanting a nip pierce as flirting with him (soap) and he resents her cos he thinks she’s not as head over heels for simon as he can see he is for her?!?!?!?!?!?! and they’ve had past drama re: love triangles here? IDFK anyway sorry let me put my pepe silvia conspiracy meme glasses away lol THIS FIICCCCCC has me in a chokehold (sexy)
It’s clear that their time spent serving together has made a brotherhood of them, and while a small part of you feels estranged as the outsider amongst this group, the larger part thinks it’s beautiful to see. 
🥹🥹🥹I’ve said this before but such a lovely part of being beloved is meeting others who also love your beloved (and who also become beloved to you)
“It wouldn’t be the first time that a girl who was supposed to be mine ended up being for Soap.” 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the painjoy of liveblogging a ficread is regretting to stop to conspiracy theorize but I FUCKIN KNEW IT!!!!! RAAAAAA
ch2 brought a completely different spin to the fic but honestly what a fuckin ride!!! I love both so far because I love all my kinky COD men equally (cough no I don’t but my favorite is the rarest blorbo of all so I make do lol cough)
update: SHE WROTE A PT 3!!!!!!
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teddyeyeseddie · 1 year
Never Let It Drop
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★ Eddie x Reader
★ CW: Drug Use, Marijuana, the death of a cart, a funeral
★ A/N: I wrote this for my beloved @lofaewrites when she mentioned she needed a funeral for her cart preached by Eddie Munson. Thus ensued. I really hope you enjoy it my lovely darling lo, I love you to the moon and back <3)
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Eddie went through all the rules when he bought you your first pen, something he had gifted you when you complained of aches and pains that seemed to plague you on the daily. 
There weren’t many, just the basic “be careful” and “call me if you need me” sort of direction. But the one, golden rule Eddie really hammered home- never let it drop. 
“Yeah- Never let it drop- Carts are glass, it would be a real shame to drop one and send 40 dollars down the drain,”  he mumbles as he screws the cart into your new device. 
He takes a few puffs from it, testing it out before offering it to you. You inevitably cough, Eddie coaching you on how to hit it, finally giving up and hitting the pen himself. 
He leans over, lips ghosting yours as he exhales the smoke into your mouth. It’s easier to tolerate this way, the smoke not as hard on your throat and lungs. 
You eventually get the hang of it, confidently taking puffs on your own.
You felt a little like a baby stoner, watching Eddie power through a blunt and seem unfazed had your mind thoroughly fucked, the man was like a freight train.
A few hits off the pen? You were good for a good while. Eddie loved it though, loved how you giggled more and rambled about things important to you- and he loved how cheap it was to smoke you out. 
You’re in Eddie’s trailer one evening, waiting for him to get home from work, Wayne long gone as he went on a date Eddie had set him up on. 
You’re relaxed on his bed, notebook in hand as you finish up your English 2040 homework.. You’d had classes all morning so you hadn’t seen Eddie all day, so to say you were excited when you heard the front door open was an understatement. You hop up from your place on the bed, pencil and papers flying as you practically run to the front door.
You round the corner, peeking out the hallway and standing in the kitchen.
“Hi peaches,” he muses, smiling widely when he sees you.
“Kiss me like you miss me?” you mumble sweetly, shifting from foot to foot.
“Well c’mere,” he holds his arms out, you launching yourself into them, allowing yourself to be held by the man as he leans down to catch your lips in a sweet kiss. 
“You able to hold down the fort without me?” he questions as he makes his way past you and towards the kitchen- not before he places another soft kiss to your forehead. 
You nod sweetly, mouth turning upwards into a soft smile while you watch Eddie pull his tin lunch box in front of him. He looks over at you, playfully rolling his eyes when he realizes you’re stoned. 
“Been hittin’ the pen?” he questions as he transfers some bud into his grinder, looking back up at you with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Don’t make fun of me Eds, know how easy it is to get me high,” he gets up from his place at the kitchen table, pulling you into him and looking down at you.
“Baby- Peaches, I’d never,” he feigns the heartbreak, his hand on his chest as if you had actually wounded him.
“Go get out of your stinky clothes, I’ll start dinner,” you playfully smack his chest, he ignores it and leans down and kisses you anyways. 
He retreats to the bedroom, coveralls slung low on his hips as he makes his way into your shared bedroom. 
You hear Eddie suck in a breath through his teeth, a dramatic little thing he does when something not that serious happens. You roll your eyes as you turn to the cupboards to find something to cook Eddie. 
“Peaches- what did I tell you was the first rule of having a pen? I found this on the floor” he states, hands on his hip as he holds the now shattered cart and luckily okay pen in his hand. 
“Fuuuuuck- Eddie I am so sorry- I-I’ll buy us a new cart, I just got paid. I know you like to use it when we are out and you can't smoke real bud-” he cuts you off. 
“Babe- Baby it’s okay,” he rushes out, digging in his lunchbox and pulling out a fresh new cart. 
“Knew this was gonna happen- kept a spare for when it broke or ran out,” you smile up at him, a wave of relief washing over you when you realize he wasn’t mad at you for breaking something so expensive. 
“But first-” he fake sniffles, retreating to his bedroom and returning with a small matchbox, placing the cart inside and offering a salute as he places it on the table. 
“We must lay him to rest-” Eddie states matter of factly, “We had a good man die, we can’t just let him go to the trash,” 
You giggle, the weed coursing through your body making the whole thing that much funnier.
He marches to the front door, handing you one of his jackets as he heads outside with a spoon, a spoon. 
He digs in the dirt by the front door, luckily unthawed from the cold winter you had just had. He forms a perfect little hole to place the matchbox inside, setting it inside and wiping a fake tear from his eye before covering the box with the dirt he had just dug up. 
“Any words?” he questions as he gets up from his place on the ground, dirt covering his knees and palms of his hands. 
“You-You were good to me. Always got me high and gave me some of the most mind blowing sex-” 
“Heyyyyy-“ Eddie pouts, “I’m the one giving you mind blowing sex,” 
You roll your eyes, grabbing his hand in the process and tugging him back into the warm trailer.
“Come on, dinner isn’t gonna cook itself,” 
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