#I want to howl. I just want to go out on the balcony and howl because I'm fucking upset about everything right now.
donquixotehomura · 3 days
Dracule Mihawk x Reader “Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
Angst, Hurt no comfort, just me feeling sadistic one day and writing it down
Master List
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“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
“wow… you're pretty” was the first thing she said to him when they met, not at all the usual that he heard, he did get compliments from women who wanted to get into his bed, but this was not a usual statement.
She confused him to no end, she didn't want to fight him, kiss up to him, get into his bed, get a favour, what's up with this woman?, he could feel her very obviously staring at him across the room, looking at her making eye contact she smiled and waved ‘odd woman’ 
“Yo! Can we be friends?” Excuse me? He looked at her as she said that, her smile radiant “pardon?” “friends! You're cool and I like how you are, let's be friends!” she said again totally ignoring the semi glare that would scare most people away, what an odd woman. 
“I wanna go with you! I hate it here, I want to be with you!” Mihawk looked at her, she had chased him across the garden of the extravagant palace on his way out ”you can't… This is where you belong, not on the seas” there was no safety on the seas it was dangerous for her “I don't care! I wanna go with you and I won't change my mind, either you'll let me go with you or I'll follow you on my own!” stubborn woman… (Y/N) had no experience sailing on her own, especially in the terrible storm that seemed to have covered the island representing the turbulent future, Mihawk looked at her, she had the most serious look on her face he'd ever seen not a shred of playfulness or doubt “Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?” What you're giving up? You're giving up everything to be with me“ he argued hoping she'd decide to stay “no I'm not… If I stay here and leave you, I'd be giving up everything for some useless titles and empty things” she said it so clearly, no hesitation, Mihawk was shocked and couldn't even hide it, “alright then… You better not regret it, odd Woman” he turned around to hide the small smile, (Y/N) grinned at the nickname she'd earned since they first met, grabbing the two bags she packed she ran after him to catch up then fell into pace with him.
(Years Later)
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
Rain poured down relentlessly, the sky a dark, swirling mass of clouds. The ground was a mix of mud, rain and blood turning the once serene landscape into a battlefield of chaos. (Y/N) laid on her back, her vision blurred and her mind disoriented. The cold, relentless rain mingled with the warmth of her blood, seeping into the ground beneath her.
She struggled to focus, to understand how she had come to be in this state. Flashes of memory pierced through the haze, fragments of moments shared with Dracule Mihawk.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
She saw him in their library, a rare smile touching his lips as he read aloud from an ancient text, his voice a soothing balm to her soul. They would spend hours there, wrapped in the tranquillity of their shared silence, words unnecessary to convey the depth of their bond.
Mihawk sat reading a book on the balcony, a glass of wine in hand as the sun illuminated the sky in the early hours, he felt arms wrap around him, her usual giggle filling his ears “mornin’ love” she mumbled still sleepy, he smiled faintly pulling her to his lap, her head finding place on his chest, eyes closing again “Good Morning, Mi Vida” she just giggled, she loved when he used his mother tongue.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
Another memory surfaced, of them curled up together on a stormy night much like this one. The howling wind outside was a stark contrast to the warmth and safety she felt in his arms. His fingers traced gentle patterns on her back, his voice a low murmur as he spoke of dreams and futures they would share.
(Y/N)'s heart ached as she remembered the vulnerability in his eyes during those quiet moments, the way he would let his guard down just for her. The world saw him as the Greatest Swordsman, but to her, he was a man of deep emotions and quiet strength. His words of affection, though rare, were always heartfelt and sincere.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
The memory of his proposal came to her then, vivid and clear amidst the fog of her pain. The setting sun, the ring with its radiant sapphire, and his voice, steady yet filled with emotion as he asked her to be his wife. "Will you marry me?" he had asked, his eyes reflecting a depth of feeling that took her breath away. She had said yes, tears of joy mingling with their embrace.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
A sharp pain brought her back to the present, a reminder of the severity of her injuries. She could feel the life draining from her, her strength ebbing away with each passing moment. Panic tried to take hold, but she pushed it back, focusing instead on the love she felt for Mihawk.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
As her vision dimmed, she sensed a familiar presence. Mihawk was there, his aura a beacon of strength and determination amidst the chaos. She felt his arms around her, lifting her gently from the mud.
"(Y/N)," his voice broke through the haze, filled with an urgency and fear she had never heard before. "Stay with me."
She managed a weak smile, her hand reaching up to touch his face. The rain blurred her vision, but she could still see the worry etched in his features, the desperation in his eyes.
"I can't wait to marry you," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the storm.
Tears mingled with the rain on Mihawk's face as he held her close, his grip tightening as if sheer willpower could keep her with him. "You will, (Y/N). You will," he vowed, his voice breaking.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
Her world faded to black, but not before she felt the overwhelming love and determination emanating from him. The last sensation she was aware of was the strength of his embrace, the promise of a future together, a future she desperately wanted to see.
Mihawk sat motionless, cradling (Y/N)'s lifeless body as the storm raged around them. The battlefield, once filled with the sounds of clashing swords and battle cries, was now eerily silent, save for the relentless downpour and the occasional roll of thunder.
His mind raced, replaying the moments leading up to this tragic end. He had been too late. The ambush, the enemies—he had fought with all his might to reach her in time, but it hadn't been enough. The greatest swordsman in the world, yet powerless to save the woman he loved.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
Memories of their time together flooded his mind, each one a dagger to his heart. Their quiet nights reading by the fire, the soft laughter they shared, the dreams they had woven together. The proposal, filled with so much hope and love, now felt like a cruel joke played by fate.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
Mihawk looked down at (Y/N)'s pale face, her eyes closed as if she were merely sleeping. The sapphire ring on her finger sparkled faintly, a heartbreaking reminder of the future they had planned. He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his hand trembling.
"I will find a way," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I will bring you back to me."
But as he sat there, the weight of reality pressed down on him. The wound was fatal, and no amount of skill or strength could undo what had been done. The realisation hit him with the force of a thousand blades, cutting deeper than any physical wound ever could.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
In the depths of his grief, Mihawk made a silent vow. He would honour her memory, he would carry her love with him always, and he would never forget the promise they made to each other. Even in death, their bond would remain unbroken.
As the rain continued to fall, mingling with his tears, Mihawk lifted (Y/N)'s body gently. He would give her the burial she deserved, a final act of love for the woman who had touched his heart in ways no one else ever could.
“Are You Even Aware Of How Dangerous It Is?”
The storm raged on, but in the midst of the darkness, Mihawk held onto the light of their love, a beacon that would guide him through the shadows of his grief. And though the future they had dreamed of would never come to pass, their love would endure, a timeless testament to the strength and beauty of their bond.
So Dangerous that Even I couldn’t Protect You
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rowanwolf · 1 year
Well, it's been a day. Worked today and we had a massive storm. We kept losing power. (Unfortunately all the shouts of "If the power goes out we get to go home!" every time the building went dark and everybody's computer died were false. This is a hospital, we don't close for shit. Think the storm's gonna get us out of work? Nah. Did you forget about the backup generator?) Anyway, massive storm. There was a good solid 30 minutes where it was raining so hard we couldn't see the building that's like 50 yards away. Storms like that always make me feel shifty. And I've been missing my phantom limbs horribly. The rain started and I felt gryphon-shaped again and oh my god was that a relief.
And then I got home and opened my closet and the ceiling had fallen in and I could see daylight and I now have to wash practically every article of clothing I own, but you know. This is fine. Everything's fine. My wings are back, I'm gonna just focus on that and not the fact that I cannot sleep in my bedroom tonight because mildew and wet leaf smell. (For some reason there were a shitton of leaves up there. I don't even know.) I'm about ready to cry over all the laundry - of course I've been crying at the drop of a hat all week, so take that with a grain of salt - but my wings and my tail are back and I missed them so fucking much.
I just want to be me. I want to have my own phantom limbs. I want to be correctly the wrong shape. XD I am coming to appreciate my headmates more with each shitty thing that goes on (I know I posted about my cousin on my system blog, but Idk if I put that here) but I miss being me sometimes. Just me. I miss my wings and all the ridiculous things I do to accommodate the size of them, I miss the urge to roll around the yard every time I go outside, I miss the wanting to just curl up in the full bathtub and sleep there. It's the stupid, inconvenient things that I miss and I think that says a lot.
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natalievoncatte · 12 days
Through the howling nightmare, Supergirl’s voice was clear as thunder from a clear sky.
“I will not drop you. You have to jump!”
Lena lay clinging to a cargo net in the bottom of the wreckage of the plane, suspended thirty thousand feet up by the quivering, all-too-human fingers of Supergirl’s right hand. As the other woman stood on the sky, the wind lashed her, and Lena knew that Supergirl could not save them both, could not keep both halves of the plane aloft. Even if her shaking hands could hold the weight, the plane itself would collapse, disintegrate. There was no time.
She wanted to make peace with it. This would be a good end, she thought. Supergirl would gel the world, tell them about Lena’s sacrifice. Her death would inspire people, and it would lead to Morgan Edge’s downfall. She was tired of fighting, tired of struggling. She was cold and every bone in her body hurt and the back of her head was throbbing from where Edge’s goon had knocked her out. Lena had been knocked out so many times it had probably given her permanent damage.
The world hated her. Everyone hated her. All they saw was a Luthor no matter what she did. Why fight? Why cling to a life she didn’t even want anymore?
“Lena, please.”
The agony in Supergirl’s plea struck her with physical force, a thump in her chest that made it too real. There was something in that voice that made her believe, even hope. There was something more in that voice, something pleading and longing, unbearably heavy with an unfathomable pain.
“I won’t drop you!” she insisted, her words a veiled threat:
I’ll poison the whole damned city before I let you go.
So Lena began to climb.
It was agonizing. Her fingers burned. It felt like her joints were tearing apart and her muscles shredding. The air was too thin and the wreckage was swinging and oh God almighty Jesus she was going to puke. She climbed higher and higher, and by the time she was close enough to see the terror in Supergirl’s eyes, she was reciting the Lord’s Prayer under her breath, some distant part of her brain remembering a darkened Irish church from another life.
Lena jumped.
She could swear that Supergirl let go the instant she lost contact. The other half of the plane fell away into the terrible void below her, and when she landed she thought she’d missed, that she must have died, but she landed on cargo netting and the wreckage groaned around her as Supergirl took a better grip and began descending, carrying the poison away from the reservoir and to safety.
When the plane came to rest, Supergirl tore her way inside with frantic desperation, shredding the wreckage until she reached Lena, lifting her bodily from the netting, curling the smaller woman in her powerful arms.
“You’re safe, you’re okay, you’re safe…” and then she mumbled something in what had to be Kryptonian, almost too low for Lena to hear.
The rest of the night was a blur, and Lena was exhausted. There was a brief medical exam by Kara’s sister Alex -odd that she always seemed to show up when Supergirl was involved- and then it happened.
Supergirl stepped into the tent where Lena lay on a stretcher, very hurt and sore but mostly just exhausted, and said in the softest voice, “May I take you home, Miss Luthor?”
Any other time she’d have quipped, first about the formality and then about how she really didn’t want to fly right now, but this time she said “Yes” without a second thought, without even knowing why.
Supergirl did not ask, but it was not a presumption. She scooped Lena up and carried her outside, exchanging a fraught look with Agent Danvers, some wordless agreement made between them that resulted in a curt nod from Alex.
Lena curled into Supergirl as they took off, shrouded in her cape, head tucked in the hollow between her neck and shoulder. It was weirdly intimate and yet oddly comfortable, familiar even. It wasn’t a long flight before Supergirl landed on Lena’s balcony with the greatest grace, barely jarring her, and bore her inside.
Supergirl lowered her onto the couch and stepped back. She stared at Lena and Lena stared back, the air bearing a charge between them so intense that Lena thought she smelled ozone, as if the air was heavy before a summer storm.
It was Supergirl who looked like she’d just suffered the terror of her life, like she was the one who had looked into the dark tonight and found that the abyss gazes also. She kept on staring
Lena didn’t know why she asked. The question came to her and was already on the air before she had even formed it.
“Would you have really dropped the chemicals in the reservoir to save me?”
Supergirl didn’t hesitate. She didn’t explain or dissemble. She spoke a single word with total conviction and absolute truth.
“Why?” Lena demanded, wobbling as she tried to stand up. “Why? I’m not worth it. You barely know-“
Lena faltered and in an instant, Supergirl was there, steadying her, gazing into her face… longingly.
Lena’s heart raced. They were inches apart and she could swear they Supergirl was holding her tenderly by her arms to kiss her, not support her. She could feel the Kryptonian’s breath on her lips.
“That’s not true. I do know you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Look at me.”
“Lena, please, it’s me. Look at me.”
Lena started to say something, to deflect, to escape the intensity of Supergirl’s apparent longing, but then… she looked.
It’s me.
A sharp breath dragged through her of its own accord as Lena gasped, her gaze darting about as she saw this woman as if for the first time, a shiver running down her spine. Her eyes went wide as she met Supergirl’s gaze, staring deeply into her ocean blue eyes and recognizing the depth within them- layers upon layers, the sorrow that swirled beneath the the laugh lines like freezing ocean currents swirling too far below the cerulean surface. The quick wit and self-deprecating humor, the humility and kindness and joy. These were the eyes of a woman who laughed easily and felt deeply, who desperately sought to make the world a better place, to show others the goodness that she could see in them when others could not.
The eyes of Kara Danvers.
Look at me.
“Oh my God,” Lena whispered. “Oh my God. Kara.”
Kara smiled, looking blessedly relieved as tears fell from her eyes.
“It’s me, Lena. I should have told you after… mmmph!”
She didn’t finish. They were kissing instead. Lena had no doubts, no fears, she just knew. All she had to do was throw herself into it and Kara gathered her up into a careful embrace, at once feather-light and gentle and sure and safe as being hugged by a castle. Kara kissed her back with stunning intensity, so greedily, so hungrily, that Lena was a little shocked. She hadn’t been kissed like this… ever, really. She was barely aware that she’d been lifted from the ground and set on a kitchen stool and it took a moment before she even realized that she’d grabbed a handful of the buns of steel, and Kara had been just as forward.
Then Kara suddenly seemed to recall that Lena needed to breath and pulled back.
“I should stay the night,” she panted. “Edge might send more of them after you. I can protect you.”
Lena nodded, blinking back her own tears. Kara didn’t let go.
She did stay the night, though Lena ended up teasing her bodyguard about taking off her super-suit so quickly.
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Defending. (x.t)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: wednesday tells you about her suspicions about xavier but you come to his defense and are determined to find proof to prove her wrong
Warnings: mentions of making a small cut, very little like a drop of blood, hydes? (those ugly mfs) NOT PROOFREAD
a/n: this is going to be in two parts, but part two will be posted late 12/1 or early 12/2 depending on when i finish writing it! it's basically a smut fic for part two which is why i decided to split it up in case people are not comfortable with it!
masterlist - part two
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“Now, this is too far,” you said to Wednesday as she told you about her suspicions about Xavier being the monster.
“All the evidence points to him.”
 “Wednesday, it’s not him.”
“You’re only saying that because you’re in a relationship with him,” the girl argued back with her.
“No shit, Wednesday. I know him enough to know he’s not. You think I wouldn’t notice by now if he were going around town killing people?”
“You’re letting this blind your judgment,” Wednesday stated. 
“NEWS FLASH WEDNESDAY HE’S NOT THE HYDE! WOULD IT KILL YOU THINK FOR ANYONE BUT YOURSELF?!” you yelled at the girl who just raised her eyebrows back at you.
“What are you going to do when you find out he is?”
“Nothing,” you answered softly you could feel a headache coming from yelling, “There’s nothing to find out.” You walked back inside from the balcony and exited the room before you felt like destroying anything, and Enid would get mad at the mess later.
You wandered around the school before you came upon the statute of Edgar Allen Poe. You sat down near the statute wanting to clear your mind for a second before you looked up and realized the mark beneath the book he was holding. You tried to recall what your mom would always tell you as a kid about the Nightshade Society. 
“He was notorious for his riddles. For it was not one alone, but each line was individual. One to remember is, ‘The answer will give a sharp cracking sound,’ that will help you once you find it,” was something she always mentioned when she talked about Nevermore. 
“A sharp cracking sound,” you repeated as you stood from your spot and it clicked, or more so snapped into place. You raised your right arm and snapped two times. “Thank you, Nightshade Society.”
You walked down the staircase into the dimly lit library. The portraits that hung on the wall of old members caught your eye as you looked about the room. At the end of the portraits you find your parents, they tell you to make a name for yourself, but how could you live up to them? 
“You put that bag over my head, I will choke you with that very rope in your hands,” you warned the people who stood behind you as you looked for your mom’s diary knowing that would be the only thing you could find answers in. “You should know to not mess with a witch with heightened senses.”
“Oh, come on, Y/n, we were just trying to have fun,” Kent joked causing the other to mutter in agreement. 
“I WASN’T GOING TO DO ANYTHING I SWEAR,” Xavier yelped once he notice it was you and threw the bag in his hands to Ajax.
“Someone’s in the dog house tonight…” Yoko teased. Kent and a couple of the others gave a couple howls joining in the joke.
“You know Xavier you could’ve told me about this,” you said as you finally found your mother’s diary. 
“Babe, if I could, I would’ve-”
“He’s sworn to secrecy,” Bianca pointed out as she gave you a dirty look when you walked to a desk with the diary in your arms.
You pulled it out to see she sealed it with magic though not any kind of magic, blood magic. “My family was a part of the Nightshades long before you, although I thought it to be disbanded.”
“Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died,” Xavier explained which answered your thoughts as he walked up to you noticing that you were looking for something. 
“But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves,” Yoko added on. 
“What are you looking for anyways?” Xavier questioned you.
“If you’re trying to open your mom’s diary, you can’t,” Bianca told you cockingly. 
“Maybe you can’t,” you retorted just when you noticed a letter opener sitting at the corner of the table. 
You reached over and grabbed it seeing that it had a sharp edge. You noticed from your peripheral vision that the group was crowding around you to see what you were doing. Xavier was right next to you with his attention on the knife you held in your hand. You lifted your right hand over the book and took the knife to your palm just before it touched your skin you heard shouts from around the room.
“Woah, girl, no need to prove a point.”
“No need for bloodshed-”
“What are you doing?!”
“No, no, no, no, absolutely not,” you heard Xavier say as he tried to grab for the knife, but it was too late. “Oh my god, only you. Literally, you’re the only one who would do this.”
You sliced the inside of your palm and allowed for the knife to drop down onto the table as you felt the sting in your palm. You closed your fist and put it directly above the lock on the book. You felt the blood sweep down near the bottom of your fist before it dropped down into the lock. 
“Blood magic?” Yoko asked in amazement when she saw the lock unlatch and you opened to the front page that held your mom’s portrait along with her signature. 
“Only the very best for mother dearest,” you remark sarcastically.
“That explains a lot!” Kent said from behind as Xavier looked around for a first aid kit. “Bianca was trying to open that months ago and nothing would work!” right as the words left his mouth, Bianca smacked him in the back of the head causing him to groan in pain, “Well, ow.”
When Xavier finally found a first aid kit that looked like it could be decades old, he went back to your side and held out his palm to you. Putting your sliced palm in his hand without him even having to ask you. 
“I couldn’t find any actual alcohol to disinfect it, so vodka will have to do,” he unscrewed the bottle with one hand and looked back into your eyes before you gave him a slight nod telling him it was okay for him to do it. “This might sting.”
“Oh shit, I can’t watch,” Ajax gagged as the vodka was poured onto your palm and the blood washed away with it. 
“Makes the both of us,” another member said.
“Stop being babies, people would think you’re the one with the cut palm,” you told them off as taking in the pain with no reaction. “At least I have a hot doctor patching me up,” you smirked.
“Only for you,” Xavier muttered as he focused on wrapping the bandage around your hand. At this point, almost all the members already left not wanting to see what you and Xavier get up to.
“Thanks, babe,” giving him a kiss on the cheek before returning your attention back to your mother’s diary. 
“What was so important that you have to look into your mom’s diary?” he asked you. “You’re looking for answers, but for what?”
“Any information about hydes.”
“That’s the monster, Wednesday was talking about right?”
“The same one she believes you to be, yes.” you look up from the diary to see his confused expression.
“Wait, me?” he wondered aloud.
“I told her it wasn’t you though, but that girl is the most stubborn person I have ever met,” you informed him taking one of his hands in your non-injured one to give it a tight squeeze in reassurance. “You have to be careful, I know you’re not the Hyde, but she is going to do everything she can to prove her point.”
“I love you.” he blurted out to you. “You could’ve easily believed her, but you didn’t.”
“I know you, Xavier. There’s no damn way in hell, I’m going to let you be falsely accused for something you so obviously are not,” you stated. “And, I love you, that’s why I’m trying to see if my mother knew anything about Hydes during her time here,” you smiled at him.
You turned to put the diary back onto the desk as you hurriedly flipped through the pages scanning for any kind of information on the damn monster. You were about to turn to another page just before you noticed a name you’ve heard of before. Francois Sylvanne. Xavier moved to stand behind you leaning over your shoulder to read the diary as well. He placed his hands on your hips to steady himself causing you to lean back into him.
“Seems like Wednesday’s little boy toy just got way more interesting,” you pointed to the name on the page for Xavier to read. 
“Who is she?”
“His mother. The same one he goes to therapy for, I heard she died a while back, and apparently the sheriff isn’t only bad at his job but bad at parenting too,” you explained as you read more of your mom’s writing.
There’s something about this girl. She keeps to herself. Quiet. Distance. Truly an Outcast. I have a feeling something is going on with her or at least something will. I’m going to keep a close eye on her, but she is graduating this year.
“Weird, your mom always has good intuition, I wonder if she’s right about this one too,” Xavier said after he read your mother’s entry. 
You flipped through more pages of the book and found nothing. You looked at every line on the pages, and your mother never mentioned her once again. It wasn’t until you got to the last page of the diary to see a quite messier version of your mother’s writing.
“No,” you gaped as you turned to see nothing more and reached the end of the book.
“Do you think Tyler’s the Hyde?” he whispered into your ear.
“It’s the only way. It makes sense too,” you claimed, “But the question is why?” 
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— old dog, new tricks
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!werewolf!reader
warnings: smut, lesbian sex, slight petplay, deragadation, topping from the bottom, strapon referred to as cock, wednesday is STILL a sadist, all characters are aged-up
summary: the control wednesday has over you is frustrating. you're put back in your place the second you try to rebel
word count: 2.5k
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“So yeah, since the Furs are gonna be the ones hosting the party, every wolf gets to bring a plus one. There’d be enough of us as it is, we should keep it low. The last time they held a gathering, it ended up... badly,” Enid refrains from going into details, which most likely involved a lot of destroyed furniture and saliva, clearing her throat as she slurps on her orange juice, leaning forward in her seat to gauge your reaction, “It’s free alcohol though! Courtesy of the Scales, so we have to let them in, too.”
Wednesday is sitting next to you, her hands clasped together on her knees, the plate in front of her already clean by the end of the lunch break. Her face is unreadable – but you grin, the thought of having drinks in a nice company of fellow werewolves providing a surge of enthusiasm to finish the school day.
“Sure– “
“I’m afraid we won’t be able to join you, Enid. (Y/n) and I have business for tonight.”
The toothpick you clench in your mouth almost snaps in half.
Enid raises an eyebrow, looking between the two of you, but nods, seeming to take Wednesday’s words as final. It vexes you even further.
The ravenette doesn’t let you say another word. She dabs at her lips with a tissue, caringly grabs both of your trays and walks off. The werewolf’s sky-blue eyes meet yours – she looks like she wants to say something, but the irk in your gaze serves as a good enough warning, and she keeps her mouth shut.
A sigh mixed with an exasperated groan leaves your mouth, and you get up to follow your girlfriend, now staring holes into the back of her head instead.
Recess is over, and with it goes your faux relaxed attitude – you sit with your arms crossed, your knee jumping in an annoyed tick as you stare unblinking at your biology book, almost burning through the paper with your glare. Ajax, who’s unfortunate enough to have to share a desk with you, cowers at the angry aura you induce, the snakes of his hair peeking from under his beanie cautiously.
When your last period ends, you pack your bag hastily and throw it over your shoulder before all but storming out of the class. As you walk through the corridor, you notice Xavier out of the corner of your eye, the brunet artist falling in step with you. When he absentmindedly asks if you’re coming to the party tonight, it takes you all of your willpower not to punch him in the jaw.
The door is slammed behind you as you enter your dorm, your nostrils flaring.
You’re mad. And now that the party is totally out of the question, you need a different way to let out steam.
You don’t waste your time undressing yourself, opting to change for something easy to dispose of and claw into, before you reach for the nightstand, opening the bottom drawer.
The toy inside holds a lot of rather pleasant memories – of Wednesday bending you over the balcony railing, of her driving her hips into you as you all but begged her to fuck you right on the floor of your dorm.
Well. Werewolf heats are known for their feverous intensity. Howling isn’t the only reason one should wear muffled headphones with wolves around.
You grab the silicone toy, quickly tightening the straps around your waist, which surprisingly comes rather natural and makes you wonder why the hell you haven’t thought of doing this before, then tug on a pair of grey sweatpants over the strap-on, glancing at the clock – you still have a few minutes before Wednesday comes back.
You give yourself a once-over in the mirror. The shirt’s neckline is hanging just above your breasts, exposing your collarbones, your hair is disheveled with all the exasperated running your fingers through it you’ve been doing, and the outline of the silicone cock is pretty much visible through your pants. Exactly what you were going for.
The faint sound of footsteps reaches your sensitive ears, and it’s a pattern you recognize easily by now – you step away from the mirror to sit back on the bed just in time with the door creaking open.
“Business?” You mutter instead of a greeting. “I didn’t know we had plans.”
Wednesday freezes in the doorway, eyeing you. Her gaze drops to your pants, and a small, barely noticeable smirk makes its way to her pretty plump lips before its gone like it was a mirage.
“Why, don’t you just sound so eager to spend time with your significant other,” the ravenette deadpans sarcastically, walking over to her desk to abandon her backpack there, her lithe fingers working to undo the buttons of her uniform blazer – slowly, deliberately, the same way she drags her words out as she speaks, completely unbothered, “Would you really rather prefer a... frat party with a bunch of uncivilized mutts?”
She turns to look at you, misty eyes shining with a challenging glint.
“Addictions run in the family. Along with my last name I happen to bear a habit of drinking my stress away,” the mattress creaks in protest as you get up, step closer to Wednesday so that you’re towering over her smaller frame, “That, and valuing my freedom and independency.”
Wednesday doesn’t look intimidated in the least. She looks up at you, her eyebrows raised slightly, “But I can’t really help it. You’ve always been like this – so pliant and submissive,” the girl takes her blazer off, draping it over the back of her chair, never breaking eye contact with you, “It’s just so... entertaining to order you around sometimes, knowing you’d follow every single one of my commands.”
You grit your teeth at her words, partially from irritation, partially because they’re true – Wednesday has had you wrapped around her finger from the first day you met her, and it was a given you’d be so smitten to submit to her every whim. The ravenette’s influence on you is omnipotent.
And now, you’re not sure where it’s coming from, but there’s hot, rebellious fire burning in your chest, and the young woman in front of you is the spark responsible.
“I’m not a dog.”
“Oh? Is my perception wrong, then?”
Wednesday steps closer, her chin raised slightly, and before you know it you’re backing down to your shared bed, the backs of your knees hitting the wooden frame.
“Am I wrong? You’re not my pet, then?” She asks again, “Can you prove it? Can you make me shut up and take it?”
Suddenly you remember what your original plan was supposed to be. You mentally facepalm yourself – Wednesday’s been in the room for less than five minutes, yet you already feel the remains of your pride and resolve crumbling apart and proving her right.
Frustrated, your grasp at her hips, your talons coming out at your exasperation, tearing into her skirt, and turn the small girl around, pressing your mouth to hers hotly.
In a few moments you’re a mess of tangled limbs on the bed, Wednesday’s hands sliding towards the waistband of your pants to slide them down, the cool silicone of the toy pressing against her clothed cunt.
You pull back slightly, hovering over her, your claws catching at the lace of her panties, and it takes you a minute to tear them away – your hands are practically shaking with anger and anticipation. You don’t bother with the skirt, flipping it away for easy access, and Wednesday parts her thighs gently, your gaze subconsciously trailing down to the supple pale skin of her lower body.
Jesus, you want to bruise it so badly.
But no. Not now.
Focus. Focus.
Your hands grab ahold of the plushy flesh, fingers digging in as you part her legs even further, and Wednesday lets out a small sound at the aggressiveness. You’d grin at the small victory of yours, but it’s not really worthy yet – her expression is still unfazed, and you know you’ll have to try harder than that.
Or maybe not, you think as you suppress a chuckle at how positively drenched Wednesday is – of course, you could smell it before you could see the pretty wetness covering the inside of her thighs, and you’re damn sure she knows it, too, judging by the way her jaw tightens before she speaks.
“Do not gloat, dog. That is not your doing.”
Okay, that. That actually makes an angry vein pop on your forehead, the thought of someone else getting Wednesday hot and bothered and gorgeously dripping like this is akin to bothering a hungry animal during its meal.
You align yourself with the beautifully dripping cunt of the small ravenette, pressing your palms into her thighs to keep her still – fuck it, you have to bruise her – and push the tip against the feverish skin, sinking in slowly. You watch her walls wrap around the toy deliciously, the sight almost making you forget the reason for your fury, and an involuntary sigh escapes your mouth as you’re halfway to being sheathed inside Wednesday – the girl herself is silent, except for the wet sound of her pretty pussy taking your fake cock in. You look up to see her watching you with half-lidded eyes. She looks bored.
Her smirk is almost as taunting as her words.
“Is that all you’ve got?”
An irritated huff escapes your nose, fingers digging deeper into her, and in a single sharp thrust you bottom out, your legs pressing flush against the back of her hips.
Wednesday sighs, finally, eyes fluttering shut as all the air is pushed out of her lungs. You wrap your hands around the bottom of her thighs to pull her in as close as possible, and this time you actually grin as the ravenette has to bite back another choked noise, hanging her head back on the pillow and taking a deep inhale.
Then she opens her eyes, meeting yours again. Irritation paints her face at your smug expression.
“Are you getting cocky now, (Y/n)? It was but a mediocre start,” she tuts. “I thought you were going to show me how good you can make me take it. How strong you are.”
Her manicured hand caresses up your bicep, scratching idly.
“Alas, the only thing that’s giving me pleasure right now is telling you you’re not good enough.”
All the thoughts of being gentle and sweet with Wednesday are slapped out of your mind as soon as her words register in your already pussy-drunk brain. With a nearly animalistic snarl you pull out so that the head is barely visible before driving back in, the silicone sinking between her lips, disappearing in a red-hot embrace as you immediately fall into a swift rhythm. Your abdominal muscles contract violently, screaming at you that the pace is too much. Too fast. Too hard.
But you don’t care. You want Wednesday to scream those things.
The ravenette stretches one of her long shapely legs to rest it on your shoulder, the angle pulling you deeper into her with each thrust. You grunt, turn your face to nibble at her ankle through the stocking, making Wednesday shudder.
“You look... angry.” She observes, her words a bit broken, breath stolen by your merciless pounding into her. “Are you angry with me, puppy?”
You growl in response. Her palms reach to cup your face, a condescending smile on her lips.
“For teasing you? Oh, don’t be angry. It is simply the natural way of things. Whatever you do, you will always belong underneath me. Taking me like a good girl. Pretty puppy always wants to be my good girl, doesn’t she?”
You whine, and Wednesday chuckles, satisfied that her words are causing the effect she desired – you melt despite the fact that you’re the one fucking her into the bed, ruining the mattress with how much of her slick is dripping down between your bodies.
“You’re so lucky that I’m letting you do this,” her voice is breathy, and your attention snaps to the way is sounds rather than the words she speaks, “Look at me and say it— Don’t you dare scowl at me.”
Wednesday scolds your bared canines and your furrowed eyebrows, the hold of her palms turning rough on your chin.
“Say thank you. For my letting you be in my cunt right now.”
Her tone sends an array of shivers down your spine – you feel reminded of where your place is supposed to be. It takes some time for you to finally find your voice, your mouth slightly open as you still your hips for a moment, cock buried in Wednesday’s soft heat.
She watches you expectantly. You lean down to press your nose into her shoulder.
“Th... thank you...” You murmur into her neck shakily, hiding your face in embarrassment.
You’ve lost.
The ravenette hums, wraps her legs around you, a gesture of pity and generosity on her part – she knows how much you love it when she does that, the balls of her stocking-clad feet pressing into your back.
“You’re welcome, puppy. Now get back to work.”
Your pace turns slow, meaningful, and Wednesday seems content with the change, her back arching at a particularly strong and deep thrust of your hips, pretty mouth falling open with a breathy sigh, “Oh, mia grande forte cucciola… Trying so hard to make me feel good…”
Her walls flutter around the shaft, her heavy breathing mixing with the obscene sounds of your skin slapping hers.
“Should I cum on you? Should I let you have it just this once?”
At that you perk up, and if you were wolfed out at that moment, you’re pretty sure your tail would be wagging like crazy as you whine a few pathetic ‘please, please’ into her neck.
“I will. I will, amore. But not because of you fucking me so good… Just because I pity you.”
Wednesday brings you closer to her, your chest flush against hers as she tilts her head back, her pussy turning impossibly tight around your cock, a choked moan leaving her burgundy lips, right into your ear, making goosebumps trickle up your neck. You fuck her through her orgasm obediently, wishing you could feel her throbbing around you.
When Wednesday’s hold on you relaxes, your jaw goes slack around her shoulder, her ruined uniform the last thing on your mind as you try to catch your breath.
She sighs with content, pressing a kiss to your cheekbone.
“Good dog.”
There’s no strength left in you to fight the title, so you accept your defeat, leaning most of your body weight onto the small girl and muttering something unintelligible.
“Pull out.” She orders, and you comply, watching as her slick drips down the toy, before the ravenette pushes you back onto the bed, her thighs bracketing your hips. Her warmth against you makes you shudder.
“Now,” her hands reach for the straps, undoing them with masterful precision, “I’m going to reclaim what’s mine.”
The toy is tugged down your legs, and Wednesday licks her lips.
“I hope the ache you’ll feel with every step you take tomorrow reminds you of who you belong to, puppy.”
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ladyveronikawrites · 4 months
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30 Days of Bad Omens
PAIRING: Nicholas Ruffilo x Taylor (OFC)
KINK - Breeding Kink
SMUT PROMPT - "Relax angel" ; "Ruin me"
CW: breeding, established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, family planning, unprotected P in V sex, use of pet names, FLUFF, ITS CUTE OK
SUMMARY: Taylor spends the holidays with Nicholas and his familly in the cabin in the mountains. The pair get snowed in before his family arrives. Oh what will they do with all their time?!
Word Count: 2k
Crossposted - Wattpad / AO3
unbeta'd ✨
Story for my beloved @itsmrsfuentes 💜
👑Royal Readers👑
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@dominuslunae @xxrainstorm @lyschko666 @kingdxmxfcxrds @the-ancient-fae
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Taylor looks out the large window and onto the balcony below. She shivers just thinking about how cold it must be outside in the Colorado mountains, snow-covered and shimmering against the morning sun. She sips her hot mocha savoring its chocolatey scent that warms her body. 
“There’s my princess.” Nicholas’ voice is thick with sleep. The old wooden floors creak against his bare feet. He slows his breath so as not to startle her as she peers out into the cold beyond. 
“It’s beautiful outside, just like you,” he mumbles against her hair as he wraps his arms around her waist. 
Taylor hums in agreement imagining the dark winter storm that blazed through the mountainside last night; it’s amazing how howling winds and heavy snowfall could produce something so breathtakingly beautiful.
“Looks like we are going to be snowed in for a while,” he whispers against the shell of her ear before trailing kisses down her jaw and neck. “What could we possibly do with our time?” he sighs against her, snaking his hands up her shirt. “ 
Taylor's breath hitches when his hands graze over her breasts pulling her against his chest. Nicholas’ calloused fingertips begin to draw lazy circles over and around her perk nipples making her moan and grind her ass against him. Her beautiful sounds go straight to his dick.
Nicholas slips one hand from under her shirt to grab the mug from her hands. At the same time, he sets down the mug and twirls his girl around to face him. The small excited yelp from her pretty mouth sets his core ablaze. Grinning, he stares down at her breathtaking bright green eyes, etching each freckle decorating her skin to memory, silently hoping their kids will look just as gorgeous as she does one day. He takes her hands in his and squeezes them gently. 
“This time of year has me feeling so sentimental… so thankful for you,” he starts, his throat tightening slightly with emotion. “We’ve been together for a few years now and I know my life has been crazy with touring and recording an album. But I want to settle down with you. You are my home Taylor and I want to have a family with you, whenever that may be.” Shy from his heartfelt confession, he tucks a loose strand behind his ear, waiting with bated breath for her response. 
“Can we start no-” Her request is answered with a heated kiss. Sighing softly, Taylor tilts her head slightly to deepen the kiss, licking at his lower lip. 
Nicholas chuckles. “Relax, angel we have all day.” He caresses her flush cheek as he gazes deeply into the eyes of the woman he loves.  
She grins back at him before hoisting herself up on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck. Large hands slide down her side and grip at her waist. Taunting, she brushes her lips against his lips only to peck a kiss on the cheek. Giggling, she whispers in his ear, “I can tease too,” as she rakes her fingers through his scalp. Nicholas buries his head into the crook of her neck groaning as he decorates the delicate skin with little love bites. Taylor doesn’t let up as she tugs again. 
Nicholas nuzzles her neck “Baby,” he warns before pressing a heated kiss to her jaw. She quickly relents with a defeated huff, returning her hands to his shoulders. “That’s it!” he chuckles lifting Taylor over his shoulder. She starts to protest but finds herself being dropped onto the green velvet sofa with Nicholas straddling her.
“Nicky I-” her voice erupts into giggles as he tickles her sides- the spot he knows will be her undoing. He laughs right with her, watching as she screws her eyes shut tight and throws her head back as the laughter consumes her. “Pl-ease,” Taylor gasps for air between breaths and hiccups. Instantly, Nicholas stops and leans back to give her space. “Sorry babe, you are just so cute when you laugh,” he snickers.
“It’s ok,” she rasps, her breath steadying as she sits upright. She scrubs her face with her hands before tying her hair up into a messy bun. She flashes Nicholas a mischievous grin before pouncing on him to tickle him back. She yelps when he rolls them over and onto the floor, grateful for the layers of blankets and pillows from the movie night before. He pushes himself up onto his hands to alleviate some of his weight from her chest. 
His long hair tumbles over his shoulders as he stares down at her with a wicked grin, pupils blown wide like saucers. “Look what you started now.” He presses his hips against hers, his hard cock aching against his jeans. “Feel it, baby, that’s all because of you.” 
Taylor’s breath catches when he grinds against her, his large size apparent in his skin-tight jeans. His sea-glass eyes turn stormy as he stares down, and before she can say something witty- full lips crash into hers, wet and desperate, just like the mess between her thighs. A soft moan escapes from her throat when he pries her lips apart with his tongue. She can’t get enough of him; his taste of mint and tobacco. Tilting her head slightly she deepens the kiss as she snakes her hands through his tousled hair. When she reaches her destination, she tugs his roots while biting his lower lip- “Fuck, I need you,” her boyfriend moans, his breath hot against her cheek. “I need to put a baby in you,” he growls lowly into her ear, making her skin tingle and pussy throb.
Taylor hesitates for just a second, before coming to terms with the wild and nerve-wrecking thoughts in her head. Has she thought about them having a family together, yes- they have talked about it countless times. Gone through the ‘what ifs’ and even crunched the numbers to see if they could afford this new chapter in their lives. She took a deep breath to silence the worry and when she looked at the love of her life again in the eyes, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she wanted to spend her life with him. 
Empowered by confidence, Taylor shifted her hips to hook her leg over his. “Do it,” she says before positioning her weight to roll them over, getting on top. 
She adjusts to sit lower on his torso, feet planted firmly on either side while her hands remain flat on his chest. Quick as a cat, she silences his question with a finger to his lips. His raised eyebrow gave him away instantly. 
“Before you ask, yes I’m serious. I wouldn’t have said so if I hadn’t. Plus we’ve been talking about this for months now.” The hand on his lips moves to caress his cheeks. “We are happy and healthy what’s a better time than now?” A warm hand envelopes hers and he leans into the soft touch. A heat simmers in her belly as she leans down to plant a kiss on her lover’s lips. When he kisses her back, it's deep and passionate yet guarded– gentle. 
She lets her body takeover- tossing away her sweater along with any lingering insecurity and doubt. Nicholas works quickly to unfasten her bra, casting it alongside the clothes on the floor. Before Taylor can lean down to continue ravishing her boyfriend, two tattooed hands press against her chest- stopping her. 
“Get up.”
The quiet demand turns her core molten and Taylor is quick to obey. Before he asks, she sheds the other layers of clothing just as he does the same. Suddenly, a chill spider crawls up her spine so she turns to face the lit fireplace, finding solace in its heat. She glances over at the family Christmas tree adorned with lights and ornaments. Dreams of their first child’s Christmas morning flash through her head and her heart flutters. 
“Come here, princess,” his soft voice calls to her. When she turns, she finds Nicholas sitting surrounded by pillows, propped against the bottom of the sofa. “Here,” he instructs, patting his thigh. 
Her eyes scan his large erect cock and her throat tightens slightly. They have fucked and made love and everything else under the sun, but this moment feels different. This moment is different- it means so much more. There’s a weight to it, not a pressure but rather a comfort. She trusts Nicholas wholeheartedly and she knows he trusts her too.
Slowly, she makes her way to him- teasing as she juts her hips with every purposeful step. When she goes to straddle him, he stops her with a pat on the thigh. 
“Turn around, darling.” Taylor’s thoughts begin to swirl as she turns away from him and then-
“That’s right,” is all Nicholas gives her as she stares at herself in a full-length mirror draped with twinkling lights.
Slowly, she positions herself over him-watching Nicholas’ expression in the mirror with bated breath. He notices her hesitation as she hovers above him so he puts pillows around her legs for support and grips her hips to steady her. “That’s it, pretty girl, you are doing so good.” His praise makes her pussy wall flutter with anticipation as she sinks lower, keeping her gaze locked on him. He throws back his head and groans as her slick walls lure him in. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” At this point, his words come out breathless and whiny. She feels so full… of him, yet she still needs more. “So good,” he repeats between tender kisses to her shoulder blades. A soft giggle tumbles from her lips as he brushes his nose over her spine. When she opens her eyes, she finally sees the way he makes her feel; cheeks flush and bitten lips. Taylor catches Nicholas staring and she follows his path- straight to where they connect. 
“We fit perfectly together,” he purrs peering up at her in the mirror. “Ready for more?” All she can muster is a nod before planting her feet firmly on the ground. It’s slow at first, the way they move in tandem; her rocking her hips and him thrusting into her. Nicholas digs his nails into her hips, the sharp and quick pain urges her faster. 
“God, Nick I’m close -please,” she whimpers. He knows exactly what she needs as he snakes his hand to her front, separating her lower lips with his fingers before reaching the sensitive bud. With one quick swipe of his finger, her eyes shut tight and her head falls back onto his chest. 
And suddenly, it all stops. Taylor lets out a whine as the sensations start to dissipate. “Eyes on me, doll.” Her eyelids flutter open in response and quickly finds his primal gaze. “Good.” The only reassurance she gets before he continues his relentless pursuit of pleasure. The sound of skin slapping and ragged breathing fills her ears as the coil tightens in her core. Her legs start to tense as the pressure builds between her thighs. 
“That’s it, mama, ruin me-” 
“Oh shit,” she whines, baring down on him as she drenches him with her release. “Fill me, Nicholas,” she pleads as he releases rope after rope of his seed inside her. 
Sighing, she lets her tired body fall against his warm chest, legs falling limp to the side. As her eyelids flutter closed, she basks in Nicholas’ body heat that comforts her as her heartbeat steadies. “You look gorgeous in the afterglow, little mama,” he whispers the new nickname in her ear. It makes her tummy flip with delight. 
Nicholas wraps his arms around her tummy watching as it expands with every breath she takes. Taylor looks down at where his hands meet by her belly button and she smiles imagining a little baby bump. 
“Soon my hands won't be able to fit like this,” he says before kissing her cheek. 
“It can’t wait,” Taylor beams, resting her hands on his.
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ornii · 1 year
Hai hello hai
Ok so remember how you said enid goes into heat cuz shes a werewolf and all... so enid and reader hook up alot, and wedsnday find out and gets jealous
Male reader x wenclair
ThxThx. btw Love your writing so much
“Our” Boyfriend
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Wenclair X Male Reader.
Summary: Who Knew Wednesday Addams was a Commie?
Wednesday Addams obviously isn’t a commie it’s a joke I don’t want to be canceled right when I start using tumblr over an obvious Joke
When it came to Enid and Wednesday, you couldn’t find more polar opposites who seem to get along just fine. While you never particularly adored Wednesday you were on good terms, however Enid was a different situation. With Enids primal libido and drive, hooking up was a constant that happens at least twice a day. There’s a decently sized list of how often and where.
Sometimes when walking to your biology class, you can spot Enid heading into a small janitors closet. Confused you peer in and she turns and grabs you by your tie, yanking you in for skipping class and a “Quickie.” Which was more than an hour, it’s a surprise nobody heard the walls banging.
Other times she gets even more reckless, along the balcony walkway over the quad, all seems well until she “Leans” over the the railing, purposely wearing a much shorter skirt than usual, almost teasing you to take her, obviously who wouldn’t and your palms gladly grip her waist and plunging in.
Enid would even go so far to bring you in her dorm as Wednesday slept near by, you had to be as quiet as possible but that wasn’t particularly easy. The way Enid rocked her hips into yours, her panted breath, wolf like whining when you hit just the right spot. You had to let her bite your arms sometimes just to keep her from howling in pleasure. The soft bed creaks were just enough for Wednesday to awaken, she didn’t move an inch though and just, listened. That one mistake lead you to the situation you’re in now.
One afternoon, Enid was preparing for a night out. Wednesday was preoccupied on her typewriter.
“You’re leaving?” Wednesday asks.
“Yeah, Yoko throwing a small Party. It’d gonna be like totes cute!” Enid says putting on lipstick. And Wednesday stops and turns to her.
“That’s odd, Yoko informed me of no such party.” Wednesday said and Enid stops, slowly growing fearful.
“O-oh, well yeah i-its a bit private.”
“Is it? Or are you going to meet (Y/n)?” Wednesday says which Enid slowly turns to her, trying to be cutely oblivious.
“What? No, it’s not like that we’re just friends—“
“Friends who fornicate Like hounds in heat, and in the same room next to me.” Wednesday says and stands up, and Enid slowly begins to realize she knew. Enid is slowly backed to a corner.
“We-We wouldn’t do that!”
“Hm, would you? Shall I read an excerpt from your diary?” Wednesday asks and Enids eyes go wide. “June 14th, (Y/n) didn’t want to go to the dorm but I couldn’t wait, so we did it in my bed next to Wednesday, I really didn’t want to wake her but it felt so good that I almost made a—“
“Okay! Okay! You made your point.” Enid says sadly. “I’m going to meet him and well, he knows a few open empty dorm rooms.” Enid said.
“Interesting.” Wednesday says, “a word of advice Enid, if you’re you’re going to break the rules, don’t Leave a trail of evidence.” She says.
“Noted, so, what do you want?” Enid asks.
“Him.” She responds, much to Enids confusion.
“Excuse me?” She says, “You aren’t his girlfriend, meaning he can be in any relationship he wishes, and I wish to partake in it, or would you rather me inform Thornhill?” She says, and Enid pouts.
Later that night (Y/n) Lays on his bed, with Enid around his left arm.
“So, Wednesday basically blackmailed you into sharing me as your hook up buddy?” You ask, Enid nods sadly, “I’ll admit it’s weird sharing you, but I’m kinda okay with it.” Enid says, you turn right, to Wednesday who was also lying with you.
“Wow Wednesday, didnt know you were a commie, “Our Boyfriend.” Heh.” You say smiling and Wednesday rests her head upon yours and speaks.
“Da, chert voz'mi”
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local-ground-apple · 1 year
Not-Vil's insolent castle | Howl's Moving Castle au!
Vil as Sophie and You as Howl I just want to say "That's my boy" @ Vil
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,,There you are, sweetheart !”
Vil heard a soft but firm voice in the crowd. Usually when he was surrounded by people, he was unable to focus on a particular sound or pick out any face.
He would never remember them later.
Carefully prepared expressions and words thankful for the support of his fans were leaving his mouth almost automatically. If someone was a tad bit observant, they would notice sheer distress and slight panic in his eyes, as he didn’t wish to be almost suffocated by the crowd.
,,I was looking everywhere for you !”
Finally. This time, he finally noticed you in the sea of his fans. You wore a crystally white shirt with few buttons unbuttoned, yet Vil focused on your pink-silver jacket that seemed to shimmer slightly in the sunlight.
You were glowing.
A playful, yet quite attractive smile was dancing on your lips and your eyes seemed to sparkle.
Vil blinked and in that moment you merged with the crowd, disappearing from his sight. Before he could turn his head around or hopelessly attempt to escape from the crowd, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder, warm breath slightly tickled his skin and silky hair brushed gently against it.
,,I’m sorry, I’m late”
You muttered slightly, the beautiful smile not leaving your lips. Vil was left quite breathless. No one from his fans dared to even touch him, given his security guards who guarded him diligently. Yet, you slipped past them with ease. He could hear them from afar complaining and rushing to separate you two, yet you were faster. Your firm arms wrapped around Vil’s waist and before he could even scream or complain, you jumped in the air, lifting both of you.
,,You! Put me down immediately!”
Vil yelled at you, as he floated above the confused faces of passer-by and his fans who were shouting in disbelief. You only giggled at his misery, as you began walking in the air with ease. Your hands were gently holding his, making sure he didn’t fall.
,,Now, you can start walking! It’s quite easy and quite effective to escape from your fans”
You responded cheerfully, as you guided him. Vil was quite hesitant to listen to you, yet he soon figured out that there was no way to properly argue with you. You didn’t seem like the type who would listen; besides he didn’t wish to be dropped from this height.
He began slightly walking, taking small and hesitant steps. Yet, seeing your encouraging smile and noticing that fact that he wasn't falling down, he began to feel slightly more at ease. Perhaps, it wasn’t such a bad way to escape the suffocating crowd of his fans and his relentless manager.
,,See? It’s quite enjoyable”
You said cheerfully with a bright smile gracing your lips, as you stepped on the highest point on the cathedral located in the middle of the city. You two continued walking in the air. No one seemed to notice you two, as you made sure you were high enough not to be spotted easily. Soft, morning breeze was gently brushing against Vil’s face, as warm rays of the sun gently caressed his face.
Vil had no idea who you were. A mysterious figure that seemed to lighten up his day by stealing him away from relentless and suffocating fans. Offering him a magical moment in his dull, overworked reality devoured of any colours. Every time he opened his mouth to ask you about your name, no sound could come out of his throat.
Yet, every beautiful moment had to end eventually.
You carefully placed Vil on someone else’s balcony, gently letting go of his hand. His fingertips lingered for a brief moment, almost as if he subconsciously didn’t want to let you leave. You smiled brightly at his confused, yet happy face.
,,Now, you can get away from your fans. I’ll make sure they don’t follow you or anything”
You assured Vil who was, once again, to stunned to speak. He only nodded in response, feeling quite ashamed for appearing so shy in front of you. After all, he was known for his impeccable appearance and dashing personality. Yet, in front of your literally glowing form, he was left speechless, feeling like a grey mouse compared to you.
,,That’s my boy!”
You exclaimed, flashing him one last brief smile, before you jumped of the balcony.
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Next day, Vil woke up old.
He wasn’t only feeling old, as if he aged 50 years mentally in the span of one night filled with magical dreams of you. No, he was old.
Vil had troubles getting out of the bed, his muscles felt sore and his joints were cracking slightly whenever he moved a bit. When he glanced at his form, he was stunned. His legs were thinner and the skin wasn’t as supple as it used to be. Frankly, Vil was scared to look at himself in the mirror. His hands trembled, as he had to hobble carefully to it. He furrowed his eyebrows, noticing that he needed to support his weakened body to even take few steps. His back was slightly in pain and he noted that he probably won’t be able to straighten it soon.
Full of apprehension, Vil finally looked at his reflexion, feeling his eyes watering.
Vil was old.
His hair that used to be blond, now was grey adorning his tired visage. His face was dry and covered in wrinkles. His cheeks were now hollow and devoid of any youth. If it wasn’t for his sore throat, Vil was almost sure he would scream in pure despair. He repeatedly closed and opened his glassy eyes and pinched himself multiple times. Perhaps he was delusional, hoping it was just a nightmare and that he would soon wake up from it.
Yet, no matter how viciously he picked his skin, his reflexion covered in wrinkles stared back at him.
Everything crashed.
Every single hope he had for his future; his beautiful dream he had worked so diligently to achieve it was now shattered. It was over for him. With his shortened life-span, Vil was positively sure he was done for. He could achieve nothing and his career was brutally shattered.
Yet, he wasn’t the one to give up. His whole life he was known for his relentless efforts and his persistent attitude. So, he grabbed some stick that he found on his way and he did his best to try to find a cure for his sudden enchantment.
Vil hobbled from one professor to another mage begging for help. He drank various potions, took part in many rituals, tried every possible spell, yet nothing seemed to work. Crowley couldn’t help him. Neither could Crewel or Malleus, despite their earnest efforts. They couldn’t pinpoint the source of this peculiar curse that made Vil so old in the span of one night. Hell, he couldn’t even speak about this potential curse.
So Vil Schoenheit had only one possible solution to his problem.
He could only dwell in despair, slowly coming to terms with his current appearance and shattered career that was so dear to him.
Until, one day Crowley announced that he knew one person that could offer some help.
Despite the doubtful and vicious voice whispering inside him, Vil could feel a wave of hope washing over him.
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Vil had to walk, which posed quite a serious problem to his weakened and old body. Every step felt like a challenge and the longer he walked, the more exhausted he felt. Despite a solid, wooden cane Crowley had gifted him before he embarked on this journey, he still struggled and the walk took him longer than he anticipated.
He had heard about Pendragon before.
A mysterious wizard who had a nasty habit of appearing randomly with their unique Moving Castle and then disappearing. A wizard who feasted on poor ladies’ hearts. A wizard who first broke them and then ate them. A heartless mage who had a personal beef with the Witch of the Waste.
Vil scowled at the mere thought of wizard Pendragon. From the various rumours he had heard, Pendragon didn’t seem like a good person who would manage to help him. He was quite sceptical, yet Crowley had assured him multiple times that if someone could do something, it would be that eccentric wizard. He only had to reach his Moving Castle and successfully get inside.
Vil had noticed it from afar. It was a unique construction, one that you couldn’t mistake with any other building. It was moving at moderate speed, so Vil hoped he would be able to swiftly reach it or at least, keep up with its pace.
Oh, how wrong was he.
Vil had an impression that the castle seemed to mock him. Not moving rapidly, yet not slowing down specially for him. He furrowed his eyebrows, scowling in annoyance. He was way too old to be running after this damn building that seemed to be moving on its own free will.
He panted heavily, feeling as if he was close to passing out. His heartbeat was so fast, Vil was afraid his heart would combust. He had troubles catching his erratic breath, as he attempted to chase after the Moving Castle. He supported himself on the cane, gripping it tightly. He was cursing the castle internally, as he hobbled after it.
,,Stop! Just stop! You..You..y’you…Please, I beg you….just…stop”
Few words left his mouth, as he was desperately trying to catch his breath. Vil was shouting in desperation mixed with exhaustion. He pushed himself and his weakened body to try. He had to at least try to reach Pendragon’s residence to plead for his help. He couldn’t give up so easily, yet he wasn’t able to grip the door handle.
,,Just stop you insolent castle! I need help!”
Vil exclaimed in frustration, feeling anger washing over his poor, unfortunate form. Tears welled in his eyes, as he once again stretched his arm to reach out for the handle, forcing his legs to speed up in one last, desperate attempt.
Then, the castle stopped abruptly, almost as if it had heard his desperate pleads and opened its door invitingly.
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No one was inside, when Vil walked in anxiously.
The whole room was quite dark, so he wasn’t able to notice any details or concrete furnishing. It’s not like he planned to. His whole body was screaming in agony, his muscles were burning and his joints were cracking. His throat was sore from screaming and Vil had troubles steading his frantic breathing. His heart was still beating quite rapidly.
Vil felt that he could collapse from such draining stunt he had pulled mere seconds ago.
He saw the faint light from the fireplace and a chair standing before it. He didn’t waste any time and hobbled towards it. He sighed with relief, when he sat down, finally taking a rest his legs deserved. He couldn’t quite feel them, yet he dismissed this feeling. He stretched his hands, hoping to warm them up. He furrowed his eyebrows, the flame was barely ignited and it was slowly dying. Vil reached out to add some more pieces of the wood and watched with the delight the flame growing.
Finally, he could rest for a bit.
,,Oh, Mon Dieu!”
An excited voice speaking in some unknown to him language, made Vil open his eyes abruptly. For a brief second, he thought that perhaps the infamous wizard Pendragon had graced him with their presence, yet when he turned around, no one was there.
,,I’m here! Non, not there, here. Oui, just look down!”
The mysterious voice persisted and Vil has never been so confused in his entire lifetime. He looked down as it was requested and he was quite perplexed. He could see tiny hands made out of flames supporting a small yet bizarre form which was resting on the wooden pieces. He blinked few times to make sure whether he was seeing properly.
His eyes didn’t deceive him.
Before Vil stood a bright flame that certainly had bright, sparkling eyes and a mouth that was spilling random French words.
,,The flame is talking. I must take a break, I’m clearly going insane”
Vil muttered quietly, however the talking flame heard him and only chuckled in response.
,,Oh nonsense, my dear! I’m a demon. A demon who was forced to work for this good forsaken wizard”
The flame exclaimed, clearly excited that he finally had a chance to talk to someone else apart from Pendragon. He didn’t mind in the slightest shock written on Vil’s wrinkled face. Perhaps, it was too much for him in the span of one day.
,,I’m Rook! And you…Hmmm, let me think. Something is not right with you, isn’t it?”
 The flame demon was quite perceptive as Vil remarqued. He opened his mouth to share with Rook that he had been probably cursed, yet no sound left his throat. Despite his many attempts, nothing seemed to work. Exasperated, he threw his weakened arms in the air, clearly giving up.
,,Oh, I see. You’ve been cursed”
Vil’s heart seemed to stop for a brief moment, as his form filled with desperate hope. Perhaps it was his chance to get his old appearance back. He nodded.
,,Can you undone it?”
Rook seemed to ponder over Vil’s shy question that was filled with anxiety mixed with excitement.
,,Bien sûr! However, nothing is free in this world…”
Rook’s voice trailed a second, his carbon eyes staring directly at Vil with anticipation and mischief. Vil was suspicious. He hadn’t met many demons in his entire life, so he wasn’t sure how to talk to one. All he knew was the fact that they weren’t the most trustworthy creatures. One should be extremely careful while making a deal with a demon.
Vil wasn’t sure. He was aware what Rook was implying, yet he was hesitant. It wouldn’t be wise to strike a deal with a creature that could possibly betray you. However, from the rumors he had heard, he doubted that wizard Pendragon would be a better or safer option.
Perhaps, he could let them both try to find a remedy for this peculiar curse.
,,You want to make a deal with me, huh?”
,,You’re quite bright! I like you”
The demon responded, clearly happy with Vil accepting his implicit proposition.
,,I can turn you back to normal once I’m free. In order to liberate me from this misery, you’ll have to find the item Pendragon gave me when we first made a deal”
Vil raised one of his eyebrows questioningly. He was confused with the terms he had agreed to. Which item? It all sounded quite mysterious and more complicated than he had previously anticipated.
,,Which item?”
,,Malheureusement, I can’t really tell you that. The contract bounds me”
Rook explained, sighing heavily and Vil could only roll his eyes in annoyance. Great, so it was way harder after all. However, it wasn’t as if he had many options available to change his fate. Vil decided that he would think about it tomorrow. He had only heard Rook ranting about Pendragon’s vanity before he dozed off.
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Vil was awakened by a scream.
Not a pleasant morning alarm.
,,YOU! How did you even get in here, old man?!”
The voice sounded extremely anxious, yet Vil could sense that it belonged to a young person who tried really hard to appear tough. If he wasn’t sleepy and still tired from the uncomfortable chair, he would probably scold this young man for calling him an old man. Even though, he was one.
Vil turned around and he saw a rather short guy who looked quite cute despite a scowl adorning his soft features. He had violent hair that contrasted with his pale skin and bright eyes. He was wearing his casual clothes and he appeared quite surprised and perplexed at the sight of Vil.
Quick, he had to quickly come up with a valid reason to stay here for a while.
Vil looked down at Rook who only shrugged his shoulders, clearly showing him that it was his problem to resolve. Looking around, he noted that Pendragon’s castle was in horrendous state. Never-ending piles of clothes were scattered all over the room; he could see dirty dishes that desperately needed to be washed. The whole ceiling was covered in spider webs and dust. Vil furrowed his eyebrows.
Wizard Pendragon truly was vile.
,,I’m wizard Pendragon’s new housekeeper”
Vil responded casually and confidently. He was manifesting that the guy standing before him buys his lie. Young man seemed to be engrossed in his thoughts for a brief moment, after hearing his declaration. He was muttering something quite quietly.
,,A housekeeper? I don’t think Y/n mentioned hiring someone…”
Violent-haired man eyed Vil suspiciously, before he shrugged his arms in defeat. Whatever. Y/n Pendragon was quite eccentric, so he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised if you ended up hiring someone to take care of this cluttered castle that desperately needed cleaning. Finally.
,,By the way, I’m Epel. I’m Y/n’s apprentice”
He introduced himself, so Vil quickly returned the gesture. Epel didn’t seem to mind him at all, quickly looking for some ingredients for breakfast. He supposed that since Rook let Vil inside, he couldn’t pose any real threat to him, so he could as well make a breakfast for them.
,,Where is Y/n?”
,,Oh, who knows that? Maybe they will return for breakfast…Or not, I’m not sure”
Epel responded, waving his hand dismissively. Great, Vil had no idea how long he would have to wait for you here. Epel found some bread in the drawer and began pouring himself and Vil some cold water.
,,Why won’t you eat some scrambled eggs with bacon?”
Vil suggested, his gaze fixated on deliciously looking bacon and eggs laying in the basket situated on a pile of books. Epel only laughed in response, before he glared at Rook who conveniently avoided his gaze.
,,Because, Rook here won’t let me! Only Y/n can cook on him”
We will see.
Vil reached a conclusion that he had suffered enough yesterday, chasing after that insolent castle and he deserved some fulfilling and delicious breakfast. He grabbed a frying pan and approached Rook menacingly. Epel only shook his head with pity, sure that certain fire demon would refuse.
,,Now, you insolent potato, you’re going to cook some eggs”
Vil’s firm and strict voice send a chill down Epel’s spine who was sure he was some old man who was quite chill. Rook shook his flame head, refusing to cooperate. A dreadful smile crept on Vil’s wrinkled lips that spelled a threat. He leaned down, whispering softly, making sure Epel didn’t hear their exchange.
,,Now, if you don’t cooperate, I will tell Y/n about our little deal and we will see what they do with this information”
Epel had never seen Rook complying so fast. He adjusted his flames in order to let Vil put his frying pan over his head. He could hear crystally clear Rook complaining about the situation, calling him an “old bully” and threatening to burn his breakfast, yet Vil paid him no attention. With a delighted smile on his face, he broke the shell of the egg.
Suddenly he felt a warm breath on his neck and silky strands of hair gently tickling his cheeks. A cold hand brushed against his, before it carefully snatched a frying pan from him. Vil could feel a presence behind him, so he turned on his heel only to face you.
Vil couldn’t utter a mere word, as his eyes widen.
It was you, standing dangerously close to him, offering him the same playful smile. Vil was sure he could recognize your jacket from miles.
,,My, my! Rook, you’re so obedient! Who would have thought?”
Your cheerful voice broke the silence between you two, as you began making the breakfast. You briefly glanced at Vil who was praying you wouldn’t recognize him, yet you made no remark before you turned your attention to flame demon.
,,I will prepare the breakfast, as I always do. Can you pass me the rest of the eggs?”
You asked Vil, not bothering to spare him another glance, as he only nodded in response fulfilling your command. While you seemed to bicker with Rook who was calling old man various remarks, he seemed to ponder over you.
Then, Vil connected the dots.
You being here could mean only one thing.
You were the wizard Pendragon who was the owner of Moving Castle and local tax evasion enjoyer who ate woman’s hearts. A chill went through Vil’s body who felt sick thinking about those rumors. It also meant that you were the person who saved him from the crowd of his fans and walked in the air with him.
,,Soooo, old boy, who are you exactly?”
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yuecrown · 8 months
[ 5:42 AM ] — nakahara chuuya
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chuuya x gn!reader. fluff. warnings: swearing. 0.5k wc.
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it isn’t until you hear chuuya come up behind you that you realize it’s already morning. you’re nursing a cup of now-cold coffee in your hands, and you’re amazed that you haven’t dropped it even though you’ve been zoned out for the past hour.
“you okay?” chuuya’s voice is thick with sleep as he wraps his arms around you.
you nod. “i just woke up a little early.”
chuuya lets out a quiet hum, and rests his chin on your shoulder, before shivering. “it’s fucking freezing out here.”
the sun hasn’t risen yet, so the balcony is still cold, but you were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t feel the chill. chuuya goes back inside before returning with two hoodies. he pulls one on and chucks the other at you.
it’s one of his, an old, faded grey thing that you’ve ‘borrowed’ from him more times than you can count. he pretends to get mad about it, but he’s not. not really. that’s just how chuuya is, grumpy and sharp-tongued, but kind nevertheless. attentive even though you don’t ask him to be.
the two of you sit in silence for a while— not that it’s ever really quiet when you live in the middle of yokohama. even pre-sunrise, the air is filled with sounds of traffic and the howls of stray dogs. you don’t mind though. you’ve grown to like the sounds of the waking city.
eventually, you turn to go back into your shared apartment, calling out, “want some coffee?” as an afterthought, because you know chuuya hates the way it tastes. as expected, he shakes his head, so you simply make yourself a cup, and return outside.
chuuya’s sitting quietly, gazing out at the city as sunlight starts to hit the buildings, coloring the previously dark sky shades of blue and yellow.
“how’s the hangover?” you ask, a teasing lilt to your voice. he glares at you, before massaging his temple and muttering, “what hangover?”
you hold back a laugh and drape yourself over his lap, setting your cup down on the table carefully.
“good morning,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his neck. the faint emerging sunlight tinges his hair gold as he sleepily kisses you back, still smelling faintly of alcohol and last night’s cologne.
you thread your fingers through his hair, gently playing with the soft locks as he lets out a content hum and relaxes his body.
his fingers still bear last night’s rings, and his many piercings reflect the light whenever he tilts his head, but he’s wearing fluffy pompompurin slippers. that’s just like chuuya, you think to yourself with a little smile. mean and scary and so, so cute.
he spots your smile and grumbles, “makin’ fun of me in your head, aren’t you.”
“maybe,” you say, taking hold of his hand in yours and linking your fingers together.
he huffs, but his face is relaxed. chuuya doesn’t always smile when he’s happy, but you’ve learned to pay attention to the other things— the way the crease between his brows disappears, the ways his eyes crinkle up ever so slightly, the way his ears get tinged pink when he’s flustered.
“brat,” he says, tightening his arms around you, making you smile and lean into his touch.
you used to wake up alone, but now, mornings are synonymous with chuuya.
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notes: constantly thinking about domestic life with chuuya 😵‍💫😵‍💫 also i’m a firm believer that chuuya loves sanrio & u cant convince me otherwise
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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"What did you say," I ask, looking at her laughing. I'm sitting here with one of my closest friends, smoking. After work, I've been looking for stress relief, and what better way to be calm and cool than weed. I'm surprised I managed to get Bada to agree to smoking weed. She doesn't really have an issue with it she just chose not to do it. Which I respect, so after the first offer over what seemed to feel like a year ago, I simply stopped asking. I didn't want her to think she had to smoke because I did. So I let it go. Until today, after she pulled up to my house to hang, she asked if she could take a hit.
It startled me. She simply smiled and asked again. And I had to ask her if she was sure cool with doing it. I had completely forgotten we were supposed to hang out while I was just chilling on my balcony staring at the stars. Sitting in complete silence, she finally spoke up again, "Come on, don't look at me like that. I just wanna know. Are you really gonna make me say it again?" I start to laugh at loud. Still taken a back by what she just asked me, it's weird especially coming from Bada Lee of all people. "You just practically asked me when I knew I liked vagina for sure. Sorry if I'm not supposed to be shocked." She turns her head, looking back at the city rolling her eyes playfully.
"It was simply a question Janna, don't go jumping to conclusions." I stare at her face for a while, looking for any sign of lie on her face. Before I sigh and decide to play into this weird conversation. Many may have thought at first glance that Bada was the gayest person you'd ever see. I mean shit I thought she was gay and my gay alerting system was never wrong well until I met her. She has both masculine and feminine traits, and it seems as if God took every step of his way to carve out every detail that was strictly for women. When I found out she was straight, I literally felt lied to. Then, I thought maybe she was simply confused and that thought distinguished when she started dating Howl, well until now.
"Are you attracted to women?" She tried to avoid eye contact with me after she heard the question, "Come on, let's go to my room." I told her as I grabbed her wrist and led her back inside the house into my bedroom. I Thinking maybe it would be better if she was comfortable with the situation. "So, have you found any girls catching your eye? And I mean in like a I wanna date or fuck her type of way not a, oo she is pretty. Even a straight person can acknowledge that a member of the same sex is good-looking, but do you feel a certain type of way?" She is caught guard by all the information I just laid on her and just says yes. "So you found girls attractive, or is there a girl in mind?" She turns away from me and moves from the floor to my bed and sits down while grabbing my pillow to hold.
"There is this girl. At first, I was questioning why I would like her like that because we don't really have a lot in common, you know. Like I'm a dancer, and she is a full-time student working her way to be working as an attorney. But spending time with her had made me feel things, you know. That not even Howl made me feel. It's scary if I'm being real right now. But I don't know." I look at her smiling in amazement for being able to actually express her feelings to me all in one go. With most people, they tend to sit there and beat around the bush to avoid telling people they like certain things. "Wow, you said you know like twice someone is down bad, I see. I'm not judging, though I'm actually quite happy you were able to admit all that. I'm proud of you."
She turns away, getting shy, while trying to distract herself by rolling up the pillow in her hand into a ball and hitting it. "Thanks, Janna. So now, can you answer my question? Maybe it might help me realize if I actually have genuine feelings for her." I stare up at the ceiling trying to remember the question she asked me until it eventually hits me. "Oo, ok, so I was like 13 years old. Spending the night at my close friends house for the first time. I mean, you know how my parents are, and she suggested playing this game of true or dare. While playing, somehow she dared me to kiss her, and I leaned in and just went for it, it kinda got a bit weird for us after that, but I started seeing women differently. Like, it wasn't just a wow she is pretty vibe anymore. I wondered how it would feel to date them. Then I dated a girl. While it was an experiment for her, it meant a lot to me. It did hurt when she didn't end up being into girls, though it helped me figure out my sexuality."
As I finished speaking, we just sat there in silence, I noticed that Bada was looking at me a bit unusual. It took a while for me to understand what was wrong. Had I said something? Though, when I caught her eyes dipping down to my lips and then my chest, only for them to get stuck there while biting her lips. I realized when was going on. So I just went for it, not thinking about the consequences. I grabbed her and placed it on my breast, making sure to hold her hand while doing it. "Bada, the girl were talking about. Do I perhaps know her? Or is it me, it's ok you can tell me?" She slowly gulps, but it seems she can't take her eyes off her hand. I move to take her hand off when she grips my breast, causing me to let out a whimper. "If I said it was, what would be your response?" I move closer to her and grab her other hand, placing it on my other breast. "I would say that means you're basically my girlfriend because I've been in love with you for a while." She looks uo at me like I've held the galaxy up.
The idea of someone looking at me with this much love has always been something I dreamed of. "Would you like to see them, you know, to complete your first gay mission." I say, gesturing to my boobs while laughing. She stares at me getting nervous again, she is so fucking cute right now. "You don't have to baby". "Oo, we are already on pet names. Someone is a bit bold. But I really want to, baby." I say while slowly moving my hand towards her neck to pull her closer. Our noses touching, yet is never feels close enough. We glance down at each other's lips before she speaks up again, causing me to smile. "Well, then baby, who am I to stop you." We both make our way to lean in, the kiss is so fucking good I forget we need air. She makes her way to move away, but I continue to make out with her passionately.
"Baby, wait, look, I've never done this before. Least not with a girl, but I really really wanna fuck you right now." She says while looking at me grabbing my hips with one hand still on my breast. I start to stare down at her hands before laughing, "I guess we have figured out what your favorite part of my body is, huh?" She is about to move her hand while shyly looking around the room. "Sorry." "No it's ok. I like having your hands on me." She then grips my hip, moving back in for another kiss. Only to stop again,"I remember I was promised a show." I smirk at her words. It seems she is getting more and more comfortable with her words. "Then a show you shall have." I move away from her stepping off the bed. Grabbing the bottom of my shirt, I made my way to pull it off my hand while quickly turning around so she was facing my back.
I place my hands on my breasts, I am by no means insecure, though it's fun to tease her. I turn around to face her while making sure to make direct eye contact, and for the first time tonight, she can't look away from my eyes. It's almost like she is challenging me to look away. I keep my hands there for a while until she looks down at them. "Please, for the love of God, baby, don't do this to me right now." I slowly walk over to her. She's has moved towards the edge of the bed. Waiting with anticipation. I get on top of a lap while still looking at her eyes, refusing to me the one to break eye contact. Then I finally move my hands away. She looks down and groans and makes her want to grab them again. She is so excited and almost laughable. "There just boobs, Bada, you have them too. As a matter of fact, why don't you take your top off to so I don't feel lonely."
She smiles at me cheerful and grabs her shirt, pulling it off to reveal her sports bra. Then hurries to take it off as well. I'm left starstruck just like her. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And I'm not just saying that so you could keep your top off." She laughs at me before kissing me again, making her way down my neck slowly, "like the corny ass pickup line could stop me from fucking you." I look down and laugh, before a moan slips fron my mouth when she grabs my nipple in her mouth and sucks on it. I pull her hair to look back at me and start to kiss her lips again, "I fucking love your lips, your sexy ass is never gonna get rid of me now." She moves her hand and grabs my neck firmly almost choking me causing another string of moans to fly out my mouth. For someone who has never done anything with a girl, she sure is holding up better than me.
"Are you kidding me? You are on top of me like this is my best view. If anything, I'm gonna make sure to stay with your beautiful ass every day so I could thank God for having the balls to tell you how I feel. Now, baby, I'm wet, and you're dripping, so let's do something about that, huh?"
(Guys, I'm so proud of this story, like it has to be my best one yet. I'm so proud of this and so thankful to all of you who take the time to read and thirst over the entire cast of swf2. Thank you for reading my work bestiess. Also, yall nicknames that I've randomly decided to call yall is shawty. Yall are my beautiful shawtyyyysss 🫢🤭🤭)
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cb97breathing · 10 months
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Afab! Reader
Theme: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Fantasy AU, Werewolf!Chan, MDNI
Word Count: 1.7K
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Summary: Long before you were born the war between the ever knew the true cause of it, but humans were forbidden to ever enter the woods that bordered their lands. But you were never one to follow laws, you had always felt drawn to the beauty of the woods and never have you once felt in danger there. One day you come across a large black wolf watching you in the distance. It never approached you, but it watched you as you would lay against a tree in the sunlight and read your favorite books. From that moment on you would always see it, watching you. You felt as if it was protecting you. You would smile at it and never dare go near it. Little did you know, that the wolf who watched you carefully, was not just any wolf, but also a man, the man they called the wolf king.
A/N: Please do not repost or translate my work! Let me know if you wish to be on the tagged list.
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Chan reached out in his sleep for her, even unconscious he needed her near. But when he felt an empty space beside him his eyes shot open. When he saw she wasn’t there he shot up and looked around the room in a panic. He called out for you, but was met with silence. You never left him. Not once. He knew something was wrong. His heart pounded and tears flew down his cheeks. That’s when he spotted them, the letters. He slowly walked over and gently lifted up the one with his name on it. He let out a shaky breath and opened it.
My Love,
By the time you read this, I will have already left. I’m so sorry. I promised you that we would be together forever. But I can’t let him hurt you, I can’t let him hurt any of you. I love you too much. So please, please do not go after me. Please respect my choice. I am giving myself up, to protect all of you. Because you mean the world to me. I truly do believe I was born to be with you, that I was created for you and you for me.
But maybe it’s not meant to be in this life. I am going to San and I will give him what he wants. I know this will anger you, I know it will hurt you and I’m so sorry. One day, maybe we will meet again. But for now, please, please take care of yourself and everyone. If you do end up finding someone to love and make you happy please don’t hold back because of me. I want you to be happy. I love you Chan. I love you more than anything in this world and that is why I have to go.
“N-No.” The ink began to smudge as his tears landed on the paper. His lip trembled and he slowly fell to his knees. You were gone, you had left him. His reason for living, his reason for breathing, was gone. He choked on a sob and clenched the note in his fist. He could still smell you, your scent lingered in the air, you were close, you hadn’t made it far. Could he really do as you asked? Could he let you surrender yourself to that monster of a human? No, no he couldn’t. He dropped the letter and went to the balcony. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air to catch your scent and when he did, he shifted.
His large wolf form howled loudly after you before running in the direction your scent was in. There was no way, no way he would let you give up everything for him. There also was no he was going to let that man have you. You were his, his packs, not that bastard’s. He continued to howl as he rushed after you wanting you to know he was coming for you. There was no way you could outrun him. You could try, but it was hopeless. No one could outrun a werewolf.
You could hear his howls, you could hear the pain behind them. You didn’t expect him to wake so soon. Your heart shattered at the sound as you gazed behind you. He was coming after you, you knew it. Your heart pounded as you stood frozen by the lake where you both had made love the first time, you wanted to see it one more time before you left and now you stood there as his large wolf form slowly approached you from the shadows. Tears welled in your eyes as you stared into his eyes, that beautiful glowing yellow of his wolf was something you always loved.
“You have to let me go.” You choked out. “Please.” His whimper made your heart shatter further. He moved into the woods behind a tree, and where a wolf walked in, a man came out. Chan stared at you, his eyes broken and blood shot. You did your best not to stare at his body, or his eyes. “Chan please.” You begged in a whimper.
“No.” He whispered. He stormed over to you and pulled you close to him and pressed his lips to yours in a deep and desperate kiss. You tried your best not to give in, but the power he held over you took control quickly. You melted into him and kissed back just as desperately as your fingers tangled in his curls. “I’m never letting you go.” He whispered into your lips. ���I’m never letting him have you. You’re mine.” He whispered as he nipped your lips. “You will always be mine, and he will never know what you taste like, he will never know how soft your skin is, he will never have you. Never.”
You used all your strength to push him away. “Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be Chan. Please. I need to do this. If I go to him he won't hurt any of you again. Just let me go. I’ll be okay.”
“Will you? How can you be so sure?” He cried out. “How do you know he won’t hurt you? That he won’t force you to do things you don’t want?” He cupped your cheek. “Y/n he wants you the way we all do. But what do you think is going to happen when you tell him you don’t want him touching you? You think he will let that slide? — I can’t bear the thought of that man touching you. I’d rather die than let him have you, do you understand? At least then I know Changbin and the rest will be here to cherish you. Someone who loves you truly. Not someone who views you as a bloody trophy.”
“I’m willing to do whatever he wants if it means you don’t have to die.” You whispered. “If it means that you will be safe and unharmed. I’ll do whatever he wants.” Those words made Chan shake with anger.
“I will never let you.” He breathed out. “You can’t outrun me. You can’t fight me. I will never let you do this. I will drag you kicking and screaming if I have to.” He pulled you close and looked into your eyes. “There’s only one way you could ever convince me to let you leave.” Your eyes widened as you stared at him. “Tell me you don’t love us. Tell me you don’t love me.”
“I can’t.” You choked out. “I won’t. But I am leaving.” You backed away from him.
“The hell you are.” Chan growled. He pulled you close and kissed you with everything he had. You whimpered and your knees gave out as you clung to him. He picked you up bridal style and pressed his forehead to yours. “You’re mine. Mine to love. Mine to kiss. Mine to hold. Mine to make laugh, to make smile. Mine to make love to. Mine to marry. Mine to be with forever. I’m never letting you go. Never.” Tears poured down your cheeks and you choked on a sob. He kissed you again softly and gently. “I love you.” He whispered into your lips.
“I love you.” You whimpered as you buried your face in his neck. “I love you so much.”
“Pardon the interruption.” You gasped at the sudden voice and both you and Chan looked over to see two men standing at the edge of the forest.
“Yeosang…Yunho… what are you?” You breathed out as you looked at them with wide eyes.
“We need to talk about San.” Yunho said quietly. “He’s not going to stop until he has her your highness and I’m scared that this time someone will actually die.”
“We don’t want anything to happen to Y/n. We don’t want anyone else getting killed. We saw what happened to Hyunjin and what he has planned for Changbin is much worse.” Yeosang added. Your eyes widened at his words.
“What do you mean? Why does he want to hurt Changbin?” You asked as Chan gently placed you on your feet.
“He knows you love him. Just as much as the king. He wants to kidnap him and use him as leverage to get you to come to him but even though he is going to ask for you in exchange for him. He’s going to kill him no matter what.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach and you looked to Chan in terror.
“C-Chan…” You choked out.
“We have to go back now. But we wanted to warn you. I don’t know when or how they plan to. But please keep her and Changbin safe. We aren’t the only ones who don’t like what San is doing. We will do our best to keep an eye on him and try to stop him as well.” Yeosang walked over to them and looked to y/n softly. “I’m sorry. I wish there was more we could do. But you know how powerful he is.” You nodded and looked down at your feet. “I know you were planning to but please don’t ever go to him Y/n. He will only hurt you.”
“Just don’t let him know you helped. I don’t know what he would do if he found out.” You said quietly. “Keep the rest of them safe. I never wished for any harm on any of you.” He took your hand gently and squeezed it before rejoining Yunho and going back into the woods.
“We need to find Changbin.” Chan said quietly. You nodded as you took his hand in yours. “Neither of you are leaving my sight till I know you’re both safe.”
“I’m right here.” You turned to see Changbin panting heavily as tears flew down his face. His hand clutched the letter that you left in Chan’s chambers. He stared at you in despair as he walked over to you slowly.
“Please tell me you’re not leaving. Please.” He choked out. You rushed over to him and jumped into his arms. You buried your face in his neck as he held you tightly.
“No she isn’t ever going to leave.” Chan said quietly. “Did anyone else see the letters?” He asked as he gently placed his hand on Changbin’s shoulder.
“No. They’re all asleep but I heard your howl. I thought something was wrong so I rushed to your chambers and that’s where I found them.” He breathed out as he buried his face in your hair.
“Let’s burn the rest when we get back to my chambers. Then you and I are going to show our queen how loved she truly is.” Chan said quietly as you all headed back to the castle.
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boldstarks · 4 months
The Unwanted Wife Blurb #1: First Son
word count: 1K pairing: young!Robert Baratheon x wife!reader, oc x reader (mentioned) warnings: pregnancy, brief mentions of sex and childbirth, emotional neglect of a spouse
Despite you being nine moons gone with a child, your husband, the king, had very little issue leaving with an entourage of his most favored cronies on a hunting trip in the Kingswood. You didn't even protest when he announced the trip to you. You simply went back to your reading. A few months earlier, you would have raged at his callousness, but you are too tired now. You didn't know if it was from the pregnancy or maybe you were finally numb to Robert's poor treatment.
You simply told him to behave sensibly and turned back to your reading. When he set out a day later, you watched him leave from the balcony of your chambers. Many ladies gathered in the courtyard to send off their husbands in the king's hunting entourage. You made the excuse of being much too heavy with the child to make it in a timely manner.
You watched the group of men atop their horses ride away, your husband at the head.
"Your Grace, I'm sure everything will be alright," one of your ladies' maids said.
She means to be comforting, but her words fill you with bitter contempt.
"I am not the only woman with a thoughtless boar for a husband, and I won't be the last," you say, watching the riding party disappear outside the Red Keep's walls.
The maid said nothing and began gathering the soiled sheets from your bed; they were tainted by sweat and Robert's seed. Your coupling the prior night had been angry, tinged with a foreign tenderness that Robert had only developed when your pregnancy had started to show.
You figured Robert's surrogate father and Hand, Jon Arryn, would keep you company. This was both a good and a bad thing, in your opinion. You were fond of the man himself, but not of his wife, Lysa Tully. It was a struggle to get along with the woman despite trying to be kind to her.
You tried to tell yourself that this was just like any other time. Robert was away and left you by yourself for days on end. But you knew deep down that you would give birth alone. The King had barely been gone a day when your labors began.
You spent nearly a full day in the birthing bed, writhing with agony, without a word from the hunting party or Robert. You cried nearly the entire time. You cried for home, for your mother, for your father, and mostly for your first love, Alyn, who had died fighting during Robert's Rebellion. Then, at dusk on the third day of his absence, your child was born.
"It's a boy, Your Grace," Grand Maester Pycelle said, holding the newborn child aloft after he had slipped free from the birth canal.
The squalling infant is quickly cleaned by some septas before being swaddled and brought back to you.
The boy is small and red-faced, and he entered the world howling furiously. He only stops wailing when he is put on your chest. You find yourself smiling when you gently cradle his small head of damp black curls as his Baratheon blue eyes stare up at you. Look at your little boy and feel that spark of happiness in your chest that you hadn't felt since you received news of Alyn's death.
"His name shall be Alaric," you tell the Maester without looking away from your baby.
You knew Robert wanted to name his first son, Stefan, after his father, and he would most likely throw a fit because of it. But he forfeited his vote in the matter when he decided to run around the Kingswood rather than be there for the birth of his heir.
A day after you gave birth, the hunting party arrived back at the Red Keep. Robert found that you had not come to greet him, just as you could not be bothered by seeing him off either.
He stormed into the castle, rather annoyed at this perceived abandonment. He entered your chambers without bothering to knock and found you sleeping in bed.
Right as Robert is going to start yelling, you turn in your sleep, and it becomes obvious to him that you are no longer with the child. A pang of fear echoes through him until he hears a soft coo and finds a child beside your bed in a cradle. The baby had a head of black curls and blue eyes and was rather large. The child had wiggled out of his swaddle while you slept soundly and was waving his small fists about.
"Hello," Robert says. He's utterly captivated by the little life that he played a part in creating.
He reaches a large hand out to the child and softly pets the head of black curls. The child gurgles contently at the touch of its father.
"His name is Alaric," you said, breaking the king's trance.
"I should have been here," Robert says.
The man had the decency to look ashamed of himself. You nearly tell him it's okay, but you know it's far from okay for a father to miss the birth of his first trueborn child.
"Moving forward, things will need to change," you reply and sit up.
Robert finally looks you in the eye. He seems hesitant about your remark.
"I cannot live a life where my husband and I are constantly at each other's throats. I don't want our son to be raised by parents who can't stand each other," you say.
You look at your son in his cradle and can't help but smile at him.
"What are we to do about it?" Robert asks, still skeptical.
"We shall dine together three times a week, and I would like to share our chambers. In the North, it is custom that a husband and wife share bedchambers, and I believe it will bring us closer," you said.
Robert looks at your face; your eyes are shining with optimism. You truly were willing to learn how to love him. Why couldn't he grant you this one thing?
"Okay," he said.
You're silent for a moment, somewhat shocked that Robert didn't try to put up any sort of fight. Not knowing what else to say, you nod quickly.
You change the subject smoothly: "Would you like to hold your son?"
It's Robert's turn to nod like a fool now.
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writemekpop · 1 year
Do-Over | Johnny Suh
Summary: You give your kid’s deadbeat dad Johnny one last chance to step up. A snowstorm puts him in danger of letting you down yet again.  
Genre: Baby daddy!Johnny, ex boyfriend!Johnny, angsty 
Word Count: 1.2k
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Johnny laughed at his reflection in the rear-view mirror. In his homemade costume, he looked like a turnip.
He was determined to go all the way for yours and his daughter Rakha’s play. He would make awful jokes, he would hold little Rakha on his shoulders, he would point her out to the other parents and say, That one’s mine!
He was ready to finally step up and be a father to his kid.
The bouquet of long-stemmed red roses for you was a bit much, he now realised. They were the floral equivalent of a confession of love. Maybe he should leave those in the car.
Thick snow piled up over everything. The world looked a day old.    
The dash on his bust-up Ford Fiesta said 5:40pm. He might just make it to Rakha’s end-of-term play in time…
Then he turned a corner, and cursed. He had just hit a mile-long stretch of road where the snow had not been shovelled. The land ahead of him was as blank and lonely as a piece of paper.  
There was no way to get through.
He whipped out his phone and tried to call you, but there was no signal.
He let his forehead fall forward in frustration.
He would never forget his last conversation with you.
“Just one more chance. Please.” he had begged, trailing you as you strode to your car. You strapped Rakha in the backseat without looking at him, then got in the front.
He held the car door open so you couldn’t shut him out.
You looked coldly up at him. “She barely recognises you, Johnny.”
“I’ll be at the next recital. On time. Early – early, in fact.”
When he saw that glint of steel in your eyes, he remembered why he had fallen in love with you. Your words cut like razors, but even as it ached, he loved you for it.
“Go get some sleep, Johnny,” you said. Your nose curled. “And a shower.”
You tried to close the door, but he stopped you one last time.
“Y/n” Johnny said quietly. “When will I see you again?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Fine. She has an end-of-term play. But if you don’t make it to this one… I don’t want to hear from you again.”
You stood at the back of the tiny church, glancing at the clock. You kept picturing Johnny thundering through the doors, blurting out apologies in his bull-in-a-china-shop way.
But he was nowhere to be seen.  
You still worried about Johnny. You would never tell anyone this, but it was true.
Every night, you would get up at around midnight, leave the bed without waking your new boyfriend Mark, and walk out onto your tiny balcony. Standing there, you would silently ask the universe where Johnny was. If he was still living in his parents’ basement. If he was eating alright.
If he still thought about you.
Then you would go back to bed, without ever telling a soul what you had done.
The curtains opened for the play, and you applauded with all the other parents. You watched Rakha’s little face fall when she realised Johnny wasn’t with you.
That was when you realised. Just like Rakha, you had still secretly believed that Johnny would show up.
Of course, he’d forgotten.
You felt like an idiot.
Johnny felt a fire burn in his belly, despite the freezing air in the car.
He would get to that recital if it killed him.  
It was a blizzard now, but he was only about twenty minutes’ walk from the church.
He pushed his way out of the car and started the slow trek, using an old map to shield his head. The wind howled in his ears. Each flake of snow was a tiny blade.
He couldn’t feel his fingers, but he was determined to keep going. It wasn’t just his baby girl he was fighting for.
It was you.
“You know what my husband Mr Giant likes best? Little girls on toast,” a girl in Rakha’s class shouted. “Quick, Jackie, hide!”
Rakha, who was playing Jackie in Jackie and the Beanstalk, jumped behind a cardboard cut-out of a pot.
There was silence.
That was when you realised your mistake. Unable to resist Johnny’s pleading, you’d let him play the Giant in the school play. It was a tradition that one parent would take part in the play with the children.
Rakha’s face started to turn red. Her eyes flicked to the door and back. The sight was torture for you.
You were rigid in your seat. Should you jump up and be the Giant?
Suddenly, the double doors at the back of the church slammed open. Everyone turned around.
A six-foot tall, monstrous figure limped into the room. It was shaking, and covered with snow and mud.
Its voice thundered through the room. “FEE-FI-FO-FUM! I smell the blood of an Englishwoman!”
All the kids squealed with joy. Even the teachers were laughing.
You were the only one not smiling.
Johnny’s half-hearted attempts at parenting were almost more painful than if he just disappeared. They made you hope. And hope was a road that led nowhere.
When the play was over, Johnny lifted Rakha up onto his shoulders. She proceeded to pull his ears and try to control his movements like a puppet.
When Johnny saw the look on your face, he put her down.
Your arms were crossed. “The play started at six, Johnny. Not six forty-five.”
Johnny explained everything about the snowstorm, and how he had to abandon his car.
You didn’t want to believe him, but you had to admit he was telling the truth. And… it was a little sweet how he’d learned all his lines.
Johnny smiled.
“What is it?” you said.
“I just realised how I remember this church.”
He walked into a dusty music room filled with old pianos and organs.
He turned to face you. “Have you really forgotten? My 18th…”
You chuckled, your face heating. “Oh my god. Was it really this room?”
Johnny pretended to lay himself seductively over a grand piano. “My very first time.”
“Shut up,” you said, grinning. Then you saw that he was serious. “I was your first?”
Johnny came close and placed his hands on your waist. You placed yours on his shoulders, just as you used to do.
Johnny leaned slowly down and kissed you. His lips were unbearably sweet.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked quietly, though you already knew the answer.
“I want to try it for real,” Johnny said. “I want us to be a family.”
You wished you could be like your daughter Rakha. You wished you could love Johnny effortlessly, for love’s sake. Without having to remember all the times he had let you down.
It wouldn’t be that easy. You were a parent now.
But then, why it felt so natural so be in Johnny’s arms, despite the years you had spent apart. Johnny was your home. It was as simple as that.
“How about… we start with the Easter fair, and we can take it from there?”
Johnny was about to protest, but you put a finger to his lips.
You grinned. “Just to warn you… that costume of yours did not exactly hold up in the rain. You might want to put that jacket back on before somebody calls the police.”
Smirking, you walked away, leaving Johnny in that little hall.
They say you cannot choose your family.  You could not choose whether or not to love Johnny.
You would always love him.
It was as simple as that.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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4kurra · 2 years
Drunk in love
Synopsis: The girlfriend you've had for a few months had only showed but a little emotion to you. At first, you thought she asked you out as a joke until a little video was sent to you by one of her friends.
Warnings: A little make out session
Genre: Fan-fiction, fluff, gxg, non idol AU
Pairings: Hirai!Momo x Fem!Reader
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A lonely night with just you sitting on a chair, looking out at the beautiful city view from the balcony as the peaceful wind howled. Your 6 months girlfriend, Momo had already left to celebrate her birthday with her friends. Though, you didn't mind since the awkward tension between the two of you had already dissolved the moment she walked out the door.
Your eyes furrowed in confusion at the sudden text message that showed on your screen. The person from your contact name read 'Momoring'. You opened up the text message that she had sent, hesitating afterwards since you'd now just realize it was a video.
"Could it be.." You didn't wanna jump on the overthinking wagon but situations like this usually occurred when someone was cheating but after putting all your trust in Momo, you thought it was best to click on it.
It showed a recording of Momo sitting on the couch with a pillow on her hand, whining and mumbling about something and the only clear thing you heard was your name.
"Momo, say it again more clearly!" Nayeon, probably the one recording since you could figure out the evil laugh that she had let out whenever she'd scheme something evil against all her friends.
Momo shifted against the couch, eyes still closed yet she looked like she had enough energy to pull a prank against someone. Truthfully speaking, you had never seen this side of her. She always seemed to wear a stone cold mask that hid a precious smile behind, her friends have always told her that she had a horrible case of being an introvert but oh how bad did she want to show you the love and affection you deserved.
“Y/N.. please don’t go..” Momo began, arms flailing around as if she was on a spaceship. “I still haven’t gave you a ring pop to prove that this marriage was true!”
Though you were laughing at this newly found cutness of her, you couldn’t help but realize the little tone of embarassment she was hiding—Despite being drunk. Guess she still has the bits of pride that she would stubbornly never let go of.
Her friend group began laughing as Momo cried onto the pillow, mumbling more words against it as if it was you she was hugging. Nayeon, who had held Momo’s phone poorly while recording, adjusted it to face her in order to dramatically whisper a ‘you better thank me later’. Though you did feel bad for the older girl, you had let your mischievous thoughts take control of you and replayed that video for far too many times.
After drinking a whole bottle of champagne, you were still surprisingly sober despite feeling a little woozy. The video Nayeon sent had stayed on your mind—rent-free and you weren't complaining. It had already passed an hour before Momo would come back like she would usually and the rain that had occurred 30 minutes ago was the only thing that worried you.
Yes, you were most definitely not ready to take care of a drunk Momo but an even more drunk and wetter Momo who could possibly have her chances of getting sick in the morning along with an headache felt like some sort of nightmare to you.
Ding dong
The door bell rang. You hurriedly ran to the door and made eye contact with your girlfriend who luckily had been carried by Jihyo, the only sober one in the party you assumed.
"Y/N! Thank god you're not asleep. I'm sorry about her being wet right now, I couldn't control her since I had been taking care of the others and when I found her, she was outside cursing the universe for her lack of physical touch and affection." Jihyo basically rapped.
You smiled, grabbing onto Momo who's mouth was now nuzzled against your neck. "It's fine, at least she wasn't hurt. Thanks for bringing her here Jihyo!"
Jihyo nodded with a smile, heading back to her own car. Probably a long night for her since she had to drop off the other girls to their own apartments. Though you didn't want to admit that you liked the idea of taking care of Momo, you had let out a giggle when she accidentally tickled you the moment she tried to adjust her head against your neck in order to find a comfortable position. You had been too close, too close to the point that you accidentally inhaled the foul smell that Momo gave after drinking too many beers.
Luck came around when you brought Momo at ease to the shared bed that you two never really shared since she got too flustered to the point that she would make excuses in order to sleep on the couch. As you were about to grab a warm towel to clean her after using a dry one in order to not get the bed wet, she grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the bed—using the rare opportunity to wrap her arms around you before nuzzling her nose against your neck.
"Momo let go, I need to grab a warm towel." You got ready to scold the older girl in order to clean her up and for making you wet.
You cursed to yourself for wrapping a towel around her in order to not get the bed wet but you should have known she was gonna pull something like this.
Momo sighed, feeling content at the feeling of finally getting to hold you. "Later."
You had finally realized that she had been faking the whole drunk thing the moment Jihyo gave her to you. After a whole 20 second of trying to escape her grasp and failing, you decided to stay still and enjoy the new feeling. That only lasted a few minutes when the exact foul smell came back, making you pinch your nose.
"Okay, yeah no. We will continue this if you decide to take a shower." You managed to softly kick Momo off the bed.
She pouted but nonetheless, still got up in order to shower. You stayed in the shared bed and closed your eyes, wanting to sleep after a long night of taking care of that big baby. You didn't hear anything, not even Momo getting out of the showering—you were absolutely too focused on the nice feeling of getting a rest along with the coldness that came from the air conditioner.
"Now you're hurting me, are you seriously trying to sleep without me? It is my birthday and we haven't done anything together.." Momo chuckled, drying her hair with a towel yet you didn't notice it due to the fact that your eyelids were shut closed.
You laughed, liking how it wasn't as awkward as it'd used to be when it was just the two of you. "Dunno, thought you'd sleep on the couch."
It was a bit quiet after you said that, you thought you had just hurt her feelings but what you didn't know was that Momo had already schemed an evil plan. She had jumped on the bed and made herself comfortable, you flew into the air for a bit before landing again—letting out a yelp.
Now that the two of you were laying down, you told Momo to get closer, eyes still closed. Despite finding the action cute, she got closer and you finally said what you had wanted to say the whole day.
"Tomorrow if you want.. we could go on a date to the zoo."
She smiled, liking the idea of finally getting the chance to spend time with you. Momo pulled you close to her and once again, wrapped her arms around you—almost as if it was a sign to let you know that she liked the idea of going on a date with you to the zoo.
"Doesn't that mean something else too?" Momo asked hopefully.
You opened your eyes and made eye contact with her. You raised your eyebrows, letting her know that you were confused and wanted her to continue.
She rolled her eyes jokingly and opened her mouth to finish what she had to say. "Birthday girl wants a kiss."
To say you were shock was an understatement, she definitely caught you by surprise and now you were turning red thanks to Momo.
Momo puckered her lips jokingly, making you roll your eyes but since you hadn't given her a proper birthday—you leaned in and kissed her in order to wipe the smug look she had on her face. This time, you had caught her by surprise and since you were the only one with your eyes closed, things changed when Momo leaned in too in order to gain more access to your lips.
It turned sweet for a bit until she bit your lips, making you open your mouth due to the little pain she gave and that was her opportunity to slide her tongue in. Surprisingly, it did get heated at that very moment—it went from a sweet birthday kiss to a make out session but none of you were complaining.
Later after few moments of hair tugging and saliva sharing, you pulled out first in order to gain oxygen and so did Momo who swore she could have lasted longer if you hadn't stopped the kiss. But again, she wasn't complaining.
"If I had known you were a little freak, I wouldn't have initiated that kiss!" Momo pouted but still managed to defend herself. "But you love me, plus I heard first kissed are a lot sweeter when tongue is involved."
You rolled your eyes at her dorky antics yet a smile was the only clear thing she could see in her point of view.
"No one says that but fine, whatever. Happy birthday, I can't believe this is the first time you've pulled like kind of stunt after being shy for months." You giggled at your own joke.
Momo smiled, running her hand thought your hair as if she was trying to caress it but failed miserably, making your hair a mess and you swore you saw a smirk form. "I guess it's the effect you have on me."
"Believe me, I would have initiated something like this if I knew that I would have managed to date a goddess like you." You were a bit flustered at her smooth flirting but acted like it didn't have a single effect on you.
"Also-" You flicked her on the forehead, now wanting to sleep after a long night of having to take care of a drunk and then a sober Momo.
Momo did eventually listen and slept, arms wrapped around you with her nose nuzzled onto your neck—you guessed that this new habit of hers had occurred because she liked the vanilla scent you gave off. Without realizing, the two of you had fallen into a deep slumber with a smile on Momo’s face as she had finally did something romantic with her partner.
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queenquinzel715 · 1 year
1. Werebear Toric pt 1
Wrd count 2,313
Warnings: Angst in the beginning, implied smutt, fluff, women power lol
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(Y/n) P.O.V
Finding your mate is supposed to be an unworldly thing, and is cherished by many people. Being the daughter of the moon goddess that made me extremely excited to find mine, because I knew my mother would find me the perfect one. When I actually found my mate I thought he was this sexy, powerful man. He was the son of an Alpha, and he had so much confidence. I felt we would make a great couple, and when he brought me back to his pack I thought he was happy.
I was extremely wrong. Once he brought me back I met his parents, and his girlfriend. I understand he wasn't a monk, so I just assumed he would break up with her. He wouldn't let me stay in his room, because he said he wanted to get to know me better before completing the mate bond. He would just spend time with me during the afternoon after training.
"(Y/n) honey why aren't you outside?" His mother, Agetha asks confused. "I thought training was about to start soon."
"I don't go to training. Minson told me to stay inside until he came to get me." I tell her truthfully.
She looks at me confused, and it seems like something hits her. She takes my hand firmly but softly, and leans me upstairs. She walks us toward Minson's room, and I hear the most awful high pitched moan squeal sound. I stop in my tracks as Agetha gives a Luna growl. I can't believe I am given this type of mate. When Agetha marched inside the room I ran outside, and shifted. I howl in agony as I come to a stop in the middle of the woods.
I stay there until the sun starts to set. I slowly walk back to the house, and grab a blanket that is kept behind the trees. When I walk inside it's deathly quiet. I just go to my room to put clothes on. I have so many questions in my head, but they stop when Agetha knocks on the door.
"(Y/n) I honestly can't tell you how sorry I am." She hugs me in a tight embrace. "Are you okay? I mean hurting?" She's the sweetest woman.
"I feel okay, just confused." I sit on the edge of my bed. "Why even bring me here, why not just reject me?" I talk out loud.
She sighs as she hugs me from the side, but before she says anything Stewart, Minson's father walks in. He puts his hands on his hips while shaking his head.
"I even tried using the alpha command to get him to break the bond, but his heartless ass won't do it." He growls in frustration.
"Then I will." I stand up. "I will break it, and I will go home." I give them a soft smile.
They follow after me as I walk toward Minson's room. As I go to knock it opens, and Priscilla steps out.
"What are you doing here? I thought you'd leave by now." She giggles. "You might want to leave soon, you wouldn't want to see your mate celebrate his baby shower with another woman would you?" She laughs like she said something hilarious.
"You are pregnant?" Agetha asks, shocked. "That stupid boy."
"Of course I am. We haven't left each other since he's been back." She taunts.
"ALRIGHT!" I shout pushing her back. "Malet guol imotrell qet ne bentul!" I chant the old magic of chaos.
She falls onto the couch with a shocked expression. I go to finish my punishment chant to remove her bond to any future mate, and then Minson walks in with a deep growl. I lock eyes with him, and I feel something completely snap. My body begins to glow white.
"(Y/n) stop!" I hear my mother's voice.
She appears like she's walking in from the balcony, and has a look of pure concern. I can feel my body fighting with itself, but when my mother puts her arms around me I collapse. My mother lays me on the couch as she stands tall. My mother steps toward the scared couple.
"You stupid boy. You have caused so much imbalance, and caused a future goddess to break into chaos." She turns to his parents. "I will give you a choice as his parents, and as a thank you for treating my daughter as your own. Either he loses his wolf, or you chain him until I deem him free. As for that pack whore, she's to be outed to the rogues until she gives birth, because she has her own problems ahead." Mother uses her Goddess voice, making everything she says an unbreakable punishment.
"Moon mother, I would like to chain him, so the pack will know he will never be Alpha." Stewart timidly tells my mother, but still has a strong voice.
"What?! Father I haven't done.." Minson tries to argue, but my goddess roar stops him.
"Her chaos has been let go, because of what YOU did. I knew I shouldn't have given her a mate, but her father wanted her to have a normal love life." She scoffs as she rants. "You have no idea how much pain it takes for a Goddess to lose for her chaos to take over!" She starts losing her composer the more she speaks to him.
That night he is forcefully carried, in front of the whole pack, to the underground dungeon. The pack watches on as they yell at him. Priscilla is shamefully walking behind him, sobbing like it would help her. Once everyone learned what I actually am they sent gifts of apology for their leader.
The next morning, my mother and I went back to my father's kingdom, which is now mine since I am of age with no mate. Father apparently wanted me to be normal, but I guess he didn't think of me getting my heart broken. Once home I immediately went to work on the kingdom.
1 Year later
It's been almost a year since I got back home. My kingdom is widely known for trading, and its unbreakable military. This whole year I've never stopped working, or studying more strategies. Honestly it kept my mind in order, so I could lock up my chaos.
With everything going so well I decided to throw a ball in honor of not only my success, but the kingdom's. I invited everyone from the townspeople, to Minsons parents. Throughout the year Agetha and I would send letters to each other to make sure everything is going alright. I even allowed Stewart to trade in the market, and my ports.
Once I got back to my kingdom I heard of this Orc woman, Kiva, who does amazing work. Sadly I only went to the kingdom for a short visit, so I didn't get to get any dresses. However I sent my dresser to Silentdew to see if this Kiva could make me a dress, and she delivered. She made me a dress fit for a goddess. When I first got it I couldn't stop looking at it. My jeweler gifted me with a lovely crown of stones he calls moonstones.
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I could hear the violins playing as I came down the stairs. The ballroom was already filled with so many different people. As I walked in everyone stopped, and bowed. I waved for the music to start, and as the piano picked back up everyone got back to dancing. I couldn't stop my smile as I danced around the couples to get to my throne. While I start to sit Minson's parents come walking to me with wide smiles.
"Oh (y/n). Everything just looks amazing." Agetha rants as she hugs me.
"Thank you so much for coming." I tell them both.
"We are so greatly appreciative of you allowing us to come." Stewart bows to me.
"Oh please you tw…" I'm stopped by a whiff of pine and rain, making my head snap up.
"(Y/n)?" Agetha asks, concerned.
"Um… excuse me for a moment." I walk to the edge of the room, following where that smell is coming from.
When I tell you time itself stopped when the loudest, deepest growl came from toward my throne. Everyone stops, facing toward my throne, and standing where I once stood is a man. I almost whine when I see him, I can't even describe him properly. He is the tallest, strongest looking man I've ever seen. His honey-colored eyes move around the room until they catch mine. He holds his hand out to me as I take timid steps. People part for me as I let my wolf do what she needed. She makes me rush to his side, and just hide in his chest. Everyone starts to cheer when his hand rests on my head.
The ball picks back up as he holds me to his side. I was moved there when he walked us to the side where the curtain would cover us. I'm almost too scared to actually look at him, because what if he is just as vile as my first mate.
"Babybee, can you look at me?" His voice is so deep, but soothing.
I take a deep breath before I look up at his honey brown eyes, and my body all down to my soul relaxes. He moves his large hand to hold the side of my face as he smiles at me. I can feel myself getting bashful from him just looking at me.
"My name is Toric. Could you tell me your name?" He leans onto the wall, making me lean against his chest.
"(Y/n)." I timidly tell him.
"I'm glad to have found you (y/n)." His voice is so soothing. "To believe I almost didn't come when my brother invited me." He doesn't take his eyes off my face.
"I finally have a mate. I can actually feel it this time." I take a deep breath of his scent.
"This time?" He steps back confused.
I sigh. "Come with me."
I take his hand to walk him to my office. His big form takes up the whole couch as he sits down. I can't feel my body get nervous to the point I'm shaking while I shut the door, my back leaning against it.
"Toric I don't know how to begin to explain." I sit on the edge of my desk, locking my hands together. "You…I… okay. I'm not just any wolf. My mother is the moon mother." I test him with that, but he doesn't even move an eyebrow. "I have had a mate before, but he wasn't the best mate. My mother and his parents had him locked up for punishment. That was a year ago." I look down at my hands. "I didn't think she'd give me another mate."
I snap my head up to him standing. I honestly thought he was leaving, but he walks toward me with a blank expression.
"What did he do to you?" He simply asks.
"He brought me to his pack only to get his girlfriend pregnant." I look into his eyes with honesty. "I even told him to reject, his father even tried to use his Alpha command, but he just kept on." I sigh wanting to reach for him.
"Tell me." He rests his hands next to my hips after a couple of moments. "What feels different now than before?" He asks, leaning down to my height, practically squatting down like I am a child.
"I feel safe, I want to constantly touch you. With him I worried if I said the wrong thing he'd be angry." I slowly move my hands to his warm arms. "I didn't mind being away from him, but with you just the thought of you leaving this room makes me want to grab hold of you." I look into his honey brown eyes as I give him my thoughts.
"I will give you anything you wish Honeybee just actually say my name." He leans his forehead against mine. "You said it so quickly.
"Toric." I giggle at him. "Does that mean everything is okay?" I anxiously ask him.
"Honeybee, I am your mate. He doesn't matter." My legs open when he pulls me closer to him. "Besides…" He stands to his normal height. "My name sounds better coming out of your mouth than his."
"You don't even know his name." I slid off my desk to stand in front of him.
"Doesn't matter." He waves his hand while he walks to the door. "Let's get this party over with, so I can have my mate to myself." He keeps his growl low as I walk toward him.
I rest my hand on his chest giving his honey eyes one last look before stepping out of the room. However I didn't get far. I'm pushed against the wall with Toric lifting me to his height. I grip into his hair as his lips connect with mine. His arms tighten around me with a final push of his lips.
"Sorry Honey Bee, I couldn't stop." I giggle at his bashful face.
"It's okay Toric." I smile at him as he slowly lowers me back to the floor.
We rejoined the ball, getting many questions as to where we were, but Toric would turn the conversation. I couldn't leave the warmth from under his arm. Minson's parents introduced themselves. I told him how we stay in touch, and how sweet they were to me while I was with their pack. He thanked them for their kindness. As the night ended Toric gave word to his brother, who is a full werewolf and a Duke for King Jule of Silentdew, to send his belongings here.
Pt2 is up!
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divinemare · 3 months
-ˏˋ⋆ 𝔄 𝔠 𝔬 𝔲 𝔯 𝔱 𝔬 𝔣 𝔤 𝔬 𝔡 𝔰 𝔞 𝔫 𝔡 𝔪 𝔬 𝔫 𝔰 𝔱 𝔢 𝔯 𝔰 ⋆ˊˎ-
└──» ✎ 。 Azriel x Oc
part twelve
part eleven
┊✧*。 ✯┊☪︎⋆✧*。 ┊
The screaming in her ears somehow intensified as she got farther and farther away from the small cottage. Birds chirped atop of her and howls that sounded like something more sinister than animals combined in an almost unbearable grieving symphony.
Mareena woke up from her nightmare without so much as a jolt. She was used to them by now, she had had them since she had any memory. They had stoped tho, for some time. And then, out of nowhere, had started again.
She got out of bed slowly, taking her time to shake off the side effects of the nightmare, she didn’t wanted to go down looking like this. So she purposefully took longer than usual getting ready to go start the day.
The spring sun in Velaris greeted her with warm when she stepped outside of her balcony, the air was filled with warm smells. She let herself be momentarily carried away by the peacefulness of the moment, until soft, almost inaudible knocks on her door made her open her eyes again.
“Come in,” she already knew that, when she turned around, Azriel would be standing on her doorway with his hands on his back, not daring to come inside, no matter how many times she invited him in.
So she smiled, and turned around to face the Shadowsinger before her.
“Goodmorning,” his deep voice was like morning coffee, and it made her smile grow wider and the feeling of reluctance slip away.
“Goodmorning, Az, want to come in?” Her smile turned amused, and one of her eyebrows shot upwards already knowing what his answer would be.
“No, uhm, I just came to… breakfast is ready, are you coming?”
Mareena laughed softly, and nodded.
“I will, in a minute.”
Azriel nodded too, and turned around as if to leave, but stoped midway. He wanted to say something, Mareena saw it in the way his eyes twitched ever so slightly.
“Another nightmare?” He asked after a moment of silence.
Mareena’s smile disappeared and a heavy expression settled instead. She sighed deeply, and nodded as she closed the window to the balcony.
“Yes, how’d you know?”
“You always go out the balcony in the mornings after a nightmare,” he said as a matter of fact.
Right. Azriel knew her better than literally anyone else. Even herself.
She smiled softly, for she would be lying if she said her heart didn’t beat a little faster whenever he pointed out any small details that only he noticed. But it did.
“I’m ok, same as always,” in his hazel eyes Mareena saw perfectly how her answer hadn’t convinced him at all, and that it only made him much more worried.
But Azriel didn’t argue, he simply nodded softly and looked anywhere else but at her.
“Ok, then… I’ll wait for you downstairs,” he gave her one last look, and when Mareena smiled softly in only response, he left the room in complete silence.
She stared back at the city under her, and sighed one last time, reminding herself that everything she needed was right there, and she didn’t need to look back on old pointless fantasies.
“Oh hey, good morning!” Mor’s sweet voice greeted her first when she stepped into the dinning room, she looked as gorgeous as ever, even if it was only morning.
“Good morning,” Mareena answered with a smile, and gave her good mornings to Amren as well when she saw the female coming down stairs.
Amren was somewhat like a… new friend, if 70 years could really be considered new. She was a petite, strange looking female who really actually frightened her most of the time. Not to mention she was so old not even Rhys knew how much.
But she had become really important to the Inner Circle, not only because she had become part of them, but because of everything she had actually done for them.
Amren had taught both Rhys and Mareena how to control their powers during a time were they were so volatile it became more like a huge problem. Just right after losing Alhena and Valeria, actually.
She had kept them alive, and now they owed her, big time, for it.
“Breakfast is ready, there’s only one cinnamon roll left, so who wants it?” Azriel asked from them kitchen, bringing over the plates him an Rhys had cooked with the help of the violet eyed male.
“It’s mine!” Cassian screamed while he rushed down the stairs, his big and powerful steps reverberating in the walls.
Mareena immediately woke up completely and started running before Cassian gave the last step to come down.
“Uh-uh, it’s mine!” They raced each other, trying to push the other out of the way to get to the last cinnamon roll.
Later on that day, Azriel and Mareena found themselves doing groundwork for a mission Rhys gave them.
It was dangerously close to the Middle, so Azriel decided it was a mission he had to take on himself instead of sending any spy.
Since Rhys became High Lord, things had drastically changed for them. Not only the war ended months after, but their lives as they knew them as well.
Cassian became General, it had been an entire problem on its own, since Illyrians did not wanted to accept a bastard as their General, and still were weary about. Azriel had become Spymaster, which, was really the least surprising of them all, he was just born for it, and it finally gave him a purpose in which to use his abilities. After some time, and Amren becoming part of their family, she took the place of Second, and Mor of Third. And for her… well, for everyone else she was still the High Lord’s “puppet”, the Goddess of Death of the Night Court.
Almost immediately after being bestowed as the new High Lord, Rhys had offered to break the bargain that was transferred to him upon his father’s death, but Mareena knew very well that it wouldn’t be a good idea as new High Lord, one that already had much against him being considered a desgrase for being a Half Blood. He needed her as the monster she had served his father. And at the end of the day, Mareena felt a thousand times safer with him that she had felt with Rhett, she knew perfectly well that Rhys would never use his power on the bargain to make her do anything she didn’t wanted to do, and that was enough for her to play the part outside her family.
“Now it can just be a nice tattoo,” she had said to him in response.
And it was. The mark on her body that had meant submission, that had bound her in the body of a monster she had never wanted to become, was now just another reminder that she had too survived that, just as the scars on her body.
“Don’t get too far away, ok?“ Azriel murmured to her, earning a side long glance from Mareena.
He always told her that whenever she accompanied him to any mission. The overprotective ass-bat.
“Don’t… even say it,” Azriel read her thoughts before the nickname could even roll out her tongue, and Mareena had to hold back her laugh at his expression.
She only nodded, and let him get some steps ahead before murmuring:
“Ass-bat,” she could almost hear him roll his eyes, and she chuckled internally.
They spent hours working together, until they finally found what they needed, and decided to go back to Velaris.
It was past midnight when they finally found what they were looking for, so the dangers grew as each minute passed. But Mareena never really felt threatened or scared, just as she hadn’t felt when she first escaped the Spring Court. There was just something unexplainable that kept her calm while being in the most dangerous place of Prythian.
She could actually say, but never out loud, that she liked that place; it felt mysterious, like something was calling her to explore it.
It had always been like that, but tonight it felt bigger, like a real call.
It happened from a moment to another; she started listening a whisper that resembled too much like the sound of her name. A whisper that felt both familiar and unknown, young and old, warm and cold.
She turned around, trying to look for the source of said whisper.
“Az?” She asked, turning back again, only to find she was surrounded by nothing else but trees and darkness.
No Shadowsinger in sight.
What the actual fuck?
She was sure she hadn’t been here a moment ago, that this was not the path she had been taking with Azriel, she was no longer near the Middle, she was now actually on the Middle. How in the Mother’s holy Cauldron had she gotten here, then? And where was Azriel?
He couldn’t have left, he would never leave her here, she had probably absentmindedly wandered away, and he was surely now looking for her with several reproches in mind.
Oh, he was going to kill her, badly.
“Oh Mareena, oh Mareenaaa,” she cursed to herself with a big sigh.
Everything was going to be fine, she knew the way, she could walk without problem, or maybe stay here, Azriel would find her surely in no time.
But then there it was again. That Mother damn whisper. It sounded stronger now, closer, clearer.
It was definitely saying her name.
Her heart began to race unexpectedly, she looked all around her, not finding anything at all.
“Ok, now maybe I’m scared,” she murmured to herself.
But even as she felt a tight knot on her chest, she began walking towards the way where the whispers seemed to be coming from. She couldn’t understand why, it was just as if a force was pulling her closer and closer.
This was so fucking reckless and dangerous and reckless, and good Mother had she done some reckless things in her life.
This definitely topped them all.
And just as when she had gotten lost the first time, she did so again, it had seemed to her that she had walked a few steps, but now she found herself in a totally different space.
In front of her, two big trees made an arc that resembled an entrance, and beyond, a clearing that looked nothing like the rest of the Middle was being illuminated by the moonlight.
Unlike the rest of the forest, that was dark and seemed to have a monstrous vibe in it, this place was colorful, full of life.
But even then the whispers didn’t stop, rather became so strong now that it was no longer a whisper.
That voice…it sounded much more clear now, but…
Her heart contracted on her chest, her eyes teared up with the sudden necessity of letting tears run.
A cottage was sat between a field of flowers not so far away, and she only now noticed it was right there in front of her.
That cottage…it was the cottage.
She let out of gasp as realization settled in, and an underwhelming feeling clouded her vision with hot tears.
Then the voice became louder, and louder, and louder, until her ears were pierced with a terrible scream.
And then she was awake.
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