#I want to thank my mutuals who let me spam them & who spammed back
omniscientrose · 6 months
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dirtangeldean · 5 months
hi ren! i was wondering why you don't want your donation post tagged? tagging crowdfunding etc posts helps me find them again on my blog easily to rereblog in case they haven't hit their goal yet but i don't wanna make you uncomfortable
cw: weight talk/health issues
anon hiiii, i’m really glad you asked this and finally have capacity to write out fully why! so thank you 🤗
among the millions of users on this app, some things have gotten super cemented as The Way™ but that means staff knows it too.
while the 4 tags: “s***nal b***t”, c**wdf*nd”, “d**nation”, and “mu**al a*d” may seem helpful for sorting and awareness at face value, we as users have been using and overusing them for years. it’s like a sick joke to chronically poor “ebeggers” as we have been named by old reddit.
bottom line is staff hates poor people; even before they decided to take away tipping soon, they flagged posts and sh**ow ba**ed accounts, deleted users (usual poor and black/indigenous/of color) while letting gen pop think they were doing a good job. my main account has over 3k followers and i cant get any post i make over 3 notes anymore despite being a semi popular radical blog.
my messaging was taken away. i could hit post limit and still have activity of max 20 notes a day. the post itself could be randomly deleted or even hard to search all of a sudden even with a tag. it’s awful to be isolated on the internet when you’re poor. :/ call me paranoid but i barely touch my main account now.
anyway, my fandom blog doesn’t deserve a forced lack of community and i love you guys too much to not be able to see/be seen or talk to my friends. ive already been told by staff that this blog was flagged as spam once and they took away my messages, right after my last sciatic spasm. it took Weeks to get messages back.
it was awful, i was living in the dark and only eating egg cheese sandwiches or sugar rice and water bc i couldnt afford anything else. i’m not going back to that. i’ve gained weight that is making my bones hurt bc of my poverty food choices and forced sedentary lifestyle while healing my back. and i’m only just now getting back going walking and being employed sporadically. it’s super hard to not have help and not have a job bc of disability discrimination AND have deconditioned muscles. poor nutrition is horrible for muscle. it’s even harder to stomach getting 3 thousand notes on something and $17 while i owe Thousands the way it works on my main account.
if i can do anything to advocate for myself, it’s to ask this: dont use old, overused tags. get creative with tags so more people see and wont restrict me. tag comerades/mutuals in the post. tag the post with a random well wish like “good luck” or something. literally anything but the most common 4 tags. the same way people get creative with the name for their queues!
i made a post about other/different tags that can be used but it doesnt have a ton of notes, i tried looking for and i cant find it which shows 1. the tumblr tagging system still sucks 2. it will never get a ton of notes. many of the posts in the tags mention in the beginning of this post barely reach 100 notes. mathematically a post could need like 9,000 notes to be fully funded depending on the amount. there’s a post in there with 22 notes, unless that person makes a new post everyday (i know a person who does that), it’s a wasted effort and some days i barely have spoons to get up and relieve myself tbh :/
anyway, especially with things that took years to happen or months to fix, it’d just be nice if post got notes into 1k-10k territory to be effective.
i hope some or any of this answers your question, let me know if you have more! have a great day!
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g0thicf0xskulls · 5 months
you should totally post what all the drama was now that they aren't in your life and its safe to do so. Cause holy shit am I curious. 🍄
this all goes years into the past for context, back to when i was 16. i’m 21 now, mind you. i first met the good one over instagram. they had began to date one of my partners, so my partner introduced us, and we hit it off immediately. a long time after they and i met, our mutual partner convinced me they were calling me abusive. so i blocked them on everything. a little while after, i broke up with our mutual partner because of reasons i can’t remember. so the good one and i lost contact before i turned 18. fast forward a few years, 19, having just given birth to a child, and the ex mutual partner comes back into my life, bringing the good one with them. and we reconnect as if nothing happened, and we’re talking and we find out how the mutual ex fucked us both over, so we cut off mutual ex together. and then we kept talking and we stayed friends, and so they let me know they were dating the conflicting one. i don’t remember if i had been told about it but apparently they had an agreement, anyone who was friends with either had to be friends with both, if anyone wanted to date either they had to date both. so i forced myself to get to know the conflicting one. we were all friends for a while, but the good one and i realized we still had feelings for each other. so we began to date, and because of the boundary i dated their partner too. but while we were with the mutual ex, i had heard some horrible things about the conflicting one, so for the longest time i was hesitant. but then they moved from their state to mine last year in june, and then i got to know them, and they seemed cool, but i didn’t want to be dating them and slowly the relationship between the conflicting one and i turned toxic (no thanks in part as well to our shitty living situations and stress), until sometime around christmas we had a huge blow up and i cut them out of my life. but the good one kept pushing and telling me to talk to the conflicting one. they always had been a fixer, so they were trying to fix things for the conflicting one and i, and i blew up on them. after my blow up, i was just exhausted, which gave me the clarity to think. so i tried to let the conflicting one back in, but there was a lot of lingering hurt and unhealed pain from how i had left during christmas. we were trying to heal together, but a lot of things happened so they had to move out of my state to a different one, this one being their hometown. they just moved at the end of february. and this is when i told them about my blog, and they both found it and were concerned. i explained to them it’s a journal blog, as most on this site are. but then i found the conflicting ones blog, and it hurt… so i blocked both of them in order to prevent myself from using the conflicting ones blog as a method of self punishment or self harm. but the conflicting one had a backup blog, and they used it to find mine again. so they confronted me about the asks. we spent nearly 2 days arguing (when i WOULD text back of course, they spent most of the time spamming my phone trying to push me into talking). by the end of the argument, i was spiraling. so i said fuck it, and i told them “if you’d like me out of your life, then that’s fine. and since you’re their partner, if you’d like me to break contact with the good one, then i’ll find a way to break it to them gently. it might be safer for both of y’all at this point if i do…” and they told me they’d get back to me after work. it was much sooner than after work… and i was told to break contact with the good one, but to leave the conflicting ones phone number unblocked in case i’m in an emergency or i move to the state they’re in so i can return belongings to them that have been left in my possession since it couldn’t fit amongst their belongings during the move. so there’s the drama, or at least what i remember/am willing to share
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morerandombullshit · 6 months
Y'ALL I GOT DRAMA LUKE'S GAY CONFIRMED??? also some other random shit plus a free Spotify playlist
CW: a homophobe acting gay, slightly NSFW themes (only if you squint)
SO MY BSF HAS THE SAME GYM CLASS AS LUKE AND FUCKING SHIT (ok technically we all share a gym class but then there's the gender split my nb ass is silently dying inside every fucking time) AND THEY WERE DOING HEALTH CLASS IN THE CAFETERIA BC THEIR NORMAL TEACHER WASNT IN TODAY, RIGHT?
NAH BC I TOLD MY FRIEND, "Take pics if there's drama" AND LIKE, THERE WAS DRAMA
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little sidenote: my friend had to hide behind a pillar so the sub didn't catch him getting the pic and like, the sub broke it up by calling them out too
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also yes, i realized this is basically showing you guys his face and ig i begrudgingly agree with that comment from the guy trying to set me and him up (fucking still) that he is kinda "hunky"
also im just gonna drop man's last name here—his last name is Tyler. like, can you get any whiter than a name such as fucking Luke Tyler?? (i say as i'm fucking Polish but we aren't talking ab me here are we)
FOR THE FUNNY AND BC I WANNA TORTURE HIM (ig this is where my moral questionability comes in but)
oh yeah and the week before spring break (which was last week) i was sick and that's what inspired my V x Reader a lil while back and like, i didn't see Luke for two weeks (new fucking record WOO) and then Monday i saw him but he didn't see me right? NO because he gives me The Luke Stare™ (yes i'm trademarking it and what i mean by it is like, those looks he gives me for no fucking reason at all- also I was giving my bsf a play by play as I wrote this post and he suggested "The Luke™" as a pun of "The Look™" i can't 😭😭) on Tuesday and i wanted to die and seep into the floor
anyways thanks for listening to my rant and yes i swear im gonna write and post smth at some point idrk when yet but
stay safe, make sure to keep your friends safe too and be chaotic
actually bye now lmao
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payidaresque · 1 year
(un)happy anniversary to aziz being cancelled aka a year since i last felt truly excited about a piece of media. or anything at all for that matter.
ngl, i think that the show ended and part of my soul kinda died with it too. for some reason, not fully lnown to myself yet either, i can't look forward to any media and/or event anymore. not really. "curious" would be the correct word, and that's as far as i can get at this time, honestly. will i ever move on? no, probably not. am i being annoying? (for which i sincerely apologize — first and foremost — to my mutuals and the people i follow, because sometimes i can be.. a lot, and please know that you never, absolutely never should feel in any way oblgated to reblog anything i post. it's your blog, you own it, and you decide what other people should and should not see. and me posting so much is just a result of.... a very intense and profound love for the show, which i think, i personally didn't have enough time to express. please, remember that, and do not feel in anyway pressed — if i tagged you (and i always try to tag people according to their interests, or if i want to show that i was inpired by them) that is because i love seeing your tags in my activity feed very much!) yes, and i am very well aware of that but honestly? also don't care. kinda. anyway, enough of my pathetic rambling, lol. i made this post to let y'all know something very important —
and i know i said this numerous times before, but —
thank you.
thank you to everyone who watched the show, shared their thoughts, or expressed their interest in any way. and thank you to everyone who continues doing it now, a year later — know that i see you all, and i love you all 💜 and i will continue doing my thing (both on my main and over at @azizcentral) as long as there's a posibility that one more person will see this wonderful, deep, emotional, and magical story that's important to me on so many levels i can't even begin to tell you about. And i thank the cast, the crew, each and everyone who worked on the show to bring it to life. I am now and i will look forward to seeing what you do in the future, and i wish nothing but the best for all of you! And i know they won't see it, but i don't really care. THANK YOU for the gift you gave us. And i call it a gift because that's what it is to me — i met wonderful people thanks to the show, i build my own little community, and we're having fun, and i'll keep and cherish every minute of it. I may be mad that much of the show's potential was wasted due to some questionable choices certain people made (ahem looking at you angrily eda t*zcan and sh*wtv executives), i'm very grateful that i can return to the show anytime i want and experience emotions which, i'll be honest, none of the other shows (or media in general) gave me since.
and of course, this journey wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for my peeps @burningblake @rosehathawhey @thatsonehellofabird @theatricaldynamite — you rock and i'm so lucky to share it with you, you made it incredibly special ❤
and to all the people who started watching the show because of my edits, or consider watching it, and those who reblogged my aziz stuff even if it isn't your thing, and those who keep coming to the fandom – i am HONORED. When i started posting Aziz back in November '21, i couldn't even DREAM that it''ll become a thing for me to build a community around, or (can you imagine?) become my sort of a brand, not to mention that to think that people wil start watching it because of WHAT I DO. If we're honest, all i did was making gifs – YOU ALL made it work. made it A FANDOM. It's your reblogs, your messages, your tags. And i cannot thank you enough for that.
And to all my non-aziz followers — my sincerest apologies. believe me, i didn't mean to spam your dash like that, it's really out of my control, agdfgugfdu 🫠 this show rewired my brain chemistry forever and it cannot be undone. whatever the thing is you followed me for, and chose to stay despite my everyday madness — thank u so very much, and i hope you're enjoying it here ❤ As for me personally, i'm gonna continue sitting here quietly in my little corner and hope that someday, somehow, some way, the casts reunites, cause ngl. it will make me very, VERY happy. and bc a girl just gotta dream about somethin, ya know? (says the girl who literally spent an ENTIRE YEAR in denial and successfully continues being delusional still. well, we all have hobbies i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️)
As i said above, i'm not gonna stop. Because it brings me joy AND because well, show must go on (and also bc it's my only mission on this hellsite lmao), i am so very grateful for all your support (It is truly SO MUCH) and i am certain that we will do SO MANY wonderful things together ❤
peace ✌🏻✨
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ehldritchblast · 4 months
CREDIT: The PSD I’m using for my edits is “ENHANCE ABILITY” by Jaynedits.
ONE. This blog will likely be a low-activity blog, but I will usually be available through IMs if anyone wants to chat (and you can feel free to ask for my discord if we're close enough). JUST A HEAD'S UP: i am INCREDIBLY new to the dnd scene. i'm still learning and doing my best to get things right, but if anyone has any advice/critiques, please feel free to let me know! i just ask that you be nice about it, thanks!
TWO. I have ADHD and as such, I will answer asks / respond to threads as I get the muse for them. It's nothing personal if I don't get to something of ours right away, it's just hard for me to focus at times!
THREE. Sometimes I will drop threads without warning and it's nothing personal, I just lose muse. I'm more than willing to start up a new thread. The best way to write with me is from sending memes or writing starters. I also like to plot and find that I'm more invested in threads this way.
FOUR. I will only follow 21+ blogs on here and will block any minors who may follow for my own comfort. I have the right to follow or unfollow you whenever I please. That being said, I will not follow back personal blogs, or a RP blog that I couldn’t see my muses interacting with. Please don’t take it personally.
FIVE. I only ship with chemistry and I'm open to discussing shipping with our muses so long as there's chemistry and the you're willing to discuss / plot ship dynamics with me. I'm also duplicate friendly and love that other people love these muses too!
+ you are under 21, are racist, transphobic, homophobic, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, harass others, etc. + you write an original character with little to no information, as I need something to go off of to think of how to interact with your muse. + post an excessive amount of ooc (enough to constantly spam my dash; i don’t mind if you post more ooc than actual rp most days bc i do the same), have constant poor grammar / spelling mistakes (though i'll be more lenient if english isn't your first language), partake in petty, pointless drama, or write in a lot of purple prose / overly format your posts. + don't tag triggering content, write a lot of incest, child death, and any form of abuse (i.e. domestic, sexual, etc), or focus heavily on pregnancy plots. + you follow me first and make no attempt to interact with me, are absent from your blog for long amounts of time (without posting a hiatus warning), disrespect people's boundaries, vague blog, or post a lot of callouts. + if you are a personal blog, follow and unfollow me to try to get my attention, send me things (i.e. memes / rp stuff) when we aren't mutuals, harass my friends, just use me as a number for your follower count, ignore the things i write for you (especially if it's me answering a meme you sent in or writing you a starter), or don't put in the effort for a ship that i have grown invested in. + if you follow me to write / ship with my male muses and ignore my female & oc/tav muses.
SEVEN. I do not deal with ooc drama. If I see it happening on my dash I will not get involved in it, and if it reaches a certain point, I will probably block the person(s) in question.
To add to this: I do not view certain ‘callouts’ as ‘drama’. If someone is bringing attention to harmful behavior, that’s fine. I won’t hesitate to heed that person’s warning and acknowledge / reblog that post if I feel that it is necessary. The types of ‘callouts’ I find unnecessary are the ones where someone is just being petty and talking shit because they don’t like someone and/or are bullying them. That’s something you could handle privately and doesn’t need to be on the dash and/or just block the person and move on. I will not tell you who and who not to write with. I would much rather simply block anyone I wish not to see on my dash. That said, please do not hesitate to inform me if I'm interacting with someone who is a genuinely toxic individual.
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0303003 · 10 months
dec 11 2023
i made a bunch of sideblogs back in middle school, high school and my previous years of college but whenever i look back at them, i cringe so fuckin bad. so i made a new one because i think for the next two years, it'll be nice to see some growth and whatnot. im not cut out for journaling because i tried last night and my hand started to hurt even though i only wrote like three paragraphs.
i consider myself to be a private person but i also like to air my shit out to the world. whoever reads this... hi i guess. i can only do so much on my instagram spam account. it's just nice to type stuff out on an actual keyboard. and also instagram is a bitch and i keep getting my stories taken down. apparently talking about how much you hate your cousin and wanting throw in a couple punches at a family gathering is just too much for meta. i don't want to get my spam deleted for violating community guidelines. ill probably be on here ranting about her and reflecting on who i am as a person.
i ended up writing like 32 pages in my breakup letter to my cousin. i added a table of contents (17 chapters) and inserted a kung fu panda quote on each page. i actually only wanted the quote to be on the last page but i didn't know how to change the footer so i just left it like that. she can read the quote 32 times for it to get to her brain. it's all about retention. seriously. she just pisses me off.
but im here to reflect on my experiences. unfortunately im a real person with thoughts and an actual life. i definitely talked about this in my 32 page letter directed to my cousin but anyway i am a different person compared to who i was my first year of college. i hated davis. i didn't want to go here. my parents wanted me to go here and other family members pushed me to go here. i wanted to go to sjsu for their design program (thank god i didn't go there). i was just miserable my first year of college because i felt like the choice wasn't mine. if i had a good time in davis, i would be proving my parents right and i was spiteful. so i stayed miserable and honestly, i refused to enjoy anything. the people around me were good people but i pushed them away and victimized myself. i took the easy way out and complained about my life instead of exploring what the school had to offer. i stayed in that negativity and once the school year was over, i started to reflect on everything.
first of all, my ass is from orange county and my parents were 6 hours away. yet, i blamed them when they weren't even with me. second, i realized that being spiteful was not worth it. my college plan was to stay miserable for the next four years to prove my parents wrong but that misery was too much for me to handle. i could feel myself turning into a worser version. i lost touch with my emotions. i only thought about myself and no one else. due to this, i thought i lost my empathy and that was something i valued about myself. when you're able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, you can understand where the other person is coming from. communication is bullshit. you can say that you "value communication" meaning you just talk to a person about how you feel to let go of that weight, but if there's no mutual understanding then it's just pointless. people need empathy. it's not a groundbreaking concept.
so i entered my second year with an open mind. i always thought i knew who i was. but in actuality, i didn't. i felt the need to mold myself into an image i thought best suited me. like ok if im a design major i should be all artsy and shit and hang out with similar people. which is like yeah... i guess? but no one can be strictly one thing. i was watching the kung fu panda movies (they are so good omg ok getting sidetracked) and Po is not just a panda or just the dragon warrior or the son of a goose or son of a panda. he is all of those. i am everything that i like and everything that i do. i joined a bunch of clubs and involved myself in new crowds. i met a shit ton of people who are genuinely so nice and good. i ended up double majoring (not doing that anymore) in econ because why not. i know the type of person i am now. im still learning who i am but im not going to force an image on myself because i want to be perceived in a certain way. i pushed people away, genuine good people, because i wanted to seem a certain way. that's a fucked up thing to do and i'm not doing that anymore. no more victim mentality.
i've always been the type of person to never give up. that's one thing that has never changed throughout my entire life. i grew up thinking my parents didn't care about me or my accomplishments. yet i still tried. my first year of college, i could've failed school and showed my parents how much i hated davis but i never did. i couldn't do that to myself because i'll be letting myself down. just because i hated what my parents did, i wasn't going to let my spite destroy my future. ultimately it would be my fault if i failed school.
that's why it pisses me off seeing people blame their parents for everything. if you're not living with them, then prove them wrong and make them proud? i used to blame my parents because it was the easy way out. i realize now that they've done a lot for me and the least i could do is just pass my classes and do well in school. literally the bare minimum. and if i don't pass then at least i tried.
this is the type of person i've always been. i've never been the type of person to hold grudges and seek vengeance for my hurt. the worst punishment you could do to someone is to work your way up so they can't look at you eye level. i used to blame back then but i don't want that shit to define me. i don't want people to look at me and see how terrible my life is. i want to be seen for my successes and achievements. if people have hurt me, i'll remove them from my life and continue living. i don't want to be stuck in the past because then i won't be able to grow.
when i was "besties" with my cousin she treated me like shit. why the fuck was i writing her apologies, emails, essays (proofreading them too), driving her around, etc. (especially when she's done nothing for me... i don't like her that much to be doing all of that for free). i self-reflect and she steals my words from me. everything deep and meaningful came out of my mouth yet she took it and credited herself. i sat in the backseat while she was talking to her boyfriend. and she went, "i think i tried molding myself into an image..." and then dived into why she had a hard time in sj. she's so shameless in stealing from me. and even during her interview with a dj at the radio station i was tuning in and i texted her how the questions weren't so great and if i was asking them i would go into the creative process and she texted "im gonna ask him that" and then texted "what else should i ask". jesus it was like that dinner date scene in the lucy hale cinderella movie but in real life. i always stayed by her side because we're cousins, grew up together, and that's the way it has always been but my god. she's older than me. i only realized i was getting mistreated when i started telling my other friends and roomies my experience and they looked at me and went "that's not normal."
why the fuck does my cousin act like a disney channel villain for? why the actual fuck was i treated like cinderella? what the fuck. this is just surface level because she bullied the fuck out of me and bullied me in front of my own friends. she can't do anything on her own and she's proud of making people do stuff for her. she's proud of doing nothing. it's so ridiculous. she acts like a child yet complains when she gets treated like one. there's a reason why everyone in our family shits on her yet she victimizes herself. like yeah, i can see why they would say all those things. but she can't empathize and thinks she's always right. she's a narcissist but denies it because she experienced an ounce of empathy.
well. anyway. rant of the day. peace.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hello to my lovely author! Hope all is well with you 🖤.
GG! Don't worry, I do get sleep, I'm just a raging insomniac but surprisingly, I usually get 8 hours of sleep every day, helps that I'm on summer holiday from uni at the moment. But when I woke up and saw the list of Hardy characters 😏😈 (too much power hath been given to me, hehe). When I get more time, I promise that I will definitely be spamming your inbox with prompts for that list!!
Okay, okay, okay (will mainly being using Alfie, because I love him and have devoured all the fics you have of him) **metaphorically cracks knuckles because IRL, I simply will NOT**
Now onto the praise you well damn deserve:
Characterization: Mr. Alfred Solomons comes through in each and every line uttered and not just in the dialogue you write for him but the mannerisms, his thought process, what leads him from one action to the next. It just is fully and undeniably the musings of that man. All his cheeky little comments and the nicknames: sunshine, treacle, love🫠🫠🫠. My fav interaction of all time:
"How you gonna court martial me, Captain Solomons?"
Gently, Alfie tugged you closer. "However the fuck you want me to, Sergeant Solomons."
Funny, cheeky and hot. The holy fucking (and FUCKING) trinity.
Also love when reader and Alfie are already a couple and how you write the mutual: if you fuck with them, I will rain holy fucking hell upon you. One of my fav lines to this effect comes from Protective:
"Alright," you sighed. "Alright, yeah... and for the record? You're my husband, and I'm not gonna fucking sit by and take it when people chat shit." Alfie laughed softly as he nodded slowly; he knew you would, just as you knew that he would do the same for you without hesitation. You were protective of each other, loyalty wasn't even a question so much as a given.
From Shock Troop (these two also have my whole ass heart):
"I know you don't like t'be reminded," he said softly. "But remember what I told you? I fuckin' told you, then an' there, that I ain't leavin' your side. Ever. And I'll always fuckin' stick up for you." 😫😫😍🫠
Your writing in general, the way to portray and set the scene (especially within The Wrong Side, Run Away With Me, and Eastern Front Chills) is exquisite. When reading the conditions Alfie and reader have to go through during the war, you are fully placed within that environment. And this also translates into understanding the motivations and mannerisms of the characters within the text. You do it so beautifully 😍, I simply cannot. The shaking hands, anxiety, guilt (whether survivors guilt, or from having to be forced to participate in a meaningless war), your work is just top tier. I cannot emphasis how much I absolutely love it!
Honourable mentions:
1. Soft!big tiddy Bane snuggling with his boyfriend instead of bashing the shit out of Sionis has my whole ass heart.
"Oh, little one," Bane tutted, shaking his head. Gently, he moved you onto your back, and pressed his forearms onto the bunk either side of your head so that you were terribly close to that mask of his, forced to look into his eyes. "Nothing is more important than you. I shall tell the Scarecrow that he can wait. If he's as eager to break the Bat as he seems, then he will."
Yeah, you can fucking lay on me like a bloody weighted blanket any fucking day, babe.
2. And of course jealous Alfie because that shit is just fucking hot, it's just non-fucking-negotiable. A fact of bloody life. I can fully understand why reader goads it along because bear man getting possessive the way he does, letting everyone know exactly who the fuck gets to touch and kiss up on reader like that is him and only HIM, holy hell Mr. Solomons 😏😏😏
Anyway, the gist: you're bloody lovely and so is your writing you absolutely amazing and beautiful man!!
Til next time 🖤🖤🖤!
I will admit: the first time I read this, I did tear up a little, so I just wanna, before I get into actually answering, just say thank you ever, EVER so much. you are an absolute angel, my mate, like, literally. you are an angel.
I'm glad you got some sleep, though!!! I really am, and I hope that you slept well 🫶🏻 the list is... it may or may not be complete, we'll see 👀👀 we shall see 👀👀 I gotta update my "official" list to include those characters but still. 👀 request to your heart's content, my friend. you know you're MORE than welcome to spam my inbox at any time, any day - the 19th will be a little tricky, bc that's when I get my tattoo, but other than that!!! I will be available lmfao I can promise you that much!!!
I know you love Alfie 😭 it brings me great joy to my heart to know that someone loves him as much as me ngl 😭🫶🏻
the praise just... thank you, so, so, so, so much. genuinely and sincerely, thank you. it means a lot to actually hear that people have picked up on the little things and I kinda wanna cry bc... just thank you!! 😭😭🫶🏻
of COURSE we had to include Mr Big Titty Bane himself!! dhfksjfkskgks where WOULD we be as a society if Christopher Nolan had told Tom Hardy to put a shirt on (probably a lot worse off tbh) but thank FUCK HE DIDN'T
jealous!Alfie just... yeah 😫 need him. bad.
anyway: thank you. really. I'm at a loss for words, really, but just know that my gratitude and my appreciation is at an all time high and I would both kill and die for you without hesitation.
I love you, please take care!! 🫶🏻
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
Principal, Garfield Ladybird.
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Welcome to Bird High School!! I am of class 2025 and i am in my 10th year, just starting… shh dont tell anyone im not a teacher.. :))
I know this is a small school BUT we have 300 people here!!! its still a growing number!! and I honestly can’t wait to see what I do with this school blog <33 I wanna do so much and I know I haven’t done a lot, i’ve been having a lot of writers block but hopefully this will help being me back!! i mean the thing that got me to post and actually write a piece of fanfiction was the celebration I had for 100 and I honestly am really excited!! :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love every single one of you!! :DD  you all are amazing!! AND to all of my mutuals, i love youu <33 && thank you, every single one of you have been an idol to me, even if we dont talk or talk a lot. I am so happy I get a be moots with so many amazing people <33. MUAH 😽
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rules — you can send in as many asks as you want, but make sure you send them separately! feel free to spam my inbox tho!!
I write both nsfw and sfw, though I haven’t posted anything smut wise. please send the drama class one separately if you have multiple ideas and/or different characters. you can send more than one, just know that it might take me time. 
anyone can participate (mutuals, followers, non-followers, anons) but please be patient :D
navigation // fandoms+characters // requesting info.
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ask away ?? <33
🫣 orientation; meet your friends • ask games!!! — cast your moots, would you rather, & fuck, marry, kill. && just ask me anything!!
🔒 locker combination; 616 • i’m getting a locker this year, so let’s make you one!! — send me this and I will make a moodboard based off the vibes you give me!! :)
📓 drama class; screenwriter • let me write your act while you do the work, huh ;) — give me a character(s) and an idea of what you want me to write (if you don’t, tell me if you want angst, fluff or smut, can also be weed related), and ill write it!!
📚 library; i’ve maxed out my book limit • so ill tell you who would be your lover, best friend, and enemy/rival!! — send in a description about yourself; personality, appearance too if you'd like, gender preference & fandom.
🏃🏻‍♀️ pe class; uncomfortable shorts & a baggy t-shirt • but at least you get to listen to music!! — i’ll give you a song from my playlist that reminds me of you & your blog <3
📝 math class; i’m actually good in math • not really, but i could be :)) — make an assumption about me and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong!!
ask away ?? <33
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‎© 𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽𝗌𝗅𝖺𝖽y𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽 300 😽😽 — ​@ garfields 300.
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sukirichi · 4 years
Breakfast: ingredient 64 + sugar 5 for inumaki
Okay, but like- what about inumaki's first kiss? His mouth is a very sensitive area and his first kiss would be a very intimate act, so here's what happens: reader and him are mutually pining BUT all everyone else sees is the sexual tension between them.
Somehow itadori manages to lock them in a dark small space, where they share their first kiss, yet they don't speak about it and to each other for a long time. At some point itadori (i swear this kid is a matchmaker) points out how y/n and toge can't even glance at each other and inumaki breaks. Late at night he shows up at reader's dorm, pins her to the wall and kisses her like no tomorrow. After they eventually have a rough make out with toge's shirt coming off, they lay on her bed where reader tells him she really likes him and he grabs her chin to stop her rambling and she looses it when she sees so much love and lust swirling in his eyes (they maybe have a third make out round 👀) and in the end they come to the conclusion they love each other and that they should have acted sooner on it.
I don't know if make outs count as nsfw and i read that you can write only sfw for inumaki, so it's okay if you can't complete this request. Just let me know you if can't.
Also get prepared to be spoiled spammed with asks.
— 🍰 strawberry shortcake anon
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the first kiss with inumaki toge is as delicate as he is.
meal order: ★🥞 + 64 (canon au) + 5 (mutual pining) + sensitive first kiss with inumaki, them trapped in a room + yuuji as matchmaker uwu + WALL PIN KISS YES SIR + basically hot af inumaki
warnings: nothing really, just make out sessions and implications of smut, also UH soft dom inumaki toge, i guess? unedited as always
song i listened to while writing: I.F.L.Y. by Bazzi
note: 🍰 anon TYSM for this request, my heart was legit doki doki the whole time. this totally reminds me of why inumaki was my first crush and he’s the reason i came to watch jjk lol i love him so much <3 i hope this is what you’ve been looking for and that you like it! i had a lot of fun writing this one!
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“Yuuji, don’t!” You tried to scramble against the strawberry haired boy’s grip, but he was far too strong, and it didn’t help that Nobara’s riled up self was helping him push you back inside the storage room. “Yuuji, Nobara, I’m your senpai, have some respect—” You don’t get to finish your words before you’re pushed inside, landing on the floor with a thud.
“Yuuji!” You banged your fists on the door once you’ve recovered, screaming at the top of your lungs. From outside the door, you heard the underclassmen giggle and run away, leaving you with your crush, Inumaki Toge, of all people.
Falling down into a squat, you wrapped your arms around yourself, refusing to look at him. You were only thankful that it was dark so Toge wouldn’t see how your pupils blew wide, your body responding at the soft scent of his perfume and laundry detergent. He’d been your crush for who knows how long now, and your first memory of meeting the cursed speech user burns at the back of your mind to remind you that it’s been years, and yet you’ve barely spoken to him.
Unlike the other students, your cursed technique wasn’t the most useful in combat. Your technique allowed you to nullify the abilities of others, but the downside of it was that it didn’t have much advantage against curses, so you had to rely on your physical strength to exorcise.
On the bright side, though…
“So,” Toge begins, shuffling away from the dusty wall and closer to you. Your heartbeat raced when his knees brushed against yours, thighs pressed against one another. “You’re a victim of them too.”
“Hmm, guess so.”
Neither of you speak for a while. Toge himself wasn’t much of a talker, and he barely batted an eye when Maki and Panda hauled his ass inside the storage room. He was so calm and placid that your mind was in mess – both because you were comfortable and happy in his presence, but at the same time, your palms were so sweaty and the room was so stuffed you could barely breathe. It didn’t help that Toge was humming too, reassured that he wasn’t going to hurt you with his powers.
“Uhm,” you started nervously, fiddling with your fingers. The silence stretched out thick and cordial that you couldn’t bear it anymore, and you turned to Toge with wide eyes, blinking back rapidly when he faced you as well, his deep purple eyes like a painting before you. “Do-do you know why we’re locked in here?”
Your palms grew wetter with each ticking second; Toge taking his time to answer.
Nobara had eavesdropped on you gushing to Megumi on how Toge looked so cute during breakfast this morning, and the girl immediately ran off to tell her best friend, Yuuji; the two of them sharing the same braincells.
Before you knew it, everyone split into two groups, your classmates dragging Toge away while Nobara and Yuuji manhandled you, hissing into your ear to man up and fess.
As if it was as easy as that! Inumaki Toge – albeit approachable and kind – was still the light of your life, the apple of your eye, and he barely acknowledged your presence the whole two years you’ve been with him. He was much closer with Maki and Panda while you got along more with the younger ones (although you wouldn’t hesitate to redact that statement after doing this to you), so the chances of you ever striking up a full conversation with him were low.
You only admired him from afar, sighing dreamily into your hands while he trained with Panda. Megumi seemed to be the only decent one, silent and bored as ever while you rambled on tirelessly on how much Toge looked so buff under his uniform yet had the face baby, stating over and over again he was born just to drive you crazy.
You should’ve known someone would find out one way or another, but heavens forbid, not him. The both of you were barely friends to begin with – you didn’t want to shatter whatever mutual respect you had for each other just because you crushed on him hard.
Mind running back and forth over the different ways Toge could reject you, because obviously someone had told him, or obviously he knew already – why else would he be locked here with you if your friends didn’t know something? It was getting hard to read his face from the darkness; the only thing you could make out were his long lashes and lips visible with his collar down.
“I don’t know, to be honest,” he avoided your gaze, and you swallowed audibly at the sound of his husky voice; unused to speaking this much. “But…but we’ve got nothing to worry about. Gojo-Sensei or Nanamin will come around soon.”
“Okay,” you nodded at his words, cursing inwardly that this was your perfect chance to confess or at least try and be friends with him, but your whole body was burning, feet frozen in your place that you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You watched from the corner of your eye as Toge rocked back and forth in his heels, cheeks puffed out, and your eyes zeroed in on the snake tattoo beside his lips.
Toge rarely ever let his collar down to muffle his voice, so seeing him expose his lips like this almost felt intimate. He looked so pretty, long lashes fluttering on top of those warmed cheeks and strong arms wrapped around his knees.
He was just an arm’s length away. This was the closest you’d ever gotten with him, and maybe it was because you’d kept your feelings a secret for so long that it suddenly burst through. Faster than you could take notice of yourself, your arm reached out to cup his cheeks, thumb swiping against the tattoos. “Pretty,” you murmured, Toge stiffening up under your touch.
His eyes skewed over to yours, wide and unreadable, but there was something there – something burning. He had to bite down his cheek as you caressed his face absentmindedly, and it wasn’t until his fingers came up to your wrist that you realized what you were doing.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, the warmth of his skin now searing because of your embarrassment. “Toge – I-I didn’t mean to – I’m so sorry! It’s just, your tattoos look so pretty and I’ve always—”
Your words are thrown right back into your mouth when Toge tugged you forward, sending the both of you toppling to the ground. Toge’s hands were delicate, just as delicate as your touch, when he cupped your face, his lips moving with yours. You were stunned for a moment before pleasure and fireworks exploding everywhere burst within you, prompting you to kiss him back in urgent fervor.
Toge’s lips tasted like candy, his sighs into your mouth melting your insides until you’re crumpling his shirt, eyes shut so tight in fear that maybe this would all disappear the moment you opened them.
Your hands travelled everywhere – from his shoulders, to his neck, his jaw – before it settled into his hair, the satisfaction of finally getting to run your hands through them has you weakening in his hold. Toge keeps his grip on your waist firm, almost possessive even, and he held you up both, sitting up while your arms wound around his neck.
A curse must’ve possessed you because you moaned into his mouth when he nipped at your bottom lip, tugging it inside his mouth so he could taste your cherry chapstick.
He wasn’t in a better state than yours. As the cursed speech user, his mouth was one of his most sensitive parts, and it took all energy it had in him to not kiss you senseless right then and there, your lips swiping over his mouth in such a mind-numbing sensation.
It felt like his body was on fire, the heat licking up from his toes to right where you were pressed on him. Your lips on his was scorching, the soft sighs and moans you gave him only adding to the fuel.
Toge groaned as your nails subconsciously pulled at his hair, making him grind you down into the V of his lips, pressing your chest firms against his until there was no more space. Through the darkness and nearly airless atmosphere of the room, Toge still managed to take your breath away, your lips moving in synch and you were falling, falling, falling.
He effortlessly held your weakening arms up before he pulled away, both your chests panting at the sudden heated kiss. His eyes trailed down from your lust-filled gaze to the bow of your lips, where the flesh was plump and abused.
Toge’s thumb swiped over your lips that had you frozen solid because he looked at you so gently, delicately, almost as if he didn’t want to hurt you. But he never could – you nullified everyone’s powers and allowed him freedom in your space. You’d let him come again and again, welcoming him with open arms if he wanted so, and in that moment, you believed he did.
Although why would he want you?
Fears and insecurities struck a chord in you and you scrambled away from his lap, leaving Toge all alone in the ground. You ducked your head down to ignore the confused and hurt expression on his face, turning back to the door instead. “I’m so sorry,” you rasped out in one breath, “I-I didn’t mean for that kiss to happen and I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Please just forget this ever happened and I really wish you and I aren’t awkward for this. Okay, good night. See you around.”
Pulling your phone out of your pocket after cursing yourself for not thinking of texting Megumi sooner, you speed dialed the younger boy, begging him to unlock the door.
Megumi came around a few minutes later. Toge had long settled behind you, silent but still catching his breath from your previous lip-locking. His presence unnerved you and you rubbed your hands up and down your arms, praying to whoever divines self that Toge would forget about this as well. The moment Megumi came around, you leaped out of the room, leaving two confused boys – with one of them unknowingly shattered.
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The next few days were hell.
You and Toge hadn’t talked much at all before, but now, you both pretended as if the other didn’t existed. During class where there had to be pairings, you immediately sided with Maki and pushing Panda to Toge’s way, the latter frowning behind his collar every time you avoided his gaze.
You just couldn’t handle being anywhere near him after that kiss. You feared that your heart would combust and you’d further embarrass yourself in front of him, as if you weren’t embarrassing enough with how excited you were as you kissed him.
Gosh, what would Toge think of you now?
You bet he found you so weird, and your suspicions were only confirmed when he’d resorted to avoiding you as well. No more polite and cheery good mornings! in the hallway or asking what he had for lunch, no more random texting of memes at 3am because you both didn’t have friends outside the institute.
Pure silence from the other side.
It should’ve comforted you – you wanted to stay away from him, right? – but you only grew restless. Your focus dwindled with each passing day, finding yourself at the back of Toge’s head longingly when he wasn’t looking, then sighing as you chastised yourself from being stupid.
To be honest, that kiss only made your feelings multiply tenfold.
Now that you knew how warm and comfortable Toge was to the touch, how his lips tasted and how his hair felt under your touch – you crushed on him impossibly harder than before.
You reached a point where you tossed and turn around in bed, unable to fall asleep; completely unaware that just a few doors down, he was doing the same. It had you thinking back to that day all over again, wondering why did he kiss you? If he liked you, why did he never talk to you? He never even noticed you before and you were always the first one to strike conversation, but because the others were always around, chats were limited, one-worded, and awkward.
That cursed technique of yours was still useless, after all.
“Would you please stop moping around?” Megumi slammed his book down on the table next to you, and you jumped in your seat, clutching your pencil to your chest. “I’m tired of you eye-fucking Inumaki-senpai.”
“Wha – ? No, I wasn’t, what are you talking about?”
“You’ve both been acting weird,” observed Yuuji who stopped fighting with Nobara over who would win in an arm wrestling fight without special abilities: Gojo-Sensei or Nanami. Nobara nodded beside him, stealing Yuuji’s crisp chips before speaking. “You both can’t even glance at each other. All of us can feel that something’s wrong between you two.”
“They probably fucked in the storage room.”
“Nobara, keep your voice down!”
“Why should I?” she smirked, jabbing her thumb to an asleep Toge lounging on the field with Panda. “Your precious crush is asleep. He won’t know. But whatever, what did happen when we locked you both there?”
“You all humiliated me, that’s what happened!”
“What do you mean humiliated?” Megumi asked this time around, and you buried your face in your arms, glancing over at Toge again. He was slumbering peacefully, his body shaded from the sun under the tree, and your fingertips itched with the urge to hold him close again.
“He doesn’t like me,” you concluded with trembling lips, sending one last longing glance at Toge. “And I think I just absolutely ruined everything.”
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No matter how much your underclassmen tried to cheer you up, your spirits were never lifted. You trudged back to your room that night, tired and drained from all the events that you just buried your nose in your textbook, studying about curses for next week’s exams.
The words began to blur and you sighed on your seat, glancing at your phone. It was nearing midnight and the dorms were oddly quiet, but you guessed everyone just had a long day.
Soon, you brushed your teeth and moved to retire for the night when three soft knocks came from your door. Your hand stilled on your blanket, brows furrowed at who could it be this time of the night. After fixing your hair to make yourself presentable, you swung the door open, ready to hit Yuuji if he came here to drag you down to the movie room and force you to watch horror movies again when you were harshly pushed, the stranger kicking the door back.
You gasped as warm lips came crashing down to yours, your hands pinned above your hand with just one arm.
You didn’t have to open your eyes to know it was Toge who’d placed a knee between your legs to prevent you from falling; your knees already turning to jelly before you even registered it was him. The familiar taste of something sweet like candy and cough syrup coated your senses and you moaned in his arms as his hands ran under your shirt, making the hairs on your body prickle up in anticipation.
Toge took advantage of your moan, his tongue slipping inside before it clashed with yours. It was too much – his overwhelming scent, his tongue tasting yours, his hands squeezing your breasts tenderly – you were on the verge of falling apart.
Fire burned all over your body, pure instinct dominating your conscious mind as you pushed him back, Toge falling down with you scrambling above him.
He grunted at your sloppy actions of trying to tug his shirt over his head, but he complied, reaching up at the same time you leant down for another wet, heated kiss. The kiss this time around was far less gentle and more urgent; your mutual pining for one another tipping over the edge until all hell broke loose.
You settled into his lap as if it were a throne and he encouraged you to take it, to claim him because he considered you the queen of his world.
“Toge, I,” you rambled after every peck, unable to form a complete sentence because you kept wanting to kiss him. It was nearly impossible to pull away now that he held you so close, making you feel like home and driving you absolutely insane. “I can’t do it anymore, mmhm, I want you so much – always have – I don’t want to avoid you and I just want to—”
He stopped your rambling by grabbing your chin forwards, his lips molding over yours again and dancing with it like two perfectly syncopated performers.
Toge’s curious hands ravished every crevice and dip of your curves as he sucked on your tongue, tasting it fervently like a traveler memorizing his path. You shuddered when Toge’s nimble fingers travelled down to cup your ass to lift you upwards, pushing you closer and deeper into his mouth.
None of you cared about anything anymore. You could barely focus on anything but letting your hands roam free down his chest, Toge rutting up to you when your cold hands brushed over his nipple.
Needing air to breathe, you pulled away first, panting as your forehead pressed against his. You stared at each other, lips swollen and wet from the hot make-out session. You were sure that your adoration for him was clearly evident in your eyes, that your feelings for him sparkled and radiated like the bright sunshine’s warmth he always made you feel.
But that wasn’t what drove you crazy.
It was the fact his expression mirrored yours; only his had lust swirling around his dark eyes, an unexplainable plethora of emotions flooding through them. You were breathing hard and so was he, his soft pants warming your lips that were still sore from his hungry ministrations.
Now was the time.
It didn’t matter that maybe he didn’t feel the same way for you; you liked him so much. Your feelings poured over the glass and your eyes glossed over with how your heart frantically chanted his name, wanting nothing and no one else but him.
“I love you,” you confessed, “I fucking love you.”
To your surprise, Toge chuckled, pulling you forward until his chest was flushed against yours. He captured your lips for one last kiss, delicate this time around as his hands cupped your jaw. You tilted your hide to the side to deepen the kiss, and you sighed while Toge rubbed soothing circles at the sides of your jaw then down to your neck.
“You better,” he mumbled through your lips, “Because I fucking love you too, and I don’t want to play this game of push and pull anymore.”
It was your first time to hear such dominance in his words, to witness such need and possessiveness shine back through his eyes, his lips travelling to the sides of your face. Submissively, you arched your back to him and allowed him access to your neck, head lolling to the side. Even as Toge slowly but surely left little love bites to mark you as his, he was gentle and delicate, soft yet hard, bitter but sweet like the longing you had for one another.
Even as he had you trapped under his arms, his heat nestled into the deeper, intimate parts of you that only welcomed no one else but him; your lover was absolutely delicate.
And you only fell for him harder than you already have.
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treason-and-plot · 2 years
Check In Tag
I was tagged by @nectar-cellar: Thank you very much!
Why did you choose your url? 
I used to be active on a site called NationStates and treason-and-plot was a nation I founded and used for RPing. The name had a lot of fun memories attached so I decided to use it again when I created my Simblr.
How long have you been on Tumblr?
Eleven years this year.
Do you have a queue tag?
I have no idea what this is. I barely know what a queue is, lol. I do have story tags though?
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Ten and a half years ago I was on FB, but then my mother died. I found it very difficult to cope with the avalanche of messages and sympathy. It was lovely that so many people wanted to express their condolences, but I found it really hard to deal with my own grief, let alone the outpourings of emotion from so many people on FB. So I deleted my Facebook, and as a distraction created a Tumblr blog for my Sims 2 pics, which I had heard about on GoS.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Harry was my icon for years which was interesting- for some reason there was a presumption that just because I had a male icon I was male myself! I chose my current icon (Naomi) a few years ago because I felt it was time for a change and because I loved that particular pic.
Why did you choose your header?
I won it in a competition!! The prize was a picture of your OC as a mermaid/ man drawn by @simdaisies. It makes me so happy to go to my blog and see Mia as a mermaid. And not only that, but a mermaid WITH BREASTS!
What’s your post with the most notes?
This one 
How many mutuals do you have?
I have no idea how to even find out. I do try and follow everyone back though if they are active Simmers as I just feel that this is the polite thing to do, lol- I don’t care what version of the game they play! I will unfollow/ not follow people though if they don’t tag stuff correctly, spam the dash every couple of minutes, or if they post stuff that doesn’t align with my values, obviously.
How many followers do you have? 
5653. I think the majority were gained during Baby Jessica’s heyday and a ton are not active any longer. 
How many people do you follow?
Have you ever made a shit post?
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
I’ve had a few trivial disagreements with different people through the years, but these have largely remained private. An exception was the flame war that once blew up in the comments section of one of my posts featuring one of my lesbian couples, started by a former mutual who became very vocal about her disapproval of lesbians. She thought lesbianism was immoral and unnatural and disgusting and that lesbians were on their way to hell, etc etc. What I found mystifying was that this person’s blog featured lots of very sexual gay male Sims!   
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I have no feelings about them at all. They’re not part of my Tumblr reality. 
Do you like tag games?
Yes. I love tagging other people too.
Do you like ask games?
I love receiving asks!
Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
All I know is that the Fangirling I did when @aikea-guinea and Sandy from @aroundthesims followed me back has never been equalled!
Do you have a crush on a mutual? 
Not currently, but I did have a giant crush on @simsgonebye back in the day, and I still miss her beautiful Sims, wonderful writing and wit and wisdom. 
I would like to tag @anamoon63 @curmudgeonness @windermeresimblr @jolifleurbleu @lalunebleue and @bool-prop. Cheers, dears!
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fairyblue-alchemist · 3 years
hello hello i was tagged by the ever wonderful @ladislavaa for this tag game!! tysm for the tag i care you so much 💕
-> why did you choose your url?
hoo boy. there’s about... three different references in it, ones i’m not quite willing to explain because i will out myself as a enormous nerd. but it’s subtle enough that most people won’t get it so it’s ok. so i chose it because of the amount of references i could fit in it without it seeming overt.
-> any sideblogs?
i have. a lot. if you look at my bio for my main, there’s a list of sideblogs i have. a dead writing one, some dead ask blogs, an au blog i need to get back to now that school isn’t actively kicking me in the face... and a dimitri one from fire emblem that’s currently thriving now that i’ve revived it. anyways i have a lot of dead ones but i’m fond of them so they’ll stay there.
-> how long have you been on tumblr for?
since july of 2018! the three year mark of my time here on tumblr is coming up and i honestly didn’t expect time to go by so fast. sure i haven’t been here as much as other people, but i’ve enjoyed my time here! for the most part.
-> do you have a queue tag?
nope! not for my main! my ask blogs do, but not this one.
-> why did you start your blog in the first place?
honestly i just wanted to find a place that was fandom-centric so i could meet more people who had similar interests to me. it sounds so cheesy now that i think about it, but i really did just want some friends who had similar interests as me because a lot of the ones i had at the time didn’t.
-> how many followers do you have?
244 as of right now! but i know a good chunk of them are p-rn bots that i’ve reported and blocked over the years, so i’m not sure if that’s an accurate measure of my followers or not. i don’t know why so many people follow me anyways i just spam reblog things lol.
-> how many people do you follow?
336 currently, i kind of have this ‘if i like them, i’ll follow them’ mentality and hope i don’t come off as weird to the people i start following randomly.
-> have you ever made a shitpost?
oh yeah, probably. i’m not very well known for making original posts though, so they kinda just sit in the void that is my blog. i don’t mind, it just means that people won’t see the silly little clown words come directly from my brain.
-> how often do you use tumblr everyday?
probably more than i should. i’ve noticed myself spend a lot less time on it recently, but that’s probably because i’ve been busy. i don’t spend all of my time here though, and that’s good enough for me.
-> did you ever have a fight/argument with a blog before?
ehh, i wouldn’t call it a fight. a little spat here and there, maybe, but that hasn’t happened in some time and at this point i’d prefer not to get involved with people who aren’t worth the effort.
-> how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i don’t really like the idea of them because of how much guilt tripping they do. sure they’re about important topics, but there’s better ways to raise awareness than to guilt trip people into talking about it. they make me anxious if i’ll be honest, and that’s not great.
-> do you like ask/tag games?
oh i LOVE those, please if anyone wants to tag me in stuff or ask me questions please go for it!! i love talking to people here and interacting in general! i won’t judge you for wanting to ask me stuff or anything, honestly i feel like the weird one for being so enthusiastic about it lol.
-> which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
oh for sure i think it’s @/kiiingsnake and @/jamblute. i honestly have no idea why they’re my mutuals and i’m too afraid to tag them in anything (including this). ;-;
-> do you have a crush on a mutual?
eh, no. i love my mutuals, but as friends. also i’m on the aro spectrum so attraction who?? they’re all wonderful people though and i appreciate them.
and that’s it folks! thanks for letting me ramble (somewhat) unprompted. i shall tag @pecha-cake @blackcliff-typewriter @doriduckdoodles @agent--shade and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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gummiix · 2 years
ᯓ★ intro ! (updated semi-regularly. ish)
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I am largely fixated on Sonic the Hedgehog, so that’s what you’ll (usually) see most on this main blog.
My other interests here include: Splatoon, Gravity Falls, Spider-Verse, Kirby, My Little Pony (Gen 4), Super Mario, the Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Dungeon Meshi, anything The Last of Us, Pokémon (mostly just team rocket), and various other random console games.
All of these fandoms can be found in my featured tags. Meanwhile, sideblogs are usually shorter-term hyperfixes or things that breached containment here.
Side blogs (newest to oldest):
✩ detroit: become human -> @iheartandroids
✩ smiling friends -> @iheartsmilingays
✩ the amazing digital circus -> @iheartdigitalcircuses
✩ nimona (the movie) -> @iheartnimona
✩ rottmnt -> @iheartrise
✩ stim blog gifs, sounds/music, stim boards, web resources, etc -> @stimmii
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Stuff to note (BYF section):
~ I curse. Some nsfw jokes might be reblogged as well. I’ve tagged these as “#suggestive joke” in the past, but I started tagging them as “#suggestive” a while ago.
~ Mass likes/reblogs don’t bother me, don’t worry :]
~ I may spam-like/reblog other blogs though, randomly. I don’t mean to bother anyone, and it’s genuinely never personal. sometimes I simply go through a spiral of stuff I really like, and feel the need to catalogue it somehow. [If someone else’s blog seems currently more interesting than my dashboard, then it can be nice to use it.]
~ Sometimes I talk a LOT in the tags. Like a lot. Sorry. Sometimes I don’t talk at all though. Roulette. but honestly I am Not very good at holding myself back when I feel like it, so welcome to my mind if you feel like reading it
~ On my main, I reblog things relating to politics/light discourse; usually just some civil rights stuff. I don’t tag these categorically.
~ I have audhd, and reblog about struggles sometimes with “#nd things”. Also,
~ I use tone indicators for anything that I think might be confusing, but always spelt out. For example, “/sarcastic” or “/light-hearted.”
~ I’m pan & demisexual, and like most of tumblr generally reblog a bunch of random of queer stuff here. hiiya
~ My memory is faulty, meaning I may reblog the same thing multiple times without meaning to, or forget to respond to a message/ask. (more on that below . . .)
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Moot-to-Moot Communication:
~ l am genderqueer and use they/she/he, in order of preference. (When I say “alternation preferred”, I mean that I would greatly appreciate if you alternate between multiple of these pronouns for me, rather than choose one set forever. thank you mwa)
~ If we’re mutuals, feel free to strike up a conversation for any random reason!!
~ I might be a lil late to respond, but I promise no matter what I will see your message and be thinking about it. The Dysfunction does do uh. hit (and also the anxiety or memory issues. lots of that too)
Drawn demonstration by user cuptoast on twitter:
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~ feel free to just message me a lil reminder if I don’t get back to you after a day!! I prolly forgor t💀. Just a little “yo” or whatever you want is great, it helps a lot.
~ However, I usually start conversations with an ask. (It’s a little silly, but it’s easier for me to keep track of and less intimidating that way.) If you’d prefer, you can just respond to it in messages.
~ I’m following over 4000 blogs 🥲. This means I never really see moots on the dashboard, which means I don’t really interact except for once in a while, when I might FLOOD your posts with likes + reblogs ,:]
~ In any potentially unclear messages, I would very much appreciate tone indicators (or any other form of clarification :p.) I may just ask for the tone if I’m confused.
~ Just let me know if you want me to tag something for filtering out, like spoilers but also literally anything else.
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In general, I block freely who I don’t want to interact with; but with the current situations, I want to clarify my stances if it makes anyone more comfortable to know (or uncomfortable, so they can block me in advance.)
- I stand completely with Palestine and Palestinians for a ceasefire, and against genocide, displacement, Hamas, and the Israeli military or government. I reblog about Palestine news and history frequently, as well as approved Gofundme pages for Palestinian families seeking to evacuate.
- I am against proshipping, meaning that I am heavily against even the fictional fetishization of children, rape, zoophilia, or incest.
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𓆝 ⋆。
° ‧⋆。˚ 𖦹
✩ ⋆ ˳ ༄
THE END!!!! Thanks for reading. pow bam bang you get hearts!!!! 💥💥💥💕💘💗
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
Questions :3
Thank you for tagging me @pudding-parade ! I too am nosy and like to know stuff about people 😆 Let’s all be nosy together.
Why did you choose your url?
When I came back to Simblr after a long break, I wanted a new, fun, sim-related URL but all the cute and creative ones were taken. I was like, what is an adult thing in the sims universe? And my poor brain answered with the nectar cellars from World Adventures. So I was like okay I’ll go with that I guess. Then I just never thought of anything better. I didn’t even know if I was going to like the game again after so long away from it. Now we’re stuck with this.
How long have you been on Tumblr?
I started my Simblr in probably 2012 but my really really old posts have been deleted. I made my non-sims Tumblr account even earlier than that and still have it although I haven’t logged in since like 2019. I’ve been on Tumblr for a long time.
Do you have a queue tag?
No, I can’t be bothered to tag things in my queue. I do schedule my posts so that they don’t publish at like 3am which is usually when I write them.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I stumbled on the Simblr community through my non-sims blog. After liking a bunch of CC posts, I decided I wanted to make a blog dedicated to posting my sims, following other simmers, and keeping track of all the CC I wanted to download. This was like 10 years ago, when The Sims 3 was hot, when the community was huge and thriving, and most simmers didn’t hate the game/EA with the passion they do now. 
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I couldn’t decide on a sim to use as my icon so I was like fuck it let me just use a generic little picture. What is nectar made from? Done. I want to change it so bad I just don’t know what to change it to.  
Why did you choose your header?
Because it reminds me of this. 
What’s your post with the most notes?
I have no idea, probably one of my CC posts.
How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know lol but quite a few I think 💛
How many followers do you have?
Almost 3k. Back in like 2013 or 2014 I gained a lot of followers because I posted some crappy CC that got spread around. Then I left for a few years. Most of my followers are probably not active anymore. Recently, because I learned how to make CC and have been posting those quite frequently, I’ve gained some followers through that too.
How many people do you follow?
2054. A lot are probably inactive. I like to see a variety of sims content :3
Have you ever made a shit post?
Yes ❤
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten into any conflicts with anyone.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I’m used to seeing them.
Do you like tag games?
Yes 💖
Do you like ask games?
Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Quite a few of my mutuals who post TS4 and/or CC get a lot of notes on their posts! Some folks, I definitely didn’t expect would follow me back. 🥺🤩💞
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Everyone whose posts I’ve ever spam-liked/reblogged/commented on. 💋
I invite the following people to share their answers, if they would like to! ✨
@treason-and-plot @thesimperiuscurse @pixelbots @wannabecatwriter @descendantdragfi @rebouks @zosa95 @obscurus-noctem @erasabledinosaur @happy-lemon @aprilrainsimblr @maladi777 @keibea @lazysunjade @amuhav @plant-sim @streetlites @ellemant @emperorofthedark @hurricanesims @bastardtrait @heavensims @voidite @getboolpropped
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matrose · 2 years
Wait but I wanna hear the unpopular (but correct) opinions about LotR! (No worries if you genuinely don't want to share!)
hi anon!! 😙 thank you for asking 💐🌷💕☺️SADLY most of my opinions are just a response to some take i saw on my pinterest explore page that i personally didnt agree with… im gonna put it under the cut so if this ends up in any tag i wont spam anyone bc its not like different interpretations of characters/text do any harm etc etc its gonna be a long, incoherent rant, without any formatting since im on mobile, so, um watch out :,) also please dont reblog
i really really dislike what feels like majority of the interpretation of the legolas/gimli relationship, like the way people portray them is sooo weird…the constant mutual antagonizing and the focus on bickering!!!! its another movie adaptation thing, because those removed most, if not all tenderness from them (the miniscule gay budget got used up for sam & frodo i guess). the appeal of gimli and legolas is not that they bicker the appeal is that they love eachother so much despite the general tensions between their peoples (although im not a fan of those tensions being overplayed for dramatics) and despite erus prophecy that there would always be conflict between elves and dwarves!!!!!!!!!!
i dislike the common fanon/movie portrayal of gimli but i think ive actually talked enough about that so im gonna talk about legolas because i also disagree with the common interpretations his character seems to find, although it doesnt bother me as much as with gimli, mostly because people still think hes cool. ANYWAYS! i think painting legolas as super hair- and beauty-obsessed (to the point of it bordering on homophobia) was luckily mostly left in the past, though pinterest still bombards me with bad memes, but i still really hate it 😒 another common thing ive seen, thats also more current, is legolas as an idiot who eats bugs or whatever which IS more fun than the first one and also closer to his book-self but i still dislike it simply because i hate when a happy/optimistic character gets headcanoned as being stupid…its unappealing and boring and i dont think its implied anywhere that legolas is exceptionally dumb :( i do like weird kid legolas a lot though hes special to me <3.
anyways since were on the topic of legolas lets talk about his family since thats another fandom/HOBBIT MOVIES favorite to distort! legolas mother is very very likely a silvan elf and very likely not dead in my opinion . i personally think silvan elves are neutral/if not positively inclined towards dwarves 👍 dont like the common fanon of extreme hatred that was taught to legolas by his parents and also dont dont dont like fanon thranduil & everything the hobbit movies made him out to be!!!!!!! i dont doubt that thranduil had some ill will towards dwarves since the whole thingol slaying and doriath thing… but thranduil is canonically a very good king and very kind, and i dont think he would let a grudge against a specific dwarf clan define his relations to a neighbouring kingdom that doesnt even belong to the same clan!!! someone who kept his kingdom save and out of trouble for so long and also has the closest relations to their neighbouring kingdom of men out of all the elven realms would be better than that and atleast be neutral and not hostile sorry this wasnt meant to be about the hobbit movies but i could go ON a out them i cant see legolas in those without laughing at him dear god. the implication that legolas, who supposedly hated dwarves, shared a horse with gimli and then was a changed man is very funny though.
also, since im going off on a tangent anyways, i think mîm didnt do anything wrong and also thingol and the dwarven smiths were both at fault for the conflict. sorry for the dwarf bias but someone has to be on their side because i still see too many people hating on them
back to lotr: i think blond blue eyed legolas is boring, i hate what they did to elrond and boromir in the movies, i think saruman and sauron being basically brothers is a very funny interpretation that we should talk about more and i hateee almost all modern lotr aus because its hars to replicaze into modern world and also aragorn would NOT be a CEO!!!!!!!!!! a good king in tolkienverse is benevolent and puts his subjects first and he is a healer. (and this idolized king figure is, of course, not historically accurate) a CEO IS NOT THE MODERN EQUIVALENT TO THAT!!!!!!! modern aragorn either sells weed, is a nurse, or a mailman more i will not say on this matter. also i hate when modern aus cut everyones hair/beard. stop!!!!!! this reminds me of the one time i saw like a college au on pinterest and it was like. gimli and legolas are forced to be roommates and legolas is disgusted by gimli being sooo dirty… HELLO? you people exhaust me………… restraining myself to go on another gimli tirade because i feel like ive done that so much and all my followers will know whats up you guys get me right yeah yeah yeah
oh about legolas and gimli/mirkwood and erebor again, sorry im a one trick pony, i think that both thranduil & unnamed wife as well as gloin & unnamed wife love their kids too much to truly oppose them being together. gloin may be hotheaded but hes not stubborn enough to not ever back down, see the council of elrond: hes mad, rightfully so, to find out that a servant of mordor was apprentely treated better as a prisoner than thorin & company but seeing as the responsible party, thranduil, is not even there, and how theres very important business to discuss he quickly backs down and even bows to legolas as an apology!!!!
[„You were less tender to me,“ said Glóin with a flash of his eyes, as old memories were stirred of his imprisonment in the deep places of the Elven-king’s halls. „Now come!“ said Gandalf. „Pray, do not interrupt, my good Glóin. That was a regrettable misunderstanding, long set right. If all the grievances that stand between Elves and Dwarves are to be brought up here, we may as well abandon this Council.“ Glóin rose and bowed, and Legolas continued.]
i tried to find out if we know how long exactly the dwarves were imprisoned, and it seems it was about 20 days, while gollum was there for around 90 days, so perhaps they would have let the dwarves get some fresh hair eventually as well . not that gloin wasnt rightfully angry, he was! and still very gracious about it . love gloin hes great
also TRUE unpopular opinion incoming: im neutral on sam/frodo…its cute yes but i dont have any big thoughts about them and i think sam and rosie are very sweet :^) but also i dont trust people who completely dislike it esp cishets…. legolas and gimli are basically canon to me like they did that. okay ready for another TRUE AND REAL unpopular opinion. i think faramir is kind of boring and i dont care much for him, sorry ❤️‍🩹
ok i think im done for now!!! phew!! anon thank you again because this helped me pass like an hour of my very long train ride!!!! <3333
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polyamoryfacts · 3 years
Polyamory writing tropes
Because I forgot that tumblr dot hell’s solution to spam bots is straight up hiding replies with too many links, here is a manual repost of my certainly incomplete list of polyamory tropes.
(I had originally posted it as a reply to an ask that was posted to @writingquestionsanswered - you should check them out!)
I will assume that A is into B, B is into A and C, and C is into B. B and A are not into each other. Furthermore, I will assume that everyone has agreed to being part of the arrangement as described. If B is dating A behind C’s back, that’s not polyamory, that’s cheating.
This constellation is commonly called a V or vee, because if you draw it, it kinda looks like a V. The partner “in the middle” B is called the hinge.
A and C are metamours to each other (meta + amour). They share a partner.
The most common trope with polyamory is the topic of jealousy. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find a story which does not focus on it, to the point that I would say it has been done to death, plus you can find plenty of guides how to write it, so I am not going to focus on that.
Instead, there are other interesting tropes specific to polyamory you can use:
Compersion is a word for a warm feeling of fuzziness you get when your metamour makes your partner happy. Imagine that, like, I am A, and B is really into underwater basket weaving. I, on the other hand, do not care for underwater basket weaving at all, and while I can empathize with B’s enthusiasm for it, ultimately I am not a good person to discuss underwater basket weaving with. But then, one day, B meets C! And C is also into underwater basket weaving! Now B can discuss water currents and sprig flexibility with C and is elated! And B being happy with C makes me happy! (In fact, it may be that I was getting a bit tired of the topic, so it benefits me as well. Cue crisis about whether I am a good person or if “dropping” B on C is selfish! So much delightful angst potential!)
One side effect might be that when B is out on a date with C, I finally have time for myself and my favorite hobby of chocolate teapot sculpting, which B somehow never seems interested in :/
Of course, depending on the person, this feeling might extend to more intimate topics and activities. It does not have to be limited to things A does not enjoy – A might just be happy that B has an additional person to do these things with.
However, it can also lead to establishing new couple activities. The common cliché is of the polyamorous person who is fine with their partner having sex with someone else – but don’t you dare watching “our” Netflix series with someone else.
The flip side of this is B being happy when A and C get along. As far as I know, we don’t have a specific word for that (we really should, though).
When metamours get along, they might delight in scheming to do something nice for their hinge together. For example, they might plan a surprise birthday party for B together (cue all shenanigans associated with surprise party and birthday party). They might also become great friends and share vulnerabilities with each other that they don’t even share with their mutual partner.
A might have actively pushed B to get with C. In this case, feel free to pull all the ShipperOnDeck tropes.
A and C might have felt apprehension towards meeting each other. B might have felt apprehension towards them meeting each other. What if they don’t get along!? You can borrow from the “meeting the parents” tropes here.
A and C might also get together over time. This might cause unexpected jealousy in B because of the change in relationship dynamics. It can be all the anxiety you get when your partner has a new partner… but multiplied by the fact you get it from both sides.
Incidentally, polyamorous people get to observe this “my loved one is freshly in love” theme often enough we have our own name for that “I have butterflies in the stomach and the world is made of gingerbread rainbows” feeling B gets – NRE or New Relationship Energy.
Ideally, A, B and C have all discussed what their relationship dynamics are to be. For example, whether it is okay to take on other partners or if there is the expectancy that A and C will remain exclusive to B. Also, if B is allowed to start further relationships with D, E and so on. (If it is to stay at the A/B/C constellation, it is called a closed relationship or possibly a closed triad.) And they hopefully have discussed how much everyone wants to know about the details of the other relationship and how much they get to know. They also have hopefully discussed how out they are to their social circles. (If people have conflicting needs on that, there may be some tension.)
In practice, I believe the most common setup is not a closed relationship (I have only personal anecdotes, though). It is more commonly like this (listed are everyone’s partners):
A: B
B: C, D
C: B, E
D: B, F
E: C
F: D
The set of all people in this network is called a polycule (a portmanteau of poly and molecule). In the above scenario, F might not even know about E. F is with D, D is with B, B is with C, C is with E. If this was a familial relationship, they would be something akin to distant cousins, with comparable dynamics – they might find it an amusing bit of trivia, but ultimately it doesn’t affect their lives much. They might, however, be in the same circle of friends, or even roommates. Which leads to amusing shenanigans like
B: C, I know you are visiting E [your partner] and F tonight?
C: Yeah?
B: D asked me to pass along this thing F forgot at D’s place [because D and F are partners]. Could you give it to F [because you are visiting F’s roommate]?
C: I think F is not at home tonight, but I will give the thing to E!
This can be somewhat confusing to the reader, because it gets you a large cast. If you ever find out how to solve this, let me know.
Also, Long Distance Relationships. So many Long Distance Relationships.
Of course, there are some people who will go to great lengths to chart their polycule, with the same diligence someone might employ while researching their ancestry.
Because marrying multiple people is not possible in most places, people may employ a similar ritual for a particular partner. Their are hand-fastening ceremonies, for example. Or other rituals - I know a person who texts all of their partners goodnight before going to bed.
There are some clichés about the polyamorous community. Polyamory is said to enable you to always have a group ready for board game night, for example. Or Dungeons and Dragons night – I reference this in my most shared post which apparently people can relate to.
Also, we are really good at scheduling. Shared calendars are frequently employed.
And we really talk a lot about our feelings. Which is… somewhat inconvenient for writing drama.
And we love large beds. Some of us don’t. (I feel too hot with even one other person in the bed. How some people deal with three is an utter mystery to me).
If you have made it this far, congrats! Thanks for researching our community! Seconding the recommendation for @polyamorouscultureis for more.
If you wish to check out my blog, you will find a list of helpful resources, and will get a mix of
me assuring people they are valid like this
polyamory memes like this
polyamory shitposts disguised as facts (which are not to be taken seriously for the purposes of research) like this
and general polyamorous tomfoolery.
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