#I wanted to tbh but didn’t bc I have a hard time placing things on an ordered hierarchy
andro-dino · 1 year
I think this is a good one, if you like to rant a little, what are the (in your opinion) the 5 mfb characters that get misunderstood/mischaracterized the most, by the fandom?
oh my! surprise 5 things? in my inbox? more likely than you’d think
also this is such a good one I have so much to say on this
5. Kira’s frequent mistreatment makes me sad because he’s a very interesting and complex character with SO much to explore in regards to his upbringing and trauma and how that affects his character in the present and going forward, but a lot of people tend to portray him as a very one note crAaAaAzy villain and sexualize him to some of the worst degrees just because of his character design. It’s really unfortunate because there’s so much to love about him but it is a minefield trying to find anything for him
4. I’m not gonna blame people for misunderstanding and mistreating the garcias bc the show doesn’t even respect them but I’m still gonna be upset about it. I could go on and on about why the garcias were so poorly handled but like, when you think about their characters a little harder, you can really easily understand them from a more sympathetic view and how not only their environment but the way they were treated and used by the adults around them shaped how they behave throughout the series and like. Again, not blaming anyone for disliking them or seeing them solely as static villains bc they are not well written at all but I do wish people would give them a little more nuance, yk? I’ve taken the liberty of taking sole custody over them bc I could treat them so much better than the show, so I might be on of the only people who really sees this perspective just bc of how much I’ve diluted myself with my own noncanon analysis but yk.
3. I’m gonna go ahead and lump kyomado together because while I do think people don’t treat them with the nuance they deserve on their own, it is 10x worse when it comes to people shipping them specifically. And that makes me especially mad because kyomado was one of my first ships in any fandom and I still really like them together, but Jesus Christ people take them in the worst direction possible. It’s always so stereotypical with Kyoya being the cool hot closed off and aggressive one and Madoka being sweet and kind and submissive to him and it’s like. No!!! NO‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥 They’re characters are so interesting together in my eyes because they’re relationship is built on mutual respect and ability to stand up to each other. Yes Madoka can be sweet and caring to him, but she is in no way submissive and is readily able to challenge him and call out his bullshit. Yes Kyoya can be cold and aggressive but he is not some abusive shitty YA male lead, he’s an angsty teen who genuinely recognizes Madoka’s abilities and respects her. I think you could make a similar argument for how people treat him with Hikaru as well but I personally find it far worse with Madoka, which makes me so sad bc I love this ship but hate a lot of the shippers and content for it :(
2. Gingka i dont think is as prevalent today, but I have seen the horrors and my god are they rough. The woobification of Gingka Hagane is an actual crime and should be treated as such. Im not even that big a Gingka stan or anything but I become fucking enraged whenever I see him portrayed as some soft and submissive uwu boy because there is so much more complexity and depth to his character and yaoifying him does that such a disservice. Idfk what show they were watching because in no universe is Gingka some sweet and innocent soft boy.
1. Damian. DAMIAN 100% IS THE WORST AND IT MAKES ME SO MAD. IDK WHAT IT IS ABOUT HIM THAT ATTRACTS FREAKS BUT 99% OF DAMIAN STANS ARE ABSOLUTELY VILEEEEE AND I HAVE NO RESERVATIONS IN SAYING THAT. It genuinely makes me so viscerally upset because I love Damian, he’s one of my favorite characters and I go absolutely rabid every time I think about him but OH MY GOD the way this fandom treats him is so awful. I mean it when I say it disgusts me how much people oversexualize him and mischaracterize him as some dominant and cool sex god or whatever because it is just so far from what he actually is and HES LIKE 13 ALSO????? LIKE YOU CANT EVEN KID YOURSELF INTO THINKING HE MIGHT BE ON THE OLDER END HE IS GENUINELY PINT SIZED AND ACTS LIKE A SPOILED CHILD THAT IS A FUCKING KID. Damian is an incredibly complex and interesting character with so much depth and lore. He is a deeply traumatized child with a godcomplex who screams when he gets dirty or his worldview is challenged, he is not some sexy flirtatious guy who’s got everything together. It’s one thing to focus solely on the power scaling side of him and disregard his character, but it’s a whole nother thing to sexualize him and remove him so far from the context of his story for the sake of whatever these freaks are on about.
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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joelsgoldrush · 1 year
come back same time and place the next night
prologue / 3k words
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pairing: dad's coworker!joel miller x f!reader
raiting: 18+ (minors dni)
series summary: your chances of hooking up with your dad’s soon-to-be coworker are low, but never zero. turns out the two of you have a lot more in common than you thought, especially when you find out he’s going to be staying at your house for a while. you know what they say: if you can’t beat them, fuck them.
series warnings: no outbreak AU, dad's coworker!joel (idk if that's a thing but yeah), lots of feelings (angst/fluff), age gap (reader is 23, joel is 50), no use of y/n, i'm not good at choosing names for side characters sorry for that, some chapters will include smut 18+ and i'll let you know at the beggining of each part
warnings for this chapter: soft!dom joel, oral (m receiving), dirty talk
A/N: HELLO AGAIN i'm back with a new series!!! first of all, i just wanted to say THANK YOU bc of all the love you gave my previous post. i'm so thankful for all the likes, reblogs and comments, you truly made me feel incredibly happy. tbh i used to have a hard time figuring out whether i should start posting my own creations or not, and the support you showed me made me realize that it was definitely the right call. so yeah tysm for that and i hope you also enjoy this new project of mine :) i juIt have one final left and then i'll have a couple of weeks to relax and work on this series! also english isn’t my first language so if you come across any mistake please tell me!
here's my masterlist in case you want to read my other works :)
“Sneaking out of my house / I must be out of my mind / I’m running out of excuses / We’re running out of time / You say the love will come and go / We’ll learn how to ride the ebb and flow / You’ll always leave before the light / Come back same time and place the next night.”
You take another sip of your drink, alcohol making its way through your throat. It leaves a trail of burning kisses down the inside of your esophagus, and you make an effort not to swear as the sensation settles heavily on your chest.
Stacy looks around the bar for a while, her knee impacting rhythmically against yours ever so slightly. Next thing you know, she’s snorting, her blonde hair falling like cascades over her collarbones. “I'm afraid you, my dearest friend, have lost your good judgement. There isn’t a single hot guy in this bar.”
“That’s not true,” your fingers pinch the pink straw floating on your glass, a lipstick stain adorning it. You’re not exactly sure, though. The truth is you aren’t looking for somebody tonight, at least not right now. “Give me a second.”
Scanning your surroundings, you try to concentrate on your quest: finding a new hobby for Stacy. And by hobby, you mean a man she can simp over for the rest of the night. Once you’ve examined the room multiple times without success, you feel… slightly disappointed. 
Just when you’re about to agree with her, this pretty waiter comes on the scene, placing a martini under your friend’s nose. “Here it is. Hope you enjoy it.” 
Stacy giggles at him. It’s that specific kind of giggle you know very well. “Thank you, but I didn’t order this.”
“Don’t worry. This one’s on me,” the hot-waiter answers, giving her a smile that’s all white teeth before disappearing between the mess of sweaty bodies on the dancing floor. 
You look at her, because you already know what she will do next. She wiggles her eyebrows in your direction and takes hold of her purse, not without previously drinking almost half of the cocktail she got for free. 
Her forehead furrows in a funny way. “It’s not very good. He’s lucky he’s cute.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” you tell her, ignoring her words. “I’m being serious.”
She leaves and you’re left alone, though you don’t mind the lack of company. The beating of your heart seems to sync with the pounding music from the pub. There’s this one girl doing karaoke, but nobody seems to be actually listening to her. You wonder if she’s aware of it, although she appears not to, because her tone gets even more high-pitched every time she gets to the chorus of the song.
After some minutes, you decide to give Stacy’s drink a try. She wasn’t wrong: the taste of it is absolutely awful. Some muscle in your jaw twitches as you cough a little.
“Is it that bad?” 
You turn to your side, looking for the owner of that unknown voice that startled you. A man stands beside you, pointing out the martini. Leaning in closer to him, you hand him the drink. “Why don’t you try it yourself?”
His cold fingers brush yours gently when he takes the glass into his hands. The straw vanishes between his lips momentarily, and then he proceeds to chuckle. “You’re right. It’s… definitely somethin’ else.”
This must be your lucky night. When was the last time a guy this good-looking approached you? He jerks his thumb toward the empty chair in front of you. “Are you waitin’ for someone?”
You can't help but smile. “Not anymore.” 
The attractive, charming stranger sits down, and you seize the opportunity to take a closer look at his face. You’re not sure of his age, but he’s older than you. He seems to be in his early 40s, the hair on his beard starting to get a bit gray. It’s subtle. If you weren’t such a perfectionist, perhaps you wouldn’t have seen it. But you did, and if possible, it just makes him come across as even more appealing to you.
“If you don’t mind me askin’, why did you order that drink?”
“Well, I didn’t. It was a gift for my friend,” you rest your chin on your palm, giving a half shrug. “She’s with the guy that gave it to her. The blonde girl over there, with the white tank top? That’s her.”
His eyes follow your gaze, finding Stacy just a couple of meters away from where the two of you were talking. She raises one of her hands in greeting, the boy from before attached to her hip like a lost puppy in the middle of the road.
“She seems nice,” he murmurs once he focuses his attention on you again. 
“Yeah, she is,” as you finish that sentence, you feel your phone vibrating in the pocket of your jacket. “Excuse me.”
It’s a text from Stacy. Said message reads: 
whose dad is that??? he’s hot af
You laugh at her occurrence, and he tugs at his shirt collar. “What happened?”
“She texted me: whose dad is that?” staring at him, you lift an eyebrow. “Do you have any children I should know of?”
The stranger seems to hesitate before replying. “No, I don’t,” you watch him lick his lips. “Why? You’re not into dads?”
He's cocky. Good thing you like cocky.
Time flies. You learn some things about him: he’s from Texas (the southern accent gives him away) and works as a contractor (just like your dad, you think, which is funny.) When he reveals how old he is, he seems to look for any sign of discomfort on your features. “I’m forty-five.”
“Twenty-three,” you retort with your own age. He glances up to the ceiling, and you give a bitter laugh. “Is it a problem for you?’”
“Shouldn’t I be the one askin’ that to you?”
You flutter your eyelashes at him. “I don’t mind.” If anything, you like him more. However, there’s one mystery left to bring to light. “What I do mind is that we’ve been here for almost an hour and you still haven’t told me your name.”
He leans back in his chair. “Let's play a game.”
“Be careful. I’m really competitive.”
“You have three chances to guess my name. I’ll just give you my initial. You gotta do the rest, deal?”
What were the odds of guessing it? I should take the risk, you think as you find yourself already nodding your head. “Deal.”
“It starts with the letter J.”
“Jack,” it’s the first name that comes to your mind. For an instant, you believe you’ve won, but then you catch him smirking. “It’s not Jack, isn´t it?"
The corner of his mouth turns up. “Keep tryin’.”
“Ice cold.”
Something you're unable to even distinguish glows in his eyes. “I’m givin’ you one more chance.”
“So I’m close?” you ask him, probably too enthusiastic. He doesn’t say anything else, so you go on. “Is it Joel?”
He places a hand on top of his shirt where his heart is, pretending to act relieved. “Fuckin’ finally.”
You punch your fists into the air. “Yes! I knew I was gonna get it.” A sincere smile takes place on your face. “What’s my prize?”
“Well,” he inches forward, his pinky nudging your wrist, that mere touch giving you goosebumps. “You could give me your number and go on a proper date with me.”
God knows you want it. Rising from your seat, you tuck a lock of brown hair behind his ear. “I was thinking of something else.”
That’s how you end up in the ladies restroom, your back flushed against the wooden door as Joel presses his clothed knee between your legs. You moan into his mouth without thinking if there are any other people outside waiting to use the bathroom. Joel draws in a long breath, grinning as he takes in the sight of you. “You wanna put on a show for the others? I'm not one to judge."
“I want to suck you off,” your hand is dangerously close to his crotch, your nails ghosting over his zipper. He seems to be having an internal fight with the last brain cell he has left, but then he detaches himself from you, unzipping his jeans. The sound of his belt hitting the floor with a thud is what finally leads you to fall to your knees.
He’s big. You can tell his size from your position, a wet patch forming into the fabric of his boxers. Playing with the waistband of his boxers for a mere second, your self-control attempts to falter. You grab him by the base, stroking it experimentally. Joel fights back a groan, urging you to take him. “Come on, sweetheart. I don’t like t’beg.”
But you do, that’s the thing. “Please,” you whisper, hoping he’ll hear you. His eyes find yours and suddenly it clicks. A lightbulb goes on in his head. He curses under his breath, directing his dick towards your open parted lips, and your eyelids get heavy as the taste of his precum invades your tastebuds.
It’s not your fault he has an amazing dick.
You begin to bob your head, taking more and more of his length with every one of your short movements. Slick must be already staining your own panties, but you can’t get yourself to care about that insignificant detail. Not now, when Joel’s hips thrust deeper into your mouth, his tip brushing the back of your throat and making you gag. It's dirty, and you should probably be ashamed of getting caught by a bystander. All your worries are swept away from your mind the moment he decides not to keep quiet. “Fuck, baby. Knew you would put that gorgeous mouth to good use. Attagirl, takin’ me so well.”
A stupid whine gets lost somewhere in your vocal tract. Intertwining your fingers with his, you locate his wandering hands on your hair, wishing he'll take the hint. He does, and grabs a handful of it, pulling you off his cock. 
“You really like this, don’t ya’?” Joel smears your lower lip with your spit. “Were you thinkin’ about this while we were talkin’ back there?”
“Y-yes,” you try to take him in your mouth again, but he doesn’t allow you to, his iron grip on your nape getting tighter the more you fight against it.
Then he lets you have it. “Bet you get off on this too,” his voice drops an octave, and it sounds so nasty and intimate you’re on the verge of crying. With teary eyes, you swallow around his length. 
You lose track of time. His bare thighs tremble and the only noise you can hear is his heavy breathing. “F—fuck. I’m close, where do you want it?” Mumbling something you can’t even comprehend with his cock still in your mouth, his thrusts begin to lose finesse, thick fingers holding you where he needs you the most. “So good, baby. Lettin’ me have you like this. Fuckin’—“
He’s about to come.
“—good girl.”
It all happens so fast you have to remind yourself to gulp down his cum, hot and sticky and just Joel’s. You patiently wait for him to come down from his high, nuzzling his happy trail. He helps you stand up, kissing you and tasting himself on your tongue. As soon as he tries to sneak a hand into your panties, getting closer to your aching cunt, you recognize your phone ringing in the distance.
Groaning, you stretch your arm, answering the call. “Hello?”
“Well, hi. This is awkward.”
You frown. Joel mimics you. “I’m sorry, who’s this?”
“I’m calling you from Stacy’s phone. We were making out and then she told me she was feeling sick, so I took her outside… and now she’s throwing up,” the boy on the other side of the line explains to you and you detect a hint of agitation in his voice. “She asked me to contact you.”
“Oh, God. Hot-waiter?”
“Yeah, she also said you were probably going to call me that,” he seems to move his phone away from his ear, and then talks to you again. “She’s not passed out, but she shouldn’t stay here.”
Does he actually think you’re going to leave her alone? “Can you tell me where you are?” you suggest him while Joel tucks himself back into his boxers.
“Next to the parking lot.”
You hang up after telling him you’ll be there in five minutes, and you feel Joel’s lips on your neck, a sigh spilling from you. His teeth nip at your sensitive skin. “You gotta go?”
Humming, you smooth down your skirt, facing the mirror and observing your reflection, some leftover mascara sticking your eyelashes together. He appears right behind you, his broad frame becoming more visible this way. “Stacy’s throwing up. I have to take her home.”
“Do you have a car?” 
“No, but I’ll call an uber. It’s no big deal.”
Joel puts his hands on his hips. “I brought my truck. Let me help you.”
Of course he has a truck. 
“Joel, you don’t have to,” you massage the back of your neck, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. 
“It’s the least I can do,” tilting his head, his lips catch yours once again. “Consider it my way of thankin’ you, since I cannot return the favor.”
It shouldn’t feel like this. You weren’t used to doing this kind of thing on a regular basis, but you’re more than sure that men don’t treat you this way after sucking them off. Still, you accept his offer since it means you’ll get to spend more time with him.
He walks you out and helps you get Stacy on her feet. As she sees Joel, she spreads her arms wide, hugging him. “Oh my God! It’s the hot dad!”
“Sweetie, you have like— puke all over your clothes,” you tell her, so Stacy chooses to hug you instead. “She gets pretty sensitive when she’s drunk.”
“I can tell,” Joel opens the back door of his truck, jerking his head in the direction of it. “Get her inside while I start the car.”
It all goes pretty well from then on. He asks you for Stacy’s address and you give it to him, the palm of his hand resting on top of your left thigh. Stacy gets comfortable in the back seat, yawning. “You two look like my parents before they got divorced.”
“That’s a really nice compliment,” you mutter with irony as Joel laughs by your side, rubbing his chin.
Soon after that, she falls asleep. Joel parks his car right in front of Stacy’s porsche. He glances over his shoulder, making sure she’s still sleeping before his seatbelt’s off and he’s grabbing you by the jaw, leaning in for a kiss. The fucker’s a very good kisser, you notice throughout the night.
“Are you gonna give me your number?” he murmurs against your mouth, his hot breath mixing with yours. 
“It depends. Will you call me?”
He tells you he will, and you prefer to trust him as you watch him save your number, a smiley face next to your name.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joel doesn’t call you.
You don’t want to admit it, but it’s starting to get to you. He did sound honest. Why the hell did he treat you like that if he wasn’t planning on calling you? Why did he insist so much on getting your number?
Men suck. Joel sucks, you decide after a whole afternoon of staring at your phone, waiting to receive a text from him. Given the situation, anything would make you feel better.
Hey! It’s Joel, from the bar. I’m so sorry for not calling you. I forgot to tell you I’m married and have three children, two cute little puppies and a cat. Anyways, what a great night we had! Take care!
Okay. Perhaps not anything.
You’re home, sitting on the couch while you watch a meaningless TV programme. It consists of answering random questions, and if you get them wrong, you fall down some dark tunnel that only God knows where it takes you.
Normally, during a night like this, you’d be studying or perhaps at Stacy’s. But tonight, your father had asked you to actually stay. He didn’t tell you why he specifically needed you there, and you didn’t bother to ask him.
Out of the blue, you hear the doorbell ring. None of your parents seem to be on the first floor, so you walk to the door, opening it. 
You choke on your own saliva.
Joel’s here. Joel, who didn’t call you. Joel, who looks absolutely good with his hair slicked back. 
“Did I ever tell you where I lived?” the tone of your voice falters, your legs suddenly feeling wobbly.
He can’t believe it either. “No. I must have the wrong address,” keeping his eyes fixated on the box of chocolates dangling from his hand, he straightens his back. “What are you doin’ here?”
“I should be asking you that,” you hiss, your pupils flared with anger. “Why the fuck are you at my house, with a freaking box of chocolates, when you couldn’t bring yourself to call me?”
Then, you hear the sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen. It’s your dad. He contemplates the scene with a smile. “I see you’ve met my daughter. Trust me, my wife and I taught her better manners than this. Don’t know why she didn’t invite you in. Food’s almost ready!”
You’re about to short-circuit. Definitely not a joke.
“Sweetheart, this is Joel Miller. Remember I told you last week that someone from the company was coming over for a while? Well, this is him,” your father chuckles, expecting you to come up any kind of answer.
Joel’s faster than you, intending to shake your hand, those same calloused fingers that he had used to touch you in that dirty bathroom now playing dumb. “Nice to meet you.”
If he wants to pretend you don’t know each other, then so be it.
You squeeze his hand without measuring your strength. “Oh, the pleasure’s all mine, sir.”
Turns out that your chances of hooking up with your dad’s soon-to-be coworker were low, but never zero. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tags: @spurz :)
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updownlately · 1 year
how do i hold these emotions (when you spin my world out of place?)
| leah williamson x reader | angst | 3.9k | inspo: butterflies by abe parker | a/n: so this has been sitting in the ask box for nearly a month. initially i didn't get to it bc of school and then bc i struggled to think of what to write. i'm not really happy with how this turned out tbh but i want to at least get something out in regards to this one, lest i stretch it out another month, so here ya go...
You hadn’t meant to hurt her. You really hadn’t. Everything had happened so quickly. One second you were intently watching the ball get kicked around during five-a-side and the next you were diving to make a save, unaware of the blonde running in behind the ball.
In your urgency to secure the ball, you hadn’t actively paid attention to your arms stretching out, nor the way the white cleats got caught between your outstretched limbs, you managing to gather more than just the ball.
It was only when the blood rushing from your ears disappeared, when the slight jolt of adrenaline wore off, that you realized the tangled mess of limbs that lay behind you.
Pausing, you immediately furrowed your eyebrows. Players weren’t supposed to be where she was. Players weren’t supposed to be behind the keeper. 
Eyes widening in realization, you dropped the ball and quickly stood up in a panic. 
“Oh my god, I’m so s-“
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” The sharp voice cut through your sentence, the anger behind it nearly pushing you a step back.
“I-I’m sorry. I swear. It was an accident.” Your voice quieter this time, the fear evident. The midfielder was on the ground, almost curled up in fetal position, hands clutching her ankle. 
By now the whole team was nearly surrounding you two, Lia and Steph crossing you to be by Leah’s side.
“An accident is when you miss the ball, not when you fucking take out your own teammate during a damn practice,” Leah practically growled out, her eyes still not meeting yours.
“Leah, breathe. She was just doing her job, it was an accident.”
You looked over at Steph, a grateful look appearing on your face for a brief second before promptly turning your attention back to Leah. 
“Her job is to stop the ball, not injure a teammate. If she can’t do that then she should find another job.”
You swallowed hard at her tone, the words hitting you hard. You knew being signed by Arsenal, even as a backup keeper wasn’t going to be easy. Hell, you had expected it to be gruelling and tiresome. But you didn’t expect this. You didn’t think you’d manage to turn one of the club’s key players against you on one of your first few practices with them.  
Leah didn’t even turn to look at you, her back being the only thing visible as she let the other two players and the oncoming medical staff examine her speaking volumes to you. 
The way the ever-supportive, always-understanding skipper couldn’t even look you in the eye hurt you more than words could say. 
Body slumping, your shoulders caved in and you quietly stepped back, letting your head hang low. Mentally berating yourself, you cursed at your mind for reacting so quickly, for not looking at where you were diving, towards who you were diving.
Part of you knew it was your job, that this was part of the game, that technically it wasn’t your fault. Yet, the people pleaser inside couldn’t help but agree with Leah. It was stupid of you to have saved that ball. After all, it was just a practice, right? You could have most definitely gotten away with just letting her score, but you didn’t. And where did that leave you? With a future Arsenal legend cursing you out while they likely had another injury, no thanks to you. 
Just as your thoughts began spiralling towards what Jonas might be thinking about only just acquiring you and you already injuring one of his key players, you felt a gentle hand come to rest upon your shoulders. 
Body jolting, you whipped your head around, tense muscles only slightly relaxing when you saw who the hand was attached to. Stina. 
You let her gently tug you towards her, walking backwards, eyes still downcast.
“Ignore her okay? She’s just running high on emotions, she doesn’t mean it.” The quiet words whispered in your ear don’t have the desired effect however, the weight of your actions sinking into your thoughts.
You shrug in response, taking off your gloves to wipe your sweaty palms on the side of your shorts. 
Bending down to tuck the gloves between your knees, your lips mumbled out a quick prayer to a God you didn’t believe in enough. You prayed, hoped, begged that whatever you had done wasn’t major. After all, the blonde had only recently come back from injury. 
Inhaling deeply, you rose again, unaware of Stina’s eyes on you. You intently watched as the staff tested out Leah’s legs and ankle, holding your breath when one of them gently pressed their fingers around her ankle, turning it slightly. Your eyes immediately flickered over to Leah’s face, eyebrows furrowed, concentrating, trying to gauge the potential severity of the collision. 
It was only when the striker grabbed your arm for a second time that you broke from your staring. “C’mon, it’s a water break. Let them do their thing, she’ll be fine.” Your head swivelled at her comments, finally taking note of how empty the field around you was, save for the ongoing situation. Shooting one last concerned look over at the gunner trio by the goalposts, you trailed behind the Swedish player. 
Throughout the water break, you couldn’t help but let your eyes drift over to Leah and the medical staff. Even as Katie and Kim tried to distract you with conversation, your mind wandered. You wondered how Jonas was feeling about this whole situation. It had only been a little over a month since Leah had come back from her ankle injury, a slew of lesions across the years causing a tense relationship between the midfielder and her crucial joints. And now you had potentially caused another one. You despised the thought of you being the reason she would be out again, for more reasons than one. 
Your worries however, rang true, attention being stolen from the girls in front of you and finding its way to the oncoming stampede of footsteps from the pitch.
Wincing, you turned around, ready to assess just how badly you fucked up. 
Unfortunately for you, the sight ahead of you had your heart silently breaking in two, partially in worry for yourself, but more so in pain for the blonde that was limping across the grounds.
You could sense the tension in the group walking towards the locker room. Leah was hobbling on one foot, using Lia as a crutch while Steph walked beside the pair, defeat clear in her body. The medical staff themselves were quietly conversing with one another, discussing something you couldn’t quite make out.
Deciding to take a chance, you opened your mouth to apologize as the blonde passed you, another ‘sorry’ on the tip of your tongue. However, before you could even get any semblance of a sound out, Leah interrupted you, steel blue eyes connecting with yours for the first time since the encounter.
“Save it. You’ve already done enough.” The irritation didn’t surprise you, after all, you didn’t expect her to be your biggest fan right now. Still, the contempt in her voice had you in shock, heart aching at what you had done and where it had left you. 
Eyes staying wide, body frozen to where you stood, you closed your mouth. 
It was only as Leah walked away from you that you let yourself move, immediately bringing your hands to run through your hair in frustration, before bringing them over your face in a failed attempt to rid yourself of the guilt that plagued you. 
A week had passed since the collision, the injury turning out to be nothing more than a somewhat minor ankle sprain, only looking to keep the defender out for a little less than three weeks.
In the days that had gone by thus far though, you did your best to avoid Leah, still nervous at the blonde’s initial reaction and her icy demeanour towards you.
You wanted to chalk up her disdain for you to just the unfortunate event and forget about it, but since the incident, each time that you passed her around the training grounds, she seemed to avoid you, ignoring your existence completely. And you’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt. 
You had looked up to the defender throughout your own career, marvelling at her determination and dedication even though you were only a few months younger than her. To have her nearly pretend you don’t exist whilst on the same team burned you more than you’d like to admit. 
Knowing you had to be mature however, you pretended to be fine every time you saw Leah conversing with another teammate near you. You ignored the tug in your heart when she’d greet the rest of the team, her lips magically skipping your name, as you all filed into the weight room. You told the team it was fine when they confronted you about it, even going as far as telling Kim that you didn’t take it to heart, that you understood why she was upset.
Well aware that you didn’t deserve this treatment, you still let it slide, not wanting to cause any more problems. 
You didn’t let it show to the team but now you were slightly more cautious in practices, letting more goals rocket past you, too afraid of diving too close to a teammate. It was a dangerous game you were playing, nearly putting your career on line, but you couldn’t care about that right now as much as you wanted to. Ensuring you didn’t injure any more teammates was your top priority, lest you somehow manage to turn the whole Arsenal women’s team against you after injuring yet another player.
So as practices passed, you gave your 100% during any distance shooting drills, diving left, right, and centre as needed. You did what you had to, knowing there was no one near you. But when it came to close range shooting, five-a-side, or any other drills you dialled it down. You tried to be subtle with your lessening actions but you knew that the training staff could tell. And you were proven right.
Training had just ended for the day, the cold January breeze making you shiver as you walked across the pitch. You had only made it half way over before you heard your name being called, Jonas’ booming voice carrying through the wind easily. 
Turning around, you walked to him, confusion etched on your face, dread running cold in your bones. 
“Hey, what’s up?” You tried to sound nonchalant. You’re pretty sure you failed.
“You’re holding back during practices, don’t think I can’t tell.”
“What do you mean?” You feigned innocence.
“Don’t. Listen, we brought you here for a reason, what happened with Leah was a freak accident, it wasn’t intentional and we all know that.��
Your body stiffened, swallowing audibly, aware that you just got caught. 
“I don’t care what whoever tells you. You came in here with a job to do and you were doing it well. I’d like to hope that it continues as such.” Jonas ends the conversation, leaving no room for discussion. You can only nod in response, turning around to head to the locker rooms. 
Stuck in your own musings, contemplating on your choices, you don’t see LW squared headed your way, Leah finally off the crutches she’s been using for the past week and a half.
It’s when you almost crash into them, cleats just barely appearing in your field of vision ,that you realize your predicament. Quickly throwing yourself to the side, you just barely manage to avoid hitting Leah again.
“Do you make a habit of injuring all the national captains or just the English ones?” Leah grumbled into the air, the quip no doubt directed to you even as she looked straight ahead.
“S-Sorry.” You squeaked out, picking up your pace and heading in the opposite direction.
You knew she didn’t like you. And you knew you had to make amends with it. What you couldn’t figure out yet is whether you rather have her ignore your existence or acknowledge it with her dislike for you on display.
You didn’t know it as you walked away, but the second you’re were out of earshot, Lia confronted Leah, understanding just how terrible of a position you were in right now.
“You know it wouldn’t kill you to be nice to her right?”
“It wouldn’t kill her to not injure me, especially not after I just came back from an ankle injury,” Leah muttered in response.
“Listen, she’s already been beating herself up for it ever since it happened. You need to cut her some slack.”
“No buts. Leah she’s been too afraid to even dive during close practices now. The only time she’s actively being a goalkeeper is during long distance shooting, and we both know that’s not going to do us any good and it definitely won’t do her any good.”
Pouting, it was Leah’s turn to look at her cleats, mind wandering. 
“I wasn’t that rude to her was I?” “You’ve been ignoring her for two weeks! She’s only been here for three!”
Silently groaning, the blonde continued walking.
“Yes mum?”
“Fix it.”
“Yes m-“ “And stop calling me mum, you child.”
“Yes mother.” A gentle smack hit the back of the skipper’s head before the Swiss captain took off running onto the pitch.
You thought being a backup keeper for a club like Arsenal, who already had a great goalie meant that playing time for you wasn’t going to be crazy. You believed it. Nearly confidently knew it. So when Jonas told you that they were resting Manu for the game against Leeds, your anxiety spiked through the roof. After all, it had only been a little over three weeks that you had been with the club, two of them spent with a star player of theirs injured because of you.
Aware that with the team you had the game would be easy, even if it was the fourth round of the FA cup, you weren’t worried about the Gunner’s ability to score and win. The thought of starting while being a backup goalie however, of wanting to maintain a clean sheet on your first game, intimidated you.
When you had initially got the news, two days before the game was supposed to be held, you immediately started to prepare. 
After Jonas had pulled you aside, you had gone off and begged one of the trainers to stay back and shoot at you, setting you up in tough positions and sending in shots from all sorts of angles. Spending an extra two hours on pitch that day, you tirelessly saved shot after shot, working on your release, your control of back passes, and your dropkicks, wanting to perform your best. It was only when the trainer called it a day that you agreed to go home and rest.
You spent match day minus one reviewing game footage, nervousness still rolling through your body. You had studied Leed’s strikers’ shot tendencies, taking note of how the starting XI liked to attack, but still, the weight of what this game meant for you, for your career, sat on your shoulder with a heavy weight no matter how much you prepped.
Arriving to the Meadow Park the day of the game, headphones blasting music, you tried to quell the butterflies in your stomach, tried to ease the tension in your jaw, but it was to no avail. 
Even throughout Jonas’ locker room speech and announcement of the starting lineup, your leg bounced fervently. It was only when warm-ups started that you finally started feeling a bit calmer, the familiar feeling of being on the pitch shushing the roar of voices in your head. 
However, when the team huddled up right before the game started, you could feel the nerves crawl up your spine again. It was only when you felt a hand rest on your arm did your thoughts finally branch off from the game, eyebrows furrowing as you traced the limb to its owner, Leah.
Eyes widening, you looked down at your feet, checking to see if you were maybe stepping on her foot or accidentally crowding her. Noting that you weren’t in fact injuring her in any way, you stepped back, mind reeling at the fact that Leah, the Leah that you injured not so long ago, and then almost hurt again, was willingly standing next to you right now, your arm in her grasp.
Sliding up next beside you, Leah turned to face you, your eyes meeting blue ones for the first time since the injury. 
Taking a sharp inhale, you let your head fall slightly, body deflating. You really weren’t in the mood to be reminded of how you injured the girl, not with the way you were feeling right now.
Leah sighed at your timid demeanour, Lia’s words from a week ago still whispers in her head.
She knew you had been nervous all day, very likely due to the fact that you were starting today. With the way she treated you thus far, she thought maybe she could try and help make you feel a bit more confident but clearly with the way you almost collapsed in on yourself in her presence convinced her otherwise.
Still, it was worth a shot.
“Listen, I know we haven’t started off on the greatest footing, but just know that I’m rooting for you today…we all are. You’ve got this. You weren’t starting keeper for the Red Stars for no reason, you earned it there, and you’re gonna do that again here. Don’t let the voices in your head convince you otherwise.”
The quiet words from the blonde had you frozen in your spot, the gentleness and concern catching you off guard. The words somehow managed to ease your anxiousness ever so slightly however, the weight on your shoulders easing just ever so slightly.
Nodding, you whispered out a meek thanks, eyes meeting hers to show your appreciation. 
Splitting from the rest of the team, you made your way to the goal, throwing your water bottle to the side and taking position. Stretching your neck, you let Leah’s words play in your mind, shoulders loosening up, chest puffing up in confidence.
Throughout the game, you were hyper focused, eyes tracing the ball, following its path even whilst it was wholly across the field from you. Active at every chance you needed to be, you were agile, running to aid in back passes, being aware of a few shots taken your way, ones that you caught with ease. 
By half time, your confidence in yourself was off the charts, proud of your performance and for keeping a clean sheet thus far. It also helped that the team had a comfortable 3-0 lead, thanks to Foord, Kühl, and Kim.
Making your way across the field behind the rest of your team, you saw Leah staying back, her gaze on you. As you approached, she fell into step with you.
“You did great you know? Clean sheet so far and you made a handful of key saves! Especially the one shot where you somehow managed to punch the ball just wide.” You couldn’t stop the smile that took over your face at her words, posture straightening in pride. 
“You really think so?” “Yeah. You did great. You’re not a half-bad keeper y’know…”
Walking the last little bit in silence, you internally celebrated at Leah’s words, glad that she wasn’t upset at you any more. 
As the final whistle blew, the three sharp tweets ringing throughout the pitch, you let yourself sigh in relief, all the tension leaving your body in seconds.
A content grin on your face, you grabbed your water and started making your way to the rest of the team. 
A string of claps on the back and acknowledgements from your teammates on your performance as you joined the group had you smiling, the clean sheet and nine goals scored no doubt bringing a sense of achievement to everyone. You let yourself be roughhoused by Katie, the Irish woman loudly expressing her joy and tackling you with a muffled “good game rook!” as you listened to Jonas talk. As he finished up his overview of the game, you could feel his sights rest on you, your head tilting, curious at what was going on.
“And just before I let you guys go and change, I just want to shoutout our keeper’s efforts today. From being told that she would be playing in her first game only two days ago, she’s done fantastic, keeping a clean sheet and being ready at any given point to help our defence out. I know the past few weeks have been hard to you, with the new environment and team to get used to, but you absolutely killed it and we’re all proud of you.” Directing the last few sentences to you, you looked at your feet in nervousness, overwhelmed by the support you were receiving. 
“Couldn’t have done it without you guys…thank you all, seriously,” you replied back, head raising to make eye contact with all of the gunners around you.
And as Jonas finally let you go, you let yourself take in the moment one more time, aware that while this game would be minor in the long run, it now held a special place in your heart, bringing on beginnings only you knew. 
Getting jostled out of your thoughts however, you found the English captain at your side once again.
“How you feeling?”
“Happy I think? It feels nice to be here right now.”
“Just right now?” Leah questioned, an inkling in her mind at the choice of your words, one that became concrete as you shrugged in response to her question.
“Hey listen, I’m sorry for being mean earlier. You didn’t deserve it and I had no right to be an asshole to you when it could have happened to anybody.”
“It’s fine. I’m sorry for injuring you right after you had just returned from another injury.”
“Don’t you dare apologize for that. Accident’s happen, it was just an unfortunate series of events.” “Still-”
“I’ll go back to being rude to you y’know? If you keep apologizing.”
Smiling to yourself, you sighed in defeat. 
“New slate?” You stuck out your hand, awaiting a handshake.
“New slate,” Leah agreed, her own meeting yours, three shakes between you two.
Letting go, you felt as the Leah’s arm come to rest over your shoulders, and for the first time, you held your head up high, delighted that you could stand beside her without fear. Basking in the moment, you let yourself be pulled into her side hug, cheeks hurting from smiling so much and a heart that was finally content for the first time since you joined the club.
You hadn’t meant to hurt her and you were glad she knew it. With your guys’ budding friendship now growing, you wondered what the future would hold, happy to be here, beside her, a seed of hope in your heart.
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tryingtofindava · 11 months
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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Most definitely broke into your apartment with full hostile intentions of ‘putting you to sleep.’
That didn’t happen.
When he broke in, you were so chill about it. Like- most people would be screaming n’ crying right about now.
He almost got convinced that it was a normal thing for you, murderers breaking into your apartment.
You sprayed Febreze in his eyes and he left.
Anywho, he can’t explain the exact reason why he’s became so interested in you.
You were just different.
But like, not in the ‘IM SO DIFFERENT’ way.
But don’t be too glad he let you live.
Bcs I swear this mf be following you about. Picking apart your entire being to see if you’re worth sparing. Which you were!!
You two most definitely started out with just being friends, he’s living with you rent free basically.
You fell first, he fell harder sorta thing going on.
When you two actually started dating. He was obsessed with you. Literally.
You gave him a key to your apartment so he didn’t have to use the window anymore.
That didn’t stop him. He still just uses your bedroom window.
Don’t question him about it though, he’s odd.
Won’t ever admit it, but he LOVES when you play with his hair.
Speaking of hair, if you have a pony tail in. He will 100% pull on it. GENTLY OFC!! He only tugs your hair hard when you’re sucking his-
He also likes scaring you out of nowhere. So be careful when you think you’re alone, you’re probably not.
He makes it very, very clear that you’re his. Tbh he thinks he has some sorta ownership over you.
His mouth scars are like, so, so infected. Every time they start to heal again he recuts them. So the chances are he probably leaves you to clean them.
This edge lord is a ass guy.
Like he slaps your ass randomly and if you even show any signs of annoyance, it makes him feel like he’s accomplished smth.
He’s got a god complex, make what you want with that information.
If he catches you staring OMD HE’LL GET SO COCKY.
“Like what you see, doll?”
You’ll never hear the end of it.
He’s not a big fan and of going out during the day he’s a nighttime type of dude, or in overly crowded or noisy places since he’s easily irritated, so dates aren’t really on the table for him.
And he’s not very normal looking… at least he’s hot.
But he’ll get you stuff! (he probably stole it.)
But it’s the thought that counts…!
He likes listening to your heartbeat. He likes knowing you are alive. (Again, don’t ask he’s odd.)
Mf loves winding you up, teasing you, random light touches. Anything to get you going really.
But he’ll get so pissy if you do the same thing to him.
His skin is CRUSTY. teach him about the wonders of moisturiser. I beg you.
He will randomly get very emotional, comfort him. Or try to if he lets you get close to him.
One time you woke up to him just staring at you. That was pretty fucking creepy.
But not surprising.
I mean, this dude literally stalks you n’ shit. To make sure you’re okay :)
You give him the affection and validation he craves. He’ll do anything to make sure that you’re alright.
He can’t lose you.
Not yet.
He’s still a serial killer, so he probably ups and leaves for a few days and when he comes back he won’t tell you shit. (Even though it’s really painfully obvious what he’s been up to.)
The relationship is probably a bitty toxic. He’s probably gaslit you AT LEAST once or twice.
He’s an obsessive sadist.
When he wants something, he’s gonna get it.
The relationship is about him. Him and his needs.
He still loves you dearly. But not like the normal person. He has his… own ways of showing his love.
If you could even call it that.
But he’s not below killing you if he has to.
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pinpurin · 1 year
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 1610! Miles morales x reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ hc of playing acnh with miles bc I miss playing it
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ gag worthy fluff tbh, I need me a bf like miles
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ header by pastelwalks
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tbh he probably played before u two had gotten together but let’s pretend he didn’t rn
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ miles most definitely questions everything about the game
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”why are we the only human??” “Why is the place being ran by a racoon?” “Who is this random otter in the ocean??”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷miles shaking trees and getting stung by wasp. After you told him that a villager can give him medicine he went up to one and they called him ugly LMFAO.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I feel as if miles wouldn’t be picky when it comes to villagers, he loves all of them
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ skips all of blathers dialogue. “He talks to much” 😭
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷but because of blathers he remembers so many facts about dinosaurs, bugs and fish. He even recites them if he see it in public
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “that’s a paper kite butterfly” “ I don’t now wether to write on it, fly it or spread it on toast”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He isn’t really into the whole “selling villagers thing” and when he finds out you put your villagers up for sale on discord he judges so hard😭😭
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “wdym your putting Moe up for sale???” “Miles he’s a ugly version of Tom, I don’t like him” “but FOR SALE??? That’s sounds like human trafficking”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I feel like the villagers miles would like would be Dobie and Joey, don’t ask why they’re just adorable.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ now back to the actual game, miles would have BEEF with Tom nook (just like the rest of us)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷” baby why do I have to pay a phone bill fee, he OFFERED the phone to me”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷imagine the first time he shoots down a ballon and it goes in the water LMFAO
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ when he has to build the nooks cranny alone, he would be so shocked at the amount of material he needs
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”30?? 30 iron nuggets?? How am I supposed to get 30 iron nuggets if the rock only gives me two???”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ you start to treat him like he’s your sugar baby, giving him iron, regular wood (bc that shit is hard to get for no reason), flowers,literally anything
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”hey baby, why’d you want to come to my island?? What are you dropping?? Is that MONEY, WHY ARE YOU DROPPING THOUSANDS OF BELLS??”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he always says he’s gonna pay u back but you decline ofc
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ miles gets mad when he gets a sea bass for the 90th time so you offer for him to fish on your island only for him to get another see bass
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷” I got ANOTHER SEA BASS? If I hear this joke one more time I’ll start crying. “Baby here you try” *you pull a sunfish* *angry stare in disbelief*
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he gets a little aggressive with Isabelle when she is trying to help the island get up to 3 stars and he keeps getting told “plant more flowers”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ now he gets 3 stars right, he’s fucking EXCITED like it took so long and he finally got it
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ miles fav k.k songs are kk crusin, kk surfin and kk western.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I don’t think he has a theme going on, just kinda goes w the flow but loves watch island tours on YouTube
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷miles coming over to your island just to see you beating the hell out of a villager with your net and calling them names
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”mi vida…. Why are you torturing them?..” “I want him to leave”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ most definitely has you design a Spider-Man costume for his character
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I truly don’t know what his favorite season would even be, like idk I get spring vibes but it could be anything
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ having miles come to your island to catch the spiders that are harassing you. (I’m being so fr, the spiders scare me so much, if I see one I’m closing the whole game).
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he WORSHIPS your island, like he loves it always praising you about it just UGH 😩 I LOVE HIM
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷” Amor??? Your island is so good, what?? How long did this even take?, you’re so talented I swear” “uhhhh haha it’s not that good” “ baby it’s AMAZING”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ acnh dates where Celeste is at your island and you both make wishes
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “you know… my only wish is to be with you forever” “miles, you are so corny….I love you” “I love you to mi alma”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ spending the holidays together in acnh, like him wrapping up a gift for you during Christmas and you both exchanging them 😭😭 adorable
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ telling miles all of your island drama bc he swears yours is more entertaining
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “omg baby, literally Raymond and Judy got into a fight the other day arguing about who’s better looking and Raymond said it was obviously him, so he was basically calling Judy ugly. THEN they had the audacity to ask me who looked better. “Whatttttt😮”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he loves the game truly, he plays with you whenever you ask. He just got out the shower but you wanna play? let him hurry and put clothes on and he’s yours. Just got done patrolling after a long day but you wanna play? How could ever deny you with a face like yours?
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I literally love this sm, I might have to make another one with 42!miles and another with the twins 🤔🤔🤔 let me know if y’all want that bc I’ll have it done,
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poppitron360 · 24 days
tbh i find you annoying but thats just my opinion. you're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want. good for you. my own opinion - based on petty standards and prejudice and a bit of jealousy - is not a reflection of reality and should not affect you. keep having fun.
also please don't block me because you're posting about something i like and it's not very well known and i just needed to get this out because id explode
… Okay?
This ask is fascinating to me and I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. Imma disect your comment like a lil bug real quick, if that’s okay with you?
If it doesn’t affect me why did you tell me? Like what was the purpose of telling me that you find me annoying? What validation does that give you?
Like you took all that time and effort to 1) seek out my blog 2) read enough of my posts to come up with a REALLY REALLY GOOD BURN LIKE WOW THAT IS SO CLEVER 3) Click on the ask button 4) write this comment 5) CHANGE THE FREAKING FONT- Like you went through the whole process of highlighting that line of text, clicking the “minimise” AND the “strikethrough” buttons and THEN 6) pressing send and you didn’t stop to think ONCE “hey… why the hell am I doing this?”
It always baffles me when people tell me these things like they think I’m not already painfully aware of it. Like I know that I’m annoying to some people THAT’S WHY I’M HERE!!! I have found the one community of people that find what I’m saying interesting!
I’m not posting for YOU I’m posting for THEM. You think I give a shit what you think about me? Are you THAT self-centred? Maybe my posts aren’t tailored to you, and that’s fine! Not everyone is making content specifically for your consumption, and might just be marketing to a different audience. If you’re not pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down, that’s okay. Maybe I’m just not putting it down for your specific needs.
You know, before I joined Tumblr, a comment like this would have sent me SPIRALLING. But now I’ve realised that there is actually a place and a people to whom I am entertaining. I just gotta find the right audience.
One of my favourite inspirational quotes ever is by Einstein and it’s that “everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it would think itself an idiot” or words to that effect. Yeah- my talent for spinning Leo Valdez round my brain like a candy-floss machine until it eventually turns into content isn’t necessarily “fun at parties” or useful for getting a job or good for… y’know… anything applicable to the Real World™️ but here I’ve found where I CAN put it to good use! And a year ago I didn’t have that.
Before Tumblr, my lil fishy body was struggling ‘er way up that tree. Here, I’ve found my ocean!
Not sure where this metaphor is going in relation to the topic of you finding me annoying… I guess fish me doesn’t feel like such an “idiot” now that I’ve found where I belong? Like I know that my talents are niche but SOMEONE likes ‘em. Actually quite a lot of people like ‘em, judging by my follower count. And I didn’t get this far by just having a cute cat pic as my pfp, but by actually building my skill and working hard! And I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished. SO FUCK YOU!!! HUZZAH!!!
I’m aware of how much of an asshole I sound like, but honestly? I am proud of myself. And my girl deserves her moment.
I feel a little bad responding guns-ablaze bc your hate comment was legitimately kinda nice and considerate?
But Also- how weird is this as a hate comment? Like you’re being insulting but you’re also saying you like my stuff? Geez, it says a lot about you that you can’t even send anon hate correctly.
If you wanna keep reading my stuff, go ahead! You just either gotta power through whatever weird complex you have about me, or just don’t read it. I don’t really see what good sending me this ask will do. Whatever gripe you have, put it aside. Like how I put aside your lack of capital letters in that comment, knowing that my stupid obsessive thing with Grammar shouldn’t affect how I treat other people, and that that is my OWN problem to deal with.
I’m being silly here. I’ve just never had the confidence to roast my haters before. I’ve never had haters to roast (online, anyway) so forgive my overzealousness. If you couldn’t tell- I was a theatre kid and still am…
In all seriousness, I like how self-aware you are that you’re being prejudiced and jealous. And I’m kinda curious as to what specifically you’re jealous of? But that’s just to boost my own ego.
I’m aware that I can be a little intimidating sometimes, particularly in a written form of socialisation. I like grammar, okay? I like rules and guidelines and careful, creative choices to show emotion and how you can break the rules in certain ways to give depth and nuance to the character and find the pattern of letters and characters to communicate what you’re feeling over a written format and-
If you couldn’t tell by all the fanfics I write- I also have a passion for writing.
Also, what specific prejudices? I’m genuinely intrigued. Is it specifically based off of one of the protective characteristics (under the 2011 Equality Act)? Or is it more just the way I behave? Or is it something I said? Like don’t be shy I don’t want vague I want DETAILS!!
And I realise that me writing a whole freaking dissertation on your comment just PROVES your point that I’m annoying but I. Don’t. Care. I’m having fun. I can’t help that I have a lot of Thoughts And Feelings about things. It���s just how my brain works. Also, it is currently 1:23am where I live, so brain go brrr. If you made it this far, anon, I salute you! Thank you for taking the time to hear me out even though you think I’m annoying. That’s honestly a good quality to have. Here, have a sweet 🍬
And I know that that was… intense, to say the least. Oh BOY do I know that I can be intense. But genuinely- GENUINELY- I’d love to sit down and have a discussion with you on this because it truly fascinates me how other people perceive me. And, if you’re comfortable coming out of anon (if not, that’s fine) I’d like to learn more about why you think these things. Not necessarily so that I can change- but it’d be a great opportunity to see what I can learn about myself through what you think at me. I know it seems like I’m mad- I’m really not! I’m just captivated by the world and how others look at me.
Anyway, thanks for hearing me out, and I hope to have good conversations with legitimate constructive criticism in many posts to come! Never stop being passionate. Just maybe direct your passion to something more positive. Thank you so much for the ask, this was a really good thought experiment for me.
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epictacobird · 2 years
Demon slayer! MC working at the Mostro Lounge
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Ok ok so Octavinelle's part of my demon slayer MC series is coming out soon and I have so many ideas that I can't fit in there bc I don't want my favoritism for Azul to show that badly so this is a thing.
Content: Azul pining over demon slayer!MC
No gendered pronouns are used for mc, only "you"
Warnings: Azul being oblivious to himself, angst if you squint and look away
Demon slayer! MC who enjoys working a little too much
At first, Azul figured you were just happy to finally be making money outside of Crowley’s shitty allowance. I mean, no one can be that genuinely excited to wait tables and wash dishes.
Except for you that is.
He wasn’t complaining, not at all, it was just a little unusual. You never complained about any work he assigned you, unlike a certain eel. You were even just as efficient at scaring away rowdy customers.
Truthfully, the reason why you liked working there was because you were so busy. It made you feel more normal, as if you really left behind your life as a slayer. Or maybe working just let you not think about it in the first place. Either way, Azul clearly appreciated the extra labor. Just as Grim appreciated the pricier tuna.
One day he caught you singing to yourself while you were washing dishes.
Hushabye baby bunny on the hill…
Tell me why your eyes are very red…
Because when my mother was expecting me she dined on red berries from a tree…
And that is why my eyes are so very red…
It was a simple lullaby, and yet you held such a genuine smile while singing. It must’ve been from your home. Were you feeling homesick? Is that why you’ve taken so many shifts lately?
He wanted to ask about it but reasoned against it. You always kept him at an arms length after his overblot. He didn’t want to make it worse by suddenly asking you such a personal question.
Maybe later then….
Demon slayer! Mc who is enamoured by the large aquariums all around them.
You tried so hard not to let your giddiness show when you first stepped foot in the lounge with Jack. Imagine! Tanks as large as these embedded to the walls with tons of colorful sea-life and fish, you never thought you'd see anything like it.
Tbh you were actually a little grateful for the whole situation, | mean, you got to go underwater and see the sea life outside of those tanks. Ace and Deuce were a little worried about how side tracked you suddenly got when y’all were down there lol.
So when you got a job at the Mostro Lounge and were now able to stare at those tanks all day you could barely hide your excitement.
Azul took notice of this quickly, you never let it distract you from work but it was a little endearing how you were so fascinated by the aquariums. Platonically, that is.
One day he caught you staring at one of the aquariums while you were cleaning tables after closing. There was a look on your face of innocent wonder, very different from the normally gloomy cloud that hung over your eyes.
From the angle he was at he couldn't tell what you were staring at. Whatever it was it held your attention in a vice grip, I mean you didn't even notice him as he walked closer. Or when he cleared his throat...or when he called your name... you're not ignoring him are you?
Azul called your name one more time and he finally caught your attention. You whipped your head around, "Oh! Sorry Azul I didn't notice you. Did you need something?"
Azul sighed, “Not in particular, I was just wondering what had your attention. It's not like you to stare off in the middle of work."
You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the nape of your neck as you answered, “Well, I was actually looking at this one little guy in the tank. You see I don't have stuff like this back in my world so it's all kind of new to me." You laughed, “It probably sounds a little stupid to you, being a merman and all."
Azul shook his head, “Not at all, which fish were you looking at?”
He expected you to point out on of the colorful fish around you. After all, their large fins and the way they effortlessly swam through the clear water was pleasing to the eye. He would never admit it, but he was a little upset. It was rare the insecurities from his past came up nowadays but you were different for a reason he couldn’t explain. He wanted to impress you, and if you were attracted to the fins that he could never have then what would he do then? Maybe he was thinking too much…
You smiled, and pointed to a small creature sitting at the bottom of the tank. It was perfectly camouflaged amount the sand and rocks. His heart did a flip, out of surprise or something else he couldn’t tell. He was just grateful you weren’t looking at him in that moment.
“That’s an octopus, I didn’t actually know we had one of them in here.” Floyd must have put it in, Azul thought bitterly.
“Wait, seriously? That’s what they look like?”
Azul cringed a little inwardly, preparing for the worst.
“That’s so cool! I never thought they looked like that. I mean, I’ve eaten them before but I’ve never seen one alive. I thought they were red!”
The look on your face was comparable to a kid getting candy you were so happy. You were enamored by the octopus the entire time? The little sea dweller stuck at the bottom while the other fish sore high above you?
God, why did he feel like this? Heat pooled in his cheeks as he watched the smile on your face grow wider.
He wished he could make you this happy everyday…
He adjusted his glasses unnecessarily and looked away, “All octopi have the ability to camouflage to their surroundings. Only a few species are red naturally.”
Suddenly he was caught in a whirlwind of your excited questions. He forgot how behind your world was in terms of science and research. There was probably no way for you to actually study any of this before now. Either way he was happy to answer all of them. He reasoned that this was the best way he could finally build actual trust. That was important for a good work environment between employer and employee after all…
Demon slayer!MC who once saved Azul from falling flat on the floor (although he can’t tell if he would’ve rather you let him fall)
He doesn’t know how it happened, sure he wasn’t the most graceful walking around when he first got legs but he couldn’t have seriously tripped on air!
He just was walking down the stairs to check if everything was running smoothly. Maybe he was distracted by the way you smiled at the customers as you took their orders, or the way you winked at him as you walked past. Either way he felt his stomach drop when his foot missed the next step. He slid backwards and braced himself-
Except it never came, rather than the edge of the stairs his head hit the comfort of your arms. were you always this strong?
He didn’t get to dwell on it for long though. He felt the uncomfortable stares and whispers a little too much for his liking. He quickly pushed himself out of you arms and adjusted himself.
“Are you alright Azul? You look a little red, you’re not sick are you?”
“No! No, I’m fine. Thank you.” He spoke quickly, desperately trying to avoid your eyes.
You frowned, but took his excuse with a sympathetic smile, “Alright, if you say so. Don’t work too hard alright? You could’ve gotten hurt.” With that you walked off to the kitchen, leaving him to deal with the customers who were suddenly very interested in the whole event.
What he would give to crawl into an octopot right now to hide away his fast beating heart…
“Ehhh, Shrimpy you should just kiss him already.”
“Floyd! It’s not like that!”
“It was a stunning performance Prefect. I’m sure Azul appreciated it.”
“Jade! Not you too..” You sighed as you collected the orders for your table, “Azul could’ve gotten hurt so I helped him. That’s all.”
The twins laughed to themselves, keeping their sadistic grins plastered on their faces as you sighed.
Azul did look pretty cute all surprised like that though…
The twins gave you their signature eerie smile. There really was no convincing them. You just shook your head in defeat, smiling a little to yourself as you watched Azul talk to another customer. At least he’s alright…
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enid-rhees · 8 months
Please oh please give us a jealous Enid smut where she's bitter at how much time fem reader is spending time with (somebody either their age or someone fem reader has a crush on, eg daryl or Carl, etc) and so she decides to assert her dominant side
jealousy, jealousy || enid rhee x fem!reader
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genre: SMUT. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI.
warnings: thigh riding, oral (r. receiving) face riding, scissoring, strap-on use, edging, possessive!Enid, also dom!Enid (my fav 🤭) (also a bit of soft dom!Enid)
a/n: i went a little crazy - you guys have no idea how much i love writing Enid smut. like omg. thank you sm for your request, anon! hope you enjoy! icon made by @elisiassideb1tch ✨ (using this one again bc it’s one of my favs tbh)
also disclaimer: i love Lydia, and as soon as i’m sorted out i will probably be adding her to my writing list :] the plot for this story is just for the request, it doesn’t reflect my feelings on Lydia :)
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why did you always have to be with Lydia?
it really annoyed Enid. she wanted to spend time with you as well, but you were always with Lydia. Enid sees you with her right now, laughing and jokingly hitting each other every time one of you says something.
Enid could feel her blood slowly start to boil. why couldn’t she have you too? she wanted to make you laugh, she wanted to be the one sitting next to you. well, Enid wanted to more than just those two things. things Lydia wouldn’t be able to do to you, only her.
you looked away from Lydia, and caught Enid staring at you. you smiled at her and waved, and Enid faked an innocent smile and waved back. Lydia nudged your shoulder and you looked back at her, “i think she wants to talk to you.” she whispered with a cheeky smile.
you smiled back and Enid felt herself getting upset again, but then you turned back to her and hopped off the chair you were in and ran over to her. “hi.” you smiled, and Enid couldn’t fake the smile that painted her lips. “hey.”
“did you wanna talk about something?” you questioned, wrapping your arms over yourself. “yeah, uh, can we head inside?” Enid asked, and you nodded. “yeah, yeah of course.”
the two of you walked inside and Enid started walking to her room, so you followed her. once you were in, Enid closed and locked her door. before you could say anything else, you were suddenly pushed against the door, Enid’s face barely touching yours. your eyes widened, “Enid?” you whispered. her green eyes darkened, and your knees went weak.
“i can’t stand it.” she growled, practically against your lips. “you’re always with Lydia, and she’s always the one making you laugh. why can’t that be me? i want to be the one to make you laugh, to make you smile, to make you moan my name and have everyone know you’re mine. i want you to be mine.”
if it weren’t for Enid keeping you up against the door, your knees would’ve fallen completely weak. “i want to be yours.” you whispered. “make me yours.”
Enid didn’t need to be told twice. she finally closed the distance and kissed you. both of you couldn’t help but moan into each other’s mouth. your hands wrapped over her neck and pulled her body against yours. she pulled away from your swollen lips and instead attached her lips to your neck. you moaned in utter pleasure and tangled your fingers into her hair, tugging on it softly.
she began marking your neck, leaving marks in places everyone could see. Enid tore your flannel off your body and began leaving more marks down your collarbone and down the valley of your breasts, you could only tighten your grip in her hair. her fingers reached behind and effortlessly unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the ground. Enid practically drooled at the sight of your breasts in front of her, nipples hard and aching to be touched.
Enid wrapped her lips around one, eliciting a gasp from your lips. her hand grabbed the other, rubbing it between her finger and thumb. the feeling between your legs was growing hotter and hotter, you needed her now. “Enid.” you whined, “i need you so bad… please.” she pulled away from your breasts and looked up at you. “yeah? what do you want me to do to you, baby?”
she then cupped you through your jeans and you moaned loudly. “i need…” you gasped as Enid started to kiss at your neck again, purposely throwing you off. “i need you… to fuck me.” that’s all Enid to hear as she pulled you away from her bedroom door and pushed you down onto her bed. Enid unbuttoned your jeans and threw them across the room when she slipped them off your legs, not knowing or caring where they landed.
your folds were already soaking, dripping down onto Enid’s sheets. but she didn’t care, not even a little. Enid began to take her own clothes off as well, throwing them wherever yours landed. you couldn’t stop staring down at her chest, all you wanted to do was squeeze and suck on her breasts like it would be your last meal. you couldn’t help but crawl over to her and sit on her thighs, taking one in your mouth. a low moan left Enid’s lips.
your body ached for friction, and you began to slowly rut yourself onto Enid’s thigh. a laugh then came from Enid, “you’re so needy. who got you like this?” you whimpered around her breast, moving faster against her thigh. the friction against your clit was euphoric, you couldn’t stop. Enid’s thigh was covered in your slick, but she didn’t care. the mess you were making on her only made Enid want to ruin you more.
she put a hand on your jaw, forcing to pull away from her breast. you continued to rut against her thigh desperately. “i asked you a question, pretty. who’s gotten you so needy?” your head fell on her shoulder as you moaned loudly. “you!” you cried out, gripping onto her shoulder as you began to move faster on her thigh.
“that’s right.” she hummed, placing one kiss on your neck. when you felt your orgasm began to approach, Enid removed you from her thigh, pushing you back down on your back. she spread your legs wide open and got on her stomach, placing each leg over her shoulders. you whined at the loss of your orgasm, but it was cut off with a loud moan as Enid thrusted her tongue inside of you with no warning.
you tugged on her hair again, and Enid moaned into you. your eyes widened and your back arched at the vibration it sent up your body. Enid reached forward and pushed your hips down, pinning you to the bed. her tongue was ravenous inside of you, eating you out like she hasn’t eaten in days. you almost couldn’t handle it; hips constantly trying to push up against Enid’s hands and endless moans coming out of your mouth.
Enid was loving it, she couldn’t get enough of knowing there were people who could be hearing you moaning right now, and it was all for her. she purposefully moved her head up slightly so her nose would rub against your clit, just to get you to moan louder, and it worked like a charm. your moans were beautifully loud, Enid didn’t want you to stop.
she pulled away, her lips glistening in your juices. Enid licked her lips happily, moaning at the taste of you. she tapped your thighs as you were catching your breath. “ride my face.” she practically demanded. your stomach did flips at that, something about Enid being dominant over you drove you crazy. Enid laid on her back and you placed your thighs on either side of her head, slowly lowering yourself down onto her.
Enid already had her tongue out for you, and you cried out as her tongue immediately started to lap at your slick once more. she held your waist tightly as you gripped her headboard for balance. you started to move your hips against her lips, head falling back at the feeling. one of your hands let go of the headboard and grabbed a fistful of Enid’s hair while you grind into her mouth.
you couldn’t stop moaning. constant whines, moans and small cries left your lips every second from the pleasure Enid was giving you. “fuck! hng… mhm, oh, Enid!”
Enid’s nails dug into your skin, but it was only more pleasurable. “don’t… don’t stop! Enid, please. oh my god.” your jaw was dropped wide open, letting everyone know that you were getting fucked so good by Enid. and more importantly to Enid, letting Lydia know.
your movements quickened as you felt your orgasm begin to come closer and closer. your stomach tightened. “oh… Enid. i’m close! Enid… i’m- i’m going to-“ Enid pushed you off of her, and you whined yet again at the loss of your orgasm. “Enid please… need to cum.” you cried out.
Enid crawled over you and began to kiss your neck harshly. “tell me.” she spoke sternly. “who do you belong to?” your hands clung to her back as a breathy moan left your lips. “have i already fucked you dumb? just from my tongue? who do you belong to?” Enid repeated, sucking harder on your neck.
“you! i belong… to you!” you cried out. “i’m yours. i’m all yours... no one else’s.” you began to just spill out words from your lips like a mantra. your hands scratched up and down her back, leaving bright red marks behind. “only i can make you feel this good. only i can make you scream this loud for everyone to hear, not Lydia, me.”
Enid sat up and fit her legs between yours, lowering her hips until your clits met. both of you released loud moans at the contact. she began to move her hips against yours, the headboard now lightly hitting the wall.
both of you were in complete heaven. your head was fuzzy, only being able to comprehend the amount of pleasure Enid was giving you. you’ve dreamed of this for months. and Enid- she couldn’t believe this was finally happening. she’s spent just as long as you, watching you and imagining the things she could be doing to you. figuring out ways to keep your attention only her and not just Lydia.
seeing you today — being so affectionate with Lydia just set something off in Enid. she was so tired of secretly pining over you, she finally decided to do what she’s been fantasizing about. and the fact that you gave into her so quickly — how you’ve been wanting this almost as much as her — she couldn’t hold herself back any longer.
you looked so ethereal under Enid. body glistened with a light layer of sweat, your breasts were constantly bouncing up and down in front of her, and your mouth was dropped open with beautiful sounds coming out. if Enid could have you like this for the rest of time, she can easily say she’s already lived her life to the fullest. this is all she needed - you were all she needed.
“ohh, Enid. oh- fuck! please! faster… please.” Enid couldn’t deny you, especially when you were begging like that. she started to move her hips faster with yours, your clits rubbing together so perfectly.
“i’m- i’m gonna cum, Enid. please… please let me-“ Enid suddenly stopped her moments, and you whined again. “not yet, sweetheart.” she whispered, kissing your lips sweetly. you sloppily made out for a few minutes, hands running all over each others bodies. “can you take one more thing for me, sweetheart? can you take my cock?” you moaned against her lips at that, stomach tightening in anticipation. “yes… i need your cock, Enid.”
Enid briefly removed herself from your body and reached under her bed. she grabbed a box and quickly grabbed her strap from inside, throwing the box to the side. you had no idea where Enid managed to find one, but you didn’t care, the sight of it made your core ache. Enid wrapped it around her lower hips. she then spread your legs wide open and slid her cock up and down your soaking folds. your head fell back on the pillow as you moaned out.
she entered you without warning, and you cried out. Enid slid in so easily due to how wet you were for her. your slick dripped down your thighs and onto her bedsheets. Enid hung your legs over her thighs and gripped your waist, pounding into to you mercilessly. the base of the strap hit back against her clit, causing Enid to start moaning as well.
the headboard was now being slammed against the wall with how hard she was thrusting into you. neither of you cared though, you were in too much pleasure to care. your hands tightly gripped onto her bedsheets while Enid tightened her grip on your waist. your body was on full display for her, and you were absolutely beautiful — so fucked out for her.
skin slapping could also be heard throughout the room. Enid didn’t let up on her pace, in fact, she thrusted faster into you. “oh! oh my god, Enid. oh- faster. please, fuck me faster!” how could she say no to you? Enid kept a firm grip on your waist and pounded even harder into you.
“you’re doing so good for me, my love. taking my cock so well…” Enid hummed. she couldn’t control her moans after that, the pleasure from the base of her strap intensifying. “am i making you feel good, pretty?”
“yes… so good! so, so good.” you blabbered on, and it was only fueling Enid’s pride. your hand let go of the bedsheets and gripped onto her arm as she continued to thrust into you. you couldn’t help but look down and watch Enid’s cock slide in and out of you. you moaned at the sight, the intense feeling inside of you slowly growing. “like what you see, honey? you like watching yourself getting fucked?”
her words had such an effect on you, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. “you feel so good, Enid.” you whined. “‘m getting close.” you mumbled to her.
“me too, honey. let’s cum together.” Enid told you. you nodded as she kept up her ruthless thrusts. both of you started to moan more and more as your orgasms got closer. Enid’s thrusts started to slowly lose rhythm the closer she got to her peak, so she thrusted harder instead. “ohh-oh, Enid, i’m coming!” you yelled. exploding, white hot pleasure took over your body and you screamed out. Enid thrusted into you once, staying buried deep inside of you as her orgasm hit her as well. the room once again filled with moans as you rode out your highs.
Enid gently pulled out of you and took the strap off before falling against your sweaty body. both of you needed to catch your breath, but you needed each others lips more. your lips connected sloppily and Enid kept you pinned to her mattress. after a few minutes, she finally pulled away from you and leaned her head on yours as you both caught your breath.
“you know,” you started and sat up, Enid following. you sat on her lap and hung your arms over her neck. “as much as i fucking enjoyed everything you just did to me, you do know that Lydia is just my friend, yeah?” you asked teasingly, lightly brushing your fingers through her hair.
“i know,” Enid hummed, pressing one quick kiss to your lips. “but i was just getting so… jealous. she was always making you laugh, hugging you, touching you… and i couldn’t keep my feelings in any longer. and today, i couldn’t hold back.” Enid explained, hands running over your body gently. she rubbed your hips soothingly.
“i don’t know why you never did this sooner… i thought it might’ve been obvious that i wanted you too. but i’m definitely not complaining. that was fucking amazing… i’ve never felt so good before.” you told her. “and i mean it, i’m all yours. no one else’s. you’re the only one who could ever make me feel that good.”
Enid connected your lips again and you happily kissed her back. “i’m yours, and you’re mine.” she whispered against your lips. “all yours.” you whispered back, letting Enid push you back down on the bed.
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Hello! I just started reading fixer upper and I love it so far finding stuff for Kurapika is so hard these days😭. I was wondering why didn’t killua take alluka to live with him and reader? Since there was this whole thing in the anime about him taking responsibility for her bc she was mistreated by the zoldyks is there a chapter about that?
So shortly after the Chimera Ant Arc, alluka did live with Reader and Killua for a bit, but once she was 12 she went to take the Hunter Exam and now goes on adventures with her friends, like Gon and Killua! She comes back home for holidays and when she’s tired from traveling, but otherwise she has her own life.
It was a bit hard for Killua to accept at first, but he came to understand that she was just like her big brother and needed to spread her wings and grow! He couldn’t coddle her forever.
Also, I feel like Alluka partially felt like a bit of a burden to Killua because he stayed with her out of obligation as her big brother. She wanted to release him, to let him live his own life where she wasn’t “in the way”. She’s a bit insecure with her place in Killua’s life tbh, but it gets better over time. She just knows that Gon is the number one person in Killua’s life, and she doesn’t want to get in the way of their relationship by “dragging him down”.
I want them to have a heart to heart, possibly in an extra chapter. He reassures her that she was never a burden, and she’s able to accept that Gon is the one that gave Killua purpose.
The reason she attaches herself so hard to Reader is because she feels safe with her, like she can be a child without consequence or fear. Nanika sees Reader as a mother, while Alluka views her as a big sister.
TLDR; Alluka has her own life outside of Killua
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dadsdaugther · 2 months
sooooooo I went out to a queer club with A yesterday. And we got drunk and had a lovely night and I met her friend and she was super nice and friendly. And then when A started to get drunk and she had those weird puppy eye face and then she started to have these emotional talks with me about how I am as a person and how we’ve come to know each other pretty well in a short time. Then she also started to mention that she felt protective of me and that she wanted to make sure I dated a good person bc I deserved that.
And she started to talk about why she couldn’t date me and she was very serious throughout that conversation. She’s usually only silly so that was new. And she talked about she had a hard time explaining her feelings to the person she cared for. And then she told me that she cared for me and that I’m so easy to talk to and open up to. And I think throughout this conversation I was so confused about her intentions.
She told me that she felt a lot more about me than she thought she did. And I realised that I’ve had it the same way. And I tbh knew that she felt more than she admitted. Bc well she stayed at my place for 48 hours the first time we met. Of course she felt something more than that. And then it started to get late and then early in the morning. And she told me how she wanted to make me feel better when I text her I have anxiety. And that she wants to make sure I sleep well.
And in the beginning I very much took all what she said lightly tbh. But bc ppl talk you know?? Then they don’t act. And I explained to her that I don’t believe words, I believe actions.
I know that she cares for me. I know that she thinks I’m wonderful and I also now know that she’s felt like that for some time. So the reason why she didn’t want to date me had literally nothing to do with me. So I was right.
now it’s 6am in the morning and I’m so tired and drunk that I can’t help but fall into all this stuff. She holds me. She dances with me. She said she wanted to follow me home bc I live a dangerous place lol not true. But I let her do that and we try and fall asleep together. But my heart is pounding and she comforts me and does breathing exercises with me. And all this is very cute n love. Here’s the issue
A hasn’t fully accepted that she’s into girls and that A is bi which is affecting her a lot.
so she likes me. I like her. And we can’t date basically bc A has some challenges which I understand completely. But this is one of the hardest things ever to like each other and not be able to do the stuff you really want to. And we were both very annoyed and affected by that. I’ve never tried this stuff before and it’s really absolutely horrible.. bc love and stuff is just not enough to make a relationship. That sucks so bad.
yea .. and then I cried. And she cried and then I comforted her and my heart was pounding and then she comforted me and then I could feel I needed to make a very clear boundary. So I told her: “it’s okay that we cuddled together today without having sex. But from this day forward I have to sweep all this stuff under rug and pretend like you don’t have all these feelings for me. Bc if I will fall into it and I will be greatly disappointed if you aren’t able to be secure about a relationship with me.” and then I also said “if anything changes with this way you feel about communication in a relationship and being in a wlw relationship, you will come and tell me but till then I will pretend like this never happened so we can be friends”
then we snuggled for 12 hours straight and made out constantly the last hour and my cunni was SOAKED. We still didn’t fuck bc I would be wayyy sadder if we did than I already am.
and yea idk then she texted me a few hours later after how it was going at my friend’s place and I had to tell to not text me for a while so I can find myself in all this
so I think I managed pretty well putting down boundaries but damn the pain in my heart feels very heavy :// and I know it’ll be better soon.
If it happens, it happens. I’ll take one day at a time. But no matter what I feel I won’t use my time on someone who doesn’t feel secure to be in a relationship. Even when I know for a fact that the reason has absolutely nothing to do with me. I know that A’s challenges should and will be solved by A and A knows that too.
she’s ridiculously caring and attentive and I hate the fact that she’s actually such a good girl bc then I can’t hate her guts.
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aleksa-sims · 11 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Pregnancy, adult topics, cheating
I didn’t think I’d get so jealous. But it’s my own fault I would say. 😕Nobody forced me to come here, where my ex and his (Ex) -fiancée lived together...
Nico: Sorry. But I put away almost everything that was possible. Her furnishings I can’t just let disappear overnight.
Me: What?... Um, no! I-... I don’t mind those furniture she bought or all that stuff. It looks great. Tbh, this is perfect! I just wonder, why didn’t it look like this in our apartment back then? I couldn’t even buy a new couch, without you starting to discuss with me. But you allowed her to change everything here.
Nico: Didn’t you listen to me a few mins ago? She bought all this shit here without my permission. I had no idea about it! I was playing soccer abroad. And you got a new couch back then. Just remember how many times I painted the walls for you. Hm?
Me: All this here looks pretty expensive, compared to our apartment. I kind of feel like she’s.... like Isabella.🤑
Nico: Isabella?... Hell, no! ..And she’s not wealthy like Isabella, if that’s what you wanted to know. Actually, she’s like.... you. Self-conscious, anxious, indecisive, a bit shy and.... sad. 🫤
Me: You must have a weakness for depressed women, ha?
Nico: You know what I meant. But she's not hooked, she has other serious..... issues. Just she’s not as cute and hot as you are to me.
Me: Yea, sure.... I just don’t understand why you moved in with her? I mean, you have a house! A pretty big one! An apartment was not really necessary. 🤨
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Nico: Excuse me?.. Why would I live with my mother? You and P. also had plans to move together. Why is it allowed for you, but not for me?... Yes, he told me you chose him, when I visited him at his fucking college. So I had to move away, to avoid the two of you! But this here isn't her place. I was here before she and I got....well, serious.
Me: Sorry. I didn’t mean to. And I didn’t really choose Philip. I thought I had it, but.... no. I lied to him and myself. I always felt bad about you and he too! That’s why it was so easy for me to fall in love with Daniel. Frankly... I was glad that it was over with Philip. I didn’t want anything to do with you two, after I was with him abroad. 😒
Nico: That wasn't my fault, his ... Natasha bitch. I never did such a shit to you. But to be clear, I’m not blaming you for my own mistake! I’m sorry I asked you to sleep with him. I never admitted it, but.. the first time I saw you & him together,..... I wanted to kill P. ... Yea, now it’s out. I was jealous. Even though that damn thing was my fucking idea.🤷‍♂️
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Me: And still, you insisted that I continue.......Hm? You know? But that spa-weekend was pretty nice. We should definitely repeat this. Just the two of us, of course!! Without Philip...... So sorry, N.
Nico: And I'm sorry for being crazy. I was so stupid to share you with Philip and pass between the two of us. I thought that would help you and I trusted P. Never thought he’d take you away from me. I was sure you would choose me if necessary.
Me: I chose you, but I couldn’t tell anyone. I didn't want to hurt P., so I went nuts and told my Dad.🤦‍♀️I told him the last 3 weeks alone with P. were hard. He locked me up not to relapse... and that you couldn't leave me alone, bcs I started using. I said all this to him... I wanted my Dad to get me out of that mess. Not really, I just didn't know what to do?...I was so unhappy bcs you had to go back to Italy. And at the same time afraid to lose P. But my crazy Dad sent you away, not Philip.
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A bit later....
Nico: That movie sucks, babe. You really wanna keep watching this crap?... I’d rather continue with you.😏
Me: I gotta tell you something... Something serious. (🍼🤰 )
Nico: Daniel?? 🙄
Me: Agh, no... Anyway, let's talk later. I want you, too N.
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Nico: From now on, you stay with me.
Me: She didn't even really move out here.... but I'd love to stay with you. 🩷
Nico: Then you stay, babe. No time to waste. I have so many plans for you. But most importantly, you divorce Daniel.
Me: This time, I’m not questioning what you’re up to.. I’ll do whatever you want. Besides, I have plans for you too. (😬🍼) And Daniel took off anyway. He doesn't want me.
Nico: His mistake, my gain. Such an moron!
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And that's N.'s (ex-) fiancée. Stephanie.🤨 Don’t worry, she didn’t catch us in bed!!! But she was there! I didn’t see her myself the moment she came. I was sleeping. Nico was up. She came by to pick up her stuff, he thought. But she also wanted to talk to him and did not intend to leave. He didn’t tell her I was in his bedroom, he just asked her to leave. Nico told me she was crying and wearing... sleepwear?
He seemed worried and was somehow.... weird to me after she showed up at his place. I had the feeling, he didn’t want me anymore? 😞 All though a few hours ago, he wanted me to stay with him. He wanted me to move in with him. You know? However, I asked him to drive me home to my parents. I had to change & shower, so yea, he dropped me at my parent's house and said, that he would pick me up in 2 hours. I was so relieved that he wanted to come back. I was afraid to lose him a second time. Besides, I was pregnant. I mean, I haven’t taken a test yet, but I just knew it. Something changed in my body, I could literally feel it. It was like the last time I was pregnant. And btw, I told Nico what happened to me last year, about this whole annoying issue with my contraception. He reacted totally relaxed. He said, if I want a baby, he wouldn’t use protection. I really didn’t expect that!! 😲 I knew Nico never wanted to have children. At least not at this point. I was about to tell him, I was very likely pregnant, but I wanted to take a test first, to be absolutely sure!! I was so happy about N.’s composure on this subject. I already imagined our future with our Baby and all this. 🩵 Just as I mentioned before, the next morning, all this seemed to be in danger, bcs of that girl, Stephanie. 😓
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outro-jo · 1 year
Royal Reunion
pairing: best friend prince bang chan (chris) x gn royal reader
type: imagine
warnings: none i don’t think, my writing is probably annoying bc i went a little too fluffy 🙃😂
a/n: i wanted to post this when i had part 2 done and tbh i might not even do a part 2. idk what to call this but just know that i hate the title too
masterlist | info
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“his eyes—no, his smile!” 
a face you’ve seen since you were a child and you can’t seem to decide on your favorite feature. thankfully the owner wasn’t inquiring.
“oh, pick something already!” your younger sister groaned.
she had piled into your bed chambers with you while the lightning struck and thunder cracked outside. the poor thing was deathly afraid of storms and you being the protective older sibling must help. it was not only your sibling duty but will eventually be a sworn duty as future ruler, though your tasks would be much more important. 
“it’s just so hard because he has the best smile but when i was with him before he had flecks of gold in his dark eyes that reflected with the sun.” you swoon and zone out until a pillow was launched at your head. “hey!” 
the thunder outside wanted a word as it shattered once more, sending your baby sister jumping into your arms. you held her tight and close to your chest, resting your head on hers, stroking the soft ringlets of hair.
“do you think he likes you, too?” she asked softly as silence fell on the room once more.
you leaned up and looked down at her, “i’m not sure, little one. i hope he does.” you chewed the inside of your lip in thought.
it had been been quite a few years since you last saw the boy. well, he was a boy then and surely would be a man by now. his own family in the kingdom to the south was no doubt preparing him to begin his reign as king. you smiled at the thought, knowing he would be the best king.
you remember fondly visiting his kingdom once when you were 11. he showed you how to sneak out by the stables and go into town to see the village. it was the first time you had ever seen a bustling town and been able to enjoy it rather than being escorted from place to place to fulfill your schedules. the young prince took you to the market, showing you all kinds of food being made and trinkets being sold, including the bracelet on your wrist with his initial hidden on the inside of the band. 
the next morning, you stood in the foyer fidgeting with the very bracelet on your wrist  as you anxiously awaited his arrival. you could hardly sleep a wink the night before and it wasn’t the storm keeping you up or the continuing question from the youngest of the family. your mind kept racing all night thinking of him. 
would he still care for you? is he still handsome? could you still have fun and run about like children or has time and propriety come to serve as a new master to make things awkward between the two of you?
the incessant, plaguing thoughts were interrupted by a carriage rumbling down the gravel drive. 
“THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE!” you sister cried out and took off to greet them.
“darling!” your mother called to reign her in. “i know you’re excited but let’s not bombard our guests as they arrive.” she held the young girl into her side but she couldn’t contain her for long and it didn’t matter anyways.
the young girl’s best friend of the same age bolted from the carriage before the major domo could even open it and announce their arrival. the girls squealed and embraced each other as the remaining passengers got out one by one to greet their corresponding friend. you waited patiently and smiled as each pair embraced in their own way. the anticipation was killing you though there weren’t many people in the transport. it still seemed to feel like an eternity.
finally you looked up and a head of dark curls poked out of the carriage before the young man stepped out with a crunch to the earth below. the breath your lungs desperately tried to force out got caught along the journey and it all at once felt like the world moved in slow motion. 
it was definitely his smile with those dimples.
no, had to be his sparkling eyes. 
while your brain began the back and forth, he was approaching you. you suddenly became more worried about what to say. was this real? maybe you were still asleep.
better than a dream.
“chris! hi!” 
though everyone around you had fallen into their familial exchanges, forgoing the air of pompous and stature, chris maintained his composure while somehow radiating a warmth. he bowed his head and sunk down slightly in a bow which you returned graciously. the hoard of newly reunited friends made their way into the large home and began refreshing each other on their lives now. you were the last to enter, or so you thought. a hand caught yours as the others continued unaware as your shot back to the dark eyes that sparkled with mischief. he held a finger to his smiling lips and led you of to the side quickly, leading through the side way to the garden. 
though it had been years since chris had graced the halls with his presence, he knew the property like the back of his hand. every room, hall, and inch of marble floor was etched into his memory and he knew exactly where he wanted to take you. 
with your hand laced in his, he led you through the green hedge maze in the garden to get blissfully lost in the shrubbery and blossoming flowers. you followed behind, breathless not from the exertion but from the way you heard raced from the moment he took your hand. when he could no longer contain himself, chris stopped in the heart of the labyrinth and took you by the shoulders. he smiled brightly at your wild appearance. your eyes wide in wonder and hair that was neatly tucked back, now loose and flowing in the soft wind. chris couldn’t help himself and he rested a hand at your jaw before leaning in to kiss you softly. your feet suddenly left the ground and colors swirled behind your closed eyes. all too soon his warm, soft lips left yours before you could even realize with your lids still fallen and kiss still reaching for his. the sound of chris’s fond chuckle set your feet back on earth again. 
“i missed you.” he confessed softly. “was so worried before coming here that you wouldn’t feel the same or that it had been too long.”
you shook your head frantically. “i worried the same about you.” 
his smile grew wider and you could see the visible relief in his shoulders as they fell. chris took this opportunity to look at you the way he longed to when he was away, sending a silent thanks up the helios for casting such a stunning golden hue on your features. his dark irises drinking in every inch of sun-kissed skin before him. he wanted to memorize the way he knew this palace, the way he knew the laws of his kingdom, the way he knew how fast his heart could race your presence. 
the questions that plagued you before finally all had their answers. clearly, you two could run around like children and he was more handsome than ever, and most importantly, he probably cared for you more than he ever had. seeing your chris again had you absolutely in the clouds and you were certain that you never wanted to come down. 
voice overlapping from the palace broke your trance and the pair of you shot a glance to look before taking off hand in hand again. once more, you raced through the maze until you came out to the other end and were met with your old faithful oak tree. chris led you to the aged wooden swing held up by the old, sturdy rope as he began to push you into the air. as chris pushes you back and forth, you take this opportunity alone to catch up with each other. 
being the ones in line for the throne came with an immense pressure, one that you both took incredibly seriously. for chris, he wanted to chance to prove himself. he wanted to care for his people and lead them well. however his biggest reason for accepting such a daunting role was because it meant his little brother wouldn’t have to carry such a burden. chris would do anything to make his siblings life as easy a life as possible. 
for you, the title of ruler was never one you were entirely thrilled about. the expectations placed on you were confining and usually held you to an impossible standard you constantly felt you were just short of. it meant being a disappointment and very rarely being allowed to be yourself and do the things you wished. you remember the sinking feeling when your siblings were free to run around the garden while you sat at a table with the arduous task of pleasing an irritable tutor. however, it was the love of your kingdom and the people that kept you on the treacherous path you were destined to. 
having this in common meant both you and chris understood each other in ways that very few could. the two of you allowed a freedom with each other that was more rare and precious than any material possession. this freedom made way for a love to bloom where so often a love isn’t even allowed. the stories of monarchs past haunted you, where your ancestors entered a marriage of politics or good breeding rather than affections that were frequently neglected. you wanted to step out of the shadows of the past to live a live where you could express your affections freely and have the returned. that’s where chris came in. 
the sun began to return to its resting place, painting the skies with reds, oranges, and pinks to welcome the arrival of the solemn moon. chris opened up to you about the struggles he had faced over the last years in his solitude that mirrored your own challenges of late. though he shared, he never complained which was more than you could say but chris always appreciated your honesty and opinions. the conversation continued well until the stars came out and the two of you had moved to lay in the tall grass. your head rested on his arm, bodies laid pressed to each other and your hands meeting in the middle to lace in and out of one another. neither of you cared for the dinner bell that was called or the voices that cried out in the dusk beckoning your return. finally after your lady-in-waiting had come to collect you, chris agreed it was time to retire for the night. 
a small ache began to form in your chest as you would have to spend the night without him but the excitement of seeing him with the return of dawn was enough to stave you off until your next meeting. you said your goodbyes by candlelight and chris gave his parting with a tender kiss to the back of your hand. you walked back to your room with the same hand held to your chest and a lovesick grin on your face. your eyes closed that night and the last images that replayed in your mind were of his sparking eyes and his perfect smile.
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amuhav · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Style
tagged by @dandylion240 (if anyone else did too I’m sorry, I’m not seeming to get notifs for tags rn???)
tagging @keibea​ because we need more TS3 rep in tag games like this tbh.
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What’s your favorite Sims death?
Old age. Because it means my sim actually made it that far and I just love seeing their life play out. Some of the more quirky, simsy ones are great though. Death by Jellybean or Cowplant come to mind lol.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
I... really don’t like the TS4 MM aesthetic 😅 I really don’t like the clay hair look for my own sims, though think some people do wonderful things with it, and I do like certain Maxis Mix styles, good skin details with clay hair, certain stylised MM styles etc. but the default TS4 clay look is literally why I never moved over to TS4 in the first place, and it took too long for the Alpha scene to really take off in the beginning, so by the time there was enough CC for me to feel I would ever want to jump in, it felt too overwhelming to even try moving to essentially a new medium.
For TS3... I also am not a huge fan of the straight “MM” look either, though I think the distinction is less prominent as it is in TS4. You can easily make most “MM” stuff fit in an “alpha” game simply because they aren’t usually full-on clay the way TS4 MM is, they’re just not quite as detailed as full “alpha” CC. Whereas the other way around isn’t quite as true, intricately detailed alpha stuff might look out of place if most of your other content is vanilla or MM. So I think as well as preferring the aesthetic, I like the flexibility a more “alpha” leaning style can bring.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Storywise, characters are obviously whatever size I make them lol. 
Uh. I don’t know about weight, because I don’t think any of my sims have put on a lot of weight during gameplay. I have definitely cheated muscle levels though. Traumatic flashbacks to Loch suddenly getting BULKED whilst I was letting him run free during Riv’s BC. Absolutely not you little twink.
Do you move objects?
For gameplay, I used to try to minimise doing so just cos it breaks so much routing and stuff. Now I don’t play so I go nuts with MOO. Who needs working doors or stairs or beds anyway?
Favourite Mod?
So many mods for TS3 are kinda essential to even be able to run the game lol, like almost the entire NRAAS suite. I think I’ll have to go with the Remove Stencil mod though, cos being able to undo EA’s weird obsession with shiny clothes by removing the specular is honestly so lifechanging LOL. no more shiny wool jumpers or oil slick jeans 🥰
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
My first TS3 expansion was Ambitions, because I skipped World Adventures, in fact, I think it was one of the last expansions I bought lol. 
Believe it or not, I do actually own one EP, one GP, and one SP for TS4 lmao, back when I thought maybe, just MAYBE. the game might get better, and I was still trying so damn fuckin hard to force myself to enjoy the actual gameplay. So I have Get to Work, but don’t even ask me what the other two are because I haven’t a fuckin’ clueeeee. 
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
...It just occurred to me maybe it is meant to be “LIV” mode because it’s... like. Living mode. Like, Alive Mode doesn’t make sense. But my brain won’t accept it. doesn’t sound right. Always been “LIVE” mod to me lol.
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
Oh, jeez. Uhhh, I can’t *really* claim most of my current legacy sims because I didn’t make them, they were born in-game, even if I have tweaked the hell out of them in recent years. So if we’re going for physical appearance, I wanna say actually maybe Sylvie for my TS3 sims? She took so long to get just right, especially because TS3 doesn’t really do curvier sims quite as well as TS4, especially not without a fuck ton of sliders, and I had a really specific look to her face in mind that took forever to get right, had to blend her a custom skin etc. But I am finally super happy with her cute lil sassy round face 🥰 Close runners up are probably Qu or Edge.
God, I’m gonna get so fucking shot for this but here goes. Physically, my fave TS4 sims I’ve made are actually both of Tay’s brothers, Ethryon and Ailos, and also probably father, Qariel. I think because I had a little more experience with using TS4 CAS by the time I got to them, more sliders, more skin details, just generally a fuck ton more CAS CC by then, and more time to tweak them etc. As much as Tay will always be my favourite sim OVERALL... yeah. plznoonekillmebye
Have you made a simself?
Ye. I used to update her like. all the timeee too, whenever I got a new haircut etc. And, ofc, Havoc was my alter ego so she’s like. simself adjacent lol.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
God I hate EA’s hair colours in TS3. their blondes are so yellow, the highlights don’t blend well etc. always make my own. TS4 hair colours make me want to actually die, but then again, I hate the clay hair and cartoony colours of vanilla TS4 anyway, so.
Favourite EA hair?
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Favourite life stage?
Young Adult, with Teens a close second. You can do the most with the YA age, but the chaos of teenage years are real fun too lol.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I literally can’t play lmao. I have too much CC in TS3 for it to run well enough to play, and TS4... is it even possible to play TS4? joking joking... mostly. I’m in it for the story.
Are you a CC creator?
No. Never. I do not have a CC page I abandoned whatsoever no idea what you’re talking about goodbye. 💀
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
RBSB represent. 
No I hate everyone equally.
@lazysunjade and @thesimperiuscurse have no choice but to be talked at by me every day. I’m inescapable. 
Do you have any sims merch?
I actually had the TS3 Collectors edition that came with the Plumbob USB and I was devastated when it got broken. Like legitimately heart broken lol. 
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Miss her so much I just want her back
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to try so hard to stick to whatever gameplay threw at me, following the actual legacy rules, not editing sims etc, all to the detriment of my actual enjoyment of storytelling. Now I care maybe a little too much about how posts look that I get into a rut of not posting oops bye 💀
What’s your origin id?
Probably the same as my username here lol, but I avoid origin at all costs so couldn’t tell you for sure tbh.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Oh, way too many to choose. For sims 3 CAS stuff, the still active converters like @rollo-rolls, @vmsims23, @simtanico etc. for build and clutter stuff @kerriganhouse, and @martassimsbookcc for conversions. Honestly, I’m kinda out of the loop atm, but there’s just way too many good creators.
How long have you had simblr?
uh. since 2015, I think? let’s not dwell on it 💀
How do you edit your pictures?
Dunno how to answer this? Photoshop, I guess lol? 
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
It used to be pets, cos I loved having animals in the game. Now I always forget they exist oop lol. Probably Supernatural. 
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spookyserenades · 4 months
TAEHYUNG WHEN I CATCH YOU TAEHYUNG TAEHYUNG WHEN I CATCH YOU TAEHYUNG 😤😤😤😤😭😭😭 i knew this was coming i could feel him scheming since that damn club night 🤧 It’s sad bc he technically doesn’t know that OC has romantic feelings for him so it’s not like he’s trying to break her heart on purpose but the painnnnnnn 😭 OC is stronger than me bc personally i would’ve been screaming, crying, and throwing up! I cannot wait for the angst to come it’s gonna be so good!!!
I swear every time Namjoon, Jungkook, and OC enter the Sanders’ house some shit always goes down 👀 honestly even i felt relieved when they didn’t let her conduct the sessions with the spirits. It tugged on my heartstrings to see the boys so worried for her especially Yoongi who was so scared of losing her again :(( even seeing Hoseok who is very much a non believer getting all worked up over it was crazy but honestly who wouldn’t after hearing that audio!!! But omg poor Jungkook! Just imaging those claw marks makes me cringe 😭 He truly is so fearless! I’d feel safe ghost hunting with him lol
Also i’m so glad we’ve learned a little more about Yoongi and his mom! I’ve always been curious about how his mother passed. It must’ve been so hard for him to lose her so tragically :( Plus the song! stop i will cry!! Every time we learn a sad detail from the boys past i just think about how lucky they are to finally be part of a home where they are so loved and don’t have to worry about being alone again :((((
FDKJSAFHA RUN TAE RUNNNNNN!!! Ugh I wonder if he'll be able to sense her feelings in the next update, her sense of betrayal and whatnot :( Hopefully whatever he's up to is short-lived. I too would be on the floor weeping if I was Y/N 😭
Oh for SURE shit is always nuts at the Sanders' house! They got some nastyyyy spirits and demons in that place, so hopefully the trio can get rid of the haunting in the upcoming chapter!!! I agree, Namjoon and Jeongguk showed that rare moment of wanting to protect Y/N strongly, even if it was subtle and in their own way. AHHHH poor Yoongi that was such a heart-wrenching scene to write tbh. Y/N means so much to him, and I think even the smallest threat that she might disappear on him again devastates the poor guy 😭
Resident skeptic Hoseok coming around to some of the ghosts I think!! Seeing how serious everyone else was getting about it, especially after hearing the audio, triggered that worked up reaction from the fox hybrid. But YES I sooo agree even IRL out of all the tannies I'd feel safest with Jeongguk. Dude has noooo fears and he's big and strong!!
Ahhhh again, poor Yoongi 😭🥺 Whenever I get to his prequel in the distant future, there will be even more background on his mother, their relationship, and her death. BUT 🥺🥺🥺 YESS They're all so so loved and cared for now, I think each of them are coming to terms with that one by one, which is the sweetest thing of all 💜💜
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apotelesmaa · 7 months
HELLO .WAIT. do you have more thoughts on wxs soul eater au i never considered combining the two even thiugh i am off the walls crazy about the,m
Oh I have. So many thoughts. You asking abt it even made me get up off my ass and draw again. Putting everything under the cut to avoid having a mile long post.
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When I first had the idea I really struggled on who was a weapon/meister but after deciding on wanting to pair ruikasa/emunene up I was like tsukasa and emu need to be the meisters bc 1) it fits with them being the founding duo of wxs 2) I really wanted nene to be a gun 3) fitting tsukasa’s goals into the SE universe worked better if he was a meister. I elected to make rui a whip first and then I realized I could fit a bloodborne reference in there and reference becoming potatoes with the cane. I’m not entirely satisfied w the first pass at designs for the universe (not super close to the SE aesthetic, I cannot draw guns, I’m not very good at character design, etc) but i kind of tried to pull inspiration from:
- tsukasa and emu’s happy Phoenix costumes (split colors on tsukasa’s coat, tsukasa’s boots, the corset/bell sleeves/little cape thingie for emu)
- for tsukasa specifically: piano (b&w colors and stupid long coat tails), his second wxs costume
- emu: bc I drew her last and it was getting late I did less searching and more winging it but I did try to combine the style of her wxs costumes (shoes, dress, striped socks) & general darker Lolita (for lack of a better word) fashion.
- nene: her gaming event card (weird energy ball device thing? Which I would imagine functions similar to dtk’s shooting soul wave lengths thru the thompsons)
- rui: his ugly ass coat (fond) he wears as his first wxs costume. Also becoming potatoes cane handle thing. Him being a trick weapon (bloodborne term, essentially a weapon that can switch between two forms) also kind of lines up w him being a tech genius.
Ok done talking abt the designs onto the in universe stuff
- not basing any au story off the soul eater plot bc it didn’t work out very well (too many pjsk characters) (going with the main story wxs plot w a soul eater spin. Kinda. Gonna have to think abt that a bit.) but if I did mafuyu > crona, miku & the kagamines > dtk and the thompsons. Would that make cfm lord death. Emu would fill a similar role to maka with mafuyu in that situation but in general (besides the surface level similarities btwn tsukasa and black star) nene is too different from soul, emu is way too different from maka, and rui is literally NOTHING like tsubaki so I can’t justify just swapping out emunene/tsukasa with soul&maka/black star&tsubaki. No equivalent to that fucking cat in this universe. & the pjsk characters get to wear clothes when they’re in the weird place weapons’s bodies go when they’re transformed.
- idk maybe the regular soul eater plot is happening/will happen/has happened but this is the Japan branch (oceania branch in canon?).
- vocaloids are professors (not the kagamines. Forever babies.) but if there needs to be a lord death equivalent making that miku would be so funny. Also the normal vocaloid personalities and not the WXS ones for conveniences sake. Uhhh first thoughts for M/W would be meister miku, weapon meiko, meister kaito, luka can go either way tbh, kagamines are both weapons but are each other’s meister.
- similar to how rui did shows on his own for a really long time I think he was his own meister for a while (like Justin Law was). He doesn’t have many souls bc dwma in this universe at least pretends to give a fuck abt student safety so they don’t want to send him out alone on anything dangerous (despite his talent) and he can’t resonate soul wave lengths with most ppl bc they don’t get him. He ended up giving up on finding a meister when he was younger bc of this & just worked really hard on his own. He experiences a similar isolation from his peers that dtk did (ppl find him intimidating/envy at his skill/etc).
- equivalent of him transferring in to kamikou (? Spelling) second year is the kamishiros spending ~10 years in America. He’s still childhood friends w nene he just moved away after they drifted apart and then came back. Mizuki probably did something similar just 2 keep the mizuki & rui connection still there.
- tsukasa’s SE universe goal is to be the best meister - he wants to protect & help people (inspired by saki. I’ll get to that) but the equivalent of tsukasa forgetting he wanted to make ppl smile & believing he just wanted fame would be tsukasa believing he wants to be the best meister for fame/power.
- saki’s chronic illness is a result of black blood due to an incident w a kishin egg monster when she was younger. I think she would be a weapon but along with the canon typical chronic illness symptoms (not erasing those) she struggles for a long time w controlling her ability to change in and out of weapon form. Tsukasa & her *could* have been a m/w pair & have compatible soul wave lengths but 1) he’s overprotective and I think he realized he would not be able to fight without being too scared of getting her hurt 2) saki’s illness means she can’t really enroll in the dwma (yet. She gets there eventually.)
- nene was in the not classes before the plot picks up bc she didn’t think she had what it took to be a weapon. In universe equivalent to her forgetting her lines would maybe be freezing when she was supposed to transform during an important test when she was younger? Not baby age like in canon (bc I know the DWMA likes child soldiers but 7ish is a bit much even for them) but old enough to be taking classes & old enough to be put into not classes as a result. Im not reading SE NOT! to understand how those classes work though so thank god she gets out of those classes
- nene *is* a really powerful weapon she just lacks the confidence and struggles to resonate with people (& unlike rui she can’t wield herself)
- on that note emu can resonate with just about anyone but she hasn’t found anyone that felt right yet, and Tsukasa needs someone who can keep up w the intensity of his soul wave length and hasn’t found anyone who can do that yet.
- ^ similar to tsukasa being a piano prodigy or whatever in canon tsukasa *is* a really good meister, he just needs a really good weapon. Bc his peers would need more training to get to that level
- I toyed with making emu dtk adjacent (daughter of death) (bc PXL -> DWMA) but that would be too complicated with her brothers/dad/grandpa so I disregarded it. Maybe I’ll come back to it. I think it would make more sense for emu to come from a long line of really talented meisters so she grew up training for the job and running around the dwma.
- emu approaches tsukasa and is like we should work together!!! We’ll do better on missions and be able to take down harder kishin & maybe witches!! & he’s like sure why not every star needs a sidekick (obnoxious laugh) even though emu could kick his ass without breaking a sweat (in line with canon). & like the angel she is emu is like (ignores his pre main story dickheadedness) wonderhoy!! (Deathhoy?) okie dokie we need to find weapon partners then!! (bodily drags him to class)
- tsukasa sees rui training on his own and is like wow he’s really talented! Fitting for a future star like me! & approaches him to ask if they can pair up. Rui is like on the condition that you can find my friend a partner in your class (wants nene out of the not classes bc he thinks she’s far beyond that skill level). Emu jumps on the idea and is introduced to nene who is placed in the higher level courses to accommodate this partnership. Idc if that can’t happen in SE canon I think the Otoris have a lot of sway and any potential issues w nene being less powerful (not the case but it’s the assumption made abt not students) can be made up by emu’s skill.
- emu is instantly very taken with nene and they resonate well. I know what u are dot jpg. Rui & tsukasa can resonate but struggle to unlock their full potential (similar to soul and maka struggling with using the witch hunter form) bc tsukasa needs to realize what his real motivations are.
- tsukasa assumes nene has a low skill level at first (similar to his issues w nenerobo. God I wish I could think of a way to fit nenerobo in this au. sorry nenerobo) but is proven wrong when emu wields her.
- equivalent to the climax of the wxs main story in this is nene freezing again during an important mission and the group losing an important target -> tsukasa gets mad and yells at her -> rui fights w tsukasa over this and tells him that he’ll never be a good meister if he cares more about fame and power than people.
- tsukasa chats w the death scythe kaito & realizes the Error Of His Ways -> emu is considering dropping out bc she feels that she fucked up all of their futures as weapons/meisters by putting this into motion but tsukasa has the heart to heart with emu and they agree to continue being a team -> emu and nene partner back up -> they approach rui who has gone back to working solo and he refuses to partner back up w tsukasa
- idk what a good equivalent to the lonely alchemist show would be. Tsukasa and rui need to resonate & work together to help emunene because they’re in peril or something? & rui through the resonance realizes that tsukasa is genuine? Some sort of hand wavey plot device is used to resolve everything.
- I think that emu & rui and nene & tsukasa are also able to resonate and they do occasionally switch it up just for funsies. Emu and rui bc they just get along very well and nene & tsukasa argue with each other but can still function as a team.
- I don’t think that rui & nene can resonate because. Put down the pitchforks please. *Because* similar to their dynamic in pjsk despite their bond and their care for each other there’s a lot of baggage that needs to be worked through. Too many things left unsaid. Etc. they could probably achieve resonance later on but there’s not really a need to given that they’re both weapons and both have meisters.
- Rui thinks it’s a great training exercise to fight tsukasa “how do you expect to get better if you don’t try fighting against a weapon without a weapon… I’m just trying to help you… (fake crying)” “I’m already good at fighting without a weapon!! This is never going to be relevant knowledge anyways!!! You just want to fight me because you think it’s fun!!!!!!” “(switching manipulation tactics) Someone who wants to be a star would want to be prepared for any situation no matter how small the chance is of it happening” “hm…that’s true… ok let’s do it!!”
- cut to them in the nurses office. This is a weekly occurrence.
- emu also thinks it’s good practice to use tsukasa as moving target practice but this is less dangerous and more just continuing tsukasa’s never ending torment (he is a willing participant in said torment mind you)
- like in canon emu pulls nene out of her shell and hypes her up constantly which is huge in getting nene to have more confidence in herself and her abilities. It’s also incredibly helpful to have a meister who will never judge her for freezing and will always meet her halfway.
- also like in canon nene is very helpful with reeling emu in. She’s a very helpful voice of reason/impulse control but one that understands that even if emu’s ideas are unconventional they still have merit (even if they need to be refined a little)
- similar to the soul eater main cast having the self preservation skills of very small stupid suicidal animals hell bent on getting themselves injured or killed (Liz excluded), emu and Tsukasa are very prone to charging in to a situation w/out thinking. Tsukasa is more reasonable but unfortunately his weapon parter is not and rui usually cajoles tsukasa into doing stupid shit. Nene is suffering.
- maybe someday I’ll design rui & nene if I ever go back and refine these designs but I’m really lazy.
- not really sure how I would go around incorporating the wxs arcs into the soul eater universe with regards to PXL selling out and stuff. Making peace with the witches maybe? Something will probably come to me eventually.
- unlike atsushi ohkubo I’m not a terminally horny freak so there’s zero weird shit in this au.
- initial thoughts on the other units: minori(w)/haruka(weapon that chooses to be a meister) + airi(m)/shizuku(w), kohane(m)/an(w) + toya(weapon who was trained as a meister before deciding to be a weapon)/akito(m), mafuyu(m)/kanade(weapon… don’t make her exercise) + mizuki(w)/ena(m), leoneed swaps pairs frequently but shiho & izuka are meisters + saki and honami are weapons. Open to debate for most of these I haven’t given them much thought.
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