#I was going to add some photos but Tumblr crashes each time I do that so ...
haveweclasspected · 2 months
Hello, and welcome to this classpecting poll blog!
Let’s get the rules/guidelines out of the way before we get to the fun stuff:
Rules (Respectfully)
• No Fighting- Discussion is welcome! You may absolutely argue your assessment, however, you may not devolve into outright hostility and fighting. Classpecting is highly subjective and not everyone is going to agree on an outcome.
• Respect the Outcomes- This goes hand in hand with rule 1. Classpecting is highly subjective! Just because an assessment is popular doesn’t mean it will make sense to everyone. If the poll outcomes aren’t what you would have chosen that’s ok, these outcomes aren’t canon, they’re just for fun. Tumblr polls are determined by the whims of the universe.
• Regarding Art- I may not have time/energy to draw every character’s outcome depending on the popularity of this blog. If you would like to draw an outcome that is totally welcome!
(More may be added but for now this should cover all the bases)
If you’d like to submit a character this is the format I’d like to try and use:
•(Name) from (Media)
•(A few main personality/behavioral traits)
•(Photo is preferred but not required! It’s helpful for a vibe check/if the final result is drawn)
On to the fun stuff! Here’s some things to get you started:
Whether you’re a veteran classpecter, a novice, or you suck dogshit despite your best efforts (like I do) you’ll surely find something in these resources to guide you in your classpecting decisions.
Class Descriptions/Assessments
Aspect Descriptions/Assessments
Classpecting is theory based. There are several to work from: dualism, vibes, a new one proposed this year by Funk McLovin that goes off of music theory, and probably more that I’m forgetting.
Dualism Theory
Dualism is the one you are probably the most familiar with. It entails dividing the aspect wheel into opposing yet complimentary forces (Breath/Blood or Space/Time if going by what is directly opposite on the wheel, or Doom/Mind if dividing another way)(This system also works for classes.)
Vibe Theory
This isn’t really a theory in the sense of the others, but it is a popular way of determining classpect. Essentially, to do this you will take your working knowledge of the different classpects and apply that to what fits your characters vibe the best. There’s not really reading any assessments involved. You just take the vibe and run with it.
Music Theory
This is a new one proposed by @funkmclovin during the aspects SAHcon panel this year! It harkens back to Homestuck’s music-heavy lore points and takes it one step further with implementing musical scales into the classpecting process, arguing that these notes/scales can be assigned to aspects. McLovin’s panel video on aspects is a great resource for all theories as it provides a crash course on each one before getting to music theory. There will even be a part 2 on classes that I’ll link once it’s uploaded.
(This post is subject to edits as I have more to add/change on both the rules and classpect guides front)
Happy classpecting!!
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larentsaloud · 3 years
ayo what i’ve observed from the livestream is that bright was more physically inclined (but tu tries to not make contact) and tu constantly looks at him but bright doesn’t make eye contact as much
i’ll definitely do a detailed analysis, but here’s my take on it, because i can’t add more than one video with translations to a post.
bright’s body language:
he leans in to stare i mean OK sir
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he even comes closer when he expects to be punched,
(i don’t have a picture of this i’ll come back to it later!)
he gives her attention when she’s talking but when she looks at him he sort of freezes and malfunctioning occurs.
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my favourite parts are: bright reaching over her and constantly hanging his arm on his leg to be in her proximity. not sure what is done consciously and which one is subconscious response.
(i’ll do mirroring and them sharing one brain cell later but there’s an actual compilation of them doing the same hand movements and completing their sentences i’ll use)
he also leaned to give her a proper look over which was cute as hell,
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he fixed her hair, which was very boyfriend i loved it, i mean there’s something there i noticed for sure.
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them wrestling over the kiss card is just torture.
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him complaining she scratched him in the poutiest manner
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there’s LOADS more. this is just off the cuff observations because i am OCD about my asks and inbox and i can’t not respond once i have a thought. lol.
as for tu:
she hits him and this bickering is their dynamic in a nutshell it’s cute and she has to STOP herself not to do it at least twice.
b even expected her to him so he leaned in for a punch once LMAO we love a supportive bestie
eye contact is there from tu and lots of giggles although as you mentioned b has swallowing issues as soon as this happens for extended period of time 🤣🤣🤣
tu is quite handsy with b, like you can see her tap his knees and shoulders, she doesn’t recoil when he touches her face or leans on her cushion to grab the card 👁👄👁
tbc. ♥️
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britishth0t · 3 years
Hyperactive (With slight homicide)
This is my first post on Tumblr (not my first post overall as I have Wattpad, but I'll post my username here when I've added my Klarion one-shots on there unless people want it lmao
You grabbed his interest when you were hanging out with your friends near the old cinema.
He seemed intrigued at first when even Teekl became slightly amused by your hyper personality.
Klarion may or may not have stalked you for a bit because of that
Eventually, Klarion did admit you seemed fun to Teekl, and wanted to get to you know you better in person.
Both of you finally met each other when you were walking around the harbour, taking photos of the sea and the horizon even if you knew you would delete them later.
Teekl thought this would be a great time for Klarion to introduce himself to you.
She half prayed that Klarion wouldn't freak you out, and the other half wanting you to not make Klarion too annoyed.
Somehow, it went really well.... A bit too well, as you two then talked as if you had known each other for years
Lets just say, you're both extremely hyper. I mean, it's Klarion.
You being a hyperactive person and him having chaos magic while also wanting mischief? It's a perfect yet dangerous match.
Teekl rethinks her choice about you two being together, as she now has to deal with two children and not one.
This also means that the Light have to deal with another 'kid' as well, since Klarion will definitely bring you to at least one meeting.
They're a bit cautious about you on first impression, not too sure if you're using Klarion to get information about the Light
But after a while, they see how much you deal with when you're with Klarion, and figure out that no one can put up a façade for that long
Yeah, even the Light know that you're one hyper son-of-a-b*tch
I wouldn't say you're obnoxiously loud, it's just being in a Light meeting no one is really talking except you, so it's dead quiet other than that. Nevertheless, you can be extremely deafening without realising it
Klarion's magical powers gives you a lot more freedom when being with him. Like, a lot more freedom, he's a lord of Chaos, you basically have no limits.
You can now do all the crazy sh*t you've ever wanted to do with Klarion by your side, and he's more than willing to join you in whatever ideas you have
A couple of times Teekl has to warn him that you're still a mortal, so he does lay off a bit from time to time to avoid getting you seriously injured
If you do get hurt, Klarion is gunna freak tf out, trying to play it off cool but failing
All adventures go out the window if you get hurt. And if you try to get up saying "I'm fine", he'll magically trap you in your bed to rest.
Don't test him, he will do it
A lot of things may break, and it's whether or not Klarion will fix it with his powers or not after... Probably not, it's not like either of you really care
If the Young Justice team do meet you, it's because you were in a forest with Klarion, messing around while climbing from branch to branch in the trees while Klarion floated next to you
The two of you were ambushed by the team, as Zatanna had sensed Klarion's power in that area while the team were nearby
They would have saved you, but you're surprisingly very good at climbing trees for any of them to grab hold of you, something that actually made them impressed
Klarion was very unhappy, so unhappy that you had to mention about going back home to hang out there to calm him down
Couple of times you'd wander off too far that Klarion isn't able to find you and would have to teleport you to him in order to know where you are, the only big thing that does get him slightly annoyed.
^ If you can make Klarion take responsibility (other than over Teekl) and act like a parent, my respect goes to you
You two don't have any rules apart from when you're injured, although there is one thing that bugs you both
2 hyper devils + "Calm down"= Death stare with Klarion hexing whoever said that
No one is allowed to tell you guys to calm down
Klarion x homicidal hyper reader ⚠️Mentions death⚠️
You met each other like the first one, except that you seemed more wanting to go into danger and edge your friends into doing bad things than actually have fun
This time, Klarion was intrigued before Teekl
He noticed your cold yet intense gaze on everyone that was near you
Something about you was odd. Klarion knew that but he didn't know what was making you seem so odd
It's not until you become best friends that he finally realises your love for murder
While you got along with Klarion before him knowing this, wow he's ecstatic that he finally knows what seemed off with you
He tempts you into murder as well, seeing that you showed to be very refrained from not doing anything about your homicidal thoughts
Catches on very quickly how manipulative you can be with your friends, friends that Klarion now wants to be your first kills
Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take that much convincing from Klarion to make you agree to killing your soon-to-be-dead mates
He helps of course, trapping them all and giving you all sorts of weapons to use on them
It's like a holiday for both of you
You even asked Klarion at one point to make their screams quieter since they were annoying you
And after you had finishing butchering your friends, Klarion realised that he like-liked you and confessed right there
Yep, Klarion did just admit to liking you while standing in the middle of dead bodies scattered around at your feet
Soon after that, you both start doing more destruction together
Limits? F*ck no
Hell, if you asked for half of the moon to be destroyed, Klarion would snap his fingers and bam, moon gone.
One time you asked Klarion to give you powers like superman, just so you could fly and mess around in the city
It started off as just throwing cars as far as you could, not exactly caring if people were inside or not
Which then turned into full blown 'lemme jump/crash into one sky scrapper to another', looking like a monkey swinging from vines in a jungle
While the heroes didn't enjoy your hyper and destructive personality nor Klarion, the news loved you. The amount of reports you and Klarion got in the news just boosted both of your ego's
"Double trouble strikes again!" "Witch boy causes havoc with anonymous villain" "League fail to stop villains, have they met their match?" "Criminals cause devastating downfall on the city" "61 lives lost in under an hour" You felt prideful in the last one, a new record in your books
If you two ever go out to have dates, it'll 100% always end with something, mostly a building, being completely destroyed
Whenever the 'kiddie' team as Klarion calls them, or the Justice League come; they're always too late to stop you two
Even if Batman claims they were so close to stopping you, he's wrong. The heroes don't even manage to get you two to notice them arriving, already going off to have some fun somewhere else
You've mentioned about wanting to kill at least one of the heroes out of spite and because you felt like it on multiple occasions
Klarion would love to snap his fingers to have every hero there for you to choose from, yet he couldn't do that because of Vandal wanting some of them alive. Especially Lex with Superboy.
You get along nicely with the Light, as they trust you enough to know that you can calm Klarion down and that you're classed as a criminal
Occasionally, you have unnerved them with the gory deaths about some of your kills, Klarion kissing your cheek out of pure happiness from hearing the defined details
Teekl doesn't really care about it as long as you get the blood off her fur if you get any on her later.
A lot of lives are lost when you two are together... Which is all the time
(Secretly, the young justice team have envied how much freedom you get when with Klarion-> This is after they have to tidy up the mess you two make)
Sorry if this isn't very good, literally made this and posted it the same day. I've loved Klarion's character for quite a long time now and saw that, although the fanfics are good, there isn't a lot of them. I'm down for requests, but right now I don't think I can do many. You can send me stuff and I'll write it down, just don't be upset if I don't post it in the next week or two. If this isn't up to your standards then srry aha, I realise I don't add much fluff and focus more on the storyline, but there's always room for improvement tho✌️
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btsandvmin · 4 years
A Vmin throwback - 2019 (Part 1)
3 years I have been making this post now, and every year people keep saying Vmin is dead, less close or even fake. I usually say: Do you have eyes? 
Vmin surely proved you wrong this time and I think at this point their bond is hard to deny. This post has been really difficult to make, both because of the amount of moments and also because it’s more difficult to find good gifs for everything and I can’t include twitter videos in this type of post. Just know there was a lot of moments I had to skip.
2019 was the year of the pig, aka. the year of everyone born 1995. So in this year of Vmin of course they have given us plenty of moments to gush about. In fact despite the break we have gotten spoiled with a lot of really great Vmin moments. So without much further ado let’s get this started!
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There is a lot more Vmin under the cut. You have been warned.
I will cheat a little and start with Taehyung’s birthday bomb, which wasn’t released until 2019. Vmin were very cute in it.
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The first time I saw this I couldn’t believe it. Who looks at someone like that while they are feeding them?
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The year started of with a lot of good Vmin selcas, but even though we might not have gotten many tweets in total what we did get was still great!
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And don’t you all dare forget that Jimin posted this the day after Valentines!
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Then admittedly we had nothing in terms of selcas for almost the rest of the year, but thankfully Jimin came through and tweeted for Taehyung’s birthday.
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Something big they did this year was of course making songs! Jimin released Promise right at the end of 2018 and Tae (the best photographer) provided the cover photos.
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One month later Tae released Scenery. But not without Jimin accidentally spoiling it first.
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He was very apologetic about it.
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They both supported each other a lot and gave us a lot of cute moments in relations to their songs.
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Jimin even sang Scenery and basically just promoted and loved it a lot. But even that was nothing compared to what was to come... I am talking about Winter Bear of course, which Jimin loves so much and has promoted more than anything ever before.
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He did three vlives in a row where he gushed about the song and promoted it, and even told us stories about him and Taehyung. 
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He also mentioned how he wanted to keep the song and his friend (Taehyung) to himself. The name of the first Vlive was even Say hello to me, a line from the song. Basically Jimin is both supportive and possessive in regards to Taehyung.
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He sang it constantly and told us he listened to it every night falling asleep to it and even dreaming about it. 
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True love and support right there! He also gifted Tae the two bears he used on the cover.
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Movin on let’s look at the Run episodes of this year, because as usual they provided us with tons of Vmin moments.
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It’s actually kind of overwhelming so I had to skip a lot because right off the bat they just...
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First Run episode of the year and we already were in for a great start! And who knew we would get to see Vmin hold hands for minutes? I mean, Vmin seems to just have glued their hands together this year.
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Stick to my side might as well be the Vmin slogan of the year. :P
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And Run just kept on giving…
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Tae wants Jimin to be sexy. But not too sexy….
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Of course they also took selcas we will never get to see…
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And some we did get to see…
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The Canada episodes truly blessed us.
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We even got to see Vmin share a bed for the first (but not the last) time, even if I don’t have a pic included.
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They don’t even have to be on the same team...
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Or even win… They still somehow congratulate each other.
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Wo do love Vmin on the same team though.
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They have both just seemed really happy and carefree this year!
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I don’t even know how many times Jimin has said I love you to Taehyung this year… But it’s a lot.
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Actually we have seen Jimin trust Tae a little too much.
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But let’s move on, because we have much more to go through. This year we actually got some really good vlive moment from Vmin (besides the ones for Winter Bear I mean.). It started with the Grammy vlive.
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We had Vmin doing, something… In the Hobi birthday Vlive.
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And not soon after we got the infamous Rkive Vlive. Showing us some of the weirdest Vmin behaviours yet.
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The clinginess is a lot… I see why they might avoid Vlives alone, because they can’t even behave when they are with someone.
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I already mentioned the Winter Bear vlives.
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The year also ended well with some nice Vmin from Jin’s Bday Vlive.
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We of course also had a comeback with Boy with Luv that Taehyung made sure to add some Vmin to right away.
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And Vmin really made sure to make this their song. Love is nothing stronger...
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We also can’t forget the Lights MV.
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And then for the tour. Obviously we got a ton of Vmin moments.
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Special shoutout to Hong Kong.
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I mean tours are always good, but the amounts of hugs and happy Vmin.
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Tae holding Jimin’s hand to comfort him in Brazil when Jimin was sick and couldn’t sing well.
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We also got Tae comforting Jimin in London.
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And with this sweet moment, that I was lucky enough to see live, let’s end this post. It’s too long anyways, and will likely crash for many of you. As you may know I started this post in late 2019 but had so much trouble making it as Tumblr didn’t want to save my changes. I tried to remake it several times and at some point just gave up.
Then, I realized that the post is too long anyway and I might as well just post what I had if it managed to save the end part. Meaning this text here. So basically all of this post except this ending part was written and put together years ago. I know it says part 1, but I am not sure there will be a part 2 considering the problem with long posts. Just know 2019 was a great year for Vmin (as every year is), and that I didn’t even get to include everything (note the absence of Bon Voyage for example).  But finally it is done! I am so glad it saved this part and the tags. T_T
Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging (if tumblr allows it), and sorry for the delay.  💜
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creativefiend19 · 3 years
A Raven Cycle kinky fic list
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I made this for a Tumblr Anon. I’ve limited this to mostly one-shots to keep the focus on the kinky stuff. 
There’s various kinks and pairings (and not just pairings sometimes) so please check the tags, warnings and relationships for each before you read. 
Continued under the cut, in no particular order. Enjoy!
be lying if i said you ain't the one by @brophigenia​​ -  The week that Ronan and Blue take up macrame is the week that Adam realizes he may have a Thing for rope. And Ronan. Ronan with rope.
hold your breath and fall by @anirondack​​ -  First time Adansey sex feat. Gansey's sex fantasies and ridiculously sensitive neck (which Adam doesn't know about).
Red Thread by @seekthemist​​ - (Multiple relationships and warnings) A/N: Collection of short, unapologetically dirty fics that I wrote as prompt fills from Tumblr asks. Every chapter will have an associated prompt sentence and a given (variable) couple.
those long hot summer nights by imalwaysstraight - Entropy had stuck with Ronan (...) and looking—yes, looking with his own damn eyes—at a nude photo of Adam Parrish on his own damn phone. Holy mother of God. Oh fuck.
My Wild Lover, My Wicked Beast by @linndechir​​ - Ronan doesn't want to go home yet after Kavinsky's substance party. And this is not the kind of night when Gansey wants to hold him back.
So Good For Me by @beautifulmagick​​​ -  Ronan wakes up from a sexy dream only to find Adam just as turned on as he is. Then, of course, the baby wakes up.
work a little harder, work another way by @toast-the-unknowing​ - Ronan has an unexpected kink, and Adam is totally fine with that. Why wouldn't he be? He can handle this. It's not a problem.
Take Me Home by @henriettahoney​​ - Ronan didn’t get it. Not yet. He was still mentally rifling through possibilities. Maybe Adam was already considering the end of the summer too heavily (...) Maybe he truly was just tired. Ronan rested a hand on his thigh beneath the table, because, shut up, he could be a comforting boyfriend, and felt approximately ninety percent of his blood stop circulating.
backseat driving by @the-real-izzygone -  (Rovinsky) Sex in the Camaro, post-crash.
when i take it out, you start cryin' by @brophigenia​​ - “Weren’t you in Mad Max: Fury Road?” A skinny-looking kid in a pair of very short denim shorts slurred, pressing all along Ronan’s front and gazing up at him like he was a beautiful mirage. (...) Ronan and Adam have sex in a gay club bathroom. That's it. That's the fic.
verb in perfect view by jordanhennessy -  'You know,' said Adam, 'that I think you’re beautiful, right?' Ronan’s back went taut under his fingertips.
Mouth Open (1-2-3) by @flightspath​​ - Adam takes it in, looks at Ronan’s open face again. There’s a flush of sweat beading at his hairline, and Ronan’s brow is smooth and unfurrowed. He looks peaceful. He looks filthy. He’s holding his mouth open, soft and wanting.
Your heart is heavy and red by @ninswhimsy​​​ - This is for everyone who knows implicitly that Declan Lynch needs to be completely wrecked until he cries and Jordan is just the woman to do it. Filthy, with feelings.
nothing else but the feeling by asael -  No one would be able to tell that Adam is turning this into a careful, quiet seduction. That he’s teasing Ronan.
once is happenstance by @the-real-izzygone  -  In which Gansey has a lot of needs, and Declan provides for basically all of them.
iunctaque semper erunt nomina nostra tuis by sleeptodream - “It looks like nothing Adam’s ever experienced before, like a home.” (An unexpected encounter in the lead up to Christmas has Adam reflecting on what home means to him. Smut and feelings ensue.)
Patience Is A Virtue by @toast-the-unknowing​ - Adam is totally fine with waiting, until Ronan finds out that's what he's doing.
The Sword and the Shield by darkrosaleen -  (Ronsey) A king is only as good as the sword in his knight's hand. A knight's sword is only as good as the devotion in his heart. 
we are fixed right where we stand by @toast-the-unknowing​ -  Ronan comes home from DC with a surprise for Adam, because just saying "I missed you" is boring.
As certain dark things are loved by @linndechir​​ - "You keep talking about leashing me, Gansey, but you never do." Ronan licked his lips, a dirty challenge in his eyes that made Gansey take the leash from his hand despite his initial hesitation.
Territorial by @ohwhoopsok  - The tattoo isn’t an offence. It’s a part of Ronan and while he finds some parts more tedious than others, Adam loves all of Ronan’s parts. But in this moment, it doesn’t seem quite fair that Ronan is bearing only the mark of a stranger on his back, beautiful though it is. (Adam Parrish is not used to having things and Ronan Lynch fancies decoration.)
Here Lost Amongst Our Winnings by @thetiredandthedreamers -  Ronan doesn't remember saying yes but he's pretty sure that he didn't say no, either; somehow, Kavinsky knows exactly what he needs. (Warning: this fic has no tags at all on AO3. So this is me telling you that it’s unnegotiated dom/sub, with drugs, degradation, bondage and discipline. And Kavinksy ofc is his own blah blah).
the one with the kinkshaming by @arielmagicesi​ - A/N: “this is the worst thing I've ever done in my life. also the most sexual thing I've ever written considering it's basically a crack fic (mercilessly mocking Ronan and Adam for their weird kinks)” 
everything we think we need by archer_of_fate - Gansey is home, Gansey is everything he wants but knows he can never have in the way Ronan needs him.
Send Nudes by @henriettahoney​ - It’s not like they’ve never explored this territory before. Not Adam and Gansey, but Adam and Gansey and Ronan.  It’s been a long time. Since late high school, at least, and Adam’s twenty-two now—in his last year of undergrad. But he remembers everything about it. Remembers what Gansey sounds like when he’s verging on desperate. Spoiler alert: it’s just like this.
chased our shadows on the ground by @toast-the-unknowing​ - Adam had been afraid when he moved out of state that it was going to be hard to get Ronan to call him. It turns out that it's harder to get Ronan off of the phone.
Safe With Me by @babzgordon​ - Ronan requests a unique birthday present. Adam delivers. They can't be sexy without being losers about it.
As always, feel free to add to this list, if you have any recs. 
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nicknellie · 4 years
Honestly when Tumblr crashed I just thought it was my Internet being wonky but that stinks that it got rid of everything you said, I completely agree it’s really fun to bounce ideas off of each other.
Agreed, although the show kind of says that Luke wrote the songs that Julie mentioned I feel like the band probably did help out with those songs but those exact ones may have been a bit personal to Luke hence the extreme reaction ‘My Name is LUKe’. However an idea that I have is that Alex write songs as well (also just because I want his version of unsaid Emily in my life) (and the show mentions that Reggie wrings county music) also it would make more sense for the band to bounce ideas off of each other (as we see Luke do with Julie) then just Luke writing every single part of those songs by himself.  also the show never really confirms when he wrote the songs so easily could be that he wrote them while he was still grieving because he was thinking that was the best way to honour them and then later down the road he realized that wasn’t the best. And the show doesn’t mention if he gave money to charities in their name or what he did just that he didn’t give them credit.
I agree I feel like part of it may have been that he didn’t want their deaths following him because reporters would definitely be like oh how are you recovering and etc. also as you said he was going through a lot of trauma from losing his family and although that may not have been a lot of people’s gut reaction it is understandable. I just think that’s how the boys saw it just because unexpectedly they hear that someone stole their songs and then all the sudden it’s not someone who’s not close to them but someone who it feels like they stabbed them in the back kind of.
Honestly the fact that he meditates is kind of what made me think of the idea just because he would be able to calm himself and think rationally which I don’t feel like Luke and Reggie could do if they thought someone who they cared about was hurt. Maybe back then it was Bobby and Alex who shared the single brain cell that was Sunset Curve (but only Bobby when Alex was upset any other time he was just as chaotic as Luke and Reggie)
Crossword: that is totally what Reggie would do and he would totally just blurred out the words before Alex even had a chance to think about them just because he loves Alex so much and he was so excited. (Also I feel like Reggie would be the sentimental one who would make a scrapbook and just give Alex a photo album to show that no matter what they will always be here for them)
Reggie owns so many flannels, yes!! (also double yes, because I definitely feel like those piece meant something to them especially if that’s what they had before they died, also it would just be so adorable if the band members just gave each other items to show support and unconditional love)
Awe, now I’m thinking about Bobby sobbing after they passed just because he loved them so much and that for the longest time he couldn’t get back into knitting or  jewelry making because it reminded him of the boys (similar to how Julie couldn’t play music after her mom passed)
Necklace: But he definitely would, he probably put so much research into it as well and chose colours that held meaning and stuff, also the necklace helped Reggie so much when his parents were arguing because just like with Alex’s bracelet they were made with love and it remindes him that he always has a place to go.
Yes, when Luke ran away they were all sobbing however that’s exactly what they did. You described it perfectly, also because I feel like it’s canon that Alex gives the best hugs so he was giving Luke huge hugs while Reggie was trying to distract Luke and Bobby was trying to figure out arrangements. (also I feel like Alex would help Bobby would as soon as he can, I feel like Reggie would try to get movie night as a way to distract Luke).
With the jigsaw I could definitely see Luke trying to pretend like he isn’t interested well just focusing on Bobby putting the jigsaw away. (The point with Reggie is perfect and reminds me of that meme with the guy who is looking at a butterfly and it’s just Reggie being like is this a reason to get distracted and then dropping the jigsaw)
Yeah I totally agree that the mentioned ones were more personal. I reckon all of their songs came from some sort of struggle and to have that kind of erased when they weren’t mentioned must have been another thing that really hurt them when they found out what had happened. So yeah, I think they would all bounce ideas off each other (when they would all talk again after one of their quiet jigsaw/knitting/crossword/Rubik’s Cube sessions) and Luke would sort of put the pieces together to make the song. When Julie says ‘none of his latest stuff is as good’ I think that maybe Bobby had been trying to emulate their old song-writing sessions, trying to recreate the way they had given each other ideas and stuck them all together, but it just wasn’t quite working with just him because he couldn’t make it alone. Which maybe is when he realised even further that it had been the wrong thing to do, not credit them for their music. He would definitely write out of grief and pain and then later realise that he hadn’t really done them justice or kept their memories alive in the way he had tried to because he had unwittingly done everything he could to erase them. I’ve thought in the past that Mitch Patterson would have set up some sort of charity or foundation in Luke’s name that set to bring help and music to kids in need and now that you’ve mentioned charities I have decided that Trevor/Bobby makes hefty donations to that whenever he can.
An Unsaid Emily-style Alex song would kill me. His would be more focused on how his parents view of him changed. I headcanon that Alex’s parents were very kind and loving and they doted on Alex. They loved him with all their hearts and none of them ever thought that would change, so he was confident when he came out to them. But obviously they weren’t cool with it and we get very little detail about what happened next. I think Alex would have written about his memories and how lonely it felt and how shattered he was that he hadn’t been accepted. There’d be undertones about him missing them and missing the old days and part of him wishing he’d never told them (although he is really glad that he did).
Yeah, you’re totally right about the fact that he didn’t want their deaths following him. For a teenager to be thrown into stardom is one thing, to be constantly bombarded about his trauma would have been another. It wasn’t that he wanted to escape the boys or forget them, he wanted his memories of them to remain untainted by flashing cameras and cruel interviews. And YES, that brings us back to the fact that they’ve grown at different rates and the last two and a half decades were nothing for the boys but likely hell on Earth for Bobby. The guy they used to know is suddenly someone seeming cold and distant and because they didn’t experience losing each other they can’t understand how it must have been for him to lose them. They never really give themselves a chance to see it from Bobby’s perspective - even when they begin to move on in episode 6 Luke says Bobby ‘has to live with that guilt’, he immediately discards it as a bad thing and none of them begin to rationalise his actions. They don’t make any effort to see the situation from Bobby’s point of view (although admittedly I can’t imagine that would be an easy thing to do).
Totally - Bobby and Alex shared the brain cell but Bobby was the only be who could really use it to it’s full potential. He was so ready to be there for all of them when they needed it. Luke and Reggie would want to fight the problem head on while Bobby knew it was best to take their time and figure it out like one of Alex’s beloved jigsaw puzzles.
Kind of off-topic but I think he’s very spiritual too (I kind of get it from the meditating in a way I can’t quite explain) and if he wasn’t so certain that he was finally losing it after all those years of guilt then he would have believed and been happy that the boys were back as ghosts when they haunted him. Like he thinks rationally until it comes to supernatural stuff and then he’s all over the idea of ghosts and monsters.
Omg ok the scrapbooking!!!!! I am so here for this!!!!! Reggie had tons of scrapbooks and photo albums - he writes silly little captions underneath the photos, gets Bobby to make things that can be stuck in as decorations, and will take a camera with him wherever he goes. I think cameras were very different in the nineties and I wasn’t born then so idk how it all works but didn’t you have to go somewhere to get them developed?? Well, Reggie loved doing that and he’d always get one of the boys to come with him so when he saw the photos for the first time he would have someone to look through them with. He made special scrapbooks for special occasions: Alex’s coming out, Christmases, birthdays, holidays they all went on together. He would collect things and add in little envelopes to the scrapbook if it wasn’t flat enough to be stuck in. He kept everything from tickets to candy wrappers because he wanted to remember everything they all did together.
I definitely think the boys’ signature clothing is important to them. Reggie loved his flannels and his favourite was from the boys; Alex loved his hoodie which the boys got him (and his fanny pack may have been a gift from them too so he wouldn’t have to carry whatever’s in there all the time); our theory that Bobby was the one who knitted Luke’s beanies. It makes me wonder if Bobby had anything from them he still wears. He probably would have grown out of clothes, but maybe his sunglasses were a gift? Or they made his necklaces? Or he has a jacket that used to be one of theirs and still fits him?
Oh my god no that hurts 😭 Bobby trying to make himself a necklace or bracelet out of colours that reminded him of them (pink for Alex, blue for Luke, red for Reggie) but his hands shaking so much that he can’t thread the beads and had to stop. Him trying over and over again but not being able to do it because he gets bombarded with memories about Luke knocking over all his beads that one time, or Reggie accidentally breaking the clasp on his necklace so Bobby had to replace it, or the tears in Alex’s eyes when he was given that rainbow bracelet. Oh my GOD.
Alex definitely gives the best hugs. I would kill for an Alex hug. For a while, Luke just needed to be held so Alex did that, Reggie started talking about something completely unrelated, and Bobby started making phone calls and looking things up to find out what the best way forward was. Alex of course helped, like you said, as soon as Luke was fine to be left with just Reggie. I feel like it was kind of similar within the band - Bobby was the one who booked gigs and made deals, he did all the managerial stuff while the others focused more on the performances and the music. He missed rehearsals because of meetings with record execs or whatever sometimes but he could pick things up very quickly so it didn’t really matter.
And because I couldn’t not do this:
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(Also is it cool with you if I make a mini masterlist of all these things we’ve said? I’m definitely going to want to find these again but at some point they’ll be buried deep within my blog so I want easy access lol)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
like a virgin. (jackie/nicky) — roza
a seven part story where each chapter details a different relationship with jackie based solely on the song correlated to their individual madonna rusical verses.
[ summary ] : nicky is convinced jackie needs to let loose and have some fun after all the years they've spent working together in the fashion industry. 
[ verse two: like a virgin ]
[ author's note ] : the second part of this series! I didn't want to skip this verse because I love jackie too much and the song is iconic. I also needed nothing but an excuse to add my favourite and og season 12 pairing into this series!tumblr is @leljaaa and thank you meg for being a wonderful beta!
— *.✧
"Can you pass me that please?"
Nicky turned and nodded, passing Jackie the fabric scissors that were right in front of the French woman's desk. The Persian held up the black tulle fabric and grinned, pulling the blonde next to her body as she began to wrap some of the fabric around her body.
"Is this some kind of intervention?" Nicky laughed gently before Jackie shook her head, marking out her shoulders with a fabric marker before gently pulling off the fabric from her body.
"I'm trying to make you a dress for Friday," the marker still in her mouth as she spoke firmly. The blonde gasped as she sighed, completely forgetting about the stupid movie premiere that Nicky had been invited to while they were back home in Paris.
The fabric was already spread out on the table behind them as Jackie snipped away, occasionally looking at the drawing she had made for a point of reference.
"It will look beautiful as always," Nicky began as her arms snaked around to hug Jackie from behind, holding her waist and letting her head stay buried in the crook of the Persian's neck. "I shouldn't be surprised, that's why you're my favourite assistant and designer."
Jackie had met the French woman two years ago for an internship during her time at design school. The entire goal of it was to simply come and snoop around Nicky's fashion brand, maybe get a word in from the expert herself or learn some new design processes.
Instead what happened was the Canadian dropping out of her school in Toronto and immediately moving to Paris the second Nicky offered her an exclusive job as her personal assistant and designer.
The blonde had been beyond impressed with the designs and worth ethic Jackie had shown her during her short stay in France. She felt it was only necessary to try and keep her as long as possible.
Paid salary and housing included of course.
Despite their personalities almost always contrasting, Jackie quickly became her favourite friend and person.
The two grew close with Jackie's entire job being to design and assist her on every and any matter that came up.
She would see Nicky sob at her desk.
She would get to hear her spill all about her toxic family.
She saw first-hand her dumping her socialite boyfriend in favour of coming out to the French public.
Most importantly: she got to see Nicky beyond the rich, beautiful, dull Parisian facade. Every.wall she had built up from years and years of pressure in the limelight and in the media came crashing down the minute Jackie earned her trust.
"Well it's my job," the Persian finally mumbled under her breath as she looked at the fabric, beginning to write down the shoulder lengths having memorized Nicky's measurements already in her head.
"You hired me to be here with you so the least I can do is make you a fancy dress."
"You're so sweet baby," Nicky hummed as she let go of her waist and gently hopped up on to the marble table, her eyes only watching Jackie cut out fabric and begin to meticulously outline her patterns. "It's a beautiful concept."
One date.
All the hours every day spent together and added up still weren't enough or either of them to gain enough confidence to ask each other out on an actual date. The day Nicky asked she saw the discomfort and anxiety in Jackie's face and immediately dropped the idea, suggesting they instead go wine tasting together.
How French of me. Nicky thought.
There were the occasional shoulder brushes or even the more than occasional, almost constant kisses. Their lips pressed to each other for minutes on end as their hands would interlock before Jackie pushed her away, feeling her stomach churn and fear arise again when they kissed for too long.
She had found out from listening to her talk to her best friend back home in Canada that the fear was more internalized and had nothing to with Nicky's publicity or her status.
"I'm not ready for this ," had become Jackie's most used phrase since she began working side by side with Nicky. They left it alone for a week before the kissing began again and two decided internally that the best thing to do was never bring it up and never act on the feelings any further.
"Your birthday is Friday!"
Jackie chuckled, taking a minute to glance up at Nicky with a soft smile painted across her lips. "It is but I don't need any more parties please," the Persian begged as Nicky groaned the minute she heard the words leave her mouth.
"Nicky no!"
The fashion designer whined like a lost puppy, holding on to her arm for a brief moment before letting her eyes stare into Jackie's, her fingertips gently brushing aside all the loose strands of hair near her ear.
"You're no fun Jacqueline," she teased in a whisper as she drew out her birth name with a huff. The blonde smirked as she grabbed Jackie by her waist and leaned into her lips, "If we celebrated alone and after that stupid movie? Just the two of us?"
The Persian bit her bottom lip, it was beyond difficult to resist any question that came from Nicky's mouth and it was even harder to resist the urge to not kiss her right now, just throw away the project and focus every bit of attention on Nicky.
"If you promise me there won't be anyone else but us then of course I'll spend my day off with you."
"I'm keeping you to it."
— *.✧
The dress was perfect.
It was far too perfect and clean for an event this subdued.
Nicky by far looked the best as she always did. She smiled for every single camera as she felt the flash of the camera's coming constantly from bombardment of paparazzi as she walked down the carpet in her off the shoulder, gathered tulle dress custom made by Jackie, of course.
I just want to be with Jackie…
She stared down at the details of the ruffled chiffon hem that lined the entire dress as her mind was only focusing on thoughts about Jackie and how awful she felt knowing she deserved to finally give one day of full attention to the Persian girl.
Especially on her birthday.
I could just skip this event entirely… no one would dare to even stop me.
The minute she walked down the carpet she took a steep turn to the right, trying to run as fast as she could with heels on as well as an entire train of fabric piled behind her.
Somehow she made it through to the parking lot without even so much as a stare in her direction, managing to make it into her car as she thanked her personal driver. She typed out Jackie's address for him to see as she mentioned that she had to stop at a flower shop.
Red roses. Only red roses.
There were an assortment of looks as she approached the door, a few teenagers crowded around her and begged for photos which Nicky couldn't possibly refuse before she stepped in the small flower shop and begged for as many red roses as possible.
The total only came out to about thirty euros but Nicky only had a two hundred euro bill.
She shrugged as she handed it over, the owner at first refused to take her money but the French woman truly had no time to waste arguing about money she had to waste so she threw the bill in the small tip jar and said goodbye.
Racing outside once again, she found the car parked just a few steps away from the shop as she hopped in and could officially relax against the car's leather seats.
Ten minutes and Nicky was dropped outside of the familiar apartment as she took the dozens upon dozens of red roses in her hand. She managed to enter the pin before sighing heavily.
Nicky realized that going to Jackie's complex with a bundle of red roses in one hand and a flowing, tulle dress probably wasn't a smart idea when you had to walk up three flights of stairs.
She threw her heels off as she began to power walk her way up the steps with a determination to make it to Jackie's cute apartment and surprise her with an abundance of roses.
She buzzed the brass doorbell in front of her as she wiped off the sweat that built in her forehead, immediately smiling seeing Jackie both impressed and confused at the same time.
Nicky was pulled inside as Jackie turned up the fans, clearly seeing that the French woman had either run her entire way here or frantically ran up the steps.
"Are these for me?"
The Persian breathless as Nicky nodded, handing over the entire massive bouquet with a wink as she explained that she researched and found that Iran's national flower was the red rose.
"Nicky," she muttered breathless as Nicky kissed her hands with a smile, Jackie placing the flowers on her kitchen counter as she took the French woman in her arms. The two of them swung side to side as the radio blasted throughout the living room and kitchen area.
"I'm significantly underdressed," she whispered against her skin as Nicky giggled happy to simply be in the dress, admitting that she skipped the event and just ran off after the carpet and photography was finished.
"You skipped the event for me?"
"Of course I did Jackie," the blonde grinned ear to ear seeing the flush across the Persian's cheeks growing darker and darker.
"Was my dress that ugly?" She joked before Nicky cackled, snorting for a brief moment as she buried her head once more in the crook of her neck with a deep sigh.
"It was beautiful, it's one of my favourite dresses I've ever worn and I will absolutely wear it again."
"What an honour."
The two of them sat on her couch, eating bundles of Tiramisu and drinking far too much white wine for their own good as they ended up an hour later just a bit tipsy with their hands interwoven.
"Happy birthday my love," Nicky whispered as her hand softly slid down Jackie's cheek. The blonde pressed a kiss to her forehead as the Persian gnawed at the inside of her cheeks before admitting that she got the only birthday present she wanted.
"Really? Did someone actually do something better than my roses?"
Jackie snickered, rolling her eyes as she ran her fingers through Nicky's hair with a smile admitting that the only thing she truly wished for was to have the French woman near her.
"I'm near you all the time, we work together," she laughed quietly before she saw the blush forming across Jackie's cheeks.
"I need you Nicky."
The blonde blinked confused for a solid ten seconds before feeling Jackie tighten the grip of their hands as she noticed the Persian nodding at her last comment.
"Oh," she gasped. "Oh," She repeated with a wide smile forming across her lips, Jackie was undeniably trying to come through with the offer without saying the actual words.
"You want to have sex with me?"
Nicky laughed aloud seeing the Persian groan the minute she said the sentence, the blonde lifting her chin with her fingertips. "I want you as well Jackie," she whispered as she winked at the Persian who leaned into her lips with a worried breath.
"I am always ready when you would like to," Nicky muttered against her lips as they seperated, Jackie standing up as she held out a hand for the French woman to take.
She did.
There was no use shutting her door but Jackie thought it was intimate and it clearly served a good use as Nicky almost immediately pinned her up against her own bedroom with a chuckle seeing the Persian yelp.
Their lips pressed against one another as the blonde kept her hand's above Jackie's head, the two of them interlocking fingers as Nicky pressed her lips against her neck hearing the Persian immediately start to get anxious.
"You okay?" The question was genuine and soft as the Persian nodded, embarrassed to admit that she'd just had never done any of this before with a woman.
She felt Jackie's heart beat as if it was her very first time, which with a woman it certainly was.
"We don't have to if you're uncomfortable you know, I love kissing you just as much."
"I want to, I promise," Jackie gently managed to choke out as she left a kiss on her shoulder, the dark red lipstick she had on still lingering and leaving a small print on her bare skin.
There was nothing but silence as her hand gently slipped under the fabric, both of them watching Nicky's dress fall to the floor swiftly as she immediately kicked it across to the other side of the bedroom.
"Beautiful dress," Jackie teased with a chuckle as she saw Nicky kick her custom dress across like it was nothing. The Parisian scoffed, melting into another kiss as she admitted that the dress was not currently needed.
"I'll be yours till the end of time," she hummed feeling nothing but their hearts beating in sync with one another as they laid across the bed.
"Take me away."
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joshslater · 5 years
Another quarter, another 250 followers and another 40 stories. I’ve decided I need a backup from tumblr, so with this post I’m launching my Patreon site. I’ve been working on it for a while now, slowly copying over content, fixing typos and badly cropped photos along the way. I still have about 80 posts left to copy, so it is a work in progress, but all the content is already available here. I’m still posting new stories for free here on tumblr, and have no immediate plan to stop doing that. It would be cool if you did drop by and bought me an overpriced coffee or discounted cocktail, but it is totally cool if you don’t. Just to add something bonusy, I’ve added a tier where I post additional thoughts about stories, rejected photos, discarded drafts and abandoned sequels. That’s another reason why the process of copying from tumblr to Patreon is taking its time. I have to dig up old content, going through old chat logs etc. I was also a bit delayed with this announcement, while Patreon community staff and I were figuring out exactly what photos are allowed...
Al Funghi Taking a shortcut more than just dirt got dragged in. #mental #unwilling
Alan fucking Brown Alan Brown is a psychopath part 2.
Bias How does how we look affect how we act? #mental #unwilling
Bloody Marie Not everyone who fools around get a seat on the supreme court. #magic #revenge #unwilling
Boot Sequence Things are getting worse and worse. Perhaps an infection? #mental #scifi #revenge #unwilling
Buddy Light You were supposed to meet your friends, but it looks like these marines scared them away. #body #magic
Chroniwat? Finally got hold of a Chronivac unit. I’ll show you... #body #scifi #muscles #mental #unwilling
Coming of Age Something happened on the beach. #body #muscle #age #magic
Crossdressing Desperately trying to avoid impure thoughts. #bodyswap #magic
Exchange Student Don’t tick off a warlock. #body #age #magic #revenge #unwilling
Final Answer Giving up doesn’t have to be the end. #bodyswap
got skyep? The grass is always greener on the other side. #bodyswap #unwilling
Hiatus Accidentally foiling his room mates plot to.. to do what exactly? #mental #scifi #hypno #unwilling
The Hypnotic Triangle Big change, fast change or lasting change? #mental #hypno #unwitting
Hypothetical #2 We theorize over an alpha flirt on a commuter train.
Hypothetical #3 We theorize over what mysterious work gear could mean.
Hypothetical #4 We theorize over what a sudden house slave means.
Hypothetical #5 We theorize over some jock hijinx.
It’s just temporary You were just helping your friend with his thesis work. #body #jock #muscle #unwilling #mental #scifi
Keeping Up Appearences Peter and Dylan have been bodyswapping to help each other out, but suddenly things are not going according to plan. Perhaps. #bodyswap #muscles #natural
Mystery Malware Shocking new report on a malware that targets user behavior. #hypno #mental #unwitting
A Night Tale A boy finds his dreams do come true, kinda. #body #magic #unwilling
Non-Minkowski Space The problem with time travels is to properly read up on your destination. #body #scifi #unwilling
Off by One Calling the devil can turn out well. #body #muscle #magic
One More Bite You never know what coworkers lace their lunch with. #body #weightgain #magic #unwilling
Paradise, AZ Our honeymoon was cut short when we found ourselves in Paradise. #body #hick #magic #unwilling
The Performance Review Alan Brown is doing whatever it takes to get ahead on the corporate ladder. #body #mental #magic #muscle #unwilling
Prepped Skating into an old lady is the best that ever happened to him, he would say. #mental #body #magic #unwitting
Rehabilitation You can’t do crime if you can’t figure out how. #mental #scifi #body #unwilling
Ronnie the Pool Boy Ron decides breathe new life into his marriage with a body suite. #body #muscle #age 
Sam Matthews Waking up after his prank in One More Rep! #221 Sam explores his new reality. #body #mental #muscle #unwilling
Traces of Troy A near death experience makes some things cross over. #magic #mental #body #muscle #unwitting
Train of Thought An encounter on a commuter train.
Trick and Treat Things to not work out as expected for strictly parented boy sneaking out to Halloween party. #bodyswap #magic
Trust Fall The back crash leaves one privileged student less privileged. #racial #body #scifi
Uber Lift These friends are taken to a new place by their uber ride. #body #muscle #unwilling
Underoos Great thrift shop costume has some lingering side effects. #body #age #magic #unwilling
Uniformed A coworkers active duty service man makes an evening visit. #inanimate #clothes #unwilling #magic #revenge?
Upon Reflection Just some trash along the street. #magic #unwitting
A Week in Indiana Flying out and meeting guys you meet online can be transformative. #mental #hypno #body #natural #unwilling
The Yoker Not everyone appreciates a prank #body #muscle #revenge #unwilling #magic
Android Tattoo session Tattoo session cont. Backseat ride Hat Heirloom Chronivac
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justalittlelitnerd · 4 years
Broken Knight by L.J. Shen
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Photo credit to goodreads
After I finished Pretty Reckless in record time and enjoyed it so thoroughly I knew I wanted to read whatever related books L.J. Shen had to offer. While Knight and Luna weren’t overly present in Daria and Penn’s book they were mentioned enough by Daria that it was clear they would make for a good story. Broken Knight didn’t disappoint. 
Much like in Pretty Reckless the family dynamics are complex and the books really explore the effect that has on kids especially teenagers. Luna is raised by her father and stepmother and is selectively mute after her mother abandoned her as a toddler. Luna communicates through looks as much as sign language and it was nice to see her friends learn sign language to communicate with her rather than pressing her to talk. On the other end is Knight, who, in addition to dealing with the complex identity issues that often stem from being adopted, is also dealing with his mother’s worsening health and further turns to booze and drugs to cope. He’s always been able to count on Luna who he has always believed is his endgame. Until everything changes.
When Luna decides to attend college all the way across the country (at Vaughn’s insistence) the tenuous threads of their lifelong friendship start to fray before snapping all together when she breaks their unspoken promise. They continue to circle each other, changing in ways that neither expected, wondering if there’s still hope for a future for them. 
This book isn’t a true enemies-to-lovers, nor is it a friends-to-lovers, but some sort of gray area that only emerges when a lifelong friendship is destroyed in order to build a relationship from its ashes. The way that Knight and Luna are at the beginning of the book is clearly unsustainable and they were both using each other as crutches. It only makes sense that their friendship needed to be altered entirely for them to come out of it as an actual couple that could last. It really sucks that Luna made the choice she did, but I can see how if she hadn’t, if she had come home and Knight had confessed his feelings, they never would have made it. She never would have spoken and never would’ve grown strong enough to be his equal because their whole friendship was based on him protecting her and the book was heading for a moment when he would need to be taken care of. 
Now that I’ve read all three I think this one was my favorite because I loved the setup and the characters and the complexity of Luna and Knight (I also love their names). 
Keep reading for my fave quotes!
I didn’t want to kiss her. I wanted to zip open my skin and tuck her into me. Hide her from the world and keep her mine.
I loved her with the ferocity only a non-biological child could feel—hungry, visceral love, only better, because it was dipped in gratitude and awe.
I’d never seen him like this before—a storm within a storm.
I’d thought the memories of Valenciana nicked my heart, but that was nothing compared to the violent rip of it when I looked at Knight, realizing for the first time that he was going to break that piece of my heart he held hostage. Not maliciously, no, and definitely not intentionally. But it didn’t matter. Hit-and-run or struck by lightning—a death was a death. A heartbreak was a heartbreak. Pain was pain.
“Moonshine,” he whispered. “You fill up the empty, dark space—like the moon owns the sky. It is quiet. It is bright. It doesn’t need to be a ball of flame to be noticed. It simply exists. It forever glows.”
There was just one crack in my unshakable, good-natured, billion-dollar smile, and hot-motherfucker-jock stereotype persona. A barely noticeable chip. You could see it from one angle. Only the one. And only when Luna Rexroth entered the room and our eyes met—for exactly the first half-second, before I rearranged my features back into my usual smug grin.
Luna Rexroth was beautiful. Sure. But so were a lot of other girls. Difference was, Luna carried her beauty like it was something borrowed. Carefully yet casually, not making a fuss about it. She wouldn’t stand in line for anyone, anywhere. She’d stand out, glowing with quiet pride.
Up until then, the idea of Luna and me was, well, more of a fact. Roses were red. The sun rose in the east. A seahorse could move its eyes in opposite directions (Moonshine told me that herself), and Luna Rexroth was going to be my girlfriend, then fiancée, then wife.
It wasn’t a secret I’d chop heads and bring down the sun for Luna Rexroth.
Never breaking our gaze, I’d put her hand on my own heart, so she’d know, without a doubt, she wasn’t the only one whose heart had a chunk missing.
But Luna looked like nature. It was like kissing the entire fucking forest from our spot in the treehouse.
She knew that between the stigma and the person laid an open abyss, and in its depth, the truth.
There was some anger in my voice, and it made me furious with her. I tried so hard to accommodate whatever wish she had for us. When she wanted kisses, she got them. When she wanted friendship, she got that, too. What about what I wanted from her? What I needed?
I sometimes wondered what hurt more: Losing someone all of a sudden, like in a plane crash, or losing them piece by piece, like I did Knight. It was like feeling a once-warm body growing cold next to you in bed.
They used the word smitten because batshit crazy wasn’t cute. But everyone knew I was smitten with chicken wings and vintage Tumblr porn, not with Luna. With Luna, I was in fucking everything. Love. Lust. Obsession. Take your pick.
I wanted to tell her: You need to come back. Or maybe we can do the long-distance shit. I don’t care. But you slapped me, and that meant something. It meant that you care. I also wanted to say, I know you don’t believe this could work, but not trying is no longer an option. For four months I’ve wanted to give you this ultimatum, but it felt weird to do it through Skype. But now you’re here, and I’m not letting you go before we sort this shit out. Then I wanted to add, I kissed another girl in front of everyone, and it felt like cheating. And to promise her, It meant nothing. She meant nothing.
He was a dash of the boy who’d give me the entire world, thrown in with a giant, hard man who fought any positive feeling toward me.
Watching Luna kiss Vaughn, or Vaughn kiss Luna, if we’re being technical here, was God’s way of telling me he hated me on a personal, profound, go-fuck-yourself level.
Knight’s saving grace was his eyes. Everything about him was perfect to the T, an all-American superhero who could slide comfortably into Chris Pine’s shoes and give him a run for his money. But his eyes were slightly different colors, one the shade of moss, the other more hazel. He was imperfect, but only if you looked really closely. Too closely for his comfort. Too close for him to ever allow. I could never fall in love with a hundred-percenter…but Knight was a solid 99.99%.
It was like watching a car crash—or your pet Chihuahua standing up on two legs, reading Shakespearean poetry while sipping on black tea.
I’d been so busy on me-me-me island, I never bothered to sail to other territories and check in on her.
His unanswered messages were piled up in a neat corner of my phone’s memory like broken dreams, hung on a clothesline, damp from my tears of guilt.
I climbed up to Luna’s window for the first time in months, a fucked-up Romeo in a story that was definitely a comedic tragedy.
“You only get one life, Luna. One stab at this thing called happiness. Why deprive yourself of things you want just because they weren’t given to you the way you hoped for them to come? Life is like a book, a long chain of scenes threaded together by circumstances and fate. You never know how thick or thin your book is, so you better make the most out of every scene, enjoy each chapter.”
How could I ever have let him slip from my fingers? How could I have given him up? Who even cared? Love is selfish. Love is raw. Love is unfair, and unpredictable, and unstoppable.
It felt stupid to say it in the same way it felt stupid to think it. We were so much more than steady. I was going to marry her. I’d known that with every fiber of my being before I was fully potty trained, for fuck’s sake. I just hadn’t known how to label it back then.
Sometimes I’d climb up the forest’s mountain, look at the nothingness surrounding me, and think—this is it. The end of the world. Right here. Or it was when thunder cracked, and fog descended over the roads, misting the car windows. Or when I concentrated on that thin line between the skyline and the ocean, imagining myself sliding into it and letting it suck me into another dimension.
“‘Don’t be a Rosie. Be a Dean. If you want something, no matter what it is, go for it. Falling in love is rare.’” Luna’s eyes were now on Knight, only Knight, and something in the room shifted. She wasn’t merely speaking the words, she was becoming them. “Don’t give up this precious gift. Chase it. Catch it. Hold it close. Don’t let it go. And if it leaves anyway…” Her eyes clung to Knight, and for the first time—for the very first time since I’d known my own son—there were tears in his eyes. It gut-punched me to the other side of the room. “Fight for it,” Luna finished.
“Always. Whenever. Forever,” he mouthed, his lips still on mine. I decided to complete his sentence, the way I’d imagined it in my head so many years ago. “I choose you.”
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nettlestonenell · 6 years
If you don’t like Peggy Carter, you don’t like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Buckle up, Gentle Readers. You may have thought this blog was done vomiting Peggy Carter meta, but you’d be wrong.
It’s still out there, you probably know, this concept that Peggy Carter is [just] Steve Rogers’ girlfriend. It doesn’t even have the sense to lurk in the shadows of the fandom. It’s front and center whenever she’s brought up. And whether that’s because those posting and perpetuating it think the notion weakens whatever/whoever they ship with Cap, or comes from a place where it’s only supposed to be men that matter in fandom/comics/Marvel/the universe at large, it’s simply, aggressively wrong.
If you don’t like Peggy Carter, you don’t like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Why would I say that? I’m so glad you asked.
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Peggy Carter, as portrayed in the MCU (that’s all we’re going to be talking about her representation in, here), was introduced in CA:TFA (we know that, if we’re reading this we know that). That film was not an origin story for her character. She had already originated, and her character came to that film fully-formed (insert Athena reference). 
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(and what a form it is)
She had a job, at which she was very good. She had a sense of self and service, she had (as close as anyone could get to it) the respect of Tommy Lee Jones’ character. She already had a moral compass and a mission.
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In fact, it could be supported from the narrative that Steve had to take the super-soldier serum to complete his origin so that he could become Peggy’s equal (at least physically) in both the fight and in love. CA:TFA doesn’t show that Peggy needed to change in any way.
And here’s where some people seem to start to feel rubbed the wrong way. Marvel wasn’t finished with her. In fact, Marvel decided that actually, they wanted to take Peggy Carter and craft from her the actual freakin’ bedrock of their cinematic universe.
How many MCU films/series has Peggy been in? Six. (I count Civil War, even though it’s only her picture.) Sure, some of those are merely cameo appearances. Cap scores eight by the same counting, but two of his appearances are cameos. Cap has three films in which he’s the main character (I could debate that in Civil War with you, if you like, but not here), roughly six hours of film. In three Avengers movies he’s one of many characters, we’ll give him two hours (though his screen time is likely far less). We’re up to eight hours. His three cameos account for 15 minutes. So, for Cap The Literally Freakin’ First Avenger, we get 8.25 hours of film with him.
And for Peggy? Her five cameos equal about 30 minutes. Her time in CA:TFA gets her about, 45 minutes (maybe a little less). BUT Marvel, in using her as the foundation of their cinematic universe (Peggy’s existence and skin in the fight pre-dates Cap’s) they gave her a series. It ran two seasons. She was the main character. It started with a short. Add fifteen minutes (we’re up to 1.5 hours, now). The series aired thirteen hours of footage. That’s 14.5 hours on-screen about Peggy Carter. That’s an awful lot to develop and write and shoot and produce to be dismissed as merely fan service, or (as it more frequently is claimed at least on tumblr) to solely try and establish that Steve Rogers is Straight-y McStraighterson b/c Peggy Carter.
Fourteen and a half hours across multiple plot lines and platforms. There’s the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D cameo. (Forgot about that one, didn’t you?) 
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Her appearance in Ant-Man. 
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Hours and hours and hours of plots and storylines that don’t deal with Steve Rogers at all, in any way. [Caveat: Some of S1 does masterfully deal with the loss of Captain American AND Steve Rogers--for both her and Howard Stark* (*also more than Cap’s boyfriend)]
Do you know who founds S.H.I.E.L.D.? Howard Stark and PEGGY CARTER. Are we gonna argue now that S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t foundational to the MCU? Are we gonna handwave Coulson and Fury, Maria Hill b/c “they just work for Cap’s girlfriend”? 
Marvel’s Agent Carter spent literally AN ENTIRE SEASON schooling us on the fact that dismissing Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers’ Liaison (she’s his handler, he’s her asset) as ‘Cap’s Girlfriend’ was not only reductive but wrong-headed. Six hours of listening to bonehead boys-club agents at SSR belittling Peggy for being female, claiming her entire professional existence was courtesy Cap.
And yet Peggy is already in the military when she is assigned to Cap’s unit. She’s already giving orders, and working for Tommy Lee Jones—don’t think she wasn’t getting told she was probably sleeping with HIM--(and dealing with idiots who can’t yet dismiss her for being Cap’s girlfriend, so they’re glad to sneer at her for being a female in power). 
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Peggy Carter doesn’t work under Steve Rogers, she works for people above him. She’s the one who, as they say in the spy world, ‘brings him in’ by encouraging him to break-up with the USO and use what Dr. Erskine gave him for a greater good. She works alongside Howard Stark, possibly the brightest mind on Earth at the time.
And let’s not forget the fact that Steve and Peggy are not ACTUALLY dating. They’ve never been on a date. Once, she visited a bar where he was, and then left after a short period of time. Alone.
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It is actually illegal in the Midwest to leave this dress out of any posts where it can feasibly be used.
They may have spent hours together in work-based situations, but insofar as we’re shown, they never even so much as brushed hands. Yeah, her picture’s in his compass. And they look at each other like they’re ready to make love despite the full room crowd around them, but recall: There’s kissing, and only Tommy Lee Jones there to witness it.
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What’s that mean? Well, I doubt it means TLJ’s character was interested enough or indiscreet enough to get that event posted in the base newsletter. What it means is that even if she had not been, Peggy’s sex immediately (long before anything happened between her and Steve) caused people to assume she was Steve’s girlfriend. Her grief following his loss? Not allowed to just be grief for a colleague, a lost asset. Nope, had to be love (even though to those making that qualification of their relationship little evidence existed to reach that conclusion). Peggy had no chance to be seen as other.
And had Steve lived/not crashed—she never, ever would have been able to extricate herself in-story from people assuming and tagging her with that label, negating all her personal triumphs as “Cap’s girlfriend’s” un-earned accomplishments.
But you know what we’re shown instead? Steve on ice—able to save the world later, but Agent Peggy Carter saving the world NOW. She’s ground-zero for dealing with the superpowered. If we’re told Cap’s the First Avenger, then Peggy Carter is the First Avenger’s handler. She writes the textbook for dealing with superpowers, and the supernatural showing up on earth. She builds the agency designed to deal with items like the Tesseract and people like Cap. Gate-keeper of what becomes the MCU.
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I just love Dum Dum. Did I need another reason to use this photo?
In fact, there’s only one MCU character with more screen time than Peggy Carter. It��s the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. In his series, where he’s the main character, he clocks about 31 hours of time (roughly twice Peggy’s). And he’s in The Defenders ensemble as well. (I’ll generously award him two hours there, for a total of 33 hours in the MCU). But Matt Murdock stays in Hell’s Kitchen, and his adventures occur there. He’s not been allowed to run around in the broader mythology. He’s contained. Claustrophobic, even.
But Peggy Carter has been deliberately given vast MCU connections, and developed as a thread that runs through every earth-bound MCU journey (save Spider-Man thus far). In addition to her connection to Nick Fury, Black Widow’s Red Room training (via early Widow-prototype Dottie Underwood), SSR/S.H.I.E.L.D., the Howling Commandos, Howard Stark, and the original human Jarvis. She’s even dealt with Zero Matter, a similar entity to Thor’s Aether. She’s connected to Hank Pym, and personally knew Bucky Barnes in WWII. And almost certainly has an unexplored-in-canon connection to Tony Stark.
Arguably, Peggy Carter also wins Most Well-Developed character in the MCU. We’ve been shown Peggy has:
           Parents who have appeared on-screen
           Multiple named friends and acquaintances (many not even there               to advance the plot!)
-          Two significant frenemies (Dottie Underwood, Jack Thompson)
-          Close confidantes with whom she shares multiple scenes
-          A backstory/origin story given in her series that pre-dates her                     appearance in CA:TFA
-          An ongoing narrative that laid the basis for the MCU
-          A funeral attended by lots (a whole church-load) of people
-          A broken-engagement fiance
           Dated a man NOT Cap, following Cap’s ice dive
           A husband
           A brother
-          Children
-          Grandchildren
           A niece
-          A rich, whole, life outside her brief time with Cap
CONCLUSION: You know who dismisses Peggy Carter as Steve Rogers’ girlfriend? (And also suggests that she’s slept with Howard Stark, her former co-worker?) Loser SSR Agent Krzeminski. 
Do you know what happens to him? He gets shot in the head. By a girl. 
Who he probably just thought was some guy’s girlfriend.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Eight: In A Garden ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Tenten ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“...you’re kidding, right?”
“Cuz it’s fun, dude!”
Sasuke deadpans. “...dressing up in costumes and acting, in real time...is fun.”
“Yeah! LARPing is amazing! A few friends of mine from my old school were into it when we were kids! And since I’ve been getting back into contact with ‘em, I asked if they still did it? And they do! And we are totally going to a session and -”
“But -!”
“That is the dorkiest thing I’ve ever heard of. I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that.”
“But Sasuke -” Naruto begs, curling fists under his chin. “I told everybody we’d be there!”
“You need to stop making promises on my behalf, Naruto.”
“C’mon, man! You tellin’ me you’ve never wanted to be, like...a badass knight? Or...or a mage? You never played games like that?”
“Yeah. Games. Where I sit and be myself, playing a game. I’ve never thought I should become the game.”
“Dude...do you know anything about cosplay?”
“...yeah. I do.”
“Y’ever looked at some really hot cosplay girls?”
A light tint of pink colors the Uchiha’s face. “...I’ve seen them, yeah.”
“Well, it’s like that...only they actually stay in character. And you get to interact with them, in character! And you can have battles, and sit in a tavern, and look awesome! I promise you’ll have fun. And like I said, it’s mostly people from my old school! You wouldn’t even know anyone there to be all embarrassed in front of!” Naruto nudges him in the ribs. “We’ll get you looking awesome, and they’ll just be impressed!”
Sasuke heaves a long sigh, staring at his friend skeptically. “...and what, pray tell, did you have in mind for me to wear?”
Sensing he’s convinced him, Naruto gives a wide, devious smile. “Oh, I think you’re gonna like it…!”
The event, as it turns out, is being hosted in a large park across town. Good, Sasuke can’t help but think. Fewer chances of being spotted by someone he knows.
Because while he’ll never admit it...he does look awesome. But...that also plays against him for looking like he’s taking this seriously.
Donning a thief build getup, his scheme is black and a midnight blue, with highlights of silver. It’s actually made of leather, for the most part. The armor, at least. He’s got boots, trousers, a tunic...and his armor. A chest plate, bracers, shin guards...the whole works.
And he hates that Naruto was right. Though he tried to resist...the more he looked at himself in the mirror...the more he thought he actually looked...really cool. And he can totally pull off a thief character.
Otherwise, he’s just a human - no pointy elf ears or orc makeup. That...would be taking it  a little far, in his opinion. Wielding a foam dagger, he only has a scar painted over an eye.
You know, just to add to the badass image.
Getting out of Naruto’s car, they soon see the ruckus. A fair number of people - more than Sasuke expects - are out in the grass. A gazebo seems to be a make-believe tavern, coolers of drinks (non-alcoholic - they’re still minors, after all) and food are made up to look like chests. There’s a fair amount of variety in the costumes - both in terms of characters, and of skill level. And no one seems to be ripping on each other. They’re just...having fun. A few people spar with their false weapons...others sit and talk with tankards. One guy even looks to be selling potions...which are just funny colored water.
“Sooo...whaddaya think?” Naruto asks, leaning against his friend to jostle him, wiggling his eyebrows.
“...looks like a nerdfest.”
“An AWESOME nerdfest!” the blond declares, lifting his broadsword. He, of course, is a knight...with armor Sasuke will admit is even more impressive than his own.
“So, where are all the girls?”
“Oh! I think Shikamaru said they were having a, uh...a photoshoot? In the gardens. If I had t’guess, they’re probably all there getting their pictures done before their hair or whatever gets messed up. Wanna go see?”
Sasuke goes pink. “...that won’t be weird?”
“Nah, we’ll just...get our pictures taken, too! It’ll be totally fine,” Naruto insists, waving a hand. “I really do wanna get pictures, though. I want this moment immortalized! Sasuke wearing LARP getup...I’m gonna show your kids.”
“Tch, whatever…”
They head up the hill to where the kept gardens of the park are grown. Sasuke’s been here a few times, but mostly when he was a lot younger. The park really isn’t his favorite haunt anymore. At least, not unless something is actually going on. While his mother used to take him and Itachi all the time in the Summer when they were kids...they’re both a little old for that now. Itachi’s in college, after all.
And, as Naruto said, there’s indeed a few photographers hanging around, snapping pictures of various roleplayers. Most of the ones up here are indeed girls. Barmaids, mages, princesses, knights...anything and everything, really.
“See? What did I tell ya? Aren’t they beautiful?” Naruto whispers, nudging Sasuke again. “Check them out!”
Grunting, Sasuke gives him a glance, not wanting to be...overtly obvious. Pretending to be watching the goings-on, he scopes out a few of them. They’re pretty, sure...but none really catch his eye too dramatically.
“Please, Hina?”
“I-I don’t know about this, Tenten…”
Glancing, Sasuke spies what looks like a weaponsmith talking to a girl in a long coat, which she clings closed with embarrassment.
“But you look awesome! It turned out so great! Shouldn’t you want everyone to see it?”
“I mean...I guess? I don’t know, it’s just...e-embarrassing…!”
“Dude, everyone here is in costume! No one’s gonna make fun of you! We’re all nerds here, right?”
“Besides, if anyone gives you trouble, I’ll knock ‘em one!” the one called Tenten assures her, drawing an oversized hammer from a belt at her hip.
Her companion smiles, gaze dropping as the current group moves out from in front of the camera.
“Ooh, us!” Naruto insists, tugging Sasuke forward with a yelp.
“Just you two?” a photographer clarifies.
“Uh...I guess. Unless anyone wants a group shot with us?”
“We’ll join in!”
Everyone looks over to Tenten, who hauls her friend forward by a hand. The other keeps her coat closed. “Got room for two more?”
“Yeah, sure!” Naruto quickly agrees.
“C’mon, Hina! You gotta take the coat off!”
Pink with embarrassment, the one called Hina pauses...then peels the garment aside.
Sasuke’s eyes go wide.
Donning fake elf ears, her hair is long and dark, straight as a blade to her tailbone. Pale lavender eyes match a few layers of her dress, which has several materials of various shades of purple. A delicate circlet with violet gems sits on her brow.
...wow...she looks like the real deal.
She’s beautiful…
“...oi, Sasuke. We gotta pose.”
Snapped back to the present, he blinks, realizing he’s...still in the garden. And everyone’s looking at him. Oh crap, was he staring that badly?!
“Sorry about him, he’s a little spacy sometimes,” Naruto snickers. “Thieves and their short attention spans, amirite? If it’s not shiny, he’s not paying attention!”
Scowling, Sasuke knows he’s trying to cover for him. “...better than starting all manner of brawls just to prove your chivalry, you dunce.”
“Ha! See? Such a kidder…”
...huh...this is actually...kinda fun.
The four of them pose for a few photos before they let someone else have a turn.
“So can we get copies of these?” Naruto asks one of the photographers.
“Yeah, they’ll be on our website.”
“...website?” Sasuke repeats. They’ll be online?!
“What, like anyone you know is gonna be looking at this kinda stuff, right?” the blond counters, pouting.
Likewise, Hinata goes pink. “Tenten...you didn’t say they’d be p-public…”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know!”
As their more...exuberant friends try to work out the details, Hinata and Sasuke are left to the side, glancing to each other. “...your costume is amazing,” he offers, trying to make conversation.
That gets her to perk up. “You...you think so? I made it myself!”
“What?! No way!”
“Oh...I just bought mine, I’m not...crafty or anything.”
She laughs softly into a hand. “That’s just fine. We all do this differently. I just...r-really like making clothes! Maybe I could make you something sometime, um…?”
“Oh, uh...Sasuke.”
“Okay guys, they’re gonna keep ours under a password! Apparently they do that for private shoots, and...they’re making an exception for us! So we can see them, but...no one without the magic word can.” Naruto gives two gloved thumbs-up.
“Oh, g-good,” Hinata sighs in relief.
“Now, onward! To the festivities! There’s battles to win and ale to drink!” the blond then announces, leading the charge back down to the belly of the park. Tenten follows with a cackling laugh, wielding her hammer.
“...well, I guess we’re hanging out?” Sasuke asks.
“I guess so,” Hinata laughs.
     ...this is really random xD I kinda wanted to do something else, buuut I don't have a dedicated verse for it (yet), so...maybe another time, lol      I've never done LARPing...I watched a few friends do it BRIEFLY, and uh...they were some of the very low budget kind xD Which is fine! But means in truth, I know very little about it, so...hopefully I didn't get anything wrong, lol!      ANYWAY, I'm FINALLY done with the ship week I was doing on Tumblr, and uh...oof, am I burnt out. I'm surprised I got this done, tbh ^^; So hopefully I'll be a bit more...prompt from now on. And a bit more wordy. Doing two daily writing things at once is uh...a bit much, lol      But anyway, that's all from me for tonight~ I'm very tired, so time to crash! Thanks for reading <3
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larentsaloud · 3 years
Pride & Prejudice x F4
OMG. Not my favourite couples mash up. Here we goooo:
Thyme X Darcy 
Rich boi complex, starved of maternal affection. Umm. So we all know that Darcy was raised by his aunt and that Thyme was raised by the house keepers, so they probably can cry on each other’s shoulders when they enter the group therapy. I would love to see them discuss trauma while Gorya and Lizzie wait for them in the nearby coffee shop and swap proposal horror stores. Liz, you know he abducted me? OMG! Tell me. *sips tea*
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Tailed by stalkers in Darcy’s case she was a friends sister, so not as disgusting as Hana, but for my purposes I am saying this tallies. I mean Hana is a special case, but that sis of Darcy’s bestie was another level of mean. Why does every man need an obsessed bitch tracking him like Elon Musk is about to track us with his chip implant, I failed to comprehend. Jane, you made every romance triangle a quadrant and I love you for it. 
 Insult my heroine before / during a confession. Ha. I cackled when Darcy rapped about how terrible Lizzie’s family, background and what not was and then he was like, yeah but scratch that, because I most ardently love you. The fuck? You can't just insult my girl’s lifestyle and be like never mind it’s cool. I want in on that mess. kjshsahjk. Compare to Thyme who literally said Gorya looked like a tramp and was black and blue with bruises (all your fault Thyme) but like ummm can't believe you made me fall so hard. Bitches. That  is highly toxic. Thank fxck my ladies have sense and do not fall into those traps that those bois weave. 
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Have minimal awareness of emotions beyond misery until they encounter Gorya / Lizzie. Yeah no explanation needed. They are the prototype of aloof emotionally frozen degenerate. Pretty sure all my exes studied Darcy and decided to pause never grow past the point of Darcy being a little whiney bitch about everything. Ugh. Dancing. How dreary. It’s not Darcy you are just miserable. 
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Love the girl before she realises her own feelings.  
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Won't take no for answer: case in point Mr Darcy was sure she would not refuse. Thyme: finds creative ways how to break every boundary known to man. 
Gorya x Lizzie 
Are outspoken, with chaotic loving families that ends up causing more harm than good. Only difference being Gorya not shy of resorting to physical violence, but then pretty sure Austin would have written her character with few more punches if the evil editors allowed her to slap Mr Darcy after his confession. Trust me I that's how she wrote it in her first draft. 
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Not in the market for a hubby / boyfie until Wickham / Ren appears. Remember when Wickham was wagging his tail at Lizzie’s skirts? Yeah. Then we have Ren using her as a pass time, while he discusses his actual crush. What a selfish bastardo. They can both be condemned because they play with my girls feelings and bread crumb their affection. Fuck that shit.  
Despise Darcy / Thyme for being proud spoiled mother trucker. LOL, because at least Darcy didn't bully everyone, but I bet he was a nightmare mood spoiler and a complete drain on any society with his gloomy nature and refusing to dance. FFS. As for Thyme, he's probably quite introverted too, so not much of a party animal more of a sappy drunk who gets spiked and abducted. They share that rich boi im better than you aura. 
Have a family member that causes them heartache. Lizzie: sister who marries her first crush. Gorya: dad in debt, which causes her to become a part time play boi bunny for a night. Both of which cause much concern to Darcy and Thyme, but also end up giving them reason to fight our heroine’s case. 
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louisetakesphotos · 7 years
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Well dear Tumblr community, it’s time to fill you in on quite the misadventure.  Let me tell you a tale. A tale of woe, a tale of heartbreak, a tale of schlemeils and schlimazels. Of a thing known as the Blitz (a string of constant bad luck).The tale begins in Bangkok, with hardly enough sleep my human, known affectionately as Chaim, and I were ready to jump on a bus to Cambodia. With only 2 minutes to spare he decided to get money out at the ATM, alas the ATM had a different idea and his card was swallowed up into the black abyss of another countries banking system, never to be seen again. Because the universe was trying to make it fairly obvious it was playing a joke on us, that was the moment the skies opened and the first rain in several months poured forth. The bus pulled up and knowing my visa was expiring the next day we decided to get on it. Even as my stomach muscles clenched, I kept assuring him, 'I've got you man, I've got you.' 600m up the road we realised the error of our ways and we jumped off the bus, knowing we needed to cancel his card before we spent 12 hours making our way to a new country. Out we jumped into the downpour. This wasn't just an ordinary downpour, this was a downpour in Khoa San Road, the scummiest, filthiest place in all of Thailand. Water was flooding down the street, it was up to our knees and our shoes kept falling off, so eventually we said ‘to hell with it all’ took them off and walked barefoot through the minefield of unknown substances stuck to the ground. As I took my first step on the slippery sidewalk I saw a rat scuttle past, followed by an army of centipedes and cockroaches. With all my worldly possessions getting soaked on my back we finally made it back to our guesthouse. I turned to Chaim and assured him yet again ‘it’s ok, I have a card. I’ve got you till you can order another one.’So away we went the next day, with blue skies the universe shined it’s agreement down on us ‘Yes Louise and Chaim, you made the right decision, this was a small upset in an otherwise beautiful adventure to a new country. Everything will be fine. Fine I say!' The universe desperately assured us, trying and succeeding to lull us into a false sense of security. We arrived at the border to discover what a filthy liar our fair universe was and realised we were currently halfway through a scam. Pay them to organise a Cambodian visa, or get left behind and have to organise our own way to Siem Reap. We'd forgotten what it was like in developing world countries, so we begrudgingly agreed to just pay the extra money and be done with it.'We'll be in Cambodia soon, then our luck will turn, won't it?' We asked each other hopefully. ALAS, it was not to be. Alas the universe, the simulation, the author of whatever strange novel we're apparently characters in decided that no, the plot would be better if our luck stayed down, and so I walked over to a nearby ATM machine to get money out. Telling Chaim over and over, it’s ok, it’s ok, I’ve got you, I’ve got you. We’re going to have a great time, god I can’t wait to get into Cambodia. Our cambodian 'friend' who was organising our visas, who’d assured us he had our best interests at heart came up and agreed and agreed, oh yes thats a good amount to get out, oh yes you should exchange your money here, oh yes cambodia is good, oh yes oh yes. And suddenly a beeping sound interrupted this hectic tirade of useless information and I realised I did not in fact have Chaims back because my ATM card had just been swallowed. NOOOOOOOO. It was the last day of my visa, what do we do, what do we do. We're at the border, where do we go? How do we deal with this? Oh, for the first time in my life I was semi organised before I left the country, and I have a second card. It’s ok, it’s ok. It’s all going to be ok. It has $0 on it, but it's all going to work out for the best.We cross the border, we wait in this shed over here. We walk through this line over there. We double back, we walk in circles, screeching hawkers, pounding heat, the knowledge that the last two times, in the last two days we’ve used ATM’s our cards have been swallowed. Having been assured that ATMs in Cambodia are even less reliable my stomach knotted up, and I thought of all the things I’ll do if I’m stuck in a crazy country with no access to money. We made it back to the bus, knowing we’d been scammed, knowing we were down to my travel card which had $0 on it, feeling the knots tightening in my stomach. But we had our bags, we had our passports and our cambodian visas. We had our sanity and everything was going to be alright. We laughed at ourselves ‘well we needed a good reminder, Cambodia is different, we’re well and truly back in the developing world and they don’t have the same rules, our bad luck will turn around.’ We reached the point in the story where it seems as if the main characters life is back on track, that everything is ok, but anyone reading the book or watching the movie knows that this is the false promise before the bleakest point in the heroes story. And so away we went, gallivanting through temples, through back streets, playing with children, spying on monks, eating street food, riding our bicycles in the street. Taking the best photos of my trip so far and getting more and more excited about the next month of photography ahead, thinking of the stories I would write with them to try and send to magazines, thinking 'ah yes this is the life for me. Oh how happy photography makes me.' And as it always does in the best stories, everything came crashing down around us. One sleepy Saturday night, after a hearty dinner, after a day looking at all the photos we'd taken through the temples of Angkor wat, getting excited to go back the next day, everything changed. My social media addiction led me to look for my phone but it wasn't where I left it. I searched through my belongings but something was different. I looked at my camera bag and something didn't quite add up. Where my beloved baby Mandy the Mark iii had been, alongside 3 expensive professional lenses, was a large gaping hole. The hole seemed to expand in front of me, it was no longer the bright blue of the inside of my bag, but had turned black, it was a black hole and it was expanding, sucking everything in with it. Every good memory, every future photograph, the entire month of travel in front of me. I stared, still unable to comprehend I had just been robbed. That $8000 worth of camera equipment, along with my new mobile phone was no longer mine, but instead in the hands of some backstabbing thief at the guesthouse I was staying in. "Hey wait a minute, my camera's gone too?" Chaim said. Without a doubt we knew it was the hotel staff, or someone working with them, the door was locked, the windows barred, and we'd only been gone for 20 minutes. The invasion of privacy, the loss of my livelihood, the knowledge that the trust i'd had was gone and all the niceties of the homely place we'd decided to make our abode for the past week crumbled into a vile mess around us.What happened next could be the plot of an entire movie, yet I'll try and sum it up in a short paragraph. Three entire days in a sweltering, post colonial police station, arguing with shirtless police officers with the reek of last nights alcohol on them, all for the sake of a simple piece of paper, a copy of the police report, so I could try and leave this shemozzle behind me and get my gear back.We were intimidated, accused of lying and attempting insurance fraud, and asked to completely change our story because they had no intention of investigating a hotel in a place who's only income is tourism. Constantly being asked "What do you want the police to do about it?" It took yelling, sweet talking, persistence, a refusal to leave and becoming a massive pain in their side and finally the insinuation of a possible 'kindness' (also known as a bribe) I had the piece of paper in my hand. The knots that had been tightening in my stomach finally relaxed and a laugh burst out as we walked out of station, and were free to leave Cambodia and try and get my belongings back. After telling you of the horrific luck we dealt with, I have to finish with a note about Cambodia. I still love that beautiful, wonderful country, and ironically, although I dealt with some aggravating officers and thieves, the people in general are some of the loveliest people I've met on my travels.After losing my most important possessions and feeling like the world around me had come crashing down and everything was bitter and horrible, the thing that pulled me rather quickly from my self pity party, was looking around at the country I was lucky enough to be in, at the poverty that led to a city with a higher theft rate, and a country where police need bribes because they don't earn a high enough wage to support their families. A country that is still reeling from genocide, from severe mistreatment, and whose magic comes from the under-developed nature of the place. A country I'll most definitely be returning to, with a new camera.
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didilysims · 6 years
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Regarding glitchy birthday baby syndrome, slow internet sympathy, and...some other stuff. :P Replies for @nekosayuri @penig @hexagonal-bipyramid @immerso-sims @taylors-simblr @tamtam-go92 @kahlenas @vladora-sims @salamisimmer​ and @eulaliasims​ plus 2 gifs are under the cut. 
nekosayuri replied to your photoset “A bit more playtime, and then, suddenly, it’s time to go home. Time...”
LOL Marzi is just like her mum in a way
Determined with a side of questionable people skills? I can see it. :P
penig replied to your photo “Finally Jeremy grows up. I didn’t get a decent picture of him...”
I've always found it best to just leave them alone when that happens. Sooner or later somebody grows them up.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a baby refuse to grow up, so I completely forgot about that. I was also pretty impatient to have him grow up because it was the end of the round (before I decided to add some time to visit the school) and I wanted to know what he would look like! 
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photo “Finally Jeremy grows up. I didn’t get a decent picture of him...”
So many cakes wasted! :O
I know! Silly, wasteful Sims. Have they no respect for cake?! 
immerso-sims replied to your photo “Finally Jeremy grows up. I didn’t get a decent picture of him...”
Ugh, hate when that happens.
So annoying! Babies are the worst life stage, in my opinion, and this just adds to it.
penig replied to your photoset “Natasha was having no luck with growing that darn baby up, so Leif...”
Obviously, the kid wants his whole family there.
Oh gee, and here I thought only Stella would be mad at me for forgetting to invite her. I’m soooooorry! 
nekosayuri replied to your photoset “Natasha was having no luck with growing that darn baby up, so Leif...”
What is happening? o.O
Sometimes babies refuse to grow up. Usually it’s because one or more motives is too low, but because they’re babies, you can’t check. It took so many tries to grow him up that it wore down poor Leif’s sun meter, so he passed out on the sidewalk...and took the stubborn baby with him. It was super annoying, but also kind of funny. 
taylors-simblr replied to your photoset “It’s Jeremy’s birthday, so Leif invites a few close friends to help...”
Natasha is quite an unorthodox mum, isn’t she?
Wait, you’re saying you *don’t* leave your baby on the hard floor so you can get first dibs on the cake?? o_O
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “It’s Jeremy’s birthday, so Leif invites a few close friends to help...”
Glitchy Baby-Birthday, Hm?
Yep. :( Sigh. 
kahlenas replied to your post “A tumblr haiku”
I mean the haiku, not internet situation :/
I figured that’s what you meant. :) Good to know my years of studying English have finally paid off with internet poetry. ;) 
vladora-sims replied to your post “A tumblr haiku”
I feel ya slow internet bud : /
*Sloooooooooowww high five across the interwebs*
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(I like how this one cuts out right before the payoff too, just like my internet, constantly resetting itself...) 
nekosayuri replied to your post “For @katatty @nekosayuri @aondaneedles and @taylors-simblr, here’s a...”
The space between roads is a bit tricky to figure out at first since it's pretty different than in Sims 2, but from memory, the roads need to be right next to each other for 1x1 lots to fit in Sims 2 and if they have 1 space between them, then it becomes 3x1 (or the other way around) I THINK. You gotta experiment with it. :D
Experimenting is the plan! 
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I just have to find some time to execute said plan...
taylors-simblr replied to your post “how do you hide your sims' queue in your photosets? Whenever I take...”
Yeah I always take my pictures in options menu. The fish and snow stay visible already, but I know that owned businesses will show as being fully restocked that way, so if my businesses look well run, that’s why :p
salamisimmer replied to your post “how do you hide your sims' queue in your photosets? Whenever I take...”
Hello! I take my pictures without the queue by going to the “options” menu and then hitting tab for free camera mode :)
Options does seem the better choice: no gridlines, yes snow, and of course no queue. And I’ll usually use that for businesses too, thanks for the reminder. I just have used buy mode + ceiling view to avoid crashing for so long I don’t even think of breaking the habit anymore. 
eulaliasims replied to your photoset
Gosh, I really love their kitchen. I never think of using posters like that in kitchens, but it looks really good below the cabinets!
Ha ha, the poster mostly went there because it was carried over from their old place which had more wall space in the kitchen, and under the cabinets was the only place it would fit here. But I thought it worked. Thank you for the compliment too. :) 
immerso-sims replied to your photo “That’s it for this farming household! Next time I’m sure they’ll get...”
I loved their round so much!
Yay! I had so much fun with this family, so I’m glad I’m not the only one. :) 
taylors-simblr replied to your photo “That’s it for this farming household! Next time I’m sure they’ll get...”
Aw Jeremy looks so much like his dad :)
Those plantsim genes are strong! And cute, so it’s okay.
penig replied to your photoset “Round’s over…have some captioned outtakes! ”
I vote you keep the photobombing scarecrow.
I wish I had! He didn’t look great in that position once zoomed out (too hard to line up the faces), but he might have worked off to the side. Especially great if he could have been in some dancing or scaring pose too...but I was quickly losing patience with that photoshoot. :P 
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nicknellie · 4 years
Hi I’m the anon, ironically my Tumblr crashed as well mostly because I’ve been switching between screens so some of this I will have to re-write as well (sorry if some of this isn’t as articulate)
I completely forgot to mention the acoustic guitar in my last comment but I will do that briefly.
I need to hear long weekend immediately honestly that and crooked tooth are probably some of the top songs I have for my season two wishlist.
Also yes, I feel like the boys are just completely prepared to do unsaid Emily whenever Luke is feeling upset so when he pulled out the acoustic guitar, Alex was ready to start playing that song however he was totally unprepared for what Luke was going to do. All the boys burst out into tears however Bobby and Reggie started crying first because Alex was starstruck just because I think a tiny bit he was expecting them to kick him out because I don’t think that he was expecting his parents to react that badly so he just didn’t know what was going to happen. (Offended boys and a promise that will never happen, maybe around the time that the crossword and hat were made)
Their songs definitely were very personal and talked about very personal experiences to them so I think another reason why the boys were so hurt was because by not only taking the songs and not giving credit that they had written them it felt like another way that he was erasing them from his life.
Yes, they definitely bounce ideas off of each other just before a band practice (also randomly at 4 AM because Luke had inspiration and wanted to write with someone). Honestly when Julie said that I thought that she just meant that he was running out of songs to use however I like your theory much more. Definitely agree, and he just wasn’t able to write that way, either for the fact that immediately he would burst into tears or he would just fail. (I was also thinking that could be the beginning of the realization that what he did was wrong)
Wow, I completely did not think about that but yes Mitch definitely set up some sort of charity in honour of Luke (honestly I was thinking something like charities for homeless teens due to the fact that the boys had ran away and or some thing like the Trevor Project in support of Alex). Trevor/Bobby would definitely either donate to them a lot or randomly promote the charity.
I saw a comment a bit ago that was talking about how there should be Alex‘s version of Unsaid Emily and now that’s all I want in my life (also it be really cool to see Reggie‘s version because another reason for me to burst into tears).
I kind of mentioned that earlier as well!! But I definitely think that Alex thought that his parents wouldn’t react as badly as they did (maybe not how Ray would but not as badly as they did). I completely agree and it would be so amazing to just see that process because like unsaid Emily not only did it make Emily feel better but it helped Luke put down all of the things he never got to say. This is so sad but yes I agree to all of that, also for some reason I keep thinking that Alex could play acoustic guitar or at least some version of the strings because all of his friends do (he picked up on that maybe after so long of helping write those parts ect) and I can just see this song being another acoustic one.
Honestly I think you took the words out of my mouth, it would’ve been so hard for a teenager to deal with that also as he got older he had Carrie and he probably didn’t want her to have to be exposed to that as well as his sprouse. I do agree, also I just feel like it’s one of those things that for them it will be hard to show any kind of sympathy just because it feels like such a short time to them so it’s hard to think about that. Also it would just be easier to hold onto those feelings of hurt then ‘oh yea 25 years has passed in like a day for us’
Brain cell- You articulated that so well and I agree, while Alex was more so the mom friend and wouldn’t let the rest of them do something that dumb, Bobby was always the one who would be able to think rationally and give good advice (also Bobby would go to Alex for advice)
Honestly he is so spiritual, I could just tell basically the same way as you, I feel like just like with Alex and not being able to completely processed that he is a ghost, Bobby wouldn’t be able to process the fact that they are ghosts.
Yes, Reggie has so many scrapbooks (also just randomly a notebook filled with not only commentary about Star Wars but anything he can find related to Star Wars) (another notebook is made after death and two pages are rage about them killing his favorite character and a page about what is a Jar-Jar)
Yes, you would get photos developed (don’t really know much about it sadly) and honestly I could see both Alex and Reggie being really into photography but Reggie likes the developing and everything else while Alex only likes taking pictures. (Also could explain why Reggie likes Ray so much because I believe Ray is in some sort of photography kind of business but in general Reggie just loves what he does for work)
Okay, so I just thought of Reggie having photo shoots with the boys and just randomly in the day a photo shoot would happen (also he takes pictures of everything that he likes and have too many of his crosswords and stuff)
Reggie did keep everything, however it was Alex who kept the playbills and posters from gigs and would give them to him (they are saved in a photo book somewhere), also you’re completely correct he had a scrapbook for every single event honestly if they ever go through the loft, half of it’s just going to be taken over by scrapbooks (although Luke teasing him about that, he would be the first one to give Reggie more scrapbooks)
I don’t think that they’re materialistic (just on the topic of clothes and stuff) however I feel like these few pieces remind them of each other and in some ways or how they show their support. I do think that the fanny pack was a gift from them (for some reason I keep thinking about them having a secret Santa and Reggie (or boy of choice) giving it to him because although he doesn’t need it anymore his old one needed to be replaced and as we know Alex hates change) Yes!! That’s definitely Luke’s item (also Luke at some point took the original pink hat because Alex was using the one with a flag more often then not)
So I was thinking about Bobby and during their performance of now or never you can see that he has some sort of wrap bracelet on his arm (not entirely sure of what it is but I think that it’s a bracelet) and I think that possibly the boys made it/bought it for him
Trevor wears a necklace and I’m just now picturing this being in memory of Luke, Alex, and Reggie. (Because he wears like three just for reference, it’s the one that has a stone and is the shortest one if that makes sense)
That was definitely their roles, and I remember reading a story where Bobby was the one who booked the Orpheum and I can’t just not picture it now. Also after Bobby and Alex figured it out everything they settle down for a big group cuddle and watched Luke’s favorite movie (hear me out, it’s Grease because Luke is in love with Summer nights) and because Luke couldn’t say no to Reggie‘s puppy dog eyes they watched Star Wars.
Also Bobby tended to handle those meetings because Luke is not a negotiator and can be very indecisive (he is the type who would change the set list about an hour before they had to perform), Alex would be too nervous also would bluntly call them out for something if needed which sometimes wasn’t helpful and Reggie would talk about how much he wanted pizza randomly (also Reggie does the numbers because if you bribe him with pizza then he’s the greatest for that job).
I am so glad you made that meme because that is exactly what I was thinking of and I wasn’t sure if I had articulated it well!!
And yes for sure!! I’m totally fine with that, honestly some of these were just theories that I had before and this conversation has developed them so much so I don’t blame you at all.
Ahh hello!! It sucks that Tumblr decided to crash on us both but I’m glad I got to find out who I’ve been brainstorming with! I literally love all of this we’ve done, seriously, it’s amazing.
I’m going to add the rest under a keep reading thing otherwise this will get unbearably long 😂
Ok so as I’m writing this it’s like quarter past eleven at night and this could take a while, so I should go to sleep but I’m literally desperate to answer this so sleep can wait.
And YES like Alex sees Luke whip out his acoustic and gets his drumsticks ready, but Reggie just yanks them out of his hands. Luke says, “This one’s for you, Alex,” and proceeds to sing the sweetest song ever with just as much love, passion, and devotion that he pours into Unsaid Emily. They’re all sobbing by the end, and I totally agree, Alex is crying less than the others because he’s mainly just shocked that they care so much about him. He knew the band loved him but he always had his doubts about the extent of that love (they all shared these same doubts sometimes but for different things). Seeing Luke put his heart and soul into the song and Reggie and Bobby crying over it made Alex sad, yeah, but also just shocked by the entire situation. When he tells the guys he wasn’t sure what they would do when he told them you’re so right, they’re completely offended, but the comment just makes Reggie cry even more because how could Alex not know how much they love him?? Group hugs ensued, plus reassurances, and YES that was definitely when the other Mission: Support Alex ideas came about.
Exactly! To Bobby it probably seemed like he was telling their stories and making them known, but he never counted the fact that they weren’t ever mentioned by name within the song and he didn’t mention them, so he wasn’t doing much for them. I think you’re right, that would’ve hurt them even more - to put all that work and effort even into simply getting the words onto the page just to have it almost entirely erased? Yeah that would’ve sucked.
That 4 a.m. thing - it’ll usually be Bobby who Luke goes to. Luke will have thought up a song or a rhythm or whatever and Bobby is a bit of an insomniac. He hardly sleeps and spends most of the night making more jewellery for his friends (or another thought I just had: writing poetry?? I feel like Bobby would be so good at poetry, but again he’d lose it as he got older because he lost his source of inspiration: the boys). Alex is always telling them both that they need to get more sleep because they look half dead but neither of them take any notice because midnight song writing sessions are fun. SO when he’s older and his songs aren’t as good he also tries staying up all night to think of songs like he would’ve done with Luke, but YES like you said he just couldn’t do it. He would cry or just not be able to make himself finish because even after twenty-five years it’s too painful. It could easily be when he realised what he’d done wrong, that he shouldn’t have been trying to make music without his band in the way he had been, by using their stuff instead of his more original things or without crediting them.
I totally can get on board with Trevor making his own charity too! Like he creates a safe space with trained professionals to help any teens going through a rough time; there’s specialists from everything and Trevor makes sure there’s always someone to help with children with difficult home lives (for all three of them) and LGBTQ+ kids (for Alex). He donates to any charities that would have helped his brothers in their time of need, and promotes Mitch’s charity all the goddamn time.
I’m about to go off on a major tangent but if I word it well then it could be something good so we’ll see how this goes. We know nothing about Bobby’s parents, but I’m going to assume that out of all the parents Mitch and Emily were the most approachable even though they didn’t support the band. The boys were all quite close because they were simply lovable people. So Bobby stayed close with them after they died. We know it’s canon that he also stayed close with Rose (because Julie and Carrie were friends). What if one time he was talking to Rose about Luke’s parents and she mentioned that she wanted to meet them. Bobby checked with Mitch and Emily that it was okay and a few days later he brought Rose to see them. Rose gushed about how Luke and the band were some of the most talented musicians she had ever seen, how they would have been great, how Mitch and Emily were able to be proud of their son. It provided a lot of comfort and closure for Mitch and Emily that day and they never forgot Rose’s kind words. They asked what her name was because they wanted to look out for her in the future - she said Rose Molina because I 100% headcanon that Ray took her surname when they got married or the whole family took it after she passed away. Anyway, fast forward twenty-five years and a girl shows up on the Pattersons’ doorstep. Mitch answers the door and can’t help but thinking she looks incredibly familiar. She introduces herself as Julie, and when Mitch asks to double check her name she says she’s Julie Molina and Mitch can’t figure out where he’s heard that surname before. He and Emily only figure it out once she’s left and lots of tears follow when they realise that Rose Molina and Julie Molina, related in a way they don’t know, have been their godsends, the ones to bring them as close to their son as they’ll ever get again.
I need Alex and Reggie’s versions too! There is so much to be explored with their backstories and songs would just be absolutely beautiful. You mention Alex playing acoustic guitar or some string instrument and I love that so much!! I think he only knows a few chords that Luke painstakingly taught him but it’s enough to strum out a song. Also, in the background of Unsaid Emily I’m like 95% sure there’s violins, so although Alex was very clearly playing drums in that scene I’ve now decided to believe he can also play violin, he just doesn’t like it as much. Maybe his parents encouraged him into it but it was never really his thing.
Yeah, it’s so important to remember Bobby/Trevor’s family as well. He wouldn’t have wanted Carrie to grow up with a father who was surrounded by all manner of rumours and he wouldn’t have wanted accusations pointed as his partner either. And you’re totally right, it would be hard for the boys to get into the mindset of considering how long it’s been for each of them - it bugs me how they hardly even really react to being ghosts (except Alex) so I think if they’re hardly bothered by that then they wouldn’t be able to comprehend how time has passed. I don’t think that made any sense but it’s quarter to midnight so that doesn’t matter lmao
Yes, Bobby would go to Alex for advice because he was the next most sensible. That kind of just turned into them talking the problem over though - speaking about it with Alex helped Bobby reach his own conclusion so it was sort of like offering advice to himself through Alex.
Reggie having entire scrapbooks and notebooks dedicated to Star Wars is sending me. He writes down anything he can think of, anything he finds out, all of his thought processes while watching them. He doodles the characters in the margins along with his favourite quotes. After the rage about the killing of Han Solo there’s a whole shrine-like page dedicated to him, saying how much he loved him. Reggie low-key had a crush on the character, potentially his bi-awakening. The page about finding out what a Jar-Jar is ends with a very angry statement about not liking Jar-Jar.
You’re so right, I think Reggie and Alex could bond over photography so much. Alex takes the photos, Reggie gets them developed, they both look at them for the first time together and everyone’s happy. I reckon Reggie got a Polaroid camera (idk if those were in the nineties lmaooo) and he loved watching the picture show up before his very eyes.
I could totally see Reggie wanting to be a photographer if the band didn’t work out. He would have really enjoyed getting to go to new places and take more photos to keep as memories in yet another scrapbook. I love that he could connect to Ray through that, and it shows how he knows Ray’s photos have “good composition”. He loved doing photoshoots and was Sunset Curve’s unofficial photographer. He took the photos for their CD covers (except any of him which were done by Alex) and he would just snap pictures of them whenever they were together. Some of his best were casual candid photos of the ever-photogenic Luke.
Alex kept all the stuff purely because Reggie would be so excitable on the night of a performance that he’d forget to take any of it with him himself. Alex would hand it to him the next day and Reggie would practically jump up and down with happiness.
I’d love to see Julie going through his old scrapbooks! There’d be Reggie looking over her shoulder, pointing everything out and telling her what was going on. There’d be funny stories to go with every photo. They find a few photos that never got stuck in - they’re of Alex, Luke, and Bobby which meant Reggie was the one to take them. They quickly realise they were taken on the night of their Orpheum performance, which means Bobby went and got them developed himself to keep the boys with him but maybe it was too painful to keep the photos so he left them in the loft. And Julie notices Rose in the background and realises that her mum did know the boys and I’m gonna have to stop this before I make myself cry.
I think you’re right, they’re not materialistic, it’s just certain clothing has a sentimentality to it. I love the idea of them doing a Secret Santa even though there was only four of them. Bobby knitted the gift each year, no matter who he was making it for which made it obvious who the gift came from; Reggie was really good at gifts because he’s observant so knows what his friends want or need; Luke and Alex are both pretty terrible and would go to the two boys they weren’t getting Secret Santa gifts for to ask for advice. Luke taking that hat was the beginning of them all basically having a collective wardrobe. Nobody knew whose clothes were whose really.
I think the boys so could have made that bracelet for Bobby! If I’m thinking of the right one it’s not as complex so it’s like they could have tried their best but not been quite as good at making jewellery as Bobby himself. I can also definitely see him wearing the necklace in honour of them - after he lost the motivation to make his own he bought one that was a similar style to what he’d have done and decided it would have to do.
Yes omg definitely! Successful gig bookings were followed by movie nights. Luke is obsessed with Grease - actually any musical. The way he is lost for words after watching the Other Side of Hollywood screams that he is obsessed with shows/show-tunes and something upbeat like Grease would be right up his street. He loves Summer Nights, Reggie loves Hopelessly Devoted to You, Alex likes Grease Lightning, and Bobby likes You’re the One That I Want. None of the band can say no to Reggie so each time they end up having a Star Wars marathon. None of them except Reggie are really that invested but they’ll do it to see him smile.
I’m totally here for Manager Bobby and Accountant Reggie to accompany Writer Luke and (hear me out) Originally Choreographer Alex. I think it would be so cool if originally they were meant to have big dance numbers that Alex was going to plan but they quickly realised that was really hard with their instruments.
Ok I think that’s everything. I have been writing this for an hour and it’s quarter past midnight but you know what? No regrets.
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holidaysat221b · 6 years
Part Two of the List of Sherlolly Prompts as of 5/10/2018
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Here is a link to the very informal Sherlolly Prompt FAQ
Below is the list of prompts submitted to @holidaysat221b. Where possible, we have tagged the submitter so that credit can be given if a prompt inspires someone to write a fic or create a piece of art.
Some submissions were specifically labeled as Art prompts, and they have been separated into their own category. However, if you are a fic writer and one of the art prompts calls to you, go for it. Likewise, if one of the other prompts makes you want to draw, have fun with it! Prompts that have been filled at least once will be noted with a link to the fic/art, in case that influences your decision to work with one.
We only ask three things:
1) If you use one of the prompts on this list, please remember to credit the prompt and prompter somewhere in your fic summary/art description or in your notes.
2) Please submit an ask or message @holidaysat221b with a link to your work, the prompt you used, the prompter, and how you want to be identified (in cases where your Tumblr and fic/artist name are different). This will allow us to share your work with our followers and tag the prompter (if possible).
3) We have set up a Sherlolly Prompt Collection on Ao3. If you are planning to post your fic or art on Ao3 and would like to add it to the collection, please do. As of this moment, the collection is open and unmoderated. Please remember to credit the prompt and prompter in your fic/art notes.
On to the Prompts as of May 10, 2018
Everything Else
Sherlock is undercover.   He’s renting a small place and he’s trying to fit in with the extremely old fashioned community that is probably hiding a deadly smuggling ring or something equally bad.  He ends up calling on Molly to come help.   Since he’s already established as an unmarried man, his ‘sister’ (or other family member) arrives for a visit.  Cue living in the same house while hot for each other type shenanigans while pretending to be siblings under the watchful eye of some suspicious townspeople.  -   Anonymous
Molly’s school reunion – Sherlock assumes he’ll be needed to help Molly show everyone up.  The catch:  Molly’s been a beloved peer, so it’s him who gets the obligatory “you hurt her, we’ll end you”. :)  -  @mychakk
Sherlock sees a woman on the street.  Instantly intrigued (you can choose as to why) he follows her.  -  @mel-loves-all
Molly loves wearing Sherlock’s house robes.  -  @mel-loves-all  (Prompt fill - A Seminal Moment by @geekmama)
Molly has a piece of body piercing jewelry or a tattoo located somewhere that surprises and titillates Sherlock.  -  @mel-loves-all  (Prompt fill - Stainless, Captive Bead, 11mm, 14 Gauge. by sunken_standard)
Whenever Molly is close, Sherlock unconsciously always seems to need to touch her in some way after they start dating.  He doesn’t notice it, but Molly does.  -  @mel-loves-all
A midnight dance.  -  @mel-loves-all
John tries to set up Sherlock with a girl.  Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of contenders.  And what does Molly have to say about that?  -  The Silent Fangirl
Through unexpected circumstances, Sherlock and Molly get engaged.  It doesn’t end well.  Crack!fic  -  The Silent Fangirl
Eurus Holmes ships the Sherlolly.  So does John and Mycroft.  Soon, everyone gets dragged into the Sherlolly craze.  Crack!fic  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly lives in the flat across from 221B.  You know, the one that exploded?   Yeah.  But before that, there was a) looking at the hot naked guy in the window b) said hot naked guy crashing into her flat because he just wants to c) her traitorous cat crossing the street to hot naked guy’s flat.  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly stops being Sherlock’s pathologist, and starts being THE Pathologist.  BAMF!Molly  -  The Silent Fangirl
This, Sherlock thinks through the haze of cocaine, truly is the worst form of torture.  Mycroft and Molly’s wedding through Sherlock’s drug-addled POV.  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly commits suicide, but only Sherlock thinks she didn’t.  He may not be wrong.  -  The Silent Fangirl
When John Watson dies, Rosie is given into the care of her godparents.   Problem is, they aren’t exactly on speaking terms.  Bonus for Harry Watson appearance!  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly nearly gets hit by a speeding car … until Sherlock pushes her out of the way and gets hit himself.  H/C  -  The Silent Fangirl
Molly in labor.  After watching Mary in labor in TST, I kinda wanna see a funny take on Molly giving birth to her and Sherlock’s child.  Maybe something like Molly being in pain, she wishes out loud she’d never had sex with Sherlock, while Sherlock logically points out how well they emotionally and biologically fit together.  -  Anonymous
Fluff. Molly has been hospitalized for whatever reason.  She decides that she is feeling better and just wants to go home.  However, the hospital does not want to release her yet.  So Molly decides to leave AMA (against medical advice).  She feels she can recover at home just as well and also she is eager to get back to work.  Besides, who is going to know?   This is something someone might expect from Sherlock, but not Molly.   How long before he finds out?  What is his reaction?  -   @shadowyqueenbeard
Angst.  Molly discovers she is pregnant and is not happy about it.  Although she would love to have a baby at some point, right now is not the time.  She and Sherlock do not have a commitment and her career is going well.  She plans to terminate the pregnancy.  Sherlock finds out and tries to stop her.  He please with her to change her mind, marry him and be a family.  Is this just a control tactic or does he really love her?  -  @shadowyqueenbeard (Prompt fill - Turn Right by sunken_standard)
Molly discovers there is Sherlock Holmes RPF (Real Person Fiction) on the internet.  She’s shocked to find that someone called Sherlolly4vr74 has been writing fic about her and Sherlock, and they seem to have a dedicated fan base.  Some of the stories are very sweet and romantic, some of them are hot enough to give her NSFW ideas.  Who is Sherlolly4vr74 (Is it Anderson?  Mrs Hudson?  Mary?  John?  I bet it’s John.) and is Sherlock aware of the stories?  -  @darnedchild  (Prompt fill - This Love…is sweeter than fiction by escailyy)
Eurus has been known to put on a persona and disguise to get close to people for information – she was Faith for Sherlock, E and the psychiatrist for John.  What if she had also spent some time around Molly prior to the events at Sherrinford?  What information would she have gleaned about her brother and his pathologist?  -  @darnedchild
Can they be R rated. Because I feel Sherlock would not muck about, with telling Molly what he would like to do to her, he would not use cute little names for all her female parts and would go into great detail, like all his cases. She would be his very serious case. Yes he would most defiantly do a lot of research on pleasing her. Write it however you are most comfortable with.  -  @oliverfel4
Sherlock and Molly are getting married!  It’s time to work on the guest list for the wedding, and suddenly they are faced with the question—Do they let Euros come, or not?  -  @celticmoonbeam  (Prompt fill - Untitled Tumblr post by @theresadunn)
Shipwrecked Sherlolly—Sherlock saves Molly from drowning.  -  Anonymous  (Prompt fill - Untitled Tumblr post (TBC?) by @mizjoely)
Euros leads Sherlock to believe that he failed, and Molly was killed after the ILY scene.  Much angst ensues as he blames himself for her loss … but then we get to see the happy reunion scene when he learns she’s alive.  -  Anonymous
Moriarty trying to up Sherlock by sleeping with Molly, but the joke is on him, as Sherlock and Molly knew each other from secondary school/uni and were each other’s firsts.  They can be regular (exclusive) lovers too.  -  @mychakk
Mary as matchmaker.  At John and Mary’s wedding, Mary feels a little sad when they leave him alone to go dance (“What about you?”).  She decides to make it her mission to help Sherlock find a girl so he’s not alone anymore.  And this former agent has no trouble figuring out the potential between Sherlock and a certain Molly Hooper … (Up to you whether or not you want to throw in a Janine segue before she decides to set him up with Molly.  And feel free to cover Sherlock being shot!) -  @celticmoonbeam
Molly discovers she’s pregnant with Sherlock’s child at the worst possible time:  while she’s with his parents, being hidden away, and the two are pretending to be just friends.  Bonus if they figure it out before they’re told!  -   @penaltywaltz
After the events of TFP, Molly and Sherlock get closer.  Suddenly, though, he pulls away and starts flirting with a coworker of hers, sometimes blatantly in front of her.   It isn’t until an event at Barts that the truth comes out that it was all for a case.  -  @penaltywaltz
Molly finds out that as a child Sherlock liked the book “The Westing Game” and for one of his birthdays she arranges a vacation mimicking the plot of the book, even if none of them really fit the particular characters.  -  @penaltywaltz
Sherlock wants to make a gourmet meal for Molly for a special occasion, but he doesn’t seem to get it quite right.  Fortunately, a friend/relative is willing to help.  -  @penaltywaltz
Sherlock moves in with Molly and begins perusing her book collection, picking up random books that have interesting looking covers, and the next thing Molly knows he’s turned into a fantasy buff.  -  @penaltywaltz  (Prompt fill - Stories & Stories by SimplyShelbs16)
Non-established Sherlolly.  Sherlock gets a hold of Molly’s phone one afternoon and can’t resist snooping.  He’s surprised to see a folder in her photo gallery marked “Special” and it’s all photos of him.  -  @penaltywaltz
Have you had sex? – After Euros asked that I somehow thought “Molly??” (as Sherlock says, Irene only texts him, he doesn’t reply).  Later it seems that Euros is the only one who ever has noticed that Molly causes some emotions in him.  So my theory is that something happened between Molly and Sherlock, it happened pretty recently, somehow (stressful night and they talked or they had some drinks and somehow one thing led to another) they ended up having sex; but Sherlock wasn’t good at dealing with it after or something urgent came along and he didn’t really consider Molly’s emotions, he ran off right after or in the morning, and that could be the reason why Molly didn’t pick up the phone first and was in a bad mood during the “ILY scene”.  What happened between them recently is the reason why Molly is a bit rude to Sherlock when he calls, and the reason why she gets so emotional and raw so easily over the I Love You thing, and why she so easily tells him to say it first.  Well, then when Sherlock says “I love you” he finally realizes fully that he really does love her too, and that he is capable of loving that way, and finally sees how easy it could be and what he could lose.  Then after this whole thing he goes to talk to Molly and explain things to her.  - @lullikiish
Complete me as a person. — Scene that popped into my mind.  Irene has been texting Sherlock again, Sherlock in the end almost agrees to meet her for dinner, but as he’s walking out of his flat while Molly is there looking after Rosie he sees Molly in kind of slo-mo in the golden evening sun holding Rosie and being all sweet.  Maybe already something a bit has happened before between them, some flirting, etc.  The talk with John about a relationship completing him as a person is on the back of his mind.  He walks out, but midway down the stairs while taking his phone out (symbolically in darkness compared to that evening sun) he realizes that he misses that warmth and Molly, and realizes that is what completes him.  He takes out his phone and texts he’s not coming and then goes back upstairs.  Sees Molly all adorable and confused/surprised in this beautiful light and maybe goes to kiss her, etc.  -  @lullikiish
Crack!fic. Molly and Sherlock had a fake wedding for a case. However, when Molly applies for a marriage license to Tom, it turns out the wedding was actually real. She has to approach Sherlock for an annulment. It seems Sherlock deleted the event, because he doesn’t seem to remember it. Or does he? It seems he is too busy to sign the paperwork, he has misplaced it, always an excuse not to dissolve the marriage. Eventually he has to admit he really does want to be married to her. So Molly has to decide between two men. Which one does she choose? 😉  -  @shadowyqueenbeard
Molly, unbeknownst to Sherlock, suffers from psoriasis since her teen years. This is why she’s been adamant about being more physically intimate with him, no matter how much she wants to. Fortunately for her, Sherlock doesn’t care about it at all. Could be a hard T or M rating. Loosely inspired by Loo’s own bout with the disease.  -  @violetjersey  (Prompt fill - #Balm by @hobbitsdoitbetter)
Fluff and maybe smut, or angst with a happy ending: Molly has a creepy feeling that she is being followed, and goes to Lestrade for help. He discovers that she has a security detail, curtesy of Sherlock. Molly is not pleased with this situation. Sherlock doesn’t understand why not, shouldn’t she be glad that he cares about her safety? After getting an earful from Molly, he cancels the security detail. Molly promptly leaves town without a word to anyone, leaving Sherlock to sweat. Is she okay? Most likely she is on a beach sipping Margaritas, but maybe she’s in trouble. He would like to make amends but first he as to find her. Should he try to locate her or leave her alone as requested?  -   @shadowyqueenbeard
I have read this in one or two fics, but not really developed as a main theme of the story … so: What if Rosie wants to pair John and Molly? How Sherlock will react and … how will he convince Rosie that Molly is for him and not for John. I’m imagining some angst in the middle because the silly man thinks this is a wonderful idea: Rosie gets a mummy and Molly gets a family. In fact, Sherlock sets up a date between Molly and John while he’s babysitting Rosie.  -  @kalkopyryt
Crack!Fic. Molly decides to try speed dating. The day she goes Sherlock is there, deducing everyone else to shreds. He tells Molly he is there purely by coincidence. He’s not trying to thwart her attempts at dating at all. Really!  -   @shadowyqueenbeard
I’m thinking about Sherlock early in their relationship finds someone clothes that are familiar but can’t remember where, but then he watches some old Moriarty video and realizes where the clothes come from. The end is up to the author. Thank you! -  @deemura
Fluff.  Molly marries Sherlock, believing it is a fake wedding.  Molly is livid when she discovers it was real.   Sherlock has a lame excuse.  Molly really loves Sherlock and wants to be with him, however she is not a pushover.  She demands that they have another ceremony, so that this time she will mean her vows when she says them.  Alternately, Molly wants the marriage annulled.  Sherlock is a little hurt, but doesn’t want to lose her friendship, so he agrees to dissolve the marriage.  When Molly receives confirmation that the annulment is final, that is when Sherlock surprises her by asking her out on a date.  Can she forgive his deception and begin a real romantic relationship with him?   -  @shadowyqueenbeard
Fluff.   Molly is getting ready to get married to Sherlock believing the wedding to be fake, when she discovers that it is actually going to be a real ceremony.  Will she refuse to walk down the aisle at the last minute, or does she go ahead anyway?  -  @shadowyqueenbeard
Some strange guy is bothering Molly, so she tells him that Sherlock is her fiance in order to make him stop. To her surprise, Sherlock goes along with it. Maybe he goes even further by announcing it to family and friends. Now what does Molly do?  -  @shadowyqueenbeard
I love the unplanned pregnancy troupe.  Any point in their history (you choose) Molly becomes pregnant but thinking Sherlock won’t want to be involved she keeps it from him.  -  @chiefdoctor
Molly undergoes “kidnap and rescue” training similar to Meghan Markle. It comes in handy when she does actually escape a kidnapper. Now she is lost in the wilderness, trying to stay alive using the survival skills she learned. Sherlock is determined to find her.  -  @shadowyqueenbeard
Fluff and maybe Smut. Molly has a hot tub. Sherlock shows up unexpectedly to use it. Of course he is not embarrassed to jump into the hot tub naked. What he doesn’t expect is that Molly is naked, too.  -   @shadowyqueenbeard
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