#I was on the porch waiting for my sister to come home and she was walking up the yard. And I said
hauntedtotem · 6 months
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This one is actually The Sun at around 11am.
Basically noon in the middle of I think June or July? we got a very sudden storm that made the sky go black in seconds. Very cool 👍
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babydollmarauders · 5 months
jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n has spent most of her life loving Jack, only to always come up second to her sister
notes: can you tell i love Little Women? with that being said, i was extremely inspired by THE Laurie and Amy scene in Little Women (2019), therefore, one portion of dialogue in this fic is not my own but instead borrowed from the scene and all credits for that go to Greta Gerwig. (5.3k words)
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it started on september 20th, 2017.
how pathetic is that? i remember the exact date that my sister brought home the boy i would fawn over for the rest of my days.
i remember it clear as day, though most of it could be from the long-held sisterly grudge of my sister telling me to take the bus home; she was waiting for a friend and didn’t want me ‘bugging’ them.
at the time, i figured it was one of her girl friends. but merely a few hours later, i would meet Jack Hughes.
that day would be the wrecking ball for the next six years of my life. day in and day out, from the ages of fifteen to twenty-one, if you were to ask me what i was thinking of, or rather who, the answer would always be Jack.
i spent years of my life wasting away in the agony of unrequited love. because while i was pining over him, he was pining over her.
*** May 6th, 2018 ***
my shirt sticks to my chest, raindrops drenching my clothing and my shoes thoroughly soaked from deep puddles. laughing as i reach the front porch, i glance behind me in await of my best friend.
“Spencer, you’re getting soaked!” i state, though i’m sure he’s extremely aware of his own status.
“it’s just water, y/n. it’s not hurting anyone.” i roll my eyes, Spencer’s natural poetic demeanor incredibly unsettling for a seventeen year old boy.
as he meets me on the porch, my hand finds the front doorknob, slinging open the door and stepping into the warm air. my clothes drip onto the entrance rug, Spencer pushing me aside in order to step in and shut the door behind us.
“mom! we’re home!” my voice echoes throughout the house as i slip my wet sandals off, dropping my shopping bags on the entryway table, Spencer following suit.
“she’s not home! she’s having lunch with Ellen!” my sister’s voice calls back, drifting towards me from the living room.
wandering down the hallway towards the living area, i peel Spencer’s US National Development Program sweatshirt over my head, my cream colored shirt rising slightly as it sticks to the wet hoodie.
“you’ll never guess who Spence and i saw at the-” my words fail me as i reach the living room, my sister sat on the couch beside her own best friend.
all too quickly, i’m suddenly self-conscious about my appearance. finding insecurity in the way my hair has frizzed up from the humidity of the day, and the way my saturated clothes stick to my body as though covered in honey.
nestled into Jack’s side, Sara raises an eyebrow towards me, her expression silently ordering me to leave; a stark contrast to that of her close friend, who smiles warmly towards me.
“hey, bug.” Jack grins, his arm slung around my sister’s shoulder and effectively stinging my soul. “sup, Spence?”
my best friend smiles at his teammate, ignoring Sara’s deadly stare and making himself at home on the gray couch.
“hey, Hughesy.” Spencer gives a nod of acknowledgment, “hey, malibu barbie.”
“i have a name, Knight.” Sara hisses, her nose scrunching in disgust towards my friend. “you’re getting the couch wet.”
“mhm.” Spencer mindlessly hums, turning his head to look back at my still motionless figure, “you coming, y/n/n?”
nodding, i join the three of them on the ‘L’ shaped couch.
“hi, Jack.” i can feel my face flush already, blood rising to my cheeks; the most traitorous display of my feelings.
but Jack just smiles, “how was the mall? crowded?”
“no, actually pretty empty for a weekend.” i reply, my voice meek.
Spencer cuts in, sending me an obnoxious and horribly hidden smirk, “should’ve come, Hughesy. you could’ve kept me company while this one tried on all her new pretty clothes.”
if this was my friend’s attempt at helping me, it sure was a sucky one. Sara’s eyes bounce between Jack, Spencer, and, i before she rolls them, announcing her departure to the bathroom. pushing off the couch, she knocks Jack’s arm off of her shoulders, his smile dropping just slightly as she leaves the room.
“kinda wanted to go.” Jack clears his throat, “but Sara wasn’t feeling it.”
now it’s Spencer’s turn to roll his eyes, nodding his head in understanding, “ah yes, and what Sara wants, Sara gets.”
if this were any other context, the months-long feud between my sister and my best friend would be amusing me in the highest degree; but in the moment, all i can feel is the nausea that bubbles up as Jack’s cheeks twinge pink at his teammates teasing.
“shut up, Spence.” he mutters, eyes flickering back towards me, slightly widened as if he just remembered i was there, “maybe you should do a fashion show for us, bug. Sara’s told me you used to do them for her when you get new clothes, let us see ‘em!”
the cadence in which he speaks, though i know it’s not his intention, makes me feel small. like i’m a child and not only one year younger than him. and yet, the idea that he wants to see me model all of my new clothes makes my heart flutter in my chest; nearly pounding against the bars of the cage i keep it in, wanting nothing more than for me to confess my feelings right then and there on the fabric couch of my living room, a rom-com, annoyingly fitting of the moment, paused on the tv, and my best friend sat right beside me.
“she told you that?”
“yeah,” his brows furrow, “she tells me plenty of stories of when you guys were younger. i love that she loves you.”
right. this is about her, not me.
i smile halfheartedly as Sara walks back into the room, taking her place back on the couch and underneath Jack’s arm.
for a moment, i wonder if he would still be so smitten if he knew that she doesn’t look at him the way that i do… the way that he looks at her. if he would still pine after her and bend to her will if he knew that she had been going on dates with one of the boys on the soccer team, and that she looked at him with stars in her eyes, the same way Jack looks at her. if he would still look past me, still think of me as nothing more than Sara’s little sister, if he knew she had no intentions to ever make something more of their friendship.
would he move on from her? look for someone else to give his affection to? and would i be wildly insane to wonder if it would be me?
“i actually think i’ll pass,” i finally speak again, a lovelorn quirk to my lips, “don’t want Sara getting any ideas to steal any of my new clothes.”
my sister laughs, eyes twinkling as she winks at me, “i’ll see them next time i go shopping in your closet, don’t worry.”
a small flash of disappointment shines through in Jack’s beautiful blue eyes before he nods, “alright, maybe next time.”
*** January 8th, 2023 ***
“Jack!” my voice carries over the noise of a crowded shoe store in New York City, pushing my way through the people as i watch Jack’s head whip around in confusion. “Jack!”
his eyes scan the store, only landing upon me once i’ve finally made my way through the gaggle of people, now a mere few feet from him.
a bright grin spreads across his face, eyes twinkling, “bug!”
his laugh permeates my ears as i launch myself at him, arms latching around his shoulders and making him teeter in place before finding his core balance, his arms spindling around my waist.
“what are you doing here?” he questions as we pull away, his hands still resting on my waist.
“in a shoe store, or in New York?”
“New York, obviously.” he chuckles.
“girls trip! we were bored out of our minds and decided to spend a couple weeks here.” i explain, craning my neck to see if i can spot my friends in the hectic store.
“we?” he repeats, “is…”
my smile dims at his forlorn yet hopeful expression, shaking my head, “oh, no. she’s not here.”
“i came with some friends.” i tell him and he nods, letting out a seemingly relieved breath. “i’m sorry again, Jack. i can’t believe she-”
“let’s not.” he interjects, “if that’s okay? i’d rather not talk about it.”
i agree, my sisters final rejection of him being the last thing on the list of topics i’d like to discuss with my unrequited teenage love.
“who’s this?” someone cuts in, a hand slapping down on Jack’s shoulder. the new guest has a heavy accent, a neat scruff adorning his face… he’s cute.
“oh, Neeks, this is bug, or sorry, y/n.” Jack’s hands drop from my waist, a long-familiar shiver running through me at the loss of his touch. turning partly towards his friend, Jack’s face brightens again. “y/n, this is my captain, Nico.”
“y/n,” Nico parrots, “you’re Sara’s sister, right?”
it takes everything in me not to cringe, having worked so hard to make myself into my own person now; no longer used to being known as ‘Sara’s sister’ like i was in school.
“yeah.” i sigh, nodding my head, “that’s me.”
i should’ve known better than to think i could be my own person when it comes to Jack. that i could be someone more than the girl who used to follow he and my sister around everywhere.
even with Jack’s new friends, ones that have no connection to me or Sara, i’m still just the little sister of the girl who broke his heart.
“she’s not just Sara’s sister.” Jack tells his captain. he slings an arm around my shoulder, that once disappeared flutter reappearing in my chest, “this girl is the best friend of Spencer Knight and Cole Caufield. she used to go everywhere with us.”
and just like that, the flutter is gone, died out in a sudden burst of flames.
Jack looks down at me, “have you spoken to them recently?”
“yeah.” i force a smile. “i speak to them almost every day.”
“sorry to cut the reunion short, but Jack, we have to go soon.” Nico speaks, gaining Jack’s attention again, “it was nice to meet you, y/n. hopefully i’ll see you again.”
Jack backs away, looking at me again, “text me! you should come to the lake house this summer!”
*** June 20th, 2024 ***
last summer, i spent two weeks of July at the Hughes lake house; my days filled by boating, tanning, and golfing; my nights consisting of bonfires and bars.
it was nice, being surrounded by people i’ve known since high school. i had even convinced Spencer to join me on the trip, though he ended up staying longer than i did.
i felt like those two weeks really helped me solidify myself as more than just ‘Sara’s sister’ to the guys, which provided me with a sense of closure with Jack.
no longer was my mind plagued of thoughts about him anymore. my nights no longer accompanied by dreams of the sweet, blue-eyed boy that i so desperately loved in high school. i felt free.
for the first time since i met him, i was able to date without holding out an unrealistic hope that he would randomly tell me he loved me back.
not long after returning home from the lake house, i met Ryan; a lawyer who knew nothing about the hockey world, which i felt was exactly what i needed.
he asked me out and for once in my life, i was able to say yes without feeling guilty. without feeling like somehow i was cheating on my unrequited love. i was finally able to move on from high school love, for the most part.
on our first few dates, i opened up to Ryan; i told him all about how inexperienced i really was with the dating scene and exactly why. i told him about my six years of unreturned love for my sisters ex-best friend. i told him that i was still friends with him but that i felt that love was in the past. and he was okay with it, he was understanding and sincere and he wanted to be the one i moved on with.
within a few months, i was moved in with Ryan, and now here we are, only a month short of our one year anniversary.
only an hour ago, i arrived to the lake house for the second summer in a row. this time, for a full month of relaxation and catching up with friends. Ryan would meet me here for the last week of my month, it not being quite as easy for him to get away from work as it is for me, and i can’t wait to introduce him to the friends who made high school so easy for me.
“y/n!” my peaceful tanning takes a turn when most of the guys arrive back from the grocery store, Trevor appearing to be the most excited to see me.
my eyelids peel open, hand rising to flick my sunglasses to the top of my head as i look over at the hyper hockey player, “hi, Trev.”
his hands slip into mine, helping me up from the lounge chair in order to sweep me into a tight hug.
“how’s life been?” he grins, pulling back and slinging his arm around my shoulder as he guides us into the house.
i can hear the ruckus of rowdy boys from outside, though that’s not at all shocking, in my experience.
“it’s been great.” my mind flickers to my boyfriend, the one who texted me merely thirty minutes ago to make sure i made it here safe, promising to call me when he gets his lunch break, “really great.”
at my pink cheeks and surely dopey smile, Trevor guffaws, pinching my cheek as we step into the house, “did our little bug get a boyfriend?!”
the house goes silent, Trevor’s voice bouncing off the walls and echoing through the downstairs.
“i’m not little.” i mumble, effectively embarrassed by the overwhelming reaction to the news, “i’m only a year younger than you.”
Cole and Spencer are the only two who already knew of the progression in my dating life, being the two people i talk to the most.
“you have a boyfriend?” a voice chimes from my left, and i look over to find Jack, his face soft and his hands full of grocery bags.
i bite back a smile, suddenly feeling hot under all their gazes. nodding, i speak again, “yeah, his name is Ryan. he’s the plus-one i asked about.”
“he’s here?!” Trevor shouts in exasperation.
i giggle, shaking my head at the way the guys all start looking around, all but Jack, “no! he’s coming in a few weeks! he can’t get off work so easily.”
Trevor drags me to the couch, Jack’s eyes following me as he sets the groceries on the table, slowly dragging his feet behind everyone towards the living room.
“what does he do?” “how old is he?” “is he treating you right?” “is he a hockey fan?” “is he hot?”
my brows furrow at the last question thrown at me, looking at Alex in bewilderment, “what? i feel like it’s a good question.”
a hearty laugh drops from my lips, lowering myself to the couch in preparation to answer their many questions.
“he’s a lawyer, he’s twenty-nine, he treats me amazingly, he’s not a hockey fan, and i think he’s pretty hot.”
a collective gasp is heard around the room, my friends looking at me in utter disbelief, “he’s not a hockey fan?”
Cole shudders, as if the idea is the worst thing possible, “you left that out.”
“i couldn’t have you hating on him!” i shout in defense. my eyes scan the room of guys, finally landing on Jack, who stands in the entrance of the room, his hands in his pockets and his lips downturned.
“is that really what you guys are focusing on?” he scoffs and my eyebrows pinch in confusion at his sour mood, “he’s seven years older than her, and you guys are more worried about the fact that he doesn’t like hockey?”
a small part of me feels like a teenager again, honored that he’s so worried about me, but a much larger part of me is offended for both me and my boyfriend.
“i’m an adult, Jack. i can make my own decisions and i’m very aware of Ryan and i’s age gap, but if i’m not uncomfortable with it then why should you be?”
Jack raises a brow at my spiteful tone, clearly not used to having it used on him, “i’ve known you for nearly seven years, bug. i’m just looking out for you.”
“well don’t,” i sneer, “i didn’t ask for you to look out for me. it’s not your job.”
the other boys squirm amidst the tension between Jack and i, Quinn the first to speak up again.
“so, how serious are you guys?”
Quinn’s question gathers my attention again, butterflies swarming in my stomach as i remember a moment just a couple weeks ago.
“i think he’s gonna propose soon.” i confess, my face burning as Spencer lets out an ‘ooooh!’
“i found a ring in his nightstand drawer a few weeks ago, i think he might do it on our anniversary.”
Cole reacts first, pulling me in for a hug as the others cheer out a premature ‘congratulations’, only one member of the group staying silent. but when i look back at the living room entrance, Jack is gone.
“i think this calls for some boating!” Trevor sings out, already jumping up from his seat to go get changed.
“you just want an excuse to go out on the boat!” Luke yells, Trevor nodding in agreement as he disappears up the stairs.
after an entire week of boating, wakesurfing, and golfing, we end our sunday night around a bonfire.
orange flames lick at the air, the added heat making the summer night sweltering. yet, most of us can be found sitting around the fire pit, enjoying each other’s company.
“dude, she wasn’t flirting with you.” Cole yells across the blazing fire to Trevor, who’s still convinced the girl he met this afternoon was hitting on him.
“she so was!” Trevor huffs, “you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
almost everyone rolls their eyes, the rest of us knowing the girl was incredibly uninterested in the hyperactive twenty-three year old.
“y/n, she was flirting with me, right?!” Trevor turns to me, eyes wide in await of my agreement, but it never comes.
scrunching my nose, my head shakes in denial, making him groan.
“the only other girl has spoken… that was not flirting!” Spencer announces, “better luck next time, Z.”
“i don’t think y/n would know flirting if it hit her in the face. she doesn’t count.” Jack laughs, raising his beer up to his lips as he smirks at my offended expression.
“i have a boyfriend! i know what flirting looks like!”
“a soon to be fiancé.” Alex wiggles his eyebrows, shimmying his shoulders in a teasing manner as he stands up, “i’m heading inside, it’s too hot out here.”
a few others mutter in agreement, rising from their chairs and following him into the house, leaving just me, Spencer, and Jack.
i sit in silence, watching the flames as the two boys converse, not yet ready to head inside. instead, i’m pulled off in my own thoughts, my mind twisting as i think of this past week.
i thought Jack and i were fine. he said last summer that he didn’t hold my sisters rejection against me, but now i’m wondering if he was lying. ever since i’ve arrived, he’s been nothing but cold shouldered and a bit bitter towards me.
but the oddest part is that it hurts me more than i’d like it to. it feels like my teenage years all over again, vying for his attention and affections, desperate for him to love me. i thought i was over this unreciprocated love, but now here i am again, my only comfort being the knowledge that Jack doesn’t love me like that, but i have someone back home who does.
Spencer’s lips press to the crown of my head, pulling my head out of my thoughts.
“i’m heading inside.” he tells me, earning a nod of acknowledgment from me as i tell him i’ll probably be in soon.
and then there were two.
Jack and i sit in silence for a while, neither of us daring to break the peace as we admire the fire. i push up from my seat, stepping a bit closer to the fire pit in order to watch the orange burn of the logs.
“don’t marry him.”
my head snaps over to Jack, his eyes now glued to me as my face contorts in confusion.
“what?” i gawk.
“don’t marry him.” he repeats, finally standing from his chair.
“why?” he scoffs, “you know why.”
my mind is racing, my heart beating wildly in my chest as i turn to face him completely.
“no.” i shake my head, realization settling deep within the pits of my stomach, “no.”
“yes.” he steps closer, a mere 5 feet from me now, and i instinctively take a step back.
all week he’s been sour towards me and i’ve wondered what it meant, and now i know. he’s upset.
upset with me for finding someone else.
“no. Jack, you’re being mean.” i frown. old feelings rise inside of me, nausea plaguing me as tears spring to my eyes, and Jack closes up the space between us, his hand grasping my arm lightly, “stop it, stop it!”
“what? how am i being mean?” he mumbles, brows threading together as i shake off his touch.
“i have been second to Sara my whole life. in everything!” i cry lightly, “and i will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her.”
i step away, slowly backing up towards the house, still facing the man who held my heart for so long, only now wanting me when i’m finally taken.
“i won’t-” i stutter, gasping for breath, “i won’t do it. i won’t. not when i’ve spent my entire life loving you.”
Jack’s lips part as he stands in place, as if shocked. as though he wasn’t expecting such an easy confession to tumble from my lips.
“you just-” i sigh, tears spilling over my waterline as i freeze, the joints of my thumbs being pressed to my eyes in attempt to stop my crying, “why don’t you want me to be happy, Jack?
“i spent six years pining for you. i would’ve done anything to get you to love me. and all you wanted was her! and i don’t hate you for that, i can’t be mad at you, you can’t help who you love; but now that i’ve tried to move on, you want to tell me that i shouldn’t marry him? you don’t even love me!”
anger bubbles within me at the audacity that he holds, my hand flying between us in emphasis of my emotions.
“yes, i do!” he spits back, stepping towards me, “don’t tell me what i feel! just because i may not have felt it back then doesn’t mean i can’t feel it now!”
“you only want me because you can’t have her!” i argue.
“you keep saying that but that’s not true! and no matter how many times you say it, it’s not just gonna magically become true, y/n!
“maybe you want to be right because it would make this easier on you. but the truth is that spending time with you without Sara around just gave me the opportunity to get to know the real you. and yes, maybe i didn’t love you like this then, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that i love you now.”
his chest heaves as he closes the space between us once more, staring down at me the exact way that i’ve looked at him all these years; like i’m the only person in the world for him. like i hung the stars in the sky to shine just for him. like i hold his heart in my hands, the fate of his existence weighing in my decisions.
“i love the way you smile and the way that you speak so softly.” he whispers breathily, “i love seeing you in your glasses late at night, and the fact that somehow you’re always cold. i love your kind heart and the way that you care about everyone you meet, so easily. i love your smart mind and the fact that even though you know you’re smarter than literally everyone here, you don’t show it off or make us feel dumb. instead, you correct us lightly, even if it’s Trevor being stubborn and insisting he’s right.”
i let out a raspy chuckle at his words, tears still silently falling down my cheeks.
“i love your determination and that when you set your mind to something, you achieve it. i love your good and even what you say are your flaws. i love you, y/n. and i’m sorry that i didn’t see it before. tell me to back off and i will. tell me you choose him and i’ll leave you alone, i won’t push it. but i needed to tell you how i feel before it was too late.”
he finally ends his speech, his eyes flickering between my own and my lips.
my mind feels numb yet entirely too full with this new knowledge, and i can’t process it all with him staring at me expectantly.
“can i think about this? please?” i question, pulling away, “this is a lot for me to process right now and i need some time, Jack.
“i spent so long trying to get over you. i thought you would never like me the way that i like you, and now you’re telling me this and i have to make a decision and i just-”
“of course.” Jack cuts me off, nodding, “take however long you need. i don’t want you to feel rushed; really think about it, bug. i don’t want you to choose me just because you feel like you have to. if you want him, then choose him. but if you want me, i’m here. i’m telling you that i love you and i want you, and i’ll wait however long you need.”
i nod, turning and finally walking into the house, hands swiftly wiping at my cheeks to try and get rid of my tears before i reach the door, but it’s useless. just as fast as i wipe the old tears, new ones follow.
“and i— y/n, you okay?” Luke asks, stopping his story to the guys as i rush through the living room and towards the stairs.
i stop at the first step, sniffling but not turning to face them, “yeah, i’m gonna head to bed. i’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
a chorus of ‘goodnight’s are shouted my way as i ascend the stairs, shutting myself in my bedroom and locking the door.
crumpling to the bed, my tears won’t stop, heavy sobs wracking my chest.
hours pass by slowly until it’s eight in the morning, my body exhausted and aching from tossing and turning all night. i couldn’t shut my mind off, no matter how hard i tried.
i feel so conflicted, my heart being pulled into two directions, but i know that one direction is stronger than the other.
no matter how hard i tried to move on, i should’ve known that there was no ‘moving on’ from Jack. those feelings would always linger, still hidden under the guise of closure and friendship.
Jack is my home. my heart will always lie with him, no matter how long passes or who i meet.
my thumb hovers over Ryan’s contact, shaking but otherwise frozen, my body overwhelmed with anxiety at what might await me at the other end of the phone call.
the dial tone rings out, my cellphone now being pressed to my ear as i await the greeting from the other side.
“hey, babe. i was just about to call you.”
“you were?” my tone is raspy and low, my throat sore from crying.
“yeah, somethings come up. i don’t think i can make it on the trip like we planned.” a sense of relief fills me at his words.
“oh, that’s okay. i actually think i’m gonna come back early.” i tell him, my eyes staring straight ahead of me at my half packed suitcase.
“why’s that?”
“i think we need to talk.” i confess, pressure building back up on my chest as i think about the conversation awaiting me back home.
Ryan sighs gently and i can hear some papers being shuffled around, the creak of a door shutting before he speaks again.
“did you sleep with him?”
“what?” i’m appalled, my lips parted in disbelief.
“Jack. did you sleep with him?” he wonders so easily, like he just assumed it would happen.
“no!” i scoff.
“then it’s okay.” he replies, and though i don’t know how he would know, i can tell; he knows what i have to tell him. “i expected it. i really liked you, and i know you really liked me, but i’ve known from the start that i couldn’t compare to him.
“you may have have liked me, but you love him.” he tells me, “i just hope he doesn’t take you for granted, because you deserve the best. and if he is that for you, then i’m happy for you. but if he treats you like anything less… don’t settle, y/n.”
just when i had thought i had nothing left to give, more tears run down my rose tinted cheeks, “i’m sorry.”
“don’t be.” he’s stern with his words, showing me he means them, “i assume he told you how he feels?”
“yeah.” i sigh, “he loves me.”
“then don’t be sorry. you deserve to love and to be loved.”
“thank you.”
he mutters a goodbye, the call ending, and i feel a sense of determination flood through my veins.
rising off my bed, i fling open my bedroom door, stomping down the steps until i reach the kitchen, where i can hear the boys discussing the plan for the day.
at my whirlwind arrival, the boys silence, watching me with baited breath and curious eyes as i stalk towards Jack, who stands frozen at the counter.
“what’s going o-” Trevor’s words are quieted by the sound of my hand smacking against Jack’s cheek. the boys gasping at my action before Trevor begins to laugh.
“that’s for waiting so long.” i huff and Jack nods robotically.
“so i’m guessing that’s a no?” he wonders, voice solemn, as though accepting defeat.
“shut up.” i whisper.
my hands glide over his shoulders, wrapping around the nape of his neck as i pull him down towards me, crashing my lips upon his in a bruising kiss.
“oh!” “what the fuck!”
our friends reactions are thoroughly ignored, Jack’s hands coming to rest on my waist, his fingers gripping into my hips as he deepens the kiss. his tongue slides past my parted lips, but i pull away before we can get any farther in front of our friends.
“and that’s my decision.” i whisper, a beautiful smile spreading across his lips, “don’t make me regret it.”
“i wouldn’t dream of it, bug.”
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norrisleclercf1 · 6 months
Just tought abt somno with streetracer!lando since reader eventually falls asleep waiting for him to cone to her and when he does come he just needs to feel her 🫠
A/N: Honestly Somno is one of my secret little kinks that just ugh is perfect for me. But I decided to add cockwarming because that's another one for me. Also this is consensual, if you don't like this please scroll past don't want to make anyone uncomfortable
It was one of those rare nights you didn't join Lando and the boys at the night track. You had a huge paper due the next day and needed to stay and work on it.
Lando had last texted you at 10:30, telling you he had arrived and that he loved you. You kept checking your phone once in a while, making sure you didn't miss a text or something.
Looking at the clock, you read over your paper one more time seeing how it was, and happy with your work you close it down. Stretching up you whine and pad out of Lando's room, into the shared livingroom.
"Still awake?" You gasp, jumping 5 feet in the air turning to see a dishelved Charles, the honorary Mother Hen. "Jesus, Charles." You hold your chest as the older male chuckles. "Sorry, didn't know you were still up. Figured you'd be passed out by now." He looks you up and down taking in you wearing Lando's shirt.
"Sorry," Feeling undressed in front of him but he waves you off. "Don't care, you're like a sister." He snorts kissing your cheek and walking off to the kitchen. "The bathroom is free for you," He calls and then the sound of his feet heading upstairs has you smiling.
Charles was always sweet on you, and bickering with the boys and fussing over them, especially Charles. Heading into the bathroom you groan seeing the state you were in. Cleaning up and brushing your teeth you feel the sleep start to drag you down.
Going back into his bedroom you let the purple LED lights calm you down as you lay in his black sheets. Closing your eyes, you get the bright idea to send Lando a picture.
Lando groans, as he watches Max square off with some dick from another crew when his phone beeps. Taking it out, he makes sure Carlos was keeping an eye out and looks down. Smiling seeing your name of his phone he about drops it when he sees what you sent him.
On his phone, was you on his bed wearing his shirt and the slight peak of your black underwear. Fuck, he wished he was home already instead of here. "Max, hurry up." Lando snaps, which has Carlos and Max look over. "Max, clean it up." Carlos adds, knowing the look on Lando's face and the way he was holding his phone.
"Guessing, she sent you a good night text?" Carlos teases, which has Lando narrow his eyes. "Maybe," He grumbles which has Carlos chuckle. "Go on home, we can handle this." Carlos claps him on the back which Lando is thankful for.
"Thanks man, owe you one." Lando jogs over to his Mclaren and climbs in, wasting no time to fire it up and head off into the dark.
He knew there was no way you were awake. It's a good 1 drive home that Lando cut down to 35 minutes. Pulling up, Lando groans seeing Charles on the porch with a blanket and glass of wine. Jesus he is the mom friend.
"Hey, aren't you cold?" Lando asks, Charles looking up with some hopeful expression but then drops slightly. "Hm? Oh, no. I've got wine." He jokes, trying to make himself seem in a good mood. "Charles," Looking down at his friend he smiles and pats his head like the others like to do with him.
"He'll be home soon," Charles nods as Lando opens the front door, the sound of soft music playing has him smile. Walking further down the hall he pushes open his door and this warmth calmness washes over him seeing you in his bed safe and comfortable.
Tugging off his jacket and kicking off his shoes he moves around his room. Heading to the bathroom he decides to take a shower. Coming back his curls bouncing he slides into the bed right behind you. Yet, he still feels restless and removes his shirt and sighs feeling your skin touching his.
Lying still he groans, when the restlessness inside him doesn't go away. Sighing he remembers the conversation you had a while back and kisses your shoulder. Fingers move down and pull your underwear gently. He didn't want to get off, just wanted to be close to as possible.
Removing his own he situates himself and then slides in slowly and sighs, feeling that feeling in his chest leave. "I love you, baby." He whispers kissing your cheek before resting down.
His arms wraps around you and pull you closer and falls asleep under the sound of soft music, and the dim purple lights.
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russo-woso · 2 months
please do a happy ending for casual 😭😭
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Casual - Part 2 | Leah Williamson
Here’s the link to part 1.
Warning smut 18+, fingering, oral, top!leah, bottom!reader, ‘you love me?’
“Leah, leave me alone. Please.” You said as you finally picked up Leah’s call.
You were on the way home from the restaurant, probably breaking a hundred laws as you sped back to your house.
“No, not until you hear me out. Please, Y/N.” Leah begged, her voice desperate.
“What, Leah? What’s there to say? The stories straight. You were using me. That’s it. God, I was so stupid to think that all the rumours were false.” You sobbed but trying your hardest to hide your emotions from her.
You were vulnerable, and you don’t want her to know.
“Please. Let me explain—” Leah began but with the mood you were in you snapped and cut her off.
“—Leah, just leave me alone. I’m at my house now. Please, leave me alone. I’m begging you.”
Truth be told, you didn’t want her to leave you alone. But she had to, because if she didn’t, you’d just fall for her even harder.
You hung up on her, leaving your car and entered your house.
Your parents weren’t home, they’d driven up north to visit your sister and her newly wedded husband, leaving you all alone.
As you walked into your kitchen, you hoisted yourself up onto the kitchen counter, staring at anything that could stop you from thinking about Leah.
Tears still rolling down your face, a knock was heard at the door.
Due to it being late, you opened the door hesitantly but immediately slammed it shut again as a familiar blonde headed girl looked back at you.
“Y/N, I know you want me to leave you alone but I can’t.” You heard Leah say through the door, her voice trembling as she said it.
“Yes you can, Leah. Jump in your car and drive away.”
“I can’t, Y/N, because I love you. I’m so scared to admit it. I’ve never loved someone before. I don’t know what to do.” Leah revealed, and you slowly opened the door to see Leah.
She looked down at the floor, tears streaming down her face.
It was her that looked vulnerable now.
“You… you love me?” You asked Leah, shock riddled in your voice.
“I do. And that scares me, Y/N. I’ve never loved someone. But I love you. You’re not just one of those girls. You’re Y/N. But I don’t know how to love. And I’m so sorry I couldn’t show you love. I’m really really sorry.” Leah admitted, all on the front porch in front of the whole world to see.
Tough and mighty Leah Williamson just admitted that she loved you.
“Leah… I…” You started but you didn’t know what to say.
“Listen, I’m sorry. You said you wanted me to leave you alone and I came and knocked on your house. It was wrong of me. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“I don’t. I don’t want you to leave.” You managed to get out and Leah turned back to face you. “I don’t want you to go because I love you too.”
“You love me?”
“Yes, Leah. I love you but I can’t love you if you aren’t going to love me back.” You told her and a small smile of hope grew on her face.
“Y/N, I promise I’ll show you so much love. I’m so sorry for how I’ve treated you. I’ll learn how to love. For you.”
You stepped out of the house and connected your lips with Leah’s.
Your mouths moved in sync with one another’s.
It wasn’t like any other kiss that you had shared with Leah’s.
This one was full of love and lust.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” Leah sobbed as you hugged her.
“Come inside, Le.”
“Le, I’m gonna cum. Fuck.” You screamed as Leah’s tongue continued to flick at your clit.
“Come on, baby. Make a mess for me.” Leah said into your pussy, making you fall off the edge.
Leah held onto your thighs as she kept you down, letting you ride out your high as she kept sucking gently on your bundle of nerves.
“Can I use my fingers, pretty girl?” Leah asked, genuinely concerned and worried that if she didn’t, she could overwhelm you.
Her head lifted up, waiting for an answer, but you couldn’t help but notice the juxtaposition of her eyes the last time you were in this position to now.
Last time, her eyes were dark, her pupils dilated, but this time, they were soft and full of love.
“Please do.” You responded, eager to feel her stretching you out.
Leah waisted no time and immediately entered two fingers, your arousal making it easy for her to slip them in.
You moaned at the feel and moaned again once you felt Leah press her lips against your collar bone.
“Le, faster, please.” You begged and Leah listened, speeding up her actions. “Fuck, Leah.”
“You sound so good, my girl.”
When Leah started to continually hit your g-spot, you felt Leah smirk against your neck.
“Le, ‘m coming. God.” You managed to get out as you let go.
“I’m gonna pull my fingers out now, okay?” Leah warned and you whined as your core clenched around nothing.
Leah laid down next to you, resting her head on your chest.
“I really do love you, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t know how to show it.” Leah apologised and you pressed a kiss to her temple.
“It’s okay, Le.” You reassured her and she pressed a kiss to your chest.
“Instead of acting like my girlfriend, will you be my girlfriend?” Leah asked, you noticing how her heart sped up as she asked you, feeling it against your own chest.
“Of course, Leah. I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Your lips collided for the millionth time that night but this time, you both smiled against each other’s lips, knowing that you were both meant for one another.
“Y/N, I know our story didn’t start like a fairy tale and I’ll always be sorry for that, but we’ve come a long way since then. You taught me how to love someone. You taught me how to live my life knowing that I had someone who I love and that they loved me. As soon as I knew I loved you, I knew you were the one for me. I had never loved someone before, I didn’t know what it felt like until I met you. That’s when I knew that I loved someone, that I loved you. So, instead of being my girlfriend, will you be my wife?”
“Of course, Leah. I would love to be your wife.”
Your lips collided together, like any other kiss, but this time, you both smiled against each other’s lips, knowing that you get to spend the rest of your lives with one another.
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jamiebluewind · 14 days
Warning! Pet illness, xray
A friend of mine a few states away had a pregnant female cat walk onto her porch and decide she lives now. She had 3 kittens. Since my friend/roommate @winterpower98 was looking for her first cat, we (other roommate/bestie, Winter/Gaia, and I) decided to take a trip down to visit and see if one of the kittens would work for her.
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The thing is, she did fall in love with one! He's black with white markings, so the 6 year old had been calling him Eclipse. He's, curious, playful, and always trying to get into something. He loves Gaia. I mean LOVES her. And she loves him. Like... emptying her savings loves him.
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Right before we arrived, our friend noticed a little lump on his belly. They thought nothing of it. And then, it got bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
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After a week, we took him to a local vet to get checked out. He had a umbilical hernia. Luckily it stopped before his diaphragm, but the hernia was severe enough that he would need surgery to close it (a lot of articles talked about smaller ones closing on their own which is why we waited). He would also need special care for IBS symptoms and to keep his hernia from getting injured or obstructed before repair (which couldn't happen until he was big enough to go under anesthesia). He would need to come indoors for his safety and be separated from the others as his sisters pouncing on the hernia was causing issues (a week earlier than the 8 week mark).
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I was honestly expecting Gaia to say it was too much for her to handle. Even told her that nobody would judge her for not being ready for that level of responsibility. That we could find an organization that could take him and get him the help he needed and find him a good home. He has two sisters she could consider, there were plenty of shelters back home with cats under a year old, and we could even check the town we were visiting and places on the way back home, so there were options. I knew how much it took to care for a kitten with health issues (my current cat required months of specialized care and there were plenty of scares along the way) and Gaia has no previous experience with cats outside of hanging out with our cats, so that's just starting on hard mode.
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After a long serious talk on the responsibilities she was about to take on, she said she knew it would be hard but the thought of giving him up made her sick. That she would do whatever it took to give him a happy life for however long she has him. We aren't rich people, she's going back to college full time, she had only decided on him over one of his sisters that morning, and (again) this would be the first cat she has ever had. She went all in without a second thought.
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The original quotes from various vets willing to do the surgery (not all vets can) were pretty insane, but luckily I found a non-profit that did the surgery for about half. My other roommate and I fully support her and chipping in what we can.
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Eclipse is 8 week old and his surgery is scheduled in a month, but we are going to call in and check for cancelations since he's reached the minimum weight and age for anesthesia. Winter has been so busy caring for him that she's not had a chance to post about him, so I decided to do it on the drive home. I think the story is important because it raises awareness about an issue most don't know about and shows someone genuinely caring about a pet with special needs. As a disabled person who's went through a lot of ableism and survived abuse, it really hit me to see how much she loves him with her whole chest and doesn't ever approach his issues with anger or blame.
I don't ask for reblogs much, but I wanted to ask you guys to boost this. I linked Gaia's PayPal below if anyone wants to help take some of the financial burden off her, but you can also support her with messages and boosting this and her future post/s about Eclipse (cut her some slack guys, she's currently in tired new mom mode). I don't expect anyone to donate because I know you guys are mostly in the same shape as us, but I think showing Gaia support is just as important.
Now if you'll excuse me, the hyperactive boy got the zoomies and just jumped in the toilet XD
Edit: Late thing to add on, but a few days after posting this my other roommate/bestie Sarah decided to adopt his sister! Her name is Melanite, but her honey eyes have earned her the nickname Miel. Her and Eclipse have always been very close (often laying on top of each other), so it's great that they'll get to stay together.
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heavcnslyre · 11 months
chapter one - j.f. ( masterlist )
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“ocean blue eyes looking in mine,
i feel like i might sink and drown and die”
the air outside was cold, which was shocking for a mid-june morning. you were awake early, as you often were since you preferred to be productive in the mornings, but today it was for a different reason. you had barely slept all night. this morning, you were returning to susannah’s beach house in cousins. you looked forward to this day every year, and it was always just as special every time it came around.
“you all ready?” a voice breaks your silence as laurel peaks her head out the front door, watching you sit on the porch swing. you smile at her.
“definitely,” you say. “coffee on the counter, did you see it?”
she walks over to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead. “i did. thank you. now get your bag in the car, we’ll leave in twenty.”
“can i drive?” you ask, following her inside. she shakes her head.
“already told steven he could.”
as she says it, steven comes down the stairs and ruffles your hair as he walks past you. “sorry!”
“no you’re not,” you grumble, turning away to grab your bags. you had just gotten your license less than a month ago but steven has had his for months, so he usually got first dibs on driving. you usually didn’t mind, but the drive to cousins was special to you, and you would have loved to be able to make the drive yourself. not driving, you thought, would at least give you more time to prepare. although, you would have appreciated the distraction. this year felt different. you felt different. you weren’t really sure if it was a good different or not.
part of you was terrified, for some reason. most summers, you went to cousins completely disconnected from the world back at home. cousins was it’s own world, in your mind. the people, the house, the entire atmosphere, it was magical. it absolutely transported you, and you let it. this year, you had a connection to back home. your boyfriend, peter. you and him started dating two months ago after your best friend cassie introduced you to him, and things have been incredible ever since. if you were honest, you had never really committed to a guy before him, but it seemed to be working out well so far. the reason why you were terrified, you figured, was because this trip to cousins could change that. jeremiah fisher could change that.
you had talked to plenty of guys, even dated a few for a couple weeks or so, but as soon as jeremiah fisher comes around, you lose sight of everything — and everyone — around you. he somehow has that effect on you, and he has your whole life. but you do really like peter, so you told yourself you wouldn’t ruin something good for yourself again, just because you’ve always been waiting for jeremiah. you’ve made a fool of yourself enough over the years, attempting to get closer to him as he flirts with everyone in the world, that you know it was time to change something.
you just hope that you’ll be able to stick to it.
“(y/n),” you’re woken up by your sister belly poking your side, “(y/n), you’re drooling on me.”
you groggily open your eyes and stretch, moving away from her, “sorry bells.”
“s’kay,” she yawns. “we’re almost there, anyways. and your phones been blowing up. all from peter,” she says the last part teasingly, pushing your phone towards you. you laugh as you unlock your phone, seeing that she was right, and peter had texted you seven times.
peter: good morning!!
peter: sorry ik you’ve probably been up for hours
peter: omg and youre probably almost to the beach already
peter: miss u already
peter: there’s a party tomorrow night i was thinking about going to if that’s okay with you
peter: cassie’s gonna be there and stuff and you know i’ll be thinking about you forever so you’d have nothing to worry about
peter: just let me know if you’re comfortable with it okay?
you: oh my peter
you: you don’t need my permission to go have fun!!! of course you can go to the party :)
you: just text me and keep me updated okay? and make sure there’s a DD
peter: of course. you’re the best!
you: 🤍🤍
you smile at your phone and as soon you look back up, you were entering cousins. you didn’t realize how long you had slept for, but as soon as you saw the sign, your heart skipped a beat. you were back. you were back, and everything was good, including your lovely boyfriend back home. this summer was going to be perfect, you just knew it. your fears from this morning were fading and you decided that no matter what happens, you’re going to be okay. you’re going to have a great summer.
“did susannah get a new car?” steven asks as he pulls the car into the driveway of the house. laurel nods, a small smile forming on her face as the house comes into few. the same smile was present on everyone’s faces in the car. this place was so special to all of you.
“yeah, she gets bored with her cars easily,” laurel finally says, a hint of distaste in her voice. “she just likes to change things often.”
steven was barely listening and was halfway out of the car by the time laurel was done talking. his eyes were set on susannah, who was standing at the doorway, watching your car pull in. she looked as beautiful and radiant as ever, and even more so, especially since it was obvious that she was healthier now than she was last summer. her hair got longer and the glow on her face was back, lighting up her eyes and giving her the most approachable demeanor possible. she was perfect.
you get out of the car shortly after steven, and follow him up the steps to hug susannah tightly. she rubs your back as she hugs you. “oh sweet (y/n), you beautiful girl. i’m so happy to see you.”
“i’ve missed you so much,” you say back, and she gives you another squeeze before letting you go and hugging laurel. you look down by the car at steven, who was now talking to jeremiah, who had his back to you. your breath caught in your throat when you saw him, but you shook it off. that was not what this was going to be. he was one of your best friends, your family. that was all. that didn’t stop your heart rate from speeding up the second that he turned around and your eyes met his beautiful, bright blue ones. his face softened as soon as he saw you, but his smile remained just as wide. you move towards him and he watches you, his eyes never leaving yours as you approach him.
“(y/n),” he says, looking you up and down and grinning. “you look different.”
you knit your eyebrows and look down at yourself. “good different?”
jeremiah laughs. “always good.”
you giggle and wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you into a close hug. you take in his scent, a mix of saltwater and his vanilla cologne, the one that conrad and steven have always made fun of him for. they always say it makes him smell too girly. you have always thought he smelled perfect.
“i have so much to tell you,” jeremiah says as you pull away from the hug. “this summer is going to be amazing!”
“i can’t wait,” you grin. the two of you always spent the first night sitting on the beach after dinner, talking all night. he would fill you in on his school year, and you would fill him in on yours. it usually ended with both of you in the ocean and sandy, but it was always one of your favorite traditions.
as you turn away from jeremiah, belly rushes out of the car and pulls him into a hug and he spins her around. your eyes catch on conrad, who had just rounded the corner of the house, and was staring at them. he meets your eye and smiles sheepishly, knowing that you had caught him. you smile and go pull him into a tight hug. “hey connie.”
“hey (y/n). it’s good to see you,” he says. as you pull apart, his eyes are caught on belly again, who is staring at him this time, too. you smile at the sight and push conrad towards her gently. the corner of his mouth slightly turns up and he walks to her as you walk back over to jeremiah and steven, who were giggling to themselves. when jeremiah sees you walking towards them, he waves you over quickly.
“belly flop time,” he says, a wide grin on his face. you laugh.
“yes!” the three of you walk towards conrad and belly, who were laughing with each other, seemingly in their own world.
“hey, i don’t know about you guys but…” steven pretends to check his nonexistent watch on his wrist. “i think it’s time…for a…belly flop!”
belly squeals as the boys grab her, conrad carrying her by her armpits and the other two grabbing her feet. you giggle and lead the way, opening the gate to the pool and letting them pass through. you and the boys count down from three and they throw belly in the water. you all laugh as she flails around, her clothes completely soaked. your smile fades as the boys turn to you, mischievous smiles on their faces. “no.”
“it’s not fair to only throw belly in there, is it?” steven says innocently. you shake your head and attempt to run away, but before you can, jeremiah has his arms wrapped around your waist and lifts you effortlessly in the air. steven and conrad help him and grab your legs, counting down from three just like they did with belly. she dove out of the way as the boys throw you into the water. luckily, the water was warm, and while the feeling of your wet clothes was uncomfortable on your skin, the water was quite refreshing. belly giggles as you swim towards her and pull her into a hug, but in the hug, you whisper in her ear. “let’s get back at them?”
she nods as if she read your mind, and when you pull apart and begin to approach the edge, she’s suddenly struggling. “wait, wait guys, my ankle.”
“what’s wrong belly?” conrad asks. she continues struggling in staying afloat.
“i…i hurt my ankle i think. i cant walk on it,” she reaches her arm out to conrad. “help me out.”
he reaches out, and as their hands connect she pulls him into the water and the other boys burst out in laughter, jeremiah doubling over in laughter with his hands on his knees. taking advantage of this moment, you grab his hands and pull him into the water too, completely catching him off guard as he falls into the water next to you. now steven is standing on the edge, struggling to breathe from laughing so hard. “no way they got both of you!”
jeremiah flips his hair out of his face and looks up at steven. “c’mon steven, waters nice! you don’t wanna be left out, do you?”
steven shakes his head, still laughing. “i think i’ll survive being left out today. these shoes were expensive.”
“lame!” jeremiah calls out as steven walks towards the house, his laughter still echoing in the air. jeremiah turns his attention to you and swims over to you, grabbing your waist and spinning you around. “i’ll get you back for pulling me in here.”
you laugh. “sure you will. c’mon, let’s go dry off for dinner.”
he hops out of the side of the pool and offers an arm to help you out. he pulls you out of the pool with ease. “race you upstairs?”
“that sounds dangerous,” you say. “wet feet on tile and hardwood floor? with your clumsiness?”
he mocks offense. “you think i’m clumsy? ridiculous.”
“jere, you tripped over a penny on the beach last summer,” you say. “and i don’t think we’ve had a summer here where we haven’t had to bring you to the e.r. from some injury.”
“the sand is trippy!” he claims. “and i just live an adventurous lifestyle. which is why i’m totally beating you upstairs.”
“better catch me first!” you say and immediately take off sprinting, up the stairs to the porch and through the sliding glass doors, which you attempt to close in front of jeremiah, who caught up with you quickly. carefully, you run through the house but the slippery floors really did make it difficult. soon, you’re halfway up the stairs and jeremiah is right behind you, laughing. “you’re such a cheater!”
“i’m just smarter than you!” you yell as you approach your bedroom, which was right next to his. he shakes his head.
“no way. just a cheater,” he grins at you one more time as he enters his bedroom, closing the door behind him. you walk into yours as well, your head spinning from the first thirty minutes you had spent here. jeremiah made everything around you feel insignificant and you felt like you were floating when he touched you. and for the first time in your life, you hated the feeling. you were with peter now. you had to focus on peter, not jeremiah.
it was hard to do that when you were spending the next two months living with him, your rooms right next to each other, and the walls thin enough that you could hear everything in each others rooms. whenever he played music, you heard every word. every conversation, every ounce of laughter, every time either of you cried. it was good, having a close connection to him, but you knew it was just going to make things so much harder.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Square Dance: Promenade
Part Three of Square Dance Series
Country!Wanda x Male Reader
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How could time be so cruel? You had fallen in love with your best friend's sister, shared your first kiss together, and all in the span of a couple days. You didn't think it was possible. But now that week vacation was coming to an end.
You almost dreaded it now. Soon the corporate cogs would swallow you back in its mechanical grip and you'd have to leave the Maximoff homestead for who knows how long.
It was the day before you had to leave when Wanda approached you in the early morning, "I wanna have a date with you, city boy"
"A date?"
"Yeah a day date" she smiled at you with that thousand watt smile.
You and Wanda spent the entire day on the town. Piet and Crystal joined you for lunch at the local diner. It felt lively, it felt energetic. It felt like home with the Maximoffs.
You and Wanda explored the downtown area, rode horses together. You listened to Dolly Parton records at the local record shop. You even filmed one of her strumming sessions and taught her how to post it online.
But the sun was like a harsh hourglass as the evening drew. You understood that your time on the Maximoff homestead was nearing its end. You sat out on the porch, just trying to take in the setting sun one last time.
“I gotta go” Piet exclaimed gruffly that evening, walking out to you, “crystal needs me at…umm…the thing”
He looked to Wanda and she looked to you, giving you a little wink. And with that Piet left in his pick up truck.
You sat down on the porch, your eyes looked up to the nighttime sky. Wanda sat next to you with her guitar.
“What you thinking, city boy?” She asked.
“The stars. They’re the same as the ones back in the city.”
“Tell ya what. As long as you’re looking up at them stars, so will I. And I’ll always think of you”
“Deal. I’ll always think of you too.” The two of you made that silent promise. Wanda gave you a sad smile and began to strum on her guitar.
(Bless the Broken Road [Acoustic] - Rascal Flatts)
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
The two of you just gazed out to the stars. The eternal midnight promise of your love for one another. As long as you could see the stars, you’d think of your country girl.
That every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Wanda leaned her head against your shoulder. “We’ll find our way back to each other”
“I hope so” you said, your heart heavy with grief.
“Come on,” she got up from her spot on the porch. “Let’s get some viddles”
“Viddles?” You asked.
Turns out it’s just another word for food around the area. Wanda and you settled into having one last meal together before tomorrow. She insisted on cooking. “Alright darling” she said as she slid the plate across the table to you, “eat up!”
You noticed how she took a little bit of your meal on her thumb and then licked it clean off. How you wished you could kiss her and suck on those plump beautiful ruby red lips of hers. And then she sat down across from you with her own plate.
"Go on" she chuckled, "eat up"
You took a bite of the steak and eggs set before you. Wanda's whole demeanor was anticipation, just waiting for your reaction. The second the bit of steak hit your lips, it was like food nirvana. A tiny moan escaped your lips. A mischievous smile made its way across Wanda's eyes and lips like a cat who finally caught its mouse.
"You like it?" she asked with a hint of mischief.
"Love it. Best steak I've had in a long time" you smiled back.
"Good" she giggles, "I like the sound you made," she gives you a little wink. You couldn't help but blush.
"So what happens now?"
"No matter what" she whispered, "I'm glad I got to spend this week with you. I ain't ever gonna forget about you."
"You're gonna go far, Wanda" you took her hand, "you're gonna forget about me when you up there, on the stage, touring. With your millions of fans"
"Aw shoot," she giggled, "I don't think a million and one fans could ever make me forget about you"
The two of you just sat there in silence. You didn't want this night to end. If there was some way to stretch it on into infinity you wished you could. You just wanted to spend it with Wanda.
"I-I'm gonna go wash up." She offered a sad smile. And then got up.
It left you wondering. Was the corporate world really what you wanted? You had the most wonderful gal in your arms one moment and the next she would be gone.
You wandered the hallway. The sound of the shower had died out awhile back. You just walked right up to Wanda's bedroom door. She was probably asleep by then.
All you wanted to do was going into her room and hold her tight. But you understood it was better this way. You were of two separate worlds. Two ships that were passing in the harbor at the same time. You could never ask her to give up her tour just to stay with you in the city.
“I’m sorry Wanda” you whispered to her door before leaving.
You walked into your room to grab a towel for your own shower and came face to face with a sight that both surprised and delighted you.
There she was, a goddess among mortals, the bedsheet tucked under her arms. Your country girl was looking at you with those doe like eyes filled with love and desire for you. Her hair still damp with water. She was stark naked and beautiful as ever, only covered by that gossamer sheet.
“We only got tonight, city boy” she said softly. “And I wanna spend it with you”
You were left dumbfounded, but in the best possible way.
“So…” she asked with a smirk, “you just gonna admire the view or you wanna ride?”
You smiled and took off your shirt before joining her in your bed. If tonight was all you two had, then you make it last as long as possible.
You got under the covers. Wanda reached up and began kissing you once, twice. She giggled as she switched positions with you and straddled your waist, letting the bed sheet fall away.
"My city boy" she giggled before allowing you and her to become lost in the infinite moment, two hearts becoming one.
To Be Concluded…
Tags: @jacenradio7 @lifespectator @abimess @aloneodi @tokufighter @konstantin609 @scarletquake-n7 @supercorpdanbeau @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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writers-hes · 1 year
since when? (a. bridgerton x reader)
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You grew up with the Bridgertons and for the longest time, Anthony thought of you as a friend…since when did he look at you differently? (friends to lovers, slow burn, the Bridgertons being the best wing men, you look at him but he’s already looking at you….)  helpful links: navigation | master lists | rules and guidelines | tag list | fic recs
It was no secret among the Ton that your family was a dear friend to the Bridgertons. Your mother and Violet Bridgerton have been friends since they were children. They shared paper crowns, secrets, joys, and sorrows. They got married in the same year and soon enough, your mother was helping Violet as she birthed Anthony and then Benedict. Soon, it was Violet who helped your mother as she birthed her only child, you.
The Bridgerton household has always been big and it provided your parents some comfort to know that you won’t have to grow up alone. You’d always be surrounded by the Bridgertons and you were. Many a time, the older brothers would sneak into your gardens to tease you while you played with your dolls, a picnic blanket laid on the grass as you waited for Violet to bring Daphne.
“You know, there are other games than dolls,” Colin would tease, his nose scrunching. “Anthony loves to play pall mall. Maybe you’d beat him,”
“Hey! No one can beat me,” Anthony would scold, taking a doll from your hand.
“Anthony! Give me back my doll!” you’d call and he’d run away from you, cackling evilly while his younger brothers inspected your toys curiously. When you’d grow tired, you’d sit on the porch of your house and cry until Anthony came over to you with an apologetic look on his face.
“You took my doll, Anthony! You can’t make girls cry! You can’t make your friend cry too!” you’d sob but Anthony would utter a string of apologies that you’d accept. “I’m your friend, right?”
“Of course. I’m sorry for making you cry,” he’d say. Later in the day, he’d force Benedict to give one of the servants a box of cookies for you and in the morning, he’d sneak off again to see you happily munching on them. He’d steal a piece or two of course, but as a punishment, you’d force him to stay and have a tea party with you.
When you grew older, Anthony was still playful. When he’d bring his friends over while you were having tea with Daphne, he’d pull a face and would ask “What are you doing here again? Do you not have a home?”
“I could say the same,” you shrugged. You were teenagers now and the blows just got better. “With the amount of time you spend in our house, one would think that your family hates you. Guess, I’m right,” you shrugged, the same amount of sarcasm.
“Don’t mind him,” Daphne would say, rolling her eyes. “He’s sulky whenever you’re not around,”
“He’s probably annoyed because he’a got no one to annoy, Daph,” you replied, sipping on tea. She’d smile at you and you’d smile back at the girl whom you’ve always loved as a little sister. “It’s been a while since all of us got together but I understand, of course. The boys have their education to attend to and us…well, we have pianoforte and needlework,”
“They will be coming back soon for a break,” Daphne says. “Perhaps we can all have a picnic?”
And so you all attended a picnic together. It was a summer’s day, families were setting up their own tents in the park for a lovely afternoon. It was unusual to see your family’s tent and the Bridgertons’ right beside each other.
“What is it you’re reading?” Benedict asked, when he saw you. He just got back from schooling two days ago and was back to his old antics.
“Nothing worth mentioning since you can’t read,” you replied with a smile hiding behind the book. “Gregory’s still so young but I bet he can read way better,”
“Hey!” he scolds. “If you must know, I was the best reader in my class as a young boy,”
You laughed. “How have you been, Ben?” You’ve always been softer on Ben and Colin. They’d bother you like brothers did but they never made you cry as a child.
“Same old,” he shrugs, sitting next to you. “I took art history and art as a course for my studies this year,”
“I plan on pursuing it,” Ben says. You smiled proudly at him.
“That’s great, Benedict. My husband and I would like to commission you for a painting in the future,” you said. “When you’re famous, please give me a friendly rate!”
“You don’t even have a husband yet,” Benedict shrugged. “Besides, maybe it’ll be your husband who’s going to finance my artistic pursuits,” he hinted and you tilted your head, confused.
“I don’t have a husband…” you trailed off, making Benedict laugh as he saw the gears in your head turning.
“I jest!” he says, making you laugh.
“You are insufferable, Benedict Bridgerton!”
“You are as clueless as I am insufferable,”
It didn’t take long enough for you to make your debut and enter society. It was a big commotion inside your house but a quiet one amongst the Ton. It unnerved you because you were still young. How could your mother not see that you didn’t want to marry yet? She told you that you’d been putting it off for years; now that you were not a teenager. Two and twenty…a little too late to debut but who cared? You were the most beautiful debutante the Ton has ever seen…or at least someone thought so.
“Stop your staring, brother or flies will get inside your mouth,” Colin whispered, leaning ever so slightly to Anthony.
“I am not staring! I’m only surprised,” Anthony replied.
“Well, no one should be surprised,” Benedict added. “She’s of age and she needs to find a husband. Could you imagine? If she marries this year, we could have a little baby to bother next year. Oh, I so want to become an uncle!”
You were looking around nervously. You’ve always hated big gatherings and Lady Danbury’s ball was enormous. At the sight of your three friends, you visibly relaxed, excusing yourself from the gentlemen who approached you (quite rudely) to make a beeline towards them.
“Oh, God. I’m so glad you’re here!” you breathed.
“Lady Danbury would have our eyes for breakfast if we do not attend,” Colin replied. “You look beautiful!”
“Thank you, Colin,” you said, scrunching your nose. You weren’t unfamiliar with Colin’s compliments now and then. He never found it troublesome to say the words one needed to hear to feel comfortable, if not good.
“I was just talking about how much I want to become an uncle,” Benedict said. “Anthony doesn’t want to marry, Daphne’s too young…”
“And you’ve taken me as an unwilling volunteer of your aspirations,” you finished for him, making him chuckle.
“Well, that might be the case. Have you ever had champagne? Libations are usually free-flowing in events like these,” Benedict winked. “In fact, let’s go get champagne after we dance. Come,” he says, extending his hand toward you. You smiled brightly and accepted with your gloved hand, allowing Benedict to lead you to the dancefloor.
“Tsk tsk,” Colin chides Anthony who has not said a word since your arrival. “She’s beautiful, is she not?”
“I suppose,” he mutters before taking an exit.
Upon hearing the news that you have debuted, the girls rushed to your house to hear about last night.
“Did you meet anyone?” Daphne asked eagerly.
“No one,” you replied, seeing as Daphne deflated, you tried to brighten her spirits up. “But…it’s only the first ball. There are many other balls to attend to and bachelors to meet,”
“Are Lady Danbury’s ball as great as everyone makes it out to be?” Francesca asked. “Where are your callers?”
“It is,” you nodded. “I have not danced with anyone last night but Benedict and Colin,” you shared.
Daphne, Eloise, and Francesca were all excited for you. Daphne, mostly, who has always looked up to you as her older sister. Now that you’ve made your debut to society, it could be real. You could finally be her sister.
“And Anthony?” she asked.
“He was brooding the whole night,” you chuckled. “As he always does,”
“I hope whoever you marry is at least smart,” Eloise commented from her chair. “Someone smart enough to hold a conversation…definitely not one of my brothers,”
“Eloise!” you scolded playfully.
“What? It is true,” she shrugged, a glint in her eye.
In a few hours, Anthony comes to fetch his sister. You had been answering the younger girls’ questions patiently, keeping them entertained as you showed them your dresses for the season. Eloise was in the drawing room, drowning herself in her writing.
“Where’s Daphne and Francesca?” Anthony asked.
“Hello to you too, brother,” Eloise greeted. “They’re in Y/N’s bedchamber. She’s showing them some dresses and other things for the season,”
Anthony hummed and made a beeline for your room. It was wide open, your giggles heard in the corridor. Eloise was hot on his tails, trying to see the commotion for herself.
“I hope you’re not giving my sisters any ideas,” he says, leaning on your doorframe. In all of the years he’s known you, he’s never seen your bedchamber. His eyes were darting around quickly, taking note of your books, your table, and paraphernalia that embodied who you were.
“Anthony!” you greet. “Ow!”
He looks at you in alarm, laughing when Francesca apologizes for stepping on your shoes as you taught her how to dance.
“What are you doing, Francesca?” he asked, back straightening to walk inside but he stopped himself, afraid to cross any boundaries. It was Eloise who literally had to shove him slightly.
“It’s okay, Anthony,” you smiled. “I was teaching your sisters how to dance. I’m a great dancer, you know? I can teach you…so you won’t have to step on a poor girl’s foot while you dance,” you teased.
Three girls waited in anticipation but Anthony said nothing.
“No reply?” you asked. “It must be my lucky day, girls.”
“Not that it’s any of my concern but I’m afraid I’m a far better dancer than you’ll ever be. Perhaps, it is I who should teach you? Benedict complained all night because of your dancing,”
“He did not!”
“He did,” he teased, a slight smirk playing on his lips. “Come along, sisters. Mother wants us all for dinner,”
That night, when the three sisters were huddled in the library quietly, they all agreed how wonderful it would be to have you as a part of the family. Unbeknownst to them, their two older brothers also agree.
Anthony peeked outside the window, noticing the line of carriages on the street.
“What’s the commotion outside?” he asked, no one in particular.
“Didn’t you know? Our Y/N was the talk of the ball last night,” Benedict replied. “Such a shame you weren’t there, Anthony. She was seen making an acquaintance with a businessman. He asked if he could call on her today and her mother said yes. Her dance card was filled to the brim, I almost wasn’t able to dance with her,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, as he watched Anthony. He wasn’t lying, you told him all about it and showed him your dance card. You complained at how tired you were while you both danced. “Maybe we’ll have a nephew or a niece soon, hmm?”
“Can you go accompany me later, Anthony? I want to go to her and see all of these gifts!” Daphne asked. “Do you think someone gifted her a dog?”
“Ask Benedict or Colin to come with you,” he replied sourly.
“I can’t…I have a prior commitment,” Benedict lied. “with Colin,”
“Ah, yes,” Colin added. “I am ready to go to the farm, brother,”
“Come on, Anthony. You could just take me there and leave me. You can come back in a couple of hours!” Daphne begged.
Anthont relented before walking off. He didn’t see how his younger siblings smirked at each other.
Afternoon came and you were tired. You were sitting lazily on the loveseat amongst gift boxes you have yet to open. Luckily, no one gifted you with a dog.
“Y/N!” Daphne called and you smiled, fixing your posture slightly to greet her. “Your gifts! They’re so many!”
“Hello, Daphne,” you greeted. “Anthony, you’re here,”
“Daphne dragged me,” he said, taking a piece of chocolate from the box given to you by some gentleman before plopping down in front of you. “Don’t mind me.”
You looked at Daphne who shrugged.
“Do you want to open them with me?” you asked her, sitting up. “I need your help, you know and you can take whatever you might like,”
“Really?” she asked eagerly. “You’re certain? These might cost a fortune and you’re giving it away?”
“Yes,” you nod. “You can take some for Francesca, Eloise, and Hyacinth too. Besides, you’ll be helping me out. None of these would fit in my room,”
Daphne nods excitedly and picks a box from a shop she knew. She gasped as she takes out a music box with a man and a woman dancing in the middle. She turns the crank and hears a sweet melody.
“Look! The female dancer looks like you,” she says. She digs the box for anything and reads out a card. “Thank you for keeping me company and for making me feel welcomed. Sincerely, A.S..?”
“Alfred,” you told her. Anthony was secretly listening to your conversation. You were on a first name basis now? It annoyed him, he didn’t know why. “We danced last night,”
“What does he look like? Is he handsome?”
“He is!” you giggled, putting away the box that you just opened. “He looks quite intimidating and has a brusque way of speaking but he’s gentle.”
“What are the color of his eyes?” she asked.
“Gray…with hazel and blue,” you replied. “It looks like a dark blue from afar but when you’re closer, you’ll see specks of other colors too,”
“I wish to meet him,”
“Daphne!” Anthony scolded after listening.
“Sorry,” she apologized, a frown on her face.
“It’s okay,” you assured. “You can meet him some other time.”
The Ton fully believed that you were courting. Sightings of you and Alfred around London had been common. You’d have your hands wrapped around his arm while your maid trailed behind. People were so sure that you were courting. How could they not? He was always calling on you or has been seen dancing with you multiple times. It didn’t help that Alfred only danced with you during balls. It didn’t help at all.
“Y/N has been spending so much time with that Alfred lately,” Colin remarked. “They’re always huddled by the dance floor, laughing among themselves. If they weren’t dancing, you’d be certain that they’d be together,”
Colin looked at Benedict discreetly. Daphne and her sisters watched Anthony.
“Maybe there will be a nephew or a niece after all,” Anthony replied with a strained voice. His throat ached as he suppressed an emotion that bubbled in his chest.
The Bridgertons could not be any more wrong. On your first meeting with Alfred, he admitted that he had a girl he loved back home. He hasn’t told her yet, still building his business to fully support her. He only attended this social season to expand his business and had made your acquaintance because your father invested a sum in his business. You both agreed to keep a ruse that you were courting. You weren’t looking to marry and he didn’t want any mamas vulturing him.
He’d been successful in gathering investors. He told you all about his travels and about the woman he left home. He said that they’d visit you sometime soon. Meanwhile, you showed him to London’s high society. You told your father to invite him to his club. He liked dancing and had thought of you as a suitable dance partner. Your parents never minded. The more you spent time with Alfred, the more suitors you had. You’d never know exactly why but Alfred has been telling everyone that you were warm, comforting, and kind.
One afternoon, you were seen with Alfred again, not knowing that the Bridgertons were there in the park too. It was nothing formal. Alfred showed up at your door, asking if you had any plans this afternoon. You said no and asked if you’d like to accompany him to the park. He’ll be leaving in a few days and wanted to spend more time with you before he left.
Anthont watched from the tent as you passed by. You were so consumed with some joke that you didn’t notice the tent.
“Is that Y/N and Sir Alfred?” Daphne asked. “He’s as handsome as she described him! Franscesca, look! I’m going to say hello,” she declared before gathering herself. Anthony ran after his sister who was more than excited to be introduced to the man who had occupied your time. Maybe it was Daphne but maybe it was because he needed to know but either way, he followed.
“Y/N!” Daphne called and you stopped, smiling widely as Daphne neared. You also threw a quick smile towards Anthony.
“Hello, Daphne,” you greeted. “I didn’t know you were here. Had I known, I would have dropped by,”
“It’s alright. I just wanted to say hello to you and…”
Your eyebrows rose and you chuckled.
“Alfred,” your friend introduced himself. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Bridgerton. Y/N has talked so greatly about you. Good afternoon, Viscount Bridgerton,” he greeted and Anthony returned the greeting.
“Alfie—Alfred, you’ve yet to meet the others,” you smiled up at him. Anthony’s heart clenched. Alfie?
“Hey! I told you to stop calling me that,” he chastised playfully. “It ruins my reputation,”
“I apologize, sir Alfie,” you teased. “Anyhow, this is Daphne and Anthony. They’ve been my friends since we were children. They’re like my siblings,”
Alfred’s eyebrows shot up. Maybe to all of them…but that label was disliked by someone. He was looking at him right now.
“Would it be a bother if I introduced Alfred to the rest of the family?” you asked. Daphne shook her head, taking your hand immediately to bring you to their tent, Alfred and Anthony in tow.
“Y/N’s here!” Daphne announced. “She brought Sir Alfred with her,”
“Sorry for the intrusion, everyone,” you apologized. Anthony was about to say that it wasn’t a bother at all. He saw how his siblings’ faces lit up when they saw you. “Everyone, meet sir Alfred. Alfred, meet everyone,”
Everyone introduced themselves. Alfred was charming and perfect for you. Anthony could see that and it made him uncomfortable. He’d been denying the fact for so long and he will continue to do so.
“Alfred is very favorable, is he not?” Violet commented when you both left. You had to go attend an opera show with Alfred for the evening. “Such a handsome man who seems to care deeply for our Y/N. Do you think they’ll be engaged soon?”
“I believe someone else is perfect for our Y/N,” Benedict spoke. “Alfred may be as you described him, mother but I see nothing but friendship between the two of them. Trust me,”
The simple bracelet dangling on your arm made Anthony question Benedict. You told Daphne that you weren’t feeling well today because Alfred left last night. As a parting gift, he gave you a bracelet with a simple pendant. Daphne recalled how puffy your eyes were when she visited. It was obvious that you both held each other dearly. You were just too sad to see him go.
Anthony took it upon himself to light your spirits up again. After a morning of appeasing your callers, Anthony put it upon himself to sit by the garden seen right outside of your drawing room. You knew he was there, he always liked to sit by the swings. You walked towards him and he looked up.
“Why are you here?” you asked.
“I’ve noticed how sad you’ve been since your…Sir Alfred left London,” he said. “So, I thought…why must I let you suffer any longer? Let’s have tea in that place you like. I’ll pay for everything,”
“What happened to Anthony Bridgerton?” you asked and he chuckled.
“We’ve been friends way before we learned how to walk. Besides, banter gets boring, don’t you agree?” he asked, extending his arm for you to take. “You know what? I’ll even listen to you. Just for a day,”
“You will?” you asked, attaching your hand on his arm. “Wait—my maid—“
“It’s okay. Everything has been taken care of,” he said. “Let’s go,”
The Bridgerton carriage waited for you both and he let you in. The ride to the town square was quiet. If anyone understood your plight, it was Anthony. Besides, who would he tell? The gossip papers? Certainly not.
Sitting across from him in a secluded table in the tea shop with finger food and tea before you, you decided to speak.
“Alfred and I weren’t courting,” you confessed, sipping your tea. Anthony feels the constriction in his chest loosen. As if he hadn’t been breathing properly before your confession.
“Pardon?” he asked, setting down the cucumber sandwich that he was eating. “You’re not courting? Then…what about your dances? Everyone was waiting for the two of you to wed. You do know that you aren’t fooling me, right?”
You chuckled.
“He has a sweetheart back home,” you said and Anthony’s hands clenched. How could someone like Alfred fool you? “It’s not like that…before you declare war. Listen to me, alright?”
“He and I thought of a ruse that we’re courting. I don’t want to be married yet, Anthony. You know more than anyone that I’m in no rush. He didn’t want to be surrounded by debutantes and mothers who asked him for a dance. He was only here to expand his business by looking for more investors,” you said coolly. You looked at Anthony’s furrowed brows. “I know I should have told you but we both agreed to keep it between us. The fewer people involved, the more effective. He and I are friends and nothing but,”
“What about the music box and your bracelet?” he asked. He wanted to take the words back if he could. It showed that he paid attention and it bothered him.
“Oh…” you stuttered, looking away. “The music box was a gift from him. A gift for agreeing with everything. The bracelet…well, it’s the same. It’s a parting gift for our friendship. We both have the same bracelet with the same gem. I was sad to see him leave but more than anything, I’m looking forward to his next return with the woman he loves. Did you know he’s going to confess his feelings? If everything goes well, he'll ask her hand for marriage.” you said and Anthony knew that it was the truth. Your eyes sparkled as you talked about Alfred’s possible marriage.
“It’s what I want for myself,” you spoke. “I want to marry under those circumstances and not because of practicality or…whatever it is. I am expected to marry someone with a rank…someone from a good family. I am an only child but I do not want to be  restricted by my responsibilities,”
“I see,” was his pensive reply. “We haven’t danced yet. Did you know that?”
“I am well aware,” you acknowledged. “The last ball will be soon. Would you care for a dance, Viscount Bridgerton?”
“I would,”
Anthony went home that day humming.
Violet was alarmed…he has never seen Anthony so carefree since Edmund’s tragic death. His brothers were amused and his sisters were confused. They were all so used to a brooding Anthony.
“Anthony, is everything alright?” Violet Bridgerton asked. Anthony halts his step, sitting on his own chair.
“Of course,” he says. “It’s a wonderful day, is it not?”
“I suppose so,” his mother replies. “Would you like some tea before dinner? I can make you a cup,”
“It’s quite alright, mother. Y/N and I just had tea,” he shrugged. Daphne’s piano stopped playing and Anthony could feel eyes on him.
“You and who?” Benedict asked.
“Y/N and I,” Anthony replied. “Why are you all looking at me? Is something the matter?”
“No but usually you’d ask me to come—“ Daphne stops as her mother looks at her pointedly. Anthony was in good spirits and it is therefore favorable for everyone if his good mood persists.
“Of course, dear sister but remember, she and I are good friends. I just decided to ask her to spend the afternoon with after Sir Alfred’s departure,” Anthony replied. They didn’t know what he knew.
“Such a shame,” Eloise added. “I thought for sure they’ll be married by the end of the season,”
“What?” Anthony asked, an edge in his voice. Violet’s eyes rolled, annoyed that Eloise might have ruined Anthony’s mood. “Why must she marry him? There are other bachelors in London who suit her better,” he says. “Besides, they are friends,”
“What about the bracelet he gave her? Did you know he has the same one?” Daphne asked.
“Would you rather her marry somebody from outside London and see her rarely or marry someone close and see her often?” Anthony asked. Everyone stayed silent, it seemed as though the Viscount himself hadn't realized his feelings. “Exactly. Anyhow, thank you for your interrogation. I will be in my study to oversee some matters,”
He says, kissing his mother’s head before walking off.
“If that is what Y/N can do to Anthony, I would really want her to be married to him,” Francesca says, earning a few nods from her siblings.
The last ball of the season came and Anthony was dressed in his best clothes. He went to his barber before going to the tailor to have his clothes altered perfectly. He was in the ballroom, awaiting your arrival. Before leaving that afternoon, you both agreed to look your best.
Your mother soon comes with you behind her. You were donned in Anthony’s favorite color, butterflies and flowers embroidered in the dress. Jewels were in place, your hair falling in all the right places. Anthony thought that you looked ethereal.
He waited until you saw him, eyes brightening. He smiled, walking towards you. He forgot his brothers who stood behind him. He’d love nothing more than to have your first and last dances.
“Anthony,” you greeted. He takes your hand and kisses your gloved hands.
“You look beautiful,” he says.
“Does that mean I’m not beautiful on a regular day?” you teased. “You look just as handsome, Anthony,”
“Shall we dance?” he asked and you nodded, allowing him to escort you to the dance floor. Anthony looks into your eyes as lilting music starts. Soft murmurs in the crowd fade away. It’s the first time he’s seen you so, so close. There was a faint smile playing on your lips and he found himself smiling too. “Do you remember, when we were younger, our dance teachers would pair us together?”
“And I remember being the better dancer,” you boasted. “Is this how you teach?”
“No,” he replied, finding his hand on your hip, the feeling of the fabric soft against his skin. “I concede. You are the superior dancer,”
You beamed. Anthony thought that he’d let himself lose in your arguments to see you smile like that again.
“Maybe I should teach you…so you wouldn’t have to embarrass yourself in front of other debutantes,” you offered.
“Why should I learn how to dance with others when I’m perfectly fine with my dance partner?” Anthony asked. “It’s just…one, two, step. Remember?”
“Of course, I do,” you replied. “I remember Miss Rutherford scolding you for stepping on my toes,”
Anthony laughed. “You will never let that down, will you?”
“Of course not. Banter may get boring but I find it most pleasurable to see you agitated,” you replied. “Do I…agitate you?” you asked, swallowing thickly. Anthony could feel your breath on his face.
“You do,” he replied. “Is that good?”
“How was your dance?” Benedict asked. “Did you all know that he and Y/N danced last night? Laughing among themselves?”
“You did?” Francesca asked, excited.
“He left us when he saw her. I think Anthony forgot that he was supposed to be with his brothers,” Colin teased.
“I don’t see the matter,” Anthony replied, swallowing his breakfast. “You have both danced with Y/N. I did too. We are friends,”
“Of course,” Colin replied. “Only…you had your eyes glued on her last night. You shared your last dance together. Mother had to separate the two of you beside the refreshments table because you were too busy giggling among yourselves,”
“I for one would love it if Y/N became a part of our family,” Eloise remarked.
“Isn’t she already a part of it? We all grew up together. Why is everyone acting absurd?” Anthony asked but he knew. He couldn’t stop thinking about you these days. Last night, he tossed and turned in his bed because he couldn’t stop his heart fluttering from the recent events. He remembered the relief he felt when you told him about your ruse with Alfred. He remembered how much he enjoyed his banter with you over the years…most especially recently. He has always seen you as a friend. Since when has he looked at you in a different light? His mouth ran dry, gulping the cold water to calm his nerves. Was this true?
“I would like to visit Y/N,” Daphne announced and Anthony sputtered. He coughs to clear his throat. “Would you accompany me, Anthony?”
“I could not,” he lied. How would he react if he saw you unbothered? How would he react if he saw you again? “I have matters to attend to. Ask Benedict or Colin to take you instead,”
Anthony sat in his office doing nothing but nursing the tumultuous beating of his heart. Since when did I think of her like this? Why is she so beautiful? Would she still accept me despite our shared banter?
Later in the afternoon, Anthony found himself pacing in their garden. He was so tempted to go over to your garden but he knew that Daphne would be there with you. He looked at the gate that separated you to him. Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to have that demolished.
“You’re looking too pensive for my liking,” Violet Bridgerton says, looking at her first born with concern. “I hope you know that your siblings only like to tease,”
“I know but…what if they were right?” Anthony revealed. Violet’s eyebrows shot up. Sure, she noticed how different Anthony seemed to be these days but she never could have expected it to come from him so easily.
“If that’s how you feel, why not tell her?”
“She told me she has no wish to get married,” he says. He then told his mother about the ruse that you had with Alfred. How you both fooled everyone in London.
“Well, Benedict’s right all along,” Violet says. “But you’re both still so young, Anthony. You have so much time and I want you to spend this time on what makes you happy.”
“What if I fail?” he asked with a weak voice. Violet was reminded of Anthony as a child, when he used to voice his insecurities. There was something so beautiful about a child seeking his mother.
“At least you tried,” she said. “It would hurt more if you’re left all your life wondering what could have happened if you tried,”
The weeks that transpired after the social season could be described as irregular. You were thinking of better words to say but it was hard. Anthony was kinder and would purposely seek out your company on slower days. Over the course of a few weeks, Anthony had accompanied you to the theater. He spent time with you at the museum. He stayed at your house to share a meal with your family. The banter was there and it was still enjoyable but you couldn’t deny the fact that the new Anthony was way more favorable. You were now in the Bridgerton home after being invited by the siblings for a meal in the garden. The weather was amazing and Anthony had just installed beautiful lamps that illuminated the garden.
“I would like you to be my sister, Y/N,” Francesca announced after helping her choose a bow. She settled with a peach-colored bow that went beautifully with her hair. You chuckled, brushing off her comment.
“Are we not like sisters already?” you asked, tying the bow perfectly around a lock of hair.
“We are…but it would be better if you lived with us,” she said. “Or visited us more,”
“I’m sorry if you’ve been feeling neglected,” you told her honestly, your hand caressing her hair gently. “But now that the social season is over, we can see each other more.”
“You promise?” she asked.
“Of course. Daphne, Eloise, and you could all come visit me at home. We’ll have the night all to ourselves in my bedroom. I’ll prepare your favorite sweets and we can just talk the whole night. How does that sound?” you asked, your heart warming when Francesca beams at you.
“I’ll have to ask Anthony but I would love to!” she says. “I would have to go to Daphne and Eloise to tell them. Thank you for fixing my hair!”
You sat back on the couch afterwards, enjoying a moment of peace and quiet. You were thinking of all the preparations you might have to do when they do decide to visit. Your eyes darted to a sound and watched the Viscount sit down beside you. While he settled, you closed your eyes. The social season was tiring and it was hard to find rest sometimes.
“You haven’t been here for an hour. Why do I hear Fransesca talking to Daphne and Eloise about a possible visit?” he asked, closing his eyes to rest. He’s been cooped up in his study for hours to oversee the estate.
“She’s right. Maybe not soon, though,” you replied, voice soft. “I’m so tired.”
“Me too,” he says and no words were spoken. The noise outside the house was forgotten now. Your and his even breathing both lulled you to sleep and it was your mothers who found you and Anthony’s heads leaning on each other, just like you did when you were kids.
Anthony has been occupying all of the spaces inside your head recently. Sometimes, you were scared that your mind was projecting him because he’d always be there. You’d walk in the hallways and hear him laughing with you father. You’d be in town with your maid and he’s there, inviting you for gelato. You’d go home with a faint smile playing on your lips before reminding yourself that it was Anthony.
“Miss, the Viscount Bridgerton is here to see you,” your maid says. She took note of how you immediately smiled. “He’s been here…a lot,” she teased.
“We are friends, Mary. Of course, he’d be here,” you told her. “Besides, we grew up together,”
“Of course…but…”
“What?” you asked, fixing the tendrils of hair on your face. “Do I look alright?”
“Since when did you think about how you looked in front of Viscount Bridgerton?” she teased, laughing when your mouth was open agape. She had a point. “If it’s any consolation, you look amazing. I’m sure the Viscount would think you look amazing…if he doesn’t already,”
Confusing feelings that you nursed plagued you. Every now and then, you’d feel flustered when you felt his eyes on you. It was funny, really but what’s funnier was how everyone seemed to know but the two of you. Nothing escapes anyone, especially Lady Danbury who, along with the Bridgertons, visited your house for dinner.
You were all over the table, quiet as you heard murmurs from everyone. Your mother was talking to her friends while your father talked to Benedict and Colin about their travels. It seemed as though the only people who weren’t speaking were you and Anthony. You looked around the dining table, trying to listen in on all kinds of conversations when your eyes landed on the Viscount. He was already looking at you, a teasing smile on his face and you felt your cheeks warm. You looked away quickly, sipping on your lemonade, never noticing that his eyes were still glued on you.
“You both have to do something about those children of yours,” Lady Danbury commented, her eyebrow raised expectantly. “Do you think they’re fooling anyone at all? I’ve seen how they stole glances from one another. It was not subtle,”
“I know,” Violet agreed. “I’ve seen Anthony look at her. Really, all his siblings seem to know too,”
“Y/N is the same,” your mother added. “She’s always off to run with Anthony. Have you noticed?”
Meanwhile, you were all in the garden. Benedict and Eloise were huddled together in the swings while you were laying on the picnic blanket. You didn’t care if it seemed appropriate. They were the Bridgertons, they never minded. You were looking up at the stars when Anthony blocked the view. A mischievous idea pops inside your head and you extended your arm upwards.
“Anthony, will you help me up?”
Anthony takes your hand but before he helps you, you pulled him down, sending him flat on the space beside you.
“You’re dead!” he exclaims as you run away from him.
“Benedict, help me!” you called, as you increase your speed.
“Don’t you dare, brother,” Anthony threatens, running after you. His heart fills with warmth when he heard your boisterous laugh. You were so carefree and so joyful.
Your screams rang through the garden when Anthony’s arms wrap around your waist. You looked at him, laughing.
“You really shouldn’t be doing that,” he scolds, tickling your sides. “Stop squirming! That’s your punishment!” he laughed, tickling you more. Suddenly, you both stopped, noticing the close proximity between the two of you. Your faces were inches away from each other and you both looked away, coughing. Unknown to you two, his siblings were smiling in amusement.
“Eloise!” you called. “Didn’t you want me to help you with something? Let us go,”
Anthony could only watch while you scurry off with Eloise and his sisters somewhere.
“Scandalous, is it not, brother?” Colin teased which earned him a light shove from the Viscount. His siblings watched him follow you with amusement. Someone has to do something about the two of you.
“What was that?” Eloise asked you when you reached your bedroom.
“Was what?” you feigned innocence. Daphne was with the two of you, sitting on your bed with her eyebrow raised.
“Everybody saw that,” Daphne said. “You know, it’s no harm to tell us about how you feel towards Anthony. The attraction is so obvious!”
“I agree with Daphne,” Eloise added. “While I do think that marriage is a trap, I fully support you marrying into our family. You’re good to us and Daphne’s right. There’s attraction there,”
“Since when did you girls know about attraction?” you mused. “You lot are still young,”
“Seems like we’re less clueless than you are,” Francesca teased, making thr girls giggle.
“Anthony is agitating,” you relent. “He’s kind and playful,”
“What is it that you look for in a husband?” Daphne asked, playing with a dainty necklace that you gifted her before.
“Someone kind and well, I’d love it if it feels like we’ve known each other forever. Sometimes, you get that feeling, you know? Like you’ve known them for a lifetime and everything just falls into place.” you said. “Someone who understands…someone patient. I’d like to marry someone who can make me laugh. I’d like to have a big family and marry someone coming from one…oh, dear,” you muttered. You were describing Anthony Bridgerton.
“That sounds a lot like…”
“Anthony!” Daphne gasped, seeing the man on your doorway. “What are you doing here?”
“Mother is looking for you girls,” he says, looking expectantly at his sisters.
“Anthony, you always ruin the fun!” Eloise glared. “We were having girl talk, if you weren’t aware,”
“It’s alright, Eloise,” Daphne says. “Let us go and let them have a moment of privacy,”
Eloise could only scowl at Anthony while Daphne ushers her out. Anthony breathes a sigh of relief as he looks ar you for permission.
“May I?”
“Of course, Anthony.” you smiled. “Come in. Did you need anything?”
Anthont doesn’t answer. Instead, he locks the door behind him. You gape as he walked nearer, until you were face to face. You were close again and you could feel him.
“Is something the matter?” you asked softly. “Would you tell me?”
“I heard what you told my sisters,” he replied, his voice just as soft. “Is it true? That the man you’re looking for sounds exactly like me?”
“If you must know, I feel the same.” he said. “I’ve been putting these emotions away from me because you once said that you were in no rush to get married. I thought that if I waited for you long enough, then you’d want to be married to me but I cannot wait any longer. Did you know how miserable I was when I thought that you and Sir Alfred were courting? I set it off for you but I am a selfish man and I cannot wait any longer. So tell me, is it true?”
You felt your throat constrict when Anthony’s gaze drops on your lips. Should you kiss him right now to convey your emotions?
“It is,” you replied. “But I’ve been keeping my emotions at bay because I feel the same,”
Anthony beams.
“Say it,” he whispers. “Say what you feel.”
“I love you, Anthony,” you replied. Anthony takes your head and kisses you deeply. You felt every emotion there is; inching your face closer to the roughness of his calloused hand. He moves away slowly and lays you down on your bed; him crawling on top of you to attach his lips on yours again.
“I love you too,” he mumbles softly, kissing the soft skin under your ear. Anthony would’ve liked it better if he could hear the soft whimpers that came from you. He trails down to your neck, and then the hemline of your chest. “I love you…so much. Tell me you love me,”
“I love you,” you whine.
“If you let me, I’d still want to court you properly and formally. Will you let me?” he whispered.
“We’re way past courting if you’re kissing me like this,”
“Do you want me to stop?”
(If you know who Alfred is based off of, comment to get a follow from me…u deserve it)
cc: @screechingdreamercollectorsblog @pink-lemo​ @lana-isabelle​ @evelyn3000​ @simran1111​ @marrilly @jemimah-b99​ @goldeng1rl8​ @lovely-him​ @wreckedsymphony​ @silvermistt​ @rexit-mo​ @chazubagi @freyathehuntress​ @flourishandblotts-inc​​ @  @bellaiscool​​  @rayodesol97​ @munsonology​ @miyababbby @jesslexi1170 
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bellarkeselection · 6 months
It’s About Time
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Request from Wattpad mackleann Kayce or Lee ( you pick ) where the reader is a family friend who comes to help with the cattle branding. The pair confese their feelings and get teased by the bunkhouse gang
Driving my truck underneath the Yellowstone Dutton ranch sign I pulled the vehicle to a stop just beside the main house porch. I opened the door seeing that the area of the ranch was already set up for the branding the next morning. Getting out of the truck I shut the door seeing somebody riding up in the distance. “Well I didn’t expect to see you here this weekend.”
Whipping my head around a huge grin masked my face seeing Kayce coming up to me on his horse. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
“Maybe because I thought you’d be busy. But I am awfully excited to see you.” He began dismounting his black horse comic over to me with wide open arms.
Rushing towards him I laughed, throwing my arms and legs around his waist. “You better be excited to see me, Dutton.”
“Hey I said that I was you crazy rascal.” He chuckled at me while I was hanging off his arms. Kayce was struggling to keep me from falling on the ground.
I had been a close friend of the family for years. I had been there for the family when Evelyn died and when Kayce had gone off to serve the Navy. I had somewhat of a relationship with each of the Dutton members, but Kayce and I were closer. He finally sits me down on my feet getting my boots dirty. “You better be nice to me. You know I can kick your ass.”
“Oh yeah. Which one of us has training?” He teased me, tipping his hat slightly to me.
Putting my hands on my hips. “It doesn't matter. I know how to throw a punch pretty good.”
Kayce stared down at me since he was slightly taller than me. Honestly most people would say we were always attached to the other hip. And it wasn’t a lie. I’d basically lived my entire life on this ranch.
Kayce went over to his horse leading him to the barn by the reins. “Does my dad know you’re coming here this weekend to help with the branding?”
“I’d expect so. Why did you have plans to skip?” I asked him to follow him to the barn.
He shook his head. “Nah. But your company will sure make it better.”
Together we left the barn and went straight for the main house. He held open the door for me, hanging his black hat on the wall while doing so. Walking through the living room there was a fire going and I could see someone sitting on the couch. “What made you stay out late? Daddy told Gater to wait.”
“Well it wasn’t because he wasn’t hungry. He just had someone keeping him occupied.” Leaning over the back of the couch hair in my face I whispered in his sister’s ear.
She sat her glass down, turning around to me. “Did you finally take her out there in the barn?”
“Beth!” I scolded her, feeling my face beginning to turn red.
Her younger brother cleared his throat. “We aren’t dating and you know that.”
“Rip and I may have beat around the bush when we were kids. But he knows he’s mine. Everybody on this ranch knows who is with who. You two ain’t any different.” She crossed her arms on the back of the couch.
Tapping my foot on the wooden floor I tried to remain calm about this. I didn’t need it to be painfully obvious that I had feelings for him. I didn’t want to ruin the relationship we have if he doesn’t feel the same way. But Beth had a different mind than everyone else. She knew what words could sink someone into the ground. “I’ll think you’re wrong. Now did you say Gator had dinner?”
“Walking away just means we will have this conversation later, Y/n.” She called as I walked into the dining room.
Pausing in my tracks I holler back to her. “No it doesn’t, Bethany!”
Kayce eyed his sister but had nothing to say to her. He dropped his hands down at his sides. The young Dutton knew he felt something for the girl who walked around his family home like she was always meant to be there. Maybe because he’d seen her around his whole life. She had always been a Dutton in his eyes.
“Kayce, I’m going to have dinner in the bunkhouse. See if I can beat those boys at poker if you want to come with me.” I called from the kitchen, grabbing my jacket and a to-go bag of food that Gator made for me.
He turned his head in my direction. “Yeah sure I’ll come.”
“Don’t have too much fun you two.” Beth chuckled at the two of us watching us leave going to the bunkhouse.
By the time we had got to the bunkhouse we could hear them yelling and half the alcohol was almost gone from the fridge. Sliding in on the empty seat next to Ryan he smiled in my direction throwing his desk of card’s down. “Look who decided to join the party. The future mr and Mrs. Kayce Dutton.”
“Oh not you guys too.” I rolled my eyes not expecting them to be on it with Beth.
Colby fixes the deck, dealing me and Kayce each a hand to play in their new game. “We can’t help it if you make it so obvious.”
“What’s obvious?” Jimmy asked from his bunk.
Teeter, who was fixing herself some dinner from Gator spoke up, removing the spoon from inside her mouth. “They clearly want each other just like I know my baby wants me.”
“I am not your baby.” Colby replied to her.
She smiled, turning back to her food. “Stop lying to yourself baby.”
“I didn’t think you had a thing for her, Kayce. I just thought you two were really close friends.” Jimmy entered the conversation.
I moved my gaze to the center of the wooden table not saying a word. Shifting the deck of cards in my hands I really wanted them to stop with the teasing. But Jimmy clearly couldn’t read the room correctly, bless his heart. “We are really close and that’s all.”
“But they are burning to be more.” Ryan made a kissing sound into my ear.
Kayce hit his fist on the table. “Will you stop talking about that!”
“Ohh he’s getting all embarrassed.” Jake, another ranch hand, joined in pointing his index finger at him.
Kayce hit the table again. “I swear the next person who teases us will see me fly over this table.”
Jake, Colby and Ryan about lost their shit at that statement all cheering like he had just admitted he had feelings for me when he really hadn’t. Raising my hands up I sighed finally saying something. “Can we just get back to the game?”
“She’s still avoiding the moment.” Jimmy spoke up.
Kayce raised himself up to his feet stomping over to Jimmy. He grabs him by his shirt getting in his face angrily. “That does it! What did I say a few seconds ago, Jimmy.”
“Woah, when did poker become violent?” Lloyd came out of the bathroom shortly after Walker did. Both confused at what was going on here.
Forcing myself up from my chair I stomped over to the fridge throwing it open. “Cause I apparently can’t get a beer around here with all these gossiping girls dressed as cowboys.” I mocked them for drinking almost half the bottle of beer I had taken from their stash.
“Well then let’s start this card game.” Walker sat down in my chair and thankfully there was no more conversation like that when Kayce let go of Jimmy. He left the bunkhouse leaving me with the boys and Teeter for the rest of the night which made me think maybe they had gotten underneath his skin over something.
The next morning was crazy for everyone even though we had everything set up. Coming out of one of the tents we had set up I halted in my tracks seeing the blonde that had hit a rock after an animal protest talking with him. Summer I remember her name to be. “I don’t think this place is right for you.”
“Oh don’t worry. Once I get out of here I will leave. Besides I can sense somebody doesn’t care much for me being in your company.” She turned her head slightly seeing that I was glaring at the pair.
Kayce turned his attention to her, quickly walking away from her side. “See you around, Summer…what’s got you so angry?”
“I’m not angry over anything.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
He tilted his head. “Really cause you won’t make eye contact when you’re angry. You also hug your arms to your chest when you’re angry. So what made you upset?”
“I think I should be asking you that more than you asking me after what happened last night. You bailed on me Kayce, why?” I questioned the young rancher trying to figure out why all day but nothing came to mind.
He blinked a few times with silent passing between us. “I didn’t like what they were saying about us.”
“It was just teasing right or do you have feelings for me?” I blurted it out letting my curiosity get the better of me when it came to what he thought.
Kayce stepped closer to me reaching up with his hands to cradle my face. “I didn’t like the teasing because I wanted to be the one to tell you myself. But now I say fuck it.”
“Kayce-“ He cut me off short, pressing his lips down onto mine and after that point everything suddenly stopped. Throwing my arms around his neck I brought him closer, deepening the kiss.
He moved one hand into my hair tugging on it a few times. I moaned into the kiss, finding this is better than I could have imagined. Like we were always supposed to be like this together. “I told you, boys.”
“Wait a second.” I broke the kiss recognizing Beth’s voice.
Kayce kept one hand on my wrist when I remained close to his chest seeing that Ryan and Colby were standing off to the side with her. “What the hell did you have them do?”
“We bet her ten bucks that the teasing last night wouldn’t work.” Ryan reached inside his jacket handing her some money.
She took it from his hand proudly walking past us to go find Rip. “They lost obviously. It’s about time you two finally saddled your horses together.” Kayce and I shared the same shocked look but shortly laughed with huge smiles on our faces at the well thought out plan she had achieved.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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brokebonewritings · 1 year
Growing Pains
Matt Murdock x reader
Tags/Warning: 18+, Language, Emotional Abuse (NOT from Matt), Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Summary: You take Matt home to visit your family, now as a couple, and he finally experiences what you had vented to him all these years. Song: Matilda by Harry Styles
Word Count: 3.2K
Masterlist || Series Masterlist
A/N: This is a content warning, I'm not gonna lie. The EA part is short but can hit home to a few people I'm sure. I hope you enjoy, and please take care of yourselves!
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The drive to Maine wasn’t too bad. It was the summer so no risk of ice on the road. Your childhood home was on the coast in Bar Harbor, and it was beautiful.
Too bad there wasn’t a better view in your little Hell’s Kitchen apartment. Maybe you would have felt more comfortable in the city then.
Matt had been more than willing to finally meet your family when you asked. The only hesitation he had was the way they treated you. You had started complaining about them in college after your father had passed. 
He could feel how tense you had gotten the closer to Bar Harbor you drove. It was the same every time you visited. It was nice to see your aunts and uncles that came to events, however your mom and sister were a different story.
You had warned Matt that the dynamic the three of you had was a bit toxic. He reassured you that nothing would scare him away. That was reassuring to say the least.
“Can I ask you something?” You ask while turning the radio down a bit.
“Anything.” He replies.
“Have you ever seen the ocean before?”
It was an innocent question. You always felt awkward when you asked about his sight, and if he had seen certain things before he went blind.
“Maybe. Does the view in New York count?” He turns his head towards you.
“Yeah, I would say it does.” You say. “The view here is breathtaking though. Better than the harbor.”
“Describe it to me.”
You take a moment to truly look out the window. There weren’t many cars on the road so you slowed down a bit. 
“Well, The ocean is a deep blue color, and the wind is pushing the waves against the small cliffs.” You start. “On the other side of us are green cliffs. When I say green, I mean there is no patch of dead grass anywhere.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Matt give you a small smile. Turning your head, you can see his face in full view. It makes your cheeks blush in a rose tint. He was beautiful to you. Nothing could have prepared you for this man loving you.
An hour later, your car rolls up to the gravel road and you park in the grass. It was a surprise that you were invited to say the least.
The last time you had been in Maine was 2 years prior. You take a step out of the car and walk around the car, waiting for Matt to exit the car.
You both walk up the front porch together and you knock. To your surprise your mom answers the door. She has a big smile on her face as she sees the both of you standing there.
“Oh! y/n! Come in, Come in.” She says holding the door open. “And who might this be?”
You smile nervously, before looking at Matt. “This is my boyfriend, Mom. Matt Murdock.”
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” He says, extending his hand, a smile on his face. God he was such a charmer.
“Nice to meet you.” She starts, while taking his hand. “I didn’t think she got out much, no less having a boyfriend.”
Your mom turns around and walks you both into the living room, where some distant relatives were joined together in groups. The family takes turns introducing themselves to Matt and catching up with a bit, before you take him outside for some air.
“I didn’t think your family was that big.” He chuckles.
“You can finally tell Foggy I beat him at something.” You giggle in return.
The breeze felt nice against your bare arms once you reached the backyard. You see your sister and her fiance sitting at the patio table, and she waves you over.
Hesitantly, you guide Matt over to the table and greet your sister before introducing them. You both take a seat at the table to be more comfortable.
“I didn’t know you could catch someone this attractive, y/n.” She says with a sly smile on her face. You wince in reaction and turn to see Matt’s face. He’s smiling, but you can tell deep inside he’s holding back from saying anything.
You clear your throat before speaking up. “So how is everything? It’s been almost 2 years. Congratulations on the engagement by the way.”
Chelsea, your sister, smiles at you before turning to her fiance. Their hands molding together, not letting go.
“Yeah, It’s been great! We were planning on moving back here before the winter.”
“Are you looking near here?” You question. 
She hums and nods in response before turning to Matt. “So how did you both meet? What do you do?”
“Well we have been friends since college.” He starts, turning his head to smile at you. He places his hand on your thigh. “I’m a lawyer. A friend and I have our own firm in Hell’s Kitchen.”
Just as he finishes, your mom comes to sit at the table. “A lawyer. Well at least one of you will have a successful career.” She says.
You turn bright red at the comment. She never approved the fact that you changed career paths in college. Stating that it was the most embarrassing moment in her life.
“I actually have a decent career at The Met.” You say in defense.
“Sure, y/n, that’s why you live in Hell’s Kitchen and not Astoria.” Chelsea says.
“Actually,” Matt’s voice startles you. “Y/n make more than I do. I take more pro bono cases than anything.”
Smiling, you appreciate him coming to your rescue and defending your honor. You sister huff, before your mom speaks up.
“Well that is very charitable of you.” She smiles.
More of your family files out into the backyard as it seems like the party has moved on from inside the house. It was a nice day. You watched as your younger cousins ran around the yard and chased each other. The older men of your family stand around talking about sports and projects. The women, you assume, are gossiping on current affairs.
“Congratulations, Chelsea!!” Your aunt says as she passes by your sister. The confused look you gave her was prominent amongst the groups.
“You got engaged 3 months ago though.” You say, Matt’s grip on your knee was a sign to let the topic drop.
Your sister looks at your mom uncomfortably before turning back to you. “Well, actually Gio and I got married.”
Now you were even more confused. “Like a courthouse wedding?”
“Now, let’s not turn this into a big argument” Your mom starts. “It was a small affair, just family in the backyard.”
“It wasn’t even a big deal, y/n.” Chelsea says nonchalantly.
Mouth falling open, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Your sister had gotten married, all your family knew. Everyone except you. Looking at the empty seat at the table, you wondered what your dad would have thought.
“Papa would have been so disappointed.” The words fly from your mouth before you have a chance to think. You see your sister stiffen in her seat.
“Don’t you dare bring Daddy into this.” She spits. “This is exactly why you weren’t invited.”
That was your breaking point. Pushing Matt’s hand off your lap, you stand and rush away. You don’t bother looking back because you know the only person following was Matt.
You didn't stop walking until you reached the end of the dock by the house. Standing there a moment, you considered going back, telling off your family and leaving. Hearing footsteps on the wooden dock makes you turn around.
Matt is walking straight towards you, using his cane to guide him down the way. Not that he truly needed it. Once he reaches you, you let out a choked sob and lean your head against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around your waist to bring you closer.
“They do this to me, every time.” You sobbed. Matt’s eyebrows twist in worry. He’s never seen you cry like this in a long time. Not since your dad had passed.
“Just let it out, sweetheart.” He said as he pressed soft kisses into your hair. That always seemed to sooth you.
The both of you just stood there as you cried. Saying nothing. You didn’t mind though, it was nice of him to let you just feel. No questions asked.
As your breathing slowed and the tears stopped flowing down your cheeks, you looked up to Matt and stared. He looked down at you with a frown plastered across his face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get emotional.” You finally say.
“You don’t have to be sorry. This was not your fault.”
“Yeah… but my family didn’t make things better.”
You tug at his wrist for a moment to indicate that you were about to sit down. He kneels down at you until realizing you had your feet dangling off the dock. Taking a seat he folds up his cane and places it next to him.
“Sweetheart. You don’t have to keep coming back here if you don’t want to.” He says slowly.
“I feel like I do, or else I can’t see this home again.”
“What do you mean?”
You sigh as you look out onto the lake. A secret you had been keeping for a long time finally falling out of your mouth.
“The house is mine.” You say before looking up to him. His jaw moves as he clenches his teeth. Watching his lawyer brain start to work, you continue. “My dad left me the house, paid in full. I just haven’t had the heart to take it from my mom yet.”
The sigh he lets out is comforting. Like he understood the reasoning behind your current turmoil.
“I see.” He thinks for a moment. “Do you ever plan on taking the house?”
“Maybe one day. When I'm done living the city life, or maybe as a summer home.”
He tilts his head towards you. You smile and lean against his shoulder. Nothing mattered in this current moment. Just you and Matt. 
“You know. We’re your family.” He says.
You lift up your head and give him a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“Foggy, Karen and I. We’re your family.” He elaborates. “Family doesn’t have to be blood, y/n”
Smiling, you nod your head and take his hand. Bringing his knuckles up to your lips, you kiss them softly. Watching as his lips curl upward into a smile. 
“You always have the right thing to say, huh?”
“I try my best, sweetheart.” 
Just as you open your mouth, you hear steps running down the dock. You turn your head to see your cousin running your way.
“Y/n! Your mom wanted you to help her in the office.” He said warmly “Oh! Who’s this?”
Matt turns his head towards the young man, same as you. 
“Peter, this is my boyfriend, Matt.” You start “Matt, this is my cousin, Peter.”
“Nice to meet you, Peter.” Matt says with a smile still on his face.
Peter kneels and sticks his hand out for a handshake. “You too, sir!”
You giggle at the sentiment and tap Matt’s leg. Though he was fully aware, he has to keep up the act.
“Pete, he’s blind.” You say.
“Shit! I’m sorry!” He stutters a bit, taking back his hand. “I- I didn’t know!”
“It’s okay. Kinda crazy how we all look like normal people huh?” Matt chuckles, and you giggle as Peter turns bright red. “Where are you from, kid? I’m getting a slight accent from you.”
“Queens.” He says proudly. 
“My mom didn't tell me you lived in Queens?” You said confusion in your voice.  “We live in Hell’s Kitchen”
“Well Aunt May took me in.”
“Right, I’m sorry Pete…”
“Ah it’s alright, that was years ago…” He stands. “Anyways, your mom?”
“Fuck…” You groan, starting to stand.
Matt reaches his hand out for you and you grab it. Helping him to his feel, you kneel back down and grab his cane and hand it back to him.
The three of you walk back to the house. You listen as Peter and Matt discuss the best pizza in the city. It was like they knew each other for years. As you approach the back door, you see your mom in the kitchen. 
Once she notices you, she moves slowly to the next room. Your heart speeds up a bit as you realize your mom probably didn’t need help. Most of the time it was a way to trap you in a corner and bombard you with guilt.
“Matty, you wanna come wait in the parlor while I help my mom?” You say as you turn to him.
He smiles at you and nods. “Of course sweetheart.” He gives Peter a brief goodbye before stepping behind you.
Opening the door, you let him enter first. He waits and grabs your forearm when you shut the door. You lead him into the parlor room that's right outside the office, and he takes a seat on the couch.
“I’ll be right back.”
He nods, and you turn to knock on the office door. You hear the okay to enter before stepping inside. Something was off as the air felt tight. Smothering almost. Your mom sat at the desk in the center of the room.
“Are you done acting like a hurt puppy?” Your mom says as you shut the door.
“Excuse me?”
“You know you hurt your sister’s feelings. I expect you to apologize to her.”
Was this woman serious? She expected you to apologize for your feelings getting hurt? 
“I will not be doing that.” You bluntly say. “If anyone needs an apology, it's me.
She snorts at your comment. “You weren’t invited because you always make it about yourself.”
“How could I make it about myself if I never get invited?”
“Because when you are invited, you do this!”
“You know what, stop!” You shout. “I’m not going to be gaslighted over this!”
“What are you talking about, y/n?” She starts. “Don’t you dare raise your voice at me.”
“No! I will raise my voice for once!” You can feel the in the palm of your hand. “You always leave me out of things!”
“We do not! Stop being so dramatic.” She looks back down at the papers on the desk. “I need to discuss something with you, if you’re done yelling.”
That makes you shut up, it always did. You step closer to the desk wiping your hands against your shorts. “What is it?”
“It’s about the house.” She starts. “I’m going to move out of it.”
“You’re moving out?” You knit your eyebrows together “But I thought you were going to wait until you retired?”
“I’m relocating actually. To Washington.” 
“So you have to ask me to sign the paperwork for the house?”
“Well…” She hands you a stack of papers. “I want you to give the house to your sister.”
Looking up from the paper, you drop your jaw. “But Papa gave the house to me. It was the only thing I got!”
“Your sister is married now, y/n. She needs a home to start a family in.”
“So then she can buy a house! I’m not signing this.” You say, placing the paperwork back on the desk.
“If you’re not going to use the house, then give it to someone who will.”
“Who said I wasn’t going to use the house?”
The older woman sighed, “There’s no sense in keeping it if you’re going to keep living in New York.”
“Well I’m not signing it over. That’s it.”
There was a beat before your mom started talking again. “You are being incredibly selfish. I’m very disappointed in you.”
“Yeah, well, I knew that for a long time.” You turn to leave.
“Your father would be disappointed too.” She says. “He knew you were a fucking brat, but if he could only see how much.”
This makes you stop dead in your tracks. She was only saying this to get you to do what she wanted. Finally this was what you needed. The final straw. Turning, you smile at your mom.
“You know what, Martha. I’m done.” You start, crossing to the desk. “My lawyer will be sending paperwork for the house. So I think you should start packing.”
“You little bitch.” She stands. “You’re going to kick your poor mother out of her home?”
“Funny. You don’t act like my mother.” That’s the last thing you say before leaving the room.
Once you exit, Matt is already standing by the door. You knew he had heard every word, and part of you wanted him to.
“Let’s go home, Matty.” You say softly, as he takes your arm.
You walk through the house and say a brief goodbye to your relatives before leaving. You wave to Peter and he runs over to give you a hug.
“Don’t be a stranger, Pete.” You say. “If you need us, you know where we’ll be.”
He nods, and you and Matt are on your way. In the car, your hands gripped the steering wheel. You had only been drive for about an hour. Guilt was beginning to build up in your chest once again. The sound of your heart must have been deafening because Matt places his hand on your thigh.
“I’m proud of you.” The words were tender coming from his mouth. You couldn’t help but shed a tear.
“Remember in college when I found out my dad passed?” You say suddenly, he nods in response. “I found out after the funeral. They didn’t even tell me.”
“What?” His hand gripped a little harder. “You never went to his funeral?”
You shake your head. Feeling the tears begin to fall more intensely, you pull the car off to the side of the road. This was the constant routine your mom and sister pulled. A major life event would happen, and you would be the last to know. Finding out through another family member, or in that case, a lawyer.
“That’s why it had been so hard on me. I didn’t even know he was sick. I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
Matt unbuckled his seatbelt then yours and then pulled you close to him. When you felt like that wasn’t close enough, you climbed over the divider and into his lap. He cradled you against his chest while you both sat in silence.
“It’s time you make a new family.” He says softly. You look up towards his face and his blinded gaze is upon you. “I won’t be going anywhere. Neither is Foggy and Karen.”
“That’s a pretty big promise, Murdock.”
“A promise I intend on keeping.” He leans in and kisses your temple. “It seems like you got good aunts and uncles too.”
You smile at the thought. He was right. “I noticed you and Peter were getting along.”
“He’s got a great personality.” He chuckles. You nod in agreement.
The both of you sit there for 10 more minutes before you get back in the driver’s seat. It was a 7 hour drive back to New York anyways.
There was a new peace you felt at the end of the day. Like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Matt had been right. You had a family that loved you, and wanted you to be around. That’s all that mattered to you now.
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callsign-venus · 1 month
For the Love of Love | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw | Part III
Part I | Series Masterlist
Summary: It's time for Bradley to meet the family. Good luck :)
Word count: 5k
a/n: I started writing this in winter, and now summer is literally coming up on my ass lol. Shoutout to the southern hemisphere, this fic is in season there. But seriously, regardless of where you are in the world, hope y'all enjoy x
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As your family barreled down the cabin stairs, you turned to Bradley. You weren’t sure you got the reassurance you needed when he looked up from fixing his hair in the rearview mirror, winked, and said, “Good luck, you’ll need it.”
You rolled your eyes and swung open the car door. As soon as your feet hit the ground, Tommy nearly tackled you into the snow.
Your brother was somehow still growing. Much to your annoyance, he was even taller than when you saw him last. Still, he smelled like your parents’ house, and being in his arms was like sneaking a slice of your childhood from behind the universe’s back.
When Tommy finally let you go, you didn’t have a moment to breathe before Georgia crushed you in another hug. You had forgotten how nice it was to be in the arms of the woman you would one day call your sister-in-law. Her reddish, curly hair tickled your cheek and her words warmed your core as she whispered in her gentle manner, “I’m so glad to see you again.”
Nora and Sabrine were waiting for their turn to greet you, Nora somewhat less patiently. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet, sending her thick braid slapping against her puffy green vest. Sabrine was a stiller picture. She wore a soft smile, but her wide brown eyes narrowed, and she raised protective hand over her baby bump when she caught sight of the stranger unfurling himself from the passenger seat. 
“Oh, guys,” you said. Your nerves were singing as you put the plan into place, no matter how much you practiced (which you were realizing wasn’t nearly enough). “I’d like everyone to meet my boyfriend, Bradley.”
Tommy cocked his head. “Boyfriend? I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
Nora took a step back, trying to fit you and Bradley together in a single picture. Sabrine’a gaze stayed hard.
From the porch, your Aunt Marnie called out, “Who’s the handsome gentleman in the driveway?”
You worried your fingers, shifted from foot to foot. It was impossible to force words through your teeth as your family looked at you for an answer.
Bradley saved the already sinking ship by rounding the car and slipping a hand around your waist, which made it as hard for you to stand as it was for you to talk. He stuck out his hand toward Tommy. “Nice to see you again.”
Tommy took his hand but looked at you with one eyebrow raised.
Though you were struggling to balance on two wobbly legs, Bradley’s hand on your waist was strangely comforting. He was the other half of this insane plan, after all. With his support, your words finally tumbled out of you.
“Surprise! I didn’t want to mention it until I knew I was sure but…” You rested a shaky hand on Bradley’s chest. “I’m sure.”
Your words thickened the mountain air as Tommy, Nora, and Sabrine tried to make sense of your surprise. Thank god for Georgia, who nearly tackled Bradley in a giant hug. Her decision swayed the others, who closed around him and welcomed him into the family by giving him too little personal space and too many questions to answer.
At least he handled it well enough that everyone’s attention was drawn to him, and you could slip away to unload the trunk.
Graciously, Bradley carried your luggage up to the cabin. Tommy, Georgia, and Nora swarmed him like summer bugs to a campfire. Even Sabrine softened and asked about your flight. You’d never brought anyone home, and you could safely assume they hadn’t expected you to bring a giant naval aviator to Grandma and Grandpa’s 60th wedding anniversary. You smiled, though the mountain air left you a bit breathless.
Auntie Marnie held the door open as you all piled into the cabin. The fire was flickering in the living room, chasing off the cold that trailed you inside. Hugs from everyone chased off the numbness of your skin. There was Grandma Sybil, who eyed Bradley with such suspicion that you were sure your ruse had been found out already. Grandpa Thomas, who tussled your hair and smelled just a little bit like cigarettes. Sabrine’s husband Matt gave you a ginger hug that couldn’t belie how new he was to the family. Owen and Addison gave you one big hug (they almost always move as a single unit).
Your parents saw Bradely (he was hard to miss), but they stayed focused on you.
“My baby.” Your mom’s voice coated you like a warm honey, though her words struck a chill through you. “How are you? Why didn’t you tell us about Bradley?”
“Umm…” Maybe it was more than just the thin mountain air leaving you breathless. “I just wanted to be sure before I told you all.”
It sounded more convincing outside, with the ancient pines to bear witness. In the living room crammed with people, your lie was somehow much less believable. Your mother’s eyes were cold as they searched yours, but they broke away when your dad enveloped you in a hug.
“Missed you, kiddo.” He kissed the crown of your head.
“Missed you too, Dad.”
But even if your surprise was on shaky ground thanks to Grandma Sybil and your mom, yours was not the only surprise. You were shocked — and grateful — to find that while Nora and Madison had summited K2, they had most recently embarked on a new kind of adventure.
His name was Henry, he had curly brown hair, and he was 3 years old. Grandpa Thomas had pulled out you and your cousins’ old toys, and Henry was playing contently on the bearskin rug with a Tickle Me Elmo and a smattering of Polly Pockets, some of the dresses bearing permanent teeth imprints. 
In the current of people, you found yourself reaching for Bradley like he was a rock you could cling to in the storm. Like he was really your boyfriend. For his part, he grabbed your hand and didn’t let go, not when your dad clapped him on the shoulder and said “I trust you’re taking good care of her” and not when your mom locked eyes with him and only smiled.
You jumped in, despite the nervousness bubbling in your throat. “He’s taking good care of me, Mom and Dad. I’m very happy.”
“And I’m happy whenever she’s happy.” Bradley sealed the deal with a wink that left you studying the floor.
Auntie Elaine walked into the room like a force of nature, her cheeks permanently red, maybe from the freezing Alaskan winds. She clapped once, commanding everyone’s attention like you all were her sled dogs. “Come on, people, stop swarming the two. I’m sure they want to go upstairs and get settled.”
The knot of people around you loosened. You mouthed her a thank you, and she gave you a nod with the barest hint of a smile.
Bradley carried all your luggage up the staircase. Two flights up to your little attic room. It smelled like the vanilla cupcake body mist you wore every day as a teen — and it probably always would. The steeply slanted roof cut into the room, making it seem even smaller than it already was.
Bradley dropped the bags with several resounding thumps. Instead of his attention falling to the window which offered a glimpse of the lake, his eyes were on the full sized bed shoved into the corner of the room, the ceiling hanging low over it.
You rubbed the back of your neck. Your grandma had crocheted the pink, red, and blue afghan that dressed up the bed, somehow making it look smaller and more juvenile.
Fuck. It wasn’t like you could offer Bradley the couch if you were to be the perfect couple. “I forgot about this. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.” Bradley chuckled. “Well, do you think they bought it?”
“I think so?” The room was so small you could hear the rhythm of his breathing. “I’m so happy Nora and Madison surprised everyone with Henry, though. Hopefully that means the heat will be off us.”
“Everyone is very interested in our dating life. Well, Georgia and your Auntie Marnie, at least. I told them we’ve been dating for five months, sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You ran a hand over the solid oak dresser, your fingertips collecting powdered sugar dust. “They’ll probably want to know everything. It’s ok if there are some small discrepancies, as long as we look the part.”
His eyes finally ripped away from the bed. He took in the Raggedy Anne doll on your nightstand, the one Grandpa Thomas brought to the hospital when you were born. Your high school copy of Frankenstein laid open next to it, its worn pages exhausted by silly teenaged annotations. The bikini you wore last summer — bright red and studded with white polka dots — hung from the back of an old rocking chair. It clashed absurdly with the gleaming snow that frosted the pines outside. You fumbled to stuff it in the first dresser drawer you managed to fling open.
You were soaked into every part of this bedroom — from the shag rug to the yellow-wood walls. Bradley standing in it (his hair skimming the slanted ceiling) made you feel naked.
He tapped a plastic orange frame perched on your dresser. It was a picture taken from the lakeshore of you and Nat on a paddleboard almost a decade ago. Not five seconds after Tommy had snapped the photo, the two of you had plunged into the lake. But that was something you’d tell Bradley if you’d invited him into your room because you loved him, not because you were tricking your family into thinking you’d finally found someone. 
So instead you said, “Are you ready to face my family again?”
“Am I ever?”
He held out his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, you took it. Your fingers were a bit sweaty, but he gave you a reassuring squeeze as you two descended the stairs, the clamor of your family growing louder with each step. Your mind was dizzy trying to comprehend that Bradley Bradshaw was meeting your family. You’d daydreamed about this more often than you would ever admit. You just wished it was real.
You had to give him credit; he played the role of your secret-almost-but-not-quite-long-term boyfriend very well. He talked easily with your dad about the NBA playoffs. He withstood the questions Tommy lobbed at him about flying planes. He played dominos with you and your aunts. He helped Sabrine in the kitchen until he snuck too much cookie dough and she shooed him out. He made your heart flutter when he got on the floor and played trains with Henry.
“Choo choo!” He said as he pushed a bright red engine with a mismatched purple caboose down the wooden tracks on the living room floor.
Henry giggled and ran a yellow engine up Bradley’s leg.
You hid your smile with a sip of cocoa, but Bradley caught sight of you across the room and beckoned you to join. You sat next to him, a little farther than an actual girlfriend would. He closed the gap by circling an arm around you. You almost didn’t flush at his touch after spending nearly the whole day at his side. Almost.
Nora and Madison were watching the three of you from the love seat, Madison’s legs flopped over Nora’s, comfy silence stretched over them like a quilt. Your heart quickened at the sight of actual love. Bradley’s arm suddenly felt foreign against you.
Before your thoughts spiraled too far, Henry offered you a passenger car to play with. You set it on the tracks, but he shook his head.
“Like this.” He ran his train down Bradley’s leg.
“Hey,” Bradley said through a giant grin. “My legs aren’t train tracks!”
But your little cousin had given you clear instructions, and you followed them. A warmth rippled through you as the wheels of the toy train car gilded smoothly over Bradley’s sweatpants. He'd been comfortable touching you since the moment you’d met on a particularly rowdy night at the Hard Deck (because any friend of Nat’s was a friend of his). During that first bear hug, some part of him must have broken off and lodged in your heart, and you’d spent so long trying to pry it out or ignore it that it felt nice to actually indulge it. It wasn’t so much a splinter anymore as it was a shard of heat warming you from the inside. For the weekend, at least.
Someone stepped between you and the fire, blocking the heat. You looked up. Grandma Sybil was studying the two of you from behind her wire rimmed glasses.
“Dear,” her voice was clear like someone fifty years younger than herself, “why don’t you and Bradley come sit on the couch with me? I’d love the company.”
You tensed. You couldn’t remember if you warned Bradley enough about Grandma Sybil. You’d seen her question so many significant others, but that had never concerned you. Now it was Bradley’s turn, and he wasn’t even your significant other. But your grandma had already turned and was walking to her recliner, expecting you both to follow, so you let Bradley help you to your feet.
The two of you dropped awkwardly onto the couch. There was enough room between the two of you that you might have looked like strangers if not for the hand holding. With the fire and the oven on, it was really hot. And Grandma Sybil looked mightily unimpressed with the couple before her.
You scooted closer to Bradley, and he nearly pulled you into his lap. He gave you a look like Am I doing this right? The knots in your stomach knotted into more knots, but your grandmother held your full attention. She was the matriarch, and her judgment in your favor was crucial to keep up the ruse.
“Tell me,” she sat down on her recliner with a bit of effort, “Bradford –”
“Bradley,” you interjected on his behalf.
She waved you off. “What do you like about our granddaughter so much?”
You felt his breath catch a little. You clutched his hand in a death grip.
“She’s kind.” Bradley’s voice was steady. “She loves her family. I know she’ll always be there for me if I’m there for her. And when I first saw her, she took my breath away.”
Your heart swelled in spite of yourself, but Grandma Sybil seemed unconvinced, so you pipped in. “He’s a sweetheart, Grandma. He flies planes for the navy.”
She readjusted her glasses but didn’t say anything.
“He’s Nat’s friend.” You tried again.
“Oh, Natasha.” Grandma Sybil finally smiled. “What a great girl. How is she?”
“She’s doing good.” It was easier to speak now. “She wishes she could be here, but she had work. She’s very in demand.”
Grandma Sybil looked pointedly at Bradley. “And how do you know Natasha?”
“Grandma, I just told you; he flies planes for the navy.”
“It’s ok.” Bradley rested his free hand on your arm. He was getting good at this. “I work with Nat a lot. She’s the perfect person to have with me in the sky.”
Grandma Sybil adjusted her glasses as if she was seeing Bradley in a new light. “Well, if Nat thinks you’re a good fit for our granddaughter –”
“She does,” you said.
“– then welcome to the family.”
She struggled out of the recliner and took Bradley’s face between her hands. She gave him a kiss on each cheek, then did the same for you.
“I knew you’d like him,” you told her. “He’s a catch, huh?”
She ignored you and stared into his eyes. “You be good to her, you hear?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Bradley channeled his inner military man and straightened like a flagpole.
Even if he didn’t realize, he was being good to you. Only an insane person, or a really good friend, would try to help someone trick their family this way. You felt bad he had go through all the pains of meeting his girlfriend’s family without the girlfriend, but he smiled down at you with his big brown eyes, still holding your hand, and you felt as if – just maybe – there was some piece of you lodged in his heart.
Before you could properly chase that thought out of your head, Henry started crying. Nora and Madison rushed from their spot on the love seat to soothe him. Their attempts weren’t really working, and his cries mixed with the clinking of dominoes and the clattering of pots and pains threatened to raise a headache in you.
Your eyes fell to the hot tub on the porch.
“Hey Bradley?” You asked under the current of noise.
“Yes?” Did you imagine the twitch of his upper lip? Had your grandmother actually rattled him?
It was ok, though, because you had the perfect relaxing antidote to his troubles.
“Join me in the hot tub?”
You hadn’t known if Bradley would bring his swimsuit that he practically lived in during San Diego summers, but he confessed he had because he heard Lake more than Tahoe. It wasn’t like it was freezing in San Diego, he argued.
You suppressed your laugh up in your stuffy attic room as he stood with the Hawiian print swim trunks in hand.
“What?” He said. “I’m using them, aren’t I?”
“I guess. In a 102 degree hot tub, though, not the lake.” You were pulling your bikini out of the drawer you’d crammed it in earlier.
You both stood, pink shag rug between you, holding onto your swimsuits and staring at each other.
“What are we waiting for?” Bradley grinned. “We’ve been dating for five months.”
You stared at him.
“I’m teasing.” That’s what he said, but in the same breath he pulled his hoodie and shirt off with one swift motion.
Jesus Christ, you forgot how good he looked without a shirt. Your lungs absolutely refused to fill with enough oxygen.
“Hey.” His expression softened toward you, the playfulness traded for something more reassuring. “I won’t look if you promise not to look.”
“Promise.” The word hung limp in the air as you both turned your backs and shimmied into your swimsuits. You stared out your tiny window as you pulled on the bikini bottoms, watching the snow glare in the sunlight and trying to keep your mind from the fact that you and Bradley were basically naked in your old bedroom.
“You ready?” He asked.
You were fumbling with the tie of your bikini top. “Just a sec.”
The seconds passed like drops of snow melt. You counted every one. As more and more slipped by, the clumsier your fingers became.
“Bradley, are you looking?”
“No, ma’am.”
You sucked in a deep breath, “I can’t get this top tied. Can you help?”
“’Course.” He passed over your rug and took the strings from your hands. His fingers were warm as they grazed your back. “Is this too tight?”
“No, that’s perfect.” You were lightheaded with his body so close to yours, his breath tickling the bare skin of your shoulders, his beachy scent cutting through the lingering smell of your teenage body spray. With a shock, you remembered your manners. “Thank you.”
“Not a problem.” He patted your shoulder. “Now, I think there’s a hot tub somewhere around here, and it’s got our name on it.”
The freezing air stabbed your bare skin as you and Bradley ran out the front door and across the porch to the hot tub. You both practically dove into it, letting the warm water bring feeling back to your skin.
“Can they see us?” Bradley nodded towards the cabin windows from the opposite side of the tub.
“Most definitely.” If you stole a glance, you could see at least five of your family members watching you two from in front of the fireplace. “Are we selling it?”
He chuckled. “Not at all. We look like strangers. Could you get any farther from me?”
“Sorry. We’ve only been together every minute since 6:15 this morning.”
His expression flickered, but before you could figure out with what, it flattened into a smile again. “Well, do you want to convince your family or not?”
“I do.”
He opened his arms. “Then get over here.”
You swam over to his waiting arms and settled practically in his lap.
“What are we doing?” You asked, laying your head against his chest, careful to not lean too much of your weight onto him. Careful not to let your heart beat out of your chest.
“I don’t know about you,” he said, “but I’m having a great time in Tahoe.”
“Sorry about my grandmother.” You drifted your hand along the surface of the water.
“She just wants to know you’re ok. And I was more than happy to reassure her.”
You opened your mouth – to say you weren’t ok, look at what you were doing – but heavy steps along the deck stopped you. You turned to see Tommy and Georgia in swimsuits made of the same matching green gingham fabric.
“Mind if we join?” Your brother asked, but he was already climbing over the side of the tub.
“Sure,” you answered, though you knew he wasn’t actually asking for permission.
Georgia slipped in after Tommy. She smiled with a hint of apology in her green eyes. “Thanks.”
For a moment, no one said anything. Tommy and Georgia sat across from you, fitting against one another like puzzle pieces. He draped an easy arm over her shoulder, and she entwined her fingers with his without thinking. No asking for permission. No awkwardness here. You suddenly felt very aware of Bradley’s hard body against yours.
Slowly, conversation eased around you all. Tommy and Georgia talked about school – over on the east coast – where he was studying accounting and she was studying biochemistry. Bradley talked about working as a pilot, deployments on aircraft carriers, and the general tomfoolery he and the Daggers got up to. Tommy said Sabrine was upset that her child wouldn’t be the first grandchild after Henry. Georgia said your grandparents were upset because Owen and Addison were leaving tonight. Something about having to miss the anniversary dinner because it’s her mom’s birthday, and they’re celebrating in the Bahamas.
You spoke a little, but mostly you basked in the soft silence the conversation afforded you, counted icicles hanging from the eaves, and tried not to think so hard about relaxing into Bradley’s body. If Tommy and Georgia couldn’t be fooled, it was hopeless.
“So…” Tommy gestured with his and Georgia’s hand at the two of you. “Who said I love you first?”
“What do you mean?” Your voice came out cold and sharp like the icicles above without you meaning to.
Bradley put a reassuring hand on your thigh. You hadn’t meant to get defense, and your brother raised his eyebrows at you.
Georgia kicked a foot out of the water, showing off her pink toenails. “They say you can tell a lot about a couple based on who said I love you first and when.”
“Who says that?” Your voice was softer.
“We do.” She and Tommy said in sync.
“Well,” Bradley started before you could say anything and make it worse. “I did. We were at our usual bar. I was a little drunk, and she just looked so stunning I couldn’t help myself, so –”
“It was charming,” you said. “He played our song on the piano. It was so romantic.”
He nodded. “A little embarrassing too. All our friends were there.”
“It was sweet, though.” You kicked him lightly under the jets. You were supposed to be the perfect couple, why was he trying to play up his embarrassment of an event that never actually happened?
“Charmingly, embarrassingly sweet.” He settled on the story and you nodded along.
Georgia asked, “What’s your song?”
“Oh, umm, what’s it called, sweetie? It’s…” You looked at Bradley, suddenly blanking on every song title ever.
Bradley looked up, the gears in his brain so obviously turning you didn’t think Georgia or even Tommy would buy your relationship. Finally, he snapped his fingers. “It’s called Great Balls of Fire.”
Ok, so he had blanked on every song title as well if the only one he could pull out of his ass was the one he played every weekend night at the Hard Deck. At least you were equally hopeless at thinking on the fly.
Tommy and Georgia nodded slowly. When it was clear neither of you had anything else to add, Georgia asked, “How long were you dating?”
“Three months,” you said at the same time Bradley said, “One month.”
Confusion spread across their faces like frost over a window.
“Well, it’s kind of funny…” You trailed off when you couldn’t think of a kind of funny explanation.
“We’d known each other for three months,” Bradley picked up your slack. “But had only been official for one. But we’ve been in love from the moment we laid eyes on each other, so the math gets complicated.”
He squeezed your thigh, and the condensation of your breaths mingled in the late afternoon sun. Panic prickled your skin. If only he’d known how true his words rang, if only for you.
Luckily, Tommy and Georgia began talking about how they met in high school algebra class, and the conversation steered safely away from the topic of your relationship.
When the sun set, everyone jumped out of the hot tub and raced back into the warmth of the cabin. You and Bradley took turns warming up in the shower and had your fill of the pizza Grandpa Thomas ordered.
Owen and Addison left the cabin with giant suitcases and sheepish smiles. Grandma Sybil’s anger burned brightly as they walked out the door. She launched into a diatribe about ungrateful grandkids. Funnily enough, her audience was made of her grandkids who had cared enough to stay. You swapped we'll-talk-about-this-later glances with your cousins. After a few awkward minutes, Grandpa Thomas ushered her to bed.
Everyone was quick to say their goodnights after that. You and Bradley headed up to your room. Only to be greeted by the problem of your full-sized bed.
“I could sleep on the floor,” you offered, unable to bear his silence.
He shook his head. “No, it’s fine. I can do that.”
You bit your lip. You didn’t want to sleep on the floor, but Bradley had already done so much for you. He withstood Grandma Sybil, lied in front of your whole family, and the fact that he was even in Tahoe to begin with was still blowing your mind. You could take the floor for him.
“Seriously, get comfy in bed.” You pulled down the afghan and the comforter and fluffed the pillow a little. “I’ll grab some extra blankets.”
You slipped out the door before he could protest. You snuck down to the second floor where the linen closet was, just outside your parents’ room. You twisted the knob carefully so as not to alert them, but the closet door whined open anyway. You gathered whatever sheets and blankets were on top and shut it quickly but quietly.
Just when you thought you were in the clear, your mother opened her bedroom door. “Honey, it’s late. What do you need?”
You both glanced down at the abundance of quilts and sheets bundled in your arms. You had to think of an explanation, quick.
“Well, Bradley gets very cold at night. And it’s drafty up there.”
Your mom crossed her arms over her chest. “You used to complain all the time about how stuffy it was in your room.”
“That’s true.” You laughed and couldn’t meet her eyes. “I guess I run colder now than I used to.”
She looked at you over the frames of her reading glasses.
“Well, goodnight, Mom.” You turned to run back up the stairs.
You swore silently but turned around.
“Is everything ok?” She asked. “You’ve been acting a little strange ever since you got here.”
“Oh, nothing’s the matter. I’m fine. I’m fine. Just, work’s been crazy, and with Bradley meeting the family, it’s been really stressful.”
“Ok.” Her face, which you’d known your whole life, was unreadable. “Let me know if I can do anything for you. I love you.”
“Love you too. Goodnight.”
When you were little, Sabrine would tease you by telling you the cabin was haunted. With the way you raced back to your room, it might have well been.
Bradley – damn him – was lying on your rug by the time you got back.
“I told you to take the bed.” You dumped the blankets onto the ground.
“I know.” He sat up and started grabbing the discarded blankets. “But I’m a gentleman. Take the bed.”
You were beyond tired. It had been a long day, and Bradley was already cocooning himself in blankets on the floor. An argument now would just draw out the inevitable.
You sighed. “I’m giving you the bed tomorrow night.”
“Whatever helps you sleep better,” he mumbled.
You turned off the lamp. It was as stuffy as it always was in your room, but you fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
Sometime in the night, you woke to a shadow looming over you in the moonlight. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, thinking you were seeing things, but the shadow only solidified as your vision adapted to the low light. It was a tall, Bradley-looking shadow.
“Move over.” His voice was gruff with sleep.
You scooted toward the opposite edge of the bed, too tired to complain or ask questions. Your ancient bedframe squeaked as you shifted, practically screamed when Bradley sank onto your mattress.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he mumbled as a way of an explanation, but you were too sleepy to need one.
Your bed kept squeaking and groaning as the two tried to settle in without bothering the other. There was a small tug-of-war with the blankets. You lost because really, there was no way to win against Bradley in feats of strength.
You smiled to yourself in the darkness. Bradley Bradshaw was in your bed. He wasn’t touching you, and he stole most of your blankets, but he was in your bed.
His snoring filled the room as you drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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therapycat21 · 8 months
All Right Now Part 7
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
Travis p.o.v
It has been a few months now since y/n posted the photo and It has been nothing but amazing It feels like we just met yesterday but in reality, I realized it has been eleven months close to one year.
It has never been this way for me, every time I had gotten into a relationship it always felt like I was waiting for the inevitable, always knowing something was gonna happen that led to the breakup, or you know the usual, them going to the press and telling lies after the breakup trying to get me to look bad.
But ever since y/n and I have been together I would always stop and see if that feeling is there but it never shows, only pure adoration and love for her.
And of course, I told Jason that and you can already guess what the topic of conversation is right now where I sit in the office talking to Jason over video and filming a new episode of New Heights.
“So how has been with y/n so far?” he tries to throw it out there nonchalantly. I can already tell I’m blushing as I smile at him “Uh you know, we have been very good, just living life together and enjoying what we have.” I try to tell him without giving away any information. “Oh come on trav!” He says flinging his hands up, all I give is a laugh before Jason changes the subject to talking about the plot of Twilight, I tune him out a little bit as a joke until I see I have a few unread messages from y/n, I can hear Jason trying to get my attention but all I see are y/n’s messages asking if I’m busy still and if she can come bring me lunch from the other room.
“TRAVIS!!TRAVIS!!” I finally look up from my phone smirking “Sorry, very Important message I needed to respond to.” 
That is all I say to him, he gives me a look “Is it my awesome sister-in-law that is messaging you?” he smirks, thinking he got me all I reply with is “Yep” before I hear a small knock and the door slightly open. I look behind me to see my angel  “Is it okay for me to come in?” she whispers, I smile before trying to wave her in “Come on in baby” I tell her. 
She walks in with a small tray “Oh oh what is this?” I ask taking the tray and looking at it, she smiles “I made tamales with some horchata” she replies smiling. I look back in the camera and show Jason the tray “look at this!” I smile big. I see Jason look at the tray in shock and mock envy “oh my god, What I would do to be there right now, wait hold on where is she?, I gotta ask her a question”
I look over to where y/n stands by the desk, still off camera, I see the nervous all over her face as I wave her over “come on baby” As she finally comes closer to me I subtly grab her waist ushering her partially onto my lap.
 I give her a second pair of headphone “hey Jason” she smiles at him “hey girly, Was all of that homemade?, cause if so, kylie said we are all coming over for dinner” he says matter-of-factly. We both laugh and I see y/n now has a blush casing her cheeks “yes, it is all homemade, It is my grandmom’s recipe” I tell him “you guys can come over whenever you want I will gladly cook dinner and see the babies” She replies before getting up slowly “Okay I’m gonna go, I have to film some stuff for the documentary ” She leans down giving me quick emotional kiss before waving by to Jason before softly shutting the door behind her.
“Can I just say, you two are very whipped for each other, she has made you homemade food from her home country and you have reluctantly adopted a cat, that is wild to me.” He laughs smirking at me.
I blush a little underneath his knowing gaze “Look, like the kids say nowadays, the cat distribution system has chosen me and I can’t not accept it, once pasta showed up on the front porch I just had to take her” I explained laughing.
Jason gives me a confused look asking about what the distribution system is, we sit there for thirty minutes with me explaining it to him.
3 Hours later
As we finally finish up the episode and we say goodbye to each other, I head out to see y/n laying on the couch with pasta laying on her lap as she is scrolling on tiktok, I walk over and jump into the empty space next to her gaining the attention of pasta, she stretches before walking over to lay on me and fall back asleep. 
I look up over at y/n to see her already looking at me. She breaks the silence “do you know we have been together for about a year now?” she says. I give her a small soft smile “Yeah, it feels like yesterday I was trying to get the nerve to talk to you without stuttering.” I smirk.
She laughs reaching over to run her hand over my head before she turns a little more serious “I know we’ve had this talk before a few months ago but I just wanted to check in again and see if you still want that future?” she asks. I’ve told her before I’ve wanted to get married and have children sooner rather than later. I nod my head at her “I still do baby” I reassure her. But I can tell there is still something on her mind “With me?” she questions lowly.
I stare at her in a small shock, I always thought she knew I wanted that with her but I guess I haven't done my job right if she is questioning this. I grasp her hand in mine before looking into her eyes with the most seriousness I can muster up.” I love you with everything I have and I can’t wait to marry you and make a family with you, you just let me know when”.
All there is genuine shock on her face as she tries to mentally understand the last part of my sentence. “Let you know when?” He nods smiling big “you let me know when, and I’ll be there baby” All she can do is nod before moving to cuddle into where I am on the couch.
We are relaxing on the couch now watching a baking show she found randomly when I feel her stare from where she lays on me. I look down in question to see nothing but love in her eyes when all of a sudden.
That is all she says before turning back to the TV as if she didn't just shock me to my core. I never wanted to say anything to her for fear we were moving too fast, clearly, I’m not. All I can think about now is finally taking the velvet black box out of the safe.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Like my writing? Buy me a coffee. I would be so grateful!
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Hello again!
May i request Ben and Garrett meeting their mate when they meet Renesme? She's Bella's elder sister and their first glimpse of her is her asleep with a 6 month old baby girl asleep on her chest. So protective the two of them!! As always please and thank you!
❝threes a crowd❞
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✭ pairing : Garrett x reader x Benjamin
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the older sister of Bella swan and when she finds out that Bella has had a child she can’t help but to pay them a visit, excited to meet her niece the two of them spend the afternoon playing and then lay down on the couch for some well deserved naps. Garrett and Benjamin are two vampires who feel as though they are missing something from their lives so why not pay their old friend a visit and hope he can help them figure it out, after all he is a doctor and the doctor knows best
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the small town of Forks, Washington, as (Y/N) drove her old, reliable truck down the familiar winding roads. It had been years since she had left this place, seeking adventure and opportunities far from the quiet life of her hometown. But today, she was coming back for a reason she never expected.
(Y/N) had always been protective of her younger sister, Bella. They shared a special bond growing up, and even though life had taken them in different directions, that bond had never wavered. Over the past few years, (Y/N) had received sporadic updates about Bella from their father, Charlie. Bella had moved back to Forks after a brief stint in Arizona, citing health reasons, but the details had always been vague.
Today was different. Charlie had called (Y/N) late last night, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and excitement. "Bella's better now, (Y/N)," he had said, his words filled with a joy she hadn't heard in a long time. "She's overcome her sickness."
Sickness? The word had sent shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. She needed to know what had happened to her sister. And there was another piece of news that had taken her by surprise. Bella had a child, a niece. "Edward's adopted niece," Charlie had explained. "They took her in after her mother died."
The sunlit trees lining the road to Forks swayed gently as (Y/N) pulled into the familiar driveway of her childhood home. Her heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and worry. She had so many questions, and she couldn't wait to see Bella again.
Charlie was waiting on the porch, his eyes filled with an emotion that mirrored her own. They embraced tightly, father and daughter reunited after too long apart.
"Tell me everything, Dad," (Y/N) said, her voice trembling with emotion.
Charlie led her inside and began to fill in the gaps. Bella had been battling an illness, one that had left her weak and vulnerable. But Charlie spoke of her recovery with such pride and happiness that (Y/N) couldn't help but smile through her tears. She had always known that her sister was a fighter.
"And the child, Dad? Tell me about her," (Y/N) asked, her curiosity piqued.
Charlie's face softened. "Her name is Renesmee or Nessa as we call her. She's a sweet, bright little girl who's been through so much. Bella and Edward took her in when her mother passed away. They're raising her as their own."
(Y/N) nodded, her heart swelling with admiration for her sister's kindness. She couldn't wait to meet Renesmee and be a part of their lives.
"I want to see Bella, Dad," (Y/N) said, determination in her eyes. "And I want to meet my niece."
Charlie smiled, understanding the urgency in his older daughter's voice. "She's at their place now. I'll take you there."
As they left the house and headed towards Bella's home, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder how much had changed since she had left Forks. Little did she know that her return would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, family, and unexpected blessings.
The Cullen house stood as impressive as ever, its grandeur hidden beneath the towering pines of the forest. (Y/N) and Charlie parked the truck and made their way to the front door. (Y/N) felt a strange mix of excitement and apprehension as they approached. She hadn't seen Bella in years, and she had never met Bella's husband, Edward, or their adopted niece, Renesmee.
Before she could even reach for the doorbell, it swung open to reveal Alice Cullen, her radiant smile lighting up the doorway. "Welcome to our home, (Y/N)!" Alice exclaimed, pulling her into a warm hug. "Everyone's been eagerly awaiting your arrival."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be surprised. "How did you know I was coming?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Alice's eyes twinkled with a secret that she couldn't reveal. "Charlie sent Bella a message earlier today, saying you'd be joining us."
Charlie nodded in agreement, but (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it. She pushed the thought aside and stepped inside.
The Cullen home was just as beautiful as she remembered it, filled with a sense of elegance and warmth. In the spacious living room, she spotted Bella standing beside a tall, bronze-haired man who could only be Edward. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw her sister, who had transformed into a graceful, confident woman.
"Bella!" (Y/N) called out, rushing forward to envelop her sister in a tight hug. "I've missed you so much."
Bella's eyes filled with tears as she returned the embrace. "I've missed you too, (Y/N). It's so good to see you."
As they pulled away, Edward stepped forward, a warm smile on his face. "I'm Edward," he said, extending his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you in person."
(Y/N) shook his hand, feeling an immediate sense of trust and warmth. "Likewise, Edward. Bella's told me so much about you."
Just then, from Edward's arms, (Y/N) noticed a small bundle of joy. It was a beautiful, dark-haired baby with wide, curious eyes. (Y/N) couldn't help but gasp in delight.
"This is Renesmee," Bella said, her voice filled with motherly pride. "Our daughter."
(Y/N) leaned in to get a closer look at the three-month-old baby. "She's absolutely precious," she whispered, her heart melting at the sight of the tiny miracle in Bella's arms.
Edward smiled proudly as he carefully handed Renesmee over to (Y/N). The baby blinked up at her with a hint of recognition, her small hand reaching out to touch (Y/N)'s cheek.
"I think she likes you," Bella remarked, her smile widening.
(Y/N) held the baby close, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. She couldn't believe how much her sister's life had changed, but it was a change filled with love and happiness.
As they all gathered in the living room, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that this reunion was a long-overdue blessing. She had her sister back, and now she had the chance to be a part of this new, loving family that Bella had found in Forks.
The morning passed in a blur of joy and laughter as (Y/N) and Renesmee played together in the cozy Cullen home. They had explored every corner of the backyard, watched cartoons that left them both giggling, and played with an assortment of baby toys that seemed to multiply with each passing hour. By the time the afternoon sun bathed the living room in a warm glow, exhaustion had caught up with them.
(Y/N) sat on the couch, cradling Renesmee in her arms as the little one's eyelids drooped with sleep. It had been a day filled with new discoveries and boundless affection, and both of them were in need of a nap.
As (Y/N) closed her eyes and felt the rhythmic rise and fall of Renesmee's breath against her chest, she couldn't help but smile. The bond she was forming with her niece was something she cherished deeply.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Bella had been quietly snapping pictures of the two of them, capturing the precious moments shared between her sister and her daughter. She had missed these family moments so much, and it warmed her heart to see (Y/N) and Renesmee getting along so well.
Edward gently took Bella by the hand and led her aside, away from the sleeping pair on the couch. His expression was grave as he spoke in hushed tones. "Carlisle called. Garrett and Benjamin are coming to pay us a visit."
Bella's eyes widened with surprise. "Garrett and Benjamin? Why?"
Edward sighed, knowing the situation required a careful explanation. "Carlisle didn’t say much."
Bella glanced back at her sister and the peacefully sleeping Renesmee.
Edward hesitated before responding, "They are aware that we have guest over right now. But bella, (Y/N), doesn’t know of our secret and we can't risk exposing her to our world."
Bella nodded in understanding, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision. She had always strived to protect her sister from the dangers of their supernatural life.
Edward continued, "Carlisle already warned them about (Y/N) being here like I said, they also know she’s human so he’s asked them to wear contacts to conceal their eyes.“
Bella looked back at her sister and daughter with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, Edward. They mean everything to me."
Edward placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll get through this together, Bella. For the safety of our family."
As they returned to the living room, Bella couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, like their visit wasn’t all that innocent.
The Cullen house was filled with a palpable tension as Garrett and Benjamin arrived, their footsteps silent against the lush carpeted floor. They were known among the vampire community as mates, bound together by a connection deeper than mere friendship. But lately, they had felt something missing from their lives, a void they couldn't ignore.
They had heard rumors of a vampire legend, one that suggested vampires could have more than one mate. It was a risky and rare phenomenon, but they believed it might hold the answer to their unease. That's why they had come to Carlisle for what could only be described as a "check-up" of sorts.
As Carlisle greeted them at the door, his golden eyes concealed behind human-like contact lenses, he welcomed them with a warm smile. "Garrett, Benjamin," he said, extending a hand to each of them. "It's good to see you both."
Garrett and Benjamin nodded in response, their gazes scanning the room. There was an air of anticipation that hung in the air, but they couldn't quite pinpoint the reason for it.
Carlisle led them further into the house. "You must be quite Bella's sister is asleep on the couch with my grandchild."
The mention of Bella's sister piqued Garrett and Benjamin's curiosity, but they remained composed as they followed Carlisle.
As they entered the living room, their eyes fell upon the sight that took their breath away. (Y/N) was asleep on the couch, her chest rising and falling with the peaceful rhythm of slumber. In her arms, she cradled Renesmee, the infant's dark curls blending with (Y/N)'s own hair.
The moment their eyes locked onto (Y/N), something extraordinary happened. Garrett and Benjamin felt a sudden surge of intense emotion, a connection so profound that it left them momentarily stunned. It was the mating bond, a rare and powerful force that bound vampires together for eternity.
Bella, who had been watching their reactions closely, recognized the look of astonishment on their faces. She couldn't contain her smile as she approached them. "Garrett, Benjamin, meet my sister, (Y/N)."
Garrett and Benjamin exchanged glances, unable to tear their eyes away from (Y/N). It was as if they had found the missing piece of their lives, the answer to the emptiness they had felt.
(Y/N) stirred on the couch, slowly waking from her nap. Her eyes fluttered open, and she met the intense gazes of Garrett and Benjamin. In that instant, the mating bond solidified, binding the three of them together in a way they couldn't fully comprehend.
Bella's heart dropped in dread as she watched the extraordinary connection unfold before her. It had been the same look Edward gave her, the same one Emmett shared with Rosalie and Alice with jasper, she knew that look all to well and she was afraid that they all knew that their lives were now forever changed.
Carlisle led Garrett and Benjamin into a separate room, away from the watchful eyes of (Y/N) and the rest of the family. The tension in the air was palpable, and they needed to discuss what had just transpired.
Once they were in the privacy of the room, Garrett spoke first, his voice filled with awe and confusion. "Carlisle, we felt it... the mating bond. It was like a tidal wave, overwhelming and undeniable."
Carlisle's brow furrowed in concern. "This is troubling, indeed," he admitted. "A mating bond is a powerful force, but this situation is far from simple."
Benjamin, ever the optimist, couldn't help but see the bright side. "Isn't this a good thing? We've found our missing piece, someone who completes us."
Carlisle nodded slowly. "Yes, that's great for the two of you, but we have to consider that Charlie and (Y/N). They are all Bella has left linking her to her human life. Now that the two of you have found a mate within (Y/N), I fear how Bella might react."
Just as they were grappling with the complexity of the situation, the door swung open, and Bella entered, her eyes blazing with anger but her voice deceptively calm. "Did you do what I think you did?"
Garrett attempted to defuse the situation with a charming smile. "Bella, it's not something we planned. The mating bond, it's beyond our control."
But Bella wasn't placated. She pushed Garrett aside and confronted Benjamin. "You can't control who you mate with," he said.
Edward, who had been listening from the hallway, appeared at that moment. He knew how to handle Bella's emotions better than anyone. "Bella, come with me," he urged gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Bella hesitated for a moment, her eyes still locked onto Benjamin. But eventually, she relented and allowed Edward to lead her out of the room and into the forest to hunt.
As they disappeared into the woods, the tension in the room eased slightly, but the weight of the situation remained. Garrett, Benjamin, and Carlisle were left to grapple with the implications of the unexpected mating bond and the potential consequences it might bring to their unconventional family.
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topazy · 4 months
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.07
“Why can’t Maggie be in here?”
An older woman with auburn hair named Deanna smiles at you. She was in charge of Alexandria, and she would be deciding if your group would get to stay or not. You didn’t mind talking to her initially, but what made you uneasy was her videoing your conversation and not allowing your sister to sit in the room with you.
“I won't bite,” she smiles. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable; I just want to ask you a few questions.”
When your group first arrived in Alexandria, everyone was made to hand their weapons over, and now being asked personal questions... it felt intrusive. Deanna straightens out old-fashioned flora curtains before wiping her finger along her bookcase, which was fully stacked. She smudges the dust between her fingers, then turns to you and asks, “How long have you been out there?”
“Uh, I’m unsure. Two years maybe.”
She sits down in the chair across from you and asks, “How did you all find each other?”
“When someone got shot, they were brought to my family's farmhouse so my dad could help save them.”
She looks intrigued. “Is your father a doctor?”
“No, he was a veterinarian.”
“Smart man. I’m assuming because you’re referring to him in the past tense, he’s no longer with us.”
“I lost my dad not long ago.”
“Have you lost anybody else?”
“I lost my big brother Shawn, mom, and cousin Arnold all on the same day. Walkers attacked them. My dad and sister were killed by people.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she says, sounding sincere. “How old are you?”
Deanna shakes her head and says, “You are far too young to have lost so much. I truly am sorry. So, as far as I’m aware, Rick is the leader of your group.”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“How do you think he does?”
You thought you could handle a few more questions, but tears began to swell. You didn’t like being asked anything because it brought everything you'd been through back. “Rick is a good person; everyone in our group is. We’re a family.”
Your group was given two large houses to stay in for now, but so far everyone has just gathered into one and is taking turns cleaning up. Being in the walled-off community felt like being in a TV show where the rich housewives live in the suburbs. The only thing you felt was normal was Daryl cutting open a possum while sitting on the porch. Your eyes widen when Rick walks outside; he has showered and shaved off his beard, making him look like a completely different person.
But then again, you looked different. After showing Rosita how to braid your hair, a nice blonde woman named Jesse dropped off some clean clothes for you to wear, along with toys for Judith.
“Has anyone been there yet?” You point to the house next door.
“I don’t think so,” Carl says, looking up at his dad. “Can we go check it out?”
Hesitantly, Rick agrees. “You can go look; just be quick and stick together.”
The house next door was nearly identical, aside from a few decorations. Growing up on a farm, you’d never dreamed of living in a modern home built like this. Carol had come with you to check it out; she was now leaning out of the kitchen window, talking to the people who live in the house next door.
When you hear a thumping noise coming from upstairs, you jump and grab Carl’s wrists. “Shit, sorry.” Feeling heat rush to your cheeks, you let go. “I’m just on edge.”
“It’s fine.” Carl offers you his hand. “I get it; I’m scared all the time too.”
He loosely holds onto your hand as you walk up the stairs, and when you reach the room, the noise is coming from Carl. He pulls out his knife and waits for you to do the same before pushing the door open. The room looks like a typical teenage hangout spot; the floor was covered in magazines, comics, CDs, and weirdly designed pillows with posters of bands you’ve never heard of before pinned to the walls.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” Carl says, “These are probably things we would have been interested in if things were different.”
“Not me,” you sigh. “I would never have been allowed magazines with half-naked women on the cover. Shawn was grounded for two months when Maggie found a magazine with a woman wearing nothing but a bikini under his bed.”
Carl laughs while kicking a dusty blanket aside to see what’s underneath it. After a few moments of silence, he says, “You never talk about your brother much.”
A fleeting smile tugs at your lips. Being the youngest, Shawn completely doted on you, and as a child, you would follow him around like a shadow. He always had time for you. His death hit you so hard because you thought he would always be there to protect you, but he died trying to save your mom from walkers.
“Hope? You okay, you kind of zoned out there.”
Hearing Carl’s voice, you snap out of your thoughts and back to reality. “Yeah,” you say, smiling at him. “I was just thinking that my brother would have really liked you.”
You bite the insides of your cheeks to stop yourself from laughing. Judith looks so confused as an elderly couple. Natalie and Bob Miller fuss over her. It was clear there weren’t many kids around, and this was the first time anyone had seen a baby in years, so they were all excited to see Judith.
“Is that Jesse?” Carl asks quietly.
You look up and see his dad talking to her, “Yeah, she’s nice.”
“My dad seems to like her. He says we’re to go to her house later and meet her son, Ron.”
It was weird; the idea of being a normal teenager was starting to freak you out.
After showing you around his home, Ron led you and Carl up to his bedroom to introduce you to his friend Mikey and girlfriend Enid. You were still trying to wrap your head around the idea of returning to school in the afternoons, which was held in a garage, when Carl nudges you with his elbow to gain your attention.
“Sorry, what?”
Ron chuckles. “I said cool bracelet; where do you get it?”
“Em, Carl found them,” you mutter.
“Neat, kind of like a souvenir of the apocalypse.” He pushes his bedroom open. “Enid, Mikey, this is Carl and Hope.”
After an awkward introduction, Ron lists the different things that they do while hanging out, such as reading comics, playing video games, and playing pool. The fact they had electricity from solar panels was mind-blowing enough, but seeing all the stuff they had was leaving you speechless.
You smile at Enid as you sit on the edge of Ron's double bed, while Carol joins the other boys in playing video games. You thought it was a little bit in bad taste; they were playing a zombie video game, but don’t mind watching until a particular scene happens: one of the players finds a sword and begins decapitating the undead.
You and Carl exchange a look before you excuse yourself. “I gotta go; I need to help Maggie with something.”
Rick isn’t the slightest surprised when he enters Carl’s new bedroom and finds you in it as well. You were staring out the window in his room that overlooks the woods outside, watching as walkers gathered on the opposite side of the wall. While Carl lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Rick sits at the edge of the bed, asking, “How was Ron’s house?”
“What do you think of this place?” Carl asks him.
“Well, I think it seems nice.”
“Yeah, I like it here. I like the people, but they’re weak. And I don’t want us to get weak.”
The people here don’t have a clue what it’s like on the outside, and if the walkers broke through the wall, most of them would be dead in five minutes.
When Rick leaves, you go and sit on the floor with your back against the bed. You pick up one of the comics Carl found earlier, place it in your lap, and start to flip through. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you look up and ask, “What?”
Carl looks as if he’s struggling to say something; after a moment, he swings his arm lower and links his fingers with yours.
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Spooky x black!reader
Summary: Your moms dreams… kinda come true.
No warnings. Pure fluff.
Yes Spooky as a dad again bcus it’s hot. And he’s hot. And I’m feral.
Yoooo I had the funniest idea. Idk why but imagine:
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Gif intimidating for no reason he was just sexy asf here
You and Spooky have been together for a couple years, he’s a sweetheart despite the energy he gives out in the streets.
You’re his entire world and he’s done everything to impress you and even impress your mom.
Considering it’d just been you and your mother since day 1 it meant a lot that they liked each other.
More so loved each other because she treated him like her own child.
And though you and her were very close and told each other almost everything you obviously couldn’t tell her the… specific activities that you and Oscar often participate in.
Though she wasn’t an air head. She assumed it anyway.
So one day you enter your home surprised to see her home from work but also glad because you could spend the rest of the day with her. You sit on the couch and nudge her with a smile.
“What’s going on old lady?” She rolled her eyes at that name. Often saying you two could pass as sisters. “Nothing, got home early. Figured I’d rest before I cook.”
You nodded and joined her in her Real Housewives of Atlanta marathon, the both of you sucked into the show quickly until a commercial came on, your mother muted the tv and turned to you.
You were puzzled and looked to the side and back at her in confusion.
“I had a dream last night.”
Only God in Heaven knew what it was with black mothers and their dreams, specifically mothers from the Caribbean. You remembered the days when she’d tell you about a dream she had just before you’d leave for a party.
You’d get all freaked out but everything would be fine when you arrived.
You sighed entertaining this one. “About what mom?”
Your eyes widened. As the story goes, when they dream about anything involving fish. Someone’s pregnant. But it couldn’t be you. You had no symptoms, your period was always irregular so missing it never scared you.
You started to sweat as she continued. “Yeah, I was back home, with you and your grandfather on his boat. The one named after you remember?”
“And we caught sooo many fish, of all kinds, it almost took down the boat.” You didn’t want to ask but you had to. “So… what are you telling me?”
She shrugged. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“It must be you that’s ready fi have a baby.” You nervously laughed. Right on cue a car door slammed in the driveway and through the window you could see Spooky come out of the car. You bolted to the door opening it before he could knock.
“Hola papito.”
“Hola princesa,” He smiled kissing your head. “Hola mami.” He nodded greeting your mom. “Hey Oscar. Good to see you. Make sure you bring my babies back in one piece.” Emphasis on the plural.
You rolled your eyes pushing him out the door. You two left and rode around Freeridge grabbing food and sliding over to the trap house. One your trip you had stopped by a store and went in by yourself making up and excuse that you needed something for your mom but really… you went to get a test.
That damn dream was freaking you the fuck out.
Your leg bounced as you sat on toilet lid waiting for the timer to go off. Spooky could be heard outside on the porch laughing with his friends.
A beeping went off and you picked up the test not even looking at it, you didn’t want to. But you had to. You popped one eye open and looked down.
Fuck sake that old lady was right.
A knock on the bathroom door startled you. “Baby, you good?”
You stood up and unlocked the door letting him inside while you held the test behind your back. “You okay?”
“My mom had a dream last night.”
He chuckled. “Okay?”
“The dream made her think that I’m pregnant.”
The longer you two looked at each other the more it began to click for him. “You’re joking?” You placed the test back on the counter. “Apparently not. I used to think that woman was a psychic you know.”
Spooky smiled from ear to ear. “You’re having my baby?”
“I am having your baby.” You laughed. He scooped you up in his arms and showered you in pure love. He was over the moon. So happy to have a little family and you just knew he’d be a great father.
You decided to call your mom, and when she picked up you could already feel her “I told you so” coming. You grumbled. “So… apparently I do have something to tell you.”
She smiled on the other line. “Mhm, what’d I say?”
“Whatever grandma.”
I liked this better than what I posted last night so... I deleted pottery.
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic. comment and reblogs help and are appreciated
peace and love
Tags: @skyesthebomb
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yelenasdiary · 6 months
I love sibling focs!! Maybe it’s the only child in me that feels the comfort in these anyways….
Can you do a reader x Kelly Foster one where we are her younger sister -but in our teens- and she wants us to starts helping out around the zoo with the animals but we’re not the biggest fan of it and would rather spend the day with our friends instead. If somehow or someway you can add in some angst that would be amazing but ends with fluff
I’m not the greatest at sending in ideas but something along this would be cool but feel free to change it up if you want!!
Arguments & Ugly Trees
Pairing: Kelly Foster x Younger Sibling! Reader
Summary: Kelly struggles to get you to help more around the zoo, especially around the holidays. 
Warnings: Angst/Comfort, No Warnings | 1K
AC: Been so long since I wrote for Kelly! Enjoy x
Holiday Special Masterlist
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"Come on! Get up!" Your older sister, Kelly, repeats herself as you feel the heavy blow from her throwing a throw pillow at you. "Go away!" You mumbled, your eyes barely opened wide enough to look at the time but a faint 5 told you it was way too early for you to be awake. 
"You promised you'd help today, let's go! There's a lot to do before opening" Kelly reminds you. Of course you made the promise unintentionally just to get her off your back so you could hang out at the mall with your friends. Growing up on a zoo had its perks, as a child you loved it and grew close to the animals but as you grew older and into your teens, the zoo lost interest for you. Kelly knew this would happen eventually, she just wished she had a little more time before your teenage hormones kicked in and suddenly you couldn't stand to be around her anymore. 
"Kelly! Go away!" You snapped once your older sister pulled the covers off you, exposing you to the coldness of an early morning. You heard her loudly sigh with disappointment before the loud slam of your door closing added to her anger. Within a few short seconds you were asleep once again while your sister picked up your slack around the zoo. 
By 10am you were up, dressed and waiting on the porch of the small cottage you shared with Kelly. You had plans to meet your friends in town at 10:30 for the day, well you did. 
"You might want to text your Uber and cancel" you heard Kelly's voice as she came walking up the path. 
"Why would I do that? I have plans" you frowned. 
"You haven't heard? There's a snowstorm coming. Everything is closed, you would've known sooner if you were up when I asked" she stopped in front of you, her hands on her hips as you rolled your eyes. "Go get changed into something a little more work friendly, it's all hands on deck. We've gotta make sure the animals are secure before the storm hits" she adds. 
"Seriously?! This is bullshit!" You grumbled as you turned on your heels and stormed into the house to change. A sigh left Kelly's lips as she mentally prepared herself for the attitude, she knew you'd be giving her. 
Fixing fence after fence with a loud sigh and yet another eye roll, Kelly couldn't take it anymore. 
"What is your problem?" She snapped, throwing the hammer to the ground. "What? I'm doing what you asked!" You turned to her with a frown. 
"I don't know what to do with you anymore, you're never happy to do anything around here and honestly, sometimes I think you even hate looking at me and I'm sorry that living on a zoo is so problematic for you but give me a god damn break for once! All the eye rolls, the sighs, the grumbles, it's getting old!" Your sister went on. Her sudden outburst took you by surprise, even reminding you as to why you began to lose interest in the zoo. 
"I'm doing my best with what we have here! A little thank you doesn't hurt!" She went on, bringing your attention back to the argument. "J-just go back home, I don't need your help" 
You could see the hurt in her eyes as she let them fall to the hammer on the ground, maybe you were being a selfish little brat and forgot just how much Kelly does for you but she also forgot something along the years. 
"You care more about this zoo than me" you replied in a soft tone. Kelly instantly looked back at you, "why would you say that?" She asked. "Because it's true, you forgot that in your sister, not some other zoo hand that you can boss around. We never get time together anymore and when we did try to make plans, you bailed because something more important came up" you explained with honesty, letting all your built up emotions pour out. "Christmas is literally like two weeks way and we still haven't even put up the tree, it's just sitting in the living room in a box…Christmas used to be our thi-"
Your words were cut short as Kelly pulled you into her arms the moment she saw the tears pooling at your eyes. "Shhh, I know" she whispered as you wrapped your arms around her. She held you until your tears came to a stop, you pulled away and wiped your wet cheeks on the sleeve of your jacket. "Can we make a new rule?" Kelly asked, her hands still on your forearms. 
"I need to help out more, I know" you replied. 
"No" she shook her head, "promise me you'll talk to me instead of letting things bottle up like this? I'm not a mind reader you know" she added. You chuckled at her joke and nodded, "only if you promise to we can finally put the tree up" you raised a brow at her playfully. 
"Let's get this job done and we'll call it a day, go inside and out the tree up" she smiled softly. 
"It looks terrible!" You chucked before taking a much-needed sip of your hot chocolate as you watched Kelly put the star on top of the Christmas tree. The tree looked like a mess, fairy lights still slightly tangled up, the two of you too unbothered to make everything perfect. 
"I think it's" Kelly paused as she stood back and took in the sight of the tree, "unique" she added chewing her bottom lip. "Let's just remember to turn the lights off before we go to bed, the last thing we need is the house burning down" she joked as she took a seat beside you on the sofa, reaching for her hot chocolate from the coffee table. 
"So, tell me, should I be worried your dating yet?" She asked after sipping her drink. You playfully slapped her arm, "between you, school and the zoo, what makes you think I have time?" 
Kelly smiled at you before resting her head on your shoulder while the two of you admired the ugly Christmas tree. "It'll always be just us kiddo, against everything" she spoke softly to assure you that you never lost your sister. Sometimes things go unsaid and you made a promise to yourself to never let distance grow between you both ever again.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @shibugs | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | @carol-romanoff | @jono723 |
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