#I was totally projecting thats my b
ghostlyclementine · 4 months
I guess this confirms to me doied is for sure a different person, I kind of thought maybe he was something roier's brain was making up to cope with the situation he's in?
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
#listen. sometimes. when i get emails pertaining to a specific project i worked on that nearly broke my brain. i just stop what im doing#and start playing Losing My Religion by REM. and i wish the person emailing me could see me face down at a table listening to thay song#mostly its fine. its just when someones trying to manage the data files so i kno im gonna have to go back thru and update my code#for a bunch of tiny stuff and its like: does this sound ok? and i just dont care so much that i want to start screaming#and then at the end of the day i hike up a fucking mountain going over what im gonna tell a therapist when my insurance switches#and im gonna say it in a way thats v calm and agreeable but i want to scream and tear my hair out. or maybe i wont b agreeable. i wasnt#last time i was in a therapist office but that guy deserved it and i wasn't being that bad#ugh. im just mad bc working on my stuff makes me so miserable that when i stop its like wow im no longer in agony. cool#coool. fun times. becoming increasingly apprehensive abt how im gonna try to b more healthy abt working while taking on triple#the responsibility with a phd project and being a student and being a TA. i mean. ill try but its gonna b fucking interesting#ugh. had to bust out the burnout playlist. which like. when u try to look at other ppls burnout playlists they all suck#theyre all like former gifted kid burnout Playlists and im like fuckkk offfff. why do u not have the incredibly specific vibes that im#looking for? i just demand the perfect burnout playlist and somehow nobody puts No Surprises on there#like what??? y not? its a song abt being so totally saturated that youve had enough. a heart thats full up like a landfill. a job that#slowly kills u. bruises that wont heal. how is it not THE burnout song? but whatever. i listen to too much radi0head.#ugh. but now my burnout playlist is becoming too much like my My Brain Doesnt Feel Too Good playlist#listen. i just need to curate playlist so that they can express the feelings for me#unrelated
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sygol · 19 days
with your online presence so strong + how often you post i KNOW u got no IRL shit going on. prev anon was right youre insufferable irl and thats why ur here so often. like most popular bloggers u dont fit in irl so u make it seems like you dont wanna fit in
i dont have to flex how many partners + friends i have in my life or tell you that i regularly go to the club, because i dont really care what you think about me, tuck yourself into bed with whatever thoughts youd like. but i will use this interaction to correct some of the common misunderstandings about the world you posit because i see a bunch of idiots just like you on here all the time:
A. internet posts are not a cohesive reflection of who someone is as a person, my engagement with social media gives a limited context to who i am. of course im obnoxious here, this is my blog which is specifically about me and my interests
B. youre projecting your own fears of inadequacy, people who have friends are not concerned with "fitting in", my friends love me for exactly who i am.. and maybe this is my bias as a "psychopath" but "fitting in" is not something that is at all difficult or meaningful to achieve
C. someone you think is an asshole can have friends that are totally unlike yourself, you might even think those friends are also "insufferable", however none of us care what you think, youre basically just getting mad at someone you dont like doing their own thang
D. i have a strong online presence because i enjoy using the internet and i love attention. im full of myself because i like myself, its that simple.
try engaging with things you like instead of things you dont like
try making peace with your fears and be more loving to yourself, you deserve that
your words dont mean anything to me, youre just reflecting your own maladjusted world view
stop being a conformist bitch
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reachartwork · 3 months
[private please, if thats alright] i used to follow you for your ai stuff back in 2021/22 when things were first kicking off (actually i thought you'd quit because of all the scandal lol) and the models and output were a lot 'sloppier' and kinda illegible but as far as i can see the stuff you're working on now is clearer looking and more coherent, so i was wondering - do you have any thoughts on the 'aesthetics' of AI and what specifically brings it unique merits and strengths as an art tool? for example i personally find a lot of modern ai art to be boring and soulless looking because it has neither stylistic interest (compared to the blatant 'inhumanity' of older models) nor a human person making base-to-base decisions about what it looks like, but i also havent been really paying too much attention to the AI scene except when it comes up in images searches. also, sorry if its not a question you want to answer, but do you do any more traditional styles of art as well? i find my art sensibilities are really effected by the mediums i work with so i would love to know if you have any similar experiences wrt ai and non ai works. thank you!
this is a side account so i can't answer privately, but, that being said;
i actually agree! for general purpose arting i preferred the secret horses style of total illegibility, and my main goal in my secret projects is to be able to reorganize around that style but with sharper, crisper lines and higher resolutions. part of why the whole "secret horses" style of ai medium fell through the cracks was because a: diffusion models were significantly faster and b: diffusion models scale upwards significantly better - they can produce higher resolutions and perform upscaling, which CLIP + VQGAN (the old method that made all the jank we all used to love) can't really do.
i think people whose sole interest in ai is making shitty advertisement images, or giant anime boobs, or some other lowest common denomenator slop, like... okay. you do you, the saying is "90% of everything is shit" for a reason, but obviously i think that's incredibly boring. i think the reason we see a lot of it is because a: the Good Artists who use AI are still effectively social pariahs, particularly on twitter and tumblr, just via dint of their medium, and b: ai puts art making in the hands of EVERYONE and it turns out not everyone has good taste (see: 90% of everything is shit), so you just see a lot more shit by volume.
anyway in terms of "traditional art" i am an author (READ CHUM) and a bassist, although i haven't been in a band in many years as my arthritis prevents me from playing for very long or very well anymore. if you mean traditional art as in like... paint and easel, or pen and paper, the answer is no. i've never had the ability to comfortably grasp anything with my hands even before the arthritis happened and now i lack not only the fine motor skills for it but also the pain threshold. i do like legos though, and i'd love to start making lego dioramas.
thanks for asking :)
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thatonecatcat · 5 months
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“Thats not good!”
BERET (my hilda virtual assistant au) is taking over my brain.. more than moonstone somehow
heres some headcannons for yall hehe
-i like to imagine that in this au the other viruses BERET fights are like her, just human like and the way she fights them is verbally like she just scolds them to get out the computer
-shes so powerful that if she wants to, she can shut down the computer permanently
-guess which character i took inspiration from for her outfit.. who knows.. it could be anyone..
-BERET doesent stand for anything since i cant think of something thats starts with the letter b that would fit
-shes kinda like a vocaloid of sorts? sounds like one ig
-she only exists once in someones computer, she knows about humans but doesent care about being one
-frida david and louise chat with her about sparrow scout stuff, shes an honorary member and helps out with their projects
-trevor tries to download BERET on his own device to troll her but BERET just deleted all the programming on his phone immediately afterwards BAHAHA
-BERET swore to stay in a window tab at all times unless totally necessary after david realized that she can control the video games they play (shes really good at them and it ruins the fun)
-also when i mean powerful i SAY powerful, she can alter the code of everything and control the keyboard so that it types by itself like she can control every device just from her window tab herself
-also about the window tab i keep talking about, when you download BERET theres a tab that spawns on the screen that you cant remove, its basically BERETS house where she hangs out (its just a box with fluffy clouds, like those sleeping quarters in a space station)
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pxlvrxs · 1 year
kyle 'gaz' garrick headcanons
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a/n; just some of my random headcanons about gaz because he is severely underrated. kind of a mixture of normal and relationship headcanons
srsly this man is so pretty but hardly anyone writes for him. i'm living off crumbs over here. :(
rating; sfw
w/c; 500~
definitely has one older sister he's really close too. she's about three years older than him. even as kids they got along really well and she's definitely his rock.
because of her and his other sisters, he totally knows how to braid hair. definitely got roped into it on multiple occasions because their arms would get tired.
more on siblings, i firmly believe this man has a big family-- i mean like huge. and the age range is crazy. he has two older siblings and three younger ones. his oldest sibling is 31 and the youngest is 17. and don't get me started on the pets.
(he babies the hell out of the youngest. not even because he tries to, it just comes naturally)
speaking of that, absolutely wants kids. but being totally realistic, he knows it's probably never gonna happen. even if he leaves 141 to take a less risky job, he knows he has enemies and wouldn't dare endanger his kids. its hard enough for him to date without feeling like he's putting a target on his s/o's back.
as much as i love this man, he is definitely a dog person. probably has some irrational fear of cats because of an incident when he was a kid. (now that he's grown, he knows he upset the cat and earned it, but still refuses to own one to this day)
he can't have one when he's living alone, but if his s/o is a civilian, they get one as soon as they move in together.
bonus points if its a surprise from his partner. he would be so happy to come home to a dog one day
(can yall how much i like that hc lmfao)
absolute wimp when it comes to coffee and tea. cannot take either black. whenever he makes tea he adds sugar cubes or honey. with his coffee it has to have at least some type of flavored creamer. he also hates iced tea with a passion.
(also enjoys those starbucks drinks that are pretty much all sugar, but will never admit it.)
massive sweet tooth. probably has a fast metabolism too, he was one of those kids who could eat an entire cake and still be hungry
maybe im projecting, but he gives me 90s rap, classic rock, and modern R&B vibes
once called football 'soccer' in front of Price just to mess with him, and to this day Gaz has never seen the man so disappointed
maybe this is a tiktok thing but i've seen alot of people infantilize him? like portraying him as immature because he's younger and his relationship with price.
he does joke around (thats already canon) and he is probably the youngest on 141, but i firmly believe that's because of how mature he is.
like the guy is physically and mentally capable enough to be in the SAS.
a lot of the maturity is from being from a big family, he did end up parenting his younger siblings sometimes.
he's also just a really strong-willed person. he looked up to soldiers for most of his life and knew early on that's what he wanted to do.
definitely isn't the type to let relationships fizzle out or go sour from a lack of communication. he's pretty emotionally intelligent and can sense when there's a problem.
isn't big on PDA; he'll do hand-holding and pecks on the lip/cheek, but never anything heavy.
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Sprite Advert + Re: Keepon Dancing to Spoon - Bear Lion and Monkey + Fail + Lonely Day - System of a Down
Video 1 - Sprite
Video 2: Re: Keepon
Video 3: Fail
Video 4: Lonely Day
Ok, there are so many titles up here today, BUT two of them are less than a minute long (one being literally three seconds) and it felt like a wasted post with out any point at all. I thought about skipping one, but I felt like that defeats the whole purpose of this journey. I need to consume as much of this media as possible to feel like I truely completed my mission. 
We are keeping to 2007 in this set spanning from January 10th to September 4th! Not much has changed from the last post, but I will update under each video what the top 3 videos that were recommended on youtube was for that time! 
First, Sprite Advert: 
Wayback Machine (9 January 2007)
Top 3 Featured Videos:
Picnic Casket  - Monument Valley from picniccasket
How To Get A Guy In Silicon Valley by RandiandJen
“Ron Ronsmith and the Fake News” by sxephil
We are met face to face again with Mary Beth from the previous video and I have just found out that she is not Victoria, but Anja! Hi Anja, sorry about last post I’ll edit it soon! I’m not going to lie, the way they are speaking is giving Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared, but I am able to see what they are going for here with the advertisement feeling. We get to see our stuffed frog again and a second cameo of out canned sprite this time! Such a fun video. I can’t help but wonder if this was a fun passion project or a school project. 
Total Watch Time: 4m 41s
Re: Keepon Dancing to Spoon - Bear Lion and Monkey:
Wayback Machine (11 April 2007)
Keepon Dancing to Spoon by mmichalowski 
The Chicago Day in Review - Hey There Delilah - Stop Motion by ADayInReview
The B-Team: Madonna’s Guy by flycellmobile
When I saw the first recommended video (which you can see here), I knew I was gunna have to do some pre watch research. This is what I found:
A Keepon Pro was a social robot designed for interaction and research with children. This little yellow cutie (pictured below) interacted with people and did little dances when music was playing! This cute little guy was used and observed to “elicti positive engagement from children of varying social ability” according the their website (beatbots.net). Under the control of a therapist, it was used on children of varying ability to study their social behaviors. Pretty freaking neat!
Back back to Philip, I was NOT PREPARED for this video. I have been informed by a close friend that there was so much more waiting for me in these later videos. Using a bluesheet and some stuffies, phil essentially recreated the previous video, but added interesting background behind his dancing characters like Freddy Kruger, Airplanes, and conventionally sexy women. That’s it. Thats the whole video. What a time to be a youtuber. 
Total Watch Time: 6m 38s
Wayback Machine (25 June 2007)
Pit bull & chicks by texasgirly1979
Learn How to Moonwalk by daoco
The Hauntening by waverlyflams
YouTube launched its mobile web front end in June of 2007, and the YouTube app was released in 2007 for iOS devices and later for Android devices. In July 2007, YouTube actually partnered with Verizon Wireless to allow mobile phone users to submit videos through MMS! 
This video is three seconds long with a description that simply says ‘fail’. Someone, presumably on of Phil’s university friends opens some kind of pressurized can or bottle and it just explodes all over him and he screams. You can kind of here Phil laugh behind the camera, but thats it. If we had had it, this would have been an instagram story, I can almost guarantee! 
Total Watch Time: 6m 41s
Lonely Day - Systems of a Down
Wayback Machine (4 September 2007)
The Brunettes - Her Hairagami Set by Lilchiefrecords
Fantasy Football: The Rap by GoRemy
Hipster Olympics by P0YKPAC
I knew by the title that this was a song, I have barely recovered from the Re: Keepon video, but here we go!
IT’S OFFICIAL MY FELLOW PHANNIES! We have officially entered the Emo!Phil Era.This video was dark and a little sad. It hurt my heart to think about what of thise was creativity and how much of this was how he was actually, truely feeling. (Makes my heart happy to know that in a few short yers, he would meet his actual soulmate.) There is a secondary plot about an alien wanting and stealing his soul, but watching this, I know that this was peak creativity and talent. The lighting, the plot, the dialouge. I live, laugh, love this video. 
Total Watch Time: 9m 32s 
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astranauticus · 7 months
ok one last post about the Project to truly exorcise it from my brain. just some process/design thoughts (also now that it's done if you want to read my liveblogged whinging for whatever reason here it is)
first off some stats because i kept stats like the nerd that i am:
time wise making this animatic took about 93.5 hours give or take (thanks procreate process replay) spread across exactly 2 months
anyway when i said i finished this project mostly through stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy this is what i meant lol like a lot of my thought process through this was just 'no way in hell am i letting some of these drawings disappear into my drafts forever'
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on average each frame took about 2 hours 45 minutes but thats a bit of an overestimate since i forgot to count some of the animated bits from the first two lines (so id guess the actual number is more like.. 2 hours 20 minutes?)
btw that line with the starry apparition fading away? 12 hours total
the single longest and most painful frame to draw was the one of the crew walking through tu'narath (5 hours 30 minutes) because a. perspective b. architecture design c. for some reason i put a lot of detail into rendering the armour on all the githyanki i drew why on earth did i do that
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(its especially painful bc that frame was one of the ones that didnt... feel like an important enough moment in the actual story of the show to be worth capturing the way the wish or even like, endellion is, i just needed to put that there for the storytelling flow or whatever of the animatic itself and it bothered me so much)
one other interesting little mishap was that i did all of these on canvas size 1080x720px (so that's why the youtube resolution isnt particularly high lmao) which is why procreate let me put an absolutely absurd amount of layers in one canvas (all 8 frames of with memories projected on the astral sea were done on one canvas. 159 layers) because the layer limit for that canvas size is 400 BUT. i accidentally started the starry apparition fade on an A4 canvas (my default canvas size for like all my normal fanart) and i only realised after finishing all the lineart and starting on colouring because i hit layer limit so i had to resize the canvas which did... interesting?? things to the lineart resolution
also if youre wondering how i drew K-LB that many times in something resembling timely fashion the answer is i sacrificed some... amount of sleep to 3d model and rig him in blender which. honestly? i consider it a roaring success
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splitting the frames by bar was a Choice and certainly a choice ive.. had doubtsTM about but thats the kind of thing you cant really change without bringing the whole project crashing down so if the frames seem to move a bit too fast im so sorry there was really not much i could do there
idk if people actually noticed the very very tiny drawings of the crew moving around on the ship in the 4th line especially since they sometimes get obscured by the subtitles but the REASON for that is in my original drawings the subtitles went in the top left corner but they kept conflicting with other stuff so i just gave up and threw them to the bottom (also i originally included the chinese lyrics but then i got lazy lmao)
anyway that little detail like VR-LA angstily looking at the sea reminiscing about the JourneyTM and the crew sort of appearing along with the memories of their adventures together was one of those things that seemed SO COOL in my head but once i actually execute it its like. hmmmm not sure if that worked out the way you thought it would buddy. also the tiny crew was EXTREMELY hard to draw so put that down as another point in 'me subjecting myself to deeply painful and out there compositions for no good reason'
anyway i called this my magnum opus but i do actually have some thoughts about another one (a companion piece, if you will) for another song by the same band because now that i know what capcut can do im.. really itching to try something a little different because this like powerpoint presentation style? fully a product of me using iMovie as my only available video editing software for the past like 7 years of my life
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navysealt4t · 2 months
alright so it's been abt a week since i saw rent the musical live and i have some thoughts. the first draft TOTALLY broke and got lost so heres vers2. no spoilers here, as i So highly recommend going into it blind
i had a whole ramble about the sanitization of queer media and musicals and high schools v broadway being both shit whatever
but. the thing that was so beautiful abt this..small theatre, small cast, its run by a nonprofit. etc.
but the thing its its done by real people. real queer people from the community. there are real queer people not some hollywood sanitized just-queer-enough bullshit. there are real flamboyant people being themselves on the stage. but thats not what set me off
quick recap, it's the aids epidemic, show starts with a guy starting to make a film, it's christmas eve. by the end of the show, hes made the film, and they project it onto the backdrop. and its not some shitty recycled footage, or even footage from the show.
it was the actors. being themselves and being real. being real queer people in the real world and talking to and interviewing people on the street. and that just.. it just got me man. i don't cry. but goddamn.
i cannot recommend this musical enough. it was funny it was sexy it aas devastating it was beautifully fucking sung, it was incredible. live if possible but if i find a niceys bootleg ill let you know. genuinely lifechanging and beautiful i think i am going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life. that is all.
OH MY GODDDDD that sounds amazing hellooooooo :((( i haven’t listened to or seen much of rent but man that sounds :(( ough so cool. i’m glad u had a good time GAH that sounds so cool. that’s so smart actually such a fun like set design story thingy :( and YES I GET WHAT U MEAN WITH THE LIKE SANITIZATION THING!!!!
in the school play i’m in, it’s like all above love between 2 people. shows ppl getting together, breaking up, falling in love, etc etc. and honestly lots of the scenes r rlly sweet and my scene is two women who have been best friends their whole life and realize they love each other and literally. fall in love. it’s a little cheesy but yeahh. i’ve seen sooo many videos of the production by other theaters and school that either A. get rid of the scene or B. MAKES IT STRAIGHT. LIKE???
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
#i say goodbye to my boss tomorrow#not like officially officially bc im still employed into August so we have meetings#and hopefully we'll collaborate in future on projects and i have papers to write with her still#but like this is the last time ill physically see her bc shes not coming back until August and ill b gone by then#so its like. sad. bc shes my science mum. today she was complaining abt some stupid politics stuff#that went on this week in the department and she was like i kno i should b more professional but i feel like since ur leaving now#were more colleagues and friends. and im like 😭 god dammit ur gonna make me fucking cry#i came this this school to work with u and u were so great. i was so lucky to have ended up in her lab#bc i didnt kno wtf i was doing and shes not perfect but i learned a lot from her and ill b really sad to not b working with her so much#but thats how it goes. ill have to make her something cool as a parting gift#god. thatll b a fucking pain but she deserves something that takes a lot of effort#were meeting tomorrow to go over a protocol but im not sure if that's actually what were doing or if theres a surprise involved#bc she likes to do that and it stresses me the fuck out. she's been wanting to get me ice cream for the last 2 months so that might actually#b what's happening. or both could b happening. ugh. anyway. just me crying abt how im gonna miss my boss who im literally seeing tomorrow#im gonna have to giver her a painfully earnest letter abt how great she is and apologize for kinda having a breakdown#i mean i wasnt totally nonfunctional but like. it was not good and im sure i kinda sucked to b around#but whatever. god. the move it finally on the horizon. it finally feels like its getting real#unrelated
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btw thanku so much to everyone who bought my stuff on bandcamp friday ToT i didnt check til now but the money i made totaled up to exactly what i need to buy an interface so i can record w/ my guitar :’‘‘D gonna go look for one around town tomo. srsly thankyuuuu soso much it feels rly nice to b able to fund my future  musical projects using the music i already made like woah thats like, the ideal  isnt it
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
that was the most interesting part of the article how there wasnt anyone really under 40 to take the mantle of the previous generation and there isnt alot of actors under 40 that would make you go to the movies.
I think a part of that has to be how the media landscape and our access to celebrities have changed. The previous generation if you wanted to see your favourite actor you had to go to the theatres to see them. Now with social media, celebs are available through instagram, twitter, tik tok and your constantly bombarded by celeb updates, there opinions, video interviews which has led to an influx of people with parasocial relationships with celebs. The younger generation of actors have utilized these for their brands but at the cost that air of mystery that clear separtion between celeb and fan is gone. Fans can easily access to there favs on social media without ever having to spend the money to watch them in theatres.
That didnt really happen in the past like the previous gen of stars had an air of mystery to them you only had access to them through magazine interviews , red carpets, gossip but thats pretty much it.
Also vod and streaming has allowed people to wait and the cost of movie tickets are expensive. Studios looking for projects tht can make the most money rather make original and taking more risks etc.
I totally agree with all of this. 👍🏾💯
I think it's more so due to how the "celebrity world" has changed greatly due to social media. Then, there's also streaming.
Lots of factors to consider.
I also feel like studios are less likely these days to take risks or make films that may or may NOT become box office hits. 🤔 When you're only wanting to make films that are "sure things", you don't allow for RISKS, growth, or creativity in the film-making industry. 🥴
I need our generation of actors to step it up out here lol 😆 🙃 😂.... But I ALSO need Hollywood to take more chances on us. 😔
I personally think we have some really good solid, promising actors in the industry under 40 who have the potential for longevity and putting butts in seats....
Tom, Zendaya, Timothée, Florence, Anya, Austin, Paul, Michael B, Jennifer Lawrence, Barry, Chris Hemsworth, Halle Bailey, Callum, Mike Faist, Josh O'Connor, Jharell Jerome, Janelle Monae, Letitia, Nick Robinson, Taylor Russell, Jenna Ortega, etc.
The list goes on and on....
But Hollywood just has to take a chance on us as the younger generation, and allow us to build our own legacy. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Some haven't even had much time to really prove themselves. 🙃
I think another thing that's hindering the success and advancement is the fandom wars too.... 👀 Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I don't think fandom wars existed like this decades ago when the OG celebrities are younger and popular. I think back then ppl just embraced them ALL!
Ppl loved Julia Roberts AND Halle Berry AND Sandra Bullock.
People loved Denzel AND Tom Cruise.
People loved Ryan Philippe AND Paul Walker.
People loved Whitney AND Mariah.
People loved Ben Affleck AND Matt Damon.
Now days....??? 🥴 Now days, being a fan is almost like practically being in a darn near CULT lol 😆 😅
If you're a fan of X actor, then you mustn't be a fan of Y actor!! And don't you dare watch his films either because that would be a traitor-like offense! 🥴
See, when fans operate like THIS, it also stifles the growth and success of our generation's actors. 😔 Instead of making things a competition all the time, to me it's better to just support them all. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Anyway, those are just my thoughts.... Feel free to agree our disagree....
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mtsainthelens · 11 months
my across the spiderverse thoughts!!!
i did a similar writeup for the first movie but i think i deleted the post. no worries, i think a lot of it is irrelevant now anyway.
-movie was incredible. animation was 10/10, most impressive i’ve ever seen maybe? the intro scene with gwen and miguel and the ending sequence where miles is swinging home were my favorites. writing was like 9.5/10, it always nails the comedy in such a natural and unpretentious way which is so perfect for a spiderman movie
-you can really feel the love and passion put into this movie. its a real shame to hear about the crunch conditions the team was put under but its remarkable that the movie doesn’t feel particular anxious or resentful in the way other crunch projects tend to be. really such a loving attention to detail in spite of the shit management. actually kind of ironic.
-also the energy of this feels so incredibly different from the vibe of the firet i supposed there really has been a culture shift! everything these days is about determinism and multiverses is that any indication of where we’re heading?
-miguels little jingle is fantastic. i’m gonna remember that sound forever
-i thought trans gwen was a theory but to me it seemed explicitly canon. unfortunately i felt mostly confused whenever i saw the trans colors appear explicitly in a scene because i didn’t understand the double meaning? i only understood a lot of her scenes in a literal sense
-those action sequences, goddamn. you know i never watched korra but i watch the best fight compilations on youtube. i love animated fights.
-i didnt know you could curse in sony movies i was gasping everytime….
-meta-commentary 1: the “what was their canon event” meme makes no sense because in the movie it says everyone has the same canon event!!! like it varies depending on the context but its all fundamentally the same its like not funny to me to think about cat gwen stacy dying or smth. not funny to me
-i love how this movie doesn’t make unlikable characters. i can’t think of a single character i dislike in either of the movies? if i was the kind of person who used the term “comfort movie”, well…..
-meta-commentary 2: i did notice the “spider-team” of miles, gwen, pavitr, and hobie was only on scene for like. that one sequence. i’m sure they’ll come back but what i saw of the fandom reaction to it made me go in expecting a lot more from that. this happened to me with the last movie as well i feel very detatched from the wider fandom reaction to it? nothing against it but to me the movies dont feel like either A.) hanging around a universe or B.) making a story that needs to be dissected through long ass essays. which is what i’m always looking to get out of a fandom experience and i think are my perquisites for being interested in a fandom experience at all. obviously im still a huge FAN of the movies but i can never really take them outside of what they are if that makes sense. they start and end at the credits for me.
-having said that i loved spiderpunk!!! i know he was like total…. fanbait if that makes sense? i usually feel averse to characters im supposed to like or who feel engineered to be liked or who are known for getting fang1rls but god he was such a sweetheart. that diy watch. he reminds me of a friend i guess thats why im attatched. i like how nice he was to miles im just incredibly endeared to him.
-and having said that. my thirst rating is that i didnt think hobie or migel or the spot or anyone else were hot. something about the way faces are rendered is very interesting but i cant find it attractive at all. btw im someone who can be attracted to fictional characters easily and i wish jeff the killer was my boyfriend. anyway….
-my only criticisms would be that some of the emotional moments felt not exactly flat but noticeably offbeat at times and that the final 15-20 minutes kind of wore me thin. forgivable.
soooo great. i think im going to rewatch the first one soon but it might make me feel really raw. i think theyre both fairly sentimental movies but the first one makes me feel just a bit sorer because it feels so sunny. hard to explain. i really wish Peter B was in this movie more but i get why he wasnt.
anyway back to work
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cummmmmguzzler · 1 year
I had my boyfriend pick a string of 7 numbers out of the numbers 0-9 and this is where we landed
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He doesn't know I turned the 7 numbers into a res diet, I told him it was for a school project
I will be logging my days here to stay accountable, this is my first ever res diet I'm doing.
Today was day one of the diet.
Day 1; 800cals
B: Peach oatmeal
L: Yogurt + 100g Strawb + orange
Total ; 322
preschool (I work with the kids, on Monday I'm with them while they eat. it is heavily encouraged to eat with them) got me with chicken nuggets :( I'm usually good about it ; 147cal
- Today I went to the mall with my boyfriend and two other friends!
Mall budget; 488 cal
- Chick Fil A Fries ; ( had like 4 small ) 47cal
- Sauce 💀; 56cal
- Had some of bf's apple in the car ; 76cal
Home dinner budget; 159
- 50g Chicken on a Salad; 109
Total: 750cals
Wish me luck for tomorrow boys
Feel free to use this res diet if you want btw I don't mind :>
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chitatochickenpotato · 5 months
tell me about atlas sew and his friend group 👹👹
I've had this story and these characters for 10+ years, the amount of inter-connectivity between everything is so hard to explain. If anything sounds unbalanced, feel free to ask about it because theres usually a reason that nerfs it.
That being said Atlas'(he/they) Mom was my first OC, she's basically my world's equivalent of a Dnd Champion she worships the deity of loyalty. She spends a lot of her story picking up strays and doing the whole found family thing (she later loops his father into this behavior as well) so his family is massive. And both his parents own the adventurers' guild so everyone he grew up around is like battle hardened and kinda reckless. As a result he has a weird "Nothing can hurt me, do you even know who I am?" and "I am intimately aware of how much effort and hurt it takes to succeed, with everything I do I will give back to my community as thanks for all the privilege I have" complex about him. He's also weirdly codependent in that he's never really alone so when he is he just kinda has no idea what to do. He's very much the "I know a guy" guy.
The Sew thing is actually because neither of his parents remember the names they were born with cuz they had to keep switching them. However his mother was known for fixing uniforms when she was in the army and making clothes n stuff for other revolutionaries n whatnot. So the name is kinda like John Smith in that the family name is just her occupation.
Atlas is actually inspired by Taliesin Jaffe because I watched his episode of between the sheets and was like yeah thats him. Specifically he has that like old soul kinda vibe you get when you're raised around people much older than you and have been to more funerals than you have marriages. He's not goth weird like taliesin but he's "I know too much and lack experience in all things" weird. He's also a history major which I imagine contributes to that. Atlas has grown up around people who have lived it and he wants to better understand them and their experiences.
He also has some disparity in being raised semi-noble because of his parent's strange governmental relations and also being babysat by adventurer's all the time. I imagine he kinda shifts rapidly between super well mannered and proper to being an absolute rascal.
Currently him and his gang are studying at a prestigious university I can't be bothered to name. He meets Aragon before joining the uni at a fancy party (both their parents are loaded [Aragon's through business and prolly blood money, Atlas's because the government wants them to stay in one place so they don't have to deal with the hassle of having slightly overpowered warriors on the loose])
Malachi and Oz are working under their mentors for a government sponsored project to make permanent portals through the planes. Atlas' family gets brought in because of the adventure guild thing and some of the failed portals keep spawning in monsters. So he meets those two through that.
Idk what Aragon's family does yet but Oz hears that Atlas knows Aragon and basically says that bros family uses stuff from diff planes to make their stuff so Atlas should totally get him to fund the project as well. So thats how Aragon gets introduced to the rest of the gang.
Aragon (he/she genderfluid) is a fire elemental and the way that works in my world is that elementals are born as null but when they hit puberty they gain their element based on who they are like personality wise.
She's super standoffish and snappy. She's very much the painful aspect of fire when you first meet her. But as you get to know her I think she mellows out into barely a burning ember of a person. As the story continues I want him to become more of a hearth kinda fire personality wise.
Her entire thing is that her parents want him to go into business and support the family but he super doesn't want to do that. Except he doesn't know who she is as a person because his whole life has been defined by being what his family wants that he doesn't know what else to do.
He has super bad family relations and like 2 friends outside of the gang and they're the butler and the chef so she isn't doing great. So like when he's thrown into a group of people who know exactly who they are and are doing what they want its kinda moth to the flame. Being around them hurts because imposter syndrome and jealousy but also it's visible proof that theres a chance at a happier future for him.
Growing up I imagine he spent a lot of time hiding in the kitchen. The chef would listen to him complain and give him snacks n stuff. Eventually he started teaching Aragon to cook. Later down the line I want him to have his own little restaurant but he is Not There yet.
His character is me processing what it means to learn how to trust. She's very much that one character that is not down to found family but boy howdy are the others trying (They succeed). Atlas brought Aragon home one day and his parents decided "yeah that's my kid" after hearing about her negligent home life. A lot of their relationship is Atlas convincing Aragon to be a Sew (most of their family is adopted through similar means) while Aragon struggles with still wanting to prove himself to his parents.
Malachi (he/him nonbinary) and Oz (she/her) are still in development.
Malachi is like a magic physicist, his mentor is working with the guy in charge of making the spell (enchantment???) for the portal to take em from plane a to plane b. So him and his mentor are studying the relationship between those spaces to make sure no one like dies and things stop coming through without permission.
Oz and her mentor make the rovers and what not that they send through the temporary portals in order to get more info on how to set up a temporary one.
They bond over the project and school.
The way I make characters is I basically come up with a role they fill, a vague concept, and like 4 personality traits + sometimes a design. Then they stay as like vague husks of people till I find 2-3 characters or people that make me go "This is so character A" and I copy and paste things to give them actual depth. Once the mishmash is complete the brainworms start forming connections between them, the world, and other characters already in existence.
As of rn Oz and malachi only have one inspo each so I'm a lil lost on them. I wanna develop them a bit better this year tho
There also isn't any plot for this
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daringdarlingdt · 1 year
Out of Sight, Out of Mind is such a good episode. Maybe I just like it because it’s so totally Hawkeye-centric and those are my favourite but I love him being passed off from person to person, I love his general cheery demeanour despite the circumstances, and explaining to BJ—who’s projected his own coping mechanism of ~running away~ onto Hawkeye,—how the experience has actually taught him a lot and that even though he’s scared, especially given that being a surgeon is such a huge part of his identity and has always been a top priority for him, he has discovered that there’s an advantage to being blind.
I love how restless he is as well, because it’s classic Hawkeye characterization that he bores easily and personally I hc him as adhd and like the scene with Radar where he’s mid-letter then wants to try to juggle then gives up after one try and goes back to the letter in contrast to him explaining to BJ how he spent 2 hours just listening to the rain… like actually his temporary blindness gave him a chance to just be at peace and focus entirely on one very simple thing and spend the day being hyper-conscience of his surroundings. I love him forming a connection with the blind soldier in post-op as well. When he gets nervous after Potter leaves him alone in a room with no warning. Him entering the ER and being able to Smell a perforated intestine. The B-plot of Frank listening to the game in an earlier broadcast and then gambling on the result and cheating the rest of the camp out of their money, and Hawk and gang faking a broadcast to expose him. I also feel like the amount of nurse-flirting was in a sweet spot of being kinda fun and cheeky without being the harassment that it usually was in earlier seasons and thats fun.
Nothing really happens all episode except Hawkeye floating around camp hanging out with everyone, experiencing the inconveniences of his condition, gaining a new appreciation for lots of things he takes for granted, and just like. being himself and it’s a really fantastic episode. It’s funny and sweet without focusing on silly antics or having a heartbreaking anti-war sentiment. I love both those types of episodes but this works really well as a meaningful yet comforting character episode and I really appreciate it for that.
My only criticism is that the way he is temporarily blinded is so contrived. NO WAY is Hawkeye the only one in camp handy enough to fix the stove come ON we all know that man couldn’t tell a screwdriver from a wrench
#mash#hawkeye pierce#didn’t intend to do a lil rant here but I rewatched this one today and remembered how good it was!!!#especially as a Hawkeye episode it’s just really sweet and the comfort character vibes are so strong here#like his Hawkeye-ness is so on point this whole episode I don’t know how to explain it#there’s a little bit of whump going on but it’s punctuated by his purposeful and deliberate optimism and I feel like when it comes to the#war hawk really really couches that optimism in jokes and nonchalance and it makes him appear more jaded. but I would say that he wouldn’t#be so consistently disappointed and depressed if he weren’t first optimistic and hopeful which he is because he loves humans#and wants to believe that they will be a and do good and make good choices even in bad situations#so yea I think he’s an optimist at heart really. he’s not naive but he’s always got this little ember of hope burning away in his huge huge#heart and that is what I love about him so so much. and this episode really showcases that but just in the context of a lower-stakes#circumstance than the war at large. when it comes to his own life he can allow himself to see the good in things and share that good with#the people he loves. about the war it’s much much harder. that’s why he creates the silver linings himself with jokes and bits and love#anyways requirement no. 1 for a comfort character/blorbo: undying devotion to an optimistic perspective on the human condition#nia originals
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