#I would she was a couple of weeks old when he got her
rattfreakk · 4 months
I just give tim a deep ass bond with his cat holy shit.
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inbabylontheywept · 1 month
bad dating stories time: the shoe incident
so in highschool, my best friend wasnt allowed to go on dates unless there was another couple there to keep an eye on him. part of this was his parents being insane, but also, part of it was him being insane. in a problem with no reasonable parties, there are no reasonable solutions.
at some point in my junior year, my sorta-gf broke up with me, and i just wasnt feeling dating, which was bad for my friend, because he had a good thing going with a girl he met in court.
he kind of hounded me about it. kept pushing me to just put me feet back in the dating pool and i wasnt real thrilled about it, because i knew he was pushing me for his own benefit, not mine, so i kept telling him to fuck off, and after a few weeks of being told that i would date when i was damn well ready, he eventually said: okay. what if i paid for the date AND found you a blind date AND all you had to do was show up?
and i shouldve said no, i know, but i let him wear me down, and i will own my fault in that. a date starting on such a stupid premise could never have gone well.
but he still managed to find a way to make it worse.
i dont know how long he tried to set a blind date up. it couldve been multiple attempts. he couldve stooped to this immediately. but what happened in the end was that he called a girl from the ward he attended - a girl that he knew had a giant, mushy crush on him - and he said: hey! how would you feel about going on a date this weekend?
(you know, implying it was with him, but never actually saying it.)
and she said YES WOW I WOULD LOVE TO and he said great! and then he called me up and said he found me a date.
i did not learn about his crimes until several weeks later. i will die swearing before god almighty that i would never have allowed this travesty to happen if i had known.
that was on a monday. the date of the date rolled around that friday evening, and im sorry to confess, i really phoned the whole thing in. i showed up in my favorite comfy outfit, which was also a fashion crime: basketball shorts and flipflops and a baja hoodie. it was super comfy but it made me look kind of crazy. i picked him up first, and then i picked up his date next, and then we went to pick up my date, and thats where you're gonna get the play by play.
i arrived, walked across the yard, and knocked on the front door. she opened it almost immediately, like shed been waiting right by it, and i could see her expression go from OMG IM SO EXCITED to super disappointed, then disgusted and finally pissed. and because i didn't know about my friends sins, i thought it was from my outfit. which seemed... harsh. like, hey, im allowed to be quirky, fuck you. also its a blind date, i thought the deal was that we were both going to be sad broken sacks of mortality.
anyway, we looked at each other for several seconds before she slammed the door in my face.
i looked back at my friend. he was sweating bullets. i dont know what he expected from this, but there was this big long pause where we both tried to figure out what to do, and then the door opened up, and her dad invited me in, and he said she was gonna need a few minutes to finish getting ready, and that in the meantime we could sit and talk.
we did not talk. we did sit. i sat down on the couch, and he sat down in a chair across the couch, and then instead of talking he cleaned his pistol on the coffee table. i wasnt actually sure if it was a threat, or if it was just a fidget thing for 40+ year old republican men, but when i tried to help he got snappy so i just watched him put a pistol back together.
he was okay at it.
eventually my date came downstairs, still mad as hell for reasons beyond my ken, and i felt pretty guilty for being such a mess because i thought that was why she was so angry. i tried to make up for by walking her to the car and getting the door for her, just generally trying to be extra polite, but before i could make it back to the drivers side, her dad called me back to the door. so i flipped around, went to the door, and immediately regreted my decision.
soon as i was within range, her dad got waaaay too close to me, leaned in, and said "whatever you do to her, i will do to you," and my brain went into overdrive making three consecutive realizations.
realization one was, damn, the pistol thing was a threat. that sucks. what an asshole. realization two was, wait, im autistic and even i know theres a 0% chance me and my date even hold hands, least of all boink. does this guy actually think there's even a 1% chance of anyone in that car getting laid tonight? is he an idiot? and then realization three went through, which was wait, is this guy threatening to fuck me? and unfortunately, with my brain doing so much processing, my mouth was left to run amok, so somewhere between realization 2 and 3, i said:
"i can't get pregnant"
which, i swear, wasn't actually me trying to be a smartass, it was just me pointing out that he couldn't actually follow up on that threat. it just wasn't possible. we do not live in the omegaverse and im not scared of you.
still, it was an insanely catastrophic thing to say, and the moment we both heard it, we bluescreened. that single sentence obliterated both of our momentary streams of consciousness like a saltine in front of a sand blaster. problem was, he'd probably gone his whole life not even realizing someone could say something that stupid, and making that realization was going to cost him a lot of thinking time. me though? i had been saying shit like that for 17 years, i didnt have to rewrite my expectations of human nature, i just had to plan an exit and start striding. so i was already halfway back to the car before i heard "hey. hey come back. Hey. Hey. HEY. HEY WAIT. HEY GET BACK HERE. HEY-"
and then i was in my car, and i drove away.
if this happened today, he'd have called her, and the whole thing wouldve imploded then and there, but back then, there were still a decent number of teenagers without cell phones. especially the teenagers of insane, gun toting parents. so she just said: whoa what was that all about? and i said: dont worry about it, he'll tell you about it when you get home.
and she said: ok and went back to staring daggers at me and my friend.
WHICH SURPRISINGLY isnt even how the story ends.
we went to an improv comedy show, and it was a disaster. it shouldve been like, 7/10 tops, but between my date being mad, and my friend having a good time, and me having the existential terror of knowing that a guy with a pistol was probably waiting outside his house for me to come back, it was easily 11/10. i laughed way too hard at everything. especially the jokes that flopped. id sit there in this mostly silent room and laugh until i dry heaved a little, and my date was absolutely disgusted, and even my friend was a little embarrassed, which would just make me laugh harder. i laughed so hard that night i could barely talk the next day. and then the show ended, and my friend said, you know, that was a good time, but i think we should maybe do something a little chiller? who wants to walk around the park? and his date said yeah, and my date said no, and i finally had mercy on the poor woman so i said, look, im gonna drop you off. and i am so, so sorry about this, but im dropping you off like a block away. super duper sorry.
do talk to your dad about the pistols thing if you dont want this happening more in the future tho.
and she said: okay. so i dropped her off, and she walked a block down, and that was that.
then i drove my friend and his date to a park that was good for wandering. i figured they wanted something more private, so instead of following them around point blank, i chose a park with this 30 foot rope tower, and i climbed to the top and i said: hey i can see you anywhere from up here, you are officially chaperoned from a distance. get panopticoned idiot. except my friend really is an idiot, and he didnt really get the whole 'now i dont have to third wheel so insanely hard with you guys' thing so he climbed up the tower too, and then his date followed behind him, so there are three people basically sitting together on top of a telephone pole.
and then they started making out.
i was close enough to hear it.
i didnt really know what to do so i was just kind of sitting there, dissociating, when some college kids came around and started shaking the tower. my friend's date went aaaaaaaaaa im afraid of heights :( and my friend went oh, dont worry, ill hold you tight ;) and i went hey, im gonna climb down and ask them to stop.
so i did climb down, and i did ask them to stop, and they flipped me off, which i wasnt even mad about. at that point i was i was like yeah, it would be weirder if this wasnt a mess. gods plan has been to fly this day like a 747 into my metaphorical twin towers and brother he is close enough for me to see him grinning through the cockpit window. still, eventually the college students got bored, so they climbed up the tower, which gave my friend and his date a window to climb down, and together we walked back to my car.
now, i cant explain why this is, but sitting back in the drivers seat was my carriage-back-into-a-pumpkin moment. i'd been chill about all the chaos, just rolling with the punches, but sitting down made me realize how much of a shitshow the day had been, and while i couldnt go back and fix all of it, i could go back and fix one thing.
so i told my friend and his date, hey, you two, stay here and don't do anything weird. don't. then i walked back to the rope tower, and i started picking up the shoes the college students had left at the base in order to climb.
about halfway through this, i realized that if i took all their shoes, they might think i was in it for the money, and i actually wanted them to know i was in it specifically to spite them. fuck those guys. so i put all the right shoes back, gave myself a 100 foot headstart, yelled "nice shoes, assholes", did a little jig, and started running.
my advice to everyone is that college students are faster than you think. even with the headstart, and the whole climb down the tower thing, i was still only fivish seconds ahead of them by the time i got to my car. i flung the door open, looked in the backseat, didnt see anyone, flung the stolen shoes in the backseat, heard two "ow"s, took that as proof of presence, jumped in and pealed out of the lot.
my friend and his date popped up a few seconds later. they were, uh, doing something weird in the back seat. my one request - obliterated.
they climbed up to ask where the hell all the shoes had come from, and i was like yeah i stole them from the college students, and they were like oh. cool. hope you had fun. and i was like, i did. i did. but speaking of fun, what were you doing back there?
and for the first time in my buddies life, i think he was actually embarassed.
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ceilidho · 8 months
prompt: forced throuple au; Ghost decides that you and Johnny are his (part 1; ghoap x reader)
Johnny’s been bragging about a pretty bird lately.
Ghost listens because the periods between missions are long and colourless—he fills the time with paperwork, PT, exhausting his muscles in the gym, and dissociating in a booth at the only good pub on base when Johnny drags him along—and it’s better to tune out the thoughts in his head and replace them with something else. Besides, for as much as he gripes about poorly trained dogs barking too much, he enjoys the sound of Johnny’s voice. It quiets the faint ringing that follows him wherever he goes, an agitated humming that leaves him, on his best days, on the brink of rage.
“Tinnitus,” a doctor says when he brings it up during a routine check-up. Can you shut that fucking noise up?
“Best we can do is get you hearing aids.” Apologetic, sincere even. Stained, as always though, by a trembling, noxious unease. It emanates off the doctor in waves. 
Hard not to feel uneasy around a man in a mask, Ghost assumes. That’s all part of it though. He doesn’t cultivate comfort, doesn’t attempt to engender soft feelings or put the mind at ease. His body and persona are designed to put the body and mind on the knife’s edge of fear, and then tip it over. He leaves the sweet talking and charming to men like Johnny, who babbles red language in a tongue like larkspur. 
Ghost’s first language is oil slick. It stains and it covers and it darkens everything it touches. 
And now, Johnny’s talking about a bird.
A couple months after Las Almas, the first picture comes out. Not a folded up keepsake tucked away in the pocket of a bag or a wallet or the inside of his jacket, but right on Johnny’s lockscreen on his phone. He disapproves at first glance. Not of the girl, but at the thought of keeping something so valuable on display for anyone to see. It’s not how he functions. Everything sacred is burned, destroyed, or—if precious enough—buried so deep underground that salt miners might greet it on the way down.
“Pretty, eh?” Johnny goads, nudging Ghost with his shoulder. He’s all wide grin, eyes electric-blue like the flames of Kawah Ijen. 
She is pretty. Pretty as pie. Not a speck of grit or blood on her; if there’s any edge to her at all, it’s tempered by her smile in the photo on Johnny’s phone. A sugar sweet cunt, by the looks of it, sure it’d taste like candy if he got his mouth on it. He angles his eyes with Johnny’s lips and wonders how many times he’s eaten her out, if hers was the last cunt he ate. Likely. His boy’s the loyal kind, hard to shake off once he’s got his teeth in. Swapping spit or blood, he doesn’t leave once he’s got a taste. 
“Where’d you find her?” he asks instead of agreeing, and takes a swig from the bottle in front of him. The bar’s hardly filled out yet; the two of them come early because Ghost’s an old man—that’s what Johnny would say—and doesn’t like to be around people once the sun’s set. It’s a burnished gold now, sun hovering low in the sky when Ghost turns an eye to it. 
“Florist. Met her when I picked up flowers for mam’s birthday.”
Nearly a month then. “And I’m just hearin’ about this now?”
Not in this same pub three times a week since then. Not on the tarmac, suited up and sweating already beneath two layers of gear. Not in the shower beside Ghost’s, fingers reaching over the side for a bar of soap because Johnny can’t be arsed to get his own. Not with his head slumped to let Ghost shave the sides of his head nice and neat, thick fingers splayed over the delicate bone of his skull that Ghost knows would take nothing to break. 
It rankles him until he looks back down at the phone in his hands—the one he’d plucked from Johnny’s fingers even while he whined about Ghost always stealing his shit—and feels his heartbeat slow. It levels out like staring into the scope of a rifle, the molecules of his breath melding with the molecules of the air until even the sound of his heartbeat dulls to the insects around him. 
Johnny purses his lips. “…Wasn’t sure then. Am now.”
“Cunt’s a cunt. What’s there to be sure about?”
“No.” Johnny shakes his head vehemently. “She’s no’ like that. She’s special—I’m telling ye, Lt—” he stresses when Ghost snorts, the sound thick with scepticism, “—she’s a good egg. Smart one. Sweet as pie.”
Sweet as pie. Mutt half-shares his thoughts these days. They must have brought more home than just shellshock and keloids. 
Johnny squawks when Ghost unlocks his phone and thumbs through his photos, trying to wrench it out of Ghost’s hand to no avail. He’s easy to hold back. All he has to do is put down his beer for a second and get a handful of hair and jerk, and there it is. Peace and quiet. A wince bleeding into his peripheral vision while Johnny mumbles something under his breath about him being a mean bastard. 
He snorts again. Even from Johnny, he’s heard worse. 
There isn’t much left of him these days. A tired husk and a taste for Guinness. He bleeds and shaves and wipes it off, smells the viscera still staining his mask that he hardly ever washes, can’t bear to honestly. Waste of fucking time, as far as he’s concerned. Just going to get dirtied again, soaked in blood again within the week. Shaves his head too just to have less to deal with, less to distract him from the single-minded intensity he brings to the job. He’d dematerialize if he could, become a ghost in name and shape, if only the laws of physics allowed. 
Instead he’s saddled with a body that echoes back his age in creaking joints and low back pain. Scar tissue that aches when it gets cold. 
In the months he’s known Johnny, he’s never let himself think about the world outside their bubble. His rank demands a certain level of socialising, and while he doesn’t schmooze with the brass like other lieutenants might, Ghost hardly has the privilege of isolating himself all the time, but still he can count the people he considers close on one hand. 
Not family, but close. The thought of family is sheathed within him; he knows to leave the knife in lest he bleed. Still, Johnny’s fought his way onto the list and now he has to pay with his pound of flesh. 
There’s a switch that’s been off for years, closer to a couple decades, and it flips back on when he finds this man that trusts him without question, that follows his orders and looks up at him with these big, puppy blue eyes. It twists something in his chest. It turns him into a thing that says maybe it’s better to take than just covet. 
There are other photos of the girl in Johnny’s phone, some likely not meant for present company (Johnny flushes red when Ghost flips to a picture of his bird in a pretty little number, lace cupping her tits and ass, sitting on Johnny’s bed back home and looking back at him over her shoulder with a little grin). Still, it interests him to see this side of his boy; he’s maybe thought of it before in abstract terms. He knows that Johnny’s no stranger to a wandering eye, not with the way he’s built and his pretty boy face. He’s well acquainted with Johnny’s dick, hard not to be in such close quarters; it’s a nice, pretty thing, just like him, a good handful. Nothing like the ruddy battering ram in between Ghost’s legs. The one Johnny once got a glimpse of in the showers after a two week long stint in Kyrgyzstan and paled, mouth gaping open while he stared until he could finally laugh it off. 
Ghost remembers thinking detachedly about how lovely that little gaped open mouth would feel around his cock. 
Surprising that it took this long for him to cotton on to his own desires. 
“Bring ‘er around then. I’ll see for myself how sweet she is.”
Johnny scowls at the sudden uproar from a nearby table. “No’ a chance in hell. Dinnae trust any of these fuckers to behave around her.”
Ghost hums. He’s not wrong to be wary; under the table, Ghost runs a hand over his bulge and gives it a squeeze, lifting his thigh to readjust. She has a lovely mouth too. 
He’s been breathing fire and brimstone recently. Hungering to hear something break. It takes Johnny’s hand on his arm to hold him back, every cigarette puffed down to the filter. The pictures on Johnny’s phone make it seem easy though. 
Johnny’s been bragging about a pretty bird lately, preening at every opportunity to show her off. He doesn’t know that it takes approximately eight seconds for Ghost’s brain to file the girl in Johnny’s phone under mine, slotting her right under Johnny in that category and isn’t that just perfect because it also takes approximately eight seconds for Ghost to imagine what she might look like under Johnny. 
He hands Johnny back the phone, face down. “You get one week. Then I wanna meet your bird.”
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thewispsings · 23 days
cute funny looking child | max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x actress!reader
summary; the one where yn becomes obsessed with a cute funny looking child she stumbled across on pinterest. only to find out that the “cute funny looking child” is now a full grown formula one driver.
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 715,529 others!
yourusername: i found this cute funny looking child on pinterest, then started crying because he’s just so cute
view comments below!
user1: girl what
user2: there’s medical terms for people like you
user3: no i get it
user4: he's actually so cute
user5: these pictures look old...what if this child is grown now??
user6: imagine scrolling through instagram and you see someone calling you a "cute funny looking child"
user7: this is too funny
user8: am i the only one who knows thats max??
user9: NO I DO TOO!!!
user10: us and charles LMAO
user11: he liked this and said nothing 😭
user12: not his childhood photos, not his problem
user13: how are yn and charles friends but she doesnt know what max looked like as a child?
user14: she knows nothing about f1, she's only friends with charles and thats it 😭
user15: what medical condition do you have?
user16: but…why?
user17: you have issues
user18: i don’t think this reaction is normal…
user19: babe that’s max verstappen??? formula 1 driver??? rich GROWN millionaire???
user20: millionaire you say 😏
user23: i see you didnt take your meds today
yourusername: i’ll have you know that my medication ran out so HA
user24: you might wanna ask for more
user25: yeah because this? not normal!
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 716,019 others!
maxverstappen1: recharging, done ✅
view comments below!
charles_lelcerc: what a cute funny looking child
maxverstappen1: ?
charles_leclerc: nothing…
user21: HE KNOWS
user22: it’s even funnier that charles 100% knows about the ‘cute funny looking child’ thing and just chose to not tell yn it’s max 😭
user23: yn will never live this down
user24: this is going to haunt yn for literally ever
user25: i PERSONALLY will never let her forget
user26: such a cute funny looking child
user27: max has got to be so confused rn
user28: is that a cute funny looking child i see???
user29: cute funny looking child max!!!!
user30: why is no one talking about how good max looks??
user31: i am. HE LOOKS GORGEOUS
danielricciadro: 😍😍
user32: you are handfeeding the shippers
user33: please, he IS the shipper
user34: cute funny looking child
user36: so basscialy
user37: what happened was
user38: many years ago
user39: it was a dark and gloomy night
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. . .
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. . .
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 619,916 others!
yourusername: this f1 thing is fun!
view comments below!
user40: you lucky son of a bitch!
charles_leclerc: can’t believe you went to a race for HIM 🤮 but not me…
yourusername: i didn’t go for HIM! i went because was invited!!!!
yourusername: LEAVE ME ALONE
user41: is ‘him’ MAX???
user42: it has to be
maxverstappen1: you said you would post more baby pictures of me 😕
yourusername: you’re right in front of me? talk to me?
maxverstappen1: i want everyone to know that we’re on a date!
yourusername: we are?
user46: HUH
maxverstappen1: yes? i asked you on a date and you said yes?
user44: GIYS????
yourusername: i thought this was a friend thing…
maxvertappen1: do all your friends buy you flowers when going out to eat?
yourusername: no…
maxverstappen1: exactly! now do you want dessert?
user47: i can’t…i’m sick to my stomach…i cannot
user48: what just happened
user49: i wish i knew
user50: okay so that just happened! now what?
. . .
here’s this before i disappear for a couple of weeks (maybe months?) i apologize but schools been keeping me busy AND i have books on wattpad that take up most of my time! im hopeful ill be able to post maybe once a month? nonetheless i hope you enjoyed this :)
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writersdrug · 12 days
OOOH bartender Simon when one of the regulars starts making comments about reader at the bar
Slight nsfw, someone makes derogatory marks about reader
Simon didn't understand why the man chose to be a regular at his bar. He never spoke much to the lad, Mitch, other than the occasional grunt and "'nother round?" Still, the bloke had been coming to his pub every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night like it was his religion - it very well might've been - spilling his guts over neat whiskey about his failing marriage, his estranged children, and his shitty job. Simon was surprised he managed to keep one, with how much he was drinking on a Sunday night.
"Don't ever get a wife, Simon." Mitch says, fidgeting his empty whiskey glass in his fingers. He'd already come in with a sour expression and droopy eyes - Simon wondered what the topic would be for tonight, but as usual, it steered towards his divorce waiting to happen.
"Already got one." He says, jerking his head to the liquor shelf. "Woodford."
Mitch laughs, letting Ghost take his empty glass and dunk it in the wash basin. "You got anyone waitin' for you after work?"
Ghost clicks his tongue, wiping the condensation off the bar top. "Rather not talk about my personal life 'ere."
"Bah - you need something young n' fresh." Mitch sighs, tapping his fingers against the wood. "Guy like you can't have something too committed, or else your work ethic will suffer."
Ghost grunts as his response. He reminds himself that Mitch was a patent, like everyone else, and he only has to tolerate his yapping for tonight - until next Friday.
Mitch turns his head to look at you, and Simon follows with his eyes: you're standing at a table, bantering with the couple seated there as you take their orders. Hair pulled back into that weird claw clip thingy Simon likes so much, posture relaxed as you leaned on one hip, a soft smile on your face as the couple takes their time placing their orders. He remembers how unfamiliar you were with it all in the beginning, and now it looks like you've been working here for the past ten years. Like you belong in his pub.
"How's she handling the job?" Mitch asks.
Simon shrugs. "Seems t' be managing just fine. Gets away with more shit than I should be allowin' 'er."
Mitch chuckles, looking back at you. "They always do when they look that good." He comments, making Ghost pause. "Price knew what he was doin' hiring her."
He feels his muscles tense subconsciously. "I hired 'er."
Mitch looks back at him, a wicked smile spreading across his face. "Simon, you ol' dog..." he begins, leaning his forearms onto the bartop. "Gotta keep the customers comin' somehow, eh?"
Ghost blinks. "I don't follow." He does; but he's giving Mitch a chance to redeem himself after his insinuation.
"C'mon, was it her face? What she wore to the interview? Did Johhny-boy see her and beg you to hire her?" He leans in towards Simon, who obliges and meets him halfway, just to hear what else the price will say, so he knows how much damage he can justify.
"I'm telling you - the only reason she probably took the job was, well.." he raises and eyebrow.
Simon waits. "Hmm?"
"You know - three big guys like you lot - not to mention that old brewmaster assistant, Garrick, I know he frequents here... well, any desperate thing like her would be throwing themselves at the opportunity."
He's livid. "Wha' opportunity?"
"Gettin hit from all sides, if you catch my drift."
Ghost nods slowly, biting the inside of his cheek until he tastes blood. He wants to punch a hole through Mitch's chest, but two patrons roughhoused in one week would make Price get on his case. He turns to the bar and grabs a whiskey glass.
"Aww, don't be like that..." Mitch says when he senses Ghost's anger. "I'm sorry. Listen - if you don't want to show her a good time, me and my buddy will. I'll leave my number and you'll give it to her for me?"
"Drink this, sober up, and go home Mitch." Ghost says, slapping the glass of clear liquid in front of the man. Mitch eyes him with a huff as he returns to washing the glasses in the bar sink.
"Fuckin' loser..." he mumbles, grabbing the glass and downing a large gulp - he immediately sputters, the drink spilling all over his front as he coughs and hacks violently. The entire floor looks over at the commotion, you included, standing by the POS and watching with a furrowed brow.
"Fuck- was that goddamn Everclear?!" He rasps.
"I think it's time y' head out, Mitch." Ghost says, leaning both of his hands against the bar. "Call your wife and kids. Stop comin' 'ere every week." He then leans in close, right in front of Mitch's face. "Cuz if I see you back at my bar again, I'm draggin' you out the back myself."
His eyes crinkle with a smile as he claps Mitch on the arm, making him jump from the impact. He quickly gets up off his seat and stumbles towards the front door, sparing one last bittwr glance between you and Ghost, before he angrily shoves his way out.
Ghost sighs, putting the Everclear back on the shelf; you walk over right on cue. "What was that about? He ok?"
Simon shrugs, closing Mitch's tab on his POS and assigning an auto-gratuity. "Dunno. Maybe my advice finally got t' the bastard."
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sonolynn · 3 months
The Aftermath-Blood and Cheese part two
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summary | The after math of blood and cheese.
pairing | Aemond x Wife!Fem!Reader
tags | mentions of death, grief, swearing, infanticide, murder, talks of pregnancy and birth. Not proof read.
w.c | 2.0 k
note(s) | please ignore my lack of political or architecture knowledge in regards tp the rooms in Kings Landing or Driftmark. also! Fuck you Criston Cole.
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“Have any of my letters to my daughter been answered?” Rhaenyra asked calmly.  The messenger anxiously shifted from his heels. “No, your grace.” Rhaenyra nodded solemnly. Within the past couple weeks, her daughter had not responded to any letters that she’d had sent. Of course, Rhaenyra felt that something was wrong, “motherly instinct” Daemon had so gracefully commented when she had confided in him one night about her fears. 
“Do tell me if anything comes?” 
“Of course your grace.” With a bow, the servant moved out of the way so that Rhaenyra could make her way downstairs.
The looks Rhaenyra got when she entered the meeting room were nothing short of sympathetic. Daemon sat in his chair, his legs crossed and a look of boredom on his face. Jace stared at his mother as she walked, as if words had been stuck on his tongue. Rhaenyra looked between everyone until she couldn’t handle the prolonged stares and discomforting silence for much longer. 
“What is this…silence? Has Aegon struck?” Rhaenyra asked, slowly making her way to her seat. When no one answered, she turned and looked towards Rhaenys, who, at eye contact, quickly looked towards Daemon. “Well?” 
“It’s troubling news, your grace. The princess’ son, Baelon, was murdered in her arms not but a few weeks ago.” Rhaenyra smiled slightly, disbelief coursing through her mind as she laughed. 
“Murdered? He was only six months old! He had no enemies-” Rhaenyra stopped, seeing the solemn looks everyone held. Her face dropped, and she breathed out slowly as the smile faded from her face. “My…grandson is..dead?” Rhaenyra asked, her voice slightly shaky. 
“Yes. Murdered, your grace,” Rhaenys stopped, looking up towards her queen. “The greens think that you were behind this heinous crime.” 
Rhaenyra paused and a disbelieving glare settled on her face. Her? Her?!
“Me? They think me responsible? I have not but lost my own son! And to think I would inflict such a grievous pain on my daughter-” Her voice cracked, and suddenly she found herself too weak to stand. She slowly sat down, holding a hand over her stomach as the realization set in. 
Daemon looked down, his jaw clenched, his own gaze set away from Rhaenyra. He had not meant for this. 
“You did this?!” Rhaenyra yelled, slamming her hands on the table where Daemon sat. The room had cleared, and now, Rhaenyra stood, barding her husband as she held back tears. 
“As I have said-”
“I said I wanted Aemond! Not my grand-” She stopped, her voice breaking as she turned away from Daemon. Daemon rolled his head to the side before he spoke, too calmly for Rhaenyra’s liking. 
“It was an accident.” 
“An accident that cost me yet another loss!” Rhaenyra yelled, her glared piercing into Daemon. Once her eyes locked with Daemon's, a deep seated feeling of dread and  anxiety fill her. How could he be so careless, so calm about the matter of her grandson’s death? 
“You barely know the child!” Daemon refuted. Rhaenyra stopped, and she breathed slowly to ground herself before she spoke. Though it did not help. Daemon spoke softer, and he looked at her with a hard gaze. “It was an accident.” 
“Accident or not you killed an innocent child, Daemon! My sweet girl-” Rhaenyra stopped, placing a hand on her mouth as she felt the tears start to bubble up in her eyes. She turned, holding back a sob as she tried to imagine how her innocent, sweet daughter could have possibly felt and reconciled with the death of the babe she worked so hard to conceive. 
“I may not have known the babe personally. I may have only held him perhaps once but it is not the boy that I am sad for! This-This mistake that you made has not only cost me lost support from the great houses, utter humiliation, and grief…but you have cost me my first born daughter!” Rhaenyra took a breath, and when Daemon said nothing she wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke slowly, turning back to face him. “My daughter thinks that I have done this. That I ordered the murder of an infant boy, Daemon!” 
“Your daughter knows you better then-” 
“My daughter may know me better than the ground that I walk on, Daemon but you underestimate a mother and her grief. You cannot possibly understand the conclusions that will be drawn from her mind when she hears that this happened in my name.” At this Daemon goes quiet. He looked away from Rhaenyra as she continued. 
“My daughter is grieving. And in her grief she will blame no one but herself. But the moment that she hears of the hideous rumor that I did this? Her grief will be overcome with anger and she will resent me!” With no more words left to say, Rhaenyra quickly turned and walked away. 
In the solace of the castle halls she broke down, sobbing heavily. She leaned against the nearest wall for support as she shook her head. Rhaenyra was unable to wrap her mind around how her precious little girl could be grappling with this grief. ____________________________________________
You were in the nursery, as you always were these days, when Crison Cole passed by. When Rhaenyra had given birth to you all those years ago, he felt a mix of emotions, but the top one was anger. He had let himself go, a moment of weakness in his own words. When Rhaenyra spoke your name, the anger grew even more. 
As you grew the relationship between you and Ser Criston grew apart. You held no resentment towards him for a while, trying to be an understanding “daughter”. 
Criston stopped, seeing you on the floor next to the crib. He felt sadness, of course he did. But more than that he felt guilt. Perhaps if he had been there, perhaps if he wasn’t occupied he could have saved your innocent son. 
And in truth you blamed Criston more than anyone. He was the head of the Kingsguard, but more than that he was your father. Even though he stayed up at night trying to deny you as his own, biologically you were his and no amount of self inflicted drunkenness or denial could change that. 
Criston stood at the door, opening his mouth to speak, before you interrupted him. 
“Where were you, Ser Criston?” At the sound of your harsh, irritable voice, he stopped. The words he meant to speak suddenly lost in his throat as he cleared throat with a cough. He spoke your name softly, taking a step forward but you picked up a nearby book and threw it at him. “My son would not be dead if you had not been fucking my mother-in-law!”
“No!” You stood, walking towards him fast as you glared at him. He had never seen you so angry, with such a look of pure hatred in your eyes. “If you had done your fucking job I would not have lost my son!” You went to hit Criston’s chest, but Aemond came quickly, holding his arms around you tightly as he pressed a soft kiss to your head, as if the anger you felt in your chest could be resolved with the feather light weight of a kiss. 
“Take your leave Ser Criston.” Aemond spoke harshly, and Criston went to speak, but Aemond looked up at him, glaring with his one good, tear filled and red eye. “I said leave, Ser Criston.” 
Criston Cole bowed, and he left quickly. He was willing to blame anyone but himself for his grandson’s death. Anyone but himself.
Two years. It took you two years to fully grasp your mind around the fact that your baby was truly gone. It took Aemond a matter of months, but he still felt the loss, deep within his heart. He would stand outside of the nursery as you laid by the crib and sobbed. He would stand outside of your chambers and listen as you screamed and cursed your mother, Criston, anyone you could verbally blame. 
You couldn’t even be intimate with him without breaking down into sobs. And truly, Aemond did not wish to be intimate. He wished to be there for you, a supporter that you needed and not just some mindless lustful husband. So he waited, and he waited patiently. Holding you while you cried, escorting you out of the Red Keep when the court’s children would run about. 
By the third year, long after you had let your husband back into bed, you became pregnant. A gift from the gods, you were sure. And when you finally gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl whom you named Viserys and Visenya. 
Aemond loved the twins, with his every breath he loved them. But, he felt some disconnect from you. You seemed more connected to your daughter than your son. When Visneya would cry you would go running, but if Viserys cried, you would hesitate, before ultimately having Aemond go to the boy. 
You were in the nursery, staring down at Viserys as the babe slept. He had such an uncanny resemblance to Baelon that it made you physically sick. You could not hold the babe, much rather opting to hold his sister than him. Holding Viserys felt like holding Baelon, and when you thought of holding Baelon, all you thought about was the night that he was taken from you. 
Aemond knew this. How could he not. He himself had a hard time with Viserys. Viserys reminded him of his failure to protect his first son. At first that is. Sooner than later Aemond would grow fond of the babe, promising himself, and both of his children, that he would never fail them. That he would come to them every night and bid them a goodnight. 
On the night that you stood in the nursery, staring at your son, Aemond came. He leaned against the frame for a while until he heard the boy start to whimper. He came closer to the crib, and he saw the baby boy reaching out towards you, seeking the neglected embrace of his mother. 
“He wants you, my love.” Aemond spoke gently, knowing that if he raised his voice too much, he’d accidentally frighten you. He watched you closely, watching your conflicted face as you shook your head. 
“Perhaps you could-”
“My love, please. I cannot take him forever.” You nodded at his words, knowing that it was true. You took in an uncertain breath before you shakily reached down into Viserys crib and picked him up. 
You felt like a new mother, holding a babe you barely even knew even though you carried him for eight months. You stared down at the squirming babe, and all you saw was Baelon. Baelon, Baelon, Baelon-
Aemond came behind you, wrapping his arms around you and supporting Viserys under your own arms. Your breath stopped, tears filling your eyes as you felt the embrace. 
“You’re okay, my love. I’m here.” Gods you relished in those words. For the past three years Aemond had been your rock, your anchor, taking you back down from your swirling thoughts and telling you that you were okay. 
Taking a deep breath, you looked down at your baby boy, and for the first time in three months you saw Viserys. You saw Viserys. The thought almost made you sob; All these months, being detached from the very human you created made you feel like the worst mother in the world. But then, he smiled at you. You felt your whole resolve weaken at the sight of your son’s smile. 
You resented Criston Cole, for not being there as a father, for not being there the night Baelon was murdered. However, this innocent little creature didn’t resent you, he simply missed you. He could feel no hate, no resentment for your own trauma. The thought of being so easily forgiven by this little innocent life made your heart swell and your eyes tear up. 
Instinctively, you pulled away from Aemond and you started to rock the boy. Viserys smiled, the same, lopsided smile Aemond had. Your heart swelled and you smiled down at the boy as tears filled your gaze. Viserys reached up, holding his tiny hand to your nose as he giggled. You looked at this boy, no longer thinking of the life you had lost, but the ones that you had gained.
TAGLIST @aleemendoza2425-blog @fallout-girl219 @spacexdrago @callsignwidow @lizziela @roseidol @esposadomd @luvaerina @bigback112 @rinirinse @ananas26t @marihoneywk @4everwoke
Hope it was up to everyone's standards!!
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Yandere farm x farmhand reader 🌾
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A/n: this contains few nsfw mentions, mdni please! They're not all that yandere, just a bunch of dumb silly hybrids trying to catch their favorite humans attention. This is their intro
★yandere farm x farmhand reader. I know this isn't original, but I always love the concept. Just minding your business, sweaty and hot from the sun, when suddenly a certain German Shepard hybrid starts sniffing you up and down, lapping up your sweaty skin and grinning when you swat him away. How did you end up here?
★maybe you came here for a summer job, maybe some relatives owned the farm, maybe you were always working here. Either way, it doesn't take long for the hybrids to notice you once you arrive.
★the bulls and cows watching curiously from the fields, the centaurs trying to peek from their stables, the merfolk living in the lake just down the property poke their little heads out. The dogs barking from their Little homes, and the cats watching from the windows. You couldn't help but gawk at the variety of hybrids, there were so many! Merfolk, avians, cattle, cats, dogs.
★your first week there was nice, the other farmhands were nice, and the owners were so sweet! Always speaking fondly of their pets, the old couple would watch them run in the field or play by the lake. You yourself found them a little annoying. Always sniffing, grabbing, nipping at your clothes. You've had to fight your overall bottoms free from one of the pooches one too many times. The cats were no better.
★your second week you meet the cattle and centaurs. And unlike the house cats and guard dogs, they're less handsy. Simply observing from afar. Occasionally sniffing you before nodding their heads and pulling away. Letting you do your job of combing, cleaning and fixing up them and their stables. The cattle would happily let you milk them, applying the breast pumps to the females and a cock pump to the males. You ignored how they looked at you strangely during milkings
★the third week you meet the avians. Odd little bunch, hopping around and puffing up their chests. They watched you enter their enclosure curiously, you were busy picking up their molten feathers because you thought they were pretty. So bright and colorful! Walking around bent over a little when you finally notice the peacock male standing right Infront of you. He gave you a pointed look before his tail feathers expanded. Looking prideful, tilting his chin up as if in an arrogant way. Swaying side to side and closer to you, while you just held the feathers in your hands, a little confused. He got closer until he let out an incredibly loud squawk. Turning around abruptly to glare at the cuckoo who bent down to poke his butt. The cuckoo gave you a grin before climbing back up the tree, using this time as distraction, you quickly escaped.
★on the fourth week, you meet the merfolk. Having been here a month, they were eager to meet you. Watching you walk on the dock with fish feed, eagerly Perking up and swimming closer. You shook out a good handful and chucked it out for the koi fish to eat. They swarmed the area until all the food was gone, simply staring up at you. One poked her head out, tilting it a bit and making a 'click' sound with her tongue. You mimicked her, doing the same. She seemed elated, making various whistles and clicks, splashing up and down the lake. The lake was manmade and filled with koi fish when it was finished, but then again there may be more fish not even the owners know about since it was so deep. How'd they get in there? You're not sure, but you just know it.
★on the fifth week your owners told you about how they had bought multiple sheep, and goats. One male for each group. Watching the loading truck approach the little barn they were finished building. So that's why it was there, they started construction when you arrived the first week. You helped the other farmhands get them situated, at first they were rowdy and a little aggressive but for some reason calmed down when you approached them. Your colleagues now called you the sheep whisperer. You quickly learned how to shave their wool and milk the goats properly. Sometimes braiding their long hair, you just wish the ram would stop headbutting the nearest male colleague for your attention.
★On your sixth week, you went for a walk in the forest when suddenly a little body of fluffy fur tackled you, growling with it's teeth barred. You looked up to see a Pomeranian hybrid, trying it's best to look intimidating. Their fluffy tail gave them away, it was wagging 100mph. They visibly deflated when you reached up a hand to pet them, letting you for A couple minutes before getting off. Walking back into the woods towards three wolves. Dissapearing with them. Not soon after you found a friendly garden naga. Just lounging on a rock and enjoying the sun. You asked to join and they let you, laying there for a good while until you had to go back to the farm. Noticing they had wrapped their tail around you, oh boy. It'll take a good while to get out. Welp, might as well make yourself comfortable and wait for the dogs to come find you
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Week one, cats and dogs;
Brutus, dog hybrid, 18, German Shepard, he/him
Dolly, dog hybrid, 26, doberman, she/her
bladviba, dog hybrid, 25, black Russian terrier, he/him
Molly, dog hybrid, 17, chow chow, she/her
Sweet pea, dog hybrid, 17, samoyed, they/them amab
bubba, dog hybrid, 37, borzoi, he/him
Princess, cat hybrid, 18, ragdoll, she/her
Prince, cat hybrid, 19, Norwegian forest cat, he/him
King, cat hybrid, 27, Khao manee, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Second week, cattle and centaurs;
Miss bené, cow hybrid, 49, white park cattle, she/her
Miss blackberry, cow hybrid, 22, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss Polly, cow hybrid, 26, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss frufru, cow hybrid, 28, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss Vivian, cow hybrid, 35, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Big daddy, bull hybrid, 52, Aberdeen Angus, he/him
Johnny, bull hybrid, 18, Aberdeen Angus/white park cattle, he/him
Jacqueline, centaur, 19, shire horse, she/her
Timothy, centaur, 21, galineers cob, he/him
maya, centaur, 17, fjord horse, they/them
Casper, centaur, 23, ardennais, he/him
miguel, centaur, 18, Andalusian horse, he/him
harmony, centaur, 25, Breton horse, they/them
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
third week, avians;
Sydney, avian, 22, cockatoo, they/he
Evangeline, avian, 19, peacock, she/her
Gabriel, avian, 20, peacock, he/him
fajarah, avian, 24, indian ring necked parakeet, she/her
Foolish, avian, 26, owl finch, he/him
simon, avian, 28, tyto alba, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Fourth week, merfok;
tancho, koi fish merfolk, 19, tancho koi, he/him
kiko, koi fish merfolk, 19, kikokuryu koi, she/her
hime, koi fish merfolk, 19, hirenaga koi, she/her
Tsu, koi fish merfolk, 19, doitsu koi, they/them
koromo, koi fish merfolk, 19, koromo koi, he/him
Mason, lake 'monster' (crocodile), 20, freshwater crocodile, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Fifth week, goats and sheep;
Sally, goat, 25, angora goat, she/her
Opal, goat, 24, Tennessee fainting goat, she/her
Sasha, goat, 26, australian cashmere goat, she/her
kim, ram, 23, dutch landrace goat, he/him
Poka, sheep, 19, Valais black nose, they/them
Juniper, sheep, Valais black nose, she/her
violet, sheep, 18, harri, she/her
azucar, sheep, 17, Columbia sheep, she/her
Wehrner, ram, 21, American black belly, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Sixth week, the forest creatures:
roxy, wolf hybrid, 19, grey wolf, she/her
Silas, wolf hybrid, 21, grey wolf, he/him
Milo, wolf hybrid, 20, albino Grey wolf, they/them
Kiki, dog hybrid, 18, Pomeranian, they/them
Coachella, naga, 27, garden snake, they/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
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planetaryupscaled · 23 days
She Was Never Yours
Male OC x Sana
Tags: 16k, smut, cheating, gb, oral, creampie
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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The densely packed car was brimming with excitement as Sana and her boyfriend, Minkyu, sped along the final stretch of highway to their destination. The couple had been looking forward to this camping trip for months, and they could barely contain themselves when the week-long break arrived. This was their third year together, and it had become somewhat of an annual tradition to drive out to their favorite secluded spot to celebrate.
“I can’t wait to just be there!” Minkyu exclaimed with enthusiasm.
“Yeah!” Sana agreed, adjusting the straps of her white crop top she had just purchased a few days ago and was eager to show her boyfriend. She knew how attractive she was—petite and toned, with perky, full breasts and a round ass that always had men stealing glances.
Sana rubbed her smooth thighs together in anticipation. She was looking forward to lots of hot sex this week, as the stresses of their busy lives had left little time for the deed lately.
The car's cabin began to vibrate violently as Minkyu drove off the paved road and into the rocky, open desert. After about a half-hour of off-roading, they'd arrive at the familiar rock formation known as “camp”.
“Woo! Finally!” Sana cheered as the long drive came to an end. She giggled as her small body bounced around in the seat, the rough terrain testing the limits of the vehicle's suspension. Her swelling breasts were barely supported by the small fabric, threatening to spill out from under her low-cut top.
The towering series of rocks finally came into view, and Minkyu’s heart sank. “Shit... I think someone’s in our spot,” he muttered, squinting to make out the distant objects at the base of the formation. As they got closer, it became clear that their ostensibly hidden, makeshift campsite was occupied. “Dammit,” Minkyu cursed under his breath.
“It’s okay, babe. We can find another spot nearby,” Sana tried to mask her disappointment to keep the situation positive.
“I mean... Look around. This is the only decent rock for miles, and having zero shade all day is not gonna be a good time...” He answered with frustration.
Sana peered at the barren desert surrounding them. Her boyfriend was right. Without the dependable stone shelter above them, the blaring sun would get old pretty fast.
“Let’s at least see what their plans are. Maybe they’re packing up to leave right now,” Minkyu suggested with newfound optimism.
As their car approached the site, the couple got a better look at the unwanted campers. A large trailer sat parked amongst four cars, and some tents, forming a semi-circle around a smoldering fire. Sana counted about half a dozen men scattered around the camp. The sound of obnoxiously loud music soon became apparent, indicating that the group of strangers was partying hard. The ground was littered with empty beer bottles, and two men were chanting at the top of their lungs as their friend chugged one and threw it into the pile.
A tall, shirtless guy was the first to notice the advancing vehicle, and he stood up from his chair to meet the outsiders at the edge of the site. Minkyu came to a stop, and rolled the passenger window down as the stranger approached Sana’s side of the car. She couldn't help but notice the man's lean, chiseled torso, which appeared to be in excellent shape. “Hey,” the hopeful boyfriend greeted.
“What’s up,” answered the man. He was clearly intoxicated, and leaned an elbow on the window, getting a little too close for comfort. His eyes widened at noticing Sana and fell to her swelling cleavage before he added, “What can I do for you, gorgeous?”
Sana, suddenly feeling quite exposed, blushed and quickly pulled her top up to conceal herself.
“We were hoping to camp here... How long you guys planning on staying?” Minkyu asked shortly, clearly annoyed that the stranger was openly ogling his girl.
“Oh... We just got here this morning. Probably sticking around for at least a few days,” the stranger answered, not taking his eyes off of Sana. He extended his hand to her and smiled, “I’m Yejun by the way. You?”
Sana hesitantly raised her hand to shake his, not wanting to be rude. “I’m Sana...” Yejun’s hand was warm and coarse, dwarfing her own. An awkward moment passed when she met his piercing eyes. “Oh! And this is my boyfriend, Minkyu.” Sana’s heart was racing. Something about the way this guy was staring at her made her feel like prey. An anxious tingle ran down her spine as she tried unsuccessfully to pull her hand away. There was an undeniable hint of excitement though, to feel so intensely desired.
“Good to meet you,” Yejun responded, finally releasing his grip. “Anyway, you guys are welcome to join us, I know the boys wouldn’t mind having a beauty like yourself hanging around the camp,” he chuckled.
“No! I mean... No, we were hoping to have some privacy,” Minkyu stammered.
Yejun laughed. “Hey, I get it,” he said, eyes running down Sana’s body suggestively. “You know... there's plenty of room. You could just camp on the other side, and you'd barely notice we were here.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Minkyu said hurriedly, abruptly rolling the window up and pressing the gas pedal. Yejun stumbled from his position and disappeared in a cloud of dust behind.
“What an asshole...” Minkyu muttered, fuming.
“Yeah...” Sana agreed.
“I can’t believe how openly he was checking you out right in front of me! Did you really need to have your tits halfway out?” Minkyu accused her.
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” She argued. “Don’t blame me!”
“I’m just saying guys are gonna get the wrong idea if you don’t stand up for yourself,” he added.
“Ugh... Whatever. Can we just figure out what we’re doing? It’s getting late,” Sana stated angrily, crossing her arms and looking out her window at the darkening landscape.
“I guess we better scope out the other side of the rocks... At least for tonight. We don’t really have any other options,” Minkyu suggested. A quiet tension was in the air between them. He knew he had fucked up. “Sana... I’m really sorry. I was just mad about the whole situation. Can we please pretend that didn’t happen and make the best of our time here?”
“I’ll think about it...” Sana muttered. Her boyfriend’s apology was genuine enough, but she needed a minute to cool down.
The couple had reached the far side of the rock formation and were delighted to find that it was an adequate spot to camp. The rowdy campers on the other side could not be seen at all, and there were plenty of spots that offered shade from the sun.
“I think this is gonna work out after all!” Minkyu announced with renewed cheer. He swung his door open and jogged to the bed of the car, rummaging for the cooler. After producing two ice-cold beers, he trotted over to Sana’s door and offered her one. “Please forgive me?”
Sana rolled her eyes and gave in. “Fine...” She took the drink and cracked it open, enjoying the bubbly beverage that felt so hard-earned. By the time they had both finished their first drink, the couple was back to smiling and hurried to unpack.
The sun was setting as they finished the job, and they enjoyed a second beer while admiring their cozy campsite. Minkyu started a fire while Sana opened the food they had prepared for a simple first-night meal. The pair sat near the flames and munched their dinner, drinking in the vast landscape around them. Sana was about to comment on how soothing the silence was, when they both heard it. The distant booming of the noisy neighbours’ music was even louder than before.
“Seriously?” She cringed at the disturbance.
“I know... But hey... Let’s just try to ignore it. I’m not gonna let them ruin this for us,” Minkyu encouraged.
“You’re right. By the look of it, they had been drinking all day and will probably pass out soon,”
“I hope so... Hey babe?” Minkyu, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, looked at his girlfriend with remorse.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry again for getting jealous earlier. The way that guy was looking at you just really triggered me... and it probably didn’t help that he looked like a damn model...”
“Aw, I forgive you,” Sana comforted, stroking her boyfriend’s back. “I guess I’m more used to that sort of thing. Guys are always behaving like that around me, especially drunk ones. But I’m a big girl; I can handle it. And I’m not going to lose control just cause some dumb hot guy flashes his abs at me. I love you.”
“I love you too. Thanks. Yeah... I mean it’s hard to fault him... You are sexy as fuck...”
“Thanks! Oh, that reminds me,” Sana said, rising to her feet. “I got a little surprise for you under these... Wanna see?” Minkyu nodded, and she began swaying her hips and slowly pulling her top over her head. The young girlfriend’s full, fleshy tits bounced into view, the tiny, triangular fabric of her bikini top barely covering her nipples. Her boyfriend gawked at her admiringly as she turned her back towards him and peeled off her shorts, revealing her perfectly round ass, fully exposed in her g-string.
“Damn... How did I get so lucky?” Minkyu murmured, staring longingly at the striking beauty in front of him, illuminated by the flickering light of the fire.
“You’re about to get even luckier. Put on a condom and get in that tent, Mister,” Sana ordered playfully. Her boyfriend wasted no time climbing into the small shelter and removing his clothes. Seconds after securing the protection on his modestly sized erection, she climbed on top of him.
The couple kissed each other deeply as Sana ground her hips along his shaft. She was wet, and couldn’t wait to feel his cock inside of her. She reached back and took hold of it, positioning his throbbing tip against her slick entrance. With one smooth push, her pussy enveloped the entire length of his cock, causing them both to moan.
Sana rode her boyfriend slowly at first, relishing the feel of his hardness while he gently held her hips and groaned in pleasure. “Oh fuck baby, that feels so… good,” Minkyu cooed.
“Mmm... Yesss...” She moaned back in encouragement, slowly picking up the pace. Her tits swayed as she pressed harder against his pelvis. She was already feeling an orgasm building, and closed her eyes in anticipation. Suddenly, Minkyu moaned loudly and frantically pushed her off of him. Feeling abruptly empty, Sana watched her boyfriend’s covered dick twitch wildly as he came into the condom. She wasn’t on the pill, so they were always very safe.
“Unnngh... Fuck... Sorry babe. Shit...” Minkyu cursed under his breath.
“It’s okay,” she tried to reassure him.
“It’s just... been a while, and you look so fucking hot. I couldn’t help it...”
“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got plenty of time,” said Sana, masking her disappointment. She was still incredibly horny, but wanted to save her release for the next round with him.
Minkyu yawned and rolled onto his side. “I think I’m gonna pass out. Good night.”
“Oh... Okay. Good night babe.” Sana snuggled up against him, her pussy aching with need. Before long, they had both drifted to sleep.
Sana was jolted awake by loud, popping, explosive sounds. After a moment of confusion, she gathered that the neighbouring campers were probably setting off fireworks or something. “Those fucking dicks,” she muttered. Sana looked over at her boyfriend, who was still fast asleep. “Minkyu?” She jostled him a bit, but decided to just let him be. He had always been a deep sleeper, even without alcohol, and nothing short of dumping a bucket of water on him would stir him at this point.
Sana tossed and turned in frustration for what felt like an hour. The day had not gone as planned, and now she couldn’t even rest up for tomorrow. She checked the time to find it was three in the morning. She decided to have a few more drinks, hoping it would be what she needed to get back to sleep, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the disturbing noises. Emboldened by her intoxicated state, Sana decided she was going to give them a piece of her mind.
Slipping back into her shorts and top, and grabbing a flashlight, she started an angry march towards the jerks’ camp. As she rounded the giant rock formation separating the two groups, she realized she didn’t really have a plan for what to do or say to them. She mainly needed to vent and let them know what inconsiderate assholes they were.
Eventually, the rowdy campers came into view. Sana’s eyebrows furrowed as she approached the crowd, stiff-armed. The men were yelling, laughing, and throwing some form of small explosives into their fire pit.
“HEY!” Sana shouted at the top of her lungs. No one heard her. She stepped closer and was about to scream at them again, when one of the guys caught sight of her and alerted his friends. The group finally quieted down, but the sudden silence was eerie. The young woman felt several pairs of eyes on her, accompanied by a lump in her throat, but she couldn’t back down now.
“What the FUCK, you guys!? It’s three in the FUCKING morning, and we’re trying to sleep over there!”
“So what, bitch?” One of the men yelled back. A few of them chuckled.
“How about a little fucking common courtesy!?” She added, red in the face.
“You wanna be courteous? Come suck my dick then!” Another guy taunted.
“Woah, woah. Hold up guys.” Sana recognized Yejun from earlier, who stepped to the front of the crowd to address her. “Sana, right? I’m sorry about all the noise, but give us a break. It’s the middle of nowhere, and we didn’t even know you guys decided to post up back there. Where’s your boyfriend anyway?” He stepped closer to her.
Sana felt deflated after being confronted with Yejun’s logic. “He’s um... back at camp.”
Yejun laughed. “So, he sends his hot girlfriend to fight his battles?”
“No! I couldn’t sleep and decided to come here myself,” she replied defensively.
“Well, you’re as tough as you are beautiful then,” he said through a smile. “We’ll quiet down for you. Our bad.” Sana silently cursed the bare-chested smooth talker for de-escalating the situation so quickly. She wanted to remain angry with them, but he turned out to be so much more reasonable than expected.
“Tell you what. Have a quick shot of this drink, and you'll be sleeping like a rock with your boyfriend in no time,” suggested Yejun, who produced two cups and handed one to her.
Sana didn’t make a habit of drink heavily, but she did indulge on occasion. Much to her own surprise, she impulsively reached for the cup and took a shot.
Yejun chuckled and playfully said, “Alright! Now we’re partying! Guess you’re not such a stuck-up bitch after all...”
“Just had kind of a rough day I guess,” Sana replied, cringing a bit at her corny defense, and unsure of why she cared what he thought of her in the first place.
“Troubles with your boy?” He inquired.
“No... I mean... Not really. Maybe a little...” She responded hesitantly. She could feel the effects of the drink swiftly creeping up on her.
“Let me guess. He got all jealous on account of the obvious sparks between us earlier,” he said confidently.
“Sparks!?” Sana laughed nervously. “What sparks? There weren’t any sparks...”
“Mmm, Hmm... Whatever you say pretty lady,” Yejun teased smugly.
She scoffed. “I don’t even know why we’re talking about any of this. And you should really stop calling me stuff like that.” She stated more sternly.
“Why? So your protective boyfriend doesn’t get his panties in a bunch?” He challenged, grinning.
“No! It’s just... rude.” Sana’s mind was getting cloudier by the second.
“Well, I think you like it.” His bright eyes narrowed and slowly ran down her body, as if he was looking for physical evidence to prove his claim.
“Pshh, whatever... Don’t look at me like that.” She hated how openly he sized her up as if she were a snack, and it made her blush.
“Like what? What’s wrong with admiring a flawless woman like yourself?” Yejun took another small step towards her.
“It’s just... kinda creepy.” Sana felt uncomfortable with his increased proximity, but something about his presence had her temporarily frozen in place.
“Creepy? You expect me to believe being showered in compliments by a guy like me doesn’t excite you a little?”
She hesitated, and then deflected, “And what sort of a guy are you?”
“The kind that women throw themselves at. Especially when they have a secret desire to be dominated,” he said, looking straight through her.
Sana’s spine tingled at his cocky explanation. “Well, you must be very proud of yourself.”
“I could say the same about you, marching over here in the middle of the night in that tight, little outfit. I think you know perfectly well what sort of effect that has on men.”
“Oh please. I didn’t wear this for your enjoyment.”
“Well, I’m enjoying it anyway...” Yejun openly gawked at her curves again, this time moving a hand to his crotch and adjusting his shorts. She couldn’t help but follow his movements with her eyes, spotting the outline of a massive bulge running down his inner thigh. It looked far too big to be a penis, and her curiosity held her gaze for a moment too long.
“I-I should really get back,” Sana said, snapping her eyes away and feeling her warm face grow flusher.
He smirked at her knowingly. “Why? Afraid you might not be able to resist me much longer?” Yejun reached out and lightly stroked her hair.
“You wish...” She murmured, grabbing his wrist and tossing it away from her.
“At least have a stay with me for a while?” Yejun asked.
“Um... No thanks. I gotta... go,” she stammered. She could tell she had mere minutes before she was fully cross faded.
“Well, if you ever feel like having your mind blown, you know where to find me.”
Sana turned and started walking back to her tent when Yejun called out, “Come back anytime, gorgeous! Nice ass by the way!”
“Perv!” She jabbed back as she stepped into the darkness and out of his view.
“What an arrogant asshole...” Sana murmured to herself as she carefully strolled through the still night of the desert alone. She’d become quite intoxicated, and a flood of thoughts were swirling around in her brain. On one hand, she felt proud of herself for successfully confronting the disorderly campers, but it didn’t exactly go as planned. Had she flirted with Yejun? She reassured herself that she was simply trying to smooth things over after basically erupting on them. Sana knew deep down that something about that interaction excited her. There was an unmistakable moistness in her pussy, but she chalked it up to the drugs and alcohol, on top of not being satisfied earlier.
Sana quietly climbed back into her tent and was relieved to find that her boyfriend had not moved an inch. She decided it was probably better not to mention her night-time venture to him, especially given his reaction earlier. “It’s not like I did anything wrong,” she convinced herself. After undressing and getting into her sleeping bag, the tingle of desire in her groin had not subsided. She might have given into it if not for the overwhelming urge to sleep that soon washed over her.
Sana woke a few hours later to the warm sun in her face, and her hips being lifted off of the ground. She was beyond groggy, and had a slight headache.
“Morning, babe,” Minkyu said softly as he positioned his girlfriend’s bare ass. “I woke up so horny. Care for some hot morning sex?”
“Mmm... Yes please,” she cooed lazily as he pressed his swollen cock head against her folds to prepare for entry.
“Damn, you’re already soaking wet!” Her boyfriend exclaimed as he thrust into her from behind.
“Ooh! Yess... Fuck me baby,” Sana encouraged.
“Mmpf! You feel so slippery and warm. God yes... Did you have a sexy dream about me or something?”
Sana’s eyes widened as his question connected the dots in her memory. She had in fact had a sexy dream, only it didn’t involve her boyfriend. She shuddered at the memory, and her nipples stiffened as her lust kicked into overdrive. “Ungh... Yes... Yes I did. Fuck me! Fuck me hard, please!”
Minkyu answered her pleas by thrusting more forcefully into her. “Like that?”
“Harder! Deeper! Fuuuuck!” She met his thrusts, slamming her round ass into him in an effort to get more. Her boyfriend was already fully bottoming out in her pussy, but he did his best to comply and fucked her as hard as he could manage.
Minkyu moaned as he watched his sweet girlfriend’s round ass knock into his hips; he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Her tight cunt squeezed his dick so wonderfully, and her wild enthusiasm was driving him crazy. “Mmmpf! I’m gonna cum baby!”
“NO! DON’T STOP!” She demanded, desperate to get off.
He closed his eyes and tightened his muscles in an effort to prevent the inevitable, but couldn’t hold back and pulled out of her gripping tunnel just in time to jerk his cock with his fist, filling the condom with semen. Sana practically cried in frustration as her pleasure came to a halt.
“Oh my god babe, I don’t know what got into you, but that was so fucking hot. I couldn’t help it,” Minkyu explained.
In her sudden guilt from her inner thoughts, Sana tried not to make a big deal about it. “It’s... fine, Minkyu. You were fucking me so good too... We’ll get plenty of other opportunities.”
“Thanks babe. Yeah, we’re gonna be doing it all week long,” he said, leaning in and kissing her. “Anyway, I'm going for a jog. You in?”
Sana hardly gotten any sleep, and desperately needed to hydrate. “Uhhh... I’m pretty hungover. I think I’ll chill here for a while.”
“You sure?” Minkyu asked, pulling on his clothes eagerly.
“Yeah, yeah. Have fun babe. I’ll join you next time.”
“Okay then. Hope you feel better,” he said while exiting the tent.
The mostly naked Sana adjusted her tiny bikini, sliding the minuscule piece of fabric over her creamy pussy and concealing her hard nipples with the equally small triangles on her top. She sat up, gulped down a nearby water bottle, and stepped outside into the bright sun. After applying protective lotion to her body, she stacked a few towels on the ground and lay on her stomach.
As Sana dozed off, the images of her naughty dream played through her mind again.
When she woke, Sana was covered in a layer of sweat. Unsure of how much time had passed, she rolled onto her back and sat up to reapply the lotion. She looked curiously at a large wet spot where her groin had been and realized her pussy was absolutely drenched.
“What the hell is wrong with me?” She wondered. The horny young woman scanned her surroundings. Her boyfriend hadn’t come back yet, and there was no one in sight. She figured her body was desperately trying to tell her its needs, so she decided to take the edge off.
Sana slipped her fingers under the soaked fabric and started rubbing her clit. She started slowly and gently, but was soon squirming around on her towel and frantically pleasuring herself. She couldn't control her moaning or the dirty thoughts of being dominated, just like in her dream, that kept invading her mind. Sana allowed herself the fantasy, and imagined the manly stranger tossing her into her tent and having his way with her.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK! YES! FUCK ME! FUCKING USE MY BODY YOU- OHHHHH MYYYY GODDDD!” Sana’s eyes clamped shut and her back arched as her long awaited orgasm finally exploded within her. Her body writhed and her legs twitched uncontrollably as she rode through the all-consuming waves of pleasure that were thrashing her. Her mouth hung wide open, but no sounds came out until her climax finally started subsiding, at which point she let out several long moans of relief.
Sana lay there panting for several minutes, dumbstruck by the immense satisfaction of her release. There was some guilt too, but she minimized it by reminding herself that it was only a fantasy, and that fantasies were perfectly normal things to have.
The sound of a distant vehicle approaching startled her out of her reverie, and she quickly adjusted herself. She flipped the towel over just in time to lay back down when Minkyu pulled up.
The couple had a relatively peaceful rest of the day, playing cards and drinking. The boyfriend had been boozing particularly hard and Sana insisted they do their best to wash themselves with the large tank of water they'd brought. She took the opportunity to clean her 'dirty' bikini before putting it back on.
Just before they called it a night, the familiar annoyances of the neighbouring camp began picking up in volume. “Ugh, not again,” sighed Sana. The thought that she would have to go confront Yejun again briefly occurred to her, causing her pussy to moisten, but she shook the idea out of her mind.
“Those ash holesh must be nocturnal or shomething,” said Minkyu, slurring his words.
“Let’s go to bed, babe.” Sana suggest, standing, and offering a hand to help her boyfriend steady himself as he rose from his chair. She managed to guide him into the tent, at which point he collapsed, muttering something unintelligible.
“Minkyu?” She shook him, but to no avail. He was out.
The frustrated girlfriend once again found herself horny and unsatisfied while her boyfriend snored in a drunken bliss. She was pretty tipsy herself, and decided she would just try to get a good night’s sleep. There was plenty of time for the sex she needed.
However, Sana's plan wasn’t working out though, as the disturbances from the neighboring camp grew worse throughout the night. “Fucking hell,” she cursed under her breath, deciding it would be simpler to tell them to shut up again. This time, however, she promised herself she would not stay there any longer than necessary. The task was simply to silence them so she could get some rest.
Sana once again made her way around the rock formation to the camp on the opposite side. She was more nervous this time, even though her last trip was productive. After getting close enough to be in earshot of the group of partiers, she cleared her throat and yelled, “Seriously, guys? I thought we addressed this shit last night!”
“She’s here!” Announced a stranger who was the first to notice her arrival. Cheers and applause suddenly echoed throughout the camp, leaving Sana frozen in confusion.
“Oh! Fuck me! Yesss,” taunted another guy, causing the group to erupt in laughter.
Sana’s heart sank to the floor. “Are they... quoting me?” She realized in horror what they were referring to. Her face bright crimson, she challenged them, “What the hell are you guys talking about!?”
One guy answered immediately, “You know, how you want to “Use your tiny body,” I think it was.”
“To use her LITTLE body!” Another man corrected him. This got another big laugh from everyone.
The absolute embarrassment was beyond anything she had ever felt. “You fucking pervs were spying on me!?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, bitch. I just happened to be rock climbing earlier and there you were going to town on your cunt out in the open!” A third man, the apparent witness, chimed in.
“So you run back to camp and tell EVERYONE!?” Sana screamed defensively.
“Well, actually-” He was interrupted by the trailer door suddenly swinging open. Yejun walked down the steps and approached Sana, looking beyond smug. The crowd fell silent, not wanting to miss a single moment of the drama.
Sana let him have it, “This is so fucked up, Yejun! I can’t believe how disgusting you guys are. Aren’t I entitled to a little privacy!? I mean... UGH!” She turned to the group and added, “Fuck you! I don’t want to see any of you ever again. And don’t come near my camp!” With that, she spun around and began strolling away from them.
“Sana,” Yejun called out behind her. “Sana!”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I’m done trying to be cordial with you assholes!” She snapped back, not breaking her stride.
“We have video,” Yejun added calmly, just loud enough for her to hear.
Sana froze in her tracks. “You’re lying...” She muttered, her voice trembling.
“Come and see,” he said, gesturing for the rock climber to hand over his phone.
She didn’t know what to do. She had to know if there was actually video evidence of her doing and saying such things. “You better be fucking kidding!” She stormed back over to Yejun, who had the phone extended in his hand, on display.
Sure enough, a video was playing that depicted her, sprawled out in the sun, dropping her hand to her mound. She could hear the man behind the camera whisper, “Oh shit,” and duck behind a nearby boulder. Sana watched, mortified, as the scene from that morning unfolded before her eyes. The video zoomed in and it was unmistakable that it was her, skin glistening, bucking her hips as she pleasured herself. Then came the finale. Her depraved cries could be heard clear as day as she flopped around in ecstasy on her towel.
She was in shock. A sense of dread washed over her from head to toe, and yet a fiery heat had been building in her pussy. “DELETE IT!” Sana demanded suddenly. She tried to swipe the phone from Yejun, but he quickly raised it above his head and out of her reach.
“Nah ah,” he said, chuckling. “Why would we do that? The boys get horny out here, and with no Internet, this is the best we got to work with. This video is gold.” He leaned in closer, “And if you ask me, this is far superior to porn. It has a certain... personal touch, you know what I mean?”
She took the chance and slapped him across the face. He simply laughed and rubbed his cheek. His arrogance was disgusting, but Sana knew she was powerless. She had to convince them somehow. “Just please delete it, for fuck’s sake.”
“Maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement,” he suggested.
“I know where this is going. I’m not gonna let you fuck me,” Sana answered quickly.
“I figured you’d say that, even though we both know you don’t really mean it. That’s fine though. I was thinking something a little more harmless... and group-oriented,” Yejun stated with a devilish grin.
“Group? Not a single one of you pervs is laying a finger on me!”
“That’s fair. How ‘bout this. Since you’d be depriving us of our prized jerk off material, I think the only logical trade would be a live demonstration, so to speak.”
“I’m not doing that either! You know what, enjoy your dirty video. See if I care!” Sana tried to get the upper hand, motioning that she was leaving.
“Okay, then I’ll just share this with Minkyu. I’m sure he’d be very interested to see what his little girlfriend was up to while he was away,” argued Yejun confidently. He knew he had her backed into a corner.
“God dammit!” Sana shouted in frustration. There was absolutely no way she could allow Minkyu to see this video. It would crush him. It would undoubtedly ruin their relationship beyond repair. Her eyes dropped to the ground in defeat. She knew she had no choice. “Fine...”
“So you’ll do it? You have to strip for us and then pleasure yourself to completion.” Yejun asked eagerly.
“Pleasure myself... right here? In front of everyone?” The task seemed beyond daunting to her.
“That’s right. You just give us a quick little performance, we delete the video, and everyone rests easy tonight. So, do we have a deal?”
“Ugh... I guess so... But NO touching, NO cameras, and you delete ALL records of that video right in front of me.”
“Agreed. You have my word. Hear that boys? We get a show tonight!” Yejun announced, drawing cheers from the men. “Alright... Let’s get you set up over here by the fire,” He said to her, gesturing towards an open space. A couple of guys threw some towels down, while the others moved the chairs so that they were all facing the spot that she was to occupy.
“Got any shots?” Sana asked. She figured if her fate was sealed, she might as well make it easier on herself and get a nice buzz going. The men fetched a plastic shot cup and a bottle of tequila. She took three shots back-to-back in an effort to numb her anxiety.
Sana hesitantly stepped towards her “stage”. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had never done anything like this before, and the whole situation felt surreal. She reached the towels and turned to face her audience. Her heart raced in her chest as she counted six men; six pairs of eyes eagerly waiting to watch her fully expose herself.
“Show us the goods!” Yelled one of the guys.
“Take your time! Get into it!” Added another.
Sana glared at Yejun, who simply nodded. She felt so incredibly vulnerable, but knew it would be best to just get it over with as soon as possible. “Fuck it...” she pushed herself over the mental hurdle, and pulled her top off in one smooth motion. Her bikini clad tits bounced into the open and the crowd went wild. The alcohol was beginning to kick in, and she felt the pleasant warmth from the drinks spreading throughout her body. She reluctantly peeled her shorts off, earning herself another thunderous applause.
She couldn’t help but grin the slightest bit, if only for a second. She was determined not to enjoy this forced exhibition, but something about how thrilled all these guys were to simply see her body was exciting her. She felt powerful, witnessing them lean in with wide eyes as her hands traveled to the thin straps of her bikini top. The feeling was a welcome one, giving her a sense of control in this otherwise helpless position.
“Don’t be shy! You’re so fucking hot!” Someone shouted.
“I’d give my left nut just to take the rest off myself,” another said.
Sana untied the strap around the back of her neck and the fabric covering her nipples flopped over, much to the delight of her audience. She had never felt so desirable and appreciated. She grabbed her sizable tits and squeezed them together, playing with them seductively for a moment while swaying her hips. The men were out of control, and she could barely make out what they were saying to her and one another over the music.
She had finally gained the courage to look at them more directly, and saw that some were sporting bulges that they couldn’t keep their hands off of. Not wanting to lose the momentum she had built, Sana spun around and made a show of her shapely ass. She slowly pulled her thong down and it dropped to the floor. She was completely naked now, all of her most vulnerable parts on display for this group of strangers she knew almost nothing about.
“Slap your ass!” A voice suggested. She did so without a second thought. The whole ordeal was beginning to feel natural. Everyone cheered. “Bend over and do it again!” She complied. Her inhibitions melted further with each passing moment. She wouldn’t admit it to herself yet, but she was starting to enjoy the attention.
“Get on your knees and pinch your nipples!” Sana obeyed, lowering herself and rolling her stiff nipples in her fingers. She could feel her bare pussy getting wet as she followed the lewd instructions. “Touch your pussy!” Her hand fell between her legs, and she glided her fingers over her slippery lips, sending a bolt of pleasure through her.
“Spread your legs so we can see!”
“Are you wet?”
Sana nodded, and rested her ass on the towel, parting her legs and fully revealing her glistening pussy. She started lightly rubbing her clit, her drooling sex begging for more attention. One by one, she witnessed the men freeing their erections and stroking themselves to her performance. She had never seen more than one cock at a time, let alone six. At least four of them were noticeably bigger than her boyfriend’s, and she felt herself captivated, curiously examining the various shapes and sizes.
“Damn, that pussy looks tight!”
“Oh my, it’s perfect!”
Her eyes found Yejun, who had been surprisingly quiet throughout the ordeal. His cock was shockingly thick and lengthy, just as she had imagined. He gently massaged the spot where the shaft met his swollen mushroom tip, causing it to visibly throb. She briefly wondered if it would even fit inside her.
Sana openly moaned in pleasure as she publicly stimulated herself. When Yejun laid out the details, that she would touch herself to completion, she’d thought the degrading act would end with her faking an orgasm and getting out of there as soon as she could. It was now clear though that her body was responding well beyond her expectations.
“Why is this turning me on so much?” Sana thought to herself. She felt like such a slut, getting herself off while six horny strangers rubbed their hard dicks right in front of her. Sana’s mind was overcome with lust, and increasingly dirty thoughts infiltrated her innocence. She imagined the men losing control and taking her right then and there, using her body to satiate their big cocks. The vision made her shiver with wicked delight.
One guy moaned suddenly, grabbing her attention, and she watched as he began shooting ropes of cum onto the ground between them. The sight of it fueled Sana’s desire even further, and she whimpered with need as the nameless camper drained his balls for her.
“Fuuck... You made me cum so hard, you slut,” he said to her.
The naked Sana nodded slowly at him; her face scrunched in apparent pleasure as she worked her clit with fervor. She was getting close, desperate to achieve the massive release that this unbelievably dirty scene was building in her.
Two more of her audience members soon hit their limits, grunting as they pumped their hardness, and spewing their creamy loads all over the desert sand.
“Ungh, Yes!” Sana squealed. Watching the big cocks explode for her was driving her mad. She had no idea that being the center of attention for a group of horny men would turn her on so much, but she couldn’t get enough. She finally hit her peak, and screamed in pleasure as a powerful orgasm shook to her core. The men cheered for her, but their voices were drowned out as her senses focused on nothing but her overwhelming climax.
Sana lay there twitching wildly for a solid minute before finally opening her eyes. Yejun was standing over her, pumping his fat cock in his fist. “Oh fuck...” She cooed, biting her lip, as he seized up and pointed his pulsing meat at her. A long, sticky rope of semen shot out landed across her torso. Another splattered all over her tits. The next reached as far as her chin, pooling in the crevice below her neck.
Sana, still in the aftermath of her orgasm, watched in amazement as Yejun painted her smooth skin with his warm cum. He had pushed the arrangement further than they had agreed upon, but at that moment, she didn’t mind it. In fact, she was glad he did. Being covered in the copious seed of the dominant stud jabbed at something primal in her. She felt like she might cum again right then from the mere sight of him.
Yejun’s last few dribbles landed directly on her mound, trickling down her tender pussy and mixing with her own juices. “That was quite the show, wouldn’t you say, gorgeous?”
Sana simply nodded, still catching her breath.
“God, you look so fucking beautiful all covered with my cum.”
She moaned lightly. If he had wanted to fuck her right there and then, she would have let him. Her soaking pussy felt insatiable.
“Well, my cum slut, I’d say you definitely earned your right to delete the video,” Yejun said.
“Okay...” She murmured, still panting. She hardly even cared about the video anymore. Things felt different now.
“I’d ask if you enjoyed yourself, but I think we all already know the answer,” he teased. The other men agreed.
“This slut is fucking wild. Are you gonna stay the night with us, sweetie?” One asked.
“Shit,” Sana muttered, a bit of reality coming back to her. “How long has it been? I need to go.”
“Up to you. You have my permission,” Yejun said with authority.
“Oh, thaaanks,” she responded with sarcasm. She was learning to enjoy the way he talked down to her. He offered her his hand, and she took it, rising to her feet. She could feel his cum drizzling down her skin.
“You should wear my cum all the way back to your boyfriend,” he suggested, groping her ass with one of his hands.
“I... can’t do that...” Sana picked up the towel and wiped herself off. As much as the thought of going right to sleep with Yejun’s cream all over her turned her on, she could never be that cruel. Yejun smacked her ass with a loud crack, causing her to yelp. “Hey! No touching!”
“Oh please. You love it. Want another?” He asked, grinning.
“Screw y-AH!” She was interrupted by another firm slap. Sana tried her best to maintain a disapproving look, but she knew he wasn’t buying it.
Much to everyone’s disappointment, the sexy young woman got dressed and said her goodbyes, trotting out of the camp. Her mind was racing. The gravity of what had happened hadn’t fully settled in yet, and the dull pangs of guilt were overshadowed by her incredible lust.
She climbed into her tent to a snoring boyfriend, and immediately got to work on her ravenous pussy. Sana pleasured herself relentlessly, soaking the fabric of her sleeping bag and losing track of how many times she came. She could still smell the faint scent of Yejun’s cum on her, and wished she hadn’t wiped it off. Her hand did not leave her cunt until she eventually passed out.
The next morning proved to be troublesome right off the bat. Sana was woken up by Minkyu climbing on top of her. He had opened her sleeping bag and was presumably attempting to stir her in the hopes of having sex.
“Good morning,” he said, kissing her. “Ah, last night was a blur. Apparently I came all over you?”
Sana looked down at her skin and found she was covered in several white streaks of dried semen. Her hasty wipe down had not even come close to actually removing all of Yejun’s enormous load. “Oh... Yeah. I was drunk too, but I do remember us fucking and you wanting to cum on me,” she lied.
Minkyu laughed. “That’s so weird, I never do that. It must’ve been some crazy good sex. That seems like a lot of cum!”
“Oh my god, yeah... It was so much.” She could feel her pussy getting drenched as she recalled the previous night.
“I didn’t accidentally cum inside of you too, did I?” He asked worriedly. Sana’s heart skipped a beat, unsure of why he would think that. He motioned to the large stain in her sleeping bag where her crotch had been. It was surprisingly big, and she could see how it could be mistaken for dried semen. It was cum, for sure, but hers.
“Uh... No. It wasn’t inside me, don’t worry. I just wiped it off my body and onto that spot.” It was a lame explanation, but she hoped it made enough sense. Sana crawled over to the pack of water bottles on one side of the tent and Minkyu gasped.
“Holy shit. Did I spank you too?”
“Huh? Oh! Y-yeah. You did...” She tried to get a look at her ass cheek and could see part of the large, deep red prints. “Damn, Yejun marked me good,” she thought.
“What the hell got into me last night? I’m never rough with you. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry babe. I had an amazing time last night,” Sana reassured him. “Anyway, you really wore me out, so I’m gonna drink this and try to get some more sleep.”
“Aw, I was hoping we could do it, but yeah if I did all that to you then I understand.”
“There’s always later.” Sana kissed him.
“Well, I guess I’ll go for a drive,” Minkyu stated.
“Okay, have fun,” she said, between big gulps of water. Sana waited for the sound of her boyfriend’s car departing to let out a big sigh of relief. That had been way too close for comfort, and she was angry with herself for jeopardizing their relationship. Now that she was sober, the guilt was really starting to weigh on her. As much as she was enjoying her new-found naughtiness, she needed to put a stop to it before things got even more out of hand.
As Sana tried to sleep, her mind was constantly bombarded with visions of her dirty exhibition. She gave in and rubbed her pussy to the thought of Yejun and his huge, juicy cock showering her; claiming her. She wished he had not let her leave and fucked her cum-covered body all night. Maybe if she had just gotten to experience him inside of her, she could finally be released from this spell of perpetual lust she was trapped in.
After a series of quality orgasms, Sana’s arm was tired and needed a break. It hadn’t been enough though; she needed more. “What the fuck is going on with me?” She decided to give her swollen clit a break. She slipped on her tight bikini and lay on her stomach just outside of the tent.
She didn’t realize she had dozed off, and woke groggily to strong hands rubbing her lower back. “Oh, hey babe. How was your drive? Mmm... That feels nice.”
“I couldn’t just stand by and let you burn your perfect skin.”
“Yejun!? Wh- Y-You can’t be here!”
“Shhh... Just relax and let me make you feel good,” Yejun said calmly, pressing his strong thumbs into her and expertly rolling them along her spine.
It did feel great, but she couldn’t risk Minkyu showing up and seeing Yejun with his hands all over her. “Yejun. Seriously. This is wayyy too far.” Sana tried to push up from the towel, but he pressed a palm between her shoulders, firmly holding her in place. “What the fuck! Let me go!”
“Just go with it, slut. I know what your body needs,” He insisted. His oily, free hand roamed down her backside and reached her bare ass.
“Don’t call me that! Last night was a one-time deal, and it never should’ve happened in the first place,” Sana argued.
“Psh. You fucking loved every second of it. Don’t lie.” He squeezed her shiny ass cheek and jiggled it around.
“I didn’t! You took advantage of me!” She held firm, and wasn’t going to let him manipulate her. Yejun swiftly brought his open palm down on her, spanking her exposed flesh. “AH! Stop!” He struck her again. She whimpered and tried to wiggle out from under him. He countered her attempt by sitting on her back and pinning her arms to her sides with his legs. Yejun now had full access and groped her slick cheeks with both hands.
“I’ll make you a deal. If your slutty little pussy isn’t soaking wet, I’ll leave you alone,” he said. Sana squirmed and kicked her legs as he forced her thighs apart. She knew she had no chance with those terms. He slid her tiny thong to the side and ran a finger over her exposed pink lips. “Ha. Beyond soaked. Let’s check inside though, just to make sure.” He pushed two of his thick fingers deep into her cunt. She couldn’t help but moan. “Wow, you couldn’t be more drenched, you horny little thing. Guess that means you DO want this,” he stated.
“No! Ungh... Stop!” Sana continued to protest, but his fingers were feeding the growing fire in her. He worked them carefully, thrusting in and out of her, and curving them in different directions to test her reactions. She tried her hardest to block out the pleasure, but her involuntary moans were increasingly frequent. Her pussy was clenching around him, desperate to be more fully stuffed. The helpless girlfriend’s secret fantasy was becoming a reality, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Despite her best efforts, Sana was about to cum hard.
Yejun sensed a change in her breathing, and tensing of her muscles. He quickly withdrew his fingers, and she groaned in obvious disappointment. “Nooooo,” she whimpered. He plunged back in, thrusted a few times, and pulled out, grazing her clit as he passed it. “Yes-Oh my god-fuck-NOOOOO!” She cried out the words in quick succession as he gave her more, and complained with further desperation when he denied her again.
“I’m getting mixed signals here. What do you want?” He asked, smiling smugly. He continued the torturous pattern, keeping her right on the edge.
“Fuck! Just-Ungh-Do it!”
“Do what?”
“Make me cum!”
“Are you sure?” He rubbed her clit frantically, only to stop after a second.
“With my cock?”
“PLEASE!” It didn’t even register to Sana what she had agreed to, but it was too late. Yejun immediately jumped behind her, pulled his shorts down, lifted her hips, and pushed his hard cock straight into her dripping pussy. She shrieked as his giant cock invaded further and further into her depths, stretching her to her limits. Sana screamed and moaned wildly as each inch of his thick, veiny cock entered her. Before he was even half-way in, she exploded in orgasm. Her entire body quivered uncontrollably, and her pussy pulsed around his meat as the incredible pleasure rocked her.
Yejun grunted blissfully as he bottomed out in the sexy, young girlfriend. He paused for a moment to savor her tight, gripping hole, and the way her full ass rippled as she shook beneath him. He had finally claimed her; speared her precious cunt at the camp she shared with her boyfriend. He began slowly easing in and out of her as Sana’s screams turned into drawn out moans.
“You loving my big dick, slut?” He asked confidently, smacking her on the ass.
“AHGH! Yes! Ohhmm my fucking God! It’s soooo - Ungh! - huge!” Sana couldn’t believe how fully stuffed she felt, nor how amazing the feeling.
“You’ve been secretly hoping I would force myself on you, haven’t you?”
“Fuck! Yessss... Oh... You made me cum so fucking hard...”
“Do you cum that hard for your boyfriend?”
“Ungh... No... Never,” she felt bad for a brief moment at admitting it, but she was far too caught up in the heat of the moment to care.
“If you ask nicely, I’ll give you another one.”
“Mmmpf... Please... Please make me cum again...”
Yejun, pleased with her submission, grabbed a fistful of her hair and began ramping up his pace.
“Oh, fuck! Fuck me, Yejun! Yes!” Just like in her fantasies, he was being rough and dominant with her. It was something she didn’t know for sure she would like until this moment. He pulled her hair back tightly and started ramming into her. The repeated cracks of his skin hitting hers echoed against the rocks looming over them.
Sana clutched the towel in her fists as Yejun forcefully pounded her from behind. He was not holding back, slamming his entire length into her while she moaned loudly in encouragement.
“You love being fucked hard by a real man, don’t you, bitch?” He asked with authority.
“Anngh! YES! It’s so fucking gooood! Ohhhh! I’m gonna! Fucking! CUM!” Sana’s pussy clamped down hard on Yejun’s throbbing cock as he slammed into her one last time and flexed his meat, causing it to swell and stretch her even further. He released her hair and caught her chest, firmly squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. She flailed in ecstasy in his arms as her senses were overwhelmed with pure pleasure.
Before her mind-shattering orgasm had run its course, he aggressively flipped her onto her back and crawled on top of her. Yejun rubbed her clit with his mushroom tip, making her squirm around beneath him. He then pressed into her sopping wet folds and filled her spasming pussy again. He pressed his mouth against hers, and drove his tongue into her welcoming mouth. The two kissed deeply and passionately while he slowly eased in and out of her, moaning into each other’s mouths.
“Oh my fucking God, Yejun...” Sana was at a loss for words. She couldn’t believe how incredible she felt. She hadn’t the slightest idea sex could be this good.
“Mmm...” Yejun was relishing the moment, drinking in the sight of the beautiful woman who was finally under his control. She was clearly captivated by him, her eyes telling the story of a girl who just had a sexual awakening. He pressed his hard body into her soft chest and kissed her again. “You know you’re mine now, right?”
“Ugh... Yes... I’m all yours...” She whispered back, kissing his neck. She didn’t overthink it. Sana just gave into the moment, and at that moment, he owned her.
Still gently working his full length in her, he said, “You’re staying with me tonight.”
“Okay...” She agreed automatically.
“You like sneaking around and being my little cheating slut, don’t you?”
“Isn’t it so fucking hot to be used behind your boyfriend’s back?” Yejun started thrusting more forcefully again.
“Mmm... Yes... It is...”
“You want me to use your little body a lot more, don’t you?”
“Ugh... Fuck yes. So much,” Sana admitted.
“Good. Now beg me for my cum like the little cheating whore you are.”
“Mmmpf... Yes. Please cover me with all your hot cum again,” she pleaded.
“Hmm... I was thinking of unloading inside of you this time,” he stated, as if her opinion didn’t really matter.
“But, I’m not on the pill,” she explained quickly, just then realizing that she had been enjoying this raw, uncovered cock that whole time.
“Even better,” he said devilishly. “But ok, we’ll save that for next time.” He shifted gears, and started driving into her more harshly. He brutally fucked her into the ground while grunting more dirty things to her.
“Take that dick, you cheating slut!”
“Yes! Fuck me hard!”
“Who fucks you the best?”
“You! Ungh! You do!”
“Better than your boyfriend?”
“Oh my god! So much - Fuck! - Better!”
“Don’t forget it, bitch!”
“Ahh! I won’t! Hngh! I’m gonna cum again!”
“Do it! Cum on my cock slut!”
On command, Sana’s eyes rolled back as her third explosive climax with Yejun rippled through her. He pulled out of her and jerked his slimy cock over her writhing frame. His first several creamy ropes shot out across the entire length of her body, streaking her from her belly to her hair. The next thick strands flung in different directions, splattering her skin as he aimed his twitching dick in an effort to cover as much of her as possible.
Sana watched in awe as the chiseled stud towering over her coated her in his warm seed. She couldn’t believe how much sticky semen was spurting out of him as he claimed her. It was the most erotic thing she had ever witnessed.
Yejun breathed heavily as he admired the freshly glazed woman beneath him. He lazily wiped his oozing cock along her swollen pussy. “Damn... I could get used to seeing you like this.”
Snapping them both out of their orgasmic bliss, the distant sound of a vehicle was suddenly apparent. “Oh shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Sana cursed frantically. In her panic, she started rubbing the cum into her skin and wiping the excess onto the towel. Yejun grabbed his shorts and scrambled to the nearest boulder, ducking out of sight.
Minkyu’s car came into view and halted in its usual spot just as she adjusted her bikini back into place. Sana’s heart was racing as she inspected her skin, hastily smearing the patches she had missed. “Hey babe!” Her boyfriend said, stepping out of the car and approaching her.
“H-Hi! I um, was just reapplying,” she stammered, trying desperately to sound calm.
“Cool. You feeling better?” He said, drawing closer.
“Sooo much better...” She said truthfully. Minkyu was getting too close, and she feared he would notice something was off. “Wait!” She jumped to her feet. “Let me wash up really quick, I smell terrible,” she said, scurrying to the water tank.
“Uh, okay. I thought you just put more lotion on though,” Minkyu said suspiciously.
“Oh... yeah. Well, I didn’t know when you’d be back, but I’ve had enough sun for now,” Sana stated through her nervously clenched jaw. She doused herself with a generous amount of body wash and splashed herself with water, trying to erase all the evidence of her steamy sex.
“Hey, neighbors!” Sana’s eyes widened in horror as Yejun emerged, smiling and waving at the couple. “Oops. Am I interrupting shower time?”
Minkyu stepped in front of Sana, who had just been scrubbing the small patches of skin under her bikini. “Uh, yeah. What are you doing here?” He asked, furrowing his brow and trying to conceal his nearly naked girlfriend.
“My bad. I just thought I’d stop by and invite you guys to party with us tonight. I know we haven’t been on the best terms, but it’s our last night here, and I thought it could be like a peace offering or something,” Yejun proposed.
His invite caught them both off guard. To Minkyu, it seemed to come out of nowhere, and Sana was shocked by his boldness. Minkyu replied first, “I dunno, You guys have been kind of a headache since we got here, to be honest.”
“I know, and I am sorry about that. That’s why I wanna bury the hatchet. Free food and drinks on us, and then you guys can have our spot when we head out,” Yejun reasoned.
Sana stepped out from behind her boyfriend and looped her arm into his. “That could be fun, babe. Maybe we should give them a chance to make it up to us.” She shot Yejun a quick grin.
Minkyu recoiled the slightest bit, partly in surprise that his girlfriend was considering the invitation, and also in annoyance that she was now fully visible to the unwanted visitor in her skimpy bikini. The fact that she was hanging on his arm though, put him at ease. “Hmm... We’ll think about it.”
“Alright, well. Come on over as early as you’d like! See you guys,” Yejun said warmly as he turned to walk back towards his camp.
Sana’s pussy tingled, wondering what he was up to. “Aw, I think he actually feels bad. We should go. Get drunk for free, and then enjoy the rest of our week how we intended.”
“I guess you’re right. Something about that dude rubs me the wrong way though. Plus I thought you hated them even more than I did,” Minkyu argued, conflicted.
“C’mon, he doesn’t seem that bad. We can always leave if the party’s lame.” Sana insisted.
Minkyu sighed, but finally agreed, not wanting to disappoint his beautiful girlfriend.
As the sun dipped below the distant desert hills, the young couple set off towards the rowdy camp, which unsurprisingly could already be heard loud and clear. Yejun was the first to notice them approach, and jogged over, two beers in hand. “You made it!” He nestled between them and draped his arms over their shoulders, filling their empty hands with the ice-cold bottles. “You guys have some catching up to do,” he said, squeezing Sana’s ass and winking at her.
“This is Sana and Minkyu, boys! Let’s show ‘em a good time,” he announced to his friends. The men shouted their greetings towards the couple. Sana noticed them stealing knowing glances at her, which she had fully anticipated. She wore a tight, white tank top and a short, black skirt. The thought of the big group of hot guys lusting after her again was exciting, but she hoped they understood not to make it obvious that they had met her before.
The gathering quickly proved to be a good time for both Minkyu and Sana, who played a few rounds of board games, and enjoyed tasty burgers one of the men had cooked up. Everyone was becoming quite intoxicated, and a little less sneaky when checking out Sana. Minkyu hadn’t seemed to notice, though, as he was constantly being offered drinks and distracted by various conversations. Every so often, Yejun would grope Sana when her boyfriend wasn’t looking, and she’d smile slyly at him.
At one point, she announced she had to use the bathroom, and Yejun was quick to offer the facilities in his trailer. He gave his friend, who was engaging Minkyu in a detailed discussion about their cars, a nod, and quietly slipped into the large enclosure behind Sana.
As soon as the door swung shut, they were all over each other. They made out hungrily, and had their hands in the other’s clothes within seconds. “Couldn’t wait to sneak off for some of this, eh?” He asked, as she wrapped her fingers around his hard cock.
“I need your fucking cock,” Sana cooed.
Yejun laughed, “You’re such a slut. Get on your knees.”
Sana complied immediately, kneeling at his feet, and pulling his waistband down until his erection sprang out in front of her face. She realized she hadn’t seen it this close before, nor had she felt it in her hand. It was so girthy and warm. Admiring his impressive erection was making her salivate.
Once again, Sana found herself wondering how she had changed so much in a matter of days. She had enjoyed the pleasures of sex for years, but never to this extent. She was becoming obsessed with being dominated by a huge cock like Yejun’s. She felt compelled to worship it.
She rested the massive appendage on her face, savoring the musky aroma and weight of it. She snaked out her tongue, and savored her first taste of it, teasing him with little licks up the length of his shaft. Upon reaching the bulbous, velvety head, she flattened her tongue and massaged the bottom ridge.
Yejun let out a small moan, fixated on her mesmerized face. She swirled her tongue around the circumference before pulling the head into her mouth and sucking on it. He pushed forward slowly, and she accepted more of the thick meat until it hit the back of her throat. Sana tried to pop it out of her mouth, but he placed a hand on the back of her head and held her there. After several seconds, he finally pulled her face off of him by her hair, causing her to cough. A large string of saliva hung between her tongue and the tip of his cock.
“Mmm... I love how your big cock feels in my mouth,” she murmured, stroking his sticky shaft with her slender hand. A clear bead of precum formed at the tip, and she lapped it up with the end of her tongue. “Mmmpf...” Sana slurped him down to the back of her throat again, gagging slightly, and began sliding him in and out of her mouth.
“Ughhh... what a hot cum slut...” Yejun moaned under his breath. “God damn you’re a natural. Better milk that cock like your life depends on it. Minkyu’s gonna be wondering where you are soon,” he warned teasingly, resting his hands on the back of his own head and letting her do the work.
Sana sucked him off with her warm, wet mouth with as much effort as she could muster. Her gargled moans synced up with the squelching of her pumping fist. “Don’t forget to look up at me,” Yejun instructed. “A good cocksucker always shows her eyes.”
She obeyed, and stared up at him with an expression that conveyed, “Please give me your cum.”
He started tensing up and sucking in his breath sharply. “Ungh... Here it comes...”
Sana felt him twitch against her tongue, and soon felt strong blasts of creamy fluid hitting her throat. She tried her best to swallow it fast enough, but the enormous load was overflowing her tiny mouth. Some of his semen spilled out past her lips, and Yejun grabbed her head and rammed his spurting cock straight down her throat.
“Breathe through your nose. Good girl. We don’t want to be making a mess just yet.”
She felt Yejun’s warm cum sliding straight down her throat, and choked through the forceful hold he had on her. Sana was finally able to relax her muscles, and allowed him to drain his balls directly down to her stomach. Her pussy was absolutely drenched, responding to the way he continued to roughly manhandle her. She didn’t understand why she craved the abuse, but was becoming addicted to being used like a toy.
When the last of Yejun’s unbelievably copious load had been swallowed, Sana licked him from balls to tip one last time and pleaded, “Please fuck me Yejun. I’m so wet for you.”
“Later. For now, you need to get back to your little boyfriend,” he answered dismissively.
She pouted, but knew he was right. She had been away for long enough. Sana straightened herself up, fixed her hair, and quietly exited the trailer. She was relieved to find Minkyu hadn’t moved from his chair, and approached him from behind, putting her hands on his shoulders. He reeled around to look at her, and she could tell from his eyes that he had continued getting drunker.
“OH HEYYY! Where did you go?” He inquired through a crooked smile.
“I just had to use the bathroom,” she answered simply.
“Well we just took shots. You want one?” Minkyu asked her, motioning to the bottle of tequila on the table nearby. She agreed, quickly pouring and gulping down her shot. It instantly warmed her belly and was the perfect thing to mask the strong taste of Yejun in her mouth.
She noticed the guy her boyfriend had been talking to was staring at her, grinning. “He probably knows I was in there messing around with his friend,” she thought. To her surprise, it didn’t embarrass her in the slightest. She found it hot that all these random guys knew what a slut she had been recently. Sana noted the alcohol setting in, and it made her even more horny.
“What’s your name?” She asked the attractive man sitting across from Minkyu.
“Brad,” he replied, flashing his exceptionally white teeth.
“Brad’s pretty cool, babe. He has almost the exact same try-”
“Can you toss me that beer Brad?” Sana asked sweetly, interrupting her boyfriend. He threw her the nearby can, which she caught, opened, and tipped into her mouth. She then proceeded to spill a generous amount of the cold liquid all over her top, completely soaking the white fabric through. “Oooops!” She feigned the accident and smiled gleefully at Brad’s open mouth stare. Her large chest and black bikini top were clearly visible under the now transparent garment.
“Babe, how drunk are you?” Minkyu asked, laughing heartily at her clumsiness.
“I guess a little more than I thought,” she lied. “I’ll just have to take this off. At least everything underneath is waterproof.” She had raised her voice for that last comment, peering around from her peripheral to see how many heads she turned.
“Sana, wait!” Minkyu shouted to stop her, but it was too late. His girlfriend pulled her top off and stood near the center of the camp almost completely naked from the waist up. “Avaaaa...”
“Babe, relax. It’s just a bikini. I would wear this at the beach,” she tried to reason with him.
“You’ve never worn anything even close to that small! Your tits are like completely out!” Minkyu’s argument backfired, as his loud comments had drawn everyone’s attention to her. A few of the men exclaimed their approval as Minkyu’s face grew red with anger.
“It’s okay love,” she said as she approached her jealous boyfriend. “Guys are going to look at me sometimes, but I’m all yours. I promise.” She kissed him deeply, feeling his tension melt away as she pressed into him and reassured him of their status. “Now take another shot with me.”
“Okay...” Minkyu finally agreed, sheepishly. The couple downed another dose of the brown poison and everyone cheered at realizing Sana would be nearly topless for the rest of the night.
Yejun reappeared at some point during the commotion and grinned slyly at Sana. “I’ve got a fun idea!” He announced. “Minkyu should do a body shot off his hot little girlfriend!”
“Oooh that would be sexy. Let’s do it babe!” Sana liked where the plan was going.
“I dunno... I think I might’ve hit my limit,” slurred Minkyu, stumbling a bit.
“Okay, someone else’s turn then,” Yejun suggested, still smiling at Sana.
“No, wait, wait, wait... I’ll do it,” Minkyu said.
“Alright, let’s do a titty shot.” Yejun boldly squeezed a lime wedge over her chest, getting it all sticky with the sour juice, and sprinkled some salt on top. He then carefully pressed a full shot cup into her cleavage. Sana helped by squeezing her tits together to secure the drink. “Okay, lover boy. Got her all set up for ya.” He said to Minkyu, staying next to Sana and placing a hand on her lower back.
The drunken boyfriend stepped over to her and straightened himself up. “Lick one, take the shot, and lick the other. No hands,” Yejun instructed. Sana giggled as Minkyu gently tongued her left breast and then struggled to get the shot securely in his mouth. He threw his head back clumsily, spilling most of the alcohol on himself. The onlookers laughed.
“No prob, let’s try it again. Just open your mouth and put it right here between these delicious tits,” Yejun suggested. His hand had slowly wandered down her backside and was now under her skirt. As Minkyu got into position at the base of Sana’s chest, Yejun held the tequila bottle over her and slowly tipped it downwards. A stream of alcohol poured down through her fleshy crevice and straight into Minkyu’s waiting mouth, which quickly filled to maximum capacity.
Minkyu reflexively swallowed the mouthful, choking a little, and stumbling backwards. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna be sick,” he winced, clutching his stomach.
“Go throw up behind the trailer. That’s kinda our spot.” Yejun motioned towards the
large vessel at the edge of camp.
“You alright, babe?” Asked Sana, sweetly. She felt guilty for letting her boyfriend drink so excessively, but he was going to do that anyway, she reasoned.
“Y-Yeah, I’ll be - hich - fine... Jusht gotta...” He staggered into the shadows, mumbling.
“Who’s next?” Asked Yejun, firmly squeezing Sana’s plump ass beneath her skirt.
Brad was first to fill the space in front of her. A tight circle of men had formed around the much smaller girlfriend, her breasts glistened as they rose and fell with her breathing. She was beyond excited, and was flooding her tiny thong in her juices; right next to Yejun’s exploring fingers.
Brad placed his hands on Sana’s bare waist, just above the hem of her skirt. “You’re so fucking hot,” he said admiringly.
“Thanks! Not so bad yourself,” she replied, smiling widely.
Yejun abruptly pulled at the strings around her neck and the small patches of fabric slid up to her collar bone. Sana squealed and bounced a little as the concealed parts of her breasts came into view. Her hard nipples pointed straight at Brad, who was looking at her like she was a meal. Yejun lightly drizzled some tequila over her naked tits and Brad pounced. He noisily slurped at her smooth skin, licking and sucking her chest dry.
Sana softly moaned as the burly man took her stiff nipple into his mouth and rolled his tongue around it. Yejun had begun tracing his finger back and forth along her covered, wet slit. She was beyond horny, sandwiched between the two strong males. One attacked her tits ravenously while the other teased her pussy. She arched her back, sticking her chest out and placing her hands on Yejun’s thighs behind her to steady herself.
Yejun called for the next round, and Brad stepped away disappointed. One by one, the other four men took their turns ridding Sana’s tits of alcohol. They grew bolder over time, roughly squeezing and pinching her fleshy orbs as they sucked at them. A couple guys even licked up her neck and ended up forcing their tongues into her mouth. Her moans intensified as they took more liberties with her. Yejun had slid her thong to the side and was firmly rubbing her slippery clit.
As the last stranger was biting her sensitive nipples and groping her chest in his rough hands, Sana murmured, “Oh my God... I’m gonna cum, you guys...”
Just then, Minkyu could be heard dragging his feet through the dirt. “Sana?”
“Minkyu!” She shouted, her volume influenced by a mix of surprise and her rapidly approaching climax. Luckily, her half-naked form was concealed behind the wall of taller men. “You feel okay, babe?”
“Ugh, I dunno...” He collapsed into a nearby chair. “What are you doing?”
“We’re just tnghh - talking. Be right THERRRE...” Sana lost control of her voice as she orgasmed. Yejun clamped his free hand over her mouth as he massaged her throbbing clit. If not for the men holding onto her, she would have fallen over. The pleasure bolted through her and made her legs quiver. The audience was overwhelmed with lust from the display, and several hands were extended to cop a feel of her curves. Her hips bucked against Yejun’s firm touch as she silently came. She was on cloud nine, countless hands exploring her body while she ground her needy pussy through the pleasure. Someone eventually undid her skirt, which fell to the floor. She rode out the final waves of her orgasm in nothing but her g string thong.
When Sana had control of her body again, she peered through the large frames in front of her and saw that Minkyu was slumped over in the chair, seemingly passed out. She made a move to squeeze through the men and check on him, but they didn’t budge, and Yejun didn’t let go of her hips. “He’ll be fine, gorgeous. Just let him sleep it off while we take care of you.”
“But... I should at least-”
“Nope.” Yejun interrupted Sana by lifting her and draping her over his broad shoulder. “Save your breath, slut. You’re gonna need it.” He carried her towards the trailer, the rest of the group following closely behind. The parade of horny men passed the unconscious boyfriend, and piled into the shelter.
A few of the guys hurriedly rearranged the furniture, collapsing tables, and extending the sofa. Soon there was a large makeshift bed in the middle of the enclosure, surrounded by padded cushions. Yejun threw Sana down in the center of it, and the six red-blooded males closed in on their prey.
The young girlfriend felt completely helpless as strong hands grabbed at her from every angle. Yejun forcefully ripped her stringy thong from her and dove mouth-first into her juicy, swollen cunt. Sana squealed in delight as he tongued her pussy with fervor. She gazed up and witnessed a variety of stiff cocks springing free all around her. She had seen each of them the previous night, but they were distant and non-threatening. This time, however, she was closely surrounded by them, and they all pointed at her aggressively. Sana knew that every single one of their hard dicks was going to have a turn with her, whether she consented or not. It was definitely more than she bargained for, but the feeling of being utterly powerless to do anything to stop them drove her mad with lust.
“Oh fuck... Unghh... You guys are all so big...” The overwhelmed Sana cooed.
“You ever taken multiple cocks before, bitch?” One deep-voiced man asked, shoving his way to her face and stroking her soft cheek.
“N-no... hohhh... it’s so fucking hot...” She admitted shakily as Yejun assaulted her sensitive clit with his tongue. Sana could hardly believe what was happening. She’d been a sweet, faithful girlfriend for years, and within a matter of days had transformed into a cock-loving slut. A cheating whore who was about to let a group of strangers use her body for their pleasure. The depraved thought triggered an orgasm, and she squirmed around on the bed, moaning in ecstasy and squeezing Yejun’s head between her thighs.
The deep voice boomed at her, “Suck my dick, you slut.” He tapped his meaty erection against her lips, and she parted them, allowing him to drive it into her warm mouth. As Sana bathed the thick cock with her tongue, two other throbbing hardons were pressed against her cheeks. The horny men jabbed at her face, trying to get a turn in her wet mouth. She wrapped her fingers around each of them, and started pumping her fists as she focused on pleasuring the velvety skin poking the back of her throat.
Yejun rose to his knees on the bed and started rubbing his purple head along her dripping entrance. “Mmmmpff! Ohmm yes... Give me that big cock Yejun... Glrrmp...” Sana begged, pulling her mouth off of one dick and swallowing another. He grunted as he slipped into her folds and pushed forward as her clenching pussy swallowed him whole.
Sana moaned intensely through the rod in her mouth as Yejun began rhythmically fucking her. She could barely focus on attending to the three slick cocks looming over her as Yejun stretched her tight cunt. Her tits bounced in circles on her chest as he pounded into her again and again.
One man grabbed her jaw and turned her towards him, promptly filling her abused mouth again. He fucked her face harshly, pulling globs of saliva from her as he jerked in and out of her. The men waiting their turn anxiously groped the parts of her within their reach. One guy was rubbing his dick against her bare foot.
Sana closed her eyes and tried to relax, completely submitting and allowing the brutes to do whatever they wanted to her. She felt another strong orgasm building as the fat cocks pumped her mercilessly from both ends. The cheating girlfriend was completely smothered in hot men, their combined musky smells and animalistic grunts overwhelming her senses.
Without warning, the cock sliding in and out of her mouth jerked, and started slathering her taste buds with warm cum. She darted her tongue around, savoring the salty flavor and sensation of the pulsing meat. She gulped the man’s semen down noisily and her face was immediately stuffed with another needy dick.
“Fuuuuuck,” groaned the guy whose cum was still sliding down Sana’s throat. “That tight little mouth is perfect. I couldn’t hold back. Thanks for sharing, Yejun. How’s that little snatch feel?”
“You said it, Dave - perfection. I’m about to bust in her. Start flooding that little unprotected womb,” Yejun answered through heavy breaths. He was slamming into Sana with all his might now, lightly rocking the trailer back and forth.
“Unprotected? Dayum, that’s fucking hot. You ever been creampied, slut?” Dave asked her.
“No!” Sana barely managed to answer between moans. She had never had someone cum inside of her, but the thought of it seemed irresistible now.
“Hohoo... You our breeding bitch now... We’re gonna fill that little pussy up to the brim.”
“Ungh! Fuck yes! Cum wherever you want!” She shouted in encouragement right as Yejun tightly gripped her waist, holding her in place, and pressed himself fully against her, jabbing her cervix as his cock exploded deep within her. Sana could feel his warm semen splashing against her inner walls, and her cunt spasmed wildly. The cock in her mouth popped out as she thrashed around wildly, her pussy tightly milking the seed from Yejun’s dick.
“OHHH MYYYY FUUUUCKKKKK! I CAN FEEL ALL YOUR HOT CUM FILLING ME UP! UNNNGHH YESSSSS!” Sana screamed in pleasure as he released his massive load into her.
“Jesus, this whore is too damn sexy,” muttered one of the guys she had been sucking off. He jerked his dick over her and started shooting ropes onto her face and tits.
“UGH! GOD I FUCKING LOVE CUM!” Sana was beside herself, becoming the crazed slut they were all treating her like. If Minkyu had not been completely unconscious outside, he would have easily heard her depraved confession.
By the time the most recent finisher had coated her in his semen, Yejun was still soaking his softening cock in her completely filled pussy. He finally pulled out of her, and watched with great interest as his cum began dribbling out of her freshly fucked hole.
“I’ve waited long enough. Get on your hands and knees, bitch,” ordered Brad, who impatiently grabbed her thighs and roughly twisted her around. He positioned himself behind her and plunged right into her dripping cunt. Sana screamed in delight as he fucked her relentlessly, his balls loudly slapping against her clit.
Hours passed while the assault on Sana continued. Between the six, horny opportunists, there were no breaks for her, and at any given time she had a hard cock slamming into her pussy, mouth, or both. She was treated like a common whore, tossed around the room, and bent and folded every which way as they pummeled her. Her mind had gone numb, and she’d been reduced to a fuck doll to be used however they saw fit.
The heavy scent of sweat and cum was unmistakable in the cramped trailer, and Sana was covered in both. She lost count of how many creamy loads were shot into and on her, as well as how many times she had orgasmed.
After most of the men had finally passed out or hit their limits, Sana found herself on top of Yejun, lazily grinding his fat cock while they kissed each other.
“I can’t believe you’re still so hard...” she whispered to him.
“I’m honestly shocked you’re still going, too. I think I finally met my match,” he replied.
“Ugh... I just... can’t get enough... tonight has been fucking amaz-” She was interrupted by a series of quick knocks at the door.
“Sana!? Are you in there?” Minkyu had finally woken up.
“Minkyu! I - Yeah. I got really sick and have been in the bathroom,” she explained.
He pulled at the locked door a couple times. “Let me in!”
“Uh, no babe. I’m a disgusting mess right now. I don’t want you to see me like this - Unngh...” She had stopped moving her hips in her panic, so Yejun clutched her ass in his hands and did the work for her.
“Who cares, I’m a mess too. Just let me take care of you.” Her boyfriend was determined to get to her. It was obvious that he was still quite out of it himself.
“I’m gonna - fuuuck - throw up again. Please just go back to camp. Ohh... I’ll meet you there as soon as I’m done.” The cheating girlfriend was having trouble stifling her moans as Yejun steadily increased the intensity.
“Sana, that’s stupid! C’mon...”
Yejun put his hand over her mouth, and called out to the doorway, “Don’t worry dude, she’s better off finishing up in here with a proper bathroom and stuff. I’m taking good care of her.” He punctuated his last sentence with a stern thrust upwards into her pussy. “I’m making sure she gets plenty of fluids. Get some rest man. You don’t sound so great yourself.”
“Just let me in, Yejun.” Minkyu pleaded.
Yejun replied sternly, “Minkyu. People are trying to sleep and you’re becoming a nuisance. Listen to your girlfriend and go back to your tent.”
“Yeah, b-babe. Let me finish up - Ohhh fuck - I’ll be right there. I promise,” Sana insisted, losing control of her moaning, and hoping they would be mistaken for sickly sounds.
“Fucking bull shit...” Minkyu muttered, the sounds of his uneven steps trailing off away from the door.
“Maybe I should go...” Sana whispered, feeling guilty.
Yejun ceased his movements, abruptly pausing the stimulation they had both been enjoying. Instead of answering, he took a moment to look into her eyes, studying her silently. The conflicted Sana pondered, but her instincts took over, and she started grinding into him again.
“I knew you wouldn’t be able to stop,” Yejun said proudly.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” she demanded.
“Slut...” He teased.
“Asshole,” she fired back.
“You got all riled up again. You like almost getting caught, don’t you?”
“Ngh... Maybe...”
“You know, all he’d have to do is take a quick peek around to find the rest of your clothes on the ground out there.” Yejun grinned smugly, still sitting back and watching Sana squirm around on his lap.
“Oh fuck...”
“Even then he’d probably be clueless to the fact that his sweet girlfriend is secretly a big cock slut.”
“Spending the whole night getting passed around like a rag doll and bred by a bunch Just mere feet away from him.”
“Fuck... Yejun...” His words were driving her crazy. She was grinding him as hard as she could, but she needed more.
“God, you’re a needy little bitch,” he laughed, smacking her ass.
“AH! I need you to fuck me so hard! Right now!”
“Like Minkyu never could?”
“Ngh... Please!”
“Say it!”
“YES! You already know you fuck me way better! Now just fucking do it!”
“Admit you’re a cheating slut.”
“I’m a cheating slut! Ughhh!”
“And who do you belon-”
“I belong to you, Yejun! I’m yours! You’re better in every way! Now just please, for the love of God, fuck my slutty, little pussy!” Sana spouted everything she thought he wanted to hear, and it finally satisfied him. Yejun lifted the already impaled woman into the air, and slammed her back into the nearest wall with a crash. She could only hang onto him for dear life as he thrust into her like a caged beast.
The trailer shook back and forth wildly as Yejun gave her everything he had. Sana’s legs flailed helplessly in the air as she was smashed repeatedly against the enclosure. “YES! YES! OHHH FUUUUCK!” She screamed for him over and over, the thoughtless words being pumped out of her with each harsh jab at her cervix. Her body was electrified with immense pleasure, and her cunt was drenching Yejun’s cock with thick cream.
“I’M... GONNA... FUCKING... CUM... SO... HARD!” She squealed as her climax crashed down on her. Yejun didn’t miss a beat, and continued to pound away at her through her mind-numbing orgasm. Her pussy sprayed clear liquid violently, coating his thrusting lower half in her juices. Still, he did not let up, and she continued to cum for longer than she thought was possible. Sana felt as if she might black out, her vision blurring as he overwhelmed her.
With one last mighty thrust, Yejun bottomed out and his cock exploded. He groaned as he flooded her deepest depths with his virile seed. As he emptied the last of his balls into her, his legs began to tremble from his exertion. They both fell backwards onto the bed together, a sweaty, twisted heap of flesh. Beyond exhausted, the pair lay there in a daze, breathing heavily. His semi-hard dick still planted deep within her, they eventually dozed off.
Sana’s eyes opened abruptly a few hours later to the sound of aggressive knocking at the trailer door. She cursed under her breath as she regained consciousness in the midst of the depraved aftermath around her. Her naked body was draped over Yejun’s, who was still asleep. She peeled her sticky skin from his, and rose to her feet. The room was an absolute mess, evidence of the brutal gangbang wherever she looked.
“Sana? I know you’re in there. Just come out and talk to me... please,” Minkyu said from outside.
“Give me a minute, babe. I must’ve passed out on the toilet...” She looked around frantically for an idea of how to make herself half-way decent. She heard him sigh heavily as she scrambled to the bathroom, careful to not step on one of the several naked men sprawled out on the floor. Sana felt a surge of relief to find that her clothes were in a neat pile near the sink. She hastily splashed her face with water and pulled her clothes on over her soiled skin. She grabbed a towel and draped it over her shoulders in an attempt to conceal more of her body, before heading towards the door.
Sana slowly opened the door and slipped outside into the bright desert, careful not to reveal a single square-inch of the interior. Minkyu stood at the foot of the steps, looking beyond disappointed.
“I’m so sorry, Minkyu...” She said, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Are you okay? You look horrific,” he asked, clutching her shoulders with extended arms and inspecting her.
“I’m alright now... I don’t remember much, aside from hugging the damn toilet all night,” she lied.
“Aw, me neither... I can’t believe how drunk we both got. I was so out of it.”
“Yeah...” Sana was eager to hear how much detail her boyfriend could recall, before needlessly trying to cover things up.
“I do remember being super pissed that you were locked in there. And that you guys wouldn’t let me in. They could’ve done really bad things to you, you know?”
“You’re right, babe...” Images of the wild orgy flashed through her mind. “That was not safe. I couldn’t think straight, and just wanted to be left alone. Luckily, no one laid a finger one me. I know they can be jerks, but those guys treated me very well and took care of all my needs.”
“Well that’s a relief. I just wish I could’ve been the one to take care of you...” Minkyu seemed convinced already that nothing unsavory had happened.
“I know. I wish you had been there too. I guess we both let a night of free drinks get a little out of control.” Sana felt she was finally in the clear, and could relax a bit.
“Seriously... crazy night. Did I do a body shot from your tits?” He asked, smiling.
She laughed. “I think so, yeah. That was... interesting.”
“I guess we both got to show off a little, then. The guys were probably so jealous that I got to lick your boobs and stuff,” he said proudly.
Sana couldn’t help but laugh again at the irony. “Oh, I’m sure they were. I gotta admit, it was pretty fun being basically topless for everyone. Thanks for being okay with that.” She decided to reveal a small shred of truth about her feelings, as it felt natural in that moment.
“No problem. I suppose I’m learning to be less controlling. Trying anyway. I trust you, and you deserve to cut loose and flaunt your sexy side a bit under the right circumstances.”
“Thanks babe. That’s very mature of you.” Sana could hardly believe how well the exchange was progressing.
The reunited couple turned towards the trailer in unison as the door creaked open. Yejun, shirtless as usual, stepped towards them with a wide smile.
“Hey, big guy! Sorry about last night. I think we all got more toasted than we meant to. Glad Sana’s okay. I stayed up as late as I could to make sure she was still breathing. No hard feelings?” He extended a hand towards Minkyu, who shook it without hesitation.
“No worries, man. My bad for getting all... shitty... towards you. I was just concerned about her. Anyway, thanks for looking out for her.”
“Happy to do it. It was a damn fun night overall. You guys are welcome to party with us any time. We’ll be heading out soon, so feel free to move your stuff and claim the spot for yourselves.”
“Thanks, Yejun,” Minkyu said.
Yejun started back up the steps, and then added, “Oh! Sana, I think you left something of yours in the bathroom.”
“Oh woops. Be right back, babe.” Sana climbed up the steps and hurried inside behind him.
The second they were out of Minkyu’s line of sight, Yejun grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him. He held her tightly in his strong arms as they kissed ferociously. Their hands clawed at each other’s bodies as their tongues swirled together. Sana wrapped a leg around him, and broke the kiss, staring into his blue eyes.
“Will I ever see you again?” She whispered.
“Of course, you will.” He stuffed a small strip of paper into her cleavage, and pecked her with his lips on her soft chest and up the length of her neck. He let go of her finally and patted her ass. “Till next time. Don’t forget what you are.”
“Your slut.” Sana smiled at Yejun one last time, before exiting the trailer and joining her boyfriend.
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 months
Post!prision!Reid seeing his daughter for the first time after he gets out 🥹 he gets so emotional because he can finally hold his baby again!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! can you imagine how teary he'd be!! post!prison dad!spencer x mom!reader, I hope you enjoy <3
You wish you could’ve been with the team at the prison, see him come out there in person, but you’re still on bedrest with your baby girl. Georgia is only a couple weeks old, but she’s so much Spencer’s twin- the same unruly curls, the same nose and the same want of you. 
You’d written all about her in your letters to Spencer, describing every feature he’s going to see today in so much detail you were sure he would see her clearly in his mind. 
“Honey?” He doesn’t shout lest he wake his daughter as he walks in, his fingers twitching with the need to see both of you. 
“I’m on the sofa baby,” it’s almost as if he was never gone. You lean over the sofa to see him pass through the kitchen, his hands holding a small bag. “I’m sorry I can’t stand to kiss you, Spence.” 
He tuts, leaning down over you, “Nonsense, how’re you feeling?” His eyes flit over to the cot beside you, roving over your daughter before settling back on you. 
“Like I missed you longer than you’ve been gone.” You’re waterlogged immediately and Spencer rounds the sofa to pull you into him. 
“I missed you too,” his lips press into your temple, “God I missed you both so much.” Tears wet your hairline but you can’t seem to care, Spencer’s home and he’s able to see your baby girl together. What more could you want?
“I brought you some snacks, I figured you hadn’t been able to get any of your cravings.” He says gently, opening a bag to show you all the chocolate malt balls, the yoghurt raisins and the nuts you’d just run out of. “I got something for Georgia too.” 
“Spence,” you gasp when you see the orange stuffed octopus that he pulls out, it’s just as big as Georgia is now. He wipes the tears that fall on your cheeks, kissing your nose before opening the tub of nuts for you. “Seventh smartest animal in the world.” you recall softly. 
“Can I hold her?” He asks finally and you nod, watching him stand and hover over the bassinet. 
“Just scoop her up Spence, she’s going to be so happy you’re home.” 
Spencer doesn’t say a word, practically holding his breath as he does as you say- scooping Georgia up in record time and holding her close to his chest. There’s a moment right after she wriggles a bit when she settles and Spencer feels an ungodly wave of emotion crash into him.
Of course, he’d read that men only feel like fathers the moment they hold their babies, and everyone had told him (everyone being Derek and JJ) that you can’t control the way your heart kind of cracks open to make room for this new love, but he still hadn’t expected it to be so immediate and visceral. 
“Hi Georgia,” he whispers, his tears rolling down the bridge of his nose as he strokes her cheek. “Hi sweet girl.” You’re enamoured already, looking at Spencer holding your daughter like she’s made of fine China. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you were born, baby. But I promise I’m not missing anything else where you’re concerned.” 
Tears pool in your eyes as your daughter wakes up, no crying or wailing, just small coos and gurgles as she looks at Spencer. 
“It’s your daddy, Georgia.” You murmur, sniffling and wiping your eyes as Spencer hiccups as she reaches for his face, her little fist bumping into his jaw.
Her almond eyes stare up at him, blinking all slow as she takes him in. Then she smiles, as if she's put a face to the man who spoke to her every night, telling her all the facts he'd read and learnt about babies, animals and whatever soothing topic he could find to tell her while she lived in your belly.
“Your mom lied to me, you look just like her.” You scoff, rolling your eyes as Spencer gives you a little glare. “Those eyes are all her, Peach. Maybe you won’t get your daddy’s brain either- it’s no fun being smart and getting beat up.” You throw a cashew at Spencer then, making him chuckle and come sit beside you. 
“I’m so happy you’re home.” You whisper, stroking Georgia’s cheek as you press yours into Spencer’s bicep. 
“I’m happy to be back, angel.” his eyes remain transfixed to Georgia all day, holding her and touching her foot when he can’t because you have to feed her. Spencer thinks to himself that he’d live through prison a thousand times over if every time he gets out, he can come back to this moment, to the peace and serenity in your home with you and your little girl and the life you’d made together colouring every wall of the house.
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nervoussagittarius · 5 months
which triplet is most likely to ft. matts girlfriend y/n!
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matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt invites his girlfriend to a car video with nostalgic vibes
warnings: none :)
you were sitting in the passenger seat of the minivan, you're normal spot when you were driving with the triplets. this time though, a camera sat in front of you on the dash of their car.
being home with the boys in boston was still something you were getting used to. your boyfriend matt had spent a big part of the day taking you around all the iconic spots in the city. the boys had asked you earlier in the if you wanted to participate in a video. you, of course, said yes.
your relationship was no secret to the world. you guys have been together for a couple years, and you had been featured in many og videos.
"gotta turn the world into a dance floor" chris sang, as matt got into the car. he pointed at you to finish the lyric
with a roll of your eyes, "determinate d-determinate" you sang back.
matt and nick looked at the both of you. one in anticipation of you guys to keep singing, and the other in anticipation of starting the video.
nick cut all of you off quickly to intro the video. "hey guys! welcome back to the fridays video"
"today we have a very special guest, drumroll please, my girlfriend y/n" matt said as he looked at you with a stupid smile on his face.
"hi guys! im back" you replied looking at the camera.
chris started from the backseat, "if you're new here, y/n has been in a bunch of our old videos, and were bringing her back to see her take on 'who's most likely to'"
"we've done this before but we figured y/n could give you guys an outside perspective” matt said as he looked at the camera.
“i’m giving y’all the dirt. we’re getting deep… i- okay” the boys laughed at you while nick pulled up the first question.
“okay, which triplet is most likely to get mad at another for chewing to loud?” nick asked as you immediately looked between the camera and matt.
“we already know the answer because the viewers have seen this happen multiple times”
“yeah, i have to say it’s matt. i’m so sorry for coming at you first honey” you said in between giggles as matt rolled his eyes.
“i disagree. i don’t think i’m most likely to do that”
“matt! we’ve witnessed it bro. you can’t say it’s not you when it is. either way it’s a who’s most likely to question not who’s actually doing it! but you’re actually doing it. good god” nick exclaimed.
the car was packed with laughter as nick went in his tangent. you all calmed down as nick asked the next question.
“who’s most likely to not be able to sleep alone”
“all of you.”
“what!?” “no way!” “that’s not even true”
“no it’s so true” you responded to there complaints. “let me explain. nick is probably the least likely. he’s okay sleeping alone i just feel like people come to him the most to sleep with him so he’s used to sleeping with other people.”
“that’s very true. people are always in my bed” nick said giving the camera a little wink.
“matt and chris need to have someone with them at all times. chris can’t sleep in the same place for more then a night. he’s always sleeping everywhere but his own bed. and matt texts me at least once a week that i need to come over and sleep in his bed with him because he can’t fall asleep.”
“let me just clarify,” matt started, “i can sleep alone. i would rather have my girlfriend with me though. and that’s okay. that’s fine”
“yeah and i just don’t like being alone.” chris defended.
a few more questions were answered before you guys decided to call it quits for the night.
matt grabbed the camera off the dash pointing it at you. you smiled and put up a peace sign.
“look at how cute she is” matt said as he put his hand on your cheek.
“alright matt, end the video”
matt screamed in the camera quickly ending the video.
i can’t get over how beautiful matt and y/n are together
i need someone to look at me the way matt looks at y/n
i love nostalgic boston videos
petition to bring y/n back on the channel more.
an: this kinda sucks because half of it was deleted when i tried to save it to my drafts and i don’t really like it but y’all wanted a matt fic. first part of the matt series will hopefully be up soon🤍
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watchmegetobsessed · 6 months
OLD GRUDGES (part 1)
A/N: wooohoooo im bringing something new!!! i feel like it happens so rarely it's like a miracle lol anyway, this will be hopefully a couple of parts (probably about 3) and lets all pray i will actually finish it lol
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry and Y/N go way back. Working together was like a dream when 1D was still going strong. Now, years later, when they end up working together again, things are very different. Mostly because Y/N seems to be hating Harry passionately. But he has not idea why.
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Everyone loves Harry Styles. It’s a known fact, not just amongst the people who actually know him, but all around the world. He is known as one of the most unproblematic celebrities, someone who gives just as much if not even more respect as he gets, always kind and patient with others, rarely loses his temper. It’s hard to imagine that there is anyone walking this planet who doesn’t see him as a lovable, sweet man.
Well, it might be hard to imagine, but there is actually one person who has a very different opinion when it comes to the british popstar. 
And that person is music producer, Y/N. 
The interesting thing is that their history goes way back into his 1D days. Y/N was an up and coming name in the industry, just started working with bigger names when she got the chance to produce several songs on the band’s third studio album. Harry remembers her as a bubbly, funny girl who is passionate about her job and is also excellent in it. Working with her was easy and motivating, she was always eager to perfect songs to an extent Harry couldn’t even imagine and that’s why songs like Story Of My Life, You & I and Midnight Memories were such hits. Y/N put her heart and soul into them, which eventually earned all the recognition they deserved. 
Harry loved working with Y/N and she was in talks of working on their fourth album as well, but the deal ended up ditched and she went on to do other projects and they somehow had a fallout. It was a shame, but he hoped his path would cross hers again. 
Years and years went by and so much changed by the time their professional ways finally met again. Jeff brought her name up when Harry just started writing for his fourth solo album and Harry gave him the go to do whatever it takes to get her on the project. A few weeks passed and Harry didn’t get any confirmation about her and just when he was about to bring it up to Jeff, he hit him with the news.
“Y/N is in for five songs. Contract should be signed by Wednesday and you can start working next week.”
Harry wondered why it took so long to get her on board, but he brushed it off because he knew she was a big name now herself and had plenty of offers from which she could choose from. He was excited to work with her and simply see her again.
It was utter shock for him when she was the complete opposite of what he remembered. Okay, that might be an overstatement, but Harry could feel something was off instantly.
She was still bubbly and fun, but for some reason, she had a certain iciness and bitter attitude whenever her focus was on Harry. To anyone else it was unnoticable, Harry knows, because he asked Jeff about it.
“What are you talking about? She is awesome,” the manager said with a shrug and Harry tried to tell himself it was all in his head, because if Jeff doesn’t see it, it’s not real.
But it kept happening and it felt even stronger when it was just him and her in a room. Sometimes she even pretended like he wasn’t there, sometimes her snarky comments were all he got and they just strengthened him in his belief. 
He wanted to ask her about it, he tried, several times, but his attempts just bounced right off her icy behavior so eventually, he gave up and there was only one thing left for him to do.
Return what he was getting. 
Yes, it is childish, but he felt like he needed to deal with her unreasonable hatred towards him somehow and this was the easiest way. Was it a smart idea to practically become enemies when working together on his album? Of course not. But it just happened.
And going against each other became their thing. 
They were great in arguing, disagreeing even when they could easily compromise, riling each other up and lashing out on each other when the tension had been building up for hours. It got to the point where others started to notice that something was off between the two of them and when Jeff questioned Harry about it, he couldn’t give him a reasonable explanation.
“She started it,” he said and instantly felt like a kid, telling on his classmate at school. But this is all he could say, because he had no idea why she was acting this way. And he has to live with it while they work together.
Something is off. Harry knows it. Something about the melody… or the guitar… or is it the lyrics? He can’t tell, he has listened to the recording a million times so it all melts in his ears and he can’t identify what’s setting him off every time he hears it. 
“Why don’t we take a break?” Jack, the technician suggests, turning in his chair. “Y/N will be here in twenty, I’m sure she’ll–”
“Okay,” Harry snaps, just so he doesn’t finish. He knows what he wanted to say. 
She’ll know what’s wrong and will correct it in a second.
Y/N always knows what’s wrong and most of the time it’s a perk, of course it is, but today, Harry feels like it’s gonna make him want to crawl out of his body. Maybe it’s because he’s been in the studio for five hours and he got nowhere or maybe because Mitch will have his first ever solo gig tonight and Harry has been worried his fame or relation to him might ruin this experience for him. 
Either way, today he is just extra pissed by the fact that Y/N will be the one to solve this mystery. 
“I’m gonna grab a coffee,” he clears his throat, standing up from his seat. “Do you want one?” he offers, feeling a bit guilty he snapped at Jack.
“Uh, yeah, just an espresso is fine, thanks man.”
“Sure, I’ll be right back.”
Putting on his headphone, Harry jogs across the street to the tiny coffee shop he’s been a regular at. He likes the place because they are discreet and their coffee is just simply amazing, though they swear there’s nothing extra in it. 
He waits for the two coffees at the end of the counter and scrolls on his phone in the meantime. Emails, messages, there’s always something to answer to. He sends out a few replies before he ends up in his calendar. It’s neatly color coded and he takes pride in keeping it up-to-date all the time so he can always be on top of his game, no matter what. 
His eyes land on one particular date. Five weeks from now Y/N’s contract expires and if the five songs are done by then, she’ll be out of Harry’s life again. Seeing how the work is going, she’ll easily outdo that number so there won’t be any reason for talk about an extension. 
An unsettling feeling spreads in his stomach as he stares at the date but he doesn’t have time to figure it out because  he is snapped out of his thoughts when the two paper cups are placed in front of him. He is trying his best to keep a positive mindset as he returns to the studio’s building. With the two coffee cups in his hands he makes a right turn and then stops at the door, seeing Y/N sitting where he did previously, already listening to the recording with Jack with a critical expression on her face. 
Harry doesn’t interrupt them, just stays put and waits for her feedback. When she is done listening, she leans back in her seat.
“It’s the bass. Or more specifically the lack of it. Can you double it? Let’s see how it changes.”
Jack is quick to do as she asked and then he starts the song again and…
Harry wants to scream and laugh in bliss at the same time, because it’s perfect now. He’s mad he couldn’t spot such an obvious thing, but he is also happy it’s finally sorted out. It’s just a shame Y/N was the one to do it and not him. 
“Great, so this is done then,” he makes himself noticed as he walks into the studio and hands over one of the cups to Jack. 
When he looks at Y/N he can see that familiar, irritated look on her face that’s almost always there when he’s around. He hasn’t decided if he wants to physically wipe it off, or…
“Thanks for bringing one for me,” she comments in a bored tone, turning back towards the screen.
“You weren’t here when I went out.”
“But you knew I was coming.”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes it, because this time she is kind of right. And it irks him even more today.
It’s gonna be a challenging session today, Harry thinks as he takes a seat.
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It’s always exciting for Harry to be behind the stage when he’s not the star of the show. Kind of like a whole different world.
He hasn’t been here for long, but he’s been trying his best to stay as unnoticed as possible and let Mitch take the spotlight. Just a few minutes ago Sarah put him on Scout-duty which he gladly took up on, he’s always happy to spend time with the little guy. This time he is letting him explore freely and he’s just following him around to make sure he’s safe. Scout seemingly enjoys the adventure with uncle Harry, who doesn’t really pay attention where he is heading. 
That’s how they end up in the green room where Y/N is.
Y/N and Sarah have worked together a while ago, which is a random coincidence how they are connected outside of Harry. Because of their history, Y/N is often where they are, however she was never around when Sarah and Mitch were playing for Harry. 
Scout runs up to Y/N, arms in the air, asking to be picked up and Harry stops a few steps away from them when he realizes who he just found.
“Hey there, little guy! Are you all by yourself?” Y/N asks, settling the boy on her hip.
She’s changed since they parted ways in the studio. Harry has always admired her sense of style, which mostly consists of basic pieces, almost like a capsule wardrobe, but there’s always something extra, something vibrant on her that makes her sets interesting. Tonight she is wearing a simple black dress with a rather low back cut, simple heels, simple makeup, but she added a silky scarf with vivid colors and shapes around her neck that brings Harry’s attention to the curve of her neck and collarbones, almost as a cheeky invitation for his eyes to her naked skin. 
He has to fight the urge to touch her.
Despite the spiteful relationship they’ve been sporting lately, Harry had to deal with a rather unreasonable desire for Y/N in a physical way.
Unreasonable, because he never thought he could be attracted to someone who pisses him off so easily, yet there’s been plenty of occasions when Harry found himself imagining scenarios he could never admit to her, not when she hates him with such obvious passion.
Tonight it’s not just the outfit, but also the way she’s handling Scout. It’s not just women who find it incredibly hot when the opposite sex is great with kids, Harry can definitely feel something inside him moving as he watches Y/N sway from side to side with the little boy in his arms.
“Uncle Hazza is here!” Scout points at him, answering her previous question. Y/N looks up and because Harry was already looking at him, he catches a slipping moment where there’s no irritation on her face, but it returns quite fast when her gaze settles on him. 
“Ah, hi,” she says, lips pressed together as she nods, acknowledging his presence. 
“Hey. Long time no see.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth he regrets it. Who says that? Why did he even say anything else other than hi? He smacks himself in his mind. 
Part of him expects her to say something like ‘not long enough’ but she just keeps quiet and turns all her attention to Scout. Harry feels out of place, he is supposed to be babysitting, but Y/N is taking care of Scout, Harry knows he is in good hands but Sarah asked him to watch over him. Should he leave? Or just keep standing there awkwardly?
“You can go, I’ll watch him,” Y/N says, as if she could read his mind. 
“You sure?”
“I’m pretty sure I can take care of him until Sarah is back.” Her reply is not just dry, kind of offended, nothing Harry wouldn’t expect from her, but it’s still irking him.
“I didn’t say you’re not capable, I just–”
“I’m not in the mood for this,” she cuts him off with an icy look. Harry is too stunned to reply, just watches Y/N walk away with Scout. 
He almost finds it amusing how easily she can piss him off, not many people have been able to do that, in fact, Harry thinks she does it the best. 
Clenching his jaw he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and then just lets it all go. 
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The after party is always kind of Harry’s favorite. The stress is over, it’s just the relief and celebration that is left.
Mitch’s show went well, that’s what Harry expected, but it’s still great he was right. Seeing his friend be the star of the show was an experience he is glad he could be part of. Now that the core of the group has moved to a nearby bar, Harry has loosened up thanks to the couple of drinks he’s had. 
He’s been mostly sticking to the familiar faces he knows, rotating between the same few people  while enjoying how under the radar he is currently. 
The more drinks he has had, the less he’s been able to control where his gaze goes. To be exact, he’s been finding himself looking Y/N’s way the past hour or so. That damn dress and scarf, it’s like she’s put a spell on him that forces him to keep wanting to look at her. 
Harry is not experienced with feeling like this. Being attracted to someone who he hates, it’s such an ambivalent impulse, he can’t think straight. Or maybe it’s the amount of tequila he has drunk tonight, either way, it’s getting a rise out of him. 
From the corner of his eye he sees her slip out to the back where the smoking area is, he hesitates, shifts his weight from one leg to the other before making the leap and heading after her. He has no plan, no idea what he wants to ro will say to her, but he just feels like he has to talk to her.
Stepping out to the dimly lit back alley he is met with a few people scattered around, having a cigarette with drinks in hand, talking or scrolling on their phone and then he spots Y/N on the left, standing by the wall, cigarette in one hand, the remaining of her drink in the other as she stares ahead of her. 
She doesn’t smoke regularly, but she does enjoy one in certain social settings or when she’s had a few drinks. Harry knows it from years ago, because they shared a cigarette at a party, back then she seemed thrilled to spend time with him, he remembers all the conversations they had while working together, telling each other stories, sharing their plans, Harry truly thought they would remain good friends on this extraordinary journey, yet they ended up here.
As Harry walks towards her, she notices him and he sees her lips twitch in annoyance. 
“Care if I join?” he asks and she just shrugs without a word, avoiding to look at him. 
They stand there in silence for a while, she is lazily puffing the smoke out from time to time.
“Is it still just an occasional thing?” he tries to strike up a conversation.
“Mhm,” is all he gets as a reply.
“Have you tried to put it down fully?”
“Why are you doing this?” she snaps at him, finally looking his way. 
“Why are you trying to chit-chat when we both know we don’t do that?”
“And why don’t we?” He challenges her. “Tell me why we are like this in the first place, because I have no idea.”
She stares at him for long moments and he awaits her answer like nothing before, but then she shakes her head and turns to the pin beside her, puts the cigarette out and flicks it into the bin. Then, without another word she is already heading back inside.
It takes a moment for Harry to start moving again, but he is quick to catch up with her in the hall that leads to the restrooms. 
“Y/N, give me a fucking answer!” he demands, grabbing her wrist to pull her back before she could escape, but she shakes his hand off as she comes to a stop, turning towards him.
“I owe you nothing!” she hisses at him. “I owe you no one, but especially you!”
“What the fuck does that suppose to mean?! I never thought you owe me anything!”
“I’m not doing this, Harry, leave me the fuck alone,” she growls and tries to leave, but Harry pulls her back again, determined to get an answer this time. 
“Don’t think I will just swallow everything down forever. I will get to the bottom of this, whether you like it or not. It’s your choice if you make it hard on both of us.”
She is looking back at him with wide eyes, this time his hand remains on her arm as they stare each other down in the empty hallway. Neither of them knows what will be their next move, the tension is so thick, it’s almost suffocating.
But then it all changes.
If someone asked who moved first, they wouldn’t know. One moment they are standing like stone statues, barely even breathing, then the next moment they are kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
It doesn’t take long until Harry has her pressed up against the wall, his hands roaming her body, feeling her up the way he fantasized about before, they are both rough and impatient, she is clawing at him, moaning into his mouth when his hips press against hers and she feels how hard he’s gotten already. 
Blindly, Harry pushes the closest door open which happens to be the staff’s bathroom that someone left unlocked, lucky for them. Still glued together they stumble inside, Y/N kicks the door open before Harry pushes her against it and he locks it before his hand returns to her tempting body. 
He has never acted like this when it comes to sex. He does like to spice things up sometimes, but the way he’s biting her lips or unbuttoning his pants or reaches under her dress to pull her underwear down is just so out of character for him, yet so freeing. 
Nothing is said, but when her hands pull his hard, leaking dick out of his pants, there’s a fleeting look they exchange that says it all, just how much they both want it. 
It’s the fastest pace he’s ever experienced, yet the most passionate too. They moan at the same time when Harry pushes into her and starts moving in a rush, desperate for relief. She’s panting and whining for more, the only form of speaking she is able to as she holds onto Harry who is focused on keeping up his quick and steady pace while holding her left leg up to ensure the perfect angle. 
The animalistic need is there for them both, making them act like this is what they must do to stay alive. It’s messy, fast and mind-blowing and they don’t need much time to reach the peak. As she comes her nails dig into her shoulder and she bites into his bottom lip so harshly it draws blood, but he doesn’t care, only follows her into bliss just a second later. With the last bit of his consciousness Harry pulls out right before he comes, covering her thigh with the white, sticky evidence of just how much he enjoyed the past minutes. 
They are breathing heavily and Harry feels like a thick haze is still lingering around his head, stopping him from realizing what just happened. Y/N however is ahead of him and when reality comes crashing down on her, her instinct to flee kicks right in. Harry is still trying to clear his mind when she grabs a paper towel and cleans herself up as fast as possible and Harry only snaps out of his trance when she is already unlocking the door.
“Y/N, what the— wait!” He can’t go after her as she slips out of the room because he is still pretty indecent, so he has to pull his pants up and can only rush out then, but by that time she is already gone.
He’s quite frantic as he tries to find her in the bar, but she is nowhere to be seen. Harry returns to the rest of their group, hoping to catch her somewhere but she has vanished into thin air. 
“Hey, have you seen Y/N?” he asks Mitch, his eyes still roaming the place.
“Nah, haven’t seen her since she went out to smoke.”
Harry groans and makes his way outside, maybe she’s there waiting for a car, but as he steps out to the street he sees no trace of her. Fishing his phone out of his pocket he doesn’t hesitate before dialing her number. The line rings once, twice and then… it goes to voicemail.
“Hey, this is Y/N. Do whatever you want after the beep.”
“Fuck!” Harry ends the call and he has to stop himself from throwing it against the nearest wall. 
This is not how he planned. Well, he didn’t plan any of it, especially not fucking Y/N like a horny teenager. He wanted to solve this whole issue between the two of them but instead he just created another one.
A stupid, giant one. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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hopesworlld · 7 months
౨ৎ oh ! dear diary, i met a boy !
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౨ৎ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 — step!bro anakin x fem!reader
౨ৎ 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 — your stepbrother anakin finds your diary full of all your dirty little secrets
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 — 6k
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 — swearing, stepcest, smut ( masturbation f and m, oral sex f and m, vibrator, degradation, praise, use of the term slut/little slut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, overstimulation ) i think that’s all !
౨ৎ 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 ! — someone call the psych ward immediately !
part two part three masterlist
anakin groaned in annoyance as he stormed up the steps at his mothers command asking him to fetch his stepsister for some reason or another. he barged into your bedroom not bothering to knock, he always liked seeing you jump, sometimes you were on your bed, phone dropping from your hands as your lips parted in surprise. other times you were perched at your vanity catching his eye in the mirror with horrified delight. but his favourite would always be when he entered your room to find you clad in nothing but a pair of white panties. your face had been painted crimson, eyes clutching your breasts but he could still see your rosy nipples peeking beneath your manicured nails, pert from the cold winter air.
but this time, much to his disappointment he found the room empty, your fairlights glittered along the ceiling and the pink lamp beside your bed cast light on the little book had seen you clutching to your chest every so often, it was hot pink and dotted with stickers of various celebrities that he despised. you had always been protective of it, even your father had once gained a slap to the hand when he tried to touch your book. so anakin knew he had no choice, he slowly entered the room further, noting the sound of rushing water from the bathroom. perfect.
he crossed your room in a matter of seconds and scooped up the book, flicking through a couple pages, the first few he saw held nothing of interest and he skimmed through. there were no dates but he could tell they were from before your father and shmi had bought the house and blended your family, he read a few sentences of you complaining about school, and friend drama and almost called it a bust. his innocent priss of a stepsister was the same in her diary as she was every day. that was until he skipped ahead and found his name appearing. with new found interest he settled down on your bed.
/ anakin came back from college today and he actually looked happy to see me, or he smiled when he got out of the car which is a first. i wish he would smile more, he looks so pretty when he smiles.
anakin scoffed at this, rolling his eyes, this had only been a few weeks ago and he had been laughing at a text just moments before, but of course you would think he was happy to see you. you always greeted him the same, glossy lips twisted in a saccharine smile as you bounced on the balls of your feet, begging for an ounce of attention from him. it was ridiculous, but he had to know more.
/ anakin is fixing up dad’s old car in the driveway so that he can use it, i’ve never been so happy for my father’s hoarding tendencies in my life. i was sat at my window for two hours today watching him. he was wearing that black wife beater, the one that makes his arms look even bigger than usual, so muscly and strong. i wonder what it would feel like for him to pick me up, and feel his muscles against my back, they look so good when they’re tensed. he was so sweaty too, i wanted to run out there and lick it from his skin, how disgusting but wow, i wish i took a picture of him like that. soaked in sweat and oil.
anakin’s jaw was agape, his sweet innocent stepsister wasn’t such an angel as he once thought. his dick twitched beneath his sweatpants at the thought of you perched on your window seat with a perfect view of him working rubbing your thighs together, desperate for his touch, his taste. it was taboo, disgusting, your parents were married and here you were writing dirty little fantasies. he loved it. addicted to the words you had spilled across the page in pretty gel pens.
/ dad asked me why i was so distracted today at dinner, how could i not be? anakin came down in just shorts and i swear i could see everything, he’s bigger than i imagined, i probably wouldn’t even be able to fit my hand around it, but ellen said boys like that. i wonder what it looks like, i’ve only ever seen them in porn. anakin didn’t even notice anything was off with me, didn’t notice me staring. i wish he would.
“fuck,” anakin hissed, his dick was now almost fully hard and throbbing. who knew you were such a slut, fantasising about his cock at the dinner table. if he had known… god he wanted to fucking ruin you. show you how to take his dick, watch as you choked and cried around it as he forced it past your swollen lips. he wanted to paint you in his cum and not stop until you were a shaking writhing mess. he knew you were hot, had thought it the second he saw you, your hair in braids clad in ivory like some kind of fallen angel but had pushed it away, you were his stepsister for fuck sake, but now…
/ he walked in on me changing today, i was only in my underwear and he laughed, but i caught him staring at my boobs, i made sure not to cover them properly and it worked. i got so wet, i don’t think i’ve ever come so hard before. i wanted him to do something, walk over to me and rip my hands away, push me on the bed and fuck me till i saw stars, but instead i just had to use my vibrator. sometimes i wish he could hear me moaning through the wall, maybe he can.
“little fucking slut,” anakin said to himself as he glanced across the page, hand cupping his rock hard cock through his trousers, your words were depraved, desperate. maybe he should walk into the bathroom right now and take you like you were so desperate for, you would have no trouble spreading your legs for him, would probably beg for it, do anything he asked. his perfect little fuck toy. he couldn’t help himself anymore, spitting on his hand and slipping it down his trousers tugging at his cock as he continued to read.
/ i bought a dildo today from ann summers but i’m scared, my fingers are so small compared to it, the woman said it was about average but wow. no matter how much prep i do it hurts. i bet anakin would feel better, the silicon is so hard and cold. i wore one of his t-shirts it smells like him, that helped a little but it’s not the same, i’ve heard his stories when he talks to his friends about the girls he’s fucked. he knows what he’s doing, i wonder how he would take me, on my back nice and slow, or pound into me from behind while i screamed. maybe he would call me angel like he does sometimes, i wish. now my arm just hurts so i’m here alone in my bed playing with my clit wishing it was him.
anakin jerked against his hand at the last sentence, he had never cum this quickly before, but your words had him loosing his shit, he couldn’t even imagine what else you thought if this was only what you choose to write down, what other dirty secrets lurked beneath that pretty facade of pink and glitter. the next page held a collection of polaroids you had taken of him, some from the window as he worked on his car, skin sheened in sweat and oil, shirtless as he drank a bottle of water. another of him laying on the sofa arm resting behind his head a can of beer in hand, and the last was him glaring at the camera. he remembered this one, he had demanded you rip it up, but here it was immortalized with pink and purple hearts surrounding it. but the next page was from today.
/ anakin came home from playing baseball with his friends about an hour ago, he was gross, sweaty and loud after hours with his friends. he slid past me in the kitchen his hands on my hips for just a second i wish he would have bent me over the counter and fucked me there and then. i would have let him, dad was in the living room but i don’t care, god, he’s ruined me. all i can think about is him, his cock, his hands, his lips. i need him. i’m gonna go shower, i was meant to help shmi with dinner but i couldn’t, not when i was soaking through my panties while stood next to her fantasising about her son.
“oh fuck,” anakin hissed as he came into his fist, cum coating his boxers and knuckles. you were insane, and maybe so was he for getting so worked up but he knew he couldn’t hold back now, he had seen those words and there was no going back. a bit shakily he stood from the bed wiping his hands on his sweatpants and grabbing the sparkly pen from your desk and decided to leave a little note of his own in your dirty little diary.
/ who knew you were such a dirty little slut, angel girl
and with that he left your bedroom, cum drying on his boxers, he could only hope you found his note sooner rather than later.
after your shower you felt a lot better, you had turned the water considerably cooler than usual and taken some deep breaths you had learned from yoga, pushing anakin far from your mind, you let the ritual of getting redressed soothe your mind, slipping into a soft matching set of white shorts and a crop top, leaving your hair loose and applying your skin care. you almost felt like yourself, untainted by the dirty thoughts that seemed perpetually in your mind.
you wished it would stop, you hated yourself for it, your father was finally happy after years of thinking he would never find love again after your mother had passed. if he knew what you were thinking he would be disgusted, he would probably send you off to your aunt to protect anakin and shmi from your sick mind, the thought made your stomach hurt. you wanted to stop you really did, but then you would see him and all those dirty thoughts would slip back in, he was haunting you.
you headed downstairs, an airpod pressed in one ear hoping some music would soothe your guilty mind, finding shmi in the kitchen. the woman smiled in relief when she saw you.
“there you are, i sent ani up to get you half an hour ago,” she said a little flustered and instantly your heart dropped, you didn’t know why she was upset but she had needed you. you hated upsetting people, ‘always a people pleaser’ your mother had used to scold you fondly.
“i’m so sorry, anakin never told me,” you said truthfully and the woman sighed before laughing begrudgingly.
“my son has many talents, listening has never been one of them,” she said with a fond smile before turning back to the stove, “i’m making your dad that soup he loves so much but this recipe seems wrong, think you could help me out?” she requested holding out a sheet of paper to you and you took it immediately, nodding happily.
“of course,” you beamed, “well firstly it’s chicken stock not vegetable stock,” you informed her, “and secondly use heavy cream instead of milk, he likes the taste more. but other than that it seems perfect”
“really?” she asks you, face a little tight.
“yep, we always make it a little different depending on what we have but you have got this down to a t now i would say, and dads gonna love it,” you said and shmi finally smiled again, you hated when she frowned, it made her seem much older, an echo of the struggling woman she had once been and she didn’t deserve that, she never did.
“want to stay and help me make it?” she asked and you accepted. the pair of you worked in tandem, and soon you had a delicious pot of soup bubbling on the stove ready to be served along with homemade grilled cheese.
“okay, i’m gonna go grab your dad from the den do you mind getting, ani,” shmi asked and you agreed despite yourself, bounding out of the kitchen and up the stairs to anakin’s room, knocking once, then twice and then three times before you finally got a response.
“come in,” he called out, so you swung the door open, expecting a scowl or a blank stare but instead he was smirking widely at you, as though he knew something you didn’t and it made your skin crawl. “oh, hey, angel,” he greeted. fuck.
“dinners ready,” you told him, proud that you managed to keep your voice steady and his face dropped a little bit before his smile suddenly widened again.
“and you came to get me?” he asked teasingly, your stomach tightened, twisting into a ball and sending a jolt of heat straight to your core. he was going to kill you.
“your mum asked me to,” you say shortly, spinning around and walking away, taking a deep breath as you did so. stupid, stupid, stupid…
“angel,” anakin said again, and that name was going to send you into overdrive, a flush growing on your cheeks. “not gonna wait for me? that’s not very nice,” he complained and you shook your head.
“are you high?” you asked him as you reached the landing but anakin grabbed your wrist stopping you from heading down the steps.
“what makes you say that?” he asked you, drawing closer to you so that your faces were only inches apart, you could feel his hot breath fanning on your cheeks, see deep into his eyes, so pretty and blue beneath the crystalline lights above.
“your acting strange,” you pointed out with a frown, anakin was never nice to you, he was cordial sometimes, blunt others and sometimes he was simply rude, but never this. never teasing and friendly and chasing you down through the halls of your home to chat. it was as unnerving as it was utterly addictive.
“i just learned something new today, something that’s changed my perspective a little bit,” he crooned, hand coming up and resting on the wall beside your head, you blinked at him. what the fuck?
“what did you learn?” you asked him curiously and anakin grinned, a beautiful blinding thing that took your breath away.
“you’ll see,” was all he said before withdrawing from you and heading down the steps leaving you flabbergasted where you stood, heart racing and core throbbing. “come on, angel, don’t wanna be late for dinner,” he called up to you and you followed soundlessly, wondering if you had accidentally fallen into a different dimension while in the shower.
dinner was normal, or as normal is it could be with anakin acting so out of character, he was chatting like he hadn’t seen anyone in years, some kind of newfound zest for life that even had his mother seemed confused about but accepted with open arms. it was nice to see anakin talking, usually, he would mutter a few words before disappearing back to his room.
“yea, i was thinking of working at the garage next term to get a little extra cash, you know where you’re going to colleague next year, angel?” anakin asked, you looked over at him a little wide-eyed at the nickname in front of your parents, but glancing at them you saw that they both seemed… pleased.
“um, i have a few options actually, still not sure,” you murmured, still lost in what was happening, but it was making your head spin.
“she’s been looking at your school a bit,” your dad cut in, “it’s got a great program for what she wants to study,”
“oh really? maybe i could set something up for you, or maybe just give you a show around of the school next term, let you see what it’s really about,” anakin suggested with a smile and shmi beamed.
“oh that's a lovely idea, ani dear,” she exclaimed, “what do you think, sweetheart?” she asked her eyes darting to you and you pulled your lips into a smile.
“yea that sounds great,” you agreed, glancing back at anakin who sent you a wink. you almost groaned, rubbing your thighs together, you thought anakin being mean to you was enough to send you spiraling, spilling dirty fantasies into your book but him being nice was going to send you into a whirl of delusions that were going to be detrimental to your mental health if it continued.
once dinner was finished you rushed to your room, ready to spill your guts into your diary, you grabbed it from your bedside table and flicked to the next open page, your heart dropping to your stomach when you saw the words scrawled on the page.
\ who knew you were such a dirty little slut, angel girl
“oh my god,” you whispered to yourself, tossing the book down onto the bed, horror-struck. you knew that handwriting, had seen it many times before and now here it was taunting you in a book full of your sick twisted fantasies that all featured him. you felt nauseous, bile rising in your throat, is this why he was so happy, some sort of twisted revenge? had he taken pictures of it? did he plan on showing your dad? “this can’t be happening,” you whispered to yourself.
“i see you found my note,” a cocky voice echoed from behind you, you span around, lips trembling and anakin’s brows furrowed slightly.
“please don’t tell my dad, i’m so sorry anakin. i know it’s wrong and disgusting but please he will never forgive me if i ruin this for him, he loves your mum so much and i…” the world were tumbling from your lips so quickly you could hardly process them, not even noting as anakin shut the door behind him and crossed the room so that he was stood before you, “i’m sorry,” you practically wailed, “you were never supposed to see that, it was just somewhere to put down my thoughts,” tears were streaming down your cheeks now, “please don’t hate me,”
“you gonna be quiet now?” anakin asked you once you finally stopped rambling and you nodded through sniffles, vision blurred by your tears. “good,” he whispered, reaching up and cupping your cheek, “i’m not gonna tell your dad, angel,” he said soothingly, “not when i know how much fun we can have now,” anakin said with a smile.
“what… what are you saying?” you asked him. this couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be happening right now. no way.
“i’m saying, that i wanna see just how dirty you can be, angel,” he cooed, “i wanna know the darkest parts of that fucked up little mind of yours,” your breathing hitched, raising your hands to wipe the tears from your ruddy cheeks and staring at him in disbelief.
“anakin…” you whispered, “this is wrong,”
“oh i know that, baby, but it didn’t stop you from burying your fingers into your cunt and imagining it was me. from laying in bed only a room away from me and moaning my name while you tried to use a dildo on yourself wishing it was me,” he hummed, “and what was it that you wrote earlier? that you were picturing me bending you over with your dad in the next room, that you couldn’t be with my mother in the kitchen because you were dripping down your thighs thinking about me,”
“oh fuck,” you moaned, hearing him depict your fantasies, the things you had said were driving you wild, something stirring within you, it set your veins alight with molten flames, spreading through your body and stirring your aching cunt, you could feel your arousal flooding your panties, sticky and wet, you didn’t know what to do, what to think but you needed him, more than you had ever needed anything in your life.
“that’s it, angel, i wanna hear every pretty sound you can make fall from your pretty lips,” anakin prompted, one hand falling to your hips and pulling you in so that your flush was pressed against him another moan falling from your lips when you felt his half hard cock press against your stomach. “what is it you want, tell me, what dirty secret are we sharing tonight?” he asked you.
“kiss me, just kiss me please,” you begged, and anakin obliged crashing his lips to yours, it was messy, all teeth and tongue and spit. immediately he was diving in, tongue prying through your lips and plunging into your mouth, he tasted of smoke, mint and sugar and instantly you were addicted. your hands rose to his shoulders, tugging him closer you wanted to feel every part of him. your hands tugged at his t-shirt wanting to taste his skin, to see him everywhere.
“so eager, baby,” he muttered against your lips before reaching behind him, tugging his t-shirt over his head revealing the planes of his chest and his toned stomach to your awaiting eyes, you had seen him shirtless many times before, but now you could touch him. “take what you want,” he grinned and you did just that, fingers dipping into every crevice, you explored him as though one would a fine piece of art you wanted to memorise the feeling of his skin, the taste, you hardly thought twice before leaning down and kissing the middle of his chest, running your tongue along the unblemished skin, moaning at the taste of salt and skin. “god,” the boy murmured, reaching down and grasping your hair, yanking your head back harshly, “take my sweatpants off,” he commanded and you were not one to disobey, not now, not when you had him.
you wrapped your hands around the waist band and tugged, gasping when his dick sprung free, unrestrained by any boxers beneath, he was already hard, really hard, his cock flushed a deep red, the tip weeping milky precum and gods were you right, he was big, long and thick, far bigger than the dildo you had purchased. you salivated at the sight.
“can i…” you whispered, slowly trailing off, a wave of embarrassment washing over you.
“tell me what you want, angel, this is your dirty little dream, i’m just helping make it come true,” anakin said and you nodded, taking a deep breath.
“wanna taste you, ani, can i?” you asked him gently, batting your lashes at him and the boy hissed through his teeth, jaw clenching in a way that made your entire body sing.
“fuck me, go ahead, pretty girl, show me what that mouth is actually good for,” his words were disgusting, a sick way of calling your words worthless and it made you go fucking feral, you sank to your knees, eyeing his cock a little unsurely before carefully wrapping a hand around his thick length, anakin groaned, watching you, eyes alight with interest.
“look at that you were right,” he told you, “your hand can’t even fit around it,” he said, and you shuddered, ingjerking your hand slightly, letting itit glide along the velvety skin of his cock, admiring it, and the sound he made was worth it, so much so that you leaned in, licking a stripe along the side of his cock, stopping once you reached the tip and suckling it gently. a.nakin’s hands fell to your hair gripping it, but not forcing you, he was letting you explore first, you bobbed you head, sinking deeper on his cock, the sensation was strange but not unpleasant. so you took him deeper, the salty taste of him drawing you in further, you pulled back, sucking in a deep breath before taking him deeper until it hit the back of your throat. you were hardly halfway down his cock, so you tried again this time more forcefully, choking when his cockhead rammed into the back of your throat.
“easy, baby,” anakin cooed, pulling you off of his cock, you looked up at him with glossy eyes, spit spilling down your chin.
“you’re so big,” you whined at him accusingly making the boy laugh, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“poor little slut, so desperate for cock but has no clue what she’s doing,” he patronised, thumb trailing down and hooking in your mouth, parting your lips for him, you let your mouth fall open. “gotta take it slow, you aren’t gonna take it all the first time, okay? probably not for a few times, gotta train that throat of yours to take cock, huh?” he asked and you nodded at him, unable to speak with his thumb in you mouth. “try again, huh,” he prompted and you nodded eagerly, this time letting anakin guide your mouth to his awaiting cock, you followed his instructions going slower this time, starting at just the tip suckling it, savoring the taste of his salty cum in your mouth but eventually anakin began to push you further with a groan. you swallowed around him, trying to remember to breathe with the heavy weight on your tongue, your mouth felt stretched, lips stinging, and jaw aching but you couldn’t stop. you needed this, needed him to cum, to know he was enjoying this as much as you were.
“good girl, that’s it,” anakin praised you and you preened, moaning around his cock and making the boy chuckle, “oh you like that, huh, pretty girl? wanna be my good girl?” you couldn’t move, couldn’t speak so instead you locked your eyes with his and this time it was anakin’s turn to moan. “you look so fucking sexy like this, should have known you made for it,” you bobbed your head faster in agreement, it felt wrong to agree, to accept that you were just some sort of object that was made to take dick and love it, but you couldn't argue. not now when you had tasted his cock and you knew you would never be the same again, this was it for you, a springboard into a world that would drive you insane.
“you keep going i’m gonna cum, you ready for that, angel?” he asked you, but you didn’t respond, only forcing him deeper, spluttering slightly but you didn’t pull back, instead taking a settling breath through your nose, spit was dripping down your chin, tears streaming but you couldn’t stop, continuing to choke on his cock, only pulling away when you absolutely had too and it was barley for a few seconds before you were on him again. it was only about a minute before anakin’s hips began to twitch, his cock heavier in your mouth.
 “i’m gonna cum, fuck, baby pull back a little you don’t wanna choke,” he prompted and you did as you were told. lips suctioned around his tip, using your hand to jerk off the rest of his cock and with that, he was cumming down your throat in thick hot spurts. it was disorientating and everything you had ever dreamed of. you swallowed as much as you could of the salty liquid, but some escaped the corners of your mouth, dripping down your chin and onto your plush carpet, you kept suckling until anakin pulled you away, his lips parted and cheeks flushed.
“that was…” he trailed off voice hoarse, “you did such a good job, angel,” he cooed, reaching out and helping you stand up, your knees ached and you felt a little shaky but you couldn't ignore the heat in your core and the sopping wetness between your legs.
“i liked it,” you said bashfully, voice scratchy.
“of course you did,” anakin mocked lightly but there was no malice behind his words, instead he reached down and grabbed his shirt using it to mop your cheeks and mouth, “come on i wanna try something,” he said, grabbing you hand and leading you over to your bed, “lay down, pretty girl,”
“what are you doing?” you asked him softly and he grinned.
“just lay down, okay, i’m gonna do the work for a bit,” he said, so you followed instruction and laid down on the bed, looking up at him with such innocent trust that it made his heart stutter slightly, “i’m gonna take your top off okay?” he said, climbing onto the bed with you and hovering over you, his legs stradling either side of your hips, he looked so big like this, tall and strong, body on show as he looked down at you.
“okay,” you agreed, letting anakin tug the crop top from your body leaving your chest bare to him.
“been waiting a while to see these again,” he murmured, finger pinching your nipple lightly, you gasped, jolting upwards at the sensation and anakin laughed, “sensitive girl,” he teased, pinching your other nipple, using his body to keep you pinned to the bed. “what was it you said in that dirty little book when i saw your tits for the first time?” he asked you, “hm, let’s have a look shall we?” he said grabbing the book from where it lay only a few inches away from you. your cheeks lit up in shame, shaking your head.
“ani, no,” you pleaded with him but the boy shot you a harsh stare.
“what was that, baby?” he questioned, tone stern, “i thought you wanted this? want me to leave you to deal with this alone like you always do, seeing my cock should do you a good couple months, and you even got to taste it,”
“don’t leave” you begged, “i’m just embarrassed,” you whimper, this brought the smile back to anakin’s face.
“you don’t need to be embarrassed, pretty girl, without this little thing you would probably still be downstairs watching tv with your dad trying not to think about me, isn’t that right?” he asked, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your swollen lips.
“yes,” you said quietly, “just don’t be mean, i really… i needed you. i need you,”
“oh, baby, but you like it when i’m a little mean don’t you?” he snickered, “but back to what i was saying, where is it?” he asked flicking through the pages of the book before he found what he was looking for, “ah, here it is. you wanted me to push you onto this bed and fuck you till you saw stars,” you whimper at this, “and look how proud you were that you caught me staring at your tits,” he grinned, “pretty things aren’t they,” he leaned down, capturing your right nipple between his teeth, nibbling slightly before sucking it into his mouth. the sensation was too much, you gasped, trying to jerk against him but anakin was too strong, he bit down on your nipple, a warning before soothing it with his tongue, moving and doing the same to the other one until you were a panting mess.
“good girl,” he praised, “now this wasn’t what i wanted to do actually, just had to get a taste,” he told you with a wink and you blinked at him stunned. “where do you keep your vibrator, angel?” anakin questioned you.
“um, my bedside draw,” you murmured and anakin nodded, leaning over and opening up and pulling out your pretty pink vibrator.
“cute,” he said, “now, baby, i want to see you use this, okay? wanna know what you look like when you are playing with yourself and thinking about me,” he crooned.
“ani, i’m… fuck okay,” you said reaching out and taking the vibrator from him, anakin climbed off of you and you immediately missed the weight of him atop of you but ignored it was you yanked your shorts and panties down, revealing your throbbing pussy to anakin, the boy groaning in apprecation.
“holy shit, you’re fucking soaked, angel,” he crooned, “look at your clit, all puffy and red. all from sucking my cock?” anakin asked and you nodded, cheeks crimson. “you are a dream, pretty girl,” your clit pulsed at his words and quickly you pressed your vibrator to it before switching it on. your body writhed at the contact, you had been desperate for this for what felt like hours, every inch of your being aching for relief as you trailed the toy down, soaking it in your wetness before bringing it back to your clit, moaning at the feeling.
“fuck, anakin, feels so good” you cried out, tilting your head to look at him and seeing him gazing at your pussy in awe.
“i bet it does, angel, you were so sore, so desperate for this,” he said, reaching out and trailing a finger along your dripping slit, your hips jerked, heart pounding, “gonna come that quick, fuck, do it, baby,” he prompted. you pressed the toy harder to your clit gasping and crying out, the sight of anakin before you, the months of waiting, wanting, it all built up and before you could even react the coil in your stomach snapped and you came with a sharp moan, the vibrator still pressed to your cunt as you twitched through the aftershocks of your orgasm. then you felt it, something wet and warm trailing through your fold, you looked down to see anakin now lying between your legs, his tongue buried in your cunt.
“ani” you sobbed, switching the vibrator off and tossing it to the side, anakin taking this as his chance to wrap is lips around your clit and suck. you all but screamed, still strumming with pleasure and overwhelmed by the feeling of his mouth on you, it was hypnotic.
“did i tell you to stop?” he asked pulling back and grabbing the vibrator and flicking it on, pressing to to your abused clit, you gasped, looking down at him with wide eyes, “you are gonna hold this while i eat you out okay, you move it and i’ll stop,” he commanded.
“but, ani, it’s so sensitive,” you told him and anakin simply scoffed.
“you can take it, sluts like you can come as many times as you need to, bet you are still aching for relief,” he said pressing it down harder and you screeched, “take it,” and you did, grabbing the toy from his hand and holding it there as he burried his tongue back inside of you, licking into your sopping walls.
“oh my god, oh my god, anakin please,” you begged one hand slipping down to his hair, tugging on the dark strands with a sob. the vibrator on your clit was brutal, stirring up another orgasm in quick sucession to the last but anakin didn’t stop, he continued to lick and suck while you trembled, slick pouring from your slit as you jerked violently, cumming twice before anakin finally let up.
“you taste fucking divine, angel,” anakin said, his face glossy with your cum, you couldn’t move, couldn’t think as he switched the vibrator off and tossed it to the ground. “fuck me, i’ve never seen such a pretty girl before,” he crooned, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand before crawling up your body and pressing a dirty kiss to your lips. he tasted of salt and your release and it made your body ache once more.
“ani, ani, please,” you begged against his mouth, you werent sure exactly what you were begging for but you needed it, needed him.
“sh, angel, its okay,” he said gently, running his hands down your hips sothingly, “tell me what you need” he prompted and you wailed, he looked stunned, “hey, come on talk to me, too much?” he questioned but you shook your head violently.
“need to feel you,” you said through heaving breaths, clumsily reaching out and grasping his cock that pulsed in your hand, he spluttered out a moan, rocking his hips into you, head of his cock catching your clit with such delicious pleasure that you swore you almost saw stars. “inside,” you demanded, words failing you in that moment of utter want.
“need to prep you first,” he said, gently removing your hands from his cock before sliding his fingers through your throbbing heat finding your slit with ease and slowly sinking one finger in.
“more,” you begged almost instantly, hands clinging to his shoulders and anakin complied, sinking another finger inside of you, pumping into your wet heat as you babbled and cried.
“never imagined i would have you like this, so desperate for me,” anakin panted, “wanna know a secret, i’ve wanted this for so long, have pictured taking you so many times,” he whispered, “i came reading your diary, seeing how much you wanted me,”
“anakin,” you said, hands coming to his cheeks cupping them so that he would face you, you could see the raw desire that danced behind his pretty blue eyes, “i’m ready, please,” and he complied, slowly lining his cockhead with your swollen hole slowly inching in. the burn was intense, a tearing feeling consuming your cunt even as you leaked more slick onto his sodden cock. you gasped, more tears streaming down your cheeks as anakin slowly inched deeper.
“you can do it, baby, doing so well for me,” he praised as he sunk deeper, inch by inch before burying himself at the hilt and staying there, “look at that, angel, you did it,”
“oh, oh fuck,” it was nothing like your dildo that was all solid plastic and cold feel, instead it was warm and hard and sending your body into overdrive, it took a few moments to adjust to the feel of it, the intrusive weight uncomfortable but not unwelcomed, and it was all worth it to see anakins face. his eyes screwed up in pleasure, bottom lip pinched between his teeth as he tried to stay still for you. “move, you can move, please,”
“you sure, baby,” anakin gasped, voice tight.
“yes, please,” you agreed, he started slow at first, gentle shalow thrusts that allowed you to get used to the feeling of it, but soon he began to speed up, sinking deeper inside of you with each thrust until you could feel the tip pressing against your cervix, the pleasure was indescribable, you never knew it could feel like this, so all consuming. “yes, yes, harder,” you pleaded with him.
“you sure,” he gasped out.
“yes, i’m okay,” you nodded, and anakin listened, suddenly there was nothing between you but the heat of your skin and the slick of your bodies, a mix of sweat, cum and spit. it was disgusting, a sick merging of your bodies, anakin’s face was burried in your neck, sucking crimson marks onto your sensitive skin while you clawed at his back, manicured nails cutting into his golden skin.
“shit, you feel fucking amazing,” anakin said against your skin, grinding deeper, “such a good little pussy for me, taking me so well,” he told you, “you need to come on my cock again, wanna feel you cleanch around me, okay?” he said and you nodded frantically.
“please, ani,”
“that’s it, good girl,” he cooed, thumb coming between you to circle your clit, you could feel your orgasm building as he jerked into you, his thrusts getting sloppy and you knew he was close, could tatse it on your tongue, you needed it, needed him. “i own this pussy now,” he hissed, “gonna make every single one of your dirty fantasies come true and then we can try some of mine,” anakin told you, thumb speeding up and pleasure exploded behind your eyelids, everything went white and you were gone. when you came too anakin was hovering over you still cock in hand jerking himself off frantically.
“ani,” you whispered, hand coming up shakily and grasping his cock jerking it lightly and anakin came in thick hot spurts all over your chest and face while you took it happily. he collapsed down beside you, pulling you in so your face was pressed against his chest, leg cocking over his hips. “wow,” was all you managed to say.
“better get ready baby, this was only the beginning,” anakin smirked, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forhead and you couldn’t wait to see what else he had in store for you, and you thanked the stars that you had made that little diary.
part 2???
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thinkinonsense · 12 days
for more logan angst, would you consider doing a "one year later" or something like that follow-up to dbf!logan and the i love you fight?
i miss you, i'm sorry-dbf!logan howlett x fem!reader
part one
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456 days after
everyday your words haunted logan. he could picture you with tears in your eyes so clearly. he still went down to your fathers bar; needing something to cope. you left shortly after the fight, using the money you had saved up from working at the bar to get an apartment a couple towns over. there needed to be distance between you and logan but it seemed that no where was far enough.
logan knew every tiny detail about your life since you left. your father shows him pictures of how you decorated your apartment and tells him about the new boyfriend you've got. he should be happy; you got out before logan could get you hurt. instead, he's been drinking himself to sleep most night. your favorite bra and sleeping shorts still sat in his bedroom dresser, untouched but they still smelled like you.
"she comes home next week." your father says, pouring logan another glass of whiskey. "her mom and i are throwing her a small welcome home party, you should come by."
as if logan wouldn't feel more like a dick, he had also drove you away from your parents. always coming up with an excuse for why you can't come visit.
"i'm not sure–"
logan was cut off by your father again.
"c'mon, bud. i don't wanna be the only guy there." he jokes, excited to see you but just maybe not your friends that your mom invited.
"uh, sure." logan sighs, taking another swig from the glass. he desperately hoped that your father would forget or that logan could come up with some excuse.
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your thumbs drum anxiously at the steering wheel as you drive down your old street. the nerves were finally hitting, too late to turn back like you had many times before. all of your friends cars sat in the driveway, you can't cancel on them again.
logan could smell you before you even got out of your car. he's down in the basement with your dad and a few of the guys from the bar. his mind was anywhere except present as he focused solely on you.
"that should be her, fellas." your dad smiles, getting up to greet you upstairs with the others. "i'll be back."
logan finished his beer and wondered if he should sneak out or fake some emergency. was he even ready to you again? how would you react?
"hey, logan? could you come help bring in some bags?" your father yells down the stairs.
"logan?" your voice was shaking at the mention of the man who shattered your heart.
this isn't the time to be crying. just get through dinner and then you can drive home; tell them you can't stay the night. fuck, what were you going to do?
"welcome home, sweetheart." logan mumbles with a slight nod, walking past you and out the door.
it was hard to mask your anger. one of your friends pours you a glass of wine and brings you to the living room, away from logan. your dad and him bring in your suitcases and sit them in your old bedroom. all of it felt like when you step off a roller coaster; dizzy, slightly confused, wanting to go again.
at the table, your mom asks about your new boyfriend. logan couldn't stand you going on and on about how great this guy was. so great that he's too busy to come home with you.
"so, do you think he's 'the one'?" one of your friends asks.
"um... i'm not sure." you shrug, catching logan's eye. "but i know he loves me and that's all that matters."
you might as well shot logan in the chest with that one.
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one too many glasses of wine and two beers later, almost everyone was starting to clear out. everyone except for logan. he's not sure why he didn't leave sooner. perhaps it was your presence that made him stay. even if you were pissed at him still, you were still here, still near him.
"i'm gonna go get more beer from the garage." you tell your friends, stumbling a little to your feet.
the truth was that you needed some air. too consumed by logan's heated gaze. you made it down the porch steps before you heard the screen door open and close.
"i don't need any help." you call out over your shoulder.
the foot steps sounded much closer by the time you flicked on the light switch.
"don't you think you've had enough to drink tonight?" logan asks, shutting the garage door behind him.
"i can drink however much i want." you slur slightly. "i am an adult after all ."
"i know, you're an adult."
"are you sure? because wasn't it just a little over a year ago that you were still treating me like a child?"
"if you don't want to be seen as a child, then don't act like one."
"fuck you, logan." you hiss, slamming the fridge door.
"oh sure, it's fuck me for sayin' the truth." logan rolls his eyes.
"it's fuck you for breaking my heart."
"do you think that you didn't break my heart by leaving?"
"i left because you told me to go!" you cried, finally letting the tears flow. "i said i loved you and you got scared like a little kid."
"i got scared because you shouldn't love someone as fucked up as me." he snaps, voice becoming strained.
"did you serious think i didn't know?"
logan looks at you stunned. how did you...?
"you talk in your sleep. it wasn't hard to piece together after that." you answer with sigh. "your mutation doesn't scare me."
there's a moment of silence between the two of you. logan steps forward, touching a lock of your hair; vanilla body wash flooding his senses. he's missed you so much.
"your stuff is still in my drawers." logan whispers. you know what he means; he's never been good with expressing his emotions but you always could tell what he meant. "want ya' to come home, sweetheart."
logan's rough palm moves up to cup the side of your face. your torn between shoving him away or pulling him closer. without a second thought, you nuzzle into his touch. old habits die hard.
"i can't." you tell him.
"yes, you can–"
"no. you don't love me, lo."
"i do, i want to be with you." logan begs, fighting off his tears.
"you love when i'm in bed with you or when we listen to records and do cross word puzzles together, but you are not in love with me." you tell him, lightly removing his hand from your face. "i can't be with someone who hides from me, someone who can't even say out loud that they love me. i'm sorry, logan."
you grab the case of beer and walk past him one last time. it was hell to leave him there but even logan knew he deserved it. he wasn't worthy of your love then and he defintely wasn't worthy of it now. you dodged the bullet that would leave him here to bleed out.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Padawan Learner
Mrs Vettel, ex Williams driver, current McLaren driver, can't drive while pregnant. Although she's contracted until 2026, she can't drive while she's with child. But she can't stay away from racing, and can't help but take the Williams rookie under her wing.
Sebastian Vettel x Reader, (Platonic) Logan Sargeant x Reader
Warnings: Brief description of smut
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She wasn't supposed to retire at the same time as her husband. He felt as if he was at the end of his career and there was nothing more he could offer to the sport, so he retired. He'd had his glory years in Red Bull, moved to Ferrari, every racers dream, and ended things in Aston Martin, alongside his wife's old teammate.
She still had more race left in her. She'd been with Williams for years, racing alongside Valteri Bottas, Lance Stroll, George Russell, and, later, Alex Albon. But then she moved to McLaren, a team she felt would help her fight for wins.
Her husband very thoroughly celebrated the beginning of his retirement. She found herself stuffed full of cum almost every day of winter break.
It shouldn't have been a surprise when they got pregnant. But she wanted to murder Sebastian. For all of five seconds she wanted to drown him in their pool. But, after that five seconds passed, she was overjoyed, wrapping her arms around Sebastians neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
She told McLaren and they pulled Oscar Piastri in for the year. That was how he got his first drive in F1. All because Sebastian Vettel was incredibly horny, but he didn't need to know this.
She might not have been able to drive, but she still wanted to be trackside whenever she could. Her old team gave her this opportunity. She didn't hang around the McLaren garage, as she had half expected.
No, it was Williams and the new team Principle, James Vowles, who gave her somewhere to be during the season. Even in preseason testing, she was there, watching the Williams.
It was great to be in the garage with Lily again. She'd always liked Lily, thought she was great for Alex when they first met. After her move to McLaren she rarely got to see Lily, and as much as she hated sitting in the garage, it was nice to be sat in the garage with her.
Alex was a great driver. Any advice a veteran like her could have offered him, he already knew.
But then there was his teammate.
She watched Logan from his very first race weekend. She had known about the rookie for a couple of years now and had watched him succeed in Formula Two.
But now, in the Williams tractor, he was struggling. Week after week after week he was finishing outside of the points, or he wasn't finishing at all. She really felt for him.
"Hey," she said after the Hungarian Grand Prix.
Logan hadn't spoken to anybody since he got out of the car and did all that he needed to do. Clearly he was struggling. He didn't say anything, just looked up.
She stood beside him. At her stage of pregnancy she could have gotten down to the floor to sit with him, but she wouldn't have been able to get up without help. Her hand rested on her bump as she looked down at him.
"I still remember my first season in Formula One," she said as she looked at the retired car. "It was 2013 and Seb was set to win the championship. I was in my first year in Williams and I think I only finished maybe ten races," she said with a laugh.
"Wait, seriously?" Asked Logan as he looked up.
She nodded her head. "I crashed out of most, or the car fell apart on me. Most people wondered why I had a seat for the next year, but Williams saw potential in me. I know they see it in you, too."
Every time Logan didn't finish a race, every time he came dead last, she was there. Nobody could comfort her like she did. Sometimes Seb joked that they might as well adopt him, and Logan agreed. Most up and down paddock called Logan her padawan learner, which was very fitting.
Logan began being the person she spent the most time with when Sebastian wasn't there. He'd looked up to her for many years and having her support meant the world to him. He was there for her too, making sure she had somewhere to sit and something to drink whenever she needed it.
In September, a month before her due date, Sebastian begged her to stop travelling. Just in case he wanted her home with him, where he could take care of her. They still watched every race together and she made sure to send Logan a good luck text before every practice session, qualifying, and race.
When Logan got his first points, nobody celebrated more than Sebastian Vettels wife. She was so proud of him, even if those points were because of two disqualifications. She posted a picture of him and her from a previous race on Instagram like a proud mum. Funnily enough, Logan comments 'thanks mom' on the post.
Just two weeks after this, her water broke. Sebastian got her to the hospital. He stayed by her side, holding her hand through the hours of excruciating labour.
Leon Vettel didn't cry when he was born. He was so quiet, that it actually scared his mother. But the doctors and nurses assured the new parents that he was perfectly healthy.
He was their perfect little man.
She insisted on asking Logan to be Leons godfather. They had grown so close over the last few months that it seemed fitting.
Logan accepted. As soon as the Vettels could, they were taking Leon to races. Or, Sebastian took Leon to races, to watch his mother race. Of course he was wearing a Williams hat and McLaren shirt.
"Papa," Leon said at four years old after watching the Australian Grand Prix qualifying session.
"What is it, my little man?" Asked Sebastian as he sat Leon on his lap.
"I wanna be like mama and Uncle Logan," he said, and Sebastian couldn't stop himself from grinning.
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delulujuls · 5 months
young, dumb & bwoke | ln4
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hi! as u can see i couldn't stop myself from writing about last saturday events in amsterdam with mr norris as main star (he was more popular than the king himself lmao). lando is literally what i always bring to the function and yup, enjoy him being the chaotic drunk bestie while max and y/n are his literal party parents. its nothing crazy and without plot basically, i just added sum to this years' koningsdag so yeah, enjoy!
summary: there is nothing that lando loves more than a good party and his beloved dutch friends so imagine him with drink in his cup surrounded by whole orange nation. it could be nuts and it was
warnings: TONS of alcohol, lando being drunk (and hurted), mentions of blood, basically sum chaos
pairing: fem!dutch!bff!reader x lando norris (ft. max verstappen)
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Lando couldn't wait for the plane he was on to break through the heavy cloud cover and land in Amsterdam.
China and Miami, which were the next rounds on the calendar, were separated by two weeks that were nothing else, in Lando's case, than a time of stagnation. Add to this the fact that Lando had bad memories of his performance in China and, what's worse, the sprint he failed so badly and which constantly played in his head like a jammed record, one could go crazy. That's why the Brit was extremely happy when he received an invitation to spend the weekend in the capital of the Netherlands. He was invited to Amsterdam to celebrate King Willem's birthday by none other than his favorite flying Dutch.
The friendship of Y/N, Max and Lando began in 2019, practically from the very moment he entered Formula 1. The kid, who was barely 20 years old but looked like 12, immediately won over the Dutch couple with his smile and sense of humor, who, due to their sometimes severe temperament, could not boast of having many friends in the paddock. Even though the three friends were only two years apart, Max and Y/N naturally became Lando's racing parents, with whom the Brit spent practically every moment, from time in the paddock, through celebrating on the podium, to time away from competitions. So it was no surprise when they invited him to spend the weekend together, to which he, of course, eagerly agreed.
When the plane landed, Lando pulled the hood of his orange sweatshirt over his head and slung his backpack over his shoulder, in which he packed everything he might need for the coming days. As you could guess, there wasn't much of it, he actually had everything he needed on him and the most important part was an oversized orange sweatshirt. Waiting for him at the airport was Y/N, who couldn't wait to see him. She didn't have to wait too long, because a moment later he walked out in front of the terminal. Y/N smiled as she saw her friend walking towards her and she hugged him tightly.
"You knew I was coming, you could have asked the king for better weather," Lando joked, trying to sound serious, which only made the girl giggle.
"If you think that the weather will have any influence on what will happen in the evening, then unfortunately I will have to disappoint you," she replied, getting into the car. "It's already starting to get crowded in downtown, and it's not even noon."
Lando threw his backpack into the backseat and got into the passenger side. He smiled like a child, looking forward to how the weekend would unfold. It looked like he would spend a nice few days, able to finally de-stress and relax, and in the company of friends. But speaking of friends, one of them was missing.
"And where's Max?" he asked as they left the airport and were on their way to the girl's apartment. "I thought he had been waiting for me with the welcome committee since yesterday."
"He's already in town, I dropped him off while I was on my way to pick you up."
"He's fast," Lando laughed and shook his head, "I hope he's still on his feet when we get to him."
At that moment, Lando didn't think about the fact that no one else but himself would be able to stay on his feet. When the Brit set off for Amsterdam, he obviously expected to spend two days drunk, with legs sore from dancing and a sore throat from singing, but he forgot that he has absolutely no immunity to alcohol.
When the three friends were finally together, alcohol quickly appeared in their hands. Y/N and Max started with beer, but Lando had no intention of wasting his time drinking something that would only cause pressure on his bladder. As soon as he boarded one of the barges floating on the Herenbracht Canal, he drank several shots at once. Y/N and Max just exchanged glances as he drank the drink standing on Garrix's console in one gulp, who didn't care one bit about it, being already in a good mood himself.
"I'm a little worried about how this might end," Max said in her ear as she took a sip of her cider, watching Lando jump happily.
"Even if he's drunk, so what," she replied, handing him her bottle and taking away the body paints in circulation, "He didn't come here to be bored."
Max was about to say something, but she pushed his hand slightly, bringing the bottle he was holding to his lips. Max shook his head and took a few sips from it, while the girl started painting flags on his cheeks. When she finished, she waved them up, attracting Lando's attention, who understood what she meant and nodded eagerly. The girl squeezed through the console and stood next to him, leaning him against the barge rails, because Lando had trouble not bobbing to the music for a moment.
The smile that never left his face wrinkled his cheeks, on which she tried to paint Dutch flags. When she finished and turned to pass the paints, Lando took off her sunglasses and put them on himself.
"Have a drink with me!" Lando shouted, holding out his empty cup to her, and she raised her cider bottle in response. He rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction when suddenly a bottle of vodka appeared in the crowd and someone handed it straight to his hands. Without much thought, Lando unscrewed the cap and took a few sips as if the contents were water, which of course met with the crowd's approval.
Y/N took the bottle from his hands, fearing not the amount Lando drank, but the relatively short time it took him to do so. However, not wanting to seem boring, she tilted the bottle herself, letting the liquid burn her throat. Delighted, Lando clapped his hands and hugged his friend, causing some of the alcohol to flow down her chin. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist as well, and raised her hand in a toast, which was joined by everyone who had something to drink.
Max also raised his beer bottle a bit. However, somewhere in the background of his mind there was an image of Lando and what he would look like in the near future. However, the Brit himself did not care at all about this. As long as he was in the company of his friends, his plastic cup was full and he could jump to the music and sing along, he was happy. Even the fact that his face was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when someone, completely by accident, punched him in the face, didn't disturb it.
Y/N, who also decided to pick up the pace after drinking her cider, immediately sobered up when she saw blood on her friend's face. She quickly pressed a tissue to his nose, but he tried to assure her that he was fine. His brain didn't encode the impact or the pain, didn't acknowledge that he was bleeding, even when he ran his tongue over his lips and tasted blood on them. People in the crowd started calling out to each other to see if anyone had a first aid kit. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bandage appeared, and just as Y/N, being drunk, thought it would be a great idea to wrap Lando's face in a bandage, Max started asking people if they somehow had band aids. He couldn't let that dumbass parade around like that for the rest of the evening.
“I've sobered up a bit, I can keep drinking,” he said as Y/N finished clumsily bandaging his face, “I probably look worse that i did when i crashed in Vegas.”
Her friend tried to be serious, but it was impossible to stay serious around Lando. "You have to be careful, Lan," she said, trying to retain some sanity and touching his cheek, looking into his eyes, "I hope it's not broken."
"Bwoken," he repeated in silly voice, giggling "Oh no, it couldn't be bwoken"
"Honestly, i also hope it is not," Max interjected when he managed to rejoin his friends after some time, "Getting to the hospital now would be a near miracle."
"Hey, I'm fine," he said as Max waved the Band-Aids in his face and began to remove the clumsy bandage into which their friend had probably poured her whole heart and a few drinks that she drank earlier.
"I'm glad you don't feel anything, but that doesn't change the fact that I won't look at it," he replied, lifting his chin and examining his nose from every angle. Luckily this one seemed fine.
Once Max had placed two tiny patches on him, Y/N handed him his mug with a fresh drink again. "Brave patient," she smiled at him.
"In a state like this, I'd be surprised if he felt something," Max admitted, taking a bottle of vodka standing nearby. He decided that since Lando had had an accident, nothing worse awaited them and he could allow himself to loosen a bit more. He took a few sips and handed the bottle to the younger one, who smiled, tightening his hand around it. He looked at his friends standing in front of him, slightly drunk but still fully focused on him. He knew he was important to them and that he is not alone in all this madness.
"I love you guys," he said, with a bottle in his hand, pushing himself off the railing and hugging them, "You are the best in the world, simply the best."
The rest of the day and later in the evening took place in a great atmosphere and the party lasted until 3. in the morning. For the rest of Amsterdam it probably lasted longer, but for Lando it began to end after two o'clock, when he was barely able to stand. Partly from being drunk, partly from being tired. He didn't stand still during a single song, so the next day, apart from his face, his legs will certainly be visible. Taking a break for something warm to eat, Max, Y/N, and Lando sat down at one of the wooden tables. While waiting for their orders, Lando rested his head on Y/N's shoulder and closed his eyes. It was obvious that he just needed something to lean on to fall asleep.
"I think it's time for us to go," the girl announced, directing her words to Max. "The baby is only fit for bed now."
"He's been in great shape for a long time anyway, judging by how much he was on his feet today," Max concluded, glancing first at him and then at the girl, "But you're holding up pretty well, aren't you?"
"Yes, I do," she nodded and hugged Lando, who began to slide off her shoulder, "But I'm also getting sleepy."
"Me too," Max rubbed his face with his hands, "At least we can be sure that no one will wake us up first thing in the morning to explore the city."
He said, glancing at Lando, who was dozing with his mouth open on his friend's shoulder. After eating casseroles and fries, which were for Lando and which he was unable to eat, the three of them went to the girl's apartment. Of course, only she and Max were walking on their own, Lando was between them, leaning on their arms. He was muttering something incomprehensible under his breath, so it was obvious that he was alive and everything was fine, besides the fact that he was completely drunk.
When they arrived at the address and crossed the threshold of the apartment, they immediately went to put him in the bedroom, not wasting time in unfolding the couch for him. Max was in the process of stripping him of his shoes, pants, bloody sweatshirt, and all the necklaces and ribbons he had collected the previous day, while Y/N placed a large bottle of water, painkillers, and a bucket by his bed, as if the contents of his stomach had suddenly decided that they wants to get outside. However, there was no indication that Lando was going to have a restless night, because he started snoring softly as soon as his cheek touched the pillow. Max covered him with the blanket and took a few steps away from the bed, standing next to his friend who was looking at the sleeping boy.
"Can you hear that?" Max whispered, glancing at her, and she frowned questioningly, "It's silence, listen to it, because when he gets up, the only thing you can hear will be his lamentations about how hungover he is."
The girl snorted quietly and shook her head, taking Lando's clothes to the laundry.
"The most important thing is that he had a good time. And a little hangover never killed nobody."
The next day, however, did not bring anything unexpected. When Lando woke up, the first thing that hit him was a terrible headache that got worse when he sat down and tried to get out of bed. When he stood in the doorway of the bedroom, Y/N and Max's eyes immediately went towards him and Lando could swear that they looked like they spent the entire last evening on the couch.
"Hi honey, did you sleep well?" Max asked playfully, in the perfect mood for jokes since he himself was fine after last night.
Lando just blinked several times and wanted to wipe his face with his hands and collect some words to answer, but when he touched his cut nose, he cursed loudly.
"What the fuck?"
"A souvenir from yesterday," the girl answered him, getting up from the couch and taking out a frozen package from the fridge, which she handed to him, "I recommend a shower and I'll make you some coffee."
He closed his eyes and put the package to his nose, sighing and grabbing the bathroom door handle. Before he disappeared, Max just shouted after him.
"And don't puke in the shower!"
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ghosty-writes-23 · 7 months
I'm Home Sweetheart. - Leon S Kennedy.
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!TAGS!: Fluff, Leon being husband material, NSFW Content, !CONSENT IS KEY!, Body worship, !WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT!, Choking, Breathplay, Size kink, Spit play, Doggystyle, Blow Job, Eating out, 69, Dom!Leon, Aftercare.
Pairing: DI!Husband!Leon + Fem!Reader.
Rating: Mature.
Summary: “Tell me about your book sweetheart, I want to recreate those scenes with you.”  Where your kind and caring husband Leon comes home early from a mission and surprises you by building a private in-home library as you were starting to run out of space to keep your precious books and wants to recreate your favourite scenes from your favourite authors.
Word Count: 3.7k
Thank you for all the support, it means alot❤️
Ada's Version.
18+ Content // Minors DO NOT Interact // 18+ Content.
Using your teeth to pull open the bottle cap top of the ice cold orange juice, you took a few huge mouthfuls as you waited for the stop light to turn green, the drink was cold and refreshing causing a shiver to run though your body as you placed the bottle on the passenger's seat. Today you were coming back from annual and yearly no boyfriends or husbands girls vacation weekend you and your best friend always planned since you were in high school.
The trip started out innocently just spending the day at the spa getting your nails done and relaxing, to only end up going clubbing last night and dancing on the table to when I grow up by the pussycat dolls in 6 inch stiletto heels. As much as you loved the girls' vacation and letting loose for a couple days, you couldn’t wait to get home and curl up next to your husband, with a spicy enemies to lovers book with your dog Ace cuddled into your side.
Ace is an old German shepherd that is also an ex police dog whose owner was killed in the line of duty, the poor dog was so confused on why his owner and handler didn’t come back, he would wait for his older owner to return, as time went on Ace grew more and more depressed he refused to work with anybody else or be social with other dogs.
It go so bad that the police department thought it would be better to put Ace up for adoption and hope he would find a loving forever home but Ace just stayed in his kennel hiding away, he refused to eat and would growl at anybody who came near him.
That was until he met your husband of 8 years Leon who was looking for a dog that could protect you while he was away on missions, but also he could play around with at the park or at home when he had time off, the moment the two of them meet they were inseparable and Leon rushed to adopt him that day and after waiting for a week you both welcomed Ace into your little family and you both became the dogs whole world.
Always coming for cuddles and acting like a huge baby even letting you put Leon’s sunglasses on him and take pictures, it filled your heart with so much joy when Ace started putting on weight and started looking healthier.
Then you have your sweet little Oreo who was just your average black cat with white little paws and little face markings with one marking on her chest that looks like a heart, she was a stray when you first found her huddled in a small box on a stormy night outside your mom’s bakery, she was so small and fragile you didn’t think she would make it through the night, she was really skinny and her fur was matted to her skin nearly, she must of been abandoned at a very young age which broke your heart. 
She had no collar and no microchip so it was pointless trying to find her old owners. So that night you wrapped her up in your warm woolly scarf and took her home, where both you and Leon very gently brushed her fur, clipped her nails and gave her some food and water after you asked Leon to get some kitten food before you got home. She warmed up to you both but she mostly stuck to your side always wanting cuddles and pets.
You ended up adopting her a few days later after she passed all the vet checks and got her vaccinations, she was a little cautious of Leon since he smelt like Ace, but Ace was a good boy and let Oreo get used to him, even if it meant he got bit and clawed at a few times but slowly they became friends, then even shared Ace’s bed on cold nights and play with their toys with each other.
When the stoplight finally turned green you started driving down the main highway listening to the music that softly played in your car, distracting you from the slightly throbbing pain in your head from your dull hangover. The drive home was quick and you pulled into your garage within 10 minutes, the throbbing in your head subsided and you didn't feel as bad but you where really hungry.
Getting out you grabbed your bag and started heading inside to where you could hear Ace happily barking at the front door, you could even hear his tippy tappy paws, it caused you to smile thinking somebody was excited that you were home. 
“Hey Baby.” You say happily after opening the front door, Ace was running around your legs, his tail wagging so fast it was almost like a dark blur as he was barking, it was so sweet, you heard Oreo meow from the small table by the door as if she was saying welcome home, putting your bag down you kneeled down and started petting ace and gave Oreo’s head a soft kiss.
“Yes yes I missed you guys too.” you say as Oreo rubbed her face on your cheek and Ace was nuzzling into your hand. “Where you talking to me sweetheart.” Your husband Leon says with a soft chuckle, causing you to look at him wide eyed before running over and hugging Leon tightly. “Your back early.” you say happily wrapping your arms around his neck, his large arms wrapped around your waist pulling your body closer to him. 
“Surprise.” he says as you nuzzle into his chest, you were so glad your husband was home in one piece. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you whined softly hitting his shoulder causing him to laugh before he grabbed your smaller hand in his larger one. “Because I have a surprise for you.” he hints as he starts walking down the hallway of your house, you were a little confused but you followed your husband anyway.
Soon you found yourself outside your storage room, it was a spare bedroom you and Leon used for storage since it was pretty spacious and you didn't really use it, pulling out a key from his pocket Leon slid the key into lock and softly popped open the door. “Go inside.” Leon says, by his tone you could tell he was excited for you to see his surprise, pushing the door open you gasped softly, your one messy and chaotic storage room was turned into an in-home library. 
There was black floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with your books and some new ones you recognized, there was also a small wooden ladder that travel down the bookshelves, a fluffy rug on the ground, your window seat was decorated with comfy pillows and a blanket, there was a small coffee table in the middle of the room with a container with bookmarks, colorful page tabs, highlighters fine tip pens, and a blackberry and guava scented candle accompanied by a box of matches, in the far right conner was a little coffee and tea station where you could make a hot drink and cozy up with one of your books, The room felt warm and cozy, you could feel your eyes tearing up at the sight.
“Leon…” you say quietly, your voice cracking slightly, you looked up at your husband teary eyed to which he softly cupped your cheek and kissed you softly. “Happy valentines day, I wanted you to have a place for all your books since they were kind of taking over the house.” he says with a chuckle as he rested his forehead on yours as his rough thumb stroked the soft skin of your cheek, it would explain the black paint smudge on his face.
“I love you so much.” you say wrapping your arms around his neck, sometimes you felt like you didn’t deserve Leon. “Not as much as I love you sweetheart.” he says as he gives your hips a slight squeeze.
Later That Night 
You where cozied up in your little library reading one of the new books Leon had purchased you, it was a spicy romance novel that has a few dark twists, just as you were about to turn to the next page your library door opened and saw Leon was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest he must of come back from his night run with Ace.
When your gaze met his there was a soft and gentle look in his baby blue eyes as he took in the sight of you reading your book, the soft light of the lamp casting a warm glow on your skin, to him you where Leon’s little slice of heaven from the rest of the chaos in his world.
“What's this book about?” Leon asked with curiosity as he walked into your library and rested his chin on your shoulder, his stubble tickling the side of your face. “A spicy forbidden romance between a DEA agent and a criminal mastermind.” you tell him with a small giddy look on your face, it was no secret that you had an ‘interest’ in forbidden romances but Leon was no stranger to that.
“Do you like a man in uniform?” he mumbled deeply in your ear as he started to press soft kisses to your neck, a soft sigh left your lips as you bit your bottom lip. 
“You know I do.” you say as your eyes flutter closed enjoying the loving affection from your husband, your book now just a passing thought. “How about you put your book down and get that pretty little ass upstairs.” Leon suggests against your ear, his voice a few octaves deeper causing you to squeeze your thighs slightly, you felt one of his hands make its way from your hip up your stomach and chest before he wrapped his fingers around your neck and gave it a light squeeze causing a soft whine to leave your lips.
“Okay.” you say looking up at him through your lashes, releasing your neck he placed an innocent kiss on your forehead before you started making your way to your shared bedroom upstairs.
Once you made it to your shared bedroom you could hear Leon doing something downstairs, but you just went and waited on your bed for him with your hands in your lap, after a couple moments you could hear his heavy footsteps coming up the steps “he must be wearing his boots.” you thought and when he came into view all the moisture in your mouth evaporated, thighs squeezed together and your pussy clenched. 
There Leon stood in his work clothing which consisted of a navy blue short sleeve top that was tight around his biceps, dark grey cargo jeans and black combat boots, but what really caught your eyes was the grey tactical vest that was strapped around his front and back. You felt yourself gulping slightly as you looked at your husband up and down, “I’m in danger.” you thought but you couldn’t help but be excited.
“Like what you see doll?” Leon asked, there was a slight tease in his tone as he walked over to you and gently grabbed your chin with his gloved hand, you nodded your head not trusting your voice as you nuzzled your face into his hand, hearing a soft chuckle you felt Leon gently tug your face up before he gently kissed you, his lips were warm and soft his kiss gentle and sweet.
Feeling his hand move away from your chin you felt him start to strip you of your oversized shirt that was clearly his, only breaking the kiss for a second to tug his your shirt off then tossing it on the ground before reconnecting your lips again, you feel back onto your plush bed one of his knees in between your legs as he hovered over you.
Your fingers found their way into his dark hair and gently tugged on his roots, earning you a soft groan from your husband as he tugged your leggings off your legs leaving you in your bra and panties. When Leon finally broke the kiss you looked up at each other breathing heavily, nothing but love and affection swimming in both your eyes for each other.
One of his gloved hands rests on your cheek, his thumb tracing your bottom lip sticking your tongue out slightly you ran it up the front of his glove before taking his gloved thumb into your mouth and gently sucking. 
“And you say I'm a tease princess.” Leon groaned, cheekily you gently bit his thumb and your teeth leaving a little imprint in his glove, before you leaned up and kissed him then used your strength to push Leon over onto the other side of the bed then straddle his waist, you felt his eyes on you but you where on a mission you wanted to pay Leon back for the library and the thoughtfulness then went into the idea.
You unclipped his tactical vest and placed on the ground be your bed before you trailed gentle kisses down his clothed chest and stomach as your hands worked on unbutton his pants and tugging them down his legs leaving him in his underwear. 
When you finally reached the top of his underwear that had a wet patch, you gently tugged them down revealing his hard cock that was leaking precum everywhere, you looked up at Leon as if to ask permission Leon nodded his head and ran his fingers through your hair and held it in a makeshift ponytail so your hair didn’t get in your eyes.
Smiling soft you let your tongue run up the side before you wrapped your lips around the tip and slowly began to bob your head you could feel every vein and ridge, he was heavy on your tongue but there was a small comfort, you made yourself at home placing your hands on his muscular thighs as you set a smooth pace.
Slowly bobbing your head occasionally he would hit the back of your throat, causing tears to prick your eyes but you blinked them away quickly.
Above you could hear Leon groaning and giving you soft praises of “such a good girl” and “feels so good darling.” the praise sent heat to your cheeks and kept you going, you wanted to make him feel good, you wanted to be his good girl.
You could feel your jaw was being to hurt slightly when your suddenly pulled off, breathing heavily saliva coating your slightly swollen lips a soft whine leaving your throat as you looked at your husband with a pout, he was breathing heavily his cheeks were slightly pink.
“Want to make you feel good too.” Leon says before you can think about what he said he pulls your lower half over his face, his stubble tickling the inside of your thighs, you could feel his warm breath on the wet patch of your panties causing you to clench around nothing and a soft whine to leave your lips.
When you felt him move your panties to the side and his tongue ran up your folds, a soft moan left your lips as you slightly arched your back. You could feel the heat running through your body as he feasted on you, as if he was in his own little world with his tongue deep inside you. 
Feeling his wrap his arms around your hips to keep you in place, you went back to giving him the same pleasure, your pillowy lips wrapping around his cock again and bobbing your head at a steady pace with your cheeks slightly sucked in.
You could feel him twitching in your mouth, you pulled away slightly and swirled your tongue around his tip causing his hips to jolt slightly you knew he was close, but so where you as your thighs shook slightly around his head. 
“Fuck doll cumming.” Leon groaned before you pushed him all the way down your throat, a few tears rolling down your cheeks at the sudden intrusion but you ignored the pain as your throat muscles tightened around him.
Leon came down your throat with a deep groan and even slightly bucked his hips, you soon followed and came with a loud moan, pulling away slightly you breathed heavily and wiped your mouth. Leon was breathing heavily but there was a huge grin on his face as he moved so now he was hovering over you. 
“Another round princess?” he asked as he reached into the bedside table and pulled out a silver square, you could barely pull a thought together but you nodded your head and let your husband position you how he wanted, lucky this time you were laid on your stomach with a pillow under your hips, your head resting against your pillow and soft hum leaving your lips as you where in a comfortable position.
You heard the sound of the condom packet being torn open and the lid of a lube bottle being cracked opened, it wasn’t that you weren't used to Leon’s size but sometimes it made it more comfortable, you heard the sound of the rest of his clothes hit the ground beside the bed as he stripped off, he even carefully took your soaked panties off and tossed them onto the pile of his clothes.
“Cold.” you whined softly as a shiver went down your spine, you felt Leon placed a small blob over your slit and gently rub it in. “I know sweetheart, you'll warm up soon princess I promise.” Leon says before you felt him at your entrance, you closed your eyes and waited for the familiar stretch, a soft moan left your lips as he slowly pushed in being careful and soon bottomed out a soft groan leaving both of your lips as you felt each other.
“Fuck.” you cursed as you placed your face into your pillow, no matter how many times you take him, he always overwhelms you with how good he makes you feel. 
“Are you ok?” Leon asked when you felt him gently kiss your shoulder, when he was this gentle with you it made your heart skip a beat, you nodded your head and gave him a smile as you leaned up and softly kissed her cheek.
“I’m ok but I do have one request?” you say when you notice he is still wearing the gloves on his hands, you saw him glance between you and his hands a small smirk on his face as he already knew what you were asking him for, moving his arm his bicep wrapped snug around your neck giving a soft squeeze Leon began to thrust slowly, teasingly but you here in heaven with his bicep around your neck.
“Such a dirty little girl, do you like it when I choke you? Deprive you of oxygen until you nearly pass out.” Leon asked his tone was mean and nasty as the pace of his thrusts picked up, your brain was going fuzzy you couldn’t focus on anything else but him.
You loved it when Leon was your kind and sweet husband but deep deep down a part of you liked it when he was mean and dominant, it made you feel so small being under him, his body towering over yours, his muscles and strength double if not triple then yours and it was such a turn on.
“Yes I do.” you choked out as you looked up at your husband, there was a smirk on his face as he thrusted into your soaked pussy, your gummy walls sucking him in and never wanting him to leave.
“Open.” he demanded and you opened your mouth without hesitation then you felt Leon spit into your mouth making you feel even dirtier, but you loved it and grinned up at him almost as if you were a crazed woman, you swallowed before you opened your mouth again and stick out your tongue. 
“Fuck I love you so much.” Leon groaned his voice deeper as he tightened his bicep around your neck, causing small spots to come into your version. You knew your safe word but you didn’t want to use it, this feeling felt like pure ecstasy and you were floating. “You close darling?” you heard Leon ask and you nodded your head feeling the familiar tightening in your stomach.
“Yes.” you choked out in between moans, your thighs were trembling and your head was feeling foggy. “Cumming.” you cry out as you let out a high pitch moan and came around Leon, you felt him soon follow. After a couple minutes you slowly felt him pull out then discard the used condom in the rubbish.
an hour later 
You were freshly showered and dressed in one of Leon’s shirts and a pair of panties, you both were relaxing in bed cuddled into Leon with Ace sleeping in his dog bed next to the window and Oreo resting and purring in between you and Leon. 
“I wasn’t too rough was I?” you heard Leon asked as he was tracing his thumb on your hip bone under his shirt you were wearing. “No, you were perfect as always.” you say you press a kiss to the top of his bare chest that had a few old scars, this caused him to smile and pull you closer to him being careful of Oreo as he doesn’t want to be attacked by her again.
“Happy Valentine's Day doll.” Leon says as he kisses your head and makes sure both you and Oreo are comfortable on the bed, “Happy Valentine's Day honey.” you say as you leaned up and softly kissed him, grateful to have a husband as kind, caring and gentle as Leon….
©Ghosty-writes-23, 2024. all rights reserved. !I DO NOT! consent to translations or replications or reproduction of my work on any other social media platforms and or make AI Bots without my explict consent and permission.
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