#I live for that shit
laurapetrie · 2 years
One day I shall be the princess, and spend my whole life dancing in fairyland.
Anna Pavlova, I Dreamed I Was A Ballerina (1922)
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sluttylittlewaste · 1 month
Special shout out to the artists who draw Adaine (and Aelwyn) as Black, y'all are truly out here doing the Lords work
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consigliere-vincenzo · 3 months
the way he threw that bike when he finally found her-
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Oh look! Dan and Phil are both down on one knee ready to propose to each other!💍🥺
About damn time it’s been like 15 years
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vehicularmotorcycle · 11 months
I'm convinced any negative reviewers/DNFs of The Archive Undying are mainly fantasy readers rather than sci-fi. I see people on goodreads complaining about there not being enough worldbuilding or explanations of what things are, that's just sci-fi! In the best sci-fi media we ride on vibes! Lack of exposition is a feature, not a flaw! We learn on a need-to-know basis, and this book is doing a really good job at that; when it's important, you'll find out what it is/how it works in a subtle, non-intrusive way. Until then, it's about people, and emotions, and scary robots with people (and probably emotions) inside, and you're just along for the ride.
I'm only 20% in and it's already so good, I can see this being a comfort book I reread multiple times. I can't wait to see where this series goes, what gets revealed in this book, and what we'll be left to speculate on until the next.
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gryffindorkus · 5 months
Shipping jegulily because you ship jegulus but you still want Harry to be born? Wrong answer.
Shipping jegulily because regulily is an amazing ship but you firmly believe that regulily only works if James is also in the mix? 100% correct and deserving of several academic awards.
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makorragal-312 · 11 months
Okay, but the parallels tho...
The first rooftop scene with Clark and Lois running to each other and just grasping the other’s arms.
And then this rooftop scene with Clark and Lois just straight up hugging and holding each other.
If the next rooftop scene is Clark and Los running to each other, hugging and KISSING, I just might die on the spot!
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sochawrites · 1 year
May I request a Comic Bane x gn/male!reader, oneshot, hc, whatever you wish, but Bane figures out the reader has a bunch of stuffed animals/child-like items, and they get embarrassed over it, but he doesn't care because he has some of his own (Osito)? If not, thank you anyway!
🥺🥺🥺 that's so cute?
I am so so soooo sorry it took me so long to finally write and post this 😭😭😭😭😭😭. A lot has been going on and I have to jump back on the writing train. I wish this was longer and better, but this is the best I could come up with after all these months...😭😭😭
I went with male!reader, but besides the spanish I'd say it's gender neutral.
Bane x Male! reader
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"Cariño!" the small room of your home left no space for the familiar deep voice to echo through and disperse, causing it to be all that much louder and sharper, making you almost jump out of your skin and hit your head on a shelf above. You didn't expect his arrival so soon after his last visit, but it was a welcome surprise.
Bane walked into the kitchen, "Estoy en casa, amor.", threw his coat and mask over a chair and watched you rubbing your head as you stumbled out of the pantry. "Y/N…" he smiled at you, enveloping you in a warm hug, one you always crave whenever he's around, before massaging the top of your head and giving it a quick kiss, trying to help soothe the pain, "Have I scared you?". "No, of course not.", you mumbled into his neck, earning a chuckle and a few pats on your back.
"Hmm… Of course~." Bane gave your head one more peck, letting go of you soon after and looking around, inhaling deeply, "What are you cooking?". "Oh!" you jumped to the stove, quick to stir the sizzling contents in the pan, "Just some chicken with vegetables, nothing fancy. There's enough for both of us if you're hungry, but it'll still take some time, so you can go and change into something more… civil?". Bane simply nodded, not saying anything, he understood that walking around in his work getup wasn't ideal.
He already had one foot in your occasionally shared bedroom, when you remembered a little insignificantly significant detail. "Hey, it's no big deal, it can wait after we eat." you tugged on his hand, which got his attention, but didn't stop him from stepping inside. "Cariño, está bien, seré rápido." "But-", Bane caressed your cheek "No buts, I'll be right back." and closed the door in your face. There was only left to hope he wouldn't belittle you for your choice of decorations.
He didn't, which should have eased your mind, but he didn't seem to even acknowledge it, which made it seem somewhat worse for you.
You anticipated him to start talking about it after dinner, but you still crept away to shove away the fluffy bears, tigers and rabbits from all over the room, just in case. The only problem was that your house was too small to creep away. "What are you doing?", you jerked for the second time today, only now nearly missing the shelf. You froze like a deer in headlights, "N-nothing, j-just cleaning up!", face turning red, you avoided his gaze and tried to put away the last ones quickly, but your shaking hand was stopped.
Bane took the plushie you were holding, giving it a quick gentle look before putting it back on the shelf, "Why would you put them away?". You looked down at your feet, "It's all silly, I shouldn't have them up in the first place. I shouldn't, it's a sign of softness, I shouldn't have it on display for everyone to see." you mumbled out. "Y/N, cariño," Bane leaned down, tilting your head up with his fingers, "It's not silly, it's adorable, como usted." he whispered before kissing your lips softly, "So put them back.".
After that exchange, the two of you spent together a very lovely couple of days before he had to leave. Time never flew by fast enough when you were apart, but you always made sure to make the most of your shared time. So you only noticed the little guest after Bane left again.
There was an old, scratched and dirty bear, one you have never seen before, one that has clearly been loved, there was a note stuck to it,
'We all need a little softness in our lives, so keep Osito safe.
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mightymizora · 4 months
God I really am such a fucking loser for friends to lovers. For people already entwining together without even realising they're falling for each other. For people who immediately find joy in each other and it only grows. For mutual respect and admiration blossoming into unexpected attraction. For people being there for each other at lifechanging moments and realising that surviving together has made them family.
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
I know Minako in PGSM had a tough and harsh personality with the other Inner Senshi because of the stress of dealing with her idol job and dying from a terminal illness, but was she also acting harsh because she was the only one who KNEW what Princess Serenity did to Silver Millennium in the distant past (aka Princesses Serenity destroyed Silver Millennium)?
That's..... okay, wow, I have a new headcanon.
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lilredghost · 1 month
AU where Obi-Wan is a slut in theory but never in practice because something something stewjoni biology his people mate for life send post
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rosebarnes94 · 2 years
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ifwebefriends · 3 days
Asexual ships drive me crazy (extremely positive)
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5ummit · 2 months
Hi there! Just wanted to say sorry in advance for clogging up your notifications, I'm going through your CATWS tag and rebageling and queueing everything that's not nailed down. I love this movie so much & need more of it on my blog. :D
You never have to apologize to me for reblogging (especially when it comes to CATWS, my beloved)! We need rebloggers now more than ever and the greatest gift you can give is to share the things you love and help the creators on this site know that they're appreciated. So PLEASE reblog to your heart's content. ❤️
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ok but like- imagine how epic it'd be if severus and sirius somehow actually put aside their differences and teamed up to fight together. by themselves. there has to be a fic or two out there like this.
bonus: they team up to save harry. even more epic.
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whump-queen · 1 year
Well, one of my favorite things recently is whipping someone (with a chain/cat o nine tail/something brutal haha) and making them count the times I hit them ;) could be fun hearing them try to talk while in unbearable pain
But if they stop counting, I start over. If they pass out, I start over. If they do anything I don’t like, like move away, well… I start over ^^
And before that, I just ask them for a number between 10-50, they won’t know what that number will mean… only when it’s too late. I hope they say a high number so it will be a loooooong session 🤤
Another good idea I’ve had lately is using everyday objects, like scissors, a stapler, a cheesegrater, or a glue gun… stuff that aren’t meant to be used in that way. There is something really fckn hot about gettin creative with everyday household items, mmmm
But you know I'm open to other ideas. What you did to Seven is soooo good too. I love the psychological whump too, the humiliation and degradation. Making them feel even more pathetic in front of your friends and then making them beg your friends to hurt him. Something like that, there are just way too many possibilities 🥰
this ask launched me into the fhcken stratosphere
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these two.. oh my god— i’m so normal about all of this yeah i’m completely fine 0.0
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