#I’d be a hit maker too
babythegod · 8 months
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 days
Reddit fountain pen drama is my favourite thing I swear to god
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blkgirl-writing · 11 months
I love your stuff & can't help but ask-
Ummm duh of course 🥰🖤
Baldurs Gate 3 Dick headcannons 🖤
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He’s definitely got length. I’d say he’s probably packing like a 7.8 Inches and on the thinner side, definitely not a lot of girth on him, and un circumcised. My HC is he’d kind of have to be a shower, not a grower, because his “job” was to lure people, right? So a big, kinda flashy and shown off dick would bring more people in.
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I literally can’t decide between two so that’s up to y’all to decide. But I believe he’s about 6.8 inches, girthy, and curved to the left and slightly upwards so he really hits that G-spot without trying, and circumcised.
On one hand I’d think it’s kinda adorable if he’s not a grower and is constantly trying to hide his fat cock like no I’m not turned on right now I’m just always like this.
On the other hand, I wanna believe he’s a grower and is just so easily turned on by you that it actually becomes a problem lol. Like he grows FAST.
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I’m assuming he gets his devil dick so going from that, he’s literally ribbed for your pleasure? I think he has kinda smooth ridges lined down his cock, nothing too intense but definitely noticeable. I’d say he’s the great in between, 6.9 inches with some girth.
On the other side he could have an absolute monster cock of like 9 inches but I prefer the first option.
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
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cottonlemonade · 5 months
Plan B [part 2]
word count: 1490 || avg. reading time: 6 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Kuroo x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
part 1 for context
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Of course your staff had immediately informed you about the display from the day before when you came in the following morning. The barista even showed you a few snapshots he had taken with his phone and as much as you hated to admit it, you would have loved to have been there to see it in person. Pictures didn’t really do him justice, you thought. “Should I send those to you, manager?”, the barista asked with a knowing smirk. When you didn’t say anything but just stoically walked past him into the kitchen, you were glad when your phone buzzed a few seconds later and a small flood of pictures appeared in your chat. You cleared your throat and got to work.
Despite his regular appearances the last couple of weeks, the guy didn’t show up again the next day. Or even the day after that.
“Maybe he actually finally gave up?”, the waitress suggested with a shrug. She was counting the receipts while the barista helped you clean the espresso maker.
“I hope not. What else are we gonna do for entertainment around here?”
“How about your job.”, you suggested.
The barista let out a theatrical groan, which earned him a dish towel to the face.
At this point, a week had passed since the last time you saw the guy and although you found your thoughts wandering to his handsome smile every so often, you decided it was most likely for the better.
It was late in the evening and the café was closed for the day. The sky was gray and obviously brewing up something unpleasant so you wanted to make sure to send your team home as quickly as possible.
Soon enough, after hugs and waves goodbye, you locked the glass door from the inside and went to the kitchen to prep food for the next day.
You had just started to mash up a bowl of overripe bananas when a soft knocking made you look up and glance through the serving hatch.
The wind outside brushed past the shops with a low whistle and you could make out a very familiar shape in the dim light of the streetlamps.
More excited than you’d like to admit you made your way to the door.
“Sorry, I’m late.”, the guy’s voice was muffled through the glass.
You pointed to the Closed sign with a raised eyebrow. He put his hands together in a silent plea.
With a very big eye roll you grabbed the keys from your apron pocket and opened the door a handwidth.
“Hey there.”
“I need a cake.”
“Goodbye.”, you closed the door again.
“Please!”, he called.
You shook your head and gestured to your ear to signal you couldn’t hear him.
He thought for a moment, then took out his phone and began to type something. A few seconds later he held the screen up against the glass.
Forgot to get cake for friend’s birthday.
You pulled a notepad from your belt and wrote “unfortunate” in response.
Low rumbling of thunder made you both look to the horizon. A few moments passed in which he threw you puppy dog eyes. You sighed loudly and unlocked the door again.
Not a minute too soon. With the click of the lock the first heavy raindrop hit the windowfront.
“Thank you.”, he said with a grateful smile.
“Don’t mention it. But you will have to live with what’s left of the day. The ones for tomorrow still need to be decorated.”
He followed you to the counter, having the decency to look apologetic as you waved him to come along further to check out the cakes in the fridge.
He chose a white chocolate cake with strawberries and you carried it back to the front to pack it up.
“How has your last week been?”, he asked as you worked.
“Uhm, I made my best cinnamon rolls yet and finally found my TV remote. So pretty good, I’d say. How about you?”
“Not as good as yours apparently. Pretty busy. I had to do some traveling and give a bunch of presentations. Sorry I couldn’t come by to bring up that counter you keep on the blackboard.”
You closed your eyes and made an indefinable noise. You'd have to talk to your staff about the concept of discretion.
“Technically, that means I owe you at least one.”
“Oh, please don’t.”
He swaggered closer and, leaning on the counter, considered you for a moment.
You held his gaze, expecting the worst.
“Wait, I… actually forgot what I wanted to say."
You tried not to smile but were betrayed by your pursed lips.
"Gotta be honest, of all your flirting so far that has been the best one."
He gave you a half smile.
"How about you don't see it as flirting. See it as me just being extra friendly to someone extra beautiful."
You scoffed but couldn’t stop a short sort of giggle escaping your lips.
After a moment’s pause he added, now with genuine sweetness, "Go out with me. Just once. I promise it'll be fun. And really, what's the worst that can happen?"
"Where do I even start?"
"Okay. But besides that, the worst that can happen is that we realize we don't have anything in common."
You looked at him, your head slightly tilted in thought.
"Like, what are you doing tonight after work?", he suggested.
"Well, I’m meeting some friends."
"What will you be doing?”
“A museum has a science night we wanna check out.”
“Oh! Really?”, he asked excitedly, dropping his flirtatious manner completely. And sure enough this little piece of information carried you through the subject of scientific fun facts to books to hobbies and so on. The rain had lessened significantly but an hour later he was still there, sitting on a chair at the kitchen island, talking while you worked, peppering in little compliments here and there but keeping it mostly pleasantly fluffy.
When you eventually parted in front of the café, Kuroo hesitated, obviously thinking about how to say Goodbye. In the end you both settled for slightly awkward smiles and went your separate ways.
He had an extra spring in his step as he arrived at the restaurant, incredibly late but incredibly happy. His friend accepted the cake with a tipsy, somewhat off-key belt of “Happy birthday to me!” and pointed to a free seat next to Kenma.
"Someone's looking chipper.", his former setter commented and accepted a slice of birthday cake, “Why did you leave me here alone?”
“You’re hardly alone, Kenma-kun.”, the older one said vaguely, "I had to pick up the cake first. I only remembered when I was already at work."
"So… is it from that little café?"
Kuroo shrugged, but was unable to hide a grin.
His friend lifted a brow. Originally, Kuroo hadn’t meant to talk about it. About how he didn't expect you two to actually have so much in common, about how funny you were, how smart and how gorgeous you looked even after a long day at work. How you practically made him beg to get into the café at all and how easy it was to talk to you once the ice was broken. It took him a few minutes to finally stop gushing.
"Sounds like a very promising night.", Kenma said approvingly, hoping he’d finally be free of his friend’s whining about why you wouldn’t go out with him, "So you got her number, then."
Kuroo's dreamy expression fell at once. "Oh.”
The sun glistened on the streets still soaked from last night’s rain but the air smelled fresh and you hummed to yourself when you thought about the previous evening. As you unlocked the cafe’s front door you heard someone calling your name and turned around.
Your stomach dropped when you spotted Kuroo on the other side of the road, waiting to cross safely.
“Good morning.”, he said, a little out of breath but with a winning smile.
“Good morning. What brings you by so early?”
“I have a full day today so I wouldn’t be able to come by otherwise.”
You tried hard not to look too pleased.
“I was wondering, if - I mean, I forgot to - Could I have your number?”
Pretending to think about it, you opened the door.
“Do you want that on a to-go cup?”
“That would be easier to brag with.”, he said, nodding thoughtfully and stepping in behind you.
While you prepared his usual, Kuroo watched you closely and you weren’t sure if the pink in his cheeks was from his jog here or something else.
When you handed him his tea a few minutes later he stood there, looking you up and down with his cheeky grin.
You squinted in suspicion.
“You look even cuter than usual today.”
“Get out before I charge you double.”
He lifted the cup and winked. “Talk to you later.”
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lanaslovelyletters · 7 months
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 ³
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Anakin x Princess!Reader
Part 3
Previous chapter: Part 2
Overall series warning: 18+ content (smut), mature themes, swearing
Warnings: Light swearing (but who cares about this)
Last chapter recap: “The dark lord completely ignored your question, letting himself calm down before backing off and walking towards the door. Before he left, he got a final word in, “We’re to wed in a week. You’ll stay here until then.” What..?”
Summary: He continues to fend off your questions until you decide to be bold, to which he retaliates…
Word Count: 1.5K+
Author’s note: So many people asked to be on the taglist and ily guys ugh❤️ Also, sorry for going AWOL. Had a lot of stuff on my plate<3 Btw, for everyone on the taglist, don’t worry if you change your username. If I tagged you before, I can tag you again<3
Taglist: @blackthorngirl @formula1mount @bby-imasociopath @anakinsbaee @darthgloris @tatumrileyslover @itzmeme @lunalitva @marvellover98 @rorysbrainrot @moonlight-dreamer04 @kittyrumbl3r @itsoneofusworld
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“You’re not being serious.” You scoffed, almost grinning, but when you saw the look on his face— everything melted into dread and disappointment. He stared at you with stern-looking eyes before shutting the door behind him. You heard sharp noises emerge from the door, meaning he locked it.
“You’ve got to be joking.” You laughed dryly before your body hit the bed. It was fluffy and felt like a warm hug. A stark contrast to the situation you found yourself stuck in. It was unbelievable, really. You were seriously to marry a Sith Lord. A slave to the dark side. Sure, he was handsome, but only as handsome as an apple could be.
Alas, you were far too tired to think about the whole ordeal. Your eyes grew heavy and it was becoming increasingly harder not to nod off… and finally, it grew all black.
You woke up to the darkness of space creeping in through the single window you had in the room. It was impossible to tell how long you’d slept and how long you’d be staying there. Nobody would tell you a thing, and the Dark Lord would certainly never give you any answers.
A sudden knock pulled you out of your little trance, and the door burst open. In walked two troopers. They marched in, picking you up from the bed with a strong force. Didn’t Vader mention I’d stay here for a week? What’s going on? Ironically enough, you decided not to struggle or fight back. It’s not as if going back home was a choice anymore. You knew the dark side wasn’t forgiving anyway. 
“I’m not a rag doll. I know how to walk,” you complained, as you felt your body sliding across the cold, polished floor. When there was no response, you scoffed. It was loud enough for them to hear, but it wasn’t like they cared. They were simply following orders like mindless robots. It was as if it was their input.
After passing through several corridors and riding multiple elevators, you finally found yourself being dragged along to a dimly lit dining room. The layout was nothing fancy. A large table and chairs to go along with it. On one end sat Vader. He still donned his pitch-black suit, with his eyes trained on you. The way his hair fell around his face and the way his Adam’s Apple bopped as he gazed at you— it was to swoon over. You were made to sit opposite him. You didn’t dare move. You knew he could end me with the flick of his fingers.
“I hope you have an appetite.” Maker, his voice. It was rough yet smooth, velvety yet rigid… you were drowning in the octaves.
“Not much of an appetite when I’ve just been taken hostage.” No, you couldn’t give in. He was handsome to be sure, but he was still a ruthless sith.
“Hostage? You’re not a hostage, love.” Love. What was he playing at?
“I’m… not?” Your eyebrows were furrowed along with a scrunch of your nose.
“Hostage implies you’re here against your will and that I await someone to negotiate for you… I plan to keep you.” Though his words seemed daring and almost devious, his facial expression and tone told you a different story. He was a wall. Cold and without feeling. He seemed serious and determined.
“Why me? How did you know my father? Why did you want my family killed?” You furrowed your eyebrows. His gaze remained fixed on you, as he breathed heavily and got up from his seat. His boots hit the floor in a threatening manner. When he stopped in front of you, his gloved hand held your chin softly. So soft that you almost felt comfortable in his presence.
“Curiosity killed the cat, princess.” As you let your head be lifted ever so gently, you saw the stark contrast between his touch and his demeanour. His stare was blank and icy. It was as if no life existed behind his eyes. Eyes that were otherwise so… never mind. 
“Luckily, I’m not a cat,” Bold. Quite bold. Did you care? No. You had about as much control over him as he did you. He wasn’t going to kill you. No, if he wanted to, he would’ve done so in a heartbeat. He wanted to wed you. To have you as his bride. As sickening as the idea of that was, at least you wouldn’t die anytime soon. 
“You’re quite carefree for someone who’s lost her entire family and been taken against her will.” You could’ve sworn you saw a faint smirk swiftly make an appearance before being washed out by his brooding expression.
Oh, but there was something about his face. It did seem familiar. You couldn’t place your finger on it. There wasn’t anything that stood out in particular, but oh there was something about his face.
“I’m talking to you,” he spoke in a rough voice, before tightening his grip on your face, burying his fingers into your cheeks
“I’m not scared of you, Sith.” A grin. His lips contorted into a wide smile as he let out a scoff,
“You’ve got moxie. I’ll give you that.” Your eyes met his. Force, if I had ever seen a man—
“Moxie? I beg to differ. Why would I be scared of a lowly Sith Lord like you? You’re not even the emperor. Are you even strong enough to—”
“Princess,” he breathed as he snaked his hand tightly around your neck, the pads of his fingers snuggled themselves into your soft skin. The tension was palpable. It could be cut with a knife. The way you continued to defy him and resist him…he hated it. You were such a pretty little thing, but so stubborn too. Too set in your ways.
“We all have our… limits. You’re starting to test mine, your highness.” Something about him addressing you as ‘highness’ clashed so hard with the circumstances you found yourself in; it gave you whiplash.
“I want answers…” your whisper came out shaky. Not because you were starting to lose your footing. No, it was his grip on your throat. If anything, you almost found him humorous. He was creating a paradox and running around in circles; essentially embarrassing himself.
“I don’t want to give you any.” You didn’t understand. You couldn’t. His logic was deeply flawed and there was no wrapping your head around where it started or ended. It was a mess. A tangled mystery for you to sit and braid together to form a clear path.
“I don’t want to marry you, but here we are.”
“Let me rephrase. I can’t.” His gaze diverted to the floor. He was clearly struggling. Either to recall or decide whether or not to do so.
“I don’t understand.��� Your throat was slowly released, as he walked towards the door to the room.
“Can you at least tell me why you chose me? Out of all the women in this galaxy… Why me?” Your feet had somehow carried you off to go after him. He walked with purpose through several corridors, taking swings and turns to try and throw you and the question off.
“Please?” Admittedly, you were getting impatient. Desperate. 
“Say, would you like to know how I went about ending your father’s life?” He suddenly turned around with a menacing look on his face. It wasn’t maniacal. It was as if you were staring into a blank wall.
“Excuse me?” What the hell is wrong with him? Your eyes darted to the floor before you lifted your head back up to meet his.
“I asked you if you wanted to know how I killed your father. How I—“
“No, I heard you the first time. How does that have anything to do with my question?” He smirked for a moment before his smile faltered,
“You’re completely unphased. Didn’t think the king was that much of a horrible father.” How could he address your father like that? With that knowledge? How did he know your father like that?
“Yeah, well… he was. So give me an answer to my question. Why me?” The two of you stopped in front of a large white door. It had a face recognition lock on it.
“Because… I know you.” His voice dropped an octave as he stared at your reaction. You weren’t shocked, just confused.
He scanned his face and the entrance to a dark room was revealed. You were just about to follow him before he turned around,
“Do you wish to retire with me for the night?” What? Your brow bunched up together and you lightly shook your head,
“No… of course not.”
“Then I suggest you stop following me.” A grin was apparent on his lips.
“Evening, princess.” The door closed behind him and you were left standing there; completely dumbfounded. However, this unlocked a window for you to walk around freely, trying to find a way to escape. There didn’t seem to be any stormtroopers around. Marrying a Sith was that of nightmare fuel. It didn’t matter how gorgeously his hair fell around his face and how his scar elevated his overall appearance. He was a Sith Lord.
You needed to find a way out. By all means necessary.
To be continued…
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 2 years
(and as someone with aphantasia i’m fascinated how tf do you do it lmao)
Okay now that that safe guard is in place.
Okay so it starts out with like rain preferably facing towards the sky
The camera then pans down to reveal the restaurant, neon sign flickering, trash littered along the messy alleyways
Cuts to alleyway
A rat scurries across a newspaper which reveals a headline about missing children. A scream echos from presumably inside the building just as the viewer gets enough time to read what is on the newspaper
Cuts to interior of the restaurant, classic recognizable items are littered about, another scream but louder, another cut
The scream continues into the cut while a slow zoom from the first animatronic you are now able to see: Freddy with his mouth wide open, almost broken the scream is timed in such a way it appears to be coming from his mouth. In the zoom out you can see multiple animatronics all disassembled (I think that’s what happened before in the cutscenes in the games but idk)
You hear another scream another cut this time to an odd first person shot, you see that your body appears to be a man, he appears to be running from something all you can make out is a small ghostly figure as he looks back.
Another cut to reveal the golden Bonnie suit. You hear footsteps getting louder as a door opens casting light onto it.
Another cut. This time to the rainfall again.
A single drop then falls, you watch it fall as it makes its way into the crack in the roof. It makes it’s way past the pipes and the vents and eventually drips down as time slows. The drop is now being viewed from the top down and you can see the man now wearing the springlock suit is being cornered by multiple ghostly figures however this is all out of focus.
As the drop gets close to the shoulder it cuts again, half of the face of springlock Bonnie Is visible as you can see the man inside smiling smugly, you zoom into the droplet as it hits his shoulder and makes its way in
You see it move past the complicated and tiny gears and into the incorrect one.
Cuts to black all you can hear are the sounds of mechanical failure, bones shattering, and the screaming of a man now trapped.
this is how I’d do it i think there’s another version with the gore bits but the tldr for that as I am tired is that its a bunch of different cuts between his screams and terror and the children’s unforgiving faces and it just has close ups of each metal rod being stabbed into him :D
Once again I have no idea what I’m doing yes this is just a fnaf movie scene it’s 6am and I’m having a great night I kind of thought of this as like a cool opening scene of sorts
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crystalsoobin · 2 months
burnt toast! ➤ c. beomgyu
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#. pairing bf!beomgyu x reader
#. synopsis gyu tries to cook you breakfast in bed and fails… miserably.
#. genre romance, comedy, fluff
#. warnings mild swearing, gyu almost causing a fire 😃
#. author’s note i’m back??? im taking a creative writing class in uni this fall so i thought id get some practice in lol
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a small smile lays across beomgyu’s face as he admires your sleeping frame one fine morning. he had woken up quite early that day, eager to surprise you with breakfast in bed.
he gets up silently as to not wake you, and makes his way to your small apartment kitchen. not sure what to make, beomgyu opens the fridge and stares inside as if the idea would just present itself in front of him.
he finally settles on making eggs and toast, an oldie but a goodie. only problem was, beomgyu never cooks.
it can’t be that hard to fry an egg, right?
at least he knows how to toast bread, so he starts there first. grabbing some bread from the pantry, he walks to the toaster where he suddenly stops, a little confused on how to work it.
shade?? hmm, i think 8 is good.
he drops two pieces of toast in the slots and pulls down the lever, stepping back to the fridge to pull out some eggs. he grabs a pan and puts some oil on, maybe a little too much oil.
beomgyu cracks the two eggs, one by one. satisfied, he puts it on high heat so that — in his mind — it’ll cook faster and he won’t have to wait too long.
he then reaches over to the cabinet and pulls out your favourite mug, which was a gift from him. then going over to the coffee maker, listening to the loud crackle of the eggs on the pan.
when he’s done making the coffee he turns around to find the toaster smoking, and a nasty burning smell coming from it. in panic, he runs over to it and tries to take out the toast, almost burning his fingers.
“dammit!” he exclaims, disappointed by the burnt toast and realizing 8 was way too high. he finally succeeds in pulling out the burnt toast, the smell remaining throughout the kitchen.
as he returns to check on the eggs, his eyes widen, also finding them burnt and smoking, a lot. he panics, trying to blow away the smoke with his hands as to not set off the fire alarm. in his panic, he obviously forgets to turn off the heat, making it worse for himself.
and as if the morning couldn’t possibly go more horribly wrong than he imagined, the fire alarm does in fact go off.
“no no no! fuck!” is the first thing you hear as you walk into the kitchen after being woken up by a loud beeping noise and your boyfriend not in bed.
you watch as beomgyu finally remembers to turn off the stove, sighing disappointedly with his face in his hands as his back towards you.
“what. the fuck. did you do.” you finally speak. beomgyu yelps and turns around, surprised at your presence in the kitchen.
“i- i didn’t mean to baby, i swear! i was just trying to make you breakfast!”
“gyu, i really appreciate the sentiment but you know you can’t cook!”
“i know, i’m sorry,” your boyfriend leans into you for a hug, saddened that he couldn’t surprise you with a nice breakfast, “i thought i’d at least be able to make eggs and toast.” you wrap your arms around him and give him a small kiss, suddenly you bursting out into laughter as you look around at the mess your poor boyfriend made.
“why are you laughing?” he asks. “i actually wanted to surprise you, im serious.” he pouts.
“i’m sorry,” you chuckle, “it’s just so funny when i think about it.”
beomgyu hits you playfully on the head as he steps back and stares at his mess.
“hey, at least i made the coffee right?” he handed you the mug. you grimaced as you tasted it.
“i think you forgot milk, and sugar.” setting down the mug, you get an idea, “you know what, why don’t we clean this up and the i teach you how to cook eggs and toast.” you smile.
beomgyu chuckles in agreement, “sounds like a good idea.”
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© crystalsoobin / do not steal
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goblinontour · 17 hours
Alone, Together
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cooking, eating, fucking
part 1
warnings: lawyer!alex, smut, just normal fucking, alex & his cocobolo (less this time, but still present)
word count: 7.2k
It was a rare occurrence that Alex was cooking. You perched on one of the bar stools at his island, watching him with an amused smile. The kitchen was immaculate, each appliance gleaming as if it had never seen anything but coffee and reheated takeout. Because, that was the reality. Today, though, there was something simmering in a pot that had your curiosity piqued.
“Is this a special occasion?” you called out, leaning back casually, arms crossed.
He glanced over his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips. “Nope…Maybe. Just thought I’d waste some time like a normal person.” he said, stirring the sauce with exaggerated motions. “Though honestly, I still think it’s a dumb idea.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You still think cooking is just a fancy way to waste time?”
He turned back to the pot, his shoulders relaxing as he stirred. “Exactly. Why spend an hour cooking just to spend another hour eating? I’d rather order in and only waste half of that time.”
“Right. You know, Alex, then you’re wasting someone else’s time cooking for you.” you pointed out. 
He chuckled, a warm sound that echoed in the space, and turned to you, eyebrow raised, as he set the spoon down momentarily. “But they’re getting paid for it, so it’s not wasting time. Simple economics, babe.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile. “Only you would make that argument.”
He leaned back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. “And only you would let me win it.”
“Or it just means you’re being lazy.” you countered, tilting your head playfully.
“Lazy? I like to call it efficiency. Lazy or efficient, you decide.” He shot you a grin before returning to the pot, his brow furrowing in concentration. “Speaking of efficiency, how’s the case with, uh, Henderson was it? How’s that going? Any breakthroughs?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Not as much as I’d like. He’s being uncooperative, as usual. I swear he enjoys dragging things out just to test my patience.”
Alex nodded. “Sounds about right. You should hit him with a motion. It might scare him into cooperating.”
“Yeah, maybe.” you replied, leaning forward. “But I don’t want to show all my cards too soon. Plus, I might need to save that for when he really pisses me off.”
He laughed, the sound warm and rich. “Just don’t let him get under your skin. You know how I feel about letting clients dictate the pace.”
“Right, right.” you said, smirking. “I remember that time you told a client they were being ‘insufferable’ during a meeting.”
He feigned innocence. “I was merely being honest! He needed to hear it.”
You shook your head, still smiling. “Honesty doesn’t always get you a good outcome.”
“Maybe not, but it does feel fucking good in the moment.” he winked, his eyes sparkling. 
As he continued, you felt a sudden impulse to be closer. You stood up and moved behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He paused mid-stir, humming softly at your touch, leaning back slightly against you.
“Hey there.” he murmured, a hint of surprise in his voice. He left the whisk in the pot, placing his hands on top of yours, rubbing over your knuckles with a gentle rhythm. “What’s going on?”
“Just wanted to be close to you while you do…whatever this is.” you said, resting your chin on his shoulder, feeling the warmth radiating from his body. 
He chuckled softly, glancing back at the sauce, steam curling up to meet his face. “It’s my attempt at culinary greatness. You know, a chef in the making.”
You snorted. “Sure, let’s go with that. I’ve seen you master a coffee maker, but cooking is a whole different level.”
He turned slightly, meeting your gaze with a teasing smile. “You underestimate my skills. I could be the next Iron Chef, is that what it’s called? Or, at the very least, I won’t set off the smoke alarm.”
You wrapped your arms a little tighter around him. “I have faith in you, sort of. What’s the secret ingredient, Chef?”
Alex glanced over his shoulder, a playful smirk on his face, his dark hair slightly tousled. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you, eh?” he quipped. “But it’s mostly just me hoping this doesn’t end up in the trash.” His expression turned slightly more serious as he leaned into your embrace. “So, are you gonna tell me what you wanted to share? Because I’m really hoping it’s what I think it is.”
You hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of your news settle in your stomach. “After dinner. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”
He sighed dramatically, though the twinkle in his eyes didn’t fade. “Fine, but you’re making me curious. It’s not like you to keep secrets.”
“Just focus on your culinary masterpiece.” you teased, pressing a quick kiss to his shoulder before stepping back to let him work.
He turned back to the pot, a contented smile still on his lips as he continued stirring. “I can do that. But you know I’ll be expecting the details afterward.”
“Deal.” you said, settling back into your stool, anticipation bubbling beneath the surface as you watched him move about the kitchen, an unexpected domesticity woven into his actions. 
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Dinner was over. Alex had just set his fork down with a soft clink against the plate. He wiped his chin and mouth with his hand, trying to catch the little specks of sauce that clung to the stubble along his jaw. The sauce had smudged slightly, and the way his lips quirked up made it clear he didn’t care about perfection. Just getting the job done.
You were still finishing the last bite of his extremely mediocre spaghetti. Spaghetti you appreciated nonetheless, more for the effort than the execution. He wasn’t even pretending to wait for you to finish. His eyes were already on you, full of expectation, his fingers drumming lightly on the table.
You sighed, glancing up at him. “What?”
“Tell me.” he said, his voice soft but eager, as if he’d been holding back for the past half-hour and was finally letting it spill out.
You raised an eyebrow, shaking your head with a half-smile. “My god, Turner, you’re like a child.”
“Come onnn.” he groaned, leaning forward a bit, his elbows resting on the edge of the table. “Please, tell me, tell me, tell me-”
“Okay! Okay, I’ll tell you.” you interrupted, laughing as you set your fork down in the almost-empty plate, still dotted with remnants of sauce. “Impatient as ever, I see.”
He grinned sheepishly, leaning back again in his chair, fingers still fidgeting with the edge of his napkin. His foot tapped lightly under the table, like he could barely contain himself.
“So,” you started, taking a breath, “about the firm-”
“Our firm?” he cut you off instantly, eyes bright with excitement.
“Yeah, our firm…” You paused for a moment, letting the words settle in the air between you. He was watching you so closely now, his brows furrowing just a little as if trying to anticipate what you were going to say next. 
You exhaled slowly, trying to find the right way to put it. “So, I was thinking…what if it wasn’t ‘us’ but…‘you’ and ‘me’?”
His smile faltered for just a second, and he blinked, processing. “Go on.” he said, though there was a slight tightness in his voice, like he wasn’t sure where you were going.
“We find an office together.” you continued, choosing your words carefully, watching the way his fingers stilled on the napkin, his eyes fixed on yours. “We share rent, expenses, everything. But…I am me, attorney at law, and you are you, Alex Turner, attorney at law. Both free to practise as we see fit.”
His mouth twitched at the corners as he leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the table, narrowing his eyes just a little, like he was trying to see the full picture. “Separate firms…under one roof?” he said slowly, tilting his head, brow furrowed.
“Yeah.” you nodded, gaining a bit of momentum. “Why not share a ride? You do things your way, and I do them mine. Not partners, exactly…”
“Solo practitioners…together.” he completed, his voice quiet, almost like he was speaking the idea into existence. He sat back again, running his fingers through his hair, ruffling it more. His lips parted, and for a moment he didn’t say anything, just stared at you with a half-lost expression, as if trying to see all the angles of this new idea you were offering him.
You bit your lip, waiting, your heart hammering just a little. “What do you think?” you asked softly, not sure how he would take it.
He stared at the table for a moment, his fingers drumming lightly again, then he exhaled a long breath. “I, uh-” He paused, looking up at you with a bit of that boyish uncertainty you didn’t see often. “I mean…yeah, I think it could work. I really do. But…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
“But?” you echoed, feeling a knot tighten in your stomach.
“I guess I always pictured us doing it together. Like, actually together, as partners. Officially. You know, Turner &…” He waved his hand in the air, as if searching for the name that belonged next to his. “I like the idea of having you with me.”
His eyes softened, that vulnerability creeping back in as he let his hand drop to his lap. He shifted slightly in his seat, his leg bouncing under the table in a nervous rhythm. 
“Look…” you said, leaning in, trying to ease the weight you could see settling in his features. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. I do. But I also want to be…me, you know? You run things your way, and I need to run things mine. No compromises. It doesn’t mean I don’t want us to be-” You stumbled, feeling the weight of what you were saying. “I mean, this way, we still have each other. We still share everything.”
He nodded slowly, his gaze dropping for a second before finding yours again, that intensity returning. “Yeah, no, I get it. Really, I do. You just want-” He scratched his jaw, “You just want your space to work how you need to work. And we’d still be in the same place, so…yeah.”
You exhaled, relieved to see him processing, though the uncertainty still hung between you. “Exactly. We’d still be together. Just…independent too.”
He let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. “Leave it to you to make independence sound romantic.”
You smiled, the tension starting to ease from your shoulders. “Well, it kind of is, isn’t it?”
He raised his eyebrows, looking at you with a glimmer of amusement. “Okay, fine. I see the appeal. Solo practitioners together.” His eyes flickered to yours again, more sure this time. “I can live with that.”
You smiled, letting out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. “Good. Because I really think this could work for us.”
He pushed his chair back slightly, standing up and moving around the table toward you. As he approached, he bent down, his hand resting on the back of your chair as he brought his face closer to yours. “You know what? I think we’re gonna be just fine.” He kissed you lightly, his lips still tasting faintly of the spaghetti sauce, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“An A for effort for the meal by the way.” you teased, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes.
He grinned, his eyes warm and soft now, all traces of tension gone. “Next time, we order in.” He tilted his head, a slow grin spreading across his face, the flicker of excitement behind his eyes growing brighter. “Solo…together.” he repeated, testing the phrase out on his tongue like it was something new he hadn’t tasted before.
He took a step closer to you, his hands still on the back of your chair, but his voice was gaining momentum. “Solo together…That’s actually…perfect.” His eyes locked onto yours, lighting up with an energy you could feel sparking through the air between you.
You could practically see the wheels turning in his head, the idea catching fire. “No one stepping on anyone’s toes…” he continued, his voice rising in enthusiasm. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could get a word out, he grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the chair with surprising strength. “This is it!” He was grinning now, practically glowing, his excitement infectious as he tugged you toward him.
Before you knew it, you were up against him, your hands pressed against his chest. He didn’t stop there, though. In one swift movement, he lifted you up, his hands firm around your waist as he effortlessly placed you on the table. The cold surface under your thighs was a sharp contrast to the warmth radiating off him.
“Alex-” you started, a laugh escaping your lips, but he was already kissing you. His mouth crashed against yours, hungry, eager. You barely had time to process the intensity before he pulled back just enough to whisper against your lips.
“Solo…together.” he murmured between kisses, his hands now cupping your face as he pressed closer. “I love it.”
His breath was hot against your skin, each word punctuated by another kiss. You could feel the warmth of his stubble brushing your cheek as he moved from your lips to the side of your neck, his voice a low, breathless murmur. “We’d be our own bosses…No one telling us what to do…”
You gasped softly as his hands slid down your back, gripping you tighter, pulling you even closer to the edge of the table. Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close as his mouth found yours again.
“And-” another kiss, deeper this time, his hands roaming, the intensity between you building with every second, “we’d still get to come home to each other…Every single day.”
He pulled back just long enough to look into your eyes, his pupils dark, his face inches from yours, breathing hard. “Fuck, this is such a good idea.” His voice was rough, unrestrained. “No compromises, no pressure…but still together.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, a breathless sound caught between the rapid beats of your heart. “I’m glad you like it.” you managed to get out, your voice shaky but full of warmth.
“Like it? I fucking love it.” he growled, his mouth finding yours again, more desperate now. His hands moved to your hips, gripping you firmly as he kissed you harder, his breath hot and ragged. 
You could feel the excitement vibrating through him, the way his body pressed against yours, each kiss deepening with the weight of his growing anticipation. “Solo practitioners…but always together.” he murmured against your lips, his voice filled with something close to awe, like he couldn’t believe how perfectly the idea fit.
The table creaked beneath you as he leaned into you, his hands sliding under the hem of your shirt, fingers splayed against the small of your back. His kiss was urgent, full of need, like he couldn’t get enough of the idea, of you, of everything that was spilling out between you.
“We’re going to be unstoppable.” he whispered, his voice a low, husky rasp. “You…and me.”
Your head was spinning, your fingers digging into his shoulders, holding on as his kisses grew more fervent, more insistent. His hands roamed over your body, pulling you against him like he wanted to fuse you together. Every word he spoke between kisses buzzed with that same electric energy, his excitement fueling yours.
“We’re going to be so fucking good at this.” he said breathlessly, pulling back just enough to stare into your eyes. His gaze was intense, almost overwhelming in its rawness. “Just you and me…killing it, every single day.”
And before you could respond, his mouth was on yours again, his body pressed against you, leaving no space between you as his hands gripped your waist, lifting you slightly as if he was trying to get you closer, as if you weren’t already as close as you could be. 
Alex’s excitement grew like wildfire, his hands moving with purpose as he reached for the plates still scattered on the table. With a quick sweep, he pushed them to the side, the sound of ceramic sliding across the wood sharp in the air. You barely had time to react before he gently but firmly guided you down, your back hitting the surface of the table. His body hovered above you, his face inches from yours, eyes dark with hunger.
You felt the heat of him pressing against you, his hips grinding into your thigh, the hard outline of him unmistakable even through his clothes. His breath was ragged, his lips brushing the sensitive skin of your neck as he groaned softly into you.
“You’re eager.” you managed to say. 
“You bet.” he whispered, a smile curling at the edge of his lips as he pressed his mouth to your neck, kissing his way down your body, even through the fabric of your shirt. His lips left a trail of heat as they moved lower. 
His hands slid over your hips, gripping you with a mix of tenderness and desperation, fingers brushing just under your shirt as he kissed his way further down your torso. His stubble grazed your skin as he paused at the hem of your jeans, his breath warm and steady against your stomach.
“Fuck- I wanna fuck you here.” he murmured, his voice thick with need. He pressed his face into your belly for a second, inhaling. “Can I fuck you here?” he asked, his voice low, rough, a plea that sounded more like a demand in its urgency. 
The question hung between you, his hands stilling on your waist, his thumbs tracing small circles against your skin as he waited for your answer, his eyes locked onto yours. His breath came in shallow, uneven bursts, his body tensed above you, ready to close the space between you in a heartbeat.
You swallowed, your breath catching in your throat as his gaze never wavered. “Yes.” you whispered, the word slipping out before you could second-guess it. 
His lips twitched into a grin, but it was hungry, almost feral. “God, you have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about this.” he growled, kissing your stomach again, teeth grazing the sensitive skin there. His hands were already moving, deftly undoing the button of your jeans, tugging them down your hips with a quickness that made your breath hitch.
As your jeans hit the floor, he kissed lower, over the curve of your hip, his hands kneading the flesh there before he pressed himself harder against your leg. You could feel him, all of him. 
He hovered over you again, eyes locked on yours as he nudged your legs apart with his knee. The friction between your bodies was maddening, and you could feel his impatience in every twitch of his muscles, every shallow breath. “I’ve wanted you like this, right here, all night. Now I'm just waiting until I’ll get you on my desk…in our office.” he whispered against your ear, his voice a low, hoarse rasp as he kissed along your jaw, his body pressed into yours so firmly you could barely breathe.
You couldn’t help but smirk. “Your cocobolo?” you asked, the absurdity of him obsessing over his desk even now making you bite your lip.
He lifted his head just enough to meet your eyes, his expression full of dark amusement, a cocky grin spreading across his flushed face. “That’s right.” he murmured, his voice a low, sultry growl as he leaned closer, his mouth brushing yours with every word. “Fucking on my fucking cocobolo.”
The way he said it made you laugh softly, but before the sound could fully escape, he giggled, too, vibrating against your lips. It was that kind of infectious, unguarded laugh that made your chest warm, the kind of laugh that only Alex could pull off mid-seduction, somehow. 
His hands roamed over your body, tugging your shirt higher, fingers brushing your skin, sending sparks wherever he touched. He pulled back, just for a moment, his eyes flicking down your body, taking in every inch of you laid out beneath him. “Look at you…” he muttered, almost to himself, his voice low and reverent. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
Without waiting, he kissed you again, deeper this time, his teeth grazing your bottom lip as he tugged it gently, making you gasp. His fingers slid down your sides, hooking under your underwear, dragging them down as he pushed you further back on the table, the edge digging into your back but you barely noticed, too focused on the way he was looking at you. 
His hands were on your thighs, spreading them further open, his mouth back on your neck, murmuring into your skin. “I need to feel you.” he whispered, his breath hot and ragged against your ear as he rubbed himself against you, his erection pressing hard into your thigh through his pants. “I need to be inside you…right now.”
His desperation was palpable, but there was something tender in the way his hands gripped you, in the way he kissed your collarbone. Alex’s breath came out in sharp, ragged gasps as his hands fumbled with his zipper, the sound of it cutting through the heavy tension between you. His eyes never left yours, as he freed himself, his cock hard and straining in his hand. There was no hesitation, no teasing now. Just pure urgency.
He pushed your legs further apart, the rough edge of the table biting into your skin as he positioned himself between your thighs. And then, he was inside you. The force of it knocked the air from your lungs, his cock filling you completely, stretching you in a way that sent a jolt of pleasure-pain through you. You gasped, hands flying to grip the edge of the table as it wobbled beneath you, creaking under the weight of his movements.
He didn’t hold back. His hips snapped forward, driving himself deeper into you, fast and rough, his breath coming out in sharp, uneven pants. The table shook beneath you with every thrust, the sound of it scraping against the floor barely audible over the wet sounds of your bodies colliding, over the ragged groans that escaped him every time he buried himself inside you.
“Fuck-” he groaned through clenched teeth, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you could feel the bruises forming. His pace was relentless, his cock slamming into you over and over. “You always feel so good…so fucking tight.”
You couldn’t form words, couldn’t do anything but hold on as he pounded into you. His eyes were wild, locked on yours as he watched your every reaction, his mouth falling open in a breathless groan each time you clenched around him.
The table rocked beneath you, on and on, the legs threatening to give way, but neither of you cared. It only spurred him on, made him thrust harder, deeper, his hips grinding into you with a roughness that bordered on desperate.
His hands roamed over your body, one sliding up to grip the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him as his mouth crashed against yours in a brutal, hungry kiss. His tongue was hot and demanding, his teeth scraping your lips as he kissed you like he was trying to consume you entirely.
The pace was maddening, his hips never faltering, each thrust hitting deeper, harder, making your body tremble beneath him. 
“Alex-” you managed to gasp out, your voice barely more than a breath, but he cut you off with another hard thrust, a groan escaping him as he felt you tighten around him.
“I know-” he breathed against your ear, his voice rough, barely holding back. “I know, baby…I’m close too.” His movements became more frantic, more desperate, his body trembling as he drove into you, pushing you both closer to the brink.
Any control he might’ve had moments ago slipped. His hands were everywhere. Gripping your thighs, pressing into your hips, sliding up your sides. He needed to feel every part of you, to hold you closer. 
“Fuck.” he groaned, his voice a low rasp as he buried himself deep inside you again, harder and faster. He was losing it, his rhythm faltering as he got lost in the sensation, in the heat of you around him.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper, feeling the way his cock stretched you with every ragged, unsteady thrust. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, lips brushing your skin as he cursed under his breath. 
You could feel him trembling, his body straining as he teetered on the edge, each thrust messier than the last. His mouth found yours again, a desperate, sloppy kiss that was all tongue and teeth. The heat between you was unbearable now, overwhelming. 
“Fuck, baby...I’m gonna come.” he groaned, his voice breaking as he thrust into you hard, hips slamming into yours with a final, urgent rhythm. His body tensed above you, his breath catching in his throat as he lost himself in the overwhelming sensation. His body shook with the force of it, his hands gripping your waist tightly as he spilled into you, warmth flooding between your legs as he gasped against your skin.
For a moment, it was just him, messy, overwhelmed, trembling above you as he rode out the waves of his orgasm, his cock still pulsing inside you. His breath came in heavy, ragged bursts, his forehead resting against yours as he slowly came down, his body pressed against yours in the most intimate way. You could feel the rapid beat of his heart against your chest as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“That…” he whispered, barely able to form the word as he nuzzled his face into your neck. “That was…Jesus, that was…” He trailed off, too overwhelmed to finish the thought, his body still draped over yours, warm and heavy, but instead of slowing down, he rolled his hips again, a slow, deliberate thrust that made you gasp. He didn’t stop.
You could feel him still hard inside you, the slick heat of him moving against your sensitive walls as he resumed his rhythm, slower at first, but with that same intensity building all over again. 
“You didn’t come yet.” he whispered. His lips grazed your ear as he spoke, his hips bucking into you again. “I’m not stopping until you do.”
You moaned softly in response as he picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming more insistent. The table beneath you creaked again, the wood groaning under the pressure of his movements, but all you could focus on was him, the way he felt inside you, the steady, relentless rhythm of his hips, pushing you closer to that edge.
His fingers slid up your sides, brushing under your shirt to find the bare skin of your waist, gripping tightly as his mouth found yours again. 
“I love you.” he groaned into your mouth, his voice hoarse as he pushed deeper, the sound of his cock sliding in and out of you loud and wet in the small space between your bodies. “So much.”
Your hands flew to his hair, nails digging into his scalp as your body arched against his, a moan spilling from your lips as you felt the tension coil tighter inside you.
Alex was laser-focused on you, his cock pounding into you harder with each passing second. “Come on, baby.” he whispered, his lips brushing your ear as he thrust deep, grinding into you just right. “Let go. I want to feel you come…Please.”
That was all it took. The pleasure that had been building finally snapped, your body tensing beneath him as the orgasm ripped through you. Your muscles clenched tight around him, a cry breaking from your throat. 
Alex groaned at the feeling of you tightening around him, his grip on your hips tightening as he slowed his thrusts, riding out the aftershocks of your orgasm. “There you go…” he breathed and he kissed you softly. “That’s my girl.” he murmured against your lips. 
He stayed there, buried deep inside you, still hard, his hips barely moving in slow, lazy circles. He groaned softly, but you could sense something building again, the tension in his body still present, still tight. His fingers dug into your hips just a little harder, his breath hitching, and without warning, his hips jerked forward, instinct taking over as he thrust deep again, making you gasp.
“Shit-” he muttered, his voice shaky, almost surprised. He didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, his body reacting on its own, still desperate for more. You could feel it too, the way his cock twitched inside you, his muscles tightening, and you knew he was close again. 
“Oh- oh god…” he gasped, his voice catching as he thrust into you hard, the pleasure building too fast, overwhelming him. He pressed his forehead against your shoulder. His entire body tensed, a ragged groan tearing from his throat as he came again, barely able to process it, barely able to hold back. His release hit him fast and hard, his cock pulsing inside you as he spilled into you once more. 
“Oh-” he groaned, his voice breaking as his hips bucked one last time, his body shaking as the second wave of pleasure crashed through him, leaving him breathless and overwhelmed. 
He stayed like that for a moment, completely still at last, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath, his cock still twitching inside you as the last of his release emptied into you. His fingers were trembling, his muscles slack as the intensity of it all finally hit him.
“Fuck...I didn’t-” he started, his voice cracking before he could finish the thought. His chest was still heaving as he looked at you, the dazed, wide-eyed look on his face betraying just how overwhelmed he was. Slowly, a lazy grin began to spread across his lips, like he was finally processing everything. “I didn’t think I’d...come like that again.” he muttered, shaking his head slightly. “You…you’ve got me all kinds of messed up.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, your own breathing still unsteady. “Oh yeah?” you teased, your voice still breathless but playful, a little proud even. “Didn’t think you had another one in you?”
His grin turned more wicked and he opened his mouth to say something more, but before he could, you clenched around him reflexively, your body still sensitive. The reaction shot through him like electricity. He tensed, his whole body going rigid, and a groan slipped from his throat as he closed his eyes and his hands clutched the edge of the table, unable to take any more.
“Shit- don’t…I can’t.” he gasped, his voice trembling. “I can’t take any more.” He pulled out quickly, wincing as he did, his legs unsteady. “Not again...you’ll break me…I’ll die.”
You chuckled softly, a shiver running through you at the sudden loss of him, but the sight of him stumbling back from the table, almost collapsing, was too good. He looked utterly spent, but there was something ridiculously cute about it.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” you teased, smirking as you shifted on the table, watching him try to steady himself.
Alex shot you a half-hearted glare, though his smile was still there. “You keep doing that, and you’ll have to carry me out of this room.” he muttered as he staggered toward the nearest chair. He grabbed it, dragging it over with a dramatic sigh and practically collapsing into it with a groan. “I swear, I was two seconds away from my knees giving out.”
You laughed, still lying on the table, legs trembling slightly as the last waves of pleasure still lingered. “My poor, poor man.” you teased, throwing him a mock pout. “The table wasn’t so bad though, was it?”
Alex leaned back in the chair, still catching his breath, and gave you a lazy grin. “Oh, no complaints.” he said. “I mean, it was touch-and-go there for a second, but I think the table and I made it through.”
You rolled your eyes, letting your head fall back against the table, and let out a sigh of contentment. “Good to know I wasn’t the only one doing all the work.”
He shot you a playful look. “Oh, come on, give me some credit. I’d say I held my own pretty well. My knees would disagree, but they’re quitters.”
“You’re the one who wanted to fuck here.”
“Fair point.” he replied. As he sat, his hands absentmindedly reached down to tuck himself back into his pants, his fingers moving with a casual ease despite how shaky he still was. Once he’d zipped up his pants, he groaned, shifting in the chair as though trying to get comfortable.
Without a word, he reached for the buttons on his shirt, popping each one open slowly, his chest still rising and falling with every deep breath. He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and pulled it to the sides, letting the cool air hit his skin as he leaned back. 
“Much better.” he muttered to himself, his head rolling to the side to glance at you. His chest glistened slightly with sweat, his skin flushed, and his breathing was still a bit unsteady as he sat there, letting the shirt hang loose on his arms like he’d given up entirely on any formality. 
“Cooling off?” you teased. 
He chuckled, eyes half-lidded. “Trying to. You’re too damn good at making things…hot. God…I’m wrecked.” he muttered, half to himself.
You snorted, your whole body feeling warm from the banter. “Next time, maybe pick a less risky location, Mr. Turner.”
He laughed, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and shaking his head. “No way. The danger’s part of the fun.”
You laid there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. “You know,” you said, voice still a little hoarse, “You’re dripping from me all over your floor now.”
Alex looked at you, dazed but amused, his eyebrows raising slightly as if the thought hadn’t even occurred to him. “That’s fine.” he replied, waving his hand dismissively as if it was the least of his worries. “The floor’s seen worse.”
“Worse than this?” you asked, raising an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.
“Oh definitely…absolutely.” he replied, sitting up slightly as he looked at you with mock seriousness. “I’ve dropped coffee, spilled stuff...once I even dropped a whole sandwich, oh- and, you won’t believe this one, one time I kicked over a glass of wine trying to catch a football. You’re just adding to the legacy.”
“Okay.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. “Glad to know I’m in such good company.” you said with a chuckle, too exhausted to argue, and shifted slightly, your body still feeling heavy from everything. 
The mess of the moment didn’t seem to matter as much as the calm after the storm, both of you still caught in that lingering post-high. 
“You know, as much as I’d love to keep chatting about your floor’s sordid history I-”
“I need a shower.” he interrupted, his voice rough, like it took every bit of energy to speak, as if even just that required effort.
“Yeah, that. Me too.” you echoed softly, still not moving from the table, your limbs too relaxed to even think about standing yet. You both stayed like that for a few more seconds. “Come on, get up.” you said, finally mustering the energy to sit up on the table, your legs still feeling shaky. “If you’re going to shower, you need to move.”
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Alex was glued to you like a second skin. His damp hair, still slightly mussed, was pressed against your shoulder as he half-draped himself over you. He wrapped one arm around your waist, fingers absently tracing the curve of your hip as he nestled his face into the crook of your neck, so close you could feel the soft puffs of his breath. 
“Tired?” you asked, running your fingers lazily through his hair.
He let out a low hum, not bothering to lift his head. “Maybe, a bit.” he mumbled into your neck. “I just like you like this.”
“Like what? Barely able to move under the weight of your body?” you joked, but the affection in your voice softened the words.
“Exactly.” he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke. “Just want to be close to you...Is that a crime, counsellor?”
You smirked, shaking your head. “Not yet. But you’re on thin ice.”
Alex chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against your shoulder. “Noted. Guess I’ll have to be careful. Wouldn’t want to be thrown out of bed for being too affectionate.”
“Who said anything about throwing you out?” you teased, shifting slightly but not making any real effort to dislodge him. “I’m too comfortable to move.”
“Good.” he sighed, his body relaxing even more into yours. “I’m not going anywhere anyway. You’re stuck with me like this now.”
“I can deal with that. It’s kinda nice, actually.”
“Nice?” he muttered, half asleep but still stubborn enough to keep the conversation going. “Just nice?”
“Alright, fine.” you admitted with a smile. “More than nice. But don’t let it go to your head.”
He grinned lazily against your neck. “Too late.”
For a moment, the two of you just lay there, his body practically draped over yours. It was peaceful, the kind of quiet that didn’t need to be filled, but Alex, in true form, couldn’t resist.
“Did you know,” he began, his voice low and thoughtful, “that penguins propose by giving their mate a pebble?”
You snorted, caught off guard. “What? Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.” he replied, lifting his head slightly to look at you with an exaggeratedly solemn expression. “They find the perfect pebble, you know? And they give it to the penguin they want to mate with. It’s very romantic.”
You laughed softly. “Why do you know this?”
He shrugged, settling his head back down on your shoulder. “I don’t know, I think I saw it on some nature documentary. Thought it was cute.”
“So what, are you planning on proposing to me with a rock you find on the sidewalk?” you teased, running your hand absently through his hair again.
Alex chuckled, his breath warm against your skin. “Maybe. If I find a really good one, you never know.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “I think I’d prefer something a little more...you know, traditional.”
“It's sorted then.” he said, his voice low and sleepy again. “No sidewalk rocks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
There was a beat of comfortable silence again, the two of you just enjoying the feeling of being close, the steady rise and fall of his chest pressed against yours. His fingers resumed their lazy tracing over your hip. You felt that familiar warmth flood through you, feeling his quiet need for affection, and you turned your head slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of his still-damp hair. “I love you too, you know.” you murmured softly. 
Alex hummed, pressing his face even closer to your neck, like he was trying to burrow into you. “I know…” he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you.”
You paused, frowning a little as you tilted your head to glance down at him. “Thank you?” you repeated, your brow furrowing in confusion. “Why are you thanking me for that?”
He shifted a bit but didn’t move far, his face still pressed against you. “Hmm?” he murmured, clearly not understanding your question at first.
Even though he couldn’t see it, you smiled, brushing a few strands of hair away from his forehead. “Why are you thanking me for loving you?” you asked again. “That’s not exactly something you need to say ‘thanks’ for.”
He was quiet for a moment, and you could feel him thinking, his fingers pausing their gentle movements on your skin as if he was trying to find the right words or come up with a good reason. But then he sighed, his breath warm against your skin, and you could almost feel the smile on his lips.
 “I don’t know.” he admitted quietly. “I just…yeah, I don’t know.”
You let out a quiet laugh, not mocking, just amused by how endearing he was when he got like this. “You don’t have to thank me, Alex. I love you because I do. It’s not a favour.”
He finally lifted his head slightly, just enough so that he could glance up at you with those sleepy, half-lidded eyes of his. There was something so soft about the way he looked at you right then. “I know.” he said softly, his voice a little raw. “But still…thank you.”
You gave him a look. “You’re ridiculous.” you whispered, reaching up to brush your thumb along his cheek. “But I love you, ridiculous and all.”
He smiled, that boyish grin that always managed to make your heart skip creeping across his face. “I’m just…I don’t know. Grateful, I guess.” he murmured, fingers resuming their soft tracing along your hip. “You put up with all of my bullshit. I get clingy, I say weird stuff, and you’re still here.”
You rolled your eyes but your heart was melting a little. “I’m here because I love you, not in spite of all that. Those are the things I like about you.” you said, your tone soft but teasing. “Even the weird penguin trivia.”
“Even that?” he asked, lifting his head more to look at you with a playful glint in his eyes.
You nodded, grinning. “Especially that.”
His smile widened, and he leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I’m really lucky, you know,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours, “To have you.”
“You’re getting too sappy on me, Turner.” though there was no denying the warmth in your chest. “But...yeah. I’m lucky too.”
He laughed softly, pressing another kiss to your temple before settling back down, his head resting on your shoulder again. “Okay, okay. No more sap. Just...let me be like this for a while.” he muttered, his body curling back into yours. 
“Stay as long as you want.” you whispered, your fingers trailing up and down his back in slow, soothing motions.
“You’re so stuck with me.” he mumbled, already half-asleep again, his breath evening out against your skin. 
“Yeah, you’re basically a human blanket right now.”
“Mmm, sounds about right.” he muttered, his voice fading into a drowsy murmur. He snuggled closer, if that was even possible. “I could stay like this forever…just you and me.”
“Me too.” you whispered. “Now sleep, Turner. I’m not going anywhere.”
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a/n: i love him. (yet another version of alex i made up and became obsessed with)
tags: @st7rnioioss @theonlyoneswhoknowsblog @rentsturner @yourstartreatment @avxoxo1 @jqsvi @turnersfav @youresodarkbabe @psychedelicrocker @aacheinthejaw @zayndrider @humbuginmybones @tedioepica
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dallasgallant · 4 months
Tough Slang |
I’ve been watching a lot of delinquent movies (I have recs) lately and I’ve started to collect the slang common in them. This is a “dictionary” that’s useful for writing but I’d still recommend looking up period or group specific slang yourself too, consider this a starting guide.
Primarily 50s-60s , mixed with general slang and relevant words.
Baby: Term of endearment [also used in Gay context]
Backseat bingo: Making out
Beat it: Go away
Belted: Beaten; Hurt
Bent car: Stolen car
Bit: Job; Robbery plan
Blade: Knives [typically switchblade]
Blast: Good time
Bop: Kill
Boss: Liked man of authority
Box job: Safe cracking
Break it up: Stop fighting
Broad: Woman
Bug: Bother
Bugging: Freaking out; Tripping
Bulls: Cops
Bum: To get by asking or begging; Vagrant
Bunk: Sleep with ; Share a prison cell
Candy ass: Coward
Can opener: Tools capable of breaking open safe
Can: Prison
Cheese it: Stop what you’re doing; Look out
Cherry: Good looking/condition [typically a car, sometimes a person]
Chicken: Coward
Cool it: Calm down
Cooler: Prison
Con: Convict; Swindle
Copped: Had the cops called on; Ratted out
Cranked: High; Drunk
Crash: Stay/sleep at someone’s place
Crazy: Deranged ; Enthusiastic about something
Cut the gas: Get to the point; shut up
Deck: Box of ciggerettes; To punch
Dibs: Laying claim on something
Dig: to understand; to like something
Dive: Low down place
Flat: Broke
Flip: Panic
Freak out: Wild/irrational reaction or behavior
Fry: Executed by electric chair
Fuzz: Police
Gas: Fun or cool
Get bent: Get lost; Go fuck yourself
Get lost: Go away
Greaser: Young man with greased hair, usually of lower class , gang affiliation or juvenile delinquent
Hang: Gather together with no expressed purpose
Hang loose: Relax; Take it easy
Happenin’: Exciting/Lively/Busy ; With the times
Heat: Police
Heater: Gun
Headshrinker: Shrink; therapist
Hip: With it; Understand; Cool
Hoodlum/hood: Trouble maker; Criminal
Jam: in trouble; Cram something
JD: Juvenile delinquent
Jive: Agree with someone
Jug: Prison
Jumped: Attacked without warning; Beaten
Keen: Eager; Enthusiastic
Lay off: Leave alone
Lifer: Someone serving a life sentence
Loaded: Drunk; Armed [Depending on context]
Lone it: Do something on ones own
Loiter: Stand or wait around without purpose; hang out
Man: Colloquialism for emphasis or familiarity 
Neato: Neat; Excellent; Exciting
Nance: Efféminent guy/Gay
Pack: Carry some sort of weapon
Pad: Where someone lives
Pansy: Efféminent guy/Gay
Paper shaker: Cheerleader
Pops: Affectionate term for an older man
Punk: Hoodlum
Rat: to tell on
Reefer: Weed; Marijuana
Rod: Gun
Rumble: Organized fight
Scram: Go away
Scum: Despicable person
Shiner: A black eye
Sock: Punch
Skin: Fight with no weapons
Slug: Bullet ; Hit
Stay cool: Remain calm ; control yourself
“Give some skin”: High five or handshake
Spill: Tell information
Split: Leave ; Get out fast
Square: Uninteresting person; Someone never in trouble with law
Stuck: Stabbed [in context]
Sucker : Gullible person; Someone who was conned
Swingin’ : Exciting ; Hip ; throwing punches [in context]
Tanked: Drunk
“The man”: Figure of authority keeping systems in place [Oppressive] ; One who maintains status quo
Turf: Territory
War council: Meeting between organized gangs to work out issues or plan a fight
Waste: Kill
Weed: Cigarette
Whipped: Beaten
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Hi hun! I absolutely adored your Hypnos Story it was amazing💕 and then I looked through your prompt list and were shocked when I saw prompt 20! We need that with Din, please🙏🏻
Serenade (Din Djarin x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be Tagged?
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Prompt: “let’s go stargaze.” “I’d honestly rather do anything else.” but they go and just stare at the other one the whole time (and the other is aware)
A/N: Thank you so so much for the ask love!!! And thank you sooo much for reading Hypnos, its one of my favourites too xxx AHHHH SOFT DIN!!! As you can tell, soft squishy bounty hunter is my guilty pleasure, I love it, he is such husband material <333
Word Count: 1k
Scavenging for berries at night wasn’t the best idea you came up with in a long time. The Mandalorian had chastised you about it but you stuck your tongue out at him and walked out of the door with your torch and basket. Not even a few seconds later, you heard him scrambling behind you, your smirk growing wider as he paced quickly to catch up with you. 
Now, you squinted trying hard to figure out whether the berries that were growing in front of you were poisonous. You knew the Mandalorian was trying hard not to laugh, his posture unusually stiff and arms folded as if he was fighting the maker to keep his dignity in check as yours slowly crumbled in front of him. 
You turned to look at him with big eyes, wordlessly asking for help. He dramatically sighed and checked the leaves of the berry bush, before picking a few of the berries and popping it into your basket, making you grin. 
“Now, do you want more or can we go back and munch on these next to a nice fire?” he questioned, his hands on his hips as he stared at you down.
“I thin- woah!” you looked past him at the stars that blanketed the night sky. 
Your eyes were transfixed, glittering just like the stars above you. Sure, you flew with the Mandalorian through the stars, but you always loved looking at them from below, the vast galaxy blowing your mind and soothing your heart. From this angle there were no problems, no wars, no hurt. 
Just peace. 
“Let’s stargaze for a bit.” you whispered, not taking your eyes off the decorated sky.
“I’d honestly rather do something else.” the Mandalorian grumbled, but quietened almost immediately as you grabbed his arm and pulled him through the woods and into a clearing. 
You dropped to the ground and tugged the Mandalorian down with you and he slumped beside you, his beskar covered shoulder hitting yours. You lay down, your hair scattered around you like a halo and hesitantly, the Mandalorian stiffly laid down too, his armour clinking softly. You stared up at the heavens taking in the sight. You sighed wondering how you managed to end up in this situation. 
After a while, you finally felt like you were being watched. Not by something from afar, and your suspicions were confirmed when you caught the t-shaped visor in your peripheral. Din Djarin wasn’t being subtle, his helmet was fully turned towards you and his gaze was heavy. He seemed to serenade you from under his mask, without a melody or even a single word.
Without a word, you shifted closer to him, turning so that you were now facing him instead of the stars. If you were completely honest with yourself, you’d much rather stare at your Din than the stars. You tipped your head until your forehead was against the cold beskar, savouring the cool metal against your skin. You heard a sharp intake of breath from Din and you smiled softly.
“Din?” you whispered, your lips uttering his name out loud to him for the first time.
“How did-” he began but collected himself with a deep breath as he tried not to choke on his words. “What’s up?”
“What colour are your eyes?” you asked, the question rolling off your tongue before you could stop yourself.
“Hmm?” he hummed. 
“Your eyes… I-i want to imagine them.” you asked bashfully, pulling back and letting your hands trace his beskar covered face. 
“B-brown.” he stuttered slightly and you giggled, closing your eyes and trying to picture them, wondering exactly what shade they might be. 
“Thought so.” you said smugly and he scoffed. 
After a few seconds, you felt Din shift slightly.
“Sit up.” he whispered. 
You sat up without a word and he followed suit, pulling something from his pocket, folding his legs until they were crossed before him, his flight suit rustling in the silence of the night. It was a long scarf and he held it in front of you in both of his hands.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, genuinity lacing his gruff voice. 
You nod and try to look past his visor, looking for his eyes that were hidden behind the veil of his creed. He leaned forward and wrapped the scarf around your head, gently blind folding you. Soft rustling followed as he dropped his hands from the back of your head. A hiss, followed by a quiet thud met your ears and you knew Din was helmetless in front of you. Suddenly, you felt big warm hands on yours and you gasped faintly, only to hear a chuckle from him. 
He moved your hands with his, setting them onto his cheeks. You smiled as your fingers twisted his soft, sparse beard and thumbs traced his jaw which apparently was quite angular. He was smiling and you swore your fingers caught a dimple just below the apples of his cheeks. Your fingers unhurriedly graze his nose, feeling the bump on his nose and booping the tip, causing the bounty hunter to giggle shyly. 
Your smile widened bashfully as you brought your hands higher, feeling his eyebrows, trying to mark up the shape of his face. Your hand was flat and was softly gliding through the planes of his face until you touched something soft. Din’s breathing quickened and you could feel the short puffs of air as he parted his lips. You kept your hand there and you could feel Din slowly leaning in, your fingers now pressed to his lips.  
With his lips, he pushed your fingers to your lips and his ungloved hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling your hand away from in between the both of you. He was so close, you could feel both of your breaths mingling, your heart thudding intently against your chest. You both moved at the same time, lips tactfully crashing into one another, your breath captured by the Mandalorian who stole your heart.
The stars could wait, you had all you wanted in the palm of your hands at that very moment as Din smiled against your lips and pulled you closer as time slowed to the serenading melody that your hearts played.
Taglist: @fandxmslxt69 @joygirlmelii @wolfbook87 @randomnessfangirl @in-between-the-cafes @minigirl87 @alexxavicry @lia275 @euphoricosmo @violet-19999 @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm
484 notes · View notes
heartbreakgrill · 2 months
Delicate: Vessel (Sleep Token); Part 8; "My reputation's never been worse."
“This is so fucking stupid.”
I shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket, eyes rolling at the sight of the boys, noise makers between their lips, some jank ass sign unraveling in the wind.
“Your mom’s fucking stupid,” Max fired back with his usual goofy smile, words muffled from the noise maker in his mouth. His knocked his fist against my elbow gently as he passed by, moving to help Cy hold up the poster board.
They’d bought it at a random Walgreens, after having forced the Uber driver to pull over, abruptly. Then, with bumpy hands and terrible penmanship, they wrote out some sarcastic for Sam about returning home from prison.
“Don’t be a sour puss, dude,” Adam replied. His brows were furrowed, chin dipping side to side in disagreement to my negative statement.
I looked to him, watching as he pulled a cone shaped hat down onto his hair, the rubber band snug against his chin. The meer humor of the too-small hat on his head made his words lose any meaning. I wanted to laugh, but instead I shot back, my brows skeptically, sarcasm quick as air, “Who? Me? No, never!”
Adam scoffed a laugh. His hat was finally adjusted now, hands falling to his sides exasperatedly. “Seriously. Just try to be nice, for once. Sam said Daisy’s, like, so sweet.” My skepticism only darkened my gaze, sarcasm sinking into genuine wonder, “So, what, we’re gonna be dancing around some child all summer?”
It was a valid question. When Sam asked us about Daisy joining the tour for the summer, everyone else just jumped on board. I, however, took a little convincing. What business did she even have here, 5,000 miles from home? It’s not like she had any professional connections to touch on, nor was London that interesting. Or, maybe I was just being a pessimist, again…
To say the least, I had trust issues. Or, in my therapist’s more light turn of phrase, I was cautious, careful to new people because I had a lot on the line with my career and had been through numerous situations with others that ended up with me, well…in therapy.
Max battled with the cardboard sign as the wind seemed to be winning the war. He struggled to get the words out as he scuffled to straighten its edges, which seemed to take more work than it needed to, “She’s literally only 5 years younger than you.”
“So, a child?”
“So, a 23 year old, grown woman. She’s really smart, Sam said. I’m sure you can have some fun conversations about the elements and shit.”
“Sam’s biased,” I murmured, focused now on the cigarette between my pointer and middle fingers. I dallied with lighting it, displaced energy in the act. It was early. I was tired.
“Sam’s one of your best mates,” Cy shot me a look. “Listen, just give her a chance. Stop moping just because you think some woman’s gonna take away from our guy time this summer.”
I straightened up, offense hitting my features like a stone wall, “When did I say that? I’m just worried we’re gonna have to cater to some child while we’re trying to literally do our jobs. She’s gonna be pursuing around like she’s in some Taylor Swift video while we’re going to be trying to earn our income. It’s just…weird.”
I’d never mention that fear to them- the fear I had of this trust. I think maybe if they all looked at me a little more closely, they’d see it. They’d see the fear in my eyes. But, I was really good at displacing my anxieties onto a separate, less pressing issue.
If I was ever terrified the sky was going to fall, then, suddenly, I was lashing out about the uncut grass in the front yard, randomly. Gotta love unhealthy coping mechanisms. Cy was still looking at me all judgmentally. I knew he wanted to lecture me further, but he simply reached over, patted my shoulder, and said, “Just…try not to be a dickhead, okay? Let the girl enjoy her summer.”
Max continued on, blabbering about something or the other. “I’m, like…Ollie, have you ever even seen a Taylor Swift video? I am pretty sure not a single fucking one takes place in Europe. They’re all super conceptual and abstract. Honestly, you might actually love some of ‘em. What’s that older one? With the trees and shit?”
“Out Of the Woods?” Adam was quick to fill in the blanks. I looked to him out of the corner of my vision, gaze narrowed. Of course he knew which one it was. He held his hands up, defensively, “What? My little cousin loves her.”
“Mhm,” I nodded, slow.
He trailed off, looking away, “And, maybe, you know, I do, too.”
“Oh, I’m sure.”
Max latched onto Adam’s help, continuing his rant about Taylor Swift, of all things. “Fuck! Out of the Woods! It reminds me a lot of the Fall for Me video! There’s, ya know, water…lots of running…self-deprecation. Fuck, a Sleep Token/Taylor Swift collab would go so hard!”
“Shit, could you imagine some real drums on one of her songs?” Cy perked up at the thought, fingers thrumming against the corner of the sign that he’d now laid his clutches on. “Sick!”
“Oh, God,” I rubbed my forehead, itching more and more to finally light up my cigarette, puff out a few smokey deep breaths. “I can feel the glitter and sparkles starting to fucking suffocate me! Can we please talk about something else?”
“Whatever, Ollie,” Adam flicked his hand towards me dismissively. He went to change the subject when his phone dinged from his pocket. He pulled it out, in one fluid motion, and read whatever text he’d gotten. “Shit! They just got their bags! Quick! Hold up the sign!”
Max shuffled around, all energetic, trying to make everything look perfect. He quickly tried to put a party hat on my head. I had to shove his entire body into Adam to stop him from getting the string down over my chin.
“Fuck off!” I cursed, brushing out the torso of my hoodie. He giggled, annoyingly, knowing he’d successfully gotten on my nerves. Again.
Max turned his attention away from me and to the two people who had just walked out of the airport, suitcases rolling behind them, backpacks looped around their shoulders. I noticed Sam, first, his head dipped down into his phone, curly blonde hair mopped up atop his head. He was dressed, head to toe, in all black. It was a welcome site, the fifth member of our posse back in our home country, our original stomping grounds, even if he wasn’t from here.
I let a smile overtake my features, excitement bubbling in my cheeks. It was actually really good to see him.
I wouldn’t have even paid any attention to the girl standing beside him if she didn’t stick out so much, like a sore thumb. Her bright pink sweater, gray sweatpants, the purples and greens swirled around her suitcase. Every single thing touching her was just…so colorful. Even the expression on her face, wide grin, cheery eyes- though they were circled by tireless bags- it was all so glaring.
I narrowed my eyes skeptically.
As Sam fumbled about on his phone, she stepped forward, excitedly taking an extra noise maker, my left over party hat, from Max. She barely got the hat on before Sam was looking up, our small crowd erupting into joyous ruckus that caused him to nearly drop his phone.
I don’t know why, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I watched her, carefully, as she went through the motions of greeting everyone. Adam was his shy, introverted self. Cy was charismatic, Max obnoxiously flirty.
And she was just…constant, through it all. Upbeat, grinning, encouraging to every single average word that my friends told her.
And then she was looking at me, offering her hand. My head shook slightly as if to unscramble my consciousness. I glanced between her hand, her own gaze, unsure of what to do or say. I had been too busy watching. I barely brought myself out of that entrapped stare before my name came fumbling out of my mouth.
She seemed a little put off, taken aback, after I blatantly ignored her outstretched hand. But, I didn’t want to shake it. I was afraid that, if I touched it, she might shock me, sting me, scorch me with that bleeding sunshine she seemed to have sticking to her skin.
Besides, I couldn’t trust her, right? Right.
I turned my head away, feeling somewhat ashamed for the way I brushed her off. There was a rejected twinkle in her eyes, one that I could not handle. Moving on from that interaction, or in an attempt to do so, I tilted my chin down, glazing my eyes to the concrete. I shrunk beneath the cover of my hood. I didn’t need to feel bad for anything. I didn’t even know her, nor did she know me.
As the others finished up with their exchange of greetings, the group itself began making its way back to the Uber, with Sam and Daisy now a part of the flow.
The car ride back was objectively short, though it felt longer than the time on Apple Maps said. I rode in the back with the guys, pressed up against the door due to the lack of space. My long knees jutted out awkwardly. The bone of my leg ached from knocking against the door with each bump in the road that the car hit.
I stared out of the window, hoping the painful time would pass quicker. The ugliness of London stared back at me. A small, curious part of me kept darting my eyes towards the front seat, where she sat. But I stilled my gaze on the city.
That was maybe part of the issue- I just didn't understand why Daisy was so interested in visiting this place anyways. It was boring, bland. I associated the cloudy gray skies and rainy summers with some of the worst times of my life. This city looked the way I felt for most of it, too. The people were shit, too. Rude, always in a rush, unforgiving and untrustworthy.
What adventure could one find in this wet, concrete maze of hell?
Bored, I moved my attention back to the interior of the car, still resisting that urge to look forward. Adam, Cy, Sam, and Max were a cacophony of lost conversation, catching up, rumbling laughter. I listened for a moment, intently awaiting her to throw in her two sense. She seemed like the type to talk somebody’s ear off. Perhaps I could read between her sentences, find out her motives, her intentions, find something to use against her, so I could easily hate her and put distance between us-
She was sleeping.
Her body was slumped against the door, neck pillow twisted around to support her forehead from the glass of the window. She cradled her hands to her stomach, the blanket she had just up underneath her chest.
The curve of her face caught my eye the most, the simple stillness of the lines around her lips, the peaceful flutter that ruffled her lashes every so often. I wondered what she dreamt of- rainbows, sunshine, lollipops. I bet she was the type of person who would respond, "World peace," when asked what she would wish for if she had a genie.
God. I really was an asshole. Here was this stranger, this beautiful, seemingly kind stranger, trying to catch up on sleep after traveling nearly 20 hours…and here I was, creating an entire persona around the two facts I actually knew about her. Maybe I should give her a chance, like the guys said. Maybe I should let her in, even if it was barely past the surface, and try to be amicable.
Maybe she wouldn’t sell my name to the paparazzi. Maybe she wouldn’t leak photos of me online, or call news sites to gain traction on social media.
I nearly flinched as she shifted in her slumber, so lost in my thoughts that the disruption was a panic. Her lips parted, just so, as air deflated from her lungs. The hair that curled around her face ruffled from the gentle gust.
Though she looked like Sam, she really was beautiful. Sure, Sam was attractive, in his own way. But, uniquely, Daisy was…honestly, gorgeous, all doe-eyed, rose lips, freckled cheeks.
I kept staring at her, analyzing, accidentally memorizing.
As I felt myself sinking, into my seat, into myself, into this stare I had on her, I straightened up, shoved myself back in the door.
The poor girl wasn’t even awake.
And I was being far too open.
When we reached the hotel, everyone piled out of the Uber. I went to step out, myself, to begrudgingly helped with luggage. But after I cast a casual glance over my shoulder, I noticed Daisy was still asleep. As though she were his responsibility, I found Sam and went to vocalize the issue with him. But he was busy with their bags.
None of the others were really familiar enough with her to consider her.
No one but me, I guess, because I was reaching out my fingers, touching her shoulder, telling her, "We're here."
I swept myself away before she could wake up and look me in the eyes. - "Where's your sister?" Cy inquired, poking at his dish with the fork in his hold.
Sam shrugged as he continued shoveling french fries in his mouth. "Sleeping, I think. She was fucking exhausted. Could barely get herself to bed this morning.”
"Poor girl," Max pouted his bottom lip. "Has she ever traveled this far from home?"
"Damn. Good for her, then. It's hard to just leave everything behind, to leave your everyday life for this type of thing for this long," Max continued.
I listened intently, though I made it seem like I wasn't even conscious of the guys seated at the table with me. Where they thought I was mindlessly stirring my drink, I was reading between the lines of every vague fact Sam dropped about Daisy.
"Well," he held a hand before his mouth as he chewed, swallowed. He sat back as he began to unload more information about his sister, "No offense to her, but she doesn't have much of a life. She works, like, two-three jobs at any given time. She works at some clinic during the day, waits tables in the evening, then does some stuff on campus here and there."
"Shit. Hope she's taking care of herself," Adam commented, thoughtfully.
"She does. I think. I don't know. We don't really get much time together anymore. Ever since mom died...I don't know. It's been hard to stay connected."
"This summer's gonna be good, then, for you guys to get to see each other," Cy touched Sam’s wrist with his fist, encouraging our friend with his response.
"Yeah," Sam's eyes seemed a little distant then, like there were foggy memories, regrets clouding his consciousness, "Yeah, I hope so."
Max went to speak again when Sam's phone went off. He pulled it out, scrolling through the texts he'd received. "Speak of the devil."
Sure enough, Daisy came padding into the hotel bar. Her hair was damp, twisted up behind her head by some clip. Her features were more prominent this way, skin shining with the care she must have just put into it. As she approached us, her perfume breezed off her skin, off her stupid Taylor Swift hoodie, right past my nose.
It smelled so sweet that I had to look away, focus on something else.
Everyone else greeted her, asking about how she slept, how she felt. I was inattentive, attempting to make it seem like I hadn’t just been thrown off balance.
I needed to do something, say something to her, to be welcoming. To make it seem like I wasn’t such a dickhead, even though I pretty much was. So, I worked on some phrases in my head, hoping to catch her in a side conversation, so there wasn’t so much tension with the others listening in. But, she walked out of the bar as quickly as she'd come.
I found the air to be cooler without her occupying the space.
I shivered and turned my chin towards that freeze.
Later that evening, I found myself on the hotel roof.
It was one of my favorite spots, no matter which city we were passing through, which state I found myself to be stuck in. I could go up to the highest floor, even if it wasn’t too far off of the ground, tune out the stress that came with work, and relax into the peace and quiet.
It was one of the healthier coping mechanisms my therapist and I had been working on. I was an antisocial person, to say the least. And when I’d had to be around others for too long, working literal overtime to just function like a normal person, I’d become irritable, withdrawn.
So, stalking off in the late hours of the evening with a book in my hand and some lyrics in my head became a usual, practiced ritual that I was comforted by, especially on tours.
The breeze of London flew past my face, braising goosebumps on my neck. I tucked my chin into my hoodie more. There were these tiki lights, all around me and the intimate seating area I occupied, but the little bits of light did nothing to help me see the book in my hands.
I tucked it away after straining for a few moments and settled on just resonating with myself for a bit. I watched the flames of the fire pit before me, listened to it crackle and pop. I was so focused on the peacefulness, that I hadn’t even noticed the elevator ding, nor the person scuffling across the concrete of the roof.
In fact, I didn’t even notice her until she was sitting across from me, these little alcohol bottles in her hands. The movement of her sitting before me flitted my gaze up, edges of my vision blurred slightly from the intensity of the flames. My hearing focused after. There was music streaming from the speakers on her phone, some Taylor Swift song I didn't recognize. I withheld the urge to roll my eyes and studied her movements.
She read the label on the mini shot of Jack Daniels with squinted eyes. I'd never seen someone pay so much attention to a simple liquor Maybe she'd never drank it before. That would be a strange fact, considering she was 23. Every 23 year old I knew had gone through every liquor known to man. Then, she drank it and I realized why she was so observant. Her face turned up in this grimace, lips puckered, brows furrowed. She just couldn't handle her liquor. Her examination of the bottle was really just a hesitance to consume it in the first place.
I stifled a laugh and instead found my words, urged to tease her for this occurrence, "Gonna share?' Maybe I should have intruded her peace more gently, or maybe I should have said something sooner than I did. Either way, I had spooked her enough that she jumped.
Her once shocked grimace twisted into a deep frown, like she was annoyed I had disturbed her. "How long have you been sitting there?"
My grin widened, though it didn't seem like she found much humor in the situation. "Long enough to know you can't take a shot." I held out my hand, awaiting her to hand over one of the bottles. She didn't do that Instead, her face hardened a bit and she made another comment, “Sorry I’m not an alcoholic. If you want one, you have to come get it, by the way. I’m comfy now.”
I was taken back by her crudeness. Everyone said she was so kind, so sweet. I'd even overheard her niceties earlier, at the airport, at the bar. Had I done something?
Instead of setting the record straight, communicating, though, I became defensive to her jabs. As I reached for one of the bottles, I said, "Comfy with this trash music playing?"
Funnily enough, this made her face sink more, if at all possible. Her frown was deep as a river, and murky as one, too, "Real men listen to Taylor Swift."
I tried another joke, hoping it would salvage the wreckage we were feeding, "Hey, haven't you heard? I'm a vessel, not a man?"
I don't know if it did, but she at least continued speaking to me. "So, vessel, what are you doing up here? Can't sleep?"
I tossed my hand in her direction, speaking with my casual satire, "Obviously." I looked away from her, breathless. I was trying so hard, so incredibly hard to seem careless, chill. I didn’t know why I couldn’t just, actually, genuinely not give a fuck.
I reached for my cigarettes, too stressed out to handle a head that was some sober from nicotine. After a long drag, I felt that familiar buzz of a clear head, the temporary reduction of anxiety.
Cigarettes were always a killer ice breaker, helpful in even the toughest, most awkward conversations. So, when my eyes popped back open and met hers, I offered a hit.
If her face had been disgusted before, it was even more so now. "That's okay, thanks," she almost sneered.
I pursed my lips. Okay, I wasn't the only one killing this conversation. She acted like she was just too good for anything that I had to do with. Like if she were to take a drag from this cigarette, she'd be infected with my sickness.
I voiced the concern with my snide tone again. Her response nearly made me choke on my own spit, “More like my mom died of lung cancer because she smoked for thirty years.”
As quick as possible, I stomped the butt into the ground. "Sorry."
She hummed some sort of response, looking away so uncomfortably. I wanted to grovel, to beg for her forgiveness in the case of such a small moment of misunderstanding, but I settled on another painful jab at a nice conversation.
“I’d ask what you’re doing up, but I figured you wouldn’t be able to sleep after the day you had.” She responded in that same dry tone, "Yeah, no."
Annoyed, I began to wonder where all this sweetness had gone. Earlier, with the guys, she had spoken like she'd known them for forever. Here, with me- she acted like I'd spit in her coffee this morning, like I was holding her at gun point just to have this conversation.
I gave up on trying to be overly considerate and shot straight to the point. I wanted answers anyways, and now I had a good reason to search for them, "What's your deal, Daisy?"
"What the fuck does that mean?" She responded.
I shrugged as I crossed my arms over my chest. What did she want it to mean? "Why are you here?" Instead of just answering the question, she countered me, echoing the question. Good fucking game, Daisy Hallett. Good fucking game.
I stretched my body out as I thought, unsure of how to answer. What was I here for? To do my job, obviously. So, I told her that. But, I should have known she would pry deeper. That were her job, after all, to observe, analyze, pry.
“That’s not what you’re here for,” She rejected my words, shaking her head just slightly, “That’s what everyone else is here for. What about you, Oliver?”
I started making music for myself, not anyone else. In the darkest, most terrible parts of my life, it had gotten me through to the other side with ease. It was my biggest coping skill, sitting at a clear number one on the list my therapist and I had outlined.
Getting paid for it, getting to tour and travel cities…that was all a plus. Touring, performing itself, were two things I was still trying to get used to. It was awesome to get to play my music life for others, to help them through to the other side, but it was sometimes…overwhelming, a hard pill to swallow.
So, I answered honestly this time, “To…worship. To celebrate my music, myself…life.”
She was impressed by this answer, pleased, and I could tell this by the stretch of her lips. That sweet, enticing smile did something to me.
As she held up the shot bottle in a gesture to cheers, I returned the smirk. We danced on the edge of some invisible line.
"To life."
I wanted to hear more of her voice, more of...her, more about her. So, I scrambled and said, "Wait, what about you?"
“There’s no deeper meaning to anything I do,” she waved me off.
I understood her more in this moment than I sometimes understood the people closest to me. She was like- she was insecure, she was scared. She was a little kid with monsters under her bed and in her closet.
So, I affirmed her existence with words that seemed so simple, yet would have meant so much for me to hear, too. “Oh, Daisy, there’s always deeper meaning to everything humans do. Think. What’s yours?”
This threw her off balance, yet somehow kept her from falling off the edge. It made the gears in her head turn, made her question her own thoughts. "I guess…I guess…to find that deeper meaning. To find what I’m looking for, maybe.”
She still didn't seem too sure, but I knew that, once this summer ended, once the leaves turned brown, and she returned back to a place called home, she would know it in her bones.
And I think, maybe, I might know it, too.
Sooner, rather than the later that I hoped for, we were in the elevator. Hours of breathless conversation sat, stale in the air on the roof, abandoned as the steel doors trapped us in silence.
The more she told me, the more terrified I was of her very existence. She was smarter than me, and very good at returning snide comments. Her wit was so profoundly intelligent, that I found myself silenced on more than one occasion.
Above all this- she was a disruption- she was chaos. She made me think differently, harder. She made me laugh.
I was drawn in by all of this, by her eyes, by the way the corners of her pink lips curled up into her cheeks. It took me a second to realize that she was staring back up at me, that our shoulders were turning to face one another, that my fingers were grazing the sleeve of her hoodie.
"You're very pretty, Daisy," the words fell out in a dangerous whisper. I loved the way she blushed, the way the tip of her nose scrunched, and she fell back onto her heels a bit.
I would have kissed her, I knew that for sure, had the elevator doors not opened up, had we not parted ways there, in the barren hallways. And I would have sought her out, would have reached for a simple phone number, another moment on the roof, another conversation about life and college and her favorite fucking color...
had I not made it back to my room and looked myself in the eye, through the smudged reflection of the bathroom mirror. The painful eye contact brought me back down to Earth, reminded me of the ugliness swirled up inside my chest, the bitter desire of my own self interest, selfishness.
I was...I was the chaos. I was the disruption. Here was this beautiful, interesting, smart girl...and here was me, this man-giant, who could barely hold a conversation without feeling like he was going to have a panic attack. Besides all that, her brother was my fucking best friend. I was his boss.
This was territory that I could not enter, not without a guilty conscience and someone's broken heart. So, I would proceed with caution, although it ended up making me seem like the worst person in the world.
I knew I could no longer keep up the act only a few weeks in, all thanks to Whitney Houston and this stupid pink fucking dress.
I watched her parade herself all night, guzzling drinks like they were air, batting her stupidly prim and perfect eyelashes my way. She knew exactly how to get me going- how to lock me in, most of all. And I was playing right into the fucking game, weak signs and Achilles heels all exposed from the second that she stepped out of that hotel room.
When I saw that knowing, vivacious smirk- I knew tonight would be different.
It wasn't until she was passed out, in my bed, with my hoodie on, that I realized I was falling for her. I had been able to subside the hunger that I felt, the hunger I felt to speak to her, to consume her with my eyes, my teeth, my hands, my body- God. It was easy to push all these thoughts away when she wasn't there- but then, she'd show up at breakfast or dinner or in my dreams and thoughts and desperations and I'd spiral again.
It didn't help that I was letting it get to me so much- and she was literally trained in analyzing behavior. I exposed my curiosities with even the slightest dip in my gaze or lift in my shoulders. There was a moment, during breakfast, when she told us of her plans for the evening of one our first shows- that she wasn't coming to.
Max had to go and make a stupid joke when I just barly glanced up from my plate, "Even Ollie's hurt!" I stopped coming to so many social gatherings, at least where she was concerned. And, then, I got all the space I needed when we took off on the buses.
Everyone flocked to her side, wanting even a second of her attention, while I kept to myself on the other bus. Because I thought the guys might leave me alone about it, I could almost reside in absolute peace.
But, then, Ronnie came knocking on my bunk.
It was early morning. We were stopped for gas, somewhere in Northern Italy. The bus was deadly silent, with nothing but my own quiet breath and the hum of the outside world to keep e company. Ronnie came in, bounding, like she always did. She slammed the bus door shut, jarring me from the focus I'd had on the game of Mario Kart pulled up on my Switch. Next thing I knew, she was ripping open the curtain to my bunk.
"Why the fuck are you rotting in here like a mummy? I'm close to wrapping you up in toilet paper and shoving you in with the suitcases!"
I rolled my eyes as she spoke and slouched my shoulders away. The hood of my sweatshirt dipped enough that she was no longer in my view. "Sam needs to stop gassing up your jokes. It's getting to your head."
"You're literally just jealous because your jokes are only ever mean and borderline tone-deaf," Ronnie grabbed the lip of my hood and tugged it down over my face.
I wriggled away from her, Switch dropping towards the inside of the bunk. I shoved her hands away. "Says you, Miss Jimmy Carr."
Ronnie's jaw jutted open a bit, "Now that's fucked, Ollie."
I went to jab back again, but she held up a hand, head tilted like she was a tired, annoyed mother of a band of men babies. "Stop while you're ahead, dude. Back to what I came in to harass you about- you need to come join us! We're playing Mario Kart with peaches- Daisy, sorry. You guys would get along sooo great. I know you're, like, weird about new people, but she's so fucking funny. Please, please just come over, hang out, be chill for once in your life."
Peaches. They had given her a nickname. Peaches, as if she weren't already sweet enough to sour the cuts on my skin.
I huffed and puffed at the rant as I pulled my hood down the back of my head. "First of all, I don't play Mario Kart-"
"I literally hear the music coming from your Switch," Ronnie pointed with a dead stare at the device, muffled humming rumbling from beneath my blanket.
I met her eye, absent any shame of my white lie. I took a breath and dove back into my rejection, "Second of all, why the hell do you guys give out the cringiest, most ridiculous nicknames? Like, peaches?What even is that?"
"It's called joy, magic, and fun, you grinch," Ronnie pinched my elbow. I flinched away from her touch again and she snickered. "If you don't like Daisy, just say so. I won't tell anybody. I'll just resent and judge you in silence- silent words, not punches."
What did she mean, that I didn't like Daisy? I knew I'd been passive towards her, but I never made it so obvious-
The expression on my face must have read confusion or shock because Ronnie popped a hip and crossed her arms.
"Listen," she added, "I know that she probably irks you. I get it. You're the bad boy, dark soul type and she's this ray of fucking sunshine and, yes, peaches. Just- give her a chance before you rain all over her parade."
"I literally never said I had a fucking problem with her. Why does everyone think I hate her guts when I've literally only ever had one conversation with her?" I frustratedly spoke, words rushed together. Ronnie stood back a second, reading the scrunch of my brows, the way I pushed myself up onto my elbows. Then, her offended frown morphed into something knowing, as though bits of information clicked in her head.
"Oh," she rhythmed, grinning now, "I see what's going on here. Hey, she's gorgeous.” "Oh, my God, here we go," I stood from my bunk, now, unwilling to just lay there and listen to her try to evaluate my behavior.
Ronne didn't follow me as I made my way to the back room, "Ollie...just remember who you are. And who she is."
And this sentence alone threw me for the biggest loop.
I didn't even know what she meant by that, but as well I knew Ronnie...it was definitely more than met the eye, deeper than any surface level warning anybody else could give. Not only did I know Ronnie well, but she could read me like a book. She knew what to say to make my skin crawl. Who I am...who Daisy is.
Analyzing the statement from top to bottom, general to specific, it was simple. She was my best friend’s brother. And I was his boss.
It meant more than that, though.
Ronnie meant that Daisy…Daisy was delicate. Daisy was meat, fresh off a shattered bone, and I was a hound.
I was always the hound. The Albatross, even. A winged creature always coming in to swipe shiny things off of stormy shores.
Ronnie didn’t want to harm me with the statement, but she sure as hell wanted to humble me. And that she did.
Each time I found myself aching to find Daisy’s gaze, I’d shrink back into myself. Remember my place. Remember who I was.
And, then…that damn Whitney Houston song. That damn pink dress.
Ronnie knew I was slipping, when I first spotted Daisy, in the doorway of her hotel room, long legs on display. I caught my lips beginning to party, drool beginning to pool in my teeth. This appreciative smirk came upon my face until I met Ronnie’s frown.
And I moved on.
I kept trying to move on, to fly away, leave the gold necklace on the beach for some other lucky, hopeless idiot to clean the sand off of, treasure for the rest of their sorry days.
I paid for her meal, as some sort of reparation for the damage I must’ve done all evening, being the hungry being I was while she toyed with the lock on my cage.
But, I just couldn’t . Especially not when she was running from the bar, sickness visible on her face. I could’ve left it where it was- Max was shuffling after her, ready to help, ready to hold her hair up.
Before I knew it, my feet were racing me out of the door, my hand was on Max’s shoulder, a kind smile was reassuring him that I could handle it, that he could go back to having fun.
My hands were in her hair, my neck was cradling the crown of her head, she was reaching for my wallet, letting us into the hotel room, laying down on my bed. I was giving her my hoodie, placing a bandage on her leg, caressing her fruity skin.
And then…just like that, as quickly as the rain began, like when you can see it in sheets, pounding into the Earth, just there, off in the distance…then it’s splattering on your windshield, the sound jarring you from your tired drive, the blur harming your vision of the road.
It was raining in my hotel room.
I didn’t have an umbrella.
I spent the entire night, laying there on the bed beside her, faced away, tensed up. Every breath she took stopped my heart. Every wrinkle from the white sheets made my eyes blink.
I was spending so much of my thought process trying to remember the taste of her fleeting lips on my own, pressing my fingers to them as though they were stained from her, as though I could close my eyes and taste them, again and again and again.
Then, in the morning, she returned my hoodie. There was this…look…this distant, worried look. Had she remembered? Had she remembered the words I said? Was this going to change anything? Everything? At breakfast, I ignored her persistent eyes, the gaze burning into my soul for answers. When she told us she couldn’t remember anything, I was little relieved.
If she didn’t remember, I could put distance between us, try to forget it myself- try to forget the way her fingers buried themselves into my hair. Try to forget the feel of her nose, pressed into my cheek, her chest, warm against my own.
While I was able to put physical distance between us this week, being that work kept us busy. But, the mental, emotional yards were harder to climb.
Once we made it through the airport, to Italy, I began my practice of celibacy, against the thoughts of her, against us.
I think part of me knew it wouldn’t last. I think part of me didn’t want it to. I think that’s why I was there- in the elevator, headed for the roof, in hopes that I might find her there. I didn’t even know if it was a place she frequented, but my intuition told me it was a good place to look.
And I was right.
I acted shocked when I first saw her, like it didn’t help my blood pump, seeing her, feet in the water, hair curling around her forehead.
She looked so…tense. Stressed. There was this permanent furrow in her brow. Did she really not remember…anything? At all?
Though it was a relief, I wanted to jog her memory (I wanted to kiss her).
I asked Daisy, barely glancing over at her in the seat beside me. From the corner of my eye, I watched her chew upon on her bottom lip, “Not really.”
Why did it feel like a lie?
She must’ve remembered something. Sure, she had been drinking, but…she was smarter than that. “Okay,” I choked, snatching another look at her.
I noticed Daisy turn her chin to return the gaze and I looked back at the city. I couldn’t look into her eyes, look at her face. I’d crumble.
“Is there something I should be remembering?”
It was timid, shy. But bold.
Bolder than I could bring myself to be right now.
Unable to find my own words, unable to form my own lie, I echoed her.
“Okay,” she copied.
The moment swelled in my mind. I wanted- needed her to remember. I wanted her to feel the ache in my bones at the thought of our lips pressed together. Wanted her to feel the longing Maybe then, she’d be the one to break, and I could blame it on her. Make her out to be the bad guy, going after me.
What a fucked up thing to think about.
Before I could catch myself, I blurted, “You don’t remember-“
At the same time, she went to push further on the topic.
I excused myself, motioned for her to continue. But, of course, she let me go instead.
“You don’t remember coming back to the hotel?”
I knew I was confusing her.
“Not really. you’re sure there’s nothing you want to tell me? Something important I should be remembering?” her knuckles, clasped together, were turning white.
I shrugged and pretended to be unaware, “I don’t think so.”
“Why did you tell me to come sit with you?”
She really knew how to make a guy question his own thought patterns. It would make her a really great therapist- but it just made me want to run.
To hide. To slip away from this disruption in my damaged peace.
I sighed, thoughtful, though still unsure, “I don’t know. Thought it would be nice. Like when we were in London-“
“Like when we were in London and you proceeded to pretend like we never did this? Like when we were in London and you kept interrupting me, so I couldn’t tell everyone we had been up on the roof together?”
So, she was pissed.
I knew she would be. She acted like she didn’t care, but I saw through the disguise. It reminded me of me.
I shrugged, putting on the same play, “Like that.”
I guess that was the comment that sent her off the edge, though. She was too guarded, too respectful of herself to take the bullshit I pushed. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
That wasn’t it for me. I needed to know what she knew. She obviously remembered more than she was letting on.
I slid into the elevator behind her, “Daisy-“
I swear to God, the rhythm of her breathing palpitated when I said her name-
“I need you to be honest with me. What do you remember?”
“Oh, cause you’re such a conscientious person yourself?”
I pulled at my hair, stressfully, “I really don’t think we’re on the same page right now, Daisy. Please, if we could just talk about this, if you could just tell me what you remember-“
Gears seemed to click in her brain. Something I said, the way I moved, the flash of the stars in her eyes, something had triggered a memory in her head. Something suddenly made sense.
I tried to help, though I was probably just being an asshole. “I want to figure this out, okay?”
I wanted to figure her out.
Whatever clicked was- it fucked things up.
“Oliver,” she frowned, “I can’t play this game with you.”
What game?
I was only ever playing defense- keeping to myself, keeping her away from my heart, trying to maintain distance. She had kissed me- I was the one to turn her away.
My shoulders fell, “What game? Daisy…I’m confused!”
“So am I, Oliver!”
Fuck. The way she said my name-
“I’m- you’re fucking with my head!”
Like she wasn’t fucking with mine?!
I went back to my original question, hoping to continue digging there, instead of worrying about this new hole she was unburying, “What do you remember?”
“It doesn’t matter, Oliver! I just don’t want to do this with you. Max is right. I should listen to him.” What the fuck did Max say? Why was he involving himself in this? How did he even know about- us- when we didn’t even- what?
What was happening?
“I’m not doing this with you.”
The doors opened, and she was leaving me. In her dust. In the swell of her words.
I retreated back to my room, throat tight, chest contracting for any gulp breath I could get. I fell back against the door like there were bullet holes bleeding out of my chest. I wanted to just...be honest. To be honest with her. Tell her what I really thought, what really happened, how I felt about her.
It wasn't the boundaries holding me back now. All my senses of morality and respect for our situation were dead. It was me. I was the iceberg. I was the gun.
I found my way to the bed, lay there like an empty casket. Dead, hollow, shards of wood. Why was I so afraid of her?
Maybe she'd be good for me...better than the last relationship I had, that much I could already tell. But, maybe she didn't want me for that.
Maybe she wanted to scalp me for my money, for my fame, dish out the gossip to the tabloids. Maybe she wanted to love me.
Maybe I deserved something good. Maybe I deserved to take a risk on something. Maybe I needed to. I was outside her door, before I was really conscious to my own movements, knocking, waiting. For barely a second.
She was opening the door, standing there in this barren light like an angel.
I was kissing her.
Whatever she wanted, whatever she needed, whatever cruel fate she may prophesize or goodness she may expose to my paled skin- I didn't care.
Because she was kissing me.
I hadn’t been with someone for over a year.
That was what was so jarring about the entire situation.
It made me cautious, held me back. I’d been on a dating ban since I switched to my new therapist, who wanted me to focus on myself more than I always did on another person.
And for a while, it was going well.
Until Daisy disrupted that.
I knew, for as long as she was alive, breathing my air, I just could never be alone.
Usually, when I dated someone, when I was with them…I still felt that loneliness because I would give so much. And that person never returned it.
Daisy did, by a tenfold. She was…present. She so easily showed up, made time for me, chased me down when I went into those bouts of self isolation.
It was difficult to let her in…to let her join me in the dark.
But she made it feel less lonely. She made me feel…whole.
I started going to breakfast more often, started including myself in the group activities. Not only did she make me feel less alone, but she made me feel like I needed human connection.
“It’s warm, isn’t it?”
I scoffed at my therapist’s words, so simple for something so complex. “Warm. It’s hot. I feel like I’m on fire.”
“Good. Burn,” she responded. “You’re in the light now, Oliver. How do you feel about it?”
“Wow, what a question,” I teased.
Dr. Grime sighed heavily, crossing her arms over her chest. The movement was delayed, due to the time zone different, the laggy wifi in the hotel room. “Seriously, Oliver. Is it…do you feel like you want to snuff it out?”
“Of course I do,” I shuffled on my bed, “you know me. Something good comes and I feel like I don’t deserve it. But…I think it might be okay if I hang around in this for a while.”
“I think so, too,” she smiled. “I like how your language has changed, too. You’d tell me, ‘I don’t deserve this.” Now you say, you feel like you don’t deserve it. You’re recognizing rational thoughts from emotional ones. That’s very important. I’m proud of you.”
I offered a strained smile in response, uncomfortable with her praise. It was appreciated, though, and gave me body a sense of accomplishment.
Maybe I was getting better.
“So, this Daisy,” she leaned forward, more intrigued with the personal aspect of my love life, like some maternal figure.
I chuckled, shaking my head approvingly, “Daisy.”
“Do you…love her?” Dr. Grime poked.
I blushed, deeply, but quickly shoved the thought away, “Oh, no. No way. I…I barely know her. That’s- that’s crazy. Definitely not. No.”
My phone dinged in rhythm with the end of my sentence. It was her.
Daisy: soon as sam goes to bed, i can be over
My eyes lingered on the text, more concerned with this situation now than the accusatory, knowing tone of my therapist’s words.
“Mm,” she paused, “no, of course. So, is this just…a casual summer fling for you? A way to get over everything this, figure out what it is you want out of a relationship? It’s important to have something like this, a stable ground to work up off of for the future, considering you don’t have a great idea as to what love should be like.”
“Maybe,” I shrugged, toying with my phone. I stared at the message, reading and rereading the message again and again.
What…was this.
What was this to me?
What was this…to her?
We’d established some boundaries, mostly that I couldn’t really commit to anything to serious. And she said that had been okay.
Was I still okay with that?
Was that still what I wanted?
I was so obviously falling in love with her, but I would never tell anybody that.
Especially not her.
But it didn’t matter if I loved her- did I want her that way? Did I want this to last past the summer?
I did.
And that’s what scared me the most.
Loving her beyond the swept up dream we were caught in, back home, domestically. Loving her casually, routinely, in the kitchen back in my apartment, through school, sharing plants and bath towels.
I wanted that.
I wanted her…her ends and odds.
I lied, “No. I don’t want that right now. Got tour going on, new album soon. You know. Busy.”
Long after therapy ended, I stared at the message. The sun had set, the day had died…and I just couldn’t think of anything to say.
I think if I were to be around her right now, I might blurt out some passionate, mindless thing that I couldn’t bring us back from.
I needed to do…what I always did. Be alone. Ruminate in my thoughts in the darkness of a foreign hotel room in a strange city. All alone.
This felt…easier. Comfortable. What I was good at.
Yeah…this was easier.
The next day, I couldn’t stay from her any longer.
I needed her and she was needed that, too- however we could get each other.
So I pushed aside the feelings I had for her- put up all my walls and boundaries, and took her into my arms-
We would have this summer, even if it killed us.
"Hiya, Ollie, dear!"
My mother's voice was a sweet symphonic sound to my tired ears. We were in near opposite time zones, hundreds of miles apart, and I missed her more than anything. Touring usually took everything out of me and she was the one, separate, stable person I could turn to.
We'd only called once or twice the past few months due to my obsessed perversions with a certain best friend's sibling who had been taking up all of my time- not that I was complaining about who.
It was only recently that my mom and I had established such good rapport. Since I was young, she'd struggled to wrap her head around my career choices. Now that I was fully devoted to the act, and quite successful, she pushed aside her disagreement with it and chose to just keep supporting me.
Though I couldn't always answer, her calls were welcome.
"Hi, mum," I sat up in the hotel bed, my back sighing in gratitude at the change in posiiton. i had been rotting in here for a few hours, a little bored since Daisy was out with her friend. I could've went and hung with the guys, but I honestly needed some time to myself. That time was starting to really feel like loneliness, though. I guess before I met Daisy, they were empty hours full of empty feelings. Now, I was waking up to the reality of my existence. I'd made it so dull.
"Are you in Paris yet? Or are you still travelling?"
"We made it a few days ago," I replied. “Show’s tomorrow."
"Oh, I love Paris," she remarked. I could hear her lovely grin through the tone of her words. "I remember when we went there on a school holiday. My favorite part was the Eiffel Tower. It's so big. Now, I hear that it sparkles. You'll have to take a photo for me."
"Sure, mum."
"Have you gotten out much or are you holing up in your hotel room?"
Sheepishly, I scratched my neck. My response was delayed a bit; we both knew the answer. “Uh...I’m getting out there. Ya know, hanging out.”
“Ugh, Ollie,” I could nearly hear the roll of her eyes through the phone. “You know need a lady friend. Someone to drag you out of your bed. I mean, how many times do you get to see Paris. And get paid for it!”
At the mention of a ‘lady friend,’ I blushed. I hadn’t gotten a chance to tell her about Daisy, and damn did I want to. Though we weren’t even officially together. I didn’t know how to explain that to my mom, so maybe I’d just shy away from the topic, talk about something else.
But I guess my lapse of silent thinking made her think that there already was a lady friend.
“Oh?” she questioned with a cheerful lace to her tone. I didn’t say anything, my brain was unable to come up with anything in response. Acting defensive always made people think the opposite of what I said. Should I just tell her? Get it out of the way? Let her lecture me about my poor choices.
“Well, I won’t badger you. When you're ready,” she was already responding.
I was surprised that she was going to leave it there, to say the least, which only furthered my sentence. She usually pushed until I gave her some semblance of the truth. As she was getting older, I’d realized she gotten more relaxed and didn’t push as much as she used to. I think it was partially due to the guilt she felt for everything between us growing up.
So, I just went to move the subject along when she jumped back on it, “Just- please don’t tell me it’s that Fiona girl. I’m so sorry if it is. I just can’t sit around and watch you be treated so poorly by someone so...so awful. Again. Her personality is just- wow. Though, I shouldn’t be surprised. I went to school with her mum, and she was awful towards me. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree-”
I had to stop her while she was ahead. I guess some things never really, truly changed. "Mum, please! I’m not seeing Fiona again, I promise. I’m not...”
I wasn’t offended that she thought I was. It was just...more or so shocking. Shocking that she thought I’d put myself back in that. I had, a handful of times before. But...I was different now.
I guess she hadn't been around me these past few months, but I had truly changed. This past May’s Oliver very well could’ve let Fiona waltz back into his life. But July’s Oliver? He would’ve been hesitant.
And, even more so- Daisy’s Oliver...Daisy’s Oliver was a changing man. Daisy’s Oliver was a better man.
And I wanted to tell my mum that, I decided. She needed to know- it would ease her mind, along with my own. I know she was always worried for me. So, I told her-
“No, I’m seeing someone else. Her name...her name’s Daisy,” that felt good to admit, to put into the Universe, that I was seeing her, and she was seeing me, even if there were no labels attached.
“Daisy?” she perked up at the name. “That’s a pretty name. What’s she look like? You got any pictures you can text me?”
I realized quickly that I didn’t. In the near two months that we had been sleeping together, consuming one another’s souls, we hadn’t taken a single picture. It was probably for the best, just in case they somehow fell into the wrong hands. But- there were so many moments I could’ve- should’ve- captured. Moments of Daisy, hair whipping past her face on the roof, the lights of Italy glowing behind her like she had angelic wings. Daisy, in my hotel room, in the early morning before she had to sneak away. Tired eyes and an even more exhausted smile as she laughed at something stupid, I’d done in my sleep.
I wanted one. I wanted a picture of her, a picture of us, whatever I could get.
For now, all I had was my memories to help me describe her to my mum. It was easy to do so, considering she was etched into the very nerves in my mind.
“No, I don’t,” I breathed out, “but she’s beautiful. She’s got this-this- God, I can’t even describe her to you. Her hair’s darker, like yours. She’s got these brown eyes. Shorter than me, of course. You can always tell it’s her, though, just by the way she carries herself. She’s got this energy. You’d just have to see it to believe it.”
“She sounds amazing, Ollie,” she sighed distantly then giggled, “Well, if she’s so pretty, where are the pictures? I need to see her! Need to see what this talk is all about.”
I chuckled in response, “I know, I know. I suck.”
“It’s alright. I’m sure it’s difficult, with you on tour and her...what does she do, exactly? Where is she from? Would I know her?”
Here came the long winded, shameful explanation of everything between Daisy and me. The feelings that weren’t feelings, the girl who wasn’t mine, the upset sea tumultuous between us. Her brother. Sam.
I tried my best, “Well, she’s working towards her counseling license. So, she goes back to school in the fall. But right now, she’s on tour with us. Her brother works- um...Sam’s her brother. She just wanted to do some traveling before getting tied down for the next few years.”
“Sam? Sam Hatlett? She's his little sister?” There was a bit of shock in her tone now like I imagined there would be. Sam was like a brother to me, and mum knew that. In fact, she loved Sam. She always had.
When she first met him, she’d pulled him under her wing like a mother bird, like she could just feel that he needed her. So, to imagine that I might go after his little sister is rightfully shocking. It was close to home.
“I know, I know. Again, I suck,” I laughed, though I felt so tense. Rubbing my neck didn’t ease the tension in my skin.
“You don't suck, darling. It’s just a precarious situation, I’m sure. How does Sam feel about it all? Was he weird when you first started dating Daisy?”
When I first began to tell my mum about Daisy, I doubted whether or not I wanted to be completely honest. But I easily fell into the comfortability of her warm conversation and realized I could not bend the truth. Not only did she deserve to know it, but she needed to. I knew, too, that she wasn’t going to judge me, tell me I was making a bad decision. It took three times with Fiona for her to begin voicing her opinion.
Above all, I didn't need to jump through any hoops to win her approval. I didn’t have to play a role, fill a part. I was me. And she loved that man.
I realized, subconsciously, that this was how I felt about Daisy, too. Comfortable. Easy.
I explained things to my mom, carefully, making sure she knew of the endless boundaries Daisy always ensured we had and the sweet, delicate moments that made everything worth it. I nearly fell into myself, swept up in the reminiscent beauty of it all. God, I missed her, even if it had been only two days since I’d seen her. Her friend Sasha was in town and took up all her time.
I didn’t know what I was expecting my mom to say, so I held my breath after I finished saying, “But, I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s just a summer thing or what. We’re both kinda in weird positions, so we’re not too worried about that, I guess. We’re just...having fun, ya know?”
As the insecurity rose up my throat and choked me out, I sighed out the rest of the air I had in me and added, “We’re not, like, in love or anything.”
I hadn’t expected her to laugh, that’s for sure.
But she laughed. My mum giggled, like things were well and truly hilarious, like I had just told her a joke. I waited there in silence, waiting for her to make fun of me for being so stupid as to let this situation occur. Laugh at me for being terrible at love and life. There goes Oliver again, breaking hearts, getting his heart broken. He can’t even be in a stable relationship! Laugh, laugh, laugh.
She said, “You are crazy, Ollie,” but it wasn’t meant in a harsh manner.
It wasn’t condescending, it wasn’t mean. She wasn’t making fun of me. She was...she was laughing because it was funny.
“You are usually so good at going after things. I mean, look at you with your music, darling. I said no, how many times? I insisted you do something, anything else. I never supported you financially. I never...I never supported you. I was the odds you were testing yourself against and looking at you now! I mean,” her voice cracked. A sniffle followed. My muscles eased from the discomfort I felt into something that wanted to reach for her through the phone, hug her.
“I know your father and I didn’t give you the best example for love. I know we weren’t some movie star-couple that everyone always knew would last forever. We fought. We weren’t there for you when we should have been. Your father left you. And then I held all these stupid expectations up to you, to try to make you better. And you! You’re successful!”
“And I give you all the credit for that. You are...my pride and joy, Ollie. My life. I am so proud of you, darling. But it breaks my heart, still, that you have not been able to find happiness. That you must spend so much time repairing what I broke. We cannot blame everybody else- you can...you can blame me, Ollie. I know I am to blame. And that is okay.”
“So, forgive me for laughing, forgive me for calling you crazy and stupid and wild, darling, but- it's right in front of your face, Ollie! She’s right there in front of you. Daisy. Darling, if you’re still questioning what love is, what it’s supposed to feel like...please let me knock some sense into you! You are wasting so much precious time on believing that it can only leave. It doesn’t have to stay for long for it to be important. If she leaves at the end of the summer, you will regret not telling her.”
I didn’t have to ask her what she meant; what she knew I’d regret not saying. I knew it, I knew it as well as I knew Daisy’s face, even more clear in my memory now.
“You can beat around the bush some more if you’d like, or you can carry on with this facade you’re so deeply transfixed by. Darling, I know it’s hard to let the chaos subside, to let the goodness in, but as I am getting older, I am realizing that it is bright. It is...comfortable. It is good. You deserve to have a lifetime of that. Don’t waste any more time, Ollie. Please tell her, please let her tell you. Please just...hold what you have.”
I had borne a hole into the wall, but snapped out of my still position when I felt a tear roll down the side of my nose. “H-how? How do I tell her?”
“However you need to,” she chuckled lightly. “Although, here’s a hint, Ollie: you are in the City of Love. Take advantage.”
I knew our call was ending and didn’t know when we’d get to speak again. So, like she had told, I took advantage of the moment and I held what I had; “Mum, just so you know,” my voice came out as a whisper, a gentle patter of rain on the roof.
“Yes, Ollie?” she whispered, too, like there was a gentle card deck stacked between us. I think maybe there was- I think there was always some sort of tension lingering from the harsh moments we’d beat into each other; the fighting, the leaving, the crying. I don’t think she ever felt like I’d forgiven her, as if I really needed to. She had been growing up, too, after all.
“I love you, you know that?”
“I know, baby,” I felt relieved that there was a smile in her tone, “now, go. You have some more dreams to chase down. And, Ollie?” “Yeah?”
“Get some pictures for me.”
I was lucky that, the next day, everyone was busy with their own plans on opposite sides of the city. So Daisy and I were able to spend some time together, outside of this drywall prison. I was a pretty good listener, too, and remembered all the spots Daisy had gushed about seeing in the little time we’d had together these past few weeks. I was being given the perfect setup to do what I needed to do: we were going to be alone, in the most romantic city on planet Earth. I could finally tell her how I felt.
Of course, so much of me shook with anxiety. What if- she didn’t feel the same way? She didn’t want to risk it? She didn’t want to commit to someone this close to school? Let alone someone who lived across the world from her? These weren't my only fears. There were so many revolving around my career that I could’ve drowned beneath their weight.
Yet, each time I looked at her, I was anchored to her shoes. I couldn’t drift out to sea. I was grounded. Though my fears about how she would react sank, it took another amount of effort to get the words out.
I could’ve done it right away, gotten it out there, cleared the air, so we could enjoy each other even more. That would’ve been the best way: I would've gotten answers, started the day out on the right foot. But, when we got out onto the streets, I was swept up in the busy buzz of the crowds. It was loud in the cafe we grabbed breakfast at, loud on the sidewalks, overly crowded by the river. We finally found a place to sit, breakfast sandwiches and drinks in hand. Though there were still throngs of people all around us. So what good was the City of Love when it was full of ignorant tourists?
The anxiety of what I wanted to do was making me feel grumpy. I shut down a little bit, unable to really engage in much conversation, let alone tell her how I felt. I think it just looked like exhaustion to Daisy, so she didn’t really notice. I did- I was hyperaware of every short sentence, every avoided gaze. All of these people are going to be standing here when I tell her. They’re going to watch her reject me and they’re going to know. They're going to know I’m not good enough. She’s going to walk away from me, leave me stranded in the park, alone with my own rejection and denial. I’m not good enough I’m not good enough.
I thought about what my therapist would tell me, ways to snap myself out of this maladaptive pattern of behavior. My brain lies, she always said. It makes things up, creates false realities based off things others have said to me, or moments of true insecurity rooted in no sense of truth.
Daisy would want me, even if I wasn’t good enough. That was the one assurance I could tell myself to shake off the weary thoughts.
And if she didn’t- well, I don’t think thinking about that was going to help me very much. So, when we got back into the hustle and bustle, shopping around the city, visiting the sights, I opened myself back up.
I didn't know if I’d ever find the confidence. I was on the precipice again, after lunch, when I began spewing cheesy pet names as a sublimation for the words I needed to say. It shocked her at first, hearing such sweet things coming from me. And that stung a little. Was I that monstrous towards her that simple affections made her brows shoot up? Was I that bad? I repeated them once, twice, just so she really knew I meant it.
The day went on and on and I cowered in on myself even more. There were plenty more ample moments, but I just kept letting the clock tick down. I knew we were running out of precious time. If I didn’t tell her now, we would go straight back to secret moments in a hotel room, balancing on a tightrope, pretending like the moment the leaves changed color, we wouldn't be losing each other. I just knew Daisy wanted that about as much as I did.
Just when I was giving up hope, I found my moment, finally. Just after we had stopped to view the Eiffel Tower, some street side scam artist grabbed some pictures of us and was trying to convince me to spend $200 on the copies. At first, I brushed it off, until I caught a small peak at the images on his camera. Before he could spout another line, I was giving him $100. He gave me three photos.
Where my words may fail, these pictures couldn’t. You wouldn’t have to know Daisy and I personally to well and truly and see how infatuated we were with each other. I wasn’t even worried anymore that she wouldn’t want me. I was worried she wouldn’t want the risk, the jump, the caution of a fall.
These would be to convince her to leap. These had to be.
I stopped us outside the hotel, knowing if once we stepped inside, our memories might as well be cleared of the day's events. We would be going back to normalcy, to the real world. Our friends would be waiting there, we would allow the gap between us to grow. I would swallow my words and choke on them.
“I love you,” I pictured myself saying. “I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you, I love you in London, you in Paris, you at home. I love you from the hotel rooms we’ve indented to the streets we’ve wandered. I love you in the plane, on the bus, in every inch of this world.”
But it just wouldn’t come out.
I tried to encourage myself by thinking of who I was just a year ago. By thinking of how I was a year ago, the person I was dating, the situation I was caught up in. Fiona, the endless hours of fighting, of begging. Crying, screaming, the blood sport we played. Hunter and prey, me the victim and yet the one wielding the sword. I thought of Daisy when I first met her. The scent of her in my nostrils, like a clue that I was to hunt for as long as I could run. Of her in my teeth, when I first caught up to her incessant running. The satisfaction I felt, how disgusting that was. How horrible it was that I loved the taste of her blood on my lips.
And how much better I could breathe knowing that I had let go, that I had put my claws away and instead threaded a needle to stitch her skin close. How beautful that was- the beast retracting, the mask falling away. A true creature coming to light, renewed and willing.
Tears welled in my eyes. The words were there, finally, waiting just atop my tongue. She was leaning closer, clutching my hand, clutching those photos like a rosary, like she would sacrifice herself for me. I would, too. I would I would I would I would.
I think I hesitated a moment too soon, or I think she could tell what was happening. I think tha- that, I think that she was running again.
I think she wanted me to chase her or to stop, or she was placing traps in the woods, waiting for the wolf with a bow in arrow.
Because she was pulling away. And our friends were calling our names.
I didn’t have time to think, wrapped up in the swell of the arrival of our friends.
But I felt the death of the moment. It was heavy. It was rotten.
Later, I sat alone in my dressing room before the show, the photo I had kept between my fingers. I swear I could hear her breath, echoing from inside the paper frame of us. Swear I could feel her hands on my arms, grasping as though the wind would take us away from each other. Her lips on my cold ones, warm and fueling like a kindled fire.
I wondered if she threw the photos away. If she stared at them, with resentment. If she wanted to burn them.
Yet, I could’ve lived and died in that moment if I had to. If I was never able to tell her how I really felt about her, I’d be content to waste away, hanging on her lips like a vine, rotting from indecision and cowardice.
Eventually, Sam poked his head in to let me know it was time to go on. I flinched when he first spoke. It drew me back to reality in harsh, cold lighting. I drew the photo from my face, met his eye, and nodded.
I was lucky he didn’t ask any questions about my reserved response, though I knew he was aware that I was getting into character as this vessel. Part of me wished he had asked, though, if only to have someone to share the darkness with again, if even for just a second. And maybe outing Daisy and I to Sam would force me to tell her everything. Force some sort of decision to fall from the loitering hammer that hung above us.
Sam left. I set the photo down on the counter, not even thinking straight enough to put it away somewhere. Then, I hung the mask on my face, edges of my eyes darkened, just like my mind.
Part of me wished I didn’t even have to perform tonight. Every time I put on this disguise, I was reminded of those dark parts of me, the parts of me that were too much like this creature the costume made into. When I’d first come up with the character, I felt so strongly that I was just like Vessel- nothing but a pit of black, music transporting through me like some god had planted it there. I hadn’t been aware of my very real feelings. I just sat there, in that emptiness.
Things were different now.
Maybe I just needed a break from it all, from the costumes and the concerts and Daisy. Well, not Daisy. Not her. Just...everything involving her.
But never her. I just wanted her always, everywhere.
I didn’t get to have that, though, the break nor Daisy.
In fact, all I got was a slap in the face. When I went on stage, I spotted Daisy in the audience. For a split second, there was a lift in my heart, a fire in my bones. She was here. She hadn’t pulled away- she wanted me. She wanted me.
Then, as the lights flickered, I noticed the look of guilt on her face and the hand around her waist, She was here...with someone else.
I felt myself retracting, cocooning, not for growth, not for birth into something good, something with fluttering wings...but into that moth. Into that darkness.
Into that vessel.
In my fury, I laid claim to Daisy in all the wrong ways. I held her by the throat and let her dangle from my lips, reminded her how desparate she was for me, reminded her just how much she relied on my game. It had never been and never would be our game. I was the villain. I was the hunter.
She was my prey.
I was losing hope for my own reconciliation, for my own change. Maybe I would just always be detached, dark, monstrous. Maybe I would never be able to commit, to give in, to be someone’s something.
Maybe I was just this vessel, and maybe this vessel was just me.
Maybe I was never good enough for Daisy, but just enough to satisfy her furious need for that bad. And that was enough for me.
Things got worse when Fiona started blowing up my phone.
I wasn’t sure how she had gotten my number. I had changed it back in March, when I’d ended- really ended- things with her. And, with my career, it wasn’t like I’d just handed my number out to any person on the street. I had, maybe, ten contacts on my phone.
Daisy was one of the few I responded to.
But, somehow, someway, Fiona had gotten hold of my number and began blowing my phone up with messages. I blocked her the minute I noticed, after a show when I had time to get on my phone. Then, a few days later, she started messaging from a different number.
They were innocent claims- she kept saying I had left things at her flat and needed to come pick them up. But I knew her better than that. She was trying to use this to weasel back into my head, my heart. She’d convince me to come pick everything up and then, when I was there, she’d start crying. Start saying how much she loved and needed me. She’d convince her into her bed, and we’d start spiraling down into that same old waltz we both knew too well.
After I blocked this contact, I guess she evolved. She started using an unknown number, so I couldn’t even block the contact. I called my manager immediately and told him I needed to get a new phone number. Apparently, all the stores around us were closed for a few days, which just so happened to be my fucking luck. But he promised to get something for as soon as possible.
In the meantime, I just had to ignore her.
So, I booked a last-minute therapy appointment.
I glossed over everything with my doctor, telling myself that things with Daisy were hopeless. She obviously thought me to be disposable. I mean, I had watched how quickly she’d pulled away, how quickly she found another empty face in the crowd.
I didn’t want to admit that shameful situation to my doctor. I didn’t want her to know I’d let myself fall again.
Instead, we talked about Fiona, about the temptress knocking on my door. My doctor kept reminding me to, “Stay strong. Know your worth.”
Easy words for someone in a healthy, happy marriage.
All it would take was one more wrong look from Daisy and one wrong text from Fiona, and I’d end up back off the cliff.
So, I clung to the guys. Daisy had been...not so distant but detached. Cautious. She was taking the lead, so I followed. We still hung out, still fucked like we had been doing. Still had these meaningful, deep conversations that made me wonder, over and over, what the fuck was going through her head. But honestly, I now spent some of that extra time with Max, Cy, Adam, or Sam. We were due to begin working on the next album and I had plenty of ideas floating around in my head.
It was peaceful, quaint. Something I’d missed. Maybe I wouldn’t be ready to start dating again if something like this caused me so much stress.
Adam was texting me now, wondering if I wanted to hang out sometime this morning, talk about the album. I told him I’d let him know what time, considering Daisy was in my bed. And Fiona was blowing my phone up like fucking crazy.
The whole situation threw me off. She wasn’t really concerned about it, but made numerous, passive jokes about me having a secret girlfriend. I don’t know if it was because she really, truly wanted me to be exclusive to her, or if it was just something to do with her pride.
Signals were still mixed, even after we’d had a conversation about how committed we were to each other. Part of me wondered if it had just been an act, her agreement to never see anybody else, her admittance that she was, “mine.” If it had just been something brewed from the heat of the moment. But, when I answered the phone, set it back on the nightstand, I swear to God I saw something in her eyes shift, like she had been bothered at the thought of me with someone else.
Or it would be shitty in general if I was seeing someone else.
I weighed telling her, every single, how I felt about her. I don’t know that if I told her I loved her it would change anything. I had all but done so, and she still was unmoving. She still had gone and found that faceless nobody in the crowd.
Today, I felt like maybe I should. Tell her.
As soon as she had left, someone knocked on my door. I didn’t think it was Daisy, considering Sam would be waking up soon and she needed to get back into bed. When I looked through the peephole, Adam was there, staring over his shoulder sort of strangely.
“Hey, dude,” I started as I opened the door, then turned to make my way over to the bed where my book bag was. I reached in for my notebook, continuing, “so, I’ve got a few good ideas rattling around-” probably a few too many about Daisy, “that I wanna show ya.”
He slowly entered the room, shutting the door softly behind him, “Yeah, uh...” he approached me sort of hesitantly, distant confusion in his pupils, “I think we...should talk about something first.” He didn’t seem too sure of himself and the words he was saying were cautious. So, my tone slowed, hardened “What-what’s up?”
He finally met my eye and I felt like a sword had been shoved down my throat, “I just talked to Daisy...out in the hallway.”
I set my book bag down, hands having been frozen around the straps like someone cursed me into the stoic, icy position. All I could think to say was, “Oh.”
Adam nodded half-heartedly, “Yeah. Oh. I... don’t know what to say, really. I knew you guys had been...like, it was obvious. To me and I think Max, at least. Sam is kinda clueless and, he and Ronnie are totally sleeping with each other.”
Well, that was obvious. So obvious that I could have snorted, but I was too focused on the wild realization that everyone basically knew. All of that sneaking around, trying to be secretive- well, it didn’t fucking matter. And it didn’t seem like it really mattered that much.
“Are you gonna, like, scold me or something?’ I sat on the edge of my bed, running a wary hand through my hair.
“No, I’m gonna tell you that you’re fucking stupid.”
“What?” I looked up from the ground, shock widening my eyes.
Adam finally softened his expression and chortled, though it was short before he was in on me again, “You’re stupid, Ollie. I don’t think you’re doing it on purpose. I think you’re just...Fiona fucked you up. And I’ve watched you slowly start to heal over these past few months. Daisy has everything to do with that. And...she fucking loves you, dude. She thinks the world of you. And you’ve both, I guess, been dancing this dance with each other, walking around the whole thing. I just told her, like- stop thinking less of yourselves. You both deserve something good. You’re both worthy of each other. So, stop being fucking stupid and just tell her.”
My face was hot. I clenched my hands together, knuckles turning white as all these rampant, loose feelings released in my chest, in my head. “She doesn’t love me.” Adam chuckled again, “That’s a bold fucking statement. She just told me herself how much she adores me.”
“Well, yeah, she likes me, that’s obvious,” I waved him off, “she wouldn’t be sleeping with me if she didn’t. But...I think I’ve made it clear so many times how much I want her. And she, just, doesn’t care. Or she turns away.”
“She’s scared!” Adam exclaimed, making me flinch just slightly. “Sorry,” he spoke quieter, like he had shocked himself with his tone of voice. “She’s scared, Ollie. She’s...she doesn’t know who she is. That’s why she came here. That’s why she pulls away, why she seems unsure.”
“Well, I know that,” I scoffed, “I know her better than anyone. You haven’t seen the way she...how she denies it. I know she denies it. She denies us- me.”
“Okay, tell me,” Adam nearly popped a hip at this, a sassy tone overtaking his authoritative one. “Tell me how she denies, what she says and does that makes you think she doesn’t want you. Tell me that she doesn’t love you.”
I thought, long and hard. I could've mentioned the very recent time when she had been dancing with another guy, at our concert, a prowling look in her eyes. Or, of the time when I was on the brink of telling her how I felt, then she pulled away. Or-
Am I fucking stupid?
I’m so fucking stupid. I am the dumbest, stupidest idiotic idiot to have ever existed.
It was all right there, clearing up now like I was wearing new glasses. I had a new perspective- I had an unbiased, outsider’s view of the world I had been suffocating in. And Adam’s view was- a breath of fresh air.
I was so obviously the one turning away from her.
From the beginning, I’d been denying her, us, for fear that she wouldn’t want me that way. For fear that someone would find out, for fear that I might die if she ever looked away from me. And I’ve been covering it up with the excuse that I was broken, or hurting, or-or...worthless.
I knew differently. I’d known it differently for a while now but had been unable to act upon this rationality. I was too emotional, too, in my head. And that made me seem manipulative, and asshole-ish, and- fucking stupid.
Adam watched me carefully, watched me as I processed these past few months. My eyes were narrowed, confused, though they widened as the information unfolded in my mind, as the notches clicked together.
Instead of worrying myself with the evidence that she, too, was afraid, I felt my head flood with memories, as tangent on my skin as the cool air of my hotel room. Memories of her devotion, her promise, her love. Memories of us in the stale morning, sharing stories of her mother and that little apartment back in America. Memories of us on the roof, atop the world, atop the feeling, a private sanctuary where even just the flash of her eyes should have told me everything that I needed to know. I was going to tell her I felt the same. I was going to pull her up to the roof, one of our most sacred secrets, and pour everything out onto the barren concrete between us. And I knew she would say that she loved me, too.
It was delicate and I would have to handle it as such. Any sudden movement, and we’d be falling apart, all over again.
But, then Max was bombarding my hotel room, spewing some nonsense about Daisy and Ronnie getting tattoos. He was dragging us to Sam’s hotel room. I was practicing the lines in my head, over and over, a prayer.
Daisy was looking at me with these doe-innocent eyes, like she, too, was praying to some old god. Altering herself for a breath that he may resurrect what was dying between us even now.
I found more words, new words- lyrics, pummeling my skull in wondrous discovery. It was right there- everything was- My phone wouldn’t fucking stop ringing and I thought that I might explode into atoms. I ignored the call, watching as Daisy’s face fell each and every time that it did. She well and truly thought that I was seeing someone else.
Enough was enough.
I took a step towards her, fully intent on putting a rest to the strangeness and awakening what was already there. But, then my phone rang again.
And Sam began making some joke about Fiona calling me, a knowing, devious smirk on his features. He didn’t know- how could he know? I couldn’t be upset with him, but I wanted to strangle him into the carpet.
But I couldn’t focus on that anger for too long-
Because Daisy was leaving like we both always left, one too many times, in one too many silent glares of this something that we just may never get right.
The delicate threads of us bent and snapped.
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void-machine-broke · 6 days
I don’t see a lot of people talking about this so I thought I’d mention it
Everyone in the fandom sees Gray as Chad McGee regular guy on the sidelines™️ and even in the early seasons, everyones like pfft this fucking guy, maker magic? Weak
But lets keep in mind that it’s CANON and mentioned multiple times in the show and by Hiro Mashima that Gray is a perfectly matched rival to Natsu. It is impossible for either of them to beat the other. Thats hit home in the Alvarez arc. In the Lullaby arc its also mentioned that Gray is an incredibly strong maker magician, from the get go.
Now lets look at Natsu. A dragonslayer, the brother of the most powerful wizard in existence, a literal demon, a PURE BEING OF MAGIC made perfectly by hand by Zeref, again, the best wizard in the known world. Thats why he’s so strong. He’s not even human.
And then Regular Guy McGee with a “weak” type of magic comes over and stops the BEING OF PURE MAGIC in his tracks. I know yall love to talk about him being the weakest member of the group but he literally, canonically, matches the strongest member in power level.
Like how strong is THIS guy??
And before yall go, “well that was only after he got demon slayer magic from his dad!!!” Actually it wasn’t- in one of the early seasons (can’t remember which one, the fairy games maybe?) happy says “admit Natsu, Gray is just as strong as you” or something like that. Usually when he loses a fight, he’s not losing because he’s weaker physically, but because he’s still getting over his own trauma or other bs.
He lost against Lyon because he felt guilty about Ur, he wanted Lyon to beat him because he thought he deserved it. He didn’t have the will to fight Lyon.
He lost against Bickslow because he lured him into an unfair trap, and then he got distracted by the little girl in the window and probably didn’t want to expose her to violence, and he STILL got a hard hit on Bickslow.
He lost against the rest of the guild in the Daphne Arc, again, because he felt guilty and felt like he needed too. I believe he lost the fight intentionally so that he’d be brought back to the guild and could stop faking his aggression.
He lost in the Maze game at the GMM because he was at a severe disadvantage of not knowing anything about the GMM or his opponents, and Raven Tail targeting him specifically.
Dragon King Festival, he was killed by the dragons because he sacrificed himself, but Natsu ALSO got killed during that fight before Ultear gave them the extra time.
He largely only “looses” fights because he’s not as reckless as Natsu.
Don’t underestimate Gray.
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zorosleftshoe · 2 years
Hi, con you done when the r ader and Colby get into a reality bad fight and Colby actually slaps the reader and you make up what happens next cus you need your creative freedom ❤️
Love Lost - (c.b)
Pairing: Colby Brock x reader
Warnings: swearing, slight violence, pure angst
*I changed the slap to having something thrown because I don’t feel comfortable writing about Colby hitting our reader, I hope that’s okay*
The room fell silent as Colby’s words sat heavy amongst us. You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me. In some sense, he was right. When I met Colby I was just a sandwich maker in the low end of Los Angeles who was barely scraping by.
Even though his words held weight, my stomach churned at the thought of our friends witnessing this fight. True or not, it didn’t need to be discussed unless it was behind closed doors. Colby tapped his foot in anger as he studied every reaction in the room. Sam, shocked his best friend would cause such an unnecessary scene. Kat, sympathy oozed from her eyes as she looked back and forth between Colby and I. Nate, uncertain of how he should react to his two friends arguing. And Seth, who sat with his head down trying his best not to engage with either of us.
“Now you don’t want to talk? A minute ago I couldn’t get you to shut up.” His words were sharp as if they were intended to wound me to the worst extent.
“Colby.” Sam shot out warning him to take it easy. His feelings may be valid but I was still human and my heart was slowly starting to crack around the edges. “Ease up, man.” Colby shot daggers at him before jumping to his feet and pointing a finger at me as he looked at the blonde boy.
“No, Sam. She used my status to get that interview and she didn’t think to ask me beforehand?” Now he was looking at me. Rage burned behind his baby blues. “Were you afraid I’d say no? Afraid you couldn’t get it on your own so you had to use your boyfriend’s big name to get the job done? Tell me.”
“Colby-“ he immediately cut me off.
“Do you know how much shit I’ve dealt with throughout this relationship?” I scoff at the question before shrugging my shoulders in disconcern.
“I don’t know, Colby. Why don’t you fucking enlighten me? Because from where I’m standing, all I can see is your big ass ego. Yes, I name dropped you, because, the interviewer asked if you were my boyfriend. It wasn’t voluntary information. The woman had done her research before I even set foot into that office. Oh,” I pause pulling lightly on the Mayo stained work shirt I had been wearing. “I’m sorry I was trying to figure my shit out to do better for myself. I don’t want to make sandwiches my entire life and I definitely don’t want to only be labeled as Colby Brock’s girlfriend!” By now both of us were glaring at the other. Neither looking away or moving but just watching the others reaction to what was said.
“Yeah? Well from where I’m standing all I see is a charity case.” My face paled at the words as they left Colby’s lips. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. No one knew what to say. Unsure of what would spark the next outbursts. After a moment, I nod at Colby and grab my phone from the table.
“Well this is one less charity case you have to worry about, Brock. You’ve paid your dues.” I turn away from the sympathetic looks and start to retreat from the all too crowded living room. Just as I’m about to pass through the doorframe leading to the kitchen of glass pass in front of my face and I hiss in pain as one connects with the apple of my cheekbone. The sound of shattering glass echos off the vanilla colored walls and for a moment I’m stunned unsure of what had happened.
“What the hell, Colby?” I hear before two arms grip my shoulders helping me maneuver away from the pile of glass now on the floor by my feet. The room erupted in chaos once I was sat safely on the couch next to Kat. Colby and Sam were shouting at each other while Nate and Kat both tried to check me over for any other surface injuries. Colby’s face had paled as he looked at his hand as if it had betrayed him.
“I, I don’t know what just happened.” Sam’s face was flushed red as anger radiated off of him.
“You threw a glass, Colby. You let your anger get the best of you.” My eyes met Colby’s and for the first time that night they held a softness behind them. Before he could say another word I rose to my feet and left the room as fast as my feet could carry me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I packed a bag to last a few days unsure of whether we could come back from this.
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reluctantjoe · 9 months
‘Baddies are my new type’: Mathew Baynton on Ghosts, Wonka and wicked villains
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He is about to say goodbye to his role in beloved spectral sitcom Ghosts. But dastardly turns in Wonka and the a festive Agatha Christie drama suggest the actor’s future is bright – if somewhat nefarious
“I feel like I’m moving into really wanky territory now,” says Mathew Baynton, looking a little anxious. We are talking about Ghosts, the much-loved comedy about a gaggle of spirits consigned to spend the afterlife in a crumbling country mansion, which Baynton co-writes and in which he plays a deceased Regency poet. After a triumphant five seasons, Ghosts officially breathed its last in October – except there’s now a Christmas episode on its way. (Last year’s Christmas special drew 5.9 million viewers, making it the BBC’s biggest comedy of 2022.)
When I ask Baynton what it is about Ghosts that struck a chord with viewers, he worries he might sound pretentious. “But here goes,” he says. “I have learned that, as a writer, you don’t always know what you’re writing. There are the quite boring times where you have an idea and it comes out as you imagined, and there’s no mystery in that process. But when it’s exciting, you have an idea and it leads you to places you don’t expect.”
With Ghosts, he and his co-writers initially imagined hundreds of spirits haunting Button House, which would have allowed them to tell different stories with a new set of characters each week. “But when we looked at the taster tape we made, we all went: ‘Hang on, there’s something much richer here,’” Baynton continues. “We realised it was a show about people being stuck together, potentially in eternity, and how they find ways to get along. All of which is to say that I’m enamoured with Ghosts too because, right from the get-go, we had absolutely no idea what it would become.”
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Baynton, who is 43, is talking from his study at home in north London where he lives with his partner, the film historian and film-maker Kelly Robinson, and their two children. He is self-effacing and thoughtful, choosing his words carefully and, at intervals, wondering if he could be expressing himself better. “I think it’s partly the writer in me,” he says, “but I do come away from conversations thinking how I’d like to rewrite things I’ve said.”
As an actor, Baynton has cornered the market in ultra-sensitive men who walk a fine line between pathos and silliness. Along with his lovelorn poet in Ghosts, there was his turn as a Victorian psychiatrist in 2017’s Quacks, who masterminds a new treatment for patients called “talking”; his lute-playing bard in the 2015 film Bill, about the early life of Shakespeare (“London is not going to know what hit it!”); and good Samaritan Sam in The Wrong Mans (2013-14), which he co-wrote and starred in alongside James Corden.
But this winter heralds a new set of projects that Baynton has dubbed “my Christmas of villainy”. In Murder Is Easy, based on the Agatha Christie novel about a spate of killings in a sleepy English village, he plays a doctor who, he says, “is an awful person with some very awful views”. Next year brings A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, based on Holly Jackson’s bestselling YA novel, in which a young true-crime enthusiast investigates a five-year-old murder case; Baynton can’t reveal too much, although he confirms his character is a far cry from the puppy-eyed romantics for which he is known. And in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory prequel, Wonka, released in cinemas earlier this month, he plays the devious Fickelgruber, Wonka’s Brylcreemed rival in the confectionery business.
Baynton can’t account for this sudden pivot into treachery beyond the fact that “a few [casting directors] had the same idea at the same time … Acting is strange like that. You do one notable thing early on and you are put on a track that for 10 years that can be hard to get off. Perhaps baddies are my new type.”
Wonka was co-written by his friend and Ghosts compadre Simon Farnaby (who also co-wrote Paddington 2) and was filmed at Warner Bros Studios in Hertfordshire. For Baynton, it “felt like you were with the same kids but in a plush playground … Even though you’re working with this huge Hollywood star [Timothée Chalamet, who plays Wonka] and you’re on a set that probably cost the same as an entire series of Ghosts, it’s still a comedy with a big heart, so for me it felt like home.”
Baynton and Farnaby first came together on the set of Horrible Histories, the anarchic children’s sketch show that recreated history’s most ludicrous and bloodthirsty moments, alongside Martha Howe-Douglas, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard and Ben Willbond. Shortly after it finished its decade-long run, the six of them wrote the madcap puppet comedy Yonderland, largely because “we couldn’t bear that we weren’t going to get together for more mucking about in front of the camera”. This was followed by Bill, and, four years later, Ghosts. They have even given themselves the collective name Them There, mostly for production credits, though “no one actually calls us that”. Aren’t they more Britcom’s answer to the Brat Pack? “I don’t know about that,” Baynton says, bashfully, “though it depends on which of them you think I am.”
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The youngest of three children, Baynton grew up in Southend on a diet of sea air and his dad’s Monty Python cassettes. He reckons being lowest in the pecking order at home contributed to his desire to perform and be noticed. In his teens, he went through a morose period during which he was overtaken by self-consciousness, but then he discovered theatre via a production of Bruno Schulz’s The Street of Crocodiles by Theatre de Complicité “which moved me to tears in ways I couldn’t understand and ignited something in me. I knew I wanted to be in that world in some way.”
Baynton went on to drama school, where he studied directing, but when he got there he realised acting was his calling. He spent a summer as assistant to Cal McCrystal, then director of the physical theatre group Peepolykus, who pushed him to join in with improv games. Later he went to Paris to study under the renowned clown Philippe Gaulier, which cemented his love of slapstick. Upon returning home, McCrystal gave him his first break on the stage in a production of Joe Orton’s Loot.
But it was Horrible Histories that really opened doors for Baynton, both as an actor and writer. On being offered the job, he nearly turned it down, fearing that he might get stuck doing nothing but children’s TV, but his agent persuaded him to take the job by telling him: “No one will see it.” In a talk last year at the Oxford Union, Baynton remarked how, were they making it today, they would do certain things differently, such as not using white actors in tanning makeup to portray Egyptians.
“I think it’s important that we examine where the line is [around portrayals of other cultures],” he says now. “It’s a murky area where intention sometimes doesn’t match reception. Certainly, no one had bad intentions making Horrible Histories and none of us at that time, in the culture as it was, hesitated and thought: ‘Hang on, maybe I shouldn’t play an Egyptian.’ But times have changed and I would hesitate now.”
If the odd Horrible Histories sketch hasn’t aged well, it is worth observing the sensitivity and inclusivity that runs through Ghosts. Baynton notes how throwing together characters from different historical periods allowed them to “highlight wrongful attitudes and interrogate how they had arrived at them. At one point, there’s a gay wedding at Button House and [the ghost of] Lady Button is appalled and goes on this journey in which she faces her own homophobia. When we were writing that story, it felt like I was having a conversation with my homophobic nan.”
Baynton is content moving between acting and writing, not least because “if I’m between acting jobs, it means I get to dream up new projects for myself and my friends”. Keen to avoid any signs of egotism as his career soars, Baynton keeps his feet on the ground by recalling the “pure dystopian hell” of his time as a school leaver working in a call centre. There, every second of the day was monitored and he was once upbraided by a manager for taking too many toilet breaks. “So when I’m on set in a scratchy costume or I’m feeling a bit tired and thinking what a terrible time I’m having,” he says, “I remember that time, and what a privilege it is do what I do.”
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lost-in-derry · 7 months
WIP Snippet!
I Know You Can’t Hear Me (But Baby I Need You to Save Me Tonight)
Kallus and Zeb were hiding from the hot sun beating down on them in the shade of a large tree that sat near their sparring ground. 
“There was one person I don’t feel bad about arresting,” Kallus was saying. “His name was Jovan, he was a classmate of mine in the Academy. We were friends until we became rivals. He liked me but not more than he hated that an orphan from the underworld was going to take the  top spot. He tried to cheat on the final tests to get ahead and got caught. His parents saved him from getting kicked out but he was stuck with being a supply officer in the outer rim. I arrested him for smuggling Imperial property around the same time I met you all. He tried to convince me to let him go, claimed I owed him for helping me get through the Academy.”
“Oh please,” Zeb cut in, “that snob didn’t get you anywhere. I saw your test scores when they pulled your Academy file after you joined, you were running circles around those nerfherders.”
Kallus snorted softly. 
“You should’ve seen their faces when I was selected for the ISB program over them.” His smile faded quickly. “In retrospect, I suppose I got addicted to that feeling… it made me accept a lot of things I shouldn’t have.”
Zeb nudged him out of his guilty thoughts.
“Hey, you’re not that guy anymore.”
The smile returned to Kallus’ face, grateful this time.
“Had a similar experience, actually.” Zeb reminisced.
“Yeah, there was this guy I went through Honor Guard training with. I guess my great-great-great-great-however many greats grandfather beat his when the first Queen of Lasan was choosing a Captain of the High Honor Guard. The family never got over it an’ it became a blood feud or somethin’. All through trainin’ we were neck and neck, and the whole time he was sayin’ I wasn’t fit to be the next Captain. Didn’t stop when we were Guards either, an’ he was pissed when I did take my father’s place.”
“What reason could he have besides envy to think you’d be unfit for a role you’d prepared for your whole life?”
Zeb scratched the back of his neck self-consciously and mumbled, “Well, I was a bit of a trouble maker as a kid.”
“You? Nooo.” Kallus smirked as Zeb swatted his shoulder good-naturedly.
“Quiet, I’m telling a story. Yeah, there were a lot of expectations for me but it ain’t like my family was strict. Suppose they figured I’d find my way to bein’ the next Captain at my own pace. But it was hard to imagine me taking over for my adan when he was the perfect example of what the High Honor Guard should be.” Zeb’s playful demeanor sobered. “Then he died…” 
The other man placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Zeb patted his leg gratefully before continuing, “He took a bad hit defending the Queen. Lasan was peaceful but there was still the rare assassin every few reigns. The last thing he told me was that it was time to become the Honor Guard he always knew I would be.”
Old self-doubts started worming its way into the back of his mind. Was father wrong about me? I failed to protect Lasan. The royal family, our people, they’re all gone while I’m still here. Maybe Pike would’ve been a better Captain… maybe they’d’ve lived.
Kallus flicked one of his ears.
“Stop that. If I’m not allowed to feel bad about myself than neither are you.” He went on more gently, “You were an exceptional Captain and you made your father proud.”
Zeb looked at him dubiously but couldn’t hold back a grin.
“You didn’t even know me back then, Sasha.”
“And you didn’t know me when I was in the Academy. Maybe I cheated on those tests too.”
“Hah! I think I’d like you even more for scammin’ the system like that!”
Kallus stared into the distance thoughtfully for a moment.
“Do you think we’d have been friends if we’d met as children?”
“Absolutely.” Zeb answered without hesitation. “A snarky street punk who learned to talk fancy from readin’ old books and knew how to throw a punch? We’d’ve been thick as thieves, mate!”
“In my case, I actually was a thief. I doubt your parents would think me a good influence on you.”
“Nah, my mum and dad were never judgmental like that.” His expression was wistful as he stared at Kallus.
“They would’a liked you.”
It was an impossible fantasy. They’d grown up a galaxy apart from one another; one with high expectations and looming responsibilities, the other trapped in sunless poverty beneath the weight of a corrupt and uncaring world. But it was a beautiful dream nonetheless…
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yunggoblin · 4 months
Hello!! I just read "A Not So Silent Night" and omg so hot. I love jealous Hunter and cocky Crosshair. If you're interested, could we get a little Hunter/Reader/Crosshair sandwich with some competitive vibes?
(and if you like, maybe some Hunter/Crosshair sprinkled in too? Reader's gotta make sure they aren't *actually* fighting, after all.)
Double Affection - Hunter and Crosshair (18+)
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Pairing: Hunter x Female!Reader x Crosshair // Hunter x Crosshair
Summary: It's not easy sharing two dominate brothers but you somehow manage.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Cussing, Shower!Sex, Anal, Clonecest, PiV, Minors DNI
Word Count: 2,823K
Note: I did reach out to this anon and they requested it to be Fem!Reader.
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The lukewarm water sprayed down your achy back as you leaned forward, your forehead pressed against the cool shower wall. Your hair was soaked, sticking to your damp skin as the water continued to run down your tense muscles sliding down your spine.
Today was anything but easy. The Marauder decided to act up in the worst possible time, making you and the clones stranded on some Maker awful back waters planet, stranded. While Tech and Echo fixed the ship Hunter did rations check while Wrecker and Omega goofed off in a nearby field. You wanted to join them and relax but Crosshair had different plans for you.
Target practice.
You’d groan not liking the idea but knowing you needed the practice and Crosshair was an excellent teacher. Sometimes too excellent. One shot after another you’d improve only to slowly get tired as the recoil of the blaster made your shoulder ache. The blaster having a bit of a kick fire, digging into your soft flesh, you haven’t built up a callus which caused you to whine and whimper after each shot.
“Again.” Crosshair’s voice spoke and you compiled, anything to make him proud.
Leaning away from the wall the water ran down your frontside making you hiss loudly as the slightest pressure of water hit the large bruise forming on your shoulder. Looking down at it your eyes gazed over your discoloration skin, turning into a dark bluish purple from the butt of the blaster.
“Kriff.” You sighed.
Hunter wasn’t going to like this.
Just like that there was a soft knock on the door, whooshing open and close bringing a cool air rolling into the steamy fresher. “Mesh’la?” Hunter's voice rang out softly, calling for you.
Your tongue swiped over your wet lips before you answered. “What’s up?”
“Are you okay?” You could hear him take a step closer to the shower. “When you came back after shooting practice you seemed… quite and bit distanced.” Hunter trailed off. “Did he do something?”
You couldn’t help but to let out a soft laugh at Hunter’s overprotectiveness towards you, but you knew he wasn’t going to be happy at the new and large bruise you had. “No Hunter, Crosshair didn’t do anything to me. You should know he wouldn’t.”
“I know, I just had to make sure.” No words were spoken for a few seconds, the only sound was the water falling on the floor and down the drain as you kept soaking your body under the waterfall.
“So, you’re okay?” Hunter asked once more to reassure.
“Just a little sore.” You spoke truthfully, you weren’t lying but you didn’t want him to worry.
“Would you like me to join you and give you a massage?” You could hear Hunter shuffling his feet in a shy manner.
“I’d love a massage.” You broke out into a smile hearing Hunter quickly fumble over his clothes, getting naked. You knew he was going to see the bruise sometime so might as well have him see it now before it got even worse.
Feeling the cool breeze along your skin made you break out into goosebumps as he pulled back the curtain and stepped inside. He immediately knew something was wrong while your back was still turned to him, not greeting him once he fully stepped in. “Mesh’la?” Hunter’s voice was back to its soft tone, full of curiosity and concern. His hand placed upon your shoulder where the bruise was, his long slender fingers were on top of it as you let out a soft wince. Hunter quickly pulled back his touch and moved his hands upon your waist, forcing you to spin around to look at him. A loud gasp escaped his lips at the sight of the new marking.
“Karking hells, Y/N.” A hard frown settled upon his mouth as he looked at the painful bruise. He raised his hand up, fingers just barely brushing over it making you whine out in pain just by the soft touch. Hunter’s eyebrows knitted together, angry at Crosshair. “Next time I see him, I’m gonna-“
“Gonna what?” A smooth voice behind the curtain question. You didn’t even notice that the door contracted and Crosshair entered.
“Crosshair.” Hunter snarled. “You pushed her too far during practice.” Hunter grabbed the curtain, harshly pulling it back and exposed your naked body to him. Your nipples become stiff as the cool air danced along your chest.
Crosshair’s gaze lingered over your bare chest, admiring your breasts before he got to look at the bruise. “It’s training, how else is she going to learn that the blaster has a bit of a kick to it.” He shrugged nonchalantly as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Doing it a few times is fine, not for two hours straight.” Hunter snarled, he kept track of how long you two were gone for earlier today.
“Would you prefer her to find out about the recoil on the battlefield or during practice?” Crosshair sneered at his brother. The two brothers stared down at each other, glaring and on edge.
“Okay, enough of this you two.” You placed your hand upon Hunter’s wet chest. “I’m fine, Hunter, really I am.” You promised. “Crosshair is just trying to make me better.” Hunter’s shoulder sagged, becoming less tense as you confronted him. “But you.” It was now Crosshair’s turn to be scolded. “You know Hunter is protective of me Cross, don’t be mad at him.”
Crosshair frowned, his eyes softening as he looked over at the large bruise painted on your shoulder and slightly going into your inner armpit where the butt of the blaster was snugged in. “If it hurt so much why didn’t you tell me?” Crosshair sounded sad, hurt that you didn’t inform him about your condition.
“Come here, Cross.” You tilted your head towards the shower, inviting him in. Crosshair didn’t hesitate, stripping himself from his blacks that he put on earlier he tossed them into a small pile and stepped inside, wedging himself behind you and his back against facing the shower head, shielding your body from the water. “M’sorry I didn’t say anything before.” You leaned into Crosshair’s touch, your back pressed up against his chest, lulling your head back over his shoulder you nuzzle your face into his neck. “I just wanted to impress you.”
“You always impress me, cyare.” Crosshair placed his hands upon your waist, pulling you back against him, wanting to feel you closer. His cock nudging against your ass cheeks makes him already hard. “Can I make it up to you?” Crosshair turned his head, facing you as you stared up at him with a smile.
“I think I can think of a few ways.” You giggled, eyes sliding towards Hunter as he watched. “Maybe Hunter here can help too?” You hummed.
Crosshair’s brown eyes looked at Hunter with a bit of a dominate glare and mumbled; “I suppose he can help.”
“Good boy.” You whispered to Crosshair about being a team player.
“What do you have in mind, Mesh’la?” Hunter’s hands came up, cupping your breasts as he massaged them gently.
You arch your back off of Crosshair’s chest, pushing your chest more towards Hunter with a soft hum. “I want you both, at the same time.”
“Are you sure you can handle both of us, love?” Hunter's sweet voice hit your ears while Crosshair growled out his words.
“Of course she can.” Crosshair’s fingers dug into your waist, pushing his hips against yours, grinding his cock into you. “Let’s get you prepared for our cocks first.” Crosshair hummed, his hand dipping in between your legs as he traced his fingertips over your heated sex. “Already wet for me.”
“For us.” Hunter corrected Crosshair with a snarl.
Crosshair rolled his eyes with a huff as he slowly dipped a finger side of your pussy. “Kriff,” you sighed out softly. “Play nice, boys.” You reminded them.
“He started it.” Hunter mumbled, leaning forward as he took one of your nipples into his mouth, lightly lapping his tongue over the sensitive nub, his other hand caressed and cupped the other breast, pinching and tweeting the other nipple.
“Play nice or I’ll just kick you both out of the shower and finish this myself.”
Crosshair pushed another finger inside, pulling out and pumping back in as your moans left your lips and hips meeting his thrusts. “We’ll play fair.” Crosshair nudged his face into your neck, leaving soft kisses up and down your nape and slightly sinking his teeth into you. Your cunt clamped tightly around his fingers as you arched your back once again. “Kriff!” You squealed out at the harsh bite. Your hands flew up into Hunter’s hair gripping and tugging it forcing a groan to escape Hunter throat.
Hunter pulled off your breast with a soft pop. “Easy Crosshair.”
Crosshair pulled his mouth away from your neck, his teeth marks indented into your skin as he smirked at his work of art. “She’s a big girl, she can handle it. Right, sweetheart?” Crosshair’s fingers kept pumping in and out of your soaking pussy, making your walls flutter around his digits, nearly bringing you to your climax.
“I- I can handle it!” You cried out, wanting to prove to your Sargeant you can handle his brother's roughness.
“Told you.” Crosshair smirked, his fingers pulled out of your quivering pussy. “Let's get this ass ready for my cock.” Using the same fingers that were in your cunt, now dripping with your arousal, he pressed them against your tight muscle and slowly pushed inside. You tossed your head back into Crosshair’s shoulder, pushing your hips back against his touch, trying to take all of his fingers at once. “Easy, Y/N.” Crosshair whispered. “Take your time.”
“I want you, I want you both.” You breathlessly moaned, watching Hunter jerk himself off through your half lidded eyes.
“In time love.” Crosshair scissored his fingers in your ass, pushing and pulling his thick digits out of your tight channel. “Few more pumps.” He murmured, once he was satisfied with how stretched you were he slowly pulled his fingers from your ass. “Here we go, love.” You could hear Crosshair jerking himself off from behind you.
Shivering at the feeling of Crosshair’s cock head nudging in between your cheeks, you moaned loudly at the feeling of him splitting you open as he sunk his girth inside of you. “Hmm fuck, so sweet.” Crosshair let out an animalistic growl. Holding you by your waist he slowly pulled you back against him, his cock sinking further inside of you. Once settled in your tightness, Crosshair lets you adjust to his size. His hands ran down your waist to the back of your knees, bending over you slightly.
“C- Cross?” You questioned only to cry out softly as he picked you up, holding you by the back of your knees, his cock angling in a different way than before as he held you up, exposing your pussy to Hunter.
“Well, are you just going to stand there and watch or are you going to fuck her?” Crosshair snapped from the new position.
Hunter smirked to see how flustered both of his partners were, stepping forward he placed himself in between your legs, rubbing his dick up and down your slit. “Such a pretty little thing.” Wasting no time, Hunter pushed the tip of his dick past your folds. You sobbed loudly as Hunter stretched you wide while his brother was deep in you from behind.
“Feel full princess?” Crosshair hummed, kissing the back of your head.
“Y- Yes! Please- Please move! I want to come, I need to come!” You didn’t know how it was possible but you were already near your peak just by being full from their cocks deep inside of you and no friction. While Crosshair’s grip was still on the back of your knees, Hunter grabbed ahold of your waist, keeping his balance while you leaned back against Crosshair’s chest.
Both brothers pulled their hips away from you, leaving their tips inside each hold and pushing forward, driving their cocks deep inside of you. “KRIFF!” You screamed. Hunter’s hand flew up and covered your mouth, muffling any sobs, screams and moans from your throat.
“Take it baby, you’re taking us so well.” Hunter cooed, looking down he watched his cock plunge into you, a few moans slipping past his lips.
“Feels good to be stuffed this full, hmm?” Crosshair teased from behind, matching his brother's pace, but he soon decided that his older brother’s thrusts were a bit too slow for his liking. Crosshair soon started to pick up the pace, the loud echoing of skin against skin started to pick up and become louder.
“Easy Crosshair, she’s still sore from your training.” Hunter grunted as his cock pushed inside of you in a caring manner where Crosshair’s cock was already pumping in and out of your tight hole from behind.
“She’s not fragile, Hunter.” Crosshair sneered, teeth gritted as he snapped his hips forward, harshly. “You would know this if you were rough with her and didn’t baby her all the time.” Crosshair groaned as the skin on skin contact erupted throughout the refresher shower.
“Someone has to treat her like a princess and we both know it’s not going to be you.” Hunter snarled right back to his snarky brother. The tip of Hunter’s cock nudged and brushed against your cervix making you sob out a moan.
“Yeah? Well look at how she moans for me fucking this tight ass.” Crosshair hissed, his hand colliding with your cheek making you yelp.
“I’m looking at someone who moans the same way when their ass gets licked.” Hunter didn’t break eye contact with Crosshair who was glaring at Hunter with a shade of red tinted on his cheeks at the confession his brother spoke.
“E- Enough!” You moaned against Hunter’s hand, grabbing his wrist and pushing it away from your mouth. “Stop fighting, please.” You begged. “I’m so close to coming but I can’t focus when you two keep bickering!”
The thrusts didn’t stop and neither did their death glares, their cocks pushing inside of you deeply, pulling out and pushing back inside. “You two need to make up before we come.” You demanded, your breasts bouncing from the force of their thrusts.
Hunter was the first to break the gaze between the two, his eyes softening when looking at you. “M’sorry, baby.” Hunter apologized first.
“If- If you’re really sorry.” You panted, your eyes dropping down to where Hunter was thrusting in and out of you only to look back up at him. “Kiss and make up.” You could feel your orgasm building up, you forced yourself to hold back.
Hunter furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at his brother. “But mesh’la, he started-” Hunter was cut off by Crosshair grabbing his long locks and pulling him closer, sandwiching you between both clones. Crosshair smashed his lips against Hunter’s moaning softly at the harshness.
“Shut up, I want to come.” You heard Crosshair in between the hot kiss they shared. Their thrusts never let up, only snapping their hips harshly against you. You watched as the brothers shared a heated kiss only to have your jaw drop slightly as Crosshair slipped his tongue into Hunter’s mouth, giving him open kisses and fighting for dominance. That slight broke the dam within you. Your walls and muscles clenched around their cocks as you cried out their names.
“I’m coming!” You gripped at Hunter’s shoulders, nails digging into his flesh as he moaned into Crosshair’s mouth.
It was Hunter’s turn to climax next, his hot seed burying deep inside of you as he pulled away from the shared kiss with a groan, eyes squeezed shut. Crosshair’s thrusts didn’t let up as his Hunter’s cock was stilled inside of you. “Tell me you want it.” Crosshair growled in your ear.
“I want it, please give it to me giveittome!” You begged, your left hand reaching down to Crosshair’s waist, gripping him and pulling him closer. The contact made Crosshair groan, bottoming out his hips into you as ropes of come filled your ass.
Both clones moaned and panted, trying to catch their breath as they held you tight against them. The shower still going, the water now slightly cold but the refresher was still steaming from your actions. Hunter was the first one to slip his cock from you then Crosshair. “Lets get you cleaned up.” Hunter placed a soft kiss upon your forehead which made you smile. Your jelly like legs nearly gave out on you but Crosshair was quick to hold you up.
A loud knock banged against the door. “You know there are other people on this ship that want to shower too!” Tech’s voice called out.
“Let’s go, I believe I was promised a massage.” You smiled up at Hunter.
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Crosshair’s Masterlist
Hunter's Masterlist
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