#I’ll correct any spelling or grammar mistakes later
javob · 2 years
I haven’t seen much discourse about the Sam Bankman Fried event on tumblr, probably because what he’s done is obviously reprehensible to the many diverse political groups I follow on here, and the smart individuals who poast quite a bit as well.
But I didn’t really understand the events that took place on first glance and have had to research it a teensy bit, so now I will try to share that understanding with you all and be corrected if I am wrong.
Sam Bankman-Fried was/is the CEO of FTX. FTX was an exchange with a native cryptocurrency. An exchange is supposed to be safer than even a bank for money holding purposes, because it merely acts as an executive for the exchange of money. A bank may use your money to make loans while an exchange may not. Sam Bankman-Fried also was the ceo of Alameda Research which is a trading/investment firm with a particular focus on crypto. An investment firm is an inherently risky business and therefore subject to a lot of laws and regulations. It is however not criminal to lose all the money when running an investment firm, it just means that your firm is quite bad and no one will likely trust you with their money again. Sam Bankman-fried stands accused of using exchange money to prop up his poorly run investment firm something to the tune of 10 billion dollars, which is like Bernie Madoff level criminal. To top this all off, the media seems to be against portraying what he did as criminal, and all of his apologies amount to something like “I’m sorry I gambled your money poorly”, when that wasn’t the problem, the problem is that he stole all of that money to gamble in a failing firm and is completely unrepentant. Just from my quick little dive on the topic, it’s quite obvious he will do all of this again given the opportunity to do so.
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‘Til The End of The Line
Pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, shooting and getting hurt
Summary: You get injured in a mission, and Bucky cannot bear to see you in such state.
Author's Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
I am so sorry for being gone (school’s been killing me)
I appreciate every feedback! Thank you for reading, enjoy!
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“Ready to kick some ass, kiddo?” Steve’s voice was calm, almost soothing, but you could hear the adrenaline beneath his words as the two of you adjusted your parachutes. The jet engines hummed around you, a subtle reminder of the mission ahead.
You grinned, giving your suit one last check and tightening your grip on the gun in your hand. “Yeah, I’m gonna beat the shit out of them.”
Steve smiled, not bothering to correct your language. With him, you were always an exception.
Moments later, the wind was whipping against your face as you both jumped from the jet, splitting off into the night sky. Steve took the left wing—the more dangerous side—leaving you the right. Tony had assured you it was safer, but as you slid through the narrow gap in the door, the freezing cold hit you like a wall. The air inside was frigid, bitterly reminding you of Bucky’s stories about the winters he hated so much.
“As far as I can see, it’s clear here. How’s the situation there?” Steve’s voice crackled through the comms, full of concern. You knew he cared for you deeply, saw you as the daughter he never had, and would have taken a bullet to ensure your safety.
“It’s clear here too, Cap,” you replied, trying to ease his worry.
“Let’s stick to the plan: I’ll draw out the agents while you head straight to the operations room and grab their file IV data.”
“Copy that. Be safe, Cap—and I mean it. If you need help, just call me.”
“I will, kiddo. Be safe yourself. And promise to call me if you need anything.”
“I promise. Let’s fucking go.”
You raced through the deserted corridors of the right wing, a dagger in one hand and a fully loaded gun tucked into your suit for emergencies. The cold air bit at your skin, the silence amplifying every footstep. Suddenly, a loud, thunderous noise echoed behind you. Instinctively, you thought it was Steve, but it wasn’t. The sound was coming from your side of the building.
Before you could react, you were ambushed by over twenty armed agents.
On the other side of the wing, Steve was facing his own battle. He tossed a grenade down a hallway, expecting a swarm of enemies, but only three agents rushed at him. Something was wrong. There should have been more.
“Shit,” you hissed into the comms, struggling against the overwhelming odds. Steve heard the panic in your voice, but he couldn’t respond—one of the agents had him in a chokehold. His grip tightened on the comms as he heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire, followed by a loud thud that made his blood run cold.
“Kiddo, you okay?” Steve managed to gasp out, but all he got in return was a pained groan.
“I’ll get to you in less than a minute, I promise,” he said, desperation creeping into his voice. He could hear your labored breathing through the comms, and it was tearing him apart.
“Steve…” Your voice was faint, each word a struggle.
“Hmm?” he replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the dread clawing at his chest.
“Are the comms… still being recorded?”
Steve’s heart sank. He knew what you were doing, and he hated it. “Yes, kiddo, if there weren’t any changes to the plans, it’s on record.”
You exhaled shakily, the breath catching in your throat. There was only one person you needed to reach out to. “Buck…”
As soon as Steve heard the name, he knew the weight of what you were about to say. Even after four years of being together, Bucky’s name still brought shivers to your spine, thick with emotion.
“If by any chance you get to listen to this, Buck—”
“Y/N, kiddo, no, you’re not dying. I won’t let that happen.”
“You don’t know that…” Your voice was helpless, a reflection of your dwindling strength.
“Just stay there. I’m on my way. Please, don’t give up on us.”
But a part of Steve knew this might be your last moment. It was an instinct, a gut-wrenching feeling that he couldn’t shake. So he didn’t stop you from saying what you needed to.
“If you get a chance to listen to this…” You fought to keep your eyes open, tears mingling with the blood on the cold metal floor. Your mind flashed with the future you had imagined—a life with Bucky, growing old together, watching your children grow up. “In another life, we might—maybe we could have grown old together.”
Steve’s heart clenched as your voice wavered. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, but he knew there was nothing he could do except listen.
“I wish I could have given you babies,” you continued, your voice cracking with emotion. “Watched them grow in our backyard… I’m sorry that I can’t be the one to give you that life.”
Your vision blurred as sleepiness started to consume you. You fought against it with everything you had, but the darkness was closing in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that this is how it ends for us… I’m really sorry.”
“And if this is how it really ends… Promise me you’ll find someone else to love, to open up to. Find someone else… Call someone else ‘doll.’ And don’t grieve too much.”
The darkness was overwhelming now. You felt it pulling you under, felt the life draining from your body as blood poured from your wounds. “You deserve to be happy… And the past doesn’t—doesn’t define you.”
Your last words were barely a whisper. “I… Love you, Buck. And I’m sorry I couldn’t say that more often.”
And then… silence. The darkness consumed you, and Steve heard nothing but the empty static of the comms. He refused to believe it, refused to accept that you were gone. He sprinted through the hallways, throwing open every door until he found you, lying motionless on the floor, your suit stained crimson with blood.
He scooped you up as if you weighed nothing, his legs pumping with every ounce of energy he had left. The jet’s engines hummed steadily, but inside the cabin, chaos reigned. Steve knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he assessed your injuries. The bullets had done their damage—one near your heart, another through your stomach, and the last through your left arm. Blood pooled beneath you, soaking through your suit.
“Kiddo, hang in there, please,” Steve murmured, his voice tight with fear. He grabbed the medical kit from the overhead compartment, spilling its contents across the floor. His hands worked quickly, tearing open a pack of gauze and pressing it firmly against the wounds. The bleeding was relentless, and he knew he needed to act fast to save your life.
You were pale, your breathing shallow and irregular. It was a miracle you were still breathing at all. Steve knew he had to stabilize you before they landed, or you wouldn’t make it. His mind raced through the limited medical training he had received—enough to get through emergencies, but nothing like this.
He fumbled with an IV kit, his hands shaking as he tried to insert the needle into your arm. Your veins were fragile, but after what felt like an eternity, he got it in. He attached a bag of saline solution, knowing it was only a temporary measure.
“Stay with me, kiddo. Buck won’t be so happy about this,” Steve whispered, his voice trembling. Your pulse was faint, but still there. He applied more pressure to the wound, checking if you were breathing again. It was labored, but there were no signs of a collapsed lung, thank God.
He grabbed the portable oxygen mask and gently placed it over your mouth and nose, adjusting the flow to give you the support you desperately needed. Your chest rose and fell slightly more steadily—a small victory amid the chaos.
With one hand still applying pressure to the wound, Steve fumbled with the jet’s communications system. “Friday, please check if the team is ready for immediate surgery.”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Stark has everything prepared, and Dr. Cho is on standby.”
“Can you connect me directly to Tony?”
“Connecting now, sir.”
“Cap, how is she?” Tony’s voice crackled through, tense with concern.
“I think I stabilized her. We’re landing in three minutes, max. Thank God this jet has autopilot, or else… she wouldn’t have made it.”
Tony was silent for a moment. It wasn’t the time for pride or self-congratulation. He was kicking himself for not being more cautious, for not having medics onboard, for underestimating the mission. You were the youngest, the brightest member of the Avengers, and he couldn’t bear to lose you.
Steve checked the wound again. The bleeding had slowed, but it hadn’t stopped. He packed the wound with more gauze, securing it tightly. You needed a blood transfusion, surgery—everything he couldn’t provide here. All he could do was keep you stable until they landed.
“Tony, do me one favor,” Steve said, his voice thick as he wiped the blood from your cheeks. “Please… Don’t let Bucky see her like this. He won’t be able to handle it.”
But Tony’s response was firm. “Sorry, Cap. James already knows. He’s waiting at the airbase. And he has the right to see her.”
Steve nodded, though his heart ached at the thought. “Okay, Tony, thanks… We’re almost there.”
The jet descended, the lights of the airbase coming into view. Steve cradled you close, whispering words of comfort that he wasn’t sure you could hear. “We’re going to make it, kiddo. Just hold on a little longer.”
As the jet landed, the hatch opened to reveal Tony, Dr. Cho, and Bucky. Bucky’s face was ashen, his eyes wide with fear as he took in the sight of you. Steve gently handed you over to Dr. Cho and her team, who rushed you to the medical bay. Bucky stood frozen, staring at the blood that covered Steve’s hands and suit.
“She’s alive, Buck,” Steve said softly, his voice raw with exhaustion. “But she needs you now more than ever. Don’t lose hope.”
Bucky nodded, swallowing hard. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think beyond the sight of you lying there so still. He followed the team as they wheeled you into surgery, praying with everything he had left that you would survive this.
Part 2 is up y’all
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
「"ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜɪᴍ?!"」
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Scenario:- “May I please. Have some headcanons of possessive bf atsushi”(@diagonal-queen)
Pairing(s):- Atsushi x gn! Reader (romantic) | akutagawa x gn!reader (platonic)
Genre:- fluff?/crack? Idrk….
Type:- oneshot
A/N:-HIYA! Here’s a little atsushi oneshot requested by our favorite queen @diagonal-queen!atsushi is a little ooc i think? And also i hc that aku would be a genuinely sweet person outside of the mafia🥲.sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes!
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Hmm okay this is an interesting one.
First of all I don’t think atsushi would be possessive…he knows he doesn’t ‘own’ you and that youre ur own person.
Does he get insecure and ask for reassurance later? Very much so.
But there is one person I see him being possessive around.just one!
Can you guess who?
If you guessed our resident emo boy aquaduct,then you my friend are correct~
Let’s set the scene shall we~
For unspecified reasons,atsushi is told he has to partner up with akutagawa.okay fine.he’s used to the coat clad carpetmuncher so he knows he can handle it.
What makes him suddenly not want to go through with it is dazai telling him that you’d be accompanying them too-
“’Sushi it’s fine I don’t mi-”
“now now,y/n’s ability might be useful that’s the only reason we’re letting them accompany you.”
“BUT I-”
You place your hand on his arm and squeezy it lightly to reassure him that its okay.
He begrudgingly sighs and accepts that you’ll be hanging around akutagawa for the entirety of this mission
He’s actually nervous…
You were a naturally chatty and curious person…what if you triggered akutagawa to use rashoumon?! What if he hurt you???!!!
Noticing his glazed over eyes and nervous expression,you kiss him on his cheek to bring him out of his head and back to earth.
“’sushi,it’s fine.dont worry I’ll be fine.i can hold my own.i promise” you smile up at him (or down or directly at depending on ur height~)
And he relaxes.
You’ll be fine…it’s fine!
-skip to while youre on the actual mission-
He was wrong! He was SO wrong!
The moment he sees akutagawa he pushes you behind him and stands between you two.
But nothing could have prepared him for what came next-
*Cue shook and confused tiger boi*
“Oh yeahh I met his sister at the Laundromat the other day and we just became friends by default ig?”
“it’s not that difficult of an idea to comprehend,weretiger.are you truly that daft?”
“but y/n…he’s a criminal! HE’S FROM THE MAFIA!”
“I didn’t know that ‘sushi :’) I just thought they were two nice people….and honestly ryuu isn’t all that bad…”
“don’t be foolish weretiger.i would do no such thing,for unlike you,y/n is an actually tolerable human bein.now if it’s someone’s death you wish to witness I can gladly make arrangements. *cue the activation of rashoumon*”
You:- !!!!!
“umm no no.thats not what he meant ryuu…put rashoumon back…. Please?” you said, your hands on akutagawa’s chest trying to keep him as far away from atsushi as possible without actually using any force.
Atsushi :- o_0
No because what was that??? Why were you Touching him????!!
He was so confused tbhh
He was even more surprised when aku sighs,retracts rashoumon,gently takes your hands off of him and puts his hands in his pockets before turning on him heels and simply saying “fine.just come on.we have an objective to accomplish”
Atsushi’s jaw :- dropped
You:- skipping after the emo fella ,your fingers intertwined with your boyfriend’s.
Okay no why?what? huh????
He physically shakes his head to clear it from all his racing thoughts.
He took only one thing from that entire interaction; he could Not let akutagawa get anywhere Near you.at least not when he was around.and he most Certainly couldn’t let that man lay a single finger on you!
He stops walking causing you to do so too.
The ceasing of the sound of footsteps behind him causes akutagawa to also stop and turn back to face you.
“sushi? What’s wrong?”
He suddenly leans forward to kiss your nose,causing you to blush hard and simultaneously causing akutagawa to roll his eyes and keep walking.
  During the entire mission he keeps initiating little acts of pda,whether it was holding your hand,shoulder or wait or shielding you from whatever was around.atsushi did NOT let you be away from him for more than 5 milliseconds!
Akutagawa didn’t really care but when the time came where he needed to be beside you for even a second,maybe to say something or even if he had to move you away from an oncoming threat,atsushi would just spring in between the two of you and truth be told even you found it a little irritating…
Yes you loved your boyfriend and yes you would never cheat or leave him for someone,but this was getting ridiculous! You and akutagawa were just friends!
It really wasn’t as deep as atsushi felt it was…and besides,you were closest to gin…not ryunosuke!
So after the mission (thank God his little fit wasn’t detrimental to your overall success!) you pulled him aside and asked him what was up.
The look in your eyes was both pleading him to tell the truth and a little angry he wasn’t being honest outright.
And ofc,kitty boi caved.
How could he not?
He told you everything.how he felt weird for you knowing akutagawa and how close you seemed to be.
To which you sighed,cupped his cheek and told him clearly that you and he were nothing more than friends.and that you weren’t even that close to him.just his sister.
Atsushi exhaled at that and you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
Akutagawa immediately looked away.
And when you were done you took atsushi’s hand and were about to go on your way until-
“just one one thing,”
He pulled you in for a kiss,it was honestly perfect,and had it been a different time and place maybe things could have progressed but alas you were on a mission and not at home.
Nevertheless,as his lips captured yours,he pulled you in closer by the waist,and you leaned further into it.
About 5-10 seconds in akutagawa REALLY felt awkward and coughed….you were gonna miss your rendezvous point.
Once you both heard his cough,only you felt embarrassed,and when you tried to pull away he lightly bit your bottom,causing your eyes to widen.after which he released both you and your lip and just gave you a quick peck on the nose and his cute little smile.
You all ignored what had happened and even akutagawa didn’t seem to give a dam.
Atsushi actually looked kinda happy ngl,and ofc the entire way back he had his arm either around your waist or on the small of your back.
(when yall get home if he’s still feeling it mayhaps you end up with a little hickey two? Mayhaps😉)
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Tagging:- @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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claraswritings · 2 years
Skin of the Night
Pairing: Peter Ballard x female reader
Warnings: erm,, Peter kills someone…, spoilers, language,Peter being instantly obsessed Joe Goldberg style. Ambiguous ending ie you can imagine it went the show way or not if you like.
Notes: I have never written anything like this before so this is me trying something different. This is not proof read so I will correct any spelling or grammar mistakes later.
Peter had never seen you here before, he was sure of it. He would have remembered you. You had to be new to town.
You were pretty, dressed in simple blue jeans and an oversized tee shirt and the strap of your bag hung loosely over your shoulder. You weren’t craving attention but you captured his anyway… it wasn’t your looks, no, although you were beautiful, it was how you held yourself.
Your expression was soft as you smiled at him like he was an old friend. You were different. Although there were not many, the visitors to Hawkins Lab were usually apprehensive, cautious even. They’d walk around on edge like the kids were dangerous animals and like the orderlies were the zoo keepers. Not you though. You’re kind, Peter could tell.
“Hi,” you spoke. You had a nice voice, Peter noticed.
“Hi,” he repeated your greeting, making sure to keep his tone calm and friendly. He wanted you to trust him.
You introduced yourself.
“I’m here to see my uncle Martin…sorry, Dr.Brenner,”
Peter blinked a little surprised by your statement. That was unexpected. Dr.Brenner was a ruthless man so when he’d heard the doctor mention his niece, he’d expected someone…well, he hadn’t been expecting you. You seemed kind, friendly and everything the doctor was not.
Did you know what went on at the laboratory? Did you know how cruel your uncle could be? How he treated the children, how he’d treated him.
No, Peter decided. You wouldn’t. You’d never approve. Brenner must be lying to you. Peter felt angry for you and the urge to tell him the truth boiled in his veins but he’d have to wait. He’d gain your trust, then he’d tell you everything.
“How lovely, I’ll let him know,” Peter covered his surprise well. “Please take a seat,”
Not wanting to leave the room, for fear he’d miss something about you. Peter had pretended to be organising paperwork whilst you spoke with your uncle. He was memorising everything he could about you, gathering information and collecting any and every detail he could, mentally noting it all so he could use it to win you over later.
Much to Brenner’s annoyance, you made attempts to include Peter in the conversation. You’d turn to him, smile tweaking at the corners and ask for his thoughts and Brenner would purse his lips tight and stare him down until he finished talking.
The thought of you knowing it was pissing off Brenner and doing it anyway thrilled Peter. He hoped desperately that was the case. You had to have caught the looks Brenner was giving Peter. Peter could have savoured it all afternoon, oh if only… but your next words brought that to a screeching halt.
“I gotta go, Uncle Martin, I’m meeting Harry,” you smiled at your uncle as you stood up and shrugged your small coat back on over your shoulders. “He’s taking me to see some new movie at the drive in”
Peter concealed the urge to instantly look your way and instead focused on the papers he’d been looking at so hard that the words started to blur and the pages started to crease under the tension. Harry? Who was he. There was no ring on your finger so that ruled out a husband. Brenner had only ever mentioned his niece, never a nephew so it chances of it being a brother were low. A boyfriend would complicate things.
“Okay sweetheart, come see your uncle again soon, won’t you?” Brenner smiled at you “Have fun with Harry,”
“Of course,” you smiled before turning “Bye, Peter, it was nice to meet you,” you waved at him and he couldn’t help but notice how geniune you sounded, like you actually meant it.
From other people, those words would be a simple sentiment, a token gesture said in the way most people would say hello to a co-worker or ask how someone’s day was… but you, you seemed like you actually had enjoyed meeting him. How he hoped he’d see you again soon.
“Bye,” he repeated your name as he relaxed his grip instantly . “Anything you need, I’ll be right here,” he gave you a friendly smile and returned your wave. On your next visit, he would not be caught off guard next time. He’d make sure of it.
The first thing Peter did was go to your home whilst you were out with whoever Harry was.
He had your address from the visitors form and given that visitors to Hawkins Lab were few and far between, it was easy to determine which was yours. Being allowed to leave the lab for short periods was the smallest of freedoms and he had to be make the most of it and be quick before Brenner realised where he was.
Of course he was still powerless with this ridiculous Soteria tracking device in his neck, he was left with the rather rudimentary method of unlocking your door with a lock pick.
How helpful it would be to see your fears so he could protect you from them, and your desires, so he could give them to you. Peter made a note to himself to step up his plan involving getting the girl he’d been making progress with, 011, to remove it. He had been planning on escaping by any means necessary once it was removed but now… now getting you was the top priority. Maybe you could escape with him and the girl, You could help them expose Brenners whole scheme. Once you knew the truth, you’d never see him the same way.
As the satisfying click signalled the door to your home had been opened, Peter slipped the lock pick back into his coat pocket, stepped in and shut the door behind him carefully and began surveying his surroundings.
He started with the lounge. It was neat and homely, cosy even. No sign of another man, which was good as it made one thing clear…that whoever Harry was to you, it was nothing serious. A record player sat on your coffee table, and a small television with a shelf filled with videos above it. He skimmed the titles and was intrigued to see nearly all of them were horrors, thrillers with dark and gloomy covers along with the occasional science fiction. Peter had little time for movies with work, but the morbidity of the name intrigued him and well, if you were interested in these…things, he’d make time.
There was a desk drawer, double locked, and despite much wiggling with the lock pick. It did not budge. Peter cursed Brenner and squeezed hard at the spot on his neck where the Soteria lay, willing it to come out, wishing for the day he had his powers back. Whatever was in there, you’d protected it more than your front door so it had to be important. With a few deep breaths, Peter attempted to calm the rage in his veins and reminded himself he would head back once his abilities were restored, or by then, maybe you’d tell him.
He moved into your bedroom next with a curious eye. Your bed was made with plenty of scatter pillows and a throw , the lamp on your bedside table accompanied with a candle and a well worn book. He thumbed through it, the name and the author now ingrained in his mind. Peter opened your large closet and went through some of your clothes, the variety standing out to him as he pictured his clothes next to yours. Given that he spent most of his days in the confines of the lab, he did not have a variety of outfits like you did. A few shirts and jeans and a old jacket was the extent that he had. Maybe you’d help him pick out more once he was truly free. The idea set his heart racing in a way he’d never felt before.
He could almost imagine you were there, if he closed his eyes, he could picture he was with you, lying on your couch, him resting back on you as you stroked his hair or in bed, kissing your soft lips, tracing your cheekbones and marking your neck or walking with you through Hawkins, hand in hand, you leaning in on his arm.
For Peter, it was pointless interacting with most other people. They were dull, routine, all the same but you, you were so… so special. You had to be, it was the only explanation Peter could think of as to why he was so drawn to you.
Peter left your place soon after and returned to his duties, making sure the children were fed and in their beds before he fixed the Rainbow Room and headed to one of the offices to monitor the cameras set up. The phone, as if on cue, rang only moments after he’d sat down.
“Hi Peter,” it was you. You’d remembered his name, he savoured the thought of taking up space in your brain. You sounded a little breathless and relived to hear him.
“Hello, how lovely to hear from you again, are you okay?” He had to conceal how happy he was that you were calling. It was almost too good to be true.
“Oh my god this is going to sound so stupid…,” you paused and Peter desperately wanted to press you to continue, to say what was unsaid, “look, erm, can I come back? I’ll bring you food? I promise, is there anything you want in particular?”
“Of course you can,” he reassured you “As I said, anything you need I’ll be right here, and I’ll trust your judgement on the food,”
As the phone hit the receiver with a click, he leant back. You. In his company. It was sooner than he could have hoped.
“Hi,” you said, as he opened the door, “Can I come in? I’m freezing and I don’t know anyone else here,” Your hair was a little damp and your small jacket was rain soaked. In one hand, your car keys and in the other, a bag of take out. Peter took it from you to allow you a free hand. You looked beautiful. All he wanted was to take care of you and keep you warm. The mascara you’d had on had run a little but your lipstick was still fresh. Had you reapplied it for him?
The thought of you, slightly rain soaked but still applying lipstick for his benefit caused a shiver of anticipation down his back.
“Of course,” he nodded “You look cold. Come with me, I’ll make you a hot drink, and we can have the food you brought,”
“That would be amazing. Thank you Peter,”
He lead you down the corridors until you reached his living quarters. Brenner was insistent on all staff remaining on site overnight so provided the facilities. It was basic, the lounge, the kitchen and the bedroom all one room, plain coloured magnolia walls, a beige carpet and stainless steel counters with a small bathroom off to the side.
He busied himself making you a drink and unpacking the food, whilst you took a seat. The image of you, in his quarters made his heart rate quicken. He wondered what you’d do if he told you he wanted you right then and there but no, he had to be smart, startling you would not work in his plan to win you over.
“You stay here?” You sounded surprised. Clearly your uncle didn’t tell you everything.
“Yes,” Peter stirred, hoping you would mistake his careful words for genuine concern “the children…he…looks after, they’re… they need support and technically I’m never off the clock,” He turned to you, placing the steaming mug beside you, his own in the other hand. “Not that I mind. Most of them just need a friend,”
“Yeah, I bet… I know that feeling,”
Peters head quirked at your words. Good, he thought to himself upon hearing your reply was a canid display of vulnerability. Were you suggesting he could be that friend? He’d show you he could be so much more.
“Don’t we all,” Peter tilted his head at you. “It can be lonely for people like us… them,” He let the deliberate ‘us’ slip before correcting himself “the kids are all very special,”
“I think it’s sweet how you look out for them,” you leant imagine to take a sip, sleeves pulled over your hands, your lips leaving a red lipstick mark on the plain white of his mug. “I’m sure they appreciate it, you doing as much as you can…it must be hard for them… being so sick…that plus the experimental treatments and being away from their family… they’re lucky to have you,”
Ah. So that was the line Brenner was feeding you. He was looking after the children, keeping them safe, curing them. Is that what he told himself? The chip in Peter’s neck seemed to burn deeper against his skin as he fought the urge to reach into the drawer for the dull butter knife and attempt to cut it out. It wouldn’t be successful of course, Peter knew. He’d tried.
He thought about if you’d scream, if you’d be sad at the image of him bloody and bruised, would you stay at his side, would you call for Brenner?
“Peter?” Your concerned tone brought him back to present you, looking at him, brow slightly furrowed. “Are you okay?”
Yes, Peter knew it. You were different, Peter had grown sick, exhausted even, of other people. The human race in general seemed so…boring and so pointless. And yet as his eyes met yours, he saw you were entirely focused on him and he felt his gaze soften. You were the one person in this world worth it all. His exception to his rule that humanity was completely pointless.
“Yes,” Peter placated you, before taking his spot opposite you against the counter and taking a drink from his own mug and sitting your plates down.
“I was just distracted… i was thinking about one of the children, she’s a good kid, so smart…I think she will be…the most successful…treatment of them all,” he stressed the word treatment, hoping you’d catch on to how the lab was doing anything but.
You beamed at him. “That’s amazing! Hopefully I can meet her one day when she’s better,”
“Oh I think she’d like that very much. We both would”
You spent the evening talking, eventually moving from the counter to sit at the pine coffee table. Peter couldn’t help but realise it was the first conversation he’d had with an adult wherein he didn’t feel under a microscope or waiting for him to perform like a circus freak.
“How was your…day with… Harry, was it?” Peter didn’t want to acknowledge the other man by name but he needed you to know he listened to you and remembered. This way he could gauge if Harry was a concern.
Peter watched your expression change. You itched the side of your neck in a manner that suggested you were not so pleased with Harry.
“Not very well, he wants to go out again in a few days…but I’m not sure…”
What a relief. He thought to himself. Peter had never met Harry but he didn’t need to. It was obvious you should be with him. You were funny, clever and witty and Harry was not right for you.
“Is…that not something you’d like,”
“We went to dinner which was nice then a movie, which…wasn’t really for me…but I picked dinner so he picked the movie, only fair. I don’t think we’re going to work out but I’ll probably see him once more to be sure,”
“That doesn’t seem fair to me,” Peter leant in “I’d let you…I mean…my date pick both,”. The flicker across your features did not go unnoticed. Where you thinking of him with you on a date, imagining it was him with you instead of Harry wishing you’d gone out with Peter instead.
“What would you’ve liked to see instead,” he asked you. He knew regardless of the answer, he’d pretend he knew of it, and sit through it. It would be easy to enjoy anything that got him closer to his goal of having you.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you were already smiling at him, your hand half concealing your mouth
“Don’t be silly, I would never,” Peter grinned widely at you, hoping it would encourage you into sharing. He wanted to reach across and squeeze your hand to reassure you that you were safe with him.
“I really like horrors…I wanted to see The Amityville Horror,”
Peter opted to play coy, he’d heard about it. Some of the other staff had been discussing it and given the story, it had piqued his interest.
“Is that the one about the family that move into the cursed house?” A smile tweaked at his lips.
“I heard good things about that one…I wanted to see the Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” Peter said. It was a small lie. He’d never bothered but he remembered it as one of the videos you had at home. “But I never got around to seeing it,”
“Oh!” Your eyes lit up and you suddenly sat up, a new lease of life behind your words “I LOVE that one,” the excitement in your voice was contagious. “It’s one of the best, I have it on video,“
“Is it scary?” Peter asked. “I heard it was,” he pressed further wanting to know if you scared easy.
“I mean yeah but like in a good way?” You enthused. “I’m a bit fascinated with creepy stuff like that,”
“Oh are you?” Peter’s tone dropped a little as his smile spread. He wondered if you knew about “the Creel murders” Maybe you did…maybe you liked the story sold to the masses about the house allegedly driving Victor Creel crazy and him killing his children and wife, maybe you did know about it. Maybe you liked the idea of it so much you’d buy into a horror with a similar story. There was something so alluring about that, Peter could help but hope that was the case.
“You’re laughing at me,” you protested and playfully pushed his arm as if you were old friends.
“No,” Peter tilted his head “I’m just surprised but I like that… that you’re into weird movies, maybe we can watch it together,”
“Yes! That would so good,” You suddenly you shifted and leant over closer to him, his words encouraging you “God you must think I’m so morbid, but truth be told, I can’t get enough of all that creepy stuff,” your voice dropped. “I used to tell the other kids stories at school and one of them cried, I felt a bit bad but it was kinda funny,”
A laugh came from your throat. This side of you was different, but he liked it. It made him want you even more.
Two weeks had passed since his first solo conversation with you and Peter had spent the time stepping up his efforts each and every time you visited. When you’d bid your uncle goodbye, you’d squeeze Peters arm on the way out. It had become a silent gesture to mean you’d met him at his quarters.
It had not gone unappreciated as it seemed each time you went to his quarters, you’d stay later and later. It wasn’t quite in the romantic way Peter had hoped but it was getting closer. Lingering touches, a longing glance here and there. You had to feel it too.
The last time you’d visited, he had a gift ready. He’d bought you a video. It was another horror that he’d purchased from a store in town, he’d told the sales assistant what you liked from what he remembered in your home and selected one he didn’t think you had.
As per your routine, you squeezed his arm, your touch once again sent the heat of your fingers through the fabric of his shirt, and he excused himself quickly to meet you down there.
“… I have something for you,” you’d barely turned into the corridor when he’d used this as an excuse to take your arm and lead you into the room. “Here, close your eyes now,” he spoke to you gently, clicking the latch on the door and his heart soared when you complied. If he had his powers, he could do anything right here with you completely off guard. He wouldn’t. Peter would never hurt you of course.
“The man in the store said it’s good. I don’t know if you’ve seen it,” he reached for your arms, held your hands out being careful to linger his fingers over yours as he pressed the gift into them.
Upon opening your eyes and looking over his choice for you, the smile you gave him was worth any risk. Peter would kill for that smile. Gladly.
“Thank you Peter, I haven’t seen this one,” you held on to it tightly “I wanted to but I never…I never got the chance, maybe we can watch it together,”
“I’d like that,” Peter reached down and brushed your hair back “One day we will.”
Your eyes met his and it was like you communicated to him in that moment that whatever this was…it was mutual. He knew it. You felt the same.
“Oh shit,” your eyes fell on the clock “I forgot I was meeting Harry,”
“You’re… you’re seeing him again?” Peter hesitated. “I thought things weren’t going well,”
You shrugged. “I mean, they’re not but…I figure I’ll give him one last chance,”
Peter once more reached for your hand “You’re too sweet,” he smiled. “I like that about you but be careful he doesn’t take you for granted,”
“Thank you for looking out for me, Peter,” you pressed up on your toes and kissed his cheek.
As Peter watched you go, this made one thing clear. Harry had to go.
The next day he’d managed to convince 011 to remove his tracker and he put the last step of his plan into action. He’d promised to he’d help her escape that evening but that he had something to take care of first.
As he stood outside of the other man’s house, he took a breath, in and out. Peter knew he couldn’t kill him the second he opened the door, however tempting that would be. He needed to do it inside.
“Harry, is it?” Peter asked the moment the door was opened. Harry, was about his height, light brown hair, broad shouldered and dressed in a black leather jacket “I’m Peter, we have a mutual friend, can I come in?”
“Sorry, man I’m just,”
Sensing Harry was about to block the door, Peter quickly put pressure on it, causing Harry to lose his grip and allowing Peter to slip in to the property. Harry turned to face him, closing the door. Good, closed meant no witnesses.
“[Name]. the girl you went out with. You’re not going to see her again,” Peter stalked further into the hallway taking care to keep his voice calm and in the same tone he used for the children. “I don’t think it’s good…you hanging around her,”
His eyes focused on a painting on the wall as he wondered if Harry had anyone to miss him.
“You’re not her boyfriend, man why do you care?” Harry was defensive “She can do whatever she likes,”
“I’m not her boyfriend, not yet but…she’s for me now,” Peter turned back to the other man.
Harry’s eyes narrowed at Peter. “What the fuck are you talking about, freak, get out of here, I have to get ready for work,”
Peter had hoped it would come to this. He smiled politely and made as if he was going to head for the door, but paused.
Harry had barely taken three steps up before he stopped, held in place unable to move further.
“What the fuck is happening… are you doing this,” There was a slight tinge of panic in Harry’s voice as he realised he was locked into place on the third stair, unable to progress further.
“Oh Harry, you should have listened,” Peter’s voice darkened and the sudden change caught Harry off guard. He rested one hand on the door knob “I gave you an easy out,”
“What are you tal-…” The other man wouldn’t be given the chance to end his sentence.
With merely a look over his shoulder, Peter cut him off, Harry had fallen to the floor with his leg bent up under his back into a heap at the bottom of the stairs.
“You should be careful, It’s icy outside,” Peter stated before tilting his head and exiting out into the cold. “You could slip,”
Harry let out a strained strangled scream before the sound of his last words were cut out by his head twisted uncomfortably backwards.
Peter could imagine the headlines now. He’d slipped and fallen.
Confident with his restored powers, he returned to the lab. As he moved from room to room, he set about incapacitating the other orderlies, snapping necks with a stare and an extended arm. Peter was careful, he couldn’t risk being caught not before he could get to Brenners office and take care of him once and for all.
He could hear Brenner in the office from down the hall, so he made his way carefully to the door and entered, however when he saw inside the office, he froze. It wasn’t Brenner. It was you. Arms rifling through files and paper work scattered around you. You dropped the documents you were holding
“What… are you doing,” Peter stated. He could see your eyes run over him and subconsciously he checked his nose for blood.
“Something is going on at this lab,” you stood up “He’s experimenting on the kids, they’re not sick, they’re, like, telekinetic,” you paused “I don’t…I don’t quite know how it all works but…,”
Peter bit his lip considering the confession you’d just given him “You…you know?”
“Well I’ve had my suspicions for a while…it’s why I came here, the girl you were telling me about… we can help her, we can help them,”
You leant up and pressed a kiss to his lips and in an instant his hands were on your hips, pulling you tightly against him. The kiss was everything he’d imagined and so much more. He almost never wanted it to end.
“You think I don’t know,” you smirked at him, arms linked around the back of his neck, before you moved a hand to where the Soteria had been. “It’s gone,” you smiled as Peter inhaled sharply as you traced the scar where his inhibitor once resided and only exhaled when you kissed him once more, and moved your hands into his hair.
“You said it yourself, you’re never really off the clock,” Peter felt his shoulders ease as you kissed him again “It’s okay, Peter,” you kissed him once more. “I’m with you, I’m on your side, they won’t hurt you again,”
You pulled away for a moment before.
Peter didn’t want to help all of them, just the girl. He’d find her, 011, then you’d leave. The other kids would be an unfortunate casualty, the three of you being the only survivors. Yes. It would be perfect.
“Okay, get out of the building through the staff exit, I’ll get the girl, have the car running,” he ran a hand through his hair. “We’ll have a fresh start,” he instructed.
You gave him another kiss before you headed to the door.
“Don’t be too long,” your voice lingered
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he gave you a smile, it was true, now that he had you, he had no intentions of ever letting you go.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
hi Callie! My tumblr is stuck on a random fic of yours so I’ll have to fix that later but I had question that’s been marinating for a while!!
Although I’m still new to this whole tumblr stuff, I was seeking some advice for newbies who want to start writing? I’ve always been inspired reading yours and other fic writers’ fics!
I’ve written fics in the past but never published them cus I didn’t know any platforms to post them on back then
One day I might post some and become a fic writer like you!!! Gotta build up that courage and knowledge somewhere first though 🤧🤧
love you always, hope you’re taking care of yourself these past few days 😮‍💨
woo!, moonjin xx
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hiya moonjin !!!
sorry for taking almost an entire day to respond ;-; but wowoow i’m incredibly honored that you’ve come to me for advice as well as being part of your inspiration to start writing :))
okay, so i went through my previous asks about writing and tagged them as #writing advice. but here are the most important tips that i would say:
plan out your fic– to make the process easier, i would suggest creating an outline! outlining is a great way to visualize the story you’re telling and plan out any research you might need to do. it doesn’t have to be super detailed or anything. you can just put down what exactly you want to happen from start to finish, note any dialogue you might want to add, or describe the scenes you want to include. 
no matter how many times the idea has been done before, write that fic! when i first started, i remember not wanting to write a fic solely bc there’s already one out there with a similar plot. but don’t let this discourage you! everyone’s writing is one of a kind, which makes each fic special. for example, the best friends to lovers trope is something that’s been done a million times, but your take on it will be unique as it’s your words and your dialogue. 
quality over quantity always– don’t worry too much about how short (or long) your fic is! focus more on how you deliver the story rather than aiming for a specific word count. some writers can produce amazing fics in just under a thousand words. it’s all about the quality of your work, not the length of it. for any first-time writers, i would suggest writing something small to test it out, have a feel for what it’s like and use this to discover your writing style.
proofread your work– this one is obvious, but it’s essential! i know that feeling at the end after typing out the last line of the story. you’re happy that you’ve finally completed it and are excited to post. but don’t forget to read it over once or twice before uploading to make sure your spelling is correct and your grammar is the best that it could be. yes, no one’s perfect. you may not catch every mistake, but you can try fixing most! you can also run it through sites like grammarly to find those errors.
have fun with it– i can’t stress this enough, writing should be fun. remember that you’re allowed to step away and take a break. you can always come back to it once you’re ready! it might seem scary to post in the beginning, but it’s such a rewarding experience when you do. writing takes a lot of time, effort and love, and sharing it with thousands of readers on this platform is an outstanding achievement in itself. so far, this whole community has been lovely and very supportive! i can assure you that they’ll be thrilled for more stories!
hopefully this helps, darling! i can’t wait to read the wonderful fics you have in store for us :) i’m always here if you need any more help!
(also i really love that pic of oscar *swoon*)
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Unlikely Lovers Chapter Two
It was been so much fun writing this series with @beccabarba​ . Thank you for putting up with my bad grammar and horrible spelling mistakes just to be thirsty with me over this amazing man.
Master List
Warnings: Slightly cranky Nick, Smut: Male receiving.
WC:  2713
Enjoy x
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Neither of you were back at work until Monday morning, and you made the most of not working the weekend. Not much sleep was had on Saturday night, as you explored each other’s bodies, revelled in the sweet relief of finally acknowledging how you felt about each other. Nick eventually left your place on Sunday afternoon, with lingering kisses on the doorstep. Both of you were well aware that this wasn’t just a friends-with-benefits hook up, although neither of you were quite ready to admit to any deeper emotions yet. But you ended up messaging most of the evening too.
All of which made seeing him on Monday morning, in the bullpen of the 16th precinct, where you’d seen him so many times before, seem very surreal. He was already there when you arrived, getting his typical early start. He was standing at his desk, in a burgundy shirt and dark suit pants, his thumbs hooked in his belt as he teased Amanda about her taste in movies.
“I can’t help it if y’all are cowards,” Amanda was saying, as you approached. She leaned back in her chair and grinned at you. “Morning, Y/N, Nick was just telling me you couldn’t make it through the movie.” She shook her head good naturedly. “Cops who can deal with a crime scene but not a few zombies…”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Next time, I’ll pick the movie,” you retorted, looking at her but refusing to meet Nick’s eyes. You didn’t trust yourself to look at him, especially while your movie night was the topic of conversation.
“What’s it gonna be, Dirty Dancing or something?” Amanda smirked.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet,” you retorted, going to sit at your desk. If Amanda had noticed that you’d not so much as greeted Nick, she didn’t say anything.
After you’d checked your emails, you watched Amanda get up from her desk to make a call on her personal phone, rolling her eyes as she walked towards the exit. You glanced across at Nick, but he was reading a paper file on his desk and didn’t look up. Probably just as well, since you had no idea how to talk to him in this setting, everything had changed. It was exciting, but it was unnerving too. A pang of nerves hit you in the gut: what if being around you at work made him change his mind? What if the reality of this was too much for him – or for you? What if he wasn’t sure, and just looking for comfort? He’d not dated much since his divorce, after all, and you were an unlikely pairing. Was that why he wasn’t acknowledging you now?
To calm your nerves, and take the edge off your tiredness, you got up to make a cup of coffee. There was a fresh pot ready and waiting. You were just pouring it into your cup when you felt – with your detective’s instincts – someone close behind you. Just before you turned, you felt his hands slide onto your hips, his fingers slipping just under the waistband of your pants. He was very close behind you, but not quite touching.
“Want a coffee, Detective Amaro?” you said, hearing the edge of nerves in your voice.
He leaned forwards, so his quiet words were close to your ear. “I had an amazing time on Saturday night,” he said, his voice warm. All the tension in you melted away at his words, his touch. “What’re you doing after work?”
You put your coffee down and turned on the spot, finding yourself face to face with him, his eyes meeting yours, his desire for you very apparent. “I don’t have any plans…” you told him.
“Would you like some?”
You smirked, your face growing hot. “What kind of plans?”
His mouth twitched into a cheeky smile. “I know what sort of plans you’re thinking about,” he teased. “But join me for a drink first? Maybe dinner?”
“Like a date?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, exactly like a date,” he nodded. He looked so handsome you just wanted to kiss him.
“And after the date…?” you asked.
“We can do whatever it is that’s currently going through your mind,” he winked and turned away before you could reply, heading back to his desk. He stood behind his chair, one hand on his hip, looking back at you. You shook your head, grabbed your coffee and started in his direction.
“Ah good, Y/L/N, Amaro, you’re both here. I need you to go out to Riker’s…” Liv walked through the bullpen, stopping near Nick.
You took a gulp of your coffee and put it on your desk. “Sure thing, Sergeant,” you said, glancing at Nick. “What for?”
“Barba needs you to revisit the confession you got yesterday. Make sure the details still check out. He wants to take it to a Grand Jury, but he’s worried it sounds too good to be true, like he was coached by someone on the inside.”
Nick rolled his eyes. “So Barba doesn’t trust us?”
Liv looked at him, “he just wants to make sure, Nick. It’s not about trust.” Nick nodded, though he was still frowning.
“We’ll get going now,” you said. “Come on Nick, I’ll let you drive…” You saw his face change when he realised he got to spend some time with you this morning, away from prying eyes. He grabbed his suit jacket from the back of his chair and slipped it on, following you towards the doors. You passed Amanda on her way back into the building.
“Where’s the fire?” she demanded, looking at you.
“Liv wants us at Riker’s,” you told her. “Checking the confession.”
Amanda rolled her eyes. “Barba’s being thorough on this one? I suppose it’s fair enough.” She paused. “Hey, are you guys free tonight? My family have finally decided to leave me be – we could catch up since we missed Saturday. Get a beer or something?”
“Oh, er…” you managed.
“Afraid I can’t. I’ve said I’ll go see my mom,” Nick said. Amanda turned to you.
“I’m really sorry,” you added, thinking quickly, “can we make plans for later in the week? I said I’d helped my cousin with his biology homework tonight, I can’t let him down.”
Amanda looked from you to Nick and shook her head. “Sure, guys, just me and my horror movies, I guess. I forget you both have families you actually want to see… See ya when you get back from Riker’s.” She turned and disappeared into the bullpen, as you and Nick hurried to the elevator.
It was usually only a half hour’s drive to Riker’s, but Nick took the Williamsburg Bridge and you hit traffic near Greenpoint that added another thirty minutes to the journey. By the time you arrived, Nick’s jaw had set impatiently. What had been flirty conversation for the first part of the journey had become professional preparations for your visit to Riker’s and then a settled silence as you reached the island. Visits to Riker’s always felt bleak; even hardened detectives weren’t immune to disgust at the conditions of the inmates there, many of them for minor crimes, or remanded awaiting trial.
As luck would have it, you were kept waiting, for reasons the corrections officers didn’t really explain. Nick, already frustrated, only got even more wound up, pacing the floor of the small room you were given to wait in. You already knew well enough that it was better to just leave him be when he was like this, so you sipped a Coke from the vending machine and just watched him walk back and forth, unable to help running your eyes up and down his form, enjoying just how well his clothes fit around that body you now knew intimately.
When you finally got to interview your suspect, he was resentful and much less in the mood for talking than he had been the day before. You let Nick take the lead; interrogation being one of his specialist skills, and one you’d had much less experience in during your time working Cold Case. Even without your attraction to him, you had a lot of admiration for Nick as a detective, one of the most intuitive and hardworking you’d ever met. His gut was usually right; today was no different and he found the holes in the supposed confession that could’ve made Barba’s whole case come tumbling down.
You were just ready to leave when deafening alarms sounded and two corrections officers hurried into the secure interview room. One grabbed your suspect and hauled him off towards the depths of the jail, the other came to talk to you and Nick, a sense of urgency in his words. “We’re going into lockdown, can I ask you both to come with me? I’m afraid you can’t leave the island until we’ve resolved the issue.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Nick protested.
“Afraid not, Detective,” the officer said, showing you into the small waiting room you’d been in before. Nick signed and slumped into a plastic chair, taking out his phone to call Liv with an update. You could see how tense his shoulders were, his brow settled into a frown as his call ended. You were frustrated too, but more because you were worried this would lessen his enthusiasm for tonight’s date. You did manage to lure him into conversation, as the time ticked by, but he would keep pacing the room, not happy with the enforced captivity.
Several hours later, it was already dusk as you finally got back in the car, heading back towards Manhattan, Nick muttering something about taking the Robert F Kennedy Bridge and the FDR as you set off. Although he was glad to be leaving, Nick was clearly still on edge. You watched him, driving, looking at his hands on the wheel, remembering what those fingers felt like on your body. Eventually he glanced over at you.
“What’re you looking at?” he said, a tiny smile curling his lips.
“You,” you replied.
“Why?” he asked “See something you like?”
“I think you know the answer to that” you purred reaching over resting your hand on his thigh.
Nick looked over at you for a moment taking his eyes off the road. He reached down grabbing your hand bringing it to his lips kissing the back of it and then moving to thread his fingers into yours, bringing both your hands down to rest on his thigh.
“I do know” he smirked. The car fell silent, the music filling the inside and you both looking out the window at the darkening sky and bright moon. Nick broke the silence first “Sorry about tonight, I was hoping we would have been back in the city way before now. I was looking forward to taking you out,” Nick sighed giving your hand a squeeze.
“It’s ok,” you squeezed his hand back. “But the night isn’t completely lost” you grinned “Around the next bend pull over.”
You saw the big grin pull to Nick’s face and he licked his lips. Nick drove around the bend and signaled to pull over on a small dirt clearing. He let go of your hand throwing the car into park, turning off the engine, and you both unclipped your seatbelts. Nick adjusted himself in his seat spreading his legs wider. You moved in your seat onto your side to face him, your hand resting back on his thigh running it up to his crotch.
Nick’s breathing hitched and he hooked his arm around your neck pulling you into him is lips landing on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth twisting with yours. You swallowed his groans as your hand came up to cup him through his slacks, his cock instantly hardening at your touch.
Nick pulled back from your kiss and started to kiss along your jaw, down your neck in big wet open mouth kisses, nipping and sucking ever so lightly as he made quick work of undoing a couple of your shirt buttons, your red lace bra on full display. You reached up with both hands undoing Nick’s belt buckle, pants buttons and zipper sliding your hand down into his boxers and your hand wrapped around his long thick cock, pulling it out, his pre-cum covered tip glistening in the moonlight.
You turned your head, your lips ghosting his, Nick’s hot breath fanning your face and his right hand ran around to run up and down your back,
“I told you the night wasn’t completely lost,” you ran your lips against his while your hand lazily jerked him off.
“You’re such a good girl for me. You know how to make things better,” Nick said through hooded eyes, proving he’d remembered how you enjoyed his praise. You felt a hot throb of pleasure.
“Tell me why you were frustrated today Nick,” you purred into his lips as you twisted your wrist, making your way back up from his base.
“I told you,” he moaned bucking his hips up into your hand “I wanted to take you out.”
“And-” Nick groaned loud, his head falling back into the seat, biting his bottom lip. “I have wanted you so bad all day”
“Is that so?” Nick nodded, his eyes closing and his mouth going slack. “I have wanted this amazing cock in my mouth all day.”
You pecked Nick’s lips, nipping his bottom lip before leaning down to take his tip into your mouth, your tongue flat, licking around him and taking him fully into your mouth relaxing your throat to take him as deep as you could and then making your way back up to his tip again. He reached over with one hand, pulling out your hair tie letting your hair flow down over your back and shoulders.
Nick rested his hand in the hair on the back of your head, threading his fingers into it, guiding your head up and down on him with no pressure, while his other hand worked its way down your shirt. His big warm hand running along your skin and slipping into your bra, massaging your flesh and toying with your nipple between his fingers,
“Y/N, you take my cock so well- that’s it, baby, just like that,” Nick moaned and groaned, his mouth open and eyes closed.
Nick started to roll his hips up into your mouth when he hit the back of your throat, his hand balling into a fist in your hair and he squeezed your tit, when you reached up cradling his balls, squeezing him lightly. You could feel your panties damping, your body on fire from Nick groping you and the feel of his cock on your tongue.
Nick pulled his hand out of your bra, both his hands going to the back of your head pushing you down on him, his thick curled hair tickling your nose while the car windows completely fogged up from his heavy breathing. Nick guided your head back up to his tip and then pushed you back down, your name, god and Spanish you didn’t understand spilling from his mouth, when his hot salty cum filled your mouth, running down your throat. You sucked him clean and pulled off him with a pop, using your pointer finger to wipe the corner of your mouth dry before sucking the tip of your finger.
You heard a growl rattle through Nick’s chest as he watched you and you gave him a wink. Nick’s hand went to the back of your neck pulling you down to him, pulling your lips onto his, the kiss deepening straight away and Nick groaned into your mouth when he tasted himself on your tongue. You broke the kiss and Nick tucked your hair behind your ear, his thumb brushing over your cheek,
“Let’s go back to mine so I can get a change of clothes and then I’ll take you home.”
“You’re inviting yourself for a sleep over?” you raised an eyebrow at him with a grin and he chuckled back at you.
“I don’t know how much sleeping we will be doing, but I can promise you baby, I will return the favour, hopefully more than once.”
  Tags:  @wanniiieeee​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @randofando-spoonie​  @alwaysachorusgirl​  @amorestevens​  @harryssxnflwr​​ @teamsladsandgents​ @thatesqcrush​ @storiesofsvu​ @skittle479 @bisexual-dreamer02​ @glimmerglittergirl​ @witches-unruly-heart​​ @berniesilvas​
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aworldoffandoms · 3 years
Love is a Beautiful Thing - Ethan x F!MC
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Authors Note:  HI! I’m back (finally) with another prompt ask fic! I know it’s taken too long for this to happen but my laptop battery decided to shit itself and I needed to send it away to get it fixed and now it’s back and here it is! lol. I’m sorry for my mediocre writing with this one but I hope you enjoy, anyway! I apologise for any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Prompt is in bold.
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC [Nicolette Valentine]
Word Count: 2, 075 (who allows me to write? Oh, me... damnit.)
Prompt: “Not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.”
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff and Ethan and Nic being cute. 
Tag list at the bottom of this post.
Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Pixelberry and all characters belong to them.
Ethan knew the exact moment that he fell in love with Nicolette. It was on a Sunday, their first weekend off in two months and Nicolette was staying over, her hair up in a messy bun, red hair slipping out of its hold and framing her face in the most delicate way that made her more ethereal when the sun shone on her hair, making it glow like a warm fire. 
He knew he was in love when she smiles, her cheeks and all of her smattered with freckles that Ethan found himself tracing with his fingers at night, following them like a map as they trailed from her nose, down her cheeks to the lower parts of her chest and shoulders and Ethan marvels each time he gets to see them, touch them...kiss them. 
His chest warms with love when she comes home from grocery shopping in an oversized Columbia University jumper that she got at a conference in her second year of medical school, her Adidas stretch leggings that hugged her legs in the most enticing and her long hair a mess around her shoulders, not caring about her appearance in the slightest. It reiterates how comfortable she was with him. This is Nicolette in her purest form and a smile lifts his lips at the thought that Nicolette, the most gentle, kind-hearted and compassionate woman was able to be herself with him in whatever capacity.
Ethan knew he was in love when he finds Nicolette on his couch, tears tracking down her face and a pile of tissues surrounding her, her eyes glued to the television. One glance at the TV and Ethan realises it’s a Disney movie. He should be amazed and somewhat turned off by the fact that a twenty-eight-year-old cries at a Disney movie but in this particular case, a fond smile raises his lips at the sight even when his heart drops at seeing her crying. He never likes to see her cry. He always admires Nicolette when she doesn’t hide behind a facade of what she should be. If she wants to watch a movie from her childhood then she is going to watch it, if she cries then she’ll do it. She is real. She is her authentic self and Ethan has never been more in love. 
Ethan’s in love when he finds Nicolette, sitting in front of his laptop, researching a case they’ve been trying to diagnose one night, her glasses perched on her face, her nose scrunched up in concentration, the light of the screen emphasising the bags under those beautiful blue eyes. She doesn’t know he’s there, himself tucked behind an alcove out of sight. So now, he just watches her do her thing, sift through notes, type on the keyboard. A silent chuckle escapes him when he sees her tongue poking out of her lips, a sure sign that she was in the deepest trance of her concentration. Nicolette pushes back some of the hair that had fallen in her face and Ethan’s fingers twitch to do the same but he forces himself to resist and stay put. He’s more than content just to watch her. 
It’s then that he really knows it. He could watch her do that for the rest of his life if he wanted to and he’d never get sick of it. Pure happiness and joy settle around him like a warm blanket on a cold night and he sighs at the euphoric feeling. He loves Nicolette and he’ll love her for the rest of his days on this earth. 
“I know you’re there, Ethan so you can come out of your creepy hideaway and come sit with me. I need your brain for a minute.” 
Ethan jolts out of his own trance (or perhaps he should say his Nicolette trance) and pads over to the couch, laughing as he does so. 
“‘You need my brain’? That’s a creative and articulate way of saying you need me.” 
Nicolette glances over to him, giving him a flat look before she smiles and shrugs at his words. “It’s true though, I need you for your brain and nothing else right now.” 
Ethan chuckles, his hand coming up to wrap around the back of her neck as he begins gently kneading it, finding a cord of tension there. Nicolette melts into his touch but her eyes are still focused on the notes in front of her. 
“What a shame. I would have been happy to oblige in whatever else you needed from me.” 
Nicolette scoffs. “Please, Ethan. Maybe go grab some water for yourself because I am sure as hell ain’t thirsty right now. I’m researching this case and I need to study for my boards.” 
Ethan ignores the implication of those words (he did know what it meant, he wasn’t a complete tragic) and focuses on what Nicolette was viewing.
“Practice exam questions for IMCs?” 
Nicolette signs, removing her glasses to rub at her eyes. She had been staring at the laptop screen for too long and they were starting to hurt. She sighs as she puts her glasses back on and turns to her boyfriend. “Yes, they are. It’s the third time I’m going to study it today. Can you please help me through them? I need a sounding board right now. I’m sick and tired of hearing the voice inside my head read questions back at me.” 
Ethan’s eyebrows furrow in concern at the lethargy he can hear in her voice and the small droop of her shoulders. He doesn’t want her to burn out but he figures that she’ll continue anyway. She’s as stubborn as him. 
“Okay, I’ll help. What do you need?” 
Nicolette claps and sits back from him, pulling her knees up underneath her and turns so that she’s face to face with him. “Run through some practice questions with me and then we can get some takeaway and watch a trashy movie or something.” 
Ethan chuckles, a fond smile lighting up his face. He finds where Nicolette was up to and begins reciting the question. “Okay. Here we go… A 23-year-old woman with bone marrow failure is treated with a large dose of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin. Ten days later, she develops fever, lymphadenopathy, arthralgias, and erythema on her hands and feet. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these symptoms?” 
Ethan already knew the answer but he allows Nicolette the time to answer herself. He sees the clocks working in her mind and her eyes light up as she finds the answer. “Is it immune complex deposition in tissues?” 
Ethan flips back to the practice test answers and he gives a nod and an answering smile at her when he finds that she was correct. He would have told her yes straight away but he knew Nicolette enough that she would have appreciated that he goes to the answered section to make sure that she’s correct. 
“Yes, you’re right! Good work!” 
Nicolette cheers with a resounding ‘yay’ as she claps her hands, her face alight with relief. Ethan grins at her enthusiasm because he knows how much succeeding at this means to her. So, it’s there, in the middle of Ethan’s living room, the sun already on its decline where Ethan and Nicolette sit and work through each question of her board exam practice test. 
It's a few hours after that, the inky black night piercing the living room, both of them leaning up against the couch with Ethan chuckling at a particular answer that Nicolette got wrong (and a particularly hard one at that, he wasn’t going to lie) that he realises he’s having the time of his life. It’s these little moments that set his heart aflame, that bring him a sense of contentment. Rightness.  
Ethan can’t fathom a time where he wasn’t having fun with Nicolette and he is so glad that he is in a position to be here with her. She is his closest confidant, a person with whom he can be himself, his best self, opinions, objections and all. A warm smile lifts the corners of his mouth and he says the next words with an air of reverence, of truth and certainty for they were the truest words to ever leave his lips. 
Ethan grabs her hand, his face serious for a moment and Nicolette stops and stares at the utter warmth of his eyes, the blue of them liquid cyan and the admiration on his face makes her breath hitch in her throat.
“You are amazing, Nicolette. You make every day brighter and I can’t honestly imagine walking through life without you. I can honestly, without any reservation, say that not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.” 
Nicolette is frozen, her mouth popped open in evident shock but Ethan sees the effect his words have had on her. Her crystal blue eyes shine like diamonds as tears well up in them and he resists the urge to pull her to him. He needs to say this otherwise he was going to burst. 
“I realise it’s not the best time but I just had to say it. I needed to otherwise—” 
Nicolette cuts him off with a kiss, the kiss so strong that he loses his balance against the suddenness of it and falls backwards, both of them sprawled on the plush area rug. 
Nicolette breaks the kiss after a while and just looks at him, her fingers tracing the sharp line of his jaw. Her eyes are shiny and tears are slowly making their way down her cheeks as she whispers, her forehead coming to rest upon his gently, her lips mere inches away from his.
“I can’t study for my boards now since you’ve said that so we’re going to get takeaway. Call for Chinese and I’ll put on a movie.” 
There is a pang in his chest as he hears her words and he can’t help but be disappointed. A part of him was hoping for reciprocation or at least something remotely related to his words. And yet, Nicolette’s mind is different from his, no less fantastically intelligent but different and he realises that she processes things differently from him. Whether it takes her a few seconds, minutes or days, it won’t matter to him. He would wait for her forever. 
He nods, trying to not let the disappointment show on his face and plucks his phone out of his pocket and press speed dial to call his favourite Chinese restaurant just down the main street, a few metres from his condo. 
He’s just staring out at the horizon, his eyes scanning the twinkling skyline of Boston when he freezes as he feels Nicolette behind him hugging him, her head on his back and her arms tight around his torso. He shivers when he feels Nicolette kiss his shoulder, her face buried into him, almost like she wanted to melt into him completely. 
“I love you too, Ethan. I know I don’t say it enough but you’re my best friend and I thank the stars every day that we met.” She squeezes him once more before letting go. “Oh, and don’t forget the Kung pao chicken.” 
Ethan grins and his heart flies out of his chest. God, he loves this woman so much. 
“I would never forget the Kung pao chicken, Nicolette.” 
Nicolette turns to him and gives him a soft smile, her eyes shining with deep affection. “Good. I knew I loved you for a reason.”  
“Oh? Is that the only reason?” 
Nicolette smirks as she makes her way to the cabinet next to the stove where they kept the wine, her eyes alight with mischief as she gives Ethan a wink. 
“A woman never reveals her secrets, Ethan.” 
Ethan laughs, the sound light and happy, a smile on his lips as he orders them dinner. Love is a beautiful thing, Ethan thinks, and he again berates himself for resisting this wonderful feeling for so long. He marvels silently as he stares out at the Boston skyline again, the sounds of domesticity surround him as Nicolette gets ready for dinner and he’s never felt so safe, so calm...so at ease.
Ethan lets out a sigh of contentment. Love is beautiful and if he could have a beautiful life with Nicolette? Well, then... he can call himself the luckiest man on earth.
OH TAG LIST:  @senseofduties @polishchoicesfan @princess-geek @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @binny1985 @fanficnewbie @x-kyne-x  @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @jens-diamondchoices @hopelessly-shipper @my-heart-beats-for-ya @landofenchantedwonder​ @flyawayboo​ @stanathanxoox​ @oofchoices​ @thequeenofcronuts​ @heauxplesslydevoted​ @trappedinfandoms​  @perriewinklenerdie​ @riverrune​ @caseyvalentineramsey @nithya @kaavyaethanramsey @whippedforethanfreakingramsey​ @theeccentricbiblophile @maurine07​ @openheartthot​ @takemyopenheart​ @queencarb​ @drariellevalentine​ @drakewalkerfantasy​ @pixelberrychoicesaddict-blog @starrystarrytrouble​ @buzz-bee-buzz @anything-but-reality​ @doilooklikeiknow​ @mvalentine​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @anntoldst0ries​  @nishas-paradise  @tenaciousdeputydreamfriend @choicesaddict5​  @fireycookie @thegreentwin​
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skylawrites · 3 years
A/N: Hi! I wrote this a month or two ago, based on the song "Achilles Come Down" by Gang of Youths. And it turned into this! It's Hurt/comfort. With some angst. Also I would like to mention that if any of my stories have a spelling or grammar error that I missed feel free to correct me! So I hope you enjoy!
Trigger Warning: Suicide attempt. Suicidal Thoughts. Yelling/fighting.
Davey was tired. He was tired of having to deal with this stress. The stress of everything going downhill. His family's health wasn't the best at the moment, and in a result he was being ignored. His basic needs being pushed aside because someone was worse off. He didn't want to resent his family but he didn't know how not to. How he was expected to be this perfect boy, when he too was human and made mistakes. His dad had gotten badly sick and now Davey had to work twice as hard as before to pay for the medical bills and so his family had a place to live.
    He had basically been put in charge of caring for Les because his mom was constantly at work. Which in its self was hard. How do you raise a child at age 17? He didn't even have his own life together.
     Davey was done.
     The cold wind whipped through his hair. The lights sitting the sidewalk seemed small from the edge of the building. The people looked like ants, each having a role in society's anthill. And what was Davey here for? He wanted to have a life. Be able to talk to his friends again. If he had any left, after distancing himself from them for so long.They probably hated him, didn't want anything to do with him.
    His feet were pressed against the edge. Looking below at the concrete, which he would soon hit. When he took this next step he would be gone. In a flash. No more running, no more hiding. Just gone. He wished he could say goodbye to Les one last time. But he couldn't back down now. Hopefully Les will understand. And someday grow to be a responsible, successful adult.
    Taking a deep breath and absorbing the last of the feel of New York. His home. Then he stepped off with one foot.
Jack and Crutchie stood in the streets. Walking to their rooftop in which they lived to settle down for the night. Jack sighed in frustration . Davey had been avoiding Jack for 2 weeks now. Why? He had tried to exchange conversation but every time Davey didn't seem to hear. He wasn't coming with the others to Jacobi's like usual. Nor had he seemed to talk to anyone else. Jack hadn't seen Davey smile in a long time. And to say the least he just missed Davey. Was it something Jack did or said? Maybe if he-
"What's that?" Crutchie asked snapping Jack out of his thoughts and back to reality. Crutchie was pointing towards the top of the building. It was hard to make out but jack saw a person. Standing dangerously close to the edge. Jack immediately understood what was going on and gasped.
"Crutchie keep heading home I'll be right there." He said urgency prominent in his voice. As he was running away he called behind him "if trouble arises go to the theatre!"
And with that Jack was off. Climbing the fire escape stair by stair, the rattling sound of metal resonating through the silent night air. When he made it to the top he shook with shock. 
    Davey started to fall. But something Jerked him back.  Something caught his body, hurling it back, Landing on top of someone with a thud. He hissed in pain.
     "What the hell dave,"
Davey would recognize the voice of Jack Kelly anywhere. But opposed to the confident, sarcastic, flirtatious tone he usually had his voice sounded weak, scared, hurt.
      Davey didn't respond. A hot tear glided down his face.
Jack placed a hand on Davey's shoulder. Looking him in the eyes.
"Why?" He whispered out.
    Davey didn't respond.
"WHY!?" Jack yelled.
     Davey couldn't look Jack in the eyes. His forced the words out of his mouth
     "Jackie I am so sorry..."
then he broke. Falling to his knees on the pavement. Sobs racking his frame.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."
     Jack took his arms and wrapped them the other boy.
Chiding him. He stroked a hand through Davey's hair.
Tears spilled out of Jack's eyes as well.
    Davey cried until he had nothing left in him. He sat sniffling and gasping for air. He pushed away from Jack. Standing up.
     Jack stood as well. Both boys eyes were red from the crying.
     Davey turned to walk away.
"I should get going it's getting late,"
"You say that as if nothing ever happened."
Davey chuckled. Wiping his wet eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
"I guess I've got a few minutes to spare."
     Rain began to spill out of the dark clouds above. Smashing against the pavement.
     Jack looked at Davey then at the streets. He grabbed Davey by the arm. And led him down the stairs and off the roof of the building.
    As the ran became harder Jack's pace quickened. He hoped Cruthie had made it back to the rooftop alright. Just as he went to turn into an alleyway Jack ran into someone. He looked up, his eyes meeting none other than Oscar Delancy.
     "Oh my? If it isn't our favorite little newsboy." He snarled.
   Jack took a step back. Regaining his stance. Oscar raised a first. Morris's eyes caught Davey's and had a mutual moment of understanding. Morris grabbed his brothers fist before he could do any harm.
    "Let's get going. It's getting late." He said gesturing towards their apartment.
    Oscar looked pissed but didn't really have to energy to argue with Morris.
      He looked Jack in the eyes one more time and said, "don't think you're getting some special treatment Jack." Before flipping him off and leaving.
    Davey mouthed "thank you," to Morris and he nodded back.
     The rain began to come down harder. Thunder boomed. Davey and Jack exchanged a look.
      "My house is about a mile down." Davey said. "We can split paths now? Or you could come home with me?"
      Jack examined the sky. The wind was picking up speed.
      "I know a better place."
He pulled Davey about a block down until they were outside the theatre. Jack swung open the back door and Davey followed him inside.
      They stood gasping for air, clothed drenched.
       "Is that you Jack?" A voice called. As Medda appeared in front of the boys.
     "Yeah," Jack greeted her,
      She examined the boys and exclaimed "oh my, it is really coming down out there. Here take these."
      She threw 2 towels to jack and he took one a wrapped it around his shoulders and the other around Davey's. Medda looked over at Davey's tear-stained face.
     "Would you like some water dear?" She asked.
     Davey nodded. Medda turned to walk away, Jack stopped her.
      "May I get one too?"
     "Yes Jack," she called behind her.
      When she had left Davey went over to the nearest wall. He leaned and sunk to the ground in a sitting position. Plopping his face into his hands.
    Jack sat down next to him. And wrapped an arm around him in comfort.
     Davey sank into the embrace and sighed.
     "Jack, I am so sorry,"
     "Hey," Jack wiped the tears off Davey's face. "We went over this, I ain't mad."
     "I- I know but-"
     "There's no buts. I'm just happy your alive Dave."
     Davey let out a small laugh. And whispered "me too."
     Davey fiddled with his hair. Which stuck to the sides of his face. Dripping with rainwater.
     Jack noticed and took one of the towels by his side and ruffled it through Davey's hair. Davey burst out laughing. And playfully slapped Jack with the towel beside him. Jack lowered his hands placing the towel on the ground. Davey's hair was now just damp and had started to become frizzy.
     Miss Medda returned with the water a few moments later handing them over.
    They both thanked her.
     "If you boys need anything else, don't hesitate to ask alright?"
     "Alright." Jack confirmed.
     When she left again Davey leaned his head on Jack shoulder. Jacks face flushed a bright red. He rubbed soothing circles on Daveys back. Both boys sat for what seemed like hours. Before drifting off to sleep.
      Medda had come back into the room a little while later to find the boys soundly sleeping on each other's shoulders. She smiled to herself. Those boys really were made for each other.
1,396 words
A/N: If you ever feeling Suicidal please reach out. It's important for you to take care of your mental heath. And I know that times may be hard. And it may seem like it will never get better, but it will. So stay around. And find the thing that makes you want to stay.
      I hope you enjoyed that! And I should have another oneshot soon after I edit it! I hope all of you lovely humans have a wonderful day!! (^∇^)
- Sky ☁️
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Easy As A-B-C
Pairing: Professor!Gwilym Lee x Reader
Summery:  Professor Lee is getting sick of marking papers, you offer an alternative. One where he doesn't need to think at all.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected sex, bimbofication (without hypnosis), oral sex (m and f receiving), hand job, light dom/sub dynamic, dom!reader, sub!Gwil, overstimulation, maybe a little bit of hair pulling
Words: 4,537
A/N: This was massively massively inspired by my love @dracoladon​ and her Drarry fic Lucid (seriously, go read it because she’s a much better writer than me and also sex dumb Draco is hhhhhhh). Reading it made me want to write more himbo fics but without all the hypnosis stuff thats in my Future Management series. Then I got talking to @peachydeacon​ about himbo!Rog which led to talking about himbo!Gwil and this fic is the result of our discussion lmao. It was also partly inspired by a post on a porn blog that popped up on my dash but I can’t link to that because tumblrs dumb. 
Also, it is a professor gwil fic but set after reader has graduated so it’s all above board lmao
Blurb Advent: Day 24
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Taglist:  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​ @hannafuckingsucks​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​ @johndeaconshands​ @borhapbois​ @stardust-galaxies​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​ @rogersslave​ @scorpiogemini 
Gwilym looked unreasonably hot while he was grading papers, his brow knitted, wearing a look of serious concentration made all the more noticeable by the reading glasses sliding down his nose. His loose tie and the undone top buttons of his business shirt lent him a casually dishevelled air, and that wasn’t even mentioning the way he absentmindedly twisted his pen between his fingers as he read and reread sentences he was struggling to understand, occasionally pausing to underline something or write a note in the margins. It all painted a very sexy image, the kind of serious sexy only a professor could achieve, though this sexiness was nowhere near new. You’d found his manner oddly arousing even when he’d been your professor. Of course, that had been a few years ago and well before you’d had your chance encounter in the local second hand bookstore that led you to ask him out. He’d stuttered out something about never having even thought of you as more than his student and “really I feel almost as if I’ll get in trouble for the conversation as soon as I get back to campus.” But the awkwardness soon changed when you confessed to having had a minor crush on him back in the day and having since hoped to run into him. He seemed more open to the idea of dinner with you after that and, if you were being honest, more cocky too, but cocky in a decidedly dignified and charming way. Anyway, one thing led to another and now here you were somewhere close to a year and half later and you were struggling not to stare at Gwil as he graded papers and looked professor-ally disarrayed and hot.
You knew it was something to do with the Romantic era poets that the students had to write about because he’d read a question out to you earlier to get your opinion of if it was confusingly worded. “No, I don’t think so,” “Then why in god’s name do none of my students get it?” he looked about ready to hit his head against the desk until he passed out but he returned to the topmost paper with a sigh and ruffled hair from where he’d run his hand through it. That’s when you’d started trying not to stare. A tall order when all you could think about was dragging Gwil to the bedroom and ravishing him enough to make him forget all about John Keats and poetry and the English language itself. Not that that was exactly hard. No, Gwilym had a tendency to get a little dazed and confused when you really gave it to him. Sex drunk you’d decided to call it. A transformation that you quite delighted in witnessing and causing. Gwil was sharp as a tack usually, always ready with some obscure fact or quote from literature. It was part of what made him such a good teacher, his memory for all things bookish, as well as his approachable (if a little stern) demeanour and his determination to get the best from his students. But it wasn’t hard to shut down his brain, cloud his memory and entirely befuddle him. One time you’d snuck into the bathroom at the restaurant you’d gone to for dinner and poor Gwilym had become so spaced out he’d spilt half a glass of wine in his lap and then walked into the glass door as you left, even with you leading him by the hand. You supposed that what they said about great power and responsibility was true. All the same, it was a fun power to wield and you knew that, with the right sort of attention, you could have Gwilym babbling incomprehensible gibberish with no memory of what a poem even was, which was surely something he’d appreciate right about now.
You blinked yourself from your reverie as, finally, Gwil set his glasses aside and rose from his seat, groaning as he stretched out the stiffness in his back. He rolled his neck back and forth, your eyes following, before letting his shoulders drop and moving to sit next to you on the couch. “I can’t do it anymore, I can’t read another word about Byron or I’ll loose it.” He sighed, draping an arm around your shoulders and leaning into your neck. “Byron? I remember that assignment. Everyone hated you for it,” His breath was warm against your skin as he spoke, sending a tingle down your spine, “Well if this year’s lot is anything to go by, the feeling was probably mutual,” “Mmm, I remember one girl saying she was going to shove her copy of Don Juan up your arse if she didn’t pass,” He lifted his head again and laughed, “And yet my rectum remains Byron fee and no other injuries befell me, so either I taught you enough to get by or you were all a bunch of cowards,” “Bit of both probably. And why would this year’s be any different, huh?” “I don’t know, you haven’t read any of their attempts at cohesive analysis. Some of them are just throwing out terms like allusion and anapestic and personification all willy-nilly, clearly without properly understanding them. ” “I think you’re being too harsh on them. They’re first years after all and it’s not always easy to understand all that poncy poetical bullshit. Plus, you know it all already so of course everyone else seems stupid to you,” “Maybe,” he conceded, though it seemed to take some effort. “Honestly, someone should put you in their position, see how well you go with it,” “Yeah? And who would do something like that?” Gwilym laughed as you shifted to straddle his lap, accepting the kiss you offered, “You?” “Maybe I will. Spell personification for me,” “You know it’s not high school English, right. We don’t do pop quizzes on spelling and grammar.” “I know you don’t, but this is my subject and I’m testing spelling. Besides,” you let your hand drop between you, brushing lightly over the front of his pants, “I promise it’ll be fun.” Gwil gave a half-hearted eye roll, “P-E-R-S-O-N-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N, personification. D’you want me to use it in a sentence too?” You knew he’d get it right. Gwil always had been good at spelling off the top of his head which you supposed was a side effect of all his reading and the years devoted to the written word. But it was still a little annoying. Mostly because he was being a bit of a tool about the whole thing, but it didn’t help that you’d grown quite wet thinking about how you’d like to have him, like to turn him into the fucked out airhead you’d seen before. You shook your head and tutted at him as if he got it wrong. “No, that’s definitely it. I’ve just read it about a hundred times, I know I’m right. P-E-R-S-O-N-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N,” he spelt it faster that time, trying to prove that you were wrong. “Try allusion for me,” “A-L-L-U-S-I-O-N,” Right again. You sighed as if you were disappointed. Gwilym raised his eyebrows but said nothing. “What about caesura?” “C-E-A-S-U-R-A,” The mistake was an easy one to make, two letters flipped around the wrong way, and you could tell he knew it was wrong as soon as he’d said it. He was surprised when you leant forward to kiss him again, cupping his jaw with one hand as you dropped the other and slowly pulled down the zip on his work pants. “But I fucked up,” he said softly, eyes still closed as you pulled away a few centimetres. You just smiled as you thought of a new word, “Anapestic,” It was another word Gwil had mentioned as seeing in his student’s essays so you knew it would be fresh in his mind and he proved as much when he spelt it, “A-N-A-P-E-S-T-I-C,” He was right of course, so you tutted and pulled your hand away from his crotch, grabbing his chin with your other and forcing him to look at you, “You can do better than that.” His features shifted at the sudden loss of contact, the look of concentration returned once more. If anything, your much closer proximity to the expression made him seem all the more hot but you resisted the urge to give in and drag him to the bedroom, curious if he’d catch onto your little game now and, equally so, to see if he’d play along, “Try Onomatopoeia.” A longer word gave him more chances to get things wrong but would his pride and his brain allow that? Apparently so. “O-N-O-M-” Gwil paused and thought for a second, his eyes narrowed as his looked at you, “O-N-O-M-A-T-O-P-I-A,” the last three letters were said with such deliberate diction that you knew he’d figured it out. “Good boy,” you said, letting your hands slip inside his undone pants to massage his dick. His hips jolted at the contact and he let his hands fall to your arse, squeezing. “What about, dactyl?” His reply was instant, unthinking, and totally correct, “D-A-C-T-Y-L,” You clicked your tongue condescendingly as you once again removed your hands from him. “Fuck,” “Well that’s what happens when you get things wrong, honey, and such an easy one too,” “I didn’t get it wro- fine, give me another,” You smiled, unable to hide how delighted you were that he was interested in following your rules, even if it was just his competitive streak rearing its head to show that he could out smart you, “Assonance,” Gwilym spelt the word slowly and carefully, making sure to only say one ‘s’ and to leave off the ‘e’. And you made sure to reward him for it, shuffling backwards on his lap so you could shimmy his pants down his thighs and wrap your hand around his cock. He raised an eyebrow at you but otherwise made no comment as he leant back in his seat to enjoy the attention. “Romanticism,” Once again Gwilym was careful with his spelling, intentionally replacing the ‘c’ with a double ‘s’ but that was the kind of behaviour you wanted to encourage so you kept stroking him off, twisting your wrist, dragging your thumb over his flushed tip. It must have felt good with the way he was sighing, shifting his shoulders as if to move his whole body closer to yours. “So clever baby, what about,” you paused, dredging up memories of poetry analysis and the words you used to have burned into your brain but which you’d not had much use for recently, “Enjambment” “Ummm, E-N,” Gwil hummed as you leant over him and let a trail of spit drip onto his cock, using your hand to spread it over his length, “Enjamb-ment, uh, E-N-J-A- no E, no A, M-E-N-T,” You leant into his ear and spoke softly, “That’s right, being so good for me, so clever. What should I do next though? Ride you? Or maybe suck you off? Or just keep doing this?” “Uh,” Gwilym shook his head a little as if to clear it, “mouth? Please?” “Of course, baby. If you can spell dissonance for me.” You were quietly confident that he’d get the spelling wrong, already noticing the first sign of his impending brainlessness, extra filler words where he’d normally not need them. It was funny though, usually he wouldn’t reach that stage until he was much closer to nutting. “D-I-S” he rushed through the first three letters and then stopped, biting his lip, “T-um, A-N-E-N-C-E.” You were sure the errors in that word were less intentional than the previous few and, as promised, slipped off his lap and settled yourself between his legs, pulling his pants off so he could spread them wider for you. You held eye contact as you let your tongue trail along the underside of his cock, tracing along a vein, though you couldn’t help but smile as he groaned above you. “Can you spell Decasyllable for me?” you asked before closing your lips around the head of his cock. “What? Oh, um, D-E-C-K- fuck,” he broke off as you swirled your tongue around his tip. “Fuck’s not a letter, baby,” you sank down on him again, bobbing a little lower. “I know, um, Deck-syllable, D-E-C-K-A-S-Y-B-L-E, I think. Is that right?” In answer you hummed and took him a little deeper, pushing his shirt up towards his chest. Gwilym took the hint and pulled it off before he grabbed your hair, leaning his head against the back of the couch. For a moment you just focused on sucking him off, listening to his shallow breathing and whiny groans. But you weren’t finished with your game yet.
“Epigraph?” you asked before bobbing down on him again, pushing yourself to take him deeper still. Gwilym remained silent as you gagged and pulled back from him again to breath freely. “Well?” “What did you say?” “Epigraph. Can you spell that?” He nodded as you resumed your bobbing, his hand grabbing at your hair, “E-P-P-E-G-R-A-F-F.” You hummed around him and his hips bucked up, pushing him further down your throat for a second. “No, don’t stop,” he whined under his breath as once again you let him fall from between your lips. “Sorry baby,” you wrapped your hand around his base and switched back to jerking him off, “you’re so hard though and I know you want to earn your orgasm like a good boy,” Gwilym nodded. “Okay, so spell meter,” “M- oh, I don’t know,” “You do know, baby, you just gotta try. Meter,” He scrunched his face up in thought, “M-E-E-T-R,” “See, I said you knew it, and you did it so well!” Gwilym gave you a dopey smile, looking proud at your praise, “I did?” His mouth dropped open with the movement of your hand. “Of course baby! You got it completely right because you’re so clever. What about sonnet, do you think you can do that one for me?” He nodded enthusiastically, “S-N-E-T,” “Very good! Okay, three more and I’ll let you cum,” “Okay!” “Okay, what about,” you thought for a moment, watching your hand pumping over his shaft as you trailed your fingernails lightly over his thigh, “Spell rhyme,” “Ummm,” Gwilym bit his lip in thought, soft grunting noises rising in his throat in time with your strokes. “It’s a bit of a tricky one,” “Yeah.” “And it’s hard to concentrate isn’t it?” “Mmhmm, so hard to con-ten-tate,” he thought for a little longer as you slowed your hand, “rrr- R-I-M,” “So clever baby! Okay canto,” “Oh! Ummm,” Gwilym pouted and whined as you unexpectedly drew the tip of your tongue around his head, “I don’ know,” “No?” He shook his head, eyebrows furrowed. “Okay what about, poem?” Gwilym seemed to have reached the last dregs of his knowledge, grunting in frustration as he shook his head again.” “You sure you don’t know?” He bucked his hips up into your hand as he shook his head again. “Alright, I’ll give you an easy one then. Spell your name for me, spell Gwilym,” Gwil’s eyes lit up at the suggestion but his face quickly slipped into a frown again, the expression getting more pronounced with every passing second he didn’t say anything. He sought out your face, his eyes brimming with frustrated tears, “I don’t…” his fists balled up as he looked to you for help. “You don’t remember?” He shook his head once more, a tear shaking loose and rolling down his cheek, “you said it was easy.” “It’s okay if you don’t know,” “Really?” he sniffled. “Of course it’s okay. You’re not supposed to know things.” “I’m not?” “Awww, of course not baby. That’s why I’m here, to know things, and you’re just here to make me happy.” Gwilym sighed and leaned back against the couch, smiling again. “Do you want to give it a try for me?” “Umm,” he whined as you slowed your strokes “It would make me very happy,” “Okay, umm…G? L? ummmm, M?” “You’re so clever, baby!” Gwilym giggled proudly and grinned at you as you adjusted your grip on his cock. “You’re my good, smart boy, aren’t you baby?” “Mmhmm,” he bucked his hips towards you as you took him into your mouth again. “Feels go-od,” he mumbled, almost panting with how close he was. You dragged the hand that rested on his thigh up to cup his balls as you sucked on his tip until he moaned and came, spilling his seed over your tongue.
You kept working your hand along his length, even after you’d pulled your mouth from him. “Was that a good orgasm baby? Did it make you feel good?” He nodded, pouting a little as you kept wanking him, “good oggsam,” It took all your effort not to laugh at that, biting on the inside of your cheek to keep from letting so much as a chuckle slip. Very few things delighted you as much as when Gwil forgot how to talk properly. “You know,” you said as you finally let his cock free, “sometimes when people have orgasms they feel euphoric. Do you feel euphoric?” “Mmhmm, you-porik.” “Clever boy. Do you want to help me feel euphoric?” “How?” “With your mouth,” “Oh! Okay!” You braced yourself against his knees as you stood, leaning forward to give Gwil a small kiss on the lips. He closed his eyes and smiled up at you contentedly as you shimmied out of your own clothes, dropping them all to the floor. “You going to let me lie down?” you asked, tapping Gwil on the shoulder. He looked around confusedly for a moment before his eyes settled on you, growing wider as he realised how naked you were. Without warning he surged forward, his hands grabbing your arse as he nuzzled his face in the valley between your breasts. If it were up to Gwil he would have stayed there all day but you had need for him elsewhere so you yanked his head back by his hair, earning a small noise of displeasure. “Don’t complain, baby. You want to make me feel euphoric, right?” “Mmhmm,” he hummed earnestly. “And how do you think you could do that?” “I don’t know,” “Maybe, cunnilingus?” “cun-un-un-un-gus,” “Exactly,” you directed his gaze down to your pussy, failing to hide your amused grin. But he was too far gone to notice, happily slipping to his knees in front of you. Telling him to wait for a second, you climbed onto the couch and spread your legs, beckoning him between them once you were comfortable.
He hadn’t been able to say the word but that didn’t mean he wasn’t skilled at the act. A string of soft hums and throaty sounds rose to your lips as he licked your cunt, the scratchy sensation of his beard only amplifying the soft, wet, warmth of his tongue.   “Can you, oh, can you spell poem for me baby?” Gwilym hummed and then started naming letters, his mouth still pressed against your cunt as if he didn’t realise he couldn’t talk and suck at the same time. You didn’t bother to stop him when he said too many letters or correct him when all of them were wrong. You just let his breath wash over you, his tongue flicking against your clit with each new letter, eliciting longer moans and sighs from you. “Fuck Gwil,” you panted, “keep going,” “Keep going,” he repeated, his voice muffled as he dragged his tongue all the way down your slit and then back up again, making you whine. You jolted when he reached your clit again and pressed against his head, keeping him close to you, your other hand trailing up your chest to tweak your nipples and knead your breasts. Occasionally you’d give him an instruction – “faster please,” or “do that again,” or “fuck Gwil, right there,” – and he’d repeat the words back to you, softened and often a little slurred together or mispronounced, before doing as he was asked, drawing you closer to release. He was pleased whenever another groan or mewl slipped from your lips, responding to them with sounds of his own as if he were savouring a particularly delicious meal. It seemed he’d taken what you’d said about making you happy to heart, though some of his whines might have had more to do with his cock, hard again and straining to be touched as his attention remained focused on you. “I’m c-lose ba-by,” you grunted as Gwilym pressed his mouth to your lower lips, as if to give you a soft chaste kiss, only to begin shaking his head side to side, rubbing his face against your cunt. “loase,” he muttered to himself, trailing his tongue back up to your clit, making you grind your hips up into him. It was impossible to keep your mouth shut in the face of such a feeling, wantonly moaning as you felt your orgasm bubbling to the surface. Gwilym hummed against you in response to a particularly loud moan which managed to be your undoing, your knees trying to clamp shut around his head as he continued to suck at your clit.
When you calmed enough to let go of his hair and loosen your thighs from around his ears, Gwilym looked up at you. His face was shiny and wet but he seemed to have regained some of his usual awareness. His eyes weren’t quite as vacant and his smile less dopey than it had been. “Feel good?” he asked, sounding almost normal except for a slight lightness in his tone. “Very good baby,” you leaned forward and kissed him full on the lips, tasting yourself as he opened his mouth and accepted your tongue. Slowly you dropped your hand between you, finding his cock again, not quite done with your brainless toy. He grunted against your lips and bucked into your hand as you stopped his return to sense. “Isn’t this fun?” you said softly as you pulled back, holding Gwil by the chin to stop him from trying to follow. “Yeah, fun,” a smile slowly tugging at his lips, “what is?” “Not needing to think, baby,” “Oh! Yes,” he laughed. “You’re too pretty to have a brain anyway, aren’t you? Much better off letting it leak out of your head,” “Mmhmm, much,” “And do you know what good, dumb boys get?” “No?” “They get fucked. Would you like that?” “Yes yes yes,” “Alright, lie back for me,” you chuckled, giving his cock a final stroke. Gwilym settled on the carpet on his back, grinning as you straddled his lap. Silently he held out his hand, all but two of his fingers folded against his palm. “No, I don’t need your fingers sweetie,” you said, giving the tips of his two fingers a light kiss, “as dextrous as they are and as much as I enjoy them, I think I’m okay skipping straight to your cock,” He nodded, letting you place his hand down on the floor again. You watched his face as you slowly sank down onto him, once again the picture of cunt drunk bliss with glazed eyes and his lip between his teeth. He smiled as you leaned down to kiss him, rolling your hips against his slowly. As you tongues entwined again, Gwilym framed your waist with his hands, slowly dragging them up your sides and onto your chest. He cupped each of your breasts in one of his palms, squeezing softly as you rocked forward and back. “Better than Byron isn’t this?” you asked, pushing yourself up a bit, but not so far you couldn’t kiss him again. “Wha’s Byron?” You laughed, “Y’know I think this might be the dumbest I’ve seen you. Can’t believe all it took was a rigged spelling test. He obviously didn’t understand, staring blankly back at you.
What he did understand was that you were moving further away from him and he whined as you pushed yourself to sit higher again, bracing your hands on his chest as you used your knees to raise and lower yourself. It still wasn’t enough though so you shifted again before too long, placing a hand behind you to grab Gwil’s leg. You leant back on it changing the angle of Gwilym’s cock, and felt his hands drop from your chest, no longer able to reach as easily. They came to rest on your leg, his fingertips digging into your skin as you rode him, keening as you felt the start of your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. “Fuck Gwil, fill me so well, feels so good,” “My dex-ik-tus cock?” You couldn’t help but laugh, taken by surprise at his misunderstanding and mispronunciation of dextrous, but you nodded in agreement too, repeating your sentiments about how good it felt. “Wanna make me feel even better?” “How?” You sat forward again and reached for his hand, pulling it to your clit. Gwilym took the hint, messily rubbing as you bounced on his cock, but his whines and moans only grew as you rode him. “You’re close?” “Mmhmm,” You were on the verge of asking if he could hold it when he came with a groan, pulsing inside you. But you didn’t stop. “I’m close too, baby, so I’m gonna keep fucking you, okay?” He nodded, eyes fixed on you. “Good boy.” You panted, grabbing his wrist to hold his hand at your clit and adjusting your rhythm. Each time you sank back down onto him you did it harder, slamming his cock into you as deep as you could manage, groaning with each one. Your orgasm was frustratingly close but Gwilym was becoming steadily more sensitive as his subsided, wincing more with each of your thrusts. The winces turned to whimpers which turned to whines as you whispered that you were so close. “Almost baby, almost,” “Please. Hur’s,” “Nearly, just. One. More,” you threw your head back with a moan as you finally found your release, Gwil whining when you pulsed around him, a fresh tear running from the corner of his eye onto the carpet as he squirmed under you.
“Sorry, baby,” you said softly as you carefully dismounted him. He hummed as you kissed him again, leaving an extra kiss against the tip of his nose. “Did so well, such a good boy for me,” “Yeah?” “Mmhmm, so good,” He gave you a slightly watery smile and let you pull him into a cuddle, sighing contentedly when you brushed your fingers through his hair. You stayed like that for a while, knowing that later you’d regret lying on the floor for so long but unable to find the energy to move or the willpower to tell Gwilym you had to let him go. He gradually lost the fucked out expression, becoming more aware of his surroundings and more capable of clear speech. “How are you feeling?” you asked when you realised he’d blinked away the last of his sex drunk vacancy. “Better than before. Little tired but much more relaxed and very satisfied. And, before you ask, yes that’s satisfied and yes I can spell it if you want,” “I believe you.”
120 notes · View notes
nneogram · 4 years
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think about it — part one. get laid!
pairing: jaehyun x reader (f)
genre: enemies to lovers!au, college!au, fluff
word count: 8.4k
warnings: language, mentions of sex but not really (oc keeps being told to get laid “emotionally” idk), jungwoo gets scolded about the importance of consent, jungwoo’s in a frat but not really but yes really, quick reminiscent phone call w/ bestie jungkook, oc has unhealthy studying habits but dw it gradually gets better from here
a/n: i’ll say it for all of us - FINALLY, an update on here. this is result of my own college shenanigans, stories from my friends, and far too many fantasies whilst in quarantine. jeni needs to lay off the k-dramas, sheesh. i’d also like to note that this is unedited! there may be a few grammar/spelling mistakes.
▸ playlist (to be linked later)
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Your roommate claims that you need to, in the simplest terms, “Get laid.” You are vehemently against this proposal, despite her insistence and clarification.
“Emotionally. You need to get laid emotionally, Y/N,” Megan whines. That’s all she can do from where she is sitting, tucked safely away beneath the blankets on her bed. It’s cocoon-like, she’s explained to you before, “like being in the womb.” Safe. Secure. Warm. You think that if that was her cocoon, then Megan would emerge a butterfly. If you were in her place? You would emerge a moth.
“I don’t think any getting laid needs to be done, regardless of if it’s emotional or not.” You take another flashcard from your prepared deck. Strong Acids. HCl, HBr, HI… HClO4? A hiss leaves your lips when you flip the card over to see the answer. You were missing two more acids. You reluctantly place the card into the pile to review again, which sat next to a much smaller pile of correct cards. The goal for the morning was to move all the cards in the “wrong” pile to the “right” pile, but considering the size difference of the two stacks, that goal would not be achieved.
Megan’s sigh pulls you from your focus. “Dude. Do you see yourself right now? I don’t think I’ve seen you doing anything other than studying for the past two weeks. I’m going to ace this chem midterm and I’m not even in chem. I’m not even a STEM major.”
You frown. “Sorry. Was I being too loud? I can go-”
“No, don’t worry about me. This is about you. I’m concerned for you - you’ve been cooped up more these two weeks than you were in the entirety of fall quarter. Have you taken a break recently?”
“I slept for eight hours straight, I think that’s a good enough break?”
“No, like a real break. Away from studies and school and just doing something… I dunno, fun?”
You shake your head. The past few weeks had been nothing but relentless studying. In an effort to maintain your pristine GPA, you shoved aside what little downtime you allotted yourself in fall quarter to focus on school. It was the least you could do, considering that you were on track to apply to medical school at the end of your undergraduate career. You were only in your first year, so all of the other requirements for med school - clinic, shadowing, research, the works - were inapplicable for the time being. There wasn’t much to get you ahead other than your 4.0.
Megan knows this, but she also knows that you have little to no social life outside of the bare minimum. It’s an unspoken truth that the two of you being assigned as roommates was a blessing in disguise: your studious tendencies help motivate Megan to stay on task while Megan’s more laidback nature reminds you to take a breather sometimes. 
This was one of those times.
“I’m telling you,” Megan crawls over to the edge of her bed to get closer, “You should relax a bit. Just a teeny, tiny bit. Have some fun, live out your first year of college! Make some art, go to the gym, I dunno, step out of your comfort zone. Get laid!”
“You say that last one as if talking from experience,” you tease. 
What was the charge on sulfide again? Fuck, it was two minus. Another card goes into the “wrong” pile.
Megan scoffs. “Please. I’ve only ever had one boyfriend, and that was in middle school. The most we did was hold hands. Besides, we don’t need men… I just want one.” She mumbles this last part as an afterthought before returning her focus to you. “I think getting a boyfriend would be a great distraction for you.”
You gawk at your roommate, eyes flitting from her to your toppling stack of incorrectly answered cards and back to her. “Do you see this? I don’t need any distractions right now.”
“No, no, I - fuck. I got that all wrong, didn’t I.” Megan facepalms. “What I mean is maybe you should befriend some people, or find some kind of emotional outlet. As much as I pride myself on being your source of positivity, I’m not around all the time to tell you to take a break and relax. You tend to be hard on yourself, y’know?”
Your gaze once again travels to your flashcards, their amount of use prominent in the worn-down corners and smudged ink. “I guess…”
There’s a smile of satisfaction on Megan’s face. “Think about it,” she concludes, then crawls back to her cocoon of blankets to take a nap.
The gloom of the rainy weather hits most forcefully in January. With the merriment of the holiday season behind you, it seems there is nothing ahead but cold, and rain, and emptiness. Only so many mugs of hot chocolate could keep your heart warm, and it wasn’t even the good type of hot chocolate - it was the powdery stuff that you mixed in with your lukewarm water because the water kettle you brought with you to the dorm was buggy and never fully heated up a pot of water. 
Yeah, you could buy yourself a cup of cocoa from the coffee shop on campus, but as the college kid stereotype proved, you were broke. So you settle for your half-assed attempt at a comfort drink, taking extra effort to stir the dregs that tend to settle at the bottom of your styrofoam cup.
“So you need to get laid?” Jungkook’s voice crackles over the phone.
You sigh. For getting into one of the most prestigious universities in the country, Jungkook lacked the ability to draw proper conclusions from given information. He clearly hadn’t paid attention to your five minute spiel on your deteriorating motivation for life and your roommate’s unusual suggestion. “No,” you begin slowly, because if you didn’t control yourself you were going to get annoyed quickly, “I do not need to get laid.”
It’s dusk, around that time of the evening where the world slows down as the sky is painted a myriad of pinks, purples, and oranges. Even in January the sunsets in your college town never failed to astonish you. However, it’s also the time of the day when loneliness hits you most, and for a fraction of a moment you get homesick and usually end up calling someone from home. In this case, you end up contacting a close friend - though you’re beginning to question Jungkook’s title as a close friend, considering he completely missed the point of your rant.
“Well it sure sounds like it,” Jungkook refutes. There’s a loud crunching noise on the other end of the call, and you have to bring the phone away from your ear as the crackling continues. You know for a fact that Jungkook has bitten into a chip, most likely the barbecue ones he always had on hand. The audacity to snack on junk food in the middle of a conversation about your existential crisis - you sometimes wonder how you and Jungkook became friends in high school. 
Then again, you were on the other end slurping the remnants of your hot cocoa. Maybe there was something going for the two of you.
“Think about it.” You’re reminded of that afternoon when Megan said the exact same thing. “You’re unmotivated. Why? Because you’re lonely. How do we fix that? You need to get laid-”
“-Emotionally. Emotionally laid-”
“-Yeah yeah, same difference. They go hand in hand,” Jungkook brushes off. “The point still stands. When was the last time you were in a relationship?”
You hesitate to answer. “I’ve never been in a relationship,” you mumble.
“I couldn’t hear you. What?”
“I said I’ve never been in a relationship,” you repeat with a sigh.
There’s a beat of silence. “You’re kidding.”
You shake your head, momentarily forgetting this is a phone call and not an in-person conversation where Jungkook can see you. Students begin to flood the sidewalks outside of the dorms, likely the last wave of students returning for their later classes. A girl - Megan, you realize after squinting - waves at you from across the street. You wave back, gesturing to her that you’re on a call. She nods and goes on her way to the dorm. 
You return your focus to the call. “No, not kidding.”
“I’m taking that lapse of silence as you actually having to think about it.” You roll your eyes, another gesture that Jungkook cannot see. “How? You’re telling me all four years of high school you never got with someone? Not even a fling? Not even that weird ‘talking’ phase kids do these days? What have you been doing all this time?”
Your mind immediately goes back to your high school graduation. “Valedictorian, weighted GPA of 4.8, Y/N Y/L/N, attending…” You remember the smile on your face as the principal handed you your diploma. You remember the smiles on your parents’ faces, the pride and joy in their eyes. That was when you knew it had all been worth it - no one but you, your parents, and your own pure ambition fueling your fire for the four years of high school.
Maybe the closest you got to any sort of romantic relationship was… with Jungkook.
You liked Jungkook before your brain could fully process it, denying it as platonic affection for the better half of three years as he took you under his wing your freshman year. It was comforting to have someone older than you help you navigate high school, but as much as you tried you could not view Jungkook as an older brother as he so claimed to be.
Of course, nothing was ever to happen. Jeon Jungkook was a boy entirely out of your league - star student, star athlete, poster child for all things good and right in the world - but most importantly, he was your closest friend. It was this label that helped set a boundary for your affections, and your crush became more of a pastime to delve into when you wanted a break from your studies. A fantasy that would never come true.
It wasn’t until he moved away for college your senior year that your crush subsided, hitting you like some sort of epiphany when he returned for his winter break. You had been beyond elated to reunite with your friend, but when you looked in his eyes it dawned on you that the weight of his words and actions no longer affected you as much as they did in the past.
That was your only stint with romance, and you were fine with it staying that way. Yeah, it was a fruitless endeavor, but look what you got out of it: a great friend! And only at the price of three years of unnecessary emotional turmoil and relentless unrequited pining. What a bargain.
“I’ve been busy with school, mainly.” It’s an insufficient summation of your high school experience, but it got the point across. Technically, it wasn’t a lie.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of you and all - and I respect your decision to be single! Human rights and all that - but maybe it’s time for you to get into a relationship.”
You snap your fingers loudly enough to startle a group of guys walking past. You hope the grimace on your face is enough of an apology. “Oh my God, thanks Jungkook! Now that you mention it, let me just hit up one of the many young eligible bachelors pining over me, because there are so many right now.”
The feigned enthusiasm in your voice does not entertain Jungkook as much as you would have liked it to. “I’m sure there are, Y/N. There were plenty in high school.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” The playful smile you sport falls from your lips as he proceeds to dive into a list of names. 
“The one guy with the yellow hair… Yugyeom thought you were cute… Oh, Taehyung liked you too-”
“-Taehyung?” You gawk. “The Kim Taehyung. The guy two years older than you, editor of the yearbook and captain of the lacrosse team? The Kim Taehyung who was Prom King. Him?” It’s difficult to process a senior that you had regarded so highly had taken  interest in you in your lowly freshman year.
“Yeah, I know, right? I told him he was out of your league-”
“-But I said that out of jealousy. Heck, even I liked you at some point, Y/N. You’re quite a catch, just super oblivious.”
The reminder of your phone call with Jungkook consists of your disbelieving laughs and Jungkook’s reassurances that yes, that many people liked you in high school.
“I’m sure there’s plenty of people interested in you. You just have to see it for yourself first.” Oddly prophetic for someone who claims he could survive solely off of energy drinks and barbecue chips, but considering he was studying at an Ivy League, he had to have some credibility. You end the phone call possibly more confused than you had been before the conversation. Swirling the contents of your cup absentmindedly, you realize you’ve drunk all of your hot cocoa. All that is left at the bottom of your cup are the clumps of cocoa powder that hadn’t been properly stirred. The dregs. Of course.
You relay your findings to Megan the next day over a lunch of poorly cooked rice and under seasoned chicken. “Food crafted by the gods to remind us of our inferiority,” as Megan liked to call it.
She claps her hands like a seal. “So I was right!” She cheers over a mouthful of food. “You need to get laid!”
You’re a bit too late to cover her mouth, her ambiguous words now out in the open for others nearby to hear and assume the wrong thing. Glancing around, you’re relieved to find that no one seemed to notice, save for one boy at a nearby table surrounded by some of his friends. He gives you a look but you refrain from making eye contact.
“I feel like you and I heard different stories just now.” You keep your voice down. “Meg, I just found out my high school crush - debatably, my first love - liked me at some point when I liked him. Do you know how big that is?”
“Do you know how big that isn’t?” Megan shoots back. “Because nothing came out of it. You never acted on your feelings. And something tells me that even if this John Cook-”
“-His name is Jungkook, but okay-”
“-Even if he had acted on his feelings, you would never believe it.” Ouch. She really went for your lack of self-esteem right there, and that shit hurted. Regardless, she’s right, and you both know it.
“You know when we say this, we’re not trying to force you into anything you don’t want to do,” Megan clarifies. “I’m not saying you should get dicked down by the first guy who gives you attention, but wouldn’t it be nice to let someone - someone who genuinely cares for you - to let them into that dark and twisty mind of yours? God knows what’s going on up there.” She gestures to your forehead with her spoon.
Brushing aside Megan’s crude wording near the beginning, you’re at a loss for words. Unsure of how to respond, you mumble, “But there’s no one like that in my life. Other than you, that is.”
“Because you never let anyone close enough to truly know you. Just…” she pops another spoonful of rice into her mouth, “Just think about it.”
D-1 until your midterm. Nomenclature and ionic charges are now extremely familiar to you, having taken the spot from Megan as Number One Friend. And yet, you still haven’t successfully completed your flashcards.
Strong Acids. You suck in a deep breath, swerving in between groups of people as you make your way to the cafe. Walking quickly with your head down as the sure fire way of getting to any destination as quickly as possible. Okay Y/N, you got this… HCl, HBr, HI, HClO4… HNO3? You flip the card over and hiss. You were missing one more response. You truly hated it here.
The cafe is bustling with students on their laptops and scribbling away in notebooks, all likely studying for their respective exams. The scent of freshly ground coffee beans pervades the entirety of the interior, drawing you further inward until you’re standing at the cashier. 
“One tall vanilla latte, please.” You hand the girl behind the counter your money and stand aside to let the next person in line order. Once your order is called, you grab your drink - Ah, nothing like a fresh cup of capitalism to revitalize your motivation to study - and search for a place to sit. As if by the grace of God, someone leaves their seat at the barstools just as you turn around. Beautiful.
“Excuse me,” you tap the shoulder of one of the people next to the open seat. “Is this seat taken?” He shakes his head no, and you take that as your signal to sit.
You find yourself sandwiched between two young men, each immersed in their own studies. The one to your right, the one you had talked to briefly, appears to want no further interruptions, both earbuds in his ears. The one to your left never turned around to begin with, head down as he types away at his laptop. All you can make out are his broad shoulders in a brown leather jacket and a mop of strawberry blond hair. An interesting choice of hair color, but you weren’t one to judge. He’s nodding his head to some tune, and it’s only then you realize he has one earbud in. You wonder what kind of music a cute man like himself would listen to -
Get a hold of yourself, Y/N, you chastise yourself for showing sudden interest in a complete stranger. The day before your midterm at that - there was no space in your head for an unknown young man who was probably good looking, too - No! Focus. Flashcards. You fumble in your jacket pocket for your index cards.
Chemistry nomenclature, round fifty-six.
As you’re reviewing, you overhear the conversation proceeding next you with the cute guy and a girl. “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” The familiar words make you think of mere moments before when you were asking the same thing.
“It isn’t, but… you can’t sit there.”
“I’m sorry?” The girl seems to mirror your confusion.
“You can’t sit here. I’m sorry.”
“But someone else can?”
Your flashcards go ignored as you choose to eavesdrop on the full conversation. The man stalls, looking at the girl up and down. “... Yeah, maybe.”
Trying your best to not draw attention to yourself, you turn your head in slow, languid movements to look around. Was anyone else seeing this? Hearing this? Were you the next unsuspecting victim on an episode of What Would You Do? You were half expecting a game show host to step out and introduce himself at any moment. Y/N, you’ve just been Punk’d! 
Unfortunately (or fortunately, you couldn’t decide which scenario was better), no game show host steps out from behind a curtain, and it sinks in that this guy wasn’t joking. He was intent on not letting this girl sit next to him.
“Look,” the girl runs a hand through her hair, a habit of frustration, maybe. “I really need a place to sit and work on things, and this seat is open. That, and it’s a public space. So if you’ll excuse me-”
The young man easily lifts his backpack from his chair with one hand and places it in the open seat. “There. It’s taken now. Sorry.”
The girl’s eyes widen, and you can only imagine what your face looks like right now. You’re in just as much shock as she is. 
You scoff, and this time you don’t care if he hears. And he does: the stranger finally turns around in his seat to reveal an extremely attractive face. Chiseled jawline, deep brooding eyes, dimples even when he was scowling. You freeze and your breath hitches in your throat. It’s a shame he had to go and open his mouth.
“Excuse me,” you cut in sweetly, making a point to only make eye contact with the girl. “You can sit here. I’m about to leave.”
The girl’s eyes go wide at the addition of a third party. “Oh, no, you don’t have to! Thank you so much though.”
You shove your flashcards into your backpack and stand up from the seat. “No no, I insist, it’s fine. Besides, I didn’t want to sit there anymore.” Only then do you shoot a glare at the young man. “I couldn’t focus.”
Judging by the way the girl eyes the strawberry blond next to you, you think she doesn’t want to sit there anymore, either. Nevertheless, a seat was a seat. She thanks you profusely and you head out the doors and down the path to return to the dorms. 
Naturally your mind drifts back to the stranger. Who was he to have so much pride as to deny a seat to someone he didn’t know? A seat that wasn’t his, either? The thought that people like him exist irks you.
He was so good-looking, too, your subconscious proceeds to remind you. 
But alas, a jerk was a jerk, and at the end of the day you had far more important things to worry about than an indecent stranger whom you doubt you would see again. More important things such as -
Your phone rings with an alarm notifying you of your next scheduled event: Final Review B4 Exam! You sigh. Looks like it was back to the books (and flashcards) for you for the rest of the night.
It doesn’t hit you until you crash land into your desk chair: in your anger-fueled exit from the cafe, you had completely forgotten your barely touched vanilla latte sitting at the barstool counter. At this point you’re ready to tear your hair out at the roots. You’re five dollars and one fresh cup of caffeinated capitalism short for the night’s study session. You really hated it here.
If Megan were here, she would whip you into shape real fast, shouting at you that you’re a “Bad Bitch!” or some other expletive motivation that would comfort you. Except Megan isn’t here, attending some kind of club meeting, leaving you alone in the dorm. Another sigh escapes your lips and you tilt your head back to stare at the ceiling. 
Maybe, just maybe, you needed to follow through on this whole “getting emotionally laid” thing.
The midterm you had so diligently studied for was a success. Inorganic Chemistry A5 didn’t know what was coming when you rolled up with your beloved flashcards - all successfully completed, mind you - ready to fight. Needless to say you were able to enter the weekend with no qualms. You now had much needed time to recuperate and as Megan had said before, to “take a break” (among other things you were not going to address anytime soon). 
Some students recovered from the trauma of frequent exams via partying, deciding it was better to be under the influence in order to get over their academic standing. Some would meet up with their friends, maybe gossip about the latest episode of the hottest reality TV show. In your case, you decide to binge watch as many k-dramas as humanly possible. While you preferably do so in the comfort of your bed, tonight Megan has taken authoritative control over the dorm room. Meaning, she had a psychology midterm the following Monday and needed to be able to focus on nothing but the role of the amygdala without the OST of whatever drama you were watching in the background. You know for a fact if you were in the room minding your own business Megan would ultimately get distracted and join you in your k-drama marathon. Thus you are thrown to the streets with nothing but the clothes on your back and your belongings stuffed into your backpack.
You take extra care to avoid the puddles forming on the sidewalks, the result of on and off rain throughout the day. There are noticeably less people outside, and you have a feeling that any building you choose to house yourself in will be quite the opposite, likely packed with students. 
After milling about campus for a few minutes, you finally settle down in the Student Community Center - a fancy name for yet another building on campus where students could lounge about and study slash socialize. As predicted, there are significantly more people crowded in the lobby area of the two-story building. Your boots squeak against the tiled floor as you make your way down an inconspicuous hallway. Tile turns to carpeting when you step into an almost empty study room. Only a handful of people are present in the room, scattered across the tables and couches. No one ever bothered to check the rooms at the very ends of the hallways - only those more dedicated to being unbothered ever made it that far - and you were grateful for this as you settled down at one of the open couches.
Hotel Del Luna is the show of choice for the evening, and you cuddle up to the armrest of the couch as you press Play. You had watched this one before, having been forced to do so with Jungkook at its release. Curse him and his admiration for IU - some of the ghost scenes kept you up at night the weeks after watching. You much preferred the more lighthearted slice-of-life k-dramas, but following your phone call with Jungkook you were drawn to the darker show. Call it nostalgia, call it an attempt to relive the happy memories of the past, call it denial of reality, whatever.
You’re two hours into your binge watch when you notice an unfamiliar presence at your side. A boy, and a breathtaking one at that. When he had joined you, you’re not sure, but you catch him glancing at your laptop screen every so often. He doesn’t stick out too much, black hair hidden beneath a black baseball cap and similarly monotone attire with a black hoodie that was definitely way too big for him. Yet no amount of nondescript clothing could cover up his impeccable bone structure. This man had a jawline and a nose bridge that were to die for, and although you haven’t made eye contact with the stranger you’re already feeling self-conscious. There’s no way in hell you’re initiating any sort of interaction with him.
But there’s no need to worry, because the stranger does it for you.
You’re on episode three when there’s a gasp from beside you. “Lee Jun-Ki!” You crane your neck to see the stranger leaning over to watch your laptop screen. The work in front of him - whatever that mess of hieroglyphs and symbols was - is completely forgotten as he scoots closer. 
It’s not until you lean a bit away from him that he realizes his actions. “Oh, sorry. I kinda needed a break from studying or else I was gonna lose it.” His ears turn a bright pink as he explains himself. “Is it okay if I watch with you?”
“Uh…” Now that your full attention is on him, you give the stranger a proper glance-over. He was indeed studying, some sort of language of shapes and numbers that was foreign to you sprawled across his notebook in a variety of colors. Other than the all black attire (which was reasonable for college - wasn’t everyone attending their own funeral during exams season?), he didn’t look too shady… “Sure.”
“Sweet.” He extends a hand to you, pulling back the ginormous sleeve that threatens to hang over his fingers. “My name’s Jungwoo.”
You tentatively take his hand. “Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you Y/N. Are you a first year?”
You nod your head, and Jungwoo smiles. “Cool. Me too.” He moves back to his side of the couch, but quickly scoots back to sit directly beside you after he has shoved all of his work into his backpack. He settles beside you on the couch, slouching down similarly to you. “Alright, let’s do this.”
You crack a smile at the boy’s unabashed boldness. He immerses himself in the episode alongside you, clear adoration in his eyes whenever IU makes an appearance on screen. “You like IU, I take it?”
Jungwoo shakes his head. “Not half as much as one of my friends. He idolizes her. I just... look at her very respectfully.”
“Me too, actually,” you confess. “My friend forced me to watch with him. I usually watch happier things. My favorite is Weightlifting Fairy.”
Jungwoo’s eyes go wide. “I love Weightlifting Fairy!” His theatrical gasp attracts the attention of the few students nearby. This newfound information seems to make something click in Jungwoo’s head, because he wiggles all the more closer to you. “You’re quickly becoming my best friend, Y/N.”
“I’m a friend?” 
“Duh. This was established when you didn’t run away from me in fear when I was quite literally looking over your shoulder. And that’s happened before with other people. Twice.” He seems to feel the need to add in the last few details, much to your amusement. “Now shush. Lemme admire IU in peace.”
That interaction with Jungwoo is only the first of many, many more. While you’re the type to keep to yourself and not approach others, Jungwoo was the opposite. You’re only a bit surprised when he yells out your name from across the street a few days later, sprinting towards you with unbridled excitement on his face. The last time someone was that happy to see you was when your dog greeted you after returning home for the holidays.
“Good morning, Y/N! Where you headed? I have Material Sciences in an hour. I got time, so I’ll walk with you wherever you’re going!”
Much like your first encounter, you agree with some hesitance. Jungwoo seemed to not have a bad bone in his body, no ill intentions whatsoever. It was refreshing to be in the presence of someone who wasn’t already jaded by the world. 
As promised, Jungwoo walks with you to your destination, the coffeeshop, even waiting with you in the insufferably long line. You find out that Jungwoo is the same age as you, a Mechanical Engineering major, and is a part of some sort of club that allowed him to connect with upperclassmen of different majors but with similar interests.
“It’s called Nu Kappa Tau, everyone there’s really nice! I’ll bring you with me to the next social event.”
“Nu Kappa Tau?” You test out the syllables on your tongue. “Greek? Are you in... a fraternity?”
Your tone of voice insinuates something bad, and the way Jungwoo reacts quickly tells you he has a similar stance on the Greek life in college. That similar stance being that frat boys were vermin. “No, no no no no. It’s Greek, yes, but we are definitely not a fraternity. It’s more like… a social, cultural, and academic club?”
“Jungwoo. That’s exactly what a fraternity would say to make it seem like it’s not a fraternity.”
“Okay, but in this case we’re actually not a fraternity, I promise.” He tugs on your shirt sleeve and looks at you with pleading eyes. “You should come with me to the next event. It’ll be fun, and I’ll prove to you it’s not a fraternity. Please?”
You remain silent, eyes turning to the coffeshop’s menu. Even when your gaze is somewhere else you can sense the way Jungwoo is staring you down with those puppy dog eyes of his. This was what, the second time you were talking to him, and already he wanted to go to a social event with you? “I don’t know. You’re nice and all, but I’m not the type to warm up to people easily. I’ll have to hang out with you more first. No offense.”
Most people cower at your denials, retreat to more comfortable territory where there’s no fear of rejection. Jungwoo, however, beams at you. “None taken, Miss Y/N. You know why?” He pauses for dramatic effect, quirking an eyebrow in mischief. “Because that wasn’t a no.”
A few people in line crane their necks to peer at the two of you as a resonant smack rings out in the coffeeshop. 
“Ow - Y/N - Ow!” Jungwoo rubs at his upper arm. You know you didn’t hit him hard enough to elicit this sort of dramatic reaction, but it’s what he deserves. 
“You can’t use that logic, Jungwoo,” you scold, bag poised in the air ready for another attack. “The only means of consent is a yes. Say it with me. The only means of consent is a-”
“-Yes, yes, okay! I got it, I’m sorry. I sincerely apologize.”
Fast forward two weeks later, and you know Jungwoo a bit too well for your liking. Following your rejection of his offer, Jungwoo goes ahead and makes it a point to see you for at least an hour a day, weekends included, in order for you to “warm up to him.” Some days, it’s lunch shared in the cafeteria between classes. Other days it’s hours upon hours of studying together in the back of the library, you and Jungwoo taking shifts napping while the other crams for their classes. 
He forces - “heavily insists” - you to share your location with him on your phones, so it’s of no surprise to you when he starts showing up outside of your lecture halls after class. It’s when he’s walking you back from your last class of the day that you find that he lives a floor above you in the same building. Of course.
Dare you say it, it’s easy having Jungwoo in your life. He walks with you everywhere, always initiates conversation, and eats as many meals as possible with you - or as many as Megan allows. 
“Hey Y/N,” your roommate greets you with a warm smile which quickly turns into a steely glare when he acknowledges the young man standing by your side. “Ahem. Jungwoo.” 
If Jungwoo was a legitimate candidate for your mission of “getting laid,” Megan would be ecstatic. However, you explain to her that Jungwoo is nothing more than a friend, and suddenly Megan thinks he’s out to take her spot as Y/N’s Best Friend (insert trademark emoji here). 
“Megan, always a pleasure,” Jungwoo croons. If he’s perturbed by your roommate’s aloof greeting, he doesn’t show it, a smile growing on his face. Jungwoo turns to you. “See you at nine?”
You nod. “See you at nine. Bye.”
“Bye.” Jungwoo waves then walks down the hallway to the stairs. You wait until he’s out of sight to turn back to Megan, who has one eyebrow raised.
“What’s going on at nine?” She questions.
A defeated grin makes its way onto your lips. As much as you had been dreading what was to come, you couldn’t deny the excitement building up within you at the thought of something… new, for once in your life. “I’m going to my first party.”
Jungwoo, as promised, picks you up from your dorm room later that evening. He texts you an ominous message of i’m outside ur dorm lol for you to find him in the driver’s seat of a car far too expensive for any broke college student to own.
Hesitantly, you hop into the passenger seat and gingerly close the door. You’re not sure who he borrowed this from - or maybe it was a rental? - but you wanted to make sure you took no part in any damage fees he’d pay later. “I thought first years couldn’t have cars on campus.”
“I know. I’m a rule breaker, Y/N. I can’t be stopped… And maybe I borrowed it from a friend.”
Jungwoo insists on manning the aux, which you oblige to as you don’t trust your music taste to be liked by others. Something about the artist name Sergio Rachmaninov didn’t always hit well with the young folk these days. The queue starts up as he pulls out of the parking lot, a bass-boosted R&B song filling the expanse of the lush interior. 
“I’m going to warn you, this music queue is all over the place.” All over the place is correct, because after the R&B song finishes a ballad comes on, followed promptly by the song “Good Time” by Owl City. It’s a good song, a tolerable one, but after the second run, and third run, and even a fourth run you can’t help but wonder if the queue is glitching.
“Jungwoo.” He grunts in response. “Did you mean to put this song on loop?”
He shrugs. “What can I say? It helps me focus.”
You’re really questioning the sanity of the man behind the wheel.
Four and a half plays of “Good Time” (or fifteen minutes) later, you and Jungwoo arrive at your destination.
You audibly gulp. “Jungwoo. You are so in a frat.”
“No I’m not!” The man whines. “I swear!”
You and Jungwoo must not be looking at the same house, because the one you’re looking at is nothing less than a mansion: two stories, covering a wide expanse of vivid green lawn, with pillars on either side of the double-door front entry. Windows line the top and bottom floors, and hedges line the cobblestone walkway in the front. It looks like something out of a Southern period drama with the Victorian, colonial style architecture.
“You sure?” You can’t break your gaze away from the three enormous Greek letters placed above the entryway. “‘Cause no normal house emblazons the symbols of their group name across the front like that.”
As soon as you step foot in the door, you regret your decision to come. “Kim, I think I left something in the car-” 
You’re rudely interrupted by Jungwoo swinging an arm over your shoulder a bit too harshly. 
“Relax,” he reassures you. “My friends don’t bite. Only I do that.” You’re given no time to question that statement before he leads you further into the house.
If there’s one thing you can count on with Jungwoo, it’s his ability to socialize. It seems he knows everyone in the house, proven to you by the way he either nods his head or does a handshake with every individual present. He leads you to the kitchen where two guys are conversing, one looking like an overgrown man child and the other looking like… well, an actual child.
“Hey, look who finally decided to show up,” the much taller boy croons. “And he brought a friend.”
“Johnny, this is Y/N. Y/N, Johnny. He’s in his fourth year.” You shake hands with Johnny, who grins at you. He seems nice, other than the fact that he continues to stare at you through the duration of the handshake. Perplexed, you refuse to break his gaze.
Johnny is the first to look away, turning immediately to Jungwoo. “Oh, I like her. No one has yet to win my staring contest this year, other than you, Y/N. Congratulations.”
You force a laugh. “Thanks?”
Jungwoo steers you to the second boy, this one noticeably shorter - or was he still tall? Anyone standing next to Johnny seemed to be dwarfed in his presence - with dyed blond hair. He has a cap over his head and circle glasses, and you can’t help but think he looks awfully young to be at a frat-but-not-really house party.
“And this is Mark. He’s a fellow first year, but he’s our baby.” Jungwoo coos the last word, making Mark huff. Lowering his voice to a stage whisper, Jungwoo explains, “He was born in 1999, so we have a good year on him.”
You click your tongue. Ah, that explains why he looks so young. You deem Mark to be far more approachable than Johnny and shake the young boy’s hand eagerly.
“Where’s Peaches?” Jungwoo asks Johnny. The older boy shrugs. 
“I dunno. Not my problem.”
“Oh, I don’t think Jaehyun’s coming,” Mark cuts in. “Texted me saying something came up. Something about a paper due. Wait. Didn’t you take his car?” He points to Jungwoo, who shrugs with a look of Whoops, sorry on his face.
Johnny groans. “Oh, shoot. That’s right. We have a paper due tomorrow morning.” As quickly as the realization hits him, the worry is gone. “Eh. It’ll be fine.”
The three boys converse a bit longer, exchanging pleasantries and whatnot, before you and Jungwoo make your departure. The most that comes out of your mouth are feeble courtesy laughs and the occasional sarcastic quip to keep Jungwoo’s chaotic energy at bay. You wait until Jungwoo’s led you away to voice your thoughts. “What kind of name is Peaches?” You repeat.
“Right. One of the upperclassmen got the nickname because he smelled like them his first day of recruitment. Apparently he lives near a peach tree orchard or something. Therefore, he’s Peach Boy.”
You make a mental note of the phrase recruitment your friend uses. One day, you’ll compile a long enough list of evidence proving Nu Kappa Tau was a frat, and the word recruitment was one of them. “So what’s your nickname then?”
“Me? I’m not technically initiated yet,” - did this man use the word initiated? Yet another piece of evidence for the fraternity agenda - “but if I had to choose…” Jungwoo pauses and drums his fingers against his chin. “I’m Cheese Boy.”
You pause, letting his name sink in. The laughter bubbles up within you, threatening to spill out in a snort. It instead comes out as a strong exhale through your nose.
“Whatever, Cheese Boy,” you tease. “How much longer until I can go home?”
The next time you see the boys of Nu Kappa Tau is when Jungwoo drags you to yet another one of their events but a few days later. “This one’s right up your alley,” he insists. He also bribes you with the promise of buying your lunch, and the kabob food truck was on campus today, meaning you were eating well this afternoon. Making an appearance at his frat was but a small price to pay for your beloved meal of choice.
Jungwoo’s right - this event is up your alley, because you recognize the route he takes across campus. “The library?”
He nods. “NKT Study Hall.”
As you enter the building Jungwoo pulls you down an unfamiliar corridor then up a flight of stairs. An unspoken farewell is bid to your usual study spot by the second floor window as you continue up, up, up, until finally stopping at the fifth floor where no more stairs remain. You didn’t realize the library went up that high, and you probably frequented the building more than all of the boys combined - not that you knew any of the Kappa Tau boys yet.
Though they do look extremely threatening now that you’re standing in front of them.
Jungwoo brings you to stand in front of him. “Men and Mark Lee-” (“Hey!” Mark complains,) “-I introduce to you my partner in crime, Y/N.”
You give a feeble smile to the young men surrounding the table. You recognize a few of them from the party, Johnny and Mark being the only ones you can put a name to. The two wave to you and you feel a little more welcomed. Aside from the duo, everyone else is unfamiliar, giving you emotionless head nods and scowls.
“Y/N, you know Johnny and Mark, over there’s Lucas, and that’s Sicheng.” You nod at the two of them, who seem nice enough. The latter actually gives you a soft smile, so you consider that a win in your book. “And over at that table is Doyoung, Ten… You know what? I’ll just introduce you to everyone later. Have a seat.”
You trust your friend to guide you to the safest open seat, directly across from another empty chair at one end of the long table. Immediately you pull out your biology notebook and pens, hunkering down and getting to work without further notice. If you couldn’t feel welcomed by the boys at the table, you could at least get some decent studying done. You felt far more familiar with the speciation concepts in front of you than the actual human beings next to you. You allow your head to burrow itself closer to your notebook, dwelling in this small comfort in an environment of unfamiliarities.
The moment of peace doesn’t last long.
“Peaches!” Johnny’s bellowing voice makes you jump in your seat, your beloved biology notes neglected.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” Huh. You’ve heard that voice before. You can’t place where you know it from, but it causes a sneer to form on your face. Glancing up from your notes you can’t help the strangled gasp that leaves your lips.
It’s him. You’d recognize that faded pink hair and smugly complacent upturn of lips anywhere. That, and he’s holding a coffee cup that violently catapults you back to the incident from a few weeks ago in the coffee shop. You left your perfectly good vanilla latte behind because he made you mad, that jerk.
“Oh, Jaehyun.” Jungwoo leads the man to the open seat across from you. Pointing to you, he says, “This is Peaches - I mean, Jaehyun. Jaehyun, this is-”
“-Y/N, right?” Jaehyun interrupts with a grin. You lower your eyes at the dimple that forms when he smiles. “I believe we’ve met before.”
Jungwoo looks from your displeased state to Jaehyun’s smug smirk. “Uh, okay. Cool. Well then. I’m gonna go ahead and grab lunch, I’ll be right back.” You watch as Jungwoo beckons Johnny and Mark to join him, the only three familiar faces present at the table now leaving.
Jaehyun leans back in his chair, arms moving to rest behind his head. “Looks like it’s just the two of us.”
You weigh your options. You could recognize that the two of you have indeed met before, and try to get past your differences. Or, you could refuse to acknowledge Jaehyun’s presence a mere few feet across from you at the table and try your best to study until Jungwoo returned with your food, at which point you would then flee the scene as fast as your non-athlete self could. Only one of these outcomes enticed you, and it wasn’t the one that involved talking. 
“So, Y/N,” Jaehyun leans forward. The width of the table is enough to keep him at a safe distance from you, yet he’s still close enough to invade your personal space somehow. It’s suffocating, how whatever musky cologne he’s wearing wafts over to you - he smells nothing like peaches. “How’s your day been?”
“Fine.” You keep your eyes glued to your biology notes. Allopatric Speciation occurs when two populations of the same species become isolated from one another due to-
“Aw, just fine? That’s it?” His voice is low. With Jungwoo, Johnny, and Mark out getting food, you’ve been isolated at one end of the table with Jaehyun. Lucas and Sicheng are present as well, but both seem to be deeply immersed in their own studies. It’s just the two of you.
“Yep.” Allopatric Speciation occurs when two populations of the same species-
“C’mon, I’m sure someone like you has had at least one interesting thing happen today.”
Allopatric Speciation occurs when - Someone like you? What was that supposed to mean? You sigh, but refuse to look up from your notes. Allopatric Speciation-
“Are you a first year? I took that class last year. If you ever want notes or something-” Jaehyun jumps a little when you slam the notebook shut. Good. Serves him right.
“I don’t like you, Jaehyun.”
Jaehyun tilts his head, a smirk tugging at the end of his lips. “You don’t even know me.”
“I know enough.”
He leans in by resting his forearms on the table, leveling his gaze with yours. “I don’t think you do.”
“You know what I think? I think you’re distracting me.”
Jungwoo comes back at the most opportune time, wielding a kabob skewer in each hand - one untouched and the other halfway eaten. “One chicken kabob for Y/N.”
Deeming the conversation with Jaehyun at its end, you stand up from your seat and grab your backpack from the table. Jaehyun fixes you with an intense gaze but remains silent. Whether he was sizing you up or not you didn’t care.
The tension is palpable at the table, and Jungwoo clears his throat. “Did I interrupt something?” 
“No,” you respond quickly. Grabbing your food from Jungwoo, you give him an apologetic smile. “Something came up. I gotta go. Sorry, Kim. See you tomorrow?”
You despise this man. You don’t even know Jaehyun - he is nothing but a familiar stranger - but you despise him. Him and his ethereal appearance. Why were the terrible ones always the ones blessed with above average looks? Why’d he have to open his mouth?
“Wait.” You do not, in fact, wait, but instead continue marching forward. It’s not until the figure stands right in front of you do you stop. It’s Jaehyun. Holding your biology notebook in the air. “Don’t want to leave anything behind. Like last time, right?”
The last few words out of his mouth have your blood boiling and your fists clenching at your sides. That explained the foreign lightness of the bag on your shoulder.
“Oh, right, the vanilla latte.” You fake a cordial laugh. “You mean the time I was so desperate to get away from your insufferable presence that I left behind a perfectly good coffee? The time when you treated that girl as if she wasn’t a human being? That time you couldn’t be a decent enough human being that you were that disrespectful to someone you didn’t even know?” 
Jaehyun stands before you with an astonished smile and a hand frozen in the air. You pluck the notebook out of his grasp and stride away before he has a chance to respond.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N,” Jaehyun calls.
“I’ll see you around my ass,” you mutter under your breath. You’re willing to go out of your way to avoid interactions with Jaehyun, no matter what it takes.
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a/n 2: hope you enjoyed part one of this series! it’s been a while since i last posted a fic on here so i apologize for my rusty writing skills. part 2 is projected to be posted in one week from now, but that’s tentative. we’ll see where life takes me and if i have the capacity to post in a week from now. in the meantime: stay safe! 💕
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animekath · 4 years
A Ray Of Sunshine!
Yagi Toshinori (All Might) X Hero!Reader 
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Hey guys, Kat here!
I am back once again after two months of nothing but a bunch of drawings! (My bad-) I returned because I finished watching Bnha, up to season 4, and I gosh dang love it! Everyone is so lovable and I have fallen for every teacher-(Hot teachers, ouf) And All Might is one of them-He is so sweet, I want to cry so much for him!
Anyway, here is a long ass-story for you, cuties! I hope you like it! Sorry for spelling and grammar! (My dyslexic ass-huhu!)
Words: 8469
Warning: slow burn, tooth rotting fluff, adorable reader and Toshi, swearing, injury, coughing up blood (ForComedy), eating out, riding, sweet to intense sex, creamepie, size kink-ish?
Another sunny morning in Musutafu, barely any clouds in the sky and birds chirping across town. 
But an older man seemed a bit down as he walked out of the store, coughing into his hand as blood splurt out. “Damn it…” He grunted out as he looked at his palm. Toshinori already spent his three hours of power in the morning, since one person called out for help, one after another. It was his selfless heart; he couldn’t help himself; he wanted to help people! But now he has to spend all day to suffer in this weak form. At least he is starting teaching soon in U. A High, so he could rest his body, it was for the best.
As he looked through his bag, he was taken by surprise when a blast came near him, noticing it was in the store he just left. A giant beast appeared, holding a bag which was full of money. Damn, Thief! People ran and screamed, but Toshinori held his place. “Hey-!” He snapped, about to changed but his own body stopped him, coughing up blood once again.
The beast looked down at him, his tail knocking him back. “Hahaha!! An old man trying to act big, huh?” The creature laughed, Toshinori holding his side as he was on the floor.
“Fu-” He growled. ‘Come on, you pathetic man, fight!’ He mentally shouted to himself, the beast getting closer. 'Shit, shit!’
Before the beast could throw another hit, a person whooshed past and punched him right in the jaw. “No worry, Citizens!” You turned, a bright smile on your face. “Sunshine is here!”
-Name: _____ _____
Hero Name: Sunshine
Age: 2X
Quirk: Sun - Your body absorbs the suns energy, building up strength and speed, practically unstoppable. But you become weak if clouds are blocking the sun or it’s night time-
Toshinori blinked up at you, a bit taken back by your sudden appearance. Your cloak flapped behind you as you walked towards the beast. “Hurting the old, villain? How rude of you.” You huffed.
'Geez, I don’t look THAT old, do I?’ Toshinori thought to himself as he blinked dully. ’…Nah, I do.’
“If they’re in my way, I AtTaCK!” He shouted, his tail going for another hit but you quickly dodge. “Just let me hit you, pretty girl! It’ll be quick, I swear..!”
You thought about it, rubbing at your chin. “Hm…I don’t think so! Don’t want to ruin this pretty girls face.” You winked before going to attack again, your leg doing a high kick to his face. You grabbed his tail, spinning yourself before throwing him in the air. “Mind your head!” You jumped into the air and did a low kick, his body slamming to the ground. “Never mind!” You grinned as you landed down - You looked over, taking the bag of money and passed it to the shopkeeper.
People ran over, thanking you, praising you - It made you a bit flustered. “Thank you, thank you, you’re all too kind..!” You smiled brightly. Your eyes drifted to Toshinori, the man forgetting he was lying there. “Oh, sorry, excuse me..!” You said as you walked past the crowd, quickly going over to check on him. “Sir, are you alright? Do you need any help?” You asked in a kindhearted voice.
“Ah, Thank you, but I’m fi-GHA!” He coughed up blood suddenly, noticing your surprised look.
'That is not fine!!!’ You screamed in your mind, suddenly panicked but you still gave a calming look. “No need to worry, I got you, fellow sir..!” You said.
“Wh-Ah!?” Toshinori suddenly gasped by your sudden lift, holding him in your arms. “Wait-There is no need to-!”
“Nonsense! You’re bleeding; you need help!” You said before running at full speed. You heard sirens, so you knew the beast would be handled - A man bleeding is first on the list! Toshinori felt like a child as you held him, but was still impressed by your strength.
You finally made it to the hospital, taking him inside, even when he kept telling you he’s okay. “I want you safe, sir. I’ll be dejected if I knew you were badly injured and coughing up blood isn’t a common thing.”
'It is for me..’ He thought. “It’s fine, seriously, it’s my condition I have - I was doing it before he attacked me” He tried to reassure you, but that made you look more worried.
“Th-That still isn’t good..!” You said. “Please, sir, do this for me..!”
He smiled down at you, like how caring you were. “Okay…I will.” He hated lying, but he did it to ease your worries.
“Thank you, kind sir. A nurse will be with you at any moment. I must return to the store; I need to inform the police on what happened.” You smiled, giving him a small wave. “I hope to see you again, sir! Sunshine has got your back!” You left the hospital, Toshinori smiling as you disappeared.
He saw a bit of himself in you - Maybe you were inspired by him, or you made your own passion. He was glad a hero like you was around.
“…Crap, I forgot my bag.”
Toshinori finally started his first day in U. A High and it seemed to be going well - even if he was mainly in the office. He would see Eraserhead, Present Mic and Midnight in the office as well, but it seemed they were talking about a new teacher.
“Seems our new little girl is a bit late” Nemuri purred out as she looked over the clock, a hand on her hip as she thought where the new girl was.
“A bit late? You mean an hour late.” Aizawa grunted out, not looking up from his paperwork at his desk.
Toshinori raised his head, his sunken eyes looking at the lewd woman. “Ah, A new teacher?” He questioned.
“Yes, she’s going to be learning history to the kids. Well, someday, whenever she comes in.” She chuckled as she flipped her hair behind her shoulder.
They heard the door slam open and heavy panting, all the teachers eyes flicked up, but Toshinori’s become widen. “I’m so sorry; I’m late! There was a giant octopus, and I had to help to stop it from hitting another building! Nezu already knows the situation! Forgive me!”
It was you - Sunshine!
You were still trying to catch your breath, placing a hand on your chest. He noticed your cape was a bit ruffled, your bare arms and thighs had red circle marks which he guessed the octopus got you.
“No need for worries, little miss! You’re lucky your first class doesn’t start for another fifteen minutes..!” Yamada said as he slides over to your side, giving you finger guns.
You let out a sigh of relief, a small smile appearing on your face. “Thank goodness, I was worried. Although the kids will question my scruffy appearance.” You said but shrugged it off, tapping the dust off your cape. Your eyes glanced up; the blonde man caught your eye. “Ah!”
Uh oh.
“It’s you, sir!” You beamed as you walked over. “I didn’t know you were a teacher here, what a coincidence!” You smiled brightly down at the older man. “I hope you’re feeling okay?”
“Oh! Ur, yeah, I’m fin-CUH!” He coughed up blood once again.
“THAT IS NOT FINE!” You screeched out. “So you weren’t lying before, huh!?” You frowned. “I’m sorry..!”
Toshinori waved his hands quickly in front of himself. “Oh no, don’t be sorry! You were helpful to me, no need for apologies!” He said immediately, not wanting you upset. “It’s something you didn’t know…Ur - I’m Yagi Toshinori, by the way. We never introduced each other properly.” He said, moving the talk away from him coughing up blood.
You looked down at him; a smile appeared on your face before shaking his hand. “I’m ______ _____..!”
You explained to the other teachers how you met, Toshinori seemed to lower himself more and more into his chair, a bit embarrassed when you mentioned you carried him to the hospital - The mention made Yamada and Nemuri hold back their laughter. All Might! The strongest man on Earth and the number one hero, being carried by a girl like a child and who was much smaller than him - The thought made Yamada choke on his laugh, quickly turning his body away to calm himself.
You were confused by their reactions, but you stopped when you realised you were going to be late for your class. “I need to go! Can’t keep the kids waiting!” You gave a quick wave before leaving the Office.
“I’m guessing she doesn’t know you’re All Might, correct?” Aizawa said as he side glanced at Toshinori.
“Ah, no…” He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. He might need to tell you one day since all the teachers knew about his identity, but you not knowing made him feel at ease. You seem to give him respect as a teacher and not as the number one hero.
‘Maybe later…’
For a strong Pro-Hero, who knows about history and seemed level headed, you also seem to be a bit oblivious and a klutz. You would get flustered when you make a mistake or trip upon nothing, but you always smiled about it - Nothing seemed to make you frown. You, of course, pouted by the teasing you got from the other teachers and even your students, but nothing made you truly upset.
Toshinori was sat on the lounge, letting out a soft sigh as he rubbed on his stiff neck, finally finished with the paperwork - Damn, he didn’t realise how much teachers got, must have been a pain. As he put together his paperwork and put it in his briefcase, he left the room only to have a lunchbox shoved in his face. “There you are Toshi!” You grinned up at him. “Want lunch together?”
“Ah-! You…You made me lunch?” He blinked surprised down at you, taken back by your sudden show and the fact that you made him lunch.
“Yes! I made too much this morning and thought of sharing it with you! I also notice you don’t eat much during work, so I thought of treating you.” You tilted your head to the side. “You’ve also finished your work, right?”
Toshinori had a feeling that no was not a choice in this matter.
So the next thing he knew, he was sat outside on a bench with you, opening the lid to see rice and chicken - It smelt so good; it nearly made him drool. He grabbed his chopsticks and took the first bite. “Mm-” He swallowed, noticing your eyes were nervously glancing over, hoping he would like it. “It’s Delicious…” He gave you a bright smile. “Thank you so much; I don’t deserve this wonderful meal.”
“…” Your eyes sparkled, looking like you might cry. “It’s nothing, Toshi! You deserve it, you work so hard, and you deserve a break once in a while!” You gave him a thumbs up, Toshinori letting out a chuckle by your positive words.
You never said anything negative about anyone, not even Aizawa, only saying he just needed more sleep because he looked like a tired raccoon. Yamada now started calling Aizawa a tired raccoon, which made him, wrap his binding cloth around his head to cover his mouth.
“You’re too kind to me, _____.” He hummed, both of you taking a few more bites. Damn, he needed that - He couldn’t have full meals because of his stomach, so he just had snacks, but your lunch had the right balance. “Ah…I haven’t been that stuffed in a while; I needed that.” He sighs as he closed his eyes.
“If you enjoyed it that much, I can make you another tomorrow and maybe the day after..!” You grinned. “As I said, I make so much, and I can’t eat all of it on my own.” You then leaned forward a bit. “Also having our meals together, we can talk more and more!” Toshinori opened his mouth to reply, but his phone started ringing.
He grabbed his phone quickly as he got up, noticing you holding back your laugh, your hand covering your mouth. “I need to take this..!” He said, a bit flustered by his ring tone, which was a first since the other teachers knew and he didn’t care about their reactions.
“O-Okay…” You snickered, finding this tall, skinny man so adorable. You thought he was an All Might fan since he had him as his ring tone, it amazed you. When he returned, you bit your lip as you smiled. “All Might, huh?”
“Ur - Yeah…Is that a problem?” He asked as he looked over your bright form. You never talked or mentioned All Might, even though someone has spoken about him at least once or all the time.
You rested you back against the bench as you thought about it. “No, nothing wrong having a ring tone of him. All Might…Is okay.”
Something inside him shattered. ‘Just…Okay!?’ He thought you didn’t notice his shaken form. ‘Not amazing, wonderful, handsome, just OKAY!?’
You quickly waved your hands. “Don’t get me wrong; I look up to All Might a lot! I think the brands and advertisements just put me off so much, like - I saw his head on a toilet brush, you don’t need to do that!” You said as you explained yourself. “That’s not his fault, though…He was the one that taught me to smile through everything!” You said as you looked up at Toshinori, You didn’t realise how close your faces were. “Through pain and danger, I will always smile! I want people to know everything will be okay!” You smiled, your voice filled with so much passion and love; it made Toshinori’s eyes sparkle. “So…Maybe I shouldn’t say he’s okay - I should say he’s the best person on Earth…But I don’t want to see his face on a brush again…” You said, nervously scratching your cheek.
“…Heh…” Toshinori snickered before he started to laugh out loud, you followed with your laughter, his large bony hand on your shoulder.
“Holy Jesus, there is blood everywhere! PLEASE SEE A DOCTOR AGAIN, TOSHI!!!”
Another few weeks went by, and each day, he had a new lunch - If you missed him because you’re both busy, you just leave it at his desk. For doing this, you only wanted his company, sitting outside together and just chatted about school, life or your past. Toshinori didn’t have enough courage to let you know that he’s All Might - He liked the way you looked at him in this form and not his other. Maybe he was a desperate older man, but he thought you get flustered over small touches or when he compliments you - Maybe he was overthinking. The tall man had a soft spot for you; He wanted your sweet laugh, your small touches and your kind words, it made him putty.
One day it started to rain out of nowhere, getting the poor man soaked. “Damn it.” He sighs as he took off his wet jacket. “Thank god for the extra clothing at school.” He said to himself as he went to the office, seeing no one was around. Since he was alone, he might as well change here - He didn’t want to walk all the way downstairs just to turn and go back right back up to the office.
He took off his soaked white shirt, grabbing the spare to slip on. Before he could though, the door opened. “Hey, To-” You stopped, your eyes widen at the sight. Toshinori stopped as well as he looked over to your face, noticing your eyes were looking at the horrific scar on the side of his stomach, making him quickly cover it with his hand.
“_____, It’s not…” What could he say? ‘It’s not that bad’, ‘It’s nothing’, you won’t shrug it off. He swallowed the hard lump in his throat as his eyes drifted off to the side, still feeling your eyes on him. ‘She’ll probably leave, be disgusted by this. Fuck, who am I kidding? She has never seen me in that way…’ His mind swarmed with negative thoughts, but he suddenly felt a fresh touch, snapping out of his thoughts as he gasped.
You were in front of him, your hand on his scar but pulled away when he gasped. “S-Sorry! Does it hurt?” You asked quietly as you looked up at him.
“A-Ah, no, no - You just took me by surprise.” He replied. Toshinori couldn’t believe you were in front of him, you didn’t look disgusted nor sad, more like curious. He felt your hand on his scar once again, just gently laying your palm on the centre. Your touch was Soft. It made the taller man fluster. “Hah…” He let out a shaken breath as your fingertips ran along the lines of his scar, a shiver running up his spine.
It felt nice…Sweet. Goodness, he wanted more.
“How…How did you get this? It looks so painful.” You muttered, Toshinori realising how close you were, he could smell your shampoo, he wanted to run his fingers through your hair.
“It’s a long story, but…” He swallowed again. “_____, I have to tell you something. The other teachers know A-And I wasn’t hiding it from you because I don’t trust you! It’s just…I like the way you look at me…Like this…” His sunken eyes looked down at you, seeing the confusion on your face. “You don’t look at me like a popular guy like others. You see me, as…Me. Although the other side is me too…”
“Toshi, I don’t…I’m confused.” You muttered. His large hands placed on your shoulders to move you a foot away, seeing his form into-”A-All Might!?” Your eyes widen, the skinny man you knew - now turned into the number one hero. “W-What!? He’s All Might, Y-You’re All Might!? How, I-!” Your eyes swirled, entirely confused. “Oh god, I’m confused - You’ve always been All Might!? OH, GOD-!”
“Don’t freak out, I’ll tell you everything, just breathe..!” Even his vocals changed, having a mighty boom in his voice.
After you calmed down, he told you everything; The fight, the damage, what it did to his body and how he can only be All Might for only a few hours. You stood there, listening intently, taking it all in - Everything made sense, All of it! It saddened you to know he’s in so much pain.
“Toshi…You could have told me right away..” You muttered, looking up at him to smile. “I like you for you, silly, not your power or popularity. You’re still the big softy I know.” You let out a giggle, the muscle man melting by your sweet voice.
“_____…Your words mean a lot to me. Thank y-GH!” He coughed, turning back to his skinny self, blood spurting from his mouth.
“N-Now I know why you cough up blood so much.” You sigh, taking out a napkin to clean his mouth, buying a few for Toshinori last week. “Still…A hero or not, I want to help in any way I can. Even A number one hero needs help sometimes.” You said, lowering the napkin to look over his face. “So if you need me, call me, shout my name, and I’ll come running..!” You gave your heroic grin, making him smile.
“Thank you, _____. Urm…You can do me a favour; it’s a little embarrassing to ask…” He said as he scratched his cheek. “Can…I hold you?”
You were taken back by the request but smiled sweetly. “You never have to ask that from me, Toshi.” You said softly, going closer to pull him into a hug. Your arms wrapped around his waist, while he anxiously wrapped his around your neck, a substantial hand gently on your head. “Mm…”
Your head rested on his chest; your ear pressed up against him to hear his heart beating. He may be hurt, but he was alive, smiling when his heartbeat quickened. Toshinori felt your hand run along up and down his back slowly like you were comforting him; it made the poor man shiver. Your touch was warm and gentle; he felt overwhelmed. He hasn’t been touched like this in so long; he craved for it, he wanted nothing but your sweet touches. He didn’t think of it as sexual, just two people wanting comfort, some type of loving connection. He closed his eyes as you continued, nearing arching his back against your hand, making your bodies press closer together. “Sunshine…My ray of Sunshine.”
His deep voice made you blush, your heart skipping a beat by his words. It may have been your hero name, but he was saying it in a different light. His sighs as he felt your fingers rubbing up against his back, going higher to go through his hair. His breath shaken when you rubbed his head, your fingers going through the messy blonde hair. His head lowered until he was resting against yours, his eyes close but yours were widened. He enjoyed it; he craved it; he wanted nothing but your soft touches. You watched him get putty in your arms, the view making your heart beat faster. “…Tosh-”
You both heard the door, looking over to see Aizawa at the doorway, the gloomy man frozen on the stop. You both blushed, realising the situation - You were both pressed together, your arms tangled in an embrace and Toshinori being shirtless. “Sorry, I…I didn’t mean to intrude. You both can continue…” He said, in his dull voice, turning around to leave.
You both pulled away, waving your arms to get his attention. “No, no, this isn’t what it looks like!!!” You both said at the same time.
“It’s ‘exactly’ what it looks like.” He grunted before the door slammed shut.
You both stood there, flustered and quiet. Oh god, he thought you guys were about to have sex, that wasn’t good! Both of you were so caught up in the embrace, that you forgot that you were in the office, in a school for that matter.
“I…I should put my shirt on now.” “Y-Yes, and I’ll-! Urm…Go to class..! It’s early, but oh well!” You both laughed nervously, your bodies stiff as you went to your desk; Toshinori was putting on a dry shirt while you grabbed your papers. You both looked at each other, your cheeks still hot. “I-” You both stopped, letting out a nervous chuckle. “You go first.”
“No, you…” You replied.
“No, Y-”
“C-Can we do that again!?” You spit out; the man took back by your request. “I just-! Urm…I-It was nice and…You’re very cuddly. I liked it.” You smiled nervously, gripping on to your papers. “I understand if yo-”
“Yes.” He replied right away, his bright eyes staring into your soul. “I would love to, _____.”
“Oh…Great..!” You replied, relieved that he agreed. “Okay, Urm…I’ll sees you later, okay?” You gave a small wave before walking to the door, nearly running into it. “Shi-Damn, I-” You opened the door, letting out a nervous laugh before closing it.
“…” Toshinori squatted on the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair, his face red as he stared at the floor. ‘Oh god, oh god, oh god - That happened. Jesus Christ, I almost died from embarrassment, that woman will be the death of me…’ He thought in his head, steam coming out of his ears.
He heard the door slide open again. “Are you done with your sex?”
“WE WEREN’T HAVING SEX, SHOUTA!!!” He shouted as he splurted out blood.
After that awkward bump on the road, things seem to be going smoothly for you and Toshinori. You continued talking and eating lunch together, but it seemed to be more touchy. You would rest against each other while your fingers ran through his hair, the bony man letting out soft hums when your nails gently scraped against his scalp. You even invited him to your house to watch movies and cuddle, resting on his chest or his head resting on your lap while you played with his hair. The little affections were sweet, especially when your held hands, his thumb rubbing up and down your knuckles.
This made the other teachers a bit more curious about your ‘relationship’ - Nemuri wanted to know the juicy details; what was he like in the sack, did he punish you, did you tie him down to the bed, would you two just fuck each other raw. You denied it all; it was nothing like that! But the thoughts sadly came, and it made your face beat red, thanks Nemuri! Yamada would ask Toshinori the romantic questions; What was your first date like, was your first kiss passionate or rough, are you the romantic type, have you guys danced together, have you both said I love you. Toshinori denied it all as well, but embarrassed at the thought of taking you on a date, just having each others company. Aizawa didn’t bring up any questions nor said much on it, just a simple ‘If you guys are happy, then I am glad, but don’t bring that shit to school.’
The questions made you both think - It did seem like you were a couple, but you never kissed, nor gone on a date. Both of you were so busy with school and hero work that the closest thing you have done together was cuddle in bed. You guys loved it, but maybe it was time to the next level. Toshinori knew he wasn’t a young man anymore; he wanted a relationship, he wanted a house together, he wanted a family - But were you in the same mindset? He didn’t know that you were. You loved being a hero, you loved helping people, but you also wanted a life. You would see parents with their children, and it made you think of having your own kids and husband - But did Toshinori felt the same? You didn’t know that he was.
Weeks went by until one day, Toshinori was running to the hospital after he heard what happened. 
A Building was on fire at night, and news reported that you went inside to rescue any civilians, even though you were practically quirk-less at night. You didn’t wait for reinforcements, you just ran in head first, but thanks to that you saved many lives. The news said everyone was going to the closest hospital, including yourself, since you were injured from the fire.
Toshinori panicked - What happened if you were trapped or severely injured, you wouldn’t have made it out. He just needed to see you, hold you, anything-damn it! He made it to the hospital and the desk told him which room you were in, his body practically shaking in the lift. And when he finally made it to your room, he saw you, his mass shooting towards you - He couldn’t hold himself any longer!
“To-Mm!” Your eyes widen, freezing on the spot when his lip met yours, his arm wrapped around you while the other held the back of your head so you wouldn’t pull away. It was passionate and even a desperate kiss, like he hasn’t seen you in years - You couldn’t help but kiss back. Your free hand ran through his messy hair, both of you pressed together in the sweet embrace. Toshinori felt like if he lets you go, you would fade away and wouldn’t come back. He needed you; he wanted you; he didn’t want to let go!
“E-Excuse me…” They heard a quiet voice say, both pulled away from the kiss to see the nurse looking a bit flustered. She was holding your arm, which she was still bandaging up. “May I continue, please?”
You giggled as Toshinori pulled away with a flustered face, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ah-I’m so sorry! Please, forgive me, ma’am..!” He was that one noted; he didn’t notice the nurse.
“It’s fine; I know the feeling. You must be happy to see your girlfriend is safe.” She hummed as she did the final touches.
“S-She’s not my-I mean-” He shuttered, wanting to hide.
The nurse gave him a wink. “I’ll give you two some alone time. Please rest, miss _____.” She said as she eased you on the bed before leaving.
“Thank you so much for your service, Miss.” You said kindly, giving a small nod. As the door shut, you gave Toshinori a slight grin. “I didn’t expect that from you, Toshi. You took me by surprise, you big flirt.”
“Ah-It wasn’t like that..! I mean…I just wanted to see you and when I did…My body couldn’t handle it.” He said, looking a bit anxious as he rubbed his neck again. “I…I needed to know you were real.” He then sat beside you, his large hand taking yours. “And I’m happy to know you’re safe…”
“Toshi…I’m fine. I burnt my arm, but it’ll heal, might leave a mark though.” You pouted, before glancing at his hand, his grip tightened. His mind swarmed with dark thoughts, but you cut it by kissing his cheek. “No need for that look, Toshi. I’m fine…”
“Yes, but…Your Quirk-”
“Quirk or not, I’m still a hero.” You said, your head gently resting on his. “Yes, it is hard without a quirk. I ignore doing anything at night, but…I couldn’t just stand there and watch a building burn full of people. I…I had to do something, Toshi.” You closed your eyes, biting your bottom lip, trying to hold yourself. “If I didn’t…A lot of people would have suffered. My body just carried me, running inside and help them people. I-I kept smiling…I kept pushing myself.”
His arms wrapped around you, leaning your head towards his shoulder. “…You must have been scared, _____…Knowing that if anything bad happened, you…” He sighs. “Never mind. It’s over now, and you did so well…You saved families, My Sunshine. I’m so proud of you.” His words overwhelmed you, gripping his shirt as you suddenly sobbed into his shoulder. “Shh…Shh…I got you now, Sunshine. Just let it out.” And so you did, holding onto Toshinori as you cried in his arms.
But now, you call him your boyfriend.
After the hospital, both of you were becoming much cuddlier, like two teens in their first relationship. You continued to eat together, but Toshinori would quickly steal a kiss from you before anyone noticed, your face becoming flustered as you stuffed your face with food to distract yourself. You loved this side of him, kindhearted and sweet, even a bit of a flirt when he wanted to.
You finally went on your first date, and it was awkward at first, but when you walked through the park together and kicked off your heels, it went smoothly - Toshinori even gave you his jacket when he thought you were cold. You can cut ice easily with how adorable the two of you were. Even the teachers noticed how bright the two of you were together; they could practically see the hearts and sparkles coming out from both of you. Yamada nearly sobbed, wanting what you two have.
“Geez, it has to rain suddenly again!” You whined as you and Toshinori ran to his place. “They said today was going to be sunny, them lying bastards..!”
“Hah, true - Let’s just get inside quickly before we get completely soaked!”
“Too late, Toshi!”
You both went inside, peeling off your coats and hung them up, sliding off your shoes after. As you both went inside, Toshinori went to get some towels for you both. “Here, get yourself dried up.” He said, a towel resting on his head, making you smile before ruffling your hair with the soft wool. “Give me a second.” He disappeared once again, returning with some dry clothes. “Here, you should take these so that you won’t be walking around in wet clothes.”
“Ah-Thank you, Toshi.” You said as you took them from his hands, the tall man pointing where his bathroom was for you to change. He went to his bedroom, sliding off his clothes to slip on a loose t-shirt and pants, just casual wear. As he left his bedroom, he turned when he heard you. “Thank you again for your clothes, but your pants couldn’t fit me.”
His eyes widen, looking over your smaller form - Wearing nothing but his buttoned-up shirt which was resting on your mid-thigh. He could have sworn his heart stopped, seeing your bare legs. “Ah…” He knew your outfit showed your thighs, but this was different, you wore long boots and socks to cover your legs. They looked beautiful, your thighs lightly pressing together. ‘I want to grab them so badly…’ He thought, his eyes darken by the thought. ‘I want to dig my fingernails into her flesh until she-’
“T-Toshi…” He snapped out of it by your voice, seeing you looked nervous by his silent stare. “I’m sorry, I’ll put back on my-”
“No, don’t-It’s fine..!” He said quickly as he put his hands up. ‘You perverted old man, what were you thinking!? It’s inappropriate to stare’ He mentally slapped himself, not wanting you to be uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, F-Forgive me-” He swallowed, taking your wet clothes to put them in the wash with his own.
As he did this, you sat on the couch, feeling so exposed wearing this, but what else could you wear? The way he stared at you, it was like he was about to pounce on you. The thought made you shiver, your cheeks heating up. ‘Stop it, you fool! Stop thinking of such lewd things!’ You thought to yourself.
“Here…” You blinked when you felt a weight on your shoulders. “This blanket is to keep you warm. I bet you’re freezing.” You nod your head, watching Toshinori sitting beside you and turned on the TV. You held the blanket close as you sat beside him, covering the blush on your cheeks. He wrapped one arm around you to pull you close, gently rubbing your shoulder to ease your stiff muscles.
He may have been a bony man, but he was still comfortable to rest against, loving when you heard his heartbeat against his chest. “Mm…” Your eyes were not on the TV, your eyes placed at his chest, your fingers gently running along his collar bone - his body stiffens by the touch, his grip lightly squeezed you. “Toshi…Aren’t you cold too?” You asked, but before he could reply, you already wrapped the blanket around each other.
The hero felt you cuddle up to him close, his heart beating into his ribs faster. ‘We’ve done this so many times, why is it now so intense’He thought, his eyes glancing down at you, your breasts pressed up against his side, and your thighs pressed together, making the poor boy stiff. 'Oh goodness, she is so sexy, I’m might pass out..!’ His eyes swirled, holding you close to his body. “_____…”
You looked up him, your whole face heated while your hands gripped his shirt. “Toshi…” You bit the inside of you lip, pushing yourself. 'Stop being so shy!’ You moved your body up, the man’s eyes slightly widen as you sat on his lap, your thighs resting on either side of him. “I…Urm…I want to…” You shuttered, frowning that you were too nervous to say it, so you just pulled him into a kiss, hoping he gets the hint.
He was prepossessing your words and actions, as he let you continue, his hands gently placed on your hips as he kissed back, letting out a pleasing hum. “Mm…” You both relaxed into the kiss, your arms going around his neck to make the kiss deeper, his fingers gently squeezing your soft hips. He loved every part about you; he wanted to touch and kiss every part while saying loving things in your ear; he wanted you to know how special you were to him. He bit your bottom lip, hoping you got the hint. You did, kissing again while your tongues brushed against each other, Toshinori feeling your hips pressed down on him.
‘Is that what you want, little Sunshine? I’ll give it to you…I’ll give you everything.’ He thought, his hand slowly sliding down to cup your ass, letting out a small squeak which made him chuckle against your lips. Fuck, your skin felt so smooth and soft, squeezing your ass as he grinds you down onto him. Your fingers held onto his hair, moaning into the kiss as you felt his semi-hard on rubbing against your clothed cunt. “Hah…” You both pulled away for air, his eyes looking at your adorable face, a low growl leaving his lips. “You want me, _____?” Your voice was lost, so all you did was nod, a smile appearing on his face. “I’m glad…I’ve wanted you for so long, I practically ached…” He grunted, his voice rugged and deep, it made a shiver run down your spine.
“Toshi…” You took his hands, leading them to the buttons of the shirt, The skinny man giving you a ‘are you sure?’ look. “P-Please…I…I want you too.” He nods his head as a reply, his long fingers unbuttoning the shirt - Your breasts peeking out, your stomach and finally, your underwear. He let out a shaken sigh as he parted the shirt; your whole body is shown to him. He let out a quiet ‘fuck’; a small smile appeared on your face. “Like what you see?”
“Yes…God, yes, you’re breathtaking…” He breathed out, his thumbs rubbing your hip bones. “Gorgeous, beautiful…Sexy as hell.” His sunken eyes looked up at you, a grin sliding on his face. “Are you a villain? Trying to get me weak on the knees until I’m under your power?”
You giggled. “Maybe…” You purred, your hands grabbing his shirt to slip it off. “Although, your All-mighty body is getting me weaker…” He laughed, the aura around you both seemed to be less tense. Your hand gently ran down his body, your fingertips smoothly running against the scar, Toshinori groaning - Already putty under your touch. He has fought so many villains throughout his years, but he has never been this weak from simple touches. Your hand stopped on his pants; your eyes flicked up to his face as your fingers teasingly rubbed the edge. “May I?”
“Y-Yeah…” He breathed out, his face flustered as you grabbed his pants, sliding them down to his mid-thigh with his boxers, his cock hit against his stomach. Your eyes looked at his throbbing masterpiece in awe, seeing it twitch, making your lower stomach burn. Toshinori rested his head back, his arm covering his eyes so he wouldn’t be able to see you, he was too nervous to. “D…Don’t stare.” He grunted out, his breath shaken.
“S-Sorry, I just…It’s so big.” He chocked on a gasp, feeling your hand wrapped around his shaft, giving him a few slow pumps. “So hot…My hand might melt.” You swallowed your saliva, trying to not drool so much on how good he looked. He was a flustered mess on the couch already, you wanting nothing but to ride him, but you held yourself. “Is this good? I’m not the best…I-I don’t do this often…” You weakly chuckled.
“N-No, no, it’s good…Hah…So good. Mmm…Your hand is so soft.” He groaned out, still not looking at you or your hand. Your thumb slowly rubbed the sensitive tip, making his hip jolt up. “Ah-I…Oh, god.” He moaned, gritting his teeth as your hand gently squeezed his shaft, your hand going faster.
“Toshi…Please look.” You moved his arm away from his face, loving how handsome and cute he looked - His eyes were hazed with lust and his cheeks so flustered, you couldn’t look away. You tilted his head to look down, watching your hand pump his shaft. “You are so amazing…I can’t keep my eyes off you.” You breathed out, Toshinori letting shaken moans and breaths, his eyes were practically heart-shaped. “Do you like me doing this to you?”
“Yes…Yes, yes, all of it.” He groaned, bucking into your hand. “I-If you keep pumping me quickly, I’ll…Ah-I’ll come.” His fingers gripped onto your thighs, teasingly grazing your underwear. “Not yet…I-I…I want to be inside you.” Fuck, he did - He won’t be able to hold himself any longer. “Let me please you…”
You stopped, nodding your head. “O-Okay…” You got off him, the tall man already missing the closeness, watching you rest back on the couch. You nervously opened your legs for him as he crawled over, seeing your underwear was soaked. Were you that excited from touching him? Shit…
“Can I, _____?” He asked politely, his hands reaching for your underwear. You nod your head, letting out a weak ‘Y-Yeah’, his hands sliding them down until they were completely off. “Fuck-” He gasped, his bright blue eyes staring between your legs. “You’re beautiful…Stunning. I am a lucky man to have you…”
“S-Same for you, Toshi…” You breathed out, a weak smile spread on your face. “Ah-” You blushed, feeling his thumb spread your pussy lips, leaning down to get a closer look. “D-Don’t; it’s so embarrassing…”
He chuckled. “How is it? I’m looking at the most beautiful thing…You’re soaking for me, darling.” He groaned. “I just…Want to…” His tongue ran up your slit, a small whimper leaving your lips. “Fuck…I can’t-I…You taste so good.” Like a wild animal loose from its cage, his lips attacked your pussy, his tongue running up and down your slit to taste your juices.
“T-Toshi-!” You gasped, your fingers running through his hair, keeping your legs open as he continued to eat you out. Oh god, oh god, he snapped! His tongue would sometimes slip inside you, before pulling out to lick and suck at your pussy lips. “F-Fuck, oh fuck..!” You bucked into his face but felt his hand hold you down, keeping you in place as he tongue fucked you. “Nnn…!” Your headshot back, letting out whimpers and moans as he continued. But he turned it up, as his mouth moved up to suck on your clit. “F-Fuck! Oh god, Toshi…You’re so good.” You moaned out, gripping onto his hair.
“Fuck, darling…” He groaned against you, continue to suck at your clit. He loved how you thrived underneath him, your hands gripping onto his hair as you moaned out his name like a prayer.
“Toshi…Nnh-A…All Might…!” Toshinori stopped, pulling away from your legs, his full-blown eyes staring down at you - practically glowing.
“…What did you say?”
“…All…All Might?” You muttered, having no idea if he liked being called that or not. But when he smirked, you knew he loved it. He grabbed you, resting you on his lap, grabbing his own cock to tease it against your pussy. “Mmm…”
“Are you ready for me? My ray of Sunshine.” He groaned out, his hand gripping your thigh, wanting nothing but to pound you into the couch but he held himself for you.
“Yes…Ah, yes.” You moaned out, bucking your hips that his tip went right against your entrance. He grabbed your hips, slowly lower yourself until you were in. “F-Fuck…You filled me up. Oooh, Toshi..!” You sigh, grinding against him to get used to his size.
“Ah…_-_____. You feel…Mm-Remarkable.” He felt your walls squeeze him just a bit; his tip feeling so sensitive inside you; the pleasure was pure bliss. “Mmm…Please move. I’m dying here…”
You giggled by his begging, raising your hips before lowering them back down, both of you making a small moan. You would raise your hips slowly, but then slammed down quickly, the only thing heard in the room was each others moaning and skin slapping against skin. “I-Is that good, hah-Toshi?” You purred, holding onto his shoulders as you moved.
“Ngh-Yes…Ah…! Your…Pussy feels so good.” It was the first time hearing him use that word, and you loved it. He leaned over you to kiss and nibble your neck down to your shoulder like it was his very own canvas. He wanted to leave his marks on you, knowing you were his, knowing you were real. All of this felt like a hazy dream to him - Just knowing you still wanted him after all this time amazed him, but he loved it.
He loved you.
“Oh god, Toshi…” You felt every curve and vein of his cock, loving how it hit every spot inside you, his tip hitting just right in your womb. The fantastic feeling made you speed up the pace, your ass now slapping against his skinny thighs. “Mmm…Yes, yes, yes…! You feel amazing, T-Toshi.” You moaned, before leaning forward. “Or should I say…All Might?” You purred in his ear, feeling his body stiffen for a second. “Mnn…I love how All Might is hitting every right spot inside me…I’m so lucky to have you…My All Might.”
He growled low; his eyes seemed to brighten even more - He grabbed your arms, you stopped to look up at him, a wide smirk on his lips. “Again…Repeat it…” Steam now seeped out of his body, his body increasing in size and muscle.
“Tos-AH!” Your eyes widen, his cock increasing in size also - How is that possible, oh god, it was stretching you to your limit. “NNH!!!” Tears started to form in your eyes, biting your lip when he stopped growing. Now his big, muscly body was underneath you, the smirk on his face was still there. He now grabbed your arms and slammed your whole body down, crying out as his cock was so deep - You saw nothing but white.
“Come on, Sunshine, you can take a few inches more..!” His bright heroic voice come out, pretty much using your body as his very own flashlight. As he slammed your whole body down, his hips would thrust up, nothing but pound after pound inside you. “Now…Call for me. Call. For. Me..!” He growled out.
Your mind wasn’t thinking straight, only crying and moaning out, your words already slurred and made no sense. “I-I-Nuh! A-All-Ah!” It was too much, you were past your limit, you think you already came, but you weren’t sure.
It was…It was…Incredible!
No one has made you feel this good; it was inhuman! Oh god - you saw stars, you saw Jesus himself, No, you saw Aizawa and Yamada as angels above you. You were fucking losing it! “L-Lord! Oh! Fuck! A-Ahh! A-All Might! All Might!” Your walls were clamping down on his thick cock, Toshinori groaning below you.
“D-Damn, you are pulling me in, aren’t you?” He groaned out, watching your body beg for him, your breasts bouncing with each thrust he made, your eyes rolling at the back of your head - You could barely breathe since he did nothing but fuck the shit out of you, you didn’t have time for a break. But if he ever stopped for a second, you would just beg for him to continue, you would just die on the spot. “Sunshine…My Sunshine…!, Ah! Damn, you feel S-So fucking good! Ngh!” He watched his cock thrust into you, seeing how soaking wet you were, it was all over his cock and balls - it made it easier for him to slip inside. “heh, I bet you’ve come for me, maybe even twice?” He chuckled. “You want to come again? I’ll…Ng-Join you. Would you like that?”
You just kept moaning and crying for him, gasping for air, amazed that his speed increased. “Y-Y-Yeah! Y-You’re Ah splitting M-Me in two!” You shuttered out. “Y-You’re going to kill Me-Me while fucking me, out of M-My god damn M-M-Mind!” You cried, tears running down your face. Toshinori did nothing but laugh, stopped by a loud groan, feeling his balls tightening up. “Y-Yes! C-Come, Come In-Inside me! All Might! Ah!”
“As you wish, _____..!” He continued to pound into you until you were close to your climax. “H-Holy shit!” He roars, feeling you and himself at a climax. “_____! Ah, Sunshine!” He gave one hard slammed down, his cum shooting inside you like a gunshot. "Ngh!"
“AHH!” You screamed out your climax, your mind going blank. Oh fuck, oh god, his hot cum was filling you up - There was so much, it started leaking out of your pussy.
He bucked into you gently as his climaxed eased down, his cum spilling out more. “Ah…Hah…” He rested his head back as he panted heavily, sweat going down his tired body. The fog in his mind started to fade away, making him think more clearly. “_…____…Are you o-” He froze as he looked at you, seeing you limp, your eyes nothing but white. “_____? _____…!” He gently shook you, his skin going pale before spitting out blood as he changed back to his skinny form. “Oh god, I killed her with sex!!!”
“N…No….May…be…” You mumbled, your body falling on his, too tired and sore to move. “Th-that…”
“Oh no, oh no, I should have controlled myself..! I’m so, so sorry!” He held your body close, gently rubbing your back, feeling you shaking. “I wanted to make love to you…B-But my mind went blank and turned into a beast. Forgive me…I’m a terrible person…” He muttered, his sunken eyes looking over you.
You pulled away a bit to look over his worried face, before giving him a peck on the lips. “C-Can…Can we…Do that again?”
Another working day in U. A High, you and Toshinori at your desks, but you twitched when you felt eyes staring at you. “N…Nemuri? You okay?” You asked as you looked over at her, seeing her intense eyes looking over your body and face.
“…You had sex, didn’t you?” She said simply, Toshinori choking on his hot tea as you blushed. “I can see it all over you; you’re practically glowing with sex!”
“Yo ho ho! Way to go, my man!” Yamada gave a bro bump on his shoulder, Toshinori just shaking at his desk, the tea still pouring out of his mouth.
“Finally…” Aizawa grunted out, his eyes on his paperwork.
“Oh yes, let’s celebrate after work!”
“W-What!? No, Nemuri!”
“Hell Yeaaah, Let’s do it, superstars!”
“I’ll be in my sleeping bag.”
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petri808 · 4 years
Something in Common
Based on an idea I got from this post that I just felt like writing after chatting with @bmarvels about it lol. It was written directly on Tumblr so please ignore any grammar mistakes 😅
Nalu/Shicca one shot crossover
“You’re not gonna leave, huh?” The annoyed blonde sighs. “Try not to make a mess while I take a bath please.”
Natsu rolls his eyes, of course, he wasn’t planning to. “I’m just gonna watch some lacrimavision. How much trouble can I get in doing that?”
“Shall I remind you what happened with my last lacrimavision set?”
“No,” he slumps his shoulders. It was an accident, but she still held it against him. “I’ll behave.”
“Good.” Lucy walks away having won that round.
She’d been dying to try out a bath bomb set Cana had given her at the Holiday party. It would have been more relaxing if she was home alone, but those times were few and far between with a certain slayer practically living with her.
Once safely behind her locked bathroom door, Lucy opens up the packaging that held four colorful balls. She grabs a pinkish colored one and places the rest on the counter, then holds it close to her nose to take a whiff.
It smelled divine! Rose, Sakura, and Vanilla all mixed together in a perfect floral blend. Not overpowering like some parfums can be. It was natural, herbal in a way, and reminded her of the natural hot springs they found on True Island. Relaxing with all the girls had been so much fun. ‘I hope we’ll all see each other again...’
Lucy turns on the faucet and waits for the tub to fill with water. While she waits, she strips off her clothes and winds her hair up into a messy bun. She tests the waters periodically to make sure it’s not too hot.
As soon as the tub is half full she drops the bomb in and immediately it begins to foam. It was so pretty! And cool to watch, for the bubbling action was full of churning shades of reds, then purples, and yellows. ‘How curious,’ she wonders. The outside was only reds and white but perhaps inside were other colors.
No matter, as the scent remains the same. It’s beautiful notes filling the room, clinging to the vapors and sticking to her hair. Such a neat little bath bomb, she’ll have to ask Cana where she got them from. Lucy shuts off the water as it nears the 3/4 mark on the tub. It was time to soak and send her aches and pains to another realm.
She places one foot into the steaming waters. How interesting, it tingles, like the tickling feeling you get on your nose when you’re drinking a carbonated drink. She steps all the way inside ready to submerge herself into the aromatic cocktail.
When in a flash, the waters begin to churn on their own! Swirling into a small whirlpool. Lucy tries to get out but it’s sucking her in. “Natsu!!” She cries out once before darkness swallows her whole.
The slayer looks up from the couch towards the bedroom. “Lucy?” He’d heard the scream loud and clear, but only the one. Had she seen a bug again? He walks into the room and knocks on the bathroom door, checking the knob but finding it locked.
“Lucy are you okay in there?” Seconds tick by and with each passing his level of concern heightens. “Lucy?!” He bangs louder on the door. “Answer me!!”
But there was nothing except a deadly silence coming from within. Screw it, if she got mad about the door, he’ll fix it later. Natsu smashes it off it’s hinges and rushes inside. “Lucy?” The room was empty! Just a haze of steam to greet him and a tub full of purplish pink water as still as a grave. Even the small window in the room was closed. How did the woman disappear?! Had she drowned?!
Without thinking, he jumps into the tub ready to scan the murky water. As soon as both legs make contact, it begins to churn. Natsu leaps up to get out, but the water grabs hold of his legs and pulls him back down. “What the fu...”
Darkness envelops him so suddenly, he has no idea what just happened. He tries to light up his hands to give him some light, but nothing happens. All he can feel is a sense of weightless falling. Did a wizard just cast a spell on them?!
When Lucy tries to open her eyes, the light surrounding her seemed so bright compared to the pitch black ink she’d been falling through a moment ago. She blinks a few times to clear the gaze and allow her vision to correct itself. Wherever she was, she could feel water surrounding her lower body again. Was it a dream and she just woke up back in her tub? Her eyes find purchase once more, but what she saw stunned her.
And just as she was about to open her mouth to address the situation, Natsu appears out of thin air sitting beside her. He was flailing or fighting against an unseen foe. She grabs his arms. “Natsu, calm down!”
The man stops immediately. “Lucy?!” He couldn’t fully see her because his vision was still messed up, but her scent was recognizable. “Lucy!” He throws his arms around her. “I was so worried!”
“M-Me too,” she squeaks out from his tight hold.
A throat clearing gets their attention. Lucy pushes Natsu off of her. By now his eye sight was fully back to normal and his face turns crimson. That’s when she remembers... she was naked. Lucy covers her chest. “Look away you pervert!”
“Excuse me?” The voice starts up again. “Where did you come from?!”
Now that he knew Lucy was safe and sound, Natsu turns to the voice. He recognizes the person immediately. “Rebecca?!” He looks excitedly to Lucy, “hey it’s our space friend!”
“I can see that,” she mumbles back. “Though I don’t understand how we got here.”
“Do you?” Natsu asks the stunned B-cuber who shakes her head no.
“You tell me,” Rebecca quips. “You’re the one who dropped in on my bath.”
“Wait, does that mean we’re on that ship you told us about?” Lucy questions the other woman.
Lucy looks at Natsu, “I-I think that bath bomb created a magical portal.”
“But why would it bring us here?”
The only answer Lucy could think of was her wish shortly before getting into the bath. “I was reminiscing about True Island and relaxing with just the girls... I guess I missed it.”
“Awww,” Rebecca squeals, “I think about that too!”
“Really?! With you and Elie, it was just nice cause we have a lot in common,” Lucy thumbs at the man sitting beside her, “the guys.”
Rebecca giggles, “so true.”
Natsu just narrows his eyes at the two giggling women. Tch figures they talk about them. “I hate to break up this reunion, but how are we supposed to get home?”
At that moment, a loud bang startles the three. They all turn to the door that’s been flung open, staring at the newcomer.
“Rebecca are you okay? I heard you scream!” Shiki pans over the room. “Wait a minute, how did...” a smile taking over his expression, “it’s the Fairy friends!” The excited man jumps into the bath, gaining another shriek from everyone when a wave of water hits them.
“Shiki?! Your clothes!”
“Huh?” He looks down, “should I take them off?” He asks already tugging at his shirt.
“N-No!” A blushing Rebecca grabs his arm and just pulls him into a sitting position. “Just sit!”
Lucy giggles, “see! Things in common. But Natsu’s right, we need to figure out a way home.”
“Awww! But you guys just got here!” Shiki whines.
“Hush, you,” Rebecca scolds him. “I’m sure they have things to do back home.” She smiles at their friends. “We can drop you off on your planet.”
“Well...” Lucy looks to Natsu. “I guess a short vacation wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”
Shiki leans forward excitedly, “you guys can hang with us till we finish this mission! It’ll be fun!”
“A mission?!” Natsu grins. “Do I get to kick some ass?!”
“Hell yeah!” Shiki grins too.
Rebecca chuckles. “Meanwhile, Lucy and I can hang out. Starting now.” She looks at Shiki and Natsu. “Get out of our bath!”
“Eep!” The two men stiffen at the sound of her shrill tone. No one needed to tell them twice. Both Shiki and Natsu jump up and rush out of the room leaving the two women alone again.
Rebecca winks at Lucy, “let the relaxation commence!”
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keep-it-i-resign · 3 years
Fic Writer Asks
tagged by the lovely @vampcoffeegyrl23 I am soooo sorry this has taken over a week! I promise I was just busy away from my computer and using mobile is not the way to go about answering these! 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6 on AO3 and 6 on ffn.net. I haven't used the ffn.net account in years, i.e 2013 (and therefore my user name isn't even the same) so those 6 stories are different from my AO3 ones. I don't post most of what I write and now that I'm in my mid-20s with a few published papers behind me - I'm much more confident in my ability to write a cohesive and interesting story so expect more posted!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
17,425 words which isn't bad for only 6 fics with two of those stories having additional chapters coming soon.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3? Just 1, which is The Flash and by extension Stargate SG-1 for the crossover I did for Snowells Week this year. Counting ffn.net that's 3 more with Castle, Doctor Who, and Firefly. Over my lifetime of writing fic for myself? I think only 7 more. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Harry Potter, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: TNG, and Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead isn't much of a fanfic but I did use the zombie types as place holders in an original story until I developed my own.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll Be Waiting (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Well... This is Awkward (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry, Frost/Nash, Caitlin/Nash, and Frost/Harry)
Rewind Time (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Through the Gate (The Flash/Stargate SG-1 - Caitlin/Eowells)
Harvest Season (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I don't write angst much and I haven't posted many stories yet but of the ones posted I guess "I'll Be Waiting" is the angstiest.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
"Well...This is Awkward" has a pretty happy ending with everyone alive and together. Or maybe "Twilight of the Gods" because ReverseSnow/ReverseFrost happens and there is hope of bringing everything lost back and balance the universe again. I guess it depends on your definition of what constitutes as a happy ending. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one - The Flash/Stargate SG-1 crossover. I don't normally think about crossovers just because the shows I watch are so vastly different they can't really work or they are already in the same universe with the canon crossovers. I'm also not always a fan of reading them because they can get chaotic quick and characterization takes a dive in order to fit characters into other universes/situations. I admire anyone who can write it well though!
As a side note: I did have a thought about a Snowells into the Arkham universe fic just because I have been replaying the Batman Arkham video games which I might give a shot at.
8. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
👀I wrote one smutty story years ago and it's terrible because I was young and naïve. I haven't tried recently but I'm not opposed to giving it a shot now. I have a few ideas on a prompt list I have for Snowells already so it's really a matter of when will I get to it!
9. Do you respond to comments. why or why not?
I do when I can! I like to get feedback from my readers and having an open dialogue of what they liked or disliked is important for me! I want to know what my audience enjoyed and what to improve on! Responding to them also shows them I saw that they said and appreciate what they had to say! 🥰
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Surprisingly - no, even on my old and terribly written stuff. I'm perfectly open to criticism but hate? If you don't like it, you don't like it but others might. Why spend the time spreading negativity when the world has enough of it?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know - no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but given enough time I could probably translate mine. It would be grammatically atrocious because I rarely translate from English into any of the languages I know. It's normally the other way around! I'd definitely need a Beta who is fluent to correct my mistakes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it's definitely something I'd try! I co-wrote an original story with a few friends of mine years ago in high school and enjoyed it. I like the idea of getting to talk and bounce ideas off of someone who enjoys the same fandoms and character as me! I haven't really done that since I grew apart from one of my friends from high school who I did that with.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
What kind of question is this? Do people actually have an ultimate ship? Is that even possible? I have ships from several fandoms and sometimes multiple ships within a fandom. Most of the time I have a main ship from a fandom but that doesn't mean I discount any of the other ones that I or others enjoy as well. I'll throw out a few that I still got out and read for in order of what I read most often (either new stuff or re-reads) to what I read occasionally, at least according to my AO3 favorite tags.
Snowells (all variations) - The Flash
Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter - Stargate SG-1
Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla - Sanctuary
Harry/Hermione - Harry Potter
William Murdoch/Julia Ogden - Murdoch Mysteries
Phil/ Melinda - Agents of SHIELD
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris - Star Trek: Voyager
Kate Fleming/Steve Arnott - Line of Duty
I will occasionally go check what kind of fics the fandom writes when I start a show just out of curiosity. Sometimes you can tell if there is fandom hate between ships by doing so and I know to steer clear, especially if I ship a lesser ship/non-canon ship. Also - the number of canon-divergence or rewrites will tell you if the shows writers start being ridiculous *cough* The Flash *cough* and whether it's worth getting attached at all.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hoo boy. I have a drive full of them. Most of which aren't even close to being posted. My biggest one right now is a complete re-write of The Flash dealing with a what if scenario of Earth-1 Tess Morgan being pregnant the night that Thawne kills them both and he chooses to birth the kid rather than let it die with her. It's set a few years earlier (so 18/19 years stuck in the past rather than the original 15 that the show has it) so the kid isn't Jesse but it changes how season 1 plays out and definitely how season 2 plays out when Harry finds out about the kid while dealing with the Jesse/Zoom issue. Plus it's Snowells too and I want to deal with Barry's mistakes and the consequences of them better than the show did since the show just kind of brushes them off? For some reason? I wanted things to have a little more consequence because some of the mistakes made are egregious and then they acted like it never happened which bothers me. It's a beast of a project and I'm - unfortunately- a perfectionist and a completionist. I'm thinking an episode per chapter rewrite but right now it's in bits and pieces and a lot of notes on how episodes would play out differently with an added character and dynamic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and scene positioning. I can write out the dialogue for a story quickly with the bare bones of the scene and movements playing out. After that, it takes me ages to expand the scene and fill in the bits between speaking lines because I can see the piece play out in my head and putting that to paper accurately and engagingly without being overwhelming is a multi-layered process.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Some of this is normal, you know, like grammar and spelling. My brain moves faster than I type so words or bit of phrases end up missing and I later have to fix it. I'm also a Southerner who grew up watching a ton of British shows so a lot of the way I phrase things isn't commonly used anywhere. I have to spend a lot of time double checking things like that. I think my biggest one is not knowing how to end stories satisfactorily. I haven't posted many fics because it's hard to post them when you don't know how to wrap everything up.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It depends on whether it's an established part of a character or story and whether or not I'm comfortable with the language. Like with Sherloque - it's established he'll say something in French and then repeat it in English. I took 3 years of French so I'm comfortable writing it and it fits the character and situation. But take Cisco, we know he speaks Spanish, but it's never really shown in the show. So fics that I've read where he breaks into Spanish can be distracting as we've never seen him do it - even in dire circumstances. I also never took Spanish in school and I only know rudimentary pieces (I took Mandarin and Latin instead), so I'm unlikely to use it in any fic I write unless the circumstances warrant it (say - Cisco is talking to a grandparent or a meta struggling with English).
But again, it depends on the situation, what we know of the character, and how comfortable I am with the language enough to get it correct and in character. Any fic writer who can get the situation and character down while using a secondary language, and not make it distracting deserves applause!
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hit me with a hard one why don't you? 🤣 I think it was Stargate SG-1 or maybe it was Stargate Atlantis. You're asking me to think back over a decade and a half ago to when I started reading and writing fic at the tender age of 7 or 8. I'm fairly certain it was one of those two fandoms and it might've been a crossover. I do remember writing part of it on an old Gateway computer running Windows '98 with a glass monitor that was mine and my sisters. The other half was written on an electric type-writer that I owned because this was before laptops were widely available and affordable.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
It's a tie between "Twilight of the Gods" and "I'll Be Waiting". "Twilight of the Gods" because I got to show off a few of my degrees (History and Classics, I couldn't shoehorn in my others but they are science related and that doesn't quite fit that story). "I'll Be Waiting" is a favorite because it's a big middle finger to whoever / collective group wrote The Flash season 7. I'm still pissed off at how the Wells plotline was dealt with and let's not get started on the whole Chillblaine/Kramer/Forces as kids of WA plots (ewwwwwww 🤢). I'd need a whole new post to talk about how tired I am of the WA kids showing up (because screw how that'll effect the timeline, right?) and the reliance on the future to drive what decisions are made (because, again, screw how bad that would be for the timeline - it's not like we have seen how much that effects things before right?) 😒
Phew.....That was longer than I expected, honestly, but a lot of fun!
Tagging whoever wants to talk about their works because you are all wonderful people who should get a chance to share!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What is the youngest age you can remember back to? I was 3 and I had just woken up in a Winnie the Pooh tent with my sister, who was 1 at the time. Our parents let us go ‘camping,’ which was really nothing more than a tiny tent set up on the floor in their room.
What sports are you trying out for this year? Wakeboarding and rock climbing.
Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today? Yeah it was in a ponytail for the whole day as it helps me focus better at work. I’ve kept the ponytail on even though it’s 11 in the evening right now, but now it’s because it would be too warm with my hair down.
Who do you have on speed dial? Nobody. I’m not sure how to do that with my phone, and even if I knew how to I don’t know if there’d be anyone I’d want to put on speed dial.
What colors do you like to paint your toenails? I never do anything with my toenails except clip them.
Would it be cool to learn how to DJ at a club? Sure!
Where are you going to be three hours from now? It would be 2 AM by then but I highly doubt I’d be asleep by then. I just bought all 7 of the BTS Cold Brew Americano bottles (yep, so much happened while I was gone and I am apparently an Army now...) so I’m drinking from one of them tonight; and they are strong as fuuuuuuuck.
What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort? Anything related to sex work. Not that I’m against it, but it’s just not for me.
If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own? Only if it’s something a hard reboot could easily fix haha. If it’s beyond that, I don’t think so.
If someone looked in your closet, how would they judge your style? That I need to update my wardrobe. Most of them were trendy at some point, but not so much these days. They would probably comment that I need to add more colors as well.
What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why? I’m not sure we’ve stayed somewhere I absolutely hated. I know my dad hated our first hotel in Palawan since the whole vibe of the room felt cheap, the bedsheets looked kinda tacky, and the power went out at night, but that’s also just the luxury liner executive in him. Since I don’t really travel just to stay all day in our hotels, I personally haven’t had any experience where I was like, “never again.”
Have you ever gone on a boat and been sick the whole time? No; I get seasick but I can handle it. It’s carsickness I have a problem with.
Did you get a good sleep last night? Not really. My sleep actually felt very shallow and it really felt like I had been up all night even though I’m pretty sure fell asleep by around midnight. Anyway, I’m getting a 3-day weekend since it’s a national holiday tomorrow, so at least I have a lot of time to catch up on much-needed sleep.
What is the weather like outside? It’s pretty chilly and I feel a few breezes every now and then, but it’s not enough. I’m not sweating, but I also need to have my hair up in a bun because otherwise I’d be too warm. Phone says 27ºC.
If someone makes a spelling or grammar mistake, do you ignore or correct? Mostly ignore. I only ever correct if it’s me who made the mistake by accident.
Do oversized sunglasses actually look good on you? I’ve never tried putting any on, so I wouldn’t know.
What is the most overrated thing in the world? Milk tea. It’s great and delicious I like having my own occasionally, but it’s seriously nothing life-changing.
Have you heard any completely untrue rumors about yourself lately? No. I’d feel sorry for someone who would still be making up rumors in their 20s.
What is one word to describe your room? Progress. It’s come a long way since the breakup.
Have you ever kept something from the wild as a pet? Not in the sense that we caught it ourselves from the wild, but there was one time my sister won a baby chick at a fair when we were super young and we had him for a few days. We tried our best to care for him, but we just weren’t equipped and knowledgeable with what baby chicks need so he didn’t last too long.
Do your parents try to plan out your future for you? No, and I’m glad they aren’t the stereotypical Filipino/Asian parents that dictate how I should be living my life. My mom will sometimes let a comment like “get a boyfriend already” slip through, but she also knows I don’t have the patience for remarks like that so she doesn’t bring it up most of the time.
Do you think that surveys are a huge waste of time? I personally don’t think so. Any activity that helps me relax and gather my thoughts isn’t something I’d call a waste of time.
Are you wearing a hoodie today? No. I would hate to be wearing a hoodie right now lmao, I’d be too miserable in the heat.
Did you sleep alone the last two nights? Yes.
You’re single, right? Yups.
How long was your last phone conversation you had? It lasted like 10 seconds because when I picked up, their signal was very choppy and his voice wasn’t getting through at all.
Who was it with? A delivery rider who sent me a package that Bea apparently arranged for me :’) It has all my favorite Korean snacks and goodies and she even included a cup sleeve of Jin from BTS cos she knows he’s my favorite :(((((
What was it about? Like I said, I never got to talk to him on the phone because his signal was poor, though he probably called to ask for directions. He eventually got to my house.
Excited for anything? Binge-watching Run BTS and Bon Voyage all weekend, and digging into the Frankie’s order I got for delivery tonight.
Got laid last night, didn’t you? Nope.
Do you have drama in your life? Kind of at the moment, but it’s something I couldn’t give less of a shit about so I’m not even getting into it lmao. What’s something you really want right now, be honest? To be able to get out of the house and get my cafe visits on weekends back.
As of this minute, what is going through your mind? That these instant noodles I’m eating are really spicy.
Have you laughed until you cried? Many times.
What are you listening to right now? I can hear a neighbor’s dog barking every now and then and a few airconditioners in the neighborhood whirring.
What color are your shoes? I’m not wearing any right now, but most of my shoes are white anyway.
Can you crack your neck? Nope.
What is the last thing you drank? I took a sip from my banana milk right after I had a forkful of my noodles. Too spicy hahaha.
Where would I have found you last night at 11pm? I was cuddling with Kimi in bed while watching Bon Voyage.
What’s your plans for next Friday? So, tomorrow? Just watch a shit ton of BTS videos since they’re my latest obsession.
Does anyone hate you? Possibly.
Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you like? Erm, don’t really like anyone at the moment. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? No.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? Probably to the nearest McDonald’s or 7-Eleven, but I wouldn’t go out to the mall altogether with what I’m wearing.
Who will you be sleeping with tonight? Just meeee.
Is there anyone you wouldn’t mind punching in the face now? Not in particular.
What do you have pierced? Just the ears. < Same.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed? A few people.
Where is the person you want right now? I’m not into anyone.
Are you too forgiving? I’m not forgiving in the first place.
Will this weekend be a good one? Continued from last night. I’m just glad I’ll get to relax for three days, but I don’t have any big plans for the weekend that would make it something exciting.
What is your favorite thing about being sick? I don’t think being sick is particularly fun, even if it means skipping school or work...
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Many times, which is why I’ve stopped using the phrase, “I’ll never do X.” I always end up doing whatever the thing is at some point.
Are there any people who don’t like you? It’s possible, but I don’t care.
The boy/girl you truly care about needs you at 3am, would you go? Only for my best friends, and maybe close family members. If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? I would get a nose stud or maybe a lip ring.
Do you have any bruises on you? Yeah I have one on my thigh. As usual, I have no idea where it came from.
Are you ticklish? Everywhere.
Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? Yes.
Who do you like right now? BTS? Lmao
What’s the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? A month and a half.
Are you gonna get high later? Nope. I know Andi’s always gonna be around as my ~supplier~ if I ever wanna try it out, but I have no plans to any time soon.
What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? That I wanna take a shower.
Do you blow dry your hair? Only for special occasions when I immediately need my hair styled in a certain way.
Do you look decent when you wake up? Some days, I think so.
Have you ever liked someone older then you? I mean they’re all celebrities, but yeah.
Is it hard to make you laugh? Not at all, I like to laugh.
How late did you stay up last night? Around 3 AM because I was watching Bon Voyage, and also memorizing BTS fanchants hahahahaha HELP
Which is worse for you: being hot, or being cold? I fucking hate being hot.
How many drugs have you done in the last three days? Just the caffeine in my coffee and nicotine in my vape.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What is the youngest age you can remember back to? I have some vague memories from preschool.
What sports are you trying out for this year? Ha, good one.
Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today? Nope, it’s in its usual messy bun.
Who do you have on speed dial? No one. Is that still a thing?
What colors do you like to paint your toenails? I don’t paint my toenails.
Would it be cool to learn how to DJ at a club? I don’t have an interest in being a DJ.
Where are you going to be three hours from now? Right here in bed, likely sleeping.
What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort? Something dangerous, illegal, or made me uncomfortable.
If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own? No, definitely not.
If someone looked in your closet, how would they judge your style? I don’t hang up my clothes in my closet except for my jackets, but if someone were to see my wardrobe they’d see a lot of black, a lot of leggings, and a lot of graphic tees. They’d be like okay she clearly likes to be comfortable.
What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why? Fortunately, I haven’t had a bad hotel experience.
Have you ever gone on a boat and been sick the whole time? I’ve never been out on a boat.
Did you get a good sleep last night? No, but do I ever?
What is the weather like outside? It’s currently 46F.
If someone makes a spelling or grammar mistake, do you ignore or correct? I ignore it.
Do oversized sunglasses actually look good on you? I don’t wear sunglasses.
What is the most overrated thing in the world? Hm.
Have you heard any completely untrue rumors about yourself lately? I haven’t heard any rumors about me.
What is one word to describe your room? Small.
Have you ever kept something from the wild as a pet? No.
Do your parents try to plan out your future for you? No.
Do you think that surveys are a huge waste of time? I’ve been doing them for a very long time, so apparently not. I honestly really like doing them.
Are you wearing a hoodie today? No, it’s too warm for that.
Did you sleep alone the last two nights? I always do.
You’re single, right? Yep.
How long was your last phone conversation you had? A few minutes.
Who was it with? My mom.
What was it about? She called to ask me something.
Excited for anything? No.
Got laid last night, didn’t you? No.
Do you have drama in your life? No. I have plenty of other issues to keep me occupied, though.
What’s something you really want right now, be honest? I’m hungry.
As of this minute, what is going through your mind? I’m hungry and I also want Starbucks.
Have you laughed until you cried? Yeah. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a good laugh like that, though.
What are you listening to right now? An ASMR video.
What color are your shoes? I have several pairs of shoes.
Can you crack your neck? Yes.
What is the last thing you drank? Water.
Where would I have found you last night at 11pm? Right here in bed.
What’s your plans for next Friday? Tomorrow is Friday and I’ll be doing the same things I do everyday.
Does anyone hate you? Probably.
Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you like? I don’t like anyone currently. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? I’m not going anywhere.
Who will you be sleeping with tonight? Myself.
Is there anyone you wouldn’t mind punching in the face now? No, I don’t want to punch or hit anyone. 
What do you have pierced? Just my earlobes.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed? Yeah, a lot of people.
Where is the person you want right now? I don’t want anyone.
Are you too forgiving? Yes.
Will this weekend be a good one? I just hope I feel better.
What is your favorite thing about being sick? Uh, absolutely nothing.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Yes.
Are there any people who don’t like you? Probably.
The boy/girl you truly care about needs you at 3am, would you go? I don’t have a guy in my life right now.
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? Nah.
Do you have any bruises on you? I don’t think so.
Are you ticklish? Just my neck.
Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? Yes.
Who do you like right now? Sigh.
What’s the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? A year.
Are you gonna get high later? No.
What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? I haven’t gone to bed, yet.
Do you blow dry your hair? Nope.
Do you look decent when you wake up? I don’t look decent ever.
Have you ever liked someone older then you? Just by a couple years unless we’re including celebrities.
Is it hard to make you laugh? It’s harder now than it used to be. I feel like I don’t laugh as much anymore. :/
How late did you stay up last night? I’m still up at 8AM.
Which is worse for you: being hot, or being cold? Being hot, most definitely. Ugh.
How many drugs have you done in the last three days? I don’t do drugs.
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knightofameris · 4 years
hidden mist — clint barton
Setting: AU (mix of MCU and 616 comics, clint has no family, he’s a mess, and kate’s a thing along with lucky) Gender: Neutral Contains: slight body horror (like Red Skull peeling off his mask), fighting, curse words, not necessarily fluff? but kinda at the end? more so action-y Word Count: 2.2k Prompt: “I’ve never known more about what isn’t going on in a situation” for @\amandarosemire‘s 500 follower writing challenge! Sorry it took me so long but I finally grinded it out kshlksg [this is a repost to a new account, sorry amanda!]
Summary: Everything’s a little confusing when your boyfriend finds out you’re in the middle of a cold war of sorts. Especially when you’re a highly trained agent. But at this point, nothing’s surprising to him or to Kate.
a/n: i love clint and the mcu did him dirty. Be sure to check out amandarosemire’s writings! She’s amazing at writing and I’m always so taken aback when reading her works. [reblogging from old blog]
Let me know if there are any mistakes, regarding the gender of reader, grammar, spelling, or with the story. c:
❝ who do you choose to stand beside you in times of crisis? who would you trust? ❞
If someone were to ask you which other Avenger you would want to be beside you while the building you were stuck in was burning down with people pointing guns at you, the last person they’d expect you to answer with would probably be Hawkeye.
You see, if you had Iron Man with you, he could easily just fly you out after using his targeting system to take out the enemies. Captain America could just throw his shield at the enemies and then carry you out the safest way possible. Thor could summon some lightning, take them out, and then again, you’d be flown out of the building. Natasha’s clever, you probably wouldn’t even end up in this situation if she was with you.
But you were and the building was on fire and guess who you were stuck with?
Well, both Hawkeyes, but only one of them is really the Avenger here. Or well, Kate is an Avenger-in-training. But that’s not the point I’m trying to make. The point is, you, Clint, and Kate, were all royally fucked.
Their bows laid at their feet, their arrows scattered about. You? The gun you held was pointed at the man you were supposed to be protecting—Mason Wu.
“Mirage,” Mason licked his lips, “I thought your job was to protect me?”
“Mirage,” Clint deadpanned. “Babe, you’re Mirage?”
“Now’s not the time Clint!” You muttered through gritted teeth just loud enough for him to hear. “You weren’t even supposed to be here!”
“Ugh, ‘babe’?” Kate groaned. “How did you even get into a stable relationship?” You shot her a look.
“You’re not supposed to be here either, Katie.” The glare from your eyes caused Kate to shut her mouth, not even wanting to correct you into calling her Kate. She gulped and you saw a bead of sweat fall down the side of her head, but you knew it wasn’t from the nerves.
You felt the temperature rise and with it you readjusted your grip on your gun, your clammy hands feeling uncomfortable.
“What’s going on, Wu?” You demanded. You eyed him carefully as he seemed unaffected by the flames. Rather, he seemed at peace, almost delighted, to see you working up a sweat. He grinned and with a wave of his arm, water seemingly came out of thin air and killed the fire. Wu then clenched his fist, all the water dropping to the ground and then dissipating into thin air.  Then a stream of water flowed up his arm and under his suit.
You, Clint, and Kate watched in mute horror when water started coming out of his eyes, nose, and mouth only for what seemed to be his skin to come off. As if it was in slow motion, he peeled off his skin. You furrowed your brows, your mouth turning downward in disgust. Clint letting out an ‘ugh’ noise and Kate gagged.
A light blue crystalized humanoid was underneath with what looked to be water inside of him. Whatever face he had, you knew he was smirking.
“I’ve never known more about what isn’t going on in a situation,” Clint whispered. Kate slapped his hand with hers. You sighed, hanging your head down.
*** [E A R L I E R  T H A T  E V E N I N G] ***
“I just have to attend the charity event that Roxxon’s holding, I’ll be back before you know it.” You leaned down and kissed Clint on the cheek and he frowned for a quick moment, putting his arrow down on his lap. You pulled away just fast enough to see the frown etched on his face and you tilted your head. “What’s wrong?”
“Roxxon?” Clint asked, turning to look at you.
You sighed, “Yes, I know they have had their fair share of misdoings with the Avengers, but I’ll be safe.”
“No, uh-” Clint furrowed his brows. You stared at him, waiting for him to finish his reply.
“What?” You asked. You let a small smirk make its way onto your face, knowing that he had a mission that night at the same charity event. You weren’t too worried though, even with your boyfriend as an Avenger you were able to keep him away from your other life. Something you decided personally. You just wanted to get a taste of a normal life.
As normal can be, living with Clint and sometimes Kate.
He shook his head, “Nothing, nevermind.” Clint picked up his arrow again, attaching on a new gadget at the end.
“Alright,” you replied, adjusting the cuffs on your suit. You headed out of your shared apartment. “Make sure to feed Lucky, and tell Kate to clean up her PI work off the counter, it’s a mess.”
You closed the door behind you and glanced down at your watch. With a sigh you began to head towards the elevator and over to the charity ball, hoping the mission would be a breeze.
After all, it was just protecting a guy from any possible assassins. How hard could it be?
*** [P R E S E N T  T I M E] ***
It was very hard, if the man you were protecting is out to get you. At this point, everything that you felt you needed to do was for self-preservation and to keep Clint and Kate safe and alive. Whatever the mission was before is now called off and something you’d have to talk to Fury about yourself.
But you know, even if you were asked which Avenger you’d want to have beside you in a burning building with guns pointed at you before this entire situation, you’d probably say Hawkeye.
Wu began to walk around you, Clint, and Kate; his hands clasped behind his back.
“It’s simple, really,” he grinned. “All I really want is you (Y/n) (L/n).” Your face remained stoic, watching him circle you. You wish you could just take him out there and then but with all the guns pointed at you and you didn’t even know how vulnerable he is, you didn’t know what to do.
Unbeknownst to you, Clint already had a plan in mind.
He clasped his hands behind his head and sighed, “Look, the whole villain monologue thing gets really old. Why do all villains like to listen to themselves talk?” Clint patted Kate’s arm. She glared at the older man and Mason Wu’s grunts jolted, their fingers lightly placed on the trigger. “Look-” Clint bent down and began picking up his arrows after pushing his bow off to the side “-I just want to pick up my arrows because they’re perfectly good arrows so you can go ahead and monologue and—DUCK!”
A white smoke screen appeared after Clint jammed one of his arrows down on the ground. Clint tackled into you, causing your breath to escape your lungs. Mason Wu’s grunts already began to open fire, shooting each other instead since they were all in a circle.
Kate kicked over Clint’s bow towards him while scrambling to grab her own. You looked up at Clint, who laid on top of you while the guns were still going off.
“You’re gonna have to explain every—”
“Later! Let’s move!” You shouted, shoving him off. You began crawling towards cover, with Clint and Kate trailing from behind.
The smoke began to dissipate and by this time the three of you were already hidden away.
Mason growled, looking left and white, his suit tattered and ripped apart. “Idiots, they’re all idiots!” He glanced down at his subordinates who were either dead or groaning and about to die. He sighed, closed his eyes, and let out a huff. “Guess I’ll have to do this my own way.”
A wave of water shot out towards you. Your eyes widened as you jumped over the mostly destroyed bar and began running, water lapping at your legs. You turned your head and tried to shoot him but the bullets ricocheted off of him instead.
You cursed under your breath and for once in your life, you were unsure of how to get out of this mess.
Clint watched as you ran, somehow avoiding the water. Kate whispered at him from behind a different table, a few feet away.
“Try electrocuting him,” Kate whispered. “Water types are weak against electric types, right?”
Clint scrunched up his face at her. “What?”
“Like in Pokemon!”
He grumbled, examining his quiver at the tip of each of the arrows.
“Clint, hurry up!” Kate exclaimed, her eyes wide-eyed, looking back and forth from where you were running, and quickly running out of endurance and already being taken by the water, then back to her mentor. A small glint caught her eye. Thinking fast, and seeing how Clint was still mumbling to himself while trying to find the right arrow, she dove out of cover with her bow and grabbed the electric-arrow.
“Grab them, Clint!”
Clint’s head jolted to where Kate was, out of cover. He saw you in a very compromising position in a water bubble, way above the ground. Wu grumbled, his piercing eyes (eye sockets?), moving towards Kate.
Kate’s arm was pulled back, and Clint sprinted towards you. You, who was too focused on not drowning.
You watched him with fear in your eyes. The water already surrounded your entire body and you didn’t know how much longer you can last without air. He grabbed an arrow and pulled his arm back. At first, aiming towards you then to the part that linked the water bubble to Wu. He shot at it and immediately the water link froze over.
Kate let go of her arrow. Wu screamed in pain, as his entire water body began to get electrocuted.
You screamed as you went into free fall. Clint quickly jumped up on tables and then a shelf, launching himself towards you and grabbing you. He wrapped his arms around you as you both fell and he turned himself to take the brute of the impact on the ground.
By this time, Kate had frozen Wu in a bunch of frozen arrows and trudged her way over to the two of you.
You groaned and rolled off of Clint. You turned to face him who held his chest and his face was scrunched up in pain.
“God, that’s going to leave a bunch of bruises,” he groaned, slowly sitting up.
You laughed, “I’m glad you’re okay, thank you, by the way.”
“It was a good thing we were placed on this mission then,” Kate said. “Otherwise you’d be dead.”
Your eyes narrowed at her, “I would have been fine. I had a plan.”
“You’re a terrible liar.” Clint rubbed the back of his head, groaning again as he felt a jolt of pain shoot through him. You turned to glare at him but your eyes softened as you saw the amount of injuries littered across his face and body.
“You never found out about me being Mirage.” You smirked, placing a hand on his shoulder then running it up to his neck, your thumb stroking his cheek. His eyes met yours.
“Yeah, well,” he leaned into your touch, using his hand to hold onto you, “isn’t that sort of your thing? Mirage? Looking like different people?”
“Usually, yeah. But—” you frowned, really taking in the amount of injuries on his face “—Is this how you’re always riddled with bandaids?” Your eyes bounced back and forth between Kate and Clint. “Why-how? I go on as many missions as you guys.” The two archers exchanged glances then shrugged. You sighed, shaking your head.
Sirens began in the distance and a SHIELD helicarrier from above shone a light on the burnt down building. The three of you glanced up. You hung your head then went to stand up. Your stuck your hand out to Clint and he graciously took it. His weight was significantly more than you expected and you stumbled into him as he stood up.
He smirked, looking down at you. “You know, you can always kiss me better.”
You rolled your eyes and Kate groaned, hitting her forehead with her hand. “Are you in high school still? Why are you flirting like a high schooler?”
“What?” Clint arched a brow. “Oh, come on, they always work on you.” You looked down at his chest, biting the bottom of your lip. You placed your hands on his chest, slowly snaking them around the back of his neck and his hands rested on your hips, pulling you in closer.
Both of you ignored Kate pretending to throw up on the side.
“Do they?” You tilted your head with a smirk, looking up at him.
And this was one of the times his flirting did work.
He leaned into you, his lips on yours. You closed your eyes, pulling him ever so closer into you. His lips were rough and you could swear it was cracked from the earlier fighting but you knew he didn’t really care. Especially when your tongue darted out over his lips for a second. When it came to you, he’d throw out his well being as long as you were safe. Of course, it applied for you, too.
For any mission of yours in the future, for any catastrophic event, if you were stuck in a burning building with guns pointed at you again, you’d want Hawkeye to be the one standing next to you. Clint, specifically, as much as you loved Katie.
But you know, even if you were asked which Avenger you’d want to have beside you in a burning building with guns pointed at you before this entire situation, you’d probably say Clint Barton.
a/n: i love clint and kate and i tried doing my own type of characterization between the comics and then the possible better version of the mcu. i don’t think this is my best version i’ve written of clint compared to my other works but i had fun! i tried grinding this out and i had a lot of struggles writing for him. but i did it !! love this dumb bird boy
don’t forget to like, reblog, or leave a reply !!! it means the world to me, seriously. it does. so much.
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