#I’m glad you joined this chaos train
slu7formen · 5 days
Hellooo helloo, I love all your Luke stories so muchh!!
Could I have a request for Luke x Poseidon’s daughter reader something about her joining him even betraying her brother Percy because love prevails all so like their love is the most powerful thing of all.. hope that makes sense in a way hahaha okay thank youuu 😙💗💕✨
thank you so much for reading my stories, I’m so glad you like them ☺️
luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: betrayal, reader’s kinda blinded by love but also kinda cute, little fluff at the end
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
Thirteen wasn't exactly the age you pictured discovering you were a demigod. Apparently, you had blissfully –or maybe obliviously— muddled through your first thirteen years completely oblivious to the mythological world that simmered just beneath your feet.
Your life had been a quiet one. Growing up in a sleepy seaside town, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore was the soundtrack to your existence. You felt a weird connection to the water, an inexplicable pull towards the ocean whenever you stood on the beach. But you attributed that to nothing more than a love for swimming and a healthy dose of wanderlust, you thought.
Then came the satyr. Grover Underwood, a nervous wreck of a creature with a perpetually startled expression. You don´t remember much about your life back then, just the way he stammered through an explanation about Greek myths being real, your parentage being linked to a god, and the pressing need for you to get to a safe haven called Camp Half-Blood.
And now here you were. Years went by, living at Camp Half-Blood, and being the only child of Poseidon.
Camp was always bustled with activity. Laughter echoed across the training fields, campers sparred with celestial bronze swords. Yet, amidst the chaos, a subtle sense of loneliness lingered around you. You weren't friendless, not by any stretch of the imagination. You had a close circle of friends, but there was a specific kind of lonely feeling that came with being the only child of Poseidon at camp, a forbidden child.
The other cabins, they all teemed with siblings. —mostly—. Shared history, inside jokes, and the comfort of knowing someone else understood exactly what it meant to have the same god for a parent – these were things you craved. There was a gap, a yearning for a familial connection that none of your friends could fully fill.
Then came Percy.
His arrival at camp was nothing short of spectacular. A blue-eyed twelve-year-old with a knack for attracting trouble. During a particularly intense Capture the Flag game, Annabeth, a sharp-tongued daughter of Athena with a strategic mind, shoved Percy into the lake. The air crackled with gasps and surprises as a shimmering green trident materialized above Percy´s head, claiming him for Poseidon.
The revelation sent a jolt through you. You, the solitary child of the sea god, suddenly had a sibling. Percy looked up at you with wide, startled eyes, a mixture of awe and apprehension playing on his face. It was like looking into a mirror reflecting a younger version of yourself, the same confusion etched on his features.
Percy looked up to you with a hero-worship that both amused and touched you. He saw in you a reflection of his own mother, Sally Jackson, with her kindness and unwavering belief in the good in others. You became his confidante, his guide through the intricate social landscape of Camp Half-Blood.
But you weren't the only one who welcomed Percy. Luke, your closest friend at camp, was equally happy for your newfound family, —or so he faked it very well. Percy quickly found himself asking you both all the questions he had and spending all his training session´s with Luke.
You and Luke were a natural fit. Both of you skilled warriors, blessed with the agility of Hermes and the raw power of the sea. You sparred together often, your movements a dance of attack and parry, a language only the two of you seemed to understand. Your laughter echoed through the camp, and more than once, you caught Percy or other campers shooting you hesitant glances, not really knowing what your relationship was about, a thin line between friends love and-, other type of love, drawn in between.
And yes, Luke loved you, and you loved him. So much, that´d you´d be able to do anything for each other. Little did Percy know.
The metallic clang of your celestial bronze sword echoed through the silent woods, a jarring counterpoint to the chirping of nocturnal crickets. Percy, his breath ragged and sweat stinging his eyes, pushed back against Luke's relentless assault. Betrayal gnawed at his gut, a viper coiling tighter with every parry and thrust.
Luke, his once friendly face twisted with a manic fervor, pressed the attack. Every word that left his lips was a fresh wound: about the Olympians' manipulation, about the power promised by Kronos, about how this wasn't meant to betray him, or anyone.
Suddenly, the clang of steel meeting steel ceased. Percy stumbled back, his heart hammering in his chest, as Luke lowered his sword. A flicker of hope, fragile and fleeting, ignited within him.
"Percy," Luke said, his voice quieter now, a hint of desperation creeping in. "This is not what you want, trust me. Last chance."
Percy stared at him, the hope dying as quickly as it had flickered. How could Luke even suggest such a thing, joining him? Didn't he understand the consequences?
Before he could retort, a new figure emerged from the shadows of the trees behind Luke. His breath caught in his throat, eyes twitching as he tried his best to focus on the figure coming from the forest. You.
A flicker of relief washed over Percy as he saw you emerge from the shadows. "yn” he called out, hope blossoming in his chest.
You stepped into the scene, moonlight casting an ethereal glow on your features. But something was off. You weren't rushing to his side, face etched with concern as it usually was. Instead, you stood there, a strange stillness cloaking you.
"Percy" you finally said, your voice cool and controlled, lacking it´s usual warmth.
Confusion warred with the relief. "yn" he repeated, his voice unsteady. "Clarisse didn't – it was him" he stammered, pointing at Luke with his sword. "He stole the bolt. He's joining Kronos"
Percy expected outrage, surprise, anything. Instead, your expression remained unreadable. A shadow flickered across your face, but it was gone as quickly as it came.
"I know what he did" you replied simply. The calmness in your voice sent a shiver down his spine. The casualness of your reply was scary. It was like you were talking about the weather, not a world-shattering betrayal.
There was something wrong. Terribly wrong.
"Then help me" he pleaded, a desperate edge creeping into his voice.
You met his gaze for a long, agonizing moment. Percy saw a flicker of something weird in your eyes, something that made your pupils blown. But then, it was gone, replaced by a fire that mirrored Luke's.
A slow realization dawned on him, cold and heavy in his gut. You weren't surprised. You weren't angry. You knew.
Percy's heart hammered against his ribs. He saw the familiar hilt of your celestial bronze sword hanging loosely at your belt, the moonlight glinting off the polished metal.
"Percy, I can't do that" you said, your voice barely a whisper.
Percy understood then. You weren't caught in the middle. You weren´t with him, you were with Luke, all the way. The truth slammed into him, a betrayal far worse than anything he could have imagined. You were a traitor.
Percy felt like you'd ripped open a fresh wound in his chest and poured lemon juice in it. This sister, this family he'd thought he'd found at camp, meant nothing to you in the face of this rebellion? The anger coursing through him was laced with a bitter disappointment that gnawed at his insides. He'd trusted Luke blindly, sure, but you were different. He'd looked up to you, confided in you. The betrayal cut deep.
"You're with him?" he choked out, the question laced with disbelief and a raw, wounded vulnerability. He couldn´t wrap his mind around it.
"I'm not with him, Percy" you countered, taking a hesitant step forward. He flinched back, the movement a physical manifestation of the emotional chasm that had suddenly opened between you. The pain that flickered across your face was a punch to his gut, but he couldn't ignore the conviction in your voice. "We're together" you continued. "We created this."
Percy couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were so convinced, so blinded by whatever twisted loyalty you felt for Luke, that you couldn't see the bigger picture. "How could you?" he roared, his voice raw with emotion. "How could you do this, to everyone who trusts you? To the people who love you?"
You scoffed, a harsh, humorless sound. "Come on, Percy, you want to talk about betrayal? Let's talk about our father." The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge laden with bitterness. A sudden breeze swept through the woods, rustling the leaves and carrying the salty scent of the ocean as if a wave had crashed nearby. It seemed like even the sea itself reacted to your words.
"Let's talk about the gods" you pressed, your voice laced with a bitter venom. "They get bored at the Olympus, so they play their pretty games, making mortals fall for them and then discarding them like broken toys. Mortals like your mom, like mine. And they leave us, their children, to pick up the pieces."
Percy groaned in frustration. "They're not perfect" he admitted, "they're trying their best for us"
"Don't bullshit me" you say. The calmer your voice was, the more fear Percy felt. "I don’t wanna fight, Percy, but they couldn´t care less”
Luke´s face partially obscured by the shadows, but the jagged scar across his cheek was visible under the moonlight. It was a constant reminder of the failed quest Hermes had sent him on, a cruel mark of a father's neglect.
Percy's gaze flicked between you and Luke, a sudden understanding dawning on him. Your words, your anger, your sadness. It wasn't just about Kronos or overthrowing the Olympians. It was about a deeper wound, a festering resentment born from years of feeling abandoned by your father, his father too. He understood, but he didn´t think it was right.
"But you can't be serious" he finally choked out. "This isn't the answer. There has to be another way."
A flicker of sadness crossed your features, a stark contrast to the steely resolve you'd presented earlier. It was a fleeting glimpse, a crack in the facade you'd constructed, and it tugged at Percy's heartstrings. No, it wasn't jealousy or envy. It was a deeper, more profound sense of loss. You weren't angry at him for having a father who cared just a little bit, for having a family he cherished. You were simply… sad. Sad that you never had that, that your only family was Luke, and that his arrival, however welcome it initially felt, couldn't erase the years of loneliness you'd endured.
Percy´s eyes darted behind you, to Luke.
"Why are you dragging her into this?" Percy demanded, his voice tight with a mixture of anger and protectiveness. He knew you weren't the mastermind, Luke was the one who had poisoned your trust, manipulated your resentment.
"It's not that hard to understand, Percy" you answered before Luke could speak. Your voice held a quiet defiance, a loyalty that both warmed and stung him. "We're together" you repeated, the words laced with a quiet strength that resonated deep within him.
Then it hit him, another wave of realization crashing over him like a rogue wave. It wasn't just loyalty or a shared cause that bound you to Luke. There was something more, something deeper that flickered in your eyes whenever you looked at him.
"You love him" Percy whispered, the words hanging heavy in the air. And it wasn´t a question either, he knew.
A faint blush crept up your cheeks, but you didn't deny it. "We understand each other, Percy. We know what it's like to be unseen, unheard. Isn't that what love is? Empathy, understanding?"
A tear escaped your eye, glistening in the moonlight. Percy could see the pain, the longing in your eyes, how you clinged to the only thing that hugged you back; Luke.
“You’re blind” Percy whispered, hand instinctively groping to the handle of his sword.
"No, Percy" you countered, your voice soft but firm. "I'm awake. I see things for what they are. You know what it feels like, right? To have one person who understands you, who truly sees you" you continued. Your voice softened even further, a hint of vulnerability entering the equation. "Sally, isn't it?"
He flinched at the mention of his mother's name.
"That's love, P." you said, using the nickname you'd once shared. The sound of it sent a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill from his eyes, mirroring the glistening in your own. "And to me, to us" you continued, your voice barely above a whisper, "that's the most powerful thing."
Percy saw the love for Luke burning bright in your eyes, a love that had blinded you to the potential destruction you were embracing. He saw the pain of neglect, the longing for acceptance that fueled your rebellion. But most of all, he saw a glimmer of hope, a flicker of doubt that your tear-filled eyes betrayed.
The weight of your words settled on Percy like a lead blanket. He understood the path you were on, but he couldn't just let you walk away, couldn't let you be consumed by this darkness. The thought of ever having to fight you, to raise his sword against his own sister, filled him with a dread that eclipsed even the fear of facing Kronos himself.
With a desperate surge of defiance, Percy lunged at you, Riptide flashing in the moonlight. You reacted with lightning reflexes, a blur of blue as you deflected his attack with your own celestial bronze sword. The clang of metal echoed through the silent woods, a discordant note in the tense atmosphere.
The fight was short, brutal, and utterly one-sided. You were older, more experienced, and fueled by a burning conviction that mirrored Percy's own determination. A quick twist of your wrist, a disarming maneuver honed through years of training, and Riptide clattered to the ground several feet away.
Percy landed hard on the leaf-strewn ground, the impact knocking the wind out of him. He lay there, disarmed, defeated, and utterly heartbroken. Betrayal gnawed at him, a bitter cocktail of anger and sorrow.
A single tear escaped your eye, tracing a glistening path down your cheek. You knelt down beside him, your touch surprisingly gentle on his shoulder. "Percy," you said, your voice thick with emotion, "you're my brother. I don´t wanna leave you”
Percy looked up at you, his eyes red-rimmed and filled with a storm of conflicting emotions. "Then why?" he choked out, his voice hoarse. "Why are you doing this?"
"Come with me” you continued, your voice softening further. “Come with us, Percy”
A long silence stretched between them, punctuated only by the chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves in the night breeze.
"I can't, yn" he said, his voice firm despite the tremor that ran through him. "I won't be a part of this, it´s not fair."
A flicker of pain crossed your features. You rose to your feet then, your expression unreadable again.
A curt nod was your only response before you swiped a hand across your cheek, wiping away the traitorous tear. Bending down, you retrieved your celestial bronze sword, the moonlight glinting coldly off its surface.
"Then I guess I won't see you for a while, little one" you said, your voice thick with a maelstrom of emotions. Percy almost flinched at the nickname, a stark reminder of the bond you once shared. The weight of his decision pressed down on him, a suffocating feeling that left him breathless.
Suddenly, a hand clamped softly onto your arm. You whipped around, eyes focusing on Luke, his face grim.
"We have to go" he said urgently, his voice laced with a barely concealed panic.
You glanced back at Percy, his expression a mixture of heartbreak and steely resolve. A million unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a silent plea for you to reconsider, to choose family over rebellion.
But your path was laid. With a final, longing look at Percy, you took a few steps towards a cluster of crumbling ruins that stood there sentinel. Luke reached for your hand, his grip tight with a mix of reassurance and desperation.
Percy watched, a cold dread settling in his gut, as Luke traced a final line, completing the arcane symbol etched onto the column. The air shimmered, a blueish light pooling in the center of the ruins. It widened, forming a shimmering curtain that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.
Luke leaned in, whispering something in your ear. You nodded, a faint smile gracing your lips for a fleeting moment. Then Luke, his face a mask of grim determination, looked back at Percy for a final time. And with a final squeeze of his hand, you both stepped into the shimmering portal. The blue light intensified for a moment, blinding Percy momentarily.
And then just like that, you were gone.
The portal spat you out in a blackness so thick it felt like a physical presence. The air was heavy with the smell of salt and wet sand. You stumbled forward, disoriented, hand instinctively tightening on Luke's. His grip was firm, anchoring you in the swirling darkness.
"Whoa, careful" he murmured, his voice a welcome sound in the suffocating silence.
He took a tentative step forward, then another, testing the ground. You followed suit, your steps hesitant and laced with a growing unease.
"Come on" he said, his voice tinged with urgency, "we gotta get to-"
He cut himself off abruptly as he realized you weren't moving. You stood rooted to the spot, your eyes fixed on something beyond him, your grip on his hand tightening almost painfully.
Luke turned you gently, his brow furrowed in concern as he gazed into your tear-filled eyes. The moonlight, pale and ghostly, illuminated the glistening tracks on your cheeks.
"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft but laced with worry. He cupped your face in his calloused hands, his touch a familiar comfort in the unsettling darkness.
You choked back a sob, the tears overflowing again. "Am I doing the right thing, Luke?" you whispered, your voice barely audible above the crashing waves. "I lost my family, again. Percy. He doesn’t-…”
The raw pain in your voice tore at his heart. He knew this path, this rebellion, would come at a cost, but seeing the emotional toll it was taking on you was a gut punch.
"Hey, hey, look at me" he coaxed, gently lifting your chin so your eyes met his. His gaze was steady, filled with a fierce loyalty that had always been a source of strength for you.
"We were on this path way before Percy arrived, remember?" he asked, his voice firm yet soothing.
You nodded slowly, a single tear tracing a path down your cheek.
"I need you to be strong for me, angel” he continued, his thumb brushing away the tear. "You´re what keeps me going."
He placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "I'll give you everything" he murmured, his voice a low promise. "I promise I'll give you the life you deserve"
Then, he trailed a line of kisses down your cheek, his lips lingering on yours in a final, lingering and sweet kiss.
It was meant to be a reassurance, but it sent a wave of conflicting emotions crashing through you. There was comfort in his touch, a flicker of the love you shared, but it was overshadowed by a gnawing doubt.
When you finally pulled back, a shaky breath escaping your lips, Luke took your hand, his touch gentle yet firm. He looked out at the vast expanse of ocean, then scanned the horizon.
You followed his gaze, squinting through the darkness. A faint flicker of white lights danced in the distance, a beacon in the vast blackness.
"Come on" he said, his voice tinged with newfound purpose. "We gotta get to the cruise."
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rynwritesreid · 5 months
Hiii, may I ask a request? something like, taking a train trip with Reid, he doesn't want to hold the bar because of the germs, so he has to hold himself on reader or he would fall. they can be friends or a couple, whatever. Love your work, Thank uuuu!
This is probably the most in-character I have ever written about Spencer :) I really enjoyed this, thank you for the request 💕
Content: Germaphobe Spencer. I don’t think I’ve mentioned pronouns for reader.
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You and Spencer stood next to each other on the crowded subway station. You knew the train was going to be packed, and you’d be lucky to find a seat. It was these very moments you wished Spencer didn’t mind driving, or that you had learnt to drive.
You looked over to Spencer, whose face was contorted into disgust. His eyes scanning the platform, trying to see if there was a more spacious area, but no luck.
“Hey Spence, don’t worry the train will be here soon. I hate this as much as you.” You weren’t a germaphobe, but you didn’t enjoy crowded spaces and your job had made you hyper-aware, so every move somebody made you flinch.
Spencer only offered a small smile in return. Finally, over the noise of the crowd, you heard the rhythmic metallic clatter of the train wheels on the tracks. The crowd moved towards the edge of the platform, pushing you and Spencer closer together.
Once you were both on the train, you both looked up and down the carriage, trying to see if there were any available seats. You both let out a sigh when you realised you were going to have to stand the entire journey.
You reached your arm up to grab the bar, noticing Spencer’s arms remained by his side. His expression turned into one of mild horror as he eyed the seemingly germ-ridden handrail.
"Spence, it's just a bar," you teased, trying to ease the tension.
“It’s not just a bar. It’s a breeding ground for all kind of bacteria, I’d rather kiss every person on this train, then hold onto that.”
You let out a small giggle, thinking about Spencer walking up and down the carriage offering everyone a kiss. “I’m sure everyone would enjoy you kissing them, Spence.”
He just glared at you for a second, not even giving you a small smile.
“Spence, please just grab the railing, you’re going to fall if you don’t.”
“I’m not holding on to that bar.”
“Fine, but you’re going to fall into all these people, and I don’t think they’d enjoy that.” You warned with a smirk.
Spencer shot you a stubborn look but eventually sighed, realizing the inevitable. As the train lurched forward, he hesitated for a moment before tentatively wrapping an arm around you for support.
“There, happy?” he muttered; his cheeks slightly flushed.
“I’m always happy when you’re not going around kissing strangers.” you replied with a playful grin.
Spencer rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small chuckle. The train journey became a blend of amusing banter and shared glances, with Spencer still refusing to touch the bar. Instead, he clung to your arm as the train swayed, earning a few curious looks from other passengers.
As you both navigated the crowded carriage, Spencer's initial reluctance seemed to melt away, replaced by a shared sense of camaraderie in facing the subway chaos together. The train made its stops, passengers shuffled in and out, and Spencer's grip on your arm remained steadfast.
You stole a glance at him, noticing the genuine smile playing on his lips. "You know, Spence, I’m glad you’re a germaphobe, you’ve made this journey ten times more entertaining than it usually is.”
Spencer raised an eyebrow, a hint of satisfaction in his expression. "Well, I do have a knack for turning the mundane into the extraordinary."
~join my taglist~you can also request on here~
@iluvreid @piperb400 @bitchassbecky691 @purplepistachi0 @theillestvillian3 @pleasantwitchgarden @spencerreidwifeee @xohoneybun @julllliiia @krokietino @emalynvtgtgfhvgg @starkid024 @oliviah-25 @evvy96 @ms-ks-world @drspencieee @nomajdetective
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camilaxmartin · 2 months
I’m so glad there is another Lute lover 😭 literally she makes me feral. I was wondering if you could do headcanons for Lute w a super feminine gf (in personality and fashion sense)! If not that’s totally cool and you can ignore this ask!!! Have a great day! :) 💜
her princess
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summary: headcanons about lute being in relationship with a high feminine girl and everything that comes with it:)
warnings: soft!lute, a bit suggestive part at the end, adam being a dick in one scene
notes: finally getting to the requests! yay! anyway, LOVED WRITING THIS ONE AS I AM PERSONALLY A VERY FEMININE GIRLIE SKDHDDJ
requests: open!!
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★ | let’s start with the fact that you’re literally the purest and most beautiful angel lute has ever seen in her life and in whole heaven. the first time you two meet she literally can’t take her eyes off of you, explaining to herself that she’s just simply admiring how confident you are while being so… girly and the literal opposite of what she has thought her whole life being confident means.
★ | it was nothing special, the first time you two met, just a simple, accidental meeting on the promenade of heaven, lute walking home off-duty when she spots you. if she hadn’t have this much of self control she’d just stop in her tracks and stare at you, but thankfully her mind didn’t let her. she notices the way you’re dressed and how amazingly beautiful your wings present themselves with this whole look and she’s literally speechless. not that she’d utter a word to you if she wasn’t.
★ | it’s obvious you notice her as well, how could you not? an angel like her just walking around the promenade, cmon now, who wouldn’t notice her? you smile softly to her and just turn away, walking your own path, making that dress of yours flatter perfectly. lute’s eyes haven’t left your presence till you literally disappeared from her field of view. and she could’ve sworn her body didn’t have any reaction to you, yet her wings came right in to disobey her. they puffed up ever so slightly, making lute feel the heat going through her back. and since then, you haven’t left her thoughts alone, messing up with her daily schedule and everything she’s known.
★ | adam has picked up on her strange behaviour almost immediately and looked at her suspiciously:
“what’s up your ass this morning, danger-tits?” he asked looking at her with his eyebrows raised. she sighed and rolled her eyes.
“nothing, just…” she stopped mid sentence and huffed. “nothing” she added and flew off, getting ready for her training.
★ | the next time she saw you, she was walking home as well but this time spotted you sitting at the ‘gods-caffe’ eating a donut with sprinkles. she stopped and just simply observed you through the huge window on the wall of the caffe, definitely forgetting about a fact that you can, indeed, see her too. just when you finished your last bite of that donut you instinctively turned your head to the side and noticed her, literally starring at you. at first you were a bit confused but that expression almost immediately turned into a soft smile, as you started to get up from your seat. that action seemed to pull lute out of her state as she immediately started walking away and even flew up just to not let you catch her.
★ | and that simple interaction if you can even call it that, caused another wave of questions from adam to fall over her the next morning:
“okay, you’re quite out of this world, what’s on your mind huh?” he asked smiling like he knew exactly what was going on and put his hands on his hips. lute rolled her eyes and groaned flying away once again, to join the other exterminators in their sparring.
★ | as she finally thought she got over that mystical angel girl that seemed to corrupt her mind, as she was flying around heaven with adam, he bumped into you causing a lot of chaos:
“watch where you’re flying, asshole!” he yelled not even looking at who he’s bumped into. when lute turned her head and noticed you, her eyes immediately went wide and she felt the lump in her throat forming, looking at your another dress fitting you just so perfectly, the colour matching your eyes.
“oh, sorry” you said stroking your cheek where adam’s mask has hit you few second ago. he rolled his eyes and immediately flew off, flying even higher up the clouds. your eyes finally noticed the girl who seemed to be staring at you for a moment now. you smiled to her softly and waved.
“hi” you said with remaining smile, your dress floating in the motion of your wings keeping you in air. lute was immediately pulled out of her thoughts and stared at you even more intensely now.
“uh- hi” she said looking away and her eyes stared following adam who was now waiting above the two of you with confusion forming on his mask.
“i saw you in front of that caffe, and wanted to talk to you but you disappeared” you said with a soft chuckle and lute swore it was the softest sound she’s heard in her life. and then she noticed you were waiting for her response.
“oh yeah- i was just passing by” she shrugged simply, trying to erase the fact that she was literally starring at you that day. “you…” she cleared her throat and looked up at adam again. “i have to go” she said quickly and flew off, joining adam high up. you just followed her with your eyes and with a small frown but decided not to chase them not wanting to get into another conversation with that dude.
★ | and after that incident adam was even more sure what was happening. he started annoying lute all day long about that girl she suddenly lost her ability to speak around and that it’s unknown for her to do so. he started joking about how the girl was literally looking like a doll and that was when lute had had enough of him and decided to take a day off, just to gather her thoughts and, let’s be real here, get a break from this dipshit
★ | on her day off, she decided to simply fly around heaven to let her mind wander and finally get rest. after a lot, and i mean, a lot, of thinking and wondering she’s come to conclusion that it’s immaculate that you’re able to be confident as an angel looking that… feminine. which made her mind spiral even deeper making all of her thoughts just about you, about how you look, about your voice and how soft it is and how outrageously sweet your lips must taste… wait-
★ | she’d probably spend her whole day off just on that when she noticed you sitting on a cloud close to when she was actually flying. she took a deep breath and decided to approach you. she flew up to the cloud immediately and just floated right next to you. your head turned immediately and the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen creeped onto your face.
“hi” she said with more confidence this time her wings immediately opening more and puffing up a bit. you obviously noticed that and chuckled, the sound making lute’s wings puff up even more.
“hi” you responded and moved a bit so she could sit down next to you. and she did.
★ | i’d say your attraction to her grew rather quickly same as hers to you. she was still amazed by your delicate personality and the way you dressed and how you managed to pull it off so… effortlessly. and believe me, it added a lot to her liking to you.
★ | after that accidental meeting on that cloud, lute decided to ask you out to that caffe she saw you in, not even realising it sounded like a date and not just a normal meet-up, but the smile on your face assured her that you didn’t mind it being an actual date.
★ | when you two met up for that date, lute was surprised to find out that you had some kind of a sweet tooth and couldn’t imagine a coffee without something sweet to eat with it. she let you pick whatever you wanted and whichever coffee you wanted and smiled seeing you picked out the sweetest one they offered while also ordering a slice of strawberry-chocolate cake with it. she ordered an expresso for herself without anything to eat.
“i see you like sweet things” she chuckled sitting down at one of the tables against huge windows. you giggled taking a sip.
“what can i say? i guess i like to sweeten up my life as much as i can” you chuckled taking a bite from your cake. “in any matter” you added with a small smirk.
she raised her eyebrow at you not fully understanding. “what do you mean?” she asked taking a sip from her cup.
“i choose sweet people to sweeten up my life as well as the sweetest treats i can find” you laughed and lute’s eyes went wide as she looked away from you with a chuckle trying to hide her embarrassment from that little teasingly compliment of yours.
★ | lute was delighted to find out you loved flowers. the first time she’s ever been in your apartment, she noticed straight away how many plants you had and that you always had some kind of flowers on your coffee table in the saloon. she smiled to herself knowing exactly how to surprise you next time.
“hi!” she yelled flying up to your window one day and waking you up. you yawned and walked over to the window opening it and looking at her surprised.
“lute?” you asked surprised, looking at the girl floating behind your window wearing a wide grin.
lute’s smile widened even more as she took out flowers from behind her back and handed them to you. “just a little treat for you” she said more nervously now but still trying to keep her voice calm. your eyes widened and a smile immediately creeped up to your face.
“my god, thank you!” you said taking the flowers and moving away from the window so she can enter your bedroom. you immediately put the flowers onto your desk and walked back to lute locking her in a hug she definitely wasn’t prepared for. “best morning ever” you whispered with a giggle at which she chuckled nervously.
you leaned away a bit when you felt her wings flatter a bit and she looked away awkwardly, feeling her cheeks starting to burn. you chuckled and decided there won’t be a better occasion than this. softly your hands grabbed her cheeks and you moved your lips to hers, connecting them in a soft and quick kiss just showing your gratefulness. lute didn’t kiss you back, but not because she didn’t want to, but because she was too stunned to do so. when you leaned away with a chuckle she immediately moved her face to yours, locking your lips in another kiss, less soft and definitely less stunned.
★ | something she’d need to get used to is how many little stuff you own. lute isn’t really the one to be nostalgic and sentimental about a lot of stuff, but when she saw your collection of random things that just bring joy or any other feeling to you, that you decided to keep, her brain told her she doesn’t own anything sentimental.
★ | when you started spending even more time together and lute stayed the night with you, she was surprised but very pleasant to get to know about your love for baths and everything that comes with it. she couldn’t believe her eyes the first time she saw how many bath salts and bombs you had not really expecting you to have so many in so many different colours and shapes. she looked through them curious and picked up a heart-shaped, black one smelling it, her eyes going immediately wide when the scent hit her nose.
“you like it?” you asked with a giggle running a bath for yourself, standing next to her.
“it smells marvellous” she said smelling it once again. you just giggled at her reaction and started to take off all your rings to prepare for the bath.
“you can use it if you want” you said nonchalantly with a smile watching her face turn up into a smile.
“really?” she asked looking at you with literal glimpses in her eyes at what you giggled once again.
“of course” you responded with a smile.
★ | speaking of which, lute was surprised to see your collection of rings. of course she noticed those that you were wearing daily but she didn’t expect you to have a full box of different rings and necklaces. she looked through them fascinated and even put on some of them when she was sure you couldn’t see her. she looked down on her hands and smiled enjoying how they looked on her fingers, making them longer and slimmer. when you came into the room her wings immediately went out hiding her while she tried to desperately take off the rings so you wouldn’t notice she tried them on. you slowly walked over to her with a curious smile, moving one of her wings out of your way and noticing how she tried to put all of them in their places. you chuckled softly.
“you can wear them if you want” you said walking away from her and going to the mirror to brush your hair. lute smiled sheepishly at you and picked out one ring putting it on her finger admiring it once again.
“i didn’t know you liked jewellery so much” she said still being focused on her hand. you chuckled softly and shrugged.
“what can i say? i like to have many options” you smiled looking at her through the mirror. “you can keep it” you added looking at the ring she chose.
“definitely not” she said laughing nervously and taking it off. you rolled your eyes playfully, walking over to her and putting the ring on her finger once again, softly looking into her eyes.
“keep it. please.” you said with a smile and lute couldn’t help but look away trying not to blush, as her wings puffed up without her consent.
★ | the same night she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw your collection of stuffed animals. she smiled uncontrollably seeing how deeply you talked about every and each of them and couldn’t wait for you birthday to come so she could surprise you with another one of them. or to be fair, she just couldn’t wait to surprise you with it any day, not looking at the occasion.
★ | lute also didn’t expect your pyjamas to be as soft as they actually were. when the two of you got into your bed, lute wearing some old t-shirt with shorts and felt your silk matching set of pyjama on her skin she literally looked down at you with pure surprise in her eyes which you softly laughed at.
“you like my pyjamas?” you asked and she nodded her head, cuddling you tightly, pressing her skin onto yours her wings puffing up uncontrollably.
★ | deeper in the relationship lute would need to get used to a lot of things with you. for example your mood swings. of course she was a bit moody herself but the first time she saw how easily your mood could be changed just because of a small thing she needed a moment to understand it. she loved your personality and everything that came with it so it didn’t really change much, and just the thought of getting to know more of your sides made her heart flutter which she hated herself for, not being used to having that much feelings for someone.
★ | the first time you offered doing a spy night with her she was a bit sceptical but your puppy eyes made her change her mind very quickly. and just like that she ended up with a black care mask on her face, cucumber on her eyes and some kind of pink mask on her lips.
★ | when you asked her if you could paint her nails she didn’t have anything against it, until you said you wanted to paint them pink. she squinted her face and sighed but agreed, telling you she’d wash it off in the morning when she’d leave.
“pink really suits you” you said painting her toe nails and giggling. lute rolled her eyes but smiled looking down at her pink nails both on her toes and hands.
“sure” she said teasingly and laughed as this time you rolled your eyes.
“really, it brings out your lips” you said and she looked away feeling her blush.
“shut up” she said as her wings puffed up a bit, and her eyes stayed on your ceiling. you chuckled.
★ | safe to say, she didn’t wipe it off in the morning no matter how badly she complained before that she’d do it.
(a bit suggestive!!)
★ | another thing lute was surprised but also delighted to find out was the collection of lingerie and matching sets you owned. she didn’t mean to find them at first, but when you told her she could pick out something from your wardrobe to change into she just… happened to find them and beside the huge blush that covered her face she also couldn’t stop her mind from wandering and imagining you in all of those sets in many, and i mean many, different situations.
you walked back into your room noticing lute was just starting at something in your closet, so you softly sneaked up to her peeking at what she was looking and chuckled softly.
“enjoying my collection?” you asked with a giggle feeling your blush coming out. lute immediately looked back at you with a dumb smile and a nod of her head.
“yeah, very” she said looking away from you and her eyes uncontrollably going back to the underwear and then slowly to your body. you giggled seeing her eyes.
“wait for the day you see me in them” you smiled and kissed her forehead leaving a lip stain there.
“can’t wait” she chuckled and looked at you, grabbing your waist softly and pulling you in for a deep kiss, her wings puffing up immediately, when her lips only touched yours.
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@lizbizbae <3
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imdefinitelyfloating · 3 months
A Perfect Chaos (spencer reid x reader)
Pairing: Spencer x fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
This will switch between Spencer’s POV and Reader’s POV – the first paragraph is Reader, and from there it alternates. I hope it isn’t too difficult to follow along!
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The universe can be funny sometimes. It puts us in places we never expect to be, and sets into motion the new chapter of our lives. And I believe that is exactly what happened when I walked into the BAU bullpen on my first day at my new job, 3 years ago. The only empty desk sat across from a man, with his curly golden locks, his sharp jawline, and the softest eyes; I was sure, this was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight, but that’s the only way I can describe what I felt at that very fateful moment.
My whole life, I’ve been trying to narrow down all the things around me to an exact science. But when she walked in that day, I felt something I had never experienced before. I was… speechless. The way her hair flowed, the way her eyes sparkled, the way her skin shone despite the harsh lighting of the BAU bullpen; I’m sure, this was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes upon. There’s an old Buddhist saying that, when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other. I don’t know if I believe in soulmates, but that’s the only way I can describe what she would become to me.
Spencer and I became fast friends after I joined the BAU. I don’t know if it was intentional or just a simple coincidence, but Hotch always paired us together on cases, we sat opposite each other every day, and even rode all the same trains on the Metro. It’s safe to say we were quickly becoming the best of friends; we’d have Doctor Who marathons at his place, and have sleepovers at mine. Platonic, of course. There is no doubt in my mind that this is who I love, and this is who want to spend the rest of my life with. But I know he’ll never feel the same way, not for me.
Y/n became a place of comfort for me after tough cases, and she’d always be the one to pull me out and lift me up. She was my best friend, and I loved her, in more ways than she could even understand. I still remember the first time we sat together on the jet. It was a long case, and everyone was worn out. I felt the warmth radiating from her as she rested her head on my shoulder. I’m not the best with touch, but with her I didn’t mind. With her, I wish I could stay like that for all eternity. But I know she’ll never feel the same way, not for me.
Sitting opposite the man everyday, I quickly realised how much Spence loved his coffee (or in his case, sugar with a hint of coffee!) It soon became a tradition for us to bring coffee for each other every morning, and to go down to the little coffee shop a few blocks away on our shared breaks. As we’d walk, he would ramble on about Star Trek, and I’d counter back with my love of Star Wars! If there’s anyone who was going to challenge one of my favourite movie series, I’m glad it was him.
Valentine’s Day was always tough for me. To be honest, I was never really bothered by it until I met Y/n. Seeing her almost every day, but not being able to hold her, not being able to tell her how I really felt, it killed me inside. Every year, I thought this time I’m going to tell her. But when I would open my mouth to speak, it was like I’d forget how to talk, how to breathe. Now, three years later, I’m still just as speechless as I was when I had first met her.
February 14th – a day of love. It was meant to be a beautiful day, but for me it was just another day gone by when I hadn’t confessed my feelings to the man I so desperately wanted to hold, and to love. Still, me and Spence both went for our daily coffee break, both pretending to ignore the clearly obvious tension between us. We both had a lot of paperwork to get through, so we ordered our drinks to go. February in DC is unpredictable to say the least; the sun was finally shining through as we stepped into the small café, but as we stepped out, I felt the rain brush upon my face as I looked up to see clouds looming above us once again. And of course, just my luck, I don’t have my umbrella!
I must have forgotten my umbrella at my desk. The rain is really coming down now, so Y/n and I decide to take a shortcut through the park. We’re practically running now, and well, I’m not the most athletic of individuals. I stop at a bench, with Y/n coming back to hopelessly get me back up. She quickly gives in, sitting down on the small, wooden bench with me. The two of us sit in silence as I struggle to catch my breath in the cold Virginia air. But just as I felt my breath coming down to a more normal pace, I heard Y/n ask me the question I had been hoping she would never ask.
“So, Reid, who’s your Valentine’s?”
It had become something she’d ask me each year, always pestering me to go on dates or trying to set me up with one of her friends. But all I wanted to say was “I wish it was you.” It amazed me, a profiler, and she is still oblivious to how I really feel about her. Instead, I just brush her question off and ask her one instead.
“Who’s yours, Y/n?”
It’s now or never. If I don’t tell him now, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. He has to know.
“I wish you were my Valentine.”
Is this real? Did she really just say that? No, she must be joking. She could never love someone like me. I’ll just laugh it off. Why isn’t she saying anything? And that’s when I saw it. I looked in her eyes. She’s serious? This is happening? Oh, this is happening. It’s now or never, she has to know. And with that, I pressed my lips to hers, and we stayed like that. The rain was pouring, the wind was howling. People were shouting “Get a room!” But we didn’t care. You always hear it in children’s fairytales, that when you truly love someone nothing else matters, the whole world stops except for you. I had never believed it until now, but Y/n is my fairytale come true.
As our lips parted from one another, we rested our foreheads together. Magic really does exist, because Spencer Reid is my magic.
Eventually, Y/n and I made it back to work. We were so ready for a trademark Hotch glare, coming back so long after our break had finished. But all we heard was Rossi, “Finally, thank God they admitted it!” I was about to speak, but Y/n read my mind and beat me to it:
“How did you- HOW?!”
Everyone erupted into a fit of laughter, Emily and JJ making pointing fingers and teasing as Garcia literally suffocated me in a classic Penelope hug. And then there’s Morgan patting Spencer a little too enthusiastically on the back, “Pretty Boy, my man!” Even Hotch gave a rare smile as he and Rossi observed the scene. It was a perfect chaos, and in the middle of it all stood Spencer and I, my soulmate and I.
Thank you for reading! 🥰💗
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jflemings · 14 days
— rascal
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pairing: jessie fleming x raso!reader
synopsis: in the hopes of convincing you to sign with chelsea, sam encourages you and jessie to get to know one another
warnings: none
a/n: this lil idea has been bouncing around in my brain like the dvd symbol so here ya go
it was no secret that you were one of the more outgoing players on the australian national team, having gained a reputation of being bubbly and energetic through your style of play on the pitch and personality. sam had taken quick advantage of this from the moment you joined the team, posting various funny videos and photos of you during camps and tournaments purely for her own entertainment.
the most recent video she had shared to her close friends story. you were distracted with pulling out your training kit from your suitcase when she had loudly announced herself as she walked into your room, the camera in selfie mode and held above her head.
“look who’s baaaaack!” she exclaimed causing you to turn around too quickly and get your foot caught on the leg of the bed.
“fuck!” you exclaimed loudly as you fall to the carpet floor, both yours and sam’s loud and infectious laughs filling the room as you processed what happened.
she stopped recording and caught her breath before captioning the video ‘the rascal diaries are off to a good start 🤣🤣’ and posting it so that her club teammates could see.
“you- you are impossible” she managed to say before another round of uncontrollable laughter erupted from her “and erin and guro are gonna find it so funny”
you huffed and unhooked your ankle from around the bed leg before sitting up “i’m so glad that you get a kick out of embarrassing me” you say sarcastically “it’s really the best part of seeing you”
sam smirks “jessie will probably find it funny too”
a blush makes its way up your neck at the mention of her canadian club teammate “shut up”
“you two should swap shirts, add a canada one to your collection”
“i’ve got julia grosso’s” you shrug uselessly whilst pulling yourself up by the sheets “and, i don’t know, i’ve never spoken to jessie before”
“you’ll be speaking to her a lot when you sign with chelsea” the striker hums “might as well become friends now”
you huff and stand, turning around immediately and pulling your kit out of your suitcase “i haven’t decided on anything. and you’re not the first australian to try to convince me to sign for their wsl team” you look over your shoulder and quick a brow at the older woman.
“as if you wanna play for arsenal or city! you’re a blue through and through”
“steph is pretty convincing” you sing-song earning a swipe from sam as you make a run for the bathroom. you quickly shut the door behind you and put all your weight against it
“don’t listen to steph!”
hayley, sam, kyra, macca and yourself are all lounging around playing an intense game of uno when sam decides to open her big fat mouth.
you smirk and place a +4 card down, raising your brows at sam when she gasps “y/n!”
hayley, who’s sitting to your right, holds her hand up for a high five. the two of you laugh as sam reaches for the pile of cards whilst angrily mumbling, her already stacked hand beginning to slip from her grip as she attempts to organise them all.
“fuckin’ rascal” she grumbles from behind her cards, sinking further into her seat “if you treat jessie like this when you come to chelsea, i’ll have your head”
you roll your eyes and go to answer before macca just about jumps out of her seat.
“you’re signing with chelsea?”
“why is she bringing up jessie fleming?”
you cringe at the sound of hayley and mac talking over eachother at the same time, kicking your feet out and hiding behind your cards. hayley reaches over and pushes them out of your face so she can look at you “why is she bringing up fleming” she questions again.
“who cares!” mac loudly says “why are you signing to chelsea? i thought you were coming to west ham!”
“yep” sam speaks up again, quite pleased with herself and the chaos she’s started “she’s gonna be a blue and she’s got a biiiiiig crush on jflem”
both women gasp. hayley kicks your ankle hard and throws her cards down onto your chest “you didn’t tell me that”
“because it’s not true!” you defend “sam doesn’t know what she’s talking about”
kyra, who has been unusually quiet, snickers “as per usual”
your captain frowns at the young midfielder before turning her attention back to you, a sly smile on her face. she pays your arm with fake affection “it’s okay y/n/n, they won’t tell”
“there’s nothing to tell!” you almost shout before lunging at her “and stop looking at me like that”
hayley grabs onto the back of your shirt and plants your bum back into your seat “she’s cute, y’know, totally your type”
“and she’s smart! like really smart. you’re into that, right? your last girlfriend was pretty smart”
“wasn’t she also canadian?” mackenzie pipes up smugly, side eyeing you and getting a peek at sam’s card whilst she’s distracted.
“she was american” you grit out “and yes, she was smart but that’s not the point! i’m not crushing on jessie fleming!”
“not yet” hayley mumbles before yelping as you push her off her chair.
“sunny side up!”
you and hayley argue over steph who’s sat in between you, the both of you paying no mind to the defender who’s wearing a flat look on her face. you’re dressed in your training kit with the sleeves rolled up, showing off your toned arms easily as you half flail around.
jessie finds herself smiling at her phone, her eyes not once leaving your face. in all honesty, she really enjoys the videos sam posts during international break. she finds herself being entertained whenever she sees your face pop up on her phone, unable to stop the smile that eventually adorns her face as you get up to your usual antics.
whilst she hadn’t properly spoken to you, she had heard nothing but kind things about your character. sure, you were an instigator and a bit of a smart-ass on the pitch but off it people claimed you were one of the sweetest people they had ever met.
“sunny side up? are you kidding, the only thing that’s good for is when you want the yolk all over your plate” hayley argues whilst pointing her fork at you.
“hayley” you begin you say, running your hand over your brows “the day you stop being wrong is the day macca scores a hattrick”
“you little—”
the video cuts just as hayley goes to slap you again
jessie loudly snorts at the abrupt cut off and rubs her hand over her face in an effort to stop herself from smiling, you really were living up to the rascal nickname that your team so affectionately called you. sam said that it was alanna who came up with it when you were eighteen and ‘feral’ as she says. not only did you make it your mission to annoy your older teammates every chance you got, but you were also known to be a bit of a wild child in your teenage years and early twenties. more than once sam had boasted about all the trouble the two of you got up to with a smile on her face, claiming that you needed someone to ‘put you on a leash’.
jessie chooses to not remember the way sam insinuated that she should be the one to do it.
‘scrambled vs sunny side up: who wins?’ the text on the screen reads. jessie doesn’t think about it as she swipes up on sam’s story with a reply
sunny side up always. tell y/n she’s right.
jessie watches your back and shoulders flex under your jersey as you grab the back of hayley’s neck in the tunnel. she tilts her head slightly as you begin to fiddle with your sister’s ribbon, untying it and retying it before hayley swats your hand away.
she’s played against you for a few years now and she always found it endearing how the two of you not only wear matching ribbons, but also wear the numbers sixteen and seventeen respectively. sam told her that it was a complete coincidence that you got number seventeen when you were first called up, but that the whole team found it cute whenever they saw you two walking together. raso and raso, sixteen and seventeen, forward and defender.
adriana places her hand on jessie’s shoulder and leans down into her ear “eyes forward jeff” she whispers with a smile “can’t get distracted”
jessie’s face burns and she scratches the back of her neck nervously “i’m not distracted” she quietly defends herself, switching her weight from one foot to the other.
adriana doesn’t move her head but instead takes her own look over at the pair of you just in time to see hayley smack you upside the head. she can’t help but snicker “she’s pretty” she hums “definitely your type”
the midfielder throws her elbow back into her teammate “drop it” she grits out whilst stretching her neck out of nervousness. “i get it enough from sam”
“i heard she’s signing with chelsea. arnold and cooney-cross were talking about it just before we lined up”
jessie’s lip quirks at the thought of sam successfully getting you to sign to the powerhouse club, especially after all the pestering she’s put you through once she heard you were looking to move to europe from america. it had only gotten worse once the blues had actually made you an offer.
she silently recalls a time she and niamh walked into sam’s place and heard her loudly listing off reasons why you would be a perfect fit for the team. the australian even going as far as trying to rope the her and niamh into joining her pestering. jess had politely refused whilst niamh offered a kind smile and an enthusiastic nod, encouraging the decision.
dri leaves her alone once realises she’s not going to get anymore out of jessie, leaving her to get back into the right headspace for the game.
the match was close and although canada had beaten australia by one— curtesy of jordyn huitema— sam still had a wide smile on her face as her and jessie stood talking on the pitch.
sam laughed at the way hayley pulled you into a headlock and began dragging you around, hopping and cheering as she went. kyra, of course, stood back and egged the two of you on loudly.
“they’re great” she tells jessie between laughs “i think you and y/n would get along”
jessie cocks a brow and hums, choosing to ignore the smile that she can hear creeping into sam’s voice. she crosses her arms and continues to watch the two of you tussle, smiling when you hook your foot around hayley’s ankle and take her to the ground.
sam bursts out laughing and almost doubles over when she sees kyra toss you a waterbottle so you can empty the remaining contents onto your sister’s head. hayley’s eyes go wide in shock and you push her further into the ground before grabbing kyra’s hand and breaking out in a sprint, laughing boisterously as the two of you try to find refuge in polks and emily.
hayley pulls herself up and watches the two of you run off. a deep scowl settles on her face as she combs her hair back with her fingers and stands.
“you doing okay ras!?” sam shouts with a smirk
hayley gets herself off the ground and brushes the grass off her bum, making her way over to the chelsea players. “no. that was so uncalled for! she’s such a shit”
“acting as if you’re not the same”
“you don’t have much of a leg to stand on, sam” jessie mumbles.
sam’s jaw drops and hayley claps in delight “fleming’s right, you don’t!”
the skipper rolls her eyes and pushes hayley’s shoulder “you” she points “are just as bad as your sister. and you” she directs to the canadian suddenly “need to go do something”
jessie looks to hayley before back to her close friend shrugging in fake cluelessness. sam’s shoulders go slack just as hayley leans on her, her expression both knowing and unreadable. the way the two australians are looking at her makes her nervous and she digs the toe of her boot into the pitch out of habit.
“she means go make a move on my sister”
jessie’s eyes nearly fall out of her head as she once again looks between the two of them. hayley’s lax attitude and expression doesn’t do much to ease her sudden spur of nerves, even after she drops the facade and smiles instead.
“no i don’t” sam starts “i mean go introduce yourself properly. you’re the last phase of my plan”
“same same” the winger waves off
“oh” jessie says dumbly. she doesn’t really know what the right way to respond was, or even if there is a right way. at this point she really can’t tell what sam’s motives are. jessie wasn’t stupid, sam had been dropping hints that she wanted her to get to know you but jess hadn’t done much besides follow you on instagram. “when did i get included in your plan” jessie questions carefully, to which sam tuts.
“when i realised you are exactly y/n’s type”
jessie blushes furiously and brings her hand up to her face in an attempt to hide it. she kind of wishes that the earth would just open and swallow her, or at the very least that hayley would remove herself from this conversation.
raso nods “to a tee”
sam takes charge of the situation and grabs the younger woman by her shoulders. she manhandles her club teammate until jessie has you in her eyeline “go on!” sam says before giving jess one hard shove.
jessie, for whatever reason, reluctantly follows sam’s orders and begins to trudge her way over to you.
“you’re such a pot stirrer”
“they’ll thank me one day”
you’re listening to kyra talk your ear half off about anything and everything that comes to mind, her hands not being able to stay still as she runs you through a story involving charli, harper and a tub of butter.
as you lean down to retrieve your now filled waterbottle from the ground the midfielder abruptly stops. the sudden silence makes your brows furrow and you lift your head just in time to see kyra’s cheeky smile. she blows you a kiss and waves quickly before running off to annoy mini, leaving you both confused and intrigued about the end of her story.
“do you wanna swap shirts?” you hear someone ask behind you, the unmistakable canadian accent catching you off guard.
you spin around and are faced with freckled flushed cheeks and a shy jessie fleming holding her hands behind her back.
“sure” you answer sheepishly, cursing yourself when you realise how small your voice sounds. you watch as jessie’s shoulders relax and she reaches for the hem of her jersey, pulling it off in one swift motion.
you pull your own shirt over your head before she can catch you staring. you definitely did harbour some type of romantic feelings for the canadian but you had always pushed them aside with the excuse that you didn’t know her beyond whatever sam had told you and the times when canada and australia would play eachother.
the truth was that jessie is your type. a pretty brunette with brains and talent? yeah, sign you the fuck up. you had admired her work ethic and determination from afar for years but hadn’t gotten the chance to exchange more than a few words with her at a time until now.
your usually outgoing personality has suddenly taken a backseat when you finally removed your shirt and saw jessie nervously playing with the fabric of her own. the two of you smile at eachother and swap, silently putting on one another’s jersey.
“sam seems pretty sure that you’re going to take the deal chelsea offered” she says whilst pulling her ponytail out of the collar of your shirt.
you shrug and mimic her actions, subconsciously fixing your ribbon “sam is sure of everything even if she’s wrong” you roll your eyes and tilt your head “but- um yeah. that’s the way it’s looking”
jessie smiles genuinely and you feel yourself becoming light headed “well, hey, if you need a tour guide when you get there i’d be happy to show you around”
“that’d be great” you smile back at her.
“a photo girls?” a man with a camera asks the two of you. you both smile at eachother and stand close together with your arms wrapped around eachother’s waists, proudly showing off both of your nation’s badges.
the camera clicks a few times and you feel jessie tense slightly under your arm. he looks at his camera before giving the both of a thumbs up “great thank you!” he says enthusiastically before walking off to take photos of other players.
“jeff!” someone yells. leon and sinc stand a little way away, both smiling and beckoning jessie over to them. the canadian lets go of your waist and turns to you.
“see you in london?”
words fail you for a moment before you snap yourself back into reality with a blush “yep”
you give jessie a small wave as she walks off and tuck one of your hands under the canada jersey. you can feel the heat radiating off from your face and you lift a palm to your cheek in an attempt to cool yourself down. letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you relax your shoulders before you feel someone slap and grab you from behind.
“so i’ll see you at cobham then?” sam says cockily into your ear as she hooks her chin over your shoulder
“shut up sam”
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b4b3tte · 6 months
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Erron black decides to test the waters by flirting with you in front of Kano, but with him having some slight possessive nature,, he cannot let that happen any further without going down with a challenge
Description on this part — Basically Another flirty remarks made towards you, but you,Erron,Kano are set on a mission but Kano is dead set on making sure Erron isn’t making moves on you. ( Also getting closer to Erron!)
Pairing — Erron!Black x GN!Reader X Kano!Mk11
My note — RAHH I’m so surprised people actually liked this!! I am so glad!! 2 people asked for a request so sorry if I couldn’t reply and edit this on the inbox but here it is, hopefully it meets up towards your expectations!! And to make it clear you can be female,Male,Nonbinary to read this I wanna make my works inclusive as possible, I’ve gotten a lot of nsfw requests so if you want to read my guidelines for it please let me know
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Another night at the black dragon fighting club, Kano, never one to back down, leaned in closer to you, his voice dripping with mischief. "Y'know, luv, I'd hate to see that charming smile of yours go to waste. Why don't you give the dangerous life a break and join me for a night on the town?"
Erron Black, on the other hand, wasn't about to let Kano have the last word. He leaned in with an even smoother tone, trying to maintain his suave demeanor. "Or, darling, you can take a walk on the wild side with me. I promise you won't regret it."
Your eyes darted between the two men, both vying for your attention. It was clear that they were willing to pull out all the stops to win you over.
With a roll of your eyes and a corner smirk that matched Kano's characteristic sarcasm, you decided to play along. "Well, gentlemen, it seems I'm in quite the predicament. I'm afraid I can't choose just yet."
Kano let out a triumphant laugh, while Erron raised an eyebrow, intrigued by your response. It seemed that your playful banter only fueled their determination to win your favor.
Kano, refusing to back down, chimed in with a sly grin. "Smart choice, luv. Keeps us on our toes, it does."
Erron nodded in agreement. "Ain't that the truth. We'll just have to keep impressing you."
You replied with a smart “ have fun trying to fulfill that “ You proceeded to walk away leaving them only hearing the sound of your shoes/Heels clicking the floor
As the banter continued, it took on a playful and even absurd tone. Kano and Erron found themselves exchanging increasingly outrageous and amusing suggestions to win your attention, all while keeping their charismatic personas intact.
You couldn't help but be entertained by the entire spectacle. It was clear that this competition was far from over, and you were content to sit back and enjoy the attention. Despite the chaos and rivalry surrounding you, you found yourself in a rather unique and amusing position, with Kano and Erron Black both trying to capture your interest.
One day you, Erron, Kano, Sektor, and many robot replicas and trained men, you were all sent to capture Johnny, Sonya, or at least Cassie to gain something beneficial, you and Erron went alone first along the military base and caught a moment alone between you two
As the mission continued, you guys found yourselves stationed in a quiet corner of the underground facility, momentarily away from the action. The air was heavy with tension, but the two of you took a moment to breathe from the previous shooting of protection and exchanged a few quiet words.
Erron Black, his charming facade momentarily down, turned to you. "You know, darlin', we’ve never gotten a chance to talk like this in the middle of a mission."
You nodded, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. "That's true. it feels like we're constantly on the move, sometimes I wish I weren’t so involved in everything "
Erron's voice softened as he looked at you as he has never had a personal conversation before with someone he works with . "I know it's a dangerous world, but there's something about you, something that keeps me coming back for more."
You met his gaze, there was a moment were you both looked in each others eyes then lips, the connection between you deepening in that quiet moment. "It's not easy to navigate this whole process, but having someone like you during the process..makes it a little less…daunting."
Erron just slightly moved closer to you, you add your pinky finger on top of his hand making eye contact with him, Just as he was about to say more, Kano's voice erupted through the radio, dripping with jealousy and irritation. "Oi, lovebirds, we've got a situation here! Stop playin' around and get back to work, This ain't the time for touchy-feely nonsense."
Erron, unfazed, shot back, "Seems like someone's feathers are ruffled. Can't handle a little human connection, Kano?"
Kano's response was a low, menacing growl. "I'm watchin' you, Erron. Don't get too comfortable."
Erron Black let out a quiet chuckle, and the two of you returned to the mission at hand. Kano's tone didn't go unnoticed, and it was clear he wasn't pleased with the intimacy he had just witnessed.
As you moved forward, Kano's attitude became increasingly disruptive even at the slight normal conversations almost every one has . He couldn't hide the jealousy that coursed through him, and his comments through the radio were laced with irritation and impatience.
Another smart remark flashed the both of you, when you and Erron accidentally bumped into each other from you walking to fast and not looking where you were walking at, and your guys hand glided on top of each other sorta like this ( click on the link on the word “ This “ )
Kano's voice crackled again. "You two best be focused on the mission instead of holdin' hands. We're here to capture Johnny, not exchange sweet nothings."
Erron Black shot back, his own irritation evident. "You're just jealous, Kano. Afraid you're losin' your grip on your precious Y/n."
Kanos extreme annoyance just exploded “ you shouldn’t even be picking at what should be mine “
Erron leaned in, his voice a low murmur, "Seems our mate Kano is struggling with the concept of sharing."
You chuckled, the irony not lost on you. "I never thought I'd be the center of a love triangle in the middle of a mission."
Erron's grin widened. "Well, darlin', life is full of surprises. But you can bet Kano won't make this easy."
Kano rolled his eyes again as usual “ god damnit black, quit your gobsmackin with y/n We're not on a damn date. Focus on the mission!"
Erron shot back, his voice filled with mischief, "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Kano. Maybe you should try being a bit more charming like me."
The tension between the two men was palpable, and it seemed that the love triangle had reached a boiling point. You couldn't help but feel the weight of their rivalry and the complexities of your relationships.
The love triangle between Kano, Erron Black, and you continued to play out, each interruption and intimate moment adding to the complexities of your relationships. The question remained: who would ultimately capture your heart in the end?
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Thanks for reading!! I really appreciate it!! Have any other requests? Put it in my inbox and I’ll start writing it!! Have an amazing day or night Besitos!!💋💋
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fairyofjaeyun · 1 year
p j s & s j y ➳ mommy is mine ꨄ
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[21:23] now playing: the boy is mine - brandy and monica
[warning] mommy kink, puppy/kitty kink, punishment, collar and leash, gagball, face slapping, spanking, rimjob (m receiving), fingering (m receiving), degrading, begging, brief nipple sucking, pegging, protected sex, train position? (reader in the middle), brief finger sucking, hints at cum eating, hints of corruption kink and dacryphilia, jay and jake being petty
1st person // 4.9k words
[a/n] finally what you’ve all been waiting for! I’m super glad I took my time with this because I love how it turned out ♡
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
it was as expected; jay, my best friend since the beginning of college, developed feelings for me. classic cliché. why didn’t he confess sooner? I simply intimidated him. what was his arrangement with jake, exactly? I had no clue. I’d get my answer in due time.
this time around, word got to jake fairly quickly. how did I know? jake and jay’s competition to see who could be the clingiest was all the evidence I needed. constant texts and invites to meet up, with jake going as far as changing his contact name to your puppy <3. both of their faces contorting when the other’s name was mentioned.
so asking both of them to hangout at jake’s house was a recipe for disaster, but I thrive in chaos. besides, they were too geeked for me to say no, anyway.
in the meantime, they had both opened up to me about their new found submissiveness (well, technically, jay’s submissive side wasn’t new, it was just never expressed), and what intrigued them. their list of kinks and fantasies made me come up with a movie’s length of scenarios I’d replay before going to bed, with one instance of me just saying ‘fuck it’ and touching myself.
I knew today was going to be intense and I welcomed it with open arms. no matter what happened, it would go my way.
jay was driving me again. this time he was more chatty, but to be honest, what he was saying flew over my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about his list, the things that turn him on, and I let my impulsive thought of putting my hand on his thigh win. his words stammer a bit and his thigh tenses up, but he continues his story (something about math, I don’t know) as if nothing happened and I let out an occasionally ‘mhm’ when appropriate.
we parked in the same spot as last time in front of jake’s building. I followed jay up the steps with more confidence, even with that familiar tingle of nervousness in my stomach. the tension is strong as soon as jake opens the door. naturally, his eyes land on me first and he hits me with his warm smile and a polite welcome. his hair is still long and parted in the middle, looking as soft as ever. he had on a dark blue sweatshirt with our university logo on it paired with some light washed ripped jeans.
jake barely greeted jay. he glanced at him and flashed a thin smile, then stepped aside to let us in. I sat down at my usual spot—on the far right next to the arm rest— on jake’s couch after I removed my shoes, while jake grabbed some drinks. I patted the cushion next to me to invite jay to sit next to me, and he gladly accepts.
jay was wearing black sweats with a black, long sleeved shirt that was loose around his torso but still somehow showed off his waist every now and then. again, I rest my hand on his thigh, this time grabbing and squeezing it. jay’s thighs tense again and move away from my touch, but he puts his hand on mine and directs me towards his inner thigh, dangerously close to his dick.
jake’s eyes immediately land on my grip on jay’s thigh as he joins us with three cold cans of dr. pepper, unable to hide his small frown. “thank you, jakey.” I said after he hands me a can, unfazed. jake sets jay’s soda on the coffee table in front of him, then grabs the remote to the tv. he sets some distance between himself and jay as the tv comes to life, the netflix sound blaring through the speakers.
as expected, nobody could agree on what to watch. jay wanted to watch an action movie, while jake wanted to watch romance. I personally didn’t have a preference, but I voted for a scary movie just to stir the pot, which made jake practically whine in protest. it was honestly amusing to watch jake’s passive aggression effortlessly get shut down by jay’s direct and sharp tongue. I let them go back and forth for a few minutes before announcing I had to use the restroom, resulting in jake awkwardly giving directions. “o-oh, it’s, um, furtherest door to the right.”
I thank him and grab my tote bag, because there’s no way I’m repeating the same mistake as last time. jay is too nosy.
the boys are silent as I head towards the hallway, causing me to smirk. the tension is probably unbearable for them. once I reach the bathroom, I double check my bag. I have everything I need. I smile victoriously in the mirror, quickly adjusting my hair and my makeup.
I left as quickly as I arrived. apparently, too quickly as jay and jake were conversing through their teeth as if I was still doing my business. “this isn’t what we agreed to.” jay says, agitated. “you had your fun, now back off.” the silence that follows is brutal. I almost continue to the living room, until jake speaks up.
“why? afraid she likes me more now?”
I could picture jay’s expression as clear as day, brows furrowed and he clenched with a stare that could burn into you. “are you fucking kidding me?” his voice is raised, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think he’s now standing up with balled fists.
jake butts in immediately, not backing down, “she’s mine now.”
I had heard enough. I rejoined them in the living room, my anger clear as day. they’re both sitting in the same position I left them. jay looks up from his phone, his brows softening. jake’s mouth is agape, ashamed. “y’all are ridiculous.” they remain silent. as they should. “have y’all even considered how I feel about all this?”
“I’m sorry, y/n…” jake says, softly.
“quiet,” I snap back at him. “I had planned something fun for us, but it looks like you both need to be punished, again.”
I briefly dig in my tote bag until my hand finds the pink leather. I catch jake’s eyes widen as I reveal the collar and leash and he barely has the chance to react as I throw the collar towards him. he catches it with both hands, and I watch him inspect it. he runs his fingers over the smooth material and then flips it over where a heart shaped pendant decorated the front.
his glittery eyes meet my smirk. he opens his mouth to speak but I’ve already moved on to jay, tossing him an all black gagball. as I predicted, his cat eyes rise up to challenge me. however, he could never hide the glimmer of excitement beneath his intimidating glare that exposed his love for a cat and mouse game, foolishly claiming to be the predator as if he wasn’t the prey.
“well, don’t just stare at me. put them on.” I say to both of them. jake immediately unbuckles his collar and puts it up to his neck. he struggles for a bit, his fingers slipping, but eventually the leather is wrapped firmly around his throat. jay has barely moved. only his lips have curled as the gagball remained on his lap. “don’t start,” I warn him.
“you put it on me,” he demands me, already being bratty. typical.
I walk over to him, eyes never leaving his. his cockiness slightly falters as I tower over him, and with no warning my hand strikes his cheek. the smack reverberates throughout the living room, nearly concealing jake’s soft gasp. “don’t test me, today,” I say as I grab the gag on his lap and then shove it in his mouth. his cheek beams an irritated red as I secure the gag and make sure it’s not too tight.
after I step back from jay, I look towards jake. his hand is palming his crotch, hips slightly rolling, and his lip caught in his teeth. he looks gorgeous with that collar on; the light baby pink complimenting his skin perfectly. only one thing was missing…
I take the matching leash and clip it onto his collar, right next to the customized pendent—‘SLUT’ engraved in bold letters. jake’s breath hitches when I tug on the leash, whispering a soft “please.” his eyes plead with me, twinkling and sparkling. he does everything but bat his eyelashes to get his way.
I pull him closer until our noses nearly touch. his breath is warm and slightly erratic as his lips part and his eyelids begin to droop. to his disappointment, I don’t kiss him. instead I grip his chin, lightly tracing my thumb along his jaw. “go to your room.”
his breath hitches, and he opens his eyes to find confirmation in my expression. then he practically speed walks to his room, making the pendent clink against the clip of the leash. cute.
jay looked up at me with his rare tint of compliance, wanting to follow. his lips were moist but drool hadn’t made its way down his chin just yet. I could also begin to see the outline of his bulge through his dark sweatpants, but hasn’t touched himself—again, yet. “well, don’t just sit there.”
with jay trailing behind me, I meet jake sitting impatiently on his bed, his jeans starting to look uncomfortable. “strip. both of you.” I commanded as soon as jay closes the door. instantly, clothes are discarded on the floor, and for the first time I see jay completely naked. his stomach is toned but softer than jake’s; his muscle more concentrated on his biceps and legs. in addition, his hips, legs (more specifically his thighs), and cock were thicker than jake’s, all perfect for grabbing onto. “sit next to jake,” I tell him, and he joins jake on the edge of his bed with some distance between them.
I pull my shirt off and reveal red lace bra. their eyes instantly land on my chest, admiring how perfectly sculpted my boobs were. my pants soon follow and the attention is shifted to my matching panties hugging my hips.
jake is shameless with how needy he is; never keeping his tongue away from his lips as his eyes plead. to his disappointment, I order them to turn around on their hands and knees. he listens, anyway. although with a small pout.
jay once again glares at me with that stupid, smug look on his face. his body is kept completely still in defiance. “don’t start,” I warn him, again, but as always, he doesn’t back down. this results in me forcefully turning him over by his hips and landing a harsh slap to his ass. jay lets out a shocked, muffled groan and jerks forward. I spank him once more out of frustration and to let him know that I wasn’t playing around, this time earning a borderline sob from him. “now stay.”
once I was sure jay was going to stay put, I grab my tote that I had tossed on the floor and then turn my attention back towards jake, who was waiting patiently. I noticed the tip of his cock already glistening with precum, a small pearl threatening to leak from his slit onto his comforter.
I run my hands along his ass and the softest gasp flies past his mouth. he slightly squirms and whines when I lower them down to his thighs from how sensitive he is, making me place a hand on the lower side of his back to keep him in place. the other hand goes back to his ass cheek, gripping and squeezing it so I could see his tight, virgin hole. for a moment I admired its pretty shade of brown and the way it clenched in anticipation before kneeling down and dragging my tongue across it.
jake releases a cute gasp that breaks out into a moan. I repeat my previous action and he moans again, “oh my god!” he starts squirming again, trying to close his legs. I push his back so he’s face up ass down and tell him, “stay,” sternly. I watch him tighten his grip on his bedding as I dive back in, momentarily teasing him by hovering over his rim. he starts whimpering again, slightly wiggling his ass towards me in anticipation before my tongue reunited with his hole.
jake’s moans become consistent as I start to get sloppy; spitting and placing wet kisses along his rim. his hands find their way to his cheeks and he spreads them for me, earning himself a quick praise. “there you go, puppy.”
my eyes are then drawn to the pastel leash draped over his tense shoulder and I don’t think twice before grabbing and tugging on it. jake gasps at the sudden tightness around his throat paired with me lapping at his asshole. “mommy, please.” he starts pleading, and that’s my cue to stop. this is a punishment after all.
I drop the leash and his head falls back onto the bed. he nearly cried at the loss of pleasure, and couldn’t stop himself from arching back into my touch in vain.
jay, who has been unusually quiet, was in the same position I left him. although I did catch him sneaking a few jerks of his cock. his tip is now fully covered with his arousal. “so you do know how to shut up,” I laugh, “that won’t last long.” I land a harsh slap on his ass and it’s so cute how he can’t hold back his reaction—a soft groan and his body jumping forward but still arching back for more after getting over the initial shock.
I spank him again, and again. just until his groans fill the room and he starts to get lost in the pleasure before I tell him, “count.” jay looks over his shoulder, an almost ditzy-like confusion on his face.
another slap echoes throughout the room, and jay has no choice but to mumble out the number one. he’s so pitiful as he counts for me. his head hangs low as he tries to pronounce the numbers; his ass getting redder and redder after each jiggle. he’s so embarrassed (and turned on), but I wasn’t going to stop there. “I’m sorry what was that?” I ask and pull him up by his hair, an evil smile tugging at my lips.
I heard him loud and clear as he could be. I was just obsessed with ripping him apart and breaking him down to the point he was nothing but a needy kitten for me.
jay sniffles and swallows the saliva that attempted to spill from the corners of his mouth, then says the number 18. satisfied, I spank him two more times, once on each cheek, and let go of his hair. I gently massage the hand prints that could potentially becoming bruises before a whimper shifts my focus.
jake couldn’t handle my lack of attention. he started humping the air like he was in heat, his cock twitching from the lack of stimulation.
“oh, you stupid puppy,” I chuckle, coldly, “can’t even handle not being touched for 5 minutes.”
jake whines and looks at me with starry eyes, “mommy, I just want your hands all over me.”
“alright,” I say then pull him closer to me and jay, “just don’t you dare cum.”
jake swears to me that he won’t, and I grab the bottle of lube from my bag. jake tenses up on e he hears the sound of the cap popping open and peers over his shoulder to watch me. his gaze is practically pornographic; pretty, compliant eyes focused on me and mouth ajar as he waits for me to pleasure him.
I warm the liquid between my fingers before rubbing it around his rim. his eyes instantly close and his jaw goes slack as I coat his hole. I feel him tense beneath my fingertips as he releases the prettiest moan.
I continue rubbing jake’s hole, teasing him by ever so slightly inserting my finger then pulling out, causing him to whimper. then I place my other hand on jay’s ass. he shivers from my warm breath tickling him, and groans when my tongue connects to his hole.
both of their noises fill up the room as I pleasure them—jake’s precious whines layered with jay’s muffled groans making my stomach flutter. I wanted more.
so finally I push myself fingers inside jake, and he nearly screams from the stretch, “oh, fuck!” he swallows them nicely for being inexperienced, and his walls clenched around the new feeling. “please,” jake starts to whine, arching into me.
I fight the urge to coo at him. instead I slowly start moving in and out of him. he hisses, but quickly gets used to it.
meanwhile, jay is practically melting from my tongue. I prod, suck, and kiss his hole until it’s dripping with my saliva. my core heats up everytime jay’s groans break off into a soft whine, and he tries to swallow his own saliva that’s most definitely coating his chin by now.
unconsciously, I start pumping my fingers in and out of jake faster, the lewd sound of lube increasing in volume along with jake’s moans. my tongue laps at jay’s asshole at the same speed, and he starts leaning towards me to meet my tongue.
“oh fuck, mommy! oh my god!!” jake cries when I found his prostate, his thighs beginning to tremble.
I can’t help pulling away from jay and smirking at him, “aww, looks like I found puppy’s g-spot,” I laugh as I continue rubbing his spot, making him squirm, “how cute.”
“mommy, I need to cum. please, please let me cum.” he looks at me over his shoulder, eyes red and glossed over with tears. I almost gave in because of how cute he looked begging for me—almost innocent—but I pulled out anyway, making his tears stream down his face. “no, please,” jake whines from the loss of pleasure, and his cock twitches from his denied orgasm.
I spank him, making him jerk, “lay on your back.” I watch jake pause then move his aching thighs, slightly struggling to turn over, before giving the same command to jay.
sitting back on my heels, I admire both of them. their cocks are an identical shade of red, and both of their swollen tips are leaking with precum.
jake’s chest is still softly heaving from the previous edging. the tears have dried down to faint, sticky streaks on his crimson cheeks. it was so precious that I couldn’t tell if I wanted to kiss them or create more.
jay looked a mess. as expected, drool had dribbled down his chin and his hair was ruffled in different directions. I snicker at him, leaning forward and trapping him between my arms, “you look so pathetic.” I see his eyes sparkle and soften—the glint of obedience making a reappearance—and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think those eyes were jake’s.
before jay could glare at me again, I attach my lips to his nipple. he hisses and curves his back as soon as I lick him, urging me to suck harder. I move my lips throughout his chest, leaving behind deep purple marks on his flushed skin. he wriggles beneath me, turning his head as he groans for me. I smile against his skin, giving the fresh hickey a gentle peck, then grab his chin to make him face me.
“you want this off?” I ask him, tapping the gag ball with my finger. I also take note of jake’s hips not so discreetly thrusting the air. jay nods without any hint of attitude, so I gently lift his head and unbuckle the gag.
by then, I felt like I was going to burst into flames because of how hot I was from wrecking them and not being touched. “jake, come take these off for me,” I tell him, running my finger underneath my bra strap. he rushes up to unhook my bra, “yes, mommy.”
it takes all but a second to have my bra sliding down my arms with my panties tossed alongside it. the cool air hits my nipples and my wetness hard, and as if he knew, jake eyed those areas, longingly, then looked at me for my approval.
“be a good puppy and mommy will reward you, okay?” I say. jake is disappointed, but nods anyways.
I slide off the bed, momentarily, to grab the strap on from my bag and adjust it on my hips. jake’s eyes practically light up, and his cock throbs. I know his mind is going back to the night he touched himself for me, moaning into the phone about how bad he wanted me to fuck his ass with me towering over him. how bad he wanted my hands wrapped around his neck as I corrupted his body.
jake starts to lift himself up on his elbows and turning his hips to change position but I stop him, “stay right there, babe. I wanna see your face while I ruin you.”
he stops in his tracks and hums from the image I’ve put in his head. still on his elbows, he looks up at me in awe as I take my place in between his legs. I place my thumb on his lips, rubbing them before pushing it into his mouth. he gladly accepts it and starts sucking, allowing himself to moan against me and his eyes to feel heavy.
“harder,” I tell him, the lust wrapped around my voice making him obey immediately. his plush lips and tongue feel good around me, my mind starts to drift and think about how good they’d be wrapped around my strap or kissing my pussy. I know he’d look up at me with the cutest puppy eyes as if he wasn’t doing anything naughty. I know he’d moan against me when he sees how good he’s pleasuring his mommy, eventually grinding against the mattress or his palm until I scold him and he tries to use his pretty eyes to get out of a punishment.
another whine from jake brings me back to reality, and I slowly remove my thumb from his mouth. I then drag my hand down his chest; wiping his saliva on himself during the process; brushing against his toned tummy and his cock, which makes him tremble and start to whimper out, “please, please. I’ve been good.”
I place my hands on his thighs and lift his legs up for easy access. jake gasps and his faces starts to burn from the vulnerable position he’s in.
“mommy, I’ve been good too. don’t do this again,” jays speaks up, however with a noticeable tremble in his voice. he’s never sound so gentle, it made me take pity on him. “come behind mommy.”
it was cute seeing how urgently he moved. the warmth lingering of his skin quickly embraced mine as he approached me. jay didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around me, the feeling of my waist making his chest lean onto me.
jay rests his chin on my shoulder, his hands sneakily making their way towards my breast, “I wanna watch you put it in.”
his words took me by surprise and made my body ignite in flames. they seemed to have to same effect on jake judging by the way his cock abruptly twitches.
I chuckle and say, “me too, babe.” then I align the toy with jake’s hole, which is still generously coated with lube. he clenches when the tip touches him and bites his lip. I start pushing slowly, not wanting to hurt him. he groans when he feels himself stretching out and eventually begin to swallow the strap.
jay and I’s breath hitch almost simultaneously when I’m halfway in and jakes hands grip his ass to spread himself for me.
“good puppy, you’re taking me so well.”
he whimpers when I finally bottom out and he gets used to being so full, but momentarily he relaxes and gives me the okay to keep going. I start pulling out, slowly, then renter him.
jake’s lips form an ‘o’ as he watches me fill him up, moaning everytime my hips touch the back of his thighs.
“you can go faster, now,” jake says with urgency.
“is that how you ask,” I respond, halting my movements. my grip tightening on his thighs.
he’s quick to rush out an apology, “I’m sorry, mommy. can you please go faster?” he gives me those eyes again, and paired with his hands spreading himself open it was like he’d done this before.
however, he can’t trick me so easily. I pull out until the tip is barely inside him and smile down at him, “oh, yeah? anything else you wanna apologize for?” and then I slam into him, pushing his little body forward as he gasps.
“I-“ he starts before breaking off into a deep moan when I repeat my previous actions.
“aww, is my puppy being fucked dumb now?” I laugh so viciously at him, watching his eyes brim up with tears.
meanwhile, jay’s hands boldly grope at my breasts. his thumbs delicately trace around my nipples, causing me to sharply inhale. everytime I pulled out his hard cock would so gently brush against my ass, making my brain fuzzy as I watched jake fall apart beneath me.
“I-I’m sorry, mommy,” jake tries again, “puppy’s s-sorry for being a bad slut,” his voice breaks off into a mewl. all of his previous sultry moans have transitioned into high-pitched cries as I quicken my pace.
“so you’ve finally realized how slutty you are—just a dirty puppy for me to use how I please.” I groan softly as jay starts to nip at my neck, his body almost impossibly close. I needed him now.
“mmm, jay, you wanna be a good kitty and fuck me now?”
he releases my neck with a satisfying smack from his lips, breathlessly replying, “yes. fuck, yes.” I instruct him towards the condom in my bag. whether it was the same one he grabbed that day in his dorm, who knows, jay ripped it open without a care.
with a hand resting on my hip, he pushes inside of me, both of us moaning at the feel of each other. his thrusts are short and slow, giving me plenty of space to keep fucking jake.
all of our moans combined created such a sweet harmony. jays rich moans and groans and occasional whimpers mingled with jake’s mewls and sobs had me pushing towards the edge.
I lean forward and cage jake between my arms. his hands move from his ass to hold up his legs for me. his eyes shut when I start ramming into him, forcing tears to stream down his face. all his sweet sounds were muted as his brain turned to mush. the only sounds he could produce being sorry sniffles.
jay matched my rhythm effortlessly. hips pounding against mine and delicious moans in my ear sending shivers down my spine as I feel my climax approaching at any moment.
and jake, with incredible timing, finally cries out, “can’t hold it. mommy, please can I cum? I’ve been so good. been a good boy for you. please.”
the desperation that oozed from him was too precious, and in all fairness, he had been good. so, pulling firmly on his leash, I say, “wanna cum with mommy, baby?”
he nods immediately, almost comically fast, placing his hand gently on top of mine, “yes, thank you.”
“can I cum too, mommy?” jay asks, breathlessly. the slight tremble in his voice confirms to me that he’s also close as well.
after giving jay the okay, he fucks me faster, both hands gripping my breasts. I can’t help but moan as my core starts to flare up.
ultimately, it was jake who came first with a abrupt sob as his body spasms; trying so desperately to curl himself into a pathetic ball. I don’t catch it at first, but he does whisper a tiny “thank you” once the nearly endless wave of cum finished coating his flushed skin.
then, after seeing jake’s pretty orgasm, I came next. my thrusts nearly halt and my walls clenched tight around jay’s cock, causing him to release a shaky groan and curse behind me. my eyes close as I let the pleasure overcome me, resting the hand that was on jake’s leash on his chest. his cum smears on my hands but I don’t mind. I knew he would lick it up for me later.
“fuck, mommy. I- shit!” jay pushes himself as deep as he could go, making me completely topple onto jake from how sensitive I was. I plant my face near his neck, and he rests his hands so delicately over my hair while I let jay finish inside me.
I still lay on jake as jay pulls out of me, too burnt and too comfortable to move a muscle. jake’s hands traveling down to my waist to embrace me, carefully massaging my mid back. I unconsciously bury my myself into his neck, one hand reaching out to play with his silky hair.
jay loosens the harnesses on my strapon (even though jake and I weren’t going to be pulling ourselves apart anytime soon), before announcing that he was getting cloths to clean ourselves with, which is a shock within itself considering he’s the type to completely knock out after sex. therefore, I was nowhere near prepared to feel the cool wet cloth on my inner thighs, making me hiss but eventually relax.
I let the two of them pamper me—finally surrendering to their affection, and disconnecting myself from the haunting question that I would have to ask myself…
who am I choosing?
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
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featherstreams · 4 months
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Twice the Tricks, T-Poses, and Tickles
Notes: Thank you so much to the anon who requested this and for the kind words!! This sounds adorable, and I'm so glad you liked my first one! I hope you like it!💚 Todoroki is a sweetheart and deserves to smile more. (Also, sorry for the long build-up to the tickling part and the lame ending) (Second Note from rewrite: I rewrote half this fic from memory before the lovely anon who requested this reached out to me with the fic saved! I decided to leave in a lot of the changes to hopefully improve my writing a bit! Thank you so much to that anon and I hope you all enjoy!)
Lee: Todoroki
Ler(s): Kirishima, Kaminari, and Midoriya
Word Count: 1,534
Warnings: None!
Summary: After a successful prank on Bakugou using the T-pose trick they found online, Kirishima and Kaminari decide to move on to another victim during a boring lull during class. Chaos commences.
~ Part One ~
“Ughh, I’m so boredddd…”
"Shut up, Dunce face." Bakugou snapped from his place at his desk where he was fiddling with his pen.
“But Kachaan~!”
“Call me that again and die.”
Kirishima chuckled from is own place at his desk. Bakugou had been giving both he and Kaminari the cold shoulder ever since their prank a few days ago, aside from little quips and banter like this. He was surprised their explosive classmate hadn't enacted his revenge on them yet, but he wasn't complaining. Being on the receiving end of Bakugou's revenge, especially when it came to tickling, was... He shuddered at the thought.
Redirecting himself back to the present, Kirishima stood from his seat and walked over to Kaminari's desk, clapping his friend on the shoulder. "Why don't you play a game on your phone or something?" He suggested.
“Aizawa-sensei took my phone away,” Kaminari whined, dropping his head on his desk dramatically. “I won’t get it back until the end of the day.”
“You can use mine if you want,” he offered, rummaging through his back pocket.
“No, you don’t have the games I like. And I won’t have any of my saved progress, anyways,” Came the muffled reply from the blond, who didn’t bother to lift his head from his desk.
“Stop complaining so much if you’re just going to turn down everything you’re given to help.” Jirou called from where she was sitting on Mina’s desk her phone in her hand as she softly played some sort of tune for the alien girl.
“Speaking of sensei,” Midoriya piped up from his own seat, interrupting Kaminari’s defensive response, “I wonder what’s holding him up.”
It was Tuesday, and the entire class was in their usual classroom for the day. They were supposed to be working on some sort of training assignment, but indeed, their sensei, Mr. Aizawa, had been called away around ten minutes prior by another teacher for help with… well, none of them were quite sure what. He’d told them to sit tight and not cause trouble before leaving to deal with whatever the situation was. It hadn’t taken long for the majority the class to melt away from their assigned seats and group up in their usual cliches. The responsible ones of the class- the usual suspects, Iida, Momo, Bakugou- had taken this free time of sorts to work on their homework, but many of the others- Like Kaminari- were growing bored and restless.
"Oh, oh! I know!!" Kaminari exclaimed suddenly, lifting his head from his desk to grin at Kirishima in excitement. He lowered his voice then, glancing around as he spoke. "The prank! We should do the prank!"
Kirishima grinned, crossing his arms. "Hell yeah, man. I'm sure that'll be great entertainment. But who should we do it to?" He asked, now joining the blond in scanning their classmates for possible victims. "Sero and Mina likely know about the video already... Actually, I think we should avoid the girls in general. That wouldn't be manly to trick them into being helpless without their permission."
Kaminari rolled his eyes. "Always the gentleman."
"Midoriya would figure it out too fast.” Kirishima continued, ignoring the quip. “Iida would never let us..."
"Todoroki!" Kaminari exclaimed, already standing up. It was the perfect choice, after all; what did the half and half hero know about social media? Nothing, as far as they knew. Content with their decision, the two boys approached their target, who had been engaged into small conversation with Midoriya while Kirishima and Kaminari had been talking.
"Hey, Todoroki! Wanna try out this test we heard about?" Kirishima asked with a smile as they stopped before the pair. Todoroki, who’d been mid conversation, stopped and turned to look at them, curious.
"Test?" He echoed, tilting his head.
"It's a strength test!" Kaminari said cheerfully. "Bakugou even tried it the other day!"
A glance at the hero in question showed that the blond was now looking at them, stunned and furious. Don't rat us out, please... But Bakugou only let out an indignant sniff and said nothing, returning to his classwork.
"Oh... Sure. Okay." Todoroki said evenly, standing up from his seat on Midoriya’s desktop. "How do I take this test?"
"Oh! Let's see..." Kirishima searched for something they could use, scanning the room. Nothing, nothing… Shoot, maybe they’d been to hasty with this. But then Bakugou suddenly caught his attention when he moved, pointing to an area in the far corner of the room. Following his finger lead him to a bō sitting out beside the supply closet. Of course! From their karate-type lesson with Mr. Aizawa last week. That would be perfect!
Kirishima rushed over and picked it up, flashing a shark-toothed smile at Bakugou for the help- receiving only another indignant huff of dismissal- before returning to his friend and their new victim. Kaminari was in the midst of explaining what Todoroki was going to be doing as Kirishima stopped in front of them, staff held securely in both hands.
"Got a staff!" Kirishima said with a grin. "Go ahead and lift your arms up to the side- Yes, just like that!"
Todoroki did as instructed, standing like a statue with both arms perpendicular to his body while he watched Kirishima thread the bō, or staff, through the sleeves of his uniform jacket until it could be seen peeking out the other side.
"There! How does it feel?" Kaminari asked with a smirk. Todoroki calmly tested the staff, lightly pulling on his arms, which barely bugged.
"Secure," He replied after a moment. Half the class was watching now, curious and interested. Was Mina recording on her phone? Oh, she definitely knew what was going on.
"Great! Now, try to get it out! You can't use your quirk," Kirishima added when flames licked at Todoroki's left fingers. The peppermint boy obeyed, fire extinguishing as quickly as it’d appeared, tugging on his arms and shifting his feet. His brows knit together as he focused on the task, but remained unsuccessful aside from getting his elbows in a few inches.
"I can't get out," he said finally, blinking at the now-smirking two boys that had put him here. "Does that mean I failed?"
"Not exactly," Kaminari said, cracking his fingers. "You see, the strength test wasn't about your arms, exactly. It was about how long you can last."
"How long I can last? Last wha-AHAT! H-Hehey!" Todoroki's question was cut short when Kirishima jumped forward and squeezed his sides. The half and half hero pinched his lips together, jerking a few steps backwards only to run into Midoriya and his desk.
"Clever, you two," Midoriya commented, giggling as he looked up at his tense friend.
"Thank you!" The boys chorused together, both poking their way around Todoroki's sides and tummy.
"Come on, Todobro~! Tickle tickle tickle!!" Kirishima cooed. Giggles spilled through Todoroki's pinched lips, his cheeks pinkening from the teasing. "Awww, listen to those giggles! Who knew stoic Todoroki had it in him?"
"How adorable," Kaminari agreed with a smile, pinching his way up Todoroki's right ribs, earning a soft squeak. He had no hope of containing his reactions when caught so by surprise on top of having two ticklers. He was squirming now, trying to twist side to side as his arms remain stubbornly up and useless due to the staff in his sleeves.
He was squirming enough that it was growing exceedingly difficult for both Kaminari and Kirishima to tickle him, struggling to stay out of each other's way while also maintaining contact with Todoroki's wiggling torso. This became tricky enough that the redhead finally paused, pursing his lips thoughtfully as he evaluated the situation.
Then there were arms snaking around Todoroki's hips from behind, causing a surprised sound to erupt from the peppermint hero. They belonged to Midoriya, who pulled Todoroki towards him, keeping him secured against the desk and himself so he couldn't struggle away anymore. His own thumbs could be seen gently digging into the divotes of Todoroki's hips, and a snort erupted from the boy as he doubled over.
"Have at him, guys. His armpits are the worst for his upperbody," Midoriya supplied helpfully, a smile evident in his voice as he held Todoroki in place for the other two boys to play with to their hearts’ content..
"Mihidoriyahaha!!" Todoroki protested through his hysterical giggling.
"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya echoed back teasingly.
Kirishima, not wanting to overwhelm the stoic half and half hero with six tickly hands, decided to stand back and watch this time, as most of the rest of the class was doing by this point. Most of the girls could be heard cooing, with Mina recording the entire thing on her phone, and even Bakugou was watching, smirking at Todoroki’s situation in a way that only someone who’d been in that position could.
Kaminari drilled back in on Todoroki's ribs, needing no other encouragement to continue. The victim let out a shout of laughter before delving into hysterics at the combo tickling he was being subjected to.
"Guhahahaha-guys! HAHAHhahahaa Ohohokay! Hahahahaha! Plehehease!! K-Kaminari, Midorihihi- Aaahahaha!! NONONO!" The uncharacteristic squeal shot from Todoroki's mouth when Kaminari scribbled his devious fingers under Todoroki's arms. The struggling attempts to get away doubled as Todoroki's adorable shrieking laughter filled the classroom. It was so... High pitched, and adorable, and just so genuine from such a soft spoken, neutral guy. Kirishima nearly awwed. He was not alone, though others seemed to have failed in holding the sound in.
The poor peppermint boy's legs were trembling, and it didn't take long before they gave out on him, and his weight was fully leaning into Midoriya.
"P-PLEHEHEHEASE!! NOHOHOHAHAHA NO PLEASE NOHOHOT THERE!! I- EEK- I CAHAHANT!!" Todoroki cried out between his sweet laughter. This carried on for another unspecified amount of minutes, Todoroki’s desperation being dutifully ignored in favor of listening to his adorable laughter, before a voice cut through the noise, causing everyone to freeze.
"I leave to deal with a quirk emergency for fifteen minutes, and I come back to this?" Aizawa drawled from where he was standing, arms crossed, in the front of the room, eyes trained on the frozen scene. "I could hear you from three classrooms away."
Todoroki, who sat blushing and panting in what was practically Midoriya's lap by this point, turned red enough that his scar nearly disappeared. "S-Sorry, sensei." He mumbled as an almost equally embarrassed Midoriya quickly lifted his hands from Todoroki’s body in surrender, unable to stand due to being pinned down by the victim of their antics,
"Kaminari, Midoriya, detention." Mr. Aizawa merely said. The loud protests of "What?!" and "It was Kirishima's idea!" ("Hey bro, not cool!") that followed from the electric blond went ignored as Kirishima helped Midoriya remove the staff from poor Todoroki's sleeves.
As the three boys fussed over a tickled-out Todoroki, in which Iida and Uraraka joined in, no one noticed the smile or the chuckle that rasped out of Aizawa as the man closed the classroom door and set up to continue their lesson for the day.
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luellasplanet · 11 months
dark red. (grace clinton)
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word count: 1.1k
couldn’t act like her accent wasn’t my fav thing ever anymore 🫣🫣
based on steve lacy’s song
You had no idea that Grace would be joining you at Bristol.
She had told your entire team but she intended to surprise you at training on the first day of her loan.
You were also a loan player, being brought up through the Arsenal ranks, but you had decided that going out on loan would be better for your career as you were only twenty.
i think of her so much it drives me crazy
“I miss you and I’ll see you soon Gracie,” you told the brunette at the end of your voice note, as you walked through the training grounds.
You hadn’t seen your best friend in over three months, due to both of your ever so busy schedules, that never seemed to sync up.
There were often times where you would find yourself going through your photo album, that was just photos of the two of you.
You always knew that the feelings you had towards Grace were different to the ones you had for your other friends.
Whether it was the slight blush that was evident on your face anytime she gave you a hug, or the way that your smile was just a little bigger than normal anytime she told you she loved you, maybe it was the lingering touches or the longing stares.
But all the signs were there, you were just waiting for her to notice them.
As you walked into the changing rooms many had snapped their heads up to look at you, before quickly busying themselves with something.
Making your way over to your cubby, you can feel the many pairs of eyes on your back.
“Why’s everyone staring at me? I’m not wearing different shoes right?” You whispered glancing down, you’re relieved to see a matching pair of shoes but you were still very confused. “You’ll see soon enough,” one of your teammates told you as she laced up her cleats.
Following suit you quickly laced yours up, before making your way onto the pitch.
Practice seemed to drag on for a significant amount of time before the head coach Lauren told everyone that the entire team needed to meet back out on the pitch in ten minutes so that she could introduce the newest member of the team.
Yet again many eyes danced straight over to your figure as you sipped on your water bottle.
Everyone’s mood seemed to have lifted drastically since the end of training and everyone was buzzing to meet the newest member.
Of course you were the only person who didn’t know who the newbie was, but you were blissfully unaware, as you gathered everything to put in your bag.
You were the second person to leave the changing rooms and as you made your way back onto the pitch, you see the gaffer make her way back onto the pitch this time occupied by a very familiar face next to her.
Your mouth almost drops to the floor in shock as you see the Grace Clinton standing in front of your very eyes.
“No fucking way,” you mutter under your breath as you try contain the urge to jump into her arms.
“Ladies I’d like to introduce you to our newest player, I trust you’ll make her feel very welcomed during her time here.”
Grace was instantly swept into chaos as everyone tried to introduce themselves to the girl at once, you hung back and patiently waited for her to introduce herself to everyone before she made her way over to you.
i belong with you, and only you, baby
Your arms circle around her waist as hers is thrown over your shoulder as she practically jumps into your hold, being in her arms felt like home.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you whisper into her shoulder before stepping back.
“But you should’ve told me you were coming you twat, where are you staying while you’re here and how are going to get to training in the morning?” Your worries were quickly brushed off as she assured that she had everything under control.
Many of your teammates laughed at your worrisome behaviour but your attention was solely on Grace.
only you my girl, only you babe
“Come back to mine?” You questioned the brunette as you linked your arms with hers, the two of you were slowly walking through the hallway as you gave her a tour.
Glancing over at you a faint smile was placed on her face, “is that even a question y/n/n, we have so much to catch up on!” Her hand made its way to hold a firm grip on your bicep as you walked down the hallway.
The small action of affection sent your entire brain into overdrive as you tried to control your heart rate, you were more than sure that your entire face would be blushed a shade of pink.
After touring the training grounds you made your way back to your apartment.
Once the two of you had settled on your couch with a bowl of popcorn in the middle of you and a crappy rom com on, you finally got chatting.
“So… tell me what’s been happening since we saw each other last.” You questioned the brunette turning to face her.
Grace tiredly looked up at you from her position on the couch, she was sprawled out on the other side of linen couch while her arm hung off the side of it. “Well erm there hasn’t been much happening, besides I spoke to you everyday since you left. And now I’m here, and I’m not leaving you.”
only you darling, only you
“Yeah you better not leave me until we go back to united, assuming that you’re leaving here at the end of the season?”
She nodded and you took her silent answer as a yes while she closed her eyes snuggling into the pillows.
“Don’t eat dinner without me!” Was the last thing she said before her breathing evened out, which led to the conclusion she was asleep.
“Yeah yeah,” with a roll of your eyes and a small smile on your face you grabbed the book that was on the side table to catch up on some reading while the girl you loved ever so deeply was sleeping soundly beside you.
Your once empty apartment was now filled with light and colours as Grace often brought you bunches of flowers or decorations for the apartment.
This was something that you could get used to as it went from sleepovers here and then to her moving in permanently.
The once lonely empty apartment had become your safe haven and more importantly the reason that the two of you finally solidified your relationship.
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pintsizemama · 5 months
Day 7
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Summary: You have to do some quick thinking when there’s an elf emergency.
Pairings: Frankie Morales x You, Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Rating: Mature
Warnings: language, fear for a child
Word Count: 817
A/N: This is part of the Single Dad Frankie series.
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Day 6 Day 8 Christmas Masterlist Main Masterlist AO3 Join my taglist
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A piercing scream resounded through the house. You and Frankie dropped your coffee mugs onto the table and ran towards the sound, terror slicing through your hearts.
“Baby girl?” Frankie called out as you rushed into the family room. Maria was standing in the middle of the room sobbing. “What happened? Are you hurt?” Maria didn’t answer and cried harder. Frankie knelt in front of her and gently took her shoulders in his hands.
“I need you to tell me what’s wrong, baby,” Frankie said gently. You admired his calm among the chaos. Your own heart was pounding and your hands shaking. You were worried about Maria—and you knew Frankie was too—but your husband always kept his cool in stressful situations. His military training never really went away. You glanced quickly around for Ana. You had set her in her pack-n-play before going into the kitchen to get coffee. She sat happily in the pen gurgling to her big sister.
“Christmas is ruined!” Maria wailed.
“What? How?” Frankie asked, his brow furrowed in confusion. Maria sobbed louder and pointed to Ana. You looked back and a flash of red in your daughter’s hand had you moving forward. Ah, shit. She had Lucy—Maria’s elf on the shelf—in her chubby little hands, gumming at its hat. You rubbed your forehead in frustration.
“Lucy’s magic is gone!” Maria cried harder. “She can’t go back to the North Pole, and Santa is going to think I’m naughty!”
“The elf?” Frankie’s voice was gruff with suppressed anger. “This is all about the damn elf? I thought you were injured, Maria.”
“I’d rather have a broken leg than for Lucy to lose her magic!” Maria cried dramatically. “Lucy will be in so much trouble, and I’ll never get a present from Santa!” Frankie sighed. He stood up, his knees popping loudly.
“Careful, old man,” you teased him. He just shook his head and walked over to you. You carefully extracted the elf from Ana’s hands and mouth. “Ana, Lucy isn’t a toy.” Her little lip jutted out and big fat tears filled her eyes. “It’s alright.” You handed her a teddy bear that was laying in the pack-n-play. “How about you give Teddy some hugs.” Ana took the bear and promptly tried to devour its ear. Frankie was staring at the elf with malice as Maria cried behind you.
“Maybe it’s time to tell her the truth,” Frankie suggested.
“Don’t you dare, Francisco,” you warned. “We are not ruining the magic of Christmas for her. I got this.” You turned to Maria and knelt in front of her. “Maria, it’s alright. I know exactly what to do.”
“Y-You do?” Maria asked shakily, her lower lip trembling.
“Yep,” you replied. “I’m gonna call the North Pole hospital and let them know what happened. They can send up some medicine for Lucy so she can get her magic back.”
“Really?” Maria’s face perked up. “They can do that?”
“Of course!” You assured her. “Same thing happened to my friend’s elf when we were little. Just a small dose of medicine and some rest, and she was good as new!”
“Yay!” Maria cheered excitedly. “I’m so glad she’s going to be ok.” Her smile suddenly fell. “Santa isn’t going to be mad at Ana, is he? I don’t want her to get into trouble.”
“No, Santa won’t be mad,” you said gently. “He understands that she’s just a baby and doesn’t know the rules yet.”
“Ok, good,” Maria said relieved. “Ana is such a good baby. And the best little sister. She deserves presents too.” You smiled warmly.
“Why don’t you watch a Christmas movie with Ana while I call the North Pole,” you suggested. “Then we can have some breakfast.”
“Ok!” Maria bounced over to the couch and grabbed the remote. You took the elf into your room to ‘make your call’. Frankie followed you in.
“What’s the plan?” He asked.
“I’m going to grab a box and some doll blankets,” you explained. I’ll fill one of her little baby bottles with food dye and water and write up some care instructions. Then I’ll put it all in the box and smack a label on the front to make it look like it was delivered from the North Pole. Then we put it on the front porch and act surprised.” Frankie’s eyes widened.
“How the hell did you come up with that?” He asked in awe. You shrugged.
“Just came to me,” you replied.
“You’re fucking incredible,” he said softly and kissed you. “Thank you for not letting me ruin this for Maria.”
“I got you,” you said with a smile. “Now go keep them busy so I can make a mobile elf hospital.” Frankie chuckled as he walked out of the room. You looked down at the little elf in your hand. “You really are a pain in the ass.”
Day 8
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Stolen Heart
Hello there, folks! It has been a while, haha. But I am back after my unexpected hiatus. And I am back with something slightly unexpected, a Marvel fic! X-men was kinda my first love when it comes to superhero movies, and after rewatching a few movies, that love has made a resurgence. In particular, Quicksilver! I can not express how much I adore him, so I wrote a fic. I won’t lie to you, dear reader; this is rather self-indulgent, but I tried really hard to capture the essence of Peter Maximoff. 
But anyway, imagine you are a mutant working and training at Xavier’s school, and after a particular incident, you realize, you may have some more than friendly feelings for the silver hair speedster. 
Mutant fem!reader (No use of y/n. plant control mutation)
Relationships: Peter Maximoff x reader 
Warnings: None really, all pretty fluffy. Just good ol’ friends to lovers!
Word count: 2.5k
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You had a list of problems, but currently, settled on the very top; was your best friend, Peter Maximoff. You had known Peter for years, you were closer to him than you thought possible with a friend, and maybe it was. It had been a week since your revelation, an entire week of dodging the speedster to understand what was happening. It was awful. You missed your friend and hated him at the same time. How could he be so effortlessly striking? With his silver hair, band t-shirts, silly goggles, and handsome face? It was not fair! Peter was your best friend! Why would the world curse you with feelings that crept from the deepest corners of your mind? Despite all your denial, the newly discovered truth remained, you were in love with your best friend. 
The chaos of your thoughts was hard to escape, and it only worsened when you were in Peter's presence. So here you were, in the privacy of the garden. The lush vines of the garden constricted and writhed as you sat amongst them, attempting to puzzle out why your relationship had changed so suddenly. Sighing, you opened your eyes as it seemed that even your thinking place offered no answers. The plant life of the school's garden calmed and settled into its rightful places as you regained control of yourself. You thought back to the day it happened and could see it so clearly in your mind’s eye. 
It was a chilly spring day, and you had a rare day off from the intensive X-Men training. It had seemed obvious that you would spend the day with Peter, the two of you often seemed joined at the hip, but recently, you had both been called on for missions separately. Now that you both had some time to relax, you agreed to visit Peter’s house to see his family and have a day away from Xavier’s school. Thinking hard, you remembered how you had felt nothing abnormal when Peter wrapped an arm around your waist and held your neck, getting ready to speed off to his Mother’s house. As you thought about the events following, you felt the flowers around you blooming and the vines once again crawling toward you. 
“Peter!” Lorna called as she ran toward the both of you at the entryway of the Maximoff household. Her laughter as Peter hugged her made you smile vibrantly. 
“Hey there, Lorna! Miss me?” Peter questioned his sister.
“Yeah, I did!” She had a giddy expression as she led you into the house, talking about all the recent happenings at home. 
Chuckling at a comment about an incident involving missing cookies, you spotted Miss Maximoff in the kitchen. You walked in, and she stood to greet you.
“Oh, it’s nice to see you, hun! How have you been? Has Peter driven you up the wall yet?”
“It’s good to see you too! I’m doing well, a little worn out perhaps, but it’s no fault of Peter’s, Miss Maximoff.”
“How long have you known me, hun? I think we're at the point where you can call me Magda,” she looked at you almost sternly, but her facade broke as she continued, 
“Well, I’m glad you’re well, but I don’t know how you can keep up with him sometimes.” 
“I’m right here, you know,” Peter said, suddenly holding a stack of snack cakes.
“Alright, Mom, it’s good to see you, but we are going to the basement.”
In a flash, you were in the middle of Peter’s room, which seemed to be equal parts dragon hoard, as always. A dizzy spell set in as you clutched your head, slightly hunched over. You groaned as Peter flopped onto the couch.
“I hate when you don’t warn me, you know?”
“I don’t think you hate anything about me, hun,” he started, mocking his mother’s endearment for you. 
“So what do you wanna do? We could play ping pong or maybe try to beat my high score on Pac-Man,” he said, waving a hand toward his undeniably stolen arcade machines. 
“Maybe, we could go into town and-”
“How does a movie sound?” you interrupted his fast-paced string of ideas. 
“Oh sure, that sounds great,” he jumped up to root through a box overflowing with VHS tapes, “Can’t believe I didn’t think of that!”
You chuckled and sat on the couch beside Peter’s now empty seat. His room had always been fascinating to you. It was like a reflection of Peter when he was a teen, filled with stolen signage, snacks, goods, and electronics, Peter’s room had a little bit of everything, and you loved it.
“How about John Dane in The Jaws of Death?” Peter said dramatically, raising his arms toward you.
“Sure,” you laughed, “But Who is John Dane?”
“No idea!” Peter told you as he readied the small television to play the movie. 
As you reclined on the couch, he appeared next to you with an armload of snacks, including the cakes he had retrieved most recently. Leaning over, you grabbed a box to open as you questioned the nature of the film.
“I don’t know, it’s supposed to be a horror, but don’t worry if you get scared, my arms will be open,” he chuckled and threw you a sly smile. 
“My hero.” Rolling your eyes, you broke into a bag of sugary goodness. 
“Always will be!” he said in his normal upbeat tone of voice, but looking over, he sported a soft smile. 
As the movie began, you settled into your seat next to Peter with a contented sigh, and he mimicked you, putting his leg up and onto the table in front of the couch. 
The volume of the tense music began to rise as one of the characters slowly crept down a darkened hallway. The character, Stacy, wore a nervous expression that translated through the screen to you. Under your breath, you murmured; what a stupid idea. Peter turned to look at you, now nestled into his side and asked you to repeat what you had said.
“I said, what a stupid idea, she’s going to get herself killed!” You whisper-shouted, practically right next to Peter’s ear.
“Well, isn’t that the whole thing with half of these horror movie babes? They walk down dark hallways, and the monster gets them,” he stated like it was a fact as he looked back at the television. “But don’t worry, I’d never let that happen to you.”
“What a prince charming,” you said, “do you think I’d make it?”
“What do you mean, hun?”
“As a ‘horror movie-babe’ like you so wonderfully put it.”
“Well, you're pretty enough, but are we talking with or without the freaky plant control?” 
It appeared that Peter was making a point of not looking at you now. His warm brown eyes were glued to the tv screen as Stacy jumped away from something in the dark. His leg bounced faster than average, and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he looked tense. It could be the movie, you thought. But as you absorbed his words, you felt yourself grow warm. Did he think you were pretty?
“Of course I do! I mean, who wouldn’t? You’ve got nice eyes, and you’re great to talk to and- and-” Peter trailed off as he turned to look at you.
Your face grew even warmer as he answered what you thought was just a thought. Peter’s cheeks sported a dusting of a rosy pink colour that reminded you of your flowers back at the mansion. It looked nice on him- oh man, now where were these thoughts coming from?
In silence, you stared at one another. Despite how foreign it seemed, there was no discomfort, and it almost seemed natural. Peter’s brown eyes seemed to search your face, and you were sure your own eyes did the same. Peter was your best friend, he was funny, he was always there for you, and he was handsome, you couldn’t deny it. He cared about you, and you cared about him. Maybe that’s why you found yourself learning further toward him on the worn couch. With a clear sense of trepidation, Peter inched closer to you. You were sure you’d never seen him move so slowly before. Meeting each other’s eyes-
“Oh no! Oh God, please, no!” A loud shriek ripped through Peters's basement.
Peter and you jumped back and looked at the tv, hearts racing. You started laughing suddenly as a many-toothed-monster took a comical bite out of Stacy.
“Are- are you seriously laughing? At that?” Peter said, starting to laugh as well, though the redness of his face remained. 
“I- yeah, sorry, it’s just- it looks so silly, doesn’t it?” you smiled as poor Stacy continued to scream.
Peter scrutinized the screen as a broad smile began to curl up his face, “Yeah, it looks like- like ketchup!” Peter snorted as he looked back at you.
“I’m glad we spent the day together,” you expressed awkwardly.
Peter paused for a moment. He opened and closed his mouth before speaking, “I am too.”
Once the movie was over, and you said your goodbyes to Magda and Lorna, Peter sped off with you to the school. The day was waning, and the warm sunlight cast golden rays over the school. You were glad to be home. Peter told you he had to talk with Scott and quickly sped off before you could ask him why. Now alone, you walked toward the garden to mull over the day's events. The flowers were creeping up from the ground, and with a gentle wave of your hand, a vibrant bloom of wildflowers stared back at you. Plucking a sizable daisy, you examined the lovely blossom. It reminded you of the days when you, alongside your friends, would pluck the petals asking if the latest school crush liked you back. You smiled at that thought and returned to examining the flower. It had an odd amount of petals; that means he loves me, sounded a voice within your head. 
At that very moment, it felt like your world changed. You wanted Peter to love you. A cascade of romantic images flooded your mind as you recoiled from the daisy, dropping it to the ground. Oh no, this isn’t good. Alone in Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters garden, you realized you loved Peter Maximoff.
“Hey, are you- woah, are you okay?”
A familiar voice called your name from somewhere in the garden. Snapping your dazed eyes open, you realized a wall of flowering vines wrapped itself around you and writhed closer together with every passing second. The voice called again, muffled by the thick green ropes that twisted around you. 
“Listen, we need to talk, but I can see you want to be alone,” the muffled voice said dejectedly. 
Panic struck your heart as the voice registered. It was Peter! Peter was here! Quickly, you raised your hands and took a breath. With a steady mind, you lowered your hands, attempting to drive the tangling mess of plants into the ground. The Vines were slow to move, and you worried Peter would leave before the chaos of flowers and greens would disappear. 
“Peter, wait!” You shouted in the direction you guessed he was in. You cursed the plant's reluctance to move and focused more of your energy on forcing them away. The plants began to shrink back more quickly, and you breathed a sigh of relief as Peter’s figure came into view.
He stood before you in his usual gear but without his typical air of confidence. He slumped forward, and his face with painted with a slight frown as he fidgeted with his hands. He met your gaze and smiled a little, but it did not seem to meet his eyes as you rose to meet him. 
“Listen, I know you’ve been avoiding me recently, but I don’t know why!” Peter started as though the words leapt off his tongue. 
“But you’re my best friend, and I want to be there for you, so whatever is up, you’ve just got to tell me!” He continued, and your heart twisted like the plants around you as his words circled your mind. 
Despite your best attempts to evade the speedster throughout the week, he wasn’t mad, only worried for you. Before you could properly think, you threw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. You closed your eyes and babbled something about being sorry and how he didn’t deserve your treatment. 
“Hun, I know you wouldn’t just up and leave someone, even a loser like me.”
Opening your eyes and gazing at his face revealed his goofy smile, and you smiled back as you maintained your hold on Peter. I want to kiss that smiling face all the time! You thought as Peter looked at you. Your smile faded as you realized there was no going back. Peter was your best friend, but you couldn’t continue to hold onto such tangling feelings. Letting go of his sides, you pulled him down to the grass to sit opposite you. 
“Peter, I’ve been thinking,” you began slowly.
“You’re my best friend, and you’ve always been there for me, and I hope I can be there for you,” you breathed unsteadily as his eyes took in your face. 
“I just don’t think I can keep this inside anymore! You saw the plants, for goodness sake,” you laughed, hoping to relieve the tension that weighed down your figure. 
“Listen, I-” Peter started, but you quickly interrupted him.
“I understand if you don’t feel the same and if you don’t, we can forget about all of this, but I-” You began to shake as Peter’s expression became unreadable. 
“Well, I, I- I think you stole my heart.” You finished with a breath as the weight of the week lifted from you. 
Silence took over the garden as Peter stared at you. You didn’t dare move for fear that he would leave. Peter didn’t move for fear that he would wake up from such a wonderful dream. After what seemed to be an eternity of stillness, Peter leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours. 
You struggled to keep in a gasp as he quietly whispered for your consent. You swallowed, nodded, and met his lips in a chaste kiss. The world seemed to disappear as Peter reached an arm around you. His lips were soft, if not slightly chapped, and his arm held you loosely. The kiss seemed to last for an eternity and a second, all at once. It was soft and filled with a light that you had never felt. It was like flowers blooming. The feeling of bliss continued as he leaned away with a growing smile.
“It’s a habit of mine,” he sighed, “Besides, I always liked flowers.”
His grin became rather sly as he looked over your blushing face.
“So, how does a date sound? Maybe a bad horror movie at my place?”
“I’d like nothing more!” You laughed as Peter stood with you, leading you out of the garden, bright daisies blooming around where you had kissed, all with odd petals.
I hope you enjoyed and I really appreciate your reblogs and comments :)
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Idk if this submitted the first time (you can delete this ask if it did)
But one thing that I will forever fine funny is that the almost everyone in the COD fandom saw soap in a collar and was like “yeah that checks out”. I think soap would wear it as a joke since it was a gag gift or if he lost a bet/ did a dare but later on would wear it again since it’s not only practical but comfortable on missions and work well. Que the boys just losing it gaz is definitely the one who gave it to him to cause chaos that price has to watch he probably also got a lot of comments he either flirted back or told them to shut up. How everyone reacted is up to you :3
It didn’t submit for some reason but I’m glad you submitted again cause I saw a couple tik toks with Soap in the radio collar things that military dudes have in movies and this is fuelling me.
I reckon it starts with the military use ones and for some reason Soap is just pulling it off different and it’s giving everyone ideas. Gaz can see this and because he likes causing Price pain, when they’re on their next lull between missions he gets a legit collar and gives it to Soap.
Obviously they made a bet first, and of course Gaz did it with something that he absolutely knew Soap would lose at so there Soap goes, walking around base with the collar for the next two weeks.
I reckon the pure fact that the collar isn’t military will make everyone lose their minds just a touch more than usual.
Alejandro and Rudy see it first since they had all planned to meet up and do some training together. Rudy can do nothing more than blush and fluster, forgetting all concepts of English because now his head is running wild with the scenarios that collar and hand to hand training could bring them to.
Alejandro is similar but he manages to hold onto his English (barely), speaking broken sentences and flirting like a madman. Soap gets all embarrassed and both men can see the way the blush disappears under the collar and they so badly want to follow it.
Gaz flirts because, well, he’s a dick like that 😂 he’s milking this for all he can and if that means he has to flirt a bit just so he can watch Soap get flustered and all these men simp over him, well he’ll damn well do it.
Nobody knows if König is into it or not. The man’s harder to read than Ghost most days so who tf knows what’s going on behind that hood. But in the privacy of his room he is definitely losing his mind and trying to figure out ways he could hopefully ask Soap to join him or something.
Ghost seems stoic and disapproving at first. He sees the collar and the shit eating grin on Gaz and simply tells them to stop playing games. But as he walks away he has to very quickly and very discreetly adjust his pants because he was not expecting that.
The man is fucking everywhere for the duration of the bet because he absolutely loves the sight of a collar on Soap and can’t help but imagine what the man would look like with something that was distinctly Ghost’s on him.
He’s also making sure that nobody actually acts on the ideas they’re all so obviously thinking. Because no fraternisation in the military and totally not cause he’s jealous and is silently bidding everyone to know Johnny is his.
And Price, poor old Price, cannot wait for this bet to be over cause he doesn’t know how many more times he can walk in on the sight of half of his men drooling over an oblivious, collared Soap.
Much to his horror though, the collar ends up becoming a regular part of Soap’s wardrobe. Most times by mistake other times because he likes the feel of it and lord have mercy when the rest of the 141 heard that.
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icey--stars · 1 year
Stories To Be Told: PART 10
Series Index
A shadowsinger, a warrior, an Illyrian, that's what she was. Trained by one of the most formidable female warriors. Escaped the Illyrian camps and her clipping when she was barely sixteen and is now the holder of 6 siphons. What happens when she tries to sneak into the City of Starlight? And starts down a whole new road of chaos?
A/N: and WELCOME BACK! thank you all so much for your support. it truly means the world to me!! and remember- its every other day posting now, besides weekends because thats my break days lol
ps. i am way to lazy to write the entire time y/n was at her brother's and mother's place. so just imagine a lot of sucking up and pissing y/n off. (in other words, i dont need more characters to show development with lol) AH i can't wait to make you all suffer in anguish and wait after wednesday's post.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
I was buzzing with anger as I flew back to the House. My mother and brother had tried so, so hard to get me to like them. They just made me hate them more by how desperate they were. Extra food, tours (which I blatantly refused) and all sorts of things. Gifts from my mother in the form of dresses. Knives from my brother. I hated it. I absolutely hated it. There wasn’t any escape either, unless I wanted to winnow away. I wasn’t willing to brave going into the camp. I stayed where I was, or I snuck into the forest for an hour to cool my anger down.
I flew through the better part of the day, rain starting to come down from midday. I ignored it, pushing through the wind and storm.
I landed on the balcony, soaking wet. I stalked inside, taking off my boots before I went into my room and set them by the window to dry. My leathers soon joining them.
I had just changed into a dryer set of clothes when a knock on my door made me flinch.
“Who is it?” I called.
“Azriel,” the male replied from behind the door.
I sighed, still feeling as if I was running on pure spite and then shook off my wings before opening the door.
“Yes?” I prompted, leaning against the doorway.
“How did your trip go?” He asked.
“It was fine,” I replied.
“Where’d you go if you don’t mind me being curious?”
“Illyria.” I looked back over my room for a moment, seeing if it was clean enough to open. I was startled to find my shadows curling over me still. They’d been silent mostly, for the entire flight and visit. I opened the door, pulling my shadows in to disappear.
“I went to visit people who aren’t my family anymore. Nothing big,” I said.
“You have… family?”
“Not really,” I sighed, opening the door to work on scrubbing my leathers dry and cleaning them. “They’re quite manipulative in my experience.”
“Ah,” Azriel sighed. “I can get that.” He didn't elaborate, and I didn't need him to.
“Did you need anything, or did you just want to know why I was gone?” I asked.
“Well, I was confused why you were gone, but I figured if you arrived during this storm, you’d like a couple clean towels.” He pulled a small pile of towels from behind his back.
I eyed them suspiciously before taking them and setting them on the bed. “Thank you, I suppose.”
Azriel stood there awkwardly for a few more minutes before he finally said, “I’ll see you later.”
As he walked off, I took one of the towels and used it to dry off my head and neck that was still dripping water, looking out the window at the moon and the stars beyond it.
Luckily, I didn’t get sick from my fly through the rain. I managed to dodge that bullet.
“Y/N!” Nesta greeted me as I landed near them for training the next morning. “How have you been?”
“Fine,” I replied. 
“Where’d you go, if you don’t mind me asking?” Emerie questioned.
“Illyria. My… old family asked for my presence. I’m not going back,” I replied hesitantly.
“Good. They don’t need to be in your life,” Emerie said. I nodded in agreement.
“Alright! Come on ladies!” Cassian called. “Glad to have you back Y/N, hope you’ve been practicing for the past week.”
I rolled my eyes.
The training was hard, but it also was a relief to be back, doing what I’d been doing the past months. Spring was nearing and the air was getting warmer, which was nice. Around this time I would settle myself in the middle of the forest instead of near a town to buy food. Spring was when all the critters started to come out.
During lunch, Nesta said, “so, does anyone have any plans for Starfall or are we all going to stare at the sky like last year?”
Starfall. The most beautiful night of the year. I remember watching it at the camps and missing it dearly in the Winter Court. I’d been watching it hanging onto the tops of trees recently, but I’d heard that the best place to view it was in Velaris. 
“How about you Y/N?”
I realized I’d zoned out the conversation and shook my head to clear it. “I’ve no plans. I’ll enjoy seeing it from here though.”
Emerie smiled. “It’s beautiful. Do you plan to wear anything nice?”
I pursed my lips. “Not a dress,” I replied. “I’ll probably find something a bit different though so I don’t stand out.”
“Cassian always ends up wearing just a nice black dress shirt, so you could get away with that,” Nesta offered.
“It is hard to find dresses that work for wings, so I get that,” Emerie chuckled. “Everything tends to be harder to get on. I might be able to help if you need it."
I nodded in agreement. “I’ve never been the type to wear dresses. Never have actually. I wore a skirt in the Winter Court once, but it wasn’t to my liking, just too limiting on movement. And I might just take you up on that offer Emerie."
“Makes sense,” Nesta replied. “Though if you ever want to try, let me know because I am so going to be there.”
I chuckled. “Will do Nesta.” I finished up my food, standing up. “Alright I have work, see you all tomorrow.”
They waved me off as I walked off down the hallways.
Azriel met me on the balcony and I almost groaned. What did he want now? At this point, all he did was worry over me. Or act all awkward and weird. I prepared myself for a snarling match.
“Y/N, Rhys would like to have a word with you after work. Just at the River House by the Sidra,” Azriel said.
I eyed him a little big longer before replying, “Alright, I’ll make sure to meet with him. Anything I should prepare?”
“He didn’t tell me anything.”
I sighed, a little disappointed about not knowing what to expect. “Alright then. Anything else?”
Azriel shook his head. “Don’t end up in the harbor again,” he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes before flying off toward the docks.
I wasn’t tasked to use my wings luckily. It’d become a habit of my boss to exploit them. Instead, I lifted boxes and carried them onto ships just like the rest of the dock employees.
I managed to find the River House without fail, landing outside as I passed through the wards. The House of Wind had wards, I knew, but I’d gotten used to them. These were… different. Stronger somehow and more reinforced.
I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal my High Lord.
“Ah, Y/N. Great to see you. I had a couple things to discuss with you if you’ll come with me?” Rhysand asked.
I nodded, and he held the door while I walked inside and then led me through the halls to a smaller room. An office. It had papers scattered everywhere, while some remained neatly stacked. Others were ripped. But there was ink on the desk and a bookshelf, which made it less intimidating in a way.
A stool magically appeared at a snap and as Rhys took the one at his desk, I took the stool, facing him. My wing twitched with nervous energy. What was he going to ask?
“So,” he began. “I’ve heard from your brother that you visited him recently, yes? And your mother.”
“Not really my family, but yes. That’s where I left to visit. Faxon and Merle.”
Rhysand nodded. “Alright. It seems that Faxon, the head guard there, has made a mistake. He mentioned you to the lord there, Ambroz.”
I shivered at the name, holding back a snarl. Oh, for so long I’d wanted to tear that male apart. The one who tried to clip me. The one who ruined everything. My plan, my life, my memories, my mind, and so many other little parts of me.
“I understand you have some not so pleasant memories with him, but he’s offered to apologize to you, wanting you to visit. I want to know if I should be concerned for your safety.”
My leg started to bounce and I held it down with my hand. 
“Ambroz isn’t the type to apologize. He’s the type to act irrationally. I barely knew him during my time in Ironcrest, but you learn a lot about a male who ruined your entire life. You don’t have to be concerned about me, but perhaps just a bit concerned for how things may fall out if I don’t visit. If I do, which I can, it probably will end in bloodshed on both parties.”
“I see. I don’t have a particular liking for that male. And because he hasn’t committed any outright crimes, I can’t condemn him. No matter how much I want to. I was wondering if perhaps you’d be willing to visit and find a way to… make him come clean about something or commit a crime. He’s causing problems all across Illyria. I’d rather like to kill him if I could. Clipping would warrant that.”
“If anyone is going to kill him, I’m doing it. Or any female in that camp that I knew,” I said, holding back the growl in my voice.
I paused, and then observed, “So you want me to manipulate him into coming clean.”
“Should you want the killing blow, it’s yours. And yes. I do,” Rhysand spoke. “I’ve been trying to have Azriel do it, but Ambroz doesn’t particularly think he can manipulate Az. He does, however, with you.”
I closed my eyes for a moment, my knee bouncing against my hand, even despite the strength I put forth to keep it down- “I’ll do it,” I said loud enough for him to hear. “If only to get the opportunity to kill him.”
Rhysand nodded in understanding. “Faxon offered housing. Though I have an inkling you don’t exactly want it, so I’m offering for you to stay two hours north, in Windhaven. My mother’s old residence is there.”
I nodded. “That would be great, but I don’t really know where that is exactly.”
“That’s why I’m sending Azriel with you. He will stay out of your way, but act as some sort of body guard, while doing extra work for me,” Rhysand explained. “That isn’t an issue, is it?”
I tensed but replied, “not an issue my lord.”
That bastard had lied about knowing nothing. He knew.
“It’s just Rhys, but I’m glad you find that agreeable. How soon do you think you could leave?”
“Anytime,” I replied. “Just give me tomorrow morning and I can leave whenever.”
Rhysand smiled. “Leave tomorrow then. The sooner you finish, the sooner it’s done. Azriel has a mental link with me he can use to tell me when to come down. That will be when Ambroz finally fucks up.”
I dipped my head. “Sounds good.”
I flew out of that house feeling rage boiling my blood slightly. “You knew,” I deadpanned at Azriel, who was standing on the balcony, quietly observing the city below us.
“Yes,” he sighed.
“You lied,” I observed, seeing if he was going to argue.
“Yes, I did. It was Rhys’s job to inform you of the mission. Did you accept?”
“Yes, we leave tomorrow.”
Azriel nodded. “We’re traveling by shadow to Windhaven. You can get out your nerves during the flight to Ironcrest. To send a message like daemati, tell a shadow a message to repeat to me. Only we can hear it.”
Azriel was in full spymaster, planning mission mode it seemed. It made it slightly easier to talk with him. Without all his... interesting behavior
I nodded, despite having a spike of anxiety about using my shadows. There was no telling how long this trip might take, and I’d have to have my shadows out the entire time just to make sure I was intimidating. I had to make sure people took me at least partly seriously.
Distantly, I wondered where the hell all my pissed off energy towards this male had run off to.
“Keep the negative from flowing into your power. That’s the best way I can describe it. Create a wall, similar to a mind shield between it and your shadows,” Azriel explained. “I’m going to trust that you can hold your own against the males in the camp should things go south. Can you winnow very far?”
I knew what he was talking about. The hard thing was doing it. But at least I had an idea on how. 
“I can winnow to the human lands if I wanted to,” I replied.
“Good. And if there are wards, pray to all the gods that you don’t die,” Azriel finalized. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He walked off without another word. He was clearly focused and prepared for a mission like this. Unlike me, who was just trying to do whatever the hell I was being told to do.
I sighed, and then walked to my usual area for dinner, sitting down with a huff.
There was always one thing I neglected to tell everyone about my shadows. Something I'd avoid telling anyone until my final days if I could.
Wards… wards usually don't matter to me. I can feel them, and I can pass through them, but if there are wards that stop me from doing things, most often, under intense pressure, I can indeed still use my shadows. I didn’t know if Azriel could as well, and it might very well be a “me” thing, but if there are wards and I am trapped, I can escape still. Maybe alone, but there are worse things in life. After all, I'd escaped alone without Rainne. Losing someone I was pissed off at would be easier.
My shadows were my secret, I told myself. I wasn’t obligated to share what I could do, especially when angered. There was more I could do, but I didn’t know if Az could do them as well. But I knew the ward winnowing, slipping in between undetected, wasn’t normal. And someone might just kill for that power, to control it, or extinguish it.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
TAGLIST: just comment to be added! in the future, i'll work on a taglist for all my works, but for now, its just this story. if i've already posted the next part, the notice will be a reply to ur comment and you'll be in the next one <3
@mis-lil-red, @bunnymallowo, @judig92, @biblophilefox82, @azzydaddy, @thegirlintheshadows101, @whatupmydudes01, @feyres-fireheart, @elizarikaallen, @xenlynn, @panzees-bizarre-adventures, @starswholistenanddreamsanswered, @baebeepeach
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Cold Little Heart
yennefer & ciri | G | hurt/comfort, mother daughter bonding
It had been a less than ideal wake up for either of them - their dreams had intertwined, a common enough phenomenon when student and teacher were as close as they were.
But when Yennefer blearily half-awoke to ground Ciri, the candle had been snuffed by a midsummer's breeze. Panic had set in and the chaos that still bound teacher and student had darkened and swirled until the air crackled and buzzed with a powerful charge.
The immense rush of power startled Ciri into consciousness, but left both of them panting and sweaty as they clutched at the purchase of a familiar body and an anchor to reality.
Ciri took the initiative to break the living nightmare, recent training in the Blue Mountains overriding fear to bolt her into action. She tore away Yennefer’s clinging fingers and scrambled out of the tangled sheets to light the candle.
She quickly returned to bed, whispering hushed comforts to the Enchantress whose eyes were still clouded by dark visions.
"Lady Yennefer, it was just a dream," her young ward whispers now, rubbing Yennefer's ice cold skin where it isn't entangled in the sheets. "I'm here with you. Do you feel my hands? Focus on my hands." 
The words are a replica of the very ones Ciri has heard countless times in comfort, the original speaker’s voice echoing in Yennefer's mind.
It's frustrating that the child is needing to comfort her at all, let alone the added warmth the Witcher's voice in the child's mind brings. Yennefer will berate herself further for her weakness - once she can unclench her fists and catch her breath.
Just as Yennefer feels she’s collecting herself, Ciri removes her hands and her warm presence. Hastily, she retrieves the hairbrush on the bedside table.
"What are you doing, duckling? It's the middle of the night." 
The sorceress speaks more harshly than she intends, like a wounded animal baring its teeth in an attempt to hide how ragged she feels.
Ciri hums, positions herself behind Yennefer once more without hesitation.
Incorrigible child. 
"It helps, like meditation." Deft fingers - meant to be a mage, not a witcher - unravel the plait of hair at Yennefer's back easily and without pain.
Starting from the ends, Ciri begins working the bristles of the hairbrush through the shining raven locks. There's a flame of indignation within Yennefer. She wants to snap at the girl that she doesn't need her comforts. But a softer part that the time at the Temple has revealed urges her to appease the connection. 
If not for her, but for the girl - she’s lost so many already, feels so alone. A task in the face of fear, to distract the normally latent tremors of terror that haunt Ciri after a nightmare. 
There’s many logical explanations to permit Yennefer this lapse in responsibly managing her own emotions. 
As Yennefer centers herself in the moment, tendrils of her magic cling to Ciri's thoughts. Nothing deep, just the surface images. She anticipates who must have shared this physical grounding exercise with her, but she's surprised with the presence that has joined them.
It isn't the White Wolf on the bed with them, but his shadow. Yennefer would know Eskel for everything he is of Geralt as much as everything he isn’t.
Ciri is thinking of his strong, steady brush strokes through her hair. The calm and grounding nature of the humble Witcher. The ever present underlying odor of the animals he tends diligently - not overpowering, but a reminder that Eskel does much in the service of others.
How upset he would be if only Eskel knew who was benefiting from his care now. 
The last time they’d crossed paths, he wouldn’t even meet her gaze, wouldn’t rise to Yennefer’s curses or insults she threw at his quickly retreating back. Where one went, the other followed - she’d lost them both when she lost Geralt.
“I’m … glad you had all of them, to comfort you,” Yennefer says quietly.
Intentionally, Ciri rests the back of her hand against the skin of Yennefer’s neck. She pauses her brushing. “You’re nothing like they think. It’s only, they care so much for Geralt, but if they only got to know you as well - “ 
They knew me, it wasn’t enough.
“Hush, child. You need not explain bias to me.” The Enchantress sighs, watching the flame of the candle flicker and dance. “Everyone deserves biased support, I won’t begrudge them their loyalty.”
“But … Lady Yennefer, who is your biased support?”
That question catches in Yennefer’s throat. 
It’s late, the dreams and roiling storm of energy were overwhelming, that’s why she’s sensitive -
“Ah, no matter,” Ciri continues in her Southern chatter, back to busying herself brushing Yennefer’s hair. “You have me for that now. And once I explain to them all what you’ve done for me and Geralt, they’ll come to their senses. I think you would like Eskel best, he isn’t as sulky as the others. Did I tell you about the time …”
The brush makes each pass effortlessly. Ciri continues to chatter, sharing her story of snowshoeing along traplines and spotting a rare white owl thanks to her “exceptional eyesight - Eskel really said so!” Cheerful, despite the hour, despite all she’s been through so recently. Comforting the exigent woman who keeps her from her beloved witchers and wild ways.
Yennefer inhales deeply, stifling a pathetic tear, purging the rest of the self-pity from her system.
Her duty is to Ciri, not the other way around. 
“To bed, child. Don’t think I’ll change our lesson start time just because you didn’t get enough rest.”
Ciri sets the brush down, but quips indignantly, “that’s what you said last time and then Mother Nenneke gave you an earful for our slovenly nature because you let us sleep in.”
Yennefer doesn’t deign to respond to that.
Instead she settles back into the pillows and lets Ciri brazenly disrespect her otherwise impervious rule on personal space, wrapping her arms around the sorceress with the weight of her Wolves. 
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The Doors are Now Closing
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Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: none
WC: 973
Genre: fluff
Just me trying to shake off my rust 🥲 I haven’t properly written in so long. Will probably edit at a later time. I was inspired by this TanaKiyo moment and just had to write something.
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“I’m so happy you’ve decided to join us!” The pretty girl, whose name you’ve forgotten already, smiles at you as she clasps your hands in hers.
“Yeah, no problem!” You bashfully reply to her reaction.
“We have a practice match in a few days, why don’t you stop by then?”
“Okay, sounds good.” The pretty girl then gives you all the needed information which you quickly jot down in your notebook. For the next few days you feel the nervous-excitement that “Karasuno VS Nekoma practice match” gives you every time you look into your notes. Your old club just wasn’t the same. You joined the club because you were passionate about it, but lately the people in there have not been the best and ultimately killing your want and passion for going to club. You had been back and forth about switching clubs, and lo and behold the day you decide to leave your club, an offer to join a new club drops right into your lap. Definitely not one you thought you would ever join, Karasuno Boys Volleyball. The next morning the pretty girl finds you by your shoe locker, “Hey, (Y/N)! Just wanted to see if you’re still coming later today?”
You nod, “Yeah, I just have to go tell my club that I’m leaving and then head over to the gym.”
She gives you a soft smile, “Perfect! See you then!” and little did you know that your interaction with the third year boys volleyball manager was being watched by a couple of second-years.
But leave it up to your crummy luck, that the one day you expect your club to have nothing going on, there is utter chaos. While you’re settling things in your club, the Karasuno and Nekoma practice matches ensue. The whole time Kiyoko is keeping an eye out for you, her eyes fleeting to the gym doors just waiting for you to come through. Unfortunately that doesn't happen until Nekoma has already left and it’s just a few Karasuno members in the gym cleaning up.
“Sorry I’m late!” you rush into the gym, immediately going toward Kiyoko.
“Is everything okay?” Kiyoko says as she also makes her way to you.
“My club had some things come up and it took longer than I expected. I am so sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re here. Can I introduce you to the team?”
You nod and smile, “Sure.”
“Excuse me everyone,” Kiyoko speaks up and everyone goes silent. Your eyes widen at her power over these boys, she gestures toward you, “This is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), she will be joining us as a new manager.” You heard excited shouts come from all over the gym, some even come closer to you, but Kiyoko stops them from getting too close.
“How about you come back tomorrow and I can give you a better explanation about what to expect.”
“Sounds perfect.” You smile.
You leave school and make your way to the station. As you walk you think about your new club and how excited you are about a fresh new start in a new club with new people. But it’s when you look at the time on your phone that you realize you’re going to miss the train home if you don’t hurry. You immediately start to run the rest of the way to the station, ignoring all of the stares you get. Just as you approach your train home, you hear the message of The doors are now closing. Not wanting to miss the last available transportation home you jump into the train cart, narrowly missing it, and the doors close behind you.
As you get on the train you make eye contact with a guy you’ve never seen before. His black, spiky hair and his golden eyes immediately catch your attention. You look at his uniform and can’t figure out which school he goes to, but you know it’s not Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, or Date Tech. It’s not until you hear the voice over come back on announcing your stop that you and him had been staring at each other the whole time.
A blush comes over your cheeks as you exit the train. And as you exit, the guy is kicking himself for being so awkward and not having the courage to talk to you. There were only a handful of things he could tell about you. One, you went to Karasuno; Two, you were into anime by one of the keychains that adorned your school bag; and three, you were unbelievably beautiful.
You think about the raven haired guy every so often, and you look into schools within Miyagi that have red uniforms, but none that looked like the mysterious cute guy on the train.
It’s not until talk about the summer training camp that you hear about Nekoma again. You don’t think much about it, and help Kiyoko, and Yachi prepare for the camp. As you step off the bus behind Yachi, you hear Daichi talking to someone, and you see it’s the guy you haven’t been able to stop thinking about. He notices you too. He has to pause talking, but quickly recovers and resumes talking to Daichi. He leads the team toward the gym, letting everyone through the door, and you're the last one in line. Just before you can reach the door, he lets it go, allowing it to close.
“The name’s Kuroo Tetsuro by the way.” His face is slightly flushed, but it couldn’t be from the sun considering the two of you were standing in the shade.
“My name’s (Y/L/N) (Y/N).” You reply and try to stop yourself from blushing, but ultimately failing.
“It’s nice to officially meet you.” Giving you his iconic grin that you find yourself already falling in love with.
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© ridiculouslly-ridiculous 2023; ᴅᴏ not ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ᴏʀ repost ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ.
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beloveddawn-blog · 2 days
Sun Haven short fic
Zari and Helios faff, brought to you by my brother commenting that we have VERY different angels...
“Here.” Lucia said, handing them the parchment. “It’s a decree of peace for Withergate. Please bring it to King Minos.”
Helios took it with a grave nod, glancing down at it before looking back up at the archmage. “It shall be done. I will do all I can to protect Sun Haven.”
Zari leaned over his shoulder to look, propping her chin on his pauldron. He had elected to wear his armour today, as a sign of respect for King Minos. He certainly didn’t feel any less respect for Lucia, so he had kept it on. His friend, however…
“Ooh, you have such nice handwriting! It looks so pretty!” She was enthusiastic and complimentary, but Zari may as well be allergic to formality.
Lucia smiled and thanked her, but Helios rolled his eyes. Zari knew, even though she couldn’t even see his eyes, and he could feel the vibrations of her giggle through his armour.
They took their leave then, and Helios couldn’t help but whisper-hiss at her, “We are very different angels.”
“Oh, I know.” Zari replied sunnily, saluting him with a golden pomegranate before chowing down on it. “But to be fair, if I was at all interested in gentility or Divine Purpose I’d have stayed in the Heavenscape. Oh, and you can find the pomegranates in Catharine’s garden today, if you want one.”
“Thanks.” He replied, ducking sideways to grab one for himself. Zari lingered by the gate, obviously waiting for him, so he joined back up with her on the way back to the farm. “You say that, yet you’re really involved in saving Sun Haven.” He opened, looking to see what she wanted to talk about.
She shrugged. “I live here, I like it here, and it’s fun. Plus it’s what I chose to do, not what everyone says I’m destined to do. Some even say I’m destined to fail! I cannot wait to see their faces when we triumph!” Her grin was just a little too sharp to be gleeful… But Helios got that. He felt the same way a lot of the time.
“What about you?” She continued, and he smirked. It seemed prying into his own past was the game of the day. Which was fine, it wasn’t a secret.
“The Heavenscape is too calm.” He replied with a shrug. “You know how I am. You’ve seen Helios Incorporated. I like to be doing things, not just waiting for them to happen to me.”
Not a secret, just boring.
Zari made an accepting humming noise. “That’s true.” She replied. “Most angels aren’t as industrious as you, for sure. I’m glad you’re happy, but it’s not for everyone.”
He laughed at her careful emphasis. “Not everyone is gonna think you’re wonderful, Zari. And if you wanted Miyeon’s father not to consider you a ‘bad influence’, maybe you shouldn’t have called him a dick to his face.”
“He is a dick.” She replied, rolling her eyes. “I regret nothing. And if he thinks I’m a bad influence now, he has no idea what’s coming his way!”
He shot her an unimpressed glare. “Do not get that kid in trouble, Zari. I mean it! She’s too sweet to cope with your sort of chaos right now.”
She huffed at him, pouting. “I wouldn’t do that!” He raised an eyebrow and she sputtered in indignation. “I would not.”
“You don’t always mean to, true.” He pointed out, slightly more gently. “But you do keep losing the elemental.”
“That was ONE TIME!” She screeched, bopping his arm and laughing.
“That was three times LAST WEEK.” He rebutted, and she rolled her eyes again.
“In my defence, we’ve lived here for over two years now. I didn’t realize she’d need directions to the train station! And I have no idea why she thought the griffon would take her to Withergate, the griffon has never taken us to Withergate!”
“Are we talking about the same Char right now? Because I honestly wasn’t surprised by either of those and am instead surprised that you were.”
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