#I’m gonna throw myself into the sea
gravyhoney · 3 months
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Lord help me…..
Nobody tell Raine.
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stuck-in-jelly · 1 year
Watching Frank and Bill is pure torture please I can’t take this
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storiesoflilies · 1 month
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school bus love (5)
synopsis: it’s high time to throw caution to the wind, don’t you think?
pairing: teen!toji fushiguro x teen!f!reader
warnings: none.
a/n: i just wanted to say that I absolutely adore all the comments saying this drabble series is making you nostalgic. besides me telling you all a bit about myself, the main goal really was to create a slice of life piece that makes people reminisce their school days xo
drabble series / part 4
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today was momentous.
freedom was teasing her, dangling sweet summer fruits and the smell of sea salt in front of her. she gritted her teeth, her wrist aching as she frantically wrote the final few sentences of her last question. the clock was ticking, and it would all be over soon.
“that’s it, everyone! time’s up!”
she had never packed up her things so fast in her life, practically shoving her way through the throng of students gathering outside the exam hall. all she could think about was feeling the warm sun on her skin and seeing the patches of blue between the jagged white clouds. today marked the final exam she had to sit, and she was now completely free for the summer.
in a exactly a week’s time, she would be sunning herself on the beach, swimming through crystal-clear waters, and snacking on crunchy slices of watermelon in the shade of palm trees with her best friends. in a week’s time, she would be back home for a whole month, a prospect that should make her buzz with excitement, if not for the nagging reminder of just one thing.
she wouldn’t be seeing toji.
they’d had a handful of conversations over the past three weeks, but nothing more had progressed. she still wasn’t sure if he really liked her, and she was starting to become convinced that she had to cut her losses. it was becoming exhausting overanalyzing toji’s every word, trying to decipher any hidden meanings in his messages and figuring out times when he might have been glancing at her too.
the chase was quite boring without much progress to show for it, and it was a hard pill to swallow that toji probably just wasn’t into her the way she wanted him to be.
she put her headphones and tuned out the world – and all thoughts of toji – attempting to bask in the sheer relief of having finished her exams, which had all gone relatively well. later that night, after pampering herself with an extra self-care routine in the shower, she called her friends for a celebratory gaming session. naturally, she aired out her frustrations about her gorgeous boy.
“i’m just worried the conversation is gonna completely fizzle out, ya know?” she ranted, rapidly clicking her mouse buttons. “it’s not like we’ll be on the bus together anymore.”
“oh my god, girl. i literally agree with your mom,” asa suddenly snapped, taking her aback in shock. “why don’t you just ask him on a date right now?”
“r-right now?” she sputtered. “i can’t do that.”
“why not? if he says no, then you’ll know if he doesn’t like you, and you can move on,” morgoth hummed, a rare voice of reason for once.
that was a whole lot easier said than done.
could she even do something so bold? she doubted she was courageous enough for something like that, and she was still clinging to her little girl dream of being asked out by a boy on her first date. her heart started to pound as it battled with her mind, her soul watching the back and forth she was having within herself.
suddenly, a thread snapped, and the raging waves stilled as if nothing had ever happened.
fuck it.
she left the game, earning cries of protest and anger from her friends, and whipped open her notes app on her phone. if she thought too much, she would chicken out and change her mind. after typing a dozen variations of how she was going to phrase the message, she finally settled on one and quickly copied and pasted it into their snapchat conversation.
hey toji, are you free by any chance to hang out tomorrow? x
and hit send.
she hit send.
“holy fucking shit,” she whispered incredulously, a sense of dread spreading from her head to her toes.
morgoth grunted, “what happened now?”
“i just asked toji out on a date tomorrow,” she replied, voice cracking with electric nerves.
her friends both sputtered and coughed at the same time. “fuck off, no you didn’t,” asa said, obviously shell-shocked with a hint of excitement. “tomorrow?!”
“what do you mean ‘fuck off’?! you told me to do it,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and rocking back and forth on her bed.
“hah! well, what did you say?”
“i just asked him if he wanted to hang out tomorrow, and i put an ‘x’ at end to kind of… i don’t know, flirt i guess?”
her friends both cackled, and heat rose to her chest and face.
toji fushiguro is typing…
she gasped, more so screamed, “guys, fuck! oh my god, oh my god! he’s typing.”
“that was quick,” commented morgoth under his breath.
toji fushiguro has sent you a chat!
another shrill gasp. “guys, he replied!”
“leave it!” asa giggled, his giddiness infectious and making her laughter bubble out of her chest. “don’t be a desperate bitch.”
“fuck you, he replied quick! I’m not gonna just sit here and wait.”
toji fushiguro: yeah should be free for a bit tomorrow, when were you thinking?
oh my.
oh my…
“what’s he saying, huh?” asa giggled again.
“something good, i guess. her breathing suddenly got quicker,” morgoth chuckled, his laughter reverberating through his microphone.
hmm not sure haha, whenever you’re free i guess, i’m free all day tomorrow
play it cool. play it cool, goddamn it.
toji fushiguro: yeah, what about some time in the afternoon sure?
yeah sweet, does 4 sound okay or is that too late?
toji fushiguro: yeah 4 should be sweet, sounds good
aight, where do you wanna go? i still don’t know the good places to go to lmao
toji fushiguro: tbh i have no idea, sure like let’s just see when we meet up what you’re feeling
“hehe, guys, he says it’s up to what i’m feeling.”
ahaha ok then, where do you wanna meet up then?
toji fushiguro: oh yeah shit, uh you know where like the big wheel kinda is at the seafront? we could meet up there if you want?
the ferris wheel ahaha?
toji fushiguro: yeah the big wheel ahahah, literally the most recognizable place i could think of in town
haha ok no worries, i’ll see you tomorrow then, i’ll text you when i get there :)
toji fushiguro: yeah see you tomorrow x
she wasn’t a physical being limited to the confines of her bedroom anymore. no, she was limitless and infinite, soaring with ravens among the indigo clouds of twilight, her heart leaping with every sudden dip of their wings. life was good, life was meaningful, and holy shit. toji fushiguro had agreed to go on her very first date ever with her.
“he sent me an ‘x’, and we’re going on a date tomorrow.”
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general taglist: @tadabzzzbee @wannapizzamymindposts @stromynight
school bus love taglist: @badbyeyoongi
p.s: fun fact, these are the actual text messages i sent to my boyfriend the day i asked him out :3
©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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redactedattackeded · 11 months
Things in my out of context quotes note as the Shaw Pack + mates
Sam: keep those fingers away from me i’m trying to watch the movie
angel: (about david) no that’s my emotional support middle aged man NOT yours
tank: you know how far i could throw you? you’re tiny
babe: *while high* i got “video game head”
ash: can i have video game head?
angel: sometimes happiness presents itself as a $14 build a bear
david: so the groceries never made it inside, huh?
angel: i thought those were outside groceries
milo: maybe i should’ve been secretive abt my secret competitions
babe: don’t play w me rn i’m small and stressed and extremely gullible
milo: aw fuck it’s a paper straw
sweetheart: cmon we’re by the ocean you don’t wanna hurt the animals
milo: i’m gonna hop in there and strangle a sea turtle myself
ash: i’m gonna wrestle an alligator
milo: there’s no alligators in the ocean
ash: i’m gonna put one in there
babe: he has devious kenergy
tank: i can get away with it because of who i am
milo: how come they got to go to the afterlife in a hearse and we’re in a fucking honda
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I’m gonna keep adding on to this: Neteyam holds Spider when they all go to sleep(he fears what Neytiri might do after the knife incident) but more than anything he fears that the demon will come and take Spider while they sleep…he doesn’t let Spider out of his sight at all times. His brother will not be taken from him
“Teyam, stop.” Spider mumbled sleepily, referring to the boy who lay next to him. “No one’s gonna snatch me, we’re in the middle of a village. Go to your bed.”
“It’s only been two weeks.” The Na’vi whispered in response, staring at the entrance to the pod.
“Neteyam.” The blonde opened his eyes, irritated. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need your babysitting services at the moment.”
“Skwang” the young warrior smirked at the sarcasm as he pushed his brother slightly. “I’m only making sure. This is the last time.”
“Last time was three days ago, get your ass of my pallet or I’ll throw you into the water.” He closed his eyes again, rolling into his side.
Neteyam frowned at the phrase. It was the same way he used to threaten them when they lagged behind or did something they shouldn’t.
Reluctantly, he got up, patting Spider’s shoulder goodnight before crossing the pod towards his sleeping place that had barely been used before and lying down, covering himself with the woven blanket. He kept telling himself that it was a better place anyway, here he was close to his mother and could make sure she wouldn’t get up to finish the job she had begun weeks ago in the middle of the night, but sleeping so far from the human boy felt…wrong.
It reminded him of the time they argued while on a trip with the recom squad. They refused to talk to one another all day and when the night came, they slept on the opposite sides of the camp. He recalled with disgust how their captor, colonel Quaritch, was all too happy to get close to Spider as there was no scary Na’vi brat to ward him off. He hated the soft gaze that man gave his brother, the way his hand rested on the matted dreads, or the wagging tail. Did he really think he could butter the boy up into sticking around? Because Neteyam wasn’t about to let that happen. It’s why they ran away in the first place, or, swam away to be precise. The ship was far, but they had to warn as many tribes as possible and only found their family by accident.
And that made it difficult for Neteyam to sleep. The Sea Dragon was only a couple dozen islands away and would find its way into the outskirts of the Metkayina reef any day now. The village was prepared but the next-oldest Sully couldn’t let go of an image that kept popping up in his head. An image of Miles creeping into the pod like a preying thanator and dragging Spider into the night. It was a ridiculous idea, but it kept Neteyam awake nonetheless. He already failed his brother once and they ended up in captivity for months as a result.
It couldn’t happen again.
The demon will never have him.
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lilislegacy · 4 months
The real question is: who would ✨you ✨ be the most scared of if they were coming towards you angrily?
honestly i’d be freaking terrified of all of them. they’re all terrifying and any of them are valid choices.
but for me personally, percy. without a doubt. and here’s why
reyna, i’d be terrified, but i also feel like she wouldn’t waste any more of her time on me than she needs to. she’s got shit to do. she might slam me against a wall and call me some roman insult, maybe break my wrist or something, but i’ll live.
annabeth is very scary, but she also is a logical and level headed person. if she knew i didn’t mean to do whatever she’s mad about, she’s not gonna judo flip me or stab me. i think more than anything i’d just feel really bad about myself cause she’d lay it on thick about how stupid i’d been. but i def wouldn’t go anywhere near her anytime soon
nico is very powerful and very creepy scary, but he gets worked up so easily. and then never handles it well himself. i’m kinda just used to seeing him mad to be hoenst. he also gets drained so easily, it would take a LOT of his energy to do something really bad. so he’s probably by 2nd biggest worry, but i know hurting me would hurt him too, so he’d think carefully about it.
jason i’m not that scared of tbh. not becasue he’s not powerful, but becasue it usually takes a lot for him to actually, like, do something worth being terrified. he’s calm and level headed. he has to build up to deadly-level actions, it doesn’t just happen.
percy jackson however… he’s too powerful for his own good. he’s the most powerful AND the least in control of his power. the worst mix possible.
first off, we know his “however bad you are, i’m worse” wolf glare is terrifying. when percy glared at leo in MoA, leo was shaking, and said percy’s look felt the same as when jason summoned lighting.
let that sink in.
a single look from percy feels just as dangerous as the son of zeus summoning an ear-piercing, earth shaking lightning bolt. like… HELLO?? i’d throw up and pass out the second he glared at me.
but also, when percy’s mad, water reacts before he does. toilets explode, geysers shoot up out of nowhere, oceans and lakes form 100 foot tall deadly waves, hurricanes dominate, need i go on?that’s not even including the most brutal stuff he’s done. and the most terrifying part: he does a lot of this without even thinking. they are all aquatic and earthly reactions to his emotions. there’s a certain uncontrolled brutality to percy that none of the others possess. the sea cannot be controlled.
so if the others are mad, yes i am very, very scared about what any of them might do on purpose. but with percy, i am most scared of him because he’s an untamable powerhouse, and his emotions unchecked might kill me on accident.
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crazylittlejester · 5 days
I'm very scatterbrained today, so please excuse the multiple topic changes. 😅
The Sky angst WIP is in progress, and I accidentally started a new WIP that is Hyrule angst. I think pretty much all the Hyrule angst I've read takes place in forest regions, so naturally I had to take it upon myself to write something that happens in The Great Sea. Legend is not the only one who deserves island-related trauma.
Still thinking about the academia AU, too. Sun has a bachelors degree in aviation, like Sky (it's how they met) and one in religious studies. She's decided to get her graduate degree in religious studies and may or may not have a side gig with Sky flying little bitty planes for a tourist place because they're both crazy and think they can somehow fit that into their schedules.
LU EAH AU is still in progress! It's just going very, very slowly, and I need to remember to review some of my source material because I keep forgetting to do that. I also need to finish up the fic about Fi's backstory and figure out a cool title for it. The AU itself will likely be Linked Ever After unless I think of something cooler.
Also, I was writing a scene with Legend & Sky and needed to do some quick fact-checking and recipe-searching and DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE THAT'S MADE OUT OF HORSE MILK!?
Anyway, the scene in question is another attempt at letting Legend be soft and chill because he is Too Old for This Shit. The actual recipe I ended up using was basically warm milk with pumpkin pie spices and maple syrup because Legend just gives off warm milk vibes. He knows what works, and he's going to do it, and if anyone tries to give him grief over it, he'll just smack them right good.
Side tangent: as much as I want to say that Warriors is the best with self-care, I think it's really more Legend's thing. Time also looks like he has everything together, but he is totally panicking and masking (pun intended) 24/7 with rare exceptions. Legend is the one who's had enough of this shit and figured out what does and doesn't actually help his physical and mental health. He's obviously not perfect at it, but he's the closest to an actual role model most of them have, just because he's trying to live his best life (partly out of spite).
Warriors is still the one who drags Twilight to therapy, though.
i so desperately needed the daily brainrot, i caught this 35 seconds after it appeared in my asks
You’re so real for that. I have a Hyrule angst wip in my drafts somewhere titled ‘Hyrule Drowns’… I don’t- I don’t think I have to explain further (he doesn’t DIE but I AM gonna throw him in a lake. Shoutout to @/carelessapples for this one because if I remember correctly, this was sort of their idea/i am writing it for them)
LINKED EVER AFTER. 10/10, I LOVE IT. I’m so excited for that au, but take ur time man. I know it’ll be awesome
THERES A FUCKING WHAT NOW??? (and yeah Legend DOES give off warm milk vibes)
Oh yeah no, Time is masking most of the time bro does NOT have it together like, at all, I so agree. I love the idea of Wars just DRAGGING Twi to therapy kicking and screaming. Legend definitely has things figured out by now, though I am of the personal belief that he’s horrible at explaining it to the others and helping THEM with stuff. I headcanon he’s better at self care for himself than helping the others take care of themselves but he’s doin’ his best 😔
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galaxycunt · 8 months
I Can’t Keep Crying pt 3
Pt 1 Pt 2
Quick lil note to say I love every comment I been getting on my stuff and ilysm kissing u all mwah mwah it really makes my day
Story under the cut: angst only rn
You shared a cigarette on the deck with a crew mate, watching Buggy from afar. Sometimes if it was cold, he used to lend you the coat he was wearing right now. What a fool he made you out to be.
”Captain’s let his bird fly out the cage finally?”
”Oh, shut the fuck up.”
He only laughed, “Cabaji gets his sloppy seconds, you could do worse.”
You flicked the butt in his face, storming off below the deck. Before all this, Buggy was teaching you how to throw knives. You decided it was perfect time to imagine the empty barrel was his face.
You could think of a hundred reasons for why Buggy was bad for you, but the good times popped up. His laugh, the real one he seemed to save just for you. The way he’d protect you during a raid, shoving you downstairs in a hurry yelling at you to hide. Letting you watch his shows from the catwalk, his eyes shining brightly in the spotlight as he looked up at you.
It wasn’t romantic for most people, but things were different on the sea. After a raid on a village, he kept a small box close with him. He hid away from the crew, only coming out when you said you didn’t want to eat dinner alone. He had his moods, he was soft around you. He never told you what was in there, only his mood giving a hint to what it was. Closer than what anyone else got.
”Needs work, thank god you’re not my first wave of defense,” said a voice behind you.
”Is there more to be done, captain?”
He smiled, “nah. Just wanted to see what you were up to.”
You looked him up and down, “nice necklace.”
”Eh, gonna hock it next time we dock somewhere. Can’t figure out what put in it anyway.”
You forced a smile, “I thought even pirates loved their mama.”
“Now that’s funny.”
You nodded politely, turning to leave. Buggy stopped you, his brows furrowed like he was struggling what to say.
“I didn’t…know that..well, I don’t have to really explain myself do I?”
”Excuse me?”
”Lemme make it up to you, steal a table at Baratie, dine and dash. Something fun and exciting!”
”What? No, I’m not doing that.”
He frowned, “aw come on, you’re not turning legit now, are you?”
You smiled, “I’m not doing that with you.”
Hurt flashed across his face for only a moment, “you did it first you know.”
This confused you, having no idea what he was talking about. You sized up your captain, he was a stubborn bastard.
“I don’t know what you’re referring to, so I doubt it.”
”Go clean the head.”
”You’re seriously giving me cabin boy duty?”
He nodded, causing you to groan. He smiled satisfied, he was going to make you regret sleeping with the boss. If that was how he was going to act, you were going to make him regret it too. Cabin boy was easy to pay off for shit duty.
”I’m sure there’s a way to convince your captain differently, if you wanted to be persuasive.”
Buggy stepped closer, bumping into your chest. His breath smelled of whiskey, his aura pulling you closer. It was like that when you joined his crew, amused instead of angry that you tried stealing from him. Buggy had a way with people, making them stay. You knew better.
”You don’t like me Buggy, simple as that. You made it clear more than once.”
He was at a loss for words, letting you walk away as he stood there. You held in your tears until you reached your room. The worst part about being on a ship was the lack of privacy. In your dreams, Buggy would proudly proclaim his love for you, in front of the whole world. Instead of letting you hover around him, the crew would judge you, yet you didn’t get special treatment when it came to chores.
He did give you his cabin to be alone in, and that was something you wished you had now. You cried softly, face down in your pillow. What did he mean earlier? What did you do first?
You heard your name called, ignoring it.
“You okay?”
It was your friend, petting your head softly. You gave a thumbs up, rubbing your face like nothing happened. She smiled, giving you the mug of coffee in her hand. The ship was set to sail for a small village, peaceful and full of gold. You chatted about the show, what your friend had planned.
“So what’s your plan?”
”I’ll probably still run the lights and curtains.”
”No, about him.”
You sighed, “he’s a grown ass man, he won’t apologize and I’m not gonna coddle him. We’re pirates for fuck’s sake.”
Surprisingly, Buggy still allowed you to run the lights. In the middle of the ring was the mayor, bound and gagged as Buggy made his grand entrance. He was nicer when the show ran smoothly, a little more willing to let people live.
And your mother had much bigger plans for you and your life.
Buggy glanced up at you, winking as he tortured the mayor for the key to the bank vault. He was still very handsome, sexy when he exerted his power over others. The gasps from the audience reminded you of the first time you saw his powers, it was intoxicating.
You used this opportunity to sneak away, heading towards his cabin. You weren’t sure what you wanted to find, his room was messy as always. You had some clothes left behind, deciding to take a pile. You searched around for your locket, not remembering if he kept it on today. The accordion was still in its case, you took that one too. If he was going to punish you for stealing your own things, so be it.
Realizing you never had the whole ship to yourself, you pushed your luck, snooping in his personal items. Sealed letters from someone, the name sounding familiar. Under a pile of scarves was a small box, you wondered if the locket was inside. Were you still willing to steal that damn thing from him?
You decided against it, running to your room and back to the tent before anyone noticed. You stood in the back, watching the show. The crew was probably going to stay here another couple of days, Buggy loved his adoring fans. You could escape if your luck ran out.
The show ended, Buggy noticing you near the entrance, he smiled and let you go on your way with the rest of the crew to drink. His words entered your mind again, what imagined transgression against him was he thinking of?
The crew liked putting on a small show for themselves, your friend waving as she flipped through the air. You’d miss this crew if you had to leave, Buggy couldn’t ruin this for you. You smiled, hoping to let this whole thing blow over.
You heard your name bellowed out from across the tent, Buggy marching straight toward you. The rest of the crew adverted their eyes, he was on a warpath.
You stood up straight, “yes, sir?”
”You were in my cabin. What did you take? Treasure? A map? Money?”
“My clothes. I had clothes there,” you stuttered.
He glanced around the room, “my cabin. Now.”
You nodded as you’re hurried past the crowd, embarrassed and slightly afraid. Thankful he wasn’t about to air out your relationship failures in the open. It didn’t mean anything good either way.
Buggy spun around as soon as the door closed, angry to the brim.
”You stole from me.”
”Yes, you did.”
”The accordion? I only took my things back.”
He waved around his room, “oh! Is that all? Nothing else? Nothing in that desk?”
You shook your head, of course he’d find out. You didn’t take anything, your only saving grace.
”I was looking for my locket,” you held up your hands, “I’m not stupid, Buggy. I only take what’s mine.”
He searched your face, the wind blowing out of his sails, he believed you.
With a laugh he shook his head, “you’re gonna be the death of me. Swear to god.”
With a nervous smile, you tried to leave. He still stopped you, lightly grabbing your arm. His eyes were filled with an emotion you couldn’t place, unsure if he could either.
“I would like to hear a song, if you’re willing to grant an audience. That’s how I’ll forgive you.”
You smile, “I’ll be right back then.”
The words slipped out so easily, the way your body moved too. You played in your youth, something you did to pass the time on long voyages. On your last ship, it was lost in the wreck. You couldn’t find a reason to get it replaced, feeling like you had no need to. You only told him about it once, in an inn months ago while you bathed together. He liked your singing, not surprised that you always been some sort of artist your whole life.
That day was when you realized you were in love with him.
”Come in, I was just uh, setting the mood, I guess.”
The cabin was dimly lit, a sheer red scarf placed over a lamp. He held up his hands, motioning you to sit on his chair. You giggled, covering up your nerves.
“Any requests, captain?”
”Oh you can call me Buggy, and uh. I dunno, dealer’s choice.”
You could only remember a song partially, singing a song of a woman left at the altar on her wedding day. The notes were fumbled, your foot tapping next to his, he hummed along not knowing the lyrics.
You had a good time despite yourself, smiling as you made up a song on the spot. You could remember simple chords, singing about the woman from the previous song taking to the sea to cut her fiancé’s head off. Buggy laughed hard at that one.
You smiled, “thanks, Bug.”
You got up to leave, Buggy stopping you again. He held his breath, thinking of something to say.
”You don’t have to leave so soon do you?”
He looked so sad, so lonely. You were certain it had to be projection on your part. He held out a hand, letting you place your fingers gently on his palm. You were in love with an image, one he displayed in full before you. You had doubts, and that was reason enough to leave.
”I can’t. I really can’t.”
He only nodded, letting you take your things with you. As you closed the door you hear him release a shuddering breath, matching the sob you were holding in yourself.
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appletaffy5 · 30 days
beeduo incorrect quotes because yes
Ranboo: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Tubbo: Peonies, why? Ranboo: Tubbo: Were you going to get me flowers? Ranboo: Tubbo: Ranboo: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Tubbo is crying after a breakup Ranboo: There there, Tubbo. Tubbo, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room? Ranboo: Great question—
Ranboo: What are you in the mood for? Tubbo: World domination. Ranboo: That's a bit ambitious. Tubbo: You are my world. Ranboo: Aww… Tubbo: Ranboo: Tubbo: Ranboo: OH.
Ranboo: So you like cats? Tubbo: Yeah. Ranboo: tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table
Ranboo: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch. Cop: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with. Ranboo: Lmao, @ Tubbo.
Tubbo, laying in bed: Get out of my room. Ranboo, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Ranboo: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Tubbo: Killed without hesitation.
Ranboo: Petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday. Tubbo: Wednesay. Ranboo: Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible.
Ranboo: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany! Ranboo, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Tubbo: WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?! HE COULD HAVE HAD HOPES AND DREAMS, HE COULD HAVE HAD A FAMILY!!! Ranboo: Tubbo- Ranboo: It- it was just an bee-
Tubbo: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Tubbo: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Ranboo, if you’re out there—
Ranboo: What do you have? Tubbo: A KNIFE! Ranboo: NO!
Ranboo: I feel like I can be myself around you. Tubbo: You’re weird and quiet around me. Ranboo: Yes.
Ranboo: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer. Tubbo: Why are we so f---ing awesome? Ranboo: That's the best f---ing question anybody's ever asked.
Tubbo: nice frontal lobe :) Tubbo: stirs it like a latte Ranboo: UVyjfejfgfdfg67e3r876YUTF7854B7TY743vKUFyju Tubbo: The process was a success.
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ivebeencursedbygays · 7 months
Kai: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany! 
Kai, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Zane: Kai, you can do anything! 
Kai: Anything? 
Zane: Anything! 
Kai, holding a torch: ANYTHING?!?! 
Zane: Wait, not that!
Cole: Guess who just found out the difference between wax paper and parchment paper the hard way? 
Nya: Wait, what’s the difference? 
Cole: One you can use in the oven safely, and the other you can also use in the oven... if the thing you are trying to make happens to be fire.
Kai: Time sensitive question how flirt boy. 
Pixal: Throw rocks at he. 
Cole: Hot Dogs. 
Morro: Kill him. 
Kai: Thanks guys.
Nya: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
Pixal: You use emojis like a straight person. 
Kai: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Kai: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? 
Jay: Peonies, why? 
Jay: Were you going to get me flowers? 
Kai: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Jay: Wow, that was quick thinking on that phony sacrifice stuff. 
Nya: Oh, that was all real. 
Jay: Wait, you were trying to help them kill us?! 
Nya: If I’m gonna be sacrificed, I’m gonna do it right.
*The gang is about to do something dangerous* 
Cole: Shouldn’t someone give a pep talk? 
Kai: Go ahead. 
Cole: Be careful. 
Cole: Don’t die. 
Pixal: *Holds back a laugh* 
Kai: Great. We’re all bloody inspired.
Cole: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. 
Jay: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? 
Cole: Somehow that's worse.
Kai: I can’t believe my birth certificate says F... 
Kai: ...How did I fail being born?
Cole: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Zane! 
Zane: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Pixal: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. 
Pixal: It's me.
Cole, in a room with Jay, Kai, and Nya: It’s calm in here. 
Cole: It scares me…
Nya: Fight me! 
Kai, standing behind them and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
Zane: Nya got into a fight. 
Kai: That’s bad. 
Kai: Did she win?
Cole: Jay, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery. 
Jay: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Kai: Is that a gun?! 
Jay: It's not what it looks like! 
Kai: It looks like a gun! 
Jay: Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore. 
Kai: ...ANYMORE?!
Kai, to the Squad: I’d die for you. 
Jay: Then perish. 
Pixal: You will. 
Nya: Please don’t. 
Cole: Cool. 
Zane: I’d die for you first.
Nya: If you got arrested what would be the charges? 
Jay: Theft. 
Zane: Disturbing the peace. 
Cole: Aggravated assault. 
Kai: Arson. 
Pixal: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Nya: You know what I asked Santa for Christmas this year? 
Jay: If you say me, I swear I’ll— 
Nya: You? What? No, I asked him for that cool Ninjago Lego set we saw in Target!
Cole, texting Zane: Zane there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it? 
Cole: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry 
Cole: Zane 
Cole: Zane 
Zane: Zane is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Pixal: A sprite is anything not static. 
Jay: A sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d. 
Cole: A sprite is a fucking soda. 
Cole: You god damn geekass bastards.
Kai: *sighs* I have no friends... 
Jay: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Zane: *tapping fingers on table* 
Cole: *taps fingers back furiously* 
Jay: …What’s going on? 
Pixal: Morse code. They’re talking. 
Zane: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - 
Cole: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Jay: *finds half a watermelon at Whole Foods* 
Jay, holding it up for everyone to see: LIES!
Kai: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. 
Nya: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Kai, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need— 
Zane: A family. 
Cole: A better love life. 
Nya: Mental stability. 
Pixal: *clueless* Bagels?
Zane: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Jay: I'm sorry. Please talk to me. 
Jay: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure? 
Kai: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
Nya: You think that’s cringe? Moms around the world wait 9 months just to end up naming their kid Jay. 
Jay: Hey, fuck you.
Jay: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Pixal: Why is Kai crying? 
Zane: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and- 
Pixal: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say- 
Pixal: NO, NOT THAT!
Zane: Hey, what have you two been up to? 
Nya: We were helping Kai write his vows, but he kicked us out because Cole was making inappropriate suggestions. 
Cole: How is “Jay, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
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ssavinggrace · 11 months
incorrect quotes but it's only Thalia
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like thalia* thalia: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
thalia: My expectations were low but holy fuck.
thalia:no problemo!
thalia, internally: But it was all problemo.
thalia: Social distancing says you shouldn't be within an elbow's distance of each other. *later, in a barfight*
thalia: Social distancing doesn't say nothing about feet! *kicks opponent in the face*
thalia: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
thalia: *gets set on fire and screams in agony* thalia: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
thalia: My heart is guarded but like… very poorly. The kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R rated movie.
thalia: I have passed the transitional stage of internet geekhood. thalia: I was cashiering at work today, and was punching in the code for plums, which is 4040, and the 0 key doesn't work this well, so I punched it in wrong. And the machine flashed up "Item Not Found: 404". thalia: And I actually laughed out loud.
thalia: I’m a bad person, I’m a very bad person, I’m a horrible person.
the seven:
thalia: No you’re not, thalia! We still love you, thalia!
thalia: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
thalia: All of your existences are confusing. .The Seven: How so? .thalia: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
thalia: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
thalia: Yeah I'm LGBT. cuLt leader. Gods hate me personally. cowBoy hat. *sniffles* Trying my best.
thalia, working at McDonald's: Sorry sir, we don't serve a McFuck here, so either you throw that one slice of pickle out or we're gonna have a McProblem.
thalia: *spits mouthful of blood onto floor* You’ve become far more powerful since we last crossed paths. Dentist: Please stop, there’s literally a sink right next to you.
thalia: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany! thalia, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
thalia: get in loser! we're committing vehicular manslaughter!!
thalia: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
thalia: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
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It Happened Quiet (DBS Broly x Superpowered! Reader)
(I gave the reader powers because I can 😈; implied future romance, ‘I can fix him’ literature)
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When she’d first discovered her way with words, Y/N had been afraid to speak. There wasn’t a way she could control it. It hurt the people she loved, and only brought bad luck. Her voice only brought her fear—so she lived in silence.
Never did the possibility of helping someone with her power occur to her. Never did she think it would save the people she loved so dearly.
“Y/N, you good?!”
I looked up at Bulma incredulously and shook my head, but nothing could really compare to being able to shout no, i’m not fucking okay. But I’d given up shouting, at least until it became the last resort after our Saiyans got defeated. So I bit my lip hard enough to taste blood, hid behind Whis, and muscled through the horribly disorienting feeling that only comes from watching gods battle—after all, I was one of those gods’ backup plan.
I bit back a scream as a stray blast exploded next to us, flying to my feet in terror—I should be at home, cuddled up on the sofa with a couple of chocolate brownies, watching some dumb soap opera or prank show on tv! Not shitting myself surrounded by a sea of lava, feeling the literal world quaking around me, risking my fucking life just in case the weapon of mass destruction inside my throat might come in handy. They had no idea how lucky they were I physically couldn’t complain. Well, Whis aside.
Then—a scream.
My stomach flipped at the sound of Goku’s agonized cry and I looked out from behind the refuge of Whis to see what had happened. I almost yelped as a body flew directly past my face, and Goku’s body crashed into the rock. I looked to Vegeta on the ground next to Bulma, totally out of commission as well. My shoulders slumped. It was definitely about to be my turn. I signed, asking of Goku was okay, Bulma watched my hands, then turned to him.
“Goku, Y/N’s asking if you’re okay!”
He smiled weakly. “I’m…”
I rose my eyebrows.
“I’m gonna need a minute…”
A gentle swoop in the air behind me made me whirl around in alarm, seeing Whis calmly evade the rabid Saiyan as he roared in frustration, throwing punches and kicks furiously. My stomach clenched into a fist. I was definitely going to die.
Focusing on what I could control, I turned to Bulma, signing again.
Tell Goku to Instant Transmission all of you, I instructed.
“What? Why?”
I’m going to talk the crazy one down, you guys need to be out of the way.
She paled visibly in the glow of the lava. “Don’t need to tell me twice. Help me with Vegeta.”
He let out a pained groan as we struggled with his weight, but ultimately managed to drag him over next to Goku.
“Goku,” Bulma said, nudging him.
“Sorry,” she apologized, “Can you Instant Transmission us out of here?”
I turned to check in on Whis and the Saiyan—Whis was barely even moving. With a relieved sigh, I nodded to Bulma.
Get out of here.
“We’re out! C’mon Goku.”
“Uh-huh,” he muttered, trying to lift his arm.
“Oh—do you—do—“
“I…I got it.”
“It really doesn’t look—“
His arm finally lifted and curled, and they disappeared. I stared at the empty ground for a moment, then braced myself at I turned around.
The angel cooly turned his gaze to me, dodging the Saiyan’s attacks.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Bring him over here! I got this!”
Whis rose his eyebrows, considering him, then looking back to me.
“Do you?”
“Just get him over here!”
“If you insist…”
In a flash, Whis landed in front of me.
“He’s coming, shall I move—“
“Oh my god, he’s huge—“
“It’s good, I’m good, just stay close in case I need a quick escape.”
I stepped out from behind Whis, fixing my eyes on the crazed, bloodthirsty pair that shifted to meet mine. My heart jumped at the Saiyan’s devilish grin upon finding a new target, but I held my ground, swallowing. My voice would work, it always works, there was no reason to think otherwise. I looked to Whis, gesturing and jutting my head to tell him to get out of earshot. He nodded and hovered, flying away. The green-haired berserker snarled at the sight of Whis departing and flew after him until—
His head immediately snapped towards me. I fixed my gaze on his and relaxed my shoulders. The thought of getting a giant, glowing, green-haired and completely nuts Saiyan to obey my words, let alone hear them seemed incredulous.
“Come here,” I commanded.
Just as I’d feared, he only stared in confusion, then shifted his attention to where Whis once was, but he’d disappeared. He growled as she searched the area, then fixed his eyes on me again. My stomach dropped. Oh, fuck.
He started to fly closer to me, clearly sizing me up. I wasn’t going to give him a good fight, but I doubt a berserk Saiyan has such epicurean tastes in who they pummel into the ground. I gulped, holding his chilling stare as he closed in.
“Stop,” I said weakly.
His ignored my voice, and my stomach flipped. Shit, I was too scared. I needed to calm down. I closed my eyes, feeling the air grow static around me as he got closer. I opened my eyes, looking up to meet his gaze.
He halted, and relief flooded my body. I let out a shaky breath, then smiled.
“Calm down,” I gently told him, “You don’t need to fight anymore.”
I watched with slight amazement as the tension in his shoulders released, and his hair slowly began to turn black again. The rage that clouded his eyes started to clear.
“Come here.”
He coasted over and landed in front of me. I swallowed, feeling my legs buckle as I was dwarfed by his towering, muscular figure. I glanced up, hoping to meet his eyes, but I only got an eyeful of his chest. I craned my neck to meet his eyes behind his dark hair. He was staring at me in bewilderment, and I’m sure I was doing the same.
“No more fighting,” I said, “The fight’s over.”
He frowned, muttering to me. “…Over?”
I nodded. “It’s done.”
He didn’t seem convinced. “But…”
He looked away, posture sinking.
“What is it,” I asked.
He frowned, then fell silent. I lifted my hand slowly so as not to startle him.
“May I?”
After considering my for a moment, he nodded.
I reached out and gently touched his arm. He tensed in surprise but relaxed soon after. I closed my eyes, seeing a blur of images—crashing and loud roars and unbearable thirst—until it finally zeroed in on a large silhouette. It was a man. He was hunched over, leaned against the mouth of a cave. Although I couldn’t see it, I knew he was frowning deeply.
“You were meant for more than this, Broly,” he said gruffly, “That bastard—King Vegeta—he did this to us. He’s reason why we suffer like this.”
His head turned to us. I swallowed, feeling uneasy. I didn’t like the feeling of being under his gaze.
“We will avenge ourselves, son.”
I heard thunder rumbling in the sky.
“I’ll make sure we get the justice we deserve.”
Lighting struck behind the man and my ears filled with agonized screams—I was blinded by pale white light, then blasts and battle cries, and in the midst, I could see the cold, dead body of a strange bearded man in a purple skirt. Wait—I’d seen him before, he was here, not just a moment ago…was he dead? My thoughts were violently interrupted as cold sweats covered my entire body as a shock of pain snaked up my entire arm and I pulled away from him, crying out despite myself. Gripping my wrist, I watched as my hand shook uncontrollably and turned to look back at Broly. He had crouched down in concern.
“You’re hurt,” he said softly.
I shook my head, trying to reassure him. “No, no, I—“
“I’m sorry…it’s my fault.”
He kneeled down, reaching for my hands and taking them in his. I froze, watching his large hands engulf mine. Despite their gentle hold I could feel the power coursing through them—power I just witnessed.
“I…know the shaking.”
I looked up at his face with more ease. His features were rough, but his countenance gave them a delicacy and care that was mystifying. He felt my stare and looked at me, but I timidly averted my gaze.
The tremors throughout my arm and hand went away as he carefully squeezed my hand a few times. It felt strangely warm between his palms; I wonder if he was using ki. I slowly took my hand back and he easily let go.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Ah, lovely, it seems you’ve tamed him.”
The pleasant lilt of Whis’s voice made my spine go erect with inexplicable embarrassment and quickly move away from Broly. I cleared my throat.
“Anyone left”, I asked.
“All that seems to be left is Lord Frieza…although he seems to be less interested in keeping up our little skirmish.”
I moved past Whis to fix my eyes on Freiza’s small form in the distance, my stomach twisting with disgust and fear. A pang of shame always followed when I remembered I still feared him, but I had to cut myself some slack—it was Freiza, after all.
“If Freiza’s all that’s left, this fight’s over.”
If anyone knows the extent of my abilities, it’s him. Despite the fact I could feel that he was staring at me from so far away, I turned around, looking at Whis.
“We should leave.”
“And what of…I’m sorry, I never got your name,” Whis remarked, turning his attention to the Saiyan.
“Broly,” he said.
I looked towards him again, but broke my gaze when I realized he was still watching me.
“Well, Broly…where do you have to go?”
“My father,” he said quietly.
Whis nodded. “Your father died on the battlefield, am I correct?”
Broly shrunk even more. “Yes. It was…my fault.”
I caught myself, going back to signing again. Broly eyed my hands in confusion.
Your fault?
“Y/N is asking why it’s your fault,” Whis said.
He looked at me soulfully, his dark eyes filled with guilt and fear.
“I lost control. I always do…I hurt him…”
He fixed his eyes on the ground and his hair hid his face. I swallowed at the familiarity.
“Well, then, what are we to do,” Whis muttered to himself.
A glowing light suddenly surrounded Broly that made me jump back in alarm—was he that upset? I yelped and grabbed onto Whis as he shot up from the ground and into the sky. I watched in bewilderment until my eyes settled on Shenron and his subsequent departure. A wish?
Not too long after, a small ship flew into the darkened skies after Broly into space. Whis and I shared a look and I awkwardly let him go.
“Seems like that problem is solved; shall we reunite with Goku and the others?”
I stared quietly with a soft ache of disappointment.
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chairteeth · 4 months
This week for my @magireco-minibang fic, I grant you a tiny peek into Touka's childhood. If you notice that these teasers have been a lot less descriptive than most of my works... heh. That may or may not be on purpose.
Project partner: @karinmisono
“Touka, are you sure you can read all of this?”
Small Touka looked up into her older sister’s concerned red eyes. “Of course I can! Just hold those books for me, okay?”
“I thought you were going to paint or sew today…”
Touka groaned. “I’d much rather continue learning. These books are about the sky, I think, and I really want to know more about it. And they’re Father’s books, right?”
“Well, yes…”
“Then I’m also learning more about him through reading his collection!”
She stood on her tiptoes to try and grab the last book she needed from the shelf, but it was too high up for her to reach. One of her more silent sisters took it and handed it down to her.
“Thank you,” she said politely, setting the tome on top of the other two she’d been carrying. She had to remember her manners. She found her way to the white sofa rested against the wall and tucked her layered skirt beneath her to sit down. “Okay, this one is about… constellations.”
Her red-eyed sister loomed over her shoulder, brown bangs covering one eye when she did. “Are you sure this is a good idea? You know you can’t go outside. Wouldn’t it be better not to know?”
“And die of boredom? Nope! Besides, it’s my birthday, isn’t it? I should get to do whatever I want. No, I should get to do… how old am I?”
“Nine years today,” her sister mumbled, sorrow dimming her eyes.
“Yeah, so I should get to do nine things I want today! You all have to do whatever I say until I run out.”
“That reminds me, you wanted to come here today… Normally, you’d prefer to stay in your room.”
Touka sighed. “My room makes me want to throw myself into a paper shredder lately. I wish we could renovate my entire wing of our home, at least. It’s so…” she opened the dictionary she’d taken to keeping at her side and sought out the word she was thinking of to make sure the meaning was the right one. “Dreary. Are you gonna let me read?”
“Sorry. You’re a smart girl, Touka. I didn’t mean to imply you can’t handle the knowledge. We all know how much you love to learn. Go ahead.”
She let out a proud huff at the praise and started looking through the book.
“‘A constellation is a group of stars that appear to form a recognizable shape or pattern in the sky.’ Like giant connect-the-dots puzzles? We have those at home. ‘They are formally defined regions of the celestial sphere. Imagine the sky as a giant dome surrounding the Earth. Constellations are like countries drawn on that dome, outlining specific areas. While individual stars move through space, the stars within a constellation tend to maintain the same relative positions over long stretches of time. However, it’s important to remember that the stars within a constellation are rarely related to each other in space; they simply appear close together from our vantage point on Earth.’ Do they…? ‘Beyond their cultural significance, constellations were vital navigational tools. Sailors at sea used the stars to determine their location and direction, while farmers would track the constellations to know the changing seasons. For example, the rise of the constellation we know as Orion (the Hunter) signaled the arrival of winter in many cultures . Even today, stargazers and astronomers alike rely on constellations as signposts in the night sky.’ So they also serve as compasses or maps… I’ve never gotten lost here, but it’s pretty massive, maybe I could try cartography?”
The book went on to talk about the eighty-eight constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union. Touka realized as she read that she didn’t know much about the state of the world, its countries and governments. She frowned. That felt like an important gap in her knowledge.
“Big Sis, did Father have stuff I could read to learn about the countries of the world?”
Her sister put down the books she’d been holding and scratched her head. “I believe he had an atlas somewhere, and statistical reports about Japan as well as other countries. Say the word and we’ll look for it.”
Touka smiled. “Yay!”
Her attention was drawn back to the pictures of the night sky, white dots connected to form different shapes. Delicate fingertips traced over the lines, longing, but for what? Even if she could go outside, it wasn’t like she could fly, and she was pretty sure she’d die if she tried to go into space. Not that her life mattered very much to her. It hadn’t been enjoyable like in the stories she’d read, at all.
Maybe she was too young to say that for certain. Maybe all she had to do was wait. And wait, and wait, and wait… Touka didn’t remember a time where she’d done anything but waiting. Had she not taken matters into her own hands, she was almost sure her soul would have wasted away with how little there was to do at home. Her thoughts drifted to an incident the prior month, where two of her brothers had dragged her away from the basement.
“The walls were black, like my room… I didn’t think it was off-limits. I’d never been there before. Everyone was so worried… They told me the basement is dangerous. Why would the basement be dangerous…? No one said anything, but they’d never handled me so roughly before, and they looked genuinely upset that something terrible could’ve happened to me…”
Touka was going to need to investigate the basement more.
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squid789 · 1 month
17, 24, 27, 28
Always interested in learning about other’s writing process! :)
Oh hi there!!! New friend!!
17. talk about your writing and editing process
Hmmmmm, I feel like its changed a lot recently, especially since I started working with beta readers (everyone say hi to @eomma-jpeg and @re-l!). So I will be specifically talking about the process for After Eden! I was still writing Sea Foam when Lace and I came up with AE, mostly because I was reevaluating Blank Ticket. We swapped ideas for days and eventually we had a 14 page document that went from just a few plot points I wanted to hit to a couple of arcs in order. And then I left this document for a month or two because of work obligations! But in my downtime, I started to plan the first arc’s chapters, still with loose details. I usually try to get a good count of how many chapters are gonna be in the arc so I have a bit of a map to go off of. And when I start a new chapter, I’ll take some time to plan out the chapter details scene by scene. In chapter 17 for example I wanted to further the NLBC drama and look, it's another lunch club scene! Because those are fun to write and I really like writing Stefan, but he doesn’t know what Meryl is after, so what does Meryl do about that? Gets nosey! And that was about as much detail as I’ll ever go into for planning. Writing is a lot more fluid I think. Because sometimes you’ll add a detail or a line of dialogue and it changes the trajectory of the chapter or even the story! And I really love when that happens! Because it’s, like, wow this feels real and the characters are doing neat things! The chapters for AE are a lot longer than either BT or SF and just because of the content right now, along with general burn out, it does take me a lot longer to get chapters out. Some folks may remember the insane posting schedule of BT. And then comes editing!! I usually give chapters a quick read over before handing them off to my betas. There are a few typos that I do make consistently, so ctrl F is my best friend! While typos are definitely controlled for, I usually ask lace and re-l to focus more on pacing and flow because I want it to be a well written story. Sometimes I get it one, but other times I have to rewrite whole sections. As the writer I do have final say in how editing goes, but I do respect their opinions and expertise and there’s something really nice about creating with friends! Probably way more detailed than you were looking for but I’m procrastinating on chapter 18 rn so oh well!
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Oh man. I really don’t know. There was a period of time early this year where I might have been going through a depressive episode or something and ending up deleting most of my creative works off the internet for a while, After Eden and some ficlets included. I could not touch my tablet or my laptop for weeks without feeling absolute dread. But man I still kept trying to strong arm into creating and that was a bad bet. DON’T DO THAT!!!! So these days, I’ve been throwing myself into Stardew Valley and just swapping au ideas with friends! Makes it a little easier! When work starts back up next month, I’ll have another distraction >:3
27. your favorite part of the writing process
Definitely brainstorming!! It’s just so incredibly fun playing with scenes in my head or even with friends because nothing is set in stone yet. So the possibilities are endless! I am still definitely doing this for AE and we now have 3 separate endings! 
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Hard to say, each part had pros and cons. But for the sake of simplicity, I will say writing. I have my strengths (mostly in scientific technical writing since that’s like half of my career lol) and man symbolism and feelings are not my forte. I really try, but having to write anything halfway poetic and introspective makes me feel kinda hopeless. But man, let me write a trippy dream sequence, and I’m your gal. 
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notstilinski · 1 year
Abbott Elementary Starters !
Taken from season two the 2022 ABC series, Abbott Elementary! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers!
“I took it as an opportunity to grow. Not physically, of course, because I can’t reach the top shelves in my apartment.”
“Sea (Name) is very different than Land (Name).”
“If this is what they expect of us, it’s can’t be unrealistic.”
��Are you about to get evicted?!”
“I thought coming into work a full adult would be my solution, but I’m drowning.”
“I get it now. I’m not not a fan.”
“Then why do I have to see Chris Pratt everywhere?!”
“Oh, I don’t do that anymore. Because I’m in therapy and anger management.”
“Oh, we don’t take bribes — That aren’t in the form of money.”
“I think she’s saying I’m a broke boi.”
“(Name), I said that I don’t want to go to a strip club with you.”
“I hope all the kids aren’t here today. Yesterday, almost everybody was in attendance and it almost broke me.”
“You don’t want to be a corny legend.”
“Ya’ll gotta stop playing God with that boy’s life.”
“I’m not in the mood to improve-d at.”
“(Name) tells me I sound like a lesbian. I’m working on that.”
“And one of those is the right side, which is mine.”
“Are you two in a fight? Looks like ya’ll in a fight.”
“Poison? You know I ain’t poisoning anybody. If I’m taking someone out, I want to watch them go.”
“I’m starting to think that I didn’t grow into the person I’m proud of because of it, but maybe I did despite of it.”
“What’s that I taste? The taste of sweet victory?”
“Who does everybody get so surprised when I say I’ll help? I’m a professional.”
“You time yourself going to the second floor?”
“It don’t count if I don’t have my Fitbit on.”
“I haven’t seen you this made since the bartender cut you off at the batting cages.”
“Disguises, crime, looking hot? These are my specialities.”
“Okay, well, thank you for the donation to my mouth.”
“I’m just one of those people where chaos really affects my mood so I’m just gonna call it a day.”
“Ghost, ghouls and new friends.”
“Oh, like y’all came tell these moderately attractive white men with bears apart.”
“You truly do have the taste of a middle aged midwestern mama.”
“And now you’ve made me an accessory.”
“I Googled it. But I like to maintain that aura of dark mystery.”
“This is cutting into my pre happy hour hour.”
“All these wasted eggs when the (Name) is in town. Now I’ve got to throw a Molotov cocktail at their bus.”
“And I want to shield them with the best defense: Positivity.”
“The emergency is… I don’t feel like it right now.”
“Merry Capitalism to you all.”
“You know what? They’re a lot like paint fumes. Small doses? Fine — Even somewhat enjoyable. But too much just gives you a headache.”
“Yeah, after I introduce myself, you know. Start dating, get super clingy, abs go through his phone he might be.”
“That’s right. Now go ahead and make Juvenile proud.”
“Is that my work husband grinding on my work nemesis?”
“I’m sorry, you look like you’re in deep thought.”
“I drink a lot of Snapple so I kind of know some facts.”
“I know plenty of people who have counted me out before and, while I have absolutely no way of confirming this, I’m positive they’re all dead.”
“Sorry, so your- You dad, he hired an actor to play his child instead of just asking you?”
“Don’t look at me like that, he gave me his number.”
“I was both the hostage negotiator and the hostage.”
“Well, I’m a pacifist. You mess with me, I’ll pass a fist across your face.”
“We are watching the first Toy Story because the third one makes me cry.”
“What in the Earth, Wind and Fire is going on here?!”
“Okay. She’s robbed a child.”
“Aw. Disposable income.”
“Do you want to pinch my cheeks? My mom says it helps.”
“Well, that was before I realized that I have an insecure attachment style. I now recognize it for the disdain that it is.”
“I don’t think an adult has ever apologized to me before.”
“I will kick your (Name)-loving Valentine’s Day ass right out of this building.”
“Shame. So hot, yet so annoying.”
“I am one minor inconvenience away from putting this whole day in rice.”
“Mandates are nothing more than fervent suggestions.”
“Just because you got a round face like the Teletubbies sun baby doesn’t mean that the world revolves around you.”
“It’s cool that no matter what I do, no one is happy.”
“Let’s say that (Name) has a bubbly personality to cover up deep-seated mommy issues.”
“The silver lining about dating is that you only have to be correct about someone /once./“
“Last night, as the kids would say, was a film.”
“That is bisexual erasure. I expected better from you.”
“You’re a dork but you’re messy.”
“Weird cash floating around? Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Come on. Let’s go bully some sensitive artists.”
“Now you two need to get on board. Who we fighting first?”
“That’s why Mothers Day was invented. So less mothers would leave their families.”
“Don’t give Jesus my credit.”
“Nothing good has ever come from nerds whispering.”
“It’s because you abandon people, and it’s nice to finally hear you say it out loud.”
“People had hopes for you, and they gave up on me!”
“I get why you left (Name), it just kind of felt like you left me, too.”
“My night terrors have spread into day terrors. I can’t tell if I’m asleep right now or if this is some kind of waking nightmare.”
“Why can’t you ever give me credit for a good idea?”
“My lies don’t discriminate.”
“Never have I been so happy to hear such explicit content.”
“At the end of the day, they have to decide who they want to be. And this one decided to be a jackass.”
“So what you’re going to do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off, come back here tomorrow and do your job.”
“People have thrown dirt on my name, others have given flowers. It’s all a garden to me.”
“I love the company of others. But I’m trying to like my own.”
“I’m just gonna go back to avoiding her and never asking her for anything.”
“You would beat my ass, wouldn’t you?”
“The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.”
“Note to self: New way to manipulate. Step one: have a daughter. Step two: Play the long game.”
“I’m a master forager. My speciality? Mushrooms.”
“I don’t know how to leave this conversation.”
“I’m counting on those tiny fists for very precise blows.”
“Yeah. I take all your recommendations seriously — I want to know why you like stuff.”
“Uh-uh. I don’t like clanks in bags. Clank-clank leads to clink-clink.”
“No wonder your dad’s a landscaper, the way you beat around the bush.”
“You need to be better at hiding things with your face.”
“Everybody I like knows it. (Name) and Diego Luna has seen my tweets.”
“If I don’t get a smooth eleven hours, I get a little handsy.”
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fizzydreamz · 1 month
Mission Update: Escape to a nearby Galaxy.
A/N Hi guys! It’s been a while hasn’t it? I only wrote one space fantasy thing so here’s some more!
“So what now?” Clyde asked, slouching against the wall of the trains bathroom. “You got away from the guards. So what’s your next huge plan?”
“Give me a moment to think, will ya?” Magnus snapped. His hands tightly gripping the edges of the sink. The wishing star was right. What was his next move? Even if he escaped to another planet they’d just track him down and find him again. “Shit.” He cursed. “The only way to get these bastards off my back is to escape this galaxy in its entirety.”
“You want to try and escape the galaxy?” Clyde snickered. “You know how risky that is? Especially with you being a high wanted criminal?”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Magnus frowned, throwing a harsh glare in the mirror at him. He paused, a light bulb lighting up in his brain. “…But luckily, I’ve got myself a wishing star to make all my problems easier.” That glare turned slowly into a look of mischief. It made Clyde shiver and press himself against the wall even more.
“Hey hey! Listen, you’ve only got two wishes left for the month, okay?! Remember I have to recharge every time you use all three of them!” He panicked.
“Yeah, you told me that part already. But still it’s better than nothing.” Getting up, Magnus walked over to the small window of the bathroom, admiring the galaxy’s endless dark void. The star dust that flew by and the other planets that were miles of miles away made him long for freedom. To start a new life. He had to get out as soon as possible. “Alright, I’ve got another wish for you.” He turned to the black haired man.
“Another wish?” Clyde repeated. “You know that’s two in a-“
“I know, I said what I said.” Magnus butted in, stepping closer. His larger frame shadowing over Clyde’s. “I want another wish and I’m gonna get it, got it?”
“Uh..of course! Your wish is my command! What will it be?”
“Good. Give me a new set of clothes to exchange for this prison attire. Make sure it’s something that’ll help me blend in.”
“Your wish is my command.” Clyde replied.
⭐️Moot Tags⭐️: @kuroii-chan @captain-liminal @xevcrowe @naptuning @themoonisbeautifulisnt-it @casp1an-sea @coffeeartz
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