#I’m mostly posting this here cuz I thought it might make some of you giggle
parttimesarah · 8 months
I made a lil linocut print…
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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HEY THERE PEOPLE OF TODAY AND ROBOTS OF TOMORROW! IT'S ME, CLARK! There is a madness deep in the dark catacombs of Castle Clarkenstein. For years these claustrophobic corridors have been the home of the ghoulish giraffe himself, watching as the world passes by. He prefers it this way. It gives him more time alone with the voices. The voices tell him many strange things. Yet they always come back to one: make more monsters! Everyday they tell him this. Everyday he is unable to comply. Hey, being a mad scientist on a budget means he can’t afford the fancy scientific equipment needed to breathe life into newborn abominations. Guy’s gotta afford pizza somehow. Luckily, he has discovered a way of sorts to please the voices. During all those years of watching, Dr. Clarkenstein noticed a particular pattern. Every night during October saw artists posting new pictures based on peculiar prompts. Many of them based on children of the night. While the spotted specter might not be able to craft new zombies, he can sure as heck sketch’m! As such, I provide this friendly warning to you all now: Be afraid. Few people can survive the horrors that are DUDELZ of the Damned!
By that I mean I decided to do my own take on Sketchtober this year just minus the prompts. Anybody gotta problem with that? Tough, cuz I already drew this crap so you might as well check it out.
Octoberfair has returned to Clarksburg! Based on the German festival of a similar name, adults are invited to partake in food and beer sampling while the kids run around and play. Since this is an Americanized version of the event, naturally the events lean heavily on Halloween theming more than fall itself. Hence carnival attractions like The Haunted House, Down the Zombie, a FEARis Wheel, and of course the Creepy Corn Maze! It’s here we find Bumper and Xena, the two out to have fun as Crocie feeds on pumpkin-spiced funnel cake in the main tent. Bumper would’ve stayed with his fat friend for it not for Xena presenting her pal with a wager. Should he escape the corn maze before her, without the aid of any of his phantom powers, he may pick their Halloween costumes for this year. Having the perfect costumes in mind, Bumper accepted his alien friend’s terms, thinking this would be a piece of pumpkin pie. About a minute in was enough to prove the little ghoul wrong. He was constantly set upon by scare actors whenever he wasn’t lost in the paths of corn. Just as the floating marshmallow was about to throw in the towel, a rustling noise made its way through the stalks. His fear was immediately replaced by interest when the source of the noise turned out to be a black cat named Kiki. Like always, it didn’t take long for Bumper to befriend the feline, who led Bumper out of the maze. Xena followed close behind, congratulating her best buddy on a job well done. When asked how he did it, the ghost revealed he had some help. Yet when he turned to introduce Xena to Kiki, the cat was gone. What happened to her?
Who knows, cuz she’s not gonna be a recurring character. Sorry folks, the Samp Gang doesn’t need a pet. Their quota of mostly silent, largely adorable companions has already been met by the giggling lil’ ghouly himself. Adding a cat to the mix would just complicate things and draw attention away from our main four heroes. If I’m feeling nice I’ll have Kiki pop up in future Halloween pictures, but for now I just wanted to draw Bumper being friendly to a black cat. Personally I’ve always thought it was weird how they were associated with bad luck when they’re such adorable fuzzballs. Considering Crocie’s stories are about finding kindred spirits in the most peculiar places, I figured a black cat would fit the bill nicely. Of course I had to name it after one of my favorite cartoon witches, but I had trouble deciding on either Luz or Kiki. Only after I ran the names and sketch by my friend @the-pale-servant did I settle for Kiki. I hope you all enjoy her and this DUDEL!
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sugawara--san · 4 years
alright i started watching naruto earlier this week and just some things i'd like to say:
90% of the time i am yelling at the screen for people to stop disrespecting my boy naruto and like, pumping my fist cheering for him???
love when they play the music™ and i know some awesome asskicking is about to take place
i also really love it when they do the hand signs can't tell ya why it just makes me happy lmao
kakashi. that's it that's the thought
okay usually when i watch a show i will have like one favorite and i'll like some of the others but here there are just SO many that i fuckin love?
naruto just might have to be my fav but after him it is VERY close between a whole bunch of them
he is BABY and deserves so much love and respect and is also such a badass. his determination and the way he inspires?? *chef's kiss*
in the beginning i thought my fav was gonna be sasuke cuz yknow we love a hothead emo
but somewhere naruto pulled ahead and then sasuke was gone for a bajillion episodes and suddenly a whole shit ton of others were occupying all of my brainspace
like shikamaru? love him. what an absolute badass genius. unmatched strategy
hinata? BABY. love her. a total baddie. cry whenever she's onscreen. admire her determination just like naruto
kiba? i know almost nothing about him but god i love him. he is so pretty and also i love the pup. would love more kiba content
rock lee? cracks me tf up. is awesome and a sweetheart. died when he took off the leg weights lmao i feel so bad for him tho :(
shino? BEST BUGGY BOY. love the mysterious vibe. is a lowkey baddie. i laughed for five minutes at that one post of him crying watching a bug's life. applauded when naruto dubbed him as one of the powerhouses.
okay but is it just me or would the leaf village kiddos as a whole just have like excellent style
the byakugan is cool and the fight between hinata and neji was double cool
the fight between naruto and neji had me so hyped i couldn't fall asleep omg
i am a sucker for naruhina. them during the chunin exams was super touching and adorable. but i'm worried it's gonna take naruto forever to notice and realize. i know it will djnsnwjfhjs fuck
i want more team 7 bonding
also bonding in like all the relationships between the leaf village kiddos
sasuke calling bitches he fights clowns we love to see it
there are so many characters usually one will have been introduced and i go "wow i don't think i'm gonna like them what a dick/creep/freak/bitch" LMAO and then they get an episode w them and/or their backstory in it and i'm like AW:( and have to take back what i said
like i disliked pretty much everyone in the other groups at the start of chunin exams cuz i thought they were just gonna be villains and then? no??
the fight between gaara and naruto was cool but mostly it was sad to see those two sad bois
also i have to say i haven't seen them all yet ofc but so far the first opening just goes harder than the rest
idk if this makes sense but the whole first opening is the team 7 dynamic i want :((
FUCK i wanna say plz don't touch sasuke but they're gonna fuckin do it aren't they :( noo
they fuckin did it sasuke don'T
okay i felt bad for neji when they gave his backstory but i was still salty for hinata lmao and i kinda thought he was still a bitch but on this team i'm actually starting to like him?
why do naruto and sasuke fight so much ugh and yall are just gonna pretend you're not besties who care for and admire each other?? okay then
how fucking SAD and CONFUSED naruto is @ sasuke AW NO
rock lee drunk fighting is def never something i've thought of before but now i will, regularly
the sand siblings are back in businesssss like i said i hated like all the other groups but now i'm excited cuz i feel like the gaara redemption is gonna be good and wholesome
aw gaara
sasuke what the FUCK are you DOING I AM MAD ABOUT IT WHAT THE HELL
please stop this :(
aw poor baby sasuke
"you have to kill your best friend" okay ay least sasuke is acknowledging that they're best friends jesus fuCK
catch me crying
NARUTO IS SUCH A BADASS AHHHH and they way he is kicking ass but like out of love i love to see it
i am so fuckin emotional right now their bond
sasuke put on the headband tho :(((
holy fuckin shiT
i honestly feel like i'm being attacked
shikamaru crying nooo
no one will read this but i think that concludes my week one thoughts, folks
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
but ALSO okay so first of all thank you so much for the ficlets so far they are Adorable and i love them so much. second of all i am so glad you opened prompts again bcuz. i have. smth ive been wanting to read for a WHILE. so. prompt: junior generation post-canon, they all have super high standards for romantic partners cuz they spend time with Super Lovey Dovey WangXian. not like jiang cheng's List but smth a la Tenille Arts's Somebody Like That iykwim
i hope its not too late to insert a detail to my prompt!!! (i ran outta chara space in the og prompt message and then forgot ^^" ) but theres just one thing!! i really wanna see!!!! in the wangxian spoiling each other bit!!!!! (and the juniors being all That is Love Why Should We Settle For Less) -- i want lan zhan walkin around at one point with his hair in a braid and flowers braided in!!! and if asked he gets all soft and looks at it and is like "wei ying did it" ahhh i love the image <3
can anybody find me (somebody to love)
by stiltonbasket
“Wei-qianbei, we’re getting old enough to go courting now,” Jingyi says eagerly; but he’s a horrible liar who lies, because he and Sizhui are only nineteen, and Jin Ling doesn’t come of age until early winter. “What do you think we should put on our list of requirements?” 
(Or, the one where Jin Rulan visits the Cloud Recesses, contemplates his love life, and gets a new point of view on the Lan sect's taxation policy.)
Jin Ling is seventeen the year his dajiu marries Hanguang-jun, and finally gives Jin Ling the right to call Lan Sizhui his cousin. Sizhui’s always been his cousin, of course—they’ve been cousins since Jin Ling was born, even if neither of them knew it—but he couldn’t say so, because that would mean telling everyone that Sizhui was born a Wen. And telling everyone that Sizhui was a Wen would lead to terrible things, so Jin Ling keeps his mouth shut until after his dajiu’s wedding.
“You could just say that he was born to us during the Sunshot Campaign!” Wei Wuxian laughed, when he finally heard why Jin Ling wanted him to hurry up and take his three bows with Hanguang-jun. “Half the cultivation world already thinks he’s ours, anyway.”
But regardless of whether he could call Sizhui his biao-ge in public, Sizhui is first and foremost a very dear friend; and so are Lan Jingyi and A-Qing and Ouyang Zizhen, though Jin Ling’s best friend is probably Zizhen, just like Sizhui’s is Jingyi. He visits them in Gusu as often as he can, since all of them save Zizhen live there, and even Zizhen hangs around the Cloud Recesses more often than not. 
“Don’t you have a clan of your own?” Jin Ling frowns, when he visits his dajiu around midsummer to find the younger boy eating xiaolongbao in the jingshi’s new kitchen. “How come you’re still here, A-Zhen? The lectures ended weeks ago!”
“I’m almost sixteen,” Zizhen yawns, reaching for a shallow dish of black vinegar and soaking a salted mushroom in it. “Father says I’m old enough to go where I like, and Lan-xiansheng said I could keep studying with the Lan disciples as long as I stayed.”
“You’re just here for the food,” grumbles Jin Ling. His dajiu is a good cook when he doesn’t cover everything in chili peppers, and Jiujiu once told him in confidence that Wei-dajiu’s food was the closest Jin Ling would ever get to having his mother’s. But a steaming plate of xiaolongbao lands in front of Jin Ling before he can really start thinking about that, and then his baby cousin crawls into his lap and steals one of the soup dumplings.
“Ling-gege pays taxes,” three-year-old Lan Yu says serenely, poking a hole in the xiaolongbao and sucking out the broth. “Xiao-Yu can have one more?”
“Taxes?” Jin Ling stares at him. “What in the world does he mean?”
Wei Wuxian laughs and comes back over to give him another succulent soup dumpling to replace the one Xiao-Yu stole. “He’s pretending to be the sect leader,” he explains, ruffling Jin Ling’s hair on his way back to the stove. “And he found out about tax management this morning, since Lan Zhan and Xichen-ge are thinking about lifting the luxury tax on goods from some of the minor sects. But A-Yu thinks taxes are presents for the sect leader, so…”
“One more bao tax for xiao-Lan-zongzhu!” Xiao-Yu says imperiously, holding out his chubby hands. “Ling-gege give, please?”
“That is not polite, Xiao-Yu,” Hanguang-jun scolds, sweeping into the kitchen with A-Yuan and Jingyi behind him and A-Qing bringing up the rear. He lifts Xiao-Yu into his arms and sits him down on the bench next to Zizhen, and then he reaches up for a stack of patterned bowls and passes them around to the others. 
Jin Ling still hasn’t gotten used to eating at the Chief Cultivator’s table, even if Hanguang-jun is technically his uncle now. Sometimes Hanguang-jun even does the cooking, and feeds Wei-dajiu with his own chopsticks while everyone else watches, and then Jin Ling tries to choke himself to death on the bamboo shoots in his yan du xian before deciding that Lanling can’t afford to lose the first decent zongzhu it’s had since his great-grandfather’s time. 
“I wish I was married,” Ouyang Zizhen sighs dreamily, resting his cheek on his hand as Xiao-Yu tries to steal his dumplings next. On his other side, A-Qing’s cheeks flush crimson, and she stares resolutely down at her hands while Hanguang-jun offers her a plate of savory vegetables. “It looks so nice, Wei-qianbei.”
“It is nice,” Wei-dajiui winks—and oh, gross, because Hanguang-jun is blushing now, and staring at Wei Wuxian as if he’s the most amazing thing in the world. “Marrying Lan Zhan is the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“Mm,” Hanguang-jun says quietly, putting a heaping spoonful of potato congee into his husband’s bowl. “Wei Ying is the best thing that happened to me, too.”
Ouyang Zizhen wails. 
“Wei-qianbei, we’re getting old enough to go courting now,” Jingyi says eagerly; but he’s a horrible liar who lies, because he and Sizhui are only nineteen, and Jin Ling doesn’t come of age until early winter. “What do you think we should put on our list of requirements?”
“What, you want an arranged marriage?” Wei-dajiu frowns. “ I never went through the process myself—” and Hanguang-jun reaches out and squeezes Wei-dajiu’s waist, as if even thinking about Wei-dajiu seeing a matchmaker was too much— “and I don’t really know anyone who did, since Yunmeng’s a lot freer about these things. Are you sure, Jingyi?”
“I’m not asking for a matchmaker,” Jingyi says, tossing his long ponytail over his shoulder. “I want to know what to look for if my love of a lifetime comes along. So what were you looking for?”
“Nothing when I was your age, A-Yi. I thought I would spend my whole life at Lotus Pier, and marry one of the shijies or shimeis who liked me. But then I met Lan Zhan, and…”
And then his ideal became Hanguang-jun, Jin Ling finishes, chewing on a mouthful of mustard greens. Everyone knows that, Jingyi!
Unfortunately, the conversation doesn’t end there. It goes on for the better part of an hour, and all through the course of coconut pudding Hanguang-jun made for dessert, and Jin Ling can’t even leave because that would be rude, and the food is too good to pass up even if Ouyang Zizhen wants to ask about kissing now.
“How old is old enough to have your first kiss?” he inquires, while Lan Sizhui giggles into his hands and elbows Zizhen to make him stop. “I’m sixteen, so is that too young?”
“I was thirty-eight when I first kissed Wei Ying,” Hanguang-jun says dryly. “I would advise patience, unless Ouyang-gongzi already has a beloved one in mind.”
Jin Ling wants to die. Why is his extended family like this?
“Pudding tax,” Xiao-Yu announces from his lap. “Ling-gege, can A-Yu have a bite?”
“I’m Sect Leader Jin, though. I don’t have to pay you taxes.”
Xiao-Yu gives him a serious little nod before turning to Sizhui. “Yuan-gege, pay pudding taxes.”
“You’ve had enough pudding,” Sizhui scolds; and indeed, the dishes are mostly empty now, except for the serving bowls in the middle of the table. “Come on, A-Yu. Let’s go visit the rabbits.”
They end up at the rabbit field about ten minutes later, after Jingyi and Sizhui help Hanguang-jun with the dishes. Jin Ling thinks it must make a very strange picture: after all, one doesn’t often see three Lan juniors, one Ouyang sect heir, one Jin sect leader, and one Lan baby lying in the grass with bunnies climbing over them. But the peace and quiet is beautifully welcome after the political unrest in Lanling and the dog food in Wei-dajiu’s tiny kitchen, so Jin Ling closes his eyes and settles down for a nap with a small white rabbit on his chest. 
“I think Shufu was right,” he hears A-Qing say. “There’s no point in having a list of requirements. Look at what happened to Jiang-zongzhu.”
“His first list was terrible, though,” Zizhen objects. “And he’s going to be married by next spring, so it worked for him in the end. After he fixed his requirements, I mean.”
“Gossipping is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses,” Sizhui says tranquilly. “And what Father meant was that having a list means you might miss your fated one when they come along, so it’s best to think about what you want, instead of what your beloved should be.”
“I’d like it if my wife liked to eat my cooking,” sighs Zizhen—he’s an excellent cook, too, and Jin Ling knows for a fact that A-Qing’s favorite food is the shrimp and water spinach Zizhen’s mother taught him to make. “Then I could cook, and she could wash our children’s hands and bring them to the kitchen when I was done, and we would all eat together.”
“I think I’d like a husband who knew how to do my hair,” A-Qing says, not even trying to be subtle. Jin Ling has seen the combs Zizhen keeps giving her, even if they’re far too young for a courtship, and Zizhen is always the first to offer assistance whenever A-Qing’s hair falls out of its bun. “Even a plain bun is too hard for me, since my hair’s so bushy.”
Zizhen nearly drops his rabbit. “Oh,” he whispers, blushing so hard that his neck turns red. “That’s good!”
Jin Ling wants to die. He can’t stand visiting Lotus Pier because his jiujiu is obviously courting, even if he won’t say he is, and now he’s going to have to watch A-Qing and Zizhen flirt until Zewu-jun and Ouyang-zongzhu give them permission to get married. 
“What about you, Jingyi?”
“Huh? Oh, I want to marry someone who won’t mind how loud I am,” Jingyi shrugs. “Or someone even louder than me, so we can make trouble together. A-Yuan?”
“I haven’t really thought about it, actually,” Sizhui sighs. “I’m Zewu-jun’s heir, so I have to get married, but I’m not sure if I want to.”
A moment of silence. 
“Then you won’t have to,” Jin Ling says. Everyone stares at him. “Zewu-jun didn’t get married, and Hanguang-jun wouldn’t have if Wei-dajiu didn’t come back to life. You can just choose an heir born to one of your cousins, since Jingyi was going to inherit the sect before Hanguang-jun adopted you.”
The others swoop in to assure Sizhui that no one’s going to make him get married, and Jin Ling folds his arms behind his head and wonders if his biao-ge could possibly be like Zewu-jun: a yi xin yi shen, whole in heart and body, who eschewed marriage in favor of cultivation. It would explain a lot, Jin Ling thinks, because even he knows what it feels like when someone makes his heart beat fast and his face turn pink, and Sizhui’s never felt that way. 
(Jin Ling tries not to think of Nie-zongzhu’s hot-tempered archivist, who knocked him into the dust with her saber the last time he visited Qinghe and then told him he had pretty eyes. Nie Shiyong is a few years older than him, and he usually ends up nursing several new bruises each time he meets her, but Jin Ling is man enough to admit to himself that he likes her. Maybe.)
“Xiao-Yu is sleepy,” little A-Yu says, interrupting his embarrassing train of thought before it can go any further. “Yuan-gege, I have a nap?”
“You can just sleep here,” Jingyi suggests. “The grass is soft enough, right? And you can use one of us for a pillow.”
“Jingyi,” Sizhui chides, and Jin Ling hears the long grass rustling as his cousin gets to his feet. “Come on, A-Yu. I’ll take you home to A-Niang.”
“No need,” someone else says; and that’s Hanguang-jun’s voice, coming up the hill from the direction of the jingshi. “I am here. A-Yu, come.”
Jin Ling scrambles up to greet his uncle by marriage (sect leader or not, jiujiu would kill him if he greeted the Chief Cultivator from the ground) and then he reels back and blinks in surprise, because Hanguang-jun’s hair is up in a loose braid instead of a half-topknot, and somebody seems to have decorated the braid with a row of half-bloomed lotus flowers. 
“Wei Ying did it,” Hanguang-jun says, with a small, soft smile that makes Sizhui and the others gasp. “He will do the same for your hair, too, if you ask.”
And then he lifts Xiao-Yu up into his arms and carries him away, leaving Jin Ling still frozen mid-bow with Jingyi and Zizhen gaping behind him.
“I think what Hanguang-jun meant is that the first requirement for marriage is love,” Lan Sizhui remarks, when Jin Ling finally snaps his mouth shut. “And that no matter what we want, or think we want, we shouldn’t settle for less.”
(Jin Ling is the first of his friends to marry, and he never forgets his biao-ge’s advice until the end of his days.)
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aceofshitposts · 3 years
I saw that you like CATS the musical. What are your thoughts on the movie?
AAAAH AHHAHA oh man oh boy y'all should BUCKLE IN cuz it's a ride
my simple thoughts? it's entertaining if only because it butchered the stage show so badly in an attempt to idk modernize it? Well, modernization is one part of it I think. The other part I'll go into below lol. I don't necessarily hate some of the more modern renditions of the songs (mostly the ensemble sets like Jellicle Song for Jellicle Cats) but then others are just... so poorly done it's insulting.
I've said this at the end of this whole rant too but I'm gonna put it up here in case people don't (justifiably) wanna see me go on and on about it:
The movie wasn't made for fans of the musical. It was made to make money and I believe they choose, at least partially, to do that through making it the weirdest and worst possible adaptation they could so that people would want to go see the train wreck. Which, really, worked! It was all people could talk about for a good while so like... Goal achieved, I guess.
A MUCH MORE COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS UNDER THE CUT cuz i don't wanna. flood your dash with... this
ALRIGHT SO. Most of my friends know I'm actually a huge fan of new adaptations of things. I love remakes (provided the people making it are coming at it with some form of heart and not just... cash grabbing which is more often the case) I love seeing other peoples interpretations of characters, or changing settings. It's one of the reasons I like American comics so much, getting to see different writers takes is fascinating.
I think musical movies can be wonderful ways to introduce people to a stage show that might have been unavailable to them otherwise! Chicago, for example, is one of the BEST musical to movie adaptations in my opinion. It kept the heart of the show, it's funny and the song numbers are done really well.
There are of course other famous examples, such as Grease or Bye Bye Birdie. Hairspray was also a wonderful take. These are simply off the top of my head, there are of course more.
CATS in particular has a history. If you go through my CATS tag you may see a few posts from @catsnonreplica which posts photos from non broadway productions of CATS! It's a fascinating read and I love, love, love looking at the other interpretations of the characters! CATS is a musical full of fun and wonderful characters if you take the time to see past the ridiculousness haha and the Korean and Japanese runs of CATS especially have some of my favourites.
How does this relate to the movie, I hear you say well. As you might has noticed the movie's interpretations of the characters is........ lackluster at best and downright uncanny valley at best.
CATS is, at its core, a ridiculous thing. I will fully admit that! But it's fun, it's entertaining and if you pay a little attention you can actually get the plot. (Honestly I don't understand when people complain it has no plot but that's a whole other rant for another day)
The movie was... obsessed with this idea of like... semi realism? Like obviously, as a fan, I think they should have leaned into the over the top character designs but instead we got...w ell:
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Demeter left and Bomba right. Demeter was actually cut! From the movie which is. upsetting lmao.
Macavity is one of the worst offenders for me:
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Macavity was... I wish I could know what the hell they were thinking there cuz it's even in his song? Ginger cat??? THAT IS NOT... A GINGER CAT...... but I digress. I would show more examples but I think you get the point.
So. We've butchered the characters appearances. Okay that's fine but what about their personalities?
There's... there's a lot to unpack here. Just for context: the Jellicle Ball happens once a year and the Jellicle leader chooses a single cat to be reborn into a new life. In the stage play all the cats who are nominated for this honour are on the older side (Jenny-Any-Dots, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Gus The Theatre Cat, and eventually Grizzabella) AND are always nominated by another cat. Not themself, unlike the movie where they all seem to nominate themselves.
Jenny-Any-Dots went from a doting grandmother figure who's celebrated for her selfless volunteering and tireless work into a conceited, vain younger cat who is obsessed with fame.
It's an incredibly strange dichotomy. I don't doubt some of it isn't the result of the uh people playing the characters honestly. I do think some of them did the best they could! I don't really blame Jason Derulo, for example, for Tugger. And honestly, Tugger was probably closest to his stage version (while being a trouble maker, he's shown to show Deuteronomy an immense amount of respect)
Speaking of Tugger! This will bring us to one of the biggest grievances with the movie and that is how they handled Mr Mistoffelees.
So... Ugh. So. We have Victoria as the pov character, which imo is like whatever in the grand scheme of things, and then we have Misto who they have decided will be get live interest cuz... Of course. Misto is shown throughout the musical to be awkward, unsure of himself and well. Really, kinda incompetent. Which is Wild cuz in the stage show he might be aloof but he's fairly confident in his powers.
So, Old Deuts gets kidnapped. In the stage show Tugger is the one to bring Misto forward! It's really quite sweet, imo, and I'm showing myself as a Tuggoffelees shipper here, but again Tugger is previously shown to be pretty conceited but then here he is boosting and hyping up Misto to bring Deuteronomy back. My friends and I have lovingly dubbed this the boyfriend hype song.
SOMEHOW. The movie manages to make this, easily, the MOST BORING number in the whole thing. Which, again, WILD. Misto awkwardly stumbles through his whole song, which again is... Boasting of his supreme magical powers which movie Misto clearly. Does not have or believe to have. The song, to me, feels super awkward and unnecessarily drawn out in the movie which sucks cuz it's one of my favourites in the show.
The declawing (heh) of Mr Mistoffelees actually reminds me strongly of how they changed Gaston in the live action Beauty and the Beast movie. He's gone from a beloved figure in the animated movie to someone so disliked in the town that Le Fou has to pay people off to say nice things about him. It's just. Wild character choices were made!!
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat is probably my favourite in movie non ensemble number. It feels the most... Genuine? Compared to the other nomination songs.
Other problems include but are not limited to:
The inconsistent size scale of the CATS which throws me off constantly.
The weirdly overt sexual overtones added to MANY of the songs (Jenny and Bustopher being the worst)
This is just a personal gripe and opinion but I don't like that they used the UK version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. The American version is both better known and tbh way more fun. Teazer's giggle? Adds ten years to my life every time.
Victoria's added solo song, Beautiful Ghosts, while I like the song as a song it doesn't fit the style of message of the musical. In the movie she's singing directly to Grizzabella who's being an outcast for years that she should be grateful she even has memories of being part of the tribe?? What?? But I know they had to add an original song to be able to be nominated for awards in like the Grammys n shit (which is why all musical movies will have an original song, fun fact!!) kinda funny they went to the effort though considering........... I don't think anyone could have genuinely believed CATS 2019 was gonna win anything but golden rhaspberries.
Movie Mr Mistoffelees has made repeated appearances as my sleep paralysis demon
The various cut characters, shout outs to Jemima, Demeter and Jellylorum especially
Bombalurina being a henchman to Macavity rubs me the wrong way
God I've written... So much. You probably get it by now haha. Like I said at the beginning, I try to go into any adaptation with an open mind but... Let's be honest, this movie wasn't marketed to people who are fans of the musical.
It was marketed, and made, to make money. And they choose to do that through, I think, intentionally making the worst possible version ever. Bad press is still press and the more outrageous people said the movie was the more people wanted to go see exactly what kind of train wreck it was.
Which is a disservice to the stage show, honestly, and all the people who've worked on it over the years.
But what can we do, right?
And besides all that, I do... Still own the movie version and I do still rewatch it on occasion. It is entertaining even if it's in a train wreck kind of way. I usually end up watching the 1998 version, then 2019 and then various tour runs that are on YouTube. (I highly recommend the 2016 tour, it's very good)
So in conclusion. It's fun (?) to watch. I enjoy picking things apart and doing analysis (if you couldn't tell!) so like... I don't hate it?
It did what it set out to do, I guess, and I can't fault it for that but. It's not a fair metre with which to judge the stage show imo. But I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, haha.
Jazz hands. I'm more than happy to elaborate or just chat about CATS if anyone wants! I grew up listening to the Broadway CD since I was a toddler so it's been! A very long standing obsession haha. Probably the only other thing on par with CATS is my obsession with Jurassic Park which I've also been a fan of since I was 3 (but that's a whole story in and of itself)
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A Magic Kingdom Love - CH 4
Title: A Magic Kingdom Love
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel
Tags: fluff, just so much fluff. It gets a little heated at one point but that’s it.
     This is based off a picture I saw on Pinterest (which I’ll post below) with this prompt attached…
     “An AU where Dean and Cas are both working for Disney and have been cast as the very first gay princes. And at first they hate each other but it’s hard to pretend you’re in love all day for sweet, shy kids, and then not makeout under the bridge of the magic kingdom castle.”
AO3 Link
A/N: Soooooooo.... I know I promised y’all that I would have this fic posted yesterday but for some reason my computer decided to be a giant dick and deleted the entire post I had scheduled to post yesterday and then wouldn’t let me fix it afterwards. So I gave up and decided I would make sure it got posted today and that everyone who wanted to be tagged, got tagged. So without further adieu, here it is :D
Chapter Four:
     The first couple of weeks of Dean’s dream job as a prince at the park was going by fairly well. Yes, Dean absolutely loved his job. He loved playing a prince all day, he loved being a role model to the kids and even some of the older visitors, and he loved being part of such a monumental step for the park in their journey to represent the LGBTQ community. But this thing with Castiel still had not changed, and he was starting to worry that it may never get any better. And it was not for lack of trying on Dean’s part.
     He’d been doing what Sam had told him. He’d tried to talk to Cas, to pull him into casual conversation, even suggested texting if it would make him more comfortable to ease into it, but he hadn’t gotten much of a response. He mostly just nodded or completely ignored Dean. 
     And it’s not that Dean needed Castiel to like him, but it wouldn’t be so bad to at least get along. But at the very least he was worried that it was going to start interfering with the job. He didn’t want to lose this job because they couldn’t get along. 
     Cas was good for hand holding in public, though he didn’t say much when it came to the kids, Dean did most of the talking, and rarely did he see Cas smile. Dean was starting to think Sam was wrong. It was getting less likely that Cas was shy and more likely that he was really just a dick. 
     It wasn’t until one day in the park that Dean was certain Cas was for sure a dick. 
     They were out in the park, making their rounds, when they were both surrounded by a group of very excited kids. 
     They were jumping up and down, asking all sorts of questions and getting pictures taken with the two handsome princes. When one of the kids, a little blonde girl, grabbed Dean by the jacket and asked, “Can you kiss?”
     Dean felt Cas’s entire body tense in his hold, felt Cas clutch the back of his jacket where his arm was around Dean, saw him turn his head away from Dean. 
     It was just a kiss, a little peck to make the kids smile and giggle, what was the harm. 
     But since Cas was clearly turned off by the idea of kissing Dean, with his head turned completely away, he decided to just wrap his arms around Cas and pull him in for a kiss on the cheek. The kids were still happy with it, running away giggling back to their moms, but Dean was not happy with it at all. Even less so when, after the kids were gone, Cas moved even further away and all Dean could do was sigh, completely defeated. 
     “Does that look like chemistry to you?” Ellen asked Bobby from their place on the sidelines, watching Dean and Cas as she spoke between pieces of popcorn.
     “Maybe in another dimension.”
     She hummed, popping another piece in her mouth, “I thought they would do well together, and I still think that, but I’m worried that if this doesn’t move forwards we might have to make a casting change.”
     “Maybe you should have a chat with them,” Bobby suggested, “maybe help them along. I know Dean’s trying but Castiel seems a bit on the shyer side then I thought he’d be.”
     She nodded, “I’ll call Dean in first, see if we can’t come up with a plan to get Castiel out of his shell a bit.”
     The two nodded to one another then continued on through the park.
     A knock came at her door and Ellen looked up from the paperwork on her desk, “Come on in.”
     Dean popped his head in first, then he slowly walked inside and shut the door behind him, “Is… is everything alright?”
     Ellen closed the file in front of her and folded her hands over it, “You tell me, Dean. How’s things with Castiel?”
     Dean closed his eyes and sighed, this was exactly what he was worried about.
     She gave him a sad smile and gestured to the chair across from her, “Have a seat, let’s see if we can’t work this out.”
     He shuffled his way over and plopped himself down in the chair, smacking his hands on his thighs, “I… I don't know what the problem is. Is it me?!”
     She shook her head, “I don't think it's you, Dean, I really don't. I think we might just have a little case of stage fright. We’ve helped many of our other actors get over it, sometimes it just takes a bit of time and coaching.”
     “I thought that too, or that he was just shy, but,” he shook his head, “I’ve tried everything I can think of. I've tried talking, and most of the time I feel like I’m talking to myself, the most I get is a curt nod. I've tried suggesting we meet outside of the park to get to know one another a bit better, he usually ignores me when I talk about meeting up. I even said we could start with texting if that made him more comfortable but nothing seems to be working. I don't really know what else to do here, but I don't want to lose this job, I waited two years to get it!”
     She raised both of her hands in a calming manner, “Dean, sweetie, you’re not going to lose the job. Bobby and I picked you and Castiel as the actors to play these princes because we thought you were both perfect for the roles, so we are not about to give you up that easily.” Dean breathed a sigh of relief. “What we are going to do is help you guys figure this out and get everything running smoothly, alright.”
     Dean smiled for the first time since he entered her office.
     “Now we only have two days until Mickey's birthday bash,” she said, running a hand through her hair, “you and Castiel just keep it together for two more days until the party is over, in the meantime I’ll talk to Bobby about everything we discussed today and see what we can come up with to help, and once the birthday bash is over we’ll start. How does that sound?”
     Dean nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure we can manage a few more days.”
     “Great! Now, you head on home and I’ll see you in the morning.”
     He flashed her a smile then headed for the door, turning back before he opened it, “It's…” She looked up at him. “It's not that I don't like Cas cuz I do, I really do, and I’m sure he’s a great guy once you get past his outer shell. But I do want this to work between us, I want us to be close so that we can do the role’s justice. So I hope we can help him get out of this shell, and whatever you or Cas need from me in order to do so, I’ll do it. I want to help him.”
     “You’re a sweet kid, Dean,” she regarded him with a warm smile, “I’ll get started on a plan with Bobby right away. We’ll get you two in shape in no time.”
     With one last smile and a thanks, he left and headed for home.
     With the conversation he had with Ellen running on a constant loop in his mind, the two days leading up to the birthday bash crawled by agonizingly slowly, but finally the night had arrived.
     He was in one of the change rooms with Cas, both finishing up the last details on their costumes before heading out. They had spent about an hour in silence as they got dressed, and Dean was starting to get annoyed but he tried to push that feeling down and remain calm. 
     “You excited for the party?”
     Cas made quick eye contact with him before just as quickly averting his gaze and merely giving Dean a nod.
     “How was your day off yesterday?”
     Fine… just fine? That’s all he got? 
     That was the last straw for Dean. He had been trying and trying and was getting nothing in return but short, and quite frankly, seemingly snarky responses. He finished fastening the clasp on his cape then turned to face Cas, eyebrows furrowed, “Seriously, man, what is your-”
     “Y’all ready?!” 
     Before he could really lay into Cas, Ellen walked in, stopping him before his anger could really get the better of him. 
     “The rest of the characters are getting lined up backstage by the balcony,” she waved them on to walk with her, and they followed her out, “just follow everyone else when they head out, stand and wave at the crowd, and once were finished with that you’ll head down to mingle with the guests. Alright?”
     They both nodded and lined up with the rest of the characters. They remained silent, neither even so much as bothering to look in the others direction as they waited. Once Ellen got on the balcony and announced the characters, they followed everyone forward, Dean not even offering his arm until they were a step away from the curtin.
     They stood on the balcony with the other characters and waved at the crowds below, and Ellen wasn’t kidding when she said this event always drew in a full house, it was even more crowded then when they held Dean and Cas’s event. 
     Soon enough Ellen called Mickey out onto the balcony and the characters plus the crowd below all came together to sing happy birthday. A very large, multiple tier cake was brought out in the process and everyone clapped as Mickey blew out all the candles with the help of his friends Donald and Goofy. And shortly after, the characters left the stage with the promise of joining the crowds below for the rest of the evening's festivities.
     And to no one's surprise, especially Dean’s, as soon as they were back stage and the curtains closed behind them, Cas let go of Dean’s arm and took a very obvious step to the side and away from him. It really pissed Dean off. 
     They were just about to head out, Dean getting ready to put on his happy face for the remainder of the night, and pretend like he and Cas were oh so in love, when they were stopped by a kid walking past them. 
     “Why aren’t you holding hands,” the little boy asked, pointing to both Cas and Dean who were feet away from each other at this point, “I thought you were in love?”
     Dean didn't quite know how to respond to this question, and clearly neither did Cas since he practically turned and ran away. 
     The kid looked to Dean, partly concerned and party devastated that Cas had just left like that, so Dean leaned down and tried to bullshit his way out of this without getting fired. “Prince Cas isn't feeling very well right now, I think he ate too much cake,” the kid giggled when Dean made a face at him, “I’m going to go check and make sure he’s alright, you go ahead and enjoy the party, I think the fireworks are about to start!”
     That seemed to satisfy the kid just fine, and Dean ruffled his hair before he ran off. Then Dean turned to chase down his ‘sick’ prince. 
     He caught up with him just outside the tunnel under the Magic Kingdom bridge, grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him inside, pushing him against the wall of the tunnel. 
     “What the hell-”
     “Yeah, what the hell is right, Cas!” He shouted, making Cas blink in confusion, “I’ve had enough of this. We've been working together now for over a month, we should be able to communicate with each other by now but I can't seem to get a handle on you.”
     Cas just blinked at him as Dean continued to hold him against the tunnel wall as he spoke, “You’ll hold my hand and smile in public, but as soon as it's just us you completely change. You won’t talk to me, you barely look at me, and as soon as there’s no one else around you’re pushing me away. Am I that repulsive to you?!”
     “I…” Cas stammered, searching for words, “It's not that-”
     Dean shook his head, “I have been trying to make this work between us, but you don't seem to wanna try in return. This is my second time trying for this job. The first time I was rejected before the interview even started, so this is my second chance at a job I have always wanted. I just want to make the kids happy and have a good time, to enjoy getting up in the morning because I love my job. But for some reason that I can't figure out, you don't want to be a part of this partnership. You’re so god damn closed off, and if you don't start opening up and actually making it seem like we’re as in love as we are supposed to be, then one or both of us is going to get fired. And I don't wanna lose this job! I had to wait two years for this second chance and I don't wanna blow it!”
     He waited for Cas to say something, anything, but he was met with the same silence and the same stoic stare he seemed to always get from him. 
     “Look,” Dean breathed deep, trying to calm down, “I need you to tell me now, before we get into this any deeper than we already are, whether or not you want to keep doing this. So do you? Do you want to keep being my prince?”
      It was no surprise to Dean when Cas just continued to stare at him, though he would admit he was a little disappointed.
     Dean let Cas go, taking a step back from him and just shook his head. This was it. He had waited two years, two goddamn years for this job and now he was literally watching it all go down the drain. He was going to lose this job and all hopes of ever getting another one the same, all because this guy couldn’t get over himself.
     “Forget it,” he waved Cas off, “maybe I can try again in two years if another position opens up-”
     Castiel’s actions had long since stopped shocking Dean, but when Cas suddenly grabbed him by the front of the jacket and pulled him into a long hard kiss, he had to say he was both shocked and thrilled at the same time.
     When Cas pulled back, but still had a grip on Dean’s jacket, it was Dean’s turn to merely stare at Cas. For the first time in his life he found he didn't Quite know what to say.
     “I…” Cas took a deep breath then looked Dean straight in the eyes as he continued with a new found confidence that Dean had to admit, he found slightly sexy, “I do not find you repulsive, Dean, it's quite the opposite actually. I am extremely attracted to you.”
     Dean’s eyebrows shot into his hairline, and still he couldn’t find the right words to say.
     “I just… I am afraid that I may look the part of prince but I have no idea how to act like one,” he sighed with a shake of his head, '' I was recommended this job by my godmother, Amara, who thought I looked the part and could easily get the job. I only did the interview to humor her, but it turns out she was right. But I am so extremely socially awkward, I never know what to say, and when I do seem to say something it comes out wrong. And I was trying to avoid being affectionate with you because I didn't know where your feelings stood, or even if you were interested in men. I didn't want to get too close to you and end up breaking my own heart in the end. I just… I don't know how to do this, I don't know how to open up to people.”
     Cas turned away from Dean, and Dean brought his face back to look at him, “This is a good start, Cas. And I can help you with all of that, all you have to do is ask. I’m here for you.”
     Dean held out a hand between them and smiled at Cas. Cas smiled back and took Dean’s hand, “Thank-you, Dean.”
     “And if you ever get stuck or don’t know what to say you can lean on me, we’re partners, we’re in this together.”
     Cas nodded, a small smile creeping across his face.
     “And as for the rest, I’ve never had an interest in a man before,” Cas looked down at his feet, trying to hide the disappointment in his eyes, “but I guess that’s because I just never came across the right guy, never met anyone that I thought was worth giving a chance, now I have.”
     Dean took Cas’s chin between his fingers and pulled his face back up to his, pulling Cas in for another kiss, this one he eagerly returned with as much passion as Cas. The two found themselves quickly tangled together, arms wrapped tightly around one another as Dean lifted him slightly against the wall. Their tongues met tentatively at first, but soon enough they were both ravishing one another under the Magic Kingdom bridge as the fireworks started going off over the castle beside them. It was the best night of Dean’s life.
     He let Cas slide back down to the ground, moving his lips from his and along his jaw, down his neck to suck on the skin there. Cas tilted his head to the side to allow Dean better access and groaned when Dean slid his thigh between Cas’s legs. 
     A particularly loud firework pulled Cas back to reality as he remembered exactly where they were, and pulled gently on Dean’s hair where his fingers had at some point ended up. Dean hummed against Cas’s skin as he continued to suck and rub his thigh against Cas, pulling more moans from the already breathless man. 
     “Dean,” he panted, “we should stop before someone sees, we are at a family park after all.”
     Dean chuckled into Cas’s neck and murmured into the skin there, “Yeah, you’re right,” he placed one last kiss on his neck before pulling back to look Cas in the eyes, “we should head back, I’m sure people are wondering where we went. And if we stay here any longer we might not be able to turn back.”
     Cas nodded, tightening his hold around Dean’s neck, “We don't want to get caught making out under the bridge, or worse.”
     Dean hummed and leaned into Cas’s space, “If I’m going to be a proper prince, I should really ask you out on a date first, at least take you to dinner.”
     “Are you asking?”
     “Are you saying yes?” Dean asked with a raised brow and a smirk.
     Cas leaned in and captured Dean’s lips in a quick kiss, “Yes.”
     “Good. Tomorrow's our day off, so you can finally give me your number,” Dean pecked his lips, “and I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six.”
     “Can’t wait.”
     They tangled together for one last passionate kiss before parting and heading back to the party hand in hand.
     “I haven't seen them since we left the balcony.”
     “They can't have gone far,” Bobby said as he looked around, then tapped Ellen’s shoulder and pointed, “there they are.”
     They stood and watched as Dean and Cas came strolling in together from a pathway off to the side, arm in arm, “Are… are they smiling at each other? And talking?!”
     “Seems like,” Bobby smiled at the two as Cas giggled at something Dean whispered in his ear.
     As they continued to watch them in complete shock at this turn of events, a small group of kids ran past the two princes bouncing a balloon between them. The kids hit the balloon high into the air and it floated over to Cas and Dean. Dean chuckled as it blew into his face then hit the balloon back in the direction of the kids, which then started a small game between them as the kids continued to hit it back wanting them to play. 
     Cas took a small step back, not quite sure what to do, and Dean just wrapped his arm around him and pulled him back. He gave Cas a small nudge and whispered, “Play, it's okay, Cas.”
     Cas nodded to Dean then knelt down on the ground as the balloon came his way and hit it back to the kids. They were more than thrilled that Prince Cas was playing with them, and Dean stood back with an adoring smile on his face and watched as Cas laughed and played with the kids. Becoming more and more comfortable as they went, and Cas found himself really enjoying the game and the happiness of the kids.
     After a few rounds Dean decided to join in and knelt down behind Cas, wrapping his body and arm around him and placing his chin on his shoulder. As the balloon came closer, Dean reached out to try and beat Cas to it and ended up hitting the balloon backwards and into Cas’s face. The two burst out laughing, and the sounds of Cas’s genuine full body laugh had Dean’s gut doing flips. He loved the sound and never wanted it to stop.
     He stared fondly at Cas for a few moments, basking in the sound of his laugh, then moved in to place a soft kiss on Cas’s cheek, then his neck, then leaned his face to rest in the crook of Cas’s neck as Cas rocked them gently back and forth. 
     The kids ran off soon after to play together, waving to them as they did. Dean stood and pulled Cas along with him and kept him as close to his body as he could possibly be. 
     Bobby and Ellen watched with slacked jaws as Dean wrapped his arms around Cas’s waist, and Cas his arms around Dean’s neck. And as the second round of fireworks went off high in the sky above them, Dean leaned in and kissed Cas long and sweet. Definitely not the kind of kiss one would see between two actors playing a part, but rather one filled with a passion between two lovers, two soul mates who had finally found one another.
     “What… what the hell happened?!” Ellen turned a shocked look on Bobby.
     “I have no idea.” All he could do was shake his head.
     “Seriously, what the hell happened?!”
     Bobby looked between Ellen and the boys, who were still locked at the lips, then back to Ellen, “I am honestly just as confused as you are here.”
     “I mean, not that I’m complaining, this is great!” She gestured to the boys. “But I just spoke with Dean two days ago and he told me things weren't going too well between them. I was starting to worry that this might not work out, but this… this is excellent! It's perfect!”
     As his initial shock wore off and Dean and Cas parted just enough so their noses were still touching, Bobby was able to see the pure bliss on his nephews face as he looked at Cas. Bobby nodded once, a smile creeping its way onto his face, and said to Ellen, “That they are.”
A/N: So there you have it my friends, tis the end! Buuuuuutttttttt..... don’t forget, I do have an epilogue still planned and waiting in the winds if y’all would like to read it and see what’s next for our two beautiful princes XD Just let me know in a comment or an ask, or feel free to shoot me a message, I would love to talk to you!
And, I would just like to say thank-you to anyone who read this and who made it to the end, you’re lovely. And to anyone who commented, you’re also beautiful! <3
If anyone would like to be tagged in any of my other destiel fics, please let me know!
I do have two that are currently WIP’s, you can check them out below...
The Thing About Blind Dates
Mountain High
Other then that I hope everyone enjoyed this, a big shout out to @purgatory-jar for the amazing art! Go check them out!! Another shout out to @kitsunecastiel who is my destiel sounding board and who puts up with me and all my ramblings about these two boys, you’re the best little sis <3
And, here are the tags: @kitsunecastiel @florenciareiser @soulmatchortega @humanlady28 @sugarbae128 @deeutdutdutdoh @willastar23 @quillsandink-writes @avokind @theninthdutchessofhell @bbotts9797 @supernaturalbaesduh @deanwithhisimpala @deanssidechick @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @thekingofgreenapples @say-it-aint-so-bro @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @markpellegrincs @pooffa @magicalmess93 @all-time-fall-out-panic-pilots @myessenceconsistsofdeadmemes @petertingle3000 @ractna @but-for-the-gods-three-days @upside-down-fable @analogical-love-child
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
The Usual Places
For @pillarspromptsweekly #89: Eora Day. I went with Ederity, cuz I’ve been dying to write them married(!) and anything that involves planting things is right up Charity’s alley. ;)
Charity was usually easy to find, at least in Edér’s experience. She was a creature of habit who gravitated toward a handful of places; the Dracogen, her gardens, their private chapel, or somewhere inside their house. Until recently--when his-or-hers had become theirs--Edér’s house would have also made the list. But they lived in her farmhouse now, and only kept his old house for nights work had him in town too late. There wasn’t much cause for either of them to visit it often anymore, effectively lowering the number of places he could (probably)find his wife.
She was not in any of the usual places today, but she was still easy to find. Planting, as usual. Only this time, it wasn’t vegetables or flowers, but a trio of young, almost reed-thin trees. She’d still clearly had fun; mud smeared up to her elbows and knees, smile even more sunshine-bright than usual, a small flush of sunburn tinging her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
“Looks like you’ve had a good day,” Edér laughed as he approached. 
“Very good,” Charity confirmed. She stood and smoothed frizzies toward her bun with the back of one hand, streaking mud across her forehead. “Hendyna an’ I rescued these from a swampy patch near the Crossing. They wouldn’t’ve grown there, too much water in the soil. Here they’ll do great, an’ they’ll give us shade, and, you know...” she winked a him, “hopefully they’ll be sturdy enough to climb by the time we have a gaggle of tiny Teylecgs runnin’ around lookin’ for adventure.”
“A gaggle?” he said with mock-dismay, kissing her cheek. “How many kids’re you plannin’ on gettin’ out of me, woman?”
“If you wanna get picky about it, they’re gonna be comin’ outta me,” Charity retorted with a laugh, smearing mud down the front of his shirt as she playfully pushed him away. “And many as Hylea gives us. Why?”
“Just wanna know what I’m in for,” Edér teased. He gathered some of the mud from his shirt with one finger and smudged it along her nose. “And you realize you’re the one who’s gonna hafta wash this, right?”
“Yeah,” she shrugged, wiping the mud off her nose with the tail of her own shirt. “It’s just mud. I already got plenty of that”--she gestured at her own clothes--”what’s one more shirt?”
“Alright then...” he said, glancing at the trees. They were all firmly planted, spaced to accommodate future growth, and flanked by support posts. “You all done out here?”
“For now, yes,” Charity said with a nod. “A gardener’s work is never done an’ all, but I’m through for the day.”
“Good.” He peeled off the muddy shirt and draped it over her shoulder. “I’m gonna start dinner while you get cleaned up and deal with the dirty clothes.” He winked and tipped her chin up to steal a kiss before heading inside the house. Charity laughed as she followed, and Edér wondered just how tempted she was to rub mud on him, too.
However great the temptation was, she didn’t give in. She instead lingered in the vestibule long enough to strip off her boots and all the muddy clothes, wiping her hands and arms mostly-clean on the shirt before heading for the bedroom. “So, what’re we having for dinner, darlin’?”
“Nothin’ fancy; I’m pretty wiped out,” Edér admitted as he perused their options. Looked like they had the fixings for vegetable soup, which wouldn’t be too hard. Would be better if they had some venison or rabbit to toss in, but this would be fine.
“Everything alright?” Charity asked over the sound of splashing water.
“Yeah, just a long day,” he promised. “An’ I didn’t get to enjoy the pretty weather like you did.”
“Well, half the day was spent in a swamp huntin’ down medicinal mosses,” she said, leaning into view half-dressed and face still glistening with water. “Kinda hard to enjoy good weather when you’re almost knee-deep in sludge-water and bein’ eaten alive by midges. But we did find what we were lookin’ for.”
“Plus trees,” Edér grinned as he gathered up the vegetables.
“Plus trees,” Charity nodded in agreement. She smiled slyly and waited until his hands were full to toss him a clean shirt. “Here.”
He shot her a dirty look in the brief moment before the garment landed half over his head and half draped over the vegetables he carried. “Nice, Char. You wanna put on some pants an’ help me cut these up?” He couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice, not that he was trying terribly hard.
She giggled. “Sure. The dirty clothes aren’t goin’ anywhere.”
Edér set down the vegetables and pulled on the shirt. “So... any particular reason for the trees?” he asked, voice slightly raised so she could hear, before he started cutting.
There was a soft grunt as Charity wriggled into a pair of pants. “Didn’t want ‘em to die.” She padded back into the kitchen, picked up another knife to help. “Trees are good to have. And the shade’ll be nice, once they get a little bigger, like I said.”
“All true,” he said with a nod, nudging aside the sliced-up carrots and reaching for potatoes. “They’ll help balance out that monstrous oak Soren just cut down ‘cause it was messin’ up his mulberry bushes.”
“What?!” Charity scowled, hands stilling halfway through chopping celery. “The man’s drownin’ in mulberry bushes, he couldn’t sacrifice a couple t’ let the thing keep growin’? It’s been there forever!”
Edér raised an eyebrow at her vehemence and reached over to tuck back an escaped tendril of her hair. “Darlin’, he’s drownin’ in them ‘cause it’s how he makes a livin’,” he reminded her. “An’ it wasn’t just a couple; the tree roots were threatenin’ near a dozen of the bushes. Yeah, he needs t’ keep ‘em on his land but he’s got a right to keep ‘em growin’ strong.”
Charity sighed and played with her necklace. “I know,” she groaned. “But it was such a great tree.”
“Hey,” he leaned over and kissed her temple. “Maybe ours’ll be even better.”
She laughed as she resumed cutting the celery. “Maybe. But not for a good long while; they’re still babies, as trees go.”
“Well, then it’s good that they’re here. You got a special knack for makin’ things grow,” he winked.
“Growin’ things and fixin’ kith, my two special talents,” she said with a smile.
“Don’t forget singin’ the praises of my cookin’,” Edér teased. “You’re also the best at that.”
“Only b’cause it’s such a sharp contrast to mine,” Charity laughed wryly. “An’ I think you’re forgettin’ how much Tavi likes your cookin’.”
“Nah.” He shook his head and winked. “She’s never kissed me to show her appreciation.”
“Well, that’s a relief to hear,” she deadpanned. “Might make our friendship awkward.”
Edér laughed at that as they finished cutting up the vegetables, then Charity left him with a kiss on the cheek to do the actual cooking part while she took care of the muddy clothes. Once the soup was simmering, he sat down on the couch and nearly fell asleep waiting for it to cook. This was not helped in the slightest by Charity sitting in her usual spot--next to him--to knit in comfortable silence until dinner was ready. It was, as a result, the closest he ever came to burning something.
Good thing he caught it in time to avoid that. He never would have lived it down. As it was, the vegetable were just a little on the too-soft side, but still good, They enjoyed their meal, peppered with the usual “How was your day?” small talk and discussing what might come in the next few, before returning to their spots on the couch. They snuggled close, despite how much it increased the risk of falling asleep there. It wouldn’t be the first time, or the last, and certainly wasn’t the oddest non-bed place the two of them had fallen asleep.
At least here’s comfortable, Edér thought contentedly, rubbing Charity’s back. Of all her “usual places”, tucked neatly under his arm was his personal favorite. And judging by her happy hum, she was pretty fond of it herself.
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littlefallenrebel · 6 years
My love and feels for Skz 🌹🖤
I was tagged by my dear @pikachulein (thank you for doing that btw) to do a post about my feels for Skz so here it is! 
I’m just gonna say that this post is probably a bit cringy and makes zero sense because I have a hard time putting my feelings/thoughts into words :p Also... this ended up being.......1,2k+ words long, whoops 😌
I see Woojin as an older brother he’s 3 years older than me so there we go even tho it’s not that much, anyway so with him it’s definitely brotherly and sibling-like love. It would be awesome to have him as my older brother can i swap my annoying bro with him please and I feel like he would be someone who I can rant about stuff and ask advice. Since he’s also super loving towards his members and takes care of them, I can sort of relate to that since I’m lowkey the mom-friend in my friend group. He’s such a sweetheart and I’m so soft ;-;
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Bang Chan:
Ah, it’s mister ”here to wreck your bias list once again”. Chan is probably the one who confuses me the most, I mean he’s my bias but at the same time he’s my bias wrecker and I really don’t know how I feel about him?? I just feel drawn and very attracted to him. But despite being attracted to him, I seriously admire and respect Chan a lot. To me, he’s such an inspirational person and I would love to spend time with him talking about lyrics meanings and deep things. I think we're both that sort of people who sometimes think about stuff too deeply and maybe stress over small things. He's still so young and has a lot on his shoulders and i just sjdhsh. I would probably say my love for Chan is intellectual/magnetical type of love.
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Lee Know:
Ohlord it’s the pisces+scorpio duo  with minho it’s definitely the best friends/playful type of love, absolutely. I feel like if we two were best friends we would be that super salty duo who throws shade at everyone. Minho is someone who I would love to just hang out with and share some hot tea ☕ about stuff. Also, I feel like minho would appreciate my super bad jokes and puns no one ever likes my puns and i bet my friends are ashamed of me lmao and we could throw awful pickup lines at each other. I would love to just go on a random shopping spree with him or mess around in a park in the middle of the night. Where do I get a best friend like minho?
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Another sweet child o’ mine, my fellow Pisces son. I relate to Hyunjin a lot on an emotional level since I feel like we’re both emotionally sensitive so I’ll say I have this similar people/affectionate type of love towards him. I want to watch those overly sappy and cheesy movies/dramas with and cry together when something bad happens. Also, you know that face he does when he thinks his face is bloated?? I swear to god I do that exact same face 24/7. he's an affectionate person imo so i think he would make a nice hug/cuddle buddy, heh. and we both have a thing for weird noises too Hyunjin is probably the member who I relate the most to and he’s sometimes such a mood.
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oof, the ultimate bias wrecker. My love for Jisung is probably the affectionate kind of love and he is another member, who I admire.  Jisung is quite deep and poetic person in my opinion and I’d love to discuss and write lyrics with him. I adore his positive and goofy personality and his shenanigans always make me giggle and lift up my mood. I sometimes just get distracted by him and then I find myself thinking “what an adorable bean you are”. He’s such a kind-hearted and sweet person, I just want to squish his cheeks and ruffle his hair. But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t really feel that confident about himself, so I would want to just comfort and support him. I want him to know he’s doing well, that he’s talented and he’s more than just the mood-maker of the group. I just want to cheer him up with my very shitty jokes and drag him to the nearest arcade. Yeah, I just want to be friends with Jisung and have a blast.
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Felix, my sweet sunshine baby boi, a precious puppy with a deep ancient God voice, I love him so much i might cry. Felix was my first skz bias and is now my second bias, so I do have a sort of special soft spot for him. I would say my love for him is a mix of affectionate and pure love. Felix is such a soft sweetheart and pure, I just want to hold and cuddle him. Like?? i just can’t imagine anything bad or nasty about him??? that boy just radiates sunshine and happiness ;_; Like I would just love to play video games and make goddamn vine references with him, that would be life.
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With Seungmin it’s friendship like love. I just see him as a good friend who I would have a blast hanging out with I lowkey wanna have a roast battle with him, don’t ask why i just do also, as a fellow myday, we two could just scream and fangirl about Day6 together lmao. me and seungmin singing more like screaming the lyrics to shoot me at 2am? sign me up. He’s such a cutie squish. Seungmin is kind of a mischievious person and he lowkey brings out the mischief in me too, so I kinda want to prank the other members with him lmao.
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Okay, Jeongin is not that much younger than me but he feels like a younger brother to me, so with him, it’s probably sibling-like love I would say. He’s so cute and precious and I just want to look after him and I’ll fight anyone who dares to corrupt this smol bean.  I also lowkey want to have that friendly, sibling rivalry -like relationship with him, idk why. I want to make sure he’s doing well and offer my help if he needs it. Jeongin is such a pure baby and his smile is worth fighting for.
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baby boy culture uwu
this next part is gonna be the cheesiest thing ever and probably a bit cringy so you've been warned. bear with me and my feels
oh my god, where do I even start with seo changbin. I'm sure everyone and their ancestors know that my love for him is definitely romantic/true type of love. That boy makes my heart burst and I'm just so damn whipped. im so sorry but i must expose myself and admit that there is some sexual love here too sometimes cuz boi i've had some rather heated thoughts/dreams with bin, anYWAY BACK TO BEING SOFT I love that we share the same kind of aesthetic with all the "i love dark" stuff and wearing mostly black, but then actually being the softest. Since we both have had the thought of becoming a tattoo artist, it would be so cool to draw and design tattoos together! andthengetacoupletattoo I would want to spend time with him at the studio, bring him food and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself and even though I don’t know much about making music but I would love to help him with writing lyrics too. I would support and hype him all the way and make sure he’s healthy. I want to make sure he’s eating and resting properly. Also! Since I love the height difference between me and Bin, I just want to give him all my hoodies to see how smol and soft he would look in them!!  I honestly just love everything he does, every little thing. His aegyo, his cute nose crunch, his adorable laugh, his smile,  his fierce stage presence,…. I could go on forever. I want him to know he’s doing well and I want to be there for him. I want to have those random, sleepy 3am conversations with and hold each other close. I want ruffle and run my hands through his hair and boop is cute nose. I want to share soft kisses with him and kiss that jaw goddamit. I just can't properly put it into words how much I love Changbin and how much he means to me. I could honestly just spend hours talking about him and he just makes me go all ajdhshswg. This got rly long and it's very cheesy and cringy sorry. I just love Seo Changbin with all my heart ♡
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so yeah, here it is then. this post is a goddamn mess tbh but so am i so 🤷
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imladris-soldier · 6 years
Lashes (pt 3)
Bill Williamson is a racist asshole. Everyone knows it. They just punch him and go on about their day. When a Lakota woman joins the gang, everyone expects things to go on as normal, slurs and all, and for a time, it does. But her curiosity gets the better of her, and she finds that hatred is something learned - which means it can be unlearned, if given time, care, and patience. And she has plenty of those… the first two, anyway.
Bill Williamson x OC
Part 1, Part 2
Another couple of weeks passed, and Star fell back into her usual routine, though she kept an eye on Bill. He seemed to be avoiding her, and she couldn't blame him. He had shown a great deal of vulnerability to her that night, and he probably needed to recover from that, so she maintained a respectful distance, mostly just waiting to see what would happen.
Charles told her it was a lost cause – that Bill would never see past his small-mindedness. She knew that was a possibility, but something about him didn't feel that black and white. Her instinct about him was to protect him, and that was baffling considering everything.
One thing she did notice was that every single person in the camp seemed willing to make Bill the butt of their joke. All of them. And he took it. He either laughed it off, unconvincingly, or brushed it off and went on. That was troubling, but telling.
The next big event for the gang was the return of Sean MacGuire. Star had no idea what to expect when Arthur, Javier, and Charles rode off to rescue the Irishman, but somehow, when they showed up with him in tow, it all just fit. Sean was loud, boisterous, and funny. Not to mention a huge flirt.
“Who is this beauty?!” he cried when he first laid eyes on Star. “Is this who ye replaced me with? Hell, I'll turn around and go.”
She laughed and shook his hand. “Call me Star. I take it you're Sean.”
“Aye, that's me. Good ole Sean MacGuire, back and ready to rumble.”
“I hope captivity didn't take too much of a toll.”
“Nah. I'm alright. Knew these boys would come for me sooner or later. Didn't know they'd have a present for me when I got back though,” he said with a wink.
Star rolled her eyes. “Easy, pretty boy. You aren't my type.”
He pouted. “No? Then what is?”
It was easy enough to brush him off, especially since Karen's arms were waiting for him anyway. When Dutch announced a night of celebration, Star fond herself both intrigued and perturbed. Parties were not her forte, and yet they offered excellent opportunities for people watching – which is exactly what she did.
As the camp erupted into music and laughter, Star took a bottle of beer with her to a secluded little log and sat watching everyone. It was more fun for her that way, and she learned things about her companions as a bonus.
Of course, as alcohol began to flow, people grew less willing to let her linger in the shadows. They pulled her into conversations, hooked her into the punchlines of jokes she didn't hear the beginning of, and mostly just insisted on including her. It made her heart feel very full. Boy, did she love this gang.
As the night wore on, Star drank more and more, not really realizing how much she was imbibing. She wandered over to one of the fires where Hosea, Lenny, Pearson, John, and Bill had gathered. As she arrived, Bill began to speak.
“You know, when I was in the army, fellers would spend all night talkin' about what they were gonna do the second they left the army. All kinds of things. Like 'I'm gonna go off and be a cook.' Or 'I'm gonna go out and find me a wife.' Hell, someone was like 'I'm gonna go and dance with the finest whore in San Francisco.' Some shit like that. You know how fellers is,” he chuckled.
Then, after a pause, he went on. “But, you know what every one of them did the second they left the army? JOINED THE GOD DAMN ARMY AGAIN. Jesus Christ! I mean, here is a group of fellers that spent every wakin' minute just dreamin' of leaving. And... and then they left. And then they jumped back in again! Stupid! You know what? That taught me somethin'... and-and-and it taught me somethin' I'll never forget. And that is that most fellers are sheep. That's right. And if you can tell the difference... be-between a man and-and.... and a sheep, well.... that makes you a better man than me. And that's all I'm sayin'. Mark my words. All a'ya.”
He trailed off into silence for a moment before finishing with, “Stupid army.”
Star stood there, vision a little too fuzzy and thoughts a little too blurry, and then she blurted, “Fuck the army. Army k-killed everyone... everyone I had. Tied me to a post. Treated me like a god damn animal. Woulda raped me. Probably killed me. Certainly starved me.”
All of the men's gazes had come to rest on her, and she very abruptly felt shy about speaking in front of them, so she murmured, “Stupid army.”
There was a lull, then Bill pointed at her and cried, “See! Motherfuckin' army.”
“Didn't nobody doubt ya, Bill,” Hosea pointed out, smiling a bit.
“Tha's... tha's not true, though,” Star, stammered, unable to realize the ramifications of what she was about to say. “All of yous doubt him. You... you make fun of him. You call him dumb and say he isn't smart enough to know things. I seen you. All a you. And that ain't right. You... you shouldn't treat him like that.”
The silence that greeted her was deafening. It took her brain a moment to catch up with her mouth, and when she realized what she said, her hand clapped over her lips and her eyes went wide.
John was the first to speak. “Gee, Star, tell us what you really think.”
“I... I didn't mean...”
“You know, maybe she has a point,” Hosea chimed in quietly. “We do tend to give Bill a hard time. Maybe more than we should. Guess that's somethin' we oughta work on.”
“So... you're not mad at me?”
“For speaking your mind? No, dear girl. Though, it might have come across better if you weren't quite so drunk. Still, you make a good point. Somethin' to think about.”
The rest of the group fell back into easy conversation after that, but Star couldn't shake the awkwardness, so she wandered off. A few moments later, a hand grabbed hers roughly and pulled her into the trees. “What the hell?” she slurred, trying to shake her hand away. “Let go.”
“Why'd you have to go and say a thing like that?” Bill mumbled, refusing to let go of her.
“Well... 'cuz it's true. They laugh at you all the time, and they shouldn't.”
“That's... that's just the way it is around here!” he snapped.
She frowned and stopped trying to reclaim her hand. “Just because that's how it is doesn't mean that that's how it should be, Bill. Like... like how you shouldn't say the shit you say... but you do.”
His eyes lingered on their hands. “Yeah.”
“You... you're so mean. To me and Javier and Charles and Lenny. Why are you so mean? We... I... just wanna be your friend. Unless you don't want any friends. But I like you, and I want you to be happy, though I can't figure out why – oop!”
Drunken kisses inevitably turn out worse than either party would have hoped, but it was still a kiss, and it nearly knocked Star on her ass from shock. Bill's beard tickled her nose, causing her to giggle slightly. “Now you're laughin' at me,” he said, but it was obviously a tease.
“It tickled,” she explained anyway. “Why'd... why'd you do that?”
“'Cuz I wanted to.”
“Oh.” She looked around to see if anyone was watching, then got on her toes to kiss him in return. He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her close. “Guess I wanted to, too,” she whispered, giggling again.
“You... you're drunk,” he declared, very drunkenly. “You don't laugh like that normally.”
She tipped up the rest of the bottle she hand in her hand. “Oh well. It's a party, right?”
“You're god damn right.” He emptied his bottle as well, then pulled her back in for another sloppy kiss.
Star wasn't sure what was happening, but she seemed to be enjoying herself, so she decided to let it happen. What could possibly go wrong?
The morning sun was a rude awakening. Star's head was pounding. Even breathing seemed to agitate it. When she finally managed to crack open an eye, she realized she was looking up at tree tops. She was in the woods somewhere near camp, on her back. “What in the hell?” she groaned.
That was when she realized she wasn't alone because her voice stirred her companion, who then loudly cried, “SHIT!”
“Ah!” she hissed. “Shh.” It took her a moment to place the voice with the person, and when she did, she bolted upright. “Bill?!”
“Yeah, princess,” he replied grumpily. “It's me.”
Another moment passed before she realized he didn't have his shirt on. Which would be difficult to do given that she did. The blue plaid hung off her loosely, concealing most of her body save her legs, which she was thankful for given that Bill's shirt was the only thing she seemed to be wearing.
“Oh no,” she whispered, looking around them. There was no chance anyone from camp would have seen them, but she did worry some about heard. “Oh no!”
“You don't gotta act so pleased,” Bill spat venomously.
She turned her gaze to him and felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, she didn't mean to be quite so horrified. On the other, drunkenly bedding anyone was way out of character for her, and she could not believe she'd done it. “Don't be so self-absorbed,” she retorted. “It's not about you.”
“Oh no? You mean you wanted to end up down the hill, in the woods, in the dirt with me?”
“Don't you get it? It's all of the part before you that's a problem! Coulda been Dutch for all I care, and I still would react the same!”
Much to her surprise, Bill's face softened. “So... it's really not me you're upset about?”
She stared at him and took a moment to analyze her feelings on that matter. None of it was ideal, but she wasn't actually upset about the company she was keeping. “It's not you. I just...” Her shoulders slumped. “It's a lot of things. But not you.”
Very suddenly, things were awkward. Bill couldn't seem to look at her, and she wasn't entirely sure how to get out of his shirt to give it back. “Go... go stand over there,” she told him, pointing. “And no peeking.”
He huffed and grumbled but did as she said. She collected her clothing, most of which she seemed to be sitting on. She pulled the bottom half on first, then slid Bill's shirt over her head. He shifted to glance over his shoulder, earning him a pine cone in the back of the head. “What did I say?!”
“Sorry!” he cried, rubbing the spot tenderly. “Jesus.”
Once dressed, Star carried Bill's shirt to him, holding it out at a distance. “Here.”
He took it back – yanked it back, really – then pulled it on and buttoned it back up. They were left standing awkwardly after that, neither of them making eye contact or really knowing what to do. Bill's hat was in his hands, twisting around nervously, and Star noticed for the first time just how unfortunate his forehead was. It was already slightly too tall for his face, then with his receding hairline...
“I'm gonna go that way,” she announced, pointing in the general direction of Flatneck Station. “You head back to camp now. I'll show up... later. From over there.”
He glowered for a moment, but eventually mumbled, “Yeah, ok.”
Lacking anything better to say, Star just nodded and started off with, “Right.”
The sun was high in the sky before Star even turned back towards camp. She spent most of the walk trying to remember the night before, and only bits and pieces would come back to her. She remembered chastising a group of them for always making fun of Bill, and she remembered Bill pulling her into the woods. The kisses they shared were foggy at best, but she remembered him holding her hand for what felt like a long time – just standing there, looking vulnerable. It made her heart ache slightly. If only she could remember what she said to him.
As she trudged back into camp, Charles came rushing up to her. “Where have you been?” he murmured, checking her over for injuries.
“I don't know. Woke up over that way. I'm fine, Charles.”
His dark eyes lingered on her with concern. “Someone said they saw Bill follow you into the woods. I was worried.”
That jostled her enough to make her feel bad for brushing him off. “He did. Just... he needed to ask me something. After that....” She shrugged. “I don't really know what happened.” Her eyes went behind Charles to camp. “Did Bill come back?”
“Yeah. Couple hours ago. Said he hadn't seen you. I was about to go out looking.”
The sigh that slipped from Star's body accentuated all the soreness she had been trying to ignore. “I'm sorry. I don't usually drink like that. I don't remember much.”
A small smile lifted Charles' lips. “Well... in any case, Sean would be pleased.” His smile grew when he saw Star smile too. “Come on. Let's get you some food.”
As the afternoon wore on, Star fielded multiple questions about what had happened to her the night before. She skirted around most of it, but honestly answered that she didn't really know. As Charles had predicted, Sean got the biggest kick out of it.
“And that's exactly how any party in my honor should end,” he told her, clapping her on the shoulder. “I'm proud of ye.”
“Thank you,” she groaned.
Bill almost immediately started drinking again, and he went about his day pretending like Star didn't exist. It suited her well enough. She wasn't prepared to delve into that particular hornet's nest. Perhaps it would be better if both of them went on as if none of it ever happened.
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pcyheartgirlx · 6 years
In The Bleak Midwinter [CH18]
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Genre ;; Angst/Smut/Fluff/Romance
Pairing ;; Chanyeol x Reader x Seokjin
Word Count ;; 8.9k
Summary ;; We’re all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves.
You own a multi-billion dollar company, servicing the biggest names in kpop, in more ways than one. Under the name “Starlight Catering”, you, your best friends, Damon and Maya, and your hundreds of workers provide stress relief for idols.
You have partially retired, not because you didn’t want to, but because Chanyeol was your muse. He was all that you had time for and all you needed. Until Jin came along.
So what happens when you mix fire and ice?
You get smoke and all the lines are blurred.
A/N ;; EDIT! I’m sorry if you’re seeing this twice on your feed. There was something wrong with the last post so I had to repost this. but nothing has changed so no need to reread just relike or reblog<3 :) Welcome back babies! I hope you liked the last chapter cuz this one is going to be totally different! Haha. I feel like I have to let you guys know if a specific character isn’t going to be in the story to just know this is a Jin chapter mostly and Chanyeol is absent BUT he will be in the next one :DDD anyways, hope you like it  byeee *ksoo voice* also there's a warning of a scene that might be a little gross to some. I won't reveal it here obviously so you'll have to keep readingggg
[PLAYLIST] [BACKSTORY] [PROLOGUE] [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6] [CH7] [CH8] [CH9] [CH10] [CH11] [CH12] [CH13] [CH14] [CH15] [CH16] [CH17] [CH18]
“Bangtan Christmas?”
Namjoon shot you a look of confusion as you echoed his words.
“What? It’s cute. It’s like a little Christmas party we do every year before Christmas. We drink and we do secret santa,” Namjoon’s eyes started to twinkle as he described it to you. It was cute just as he said but only because you never envisioned BTS doing something this adorable so privately. They really are like brothers. You smirked and looked down at the fit of your new sweater. You didn’t understand why Jin got you such a huge size. Bringing your hands up to your face, you sighed at the sweater paws you now had. And the way it hung on your shoulders gave it a length that made it look like a dress. It was longer than the dress you were wearing you thought. Those broad shoulders of his. You smiled to yourself as you kept examining the sweater on you. Namjoon noticed and was about to say something before you two heard voices coming from outside of the front door.
“Will you two shut up already?” Yoongi barked as the men all walked in. A small pout followed his statement as the footsteps and sounds of chuckling started becoming closer.
“It’s not my fault your legs are shorter than mine,” Tae giggled. “Maybe next time you can keep up and win the race.”
“I can’t believe this is how you’re choosing who’s going to be in your video, hyung!” Jimin whined, causing a that cackle that could make anyone smile. That was definitely Hobi.
“Why? I think this is fair!”
“(Y/N)!” Jungkook cried out delightfully as they walked into the kitchen. You smiled at all of them as Jimin ran to you and took you in an embrace.
“I’m so happy you came! We’re going to have so much fun!” He gushed as he pulled away, Tae was trailing behind him and mirrored Jimin’s action.
“I hope you have a good tolerance for vodka because that’s what your lovely prince got for the both of you,” As Tae pulled away, you looked at him perplexed as you looked over the 5 men who had just walked in.
“Where is Jin, anyway?” you asked as Jungkook came over to the you 3, putting a small plastic bag on the table.
“You’ll hear him in a second,” Yoongi sniggered as he started taking his coat off.
“What did you guys do to him?” Namjoon threw his hands up and sighed. Hobi just clutched onto Yoongi’s arm, joining him as they sniggered away.
“3…” Jungkook started.
“2…” Hobi followed. Jimin pointed in the direction of the hall and that’s when you heard him.
“Yah! This is how you treat me?! Am I just a bag boy while you hoodlums run off? Your antics are getting on my last nerve! Having me walk all the way over here carrying all the bags! You know how many bottles of wine and vodka I just bought. And another thing! I know you all didn’t leave your wallets home accidentally! You’re all a bunch of little--(Y/N)!” You couldn’t help but snigger with the rest of the men, minus Namjoon who was shaking his head at Jin’s rant, clearly embarrassed for him.
“Hey tesoro,” you said slyly as you watched his redden face deepen to a crimson color.
“Jagi, you wouldn’t believe what these punks did to me!”
“I’m pretty sure she heard you,” Yoongi teased as he walked over and took the many bags from Jin’s hand.
“Well it’s about time someone helped me! Ungrateful shits you all are!” Jin continued, the vein in his neck throbbing as every syllable fell from his lips. Jungkook walked up to him and put an arm around him.
“I’m sorry, hyung. I know age it starting to get to you and your muscles and bones aren’t the same--”
“Woah! I’ll have you know--” Jin was cut off by Jimin coming up next to him, squeezing his arm lightly.
“Wow, Jungkook’s right, hyung. You’re feeling a little flabby over here.”
“Aw guys leave my prince alone. It’s not his fault. Age is something that we can’t just stop,” you said as you walked over to Jin, placing a hand on his cheek lightly and pinching it. The affection you gave him caused the other man to giggle and as much as you were trying to embarrass Jin a bit, he just took your hand and pulled you into him.
“I’m like wine! I just get better with age,” Jin retorted as he wrapped his arms around you. “Isn’t that right, jagi?”
“That’s right, tesoro.”
“You guys are incredibly corny,” Yoongi chuckled as he took the liquors out of the bag, placing the 2 bottles of vodka and 4 bottles of wine on the table. Your eyes widened as Tae pulled Soju out of the bag Jungkook had placed on the table. These boys know how to drink.
“I think it’s cute!” Tae whined stomping his foot lightly at Yoongi. Jungkook came up behind Tae and put his hand on his back.
“He just doesn’t know the first thing about romance, huh?” Jungkook added silently and you were almost sure you were the only one that caught the off sided glance that Tae shot Jungkook as he touched him, almost shuddering but keeping his composure. They’re so incredibly cute I can’t deal with it.
“Let’s show (Y/N) the Big room!” Jimin chimed as he took a glass of Soju in his hand. You looked up at Jin whose face was softening every second you spent in his arm.
“Didn’t I see the Big room already?” you asked him innocently.
“Yes but you haven’t seen it decorated.”
“Aw I just noticed you’re wearing the sweater Jin got!” Hobi said as he peeled off his jacket, revealing his own twist on an ugly Christmas sweater that included Mang.
“That’s why we took so long,” Yoongi grumbled as he adjusted his Shooky Christmas sweater.
“We had to get hyung a new sweater since he wanted to see...how did he put it?” Jungkook mused as he pulled on the hem of his Kooky sweater.
“You’ll keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you,” Jin threatened as he held you closer.
“He wanted to see his beautiful sugar plum princess wearing the cutest sweater on earth,” Jimin teased, bringing his voice an octave higher as he pretended to cutely mimic Jin. While the 6 men laugh, you looked back up at Jin, squeezing him tightly as you kissed his jaw.
“Did you really say that?” you tried holding a small giggle back because the way his lip pursed, you could tell he was feeling slightly shy. But when he saw how your eyes twinkled in curiosity, his face softened.
“I said...something like that, yes.” You rested your head against his chest, not paying attention to the other men who were talking among themselves at this point.
“You’re the cutest, you know that Jin?” You felt him brush his lips against your forehead, causing you to fall deeper into his arms.
“I-I try.”
“Come, (Y/N)!” Hobi beamed as they all started making their way to the back of the dorm with a drink and bottle in hand. You pulled away from Jin but you felt his hands cup yours and slightly pull you toward the the door.
When you all made your way into the Big room, your jaw dropped at the scene in front of you. There was a massive tree where the floor dipped by the sectional and it was littered with BT21 decorations. There were Christmas lights strung all over the room. Everything either had a Christmas hat or tinsel hanging from it. It was a legitimate Bangtan Christmas. You smiled as you watched them all flock toward the sectionals with their drinks in their hands placing the bottles on a familiar table. You bit your lip and smiled a bit, thinking about the day Jin had you sprawled on that table. Jin stood by you, and you felt his eyes examining you, admiring the look of amazement that was plastered on your face.
“I wanted to do something for you for Christmas since I’m not going to be around. I know it’s not Christmas in New York, jagi but--”
“No you’re right,” you said as you turned to him. Jin was taken aback by your response, almost as if he was upset at your reaction. But it didn’t last long as you ran your thumb along the back of his hand. “It’s better. Because I get to be with this family. Because I get to be with you.”
His cheeks puffed out slightly as he grinned at you. All you wanted to do was just pinch those cheeks of his and kiss him everywhere. But you settled for a kiss on one of those cheeks before getting lost in those dark eyes.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
You didn’t care anymore. Those words were about to slip from your tongue and fall out of your lips with no regrets. Jin needed to hear it. He needed to hear it because if he could pick up the sincerity behind it and how much you meant it with everything in your body, he’d believe it before you let him go.
Before you let him go…
“Come on guys! We’re about to play a game!” Namjoon called to the both of you. Jin nodded and then looked at you.
“Let’s have some fun, jagi.” You smiled and nodded as he guided you toward the sectional were the other members sat.
The night went on with lots of laughter and yelling echoing through the room. You all played a drinking game, bringing you all to an extremely nice state of intoxication. Then the secret Santa exchanging of presents. You loved watching them joke about how mediocre the present was but then showering their secret Santa with words of gratitude. It wasn’t long before they got drunker as you sat there babysitting your 3rd glass of vodka in which Jin occasionally took a swig of. It surprised you how well Jin held his liquor. You expected much from Yoongi, who laughed at a very drunk Jimin who was demonstrating his splits. Another fit of laughter overtook you as Namjoon tried to imitate Jimin’s talent.
“My balls! My balls!” Namjoon cried as he fell back, cupping his crotch as he rolled over on the floor. Jimin roared in laughter, falling on top of Hobi who was cackling just as loudly as ever.
“Hyung! Why even try?” Jungkook said breathlessly in between bouts of laughter.
“Have you even ever done a split before?” Tae teased as Namjoon continued to roll around on the floor in exaggerated agony. Tears started to roll down your face and your stomach strained, trying as hard as you could to stop yourself from laughing anymore.
“Hey,” you felt a whisper in your ear. You turned to source next to you only to reveal Jin narrowing his gaze seductively at you. “What do I have to do to get a moment alone with you, sweetheart?” A playful smile danced across your face, your cheeks still burning from keeping that previous wide smile displayed for so long. You placed your hand on his knee and squeezed it lightly, never breaking eye contact.
“All you have to do is ask.” With that, Jin placed his hand over the hand that you rested against his knee, motioning for you to get up. You happily obliged by springing up from your seat, causing the other 6 men to look at the two of you.
“Oooh, I know what you two are about to do,” Jimin slurred as he squirmed cutely in Hobi’s lap.
“We’re just going to go talk,” you said innocently, receiving a doubtful look from Jin. Tae just laughed heartily as he linked arms with Jungkook, leaning his head against his shoulder.
“Give it 5 minutes and we’ll hear it guys!” Jungkook commented, causing the other men to cackle excluding Seokjin and yourself.
“Hear what?!” Jin barked, letting a small chuckle escape his lips although his tone was stern.
“Oh jagi! Ahhh you’re so good at that. Oh, just like that, jagi!” Namjoon moaned on the floor still as he thrust his hips in the air. Yoongi smacked him playfully as he started laughing even harder, causing the other men to roar in unison afterwards. You tried to hide your own laughter but Jin was a gentleman. Even though you could tell he wanted to laugh with him to hide his embarrasment, he put up a little front for you. Squeezing your hand lightly, he dragged you away from them and started for the door.
“You’re all are shameful! Disgraceful!” Jin cried as the two of you started to walk out. Instead of receiving another response from either one of the men that teased you, all 6 of them whistled and hollered as you two disappeared behind the door.
“I’m so sorry about them, (Y/N). They especially don’t know how to act when they’re drunk,” Jin said apologetically as he walked in front of you. You shook your head reassuringly as you walked a familiar path to his room.
“It’s fine, honey. Really. I find it quite amusing,” you pointed out cheerfully. As the two of you made it to his bedroom door, he stopped and looked at you  with embarrassment glinting in his pupils. You wanted to pout and kiss him everywhere just as you did that morning at the cabin, brushing your lips on every territory of his ethereal face. But instead you ran the back of your hand down his cheek as he spoke.
“More like humiliating. I get so embarrassed and shy,” he admitted to you, causing you to grin even more.
“I know that’s why I find it amusing.”
“Well I’m glad my humiliation is entertainment for you,” Jin sneered jokingly as you smacked his arm with minimal force.
“Oh stop baby. Come, lets get inside.”
“Wait a second,” he cried as you placed your hand on his doorknob. You snapped your neck toward him and gave him an eager look. Jin just placed his hands on your shoulders, positioning you so you were facing him. “Look up.” And when you did, there it was. You couldn’t help but bring your hand up to your mouth as this took you by shock.
“A mistletoe!”
“You know what happens under mistletoes, don’t you jagiya?”
You licked your lips as you stared at his, admiring the sumptuous pink skin that glistened in the dim light. Even though you had kissed them often, you always wanted to know what Jin tastes like. And as his lips brushed against yours in that minute, you let the taste of peppermint and vodka pour into you, onto your taste buds as his tongue brushed up against yours. His hands rested at your waist, even when he pulled away from the kiss.
“I have a few presents for you,” he breathed, not allowing you to gather yourself even after that kiss. You looked him confused and he just laughed as his hand went for the doorknob. What you saw in his room almost brought you to tears. You wanted to fall to the floor and beg him to take it all down and that you just plain didn’t deserve it. Because you didn’t.
You didn’t deserve the trail of rose petals that started at your feet and ended at the bed. You didn’t deserve all the hard work he had put in to lighting and positioning all the candles that flickered softly his room. You didn’t deserve the plate of chocolate covered strawberries and the two glasses of champagne that rested on his bed, with red and pink rose petals that surrounded the silver platter it was placed on. You didn’t deserve the bags of gifts that rested on the foot of his bed with tags that clearly had your name on it. And as you turned to look at him, studying to look of anticipation and hopefulness that was plastered on his face, you realized you didn’t deserve him.
“Please tell me you love it!” He begged as he wrapped his arms around your from behind. You felt his lips kiss at your neck gingerly. “I know you love strawberries and so do I. I was really nervous about this so I tried and prepared really well, jagi. Even Jungkook helped me set this up. But you’re quiet. You hate it. Baby--”
“Jin!” you spun around, cutting off his nervous rambling as his arms never left your waist. “I love it,” you gushed, hoping the worry and anticipation would cease and they did.
“You do? It’s not too...cheesy?”
“No, tesoro. It’s...it’s beautiful,” you choked back a sob and for the first time, it wasn’t a sob derived from sadness. You were so happy in this moment, so content and touched. When Jin took your hand in his and guided you to his bed, your heart started to pound loudly in your ears and it was almost impossible to keep you from smiling. He patted a spot on the bed and you sat while he went to other side and sat next to you. Jin picked up a strawberry and brought it to your lips, watching lovingly as you took a small bite.
“These are so good!” you gushed immediately, tasting the richest chocolate and the freshest strawberry you had ever tasted before. Jin’s face lit up as you grabbed one from the tray. “Here tesoro, try it.” Unlike you, Jin took the whole thing in his mouth causing his cheeks to puff out like a chipmunk. You giggled as you watched his eyes widened just as yours did.
“Nyam! These are so fresh! You know these are from Goyangi, right? I decided to try them out after I saw all the delicious food they made at your party,” He said excitedly as he brought another strawberry to your lips. When you took it in your mouth, you felt his knuckles brush up against your chin lightly. He exhaled suddenly as if his touch shocked him but his face stated warm and gentle. As you chewed, you blinked at him multiple times realizing that the sudden change in his breath and the expression of nervousness on his face was him falling deeper in love with you. Knowing that, you couldn’t help but take his hand in yours while you fell deeper with him.
“You didn’t have to do all of this, Jin,” you said reassuringly as your gripped his hand a little bit more tightly. He just looked down at your two hands, running his thumb over yours.
“I did though. The way I acted before was...it was terrible. I’m not usually like that. Jealous and impulsive. I know that’s how Chanyeol acts. But that’s not how I want to act,” he confessed to you as he brought a free hand to your lips, wiping away some strawberry juice that was dripping down the corner of your mouth. You understood why he exhaled suddenly before. You weren’t sure if it was the romantic setting or the vodka and champagne you started to take a sip of but something about him tonight was voltaic, charging every atom in your body and creating a jolt that streamed directly to your chest, hitting your heart dead on.
“You know I’m not angry with you about that, right? I mean, I was in the moment because I lost control of everything but...I don’t blame you for being as angry as you were. Granted, picking up Chanyeol’s phone call was a little much but considering the situation I had us wind up in…”
“Stop right there, (Y/N),” you looked at him puzzled as he brought a finger to your lips in attempt to hush you before he started to speak. “Don’t ever feel for a second that any of this is your fault. Believe it or not, there’s no one at fault.” Now he was talking crazy. When he removed his finger from your lips, he picked up the tray in between you, carefully placing it on his desk. You watched him intently as he got up, praying he didn’t drop the glasses of champagne or the remaining strawberries.
“That can’t be true, Jin I’m sorry. I’m a whor--I mean...It’s clear that I’m the one factor in this whole equation that is complicating both you and Chanyeol’s life,” As much as it hurt you to admit this, it was true. You put a hand on your chest, trying to contain the electric current that caused your heart to race. The way Jin tended to you was starting to become too much for you, but you didn’t hate it.
“That’s where you are wrong, sweetheart,” Jin walked to the foot of the bed, getting on his knees on the mattress as he made his way to you. A small squeak escaped your lips as you felt him grab your legs and pull you underneath him. Jin placed his hands on your hips to push you lower between his legs so that when he leaned foward, you were lying on your back and your faces were leveled.
“Yes, you are a whore,” he stated simply, raising your eyebrows at how he just outright said it. “But no one can ever help who they fall in love with. It’s just...destined. I was destined to love you,” he said as he lowered his face into your neck, planting soft kisses on your skin. “Chanyeol was destined to love you. And we were destined to love you at the same time. I told you...everything has meaning. It happens for a reason.”
“But Jin,” you moaned as his lips brushed against your jaw. His hands made their way under your sweater but over your dress underneath, running his hands along your chest.
“Shhh,” he whispered into your ear. “Don’t fight it, (Y/N). How many times are you going to make me beg you to let me adore you?” As his breath tickled your ear, you felt him push the sweater over you, stripping you free of the RJ designed knit. You worked at his pace, helping him push his sweater up as well but instead, he took initiative and looped his fingers under his shirt as well so when he stripped, he was completely shirtless. You bit your lip as you examined his torso, running your hands up the slightly defined muscle on his abdomen. Jin let out a breathy laugh as his arms came down, toying with the hem of your dress. You raised your hips so he could succeed in lifting your dress over you body, only to reveal that you weren’t wearing a bra...or panties.
“I figured I’d make it easy for you to access your favorite parts of me,” you purred as he looked you up and down, his eyes telling a story on how he was going to devour you whole. His hand started at your neck, slowly traveling to your breast. He took one in his hand as he started to speak.
“My favorite parts of you aren’t these parts, jagi,” he said with disappointment as he took your other breast in the same hand. Then his fingers trailed down your stomach, turning slightly as the reached your pelvis. “But I’ll tell you what my real favorite parts of you are.” He hummed as he cupped your heat in his hand, pushing his fingers against your clit. You whined silently when he moved his hand away only to regain excitement as you watched him undo his pants.
“Is it my excellent breakfast making skills?” you teased as you helped him push his pants and boxer briefs off.
“One of them but not my only favorite thing,” he grunted as threw the last piece of his clothes on the other side of the bed. You were expecting to feel his lips roaming your breast because of the way he licked his lips as he stared at them. But instead, he positioned himself in between your legs. Surprised at the fact that his cock was rock hard just by touching you, you sank lower into his body, giving him more leverage. But this went unnoticed because Jin hooked his arm behind your knees and aligned himself with your entrance.
“My favorite things about you are this face you’re about to make. I know I tell you almost everytime but I love this face,” Jin grunted as he entered his length inside you. A soft moan fell from your lips as you felt his pelvis collide with yours. And you inhaled deeply at the way he fit inside you, stretching your walls out slightly as your muscles pulse against him. He pumped once into you, watching the way your breasts bounced as he crashed into you.
“Your laugh, your smile, the way you cover your mouth when you’re speechless,” as he spoke, he started to roll into you with rhythm. He played into you like a ballad, slow with every thrust and melodic with the words he spoke. “The way you think about everyone else before yourself, the kindness you show to every living creature, the bite you give me when I bark, I like them feisty too, jagi.” You giggled a bit at that last one, there was a moan laced in that giggle though because he was close to your spot and he knew it. He let your legs drop next to him as he unhooked them from his arms. Jin started leaning in, letting his elbows rest next to either sides of your head as his pace picked up.
“You have a lot of favorite things about me,” you panted before you felt the collision your body was craving. You felt the tip of his head strike your spot with vehemence causing your head to roll back into the mattress as he pounded into you. He used that as an opening as he dove in and started to bite and suck on your neck. Jin nibbled on your earlobe lightly and you felt his breath rush into you when he whispered.
“You should know everything about you is my favorite thing.”
Your heart melted instantly and so did your womanhood. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as his thrusts became swifter with consistency. Before you knew it, euphoria was traveling through your whole body and your climax caused you to squirt all over him. You whimpered into the side of his face as you finished but he kept thrusting.
“I love when you squirt all over me like that, (Y/N).”
“Jin…” this was it. It was coming up your throat like one of the sobs you always seemed to bite back. But this was worse. This was something you kept not only lodged in the back of your throat but in the back of your mind as well. You knew damn well he didn’t want to hear it but how long could you deny these feelings to his face? This was it, for sure.
“Jin...I love you.”
You expected him to stop and look at you, eyebrows furrowed and ready to scold you. You expected him to pull himself off you and walk away. He had made it very clear that those words were to be saved for a special day. The day you were going to pick him. But that day was never going to come and you knew it. Today was the most romantic day you had with Jin and looking back at the time you spent with him, he had a good track record for romance. So you had to tell him, before this day...this holiday season ended.
But Jin didn’t stop. Instead you heard him inhale and his breathing stopped while he pumped into you. His thrusts started to become messy and his body was trembling.
“Ahhh...why did you say that, jagi? Fuck why did you say that?” He grunted as his forehead touched yours, moving against you in sync with the way he crashed into you. You felt the fire in your heat rise and your second climax was approaching. You tighten your embrace around his shoulders, clinging onto him for a second time and left a lingering kiss on his lips.
“I love you, Jin.”
“Stop, jagi…” his voice quaked just as his body did and his cock started to throb inside you violently.
“I love you so much, Jin.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I love you…” was all you were able to utter as you felt your walls suction around him, causing your whole body to tense.
“I love you more, (Y/N). I love you so much more,” he whimpered before you felt his last thrust inside you, sending your senses ablaze as you came all over him again. The feeling of your juices flowing out of you caused Jin to bury his face in your neck, groaning loudly as his cum shot into you.
The two of your stayed that way for a while, panting heavily in this embrace. At first, you thought you were the one making his bed shake, not realizing how bad you were shaking. But as Jin collapsed next to you and interlaced his fingers with yours, you realized it was him that was shaking violently and it confused you. You and Jin had crazier sex than this, why was he shaking so badly?
“Tesoro, are you okay?”
“I love you,” was all he said as he turned his head to you. You were almost scared to say it back, instead you looked into his eyes and shifted your body on to your side.
“I...I love you too,” you managed to whisper, looking away from him for a second.
“Hey, look at me,” and you did, examining his face to determine what could possibly be on his mind. Jin didn’t look as angry as you thought he would, but he didn’t look happy either. There was a little disappointment reflecting of the radiant glow he always had. Jin turned to his side too, so that he was facing you. With your fingers still intertwined with each other, brought them up to his lips and kissed each finger tenderly.
“You said it...when I asked you not to,” he said in between kisses.
“I know, Jin. I’m so sorry--”
“You know what this means don’t you?” you stared at him blankly. Truly you didn’t have a clue in the world, so you shrugged shyly at him. “It means I’m never going to get over you. Because I knew once I heard you say that, there’s no way I would be able to let you go.”
What did you do?!...You selfish bitch.
But you said it already. And there was no taking it back. Suddenly, the scene played in your head. You telling Jin you couldn’t be with him and the damage you were going to do to him. The pang in your core was almost enough to double you over but you remained still and your body tensed, running your hand along his jawline.
“Are you sure about that?” you asked hesitantly, watching him as he brought his lips down to your wrist. God, you loved when he did that.
“You never opened your gifts, jagi.” He didn’t even want to acknowledge your question. Instead, Jin pushed himself up, untangling his fingers from yours which almost caused you to whine. You watched him hook the bags into his hand walking back over to you to place the bags on the bed. He picked up your sweater and his, handing the RJ knit to you. “Put it on before you open them. It looks so much better on you than me, babe.” You beamed at his words which caused him to smile widely.
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
He was right. What were you waiting for? You quickly pulled the sweater over your head and dove into the many bags of gifts that he placed in front of you. Jin sat on his computer chair not too far away as he watched you rip away all the tissue paper in the bags. In the end, you couldn’t believe all the things he had bought you. The gifts included, Balenciaga boots, Chanel perfumes, a variety of Tory Burch and Michael Koors bags, dozens of Loubiton red bottoms and a brand new iPhone. You noticed that this one had no tag and you looked up at him slyly.
“I might have bought that one after I left your apartment,” Jin scratched the back of his head as he admitted this to shyly. You just giggled and ran over to him, sitting on his lap and kissing him ferociously. “Ah...okay...jagi...ahehehehe...I’m guessing...ahhh...I’m guessing you liked the presents,” he managed to say as you assaulted him with your affection. You felt him jerk underneath you as he laughed.
“Yes, tesoro. I loved it. I loved it all and I love you,” you said it again. Fuck, (Y/N). Stop saying it. But you couldn’t help and the look of pure sentiment he gave you after you said it made you want to say it again. Over and over again.
“I love you too, jagiya...remember when I told you earlier that I had one more favorite face?” You looked at him curiously and nodded. “Well, the face you made when I saw you opening the presents. The happiness and joy that I was able to give you. That’s my favorite face.”
The two of you stayed in that position for a while. You caressed the back of his neck, occasionally twirling with his hair every so often. Jin drew circles on your thigh as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“I wish you could stay,” he sighed, you just kissed the top of his head.
“Me too, baby. But it’s getting late and I have to bring Damon’s car back,” Suddenly, Jin snapped his head away from your grasp and looked up at you, his mouth hung slightly and his brows raised in a gloomy shock.
“You mean I can’t drive you home?” Taking Damon’s car was now a decision you began to regret.
“Baby boy, I’m so sorry. He offered and I…” your voice trailed off as he brought his lips to your cheek and nuzzled you after he kissed you.
“Ah it’s fine, jagi. Why don’t you get dressed while I put all your presents back in their bags?” Jin whispered sweetly into you ear. You nodded as you jumped off his lap, grabbing your clothes while you admired him out of the corner of your eye.
“Please call me when you get home,” Jin pleaded as he handed you the bags.
“I will, honey.”
“And drive safely. I know you had a little to drink so maybe you should eat some bread or stay a little while longer or--”
“Jin!” you giggled as you picked the bags up and kissed his nose. “I’ll be fine. It’s not the first time I’ve left your house by myself.”
“I know but still,” he huffed as he rubbed his arm. “I love you.”
“I love you too, tesoro.” He opened the door for you and placed a hand on the small of your back as you started to walk out.
“Don’t forget to call me,” he said as he placed a peck on your lips.
“I won’t baby. I promise.”
And you didn’t. The minute you pulled into your garage, you called him. Relief washed over his voice and you told him you made it safely. The two of you talked for a bit but when you noticed that he was yawning after every sentence, you giggled and instructed him that he should probably go to bed.
“Just a little while longer. Your voice is so beautiful.”
“Jin, please get some rest,” you begged cutely, tracing random figures into the steering wheel.
“Only because you asked like that,” he gushed.
“Goodnight, my prince. Sleep well. I love you.”
“Goodnight, princess. I love you too.”
As he hung up, you couldn’t help but feel the gnawing guilt eat away at you.
Chanyeol was the only one that called you that. You sat there with your new phone in hand, glancing at the cuts on your fingers as you thought about him. Maybe he wasn’t as angry anymore and the two of you could talk a little bit more civilly. Even though Jin gave you a magical early Christmas you were never going to forget, you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight unless you knew Chanyeol wasn’t angry with you. But when you dialed his number, it rang twice and went to voicemail. He...he rejected my call? To prove your theory, you called him again. Only hearing the phone ring once and then back to voicemail. Please pick up, you thought as you dialed his number a third time, only to hear it not ring at all. It went directly to voicemail.
Maybe if I give him a day...he’ll come around.
But he didn’t. The days passed and you never heard a word from Chanyeol. Jin on the other hand, called you every day at least twice. Once in the morning, to greet you before he started his busy day and then again at night before he went to sleep. He always told you he wanted to hear your voice before he went to sleep. And you were happy to hear his every night. Jin was helping you take the pressure off not hearing from Chanyeol for so long. But still, it didn’t settle well in your stomach. It got worse the day he was scheduled to come back. You even memorized the time he was supposed to land. That morning was terrible. Even Jin heard it in your voice as you served Damon breakfast.
“Jagi, are you sure everything is okay?”
“Yes, tesoro. I promise everything is okay.” Damon rolled his eyes as you spoke to Jin through the headphone. He knew you weren’t fine. But what were you supposed to tell him?
“Don’t lie to me, sweetheart. You know I don’t like that.”
“Well, I really don’t want to talk about it.”
“Is it me?” Jin asked frantically. You poured pancake mix onto the pan before answering him.
“No, baby. It’s not you.”
“Is it Maya? Have you called her yet?”
“No. I haven’t heard from her either.”
“You should probably talk to her, though. You guys are friends! It’s time to get over this silly fight. And your pride…”
“I tried, Jin. The ball is literally in her court and she’s still mad at me..”
“Right right. Well if it’s not Maya and it’s not me then wha-...oh.” His voice twinged with disappointment as he came to the realization. You stood there frozen as you watched your pancake cook.
“Oh what?”
“Nothing just...I want you to be happy. That’s all.”
“I am happy. I don’t know why you think I’m not.”
“Because I know you jagi,” he said seriously before he sighed. “I just don’t want anyone hurting you.”
“Tesoro, no one is hurting me. I just woke up in a funk. It’s--”
“Hold on, babe.” While he had you on hold you looked over at Damon, who was stuffing his face and chewing loudly at his food. You gave him a look of disgust noting to yourself no matter how many years passed, you hated the way he ate. How does Sehun deal with it--
“(Y/N). I have to go. I’ll call you later tonight.”
“Okay! Have a good day and don’t overwork youself.”
“I love you, jagi.” You heard him smiling into the phone, causing a smile of your own to stretch across your face.
“I love you too, Seokjinnie.”
“Y'all make me sick,” Damon commented as you hung up. You just rolled your eyes and pointed at him.
“They way you eat makes me sick.” He scoffed at you as he pushed his empty plate away from him.
“The fuck got your thong in a knot? Chanyeol still hasn’t hit you up?” You picked up his plate and started serving yourself on his dirty plate. “Ew that’s gross!” Damon shuddered as he watched you.
“No he hasn’t and I don’t wanna leave a mountain of dishes for the maids later. That’s mad rude.”
“Oh but bitch, when it was me doing the dishes!--anyway, it’s not important.  You know he comes back today,” Damon said matter of factly as he watched you load your plate.
“Yes, I know this.”
“So what are you going to do? I know you got something up your sleeve.”
He wasn’t lying. You did have something planned. But it was risky, crazy and you were almost positive it wasn’t going to work. Still, you sighed as you turned around and put your plate on the island, plopping yourself on a stool opposite side of Damon.
“It’s kind of out there, Damon,” you admit while you picked your fork up. “But I was thinking about asking Sooman to let me pick them up at the airport.”
“Bitch,” Damon laughed as you took a piece of pancake in your mouth. “You right. That’s fucking insane. Not impossible. But insane.”
“I know like, what if Chanyeol gets mad that I showed up? Isn’t that a little psychotic?” Damon looked at you with confusion as you said this.
“You think that’s the insane part?” he scoffed and rolled his eyes. “First of all, Chanyeol has done enough crazy shit like showing up here at ungodly hours unannounced and blowing up your phone 197 times.”
“It was 97!” you snapped defensively.
“And that makes it any better?” You looked down and shrugged.
“I suppose you’re right…”
“What’s insane is you having the balls to ask Sooman. Why don’t you ask Yongmin?”
“I tried but he’s in Japan with them obviously. To be honest, I’m not worried about it because I’m not scared of that old shithead,” you said confidently, popping another piece of pancake in your mouth.
“Or…” Damon started. “You could just let this go. You’re going to stop talking to him after the holidays anyway so...I mean this saves you a lot of trouble.” Maybe he was right. But is this how you really wanted to end things with Chanyeol?
“No...Chanyeol deserves better than that.” Damon shook his head and grinned at you softly.
“You really love that boy,” He sighed. You shot him a half smile, looking down as you toyed with the food on your plate.
“I love them both…”
Knowing you were nervous, Damon turned the rest of your conversation unrelated to what you were preparing to do. You were dressed and ready to run out of the house. When you were about to leave, you looked down at yourself and started thinking of the possibility that you might not have enough time to change. You were hoping that wearing this dress wouldn’t give Chanyeol the wrong idea that you had gone to see Jin before. He noticed last time. But you needed to look at killer as possible. Knowing how Sooman is and was when he was your client, you knew he was a sucker for a killer body. You put your coat on, said your goodbye to Damon and walked out of the house.
When you finally stepped out of the cab and walked toward the SM building, your hands started to sweat. See, part of the plan was not taking no for an answer. Not from the security, not from the secretary and especially not from Sooman. Luckily, the security guards in the front were too enthralled by your figure to stop you from going passed them and you felt their eyes on your ass as you swayed your way to the elevator.
Barging into Sooman’s office was a huge gamble with not only your career but your relationship with SM. Granted, you knew that Starlight had him by the balls. Idols performed better when they were able to relieve their sexual tension. He knew that better than anyone. But he could still hit you where it hurt and start composing his own contracts with you. His own prices. Imagining this, you shook it off. Part of you wanted to just close the elevator door as it opened in front of you, just turn back and take Damon’s advice but when you took that first step into lobby of his office, it was too late.
“Hello, is Mr. Sooman in right now?” You said pleasantly to his secretary. She returned your smile with one of her own as she peeled her eyes away from the computer screen in front of her.
“Yes he is! Do you have an appointme-”
“Thank you, I’ll just see myself in then.”
This was ballsy. The adrenaline levels started to rise as you walked past her desk and into the small hallway behind her.
“You can’t go in there! Miss! MISS!” She cried out after you and you heard her start to scurry behind you. When you felt her hand tug at your wrist, you turned your head to her.
“Get the fuck off me,” you snarled to her in English. Her eyes widened as if she was hit was a sudden realization. She froze in place as she watched you open the door to his office.
“Ms. (Y/N) is here to see you!” She called out behind you as you walked in. Lee Sooman was sitting in his desk, looking over some papers before he shot up from his seat and threw his pen on the papers scattered in front of him, scrunching up his face in anger.
“What’s the meaning of this?! Sophia?!” he bellowed at you as you crossed your arms in front him. She ran up behind you and bowed at him.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Sooman! She just barged in and…”
“And you didn’t stop her?!” his voice became louder and you just smirked, walking closer to the other side of his desk.
“Oh please, like there’s any stopping me. We need to talk,” you turned to his secretary. “Sophia, you can leave us now.” Almost shocked at how you took charge, she looked over at Sooman who was fuming at this point. Nodding at her slightly, she finally left the office, clicking the door shut silently as you heard her heels click down the hall.
“How dare you?!” He snarled, balling his hands in a fist at you. You scoffed and leaned against his desk.
“Come on, Lee. Considering our history, you don’t have time for one of your favorite girls,” you cooed, sitting on the edge of his desk letting your dress hike up a little revealing more of your thigh than was visible before. Sooman looked at your body but the anger never trailed off. When he started to walk toward you, you thought, this can’t be that easy. Until his hands wrapped around your throat and his arm snaked around your waist.
“You’re a whore,” he growled, grabbing at your neck firmly enough where you couldn’t move but still had access to a generous amount of air. You felt his arm press you up against him and his face inched closer to yours. “The only time nightwalkers show their faces to you during the day is if they want something...so what is it?” Ah, so that’s how he wants to play it. Knowing the role you had to take on, you softened your face and started exuding helplessness.
“Please...let me go,” you begged breathlessly even though you had more than enough energy to say it normally. Still, his grip around your neck and waist loosened but his arms shot up to your biceps as he pushed you away from him. Taking initiative, you let yourself fall on the floor convincingly.
“Speak,” he husked as he stood over you. Sooman loved being in a position where he thought he had control. See, you knew men like him. Power hunger driving their souls into coldness. He saw nothing in you. You were just a whore to him. But what he didn’t know, is that every move you made was to combat his. Granted you were winging it, but that’s what you were the best at.
“I…I need you to let me pick EXO up from the airport. I need to see Chanyeol. It’s important and...he’s terribly mad at me. I need to fix it,” you stuttered in between begs. Sooman smirked at you as you looked up at him.
“Why on Earth should I let you do that? After that mess I had to clean up on Dispatch? You’re out of your mind,” he said in disgust. All you wanted to do was get up and show him that you were not a bitch to fuck with. But he was thriving off your damsel in distress act. This might work.
“Please, Mr. Sooman. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important. I need this so badly. I beg you,” He examined you for a bit, the look of repulsion was being masked by one of deviance. He put his hands at his belt and smirked.
“If you want it that bad,” you saw him grab at his belt buckle and your stomach dropped. “Get on your knees.”
I mean, did you really think you could pull it off without it coming down to this? Yes, you did actually. You had so much confidence walking in that when things started to turn into this direction, you froze. Your body was tensing up. It wasn’t because you couldn’t do it or because you were shy to, no that wasn’t even a thought that crossed your mind. It was just...were you willing to do this for Chanyeol? To get a chance to fix things and enjoy these next few days with him before you had to cut off all ties with him.
If this was the only way to be able to be in his arms one last time, it was going to have to do. It was fucking appalling and happened in a blur. You almost don’t remember how he got into your mouth, and your mind became hazier and hazier every time he moaned. The sounds of your own slurping mixed with his groans filled the room and it made you sick. You wanted to pop him out of your mouth and give him a good jab where your mouth had been. But instead, you worked up and down him for what seemed like ages.
“I’m surprised sir,” you said playing into his deepest kinks. “You’re lasting so long for me.” Even though you said this with the utmost confidence, you were borderline physically ill.
“Stop,” he grunted and so you did. Wow, I’m off the hook. Now I can get the keys to the damn van. Hopefully there’s enough ti-- “That was for barging into my office.” You felt his arms at your shoulders, bring you up with force. He used that same force to turn you around and throw you onto his desk. You yelped as your front came crashing down onto the papers that were sprawled beneath you. “This…” he husked as you felt him align himself with your entrance. “The way that pussy feels around me is going to determine if I fulfill your little favor.”
“I think you just missed being inside me, Sooman. You let Chanyeol have all the fun and now I’m whipped,” you continued to egg him on, feeling disgusted with yourself after each lie fell from your lips.
“Inside you? Don’t flatter yourself, bitch. Any pussy will do. Chanyeol’s favorite pussy is just convenient for me,” his sudden entrance didn’t phase you as much as you let on. I wonder how he would take it if you told him how massive Chanyeol’s cock was. But instead, you winced in false pain as he rolled into you. He didn’t last long at all, just as you expected. It was only a few humiliating minutes you had to endure this before he came. Sooman wasn’t the type to cum inside you like Chanyeol and Jin were. No. He made sure to raise your dress high enough where he could dump himself on your ass cheeks, grunting as he finished riding out his climax. You reached out in front of you, grabbing some tissues from the box that was arms length away. Wiping his cum off you, you watched him plop in his seat eyeing you intently as you got up to fix yourself.
“So?” You asked innocently as you fixed your dress back over your bum. He smirked at you as he picked his phone up.
“Sophia, cancel the travel van scheduled to pick EXO up. Ms (Y/N) will be stepping out shortly, give her the keys that are in the bottom drawer.”
It fucking worked. It wasn’t just relief that you felt drip down your back but it was also doubt. Was sleeping with him really worth it? Worth your pride? At least it was over. You bowed at him when he hung up the phone and he just smirked.
“Thank you so much, Lee Sooman. I greatly appreciate it,” you said with you head hanging low. As you stood up straight, he tsked at you and laughed heartily. Another catch? You knew this was too good to be true. Still there was a role to play and you stayed devoted.
“A 90 degree bow? I deserve more respect then that. Especially from you,” he spat and he crossed his arms, eyeing you up and down. “On your hands and knees.”
Is he serious? You just sucked his dick and he fucked you all for free basically. I mean yea, you got what you wanted but still. He was out of his mind. And you had almost every to tell him off at this point but you made it so far. The damage had been done already. Thinking back to the times you were forced to show respect to your father, to his clients, it wasn’t that it was hard faking it. It’s just that your dignity, what ever was left of it, was shattering before your very eyes. But still, you did as you told, thinking about how Chanyeol’s scent would linger in your olfactory as you hugged him one last time.
“Thank you, Lee Sooman,” you said as your head touched the floor. “I am in debt to you.” You stayed there for a minute, not wanting the see the smug look on the old man’s face. But as he cleared his throat, you shot up from the floor with anticipation. Thankfully, he didn’t catch that.
“Get the fuck out of my office.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You stormed out of there with the taste of regret and disgust lingering in your mouth.
A/N ;; as always, DM what you guys think! I love y’all so muchhhh and thank you for reading. <3
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mulifandom-oneshots · 4 years
korekiyo getting insecure because he thinks that s/o doesn’t like him
hi guys! this is my first post! um this wasn’t a request cuz i haven’t been getting any but ummm yea^^
s/o : your name
⚠️ warnings ⚠️ kiyos sister, intrusive thoughts. FOK HIS SISTER🙄🙄🙄 BEECH🙄 (side note holy crap i love comfort for the other person ahh!!) (oo also he might be a little ooc cuz i project on to him a lot and if you don’t like it um sry) (alsoooooo um pls don’t say he @bus3d his sister um it was the other way around he was a minor when it happened)
how do i put hinges under the cut on mobile😳😳😳
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korekiyo shinguji was a simple yet so complicated person, you really wanted to know more about him, and he obviously took a liking to you.
over some time you realized that your feelings towards him weren’t all that platonic, you confronted him about it and he said he’s took a romantic liking to you as well. which leaves us to right now, people (mostly bully’s) have been whispering things like
“they don’t like you” and,
“they really think your weird”
he was weak to manipulation since he’s already been so over-exposed to it his whole life, and quickly realized they may have a point. 
‘great job korekiyo you’ve done it again, no one will pity you now’ he shook his head quickly to clear the thoughts but they kept coming
‘your sister was right, she was all you had’
‘please stop’
‘wow your pathetic you know that? your supposed to be calm and collected, your really having a mini brake down? in class of all places? wow better call sick so you don’t show anyone else how pathetic you are’
“m-“ he cleared his throat,
“mrs?” he raised his hand hastily.
“ah yes mr shinguji?” she replied.
“may i go to the nurse?” he knew he was lying to her face, he knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t let anyone ( especially you ) see him like this.
you on the other hand knew he was lying. he has the strongest immune system on the planet, but when he was sick it was the worst thing you’ve ever seen. you knew something was up, and you sure as hell weren’t going to let him go through it alone. raising you hand and accidentally shouting,
“mrs may i go to the restroom?!”
“miss s/o if i find out your skipping class, i will send you straight to the principals! you may go.” her eye twitching slightly at the amount of people leaving .
back in kiyos room, he was curled in a ball in his bed. he had mastered the art of making himself as small he could be ( for his unusually long build anyway ) since he was always hiding from his sister under his bed. tears dripping down his face as he lets out a silent sob from under the blanket.
‘you mustn’t complain kiyo, stay calm’ he could hear miya’s voice in his thoughts.
‘your not real, your a hallucination. i’m alone in this room. there’s nobody here’
he can feel her behind him. creeping closer and closer and clo-
“kiyo, hunny, are you ok?” your conserned voice asks.
“s/o?..” he mumbled, he forgot he gave you the key to his dorm.
‘great now you’ve done it’
‘they’ll hate you for the rest of their life, they don’t love you like she did-
“darling can you answer me?.... please?” you asked. at this point you had a small understanding of what was going on, he told you some things about his sister.
“i-i’m fine s/o just a bit-“ he accidentally let out a sob “under t-the weather” shit.
“darling we both know you’re lying, please be honest, i just want to help.”
“i told you it’s nothing...”
“kiyo....” you used a stern voice to prove you point (in hindsight being a bit aggressive wasn’t the best course of action, but you gotta do what you gotta do)
‘great now they’re mad at you, they want to break up with you!’
“your right...” he muttered. he wasn’t quite sure if he was talking to his thoughts or you, but either way you took it as the latter. he feels the bed dip by his chest as you start rubbing his back.
“please tell me what the matter is. it hurts to see you like this” you hold his hand.
“can you tell me honestly what y-you think of me?! i know y-you h-hate me j-just can you please pretend?!” he shot up while pulling his hair, tears spilling out his golden eyes. his pupils dilating as he stares at the ground.
“kiyo what are you-“
“please” he sobbed his voice going to almost a whisper, for he wasn’t able to talk though the sobs coming out of his mouth. “just pretend to love me for a bit longer, i c-cant be alone anymore” he started to hyperventilate.
“h-hey love can you try breathing deeply for me? hey it’s okay... i don’t hate you love. hey-“ you got cut off by a getting tackled into a hug.
“i love you so so much s/o please don’t leave me.” he muzzled into your chest.
“why would i ever to that hunny?” he gave a small giggle and you soon feel asleep in each other’s arms.
0 notes
xbarrjallenx · 7 years
Night Changes
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Pairing: Zach Dempsey x Reader
Request: “Could I please get one with Zach, just a really cute date night but it goes wrong cuz either Marcus or Bryce show up and are very inappropriate with her but Zach protects her and just a lot of fluff. Thank you so muchh”
Word count: 1.585
Posted: 06th of May 2017
A/N: It’s saturday and I wrote some imagines today, happy to tell you that there will be Monty, Zach, Jeff imagines. So you should keep an eye out! Thank you for the request and I hope that you like it! Enjoy guys.
P.S.: Which character x reader imagine would you like to see the most? Answer in my ask box, if you have time.
- G. x
Warning: Rude comments. (Y/L/N) is Your Last Name and (Y/E/C) is Your Eye Colour.
It was one of your date nights with Zach and you both decided to go to a fancy restaurant, just to shake the stress off, to have a good talk and to drink a high-quality wine together.
“Babe, are you enjoying the food?” Zach happily asked as he enjoyed his plate full of cold cuts and cheeses. You knew that he was addicted to food and it made him happy.
“Yes, the pasta is cooked well, perfect sauce and al dente pasta.” You happily said as you chewed carefully and silently your food. Zach just giggled softly and grabbed his still-white napkin and wiped the dirty edge of your lips.
“Someone’s a little bit too excited because of her green pasta!” He mocked you and you both laughed as he carefully dabbed the napkin to assure that there was no sauce left. “Here you go.”
“I can’t imagine you called my pesto in that way.” Your eyes grew wide in disbelief and you shook your head. “Dude, green pasta? Really?”
“Sorry, it’s green and I am calling it green pasta.” He pointed out and you both laughed loudly. You loved it when he goofed around you and he really felt comfortable with you.
“Captain Obvious.” You rolled your eyes playfully and he shook his head, still with a smile flashed on his face. You smiled back at him as you realized how wonderful and handsome he was. You’ve always thought that Zach was good looking, who would never think of that? But he also had a good heart and he is intelligent too. “Thank you, Zachary.”
“Am I in trouble for that? What’s with the full name basis?” He raised an eyebrow and you just winked at him. “I’d love to be punished tonight.” He grabbed your hand and caressed it lasciviously as he winked back at you, just fooling around and teasing you.
You let out a soft laugh and you smacked his hand for his actions. “Contain yourself, goofball!”
He laughed back and you shook your head because of his naughtiness. “I love you, (Y/N).”
You loved your relationship with Zach. It was just so true and you loved your intimacy. Your relationship was full of inside jokes, bluffs and pranks. Your day was always full of laughter and it seriously lessened your stress and your disquietude.
“I love you too, Zach.” You honestly replied with a wide smile. You both took your wine glasses and clinked them together, cheering for the two of you, for the success of your relationship.
You both sipped a drop of wine from the glass and Zach convinced you that he really had a great taste when it came to choosing a wine. The restaurant’s sommelier had to let him taste different wines before he’s got the perfect choice and you were so amazed because he really knew everything about wines. That was surely a tough thing to do.
“Oh, if they aren’t the famous perfect couple: Zach Dempsey and, his lovely girlfriend, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” You woke up from your deep amiable thoughts as you heard a familiar annoyingly honeyed voice coming from your left side.
“Bryce.” Zach shortly called his so-called-friend, a little bit uncomfortable and annoyed for his presence. He was afraid that he might ruin something great.
“What’s up, Zach?” Bryce asked with a miffing tone and you couldn’t admit it, but he was really vexing you. “Dating your girlfriend so you could have fun tonight?”
“Bryce, what do you want?” You butted in and you got a lustful and lascivious glance from Bryce. He was eating you with his eyes and your cleavage was the perfect bait that triggered his obscenity. You uncomfortably pulled your dress up as you cover your not too revealed cleavage.
You wore a really sexy dress, as you wanted for the night to be special for you and Zach, but it didn’t mean that these disgusting maniacs had the right to be rude to you because they thought that you were wearing something that could trigger their dirty minds.
Girls should be allowed to wear whatever they want and boys should be taught how to behave themselves.
“Damn, if my girlfriend was this pretty, I wouldn’t ever let a moment slip through my hands.” He winked at you and you felt disgusted and scared at the same time. You looked at your boyfriend and the rage in his eyes was perfectly seen.
“What the fuck, Bryce?” Zach protested as he stood up, ready to hurt him if he ever continued acting inappropriately with you. “Can you just please leave us alone?”
“Oh my God, I was being kind and it was some sort of compliments. Same shit.” Bryce insisted as his eyes were still dark and full of lust. He glanced at Zach and then at you once again.
“Fuck off, Bryce.” Zach debated and he raised his fist in air as if he was about to start a fight between the two of them.
Bryce took advantage of the moment and he punched Zach twice in his face and your eyes grew wide for the happening. Blood was dripping from Zach’s cheeks and it stained his white button up shirt and his black tuxedo. Zach punched Bryce back, not caring of his wounds, and you heard the crowd gasping for the scene your boyfriend and the asshole maniac was doing.
“OMG!” You rushed to Zach and you pulled him away to dodge Bryce’s attempts of hurting him even more. “Stop it, Walker!” You shouted loudly, trying to shoo him away, but you had no success.
“Sluggish!” Bryce spat his words while considering Zach’s eyes. You didn’t mind him and you somehow felt relieved when two security guards quickly blocked him and brought him out of the restaurant.
“Are you okay?” A hurt and injured Zach asked you and you just nodded, worrying for him instead. You looked around the restaurant and it seemed like the whole world was watching the two of you. You felt ashamed because of what happened and you just unleashed a quiet but deep sigh.
“I think we should go home now. I need to cure those wounds.” You suggested and Zach quietly agreed, leaving some bills on the table to pay for your cozy, now ruined, dinner.
You both walked out of the restaurant and you felt some worry glances that stared at you. You felt anxious as the crowd was silent and Zach held your hand tightly to feel you more comfortable.
“Sorry.” Zach murmured once you got out of the restaurant. You smiled at him and you let the cold breeze of air to kiss your skin. The silence was dominating the place as the sun already set and the night took in, but the full moon and the stars illuminated the whole town and the emanated light helped you to see your way. “I ruined the night.”
“You didn’t, Zach.” You said as you tried to cheer him up.
“I did.” Zach opened the passenger’s door of his car for you, still being the gentleman that he was. He was trying to mend the what-he-called damaged night. “Careful.”
“Thanks.” You entered the car and Zach smiled sadly before he shut the door. You followed his steps with your eyes as he went to the driver’s part and he went inside the car too.
“I’m really sorry, babe.” Zach crestfallenly apologized as he glanced at your beautiful face. “I promise that I will make it up to you.”
“It’s okay, Zach.” You smiled at him and you caressed his chin to assure him. “It wasn’t your fault.” You sweetly muttered and he smiled at you. “Thank you, instead.”
“All I did was to protect you.” Zach sincerely said whilst looking into your (Y/E/C) eyes. “I did the right thing and you shouldn’t thank me for doing that.”
“Aw, Zach.” You bit your lip and you both smiled sweetly. You had some seconds of silence, the comfortable one, and Zach started to lean in to give you a kiss.
You just shut your eyes as you waited for Zach’s lips to touch yours. You’ve always admitted that waiting for Zach’s kisses still made you anxious, the butterflies kept on moving in your stomach.
You locked lips with him as soon as you felt the heat of his lips. He slowly caressed your soft cheeks while tasting your lips and you honestly liked the feeling of kissing Zach. It was the cherry on the top of every cake.
Once you broke the passionate kiss, you both considered each other’s eyes and smiled.
“It doesn’t matter if our date night was ruined, babe.” You said in a low and soft voice. “There’s nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes.”
“But it’s horrible. I want the night to be perfect.” Zach insisted, still feeling down for the scene and the disgraceful words that Bryce expectorated.
“It doesn’t matter,” You assured him. “because it will never change me and you, mostly the love that I am feeling for you.”
“I love you so much, (Y/N).” He pulled you into a hug and you lingered his tight touch. It made you feel protected, loved and wanted. At the end, those things were what all we needed the most, right? Yup, right.
“I love you too, Zach.” You sincerely and sweetly replied. You both stayed in silence and the only thing that could be heard was your heart going lub dub lub dub quickly.
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cc-sketchbook · 7 years
I don’t normally write fanfiction but I was inspired by a post by @riathedreamer  which is located here 
Title: “Margarita” Author: Chaos Child Fandom: Red vs Blue Characters: Simmons & Grif Pairings: Grimmons? A little fluff? Warnings: Pg13 for the most part, drinking (obviously), language, nothing really beyond the scope of what the show contains. If there is something you think needs to be put in warnings let me know and I’ll add it.  Notes: None really other than this is unbeta’d. Enjoy! :D
”Margarita” by Chaos Child In retrospect, that probably wasn't a margarita.
Not that Simmons had ever had a margarita.
Not to say of course that he'd never drank before! Because he had! He had! He'd nicked some stuff from his parents when he was in his rebellious teen phase, he'd knocked back a beer or two with Grif when they were off-duty. And on-duty... that one time. ONE TIME! Okay!?...… Okay, more than one. He'd just never had a margarita before now, they were all fruity and stuff, right? And that was associated with girls, right? Or was that martinis? Either way best not to risk it. No reason to purposefully invite mockery and humiliation...
But, yeah... Yeah, that probably wasn't a margarita, at least not a normal one. Or maybe it was... But Grif had said... He'd said, that since they were here in the Vegas Quadrant they should do something fun, something silly or stupid so they could have a good laugh about it. It had taken a fair bit of whining and several "but Simmoooons"s for him to give in and tell Grif to "just get me whatever." from the overly colorful bar. Sure enough, in almost no time at all, the Hawaiian had returned with a nearly picturesque bright red margarita, and a... something, in an overly tall glass, an almost glowing neon blue beverage, topped with different kinds of fruit, including pineapple (because of fucking course), and a red crazy straw. Exactly the sort of thing Surge would never approve of. So in other words, perfect for Grif.
Yeah, in retrospect he probably shouldn't have trusted anything his teammate had brought him, a little voice reminded him. Not that he was paying attention to it. Like at all. Because yeah. Yeah. He was buzzed.
More than buzzed.
Buzzed was an understatement.
He was fucking HYPER!
"Grif, Griiiiiiiiiff!" Oh wow was that whining him? Did he really sound like that? That was hilarious!
Simmons broke into a fit of giggles.
"Grif! Hey, fat-ass!"
"Jesus Simmons, what?" said fat-ass finally answered, failing to hold back his own laughter.
"Let's go do something!"
Grif grinned, "Like what?"
"I don't knooooow!" Simmons warbled, "Just something! Something I can do! ‘Cause, 'm, 'cause oh my god I'm so charged man!"
"I dun know... I was kind of thinking I'd hit the buffet, then maybe catch some z's." That was probably sarcasm, but what if it wasn't?!
"No!" Simmons gasped, with a scandalized drama that would have made Donut proud, and crouched to match Grif's eye level.
No, too far. Closer. Wait, no, that was the table. Oh, yeeeeeaaah, they were still in the bar weren't they? For an all too brief moment of clarity he realized how stupid he must look, practically kneeling on the likely filthy floor, peering over the edge of the table like a child, pleadingly, at his still seated and probably nowhere near as drunk teammate.
"Grif?" he asked, quietly, an abrupt gearshift from his previous mood. "Grif, am I weird?"
"Absolutely." came the immediate reply.
The cyborg whined mournfully and looked down at the floor. He'd messed up somehow, hadn't he? And now he was weird again, and no one would be his friend and he was gonna be all alone and he didn't know where anything was and he just wanted to go do something! And-
"Hey." Simmons nearly smacked his face on the edge of the table as he was suddenly pat on the head, "Let's go," the red head grinned in delight at his compatriot. "don't know when you'll actually want to go do something fun again, better take advantage now."
"Yes!" Simmons leaped to his feet, oh wow he could just hug Grif! So he did! Kind of. It was closer to falling onto, but with more standing involved. "We can't do the dukes of hazard thing though, at least I don't think, cause they'll get mad. Plus we don't have a warthog..."
Grif laughed, "Yeah, nah, don't worry, this is the Vegas Quadrant, there's plenty of shit to do here."
"Yeah! Yeah, let's go do some stuff!"
So they did.
There was a comedy show, which was hysterical, Simmons couldn't remember laughing that hard in a long time. He'd been good too! Like really good, he hadn't shouted or corrected the comedian at all! Even though he wanted to, his bit about Star Trek had been completely wrong, like utterly wrong. Probably hadn't even watched the series at all. Poser.
He'd ended up bouncing his leg a lot though, probably too much, cause Grif had noticed, and suggested they go do something that involved walking, but not too much. "Enough so that you don't explode or something."
It had taken some pleading and the promise of the existence of benches but Grif finally agreed to the aquarium. Because maybe he was drunk enough to be nostalgic for home? Hawaii had lots of oceans and shit, right? He thought it did. He'd never been to Hawaii.
At least Grif seemed to be having fun watching Simmons from the aforementioned benches as he bounced around in front of the large display tanks, babbling out what he knew about the marine life inside. Most of it was probably even true! And didn't that fish look just like Caboose? A Sail Fish! Or Sale fish? Sael? Sun Fish? Ocean Sunfish? That big stupid one that ate jellyfish and had about as much brain power as a rock. That one.
Grif chose after that, which was really only fair after all, and they ended up in a retro style arcade. The sign on the outside declared that it was an "Adult Arcade" but all this apparently meant was that they served booze inside and had "M" rated fighting games rather than having more... unsavory sorts of things. Something to which Grif voiced a mild displeasure before dragging Simmons to said nearest fighting game.
It was totally the alcohol in his system that made it easy for Grif to wipe the floor with him, he was just too jittery, too hyper. It made it hard to sit still. It was absolutely not because he was total shit at them. Fuck off!
He turned it around at the dancing game though! Which was great because he was pretty sure he also sucked at dancing. Or didn't. Or was too self-conscious? Or something. Probably was because Grif was too out of shape to dance more than a few songs. But did DDR really count as dancing, really? A mystery that might never be solved...
And there was that crane game too! They got kicked out for that, or well, asked to leave, probably, maybe, hard to tell because he kind of wasn't paying attention. Cause Grif had snorted at it when they walked by, something about it being a ripoff, and he'd agreed but pointed out that if you knew how to do it you could totally win whatever you wanted, was just all about math and shit, and Grif had said “prove it.” and so he did! Just had to know how to talk to the machine, with math! Cuz see they were sort of related, cause he was part robot... cyborg! He was a cyborg! So yeah! And then Grif just started pointing to all the ones he wanted and so he just kept winning them, and then some guys came over and Grif started arguing with them or something, again, not really paying attention, he was too busy lining up the claw at juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust the perfect angle to snag that crazy fluffy pink, (light-ish red) bunny, that totally looked like Donut, maybe, if Donut was a rabbit, but the point was-!
Then they were outside, like outside, and Grif was hefting a bag full of all the stuffed things Simmons had won and grumbling something about the people who owned the place being a “bunch of greedy assholes”. Least they got to keep the prizes. It would have been so sad if they didn't. How would the Donut Bunny get home to the not Bunny Donut? It was like all those movies with the dogs who get lost and go like a million miles and learn to play piano just to make it home to the little white bread suburban child who loved them.
That would be later though because NOW, they were in the park, a park, a playground, at like a school or something? Kind of weird, but made sense. People who worked here probably had kids, kids needed to go to school, so they could grow up to be model members of society, and probably alcoholics, who knew way too much about math and how pi worked and shit, and they probably had space dogs too.
Grif was on the swing, one of them, watching as Simmons sort of wobbled along, trying to walk on his hands, he was mostly succeeding, except gravity was all weird so he kept falling over. With a sigh he gave up, well took a break, Reds never surrendered, he told Grif this.
“If you say so dude.” the larger man chuckled, peering downwards at him, swinging slightly back and forth.
Simmons hummed, looking up at the night sky, a few meager stars straining to be seen against the astounding amount of light pollution, head still swimming pleasantly, but the crazy manic energy high or whatever, seemed to be maybe wearing off now. Perhaps? He felt kind of floaty, maybe a bit sleepy? The grass was surprisingly comfortable. For lab designed genetically modified grass anyway. Perfect science grass. Perfect in every way. Not like him though.
The cyborg raised a wobbly metal hand in front of his face, probably too far out, looked like he was maybe trying to grab one of those sad flickering stars, trying so hard to be seen in the sky, not like the grass at all. He told Griff that too.
He got a 'hum' in reply.
“Hey... Hey, Griff?” Simmons asked.
“I'm a mess...” he blinked slowly in the silence, in a weird sort of way, where it took his artificial eye a few millionths of a second to catch up to the human one or was it the other way around? He probably looked drunk. Probably was drunk, probably. “We're a mess.” he corrected.
“Yeah, but hey, whatcha gonna do?”
“Fix it?”
Griff burst out laughing, “Like what? Like are you asking me to fix it? Or are you just saying someone should fix it?”
Simmons rolled a little bit more onto his side facing his... his um... “Hey, Grif? Are we-” Teammates? Companions? Buddies? Friends? Lo- “-Losers? Can you fix that?” Fix me?
“I don't know? I guess you only really 'fix' that by like practicing things and shit? Too much trouble most of the time. Sometimes you just stay a loser no matter what you do. But who cares? If you're a loser you don't gotta do shit, no one expects anything of you so you never get asked to do things you don't want to do. Better that way.” Grif said, somehow forming a suitable answer to what would not have passed as an actual question in most circles. Which they were not.
“Am I boring?”
“Nah, only like... 40% of the time.”
Simmons grinned stupidly, “Oh good, that's less than half!”
A comfortable silence fell over them for a couple of minutes.
“I had fun.”
“I'll probably be mortified tomorrow though. We can never go back here, you know that right?”
Grif snorted, “We? Not just you?”
Simmons' brow furrowed, “As though you'd ever come here without me. You totally won't ever go alone, and who else would you take?”
“Tucker?” Griff offered seriously, before immediately breaking the facade at Simmons' baleful glare laughing, and really wasn't that just the best sound? “Fuck, who am I kidding? Tucker is an asshole.” He made a face, “And weirdly into my sex life, really into it, it's creepy, weird as fuck.”
“I know riiiiiight?” Simmons warbled, Tucker was so fucking weird, probably morally bipolar with how he seemed to flit back and forth between attempting to be a decent guy and a literal pile of trash. And he knew being bipolar didn't work that way! It was a metaphor okay!? He was drunk alright?! Though less so now maybe, drunk enough to know he was drunk.
“Oi, are you falling asleep down there?” Grif called down to Simmons after a couple of unresponsive minutes.
“No.” Simmons tittered back, “Might not be so bad though, grass is comfy.” he frowned, scrunching his face in a way that might have been cute if it was on a child and not a full grown man. “I think I'm starting to crash...” He tried to roll over again and only partially succeeded, arms flopped oddly in front of and behind him, “I'm so fucked uuuup.”
He heard the rattle of a chain and then saw the slightly blurred shape of Grif's shoes in front of him.
“I've known that since the literal second I met you dude.” the shoes' owner snickered, crouching down a bit to poke his teammate's head with a finger, “No passing out, if you're gonna do that then we're going back to the hotel. Probably should anyway, I think it's like 4 am.”
“4 am? I've only heard about that in hushed whispers and legends!” Simmons said with a dopey grin, earlier melancholy forgotten. He tried to sit up but instead flopped a bit on the grass while Grif continued to laugh at him.
He squinted again, this time at the semi blurry image of his teammate, not like, 'I can't tell what that is any more' level of blur, but like, '60's sci-fi Vaseline on lens' kind of blurry. Was oddly pleasing, in an aesthetic sort of way. Word salad sort of way. Train of thought sort of way. That lead to other thoughts, and other trains, that went to places he wasn't really sure he wanted to think about at the moment. Mostly because he couldn't remember where he was going with that.
“Grif. Be my legs.”
“But I gave you my leeeeeeeeeeg, and my lungs, and an arm, and most of my other organs and some skin.” He gave Grif a far too serious and also far too stupid glare, “Grif.” he said, like a revelation, like an accusation, “I gave you my heart.” How DARE you, Sir!
It took about five seconds of awkward and yet somehow hysterical silence before they both burst out laughing. Laughing so hard that Grif was actually holding his sides and gasping “It hurts it hurts!” while Simmons made noises that to an outside view probably sounded a bit disturbing as his artificial lungs (or the assortment of crap that passed for them) tried to figure out what their owner wanted them to do.
“Okay, okay you win. I can't argue with that.” Griff finally managed to choke out, swaying a bit up to his feet, reaching out to grab Simmons hand and haul him up. “I'm not carrying you though, you can lean on me but that's it.”
Simmons wobbled dangerously, vision fucking off with his sense of balance for a moment when he suddenly became upright.
“I agree to these terms.” he said dramatically, somewhat flinging himself into the offered arm, tossing his own over Grif's shoulders as gravity gave a valiant but thankfully futile attempt at taking him down again.
“Okay, so now we just gotta make it a couple blocks, I think, to the main road, then we can get a cab. Cause fuck if we're walking to the hotel.”
“Oh my god Grif what if we get mugged!” Simmons suddenly tittered, causing them both to sway until Grif directed him back into walking in the right direction.
“No one is gonna mug us dude,” Grif lightly shook the bag of prizes Simmons had 100% forgotten about, “bunch of stuffed animals? We probably look weird as hell. Probably get arrested more like if they found us at the playground.”
“Noooo,” Simmons wailed dramatically, flinging his free arm around Grif, allowing his feet to drag, “Griff no, I don't wanna go to jaaaail.”
“We're not going to jail either man, chill.” his teammate chided, aww, not funny then,  “And let go, this is dangerously close to carrying, I will drop you.”
“You suck.”
“You suck.”
“Suck Dick!”
“You heard- nothing! You heard me.”
Grif raised a thick eyebrow but didn't comment further, which really was for the best.
It didn't take long to get a cab once they got back to a busier part of town, at least Simmons didn't remember it taking long, but who was he to say? He'd been right before about crashing, all the manic energy he'd had before was gone at this point, and he was all but out like a light when Grif finally got the door to their room open.
He managed to make it to the nearest bed without planting face first into the floor. Small mercies.
“Oi!” he dimly heard from the doorway as he plopped onto the mattress, “That's my bed man, I called it when we got here.”
“Don't care,” was the muffled response, “Go sleep in the other one. 'm tired...”
“No way, I called dibs, you think I won't just sleep there any way you're fucking wrong.”
“Don't care.”
Simmons distantly felt the mattress move as Grif made good on his word and flopped down on the other side of the bed. Really though, who cared? The bed was big enough. One nice thing about military paid vacations, first class, all the way.  
“Wow, you're really out of it huh?”
“Mmmm hmm...” Oh, before he forgot.
“I'm not moving dude, this is my bed.”
“No, no, no.” He mumbled, “Need a favor.”
“Oh careful what you ask for, might cost you.” he could practically hear the grin in Grif's voice
“That's fine,” Simmons replied, wouldn't be that bad Grif was mostly just talk, probably want like a box of hohos or something, “See that?” he limply flung a hand in the general direction of where he assumed Grif had put the bag of prizes.
“The lamp...?” Grif asked in confusion, “it's already off man, what you need it on? Scared of the dark?”
“No,” Simmons flopped his other arm, “The bunny. Pink one.”
“What about it?”
“Mail that to Donut in the morning for me.”
“And I have to do it because?”
“Because sober me won't do it. You know how Donut can get, so I won't do it, but I still think he'd like it.”
“Yeah, he wouldn't.” Grif agreed, “But I don't want Donut thinking it's from me either.”
“No, you can put my name on it, just know I'll wuss out on mailing it back. Don't want people to think things.”
Probably another eyebrow raise, “Things?”
“Embarrassing things... Don't want people thinking I'm weird.”
“Uh, huh... Well if that's what you want. I'll think of a way you can pay me back later unless you freaking out afterward is funny enough.”
Simmons grunted softly as he felt a friendly pat on his back, burrowing his face into the pillow. “'S fair.”
He yawned, hearing Grif's own not long after.
“...Hey, Grif...?”
“... Yeah...?”
“I had fun.”
“Me too.”
“Night Grif.”
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That Awkward Moment When...
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In the course of human events, you accidentally write a pop song. And then another. And you’ve pretty much got a queue of lyrics and musical backlog to the point you might as well be making an album. Yeah, that’s right... turns out I accidentally started making an album which is something I never thought I’d say or do.
So earlier this week I shared with a video with Jimmy about how every Chainsmokers song is written and we had a good laugh about it and everything. Then the next day I was just joking around and said we should actually try to write a pop song for shits and giggles. Less than an hour later we had a back track. And by the end of the night... we accidentally made something pretty decent. We’d always kind of joked of starting a band, but after the first couple songs started taking shape and we realized we could probably make a funny/serious commentary on how shitty pop music, pop culture, etc is while exploiting the formula to make super catchy songs, we decided to go for it. Luckily we already had a joke band name on deck for it: “Medicinal Kazoo.” And well... as they say, here we are now.
For full clarification, Medicinal Kazoo is a name I came up with after watching the now legendary and extremely memable You On Kazoo video, after which I started using “kazoo” as a euphemism for drugs because... well watch the video, it isn’t exactly a ground breaking conclusion. Although we’ve spitballed different ideas for music we could write in the past, it never really came to fruition because in the short term it was more important to focus on our game work. But we’re kinda in the lull between Ludem Dare now and really chugging away at our big project (work has been done mind you, just nothing yet worth sharing... mostly technical stuff, more on that later). More or less, Medicinal Kazoo was gonna be our planned dev cameo in games that allowed it, where we would be an actual band in universe trying to get gigs and such and make it big. But it seems that pop music is so easy to write and sing lyrics for, even a talentless hack fraud like me can do it with a little assistance from an actual musician!
So what now? Well probably not much actually, not for a while anyway. We’ve got rough takes of a couple of songs but this has actually motivated me to quit smoking so my voice can heal up and I can actually sing a little better. In the longer term we’ll probably take a while just to write a full track list and get everything polished up, and I have a couple music videos in mind I wanted to try to actually animate so I can cross that off my bucket list on top of literally becoming a rock star. Really that’s mostly what this is about: how many people can actually say they made a pop album who aren’t in the industry? Like just decided one day to sit down and record some stuff as a joke and have it accidentally come out pretty decent? Not many. And it’s been a really good creative outlet for when I’d probably be too zonked to do much else in the interim between transferring positions at work.
But of course, get hyped, cuz that shit’s coming. #MEDICINALKAZOO #SHITPOST2017 ... or 18 idk.
Good question, single person who reads this. Things are also going very well for the game too, although after the 72 hour crunch of LD I did need to kind of step back and plan to pace myself over the long term. Last weekend I finally got together a decent level editor, both so I don’t have to use Game Maker’s broken level editor but also so Jimmy could help with level design as well (not to mention, I’d like to add a way for fans to add custom levels as well once the game releases). That kind of consumed my entire last weekend though because... well, mostly file parsing stuff. Which is why it’s not really anything worth posting. I’m in the process of adding enemies and collectables to the game soon though so hopefully by next weekend I can at least get a new screenshot of that.
Jimmy also has a lot of the sound effects and music already written, we just have to design some stuff so it works a little more like an old NES game would. Which is really the theme of this game: to make an NES game that never was. From an art perspective, I’ve been trying to follow all the rules (as best as I can understand them) to make sure I’m not using too many colors and the screen resolution is perfect... I might even add a CRT filter by the end if it’s possible. For the music and sfx though, it’s a bit tricky. Because of course now you can just load all the mp3s and wavs you want into Game Maker and play them back on the fly with little to no consequence. But in the NES days you only had four channels for ALL music and sound effects: two wave channels, a saw wave channel for mostly drum sounds, and a “noise” channel that gave us some glorious bitcrushed voice and sound samples back in the day. So basically we need to figure out a way to divide the music in game and make sure the music temporarily stops playing for a sfx occupying that channel to play and then start again.
Also on the subject of samples and sfx, this game is actually going to be voice acted. Again, with GLORIOUS bitcrushing and probably earbleeding results. But we think it will add to the comedy/charm of the game.
I’m not sure when I’ll have the next update ready, but hopefully something soon. I’ve been able to post one of these a week so far and I would like to keep up that pace though. Site updates will be coming early June most likely along with some light rebranding (I relearned vector art so I can update my logo and the site graphics). More will be coming soon though, and thank you for reading as always! :3
~AniMerrill, a.k.a. Ethan Merrill
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thedeadflag · 8 years
Fake Marriage AU pt1 tester
So I’ve been working on this Fake married AU ever since @ajaegerpilot informed me of the dearth of fake married AU fics in femslash
It’s still very much a work in progress, and I’ve got more written than I’ll post here, but this is, like, the bedrock. And I want to make sure this is heading in the right direction before I set too much of the other scenes in stone.
Essentially, Clarke and Anya, and Anya’s daughter Jill, get mistaken as a married family by one of Anya’s cousins who hasn’t seen her in over a decade. Which escalates to Clarke’s mom hearing about it and freaking out, which leads to an attempt at passing themselves off as ‘just engaged’ which I can take in one of two directions
- Success (they’re perceived as engaged, or married but only with a certificate/without having had a ceremony, and ultimately get pushed into an impromptu wedding ceremony that forces them to come clean and make it real)
- Failure (everyone still thinks they’re married, and that forces a lot of married couple shenanigans that, eventually, lead to them realizing they both want it to be real)
I’m taking votes. I’ve got outlines written for each option, so this decision is up for grabs. Maybe let me know what you want to read?
Opening portion of the fic under the cut: (unedited fully, so there might be some errors, and it’s still rough and I could change things around)
Anya let out a groan as she sat back in her seat, the annoyance and exhaustion of the past twelve hours searing a path up her throat and into the confines of her bedroom-slash-office. As well as her job paid her, sometimes she just wanted to destroy the world over how absurd and terrible her clients could be.  Everything would always be going according to plan, and then she'd be tossed some 'minor changes' last minute that were larger in scale than the initial web development work she'd been assigned to do, and only given a handful of hours to make it happen.
She'd always meet the deadline of course, but it didn't change how burned out she'd be at the end of it.
Anya rubbed at her face, sighing through her fingers, knowing that she needed a relaxing evening after her hellish day.
Thankfully, her little one out in the living room would surely see to that quite easily. Anya stretched out her aching, stiff limbs and ambled out of her computer chair, stilling at her bedroom door for a moment to take in one last moment of solitude before her daughter would take up the rest of her day.
Not that she wasn't eager to see her little girl and wrap her little one up in her arms, but a few years of hard fought training to get Jill to respect her working situation had also taught her to cherish those brief silent moments outside of work and family life. When life could be so hectic as a single mother with a demanding job, it was important to take a breather when she could.
Feeling a little recharged, Anya opened the door and stepped out of her room, grinning at the sudden pitter-patter of feet as her daughter careened around the corner and into the hallway. "Mommy!"
Anya knelt and scooped her little one up, pressing a kiss to her daughter's nose. "Someone's energized after their nap."
"Uh huh, I'm watching red pandas an' baboons! Are you done work?" Jill asked, her big brown eyes gleaming with hope as she tugged a little at Anya's necklace.
"I am, little one. Do you mind if I watch the animals with you?" She asked, eskimo-kissing her little girl when she gave a quick thumbs up, her daughter's telltale sign that she wanted something good but wasn't sure how to go about saying it.
Anya watched her little one think as she made her way to the living room, Jill's brow furrowed and carrying a distinct look of concentration across her face. "Mommy?"
"Yes, little one?" She noted, sitting the both of them down on the couch.
"Is that one of the silly ones where if you want somethin', you gotta say no?" Her daughter asked, one of the many questions she'd get from her inquisitive little girl every week. Anya tried her best to challenge Jill when she could, knowing kids learned easiest when they were young.
"It is. If you don't mind me joining you, that means you are okay with me joining you. If you do mind, that means you don't want me to join you." She explained, drawing a slow nod from Jill as the girl worked through it. "Do you want to guess at what the word 'mind' might mean when I use it like that?"
Jill's face contorted in concentration for a moment before a hesitant look of curiosity passed across her features. "It means...making you upset or sad?"
Anya pulled her daughter in for a hug, fingers briefly moving to tickle her girl's sides, adoring the gleeful giggling. "That's good! You're so clever, baby girl. It's the same as saying 'would it be alright if I join you' or 'would it upset you if I joined you', does that make sense?" She asked, drawing an immediate nod. "Now, not to overwork that beautiful brain of yours, but have you thought about dinner?"
It was a house rule that Anya had established after her daughter's fourth birthday; her daughter, so long as the request was reasonable, would decide Friday dinners.  It gave her munchkin something to look forward to during the week, and while it usually necessitated a trip to the grocery store, it'd at least get them out for a walk. And with her own birthday coming up that weekend, she knew she could use whatever exercise she could get to counterbalance the cake and sweets she was sure to be given.
Jill's big brown eyes lit up like the fourth of July. "Lasagna!"
It took a few seconds to push past the confusion, knowing Jill had spent the first part of the week yearning for pizza. Anya had even went out and stocked up on ingredients to make it at home. Lasagna was more than a little out there as a diner choice, at least for her six and a half year old daughter.
Still, it was something that, despite her lack of experience, they could certainly try and make together. "Lasagna it is, then, little one. May I ask why?"
"Cuz Garfield eats it and it's funny." Her daughter answered, her attention mostly back on the television, where red pandas were playing in the underbrush of a forest.
Anya let out a quiet laugh, shaking her head at the thought that a portly cat with an appetite for Italian food could sway her daughter's culinary desires. Gus must have showed her some of his old comic books yesterday...Anya mused, knowing it was the only time that week that she'd spent significant time out of the house.
"We'll need to go to the grocery store if we want to make lasagna tonight, munchkin. You want to get ready?" Anya asked, Jill not needing to hear the end of her sentence before dashing off to her room to get her lucky beanie.
"I love you, mom! It's gonna be great!" Jill yelled, Anya's bundle of exuberance darting off to her room.
Anya looked off towards the front door, knowing her next door neighbour and best friend should be home from work by now. I wonder if I should...
"Can we bring mama with us?" Jill called out from her room, and even all these years later, Anya couldn't keep the blush from her cheeks if she tried, her daughter apparently reading her mind in that moment.
It had been a kindness that she had been unable to deny her daughter or her best friend, given how involved Clarke had been in her pregnancy and in helping raise Jill. Even in the early depths of her residency, Clarke had managed to find time to be with her nearly every step of the way. From managing her heartbreak after her fiancée's death, to being her Lamaze partner, to being there for her birth to hold her hand, to Jill's first steps, and first birthday, Clarke had been there vowing to care for her and Jill no matter what, and for that, when her daughter had decided Clarke was 'mama' around the eleven month mark, she couldn't deny it.
Of course, back then, it felt like more out of respect to Clarke's role in Jill's life as something of a second parent, but as years passed, that sentiment shifted  and transformed, much like the feelings she had for her best friend changed into something more than platonic.
Not that Clarke knew, of course. Not that she'd ever act on it, given her daughter's wellbeing was her top priority, and any chance at a potential failed relationship causing Clarke to leave would be too high of stakes to gamble on.
Even if Clarke was brilliant and caring and kind, with the most glorious smile and laughter in the history of the Earth. Even if her heart would beat a little harder every time her daughter called Clarke 'mama', yearning for a future where their family would be secure and even more than it currently was. Even if the sight of Clarke goofing off with Jill would often have her fantasizing about more little ones running around, and them in a bigger home, full of pictures and adorably crude artwork and love.
Anya let out a sigh and smiled, knowing those fantasies would have to play out purely in her mind. "Of course, little one. Why don't we go over and see if she wants to come along?"
Jill darted through the house towards the door, Anya just managing to grab hold of her little girl first, taking a brief moment to do up the zipper of her hoodie. Undeterred, as soon as she let go, her front door was open, and Jill was knocking in Clarke's door across the hall.
Back when she was younger and midway through her pregnancy, she hadn't really expected much out of her new friendship with Clarke, but when her neighbour moved out, Clarke moved heaven and Earth to secure it, and had lived there ever since. It was a proximity that she'd long been accustomed to, often treating their combined apartments as one larger space, given how often they spent in each other's places.
Anya checked her watch, figuring Clarke had likely finished her post-workout shower maybe five minutes ago, ten tops. So it wasn't surprising when Clarke answered the door wearing a bath robe and with her hair still up in a towel.
It never got old how Clarke's eyes would flash with joy and excitement every time she'd see Jill after being apart, Clarke immediately scooping her girl up and spinning her around. "My Jilly bean! How are you?"
"Mom's makin' lasagna! Wanna come get groceries?" Her daughter asked excitedly, cutting to the chase as usual.
"Tasty! Yeah, I'd be happy to." Clarke said, coming to a stop and meeting Anya's gaze. "You got a recipe or are you winging it as usual?"
Anya laughed, cocking an eyebrow. "What, no flair for adventure, Clarke?"
Clarke gave Jill a good squeeze before setting her down again, eyes narrowing playfully at Anya. "I can be adventurous. I'm totally adventurous!" Clarke protested, and all Anya could do was roll her eyes at the bald-faced lie. "I'm serious! It's just I have a really great recipe I used to make all the time, and I think you'd like it an all, and it'd save you the trouble. But I could be adventurous if I wanted to be."
Anya stepped closer at Clarke's indignant huff, lifting a finger to poke her neighbour's nose. "Fine. But it'd better impress. We've got to kick the weekend off properly, right, little one?"
"Right!" Jill agreed cheerfully, firmly nodding her head.
"Well, in that case, I'd better get dressed quick so we can get to it!" Clarke stated excitedly, rushing back into her apartment, and while she had an idea that their trip to the grocery store would be an adventure as always, she knew her evening would be that much better with her favourite woman there to share it with.
Her, Jill, and Clarke, just as it should be.
Maybe not in the exact way she'd dream of, but she'd take it any way she could get it.
It was a minor disaster.
Clarke stared at the shelves and try as she might, she couldn't fight the frown that formed on her lips at the sight of an unfamiliar Kashi cereal box where her usual cold cereal staple had resided ever since she'd moved into the city.
Despite living in the same apartment, she and Anya went to different grocery stores more often than not. Clarke went a little out of her way to a place with better meats and cheeses, and which stocked her favourite cereal. She'd made a convincing argument earlier that the lasagna needed the right kind of cheese, so they'd made the trek to her store, where she figured she could top up on cereal given she was running low.
And it was gone. Replaced by some granola cranberry cereal. Not a box of Cinnamon Life cereal in sight.
"It's gone." She muttered to herself in shock and despair, frame slumping at the utter defeat of losing yet another favourite thing. It was one thing for her favourite candies to switch their green ones from lime to putrid green-apple; she could deal with that, given candy was a special once in a blue moon sort of thing. But a breakfast staple bowing out? Her favourite cereal since she was six?
The world was a little duller now. The sun a little less bright. The songbirds more muted.
"What is?" Anya asked, her focus snapping away from the shopping list on her phone.
"My favourite cereal." Clarke whined. Yes, whined, she was allowed to do that when she lost something precious to her.
Maybe she was emanating an aura of despair, because Anya usually poked at her with a lighthearted jab or tease, but those familiar arms wrapped around her waist instead, Anya's chin resting on her shoulder. "Well, that sucks. I'm sorry."
Clarke delayed her response, not wanting the moment to end, always loving when Anya would hold her close. It was pretty much the best thing, and in a world with one less great thing, she wanted to hold onto this one a little longer. "Thanks. Guess I'll have to get Raisin Bran instead."
"Two scoops?" Anya asked, an entirely absurd question.
"Is there any other choice? As if I'm grabbing the single scoop no-name junk." Clarke laughed, covering Anya's hands with her own. "Thanks for cheering me up, babe."
Anya reached up and grabbed a box of Raisin Bran. "Well, it's not every day we have a cereal emergency." Anya noted, placing the box into their basket, though those warm amber eyes remained fixed on Clarke's hand. "I can't believe you wear that outside of work. One of these days, you're going to get robbed."
Clarke rolled her eyes, even as she was certain her cheeks were tinted a little rosier. It was common knowledge that doctors with rings were assumed to be more stable, more trustworthy, so she'd bought up a pre-owned engagement ring for relatively cheap way back. She'd been sitting on her trust fund since she'd moved out east, so it'd been as good of an investment as any, and she liked it. It looked like a star, and it helped her patients respect her a bit more.
And it kept the grocery store owner, Tony, and his brothers off her case. Which, sexist or not, made for an easier shopping experience than having a bunch of brothers trying to one-up each other to earn her attention.
"One, it keeps the Lorenzen brothers off my back. Two, it's a marquise-cut, it's gonna stand out, and pre-owned engagement rings don't have much value when you're selling them. It'd take the cops, like, five minutes to find out where it was sold and who sold it." Clarke argued, leaving out the final reason of it casting an illusion that she and Anya were a unit, even if it wasn't a fantasy she generally allowed herself to linger on.
She'd been Anya's best friend for seven-ish years now. If Anya saw her any other way, then she would have said something. Anya was blunt and straight-forward like that. And Anya hadn't, meaning she'd remain Anya's best friend, and help take care of her and her Jilly bean the best she could.
"Whatever you say, Clarke." Anya countered playfully, turning her focus down the aisle to her daughter. "Jiiiill, step away from the Rainbow Pebbles, please."
Jill predictably let out a huff and stomped her foot, even if she did obey and march back over. "But mom, they're tasty an' pretty."
Anya picked her daughter up and gave her an appraising stare. "If you get your next four spelling quizzes perfect, I'll buy some for you then. Okay, little one?"
The munchkin's face contorted a little in concentration before falling into a sad pout. "But, that's in two weeks! That's forever!"
"What if I set a goal for two weeks from now and we did it together?" Clarke asked, immediately earning the little bean's attention. "I want to buy a whole bag of peaches and make some peach cobbler, but it's a special dessert, something you have to earn. So if I work hard over the next two weeks and get all my paperwork done on time, I'll buy those peaches. And if you work hard and ace those spelling quizzes, you'll get your Fruity Pebbles. Deal?"
Jill, of course, shot Anya her best puppy eyes. "Mommy, what are you gonna do in two weeks?"
"Buy your cereal and deal with Clarke force feeding me her cobbler, apparently." Anya laughed, though Clarke knew she'd have no trouble  with leftovers after how much her best friend had loved her last batch.
Clarke moved swiftly, taking hold of the grocery basket and slipping behind Anya in a single smooth motion, bringing her free hand to rest at Anya's waist. "Jilly bean, I think mommy's more excited than she lets on."
"Uh huh, you love Fridays!" Jill exclaimed, spreading her arms out wide. "You love'em this much!"
Anya let out an overdone exasperated sigh, leaning ever so slightly back into Clarke as she shifted her grip on her girl. "Okay, you two, I..."
The voice was unfamiliar, but the sense of shock and wonder exuding from both syllables offered a sense of familiarity, forcing Clarke's attention from her best friend to a brunette a few feet away who looked as if she'd seen a ghost.
Anya turned, gazing over Jill's shoulder at the newcomer with caution. "Do we know each other?" Anya asked slowly, her eyes growing wide as she stepped closer. "Wait, Luna? Is that you?"
The woman just flicked her gaze between Anya, Jill and her, those dark eyes settling for a moment near Clarke's hip before darting back to Anya all wide-eyed. "I knew it! I knew it I knew it!" The woman, Luna apparently, practically shrieked before rushing forward to pull the group of them into a brief hug. "Oh my god, I was talking with Sienne and she said you were, but no one believed her, and oh my gosh you're all so cute! And your little one's so adorable! And the RING!"
Knowing Anya knew this person enough to not physically recoil was probably the only reason Clarke hadn't pushed for some distance. As it was, she was having a hard enough time keeping up with the motor-mouth. "Are you...related?"
"Luna's my cousin." Anya spoke, making some sense of the intrusion. She'd heard all about Anya being exiled from her family back out west, much like she'd been; it'd been one of the many things they'd quickly bonded over. So maybe seeing a friendly face walk back into her life was a good thing.
"Oh, well I'm Clarke Griffin, her..." Started started to introduce herself, but Luna burst out into another verbal explosion before she could finish.
"Her WIFE! I can't believe it! When you got kicked out, I was sure, I was SURE you'd make it out here, and look at you! Married with a kid and a beautiful wife! And DANG you went all out on that ring, she must treat you well! As she should!" Luna continued hastily with a firm nod in Clarke's direction. "Oh my god, the family's going to be so blown away! You've literally missed so much! Lexa's engaged to her girlfriend now, and there was a huge blow-up, but like, grams wasn't about to lose you AND Lexa so she put her foot down, and your 'rents just friggin' had to deal with it, and Lexa's had to deal with it, and the fam's been a bit wild, but they're, you know, comin' around and all that. And they SHOULD! God, look at you! You look fantastic! And with a beautiful wife! God, I'm crying, this is so much!"
"Luna, just calm down a little bi..." Anya started, but Luna had no sooner wiped her eyes before she was back at it.
"I know, I know, I get over-excited, you always said so, I just didn't expect to catch you here in Queens! Of all places! I'm not even living here, I'm just in town for a real estate convention! And I run into you and your beautiful family, and it's Friday, and you're probably so busy like all New Yorker's, I'm sorry. I just had to say hi, and I swear I'll be out of your hair, I just WOW, you know? So great. I'm so happy for you! I should'a been there for you and I get you don't want to see my face, it's totally fair! And it's just so..." Luna rambled endlessly, with absolutely no gaps between words, voice too loud to even hope to interrupt, no matter how Clarke might have tried.
"It's not what you..." Anya started again with her eyes clamed shut in annoyance, raising her voice just enough to catch her cousin's attention, the brunette taking an immediate three steps backward, hands raised in surrender.
"I get it, I'm intruding on a family outing. Just get a hold of me on Facebook or whatever alright? I've been missin' you. I'm sorry, you're all so beautiful. So beautiful. Ridiculous! I'll go, you three have a wonderful night! A wonderful night!" Luna shot back, retreating quickly, and then almost as soon as she'd arrived, she was gone, leaving nothing but disbelief and confusion in her wake.
Clarke slowly turned to gauge Anya's well-being after her first familial encounter in over a decade, and she could see that past the befuddlement on the surface, her best friend was trembling. Minutely, perhaps, but trembling nevertheless.
Carefully, she set down their groceries and extracted Jill from Anya's arms, giving her best friend a minute or so with her breathing exercises; she could see Jill had a million questions on her mind, and the tiny tot knew she'd have to wait it out, too.
When Anya finally opened her eyes again, the days' exhaustion was evident on her features. Still, she wasn't shaking anymore, so when Anya reached her arms out, she gladly passed jill back but kept close, an arm around Anya's waist to let her know she was there.
"Mommy, who was that?" Jill eventually asked, hand wrapping around Anya's necklace nervously.
"That was my cousin Luna. You know how Gus is my uncle?" Anya asked slowly, earning a hesitant nod from her daughter. "Luna is the daughter of one of my aunts. I haven't seen her in fourteen years."
"Why not?" It was a simple question, but the emotion it brought to Anya's face had Clarke wrapping her arms around her friend, hoping to offer some semblance of comfort.
"Her parents wouldn't let her. They aren't nice people." Anya answered, giving her head a light shake and forcing a smile. "But enough of that. We have lasagna to make, don't we, little one?"
With that, Anya handed Jill back to Clarke, picked up their shopping basket, and marched off towards the dairy section to get the last items on their list, the cheese.
Clarke followed after her, pressing a kiss to an equally concerned Jill. "Lots of extra hugs for mommy tonight, okay, Jilly bean?" She asked, earning a nod as she set the little girl down. "She's just a little sad right now, but she's fine. It's okay to be sad. Like, remember when I finished The Hobbit, and you were sad because you couldn't hear about all the characters doing anything new?"
Jill reached up and curled her little hand around her fingers as they made their way through the store. "Yeah, I was really sad. I liked all the dwarves."
"And it was okay to be sad about that. Just like it's okay if your mom's sad right now. She'll cheer up when she's ready, but until then we should definitely give her all the love we can. Deal?" She asked, gently pulling her hand free from Jill's enough to offer a pinkie finger.
Jill's face transformed from a cloudy, worried expression to one full of hope and determination, bringing a tiny pinkie to link with Clarke's. "Deal!"
Clarke shot her a grin and kept their pinkies linked as they walked, catching up with Anya who was intensely studying the cheese rack. In that moment, all of Luna's rambling caught up with her, and as much as she fought back against the tide of emotion the fantasy of them being a family dredged up, she couldn't quite tamp down on it all. Thankfully, she had a beautiful little girl she loved like a daughter to channel the rest of it to. "Love you, Jilly bean."
"Love you, mama."
And really, that would always be enough. As much as she yearned to date and eventually marry her best friend, it just wasn't realistic. It wasn't in the cards. And so long as Anya and Jill loved her, so long as both of her favourite girls were happy and healthy, she could never ask for anything more.
Clarke Griffin, after all, wasn't a fool. She knew when to gamble and when to fold. Maybe she did lack a sense of adventure on some things, but she was too scared to risk all she had over a 'what if', no matter how tantalizing that hypothetical was.
Lasagna, a movie, and some serious cuddling with the Hawthorne ladies was all she needed tonight.
Anya leaned back against her daughter's closed door, smiling to herself at her little one's thirst for stories. A strong imagination was good for a child to have, and had been one of few sources of comfort for her growing up. Being able to help foster that in her daughter, much in the way she'd yearned for as a child, was something she cherished, even if it sometimes led to reading a few extra chapters every night.
It'd been a long, arduous day, but even after the stomach-churning surprise at the grocery store, she still couldn't help but feel it'd been a good one. Her daughter, especially, had been so sweet and cuddly from the walk home al the way to her bed time, and that had made all the difference in the world to her mood.
Jill was her world. Being able to hold her and spend some quality time watching a movie, even if it was a musical, was enough to boost her spirits on any given day. Having Clarke on hand as well only helped keep those darker thoughts and emotions at bay.
Anya made her way back to the living room, pausing at the corner to take in the sight of her best friend, all snuggled up under a heap of blankets, phone in hand. Probably playing some sort of bejeweled game again...
"You warm enough in there?" She asked, a grin spreading across her lips as she slowly made her way over towards the couch and sat down, strething her leg across the width of it and onto Clarke's cocoon of blankets.
"Oooh, stinky feet! How'd you know what I've been wishing for every night before bed?" Clarke countered with theatrical dramatics, letting out an airy sigh as she reached out of her cocoon and took hold of Anya's ankles. "Oh, my life is surely complete with these feet now in my possession."
"I'd imagine so. What else do you get the woman who has everything?" Anya added as she stretched out, watching Clarke untangle herself enough to gain some semblance of a lap, enough to place Anya's feet onto. "What are you up to?"
"Oh, nothing much." Clarke noted innocently, shooting her a sly smile that nearly had Anya pulling her feet away. Nearly.
Instead, she felt Clarke's hand start to rub and knead at her feet, forcing a happy moan up and out of her throat. It'd been over a month since Clarke had massaged her feet; she'd almost forgotten how good the woman was at it.
"You don't have to..." Anya mumbled, eyes fluttering shut as she let the delectable sensations Clarke was inducing wash over her.
"You've had a hard day, babe. Let me take care of this for you." Clarke whispered, voice low and soft, sending a pleasant tingle up her spine. "Just relax, Anya."
Maybe she did relax. Maybe her mind drifted off to a fantasy where she'd be off living her dream, writing for television instead of working as a web developer, coming home to Clarke and her magical goddamn hands. And maybe their family movie nights would involve some kissing, even if Jill would wrinkle her nose as their displays. And maybe they'd go to bed together, wishing each other sweet dreams and they wrapped each other up, not wanting to be apart for a moment longer than was necessary.
God, do I miss sleeping with a warm body against me...the annual camping trip where the three of us share Gus' tent, and Clarke and I get cozy is just...is not often enough...Anya mused to herself, knowing the thoughts were dangerous, but with how increasingly relaxed she was feeling, it was hard to stem the tide on that front. Fuck, it's been three years since I've had any action...I...
The sound of Clarke's phone vibrating atop the side table tore her focus back to reality, especially when Clarke removed a hand from her feet to grab her phone.
"What the..." Clarke muttered, staring at the phone in confusion before cautiously answering the call on speakerphone. "..hello?"
The soft sound of sobbing met her ears, prompting Anya to scoot up beside Clarke, nestling in close to figure out who was calling.
Anya froze at the sight of the contact name, knowing the last time Clarke had spoken to her mother on the phone a few year ago, and the lasting fallout she'd helped her best friend through. After that, Clarke had laid down a rule that her mother always request permission to call via text, a rule that, as far as she knew, Abby Griffin had kept to ever since.
"Mom? Hello?" Clarke continued, prompting a hitched breath on the other end.
"Tell me...Clarke, tell me you jus' forgot. That...that it was a Vegas thing. Please." Abby Griffin pleaded, all slurring words and tearful requests. It sounded like something had the woman hitting the bottle pretty hard.
Clarke shot her a confused glance, shrugging before shifting focus back to the phone. "Mom, what are you talking about?"
"What am...what am I talkin' about? Clarke..." Abby shot back, voice splintering on Clarke's name as the woman descended into a fresh fit of sobs. What followed was a loud series of jumbled syllables that she couldn't at all make sense of.
By Clarke's utter bewilderment, neither could her best friend. "Mom, I need you to just take a breather and calm down, or just call me tomorrow when you're not plastered.  Okay? Can you do that?"
"Clarke, I'm your mother...even after everythin', I'm still your mom. How could you not tell me?" Clarke's mother cried, literally cried, and while she held disdain over how the woman treated Clarke,  she could empathize with the fact that she'd never want to be cut off from her daughter.
Clarke, however, was just frustrated. "Mom, it's Friday. If this isn't an emergency, I'm busy."
"I'm sorry if I'm ruining movie night with your WIFE, Clarke, but I just...I'm really hurt that you did this without even tellin' me! Am...are we so far gone you can't at least tell me you got married?!" Abby Griffin wailed, stealing the breath from Anya's lungs as her brain tried to comprehend how they were even having that conversation.
Somehow, it all linked back to Luna, but there was just no way. No reasonable explanation as to how or why Luna could or would get a hold of Clarke's mother about this.
"Oh my god, this isn't happening..." Clarke muttered hazily to herself as she set the phone down on the coffee table, hands lifting up to rub at her face.
Abby, it seemed, felt content to keep going, strings of words leaking into the room as she and Clarke tried to catch their breath. "It's just I always thought we'd mend this thing between us! I thought we agreed that we'd keep workin' at it, and commu...comm...that we'd talk to each other, an' that we'd keep each other up to speed! That you'd give me a chance to make it right again, Clarke. How did you get married between two months ago and now? I just love you so much, Clarke, and I don't understand, but...but I want to! And I really wanted to walk you down the aisle but I...I get that with your father gone maybe it was too painful...I don't know, I just know I wanted to be there to hug you and tell you how...how proud I...Clarke I'm so proud! The most proud! Clarke. They have no idea how proud! And a daughter! A daughter!"
"God, mom, Jill is..."
"Her name is Jill? Oh, Clarke that's a beautiful name! Did you know I considered naming you Jill? That's tremendous! But your father, he vetoed it and won the...the coin flip. Oh this is wonderful! But Clarke! You got married and didn't tell me! It's jus' that..."
"Look, just let me expl..."
"...you know I love your step-father but...but I'd have left him in LA to go to your wedding, sweetheart. I would! I jus' want you to be happy! And there you are with your movie nights, and your daughters, and your..."
"Anya's just got the one, mom, and..."
"...your WIFE. Your wife Anya, oh, Clarke! I wish I could meet her! You have to bring her, I mean, uh, well, you don't have to, but I need to make things right 'tween us, Clarke! I need to prove to you that I can be a good mom to you again, that you're my daughter. I'll tell everyone! I'll tell the world! I'm so proud, Clarke! I promise you, I'll make it up to you. I want you to bring her to my birthday in August! I know you don't want to but Clarke! Clarke! You got married! I didn't get to see you at your wedding, or...or walk you down the aisle!"
"Mom, can you just calm the f..."
"And I know you have important work, and and...Anya? Anya has important work, too, but school will be out, and you can come by and I just love you so much! I am so proud of you and I miss you so much it hurts! It hurts, Clarke! Please let me make this right to you, I beg you! I'm begging, Clarke! Please let me try! I promise I'll make it right, I'll make it all right, I promise!"
Anya could tell Clarke was getting more exasperated by the second, and could practically see the migraine slipping into her best friend's skull, so she grabbed up the phone, scooting away from Clarke as her bestie shot her a bewildered stare.
"Mrs Griffin? This is Anya Hawthorne speaking?" She chimed in, momentarily stilling the drunken tearful ramblings of Clarke's mother.
"...hi! Oh my I am so emb...embarrassed, I mus' be making a terrible first impression, I promise you I'm..." Abby started up again, but Anya knew she had to nip it in the bud or else they'd be at this until the woman passed out from her forays into alcohol.
"It's fine, Mrs Griffin, really. Jill's not feeling so well right now, and I need Clarke to go check on her, so I'll keep this short and sweet until we can get back to you properly, okay?" Anya asked in a calm, measured tone, hoping the motherhood card would play well and get Abby behaving for the moment.
Thankfully, by the awed sigh on the other end of the phone, it seemed she made the right call. "I am so proud of you both. Of course, your...your daughter needs to...she's the most important. The most. Of course."
Anya took a breath and focused, knowing that they had stumbled earlier that day and hadn't done anything to contain the fallout. Now, they had Abby Griffin calling late at night, and who knew who else freaking out online about it.
They had to mitigate the situation, and from Luna and Abby's visceral reactions, a flat denial didn't seem to be anything either would accept as truth. She'd have to toss a hail mary pass and hope for the best with this one, and hope it wouldn't ruin anything between her and Clarke.
Her decision had nothing, of course, to do with any of her repressed fantasies, or anything like that.
"I'm so glad you understand. Now, despite what you might have heard, Clarke and I haven't had a wedding yet, you didn't miss anything. And it was sort of recent, even if we've been together for some time now. So please get some rest, Mrs Griffin. I'll talk to Clarke about a visit, but right now we just need to take care of our girl and relax after a hard week." Anya stated carefully, doing her best to keep her focus dead ahead and not on whatever expression Clarke might be wearing. The situation needed to be handled, and Clarke needed her to handle it. It'd been her fault to start with, not correcting Luna in time at the grocery store.
"I...I understand. I'm so so happy for you two, and...and thank you for letting me know. Thank you. I'm sorry for calling so late, I...I should let you rest. I wish your daughter all the best. All the best." Abby let out tearfully, though clearly much less frantic and emotional now, thank goodness.  "Goodnight Anya Haw...Anya Hawthorne. And tell Clarke goodnight for me please?"
"I will, Abby. Goodnight to you, too." Anya finished, ending the call and setting the phone back down on the table.
Anya took a moment, inhaling slowly, steadying her nerves before letting it all out, imagining her worries flowing out with it, because she needed to be focused. She needed to be strong and decisive. And even more, she needed to be ready to face down a mirage of her fantasies if it came to that.
"Why did you do that?" She heard Clarke whisper, sounding much closer than she'd left her.
Anya turned her head and came face to face with Clarke, who was half a foot away with fierce concern etched across her face, those soft blue eyes searching her as if looking for cracks in her armor to patch up.
"She wouldn't have believed us if we said none of it was true. She's known we've been friends for ages. Engagement...it can last for a long time, and they can go away. Gives us flexibility. She just needed to know you haven't given up on her, that she hasn't missed out on everything, and I gave her some semblance of that. It's going to be fine." Anya explained, reaching out and tugging Clarke to come closer.
Clarke thankfully had zero issue with that silent request, quickly curling up beside her. "But what about Jill? If everything goes to shit, this could be so confusing for her. I don't want her caught up in anything."
Anya reached over and pulled Clarke's head down onto her shoulder, settling them into the corner of the couch. "Jill will be fine, I promise. This is the same girl that's called you mama since she was one."
"I love when she calls me that." Clarke murmured, arms wrapping around Anya's waist. As much as she hated anything that made Clarke nervous and anxious, she adored that Clarke always got so cuddly and affectionate with her when she was feeling vulnerable. She loved being the one Clarke turned to for comfort and guidance.
Clarke had taken such good care of her for years. Any chance she had to return the favor was one she'd cherish.
"She adores you, and already sees you as her other parent. Remember last year? The kindergarten mishap? We spent a half hour in the classroom, with all the paperwork, and her teacher still wasn't convinced you weren't her step-mother. It doesn't matter. Jill knows I'm her mommy...and you're her mama. We didn't need to be married for her to feel comfortable with that. I doubt she'd think twice about any of that kind of talk." Anya continued, stroking a hand through Clarke's hair, a soft smile curling at her lips over the gentle hum from her best friend over her affections. "Besides, it's not like our life's going to change. Luna doesn't live here. Your mother lives out in LA. We just wait a bit and let this blow over."
"My mom won't let it blow over. She's too intense." Clarke mumbled, and perhaps that was true enough. Still, she'd handled Abby Griffin once, she'd handle her again. And if something necessitated them visiting Clarke's mother, well, she'd coach Clarke and Jill through it all. And maybe she'd enjoy the snapshot of a life she yearned for, but it wasn't as if she was seeking that out. If it happened, then they'd cross that bridge when they got to it.
"You don't need to worry about that. I'll take care of this, Clarke, I promise you. Your mother will believe we're engaged and not married. And it's not as if we have a lot of friends, but our closest will play whatever parts we need for us, and any others won't have been in the loop enough to know one way or another. We can control the message." Anya noted, turning her head and burying her face in Clarke's hair, just barely restraining herself from kissing her. "We'll be alright. Just keep this coming Wednesday free, and stay off social media."
Clarke snuggled closer, nuzzling her cheek against Anya's shoulder. "Are you sure? It's a lot of trouble, and..."
"It's no trouble, and I'm sure." Anya interrupted, the hand in Clarke's hair redirecting for a moment to massage at her friend's temple, earning a blissful sigh. "I finished my contract today. I won't have work until late next week at the earliest. I'm fine."
"But it's your birthday tomorrow." Clarke complained, not at all happy that Anya could potentially be doing anything but celebrating and relaxing during her 'big day'. As if turning thirty-three was a major accomplishment in its own right.
"And I have you and Jill and our friends to spend it with. But if you're so concerned of me overworking myself, you can always give me a foot massage tomorrow for my efforts." Anya offered, rolling her eyes at Clarke's immediate nod.
Clarke stretched her body out briefly, letting out a satisfied grunt, before curling back in. "Just want you to be happy. I love you. I love Jill. I don't want either of you hurting."
Anya had heard Clarke say those three words countless times across the past seven years, but they always brought a blush to her cheeks and had her heart thudding a little stronger in her chest.  "We'll be fine, Clarke. I promise you that. Look, it's been a long day, why don't we just...relax for a bit before starting up the next movie?"
Clarke only let out a happy sigh, letting their comfortable silence fill the room and envelop them much as they had each other. Anya had a feeling that things might get complicated sooner than later, but all they needed to do was get through the weekend unscathed and then they'd be fine. She just needed enough time to plan and prep, to make sure that people's prying eyes were kept at a distance and that it'd all blow over.
Because even if the idea of them being married or engaged was glorious and heartwarming and so much of what she yearned for, it wasn't a decision she could make. Not with Clarke giving fairly clear signs that she wasn't comfortable with the idea of people thinking they were together.
So she'd handle it. She always did. And they'd be happy, as they were.
But maybe, for a few hours here and there, she'd let her imagination graze against those forbidden fantasy, she'd let her body sink into the comforts and affections Clarke would offer, allowing the tendrils of all those 'what if's brush against her consciousness.
Even if just for a little while.
Anywho, thoughts on where I should take this?
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